THURSDAY, 2 OCTOBER 2014 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316
We do paint mixing and tinting Cnr R43 & Mussel Rd, Hermanus
Bottom’s up to the festival!
Met dapper en stapper deur die TankwaKaroo 3
Rolspelers span kragte saam met nuwe Walviskus forum 8 Have a whale of a time and enjoy watching the Southern Rights in action and all that Hermanus has to offer. See inside for the full Two Oceans Whale Festival programme.
Amended plan for Grotto Beach development
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
Jong ma se dood ’n raaisel ANNETTE THERON Almal in Caledon wonder oor die oorsaak van die dood van Cornél Groenewald (21). Haar lyk is Saterdagoggend om 08:05 deur
NOTICE In terms of sect. 10 of the constitution for community police forums in the Western Cape, Notice is hereby given of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the HERMANUS POLICE COMMUNITY FORUM to be held on WEDNESDAY, 29th OCTOBER 2014 at 18:00 in the Municipal Auditorium Hermanus. All members of the community and community based organizations are invited hereby. KENNISGEWING Ingevolge art 10 van die grondwet van die Polisie gemeenskapsforums van die WesKaap, word kennis hiermee gegee van die ALGEMENE JAARVERGADERING van die HERMANUS GEMEENSKAPSFORUM wat sal plaasvind op WOENSDAG, 29 OKTOBER 2014 om 18:00 in die Munisipale Ouditoriu, Hermanus. Alle lede van die gemeenskap en gemeenskap baseerde organisasies word uitgenooi na die vergadering.
’n lid van die publiek in Caledon gevind. Sy het in ’n watersloot by die bruggie in Mackaystraat gelê. Dit is die tweede keer in minder as drie weke dat ’n lid van die publiek op die lyk van ’n vrou in die hartjie van Caledon afkom. Kapt. Gerrit Botes sê Groenewald het om 07:05 die oggend haar huis verlaat op pad werk toe. Sy het egter nooit by die werk opgedaag nie en is nie weer lewend gesien nie. Volgens Botes was daar nie tekens van ’n struweling of enige gemene spel nie, en hulle vermoed sy het moontlik geval. ’n Nadoodse ondersoek sal vandag uitgevoer word om die oorsaak van haar dood vas te stel. Groenewald was ’n pakker by Caledon Spar sedert 11 Oktober verlede jaar.
Have you ever worked in the Metal or Engineering Industry in RSA?
Haar kollega, Surita Fourie, het met rooi gehuilde oë vertel dat Cornél voor haar grootgeword het. “Ons het oorkant hulle gebly en ek gaan haar geweldig mis, veral die drukkies wat mens so gereeld gekry het. “Ek is geskok. Hoe veilig is Caledon? Wat gaan hier aan? So onskuldig – op pad werk toe...” Fourie sê Groenewald se vyfjarige seuntjie het ’n ouma wat vir hom baie lief is en wat na hom sal omsien. Michelle, Groenewald se ma, was nie vir kommentaar beskikbaar nie. Haar broer, Francois (16), ’n leerder by die Hoërskool Overberg, sê hy is verbyster oor sy suster se dood. “Daar is ’n klomp bespiegelinge oor die dood van my suster, maar ons wag vir die nadoodse ondersoek. “Ons het vir haar seuntjie, Miguel, vertel sy is dood en gaan nie weer terugkom nie, en hy was baie hartseer. Ek was baie lief vir my suster en gaan haar geweldig mis.” Letitia Bruintjies, een van haar beste vriendinne en medepakker by Spar, sê dit was ’n
geweldige skok om van Cornél se dood te hoor. “Sy was ’n lieflike mens, altyd met ’n glimlag op haar gesig.” Bruintjies het vertel dat sy al haar lief en leed met haar gedeel het. Hulle was saam lidmate van die VG Kerk in Caledon en Groenewald het in die kerkkoor gesing. “Cornél was altyd vriendelik en ek sal haar glimlag nooit vergeet nie. Ek sal haar altyd onthou as ’n opgeruimde mens.” Op Caledon RFC se Facebook-blad is die volgende boodskap Sondag geplaas: Die rugbyklub wil graag sy diepste medelye betuig teenoor die familie van Cornél Groenewald (mooi, vriendelike jong dame wat werksaam was by Caledon Spar), wat grusaam verwyder is uit ons samelewing. Mag God vertroosting bring in hierdie tyd van rou. Ons simpatie gaan ook uit aan Caledon Spar (een van ons borge), VGK Bergsig-gemeente en al die ander instansies/organisasies waarby sy betrokke was. Mag haar vriendelike en spontane geaardheid u altyd bybly #RIPCornellGroenewald. Teen druktyd was die begrafnisreëlings nog nie bekend nie.
(no matter what your age)
You may qualify for a pension payback. Some local residents have already received payments of up to R300 000.
I can help you with your claim.
Hermanus 082 584 3536
R1,5 m worth of abalone found A 26-year-old man from Zwelihle was arrested after he was caught with abalone worth R1,5 m in Somerset West on Thursday 25 September. Police received information of a driver of an Isuzu LDV that was travelling on the N2 close to Somerset West with possible abalone in it. Members noticed the vehicle on the N2 and a chase ensued. The vehicle was pulled over and the LDV was searched. 31 bags containing abalone were found and the suspect was arrested. He appeared in the Somerset West Magis-
trate’s Court on a charge of possession of abalone. The case is being investigated and he remains in custody.
House burglar arrested A thief was arrested two days after a burglary at a Northcliff home, thanks to the diligence of two officers from the Hermanus Public Protection (HPP). At around 16:00 on Tuesday 9 September, HPP supervisors Deon Matinka and Angelo Davis were on patrol in the CBD when they noticed a man dressed in items of clothing they had been informed were stolen during an earlier burglary. Davis approached the REPORT CRIME IN YOUR AREA In case of emergency or to report any suspicious vehicles, persons or activity, call: Hermanus Police Station at 0 028 313 5300 / 5348 / 5349.
LYNN 078 908 9850 THANK YOU to Willemina (Lynn) Taljaard and Fundiswa (Fundi) Notwala who both cared for my Mom, Mrs Estella Schafer. Lynn for 5 years and Fundi for 4 years. My heartfelt thanks for all your special care, love, devotion and extras you did for my mom, nursing her night and day. Your caring skills were of the highest standard and my mom was always so happy, neat and well looked after. Both of you were here companion sharing
FUNDI 073 018 0495 and joking. I would never have been able to keep my mom in her own home after my dad died without your help. Should anyone need amazing care workers for any situation – special needs or the aged. I highly recommend both Lynn and Fundi as caring, reliable and devoted to their work. Lynn and Fundi – I have many wonderful memories of you with mom. Shirley Labuschagne 083 700 3224
man, who appeared nervous. The officers apprehended him, contacted the resident and escorted the suspect to the address where the homeowner confirmed that the items of clothing the man was wearing had in fact been stolen from her property. ADT security guarding manager and HPP operations manager Jason Botes said the man was handed over to an officer at the Hermanus Police Station for arrest. Gansbaai Police Station at 0 028 384 0201. Stanford Police Station at 0 028 341 0601. Kleinmond Police Station at 0 028 271 8200.
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
Nuwe meubelhandelaar binnekort langs Hermanuspietersfontein JANHENDRIK COETZER Bouwerk aan ’n nuwe meubelvervaardiger, Woodenways, se perseel reg langs Hermanuspietersfontein by die Hemel-en-Aarde Village, gaan binnekort begin en sal na raming teen einde Februarie 2015 klaar wees. Propergation Property Solutions behartig die onwikkeling en is ook die bestuursagent vir die eiendom, waaronder dit aan Woodenways verhuur word.
Volgens Johan Store van Propergation Property Solutions, is die kontrak met Woodenways al in Mei vanjaar geteken, maar is die munisipale goedkeuring eers onlangs afgehandel. “Woodenways sal vir Hermanus ’n lekker groot verskeidenheid bied as dit kom by meubels. Hierdie meubelvervaardiger fokus op die kleinhandelsmark en alle meubels is trots Suid-Afrikaans vervaardig.” Store sê die ontwikkeling van die vertoonlokaal voldoen streng aan munisipa-
le vereistes. “Die gebou gaan 850 vierkante meter beslaan, en 34 parkeerareas, teen 25 vierkante meter per area, sal oorgenoeg parkering verskaf.” Volgens Store sal Woodenways slegs ’n vertoonlokaal wees. “Hulle meubels word reeds vir die afgelope 27 jaar in Gauteng vervaardig, waarna dit na ander takke landwyd versprei word. “Hermanus sal nou een van hierdie verspreidingspunte wees.”
Die oop stuk grond langs Hermanuspietersfontein waar ’n meubelvervaardiger se vertoonlokaal gaan open.
Met dapper en stapper tussen êrens en nêrens JANHENDRIK COETZER
Die staptog het in September vanjaar vir die tweede keer plaasgevind en in die Diegene wat die Tankwa Catoekoms word daar beplan mino-staptog van sowat om dit twee keer per jaar aan 250 km van Calvinia na Cete bied – in die maande van res deur die Tankwa-Karoo April en September. meegemaak het, sal weet Stappers lê elke dag 25 km hierdie staptog is nie vir sisaf en slaap in tente. Voertuie sies nie – en as jy nog boonry saam wat al die bagasie, op ’n vrou van 70 is, wil dit kos en tente vervoer. “Al werklik gedoen wees. Hettie Roux van die So lees die bord buite die Tan- wat jy op jou dra, is water en wat jy ookal aan wil peuVriende van Hermanus Bi- kwa-padstal. sel deur die dag. Ná die dag blioteek, het onlangs hierdie staproete saam met ’n vriendin, Christine se stap slaan ons tente op, en dan word die Cloete, aangepak en volgens haar moet jou vure aangesteek en die kos word in groot swartpotte gaargemaak.” kop eerstens reg wees om so iets te doen. Volgens Hettie is daar twee baie belangrike “Iemand het my op ’n dag genader en gevra of ek daarin sal belang om dié stap te doen. items wat jy moet hê as jy hierdie staptog Ek het so twee dae mooi gedink daaroor en doen. “Pleisters en skoene met ’n sagte sool besef, weet jy wat, ek het die gesondheid aan is ’n moet. Dit is hoofsaaklik klipterrein, so my kant en verder sal die Here my die krag hoe sagter jou sole, hoe beter.” Ablusiegeriewe is elke man vir homself. en die wil gee om dit te voltooi.” Die Tankwa Camino-staproete het tot Hettie sê hulle het heel goed klaargekom. stand gekom toe ’n inwoner van Calvinia, Da- “Ons toilet was ’n plastiek tuinstoel waarin nie Pieterse, aanvanklik daaraan gedink het daar ’n gat gesny en ’n emmer onder gesit is.” “Die beste, of eerder die mooiste van alles, om van sy oupa se graf in die Tankwa-Karoo na sy ander oupa se graf in Rawsonville te was die asemrowende mooi prentjie van die sterrehemel wat jy in die aand kon dophou stap. Die staproete het egter ’n ander wending as die nood roep,” voeg sy grappenderwys by. Hettie sê die staptog was ’n wonderlike ergeneem toe Pieterse besluit het om eerder ’n roete te begin tussen Calvinia en Ceres om varing, maar sy sal dit egter nie weer aanpak mense aan die asemrowende Tankwa-Karoo nie. “Dis ’n ongelooflike voorreg om so iets te kan beleef. Mense kom letterlik van oral bekend te stel.
om dit te doen. Ons was ’n groep van 65 en vier van die stappers het op die eerste dag al opgegee. “Ek is regtig dankbaar vir die feit dat die Here my die krag en wil gegee het om dit te voltooi, maar eenkeer was genoeg vir my,” sê Hettie. ) Skenk boeke vir die Tankwa-padstal In onder meer Die Burger is berig dat die bekende Tankwa-padstal onlangs deur ’n brand vernietig is. Die padstal is so gewild onder stappers, motorfietsryers en almal wat die tog deur die Tankwa-Karoo meemaak, dat hulp van oral instroom om die padstal weer op die been te kry. Daar was ook ’n klein biblioteek in die padstal, maar al die boeke het met die brand in die slag gebly. Weens Hettie se passie vir boeke en in haar hoedanigheid as voorsitter van die Vriende van Hermanus Biblioteek het hulle besluit om boeke vir die padstal in te samel. “As ons genoeg boeke ingesamel het, sal ek dit Ceres toe neem waarna hulle dit na die padstal toe kan vat. Die padstal het letterlik iets van alles onder een dak gehad, maar dit was natuurlik die klein biblioteek, wat die eienaars begin het vir plaaswerkers in die omgewing, wat my na aan die hart lê.” Diegene wat boeke wil skenk, kan dit neem na die NG-Gemeente in Onrus, of vir enige navrae, bel Hermanus Biblioteek by 028 312 2118.
Karoobossies en klippe so ver jy kyk. So lyk ’n deel van die landskap in die Tankwa-Karoo. FOTO’S: VERSKAF
LINKS: Stappers by die beginpunt van die Tankwa Camino in Calvinia. Links is Christine Cloete en regs is Hettie Roux (albei van Hermanus)
Stappers slaan tent op na ’n dag se 25 km stap.
So lyk die Tankwa-padstal nadat dit afgebrand het.
4 HermanusTimes Productivity award for Abagold
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
JANHENDRIK COETZER Abagold in Hermanus, together with two other companies, Ergoform and Casidra, took top honours at the Regional Productivity Awards held at the Table Bay Hotel in Cape Town, for enabling productivity growth and improvement within their workplace. Abagold was the top performing company in the corporate sector, Ergoform in the emerging sector and Casidra in the public sector. According to Abagold’s managing
director, Christo du Plessis, this award is testament to the dedication of all Abagold’s employees. “Every single Abagold employee has been involved and is a key participant in the productivity programme. “Internally this program is referred to as the Abagold Way, as it defines how we work, rather than being just a project with a start and end date.” According to Productivity SA, in a province where the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) makes the Western Cape the joint second largest contributor to the country’s total
GDP, these three companies beat their counterparts during the Annual Regional Productivity Awards. The aim of the awards is to acknowledge and support companies that continue to play a vital role in shaping the economic future of this region. Du Plessis says that they receive fantastic support from the Productivity SA staff members. “We are very grateful for their guidance and we are keeping our fingers crossed for the national Productivity SA awards ceremony to be held in Gauteng in October.”
Sicelo Gxamesi (training facilitator), Mtwakazi Ranthamane (AET runner-up) and Mynhardt van Dyk (training manager).
Abagold employee excels
Representing Abagold are Christo du Plessis (managing director), Anene Labuschagne (hatchery manager), LouAnn Lubbe (human resources executive manager) and Stoffel van Dyk (operations executive). PHOTO: SUPPLIED
One of Abagold’s employees received an accolade at the 2014 AgriSETA Annual Excellence Awards ceremony recently held in Johannesburg. Mtwakazi Ranthamane was nominated for the category: Best Adult Education and Training Learner. Mtwakazi was selected as a finalist in this category and was flown to Johannesburg to attend
a gala evening at the OR Tambo Hotel where she was selected as the runner-up in the category. This means that she came second in South Africa for registered AET (Adult Education Training) learners with AgriSETA. She started with the programme in 2007 and is currently busy with English communication level 4.
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
Overstrandvullisterrein is tops AfriForum het in Junie vanjaar sy #SkoonSA-projek voltooi en was beïndruk én teleurgesteld oor wat by verskillende vullisterreine oor die Wes-Kaap gevind is.
Een munisipale stortingsterrein wat die organisasie wel beïndruk het, was die terrein by Karwyderskraal buite Hermanus. Dié vullisterrein-oudit is as deel van die pro-
Van links is Stephen Müller (direkteur van infrastruktuur en beplanning, Overstrand-munisipaliteit), Elmarie van Dalen (AfriForum), burgemeester Nicolette Botha-Guthrie (burgemeester) en Marianne Rossouw (AfriForum). FOTO: JANHENDRIK COETZER
Latest crime statistics: Murder and burglaries still a big problem JANINE VAN DER RIET
Overall serious crime declined slightly by 0,4%. Sexual crimes deThe increase in 600 2012-’13 creased in Kleinmurders and 2013-’14 mond, Gansbaai and house robberies is 500 Stanford, but in Heran indication that 400 manus, the number South Africa is of sexual crimes rose less safe than it 300 from 49 last year to was two years 85 between April ago. 200 2013 and March 2014. Col Francois de The 2013/2014 100 Wet, acting station crime statistics 0 commander at the were released in Hermanus Swellendam Grabouw Hermanus SAPD, Pretoria on Friday said on Tuesday that by Police Minister Nkosinathi Nhleko and National Police Com- most of the increases recorded in the past year were mainly the result of social and domissioner Riah Phiyega. The figures indicate that house robberies mestic problems in the communities. He said that sexual crimes are very difficult increased by more than 7 percent across the country, but by a staggering 12 percent in for police. “The abuse of alcohol plays a big Gauteng and 14 percent in the Western Cape. role, especially where women visit shebeens, The 19 284 robberies from the homes of have too much to drink and walk home South Africans are more than the number re- alone.” De Wet says the increase in murder from corded in 2010 and the highest in the last dec14 last year to 15 murders this year was mostade. It seems Stanford is the safest town to live ly not with regard to premeditated murders. in, in the Overstrand, with no murders hav- “Once again, consumption of alcohol and ing been reported there in the past two years, drugs play a big role, also the lack of social as well as a decrease in burglaries at residen- life skills in a domestic environment.” The dramatic increase in housebreakings tial properties – 63 burglaries were recorded in Stanford in the 2013/2014 period, down and burglaries in Kleinmond and Hermanus is the result of different factors. In Kleinfrom 89 in the previous year. In other areas in the Overstrand the num- mond, the policed areas stretch between Kleinmond and all the way to Rooi-Els. Many ber of burglaries is on the rise. Hermanus Police investigated 527 cases of holiday houses are empty, with little or no burglary at residential premises from April lights in the streets. Bushy areas are also a 2013 to March 2014 compared to 481 cases dur- problem. In Hermanus, De Wet says burglaries mosting April 2012 to March 2013. Kleinmond also shows a significant increase in burglaries – ly happen as a result of negligence of the pub519 cases from April 2013 to March 2014, com- lic. “Residents and holidaymakers leave doors pared to 409 the previous year. In Gansbaai burglary cases increased from and windows open. They don’t use their alarm systems or security doors. Most sus262 to 276. Phiyega said on Friday, she is “very con- pects are opportunists and when they walk cerned” that the murder rate in South Africa past a house with a door standing open, they has risen to almost 47 murders a day in the take the opportunity and see what they can steal. past year. “It is time to take ownership of our properAltogether 17 068 people were murdered in the country in the 12 months prior to March, ty. We need the public to work together with a five percent rise from the previous year. police officials in fighting crime.” Drug-related crimes are also a serious “Murder did show an increase and we are very concerned about that because they are headache for police and law enforcement offi800 more compared to the previous year,” cials. These crimes have increased in Hermanus said Phiyega. In Hermanus, 15 murders were reported from 259 last year to 352 reported crimes this during April 2013 to March 2014, in compari- year. “These type of crimes are getting out of son to 14 in the previous year. Kleinmond shows a decrease in murder, hand. Drug addicts will steal anything to get one for the past 12 months prior to March, their next fix, even their mother’s toaster or kettle. And they take more and more risks, compared to four in the previous year. Gansbaai reported five murders, compared because nothing can stand in their way of getting the next fix,” says De Wet. to one last year.
jek deur AfriForum se provinsiale koördineerders georganiseer. Hulle het al die vullisterreine besoek, waar hulle die oudit volgens ’n standaardvraelys uitgevoer het. Die terreine moet ondermeer ’n permit of afvalbestuurlisensie hê, behoorlik omhein wees en afval daagliks laat kompakteer en met grond bedek om te keer dat die wind die rommel wegwaai. Verteenwoordigers van Overstrand Afriforum het Woensdagoggend ’n sertifikaat aan die munisipaliteit oorhandig.
Volgens burgemeester Nicolette Botha-Guthrie bestuur hulle dit in samewerking met die Overberg Distriksmunisipaliteit. “Ek wil ook my dank uitspreek teenoor al die administratiewe personeel, want sonder hulle is niks moontlik nie,” sê sy. “Die Overstrand se Karwyderskraal-stortingsterrein se bestuur is van ’n hoë standaard en het 96% in die veldtog behaal. AfriForum bedank die Overstrand-munisipaliteit vir die goeie werk en toegewydheid,” sê Marianne Rossouw, voorsitter van die Overstrand-tak.
Algemeen General
2 October, 2014
Win tickets for Elim Wine & Food Celebration The Elim Wine & Food Celebration at the Black Oystercatcher farm on Saturday 11 October promises to be a great event for the whole family. Activities include cycle and trail runs, food stalls, wine tastings, live music and much more. Besides the top-notch wines from Elim and surrounds, visitors can tuck into some of the best country food available and mellow out to the sounds of Valiant Swart. Beer lovers will also have the opportunity to sample artisanal ale from Africa’s most southerly brewery, Fraser’s Folly. Local produce, handcrafted pottery and beautiful indigenous flowers will also be available for purchase. The line-up of activities includes a breathtaking archery performance on horseback,
a savvy sheepdog performance and a crop spraying plane demonstration. The entrance fee is R75 per person, and includes a branded wine glass. Tickets are available at Entrance for under 18’s is free. For more information, call 028 482 1618 or e-mail ) HOW TO WIN TICKETS Three lucky readers stand the chance of winning double tickets each to the Elim Wine & Food Celebration. Simply answer the question: Which farm will host the Elim Wine & Food Celebration? Send your answer, starting with the keyword “Elim”, followed by the answer and your full names to 34429. The line will open on 2 October and will close on 6 October. R1,50 per SMS. The three winners will be notified on Tuesday 7 October.
A Very Special Welcome to all Whale Festival visitors. Find us just 2 blocks from the sea front. Open daily for Lunch and Dinner.
"Local favourite since 1985” For bookings Tel: 028 312 2848 10 High Street, Hermanus.
Valiant Swart will be giving an acoustic oneman performance at the Elim Wine & Food Festival.
