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Nicole Pieterse (right), one of the many walkers who participated in the Lighthouse 2 Light house practice walk on Saturday 7 Feb ruary, enjoys a sweet bite of juicy watermelon in the shade. Welcoming the walkers at the finish line were, from left: Drieka Januarie with her mom Johanna Janu arie (handing out heart mobiles), Alda du Plooy and Lois Apter from the Over berg Wheelchair As sociation.
Businesses go head to head in bowls 32
2015 SUPER RUGBY Kalender binne
Habonim sal skoongemaak word JANHENDRIK COETZER
Die Overstrand-munisipaliteit het besluit om die gedeelte by Habonim skoon te maak, hopelik nog binne dié boekjaar, maar dit sal in fases aangepak word. Sou die nodige fondse beskikbaar raak, kan die projek in totaliteit aangepak word. Dié verwikkelinge volg op ’n besoek van die munisipaliteit op Dinsdag 27 Januarie aan Sandbaai-Wes om die dreigende brandgevaar daar te bespreek. Verskeie verenigings in Sandbaai het vroeer hul kommer oor die ruie oorgroei van uitheemse bosse in die omgewing uitgespreek het. Volgens Neville Michaels, direkteur: beskermingsdienste by Overstrand-munisipaliteit, is die mikpunt om so spoedig moontlik
met die skoonmaakproses te begin. In totaliteit kan dié projek in die omgewing van R100 000 kos. Verskillende opsies is bespreek: “Een van die opsies is om ’n beheerde brand toe te pas, maar eerstens is daar ’n openbare deelnameproses wat gevolg moet word en tweedens moet daar ’n kosteberekening gedoen word. Die kosteberekening is reeds deur my departement gedoen, en hierdie verslag, wat alle fasette van die beheerde brand uitbeeld, moet met die ander departemente bespreek word.” Michaels sal ook verder ’n versoek rig aan die areabestuurder om die Brandweer te nooi na ’n vergadering om die kwessie en die pad vorentoe te bespreek, asook moontlike hulp wat hulle van die wykskomitee kan ontvang. “Ons moet in gedagte hou dat ons as brandweerdienste slegs die brandgevaar-gedeelte
hanteer. Ons is ongelukkig nie plantkundiges nie en daar is ook ander wetgewing wat betrokke is, spesifiek met verwysing na die hergroei van plantegroei.” Met die veiligheidsituasie wes van Branderdraai sê Michaels is daar reeds ’n brandondersoek gedoen. “Brandweerdienste sal gereelde inspeksies doen om te verseker dat brandbane in stand gehou word, en indien nie, dit onder die aandag van die areabestuurder gebring word. Daar sal ook rekord gehou word van inspeksies wat gedoen moet word.” Volgens Michaels moet daar in gedagte gehou word dat huiseienaars ook die verantwoordelikheid het om te verseker dat dit rondom hul huis skoon moet wees van brandbare materiaal. “Die munisipaliteit het brandbane in plek, maar met ’n kuslyn van ongeveer 200 km lank,
is dit ’n taamlike proses om te verseker dat alle brandbane in stand gehou word. Overstrand Brand en Redding en Rampbestuur is ook tans besig met ’n risiko-analise vir die area as ’n geheel om sodoende te verseker daar beplan word vir nuwe brandbane.” Michaels meen dat die 25 m breë brandbaan op die oomblik in plek, voldoende is en wel toegang bied vir brandbestrydingspersoneel en toerusting. Ondersoek sal wel ingestel word, en indien nodig sal daar instruksie gegee word om die nodige regstellings te maak. Daar sal ook besprekings gehou word wat betref die onderhoud van die brandbane.” Volgens Michaels moet daar ook in gedagte gehou word dat daar ’n begroting nodig is vir enige groot projek. “Die hele Overstrand is ’n hoë-risiko-area en is dit byna onmoontlik om geld beskikbaar te maak om alles skoon te maak.”
