THURSDAY, 4 SEPTEMBER 2014 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316
A magical, mythical night
Voëlklip mom, torched by son, talks about attack and healing
Curro Kids hosted their annual concert in the Sandbaai Hall recently with the theme “A Night in the Forest”. In one of the scenes depicting the Cinderella story, Henco Oosthuizen is set to fit a magical glass slipper on Monique de Jager’s foot. Looking on are Mia Lindes and Stefan Geldenhuys. More photos on page 15.
PG 8
POLISIE SLAAN TOE BY GARAGE ‘Dit was soos ’n aksiefliek’
Bekende wynmaker tree uit
BL 3
“Dit was soos ’n toneel uit ’n aksie-fliek. Die adrenalien het so deur my are gepomp dat ek ook amper wou platval vir ingeval die skote begin klap!” So het Sandra Swanepoel, inwoner van Hermanus, die toneel beskryf ná verskeie lede van die Hermanus-polisie in ses voertuie by die Total
-vulstasie by die Gateway Sentrum op ’n verdagte voertuig, met vier insittendes, Vrydag omstreeks middagete toegeslaan het. Volgens luitenant Fadila September, polisiewoordvoerder by die Hermanus-polisie, was ses voertuie op pad terug na die polisiestasie ná hulle ’n operasie elders uitgevoer het, toe ’n oproep na een van die beamptes deurkom oor verdagtes in ’n Honda Ballade by die vulstasie. Die verdagtes is glo by verskeie bankinstansies
oor die afgelope paar weke opgemerk en die polisie het vermoed dat die vier mans by die onlangse OTM-bedrog, waar verskeie Hermanus-inwoners van duisende rande beroof is, betrokke kon wees. Volgens Manus Neethling, ’n ander ooggetuie wat besig was om brandstof in sy voertuig te gooi, het hy die Honda Ballade by die petrolpomp sien staan. Vervolg op bl. 2. / 2013 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010
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Nuus News
4 September, 2014
‘...sirenes en skreeuende bande’
JANINE VAN DER RIET Vervolg van bladsy 1: “Die volgende oomblik was dit net sirenes, skreeuende bande en polisievoertuie en man-
ne waar jy kyk. “Die vier verdagtes is aangesê om met hul hande op die kop, net soos in die flieks, uit die kar te klim en met hulle gesigte na onder op die grond te lê terwyl polisielede die kar deursoek,” het Neethling gesê. September sê die betrokke polisielede het dwelms in die kar gekry, asook R22 000 kontant. Die verdagte het aan die polisie verduidelik dat hy die geld vroeër die dag uit ’n bank onttrek het. Die polisie het die inligting ondersoek en die man het inderdaad die geld by ’n teller onttrek. Hy het verduidelik dat sy pa vir hom die geld oorgeplaas het. Die man is nie in hegtenis geneem nie. ’n Ander ooggetuie vertel dat die bestuur-
der van die kar die petroljoggie gevra het om slegs R30 se brandstof in te gooi. “Dit terwyl hulle met ’n pak note oop en bloot in die kar gesit het.” Een verdagte is in hegtenis geneem vir die besit van dwelms en ’n saak teen hom word tans ondersoek. Marlize Acker van die sentrumbestuur by die Gateway Sentrum sê die “storie” het baie vinnig gebeur. Sy het agterna die besonderhede en ook registrasienommer van die voertuig by die motorhawe aangevra om dit aan hul sekuriteitsbeamptes te stuur. Gerald Cloete, sekuriteitssbestuurder by Gateway, hou ’n boek met inskrywings van
Council snippets
NOG ’N ONRUSTEKEN LOOP DEUR: Die woord “me” is ook onlangs op hierdie stopteken by die Hoofweg- en Radynstraat-oorgang in Onrus uitgekrap. Volgens Don Kearney, areabestuurder by Overstrand-munisipaliteit, veroorsaak vandalisme onnodige uitgawes en ontwrigting. “Die voorvalle is aan die Onrus buurtwag gerapporteer en ek het voorgestel dat ons dit tydens die volgende openbare wykskomiteevergadering aanspreek. ‘n Klagte van kwaadwillige saakbeskadiging sal gemaak word en deur die polisie ondersoek word. Indien ’n persoon in hegtenis geneem word, sal hulle voor die landdroshof verskyn en ’n boete of gevangenisstraf kan deel wees van die vonnis.”
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alle voertuie se registrasienommers en ander besonderhede oor insittendes wat verdag voorkom. Hierdie lys word elke dag opgedateer en deur die sekuriteitsbeamptes nagegaan om op die uitkyk te wees wanneer verdagtes dalk terugkeer. ) After police followed up on information received on Friday, they arrived at Total Garage at Gateway Centre in six police vehicles to investigate a possible ATM fraud scam. The four suspects were ordered to lie face down on the ground while police members searched them and their car. Eyewitnesses said the scene looked like something out of an action movie. One person was arrested for the possession of drugs.
LINKS: Hierdie was die eerste insident waar die woord “me” op die Milkwoodbord in Onrus uitgekrap is. By navraag aan die munisipaliteit het hulle laat weet ’n nuwe bord sal opgerig word.
Murder in Stanford Stanford Police received a report of a stabbing at a residence in Kannemeyer street, Stanford on 24 August at about 01:30. On their arrival, they found blood dripping from the neck of the victim, Henry Stompies. Stompies was transported to Hermanus Provincial Hospital where he tragically passed away at around 06:40. According to Sergeant RJ Gouws of the Stanford Police, it is not yet known exactly where the stabbing took place as the victim ran home after he was stabbed. “One suspect was arrested, but has been released due to a lack of evidence at this stage. “The clothes of the victim and the suspect as well as other items have been sent for forensic analysis at the SAPS laboratory. “This means that the suspect can still be charged with the murder should any further usable evidence come to light.” Any witnesses that could assist with this investigation are urged to contact Detective Warrant Officer David Payne on 028 341 0601.
Water and electricity losses written off During the mayoral committee meeting held on Wednesday 27 August at the Overstrand Municipality Auditorium, council decided that the non-technical electricity losses to the value of R1 124 096,31 for the 2013/2014 financial year be written off, and that the nontechnical water losses to the value of R5 726 219,95 for the 2013/2014 financial year be written off. Tanker service restrictions revoked Following the outcome of certain preliminary investigations, there will no longer be a restriction on the number of free of charge tanker call-outs to single residential properties. At the council meeting of 27 August it was decided that tariff SE7A1 and tariff SE7A5 be amended accordingly and to revert back to the previous policy of unrestricted extractions. This will be back dated to the beginning of July. Mike Bartman, deputy-director: Community Service, said council now anticipates following a targeted approach to cater for the 10% of users who request an excessive number of vacuum tanker services in the course of a month. This would involve comparing water consumption with the quantity of sewerage removed as well as conducting visual inspections of properties to identify illegal storm-water connections and defects to sewer installations. Where transgressions of the relevant bylaws are detected, these will be acted upon. For further information and/or advice in this regard, contact
Arrest in Hawston A warrant was executed to search a house in Cambridge Street in Hawston on 12 August after the Hermanus Police followed up on information. On arrival a 42-year-old father and his 19year-old daughter were in the house. The members searched the house and in the bedroom they found a bag containing 1,7 kg dagga. The woman was arrested for possession of dagga and the father for possession of suspected stolen property. The police are investigating the case and the suspects will appear in the Hermanus Magistrate’s Court.
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Nuus News
4 September, 2014
Bartho groet Hermanuspietersfontein Na bykans tien jaar as medestigter, wynmaker en direkteur by een van die land se vooraanstaande kelders, groet Bartho Eksteen vir Hermanuspietersfontein. Die rede vir sy uittrede as wynmaker is eenvoudig, verduidelik Bartho Dinsdagoggend douvoordag, aan die Hermanus Times tydens ’n onderhoud met hom. “Te vroeg om ’n glasie te klink,” skerts Bartho. Met sy hond Coza (afkomstig van dot aan sy sy, vertel hy dat sy liefde vir kinders, en sy passie vir wynmaak en die wynprofessie nou prioriteit is. “Ek is trots op wat ons as kelder, en in my persoonlike hoedanigheid, bereik het en sal dit koester as fantastiese jare in my loopbaan, maar die tyd is nou reg om voltyds op die wynskool te fokus en dit uit te brei.” Hy praat van die Bartho Eksteen Diners Club Wyn-akademie wat as buitemuurse aktiwiteit sedert 2010 by die Hoër Landbouskool Boland in die Paarl bedryf word. Op sy eie manier en styl volg Bartho in Hermanus Pieters se spore van die vroeë 1800’s om, deur onderrig, terug te gee aan die bedryf waarvoor hy ’n diep passie ontwikkel het. Deur die akademie stel hy skoolkinders bloot aan ’n moontlike loopbaankeuse in wynbou. Die kinders kan kies tussen kursusse in vonkelwyn Franse styl, rooiwyn of witwyn. Bartho is baie opgewonde dat die nuwe wending in sy lewe ook sy hele familie betrek. Sy vrou Suné gee reeds lesings aan die skoolkinders, terwyl Bartho die praktiese lesse gee. Hul seun Pieter Willem sal volgende jaar, as alles goed verloop, kwalifiseer as wynma-
heid wil betrek. Bartho sê een van die studente wat by die Akademie klasgeloop het, het hom hoeka verlede week gebel en ingelig dat hy as wynmaker-student vir volgende jaar by Elsenburg aanvaar is. “Dit is hoekom ek hierdie akademie begin het. Sodat kinders se passie vir wynmaak en die industrie kan groei en ontwikkel en sodoende hul loopbaankeuses vir hulle makliker maak.” Johan Pretorius, eienaar van Hermanuspietersfontein, sê hy haal sy hoed af vir Bartho en sy familie se toewyding vir die bevordering van wynmaak as kuns en professie sowel as die uitbou van wynkennis onder ons jeug. “Ons wens Bartho en die Akademie al die sukses en vooruitgang wat ’n goeie idee verdien.” Bartho beplan om die akademie te groei en die hoofkwartier in die toekoms in Hermanus te vestig, “sodat nie net die skoolkinders van Hoër Landbouskool Boland voordeel trek uit die kursus nie, maar alle Bartho Eksteen, wynmaker van Hermanuspietersfontein kinders met ’n passie vir wyn, verlaat dié kelder as wynmaker einde Oktober om hom wat wag om ontdek te word”. toe te spits op die Bartho Eksteen Diners Club Wyn-akaBartho se laaste dag as wyndemie. FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET maker by Hermanuspietersfontein sal einde Oktober wees. ker. Hy studeer tans by Elsenburg. Die aanstelling van ’n nuwe wynmaker is As Bartho sy sin kan kry, sal hy later ook hul enigste dogter Shani (20), wat tans as au- in die proses en word binnekort bekendgepair in Parys werk, ook in die familiebesig- maak.
PLAASLIKE DANSERS IN ARTSCAPE: ’n Groep van 17 dansers van die Dance Education Centre of Hermanus, onder leiding van dansinstrukteur Marina Rautenbach, het onlangs deelgeneem aan ’n produksie in die Artscape-teater om 20 jaar van demokrasie te vier. Hul tema was Viva! South Africa! en die vertoning het ballet, tap en jazz ingesluit. FOTO: FLICKR
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Nuus News
4 September, 2014
Being the 10th L2L lwalk, a few of the ladies who participated in the first walk will take part again in celebration of its anniversary. Among them are Riana Bishop, Anarie Nel, Rene Grater, Susan Skog, Antionette van Vuuren and Rozelle Pretorius. PHOTO: CILENE BEKKER
Two charities chosen by L2L CILENE BEKKER The Lighthouse to Lighthouse (L2L) walk ladies nominated two charities to be the beneficiaries of funds raised during the next walk in March 2015. At the meeting held in the United Church on 27 August, representatives of the five charities had a few minutes to motivate why they need the funds and what they will use it for. The five charities were the Overberg Wheelchair Association (OWA), Yomelelani pre-school in Zwelihle, Overberg Training Institute, Hermanus Night Shelter Association and the Hermanus Senior Centre. Afterwards the L2L ladies present cast their vote and the majority of votes went to the Hermanus Night Shelter Association and the Over-
berg Wheelchair Association. Les Abbot, on behalf of the Hermanus Night Shelter Association says their nomination as a beneficiary for 2015 is a huge privilege. “The municipality has agreed to lease the land off Swartdam Road to the Association but we will have to wait until the area has been serviced before we can take occupation. The funds will go towards the financing of the building, the furniture and equipment that we will need in the new shelter.” Alda du Plooy, OWA project manager, says they are absolutely delighted at being nominated as a beneficiary too. “The faces of our five clients who took part in the presentation to the L2L ladies simply lit up with pure joy. We all feel truly blessed and thankful.” The delegation from Overberg Wheelchair Association had made a
plea for a special bus to transport them to work and back and to sporting events. The 2015 ladies hope to trump the R280 000 raised this year, and are aiming for R300 000. During their presentations, Yomelelani pre-school and after care centre, situated at Hou Moed, asked for funds to build three extra class rooms and create a play area. The Overberg Training Institute OTI said they need help with funding their programmes, for example their Jump Start programme, which is the only ABET classes that people can attend in day time. The Hermanus Senior Centre – a programme of Badisa that assists the elderly, disabled and disadvantaged said they have 45 carers who now, according to the labour law, would need special training costing R10 000 per carer for which they would need funding.
SPECIAL MOTH MEETING: The Memorable Order of Tin Hats (Moths) held a very special meeting at the home of Moth Bill van Niekerk at Fynbos Park on 26 August. Van Niekerk is the last remaining member of the Seagull Shellhole of Hermanus who fought during World War II. He was part of the great battle at El Alamein where 8 000 guns opened fire on the German lines. They had a proper meeting at his bedside, with the steel helmet and candle of remembrance to fulfill the order’s charter of true comradeship and mutual help, as Van Niekerk is too frail to attend meetings. The order is a very worthwhile organisation for all former servicemen as soldiers never forget those who have passed on.
The Moths hosted a special meeting to include Bill van Niekerk, the last remaining member of the Seagull Shellhole of Hermanus. Van Niekerk dressed in full colours, displaying all his medals, for this special occasion.
A mother's worth A mother's worth is not measured by the way she wore her hair. A mother's worth is not measured by the clothes she wears. A mother's worth is not measure by the make she puts on or the scent of perfume she carries on her. A mother's worth is not defined by the jewellery or the coats of fur. A mother's worth is not the superficial, physical and perceptive things that one perceives her to be. But a mother's worth is defined by the blood, sweat and tears that she puts into making food for her young. A mother's worth is casted out forward through her protectiveness, her warmth. A mother's worth is defined by the love and sincerity, the strictness and brutal force. Yet a mother's worth is defined by an unconditional belittling, yet overpowering mental and physical aspect, that triumphs even the Gods of the olden ages. A mother's worth is not found in the yellow pages. A mother's worth is thus found on her face, when she looks at her young, all grown up, successful, and she smiles, laughs, cries, even gets angry, because she is crying...not because of sadness, but because of joy. A mother's worth is her life she puts on the line for not only her own, but for those around her, even strangers. A mother's worth is something that can never be taken away from her. A mother's worth is the goodbye kiss to work and the hello, welcome back home safely kiss at night. We all have a mother, some not present, some are. Some near, and some far. But a mother never forgets her children, no matter the struggle, no matter the how high others have raised the bar. We miss our mother, we shall never forget her. R.I.P Ouma, Pop, Mammie, Karoolsie. A poem by Daniello Boltney - Be Blessed
Delegates at the opening of the new Preekstoel bio-filtration waterplant were amongst others alderman Pieter Scholtz, Brendon Theunissen, Jeff du Toit, executive mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, Stephen Muller, Simphiwe Mashicila and Hanre Blignaut.
Pioneering biofiltration plant opens in Kleinmond With the commissioning of the new Preekstoel bio-filtration plant on 19 August, the Greater Hermanus bulk water supply system became ully operational. Work on this project was started in 2010, with new plant and infrastructure being commissioned in stages from early 2013 onwards. Referred to by Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie as Overstrand’s “flagship capital works project”, the Preekstoel bio-filtration plant is the first full-scale plant of its kind in South Africa and has been specifically designed to remove the high iron and manganese content from ground water by means of a natural process. Generally acknowledged as being much more environmentally friendly, this type of water-treatment technology requires fewer chemicals, saves electricity and reduces water loss in the treatment process, and has earned the Overstrand an award for innovation as one of the Western Cape’s greenest municipalities in 2013. At a total cost of R87 million, of which R20,6 million was contributed by the Department of Water and Sanitation via its Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant (RBIG) programme, the project involved pioneering work by the Overstrand Municipality project team, consulting
engineers Aurecon, ground-water specialists Umvoto Africa, environmental specialists SRK, refurbishment contractor Inenzo Water, civil contractor Inyanga Projects and mechanical-electrical contractor Paterson Candy International. In addition to the main contractors, 16 local sub-contractors also had a hand in executing the project, while 67 temporary jobs were created for local people during the construction phase. The Greater Hermanus bulk water supply system was commissioned to reduce dependence on surface water sources and to counter the possible effects of climate change. Through the refurbishment of existing civil infrastructure and mechanical and electrical equipment and by adding new infrastructure, capacity was increased from 24 to 38 megalitres/day. In his address, a representative from the Western Cape Department of Water and Sanitation, Simpiwe Mashicila, congratulated Overstrand Municipality on being one of the top-performing municipalities in terms of both the Blue and Green Drop Programmes at provincial and national level, achieving 96,82% (Blue Drop 2012) and 88,8% (Green Drop 2011) overall.