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
8 HermanusTimes Walviskusforum gestig om ontwikkeling te bevorder
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
’n Nuwe oorkoepelende liggaam, die Walviskus Ontwikkelingsforum, is pas op die been gebring. Die doel van die forum is om al die natuurlike hulpbronne van die verskillende organisasies in die Overstrand te kombineer en só alle kernaspekte wat die ontwikkeling van die streek raak, te hanteer. Lidmaatskap van die forum word aan enige organisasie wat in die geografiese gebied van die Overstrandmunisipaliteit verteenwoordig word, of belang het by die jurisdiksie van die plaaslike munisipaliteit,
toegestaan. Die belastingbetalersverenigings van Hermanus, Bettyiesbaai, Pringlebaai, Kleinmond, Vermont, Onrus, Gansbaai, De Kelders, Stanford en Sandbaai is almal lede, terwyl sekere sakeondernemings en sekere groepe met spesiale belange soos die Hermanus Sakekamer, Stanford Bewaring, Gateway Sentrum Direktoraat en Hawston Seafarms Foundation almal by die forum aangesluit het. Gawie Eksteen, van die Kleinmond Belastingbetalersvereniging, is tot voorsitter van die forum ver-
kies, met Mervyn Milner van Hermanus Sakekamer as ondervoorsitter en Liz Fick van Bettiesbaai Belastingbetalersvereniging as sekretaresse. Eksteen en Milner sê die forum is heeltemal a-polities en die inisiatief wat tot sy stigting aanleiding gegee het, het ontstaan uit die passie wat lede vir die toekoms van die streek het. “Terwyl elk van die individuele organisasies met sy eie sakeplan binne afsonderlike mandate sal voortgaan, sal hulle deur kragte saam te span suksesvol kan deel-
neem om gesamentlik tot ’n volhoubare ontwikkeling van die Overstrand-streek by te dra. “Dit sal onder andere ondersoeken navorsingsaangeleenthede van algemene belang insluit en as ’n gesamentlike liggaam die kwessies hanteer met instansies soos die munisipaliteit,” volgens Eksteen en Milner. Die forum sal ook gereelde kommunikasie en konsultasie tussen lede fasiliteer. Navrae rakende lidmaatskap kan gerig word aan Liz Fick by 0 028 272 9800 of 2 djfick@mweb.
Comment period open for Grotto Beach plan ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN After residents of Voëlklip strongly opposed the building of a 340-seater amphitheatre and a new double storey restaurant at Grotto Beach in January (“NO! to Grotto Amphitheatre”, HT, 23 January 2014), an alternative development plan has been put on the table. An amended Basic Assessment Report (BAR) was released by EnviroAfrica, the environmental planning consultants for the development of Piet se Bos and Grotto Beach, and is currently open for comment. The proposed implementation of the upgrade of the existing area was assessed by means of the basic impact assessment procedure and a public participation process. The development of Erf 4661 (Grotto Beach and Piet se Bos) was vigorously opposed by residents and homeowners in the Voëlklip area at a public participation meeting held on 18 January this year. According to the BAR there were three alternatives for the development. The first, noted to be non-preferred, was the upgrade of the area, including the construction of an amphitheatre and double storey restaurant, coupled with the reinstatement of a portion of the original wetland and modified outlet structure around a section of the perimeter of the development. The second alternative (also non-preferred) would be exactly the same amphitheatre and restaurant development, but without the reinstatement of the wetland. The third alternative, which was preferred by the interested and affected parties, will consist of the reinstatement of a portion of the original wetland and modified outlet structure around a section of the perimeter. This will consist of the upgrade of the picnic and braai area as well as the construction of the
) A new umbrella body, The Whale Coast Development Forum, was recently established to combine resources of various organisations in the Overstrand in addressing key issues affecting the development and potential of the region. Membership of the forum is available to any organisation representing its geographical area or interest in the area, including ratepayers associations and the like. Direct enquiries about membership to Liz Fick,0 028 272 9800 or 2 – FANIE KRIGE/SSMA
Mall expert to talk about ‘Supermarket Wars’ The managers of the five supermarkets in Hermanus have been invited to address U3A members over a five-week period starting on Tuesday 28 October.
An aerial view of Grotto Beach where the new development is being planned. An amended Basic Assessment Report has since been compiled. single storey restaurant on the old Nautilus restaurant site. According to the BAR the “first two alternatives were vehemently opposed during the public participation process and were subsequently both reduced to non-preferred alternatives”. The third, preferred alternative would contribute to an increase in biodiversity and will be beneficial to tourism in the Grotto area. It would also be the cheapest of the three options. “All three have a visual impact, although the third will have the least differing from what there is at present and will be in keeping with the character of the existing development of the Blue
Flag Grotto Beach,” the report reads. “The third alternative would also offer a more diverse environmental experience than what is on site at present. “The no-go option would obviously not present any of the positive social, economic or environmental impacts associated with the proposed preferred alternative three.” Written comments must be submitted before the close of work on 10 October 2014 to EnviroAfrica (Piet se Bos), PO Box 4, Onrusrivier, 7201 or fax 086 513 2141 or The complete BAR application is available for perusal on under the heading strategic documents.
The complexity, competition, technology, supply chains and similar matters that radically affect supermarkets and our food chain will be presented and discussed. As an introduction to this topic, Doug Parker has accepted to speak at an open meeting on Thursday 9 October, on the subject of “Supermarket Wars”. Parker, who is a resident of Hermanus, is regarded as one of the foremost experts on the development and feasibility study of shopping malls and tourist facilities. His work experience includes: ) Feasibility studies for most major shopping centres in South Africa since 1980, including: Tygervalley, Blue Route, Westgate, Northgate, Southgate, Fourways Mall, East Rand Mall, Westville Pavilion, N1 City, Somerset Mall and GatewayTheatre of
Shopping. ) National store location strategy and development programme for 46 top retail chains, including: Ackermans, Woolworths, Edgars, Shoprite, Pep Stores, Checkers Hyper, Pick n Pay, Makro, Queenspark, Tiger Wheels, Milky Lane, Game and Builders Warehouse. ) Feasibility studies for casinos and golf estates, as well as the Two Oceans Aquarium and the tourism potential at SALT (South African Large Telescope) in Sutherland. These studies required, among others, the measuring of tourism inflows together with the attitude of domestic tourists towards these facilities. Parker will deal with the some of the issues that confront supermarket owners and managers in our modern world. He will also touch on the development of a shopping mall in Hermanus. This promises to be a very interesting and stimulating meeting. Residents are invited to attend this event in the Municipal Auditorium at 17:30 on 9 October. -DAVID BOOBYER
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
VERVLAGS! ’n Leser sê Vrydag 26 September was Vlagdag en hulle is geleer hoe die landsvlag gehanteer moet word. Hy is glad nie beïndruk met dié flenter-vlag nie, wat volgens hom al die afgelope jaar in Bergstraat, Onrusrivier wapper. “Dis ’n skande. Die eienaar moet dit eerder afhaal. Die vlag is so verflenter dat daar nie meer rooi en blou bane is nie,” het hy ontstoke gesê. FOTO: VERSKAF
Of the participants in the Hermanus First Fridays Artwalk initiative are Liz Coates (Pure South), Terry Kobus (Originals), Klaus Dembeck (Bellini Gallery), Ian Macdonald (Lembu), and Carlene and Willie Botha (Willie Botha Gallery)
Hermanus First Fridays Artwalk On the first Friday of every month, starting on 3 October, the eleven art galleries in the centre of Hermanus will remain open until 20:00 for all to enjoy an evening walk through the galleries. ‘First Fridays’ in Hermanus is part of a worldwide initiative to make art and art galleries more accessible to the public. Art lovers are invited to collect a map at any gallery, stroll through the village, savour a glass of wine from one of our local vineyards and enjoy
the astonishing range of art and fine craft on display. The array of artworks available ensures something for every palate. If you’re looking to spend R50 000 on an investment piece by a famous South African master, you’ll find it. If you’re searching for a delicate little porcelain bowl at R100, it’ll be waiting for you. If you want to see an artist at work, five of the galleries house working studios of resident painters and sculptors, whose completed works are displayed.
Ceramics, bronzes, glassware, jewellery, watercolours, African artefacts; more than enough to fill an hour or two with delight and indulgence. The participating galleries are Art Eye, Rossouw Modern, Originals Gallery, Bellini Gallery, Hermanus Art Circle, Pure South, Lembu, Walker Bay Gallery, Willie Botha Gallery, Gallery 19 and Art Thirst. The future dates for Hermanus First Fridays Artwalk are on Friday 7 November, and Friday 5 December.
028 312 1197
Upper Level, Village Square (behind Ocean Basket)
OCTOBER PROMOTION While stocks last
BALL BONANZA - Soccer / Rugby /Netball / Hockey R99
The Windsor Hotel adds another establishment to its portfolio
R89 R79 R39
DISCOUNTS - 20% off on all Rugby/ Hockey boots & sticks - Skate and Long Boards now in stock from R 699.95 - 20% on all Golf Equipment, Bags, Carts, Bags, Etc (We stock decent value for money products) DEALS - Fishing Rods – Lightboat Rods R 179.00 -Surf Rods 3pc from R 379.00 -Graphite Surf Rods from R 899.00 -Special deals on all Reels Also stock Air rifles, Binoculars, pocket knifes, polorised Sunglasses, Bodyboards etc!! Our range is endless!! Many more instore Specials – Don’t miss out! Looking forward to see you in store Johan, Anica & Lee-Roy
The Windsor Hotel has taken over the luxury apartments, 45 Marine Drive, next door to the Windsor in Marine Drive. PHOTO: SUPPLIED JANINE VAN DER RIET The Windsor Hotel in Marine Drive has expanded their establishment after signing a 15-year contract to take over the luxurious self-catering apartments next door to their establishment. Blake Albert, general manager of the Windsor Hotel, says they are very excited about this new venture taking over 45 Marine Drive, as of 1 October.
The units will remain self catering units and the name will change to The Windsor Self Catering Apartments, which will be offered as an option to the hotel. “The proximity between the two establishments allows for a lot of cross pollination of ideas and energy. “The two products will work hand in hand, they’re both three star establishments that are both successful in their allotted market seg-
ments. They complement each other,” Albert said. The units are in a good condition and they only need minor adjustments and maintenance. Blake said their target market for these units will be local and foreign independent travellers. “This is a large and rapidly growing segment of the market at present and given 45 Marine Drive’s location, we believe we could dominate this segment.”
Briewe Letters
2 October, 2014
COWSNAIL?: Hettie Maree, who sent in this photo of a rather odd looking occurrence, explains how they came upon it: “Good friends on holiday from the Limpopo came to visit Hermanus. During their morning walk to the beach they saw a toy washed out by a wave and picked it up, thinking of the sadness of a child losing their toy. They were surprised when they saw a sea-snail attached to it. It appears the snail had looked for a house and had found comfort in this toycow! “Can anybody help us and explain this occurrence?”
EDITORIAL COMMENT Whalecome to all It’s the 23rd Two Oceans Hermanus Whale Festival, and this weekend peo ple are again flocking from all corners of the globe to visit our breathtakingly beautiful town, Hermanus. Being the only enviroarts festival in the country, it plays host to thousands of visitors annually last year’s tally was 110 000 visitors to the Overstrand. The festival has lots to offer, including live music, stalls, showcases, exhibi tions, great food, sports, a film festival, arts and crafts, a car show, helicopter rides and a Whale Parade, to name a few. But don’t forget the whales – they are the star performers and main reason for the festival. These giants travel about 3 000 km all the way from the Antarctic to Walker Bay each year. With our scenic surroundings and blue waters, it’s no wonder that these Southern Rights choose our bay as their play and breeding ground. So come and join in all the fun the Whale Festival has to offer. Afterall, the whales come all this way to have a good time. We hope you do too!
Ons kloek dankbaar oor hoenderbordjie Reeds jare woon ek en my kroos by Onrus-padstal op die draai na die verkeersligte. Tot onlangs het ons nog dag vir dag ’n groot risiko geloop – eintlik gehardloop – om die oorkant van die straat te haal agter ’n weiplekkie en watertjie aan. Ons het geen beskerming teen die verkeer geniet nie, en al etlike van ons familielede in straatongelukke sien omkom – reg voor ons oë. Ons was hoogs die hoenders in en rêrig begin dink ons mede-padgebruikers voel vere vir ons. Maar meelewend en medeliewend soos Onrus se mense is, staan daar nou ’n teken wat duidelik sê dit is ook ons stukkie straat hierdie, en ons kan ons vlerke nou soveel veiliger sprei. Ons kloek van dankbaarheid
Hond vergiftig ’n 6-jarige gesonde Jack Russell is op 25 September vergiftig binne haar eie agterplaas in Sandbaai. Volgens die veearts is vergiftiging ’n algemene verskynsel deesdae. Die Jack Russell is die volgende dag by die dierekliniek dood. Die hond was ’n lewenslustige bondeltjie liefde wat net vreugde gebring het. Hierdie bose dade kan nie ongestraf bly nie. As sulke kriminele nie gevang en gestraf word nie, sal hulle wel deur ’n Hoër Hand verdelg word van die aarde af, want ons regstelsel is nie voldoende nie.
Signs could be changing the town’s character Having grown up in Hermanus, I have seen it change and grow dramatically over the last 30 years. It has changed from a sleepy village to a bustling town catering to the needs of tourists and locals. Lately there has been some effort to upgrade our CBD and many business owners and landlords have tidied up their premises. Unfortunately the efforts and hard work of the CBD regeneration committee seem to have petered out. One of the issues they dealt with was signage. While doing some research and discussing the issue with various people I came to the following realisations. Firstly, everyone disagreed with what constituted “good” signage and secondly that there is a signage bylaw document for the Overstrand that most people do not know exists. The bylaw document is not very complicated and not a very onerous document and a short walk around the CBD will also convince anyone that it is not being adhered to. The first purpose stated in the bylaw is to “ensure a well-maintained and attractive townscape”. There are a few guidelines in the document that are worth highlighting such as – “a sign may not exceed 20% of the ground floor façade of a building, a sign may not protrude beyond the edges of the particular portion of a building to which it is attached” or “a window sign may not be larger than 25% of the ground floor window area”. These are very important guidelines to ensure that signage does not dominate the building and thereby erode the character of our CBD. This is especially true for heritage buildings, of which there are many in the CBD. Although many of these heritage buildings
are simple structures that may have lost some or many of their original features, they impart a scale and character to the CBD that makes Hermanus attractive. Even more upsetting to see is when the entire façade of a building is used as a canvas and painted or covered in small bits of signage and images. A disturbing trend is the use of graphic images or photographs that are printed onto vinyl and pasted onto windows. These can be seen pasted on the windows of the newest upmarket shops in town or on budget shops in the most run down areas. Whether these images are produced by a professional in a photographic studio in Cape Town or by someone with no design training, they erode the charm and character of our village. The municipality does not have endless resources to police every last sign and they could better spend these resources in other areas. Signage is updated regularly and if we take responsibility for our own signage and place pressure on other businesses we will quickly see a change for the better. As a town we need to convey an image of quality over quantity. We must attract tourists who come here to enjoy the scenic beauty and village atmosphere to get away from the garish advertising and in your face marketing that pervades cities these days. All businesses in Hermanus will do better if our town is more attractive to visitors. For those that are interested, the Overstrand signage bylaw document can be found on the website.
A lot of electricity usage before saving kicks in In reviewing Senior Manager of Revenue Elmarie Hoonenberg Hermanus Times comments dated 14 August regarding the tariff of R404 to fit a pre-paid meter. To effect a saving of 7c per unit, by dividing this into R424 will give a figure of 6 057, being the number of units you would have to use before you would break even with the cost of fitting this meter. My wife and I live in a two-bedroom dwelling for which our recent electricity consump-
tion is 370 units, so dividing this figure into the 6 057 units to break even for the meter cost, it would take 16 months before the saving of 7c per unit would kick in, which in our case would amount to 7c x 370 units, amounting to a saving of R25,90 per month. Not a very exciting incentive after waiting for 16 months to cover the cost of the meter, so won’t be bothering, unless more incentives are offered.
Hooray for chicken crossing Hooray! Its happened! Onrus now has a chicken crossing sign. I am delighted and thank those responsible for this. I was hoping for a Cock Crossing sign with the magnificent outline of a cock in full cry but this is the time for women and children and the hen and two
chickens sign is much appreciated. Of course there is now the opportunity to continue to the next natural step and create a zebra crossing - for chickens on Onrus Main Road. Just a thought.
Municipal deposits – an open letter Dear Ms Reyneke-Naude, I refer to your comment, in reply to a letter “Why pay a deposit?” in the Hermanus Times of September 11. No doubt the Overstrand Municipality will now come under some pressure to cease demanding deposits from ratepayers and potential ratepayers, and the subsequent repayment of existing deposits. May I suggest an approach which could be considered, bearing in mind the financially devastating effect that these aforementioned measures could create. As the Overstrand Municipality could be classified as a deposit taking organisation, which you must agree it is, should it not be paying interest on the said deposits in the same way that all deposit taking institutions are required to do, by law? This is a practice in many enlightened municipalities. Bear in mind, the Overstrand Municipality is gaining financially by holding deposits, either in the form of interest earned on the deposits being held in a financial institution, or, as I believe is the case with yourselves, you avoid paying interest on loans required to support mismanaged cash flow. I would suggest therefore, that you consider taking the morally correct, if not legally correct, approach by paying interest on deposits. Retrospectively, of course. Should you require assistance on this matter, I would be pleased to assist. Regards,
Santie Reyneke-Naudé, director, finances at the Overstrand Municipality comments: This matter is still under investigation involving a number of role players. The municipality, however, wishes to advise our consumers that they are welcome to convert to prepaid electricity. This option will benefit the consumer, in that a lower unit cost of electricity will be charged (7c per unit cheaper). Secondly, the cost of the conversion to a prepaid meter can be deducted from the deposit and the remaining balance (if any) can be credited against the debtor’s account. For more information /or to apply, please contact client services at or call 028 313 8000.
More animal ‘moans’ Continuing the Fisherhaven horse moans, may I add my own. I live in Voëlklip and at times the waves are extremely loud. To add to this during the winter months, the whales blowing and snorting often wake me in the early hours of the morning or, even worse, disturb a precious time of my day. My afternoon siesta. Could the whale season not possibly be shortened to 6 weeks and a bylaw passed limiting times of snorting, blowing and indulging in other activities in full view of the public? I will not even go into the problems the guinea-fowl and the francolin cause by disturbing the baboons as they scavenge the sidewalks in search of tasty treats. A curfew for the hadedas would be great. Maybe the council could also please consider a no-fly zone for seagulls over Grotto Beach as they are hazardous to the model aeroplane fliers which contribute to the amusement of visitors to Grotto Beach. Finally (groot asseblief) a pooh flag beach in the vicinity of the lagoon specifically for dogs who have their untrained owners on a leash.
Briewe Letters
2 October, 2014
) Kom Onrus waar is julle pienk lappe vir borskankermaand? ) Vrydag 26 Sept, 10:30: Is daar dan geen werk vir Wetstoepassing nie, want een van die amptenare staan en “smooch” by ’n huis in Sandbaai! – VERBYGANGER ) Ek het die afgelope naweek ’n lysie gemaak van die lesers wat dink die per de in Fisherhaven is so fantasties. Kan nie glo dat perdemis so wonders kan verrig nie. Die meeste van Fisherhaven se tuine lyk soos ’n goedkoop, onsuk sesvolle ontploffing! Ek hoop nie dit ge beur ooit nie, maar indien daar een dag ’n perd op die R43 ’n ongeluk ver oorsaak dan kom klop ek eerste aan julle deure. – ALDERT, FISHERHA VEN ) Thomas and Marion: Re the wild horses. Your letter made us laugh out loud. I thought it was an April fool’s joke. I can fully understand why the health department chose to ignore you. I’m sure they are also speechless.– MARETHA ) Re: Fisherhaven’s wild horses. While watching the vet, Dr Mark, treating the colt’s abscess, a stallion came and nudged me gently against the picket fence. It then opened its mouth around the back of my head and gently nibbled my blond ponytail. Is that wild or what?! The vet’s wife came to my rescue by offering the suspected attacker a carrot. What an amazing though scary experience for a 70yearold ex city girl!– FYNBOS ) Ben Solomon bedank! Hoekom, wat dan nou? – DABELASTINGBETA LER, SANDBAAI ) Raadslede bedank nou vinnig. Wonder of dit is oor die geld wat hulle te veel gekry het. Ons is mos die suig stokkies.– KOOS VAN ZYL, ON RUS ) Maybe the new councillor will put up a fourway stop in Bergsig Road to control the traffic to and from the two schools in Sandbaai. – HANNES STEENKAMP ) There is a Jack Russell cross and a Husky in Regent lane in Northcliff that barks non stop all day everyday as
soon as their owners leave. It is driving the whole neighbourhood, as well as all the other dogs in the area, insane. People already complained several times but nothing is happening. – GINA ) What is the future plans for De Mond. Lowcost housing? – M DU TOIT ) Hoeveel van Sandbaai se inwoners het al opgemerk dat die grondpad na dorp toe geskraap word ’n dag of twee voor die reën kom. Dit gebeur klokslag 9 uit 10 keer. Hierdie mense sal uitste kende weervoorspellers wees. ) Die Sandbaaimotoriste nooi al die raadslede van Overstrand uit na die herdoop van Bergsigstraat na Gatpad. – CHRIS ) Hannes and Val: Where to now? Contact the Banking Ombudsman. Sharecall 0860800900. Lodge a com plaint with your bank first. If they can’t help you then you take it to the Banking Ombudsman. Good Luck. – DES ) Can anyone help with a leftover ball of the Dusty Pink Chick wool from Checkers. I only need a little to finish a project. Will replace with a 100 g ball of a different colour. Thanks. Please call Des 084 209 6959. ) Ek het ’n Health and Fitness kontrak as iemand dit wil oorneem. Ek verhuis na ander dorp. 18 maande @ R269/ maand. 0 082 710 4663.– MADE LEIN ) Ek bied ’n geleentheid na Windhoek 5 Oktober terug 10 Oktober. Petrol by drae. Skakel 0 082 694 5811. ) Hawstonkrieketklub wil graag van die geleentheid gebruik maak om al mal te bedank vir hul ondersteuning wat gelei het tot die suksesvolle braai funksie wat op 26 September plaasge vind het. Spesiale dank gaan uit na Fruit en Veg, Hermanus; Marco Plumber, Hawston en Simply Frozen, Hermanus. Baie dankie almal die bestuur waardeer dit baie. – HAWSTONKRIEKETKLUB BE STUUR ) Ja boet! Op Nasionale Braaidag, onthou: Eet net die vet en gooi die vleis weg! Aitog, gee dit liewers vir die hond soos aanbeveel by die expert: TimFloraMargeBanting. ) FNB: Thank you for polite and friend ly staff. How about an ATM again at Onrust River, please? ) Ek, Ronel Jafta, wil my opregte dank
The cold weather over the past week makes way for warm sunny skies this coming Whale Festival weekend, with temperatures above 22 °C on Saturday and a high of 25 °C predicted for Sunday.
