Hermanus times 07 11 2013

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THURSDAY, 7 NOVEMBER 2013 | Tel 028 ­ 312 3717 | Fax 028 ­ 312 4316

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TB outbreak at private school


Polisieman erg geskend toe hy saak ondersoek 3 BOOKS: Fishing tales, braai fires & Tassies 12, 13

Members of the NSRI searched in vain for the victim on Tuesday after­ noon.

Lawxon Chiredzero’s friend Teddius is comforted on the beach.

Dogtertjie en verlore woef herenig 20 PHOTOS: JANINE VAN DER RIET

Man’s body lost at sea JANINE VAN DER RIET


young man, who survived a horrific taxi accident in Westcliff earlier this year, is presumedtohave drowned after he and a friend went to Grotto beach on Tuesday for a swim. Lawxon Chiredzero (22) and his friend, known only as Teddius, had the day off from work and went to the beach at around 15:00. It was high tide and Chiredzero went into the water for a dip. “I just saw Lawxon’s hands go up in the air, waving for help. He was clearly struggling but I could not do anything, because the current was too strong,” said Teddius. Two off-duty police officers were also on the beach and immediately

phoned for help when they realised Chiredzero was in trouble. Hermanus police, Overstrand Law Enforcement, members of the NSRI, and Metro and EMR ambulance services arrived quickly on the scene. The NSRI conducted an extensive sea and shore search, following the sea currents, but were unable to locate Chiredzero. The search was later called off and Chiredzero is presumed to have drowned. Teddius was visibly distressed and when Chiredzero’s brother, Desire, arrived on the scene, they tried to comfort each other. The family, originally from Zimbabwe, now only hopes that Chiredzero’s body is found. “We need closure and for that we need to have a funeral,” said Desire.

Teddius shows Desire Chiredzero (right) where the NSRI is searching for his brother. With them are Hermanus police officials. Their parents are still in Zimbabwe and Desire phoned them on Tuesday

to inform them of the tragic incident. “They are doing okay,” he said. Chiredzero worked as barman at the pizza restaurant Col’cacchio at Station Square. He moved to Zwelihle in June last year. In May this year Chiredzero survived a horrific taxi accident in Westcliff. The woman who sat next to him in the taxi was one of the two victims who died in the accident, and 13 others were injured. Chiredzero survived and sustained injuries to his leg. Funeral arrangements will be madeassoonasthebodyisrecovered. ) Henk Esterhuysen from the Seeen-Sand Institute says the most important thing to know when you go to the ocean is when high and low tide is for that day. “It is safest to swim from low to

high tide because of the sea coming in and thus the currents pulling out will not be as strong.” He says it is the most dangerous to swim from high to low tide because of the water pulling out to sea and thus making the currents the strongest for that day. Mostincidentsoccurjustasthetide turns from high tide to low tide. Currents are also stronger when it’s new or full moon, called spring tides. Esterhuysensayspeopleshouldtry toavoidrocksandgullieswherethere is white water present, because that would be the most likely place for currents to form. The festive season duty roster for lifesavers at the Overstand’s swimming beaches will only be announced later this month.


Hermanus Times

Nuus News

7 November, 2013

Lede van sindikaat kan dalk alles verloor JANINE VAN DER RIET Ondersoeke deur die Batebeslagleggingseenheid (Eng: AFU) na een van die grootste perlemoensindikate wat in 2011 in en om Gansbaai oopgevlek is, toon dat dié sindikaat na wat beweer word meer as R2 miljard se perlemoen geoes het. Lede van die sindikaat het meer as R50 miljoen vir hulself teruggehou om onder meer duur motors en huise te koop.

Die hoofbeskuldigde is Frank Barends, ’n visserman van Gansbaai en beweerde leier van die sindikaat. Hy en 17 ander beskuldigdes het reeds in Julie 2011 in die Hermanuslanddroshof om borgtog aansoek gedoen op verskeie aanklagte van rampokkery, geldwassery, perlemoensmokkelary en ander perlemoenverwante oortredings. Lede van die sindikaat is glo al meer as 12 jaar bedrywig en is saam met drie polisiebeamptes in 2011 in samewerking met die Valke in hegtenis geneem. Die beskuldigdes is vasgetrek in Operasie Black Leaves, wat deur die polisie en die Valke, bygestaan deur Mariene en Kusbeheer, uitgevoer is. Die meeste van die beskuldiges het kort na hul hofverskyning in 2011 die borgtog wat aan hulle toegestaan is, in kontant betaal. Die borgtog het gewissel van R2 000 tot R100 000. Barends en die ander lede van die beweerde sindikaat loop nou gevaar om elke bate wat hulle die afgelope 15 jaar bekom het, die inhoud van hulle bankrekeninge inkluis, te verloor nadat die AFU verlede week ’n interdik in die Wes-Kaapse Hooggeregshof verkry het. Die interdik beveel dat al die lede se bank-

Beweerde lede van die perlemoensindikaat toe hulle in 2011 net na hul inhegtenisname in die Hermanus-landdroshof verskyn het. FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET rekeninge bevries word en dat hulle bates deur ’n kurator beheer word. Die polisie en Interpol soek nog na Ran Wei, ’n Chinese verdagte, maar die saak gaan steeds

sonder hom voort. Die lede van die beweerde sindikaat moet op 22 November weer in die Wes-Kaapse Hooggeregshof verskyn.

Suspect caught with R2 M abalone A resident from Hawston, Brent Dalton (30), who was arrested in Gordon’s Bay for the illegal possession and transportation of 5 307 shelled abalone, was granted R5 000 bail in the Strand Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday. The police’s dog unit and the Sea BorderUnitconductedasuccessful operation on Tuesday 29 October at about 09:50. Following up on infor-

mation, they pulled off a Toyota Fortuner and searched the vehicle atthecornerofBoundaryRoadand the R44 in Gordon’s Bay. Inside the vehicle police found 18 plastic bags containing 5 307 units of abalone. Dalton was charged with the illegal possession and transportation of abalone. His next court appearance will be on 14 January 2014.

More than R2 million in abalone was found in a Toyota Fortuner driven by a Hawston resident.

Inbrekers woon glo drie weke in Voëlklip­strandhuis JAN­HENDRIK COETZER Die eienaars van ’n vakansiehuis in Voëlklip, Leonard en Fransie Solms, het aan die Hermanus Times vertel dat inbrekers nie net sowat drie weke lank in hul huis gebly het nie, maar ook hul TV, yskas en vrieskas in twee afsonderlike voorvalle gesteel het. Dit was hulle buurman wat opgemerk het dat ’n man buite die huis rondloop en dat een van die deure oopstaan. “Volgens my buurman het dit eers nie te verdag gelyk nie, aangesien die man ’n bos sleutels by hom gehad het en dit gelyk het asof hy daar hoort of mag wees,” sê Fransie. “Nadat ons ingelig is, het ons ADT sekuriteit gebel. Hulle het gaan ondersoek instel en bevestig dat die TV gesteel is.”

Die Solmse, wat in Riviersonderend woon, is toe na die strandhuis waar hulle al die slotte vervang het. Net ’n week later het hulle egter weer dieselfde oproep van die buurman ontvang. Fransie het toe Saterdag die polisie geskakel, maar sonder sukses, aangesien daar geen antwoord was nie. Sy het op die polisie se webwerf gaan kyk of sy nie dalk die verkeerde nommer het nie, maar kon ook nie deurkom na dié nommer nie. Hulle het ADT toe weer geskakel, waarna hulle uiteindelik die polisie in die hande gekry het. Dié keer was die yskas en die vrieskas egter ook gesteel. Die Solmse vermoed dat die inbrekers sowat drie weke lank in die huis was, aangesien daar ’n bewys vir selfoonlugtyd in die huis

gelê het met die koopdatum 12 Oktober. “Na aanleiding van die bos sleutels wat die buurman gesien het, vermoed ons dat hulle met lopers die huis binnegegaan het,” sê Fransie. “Jy kon duidelik sien dat daar op elke bed geslaap is en daar is ook kerse gebrand. Die huis het nie ’n alarm gehad nie, maar ons gaan nou vir seker een laat installeer.” Luitenant Fadila September, woordvoerder van die Hermanus SAPD, sê die stasie se telefoonlyne is foutief. “Telkom was hierdie week by die stasie om ondersoek in te stel en het bevestig dat ’n kabel stukkend is. Hulle gaan die probleem sou gou moontlik regstel.” Niemand is nog in verband met die voorval in hegtenis geneem nie en die ondersoek duur voort.

Hermanus Times

Nuus News

7 November, 2013

Private school pupils infected with TB JANINE VAN DER RIET A total of 14 pupils from Curro Hermanus Private School in Sandbaai, all under the age of six, were diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) after one of their teachers was inadvertently infected with the virus. A further 70 pupils, who were exposed to the disease, are also on preventative medication. The teacher’s TB status was not detected through repeated visits to different local private doctors and she was treated for a recurrent chest infection. A TB test was never done nor was the patient referred to a clinic, says Hennie Mentz, principal of Curro Hermanus. “Becoming very ill, the staff member went to the Provincial Hospital on Tuesday 8 October. She was admitted and tested for TB. The result

At least 14 pupils, aged six years and younger, were diagnosed with TB at Curro Hermanus Private School. PHOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET was positive and treatment was started immediately.” The school was contacted that same day with a plan of action. Mentz says the school informed the

parents at a meeting on 17 October. Mentz explained the meeting was only held a few days after the diagnosis so the school had enough time to reach all the parents and also do

Polisieman geskend in aanval JANINE VAN DER RIET ’n Polisieman sterk tans aan nadat hy ernstige gesigwonde opgedoen het toe hy ’n klag van rusverstoring in Zwelihle ondersoek het. Ao. Riaan du Toit van Hermanus SAPD het Sondag in die vroeë oggendure die opdrag gekry om ’n klag van rusverstoring in Zwelihle te ondersoek. By die huis in Zwelihle het Du Toit ’n groep mans buite gewaar wat gesit en kuier het. Hy het hulle gevra om die musiek sagter te stel, aangesien dit amper 02:00 was en die bure in die omtrek gekla het. Hy het hierna die huis binnegegaan en ’n vrou by die musieksentrum sien sit. Sy het dadelik gehoor gegee en die musiek afgeskakel. Du Toit het net in die polisievoertuig ingeklim om die toneel te verlaat toe ’n man ’n bottel deur die passasierskant se venster na hom gooi. Die bottel het op sy gesig gebreek en deur bebloede oë het hy gesien hoe nog iemand ’n groot sementblok deur die voorruit wil gooi. Hy het vorentoe gejaag en die sement-

blok het die kant van die voertuig se venster getref. Du Toit se neus, wang en voorkop is deur die bottel gesny en die bloed het uit die wonde gestroom. Dit was so erg dat hy gesukkel het om verder te ry. Hy het om hulp na sy medekollegas oor die radio geroep. Ander polisielede was vinnig op die toneel en Du Toit is na die Hermanus Mediclinic gehaas waar hy in die ongevalleafdeling vir verskeie beserings behandel is. Van die wonde is dadelik met steke geheg, terwyl steke op sy neus die volgende dag onder verdowing ingesit is. Du Toit is Sondagaand ontslaan en sterk tans by die huis aan. “Dit is nie so erg nie. Dit is nog baie seer, maar kon erger gewees het,” het Du Toit oor sy beserings gesê. Kol. Nomana Adonis, stasiebevelvoerder van die Hermanus SAPD, keur die aanval ten sterkste af. Twee verdagtes is dieselfde dag in hegtenis geneem en het reeds in die Hermanuslanddroshof verskyn. Die saak is uitgestel tot 11 November en die verdagtes bly in aanhouding.

Agterstand in padonderhoud kry aandag Die Overstrand en omliggende dorpe het die afgelope paar maande goeie reën gekry – en volgens die weervoorspelling kan ons straks nóg reën verwag. Meer as 350 mm reën het sedert Julie in die gebied geval en die De Bosdam loop steeds oor. Die goeie reënval het wel ’n agterstand veroorsaak met die instandhouding van paaie in die munisipale gebied van die Overstrand. Slaggate op teerpaaie kan nie in nat weersomstandighede herstel word nie. Volgens Mike Bartman, Overstrand-munisipaliteit se adjunk-direkteur: gemeenskapsdienste, word slaggate deurlopend deur die munisipale onderhoudspanne volgens ’n program herstel wanneer weers-

omstandighede dit toelaat. Gedurende die tydperk 1 Julie tot 30 Sept is 3 296 m² slaggate herstel. “Om slaggate te voorkom, moet strate op ’n gereelde grondslag herseël word om waterindringing in die stutlae van die strate te voorkom. Vir hierdie doel het die raad in die huidige finansiële jaar R16,5 miljoen begroot. Die diens van ’n privaat kontrakteur word ook ingespan om munisipale werkspanne te help om agterstande uit te wis,” verduidelik hy. Die munisipaliteit vertrou dat die publiek begrip sal hê vir die uitdagings wat tans ervaar word en die onderhoudspanne sal binnekort – of soos die weer dit toelaat – voortgaan met herstelwerk.

the necessary preparations to give the correct information and guidance to those affected. An Overstrand health coordinator and a doctor from the Hermanus Provincial Hospital attended the meeting to explain the way forward and answer questions. Parents were asked to fill in a questionnaire and consent to a TB skin test. The 14 pupils who reacted positively to the skin test had to go for X-rays to confirm the diagnosis. The confirmed TB status of the pupils was made available on Wednesday 6 November. The pupils with confirmed TB will receive a full course of TB treatment. The other pupils who were exposed and are at risk, but without proof of the disease being active, will receive daily treatment for six months to prevent TB. These children will be weighed and monitored

monthly by the clinic. The teacher is on sick leave, as suggested by the doctor at the Hermanus Provincial Hospital, and will only return to the school after she is cleared of TB. The school has given the staff member extended and fully paid sick leave. Mentz says the treatment does not interfere with the education of the pupils. “An infectious disease exposure where children are involved is an emotional issue. Not all parents will give their full cooperation in this regard.” ) TB is a common infectious disease and typically attacks the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body. It is spread through the air when people who have an active TB infection cough, sneeze, or otherwise transmit respiratory fluids through the air.

Still no arrests in Zwelihle murder JANINE VAN DER RIET No suspects have been arrested in connection with the murder of a woman whose half-naked body was found in Zwelihle on 20 October. Millicent Zodwa Sekapa (47) was found with multiple stab wounds in Sikelela Street in the early hours of the morning. A man living nearby said he heard screams the previous evening, but had been too afraid to go outside to investigate. He decided to phone the police, who later found the woman’s body. According to Lieutenant Fadila September, spokesperson for the Hermanus police, a few possible suspects were questioned, but police officers could not link them to the murder. Several attempts by the Hermanus Times to contact Sekapa’s family remained unsuccessful at the time of going to print. Anyone with information should contact Arthur Zimmerman on 028 313 7000 (office hours) or 028 313 5300 (any time).

Win big meat hamper Make sure everyone buys this week’s Hermanus Times to stand a chance of winning a meat hamper to the value of R1 000 from Van Blommenstein Butchery in Swartdam Road. The one-and-only entry form, puzzle picture and first puzzle piece are in this issue. Cut out the picture and entry form (no photostats allowed), find the first puzzle piece and paste it on the form. Puzzle pieces 2 to 4 will appear on 14, 21 and 28 November. The competition closes on Tuesday 3 December at 17:00. Van Blommenstein Butchery has been in die hands of sisters-in-law Leslene Savage and Marjoh Pienaar since 2006. They are assisted by three choppers and a qualified chef. Hours of business: Mon to Fri 08:00–17:30, Sat 08:00–14:00 and Sun 09:00–12:00.


For a free no obligation quote call


Hermanus Times

Nuus News

7 November, 2013

Register to vote in the 2014 general election Voter registration weekend takes place nationally on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 November. First-time voters and voters who have moved since the last election should visit their nearest registration station. In Overstrand, registration stations will be open from 05:00 to 17:00 and the venues where registration will take place are as follows: Ward 1: Gansbaai Golf Club and Masakhane Community Hall; Ward 2: Pretorius Hall, Gansbaai and Blompark Community Hall; Ward 3: Hermanus Municipal Buildings and De Mond Caravan Park Ward 4: Municipal Traffic Department, Mt Pleasant Primary School and Ertjiesvlei Kerksaal; Ward 5: Zwelihle Community

Hall and Hou Moed Centre; Ward 6: Lukhanyo Primary School and Zwelihle Community Hall; Ward 7: Sandbaai Hall, plus sub-station 1 and sub- station 2; Ward 8: Hawston Secondary School, Lake Marina Yacht and Boat Club and Honingklip Farm; Ward 9: Kleinmond Town Hall and Mthimkhulu Centre; Ward 10: Crassula Community Hall, Betty’s Bay and Community Hall, Proteadorp Kleinmond; Ward 11: Pearly Beach Recreation Hall, Stanford Community Hall (Die Stoor), Baardskeedersbos Community Hall, Viljoenshof NG Kerk and NG Kerksaal Withoogte; Ward 12: Zwelihle Primary School - Class Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4; Ward 13: De Wet Hall and Amana Conference Centre

MOSKEE GERESTOUREER: Vir ons lesers wat gewonder het waaroor die gekap en geraas gaan tussen die polisiekantoor en die Oak Terrace woonstelgebou in Hermanus se hoofstraat, dis die Moskee wat gerestoureer word. Werk aan dié gebou het sowat ’n maand en ’n half gelede begin en volgens Giovanni Danbrosio van Bambana Management Services (wat die konstruksie behartig), sal die bouprojek teen Februarie volgende jaar voltooi wees.


Charges against perfume ‘thief’ withdrawn KERRY VAN RENSBURG Charges against a woman who was allegedly involved in a R28 000 shoplifting incident at Edgars on Tuesday 22 October were dropped in the Hermanus Magistrate’s Court only a day later. She and two other women allegedly stole fine fragrances from Edgars

in the Hermanus Station Centre. According to Kyle Nero, the assistant store manager, the three women pretended not to know each other but it was clear that they were working together. Two of the women fled the scene in a white VW Polo. A security guard managed to retrieve stolen merchandise from one

of these women before she scurried into the car. The third woman was apprehended in the dressing room. The Hermanus police arrested the woman shortly thereafter. According to Lt Fadila September, spokesperson of Hermanus SAPS, the case was withdrawn because of insufficient evidence.

Hermanus Times

Nuus News

7 November, 2013

Victims of looting count the cost KERRY VAN RENSBURG Although the physical loss and damage following last weekend’s illegal protest in Zwelihle amounts to thousands of rands, it is the emotional trauma that has hit victims the hardest. Henrietta Bulani and Vuyelwa Ngxatha, victims of the looting that took place at the LED business centre in Swartdam Road, are having to deal with the aftermath of what they experienced at the hand of their own people. Bulani, who runs the Never Lose Hope Project from an office at the LED business centre, said looters broke down her door and destroyed and stole equipment and stock worth more than R30 000. Her friend Ngxatha, who runs a dressmaking business from a shop at the front of the business building, had all her stock and sewing machines stolen. At the end of every day Ngxatha packed up the beautiful dresses she makes and sells, and her accessories and material, and locked it in Bulani’s storeroom as her office was the only one which had an ADT security alarm. Ngxatha’s shop, which she rented from the municipality, was gutted along with several others on Saturday 26 October when protesters went on the rampage. Looters helped themselves to whatever they could carry from Bulani’s store room,including R29 000 worth of Ngxatha’s things, and all of the items Bulani uses in her community nutrition and counselling service. Sharing space with Bulani, with a dry wall between them, is the Impact Health Africa Clinic which is run twice a week by Annie and Peter Ellis with assistance from Bulani. The looters did not break any of their Body Talk equipment or products, but they are hesitant to return to their practice as they feel it is too dangerous. “We are trying to build a bridge between rich and poor. Why do they damage their own people’s stuff, especially people who are trying to uplift the community,” said an exasperated Annie shortly after the incident. Bulani says she believes people should be able to protest and march for their rights, but agrees that last week’s protest was not done in

Members of the Women’s Network at the Hermanus Police Station visited Vuyelwa Ngxatha at her home on Monday to show their support after her sewing machine, overlocker and all her stock was stolen by looters during the protest march which turned violent last week. The policewomen donated a new sewing machine and cash so that she can start her business again. At the handover were (from left) Lt Fadila September, Pastor LW SIndisa, Col Nomana Adonis, Vuyelwa Ngxatha, Noluthando Mazala and Nwabisa Ponoane, both senior admin clerks at the Hermanus SAPS, and Sinazo Mbolekwa, admin clerk at the police station. “Don’t allow anyone to kill, destroy or steal your dreams.” Both women are receiving counselling to try and make peace with what they have been through. Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie said it is disheartening to see someone trying to better themselves, only to have their efforts destroyed by members of their own community. On Monday 4 October members of the Hermanus police station’s Women’s Network handed over a new sewing machine to Ngxatha and a washing machine to Bulani. Henrietta Bulani who runs the Never Lose Col Nomana Adonis said they were there Hope Project at the LED business centre in to offer the two women support and comfort Swartdam Road and Vuyelwa Ngxatha who ran her own clothing and accessories shop at and in some small way help them get back on their feet. the same venue, were the victims of the ille) The official figures relating to the municgal protest march which took place in Swartipality’s damaged structures are: dam Road on Saturday 26 October. Damage to the LED house: R185 000. Damage to the wooden structures/market the “right way”. She also says she knows those involved in stalls: R40 000. Damage to new building not yet in use, near the protest very well and wonders why no one in her community warned them about what the stalls (toilets vandalised, doors ripped, winwas planned. It is clear she and Ngxatha are dows broken): R30 000. This excludes personal damage incurred by disappointed and hurt by this incident which the shop owners. has impacted them both so personally. People who would like to help the women can Bulani says her Never Lose Hope Project belongs to God.“He gives us a spirit of hope, not call Ngxatha on 073 512 6064 and Bulani on 071 054 0588. of fear,” she says.

West Coast rock lobster season limits announced The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) has announced the total allowable catch for the West Coast Rock Lobster (WCRL) 2013 -’14 fishing season. Through sound scientific and management practises, the department has set the global total allowable catch at 2 167,06 tons for this season. This supports the department’s target to recover 35% of the exploited adult WCRL stock by 2021. The global total allowable catch for the previous season was set at 2 426 tons. The apportionment for the WCRL recreational fishing sub-sector remains unchanged at four West Coast rock lobsters per person per day for the duration of the fishing season. The effort or the number of fishing days

for the 2013-’14 recreational fishing season has been determined at twenty-six days. . The West Coast rock lobster recreational fishing season opens on 15 November and closes on 21 April. . Fishing will be allowed every day of the week from 15 November to 17 November. . No fishing will be allowed from 18 November to 13 December. . Fishing will be allowed every day of the week from 14 December to 1 January. . No fishing will be allowed from 2 January to 17 April. . Fishing will be allowed on public holidays from 18 April to 21 April . . The size restriction remains at 80 mm carapace length.

. Recreational fishing permits will only be issued to persons above the age of 12 years. . Recreational permit-holders collecting and landing of west coast rock lobster may do so only between 08:00 to 16:00. . The rock lobsters must be landed by 16:00. Any West Coast rock lobster caught, collected or transported shall be kept in a whole state. . West Coast rock lobster caught with a recreational permit may not be sold by any person. Recreational West Coast rock lobster permits are obtainable at the Post Office at a cost of R92 per permit and are valid for the entire recreational fishing season. The permit fees remain unchanged.



Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

7 November, 2013

WIN a case of Creation wines via our website With the festive season upon us, Hermanus Times and Creation Wines have decided to spread some early festive cheer. A case (six bottles) of Creation wine as well as a wine and food pairing experience for two is up for grabs to one lucky reader who enters our current online competition. Simply provide your best answer to the following question: How will you use Creation’s wine to create great memories this festive season? Answers can range from “I’ll share a special bottle of Creation wine with long-lost family” to “I’ll enjoy a summer’s day outing to Creation with my fiancé” – but remember

to be creative! How to enter Visit our website at www.hermanustimes.co.za. Once you’ve registered, click on the “Tell your story” button on the home page, fill in “Wine competition” as the heading, provide your name and surname, and write your answer in the summary or article field. Entries must be submitted by 15 November. The winner will be notified by phone. ) Creation Wines was established in 2002 when Swisstrained winemaker,

Jean-Claude (JC) Martin and his wife, Carolyn (née Finlayson), established the maiden vineyards on the Hemel-en-Aarde Ridge near Hermanus. Their range presently comprises ten wines. The winery was the first in the region to grow and produce a Bordeaux-style blend. It is also the only producer in the area with a Grenache vineyard and the first to produce a single-variety Viognier and a Sauvignon Blanc/Semillon blend. Visit www.creationwines.com.

Algemeen General

Frieda Lloyd, coordinator of the Hermanus R320 Wine Route, with Benny Masekwameng, Master Chef SA judge, at the Vinidivio Wine Show in Dijon, Burgundy.

Hermanus wines shine at French Fair The Hermanus Wine Route and Cape Whale Coast shared a stand at this year’s Vinidivio International and Gastronomic Fair, which was held in Dijon, France from 31 October to 4 November. Now in its 83rd year, the annual fair hosts over 600 exhibitors and 200 000 visitors, making it one of the ten most important fairs in France. As part of the South AfricaFrance Cross-Cultural Seasons 2012-2013, the fair received South Africa as its guest of honour. The Hermanus Wine Route and Cape Whale Coast joined forces to exhibit as they believe the area and its hospitality industry stand to benefit greatly from this exposure. “This is an ideal opportunity to make contact with our wine clients and media in France,”said Frieda Lloyd, coordinator of the Hermanus R320 Wine Route. “We have noted an increase in French tourists to the wineries and hope to stimulate interest and increase visits exponentially with our attendance of this fair,” she adds. Suné Greeff, Cape Whale Coast Tourism Manager, said: “By exhibiting at the Vinidivio, we will take our rightful place alongside Franschhoek and Stellenbosch not only as a reputable winegrowing area, but also as a top tourism destination.” South African Season, hosted between May and December, treats the French public to a glimpse of today’s South Africa – a thriving and young democracy. It aims to improve mutual understanding and contribute to the diversification of South Africa’s image in France by emphasising the modernity and values the countries share. More than 150 events, taking place in more than 100 cities in France, showcase South Africa’s diversity across a range of fields including the arts, culture, tourism, economy, gastronomy, science and technology. The Gastronomic Fair in Dijon included a focus on the wines of the Western Cape and the Cape Whale Coast and was open to the French public as well as wine importers, retailers, cellars and buyers, creating the potential for new business. “Although the French consumers are loyal to their local wines our presence in Dijon has raised a special interest in our area and its wines,” said Lloyd. Hannes Storm, winemaker at Hamilton Russell Vineyards who also attended the show, said: “The French public was pleasantly surprised with the quality of our wines and felt that our cool climate region’s wines were similar to their Burgundian wines”.

Hermanus Times 7 November, 2013



Hermanus Times

Mense People

7 November, 2013

CREATIVE HANDS: Various forms of creative handiwork were on display at the recent Onrus Manor mini-market. The speciality of Annatjie Vercueil (right) here with Gaye Istead, is decoupage items. Since the passing of her husband, Annatjie has also tried her hand at woodworking.

NORTHCLIFF HOUSE COLLEGE: This year’s matric class recently enjoyed their formal matric dinner at La Pentola restaurant. In the back row, from left: Suthea van der Westhuizen, Anli Schroeder, Monique Scheepers, Lara Nel, Maya Botha, Astrid Edson, Shannon Minnaar and Niels Daamen. Front row: Geoffrey Cooper, Calvin Rainier-Pope, Ross Parsons, Daniel du Pre, Nicholas De Bastos Tuna, Chad Hendriks, Jethro Hadingham and Simon Derbyn. (Sanje Kaplan arrived after the photo was taken.) PHOTO:



Race brings barrels of laughter to Bot River HEDDA MITTNER

Alan and Pat Clarkson with Alma Truman browsed around the stalls on Saturday morning. Alan is responsible for compiling the Onrus Manor News.

Etienne de Villiers manned the teddy bear table, all created by his wife, June, bar one. “Cyril”, the big teddy, was purchased by the couple back in 1978. They saw it in a window display in London and couldn’t resist buying it.

Several teams competed in one of the most amusing events on the wine calendar, the annual Bot River Barrel Race, held in the town square on Saturday 26 October. The valley’s producers once again challenged the industry to take them on at rolling barrels up and down a straw bale lined race track, but Villiera Wine Estate and the Jelf Family were the only outside teams to challenge the local speedsters. The race was fiercely contested by teams like Genevieve MCC’s Klap Luddite and Villiera racing down the “track” at the Bot River Barrel Race. Klassieks, Anysbos’s Olywe, Beaumont’s Beauties, Eerste- lions who galloped into the finals. their sponsors for a host of great hoop’s Kyk in die Pot, Barton’s Bêrel Both teams desperately wanted to prizes: Radoux Barrels, Hermanus Kêrels, Gabriëlskloof’s Top Vat and win the grand prize of a brand new Rotary, Cape Five Fruit Exporters, Radoux barrel, but in the end the Hermanus Toyota, Berg River IrriThe Luddites. Delicious Prego rolls and a selec- Stallions out-rolled the Perde and gation, PSG Hermanus, DN Hersteltion of Bot River’s finest wines were paraded their new barrel around dienste, Radio Helderberg, Botrivier Boeremark, Voorgroenberg town. on offer for all to enjoy. The Bot River Winegrowers Asso- Nursery, Mr Farmer (Strand), RivUltimately it was the Paardenkloof Perde and the Wildekrans Stal- ciation extended a huge thanks to endell and Gabriëlskloof.




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Hermanus Times

Mense People

7 November, 2013

HAARSALON WORD MONDIG: Hair Shoppe in Onrus het Vrydagaand sy 21ste bestaansjaar gevier. Sowat 40 gaste het die feestelike verrigtinge bygewoon. Die eienaar, Louise Woensdregt, het ’n kort toesprakie gelewer en grappenderwys afgesluit deur vir haar gaste te sê, “mag julle oud word, maar julle hare nooit uitval nie”. Van links is Theresa Rabe, Louise Woensdregt, Charmaine de Jong Gelderblom en Harold Botha. Die personeel van Hair Shoppe in Onrusrivier is, van links: Helen Pretorius, Louise Woensdregt (eienaar) en Joan Bailey. FOTO’S: LEATITIA DRY VAN NIEKERK

Creepy Halloween party for charity JANINE VAN DER RIET A scary evening with a halloween theme – complete with screaming cats and spooky music – was held on Thursday at Bella@Onrus restaurant. And it was all in the name of charity. For the past few weeks, the restaurant’s new owners, Sara Morse and her mother Sue Clifford had only one thing on their minds – halloween. On the night the restaurant was decked out with Freaky staff for Halloween: Natasha Nel, Sara Morse, Jeanspiders, webs and scary Pierre Crozier, Gary Cohen and Colin Washington. looking pumpkins, and the capacity crowd didn’t hold back when it came evening, a further R20 was donated to the foundation. to dressing up suitably. They also sold a lot of raffle tickets and gave The evening was held in aid of the Pink Trees for Pauline foundation, which creates away amazing prizes to the lucky numbers, awareness, unites communities and raises all donated generously by businesses in the money for those afflicted with cancer in Her- area. An amount of R3 297 was handed over to Heidi Nortier, a Pink Trees for Pauline manus. For every pizza and pasta sold during the committee member.


Bright sparks shine at quiz evening

HEDDA MITTNER There was a festive atmosphere in the banquet hall of the Overstrand Auditorium on Saturday evening as 140 people took part in the annual Hospice quiz evening. This major fund-raising event included a three-course meal with wine generously donated by various wine producers. The main event on the menu however was the quiz, and in the end the Stanford Dominoes showed the Hermanus teams how it’s done. Each member of the team was awarded a prize, ranging from hair treatments and massages to books and olive oil. Prizes for the lucky draw

were donated by Gous Joinery and Taurus Jewellers. In his welcoming speech, Overstrand Hospice manager Kobus Esterhuyse said everyone deserves top-quality care when terminally ill, and that everone has the right to die with dignity, in the presence of loved ones and without overwhelming pain. Because Overstrand Hospice is a self-funding organisation and all their services are offered free of charge, they are dependent on donations to fund their daily operating costs. “We simply could not keep functioning without the generous contributions from our supporters,” he said. “We urge people to remem-

Kari Brice and her team mates Dennis and Sherry West getting ready for action. PHOTOS: HEDDA MITTNER

The Stanford Dominoes emerged as the winning team at the Hospice quiz evening. Clockwise from the front left are Guy Winchester-Gould, Wendy and Bryan Cooke, Lexi Lawson, Mike and Rose Murray, and Nellifer and Simon Upton. ber us in their wills, to support the Hospice shop and to buy their 600 Club tickets.” At the end of the evening, Overstrand Hospice chairperson Alan Toombs also thanked the Hospice staff members for their dedication and selfless work. “We are blessed to have this group of angels in our midst,” he said.

Aletta Robertson, Wina Loubser, Gail de Waal and Trish Carroll were members of the Conquiztador team.

Thai Prawn curry served with a glass of Blaauwklippen Chenin Blanc


Francois du Toit, Heidi Nortier (Hermanus Toyota), Leatitia van Niekerk, Jan-Hendrik Coetzer and Manus Neethling joined in the fun.

Owners of Bella@Onrus Sara Morse and Sue Clifford with Nicki Payne Bussio from Nicki Nail & Body Sanctuary.

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Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

7 November, 2013

School’s business partner facilitates book donation

NEW ROTARY MEMBER: The Hermanus Rotary Club welcomed a new member, Cathrine Nkonyane (centre) who was introduced to the club by Rotarian Dr Naas van der Westhuizen (right). Nkonyane was inducted by Hermanus Rotary Club President, Frank Matthee (left) at a social meeting held at the Mollegren Park hall on 31 October.

KERRY VAN RENSBURG The Quality Education for South Africa (QE4SA) programme kicked off in Hermanus in March with five school principals and five business partners from the community joining forces to improve the quality of education in the Overstrand. Santie Reyneke-Naude, one of the business partners in the QE4SA initiative, asked the owner of Bargain Books South Africa whether he would consider sponsoring a number of books for her partner school, which is Zwelihle Primary. “I am the business partner to one of the school principals – Khayalethu Msebenzi of Zwelihle Primary School,” says ReynekeNaude. Her request for books for the school’s library was granted and on Tuesday 29 October an enormous donation of books was handed over to Msebenzi by Ronel Tutt, store manager of the Hermanus branch of Bargain Books. The QE4SA programme and the leadership programme Partnerships for Possibility (PfP) are pro-


Hundreds of books were donated by Bargain Books to Zwelihle Primary School’s library and at the handover were (from left) Ronel Tutt (store manager Bargain Books Hermanus), Santie Reyneke-Naude (business partner of Zwelihle Primary School’s principal) who organised the donation of books, Lourens Ferreira (learning process facilitator for Symphonia SA) and Khayalethu Msebenzi (principal of Zwelihle Primary School). grammes introduced by Louise van Rhyn, director and founder of Symphonia for South Africa, who became the first business leader to partner with a principal in an effort to improve a school’s education outcomes. The Friends of the Schools in Hermanus initiated a working relationship with Symphonia earlier this year and what started as informal discussions about the state of education in South Africa led to a number of Hermanus residents forming The Friends of the Schools to tackle the

educational needs in the Greater Hermanus area. This group was unanimous on the need to get involved in offering support to schools, school governing bodies and parent associations to improve the learning environment of pupils. The schools and businesses involved in the project include: Gansbaai Primary – PSG; Hawston Primary – Hermanus Rotary Club; Okkie Smuts – Coastal Trusses; Qhayiya Secondary – Abagold and Zwelihle Primary – Santie Reyneke-Naude.

Worrall to conduct NDP workshop Dr Denis Worrall, chairperson of the Omega Investment Research Group and former ambassador to London, is conducting a one-day workshop in the Overstrand Auditorium on 11 December. It is is aimed at marketing Hermanus in the light of the National Development Plan. Supported by the Hermanus Business Chamber, the Hermanus Ratepayers Association, the Whale Coast Conservation Foundation, the U3A, the Hermanus Tourism Bureau and other bodies, the workshop will focus on informing domestic and international audiences alike about what Hermanus has to offer holidaymakers, tourists, and potential residents, and how these strengths should be marketed and showcased to our visitors. The workshop will address the National Development Plan (NDP) and how the Overstrand Municipality and the community of Greater Hermanus could be the first municipality in the country to implement the National Development Plan, which Finance Minister Pravin Gordan last week firmly put at the centre of the Government’s social and economic policy. This workshop will be structured around the following keynote speakers and community leaders: • Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, Mayor of Over-

strand Municipality. • Dr Chris Hart, top South African economist: “The National Development Plan and its application to the Greater Hermanus”. • Chantell Ilbury, scenario planner and Mind of a Fox co-writer with Clem Sunter: “How to profile, visualise and practically implement the Hermanus of 2030”. • Dr Wilmot James – Deputy President of the Democratic Alliance: “How to proceed to achieve goals and determine priorities”. • Dr Worrall, Dr Robin Lee and Allan Powell (U3A), Duncan Heard (Fernkloof Advisory Board) and Mary Faure (Tourism). Discussions will include the following: • How to create an environment that is conducive for the sustained development of the Greater Hermanus area by promoting and enhancing education and the transfer of skills in a learning environment; • Introducing job creation within local development programmes; • Assisting communities to become part of an improved socio-economic environment, thereby improving the quality of life. All of these actions are relevant to all communities and businesses in Hermanus. The third focus of the conference is to produce an international on-line marketing portal and platform which will be available to all workshop participants. Worrall says: “This workshop is the most exciting thing Omega has undertaken in a long time. We promote investment into Africa, and from its first announcement we have marketed the NDP internationally because, aside from its beneficial social and economic consequences, it generates foreign investor confidence. To be part of the implementation of the NDP at municipal level is very, very exciting. And I know that Hermanus has a lot of brainy people with a lot of practical knowledge and a strong public awareness. If any community can make a reality of the NDP goals at municipal level it is Hermanus.” Attending the workshop costs R300 (R250 each for couples). This includes workshop material, refreshments, lunch and a concluding wine reception. For further information and registration queries, contact 021 671 9233 or e-mail Stacey Farao: staceyf@omegainvest.co.za.

Richmond McIntyre on Hindu Kush peak attempt Richmond McIntyre’s talk at Whale Coast Conservation on 12 November will be about the Scottish/South African Wakhan Expedition of 2013, which attempted to scale Koh-eQara-Jeelga, an unclimbed peak of over 6 000 meters in the Central Asian Hindu Kush Mountains. He will also highlight some of the historical and environmental aspects of the region. Richmond may perhaps unfairly be remembered as the man who escaped death when a rock fell on his head during this failed attempt, but he is so much more – an intrepid adventurer and committed conservationist. In an interview with the Hermanus Times on his return, Richmond remarked: “The one thing I have learnt when you are on an expedition to an unclimbed peak in a place like Afghanistan, is that you suddenly realise we are living in paradise.” In his talk Richmond will tell us why he believes we live in paradise, and equally importantly, what we can do to help protect it. The public is invited to attend this fascinating talk on Tuesday 12 November at 17:30 at the Green House.

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

7 November, 2013

Ryk heropen Bredasdorp­bad JAN GREYLING Die swembad van Laerskool Bredasdorp is verlede Vrydag heropen deur Olimpiese goue medaljewenner Ryk Neethling, nadat dit weens derduisende rande se skade aan die pompstelsel in Maart verlede jaar gesluit is. ’n Doelgerigte poging deur ouers om fondse in te samel het dié projek gestalte gegee. Neethling het by die openingsgeleentheid gesê die belangrikheid van sport en swem in die lewe van kinders mag nie onderskat word nie. Hy het bygevoeg dat dit moeilik sal bly vir voorheen benadeelde Suid-Afrikaners om by die Olimpiese Spele te kan swem as daar nie vir hulle swembaddens is nie, en dié wat daar is nie in stand gehou word nie. Hy het bepleit dat elke laerskoolkind minstens moet kan swem om hom- of haarself in nood te kan red. Hy het verwys na Nigerië waar jy net met ’n permit op die strand mag gaan indien jy kan swem, want hier is tans te veel verdrinkings van kinders wat nog nie aan swem blootgestel is nie. “Ek sou graag wil sien dat die regering en Swem SA ’n paar projekte aanpak om die bou en instandhouding van skool- en gemeenskapswembaddens vir die aanleer van swemvaardigheid te verseker.”

Olimpiese swemmer Ryk Neethling (regs) en Fanie Pieterse, voorsitter van Laerskool Bredasdorp se swembadkomitee, by die heropening van die skool se swembad. FOTO: JAN GREYLING/AMG MEDIA & PROMOTIONS Neethling het vertel dat hyself op vyfjarige leeftyd in Bloemfontein bykans verdrink het en daarna leer swem het. “‘n Goeie swembad kan verskillende mense in ’n gemeenskap byeenbring en mure afbreek, want in die water is ons almal eenders. In talle dorpe word swembaddens net eenvoudig nie meer instand gehou nie en dit is jammer dat privaatmense dit nou op hul skouers moet neem, want dit is die werk van munisiplaiteite om hierdie noodsaaklike geriewe te voorsien en te onderhou.”

Hy is bekommerd dat die land oor 10 of 15 jaar nie meer wêreldklas swemmers sal oplewer nie omdat daar nie voldoende swembaddens is om hulle in voor te berei nie. “Daarom waardeer ek die skoolhoof, Werner van Huyssteen, en sy span se droom om hierdie swembad nog tot ’n onderdak fasiliteit te ontwikkel. Ek verstaan swembaddens is nie die eerste prioriteit in ons land nie, maar dit vat tyd om geld in te samel en die bouwerk vat nog langer, so ons sal daarna moet kyk, as ons wil presteer.”


WINEMAKER OF THE YEAR: “We are on a good wicket this year,” says winemaker William Wilkinson (back right) from Wildekrans Wine Estate in the Bot River Valley. Apart from the dozens of local and international trophies and gold medals Wildekrans has raked in, William has also been nominated as one of the six finalists for the prestigious Diners Club Winemaker of the Year award. The other nominees are Mary-Louise Nash (Black Pearl Wines), Christiaan Groenewald (New Cape Wines), Johan Malan (Simonsig), David Finlayson (Edgebaston) and Johan Jordaan (Spier Wines). Previous winners from the Walker Bay area include celebrated winemakers Peter Finlayson and Bartho Eksteen. This year’s category is non-Bordeaux red blends and William has entered his Wildekrans Cape Blend Barrel Select Reserve 2011. The winner will be announced at a gala event at La Residence Hotel in Franschhoek on 30 November.

Meet tourism ambassador Skinstad Members of the four tourism bureaus along the Cape Whale Coast (Hermanus, Kleinmond, Gansbaai and Stanford) are invited to meet the new tourism ambassador of the Cape Whale Coast, Bob Skinstad, on Saturday 9 November. The event is from 14:00 to 17:00 at the Windsor Hotel, Hermanus.

There will be discussions about the power of Social Media and Marketing with Mike Joubert from BrandsRock – an opportunity not to be missed. Members are requested to RSVP by 7 November to Gardean 2 hermanustourism2@hermanus.co.za

Spread Christmas cheer with Bags of Love KERRY VAN RENSBURG


0800 00 7277

The Bags of Love community initiative will be run, once again, in conjunction with Eastcliff QuickSpar. Christi Jooste, the store manager, says Spar Western Cape donated the bags and sells the products needed to fill the bags at special prices. Jooste says Sasko has also given

them the samp at a good price. The mayor says it is important to see how businesses are involved in this initiative and how their input filters down to everyone else involved in the campaign. The basic grocery items needed to fill the bags are available from Eastcliff Spar for a total of R107. Des Collins, coordinator of the Bags of Love campaign, says people are encouraged to add extra Christmas treats to their bags. The full bags will be distributed to needy families just before Christmas. To find out more about this initiative call Des Collins on 082 824 1058; 028 316 4434 or email: delil@mweb.co.za.

SOCIAL MEDIA TRAINING FOR TOURISM: Tourism information officers of the four local tourism bureaus underwent a two-day social media training course on 22 and 23 October, organised by the Overstrand Municipality’s Tourism Department. The purpose of the course was to sharpen their social media skills and to enable tourism bureau staff to interact with tourists/clients through platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. The training was provided by Dynamix Learning Solutions which is an accredited institution. Each staff member received a certificate of attendance after the course. The feedback from the staff was very positive and they are all looking forward to utilising their newly acquired skills to promote their tourism bureaus and towns.



The annual Bags of Love campaign was launched at the mayor’s office on Friday 1 November. This initiative was started eight years ago by the Hermanus Catholic Church and has become an established annual community Christmas project. Most churches in Hermanus are involved in the Bags of Love initiative, as are numerous individuals and businesses. As part of the initiative, bags are filled with basic groceries from a standard shopping list, and extra treats, for needy people in the Overstrand. Overstrand Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie is the patron of the Bags of Love campaign.“There is a lot of goodwill in our town,” she said at the launch. “There will be no Christmas presents for my family – instead I am giving bags to those who need them. If I believe in something, I put my heart into it.”

The Bags of Love community campaign was launched last Friday by Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie (centre), who is the patron of this initiative, Christi Jooste (left) store manager of Eastcliff QuickSpar, and Des Collins, co-ordinator of the Bags of Love project.


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

7 November, 2013

LOOKING FOR MRS LIVING­ STONE BY JULIE DAV­ IDSON: The Scots are not into heroes, but the famous explorer David Livingstone is probably as near as we get. Biograher Davidson, however, gives history a twist by focussing on his wife, Mary, daughter of the missionary family, the Moffats, and treading in her footsteps. This is a book about journeys. Born in Africa, fluent in Setswana, Mary taught in the mission school in Kuruman, and had skills which equipped her to survive on an unforgiving continent. Much has been made of her unprepossessing appearance, but marriage to Livingstone was a love match, and she willingly accompanied him on two of his expeditions, crossing the Kalahari and reaching Lake Ngami, a double first for a white woman. The Livingstones, and on occassion their children, travelled by ox wagon. When the oxen died, they walked, depending on local chiefs for assistance. Food ran short, malaria was endemic, and the couple buried two infant daughters. Livingstone’s obsession with exploration was balanced by worries about the future of his family. To solve the problem he sent his family to Scotland, where after a brief stay Mary wandered about, perpetually short of money and having the odd tipple of brandy. She later returned to Africa to rejoin her newly famous husband, only to die in his arms during his disasterous Zambesi expedition at the Jesuit mission at Chupanga in Mozambique. There is a clear contrast between Mary’s journeys and those of biographer Davidson who travels in 4x4s with expert guides and rests her weary head in a series of upmarket bush lodges. But her descriptions of Southern Africa and her knowledge of history and its peoples add interest without overpowering the reader. The author resists the temptation of making Livingstone the villain of the piece. Other missionary families underwent similar experiences, and he did expose the East African slave trade. His unglamorous wife emerges as a heroine whose courage only falters when she is separated from her husband. If you are into history, and Africa, this makes a good addition to your library. REVIEW BY CHRISTINE CLEAL, SOUTHERN WRITERS’ CIRCLE

Short stories come Full Circle Short stories are all the rage this year, and made even more so when the Nobel Prize for Literature went, unusually, to a short story writer (Alice Munro). Pamela Williams, member of the Southern Writers’ Circle, penned her volume of short stories called Full Circle and it was introduced to book lovers and Circle members at a gathering at The Book Cottage last Thursday. In Pam’s collection of stories, the settings are as varied as the characters, with a mix of humour, pathos, irony and compassion omnipresent. Letitia Snyman, who reviewed the book at the function, said: “Pam has her own, often quirky, but incisive dealings with human nature. In these stories, she explores the variety of tangled relationships that exist in a community. “The ongoing tensions between Boer and Brit in Ceasefire, for instance, or that between a madam and her maid in The Bucket, or brothers linked by a tragic inherited impulse in Out of the Depths or the reborn clan hostility between Campbells and Macdon-

Cristine Cleal, Margaret Loesch and Cosetta Tod are members of the Southern Writers’ Circle. The group of around 12 members get together at Pam’s house once a month to discuss their writing. Pam Williams with Letitia Snyman who reviewed Pam’s book to book lovers, friends and co-members of the Southern Writers’ Circle at The Book Cottage. Among the guests who filled out the venue was Pam’s nephew William Taylor and his wife Janine who came all the way from Kommetjie for the occasion. PHOTOS: CILENE BEKKER alds in Another Glencoe”. “In many of the stories it is the tension between different generations, in particular between parents and children, that are dealt with. As are the tensions brought about by disability and displacement, whether socially, emotionally or physically. Pam’s range is wide and incorporates the

Jordaan writes about life on the other side of 50 “This publication was born out of an urge to share with society my own experience, gained over many decades, as advisor on estate and financial planning.” So says Johannes Jordaan (photo), author of PRIME TIME – Enjoy your life after 50. “This included retirement and lifestyle planning. My objective has always been to help people approach their lives in a way that would allow them to be happy and fulfilled as they grow older. All the aspects, which determine the outcome of the lifestyle you choose, are covered in the book. How to make these your happiest years, is what the book is all about.” The book is aimed at people in their 40s and upward. It will show you how to: . Build and manage a retirement nest egg. . Protect your investments against infla-

tion. . Prevent depression and enjoy good mental and general health. . Prevent boredom and make extra money with hobbies and freelance work. . Choose a suitable retirement home. . Maintain good relationships and prevent loneliness. To obtain a copy, email johannes@myprimetime.co.za, or visit the website: www.myprimetime.co.za. Jordaan is an experienced retirement, estate and financial planner and a former lecturer at the University of Stellenbosch. He is now retired, living in Strand, with fond memories of many years spent in Onrus where he had a holiday home. .