Nuus News
4 September, 2014
Whale Coast to become a Hope Spot JANHENDRIK COETZER The Cape Whale Coast, which stretches from Rooi Els to Quoin Point, will be officially launched as one of six Mission Blue Hope Spots in December this year. Dr Sylvia Earle, the architect of the Hope Spot initiative, will be coming to South Africa later in the year to help promote this project by speaking at public events and making underwater recordings that will be broadcasted on various TV-channels and radio stations. Earle is a well-known National Geographic explorer, TED Award winner, recipient of 24 honorary degrees, marine conservationist, author and arguably the world’s most famous diver. She will arrive in South Africa on 3 December and during this month all the Hope Spots will be launched. The Cape Whale Coast will be launched on 6 December. The other Hope Spots in South Africa include Aliwal Shoal in KwaZulu-Natal, Algoa Bay, Plettenberg Bay, Knysna and False Bay. A meeting was held on Monday at the Library Hall in Hawston, which was attended by the Overstrand Municipality, CapeNature, South African Shark Conservancy, Dyer Island Conservation Trust, Whale Coast Conservation and various other local community-based groups. According to Tony Ribbink from the Sus-
Dr Sylvia Earle during on one of her many ocean explorations. tainable Seas Trust, which oversees this initiative, these Hope Spots will help to improve our coasts and will assist others to achieve sustainability, including the fishermen. “There’s only 3,5% of our crayfish left and between 1 to 7% of tuna species. By creating awareness and working together with all the relevant parties, we can change things around before these percentages hit zero. Hope Spots will benefit all aspects of econom-
ic growth and business development, especially tourism. It will also provide opportunities to resolve issues between fishermen and authorities.” Ribbink used an example of when they gave children cameras to take pictures of sea creatures to create awareness. “When they were done taking pictures, they were so worried as to where to put their feet while walking back because, for the first time, they were concerned about these creatures,” said Ribbink. Background to Hope Spots: Hope Spots are special conservation areas that are critical to the health of the ocean. Some of these Hope Spots are already formally protected, while others still need protection. About 12% of the land around the world is now under some form of protection, while less than 3% of the ocean is protected in any way. Networks of Hope Spots maintain biodiversity, provide a carbon sink, generate life-giving oxygen, preserve critical habitat and allow low-impact activities like eco-tourism to thrive. By engaging governments, businesses, schools, research organisations, universities, civil society and the media, Mission Blue hopes to effect significant changes so that future generations can thrive on a healthy planet, with a healthy ocean.
Reptile advice: Slithering snakes are frightened too With the cold, wet winter coming to an end spring marks the dawning of a new circle of life. The Hermanus Times spoke to Shaun MacLeod, director of Reptile Education Awareness Consultants (REAC), about reptiles such as snakes, that will soon be coming out of hibernation. MacLeod says snakes are an important natural balancer in our environment as they control the vermin rodents and other disease-carrying pests we find around the house. Most people are bitten when trying to kill or handle a snake. “As a general rule, snakes are just as frightened of you as possibly you are of them. Often they move as quickly as possible in the other direction. Snakes cause no property damage, but seeing a snake may frighten some people.” “Snakes will only defend themselves if threatened and will not attack anyone who leaves them alone. “Do not attempt to capture or disturb it. Leave it alone, but keep an eye on where the snake is. “There is no real way of keeping snakes off your property, but if you keep your grass short, trees well trimmed and clean up all your building rubble, just to mention a few, then there is a lesser likelihood of
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snakes residing on your property.” In short, keep your garden tidy, explains MacLeod. The biggest snake he has ever caught was a 2,5 m yellow Anaconda that was in a real bad mood. “It had escaped from the owner’s Wendy house three doors away and was doing some neighbourhood watching or just shopping for a quick meal,” MacLeod jokes. When asked about the most dangerous snake he has ever caught, MacLeod said the most dangerous snake depends on the understanding of the word. “Dangerous can be the most venomous or the fastest striking, or the animal that is so camouflaged it is nearly invisible. The most dangerous in my opinion is the snake handlers have become too comfortable with.” Shaun was bitten by a Cape Cobra a few years ago, he says because he became too complacent and took minimum safety precautions.
Shaun MacLeod with one of the snakes he caught previously.
He says this bite was self-inflicted, because he was at fault. He says the most difficult spot to catch a snake is one who seeks refuge behind the dashboard of a car. “At night this is potentially the most dangerous situation I get confronted with. Rescuing these shy, elusive creatures is very interesting . My reward is the peace of mind that all God’s creatures are deserving of life and a second chance.” Save this number: If you come across a snake, contact Shaun on 082 532 5033 to remove it.
Algemeen General
4 September, 2014
Droom jy daarvan om ’n joernalis te wees? Besoek ons webblad by en laai jou eie artikels en foto’s op. Ons wil jou storie hoor!
Sunday Spring Fun with Chinese Buffet 14th September Spend R85 to eat as much Chinese as you can between 2-6pm. After that, All R40 pub meals will be available until 9pm.
Limited Seats, booking recommended Booking Line - 028 315 1025 CAPE FLORAL KINGDOM EXPO: Adriaan Hanekom, former chairman of the Caledon Wildflower Society in Caledon, pulled out all the stops again at this year’s Cape Floral Kingdom Expo in Bredasdorp held from Thursday to Sunday. This year the exceptional exhibition features a water feature and a smoke machine that royally entertained visitors on Thursday. From left is Petro de Witt, Rita and Adriaan Hanekom and Rhoda McMaster. PHOTO: ANNETTE THERON
Join us at ELL for a leisurely set menu brunch @ R150/person all inclusive, every Saturday and Sunday from 10:00-12:00. Menu will change according to season. Bookings essential. Contact: 073 067 7936 or e-mail: T&C's apply
Algemeen General
Join our daily quiz competition Do you always have the answers? Are you the master of any quiz? The Hermanus Times is launching QuizTimes on Friday 5 September. The competition that will run for a month, with daily question relating to local news, views and general knowledge. Weekly prizes are up for grabs with a grand prize of R2 000 at the end of the month. To stand in line to win, visit our website and register. Click on competitions and answer the daily question. Weekly winners will be announced each Friday, and the final winner will be drawn on 3 October 2014. The more days you play and the more correct answers you give, the better your chances are of winning. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and buy the Hermanus Times to be able to answer any local questions.
Our lunchtime special is still on. A free glass of Rossi's House wine with every main course ordered. Monday to Friday. 11 am to 3 pm. For bookings Tel: 028 312 2848 10 High Street, Hermanus.
4 September, 2014
Algemeen General
4 September, 2014
DIE BEKORING VAN DIE OVERBERG LANDSKAP Soos ’n reënboognasie songololo op ’n groen tapyt kry dié goederetrein sy spoor deur die pragtige landskappe van Botrivier en Caledon. Kleinmond-inwoner Pieta Pieterse het Maandag die skilderagtig foto geneem. FOTO: PIETA PIETERSE
Voëlklip mother talks about horror evening JANINE VAN DER RIET “I never, ever want to see him again! I am not dead. I could have been. It was close. But I am a survivor and I will not let him win!” So said the brave Anthea van der Pluym who was attacked and set alight by her 19-year-old son on 15 July this year. (HT 17 July) Anthea’s mother, Dot Potgieter, was also attacked at the time, but she managed to escape and call for help at neighbours. The son was arrested on the same evening and is still in jail, facing two counts of attempted murder and a drug-related charge. Anthea opened up for the first time to the media in a heart-wrenching yet inspirational interview with the Hermanus Times on Monday afternoon at her home in Voëlklip. After spending 26 days in an ICU
in the burn unit at Tygerberg Hospital in excruciating pain, and two skin-graft operations, she was released from hospital and has been recovering at home for the past two-and-a-half weeks. Her mother was released from hospital a day after the attack after being treated for head wounds inflicted by a hammer. Now, after many painful days and nights, Anthea is trying to pick up the pieces, both physically and mentally. “The tragedy of it all is not only the wounds that must heal, with a lot of effort from my side, but also, having to deal with the ‘loss’ of my son. But, the magic and miracle in this entire tragedy is, that the horror of someone trying to murder you, with seconds to try and save yourself, it does not compare to the warmth
and support of the hundreds of people that showed us love and support during this time. “Their kind gestures, delivering food, flowers, visits, weighs in much more substantially than the trauma we went through. Their support is helping to turn something horrific into something beautiful, and allow me not to lose faith in humanity, after facing such an inhumane act.” While Anthea finds it painful to move and even struggles to talk during the interview, because of the skin grafts over her face, behind her ears, on her neck, arms and back, she still has a glow in her eyes that says: “I am not giving up!” Before the incident, Anthea was an author of several books and dedicated her time and energy to help victims of trauma and violence in South Africa and abroad. She offered courses and retreats and is a well-known inspirational speaker, teacher and facilitator. Anthea faced a great deal of violence in her life, from the murder of her father, assault on her mother, the rape of her in-laws, to an attack on her in a mass riot. After all of this, she decided to face life proactively and make a positive impact on people and help others.
Anthea and Dot are not keen to talk about her son, but say after he came back from England, he stayed with them for the past year, when they tried to help him with his drug addiction, until he attacked them in a way which is unthinkable. Anthea has decided, despite the many hours it takes her to care for her wounds daily in order for them to heal properly, to take on different kinds of art forms on the road to recovery. She has started drawing, has taken up pottery classes and playing music. “It is an expression to help me get my body and mind going.” To fully recover, the doctors says could take anything from six months to two years, but she is determined to heal in a shorter time. Her first step to recovery is to take part in a Cashkows fun walk of six kilometres in October. From there she wants to do the Whale Trail with 12 of her friends in January, a route of 50 kilometres and then, her ultimate goal is to once again take part in the Lighthouse to Lighthouse Challenge in March next year! But she knows, she must take it one step at a time. “The healing, inside and out, is going to take some time, but I am
ready.” Anthea and her mother are also seeing a clinical psychologist who is helping them to work through the trauma, which they say, is very helpful. “I did not die! If I were meant to die, I most certainly would have, especially in the first few days after the attack. But I didn’t. My goal now is to reduce the scars, so that one day, I won’t be able to see them at all any more.” Her family and loved ones are still caring for her on a daily basis. Her employer, CashKows, have also been beyond the point of amazing, according to Anthea. “They are taking such good care of me, financially and emotionally, I cannot express how much they mean to me. Everyone, all my friends and loved ones, thank you! Without you I would not have been able to get through this.” ) Nicholas Victor Van der Pluym spent his 20th birthday in jail on Saturday. He was arrested on the night of the attack and appeared in the Hermanus Magistrate’s Court for the first time on 18 July. The case was remanded until 28 July for a bail application, which was opposed.
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Heneke skielik aan hartaanval oorlede JANINE VAN DER RIET
wat sy hospitaal toe wou neem, toe sy die oproep ontvang wat die famiDie welbekende Joseph Charles He- lie na die hospitaal ontbied. Toe hulle daar aankom, was hy neke van Hawston is Woensdagoggend 27 Augustus onverwags aan ’n reeds dood. Joseph het saam met sy drie hartaanval oorlede. Joseph was donkiejare lank die broers en vier susters grootgeword eienaar van JC’s Kitchens and Cup- in Hawston. Hy het in sy latere tienerjare by ’n faboards. Omtrent albriek begin werk mal wat al ’n kas waar hy kennis oplaat bou of ’n komgedoen en later sy buis laat installeer eie onderneming het, ken vir “pappa begin het. Joseph”. Hy het ’n goeie Joseph het Maanverstandhouding dag klaarblyklik met verskaffers en olik gevoel en van klante gehad en maagpyn gekla. Hy was bekend as ’n is Dinsdag na die staatmaker. Ook, Hermanus Provinas hy sien iemand siale Hospitaal gebenodig hulp, het bring waar hy vir hy nie gehuiwer om die pyn behandel is. hulp aan te bied Cindy Heneke, nie, vertel Cindy. susterskind van JoBenewens Cindy seph, wat ook saam laat Joseph sy pa, met hom by JC’s ge- Joseph Charles Heneke is op William, agter, werk het, sê die fa- die ouderdom van 50 aan ’n asook sy broers, milie is nog baie ge- hartaanval oorlede. Derrick, Stanley en skok, want hulle het gedink hy sal teen die einde van Lionel, sy susters, Brenda, Cheryl, Eleanor en Rochelle, sy susterskind daardie week ontslaan word. Hulle het nooit gedink hy sou so Kayra (8) en sy seun Danny. Cindy sê klein Kayra vind Joseph onverwags sterf nie. Maar, voeg sy by, Joseph het voor- se dood baie moeilik om te verwerk. heen met hartprobleme geworstel. “Hy was soos ’n pa vir haar, en sy “Dit is net baie skielik. Ons het ge- verstaan nie hoekom hy nie meer by dink die maagpyn sou gou opge- sy familie is nie.” Die begrafnisdiens is Saterdag 6 klaar word. Ons sou nooit kon dink sy hart sou skade ly en hy sou daar September om 09:00 by Joseph se huis, Ebenezerweg E39, in Hawston sterf nie.” Cindy was nog Woensdagoggend en daarna om 10:00 by die Thusongbesig om vir Joseph ’n sakkie te pak saal.
4 September, 2014
Rus in vrede Ollie Viljoen PETROVNA METELERKAMP
in die Kaap saam met jonger musikante en met Anton Goosen – wat in Gansbaai woon – begin optree. Die legendariese Ollie Viljoen is op Son“Toe’s ek besig met iets heeltemal dag 31 Augustus in die ouderdom van 76 nuuts,” het Ollie vertel. “En van daardie in sy slaap oorlede. Hy was bekend as een iets nuuts het ek ’n volgende iets veelsydige musikant en vermaaklikheidnuuts gedoen en ’n volgende iets nuuts. ster, sonder twyfel een van die grootste Ek het in kabaret ingegaan, klassieke mustimuleerders van die boeremusiek- en siek. My Kaapse lewe as musikant was ook die storieverteltradisie in Afrikaans. gou aan die kook. As mense my vra of ek nie dink aan aftree nie, dan antwoord ek: Inwoners en veral musiekliefhebbers van Ollie Viljoen. FOTO: Nee! Ek tree net op!” Hermanus het Ollie van naby leer ken toe TANIA VAN NIEKERK Vroeër vanjaar het Ollie Viljoen se hy in 2007 in Sandbaai kom woon het. Voorheen het hy in Johannesburg naby die SABC gebly, boek, Kitare en ander snare by Hemel & See in Hermawaar hy benewens sy eie verhoogwerk, regisseur was nus verskyn. Dit bevat ’n versameling stories, staaltjies van gewilde TV-programme soos Spies en Plessis, Maak en insidente uit sy loopbaan, ook foto’s en meer as twin’n Las, Kyk-innie-pot en die Boereorkes-kompetisie. Hy tig van sy gedigte, wat hy rympies noem. ’n Dankdiens word Vrydag 5 September om 16:00 in was ook die aanbieder van Stoepstories. “Oom Ollie het gedink hy kom by die see aftree,” het die Moederkerk in Stellenbosch gehou en op 16 NovemValiant Swart dikwels op die verhoog gesê. Eerder as ber is daar ’n groot huldigingskonsert by die Oude Liom teen sy 70ste jaar af te tree, het Ollie ná sy aankoms bertas-amfiteater.
RED ’N LEWE / SAVE A LIFE: Die Westelike Provinsiale Bloedoortappingsdiens (WPBOD) is ’n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat bloed vir oortapping berg en beskikbaar stel en is elke maand in Hermanus waar lede van die publiek bloed kan skenk. Donderdag het die WP Bloedoortappingsdiens weer die Grobbelaarsaal oorgeneem waar baie mense bloed kom skenk het. Hier is Johanita Niemand (links) en Marie de Graeve (regs) besig om bloed te skenk. Saam met Marie is Lauren Mactavie van die bloeddiens. Die volgende datum vir bloed skenk by die Grobbelaarsaal is 25 September tussen 14:30 en 19:00. ) If you want to donate blood you will be able to do so at the Grobbelaar Hall on 25 September between 14:30 and 19:00.
10 HermanusTimes Leerders plant waterbessieboom
Mense People
4 September, 2014
Sumaré Prinsloo (gr.11 leerder) en Barry Cilliers (skoolhoof) besig om die eerste grond op die waterbessieboom te gooi. FOTO’S:
WOMEN CELEBRATED: Live the Life Church celebrated Women’s Month with their Annual LIGHT event last Saturday. The theme was “Ordinary Women loved by an Extraordinary God”. The speakers, who touched on various subjects pertaining to women today, were Bianca le Roux, Lauren Geldenhuys and Bev Moller.
JANHENDRIK COETZER As deel van Nasionale Boomplantweek het Laerskool Hermanus, in samewerking met AfriForum, Dinsdag ’n waterbessieboom by die skool geplant. Sumaré Prinsloo, ’n gr.11-leerder van Kleinmond, het as deel van haar Lewensoriëntering-projek saam
The women at the even were adorned in flower garlands to celebrate spring. Also attending the day were Joany Lose, Jean Livesey, Monica Damon, Melissa Smit, Vonnita Nel and Wilhelmina Newman, from Zuiderkruis in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley.
met AfriForum die verrigtinge bygewoon om laerskoolleerders meer oor die belangrikheid van bome te vertel soos dat een gemiddelde grootte boom ’n gesin van vier vir sowat ’n jaar lank van suurstof voorsien. Sy het ook gepraat oor die eienskappe van ’n waterbessieboom. “Die bessies word gebruik vir die behandeling van TB, borskwale en word ook in maagmedisyne gebruik. Die boom raak sowat 12 meter hoog en die bessies kan mens selfs eet ook.” Raadslid Kari Brice het ook die skool en AfriForum bedank vir hul bydrae om omgewingsbewustheid by leerders te skep. “Laerskool Hermanus besef die belangrikheid van die omgewing en die rol wat dit vir volgende geslagte speel. Elke jaar gryp hulle hierdie geleentheid met ope arms aan.”
PANNEKOEK OP LENTEDAG VIR SAPDLEDE: Die SAPD-lede by die Hermanus-polisiekantoor is Maandag verras met stapels heerlike vars pannekoek. Genl. Hennie Westraat, voorsitter van die Hermanus Gemeenskapspolisieforum (GPF), het dié bobaas-bakkers van die NG kerk in Hermanus genader om as deel van Lentedagviering dosyne pannekoeke vir die hardwerkende manne (en vroue) by die SAPD te bak. Die polisielede het die bederf baie geniet en verwelkom.