uitspreek aan Charlene Conelius, Ber tram Conelius, André Galant, Irene Joorst, Tanswill Siegels, Zinni Swart, Zianne Willemse, Earl Galant, Stefan Galant, Sandy Galant en Cobus Jafta wat ’n bydrae gelewer het met die heengaan van Pieter. Dit word opreg waardeer. Dankie ook aan hulle wat ons ondersteun het in gebed. ) Hiermee wil ek net aan Kobus van Securiteam (armed response) en aan Safe Security sê wonderlike en vriende like beheerkamerdames en hulle ar med response baie dankie sê vir hulle hulp en bystand. Julle is wonderlik en ’n mens voel gerus. Julle is puik. – CB, ONRUS ) Graag wil ons ’n groot dankie aan al ons wonderlike kliënte sê vir julle lo jaliteit en vriendskap. Dis vir ons ’n voorreg. Saam is ons een groot familie. Ons sien altyd uit daarna om julle te sien.– LOUISA EN HELEN ) SARS Worcester: amazingly courte ous, efficient and helpful service. No hesitation should I need to return. Thank you– MAC ) I would like to thank the two ladies from Onrus Vetshop for their support during the difficult time after having to put my beautiful dog down.– D RENT EL, ONRUS ) Hyundai: Johan Burger came to my rescue when my battery died and hub by in CPT, and at no cost. We were taking our vehicle to Somerset for that is the branch we bought the vehicle, but that will change with the next one. Thanks Johan, that’s how you build a successful business. – GRATEFUL, BARBRA AND VINCE ) Ria van Rooyen: Baie Dankie vir jou hulpverlening met ons ou krokke. – HENRY EN JOE ) Oasis Water is tops! Dankie aan Jan en sy span vir puik diens. Baie vriende lik en behulpsaam, en altyd bereid om my swaar drom water vir my te dra! Ons waardeer dit!– TEVREDE KLI ENT ) Thank you B’s Restaurant, Bruce and friendly staff for hosting us in celebra ting Joe’s 50th You are simply the best! ) Dankie Patricia van Pep Stores Her manus vir jou vriendelike en hulpvaar dige diens. – MAX ) Baie dankie aan mnr. Hough van Houghies Toere, wat verlede Vrydag aan ons hulp verleen het met ’n karpro bleem. Dit word waardeer. – LE ROUX, ONRUS
A life celebrated A memorial service conducted by Pastor Christo Nel was held at Huis Lettie Theron on Friday 26 September in memory of Johanna (Joey) Earle, who passed away on 19 September. The service was attended by close family and friends, nursing staff and her friends at Huis Lettie Theron. Mrs Earle had been in the care of the nursing staff at the home for the past eighteen months. She had suffered from chronic osteoarthritis and had undergone two major hip operations over the last four years. Mrs Earle (maiden name De Klerk) was born on 15 February 1931 in Bloemfontein. Both her mother and grandmother had survived the British concentration camps during the Anglo Boer War. Mrs Earle always had a smile and was caring and giving to all she
came into contact with. She was a volunteer for the Aids Action Group for northern Cape Town for many years, the oldest student at 72 to complete a CPR First Aid course at the St. John Ambulance Training Centre in Cape Town, and was also a member of the Hermanus Senior Citizens Association. A special thank you to Simon Janse van Vuuren of Huis Lettie, Sister Van Tonder, Elsa, Bets and all the nursing staff. Thank you also to Dr R.G. du Toit and his team for their never-ending care and compassion. Hermanus Hospital, Mediclinic and Onrus Manor will never be forgotten by Mrs Earle’s family. A special thank you to St. Peters Church, Nashca Funeral Services and all those taking time to remember and celebrate Mrs Earle’s life.
Dankie vir harte van goud Graag wil ek my opregte dank uitspreek teenoor die volgende twee vroue (engele). Estelle Venter (oudioloog), wat vir my tydelik voorsien het van ’n gehoorbuisie – daar my een die gees gegee het en ek is verlore sonder een. Sy het ’n hart vir my dilemma, asook ’n hart van goud. Dr. Tilla wat met ’n opgewonde en
stralende gesig vir my en my vriendin tegemoet gekom het oor ’n baie belangrike saak. My dank aan ons Skepper wat hierdie twee engele oor my pad gestuur het. Dankie ook vir hul pragtige harte. Mag ons Skepper se guns en seëninge op hul rus. Weer eens dankie
Thank you for the help with fire damage I wish to belatedly thank and gratefully recommend the services of the following in a fire insurance claim earlier this year. Firstly Dawie Bothma who made certain that I had insurance when my late husband died. Then Derrick de Vries of “Fix It” whose crew did a fine job of cleaning and repainting after smoke damage. Derrick also co-ordinated the help of “Cupboards Inc” where Franville took extra pains (including two
trips to Somerset West) to ensure that the replaced cupboards and countertops were perfectly fitted. Lastly Jurgen of Kyler Electrical timeously supplied a new kitchen light and fitted a new hob & extractor fan. The fire department also came quickly and gave good advice regarding smoke damage, as my good neighbours had already put out the fire. I am dearly thankful for all their help.
Stilte na die storm Haelskade is ’n mak woord in die koerante vir die “drama” wat hom Maandag in die suidelike deel van die aardbol afgespeel het. ’n Beter beskrywing sou wees dat ons hier ’n “ding” gespaar gebly het. Slegs ’n deel van een van die tentakels van ’n “dier” het oor ons Boland geswiep. Dit is byna onmoontlik om die weerstelsel wat Weerhaan reeds Sondag sien opbou het, te beskryf. Maandagoggend, vanaf Sedgefield gesien waar ons vir die Kaapse bus gewag het, het die wolke begin kolk en ’n ruk-en-rol dansvloer bo ons koppe geword. Vanuit die bus was die swart ringwolk soos ’n vlieende piering eers noord, toe diep wes voor ons en toe weer links van ons, maar net anderkant Swellendam het die passasiers skielik ophou TV kyk en met lang nekke regop gesit. Dit het donker nag geword en ’n helse lawaai rondom die bus het gesprekke onhoorbaar gemaak. Iemand agter ons bank het gebid die bestuurder weet wat hy doen. Hy het. Anderkant Riversdal kon ons sien die stert van die “diere” klap die Overberg mis. Die kop van die stelsel was gister reeds oos van die land, maar het steeds soos ’n gewonde ding in alle rigtings getol soos sy makkers in die noordelike halfrond. Dit het gelyk of die hele wêreld vol van sy kuikens is.
En op moederaarde is Weerhaan vandag baie bly hy kon die skouspel sien, maar nee dankie, nie weer nie. Die nuwe front wat aan die kom is, lyk gelukkig of dit by Gough vassteek. Dit lyk of hy woema opbou. Die troos is dat die lugbeweging van die noordwes reeds die lopers begin afdruk en weg van die land af. Weerhaan wil dit waag om te sê ons sien tot diep in volgende week die stilte na die storm en sal aan en af lenteweer met son, son en son geniet. ’n Warm oostewind breek vandag rondom tienuur die 13 °C. Teen laat namiddag haal dit 18 °C. Ongelukkig kom foeter die suidoos tussenin en môre-oggend (Vrydag) is dit weer eers elfuur se kant toe voor ons die warmgoed kan uittrek om die 20 °C tot na donker te geniet. Dit word ’n toutrekkery tussen suidoos en noordwes, maar onse kampioenwind in die hoek by Mosselbaai plant die kishou en teen Sondag geniet ons op ’n kol selfs 25°. En so wag ons maar, al loerende by die kombuisvenster uit, of alles daar bo nog pluis is.
12 HermanusTimes Shackleton 16 ‘down’ relived
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
CILENE BEKKER An audience packed out the St Peter’s Church hall last Friday to relive the story, by way of a DVD, of Shackleton 1716 (call-sign ‘Pelican 16’) that went down over the desert en route to an air show in the UK, in 1994.
wanted now was to burn to death,” recalled Dagg of the moments after the Shackleton ‘landed’. The area was an active war zone at the time, and they had no radio contact. At sunrise a burning tyre caught the attention of a French naval plane who summoned help by dropping a plastic Coke bottle, with a note giving the Shackleton’s position, near a UN team in two vehicles in the desert. “They expected to find a horror scene with mangled bodies, but found the crew of South Africans, with beers in hand,” said Dagg, who still chokes up talking about their experi-
All 19 crew members walked away alive, due to the calm and collected brilliance of the pilots, Carol and Gert Claassen (chairman of U3A) with Lt-Col and a remarkable air- Peter Dagg and his wife Marie, and Pottie Potgieter, craft. aircraft fitter on the Shackleton. Pottie had worked on Lt-Col Peter Dagg (Her- ‘Shacks’ since he qualified as a mechanic in 1957. He manus resident) and the was one of the 19 crew on the downed Shackleton. late great Eric Pienaar “This was at 01:00 in a pitch black when were the pilots on this flight. The first SAAF Shackleton ar- sky with no visibility,” said Dagg, ence. Dagg was presented with an Air rived in SA in 1957, and after 27 co-pilot. “We knew this was it, that years the fleet was placed into stor- we were going to hit the ground.” Force Cross in 1995. ) There are still tickets available How hard, was the challenge. The age by 1990. Restored to flying condition by pilots had to manoeuvre a con- for the special Coalport plate comvolunteers in 1994, Pelican 16 was trolled descent into the desert and memorating the Battle of Britain invited to take part in an air show forty minutes later Pelican 16 belly- with the painting of two Spitfires on tour in the UK and departed on 12 landed and slid to a stop in the West- it. Entries are R10 each and the raffle ern Sahara on what Dagg described sheets are in the Beacon shop at St. July that year. Peter’s church. En route, both engines on the as “the world’s biggest runway”. According to Anne Philip the “Once on the ground the crew right wing had to be shut down within ten minutes of each other, after scattered from the plane. We sur- draw will take place at the end of Ocvived the crash, the last thing we tober. overheating.
Lt Col Peter Dagg in the cockpit of a Shackleton, in the days when he was still flying. The only remaining airworthy SAAF Shackleton MR3 (Pelican 22) sits at the Air Force Museum at Ysterplaat. It is grounded for safety and preservation reasons but also due to a lack of qualified air and ground crew. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
The downed Pelican 16.
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
Weermag bied loopbaangeleenthede Werwingsbeamptes van die Lug- lei word. “Daar is ook ’n behoefte aan magbasis Overberg was verlede Woensdag by die Sportdag teen mense wat ’n tegniese ondersteuMisdaad teenwoordig om die ningsrol as operateurs van konjeug oor ’n spesiale militêre vaar- struksiemasjinerie en bestuurders van swaar voertuie wil digheidsontwikkelingsprogram speel.” in te lig. Om vir die ontwikkelingsproVolgens Vlugsersant Aubrey Davids behels die program dat jy gram te kwalifiseer, moet jy ’n vir twee jaar vrywillige diens by Suid-Afrikaanse burger tussen die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale 18 en 22 wees. Jy moet ’n matriekof ’n ekwivaWeermag moet lente sertifiaansluit. kaat hê of tans Benewens in matriek militêre opleiwees. ding onderJy moet ongaan die rekrugetroud wees te ook funksioen onderneem nele opleiding om nie te trou in ’n gespesiaterwyl jy met liseerde rigjou kontrak ting. besig is nie. “Daar is so Jy moet nie baie geleenthegebonde aan ’n de vir ontwiksekere gebied keling,” sê Dawees nie en vids. geen misdaad“Rekrute rekord hê nie. word onder Vlugsersant Aubrey Davids en Verder moet jy meer opgelei kapt. HM Kapp by die Sportdag medies geskik as vraglaai- teen Misdaad in Kleinmond. FO wees en aan meesters, spy- TO: SSMA/FANIE KRIGE ander vereisseniers, brandbestryders, taalpraktisyns, voor- tes vir aanstelling in die SA Nasiraadklerke, administratiewe onale Weermag voldoen. Vlugsersant Davids sê hy is beklerke, musikante, natuurbewaarders, personeelbeamptes en skikbaar om by skole en ander plekke met belangstellende jong sportbeamptes. “Wat operasionele diens be- mense oor die program te kom tref, kan rekrute as lugruimbe- praat. Bel hom of kapt. HM Kapp heerders of in die bestuur van be- by 0 028 425 4111 of 028 425 4025 stuur ’n e-pos aan vel en beheer, asook in die be- of stuur van informasie- en 2 - SSMA / FANIE KRIGE kommunikasietegnologie opge-
From left are mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, Nick Lauer, Tamzyn Zweig (SASC), Coralea Zweig; Michelle Rushby, Elizabeth Rushby and Mike Gray.
Janeske Brits of Southern Right Charters and Sam Jackson also attended White Shark Projects’ fundraiser.
More than R30 000 raised for Shark Conservancy JANHENDRIK COETZER More than R30 000 was raised for the South African Shark Conservancy (SASC) during a seafood evening held at the La Pentola restaurant in Hermanus, as part of the “21 Days for the Ocean” awareness campaign launched by White Shark Projects last Friday. According to Charmaine Beukes, general manager of White Shark Projects, this theme was born from the concept that it takes 21 days to break a habit. “We took it upon ourselves to educate the Overstrand community on how to break bad habits – the daily
Besoek die Munisipale Tentoonstelling tydens die Walvisfees vanaf 3 tot 6 Oktober op die parkeerterrein by Gearing-punt in Hermanus. Amptenare sal daagliks vanaf 09:00 tot 16:00 aan diens wees om jou rond te wys en al jou vrae te beantwoord. Sien jou daar!
Visit the Municipal Showcase during the Whale Festival from 3 to 6 October on the Gearing’s Point parking area in Hermanus. Officials will be on duty from 09:00 to 16:00 daily to show you around and answer all your questions. See you there!
Ndwendwela UmBoniso kamasipala ngexesha le festival yeminenge ukususela nge 3 ukuya kweye 6 ku Okthobha kwipaki eGearings Point e Hermanus. Abasebenzi bakube sesenkomeni ukususela ngentsimbi ye 09:00 ukuya kweye 16:00 ukunibonisa zebaphendule imibuzo eninayo ezo ntsuku zonke. Siyakubonana khona! E n q u i ri e s 0 2 8 3 1 3 8 9 1 1 • w w w. o v e rs t ra n d . g o v. z a
habits that have a negative impact on our ocean. Just as it takes 21 days to break a bad habit, it also takes 21 days to create a good habit.” Through hosting various school talks in the community, it also became a concern for them that children are not that aware of the ocean. “In order to get people to conserve something, we need to personalise the object for them. And one way of doing this is through education. And this is how this awareness campaign came about,” said Beukes. White Shark Projects elected the SASC as the beneficiary of the sustainable seafood fundraiser because of all the important ocean research they do. “The event on Friday evening was
a huge success. With the fun auction and all the raffle tickets sold, we have managed to raise more than R30 000 for the SASC. “As an NGO, SASC does not receive any funding from government or academic sources. We feel honoured to have been able to assist them to continue doing their research by raising these funds for them,” said Beukes. White Shark Projects would like to thank all their sponsors for donating such generous prizes, La Pentola restaurant for providing the venue, Blake Albert from the Windsor Hotel for being the MC and handling the auction and especially those who bought tickets and supported them on the night.
HERMANUS: OORDRAG VAN RESTANT ERF 2834 (UITSLUITEND ERF 2836 EN INSLUITEND ERF 2837), SANDBAAI, VIR ‘N GEMENGDE RESIDENSIËLE ONTWIKKELING EN ‘N AFTREE OORD Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van Artikel 14 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiëlebestuur (Wet 56 van 2003) van die Raad se voorneme om Munisipale eiendom, synde die restant van Erf 2834 (uitsluitend Erf 2836 en insluitend Erf 2837), Sandbaai oor te dra na: KOPER: EDEVCO INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LTD KOOPSOM: R42,500,000.00 (BTW UITGESLUIT) DOEL: GEMENGDE RESIDENSIËLE ONTWIKKELING EN ‘N AFTREE OORD Navrae rakende die transaksie kan gerig word aan Me A Kotze, 028 316 8277 / Enige beswaar teen die voorgestelde oordrag moet behoorlik gemotiveerd en skriftelik wees en die ondergetekende voor of op 3 November 2014 bereik. Indien ’n persoon nie kan lees of skryf nie, kan so ’n persoon sy/haar beswaar/kommentaar mondelings by die Munisipale Kantore, Magnoliastraat, Hermanus aflê, waar ’n personeellid sal help om dit op skrif te stel. CC GROENEWALD, MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER, Munisipale Kantore, HERMANUS, 7200 Kennisgewing Nr. 57/2014 HERMANUS: TRANSFER OF REMAINDER ERF 2834 (EXCLUDING ERF 2836 AND INCLUDING ERF 2837), SANDBAAI, FOR MIXED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AS WELL AS A RETIREMENT VILLAGE Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 14 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003) of Council’ s intention to transfer Municipal property, being the remainder of Erf 2834 (excluding Erf 2836 and including Erf 2837), Sandbaai, to: PURCHASER: EDEVCO INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LTD PURCHASE PRICE: R42,500,000.00 (EXCLUDING VAT) PURPOSE: MIXED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AS WELL AS A RETIREMENT VILLAGE Enquiries regarding this transaction can be directed to Ms A Kotze, (028) 316 8277 / Any objections against the proposed transfer must be properly motivated in writing and be lodged at the undersigned by not later than 3 November 2014. Persons who are unable to read or write can submit their objection/comments verbally at the Municipal Offices, Magnolia Street, Hermanus, where they will be assisted by a staff member to put it in writing. CC GROENEWALD, MUNICIPAL MANAGER, Municipal Offices, Hermanus, 7200 Notice No. 57/2014 HERMANUS: UKUTSHINTSHELWA KUPHUHLISO OLUXUBENEYO NENDAWO YOMHLALAPHANTSI KWENTSALELA YESIZA 2834 (KUNGAQUKI ISIZA 2836 KWAYE KUQUKA ISIZA 2837), ESISE-SANDBAAI Esi sisaziso esikhutshwa ngokweCandelo 14 likaRhulumente weZasekhaya: UMthetho woLawulo lweZemali zikaMasipala (UMthetho 56 wowama-2003) senjongo yeBhunga yokutshintshela umhlaba kaMasipala oyintsalela yeSiza 2834 (esingaquki iSiza 2836 kwaye siquka iSiza 2837), eSandbaai, ku: UMTHENGI: EDEVCO INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LTD IXABISO LOKUTHENGA: R42, 500, 000.00 (KUNGAQUKI I-VAT) INJONGO: U P H U H L I S O LW E N D A W O Y O K U H L A L A E X U B E N E Y O NEYOKUTHATHA UMHLALAPHANTSI Imibuzo malunga nalo mcimbi ingajoliswa kuNksn A Kotze, (028) 316 8277 / Nakuphi na ukuchasa esi sindululo makubhalwe kuxhaswe ngokupheleleyo kuthunyelwe kulo utyikitye apha ngezantsi. Oku makwenziwe de ibe ngumhla we-3 Novemba 2014 kodwa kungabi semva kwalo mhla. Abangakwaziyo ukufunda nokubhala bangazivakalisa izimvo zabo ngomlomo kwii-Ofisi zikaMasipala, eMagnolia Street, eHermanus. Kwezi ofisi baza kuncedwa zibhalwe phantsi ligosa likamasipala izimvo zabo. CC GROENEWALD, UMLAWULI KAMASIPALA, Ii-Ofisi zikaMasipala, Hermanus, 7200 Inombolo yesaziso. 57/2014
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
North-facing and bathed in the warmth of the sun, Romansbaai Beach and Fynbos Estate offers a coastal retreat of unsurpassed natural beauty – perfectly positioned right on the water’s edge. Situated two hours from Cape Town and less than 40 minutes from Hermanus in glorious surroundings just outside Gansbaai, Romansbaai offers awe-inspiring views as far as the eye can see. This gorgeous bay is a permanent shade of turquoise and its unspoiled beaches are truly inviting. Indigenous fynbos and magnificent wildlife make this a paradise for nature-lovers.
To view the development & buy your piece of paradise, contact: Willis Coetzee 083 269 1014 I Lorraine Joubert 082 892 4386 I
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
Hermanus / Onrus
Hermanus Office 028 312 1110 I Onrus Office 028 316 3390 I
Santa Bedeker 082 772 7052 Hermanus agent
Paulette van den Bosch 082 349 8265
Rose-Marie Marais 082 877 6160
Hermanus agent
Hermanus agent
Jenny Pienaar 083 395 1664
Lee Ryall 082 457 4619
Onrus agent
Hermanus agent
Louise Momberg 082 553 0427 Onrus agent
Sandra Boshoff 082 873 0166 Onrus agent
Annali Durr 082 3236552 Onrus agent
to our Hermanus and Onrus teams
Congrat ulat ions
for their outstanding sales results this financial year.
• Over R130 million sold in the last 6 months • Onrus – Regional Branch Award (YTD) • Top GoldClub achievers: Rose-Marie Marais 2nd, and Santa Bedeker 3rd (regional residential sales YTD)
Algemeen General
2 October, 2014
10 SAVE 2
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Nescafé Classic Dawn Jar 200g
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Snowflake Cake Wheat Flour 2.5kg
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Ariel Auto Washing Powder 2kg, Liquid Detergent 1.5 Litre or Power Capsules 14s
Coca-Cola Regular 2 Litre
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Bulk T-Bone & Club Steak Mixed Pack
PnP 2-Ply Toilet Tissue 18s
PnP Strawberries 800g
Per kg
PnP Baby Potatoes 1kg
Bulk Braai Pack (Consists of: Tenderised Steak, Lamb Braai Chops and Wors)
Selected products on this page have been styled for photography
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What’s a braai without braai broodjies LISE BEYERS
Flora Light or Regular Medium Fat Spread 1kg Tub
) OOPS: Alda du Plooy from the Overberg Wheelchair Association (OWA) would like to share the following correction: The tiles used for the Waldorf School mural – by the OWA work group, Love Ability – were kindly donated by Sean from Global Stone. Both the school and OWA are very grateful for his generous contribution. ) HIPPO-HAPPY: We are especially privileged to live here in the beautiful Overberg with a unique biodiversity of plant life and animals like leopards, baboons and a lot more. I have been thinking, Cape Town has Zeekoevlei and the hippos were long gone until being reintroduced. Does the Overberg have any historical record of hippos in the area? Does anyone know? Some of our riverine estuaries really need a little enlivening and none of them are good places for humans to swim for a variety of reasons. Just a thought. Barbara Summerell ) Dates to diarise: 2 October – Overstrand Hospice Bridge drive at Fernkloof Hall from 13:30. Contact Dee on 028 312 4679. 11 October – Street collection - World Hospice Palliative Care Day.
