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2 Mussel Rd, Hermanus Armed robbers target Fisherhaven 2 Grondwater ruïneer begrafnisse
The glass doors at Pick n Pay in the Hermanus CBD were rammed by a ve hicle on Tuesday morning 1 July so robbers could get hold of cash meant for an in store ATM.
Lagoons breach simultaneously 3 Astoriasentrum te koop vir R25 M 5
Smash and grab at Pick n Pay ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Tuesday’s early-morning quiet was shattered at Pick n Pay in the Hermanus CBD when a car smashed through the glass front doors to pull off an ambitious smash-and-grab robbery. According to Lt Fadila September, Hermanus Police spokesperson, an employee was on his way to fill the ATM at the front of the store, carrying two boxes filled with cash, when the robbery happened at around 06:45. It was shortly before opening time. A silver Volvo reversed into the
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glass doors at the Main Road entrance of the store, sending thousands of shards of glass flying through the air. A man grabbed the boxes before jumping into the vehicle, which sped off quickly at the hands of a getaway driver. According to Lafras Lombard, an eyewitness, he was standing across the road at the Shell Garage when he heard a loud crash. “It was like watching a Jason Stratham action movie in the street! I saw the vehicle had crashed into the Pick n Pay and a second man came running across the road. “He ducked into the store and
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grabbed the money from the woman inside and she started screaming. He then threw the money into the vehicle and they sped off. “It all happened within a matter of seconds, so quickly and they were gone.” Abdurahman Hamdulay, general manager: Pick n Pay Western Cape said on Tuesday: “We can confirm that an incident took place in our Hermanus store at the ATM this morning before the store opened for business. Money was stolen during the incident. Thankfully, no one was injured. We are working with the South African Police Services.” The employee was unharmed, but
didn’t keep has received shoppers from counselling. climbing By lunchtime through them to on Tuesday the gain entry. glass doors had Lt September already been reconfirmed later moved. They on Tuesday that were repaired the silver Volvo and refitted on was found in the same day. Westcliff. Since it was The vehicle the day after The getaway car was found aban was damaged month-end, doned later on Tuesday. and the back Pick n Pay was PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN window was jam-packed with shoppers. Although the en- missing. It is believed that the robtrance, with doors removed, were bers made their final getaway in a cordoned off for most of the day, it second vehicle.
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2 HermanusTimes Two armed robberies in Fisherhaven
Nuus News
3 July, 2014
ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Two armed robberies took place in Fisherhaven over the weekend. A man was admitted to hospital and his wife was left traumatised after a robbery at their home in China Marais Street. According to police spokesperson Lt Fadila September, four men gained access to the home at 18:45 on Sunday 29 June. “The man of 42 was alerted when his dogs started barking. Four men wearing balaclavas entered his living room.” The attackers threatened him and asked for cash and the keys to the safe. They then
stabbed the victim in the stomach, arm and head with a knife before fleeing with two revolvers, cellphones and cash. In the second incident on Sunday night, a group of men, also wearing balaclavas targeted a local restaurant. According to Lt September, the owner of the Blue Roof Pub, Restaurant and Chinese Takeaways in Fisherhaven, a woman, was working late on Sunday night when a group of men silently entered the restaurant at about 00:30. They threatened her with an axe, threw her onto the ground and fled from the building with cash, a laptop and cellphone. Anyone with information may call the Hermanus SAPS detective branch on 082 313 7000.
Bejaarde in Eastcliff beroof ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN ’n Bejaarde man is die afgelope naweek in Hillstraat, Eastcliff, helder oordag in sy huis beroof. Volgens lt. Fadila September, die Hermanus-polisiewoordvoerder, het die 80-jarige man om sowat 15:00 Saterdag 28 Junie televisie gekyk toe hy ’n geluid in die huis hoor. “Hy het eers gedink dit is sy vrou, maar toe hy nóg ’n geluid hoor, het hy gaan onder-
soek instel. “Hy het op twee mans afgekom wat hom toe met sy skoenveters vasgemaak het en beroof het.” Die rowers het op vlug geslaan met ’n iPad, beursie en ander items ter waarde van sowat R24 500. Niemand is nog in hegtenis geneem nie. Enigeen met inligting kan die ondersoekbeampte, AO Raymond Fischer bel by 028 313 7000.
Diewe vasgetrek ná vinnige optrede ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Besoekers aan Paradise Park is die naweek deur diewe geteiken, maar weens die flink optrede van die plaaslike polisie is die gesteelde goedere teruggevind. Volgens Martha Wandrag, ’n inwoner van Paradise Park, was sy Sondagoggend op pad na haar kantoor, toe sy twee jong mans aangestap sien kom. “Hulle het ’n handsak opgetel en gevra of ek weet wie die vrou op die bestuurslisensie is. “Hulle het die handsak by ons kantoor gelos en hul nommer gelos vir ingeval die polisie hulle sou wou ondervra.” Kort daarna het ’n jong meisie ingeloop en gevra of enigiemand iets gehoor het van selfone en haar handsak wat gesteel is. “Ons het toe gehoor dat die diewe toegang gekry het tot hul woning en verskeie items gesteel terwyl hulle gelê en slaap het.” Die polisie is na die toneel ontbied en ao. Ste-
ven Koen van die polisie se honde-eenheid het gehoor van die voorval en ook by die toneel opgedaag. “Binne ’n halfuur was Steven terug by ons kantoor om ons te laat weet dat die verddagtes aangekeer en die gesteelde goedere teruggevind is. Ons is regtig dankbaar vir die fantastiese diens wat ons gekry het.” Volgens lt. Fadila September van die Hermanus-polisie het hulle dié klag van diefstal ontvang waar besoekers aan die park gesien het een van die kombuisvensters is uitgehaal. Die Hermanus-polisie se honde-eenheid is ontbied en twee 24-jarige verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem. Albei het reeds in die plaaslike landdroshof verskyn. Verskeie vermoedelik gesteelde items is ook in hul besit gevind, waaronder kameras, Apple iPods, Samsung-selfoonlaaiers, handsakke en klere. Die mans is in hegtenis geneem met die hulp van ao. Steven Koen en konst. Sefton Nell.
Twee begrafnisdienste moes die afgelope naweek uitgestel word omdat die grafte heeltemal onder water was. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Grondwater kelder begrafnisse ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Twee begrafnisse moes die afgelope naweek uitgestel word omdat hoë grondwatervlakke in Mount Pleasant dit onmoontlik gemaak het om daarmee voort te gaan. Volgens die plaaslike bestuurder van Anré Begrafnisdienste, Anthea Woolstencroft, is dit die eerste keer in haar 23 jaar ondervinding in die bedryf dat sy só ’n probleem ondervind. “Ons sal gewoonlik die oggend voor die diens gaan ondersoek instel om seker te maak alles is in orde vir die teraardebestelling en dan kan ons dadelik aan die familie terugvoer gee. In dié geval het die water deurgesypel tot sowat 15 cm van die borand van die graf en het die familie dadelik geweier om voort te gaan met die diens. “Die huisdiens sowel as die diens by die kerk is wel gehou, maar die begrafnis self is uitgestel tot Woensdag.” Volgens Woolstencroft bied hulle die diens Woensdag gratis aan die familie aangesien die omstandighede buite hul beheer was. “Dit was egter uiters traumaties vir die familie.” Nashca Begrafnisondernemers, wat die tweede diens behartig het, moes ook die teraardebestelling uitstel tot later vandeesweek. “Die munisipaliteit was uiters tegemoetkomend en het Maandag dadelik ’n nuwe graf uitgewys. Dit was egter die eerste keer dat die probleem só erg was dat
ons die diens heeltemal moes uitstel.” Volgens Roderick Williams, direkteur: gemeenskapsdienste by die Overstrandmunisipaliteit, ontstaan die probleem periodiek as gevolg van hoë reënval wat lei tot ’n hoë grondwatertafel in die gebied van die begraafplaas en ook elders langs die kus. “Die munisipaliteit ondersteun sy verantwoordelikheid teenoor naasbestaandes en begrafnisondernemers deur sover moontlik water uit te pomp. “Geaffekteerde families en begrafnisondernemers moet slegs vroegtydig die diens aanvra by die betrokke administrasie.” Volgens Williams kan die probleem oor die kort termyn opgelos word deur die diepte van die grafte tot 1,5 m te beperk. “Laasgenoemde oplossing is ook toelaatbaar in terme van die standaard verordening insake begraafplase. “Sugdreinering word ook beplan aangrensend aan die suidelike grens van die begraafplaas wat deel is van ’n behuisingsprojek. Vermelde projek word voorsien om binne die volgende vyf jaar afgehandel te word.” Die munisipaliteit het verder gesê dat hulle ’n alternatiewe perseel beskikbaar sal stel wanneer die grondwaterprobleem nie opgelos kan word nie. “In Mount Pleasant se geval sal Hermanus of Onrus se begraafplase ’n alternatief wees. Die tariewe vir grafpersele is oor die hele Overstrand gestandaardiseer. Die betrokke families en ondernemers is reeds hieroor in kennis gestel.”
In case of emergency In case of emergency or to report any suspicious vehicles, persons or activity in your ar-
ea, call the Hermanus Police Station at 028 313 5300 / 5348 / 5349.
Crime in brief A Zwelihle resident was arrested on Saturday morning after a man was found stabbed to death. According to police spokesperson Lieutenant Fadila September, the Hermanus Police were called to Sisulu Street at 00:35. “Members found the man lying on the side of the street. He had suffered severe stab wounds.
“The victim was still alive, but passed away soon after being taken to the provincial hospital.” A 20-year-old man was arrested on a charge of murder. Anyone with information, or who may have witnessed the incident, can contact the investigating officer Raymond Fischer at 0 028 313 7000.
Instructors are allowed in the jumping arena for all classes. We have a qualified dressage judge coming which will be giving lessons to all that are looking to improve their dressage marks. This is a training show with fun, uplifting and learning as the main elements. th Entries close 9 July Cell: 079 773 1003 for schedules
Nuus News
3 July, 2014
A number of peo ple came to mar vel at the newly breached Klein River lagoon early last Saturday morn ing. The force of the water sweeping out to sea carved a deep sand bank across the beach and within metres of the Grotto East car park and braai area. PHOTO:
Estuaries breach simultaneously The Klein River lagoon breached naturally late Friday afternoon and, would you believe it, the Bot River lagoon breached early on Saturday morning. Anthony Heyns, a long-time resident of Hermanus who is fascinated by the Klein River estuary, (“The Mond”) and has documented the imminent opening for the past month or more, says by 26 June the Klein River had become the Groot River because it was so full and looked ready to breach. He says there was lots of water in the estuary because of the recent heavy rains. By Friday morning the mouth still had not opened, but by late afternoon, as Heyns says, nature pulled the plug and the water burst through into the sea. “The turbulence created by a huge flood of water tumbling through a tiny neck, which it enlarges with astonishing speed, produces standing waves. Unlike rolling waves, they stay in more or less the same place, breaking constantly as the river water meets sea water,” explains Heyns. Two surfers braved this turbulent water to take advantage of the standing waves. Heyns says the dimensions of the river mouth on Friday evening were about 20 metres wide by 40 metres long. By Satur-
An aerial view of the Klein River estuary, which breached late last Friday afternoon. PHOTO: MANFRED ACKERMANN day he reckons the mouth had expanded to about 50 metres. By Saturday 28 June, Heyns says a huge tonnage of beach had disappeared after the estuary had opened the night before. “A huge volume of sand had washed into Walker Bay, accompanied by water, brown with pollution,” he said. According to Robin Perrins, chairperson of the Bot River Es-
The Klein River estuary breaching last Friday evening.
tuary Forum (BREF) breaching sub-committee, a natural breach occurred at the Bot River lagoon in the early hours of Saturday morning, 28 June. He says it was probably aggravated by the rapid rise in the water level of the lagoon due to the excessive June rainfall and by the high tide at 03:47 on Saturday morning. Perrins says the lagoon was artificially breached on 24
August last year to counter the drop in salinity levels and the high water level of 2,81 m above mean sea level (AMSL). “It was only considered officially closed on 10 June 2014. This has been the longest period that the lagoon has remained open and tidal following a breach. As a result, it has remained in a very healthy state,” he said. “Saturday’s breach occurred at 1,92 m AMSL, which obviously indicated that the sand berm that closes the mouth had some way to go to build up and consolidate.” Perrins says the width of the breach on Saturday morning was between 25 m and 30 m and that there was an extremely strong outflow from the lagoon as the tide receded. “Should we still have good winter rains, the lagoon may remain open for the duration of winter,” predicts Perrins. “Water-craft users must exercise considerable care in the area of the mouth as the current is very strong. We would not like a repeat of the incident last year when two kayakers were swept out into the breakers, which could have had serious consequences,” warns Perrins. He says last week’s Hermanus Times, quotes the overall average rainfall for June as 76,5 mm (the average taken over a 20-year rainfall period), whereas the total June 2014 rainfall was 173,8 mm.
Two surfers braved the turbulent water to take advan tage of the standing waves that were created where the Klein River lagoon water met sea water.
The Bot River lagoon also breached naturally this past weekend.
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Nuus News
3 July, 2014
Verbeterde planne lei tot behoud van kerk ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Die Vrye Gereformeerde Kerk (VGK) in Stanford moes hul planne om dié kerk te vergroot vir eers stopsit ná dit aan die lig gekom het dat die gebou erfenisstatus behaal het en dat hulle glad nie aan die buitekant van die gebou veranderings mag aanbring nie.
Die uitbreidings van die Stanford VGK is vir eers stopgesit. Die hoeksteen lees “Jesus Christus self is die hoeksteen. Efs. 2:20. Gelê 24 Mei 1952.”
Stanford VGK sendingkerk se aanbouings voor die kerk wat stopgesit is ná die kerk 60 jaar oud geword het. FOTO’S: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Alhoewel hulle geld gaan verloor vir werk wat reeds voltooi is, het die nuwe verwikkelinge ’n positiewe kant aangesien die verbouings die kerk nou minder sal kos. Volgens die hoof-ouderling, Maureen Diedericks, het die klein kerkie, wat in 1952 gebou is, te klein geword vir hul gemeente. “Vroeër het ons aannemings en doopdienste in Gansbaai gehou. Dit het egter nodig geword om dié dienste ook hier in Stanford te hou en die gebou was net nie meer groot genoeg nie. “Verder kan ons glad nie funksies hou nie aangesien ons nie die nodige kombuisgeriewe tot ons beskikking het nie.” Die planne om die gebou groter te maak sodat hulle meer mense kan akkommodeer, is in 2005 opgestel en goedgekeur, en bouwerk het kort daarna begin. Tans staan die mure dakhoogte. Stanford is in 1996 as ’n bewaringsgebied, onder die Wet op Nasionale Gedenkwaardighede, verklaar. Dit het gelei tot die stigting van die Stanford Conservation Trust, wat dan ook met die behoud van die dorp se erfenis gemoeid is. Volgens Bea Whittaker, die voor-
sitter van die trust, is die planne verouderd, veral na die Overstrand-munisipaliteit hul erfenisverslag in 2010 goedgekeur het. “Daar mag glad nie aan die gebou, wat vanjaar 62 jaar oud is, se buitekant verander word nie. “Enige veranderinge aan ’n gebou wat as ’n gedenkwaardigheid gesien word, moet deur die Wes-Kaapse Erfenisraad goedgekeur word. Die kerkie is ’n ongelooflike mooi gebou en Van die gemeentelede, Denis de Koker, Johnny Sla ryk aan geskiede- mat en Norman Sauls by die VGK in Stanford. nis, en as deel van die 2005 goedgekeurde plan sou niks word, maar die res kan gebruik word. Die idee is dat daar ’n aparte daarvan oorgebly het nie.” Whittaker het vir Maureen Wol- saal langs die kerk gebou word, soters, ’n plaaslike argitek wat ook wel as ’n binne-braai area en komaan die erfenisstigting behoort, ge- buis. Die muur tussen die huidige klein konsistorie en kombuis kan nader om haar insae te kry. “Ons het gaan kyk na hoe ons hul- dan afgebreek word om die binnele kan help om die huidige planne kant van die kerk te vergroot.” Die gemeentelede is opgewonde aan te pas, maar steeds te bly by die erfenis-regulasies en so min as oor die nuwe verwikkelinge aangemoontlik van die verbouings te ver- sien die bouwerk vinniger voltooi loor. Ons wil dit wat reeds voltooi sal wees en dat die nuwe plan minis inkorporeer by die nuwe plan. der boukoste sal beteken. Hulle sal Daar is ook heelwat ander aspekte ook beter onthaalgeriewe hê vir growat aandag sal geniet, aangesien die ter kerkfunksies. Die geld vir die opnuwe bouwerk geen voorsiening ge- graderings is ingesamel deur ’n vermaak het vir elektriese bedrading skeidenheid funksies, soos pannekoekverkope en basaars. Hulle is of watergeriewe nie. “Slegs een van die nuutgeboude steeds besig met geldinsamelings mure sal waarskynlik afgebreek om die nuwe bouwerk te finansier.
