Hermanus times 05 09 2013

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MUNISIPALE DIENSTE Verhoogde vullisverwyderings­ tariewe is ‘bedrog’ 5

BOOKS & ART Local authors and art happenings

Bejaarde vrou (84) wreed aangeval JANINE VAN DER RIET ’n Bejaarde vrou is helder oordag in hul huis in Hermanus wreedaardig aangeval en beroof. Noreen van der Walt (84) en haar bedlêende man, Bernardus (85), was Dinsdagoggend in hul huis in Fouriestraat toe ’n man om ongeveer 10:30 toegang deur die agterdeur wat hulle vir die katte oop los, verkry het. Bernardus het ’n geluid in die huis gehoor, onraad vermoed en die paniekknoppie gedruk. Hy kon nie opstaan nie en was nie seker waar Noreen is of wat aangaan nie. Volgens lt. Fadila September, Hermanus- polisiewoordvoerder, het die verdagte Noreen met ’n mes aangeval en sy het ernstige beserings aan haar gesig, regter oog en ken opgedoen. Ná die verdagte haar aangerand het, het hy met R1 000 kontant gevlug. Dit is nog nie seker of iets anders gesteel is nie. Die sekuriteitsmaatskappy was vinnig op die toneel en nood- en ambulansdienste het haar na die hospitaal gehaas. Polisielede, speurders en die forensiese afdeling was tot laataand op die afgesperde toneel besig om leidrade op te volg en vingerafdrukke te neem. “Bernardus kon nie sien wat gebeur het nie en Noreen word sedert die aan-

val onder verdowing in die hospitaal gehou, so die speurders kon nog nie die volledige inligting verkry nie. Hulle is besig om die saak te ondersoek en beskou dié aanval in ’n baie ernstige lig,” het September gesê. Teen druktyd was Noreen steeds onder verdowing in ’n stabiele toestand in die hospitaal. Kari Brice, wyk 3-raadslid, het Dinsdagmiddag by Bernardus gaan besoek aflê en vertel die man is baie trots op sy vrou. “My vrou was baie braaf,” het hy gesê. Volgens ’n omstander wat Noreen ná die aanval gesien het, was die verdagte daarop uit om haar te vermoor. “As mens na haar beserings kyk, was die aanvaller moorddadig en wou haar nie net seer maak nie, maar doodmaak.” “Ek kan nie glo hoe mense so traakmy-nie-agtig helder oordag in ander mense se huise kan instap en aanval nie. Dit is skokkend en baie, baie hartseer vir die twee dierbare slagoffers,” het Brice gesê. Kolonel Vincent Cetyana, streeksbevelvoerder vir die polisie in die Overstrand/Overberg area, sê hy is geskok oor die aanval op Noreen. “Ons het baie lanklaas so ’n wreedaardige aanval in ons area gehad. Dit is skokkend dat die kriminele sagte teikens kies.” Hy sê verder dat hy en ander polisie-

Die huis in Fouriestraat waar ’n bejaarde vrou wreed aangeval is. lede nou koppe bymekaar sit om ’n plan te bewerkstellig om met bejaardes te kommunikeer oor veiligheid. “Mense moet nie die deur oopmaak vir iemand onbekend nie. Moenie mense aanstel wat onbekend is nie en maak seker alle agtergrond inligting van die werknemer is bekend.” Inwoners in Fouriestraat en in die Westcliff-gebied is vreesbevange. Meer as een familie het reeds hul vrese uitgespreek oor hul kinders wat middae alleen tuis is ná skool. Hennie Westraat, voorsitter van die

Hermanus-gemeenskapspolisieforum, sê sulke aanvalle is barbaars. “Ons keur die aanval ten sterkste af. Sou die SAPD daarin slaag om die verdagte vas te trek, wil ek die hele gemeenskap oproep om met die booswig se verskyning in die hof soos een man op te ruk, en met hul teenwoordigheid te wys – tot hiertoe en nie verder nie.” Niemand is nog in hegtenis geneem nie. . See page 5 for an English summary.


Sharklady quits Whale Festival With little more than two weeks to go until the start of the Hermanus Whale Festival, the organiser of the festival’s primary event, the Marine Endangered Species Expo, has resigned. Kim “Sharklady” MacLean came on board as a Whale Festival Committee member and took over the marine expo last year. To strengthen the claim of being an “enviro-arts festival”, the marine expo programme last year included exhibits, movies, children’s activities, presentations and talks by various roleplayers in marine conservation such as Dyer Island Conservation Trust (DICT), the South African Shark Conservancy (SASC), Marine Coastal Management, Sea Shepherd and Abagold. According to Leon Theron, the organiser of the Whale Festival, MacLean’s decision to “walk away” at this late stage when they are “unable to pick up the ball” has let many people down. . Turn to page 3 for more.


Hermanus Times

Nuus News

5 September, 2013

Audi TT thief sentenced to six years JANINE VAN DER RIET The car thief who in November last year sped away in a stolen Audi TT and collided with another vehicle while making his getaway has been convicted and sentenced to six years in prison.

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ONE STEP AHEAD - See page 5

Duran Juries (29) from Paarl appeared in the Hermanus Magistrate’s Court on 22 August. He was found guilty of housebreaking and theft. Lieutenant Fadila September, spokesperson for the Hermanus SAPS, said fingerprints positively linked Juries to the scene. Juries had sold a car in Hawston that he had stolen in Paarl, and had then stolen the TT from a house in Vermont as a getaway car to return to Paarl in.

As chance would have it, the police were actually looking for the suspect who had sold the stolen car in Hawston when Juries drove past them in the black Audi. He fit the description, the police gave chase and Juries sped away from them. He was racing at full speed between slow-moving vehicles on the R43 between Sandbaai and Onrus when he lost control of the car. He collided with another car and rolled several times before coming to a stop near the Kidbrooke embankment. Juries was taken to hospital and then to the police station. Station commander, Col Nomana Adonis, commended all roleplayers for their contribution towards the successful conclusion of the case.

A man from Paarl who stole an Audi TT and then crashed it in November last year was sentenced to six years imprisonment.


Stormweer veroorsaak skade in Overstrand­gebied JANINE VAN DER RIET Talle oorstromings en skade is die afgelope naweek aangemeld ná die Overstrand in die koue en aanhoudende reën gebibber het. In Zwelihle is talle huise oorstroom en die inwoners moes emmers en pomptoestelle gebruik om die water uit hul huise te kry. Mount Pleasant het ook deurgeloop toe water van bokant die R43 oor die pad na die onderste deel van Mount Pleasant gestroom het. In Sandbaai en verskeie ander dele het boomtakke afgebreek, paaie en opritte is oorstroom en tuine het binne minute soos swembaddens gelyk. Die parkeerarea by Grotto was ook onder water. Dr. Louise Kruger, eienaar van ’n huis in die Ocean Breeze-kompleks, moes die hele naweek elke paar uur water uit haar tuin pomp sodat haar huis nie oorstroom nie. Verskeie mense het die afgelope week hul mededeelsaamheid betoon met skenkings vir die slagoffers in oorstroomde gebiede reg oor die munisipale gebied. Overstrand-munisipaliteit, wat sedert die begin van die swaar reën onverpoos in dié gebiede hulp verleen het, het ook ruim bygedra van-

Gedeeltes van die tuin en ingang tot hierdie erf in Derde Laan in Sandbaai was Sondagmiddag onder water.

Saterdag was die plakkershuise agter die Hoërskool Qhayiya in Zwelihle onder water weens die aanhoudende reën en moes die inwoners hul wonings ontruim.



uit hul rampstoor. Mense wat graag skenkings van veral komberse, handdoeke en matrasse wil maak om sodoende weer die voorraad in die rampstoor aan te vul, kan dit by die onderskeie plaaslike munisipale areabestuurders se kantore aflewer. Burgemeester Nicolette BothaGuthrie bedank die Overstrandgemeenskap vir hul skenkings. “Die omgee van die gemeenskap word opreg waardeer.” ) Daar is nog nie ’n einde aan die koueweer nie. Lees die weerberig op bl. 13 om meer uit te vind oor die winterweer wat voorlê.


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Die parkeerarea by Grotto-strand was vol water Donderdagoggend ná die swaar reëns. FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET

Die tuin van dr. Louise Kruger in Ocean Breeze, Sandbaai, was heeltemal onder water en sy moes ‘n pomp gebruik om die water elke paar uur uit te pomp. FOTO:



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Hermanus Times

Nuus News

5 September, 2013

Sharklady resigns from Whale Festival ....Continued from page 1

HEDDA MITTNER Kim “Sharklady” MacLean says she was left with no other choice but to resign from the Hermanus Whale Festival committee. Without the necessary funds and key exhibitors, she is unable to make a success of the Marine Endangered Species Expo that she organised last year, and “cannot run the biggest stand at the festival with nothing”. “I took over the marine stand last year and did it with a passion, as I have always believed that the festival should have a strong educational and marine orientated basis,” says MacLean. “I believe that, together with my small team, we pulled off a magnificent show for both adults and children.” At a Whale Festival Committee meeting earlier this year, it was decided to move the expo from the amphitheatre above the Old Harbour to Gearing’s Point. Kim says she was excited about changing the location as it would be a bigger site than the one she had last year. At a subsequent meeting MacLean says she was told by Leon Theron, organiser of the Whale Festival, that they needed to raise R144 900 for the large marquee, and that the exhibitors would need to be charged a fee for their stands. “There was no charge last year for the exhibitors in the Marine Endangered Species Expo marquee,” says MacLean, “as they are mostly non-profit and non-governmental organisations that educate and conserve our marine wildlife and shores, and they do not sell anything to make money.” Theron denies that funding is a problem, but adds that “the pot is only so big”. He says the festival committee spent about R85 000 on the previous marine expo and they decided to charge a nominal fee this

Kim “Sharklady” MacLean with a guest at the opening of the Marine Endangered Species Expo last year. PHOTO: CILENE BEKKER year to try and cover some of their costs. But when MacLean informed the relevant organisations of the fee, they all declined to take part in this year’s festival. MacLean says the only exhibitor who accepted was Africa Blue and the reason is simple – as a coffee shop they will be selling something and generating an income. “When I went back to Leon and explained that most of the exhibitors do not have that kind of funding and that I was not succeeding in getting a positive response, he revised the fee structure but they were still not interested.” McLean says she will not be able to raise the funds herself, especially after the costs that she incurred with last year’s expo. “I had to spend R16 000 out of my own pocket to buy a 3D flat screen TV, I built the life-size whale, at a cost of R20 000, I bought the 9x3 metre wendy house to screen the 3D movies and took time off from my business to make sure that the Marine Endangered Species Expo would be the main focus of the festival.” In a letter dated 26 August, MacLean

asked to be relieved of her duties and handed the organisation of the marine stand over to Theron. “I am very sad that I had to opt out as last year was surely the start of creating a festival focused on our whales and marine conservation. But if I take on a project like this I have to be able to do it wholeheartedly, and I cannot do that without funding and I cannot do it without the participation of the exhibitors,” she says. Theron says Plan B was to try and get Dyer Island Conservation Trust on board, but they said there was not enough time left for them to take over the responsibility of the Marine Endangered Species Expo at such a late stage. “We have now approached the Overstrand Municipality for assistance and Plan C is to combine the marine stand with the municipal showcase,” says Theron. “We are hard at work with negotiations and are busy developing a programme that will offer exhibitions, speakers and activities. The Whale Festival will have a Marine Endangered Species Expo marquee.”

Bike club revs up Victim Support Room The Step Children Motorcycle Club of Cape Town, which normally has an annual rally in Hawston, took the initiative of giving back to the community. The group identified the Hermanus Victim Support Room at the Hermanus Police Station as the place to be renovated with their budget of R20 000. Zunaid Gallo, on behalf of the club, handed over the revamped trauma room to the station commander, Colonel Nomana Adonis, and other Hermanus SAPS management staff. Adonis thanked them for their efforts and donation to this very worthy cause.

The Hermanus SAPS station commander colonel Nomana Adonis (second from left) with Gino Charles, Zunaid Gallo and Duan Combrinck.


Hermanus Times

Nuus News

5 September, 2013

Rescued men say thanks

Pageant fraud investigation still ongoing JANINE VAN DER RIET

JANINE VAN DER RIET Gareth Woods and Paul van Rensburg were swept out to sea at the Fisherhaven lagoon last Saturday 24 August after their kayak capsized because of the artificial breaching of the lagoon. They visited the Hermanus NSRI station over the weekend to express their gratitude to those who helped save their lives. Overstrand law enforcement officials, Nelson Ka- Joshua Henn, Gareth Woods, Paul van Rensburg and André nunu and Cesiko Thomas Barnard at the Hermanus NSRI station. pulled Woods from the water strand law enforcement. by rope. Van Rensburg was pulled behind the shore They were already patrolling the area to warn the public not to enter the lagoon while line by strong currents heading towards the deep sea, but was saved by swimmers of the it was being artificially breached. “Kanunu and Thomas were at the scene NSRI. Woods and Van Rensburg spend the afterwhen it happened and I am very proud of them as they went out of their way to save Woods,” noon with the NSRI crew and said they really said Abraham Prins, second in charge of Over- appreciated all what they have done for them.

Investigating officers of the Hermanus SAPS requested all the contenders who participated in the Miss Overstrand pageant last year to assist them in a fraud investigation opened by parents who helped raised funds for Cansa. While Cansa’s head office is apparently still busy with an investigation into this matter, together with a local attorney, as reported on in the Hermanus Times in December last year, Hermanus SAPS said on Tuesday they have obtained a warning statement and submitted it to the senior state prosecutor for a decision. Cansa has not received any of the money that was raised in its name for the pageant.

The pageant was presented in September 2012 by Veronica Oosthuizen-Steyn, also known as Veronica Geoghegan. Oosthuizen-Steyn said she did not have enough money to cover the costs of the pageant. Felicity Philander, regional manager of Cansa in Hermanus, said Cansa attempted on numerous occasions to communicate with Oosthuizen-Steyn, who was not willing to speak to them. “She referred Cansa to her lawyers on all occasions. “Upon advice by our own legal team, Cansa opted to support the existing criminal case rather than initiate our own case which implied further cost. The local CANSA staff has submitted their affidavits to the local police and will be witnesses if required.”

WILD HORSES: A mare from the herd of wild horse that wanders between Fisherhaven and the Bot River lagoon, gave birth to a foal in milkwood thicket which is within 50 m of Beverley Chatburn’s house in College Road, Fisherhaven. She says the mare dug a shallow hole before she gave birth at 14:00 on Monday 2 September, and Ben Jordaan in the background was also there to capture this rare sight on film.


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Congratulations to the 2013 KFC Hermanus Local Hero Jennifer Coetzer

Nominated by: Adré Bezuidenhout Jennifer Coetzer teaches at the Anima Therapy Centre for special needs children in Sandbaai. It is a non-profit which caters for and educates children with global developmental delay, cerebral dysfunction, down’s syndrome, autism, epilepsy and serious speech impairments. Anima receives no government or other funding and is dependent on help from the community and fundraising events.

KFC Hermanus wishes to thank Jennifer Coetzer and all the other nominees for making a difference in the Hermanus community.

R15 000 in prizes

Jennifer Coetzer received R5 000 in cash as well as equipment of her choice to the value of R10 000 from KFC Hermanus to further her efforts.

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Hermanus Times

Nuus News

5 September, 2013



Verhoogde tariewe is ‘bedrog’ HEDDA MITTNER “Dis doodeenvoudig bedrog,” sê Jurie Hamman, trustee vir administrasie en finansies op die raad van Fynbospark se regspersoonlike liggaam. Hiermee verwys hy na die Overstrand-munisipaliteit (OM) se verhoging van die vullisverwyderingstariewe by deeltitelskemas. Talle ontstoke inwoners van deeltitelkomplekse het oor die afgelope twee weke briewe aan die Hermanus Times gerig waarin hulle uiting gee aan hul misnoeë oor dié hoë styging. Dit het veral ’n krisis veroorsaak by komplekse soos Fynbospark waar die inwoners bejaarde pensioenarisse is. Volgens Hamman is daar 148 wooneenhede in Fynbospark en 19 vullisdromme wat een keer per week leeggemaak word. Die vullisverwyderingstarief is voorheen bereken volgens die aantal dromme by elke kompleks, teen R129 per vullisdrom. Die kompleks se rekening was dus R2 451 per maand, vir al 148 eenhede, sê Hamman. Dit het neergekom op R16,56 per wooneenheid. Sedert die OM se nuwe begroting vir 2013–’14 wat in Julie in werking getree het, word die tarief nie meer bereken per drom nie, maar per wooneenheid in die kompleks, teen ’n verhoogde tarief van R140 per eenheid.