SWING FOR THE SHEL TER: A night of Solid Gold Swing music was hosted at Hermanus High School in aid of the Hermanus Night Shelter with top swing musicians, Nick Snow (left) and Kevin Abbott (right), pictured here with Les Abbott and Linda Daneel from the night shelter association.
Laerskoolleerders het handjie bygesit met die plant van die waterbessieboom.
Enjoying the fundraiser evening was Hugo Götze, Danie Jordaan, Marida Götze and Anita Jordaan. BOOMPLANT IN MOUNT PLEASANT: Raadslid Lianda Beyers-Cronjé doen haar deel vir boomplantweek en het gehelp om een van die vyf nuwe bome langs die Mount Pleasantsokkerveld te plant, met die kinders van Woelwater-crèche wat opgewonde toekyk. Hulle het geluister na haar praatjie oor die waarde wat bome vir die voortbestaan van die aarde het. Op die foto hieronder is Neo Poole, Judre Olifant, Lucian Rooi, Janelle Jansen en Ciara Scheepers wat gehelp het om seker te maak die bome is stewig geplant.
Another musician amongst the crowd who enjoyed the evening, was jazz musician Andrew Herriot and his wife Catheryn from Stanford.
Algemeen General
Rudolph van der Berg, van die Burgundyrestaurant, was seremoniemeester en het ook die veiling behartig. Hier word een van Lize van der Walt se skilderye opgeveil. Die veiling het meer as R20 000 ingesamel. FOTO’S: JANHENDRIK COETZER
‘Neil Diamond’ (oftewel Marius du Bruyn) op die verhoog in aksie.
Neil Diamondaand ’n reusesukses JANHENDRIK COETZER Diegene wat dalk ’n paar jaar gelede Neil Diamond se show misgeloop het en Vrydagaand na Marius du Bruyn gaan luister het by Laerskool Hermanus, het dalk gevoel hulle het ’n tweede geleentheid gekry om die groot sanger te sien, al was dit dié keer nie in lewende lywe nie. Du Bruyn het met bekende liedjies soos Sweet Caroline, Solitary Man, I’m a Believer en vele meer die skoolsaal gevul met gaste wat net nie kon wag om die dansvloer te betree nie. Elke kwartaal probeer die skool minstens een groot fondsinsamelingsprojek identifiseer. Die skool beplan tans om ’n nuwe Kuns en Kultuursentrum aan te bou vir sowat R1,5m en alhoewel die Staat R700 000 bydra, sal die skool self R800 000 moet opdok. Die funksie, wat ’n pretveiling ingesluit het, is gereël deur die Ouer-Onderwysersvereniging (OOV) en het meer as R40 000 ingesamel, waarvan sowat R20 000 deur die pretveiling ingebring is. Die Nasionale Seereddingsinstituut (NSRI) het ook baat gevind by die funksie. Gaste is genooi om ’n ietsie in die NSRI houertjies op die tafels te gooi en so is daar R1 300 ingesamel. Ook was daar iets in die sak vir die gaste self. Volgens Leatitia van Niekerk van die OOV, was daar 245 gelukstrekkingpryse ter waarde van R48 200 wat beteken het dat bykans elke persoon wat daar was, ’n prys van minstens R50 ontvang het. Namens die OOV bedank Van Niekerk graag al die besighede vir hul ondersteuning in die vorm van pryse en vir hul bereidwilligheid om betrokke te raak, asook die gemeenskap wat hulle ondersteun het.
) Child Welfare (South Africa) Hermanus has opened a second-hand shop in Mount Pleasant storage centre. They would appreciate donations of second-hand clothing, appliances, furniture and anything that can be resold. Donations can be dropped off at Child Welfare offices in Malva Street, Mount Pleasant. For information, send an e-mail to or phone 028 313 0830. ) Dr. Johan Brink praktiseer weer voltyds dermatologie, voorlopig soggens, by De Kelders by 028 384 2143.
HermanusTimes 4 September, 2014
Briewe Letters
4 September, 2014
EDITORIAL COMMENT Maak los daai litte Met sowat 2 miljoen mense wat jaarliks landwyd aan Loslitdag deelneem, het jy absoluut geen verskoning om môre (Vry dag 5 September) vaal en verveeld jou huis te verlaat nie. Gaan bos, gaan mal, maar bowenal, gaan bling! Ja, jy’t reg gehoor, vanjaar se tema is Bling. Dis die een dag van die jaar wat jy ietwat weird by die werk kan opdaag sonder dat jou baas ’n wenkbrou gaan lig. So, gaan koop jou Loslitplakker by meeste winkels en ondersteun hierdie goeie inisiatief. Fondse gaan aan persone met fisiese gestremdhede, en skole, muni sipaliteite, hospitale en besighede gaan el ke jaar groter en beter om hierdie dag te ondersteun. Laasjaar het die dag sowat R24,8m vir hierdie doel ingesamel. Dis ook sommer die perfekte geleentheid vir kameraad skap by die kantoor. To every Overstrander: join in on Fri day’s Casual Day theme dress up, clad yourself in as much Bling as you can cope with and lets turn town into a colourful car nival city for the day. Ná berigte oor die feit dat Overstranders voortaan vir brandweerdienste moet betaal, het Die Burger (soos Hermanus Times, deel van Media24) dié spotprent van Fred Mouton gepubliseer in hul uitgawe van 26 Augustus. BRON: DIE BURGER
Please, don’t cut the daisies
Are local building suppliers ripping us off? A builder priced a door here at a local business last week and found that he could get the identical door at the same company in Somerset West for R100 less per door. He wanted 10 doors, so guess where he went? Another local business sells a roll of dampproof plastic for R1 500. A builder (with interests in Johannesburg) on another local building sites gets the same roll for R500 in Johannesburg. He wanted five rolls, so guess what he did? I had a tender for doors and windows on a project here in Hermanus. Cape Town price (which was way less than the Hermanus price) was R1,15 m. The Johannesburg price using the same supply companies was R800 000 including delivery all 100 doors and windows to Hermanus. When I approached the Cape Town companies on the issue, they dropped their price by R350 000 to get the job. I won’t even start on the prices of timber boards and planks. I could make a list as long as my arm on the price differences between Cape Town and Johannesburg and then also between Cape Town and Hermanus. With the majority of building items, it pays to hire a big trailer and fetch whatever building materials you need over the mountain or even from Johannesburg and save yourself a pile of money. Another builder can get 30 tons of silica sand delivered to here from Pretoria for the same price as 10 tons in Cape Town (excl delivery). Something is going on that is seriously out of wack. Would you say that local building suppliers are perhaps ripping us off?
Early in August the verges along Marine Drive in Sandbaai were a pleasure to behold, fields of cheerful daisies, bringing much pleasure to all who passed along. By afternoon they had all disappeared. Mown down by persons employed to I assume, ‘clear the verges’. Obviously not supervised as surely whoever was authorised to do this would know a flower from a weed or whatever they were supposed to clear and presumably paid for this destruction by the council. Don Kearney, Senior Manager: Hermanus Administration, answers: This is a contentious issue every year this time. We are all aware that the flowering
plants are attractive and a pleasure to behold. The unfortunate reality is that the other vegetation grows alongside the daisies. By the time the daisies start to wilt, the grass and other vegetation have grown to unacceptable lengths. Furthermore, the reality then is that the Parks Teams are behind with their cutting programme and find it difficult to play catch up. Then the municipality is severely criticised for the uncut parks and road verges. The daisies recover very quickly and are visible again soon after they have been trimmed. The Municipality will therefore, unfortunately, not deviate from its maintenance programme.
Daar ís oplossings vir die oorlaaistasie in Onrus Voor daar na moontlike oplossings verwys word, rakende die hoogs onbevredigende situasie by die Onrus oorlaaistasie (Hermanus Times, 28 Augustus 2014), vind ek dit nodig om eers die volgende drie punte uit te lig: - Ons het hier te doen met twee uiteenlopende probleme: eerstens die bestaande behoefte om naweek-inwoners se vullis effektief te verwyder, en tweedens die haweloses wat in toenemende mate by die oorlaaistasie rondhang. Ek is van mening dat die situasie alleen effektief opgelos sal word as die twee realiteite losstaande van mekaar aangespreek word. - Die eerste hoofstuk van ’n nuttige handleiding, wat deur die munisipaliteit uitgegee is, handel oor onwettige openbare gedrag, waarvan die eerste ses oortredings wat uitgespel word, naamlik drankmisbruik, vloek, dwelmmisbruik, bakleiery, ontlasting en spoeg, almal reeds vir ’n geruime tyd en op ’n gereelde basis by die Onrus-oorlaaistasie plaasvind. - Niemand wil ’n asblik permanent by sy voordeur hê nie, maar dit is wat ons as inwoners by een van die twee ingange na Onrus het. Ek verstaan van Theo Agenbach, bestuursvoorsitter van die Onrus Handelspos, dat hulle opposisie teen die huidige plasing van die stortingsfasiliteit destyds geïgnoreer is. Ek het die volgende voorstel reeds maande
gelede aan die betrokke instansies voorgelê: Maak dit verpligtend vir alle eiendomme om een van die standaard staalhouers vir vullissakke, wat reeds voor baie eiendomme is, op die sypaadjie van elke huis aan te bring. As eienaars nie op die munisipale versoek reageer nie, word so ’n houer deur die munisipaliteit voor dié huise aangebring, en die eienaars op hulle maandelikse rekening daarvoor gedebiteer. Op dié manier raak die problematiese stortingsfasiliteit oorbodig en kan verwyder word. As die munisipaliteit nie bereid is om die fasiliteit te verskuif nie, wil ek voorstel dat ernstig na die volgende voorstel, deur ’n lid van die Wykskomitee (aangehaal uit korrespondensie met ons Stadsraadslid) gekyk word: “Sit ’n dak op met gly-gleuwe waarin die swartsakke gegooi word, en dan in die tonnel val tot in die ‘hok’. Maak dit dan toe met ’n hek. Een van die komiteelede (Duncan Heard) het reeds dié voorstel, volgens skaal, aan ons voorgelê.” Ek wil graag vir Elzette Nell bedank vir haar gedetermineerde en volgehoue pogings om hierdie jarelange probleem, wat sy met haar verkiesing as Stadsraadslid geërf het, finaal op te los.
Kosrevolusie vereis ’n paradigma sprong Vir baie jare is ons oortuig deur dokters, dieetkundiges, die hartstigting en ander gesondheidsgoeroes, om geen vet, lae vet, min vleis, geen vleis, margarien in plaas van botter, ens, te eet. Nou moet ons nóg ’n verandering in ons reeds gekompliseerde lewens integreer. Wat dit egter makliker maak, is die wete dat Tim Noakes nie sommer ’n haas uit die hoed pluk nie. Hy vertel ons wat reeds internasionaal in mediese kringe bevestig is. Ons móét nou heeltemal anders dink oor eet: volroom, vleis met vet aan, geen koolhidrate (komplot teen brood?) en geen suiker nie (ai, die ou sjokoladetjie!). Jy moet ook net eet as jy honger is - nie ses keer ’n dag nie. Dokters wat die nuwe manier van eet aanbeveel, getuig dat hulle nou minder hart- en diabetes-probleme in hul praktyke sien, om nie eers te praat van die ongelooflike gewigsverlies nie. Vir baie van ons met gevestigde gewoontes, sal dit egter ’n groot uitdaging wees. Sterkte met die sprong.
Verkeersowerhede doen wél hul werk Ek dink die eienaar van die koerierdiens is suur oor iets (Brief, HT, 21 Augustus). Hoekom gaan sien jy nie die verkeershoof as daar ’n probleem is nie? Hermanus is ’n vakansiedorp en toeriste/besoekers van oraloor die land/wêreld besoek ons. Ek dink die verkeersdiens doen goeie werk. Ek het self ’n besigheid in Hermanus en het nog nooit ’n probleem gehad nie. As jy kyk na die volume motors/bestuurders wat Hermanus instroom is dit nie altyd maklik nie, maar ek is trots op ons verkeersmanne. Om so ’n ou grompot te wees sal niks laat gebeur nie. Hermanus is nie so groot dat jy nie die verkeershoof kan gaan sien nie.
Briewe Letters
4 September, 2014
) Hiermee wil ons graag vir almal wat
ons bygestaan het met die heengaan van ons babadogtertjie, Dianca Bar nard, sê dankie vir die ondersteuning.– DIE BARNARDS ) Dit is tragies soos wat die pragtige stuk fynbos deur Port Jacksons inge neem word, wat omsoom word deur Wes end Maartblom en Meentstrate in Sandbaai. Die munisipaliteit sny slegs die sypaadjies. Ek kry die arme fynbosstruike en blomme bitter jam mer. ) Waaroor wil die raad ’n dinkskrum hou oor die depot? Saterdag het dit heel gesellig daar gegaan dog net die agbare raadslid en burgemeester is op ’n toer om eersterangse inligting te hê vir die dinkskrum. Ja, die reën is nou verby, kan daar nou aandag vir ons paaie kom? – PIET, ONRUS ) The contractor who dumped building rubble on Onrus/Vermont coastal path shame on you. You do not deserve to to be in Hermanus.– ONRUS RESI DENT ) It’s a pity the doctors don’t give state pensioners a ‘special’ fee (pension card produced). The little they get, doc tors now take R385.
It is a disgrace. A friend took her food money to see a doctor. Had to wait too long to see Clinic doctor. ) How can a pub advertise to be child friendly? Just because it’s got a play ground and custom made junglegym it’s now ok? – ANGELIQUE KEMP ) To the young girl in the Blue Hyundai Getz, Thursday 07:30: it’s raining, why don’t you have your lights on? or more importantly why are you texting while driving? Consider the lives of other road users! ) Ek het jou baie lief, my vrou, en dan kie vir als. Jy’s ’n wonderlike mens. Sal altyd daar vir jou wees. Liefde, jou man.– ANTONIE, ONRUS ) Dolf, I am so sad and heartbroken. May you R.I.P. When you did not reply to my sms’s and when I phoned I got strange sounds. Phoned Huis Lettie only to be told you died three weeks ago. I miss seeing you past my house on your red ‘shopper’.– PAT ) Aan AJ baie geluk met jou verjaars dag mag jy ’n lekker dag hê. Lief vir jou. Van mamma Zen, pappa Michael en Kyle. ) Lost heart rate monitor polar black band part reward offered. Call: 072 762 0253.– THERESA ) Found: Safety gate keys on a red tag, in Pick n Pay parking area. Thurs day 28 August. Please call 084 209 6959. ) Hats off to the best car wash I have ever had Watershed Car Wash be hind Woolworths on the roof. Keep it up.– ELLWYN ) Baie dankie aan dr. Lotter, die tand arts by Roosstraat 1, Onrus, vir die be
kwame diens wat hy lewer. Ons is be voorreg.– MARIETJIE ) What a breath of fresh air new man ager Wayne makes at Pick n Pay. Thanks for your help. ) Great Sunday lunch @ Food & Wine yesterday. Good service, good food great value! Thanks.– MARGI ) Wow! The Curro PrePrimary con cert was Amazing! Thanks to the staff, parents and all involved for the hard work and long hours put in. Thank you is such a small word of appreciation but welldeserved. – PROUD BEZUI DENHOUT FAMILY ) Baie dankie aan almal wat elke Vry dag die teetuin by Onruskerk besoek. Julle sorg dat die Dienssentrum aan die gang kan bly. Bettie en Lulu, ons sien daarna uit om julle by die Kolwyntjie te ontvang Vrydag. – MARIE ) Thanks to Jan Combrinck and his team for the Heaven on Earth MTB Challenge on 9 August Food and Wine Festival. It was fun and well organised. I hope that more of Hermanus’s cyclists can be part of the race next year and also sticking together to make it a big ger success.– JASON ) Baie dankie Specsavers Sandbaai vir jul puik diens i.v.m. my verlore bril. Ek is hopelik weer siende danksy julle. – DOREEN ) Waar kry jy nog eerlike mense? Ja, jy kry by Checkers. Wil net nogmaals baie dankie sê vir Bernard, die sekuri teitswag, en die kassiere wat my beur siemet al my goed in aan my terugbe sorg het. Julle verdien ’n medalje vir jul eerlikheid.– DANKBARE ARM VROU
Frustrations run high in Kleinmond The last week of August was not a good one for residents of Kleinmond. On one day alone we had a breakdown of radio reception for several hours, as well as another burst water pipe, which of course resulted in dry taps – and mouths! There was also an unscheduled power failure, which fortunately lasted only a few hours and obviously caused a great deal of inconvenience to all. But of particular annoyance and frustration to most residents who do not have DStv was the complete loss of television reception covering SABC 1, 2, 3 and Repeated calls to Sentech since Wednesday 28 August have yet to produce reception on all above-mentioned channels. To date, SABC 1, 2 and had been restored by Friday, but as I write on Monday 1 September there is still no signal on SABC 3, and I have been informed by Sentech that they have had to order the required parts from Johannesburg branch to repair the damage to channel 3. Having said all this, and having endured a particularly frustrating week or so, it has become clear that Kleinmond, in particular, is under resourced and under-maintained. The latest restriction of allowing only two septic tanks pumping per month, and the heavy penalty for any subsequent monthly pump is especially hard for any large family and others whose usage necessitates a third, or even fourth, month-
ly vacuum tanker service. Here, in Kleinmond, I believe we are down to only two such serviceable tankers, hence the need to give the sewerage department ample prior noticed, otherwise your tank could overflow during the delay. The whole sewerage system is a mess! Kleinmond and surrounds need to have a total water-borne sewerage system: this will cost many millions of rands. Imagine the chaos in say, the next 10 years, when Kleinmond would have grown in size but still has this outdated system. I am reliably informed by a senior Overstrand official that no forward, strategic planning or budgeting exists to put water-borne sewerage in this area. This is a total disgrace and a damning indictment on the DA-led Overstrand Municipality. We, as ratepayers should take collective action to demand that in the very near future this problem is addressed, failing which by 2024, we will all be in the “cactus”! I understand that council is currently reviewing and revoking the restriction of limiting the tanker services to just two per month. We would all like to hear from the financial planning department just what they intend to do about our water and sewerage problems. We want facts and figures – not empty promises.
