Hermanus times 03 04 2014

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Established 1949

THURSDAY, 3 APRIL 2014 | Tel 028 ­ 312 3717 | Fax 028 ­ 312 4316

Jou Koerant • Your Newspaper


WCC to disband...

Project to convert waves to energy under way 5 Art auction raises thousands for Hospice 6 Oues van dae kry swaar, skryf Cas van Rensburg 8

Almost 300 entrants from schools responded to Whale Coast Conservation’s call to participate in an art competition in support of Earth Hour 2014. From left: Delray Janse van Rensburg (WCC Eco­Schools coordinator) and judges Joshua Rossouw, Lize van der Walt, Beth Hunt and Lawrence Heron with the winning art works, which are on display at the Rossouw Modern. More on page 3. PHOTO: ROB FRYER

On 1 April Anina Lee, communications manager at Whale Coast Conservation, made this startling announcement in an email: “It is with regret that I have to tell you that, due to lack of interest in and support for the work of Whale Coast Conservation, it has been decided to wind up the WCC’s operations and disband the organisation. “A general meeting will be held on 22 April to ratify the management board’s decision in this regard.” The announcement from “Sadly Yours, Anina” resulted in horror and disbelief from the community. A call to “Sadly Yours” to confirm the decision, was met with laughter. Hermanus Times, like many others, had been the “victims” of a naughty April Fool’s prank.


Dertien skuldig bevind


Dertien mense is verlede week skuldig bevind op aanklagte van openbare geweld nadat die SAPD K9 honde-eenheid in November 2012 aan die brand gesteek is deur lede van die Hawston-gemeenskap tydens ’n “mini-oorlog” tussen hulle en die polisie. Die dertien beskuldigdes wat in die Strand Streekshof skuldig bevind is, is Mellsure Jacobs, Devon Poole, Morne Benjamin Essau, Russel Engelbrecht, Henzil Gillion, Daniel Charles Petersen, Paulien Sass, Juliana Arendse, Dorren Wyngaardt, Leeroy Figaji, Marco Andreas, Llewellyn Hartnick en Andries Gouws. Hulle is tot 18 maande tronkstraf gevonnis, opgeskort vir vyf jaar op voorwaarde dat hulle hulself nie weer skuldig maak aan openbare ge-

2013 2013 2013 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009

weld in dié tydperk nie. Hulle is ook ongeskik verklaar om vuurwapens te besit. Hawston het daardie Saterdag in November 2012 oorlog teen die polisie verklaar ná lede van die spesiale SAPD-taakmag toegeslaan het op vermeende perlemoensmokkelaars in dié gebied. Dit was slegs ure na Steven “Sai” Figaji (19), begrawe is nadat hy verdrink het. Figaji was na bewering besig om onwettig perlemoen te duik in Vermont toe die taakmag op hom afgekom het. Vriende wat saam met hom in die water was, sowel as sy familie, glo die taakmag het ’n rol in sy dood gespeel. Die jaagtog tussen die taakmag en die beweerde perlemoensmokkelaars het die gemeenskap woedend gemaak en hulle het soos een man op die R43 toegesak, bande begin brand en die pad vir verkeer versper.


Siebert Sunè Francois

072 822 9966 072 822 9996 082 929 5232

R 115 000 R 99 990 R 79 990 R 149 990 R 99 990 R 119 990 R 219 990 R 249 990 R 119 990 R 199 990 R 189 990 R 79 990 R 169 990 R 450 000 R 199 990 R 179 990 R 159 990 R 249 990 R 95 000 R 249 990

2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006

Lede van die taakmag, Hermanus SAPD, Overstrand se wetstoepassers en verkeersafdeling was vinnig op die toneel en die pad tussen Vermont en Fisherhaven is vir verkeer gesluit. Die handjievol beamptes teenoor die honderde inwoners, kinders inkluis, wat op hulle toegesak het, was in gevaar toe van die inwoners die beamptes deur die bosse bekruip en omsingel het. Die beamptes is sonder waarskuwing onder die klippe gesteek, gevolg deur geweerskote. Patrick Afrika van die Overstrand Verkeersdepartement se privaat voertuig is omgegooi en met ’n petrolbom aan die brand gesteek. ’n Gedeelte van die berg langs die pad is ook aan die brand gesteek. Hierna het betogers die Overberg K9-honde-eenheid aan die brand gesteek en verskeie SAPD-voertuie met petrolbomme bestook. ’n Polisiebeampte is in die oor-en-


weer skietery gewond toe hy die ses honde, wat by die honde-eenheid aangehou is, wou red. ’n Dertienjarige seun is ook in die skietery gewond. Die Overberg K9 honde-eenheid se lede is sedertdien dakloos en hulle hoop ’n nuwe perseel sal binnekort aan hulle en hul viervoetige vennote oorgedra word. Volgens luitenant-kolonel André Traut, ’n provinsiale woordvoerder, geniet die aangeleentheid oor nuwe akkommodasie dringende aandag deur die provinsiale kommissaris, luitenant-generaal Arnold Lamoer. ) Thirteen people were found guilty of public violence in the Strand Regional Court after the SAPS K9 Unit was set alight by members of the Hawston community during a riot in November 2012. They were sentenced to 18 months imprisonment suspended for five years.

R 179 990 R 259 000 R 99 990 R 109 990 R 189 990 R 99 990 R 99 990 R 139 990 R 159 990 R 84 990 R 175 000 R 109 000 R 165 000 R 179 990 R 159 990 R 139 990 R 119 990 R 399 990 R 179 990 R 79 990

2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2002 2001 2001 1998 1997

Dertien mense is gevonnis ná die mini­oorlog wat in November 2012 in Hawston uitgebreek het tussen inwoners en die polisie. Die honde­ eenheid, polisievoertuie en ’n amp­ tenaar se privaat voertuig is aan die brand gesteek en beskadig.




R 65 000 R 129 990 R 79 990 R 49 990 R 199 990 R 99 990 R 69 990 R 89 990 R 159 990 R 59 990 R 115 000 R 139 990 R 129 990 R 79 990 R 119 990 R 125 000 R 65 000 R 59 990 R 129 990 R 75 000

9 & 11 Arum St Hermanus Industria Tel: (028) 312 2676.


Hermanus Times

Nuus News

3 April, 2014

Gewapende roof in Botrivier skok ‘Watertoetse nie

ANNETTE THERON ’n Gewapende roof wat Vrydagaand in Botrivier in fase drie plaasgevind het, het inwoners geskok oor dié tipe misdaad wat nou in ’n plattelandse dorp voorkom. ’n Huiswinkeleienaar is twee keer deur ’n gewapende rower geskiet. Kapt. Gerrit Botes, woordvoerder van die Caledon-polisie, het by navraag gesê drie mans het Vrydag om 20:00 geld geëis van ’n huiswinkeleienaar in Botrivier. ’n Vierde man het glo buite in die motor gewag. “Die winkeleienaar het glo te lank gevat na hulle sin om die geld te oorhandig. Die een man het die winkeleienaar twee keer geskiet, een skoot agter in sy rug en een in sy nek.” Die mans het ’n bedrag van ongeveer R5 000 gegryp en na buite gehardloop en in ’n swart VW Golf met silwer “mags” gespring en weggejaag. Niemand is nog in hegtenis geneem nie. ’n Saak van roof en poging tot moord word tans ondersoek.

Walker Bay Active postponed The Walker Bay Active outdoor sport event, which was to be presented by the Sea-and-Sand Institute from 30 April to 3 May, has been postponed. Sparks Estherhuizen says he is postponing the event until next year at the request of the sponsors. To find out more about this event, which aims to promote sport and recreation in the Overstrand, contact Sparks Estherhuizen on 028 314 0252 or 083 273 8238, e-mail sparks@hermanus.co.za or visit www.sparkshermanus.co.za.

Botes sê die polisie het vroeër daardie dag huiswinkeleienaars in Botrivier gewaarsku om hul diefwering toe te hou en nie mense toegang tot die winkel te gee nie. “Ons het voorgestel dat hulle hul kliënte deur die tralies bedien om toegang te voorkom.” Terwyl die polisie besig was met die bewusmakingsaksie is hulle in kennis gestel van die voorval by die huiswinkel. Volgens Botes verkeer die slagoffer in ’n bevredigende toestand in die hospitaal. Botes het gesê dit is die tweede voorval van diefstal by ’n besigheid wat in Maart aangemeld is. Vroeër is nog ’n huiseienaar ook van geld beroof, maar daar was nie vuurwapens by betrokke nie. ’n Inwoner van Botrivier, wat ook ’n lid van die buurtwag is, sê hy is bekommerd omdat daar nie genoeg polisievoertuie in Botrivier beskikbaar is vir sigbare polisiëring nie. “Ons het egter goeie samewerking met alle inwoners van Botrivier, wat misdaad aanmeld. Ek doen ook ’n beroep op inwoners van Botrivier om aan te sluit by die buurtwag.” Peter Sinclair, ’n Botrivier-inwoner, sê

hy het gehoor die rowers is van buite Botrivier. “Dit wil voorkom asof hulle op soek was na ’n smokkelhuis en die winkeleienaar het glo nie gehad waarna hulle gesoek het nie. Dis vreeslik dat dié tipe misdaad nou ons dorp tref.” Thea Swanepoel, ook ’n inwoner, sê sy is diep geskok dat die rustige gemeenskap nou dié tipe misdaad moet beleef. “Ons Botrivier-buurtwag se voetpatrollies doen fantastiese werk – ons is so tevrede met hulle. Miskien moet daar uitgebrei word op dié patrollies ten einde misdaad te bekamp.” Quinton Williams, nog ’n inwoner, sê hy was Vrydagaand in fase drie en het aan sy twee vriende wat by hom gekuier het, gesê dit lyk vir hom so oproerig in die gebied. “Dis in dieselfde straat waar hulle laas die bobbejaan geslag het. Die mans wat die winkeleienaar geskiet het, het glo maskers opgehad en ek dink dit is lafhartig. Ons sal almal meer paraat moet wees en uitkyk vir mekaar in Botrivier.” Enigeen met inligting kan vir konst. Fezile Sisilana by die Caledon-speurtak skakel by 028 214 5660.

Youth arrested for murder A 38-year-old man was found dead at the Mount Pleasant sport grounds on Sunday at around 01:00. A 15-year-old boy was arrested in connection with the murder. It is believed that the victim, Clive Prins, was stabbed with a screwdriver. Police are investigating the incident.


John Mathew says: Gotcha! PHOTO: DAYNE NEL

We are opening a Trading market very soon at Salandra – Right hand side of Farm Stall & Coffee Shop on the Grass Area - very visible from the Main Road- R43 - and would like to invite you as a stall holder to participate if interested, in having a stall at this market or know of any other person that would be interested in having a stall at the market if so you could contact me on 072 339 3303 or028 3161860 email: chefrodney01@gmail.com to forward you the documentation.

WCFM fools listeners on 1 April

Times for trading would be from 08:00 to 16:00 on Sunday's

Tel 028 312 3154 Gateway Centre

Bring your items I will give you a TRUE and HONEST Valuation Then, take the best price for your items.

VERMIS: Hierdie 4­maande oue gemmerkatjie genaamd Diesel word sedert 21 Maart ver­ mis in Geldenhuysstraat in Onrus. Sy beste maatjie, ’n wire hair fox terrier genaamd Te­ quila, mis hom verskriklik baie. As iemand hom dalk opgetel het of enige inligting het, kontak Adelé op 083 330 6066.



DIXIE - Male med size Africanus X who we have had since small pup, now 8 mths & LAST CHANCE! He is gentle but still a nervous & sensitive boy.

DOMINO - 10 week old male J.Russell X whose mum died early, so been fostered in a loving home. siblings adopted.

(fee charged)

To adopt please call - 028 312 1281 / 076 963 2092

SADIE - grew up with us since small pup & now 9 mths. She is a lovely soft natured X GSD, petite like small fox. Bit shy but loving.

TARZAN - Yep this is what a Lab/Dashund X looks like! 11 mth old affectionate fella given in unwanted. Loves other doggies.

JODY is 14 weeks old but still

MAX - Handed tiny for his age & very much in in unwanted need of love. He is so cute this affectionate we cannot understand why male Colle X hasn’t been taken yet. has some Australian cattle dog mix. Very social & loves cuddles. Makes good family pet.



Whale Coast 96FM stopped broadcasting, or at least that is what they told listeners on April Fool’s Day when they switched over to 20 minutes of Springbok Radio after a long morning of fake goodbyes. “We received over 40 phone calls from concerned listeners,” says John Mathew, Whale Coast 96FM station manager. “And the reaction on social media was just astounding. It shows how important the radio is to people in the community. “We have renewed our broadcasting license and will be broadcasting another five years,” Mathew reassures.

korrek’ sê munisipaliteit

Overstrand-munisipaliteit eis ’n verskoning van Afriforum oor feitestellings wat gemaak is oor watertoetse in die area (Hermanus Times 20/03/2014), wat volgens hulle nie korrek is nie. Die munisipaliteit kon by Stefan Pretorius van Afriforum wat die toetse gedoen het, vasstel dat die toetse op 21 Februarie net na 10:00 die oggend gedoen is. Die berig meld dat die behandelde rioolwater van 100 dorpe getoets is, en bespreek dan verskeie “dorpe”, waaronder “De Mond (Hermanus)”. Pretorius het aan Hanré Blignaut, adjunkdirekteur van die Overstrand-munisipaliteit se ingenieursdienste, aangedui dat hierdie monster by Onrus geneem is, van water wat in die see inloop. “Dit blyk dus dat daar by Afriforum verwarring was tussen De Mond en Onrus,” sê Coenie Groenewald, OM se munisipale bestuurder. “Nieteenstaande hierdie verwarring kan geen watermonster wat by De Mond of by Onrus geneem is enige verband hou met Overstrand-munisipaliteit se behandelde rioolwater nie, soos wat in die berig geïnsinueer word nie, en hou dit ook geen verband met die departement van waterwese se amptelike Groen Druppel-program nie. “Overstrand-munisipaliteit gee aan die inwoners van Hermanus die versekering dat die E.coli vlakke in Hermanus se behandelde rioolwater voldoen aan die relevante nasionale standaarde, en dat daar geen E.coli in die dorp se drinkwater teenwoordig is nie. Daar is geen rede tot kommer by die publiek nie.” ) Julius Kleynhans, AfriForum se hoof van omgewinsake sê: “AfriForum het meer as 106 dorpe se water getoets, maar Hanré Blignaut, adjunk direkteur van ingenieursdienste by die Overstrand-munisipaliteit, het geweier dat AfriForum die water op die aanleg toets.” Volgens Kleynhans ondersteun die Overstrand-munisipaliteit nie AfriForum se veldtog nie. In ’n e-pos aan Kleynhans skryf Blignaut hulle is “onseker oor die nut van ’n tweede, klaarblyklik baie meer oppervlakkige program, en wat met die resultate beoog word, en is nie ten gunste daarvan nie”. Die OM sê dat “geen watermonster wat by De Mond of by Onrus geneem is, enige verband kan hou met OM se behandelde rioolwater nie”. Maar Kleynhans sê dat Onrus wel onder die Overstrand-munisipaliteit val, en dus is hul argument nie relevant nie. “Ons kan bevestig dat die drinkwater skoon is en ons wag dat Blignaut ons uitnooi om die water by die rioolaanleg te kom toets. “Ons soek oop deure om die water te kom toets. As daar dan gevind word dat ons verkeerd was, sal ons nie huiwer om verskoning te vra nie, maar dit is ongelukkig nie wat die toetsuitslae illustreer nie.”

Hermanus Times

Nuus News

3 April, 2014

Tribal Echo rocks Earth Hour


HEDDA MITTNER Whale Coast Conservation (WCC), generously supported by the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund, pulled out all the stops for this year’s Earth Hour celebrations. Not all went smoothly, however, as proceedings were disrupted by light rain and the electricity tripped in the middle of a performance by dancers from the Andriëtte Roux Dance School – well ahead of Earth Hour when it would have been a more appropriate time for silence and darkness to descend. Fortunately the problem was rectified, the rain soon let up and the show could go on. Nothing could dampen the enthusiasm of the crowd as solar lanterns lit the way for the Overstrand Minstrels’ procession and Andy van Aarde’s theme-appropriate songs reflected thoughts about the future of our planet. The highlight of the evening was when Tribal Echo finally took to the stage and entertained the small intrepid crowd with their “klipkop rock” and humorous social comment from lead singer Frazer Barry. After the event Barry tweeted: “We really had an amazing time on stage and in general!! Thanks for the love and support. Local is lekka!!” Anina Lee from WCC says it is a pity that more people were not there to enjoy the evening. Many of those who did attend, however, were disappointed that the establishments in the area did not switch off their electricity during the Earth Hour from 20:30 to 21:30, and that it was “business as usual”. “I thought that’s what celebrating Earth Hour was all about,” one woman said. “The organisers should have made sure that everyone cooperates in switching off their electricity for one hour.”

Lerm twin could be the next Mrs South Africa

Amy Friedman lit a candle to celebrate Earth Hour. Local band Tribal Echo were warmly supported during their Earth Hour concert on Saturday night. PHOTOS: HEDDA MITTNER From left are Rob Fryer and Anina Lee from WCC with Ap­ plewood Preparatory School’s art teacher Tina Beaumont, her daughters Isabella and Alexcia (winner of the primary school category of the WCC Earth Hour art competition) and Sheraine van Wyk from WCC enjoying the Earth Hour cele­ brations at Lemm’s Corner on Saturday. Former Hermanus resident Mirell Lerm Ventura could be the next Mrs South Africa 2014, following in the footsteps of her Mr South Africa title holder husband, Zino. He won the title in 2008. “I saw first-hand what a life- changing journey it was for him,” says Mirell. “I wanted to enter the pageant because I want to be the best possible ambassador for the Mrs South Africa brand.” Mirell, a former junior mayor of the Hermanus Jun-

ior Town Council and twin sister of Maxzell, is competing with 54 other contestants for the title. According to the directors of the Mrs South Africa Pageant its aim is to emphasise the positive role of married women in South Africa. “It is a phenomenal platform,” says Mirell, “which gives married women a clear voice and I want my voice to be heard.” The Lerm family moved to Hermanus when Mirell was

in her early teens and she matriculated from Hermanus High School. After school she married Zino and they moved to Johannesburg where she studied for a Bachelor of Business Science degree. The Mrs South Africa 20 finalists will be announced on 12 April at a grand gala dinner at Emperor’s Palace. . You can vote for Mirell as many times as you like by sending “Mirell Ventura” to 35959 at R3 per SMS.

New manager for Hermanus Tourism HEDDA MITTNER

Mirell Lerm Ventura, a former Hermanus resi­ dent, has entered the Mrs South Africa 2014 Pageant. PHOTO: BLUE CANTRELL

Celestè Scheepers has been appointed as the new manager of Hermanus Tourism and started work on Tuesday 1 April. It happened to be the same day that ticket sales opened for this year’s FynArts celebration, and in just a few hours more than 50 tickets had already been sold. “I have known Celestè for many years and am delighted to have her on board. She has lots of experience in tourism and knows the area well,” says Mary Faure, chairperson of Hermanus Tourism and coordinator of Hermanus FynArts. “I look forward to introducing Celestè to all our members.” Before her appointment Celestè had been with Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism for seven years, starting as administrator and later taking over as manager when Louise Fick left. She played a big role in coordinating the Big Blues Festival in Kleinmond which has become a popular annual attraction which draws thousands of visitors. Celestè originally studied clothing design and marketing, and says she only became involved with tourism after relocating to the Cape from Johannesburg. She has one daughter from her first marriage, Monique (18), and they have been living in

Welcoming the new manager to Her­ manus Tourism on Tuesday were, from left: Gardean Lucas, Mary Faure and Anneline Duminy. Celestè Scheepers is on the right. PHOTO: HEDDA MITTNER Kleinmond for the last 13 years. Celestè and her husband, Clifford Krouse, are now looking for a house in Hermanus. “I am very excited about the new challenges that lie ahead,” says Celestè, “but I am also a bit sad at having to give up my baby which is Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism. “Of course I have visions and ambitions for Hermanus Tourism, but for now my first priority is to find my feet as I have big shoes to fill. And with FynArts just around the corner, there is no time to waste.”