Hamman wys daarop dat die rekening vir Fynbospark se 148 eenhede dus nou gestyg het van R2 451 na R20 720 per maand – en van R31 920 vir die jaar na R248 640 per jaar. Nadat die kwessie op 14 Augustus by Fynbospark se algemene jaarvergadering bespreek is, het Hamman, Gerrie Labuschagne (voorsitter van die Fynbospark Regspersoonlike Liggaam) en Jeanette Büchner, (administrasie), verlede week ’n vergadering belê met die burgemeester, Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, en verskeie senior raads- en bestuurslede van die munisipaliteit. “By dié vergadering het die burgemeester gesê dat ek die mense van Fynbospark mislei,” sê Hamman. “Sy het beweer dat die styging van R129 na R140 per maand slegs 8,53% is. Maar in werklikheid kom die misleiding van die OM se kant, want die berekening word nou per wooneenheid, waarvan daar 148 is, gedoen en nie meer per vullisdrom nie, waarvan daar nog steeds net 19 is. Die inwoners betaal nou elkeen R140 per maand vir dieselfde diens wat hulle voorheen net R16,56 gekos het. Dit beteken ’n verhoging in inkomste vir die OM van 745,4%.” Hannes Baard van Vermont, wie se skoonma ’n inwoner van Fynbospark is, wys ook daarop dat die koste per vullisdrom, danksy die munisipaliteit se “kreatiewe rekeningkunde”, gestyg het van R129 na R1 091 per maand. “Dit is ’n rand-en-sent

Met die styging van vullisverwyderingstariewe betaal die inwoners van Fynbospark nou baie meer as vroeër, selfs al het hulle nog steeds 19 vullisdromme. FOTO: VERSKAF styging van 745,4%,” sê Baard. “Terselfdertyd is ’n besigheid met 60 vullisdromme se tarief maar om en by R7 368 per maand. Wie op die raad maak hierdie somme?” Nog ’n eienaar van ’n eenheid in Fynbospark, Amanda Labuschagne, sê sy dink nie dis regverdig om by bejaardes te gaan geld insamel om die geldkoffers van die munisipaliteit te vul nie. “Vanoggend toe ek by die munisipaliteit ingaan,” het sy verlede week gesê, “het daar

Phone the police if compost sellers approach you JANINE VAN DER RIET The Hermanus police want to alert the public to be on their guard against compost sellers who aggressively force people to buy compost from them. The compost sellers usually arrive in a blue or white bakkie. Once they have done offloading their compost on the lawn, the home owner is aggressively told to pay the bill of around R1 000. Residents who refuse to pay are threatened. Most pay, fearing for their safety. A reader of Hermanus Times says these compost sellers are all over Cape Town too. “We were almost taken in, but I told them to get lost after they emptied more bags than we wanted.” More and more residents are

coming forward, saying that they were also caught in the compost scam. “I noticed the famous 26 tattoo on the driver’s neck,” a resident says. In June this year, the Hermanus Times reported on a resident in Westcliff who had had a bad experience when he was approached by four men selling bags of compost. Hugo Uys said the four men arrived at his house with a bakkieload of manure, which they were selling at R20 a bag. He told them he would take five bags. But they then started spreading massive loads of manure in his garden. “It was bin-loads, each apparently containing 12 bags. Within minutes they had raked between 11 and 12 drum-loads of compost across the garden. “I stopped them immediately,

and asked what was going on.” Uys says they spoke so quickly while they were distributing the manure and then very aggressively gave him a bill of R2 720. He eventually had to pay the compost sellers R1 000 just to get them off his property. According to Uys, the detective investigating the case said it was not a criminal matter, and he should pursue a civil case. Lieutenant Fadila September, spokesperson for the Hermanus SAPS, says that although some of the cases are not criminal, people are encouraged to phone the police station on 028 313 5300 immediately when approached by these sellers. She says that the compost sellers may also be involved in housebreakings and the theft of motor vehicles in the area.

’n ou man gestaan wat met trane in sy oë aan my gesê het hy kan nie sy rekening betaal nie.” Michael Boubier, wie se 92-jarige ma in Fynbospark woon, sê dit is “skokkend” dat die raad meen hul optrede teenoor die pensioenarisgemeenskap is moreel geregverdig. “Die munisipaliteit se antwoord op die brief van D.H. Buttner (Hermanus Times 29/08/13) gaan die verstand te bowe.” Volgens ’n verklaring wat Woens-

dag deur die burgemeesterskantoor uitgereik is, is die trustees se vertolking van die verhoging om dit steeds te bereken as ’n persentasie op 19 vullisdromme. “Die basis van tariewe op vullisverwydering is gewysig vanaf 1 Julie 2013,” lui die verklaring. “Die maandelikse tarief is nou van toepassing op elke residensiële eenheid, wat verwys na ’n erf, woonstel, meenthuis, groepsontwikkeling, aftreeontwikkeling, ens. Die basis van berekeninge het dus verander en die 19 blikke is nie van toepassing nie. Die aanbod is ook gemaak dat ons inwoners wat mag kwalifiseer t.o.v. deernishulp, sal bystaan.” Hamman wys daarop dat die wetgewing van deeltitelskemas juis ingestel is om dienste goedkoper te maak deurdat dit gedeel word. “Mens kan nie ’n 46 m² wooneenheid in Fynbospark vergelyk met ’n erf van 500 tot 1 000 m² in Hermanus Heights nie. Dis hoegenaamd nie dieselfde ding nie en kan nie onderwerp word aan dieselfde tariewe nie.” En vir die OM om vol te hou dat dit ’n verhoging van slegs 8,53% is, “is ’n onreg gegrond op ’n leuen,” sê Hamman. Burgemeester Nicolette BothaGuthrie het by verlede week se vergadering met die trustees van Fynbospark ’n geleentheid aangevra om die inwoners persoonlik te woord te staan. Daar word verwag dat die partye nog hierdie week op ’n datum sal besluit.

Elderly woman attacked An elderly woman was brutally attacked in her home in Fourie Street in Westcliff on Tuesday morning at 10:30. The suspect attacked and stabbed Noreen van der Walt (84) with a knife before fleeing with R1 000 after her husband, Bernardus (85), who is bedridden, pressed a panic button. Noreen was rushed to hospital and sedated. She was still under sedation at the time of Hermanus Times going to print. Police and forensic officials were at the house until late Tuesday night to take fingerprints and collect evidence. According to Lieutenant Fadila September, spokesperson for the Hermanus SAPS, the police officers are doing everything in their power to find the suspect. Colonel Vincent Cetyana, cluster commander for the SAPS in the

Overstrand/Overberg area, met with the Hermanus police station’s management on Wednesday to compile a plan to communicate on safety issues with especially the elderly. He urges people to not open the door to strangers and to also not employ strangers. “It is shocking that criminals are out to hurt soft targets like the elderly. It has been quiet for a long time on the crime front regarding attacks, and it is saddening that criminals think they can get away with it. We will increase our work to catch this criminal – and others.” Hennie Westraat, chairperson of the Hermanus Community Police Forum, says their hearts go out to the Van der Walts. “We believe the police will catch the person responsible for this and that he will be punished for this.”


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

5 September, 2013

September is Tourism Month As part of Tourism Month, Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism Bureau is offering weekly wine tastings between 15:00 and 17:00 every Friday. The wine tasting events kick off on 6 September when Fountain Square will be hosting Gabriëlskloof wines; don’t miss a lovely afternoon in the yard at Cup a Cafè with Barton Vineyards on 13 September; meet at the Shellfish and Sushi Bar to enjoy wines from Wildekrans Wine Estate on 20 September; and join local artist Deric van Rensburg on 27 September when he’ll be giving an art demonstration along with a tasting from Rivendell Estate at The Art Café, now situated in Harbour Road. For more information contact Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism on 028 271 5657 or visit www.kleinmondtourism.co.za.

MOSAIC ART: Jonathan Jonker (left) who has been doing mosaic art classes for the past year with Alex Forsyth (right), the Enlighten Education Trust’s visual arts coordinator, had a table at the Badisa Bazaar held in the Grobbelaar Hall on Saturday morning, where his beautiful mosaic art pieces were on sale. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

Marieta Krige and Daliene Swart were part of the Badisa Bazaar pancake team who occupied the stage at the Grobbelaar Hall on Saturday morning.

OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE: Three restaurants from Hermanus recently received the highest honour from the Diners Club Winelist Awards. Bientang’s Cave, B’s Steakhouse and La Pentola each received a coveted diamond award for their outstanding winelists, while Quayside Cabin won a gold award. All four restaurants have featured prominently at the Diners Club Winelist Awards for several years. Here proudly displaying their awards are Giangi Negra and Sylvia Taylor of Bientang’s Cave, Bruce Henderson of B’s Steakhouse and Shane Sauvage of La Pentola. (Mike Alcock of Quayside Cabin was absent when the photo was taken.)


GABRIËLSKLOOF SE OLYFOLIE IS TOPS: Hier spog Barry Anderson, plaasbestuurder en olyfoliemaker van Gabriëlskloof, met sy Absa Top-5-toekenning. Absa en SA Olive het dié nuwe kompetisie ingestel ter uitbreiding van die jaarlikse SA Olive-toekennings, waar Gabriëlskloof vanjaar ook ’n goue medalje verower het. “Die topvyf onder die olyfolies is van die hoogste gehalte en verdien om uitgelig te word,” sê Gerrie Duvenage, organiseerder van die kompetisie. FOTO: LIONEL BESTERFIELD

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Algemeen General

Visitors to the Hermanus Flower Festival, which takes place at the Fernkloof Nature Reserve from 26 to 29 September, will be able to buy bunches of fynbos to take home with them.

Creating a festival of flowers There are only a few weeks to go before the annual Hermanus Flower Festival takes place in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve. Every year the Hermanus Botanical Society harnesses the talents and enthusiasm of its members and friends to present a very special experience for visitors to Hermanus. The enormous variety and beauty of the plants which make up the fynbos kingdom are hard to comprehend. Few people are able to reach the mountain slopes and hidden kloofs where so many of these plants grow. So the Hermanus Flower Festival makes it possible to showcase the jewels in our back yard. The many flowers used in the show are chiefly found within the greater Hermanus area. Some of the flowers are donated by generous farmers, but permits are required for collecting flowers in the wild. A team of experienced pickers set out a few days before the show and know exactly where they expect to find the rarer specimens. These ones will be highlighted in the display section, at the back of the hall, with red stickers on their labels – and, of course, only one specimen will have been picked of each of these precious flowers. Knowledgeable members of the society will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. The flowers are the focus, so the Fernkloof Hall is transformed into a floral wonderland that has to be seen to be believed. This year’s theme is the wetland environment so a miniwetland will take centre stage. Plants from this habitat have special adaptations, and are not generally well known. Local plant nurseries will each create a show garden in the Fernkloof Amphitheatre. Visitors have always been intrigued by the ingenuity shown in creating beauty in a tiny area, so it will be a popular feature of this year’s festival. With fun for the kids and food for all, it’s a festival of flowers not to be missed. The entry fee for adults is R15 and children under 12 enter free of charge. For more information, call 028 313 8100.

Hermanus Times 5 September, 2013


8 Hermanus Times Winde van verandering vir munisipale woordvoerder 5 September, 2013

HEDDA MITTNER Vir die redaksiespan by die Hermanus Times is dit moeilik om te glo ons kan nie meer die foon optel of gou ’n e-pos na Fanie Krige met al ons navrae stuur nie. As woordvoerder en bestuurder van kommunikasie én die burgemeesterskantoor by Overstrandmunisipaliteit (OM), was hy al die jare ons bron van inligting, altyd gereed om ons navrae te kanaliseer na die regte afdeling en die regte persoon. En nog belangriker, met sy joernalistieke agtergrond was dit nooit nodig om die druk van spertye aan Fanie te verduidelik nie. Die einde van dié verhouding het skielik gekom en verlede Vrydag was sy laaste dag op kantoor. “Ek het geruime tyd reeds die gewaarwording dat ek by die Overstrand-munisipaliteit in ’n doodloopstraat was wat loopbaanontwikkeling en -vordering betref,” sê Fanie. “Ek het besef, en teenoor myself erken, dit beteken net een ding: ek moet aanbeweeg. Veral as ek my Godgegewe talente behoorlik wil aanwend en benut, ook tot verryking van ander.” Fanie sê hy is onder die indruk dat mens se lewe in siklusse werk. “Ek is nou deur ’n vrugbare ‘somerseisoen’ waarin ek uitermate produktief was en my tyd aan ’n groot verskeidenheid praktyke verwant aan kommunikasie gewy

het. Nou betree ek willens en wetens ’n soort ‘herfs’, waarin ek die geleenthede wat deur ’n sabbatsverlof gebied word, sal benut vir navorsing en beplanning.” Dit klink nie of Fanie lank gaan stil sit nie. Daar is onder meer ’n historiese roman met ’n familiesage as sentrale tema aan die broei, waaraan hy reeds werk, en hy sou ook graag by filmproduksie betrokke wil raak. Sy vrou, Lisel, is die wykraadslid vir Bettysbaai, waar hulle al die afgelope 17 jaar woon. Die twee Krige-kinders woon in Kaapstad en is reeds besig om hul eie potjies in die lewe te krap. Imar (31) is ’n onafhanklike grafiese ontwerper en getroud met Tamara, ’n onderwyser, terwyl Nadia (27) ’n inhoudsbestuurder van News24 se reisblad is. Met ’n rits akademiese kwalifikasies wat Fanie behaal het by verskeie universiteite, insluitend ’n honneursgraad in die joernalistiek van die US, het Fanie oor die jare ’n magdom kennis en ervaring opgedoen as joernalis (onder meer by Beeld), en as skakelbeampte by die SWA Gebiedsmag in Windhoek en die stadsraad van Pretoria.

Nuus News

Gentle giant passes away

Jan Terblanche died in hospital on Wednesday morning.

Hy was die afgelope 16 jaar verbonde aan die plaaslike munisipaliteit, eers as stadsekretaris op Kleinmond, en met die herindeling van munisipaliteite in 2000 is hy opgeneem in die nuwe Overstrandmunisipaliteit. Nadat hy as interim assistentmunisipale bestuurder waargeneem het, is hy in 2003 aangestel as bestuurder: kommunikasie, kantoor van die burgemeester. “Dit was lekker om seker meer as ’n derde van my produktiewe loopbaan by OM, een van die voorste munisipaliteite in die land waar baie baanbrekerswerk gedoen word, deur te bring.” Fanie sê hy het in sy rol as woordvoerder voortdurend gebou op twee beginsels wat hy in sy vroegste opleiding as joernalis en kom-

Fanie Krige, wat onlangs bedank het as kommunikasiebestuurder van die Overstrand-munisipaliteit.


munikasiekundige geleer het, naamlik: soek die waarheid en bewerkstellig wedersydse begrip tussen die partye in ’n kommunikasieproses. “Die Hermanus Times het nog altyd ’n goeie indruk geskep, met sy fasilitering van lesersmenings en -betrokkenheid. Dit het my taak vergemaklik, al was die vrae en klagtes soms tameletjies om te hanteer.” Ons gaan hom beslis mis. Bekwaam, vriendelik en bedagsaam, met ’n skatkis van kennis en insig, het Fanie altyd reggestaan om ons tegemoet te kom.

Well-known Sandbaai resident Jan Terblanche, better known as Jan Transvaal (47), passed away in the Hermanus Mediclinic on Wednesday morning. On 26 July, an accident in a quiet street in Sandbaai left him seriously injured. Terblanche was on his son’s motorbike in Piet Retief Street when he was in a collision with a bakkie. EMR ambulance services rushed him to hospital where he was treated for several injuries, including broken ribs, a skull fracture and serious internal injuries. According to Hermanus SAPS spokesperson lieutenant Fadila September, Terblanche was released from hospital a few weeks later, but two weeks ago he was taken to hospital again, presumably as result of his injuries, where he passed away on 4 September. His friends describe Terblanche as a gentle giant with a heart of gold. Terblanche leaves behind his wife, Jonene, and two sons, Rian and JJ. Funeral arrangements were not known by the time of going to print.

Hermanus Times

Nuus News

5 September, 2013

Champions of peace and order CILENE BEKKER

build our new disciplined society in which we can enjoy a good life and always take others into consideration. One in which A certificate ceremony was held on 28 we will inform the field workers when a August in the municipal auditorium party is planned and agree until when it for 105 Zwelihle field workers who sucwill carry on, and one in which naughty cessfully completed their training in children messing up streets or vandalising getting to know the municipal bylaws. property will be reported to their parents.” The mayor reminded them not to take “It was not an easy road but we made the law in their own hands, but to report it. I am proud to say that these candidates situations to the law enforcers or police. are our eyes and ears now that they underAt the ceremony, each of the fieldworstand the bylaws,” said Senior Inspector Nelson Nkanunu, Cllr. Vuyani Macotha (Ward 12), kers received a certificate and those who Zingani Tshefu, who headed and coordi- Coenie Groenewald (municipal manager), Cllr. had a 100% pass rate also received medals nated their training. Caroline Mandindi, Cllr. Moira Opperman (mayor(featured in the photos). The Zwelihle street committee project al committee member: Protection Services), Mayor Special thanks were given to Councillor was launched a few months ago to fulfil Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, Cllr. Mzameni Mshenxiswa Caroline Mandindi, who helped round up a constitutional local government objec- (Ward 5) and Zingani Tshefu. the groups over weekends and collected ID tive – to promote a safe and healthy environment. Coupled with that is the involve- so many people are willing to give up lots of information to form a database. Entertainment was provided by opera singment of communities in matters of local go- their free time to look after the safety of others vernment, said Mayor Nicolette Botha- in the community. And as I cautioned you at er Nelson Nkanunu, the Life Changing Worthe launch of this programme, you will have shippers singers and a highly entertaining Guthrie. The training sessions were done over week- to take on this lifestyle of keeping order and Michael Jackson “Thriller” dance item by a ends, and the fieldworkers were divided into caring for others for the rest of your live.” group of fire fighters. The field workers will receive further “It may become difficult at times, and we groups of twenty. The mayor thanked all for accepting this know you are not going to be popular with training in first aid and tending fires, and the obligation, saying: “It is heartwarming that the criminal elements, but this is the way to project will soon be rolled out to Kleinmond.