Word deel van die oplossing, laat JOU stem in JOU gemeenskap hoor!


friForum is ’n burgerregte-organisasie wat Afrikaners


en ander minderheidsgroepe in Suid-Afrika mobiliseer

AfriForum se oplossing om die algehele verval in staatsdienste op plaaslikeregeringsvlak te keer is die vestiging van AfriForum-takke regoor Suid-Afrika.









hul stem teruggee. Gemeenskappe ervaar tans

toenemend druk van die regering, wat misluk in die nakoming van sy verpligtinge teenoor die land. Die gevolge hiervan is onder meer swak dienslewering en onveilige woonbuurte. Daarom het AfriForum besluit om benewens ons nasionale aksies, ook gemeenskappe op grondvlak buite partypolitiek te organiseer. Gemeenskappe moet verantwoordelikheid neem en hulle strate van misdadigers en onbeholpe stadsrade terugneem. AfriForum se plaaslike takke het ten doel om die gaping tussen die regering en die










belastingbetalers die nodige beheer oor hulle gemeenskappe kan neem. AfriForum se plaaslike take is daar om gemeenskappe te

Deur ʼn AfriForum-tak in jou omgewing te stig, kan jy en jou gemeenskap nou by die werksaamhede van AfriForum inskakel. Die organisasie het reeds 120 gevestigde takke wat swak dienslewering, munisipale wanbestuur, omgewingsake en veiligheidskwessies aanpak. AfriForum-takke dien as ’n platform vir die gemeenskap om te verseker dat hulle burgerregte beskerm word, dat diensleweringskwessies opgelos word en bied aan die gemeenskap die geleentheid om eienaarskap van hulle dorp terug te neem. AfriForum verskaf die nodige administratiewe steun, ’n grondwet en tersaaklike reglemente.

organiseer, te mobiliseer en wedersydse erkenning en respek

tussen verskillende gemeenskappe en gemeenskapsorganisasies te bevorder.

Sluit vandag aan by jou naaste tak! SMS jou dorp se naam na 31336


SO ONDERSTEUN ONS TAKKE ‘n Tak met 51 of meer lede met minstens 3 bestuurslede, ontvang;   

Algemene vergadering Hermanus 13 November 2013 Burgersentrum 18:00 - 20:00

   

ʼn tak-in-ʼn-sak; toegang tot regsadvies en regsaksie; bystand van AfriForum se afdeling vir gemeenskapsveiligheid; toegang tot taalversorgings- en kommunikasiedienste; nasionale ondersteuning; toegang to AF se gemeenskapsplan en handleidings; toegang tot 50% van die lede se maandelikse debietorderinkomste; Een koerantadvertensie.

Kom neem deel aan die vergadering en laat jou stem hoor! Hoofspreker: Pieter Rautenbach (Hoof: Plaaslikeregeringsake) Vir enge verdere navrae, skakel gerus Marianne Rossouw by 082 454 9756

SMS jou dorp se naam na 31336


platteland , suburbia, the city and especially the little seaside town of Hermanus; wherever she has lived and worked provides a setting and informs the action in these stories. She knows these places and the people who live there. “And this knowledge and insight make for some beautiful writing.”

WENKBROU DEUR DEBORAH STEIN­ MAIR: Deborah Steinmair se debuutroman, Marike se laaste dans, is in 2011 bekroon met die Jan Rabie Rapport-prys en was ook op die kortlys vir die M-Net- literêre prys. Daarna het twee spanningsromans gevolg – Poppekas en Die neus – en nou is daar die raaiselroman, Wenkbrou. Net soos haar vorige boeke is hierdie een ook onkonvensioneel, verrassend en uiters genotvol. Twee ou vriendinne, die blinde Jesse en Aga met die groot neus, se nuuskierigheid kry die oorhand wanneer hulle hoor dat die kleinseun van Moeder Motle, hoof van die Susters en lewenslange vriendin van Jesse se ouma, vermis word en vermoedelik vermoor is. Baie vinnig bevind die twee vroue hulle in die vreemde wêreld van ’n sekte in die Oos-Vrystaat, omring deur eksentrieke karakters en ongewone (en soms skrikwekkende) situasies. Die hoofstukke is meestal nie langer as twee bladsye elk nie en dis moeilik om die boek neer te sit. En as jy wonder waar die titel vandaan kom, verduidelik Aga reeds in die eerste hoofstuk: “Wenkbroue is barometers van gemoedswisseling, die ware verklappers van emosie.” Selfs al het haar vriendin altwee oë verloor in ’n bomontploffing, jare gelede, het sy volledige gesprekke met Jesse se wenkbroue, sê Aga. Hierdie boek was vir my nét wat ’n mens verwag van ’n skrywer met die heerlike, aweregse verbeelding van Deborah Steinmair. Lees dit gerus. RESENSIE DEUR HEDDA MITTNER

AUTHOR’S VISIT: London based Al J Venter visited the Overstrand on 30 October and met up with his longtime friend Manny Ferreira who lives in Betty’s Bay and is a member of the local MOTH Seagull Shellhole. Venter is a world-renowned war correspondent, documentary filmmaker and author of more than 40 books. He served as an African and Middle Eastern correspondent for various publications in the stable of Britain’s Jane Information Group. In a career that has lasted almost half a century, he has reported on the world’s bloodiest conflicts. Venter’s latest book is called African Stories. PHOTO: IVETTE OLIVIER NOOT VIR DOOD DEUR ILZA ROGGE­ BAND: Ek en Ilza het in ’n stadium saamgewerk by YOU/Huisgenoot. Ons was albei ce­ leb-mal en het onder meer die glansblaaie hanteer. Ilza het twee ander passies: musiek en skryf. Sy ken almal in die musiekbedryf, het al oor die meeste artikels geskryf, ’n boek saamgestel oor die “Wie’s Wie” in die bedryf (50 Stemme: die grootste name in Afrikaanse Musiek) en was betrokke by die Huisgenoot-musiektent by die KKNK en die Skouspel-konserte. In Noot vir Dood is dit duidelik dat Ilza haar drie passies uitleef: ce­ lebs, musiek en skryf. Die misdaadroman gaan kortliks oor ’n groot naam in Afrikaanse musiek, ’n obsessiewe aanhanger, ’n joernalis met ’n giftige pen en ’n musiekbedryf wat nie meer is wat dit was nie ... Die boek lees maklik en vinnig, die storielyn is interessant en daar is genoeg kinkels om jou aan die raai te hou. Vir ’n debuutroman verdien hierdie boek sterretjies. RESENSIE DEUR CILENE BEKKER

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

7 November, 2013

Betsie debuteer op 85

Author and fisherman Marius Diemont with his twin-sister Margaret de Villiers who is Hermanus’s award-winning botanical artist. The launch was held at the Whale House. PHOTOS: CILENE BEKKER

Also attending the book launch were Debbie and Yster Fouché and Denis Helfrich from the Hermanus Shore Angling Club. Appropriately, Tassenberg was the wine of choice at the event.

Fishing tales, braai fires and Tassies BY HOOK OR BY COOK by Marius Diemont. Illustrations by Tony Grogan What a wonderful nostalgic read of special memories of time spent on unspoiled shorelines with close friends and family. Diemont, who has been a keen fisherman for more than 60 years, says part of the pleasure has been gatherings around braai fires, watching over loaded grids and simmering potjies while sipping Tassies.

Diemont’s understated and somewhat dry sense of humour makes for easy and interesting reading, whether you are into fishing or not. He regales fishing tales and times spent with well-known personas and personalities such as Sir de Villiers Graaff (then leader of the United Party) who had the patience required for kob fishing and Oom Paulie de Wet of Zandvliet horse and wine farm who was known for his short fuse. When fishing at Die Gang his call for ‘Lyne uit’ was ignored one too many times and he had promptly cut everyone’s lines. Other fishing memories include Bill Winshaw (SFW), Dr MC Botha (pathologist in Chris Barnard’s heart

transplant team), Hendrik Verwoerd, Geoff Todd, Russell Peters, Dr Nico Myburgh (Meerlust), and of course Bill Selkirk, the greatest angler and according to Diemont the man who put Hermanus on the world’s fishing map. Throughout the book are black&white photos of fishing days gone by and cartoon sketches. A surprising and mouthwatering bite towards the end are all the recipes. Galjoen on the coals, mussel soup, fish soup with curry, frozen snoek braai, Potberg stew (with two bottles of Tassenberg – one for the pot and one for the chef), toasted samies, salted ribbetjies, lamb shanks and more. REVIEW BY CILENE BEKKER

Round & About with Terry Kobus Local artist Terry Kobus had another successful exhibition of his latest paintings and drawings entitled Round & About at Bamboo Gallery in Johannesburg from 29 October to 3 November. It was Kobus’s seventh solo exhibition at Bamboo Gallery. His collection of 30 artworks revisits earlier themes which include trees, Khoi fish, vintage cars and his ever popular Nguni cattle, but also a new theme in the form of children. “I actually started as a figurative painter,” says Kobus. The new figurative series of children – worked in graphite and oil paint – are charming and sensitively rendered. The blocky chunks of paint palette knifed onto the canvas are set against soft sepia tones, evoking a sense of innocence and

simplicity. “These works have a very graphic feeling and they combine my love of drawing and painting,” says Kobus. “I deliberately did not include facial features and the expression is all in the body language. I think this series evokes a feeling of nostalgia as we all recognise ourselves in these simple scenes. Who doesn’t have an old photo of him or herself on the beach with a bucket and spade? Who hasn’t kicked a ball around with a few mates?” Kobus has had works exhibited in France, USA and across South Africa and has works in many international collections. He lives in Vermont and his working studio is at Originals Gallery in town where visitors can see him at work daily on new and exciting paintings.

’N FONTEIN VOOR ONS DEUR, DEUR MARITA VAN DER VYVER Marita se jongste boek is nie ’n gewone storie nie; sy gesels met haar lesers oor haar lewe met haar gesin en al hul doen en late. Sy word ’n vriendin wat jy nog nooit ontmoet het nie; en sy laat jou mooi verstaan dat die tafel waar sy sit en skryf nie net vir skryf en eet is nie – dis ’n plek wat die familie bymekaar hou en daar word heerlik gesels en gelag rondom dié tafel. In ’n Fontein voor ons deur gesels Marita oor haar en haar Franse man Alain se soektog na ’n nuwe huis, een wat meer ruimte vir haar ouer-wordende gesin sal bied, en een waar sy spasie sal hê vir ’n groot stoof met vyf plate en twee oonde. En een met ’n fontein voor die voordeur – ’n lewenslange begeerte en droom wat sy al lank koester. Op haar unieke manier vertel Marita van die soeke na dié droomhuis. Intussen bly sy haar bedry-

Terry Kobus on the eve of his departure for Johannesburg surrounded by his figurative paintings which formed part of his latest solo exhibition.


wige self en dit kook, doen inkopies, hang wasgoed op, stryk, maak tuin ens. Haar familie is haar alles en sy weet in haar binneste dat hulle dit alles waardeer. Maar sy sou wat wou gee om nou en dan vir hulle ’n kaplaks-soen op die mond te gee, maar dié sê sy is taboe in Frankryk en die kinders kry die aapstuipe as sy dit doen. Gepraat van kaplaks (’n besonderse Afrikaanse woord vir my persoonlik) – Marita praat ook oor haar gunstelingwoord: Kardoes. “Ek hou van die klank, die voorbarige K, die volronde R wat oorloop in die skaam OE en die sagte S.” Marita en Alain vind uiteindelik ná twee-en-’n-half jaar se soeke hul droomhuis maar dis eintlik ’n plasie... met genoeg spasie vir hul gesin, familie en les bes, al hul besoekers en kinders se vriende wat gereeld kom afpak. En die fontein? Ja, dit het ook gekom na vele dae en maande, en net soos sy dit altyd wou hê. Kry gerus Marita se boek in die hande en lees hoe dit alles tot stand, en spruitend, gekom het. Lekker lees! RESENSIE DEUR HELENE BEKKER


vir ongehoorBetsie Beam saamheid,” (85) van Herverduidelik manus het pas Betsie. bewys ’n mens Betsie het is nooit te oud groot geword in om iets nuuts die veelbesproaan te pak nie. ke Marikana. Sy het ’n paar Sy vertel in jaar gelede bedaardie dae sluit om te leer was dit ’n mooi, tik, ’n rekenaar rustige dorpie. present gekry “Die myn is en daarna ’n eers daar gevesEngelse skryftig nadat ons alkursus met 20 mal al weg is. opdragte begin Die myn het ons volg. Betsie Beam het op 85 haar eerhuis met alles Haar eerste ste kinderboek geskryf en dit ook daar rondom opdrag was om self geïllustreer. weggevee en oor ware gebeure te skryf, geskik vir koerante die hele dorp verander.” Betsie het in Pretoria aan die en tydskrifte, waarvan die laaste twee artikels in tydskrifte gepubli- Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool gematrikuleer. Daarna is sy na ’n onseer is. Daarna moes sy ’n paar kortver- derwyskollege waar sy ’n laer onhale skryf en die laaste opdrag was derwysdiploma verwerf het. Betsie het vir 21 jaar in Johanom ’n boek te skryf. “Ek het besluit dat my boek ge- nesburg onderwys gegee. In 1987 baseer sou wees op ’n ondervin- het sy en haar tweede man (haar ding wat ek met my hond gehad eerste man is oorlede) na Hermahet en dan verder daarop uitbrei.” nus verhuis, waar sy ’n ACE (AcBetsie het die boek, genaamd celerated Christian Education) The Mystery of the Barking Dog, na Christelike skool kom help vestig ’n uitgewer gestuur. Hulle het het. “Hier het ek gesien hoe min haar in kennis gestel dat as sy ’n Christelike kinderboeke daar in paar veranderinge aanbring, hul- Engels beskikbaar is,” sê Betsie. le die boek vir publikasie sal oor- Sy was by die skool betrokke tot weeg. “Ek het dadelik die verande- en met haar aftrede. Haar hunkering om te skryf was ringe aangebring en die manuskrip teruggestuur, maar iewers steeds daar en met haar aftrede het sy besef dat sy oorgenoeg tyd sal het dit verlore geraak” Ten einde raad het sy besluit om hê om haar droom uit te leef. Die die boek self te laat druk in Herma- res, sê Betsie, is geskiedenis. “My volgende kinderboekie nus. Die verhaal in die boek gaan oor word binnekort gedruk. Ek het ’n Christen-dogtertjie en haar met nog ’n boek begin, maar dié hond. Sy raak uiteindelik be- keer is dit nie ’n kinderboek nie.” Sedert 2008 is Betsie ook redakvriend met die bure se seun en sy hond, ná hy aanvanklik ongeskik teur van ’n kerk se drie-maandewas en niks met haar te doen wou likse boekie waarvoor sy gewoonlik self drie artikels skryf. hê nie. Die boekies se verkope word be“Dis hul wedervaringe met die honde en die moeilikheid waarin hartig deur Bosko Ministries, hulle beland wat hulle uiteindelik Fairways-Laan in Eastcliff, by die gehelp het om mekaar te verstaan kantore van Shofar at Bosko. Luen vriende te word. Ek wou hê die zelle of Celeste help hiermee, van boek moes dien as ’n les vir kin- Maandag tot Vrydag tussen 10:00 ders om gehoorsaam te wees en te en 13:00, en op Sondae in die saal kan onderskei tussen reg en ver- ná die diens. JANINE VAN DER RIET keerd, anders sal hulle duur betaal


Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

7 November, 2013

‘Wie my wyn gedrink?’ Ons het onlangs rustig gesit en drink. Ek voel baie skuldig dat ek in die publiek gedrink het, maar ek is haweloos, so publieke areas is eintlik my huis. Ek het sowat vier glasies van die 5 liter boks gedrink toe ’n lid van die Overstrand wetstoepassing die wyn by ons afgevat het. Hy het nie vir ons ’n boete of waarskuwing uitgeskryf nie. Hy het net die wyn gevat en dit in die kattebak van sy motor gelaai. Ek sou tevrede gewees het as hy dit voor ons uitgegooi het, maar hy het dit in die kattebak van die motor gelaai en weggery. Word die gekonfiskeerde wyn opgeskryf by wetstoepassing en waar eindig my wyn? Of wie drink my wyn? Of word dit uitgegooi? Ek is baie ontevrede dat hy dit gedoen het, ek sou anders gevoel het indien hy die drank voor my uitgegooi het. Ek het hard, baie hard gewerk vir my geld om die wyn te koop teen R56,90. Aangesien die straat my huis is het ek maar net in my huis (publiek) gedrink.

KOMMENTAAR Aanval op polisie ’n lafhartige daad Dit is absoluut skokkend dat lede van die publiek een van ons polisiemanne aanval terwyl hy net sy daaglikse werk verrig en sy pligte nakom. Die SAPD is daar om ons almal as inwoners te beskerm en klagtes te ondersoek. Elke keer as hulle uitgaan na ’n toneel, plaas hulle hul lewens op die spel. Dié lede het nie die polisie as loopbaan gekies omdat dit sakke vol geld betaal nie. Inteendeel, polisielede word nie as van die besbesoldigde amptenare geklassifiseer nie. Die meeste polisielede het die beroep gekies om ander in nood te help. AO Riaan du Toit is ’n baie spesiale polisieman met ’n hart van goud wat alles gee om Hermanus en omgewing ’n veiliger plek te maak. Hy het net sy werk gedoen, maar daarvoor is hy wreed aangeval. Die beserings aan sy gesig gaan hom altyd herinner aan die dag toe inwoners geen respek vir die manne in uniform gehad het nie.


EK WIL DIE MURE UITKLIM: Soos Annatjie Uys van Vermont sê, hierdie kappertjieplant het vrye teuels. (En met ’n bietjie verbeelding sien mens ’n vrou sit, kop omlaag, met ’n uitklok langerige romp aan en haar arms by haar sye...) FOTO: ANNATJIE UYS

Marchers should be accountable for damage I refer to the illegal demonstration and march this last week by members of the Zwelihle community. The destruction of private and municipal property is completely unacceptable.The leaders and organisers must be brought to book. They must be appropriately charged in a court of law and made accountable for all damages and losses sustained by the community. Prior to the “march”, did they make any representation to the municipality as to their grievances?

Do they represent the community or are they just an undisciplined bunch aiming to achieve some political agenda? The Hermanus community, especially the ratepayers, must now insist that this unsatisfactory behaviour is stopped. As a ratepayer I object to having to pay for any damages incurred. May I suggest that these “marchers” compare the services they receive here with that of their brothers in Mthatha, Bhisho and Mdantsane.


Leave road resealing, sort out basic services R43’s new trees not enough, plant fynbos I feel Wolf’s congratulations to the municipality in the Hermanus Times issue of 24 October is premature. The planting of trees along the widened R43 from Sandbaai to Northcliff is far from complete. Top priority should have been given to restoring the area in front of Upper Mount Pleasant including planting trees and landscaping. These people have taken the brunt of the inconvenience and will continue to suffer from the widened road right outside their houses. Merely planting trees outside the upmarket Hemel-en- Aarde Estate with a few on the median island is not good enough. Nothing has been planted on the sea side of the road either. The municipality has also lost a golden opportunity to enhance the approach to the town by creating a fynbos garden on the median between the two carriageways. Don’t lets have a lame excuse that it is a provincial road. The council still has input in their area.


According to Al-Ameen Kafaar, Head of Communication: Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works, the Hemel-enAarde Estate planted the trees along their boundary wall at their own expense. No trees were planted on the sea side as there may be future developments which would then threaten existing trees.Shrubs were planted in front of the newly erected fence in Mount Pleasant. They are still small, but in time will cover the whole fence.Unfortunately provincial road authorities would not allow any irrigation on the median, therefore a fynbos garden or beautification on that section was not possible.

‘Protest turns violent!’I was deeply moved by this news. How is it possible for us to assume that citizens of South Africa, living as our neighbours, should be content without their basic needs met: without storm-water drainage and electricity. Can you imagine what their homes look like after all this rain, nowhere for the water to run to and no electricity to turn on the heater or the

kettle for a warming drink. What I found disconcerting is the many SMSes I’ve received over the past few days informing of yet another road in Voëlklip about to be closed for resealing. Oh for the sake of sanity and humanity, please leave the roads in Voëlklip, they are fine. Rather use that money to help fill the desperate gap, where it’s needed most.


School not to blame for Piet se Klip jump I would like to respond to the person who commented via sms on the Hermanus High School learners who jumped from Piet se Klip. First I would like to say that it is, of course, your choice to choose the school your son will attend. However, from the image in the paper it did not look like the entire matric class was marched down by teachers to Piet se Klip and made to jump. It seems that a rather small number (considering the image) jumped and that the jump took place after school hours. This would mean that if you would like to express an opinion on their actions you should do it either to the individuals themselves, if they are over 18, or the parents of those who are 17. I cannot see why you should infer that somehow Hermanus High School is responsible, I don’t see where the school was given any choice in the matter or is the writer of the sms suggesting that the teachers should have marched down after school hours to physically restrain them? When I was at school there were several matric traditions after school hours that my high school, Paarl Girls’ High, did not condone and yet it is one of the top schools in the coun-

Larenzo Isaacs, Senior Superintendent: Overstrand Beskermingsdienste antwoord: Op Sondag 27 Oktober was verskeie wetstoepassingsbeamptes aan diens in die Hermanus sentrale sakekern. Beampte Ulrich Titus en ’n mede-kollega het patrolliedienste verrig. Toe hulle Patersonstraat patrolleer het hulle opgelet dat ’n klein groepie mense in die openbaar op die Patersonstraat-smousplein sit en het toe die groep genader. Met hul aankoms het beampte Titus ontdek dat die groepie uit drie hawelose persone bestaan wat aan hulle bekend is as “Regina”, “Willem Jantjies” en “Sewes Booysen”. Die drie persone het gesit met ’n oop vyf-liter wyn tussen hulle wat net tot minder as die helfte gedrink was. Sewes Booysen het op daardie stadium nog sit en wyn drink. Beampte Ulrich Titus het toe aan die oortreders verduidelik dat hulle nie in die openbaar mag drink nie en het volgens die Strate en Publieke Plekke-Verordening opgetree en die vyf liter “Pietersbult” gekonfiskeer. Beampte Titus het ook die reg gehad om ’n R500-boete aan die oortreder uit te reik, maar het sy diskresie gebruik en besef dat nie een van die hawelose persone die boete sou kon betaal nie. Hy het toe die bottel wyn in sy patrollievoertuig gelaai en tot by die wetstoepassingsperseel geneem om dit daar in die riool afvoerstelsel te gooi. Hy wou nie die wyn in die openbaar uitgooi en ’n stank of onaangename reuk in die proses veroorsaak nie. Overstrand Beskermingsdienste ondersteun die optrede asook die diskresie wat deur die betrokke beampte geopenbaar is en sal voortgaan met die zero-toleransie benadering ten opsigte van enige persoon wat hom/haarself skuldig maak aan enige misdrywe. Ons nader ’n seisoen van feestelikheid waar almal hulself gaan geniet. Ons moedig almal aan om hierdie feesvieringe binne die beperkinge van die wet asook munisipale verordenings te doen.