The speakers at the Better Business Solutions seminar held at the Whale Coast Hotel last week included (from left) Yolanda Macintyre, Peter Kunz, Barbara Minné, Trevor Schouw, Douglas Parker and Daniel Acker. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Independent consultants join forces for business seminar
Register at Boland College Hermanus from 16–18 July 2014. Available Programme:
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A group of six independent business consultants in Hermanus combined to run a seminar at the Whale Coast Hotel on 18 June, under the banner of Better Business Solutions. The group plans to run periodic seminars focusing on different aspects of business management. At the seminar, executive coach Yolanda MacIntyre explained the concept and success of executive coaching in developing business leaders, and the importance of paying attention to all aspects of business consistently. Doug Parker, retail strategist, stressed the importance of understanding your market in order to be more successful, and showed how markets can be segmented to get greater insight into people’s needs and wants using age and education as the key factors. He showed that the income profile in Hermanus was surprisingly modest. Trevor Schouw, director of Adams Schouw and Cain chartered accountants, highlighted the importance of preparing proper budgets based on market conditions and your business strategy, and managing your performance against that. Dan Acker, labour law practitioner, made
attendees aware of the many pitfalls in the labour law environment, the myths people have about labour relations, and ways for business owners to avoid these pitfalls and dispel the myths; by knowing the facts, sticking to the rules, and leaving the details in the hands of knowledgeable experts. Peter Kunz, hospitality consultant, gave some tips on how to make meetings more effective, and how to deal with disruptive forces in meetings, while Barbara Minne, marketing consultant and graphic designer, gave a presentation on the use of social media to grow your business. As the first in the series, the seminar covered a wide field in terms of general business management. Future seminars and workshops are planned to focus on more specific issues, and the local Hermanus market. Parker says: “The seminar was a great success, and we filled all the seats we’d planned with some 25 delegates attending. From the speaker rating sheets it was clear that the delegates enjoyed the seminar and found it very helpful. We even had one delegate who drove through from Cape Town, and asked to be kept informed of further seminars.
Nuus News
3 July, 2014
Astoriasentrum in die mark vir R25 miljoen CILENE BEKKER Hoewel drie aanbiedinge ontvang is vir die koop van die Astoria-winkelsentrum in Hoofweg, is nie een van die aanbiedinge deur die gebou-eienaar aanvaar nie. Rawson Auctions het ’n tydjie gelede opdrag ontvang om die Astoria-winkelsentrum per veiling van die hand te sit. Altesaam bestaan die sentrum uit 22 eenhede waarvan vier kantore is en beslaan ’n oppervlak van 2 000 m². Van die huurders is Milady’s, FinBond, Land en See Surf
and Sport, Old Mutual en American Swiss. Volgens die veiling-advertensie, geplaas deur Rawson Auctions (Die Burger 7 Junie) lewer die sentrum ’n netto wins van R180 000 per maand (BTW uitgesluit). Bieërs is uitgenooi om voor 21 Junie hul aanbod in ’n geseëlde koevert af te lewer, wat aan die verkoper oorhandig is by die veiling. “Daar was baie belangstelling en drie aanbiedinge is ontvang,” sê Cedric Greenwood van Rawson Auctions. “Maar nie een is deur die eienaar aanvaar nie, want hy soek R25 m. “Twee aanbiedinge van R22,5 m
Die Astoria Village winkelkompleks op die Hoofstraathoek is in die mark vir R25 m. elk is ontvang en een van R19 m.” Volgens Greenwood het hulle ’n mandaat tot 12 Julie “en ons hoop dat daar tussen nou en dan ’n aanbod sal inkom wat die eienaar sal aanvaar”.
Hoewel Rawson Auctions nie ’n registrasiefooi hef nie, moet kopers 5% deposito van die veilingsprys plus 10% afslaerskommissie en BTW betaal sodra die verkoper sy aanbod aanvaar.
Greenwood kan gekontak word by 082 554 1887 / 021 837 1700 of per epos: Ten spyte van verskeie pogings kon die eienaar van die gebou nie in die hande gekry word nie.
How boatbased whale watching companies keep passengers safe KERRY VAN RENSBURG A reader sent in a photo taken on Sunday 22 June of in and outbound passenger-laden whale cruisers passing each other at the New Harbour. He asked the question: “Why would the skippers display differing risk assessments in evidently similar conditions regarding the use of life vests?” The Hermanus Times investigated the safety precautions that whale watching boats follow to ensure the safety of their passengers. Nina Cronje, manager of The Whale Watchers, a boat-based whale watching company working out of the New Harbour, says their boat can carry a maximum of 36 passengers. She says passengers are required to sign an indemnity form. During the peak whale season in Hermanus, they do an average of four whale watching trips a day and 80% of their passengers are foreigners. A safety briefing takes place before departure. Life jackets are placed within easy reach and emergency disembark procedures are explained. The wearing of life jackets while on board is optional for adults, but small children are obliged to wear them. Phillipus May from Hermanus Whale Cruises says their boat can take a maximum of 87 passengers. He says passengers receive a ticket and on the back it is printed that the passenger accepts that the owner of the vessel or the company will not be held liable for any damages as a result of any injuries whatsoever for any cause while a passenger is on the vessel or while embarking or disembarking from the vessel. May says his company also does four trips a day at 09:00; 12:00; 14:00 and 16:00 at the height of the whale season.
Whale watching boats based at the New Harbour pass each other, with adult passengers on board the boat on the left having the option as to whether they want to wear life jackets or not, and the boat on the right insisting that all their passengers wear life jackets.
He says 99,9 % of their passengers are foreign visitors. “Before going on board, we give a talk on safety and what must be done in case of emergency. “We also explain why we require all our passengers to wear a life jacket. We also mention that we have life rafts on board that can host up to 100 passengers. “The five crew members know what to do in an emergency. They will report to the skipper and he will give the instructions,” explains May. He says depending on the situation, the skipper will decide whether to discharge the
anchor, call for assistance by radio, launch the life rafts or to abandon the boat. Robin Alcock from Southern Right Charters says their catamaran Miroshca is licensed to carry 70 passengers and five crew. “During our whale season, from June to December, we offer daily whale watching trips at 09:00,12:00 and 15:00 with arrival time 30 minutes prior. All trips are weather permitting. “On arrival at our booking office, guests sign our indemnity form and receive tickets for their tour. “Many of our guests are foreign visitors but in recent years there has been a noticea-
ble increase in local guests. “Our boat not only complies, but is equipped above the South African Maritime Safety Authority (Samsa) regulations to ensure our passengers’ safety. “The safety and comfort of passengers is primary, the catamaran design was chosen for its superior stability.” Alcock says crew on board are well versed and trained in all aspects of safety at sea. Their boat has set drills with regard to emergency situations, which are practised on a regular basis. “Prior to boarding, our whale specialist guide gives a verbal briefing of about 15 minutes; this incorporates some of the educational aspects of our operation, as well as a safety briefing. “As per our Samsa rating, all children under 12 years must wear a life jacket at all times. “We provide life jackets in various sizes and children are issued one at our booking office where our crew assists parents to fit them securely. For adults, life- jackets are optional as per our Samsa rating,” Alcock says. How to don the life jacket is explained and demonstrated during the land briefing. Alcock says: “Guests are offered a life jacket before leaving the harbour and they are also visibly displayed in the main cabin.” She says there is a public address system on board with speakers placed strategically around the vessel. “Every safety feature is encompassed in the catamaran’s fixtures – from dual steering, dual navigation equipment, dual propulsion and dual dc charging systems to electronic early warning fire monitors and remote controlled engine room fire extinguishers,” assures Alcock.
Crossing over with Christy PSYCHIC MEDIUM I have relocated from Johannesburg and as a reputable medium have begun practicing in Hermanus.
• Make a connection with those that have crossed over • Find greater peace in knowing they are ok and very much still with you • Resolve issues that you feel you may not have been able to on earth • Find out more about Gods purposes for your life
ABSA SKENKING AAN HAWSTON: Absa Bank in Hermanus het goedgunstig hul meubels, ná hul plaaslike tak oorge doen is, aan Hawston Primêr geskenk. Hul le het 15 stoele, twee lessenaars, ’n TV en lêers ontvang. Volgens Julius Swart, die skoolhoof, sal die nuwe meubels handig te pas kom in die nuwe skool. Van links is Swart en Rugene Dees van Hawston Primêr met Zelda Horn en Laura Jacobs van Absa.
Having a session is a wonderfully uplifting experience. Private and group readings, book a session at your restaurant, hotel, resort or function: R600 private reading / R800 family reading R150 per person for group reading, minimum 5 people I also offer REIKI therapy
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Algemeen General
3 July, 2014
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Michelle van Zyl Sales Representative 028 312 3717 076 845 5001 michelle.vanzyl@
Algemeen General
Nominasies vir 2014 toekennings gevra Jaarliks word daar tydens die Aand van Uitnemendheid erkenning gegee aan mense wat ’n verskil maak in die Overstrand, deur die toekenning van die Burgemeesterstrofee vir Omgewingsbewaring, die Vrou(e) van die Jaar Toekenning en die Toekenning vir Uitblinkers. Hierdie jaar sal die burgemeester, Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, die toekennings gee op 26 Augustus. Nominasies vir hierdie toekennings word afgewag en moet voor of op Vrydag 1 Augustus ingehandig word. Die toekenning van die gesogte Burgemeesterstrofee vir Omgewingsbewaring sal, anders as in die verlede, deur die Overstrand Omgewingsdepartement hanteer word. Goed gemotiveerde nominasies kan gestuur word aan Liezl Bezuidenhout by Vorige wenners was Wilfred Chivell van Marine Dynamics, Dyer Island Cruises en Dyer Island Conservation Trust, en Meaghan McCord van die South African Shark Conservancy. Nominasies van Overstrand-vroue wat ’n verskil in hulle omgewing maak en in aanmerking behoort te kom vir ’n Vrou van die Jaar-toekenning, kan aan Elize Verrij by gestuur word. Dié eer is voorheen toegestaan aan Angela Heslop vir haar werk as die voorsitter van die Vriende van Hermanus-hospitaal, en Mary Faure in haar hoedanigheid as voorsitter van Hermanus Toerisme en koördineerder van Hermanus FynArts. Gemeenskapsuitblinkers word onder meer ook deur raadslede geïdentifiseer. Gemotiveerde nominasies kan aan die betrokke raadslid oorhandig word of aan Elize Verrij by gestuur word. Alle nominasies moet vergesel word deur die kontakbesonderhede van beide die genomineerde en die nomineerder.
The kids enjoyed face painting at the open day.
Visitors at the cattery had a good look around and played with the cats and kittens.
Cat’s tea party at HAWS A unique tea party was held at the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society for cat (and dog) lovers recently. The aim of the party was to make the public aware of the lovely cats in the cattery that need homes and maybe to get one or two adopted. Coffee and cake was enjoyed by the many visitors, there was face painting and colouring in for the younger ones (and some older ones too) and, most importantly, the meeting and cuddling of the cats and dogs. The good news is that three of the cats and one puppy at HAWS left for happy homes of their own, with a few more having been booked for adoption later this week. HAWS would like to thank all the lovely people who visited, the staff who gave their time on the day, the volunteers who helped with the arrangements and the sponsors (Yvette of Yves’s Pudding and Pie, Dieter of Function Hire and the face painters Claire Parker and Alex Forsyth).
3 July, 2014
Algemeen General
3 July, 2014
SOTHEBY’S RELOCATE TO CARRIAGES CENTRE: Sotheby's International Realty recently moved offices and are now situated in the Carriages Centre in Main Road. They celebrated the relo cation at a function held on 26 June. At the opening was (in front, from left) the CEO of Sotheby’s South Africa, Jason Rohde, Brendan Miller and Henriette Strauss and (at the back) Adam Barnard, Brent Hill, John Quincey (managing director), Herman Louw and Ute Pagenkopf. PHOTOS: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
TEE EN BOEREKOS: Die inwoners van Huis Lettie Theron is heerlik bederf deur Solidariteit Helpende Hand, wat on langs hul jaarlikse tee hier gehou het. ’n Verdere bederf was ’n praatjie deur “Boerekostannie”, Dine van Zyl wat oor haar nuutste kookboek en boerekos gesels het. Hier is Dine saam met Pieter Hurter van Solidariteit Helpende Hand. FOTO’S: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Amper 97 jaar oud, maar Ada van Niekerk (links) se hande staan vir niks verkeerd nie en geniet sy dit steeds om regte boerekos te kook. Hier proe sy aan die lekkernye by Solidariteit Helpende Hand se jaar likse tee saam met Nora Hechter.
Kosie Fölcher en Jossie Treurnich lag te lekker. Among the clients and friends attending were Lucas Steyn, Ute Pagenkopf, Chanelle Bezuidenhout, LB Vorster, Danie Calitz and Shaun Smith.
Daar was heerlik geëet en gekuier by Huis Lettie Theron ná Dine van Zyl se praatjie oor haar nuutste kookboek, Die Groot Boerekos Kookboek 2, by Huis Lettie Theron. Jossie Barnard, Elsa Oosthuizen, Venetha du Toit, Janetta Watson en Ivy Theron was onder die gaste.
Die inwoners van Huis Lettie Theron het heerlik gekuier by Solidariteit se jaarlikse tee en praatjie. Hier is Ria Hartman en Dirkie en Wessel du Toit.
Also attending were Mahmood Malik (from Penguin Sports, al so situated in Carriages), Rene and Ross Dewar and Shanaaz Malik.
HERMANUS SPORT AND TACKLE OPEN: Die span van die nuwe Hermanus Sport and Tacklewinkel wat on langs in die Village Square geopen het, is eienaar Henry Engelbrecht, LeeRoy Philander, Anica Crous en bestuurder Johan du Preez. Die nuwe winkel (agter Ocean Basket op die eerste vloer) spesialiseer in alle sport en hengeltoerus ting. Volgens Engelbrecht sal ’n mens ver moet ry om so ’n verskeidenheid op te spoor. FOTOS: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Carina van der Merwe (Hoërskool Hermanus), Morne Bridgens (Laerskool Hermanus), Greg Hazenkamp (Hoërskool Hermanus se hoof), Bar ry du Preez (Laerskool Hermanus) en Elmarie Engelbrect het ook die opening bygewoon.
Top 10 tips for your pet 1. Identify your pet with a microchip along with a collar and tag. Include details such as name, your number, address and if you can include the vets de tails. Some even have space to add medical condi tions. Remember with cats to use collars that have a slip release! 2. Start early with dental care. Have their teeth checked regularly. Most vets will do dental checks free of charge. 3. Don’t forget monthly flea and tick treatments, along with a regular deworming schedule. preven tion is better than cure. 4. Offer your pet plenty of exercise. It will keep them healthy and reduce bad behaviour that can result from boredom. Treat good behaviour and nev er treat with food from the table. There are many kinds of healthy tasty treats available. 5. Train and socialise your puppy and adult dogs frequently. It will not only give them confidence, but good mental stimulation.
6. Feed your dog twice daily, especially larger breeds. This can prevent serious health problems. For cats, some prefer nibbling all day, but others must have strict measured feeding to prevent weight problems. 7. Keep a check on weight. Most vets have walk on scales, making it easy to monitor your pets weight. An increase or decrease in weight could be a sign of health problems. 8. Spay and neuter your pet. It will keep your pet healthy and reduce costly health problems. It also has the benefit of reducing aggression and wandering. 9. Knowing your pet’s toilet habits can help you identify any changes in health. Some diseases, like kidney disease can cause an increase in urination. 10. Older pets maybe arthritic, so providing soft and warm bedding can help with stiff joints. Tips provided by Dr Maarten van Dalsen from Bergview Veterinary Clinic.
Stuur vir ons enige navrae rakende stories en sosiale aange leenthede aan editor@ hermanus of bel 028 312 3717.
Algemeen General
3 July, 2014
The Hermanus Private School’s choir set the tone for the school’s talent show held at the Grobbelaar Hall last Friday evening with, among other items, Bonfire Heart by James Blunt.
Miah Olivier, Jacinta Da Silva and Kerry Lees getting ready for their performance.
Catherine Africa and Jeremie Verdoodt, both past learners of Hermanus Private School, were the MCs for the evening.
Sisters Kerry (left) and Jenna Lees. Kerry was part of a group that sang Do Re Me, and Jenna, a ballet dancer, did a solo dance.
MORNING TEA: Mulberry Bush Preprimary School hosted a ladies’ tea at the Whale Coast Hotel recently. The team from Mulberry Bush included: Melmisher Munhenga, Marilie Mostert, Chantel Blignaut, Leonore Terblanche and Danielle Abrahams. PHOTOS: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Each table was deco rated according to a specific theme and spot prizes were up for grabs. From left: Patsy Conradie, Liz Pitout, Elma Steyn, Donsie Bleker, Karin Parry and AnnaMarie Olivier.
Matthew Valentyn sang in the choir, and Cole Saville played the piano at Hermanus Private School’s talent show on Friday 20 June.
Comedians Sebastion Pfohl and Oscar Knight told jokes, while Jonathan Olivier took part in the Ba nana/Bandana item. The comedians got good laughs from the audience with their jokes: “What did the Buddhist monk want for Christmas?” Nothing. “How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?” One but the light bulb must really want to change. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Among the women who attended were: Betsie Marais, Theavan Baal, Ingrid Pretro ius and Ann du Preez.
Annatjie Schwartz, Leaan Fourie and Riana de Kock at the Mulberry Bush ladies’ tea.
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Contact Joe 072 635 4070 PRET: Walkerbay Adventures het Dinsdag 24 Junie gastehuiseienaars en bestuurders uitgenooi om Hermanus vanuit ’n kajak te ervaar. Herman de Vries, eienaar van Wal kerbay Adventures sê hulle het vet pret gehad en ná die tyd ’n heerlike ontbyt by Fu sion Restaurant geniet. PLAN & BUILD with DJ PROJECTS
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Briewe Letters
3 July, 2014
EDITORIAL COMMENT Polisie werk hard Die Hermanus-polisiekantoor was uiters besig die afgelope week met verskeie gewapende rooftogte, moord en diefstalsake wat aangemeld is. Maar te midde van al die slegte nuus, het die plaaslike honde-eenheid ook ’n klop op die skouer gekry vir uitmuntende werk. Die polisie is Sondag uitgeroep na Paradise Park waar diewe gedurende die nag verskeie items uit besoekers se woning gesteel het. Binne ’n kwessie van ’n halfuur is die twee diewe aangekeer en al die gesteelde items teruggevind. Drie polisielede is Maandag in Kaapstad in twee verskillende voorvalle vermoor. Dit is ’n ondankbare, gevaarlike en somtyds ondraaglike werk. Dus is dit prysenswaardig dat ons plaaslike lede só vinnig gereageer het op die klag. Ons is soms baie gou om te kritiseer wanneer ons nie dieselfde diens ontvang nie, maar ons is dankbaar vir die gemeenskap wat die goeie nuus ook gedeel het. Doen ook jou deel om die polisie te ondersteun. Meld dadelik verdagte persone en voertuie aan en maak die omgewing vir elkeen van ons veiliger.