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4 Hermanus Times Overberg dalk sesde sportunie in Wes-Kaap

Nuus News

3 April, 2014

’n Nuwe oorkoepelende liggaam vir sport en kultuur in die Hangklip-Kleinmond gebied is onlangs van stapel gestuur toe ’n voorlopige grondwet aangeneem is en ’n bestuurskomitee wat verteenwoordigend is van die gemeenskap, aangewys is om hom in sy eerste formele jaar te lei. Voorsitter Willie August sê ’n mate van weerstand is met die grondwerk vir die nuwe organisasie ondervind vanweë die mislukking van die Hangklip-Kleinmond Sportfederasie enkele jare gelede toe die befondsing daarvoor opgedroog het. Die nuwe liggaam gaan staatmaak op die ondersteuning van die Arabella-gemeenskapstrust om vir hom befondsing te bemiddel deur skakeling met die munisipaliteit, die Departement van Sport en Kultuur en ander liggame wat in die Overberg betrokke is. Mark Philips, sportkoördineerder van die Arabella-gemeenskapstrust, was baie optimisties oor die moontlikhede wat samewerking met die munisipaliteit en ander liggame bied en het bygevoeg dat sportbeurse by universiteite vir talentvolle sportmanne in die gebied deel van die prentjie is. Rudolph Johannes, die tussentydse voorsitter van die Overbergsportraad, het die vergadering ingelig dat planne ver gevorder is om die Overberg van Boland af te stig en as ’n sesde sportunie in die Wes-Kaap te vestig. Saam met August as voorsitter van die nuwe sportkomitee is: on-

Vaandeldraers vir sport en kultuur in Hangklip­Kieinmond: voor van links Frans Mzayiya, Heleen Sliep, Willie August (voorsitter), Ayanda Tyulu, Me­ redith Coert, Rudolph Johannes (Overberg­sportraad) en Kobus Mike (De­ partement van Onderwys); agter André du Toit, Virgil Appel en Garth Fre­ dericks. dervoorsitter André du Toit, ’n plaaslike prokureur en verteenwoordiger van die krieketklub, die sekretaris Meredith Coert en die tesourier Heleen Sliep, gemeenskapsverteenwoordigers Ayanda Tyulu en Ian Koen, en sportkodeverteenwoordigers Virgil Appel (rugby) Francis Mzayiya (sokker) en Llowellyn Arendse (netbal). John Knight verteenwoordig die Hangklip-Kleinmond Toerismeburo en Fanie Krige is as ’n bykomende lid gekoöpteer. Uit hoofde van hul ampte is raadslede Lisel Krige en Philip Appelgrein deel van die komitee, asook Garth Fredericks, wat ’n trustee van die Arabella gemeen-

skapstrust is. Kragtens die goedgekeurde grondwet is die Sport- en Kultuurorganisasie die liggaam wat na die sport- en kultuurbehoeftes van die gemeenskap sal omsien en bystand aan alle sport- en kultuurkodes sal bied. Enigeen wat voldoen aan die organisasie se vereistes vir lidmaatskap is welkom om by die organisasie aan te sluit. Een van die eerste projekte van die organisasie is om vir die Saterdag in die Paasnaweek ’n gemeenskapsportdag te organiseer, het August gesê. – FANIE KRIGE

Council Snippets idated and rezoned to light industrial, while Mussel Road will be closed off. A site development plan will have to be submitted for approval before any building plan may be submitted. The project was identified by the Overstrand Municipality to create development opportunities in order to alleviate unemployment within its jurisdiction area and to promote optimal utilisation of the erven to address its policy on densification within the town. ) Council also resolved to pay an amount of R400 000 to the Hermanus Sports Club to be used to build walls and structures to se-

cure the existing structure and to prevent any damage as a result of sagging and lack of supporting walls. Work on this development has been unable to progress as the once-off grant-in-aid of R6,5 million towards the Hermanus Sports Committee for the relocation of the clubhouse, tennis and squash courts depended on the income derived from the transfer of Sandbaai Commonage. To date this property could not be sold and therefore no funds could be made available for the sports development. It was resolved that the amount of R400 000 be regarded as part payment of the R6,5 million.


At the council meeting of the Overstrand Municipality on 20 March the rezoning of seven erven along Main Road and down Mussel Road were approved, as well as a payment of R400 000 to the Hermanus Sports Club. ) Five of the erven are situated opposite the Mussel Centre and are owned by the municipality. They currently house offices of municipal departments such as traffic, law enforcement and fire and rescue. The other two erven are currently zoned public open spaces, the largest of which is the site that was used by the circus in the past. These erven will now be consol-

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Elzette Nell, Wyksraadslid vir Wyk 13 (On­ rus/Vermont), Burgemeester Nicolette Botha­ Guthrie en Noekie en Willem Fourie by die driehoek­tuin op die hoek van Viljoen­ en Radynstraat in Onrus.

Annalise Retief by die Hennie Henn­speel­ park se tuin in Roomestraat, Onrus.

Onrus­inwoners bedank vir mooi openbare tuine JAN-HENDRIK COETZER By ’n onlangse besoek deur die burgemeester, Nicolette BothaGuthrie, aan twee tuine op munisipale grond in Onrusrivier, wat hoofsaaklik deur inwoners self onderhou word, het dit duidelik geword dat deur saam te werk, die omgewing rondom jou behoorlik kan “blom”. Twee van die inwoners, Willem en Noekie Fourie, het dit op hulself geneem om na die driehoek-tuin op die hoek van Viljoen- en Radynstraat om te sien. Nie net blomme en plante nie, maar ook groente soos spinasie, pampoen, mielies en tamaties groei weelderig in die tuin. Volgens Noekie is dit vir haar en haar man ’n plesier om daagliks groente en plantjies te plant en die tuin skoon en netjies te hou. “As almal kan ingryp en hul klein deeltjie doen, wys dit net vir jou watter verskil ’n mens in

jou gemeenskap kan maak deur jou omgewing mooi te hou.” Nog ’n inwoner, Annalise Retief, wat oorkant die Hennie Henn-speelpark in Roomestraat woon, hou al vir die afgelope vier en ’n half jaar die park se tuin in stand. “Dit is vir my vreeslik lekker om na die tuin om te sien, maar dit sou nie moontlik gewees het as die Overstrand-munisipaliteit, Onrus-belastingbetalersvereniging en Deon Louw, die skoonmaakkontrakteur vir Wyk 13, asook van die inwoners nie gehelp het nie. Die burgemeester het die inwoners bedank vir hul inisiatief om die omgewing ’n beter en mooier plek te maak. “Deur mense wat self ’n poging aanwend om tuine en parke meer aantreklik te maak en die area skoon te hou, spaar dit die munisipaliteit baie geld wat aan ander noodsaaklike dienste bestee kan word,” het Botha-Guthrie gesê.

Hermanus Times

Nuus News

3 April, 2014

Construction for wave energy project to begin soon KERRY VAN RENSBURG The wave energy converter project, initiated by Abagold as a practical solution to decrease their overall energy bill, has been under way for almost six months already. Marius Hugo, managing director of Mean Sea Level (MSL), and the younger son of Dr Pierre Hugo, founder of Abagold and the brains behind the alternative energy plan and Wave Energy Converter, has been tasked with implementing this clean energy initiative. Marius says: “We established Mean Sea Level – a new company jointly owned by Abagold and independent shareholders – to focus on providing clean energy, not necessarily just for Abagold or the aquaculture industry. All industries are re-looking at how they use energy, as the government wants us to use and source energy as efficiently as possible.” Marius is an engineer and has spent the past two and-a-half years in Switzerland. He has experience in wind and solar energy and the financing of clean energy solutions. When Abagold’s EIA for the Wave Energy Converter project came through, he decided to come back home so he could get involved in the project.

He says Abagold’s alternative energy plan consists of two projects: A hydro-electric energy recovery project situated in front of the Harbour Rock restaurant, and the Wave Energy Converter (WEC) pilot project under way at Abagold’s sea front abalone farm. Marius explains that the energy recovery project uses turbines, which is “pretty standard technology”, and will be locally manufactured. “The water Abagold is pumping from the ocean to the farm is first filtered before it goes to the abalone tanks. This same water going back to the ocean will be used by MSL to generate electricity, that’s why we call it energy recovery.” Water from the farm gushes back into the sea with tremendous force. “There is a lot of power rushing out into the ocean. Abagold spends a great deal of money pumping the water; so we may as well use it.” At Abagold’s harbour side sea front area, a lot of preparation work and infrastructure have been put in place for the construction of the WEC. A large steel gantry – a temporary structure – has been completed so that construction of a dam wall built into a section of the sea front, can begin. The gantry will be used to get the enormous concrete WEC units, which are 4 m x 4 m building blocks, moved and lowered into po-

sition for the dam wall. Each of these units will be made in a specially designated nearby casting yard. Standing at the site, Marius says: “The most challenging part is building a wall where those waves are crashing. “The wall, which will be slightly slanted, is the energy converter. It’s like building a tidal pool. The waves run over and through the wall into the dam, then from the elevated dam to seal and fish friendly turbines, which are being locally assembled. We will use wave energy to generate electricity to help Abagold run their pumps. We are giving them clean energy to supplement their Eskom power usage.” He says they will not be able to build in the ocean every day. “When the sea is wild, we prepare. When it’s calm we can build.” Marius says: “South Africa is one of the best places in the world for wave energy. We really have a good


Marius Hugo, managing director of Mean Sea Level, in front of the area where Aba­ gold’s Wave Energy Converter Project is be­ coming a reality one day at a time. PHOTO:


resource to work with here.” He is quick to give his father, Dr Pierre Hugo, the credit for the vision and design of the Wave Energy Converter, which is unique in the world. Abagold and Mean Sea Level work closely with Rob Fryer and his team from Whale Coast Conservation to ensure that the projects meet the highest environmental sustainability standards. Stadler are the Occupational Safety agents on site for the project and Sonja Schriever, a health and safety officer, has been training four workers from MSL who will be involved

in construction work on the dam wall, how to swim in the New Harbour. Schriever says: “Should someone end up in the sea, they are being trained to swim away from the rocks, as trying to climb out at the rocks would be extremely dangerous. NSRI has been contacted and liaised with in case a rescue is needed.” Marius says the final test for the guys that will be working on the wall, including himself, will involve them all jumping into the sea from Abagold’s sea front, and swimming towards a waiting NSRI boat.

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The Mean Sea Level workers who have been having swimming lessons in the New Harbour with Sonja Schriever from Stadler are: Moses Ncapayi, Mzwandile Maxakamaba, Nkosinathi Dela and Mncedisi Mrhula. They will be part of the team working on the WEC dam wall. PHOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET

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Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

3 April, 2014

Art auction raises thousands for Hospice Around R185 000 was raised during the Opportunity Art 3 event on Saturday at the Overstrand Auditorium. Opportunity Art 3 is seen as the art event of the year, with more than 450 works of art and 25 investment pieces for sale. Sharon Small-Smillie, organiser of the event in aid of the Overstrand Hospice, said they were astounded that there were people queuing to get in from around 15:00

on Saturday afternoon. “The day was fantastic with visitors from all over the peninsula. We are very blessed with the generosity of not only the artists, but also the greater community of the Overstrand which has donated to and supported this event for many years. “Our heartfelt thanks to one and all,” said Small-Smillie. R40 000 was the highest bid received at the auction, for a Hennie Niemann Jnr painting.

Artists and art lovers enjoyed the opportunity to meet up with old friends during the Opportunity Art 3 event at the Overstrand Au­ ditorium on Saturday. PHOTOS: JANINE VAN DER RIET Dieter Odendaal (master of ceremonies) with Chris Willemse, Len Huiding, André Alberts and Jan Stultiens.

Margi Annandale with two hand­stitched teddies she made especially for the lucky draw. The lucky winner of the teddies was Jessie Hattingh, ticket number 128.

Volunteers and friends of the Overstrand Hospice dressed in pink, the colour for breast cancer awareness. Heather Kaplan, Ingrid Grundlingh, Bevan Pope and Aldo Schean.

Elizabeth Higgens was very excited about the beautiful piece of art she bought on Sat­ urday. She said she supports Opportunity Art 3, “because it is for a good cause”.

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

3 April, 2014

WHALEHAVEN TASTING: The recently refurbished tasting venue of the Whale­ haven winery in Hemel­en­Aarde Village was the venue for a trade evening on Monday where invited guests had the op­ portunity to taste several wines accompa­ nied by an assortment of canapés. The oc­ casion was attended by several local wine shop and restaurant owners who were in­ troduced to the Bottega Family Wine Port­ folio, which includes the Idiom and Whale­ haven labels. From left are winemaker Rei­ no Thiart, tasting venue manager Naomi Herbst and Roberto Bottega.


) ’n Inwoner van Northcliff het sleutels in hul tuin gevind die week. Al wat op die naamplaatjie staan is Richard. Kontak Sonja Schriever op 082 730 3513 om die sleutels te identifiseer. ) Lift needed from Kleinmond to Camphill. A family’s little boy has been diagnosed with autism. The boy needs to go to Camphill School that specialises in the development of children with autism, but the family lives in Kleinmond and the school is in the Hemelen-Aarde-Valley. If anyone can assist with a lift, please contact 072 209 2510. ) Operasie Brakkenjan se kossies is die afgelope tyd bietjie skraps in die winkeltrollies wat uitgesit word vir honde-en katkos donasies by Pick n Pay, Checkers, Gateway Spar, Eastcliff Spar en ’n paar ander winkels. Diere in en om Hermanus word gevoer wat nie eienaars het om na hulle om te sien nie. Elke sakkie of blikkie kos word baie waardeer en dringend benodig. ) Get an eyeful of the new Toyota Corolla on Saturday 12 April from 09:00 – 13:00 at Hermanus Toyota, Schulphoek Road, Hermanus Business Park.



Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

3 April, 2014

Net ’n oulap vir Ouma – benardheid van ons oues Die droom van goue aftreejare in ’n huisie by die see het vir talle afgetredenes en pensioentrekkers op Hermanus en omgewing ’n nagmerrie-situasie geword wat stadig in ’n kleinskaalse tragedie ontwikkel, skryf CAS VAN RENSBURG (in Die Burger 29 Maart). Wanneer die honderde en honderde vakansiegangers in die Kerstyd en oor langnaweke die vensters van hul luukse vakansiehuise kom oopgooi, die blink motors verkeersknope veroorsaak en restaurante tot laataand druis, besef baie min dat Hermanus ’n donker kant het: sy oumense. Hermanus is lank reeds bekend as die “wagkamer van God”. Simon van Vuuren, bestuurder van Huis Lettie Theron, die enigste ouetehuis in die omgewing, verklaar prontuit: “Hulle moet die bord wat by die ingang van die dorp sê dis Hermanus vervang met een wat sê Ouetehuis.” Daar woon inderdaad honderde bejaardes in Hermanus, Sandbaai, Onrusrivier en Fisherhaven, en daar is skaars ’n huis met bejaardes waar daar nie die een of ander nood of behoefte bestaan nie. Talle diensorganisasies het hul hande vol om na die behoeftes van bejaardes om te sien. Anneri Nel, bestuurder van die Hermanus-seniorsentrum, sê hul hooftaak is deesdae om bejaardes so lank moontlik in hul huise te hou, want ander heenkome is moeilik te vind.

Dr. Erika Oosthuysen, maatskaplike werker en versorgingskoördineerder van die Onrusrivierdienssentrum, stem saam. “Dit is bekend dat bejaardes wat hier aftree ouer word as elders. Wanneer hulle hier kom bly, lê daar nog 20 tot 30 lewensjare voor, en dit is waar die probleme ontstaan.” ’n Groot aantal bejaardes is 80 of ouer. Baie is sieklik en het sorg nodig. Daar is ’n besonder hoë voorkoms van alzheimersiekte, en ’n groot persentasie se geld is op of hul pensioen ontoereikend. ’n Onderwyser wat 20 jaar gelede op die toe taamlik klein dorp Onrusrivier afgetree het met ’n pensioen van R5 000 per maand, kan nou skaars sy erfbelasting en elektrisiteit bekostig. Baie vroue se mans is oorlede, en hulle moet met ’n halwe pensioen oor die weg kom. Pieter Hurter, voorsitter van Solidariteit se Helpende Hand-tak op Hermanus, vertel van ’n fyn opgevoede vrou wat maandeliks net R70 oor het om van te leef nadat haar erfbelasting, ensovoorts, betaal is. Die Hermanus-seniorsentrum het 500 lede, wat uit ’n wye verskeidenheid van mense bestaan. Hulle sien om na bejaardes met ’n lae inkomste, gestremde persone en allerlei ander probleme soos die eensaamheid van senior burgers of die lot van die vrou of man wie se eggenoot demensie of ’n ander siekte het en dag en nag versorg moet word. In baie gevalle woon hul kinders in die buiteland en is hulle nie bewus van hul ouers se probleme

nie, omdat die ouers te skaam is om hulle daarvan te vertel. Die sentrum beskik dan ook oor 40 tuisversorgers en ’n verpleegkundige. Hulle verskaf dag-en-nag sorg, huishulpdienste, bedwasdienste, asook etes wat teen R25 per bord daagliks van Voëlklip tot Fisherhaven afgelewer word. Van die 500 lede word net 90 deur die staat gesubsidieer. Die Onrusrivier-dienssentrum van die NG kerk het verlede jaar tot stand gekom en het 73 lede. Ook hulle verskaf etes, maar spits hulle ook toe op onder meer talle kospakkies en tuisversorging. Goedkoop verblyf is ’n ander baie groot probleem. Huis Lettie Theron kan 158 bejaardes huisves, wat alzheimerlyers en sorg vir verswaktes insluit. Daar is egter ’n waglys van agt jaar. Daar is gevalle van vroue van 80 jaar en ouer wat in haglike omstandighede in bediendekamers van vakansiehuise bly. Hurter vertel van ’n man wie se vrou met alzheimers versorging moes kry. Ten einde daarvoor te betaal, kon hy nie sy eie verblyf bekostig nie. Hy het snags laat sy motor by ’n vulstasie ingetrek en daar geslaap tot sonop en dan elders gaan parkeer. Oosthuysen vertel van ’n soortgelyke geval waar ’n man nou sy huis moet verkoop, maar weens die ekonomie nie die prys kan kry wat dit werd is nie. Dit beteken dat ook hý gaan sukkel om vir homself elders goedkoop verblyf te kry nadat sy vrou se kostes gedek is.

Ook gesogte aftreeoorde het vir baie mense ’n valstrik geword. Mense wat ’n paar jaar gelede daar gekoop het met die gerusstelling dat ’n siekeboeg beskikbaar is, besef nou hulle sal nie die versorging kan bekostig nie. Die prys vir versorging in Hermanus se aftreeoorde wissel van R19 000 tot R22 000 per maand. As een van die egpaar dus byvoorbeeld alzheimers kry, moet die lewensmaat kan bekostig om sowat ’n kwartmiljoen rand per jaar te betaal en nog self aan die lewe bly in ’n huis met ’n taamlik stewige maandelikse heffing. Kan hulle dit nie bekostig nie, is die verkoop van die huis in die aftreeoord ál genade – en waarheen dan? Party van die bejaardes het wel kinders of familie wat kan help, maar ook hier is probleme. In baie gevalle woon hul kinders in die buiteland en is hulle nie altyd bewus van hul ouers se probleme nie. Dan is daar die onrusbarende verskynsel van kinders wat al hoe meer nie belang stel om hul ouers te help nie. Trouens, baie teer op hul ouers. Hurter vertel van ’n 87-jarige vrou wat in ’n huis sonder elektrisiteit (afgesny) in haar bed moes lê sonder dat iemand haar kon was of met haar toiletgeriewe kon help, terwyl haar volwasse seuns bewus was van die situasie. “Daar is ’n ander verontrustende situasie wat besig is om sy verskyning te maak,” sê Oosthuysen. “Dit is dat al hoe meer kinders by hul bejaarde ouers kom afpak. Die

dogter skei en kom bly met haar kinders by haar ouers.” Hurter beaam dit. “Gaan kyk smiddae wanneer die kinders by die naskoolsentrum uitkom. Dit lyk of die inwoners van ’n ouetehuis hulle kom haal. Net gryskoppe. Dit is die oupas en oumas.” Werk in Hermanus is skaars en die salarisse baie klein. ’n Geskeide vrou sonder besondere opleiding sal gelukkig wees as sy meer as R3 000 per maand verdien. Die dienssentrums en ander hulporganisasies, soos Hermanus se verpleegagentskap wat versorgers verskaf, het groot organisasies geword. En die geld is min. Die Hermanus-seniorsentrum en Huis Lettie Theron is ’n program van Badisa (die barmhartigheidsdiens van Wes-Kaap NG Kerk), maar die nood is so groot dat inkomste van elders verkry moet word om geen verlies te ly nie. Volgens Van Vuuren moet sowat twee derdes van Huis Lettie Theron se inwoners gesubsidieer word. Hulle ontvang wel ’n subsidie van sowat R70 000 per maand van die staat, maar dit is nie naastenby genoeg nie. As ’n mens op ’n sogenaamde rykmansdorp soos Hermanus begin grawe, tref dit jou algaande dat hier ’n krisissituasie aan’t ontwikkel is. “En ons weet nog nie eers die helfte van die nood hier in ons gebied nie,” sê Oosthuysen. “Die Afrikaners is trotse mense, en hulle praat nie graag oor hul geldsake of probleme nie. Daar is baie wat swaarkry, maar dit wegsteek.”

CHILDLINE Plaque to be erected at ‘wasbakkies’ 0800 055 555




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Locating the three historical public laundry sites, better known as the ‘wasbakkies’, an upcoming outing to Boontjieskraal and the launch of the historical walks are some of the activities the Hermanus History Society (HHS) is currently busy with. Robin Lee (secretary), touched on these projects at the Annual General Meeting held on 27 March. Plaque at Wasbakkies site Old Hermanusers will know that in the late 19th century, the Hermanus Municipality built three public laundry sites (wasbakkies) as the tap water in the village, from surface rivers, was brown due to vegetation. Women used to wash linen for the local hotels here as clear water fed into the wasbakkies from underground streams. An additional plaque is to be erected at the wasbakkies to denote their historical value to the area and HHS members Elsabé and Basil Brink and Angela Heslop went on a scramble outing to see if they could locate dates on the remaining wasbakkies. Four structures are located (two reservoirs and two wasbakkies) in various states of damage in extensive foliage. “Sadly no dates were found so this period will be speculated as 19th century,” says Heslop. Guided historical walks Members have also participated in test-runs for the guided historical walks, another project of the society, which will be launched on 17 April. Walk 1 is up Hoy’s Koppie, and Walk 2 is a stroll around Historic Hermanus starting from The Marine ho-

The wasbakkies and reservoirs are hardly visible underneath all the fo­ liage. The area is below Marine Drive, at the sundial end of Swallow Park just beyond the bridge walk­ way. tel (more about these walks in the HT pre-Easter issue). Boontjieskraal visit The next member’s outing is to Boontjieskraal farm, which has a long history in the development of the Overberg. It is situated on the wagon trail from Bot River to Caledon and was visited by many well-known figures. Hermanus Pieters himself lived on the farm for some time and is buried there. Other projects of the HHS include: ) The erection of a memorial plaque at the upgraded Swallow Neethling garden. An organisation dedicated to the care of the site, Friends of Swallow Park, is to be established. ) The society may collaborate with Charles Fourie, the author and

Elsabé Brink and Angela Heslop on their wasbakkie site scramble, standing on the remains of one of the two reservoirs.


director of the production of “Ella’s Horses” (Ella Gordon farm in Karwyderskraal) later this year. ) During FynArts (6 – 16 June) an audio-visual of the history of The Marine hotel and the people who stayed there will be presented. ) Research into the documentary evidence for Zwelihle has begun with two pilot interviews and a search of the Hermanus Times and South African National Archives (WCape). To become a member of the Hermanus History Society, you can contact robinlee@hermanus.co.za or aheslop@hermanus.co.za. Individual membership R80; family membership R120; country membership R25.