Memory will stay

try. Teenagers will always be teenagers! Hermanus High School is a great school with an excellent academic record by any standards. It also has a burgeoning sports programme if this years’ sporting results are anything to go by. They have a vibrant cultural programme, as illustrated by their amazing production of Grease. Since several of the teachers took part in the production, clearly they also have a staff who are willing to go above and beyond. From the Hermanus Times I also saw that Hermanus High School turned out winners of an engineering prize, successful chess players, gymnasts, show-jumpers, Craven-week rugby players, a girl who played rugby in an international tournament and several successful artists, so clearly they encourage participation and balance in their students. My child is still very young and I am not a teacher, but I think that your son would be privileged to attend this school and if you don’t want him jumping off Piet se Klip in matric then take parental responsibility after school hours and ensure he doesn’t.


To the mom who is concerned about the matrics jumping off Piet se Klip, I agree with you completely. I have two sons aged 8 and 11 and the thought of them jumping from that height into the sea is terrifying! But I also have a daughter who is in matric and she was one of the students who jumped this year and even though many of us moms watched anxiously from the sidelines, there were divers in the water and we were grateful to be able to be a part of the send off. Not only was it symbolic for the matrics as the end of their schooling but also for the parents. Our matrics are on their way to being grown ups, we trust them to make good decisions, assess the risks involved and then we have no choice but to let go a little bit but we’re always there, watching on from the sidelines with wonder and love at the incredible children who have blessed our lives for the last 18 years. This is a memory that will stay with all of us forever. I highly recommend Hermanus High! And Taylum, I think you’re awesome x.


Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

7 November, 2013

) Verbeel Overstrand­munisipaliteit hulle be­

sit ons huise? Watter nonsens is dit nou met die sogenaamde “elektrisiteits­inspeksies”? As jy ’n huis koop, moet jy ’n “elektrisiteits­in­ sert” hê, en ook as jy elke maand jou rekening betaal. Watter nuwe “werkskepping” is dit? ) Ai, wie sou kon droom dat jy op jou knieë moet gaan dat die munisipaliteit tog hulle eie gronde moet skoonmaak in Vermont.– JP, VERMONT ) Ek wil net graag verneem aan wat se party Fisherhaven behoort? Die Burgemeester sal geskok wees as sy die plaas sien wat geen aandag kry nie. Port Jacksons groei ons toe en dan praat ek nie eers van die grondpaaie nie. Dis die mooiste gebied wat geen onder­ houd kry nie. Skinstad kom red ons.– JOHAN ) Die optog Saterdag hier in Swartdamweg is ’n skande as jy kyk na die gemors wat die mense nagelaat het. – PIET ) Ek bly in Vermont. Hier is mooi netjiese par­ ke en sypaadjies. Om die persoon af te dank wat dit in stand gehou het, gaan my verstand te bowe. – GIEP, VERMONT ) Kan die Overstrand­munisipaliteit asseblief sê wanneer ons mense van Hawston hophuise gaan kry? Of moet ons ook begin “strike” soos Zwelihle? – HAWELOOS ) Bob as our ambassador means more tour­ ists, more visitors from the rest of SA, more money in our town, more jobs and less crime. What more do we want? How many sportsmen do you know, who will offer up their precious time to help promote our region? Believe me, not many. Thanks Bob, we appreciate your help.– BRIDGET, LIVESEY LODGE GUEST HOUSE ) Wat is besig om te gebeur op die nuwe R43? Oral word dan nou weer opgekap. Dit gaan eersdaags soos ’n lappieskombers en tweede­ hands lyk. Kersfees is naby.– HELENA ) Raad aan Hawston se taxi­eienaars: Kry vir julle aflos­drywers om naweke in die mid­ dag te ry. Sit ’n kennisgewing op in die taxi’s met tye wat taxi’s beskikbaar sal wees vanaf Hawston na Hermanus en terug. Probeer net een naweek. Ek is seker dit gaan werk. ) I agree with Jenny Smith. The whales come here because it is quiet. Now people want to make money out of them with their helicopter and boat viewing. Leave them alone before they leave and don’t come back, because with all the noise and people in their faces they will leave and the town will become a ghost town with no tourists visiting. There should be a law

against harassing the poor creatures. Haven’t they suffered enough? Watch them from the cliff tops only.– P. MITCHELL ) Ek wil net weet wat is die doel en plig van verkeersbeamptes? Dinsdag kom ek met die R43 reg oor Mount Pleasant­voetgangeroor­ gang. Die lig was groen vir verkeer. ’n Persoon loop teen die rooi lig oor die straat. Die verkeer moes remme aanslaan om te verhoed dat die persoon raakgery word. Die beampte het niks gedoen nie. ) I totally agree: the Animal Welfare Shop is too expensive. Give it to Hospice. I am an animal lover, but you don’t get a bargain at the Animal Welfare Shop. I don’t go there any more. ) Isn’t it funny – you say you’re an animal lover but complain about the rather high pric­ es. Why not support the Animal Welfare un­ conditionally instead of criticising? The ani­ mals really need the funds. I buy at HAWS shop and think it’s very reasonable. Bring a donation rather and go look at the kennels. They are all very well looked after. Well done HAWS.– M. RIVE ) Hoekom is meer meisies as seuns gekies vir leerlingleiers by Laerskool Hermanus?– RIA­ NA ) Aan Mache Isaacs van Hawston: Geluk met jou prestasie in die top­tien asook voorspoed met jou prefekskap in 2014. Alle eer kom net die Here toe.– LIEFDE, OUERS EN BOETIE ) Kan iemand asseblief iets doen aan die pro­ bleem met die voetgangers in die industriële gebied agter die Gateway­kompleks? Al die strate tot by die Mediclinic verby, regs in Kerk­ straat tot by Abagold. Hulle loop die strate vol en jy moet uitswaai vir hulle en aankomende verkeer, wat ongelukke kan veroorsaak. In Stil­ straat wat na Zwelihle gaan is die pad baie smal. Dan moet jy uitswaai vir groot trokke, taxi’s en 4x4’s wat groot motorbote sleep. As­ seblief, help ons motoriste wat versigtig en be­ dagsaam ry; dit pas nie by ’n pragtige Herma­ nus nie. ) Pasop vir Nedbank. As jy nie in drie maande deponeer of onttrek nie, word jou rekening dormant en jy betaal. ) Why no corner cafe’s in Hermanus? It costs me R10.00 in petrol to buy a loaf of bread for R6.99. ) I would like to thank the new owners of Fish­ erman’s Cottage for great service. They are friendly with a stunning restaurant, even for after work drinks. My new number one choice.– CALVEN ) Piccolo’s Pizzeria has the best pizza in town. Great service.– DAYNE ) Die slaggate in Bergsigstraat in Sandbaai na Curro se kant is toegemaak, maar lyk al­ weer erg. En skielik is daar ’n sloot in die pad gegrawe en nou niks verder? Maak dit reg asb! ) Is daar nog ’n verskil tussen Saterdag en Sondag?

The hectic 50 km/h wind from Wednesday will calm down a little today (Thursday), but the weather remains fairly unpredictable due to fluctuations in the upper air. There is a possibility of more light rain on Saturday.

Thanks for helping to find my keys I lost my keys on Hoy’s Koppie on Sunday 27 October and the Hermanus Times placed a Have You Heard in last week’s paper to ask if anyone has seen it. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Rose Grimanus for taking the trouble to pick up my car keys near Hoy’s Koppie and taking them to the Hermanus SAPS. I also wish to thank Adriaan Pansegrauw from Sandbaai for telephoning me on Thursday to tell me that he had seen my keys in a lost property box along with many other lost items in the charge office at the SAPS station. These acts of kindness and consideration help to restore faith in good people who are part of our special community in Hermanus. Thanks also to my friends and Margaret from


Sandbaai who called me to offer assistance in the search for my keys. I do wish to inform the public that the SAPS do not have the time nor the manpower to contact the owners of the lost items that are handed in on a regular basis at the police station. I urge all people who have lost items to visit the charge office at the SAPS and make contact with the friendly and helpful senior officers who will be of assistance. There are all sorts of items ranging from wallets, ID documents and drivers licences, that can be recovered. My thanks to Yolanda, Lieutenant September and the constables at Hermanus SAPS for their assistance with this matter.


Speed kills and cameras only bother the speedsters I would just like to comment on the SMS about the speed cameras last week. I am not sure it matters that much who gets the money and I would be happy if all cameras were hidden, even if it is against the law. Why? Because if you drive according to the speed limit you don’t have to worry about the cameras. To exceed the speed limit is also against the law, but breaking the one law causes death on our roads whereas the other does not. The fact is that the World Health Organisation highlights that road deaths in South Africa are second highest in Africa and almost double the Global average. According to the UN road accidents are the leading cause of death in children between the ages of 10 and 19. According to the British Ministry of transport, if your car hits a child at around 60 km/h there is an 80% chance that the child will die,

if you manage to brake a bit and hit the child at 50 km/h there is an 80% chance the child will survive. The speed limits are there to allow you enough time to respond in the case of an emergency. Statistics from the US Federal Highway administration show that in countries where the speed limits were reduced by 10 km/h fatal crashes were reduced by as much as 20%. So what impact do you think it has when you increase your speed by just 10 km/h above the speed limit? Maybe it is time that we are less selfish, stop thinking that the rules do not apply to us or that our driving skills will save ourselves and others. Maybe it is time we take responsibility and keep to the speed limits so that fewer people are killed on our roads. Maybe it is time that we stop complaining about speed cameras and who gets the money.


Police not answering phone a major problem ) On Saturday 2 November, between 12:00 and 13:00, I tried non-stop to contact the police. I have tried numerous numbers that have a voice machine telling me that the number has changed. I contacted ADT control room who put me through to the correct number and still no answer! I need to report this to a higher authority, it is shocking.


) We have had a burglar live in our beach house in Hermanus for three weeks. On discovery on a bright and sunny Saturday between 12:00 and 13:00, I could not get hold of

the police. They do not answer the phone. How is this possible? To me, the crime of the police not answering the phone is far greater than the theft of my TV, fridge and deep freeze!


Lieutentant Fadila September, spokesperson for the Hermanus police, comments: The problem is being investigated and also taken up with Telkom. Telkom says one cable is out of order. This is seen in a serious light. Telkom will do the necessary intervention to fix the problem soonest.

Stoomtrein­wind se dwarsklappe wil­wil ekonomie knou Moed hou, die vieslike wind van oor 50 km/h van gister bedaar vandag na die veertigs en tussen 11:00 en 17:00 hou dit op met sous. As ons dit sous kan noem, want daar val vandag maar bitter min water grond toe. Gister het skaars l mm op die paaie beland en die hele onaangenaamheid net vererger vir mense wat swaar op die remme is en te na aan motors voor hulle ry. En weer sien Overstranders dat die geroemde noordwestewind nie vriendelik met ons rondom Walkerbaai is nie. Hierdie tyd van die jaar en met die hulp van die westewind wil hy net aanmekaar die gebied se ekonomie knou. Uitstappies en selfs gewone sake vlot eenvoudig nie in sulke weer nie. Dit is alles deel van die prentjie, weet oom Lang Faan eerbiedig te vertel. Rondom die Overstrand se “paradys” moet mense maar vir lief neem dat ons weerpatroon taamlik saamgeflans is met die Weskus- en Suid-Namibiese weer. As die mense daar in kwaai hitte snak, kom warm lug berglangs reguit Grabouw toe en versprei vandaar via Hermanus Agulhas se kant toe, maak nie saak hoeveel koue lug in sy pad is nie. Wat dán gebeur, is konveksie en dan sien ons katpiepie-neerslae soos nou; en ’n wind wat vertel hy kom soos ’n stoomtrein berglangs. Die bietjie verligting vanmiddag is omdat die wes die noordwes effens van koers af druk. Ons

kry net die dwarsklap. Wat die man op straat egter verwar, is die voortgesette skommeling snags in die bolug wanneer ons slaap. Ons het Dinsdagnag weer gesien hoe die wind letterlik van noordwes na suidoos kan omswaai en soos ’n naald opskiet van doodse stilte tot 50 km/h. Tot ’n mate het dit met die seisoensverandering te doen, word gesê, maar die afgelope dae het ons ook met sonsverduistering in die noordelike halfrond te doen gehad. Die nuwemaan wat op die derde van die maad moes verskyn, het diegene wat op hom gewag het erg teleurgestel en had ook ’n uitwerking op die deinings. Dit is kompleet of die weer al hierdie oordadigheid van hom op die Overstrand uithaal, want wanneer die wolke môre ’n bietjie breek, is dit net tot die naweek toe en wanneer die sakemense van die dorp Saterdag hul deure oopsluit, kyk hulle teen nat weer vas. Vorentoe lyk dit of die wind hom tot volgende week sal gedra, maar die suidooster maak die lug eers Dinsdag skoon. Net vir die dag.


Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

7 November, 2013

Sound advice for Hermanus’s hearing impaired residents I have been alarmed at the number of patients I have seen lately who have been lured with the promise of a free hearing test to attend the “practice” of acousticians / audiologists in Hermanus. The old adage applies “there is no such thing as a free lunch”. The “consultation” is mainly directed at the selling of a hearing aid. This may well be indicated at times but many patients, I believe, hope other ear conditions will be diagnosed and managed. These practitioners are individuals who are trained to test hearing. Their abilities in examining the ear and making diagnoses is extremely limited. They are certainly not qualified to prescribe any treatment for ear conditions. I warn patients to first seek the advice and examination of their GPs before they receive a hearing aid for the treatment of wax in the ear or more seriously, a brain tumor!


Felicity Maclennan-Smith M.CommPath (Audiology) (UP) Registered Audiologist: Member of the Ethics and Standards Committee of the South African Speech, Language and Hearing Association writing in her personal capacity; Estelle Venter B. Speech Pathology and Audiology (US) Registered Audiologist and Olivia Coetzee B. Communication Pathology (UP) Registered Audiologist respond: Audiologists hold a minimum of a 4-year post graduate degree and must be registered with the Health Professions

Council of South Africa (HPCSA); Hearing Aid Acousticians hold a two year diploma. Their scope differs from that of the audiologist. The scope and ambit of what audiologists are permitted and required to do, as stated in the Health Professions Act 56, includes the following:) 1. Performance of otoscopy (ear examination) for audiological management or to provide a basis for medical referral; 2. Wax management/removal; 3. Assessment of hearing and auditory systems (including audiological differential diagnosis of acoustic nerve tumour); 4. Generating recommendations and developing an audiologic treatment/ management plan; 5. Consulting with and referring to other professions; 6. Evaluating, selecting, verifying, fitting and dispensing of hearing aid devices. Audiologists are the only healthcare professionals permitted to evaluate the hearing of infants and children and to manage hearing loss in this population (specifically the fitting of hearing instruments). During the International week of Hearing Awareness, audiologists are encouraged by the South African Association of Audiologists to offer the public the opportunity of having their hearing screened without charge to raise awareness especially in those sections of the community that may otherwise not have access to this service. This year International Hearing Awareness week fell at the end of September.

We gladly give of our time and expertise to further this purpose, without charge and without the promise or lure of reward. The Ethical Rules of Conduct for Practitioners Registered under the Health Professions Act states clearly in Schedule 1, clause 12 that: “a practitioner shall not cast reflections on the probity, professional reputation or skill of another person registered under the Act or any other Health Act”. The responsible response to concern about a professional colleague’s conduct is succinctly laid out in the Act. The author can and should have lodged a complaint with the HPCSA about the individual/s and his/her/ their conduct which concerns him, as set out in his letter. Much as we support freedom of the press and the right to express ones thoughts openly, this is not the appropriate forum under the rules which govern the conduct of healthcare professionals in South Africa. This response and the letter will accordingly be referred to both the Preliminary Committee for Doctors and the applicable Professional Associations. For this reason, we choose not to respond to the various allegations contained in the letter until our professional and ethics committees have had a chance to hear all the relevant facts and allegations, and to adjudicate on them. For now it suffices for us to say that we strongly disagree with the content of the letter and will continue to offer our assistance to the community in accordance with the recognised professional ethics and standards.

Developments at VOS footpath a ‘misdirection’ of funds I’m both amused and appalled as I watch recent developments along the Vermont, Onrus, Sandbaai (VOS) footpath between Sandbaai parking lot and the Onrus beach – men are hard at work and behind them a boardwalk is snaking its way across the sand again and a smooth new surface on the pre-existing path is gleaming in the sun. About this time last year I watched as a ramshackle bridge (definitely no SF Golden Gate or Firth of Forth, this) appeared across the river estuary and the same route at the back of the beach was “improved” with a platform of brick pallets perched on the sand. As a newcomer to the area I was mystified, but all was explained when an MTB race reached its conclusion here a little later. I was relieved when the whole edifice was then removed – apart from the visually dubious aspect, the sound of opportunistic joggers thundering

along the planks didn’t exactly enhance the peace of a walk along the beach there! So I was astonished to see the massive effort being repeated now. Forgive my ignorance or stupidity but is the bike race about to happen in November not for mountain bikes rather than road bikes? So why are we spoiling the riders’ fun by making a road for them? As far as the cement topping being applied to the perfectly serviceable (and in fact quite attractive) stony path is concerned, I’m trying hard to be charitable and find a better reason for the change than easing the ride for the racers. Is it perhaps with a view to making the VOS path wheelchair friendly? If so, I’m sorry to disillusion the builders, but that topping will crack as time passes (apart from anything else the old expansion joints have been carefully smoothed over) and the ensuing potholes will be bumpy to put it mildly

(not forgetting that the sound cement in between the cracks will get harder as the years pass). The new topping reminds me of the time when wonderful woodgrain was deemed far too irregular and beautiful Yellowwood and Oregon boards were hidden under layers of paint. Somehow I don’t think the inheritors of our legacy will have as much fun chipping away our concrete monstrosities as do the current generation of paint-stripping furniture restorers. I started by saying I’m appalled – and this is because all these efforts seem such a misdirection of funds and energy. I’m all for job creation, but when you look at the dreadful conditions in our townships and squatter camps (speaking generally, not necessarily locally), it’s difficult to believe the money couldn’t be better spent.


Dog owners must adhere to bylaws Another unnecessary and stressful “dog incident” on Hoy’s Koppie on Sunday 27 October has prompted me to write this letter to inform and educate the public and dog owners, once again, about the bylaws pertaining to Hoy’s Koppie, in Hermanus. Hoy’s Koppie is part of the proclaimed Fernkloof Nature Reserve, and is protected by municipal and environmental by-laws which we all need to comply with and abide by, if we wish to preserve the uniqueness and natural beauty of Hoy’s Koppie. Walkers should be able to enjoy the outdoor experience without being harassed by uncontrolled and aggressive dogs. There are clear and precise municipal signs at each entrance of the koppie, which require that users of the koppie abide with the environmental regulations and by-laws. One of which is to keep all dogs on leads at all times! Hoy’s Koppie is a protected nature reserve, not a free-running exercise area for dogs. Dog owners are certainly not allowed to let their uncontrolled dogs run around the koppie to chase the dassies, francolins, tortoises, birds and other wildlife found there. Dogs

must be under the supervision and control of their owners and walkers at all times. They must be on leads and must not be allowed to chase and interfere with other people and dogs. It is really of no use if the leads for the dogs are being carried by the owners or left in a vehicle! Small dogs can be as problematic as large dogs so they must also be on leads and controlled. It is required that the dog’s droppings are picked up and deposited in the bins provided on Hoy’s Koppie. This is the responsible and considerate thing to do. The Hermanus Public Protection (HPP) guards are mandated to request all non-compliant dog owners to put leads on their dogs, and should this not be forthcoming the HPP guards will request Law Enforcement officers to intervene. Members of the public are encouraged to phone Law Enforcement at 028 313 2042, and HPP at 028 312 4900, should they need assistance with problems concerning non-compliant owners and their dogs.


Saluting the knight of the ‘white horses’ Hermanus folk are really rather special. My family and friends gathered as they do each year, to remember my late son, who is buried at sea, in Walker Bay. We usually try to float out a wreath of flowers, often it floats right back to us! But this year a gallant surfer took the wreath out on his board, to deep water, and on a signal from us, set it on the waves. I have no idea as to who this knight of the “white horses” might

be, only his car registration number. A sincere thank you, this kindness brought a lifting of the spirit, laughter and cheers. The son whom we were remembering was himself a champion swimmer and would have applauded your skills. We will all remember this year as the year of the surfer. Thank you.


Injured cyclist grateful for medical care I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude to Hemanus Provincial Hospital for the caring efficient treatment I received. On 30 July I was cycling towards Hermanus on the R43 intending to turn into Lynx Avenue. Checking that there was a large truck some distance behind me, I moved into the dedicated right turn lane. While in that lane I was hit by a 4x4 travelling towards Hermanus. His exterior rear-view mirror apparently hit my helmet rendering me unconscious. When I awoke four days later I was in Hermanus Hospital. I had been brought in by ambulance, stabilised, sent to Tygerberg

Hospital for x-rays, and referred to Hermanus Hospital. Everyone at the hospital was efficient, respectful and caring for which I am extremely grateful. For the next three months I have been and still am an outpatient for dressings at first and then for physiotherapy, which is still needed, but progressing well. All in all, something that turned out much better than I could have expected. In closing may I point out that I am 73 years old and conscious of the fact I could have died during this period if I was not properly handled. Thank you, Hermanus Hospital.


Beach toilets locked We have been residents of Sandbaai for many years. We enjoy lovely walks and lazy days on the beach. Sunday was a wonderful day, the beach full of families. It is sad that the public toilets for some reason were locked! It was lunch time and lots of people were still on the beach. There is no sense in locking the toilets so early.


Peter Burger, Senior Operational Manager of the Overstrand Municipality answers:We would like to thank our local resident for bringing certain matters to our attention. The toilets on Sandbaai beach are open daily (weekends and holidays included) from 07:45 to 17:00, and cleaned at least once a day. Should you wish to report a problem, please contact the Overstrand Municipality on 028 313 8000.

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

7 November, 2013


‘Mother of Zwelihle’ dies at 64 HEDDA MITTNER Elizabeth Klaas (64), founder and principal of the Khanya Educare Centre in Zwelihle, passed away on Wednesday 30 October. She was admitted to the Hermanus Hospital on Sunday after suffering a stroke. Known as “the mother of Zwelihle”, Notizana Elizabeth “Nothembile” Klaas was born in Lower Mount Pleasant on 7 December 1948. She attended primary school in Mount Pleasant and secondary school at Langa High, completing the highest grade at the time, called Form 3. Elizabeth was employed as a domestic worker by the De Jager family for many years before opening her own crèche in Zwelihle in 1995, the Khanya Educare Centre. There

are currently 85 children at the centre, which is a safe haven offering an organised and well-run environment for the physical, social, cultural and educational development of children. Deputy principal Sandisiwe Mdodana, who worked with Elizabeth since 2004, says she was like a mother to her. “She was a very open person who wanted to help everybody, especially children. She was very good to me and I learnt so much from her. We will miss her terribly, but we’ll carry on as best we can.” “Elizabeth had a great love for children,” says Maatjie Wandrag, an educational consultant with the Enlighten Education Trust, who worked with Elizabeth for the last four years. “She was dedicated to her community and everyone knew her – she was the mother of Zwelihle.”