REFLECTION: After a recent round of golf at the Hermanus Golf Club, and while walking towards the club house, Tinus van Niekerk captured this scene with his Black berry. PHOTO: TINUS VAN NIEKERK
Help Winnie recover from her misfortune
Thanks Stanford Police Dear Police Officers in Stanford, My husband and I would really like to thank all of you guys. We moved to Stanford in February 2013 and we are struggling with all the paperwork to do with our visas. A lot of forms like birth certificates, marriage certificates and more had to be confirmed by the police a lot of times. Every time I went to the Stanford Police Station the officers there were more than helpful. They were polite and friendly and never ran out of patience. I really do appreciate their work and wish a lot of South African villages would have a police station like ours.
Top marks for Bergview Veterinary Clinic We brought our dog, Kai in and had a very satisfying experience at Bayview Veterinary Clinic. Thank you to all the staff and especially Dr Maarten. We will refer people to this veterinary clinic and will always be grateful for the compassion they have shown us and, most of all, to our loving dog. We feel fortunate to have found a place like this to take my pets.
I am sure everyone who saw the picture in last week’s Hermanus Times of Winnie standing amongst the charred remains of her lovely bedroom, with the caption: “My own daughter did this”, were shocked and horrified to see the effects of drug addiction. All of us at the Hermanus Rainbow Trust were deeply shocked to hear that Winnie Nywebeni’s daughter, a “tik” addict had set fire to Winnie’s house causing extensive structural damage, destroying furniture, appliances, linen and clothes. Winnie, who is a well-known and respected counsellor and auxiliary social
worker, has worked for the Trust for over 10 years, tirelessly dedicating her time and effort to help children and parents in the Overstrand through difficult times. Our hearts go out to Winnie and her family and we are asking anyone who can help with donations, furniture, linen, clothing, paint, cupboards, appliances (fridge) or anything else, to contact Dave by e-mail: or phone: 028 316 4325 / 028 316 4325, so that we can help Winnie get back on her feet.
Onrus needs a cock crossing sign to be put up I recently attended a meeting where our chief traffic officer spoke to the gathering and answered a myriad of questions. We all thoroughly enjoyed the meeting. There was one issue though, which I have raised over a number of years and I have been promised that this matter will be attended to - in due course. Let me rewind and remind you of our dilemma. Recently, having entered Onrus Main Road after going through the traffic lights at the Kidbrooke intersection, I found that the traffic had come to a halt. Have you noticed how nicely the motorists behave? They do not hoot or display any signs of impatience because they all know that the cock, his hens and all their little chicks are crossing the road. This is one of the pleasures of Onrus Main
Road and we all love it. However, I have repeatedly over the years called for a cock crossing sign to be erected. The chickens know where to cross but we have visitors and they would surely love to see such a sign. We have a tortoise crossing sign in Northcliff so why can we not have a sign on Onrus Main Road? Making a silhouette of a rooster is not all that difficult. Any self respecting church has a weather vane with one perched on top looking out for variable winds. I make my appeal once more. We want a cock crossing sign on Onrus Main Road. This is no laughing matter. P.S. The answer to the obvious question is because the grass is greener on the other side of the road.
When a needy child asked for a pair of soc cer boots, Faith Bester from the United Church Women’s Union, had a pair in the exact size the child who made the request needed. She was so amazed to receive a thank you letter and a drawing from the 11 yearold after he received the boots.
Thank you for my brand new soccer boots Thank you very much Mrs Faith Bester for the soccer boots you gave me. I am very happy now and I was very happy to receive these soccer boots. I love playing soccer and am enjoying it more now because of the new soccer boots. Lots of Love,
Prys vir goeie diens ’n Tyd gelede het my motor ’n irriterende geklop ontwikkel wat my genoop het om die boute se balansering en die sporing te laat nasien. Alhoewel een van die boute vervang moes word, was daar steeds ’n vibrasie waarneembaar. Met die opvolgbesoek aan Supa Quick het die eienaar, Oswald Oosthuizen, dadelik ingegryp en is die balansering, die sporing, die vellings, die dryfas, en trouens alle bewegende onderdele nagegaan. Die voertuig het hy telkens self getoets-ry ens. In die tussentyd is ek steeds ingelig en beloon met koffie en ’n eet-dingetjie. Uiteindelik is die probleem opgelos en kon ek verkas sonder vibrasie, gereed om die pad te vat na Mpumalanga vir ’n bietjie warmte! Die koste verbonde aan dit alles? Kosteloos! Sedertdien is ek steeds in vervoering oor die ongelooflike puik diens en hoflikheid wat ek by hierdie sake-onderneming ervaar het. Oswald, ek, my vriende en kennisse en hopelik al die HT-lesers salueer jou en jou span.
’Do not keep on walking towards the frightened dog’ To the tall lady in the red sweater with the dachshund and big friendly mongrel puppy walking along on the coastal path in Sandbaai. When a dog runs away with its ears flattened and its tail between its legs, it is scared and does not understand that your puppy wants to play.
The most humane thing to do in such circumstances is to keep the big dog in check until the smaller dog has passed without fear. Do not keep on walking towards the frightened dog and cause it to run further and further away from its owner. If you did that this morning, a dog would
have been spared a lot of anguish and you and I could have enjoyed our walk. As to me being aggressive towards you, I hope that you would also be aggressive towards someone who allows their dog to intimidate your dog.
Briewe Letters
3 July, 2014
) Have u heard about the Chuckaway sale at
The Royal Gardener’s Nursery. Old stock selling at giveaway prices. 0 082 337 4476, Hemel & Aarde Valley. ) Kobus le Roux Transport, you truly do have the best service. Thankful.– ANITA TAYLOR ) As a fellow South African I am embarrassed by the aggressive responses to Ann Clark’s re quest for more English in HT. Remember our Eng lish friends also contribute to our economy. Rustig mense. – LINDA P. ) If you are one of the parents that let their little rude brats long board in Northcliff, please teach them manners and that it’s illegal to board in the busy streets. If we were rude to adults as kids, we would’ve gotten a big spanking. Streets are for cars, not little rude sh#ts.– ANDREW BUCK ) Taxis must be policed. They are intimidating people who take their workers home. They sit on top of you till you move left. – CONCERNED DRIVER ) Thank you to Watershed, the new car wash at the Carridges building. Excellent service, friendly staff and they even have a customer loy alty card. I highly recommend Watershed car wash.– LM ) Thanks to Johan and his team at Eastcliff Ford for excellent service.– PETER REIFARTH ) To the HAWS volunteer who brushes the dogs on the side of the road and then leaves the hair lying there. Please don’t lady, it blows onto our property and then into our office.– SUSAN H ) With reference to “Councillor pay under scru tiny” would Mr Henderiksz be the same as the possibly slighted nonelected council hopeful, who also happens to be owner of Fusion, who failed to gain an elected voice due to his self proclaimed ability to put all things right (for him self). Whale festival being a point in case where he secured table reservations at 100 rand just to have a view of the tent and hear the music? – A CURIOUS BYSTANDER ) Theo, so if we pick up condoms in PnP’s public toilets, do u think we will use them in the aisles? The library toilets will now have the “Kama sutra” available next to the washbasin? Wake up, contraceptives need to be available to all walks of life. – DT ) Thank you, William from ADT, who came out when our alarm went off and also was kind
enough to replace an outside bulb that had fused and was for our safety. ADT u are the best. ) Checkers. It is not acceptable to advertise spe cials in Hermanus Times on Thursday and when one goes on Friday. “No Stock” same thing with other supermarkets! C’mon you can do better than that. ) Living against a Vermont greenbelt, we have often seen an adult pair, as well as a young Lynx, in broad daylight, so I’m sure they are helping themselves to H.S.’s chickens when they’re hun gry.– H.B. ) Geen wet en orde in Onrus. Stropers in water langs Vospad. Fietse op Vospad. Honde son der leibande. Stappers sonder pooh sakkies. Stoptekens word gesien as ornamente. Wat het geword van ons wetstoepassers? – INA ) I wish someone would steal the traffic cones “sculpture.” – CATHERINE GIBSON ) Hoekom teer die stadsraad nie die stukkie grondpad na Sandbaai toe nie (ongeveer 120 meter). Die pad dra baie verkeer en is baie male onry baar. Nie net Sandbaaiinwoners gebruik die pad nie. Skoolbus, munisipale tenkers, seker heidsvoertuie, wetstoepassers en nog ander. ) Before the election potholes in Swartdam Road where fixed the very next day, now they are filled with soil after a few days. Can’t wait for 2016. – MARIUS ) Parents of Hermanus, this is a plea to you to please STRAP YOUR CHILDREN IN! You say you love them so strap them in and protect them! They rely on you to protect them so do your bit as a responsible and caring parent please. ) Dit is regso Maritz, die Engelse dink mos ons is ’n klomp pampoenkoppe. – GIEP, VER MONT ) It’s so sad to see that the metal stakes used to support the wooden steps along the mountain paths have been removed/stolen, specifically from the Mountain Drive entrance :( – SUE ) So Helen Zille walks the walk re austerity measures she got her outfit for parliament last Tuesday from Margaret Fourie’s Old Harbour Vintage Clothing Shop in Warrington Place!! ) Dis nie reg dat 7 Eleven in Voëlklip ’n pamflet versprei wat spesiale afslagpryse vir vier dae adverteer en dan is nie een van die produkte so gemerk in die winkel nie. Ek het elke dag spesiaal gaan kyk. Sies. – E. VILJOEN ) Daar is elke jaar ‘n soortgelyke swem as die ‘Penquin plunge’ in die Vrystaat. Nl. die ‘Ys beer’! Die verskil egter is dat by die ‘Ysbeer’ die ys boop die water eers gebreek moet word, voor daar geswem kan word.– A. BERG ) Sal die dame wie se hond my Snauzer hondjie naby Hoy’s Koppie gebyt het, my asseblief kon tak by 028 312 2259.
A cold front is heading towards Hermanus this weekend, but will we be seeing some snow? Likely not. Rain is expected from Friday and throughout the weekend. Very cold temperatures can be expected with a minimum of 7°C forecast for Monday.
Building has resumed at the Hermanus Sports Club construction site. A team of labourers and bricklayers have been busy working on the foundations at the site. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Building resumes at sports club
Building has resumed at the Hermanus Sports Club construction site, after the structure was left standing for more than two years. At a meeting in March, council approved the payment of R400 000 to the Hermanus Sports Club situated above Jose Berman Avenue, next to the Hermanus Cricket Club. The money has been earmarked to build walls and structures to secure the existing structure and to prevent any damage as a result of sagging and lack of supporting walls. Work on this development has been unable to progress as the once-off grant of R6,5 million towards the Hermanus Sports Club committee for the relocation of the clubhouse, tennis and squash courts, depended on the income derived from the transfer of Sandbaai Commonage. To date this property could not be sold and therefore no funds could be made available for the sports development. It was resolved that the amount of R400 000 be regarded as part payment of the R6,5 million. There is a possibility that a new magistrate’s court will be built on the property
where the current tennis club, tennis courts and squash court are now situated. The Department of Public Works has six months to finalise their offer for this property. The Overstrand Municipality has already spent R1,75 million on groundworks for the tennis courts and hockey field, and infrastructure for the ground and first floors of the clubhouse and squash courts. The R400 000 will move the project along. A number of construction companies have met together to offer their time and labourers to help complete different sections of the building. Anton du Plessis, a local architect involved in the development of the Hermanus Sports Club, says: “It is a team effort started by a group of builders who are prepared or able to help at the moment. The concept is to allow as many local artisans and suppliers as possible an opportunity to contribute to the project. “The current building work is a portion of the future clubhouse cloakrooms and ablutions.” Manie Theron from Theron Broers building contractors, says they are planning a teambuilding day at the sports-club construction site on Saturday 5 July. They will build, braai and contribute to this community initiative.
Yskoue, nat naweek Bangmaakstories oor die weer loop deesdae dik onder alle Kapenaars, en mense begin seker al glo dat die ganse wêreld se weerpatroon omgekrap is. Wel reken Weerhaan, nadat Hester Jordaan van Caledon skakel om te vra of Hermanus ook die naweek te midde van al die stories sneeumanne sal bou, Weerhaan glo nie so nie. In 1957 het dit laas in die Overstrand so gesneeu dat mens daarmee kon speel. En buitendien weet Overstranders ook al dat as storms en skade die land tref, is Hermanus knus agter die berg en snoesig tuis. Die antwoord aan Hester is egter geen finale woord nie want sedert Maandag was die riffelwolkies wat aan ’n sinkplaatpad herinner en ’n komende front aandui, soggens vroeg in die noordweste te sien. Gisteroggend vroeg het die oggendster telkens agter hulle in verdwyn. En woeps, toe die son opkom is hulle weg en in hul plek skuif ’n klomp koue lug nader. Op die skerm lyk dit of ons teen aand se kant (Donderdag) maar min son sal sien en dalk met 12 °C te doen sal kry. Dat ’n front wat yskristalle kan vorm in aantog is, is egter gewis. In ’n neutedop kan aan Jan Alleman verduidelik word dat yskristalle beslis aan die vorm is. Wat nou nodig is voor dit kan sneeu vorm, is koue lug grondlangs waarin vog teen minus 5 °C moet groei om vlokkies
te begin vorm. In dié stadium van ontwikkeling in die rigting van sneeuweer kan een van twee dinge gebeur; die vlokkies kan saamkoek, óf hulle kan weens stygende warm lug vanaf die grond begin smelt en in reëndruppels opbreek. Dit kom dan grond toe in die vorm van sogenaamde kouewolk reën. As die saamgekoekte vlokkies egter geen warm hindernis het nie, kom dit af grond toe en kry ons sneeu. Hier op Hermanus? Ten spyte van die ideale toestande vir sneeu wat anderkant die Hermanusberg heers, sit ons Donderdag met warm lug en ’n noordwestewind uit die Oos-Kaap wat die ys smelt en teen Vrydagoggend 11:00 begin dit sous. Daar sal beslis voor middernag in die omtrek van 25 mm in die Overstrand val. Die temperature val die naweek tot 7° Maandag en dan groei die sneeuweertoestande weer. Die tendens is egter dat ons die ergste van die front wat suid van die Overstrand verby beweeg, sal misloop.
Algemeen General
3 July, 2014
Kalfiefees bring aangrypende dramas Teateraanhangers kan hulle regmaak vir ’n paar groot dramas wat al heelwat pryse vir die toneelstuk self sowel as die verskillende akteurs ontvang het. Rondomskrik deur Rachelle Greeff is ’n aangrypende drama wat gebaseer is op die tragiese gebeurtenis in Bredasdorp van Anene Booysen. Shaleen Surtie-Richards (Kuns Onbeperkte-vereerde vir Vertolking in 2014) skitter as die onderwyseres wat die kinders wil help en bystaan, Crystal-Donna Roberts as die tiener Antjie Fortuin, Lee-Ann van Rooi in verskillende rolle en die jongeling Richard September wat by die KKNK die prys gekry het as die beste nuweling! Vir ewig en altyd is die hartseer verhaal van die ouderdom waar ’n terminale siekte die besondere eg-
paar getref het en ’n besluit geneem moet word… Die gehoor word deel van die afskeidsritueel. Die rolle word uitstekend vertolk deur die geliefde Sandra Prinsloo en Marius Weyers, wat vir die eerste keer saam in ’n twee-persoon vetoning speel. Sandra word nie verniet in 2014 vereer met die “Kuns Onbeperk vir Vertolking” nie maar ook in April met die Orde van die Ikhamanga (silwer) van die Staatspresident. Bladsy 3 gaan oor die bekende ontkleedanseres, Glenda Kemp en haar slangmaat, Oupa. In daardie tyd van ons konserwatiewe regime, het sy die rigiede denkswyse van die tyd uitgedaag. Met haar wingerdlatlyfie en anderwêreldse danspas-sies het sy die wêreld op hol gehad. In hierdie produksie ondersoek Elma Postma en Armand Aucamp deur die oë van die media, die impak van
die ikoniese ontkleedanseres se lewe vanaf die 70’s tot die hede. Hulle ondersoek word begelei met gedramatiseerde beeldmateriaal en nuwe onderhoude en word sy en SuidAfrika opnuut ontbloot. Die Rolbalspeler is ’n verwerking van die boek deur Zain Eckleton en verwerk deur Saartjie Botha. Dis ’n ster-belaaide produksie met June van Merch, Brendon Daniels, Dann-Jacques Mouton en Nicole Holm. Hans is ’n gesiggestremde persoon wat mandjies vleg in Soutrivier. Hy bly saam met sy ma en broer in Bishop Lavis. Hy het geen vooruitsigte vir ’n beter lewe nie tot sy pad met Erika kruis en sy hom oorreed om rolbal te speel. Dis uiteindelik ’n verhaal van hoop, van uitstyg bo moeilike omstandighede en van bloed wat dikker is as water ongeag die kleur van jou vel.