What is a braai without a luscious braaibroodjie over the coals. And yes, almost as sexy as a man sporting a tight six-pack, your braai-broodjie should be just as tightly packed. The end result must be oozing with cheese, the tomato must be perfectly cooked and the onion must have a lingering sweetness to it. I often use a mixture of cheese for a braaibroodjie, a layer of mature cheddar, then about two tablespoons crumbled feta cheese and finally another two tablespoons of crumbled blue cheese. Then a layer of finely sliced ripe tomato, only a touch of salt and ground black pepper and finally, your sliced onions. Because of all the cheese, I do not bother to butter my slices of bread, neither inside nor out. But I do know that some people do not like the crispy effect if not buttered – but that is your choice. The sweetness of a layer of chutney or sweet chilli sauce does give new meaning to the braai-broodjie. The secret is to braai your sandwiches very slowly until the cheese almost oozes out. There are simply no shortcuts here. The coals are ready when you can hold your hand about 15 cm above them for ten counts. Then you turn the sandwiches every minute until golden brown.
Fernkloof workshop postponed
Stacey Farao, project panager, on behalf of Omega, the investment research company with Dr Denis Worrall as MD, advised they had to postpone the workshop as it clashed with the Hermanus Spring Flower Festival. “We regret the postponement very much as we had put together a top-class and exciting programme. Originally, our two organisations thought that holding the events at the same time would be to our mutual advantage. But that does not seem to be the case: two similar events like this is simply too much of a load for those interested to be able to support both. “Given that Omega has put a lot of work into this event, and marketed it very widely, we would nonetheless like it to happen and are therefore postponing it to 20 February 2015. We can’t do it sooner as we already have a very full programme in October and November with “In Conversation with TIKZ” - 9 October and “Nigeria/South Africa - Doing Business Together” workshop in Cape Town in November.”
Algemeen General
2 October, 2014
SKENKING: Personeellede van Hermanus Toyota het onlangs kos ingesamel en dit saam met ’n koopbewys aan Linda Daneel, sekretaresse by die Hermanus Nagskuiling, oorhandig. Die tydelike nagskuiling in Hermanus bied ’n bed en ’n daaglikse maaltyd aan 12 hawelose mense. Planne word egter beraam om ’n nagskuiling in Zwelihle te bou wat 22 mans en vyf vroue kan huisves. Hier staan Wayne le Roux, Johan de Kock en Lourens Smith by Daneel gedurende die oorhandiging. FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET THOUSANDS AT FLOWER FESTIVAL: Thousands of blooms, as well as people, were at the Hermanus Flower Festival, held last weekend at Fernkloof Nature Reserve. According to Deirdre Richards of Hermanus BotSoc (Botanical Society) it attracted over 2 500 visitors. What held the interest of many visitors, over and above the beautiful mass displays of wild flowers in the hall, were the in boards about plant explorers dating back to the 18th century, summarising their contributions to collecting specimens of the area’s floral wealth. BotSoc member Vic Hamilton-Attwell explaining the finer detail of the Erica species to visitors. Over 380 individually named botanical specimens were displayed in little white pots - kindly donated by Adriaan Hanekom who used them at the now discontinued Caledon Flower Show.
FAMILIEBRAAI: Die Hermanus Tafelronde het Erfenisdag saam met familie by die Old Boys’ Club gevier. Die vure het hoog gebrand en die kinders het lekker op die springkasteel baljaar. Hulle het ook die dag benut om ’n nuwe binnebraai in te bou.
CELEBRATING A FIT BRAAI DAY: The Run/Walk for Life club celebrated Heritage Day with a social gathering at the Old Boys’ Club after having completed their training on Wednesday 24 September.
INNER WORKINGS: Denfed Bruintjies from Whale Coast Conservation (WCC) explained the inside of an energy-saving house by way of a miniature Green House at the Exploring Energy Expo at the annual flower festival at Fernkloof. Advice was offered to homeowners on the technologies needed to become more self-sufficient energy-wise – be it by only keeping certain functions going during load-shedding, or completely independent from Eskom. For more information, visit The Green House on the road between Hawston and Onrus operates by using only alternative energy sources such as photovoltaic panels, wind turbines and rainwater tanks.
This group of learners from Lukhanyo Primary were as fascinated by this huge Great Dane (named Zorba) as they were by the trio of Alpacas present at the Flower Festival. PHOTOS: CILENE BEKKER
Algemeen General
2 October, 2014
Snuffels Furniture / Meubels
16 Mimosa St, Industria, Hermanus
Tel: 028 312 1802
Sophistication is less, not more – let us pay you and take the excess away! BARGAIN CENTRE
C/O Swartdam/Mimosa Street Industria 028 312 1261
Fridges, Stoves, Washing Machines, Microwave Ovens 028 312 4524
The bluegum baby warehouse We buy and sell new and used baby equipment and we are currently looking for baby equipment such as prams, strollers, baby-baths, monitors, breast-feeding pumps, camping cots, car seats, furniture, feeding chairs ect. Please contact us if you have baby equipment that you no longer use and wish to sell. André: 082 786 1089 Charmé:
HEMELSE WYNE: Wyne, nuwes en ou gunstelinge, van al drie benamings van die Hemel-en-Aarde-vallei was beskikbaar vir proe by die Marine Hotel se jaarlikse wyntentoonstelling, Maandag 29 September. Verteenwoordigers van die deelnemende wynlandgoedere was Fikile Pike, Hermanuspietersfontein; Hanli Grant, Ataraxia; Anne Wessels, Restless River; Talita Engelbrecht, Hamilton Russell Vineyards; Lizette Kühn, Bouchard Finlayson; Nichi Lambrechts, La Vierge; Bea Eillert, De Bos; Lisa Renzenbrink, Newton Johnson; Ruan Olivier, Domaine des Dieux; Pamela Gordon, Creation Wines; Pierre-Andre Rossouw, Whalehaven; en Daniela Messina, Creation. FOTO’S: CILENE BEKKER
Offer valid 08 – 31 October 2014. Arabella Golf Club will be performing hollow tining practices on 6 & 7 October 2014. Terms and Conditions apply.
Tee-off times are subject to availability. Book tee times on or +27 (0) 28 284 0105.
Nadine Rossi en Bruce Geddes, bestuurder van Rossi’s restaurant (nou terug onder die eienaarskap van Bryan Rossi) proe een van Bouchard Finlayson se wyne.
Verskeie restaurateurs, hotelbestuurders, gastehuiseienaars en toergidse van die Overstrand is uitgenooi na die wynproe. Hier ‘neus’ Bruce Henderson van B’s restaurant ’n Domaine Des Dieux-wyn.
Negester centre in Onrus on track The Negester Onrusrivier development, aimed at fifty-plussers, is well on target and the 50-unit care facility is scheduled to open on 1 December. The ATKV is the development partner and Elcare the care service provider. Elcare has been offering hands-on care services since 1997 and these services will be available to residents of Negester Onrusrivier’s own title homes and to its care centre residents. It is a registered nursing agency and is contracted by one of South Africa’s leading medical aid funds to offer home based care as part of an important third component of a coordinated care programme. “It is our vision to provide holistic health and support services to retirement villages to meet the expectations of a comprehensive health and personal care service for residents,” said Gerhard Lombard, Elcare’s managing director. Three care packages The packages include communal benefits such as a ladies bar, cosy lounge area with a fireplace, reading corner and hair salon. ) The Basic Care package starts at R7 500 pm* and includes a modern en suite living unit with a kitchenette, primary health service, weekly cleaning and laundry service, 30 nutritious three-course meals, DStv connectivity, intercom linked to the entrance gate to receive visitors and a 24/7 emergency
link to the nurses’ call station. ) The Assisted Care (R12 900 pm*) package includes the above plus personal care service and daily visits by nurses and care personnel. ) The third, a Frail Care package, is available at R16 500 pm* and includes a shared rent frail-care unit, plus the benefits of the Assisted Care package as well as a medical doctor on standby, medical aid benefits where applicable, and 24/7 care and supervision by qualified staff. According to Lombard, Negester Onrusrivier offers the best value for money with their affordable and comprehensive care packages. To view, or should you be interested in becoming a resident, contact Annette Meiring from AIDA at 082 560 2836 ( or Elmar van Tonder from Seeff at 081 534 5604 ( Or visit for more information. *Terms and conditions apply. Inclusive of VAT and levies. Excluding water and electricity fees, renting of parking bay, as well as costs for DStv-channels and supplementary services rendered by our care providers. Quoted prices are for 27m² living units (Basic Care and Assisted Care) and will be higher for larger units. Only 20 Basic Care, 28 Assisted Care, and 4 Frail Care packages are available.
Construction of the Negester Onrusrivier development is well under way and the care facility is scheduled to open on 1 December.
THURSDAY, 2 OCTOBER 2014 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316
Welcome to the
festival with the Executive Mayor, Nicolette Botha-Guthrie.
Message from Overstrand Mayor
whale factor
Welcome. Welkom. Wamkelekile! What a pleasure it is to welcome you all to South Africa’s one and only enviro-arts festival yet again. For the 23rd year running, Hermanus – hub of the Overstrand and the world’s best land-based whale watching spot – takes pride in hosting the Whale Festival. Of course, centre-stage belongs to the mammoths of the sea. But as much as we appreciate the pleasure they provide, we should not discount the efforts their less aquatic supporting cast put into organising an event that promises to keep young and old entertained from start to finish. There are those who will enthral us with their exhibits, those who will add to the festive vibe with their art and music, those who will feed and otherwise replenish us – and those who will look after our safety and well-being. To all of you, thank you for doing such a splendid job. Your dedication to upholding the standards we have come to associate with this event is much appreciated. May the memorable experiences of this wondrous occasion see everyone returning time and time again for yet another discovery of the Overstrand’s treasure trove. Geniet!
Whales ’n Wheels Classic Car Show
Cars from the early 20s and up to the 80s always attract attention. This will certainly be the case at the 12th anniversary of the Whales ’n Wheels Classic Car Show during the Two Oceans Hermanus Whale Festival this year. The show takes take place on Saturday 4 October from 09:00 to 17:00 at the Hermanus Primary School, and the gates will open at 07:00 for participants. The organisers are expecting about 250 vintage and classic cars as well as many new vehicles from every new car dealership in Hermanus. The school hall will host an exhibition of scale model cars, radio controlled helicopters and dream trains from Bloemfontein. Each year Whales ’n Wheels attracts motoring enthusiasts from all over the Western Cape. A show is being organised that will surpass last year’s that was acclaimed by many visitors as one of the best country shows they have attended. Selected vehicles will parade through Hermanus at 10:00, giving the public a view of what is on display at the show. Live music will spice up proceedings and catering will include a variety of food to satisfy any palate. Entry is R20 for adults, and admission is free for children under 12 years who are accompanied by an adult. Owners of vintage and classic cars at the show stand a chance of winning one of many trophies on offer. Contact organiser Piet Haumann on 072 488 5741 or email for more information.
Whale Festival helicopter flights Besides watching whales from the shore, why not view them from the air? Base4 Aviation, as part of the Hermanus Whale “Enviro-Arts” Festival, offers passengers the opportunity to view these majestic animals from above in a helicopter. When viewed from the sky, you not only see more whales, but you also get to view the cows and their calves in great detail. You will also be blown away by the sightings and breathtaking scenery en route from Die Plaat Beach, De Kelders and return via the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley. Flights will be scheduled on 3,4 and 5 October between 09:00 and 17:30, and will depart from Sea and Sand at Prawn Flats. Booking is essential. Contact Jarrett Booysen or Francois Koenig at or, or dial 021 934 4405. The flight duration is 20 minutes and takes a minimum of four people per flight. Base4 Aviation The cost is R1 200 per PHOTO: SUPPLIED person.
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Whale Festival Street Parade The Whale Festival’s popular Street Parade will take place on Saturday 4 October for the third year and all businesses, organisations, sporting clubs and community members are welcome to take part. The street parade will leave from Swallow Park at 10:00 and make its way along the coast past Gearings Point, Market Square and end at the Marine Hotel. The parade will follow the popular vintage car parade. The Whale Festival organising committee encourages young and old to participate, build a float, advertise your business or just be part of the festivities. The parade will include the South African National Defence Force together with the SA Army and Cape Highlanders drums and pipe bands.
Whale Festival Street Parade
Film fest and showcases ECO FILM FEST: The Eco Film Fest takes place from 3 – 6 October and films, trailers and short films will be shown at the Hisense Eco Marine Village, Gearings Point. There will also be a children’s corner, face painting, a live marine animal tank, educational treasure hunts and various live demonstrations. SANDF SHOWCASE: The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) will be displaying both static displays as well as over 10 defence vehicles, which can be explored. Vehicles on display will include the Rooikat, Ratel, Caspir, Samil and Mfezi Field Ambulance, just to name a few. On Saturday 4 October the SANDF will also offer a tour throughout Zwelihle, Mount Pleasant, Onrus and Hawston. OVERSTRAND MUNICIPALITY SHOWCASE: The Overstrand Municipality will showcase their achievements and ongoing initiatives in an exhibition tent at Gearings Point from 09:00 – 18:00 throughout the festival.
Arum Street, Hermanus
Tel: 028 312 2270 • Cell: 082 772 7657 Free 20 Point Check 30% discount on Wheel Alignment from 02/10/2014 to 11/10/2014
Strong music lineup ) JEREMY OLIVIER Jeremy released his first single, Serendipity, to ra dio, which became an instant hit. He then went on to record a four track E.P and released a further two singles, “It’s my time” and “What about now” from that E.P, both receiving enthusiastic response. He has written and arranged the theme song for the new SA Rugby mascot, “Bokkie” as well as “Sharkie” for the Sharks Rugby Team, and in 2008 Jeremy wrote and cowrote the original songs, Free Free and Sweet Love for an international ani mated movie, The Lion of Judah, which was re leased in the US in 2011. ) GOODLUCK With six number one hits, including Taking it Easy, Harlem, and Hop on Hop off, four international tours and over 350 live shows already behind their name, GoodLuck is making waves beyond bor ders. The group was nominated for three South African Music Awards, including Best Dance Al bum, Best Duo/Group and the coveted Record of the Year. ) MARK HAZE Mark formed his first professional band, 12th Ave nue, which is till operational today. The group re corded four albums, producing two charttopping singles on a number of respected radio stations. In 2010 he went to America where he won “The American Idol Experience”, a shortened daylong version of the television show. This experience en couraged him to enter SA Idols in 2011, where he finished in second place. Mark’s debut album
Where Angels Fear To Fly was released in June 2012 and has already had two respectable hits. ) LATE FINAL This band needs very little introduction as a superb entertaining act with a repertoire that goes from the Beatles to Kelly Clarkson and Pink. ) TRIBUTE Cliff Richard and The Shadows, as played by the band Tribute, are back at the Festival this year due to popular demand. This year they will also include some other hits of the 60s, 70s and 80s to get your feet tapping and relive the memories of yes teryear. Since the last festival, the band has re leased their first CD to much acclaim, featuring some of their favourite numbers and also including an Elvis and Roy Orbison song for variety. Music Programme: . Friday 3 October @ 19:30 – 20:30: Jeremy Olivier, and @ 20:45 – 21:45: GoodLuck . Saturday 4 October @ 19:30 – 20:30: Mark Haze, and 20:45 – 22:30: Late Final . Sunday 5 October @ 19:30 – 21:30: Tribute You will be able to buy food and drinks from partic ipating restaurants in the Two Oceans Music Em porium. Tickets can be bought at African Kingdom, 16 Village Square, Marine Drive, Hermanus. Con tact details are: Jeff Tanner at 028 313 2572 or, if available, will also be sold at the door for all three nights. The ticket price is R100 for Friday and Saturday and R50 for Sunday. There will also be live music throughout the day.
Late Final
VOËLKLIP - R4 700 000
Unique 5-bedrm home on 3 levels at foot of mountain with stunning sea views. Middle level: 2 covered parkings, 2 single garages, courtyard, entrance hall, lounge and main bedroom en suite on one side and mirror image hereof on the other. Downstairs 3 bedrms, full bathrm, laundry nook, staff quarters. Upstairs: open plan living areas & kitchen with north & south facing windows, covered patio with built in braai and pizza oven. Viewing deck (±80m²) with spectacular 360° views.
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VOELKLIP - R1 650 000
Full Title Duplex in a gated complex at an affordable price in Sandbaai, Hermanus (near main amenities and very well situated near the private Curro School). 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & single garage
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Web Ref: 578374 Marthie 083 776 6812
Web Ref : 634536 Marietta 082 569 6967
Whale Festival sporting events MTB Challenge: The Hermanus Whale Festival MTB Challenge will take place on Saturday 11 October at Curro Hermanus. Routes include a 50 km, 30 km and 18 km challenge. To enter online, go to Entries will close on Wednesday 8 October. Late registration will open at 07:00 on Saturday 11 October at Curro Hermanus. For more info contact Jan on 082 850 1062. Trail Run: The Hermanus Whale Festival Trail Run will take place on Saturday 11 October at Curro Hermanus. There are two distances: 20 km and 10 km. To enter online, go to Entries will close on Wednesday 8 October. Late registration will open at 07:00 on Saturday 11 October at Curro Hermanus. For more info contact Paul du Toit on 082 820 3331. Boxing Tournament: The Overstrand Whale Boxing Tournament will be held on Saturday 4 October at the Qhayiya Secondary School, Zwelihle from 12:00. All are welcome to attend. Cliff Path Night Run: The Cliff Path Night Run will take place on Wednesday 8 October and will start at the New Harbour all the way to Grotto Beach. There will be a 10 km and 6 km run and are limited to only 250 runners. To enter online, go to Online entries close on Monday 6 October. Late registration will be
from 17:00 at the Marine Hotel and the New Harbour. For more info contact Paul on 082 820 3331. Total Whale Half Marathon and Fun Run/Walk: The Total Whale Half Marathon and 6 km Fun Run/Walk will take place on Saturday 4 October at Hermanus High School and will start at 07:00. Entry fee for the 21.1 km is R60 and R30 for the Fun Run/Walk. Entries closed on 1 October. Late entries will take place on 4 October between 05:30 and 06:45. For more info contact Carina on 028 312 3760 or 082 823 8632. Bowls Trips Tournament: The Whale Festival Bowls Trips Tournament will take place on Saturday 4 October at the Hermanus Bowling Club. This will be a full day event and mixed ladies and gents teams are welcome. For more info contact Ben Butler on 084 802 0514 or 028 316 5038. Sporting Chance Coaching Clinics: The Sporting Chance Holiday Coaching Clinics for cricket and hockey will take place on Monday and Tuesday 6 and 7 October at Hermanus Primary. The different age groups are the tiny tots (4-5 years), juniors (6-8 years) and seniors (9-13 years). Costs are R280 for the tiny tots, R320 for the juniors and R350 for the seniors. For more info contact 021 683 7299 or email or visit
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
R7 500
R12 900
per maand*
per maand*
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R16 500
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per maand*
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Algemeen General
2 October, 2014
THE POACHER’S MOON A true story of life, death, love and survival in Africa by RICHARD PEIRCE CILENE BEKKER Did you know that rhino horn is valued between $65 000 and $85 000 dollars per kilo? Roughly, one horn can weigh up to 3,5 kg.
Richard Peirce at the Windsor Hotel where he and his wife Jacqui, confirmed nomads, spend six months of the year.
“This is more than gold, valued at around $43 000,” remarked wildlife conservationist Richard Peirce during an interview with him about his latest book The Poacher’s Moon. Peirce is better known as a shark conservationist. He is chairman of the Shark
basadzi media - career advertising
Conservation Society and the Shark Trust and has authored several books on the topic. With his latest book he tackles the horrors of rhino poaching. “After I learnt about the butchery of rhinos at three private game reserves in the Western Cape, I made it my mission to embark on a public crusade to raise awareness,” said Peirce. In the book you will get to know the life story of Higgins and Lady, two rhinos from the private game reserve Fairy Glen, who both survived a savage attack that left them hornless, and others who didn’t survive. Peirce recounts a series of
Book Times attacks and their aftermath in detail: the suspect police work, the shady characters, the wily ways the poachers embark on in their quest, mysterious happenings and death threats. Many conversations held with the lodge owners also highlight the measures they have to take to try and outwit the poaching mafia, and the trauma the owners have to endure,while having to still run a business. What makes this book find its mark, is Peirce’s telling of the story from a very personal point of view. The Poacher’s Moon is interesting, revealing, frightening, factual, and very
readable – and it hits home. The story is highlighted by many colour photos throughout, ending with a photo of Higgins and Lady grazing. ) The war against rhino poaching continues, and a procedure to curb attacks is being used. It involves injecting rhino horns with pink dye and poison (pesticide) which are X-ray detectable, making the horns useless to the clients of poachers. The last chapter in the book focusses on anti-poaching measures. Part of the proceeds of this book will go to the SA Veterinary Association (SAVA).