Punyezwa Gloria Rasmeni

Mkwenkwese Bokolo

Luyanda Cekiso

Ntombizanele Saul

Damian Coert

The oldest field worker, Amos Fumanekile Nogantsho.

Ntembiso Gladwin Bulawa

Dumisani Wilberforce Dondolo

VW Hermanus www.rolavwhermanus.co.za Tel: 028 313 6084

ONE STEP AHEAD - See page 5

Lindelwa Mabuya

Nomzamo Sigwayi

Sigwili Mahlamvu

Ncebakazi Mdodana

Zoleka Silekwa

Khathazile Daule

Thabisa Mcinjana



Hermanus Times

Mense People

5 September, 2013

Bot River wine community celebrates arrival of spring HEDDA MITTNER The warm-hearted Bot River wine community welcomed food and wine lovers at various participating wine farms this weekend during the annual Bot River Spring Festival. On Saturday it may have been cold and wet outside but under the marquee at Rivendell Estate festival-goers were kept warm and cosy while three teams cooked up a storm in the Bot-Pot potjiekos competition. Their potjies had to be paired with Van Hunks Pumpkin Ale and presented to a panel of judges. Other activities included trout fishing, olive pip spitting, tractor rides, food and wine pairings, braais and live music at Barton Vineyards, Wildekrans, Gabriëlskloof, Beaumont, Maremmana and Benguela Cove. On Sunday the sun made its appearance in honour of Spring Day, enabling visitors to Beaumont to take a walk around the farm and visit the historic water mill, before sitting down to a festive three course meal in the barrel cellar accompanied by wines from Beaumont and bubbly from Genevieve MCC.

TALENTED HOMESCHOOLERS: Homeschoolers Have Talent was held on was recently held at Christ Church Hermanus and the event was an evening of sharing, supporting and encouraging the diversity of talents among Overberg homeschoolers. The presentations from the students included instrumental music on piano, digital piano, recorder, flute, guitar, violin and percussion, songs, modern and ballet dances, kung fu, poems, topical oral and powerpoint presentations, show-and-tell and humour in storytelling. There were smiles all-round as the students received certificates for their enthusiastic participation. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Jaci Less and her daughter, Sadé Hickman, made up the Bot-Pot team from Wine & Co, and won the prize for the best made-up and dressed team. PHOTOS: HEDDA MITTNER

Ivan Kruger and Gail Santer from the Bamboo Beach team won two categories with their pulled pork Vietnamese sandwiches – for best presentation and best tasting, as well as for the craziest pot – in Rivendell’s Bot-Pot competition on Saturday.

Celia and Rayno Rabie from Burgundy restaurant in Hermanus enjoy a glass of Beaumont’s latest vintage of Rosé before lunch. It was their first visit to Beaumont and they were enchanted.

MURDER SHE WROTE: The Whale Coast Conservation murder mystery evening was a resounding success judging by the full house of ‘sleuths’ who arrived at the Green House in Vermont on Friday night. The objective of the event, besides interrogating suspects to name the guilty party, was to raise funds for the WCC Eco-Learning programme. Among the sleuths were Doug and Merna Peiser, Bill and Margaret Cunningham and Jamie Hart. PHOTOS: CILENE BEKKER

Lyndall and Andrew Murray enjoyed the evening. They sat at table 5 where the majority vote for the perpetrator and his accomplice went to the chief chemist David Gloom and Ms Ambi Shun.

Enjoying their ale at Rivendell on Saturday are (from left) Brandon Scorgie, Danie Hattingh and Jerome Kennedy.

Wrapped up warmly with Bells at hand for inner warmth are Delene Daneel, Louise and Marius de Klerk, Linda Zaaiman and John Cowan. Prof. Emeritus and geneticist Nancy van Heerden questions Liefie Green, the slightly dotty and very emotional widow of the murdered Prof. Mossy Green who had developed a magic new drug and was found slumped over his desk, poisoned.

Anina Lee (left) played the part of a wealthy industrialist, Mrs PhyllAnne Thropic a ‘close’ friend of the murdered Prof. Green. With Anina is Prof. Valerie Corfield, the facilitator of the murder mystery. Known as the Prof. of DNA, Valerie (now semi-retired) is a medical scientist, was associate professor at the University of Stellenbosch and works with the DNA Project as a trainer.

Celebrating spring day at Beaumont Wines on Sunday are (from left) Bettina Schulz from Cape Town, Leon Engelke and Melissa Nelsen (the winemaking team of Genevieve MCC), winemaker Sebastian Beaumont, Shay Davis from Cape Town and John Rauch from Hermanus.

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Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

5 September, 2013

Jennifer is the KFC Hermanus Local Hero Jennifer Coetzer was nominated the winner of the KFC Hermanus Local hero competition, and received R5 000 cash and a further R10 000 for equipment for the Anima Therapy Centre in Sandbaai where she teaches special needs children.

Michael Andrews, KFC Boland Area Manager, hands Jennifer Coetzer her cheque. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

“We received numerous wonderful nominations for the KFC Hermanus Local hero competition and it was a very difficult task to choose a winner,” says KFC Boland Area Manager, Michael Andrews. This initiative paid homage to those who not only care about the local community but take an active role in improving the lives of others. The Anima Therapy Centre is a non-profit organisation which caters for and educates children with global developmental delay, cerebral dysfunction, down’s syndrome, autism, epilepsy and serious speech impairments. “Jennifer has an inborn touch

and understanding for these children, she looks past their appearances and behaviour. She never received formal training, but with the assistance of of an occupational therapist and attending many courses, had successes in integrating these children in society by teaching them basic life skills,” says Andrews. Anima receives no government or other funding and is dependent on help from the community and fundraising events. The other three finalists were Les Abbot, Ria Acker and Jenny Sauls. Abbot is a local architect and chairperson of the Hermanus Homeless Night Shelter committee. He is also involved with the Elim Home for severely cerebral palsied children where he designed and facilitated the building of a sensory pathway for the home. Acker, known as “tannie Ria van die Hoërskool”, runs a feeding scheme for needy children and


their families. Each child gets a sandwich daily during break time, and a soup kitchen and food parcels provide sustenance to needy families. Funds for this is generated by a paper-recycling project. She also acts as mentor for the Junior Town Council. Jenny Sauls was the one that got the community leaders of Mount Pleasant to join forces in order to save the Lombardi Centre for the Aged after Sofca could no longer afford to run the centre in January 2012. At Lombardi they feed 37 elderly people on daily basis and also provide cultural, spiritual, physical, educational and recreational activities. Jenny runs a vegetable garden in order to prepare the meals. “Thank you to each and every person that made the effort of compiling and handing in a nomination, as well as those unsung heroes that make a difference in the Overstrand community, said Andrews.”

U3A celebrates their 10th birthday in the Overberg More and more people in many societies are retiring from full time work and finding that they are as physically active and intellectually curious as they have ever been. This is somewhat at odds with the existing activities thought suitable for retired persons – leisure pastimes such as golf, watching sport, gardening, reading for entertainment – and, no wonder, television watching is fast becoming the favourite activity of the retired community. It was only fully realised in the 1970s that people retiring in developed societies were better educated, had more relevant life experience and more energy than previous generations which sought peace and quiet in a restful atmosphere. Also – critical point – retirees were going to live much longer. The phrase “sixty is the new forty” was coined and retirement now regularly runs to 20 years and longer. Medical research also played a part as it was conclusively shown that deterioration of intellectual facilities, especially memory, could be slowed down and even reversed by active participation in educational programmes. The first University of the Third Age (U3A) branch opened in the United Kingdom in 1982. Its founders emphasised the “self-help’’ aspect of the movement. Not only was the branch to be independent of any other organisation, it would be administered by its members only and the large majority of the educational mate-

rial would be supplied by members, for fellowmembers. The U3A went off with a “big bang” and, like the universe, it continues to expand. It now operates in 40 counties (including China and India) and has 42 000 branches worldwide. South Africa is a relative latecomer, with the first branch being established in Cape Town in 2000. There are now 25 branches in five provinces with 10 000 members. U3A in Overberg started in 2003 and celebrates its 10th birthday on 12 September. It has been a very active branch. It has held nearly 900 meetings, most of an educational nature, attended by 30 000 people. It has organised 211 courses (of 3-36 classes each) attended by nearly 60 000 people. The largest numbers of topics of the meetings have been: science and technology; South Africa; environment; history and medical issues. The most popular courses have been computer skills; literature; science; film appreciation and music appreciation. Many new friendships have been made. Membership tends to fluctuate, and now stands at 475, having reached a high of 752 in 2008. Of the present members 62 (13%) have been members for the entire 10 years. If you are interested in joining U3A please phone the membership secretary Graham Palmer at grahampalmer@telkomsa.net or 028 314 1167.

The U3A Overberg’s courses and presentations are well attended by members and non-members each week. Members of the U3A Overberg Management Committee include (back row from left) Robin Lee, David Boobyer and Gert Claassen and in front (from left) Graham Palmer, Letitia Snyman and Penny Charteris. Not present for the photo, but part of the committee is Allan Powell (chairperson), Rosalind Hendry and Barbara Pretorius. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG


Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

5 September, 2013


SWISS ALPS? Not quite, but equally spectacular. This view of snowcapped mountains and undulating green fields near Villiersdorp was captured by a Fisherhaven resident on Friday 30 August. For more photos see the photo gallery on www.hermanustimes.co.za.

Goue jare verwoes Hermanus is ’n mooi dorp. ’n Plek wat jou aanspoor en inspireer om hier te woon, te werk, kinders groot te maak en finaal nes te skop en af te tree. Maar soms kom daar ’n donker wolk wat jou drome en rustigheid verpletter. Soos wat nou, weer, met die afgetrede egpaar in Westcliff gebeur het. Hul menswees en goue jare is deur onmenslike dade verwoes. Hoe traumaties moet dit nie wees om te hoor hoe jou vrou aangeval word en jy is nie fisiek in staat om te kan help nie. En erger nog, om in jou eie huis oorrompel en aangeval te word, wetende jy het nie die krag om jou teen die boosaard te verdedig nie. Tannie, Oom, daar is nie genoeg woorde om medelye te betoon nie. Wat sê ’n mens? Lewens is verwoes, vir altyd. Vir wat? Polisie en speurders, jaag en vang die skurk. Wees noukeurig met die ondersoek en dokumentasie. Maak seker die skuldige sit vir die res van sy lewe in ’n sel, ver weg verwyder van die samelewing, vir altyd.

Hermanus ‘prententious’? Gmf! Wesley Kotze apparently thinks that the professorial handle he so carefully appends to his name gives him the authority to sound off about the “pretentious holiday resort” he supposes Hermanus to be. Why did he come to Hermanus in “previous years” if it is so pretentious? Why suddenly did the inhabitants of Hermanus become so “unfriendly”? Is it because Mr Kotze came across as a pretentious and unfriendly customer and pretty full of himself, as his letter suggests he is? As a layman, without any professorial authority on holiday resorts, pretentious or otherwise, I can confirm from years of living in Hermanus, that its inhabitants do appreciate the influx of visitors and their contribution to lower municipal rates. At least “Prof” Kotze got his sums right. He just didn’t have a clue how to interpret them.

IZAK KENNEY HERMANUS HEIGHTS Opinions via SMS: ) A letter by Professor Wesley Kotze printed in the HT dated 29 August 2013 wrote the following: “I find your inhabitants very unfriendly and annoyed by the influx of visitors, forgetting that such visitors contribute to a substantial reduction in municipal rates.” Huh? The good professor was surely joking . . . right? - HG ) Professor Kotze should rather stay at home. We don’t need him in our “unfriendly pretentious holiday resort”. What a cheek!


Respect cultures of the rainbow nation The recent traditional slaughtering at the new harbour, and the offence caused in your letters column when it was called barbaric, warrants a better and in-depth understanding. Clarity on traditional slaughtering is documented in the “Dictionary of cults, sects, religions and the occult” (Matter and Nichols): “The practice of offering up an animal to a deity is done in order to placate or appease. The concept of sacrifice is as old as religion itself, and plays a central role in the Bible as well. Sacrifice involves the shedding of blood. In Jewish and Christian circles this was done to atone for sins. In the New Testament Jesus Christ became the one blood sacrifice for Christians.” The act of slaughtering offended a reader because it was done in public, but a vegetarian may well argue that the gruesome slaughtering in the abattoir is equally barbaric and offensive. As Thozamile Stuurman pointed out, a better understanding and greater tolerance would only surface in South Africa if there is a better understanding of the diverse cultures that

make up the so-called Rainbow Nation. In my opinion the time is due for the Hermanus Times to publish a few articles that would enlighten its readers about the different cultures that make up our local society.


Opinions via SMS: ) We’re not judging your culture. You can do what you want and need to do – just not in public. Keep it your side, because it’s not our culture and never will be. – M. Rive ) Thozamile Stuurman. We are not saying you are barbaric, but the act of the slaughtering of an animal in public is barbaric. If you expect us to respect your traditions, then we expect you to respect our way of living in our town. – Annalene Southwood ) Thank you Thozamile for your letter. I’m so grateful that some people still have a proud culture to practise. They had permission and their space should have been respected without a reaction of fearful terror by people who have no culture or tolerance in our society.

Well done, Rodrick the meter reader On Thursday 8 August I received a call from a Ms Myburg from the Overstrand Municipality’s meter reading department. She informed me that a meter reader, Rodrick, had called and reported that the water meter is running but there is no one on the premises. She asked permission to close the main water supply to my property to prevent further water loss and possible damage. Ms Myburg then suggested that she will call Rodrick and ask him to return to the property to turn off the water. She will also ask Rodrick to call me if he notices any damage or leaking pipes or taps. Some time later I received a call from Rodrick to inform me that he had turned off the main water supply. He also looked around but was not able to

notice any problems related to running water or wet floors. The following day I travelled to Onrus and was very relieved to find all was in order. Shortly after arriving, Rodrick also arrived and I thanked him for his truly kind service. The cause of the running meter is still under investigation. Most likely it was a toilet. As a result the main water tap will now be closed whenever the house is not occupied. The service of Ms Myburg and Rodrick needs to be complimented. They are an example to all – Overberg Municipality can be proud to have such people in their service. Thank you to the Overstrand municipal team for doing a good job.


Stanford se barmhartige Samaritaan Die gesinne Prins en Titus van Fabriekstraat, Stanford wil graag hul buurvrou, Filencia Mgear, bedank vir haar onbaatsugtige hulp Woensdag 28 Augustus. Weens die baie reën was toegang tot hul huise nie moontlik nie . Sy het dadelik vir Graig Niemand van die plaaslike brandweer geskakel wat gereël het dat ’n riooltenkwa die water kom uitpomp. Sy

Badisa sê dankie Hermanus Senior Sentrum (Badisa) sê dankie aan almal in die gemeenskap wat ’n bydrae gelewer het tot die sukses van hulle basaar wat Saterdag 31 Augustus gehou is. Die fondse sal aangewend word vir noodsaaklike versorgingsdienste aan die bejaardes in die gemeenskap. Badisa would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the fete on Saturday 31 Augustus. The funds will be utilised towards much needed homecare services for the elderly in our community.


Reconsider pensioners when considering rates The letter from DH Buttner in the Hermanus Times dated 29 August 2013 and the reply from the Overstrand Muncipality refers. There may have been an anomaly with regard to refuse collection from complexes where there are fewer bins than households. However, the council’s remedy for this is inequitable. The refuse van does not enter our complex nor do refuse collectors go to each individual home. We still have to take our refuse to a collection point. So the council scores big time: much more money for no extra work. What is fair about that?


Mediclinic is tops Hiermee wil ons graag die uitmuntende verplegingspan van Saal A bedank vir al die sorg en liefde waarmee elkeen van hulle vir ons geliefde Debbie Wessels versorg het tydens haar hospitalisasie met haar siekte. Haar laaste dae was gevul met soveel wat goed en mooi is. Ons familie, sowel as besoekers, was met groot omsigtigheid hanteer en vertroos in die baie moeilike tyd. Aan dr, Scheepers, dr. Tilla Muller en vriend Freddie Enslin en al die personeel – woorde is nie genoeg om dankie te sê. Baie dankie.


We need your vote

het ook die kinders en ouers van waterskoene voorsien en ook gesorg dat die gesinne aandete kon geniet. Augustusmaand is ook The Month of Compassion. Dankie dat jy gestalte daaraan kon gee. Almal in Fabriekstraat is trots op jou Filencia, en net so ook op Graig.


Last week’s Hermanus Times website opinion poll asked: Are you part of a Neighbourhood Watch? 20% said: “Yes I am contributing to the safety of my suburb," and 40% said: “ No, but I am grateful to those in my area who are”; 40% said they would be part of a neighbourhood watch if their area had one. See new poll at www.hermanustimes.co.za and vote.

Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

5 September, 2013

) With each of the Vermont break­ins, has anyone

noticed if there was a similarity between all the houses that were targeted? Did any of them have one or more big dogs that slept inside? Think about getting yourselves sleep­in, large dogs, but only if your property size is big enough. A well trained, well loved and well exercised big dog is so worth its keep.– T ) Sal al die dames wat so vra vir ’n buurtwag in Vermont saamstaan, ’n vergadering reël en ’n buurtwag stig? Of wil julle net op die kantlyn staan en skree en verwag ander mense moet ’n gratis diens vir die gemeenskap lewer terwyl julle rustig slaap?– ERNA ) Ha­ha, ek verkoop my huis en gaan bly waar dit veiliger is.Waar in Suid­Afrika is dit nog veilig? Laat my ook weet asseblief.– J.P. ) Wie skep nou tariewe vir vullisverwydering? Onrus Close het 100 eenhede met net 25 vullisblik­ ke vir die hele kompleks. Met ander woorde, ons betaal R3 500 p.m. vir 25 vullisblikke. Ek verstaan nie hoe die munisipaliteit hul berekeninge bepaal nie.– M.K. ) Waarom wil die munisipaliteit nie besigheidsor­ ganisasies op die wykskomitees hê nie? Dit is dan die amptelike kommunikasiekanaal met die ge­ meenskap. Of het besighede nie ’n stem in ons dorp nie? Wat ’n skande.– KOOS ) Die bedrag wat ons betaal vir huur van grond in Paradise Park is enorm. Die huise behoort aan ons self. Al wat ons kry, is vullisverwydering een­ maal per week. Dis ’n skande om so ’n enorme bedrag te betaal vir grond wat jy self in stand moet hou. Daar is nie eens ordentlike paaie nie.– INWONER VAN PARK ) The municipality is infamous for mowing tracts of open spaces just as the spring flowers appear each year! What is with the management that they can’t wait a few weeks so that everyone can enjoy the beauty at this time of the year?– SADDENED AND ANNOYED ) Could it be possible to paint the Magistrate’s Court? It is really an eyesore. ) Kan iemand wat meer gesag as ek het iets doen vir die arme twee honde wat elke dag saam met die haweloses gekarwei word? Hulle word met ’n kort leiband aan ’n winkeltrollie vasgemaak en moet die hele dag so deurbring. Ek dink nie dis vir hulle lekker nie. ) Pick n Pay must tell customers why the shop don’t take RCS cards any more. Then we can go shop at Checkers. ) Plastic bread tags for the Camphill wheelchair project can be dropped off at Europa coffee shop in Village Square. They are a collection point. ) From this month I will grocery shop at a different store until a certain chain store treats their staff

with respect.– M ) New name for Whale Festival, “The 3 F’s Whale of a Time Festival. “Fun ­ Food ­ Fitness”. ) To the lady who complained about the huge black dog in Canterbury Road: Please put your cat on a lead. It is catching all the birds in the bush.– BIRD LOVER ) Welcome Jonty and Caroline to our friendly holi­ day resort. This is the best place in the country. ) Wheelchair access in town is being obstructed by signs erected on our pavements.– D.A. KRIEL ) I got so excited reading about adventurer Rich­ mond MacIntyre’s amazing exploits that I nearly missed my mid­morning nap.– PATRICK ) Dankie vir twee dames wat heerlike sop bedien het vir pasiënte wat wag op medikasie by Mount Pleasant kliniek 28 Augustus. Waardeer dit opreg. ) To the young lady at Hermanus Fruit and Veg: Thank you for always smiling and helping by car­ rying my bags to my car.– SANDY ) I was battling for more than an hour to get Maris­ ka’s key out of her locked car when the Papenfus Group appeared and took the keys out in five min­ utes. Thank you guys.– J.C. ) I recently have had major problems with my cell, and had no help from the Vodago shops here. I then went to the MaXcell shop, and had excellent service from Nikita there. Well done, and keep up the good work.– GARY LANCELLES ) Pasop vir Vodacom. Hulle “blacklist” sonder be­ wyse, rekening of brief. ) To Vodacom Hermanus: A big thank you to your staff and management for your very efficient serv­ ice. Always smiling and friendly.– M. KRUGER ) Pragtige diens van Ronel by Bargain Books, Ga­ teway. Kort meer van haar kaliber in Hermanus. ) My WhatsApp needed upgrading. I went to Vo­ dacom for help. They said R100. Cell C across the road did it for nothing and a smile.– PAM ) I want to compliment Hannes and Glassfit on the outstanding service last Friday late afternoon in coming out and repairing my window broken during that terrible storm.– HILARY ) Supa Quick continues to deliver exceptional service. They bend over backwards for their clients and should be recommended.– B. WOLF ) My hi­fi I purchased in Johannesburg in 1971 packed up. The first local expert I approached for a fix, said impossible. Too old. My house now re­ verberates with my favourite classics because Quintin of Video and TV clinic rose to the challenge and made me a very happy customer. Our “dorp” needs more of his ilk.– COLONEL MOODY ) Thousands of used postage stamps free. Contact Pierre at 082 374 1473.– P. VAN NIEKERK ) Lions Club Hermanus invites all ex­Lions and all those interested to serve the community, to our monthly meeting on Tuesday 10 August, at 18:30 for 19:00 at the Wine Village Forum, Hemel en Aarde Village. Phone 082 455 8901.– NIEL ) Winkeleienaars – Ritcarlo verhaal die verhoog­ de elektrisiteitdeposito van die huurder van die perseel. Die krag is op Ritcarlo se naam by die Overstrand­munsipaliteit.

A cloud blanket will hang over the Overstrand with a mild wind of 4 kp/h, but until this happens on Saturday, enjoy the next day or two filled with a tiny bit of sunshine. Buckets full of coldness will start up on Saturday afternoon and about 7 mm of rain is expected until Wednesday next week.

Educate potential owners to care for their pets I am wondering today what the Animal Welfare stands for. Is it really for the welfare of the animals? This week I witnessed a mother dog and puppies taken from Zwelihle to the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) by a very caring person. Apparently, she gave a donation, so the mother and pups were taken in. The same week I found a small puppy in the township that was not eating. I asked the owner why the dog was not taken to the welfare and she replied that they could not afford it. I then took the dog in my car to the animal welfare, with the young girl who is the owner of the puppy. I explained to the welfare that the dog was sick and not eating. The man in charge said I must give it to one of the helpers to look at. I said I thought it should be looked at by a vet, but he said the helper would know if the dog was sick. We were then told to leave the dog there, so I imagine, if you have no money, the dog will be put down. I realise that Haws cannot afford to run the place with no money, but I would suggest that they run classes for adults and children to teach them that before they take on a dog it must be fed, given water every day and they must take a walk with the dog for exercise. I feel things will never change if people are not educated and not held responsible. I think Haws would be successful if they do


regular checks on the dogs in the township, giving them injections rather than paying out cash to put the dogs down. Perhaps the government could be approached to make things a bit better for the animals? Also, perhaps some of the vets should be asked to assist one day a month to help some of the animals? All people seem to be interested in today is money, money, money.

JOYCE RAWSTORNE, HERMANUS Ilze Smith, chairperson, Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (Haws), answers: I am aware of the puppy in question. The puppy was examined by the clinic assistant, who in turn summoned the vet to attend to the puppy. The vet then took the decision that it was not viable to treat the animal due to the fact that it was suffering from an advanced state of Parvo, so the decision was made to euthanase the animal. Haws employees make regular visits during the day as well as evenings to the poorer communities to dip, de-worm, feed and vaccinate animals. During this time we also educate owners regarding responsibilities of owning an animal. We never refuse treatment due to none payment. If an animal is so seriously ill or injured, Haws is not in a financial position to offer expensive veterinary services without payment. I wish to reiterate that Haws depends entirely on public donations in order to exist.

Brokkies uit die verlede – Kleinbaai SJ DU TOIT Die ou naam van die dorp was Vandyksbaai. Flip van Dyk van Napier het ’n deel van Kleinbaai besit en met die uitmeet van erwe begin. Erwe is destyds teen ongeveer £25 stuks verkoop en onder Vandyksbaai geregistreer. In 1942 is die naam na Kleinbaai verander oor die “klein baai” vanwaar skuite uitgegaan het see toe. Vandag is Vandyksbaai net op transportaktes. ’n Bekende baken in Kleinbaai is die swart rots, Black Sophie, in die see. Dis vernoem na Black Sophie wat ’n berugte Negerin aan die Kaap was wat ’n bordeel begin het. Sy het ’n boodskap gekry dat daar op Dyereiland 40 eensame mans werk wat al gedreig het om te staak as gevolg van die afsondering. Sophie laai toe twee

bokwaens vol gesellinne en karwei hulle oor die Gantoupas (nou Sir Lowryspas) en by die teenswoordige Kleinbaai slaan hulle die tentpenne in. Deesdae is dit net die rots wat aan daardie eskapade herinner. Ná Flip van Dyk se dood in 1942 het Chris van der Merwe die hele gebied gekoop en die strandplekkie is verder ontwikkel. Teen die een rant het jare lank ’n aantal dubbeldekbusse gestaan waarin strandgangers hul vakansies deurgebring het. Rûensboere het gereeld rondom die getypoel kom uitspan – veral na oestyd en voor die saaityd. Kleinbaai is bekend vir lekker vars vis en inwoners en besoekers geniet ook die luukse van ’n eie gholfbaan. Buiten ’n aantal afgetredenes, woon daar in Kleinbaai ook nog jonger garde wat elders werk.

Emmersvol winter­ koue op pad Die winterweer hang soos ’n klerehanger onder die Kaap. Hy hang met ’n wolke-laken onder die Overstrand wat in ’n briesie van 4 km/h wapper. Die briesie was gister al genoeg om mens die skrik op die lyf te jaag met nog ’n front wat op pad was, maar die troos ná die skrik is dat ons Donderdagoggend opstaan met ’n son wat skyn. Selfs Jannie die stompstert mak akkedis wat by Weerhaan ingetrek het, sal dit weer buite waag. Die afgelope weke was ’n moeilike tyd ook vir die voëls van die veld en Jannie se stert was kos vir ’n spreeu. Daardie wolkbank 80 km van ons af, in die diepsee, vertel egter nie ’n koebaaistorie nie. Hier kom nog ’n emmer vol winterkoue die naweek en die son moet vandag en môre maar deeglik benut word soos om klam klerekaste bietjie uit te hang. Daar is na elfuur Donderdag vir Overstranders ontvlugting van die koue wanneer die kwik vinnig van 10° tot 16° styg. Dit wys dat die grond besig om uit te droog en die son vinniger die koue kan help bestry. Bekyk ons die verbygaande front van nader sien ons dat hy selfs die Oos-Kaap gaan mis maar die gordyne is reeds oop vir die volgende toneel van vanjaar se winteropvoering. Ons word Vrydagoggend weer met 13 °C wakker en teen elfuur is dit nog laer voordat dit in die middag stadig terug kruip na 17 °C en deur die nag so bly. Dan die slegte nuus. Die lakenwolk aan die kle-

rehanger het natter en dikker geword. Die wolke is laer en Saterdagoggend is ons toe onder die wolke-laken. Jannie is dan voor elfuur terug agter die melkkan in Weerhaan se hok en sal ’n mespuntjie biltongpoeier kry om hom te troos terwyl sy stert weer aangroei. Maar buite vertel die lyftaal van die voëls dis laaste sien van die blikkantien en die patryse kom staan langnek by die agterdeur vir brood. So gaan dit met ons onder die wolke tot Sondagoggend wanneer die noordwes hulle weer effens terug stoot en kerkgangers met hoop vul dat die ergste nie erger kán word nie. Met die weer kan mens egter nie onderhandel nie en teen Dinsdag kry die suidoos die laaste sê en waai nog nattigheid in ons gesig. Die weerkantoor reken dat 7 mm tot Woensdagoggend kan uitsak. Die son kom Donderdag uit maar die beste wat hy kan doen is om die koue op 9 °C vas te pen.


Hermanus Times

Kuns Arts

5 September, 2013

Bloody indeed CILENE BEKKER Hemingways bursts with books of all genres and ages amidst displays of quirky and antique objects. Add to this a gathering of around 20 people, carefully manoeuvring past one another and platefuls of snacks perched precariously on all available surfaces and you have the perfect setting for a cosy evening.

LOCAL ARTIST OPENS NEW STUDIO AND SHOWROOM: Lize van der Walt held an open house exhibition at her Voëlklip home on Women’s Day last month. The event was also attended by Lize’s mom, well-known actress Wilna Snyman (right) and Antoinette Kellerman (left) who was in Hermanus for the Kalfiefees. Exhibiting with her was artist Nico van Rensburg with his striking portraits and David Tranter with his beautiful wooden sculptures. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

The reason for the gathering recently was to celebrate the inclusion of a crime story, written by co-owner Beth Hunt, in the short story crime anthology Bloody Satisfied. The editor of the anthology, Joanne Hichens had launched a competition inviting established and fresh new crime writers to send in their stories. Over 200 entries were received and Beth’s story, Treemoney was one of the 24 chosen to appear in the book. Hichens said Beth’s story enhanced the mix of stories. “Not all can be guts and gore and her story was a refreshing look at ‘crime’.” Beth’s story revolves around the rape of the environment. She explains the story basically fell into her lap. “A client in my shop talked about the felling of pines at Baardskeerdersbos and I just let my mind go. As simple as that. No research. Found my muse and the words came pouring out.” Beth mentioned that since she had won an SA PEN/ Studzinski Literary Award in 2011, out of 700 entries, there has been no stopping her putting her pen and thoughts to paper. “It’s wonderful to receive recognition for my writing. Since then, whenever I have a moment, I write. It is difficult because we have a shop to run, but that doesn’t deter me.” Sharing the company of Beth’s story in Bloody Satisfied are chilling, sinister, twist-in-the-tale South-African crime stories, some of which made me reel at the guile and arrogance of the perpetrators, and not wishing for the story to linger in my mind at all. This should be a bloody satisfying read to those who love the genre.

Beth Hunt and Moira van der Merwe PHOTO’S: CILENE BEKKER

KOM LUISTER NA ’N DIGTERSTEM: Op Vrydag 13 September sal plaaslike digter/skrywer Sheridene Louw (S.V. Louw) ’n versameling kulturele gedigte opvoer, asook ’n voorlesing doen uit haar boek My reënboogstem. “Ek gaan ook twee kortverhale voorlees uit my boek getiteld My kortverhale, waarvan een ’n spookstorie is,” sê Sheridene. Dié boeke sal eersdaags in drukvorm beskikbaar wees by Aberdeen Books. Sy nooi belangstellendes en vriende van digkuns hartlik uit na dié aand by die munisipale ouditorium, van 20:00 tot 21:00. Kaartjies kos R50 en is te koop by die deur of by Sheridene self. Bel haar by 076 770 2829.


Joanne Hichens and Fabio Lenci

Hettie Hull from The Book Cottage (middle) with Eddie and Desyia Davies

The Write Girls publish their first book, a whodunnit

Also exhibiting at Lize’s new studio/showroom is fellow artist Nico van Rensburg (here next to one of his portraits). The exhibition can be viewed by appointment over weekends and from 10:00 to 14:00 during the week. For more information contact Lize on 076 155 9015.

ARTS & BOOKS LISTING Abalone Gallery AeroMarine Art Gallery Art Thirst Bargain Books Bellinis Gallery & Cappuccino Bar Bookmark Frames for Africa Gallery Number 10 Gallery Sixty Four Glasfeetjie Stained Glass Studio Harbour Art Gallery & Studio Hemel & See Boeke Izibini Life Lounge Art Gallery Lembu Gallery Lucia Lamprecht Mission House Gallery Old Harbour Gallery Originals Art gallery & framing Pure South Rossouw Modern Art Gallery Shelly Art Gallery Skeppend vir my Skepper Strauss Art The Book Cottage The Onrus Gallery Tutamen Vermont Art Circle Village Gallery Walker Bay Art Gallery

028 313 2935 028 316 2783 028 313 0376 028 313 0303 028 312 4988 028 312 2000 028 313 1550 028 312 5099 028 316 4587 028 312 2444 083 359 3538 028 316 4852 084 212 2115 028 313 2741 028 316 5312 028 316 2269 028 313 2751 083 259 8869 028 312 1899 028 313 2222 072 677 6277 028 316 2443 083 680 9944 028 313 0834 028 316 2103 028 312 3422 082 835 4392 028 316 4587 028 312 2928

Here’s inspiration for budding writers or book clubs, from a group of ladies who have been meeting monthly for the past six years to discuss what they love – books and writing. The Write Girls started as a six member group. “Born out of a workshop run for The International Woman’s Club (IWC) of Cape Town, by the multifaceted Priscilla Holmes, a published author herself,” says Lynn Rowand. Six of the founder members are still with the group. At each of their monthly meetings a theme or assignment is given and short stories are written, read aloud and constructively criticized, says Lynn. Two years ago, The Write Girls published their first book – Women like us – a collection of short stories. Now seven of the team have gone one step further and published a novel, whereby each person is a different character in the book. The Write Girls are Carole Armstrong-Hooper, Giovanna Sartor, Susan Herrick, Priscilla Holmes, “It was certainly a challenge for the Lynn Rowand and Caroline Gilbert. The absent co-author of The Man with the Blue Eyes is Erika ‘team leader’ to allocate character Hauptmann. PHOTO: SUPPLIED choice. But it worked – everyone is more than happy to be addressed by their distinctive palette, yet a familiar thread of manus. “Everyone loves Hermanus, have character name when discussing the book,” love, hate, loss and passion unites all seven friends who live there and visit frequently. We have Christmassed and Eastered here in of them.” says Lynn. Lynn says, yes, there were obviously differ- the same house, for the past 40 years!” Their novel, The Man with the Blue Eyes, The launch of their new book will take place is a murder story. “It implicates seven women ences of opinion, “but the inborn respect the who have been, are and still will be involved girls have for each other overrode any lasting at the final annual meeting of the IWC on 7 November at 10:00 at Kelvin Grove in Newdisputes”. with the protagonist one way or another. The group’s long lasting friendships are ce- lands. The Man with the Blue Eyes will be “The uniqueness of this book is the manner in which each character has retained her own mented too by spending quality time in Her- available at Bookmark.