Local wineries shine at SAWi awards Local wineries in the Hemel-enAarde valley were once again recognised for their exceptional wines at the South African Wine Index (SAWi) 2014 awards ceremony, which was held at Grootbos Private Nature Reserve in Gansbaai recently. Bouchard Finlayson, owned by the Tollman family, won both the overall Top Pinot Noir cultivar award for their Galpin Peak Pinot Noir, as well as the Top Red Blend (other) award (excluding Rhone and Bordeaux blend) for its Italian/French red blend, Hannibal. Sharing the privilege with Cederberg Private Cellar, it also received the most awards presented to a single winery at this year’s SAWi event. Also, the Bouchard Finlayson Tête de Cuvée Galpin Peak Pinot
Noir and the Galpin Peak Pinot Noir both won SAWi Platinums, the highest accolade that may be achieved by any single wine – with a score of 95 or more out of a possible 100. Two other Bouchard Finlayson wines were Platinum winners too: Hannibal and Kaaimansgat Crocodile’s Lair Chardonnay; whilst a Grand Gold, scoring between 93 and 94, was presented to the Walker Bay Missionvale Chardonnay. “We are very pleased with our consistent performance that reflects our efforts over the past 15 years to produce a collection of exceptional wines. We look forward to introducing even more people to the Bouchard Finlayson vintages and the unique terroir of Walker Bay that are so evi-
dent in our wines,” said Victoria Tollman. Another winery, Creation, established by husband and wife team Jean-Claude and Carolyn Martin, received a Platinum Award for its Syrah Grenache blend as well as Grand Gold for its Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon Petit Verdot blend, its Pinot Noir and its Viognier. Carolyn explained the value of these awards: “The SAWi wine judging system is based on the combined results a wine has achieved over multi vintages in different multi-national wine competitions or reviews. “As such, a wine is not judged on one occasion only, but its consistency is tracked over a period and built out to a 10-year quality window.”
Hempies du Toit (middle) at this year’s SAWi awards, with Peter Finlayson (left) and Jan Boland Coetzee. PHOTO: JANIE VAN DER SPUY/FIVESTAR PR
Algemeen General
3 July, 2014
Reclaimed water survey at Qhayiya KERRY VAN RENSBURG
With the students who are part of the work and skills project at Harbour Rock are Francois Barnard (restaurant owner), Joey Young (front of house manager at Harbour Rock) and Vaughan van Blerk, general manager of Harbour Rock. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Harbour Rock trains youth in hospitality KERRY VAN RENSBURG A group of 14 young, unemployed locals are being given an opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the hospitality trade thanks to the implementation of the Western Cape Government’s work and skills project at the Harbour Rock restaurant.
Francois Barnard, owner of Harbour Rock, and Hamish Hofmeyr, general manager of The Marine hotel, have developed six modules for the students, who will spend six months being exposed to the different aspects of the restaurant business and hotel trade. Barnard says each student will spend a month at each of the six learning stations. These stations include: the sushi bar, the Thai kitchen, the pizza area, the bar, the hot kitchen (which is the main kitchen), as well as housekeeping and front of house at The Marine. Every month students will rotate stations. Barnard says most of the students in the group matriculated last year. He says they are “the cream of the crop” from Qhayiya Secondary who did not go on to tertiary education or find jobs. Barnard says Theo Krynauw, who has access to the school and works closely with the youth at Qhayiya, helped identify candidates for the initiative. Barnard says when he conducted
the interviews, he was very impressed with the calibre of students that were finally selected. He says after a delegation of officials from the Western Cape Government’s Department of Economic Development and Tourism visited numerous businesses in Hermanus in September last year to find out which of them would be suitable to provide training, he pursued the matter which resulted in this pilot project being initiated on 1 June. Barnard says the students work a full day from 09:00 to 16:00 and receive a stipend of R2 000 from provincial government. He says the cost to company includes uniforms, meals, transport, oversight and everything they need for the training. “We are tourist based and there are a lot of businesses here (in Hermanus) that can absorb these kids.” He says the induction process included a talk by Nebank on financial management and the opening of bank accounts for each participant. Barnard says young people can get lost in the world of unemployment and the work and skills project exposes participants to a different world. He says many of them had never tasted sushi before. At the end of the six-month training period, the students will receive a certificate of competence. Through this upliftment project, they will gain valuable work experience, which makes it easier for them to find work in future.
A survey on the use of reclaimed water is currently being conducted among residents to gauge their opinion regarding the use of reclaimed water, which includes water from the sink, bathroom and sewerage system, which has been purified. The research is being conducted by the Research Unit of CPUT (Cape Peninsula University of Technology). The two researchers, Christophe Muanda and Germaine Owen, are going to schools, community structures and general members of the public to gather information. On Thursday 19 June they met with some teachers and learners from Qhayiya Secondary School. Mogamat Kamedien, a teacher at the school, says: “The interview was quite extensive and the researchers were gathering information about what we know about reclaimed water, whether we are satisfied with the service of the municipality, are we satisfied with how the municipality communicates with residents, and what we think can be done to improve communication.”
He says the researchers wanted to know how people would feel if reclaimed water was pumped into their water reticulation system. Hanré Blignaut, responsible for the Overstrand’s water, sanitation and waste services planning, says the survey is not being done by the municipality and the two researchers are not contracted to the Overstrand Municipality. Blignaut says the project is being implemented and financed by the Water Research Commission (WRC) and they are conducting surveys in most of the municipalities in South Africa that are considering water reclamation, like the Overstrand, or in areas that have already implemented it, such as Beaufort-West, George and Mossel Bay. They are visiting these municipalities and members of the public and other role players in the community to find out how aware people are about water reclamation. Blignaut says in the Overstrand it is an option that will be considered for the medium to long term. Kamadien says the teachers all agreed that because of the shortage of water in Hermanus, they would not hesitate to drink reclaimed water as Hermanus is one
of five municipalities in the country with a consistent Blue Drop rating of 90. They said they would have no problem with the water as water reclamation has been done in Windhoek, which is regarded as the de facto standard or icon for this kind of water purification in the world. The interviewers also explained to the group how purified sewerage water is being used in Beaufort West. Kamadien says the learners initially agreed that they and their families would not use reclaimed sewerage water. But by the end of the interview, they agreed that if the community was better informed as to the cleanliness of the water, they would not mind drinking it. Learners and teachers said that drinking reclaimed water may sound offensive if people are told that the water from the toilet system is cleaned and pumped back into the water system. They say people may be reluctant to drink it. But with sufficient public awareness and a thorough education process they could understand the process better.
A survey on reclamed water was recently conducted by Germaine Owen and Christophe Muanda (on the right side of the table), researchers from CPUT Research Unit, at Qhayiya Secondary School. Teachers and learners who were interviewed included (left side of table from the front) Noncepa Sepsie Pike (teacher), Sampson Clarke (teacher), Mandisi Madolo (teacher), Thamalisa Phoyisa (learner), Jeff Mapoyi (teacher), Khay alethu Khala (learner) and Abongile Mafevuka (learner) at the head of the table. PHOTO: MOGAMAT KAMADIEN
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Algemeen General
3 July, 2014
Anne Morrow, the aviator’s wife THE AVIATOR’S WIFE by Melanie Benjamin This is a fascinating novel, based on historical facts, that gives a look inside the married life of the woman who became Mrs Charles Lindbergh – the aviator legend who was the first person to fly solo non-stop across the Atlantic (from New York to Paris) in 1927. He was only 25 years old. Then enters Anne Morrow (21), the shy daughter of the US ambassador to Mexico whom Lindbergh met while on a celebratory world tour after his flight. She was enthralled by his assurance and fame and he was as taken by what he saw as a kindred spirit, and in keeping with his meticulous cross-checking of facts and figures, deemed as “good breeding stock”. Although an equally adventurous spirit, Anne Morrow lived in his shadow for most of her life. Lindbergh was her husband, she was his chosen wife and she did his bidding. She bore him six children and many of you will remember the tragic kidnapping of their 18-month-old first born who was found buried two months later near their home. This novel, based on historical facts, focuses on the dizzy highs and devastating lows of married life to The Lone Eagle, who would be gone for months at a time in pursuit of more achievements. Anne was an “aviator” in her own right. Lindbergh had taught her how to fly and did much of his exploring and charting of air routes with her as his co-pilot. She in fact became the first licensed female glider pilot in America. This book will fascinate not only history buffs but as per the comment from People on the back cover: “it will surprise those
who know of Anne only as ‘the aviator’s wife’.” This extract gives a glimpse of the start of her married life: “May 1929 – Ceiling. Gas capacity. Wingspan. Crosswinds. Throttle. Lift. Technical terms, words I needed to absorb, definitions I needed to memorize, as part of my new role. Well-done roast beef. No sauces. Vegetables cooked to the point of desperation. Slices of white bread with every meal. A different list, but no less important. And just as vital to my new role, my new life. Had I ever been to college? Had I ever had an education? In those first few weeks of marriage to the most famous man in the world (so famous that I received tearstained letters from ingénues accusing me of stealing their future husband; so famous that instead of the groom receiving the traditional congratulations, it was I who was thumped on the back; so famous that movie stars begged us to honeymoon at their estates and directors wanted to make feature length movies of our wedding), I couldn’t believe that I had. For I had so very much left to learn. I went from knowing nothing about my husband to being expected to know everything about him.” It was towards Lindbergh’s last days that Anne also discovered a whole other side of her husband’s life, which is where the book starts off, in 1974 with a dying Lindbergh on his way to the Hawaiian island of Maui, where he eventually died of lymphoma aged 72. And she had just discovered some devastating letters he had written. Anne died at age 91, in 2001. She is not buried next to her husband, she had left instructions for her ashes to be scattered at private locations. REVIEWER: CILENE BEKKER
Book Times Gift from the Sea, by Anne Morrow Lindbergh My mother has had this book for many years and re-reads it from time to time, always prompting us (her two daughters) to read these thought-provoking meditations too. Having just read The Aviator’s Wife, this book is a must-read. I never had a look at its back cover, so I did not make the connection between the author and Charles Lindbergh – of course Anne Morrow Lindbergh was his wife. In Gift from the Sea, deemed a classic and “a wise and beautiful book”, Anne shares her meditations on youth and age, love and marriage, peace, solitude and contentment. She wrote it during a brief vaca-
tion (escape) by the sea while married, where she drew inspiration from the shells on the shore. Gift from the Sea was written in 1955 and in this reprint, the 50th anniversary edition, her daughter Reeve writes in the foreword: “There is more than peace offered in this book, and more than the comforting tidal rhythms of quiet living and quiet words. Underlying all of it is an enormous, sustaining strength. It surprises me every time I meet this strength again in full force in Gift from the Sea. I tend to forget this quality in my mother or maybe I’ve just taken it for granted.” REVIEW BY CELINE BEKKER
Kitare en ander snare Ollie Viljoen vertel Die naam Ollie Viljoen is lank reeds volksbesit. Hy is bekend as veelsydige musikant en vermaaklikheidster, sonder twyfel een van die grootste stimuleerders in die storievertel- en boeremusiektradisie in Afrikaans. Ollie se eerste boek, Kitare en ander snare – Ollie Viljoen vertel, bevat ’n versameling stories, staaltjies en insidente uit sy loopbaan, asook meer as twintig van sy gedigte, wat hy rympies noem. Ek het geskater van die lag vir Ollie se stories! Maar daar is ook ’n treurige noot; plek-plek half hartseer, veral in sommige van sy rympies, baie daarvan natuurlik as gevolg van die dag toe Ollie sy vrou en twee van sy beste vriende, Tolla van der Mer-
we en Koos Meyer, in ’n motorongeluk verloor het. Ollie was die enigste oorlewende en was tien dae lank in die intensiewe eenheid. Oor ’n tydperk van dertig jaar was Ollie regisseur van gewilde TV-programme soos Spies en Plessie en Maak ’n las. Hy word in Afrikanergeledere beskou as ’n ikoon en groot liefhebber van sy moedertaal. Dan is hierdie veelsydige karakter natuurlik ook geliefd vir sy Boeremusiekprogram op RSG. Die boek is uitgegee deur die plaaslike uitgewery, Hemel en See Boeke en is by boekwinkels beskikbaar teen R150. RESENSIE DEUR SJ DU TOIT
Monday Treat
jackie designs 0058
Notice is hereby given of Council’s intention to alienate the undermentioned municipal properties in terms of section 14 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003) and the Municipal Asset Transfer regulations:
Erf 2, Suiderstrand Erf 1665, Pringle Bay Erf 50, Birkenhead Farm 520, Springerskuil Farm 397/6, Jongensklip Farm 616/5, Hansjesrivier Farm 581/374, Onrus River Farm 663/4, Paardeberg River Farm 666/1, Paardeberg
Council’s intention is to alienate the above properties through a process of negotiations with the adjacent owners. Further information is available during normal office hours at the municipal offices, 26 Long Street, Bredasdorp (tel. (028) 425-1157). Enquiries may be directed to Ms AJ Thompson. Any objections against the alienation must be duly motivated in writing and be lodged at the undersigned by no later than 4 August 2014. Persons who are unable to read or write can submit their objection/comments verbally at the municipal offices, 26 Long Street, Bredasdorp and Ms AJ Thompson will assist them in putting their comments or objections in writing. Mr DP Beretti - Municipal Manager (Acting) Overberg District Municipality, Private Bag X22, Bredasdorp 7280 Arina Wilson 110396
Algemeen General
3 July, 2014
Nudibranchs can be found in the coral reef in Walker Bay.
The launch of Andrew Southey’s book Krabben Hood took place at the Book Cottage on Friday evening. Stand ing alongside Andrew (seated) are, from left: Wendell Lawrence of Swey Design Stellenbosch, Dr Cyril Hromnik, a renowned historian, Charmé Southey who painted the book’s cover picture, Shanae Lawrence, responsible for the layout of the book, and Duncan Clews, one of the proof readers. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Syndicates, shadows and sharks KERRY VAN RENSBURG Andrew Southey’s first novel, Krabben Hood, was launched as an e-book on Kindle towards the end of last year, and on Friday 27 June, his self-published book, the hard copy version, was launched at the Book Cottage. Krabben Hood is a thriller set in Hermanus and the author’s personal experience in the business world was the catalyst for the story. The book takes its name from a mythical
octopus-like sea monster, and revolves around the underworld of perlemoen poaching. Scott Davis, a young investigator, is the main character in the story. When a severed arm that washes up on Pearly Beach is identified as that of a colleague working undercover in the Hermanus area, Scott is sent to find out who was responsible for his death. For those of us who live in Hermanus and are all too familiar with the nasty business of perlemoen poaching, Krabben Hood is a well
) The Hermanus library was the first in the Western Cape to have Zelda le Grange’s book Good Morning Mr Mandela on their shelves in both English and Afrikaans. ) Attention Hermanus High matric learners of 2013: Matric certificates are now available for collection at reception at the school. Please bring along your ID book when collecting your certificate. )A great big thank you from Judy Miller from HAWS to all who responded to the roof sheet plea for HAWS. They will soon start with the project.
IS THIS YOUR CAT:If you are the owner of this lost cat, he is hanging around so meone else’s home who says he is very lo ving and friendly. Give them a ring to fetch your cat. Contact Lauren on 082 456 5125.
told tale where fact and fiction conveniently morph, so the reader is kept guessing as to the identity of some of the shady characters. The villains are not necessarily only lurking in the shadows, but on the golf course where it’s business as usual. Southey, a vet by profession, has lived in Hermanus for the past 34 years. With meticulous attention to detail he has used an experience which nearly destroyed him, to weave together a story which keeps readers guessing until the very last page. Krabben Hood retails for R190.
Did you know: According to local recreational divers, the coral reef in Walker Bay has some spectacular nudibranchs. Nudibranchs (meaning ‘nude gills’) are softbodied marine molluscs, often loosely called sea slugs, and include some of the most colourful creatures on earth. They shed their shell after their larval stage
and often have extraordinary colours and striking forms that form part of their defence mechanism. Nudibranchs occur in seas worldwide and live at virtually all depths of salt water. They range in size from 20 to 600 millimetres. They are carnivores, feeding on sponges,barnacles,anemonesand even other nudibranchs.
GEMEENSKAPSPROJEK: Vier graad 11leerders van Hoërskool Hermanus het onlangs handjie bygesit en ’n gedeelte van Kate lyn’s House in Hawston geverf as deel van ’n lewensoriëntering projek. Hulle het ook donasies van kos en klere vir die kinders wat hier bly aan Hazel Maree, die koördineerder, oorhandig. Die flukse verwers is Jacques Huysamen, Uli Schulenburg, Lu cas Viljoen en Dian Kemp.
Algemeen General
3 July, 2014
Price Cuts
Selected products on this page have been styled for photography
49 49
Bulk Beef Mince
Bulk Beef Mince Per kg
Per kg
PnP Avocado Loose Sell
Bulk Lamb Braai Chops Per kg
If it’s not fresh enough for you, it’s not good enough for us.
PnP Panini
PnP Washed Potatoes 7kg
Blue Ribbon Toaster White Bread 700g
26 24
I&J Out‘O The Oven Assorted 400g Each
Allsome Long Grain Parboiled Rice 2kg
PnP Light Meat Solid Tuna in Vegetable Oil or Salt Water 170g Each
Sea Harvest Fish Fingers 800g
Golden Ray Cooking Oil 2 Litre
PnP Flavoured Soup 45g - 85g
Purity 3rd Foods Assorted 200ml Jar
Ariel Auto Washing Powder 2kg Flexi Bag, Liquid Detergent 1.5 Litre or Power Capsules 14s Each
Handy Andy All Purpose Cream Assorted 500/750ml
Funding for local charities, info needed Every year the Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse (L2L) walk raises money for worthwhile local charities. Following their successful 2014 walk, where funds were raised to buy a bus for Hermanus Waldorf School, the Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse ladies are striving for new heights in 2015. In order to select their Charity of Choice for next year, the L2L committee invites interested NGOs/charities to submit written proposals for consideration. In the application, briefly discuss and motivate the purpose of the proposed funding. Applicants must have a section 18a tax certificate, and must be submitted to Ronelle van Zyl at by 1 August 2014.