Algemeen General

VLV besoek ’n blomplaas Op aanbeveling van Jeff Milne, blomkenner van Overberg VLV, het ’n groepie lede van Hermanus se VLV die Oak Valley plaas in Elgin gaan besoek op 25 Maart. Die goed ontWerkers besig om blomme te pak terwyl wikkelde plaas VLV­lede hulle verkyk aan die magdom met sy boorde Die groep Hermanus VLV­lede op die uitstappie blomme. FOTO’S: ELNA BOTHA appel-en peerbo- na Oak Valley plaas in Elgin. me, wingerde en Daar word heeljaar krisante, asa- ding. Alstroemeria, beter bekend as 4 020 akkerbome behoort reeds sedert 1898 aan die Viljoens, met nou leas, orientals en Sint Josef-lelies die inka-lelie, moet elke vyf jaar vergeplant. Wintermaande is dit irisse, vang word. Dit is die grootste alsdie vyfde geslag op die plaas. Die eerste appelboom is in 1900 freesias en tulpe en in die somer gla- troemeria-kwekery in SA. Die eerdeur dr. Antonie Viljoen aange- diolusse. Daar word tussen 600 000 ste wit Inka-lelie is ook hier geen 800 000 bolle van elke soort ge- kweek. plant. Die uitstappie is afgesluit met In 1978 het hulle met die blom- plant en alle bolle word vanaf Holboerdery begin en vandag word 15 land ingevoer. Alhoewel hulle bolle heerlike verversings. ) Die volgende VLV-vergadering hektaar van die plaas in beslag ge- invoer, is al hulle verkope plaaslik, neem deur kweekhuise, koelka- met Woolworths as grootste kliënt is op 9 April om 14:30. ’n Kort kursus oor rekenaarvaardigheid word aanmers en pakhuise, en 210 van die 350 en dan nog 150 blomwinkels. Die alstroemeria-tonnel het 112 gebied, dus bring jou skootrekepermanente werknemers werk op beddings met 180 plante per bed- naar, tablet of slimfoon saam. die blomplaas.

Hermanus Times 3 April, 2014


Round Table elects chairman

NEW CHAIRMAN: The Hermanus Round Table recently held an induction dinner at Savannah Café to announce their new chairper­ son and vice­chairperson. From back left: Gerhard Louw, Wian Bish­ op, Francois Bezuidenhout and Ben Calitz. In front: Nico Swart, Dennis Welman (new vice­chairperson) and Juan Mostert (new chair­ person) of the Rotary Club. Mostert says he is ready for the new year and he is looking forward to the challenges ahead. For more information on your local Round Table, send an email to nicoswart89@gmail.com.


Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

3 April, 2014

’Net ’n oulap vir ouma’ EDITORIAL COMMENT Have your say Wading through the municipality’s draft budget for 2014 – ’15 can be daunting especially if you do not have a financial background. To to be part of the public participation process and to have your say on aspects of the draft budget that concern you, it is necessary for ordinary citizens to make an effort to get to a library in the Overstrand, or to access the budget doc­ ument on the Overstrand Municipality’s website. Familiarise yourself with what lies ahead for your household and how much more you will have to pay for rates and services. Ward meetings are taking place from 2 to 23 April and this is where you can ask questions about the draft budget and query why certain decisions have been made. You then have until 30 April to submit a formal comment. In general, pay attention to the munici­ pal notices published in the HT inviting public participation, so you can respond and be heard before it’s too late.

Upgrade communities to restore pride in people Doubtless underprivileged communities suffer a loss of pride, not just in South Africa, but in other countries as well. Here us oldies can see this worrying shift very clearly in the deterioration in morals together with the terrible increase in man-on-man crime in degraded poor areas. Will South Africa also be reduced to confrontational politics as it has been happening up north and in the Middle East? This may not be so improbable, for aggrieved people in South Africa are now shouting louder than even before. Democracy seldom works in unstable countries. The people may elect their members to Parliament, but the ruling party invariably seems to want to settle in “for life”. The only way to unseat them if they do not perform is then to kick them out by force. Hermanus is a beautiful town, enjoyed by many, but those of us who look below the surface, like so many South Africans do, are fearful of the future. Not all living areas are spick and span and we need to focus on these deprived areas, not just to make them better places to live in, but to try and uplift the communities by making the people prouder of their surroundings. To achieve this, it is a prerequisite to provide employment to the people, because employment (any employment) is better than being on the dole, which really destroys pride. Domestic employment has fallen over the edge of the cliff – just look at all the empty houses in Voëlklip and the few workers that walk daily past our houses to work – clearly this has been a blow to the poor. My suggestion is for Hermanus to lead the way. The Council must form a “Foundation”, financed by all the rich people of Hermanus. There are plenty of able people around who can create small committees of volunteers for managing a process that focuses on the beautification of the poorer areas of this town to restore the residents’ pride. The Ndebele of South Africa set a good example of pride in their homes, which can be achieved nationwide with little effort. The private sector of SA is generous and knows it is in its own interest to uplift the people by contributing to this cause. The people themselves must be be motivated to create and manage “Foundation” type schemes.


BEAUTIFUL MOON: A Hermanus Times reader could not resist the opportunity to capture the moon rising over the Kleinriver lagoon. The Voëlklip resident came upon it during a late afternoon walk along Grotto beach last week. PHOTO: JEAN FAURE

‘Mmmmm, just like Cape Town and Jo’burg’ “Don’t you love living in Hermanus? It’s so quiet and peaceful and beautiful.” “Oh absolutely. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else, Hermanus is so relaxed and safe and hassle-free. Just think of all those poor people in Cape Town and Jo’burg; rushing about, fighting traffic, noise, pollution, crime, crowds. Oh, I would hate it. No, Hermanus is just the perfect place to be.” “Well I wouldn’t say it was perfect. It is wonderful but it’s not perfect. We could do with a few new things.” “No you’re right of course, it’s not perfect. And we could do with some new things. Better shops and restaurants for example.” “Yes, definitely some new shops and restaurants. I’m so bored with the shops and restaurants we’ve got. We need a small shopping centre.” “Not a small shopping centre, we need a big shopping centre with one of those enormous superstores that sell everything under one roof.” “And a giant pharmacy.” “Oh yes, we must have a giant pharmacy. And a colossal electronics shop.” “And a huge computer outlet.” “And some of those massive furniture, lifestyle shops.” “You know what? We don’t need a small shopping centre, we need a mega-mall.” “With proper parking. The parking situation in Hermanus is pathetic. Last week, when it was cold and windy, I had to park two blocks away from the chemist and then walk in the wind, all the way to the chemist and back to my car. I mean really, what is this? We’re not living in the dark ages are

we?” “You’re right. I mean it’s all very well having sunshine and endless beaches and sparkling seas and mountains and cliff paths and lagoons but really, let’s be honest, what is there to do in Hermanus? What we need is a cinema.” “Not a cinema, we need choices, we need a multiscreen cinema complex.” “And a food court. How unfair is it that we don’t even have a food court?” “And one of those gaming places with all the electronic machines so the kids don’t have to spend all day on the beach or in the sea.” “And we need a casino. Why can’t we have a casino? It can’t be all about the kids, we need some entertainment too.” “You’re right. It’s ridiculous that we have to go over the mountain for everything.” “Of course it is, we deserve better. We need a sports complex with an Olympic swimming pool and diving boards and rugby and cricket fields with stadiums.” “And theatres and nightclubs so there’s something to do at night.” “And how sad is it that if we want to travel anywhere we have to go over the mountain – again – to the airport? We need an airport in Hermanus.” “An international airport!” “If only we had all those things Hermanus would be perfect.” “Mmmmm, just like Cape Town and Jo’burg.”

Die artikels oor die Overstrand-munisipaliteit se nuwe begroting in die Hermanus Times van 27 Maart en die Cas van Rensburg-artikel (sien bl. 8) oor die krisissituasie onder die ouer garde in Hermanus, wat onder bogenoemde opskrif in Die Burger van Saterdag 29 Maart verskyn het, noop my om hierdie skrywe aan u te rig. Die “rykmansdorp-sindroom” blyk diep in ons amper geldgierige DA Overstrand-munisipaliteit ingeburger te wees. Die soustrein stoom voort, met skynbaar geen kennis en/of gevoel vir die benarde posisie waarin so baie van ons belastingbetalers verkeer nie. Vir my was die eerste skoot oor die boeg van onregmatigheid, die vullisdrom-sage. ’n Vullisverwyderingsdiens wat twee maal per week gelewer is en R129 per maand gekos het, word skielik net een maal per week gelewer en die koste gaan op na R140 per maand. Terselfdertyd word ’n onregverdige en onbillike koste gehef op vullisverwydering by deeltitel eenhede – waar meeste van ons ouer mense bly. En nou kom die volgende sarsies. Om geld te spaar blyk dit dat die bobbejaan-monitors nou die trekpas gaan kry, en personeel wat jare se ondervinding en kennis het van tropbewegings en beveiliging van die buurte, gaan sonder werk sit, terwyl die belastingbetaler magteloos is teen die bobbejane. Blykbaar is dit die Grondwet, wat al van 1994 daar staan, se skuld. Het enige munisipale beampte al aansoek gedoen by provinsiale en nasionale regering dat hulle die taak kom oorneem? Verder lê daar om die draai vir ons ’n buitensporige toename van 15% in erfbelasting voor, en is daar ook munisipale salarisaanpassings, wat die inflasiekoers na ’n foefie laat lyk. ’n Vinnige sommetjie toon aan dat die salarisverhogings vir raadslede en senior beamptes amper gelykstaande is aan die besparing met die uitgooi van die bobbejaan-monitors. Munisipale bestuur – ons vra dat die munisipaliteit soos ’n redelike persoon en ook soos ’n goedbestuurde maatskappy sal optree. Die finansiële situasie vir belastingbetalers is benard. Dit is tyd dat julle ’n bietjie konsolideer. Verminder daardie yslike groot begrotings wat julle het. Doen net dit wat absoluut onuithoudbaar noodsaaklik is. Verminder die groot las wat julle op julle belastingbetalers sit. Ons hoop tog so dat julle sal luister.



Don’t panic, Hermanus: the mall won’t make the CBD close down I lived for 26 years next to Tygervalley Shopping Centre, eventually next to Willowbridge also. Everywhere the same thing was said, that the Bellville CBD would die and so would Checkers here in Hermanus, where the CBD would suffer. What rubbish! Judging from the recent article by Jenny Smith, it has become clear that this scare has been broadcast by her and others, by way of articles originating from the alliance consisting of the Hermanus Ratepayers Association and the Hermanus Business Chamber of Commerce. They are the only real complainants about the mall and only seem to complain when it comes to trolley shopping. Jenny, the shops and established businesses in the CBD will not close, although you may find a very small reshuffle. Imagine the CBD in five years’ time without a mall. More hous-

es bulldozed, more high-rise buildings, with town dwellings gone. Future Hermanus Central, that’s a reality. The CBD consists of shops as well as houses. The houses were what gave Hermanus its village atmosphere, seemingly lost in time. These houses should be returned to their original look, with pot-plants and the like; business advertising should conform to European customs for the sake of restoring the town centre look for visitors. It would also be for the good of the CBD that when such businesses move on, these premises be turned into town dwellings again, as there is a shortage of rental homes in central Hermanus. District 6 and Kloofnek are good examples of what has been done in the Cape Town CBD to create tourist attractions. Here too there will be beneficiaries from the mall as was the

case with the Kenridge Shopping Centre, thatbattled to find tenants. Tygervalley was built and KSC then became a sought-after location. This is not to say the Gateway shopping centre has the same problem, but it will be the main beneficiary, as its shops will be in demand as business gathers momentum, because malls tend to have higher rentals. Whale Coast Mall is small and you will find that even the property opposite Sandbaai Engen will also be developed into a shopping centre as business moves ahead to accommodate the shortfalls of the mall. People, let the mall happen so that everyone in the Overberg region can enjoy a proper shopping experience. Let’s take hands and support the improvement of Hermanus CBD.


Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

3 April, 2014

) It’s true that malls kill off CBD areas, but look

at our CBD and ask yourself when last these land­ lords improved these ancient buildings. I say, build the mall – it will create much­needed jobs, then follow leading cities and turn the CBD into a social hub offering apartments and entertainment. – R. CELLIERS ) Do you really think that holiday home owners will come to a mall when they have a similar one just down the road at home? Stop dreaming! ) Who is going to stop town planning from ruining our beautiful village of Hermanus? – JACKIE ) Petrus Hendriksz: “S’baai mall: no movie house!” letter 20 March. Thank you for opening our eyes and putting everything in perspective in plain simple English. – CHER - SANDBAAI ) Good news about new oncology unit to be built. It will create much needed jobs etc. We also need the new mall. Hermanus and surrounding areas are growing; more people which equals more shops, doctors, schools, housing and jobs progress can’t be stopped by a few greedy businessmen trying to prevent us from having the option of where to spend our hard­earned money.– MRS MITCHELL - SANDBAAI ) Baie dankie aan die dame wat my parkeerkaart­ jie opgetel het in Woolworths se aanpaskamer, en nog moeite gedoen het om dit te neem na Chec­ kers. Baie, baie dankie.– INA VAN ROOYEN ) Wat is die “Wetstoepassingsorganisasie” (Law Enforcement) van plan om te doen aan die mense wat rook in en buite restaurante terwyl dit onwettig en strafbaar is? – R.M. - SANDBAAI ) Baie dankie Netwerk Couriers ­ Mariana. Altyd puik diens.– TEVREDE KLIËNT ) Is iemand dalk opsoek na ’n 1990 ­ 1994 Nokia charger, 6101, 6111, 6270, 6280? Skakel asse­ blief 0 076 115 7382. ) Dankie vir die spietkop in Sandbaai.– AJ ) Mnr. B. Minnie van verkeer, jy leer elke pes ’n les. Baie dankie vir u goeie werk in Sandbaai. Ek kan nou weer sonder vrees fietsry en met my hond

gaan stap.– KOBUS ) Dankie aan die padvalk, mnr. Minnie. Ons kin­ ders kan weer lekker speel sonder vrees vir jaag­ duiwels.– SUSSIE JOOSTE - SANDBAAI ) Dankie aan Buks Minnie wat moeite doen om Sandbaai ’n veilige plek te maak. Buurtwag be­ dank jou.– HENK MARAIS ) Ons in die Hoofweg in Sandbaai is die verkeers­ beampte Buks Minnie baie dank verskuldig. Hy sien sy weg oop om die blatante verkeersoortre­ ders vas te vat. Baie dankie Mnr. Minnie, ons waar­ deer dit.– PIET EN HELENA MULLER ) Ek wil die suster by Vermont­kliniek bedank vir goeie diens wat sy gelewer het 22 Maart toe ek so in pyn was. Baie dankie.– FELENCIA PRINS ) A big thank you to Dr RG and staff of Mediclinic for the good treatment I received during my opera­ tion. I am well and can’t praise them enough. God bless you.– MG WEPENER ) Dringend op soek na dagmoeder in Hermanus vir vierjarige dogtertjie. Het nie geld om haar in ’n kleuterskool te sit wat oor ’n duisend rand ’n maand is nie. Ouma en mamma verdien te min. Kontak 0 078 554 9376. Baie dankie. ) Vullisblikke van deeltitel­plekke: Dit is bedrog. Ons het 25 vullisblikke, 100 eenhede, so 75 betaal onregmatige gelde.– SKANDE ) Ek wil net baie graag weet wat is die betekenis van ’n stopstraat. Is dit stop of sit toon op die petrol, want niemand stop by die stopstraat by Market Square nie. Ek vermoed daar gaan nog ’n helse ongeluk gebeur.– BEKOMMERD ) Aan die persoon in die wit kar wat ’n ander voertuig verbygesteek het in Sandbaai se hoof­ straat: Ek het van voor gekom en jy jaag soos ’n vark. Daar is ’n spoedbeperking, dus is dit nie ’n resiesbaan nie. Jou onverskillige bestuur gaan le­ wens kos. As jy haastig is, verlaat jou huis dan ’n paar minute vroeër. ) To the “English Teacher” criticising HAWS for its bad grammar: If your comments are not an early April Fool’s joke, then I think you are a real “girl” dog! ) Ewe ontsteld oor RM Sandbaai se bewering dat Zwelihle nie meters het nie, doen ek toe moeite en kontak die munisipaliteit. Die persoon wat die inligting aan hom/haar gegee het, is foutief. Die persoon wat die meter skuif is slegs ’n kontrakwer­ ker met beperkte kennis. Zwelihle het meters en dit word maandeliks gelees. Sal dalk goed wees as jy ook in die toekoms eers die waarheid uitvind.

) One thing that James Thom from Voëlklip for­ gets, is that in the new SA everyone (thing) has rights and the baboons were here first! – TOM MADDEN, VERMONT ) Opsoek na die boek, Power of Subconscious mind. As iemand dalk kan help, skakel asb 076 115 7382. ) Hoekom kan daar nie vroue rugby­ en krieket­ spanne gestig word nie? Ek dink dit sal ’n groot verskil en ’n nuwe geskiedenis bring in die Over­ strand. – MOUNT PLEASANT-INWONER ) Daar is blykbaar baie selfaangestelde verkeers­ beamptes in Overstrand wat nie op die betaalstaat is nie, maar hulself die reg toe eien om mense aan te spreek. – JP ) Hoe kan die munisipaliteit vir my wat ’n pensioe­ naris is se munisipale rekening met 46,3% ver­ hoog? – NORMAN BAILEY, BEACH CLUB ) Hoop hulle wat die Hermanus munisipale be­ groting opgestel het, het Saterdag bl. 15 van Die Burger gelees! Juis daarom gaan ek beswaar aan­ teken teen 15%­verhoging in eiendomsbelasting. – LINETTE ) Beach Club has 300 units most of which are empty most of the time as it is a holiday resort. How can council justify bleeding us dry by charg­


ing R140 per month per unit for a few communal refuse bins, in addition to exorbitant annual mu­ nicipal increases. – CATHY GIBSON ) Kan die munisipaliteit nie ander bome plant by Market Square en om die draai by Fusion nie? Daardie bome maak net ’n gemors. ) Car guards at the back of Eastcliff Spar, and outside FNB and KFC harass the elderly and vul­ nerable women, especially in the evenings, for money. They block your vehicle or obscure your line of sight until you give them money. I saw an elderly woman feel so intimidated at the Eastcliff parking that she gave R50 to a car guard just so that she could close her car door which he was blocking while demanding money. They are crimi­ nals who should be charged for loitering in these areas. Some car guards also have criminal cases against them, so stop handing them money. HPP and the police must do their jobs and ban car guards in the CBD, before someone is robbed by them. Easy money is a magnet for criminals. Let’s work together to keep Hermanus safe. If you have money to throw away then consider donating it to a recognised charity or to HAWS instead of using it to attract criminals to our town. – STOP CRIME

INNIE WOLKE: Dié interessante ‘draaikolk’­wolk is verlede week deur Jackie van Niekerk in Hawston afge­ neem.


1.2 Trendline @ R3 234 per month The recent cold front caught everyone in the Western Cape unawares. Fortunately the sun will be out again on Friday and by Saturday the temperature will be back to a pleasant 22 °C. On Sunday, however, the northeast will chase the sun away until next Wednesday.


Gateway Centre, Hermanus vwhermanus@rola.co.za Tel: 087 550 2790

Die son kom weer Sy oog is nie op aardskuddings elders in die wêreld en “skuddings” in politiekery ter plaatse nie, sê oom Langfaan toe hy gisteroggend bel om te vra of hy ’n snorkel kan leen. Hy moet Kaapstad toe en hy hoor die N1 duskant die plek waar hy wil wees is onder water. Hy moet maar bly wees want daai front wat gisteroggend een en almal oral in die Wes-Kaap op die verkeerde voete gevang het, is so tagtig km suidoos van die Overstrand verby. Die neerslae hier rond kon baie erger gewees het. Die byna ongelooflike swaai in die weer, veral oor die Overstrand, het Dinsdagnag plaasgevind toe daai middernagtelike rukwind van ons net onder 100 km/h so drie kilometer bo ons koppe gehaal het. Wat dié keer anders van die nukkerige rukwind was, was dat hy uit die noorde gekom het en voor die son Woensdagoggend kon opkom het hy reg om die klok van noord tot weer noord gedraai. Kort voor sonop het hy met ’n laaste bui suid gestaan en ’n klomp koue op die Overstrand losgelaat. Hy is darem bly hy het ’n 1965-Fordjie wat hoog van die grond af is, sê Langfaan hier oor die foon. Die weer lyk vir hom of dit vorentoe gaan sports maak waarvan die sportmense niks sal hou nie. En net daar in die Fordjie het hy pas besluit om sy tuintjie bietjie weg van die see af te skuif, want hulle praat van dat die see anderhalf meter gaan styg omdat die ysberge van onder af aan die smelt is en see toe gly.

Nee wat, troos Weerhaan; die son kom teen elfuur (Donderdag) agter die wolke uit danksy die suidoos, en skyn lekker tot vyfuur toe. Teen 2 nm Vrydag is hy weer uit en jaag die temperatuur op na 20 °C. Die oostewind kom deur die nag op en Saterdagmiddag wemel die Overstrand weer van besoekers om in die sonnetjie van 22 °C te bak en te kuier. Die noordoos kom neuk egter deur die nag weer Sondag en ons sien die volle son eers weer volgende Woensdag wanneer die suidoos terug is. Los maar die snorkel, sê oom Langfaan. Intussen kan vroutjie maar die tuin uitlos. Die maan trek erg op die aarde om sy eerste kwartier Maandag te haal. (In dié dae kan net gesnoei word. Vir die boere is dit tyd om graan te plant).


Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

3 April, 2014


Public participation – smoke and mirrors Being an election year, the Overstrand Municipality and Council (OM) will tread carefully not to upset the ratepayers who must cast their vote on 7 May 2014. However, with their very first “communication” it is clear that public participation is a farce and that the ratepayers will have no meaningful say in the final budget. Let me explain the smoke and mirrors which are being sold as “Public Participation” (PP). “Participate” is defined as: Be involved; take part. Remember the 2011 municipal elections? Remember what happened after all the PP boxes were all ticked and everybody had their say? The 2012 budget was duly passed by the council. After all the elections, we were hit with a double whammy, which was never highlighted during the budget process: • Electricity deposits were raised, extracting some R12 million from ratepayers and businesses. • An adjustment was made to the rates policy between the interim budget and the final budget so that RUE was charged per unit instead of per property – very sneaky. The latter exercise was repeated with the 2013 budget with regard to refuse removal. All of these resulted in public debacles of note because of insufficient public participation with Kleinmond pensioners taking to the streets and Fynbospark pensioners taking OM to the Public Protector for increasing its refuse bill by some 700% after OM refused to review the tariff policy. As far as OM is concerned, the ultimate forum for PP is the Overstrand Municipal Advisory Forum (OMAF), which is made up of four representatives from each ward. No qualification or experience is needed, apart from being a ratepayer. The debacle around the wasteful expenditure of the planning of an amphitheatre at Grotto is another example of council’s poor public participation record. And so we can go on… Without going into detail of the functionality of the ward committees, there are three things that show that the system is archaic and useless: 1. In Chapter 2 dealing with Good Governance of the Draft Annual Report (page 64), the following paragraph appears: “The ward committee should endeavour to reach consensus on its representation at OMAF. If this is not possible, the basis must be determined by the Chairman, taking cognisance of the debate in the ward committee in

this regard.” (The chairman being an Executive Councillor will therefore have the final say). 2. In the very next paragraph, the following very disturbing piece appears: “The above must not be interpreted to mean that a Ward Councillor or the municipality must always liaise with the ward committee before a decision is taken. A Ward Councillor may not be instructed by a ward committee on how to vote on any matter which serves before the municipality.” (So if the ward is against the budget or any other matter, they have no vote.) 3. Participation of the general public in these ward committees (some which are closed to the public – why?) is almost non-existent. Meetings which were held, until very recently, at 14:00 in the afternoons attracted a small number of people. Certainly not representing the wider community. People don’t have the time or inclination to attend meetings that have no powers – it is a waste of time. I doubt that more than 10% to 15% of households are reached through this archaic system. In short, the chances of widespread PP is nil. Input given is most often overridden by council. Evidence of this can be found as an attachment to the 2013-2014 budget, where more than 100 pages of comment and representations can be found – which were largely, if not totally, ignored. OMAF and Ward Committees are nothing more than talk shops, whatever the politicians wish us to believe. Chapter 10 of the Constitution read with Section 1 establishes the principle of an open and accountable government that responds to its citizenry. The onus the Constitution lays on the legislatures is extended to the public administration (in Chapter 10). Amongst the principles laid down for the public administration are the requirements that: • “people’s needs must be responded to, and the public must be encouraged to participate in policy-making”, • “public administration must be accountable”, and • “transparency must be fostered by providing the public with timely, accessible and accurate information”. The DA Constitution opens with an “Open Opportunity for All” and in its vision clearly states “All South Africans are of equal worth and have a right to full participation in the life of our common South African society”. I hope that includes the Overstrand.

Ratepayers and businesses are generally quite gatvol of OM and the annual budgeting non-involvement, and the resultant battle that cannot be won, because of what is perceived as an arrogant and dictatorial council. I am sure we will get a legalistic and meaningless response from OM instead of addressing the issue head-on with action. Like a public debate on the 2014-2015 budget. Let there be true public participation in which all can be involved and take part.


Coenie Groenewald, Municipal Manager responds: The second last paragraph of the writer’s letter and more specifically his reference to “a legalistic and meaningless response”, is a clear indication that he knows the correct response to his criticism as it will not compliment his viewpoints. The fact that I do not comment on any or all of his statements should not be construed as an admission as to the correctness of same. It is important to note that well structured, as opposed to haphazard, public participation is of importance within our system of democratic local government where citizen concerns are formally expressed through elected representatives–referred to as ward councillors. As such the South African ward participatory system of local government allows for the establishment of ward committees to facilitate community participation in local matters. It is furthermore important to note that ward committees have no original powers. Their role is to act as advisory committees to ward councillors and via ward councillors to the executive mayor or council. Ward committees thus provide for a structured channel of communication and a local point of access to the council. It is, nevertheless, still for a councillor, as elected representative of citizens in his/her

ward, to apply his/her mind when considering matters submitted to council. The municipality and its council have a constitutional obligation to act within the ambit of legislation. If the writer is of the opinion that the system in terms of which we are to operate, is archaic (though the legislation in terms of which ward committees are established, originates from 1998), he should direct his frustrations at the national sphere of government who is responsible for the adoption of legislation in Parliament. Apart from the aforementioned, the municipality is obliged to consult the community in a whole plethora of other matters such as, but not limited to, town planning matters, alienation of land, adoption of by-laws and policies, etc. The community is invited, by means of advertisements in the local printed media, to comment on same or to submit representations to the municipality. As far as the public participation process for the 2014/15 budget is concerned, readers are reminded that notwithstanding the fact that all budget documentation is available for scrutiny on our municipal website, all the libraries and the offices of the respective area managers, special ward committee meetings (which are open to the public at all times) to explain the aforementioned budget, are to take place over the next three weeks. An advertisement to this effect indicating the venue, date and time of such meetings appeared in, inter alia, last week’s edition of the Hermanus Times and which advertisement is repeated in this issue. Citizens are invited to attend these meetings to gather information regarding the said budget. The public at large has the opportunity to submit written representations to the municipality on or before 30 April 2014. All representations will be tabled in council on 28 May 2014 for the latter to consider.

CAREER CHOICES: Hermanus High School held their annual Career Expo on 18 March in the school gymnasi­ um. Exhibitors from across the coun­ try came to tell the learners more about different tertiary institutions. There were over 30 exhibitors and learners from Hermanus High, Qhay­ iya and Hawston Secondary, Curro Hermanus and Northcliff House as well as parents attended. The com­ munity thanks Hermanus Rotary for sponsoring the transport for learners from Qhayiya to attend the event.


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Hermanus Times

Mense People

3 April, 2014

HOBO PARTYTJIE: Vrydagaand 28 Maart het die NG Kerk in Onrus die volgende dag se basaar afgeskop met ‘n ‘Hobo­party’. Die geleentheid was groot pret en daar is heerlik gedans in die tent. Die hooforganiseerders Tru­ die en Floris Hamman (links) het die klomp ‘bergies’ ver­ welkom.

Bets en Attie Eksteen by die tafel wat versier was met ‘spi­ rits’, kopseerpille, koerantpapier, en ’n toiletrol as servette.

Die hele familie het aangetrek volgens die bergie­tema. Van links is Dirk Herbst, sy seun De Wet, sy vrou Estelle en skoondogter Naomi.

TEA TALK: The Bhuki Café at the Hermanus Library was a hive of activity on Friday 28 March as the Friends of the Library served tea, coffee and delicious treats, which were “on the house”, to visitors and guests. It was also a celebration of the 10 years that the Her­ manus Library has been situated in the municipal building. En­ joying the occasion were (back from left) Jackie Dowling and A­ lette Kotze. Sitting on the left is Aletta Horne and on the right is Cllr Lianda Beyers Cronjé.

Friends of Her­ manus Library’s two original found­ ers, Marita de Vil­ liers (left) and Chen Veldsman (centre) with Joan Schoeman (right) at the Friends’ Thank You Tea on Friday morning.

BASAARTYD: Saterdag 29 Maart het die vure hoog ge­ brand en die heerlikste eet­ goed was be­ skikbaar by die Onrus NG kerk­basaar. Van die vleis­ braaiers was, van links: Lou­ is Genade, Wimpie Woensdrecht, Nico Swart jnr. en Nico Swart snr.

Johan en Leonie Koekemoer se kerrie­en­ rys­stalletjie bly altyd ‘n wenner.


Ensuring that visitors to the Bhuki Café had clean cups and tasty treats to eat were (from left) Mattie Swart, Jenny Pierce and Hettie le Roux (chairperson of Friends of Hermanus Li­ brary).

Wat is ’n basaar nou ook sonder panne­ koek? Hier is Mariana Rosenstrauch be­ sig om pannekoeke op te rol.

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Hermanus Times

Promosies Promotions

3 April, 2014

An Easter feast All products on this page have been styled for photography




PnP Fresh Chicken in Tray Per kg



PnP Kids Small Apples Assorted 1kg Each

Ultimate Braai Master Boerewors Per kg

Garnish and decor not included

54 17



+ R


Clover The One 1% Low Fat Fresh Milk 2 Litre

Danone Yo-Jelly Assorted 6 x 100g Per Pack

35 21


PnP Washed Potatoes 2kg and Onions 2kg

Bulk Tenderised Steak Per kg

10 R 10


OH CRUMBS!: Oh Crumbs! Bakery is pleased to announce that they are now sell­ ing the famous Houw Hoek pies as well as a variety of delicious quiches and gourmet sandwiches. Come in and taste their fabulous toffee and fudge available in an array of ex­ citing flavours as well as their biscuits, rusks and many other items. They bake fresh eve­ ry morning so come early to avoid disap­ pointment. You will receive a warm welcome from owner Kathy Titmuss and staff member Monique Freeks (above).

Ladismith Choice Salted Butter 500g Brick

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Fanta, Sprite or Stoney Soft Drink Assorted 2 Litre Each

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The Oh Crumbs! Bakery is situated on the corner of Mitchell and Long Street.


Snowflake Cake Wheat Flour 2.5kg

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Beacon Marshmallow Eggs 48s




Lay’s Potato Chips Assorted 125g

Nestlé Caramel Treat 360g


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Pick n Pay endeavours to meet the demand for these promotional items, but stocks are limited. Some stores may not stock some of these products. Please check availability. We strive to ensure all printed information is correct, but will not be liable for any print errors that may occur. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. Certain products are excluded from the smart shopper programme, please see in store or go online for more details.


8 Mitchell Street Hermanus

Hermanus Times

Promosies Promotions

3 April, 2014


SWISSTECH: Owner Len Stout (right) and assistant Charmaine Pretorius. Swisstech has been in business since 1996.

KIP MCGRATH: Murison en Rhoda Kotze, eienaars van Kip McGrath Hermanus, wat vyf jaar oud word in Augustus. Kip McGrath help om die fondasies van akademiese sukses in gelet­ terdheid en gesyferdheid, vir leerders van graad R tot 12 te bou.

HERMANUS CLEANING SERVICES: They have a new service available as of 7 April, and a newly appointed seam­ stress, Selina, who is available for all al­ terations and mend­ ing requirements. Hermanus Cleaning Services also have a range of cleaning products available.

ADAMS, SCHOUW & CAIN Chartered Accountants (S.A.)

9 Mitchell Street Hermanus Telephone 028-313 1207 Facsimile 028-312 3423 E- mail: asc@ascca.co.za Web address: www.ascca.co.za

TIPPLES, HERMANUS: Staff at Tipples: Nicci, Antoinette, Dan­ ielle, Joey and Michelle.

STERLING AUTO: Die Sterling Auto­perseel is op die hoek van Aberdeen en Mitchellstraat geleë.

BEACH HOUSE HOME: Beach House Home offers a wide variety of gifts, luxurious bath and body care products, scent and candles, leisure and sleep wear, ceramics, glassware, basketware, tableware, soft furnishings, home décor and stationery. Beach House Home, along with Beach House Living and Beach House Décor Studio in the Hemel & Aarde Village, form the Beach House Group known as Beach House Interiors & Homeware, owned by Sally Barnard since December 1997.


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

3 April, 2014

BIRDERS: Over 70 members attended the Hermanus Bird Club’s AGM in March. A new committee was elected and Bar­ bara Palmer (right) after 10 years of active service to the club, stood down. Mike Ford, a previous chairperson and interna­ tionally acclaimed bird­ringing specialist, paid tribute to Bar­ bara’s dedication and loyalty to the club. The new committee members are (from left) John Saunders (project manager), Cherry Mills (public relations and catering), Craig Holmes (chairperson), Charles Naudé (photographer and website man­ ager), Lee Burman (secretary), Margie Ogston (vice­chairper­ son) and David Watson (treasurer).

LONG SERVICE: Barbara Palmer, who has been an active committee member of the Her­ manus Bird Club for the past ten years, stepped down at the organisation’s AGM on 19 March.

RESTANT PLAAS GLENN FRUIN NR. 578, CALEDON DISTRIK, OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALE AREA : VOORGESTELDE VERGUNNINGSGEBRUIK : WARREN PETTERSON NAMENS RFG KOMMUNIKASIES Kennis gegee ingevolge Gedeelte 2.2 van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit Soneringskema dat aansoek gedoen word vir 'n vergunningsgebruik ten einde die bestaande transmissietoring op die eiendom te wettig. Besonderhede aangaande die voorstel lê ter insae by die Departement: Stadsbeplanning (Patersonstraat 16) gedurende normale kantoorure. Navrae kan gerig word aan die Stadsbeplanner, Mnr. H. Olivier, (Tel: 028- 3138900 / Faks: 028-313 2093). Epos navrae : Loretta Page (loretta@overstrand.gov.za). Enige kommentaar aangaande die voorstel moet op skrif gestel word ten einde die ondergetekende te bereik teen nie later nie as Vrydag, 9 Mei 2014. Persone wat wil kommentaar lewer maar nie kan lees of skryf nie mag die Direktoraat: Infrastruktuur en Beplanning besoek waar hul deur 'n amptenaar bygestaan sal word ten einde hul kommentaar te formaliseer. Munisipale Bestuurder, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Posbus 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Munisipale Kennisgewing Nr. 22/2014 REMAINDER FARM GLENN FRUIN NO. 578, CALEDON DISTRICT, OVERSTRAND MUNICIPAL AREA : PROPOSED CONSENT USE : WARREN PETTERSON ON BEHALF OF RFG COMMUNICATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 2.2 of the Overstrand Municipality Zoning Scheme that an application has been received for a consent use in order to legalize the existing transmission tower on the property concerned. Detail regarding the proposal is available for inspection at the Department: Town Planning (16 Paterson Street) during normal office hours. Enquiries regarding the matter should be directed to the Town Planner, Mr. H Olivier (Tel: 028-313 8900 / Fax: 028-313 2093). Email enquiries : Loretta Page (loretta@overstrand.gov.za). Any comments on the proposal should be submitted in writing to reach the undersigned by not later than Friday, 9 May 2014. A person who cannot read or write but wishes to comment on the proposal may visit the Directorate: Infrastructure and Planning where a member of staff would assist them to formalize their comment. Municipal Manager, Overstrand Municipality, P.O. Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Municipal Notice No. 22/2014 Hermanus Hospital Health Facility Board Private Bag x02 Hermanus 7200 Martin.Meyer@westerncape.gov.za Tel. 028-313 5204

FIKS EN GESOND: Die fiksheid­ en gesondheidsgogga het dames van Hawston gebyt toe die Fitness4ever­veldtog Maandagaand in Hawston afgeskop het. Daar is reeds baie be­ langstelling uit die gemeenskap en die skepper van Fitness4ever, Mark de Jongh, glo dat die ledetal sal toeneem in die komende weke.


OFFICIAL NOTICE RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF A FINANCIAL INTEREST IN TERMS OF THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 58 AND 32 OF THE WESTERN CAPE GAMBLING AND RACING ACT, 1996 (ACT 4 OF 1996) (“ACT”),AS AMENDED,THE WESTERN CAPE GAMBLING AND RACING BOARD (“BOARD”) HEREBY GIVES NOTICE THAT APPLICATIONS FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF INDIRECT FINANCIAL INTEREST OF FIVE PERCENT OR MORE IN CASINO OPERATOR LICENCE HOLDERS IN THE WESTERN CAPE HAVE BEEN RECEIVED Pursuant to an intra-group restructuring and consolidation of Hosken Consolidated Investments Ltd’s (“HCI”) indirect financial interest in Tsogo Investment Holding Company (Pty) Ltd (“TIH”), HCI’s wholly-owned subsidiary, TIH Prefco (Pty) Ltd (“Sub 1”) and its wholly-owned subsidiary,TIHC Investments (RF) (Pty) Ltd (“Sub 2”), acquired an indirect financial interest of more than 5% in each of Tsogo Sun Caledon (Pty) Ltd, Garden Route Casino (Pty) Ltd and West Coast Leisure (Pty) Ltd (the “Casino Licensees”). Sub 1 and Sub 2 submitted applications to the Board for consent to hold such indirect financial interest in the Casino Licensees as required in terms of section 58 of the Act. The applications will be open for public inspection at the offices of the Board, Seafare House, 68 Orange Street, Gardens, Cape Town. Interested parties are referred to section 32 of the Act, which permits parties to lodge comment on the applications. In the case of objections to the applications, the grounds on which such objections are founded must be furnished.Where comment(s) are furnished in respect of the applications, full particulars and facts to substantiate such comment must be provided. The name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the objection or offering the comment must also be provided. Comments or objections must reach the Board by no later than 16:00 on Monday, 28 April 2014. Objections or comments must be forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer,Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board, P.O. Box 8175, Roggebaai 8012 or handed to the Chief Executive Officer,Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board, Seafare House, 68 Orange Street, Gardens, Cape Town, or faxed to 021 422 2603, or e-mailed to objections.licensing@wcgrb.co.za



Hermanus Hospitaal Gesondheid Fasiliteitsraad nooi spysenierings besighede wat in staat is om die voglende dienste te verskaf om aansoek te doen

Hermanus Hospital Health Facility Board invites catering businesses able to supply the following services to apply


Catering Services

Die besighede moet aan die volgende vereistes voldoen:

The business needs to fulfil the following criteria:

• 'n Verskeidenheid voorafverpakte, gevulde rolletjies, toebroodjies, slaaie, vrugte, ens • Verversings, water, melk, blikkies koeldrank, vrugte sappe • Joghurts, vars vrugte en vrugte sappe moet verskaf word • 'n Verskeidenheid lekkergoed en sjokolades • Neute, droëvrugte, biltong, ens • 'n Reeks Halaal kosse moet verskaf word • 'n Klein reeks toiletware en skryfbehoeftes • Tydskrifte en koerante

• A selection of pre-packed filled rolls, sandwiches, salads, fruits, etc • Beverages, water, milk, tinned drinks and juices • Yogurts, fresh fruit and fruit juices need to be supplied • A variety of sweets & chocolates • Nuts, dried fruit, biltong, etc • A range of Halaal foods need to be supplied • A small range of toiletries and stationery • Magazines and newspapers

• Ure: Maandae tot Sondae 09:00 tot 16:00 • Maand tot maand ooreenkoms • Moet geregistreer wees as 'n spysenierings besigheid • Verwysings is 'n vereiste • Alle higiëniese en publieke gesondheidswette moet aan voldoen word • Alle belangstellende partye word vereis om 'n klein besigheidsplan in te dien, spyskaart uiteen te sit, koste pryse en 'n maandelikse donasie vir gebruik van die fasiliteit • Besigheidsplanne, te same met aanbiedinge, moet in 'n geseëlde koevert, gemerk "Hermanus Hospitaal Fasiliteitsraad, geplaas word en by die kantoor van Martin Meyer, in die administratiewe seksie van die nuwe Hermanus Provinsiale Hospitaal, nie later as die sluitingsdatum en tyd gelewer word. • Die sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke is 11 April 2014 om 16:00

• Hours: Monday to Sunday 09:00 - 16:00 • Month to month agreement • Must be registered as a catering business

• Business plans together with offers must be in a sealed envelope, marked "Hermanus Hospital Facility Board", and placed at the office of Martin Meyer in the administration section of the new Hermanus Provincial Hospital no later than the due date and time • The closing date for submissions are 11 April 2014 at 16:00



SLEGS KANTOOR URE (08:30 - 16:00)

OFFICE HOURS ONLY (08:30 - 16:00)



• References are required • All hygiene and public health laws must be adhered to • All interested parties will be required to submit a short business plan, outlining menus, costing prices and a monthly donation for use of facilities

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

3 April, 2014


Cape Fold Mountains

DID YOU KNOW: The coastal mountains of the Overstrand belong to the Cape Fold Mountains which, according to Anina Lee, communications manager at Whale Coast Conserva-

tion, were formed about 250 million years ago. They were folded when the ancient continents collided to form the supercontinent Pangea. At this time most of the Cape Fold was being compressed under the earth’s surface, making the rocks malleable, able to bend without breaking. The result can be seen in the unique ‘folds’ for which the Cape Fold is named. Softer rocks


above were eroded over time, exposing the more resistant sandstones of the Cape Fold. These rocks in turn eroded to exceptionally poorquality soils on which our unique fynbos now grows.


Cape Fold Mountains form the base for fyn­ bos growth.

Meet travel and adventure author at U3A Best-selling British author of travel books, journalist, explorer and broadcaster, Tim Butcher, will be the guest speaker at the U3A: Overberg’s open meeting on Thursday 10 April.

Tim Butcher will be the guest speaker at the U3A’s open meeting on 10 April.