The mayor, Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, says Elizabeth will be deeply missed, not only by her family, but by the whole community. “She had a special place in her heart for children. I am very sad to have lost not only someone who was doing invaluable work at her educare centre, but also a friend with whom I was hoping to make many more dreams come true.” Elizabeth married Zwelibanzi Paulos Klaas from Dimbaza in the Eastern Cape in 1981 and they had seven children – Themba, Vuyelwa, Nkosinathi, Archie, Noluvuyo, Nomonde and Simphiwe. She leaves behind her husband, sister Nokuqala, two brothers Jackson and Monde, her seven children and 12 grandchildren. The funeral service will take place on Saturday 9 November at Lukhanyo Primary School in Zwelihle from 09:00 to 13:00.

Sea Cubs and Scouts ­ then and now The 1st Hermanus Sea Cubs and Scouts invite everyone who has been a part of this organisation to share their stories, photos and memories with them. Formed in the late 1950s, the 1st Hermanus Sea Cubs and Scouts’ original hut, which was built by Hermanus Rotary, is now used by the cubs. A second hut has since been added, courtesy of the Lions in 1995. “The grounds have been part of the physical and mental development of many of Hermanus’ young men in the past,” says the Akela, Fiona McBride. “Today, we have a very active pack of boys and girls who enjoy hiking, camping, building fires and dens, entertaining and many more fun activities. Since we meet on a Friday evening we are very careful not to create a similar environment to school but rather encourage learning through games and teamwork.” One family who has fond memories of the great camping trips and Jamborees are the Swingler’s. Michael Swingler and his three young boys joined the 1st Hermanus Sea Scouts as cubs in 1978. “The scout camp grounds at Grotto beach must be one of the most beautiful camping sites in the country. The other campsite that was used during those years was on the McFarlane farm in Stanford. “Although the camping was a lot of fun there was also a fair amount of physical activity including early morning training sessions followed by a swim. The children learnt various skills including first aid, how to make a fire, cooking, survival skills and about nature,” McBride said. “Looking back over the years, we had a lot of fun but there were numerous physical and mental challenges which were very gratifying if completed successfully. Without knowing it at the time, these challenges formed an important part of preparing our children for what lay ahead in life while strong friendships were forged along the way.” Email Fiona at fiona1966@yahoo.com.

The cubs managed to tick their ‘helping ourselves and others’ and ‘people and places’ boxes when they recently visited Huis Lettie Theron to dance, sing and perform for the residents. They then served home baked cookies, tea, coffee and juice. At the back are Damian Haun, Fiona McBride (Akela) and Jamie le Roux. In front from left are Luke Swingler, Callum le Roux, Alex Swingler, Callum Haskell, Dehandré Smit, Siena Jones, Michaela Delaney, Tinka Swingler (Chil) and Frank Swingler. 1st Hermanus Sea Cub Scouts, 1978. Nic Swingler is first on the left, front row, Michael Swingler 4th from the right and Frank Swingler 3rd from the left, back row. Two of Michael’s sons now attend the Cubs.

Elizabeth Klaas as she will be remembered by many – surrounded by children at her Khanya Educare Centre in Zwelihle.


Poppy Day Remembrance service The Poppy Day Remembrance service, in memory of and wreath-laying ceremony will take place at the Old Harbour on Sunday 10 November. The MOTHS invite everyone to attend as well as those wishing to lay a wreath in memory of a loved one who died in defence of his country. The programme is: 10:30 Seating of all dignitaries. 10:35 Arrival of Overstrand Mayor. 10:40 Participating troops and sentries in position. 10:45 Welcome and explanation of proceedings. 10:50 Start of service: Scripture reading and prayer hymn: Abide with me. Benediction. 11:00 Last Post and lowering of national flag (Regiment Westelike Provincie) Two minutes silence

–one minute for those who paid the highest sacrifice, and one minute for those who survived. 11:05 Reveille and raising of the national flag. (Regiment Westelike Provincie ) 11:10 Wreath-laying ceremony. 11:25 Address by Moth Harvey Saayman. 11:30 Address by Mayor. 11:35 MOTH Credo and Prayer Moths upstanding and salute. 11:40 National Anthem. 11:45 Participating troops and sentries withdraw. Service: Chaplain S.J.Bredenham. MOTH credo and prayer: Old Bill Harvey Saayman. ) In case of rain the ceremony will take place in the Municipal Auditorium. The parking area above the Old Harbour will be closed.


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

7 November, 2013

Vonita Thompson (director of Hermanus Forensic Pathology Service), James Such, Lorna Such and Dr Saadiq Kariem (Chief Director, General Specialist and EMS)

40 years and counting The facility manager of the Hermanus Forensic Pathology Service was awarded a 40-year Long Service Award by the Western Cape Government on 29 October at Lentegeur Hospital. “My work is my life and my hobby”, says James Such, who has lived in Hermanus since 1973 where he was appointed chief forensic officer and facility manager in 2006. Such joined the South African Police in early 1973, when he arrived in Pretoria as one of the youngest ever student constables – an Englishman lost in a sea of “Dutchmen”. In December 1973 he was transferred to Hermanus. During the following years he studied through the Technikon steadily climbing up the ranks of constable, sergeant, warrant officer and finally inspector. In June 1996 he was promoted to captain by the then State President Nelson Mandela. Due to the commissioned rank bestowed upon him, he is to this day still a Justice of the Peace (Vrederegter). Throughout his 40 years most of his days have been spent working. As a matter of fact, his wife Lorna

says she basically brought up their family by herself. James was either on duty, on a course, busy training members somewhere or executing riot duties. He was often in the former Rhodesia or South West Africa doing a border stint, of which there were in total more than 12 three-month stints. James and Lorna were married in 1984. They have one son and one daughter, and two grandchildren. Lorna is the principal of Hermanus Pre-Primary and an award winner on par with her husband. She recently won the Teacher of the Year award for the Overberg and will compete for the provincial title in Cape Town on Friday evening 8 November. The Suches enjoy visiting the country’s game parks with their family and James says he knows the Kruger, Etosha, Pilanesburg, and Kalahari Gemsbok parks like the back of his hand. He underwent a quadruple heart bypass operation in April and is now taking better care of his health but is still not ready for retirement. “I enjoy my work too much,” he says with a smile.

Borskliniek ’n sukses, nou vir Movember Sowat 130 vroue het verlede Donderdag by die Borskliniek opgedaag vir gratis borskankertoetse wat deur Mediclinic en Kansa gereël is. Kansa Hermanus het groot waardering vir drs. De Flamingh en Truter se werk en die mooi gesindheid waarmee hulle die gemeenskap van die Overstrand ge-

help het. “Ons sal graag hierdie kliniek ’n jaarlikse instelling wil maak,” het Elnette du Toit van Kansa gesê. Movember bied weer die geleentheid aan die manne om snorre te groei en ook te gaan vir hul jaarlikse algemene gesondheidsondersoek. In samewerking met Pathcare is daar weer ’n spesiale

aanbod vir PSA-toetse. Hierdie bloedtoets sal aandui of daar ’n abnormaliteit by die prostaatklier voorkom al dan nie. ) Men can go for a PSA test at Pathcare, Medical Centre. The cost is R85 and within a week the results will be send by mail. Call the Cansa office on 028 316 3678 or Pathcare on 028 313 0750.

MO BRO’S: Members of Hermanus Round Table have signed up for Movember and will be growing moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues, in particular cancer. Showing their clean shaven faces at the start of the challenge are (from left) Jaco (Appel) Brand, Francois Bezuidenhout, Jacques du Toit, Wiam Bishop, Ben Calitz, Nico Swart and Geart Louw. In front are Elnette du Toit, community mobiliser for Cansa Hermanus and Maryna Voges, administrator at Cansa. Some interesting Mo Bro rules: “For the entire month of Movember each Mo Bro must grow and groom a moustache; There is to be no joining of the Mo to your sideburns – that’s considered a beard; there is to be no joining of the handlebars to your chin either – that’s considered a goatee.” PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

FACE TO FACE CHALLENGE: The team Pick n Bro (now clean-shaven), made up of tenants of the Pick n Pay Centre, challenge other Bro’s out there to change the face of men’s health in SA by growing their moustaches in November. Funds raised will support research into prostate and testicular cancer and mental health. Taking the Movember challenge at the Pick n Pay Centre are (back from left) Rohann Maree, JP Terblanche, Arnold Nepgen, and Henry Jacobs. In fron are: Peter Pietersen, Bertus Naudé and Neethling Naudé. PHOTO: LINDSAY LIGHT

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

7 November, 2013

Klas van ‘63 ­ toe en nou Verlede week het die Hermanus Times ‘n foto geplaas van sewe van die 13 oud-leerlinge wat saam in 1963 aan die Hoërskool Hermanus matrikuleer het, en vir hul 50ste reünie in Oktober bymekaar gekom het. Uit die 13 oorspronklike leerlinge is daar nog 10 oor. Jess Boon en Marie Woensdregt Basson het hierdie foto’s van die matriekklas ingestuur; een is die oorspronklike klasfoto uit die jaar 1963, die tweede is geneem tydens hul 25-jaar reünie en die derde is van die sewe wat nog die 50ste reünie kon bywoon.

BO: 50-Jaar reünie: Agter van links is Susan Brand (Meyer), Koos le Roux, Marius Burmeister, Brian Figg en Jess Boon (Mariana). Voor van links is Alma Schneider (Swanepoel) en Marie Woensdregt (Basson). Afwesig was Dries Laubsher, Jan Bredenkamp en Virginia van Schalkwyk. LINKS: 25-Jaar reünie: Agter van links is Susan Brand, Koos le Roux, Dries Laubscher, Marius Burmeister en Jess Boon. Voor van links is John Henderson, Rian van Brakel, Alma Schneider en Marie Woensdregt. Afwesig was Jan Bredenkamp, Brian Figg, Virginia van Schalkwyk en Heinie van Niekerk. Die matriekklas van 1963: Agter van links is Susan Brand, Koos le Roux, Dries Laubscher, Jan Bredenkamp, Virginia van Schalkwyk, Marius Burmeister, Brian Figg en Jess Boon. Voor van links is John Henderson, Rian van Brakel, Mr de Villiers (prinsipaal), Alma Schneider en Marie Woensdregt.


TOP ACHIEVERS: Hawston Primary School held their Gr 7 awards function on Wednesday 30 October. The top achievers showing off their certificates with their proud principal Julius Swart looking on, are Robyn Hunter (centre) first place with subject prizes for life orientation, economic management studies and social science, which won her a cash prize of R3 500, Gaylann Swartz (left) came second with subject prizes for arts and culture and Afrikaans home language and she won R2 300, Cassidy Witbooi (right) came third in class and top in maths and was awarded a cash prize of R1 550. The principal says the cash prizes are offered as an incentive and are sponsored by SPP Canning, the Molly Joans Trust and Cllr Rudolph Smith. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

7 November, 2013

Missing family pitbull found after two months JANINE VAN DER RIET

Skye hugging her best friend, Diesel. She still cannot believe that he is back at home.

A pitbull that went missing on 4 September this year was found on Thursday, almost two months after the dog had disappeared. Diesel’s owners, four-year-old Skye and her parents André and Nicolize du Preez from Sandbaai searched for him for hours every day, driving hundreds of kilometres looking for their beloved two-year-old pet. On the day of his disappearance, the Du Preezs had left their house in Leisure Park early in the morning and returned home at around 17:00. They immediately realised Diesel was missing when they opened the front door

and he was not inside to greet them They looked outside in their enclosed yard, with the gate still closed as they left it, but Diesel was nowhere to be found. The family searched for Diesel daily. They made posters which André handed out and posted in and around Hermanus A month later the family decided to order two new puppies, as they could not watch their daughter’s heartbreak over her lost pet any longer. As Skye is an only child Diesel was her best friend and she called him her “brother”. As miracles happen, one day before the two new puppies were to fly in from Welkom, André received a phone call from

Jill Rossouw, owner of Zebra Crossing: she had Diesel. Jill lives a street away from the Du Preezs, behind the Leisure Park complex. About six weeks ago Diesel broke into their back yard, lying in the sun on the stoep during the day. In the beginning, when Diesel heard a sound, he would run away. Jill later started leaving food and water on the stoep for Diesel to enjoy and the visits became a daily habit. At night, he would run away again into the bushes. Jill initially posted a photo of him on a Facebook page and on an internet site, but nobody came forward to claim him. Then one of her friends on Facebook showed her an article that was published in the Hermanus Times about Diesel’s disappearance. She immediately phoned André, who could not believe his ears. “Diesel was ecstatic to see us. I could not believe it.” Thanks to Jill, Diesel was found in a good condition apart from a few stains and scrapes. The Du Preezs gave Jill a reward because she had looked after him so well. Nicolize was beside herself with happiness and took the dog home and bathed him three times. “He was very, very dirty with black oil stains on his back. We still think Diesel might have been stolen initially, but he could have broken out of the premises he was kept at and stayed in the bushes near Curro during the last few weeks, having lunch at Jill and then returning to the bushes at night.” The Du Preezs now have to find a new owner for the two puppies who are still in Welkom, as Diesel is used to being an “only dog”.

Hermanus Times

Promosies Promotions

7 November, 2013


OVERSTRAND AUTO: Corrie is al 22 jaar ‘n gekwalifiseerde autoelektrisien en het op Olofantsfontein in Pretoria sy rooiseël-sertifikaat verwerf. In 2000 het hy na Hermanus verhuis waar hy by Motolek Hermanus werksaam was en verder sy kennis toegepas het. Toe Motolek Hermanus verkoop, het hy sy eie besigheid begin. Overstrand Auto bestaan tans drie jaar en het ook ‘n tegnikus wat help met dienste en padwaardigheid. Overstrand Auto streef om altyd net die beste te lewer. Kontak hulle by 028 312 1231.an links is Corrie Olivier (eienaar en auto-elektrisien), Mariana Janse van Rensburg (sekretaresse), Herbert Barnardt (wertuigkundige) en Franco Pretorius (deeltydse assistent).

WINDOR SOLUTIONS / TRELLIDOR OVERBERG: We are the franchise holder for the Overberg area for Trellidor, which, apart from being the market leader in sliding barrier security, offers a range of window security as well as rollerstyle aluminium roller shutters, and the revolutionary clearguard, which offers serious security while being virtually transparent. In addition we offer American Shutters for windows and doors, a range of canvas products for awnings and exterior blinds, aluminium canopies and awnings from Luxaflex, and a full range of blinds from leading suppliers. We are proud of our reputation for service and installation quality, built up over more than 10 years. Contact us on 028 312 3214.

KADESH LAVEH: Contact Kallie Keyser on 083 455 8942 for any joinery requirement or come and talk to us at 13 Mimosa street. To view some of our work, visit our website – www.kadeshlavehhermanus.com. Back left is Kallie Keyser with his hard working team.

VEN VAN MOTORS: Willie Venter het vir 32 jaar by General Motors gewerk as tegnikus en vir die laaste 3 jaar het hy sy eie besigheid Ven Van Motors in Mimosastraat. Kontak hom gerus by 076 975 6442.

AMOROC DOORS (COROMA DOORS): Amoroc has been in existence since 1996 in Hermanus. The success of Amoroc is due to the loyalty and support of our Overberg Community. Therefore we would like to thank all our clients and would like to wish you all a festive season. Contact them on 028 313 1338.


Hermanus Times

Promosies Promotions

7 November, 2013

CANINE CAPERS GROOMING PAR­ LOUR: Canine Capers offers dog grooming, puppy socialisation, dog training, day care, pet sitting and dog walking. At to our grooming parlour dogs are not crated (unless absolutely necessary) and have free access to water and newspapers (serving as trees). Our dog training boasts bronze, silver and gold canine good-citizen certificates. Contact Louis Botha on 083 264 2912 or email lobotha@iafrica.com. Van links is Louise Botha & Maisie en Tertia de Beer en Ava.

GLASSMEN EN PG GLASS: PG Glass en Glassmen op Hermanus behoort aan die PGgroep wat dienste lewer sedert 1996 aan die Overberg-area en hulle bedank alle kliente vir die getroue ondersteuning. Kontak hulle gerus by 028 312 3870 (Glassmen) of 028 312 4888 (PG Glass).

COMPRESSED AIR: Moedeloos met klip wat in die pad is? Of dit nou fondasies of ’n swembad is wat deur klip versper word, kry die kenners in om te help. Kontak Compressed Air by 028 313 1167

HERMANUS GAS: Aan die roer van sake by Hermanus Gas is die innemende pa-en-seunspan van Stoffel en Charl Frick. Hermanus Gas is die hoof voorsiener van Totalgaz in die Overberg en met hierdie pa-en-seunspan se uitgebreide tegniese kennis en ervaring is kliënte verseker van ‘n gehalteproduk en betroubare dienslewering. Met dié dat Suid-Afrika se kragvoorsiening so onder druk verkeer, is dit ‘n wyse besluit om na gas te kyk as ‘n bykomende, of ‘n hoofbron, van energie. Gaan maak gerus ‘n draai by Hermanus Gas om meer uit te vind oor hulle gehalteprodukte en uitstekende diens. Kontak hulle by 028 313 1400.

PRESTIGE PANELBEATERS: Prestige Panelbeaters has grown to the top of the industry. We are an approved body and automotive repairer. We specialise in restoring old vehicles as well as everyday vehicles, from small scratches to major accident repairs. We are also approved repairers to major insurance companies. As an additional service we are open every 2nd Saturday and all quotations are free of charge. We also offer a pensioner’s discount and according to satisfied customers we can wear our slogan “We’re simply the best” with pride. Back from left are Andre Labuschagne, Siman Lando, Eric Hombile, Raymond Chihururu. Front from left are Conrad Labuschagne, Mariette Labuschagne, Rolinda Labuschagne and Lucky Hombile.

HYCO HYDRAULICS & ENGINEERING: Hyco Hydraulics & Engineering have been servicing the Overberg since 1997 and came under new management a year ago. Not only do they customise any type of hydraulic, brake or fuel line they also specialise in engineering and repair of machinery. Their latest add-on is line boring which can be done on-site or in their well-equipped workshop. They stock a large variety of imperial and metric fasteners in stainless and high tensile steel. Clamps, bearings, O-rings and many more are available at shop 17 & 9 in Mimosa Street. From left are Jose Havenga, Pieter de Vries (owner), Mathew Modutsoane, Jose Havenga, Wilna de Vries and Susan Victor.

CARNIVAL POOLS: After leaving school in 1960, Peter Schoeman entered into an apprenticeship contract with S.A.R.&H where he passed his trade test in 1964. He then progressed to S.A.B.C. and qualified as senior electrician. He then went on to start his own business and changed his trade to the construction of Gunite Swimming Pools in Port Elizabeth. Peter’s family moved to Hermanus in 1989 where he further expanded his business. They are at 2 & 18 Mimosa Park in Mimosa Street. Carnival Pools thank the public of Hermanus who supported us throughout the years. HARRY’S ANTI­ QUE STORE: Harry Louw, eienaar van Harry’s Antique Store, is reeds 36 jaar in die houtbedryf. Hy doen restourasiewerk, ingeboude kaste, verfverwydering, verf van meubels, riempies, ens. Bel hom gerus by 028 312 3391 of 072 507 5347

Hermanus Times

Promosies Promotions

7 November, 2013

COASTAL TIMBER MOUL­ DINGS: Coastal Timber Mouldings lewer ’n diens aan bouers en kontrakteurs in die distrik sedert 2002. Hulle verskaf ook graag hulle diens aan die publiek. Van links na regs: Ernest Ngaliphi, John Theunissen , Joseph Phumani, Vuyo Mayile, Alet Klaue, Dirk Herbst, (eienaar), Hermy Maginda, Willie Mkina, Eric Ngame, Estelle Herbst, Temba Yangapi en die hond Vlooi (inlas), wat ook deel van die personeel uitmaak. MOTOLANDO: Motolando was eers op Swellendam gevestig, maar is nou in Mimosastraat 10. Die eienaar, Chris Roets, diens alle maak motorfietse. Motolando is ook die offisiële handelaar van Jonway, Gomoto, Bashan, Lifan en Mars Glass Fiber Helmets. Kontak Chris by 028 514 1321 of 082 290 5429.


OVERBERG USED CAR PARTS: Overberg Used Car Parts is alreeds 9 jaar die bron van alle goeie tweedehandse en nuwe parte vir enige voertuig. Willie en Naomi bedank alle kliënte wat hulle so getrou ondersteun. Hulle leuse is “Local is Lekker” Kontak hulle gerus by 028 313 2466. Van links is Tony Barnes, Naomi en Willie Rademeyer.

MAINTENANCE MAN: Johan de Jager met sy handige span - kontak hom gerus by 083 525 1492 vir enige onderhoud, bouwerk, houtwerk,staalwerk, elektriese werk asook “plumbing”.

FYNBOS WENDY’S: Fynbos Logging is ‘n familiebesigheid wat sy ontstaan in 2007 in Bredasdorp as saagmeule begin het. Twee pale depo’s en ‘n wendyhuis-besigheid is gebore uit die die saagmeule-bedryf. Ons pale depo in Mimosastraat se hekke is Mei 2013 geopen onder die bestuur van Leani le Grange. Saam maak haar assistente Emmerson en Taco ‘n hardwerkende wenspan. In die foto is Leani Le Grange (links) en Emmerson.

AJ MOTOR TRIMMINGS: Kurt Fortune and Franklin Johannes do all car interiors, rooflings, seats, re-dying leather, carpets, etc. They have also now incorporated hydro dipping, customising motorcycles, wood grain to car dashes, camouflage to rifles, model helicopters, etc. Just about everything can by hydro dipped. 16 Different patterns are available, flames, carbon, wood grain, skulls, marble, etc. Contact them on 072 425 6053.

23 WALKERBAY STORAGE: Soek u stoorruimtes vanaf 5.25 vierkant ’n meter tot 19.5 vierkant ’n meter? Skakel Estelle by 082 577 9293 vir u oplossing.


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

7 November, 2013

STOLEN: This ornamental brass bulldog was stolen from the Hemel-en-Aarde Estate’s club house on 21 October. The ornament is worth around R25 000. Anyone with information is asked to contact Constable Nomvuyo Zweni on 083 883 0159 or 028 313 7000.

FOUND: This wood carving was found at a Hermanus dumpsite. If you would like to claim it back, contact Mrs Knaap on 028 316 1295. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

) Daar is nog stalletjies beskikbaar vir vanjaar se Hawston Seefees op 8 Desember. Bel Godfrey by 072 823 0043. ) Overstrand Hospice Shop invites the public and tourists to come and browse through their book collection, clothes, brica-brac and much more. Shop hours Monday to Friday 09:00–16:00. Saturdays 09:00–12:30. Also, remember that donations can be collected every Tuesday and Thursday. Call 028 313 1884. ) Experienced home schooling parents from the Overberg will be hosting a free community event aimed at parents who are considering this as an option for their children, as well as for parents who are already homeschooling their families. There will be 5–10 minute talks about various aspects of home education followed by a Q and A session. The event will take place on Saturday 9 November at Amana Conference Centre in Vermont at 14:00. It is aimed at parents only. However, quiet babes in arms are welcome. Attendance is free. To book, sms 084 506 6474 or send an email to: shirleyerwee@gmail.com.