Music week in Stanford Lovers of the sax will enjoy Betty’s Bay saxophonist Miso Markovina, who will be playing in Stanford this Friday evening, 4 July. Miso will be accompanied on the keyboard by Andrew Herriot, fondly known as the Jazzman. The Sax, Soup and Sherry evening starts at 18:30 at the Stanford Table in the Main Road. The R150 ticket includes a light three course meal. Book at Stanford Tourism on 028 341 0340. On Tuesday evening, 8 July, Stanford’s local musicians bring you a Spicy Food and Swinging 70s evening at the same venue, same time. Tickets cost R180 and includes a choice of 2 curries and sweetmeat desert. Saturday 12 July, Ivo Ivanov, who used to play in the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra, will entertain during an Italian food evening. For more information, call 028 341 340 or go to
Help iemand om ’n prinses te wees Helen Viljoen het Princess Project al ses jaar terug begin. Met die hulp van die gemeentes van Onrus en Hermanus het sy genoeg rokke bymekaar gemaak om met die projek te begin. “Ek het ook heelwat klere, skoene en juweliersware van Erica Pienaar, die stigter van die projek gekry,” sê Helen. Project Princess is ’n geregisteerde nie-winsgewende projek. “Met die projek kan ons iemand soos ’n prinses laat voel vir ’n dag,” sê Helen. Dit kan ’n matriekafskeid wees of enige spesiale geleentheid. Om die klere aan meer meisies beskikbaar te stel, het hulle nou oopgemaak in Hawston en Sandbaai. “Almal wat vir ons rokke, trourokke, skoene en juweliersware geskenk het, wil ons hartlik bedank,” sê Helen. Enigiemand wat ’n bydrae wil maak, kan die volgende persoon skakel: Helen Viljoen (Onrus) 083 650 7131; Shunique Ryan (Hawston) 079 650 3400; Hetta Swartz: 076 697 0965 /
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PIANO RE CITAL: Pieter Grobler, head of Practical Music Studies at Stellenbosch University, will give a piano recital to start the second half of the OAK programme for 2014. This OAK concert will be held in the Overstrand Auditorium at 15:30 on Sunday 13 July. Tickets are R100 (R50 for schol ars/students). For bookings call Bellini Gal lery on 028 312 4988. Call OAK secretary René du Plooy on 082 940 4238.
Algemeen General
3 July, 2014
0 028 341 0340.
THURSDAY 3 JULY ) Die borduurgroep kom byeen by die De Wet saal van 09:00 – 13:00. Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) Members of Hermanus Bird Club will join Lee Burman and Craig Holmes for a walk and birding in Stanford. Meet at Fernkloof Nature Reserve at 08:00. Visitors welcome. Call Craig: 0 083 227 9003. ) Fynbos Senior Centre’s Winter Market at the Dutch Reformed Church Hall, 36 1st Avenue, Kleinmond, from 09:30 – 16:00 (3 and 4 July) and 09:30 – 13:00 on 5 July. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday at Hermanus Golf Club at 12:15. Lyle: 0 028 314 1390 / 073 778 2777. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall. Henriëtte Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809. ) Johan Retief will speak on: The Astronomy of Stone Henge at the Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s monthly meeting at Sansa at 19:00. Contact: 2 ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. All welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. ) Quiz Night at Dutchies at 18:00. More information: 0 028 314 1392. FRIDAY 4 JULY ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:15 – 09:30 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Tea and coffee on offer at the Hermanus li brary’s Bhuki Cafe from 09:00 – 11:30. ) Kunsklasse by die De Wetsaal van 09:00 – 12:00. Kontak Estelle Valkenburg: 0 028 316 3522. ) Kolwyntjieteetuin by die Onrus NG kerk van 09:30 – 11:30. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 12:00 – 16:30. Anneke van der Vlug: 0 082 923 9799. ) Ella’s Horses by Charles J. Fourie will be pre sented at the Overstrand Auditorium at 19:00. For Tickets at R80, contact Angela Heslop: 2 or book at the Her manus tourism office. ) Sax, soup and sherry at the Stanford Table at 18:30. Miso Markovina on saxophone and An drew Herriot on keyboard. R150 pp. Stanford Tourism: 2 or call:
SATURDAY 5 JULY ) Hermanus Country Market, 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kosenwynmark van 09:00 – 13:00. ) Market in the Garden at HemelenAarde Village from 09:00 – 14:00. ) Onrus Markie by die De Wetsaal, Onrus tussen 09:00 en 12:00. ) Are you recently divorced, a widow or widow er? Talk to people who are in the same situation and receive emotional support. You could also meet a very special person. Call: 0 076 115 7382. ) Stanford Hills craft beer, artisanal food and ga ragiste wine festival at Stanford Hills Estate from 12:00. Tickets are R80 pp. No charge for kids under the age of 18. To prebook call: 0 072 639 6135. SUNDAY 6 JULY ) The Salandra Country Market every Sunday from 09:00 – 16:00 on the R43 at the Shell Serv ice Station between Hermanus and Bot River. ) Winter Festival of Body, Mind and Spirit at Fernkloof Nature Reserve from 10:00 – 16:00. Enjoy a day of informative lectures and inspiring talks. Contact Lucia: 0 028 316 5312 / 082 811 6061 or 2 lucia@bridgeinfo ) How does one answer your child’s sensitive questions? Listen to Education on Air on Whale Coast FM 9696.2 at 12:00. ) Literary Lunch with Diane Awerbuck at Madre’s Country Kitchen at 12:15. R180 pp. Book at Stanford Tourism: 2 book@stanfordin or call: 0 028 341 0340 MONDAY 7 JULY ) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus: Maan 08:00 – 09:30; Woens 15:00 –17:00 en Don 08:00 – 09:30. Bel Alida Liebenberg: 0 028316 3994 / 082 783 5160. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 / 072 230 9179. ) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal in Roosstraat, Maandae en Woensdae van 17:30 – 18:30. Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. ) Linedancing at the De Wet Hall from 17:30 – 18:30. Call Maryanne: 0 073 469 9132 / 028 316 2625. ) Ondersteuningsgroep vir geestesgesondheid (depressie, skisofrenie, bipolêre steuring ens) maandelikse vergadering om 15:30, Bloukamer, Fynbospark. ) Stokperdjiemiddag: leer om krale te maak saam met Hettie Roux. Almal welkom.
Navrae Nonnie: 0 028 316 2461; Phil: 0 083 456 5017; Esje: 0 028 313 2031 / 071 853 2106 óf 2 ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir will be practising in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. TUESDAY 8 JULY ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, North cliff. André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) The Stanford Table presents Soul food and Ban ting (Tim Noakes inspired food) from 10:00 – 15:00. Price TBC. From 18:30 there will be Spicy Food and Swing ing 70 Songs at R180 pp. Book at Stanford Tour ism: 2 or call: 0 028 341 0340 WEDNESDAY 9 JULY ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, North cliff. André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) The monthly club meeting of the SAARP (The South African Association of Retired Persons) Her manus Social Club will be from 09:45 – 11:45 in the NG Onrus Church Hall. The guest speaker Ingrid van Ginkel will present on the life story of Yvonne van den Dool, author of From Kitchen to Cockpit, who was one of SA’s first female pilots. Contact Ingrid: 0 028 316 2390 / 082 552 0655. ) Trimgimklasse by die Onrusrivierdienssen trum van 10:00 – 11:00. R30 per lid, R45 vir nielede. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaar saal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Listen to Education on Air on Whale Coast FM 9696.2 from 15:00 – 16:00 when Dr James Gray of the United Church will discuss the leader ship qualities of Sir Ernest Shackelton. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oosthuysen: 0 072 322 0998. ) A talk by Peter Chadwick on birding, with guest chefs Esther and Jake Uys at 18:30 at the Stanford Table. Book at Stanford Tourism: 2 book@stan or call: 0 028 341 0340. EVENTS ) The Womens Business Network will hold their monthly meeting at the Whale Coast Hotel at 09:00 on Friday 11 July. The subject is: Tips and tricks on how to use your Facebook effectively in your business. All business women welcome. Contact Cass: 0 073 117 1857 or 2 casse
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3 July, 2014
ERF 731, ROYALSTRAAT 7, HERMANUS, OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALE AREA : WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967 (WET 84 VAN 1967), HERSONERING EN VERGUNNINGSGEBRUIK Kragtens Artikel (3) 6 van bostaande Wet word hiermee kennis gegee dat die onderstaande aansoek ontvang is en ter insae lê by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder/Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte, Overstrand Munisipaliteit en enige navrae kan gerig word aan die Senior Stadsbeplanner, Me. H van der Stoep, Posbus 20, Hermanus, 7200, (028) 313 8900 en by die faksnommer (028) 313 2093. Epos navrae: Loretta Gillion ( Die aansoek lê ook ter insae by die Kantoor van die Direkteur, Grondbestuur: Streek 2, Provinsiale Regering van die Wes-Kaap, by Kamer 606, Dorpstraat 1, Kaapstad, vanaf 08:00 – 12:30 en 13:00 – 15:30 (Maandag tot Vrydag). Telefoniese navrae in hierdie verband kan gerig word aan (021) 483 0783 en die Direktoraat se faksnommer is (021) 483 3098. Enige besware, met die volledige redes daarvoor, moet skriftelik by die kantoor van die bogenoemde Direkteur: Grondbestuur: Streek 2, Provinsiale Regering, Privaatsak X9086, Kaapstad, 8000, ingedien word op of voor Vrydag, 15 Augustus 2014 met vermelding van bogenoemde Wet en die beswaarmaker se erfnommer. Enige kommentaar wat na die voorgemelde sluitingsdatum ontvang word, mag moontlik nie in ag geneem word nie. Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikel 17 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) dat 'n aansoek ontvang is vir die hersonering van Erf 731, Hermanus vanaf Algemene Residensiële Sone na Plaaslike Besigheidsone ten einde ‘n besigheid op die betrokke eiendom te bedryf. Kennis geskied hiermee verder ingevolge Artikel 15 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) dat 'n aansoek ontvang is vir ‘n vergunningsgebruik van die relevante Skemaregulasies op Erf 731, Hermanus ten einde die twee woonstelle op die betrokke erf vir akkommodasie doeleindes te benut. Volle besonderhede rakende die voorstel is beskikbaar vir inspeksie by die Departement: Stadsbeplanning (Patersonstraat 16) gedurende normale kantoorure. Enige kommentaar op die voorstel moet skriftelik ingedien word ten einde die skrywer te bereik nie later as Vrydag, 15Augustus 2014 nie. AANSOEKER WrightApproach Investments 136 BK. (handelend as WRAP Group), namensAVBOB MutualAssurance Society AARD VANAANSOEK Opheffing van beperkende Titelvoorwaardes van toepassing op Erf 731, Royal Straat 7, Hermanus, ten einde die eienaar in staat te stel om die bestaande geboue in te rig vir kantore en twee addisionele wooneenhede. Die straatboulyn beperking sal oorskry word. Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Posbus 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Munisipale Kennisgewing Nr. 40/2014 ERF 731, 7 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS, OVERSTRAND MUNICIPAL AREA : REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 (ACT 84 OF 1967), REZONING AND CONSENT USE Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3 (6) of the above Act that the under-mentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the Municipal Manager/Chief Executive Officer, Overstrand Municipality, and any enquiries may be directed to the Senior Town Planner, Ms. H van der Stoep, PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200, Tel No. (028) 313-8900 and Fax No. (028) 313-2093. E-mail enquiries: Loretta Gillion ( The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Director, Land Management: Region 2, Provincial Government of the Western Cape, at Room 606, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, from 08:00 – 12:30 and 13:00 – 15:30 (Monday to Friday). Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at (021) 483 0783 and the Directorate’s fax number is (021) 483 3098. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, should be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned Director: Integrated Environmental Management: Provincial Government at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, on or before Friday, 15 August 2014, quoting the above Act and the objector’s erf number. Any comments received after the aforementioned closing date may be disregarded. Notice is hereby further given in terms of Section 17 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) that an application has been received for the Rezoning of Erf 731, Hermanus from General Residential Zone to Local Business Zone in order to conduct a business on the property concerned. Notice is hereby further given in terms of Section 15 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) that an application has been received for a departure from the relevant Scheme Regulations on Erf 731, Hermanus to in order to utilize the two flats on the property as dwelling units. Full details regarding the proposal are available for inspection at the Department: Town Planning (16 Paterson Street) during normal office hours. Any comment on the proposal should be submitted in writing to reach the undersigned by not later than Friday, 15August 2014. APPLICANT Wright Approach Investments 136 CC (trading as WRAP Group), on behalf of AVBOB Mutual Assurance Society NATURE OFAPPLICATION Removal of restrictive title condition applicable to Erf 731, 7 Royal Street, Hermanus, to enable the owner to convert the existing buildings into offices and two additional dwelling units. The street building line restriction will be encroached upon. Overstrand Municipality, PO Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Municipal Notice No. 40/2014 ISIZA 731, 7 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS, UMMANDLA KAMASIPALA WASE-OVERSTRAND : UMTHETHO WOKUSUSA IZITHINTELO, 1967 (UMTHETHO 84 KA-1967), UKUSETYENZISWA NGENYE INDLELA NEMVUME YOKUSEBENZISA Apha kukhutshwa isaziso, ngokwemiqathango yecandelo 3(6) lalo Mthetho ukhankanywe ngentla apha, sokuba kuye kwafunyanwa esi sicelo singezantsi apha, nokuba kuvulelekile ukuba singeza kuphendlwa kwiOfisi yeManejala kaMasipala/iGosa loLawulo eliyiNtloko, uMasipala wase- Overstrand, kwaye nayiphi na imibuzo ingathunyelwa kuMyiliwe Dolophu, uNkosikazi H van der Stoep, PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200, (KwinomboloYemfonomfonoEngu Engu: (028) 313-8900) (InomboloYefeksi (028) 313-2093). I-imeyile: Loretta Gillion ( Esi sicelo kananjalo kukwavulelekile nokuba siye kuphendlwa kwiOfisi yoMlawuli: kuLawulo loMhlaba: uMmandla 2, kaRhulumente wePhondo leNtshona Koloni, kwiGumbi elingu-606, 1 Dorp Street, eKapa, ukususela ngentsimbi ye-08:00 ukuya kweye-12:30 nango-13:00 ukuya ku-15:30 (ngoMvulo ukuya kutsho ngoLwesihlanu). Imibuzo eyenziwa ngomnxeba ephathelele kulo mba ingenziwa ngokutsalela kwa-(021) 483-0783, kwaye ke inombolo yefekisi yeli Candelo loLawulo ngu-(021) 483-3098. Naziphi na izikhalazo, ekufuneka zihambe nezizathu ezipheleleyo kufuneka zingeniswe ngento ebhaliweyo kule ofisi ikhankanywe ngentla apha yoMlawuli kuLawulo lokusiNgqongileyo Olumanyanisiweyo, kaRhulumente wePhondo, kwaPrivate Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, ngomhla we okanye phambi kwawo Lwesihlanu umhla we-15 u-Agasti 2014, kuxelwe lo Mthetho ungentla apha kunye nenombolo yesiza salowo ukhalazayo. Naziphi na izimvo ezithe zafika emva kwalo mhla wokuvala ukhankanyiweyo zisenokungahoywa. Apha kukhutshwa kwakhona isaziso ngokweCandelo 17 leSihlokomiso sesiCwangciso soKusetyenziswa koMhlaba sowe-1985 (IsiHlokomiso 15 sowe-1985) sokuba kufunyenwe isicelo sokucandwa kwakhona kweSiza 731, eHermanus sokuba sitshintshwe kweseNdawo yoKuhlala Jikelele sibe seseZoshishino ukwenzela ukuba kushishinwe kulo mhlaba. Apha kukhutshwa kwakhona isaziso ngokweCandelo 15 leSihlokomiso sesiCwangciso soKusetyenziswa koMhlaba sowe-1985 (Isihlokomiso 15 sowe-1985) sokuba kufunyenwe isicelo sokuphambuka kwiMigaqo yeSikim kwiSiza 731, eHermanus ukwenzela ukuba ii-flethi ezimbini ezikulo mhlaba zisetyenziswe njengendawo yokuhlala. Iinkcukacha ezipheleleyo malunga nesi sindululo ziyafumaneka kwiSebe: uYilo lweDolophu (16 Paterson Street) ngexesha lomsebenzi. Ungazingenisa uzibhalile naziphi na izimvo onazo ngesi sindululo sifike kulo ubhalwe ngezantsi ngoLwesihlanu, 15Agasti 2014. UMFAKI-SICELO Wright Approach Investments 136 CC (trading as WRAP Group), egameni le-AVBOB Mutual Assurance Society. UHLOBO IWESICELO Ukususwa kwemiqathango yezithintelo zolwakhiwo kwitayitile yesiza 731, 7 Royal Street, eHermanus, ukuze umininiso aguqule izakhiwo ezilapho zibe zii-ofisi neeyunithi ezimbini ezongezelelweyo ezizindawo zokuhlala. Imida yezithintelo zolwakhiwo ayizi kunanzwa. Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala, PO Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200 InomboloYesaziso sikaMasipala 40/2014
These two beautiful huskies are look ing for a new home after their loving owner, JeanFrancois Avenier died of cancer. It was his last wish that Machin (6yearold male) and Chey enne (4yearold female) could find a new home where they could stay to gether. They are a lively pair and would need lots of exercise, but are very well behaved. For more info call the Hermanus Kennels and Grooming Parlour where they are currently be ing housed on 028 312 2886.
(fee charged)
To adopt please call - 028 312 1281 / 076 963 2092 Two of our 13wk Belgium Shepherd X pups, BRUNO & BANDIT, both males. We have litter of 6, one black female.
MUFFIN - an unclaimed stray maltese with leather collar from Fisherhaven. He is very unhappy and really needs a loving attentive home.
Sweet little copper coloured AMBER is very shy & nervous of strangers, & not been treated well. Stray from Hoy's koppie needing TLC.
SYLVIE a pretty gentle female 2-3 yr old female & FAUNUS a 1 yr old shy but loving caramel male, both have bushy tails. They are longing for a human to love.
REBA - is a very affectionate friendly Rottie X female who mixes well with other dogs & is an unclaimed stray.