Hermanus Times

Kuns Arts

5 September, 2013

Sharks, snails and mythical sea monsters KERRY VAN RENSBURG Krabben Hood by Andrew Southey is a thriller set in Hermanus and the author’s personal experience in the business world was the catalyst for the story. Southey, a vet by profession, a businessman and one-time co-owner with fellow veterinarian Pierre Hugo of the Hermanus Times, has lived in Hermanus for 34 years. He says he was never a reader or into literature, and describes himself as a “Karoo boy” who would rather be doing something outdoors. Southey’s first novel, Krabben Hood, takes its name from a mythi-

Long-time Hermanus resident and firsttime author, Andrew Southey cal octopus-like sea monster, and revolves around the underworld of perlemoen poaching. The main character in this captivating drama is hot-shot Scorpion investigator Scott Davis, who is assigned to find out what happened to

his colleague, who was working undercover in the Hermanus area after his severed arm washed up on Pearly beach. Scott unravels a web of corruption, violence and murder which leads from Shark Alley in Gansbaai to Hermanus, Hawston and all the way to China. And in his view it all boils down to an overgrown snail. Southey’s novel has been launched on Kindle, and as a local with some understanding of the gangster-controlled perlemoen poaching problem with tentacles that stretch into the business world, the story is a gripping eye-opener and points to an ominous and deceptive monster that can drag you down with it in an instant if you aren’t wide awake.

New novel centres around faith and hope HEDDA MITTNER Rosemary Townsend recently launched her second novel, Precarious Balance, at the Catholic Church hall in Hermanus. Precarious Balance traces a year in the life of a happily married middle-aged woman with two grown sons. It is an “easy” read with an uneventful plot that centres on the main character Clare MacMillan’s attempts to hold her family together. As a staunch realist who relates better to flawed characters who fumble their way through life’s inevitable crises, Clare comes across as a little too saintly for my liking. She never fails to say the

right thing and act in the most appropriate manner as she steers her family members through troubled waters while maintaining her own “precarious balance”. There are constant references to her faith (she is constantly praying for everyone) which almost tips the novel over into the Christian literature. However, it is well written and Clare’s tale will resonate with many a female reader, especially those who regard their central role as that of wife and mother. Copies can be ordered online at www.trafford.com. The novel is also available from the author at R130 on rosemarytownsend@msn.com.

Local author Rosemary Townsend. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


Bastiaan’s work sells in the Netherlands CILENE BEKKER

Bastiaan is a self-taught artist and claims the 19th Century paintA trip to Son in the Netherlands er John Thomas Baines as an anby artist Bastiaan van Stenis and cestor. In the words of local art lovhis Hermanus-based dealer er Patrick Chapman, Bastiaan’s Joshua Rossouw from Rossouw works are visceral. “It holds you, Modern, resulted in 8 of the 22 hits you and compels you to look away, then look again. The canvas available artworks being sold. The artist’s works were exhibit- is rough, the subjects too are often rough but ed in Harrie there is emoand Ellen Sition which jbers gallery can soften the Dejavu Galery effect. Sound Podium - his draughtsfirst internamanship is tional solo exevident dehibition. spite the A jubilant gross distorRossouw on tion. He can their return certainly commented: draw.” “The mustard Bastiaan’s seed of Bas’s works have international been bought career was by major colplanted and lectors and nurtured and private invesEurope is gotors, and he ing to be slowcounts Queen ly BasterRania of Jorized.” dan as one of The exhibit his avid coldrew over 70 Mirror of my Beast by Bastiaan lectors. art lovers and van Stenis In a convercollectors from as far as Hamburg, Frankfurt sation Chapman had with Bastiaan he says Bastiaan struck him and Geneva. Great interest was generated by as a quiet person, who draws inspithe biggest work at the show (190 ration from being close to the x 140 cm) Mirror of my Beast and ocean. One of his favourite spots according to Rossouw a very disap- to chill is the Hemel-en-Aarde valpointed client was too late in his ley. When Chapman asked when decision to buy this artwork since he is at his most productive, Basit was sold during a badly timed tiaan’s good-humoured reply was “any day except Mondays”. trip to the bathroom.


Hermanus Times 5 September, 2013

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Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

5 September, 2013

Green Futures celebrates 10 years The Green Futures Horticultural and Life Skills College was very proud to celebrate its 10th birthday last month. Of the almost 100 graduates, nearly 50 came to the birthday celebration.

The Hermanus Gold Club’s frog survey team at work in the wetlands. PHOTO: GIORGIO LOMBARDI

Frog survey at golf club The efforts to restore the wetlands of Hermanus Golf Club is paying dividends. In recent years this challenge was contracted to a team of freshwater specialists under the direction of Geordie Ractliffe from the Freshwater Consulting Group. The successes are evident, with a network of ecologically viable wetlands that adds to the charm of this 27-hole course. According to frog expert Marius Burger, wetlands are complex systems and their ecological management is not a straightforward affair. A frog survey to measure the health of the HGC wetlands is currently being done. Burger says according to the Southern African Frog Atlas Project, twenty frog species have been recorded within 25 km of Hermanus. The project kicked off on 18 July with a workshop conducted by Burger. The aim was to train a group of volunteers to gather the data for the frog monitoring programme. It was attended by a few HGC residents, and also by members of Geordie’s wetland team and conservationists from CapeNature, Whale Coast Conservation and Vogelgat Private Nature Reserve. Adding spice to the day was a local group of home-schooled children who all seemed to be budding ambassadors for our slimy friends in low places. The eager froggers then set a series of baited funnel traps at various wetlands scattered throughout the HGC. The traps are used to sample aquatic frogs like the platannas, and also tadpoles to assess the recruitment success of the various species. In addition, they listened to frog choruses to gauge species richness and abundance at the various sampling sites. “The tally of our first HGC frog survey is seven species, three of which are Western Cape endemics. The frog of the match was a delightful arum lily frog that was discovered sleeping inside the flower of an arum lily,” explains Burger. Several more surveys are planned up until late October. To assist as a volunteer , contact Ambrose Lloyed of the HGC. And if you have relevant froggy info or photos that may be useful to this project, call Marius Burger on 0832317452 or email: sungazer@iafrica.com. ) Interested parties are invited to a free reading and slide show by Marius Burger at the HGC on 12 September at 18:00. For more information call 028 312 1954.


Plakstuk 1

The Green Futures Horticultural and Life Skills College was established in 2003 and provides an annual training programme on Grootbos to 8–12 unemployed youths from Gansbaai in horticulture, indigenous gardening, and life skills development. Their course is fully funded by the Grootbos Foundation, providing the students with uniforms, transport to and from the project, breakfast and lunch and all of their learning materials. The programme has pro-

duced about 1 000 graduates to date. As part of their curriculum students are taught to identify about 220 different species of plants, an appreciation of fynbos and its ecology, why and how it can be preserved, how to use it in indigenous gardening, fynbos propagation and nursery skills, garden design, as well as garden establishment and maintenance using water-wise techniques. All theory is backed up by practical work in developing and maintaining gardens on Grootbos and for private clients. The sale and provision of landscaping services by the students provides income to the college. Through their labour, students help to pay for their own tuition.


Around 50 graduates from the The Green Futures Horticultural and Life Skills College came to celebrate its 10th birthday last month.



Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

5 September, 2013

brary shelves, all bearing the Friends of the Library logo. The Friends say: “Thank you for you staunch support. We couldn’t do it without you.”

ERF 712, DIRKIE UYSSTRAAT 4, HERMANUS, OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALE AREA : WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967 (WET 84 VAN 1967), VOORGESTELDE HERSONERING EN AFWYKING Kragtens Artikel (3) 6 van bostaande Wet word hiermee kennis gegee dat die onderstaande aansoek ontvang is en ter insae lê by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Overstrand Munisipaliteit en enige navrae kan gerig word aan die Senior Stadsbeplanner, Me. H van der Stoep, Posbus 20, Hermanus, 7200, (028) 313 8900 en by die faksnommer (028) 313 2093. Epos navrae : Loretta Page (loretta@overstrand.gov.za). Die aansoek lê ook ter insae by die Kantoor van die Direkteur, Grondbestuur: Streek 2, Provinsiale Regering van die Wes-Kaap, by Kamer 601, Dorpstraat 1, Kaapstad, vanaf 08:00 – 12:30 en 13:00 – 15:30 (Maandag tot Vrydag). Telefoniese navrae in hierdie verband kan gerig word aan (021) 483 4634 en die Direktoraat se faksnommer is (021) 483 3098. Enige besware, met die volledige redes daarvoor, moet skriftelik by die kantoor van die bogenoemde Direkteur: Grondbestuur: Streek 2, Privaatsak X9086, Kaapstad, 8000, ingedien word op of voor Vrydag, 11 Oktober 2013 met vermelding van bogenoemde Wet en die beswaarmaker se erfnommer. Enige kommentaar wat na die voorgemelde sluitingsdatum ontvang word, mag moontlik nie in ag geneem word nie. Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikel 17 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) dat 'n aansoek ontvang is vir die hersonering van Erf 712, Hermanus vanaf Algemene Residensiële Sone na Plaaslike Besigheidsone (Vloerruimtesone II) ten einde 'n kantoorontwikkeling op die betrokke eiendom te akkommodeer. Kennis geskied hiermee verder ingevolge Artikel 15 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) dat 'n aansoek ontvang is vir 'n afwyking van die relevante Skemaregulasies op Erf 712, Hermanus om die westerlike syboulyn te verslap vanaf 4,5m na 2,5m om die voorgestelde kantoorontwikkeling te akkommodeer. Volle besonderhede rakende die voorstel is beskikbaar vir inspeksie by die Departement: Stadsbeplanning (Patersonstraat 16) gedurende normale kantoorure. Enige kommentaar op die voorstel moet skriftelik ingedien word ten einde die skrywer te bereik nie later as Vrydag, 11 Oktober 2013 nie. AANSOEKER PlanActive Stads- en Streeksbeplanners (namens Satinsky 166 (Edms) Bpk) AARD VAN AANSOEK Opheffing van 'n beperkende titelvoorwaarde van toepassing op Erf 712, Dirkie Uysstraat 4, Hermanus, ten einde die eienaar in staat te stel om die bestaande strukture op die eiendom te sloop en 'n twee verdieping kantoorkompleks op die eiendom op te rig OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALITEIT, POSBUS 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Munisipale Kennisgewing Nr. 55/2013 ERF 712, 4 DIRKIE UYS STREET, HERMANUS, OVERSTRAND MUNICIPAL AREA : REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 (ACT 84 OF 1967), PROPOSED REZONING AND DEPARTURE Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3 (6) of the above Act that the under-mentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the Municipal Manager, Overstrand Municipality, and any enquiries may be directed to the Senior Town Planner, Ms. H van der Stoep, PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200, Tel No. (028) 3138900 and Fax No. (028) 313-2093. E-mail enquiries : Loretta Page (loretta@overstrand.gov.za). The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Chief Director, Land Management: Region 2, Provincial Government of the Western Cape, at Room 601, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, from 08:00 – 12:30 and 13:00 – 15:30 (Monday to Friday). Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at (021) 483 4634 and the Directorate's fax number is (021) 483 3098. Any objections, with full reason therefore, should be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned Director: Land Management: Region 2 at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, on or before Friday, 11 October 2013, quoting the above Act and the objector's erf number. Any comments received after the aforementioned closing date may be disregarded. Notice is hereby further given in terms of Section 17 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) that an application has been received for the Rezoning of Erf 712, Hermanus from General Residential Zone to Local Business Zone (Bulk Zone II) in order to accommodate an office development on the property concerned. Notice is hereby further given in terms of Section 15 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) that an application has been received for a departure from the relevant Scheme Regulations on Erf 712, Hermanus to relax the western lateral building line from 4,5m to 2,5m to accommodate the proposed office development. Full details regarding the proposal are available for inspection at the Department: Town Planning (16 Paterson Street) during normal office hours. Any comment on the proposal should be submitted in writing to reach the undersigned by not later than Friday, 11 October 2013. APPLICANT PlanActive Town and Regional Planners (on behalf of Satinsky 166 (Pty) Ltd) NATURE OF APPLICATION Removal of a restrictive title condition applicable to Erf 712, 4 Dirkie Uys Street, Hermanus, to enable the owner to demolish the existing structures on the property and to construct a two storey office development on the property. OVERSTRAND MUNICIPALITY, PO BOX 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Municipal Notice No. 55/2013 ISIZA 712, 4 DIRKIE UYS STREET, HERMANUS, UMMANDLA KAMASIPALA WASE-OVERSTRAND : UMTHETHO WOKUSUSA IZITHINTELO, 1967 (UMTHETHO 84 KA-1967) ISIPHAKAMISO SOKUCANDWA NGOKUTSHA NOKUTYESHELA IMIQATHANGO YOSETYENZISO-MHLABA Apha kukhutshwa isaziso, ngokwemiqathango yecandelo 3(6) lalo Mthetho ukhankanywe ngentla apha sokuba kuye kwafunyanwa esi sicelo singezantsi apha, nokuba kuvulelekile ukuba singeza kuphendlwa kwi-ofisi yeManejala ka Masipala wase Overstrand, kwaye nayiphi na imibuzo ingathunyelwa kuMyiliwe Dolophu, uNkosikazi H van der Stoep, PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200, (KwinomboloYemfonomfonoEngu Engu: (028) 3138900) (InomboloYefeksi (028) 313-2093). I-imeyile: Loretta Page (loretta@overstrand.gov.za). Esisicelo kukwavulelekile nokuba siye kuphendlwa kwi-ofisi yoMlawuli: oyiNtloko woMhlaba:uMmandla 2, kaRhulumente wePhondo leNtshona Koloni, kwiGumbi elingu-601, 1 Dorp Street, eKapa, ukususela ngentsimbi ye08:00 ukuya kweye-12:30 nango-13:00 ukuya ku-15:30 (ngoMvulo ukuya kutsho ngoLwesihlanu). Imibuzo eyenziwa ngomnxeba ephathelele kulo mba ingenziwa ngokutsalela kwa-(021) 483-4634, kwaye ke inombolo yefekisi yeli Candelo loLawulo ngu-(021) 483-3098. Naziphi na izikhalazo, ekufuneka zihambe nezizathu ezipheleleyo kufuneka zingeniswengento ebhaliweyo kule ofisi ikhankanywe ngentla apha yoMlawuli woLawulo loMhlaba: uMmandla 2, kwaPrivate Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, ngomhla okanye phambi kwawo Lwesihlanu umhla we-11 Okthoba 2013, kuxelwe lo Mthetho ungentla apha kunye nenombolo yesiza salowo ukhalazayo. Naziphi na izimvo ezithe zafika emva kwalo mhla wokuvala ukhankanyiweyo zisenokungahoywa. Ngaphezulu kukhutshwa esinye isaziso ngokwemigaqo yeCandelo le-17 loMmiselo wokuCangciswa kokuSetyenziswa koMhlaba, 1985 (uMmiselo 15 ka-1985) sokuba kufunyenwe isicelo sokuCandwa ngokutsha kweSiza 712, eHermanus ukususela ekubeni yiZowuni yeNdawo yokuHlala ukuya ekubeni yiZowuni yamaShishini eNgingqi (iZowuni yeeNdawo eziNkulu I) kulungiselelwa uphuhliso lwe-ofisi kule propati kuthethwa ngayo. Ngaphezulu kukhutshwa isaziso ngokwemigaqo yeCandelo le-15 loMmiselo wokuCangciswa kokuSetyenziswa koMhlaba, 1985 (uMmiselo we-15 ka-1985) sokuba kufunyenwe isicelo sokutyeshela iMiqathango efanelekileyo yeNkqubo yosetyenziso-mhlaba kwiSiza 712, eHermanus kulungiselelwa ukucutha umda wesakhiwo okwicala elingasentshona ukususela ekubeni yi-4,5m ukuya ekubeni yi-2,5m kulungiselelwa uphuhliso lwee-ofisi eziphakanyisiweyo. Ziyafumaneka iinkcukacha ezipheleleyo eziphathelene nesi siphakamiso ukuze siphengululwe kwiSebe: loCwangciso lweDolophu (16 iSitalato iPaterson) ngamaxesha aqhelekileyo omsebenzi. Naziphi izimvo ngesi siphakamiso mazingeniswe ngokubhaliweyo ukuze zifike kwidilesi yalo mntu utyikitye ngezantsi apha ungadlulanga uLwesihlanu, umhla we-11 Okthoba 2013. UMFAKI SICELO PlanActive Town and Regional Planners (egameni leSatinsky 166 (Pty.) Ltd.) UHLOBO IWESICELO Ukususwa kwemiqathango yezithintelo zolwakhiwo kwitayitile yesiza 712, 4 Dirkie Uys Street, eHermanus, ukuze umniniso adilize esilapho ze akhe isakhiwo seeofisi esinemigangatho emibini kule ndawo KWIOFISI ZIKAMASIPALA, PO BOX 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Inombolo Yesaziso kaMasipala 55/2013

) Die algemene jaarvergadering van die Hermanus Dieresorg-vereniging sal op Donderdag 12 September om 17:30 in die St. Peter-kerksaal, Hoofweg, Hermanus plaasvind. Voorgestelde veranderings aan die HAWS-grondwet sal voorgelê word vir aanvaarding deur die lede van die vereniging. ’n Afskrif van die grondwet sal voor die vergadering beskikbaar wees vir insae by die munisipale biblioteek. ) Forty new books appeared on the li-

) Hospice Shop Hermanus wishes the whole community a pleasant spring time – full of sunshine, peace, creativity and love. Please come and visit our shop at 3 Aberdeen Street – next to the Hermanus Times. ) Please take note that the Overstrand Municipal offices in Magnolia Street, Hermanus, will be closed between 07:45 and 09:00 on Friday morning, 6 September, whilst staff take part in Casual Day celebrations. All proceedings will be completed by 09:00 when staff will return to their regular activities.