Alien vegetation to make way for indigenous biodiversity walk A new attraction for the Hermanus CBD: You may have seen teams of workers removing the numerous alien plants on the coastal area between Hermanuspietersfontein and Gearings Point this week. This is the first phase of an exciting new project to revitalise this
beautiful but badly degraded, polluted and alien plant infested stretch of the cliff path. Invasive aliens such as statice, kikuyu grass, nasturtiums, cannas, lavateria, palm trees and others, will be replaced by the municipal horticulturist with indigenous vegeta-
Gateway Centre, Hermanus
Tel: 028 313 6084
tion, thus restoring this conservation-worthy section of our coast to its original pristine condition. Thereafter, an informative and educational self-guided Biodiversity Walk, based on the world class Green Point Biodiversity Park in Cape Town, is to be created along the exist-
ing path system. We expect that some people may be offended by the removal of colourful but invasive aliens, but it shouldn’t be too long before this area is as beautiful as the natural vegetation along the rest of our Walker Bay Coastline. Importantly, the Biodi-
versity Walk project is being funded by part of the Greenest Town award won by Hermanus in 2013.
Spring Special
From R4 499 p/m Includes: 5 year / 60 000km service plan
Terms & Conditions Apply
Spring is in the air, but a mild cold front will be heading towards the Overstrand this weekend and cooler weather can be expected. This will clear up again next week with a maximum of 21°C forecasted for Monday.
Koel naweek voorspel Die lenteweer wat vroegweek die skoenlappers so stiptelik op Lentedag uit kul kokonne gejaag het, sal die komende naweek ’n blaaskansie vat, maar nie só dat Hermanus se strate leeg sal wees nie. ’n Piepklein koue selletjie met meer pascaldruk as wat hy nodig het om koud genoem te word, hang noordwes van Gough rond en had tot gister ’n vraagteken oor hom. Twee baie groot hoogdrukselle weerskante van Kaap Agulhas keer dat dié koue mannetjie se isobare naby die vasteland kom. Dit lyk of die lenteweer gekom het om te bly. Daar was inderdaad sedert Maandag geen konveksie nie en net die beweging van koue bolug en die suidewindjie gisteraand (Woensdag) herinner ons vandag op 14 °C tot elfuur aan die winter. Voor sonsak vanaand geniet ons 22 °C. Dit is ook net reg vir hengelvis om vrolik te wei en vir die rotsmanne met hul sesmankanne koffie, wat op die rotse vir hulle wag. Die wind staan deur die nag uit die ooste, maar is te eina om die twee hoogdrukke onder die land te verdryf. Die een aan die Atlantiese kant van die land skep wel ’n bietjie vog uit die klein laagdrukselletjie, maar dit kan nie meer as anderhalf millimeter wees nie en die kanse dat die vog soos reën sal terugval grond toe, is nul. Die bietjie vogtigheid wat geskep word, skep wel
’n paar lastige wolke en trek die bietjie koue tot Saterdagoggend nader. Sakemanne wat vir die naweek regmaak, kan dit ignoreer – dit is nie genoeg om besoekers weg te hou nie. Hulle kan die hele Saterdag in rondom 17 °C al die pret van die Overstrand geniet. Sondag is dit egter soos die oumense sê verkoueweer, want die wind draai deur die nag en dit word koud. Die skielike koue is altyd ’n gevaarlike tydperk om verkoue te kry. Veral bejaardes moet maar warm bly tot die dag behoorlik warmer word. Dit sal eers teen Sondagnamiddag gebeur wanneer die temperatuur weer tot 17 °C styg. Vroegweek moet die hoogdrukke noodwendig padgee en die inkomende lug uit die noordweste kan vog indra, maar weereens nie meer as een of twee millimeter tot Woensdag toe nie. Op lang termyn lyk dit of die lente op koers sal bly. ’n Paar lesers vra of daar regtig iets is soos klimaatsverandering. Ansie Marais van Stanford wil weet waar ’n mens dit kan sien. Mense moet kom kyk, haar tuin was nog nooit só mooi nie.
Algemeen General
4 September, 2014
Die leerders van Hoërskool Hermanus wat aan die Eskom Ekspo deelgeneem het is Frances van Wyk, Anrika Brand, Grant Metcalf, Dabin Kim en Donne van Schoor.
Hermies presteer by Ekspo Grant Metcalf, ’n graad 10-leerder van Hoërskool Hermanus, het ’n goue medalje verower vir sy navorsingsprojek oor ’n laekostesonkragaangedrewe verdampingsverkoeler tydens die Stellenbosch-streek se uitdunne vir die Eskom Ekspo vir Jong Wetenskaplikes wat op 22 Augustus in Stellenbosch plaasgevind het. Dié innoverende projek het Grant ook ’n plek besorg in die streekspan wat gedurende die Oktober-vakansie in Boksburg aan die nasionale Eskom Expo International Science Fair (ISF2014) gaan deelneem. Daar staan leerlinge die kans om die geleentheid te kry om selfs internasionaal te kan gaan deelneem. Donne van Schoor, ’n graad 8-leerder, het ’n silwermedalje én ’n spesiale toekenning ontvang vir haar projek oor die toetsing van sitrusvrugte se Vitamien C-inhoud. Bronsmedaljes het gegaan aan Anrika Brand (gr. 8) vir haar projek oor die gebruik van ’n omgewingsvriendelike insekdoder om miere mee dood te maak; Frances
van Wyk (gr. 8) se projek oor die uitbroei van krieke na ’n hittegolf; en Dabin Kim (gr. 8) se projek oor hout versus swart steenkool. Parthy Chetty, uitvoerende direkteur van die Eskom Ekspo, het gesê ’n belangstelling en voorliefde vir die wetenskap is nie net persoonlik vervullend nie, maar is vinnig besig om ’n voorvereiste te word om in die nuwe kennisekonomie te oorleef: “Die Eskom Ekspo verskaf ’n stewige grondslag waartydens leerders se passie vir die wetenskap verder ontwikkel word. Ons het jong wetenskaplikes nodig om ons land te help om tegnologies meer kompeterend te word,” het hy in die voorwoord tot die program gesê. Die Stellenbosch-streek se Eskom Ekspo word elke jaar georganiseer deur vrywilligers van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Sentrum vir Pedagogie en die Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe. Skole en leerders wat graag volgende jaar wil deelneem, kan vir Erika Hoffman kontak by 021 808 3482 of
SPRING CELEBRATION AT MONTESSORI: The Hermanus Private Montessori School celebrated spring with an open day and the learners participated in a variety of spring activities. They could choose between flower arranging, miniature gardening or fresh fruit and vegetable creations. The day was also in celebration of Maria Montessori’s 144th birthday. Here are Bila Smuts and Nilla Grobbelaar with their miniature garden.
Even the little ones joined in the spring fun. Martienet Pitzer helped her daughter Ester with her pretty pink and white flower arrangement, while Jemma Nell (at the back) looks on.
Grant Metcalf, ’n graad 10leerder, is op pad na Gauteng vir die Nasionale Wetenskap-ekspo van Eskom in Oktober met sy navorsingsprojek oor ’n laekoste-sonkragaangedrewe verdampingsverkoeler.
Ethan (5) and Jake (2) Minnaar with their mini gardens. Irene Broekman with her miniature garden, which even has its own miniature bench and picket fence.
CENTRALISATION OF TOWN PLANNING DEPARTMENT Overstrand Municipality would like to notify the public that the Town Planning Department has been centralized to Hermanus from 1 September 2014. All enquiries after said date should be directed to the Town Planning Department. The contact details are as follows: PhysicalAddress: 16 Paterson Street in Hermanus. Postal address: P O Box 20, Hermanus 7200 Tel No.: 028 313 8900 Email: Please Note: Applications can still be submitted at the Gansbaai and Kleinmond Offices. Town Planners will avail themselves once a week at the towns for public consultation by arrangement. DIRECTOR: INFRASTRUCTUREAND PLANNING NOTICE NO 49/2014 UKUDITYANISWA KWESEBE LOYILO-DOLOPHU Umasipala we-Overstrand unqwenela ukwazisa uluntu ukuba iSebe loYilo-Dolophu lidityanisiwe ngako oko ukususela ngomhla wo-1 Septemba 2014 ii-ofisi zaseGansbaai nezaseKleinmond azi kuphinda zisebenze. Emva kwalo mhla ukhankanyiweyo yonke imibuzo ize ithunyelwe kwiSebe loYilo-Dolophu inkcukacha zezizilandelayo: Idilesi yokuhlala: 16 Paterson Street in Hermanus. Idilesi yeposi: P O Box 20, Hermanus 7200 Inombolo yefowuni.: 028-313 8900 Imeyile: Qaphela: izicelo zingangeniswa okwangoku kwiofisi ezise Gansbaai nase Kleinmond Abayili bedolophu bazakufumaneka kanye ngeveki kwidolophu ezikhankanyiweyo ngentla ukunceda nabahlali xa nenze nabo amalungiselelo. UMPHATHI KAMASIPALA ISAZISO 49/2014 SENTRALISERING VAN STADSBEPLANNINGSDEPARTEMENT Overstrand Munisipaliteit wil graag hiermee die publiek in kennis stel dat die Stadsbeplanningsdepartement met ingang van 1 September 2014 na Hermanus gesentraliseer het. Alle navrae kan na gemelde datum na die Stadsbeplanningsdepartement te Hermanus verwys word. Die kontakbesonderhede is as volg: Fisiese adres: Patersonstraat 16, Hermanus Posadres: Posbus 20, Hermanus, 7200 Tel nr.: 028 313 8900 E-pos: Neem asseblief kennis: Aansoeke kan steeds by die Gansbaai en Kleinmond kantore ingedien word. Stadsbeplanners sal een maal per week beskikbaar wees by die onderskeie kantore vir geskeduleerde afsprake. DIREKTEUR: INFRASTRUKTUUR EN BEPLANNING KENNISGEWING NR 49/2014
Algemeen General
4 September, 2014
Gholf, modes, musiek, spitbraai by Gansies se familiedag Die gansies van die kleuterskool De Kleine Gansies bied 20 September ’n familiedag by Kleinbaai-gholfklub aan. Die dag beloof ’n allegaartjie van vermaak, insluitend ’n 4-span-gholfkompetisie oor 18 putjies, met verrassings by van die gate. Vir die senuwees wat knaag, sal daar ’n “warmgat” sommer by die afslaan wees. Op die baan staan gansie-mammas reg met ’n “hapgat” en ook ’n “natgat”. Die inskrywingsfooi is R100 per
persoon. Vir die vroue is daar ’n heerlike oggend saam met Lizette Jansen van Rensburg wat almal sal inspireer met haar praatjie, “Toe bars my bubble – hoe gaan ek ooit weer kan vonkel?” Die oggend sluit ’n ligte ontbyt en middagete sowel as ’n modeparade deur Cora’s Klerewinkel in. Kaartjies kos R50 per persoon. Tydens bogenoemde verrigtinge sal ’n span van vier agter die skerms al die kinders besig hou met opvoedkundige en spel-
aktiwiteite. Middagete en aandete sowel as koeldrank en versnaperings vir elke kind is hierby ingesluit. Om woelwaters “in te skryf” by die dagsorg-sentrum is R20 per kind. Die dag sluit af met ’n laatmiddag-spitbraai. Dit kos R50 per bord wat slaai en vars brood insluit. Wegneemetes is beskikbaar teen R55 per bord. Mense kan ook langer aanbly vir ’n dans en lekker samesyn met DJ en sanger Leon Carstens. Al die gansies van De Kleine Gansies vra dat julle die dag on-
dersteun. Bring gerus oupa en ouma, ooms en tannies, asook neefs en niggies saam om ’n familiedag vol lekker aktiwiteite teen bekostigbare pryse saam te kom geniet. Alle kaartjies kan vooraf gekoop word by Madelein Swart (079 189 7906), Gretha Hanekom (084 941 2276) of Jackie Lombaard (076 873 4386). Hierdie dag is slegs moontlik danksy die goedhartigheid van die hoofborge: dr. Righardt van Huyssteen, OK Foods, Supreme Sharks en Oom Piet Gastehuis.
A magical, mythical night Curro Kids hosted their annual concert in the Sandbaai Hall recently with the theme “A Night in the Forest”. A magical forest atmosphere was created from the foyer to the hall and stage. The forest creatures came to life and entertained and delighted all who came to watch.
Lizé Krüger and Mila Ferreira lit up the stage with their fairy dance. Amongst the fairy dancers were Alupheli Mkumatela, Jessica Strever and Kelly Marais.
A group of warriors, including Divan Ferreira, Anthony Shepherd, Charl Celliers, Dehogan Ruiters and Andre Boshoff.
Droom jy daar van om ’n joernalis te wees? Besoek ons webblad by www. hermanus en laai jou eie artikels en foto’s op. Ons wil jou storie hoor!
Curro Hermanus Curro Kids would like to thank the sponsors of their concert “A night in the Forest” Telegenix Eagle Lighting S & S Industries Zan Zara Home Décor Wine Village Snuffels Pet Project Coastline flooring specialists
Concepts of Flavour Music and lights for all occasions Super Plants Artscape Fruit and Veg City BOS Cosy Kids Foto First
Woman Action Group We have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the Annual General Meeting of Women Action Group, which will be held on Wednesday – 17 September 2014 At the Moffat Hall – Mount Pleasant, Hermanus From 17h30 for 18h00 All welcome. Please R.S.V.P. with Carmen Titus @ 072 3428297/028-3132938 or email:
Algemeen General
4 September, 2014
Talk on photographer Thomas Ravenscroft The Hermanus History Society is presenting an illustrated talk, “Through the lens of Thomas Ravenscroftg (1852-1948) – glimpses of our history captured for posterity”, at the Municipal auditorium on Tuesday 9 September at 17:30. Social historian and member of the History Society, Felicity Jervis, will talk about the now almost lost world captured by one of South Africa’s most famous photographers, who lived through three royal reigns and three major wars. Using a collection of his historic photographs taken in the Western Cape and Hermanus between 1875 and 1940, she reveals Cape history as seen through his lens, how our world has changed, and how his long-forgotten photographs have helped her to make fascinating historical discoveries. Hermanus was Ravenscroft’s favourite place and he lived here in a cottage where the Post Office now stands, with a studio adjacent to the house. His grandson, Michael Ravenscroft recently recalled: “His photographic studio next door, on the harbour side of the house, was about five metres wide, a painted timber structure looking a little weathered, with a central entrance door facing the road. A sign next to the door making it clear that only
Thomas Ravenscroft women dressed in accordance with the displayed Bible text would be photographed, is well documented.” This presentation includes many more photographs of old Hermanus than did the presentation at the FynArts Festival. Felicity Jervis has worked as a research librarian, an investigative journalist and a private management consultant to blue-chip companies and institutions. On retirement she took up historical research, starting with the life of her grandfather, a Viennese composer, conductor and violinist. Contact Robin Lee on 028 312 4072 or
Kerkkorefees by NG Kerk Op 7 September om 17:00 word die Overbergse Kerkkorefees in die NG Kerk Hermanus aangebied. Dis ’n geleentheid wat al oor baie jare ’n tradisie geword het. Toe dit verlede jaar nêrens in die Overberg kon plaasvind nie, het die orrelis, dr Frikkie Strydom en sy vrou Jeannette, besluit om in te spring en te red wat te redde is, want hulle is ernstig begaan oor die behoud van die kerkkoor en kerkorrel. Die Overbergse NG gemeentes wat gaan deelneem aan die feestelikheid is Hermanus, Villiersdorp, Grabouw, Riviersonderend, die VGK-koor van Mount Pleasant en die junior koor van Laerskool Hermanus.
Die tema van die aand is Loof die Heer en daar sal volop geleentheid wees vir gemeentesang. Dwarsfluite en ’n trompet word aangewend en in sommige koorbegeleidings word die trompet ook ingespan. By die korefees op 7 September sal die kore eers individueel optree en die opwindende aand word dan afgesluit met sang deur ’n massakoor bestaande uit al die deelnemende kore. Alle liefhebbers van koorsang en kerkmusiek word hartlik uitgenooi na hierdie besielende geleentheid wat reeds om 18:15 afgehandel behoort te wees. Bywoning is gratis.
TIME SCHEDULE FOR THE 2015/16 IDP REVIEW/BUDGET PROCESS Notice is herewith given in terms of section 28(3) of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (32 of 2000), that the time schedule for the 2015/16 Integrated Development Plan (IDP) review/ Budget process was approved in Council on Wednesday, 27 August 2014. The time schedule will be available during office hours at the offices of the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Kleinmond, in all the public libraries in the Overstrand, the Corporate Head Office of the municipality in Hermanus and on the municipality’s website at C GROENEWALD MUNICIPAL MANAGER Overstrand Municipality PO Box 20 HERMANUS 7200 Fax number: (028) 313 8030 Notice number:52/2014
Remembering WW1 in art, music and literature The Overberg U3A will be pre senting a memory of the events of World War 1 as seen by oth ers at the Municipal auditorium on Thursday 11 September at 17:30. This presentation is not a lecture, or even a discussion of the causes and progress of the war. It will cover some of the reactions of artists to this war, described as “The War to end all wars”. A simple historical narrative will provide the set ting and context for the presen tation, which focuses on the amazing and very moving works of art, literature and mu sic that emerged from the war. The programme has been com piled by Letitia Snyman and Christine Cleal, and will be pre sented by Overberg U3A mem bers. Fee: R10 per person.