DRAFT POLICY: EMERGING CONTRACTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Notice is herewith given that the Municipality intends adopting the above mentioned policy. The Public is in terms of section 12 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) invited to submit representations in connection with the proposed policy to the Municipality by submitting such representation on or before 21 July 2014 to the Municipal Manager (For attention Ms C Hill) at the under mentioned address or fax number. The Draft Policy will be available for perusal during office hours at the offices of the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Kleinmond, in all the public libraries in the Overstrand, the Corporate Head Office of the municipality in Hermanus and on the municipality’s website at Persons who cannot write can visit the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Kleinmond during office hours where such persons will be assisted to transcribe their comments or representations. C GROENEWALD MUNICIPAL MANAGER Overstrand Municipality PO Box 20 HERMANUS Fax number: (028) 312 3779 7200 Notice number: 41/2014 KONSEP BELEID: OPKOMENDE KONTRAKTEUR ONTWIKKELING PROGRAM Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Munisipaliteit beoog om die bogenoemde beleid te aanvaar. Die Publiek word ingevolge artikel 12 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) uitgenooi om vertoë met betrekking tot die voorgestelde beleid aan die munisipaliteit voor te lê deur hul vertoë voor of op 21 Julie 2014 te rig aan die Munisipale Bestuurder (vir aandag Me C. Hill) by onderstaande adres of faksnommer. Die Konsep beleid is gedurende kantoorure ter insae by die kantore van die Areasbestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus en Kleinmond, in alle openbare biblioteke in die Overstrand, die Korporatiewe Hoofkantoor van die munisipaliteit in Hermanus en op die munisipaliteit se webwerf by Persone wat nie kan skryf nie kan gedurende kantoorure by die onderskeie Areabestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus of Kleinmond besoek aflê waar daardie persone gehelp sal word om hul kommentaar of vertoë op skrif te stel. C GROENEWALD MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Overstrand Munisipaliteit Posbus 20 HERMANUS Faksnommer: 028 312 3779 7200 Kennisgewingnommer: 41/2013 I-Polisi esaQUNLUNGQWAYO: UHLELO LOPHUHLISO LWABAKHI ABASAKHASAYO. Isibhengezo esiphuma kwaMasipala esazisa ngenjongo zokwamkela ngokusesikweni i-polisi ekhankanywe ngasentla. Abahlali bayamenywa ngokwecandelo 12 lomgaqo siseko olawula inqubo zomasipala, Local Government: Municipal SystemsAct, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000), ukuba unikezele uluvo nezihlomelo mayela nale polisi iqulungqwayo kuMasipala ngomhla okanye phambi kwama 21 July 2014 zithunyelwe ku Mphathi kaMasipala (ziqondiswe ku Ms. C. Hill) kule dilesi ikhankanyiweyo okanye nge-feksi. I-polisi le iqulungqwayo iyakuthi ifumaneke ukuba ihlomulwe ngamaxesha omsebenzi kwii ofisi zomphathi Ngingqi eGansbaai, eStanford, Hermanus nase Kleinmond, kuwo onke amathala eencwadi kwingingqi yase Overstrand, kwandlunkulu kaMasipala eHarmanus okanye uhambele kule dilesi ye-website ethi Abo abangakwaziyo ukubhala nokufunda bangahambela abaphathi beNgingqi eGaansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus nase Kleinmond ngamaxesha omsebenzi ukuze bafumane uncedo lokubhala ezabo izihlomelo. C GROENEWALD Umphathi Kamasipala Umasipala weOverstrand PO Box 20 Hermanus 7200 inombolo ye feksi: (028) 312 3779 Inombolo yesaziso: 41/2014
Nommerpas Lexus RX nou te koop QUICKPIC Die RX het die weg vir die weeldesportnuts in 1997 gebaan toe dié reeks destyds sy internasionale buiging gemaak en sedertdien een van die wêreld se suksesvolste kruismotors geword het. Trouens, die RX is los voor in Lexus-verkope in die VSA en oortref sy mees regstreekse Europese mededingers twee teen een. Die reeks geniet ook die onderskeiding dat dit die voertuig met die hoogste klantetevredenheidsindeks tot nog toe in die JD Powergehaltepeiling is. Danksy die filosofie dat “alles ingesluit” is, is ’n ruim skoot standaard-toerusting ’n absolute feit wanneer ’n mens na ’n Lexus op soek is, maar die RX350 Special Edition laat nie ’n enkele steen onaangeraak nie. Volgens Justin Ryan, hoofbestuurder van Lexus Suid-Afrika, is die RX350 Limited Edition ’n motor “wat die regte mengsel kenmerke en toerusting bied” wat die meeste kopers van hierdie motor wil hê. “Daarbenewens maak die jongste stileringsveranderings – veral die meer aggressiewe voorkant en dinamiese nuwe 19-duim-allooisierwiele – ’n duidelike stelling wat die RX sportiewer laat lyk. “Klein dog netjiese verfynings is aan die binnekant aan die beslag aangebring, veral die afstand-gemonteerde kontroleerder wat nou meer soos ’n rekenaarmuis werk. Lexus se aandag aan detail strek selfs tot die verlenging van die openingshoek van die middelkonsolekissie se deksel om dit makliker te maak om iets uit te haal – dít is nou wat ek weelde noem,” sê Ryan. Buiten die eienskappe van die reeds goed-toegeruste EX-weergawe, kry die nuwe spesiale weergawe die volgende bykomende toerusting: • Aanpasbare kopligstelsel (AFS)
Lexus se RX350 is nou beskikbaar in ’n nuwe spesiale beperkte uitgawe. ’n Rits opknappings is nou aan die verbruiker beskikbaar. FOTO: QUICKPIC – ten gunste van beter sig snags, veral op kronkelpaaie. Dié draaikopligte tesame met die hoëstraal-xenonligte (HID) draai die linker-koplig tot 15 grade en die regter-lig tot 10 grade wanneer die motor om ’n draai ry, en help om ’n groter deel van die pad te belig. Kopligwassers is deel van die standaard-toerusting. • Elektronies-verstelbare stuurkolom met geheuewerking. • Ligdiode-drumpelplate. • Deurspieëls – nou met geheuewerking. Selfs die EX-model het outomatiese voubare hulsels met outomatiese verdowwing as deel van die standaard-eienskappe. • Sykant-monitor – miniatuur-ka-
mera wat in die deurspieël aan die passasierskant ingebou is, stuur videobeelde na die voertuig se middelkonsole-skerm. Iets wat geniaal is, is dat die kamera bly werk selfs wanneer die spieëls weggevou word om deur ’n nou gaping te wikkel. Die kantspieël-monitor word deur ’n skakelaar aan die stuurwiel geaktiveer. • Bamboesbeslag vir die kajuit. Stroke sy-gladde bamboes-houtafwerking versier die stuurwiel (’n kombinasie van hout en leer), die binnekante van die deure en die instrumentepaneel en bekerhouer se afwerking, en is die volmaakte fokuspunt vir die bottersagte pikswart leer oor al die opgestopte op-
pervlakke, wat die middelkonsoleboks insluit. Neem asseblief kennis dat die voorste sitplekke nie net ingeboude verwarmers het nie, maar ook ingeboude lugverkoeling sowel as geheuewerking vir die verskillende verstellings aan al twee kante. • Weerkaatsende vertoonskerm – dié stelsel skyn eenvoudige navigasieaanwysings, klankstelsel-inligting en die voertuig se spoed teen die voorruitglas sodat die bestuurder makliker op die pad kan fokus en minder hoef af te kyk. En anders as in die geval van ander stelsels sluit dit ook ’n afstand-aftelling en rigtingpyl in wat die bestuurder deur draaie lei. • Mark Levinson-klankstelsel met
15 luidsprekers – die kern van die stelsel se super-verrigting is nie minder nie as 15 luidsprekers, wat elk doelgerig vir die spesifieke akoestiese eienskappe van, en ligging in, die binneruim ontwikkel is. Die klankstelsel bied volmaakte 7.1-kanaal-klank reg rondom vir jou gunsteling-CD, -DVD of musiek deur jou selfoon of MP3-speler. Deurslaggewende unieke verkoopspunte van die Lexus RX-reeks: • Twee enjinkeuses (3.5 V6 en Hibried-elektries) en driemodelreeks – RX 350 EX, RX 350 Special Edition en RX 450 SE. • Hersiene stilering wat onlangs verfris is vir sterker voorkant-stilering met die bekende Lexus-uurglassierrooster en L-Finessse-ontwerpkenmerke, met ’n hersiene binneruim en ’n groter keuse in kleure en beslagafwerking, ’n nuwe instrumentepaneel en die tweede generasie van Lexus se afstand-gemonteerde raakvlakstelsel. • Nuwe 19”-allooisierwiele vir die RX 350 EX. • 3.5FV6-verrigtingskenmerke – 204 kW @ 6 200 r/min en 346 Nm @ 4 700 r/min (0-100 km/h in agt sekondes met ’n gemiddelde verbruik van 10,6F/100 km) • Hibried-verrigtingseienskappe – 220 kW algehele verrigting vir die 3.5F-V6-petrolenjin met twee elektriese hoëverrigtingmotors (0-100 km/h in 7,8 sekondes/gemiddelde verbruik van 6,3F/100 km) Pryse en waarborg RX 350 EX R684 200 RX 350 Special Edition R724 000 RX 450h SE R869 000 Alle Lexus RX-modelle word gedek deur ’n waarborg van vier jaar/100 000 km en diensplan (Lexus Distance Plan Plus vir die RX 350modelle en Lexus Distance Plan Complete vir die RX 450h). Besoek, bel 08611 Lexus of sluit aan by Lexus op Facebook by vir nog inligting of om ’n toetsrit te bespreek.
20 HermanusTimes Ford’s Figo Concept shows new vision 3 July, 2014
QUICKPIC Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (FMCSA) are giving motorists a glimpse of its vision for a new global B-segment compact in the form of the Ford Figo Concept. The car will be shown at the inaugural Go Further event in Johannesburg on 17 July 2014. Highlighting premium design along with smart styling and safety, the concept vehicle gives an indication of the design language to be used in a future version of the popular Figo. It has also been confirmed that a production version of the Figo Concept is planned for South African and Sub-Saharan African (SSA) markets, although details and specifications have
yet to be confirmed. Ford aims to set new standards for quality and craftsmanship in the B-segment, aimed at exceeding the expectations of consumers in emerging markets. Building on Ford’s compact-car offerings, the Figo Concept illustrates how Ford plans to face growing global demand for compact vehicles. Despite its rapid growth, the compact car segmentwillremainhighlycompetitiveasincreasingly savvy buyers look for ways to make their money go further. With the goal of bringing unprecedented levels of refinement to the compact car segment, designers created the Ford Figo Concept, using design elements usually found in more expensive vehicles. Smart features like electrically adjustable power-fold mirrors are practical, helping to re-
move the stress of driving through a busy and congested environment. The mirrors also have a flexible architecture that prevents them from being broken off if bumped by another car or motor-cycle. Ford also designed the Ford Figo Concept to feature unprecedented levels of safety for its class, further enhancing peace of mind for its drivers. On the inside, the spacious cabin is filled with innovative stowage spaces. The Figo Concept also offers inventive features that bring the promise of tomorrow’s technologies to compact vehicles. With an innovative device dock, the Figo Concept introduces a new way to store, mount and charge mobile phones, MP3 players and satellite navigation systems, seamlessly integrating them with the in-car entertainment system.
BOLAND Auto Sold
With the goal of bringing unprecedented lev els of refinement to the compactcar segment, designers created the Ford Figo Concept us ing design elements usually limited to more expensive vehicles PHOTO: QUICKPIC
BOLAND Auto Sold
HermanusTimes 3 July, 2014
HermanusTimes 3 July, 2014
Save a life with these tips • Don’t use your mobile phone whilst driv ing: Making or receiving a call, even using a “hands free” phone, can distract your at tention from driving and could lead to an accident. • Belt up in the back: In a collision, an unbelted rear passenger can kill or seriously injure the driver or a front seat passenger. • Don’t drink and drive: Any alcohol, even a small amount, can im pair your driving, so be a safe driver don’t drink and drive. • Slow down: At 60 km/h you are twice as likely to injure or kill a pedestrian than at 50 km/h. • Children: Children often act impulsively, so take extra care outside schools, near buses and ice cream vans. • Take a break: Tiredness is thought to be a major factor in more than 10% of road accidents. Plan to stop for at least a 15 minute break every two hours on a long journey. • Walk safely: When crossing a road always use a pedes trian crossing if there is one nearby. Help others to see you by wearing fluorescent or reflective clothing in poor light condi tions. • Anticipate: Observe and anticipate other road users’ actions and use your mirrors regularly. • Use car seats: Child and baby seats should be fitted pro perly and checked every trip. • Keep your distance: Always keep a twosecond gap between you and the car in front.
BOLAND Auto Sold
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
3 July, 2014
CURVES WEIGHT LOSS CENTRE with Evox Nutrition and 30 min Circuit for your health. Call 028 316 2211.
SIENA ALBERTYN Gebore-30.06.1946 Gesterwe 21.05.2014 A mother so special in each and every way. She brought love and happines to each and every day. Her first birthday away from us our dear mother. The pain is still here but where you are you are in safe hands. We missed you so much our dear mother the things you have done for us we still never forget our dear mother. From your daughter Connel and son in law Stick,children and grandchildren.
30 JUNIE is jy reeds n jaar weg van ons,ons verlang en dink nog baie aan jou. Op 11 Julie sal dit jou eerste verjaarsdag weg wees van ons. Met baie liefde en verlange van familie.
FUNERAL SERVICES MYNDERT LOUW 6 JUL 1974-5 FEB 2012 Met baie liefde, verlange en kosbare herinneringe sal ons op Sondag, 6 Julie, in die besonder aan ons geliefde Myndert dink op sy 40 ste verjaarsdag! Ons dank die Heer vir sy liefde en genade wat ons elke dag dra! Thea (Moeks), oom Elrich, Kobus, Irma, Hendrie, Nico, Kasia, Rozanne en al jou ander geliefdes en vriende. KARIN DIETLINDE GAYLARD: Passed away peacefully in the early hours of Wednesday, 25th June. She is the much loved wife, mother-in-law, Oma and friend and will be sorely missed. KIDBROOKE is saddened by the loss of our first Resident Frances Beckingham who died in Tygerberg Hospital at 9.45pm on Monday 30th June. A memorial service will be held in the United Church on Saturday 5th July at 10am. Donations to The Hermanus Animal Welfare in lieu of floral tributes.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871.
RAAI WIE is 5 op die 5de. Veels geluk. Van mammie, daddy, broer, suster & Kia. MY CAKE ANGEL.Cakes/cupcakes for all oc-casions. E-mail: GENERAL NOTICES Call Tarryn Geyer: 076 154 9612. View: COMMUNITY NOTICES
HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218.
LET ME DO ALL your Video and or Photography of that special occassion. 30 Years experience. Affordable.Bookings essential. NOSTALTIQUES. Call Ben 072 293 6169. Wanted: Antiques, Art, secondhand household TRAINING & goods. Steenbras Street EDUCATION 15, Hermanus Industria. 1480 082 833 2567. EDUCATION HOLIDAY
PROGRAMME, AGED 3 9. R45 p/d or R175 p/w. Maths, reading, science. 071 683 1314.
TRANSPERSONAL HYPNOTHERAPY. Help with releasing stress, depression, anger,addictions, weigh issues, fears etc. through relaxation and access of the unconscious mind. Joe Hein 079 680 MATHS TUITION. Wis2600. Healing and Transkunde onderrig. Skakel 071 formation Course- Every 818 3311. Wednesday from July 30th. FOR SALE
COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.
VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281. FURNITURE
1635 1445
CONSOLIDATION LOAN ONLINE. Up to R230 000. Bad credit welcome. E-mail:
SIENA ALBERTYN VERJAARDAG (30/06/1946) Mamma se eerste verjaarsdag weg van ons. Die hartseer en verlange is nog groot, maar dankie vir die mooi herinneringe. Liefde: Attie, Andy, Francis, kinders en kleinkinders.
ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.
SUGAR PLUM Party Shop.Themed cakes, kiddies, tables and chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.
ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolĂŞre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos PERSONAL SEVICES
DON'T WANT TO JOIN A GYM? Come to a private studio or gym at home with qualified trainer. Richnard: 079 768 1491.
ANTIQUE OAK Dressing table Knysna. Range patio table + 4 chairs, 2 wingback chairs, glass top coffee table. 073 280 6036.
1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.
OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679.
THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, AVON: Passievol oor direkte verkope? Sluit nou linen, bric-a-brac, furniaan by my dinamiese span. ture, sporting goods or Rene Geldenhuys 083 468 books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. 8164 / 028 425 2118 Call 028-313 1884. 1430
PARTY/EVENT DANCE floor for hire. Black & white check. Phone Carol or Talitha 028 313 2769.
FURNITURE WANTED. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508. 1 Arum Street-Hermanus Industria
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
3 July, 2014
ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
REDSEAL PLUMBING AND MAINTENANCE: Blocked drains, new installations, services, repairs. 24/7 072 153 8820 Shawn.
WIND-O-WASH. For professional window cleaning FOR HIRE services in the domestic, commercial, industrial and 1820 retail sectors. We have BUILDERS/EVENTS more than 20 years expeTOILETS, crane truck, rience in the industry and container & offices to rent. look forward to your call Call 086 100 2271 or 028on 028-313 2232 for a free, 312 2367. no obligation quotation. GARDEN & IRRIGATION
BARGAIN SALES: Sony hi-fi, cd-mc 350. LP records,10. Ornaments from 5, Electric Blankets50, Tools from10+, Lawn cutter 225, Travel bags 35, Easy chairs 45, Artificial flowers from 10, Clocks 45, Fax; 175, Kitchen stuff 40+, Furniture 50+, 1995, Show room Lancia Thema 65000km, 35K. Stamps, offers?? Phone 079 868 9069 for Much More, See, Pay, Enjoy. BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749. BRAAI AND FIREWOOD for sale. Rooikrans, Bluegum, Myrtle. Contact Wayne Haman 079 484 0364 or ffprojects22@ ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES. We supply all your requirements and E-liquid flavours. Contact Ben Rossouw cell: 082 726 8771. Tel: 028 316 4217. 11 Branderdraai Street, Sandbaai Hermanus. J.C TRADERS-GATEWAY CENTRE - Hotel Beds, Sold at factory prices. Brand new bedset for R2 900- Save R4 000. Contact 082 514 9840/0792740510 KRIEKET PULLOVER PADS Helmet, gloves shoes, togbags, school trouser, blazer size 32,hockeystick 072 202 4872.