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

5 September, 2013


DUCKS IN A ROW: Alyssa Herbert, Elizabeth Delport and Gabriella Irwin wait patiently for the start of Hermanus Pre-Primary Has Talent, which was held at Hermanus High School last Wednesday evening. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

CIRCUS ACT: The Curro Concert, with the theme Cirque du Curro, was so in demand that it ran over two days. Showing their dance moves are Loui-Ann Brummer, Dinayo Fisher and Samira Gabow.


Sebastian van Dyk performed a plate spinning act.

MiĂŤtte van Huysteen, who was part of the clown dance, stole the show with her cute smile and acrobatic display at the end of the performance.

Candice Lobb made a great circus ringmaster with her ducks and rabbits during the opening item of the concert.


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

5 September, 2013

Sprokkelster at 11:30. Tickets R50. Book with Louise: 0 082 896 5106. ) Kwêla neem Sakka Stone se aanbieding van Voëls met annerste vere op in Sprokkelster. Kom geniet musiek uit die hartland, Namakwaland, vervleg met sosiale kommentaar. Kaartjies kos R100. Bespreek by Louise: 0 082 896 5106. THURSDAY 5 SEPTEMBER ) Whalers Athletics Club time trials for 3 km, 5 km and 8 km at 18:00 at the cricket club. ) The Hermanus Rotary Club meets every Thurs­ day at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village in Eastcliff. Visitors welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. ) Hermanus, Stanford en Gansbaai se maatskap­ like dienste nooi die publiek uit na hul jaarverga­ dering by die NG kerksaal in Stanford om 19:00. ) The Hermanus Bird Club will visit Beaumont. Meet at the Onrus Trading Post at 08:00. A wine­ tasting also available. Visitors welcome. Barbara: 0 083 659 3303. FRIDAY 6 SEPTEMBER ) Kosskrywer Dine van Zyl, sanggroep Tribal Echo Caledon en skrywer Bettina Wyngaard tree op by die Caledon Kontreifees, waar kos, kuns, woordkennis en nog meer opgedis sal word. Fees­ tye: 10:00 – 17:00 (toegang gratis); Saterdag, 09:00 – 17:00 (R30 volwassenes, R10 kinders/ pensioentrekkers) by die Caledon Veldblomtuin. Veronica van Caledon Toerisme: 0 028 212 3282 of 2 tourism@twk.org.za. ) The Hermanus Hacking Group meets above the Old Boys’ Club, 06:45 – 08:45. Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Enjoy tea and coffee with the Friends of the Li­ brary at the Bhuki Café, 09:00 – 11:30. ) Besoek die teetuin by die dienssentrum van NG gemeente Onrusrivier, 10:00 – 12:00, vir vars tuisgebak met ’n koppie moerkoffie of tee. ) The U3A talk, The Making of Modern Britain: Road to War, presented by Andrew Marr will take place in the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Penny Charteris: 0 028 316 2489. SATURDAY 7 SEPTEMBER ) Onrus hou weer markie, 09:00 – 12:00, by die De Wetsaal, Roosstraat, Onrusrivier. ) Day 2 of the Caledon Country Fair at the Cale­ don Wild Flower Garden. Enjoy the flower tent, food stalls, crafts, artist workshops, vintage car parade, sheep­shearing display, dog obedience skills. Petting zoo for kids. 09:00 – 17:00. R30 per adult, R10 for kids/pensioners. ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kos­en­wynmark, 09:00 – 13:00. ) Hermanus Country Market, 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Hemel­en­Aarde Garden Market, 09:00 – 14:00 at Hemel­en­Aarde Village. ) Magic Show with Werner Graff for children at

SUNDAY 8 SEPTEMBER ) Is jy enkellopend? Voel jy alleen op ’n Son­ dag? Kom eet en kuier gesellig saam met ons om 12:00. Skakel: 0 076 115 7382. MONDAY 9 SEPTEMBER ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 or 072 230 9179. ) At BirdLife Overberg’s monthly meeting at the Mollergren Community Hall, Anton will talk on how to make the most of birding in the northern sections of the Kruger National Park, in anticipa­ tion of the BirdLife Overberg tour between 13 October and 2 November. The talk will be based on Roberts Bird Guide – Kruger National Park and adjacent Lowveld. Bring your copy along to the talk at 18:30 for 19:00; catering is provid­ ed at R60 per head; bring your own drinks and glasses. RSVP Hele: 2 birding@southernart­ ceramics.com or 0 073 456 0393. ) The U3A series Evolve! will take place in the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Gert Claassen: 0 083 602 5254. ) Touching Hearts meets every Monday at 18:45 in Onrus. Martin: 0 082 438 6008 for more information. ) The Walker Bay Stamp Club meets at 17:30 at the Hermanus Bowls Club. ) The Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s beginner’s astronomy evening will include a visit to the Fish­ erhaven Observatory, at Johan Retief, 32 Protea Road, Fisherhaven, at 19:00. Stargazing after­ wards (weather permitting). Information: 0 028 315 1132 or 082 807 6793 or 2 hermanusastronomy@gmail.com. ) The Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall, 18:00 – 20:00. TUESDAY 10 SEPTEMBER ) The eighth Hermanus History society mem­ bers meeting is at the Windsor Hotel, 16:00 – 17:30. Guest speaker is Gerald McCann and the topic is Local history: the old Cape Wagon Way about the development of wagon ways over the Hottentots Holland Mountains to Bot River. Copies will be available at R40 (bring exact change). RSVP: 2 robinlee@hermanus.co.za. ) Die Algemene Jaarvergadering van Fynbos Senior­sentrum op Kleinmond vind om 10:30 plaas in die NG kerksaal, 1ste 36, Kleinmond. RSVP teen 6 September: 0 028 271 3602. ) Join the Early Birds at the Hermanus Tennis Club Tuesdays and Thursdays, 07:00 – 09:00. Vic Hamilton­Attwell: 0 082 785 5145 or Ken Collett: 0 082 806 8292.

) The U3A talk on Hermanus History: Using and Conserving, presented by Frank Woodvine and David Beattie. Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Robin Lee: 0 028 312 4072. WEDNESDAY 11 SEPTEMBER ) Die Christelike afhanklikheidsbeweging verga­ der van 18:00 – 19:00 in die Grobbelaarsaal en nooi alle drank­ en dwelmverslaafdes uit om by hulle aan te sluit. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250 of Badi­ sa: 0 028 312 3909. ) The monthly meeting of the SAARP (South African Association of Retired Persons) Hermanus Social Club takes place in the NG Onrus Church hall, Berg Street, 09:45 – 11:45. The guest speaker is Dr Robin Lee presenting The story of the Windsor Hotel as a vital part of the story of Hermanus. Ingrid: 0 028 316 2390 or 082 552 0655. ) Whale Coast fm 96­96.2, 15:00 – 16:00, discus­ sion with Prof Robin Lee about the 10th birthday of U3A. Repeat on 15 September.

) Die egskeiding­ondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag van die maand om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oosthuysen: 0 079 322 0998 of 2 sorg@ngk­onrusrivier.co.za. THURSDAY 12 SEPTEMBER ) The topic for Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s monthly meeting at Sansa at 19:00 is Comets, pre­ sented by Prof Lia Labuschagne; 2 hermanus­ astronomy@gmail.com. ) Women’s Business Network­byeenkoms te Quarters Hotel, 09:00 – 11:00. Onderwerp: In­ vestments and Shares aangebied deur PSG. Alle vroue welkom. Toegangsfooi R50. EVENTS ) Join the Hermanus Ladies Luncheon Club on Friday 13 September at 12:00 for 12:30 at The Class Room Restaurant. Booking is essential. Erna: 0 028 316 866 or 082 932 6276.

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

OAK CONCERT: Well-known SA violinist Zanta Hofmeyr will give a recital in the Overstrand Auditorium on Sunday 15 September at 15:30. She will be accompanied by pianist Elna van der Merwe. Tickets are R100 (R50 for students); book at Bellini Gallery in Village Square or call them on 028 312 4988. For further enquiries call René du Plooy on 082 940 4238. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

5 September, 2013

ARTISTS: Lukhanyo Primary School pupils did magnificently in the Total Hermanus Art Competition and scooped prizes in various categories. The school also won R10 000. The after hours art programme is overseen by Ruth Mfundisi, Funeka Penkese and Mark Crowley with support from Morris Tshabalala, the principal. The winners (from left) are Sivuyiso Nazo, who won R5 000 as the overall winner, Lifa Makae, Xolisa Forteine, and Amanda Lalo, all won R2 000. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

UCT CHOIR IN HERMANUS: The UCT choir will perform at St Peters Anglican church, 56 Main road on 7 September at 14:30. Tickets are R20 and will be sold at the door. Contact Gardean at Hermanus Tourism for more info: 028 312 2629.

Fringe Fest offers more entertainment Residents of the Overstrand and visitors to the area will be spoilt for choice during the Whale Festival period from 20–24 September. Because the Tuesday is a public holiday – Heritage Day, also known to many as Braai Day – it is expected that many visitors will use this opportunity to turn the weekend into a four-day holiday. Apart from the myriad activities offered at this year’s Hermanus Two Oceans Whale Festival, there will also be a fringe festival organised by the very person who initiated the Whale Festival 23 years ago and served on the committee for many years. Bruce van der Spuy says the Whale Fringe Fest “is about the real Hermanus and what it has to offer year round. It showcases and

puts to programme music and entertainment in existing venues throughout our town”. The venues include the Windsor Hotel, Cocos, Tapas and Fisherman’s Cottage, and programme highlights include comedians Barry Hilton and Dowwe Dolla. Hilton returns to Hermanus for two shows at the Windsor Hotel on Saturday 21 September at 20:00 and on Sunday 22 September at 17:00, while Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck will be on stage for a performance of Dowwe Dolla Dink Diep - Updated on Monday 23 September at 18:00 at the same venue. Tickets for these shows will be available at the Windsor Hotel. The full Fringe Fest programme will be published in next week’s Hermanus Times. An informative brochure titled Hermanus



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Hidden Treasures will lead festival-goers to the unique shops, galleries and boutiques scattered throughout the CBD – those establishments, says Van der Spuy, “where friendly service, quality and interesting products at value for money make shopping an experience in itself. This year we are also adding to our guide fine fare owner-run eateries that are tucked away – those little restaurants where delectable dishes are served in a cosy and friendly atmosphere”. If you wish to participate, contribute or get involved in any way in the Fringe Fest, you are invited to attend an informal meeting at Tapas on Friday 6 September at 17:30 for 18:00. For more information, call Bruce van der Spuy on 082 744 3212.

Enjoy a night at the opera

Hermanus Tourism, in collaboration with its transport members and Cape Town Opera, is offering a special package to opera and FynArts lovers to see a performance of Barber of Seville at the Artscape Theatre on Saturday 21 September. The cost of R400 per person includes: theatre ticket, return trip to Artscape by Quantum with a registered tour operator, a glass of wine/juice on arrival, a special backstage tour, and a pre-opera talk. The bus will depart from Hermanus Tourism at 15:15 and return at about 22:30. Both the theatre ticket and the return bus trip are significantly discounted. Numbers are very limited. Book tickets by 12:00 on Wednesday 11 September at Hermanus Tourism or phone Anneline on 028 312 2629.

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A feast of automotive excellence QUICKPIC


ercedes-Benz leaves nothing to the imagination, with no fewer than 20 of their latest fascinating models fashionably displayed at this year’s Johannesburg International Motor Show from 16 to 27 October. As a pioneering leader in technology and safety and a vision of accident-free driving, Mercedes-Benz will showcase new ground-breaking safety systems, outstanding comfort and high-end communications technology and infotainment systems. The iconic brand presents the new S-Class – the best car in the world –, and leads the way with a new dimension of motoring: comfort and safety merged into one. The current extensive line-up of Mercedes-Benz models includes the recently launched compact car range of the feisty A 45 AMG that has taken top position in many a boy racer’s list of must-haves. Added to the A-Class offering is an A 200 BlueEfficiency “Black Devil” model. This devilish diva sporting a new front and roof spoiler, chrome addon’s, rear diffusor twin exhaust and stainless steel foot pedals gives added bling. This stylish package demonstrates the lengths to individuality one can pursue with the A-Class. Being at the forefront of green technology, Mercedes-Benz showcases the “World’s most efficient luxury sedan”, the E 300 BlueTec Hybrid. This model demonstrates that enhanced efficiency is possible without compromising on comfort. No body modifications are necessary as the hybrid module is flexible and also suitable in other model series, such as the new S 400 Hybrid.

Mercedes-Benz leaves nothing to the imagination, with no fewer than twenty of their latest fascinating models fashionably displayed at this year’s Johannesburg International Motor Show from 16 to 27 October.


Mercedes-AMG continues to champion performance, dynamism and efficiency. In the spotlight will be the SLS AMG “Black Series”. Inspired by the SLS AMG GT3 racing version, the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Black Series boasts a fascinating mix of breathtaking design, outstanding driving dynamics and uncompromising lightweight construction in accordance with the “AMG Lightweight Performance” strategy. With a DIN kerb weight of 1 550 kilograms, the SLS AMG Black Series achieves a power/weight ratio of 2,45 kg/hp. The AMG 6.3 F V8 engine generates a power output of 464 kW at 7 400 r/min and accelerates the most dynamic gullwing

model of all time to 100 km/h in 3,6 seconds. This star is sure to draw the crowds. The new E 63 AMG is now available as a particularly exclusive and powerful S-Model with an output of 430 kW and 800 Nm of torque. The AMG 5.5-litre V8 bi-turbo engine continues to be the absolute pinnacle of efficiency. With the ‘S-Model’ range, Mercedes-AMG is premiering high-performance passenger car models geared to driving dynamics. The C 63 AMG sedan and coupé models are set to become an even more dynamic proposition with the exclusive “Edition 507”. These AMG high-performance vehicles are equipped with an uprated AMG

6.3 F V8 engine. The 37 kW boost to 373 kW combined with maximum torque of 610 Nm derives from the transfer of technology from the SLS AMG, with the forged pistons, connecting rods and lightweight crankshaft adopted from the super sports car’s eight-cylinder naturally aspirated engine. An AMG high-performance composite brake system with red callipers features as standard. The C 63 AMG “Edition 507” is designed to appeal to ambitious sports drivers who will appreciate highcalibre technology and a wealth of exclusive design details and appointments. High performance with lower fuel

consumption is an important part of the Mercedes-AMG strategy and all these new models prove that the combination of high performance and low fuel consumption remains unrivalled by any other competitor in the segment worldwide. Roadster heaven continues with the SL and SLK sports cars characterised by fun at the wheel and openair enjoyment. The SL with exemplary new features and the SLK AMG Sport Line with its sporty and dynamic eye-catching design suggests sheer power. This impressive stature is further enhanced with superior high-class interior and new headlamps give further visual distinctions. Mercedes-Benz “Dream Cars” continue in terms of unique style sees the CLS 500 Shooting Brake making its mark once again with a creative design concept that underscores its leading role in the design field: while unmistakably coupé in its proportions, the new CLS opens up a wealth of new possibilities with five doors and a roof extending back all the way to the rear end. As such, the new Shooting Brake represents an innovative development of the four-door coupé concept. The complete range of SUV’s from Mercedes-Benz will satisfy the offroad fraternity. The GL 500 is the “SClass” of SUV’s and sets new standards in comfort, dynamics, safety, elegance and efficiency. The superior comfort of this seven-seater, as well as its outstanding power and confident performance are really convincing even when the going gets really tough. Sustainable mobility solutions abound in all the innovative vehicles on display at the Mercedes-Benz stand in Hall 6. This year showgoers will definitely be exposed to a feast of the automotive sensors.