Butcher will give a presentation in the Overstrand Auditorium on travel and adventure in his books Blood River and Chasing the Devil. Blood River is an account of his 2004 journey through DR Congo overland from Lake Tanganyika and down to the Congo River, following the route of Henry Morton Stanley’s 1874 – 1877 trans-African expedition. It has been compared with Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, was translated into six languages and reached number one status in the Sunday Times best-seller list of 2008. Chasing the Devil describes a 350 mile trek through Sierra Leone and Liberia following a trail blazed by Graham Greene and recounted in Greene’s Journey without Maps, published in 1936. Butcher was born in Rugby in the UK in 1967 and was on the staff of The Daily Telegraph from 1990 to 2009. He covered all the major conflicts across the Balkans, the Middle East and Africa. In 2010 he was recognised for his contribution to journalism and writing with an Honorary Doctorate by the University of Northampton. Butcher is based in Cape Town. During a recent survey to determine U3A members’ interests, adventure was very high on the list. “This is an opportunity for all the adventurous spirits to enjoy an evening with someone who has experienced danger and excitement and who is not only an excellent author, but also a very accomplished speaker,” says Barbara Pretorius, U3A: Overberg committee member. The talk begins at 17:30 and the cost is R10.

Learn about objects in the universe at HAC meeting The guest speaker at the Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s (HAC) monthly meeting on Thursday 3 April at Sansa at 19:00 is Case Rijsdijk, an astronomer and speaker of note. Case is a past president and honorary member of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa (ASSA) and always plays a leading role in astronomy outreach events throughout the country (SciFest in Grahamstown, Scopex in Johannesburg, ASSA Symposium). He is an active member of ASSA’s Council and chairperson of the Garden Route Astronomy Centre. Case’s previous talks to the HAC included: The Bethlehem Star; Why SALT needed eye surgery – one week after the problem was fixed; and The Higgs Boson – one month after its discovery. On Thursday his topic is: Finger-printing the Universe. He will discuss how astronomers analyse light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation as well as high energy particles to learn about objects in the universe.

TENDER NO. SC1459/2014 Tenders are hereby invited for the Supply and Delivery of Swimming Pool Chemicals for the Overstrand Municipality for a contract period ending 30 June 2017. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 04 April 2014, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus; Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30 upon payment of a tender participation fee of R130.00 per set. Alternatively the document may be downloaded free from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za . Sealed tenders, with: "TENDER NO: SC1459/2014:Supply and Delivery of Swimming Pool Chemicals for the Overstrand Municipality for a contract period ending 30 June 2017” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 1 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation issued by Overstrand Municipality. The closing date and time of the tender is on 25 April 2014 at 12h00 and tenders will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the Supply Chain Management Committee Room, HermanusAdministration. Tenders must be valid for 60 days after the closing date. Tenders shall be evaluated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and bidders may claim preference points in terms of their B-BBEE status level of contribution. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender, as it may deem expedient. Tenders are subject to the General Conditions of Contract and the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Overstrand Municipality. Please refer enquiries to Ms. B Plaatjies at telephone number: 028 313 8921. DIRECTOR: COMMUNITY SERVICES

TENDER NR. SC1459/2014 Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir die Voorsiening en Aflewering van Swembad Chemikalieë vir die Overstrand Munisipaliteit vir kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2017. Tenderdokumnte, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag, 04 April 2014, by die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, vanaf Me. Rita Neethling, Tel. 028 313 8064 tussen 08h30 en 15h30 na betaling van 'n tenderdeelnamefooi van R130.00 per stel. Alternatiewelik mag die dokument gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad www.overstrand.gov.za. Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk: "TENDER NR: SC1459/2014: Voorsiening en Aflewering van Swembad Chemikalieë vir die Overstrand Munisipaliteit vir kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2017” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tenderbus Nr. 1 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die tenderdokumentasie verskaf deur Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die tender is 25 April 2014 om 12h00 en tenders sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. Tenders moet geldig wees vir 60 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Tenders sal evalueer word in terme van die Voorkeurverkrygings Regulasies, 2011 en tenderaars mag voorkeurpunte eis in terme van hul B-BSEB status vlak van bydrae. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die laagste of enige tender wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie. Tenders is onderhewig aan die Algemene Kontrakvoorwaardes en die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuursbeleid van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Navrae kan gerig word aan Me. B Plaatjies by telefoonnommer 028 313 8921.

ISINIKI- XABISO NO. SC 1459/2014 Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso: Ukunikeza Nokuziswa kwaMachiza okucoca Ichibi lokudada ku Masipal wase Overstrand kanga ngexesha eliphela nge 30 Juni 2017. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoLwesihlanu 04 Aprili 2014, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand, eMagnolia Avenue, eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye15h30, usakuhlawula umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba oxabisa R130.00 nge seti Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1459/2014: Ukunikeza Nokuziswa kwaMachiza okucoca Ichibi lokudada ku Masipal wase Overstrand kanga ngexesha eliphela nge 30 Juni 2017." Ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no. 1 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala wase-Overstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 25 Aprili 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamashumi anesthandathu 60 emva komhla wokuvala. Ithenda zizakuhluzwa ngokomgangatho womiselo oKhethekileyo wokuFumana ka-2011 kwaye abanini bethenda banga funa amanqaku okhetheko ngokomgangatho abanawo kwi B-BBEE. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphantsi okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kaMasipala we-Overstrand. Nceda nxibelelana Nonkosazana u B Plaatjies kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 313 8921 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo.



QUOTATION NO. SC 1460/2014

KWOTASIE NR. SC 1460/2014


Quotations are hereby invited for the Renovation of Store Room at Fernkloof Nature Reserve, Hermanus. Quotation documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 04 April 2014, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, MagnoliaAvenue, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30. Alternatively the document can be downloaded from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za Sealed quotations, with “Quotation No.SC1460/2014: “Renovation of Store Room at Fernkloof Nature Reserve, Hermanus.” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 1 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation provided by the Municipality. A compulsory information session will be held at 10H00 on 14 April 2014 at the Fernkloof Nature Reserve Offices. Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 1 GB or higher The closing date and time of the quotation is on 25 April 2014 at 12H00 and will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the SCM Committee Room, HermanusAdministration. Quotations must be valid for 60 days after the closing date. Quotations shall be evaluated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and bidders may claim preference points in terms of their B-BBEE status level of contribution. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any quotation and reserves the right to accept any quotation, as it may deem expedient. Quotations are subject to the Standard Conditions of Tender and the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Overstrand Municipality. Please refer enquiries to Mr. N Green at telephone number: 028 313 8100.

Kwotasies word hiermee ingewag vir: Restourasie van Stoorkamer by die Fernkloof Natuurreservaat, Hermanus. Kwotasiedokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag, 04 April 2014, by die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, vanaf Me. Rita Neethling, Tel. 028 313 8064 tussen 08h30 en 15h30. Alternatiewelik mag die dokument afgelaai word vanaf die webblad www.overstrand.gov.za. Verseëlde kwotasies duidelik gemerk: Kwotasie Nr. SC 1460/2014:“ Restourasie van Stoorkamer by die Fernkloof Natuurreservaat, Hermanus.” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tender Bus Nr. 1 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Kwotasies mag slegs ingedien word op die tenderdokumentasie verskaf deur Overstrand Munisipaliteit. n Verpligte inligtingsessie sal gehou word om 10H00 op 14 April 2014 by die Fernkloof Natuurreservaat Kantoor. Tenderaars moet 'n geskatte CIDB kontrakteur gradering van ten minste 1 GB of hoër hê. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die Kwotasie is 25 April 2014 om 12h00 en kwotasies sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. Kwotasies moet geldig wees vir 60 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Kwotasies sal evalueer word in terme van die Voorkeurverkrygings Regulasies, 2011 en tenderaars mag voorkeurpunte eis in terme van hul BBSEB status vlak van bydrae. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die laagste of enige kwotasie wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie. Kwotasies is onderhewig aan die Standaard Tendervoorwaardes en die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuursbeleid van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Navrae kan gerig word aan Mnr. N Green by telefoonnommer 028 313 8100.

Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso: Ukulungiswa kwe Gumbi Lokugcina izinto eFernkloof Nature Reserve, eHermanus Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela 04 Aprili 2014, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand., eMagnolia Avenue, eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye-15h30, Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1460/2014: Ukulungiswa kwe Gumbi Lokugcina izinto eFernkloof Nature Reserve, eHermanus.” Ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no. 1 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala waseOverstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umjikelo onyanzelekileyo wokubonisana uyakubanjelwa kwi Ofisi yase Fernkloof Nature Reserve Ngomhla we 14 Aprili 2014 ngentsimbi yeShumi 10h00. Abanini be thenda kufuneka babene CIDB enobukhulu obu 1GB okanye ngaphezulu Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 25 Aprili 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamashumi anesthandathu 60 emva komhla wokuvala. Ithenda zizakuhluzwa ngokomgangatho womiselo oKhethekileyo wokuFumana ka-2011 kwaye abanini bethenda banga funa amanqaku okhetheko ngokomgangatho abanawo kwi B-BBEE. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphantsi okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kaMasipala we-Overstrand. Nceda nxibelelana no Mnumzana u N Green kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 313 8100 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo.





Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

3 April, 2014

OAK CONCERT THIS SUNDAY: On Sunday 13 April, OAK will present Goitsemang Lehobye (so­ prano), accompanied by Mark Spence (piano) in the Overstrand Auditorium. Back in Cape Town from Helsinki, Finland, having performed in a new year’s Strauss concert, Goitsemang Lehobye will en­ tertain with well­loved arias from popular operas and operettas. The programme will include favour­ ites from the musicals West Side Story and My Fair Lady. Tickets are R100 and R50 for students. Book at Bellini on 028 312 4988. Direct further enquiries to René du Plooy on 082 940 4238.

(Notice 20/2014) PUBLIC NOTICE CALLING FOR INSPECTION OF SUPPLEMENTARY VALUATION ROLL AND LODGING OF OBJECTIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 49(1)(a)(i) read together with section 78(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act No. 6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the “Act”, that the third supplementary valuation roll for the financial year 2013/2014, is open for public inspection at the Municipal Head Office and its satellite offices, or on the website: www.overstrand.gov.za from 27 March 2014 – 12 May 2014. An invitation is hereby made in terms of section 49(1)(a)(ii) read together with section 78(2) of the Act that any owner of property or other person who so desires should lodge an objection with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from, the supplementary valuation roll within the abovementioned period. Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2) of theAct an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the supplementary valuation roll as such. The form for the lodging of an objection is obtainable from the Municipal offices at the following addresses: Hangklip/Kleinmond: 33 Main Road, Kleinmond 028 271 8400 Hermanus: 1 Magnolia Street, Hermanus 028 313 8000 Stanford: 15 Queen Victoria Street, Stanford 028 341 8500 Gansbaai: Main Road, Gansbaai 028 384 8300 or on the municipal website: www.overstrand.gov.za. The completed forms must be returned to the municipal offices or the Municipal Manager, PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200 on or before 12 May 2014. For enquiries please contact Carien de Beer at telephone number 028 313 8000 or send an e-mail to enquiries@overstrand.gov.za. C. Groenewald PO Box 20 Municipal Manager HERMANUS 27 March 2014 7200 (Kennisgewing 20/2014) KENNISGEWING VAN UITNODIGING VIR INSPEKSIE VAN DIE AANVULLENDE WAARDASIELYS EN INDIEN VAN BESWARE. Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 49(1)(a)(i) saam gelees met Artikel 78(2) van die Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Eiendomsbelastingswet, 2004 (Wet No. 6 van 2004), hierna verwys as die “Wet”, dat die derde aanvullende waardasielys vir die 2013/2014 finansiële jaar, beskikbaar is vir publieke inspeksie by die Munisipale Hoofkantoor en sy administrasiekantore asook op die amptelike webtuiste: www.overstrand.gov.za, vanaf 27 Maart 2014 – 12 Mei 2014. ‘n Uitnodiging word hiermee gerig in terme van Artikel 49 (1)(a)(ii), saam gelees met Artikel 78(2) van die Wet dat die eienaar van eiendom, of enige ander persoon wat dit verlang, ‘n beswaar kan indien by die Munisipale Bestuurder rakende enige aangeleentheid wat vervat word in, of weggelaat is uit die aanvullende waardasielys, binne die bogenoemde tydperk. Aandag word daarop gevestig dat in terme van Artikel 50(2) van die Wet, ‘n beswaar betrekking tot ‘n spesifieke eiendom moet hê, en nie op die totale aanvullende waardasielys as sodanig nie. Die vorm vir die aantekening van ‘n beswaar is beskikbaar by die volgende Munisipale kantore: Hangklip/Kleinmond: Hoofstraat 33, Kleinmond 028 271 8400 Hermanus: Magnoliastraat 1, Hermanus 028 313 8000 Stanford: Queen Victoriastraat 15, Stanford 028 341 8500 Gansbaai: Hoofstraat, Gansbaai 028 384 8300 asook op die amptelike webtuiste: www.overstrand.gov.za. Voltooide vorms moet op of voor 12 Mei 2014 terug besorg word aan die munisipale kantore of die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 20, Hermanus, 7200. Rig u navrae asb aan Carien de Beer by telefoonnommer 028 313 8000 of stuur ‘n e-pos aan enquiries@overstrand.gov.za. C. Groenewald Posbus 20 Munisipale Bestuurder HERMANUS 27 Maart 2014 7200 (Isaziso 20/2014) ISAZISO ESIYA KULUNTU SOKUHLOLWA KOXWEBHU OLONGEZELELEKILEYO LOKUHLOLWA KWEXABISO LOMHLABA NOKUFAKWA KWEZIMVO EZICHASENE NAKO Apha senza isaziso ngokweCandelo 49(1)(a)(i) elinokufundwa lidibene necandelo 78(2) likaRhulumente wezeKhaya: uMthetho WeeRhafu ZoMhlaba kaMasipala, wowama-2004 (uMthetho wesi-6 wowama-2004), ekuza kubhekiselwa kuwo apha nakamva ngokuthi “lo Mthetho”, Wesithathu Woxwebhu olongezelelekileyo lokuhlolwa kwexabiso lomhlaba lonyaka-mali wama-2012/2013, luvulelekile kuluntu ukuba luluhlole kwi-Ofisi eliKomkhulu likaMasipala nakwii-ofisi ezingaphantsi kwalo kwanakwimizi yogcino-zincwadi, okanye kweli jelo: www.overstrand.gov.za ukususela kumhla 27 March 2014 ukuya kutsho kumhla 12 May 2014. Kananjalo sikwenza nesimemo ngokwecandelo 49(1)(a)(ii) elinokufundwa lidibene necandelo 78(2) lalo Mthetho sokuba nawuphi na umnini mhlaba okanye omnye umntu onqwenela ukwenjenjalo ufanele afake izimvo zakhe ezichasene noku kuMphathi kaMasipala ngawo nawuphi na umba olapha, okanye ositheleyo, kuxwebhu olongezelelekileyo lokuhlolwa kwexabiso lomhlaba ngeli xesha lichazwe ngasentl’ apha. Sifuna ukutsalela ingqalelo yenu ngokukhethekileyo kwicandelo 50(2) lalo Mthetho elithi izimvo ezingaphesheya kule nto zifanele zityumbe loo mhlaba zingabi zezichasene nje noxwebhu lokuhlolwa kwexabiso lomhlaba. Iimpepha zokukhalaza ezigqityiweyo mazibuyiselwe kungekafiki usuku lwe 12 May 2014, kwii-ofisi ezikhankanywe ngezantsi okanye kwi-ofisi kaMphathi kaMasipala, PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200. Ifomu yokufaka izimvo zakho ezichasene noku ungayifumana kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala kwezi dilesi zilandelayo: Hangklip/Kleinmond: 33 Main Road, Kleinmond 028 271 8400 Hermanus: 1 Magnolia Street, Hermanus 028 313 8000 Stanford: 15 Queen Victoria Street, Stanford 028 341 8500 Gansbaai: Main Road, Gansbaai 028 384 8300 okanye kweli jelo likaMasipala: www.overstrand.gov.za. Xa ufuna ukubuza nxibelelana noCarien de Beer kwinombolo yefoni u- 028 313 8000 okanye nge-imeyile enquiries@overstrand.gov.za. C. Groenewald PO Box 20 UMphathi KaMasipala HERMANUS 27 March 2014 7200

DANIE NIEHAUS BY SPROKKELSTER: In sy verto­ ning, Ek en Jy, neem Danie Niehaus sy ge­ hoor op ’n musikale reis deur ballades, ligte rock en ligte klassieke musiek, met vertellings oor die ontstaan van al die liedjies. Die oorspronklike musiek is meest­ al op die vrou gemik, besing die liefde en is die pennevrug van sy afgelope 30 jaar in die musiekbedryf, wat gevier word met sy nuutste album, Meesters van die Kuns. Danie tree Vrydag 4 April op by Sprokkel­ ster­teater in Onrus om 20:00. Kaartjies kos R120. Bespreek by Louise: 082 896 5106 of 028 316 4567.

Male Voice Choir to perform in Hermanus The Cape Town Male Voice Choir will give a concert in aid of Overstrand Hospice on Friday 11 April at 19:30 for 20:00. The performance will take place in the Grobbelaar Hall and tickets are R100 each. Tickets can be bought from the Overstrand Hospice office at 10 Hope Street or the Hospice Shop at 3 Aberdeen Street. Tickets will also be available at the door. Call 028 312 4679 for more information.

OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALITEIT/MUNICIPALITY SPECIAL PUBLIC WARD MEETINGS / DISCUSSION OF THE 2014/2015 DRAFT BUDGET Notice is hereby given that the special public ward meetings will take place on the dates and times as indicated hereunder, in order to discuss the 2014/2015 Draft Budget. The meeting can be seen as an extension of the Overstrand Municipal Advisory Forum (OMAF) meeting held on 19 February 2014, and will replace the OMAF meeting which was scheduled to take place during April 2014. Ratepayers and residents are cordially invited to attend the meeting.

Ward No 3

Date and Time Tuesday, 08 April 2014 at 17:30

Venue Auditorium, Hermanus


Thursday, 10 April 2014 at 18:00

Moffat Hall, Mount Pleasant


Wednesday, 23 April 2014 at 18:00

Community Hall, Zwelihle


Wednesday, 23 April 2014 at 18:00

Community Hall, Zwelihle


Wednesday, 2 April 2014 at 18:00

Sandbaai Hall, Sandbaai


Thursday, 3 April 2014 at 19:00

Thusong Centre, Hawston


Wednesday, 23 April 2014 at 18:00

Community Hall, Zwelihle

13 Tuesday 15 April 2014 at 18:00 Contact person: Mr. D Kearney, Area Manager, at 028-313 8112.

De Wet Hall, Onrus

SPESIALE PUBLIEKE WYKS VERGADERINGS / BESPREKING VAN DIE 2014/2015 KONSEP BEGROTING Kennis geskied hiermee dat spesiale publieke wyksvergaderings vir die ondergemelde wyke op die volgende datums en tye soos onder aangetoon sal plaasvind, ten einde die 2014/2015 Konsep Begroting te bespreek. Die vergadering word beskou as ‘n uitbreiding op die Overstrand Munisipale Adviesvorm (OMAF) vergadering wat op 19 Februarie 2014 plaasgevind het, en vervang die OMAF vergadering wat geskeduleer is om gedurende April 2014 plaas te vind. Belastingbetalers en inwoners word hartlik uitgenooi om die vergadering by te woon.

Wyk Nr 3

Datum en Tyd Dinsdag, 08 April 2014 om 17:30

Lokaal Ouditorium, Hermanus


Donderdag, 10 April 2014 om 18:00

Moffatsaal, Mount Pleasant


Woensdag, 23 April 2014 om 18:00

Gemeenskapsaal, Zwelihle


Woensdag, 23 April 2014 om 18:00

Gemeenskapsaal, Zwelihle


Woensdag, 02 April 2014 om 18:00

Sandbaaisaal, Sandbaai


Donderdag, 03 April 2014 om 19:00

Thusong sentrum Hawston


Woensdag, 23 April 2014 om 18:00

Gemeenskapsaal, Zwelihle


Dinsdag, 15 April 2014 om 18:00

De Wetsaal, Onrus

Kontakpersoon: Mnr. D Kearney, Areabestuurder, by 028-313 8112. UNTLANGISO ENOMAHLUKO YEKOMITI ZENWADI ZIKAWONKE-WONKE / INGXOXO KA 2014/2015 YOHLOLABIWO MALI Kwaziswa ngentlanganiso kawonke-wonke yekomiti zewadi ezikhankayiweyo ngezantsi ziyakuthatha lnxaxheba kwintsuku namaxesha angezantsi njongoko akhankanyiwe, malungana nokuxoxwa kohlahlo labiwomali ka 2014/2015. Ientlanganiso iyakubonakala ngokongezelelwa ngokunika ingceblso kubantu base Overstrand Municipal forum (OMAF) kwintlanganiso eyakuba ngomhla washumi eline thoba ku2014 kwaye lentlangano iOMAF iyakuphindwa kwakhona icwangoiswe ukugqityezwiwa ngo-epreli 2014. Abahlawuli rhafu nabahlali ngokubanzi bayamenywa ukuba babekhona kulomhlangano.

Inombolo ye Wadi 3



NgoLwesibini, 08 Ku Epreli 2014 ngecala emva Auditorium, Hermanus kwentsimbi yesihlanu malanga. 4 Moffat Hall, Mount Pleasant NgoLwesine, 10 Ku Epreli 2014 ngentsimbi yesithandathu malanga. 5 NgoLwesithathu, 23 Ku Epreli 2014 ngentsimbi Kwiholo Loluntu, Zwelihle yesithandathu malanga. 6 NgoLwesithathu, 23 Ku Epreli 2014 ngentsimbi Kwiholo Loluntu, Zwelihle yesithandathu malanga. 7 NgoLwesithathu, 02 Ku Epreli 2014 ngentsimbi Sandbaai Hall, Sandbaai yesithandathu malanga. 8 Thusong Centre, Hawston NgoLwesine, 03 Ku Epreli 2014 ngentsimbi yesixhenxe malanga. 12 NgoLwesithathu, 23 Ku Epreli 2014 ngentsimbi Kwiholo Loluntu Zwelihle yesithandathu malanga. 13 De Wet Hall, Onrus NgoLwesibini, 15 Ku Epreli 2014 ngentsimbi yesithandathu malanga. Umntu onokuqhagamshelana naye : D Kearney, Umphathi ngingqi , kule nombolo 028-313 8112.