JUSTICE DENIED: The role of forensic science in the miscarriage of justice by DAVID KLATZOW DR ROBIN LEE Buyers of Dr David Klatzow’s new book should take the subtitle seriously. This is not a dispassionate overview of the field of forensic science. Rather, it is an impassioned plea to the reader to take note of a trend towards putting uncritical reliance on forensic evidence in trials. The author argues that we need to be aware of the myriad ways in which bad forensic science or the wrong use of good science, have led to miscarriages of justice that, in turn, have devastating impacts on the accused, witnesses, the police and even state departments. This cannot be a good news book, though it is undoubtedly good news that Klatzow has written it. He correctly points out that detection and forensic investigation novels, films and television series have created a completely unjustified belief in the certainty of forensic evidence. The average viewer of CSI or NCIS or Castle or even a reader of Patricia Cornwell or Kathy Reichs is left with the impression that good forensic evidence is easy to collect, can be processed simply and rapidly, gives absolutely definitive answers and is understandable by the average attorney, who can present it in court in a simple version that is understood by the jury (or judge). The book convincingly shows that this is not the case. In 20 very readable chapters Klatzow deals with specific types of forensic evidence, including blood spatters, blood stains, breathalysers, canine detection, cot deaths, eye-witness accounts, fraud, firearms as evidence, finger prints, hair analysis, handwriting comparison and paint composition. Cases discussed range from the historical (Crippen) to the Chamberlain/Ayers Rock case, to the murder of Ashley Kriel by apartheid security police, to the murder of Inge Lotz (by a person unknown as yet), to Jackie Selebi and Jacob Zuma. Klatzow shows also that even the best evidence can be defeated if police personnel are corrupt. He cites the case of the New York Police Department, where it was found “that lying under oath was widespread and condoned within the police department. It was even given a name: ‘testilying’ ”. The interweaving of information with stories and personal anecdotes make this book an easy read, despite its sobering message.
Algemeen General
THURSDAY 2 OCTOBER ) The Hermanus Bird Club is hosting an outing to the Paarl Settling Ponds. Meet at Onrus Trading Post at 08:00. Bring along a snack. Visitors wel come. Craig: 0 083 227 9003. ) Hermanus Astronomy Centre (HAC): monthly meeting with the topic “Geology of the Western Cape” presented by Ed Foster. Hosted at Sansa at 19:00. Information: 2 hermanusastronomy@ ) Die borduurgroep kom byeen by die De Wet saal van 09:00 – 13:00. Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday at Hermanus Golf Club at 12:15. Lyle: 0 028 314 1390/073 778 2777. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall. Henriëtte Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. All welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER ) U3A meeting: A full length version of Macbeth Part 1 presented by Allan Powell at 10:00 at the Catholic Church Hall. Allan Powell: 0 028 312 1251. ) Please join Friends of The Library at our cosy Bhuki Café coffee mornings every Friday from 09:00 – 11:30. A happy experience. ) Kolwyntjieteetuin by die NG kerk Onrusri vier. Van 09:30 – 11:30 vir net R20 (koffie/tee ingesluit). ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:15 – 09:30 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Kunsklasse word aangebied by die De Wet saal van 09:00 – 12:00. Estelle Valkenburg: 0 028 316 3522. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 12:00 – 16:30. Anneke van der Vlug: 0 082 923 9799. ) Official opening of the Stanford Art Stroll from 16:00 – 20:00. Visit the artists in home studios and the popup gallery at Coffee Corner. Stanford Tourism: 0 028 341 0340. Maps will be availa ble on the night from Stanford Tourism. Also open Saturday 09:00 – 15:00. ) Dans in die Sandbaaisaal om 19:00. R50 per persoon. Bring eie eetgoed. Kontantkroeg beskik baar. Musiek deur DJ Transkaroo. Oosie: 0 082 772 7657. FRIDAY – SATURDAY, 3 – 4 OCTOBER ) Seventh annual Clivia Show, hosted by the Overberg Clivia Interest Group (affiliated with the Cape Clivia Club). NG Church Hall, Hermanus, from 09:00 – 17:00. R10 per person. Miriam: 0 072 904 0415 or Felicity: 0 078 710 9485. ) The annual Orchid Show presented by the Walker Bay Orchid Society. St Peter’s Church Hall, Main Road, Hermanus, from 09:00 – 17:00. R15 per person and R10 for pensioners. Refreshments and orchids on sale. Patrick Donnelly: 0 028 316 4598/072 172 7436 for more in formation. ) The Hermanus Astronomy Centre (HAC) presents Sidewalk Astronomy (weather permit ting) at Gearing’s Point at 19:00. Information: 2 SATURDAY 4 OCTOBER ) Opera favourites concert with Mimi Coertse and Bel Canto Ensemble at the municipal auditori um at 19:30. Tickets cost R130 pp and R95 for pensioners. Bookings: 0 082 302 0037 or 2, or at Bellini Gallery: 0 028 312 4988.
Markies / Markets ) Saturday markets: The Hermanus Country Market, from 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. Die Hermanuspietersfontein kosen wynmark vind plaas van 09:00 – 13:00. The Market in the Garden at Hemelen Aarde Village from 09:00 – 14:00. Satur day Morning Market on the stoep of the Stanford Hotel from 09:30 – 12:00. ) Sunday market: The Salandra Country Market from 09:00 – 16:00 on the R43 at the Shell Service Station between Hermanus and Bot River.
2 October, 2014
) Stanford vier 101 jaar met die jaarlikse kerkba saar en blommeskou by die NG kerk, Stanford. Toegang is gratis. Musiek, hope stalletjies, katte bakverkopers en kinderaktiwiteite. Potjiekoskom petisie met ’n slagskaap as hoofprys. Skryf in (R100) by die kerkkantoor, 0 028 341 0966, of by Carlien, 0 072 337 1544, of koop kaartjies vir smul aan jou gunstelingpot van 13:00 af. Die basaar in die saal open om 10:00, maar die tente op die terrein is vroeër oop. ’n Fynbostentoonstel ling met die tema “Voëls van die Bybel” word van Vrydag tot Sondag in die kerkgebou gehou. ’n Feesdiens sal Sondagoggend plaasvind. ) Saterdagmengelmarkie by die De Wetsaal, Onrus, van 09:00 – 12:00. Ina van Rooyen: 0 083 451 6238. ) Single people, Afrikaans and English: are you recently divorced, a widow or widower? Is jy on langs geskei of het ’n eggenoot/eggenote verloor? Come and meet people who are in the same situa tion and receive emotional support, and maybe meet a special friend through the group. Informa tion: 0 076 115 7382. MONDAY 6 OCTOBER ) The U3A presents a talk on Richard Strauss,”His Life and Music”, compiled by Ron Thomson and Johan Radloff at 10:00 at Catholic Church Hall. Gert Claassen: 0 083 602 5254. ) The Overberg Quilters’ Guild meets at 09:30 at the De Wet Hall, Onrus. Guest speaker: Lubi Koorts. Block demonstrations. ) Walkerbay Stamp Club meets at the Hermanus Bowling Club at 17:30. ) Fiksheidsklasse word aangebied by die De Wetsaal in Onrus: Maandag 08:00 – 09:30; Woensdag 15:00 – 17:00 en Donderdag 08:00 – 09:30. Alida Liebenberg: 0 028 316 3994/082 783 5160. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Infor mation: 0 028 314 0662/072 230 9179. ) Linedancing at the De Wet Hall from 17:30 – 18:30. Maryanne: 0 073 469 9132/ 028 316 2625. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir will be practising in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Mar tin: 0 082 438 6008. ) Run/Walk for Life: Meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 17:30 at the Old Boys Club, Hermanus. Elna Botha: 0 072 640 6822. ) A group of walkers meets three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at 07:00 for walks of varying lengths. All walkers welcome. Lynn Frangs: 0 028 316 2007 or Arlene Ehren berg: 0 028 316 2037 for more details. ) Hermanus Astronomy Centre (HAC) presents Cosmology on the topic of Prof Benjamin Schuma cher’s series “Understanding Gravity”. Lecture 17 – Matter Tells Spacetime How to Curve; Lecture 18 – Light in Curved Spacetime. Hosted at Sansa at 19:00. Pierre Hugo: 2 pierre@her TUESDAY 7 OCTOBER ) The U3A presents a talk on Travel Destinations: Breede River Valley by Lettie van Zyl, the manager of the Robertson Tourism Bureau, at 10:00. Gra ham Palmer: 0 028 314 1167. ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, Northcliff. André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal, Dinsdae en Woensdae van 17:30 – 18:30. Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. WOENSDAG 8 OKTOBER ) Vrouelandbouvereniging (VLV) Hermanus kom elke tweede Woensdag van die maand byeen. Al mal is welkom. Elna Botha: 0 072 640 6822. ) The U3A presents a discussion by John de Gruchy on aspects of his book, Led into Mystery, at 10:00. Allan Powell: 0 028 312 1251. ) The South African Association of Retired Per sons (SAARP): monthly club meeting from 09:45 – 11:45 in the NG Onrus Church Hall, Berg Street. Guest speaker is Dr Robin Lee presenting on “The History of the Marine Hotel”. Ingrid: 0 028 316 2390/082 552 0655. ) Trimgimklasse by die Onrusrivierdienssen trum van 10:00 – 11:00. R30 per lid, R45 vir nielede. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oosthuysen: 0 079 322 0998. ) Fliek by die Onrusgemeente se Dienssentrum: Klein Karoo, om 15:00 in die anneks op die plat skermtelevisie. Slegs donasie. THURSDAY 9 OCTOBER ) U3A open meeting: Talk on “Supermarket Wars” by Doug Parker, consultant and expert on Shopping Mall Design and Economic Viability at 17:30.
OPERA GUNSTELINGEKONSERT: Mimi Coertse en die Bel Canto Ensemble tree Saterdag 4 Oktober (nie 8 Oktober soos voorheen aangegee nie) op in die munisipale ouditorium. Die vertoning sluit ’n verskeidenheid opera gunstelinge in. Kaartjies kos R130 per persoon of R95 vir pensionarisse. Die konsert begin om 19:30. Om kaartjies te bespreek bel 0 082 302 0037 of stuur ’n epos aan 2, of bel die Bellini gale ry by 0 028 312 4988.
Orgideë hou hom jonk ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
skadunet aard. En natuurlik, jy moet aandag gee.” Jan se gunsteling is die Cymbidium-orgidee Die jaarlikse orgideë-skou, aangebied deur die Walker Bay Orgidee-vereniging, wat meer aandag verg as sekere ander spesies. “Ek het een keer by ’n kwekery twee orgideë vind dié Vrydag en Saterdag van 09:00 tot gesien,” vertel hy terwyl hy na twee blomme 17:00 in die St. Peter’s-kerksaal plaas. wat byna-byna dieselfde lyk wys. “Hul name Jan Smit, een van die stigterslede van die het egter verskil en ek het gevra hoe dit kan vereniging, vertel van sy liefde vir orgideë. wees. Die vrou het gevra: ‘Hoeveel kinders is julle?’ en ek het “As pensioenarisse geantwoord, het ons iets nodig om ‘Nege’. Sy vra ons besig te hou om toe: ‘Lyk julle aljonk te bly!” mal dieselfde en So sê Jan wat die afhet julle almal gelope 20 jaar orgideë dieselfde nagroei as sy stokperdme?’.” jie. Jan het verle“Ek het 32 jaar tede jaar by die rug drie hartomlyjaarlikse Walker nings gehad en alhoeBay orgideëwel die ouderdom skou die kampinou begin kwel, is dit oen-beker sowel dié stokperdjie wat as die reserwemy aan die gang gebeker gewen. Hy hou het.” Hy het het in vroeër jareeds in 1986 afgetree. re ook albei dié Die belangstelling pryse gewen. het begin op 26 Janua“Hierdie korie 1994, op sy vrou, mende naweek Toekie, se verjaarsse skou gaan iets dag, toe sy ’n knol as besonders wees. present gekry het. Ek self sal twaalf “Later die jaar het plante uitstal.” vier van ons bymeVir enigeen kaargekom en die wat wil begin Walker Bay Orgideë- Jan Smit, ’n stigterslid van die Walker Bay Orgimet dié stokvereniging gestig.” dee-vereniging, by van die plante wat hy die naperdjie stel hy Twee jaar later is week by die orgidee-skou sal uitstal. voor: “Besluit die eerste orgideëFOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN eers of jy komskou gehou. “Die klub het ongelooflik gegroei en daar is mersieel of vir jou plesier wil groei. Elke soort nou baie meer lede. Ons kom elke derde het verskillende omgewings nodig om te Woensdag van die maand, om 14:00, bymekaar groei.” ) Dié orgideë-skou vind Vrydag en Sateren dan sal van ons lede of kenners praat oor dag (3 en 4 Okt) van 09:00 tot 17:00 in die St. dié plante. “Die geheim agter die groei van orgideë is Peter’s-kerksaal plaas. Toegang kos R15 per om die regte plék daarvoor te hê. Sekeres groei persoon. Vir meer inligting bel vir Patrick beter in die huis, terwyl ander beter onder ’n Donnelly by 0 028 316 4598 of 072 172 7436.
Oggend met Randall Wicomb ’n Lenteoggend word op 11 Oktober gereël ten bate van SOFCA, ’n instansie wat na verswakte bejaardes omsien. Randall Wicomb is die gaskunstenaar en is veral bekend vir die toonsetting en verwerking van die Griekwa-psalms en ander volksliedjies. Marjolijn Malan is ’n internasionaal gesogte blomkunstenaar, wat al vele nasionale en internasionale toekennings losgeslaan het. Randall sal van sy beste liedjies sing, terwyl Marjolijn die tema van die lied in blomme uitbeeld. Kom geniet ’n heerlike oggend met tee en verversings teen slegs R120 per persoon by die Grobbelaarsaal om 09:30 vir 10:00. Kaartjies kan verkry word by Karin by 082 612 3721 of 028 314 1725, of bel Dalene by 083 587 0676 of 028 313 0248.
Marjolijn Malan en Randall Wicomb
Algemeen General
2 October, 2014
Fun at the Whale Fringe Festival The Whale Fringe Festival, now officially in its third year, once again celebrates the arrival of spring, new life and the Whales in Walker Bay with a programme of music and entertainment in existing venues in Hermanus that mostly provide a year round platform for local performances. The Rivertones, Slow Jack, Manouche, Gypsey James, Money for Jam, Dave Knowles, Zwelihle Marimba, James Saunders, Wild Lettuce, Robin Auld, DJ Sharklady, Paige Mac and Jazz Band 24/7 are some of the artists performing at these venues: Tapas, Dutchies, Gecko Bar, Bientang’s Cave and the Fisherman’s Cottage Restaurant. The theatre production Koeked will also be performed on the wine farm, Moya’s Vinyard, which is situated 9 km out of Hermanus on the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley Road (R320).
Slow Jack
With numerous dance numbers, and just a sprinkle of drama, Koeked is a theatre production for the whole family. The Hidden Treasures Guide, another Fringe Festival initiative, takes one on a tour highlighting the unique shops, galleries, boutiques and eateries around Hermanus where you can enjoy personal, friendly service, unique products and fine fare. The Hidden Treasures Guide and the Music & Entertainment Guide are both available at outlets throughout Hermanus including guest houses, venues, shops and Hermanus Tourism offices, as well as on the website and Facebook. For further information follow us on Twitter @WhaleFringe, like the Facebook page or go to
Wild Lettuce
T&S Towsey & Strauss Attorneys, Conveyancers, Mediators, Facilitators, Deceased Estates & Trust Administrators
We are pleased to announce that Karen Towsey and Carole Strauss have recently commenced practising in partnership at Office No. 4, 4 Royal Street, Hermanus. Please contact them for an appointment and personal service on telephone number 028-3132639.
Office No. 4, 4 Royal Street Hermanus - 7200 Tel: 028 313 2639
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
Taxistaanplek vuil ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Hawston se taxibestuurders is ongelukkig met die diens van die nuwe kontrakteur wat die gebied skoonmaak, maar hul staanplek afskeep. Volgens die taxibestuurders het die voormalige kontrakteur se kontrak drie maande terug verstryk en sedertdien is die toestande rondom die staanplek haglik. “Dit was altyd mooi skoon en netjies. Sedertdien is iemand aangestel om die dorp skoon te hou, maar hulle werk verby die taxirank,” sê Brendan Temmers, een van die plaaslike taxi-bestuurders. “Ons het nou self iemand gekry om die plek skoon te maak, veral die badkamers wat in ’n toestand is.” “Die vorige man het seker gemaak die plek bly netjies,” voeg Gabriel Slabbert by. “Die plek is nou morsig. Ná elke naweek is daar glasstukke wat rondlê en die dromme loop oor.” Nog ’n taxibestuurder, Alistair Jacobs, sê dit is nie ’n onredelike versoek nie. “Dit hoef nie elke dag te gebeur nie, maar ons wil graag die plek netjies hou. Ons het navraag gedoen, maar het nog niks terugvoer gekry nie.” Die taxi-staanplek is die eiendom van Overstrand-munisipaliteit en by navraag is gesê hulle is bewus van die probleem en die aangeleentheid word ondersoek.
Gabriel Slabbert, een van die taxibestuurders in Hawston wys hoe die badkamers by die taxistaanplek lyk. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Wat gemaak as ’n ramp jou tref TENDER NO. SC 1525/2014
TENDER NR. SC 1525/2014
Tenders are hereby invited for the Supply and Delivery of Copying Paper and Printer Cartridges for a contract period ending 30 June 2017. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 03 October 2014, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus; Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30 upon payment of a tender participation fee of R143.00 per set. Alternatively the document may be downloaded free from the website: . Sealed tenders, with: Tender No:“SC1525/2014: Supply and Delivery of Copying Paper and Printer Cartridges for a contract period ending 30 June 2017.” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 5 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation issued by Overstrand Municipality. The closing date and time of the tender is on 17 October 2014 at 12h00 and tenders will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the Supply Chain Management Committee Room, HermanusAdministration. Tenders must be valid for 60 days after the closing date. Tenders shall be evaluated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and bidders may claim preference points in terms of their B-BBEE status level of contribution. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender, as it may deem expedient. Tenders are subject to the General Conditions of Contract and the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Overstrand Municipality. Please refer enquiries to Mr. JC van der Mewe at telephone number: 028 313 5027.
Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir die Voorsiening en aflewering van Fotokopieërpapier en Inkhouers vir ñ kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2017. Tenderdokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vr y d a g , 0 3 O k t o b e r 2 0 1 4 , b y d i e Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, vanaf Me. Rita Neethling, Tel. 028 313 8064 tussen 08h30 en 15h30 na betaling van 'n tenderdeelnamefooi van R143.00 per stel. Alternatiewelik mag die dokument gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk: Tender Nr: SC1525/2014 “Voorsiening en aflewering van Fotokopieërpapier en Inkhouers vir ñ kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2017.” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tenderbus Nr. 5 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die tenderdokumentasie verskaf deur Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die tender is 17 Oktober 2014 om 12h00 en tenders sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. Tenders moet geldig wees vir 60 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Tenders sal evalueer word in terme van die Voorkeurverkrygings Regulasies, 2011 en tenderaars mag voorkeurpunte eis in terme van hul B-BSEB status vlak van bydrae. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die laagste of enige tender wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie. Tenders is onderhewig aan die Algemene Kontrakvoorwaardes en die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuursbeleid van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Navrae kan gerig word aan Mnr. JC van der Mewe by telefoonnommer 028 313 5027.
Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso: Ukunikeza Nokuhambisa Kwa Maphepha Okufotokopa kunye ne Printer Cartridges ku Masipala wase Overstrand kanga ngexesha eliphela nge 30 Juni 2017. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoLwesihlanu 03 Okthowbha 2014, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand., eMagnolia Avenue, eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye15h30, usakuhlawula umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba oxabisa R 143.00 nge seti Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1525/2014: Ukunikeza Nokuhambisa Kwa Maphepha Okufotokopa kunye ne Printer Cartridges ku Masipala wase Overstrand kanga ngexesha eliphela nge 30 Juni 2017.” Ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no. 5 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala wase-Overstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 17 Okthowbha 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamashumi anesthandathu 60 emva komhla wokuvala. Ithenda zizakuhluzwa ngokomgangatho womiselo oKhethekileyo wokuFumana ka-2011 kwaye abanini bethenda banga funa amanqaku okhetheko ngokomgangatho abanawo kwi B-BBEE. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphantsi okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kaMasipala weOverstrand. Nceda nxibelelana no Nkosazana u JC van der Merwe kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 313 5027 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo.
’n Inwoner van Voëlklip was onlangs angsbevange en erg ontsteld nadat een van die vensters in haar woning uitgewaai het as gevolg van stormweer. Sy sê sy kon nie die polisie in die hande kry nie, die nooddienste het haar na die brandweer verwys en die brandweer het, volgens haar, gesê hulle kan ook nie help nie aangesien dit in ’n privaatwoning is. Sy het vervaard probeer om die wind met ’n matras uit te hou tot omtrent 03:00 die oggend. Haar hele huis is deur die wind omgedolwe en sy is in die proses deur die glas van die venster gesny. Sy is ook aangesê om in hierdie geval ’n privaat sekerheidsmaatskappy te kontak. Die vrou het by die Hermanus Times aangeklop om uit te vind wat ’n mens in so ’n geval te doen staan. Lester Smith, hoof van Brand en Reddingsdienste by die Overstrand-munisipaliteit het by navraag gesê dit is belangrik om te onderskei tussen ’n ramp, nood en instandhoudingsprobleme. “As brandweerdiens is dit ons plig om te reageer op enige ramp en noodsituasie, maar ons moet egter besef dat alle omstandighede nie noodgevalle is nie. Hierdie geval was slegs een huis waar ’n ruit uitgewaai het en volgens my mening is dit nie ’n ramp nie.” Sou daar ander huishoudings in die omgewing gewees het wat ook geraak was en dit die omstandighede so verander het dat dit die breë gemeenskap geraak of verontrief het, sou die brandweer reageer, aldus Smith. Sou dit ’n dak of enige ander struktuurskade wees, moet die brandweer ook reageer, aangesien dit tot gevaar kan lei vir die inwoners en die omgewing. “Die feit dat sy deur die glas gesny is, sou ek sê die inwoner moes die ambulans kontak. Indien geen ambulansdienste beskikbaar is nie, word die boodskap aan die brandweer oorgedra en ’n voertuig sal uitgestuur word om na haar mediese toestand om te sien. “Ek wil dus verder beklemtoon dat ons wel reageer op alle rampe, maar ons moet onderskei tussen ’n ramp, ’n noodgeval en ’n instandhoudingsgeval, soos in hierdie geval.”
Nuus News
2 October, 2014
BLOKFLUIT-WENNERS: Dié twee musiekleerders onder leiding van Jeannette Strydom van Kleinmond, is aangewys as wenners van die Senior Blokfluit-afdeling gedurende die onlangse Overberg Eisteddfod. Die leerders, Caitlin Stofberg, van Laerskool Kleinmond, en Chané Mehnert, wat tuisonderrig ontvang, is hier saam met, Jeannette.