Kersmelodrama met ’n verskil JANINE VAN DER RIET ’n Kersmelodrama met ’n interessante verskil word op 15 November by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier aangebied. Benewens ander gemeentelede wat kunstenaarsliedjies deur onder andere Die Flooze, Josh Groban en Bok van Blerk gaan namaak, gaan ds. Corné Kemp as Andrea Bocelli optree en ds. Pierre Bosman en ds. Michiel de Kock gaan die liedjie “Houtkruis” sing. Kaartjies is beskikbaar teen R50 per persoon en gaan ten bate van Emma Basson van Hoërskool Hermanus wat in Desember aan die SA danskampioenskaptoernooi in Kaapstad deelneem. Die vertoning begin om 19:00 vir 19:30 en kaartjies is beskikbaar by die NG kerk Onrusrivier, die NG kerk Hermanus of Mariet Basson by 078 329 7888.

Algemeen General

SEE PUPPETEERS IN ACTION: Puppeteers from the Enlighten Trust will be performing African folk tales in English this Saturday from 10:30 to 12:30 at Enlighten’s premises on the corner of Swartdam and Angelier Roads. Admission is free of charge but donations for the hard-working puppeteers are most welcome. Refreshments will be on sale. The puppeteers undergo continuous training and regularly perform puppet shows for children in Zwelihle, in crèches, schools, churches and homes. They would like to show the people of Hermanus what they are doing, and will be happy to perform at schools, parties and other events. Bring the kids to come and meet them on Saturday, or call Elizabeth Reppel on 028 312 3965 or 082 735 8791.

Top violinist to perform Overstrand Arts/Kunste (OAK) presents violinist Yura Lee, winner of the 2010 UNISA International Strings Competition, in concert on Saturday 9 November. Lee has won numerous awards and played with top orchestras in the world. She will be accompanied by South African pianist Tertia Visser-Downie. They will perform the Sonata for Violin and Piano in D Major Op. 12 No. 1 by Ludwig von Beethoven; the Sonata No. 3 for Violin and Piano in D minor, Op. 108 by Johannes Brahms, the Praeludium and Allegro, Liebesleid (Love’s Sorrow) and Liebesfreud (Love’s Joy) by Fritz Kreisler and more. The concert starts at 19:00 in the Overstrand Auditorium. Tickets are R100 (R50 for students/pupils) and bookings can be made at Bellini Gallery at Shop No 33 in the Village Square, or call them on 028 312 4988. For further enquiries call René du Plooy on 082 940 4238.

Hermanus Times 7 November, 2013



Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

7 November, 2013

ship at Qhayiya Secondary School every Sunday from 09:30 – 12:00. ) ZaZa en die kunsteNar by Sprokkelster­teater op Onrus. Kaartjies kos R150. Bespreek by Louise: 0 082 896 5106. THURSDAY 7 NOVEMBER ) Whalers Athletics Club time trials for 3 km, 5 km and 8 km at 18:00 at the cricket club. ) The Hermanus Rotary Club meets every Thursday at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. Call Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. ) Join the Hermanus Bird Club for birding at Haw­ ston View, Van der Stel’s Pass, Vyeboom/Vil­ liersdorp. Meet at the Onrus Trading Post at 08:00. Call Barbara: 0 083 659 3303. FRIDAY 8 NOVEMBER ) Besoek die teetuin by die dienssentrum van die NG gemeente Onrusrivier, 10:00 – 12:00, vir vars tuisgebak met ’n koppie moerkoffie. ) Flower arranging demonstration by Alyson Kes­ sel at St Peter’s Church hall at 14:00 in aid of Over­ strand Hospice and St Peter’s Church. Tickets R50 each. Call Ann Harvett: 0 072 402 5245; or the Church Office: 0 028 312 1325 (08:00 – 12:00). ) Join The Friends of the Library and crafters at the Bhuki Café for tea, homebakes, crafts, mince pies and Christmas cakes from 09:00 – 11:30. ) The U3A series History of Modern Britain: Land of Lost Content by Andrew Marr is at 10:00 in the Catholic Church hall. Call Penny Charteris: 0 028 316 2489. SATURDAY 9 NOVEMBER ) Matric revision for languages (Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa) from 09:00 – 12:00 on Whale Coast FM 96­96.2. ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kos­en­wynmark, 09:00 – 13:00. ) Hermanus Country Market from 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Hemel­en­Aarde Garden Market, 09:00 – 14:00 at Hemel­en­Aarde Village. ) ZaZa en die kunsteNar, met Zanne Stapelberg, Niel Rademan en Elna van der Merwe, om 20:00 bySprokkelster­teateropOnrus.KaartjieskosR150. Bespreek by Louise: 0 082 896 5106. SUNDAY 10 NOVEMBER ) Fountain of Victory International Ministries fellow­

MONDAY 11 NOVEMBER ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 or 0 072 230 9179. ) U3A series on the SA Agricultural Crisis will fea­ ture a presentation on deciduous fruit by Mike Downes at the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Call Gert Claassen: 0 083 602 5254. ) Touching Hearts meets every Monday at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) The Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. TUESDAY 12 NOVEMBER ) Join the Early Birds at the Hermanus Tennis Club Tuesdays and Thursdays, 07:00 – 09:00. Call Vic Hamilton­Attwell:0 082 785 5145orKenCol­ lett: 0 082 806 8292. ) U3A presents Private Life of a Masterpiece: Hoku­ sai – The Great Wave at 10:00 in the Catholic Church hall. Call Allan Powell: 0 028 316 1251. WEDNESDAY 13 NOVEMBER ) The monthly club meeting of the SAARP Hermanus Social Club will be held from 09:45 – 11:45 in the NG Onrus Church hall. Last club meeting for 2013. Guest speaker Cuan Mc­ George will talk about Nature and how we fit into the Ecosystem. Next meeting on 8 Jan­ uary. Call Ingrid: 0 028 316 2390 or 0 082 552 0655. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbe­ weging vergader 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Bel Nick Kruger

0 074 890 2250 of Badisa: 0 028 312 3909. ) Die egskeiding­ondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag van die maand om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Bel Erika Oosthuysen: 0 079 322 0998. ) AfriForum se Hermanus­tak­jaarvergadering word om 18:00 in die munisipale ouditorium gehou. Pieter Rautenbach, hoof van AfriForum­ plaaslike regeringsake, is die hoofspreker. Almal welkom. Bel Marianne Rossouw: 0 082 454 9756 of 2 mrmtours@gmail.com. THURSDAY 14 NOVEMBER ) Hermanus Business Chamber end of year function at The Class Room restaurant from 18:00 – 20:00. Wine tasting, lucky draws, 2014 plans. Dress: Cock­ tail wear; cost: R150 per member, R200 for non­ members; RSVP before 12 November. Call Alta Pre­ torius: 0 028 315 1619 or 2 chamberceo@her­ manus.co.za. ) Women’s Business Network meeting at the Three Cities Whale Coast Hotel from 09:00 – 11:00. Top­ ic: Social Media for your Business. ) Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s monthly meeting at Sansa at 19:00. Topic: The Astronomers Royal. Contact: 2 hermanusastronomy@gmail.com.

EVENTS ) Lance James will perform at the Overstrand Audi­ torium on Friday 15 November at 11:00. In aid of Sofca. Tickets are R80, available from Sofca or call Clyde Manson: 0 072 024 0560. ) The Paddakoor school concert is on 15 Novem­ ber at the Sandbaai Hall at 18:30. Tickets from Paddakoor School. Adults R50. Children R20. Call: 0 028 316 2057. ) Die Belastingbetalersvereniging van Kleinmond se algemene jaarvergadering vind Vrydag 15 No­ vember om 10:00 in die Gereformeerde kerk plaas. Die jaarlikse ledegeld is R30 per standplaas en dit is betaalbaar voor aanvang van die vergade­ ring. ) The Hermanus Community Police Forum AGM will take place on 20 November at 18:00 at the municipal auditorium. At this meeting three vacan­ cies on the exco of the CPF will be filled. Feedback from chairperson, the Hermanus SAPS Station Com­ mander and the Cluster Commander. Everyone is welcome. Call Hennie Westraat: 0 082 820 4811. ) Christmas Cake Decorating Workshop with Mar­ geaux Victor at 14:00 on 5 December at the li­ brary. R50 payable on booking. Call Sue Winder: 0 082 977 3475 or 0 028 316 4981.

VACANCY BULLETIN EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WHO WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/ BURSARY PROJECT (CAPE WINELANDS EAST BREEDE VALLEY/ WITzENBERg/ LANgEBERg AND OVERBERg DISTRICT) The Department of Health invites suitably qualified individuals to apply for a state funded bursary to study in the fields of health science in any one of the following professions: • MEDICAL DOCTOR • SPEECH THERAPIST • OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST • PHARMACIST Applicants should be residents of the Cape Winelands East and the Overberg Districts, as they will be required to work in the above Districts as part of elective rotation and upon completion of studies. The intention is to retain these skills within these areas by recruiting and placing candidates locally on completion of their studies. Placement will also depend on availability of vacant posts. This project follows on the previous “Boland/Overberg Student Development Project” which ran from 2004 to 2010. The project aimed to develop and train health professionals with scarce skills for the two respective rural districts. This project of Professional Development is applicable for the next 7 years. Selection Criteria: • An applicant has to be a South African Citizen, with proof of: • At least 5 years as residence in either, Overberg or Cape Winelands (East) Districts. • Previously disadvantaged individuals will receive preference. • Applicants that do not have access to a bursary to further their studies at a tertiary institution will have an added preference. • Maximum joint/family income (Gross) must not exceed R10 000.00 per month and such information must be verified with certified copies of (Parents/Guardians) income/payslip/s. • Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Higher Education Institutions to study in any of the fields relevant to the project and must have been accepted by the tertiary institution on own merit, having applied at own cost. • Applicants should already be accepted at any tertiary institution in the Western Cape to study in any field as mentioned above or be in the process of doing so.

GROW WITH US The Shoprite Group of Companies requires suitable candidates for the following positions at their SHOPRITE and CHECKERS stores in the Western Cape:

• Cashiers • Bakers • Shelf Packers • Storeman • Till Packers • Deli Staff • Fruit & Veg Assistants All positions require: • Grade 10 – 12 or equivalent qualification • attention to detail • a South African ID. Please note: Successful candidates must be willing to work retail hours, on weekends and on public holidays. Appointments are subject to candidates passing applicable reference checks.

To apply, send the word WCSTORE to 33087. An SMS costs R1,50. Successful applications may require up to 9 SMSes. If you have not received a response within four weeks of submission of your application, please accept that your application has been unsuccessful. The Shoprite Group promotes and applies the principles of Employment Equity and additionally, reserves the right not to make an appointment.


A complete CV must be submitted together with the application form available at all health facilities in the Cape Winelands and Overberg Districts, including a letter of application (with relevant certified copies as proof attached), must be posted to arrive on or before 14 January 2014. Attention: Human Resource Development • As Universities have two intakes, candidates that are not successful during the first round of application (October) will be put onto a waiting list for possible January/February intake. • Applicants must be willing to work voluntarily once a year while studying at any Health Facility in any of the two districts as agreed with the department. • Applicants must note that upon qualification they are required to work in the District for a period equalling the number of years that the bursary covered, this includes the Community Service year. • Applicants must provide the Department’s Human Resource Development component, Cape Winelands/ Overberg District with progress reports each semester throughout the duration of their studies. Selected students will be awarded Departmental bursaries to the amount determined by the Department. A limited number of students can be selected on the Project according to the above criteria. A full selection panel will consider all applications and recommend the most suitable candidates to the Department of Health for awarding of a Departmental Bursary. For more information about the Project you can contact: OVERBERg: Mrs Linda Reichert on tel. no. (028) 2121-512 CAPE WINELANDS: Mr Simphiwo Fass on tel. no. (023) 342-8806 All applications must be posted to: THE DIRECTOR: THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: CAPE WINELANDS DISTRICT OFFICE, PRIVATE BAg: X 3079, WORCESTER 6849 Attention: Human Resource Development

NB: No Hand delivered applications will be accepted. The Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Disabled candidates are encouraged to apply and an indication in this regard will be appreciated.

Closing date: 14 January 2014 TBWA\P39756/E

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

7 November, 2013

Erika and Roland Seydel (back right) handed over a cheque for R13 500 to Stanford Hostel parents Gerrie Geldenhuys (back left) and Adanne Geldenhuys (back row third from right) and the children on behalf of Erika’s brother-in-law, Michael Joest, from Germany. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

Man donates to hostel for his 60th KERRY VAN RENS­ BURG

back to Germany to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. Instead of gifts, EriThe Stanford Hostel ka and Roland asked was the recipient of their guests to donate a generous birthday money towards the donation of R13 500 Stanford Hostel. thanks to the generOn their return to osity of Michael Hermanus, the couple Joest who recently handed the money celebrated his 60th they had collected to birthday. the hostel house parInstead of presents for his 60th ents Gerrie and Joest, who lives in birthday, Michael Joest (left) from Adanne Geldenhuys. Germany, asked his Germany asked his friends and The hostel accomfriends and family not family to donate money for the modates 47 school to give him presents Stanford Hostel. Holding the children, mostly from for his birthday, but to cheque for 1000 Euros with him single-parent homes, donate money to- is his wife Trudi. PHOTO: SUPPLIED who attend Okkie wards the Stanford Smuts Primary School. Hostel. On Thursday 24 October Erika and RoHe collected 1000 Euros and sent the money to his sister-in-law, Erika Seydel, land handed over a much larger cheque who lives at Onrus Manor in Hermanus. to the hostel on behalf of Michael and TruThe Seydels gave Michael the idea to di Joest. A bag of chocolates and a German flag collect money for the hostel, as they did the same thing last year when they went were also included in the handover.



Strongest four­pot on the planet QUICKPIC


he new CLA 45 AMG sees Mercedes-AMG adding another model to its recently introduced four-cylinder engine range. Following the successful A 45 AMG introduction, Mercedes-AMG now offers two highperformance cars powered by a four-cylinder engine the CLA and CLA Edition 1. Both new models provide an exciting introduction to the world of AMG. With an output of 265 kW and a peak torque of 450 N/m, the AMG 2,0 F turbo engine is the world’s most powerful four-cylinder engine in series production. It is also exceptionally efficient and meets the EU6 emissions standards. NEDC combined fuel consumption of 6,9 F per 100 kilometres puts the A 45 AMG and CLA 45 AMG at the top of their segments. . The CLA 45 AMG also offers a fascinatingly sporty driving experience, characterised by impressive craftsmanship and individuality, while the AMG 4MATIC performance-oriented all-wheel drive sets new standards in chassis dynamics This new four-cylinder model features the hallmark AMG DNA, largely due to the fact that, during design and development, the Mercedes-AMG experts were able to draw on their experience in motorsport and the construction of powerful high-performance cars and components gained over the past decade. The BlueDIRECT turbo engine, all-wheel drive and AMG SPEEDSHIFT DCT seven-speed sports

With an output of 265 kW and a peak torque of 450 N/m, the AMG 2,0 F turbo engine is the world’s most powerful four-cylinder engine in series production. PHOTO: QUICKPIC transmission endow the CLA 45 AMG with an extremely capable, dynamic and efficient drive configuration -– dynamic and individual cars for new target groups With ages ranging between 30 and the mid-40s, the CLA 45 AMG target group is also younger and more unconventional than previous AMG customers. Professionally successful and independent non-conformists, these customers are looking for dynamic and individual cars. They want to express their freedom in a style- and trend-driven fashion with a car from a recognised performance brand. The CLA 45 AMG follows the philosophy of the successful CLS

63 AMG – the trend-setting fourdoor high-performance coupé. It offers a unique combination of a fascinating sporty driving experience, exceptional design and maximum individuality. Mercedes-AMG appeals to the tech-savvy and flexible attitude to life of both target groups by offering a wide range of equipment, colour and material options for the new models. Typically AMG is the most powerful series-production four-cylinder turbo engine in the world Two figures show that the A 45 AMG and CLA 45 hold pole position in their displacement segment: the newly developed AMG 2,0 F turbo engine engine has a max-

imum output of 265 kW and up to 450 Nm of torque; unmatched by any other mass-produced turbocharged four-cylinder engine worldwide. The power density of 133 kW/litre puts the AMG high-performance turbo engine on par with the world’s most powerful supersports cars. The high output and torque, coupled with the performance-oriented AMG 4MATIC all-wheel drive (fitted as standard) make for extremely dynamic performance: the CLA 45 AMG completes the sprint from 0 to 100 km/h in 4,6 seconds and has a top speed of 250 km/h (electronically limited). With a fuel consumption of 6,9 F per 100 kms (NEDC combined), this new high-performance car from Af-

falterbach is exceptionally efficient and leads the way in its segment. A further priority in development was to ensure a sustainable reduction in particulate emissions. The CLA 45 AMG thus already complies with the second stage of the EU6 emissions standards that do not take effect until 2017. Inside, too, the CLA 45 AMG boast the hallmark Mercedes-AMG spirit of dynamic exclusivity. High-quality touches in both high-performance cars include the sports seats in ARTICO man-made leather/DINAMICA microfibrewith red contrasting top-stitching and red seat belts, the multifunction sports steering wheel with shift paddles, and the AMG DRIVE UNIT with E-SELECT lever. The instrument panel trim in the CLA 45 AMG is in brushed aluminium and has five galvanised ventilation outlets. Furthermore, the AMG instrument cluster has a two-tube look. The central colour display incorporates the AMG main menu including RACETIMER. On opening the door, the driver is greeted by the AMG start-up screen. Numerous individualisation options are available for both models. The fully equipped and appointed “Edition 1” variants feature an expressive composition of exclusive exterior and interior details. As with all Mercedes-Benz passenger cars, the CLA 45 AMG comes standard with the class-leading PremiumDrive six years/100 000km mintenance plan, with no customer contribution. •The CLA 45 AMG comesin at R674 400 (incl. VAT excl. CO2 tax. •The AMG Edition 1 – add R75 000.

BOLAND Auto Sold

Hermanus Times 7 November, 2013



Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

7 November, 2013

Esquire Magazine picks 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT as SUV of the Year QUICKPIC The 2014 Jeep® Grand Cherokee SRT has been named SUV of the Year by Esquire Magazine (US) in this year’s Esquire Car Awards. Vehicles considered for the 2013 Esquire Car Awards were required to be all-new, appealing to Esquire readers, stylish, good value and most importantly, a vehicle you want to drive. Esquire’s editors drove numerous vehicles before making the selections for the 2013 Esquire Car Awards, which appear in their November issue. “The 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT combines impressive performance and luxury wrapped in a muscular and stylish exterior,” said Ralph Gilles, President and CEO – SRT Brand and Motorsports, Chrysler Group LLC. “Winning Esquire’s SUV of the Year award continues to help set us apart from esteemed competitors by appealing to the passionate, performance-enthusiast consumer with its unique blend of value, technology, power and character.” Starting with the performanceoriented and functional designs from Chrysler Group’s SRT (Street and Racing Technology) brand, the 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT model builds on that success with new technologies and exterior and interior styling cues that convey an

even higher level of opulence and power. Enhancements for the 2014 model year include an all-new, fully electronic eight-speed automatic transmission that delivers improved fuel economy, significantly improved towing capacity, with hardware and software revisions that further heighten Grand Cherokee SRT’s fun-to-drive factor during a daily commute or more spirited driving on the race track. The new transmission is mated to the proven and powerful 6,4 F HEMI® V8 with Fuel Saver Technology, delivering 351 kW at 6 000 r/min and 630 Nm of torque at 4 300 r/min and helps deliver a greatly enhanced towing performance of 3 265 kg – a 44% improvement over the 2 268 kg towing capacity from the previous model. Outside, the new 2014 Grand Cherokee SRT sports styling that is even more aggressive than the previous model. Design enhancements for 2014 include a new signature LED character lamp treatment, a brawnier grille, a new, one-touch lift-gate and a new rear spoiler. Inside, Grand Cherokee SRT customers are treated to a new 8,4 inch touch-screen that displays a wealth of SRT-exclusive Performance Pages data. A new launch control button is situated behind the new T-handle shifter on the centre console, and a redesigned SRT-exclusive threespoke, heated steering wheel with more ergonomically efficient pad-

The new exterior of the 2014 Grand Cherokee SRT shows styling that is even more aggressive than the previous model. PHOTO: QUICKPIC dle shifters, features a host of comfort, convenience and connectivity controls. ) The Chrysler Group’s SRT (Street and Racing Technology) brand uses a successful product development formula featuring five

proven hallmarks: awe-inspiring power-trains; outstanding ride, handling and capability; benchmark braking; aggressive and functional exteriors and race-inspired and high-performance interiors to remain true to its performance

roots. The Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT is available from Jeep dealerships country-wide and retails at R899 990. All Jeep models are sold with a three year/100 000km warranty and maintenance plan.

Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

7 November, 2013

New Range Rover Sport off to beat ‘Empty Quarter’ crossing record QUICKPIC

Honda’s impressive NSX concept car


Jo’burg International Motor show is a must FRANS LE ROUX If you are anything like me, the thought of going to any motoring exhibition excites you beyond belief. I was lucky enough to attend this year’s Johannesburg International Motor show (JIMS), which was held at the vast showgrounds of Nasrec. As this was my fourth visit to JIMS it was easy to familiarise myself with all the different halls and what I needed to see first. We started off on a bit of a downer due to one of my favourite halls, with exotic manufactures, being completely empty and closed. So no Porsche, no Ferrari and certainly no Lamborghini to be seen. The disappointment only lasted a few minutes until we arrived at the first of our major manufacturers halls. In Hall 9 were some classics, motorcycles and everything you would need to customize your ride, under one roof. Next stop was Hall 8 were big names such as Honda, Land Rover, Honda and Mazda were shown. Highlights included the likes of the all-new Range Rover Sport, Honda’s breathtaking NSX concept car (pictured) and a true American muscle car, a Corvette ZL1 convertible. We drooled our way over to Hall 7 were we found the likes of GWM, Kia and Hyundai. Here we stumbled upon some pretty

big-hitting, well-priced cars. GWM is probably the only Chinese manufacturer that has won the hearts of thousands of South Africans. They are also planning a big expansion to their product line-up, and those vehicles look rather promising. Hall 6 was my clear favourite. Here one could see everything from a Formula 1 inspired Infiniti SUV to a fire-breathing Mercedes Benz CLA45 AMG. Nissan showcased their giant-killing new GTR supercar while Mercedes Benz had the biggest floor space at JIMS this year – everything from a yellow SLS to a very purple CLA45 AMG. Walking over to BMW, the new 4 Series there was definitely the star of the show. Audi’s corner featured a few S models and some of their white-knuckle RS-models, the latest one being the quirky Q3 RS SUV. Hall 5 was filled with everything you could want if you are in the trucking business. Finally we walked over to the off-road 4X4 course, which has been used for a number of years. Here anyone can have a free ride in any one of about 25 different 4X4 vehicles. I would say that this show is a must-see for all petrol-heads. Taking into account that it only happens every two years and that the entrance fee is a measly R100, then all you really need is an aeroplane ticket to Johannesburg.

This coming week, Land Rover will attempt to set the fastest recorded time for a land vehicle crossing the ‘Empty Quarter’ – one of the harshest and most challenging desert environments on the planet, using a standard production New Range Rover Sport. In the days running up to the challenge, last minute checks are being made, with the challenge vehicle being prepped at the start-line in Wadi Adda Wasir, Saudi Arabia. The route will run from there towards the finish line on the border of the United Arab Emirates, a distance of over 1 000 km – further than the length of France. The driver will be Moi Torrallardona, a 47


year-old Spanish off-road racer with extensive experience of the Dakar Rally, in which he competed for ten successive years with a best finish of 6th overall. A dangerously arid climate with no reliable water sources and an ever-shifting landscape, the Empty Quarter in the Arabian Peninsula is one of the most treacherous terrains man and machine can face. The driving conditions will be incredibly harsh, with temperatures of over 50°C in the day and towering sand dunes reaching hundreds of metres to the sky. The New Range Rover Sport will be production-spec, challenging a terrain where usually only specialist sand vehicles are found. Moi will be exercising its range of capabilitiesto the limit in the process.