I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749. GENERAL & HOME SERVICES BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION 1801
A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798. ALL BUILDING WORK. Alterations, renovations, extensions, boundry walls, paving, tiling & painting. Call 082 255 0939. CONTACT JOHANN 083 452 1422 for free quotes on Plan Draughting of New Buildings , Existing Illegal structures to legalise Municipal Records, Extensions to Existing Buildings.
ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. WATER PUMPS. MechManufacture, supply, Elect. Call 082 885 7480. install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. ASEMROWENDE TuinPAINTING dienste. Snoei & afkap van It pays to get our quote. 1872 Michael Haman 072 288 bome. Sny van gras, PAINTING, ROOF CLEAskoonmaak van erwe, rom- 4761/084 558 1902. melverwydering & meubel- CARPET and upholstery NING COATING. Free vervoer. Geute skoonmaak. cleaning. Personal supervi- quotes. Michael Haman Morné 083 225 3712. sion. Best prices. Free quo- 028 316 1881 / 072 288 tations. Phone Top Carpets 4761. 028-313 0721.
CINDY'S CARPET CLEANERS. Carpets, rugs & upholstery cleaners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 5385/028-316 4264. BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592. FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.
24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017.
CASH 4 GOLD : Gold and Silver memorabilia - Bring your items and get a honest evaluation. Contact 028 312 3154.
FLOOR SANDING & specialized installation of wood floors & timber decks. The Hutton Brothers 082 828 5627 or 028-341 0543.
PEST CONTROL -WALKER BAY. 19 Years expeFOR GENERAL PLUMrience in residential, induBING, MAINTENANCE, strial and commercial pest FYNBOS GARDENS. control. Specializing in Landscaping, irrigation and Roof cleaning & painting, beetle inspections and exterior & interior or wall garden maintenance. 15 JG HOME MAINTEtimber treatments. Regipainting. Paving, waterNANCE. Alterations, buil- Mimosa Street, Industrial stered with Dept. of Agriproofing & tiling. Call Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. ding and paint work. Phone culture and SAPCA. Call Johan 082 216 7009. Gerhard at 083 955 2263. our friendly staff on 028JOHAN PAINTERS AND GARDEN AFFAIR. 316 3010. GUTTER MAINTEOffering full garden CLEANING NANCE. Painting of houSEVICES maintenance. Garden 1805 PLUMBERS design & landscaping. irri- ses - inside & outside, gates, fences. Cleaning of 1855 1ST EXCLUSIVE CLEA- gation repairs. Plot clearing. Juliet Leppan 072 942 PVC gutters & aluminium NING SERVICE. Oncegutters. Johan 072 647 1 LOCAL PLUMBING. 1260. off, 2328. Maintenance, geysers, reweekly/monthly. Full time HERMANUS LANDSCAnovation, blockages, water MAINTENANCE SMALL supervision. Honest, well PING. Garden design, proofing, emergency. PIRB BUILDING JOBS: Paintrained staff. Are you maintenance & irrigation. Registered. Discount for ting and plumbing. Good moving in/out? We can 22 Years experience. Call pensioners. Call 072 756 prices. Phone 081 656 help. Mon-Sat. Call 076 Paul Marx 082 32 777 04. 9614/028 312 3874. 6385. 115 7382. BLOCKED DRAINS. High NEW OR REMODEL pressure pipe & drain cleaBuilding Drawings done, ning services. Industrial, with New Energy Regulati- marine, commercial, domeLANDSCAPING SOLUons SANS10400XA, CESA, stic. Dyna Rod 082 569 HOUSES, OFFICES, TIONS: 10 years ExperiNRCS, SAIA, WSP. E1769. Tel/fax 028-312 VENUES. Moving out ence, Design with your mail:building4323. /moving in. Monday to Fri- style in mind. Professional, Call day. To request an estilandscape & irrigation Jaco Sadie 072 281 9891. mate contact us today! Installations. Decking, Tiesie 072 111 2404. Email Instant Lawn, Garden NUTSMAN/HANDYtiesieliebenLights and any Small to MAN Phillip Hough. Sel/ Medium Building alteratiCell: 079 613 9328. E-mail: ons. Call 079 912 4508 for a free quote or post a ELECTRICAL request on our website: 1810 ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. No call out fee. Call 079 706 1056.
A & A BOME. Afsaag van bome en takke, asook wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot by Rooi-Els. Aldert en Anita skakel 083 739 9865.
001 STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.
REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195. ROSE PRUNING. Offering seasonal pruning of roses and hydrangeas.Call Juliet for a quote 072 942 1260. TUINDIENSTE TE KOOP: Kliente in Sandbaai en Vermont. Skakel asb na 6uur saans. Nico Van Zyl by 082 336 4697 of REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 028 316 4844. 082 885 7480. SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667.www.
PLUMBING MAINTENANCE SERVICES. Blocked drains,Geyser maintenance & replacement and general plumbing. 24/7 Service. Leo 082 8966 779/Wessel 078 646 9559. PLUMBING XPRESS. All plumbing repairs & handyman work. Rudi Williers 082 783 0312/083 456 2900. PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
111 VERMONT STORAGE. Space available, size of single garage, 24Hr ADT, secure & clean. Please contact 079 382 2276 /
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398
BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact Evan Rautenbach at 082 974 6995 or email us at: Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website:
2004 FORD RANGER. 2.2 Petrol, LWB, Overhead Canopy, Only 150 000km on clock, R49000. Call Peter 078 449 9488. MAZDA MIDGE for sale. Good condition. Erna 072 380 0440. TRAILERS 3040
HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. VEHICLES WANTED TO BUY 3075
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
3 July, 2014
TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive FLATS FOR SALE Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 3255 2de handse voertuie om te FYNBOSPARK-R495 koop. Onmiddellike eie000. 1 slaapkamer grondvnaars verandering. loer eenheid, netjies, toegeboude stoep met direkte PROPERTIES toegang tot die gemeenskaplike tuin. Web Werw: 655278. www.gtproBUSINESS 082 FOR SALE 569 6967. Guthrie & The3212 ron Eiendomme.
2 BEDROOM flat to rent. Fully furnished. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. R4800 per month. Security included.
NORTHCLIFF -SOLE MANDATE R1 650 000 Spacious sunny family home in heart of Northcliff overlooking open parkland. Large lounge/diningroom with fireplace, 3 double bedrooms all with BICS, l.5 bathrooms, kitchen needing updating, scullerly/laundry, utillity room and outside Loo. Single garage PLUS huge storeroom/workshop. Fully walled, excellent security, borehole and walking distance to schools and shops. Call Res Donovan 082 490 9203 for appointment to view.
FURNISHED BACHELOR FLAT. Available in Vermont from 1 Aug. Rent R2500 with basic elect. Eunice 083 344 7031 or Gideon 082 888 0699.
SECLUDED ONE Bedroom garden flat in Kwaaiwater. No children. No Pets. Phone after 17h30. Ingrid 082 775 8847.
MEERENSEE: 3 Furnished b/r house near lagoon and sea. R5900 per month. Fisherhaven Properties 028 315 1990 or 082 559 4290.
BACHELOR GARDEN FLAT in Northcliff. Walking distance to CBD. Unfurnished R2000.00 per month. Electricity excluded. No animals. Available immediately. Contact: 072 480 8010.
3 BEDROOM house to rent. Occupation mid August/Onrus Manor Retirement Village. Contact 082 302 3874.
A MALAWIAN lady looking for a job as a domestic worker, with experience. Ref. available. Please call on 078 759 9315 or 073 356 6804.
TRUSTWORTHY MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job as a babysitter and domestic worker. 5 years exp & ref. Call Joice 078 735 6899/073 452 7348.
GARAGE FOR STORAGE of motor vehicle. R490pm. Ph 060 618 8405. LOOKING FOR A SPACIOUS, neat house with good security to rent on long term basis. House must not be on the market. Prefer Westcliff or Chanteclair but other options also open. No children or pets. House will be well looked after. Phone Elma 082 574 3380. OP SOEK NA HUIS OM TE HUUR: Lang termyn, huis wat nie in mark is nie, gerieflike, netjiese ruim huis met goeie sekuriteit. Verkieslik Westcliff of Chanteclair, maar ander opsies ook oop. Geen kinders en diere. Eiendom sal goed opgepas word. Kontak Elma Tel. 082 574 3380. SANDBAAI R6500: 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room with open-plan kitchen, study, secluded outside braai area. Available immediately. Contact Chris at 083 630 2454 or
HELP JOUSELF, niemand anders sal nie, daarom sal jy nooit weet hoe om 18 A MALAWIAN MAN Jacob Chalenga am looking 000 deeltyds te verdien nie. Geen netwerk & deur for the job as gardener & to deur bemarking nie. plumber & painting. 3yrs. Skakel Annemarie 072 445 experience. Call 061 865 5101/021 850 8184 0215.
2 BEDROOM FLAT with kitchen and living area to rent in Hermanus Heights. R4000 including water, lights and DSTV. Secure parking. Please contact 082 601 1894. Available 1 July 2014.
MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job as housekeeper, gardener or any other job. Call Bonnie @ 073 453 5780.
A MALAWIAN LADY. Hardworking & honest. Looking for housekeep babysitter job. Ref avail. 4yrs exp. Full time. Call Eunice 079 033 5300.
A MALAWIAN LADY is looking for job. Cleaner or any domestic job. Full time has got experience. Call 084 380 6464.
A MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job as a driver code 08. Chef, gardener, housekeeper. Call 074 267 5973. A MALE MALAWIAN is looking for a job as a housekeeper or gardener. Full time or three days a week. Three years experience, contact 074 451 2436, Wilson Gwaza.
ELEKTRIESE ASSISTENT: Persoon moet minimum 2 jaar ondervinding he. Faks CV na 086 6154087 of stuur epos na
ELEKTRIESE HANDLANGER BENODIG- Op soek na betroubare en 3295 hardwerkende persoon met ten minste 5jaar elekHAWSTON - Plot with triese ondervinding in: good views of sea and Konstruksie, Bedrading, mountains, near beach. A TRUSTWORTHY reliaInstalleering. Sober R175 000. Deposit R35 ble and hardworking malagewoontes. Sms kort CV 000. R1774 per month. Fis- wian lady is looking for a na 082 320 76 29/kuylereherhaven Properties 028 job as a domestic, babysit315 1990 or 082 559 4290. ter, housekeeper job. Refe- rence available. Call me on 061 706 8559. PROPERTIES WANTED TO RENT A ZIMBABWEAN (31 3305 YEARS) lady who is hardworking, honest & experiPROPERTY ADMINIenced (3yrs) for domestic STRATOR looking for a work. Has reference. small house/townhouse/ Please call 071 930 9332. garden cottage to rent long term. Contact 082 870 5704 or xpertprop@gmail. A ZIMBABWEAN LADY is looking for domestic com. work part-time or full time. Call Eustina 071 798 ROOMS TO LET 0629. Reference Mr Hobbs 072 267 9005. 3315 PLOTS/STANDS
SANDBAAI- Kamers in losieshuis beskikbaar. Sluit in 2 etes, wasgoed, water en krag en skoonmaak vanaf R2500. Skakel 076 512 3467.
26 YEAR OLD Zimbabwean lady is looking for OFFICES housekeeping, gardening or driving. Has code 8 3290 lisence. Tawanda 074 504 300M2 OFFICES to let in 6034 or 084 067 3763. Haw Street, Caledon . Contact Xpert Property Admin 29 YEAR OLD ZIMBABat 082 870 5704. WEAN lady is looking for housekeeping work. Has experience. Contact Dorothy @ 084 833 7424 or 078 879 0955.
A ZIMBABWEAN LADY is looking for home care job. Has two years experience, 5 days a week. Contact Patience @ 084 484 3623. A ZIMBABWEAN LADY Is seeking for a job as a Domestic worker for three days, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Has reference. Call Primrose 084 596 9932. AMATURED MALAWIAN MAN - Looking for full / part time job as a housekeeper, gardener & plumber, Call me on 073 501 2260 DOMESTIC WORKER. Monday - Friday or daily. Bilingual (Eng & Afr). Call Beauty 071 259 2042/061 053 9338. Reference 082 855 0716. I AM A ZIMBABWEAN lady aged 25yrs. Am looking for a job as a domestic worker or babysitter for 3-4 days. Reference available, plz call 074 770 4630.
30 YEAR OLD Malawian lady is looking for job , domestic or child care or care for the elderly or any other job. Very energetic and trusted. Available anytime. I AM ZIMBABWE LADY looking for job as domestic worker for 1-5 days /week. 32 YEARS old man looHave 7 years experience. king for housekeeping or Ref available work permit. gardening job. 5 Years Call 078 292 0819. experience. Reference available. Call 071 978 1357.
A CARERER NURSE is looking for work with experience. Please call 084 294 7740.
I'M SOUTH AFRICAN LADY-Looking for full time job caring old pupil or cleaning the house two years experience for caring pupil at home or hospital.
WATERPROOFING AND ROOF REPAIRS- Somewhere out there must be a youngish man that has experience in roof repairs, water and dampproofing, (not pap en lap) be presentable, have a valid drivers license to join us an established and succesfull family business. Only apply if you have the necessary qualifications please. Sent a short cv to
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
3 July, 2014
Abalone Live Packing and Logistics Supervisor An exciting opportunity for an individual who has experience in a Live Packing environment, preferably within the Abalone industry has come available due to expansion. You will be required to do the following:Supervise the night shift packing team, ordering and maintaining of stock, ensuring the preparation of packing is completed daily, shift rostering night shift employees for orders received, managing all transportation and relevant documentation for export, compiling of quality reports, packing list and all other general documentation and administration. You will be required to work shifts during the day and at night. Relevant experience coupled with a matric certificate essential. Should you be interested in applying for this position, kindly email your CV to
Factory Processing General Worker Due to expansion we have positions for experience processing employees who will be required to perform the following:Shucking, cleaning, scrubbing, cutting of Abalone in order for further processing of product to take place. Experience within a factory processing environment, excellent communications skills and a matric certification a must! Should you be interested in applying for this position, kindly email your CV to
Crafty volunteers needed
JUNIOR BLOKMAN & JUNIOR CHEF met ondervinding benodig
Camphill Farm Community residents Clau dia PeyerlJansen together with Catherine Potton and Bridgitte Bartlett busy with a knitting project in the farm’s craft work shop.
Are you deadline driven? Do you have good accounting knowledge? Would you like to be part of an energetic and motivated team?
Salaris onderhandelbaar Tel. 079 273 2985 Wine estate looking for a
to join their dynamic team on the farm. Candidate must have sound knowledge of Bookkeeping with knowledge of Excel spreadsheets and Pastel. Bookkeeping to Trial Balance Skills: • Work to a high standard of excellence • Attention to detail and time • Hardworking and reliable • Energetic and positive attitude • Be able to work under pressure • Initiative and drive, entrepreneurial Minimum Requirements: • Matric • Post Matric qualification • At least 2-5 years working experience in similar environment • Fluent in Afrikaans and English • Knowledge of Pastel • Proficient in Excel spreadsheets If you are interested in this position and comply with the above requirements, please send your original C.V. to E-mail address Please indicate your current salary, salary expectations and availability
The Grail Centre Trust is an ecumenical International Women’s organisation that is rooted in the Christian faith. We have three programmes based in Kleinmond: a local Community Development programme in the Overberg District, a local Job Training and Life Long Learning Centre situated on a 3-hectare property in Kleinmond, and an international one-year in-service training programme called Training for Transformation. The Grail Centre Trust seeks to employ an ACCOUNTANT, based in Kleinmond, to start work as soon as possible: Requirements Tertiary accounting qualification, with at least 5 years practical experience in the NGO sector. Excellent computer skills. Responsibilities will include the full accounting function Remuneration: Market related. Please submit a CV (including 3 contactable, current references), and a 1-2 page letter of motivation explaining why your professional experience makes you the right candidate and why you would like to work with an NPO that is a faithbased organisation. Include in this letter what motivates you to join those who are trying to make a difference in the quality of lives of those living on the margin.
CLOSING DATE: Friday, 18 July 2014 AT 12h00 - submit your letter and CV to Hazel Apollis at OR fax to 028 271 5639 Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. If you have not been contacted by 31 July 2014, kindly view your application as unsuccessful. The Grail Centre Trust reserves the right not to make an appointment.
Every weekday morning many of the residents of Camphill Farm Community participate in a craft workshop. These individuals all have one thing in common: They are adults with intellectual disabilities who have found a safe and supported long term home where all their needs met and access to work opportunities. Hannah Tersteegen, Eva Modden and Pauline Bonisch are volunteers from Germany who, together with Nonkanyiso Setoli from Zwelihle, provide skilled coordination for the craft group. With up to 26 residents at any given time, it is a formidable task for the four women to assist each individual while producing quality products and keeping the group connected in its vision. In the craft enterprise, residents
have the chance to make a valuable contribution to their community as their craft items are sold to generate an income. Claudia Peyerl-Jansen says: “I like the craft workshop because I can learn a lot from the young volunteers. I have learned how to knit a pointed hat and I also learned how to make baby booties. ” Apart from knitting, weaving and crocheting, the residents also enjoy drawing and writing. The three German volunteers will head back to Germany at the end of July and Camphill is looking for a calm, competent mature adult with entrepreneurial skills to coordinate this group workshop. For more information call Christine Scott, Camphill Farm Community’s HR manager, on 0 021 200 2239.