Readers’ pics / Lesersfoto’s
These pretty spring flowers were spotted outside Seeff in Onrus by resident Morag Swanepoel, who couldn’t resist taking a photo. PHOTO: MORAG SWANEPOEL
Leo Benning het dié foto ingestuur van sy dogter se hond, Honey, waar sy in die water by Sandbaai baljaar om af te koel. FOTO: LEO BENNING
The owner of Plastics Etc and Gifts in the new industrial area in Sandbaai, Pam Campbell, took this photo of “the classiest homeless lady” in Hermanus. She puts on a different wig every now and then, and then graciously looks through the trash put out on Tuesdays. PHOTO: PAM CAMPBELL
Algemeen General
2 October, 2014
REGS: Dié groep vriendinne van Hawston Sekondêr (regs) lyk swierig in hul helderkleurige uitrustings by die skool se matriekafskeid.
ERF 727, PATERSONSTRAAT 20, HERMANUS, OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALE AREA : WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967 (WET 84 VAN 1967) EN HERSONERING KragtensArtikel (3) 6 van bostaande Wet word hiermee kennis gegee dat die onderstaande aansoek ontvang is en ter insae lê by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder/Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte, Overstrand Munisipaliteit en enige navrae kan gerig word aan die Senior Stadsbeplanner, Me. H van der Stoep, Posbus 20, Hermanus, 7200, (028) 313 8900 en by die faksnommer (028) 313 2093. Epos navrae: Loretta Gillion ( Die aansoek lê ook ter insae by die Kantoor van die Direkteur, Grondbestuur: Streek 2, Provinsiale Regering van die Wes-Kaap, by Kamer 606, Dorpstraat 1, Kaapstad, vanaf 08:00 – 12:30 en 13:00 – 15:30 (Maandag tot Vrydag). Telefoniese navrae in hierdie verband kan gerig word aan (021) 483 0783 en die Direktoraat se faksnommer is (021) 483 3098. Enige besware, met die volledige redes daarvoor, moet skriftelik by die kantoor van die bogenoemde Direkteur: Grondbestuur: Streek 2, Provinsiale Regering, Privaatsak X9086, Kaapstad, 8000, ingedien word op of voor Vrydag, 14 November 2014 met vermelding van bogenoemde Wet en die beswaarmaker se erfnommer. Enige kommentaar wat na die voorgemelde sluitingsdatum ontvang word, mag moontlik nie in ag geneem word nie. Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikel 17 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) dat 'n aansoek ontvang is vir die hersonering van Erf 727, Hermanus vanaf Algemene Residensiële Sone I na Sake Sone 3: Plaaslike Besigheid ten einde kantore op die betrokke eiendom te bedryf. Volle besonderhede rakende die voorstel is beskikbaar vir inspeksie by die Departement: Stadsbeplanning (Patersonstraat 16) gedurende normale kantoorure. Enige kommentaar op die voorstel moet skriftelik ingedien word ten einde die skrywer te bereik nie later as Vrydag, 14 November 2014 nie. AANSOEKER PlanActive Stads en Streeks Beplanners AARD VANAANSOEK Opheffing van beperkende Titelvoorwaardes van toepassing op Erf 727, Patersonstraat 20, Hermanus, ten einde die eienaar in staat te stel om die eiendom te hersoneer vanaf Algemene Residensiële Sone I na Sake Sone 3: Plaaslike Besigheid en dan om die eiendom vir besigheidsdoeleindes te gebruik. Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Posbus 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Munisipale Kennisgewing Nr. 58/2014 ERF 727, 20 PATERSON STREET, HERMANUS, OVERSTRAND MUNICIPAL AREA : REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 (ACT 84 OF 1967) AND REZONING Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3 (6) of the above Act that the under-mentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the Municipal Manager/Chief Executive Officer, Overstrand Municipality, and any enquiries may be directed to the Senior Town Planner, Ms. H van der Stoep, PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200, Tel No. (028) 313-8900 and Fax No. (028) 313-2093. E-mail enquiries: Loretta Gillion ( The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Director, Land Management: Region 2, Provincial Government of the Western Cape, at Room 606, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, from 08:00 – 12:30 and 13:00 – 15:30 (Monday to Friday). Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at (021) 483 0783 and the Directorate’s fax number is (021) 483 3098. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, should be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned Director: Integrated Environmental Management: Provincial Government at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, on or before Friday, 14 November 2014, quoting the above Act and the objector’s erf number. Any comments received after the aforementioned closing date may be disregarded. Notice is hereby further given in terms of Section 17 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) that an application has been received for the Rezoning of Erf 727, Hermanus from General Residential Zone I to Business Zone 3: Local Business in order to conduct offices on the property concerned. Full details regarding the proposal are available for inspection at the Department: Town Planning (16 Paterson Street) during normal office hours. Any comment on the proposal should be submitted in writing to reach the undersigned by not later than Friday, 14 November 2014. APPLICANT PlanActive Town and Regional Planners NATURE OFAPPLICATION Removal of restrictive title condition applicable to Erf 727, 20 Paterson Street, Hermanus, to enable the owner to rezone the property from General Residential Zone I to Business Zone 3: Local Business and to then use the property for business purposes. Overstrand Municipality, PO Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Municipal Notice No. 58/2014 ISIZA 727, 20 PATERSON STREET, HERMANUS, UMMANDLA KAMASIPALA WASE-OVERSTRAND : UMTHETHO WOKUSUSA IZITHINTELO, 1967 (UMTHETHO 84 KA-1967) KUNYE NOKWAHLULWA NGEMIMANDLA Apha kukhutshwa isaziso, ngokwemiqathango yecandelo 3(6) lalo Mthetho ukhankanywe ngentla apha, sokuba kuye kwafunyanwa esi sicelo singezantsi apha, nokuba kuvulelekile ukuba singeza kuphendlwa kwiOfisi yeManejala kaMasipala/iGosa loLawulo eliyiNtloko, uMasipala wase- Overstrand, kwaye nayiphi na imibuzo ingathunyelwa kuMyiliwe Dolophu, uNkosikazi H van der Stoep, PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200, (KwinomboloYemfonomfonoEngu Engu: (028) 313-8900) (InomboloYefeksi (028) 313-2093). I-imeyile: Loretta Gillion ( Esisicelo kananjalo kukwavulelekile nokuba siye kuphendlwa kwiOfisi yoMlawuli: kuLawulo loMhlaba: uMmandla 2, kaRhulumente wePhondo leNtshona Koloni, kwiGumbi elingu-606, 1 Dorp Street, eKapa, ukususela ngentsimbi ye-08:00 ukuya kweye-12:30 nango-13:00 ukuya ku-15:30 (ngoMvulo ukuya kutsho ngoLwesihlanu). Imibuzo eyenziwa ngomnxeba ephathelele kulo mba ingenziwa ngokutsalela kwa-(021) 483-0783, kwaye ke inombolo yefekisi yeli Candelo loLawulo ngu-(021) 483-3098. Naziphi na izikhalazo, ekufuneka zihambe nezizathu ezipheleleyo kufuneka zingeniswe ngento ebhaliweyo kule ofisi ikhankanywe ngentla apha yoMlawuli kuLawulo lokusiNgqongileyo Olumanyanisiweyo, kaRhulumente wePhondo, kwaPrivate Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, ngomhla we okanye phambi kwawo Lwesihlanu umhla we-14 ku Novemba 2014, kuxelwe lo Mthetho ungentla apha kunye nenombolo yesiza salowo ukhalazayo. Naziphi na izimvo ezithe zafika emva kwalo mhla wokuvala ukhankanyiweyo zisenokungahoywa. Kuphinda kufakwa isicelo ngokweCandelo le-17 loMthetho wokuCandwa koMhlaba oSetyenziswayo, wowe1985 (ISihlokomiso 15 sowe-1985) ukuba sifikile isicelo sakho sokuphambuka kokwahlulwa ngemihlaba kwesiza 727. Indawo yokuhlala nje yoku (I) e Hermanus ibe ngummandla wokuthegisa 3: Ishishini lommandla kuvulwe amagumbi eofisi kwisakhiwo esikhoyo. Iinkcukacha ezipheleleyo malunga nesi siphakamiso ziyafumaneka xa ufuna ukuzihlola kwicandelo labayili bedolophu elise (16 Paterson Street) ngeeyure eziqhelekileyo zomsebenzi. Nawaphi na amagqabaza onawo malunga nesi sindululo afanele athunyelwe ngembalelwano kulo mntu utyobele apha ngezantsi engadlulanga uLwesihlanu, umhla we-14 ku Novemba wama-2014. UMFAKI SICELO PlanActive Town and Regional Planners UHLOBO IWESICELO Ukususwa kwemiqanthango yezithintelo zolwakhiwo kwitayitile yesiza 727, 20 Paterson Street, eHermanus, ukuze umininiso awumise ngokutsha umhlaba ukusuka ekubeni nguMmandla weNdawo YokuHlala Jukelele 1 ube NguMmandla woShishino 3: Ushishino lwasekuHlaleni ze emva koko umhlaba awusebenzisele iinjongo zoshishino. Kwiofisi zikaMasipala, PO Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200 InomboloYesazisokaMasipala 58/2014
HAWSTONMATRIEKAFSKEID: Andrea Afrikaner en Marlo Jacobs was in geel getooi vir Hawston Sekondêr se matriekafskeid wat op 11 September by die skool gehou is. Haar ouers sê: “Jy is gemaak om op die waters te loop en die hoogste hoogtes te bereik.”
Cleo Burgess en Wilton Plaatjies in hul komplimenterende blou-en-wit uitrustings op die rooi-tapyt met hul aankoms by die skoolsaal.
31 QuizTimes drawing to a close HermanusTimes
Algemeen General
2 October, 2014
Yomelelani needs help with children’s books Yomelelani Pre-school in Zwelihle is in desperate need of children’s books. The pre-school provides care to children between the ages of three and six years and is open between 07:30 and 17:00, with a principal, teachers and carers who look after them during this time. The school provides a meal and snacks, which is prepared by their house aid. This helps these children to enter Grade 1 from Grade R, with a strong and secure base. Their grant has since been cut by the Department of Social Development and they are in need of some support. They are in dire need of children’s books to help improve reading skills. They also provide an after school care service to primary school learners from Grade 1 to 7 and these children also need books. Any children’s books that are no longer being used can enable the children of Yomelelani to improve reading skills.
The Hermanus Times QuizTimes competition, in association with Abalone Lodge, is nearing its end. The competition will close on 4 October at midnight with the 30th quiz question on our web site, Three weekly winners have already been chosen from the entrants. They are: Melanie Herselman, Eugene van Wyk and Debi Thomson. The fourth weekly winner will be
announced on Friday, with the final winner being drawn on Monday 6 October. The grand winner will receive a night’s stay for two, including a welcoming drink and breakfast, at the luxurious Abalone Guest Lodge with their beautiful views across Siever’s Point (valued at R2 420). For more information about the competition, visit our website or have a look at our Facebook page.
Verona Whale Sport and Music Festival The children of the Yomelelani pre-school are in desperate need of children’s books to help develop their reading skills. The Friends of the Library have supported them with a donation of R1 000 to buy Xhosa books. Support the Children of Yomele-
SHOWROOM: 21A Mimosa Street Hermanus Industria Tel: (028) 312-3767
Timber & Aluminium Security Shutters All Types of Blinds
lani by calling the principal, Chanelle Gumbi on 0 076 162 7995, to arrange for a visit or make a donation.
Sasihle Investment Holdings and Verona Trading will be hosting a Verona Whale Sport and Music Festival at the Zwelihle Sport Grounds on Saturday 4 October. There will be three soccer matches from 10:00 to 17:00 and live musical entertainment from 17:00 to 02:00. Domestic and international tourists coming from all walks of life will converge for the Whale Festival, and the plan is to use this opportunity
to encourage people to attend the event and watch the live performances on the day of the festival. The arrival of over 100 000 visitors to the area boosts the local economy as people book in at accommodation establishments and dine at local restaurants. Sasihle Investment Holdings, Verona Trading and its partners is using this opportunity to also promote entertainment in the area.
Algemeen General
2 October, 2014
DJs create a safe haven for the youth of Zwelihle ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN The new Zwelihle Youth Café offers children of the area a safe place to spend their afternoons.
The DJs from 5th Element provide a safe haven for the youth of Zwelihle with their new youth café in Thambo Square.
Besige Tandartspraktyk soek `n tweetalige dame met Rekenaar kennis asook Praktyk Bestuur as `n deeltydse pos vanaf 1 November of so spoedig moontlik daarna. Stuur CV's na Indien u na 2 weke nog niks gehoor het nie, aanvaar asseblief dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.
Real Estate Agents needed for:
HERMANUS and SURROUNDING Areas Agents with NQF4 Qualifications highly preferable STARTING DATE: December 2014
Contact: Wilsie 082 457 9698 or Alma 079 280 9069 E-pos: Faks: 086 566 4425
The café started as a base for a group of young DJs, who call themselves 5th Element, to practise and host meetings. “It started out as only a garage in Thambo Square, but we saw that we could do so much more,” says William Ntebe, one of the founding The members of 5th Element are Mzwandile Ndevu, Willimembers. am Ntebe, Fikiswa Gxamesi (who gave them the venue for Ntebe, together with Siyabu- the youth café) and Siyabulela Notwala. 5th Element’s lela “Siya” Notwala and Jevan fourth member, Jevan McGregor, was absent on this occaMcGregor, wanted to do some- sion. thing for their community. At the moment they have a room where They were later joined by a fourth DJ, children can play XBox and hold birthday Mzwandile “Zwai” Ndevu. They have been working with Fikiswa parties and the like. The local boxing club Gxamesi, a businesswoman from Zwelihle, visits every night to play with and teach the who gave them the garage to use and now youngsters. “We are hoping to expand the kitchen so an upstairs room and kitchen area where that we can become a profitable business. We they can expand the café. “We started in the garage on 16 June and don’t want to rely on welfare, but be sustainhave since started painting the area, tiled the able in our own right,” says William. They also need computers to help their visfloors and built some benches. “We are only open between 16:00 and 20:00 itors search for information, type up their at the moment, as we all have day jobs, but CVs and look for jobs. “We are using our own personal laptops we are hoping to be open a lot longer soon. “There is not a lot for children to do after at the moment, but we would ideally want a permanent work station so the youth can school, nor for teens and young adults.” 5th Element has approached the munici- come in and work whenever they need to.” 5th Element also provides DJs for various pality’s local development office and obtained brochures and information on topics local restaurants and clubs, which helps such as career choices, study opportunities, them to sustain the café. To assist the group in making their café elections and health. “There is a lot of information that goes a success or to make a donation, please call through this place,” adds Siya. “And every- William at 083 562 7509 or e-mail one, of any age, is most welcome.”
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SANDOWN BAY - R650 000 The most beautiful place on earth. Buy this 498m² vacant plot and build your dream home. This bird sanctuary has an intact, sandy beach where the Botriver lagoon flows into the sea. This plot has views over the lagoon and mountains. Only a stone's throw to the beach front. On the picture, the plot are on the right hand side of the brick-path. Visit our web page to view some pictures. Call Elna on 082 379 6897 or send an e-mail to: / Web Ref: 700860
The new Toyota Yaris: Own it
In profile, Yaris displays a new door belt moulding and door mirrors – the look is rounded off by standard 15-inch alloys across the range. QUICKPIC Toyota has invested 85 million Euros, engineered 1 000 new parts and spent 576 000 man hours refining the new Yaris. The result is a thorough visual refresh, inside and out, the adoption of upmarket cabin textures and materials, as well as a host of under-the-skin modifications to make the new Yaris a whole lot more desirable. “Assertive, contemporary styling with a distinctly European flavour and a feisty new attitude,” is how Glenn Crompton, Vice President of Marketing for Toyota SA Motors pitches the revamped hatch. “Yaris has always been a sound rational choice. But what we wanted – and feel we have now achieved – with the latest model, is a car that not only connects with our customers’ brains, but also with their hearts.” After exhaustive research conducted across several platforms including press analysis, customer clinics and dealer feedback, Toyota Europe identified three key areas where the current generation Yaris scored highly – outstanding roominess, powertrain efficiency and standard features, making it the smart choice. In the area of emotional appeal, however, there was room to improve. The focus was therefore placed on upgrading the aesthetics, most notably exterior styling and interior plastics, as well as honing in on driving pleasure by enhancing driveability, ride comfort and noise levels. A fourth element has been factored in and that’s value for money. As Crompton points out, “the new Yaris petrol models are arguably the best value proposition in the highly competitive B segment. Quality finishes backed up by a comprehensive suite of standard kit ensure that it stays ahead of the pack. Not forgetting, of course, the unique proposition of its hybrid powertrain – still the only
vehicle of its kind in this class.” Eschewing supermini stereotypes for a highly distinctive exterior, the new Yaris sees the most dramatic execution of Toyota’s contemporary frontal design language to date with sharp-edged detailing. The narrow upper and large trapezoidal grilles, a hallmark of Toyota’s current design, are present but the design twist is that they now merge at the point of the Toyota emblem to form a powerful cross shape. Another recurring design trait is the chrome trim bar which runs through the length of the upper grille into new headlamp clusters, tying the frontal elements together in a powerful, horizontal emphasis of the car’s width. The headlamps themselves use projector technology (Hybrid) for high and low beams and the clusters incorporate standard daytime running lights (LED for the hybrid). In profile, Yaris displays a new door belt moulding and door mirrors – the look is rounded off by standard 15-inch alloys across the range. At the rear, a new bumper design gives the appearance of a broad, lower stance, with an integral faux diffuser adding to the car’s more athletic road presence. The introduction of the new 2014 Yaris sees both versions – petrol and hybrid – sharing the same overall styling, with just a few subtle cues differentiating each powertrain. Ringing the changes are the aforementioned LED daytime running lights, front fog lamps and unique badging which identify the hybrid as the flagship of the range. Eight exterior colours are available, including new Avante-Garde Bronze Metallic (petrol models only) and Pacific Blue Metallic. Lava Red Metallic and Pearl White Metallic are Hybrid exclusive colours. The new Yaris is available with three engine choices – two petrol, and a hybrid. The full hybrid system, a first for this segment,
benefits from adjustments which have brought its CO2 emissions down further, from 88 to 82g/km. Extremely fuel efficient (3,6 litres in the combined cycle) and clean (virtually zero NOx and particulate emissions), this innovative powertrain is at the cutting edge of technology. Renowned for its near-silent running, comfort and easy handling, especially around town where the hybrid system allows the car to be driven for certain distances in electric mode, or with limited use of the petrol engine. The auto CVT-based transmission adds to the all-round smooth, quiet and comfortable driving experience. Yaris Hybrid’s powertrain features a fourcylinder Atkinson cycle 1,497 cc engine that is 50 mm shorter than the 1.8-litre unit used by Prius and Auris Hybrid; it is also 17 kg lighter. Its features include a cooled exhaust gas recirculation system, an electric water pump, a low-friction distribution chain, an intake manifold made of a composite material and a compact exhaust manifold. In a similar vein, the 1.33 Dual VVT-i petrol has undergone secondary modifications specifically aimed at reducing noise and vibration. When paired with a six-speed manual transmission the 1.3 Yaris is engineered to achieve the best balance of performance and fuel economy. Top speed is pegged at 175 km/h (the 0-100 kmh dash is dispatched in 11,7 seconds), while fuel consumption in the combined cycle fuel consumption averages out at 5,6 litres per 100 km. This powerplant is also available with Toyota’s Multidrive S continuously variable transmission. More compact and lighter than a conventional automatic, it combines an easy, comfortable and smooth drive with optimum engine torque control that delivers considerable fuel savings in city traffic. The system also provides a manual mode with seven fixedgear ratios that can be selected using the shift
lever. ) Pricing, service plans and warranties •1.0 : R167 900 •1.3 : R194 300 •1.3 Multidrive S : R206 500 •Hybrid : R276 900 Petrol models come standard with a threeyear/45 000 km service plan. For the hybrid version, it’s a standard four-year/60 000 km service plan. Please note that the hybrid has an additional eight-year/195 000 km warranty on the battery in addition to the standard Toyota warranty of 3 years/100 000 km.
34 HermanusTimes Ferrari 458 Speciale A: a new recordbreaking spider
BOLAND Auto Sold
2 October, 2014
QUICKPIC Ferrari is pleased to announce the Paris Motor Show world debut of the 458 Speciale A (A as in Aperta). The new limited edition special series is a celebration of the dazzling success of the various versions of the 458, a model that has collected an array of international motoring media awards and track victories, not least a double WEC title and category wins in classic endurance races, such as the 24 Hours of Le Mans, the 24 Hours of Daytona and the 12 Hours of Sebring. Dedicated to just 499 Ferrari collectors, the 458 Speciale A is the most powerful spider in Prancing Horse history, effortlessly marrying extreme performance with the sublime pleasure of drop-top driving. Its aluminium retractable hard top, which takes a mere 14 seconds to deploy or retract, helps reduce the weight difference with the Speciale coupé to
the 458 Speciale A’s sculpted forms are just 50 kg. absolutely performance-oriented. In The 458 Speciale A sports the fact, a series of innovative and origimost powerful naturally-aspiratnal bodywork solutions has made the ed road-going V8 engine ever built 458 Speciale A the most aerodynamiby Ferrari. It punches out a mascally efficient Ferrari spider ever. sive 605 cv (135 cv/F specific powThe 458 Speciale A is being preer output) and 540 Nm of torque at miered in a unique triple-layer yellow 6000 rpm yet only generates 275 g/ livery with a Blu Nart and Bianco km of CO2 emissions. The three Avus central stripe as well as fiveinternational Best Performance spoke forged wheels in Grigio Corsa. Engine awards the V8 has won are The cockpit has a distinctive racingacknowledged on a special plaque inspired look: lightweight yet excluin the cockpit. sive materials have been adopted The new car sprints from throughout and, of course, crafted 0-100 km/h in just 3.0 seconds and with Ferrari’s signature artisanal sohas a Fiorano lap time of 1’23”5. phistication. This is particularly true These superb results are thanks of the finish of the dash, the moulded in great part to its front and rear The 458 Speciale A sports the most powerful naturally-aspirated door panels and central tunnel in an active aerodynamics, the rigidity road-going V8 engine ever built by Ferrari.. PHOTO: QUICKPIC exclusive blue carbon-fibre (also used of a chassis that incorporates 10 aluminium alloys, and Side Slip Angle Con- by the seductively exhilarating signature Fer- for the treadplates) as well as the newly-designed seats in Alcantara© with contrasting trol (SSC), which guarantees unparalleled rari soundtrack. As is the case with all Prancing Horse cars, stitching and 3D technical fabric. sporty driving in all conditions, underscored
This powertrain upgrade continues the series of enhancements that has been made to the Volvo V40 Cross Country this year.