Land Rover is putting their money were their mouths are, by sending this standard new Range Rover Sport on a “suicide” mission. PHOTO: QUICKPIC


Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

7 November, 2013

Mercedes­Benz CLA sedan: the hip one HANJO STIER Caution caution! I’m about to go into my grumpy old-man mode. What has happened to common courtesy and good manners? Why do our lives move quicker and quicker? Who needs all these new cars we have on our market? Take the new Mercedes-Benz CLA, for example. Who is it aimed at? Unconventional, younger, lifestyle-orientated customers, ladder climbers and innovators looking for a confident, sporty, untamed compact C-segment sedan with sporty, powerful design language and an aggressive, stand-out, dynamic edge to it – so Mercedes-Benz South Africa describe their car. So what’s wrong with the C-Class? Well, as M-B execs were quick to point out, the slightly larger, rearwheel-drive sedan is more restrained and classic, so the new CLA is in no way a C-Class substitute. In fact, it looks, feels and drives differently, for customers who have never considered this brand before, not even financially. Isn’t that being greedy? Not really, they would argue; by following the daring CLS designs with a lower price tag, this car lures a completely different (cough) “younger” audience and hopefully they’ll stay with the three-pointed star. Merc aims to lead luxury segments by 2020, locally by as early as 2015. Really. How? Progressive and exciting products, like this CLA with a world-record Cd (aerodynamic) value of just 0.22. All engines are

For absolute speed freaks, there’s also the CLA45 AMG which assaults you with another world-beating 265kW and can scare Porsches by hitting 100km/h in 4.6 seconds. state-of-the-art, turbo-charged four cylinders which comply with Euro 6 emissions regulations; one more than they have to. All petrol engines are also BlueDirect (direct injection) motors. Sounds complicated. What else? All CLA’s have an Eco start/stop system to further lower their emis-

sions and consumption. Other standard items, besides most available electric and automatic goodies, are a dynamic DirectSteer system, Attention Assist drowsiness detection and Collision Assist system. Is that all? Of course not. The CLA is packed with safety features to the tune of five EuroNCAP stars and an

advanced award, it boasts a premium interior with lots of individualisation options, differing specification levels and a host of connectivity solutions – more of which will be added in the near future. Right, which models are available? For you Sir, CLA180 and CLA200 turbo-petrol (90kw/200Nm

and 115 kW/250 Nm) or CLA220 CDI turbo-diesel (125 kW/350 Nm) with either 6-speed manual or 7-speed double-clutch automatic gearbox (including Eco, Sport and Manual modes with shift paddles). Both petrol cars claim average fuel consumptions of around 5.5F/100km with about 130g CO²/ km while the diesel manages 4.5 and 117g. All of them hit 100km/h in eight to nine seconds and can reach 210 to 230km/h. The boot takes 470F, the fuel tank 50+6F, maximum load is 525kg and the turning radius is 11m. For absolute speed freaks, there’s also the CLA45 AMG which assaults you with another worldbeating 265kW and can frighten Porsches by hitting 100km/h in 4.6 seconds. After sampling the CLA range on our launch route, we were given the chance to fling the AMG around an airfield – amazing. Good Heavens. How much? The CLA45 AMG is about R675,000 and slightly sold out while the CLA180 costs R348,700, CLA200 is R372,200 and the CLA220 CDI will set you back R397,600. All cars are sold with a six-year/100,000km full maintenance plan and a choice of seven exterior colours. From our short drive and all these impressive specs I can confirm that the CLA is not an old man’s car, especially not a grumpy one. Judging by the public’s reaction, Mercedes has certainly hit their mark and will attract a lot of hip new clients. And for clients with a new hip, there’s always the C-Class. Galimoto Media

Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

7 November, 2013

17 Begrafnisdienste Funeral Services




Vermaak Entertainment

TAROT READING. 25 Years experience. Phone 083 750 9453 for appointments. THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tuesday & Thursday. Please call 028313 1884.

08 Sterfgevalle Death Notices

OVERSTRAND HOSPICE - Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Monday to Friday 028-312 4679.

IT'S YOUR FIRST birthday away from us. We miss you so much. You will always be in our hearts. Love Heyns family.


Fotografies/Video Dienste Photographic/Video Services

HANSIE OOSTHUIZEN. Professional photographer. www.hansiephoto. co.za. Tel. 072 878 1787. www. facebook.com/ hansiephoto. Professional service with a smile.


Onderrig/Education COOKING COURSES for pleasure groups of 6 with Chef Steve. R280 p/evening class at Overstrand Training. Material supplied. Booking essential. Call 028-313 0129.


MARGARET SNYMAN. Today 7th November 2013 marks a year God called your name. We think of you in silence, we often speak your name, but all we have are memories and your picture in a frame. Your resting place we visit and put flowers there with care but no one knows the heartache as we turn and leave you there. We all miss you dearly from husband Andrew, the Botes, May, Karstens, Snyman and Salies family.

KIP MCGRATH EDUCATION CENTRE. Math and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028-313 0209 today for a free assessment.


Algemeen Miscellaneous BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749.


DISHWASHER SIEMENS, table model, R2 000. 3 x Bird cages - 2 almost new R400. Call 074 434 1617.

Skoonheid en Gesondheid Beauty and Health 38

PERSOONLIKE DIENSTE PERSONAL SERVICES OP DIE 7DE is dit 8 maande en die 9de jou 1ste verjaarsdag weg van ons. Waar jy is, is jy beter af. Uit die verdrukking, pyn en lyding. Op hierdie dag dink ons aan jou en mis jou. Met baie liefde van Annie & Steph.

JENNIFER WESSELS 05/05/1956- 01/11/ 2013. Passed away on 1/11/2013 will be missed by her daughter, grandchildren and family. Funeral 9/11/2013 at 11h00, C24 Chesterweg Hawston.



Sterfgevalle Death Notices

In Memoriam

HAPPY BIRTHDAY OMI waar jy ookal is. Al jou pelle & Hospice.

SABINE CAMERON 7/5/48 - 1/11/12. We shall always remember the happy times we shared but most of all your beautiful courageous smile. Gone but not forgotten. We miss you very much Marie & Peter.

22 Persoonlik/Personal

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19.30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/ 083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or email: aa.herma nus@gmail.com CHRISTELIKE AFHANK LIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/ 084 548 5871. HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028-313 0643. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218. ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid ( depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolĂŞre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almal welkomook familielede. Navrae Nonnie 028-316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za.

DR CHAD GORDON DC (USA) Sports and family practice. Checkers Center. Call 028-313 0878. LOSE WEIGHT, GAIN ENERGY. Sms XTRA to 45633. R1.50/sms. MASSAGE THERAPIST. Raymond Philpott. Therapeutic, deep tissue, sports. Kidbrooke Place & Botriver. Call 082 599 2993. WEIGHT WATCHERS, internationally acclaimed as the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Summer Special! Phone Gilly 082 8789 558. Because it works!


Spyseniering Catering

Huurdienste Hiring Services

1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608. HERMANUS HIRING will fill all your function needs - Tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, linen etc. At good prices. Telephone 028 312 4291 or Ken on 082 420 0060.

FOREST PARTY Venue for children + tractor rides etc. Separate venue for bachelor parties + overnighting. Booking essential. Call 028-313 0129/ 074 266 9809.


Bote en Toerusting Boats & Equipment SUGAR PLUM Party Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Estelle 072 401 5913.

TWO SEATER FIBREGLASS peddle boats for sale. R11 000 each. Call Nico 084 837 5374. www.avantimarine.co.za.


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

7 November, 2013

CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervision. Best prices. Free quotations. Phone Top Carpets 028-313 0721. CINDY'S CARPET CLEANERS. Carpets, rugs & upholstery cleaners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 5385/028-316 4264.


Diere en Voëls Pets and Livestock BEAUTIFUL KITTENS, Border Collie cross pup, Jack Russell and many other abandoned pets urgently require good homes. Call 028 341 0547 / 082 899 1172.

101 SERVICES. Handyman general. No job too small. Best rates. Pensioners discount. 15 Years experience. Call Peter 073 157 2415.


WANTED: Antiques, furniture, paintings, bronzes, silver, porcelain, jewellery, watches, clocks. Call 082 833 2567.

I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.

REPAIRING & CLEANING of any kind of Persian carpets at Shakhcha Persian Carpets, Gateway Centre, Hermanus. Also wide variety of assorted Persian carpets for sale. Call 028-313 2072.


Saamrygeleenthede Lift Clubs

SAFE TRANSFER of students and scholars from Gansbaai & Hermanus to Stellenbosch and Paarl. Contact us info@agulhasecotours.com



Bouwerk Building Construction

Rekenaar Verkope en dienste Computer Sales and Services

A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798.


BARGAIN SHOP. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Joe 072 345 8442 or 028 312 3508.


AFFORDABLE ONSITE Computer Support. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer with ten years corporate experience to assist you at home or office with all computer, network, internet and email problems. Call Jacques 084 402 0500.

BUILDING ALTERATIONS, boundary walls, painting, bathroom renovations, plumbing, tiling. Professionally done. Call 082 255 0939.


Geld/lenings Money/Loans

BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323.




TILING. A TO Z MASTER TILER. Ceramic, porcelain, travetine, mosaic, slate, sandstone. All work professionally done. Call 082 255 0939.

Rommelverwydering Rubble Removal

Oudhede en Kuns Antiques and Art

Steenbras Street, off Swartdam Street. Industrial Area Tel 028-312 2886 084 512 9584

Teëlwerk/Vloere Tiling/Flooring

Algemene Dienste General Services

KANARIES TE KOOP. Skakel 079 695 9544.





te Huur/to Hire BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028-312 2367. PLANT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on028-312 2280/ 079 492 5726. TOILET & HUT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726. TRAILER HIRE: Contact CCS Plant Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/ 079 492 5726.


Vervoer en Berging Moving & Storage 111 VERMONT STORAGE. Space available from 2nd September, size of single garage, 24Hr ADT, secure & clean. Call 079 382 2276. AAAHH STORAGE AVAILABLE. Call Walkerbay Storage 082 577 9293.

STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R349 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.

MR. MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, alterations, small building, roofing, waterproofing, plumbing. Callouts. Free quotes. Rudi 073 190 3541. NEVILLE'S REFRIGERATION and appliance repairs. Fridges, freezers, stoves, tumble driers, microwaves. Phone Neville 028-316 1690 or 078 401 3547. OVERBERG DRY TAR. Diensverskaffing van teerwerk asook plaveisel. Nuwe opritte, sypaadjies, parkeerareas en paaie. Herstelwerk & vernuwing van bestaande oppervlaktes. Besoek gerus www. hfrubbersurfacing.co.za vir meer inligting oor ons nuwe dienste. Kontak Jaco Stander vir gratis kwotasies by 072 225 3792. SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667. www. solarmax.co.za.

COMPUTER SUPPORT, Mobile Devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.

MONEY LIVE LOANS. Personal loans up to R150 000. Copy ID, latest payslip and 3 month's bank statement. Fax: 086 776 47 42. Email: info@ money liveloans.co.za. Call 021829 7192/3. For online application go to: www. moneyliveloans.co.za.


Gordyne/Matte/ Stoffering Curtains/Carpets Upholstery CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY cleaning. Call Allison or John 072 572 0215.


Ruite/Vensters Glass/Windows SOLOMON'S WINDOW CLEANING Services for domestic, commercial, industrial & construction sites. For free quotation phone Solomon 082 747 3640. Serving Hermanus since 1996.







Skoonmaakdienste Cleaning Services A MAKE-OVER Cleaning Service for a good spring clean. Houses, offices, pre and post occupation and ironing. Friendly, professional service under fulltime supervision. Mon Sat. Call 076 115 7382.






Plaagbeheer Pest Control


GUARANTEED PEST/ WEED CONTROL. Personal treatment. Industrial/Residential. Weed treatment on lawns. Andries de Kock 082 567 7591.


Units from R220/pm T & C applies


• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com


OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.

LIMITED OFFER Discount on Steel Container Storage! 24 hrs Secure lock-up self storage. Cnr. Swartdam & Steenbras Rd, Hermanus. Office on site Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00 (028) 312 3898 or 072 635 9656 Restricted access don’t be fooled Security by SECURI-TEAM

ASEMROWENDE Tuindienste. Snoei & afkap van bome. Sny van gras, skoonmaak van erwe, rommelverwydering & meubelvervoer. Geute skoon maak. Morné 083 225 3712.


Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs 24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017.


Loodgieters Plumbers 1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028312 3874.

PEST CONTROL - WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028316 3010.

BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592. DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. Fire wood. Call T.J. Boshoff 082 954 7970. Email: bossie.boom@gmail.com.

Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295. FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial area. Call 028-313 1763. www.fynbosgardens.com. HERMANUS LANDSCAPING. Garden design, maintenance & irrigation. 22 Years experience. Call Paul Marx 082 32 777 04. REMOVAL OF DANGEROUS trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195.


7 November, 2013



Woonstelle te Huur Flats to Let

Voertuie te Koop Gevra Vehicles Wanted to Buy

FYNBOSPARK AFTREE OORD. 1 Slaap-kamer en-suite, leefarea, kitchenette, toegeboude stoep. R1800 per maand + deposito. Navrae 082 928 7112.

AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies.Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.



A YOUNG Malawian man is looking for a job as a housekeeper/gardener. 8 Years experience. Call 078 226 1736.

EXCLUSIVE OPEN PLAN offices to let. Hemel & Aarde Village, ± 100m². Call 028 316 2696.

A ZIMBABWEAN LADY (31) is looking for a job as housekeeper/childminder or any other job. Call 071 930 9332. For reference call Leoni 079 993 2393

STRAATFRONT EENHEID te huur. Eenheid nr. 1, Jarina Park, Gideon van Wyk Slot. 200m². Skakel 083 310 2319.


TO LET: 1ST FLOOR OFFICE, 28m². CBD Hermanus. Call 082 455 7276.

Motortoebehore Spares and Accessories

A MATURE, reliable Zimbabwean lady is looking for a full-time job as babysitter, housekeeper, petsitter. Reference available. Call Laiza 084 216 3240.

Kommersieel en industriele Eiendom Commercial and Industrial Property

NEWLY RENOVATED 30m² office/shop space to rent in Hermanus business district, 4 Royal Street. Own ablution facilities. Highly visible from main bypass road. Phone 076 092 7240.

SINGLE, SOBER, nonsmoking, young working professional seeks permanent accommodation in or near CBC as from 1 December. Call 082 898 9089.

A MALAWIAN young woman is looking for a job as housekeeper or babysitter, 2 to 3 days a week. 3 Years experience. Reference available. Call 078 231 0512.


Dienste aan Sake-Ondernemings Business Services

A ZIMBABWEAN LADY is looking for a full-time job as domestic worker or childminder. Reliable & honest. Call 078 267 6408. Reference Amanda 082 333 5737. A ZIMBABWEAN lady aged 30 is looking for a job as a domestic / or babysitter 5 days a week. Call Sandra 073 183 5775. AN EXPERIENCED Malawian lady is looking for work as housekeeper/ cleaner/babysitter. Please call Florence on 083 621 3844. EMPLOYER OF A Malawian houseboy would like to recommend his services for Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday each week. He is reliable and hardworking and is currently doing house work, ironing, pet care, gardening and basically any job that needs doing. Please contact Anita on 076 155 9662 for an interview with Idrisa and a reliable reference. HONEST, RELIABLE, hardworking lady looking for domestic work, 5 days a week. Call Sweetness 078 251 1969. Reference Mr Hugo 082 522 0404. I'M LOOKING FOR a job. 3 Yrs experience. Full/part time. Good at cleaning, taking care of children & cooking. Ref 073 654 5485. Call 078 927 8640.


Besighede te Koop Businesses for Sale


Sleepwaens te Koop/te Huur Trailers for Sale/ to Hire HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za


Motoronderdele Parts & Accessories

SEAFRONT RESTAURANT FOR SALE at Village Square. Excellent position! Good price! Call owner: Michael 072 125 7068 or 028-313 1224. VARIOUS BUSINESSES for sale. Please contact Evan Rautenbach 082 974 6995 or email us at advice@bbrokers.co.za. 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Web: www.bbrokers.co.za


Eiendomme te Huur Property to Let GARAGE FOR RENT. R600 per month. Central Hermanus. Caron Reck 082 456 2016.

LOOKING FOR domestic work, 2/5 days a week. 6 Years experience. Call 078 332 3864. Reference 082 899 5615.


MALAWIAN LADY looking for a job as a housekeepr for 2 days per week - Wednesday and Saturday. Call 078 818 7901.

Eiendomme te Koop Property for Sale FYNBOSPARK AFTREE-OORD R460 000: 1 Slaapkamer en-suite, leefarea, kitchenette, toegeboude stoep(47m2), motorhuis(18m2). R800 000: 2 Slaapkamer en-suite, ruim leefarea, kombuis, waskamer, toegeboude stoep(94m2), motorhuis(18m2). Web verw: 229 653. www.gtprop erty.co.za. Hannelie 082 557 935. Guthrie & Theron Eiendomme.


Sake Geleenthede Business Opportunities SMALL WIND TRUBINE distributors required for inexpensive new product. Basil 0102270236.

NORTHCLIFF SPACIOUS en-suite room with private entrance R1900 p/m plus deposit. Incl. water and 250u electricity. Call 072 882 2744.

JOBS OCEAN BREEZE, SANDBAAI. 2 Bedroom home, neat as a pin in lovely security complex with extra special features. View on www.seeff. com. Web ref: 275780. Offers from R850 000. Call Lesley 082 473 6942.


Huise te Huur Houses to Let VOELKLIP Home to let. 2 Bed, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen/dining/ sitting room. Single garage and carport. R5200 p/m incl. security. Call 084 528 0947.


Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted 29-YEAR-OLD honest, reliable Malawian lady with housekeeping/babysitting experience is looking for a job,4 days/week. Ref. available. Call 061 195 0289/074 485 4245. A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as housekeeper/gardener/guesthouse attendant/painter. Work permit available. 3 Years experience. Call Alex 073 903 4493. Reference 082 409 1290.

MALAWIAN lady looking for domestic/ housekeeping/babysitting job. 3 Years experience. Call Martha 078 378 7666. MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job as a housekeeper/ gardener/shop assistant or any job. Ref avail. Call Wellington 079 076 1722. MALAWIAN man looking for housekeeping/ gardening job, 2 days a week. Call 084 820 1205/074 903 0983. MALAWIAN MAN needs a job as a gardener/ housekeeper or any job. Call Manuel 061 005 0717 / 073 835 6412. YOUNG MALAWIAN lady (22) seeking parttime/full-time employment as domestic worker. 2 Years experience. Reference available. Call 078 133 6425.


Algemeen General Vacancies 5 STAR HOTEL seeks housekeeper and a houseman. Experience is essential. Please send CV to manager@harbourhousehotel.co.za or fax 028 312 1798.

5 STAR HOTEL seeks financial controller. Must have financial qualifications with a minimum of 3 years experience. Must be able to work duty manager shifts. Please send CV to manager@harbourhouse hotel.co.za or fax 028 312 1798. BEAUTY THERAPIST position available at health & beauty spa. Forward your CV to healthandbeautyspa@ hermanus.co.za or call Elana 072 3421 898. DECEMBER WORK available. Must be over 16. Coffee shop. 2 Positions. Must be friendly and presentable. Hand in photo with contact details at Chilli Pepper - 10 Mitchell Street. VACANCY- SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Week-ends/festivals a must. Code 8 license. Basic + commission. E-mail CV to info@solarmax.co.za WAITRESS WANTED for coffee shop. Must have experience. Well presented. Position available immediately. Drop CV at Chilli Pepper, 10 Mitchell Street. WIELSPORINGTEGNIKUS benodig by Hi-Q Hermanus. Skakel 028 313 0322.



Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

7 November, 2013

Minister visits clinic building site KERRY VAN RENSBURG A tour of the building site where the new community day centre (CDC) or clinic is under construction in Zwelihle, was undertaken by Western Cape Minister of Health Theuns Botha on Friday 1 November. The minister was accompanied by Overstrand Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, Dr Erma Mostert from the Hermanus Hospital, representatives from Overberg District Health office, the on-site liaison officer Thami Ponie, the architect Henk Lourens and Pierre Cronje from Tempani – the main contractor. The new Hermanus Clinic/CDC, which is expected to open in May 2014, is currently at roof height. Once this state-of-the-art facility is complete, the services offered at the old Zwelihle Clinic, Mount Pleasant Clinic, Hermanus Clinic and the primary health care and ART services presently being rendered at the Hermanus Hospi-

Western Cape Minister of Health Theuns Botha and Overstrand Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie inspected the progress being made at the building site of the R40 M Hermanus Clinic which is under construction in Swartdam Road. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

tal’s outpatient department, will be amalgamated under one roof. The architect of the new CDC walked the minister and his party through the building, which is still under construction, and explained what the various areas will be used for. The clinic is approximately 2 500m² and comes with a R40 million price tag. The facility, situated on the corner of Swartdam Road and Gideon van Wyk Crescent, will include a reception area with the main entrance of the building being from the forecourt that is closest to the community and along a public transport route. The parking area is accessible from Gideon van Wyk Crescent. The building will also include a separate infectious diseases unit with ten consulting rooms, an oral health unit with two consulting rooms, a woman and child unit with five consulting rooms, a curative and chronic unit with nine consulting rooms, as well as treatment, wound and club room, a pharmacy, waiting area, rehabilitation unit and therapy room, service spaces, public toilets, records room, staff rooms and a manager’s office. The building contractor, Pierre Cronje, says of the 40 labourers they have on site, 30 are from the local community, as well as the skilled sub-contractors doing the bricklaying, plastering, carpentry and roof work. Minister Botha made it clear that the new clinic will make use of an appointment system from the beginning. He says the new clinic will be a world-class facility, and along with the newly upgraded Hermanus Hospital, it is redress in its best form as the community has access to facilities that they have never had before. Cronje says the goal is to provide communities with equal quality access to services. The minister says: “WC Health has spent about R200 million improving services in this region.” He rekons: “Ons het ons kant gebring”

KOM BID SAAM: Die Predikerskring (opgemaak uit leraars oor die hele Overstrand) kom gereeld eenmaal per maand bymekaar om saam te bid en ’n verskil te maak in ons gemeenskap. Op 5 November het hulle ’n afsluitingsbraai vir die jaar gehou by die NG Onrusrivier-gemeente. Hulle nooi graag alle predikers/dominees/pastore uit om in te skakel. Bel gerus vir Wilhelm Burger by 083 448 1651.

Enjoy a day of fly­fishing After the recent stocking of the Zuiderkruis Dam in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley with healthy 1 kg rainbow trout and the late cold winter, these fish will be very active making it the perfect time for the Hermanus Fly Fishing Club (HFFC) to hold its annual open flyfishing day on Sunday 17 November. Fly fishermen of all ages, particularly novices, are welcome. There will be a few fishing rods on loan and casting lessons or general flyfishing advice will be available. The annual floating trophy will be awarded to the member angler who nets the most fish between 08:00 and the cut-off time of 12:00. Last year’s winner, Graeme Hatley, will want to emulate his feat of last year. Keen anglers can start fishing at 8:00, but latecomers can start as they please. There are prizes in the casting competition and for the best junior angler. The club encourages anglers to bring their families to the dam and its peaceful surroundings. Look out for the turn-off to the right about 15,2 km from the Sandbaai robot. Braai fires will be provided so bring a picnic basket and join in for lunch. Contact Charlie Jenkin on 082 650 7900 or Richard Tate on 082 612 6199 for more informa- Dewald Botha with a lovely trout. tion.