International workshop on Fernkloof to celebrate fynbos The workshop on the theme of Fernkloof being hosted at the Whale Coast Hotel on Friday 26 September, is called “Fernkloof: Celebrating Fynbos” and is being marketed to all interested botanical and conservation organisations under this name. The workshop will, among other aspects, focus on the marketing challenges facing Fernkloof, says Duncan Heard, chairperson of the Fernkloof Advisory Board. “Fernkloof is an important attraction but it is not sufficiently or appropriately marketed. For example, there is an exciting role for the private sector in its development. The workshop will highlight this and other aspects. I am sure it will be welcomed, especially given its strong programme, by all people in Hermanus who appreciate what Fernkloof can offer us.” Presenters at the workshop: – Prof Brian Huntley (former CEO of South African National Biodiversity Institute) – Duncan Heard and David Davidson (of Chelsea Flower Show fame) – Ishmail Ebrahim (CREW CFR Programme Manager – SANBI (South African National Botanical Institute) – Dr Dianne Marais (Hermanus Botanical Society) – Michael Lutzeyer (Grootbos Private Nature Reserve) – Piet Louw (Sentinel Business Advisory)
TYDSKEDULE VIR DIE 2015/16 GOP HERSIENING/ BEGROTINGSPROSES Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 28(3) die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels (Wet 32 van 2000) dat die tydskedule vir 2015/16 Geintegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan (GOP) Hersiening/Begrotingsproses goedgekeur is in die Raad op Woensdag, 27 Augustus 2014. Die tydskedule is gedurende kantoorure beskikbaar by die kantore van die Areasbestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus en Kleinmond, in alle openbare biblioteke in die Overstrand, die Korporatiewe Hoofkantoor van die munisipaliteit in Hermanus en op die munisipaliteit se webwerf by C GROENEWALD MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Overstrand Munisipaliteit Posbus 20 HERMANUS 7200 Faksnommer: 028 313 8030 Kennisgewingnommer: 52/2014
– Paddy Gordon (Table Mountain National Park). Workshop day, 26 September - Whale Coast hotel: 08:00–09:00: Registration 09:00–17:00: Workshop, refreshments, fingerlunch. Workshop concludes with wine reception. Participants will be offered guided tours of Fernkloof on the day before the event and the day afterwards (25 and 27 September). The workshop coincides with the annual Hermanus Flower Festival. Costs: For Hermanus residents the cost is R550 per person and R850 per couple. Early Bird (by 15 September) registration fees for Hermanus residents are R350 and R550 respectively. There are also opportunities for advertising and sponsorship. For details contact Stacey Farao on 021 671 9233 or email Patron: Dr Shirley Sherwood, International Patron of Botanical Art, in honour of whom the Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanical Art was established at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Organisers: The workshop is organised by Omega Investment Research as part of its international marketing campaign for Hermanus. The event is supported by the Overstrand Municipality, Hermanus Botanical Society, Hermanus Business Chamber and tourism bureau and other local organisations, says Omega spokesperson Stacey Farao.
ISICWANGCISO SEXESHA SENKQUBO YOWAMA-2015 YOHLAZIYO / YEBHAJETHI YEIDP Esi sisaziso esikhutshwa ngokwecandelo 28 (3) loMthetho kaRhulumente wezasekhaya: IINkqubo zikamasipala (32 wowama-2000) sokuba isicwangciso / ibhajethi yowama-2015 yohlaziyo lweSicwangciso soPhuhliso oLudibeneyo yamkelwe liBhunga ngoLwesithathu umhla wama-27 Agasti. Esi sicwangciso sexesha siza kufumaneka ngexesha leeyure zomsebenzi kwii-ofisi zabalawuli eGansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Kleinmond, nakuwo onke amathala eencwadi eOverstrand, kwaNdlunkulu kamasipala eHermanus nakwi-webhusayithi C GROENEWALD UMLAWULI KAMASIPALA Umasipala Wase-Overstrand PO Box 20 HERMANUS Ifekisi: 028 313 8030 Inombolo yesaziso: 52/2014
Algemeen General
4 September, 2014
formed Hall. 19:00. R100 pp for threecourse meal: mock crayfish salad, lasagne and salad, chocolate mousse and ice cream. Bring your own alcohol and glasses. With live band: Mem ories (dance music). Book with Gerrie 0 028 341 0720 or 0 082 959 8088. THURSDAY 4 SEPTEMBER ) Hermanus Astronomy Centre (HAC) monthly meeting. Deon Krige will present a talk on As trophotography with a DSLR camera. Venue: Sansa. 19:00. For more information 2 her ) Hermanus Bird Club will have its monthly morning outing to Beaumont Winery in Bot Riv er. Depart from Onrust Trading Post at 08:00. Bring some midmorning refreshments. The out ing will begin with a walk on the estate and end with voluntary wine tasting. ) Die borduurgroep kom byeen by die De Wet saal van 09:00 – 13:00. Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thurs day at Hermanus Golf Club at 12:15. Lyle: 0 028 314 1390 / 073 778 2777. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall. Henriëtte Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. All welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. FRIDAY 5 SEPTEMBER ) Stanford Classics: The Johannesburg Phil harmonic Orchestra will perform an evening of music for strings and flute, at the NG kerk, Church Street, Stanford, at 19:00. Malané HofmeyrBurger on flute, Peta Ann Holdcroft on cello, Marjan Vonk on viola and Irina Tsoniff and Ivo Ivanov on violin. Tickets cost R120, from Stanford Tourism or at Call: 0 028 341 0340. ) The U3A presents a talk on Understanding Great Music: Passacaglia. 10:00 at the Catho lic Church. Call De Powell at 0 028 316 1251. ) Tea, coffee and crafts at the Bhuki Café with Friends of the Library. 09:00 to 11:30. ) Kolwyntjieteetuin by die NGkerk Onrusri vier. Van 09:30 tot 11:30 vir net R20 (koffie/tee ingesluit). ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:15 – 09:30 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. Charlyn Vosloo:0 082 558 8731. ) Kunsklasse by die De Wetsaal van 09:00 – 12:00. Kontak Estelle Valkenburg: 0 028 316 3522. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 12:00 – 16:30. Anneke van der Vlug: 0 082 923 9799. SATURDAY 6 SEPTEMBER ) Onrus Mengelmarkie 09:00 12:00 by De Wetsaal. ) Benguela Manor to host High Tea for a day of decadence. 14:00. Benguela Cove Manor House. R165. Book at 0 021 944 1041 or ) Sprokkelsterteater in Onrus presents Zanne Stapelberg and guitar virtuoso James Grace for a riveting musical experi ence in “Canciones en Espanolas” (Songs in Spanish), at 19:00. Tickets: R150. To book, call Louise at 0082 896 5106 or 0028 316 4567 or email
) Single people, Afrikaans and English: are you recently divorced, a widow or widower? Is u onlangs deur ’n egskeiding of het u ’n egge noot/eggenote verloor? Come and meet peo ple who are in the same situation and receive emotional support, and maybe meet a special friend through the group. Call: 0 076 115 7382. ) Stanford Spring Dance at the Dutch Re
SUNDAY 7 SEPTEMBER ) Jazz on the Lagoon at Benguela Cove and Sunday brunch. R270. 11:30. Benguela Cove Manor House. Book at 0 021 9441 041 or MAANDAG 8 SEPTEMBER ) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus: Ma. 08:00 – 09:30; Wo. 15:00 – 17:00 en Do. 08:00 – 09:30. Bel Alida Liebenberg: 0 028 316 3994 / 082 783 5160. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 / 072 230 9179. ) Linedancing at the De Wet Hall from 17:30 – 18:30. Call Maryanne: 0 073 469 9132 / 028 316 2625. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir will be practis ing in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) Hermanus gebedsnetwerk. 10:00 12:00. NG Moedergemeente. Bel Gwen: 072 140 6585. TUESDAY 9 SEPTEMBER ) Hermanus History Society members’ meeting at the Windsor Hotel at 16:00. Guest speaker Felicity Jervis will speak about the famous pho tographer Thomas Ravenscroft who lived for many years in Hermanus and contributed greatly to the photographic record of our town. ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, Northcliff. André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal, Dinsdae en Woensdae van 17:30 – 18:30. Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. ) The U3A presents a talk on “Electronic Waste” by Dr Vic HamiltonAttwell. 10:00. Catholic Church. Call Gert Claassen: 0 083 602 5254 for more information. WEDNESDAY 10 SEPTEMBER ) Monthly club meeting of the SAARP Her manus Social Club from 09:45 – 11:45 in the NG Onrus Church Hall. Topic of the guest speaker Dr. Anina Lee is “Let’s explore energy”. How did we get so addicted to fossil fuels? What were the contributions made by men like Watt, Stephenson, Faraday and others to life as we know it? Contact: Ingrid Green on 0 028 316 2390 or 0 082 552 0655. ) Trimgimklasse by die Onrusrivierdienssen trum van 10:00 – 11:00. R30 per lid, R45 vir nielede. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbe laarsaal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom el ke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oosthuysen: 0 072 322 0998. THURSDAY 11 SEPTEMBER ) Improve your birding skills. Mike Ford, Hon orary member of the Hermanus Bird Club, is running a twoday course (today and tomor row) from 09:00 12:00 on both days, in the Fernkloof Hall. The subjects to be discussed are: “difficult species” & “key ID factors.” Cost for members is R110. Refreshments included. Non members welcome. Enquiries: Craig on 0 083 227 9003. ) Whale Coast 96FM and The Book Cottage welcomes Tim Noakes to the Overstrand. He will speak about the banting diet followed by a Q and A session. 12:30 at Inn AfriKa Events Venue in Sandbaai. Tickets at R75pp from The Book Cottage or at Whale Coast 96FM offices. Phone 0 028 312 2314 or visit the Whale Coast FM Facebook page.
OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALITEIT/MUNICIPALITY PUBLIC MEETINGS OF THE WARD COMMITTEES Notice is hereby given that the meetings for the wards mentioned below will take place on the dates and time as indicated: Proposals for the 2015/16 Capital Project Wish list will be listed at the Meetings: Ward No 3
Date and Time Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 14:00
Monday, 08 September 2014 at 18:00
Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 18:00
Tuesday, 09 September 2014 at 18:00
Thursday, 11 Septemberl 2014 at 14:00
Monday, 08 September 2014 at 18:30
Thursday, 11 September 2014 at 18:00
Tuesday 09 September 2014 at 14:00
Venue Auditorium, Hermanus Moffat Hall, Mount Pleasant Community Hall, Zwelihle Community Hall, Zwelihle Sandbaai Hall, Sandbaai Thusong Centre, Hawston New Primary School, Zwelihle De Wet Hall, Onrus
Contact person: Mr. D Kearney, Area Manager, at 028-313 8112. Please note that the following presentations will be held at the meetings as per the schedule below: Ward No 8
Date and Time Monday, 08 September 2014 at 18:30
Venue Thusong Centre, Hawston
Tuesday 09 September 2014 at 14:00
De Wet Hall, Onrus
Presentation • Proposed Police Forum by SAPS • Hawston Sport Ground Draft Master Plan • Disaster management
PUBLIEKE VERGADERINGS VAN WYKSKOMITEES Kennis geskied hiermee dat die vergaderings vir die ondergemelde wyke op die datums en tye soos aangetoon, sal plaasvind: Voorstelle vir die 2015/16 Kapitaal Projek Wenslys sal tydens die vergadering ingeneem word. Wyk Nr 3
Datum en Tyd Woensdag, 10 September 2014 om 14:00
Maandag, 08 September 2014 om 18:00
Woensdag, 10 September 2014 om 18:00
Dinsdag, 09 September 2014 om 18:00
Donderdag, 11 September 2014 om14:00
Maandag, 08 September 2014 om 18:30
Donderdag, 11 September 2014 om 18:00
Dinsdag, 09 September 2014 om 14:00
Lokaal Ouditorium, Hermanus Moffatsaal, Mount Pleasant Gemeenskapsaal, Zwelihle Gemeenskapsaal, Zwelihle Sandbaaisaal, Sandbaai Thusong Sentrum Hawston Nuwe Laerskool, Zwelihle De Wetsaal, Onrus
Kontakpersoon: Mnr. D Kearney, Areabestuurder, by 028-313 8112. Neem kennis dat die volgende voorleggings by die vergaderings soos per die skedule hieronder sal geskied: Wyk Nr 8
Datum en Tyd Maandag, 08 September 2014 om 18:30
Lokaal Thusongsentrum, Hawston
Dinsda9 09 September 2014 om 14:00
De Wetsaal, Onrus
Voorlegging • Voorgestelde Polisie Forum deur SAPS • Hawston Sport Gronde Konsep Meester Plan • Rampbeheer
INTLANGANISO KAWONKE-WONKE YEE WADI KOMITI Sazisa ngentlanganiso yezi Wadi zikhankanyiweyo ngezantsi eziyakube zihlelikwezindawo, ngezintsukunamaxeshaalandelayo. Inombolo ye Wadi 3 4
FRIDAY 12 SEPTEMBER ) Women’s Business Network will be holding their monthly meeting at Wonderland Café in side Superplants at 90:00. The cost is R50 which includes a breakfast/coffee. The topic is “Practical Tips on filing a tax return”. Contact Cass 0 073 117 1857 or email casse
VRYDAG EN SATERDAG 12 EN 13 SEPTEMBER ) Die 16de Laerskool Akkedissie Toneelfees by Laerskool De Villiers Graaff in Villiersdorp met 12 produksies van 9 skole in die Overberg, Helderberg en Kaapstad. R20 vir volwassenes en R10 vir kinders by deur of bespreek by die skool:
6 7 8
Usukunexesha NgoLweithathu, 10 ka Septemba 2014 ngentsimbi yesibini malanga. NgoMvulo, 08 ka Septemba 2014 ngentsimbi yesithandathu malanga. NgoLwesithathu, 10 ka Septemba 2014 ngentsimbi yesithandathu malanga. NgoLwesibini, 09 ka Septemba 2019 ngentsimbi yesithandathu malanga. NgoLwesine, 11 ka Septemba 2014 ngentsimbi yesibini malanga. NgoMvulo, 08 ka Septemba 2014 ngecala emva kwentsimbi yesithandathu malanga. NgoLwesine, 11 ka Septemba 2014 ngentsimbi yesithandathu malanga. NgoLwesibini, 09 ka Septemba 2014 ngentsimbi yesibini malanga.
Indawo Auditorium, Hermanus Moffat Hall, Mount Pleasant Community Hall, Zwelihle Community Hall, Zwelihle Sandbaai Hall, Sandbaai Thusong Centre, Hawston New Primary School, Zwelihle De Wet Hall, Onrus
Umntu onokuqhagamshelana naye : D Kearney, Umphathi ngingqi , kule nombolo 028-313 8112.
Algemeen General
4 September, 2014
Meetings/Vergaderings ) Die Hermanus Gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum (GPF) se volgende vergadering vind plaas op Dinsdag 9 Septem ber om 18:00 by die Overstrand Munisipale Ouditorium. Die pu bliek word genooi om hierdie belangrike vergadering by te woon om meer uit te vind oor wat die polisie tans doen; na misdaadsyfers
te kyk en misdaad in Hermanus te bespreek. ) Overstrand Hospice AGM on Tuesday 9 September at 17:00. Supporters and public welcome to attend. ) Hawston Sport en Rekreasie Raad (HSRR) hou hul Alge mene Jaarvergadering op, Woensdag 10 September by Haws tonsportgronde (klubhuis) om 19:00. Kontak Godfrey Matinka by 0 072 823 0043. ) AGM of Mount Pleasant Health and Welfare 10 Sep tember at the Mount Pleasant Business Centre at 18:00. All wel
come. ) The AGM of the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society, will be held at the NG Church, Herman Swart Hall in Hermanus on 15 September at 18:00. There will be a slide show. For more info call 082 856 8391. ) The Overstrand Association for Persons with Disabili ties will be holding their AGM on 25 September at 17:00 at the Hawston Selfbou Stoor. Contact 028 315 2610 for more information.
WINE AND WHALES AT DE HOOP: From 5 - 7 September the De Hoop nature reserve is host to whale spotting, wine tasting and music with Johannesburg Philarmonic Orchestra musicians Malané Hofmeyr-Burger (flute), Peta Ann Holdcroft (cello), Marjan Vonk (viola), Irina Tsonif (violin) and Ivo Ivanov (violin). Richard von Geusau will also host a chocolate workshop. Jill Kemp, who plays the recorder, will host a musical appreciation talk, followed by a special 5-course gourmet food and wine pairing meal on Friday. On Saturday, join local wine makers from Elim, Napier, Aghulhas and surrounding areas for an unforgettable Aghulhas Wine Festival weekend of wine tasting in the most beautiful setting. Book at 021 422 4522 or or visit:
Algemeen General
Baboon behaviour under the spotlight
HermanusTimes 4 September, 2014
Baboons are known to be remarkably dexterous, highly adaptable animals that exhibit great dietary breadth. It is these characteristics that have allowed them to colonise diThe talk will take verse habitats place on Tuesday 9 across much of subSeptember at 17:30, at Saharan Africa. the Green House, These same characVermont. All are teristics are also at welcome. least partly to Lewis is in the final Join Whale Coast Conservation for their next blame for their stastages of completing talk, which will focus on baboons and their tus as one of the his PhD thesis on ba- behaviour. most troublesome boon behaviour and is an excellent speaker. He was awarded the genera involved in human-wildlife conflict. In his talk, Matthew will discuss the behavprize for the Best Student Presentation at the 2013 Fynbos Forum meeting at Kirstenbosch. iour of a natural-foraging troop of Peninsula For centuries the foraging pattern of the baboons (that exploit marine organisms as local baboons has included migrating down well as terrestrial plant foods), as well as to the coast to access protein-rich shell fish, some of the raiding behaviour observed on but with increasing urbanisation, their path the Peninsula. He will conclude by giving a brief account to the sea is now taking them through heavily of recent research into methods for mitigatbuilt-up suburbs. Opportunistic access to ‘human’ food has ing human-baboon conflict in urban settings encouraged them to go for this high calorie and along the urban edge. This talk is supported by the National Lottakeaway, bringing them into conflict with tery Distribution Trust Fund. residents.