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Nuus News
12 February, 2015
Sick woman dies after fire destroys her home KERRY VAN RENSBURG Two shacks in Zwelihle were gutted at 03:00 on Sunday 8 February and a desperately ill woman not only lost everything she owned, but died in hospital on Tuesday afternoon According to Ward 5 councillor, Sicelo Gxamesi, the fire was caused by a candle in the shack of a young man known only as Lazaro. It then spread to the shack alongside his, belonging to Ntombekho Fono. Standing in the charred remains, Gxamesi said thanks to the quick response of neighbours and the fire brigade, the fire was quickly contained and no further houses or inform-
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Morag Swanepoel sits alongside the sick woman whose house burnt down. She was taken in by neighbours, but died in hospital on Tuesday afternoon.
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al dwellings were affected. Gxamesi says Lazaro, who is unemployed, lost his ID and all his belongings. Morag Swanepoel, who has worked closely with the Zwelihle community for many years, says Fono had high blood pressure and was diabetic. Sitting at her bedside, in a neighbouring house, on Monday afternoon, Swanepoel was overcome with compassion for the sick woman. She tried everything possible to help her, and took along a pot of soup and some basic food items in her car, to give to her. Fono visited a doctor in Somerset West on Saturday 7 February, and the medication she received, along with everything else, went up in smoke. Before the woman passed away, Swanepoel said: “She is extremely ill and weak and in a state of shock. She cannot speak or walk and is only taking in liquids. At Swanepoel’s insistence, Fono was taken to the Hermanus Provincial Hospital by ambulance shortly after she and the councillor had visited her and the site of the fire. Swanepoel rallied friends and community members via Facebook to help provide a shelter and clothes for Fono. “We have the start of a collection of funds towards buying material for a shelter,” said Swanepoel. She told the Hermanus Times that the Overstrand Municipality only helps with zinc for shelters if a disaster is declared, and this incident doesn’t qualify as only two homes
Two men drown at Hawston beach
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were affected. Swanepoel appealed for small donations from a lot of people. She said on her Facebook page: “We need to raise R4 000 to buy the materials for a shack. Any amount would be appreciated.” She says people from the community started donating blankets and clothes, and, besides helping Fono, this could be the start of a Zwelihle disaster relief fund to help people who “fall between the cracks”. But as the donations were coming in, Swanepoel heard that Ntombikho Fona had passed away in the Hermanus Provincial Hospital on Tuesday afternoon. She thanked the dozen or so people who had responded so generously and for their much appreciated support.
Vermont woman died of natural causes JANHENDRIK COETZER
JANHENDRIK COETZER Two men, aged 24 and 29, both from Ravensmead in Cape Town, drowned at Hawston beach on Saturday 7 February after they were swept out to sea while swimming. According to Craig Lambinon from the NSRI, they responded immediately, together with law enforcement, Western Cape Government EMS and the SAPS. Lambinon says: “A lifeguard on duty at the local Hawston public swimming pool also responded and went into the surf where he managed to get the 24-year-old out of the sea. EMS paramedics took over from the lifeguard, conducting CPR, but despite these efforts the man was declared dead on the scene.” During an ongoing search operation NSRI rescuers also found the body of the 29-year-old. When he was brought ashore at Hawston harbour, paramedics on the scene declared the man dead.” The bodies of both men were handed into the care of police and the forensic pathology services. According to Roderick Williams, director: community services at the Overstrand Municipality, a total of four drownings occurred at Hawston beach since the start of the holiday season last year.