Volvo V40 Cross Country AWD receives upgrade QUICKPIC The Volvo V40 Cross Country will soon be available with Volvo’s superb new 180 kW T5 Drive-E engine with the added capability of AWD. “Volvo Cars is continuing to evolve the V40 Cross Country with this powertrain upgrade. The combination of the Drive-E T5 engine with AWD will give adventurous customers the power to explore, and all the control they need to be confident in all road conditions,” says Dr. Peter Mertens, senior vice-president Research & Development at Volvo Cars. With 180 kW and 350 Nm of torque, the Volvo V40 Cross Country delivers excellent power and capability. In addition to the new engine’s refinement and fuel-efficient driveability, Volvo’s new 8-speed automatic gearbox with paddle shift makes the Volvo V40 Cross Country T5 AWD Drive-E one of the most luxurious, stylish and capable cross countries on the market. Since the introduction last year, Volvo Cars’ ground-breaking four-cylinder Drive-E engines have been widely praised for their unique ability to combine power and efficiency with an extremely small footprint. The new Drive-E powertrain reduces the Volvo V40 Cross Country T5 AWD’s emissions to an impressive 149 g/km – a level unmatched by the Audi Q3 TFSI Quattro (179 g/km), the BMW X1 xDrive20i xLine auto (170 g/km) or the Mercedez-Benz B-class (SUV) 220 Sport 4MATIC DCT (156 g/km). This powertrain upgrade continues the series of enhancements that has been made to the Volvo V40 Cross Country this year. Other refinements / additions include new 19” Damara alloy wheel with grey diamond-cut rims, delivering not only extra comfort and off-road capability, but also less noise and added rim protection; a new exterior colour, Power Blue, as well as the updated on-board infotainment and navigation system, Sensus Connect, providing customers with a fully connected car. The Volvo V40 Cross Country T5 AWD Drive-E is expected to arrive in SA early next year. Full specification and pricing details will be confirmed closer to the time.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
2 October, 2014
HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.
WAVENE MOSES We mourn the sad passing of our daughter, sister and aunt. Will always live in our hearts. From the Andries, Andrews & October fam. Service at Home at Auntie Pansie's residence at 9h00 and 10h00 at Act Mission Chruch. IN MEMORIAM 1015
BRAINLINE REGISTERED TUTOR specialising in memory building study techniques for students who learn differently. Fun and interactive classes. Please call Jasmin 081 271 0400
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218.
VAN AS WILLEM Op 15 September het jy ons verlaat. Ons gaan jou oneindig mis. Liefde Suster Ria & kinders Meryke en André
PARTY/EVENT DANCE floor for hire. Black & white check. Phone Carol or Talitha 028 313 2769.
ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028CONGRATULATIONS 316 2461, Phil 083 456 1030 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos
LA DANé Danielle 072 253 3960 CAKES FOR ALL OCCASIONS
ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.
OVERSTAND HOSPICECare for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679
GUESS WHO'S 21? Happy Birthday. Lots of love. From Mom, Dad & Family
S.A. NATIONAL TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION-HERMANUS BRANCH The annual General Meeting of the above organisation will be held on Wednesday, 8th October at Mollergren Park, Main Road, Eastcliff, Hermanus at 10.00am. All welcome. Enquiries: 028 313 1958
SUGAR PLUM Party shop. Themed cakes, kiddies tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles etc. Purple shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.
MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311. FOR SALE
1677 1460
FOUND 1215
SATERDAG 4 Oktober is GUESS WHO'S 5 ON jou tweede verjaardag weg 02/10/2014! van ons. Die vermisting is nog groot maar ons weet u Happy 5th birthday. May God bless you many more. is op 'n beter plek. Van u We love you to the moon Vrou, Kinders en Familie and back! Love: Mommy & Daddy FUNERAL SERVICES 1025
PARROT (Cockatiel) found in Sandbaai area. Please call Juliet 082 928 9691 PERSONAL SEVICES CATERING & VENUES 1401
9m x 3m WENDY BEAUTY SENCIALS HYPNOTHERAPY. I am a HOUSE. Dismantled and SANDBAAI. All your registered hypnotherapy ready for collection. Jo 072 basic beauty treatments, student practising under 231 6212, R6000 at affordable prices. 028 the Institute of Hypnothe316 1813/ 082 722 0910 rapy. I offer all learners a FREE session of hypnotheCURVES WEIGHT LOSS rapy to improve their exam CENTRE with Evox Nutri- marks to help me fulfil the tion and 30 min Circuit for required practical experience prior to certification. your health. Call 028 316 Call Jannie Beirowski at 2211. Email: curves@her084 903 6030 now for an appointment MATRIC FAREWELL Spray Tan at Wellness TAROT READING: Over Emporium for only R190. 25 yrs experience. Phone 028 312 4743 Glenda 083 750 9453 for appointments.
(Mick) (Lofty) 26-01-1933 – 24-09-2014
A celebration of the life of Mick Palmer, who passed away on Wednesday 24th September, will be held at the Class Room Restaurant in the Hemel en Aarde Village in Hermanus on Friday 3 October at 11:30am. Loving husband of Sheila and wonderful father to Louise Erasmus and Laura Christmas and proud Oupa to Luke Erasmus.
Hermanus 028 316 1659
31/07/1954 - 30/09/2014
Die gedenkdiens vind plaas op Woensdag 08/10/2014 om 11h00 vanuit die NG Kerk, Hermanus Privaat Verassing Ons innige meegevoel aan die naasbestaandes. Reëlings deur: Anthea Woolstencroft
THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884.
LABRADOUR male cross, 10 Years old, very loving, urgently needs good home. Tel 028 341 0961 or 082 MY CAKE ANGEL. 899 1172 Cakes/cupcakes for all occasions. E-mail: COMMUNITY Call Tarryn Geyer: NOTICES 076 154 9612. View: 1210 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871
VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281.
Have you seen this cat? His name is Max and he’s lost. If you have seen him, please call Steve or Lin on 028 284 9558 or 071 447 6853
PHOTO & VIDEO SERVICES. Weddings, Functions, Parties, Concerts, Portrates. Very affordable rates. Bookings essential. Call Ben 072 293 6169
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
2 October, 2014
BAIE OU GEEL en Stinkhout meubels gesoek om te koop. Enige toestand. 076 312 1904
SOLOMON'S WINDOW CLEANING Services for domestic, commercial, industrial & construction sites. For free quotation phone Solomon 082 747 3640. Serving Hermanus since 1996. ELECTRICAL 1810
NOSTALTIQUES. Wanted: Antiques, Art, secondhand household goods. Steenbras Street 15, Hermanus Industria. 082 833 2567. ELECTRICAL & DIGITAL
DEFY TUMBLE DRYER 5kg for sale. Contact 084 744 4517. R1350
Complete IT and Computer Solutions for Home or Business. We offer ADSL Internet ( Best prices in town), Hardware and Software sales, Computer Sales and Training, Web Design and Hosting, Repairs and much more. Contact us for our price lists or a free quotation. -We are located upstairs from the Wine Village-. Email: Tel: Contact 028 316 3113 or 073 674 2775 COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pentium 4's from R1299,00. Refurbished with warranty. Call Dolf Uys 072 705 8577.
2 LIGGEWIG ROL STOELE. Goeie toestand R300 elk. Skakel 028 316 1879/082 416 3501. BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Rooikrans, Wattle en Bloekomhout. Call Danie 082 958 5749. BRAAI AND FIREWOOD for sale. Rooikrans, Bluegum, Myrtle. Contact Wayne Haman 079 484 0364 or ffprojects22@ BUY & SELL. We have excellent quality used furniture and appliances. Super Seconds 2 Arum Street, Industrial area, Hermanus. Opposite CocaCola. Between Adventure Centre and Port Scaffolding. 079 746 0830 ELEKTRONIESE SIGARETTE Vir al u E-Sigarette, ELiquid's, onderdele en benodighede. Kontak Ben Rossouw Sel: 082 726 8771. Tel: 028 316 4217. Branderdraai Str 11, Sandbaai, Hermanus of Martie Sel 072 644 2942 Gansbaai
COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite Gareth 072 656 6370 support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and nance. Call Andrea 079 707 Stock Tents is a stretch 2997. tent rental and manufacturing company FURNITURE KIAATHOUT tafels 3 1635 verskillende groottes, 12 sitplek, 6 sitplek en koffie tafel pas gemaak. Nuut. Aldert 083 739 9865
FURNITURE WANTED. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508.
OAK Diningroom suite. Very large table, 8 chairs & 2 extensions. Make me an offer. Call 083 399 8201 / 028 316 3070. PERSONAL POWERPLATE for sale. MY3 R15 000 O.N offer. New R29.500. Excellent condition, hardly used. Contact Laetitia 072 587 5651 WOODWORK Lathe (80cm. bed) for sale. Chisels included, R400. Tel: 028 316 2092. Cell: 076 879 3836
PETS 1660
BEAUTIFUL natured male Pedigree Yorkie puppies for sale. Looking for caring animal loving home. Contact Corné 079 425 6677
GARDEN AFFAIR. Offering full garden maintenance. Garden design & landscaping. Irrigation repairs. Plot clearing. Juliet Leppan 072 942 1260.
LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874.
REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195.
NEW OR REMODEL Building Drawings done, with New Energy Regulations SANS10400XA, CESA, NRCS, SAIA, WSP. E-mail: Call Jaco Sadie 072 281 9891
24 HOUR PLUMBING SERVICES. Qualified & PIRB registered. Gen maintenance, new installations, emergency services & bathroom make overs. Francois du Toit 083 308 0534
TRANSPORT OF FURNITURE & goods. HermaBLOCKED DRAINS. High nus, Cape Peninsula, pressure pipe & drain clea- Western Cape. PDP driver. Call Johan 076 253 3745 ning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323.
IRRIGATION Quotation for new irrigatiI BUY ALL MODERN 24 HOUR EMERGENCY ons. Service + upgrade on children & adult clothing, existing irrigations. Phone call out Electrician. No linen, shoes, kitchenware, Peter 082 603 8164 power, no hot water? curtains & fancy dress for Installation maintenance & Email: lotz.onrus@telparties. Call Carol 082 890 repairs: industrial, com5749. mercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 ZUKI'S GARDEN & Fore2017. stery Service. Alien plant clearing. Plot clearing. GarELECTRICAL and houseden refuse removal. Tree hold appliance repairs. pruning. Hedge trimming. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 Weed extermination, etc. 7480. Call Zukisani 082 711 ELECTRICAL: Break6102. downs, emergencies, maintenance, installatiMISCELLANEOUS ons, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, 1845 instant hot water sys101 SERVICES. Handytems, controlled geysers. man general. No job too No call out fee. Call 079 small. Best rates. Pensio706 1056. ners discount. 15 Years experience. Call Peter 073 FOR HIRE 157 2415. REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 1820 PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. GENERAL & 082 885 7480. HOME SERVICES Call 082 885 7480. 1ST PLANT, TOILET, SOLARMAX. SABS HUT, TRAILER HIRE. 24 HOUR SERVICE approved solar hot water Contact: CCS Plant Tool & systems. Free site inspecBUILDING & Trailer hire 028 312 2280. CONSTRUCTION tions & quotation. 17 Long 1801 Street, Hermanus. Tel. BUILDERS/EVENTS 028-312 1667.www. A1 BUILDERS. Project TOILETS, crane truck, 082 414 9611 Management Holiday container & offices to rent. House.- Alterations, NEW GEYSER WATER PUMPS. MechCall 086 100 2271 or 028extensions, new garages, GEYSER ELEME NTS Elect. Call 082 885 7480. 312 2367. REPLACEME NTS painting (in and outside), AAA MAINTENANCE. paving, decking. Roofs. PAINTING Painting, paving, tiling, Waterproofing. Call 072 damp proofing, water 306 1798. 1872 proofing, building & renoPAINTING, ROOF CLEAALL BUILDING WORK. BLOCKED vations, general mainteNING COATING. Free Alterations, renovations, DRAINS nance. Free quotes. Call quotes. Michael Haman extensions, boundry walls, GARDEN & Ian 082 535 5591. 028 316 1881 / 072 288 IRRIGATION paving, tiling & painting. Huw Jones 4761. 1825 ALUMINIUM ANGLO Call 082 255 0939. WINDOWS/DOORS. A BEAUTIFUL GARFRANCOIS DU TOIT Manufacture, supply, PEST CONTROL DEN. For full garden RUBBLE CONSTRUCTION & REMOVAAL maintenance, tree felling, install direct. Replace wooPLUMBING. Painting, 1850 den/steel frames. Average 1860 plot clearing and refuse paving, tiling, bathroom house completed in 1 day. makeovers, home mainte- removal. Also small remo- It pays to get our quote. vals. Gutter cleaning. Call nance, building requireMichael Haman 072 288 Morné 083 225 3712. ments call 083 308 0534 4761/084 558 1902. AFRI-LANDSCAPES. FREE QUOTATION for Landscape design, installa- CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY cleaning. Curtains draughting of building tion, irrigation and main& blinds. Call Allison or documentation for all tipes tenance. For professional John 072 572 0215. of building work: New buil- service contact Tony on dings, additions to existing 072 125 1855 or CARPET and upholstery and the compiling of "As- cleaning. Personal superviBuild" drawings of exiA & A BOME. Afsaag van sion. Best prices. Free quoPEST CONTROL sting works for legalising tations. Phone Top Carpets bome en takke, asook WALKER BAY. of unapproved structures wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot 028-313 0721. 19 Years experience in for Municipal approval. by Rooi-Els. Aldert en Aniresidential, industrial and You must have a set CINDY'S CARPET ta skakel 083 739 9865. commercial pest control. approved building plans of CLEANERS. Carpets, Specializing in beetle your property as required FYNBOS GARDENS. rugs & upholstery cleainspections and timber by law! Landscaping, irrigation and ners. We now offer house treatments. Registered Contact Johann at: garden maintenance. 15 cleaning. Cindy 083 270 with Dept. of Agriculture WE COLLECT garden Mimosa Street, Industrial 5385/028-316 4264. 083 452 1422 and SAPCA. Call our fri- refuse and Rubble and Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. anything that you want to ROMAN BLINDS. Do you endly staff on 028-316 ROSS CONSTRUCTION be moved within Hermaneed Roman blinds? 3010. N.H.B.R.C REGISTERED nus. Call Michael 073 016 Please call 082 449 8228 OVERBERG PEST CON- 1686 Alterations- ExtensionsTROL: Domestic and comNew Builds, Free Quotes. FLOOR SANDING & spe- mercial treatments. Prorossconstruccialized installation of fessional solutions to your 447 TRANSPORT & wood floors & timber pest problems. Beetle STORAGE 7594 decks. The Hutton inspections and timber 1870 Brothers 082 828 5627 treatments. Registered A STORAGE. Secure and or 028-341 0543. CLEANING with Dept. of Agriculture. dry units from R299 pm. SEVICES Phone Frank 028-312 2225 BUFFALO GRASS. Save Best prices. Transport 1805 or 082 563 9514. water, plant indigenous available. Call De Wet 082 EXCLUSIVE HOUSE grass. For the best prices, 439 9704. CLEANING SERVICE/ call Chris 082 568 2592. FOR GENERAL PLUMSKOONMAAKDIENS. STORAGE FACILITY. Personal full time supervi- FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: BING, MAINTENANCE, Opening soon in the Overfor professional irrigation Roof cleaning & painting, sion. Maintaining holiday berg. R600 per 35 m3 per exterior & interior or wall homes. Are you moving in and automatic borehole month on long rentals. interfacing systems. For a painting. Paving, wateror out, we can help. MonContact Dan/ Wilma 084 proofing & tiling. Call free consultation phone Sat Call 076 115 7382 375 2475 028-313 0295. Johan 082 216 7009.
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
2 October, 2014
TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering.
BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact Evan Rautenbach at 082 974 6995 or email us at: Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website:
R3000p/m. 1 November 2014 Golf Estate, nuwe 1 slpk, 1 badk, leefarea, kitchenette, eie ingang, parkering, tuin, Geen rokers, troeteldiere. Marietta 082 569 6967
A SOUTH AFRICAN lady looking for a job as a domestic, housekeeper or nanny. Honest and hardworking. Reference available. Call 078 675 4561
3205 3212
A ZIMBABWEAN Couple looking for a job. Two years experience in guesthouse work. Reliable and trustworthy. Fluent in English. Call 074 464 6059/071 843 3955.
GELEENTHEID vir leeftyd. Ekstra inkomste, geen verkope, maak verskil in gemeenskap. Sms naam, area, landlyn (indien het) en selnommer na SHAHREEN 076 593 7287
SPACIOUS room with bathroom, BIC, kitchen facilities, nearby hospitals, single person, R1870 pm W+L incl, dep required. From 1 October. Cell 071 292 6238 OFFICES
3290 2420
DIG INN TREASURES for sale. Town Centre. Contact Debbie on 074 189 2516
WENDY HUIS te huur. 4 Vertrek. Te Mount Pleasant. Skakel 082 894 6286. FOR SALE FISHERHAVEN: PLOT FOR SALE. 1.180 sqm. Corner plot with a beautiful view of mountains. Benguela Cove and Bot River Lagoon. Urgent sale: R265.000, Contact 072 455 6505
CALEDON: 282m2 kantoor- of winkelruimte te huur in die middel van dorp. Skakel Louise by 028 212 1154. Caledon: 282m2 office or retail space to let. In the centre of town. Call Louise on 028 212 1154
MARINER'S VILLAGE Plot & Plan from R975 000
DENI 084 436 2526
LOOKING for a neat house with good security to rent on a long term basis. House must not be for sale. Contact Elmare082 574 3380
AUDI A6 Winskoop. 2.6 outomaties 1996. R37000. 076 511 7957
A 38 YEAR Zimbabwean man looking for a job as a forklift operator, gardener, petcare. Computer literate. Ref available. All rounder. Call Takawira Hungwe 078 495 1377 or 074 022 9280 A MALAWIAN lady looking for a full-time job as a domestic worker, with experience. Ref. available. Please call on 078 759 9315 or 073 356 6804.
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.
ONE bedroom, full bathroom, open living, kitchen area, situated in quiet save area against the mountain. Contact 084 447 8899
WANTED TO RENT. Professional family seek 3 bedroom house, garage & garden. Pet friendly. From 1 October or 1 November up to R7500. Call 072 556 9266.
I'M SA Lady looking for a job as a domestic worker. Tuesday & Wednesday. Honest & reliable. Call 063 107 8281 Reference 082 411 5505. MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a domestic, house keeping or nanny work for 3 days. Ready to start anytime. Reference available. Call 084 628 5743 or 071 278 8144. MALAWIAN lady is looking for a job as housekeeper, babysitter or domestic worker. Call Ireen 084 389 4889 or 078 307 0710
MALAWIAN LADY. Hardworking & honest. AN HONEST and harwor- Looking for housekeeper or king lady is looking for babysitter job. Ref avail. work as domestic worker. 4yrs exp. Full time. Call 078 343 4012. Reference Eunice 079 033 5300 call Nicoline 084 582 1246 MALAWIAN lady looking for a job as a housekeeper A MALAWIAN LADY or shop assistant even two looking for full-time work, days as a babysitter, 074 as a childminder or house- 293 2051 keeper. Hardworking and experienced. Call 083 892 A MALAWIAN man loo6428. For reference 074 king for a job as gardener 402 4735 or housekeeper for Tues-
HARDWORKING and reliable Zimbabwean 29 year old lady looking for domestic work. 5 Days a week. Reference available. My cell 078 399 7395 I AM a Malawian lady looking for a job as housekeeper, 5 days a week. Please call Veronica on 073 317 2789
I AM a Zimbabwean lady aged 30. I am a hardworker looking for housekeeping or domestic work. I have 2 years experience with references. 073 074 3955 RENTAL SPACE available for Reflexologist or Masseuse in existing Beauty salon. Call 083 496 2281 for more info.
I'M A 36 year old lady looking for a job as a housegirl or guesthouse attendant. Experience 3years 078 551 3308
day & Saturday every week. Call Symon 073 908 4781. Reference: Mrs. Heyns 083 481 7979.
MARIAM a Malawian lady is looking for a job as a domestic worker, babysitter or guesthouse attendant. Please call 071 758 8103, with reference and experience. Reference call 072 229 6687 SA man looking for a job. Have a drivers license code 10. Please call 078 434 1062 TRUSTWORTHY MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job as a babysitter and domestic worker. 5 years exp & ref. Call Joice 078 735 6899/073 452 7348. GENERAL 3680
99% SAL NIE REAGEER op hierdie advertensie nie. Inkomste potensiaal deeltyds: Âą R24 000. Onmiddelike kontantvloei. Geen I AM a Malawian lady loo- deur-tot-deur bemarking king for domestic work for nie. Skakel Hein 072 807 A MALAWIAN man am three days, Tuesday, Wed- 8603/ kantoor 021 850 looking for a job as a hou- nesday and Saturday. 8184 sekeeper, gardener, guest- Reference available. Conhouse attendant or paintact 073 054 1095/ 073 ter. Work permit available. 744 1288 3 Years experience. Call Wingrer 083 764 8079. I AM A MALAWIAN Reference,Lamecu 078 545 man aged 31. Am looking 6004 for a job as a housekeeper, gardener or a cook. Call George on 063 042 8713.
AN HONEST & Hardworking Malawian man is looking for a job for only Sunday as a gardener or cleaner. Ref. available. Call 078 781 9867.
(26 YRS) Zimbabwean lady is looking for a job as a domestic worker, babysitter, housekeeper or as a guesthouse attendant. Has DRIVER with code 10 & got reference. Call 074 770 PDP looking for a full time 4630. job around Hermanus. Phone 074 868 1501 30 YR Zimbabwean lady looking for work as a domestic or babysitter for EXPERIENCED lady aged 32 looking for a full time days. I'm a hardworker. job as a housekeeper, Call 073 731 1393 babysitter or waiter. Refe31 YEAR old man looking rence available call 076 for a job as a waiter, pain- 481 6144 or 082 781 4762 ter, gardener or any other job. Reliable. Call 074 991 GOODNEWS SANDE 0407. Malawian man looking for a job as a housekeeper, A 36 year old lady looking gardener, waiter or porter. for work as a cleaner. I am Three years experience in a busy hotel. Work permit hardworking. Please call and contactable references on 078 270 3448. I am available. Contact me from Zimbabwe 071 029 8931.