BOLAND Auto Sold

Hermanus Times 5 September, 2013



Hermanus Times 5 September, 2013

BOLAND Auto Sold

BOLAND Auto Sold

New Opel Astra sedan on its way

QUICKPIC General Motors today announced the imminent arrival of the all-new Opel Astra sedan. Complementing the existing range of Astra hatchbacks, the new sedan marks the return of the four-door Opel Astra to South Africa. Featuring the same new-age feel, high levels of quality, premium build and stunning design as the rest of the Astra range, the new Astra sedan has been “engineered to attract”. Says Christopher Cradock, Opel Brand Manager at GMSA: “The se-

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cret is out and there is a lot of excitement at Opel for the new Astra sedan, which will be launched in South Africa in October. The new Astra sedan follows the high standards forged by the hatchback and we expect a warm reception by South Africans, who tend to favour sedans.” The four-model strong sedan range comprises the new Astra sedan 1.6 Essentia, 1.4 Turbo Essentia, 1.4 Turbo Essentia Automatic and the range-topping 1.6 Turbo Cosmo. Pricing will be made available at launch.

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021 312 3717

Hermanus Times 5 September, 2013

South African car fans can rightly look forward to the arrival of the new Astra sedan.



Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

Verjaardae, huweliksherdenkings, troues, geboortes Plaas 'n kleur foto met kort boodskappie (maks. 18 woorde) vir slegs R80! Spertyd: Maandag 17:00.

5 September, 2013






Gelukwensing Congratulations


ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19.30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/ 083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or email: aa.herma nus@gmail.com


Skakel of e-pos Tania by 028-312 3717

JESSICA COETZEE. Happy 40th birthday on May there be ads@hermanustimes.co.za 09/09/2013. many more, lots of love from Nicky.

08 Sterfgevalle Death Notices

Gevind/Found FOUND: Ladies prescription spectacles on pavement in upper Albertyn Street, Northcliff. Call 028312 2636/084 984 0165. NEDBANK KREDIETKAART opgetel by Gateway Spar. Skakel 082 578 7461.

12 Dankbetuigings Thanks

DIE GILLION-FAMILIE wil vir een en elk dankie sê vir die bystand, handdrukke & telefoonoproepe tydens die heengaan van ons dogter Zerlina. Spesiale woord van dank aan die hospitaalpersoneel, dokters en begrafnisondernemers (AVBOB).

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218. OVERSTRAND HOSPICE - Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Monday to Friday 028-312 4679. SUPPORT GROUP for mental health (depression, anxiety, panic attacks, bipolar disorder, etc). All welcome-also family members. First Monday of the month, Blue room at Fynbos Park, 3:30pm. Enquiries Nonnie 028-316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Esje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. Email: sj@hermanus. co.za. TAROT READING. 25 Years experience. Phone 083 750 9453 for appointments.

08 Sterfgevalle Death Notices

17 Begrafnisdienste Funeral Services

Vermaak Entertainment


KIP MCGRATH EDUCATION CENTRE. Math and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028-313 0209 today for a free assessment.


Regsdienste Leagal Services

DIE LAASTE & GROOTSTE MISLEIDING - Lukas 21:8, Danie Pienaar. Vir gratis leesstof en CD, sms jou naam en adres na 082 734 4168. HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028-313 0643.

THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tuesday & Thursday. Please call 028313 1884.

MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311.


Skoonheid en Gesondheid Beauty and Health

11 Mitchell St, Hermanus 028 312 4979

BIRTHING & BABY-CARE CLASSES. Voorgeboorteklasse. Every Thursday 7pm, Onrus. Call Debby 082 500 2218 or Shirley 084 506 6474.


HERBALIFE. Use winter to get ready for summer! Lose weight and keep it off! Professional follow up. Free delivery. Call 076 155 9648.

69 LOSE WEIGHT, GAIN ENERGY. Sms XTRA to 45633. R1.50/sms. MASSAGE THERAPIST. Raymond Philpott. Therapeutic, deep tissue, sports. Kidbrooke Place & Botriver. Call 082 599 2993. WEIGHT WATCHERS, internationally acclaimed as the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Summer Special! Phone Gilly 082 8789 558. Because it works!

Brei/Naaimasjiene Sewing/Knitting Machines


Huurdienste Hiring Services

BERNINA 1260 MASJIEN te koop. Gediens deur Bernina. Baie goeie kondisie. R25 000 ohb. Vervangingswaarde is R36 000. Skakel Jessica 082 754 7507.


Algemeen Miscellaneous 10 X 3 METAL LOCKERS for sale - R2500 ono. 1 x Carvery warmer on wheels, as new R6 500 ono. Contact Manager 028312 1272. BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749.


Spyseniering Catering 1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Descendants of the French Huguenots or 1820 Settlers? Contact me for comprehensive research and full genealogy reports, including copies of documents, photos and stories. Phone Dee 082 575 4881.


SUGAR PLUM Party Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Estelle 072 401 5913.

FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES visit Janine's Clothing at 19 Mimosa Street, Hermanus. Call 028-312 3419. Good quality-Good prices!! QUALITY CHICKEN MANURE for your lawn & garden. Delivered. R48.50 for 40kg bag. Call Oliver 072 176 2657.


Diere en Voëls Pets and Livestock

POLLUX. 16/07/199930/08/2013. Gone but never forgotten. Your beautiful blue eyes may have closed for the last time but your memory will forever live on in our hearts. You will be dearly missed by Marie, Peter, Tom and all your friends on the Estate. Sincere thanks to Dr. Reneé Perold and her dedicated team at Onrus Veterinary Clinic.


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

5 September, 2013

REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.


Rekenaar Verkope en dienste Computer Sales and Services

TWO SPAYED DOGS suitable for smallholding, at AWS, Murphy a two year old male Collie/German Shepherd, good with other dogs and children, see pic, and his female buddy, Roxy, smaller Aricanus, spayed, microchipped, ten months old, very intelligent and follows Murphy around, they have to go together. Good with children and most other dogs, loves to run and play, both dogs were taken care of by owner who is determined to see them safely rehomed to the large grounds they deserve. Contact AWS on 028-312 1281 or 076 963 2092.


Meubels/Furniture BARGAIN SHOP. We buy your unwanted furniture and complete homes for cash. Contact Joe 072 345 8442.

BERNINA HERMANUS. Authorized Bernina Technician. Danie van Heerden. We service sewing machines, overlockers and embroidery machines. Mon-Fri, 9:00am to 5:00pm. Sat, 9:00am to 1:00pm. Tel 028-313 0458. Gateway Center.


Verfwerk/Painting COMPUTER SUPPORT, Mobile Devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997. WHALE COAST COMPUTERS. 29 Robin Avenue, Northcliff, Hermanus. Professional callout technical support. Sales on hardware and software. Installation of wifi, networking, cctv. Call Walter, Hans and Raymond on 028-312 2311. info@ wcconline.co.za.

SELF STORAGE Units from R220/pm T & C applies


te Huur/to Hire

BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028-312 2367. PLANT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on028-312 2280/ 079 492 5726. TOILET & HUT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726.

LIMITED OFFER Discount on Steel Container Storage! 24 hrs Secure lock-up self storage. Cnr. Swartdam & Steenbras Rd, Hermanus. Office on site Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00 (028) 312 3898 or 072 635 9656 Restricted access don’t be fooled Security by SECURI-TEAM

TRAILER HIRE: Contact CCS Plant Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/ 079 492 5726.

Oudhede en Kuns Antiques and Art

A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798. ALTERATIONS & BUILDING PLANS, can do energy efficiency study. Call Steven 074 102 7897/ steven@imagestudio.co.za BUILDING ALTERATIONS, boundary walls, painting, bathroom renovations, plumbing, tiling. Professionally done. Call 082 255 0939. FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. Painting, paving, tiling, bathroom makeovers, home maintenance & building requirements call 083 308 0534.


Gordyne/Matte/ Stoffering Curtains/Carpets Upholstery

WANTED: Antiques, furniture, paintings, bronzes, silver, porcelain, jewellery, watches, clocks. Call 082 833 2567.

OVERBERG DRY TAR. Diensverskaffing van teerwerk asook plaveisel. Nuwe opritte, sypaadjies, parkeerareas en paaie. Herstelwerk & vernuwing van bestaande oppervlakPAINTING, ROOF CLEAN- tes. Besoek gerus www. hfrubbersurfacing.co.za vir ING COATING. Free meer inligting oor ons quotes. Michael Haman 028-316 1881/072 2884761. nuwe dienste. Kontak Jaco Stander vir gratis kwotaRELIABLE PAINTING sies by 072 225 3792. SERVICES. Full technical PAVING AND TILING. specification, colour con20 Years experience. Call sultation. Free, no obligaRiaan 072 539 5725. tion quotation. Call Roux Projects on 078 097 8835/ 073 090 0268. Email: roux ALTERATI NS projects@webmail.co.za If your favourite clothes don't fit or need 140 repairing, I can help!

Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs

24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017.




NEVILLE'S REFRIGERATION and appliance repairs. Fridges, freezers, stoves, tumble driers, microwaves. Phone Neville 028-316 1690 or 078 401 3547.


Bouwerk Building Construction

CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY cleaning. Call Allison or John 072 572 0215. CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervision. Best prices. Free quotations. Phone Top Carpets 028-313 0721.

ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE & COMPONENTS. Distribute & deliver materials relating to carpentry, electrical, industrial & engineering sector. Free quote. GS Engineering Supplies 028 316 3720.



Plaagbeheer Pest Control

SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667. www. solarmax.co.za.

COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pentium 4's from R1299,00. Refurbished with warranty. Call Dolf Uys 072 705 8577.

I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.


Algemene Dienste General Services


Vervoer en Berging Moving & Storage

101 SERVICES. Handyman general. No job too small. Best rates. Pensioners discount. 15 Years experience. Call Peter 073 157 2415.

TRANSPORT OF FURNITURE & goods. Hermanus, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape. Long distance available. PDP driver. Call Johan 076 253 3745.


Houtwerk Carpentry INGEBOUDE KASTE & kombuise/built-in cupboards and more! 30 Jaar ondervinding. Christo Oelofse 082 574 6991/ 028-316 2574. Epos: christo@hermanus.co.za


INTERLOCK WEED & PEST CONTROL: For professional treatment of residential & industrial pests. I also specialise in treatments for weed infested lawns & pavements. Call Andries de Kock 082 567 7591 (Registered Department of Agriculture). OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.

Loodgieters Plumbers 1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028312 3874. FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. For all your plumbing requirements and bathroom makeovers call 083 308 0534. PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.

PEST CONTROL - WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028316 3010.


Teëlwerk/Vloere Tiling/Flooring

Casual & Formal Wear for men and women

ALL TILING. For free quotes, call 028-314 0176 or 074 501 9070. FLOOR SANDING & specialized installation of wood floors & timber decks. The Hutton Brothers 082 828 5627 or 028-341 0543.

Monday-Friday 9:00am – 6:00pm Contact Mickey 082 966 4603

SOUTH COAST PLUMBING •Construction Plumbing •Hot Water Cylinders, Elements & Valves •Solar water heater installations •LPG gas installations & services certified installer. •Maintenance division operational on weekends.

TILING. A TO Z MASTER TILER. Ceramic, porcelain, travetine, mosaic, slate, sandstone. All work professionally done. Call 082 255 0939.


Rommelverwydering Rubble Removal

OLIVER VOIGT 072 176 2657 028 - 312 2796



WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480.

Registered Plumber

01 LAWN MOWER SERVICES and repairs. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.

STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R349 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.

• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com

WALKER BAY MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, alterations, small building, roofing, waterproofing, plumbing. Callouts. Free quotes. Rudi 073 190 3541.



AAA MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, damp proofing, waterproofing, building & renovations & general maintenance. Free quotes. Call Ian 082 535 5591. ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 4761/084 558 1902.






Skoonmaakdienste Cleaning Services A MAKE-OVER Cleaning Service for a good spring clean. Houses, offices, pre and post occupation and ironing. Friendly, professional service under fulltime supervision. Mon Sat. Call 076 115 7382.

Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

5 September, 2013






Sleepwaens te Koop/te Huur Trailers for Sale/ to Hire HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za


Motoronderdele Parts & Accessories

BOSPLASIE. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage. Braai stoep. Gas fireplace. Beautiful house. R7 100 p/m. Available 1 Oct. Call 079 311 3170. Hermanus Rentals.


Eiendomme te Koop Property for Sale TUIN KOTHUIS onmiddellik beskikbaar in aftreeoord. Ruim, 2 slaapkamers met garage. Winskoop teen R925 000. Skakel Deni 084 436 2526.


ROOM TO LET IN FLAT. CBD. R1 200 pm, electricity excluded. Available from 1 November. Call 076 412 7337.


Aftree Oorde Retirement Villages

SOEK DRINGEND HUISE vir goedgekeurde huurders kort- of langtermyn. Skakel 084 451 7001. SOEK HUIS IN SANDBAAI om te huur. 2-3 Slaapkamers + garage. Huur R4 500 - R5 500. Skakel Myburgh 076 454 1884.


Besighede te Koop Businesses for Sale BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS, The Roundabout, 181 Main Road Hermanus(opposite Woolworths). Visit our website at www.bbrokers.co.za to view a complete list of businesses or contact Evan at 082 974 6995.


Dienste aan Sake-Ondernemings Business Services

Erwe te Koop Plots for Sale DAME (56) SOEK DRINGEND 'n kamer met stort en klein kombuise vir ±R1 500. Skakel 082 620 9616.


DRY VACANT PLOT SANDBAAI. Walking distance from beach on the Onrus side of Sandbaai. 714m². R350,000. No transfer cost. Call owner 082 465 4909. ONRUSRIVIER. R275 000. Ruim gelyk erf in doodloopstraat met berguitsigte. Baie goeie prys wat nie gemis moet word nie. Web verw. 603813. www.gtproperty.co.za. Lynette 082 578 5900. Guthrie & Theron Eiendomme.


Huise te Huur Houses to Let CHANTECLAIR. 3 Bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, dining room, lounge, double garage. Big stoep, no steps. Available 1 November 2013. Call 084 447 8899.



Kommersieel en industriele Eiendom Commercial and Industrial Property

Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted

Voertuie te Koop

BOREHOLE & IRRIGevra GATION. Supply, service Vehicles Wanted & install pumps, motors, to Buy starters, sand filters, birm(to remove iron), pipes & fittings. Free quote. AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir GS Engineering Supplies motors/bakkies. Cash for 028 316 3720. your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.

Motorfietse te Koop/te Huur Motorcycles for Sale/to Hire

HERMANUS LANDSCAPING. Garden design, maintenance & irrigation. 22 Years experience. Call Paul Marx 082 32 777 04. REMOVAL OF DANGEROUS trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195.

2 MALAWIANS seeking employment as domestic/ guesthouse attendant/ painter/gardener/waitress. Experienced. Call Beatrice or Oscar on 083 364 5546/ 074 728 3721.

VUKA SCOOTER 125cc (blue) for sale. R4 000. Call 083 448 2760.

24-YEAR-OLD experienced, honest, hardworking man is seeking full/part-time gardening/housekeeping job. References available. Call Harrisen 084 336 9521.


Duikklop/Spuitverf Panelbeating/ Spraypainter

35-YEAR-OLD lady is looking for a job as domestic worker. 7 Years experience. Call 073 771 1572/ 078 567 8793.


Woonstelle te Huur Flats to Let KWAAIWATER. Very spacious furnished 2-bedroom apartment, living room, bathroom + kitchenette. Very safe, close to the sea with mountain views. Available 1 September. R3 700 pm, electricity incl. Call Lance 076 810 1196.

FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial area. Call 028-313 1763. www.fynbosgardens.com.

Motors te Koop Vehicles for Sale

OAK TERRACE. Lovely 2 bedroom refurbished flat, ground floor with underground parking bay, walking distance from town. Available 1 October 2013. R3 800 pm. Secured block. Call 082 78 76 741.

1987 MAZDA 626 for sale. R7 000. Needs attention. Licensed & dotted. Phone Hester 076 398 6206.

ONE BEDROOM double storey garden flat. Private entrance. R2 800 pm, one month deposit. Westcliff. Call 083 346 5656.


A ZIMBABWEAN lady (20) with reference is looking for a job. Experienced in house cleaning. Call Jennifer Shava 078 824 6565/073 023 6060. A ZIMBABWEAN lady is looking for a full-time job or as babysitter. Call 084 544 3343/079 836 9330. Reference 078 332 3858.

CODE 10 DRIVER with 6 years experience & contactable references, who is honest & hardworking, is seeking full-time employment. Please call Rodrick 084 502 7021.


FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.

A ZIMBABWEAN is looking for a job as a domestic worker, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Call Sheron 073 086 2872. Reference Maike 084 432 3541.

A ZIMBABWEAN LADY is looking for a full-time job as domestic worker or childminder. Reliable & honest. Call 078 267 6408. Reference Mrs Smith 082 222 2976.


DIVINING OF BOREHOLE WATER. Call Charl Hugo on 082 320 6646. 33 Years experience.