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

3 April, 2014

Church hall at 10:00. Call De Powell: 0 028 316 1251. ) Danie Niehaus tree op by Sprokkelster in Onrus om 20:00. Kaartjies R120. Om te bespreek, bel Louise: 0 082 896 5106 / 028 316 45674.

THURSDAY 3 APRIL ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mol­ lergren Retirement Village. Call Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. ) Die borduurgroep vergader by die De Wetsaal elke Donderdag van 09:00 – 13:00. Kontak Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s monthly meet­ ing takes place at Sansa at 19:00. Case Rijsdijk will give a presentation: Fingerprinting The Universe. 2 hermanusastronomy@gmail.com. ) Whale Coast Conservation (WCC) seminar on how to beat future blackouts without breaking the bank at The Green House in Vermont from 17:30 to 18:30. The cost is R100 pp. To book, call: 0 028 316 257 or 072 185 5726, or 2 wcc@ocf.org.za. FRIDAY 4 APRIL ) Hermanus Hacking group meets from 06:30 – 08:45 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. All volunteers welcome. Call Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Kunsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus elke Vrydag van 09:00 – 12:00. Bel Estelle Valken­ burg: 0 028 316 3522. ) Brug elke Vrydag by die De Wetsaal van 13:00 – 17:00. Kontak Jaye Howse: 0 028 312 1553. ) Geniet tee, koffie en smaaklike etes met Die Vriende by Bhuki Kafee, Hermanus Biblioteek 09:00 – 11:30. Almal welkom. ) The U3A series Understanding Great Music: The Madrigal, will be presented in the Catholic

SATURDAY 5 APRIL ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kos­en­wynmark van 09:00 – 13:00. ) Hermanus Country Market from 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Garden Market from 09:00 – 14:00 at Hemel­ en­Aarde Village. ) Onrus hou markie vanaf 09:00 tot 12:00 by die De Wetsaal, Roosstraat, Onrus. MONDAY 7 APRIL ) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal: Maandae 08:00 – 09:30; Woensdae 15:00 – 17:00 en Donderdae 08:00 – 09:30. Bel Alida Liebenberg: 0 028 316 3994 of 082 783 5160. )Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 or 072 230 9179. )The U3A lecture on French Rural Art will feature a presentation by Prof Dr Pierre Volschenk: History of 19th Century French Art at 10:00 in the Catholic Church hall. Call Barbara Pretorius: 0 028 312 1438. ) Zumba dans, De Wetsaal, Maandae en Woensdae 17:30 – 18:30. Bel Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. ) Linedancing, De Wetsaal, 18:30 – 19:30. Call Maryanne Calitz: 0 073 469 9132. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) The Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s Cosmology evening at Sansa at 19:00. The proceedings will include Prof Benjamin Schumacher’s series: Understanding Gravity; The Art of Experiment; as well as: Escape Velocity, Energy, and Rotation. Contact Pierre Hugo: 2 pierre@hermanus.co.za.


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TUESDAY 8 APRIL ) The last U3A series on India will take place in the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Call Robin Lee: 0 028 312 4072. ) Yogaklasse elke Dinsdag en Donderdag by die De Wetsaal in Onrus. Bel Henriette Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809. WEDNESDAY 9 APRIL ) Trimgim­klasse vir seniors weekliks deur Mathil­ da Roos by die Onrusrivier­dienssentrum van 10:00 – 11:00. R30 per dienssentrum­lid, R45 vir nielede. ) The monthly club meeting of the SAARP (The South African Association of Retired Persons) Her­ manus Social Club will be held from 09:45 to 11:45 in the NG Onrus Church Hall. The guest speaker is Wolfgang Lange, who will do a presen­ tation on Somalian piracy. Contact Ingrid: 0 028 316 2390 or 082 552 0655. ) VLV Hermanus vergadering om 14:30. Hulle bied ’n kort kursus oor rekenaarvaardigheid aan so bring enige laptop, tablet of smartfoon saam. ) Weigh­Less group meets at the De Wet Hall in Onrus at 08:30. Call Annette Meiring: 0 082 560 2836. ) Egskeidingsondersteuningsgroep elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 in die gebeds­ kamer by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier. Bel Erika Oosthuysen: 0 072 322 0998. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom


byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Bel Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Kevin Leo tree op by Sprokkelster in Onrus om 20:00. Kaartjies R120. Om te bespreek, bel Louise: 0 082 896 5106 / 028 316 4567. THURSDAY 10 APRIL ) The Women’s Business Network meets at the Hermanus Golf Club from 09:00 to 11:00. Talk: Tips on Slowing Down the Ageing Process. Contact Deevra: 0 071 4777 850 or 2 womensbusinessnetwork1@gmail.com ) Best­selling author Tim Butcher will give a talk on travel and adventure in his books Blood River and Chasing the Devil at the U3A Overberg’s open meeting in the Overstrand Auditorium at 17:30. EVENTS ) Overberg Clivia Interest Group will have their first meeting of the year on 12 April. Rare and unusual plants on display will be discussed. To join or attend, contact Felicity: 0 028 316 3092, or Mirjam: 0 072 904 0415. ) The AGM of the Recycle Swop Shop will take place at the Grobbelaar Hall on 30 April at 17:00 for 17:30. ) Early Bird tickets for the second Hermanus Fyn­ Arts from 6 – 16 June opened last week at www.webtickets and at Hermanus Tourism in Mitchell Street. The detailed programme is availa­ ble at www.hermanusfynarts.co.za.


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Hermanus Times

Sport Sport

3 April, 2014

Brother and sister excel

NUWE RUGBY­UITRUSTINGS: Hoërskool Hermanus se o.19A­span neem vanaf 28 Maart tot 2 April aan die Oakdale Rugbyweek in Riversdal deel, en het voor hul vertrek ’n dankie­funksie gehou vir borge wat hul onder­ steun. Van links is die afrigters, spelers en borge: Graham Bellingan (hoof van rugby by Hoërskool Hermanus), Rudi De Voldere (Alfie’s Electrical en borg van die golfhemde); Andrè­Pierre Gouws (kaptein); Darren Maree (on­ derkaptein); Justin Swarts (Over­ berg Decking en borg van die oe­ fenbroeke); André Gouws (Ancar Beleggings en borg van die sport­ sakke); Dino Petim (Food Lovers Market en borg van die rugbytruie, rugbybroeke en sokkies); Niel du Toit (afrigter van die o.19A­span); en Greg Hassenkamp (skoolhoof). Dr. Nico Abel (nie op die foto nie) borg die netjiese hemde wat met ‘n das na funksies gedra kan word. FOTO’S: JANINE VAN DER RIET

Dino Petmin (links) van Food Lovers Market, die borg van die 2013 o.19A­rugbyspan wat die naas­ wenners was in Die Burger Rugby­ kompetisie vir medium skole, ont­ vang ’n foto van die span van Graham Bellingan (hoof van rugby en rugbyafrigter) as ’n geskenk vir sy betrokkenheid by Hoërskool Hermanus se rugby.

When he recovers A local Hermanus from an injury and is seHigh School old boy lected, their next game ran out for his first is Saturday 5 April match in the WP senagainst Tusker Simba ior rugby side on 22 XV, a team with players March against EP from Kenya’s internaKings (WP 56 - 22 tional side. It is schedEPK) at City Park as uled to be played at well as on Friday 28 Newlands. March against the Deacon’s sister TaniBorder Bulldogs sha, a 15-year-old Her(WP 29 - 16 Border) in manus High learner, is East London in Voas sporty as big brother dacom Cup matches. and was recently selectDeacon Chowles ed for the Western Cape (20), also an achiever Deacon Chowles Athletics team and will on the SA Powerboating circuit, plays in the tight- be taking part at the Athletics SA head position and has been play- meeting at Coetzenburg on Saturing for the WP u.19 and u.21 teams, day. She holds the Boland u.17 record which won the Currie Cup finals for javelin. in 2012 and 2013.

SUPPORT FOR HOCKEY: Land en See Sport, supported by Tk Hockey, are interested in furthering the Hermanus High School hockey devel­ opment. Mavis de Villiers (1st team girls coach) on the right is spon­ sored by Tk Hockey. Land en See is currently hosting a Tk promotion at their store. On the left is Mike Wallace from Tk Hockey and Karen de Bruyn (middle) from Land en See.

Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n dinamiese sentrum van uitnemendheid met groot potensiaal binne ’n pragtige omgewing. Ons taak is om groei en ontwikkeling tot voordeel van al ons mense in hulle onderskeie gemeenskappe te bevorder, terwyl ’n balans met die natuur gehandhaaf word. Die Munisipaliteit sluit die areas van Hangklip/Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford en Gansbaai in. Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n werkgewer met ’n beleid van gelyke geleenthede wat daarna streef om ’n dinamiese en effektiewe diens aan sy gemeenskap te lewer. Bevoegde en selfgemotiveerde mense wat uitdagings geniet, word genooi om deel van dié topspan te word en vir die volgende poste in Gansbaai aansoek te doen:

Overstrand Municipality, an Equal Opportunity employer, strives to render a dynamic and effective service to the community. Competent and self­motivated people who enjoy challenges are invited to join our leading team and to apply for the following posts in Gansbaai:


Switchboard operator

• Direktoraat: Gemeenskapsdienste (Verw.:WC0320454) • Salaris: R73 836 per jaar

• Directorate: Community Services (Ref.:WC0320454) • Salary: R73 836 per annum

Minimum vereistes: • ’n Graad 10-sertifikaat • toepaslike skakelbordondervinding • kommunikasievaardigheid in ten minste twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap.

Minimum requirements: • a Grade 10 Certificate • relevant switchboard experience • communication skills in at least two of the three official languages in the Western Cape.

Fisiese vereistes: • goeie gehoor en spraakvermoë • ’n vriendelike persoonlikheid.

Physical requirements: • adequate hearing and speech • a friendly personality.

Hooffunksies: Verantwoordelik vir: • bemanning van skakelbord deur inkomende en uitgaande oproepe te hanteer • hantering van interkomstelsel • registreer oproepe/klagtes op die elektroniese databasis. Bystand met: • prosessering van uitgaande pos.

Main functions: Responsible for: • manning of switchboard by handling incoming and outgoing telephone calls • operating intercom system • logging of calls/complaints on electronic database. Assisting with: • processing of outgoing mail.

algemene aSSiStent: Skoonmaker

general aSSiStant: cleaner

• Direktoraat: Gemeenskapsdienste (Verw.:WC0320444) • Salaris: R65 580 per jaar

• Directorate: Management Services (Ref.:WC0320444) • Salary: R65 580 per annum

Minimum vereistes: •VBOO (ABET) vlak 3/4 (Graad 8) • 6 maande toepaslike ervaring in die skoonmaak van kantore en alle funksionele areas • kommunikasievaardigheid in ten minste twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap.

Minimum requirements: • ABET level 3/4 (Grade 8) • 6 months’ relevant experience in the cleaning of offices and all functional areas • communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape.

Hooffunksies: Verantwoordelik vir: • algemene skoonmaak van die administratiewe departement • skoonmaak van kantore en kantoortoerusting, komiteekamers, vergaderplekke, toiletgeriewe, kombuise en kombuisgerei • stofsuig van matte in alle kantore • vee en was van vloerteëls • was van vensters • byhou van huishoudelike voorraadregister • aanvraag van skoonmaaktoerusting/-benodighede • maak en bediening van koffie/tee en verversings aan personeel, soos vereis • voorbereiding van lokale vir Munisipale geleenthede • afhaal van pos.

Main functions: Responsible for: • general cleaning of the administration department • cleaning offices and office equipment, committee rooms, meeting venues, toilet facilities, kitchens and kitchen utensils • vacuuming carpets • sweeping and washing floor tiles • washing windows • record-keeping of household stock register • requisitioning of cleaning equipment/materials • making and serving coffee/tea and refreshments to personnel, when necessary • preparing of venues for municipal events • collecting mail.

Spesiale voorwaarde: Die suksesvolle kandidaat mag nie allergies wees vir reinigings-/skoonmaakmiddels nie.

Special condition: The successful candidate may not be allergic to detergents/cleaning agents.

Meer inligting kan verkry word deur mnr F. Myburgh by 028 384 8300 te skakel.

More information may be obtained by contacting Mr F. Myburgh on 028 384 8300.

Benewens die bovermelde salarisse bied hierdie poste mededingende voordele wat ’n 13de tjek, mediese bystand, pensioenvoordele, ’n behuisingsubsidie/-toelaag, asook meubelvervoer onder bepaalde voorwaardes insluit.

In addition to the abovementioned salaries, these positions offer competitive benefits which include a 13th cheque, medical aid, pension, housing subsidy/allowance and removal costs under certain conditions.

Rig asseblief ‘n omvattende CV met ‘n dekbrief aan die Senior Bestuurder: Menslike Hulpbronne, Munisipaliteit Overstrand, Posbus 20, Hermanus 7200.

To apply, please forward a comprehensive CV with a covering letter to the Senior Manager: Human Resources, Overstrand Municipality, PO Box 20, Hermanus 7200.

Let wel: Oorspronklik gewaarmerkte afskrifte van kwalifikasie/s en rybewys (indien van toepassing) word vir keuring vereis en moet u CV vergesel. Kandidate wie nie al die ondersteunende dokumentasie indien nie, sal nie vir hierdie poste oorweeg word nie. Meld asseblief die verwysingsnommer van die pos waarom u aansoek doen. Die ontvangs van aansoeke sal nie erken word nie en geen stawende dokumentasie sal terugbesorg word nie.

Please note: Original certified proof of your qualification/s and driver’s licence (if applicable) is a requirement for selection and must be attached to your CV. Candidates who do not submit all the supporting documentation as requested, will not be considered for these positions. Please quote the reference number of the position for which you are applying. Receipt of applications will not be acknowledged and no supporting documentation will be returned.

Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n Gelyke Geleenthede-werkgewer. Kandidate vanuit die aangewese groepe word aangemoedig om aansoek te doen.

Overstrand Municipality is an Equal Opportunity employer. Candidates from the designated groups are encouraged to apply.

Overstrand Municipality is a dynamic centre of excellence combining great potential with a beautiful setting. Our task is to bring about growth and develop­ ment to the benefit of all our people, in their different communities, whilst maintaining a balance with nature. The Municipality includes the areas of Hangklip/Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford and Gansbaai.

Sluitingsdatum: Dinsdag, 22 April 2014 om 15:00

Closing date:Tuesday, 22 April 2014 at 15:00

Indien u nie binne ses weke ná die sluitingsdatum van ons verneem het nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. Die Raad behou die reg om geen aanstellings te doen nie.

If you do not hear from us within six weeks of the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful. The Council reserves the right not to make any appointments.

www.ayandambanga.co.za 117571 HERMANUSTIMES


Facelift keeps ix35 ahead of the rest HANJO STIER This week, for all sorts of great reasons, I ticked a lot of vehicles off my to-drive list. Among these were Italian thoroughbreds and hilariously fast sports cars but most surprising addition is the Hyundai ix35. Yup, that’s right. Up to this morning I had never set foot in one. This had nothing to do with the car itself – or not quite. Had it not been so pretty, popular and eagerly awaited, I may have had a chance to drive it when the mid-size SUV first surfaced a few years ago. The ix35 Press fleet was booked out, booked out and then booked out some more every time I tried to test one. This meant that Hyundai had finally made it; their latest car was so popular that even journalists were getting into fights about them. My immediate circle of friends was no better and I remember a few agonizing months during which I got quizzed about the car and then quickly had to change the subject. “Nice weather today...” By Hyundai’s own admission, the ix35 is a local winner, helping the company to achieve third overall spot in passenger car sales. It’s topselling vehicle in its segment with about a 10% market share. This figure recently started declining steadily, which required a quick refresh to keep the competitors at bay. Initial supply problems have also been addressed: it is now produced in the Czech Republic to ensure that you (and hopefully, your local motoring journalist too) don’t have to wait for the new SUV. Not that you could tell the difference at a glance, Hyundai was right not to mess with

By Hyundai’s own admission, the ix35 is a local bull’s eye, helping the company to achieve third spot overall in passenger car sales. PHOTO: QUICKPIC those looks and the changes are very discreet. The biggest difference lies in new light clusters, wheels and improved specifications; most of these affect only the more expensive models in the range. Three trim levels (Premium, Executive and Elite) are divided among two engines (two-litre pet-

rol or turbo-diesel) and a choice of six-speed manual or six-speed automatic gearboxes. Both engines and gearboxes have improved efficiency and refinement but we’re told a new 1,7-litre turbodiesel is also in the pipeline and currently zipping around the country for testing. Currently, the 2.0 MPi

petrol engine puts out 116kW/192Nm and the 2.0 CRDi 130kW/383Nm. Depending on spec level, the ix35 has LED daytime running lights, projector headlights, LED rear lights, roof rails and new grille. Inside, you get an adjustable multifunction steering wheel, at least two

airbags, on-board computer, bigger cup holders with blue illumination and a radio/CD/mp3/AUX/ipod/ Bluetooth audio system. Elite models feature a sunroof and starter button while sharing things like bigger wheels, ESP and stability control, active yaw control, hill descent and hill start assist, four more airbags, leather trim, auto lights, climate control, cruise control, TFT touch-screen, reverse camera and three-mode Flex Steer system with the Executive range. All models, even the wee ones, have ABS brakes and electronic brake-force distribution, can carry between 486 and 583 kg, tow from 750 kg (unbraked) to 2 000kg (braked) and carry 100 kg on the roof. Tank size is 58L, the turning radius about 5,3m and every model carries a full-size spare wheel. An ix35’s boot space can be extended from 591F to 1 436F by folding the two-stage 60/40 split rear bench. For the adventurous, ground clearance is 170 mm, approach and departure angles are 28 and 27 degrees, wading depth is 500 mm; the on-demand AWD system is only available in the top-spec diesel. I drove both petrol and turbo-diesel at the launch; the punchy turbodiesel clearly outshines the naturally-aspirated petrol car. All vehicles had less than 1 000 km on their clocks though, so the petrols should loosen up with a few more numbers in their digital milometer. Prices range from R319 900 for the 2.0 Premium to R449 900 for the topspec 2.0 CRDi Auto AWD. Hyundai’s 5-year/150 000km warranty and 5year/90 000km service plan will help the ix35 to retain its local sales crown. Perhaps this time round – fingers crossed – I’ll even get one to test for a week. Galimoto Media


Hermanus Times 3 April, 2014

BOLAND Auto Sold

BOLAND Auto Sold

Hermanus Times 3 April, 2014



Hermanus Times 3 April, 2014

BOLAND Auto Sold

Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

3 April, 2014

Toyota’s Corolla is no “fridge on wheels” HANJO STIER

I’m not a connoisseur of household appliances, but when I do buy one, I always try to get one of the more reputable brands. The only time I did splash out on something extravagant for the kitchen was when Dr. Porsche’s family business made a kettle. Other than that, I tend to ignore tumble-dryer sales and don’t subscribe to Appliance Enthusiast magazine. What I’m also not a big fan of is the unnecessary mockery and bullying of certain vehicles: all Defenders break down, every Mini driver is gay and the Toyota Corolla is just a motorized fridge. Really? I’ve closely examined examples of both types of machines and can c onfirm that they bear no resemblance to each other whatsoever. Someone, latching on to the Corolla’s abundant sales and Plain Jane character, called it a refrigerator and the avalanche of abuse started. I’m not a Corolla devotee, but I think it has received more flak than necessary. A slightly boring yet amazingly sensible car – what’s wrong with that? With more than 40 million sales worldwide and almost a million in southern Africa may make it the most common car in the world. This also means most people have a good Co-

The interior also got a severe makeover, its upgraded materials and vastly contrasting shapes taking notes from the 86 and some Lexus designs. PHOTO: QUICKPIC rolla story to tell. A colleague had one as her first car, a lovely brown model with beige interior, inherited from her grandfather. One of my best friends got a Corolla with his driver’s license, handed down from his sister who had first got it from their mom. Notice anything? Yup, on top of being very practical, the Corolla is the epitome of that lovely Afrikaans word “kanniedood” – they just don’t die. (Most of Windhoek’s taxi drivers will agree!) Toyota’s 11th generation Corolla echoes the brand’s new design languag: a tapered Tshaped nose and sculpted surfaces that aren’t too extreme to scare off existing clients; understated and modern. Its length and wheelbase have grown slightly to increase comfort

and practicality levels even more. Snazzy door handles and chrome trim add class to Corolla, which is available in seven tasteful colours. Optimised aerodynamics, weight, rigidity and running gear give the new model better consumption, handling and ride-comfort levels. The cd value of 0.27 is class-leading. The interior is new and its upgraded materials with contrasting shapes follow some 86 and Lexus designs. Better seat and steering wheel adjustment and more space provide improved ergonomics – the new Corolla is better in almost every measurable way. More noise damping makes this car exceptionally quiet and despite a shorter rear overhang, boot size has increased to 452F. Im-


proved specifications and standard features are also most welcome as we recently discovered that the outgoing Corolla was completely out-gunned in a C-segment sedan comparison. Four spec. levels divide the car’s features into Esteem (entry-level), Prestige (midrange), Sprinter (sporty) and Exclusive (luxury) grades. Highlights include power everything, climate control (top two only), touchscreen TFT multimedia system, Bluetooth (not Esteem), smart entry and reversing camera (Exclusive). Four engines and two gearboxes power th2014 Corolla. Petrol four-cylinders are available in 1.3L (73kW/128Nm), 1.6L (90kW/154Nm) and 1.8L (103kW/173Nm) while a brand-new 1.4L turbo-diesel (66kW/205Nm) is the thinking person’s choice with averages of just 119g CO2/km and 4.5F/100km. I sampled most engines on the Corolla’s recent launch and as impressive as the tiny turbo-diesel is, the 1 600 petrol engine was my pick on the various routes at sea level. All engines are available with a six-speed manual gearbox, the 1.6L and 1.8L can also be had with the new Multidrive S automatic gearbox. As can be expected, new Corolla aced the EuroNCAP crash test rating with five stars, its safety arsenal including up to seven airbags, improved pedestrian protection, clever seatbelts, whiplash lessening, increased child restraints, ABS brakes with emergency assist and force distribution. Traction and stability control are fitted to the two top models, as well as hill start assist. Prices start at R214 900 for a 1.3 Esteem, the equivalent 1.4 turbo-diesel costs R237 900 and the top-spec 1.8 Auto is R283 900. There are eight other models/spec levels in between. Toyota has a 3-year/100 000km warranty and 5-year/90 000km service plan. This 11th generation Corolla is advertised as “a car you can be proud of” but I would put a different spin on it. The Corolla is a sensible, practical, value -for-money car that your daughter will probably hand down to your grandson one day. Galimoto Media


Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

3 April, 2014

Michael Stephen in his Audi at the front in Class A

MOTORPRESS Round two of the Super Series in Cape Town saw Michael Stephen (A1) claim the championship lead in the Class A of the Bridgestone Production Cars. Stephen has claimed the title on three separate occasions and a good performance at Killarney saw him move into first place. “I was fastest in qualifying, won the first race and finished in second place in the feature race,” says Stephen who also posted lap times among

those of the top two racers during the practice sessions. “We’ll be racing at our home circuit next, we know the track and setup so it should be a strong round.” According to the championship rules, Stephen will have to start the feature race, which counts for double points, from the back of the grid as he is now the championship leader. This is going to make his qualifying and first race results in PE critical to his championship ambitions. In the Cape, Stephen took his usual methodical approach to the racing, opting to capitalise on opportunities

as they came up, instead of pushing hard and gambling on success. The reward for his patience was another strong performance, with a second overall finish for the day, and a valuable haul of points that has moved him to the top of the log. For Stephen’s team mate, Simon Moss (A38) the weekend was a decidedly tough one, but he is very happy with his race day. “It has been a difficult weekend,” says Moss. “I can take a lot of good from this event though. I was a lot quicker than at Zwartkops. I touched Johan Fourie in that first race and it affected my wheel alignment. I scrubbed half the rubber off the tyre on the fender and in the second race

my rear suspension broke – probably from an incident earlier in the race.” Moss never expected an easy ride as he moved into the top class of competition in the Bridgestone Production Car Championship, and is philosophical about the trials and tribulations that accompany his new motorsport category. He is, however, very optimistic about the next event in Port Elizabeth. This is where he has done his testing in the run-up to the season, it is where he has spent the most time with multiple champion, Stephen, in preparation for the year ahead and he knows he has good pace at Aldo Scribante Raceway. There is a good chance that he will

produce one of his best performances, if not his best, of the 2014 season in front of his home crowd. A good result at home could see him prepared for an equally good performance at the East London round in July, the third of three consecutive coastal rounds for the Super Series competitors. Look out for the Engen Xtreme team at Aldo Scribante Raceway on Saturday, 3 May, when they contest round three of the 2014 Bridgestone Production Car Championship in Port Elizabeth. The competition in this category gets more exciting with every passing event and a nail-biting performance is expected from these racers as they fight for points in the Friendly City.

Round two of the Super Se­ ries in Cape Town saw Michael Stephen in his Audi (A1) claim the championship lead in the Class A of the Bridge­ stone Produc­ tion Cars. PHOTO: MOTORPRESS

Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

3 April, 2014







HYPNOTHERAPY & LIFE COACHING. For the release of stress, depression, anger, weight issues, addictions, fears etc. Joe Hein 079 680 2600. MASSAGE THERAPIST. Raymond Philpott. Therapeutic, deep tissue, sports. Kidbrooke Place & Botrivier. Call 082 599 2993.

WIRE-HAIRED Terrier adult female, and assorted cats and kittens very urgently need good homes. Tel 028 341 0547/082 899 1172.

THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884.

HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643. BENJAMIN NOLAN 02/04/2014. 9 Jaar te vroeg! Ons sal jou nooit vergeet nie! Van Verna & Bevan.




NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 079 697 6555/082 492 4285. ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za. LOST/MISSING 1225

MISSING WHITE CAT CONGRATULATIONS Sandbaai. Please phone Jane if you see our snow 1030 white cat. Angel was last seen in Piet Retief Street, Sandbaai on 29th March. We miss her!!! Call Jane 084 792 1548. NOLAN BENJAMIN 2/04/2014. Reeds 9 jaar van ons geskei. Ons sal jou ewig en altyd lief hê, maar die verlange is die ergste. Liefde daddy, mommy, Mavin & Deano. DENNIS A. FARRELL 9/10/1933 -5/04/2011. Ons steunpilaar en mentor jy is op 'n beter plek jou vrou en kinders.

CAKES AND CUPCAKES for all occasions. To view Website: www.my cakeangel.co.za. E-mail: tarrynlotz@gmail.com. Call Tarryn Geyer 076 154 9612.

WANTED: Antiques, furniture, paintings, bronzes, silver, porcelain, jewellery, watches, clocks. Cash payments for unwanted goods. Call 082 833 2567.

VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281.


LOANS 1445

ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.


AFFORDABLE ONSITE Computer Support. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer with ten years corporate experience to assist you at home or office with all computer, network, internet and email problems. Call Jacques 084 402 0500.


1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608. HERMANUS HIRING will fill all your function needs - Tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, linen, etc. At good prices. Call 028-312 4291 or Ken on 082 420 0060.

SUGAR PLUM Party Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.

MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311. PRIVATE TUTOR: JP Teacher with remedial experience offering tutoring for young learners Gr R- GR 5 in Maths, English, Reading & Comprehension, Spelling & Phonics. Anne Dale 072 071 4289.



ADVANCED HYPNOTHERAPY NLP. MABCH. MCAHyp. Can help with anxiety, depression, phobias and much more. Phone Vera for info. 25 Yrs experience 083 549 3473.

APPLE AND COMPUTER SUPPORT. Your friendly neighbourhood geek would like to help you sort out your PC and mobile device problems! I provide on-site support, tutoring and expert advice all at the best price in town. Try me! Call Chris on 082 856 5384.


CURVES FOR WOMEN 30-minute Circuit Supercharge weightloss and web based meal plans. E-mail: curves@hermanus.co.za. Call 028 316 2211.

PERSONAL FREE WELLNESS PROFILE. Call Tanya 082 796 5741 to book an appointment. RAAI WIE WORD 6? Geniet jou dag met liefde van 2 oumas, 3 ooms, 1 antie en mammie en daddy love you.




CONSOL SOLAR JAR R160 each in a case of 12. R175 individually. Free delivery in Hermanus - delivery charges may apply to other areas. Call Leanne 083 293 7208 -e-mail: CHRISTELIKE AFHANK- funtimes@thephotowalk ers.com. LIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871.



COMMUNITY NOTICES ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com


HERBALIFE. Use winter to get ready for summer! Lose weight and keep it off! Professional follow up. Free delivery. Call 076 155 9648.

COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.


OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679. TAROT READING. 25 Years experience. Phone 083 750 9453 for appointments.

WENDYHUIS TE KOOP. 3M X 3M - splinternuut R5000. Skakel 082 550 8260.


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

3 April, 2014





I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.


WIND-O-WASH. For pro1ST PLANT, TOILET, fessional window cleaning HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & services in the domestic, Trailer hire 028 312 2280. commercial, industrial and retail sectors. We have ccsplant@telkomsa.net. more than 20 years experience in the industry and BUILDERS/EVENTS look forward to your call TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. on 028-313 2232 for a free, no obligation quotation. Call 086 100 2271 or 028312 2367.

NUTSMAN/HANDYMAN Phillip Hough. Sel/Cell: 079 613 9328. E-mail: vaphimopo@gmail.com.




1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874.

1845 1825


BARGAIN SHOP. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508. GARAGE SALE 1636

GARAGE SALE. 10HOO Saturday 5th April. 228 Sixth Street Voëlklip. Tel 028 314 0064. MISCELLANEOUS 1655

62 X 19 FOOT FLYING speed short board - island style Girp- BA6, made in Australia R800. Hunter 440 Air Rifle cal.45 (1.77) Gamo 5 made in Spain R300. Contact 028 316 2625 or e-mail: sincalitz@gmail.com. BLACK WHATTLE LATTE R1500. 2 x Fridges R700 each. Picnic baskets, table clothes and food packaging R1000. Call 082 442 7044. BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749. BUY & SELL. Cash paid for unwanted household furniture, fridges, beds, etc. Super Seconds pays best. Call 079 746 0830. ELEKTRONIESE SIGARETTE is nou hier beskikbaar as alternatief vir die rook van skadelike tabakrook. Kontak: Ben 082 726 8771/ 028 316 4217. FOR SALE CELL PHONES Nokia E71 R325; Nokia 2700 R300; Blackberry 9700 R950. Call 084 200 2253. MARTINI HENRY 450 Underlever Rifle CIRCA 1880. Call 028 313 1903. QUALITY CHICKEN MANURE for your lawn & garden. Delivered. R55.00 for 40 kg. Call Oliver 072 176 2657. SALON MEUBELS en toerusting te koop. Skakel Mari 083 299 6241. WANTED TO BUY 1675

ANTIEKE GEEL EN STINKHOUT meubels gesoek om te koop. Tafel, stoele, banke en jonkmanskaste. Enige toestand. Skakel 076 312 1904.

A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798. ALL BUILDING WORK. Alterations, renovations, extensions, boundry walls, paving, tiling & painting. Call 082 255 0939. CLEANING SEVICES 1805

1ST HERMANUS CLEANING SERVICE. Houses, pre and post occupational clean-ups. Once-off, weekly/monthly. Friendly service under supervision. Mon-Sat. Call 076 115 7382.

A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. For full garden maintenance, tree felling, plot clearing and refuse removal. Also small removals. Gutter cleaning. Call Morné 083 225 3712. AFRI-LANDSCAPES. Landscape design, installation, irrigation and maintenance. For professional service contact Tony on 072 125 1855 or tony@afrilandscapes.co.za.

ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS, painting, electrical, plumbing, tiling, building etc. Free quotations. Phone 082 864 2275.

ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. A & A BOME. Afsaag van It pays to get our quote. bome en takke, asook Michael Haman 072 288 wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot 4761/084 558 1902. by Rooi-Els. Aldert en Anita skakel 083 739 9865. CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal superviALL SEASONS is back in sion. Best prices. Free quotown. For landscaping, tations. Phone Top Carpets maintenance and plot clea- 028-313 0721. ring. Inquiries welcome. Call Juliet Leppan 072 942 CINDY'S CARPET 1260. CLEANERS. Carpets, rugs & upholstery cleaners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 5385/028-316 4264.


BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.

ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. No call out fee. Call 079 706 1056.

Landskap vanaf 2002. Gras sny, blombeddings, sny heinings, erf skoonmaak, tuine skoonmaak. Skakel 083 556 9393.

DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS to ladies and mens clothing. Erna Vroom 072 380 0440/028 316 2376. Hemel-en-Aarde Estate.


MANY SIZES. Also Packaging material. Geoff 082 560 0852. A1 STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.

BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact 028 312 4615 or email us at advice@bbrokers. co.za. Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website: www.bbrokers.co.za. VEHICLES



BIKE, GENERATOR, Golf Cart and all other Batteries @ PJ Batteries 028 312 1026/072 155 5226. CAR BATTERY SALE. 1/2 Price. 6 Month guarantee. Call 084 610 2815.

REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. 082 885 7480. Call 082 885 7480. SCHEEPERS AND DE LANGE CONSTRUC24 HOUR SERVICE TION. Carpentry, paving, steelwork and general alterations. Call the experts on 072 010 7202.


WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480. WATERMARK MAINTENANCE. Irrigation design and installation. Pump repair. Repair of existing systems. Painting of houses, roofs and wood. Erecting of fencing, gates and burglar proofing. Garden cleaning, tree felling and instant lawn. Drainage and waterproof problems. Anything outside the house that needs fixing. Call Jay Smith 082 372 2448.

082 414 9611





HYUNDAI H100 Insulation Bin 180 000km R80 000 neg. Call Anne 082 558 4628.


TUK TUK 175 cc with load bin and canopy R20 000. Phone Anne 082 558 4628.


VW KOMBI'S 1999 R30 000, 2002 R40 000. Skakel 083 380 3979. TRAILERS


3040 1872

PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028 316 1881 / 072 288 4761.



MIK & TAK. Specialising in tree felling and removal of garden rubble/waste. Contractor for Overstrand municipality. Michael 078 371 5967. REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195.



SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667.www. solarmax.co.za.


DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. 24 HOUR EMERGENCY Alien plant extermination. call out Electrician. No Fire wood. Call T.J.Boshoff power, no hot water? 082 954 7970. E-mail: Installation maintenance & bossie.boom@gmail.com. repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: Graeme Lahoud 082 785 for professional irrigation 2017. and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a ELECTRICAL and housefree consultation phone hold appliance repairs. 028-313 0295. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and ELECTRICAL MAINTEgarden maintenance. 15 NANCE hot water sysMimosa Street, Industrial tems. Supplied and fitted. Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. Pool pumps etc. Contact www.fynbosgardens.com Oliver 072 176 2657 or 028 312 2796. HAVEN TUINDIENSTE

OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.

PEST CONTROL -WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, induZUKI'S GARDEN & Forestrial and commercial pest stery Service. Alien plant control. Specializing in clearing. Plot clearing. Gar- NEW OR REMODEL beetle inspections and den refuse removal. Tree Building Drawings done, timber treatments. Regipruning. Hedge trimming. with New Energy Regulati- stered with Dept. of AgriWeed extermination, etc. ons SANS10400XA, CESA, culture and SAPCA. Call Call Zukisani 082 711 NRCS, SAIA, WSP. Call our friendly staff on 0286102. Jaco Sadie 076 330 0330. 316 3010.


• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com


HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za. VEHICLE REPAIRS 3080

CAR BATTERY SALE. 1/2 Price. 6 Month guarantee. Call 084 610 2815. VEHICLES WANTED TO BUY 3075

AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828. TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering.

Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

3 April, 2014

ONRUS: R3850 pm. Neat flat, walled. 2 Bedroom, 1 garage. Call 083 429 9919.



2 x 70M2 OFFICE SUITES For sale or to rent. Hemel en Aarde Craft Village. R4900 pm each. Call 072 797 2447.

ZIMBABWEAN GRILLER or filleter needed. please phone 083 457 5741 between 08h00 and 14h00 for appointment.

BERTHA CHAMBO Malawian lady looking for job as a childminder or 3265 housekeeper. Full-time or ONE BEDROOM Garden days. Hardworking and experienced. Call 083 892 cottage to rent. Phone after 17h30. Ingrid 082 775 6428 or 074 402 4735. 5547. HARDWORKING LADY age 30 years is looking for a job as a housekeeper or HOUSES TO LET babysitter. Call Tutsi 074 3270 526 1644. GARDEN FLATS TO LET

SANDBAAI Fully furnished , Non-smoking flatlet. Electricity included. In security complex. R2000 per month. Call 073 149 2159. VERMONT 1 Bed garden flat suitable for single working person R2650 + deposit. Water & electricity incl. Garage optional. No pets. Call 082 705 3055.


I AM LOOKING for a job as a housekeeper or babysitter. I can cook. 10 Experience. Reference available. Call 071 701 5540.


I AM Looking for a job as a cook or assistant chef. 2 Years experience. Reference available. Call George 084 884 9029.


HOUTHUIS EN KARAVAAN te huur - baie netjies vol gemeubileerd in privaat oord, baie veilig R2600 + levy, krag & water ingesluit. Deposito + verwysings. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Mei. Skakel 083 285 3402 of 079 894 0700.

LADY(35yrs) & married, looking for a housekeeping or babysitting job. Reference available. Please call 073 117 3658. MALAWIAN Couple looking for jobs as a housekeeper & cooking. man as gardener or housekeeper. 4 Years experience. Call 079 033 5300/074 824 7171.

SANDBAAI SPACIOUS 3 Bedroom double storey NEWLY RENOVATED flat with small garden, se62sqm office/shop space to rent in Hermanus busi- cure complex, swim/pool, R5500 pm and prepaid ness district, 4 Royal Street. Own ablution faci- electricity. Available lities. Phone 076 092 7240. immediately. Call Cornell 083 305 7337.

MALAWIAN hardworking man looking for a job as a gardener, housekeeper or guesthouse attendant. Please call 084 574 6757. MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job as a housekeeper/babysitter or domestic worker. Please call Ireen 084 389 4889/078 307 0710. MALAWIAN LADY looking for a job as a domestic or nanny. Please call Blessings 084 893 1158 or Andrew 079 884 0376.

2 Part-Time Coaches Wanted:

MALAWIAN LADY looking for domestic work or 3315 housekeeping or nanny. Hardworking, reliable and ROOM, Spacious, en-suite trustworthy. Call 084 044 with kitchen facility. Near 1540. hospitals R1870 pm + deMALAWIAN MAN and posit. Call 071 292 6238. Single person price R1870 his wife looking for jobs as cook/housekeeper or garpm + deposit. dener. Have experience and hardworking.Please EMPLOYMENT contact 081 058 2696 or 078 545 6004. ROOMS TO LET

TO LET: Bistro/Retail/Office Space to let in Harbour Road (previously Annie se Kombuis). Contact Xpert Property at 082 870 5704. FLATS TO RENT 3250

HERMANUS HEIGHTS gemeubileerde 1 slaapkamer woonstel dadelik beskikbaar R2200 pm w&l ingesluit vir werkende huurder. Skakel 076 092 7255. NORTHCLIFF Bachelor flat R2400 pm + dep. Ensuite room R1900 pm + dep. Non-smokers. Incl. water + 250u elect. Call 072 882 2744. SANDBAAI 1 Bedroom garden flat. Available 1st May. No pets. No smoking. R2800 pm. Call 084 526 0005.

MALAWIAN MAN looking fo a housekeeping, gardener or driver job. Has 3670 drives licence. Reference 21 YEAR OLD Professio- available. Call Madalitso nal waiter urgently looking 060 451 5015/078 051 9702. for a job. 3 Years experience. Reference available. MALAWIAN MAN looCall 074 540 5968. king for a job as a housekeeper and cook. Have A CAREGIVER Nurse , experience in cooking and Housekeeper is looking for housekeeping.Reference full or part time work. Any available. Please call 078 job. Please call Beauty 071 545 6004/081 058 2696. 754 3710. RELIABLE, honest & A HARDWORKING Ma- hardworking Zimbabwean lawian is looking for a job lady looking for 3 days per as a gardener or any other week job. Reference: Mrs job. 2 Years experience. Keulder 076 866 8021. Call Call 074 529 8354/073 303 Faith 074 765 1075. 6320. Ready to work even SA LADY is looking for an late hours. admin or PA work. Please A MALAWIAN lady with call 084 847 5008. 5 years experience is looTRUSTWORTHY, hardking for a caregiver/houseworking and reliable Malakeeping or nanny job. wian is looking for a job as References available. Call mechanic, driver or house084 772 7692. keeper. Call 061 827 8739 A MALAWIAN man loo- George or 072 4358573. EMPLOYMENT WANTED


CONTACT CECILE 082 811 4182 in Hermanus to buy or sell property. HERMANUS R975 000. Open-plan living areas with lounge, dining room & kitchen, 3 bedr, 2 bathr & single garage. Good location within walking distance of town. Scaling down or starting up! None available in this price range. Heather 083 285 2777. Web ref: 656549. Guthrie & Theron Properties.

king for a job as a housekeeper, gardener, cook or carer of the aged. 3 Years experience. Reference available call 073 161 7757. Call 083 619 8576.

A RELIABLE Zimbabwean lady is looking for a job as a housekeeper/petsitter and babysitter. Full or part time. Reference available. Please call Laizah 084 216 3240.


AFRIKAANS speaking shop assistant required. Please phone 083 457 5741 between 9h00 and 12h00 for appointment. EARN EXTRA MONEY with SDL. Cell 071 456 3498.

Vanaf 20 Maart word daar Paarl Post koerante verkoop by OK Foods Gansbaai vir al die oud Paarlliete wat nou in Gansbaai bly of vir diegene wat net graag Paarlse plaaslike nuus wil geniet. Vir meer navrae kan u Ilse skakel by 021 870-4600.