Academy for athletes in Gansbaai Ernest Gwebani, former professional boxer and graduate of the Gansbaai Football Foundation Academy, has formed a sports academy and registered it with SAFA. “We hope to encourage talented sports people (in soccer, athletics and rugby) from the Overberg and environs to study at the Freemantle Boys Academy

The ‘new normal’, topic at U3A The topic that will be discussed at the U3A: Overberg open meeting on Thursday 14 November is: The anatomy of a crisis – towards a new normal? The speaker is Prof André Roux and the presentation will take place in the Overstrand Auditorium at 17:30. To sketch the scenario: We have all experienced various cycles in the world economy and for some the memory of the Great Depression and the frugality of World War II and its aftermath are still very vivid. The period of economic expansion afterwards, especially in the 60s, brought with it growing wages, a growing industry, more people employed in the western world than ever before – and more importantly – hope for a better future. However, the 70s and 80s brought about a slow down in the economy

Department of Labour extends building industry agreement The Building Industry Bargaining Council has announced that the newly negotiated collective agreement, which governs the building industry as a whole, has not yet been extended to non-parties. “The Department of Labour is in the process of assessing the new agreement and unfortunately hasn’t given a time frame as to when this process will be concluded,” explained Arnold Williams, secretary for Building Industry Bargaining Council (Cape of Good Hope). The collective agreement, which is aimed at ensuring stability in the building industry, has been extended to 31 December. The practical implication of this is that the BIBC can only enforce the new wages and benefits on parties (MBA members). Non-party employers that choose not to implement the new wages and benefits will unfortunately not be able to take advantage of the new labourer L2 category and any of their workers that qualify for an upgrade from the current labourer category would be upgraded to a general worker.

A general worker’s rate per hour under the current collective agreement is R17,16 and the total daily benefit contribution is R33,37. The new labourer L2 hourly rate is R15,77 and the total daily benefit contribution is R30,88, after an increase of 7,75% has been included. Once an employee has been upgraded to a general worker, he or she cannot be downgraded to a labourer L2, thus employers that choose not to implement the new collective agreement will be paying the higher rates for many years to come. “Employers that choose to implement the new collective agreement might end up saving on their total wage bill, despite the increases granted,” added Williams. The increase for a labourer L1 was also 7,75%, but all other categories received increases of 7,5% in the Overstrand area. “Thus, although it might not be a legal requirement for non-parties to comply with the new wages and benefits, it could be in their own best interest to rather implement the new agreement and wages,” concluded Williams.

boarding school in Lady Frere, Eastern Cape, to help further their careers in these sporting codes. “We are going to rope in the best coaches and scouts,” said Gwebani. For more information, contact Gwebani on 073 563 4662. On 16 November a sports training session will be held at Zwelihle Primary for pupils in Gr 9.

with talk about inflation and recessions, retrenchments and growing unemployment. Since the 2000s any improvement of the financial situation was accompanied by tremendous pressure on global energy and commodity prices which, again, led to volatility of the economic climate. This reached a climax in 2008 when it was generally recognised that the world was in a serious financial crisis. For the past five years matters have not really changed. Roux will discuss the possibility that there has been a permanent change in the world economy. Roux has been the director for futures research in Stellenbosch since 1996 and his main areas of expertise are futures thinking, scenario planning and economics. Tickets for the talk are R10. – BARBARA PRETORIUS

In the Mount Pleasant Primary School’s Grade R class at the handover of gifts from the Seventh Day Adventist Church, were (back frm left) Matty Hull (school principal), Francois van Eeden, Ron Grey, Lyn Grey, Danie van Tonder, Petro van Tonder and Christolen Faro. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

Church group spreads message of Ubuntu KERRY VAN RENSBURG It was a great day for the Gr R pupils at Mount Pleasant Primary on Friday 25 October when members of the Hermanus Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA) arrived bearing gifts. Welfare volunteers from the church gave each child in Christolene Faro’s class a pencil case, a calendar, a big box of Wheetbix and a

lollipop. The pencil cases were donated by Francois van Eeden, creative director of FVE Interiors, who was also in the classroom to present each child with these gifts. Petro van Tonder said the boxes of Wheet Bix came from Linda Louw at the Tygerberg Service Centre. She gave a short lesson on Ubuntu and the children sang a song to show their appreciation.

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

7 November, 2013

EDUCATIONAL FUN: The pupils from Lukhanyo Primary School were treated to a fun sports day at the Zwelihle sports field last Wednesday. The event was organised by Alet Theron (back left) and Johanlie van Dyk (back right), final year occupational therapy students from the University of Stellenbosch. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

KARWYDERSKRAAL CRÈCHE: Die ongeveer 20 kinders wat bedags versorg word by die Karwyderskraal Crèche, het dringend speelgoed en toerusting nodig om hulle besig te hou, soos swaaie, klimrame, dromtonnels ens. Daar is ook ’n tekort aan melk en vrugtesap. Die skooltjie is geleë op ’n plaas wat aan die Morawiese Kerk behoort en word bedryf vanuit die ou laerskool van die Morawiese Sending. Hulle word bygestaan deur die Lions Klub van Hermanus, en voorsitter Niel Groenewald vra of iemand weet van ou speelgoed of speelapparate wat nie meer gebruik word nie. Enige besighede wat skenkings wil maak sal ook baie waardeer word. Kontak Niel by 082 455 8901.

ABOVE: YOUNG ARTISTS: Curro Hermanus Gr R children show off the wonderful artwork they created for the recent art eisteddfod.

School HIV art project CURRO ROBOTICS­KOMPETISIE: Sowat 24 leerlinge (graad 4, 5 en 6) van Hermanus Curro het aan die Curro Robotics-kompetisie vir Curro-skole in die Wes-Kaap op Saterdag 12 Oktober by Curro Mosselbaai deelgeneem. Lian Swanepoel het die eerste kompetisie gewen wat gekoppel was aan ‘n tydrondte waar die robotte mekaar moes uitskakel in ‘n tydtoets op ‘n hindernismat. Jamal Salem het tweede plek behaal in die tweede kompetisie waartydens die robotte mekaar aangedurf het in die voltooiing van ‘n hindernisbaan gekoppel aan tyd. Voor van links is Lian Swanepoel, Sam Cutts, Lodewyk Bierman en Jamal Salem. Agter van links is G van Wyk, Christopher Gouws en Aron Brumage.

ABOVE: CURRO ARTISTS: Eight learners from Curro Hermanus were selected to feature in the Santam Child online exhibition. Over 4 770 entries were received. At the back from left are: Deandré Smit (Gr 2), Handré van Tonder (Gr 1), Kay-Leigh Claasen (Gr 7) and Aron Brumage (Gr 5). In front are Juno Dawson (Gr 7), Danielle Lindes and Keano Deyk (both Gr 1) and Joshua Malherbe (Gr 2).


LEFT: SHOWBIZZ: Alex Hanel, Kirsten Koen and Ruby Rattle from Hermanus Private School took part in The Cleanest Town in Texas, which was one of the short plays at the school’s concert held recently at Hermanus High School. The school’s drama programme is run by Grant Griffiths, principal of Helen O’Grady Drama Academy in the Overberg and Overstrand. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

Finlay Taylor dressed as a cute rhino for the item The Monkey and the Fox.

Working up to World Aids Day, Child Welfare and the Women Action Group delivered a series of talks and ran an art competition for Gr 7 pupils from Lukhanyo, Zwelihle, Mount Pleasant and Hawston primary schools. According to Sr Marie du Plessis from WAG, the theme for the talks and art competition was: Be responsible for yourself. “We had talks at these schools on teenage pregnancies and HIV,” says Sr Du Plessis. The posters produced by the participants will be on exhibition in the foyer of the municipality from 8 November The posters will be judged by local artists and the winner will be announced by the mayor on 11 November at 16:00 at the Hermanus Municipality. The first three winners will have their posters painted on the wall of the Mount Pleasant Sports Field by local artists.


Hermanus Times

Sport Sport

7 November, 2013

Last event of MTB race this weekend

The 4 ball that came second with 91 points included (from left) Metcalf Fick, Dr Stein van Riet, Marius Furst, Glenda Furst (Izibusiso) and Ray Calitz.

Golfers who care KERRY VAN RENS­ BURG The third Izibusiso Golf Day took place at the Hermanus Golf Club on Thursday 31 October with 136 golfers signed up for this annual charity event.

The winners of the Izibusiso Charity Golf Day with 92 points were (from left) Chicken Basson, John Stegianos and Stephen van der Merwe with Glenda Furst, from Izibusiso who handed over the prizes. Missing from the team at the prize-giving was Ernie Blommaert. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

On behalf of all the small children at Izibusiso, Glenda Furst thanked the Hermanus Golf Club for allowing them to use their beautiful course. She made special mention of Sharon Sleigh and the staff of the golf club, the marshals, and sponsors. Furst also gave a special word of thanks to the lady golfers who were the driving force behind the day. This group included Toni Upton, Abbey Wentzel, Glenda von Beneke, Zenith Meiring and Sue Garlick. “Without the participation of the golfers there would be no Izibusiso Golf Day. I would like to thank each one of you for the way you so faithfully support us every year. What a wonderfully generous and compassionate golfing

community you are.” The winners with 92 points included Chicken Basson, John Stegianos, Stephen van der Merwe and Ernie Blommaert. The 4 ball that came second with 91 points included Metcalf Fick, Dr Stein van Riet, Marius Furst, and Ray Calitz. Upton, an “Izi Angel” and co-ordinator of the “Izi Day” said: “Everyone really enjoyed the day, in spite of the rain and once again the caterers at the club did us proud. We are hoping that once we get everything sorted out that we will have made close to R40 000.”

Just over 1 250 mountainbiking enthusiasts toed the line to take part in the 2013 FNB W2W MTB Adventure, the first event in a series of three, the first being the MTB Adventure, the second the MTB Ride and the third the MTB Race on Friday, where the riders start in the winelands of Somerset West and take three days to pass through 13 wineries, 26 private farms, six mountains, historic roads and mountain passes, nature conservation areas (including the Kogelberg Biosphere) before finishing in Onrus. Hermanus riders who finished in the top 10 of their sections in the MTB Adventure ride that finis-

hed in Onrus on 3 November are Theo Blignaut and Anel Henn. Blignaut with team mate André Terlouw finished ninth overall in the men’s section with a time of 12:50:48, about an hour after the winning time of 11:45:19 set by Team Infocus Racing, Owen Green and Donovan le Cok. In the mixed section Anel Henn (Hermanus) with team mate Gerald Kirsten from Team CAT finished fourth with a time of 14:31:26. ) For more information on the FNB Wines2Whales MTB events e-mail entries@wines2whales.co.za or visit www.wines2whales.co.za

DOGS tee off in the desert A few hardy DOGS ventured into the arid desert wastelands of the Klein Karoo to brave the 35 °C heat at the oasis that is the Worcester Golf Club. The little golfing talent they started out with, had deserted most of the field, although at the top “The Naked Chef” cooked up a sweet dessert with 37 points. Pat of the Bushveld got his just deserts for notching up a record six rings on the trot. Luckily there were no deserters from the thirst-quenching ceremony. Results: 37 Gordon Wilson; 35 Mike Graham; 33 Dave Brittain, Mannes van Zyl; 31 Tony Jones; 28 Tony Hackett; 26 David Naylor; 24 Alan Calder, Vic vd Westhuizen; 21 John Horobin, 20 Dave Smith; 15 Pat Dewil. – DAVE SMITH

The boardwalk across the beach and lagoon at Onrus, which riders in the W2W Mountain bike adventure had to cross on their way to the finish at the Onrus Caravan Park. The W2W mountainbike ride finished yesterday and taking place this weekend is the FNB W2W mountain bike race which starts on Friday in Somerset West and finishes again at Onrus Caravan Park on Sunday.


BRIDGE )Wednesday 30 October N/S 1. Julie Cotton / Joan o’Connor 55.82% 2. Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 55.29% 3. Mary Andrews / Carin Verburg 53.97% E/W 1. Pam Davidson / Moira Stadler 60.42% 2. Barbara Bowden / Peggy Nicholson 55.06% 3. Margaret Cunningham / Patsy Kann 53.27% )Friday 1 November 1. Hein Pierneef / Jackie Ascham 75.00% 2. Mary Andrew / Colleen 63.19% 3. Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 59.34% )Saturday 2 November 1. Lynn Beukman / Val Runkel 57.14% 2. Betty Nel / Nell Naude 55.36% 3. Pippa Meyer / Carin Verburg 54.76% )Monday 4 November 1. Mary Andrew / Monika Peters 65.28% 2. Helga / Georg Eichenhauer 64.58% 3. Margaret Cunningham / Maureen Hallas 59.94% WHALERS ATHLETIC CLUB – TIME TRIAL

)31 October 3km Runners: 1 Jonathan Austin 14.34; 2 Jordan Austin 18.00; 3 Tiaan de Wet 20.19 3km Walkers: 1 Willie Loedolff 25.42; 2 Arlene Ehrenberg 25.24; 3 Leo Benning 25.24 5km Runners: 1 Peter Radhuka 18.30; 2 Daniel Maree 21.52; 3 Nicolene Van der Merwe 23.02; 4 Christiaan de Wet 23.02; 5 Mikki Milne 23.26; 6 Les Hanna 24.42; 7 David Cupido 26.42; 8 Karen De Bruyn 26.42; 9 Roelof van Weele 26.51; 10 Ronel Bootha 29.35; 11 Gavin Turner 30.44; 12 Annarie Nel 30.44 8km Runners: 1 Kevin Middleton 34.56 GOLF )29 October The ladies section competed in the 4BBB competition at the Hermanus Golf Club. 1. M. Benade / L. Musgrove (47). 2. M. Flynn / E. du Plessis (43). 3. G. von Beneke / A. Upton (c/i 42). 4. I. van der Plas / M. Demmer (c/o 42). )5 November 35 players competed in the L.G.U. Medal & Putting competition at the Hermanus Golf Club. Silver division: 1. Val Vlok (69). Best gross – Lynne Behagg (76) Bronze division: 1. Rona Rousseau (101 gross & 70 nett). 2. Susan McCallin (94 gross & 70 nett). 3. Carol Brownlee (70 nett). 4. Marge White ( 70 nett). Best gross - Sue Mills (91)


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Hermanus Times

Sport Sport

7 November, 2013

Full field for Daysh Cup EDELWEISS PLESSIS



The Tommy McLennan Team Prize on 173 points was won by the The Daysh Cup, Strand B team highlight on the (Lynette Brink, ColCape Ladies golf leen Legg, Petro calendar, saw a full Streicher and Linda field of 128 players van Zyl). Six points from various behind on 167 the Boland and Westrunner up spot was ern Province clubs filled by Westlake B tee off at Her(Lynne Blackstock, manus Golf Club Leanne Patton, last Saturday. Karen Burns and Bronwen Gray). The They had come to Enid Metcalf Salver participate in this for the Best All Day prestigious annual Sue Mills looks on while Terri Sulley tees pair was won by At36 hole inter-club off. They were Hermanus Team A2 at the lantic Beach A1 (Pam team event, this year Daysh Cup. PHOTO: CILENE BEKKER Welz and Amanda celebrating its 65th birthday. In 1948 a club member, Ms Tommie Hanel) with the runners up, Rondebosch B1 McLennan, initiated this tournament in (Erica Lefson and Kate Brown Ms Tommie memory of her friend, Mrs Daysh. A respect- McLennan) just one behind on 86. To accommodate male members of Hered and distinguished golfer, Daysh was known for her enterprises and for organising manus left out in the cold by forfeiting their the historic first visit of a British golf team Saturday golf for the Daysh, Peter Theron of I C Motors in 1968 presented a trophy, annualto South Africa. The players made the most of the perfect ly played for, Hermanus vs Bredasdorp, over golfing conditions and excellent scores were two rounds. The 1st round is played at Herrecorded. The tournament format is 18 holes manus early in the year and the second at of Betterball Stableford in the morning fol- Bredasdorp on the day that the Daysh is lowed by the more challenging 18 holes of staged. This year the Hermanus team once more proudly brought the trophy back home. Greensomes Stableford in the afternoon.

Close games in PP cricket league JAN­HENDRIK KOEGELENBERG The Pennypinchers Business League cricket days seem never to disappoint. First the Roaring 40s took on newcomers Tipples who were pipped as the favourites. The Tipples team batted first and scored 72 runs in the allotted 10 overs. Without a few key players the Roaring 40s shuffled the batting order somewhat and it paid dividends as they kept close to the required runrate. In the last over the winning runs were scored by an inside-edge which ran to the boundary. The next match was between Top Plan and Hermanus Oldies, both teams also being named as heavy contenders for league title in the over 35s category. Top Plan started well with De Wet Joubert scoring 21 runs off the very first over, giving the Top Plan team a healthy start. After some brave captaincy and good bowling by the Oldies, they managed to restrict the Top Plan team to 75 runs in 10 overs. After a shaky start the Oldies kept the scoreboard ticking and with captain Goatley facing, they found themselves needing three runs of the last ball; they only managed two runs, which saw our first bowl-out in this

year’s tournament, thanks to Charl of the Top Plan team. Next up was Curro Hermanus vs The Outcast team from Troy Sergeant. They started briskly with the skipper smashing a few boundaries. Later Hennie Henn also joined in the fun as he kept the Outcast team in the game. The Curro Hermanus group started slowly but the middle order batsman paced themselves nicely and the third game of the day was also a very close one as Curro Hermanus snuck in for their first victory. The last fixture of the day was between defending champions The Locals and Fusion. The Locals batted first and started with a bang. While wickets fell at regular intervals the batsman still managed the find the boundary on occasion. They managed to score a healthy 82 runs from 10 overs. The Fusion team also had a few plans and managed to keep the scoreboard ticking over as the game also started to head for a close finish. It was left to Jaco van Tonder from the Sharks Currie Cup winning squad to keep the Locals’ hopes alive as the Fusion batsman grew in confidence; in the end the Fusion team needed six off the last ball, but it was one too many for them and they fell short.

Sports Diary ) The Tee­Off for Trees tournament takes place at the Hermanus Golf Club on Saturday 9 No­ vember.

For the first time players can participate in a 27­ hole tournament using all three nines. More info: 0 028 312 1954.

FOURTH TIME LUCKY: The six-a-side cricket team from Hermanus Primary participated in the Beaumont District Mail competition in Somerset West on Saturday. After reaching the final by having the second highest score in three five-over matches, they went on to beat the Somerset House u.13 side in the final. Although Hermanus Primary made it to the final on three previous occasions, it is the first time they have won the tournament. From left are Enrico Luiz, James Stanley, Glen Martin, Kyle de Bruyn, Tanner Matodes, Aphelele Madaka and Deon Loubser. FOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER

SCHOOL CRICKET: Three cricket players from Hawston Primary will participate in the Sub-Boland final at Boland Park in Paarl this Saturday. They include from second left Dillon Maree (captain), Baldwin Hansen and Elrico Kennedy. With them are school principal Julius Swart (left) and cricket coach Warren Maree (right). PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

MINI­CRICKET A DAY OF FUN: Curro Hermanus hosted the South Boland KFC Mini-Cricket tournament recently. Twelve schools, consisting of 36 teams, participated in this round-robin tournament. The tournament was simply a day of fun for the u.7, u.8 and u.9 learners and no winners were chosen during the tournament.

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Hermanus master jumps to glory in Brazil

Van links is Henry Steneveldt, Walter Rudolph, Robert Nutt en Ronald Nutt. FOTO: VERSKAF

Atlantic Tennisspan deur na finaal W.C.M. GIBSON Atlantic Tennisklub het Saterdag geskiedenis gemaak deur vir die eerste keer deur te dring na die mans-finaal. Dit is vir die klub ’n groot prestasie aangesien hy ná 20 jaar weer in die Boland-liga speel. Nog ’n prestasie was om vir die tweede keer ’n lid op die Boland-bestuur te hê, naamlik Charlene Rudolph. Atlanic het Saterdag tuis die semifinaal teen Vlottenburg Tennisklub gewen. Die uitslae was soos volg:

Mans-enkels – Robert Nutt wen M. Keuters 6-4, 6-3. Henry Steneveldt wen S. Rautenbach 6-1, 6-1. Mans-dubbels – Walter Rudolph en Ronald Nutt wen F. Conradie en J. Steyn 6-3, 6-1. Henry Steneveldt en Robert Nutt wen F. Conradie en J. Steyn 6-1, 6-2. Walter Rudolph en Ronald Nutt wen M. Keuters en J. Steyn 6-1, 6-2. ) Atantic speel volgende in die finaal teen die Drakenstein Tennisklub. Die klub nooi ook alle damesspelers om te kom aansluit want die gemengde-liga begin Februarie volgende jaar.

CURRO BLINK UIT BY SWEMGALA: Curro Hermanus se swemspan het Vrydag aan Rûens Kollege se swemgala deelgeneem. Hulle het 11 eerste plekke, sewe tweede plekke en vier derde plekke behaal. Kaci van Romburgh en Ashley Cornall het die rekord vir meisies o.13 in borsslag gebreek. Kaci het eerste en Ashley tweede gekom. Bo is Aspen Sadie in aksie – sy het tweede plek in die rugslag vir meisies o.10 behaal.

The 20th World Championships for Masters Athletes (in 5-year age groups from 35 to 95+) took place from 16 to 27 October in Porto Alegre, which is about 1 500 km south of Sao Paulo in Brazil. Leo Benning, well-known local masters athlete was the only person from the Whalers Athletics Club and the Boland area who travelled to South America with the South African team to participate in this world champion event. Benning says there were about 4 200 athletes from 80 countries represented, and the SA team had 62 members. All these athletes had to pay their own way which limits the size of the team. Benning says South Africa performed exceptionally well and returned home with 82 medals – 35 gold, 23 silver and 24 bronze. Overall SA was placed in the top ten. Benning won the silver medal in the M 80 high jump with a height of 1,20 m.

Silver medalist Leo Benning with Hikmet Kandeydi from Turkey who won the M 80 high jump at the World Championships for Masters Athletes which recently took place in Brazil. His height was 1,22 m and Benning’s was 1,20 m. “I improved on the previous South African record of 1,10 m which has stood for about fifteen years,” says Benning. Hikmet Kandeydi from Turkey

won the M 80 high jump, at a height of 1,22 m. Benning came 7th in both the javelin (23,19 m) and heavy weight (10,24 m). “Unfortunately I developed fairly bad sinusitis on the plane to Brazil and had to withdraw from three events. As I was not feeling that good my distances in the javelin and weights throw were well below what I was capable of. “I had not been able to train adequately for the 200 m hurdles and I thought it wise to drop out of that event and save myself for the high jump two days later. I jumped well and felt good but had to be satisfied with the silver medal. But I was very happy as I improved on the SA record by 10 cm to 1,20 m and look forward to improving on that height in the near future,” says Benning. Any person 30 years or older who would like to know more about masters athletics can contact Leo Benning at leobenning@lantic.net or 071 014 2723.

Patrick nou volwaardige perkopsigter hede bewys dat hy ook sy kant Patrick Panoane is voorgekan bring wanneer daar sterk stel en aanvaar as Hermanus teenstand is in ’n belangrike Rolbalklub se perkopsigter. Boland- of klubkompetisie. Dit kom nadat Panoane in Hy het al menige geharde spe1984 deur dié rolbalklub aanlers die loef af gesteek en het gestel is as voltydse werker as naaswenner uit die stryd om die bane en grasperke te getree. sny. Gedurende September 2012 Onder toesig van Attie Viswas Patrick voorgestel en ser, perkopsigter, het hy beaanvaar as die klub se perkesonder goed gevorder en met meester. Gedurende die onnoukeurige oplettendheid langse perkemeester-kursus, het hy die kuns gou bemeeswat deur Rolbal Suid-Afrika ter. in Hermanus aangebied was, Oor die jare het verskeie het hy baie goed gevaar met ander lede hom onder hande die aflê van verskeie eksageneem en het hy aan elkeen mens en het hy aan die nodige van hulle bewys dat hy die vermoë het om ’n perkopsig- Hier ontvang Patrick Ponoane sy sertifikaat vereistes voldoen om as perkopsigter aanvaar te word. ter van gehalte te word. van Tish Bryce. FOTO: RIAAN PIENAAR Patrick het met vlieënde Sy belangstelling in rolbal het ook vinnig ontwikkel nadat hy ter van ’n jong span spelers wat vaandels al die toetse geslaag en as lid by die klub aangesluit het. deur die Hermanus Times geborg het in Oktober sy wapen en sertifikaat van Rolbal Suid-Afrika ontGedurende die jaarlikse besig- word. Patrick het by verskeie geleent- vang. – CHRIS VAN WYK heidsliga is hy aangestel as afrig-

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