A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as gardener or housekeeper, 2 or 3 days a week. Reference available. Call 074 451 2436/078 256 6885.

A WELL experienced Malawian lady is looking for a job as a domestic worker or babysitter on Mon, Wed, Thurs or Sat. Reference available. Please call Tina on 081 058 2696.


DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. Fire wood. Call T.J. Boshoff 082 954 7970.

A MALAWIAN man is looking for a full-time/ part-time job as domestic worker or any other job. Call 061 097 5757/073 594 4712.

A RELIABLE & trustworthy lady is looking for a job as cleaner or housekeeper, 2 days. Please call 074 724 6738. Reference Nikky 082 611 2883 & Ocean 11 on 028-3121334.

Eiendomme te Huur Property to Let

BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.

A MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job as domestic worker/housekeeper or any other work. Reference & work permit available. Call 078 697 7436.

A MOZAMBICAN MAN is looking for work as housekeeper or gardener with drivers licence code 10 with PDP. Full or part time. Call 078 876 9946.


ASEMROWENDE Tuindienste. Snoei & afkap van bome. Sny van gras, skoonmaak van erwe, rommelverwydering & meubelvervoer. Geute skoon maak. Morné 083 225 3712.


200m² WERKSWINKEL, nuwe industriële area, Argonstraat. Dadelik beskikbaar. Skakel 028-313 1036 of 082 551 9306.

EXCLUSIVE OPEN PLAN offices to let. Hemel & Aarde Village, ± 100m². Call 028 316 2696.

OFFICES TO LET in Main Road, Kleinmond. Contact Xpertprop 082 870 5704.

WORKSHOP TO LET. Hermanus Industrial area. Call 082 416 1009.

37-YEAR-OLD lady seeking employment, qualified professional, as home caregiver. Available day & night on daily basis when needed. Honest & reliable. Please call Thami 083 675 3137/079 199 0937. A HARDWORKING & HONEST 28-year-old Zimbabwean lady seeking a job as a housekeeper and childminder on Tuesdays & Fridays. References available. Call Faith 074 612 6530.

CODE 10-C1 DRIVER with PDP and electrical experience is looking for work, have a passport. Very honest & reliable. Reference available. Call 060 651 4470. EXPERIENCED BARISTA/ HOUSEKEEPER looking for a job. References available. Call Peter Sobilika 078 553 8330. HOME CARE NURSE looking for a job. Caring for the elderly or sick or as babysitter or any other work. Reference available. Call Beauty 074 677 0821/ 078 772 2313. HONEST & HARDWORKING reliable lady is looking for 3 to 4 days domestic/housekeeping job. Reference available. Call Cindy or Lucinda 082 881 3883. HONEST, RELIABLE, hardworking lady looking for domestic work, 5 days a week. Call Sweetness 078 251 1969. Reference Mrs Hugo 082 522 0404. MALAWIAN LADY (33) is looking for a job as domestic worker/house cleaner/babysitter, 2 or 3 days. Call 073 936 4004. Reference 083 610 0525. MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job as housekeeper and gardener. Reference available. Call Collen 078 444 9217.

A MALAWIAN COUPLE is looking for work. Gardening, 4 days a week and housekeeping, Monday & Wednesday. Please call 071 727 9225 or 073 652 1050.

MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job as gardener & housekeeper. Please call 081 074 0667.

A MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job as domestic worker & babysitter. 5 Years experience. Call 071 901 4336.

SA LADY is looking for a job as domestic worker, 3 days. Call Miriam 073 510 7082. Reference 079 897 4479.


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

5 September, 2013

SA LADY is looking for work. Did home management course for work in hotel/B&B housekeeping. Call 078 569 8033. Reference 082 046 0377/028313 0564. YOUNG MALAWIAN lady (22) seeking parttime/full-time employment as domestic worker. 2 Years experience. Reference available. Call 078 133 6425.


Algemeen General Vacancies DELIVERY DRIVER for Hermanus area required. B-licence & 5 years experience. Send CV to laundrycorp2@gmail.com. HAIT STYLIST WANTED. Melony Hair Studio requires an experienced hair stylist. Please apply to Melony at 082 325 4918 or melonyschwarz@gmail. com. SEEKING - EXPERIENCED solid wood furniture maker. Phone for appointment: 028 313 1008. Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8am -5pm. Friday 8am - 4pm. WANTED: Men and women to empower themselves with Honey Fashion Accessories. Commission only. Great earning potential! Sms/Whatsapp 082 552 6942.

SKAAK EN SKAAKMAT: Curro Hermanus het Saterdag, 31 Augustus, aan Kingsway College se skaaktoernooi in Grabouw deelgeneem. Dié drie leerlinge het onderskeidelik vierde, derde en tweede plek behaal. Van links na regs is Elizabeth Montgomery (vierde plek), John de Kock (derde plek) en Thaddeus Biernacki (tweede plek). FOTO: VERSKAF LOOKING FOR A HOME TOGETHER: Roxy and Murphy are sadly no longer able to stay with their distraught owner. Murby, a golden retriever cross, was adopted from Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (Haws) a few months ago. Roxy, a smallish, cute female cross breed was saved from death row at another welfare as his companion. They are inseparable and sleep curled up together. They need to go to a farm or a smallholding with large, secure grounds. Both are very affectionate, but very energetic. If you can adopt both of them together, call the welfare on 028 312 1281. HONDJIE IS WEG: Diana Pieterse van Sandbaai se miniatuur Doberman, Tinki, is sedert Donderdag 29 Augustus, weg. Pieterse het inligting ontvang dat die bestuurder van ’n grys/silwer 4x4-bakkie by die sirkel in Sandbaai by Myrtlestraat die hond opgetel het. Dalk het hulle gedink die hond is verlore, want die wind het baie erg daardie dag gewaai. Pieterse het langs haar suster in Langstraat gebly en verlede naweek na Myrtlestraat toe getrek. Tinki het vermoedelik terwyl Pieterse by die werk was onder die hek deurgeseil om by Pieterse se suster in Langstraat te gaan kuier. Haar suster het haar weer teen 14:00 huis toe geneem, maar toe Pieterse teen 16:00 by die huis kom, was sy skoonveld. Enigeen wat inligting het, bel asseblief vir Pieterse op 028 3131071 of 0829257489.

Birthdays, weddings, wedding anniversaries, births.

Place a colour photo with short message (max 18 words) for only R80! Deadline: Monday 17:00.

Phone or email Tania on 028-312 3717 ads@hermanustimes.co.za

DWELMS GEVIND: Konstabel Sonwabile Qhola en adjudant offisier Steven Koen van die Overstrand K9honde-eenheid het verlede week tydens ’n inligtingsgedrewe operasie beslag gelê op groot hoeveelhede dwelms in Proteadorp in Kleinmond. Daar is beslag gelê op Mandraxtablette en groot hoeveelheid tikkristalle en kontant. Kaptein Jakobus Marthinus, stasiebevelvoerder by Kleinmond-polisie, het gewaarsku dat meer soortgelyke optrede sal plaasvind. LUCKY DRAW: Full House Hermanus branch store manager Diane Mattei-Mostert (right) and Gary Barends, Full House second-in-charge, drew the winning entry for their in-store competition. Customers who spent R999 or more during the two months the competition ran for, were eligible to enter, and the winners from each of the fourteen Full House branches, all drawn at 12:00 on Saturday 31 August, are now finalists in the competition and stand a chance of winning R70 000 worth of furniture and appliances. The Hermanus branch finalist is Mr K Tom from Zwelihle and Mattei-Mostert says she will take him through to Montague Gardens for the final draw. She says all fourteen finalists will win great prizes such as a DStv decoder or a fridge, but only one will walk away with the big prize. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

THE BEST OF THE BEST: Pupils from Lukhanyo Primary School participated in the Overberg District Final Spelling B and brought back medals and trophies from the isiXhosa spelling competition. The winning participants are (from left) Lindokuhle Komphela (Gr 5, 2nd place), Sixolile Martins (Gr 2, 1st place), Siphumeze Lusawana (Gr 1, 1st place), Milani Feketshane (Gr1 2nd place) and Emihle Tini (Gr 3, 2nd place). With them are Balula Mananga (Gr 2 class teacher) and Morris Tshabalala (school principal). PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

Sport Sport

Hermanus Times 5 September, 2013

Ai Hermies, net een punt! JAN-HENDRIK COETZER In ’n naelbyteindstryd op ’n sopnat, modderveld die afgelope naweek in die Paarl, kon Hoërskool Hermanus net nie die knoop deurhaak teen Hoërskool Nico Malan van Humansdorp nie. Hermies het in Baie teleurgesteld, maar trots. Hoërskool Hermanus se o. 19A-rugbydie afdeling vir me- span nadat hulle in ’n naelbyt-eindstryd met 13-14 teen Hoërskool dium-groot skole Nico Malan verloor het. tydens Die Burger se o. 19-rugbykompetisie teen Hoërskool Ni- rompel nie, maar as gevolg van vier stelskopco Malan met ’n enkele punt verloor. Die pe wat nie verdoel is nie, kon Hermies net nie voor kom nie”, sê Milne. eindtelling was 13-14. Hermanus se punte is aangeteken deur Mikki Milne, die sportkoördineerder van Hoërskool Hermanus, sê “alhoewel Hoër- Leolin Zas (strafskop) en drieë deur Ewan skool Nico Malan op die dag seker beter ge- Adams en Dian Kemp. In die afdeling vir groot skole het Paarl vaar het op verdediging, vinnige balverspreiding en beter balhantering in die nat Gimnasium vir Hoërskool Outeniqua met weer, was dit ook ons stelskopwerk wat Her- 16-10 geklop, en in die afdeling vir klein skole het Hoërskool Excelsior 25-9 met Hoërskool mies gekniehalter het”. “Ons is egter glad nie in die wedstryd oor- Langenhoven afgereken.


CURRO WEN SEWES-TROFEE: Curro Hermanus het op Saterdag, 31 Augustus, tydens hul rugby-sewestoernooi 15-10 met Curro Durbanville afgereken. Agter van links na regs is, Luke Fortuin, Diago Fisher, Keanu Esau, Sean van Wyk. Voor is Jon-Ross Court, Stephen Jackson, Gideon Harmse en Gustav van Wyk (afrigter). FOTO: VERSKAF

)26 August 1. Nell Naude / Betty Nel 65.28% 2. Jackie Ascham / Monika Peters 60.76% 3. Riekie Louw / Aathy Hartley 57.37 )28 August 1. Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 68.75% 2. Aletta Robinson / Annette Strachan 56.60% 3. André Joubert / Tobie 56.25% )30 August 1. Tony Kimpton / Linda Zaaiman 61,86% 2. Joan o’Connor / Julie Cotton 57.05% 3. Milly Ann Tanton / Anneke v d Vlugt 56.73% )31 August 1. Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 72.96% 2. Sylvia Smith / Margaret Cunningham 61.85% 3. Heather Leemans / Jenny Veysey 61.11% )2 September N/S 1 Betty Nel / Joan o’Connor 64.29% 2 Nell Naude / Toni Mathem 58.73% 3 John Truswell / Mike Brownlee 55.03 E/W 1 Aletta Robinson / Annette Strachan 7o.54% 2 Janice Ospovat / Peggy Nicholsen 56.55% 3 Jaye Howse / Val Runkle 51.49 WHALERS ATHLETIC CLUB - TIME TRIAL )29 August 3 km Runners: 1 Jonathan Austen 14.50; 2 Karen Austen 15.28; 3 Hugh Waters 16.46; 4 Willie Loedolff 28.48 3 km Walkers: 1 Melany Vaughan 21.14 5 km Runners: 1 Christo du Plessis 18.40; 2 Peter Radukha 19.04; 3 Ignatius Matema 19.54; 4 Kevin Middleton 19.58; 5 Evan Austen 19.58; 6 Daniel Maree 22.11; 7 Charlie Jenkins 22.56; 8 André van der Merwe 23.11; 9 Mikki Milne 23.11; 10 Gareth Buckingham 23.11; 11 Roelof van Weele 24.56; 12 Arthur Buckingham 24.58; 13 Les Hanna 26.00; 14 Jan Gildenhuys 27.34

LIVE MATCH EXPERIENCE WARMS THE SOUL: These young rugby fans from Die Bron Primary in Stanford braved the cold and rain to watch the match between Western Province and the Cheetahs at Newlands on Saturday, 17 August. Their match day experience was sponsored by The Caledon Casino, Hotel and Spa in partnership with Club Newlands. For many of them, this was the first time that they had the privilege of watching a live rugby match from the stands. PHOTO: SUPPLIED HAWSTON STEWIG IN BOLAND PREMIERLIGA: Hawston se eerste rugbyspan, het Saterdag, 31 Augustus, op hulle tuisveld in baie nat en koue toestande vir Gansbaai met 45-13 gewen. Die oorwinning het Hawston na die vierde plek in Boland se premierliga laat opskuif. Hawston sê baie dankie aan Sanlam wat die span geborg het. Op die foto is die eerste rugbyspan saam met Willie Gahl, voorsitter van die Hawston-rugbyklub (regs), en Antonie Prinsloo, finansiële adviseur van Sanlam (middel voor). FOTO: VERSKAF


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Mark Cryans en Philip-Ben Kotze by een van die vele bergpasse wat hulle moes aandurf tydens die fietstoer deur Frankryk en Switserland.

‘Argus’ in Londen

ON HER WAY TO SA’S: Mikayla Martinengo (12 ) from Gansbaai Primary performed excellent in cross country this year. She received Boland colours at the Boland trials in Paarl earlier this month. On 24 August she competed at the Western Cape Cross Country Championship in Malmesbury where she also earned Western Province colours. She will now participate at the SA Cross Country Championship on 21 September in Bloemfontein.


van Frankryk deur die Alpe tot in Genève, Mark Cryans en Switserland. Philip-Ben Kot“Die toer het ze, albei Hermaoor ses dae genusers – Kotze strek met ’n gewerk by Hermamiddelde afnus Apteek en stand van Cryans by Auric 120 km en Auto BMW in 3 000 m se klim Claremont – elke dag. Oor het in Augustus die ses dae het deelgeneem aan ons 1 000 km die Prudential gery, oor die Ride London20 000 m geSurrey 100 Miklim, en was aller, ’n fietsre- By die eindstreep voor Buckingtesaam 60 ure sies soortgelyk ham-paleis, ná hul die 100 Miler op die saal,” sê aan die Argus. afgelê het in ’n tyd van 4:30. Kotze. Hy sê Kotze vertel die resies het in Strat- die weer was hul meestal goedgeford-upon-Avon begin en ’n sirkel- sind maar daar was ’n dag van paproete gevolg en voor Buckingham- sopnat reën. Die een ding wat Kotze opgeval paleis geëindig. “Daar was altesaam 26 000 fietsryers en dit was ’n onge- het tydens die Londen-fietsrit was die toegeeflikheid van motoriste looflike ervaring.” Hy noem die organiseerders van teenoor fietsryers. “Daar is baie die 100 Miler het die afgelope vier mense wat fietsry werk toe en terug, jaar kom afloer hier by die Argus. in netjiese pakke met broekspype “Maar die Argus is steeds ver voor vasgepen. Motoriste én busbestuurders gee voorkeur aan fietsryers. wat organisasie betref.” Cryans en Kotze het saam klaar- Ongelooflike ervaring.” Volgende op die fietsry-agenda gemaak in ’n tyd van 4:30 oor ’n afstand van 160 km. Net ’n kortkop van Kotze, en tot dusver 15 ander van Hermanus se fietsry-entoesiasstadiger as die wentyd van 4:04. Asof dié 100 Miler nie genoeg van te, is om in September die Karoo-na’n fiets-fix was nie, het dié twee man- Kus 100 km-bergfietstoer te doen ne kort daarna weer opgesaal vir ’n vanaf Uniondale tot Knysna, deur fietstoer vanaf Menton in die suide die Prins Alfred-pas.

MARTIAL ARTS PERFORMING WELL: The following students of the Hermanus martial arts academy received there national Protea karate colours. They will be competing as part of the South African karate team at the world goju ryu karate championship in Stellenbosch. They are from left to right, Simone Verdoodt, Ruehan van Romburgh (sensei) and JP Duncan.

MUSCLE MANIA: Two athletes from Athleticgear in Hermanus competed in the Western Cape IFBB (International Federation Body Building) championships, recently held in Bellville. The one athlete, Werlou van Tonder (in the picture), won his weight division and the overall trophy. Nic Lotter, also a team member at Athleticgear, got a very well-deserved third place in a very competitive line-up.

One Dog’s gale another Dog’s zephyr A few (fool-) hardy golfers braved the falling blue gums past Arabella to reach a windswept and deserted Kleinmond on Tuesday. The “Ex-Poledancer” was wafted gracefully back up his pole after the previous week’s disaster.

The “Twitcher”, on the other hand, was blown from his hide to register a new lifer. The “Ripper” wimped out after 9 but was made to pay later in Tipples – not literally, of course, as he is from Yorkshire.

The results were 34 André Franken; 33 Mannes van Zyl; 29 Alan Smith; 27 Gordon Wilson, Ian Newman; 24 Dave Smith; 21 Ryan Ridge (guest); 19 Richard Ridge; 18 Mike Graham; 10 Keith Gillott (DNF). – Dave Smith

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