The guest speaker at the Whale Coast Conservation annual general meeting (AGM) is Matthew Lewis who will talk about baboon behaviour.
NATURE MATTERS: DID YOU KNOW? Chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) are the largest members of the monkey family. They live in highly social groups of up to 200 individuals. Within a troop, adult males form a hierarchy of dominance maintained by fighting. Male ranking is unstable, because young males tend to emigrate between troops and will challenge for rank. In contrast, females remain in their natal groups and form strong hierarchies across generations. Chacma baboons are omnivorous and foraging is opportunistic. Although the species is not threatened, increasing overlap between their natural range and human settlements has resulted in human-wildlife conflict.
SHOWROOM: 21A Mimosa Street Hermanus Industria Tel: (028) 312-3767
Algemeen General
4 September, 2014
Fling on the bling for Casual Day Yes, it’s that day of the year again, time to give vent to your wildest and kitschiest fantasies.
PRAYER ON THE MOUNTAIN Rotary Drive (at the main lookout point)
Saturday morning 6th September 2014 @ 8 am.
(To be held the first Saturday of every month.)
All welcome to join us in prayer for Hermanus, our region & country. ******************* United Church Hermanus (028) 312 2717
13 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS 028 312 2717
SUNDAY th 7 September 2014 Morning Services: 8.30 & 10am led by Rev. Dr. James Gray
Children's & Youth Ministry 9.45am in the hall
Sunday Evening: 6.30pm 'Surprised by Hope' Series 'The Hope of the Church' Part 6 of 6
Casual Day celebrates its 20th birthday tomorrow, Friday 5 September and everyone is urged to go completely overboard. It’s a day where you can be as inventive as you like. Dig out the glitter, the sequins, baubles, and feather boas and also the Swarowski crystals. Casual Day has become bigger
and better in Hermanus each year, with businesses, schools, the municipality and hospitals outdoing each other with the most outrageous costumes. It’s that one day in the year when everyone has permission to be creative, giggle and camp it up at work, school or retirement village. Casual Day is the flagship project of The National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities, South Africa. Last year more than two million people participated countrywide
and R24,8m was raised. These School itself. So, whether you’re eight or 80, funds are shared between 12 national disability beneficiaries bling it on. Let’s turn Hermanus and a selection of local NGOs. As into a carnival city on 5 Septemin the past, Camphill School, Her- ber. The special children at Cammanus will be receiving R4 of phill School will thank you for it. Camphill School can also be conevery R10 sticker it sells. Individuals or businesses can tacted on 028 312 4949. buy stickers independently from a If you are bringing on the bling on number of outlets, Casual Day we would love to the municipality, see your photos. Upload them at Gateway Spar, Alex or email the Grant Pharmacy, photo with description to Penny Pinchers and the Vetshop Onrus, as well as Camphill
Algemeen General
CELEBRATING 10 YEARS: The Potting Shed guest house celebrated its tenth anniversary in Hermanus with a meal amongst friends at La Pentola last week. As part of the celebration, they showed a video of what the house looked like when they first bought it and what it looks like today. The Sales family, Maisie, David, Annamarie and George, expressed their thanks to all those who attended and helped them to make their dream of living in Hermanus a success. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Joining in the celebrations were Kennith Prior, Shaun and Caryn Bonorchis, and Sam and Dave Jackson.
Ons het n vakature vir n VERHURINGSAGENT Die vereiste vir die pos is as volg: 1. Die persoon moet ouer as 25 jaar wees. 2. Moet oor eie voertuig beskik en in besit wees van ’n geldige bestuurders lisensie. 3. Moet oor Matriek of hoër kwalifikasie beskik. 4. Moet by die EAAB geregistreer wees as ’n eiendoms agent, of alternatiewelik bereid wees om die nodige opleiding te ondergaan om as ’n eiendoms agent geregistreer te word. Die suksesvolle kandidaat sal op ’n kommissie basis vergoed word, en moet so spoedig as moontlik ’n aanstelling kan aanvaar. Geen Pensioen, Medies of ander byvoordele is betaalbaar nie. Persone wat belangstel moet voor of op 14 September 2014 ’n volledige CV indien by ons kantoor of dit per e-pos stuur. Accommodation Galore 23 Royal Centre, Hoofweg,Hermanus, E-pos:
HermanusTimes 4 September, 2014
Algemeen General
4 September, 2014
‘GOLDEN GAMES’: Dié spannetjie bejaardes van die EJ Lombardi-dienssentrum in Mount Pleasant het Vrydag na Kaapstad vertrek waar hulle Saterdag die Overberg in die “Golden Games” vir bejaardes in Blue Downs verteenwoordig het. Een van die spanne het ’n brons medalje verower vir deelname aan “bal aangee en skop”. Elizabeth Pedro (65) – tweede van regs, het ’n goue medalje in die “rugbybal gooi”-kategorie verower. Sy vertrek einde September na Nelspruit waar sy as deel van die Westelike Provinsie-span aan die nasionale kompetisie gaan deelneem! Jenny Sauls, dienssentrumbestuurder by die EJ Lombardi-dienssentrum, sê die deelnemers het die naweek baie geniet. “Dit was ’n heerlike uitstappie vir almal en ons gaan volgende jaar beslis weer deelneem,” sê Sauls. FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET
Volvo premieres its new XC90 QUICKPIC The all-new Volvo XC90 is firm evidence of the company’s ‘Volvo-by-Volvo strategy’. Its outstanding combination of luxury, space, versatility, efficiency and safety will bring the SUV segment into a new dimension, just as the original Volvo XC90 achieved in 2002. “Volvo-by-Volvo means that the Swedish company is fully independent – all R&D is done entirely for Volvo, by Volvo – with no external financial support. “SPA has enabled us to create the world’s first SUV without compromises,” says Dr Peter Mertens, senior vice-president, Research and Development of Volvo Car Group. “You get the in-command feel, generous interior space and flexible capability, combined with the agility and smooth comfort of a much smaller and lower car. The adrenaline rush that is key to true driving pleasure is delivered by powertrains that offer an unrivalled combination of power and clean operation. And since the all-new Volvo XC90 carries the Volvo badge, world-class safety is standard.” Unrivalled combination of power and fuel-efficiency The all-new Volvo XC90 offers a range of two-litre, four-cylinder Drive-E power trains, all of which provide an outstanding combination of performance and fuel-efficiency. The top of the range XC90 T8 Twin Engine, which combines a two-litre, four-cylinder supercharged and turbocharged petrol engine with an electric motor, offers an unrivalled combination of power and clean operation: around 295 kW with carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of around
The all-new Volvo XC90’s interior is the most luxurious to date. The most striking feature is a tablet-like touch screen control console, which forms the heart of an all-new in-car control system. PHOTO: QUICKPIC 60 g/km (NEDC driving cycle). The all-new Volvo XC90’s interior is the most luxurious to date. The most striking feature is a tablet-like touch screen-control console, which forms the heart of an all-new in-car control system. This system is virtually button-free and represents an entirely new way for drivers to control their car and access a range of Internet-based products and services. It also helps create an interior that is modern, spacious and uncluttered. The new interior design is pure and uncluttered, while still radiating the sophisticated confidence
and formality that luxury SUV customers expect. The simplicity is perfectly in tune with our Scandinavian design heritage. It opens up generous surfaces and gives us the opportunity to create a modern, luxurious interior architecture’ The all-new Volvo XC90 interior combines materials such as soft leather and wood with hand-crafted details, including a gear lever made of crystal glass from Orrefors, the famous Swedish glass maker, and diamond-cut controls for the Start/ Stop button and volume control. Craftsmanship has been in sharp focus during the whole development
work. The genuine seven-seater features new, innovatively designed seats that also free up interior space for passengers both in the second and third seat rows. The third row offers class-leading comfort for two passengers up to 170 cm tall. The all-new Volvo XC90 features one of the top audio systems available in the automotive world after Volvo Cars’ audio experts joined forces with their counterparts at the renowned British audio equipment company Bowers & Wilkins. The top-of-the-line system in the all-new Volvo XC90 features a 1 400
watt Class D amplifier and 19 Bowers & Wilkins speakers. It also includes one of the first air-ventilated sub-woofers in a car. Integrated into the car body, it turns the whole interior space into a giant sub-woofer. The latest sound processing software has been used to manage the timing of the sound and co-ordination of the speakers. This brings the emotional experience of a worldclass live performance into the car. Two main accessory themes The all-new Volvo XC90 is available with a range of accessories that make it possible for the owner to create a truly personalised car. There are two major exterior styling themes: The Urban Luxury package combines a colour coordinated body kit with polished stainless steel detailing, such as front deco frames, front and rear skid-plates and side scuffplates. The 21-inch exclusive polished wheels complete the elegant look. The Rugged Luxury kit enhances the ruggedness of the XC90 SUV with tech matte black exterior trim, stainless steel skid-plates, running boards with illumination and integrated exhaust pipes. This version is supplemented by unique 22-inch wheels. Price and launch details • Full range details and pricing of the All-New Volvo XC90 Range will be available closer to the local launch; we expect prices to start at just under R800 000. •The all new Volvo XC90 AWD D5 First Edition is priced at R1 050 000. • The International Press drive will be around March next year. • Local launch is expected in the latter half of 2015 – possibly around August. • South Africa will get the TwinEngine T8.
HermanusTimes 4 September, 2014
BOLAND Auto Sold
BOLAND Auto Sold
HermanusTimes 4 September, 2014
The all-new 2015 Subaru Outback also achieved the highest possible rating of ‘good’ in the Institute’s crashworthiness evaluations, as well as a ‘superior’ rating in the front crash avoidance testing. PHOTO: QUICKPIC
Allnew Legacy and Outback grab more safety accolades for Subaru QUICKPIC The Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) in the United States has recognised the all-new 2015 Subaru Legacy and Subaru Outback as winners of coveted 2014 Top Safety Pick+ awards. The redesigned Subaru Legacy achieved the highest possible rating of ‘good’ in the Institute’s crashworthiness evaluations of front small overlap, front moderate overlap, side impact, roof crush and rear impact. The sedan also received a ‘superior’ rating in the Institute’s front crash avoidance testing. The all-new 2015 Subaru Outback also achieved the highest possible rating of ‘good’ in the Institute’s crashworthiness evaluations, as well as a ‘superior’ rating in the front crash avoidance testing. Subaru continues to hold more 2014 IIHS Top Safety Pick awards than any other brand. Seven Subaru models, including the BRZ, WRX/STI and XV, have earned 2014 safety awards from IIHS – four with Top Safety Pick and three with Top Safety Pick+ including the Forester, Legacy and Outback. “While timing cannot yet be confirmed, the 2015 Subaru Outback will see South African roads in the future,” comments Subaru Southern Africa marketing manager, Ashley Lazarus. “The stellar safety performances of both the all-new Outback and Legacy once again go to prove the unwavering dedication to safety enforced by Subaru engineers, who integrate leading safety features like Subaru’s Ring-Shaped Reinforcement™ body structure to ensure all Subaru vehicles are as safe as can be. We are delighted to add two more Top Safety Pick+ awards to our safety arsenal!” The 2015 Subaru Legacy is still under consideration for the South African market.
HermanusTimes 4 September, 2014
BOLAND Auto Sold
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
4 September, 2014
WILHELM FREDERICH (WILFRED) 26/07/1929 - 31/08/2014
Passed away peacefully on 31 August 2014. Will be dearly missed by Pat and the entire family. Memorial service will be held at the United Church Hermanus on Saturday 6 September 2014 at 10:00.
Hermanus 028 316 1659 SCHULTZ PATRICIA MARY Pat Schultz passed away peacefully age 90, on Monday 25 August 2014 at Kidbrooke, Onrus, Hermanus.Thanks to the staff at Kidbrooke for all their kindness Beloved mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother. Sadly missed by David, Martin and Robin and families. Memorial service to be held at Hermanus Yacht Club at 15h30 on Friday 5 September.
JOSEPH CHARLES 21/10/1963 - 27/08/2014
Die Begrafnisdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 6/9/2014 om 09h00 by die huis te Eberneazerstraat E40, Hawston en om 10h00 vanuit die Thusong Saal vanwaar die stoet sal vertrek na die Hawston Begraafplaas vir die teraardebestelling.
Due to the Public holiday on 24 September the deadline for Hermanus Times of 25 September SmallADS Monday 22 September @ 14:00
Ons innige meegevoel aan die naasbestaandes. Reëlings deur: Anthea Woolstencroft
18/03/1931 - 31/08/2014
Privaat verassing
KERNEELS DE JAGER 03.02.1924 - 31.08.2014 Op pad na nagmaal het die Gasheer hom kom haal. Gedenkdiens Vrydag 11.00 in NG Kerk.
VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281. LOANS 1445
CONSOLIDATION LOAN ONLINE. Up to R230 000. Bad credit welcome. E-mail: PERSONAL 1460
DIE LAASTE & GROOTSTE MISLEIDING - Lukas 21:8, Danie Pienaar. Vir gratis leesstof en CD SMS jou naam en adres na 082 734 4168.
SUGAR PLUM Party shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles etc. Purple shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913. FINANCIAL 1420
Our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family.
MET LIEFDEVOLLE herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons suster Joan. Sal altyd in ons harte bly. Die October Fam.
MY CAKE ANGEL. Cakes/cupcakes for all occasions. E-mail: Call Tarryn Geyer: 076 154 9612. View:
Sadly missed by her loving family
DON'T WANT TO JOIN A GYM? Come to a private studio or gym at home with qualified trainer. Richnard: 079 768 1491.
OVERSTAND HOSPICECare for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679
The Cremation will take place privately
Arrangements done by: Anthea Woolstencroft
1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.
ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos
11/03/1920 - 03/09/2014
Reëlings deur: Anthea Woolstencroft
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218.
Die gedenkdiens vind plaas op Vrydag 05/09/2014 om 15h00 vanuit die NG Kerk, Hermanus
Ons innige meegevoel aan die naasbestaandes.
HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.
ALLE EER AAN GOD! Baie dankie vir hulp. donasies en bystand met die ete. Susters: Haidee, Bertha, Noleen, Melanthea, Rashieda, Yvonne, Nita, Maud, Margret, Jenny, Oom Flip, Oom Tappie, Courtneigh, Magret, Alexis, Pastoor Duncan, Vroutjie, Verna en al die gebede. Die Here Seën. Anthea Braaf
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. TuesANDRIES JOHANNA day 19:30 United Church (JOAN) Sag heengegaan op 30 Aug Hall. Phone 028-313 2014. Begrafnis sal plaas- 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: vind op Saterdag 6/9/14 10h00 te Manhattan Close, Hawston. 11h00 by Shalom Ministries. Word diep CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING betreur deur haar kinders Theodora, Wavene, Salva- Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 dor, Charné + kleinkinders. - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871 THANKS
LA DANé Danielle 072 253 3960 CAKES FOR ALL OCCASIONS PARTY/EVENT DANCE floor for hire. Black & white check. Phone Carol or Talitha 028 313 2769.
CURVES WEIGHT LOSS CENTRE with Evox Nutrition and 30 min Circuit for your health. Call 028 316 2211. Email:
FATHER SON CAMP. Forest adventure centre. Hemel En Aarde Valley. Friday 19 Sept. R350 per father son team. Contact Vonnie 028 313 0129 JONK van gees man. Soek dansmaat vir die 14de Sept. Ouderdom 56 tot 63 moet nie langer wees as 1.70 en slank. Moet nog die koppe laat draai. Tel: 061 489 8325 vir afspraak. THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
4 September, 2014
BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749.
BRAAI AND FIREWOOD for sale. Rooikrans, Bluegum, Myrtle. Contact Wayne Haman 079 484 0364 or ffprojects22@
PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028 316 1881 / 072 288 4761.
BUY & SELL. We have excellent quality used furniture and appliances. Super Seconds 2 Arum Street, Industrial area, Hermanus. Opposite CocaCola. Between Adventure Centre and Port Scaffolding. 079 746 0830
BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.
DRESSMAKING ALTEPEST CONTROL RATIONS to ladies and mens clothing. Erna Vroom 1850 072 380 0440/028 316 24 HOUR EMERGENCY OVERBERG PEST CONAPPLE AND COMPU2376. Hemel-en-Aarde FYNBOS GARDENS. call out Electrician. No TROL: Domestic and comTER SUPPORT. Your friEstate. Landscaping, irrigation and power, no hot water? mercial treatments. Proendly neighbourhood geek Installation maintenance & garden maintenance. 15 FLOOR SANDING & spe- fessional solutions to your I BUY ALL MODERN would like to help you sort Mimosa Street, Industrial cialized installation of repairs: industrial, compest problems. Beetle children & adult clothing, out your PC and mobile Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. mercial & domestic. inspections and timber wood floors & timber linen, shoes, kitchenware, device problems! I provide Graeme Lahoud 082 785 treatments. Registered decks. The Hutton curtains & fancy dress for DSTV PVR Decoder for on-site support, tutoring 2017. with Dept. of Agriculture. Brothers 082 828 5627 parties. Call Carol 082 890 GARDEN AFFAIR. sale R600 Call 078 166 and expert advice all at Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 028-341 0543. ELECTRICAL and house- Offering full garden 5749. the best price in town. Try 5454 or 082 563 9514. hold appliance repairs. maintenance. Garden me! Call Chris on 082 856 Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 GENERAL & design & landscaping. Irri5384. ELEKTRONIESE HOME SERVICES 7480. gation repairs. Plot cleaSIGARETTE ring. Juliet Leppan 072 942 ELECTRICAL: BreakVir al u E-Sigarette, EFOR GENERAL PLUMMATHS TUITION. Wis1260. downs, emergencies, Liquid's, onderdele en BING, MAINTENANCE, BUILDING & kunde onderrig. Skakel 071 maintenance, installatibenodighede. Kontak Ben CONSTRUCTION HERMANUS LANDSCA- Roof cleaning & painting, 818 3311. ons, geysers, stoves, Rossouw Sel: 082 726 1801 PING. Garden design, exterior & interior or wall garage/gate automation, 8771. Tel: 028 316 4217. maintenance & irrigation. painting. Paving, waterA1 BUILDERS. Project FOR SALE instant hot water sysBranderdraai Str 11, 22 Years experience. Call proofing & tiling. Call Management Holiday tems, controlled geysers. Sandbaai, Hermanus of Paul Marx 082 32 777 04. Johan 082 216 7009. House.- Alterations, No call out fee. Call 079 Martie Sel 072 644 2942 extensions, new garages, REMOVAL OF dangerous FRANCOIS DU TOIT 706 1056. Gansbaai painting (in and outside), WENDY HOUSES trees, tree trimming, plot CONSTRUCTION & PEST CONTROL paving, decking. Roofs. clearance, garden mainte- PLUMBING. Painting, 1677 WALKER BAY. Waterproofing. Call 072 GHOLFSTOKKE: 1 Stel paving, tiling, bathroom nance, garden refuse 19 Years experience in Callaway en 1 stel MCGre- 306 1798. makeovers, home mainteremoval, firewood. Call residential, industrial and gor. Sleepkarretjie. nance, building requireWilson 074 824 2195. ALL BUILDING WORK. commercial pest control. R800.00. 028 313 2008 of ments call 083 308 0534 Alterations, renovations, Specializing in beetle COMPUTER SUPPORT, 082 927 2591 extensions, boundry walls, inspections and timber mobile devices. Onsite paving, tiling & painting. treatments. Registered support and tutoring. KAMPEERTOERUCall 082 255 0939. with Dept. of Agriculture Sales, repairs and mainte- STING: Seil tent and SAPCA. Call our friDRAUGHTING of builnance. Call Andrea 079 707 (2.5x2.5), Grondseile, endly staff on 028-316 ding documentation for all 2997. Tentdak, 3 Opvou tafels, SEPTEMBER SPECIAL 3010. types of building work: Slaapsakke, Skottelbraai Irrigation Installation New buildings and additiens. 028 313 2008 OF 082 For quotation phone FURNITURE ons to Existing and the 927 2591 PLUMBERS Peter 0826038164 compiling of "As-Built" 1635 Email: lotz.onrus@tel1855 drawings of existing works KAMPGOED- Pak en ry for legalising of unapproLOCAL PLUMBING. vir 4- die lot R8000. Speved structures for MuniciMaintenance, geysers, resiale Bow seiltent ZUKI'S GARDEN & Forepal approval. Do you have novation, blockages, water 3x3x2.5m, Ultimate Blazer stery Service. Alien plant a set of approved building proofing, emergency. PIRB 3DE nylon tent, grondseil FOR HIRE clearing. Plot clearing. Garplans of your property as Registered. Discount for 2.4x5.6m, lug opblaas en den refuse removal. Tree required by law? Contact 1820 pensioners. Call 072 756 ANTIQUES oprol sponsmatrasse, gaspruning. Hedge trimming. & ART Johann at: 083 452 9614/028 312 3874. bottel en 2plaatstofie, 1ST PLANT, TOILET, Weed extermination, etc. 1605 1422 grondseile, 12v lampe / 24 HOUR PLUMBING HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Call Zukisani 082 711 lugpompie, tafels, opvouContact: CCS Plant Tool & 6102. SERVICES. Qualified & FURNITURE WANTED. ROSS CONSTRUCTION kassie en nog meer. 028 Trailer hire 028 312 2280. PIRB registered. Gen mainNEW OR REMODEL We offer best prices for all N.H.B.R.C REGISTERED 316 3483 tenance, new installations, Building Drawings done, your unwanted furniture Alterations- ExtensionsMISCELLANEOUS with New Energy Regulati- emergency services & and appliances. KAROO DORING HOUT New Builds, Free Quotes. ons SANS10400XA, CESA, bathroom make overs. 1845 Call Joe 072 345 8442 or te koop vir braai @ R20 per rossconstrucNRCS, SAIA, WSP. E-mail: Francois du Toit 083 308 028-312 3508. 0534 sak. Cell no 072 193 4437. 447 Call 7594 Jaco Sadie 072 281 9891 BLOCKED DRAINS. High KLUIS te koop. R250. 6 pressure pipe & drain cleaRat fiets te koop-18 spoed CLEANING ning services. Industrial, (meisie fiets) R250. KonSEVICES marine, commercial, dometak 083 325 3124 1805 NOSTALTIQUES. stic. Dyna Rod 082 569 Wanted: Antiques, Art, EXCLUSIVE HOUSE 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 LADIES Golf shoes Reesecondhand household CLEANING SERVICE/ 4323. bok white size 7, barely goods. Steenbras Street SKOONMAAKDIENS. worn. R170 Call 073 670 15, Hermanus Industria. Personal full time supervi6081 082 833 2567. sion. Maintaining holiday
ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.
LINE DANCE shoes. Black T-Strap small heel size 7, worn 4 times. Excellent condition R170, Call 073 670 6081
homes. Are you moving in or out, we can help. MonSat Call 076 115 7382
SLEEPWA (VENTER) te koop. Sel 083 628 2389. R3000.00 TRAILER FOR SALE: Large, flat-bed, roadworthy and licensed trailer for sale. R5500. Please contact Sharon 076 975 0404
HERMANUS APPLE RETAILER. Get that Apple iMac, iPad or iPhone you have always wanted! FREE delivery and 4 FREE redeemable Hours on-site support, setup and training with every purchase.* CALL Chris on (082) 856 5384 or EMAIL Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed! COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pentium 4's from R1299,00. Refurbished with warranty. Call Dolf Uys 072 705 8577.
TREADMILL- Trojan Velocity. Treadmill for sale. In excellent condition. Pre-programmed and programmable. Automatic. Incline adjustment. Includes built-in heart rate monitor. Contact 082 739 4285. Price R3000.00. MISCELLANEOUS 1655
ALGEMENE HUISMEUBELS en- artikels soos beddens, sitkamerbanke, Oregon Pine eetkamerstel, Tafeltjies ens. 028 313 2008 of 082 927 2591
AAA MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, damp proofing, water proofing, building & renovations, general mainteBUILDERS/EVENTS nance. Free quotes. Call TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Ian 082 535 5591. Call 086 100 2271 or 028ALL TILINGWORK 312 2367. floors, walls, bathroom
renovations, Plumbing. Ph. REFRIGERATION & 082 255 0939 SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. 1825 ALUMINIUM ANGLO SOLARMAX. SABS A BEAUTIFUL GARWINDOWS/DOORS. approved solar hot water DEN. For full garden Manufacture, supply, systems. Free site inspecmaintenance, tree felling, install direct. Replace woo- tions & quotation. 17 Long plot clearing and refuse PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. den/steel frames. Average Street, Hermanus. Tel. removal. Also small remoCall 082 885 7480. house completed in 1 day. 028-312 1667.www. vals. Gutter cleaning. Call It pays to get our quote. 24 HOUR SERVICE MornĂŠ 083 225 3712. Michael Haman 072 288 TRANSFERS/ AIRPORT A & A BOME. Afsaag van 4761/084 558 1902. Airport transfers from bome en takke, asook wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot BLANKET washing. R50. R750. Drop or fetch. Safe and reliable. Proffesional by Rooi-Els. Aldert en Ani- Collections CBD, WCliff, 082 414 9611 NCliff, ECliff. Marna 072 driver permit. ta skakel 083 739 9865. 906 0084 NEW GEYSER Megan 083 702 3273 FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: GEYSER ELEME NTS for professional irrigation REPLACEME NTS CARPET AND UPHOLWATER PUMPS. Mechand automatic borehole STERY cleaning. Curtains Elect. Call 082 885 7480. interfacing systems. For a & blinds. Call Allison or free consultation phone John 072 572 0215. 028-313 0295. BLOCKED CARPET and upholstery DRAINS cleaning. Personal supervision. Best prices. Free quoHuw tations. Phone Top Carpets Jones 028-313 0721. GARDEN & IRRIGATION
SOLOMON'S WINDOW CLEANING Services for domestic, commercial, industrial & construction sites. For free quotation phone Solomon 082 747 3640. Serving Hermanus since 1996.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds RUBBLE REMOVAAL 1860
4 September, 2014
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398
WE COLLECT garden refuse and Rubble and anything that you want to be moved within Hermanus. Call Michael 073 016 1686
A STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.
MERCEDES BENZ C220 Elegance Automatic 1996. One owner. Good running condition. R25 000. Tel 082 825 8891
HERMANUS TRANSPORT.1.2 Tons @ R6/km4.5 Tons @ R12/km-7.5 Tons @R17/km-13 Tons @ R20/km. Prices negotiable. T&C's apply. Call 082 977 7062. Telefax 028 313 1332
FYNBOSPARK R460 000 ALLEENMANDAAT DRINGENDE VEKOOP!! Sonnige, netjiese grondeenheid, 1 slpk, 1 badk, toegeboude balkon wat op gemeenskaplike tuin uitloop Web Ref: 655278 FURNISHED APARTMENT- Bedroom lounge/ kitchenette. Large balcony. Marietta 082 569 6967 Mountain and sea view. GUTHRIE & THERON Avail. immediateley. EIENDOMME R2700 pm. Electricity and water incl. Contact Lance HERMANUS, WEST076 810 1196 CLIFF
VERMONT: (2x) 1 bedroom, en-suite, open plan, secure parking, no pets, water and elec incl. from R2 700pm 082 868 5667 / 082 785 5877
A MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job as a gardener, salesman or painter.5 Days a week. Contact Rodgers on 084 843 0920/ 083 246 6161 A MALAWIAN man hardworking, reliable and trusted looking for job as housekeeper, guesthouse attendant, porter. 3Yrs experience. Work permit and reference available, Call 084 347 8320
MERCEDES C180 KOMPRESSOR 2004- uitstekende kondisie. 135 000km op. Vier nuwe bande. R83 000.00- Onderhandelbaar. Skakel Arona Sel: 078 668 9346
HAWSTON: Plot with good views of sea and mountains, near beach. R175 000. Deposit R35 000, R1774 per month. Fisherhaven Properties 028 315 1990 or 082 559 4290
MERCEDES ML 320 cdi 1996. One owner 198 000 km- R190 000. 082 341 5080
BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact Evan Rautenbach at 082 974 6995 or email us at: Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website: SERVICES 2420
HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. VEHICLES WANTED TO BUY 3075
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.
HOUSES TO LET 2 BEDROOM,1 bathroom, single garage in Ocean Breeze Sanbaai, immediateley available. R5500 pm12 Months, Lesley 082 473 6942
HEMEL & AARDE WINE VILLAGE- To let Shop / Office- R2600 pm. Available 1 November, Phone Tony 072 797 2447
SHOP TO LET in Harbour Road. Ideal for coffee shop/ florist/ dentist/beautician, etc. Contact 082 870 5704 FLATS FOR SALE 3255
CASH 4 GOLD : Gold and Silver memorabilia - Bring your items and get a honest evaluation. Contact 028 312 3154.
1 BEDROOM flat for sale, Silver Oaks. Private sale. R430 000. Paul 084 570 8351 BACHELOR- Flat for sale. Silver Oaks. Private sale. R350 000. Paul 084 570 8351
A ZIMBABWEAN couple looking for a job as a gardener, painter & housekeeper/domestic for full time. Ref no 082 807 8842-079 697 6551, 071 318 2159. Call Moses 083 766 7076/ Beatrice 084 050 0064.
AM A Malawian lady 27. Looking for a job as a housekeeper/ cleaner/ nanny. 2 Years experience with reference. Any type of job wheter sleep in/out., Parttime/ full time. Reference Contact : 079 884 0376 for Andrew. 084 893 1158
A TRUSTWORTHY Malawian young lady seeks employment 3 days a week as a housekeeper/ babysitter/ guesthouse attendant/ petcare. Has contactable references. Call Emily 061 339 2156
A ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for a job as housekeeper or babysitter. I did a Home management course at Learn to Earn. Contact 078 832 1563
TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering.
CHANTECLAIR: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen loungedining, double garage. Big Stoep.Safe area and nice view. 084 447 8899.
I AM a Zimbabwean lady (aged 31 yrs) looking for domestic work. I am honest, hard working. 3Yrs experience. I have reference. Call me on 071 930 9332.
I'M A Zimbabwean lady looking for work as a domestic or babysitter for days. I'm a hardworker and honest. Call 073 731 1393, Grace I'M looking for a job as domestic worker. I'm a 33 Year old lady with six years experience. For full day job 076 862 4810/ 073 841 9016 IM A Zimbabwean lady looking for a job as babysitter, cleaner or domestic worker. I am 21 years old. 084 958 0393
MALAWIAN Capleja Coband Veloni Caweare looking for a job as a houA MATURE Zimbabwean sekeeper, gardener, Paver, looking for a job as a plumber or painting. Full homebased carer or house- time hour, Ph 073 585 keeper. Part or full time. 5148 or 073 317 2789 061 197 1005
3040 2405
A HARDWORKING South African lady is looking for char work, Mon. Wednesday, Thursday or permanent domestic work. Please call Sindy 071 045 9887 Reference 082 560 4243 A MALAWIAN lady looking for housekeeping job with Reference and experience.2 Days (Tuesdays & Fridays). Please phone on 073 652 1050
DENI 084 436 2526
AN OPEN plan sunny flat in Vermont. Suitable for single person. R2300.00 pm. Water and Electricity included. Available for immediate occupation. Phone 083 324 0040. Please phone after 5.
Spring Day Special! 123 GARDEN FLAT for single Church Str, 844sq.m. R275 working person, available 000. Deni 084 436 2526 immediately. No animals, non smoker. Secure parMARINER'S VILLAGE king. Voelklip. Call 078 117 Plot & Plan from R975 000 4906 or 028 314 1136. R3.300p.m plus deposit.
TRANSPORT OF FURNITURE & goods. Hermanus, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape. Long distance available. PDP driver. Call Johan 076 253 3745
27 YEAR Zimbabwean lady looking for a job. Any job. Ref call 076 061 7407. 071 075 8475, experienced as a domestic worker 32 YEAR old lady looking for a job as a domestic worker. I'm good with kids, also have 3years waitress experience. Contact 060 379 2478
FISHERHAVEN: Large neat house, walled and secure, 3 b/r en-suite, double garage, pool. R6500 per month. Fisherhaven Pro- A 37 year old lady with drivers lisence , 16 years perties 028 315 1990 or catering experience. Loo082 559 4290 king for a job as domestic worker, child minder, assiHEMEL & AARDE. 3 stant, chef , cashier. Ref. Slaapkamers, 2 badkaAvailable. Call Nomthetho mers, dubbele Garage, 083 687 9387 Groot erf. Bel 071 814 1145 of 028 312 4752 A CHRISTIAN lady is looMEERENSEE: 3 Furnisking for a job as a domehed b/r house near lagoon stic worker. Based in and sea. R5750 per month. Sandbaai area. Very reliaFisherhaven Properties ble and trustworthy. Her number is 076 175 0929, 028 315 1990 or 082 559 073 138 5488 4290
MALAWIAN lady am looking for a job as a housekeeper or babysitter. I am experienced. Call 074 604 1223 MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job as a domestic worker, gardener, waiter or any other job. Call Wellington on 084 225 6419 References available. MALAWIAN man looking for a job as a domestic worker, waiter, gardener or any other job. I am Computer Literate. Call Andrew 084 344 7969 MALAWIAN man with driving lisence looking for a job as a driver, stores clerk, labotory attendant, pharmacy attendant and housekeeper, gardener. Call: 060 388 3524 or 061 908 4349 MALAWIAN young lady looking for a job as a housekeeper or babysitter with three years experience. Please call Brenda 074 295 3623. Ref number 084 873 2445
CAREGIVER: A male nurse with 3 yrs. of exp. looking for a job. Either part time or Full time and TRUSTWORTHY, hardsleepin is accepted. Phone: working and reliable gardener (with references) 078 992 3646 looking for employment. Contact Leonard on 084 EXPERIENCED Malawian 054 0664. lady looking for a job as a domestic worker. Traceable references available. Contact Cecilia on 078 340 1729 HARDWORKING Malawian man looking for a job as a housekeeper, guest house attendant and I know how to cook. 4 Years experience. Honest Christian. Reference available. 084 439 2814
I AM a homecare nurse looking for work to look after old and sick people. Day or night. I also offer massaging and exercise for affordable prices. Call ZIMBABWEAN lady looSusan 078 508 6761 or 074 king for 3 days. Ref and CV 677 0821 available with Home Management Course. ConI am a Malawian man loo- tact 071 973 3231 king for a job as the following: chef, + can cook Indian food, housekeeping, ZIMBABWEAN LADY(32) years looking painting, gardening and for a job , house, cleaner, working permit available. babysitter or domestic Peter Black 084 291 3616 work call 061 669 7370
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
4 September, 2014
BENODIG DRINGEND Aflos werktuigkundige in Hermanus. Kontak asb. 072 225 1510 of 028 316 1522 BOSMAN SMIT PRETORIUS in Caledon (Prokureursfirma) benodig 'n litigasie-/ aktetikster om dadelik te begin. Moet matriek hê en ondervinding sal 'n voordeel wees. Salaris is onderhandelbaar. Epos CV na : EARN some extra income part/ full time.... Join my team today... Avon/ Justine. Sms/ whatsapp name/ area 072 465 4100 FUNDRAISER Applications are invited for the above half day (4/8) post. This position requires computer literacy, excellent written & verbal communication (Afrikaans & English), an unendorsed driver’s license & own transport. The successful candidate will bring experience, leadership, interpersonal, multi-tasking & problem-solving skills and self-motivated creativeness as well as meticulous attention to detail to the job, and will have the ability to work under pressure, independently & in a team, to drive & develop the fundraising events and projects of OVERSTRAND HOSPICE as part of the fundraising team. Application forms & detailed job description to be obtained from Amor du Preez Tel. 028 312 4679 Closing date 19 September 2014
LUTEA PERFUME. If Perfume is your passion! This is YOUR ROAD TO RICHES! Become part of a multi million dollar industry! For more information. Call Madri or sms your e-mail address to 083 655 0445. PROFESSIONAL NURSE Overstrand Hospice requires the services of relief and volunteer professional nurses. Requirements: SANC registration, own transport & unendorsed driver’s license. Palliative care experience not a prerequisite; training provided. For more information contact 028 312 4679.
Overberg Netbal skop goed af Die Overberg Netbalfederasie (ONF) is in 2014 gestig, nadat Netbal Suid-Afrika daarop aangedring het dat die Overberg sy eie netbalstreek moet hê. Die federasie bestaan uit die vier munisipaliteite: Theewaterskloof, Overstrand, Swellendam asook Agulhas-munisipaliteit. Caledon word dan ook beskou as die sentrale dorp vir die federasie en alle ligawedstryde sal volgende jaar op Caledon gespeel word. Die ONF het ook vanjaar ’n span ingeskryf vir die Wes-Kaap Ontwikkelingstoernooi wat plaasgevind het op 29 en 30 Augustus in die Paarl. Vrydagmiddag het hulle die WP B-span aangevat en het 28-9 gewen. Saterdag het daar vier wedstryde plaasgevind en ONF wen al vier die wedstryde: Weskus B 16-12, Sentraal Boland B 32-6, Boland B 18-15 en Eden B 28-14. Met dié mooi prestasies wen hulle die B-afdeling en verower goud. Jayrene Deez word aangewys as beste senterbaanspeler en Leonora Muller as beste verdediger en is gekies vir die Wes-Kaap Ontwikkelingspan (A-span) en Jaimie du Plessis word gekies vir die B-span. Hulle gaan in 2015 deelneem aan die Suidelike toernooi. Golf at our wonderful club was a little weather-restricted last week. Both Tuesday and Wednesday were washed out. However, we sent a team to King David to play in the PGA run inter-club tournament last Tuesday, which was a resounding success. There were 22 clubs that took part from all over the Western Cape and the club is glad to report that we came in a very credible fourth place overall. The tournament is run annually by the PGA of South Africa specifically for club management and committee members to meet and exchange ideas for the betterment of club golf. Well done all involved. Saturday the weather was absolutely perfect and a very relieved 112 players poured onto the course and enjoyed a betterball bogey plus. Coming out on top was a twosome familiar with the prize table, John Rhodes and Gerry Coates, who won the count out from Wanda Venter and Rusty Demmer, and Stephan van
Die lede van die nuwe netbalfederasie is (voor, van links) Tersia Pool (afrigter), Nicole Tiemie (Swellendam Netbalklub), Helecene Swartz (Hangklip Netbalklub), Jessica Benjamin (Mount Pleasant Netbalklub), Tirsha Thompson (Swellendam Netbalklub) en Jaime du Plessis (Mount Pleasant Netbalklub). Agter is Alzeen Hull (spanbestuurder), Selly Witbooi (Happy Hearts Netbalklub Bredasdorp), Leonora Muller (Swellendam Netbalklub), Thembela Thukuihezi (Ikamvalethu Netbalklub Zwelihle), Jayrene Deez (Mount Pleasant Netbalklub), Donita Kaptein (Seastars Netbalklub Gansbaai), en Shirley Jonas (tegniese beampte). Die ONF beplan om volgende jaar ’n span in te skryf vir die SA kampioenskappe vir senior spanne, asook o. 19 en o. 21. Dan gaan hulle ook twee junior spanne inskryf vir die
Golf roundup with Julian Shaw der Merwe with Frans Prins. All the couples had a brilliant +10. The jackpot is still alive and climbing thanks to a three putt on the last jackpot hole by Gerry Coates. Very unlucky. Next week it is at R1 620. There were 5 two clubs and the ball pool paid to +8. This week the club is hosting the Cricket Club golf day on Friday and next week Friday the Northcliff House College golf day. Please folks, support these days. Until next week, keep calm and go golfing.
Atlantic storm voort na finaal Atlantic het verlede Saterdag weg teen Riviersonderend gespeel, met die A-spanne wat weereens hul staal gewys het. Atlantic A wen Riviersonderend A 2914: Die A-span het groot karakter getoon deur ná rustyd, waar hulle met ’n telling van 3-14 agter was, teruggekom het om te wen met ’n eindtelling van 29-14. Die agterlyn het na rustyd oor Riviersonderend gestorm en so hul voorsprong op die punteleer verstewig. Die puntemakers was Evan Vissser met drie strafdoele, Rodney Lukas met ’n drie, Brendon Viegeland met ’n drie, Shaun Salies met ’n drie, en Marcel Seconna, ’n ou veteraan, wat die bonusdrie gaan druk het.
Atlantic B speel gelykop teen Riviersonderend B 0-0: Die B-span het sy voorsprong op die punteleer behou deur gelykop te speel. Dit was ’n harde wedstryd met geen punte wat aan enige kant toegeken is nie, alhoewel albei spanne baie hard probeer het. Hulle verdien wel twee bonuspunte. Atlantic C verloor teen Riviersonderend C 6-13: Die C-span was weereens ongelukkig om met ’n telling van 6-13 te verloor. Die span verdien een bonuspunt. Die puntemaker was Junai de Molfett met twee strafdoele. Atlantic speel Saterdag tuis teen Napier. - W.C.M GIBSON.
Die Atlantic-rugbyklub het splinternuwe uitrustings gekry met die hulp van Kenneth Block en Jive se borgskap. Die klub het hul dank uitgespreek vir die ondersteuning.
Clanwilliam- toernooi en twee spanne vir die ontwikkelingstoernooi. Die span word geborg deur Hermanus Toyota en Boland Kollege.
Brilliant golfing weather for DOGS The DOGS played an Individual Stableford (log) on 2 September at Arabella. Once again, the DOGS were caught out by the weather on Tuesday at Arabella. Venturing out of their winter quarters, they were confronted with cloudless blue skies, blindingly bright sunshine and the eerie stillness of a lack of wind. Only four managed to cope reasonably well with the conditions but at least the rest of the field bravely battled through to the 18th for a change. Mr. Countback achieved his maiden solo victory without having to resort to a calculator. 37 Jon Forsyth; 36 Andre Franken; 35 Dave Rade; 34 Morgan O’Kennedy; 27 Peter Thomas, Art Rae (guest); 26 Peter Sulley, Peter Theron, Hugo Steyn (guest); 25 Dave Smith; 24 Pat Dewil; 23 Sam Seal, John Tunstall; 22 Gordon Wilson, Alan Smith; 21 Hugh Frangs; 15 Trevor Vaughan. - DAVE SMITH
Bridge results: Monday 25 August 1. Betty Nel / Tony Maytham 64,17% 2. Carin Verburg / Wina Loubser 59,58 3. Andre Wagener / Riekie Louw 57,50% Wednesday 27 August 2014 1. Andre wagener / Toni Maytham 69,10% 2. Mary Andrew / Carin Verburg 60,42% 3. Adele Bovin / Sylvia Smith 57,05% Friday 29 August 1. M Searle / S Smith 64,17% 2. Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 61,17% 3. Millianne Tanton / Anneke vd Vlugt 56,25% Saturday 30 August 2014 1. Hugh & Ruth Waters 65,83% 2. Patsy Kahn / Val Runkel 57,50% 3. Jean Sparg / Millianne Tanton 57,50%. Monday 01 September 2014 1. Marie Nel / Marion Roux 62,59% 2. Andre Wagener / Riekie Louw 60,37% 3. Anita de Jager / Callie Groenewald 57,78%. Whalers Time Trial Results: 28 Augustus 3 km walk: 1 Willie Loedolff 25.35 5 km run: 1 Frank Gillion 21.14; 2 Daniel Maree 21.46; 3 Mikki Milne 24.57; 4 Roelof van Weele 26.00; 5 Les Hanna 26.28; 6 Christine Hibberd 26.28; 7 David Cupido 26.28 8 km run: 1 Sign Mawunda; 2 Richard van der Spuy 34.25
31 Naelbytstryd tussen Curro en Kleinmond HermanusTimes
Sport Sport
4 September, 2014
Curro Hermanus en Laerskool Kleinmond het mekaar die afgelope naweek die stryd aangesê in hul eerste Interskole-toernooi.
Minette Minnaar en Denise Gerrits verdedig vir Curro teen Kleinmond se o.13A-netbalspan.
Die wedstryde is op Saterdag 30 Augustus gespeel. Kleinmond het geseëvier op die netbalbaan en Curro op die rugbyveld. Dit was ’n naelbytwedstryd tussen die twee o.13 rugbyspanne. Twee minute voor die eindfluitjie was Kleinmond nog voor met sewe punte toe Curro ’n drie druk. Ongelukkig was dit nie Curro beskore om die bal oor die pale te kry nie en Kleinmond wen met ’n eindtelling van 12-14. Die volledige uitslae was: Netbal: o.7B wen 0-6, o.8B wen 0-1, o.7A verloor 2-1, o.8A speel gelykop 4-4, o.9A verloor 10-1, o.11A verloor 11-5, o.12A verloor 20-2, o.13A verloor 16-6. Rugby: o.7A wen 1-10, o.7B wen 3-7, o.8A wen 1-2, o.8B wen 3-5, o.9A verloor 3-1, o.11A wen 12-19, o.13 verloor 12-14.
Die o.13 seuns-rugby het die skare behoorlik laat naels kou, met Curro wat net voor die eindfluitjie ’n drie gedruk het. Hulle kon egter nie daarin slaag om die drie te verdoel nie en Kleinmond wen met twee punte. Edon Loxton kyk toe terwyl Gershwin Hendricks die bal agter die skrum optel.
Qhayiya in Schools Cup final
O.13A MAAK SKOON SKIP OP RUGBYTOER: Die o.13A rugbyspan van Laerskool Hermanus het Saterdag na George gereis en al drie hulle wedstryde gewen. Hulle het gespeel teen Newton Park (21 - 5), Laerskool Welgemoed (22 - 7) en Dirkie Uys (29 - 12). Hier staan die span saam met hulle amptelike borg, Traxdor. Links is Quenton Mitchell (Traxdor), regs is Nicol Snyman (Traxdor) en tweede van regs is Morne Bridgens (afrigter). FOTO: JANHENDRIK COETZER
Gansies vs De Villiers Graaff spanne het die stryd gewen en vir die eerste keer in drie jaar kon Gansbaai se rugbyspan as oorwinnaar van die veld stap ná ’n naelbyt-stryd met ’n eindtelling van 14-12 in die rugbywedstryd. Die volledige uitslae is soos volg: Laerskool Gansbaai se o. 7-rugby- en netbalspanne verloor. Die o. 8A- en B-netbalspan verloor, maar die rugbyspanne wen. Die o. 9-rugbyspan wen net-net teen die Akkedissies, maar die 0. 9-A-netbalspan speel gelykop en die B-span verloor. Netbal: Die Gansies se o. 10A-netbalspan wen 11-8, die B-span verloor 6-10. Die o. 11Anetbalspan verloor 4-14 en die B-span wen 8-12. Die o. 12A-netbalspan wen 5-9 en die B-span verloor 1-8. Die o. 13A-span wen 19-11 en die B-span wen 8-1. Rugby: Die o. 11B-span wen 12-0, die A-span verloor 5-12. Die o. 13A-span wen met ’n telling Laerskool Gansbaai se o. 13A-netbalspan het van 14-12. hul wedstryd met ’n telling van 19-11 gewen. Die sewende jaarlikse interskole tussen Laerskool De Villiers Graaff se Akkedissies en die Gansies van Laerskool Gansbaai is op 23 Augustus gehou. Ná heelwat reën deur die loop van die week was dit dié Saterdag ’n sonskyndag. Soos altyd was die wedstryde taai en die sportmangees uitstekend. Ten einde moes die Akkedissies se twee senior spanne egter die knie buig voor Gansbaai se Gansies. Die Gansies se o. 13-rugby- en netbal-
Die o. 13A-rugbyspan in aksie. FOTO: MICHELLE VAN ZYL
NOTICE In the Estate of the Late JEANETTA HENDRIKA LERM, Identity No 200925 0009 08 0, Who died at HERMANUS on 24 MAY 2014 of HUIS LETTIE THERON, HERMANUS Master's Reference No: 023928/2014 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the Undersigned within thirty (30) days of the publication of this Notice. Dated at Hermanus on 26 August 2014. VORSTER & STEYN, LC STEYN, Attorneys for the Executor, PO Box 500, HERMANUS, 7200. Tel: (028) 313 0033 (Ref: LCSTEYN/MH/G03180)
KENNISGEWING AAN KREDITEURE IN BESTORWE BOEDELS Alle persone met vorderings teen ondervermelde boedel moet dit binne 30 dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan by die betrokke Eksekuteur inlewer. Boedelnommer: 27275/2014 Kaapstad In die boedel van wyle DINAH LE ROUX, Geboortedatum 12/10/1918, Identiteitsnommer 181012 0064 085, van Eenheid 46, Onrus Manor, Onrusrivier. Sterfdatum: 13Augustus 2014. SYBRAND SMIT, OPTIMUM SENTRUM, HOOFWEG 10, ONRUSRIVIER.
On Friday 22 August Qhayiya played for survival against determined opponents who wanted to stop their way to the top of Overberg as the representatives in the Western Cape Sanlam Kay Motsepe Schools Cup Championships. After a fierce battle for supremacy in the first match that started at 14:30, Qhayiya Secondary beat Umyezo Wama Apile Secondary School 3-1. The first goal was scored by Akhona Lumka, followed by another free kick goal by Sibabalo “Bennie” Mqhwayi. Before the end of the first half Sinawo “Snyder” Dyonta ensured victory for Qhayiya by increasing their lead to 3-1, after being awarded a penalty against their opponents. The school thanked their coach, Nkosinathi Joja, who always emphasises discipline and fair play, and who has in the past produced players like star striker for Qhayiya Secondary School viz, Abongile “JIJO” Mafevuka who is a very disciplined player. The next match for the Overberg Sanlam Kay Motsepe Schools Cup championship was between Umyezo wama Apile and Gansbaai Aca-
Abongile “JIJO” Mafevuka who as striker has ensured many a victory for Qhayiya, had saved the day by blocking six goals in a penalty shoot-out against Gansbaai Academia. PHOTO: MG KAMEDIEN
demia, which was drawn 1-1. Due to it being a championship, the match went into a penalty shootout and Gansbaai won 5-4. Qhayiya then matched up against Gansbaai and in the final dying moments of the match, with two minutes to spare and the score 1-1, Qhayiya Secondary School coach Nkosinathi Joja changed champion striker Abongile “Jijo” Mafevuka to goalkeeper. When the match had to be determined by a penalty shootout, Abongile “Jijo” Mafevuka stopped Gansbaai’s way to the top in blocking six goals. With this win Qhayiya Secondary became the Overberg Regional champs in the schools cup for 2014 and will represent Overberg Region in the Western Cape Sanlam Kay Motsepe Schools Cup Finals where six regions will do battle for the R100 000 prize money at the Blue Downs stadium. - M.G.KAMEDIEN
ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the Late IRMAMARTHAHILDEBRAND NOWACK (Identity Number 180214 0017 18 5), a widow of Onrus Manor, Onrus River, Hermanus, Western Cape, who died at Hermanus on 7 April 2013 MASTER’S REFERENCE NUMBER 7233/2013 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 35 of the Administration of Estates Act that the First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection for a period of 21 (TWENTY ONE) days, at the Magistrate’s Office, Hermanus and the office of the Master of the High Court in Cape Town from date of this notice. DE KLERK MACLENNAN-SMITH INC, Executors, 8 Magnolia Street, PO Box 113, HERMANUS 7200
NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF HERMANUS HELD AT HERMANUS Case Number: 1718/2012 In the case between MIKE HOGAN (Execution Creditor) and DEREK ZEEMAN (Execution Debtor) Pursuant to a judgment by the magistrate Hermanus given on 23 April 2014 the undermentioned goods will be sold on 19 September 2014 at 09:00 by public auction to be held at 11B Arum Street, Hermanus by the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: Right title and interest in a silver Soyat 202DS single cab with Registration No CEM 23709 Signed at Hermanus on the 7th day ofAugust 2014. GUTHRIE & THERON, ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR, 77 MAIN ROAD, HERMANUS. (REF: GJT/TJ File No: CH0004)
9 771608 589068
NEW TRAINING PROGRAMME: The Run/Walk for Life training programme kicked off with a ribbon cutting on Monday with Councillor Kari Brice doing the honours. Elna Botha (right), a local runner, started the programme. Practices will take place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 17:30 at the Old Boys’ Club, come rain or shine. Runners and walkers of all ages, sizes and fitness levels can join. For more about the programme visit or call Elna at 072 640 6822. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Marlize Miller, ’n 35-jarige ma van twee van Hermanus, sal die Westelike Provinsie verteenwoordig by die IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness) Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskap, wat van 10 – 13 September plaasvind by Grand West Casino in Goodwood. Sy sal in die kategorie “Fitness Bikini over 35 years” deelneem. Marlize, wat by ’n plaaslike gastehuis werk, het ná haar swangerskap begin oefen en uiteindelik 30 kg verloor. “Dit was vir my so lekker om te oefen, dat ek aangehou het daarmee en ek het later begin kompeteer.” Sy volg ’n streng eet- en oefenprogram vir sowat 12 weke voor elke kompetisie. Haar daaglikse oefensessies van twee ure elk sluit kardiovaskulêre oefeninge en gewigte in.
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