CUSTOMERS WIN: The win ners of the Fair Cape Dairies Factory Shop instore compe tition were an nounced on Thursday 26 June. The com petition ran from the end of May until 16 June and customers could put their till slips into a competition box with their contact details to stand a chance of winning a shopping voucher for Fair Cape, which is situat ed in Steenbras Street in the Hermanus industrial area. Sandile Rhoji (centre), who won the second prize in the com petition, was presented with a voucher for R1 000 by Jennif er Matthee (right) who is in charge of hospitality and sales at Fair Cape, and Anneleze Vermeulen (left), the administrator at Fair Cape. The first prize – a R2 000 shopping voucher was won by Jan van der Merwe, who was not present at the handover. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Overstrand Area Reporting to the Operational Manager (Compliance) of the BIBC, this position requires an assertive, self-disciplined and outgoing individual who understands the need for well-developed people skills when dealing with stakeholders and clients.
AVAILABLE POSITION: TASTING ROOM SALES PERSON Job requirements: Strong selling skills Positive and energetic attitude Flexibility in terms of working hours Previous work experience in the hospitality/wine industry and extra language skills will be advantageous To apply, send short CV with references to Applications close on 9 July 2014.
To qualify for this position you will need: Matric or equivalent; an unendorsed driver's licence; the ability to write and speak fluently in at least two of the languages spoken predominantly in the Western Cape; an extremely persuasive and influential approach. To your advantage will be: experience as an artisan in the building industry; CCMA accreditation; knowledge regarding the Bargaining Council Collective Agreement; fluency in Xhosa; a labour relations background; knowledge of the objectives and processes of labour legislation. A Market Related Package is on offer. For the full job description please visit (under news items) or email Apply to: The Operational Manager via email or fax 021 950 7404 before 10 July 2014.
TEENAGE TRANSFORMATION COMPETITION: Three months ago sixteen teens underwent scientific pre and post fitness testing, structured exercise programming, constant monitoring, healthy nu trition, exercise classes including Tai Bo, Zumba dance, pilates, spinning and bodypump, all part of the Teenage Transformation competition by Proactive Fitness. The seven winners are Louis Kotze, Cameron Hendriks, Beata Saaiman, Willow Halford Le Sueur, Zain ab Khafif, Aron Brumage and Joshua Brumage.
Service Advisor Rola Volkswagen Hermanus. Western Cape Duties: Management of the appointment process, booking in process, preparation for the completion of work, monitoring the maintenance process, completing the order, hand-over of vehicles and follow-up with customers. Requirements: • Grade 12 • Basic automotive knowledge • Computer literate • Experience using Kerridge advantageous • 2-3 years experience in a similar position essential • The ability to multi-task as well as good administration and organisational skills • Good timekeeping • Ability to work under pressure • Strong communication and selling skills • The ability to build and maintain relationships with customers • Volkswagen brand product knowledge would be an advantage • Ability to work in a team and independently. CLOSING DATE: 18 July 2014 If you meet the minimum requirements, please forward your CV via email: and kindly state your notice period and salary expectation. Please note: Candidates who have not been contacted within 3 weeks of the closing date may assume that their application has been unsuccessful.
DOGS: Texas scramble On 1 July the DOGS played a Texas Scramble at the Hermanus Golf Club. It was a scramble but The Countback King led his team of Rigger Ridge and The Legal Eagle through the gales to another victory. It was a very small field, more of a village green, but for Countback a win’s a win. There were some unusual added benefits on offer during the round, notably free hair restyling (for those that have any) and complimentary facial scrubs as the wind whipped the sand from the Hermanus bunkers onto Grotto beach. Dougal MacRoss combined both with a scalp scrub. 68: Jon Forsyth, Richard Ridge, Peter Theron; 70: Gordon Wilson, Michel Maury, Dave Rade; 71: Trevor Vaughan, Doug Ross, Dave Smith; 74: Peter Sulley, Alan Smith, Fred Garrett.
Sport Sport
3 July, 2014
Golf roundup with Julian Shaw Interestingly, and giving hope to all senior golfers, John last week had his best-ever round of golf with a gross 78. He had Starting with our started playing at age ladies, they played 14 and now is over 60. the Watermeyer Cup I guess that’s what we on Tuesday and the would class as a late format was a Pinebloomer. hurst Medal, which Thanks to my playis an unusual format ing partners the everand one which relies green Tony Runkel, on your partner. Brian Taylor and Winning this week Mark Brummer we on 69.5 was Hilary had a great game and Dale and Jackie Macthe look on Mark’s Donald. face when I sank that Wednesday was alputt on the last hole. so a lovely day for the Priceless! men. We had 105 playOur Brodie team ers which for winter John Kumleben, an avid golfer and long was again in action is really good. The standing member of the Hermanus Golf Club this week and it looks format was a friendly passed away last week. like “Super Steve’s alliance bogey plus. Taking top honours this week was Tony de men” are on a roll with another vice victory. Beer, Gert Keuler, Christo Nel and Theuns This week the team took out Swellendam 5.5 to 2.5. Geldenhuys counted in on +20. One more win and the team will be in the Well played Tony de Beer who had lowest score of the day with a nett 65. I am sure the top 16 out of 30 teams and into the Boland playhandicapper is rubbing his hands together. offs. Lastly, I want to pay tribute to an absolute The ball pool paid to +19 and there were only gentleman. As many of you are aware John three 2 clubs. On Saturday 119 golfers turned up for a bet- Kumleben sadly passed away last week. He terball medal. The winners on the south was a popular and long-standing member of course was Eddie and Claydon Burger with Hermanus Golf Club. Whenever he came into a terrific nett 62, winning on the north course the shop he was always so pleasant and posiwith an even better nett 60 was Ambrose Lloyd tive. We will miss this fine gentleman. R.I.P. Have a great week, keep calm and go golfing. and John Simson.
Due to the good weather we managed a full week of golfing.
TV sport highlights Super-Rugby – The big game at 17:00 on Saturday sees our Stormers at home against the Bulls. At 19:00 the Cheetahs play the Sharks. Also on Saturday afternoon at 15:00 we have the Wimbledon women’s singles final. The men’s final is on Sunday at the same time. The Fifa Soccer World Cup quarter-finals will have been decided and the action starts on Friday. The coverage has been incredible as has the excitement with penalty shoot outs. The multi-media experience is gathering momentum, via cellphones, laptops and tablet computers. At 12:00 on Saturday the Tour de France starts on Supersport 6 in Yorkshire, from Leeds to Harrogate. The defending champion is Chris Froome, who attended St John’s College in Johannesburg. Cricket is back on our screens and on Saturday from 06:00 we have Sri Lanka playing South Africa in the first ODI. For petrol heads at 14:00 on Sunday it is the British Grand Prix. Once again, the very best the world has to offer; and that’s not all. From 12:00 on Sunday, it is the World Cup rugby qualifiers featuring Kenya vs. Zimbabwe and then Madagascar vs. Namibia.
Five bowlers do Hermanus proud Five members of the Hermanus Bowling Club represented Boland Bowls in the annual Bowls SA Inter-District Tournament held in Gauteng recently. Tish Brice, skip of the senior A team, was also the manager and captain of the Boland ladies senior section inter-district team. Dave Buckley, Bruwer Scannell, Jan de Wet and Keith Kruth were selected
The members of Hermanus Bowling Club who competed in the Bowls SA InterDistrict Tournament held in Gau teng recently, included, from left: Keith Kruth, Dave Buckley, Tish Brice, Bruwer Scannell and Jan de Wet.
to play for the men’s senior section. The senior men and ladies competed in Pretoria over a five day period. Dave Buckley and his team mates ended up third in their section, but missed out on the bronze medal by one point. Tish and her district team mates, won all nine of their games and came home with the bronze medal.
Bridge results: Wedensday 25 June N/S 1. Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 58.80% 2. Val Velaers / Jane MC 56.48% 3. Sylvia Smith / Adele Bovim 56.02% E/W 1. Hugh Waters / Gordon Peters 59.03% 2. Marie Nel / Juliana Dockel 58.33% 3. Andre Wagenaar / Tony Mathem 56.71% Friday 27 June N/S 1. Joan O’Connor / Julie Cotton 62.27% 2. Hein Pierneef / Jackie Ascham 57.64% 3. Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 56.71% E/W 1. André / Edelweis du Plessis 60.88% 2. Elaine Bosman / Sylvia Wroth 58.33% 3. Adele Bovim / Jean 56.71% Monday 30 June 1. Aletta Robertson / Julie Cotton 61.11% 2. Nell Naude / Tony Maytham 58.52% 3. Linda Zaaiman / Margie Dawson 58.15% Whalers Athletic Club: Time-trial results – 26 June 3 km Runners: 1 Karen Austin 15.05; 2 Roelof van Weele 15.18 3 km Walkers: 1 Arlene Ehrenberg 24.30; 2 Willie Loedolff 25.17; 3 Abel Erasmus 25.17. 5 km Runners: 1 Thomas Browne 18.12; 2 Evan Austin 20.29; 3 Frank Gillion 20.41; 4 Jeremy Browne 20.57 SB; 5 Christoff Botha 21.23; 6 Daniel Maree 22.12; 7 Emma Browne 22.52 PB; 8 Les Hanna 25.40; 9 Hugh Waters 30.21. 8 km Runners: 1 Sign Mawunda 29.38; 2 Mandele 0 30.31; 3 Mark Kavanagh 31.46; 4 Joseph du Preez 32.33.
Dis Galjoenderby tyd Hermanus kushengelklub se Galjoen-derby vind Saterdag, 5 Julie vanaf 06:00 tot 16:00 tussen Rietfontein en Hangklip plaas. Kom gooi lyn! Die koste per span van 4 is R400 of R120 per persoon - maaltyd ingesluit. Daar is groot geldpryse op die spel: ) Grootste galjoen - R2 000; Tweede grootste - R1 000; Derde grootste - R500. ) Grootste ander eetbare vis - R500 ) Grootste sak - R500 ) Junior/dames grootste galjoen - R500 ) Grootste spansak - R2 000. Vir meer inligting, bel Debbie 083 271 7833; John 082 771 3704; Denis 083 285 6474.
Inspired Life MINISTRIES
All Welcome
Invites you for a time of Worship, & the Inspired Word of God Sunday @ 09am-10:30 am
Sandbaai Saal Main Rd
Cecil & Brenda James 028-316 3224
KENNISGEWING In die boedel van Wyle SAMUEL KEET, Geboortedatum 7 November 1942, Identiteitsnommer 421107 5074 08 7 van Koalisiestraat Nr. 3, Caledon. Boedelnommer: 20966/2014 Krediteure en Debiteure in die bogemelde boedel word hiermee kennis gegee om hulle eise in te dien en skulde te vereffen aan die onderstaande binne ’n tydperk van 30 (DERTIG) dae gereken vanaf Vrydag, 4 Julie 2014. GUTHRIE & THERON PROKUREURS, H/V PRINS ALFREDWEG & DONKINSTRAAT 21, CALEDON. (VERWYSING: LIANA SWART/aw)
LORRAINE MILLICENT POLLOCK ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late LORRAINE MILLICENT POLLOCK (Identity Number 200522 0031 089) who died on the 6th of March 2014 and in the living resided at 149 Kidbrooke Retirement Village, Protea Street, Onrusriver, Hermanus. Master’s Reference Number: 3962/2014 Notice is hereby given to all debtors and creditors in the abovementioned estate to file their claims and pay their debts due to the undermentioned attorney within the period of 30 (THIRTY) days as from 4th of July 2014. ETIENNE LE ROUX, VORSTER & STEYN INC., ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTOR, MITCHELL HOUSE, 16 MITCHELL STREET, PO BOX 500, HERMANUS, 7200. (REF: E LE ROUX/L01193)
CATHERINA MAGDELENA FOURIE BOEDELKENNISGEWING Boedel wyle CATHERINA MAGDELENA FOURIE (gebore BREDENKAMP) (Identiteitsnommer 531110 0895 081) en langslewende gade IZAK JOHANNES FOURIE (Identitetisnommer 600420 5262 088) wie woonagtig was teAngelierstraat 17, Blompark, Gansbaai. Meestersverwysingsnommer: 5721/2010 Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van Artikel 35 van die Boedelwet Nr 66 van 1965 dat die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening in bogenoemde boedel ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Kaapstad en die Landdroskantoor te Hermanus vir die tydperk van 21 dae vanaf Vrydag, 4 Julie 2014. ETIENNE LE ROUX, EKSEKUTEUR, VORSTER & STEYN PROKUREURS, MITCHELL HOUSE, MITCHELLSTRAAT 16, POSBUS 500, HERMANUS, 7200. (VERW: E LE ROUX/L01183)
ST. PETER'S SUNDAYS 9.30 AM EVENSONG - EVERY RD 3 SUNDAY OF THE MONTH at 18:00 WEEKDAY SERVICES Every Wednesday at 7.30 st 1 Wednesday of month at 7.30 and 9.00 Every Saturday at 9.30am ST. PATRICK'S Malva Street Mount Pleasant SUNDAYS AT 8.00AM ALL SAINTS : 185 Nama Street Zwelihle SUNDAYS AT 11.00AM
6 July 2014 Morning Services:
8.30 & 10am led by Lt. Col. Malcolm Forster
Sunday Evening: 6.30pm led by Dr Ethelbert Smit
'What is the crux of the Gospel?'
United Church Hermanus 028 312 2717
PRAYER ON THE MOUNTAIN Rotary Drive (at the main lookout point)
Saturday morning 5th July 2014 @ 8 am.
(To be held the first Saturday of every month.)
All welcome to join us in prayer for Hermanus, our region & country. ******************* United Church Hermanus (028) 312 2717
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TEL: 028 - 312 2280 Contact us for the Best Deal in Town
Robyn Helmbold riding Iron Pasha (left) and Niketa Roxburg on Waca Runner.
Niketa Roxburg and Waca Runner, who won the Class 4 show jumping event.
Zenika Matthee and Fred.
Fun show at Overstrand Equestrian Centre The Overstrand Equestrian Centre hosted their fun show on 14 June and completed seven out of the nine classes before rain brought a halt to the show. The organisers thanked everyone involved for their support. The Overstrand Equestrian Centre’s next show will be on 12 and 13 July with loads of fun, pony rides and mouth-watering catering (pancakes, soup, curry and rice, boerewors rolls and hamburgers). Every-
one is welcome. Best Walk: 1st place – Genius ridden by Nina Visser; 2nd place – Red ridden by Josephine Starke; 3rd Place – Lady ridden by Gabriella du Bois; 4th Place – Misty Cove ridden by Calista Janke; 5th Place – Fred ridden by Sophie Malachowski. Best Trot: 1st place – Red ridden by Josephine Starke; 2nd place – Pedro ridden by Zenika Matthee; 3rd Place – Lady ridden by Gabriella du Bois; 4th Place – Genius ridden by Nina Visser; 5th Place – Misty
RUGBY: Die WP o.19 en o.21rugbyspanne het verlede week in Hermanus spandeer op ’n oefenkamp. As deel van hul oefening het die spanne ook mekaar in ’n vriendskaplike wedstryd op Hoërskool Hermanus se sportterrein getakel. Die spanne het albei vier drieë gedruk wat die eindtelling op 20 elk te staan gebring het. FOTO’S: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Cove ridden by Calista Janke; 6th Place – Fred ridden by Sophie Malachowski. Performance riding Test 1: 1st – Lady ridden by Gabriella du Bois; 2nd – Misty Cove ridden by Rigaard la Grange; 3rd – Fred ridden by Zenika Matthee; 4th – Genius ridden by Nina Visser. Show Jumping Class 1: Height 30-40 cm clear rounds were: Rigaard la Grange riding Misty Cove, Gabriella Du Bois riding Genius, Kayla Fryer riding
Hier takel die twee spanne mekaar.
Lady and Keelan Nel riding Alcalde. Class 2: Height 50 cm clear rounds were: Rigaard la Grange riding Misty Cove, Gabriella du Bois riding Genius, Kayla Fryer riding Lady and Keelan Nel riding Alcalde. Class 3: Height 60 cm clear round were: Niketa Roxburg riding Waca Runner, Keelan Nel riding Alcalde, Rigaard la Grange riding Misty Cove, Robyn Helmbold riding Iron Pasha, Monique Starke riding Lucy, and Gabriella du Bois riding Genius.
Class 4: Height 60 cm competition. In this event the riders must get a clear round and then they go into a jump off on time. The first place in this competition went to Niketa Roxburg riding Waca Runner, 2nd place went to Monique Starke riding Lucy, 3rd place went to Keelan Nel riding Alcalde, 4th place went to Robyn Helmbold riding Iron Pasha, 5th place went to Rigaard la Grange riding Misty Cove, having four faults in the first round.
MOUNT PLEA SANT NETBAL: Die Mount Pleasant Net balklub het die afge lope naweek (28 Ju nie) aan die Oudtshoorn Fees deelgeneem wat gefi nansier word deur die departement van sport & kultuur. Die span is genomineer deur die department as die mees belowende opkomende netbalklub in die Overberg om deel te neem. Die span se uitslae was as volg: Wen teen Infinity (Oudtshoorn Weermag) 118, wen teen die Blues (Robertson) 84, wen Bitou (Knysna) 97, verloor teen Swartberg (Prins Albert) 107, wen teen Olympics (Oudtshoorn) 134 en verloor in die kwarteindstryd teen Genuine Connections (Paarl) 65. Die span het bestaan uit Samantha Baadjies, Catherine Julies, Jaime du Plessis, Jessica Benjamin, Suzanne Stanley, Jayrene Dees, Alzeen Hull, Christaleigh Hanson, Whanita Jacobs en Chamaine Cooper.
•Wall To Wall Carpeting •Solid Bamboo Flooring •Laminated Flooring •Underfloor Heating •Vinyl Flooring •Natural Flooring •Blinds
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?Cobble Paving ?Paver Blocks ?Interior/Exterior Tiles ?Wall Cladding ?Pool Copings ? Landscaping & Garden Products CLINTON SMITH Cell: 072 904 3736 5 Argon Street Sandbaai Business Park T: 028 3122 331 / 028 3122 390 F: 086 775 9262 email: