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W ell-being i n S as k atchewan Co mmunities
want to learn more about well-being? www.saskwellbeing.ca
SaskWellbeing and the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy partnered to undertake a survey of Saskatchewan municipalities in order to better understand how well-being impacts policy & community planning. Individuals representing municipalities across Saskatchewan were invited to share their understanding of well-being in their communities. These are some of the initial results of this survey. For more information, please contact Iryna Khovrenkov, Principal Investigator at iryna.khovrenkov@uregina.ca
W e l l-being i n c om munities w as de f ined by r e s pondents as :
113 r e spondent s came from urban & rural communities across Saskatchewan. Access
69% of respondents indicated that they would be interested in learning more about how citizen well-being frameworks, like the UN Sustainable Development Goals, are being utilized in other communities.
S u r vey r e s pondents s u gges ted s e v e r al i de as o n h ow m u nicipalities c an ado pt an d pr o mote w e l l-being i n th e ir c o mmunities: collaborate with local Indigenous governments partner with local non-profit organizations, local business