Hockey and Soccer Coaches wanted in the Hermanus Area to assist the Football Foundation of South Africa's Volunteers at the after school programs. Coaches Requirements: • Grade 12 Qualification • Extensive Knowledge of the sports rules and regulations • At least 2 years coaching experience • Good relationships within the Community and with Local Schools • Speaks Xhosa orAfrikaans and English • Driver’s license not necessary but would be an advantage Work Hours: • Mon & Tuesday: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Zwelihle Community Sports Field • Wednesday: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Mount Pleasant Sports Field (Atlantics Rugby Field) • Thursday & Friday: 2:30pm – 4:30pm Hawston Sports Field • And available on some weekends Interested Applicants to email cv to Natasha Bredekamp at: natasha@footballfoundation.co.za or call 076 675 1972 for hand delivery and any additional information about the post

Finance / Admin Clerk

Level 4- 5 - Requirements: Advance working knowledge of PASTEL accounting, payroll, monthly cash flows, quarterly & financial year end statements & balance sheets • internet banking • working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite • accurate recordkeeping, filing & admin • self motivated • ability to prioritize • organized • committed. Responsibilities: Customer invoicing, payments • HR payments, deductions • Admin • Filing • Data capturing • Stock taking • Monitoring of sales • Inventories • Supervision Applications should include: A cover letter, updated CV, certified copies of qualifications, ID, 2 recent references. For enquiries please contact Elizabeth du Toit at tel/fax 028 3121475. Submit applications to: Old Harbour Museum, Hermanus or email to visbaai@telkomsa.net. Closing date: 11 April 2014


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

3 April, 2014

Freshers enjoy basketball and soccer al Team. All three goals were made possible by Abongile Mafevuka, who came on as a substitute and completely turned The Grade 8 classthe game around in es had an opportunifavour of the Qhayty to match their iya Invitational skills against a Team. Qhayiya InvitationAbongile is a brilal Team, consisting liant striker who of senior learners. represented the The day included Abongile Mafevuka, school in the Sanbasketball games, as Qhayiya’s brilliant lam Kay Motsepe well as soccer striker. Schools Cup Chammatches. The Qhayiya Invitational pionships for the Western Team won the soccer tournament Cape. Akhona scored for the The basketball 3-1 against the Freshers’ C team. Freshers. Vuyisa Gambushe and scores were: girls u. 15: 36 – 15; Khangelani Mdlayo scored the boys Freshers: 14 – 48; seniors: goals for the Qhayiya Invitation- 22 – 18. Qhayiya Secondary School held their annual Freshers Matches recently.

Qhayiya’s invitational basketball team.

The girls basketball team from Qhayiya took part in the school’s re­ cent tournament.

Qhayiya’s Freshers (Gr 8) basketball team.


Cyclist completes 21st Argus KERRY VAN RENSBURG


We are looking for a bright, enthusiastic person to work in our reception. The work requires strong people skills, confidentiality and ability to work within a team. Familiarity with MedEDI and previous experience as receptionist in a medical setting essential. Will suit a mature person. Driving license and transport needed. Starting date : soonest Salary negotiable and dependent on experience. Closing date for applications 9/04/2014 15 Main Road, ONRUSRIVER, Hermanus 7201 Tel : 028 3163043 / Fax : 086 569 0406 Email : WhaleMed@gmail.com

Business Manager Hermanus Nedbank is driven to offer employees exceptional prospects through its commitment as an organisation that truly cares. Our high-performance culture ensures a place where you can thrive and where excellence is recognised and rewarded. Your key focus will be on increasing our market share through the acquisition of new clients and by selling the full suite of banking products to maximise client profitability. This will entail proactively identifying clients’ needs, effectively managing client relationships, providing clients with holistic financial solutions and managing credit risks. The ideal candidate will have Grade 12 or a diploma at NQF Level 4 or equivalent, have completed the banking exams and have at least seven years’ sales experience within the financial services industry. Commercial experience, FAIS compliance and sound knowledge of the area are essential. To apply go to nedbankgroup.co.za, select Careers@Nedbank, click on Apply for a job at Nedbank and type reference number NED19437 to ensure your application is received. Closing date: 11 April 2014 The appointment will be made in line with Nedbank’s employment equity policy. Nedbank Limited Reg No 1951/000009/06. Authorised financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP16).

He has run the Comrades Marathon ten times, and this year he completed his 21st consecutive Argus Cycle Tour. At the age of 79, Johnny van Wyk has the medals and good health that go with being a life-long sports fanatic. In his youth he swam for Transvaal and Western Transvaal and played water polo as well. He was always athletic, and ran the Comrades each year from 1977 to 1986 until he got his green number. After working in the engineering division of the mines in Klerksdorp, he and his wife Norma, a former nursing sister, retired to Plettenberg Bay where they lived for 12 years. They then moved to Pearly Beach for 10 years, and have been living in Hermanus for the past two years. Johnny and Norma have been married for 56 years and live in Sandbaai. Johnny says it was his aim to complete 21 Argus Cycle Tours so he could get his permanent number. “It’s quite an achievement,” he says, “And although there were some challenges some years, I never missed once.” His first Argus was in 1994. His son Peter has completed the Argus ten times and father and son cycled together the past two years. Johnny says he will not cycle in the Argus again as training on the roads in and around Hermanus has become increasingly dangerous. He is satisfied that he has reached his goal and even though he will be 80 soon, he is not giving up cycling all together. Standing in his house is a brand new Twenty-Niner mountain bike for off-road cycling. He calls this huge new silver and white bike “The Beast”. Look out for him off the beaten track; he’s probably the really tall chap way in front of you.

Sandbaai resident Johnny van Wyk, who completed his 21st Argus Cycle Tour this year, on his favourite road bike.

RUTHIE – A SENSITIVE SOUL: Ruthie has spent nearly all of her young life at Hermanus Animal Welfare Society. When she came in as a puppy, HAWS did not know at the time that Ruthie is in fact a cross Greyhound which is a very sensitive breed. She is now nearly a year old and is finding it difficult to adapt. HAWS’s volunteer animal behaviourist will be willing to help Ruthie settle in. Call HAWS on 028 312 1281.


BROTHERS LOOKING FOR A HOME: These poor little guys are brothers and have been patiently waiting at HAWS since they were tiny pups but have always been overlooked. They have a clear rid­ ge on their backs and are gentle souls who mix well. They are now seven months old and would love their own family. They do not need to go together. If you can help ple­ ase call HAWS on 028 3121281.

Hermanus Times

Sport Sport

3 April, 2014

Bridge results: Wednesday 26 March N/S: 1. Carren Emery / Wina Loubser 55.45%. 2. Danny / Murrae 52.85%. 3. Marion Roux / Sue 52.69%. E/W: 1. Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 74.28%. 2. Anneke vd Vlugt / Carin Verburgh 62.81%. 3. Jilly / Elzane 56.64%. Friday 28 March N/S: 1. Murrae / Danny 63.59%. 2. Tony Kimpton / Linda Zaaiman 56,28%. 3. Carin Verburgh / Adele Bovim 51.59%. E/W: 1. Riekie Louw / Carren Emery 60.64%. 2. Juliana Dockel / Janice Ospovat. 3. Rosemary Sutton / Sylvia Wroth 55.25%. Saturday 29 March 1. Adele Bovim / Carin Verburg 68.75%. 2. Maggy Christmas / Peggy Nicholson 54.17%. 2. Riekie Louw / Carren Emary 54.17%. Monday 31 March N/S: 1. Carren Emary / Riekie Louw 61.57%. 2. Mike Brownlee / John Truswell 52.08%. 3. Nell Naude / Joan O’Connor 51.16%. 3. Heather Leemans / Jenny Veysey 51.16%.

E/W: 1. Danny / Murrae 57.87%. 2. Aletta Robinson / Annette Strachan 56.25%. 3. Jackie Ascham / Margaret Truswell 51.85%. Whalers Athletic Club - Time trial results – 27 March: 3 km Runners: 1. Leo Benning 19.27 SB; 2. Luke Kavanagh 21.09 PB; 3. Julie Cheetham 21.17 PB; 4. Shelley Kavanagh 21.18 PB; 5. Johan Andersen 26.02; 6. Willie Loedolff 26.02 5 km Runners: 1. Ignatius Matema 19.05; 2. Christiaan de Wet 19.29 SB; 3. Loudi Vorster 21.33 SB; 4. Daniel Maree 21.56; 5. Louise Erasmus 22.55 SB; 6. David Cupido 24.28; 7. Andre van der Merwe 24.43; 8. Tohoho Nele 26.32; 9. CS Nyalela 26.34; 10. Christine Hibberd 26.37; 11. Hugh Waters 27.27; 12. Les Han-

na 29.33; 13. Josef du Preez 30.19; 14. Lorette Streicher 30.20; 15. Marhette van Huyssteen 30.20 5 km Walkers: 1. Arlene Ehrenberg 41.46; 2. Emmie Gouws 41.46 8 km Runners: 1. Sign Mawunda 29.50; 2. Mark Kavanagh 29.53 PB; 3. Kevin Middleton 33.08; 4. Charles Malan 33.20 PB; 5. Wilhelm Cooper 36.40; 6. Casey Mbambo 36.47; 7. Matthew Milne 36.50 PB; 8. Mikki Milne 38.42; 9. Karin de Bruyn 46.33; 10. Carina van der Merwe 46.33; 11. Karin Austin 46.33. Golf results: 140 players took part in the 4 BBB Stableford on Saturday 29 March. East Course 1. Brian Taylor / GP Le Roux (46) 2. Andre Sherriff / Mickie Milne (46) North Course 1. Terri Sulley / Jorg Alfes (43) 2. Paul Benade / Nokkie Benade (43) South Course 1. Patrick Morlet / Wendell Meiring (47) 2. Reinhardt Buhr/ Tex de Swardt (46); John Simson (Apol) / Ambrose Lloyd (46)

Junior en Joggie­kampioenskappe Die Hermanus Gholfklub se Junior asook die Joggie- kampioenskappe is oor 36 putjies op Sondag 23 Maart beslis. Die nuwe Junior kampioen is Demetri Liversage (68/79/147), met Liam Cloete (79/75/154) en Carel Garbers (77/77/154), die naaswenners. Met twee pragrondes vanaf ’n tien voorgee is Stefan van Rooyen (77/67 en 80/70) met sy telling van 137 as die netto wenner aangewys. Die Joggie-kampioenskap is ná ’n valbyl-uitspeelstryd beslis. Calvin Claasen (75/83/158) het Sandile Booi (81/77/158) op die eerste uitspeelputjie geklop.

DOGS results Some thought the DOGS were fools to venture out on to the course on 1 April. Luckily, the rains stopped and the game was largely dry if a little windy. The post-match was, as usual, not at all dry and very windy. Smooth Swinger Wreglesworth

Demetri Liversage is die junior kam­ pioen.

was no fool as he swung to an impressive 40 points. Smooth has one of the best addresses of the group but it is withheld to protect his privacy. Cruiser Thomas, having been let off his leash for a couple of weeks, foolishly overdid things the previous night and had to stop after 9 for “medical” reasons. He left the door open for Pat of the Bushveld to be made a fool of.

Die nuwe Joggie­kampioen, Calvin Claasen, met Edel­ weiss du Plessis. 40 Tony Wreglesworth; 36 Mannes van Zyl; 34 Andre Franken; 33 Jon Forsyth, Richard Ridge; 32 Ian Newman, Mike Graham, Tony Hackett; 31 Dave Rade, Malcolm Lazenby; 29 Arne Andersen; 28 Gary Wentzel, Vic vd Westhuizen; 26 Dave Smith, David Naylor; 25 Brian Oosthuizen, Hugh Frangs, Alan Calder, Dave Brittain; 22 Sam Seal; 19 Keagan Seal (guest), Corrie (guest); 17 Pat Dewil; 9 Peter Thomas (DNF).

Remember to MINISTRIES

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April 2014

Morning Services:

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Bible Hour: 6.30 pm

Led by Rev. Dr. James Gray

Praying with Jesus: Understanding the Lord's Prayer for today.

During Lent: Every Wednesday 7am-8.30pm Day of Prayer and Fasting with Communion

Enquiries 028 – 312 2717 ********************* STANFORD UNITED CHURCH Evening service 18:00 Enquiries (028) 341 0077

skop en drie doelskoppe, Goodman Mbawe met een drie, Mcneil Abrose met een drie en Nohan Fick met een drie. Atlantic A vs Dennegeur A (25 – 7, verdien 4 ligapunte) Die A-span het van die afskop aanvalle geloods en Dennegeur onder druk geplaas. Evin Visser (heelagter) het gate deur Dennegeur gehardloop en twee drieë gedruk. Hy het ook een strafskop en twee doelskoppe oor die dwarslat geklits. Die ander puntemakers was Jerome Julies met een strafskop en Tyron Prins met een drie. ) Atlantic speel sy tweede ligawedstryd teen Montagu United op 12 April. Die bestuur nooi die toeskouers om die spanne te kom ondersteun. – W.C.M GIBSON

Louw de Clercq from the Hermanus Tennis Academy did very well by winning the platinum division for boys u. 13 during the Boland Wilson Slam Tournament that took place in Paarl recently.

RE-INSTATEMENT OF COMPANY IN TERMS OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 2008 Notice is hereby given that JOHANN GEORGE SCHREIBER (Identity number 5003265054081) intends making application to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission for the reinstatement of UNIT 12 BEACHWAY CC Registration number 1997/043097/23. Any objection to the proposed application must be lodged with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission within twenty one (21) days of the date of publication hereof. ADAMS SCHOUW & CAIN 2 INC, 9 MITCHELL STREET, HERMANUS 7200 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Agent of the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate No 3787/2013 In the estate of the late GRACE ELLIS. Date of birth 25/10/1924, Identity number: 241025 0036 08 3, Last address 13 Belladonna Street, Sandbaai, 7200. Date of Death: 09/01/2013 AGENT OF THE EXECUTOR:AOosthuizen, HermanusAccounting, P O Box 1810, Hermanus, 7200.

KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING VAN BESIGHEID Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936 (soos gewysig), dat OVERBERG REKENAARS BK Reg nr 1995/023012/23 van voornemens is om die besigheid bekend as OVERBERG REKENAARS as ‘n lopende saak te verkoop binne ‘n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae na die laaste publikasie van hierdie advertensie aan aan ADMIN EVOLUTION CC Reg nr 2006/010771/23 wat daarna die saak onder dieselfde naam sal bedryf. Gedateer te Hermanus hierdie 3de dag vanApril 2014. BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS, POSBUS 1131, HERMANUS. TEL 028 312 4615

@ 7 am.


Atlantic het die afgelope naweek met drie spanne hulle eerste ligawedstryde tuis gespeel. Al drie spanne was te sterk vir die nuwe span van Dennegeur Franschhoek. Atlantic C vs Dennegeur C (13 – 0, verdien 4 ligapunte) Die wedstryd was vinnig en opwindend en Atlantic het met die bal gehardloop. Die puntemakers was Junaid Molfardt met een strafskop en Gilmore Jacobs met een drie. Atlantic B vs Dennnegeur B (24 – 10, verdien 4 ligapunte) Die B-span het rustyd reeds met 17 – 5 voorgeloop. Na rustyd het Atlantic nog sewe punte aangeteken en Dennegeur vyf punte. Die puntemakers was Herchel Vermaak met een straf-

SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 (as amended) that OVERBERG REKENAARS CC Reg no 1995/023012/23 intends selling the business known as OVERBERG COMPUTERS as a going concern within a period of 30 (thirty) days after the last publication of this advertisement to ADMIN EVOLUTION CC REG NO 2006/010771/23 who will thereafter conduct the business under the same name. Dated at Hermanus this 3rd day ofApril 2014. BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS, PO BOX 1131, HERMANUS. TEL 028 312 4615

Sandbaai Saal Main Rd

Cecil & Brenda James 028-316 3224



Atlantic wen vir Dennegeur

SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, No 24 of 1936, that Exclusively Connected Pty Ltd (Registration number M2008/002047/07) conducting a wine producing and marketing company under the style of WineConnected, off the R43, Bot River, Western Cape, intends alienating and transferring the said business upon the expiry of a period of 30 days after the date of the last publication of this notice to Carteirra SA Pty Ltd (Registration number M2013/009755/07) who will carry on the said business at the same address for its own benefit and account. EDWARD NATHAN SONNENBERGS ATTORNEYS, ATTORNEYS FOR THE SELLER, 97 DORP STREET, STELLENBOSCH.

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SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 34 of the Insolvency Act No 24 of 1936 (as amended) that ML de Necker ID 670615 5004 084 intends selling 100% of the shares he holds in the Company known as Cybrolex (Pty) Ltd Reg no 2010/012848/07 which conducts its business at 11 High Street, Hermanus under the name Wild Side Promotions as going concern within a period of 30 (thirty) days after the publication of this advertisement to WJ Faurie ID 560314 5114 084 who will thereafter conduct the business at the said address. Dated at Hermanus this 3rd day ofApril 2014. BUSINESSADVICE BROKERS, PO BOX 1131, HERMANUS KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING VAN BESIGHEID Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 34 van die Insolvensie Wet Nr 24 van 1936 (soos gewysig), dat ML de Necker ID 670615 5004 084 van voornemens is om 100% van sy aandele in die maatskappy Cybrolex (Pty) Ltd Reg nr 2010/012848/07 wat handel dryf te High Straat 11, Hermanus onder die naam Wild Side Promotions, as 'n lopende saak te verkoop binne 'n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae na die publikasie van hierdie advertensie aan WJ Faurie ID 560314 5114 084 wat daarna die saak by dieselfde adres en onder dieselfde naam sal bedryf. Gedateer te Hermanus hierdie 3de dag vanApril 2014. BUSINESSADVICE BROKERS, POSBUS 1131, HERMANUS

9 771608 589068



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The Epic was conquered The two local Masters athletes (over 40) Mathew Browne and Claude Tyers, Team Hermanus Toyota, were placed 80th in their age category and 279th overall out of 650 starting teams in last week’s 758 km ABSA Cape Epic MTB race. Mat and Claude Mathew Browne and spent a total of 47 hrs Hermanus Toyota. and 36 minutes in the saddle. Mathew, who has now completed his 6th Epic, says he was immensely proud to cycle alongside his ‘old cycling buddy’. “He cycled like a gladiator, enduring possibly the worst conditions in the 11 years of Epic history, including massive technical climbs, treacherous descents, mud, wind, heat and rain. In Robertson on Day 2, the conditions were so poor that Claude was forced to race most of this tough 101 km stage with only limited use of his gear system, and whilst many other athletes threw in the towel on that stage, he finished strong.”

“Our game plan was to start the race ultraconservatively over the first 4 days and if still feeling strong, we would crank up the pace and finish faster than we started over the second half of the race. This strategy seemed to work as we saw ourselves creeping slowly but Claude Tyres of Team surely up the category positions.” The duo dedicated their 2014 Epic experience to the loving memory of Elsie de Beer. “We started every day with a quick prayer and with the positive memory of our friend Elsie fresh in our minds. We attacked every adversity with renewed energy and positive spirit!” Mathew and Claude are very thankful to Johan van Zyl from Hermanus Toyota for their sponsorship. Next, Team Hermanus Toyota will be tackling the Sani to Sea 3 Day MTB race in May. “This race is all about support and we are especially grateful to our wives, our children and our friends who followed our Epic journey”.

CAPE EPIC PA EN SEUN: Wine Village eienaar Paul du Toit en sy seun Johannes het vanjaar aan die Absa Cape Epic deelgeneem. Paul moes ongelukkig op dag vyf weens mediese redes onttrek. “Johannes het op sy eie verder gery en die tog klaargemaak in ’n goeie tyd,” sê ma Cathy du Toit. “Omdat hulle nie as ’n span klaargemaak het nie, word Jo­ hannes se tyd nie in ag geneem nie, al het hy goed binne die af­ snytyd klaargemaak.”

SPORT AWARDS: After Shihan Rue­ han van Romburgh (right), head in­ structor at Hermanus Martial Arts Academy, won the Boland Sportsman of the Year for 2013, he was invited to the Western Cape Sport Awards function, which took place in Paarl last week. Here he went head to head with the top sportsmen from all sport­ ing codes from Western Province, West Coast and South West Districts. The winner of the Western Cape Sports­ man of the Year for 2013 was WP rugby player Eben Etzebeth (left). Second from left is Lucky van der Mokate, West Coast Kickboxing, and second from right is the Provincial Minister of Sport, Dr Ivan Meyer.

Kushengelklub se ope dag Dis alweer daai tyd van die jaar wanneer die Hermanus Kushengeklub hulle ope dag hou by Ampie se Dam langs die R43 naby die “Honeymoon Bridge”. Hierdie jaar word die “papgooi”-kompetisie gehou oor die naweek van 12 April en almal en hulle families is welkom. Daar sal ’n lekker groot vuur wees vir diegene wat iets wil braai, maar ongelukkig geen aparte vure nie. Daar sal ook kroeg-geriewe wees vir die groot dors. Diegene wat avontuurlustig is kan hulle kampgoed saambring en tent opslaan om te oornag. Die kompetisie begin om 15:00 Vrydagmiddag met lyne in om 18:00. Saterdagmiddag 15:00 is lyne op met die prysuitdeling om 16:00. Seniors, kinders en vroue kan pryse wen vir die swaarste vis, en swaarste sak. Daar sal ook gelukkige trekkings wees. Kom ondersteun dié jaarlikse fondsinsameling vir die hengelklub. Inskrywings sal R80 per hengelaar beloop. Bel vir Debbie Fouché by 083 271 7833 of John Immelman by 082 771 3704 vir meer inligting.

TOYOTA DEMOS 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2012

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Hermanus Fly Fishing Club (HFFC) will host their annual open day on Sunday 6 April, at Zuiderkrius dam in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley (look out for the turn-off on the right side of the road about 15,2 km from the Sandbaai robot). Fly fishermen of all ages, particularly novices, juniors or those who have never tried the sport before are welcome. There will be a few fishing rods on loan and casting lessons will be available. The annual floating trophy will be awarded to the member angler who nets the most fish between 08:00 and 12:00. Last year’s winner, Greame Hatley, is keen to emulate his performance. Keen anglers can start fishing at 08:00, otherwise arrival can be at your own leisure. There will also be a casting competition and a prize for the best junior fisherman. Bring your family along for a picnic day. Braai fires will also be provided. For enquiries contact Charlie Jenkin on 082 650 7900 or Richard Tate on 082 612 6199.


TOYOTA R 224 999 R 129 999 R 689 999 R 125 999 R 219 999 R 104 999 R 214 999

Fly fishing club open day

2001 Land Cruiser 4.2D VX Bakkies 2012 Hilux 3.0 D-4D D/C 4x2 2009 Hilux 3.0 D-4D D/C 4x4 2009 Hilux 3.0 D-4D S/C 4x4 2008 Hilux 2.0 VVTi S/C LWB Canopy 2007 Hilux 3.0 D-4D D/C 4x2 Other 2008 Hyundai Santa-fe 2.2 CRDi 2008 BMW 320i A/T 1996 Golf GTS

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.