TRAILERS HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www.
A RELIABLE and honest lady looking for domestic work. 5 Days a week. Reference available. Mrs Anthony 073 215 5119. My contact no 073 632 1637
Frank Matthee BESTUUR AANGEBIED Voltyds/ Deeltyds/ Aflos/ Konsultasie. Restaurant/ Deli/ Plaasstal/ Lodge Tel: 082 870 1187 MALAWIAN man looking for a job as houskeeper or gardener or any job. Call Rhoger 083 865 2349
I AM an honest and hardworking lady from Zimbabwe looking for a job as a domestic worker. I have four years of experience. I am good at all the domestic work. Call 073 071 2948/ 073 642 0378 ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for a job as a domestic worker. Monday - Friday. Trustworthy & fluent in English. Call Precious 084 682 2012.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
2 October, 2014
Black Birds haak net nie die knoop deur
CONTROLROOM OPERATORS needed for Hermanus. No criminal record, Matric, Willing to work shifts, fully bilingual, only SOB registered need to apply. Please email or fax CV's for Att: Anita. Email: Fax: 028 313 0252
Black Birds rugby-voetbalklub moes Saterdag tuis teen die Green Leaves-span van Worcestor speel, maar weens swaar reën was die veld onspeelbaar en die wedstryd is na Mount Pleasant verskuif.
INSTALLER/ OPERATIONS manager required. Knowledge of blinds, awnings, shutters etc recommended. Must have a valid drivers license and contactable references. Send CV to
Die wedstryd het nie goed begin vir die Black Birds van die Hemel-en-Aarde-vallei nie, en die besoekende span het na slegs twee minute ’n onderskep-drie gaan druk en verdoel. Ná heelwat bewegings deur albei spanne, het Green Leaves weer ’n drie gaan druk en verdoel. Enkele minute later kon die plaaslike span se Rodowan Phillips ’n strafskop oor die pale stuur en met harde werk deur die agterlyn,
slaag Phillips kort daarna ook met ’n skepdoel om die halftydtelling op 14 - 6 te staan te bring. Ná rustyd maak Warren Brown en Christo Daniel hul verskyning as plaasvervangers en dit dra by tot vinnige spel van die Black Birds. Die besoekers kry egter ’n skepdoel, wat die Black Birds aanspoor tot ’n deurbraak. Ná ’n pragtige breekslag deur Christo Daniel, slaag Jerome Marthinus, met Brown in sy binnekant, met ’n drie. Die tuisspan was aanhoudend op die aanval en met ’n taktiese skop deur sy kaptein, Saul Siegelaar, het Phillips met ’n fantastiese skop uit die hoek die bal oor die pale gesit en laat die telling sodoende op 17 - 18 te staan kom, kort voor die eindfluitjie. Ongelukkig kon hulle nie Green Leaves
WINNING ARTWORKS: This group of learners from Hermanus Primary School, under art teacher Cornelia van der Merwe, were the winners of Zero Gravity’s third term art competition. The learners had to draw a picture of a whale. At the back are Chanelle Marx, Tayla de Bruyn, Van der Merwe, Joshua Crowley and Leah Labuschagne. Jessica du Preez, Earnestine van Zeeberg and Lee-Marié van Riet are in the middle, with Kara Slabbert, Nathan Crowley and Lalibella Polea in front. Ciske Agenbag was absent. Zero Gravity sponsors the art competition each term, with a final winner at the end of the year.
JOIN my team today. Part/ Full time. Sell of cosmetic products for Avon/ Justine. Sms/ Whatsapp to 073 302 1463 JUNIOR position with basic elec and mech knowledge. Drivers license. 076 127 9489 NANNY RECRUITMENT AGENCY. Care Foundation Recruiting Nannies with SA ID and high school education. Send CV to Po Box 509, Onrus 7201. 071 404 8529 EXPERIENCED-SPRAY & HAND PAINT TECHNIQUE person required by established company. Basic salary up to R1200.00 p/w depending on experience. Phone 028 313 1008/ 082 495 5413
BLUEROOF pub and restaurant is seeking for kitchen trainee, manager, book keeper, bar tender, waiter,waitress. Send CV to
TWO POSITIONS available just outside Stanford. Front of house/ host and Chef de partie required for busy restaurant on wine farm. Send one page CV to
keer nie en eindig die wedstryd met ’n telling van 22 - 18 in die besoekers se guns. ’n Wen sou beteken dat Black Birds weer volgende jaar in die Grabouw-sone kon deelneem en die span was uiters teleurgesteld. Hulle het hul besoekers bedank vir hul ondersteuning, sowel as hul borge, Supa Quick, HiQ, Hermanus Nissan, Sumarige en Newton Johnson. Black Birds se volgende wedstryd is op 22 Oktober teen Stanford en Atlantic in die Mayoral Cup wat in Stanford gehou word. ) Kaartjies vir Black Birds se afskeidsfunksie, om 18:30 op 28 November, by die Moffatsaal is nou beskikbaar by spelers en bestuurslede. - J. MARTHINUS
Inspired Life MINISTRIES
All Welcome
Invites you for a time of Worship, & the Inspired Word of God Sunday @ 09am-10:30 am
Sandbaai Saal Main Rd
Cecil & Brenda James 028-316 3224
13 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS 028 312 2717
5 October 2014 Morning Services:
8.30 & 10am led by Lt. Col. Malcolm Forster
Sunday Evening: 6.30pm led by Rev. Dr. James Gray
PRAYER ON THE MOUNTAIN Rotary Drive – at the main lookout point. Saturday morning, th 4 October 2014 @ 7.00 am (Prayer Meeting to be held the first Saturday of every month.)
All welcome to join us in prayer for Hermanus, our region & country. ******************* United Church Hermanus (028) 312 2717
HERMIES VAAR UITSTE KEND IN SKYNHOF: Justin Inch en Kristhoff Krige het Hoerskool Hermanus verteenwoordig by die provinsiale Skyn-hofkompetisie wat in die Kaapse landdroshof gehou is. Altesaam 34 skole het aan die eerste, geskrewe uitdunronde deelgeneem. In dié ronde het die Hoërskool Hermanus reeds stof in die oë van die bekendste skole in die Wes-Kaap geskop. Die tien finaliste het daarna aan die mondelinge rondes deelgeneem. Dit behels die verdediging van ’n skyn-hofsaak wat deur landdroste beoordeel word. Kristhoff Krige en Justin Inch het hulle baie goed van hul taak gekwyt deur veral die onvoorbereide vrae wat aan hulle gestel is, uitstekend te beantwoord. Hoërskool Hermanus, Wynberg Girls High, Springfield Convent PVT en Grassdale High School is as die finaliste aangewys en gaan van 9 tot 12 Oktober aan die nasionale Skynhofkompetisie deelneem. GRAND WINNER: Earnestine van Zeeberg, a Hermanus Primary School learner, was announced as the overall winner of the art division of the Overberg Eisteddfod for her charcoal drawing of a bicycle. She received a cum laude certificate during the competition, which was held in Kleinmond, and was announced the medal winner at the end of the competition. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN CHOW LADIES AND ANOTHER IN NEED OF A HOME: A split family has led to this pair of 6-year-old female Chows being left homeless. They are lovely, friendly girls despite their odd names: Beast and Bear. They came in with their large mate Diego, a Malamute and are friendly, well-behaved dogs, who love their walks and are quite energetic. It would be perfect if all three could go together, but if not possible, the two chows must definitely be homed together. Contact HAWS on 028 312 1281.
NEED A HOME: Liefie is currently at Moorreesburg Vet and living in a cage. The vet is looking for a forever home for her, but will settle for a foster home. Just to get her out of the cage at the vet. The vet thinks that she has been abused. She has gained some trust in people and the team at Moorreesburg Vet think it would be awesome to find her a foster/forever home that will spoil her with all the love in the world? Contact Moorreesburg Vet directly on 022 433 4883 or contact Erika Senekal via Facebook or Danica on
Diego needs a loving home as well.
Sport Sport
2 October, 2014
Rolstoelbasketbalspelers 5de ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
ingesamel het om die res op te maak. Die span bedank graag weereens die plaaslike gemeenskap vir hul bydraes wat dit moontlik gemaak het vir die spelers om te gaan deelneem.
Twee lede van die Overberg Wheelchair Association (OWA) en die Greater Whales Rolstoel-basketbal-span het verlede week deelgeneem aan die nasionale Vodacom rolstoel-basketbaltoernooi wat in Potchefstroom gehou is.
) Die Greater Whales Rolstoel-basketbalspan is tans besig om geld in te samel vir Duran Albertyn, wat die Westelike ProvinFranco “Fix-It” Smith, sie Boland o.19-span by die plaaslike spankaptein, die Junior SA’s toernooi en Ickner Smith het die WP in Pretoria gaan verteenverteenwoordig en het in woordig. die vyfde plek geëindig. Hy het klere vir die Dit was vir albei ’n uittoernooi uit sy eie sak besonderlike ondervinding taal en moet verder ook elom tussen die beste spelers ke Dinsdag ’n oefensessie in die land deel te neem. in Belleville-Suid byFranco sê: “Die toer het woon, maar as gevolg van ongelooflik goed gegaan. finansiële omstandigheDit was ’n ondervinding de kan hy dit nie gereeld soos ek nog nooit in my lebywoon nie. we gehad het nie. Franco en Ickner Smith van die OWA het onlangs as Enigeen wat tot hulp “Die ander spanne is on- deel van die WP-span deelgeneem aan die nasionale kan wees, kan die OWAgelooflik sterk en meeste basketbal-toernooi wat in Potchefstroom gehou is. projekbestuurder bel by van hulle het spelers wat FOTO: VERSKAF 073 231 7445 of bel vir Franreeds vir Suid-Afrika op nasionale vlak verteenwoordig pus was ongelooflik. Mens kan sien co by 079 328 4907. Direkte skenkings kan gedoen hoekom die tuisspan so sterk is.” het.” Die lede van die span moes voor word by: Overberg Wheelchair AsVerder was hulle uiters beïndruk die toernooi elkeen R500 insamel om sociation, FNB Hermanus, rekemet die toer. “Die verblyf was net so fantasties. deel te neem. Met die hulp van ’n ningnommer 621 5289 5789, takkode Ons het elkeen ons eie kamer gehad anonieme skenking het Franco vin- 200 412. Gebruik die sleutelwoord nig sy R500 ingesamel, terwyl hulle “Duran Albertyn” en stuur ’n bewys en ontbyt is elke dag bedien. “Die fasiliteite by die Noord-Wes met die hulp van ’n boereworsstalle- van betaling aan owa@whaleUniversiteit se Potchefstroom-kam- tjie op Loslitdag (5 September) geld
Enter now for the sixaside cricket tourney The ever popular six-a-side tournament will take place on 20 December. It will be the 25th year that the Hermanus Cricket Club is hosting the tournament. The organisers are urging teams to enter the competition soonest, and are also looking for sponsorships from businesses or individuals in the form of prizes and vouchers
or cash. The entrance fee per team is R1 000, but if you can get a celebrity to participate in your team you will get R300 discount per celebrity per team.. On offer on the day will be a beer tent, entertainment for the kids, food stalls, promotions and live music. It promises to be a day full of fun, excitement, lucky draws, prizes and
most of all, cricket! The first prize will be a cash prize worth thousands of rands. To ensure your team’s spot for this tournament, pay your entrance fee as soon as possible. Entries will be based on a first come, first serve basis. Call 079 080 8600 or email for more info.
The weather stayed mainly dry despite the conditions across the bay and the pessimism of some forecasters (and DOGS!). Clever Trevor emerged from his recent slump to soar to victory. Huge slumped from his recent soar and just avoided last place thanks to the wonders of timing and arithmetic. Pat of the Bushveld
WHALE CLASSIC CHARITY GOLF DAY: The 12th annual PSG Whale Classic Charity Golf Challenge was held on Friday and the winners of the day were Stephan le Roux, Jonathan Meredith, Kevin du Preez and Theon Steyn. Their score of 96 secured them the R12 000 first prize of accommodation at any of the Village & Life hotels in the Cape. The golf day has helped to raise approximately R450 000 for charities in the area since the start of the competition 12 years ago. Seven charities benefitted from this year’s competition.
sloped off with his tail between his legs. 39 Trevor Vaughan; 38 Andre Franken; 37 Alan Smith, Jon Forsyth; 36 Gordon Wilson, Ian Newman; 35 John Cheesbrough; 34 Tony Hackett, John Tunstall; 32 Peter Theron; 30 Gary Wentzel, Fred Garrett; 29 Dave Smith; 24 Peter Thomas; 23 Hugh Frangs and Pat Dewil. DAVE SMITH
Kari Brice, organiser of the Golf Challenge, was pleased to honour Springbok Rugby Legend, Dave Stewart, with a lifetime membership of the Whale Classic Charity Golf Challenge for his contribution. Dave played in the very first game 12 years ago and has always competed, entering a team of Springbok Legends annually. Dave’s ex-Springboks team this year included Roy and Ian McCullum (rugby) and Roydon Pybus (golf).
Golf roundup with Julian Shaw One quick item concerning club maintenance – a normal course maintenance programme of hollow tining is underway so the greens will be a little sandy for a couple of weeks. This procedure is totally necessary for the longevity of the Hermanus Golf Club’s greens, and a reduced green fee is in place for visitors. Going on to the results of the past week’s play, starting with the ladies. 32 players enjoyed a 3 ball alliance on Tuesday, our winners and second place both having a super 80 points. Well done to Lynne Behagg, Hilary Dale and the ever youthful Lee Musgrove and well played but hard luck losing out on the count out to Marlene Gillomee, Pat van Renen and Carol Brownlee. Wednesday was Heritage Day and there were 107 players in the
A day of anomalies and clichés for the DOGS On 30 September the DOGS played an individual stableford (log) competition in Kleinmond. It was a day of anomalies, surprises, ups and downs, swings, roundabouts and, it appears, clichés. The greens still had more sand than the bunkers and longer grass than the fairways, but the scores were good nonetheless.
Whalers Athletics Club: ) Whalers AC race results, Cape Town Marathon, Sunday 21 September. Mark Kavanagh - 03:00:36 Jeremy Browne - 03:46:58 Wilhelm Cooper - 04:09:15 Richard van der Spuy - 04:12:38 Jan Gildenhuys - 04:27:09 Gavin Turner - 05:25:56 Hugh Waters - 05:41:20 John Theobald 5:41:48 Glenda Theobald 6:05:10. ) Whalers time trial results, 25 September: 3 km Runners: 1 Zidane Langston 14.54 PB; 2 Vusumzi 14.59; 3 Nolihle 16.12; 4 Shene 16.55; 5 Bernard Joubert 18.14; 6 Tiernan Ras 18.14 PB; 7 Hugh Waters 19.12; 8 Anna Panagoulias 19.12; 9 Nicole Engelbrecht 20.16; 10 Ronelle Coetser 20.16; 11 Cara Jansen van Vuuren 20.25; 12 Yonelani 20.35; 13 Sinalho 20.46. 3 km Walkers: 1 Melany Vaughan 25.58; 2 Willie Loedolff 25.58; 3 Hettie Hull 27.00. 5 km Runners: 1 Mark Kavanagh 19.04; 2 Serame Bekokobetso 19.35 ; 3 Daniel Maree 21.04 PB; 4
) Hermanus High School is hosting the Total Whale Half Marathon and 6 km fun run on 4 October. The event starts at 07:00 at Hermanus High School. R60 to enter the 21.2 km race, and R30 extra for a temporary license num ber. Entries for the fun run is R30. Preentries for the half marathon can be done at before 01 October. Late entries will open at 05:30 to
Kevin Middleton 21.04; 5 Roelof van Weele 24.10 SB; 6 Andre van der Merwe 24.17; 7 David Cupido 24.25; 8 Les Hanna 25.12; 9 Carina van der Merwe 25.12; 10 C J Mbomba 26.05; 11 Cedric Peens 26.05; 12 Petrie van Niekerk 27.18 SB; 13 Kyle Wilkinson 27.38 PB; 14 Johan Pelser 27.40; 15 Elsari Strauss 27.47; 16 Dewald Groenewald 27.47; 17 Norma Wheeler 29.51; 18 Hanna Joubert 30.41; 19 Ronel Bootha 31.09; 20 Joseph du Preez 31.11; 21 Wendy Harris-Jones 31.14; 22 Gavin Turner 31.31. 8 km Runners: 1 Christo du Plessis 33.10; 2 Frank Gillion 33.28; 3 Evan Austin 34.08 SB; 4 Mikki Milne 39.50. Bridge results: Wednesday 24 September: 1. Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 62.85%. 2. Claudine Bylsma / Jaye Howse 61.86%. 3. Joan O’Connor/Anneke van der Vlugt 59.72%. Friday 26 September: N/S: 1. Claudine Bylsma / Carren Emary 61.11%. 2. Jane McMorran / Val Velaers 54.50%. 3. Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 54.23%. E/W: 1. Lynn Beukman / Carol van Dyk 57.14%. 2. A & E du Plessis 54.17%. 3. Jaye Howse / June Opperman 53.27%. Monday 29 September: N/S: 1. Betty Nel / Joan O’Connor 60.19%. 2. Nell Naude / Tony Matham 55.79%. 3. Carren Emaray / Riekie Louw 54.17%. E/W: 1. Jenny Boyes / Dee Charton 62.73%. 2. Carin Verburg / Wina Loubser 57.41%. 3. Danie van Rensburg / Hennie Roux 52.32%.
holiday field, in a betterball stableford. The winners for the day were two real characters of our club, Pohl de Villiers and partner Henk de Kinderen on a super 48 points. Second place by a point went to two gentlemen both not backwards in coming forwards Rod Taylor and John Reynell. There were 4 two clubs and the ball pool paid to 44. On Saturday there was quite a bit of rain which threatened to end the game, but it turned out fine. The competition was a betterball medal and I had the pleasure of playing with the greens superintendent Malcolm Bromley, and together we managed to defeat our opponents. What a great game at a super course. The winners of the day on the south course were Chris Conroy and Jan Swanepoel on a terrific nett 60, and the winners on the red course were Mickey Milne and Jan Kuhn on nett 63. Ball pool paid to 63 and there were only 2 two clubs for the day. Until next week, keep calm and go golfing. 06:45 on 4 October. Medals for first 500 runners to complete the 21.1 km race, and first 300 in the fun run. There are also prizes for the overall win ners. For more information call Carina van der Merwe at 0 028 3123760 or 082 823 8632 or 2 ) Bowls Tournament at the Hermanus Bowls Club in celebration of the Whale Festival on Saturday 4 October (not Sunday) from 08:30. All day event and lunch will be pro vided. Entry fee is R80 per person. Call 0 084 802 0514 or 028 316 5038 to enter your team.
VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID / SALE OF BUSINESS Neem asb kennis dat R.M.BURKE die besigheid PROCOM HERMANUS oorneem in Oktober 2014 vanaf M.D.TERBLANCHE om voortaan die besigheid vir haar eie rekening te bedryf & sal handel dryf on die die naam ProCom Printers Hermanus. Alle skulde aangegaan & rekeninge verskuldig aan Procom Hermanus voor einde September 2014 sal vir die rekening van ProCom Hermanus/M.D.Terblanche wees. Please take note that R.M.BURKE is taking over the company, PROCOM HERMANUS, in October from M.D. TERBLANCHE & shall in future do business under the name of ProCom Printers Hermanus for her own account . All debts owing to & by ProCom Hermanus up to en of September 2014 shall be payable by & to ProCom Hermanus/M.D.Terblanche .
9 771608 589068
Golf Club’s Shaw is PGA Professional of the year JANHENDRIK COETZER Julian Shaw became the first PGA (Professional Golfers Association) professional in Hermanus to have won the Western Province PGA Professional of the year award, recently held in Stellenbosch. He was also nominated to take part in the National PGA Professional of the year award taking place in Johannesburg at an as yet unconfirmed date. Shaw has a fulltime job at Hermanus Golf Club as Head Professional for the past 10 years and also owns the golf shop at the club. For Julian all his hard work paid off in the end by winning this award. “You work hard all your life, and this award makes it all worthwhile. And without being biased, this is definitely one of the best courses in the country.” Besides being the Head Professional and shop owner, Shaw is also a golf teacher. “We run two junior programmes here at the club and al-
Anel Henn with her coach, Morne Bester, from Pro Cycling Coaching after winning the Resolution Health Ride the Rhino race on Sunday.
Julian Shaw with his certificate. so run clinics free of charge from time to time to try to encourage our elderly members to improve their game. “I serve on the greens committees, have a staff of nine and have successfully mentored three apprenti-
ces here at Hermanus to fully qualified golf professionals. And I also have another apprentice I am busy mentoring.” ) Julian writes the weekly Golf Round-up column on the HT sports pages.
Cameron Stoddart and Dave Jackson from Hermanus also completed the Ride the Rhino race on Sunday.
Henn wins Ride the Rhino
CURRO REPRESENTED IN 7S TOURNEY: Robert Payne from Curro was selected for the u.18 7s Boland team. He will participate in the South African Rugby Unions (SARU) 7s tournament in Kempton Park on 6 and 7 October.
Mountain biker, Anel Henn, finished in first place in the individual women’s section of the Resolution Health Ride the Rhino mountain biking competition last weekend. Anel, who trains with Morne Bester from Pro Cycling Coaching, says that the race was much more difficult than they anticipated. “It was a long race and we did about 90 km per day, over three days. The terrain was a lot more technical than I thought it would be, but as I am training for the Cape Epic next year, I think it was a really great trial run.” The Ride, and Race the Rhino, two mountain biking events,
were conceptualised with the single focus of increasing awareness around the disappearing Renosterveld region and answer the plight of South Africa’s rhinos. The three-day stage race called Ride the Rhino started in Langebaan in the West Coast on Friday 26 September and continued through Darling. The Ride finished on the Sunday in the Hillcrest Quarry in Durbanville. Two other riders from Hermanus, Dave Jackson and Cameron Stoddart, who also train with Morne Bester, also completed the gruelling three-day race last Sunday.