Cllr Sicelo Gxamesi stands in the aftermath of the fire that destroyed two shacks in Mfundo Street, Ezizeni, in Zwelihle early Sun day morning. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
A fire which started at 13:42 on Sunday afternoon on the Beaumont wine farm, un derneath Eskom cables, caused some dam age to vineyards on a nearby farm. Doug Hawkins, a fire reservist from Bot River, said units from Cape Nature and Working on Fire fought the fire. Police officers were also on patrol. All the affected farms do nated tractor fire units in an effort to tackle the flames, which spread from Beaumont, up and over the river, and circled Luddite en route to Roodheuwel. The fire jumped Van der Stell Pass on the lower slopes of the Beaumont residence and crossed into the farmland, but fire fighters managed to bring it under control through the course of the night. Hawkins says Luddite suffered damage to their vines, but mainly fynbos and bush were burnt. Hawkins says he has never seen a fire move so rapidly and with such intense heat on the front line. PHOTO: RIAAN MARITZ
Desirre Kurzyca (69), who was found dead in her Vermont home on Friday 30 January, died of natural causes. According to Kurzyca’s sister-in-law, Jean Gaydon, this was confirmed to her by the Police on Tuesday 3 February. The body of Kurzyca was found by her brother, Johnny Gaydon, who had received a call from her husband Peter, who was overseas at the time and got worried when she did not answer her phone. Gaydon climbed over the wall and found her body. “All the lights were still on in the house. I think she may just have gotten light headed as she fell backwards hitting her head against the tiles.” Jean Gaydon says nothing looked suspicious at the scene. “There was clearly no robbery. Even the forensics said so. They couldn’t find anything suspicious. Peter and Brent (son) would like to thank the police, forensics as well as ADT for their immediate response and the professional way in which they have handled the whole incident.
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Nuus News
12 February, 2015
DRESSUP DAY: To end a theme on books, the children at Curro Castle re cently had a dress up day where they arrived kitted out as their favourite character in a sto rybook. Luna Mari Joubert chose Snow White, Elijah Spires liked Thomas the Tank Engine, and Bea Liebenberg was The Fairy princess.
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Dressed up in an assortment of characters are (at the back) Lourens de Necker, Ju anRoux Naude and Luan Prinsloo; (middle row) Zander Vogel, Tiffany Mitchelle, Su ria Retief, Mila Ferreira, Daniel van Vuuren, Petri Olivier and Caelan Bredenkamp; (front) Lize Kruger and Kaydin Sauls.
Benoude oomblikke vir valskermswewer JANHENDRIK COETZER ’n Valskermswewer (paraglider) het ’n noue ontkoming gehad toe hy Maandagmiddag in die berg bo Voëlklip taamlik hard met Moeder Aarde kennis gemaak het. Nooddienspersoneel was vinnig op die toneel, en was heel verbaas toe hulle hom gewaar waar hy doodluiters teen die berg afstap met sy valskerm op sy rug. Hy het slegs ’n skraapwond aan sy hand opgedoen. Volgens die nooddienspersoneel het die swewer aan hulle verduidelik hy wou êrens naby Stanford geland het, maar as gevolg van die windstil dag kon hy nie hoogte kry nie en het hy in die bosse beland. Volgens ’n Voëlklip-inwoner wat redelik na aan die berg woon, land die swewers gewoonlik op die oop stuk veld by OK Mini-
Mark, maar hy het nie self dié betrokke insident sien gebeur nie. ’n Plaaslike swewer, Bevan Pope, sê diegene wat Stanford toe sweef kry soms nie genoeg wind nie en dan gebeur dit ongelukkig dat jy tussen die bosse op die berg moet land. “Dit het selfs eenkeer met my gebeur dat ek ver bo die draadheining op die berg moes land. “En glo my, dis nogal ’n vreesaanjaende ondervinding, iets wat ek nie sommer gou weer wil oorkom nie. En dan moet jy nog boonop baie ver loop om onder uit te kom. Maar ja, in hierdie geval was dit eenvoudig net ’n noodlanding waar die paraglider nie ’n ander keuse gehad het as om tussen die bosse te land nie.” ’n Nooddiensbeampte het gesê die swewer wou geen behandeling gehad het nie, maar hy het wel gevra of hy ’n ry-geleentheid in dorp toe kan kry.
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My funny Valentine
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Die valskermswewer (links) met sy toerusting opgevou op sy rug by nooddienspersoneel wat hom halfpad teen die berg uit teëgekom het. FOTO: JANHENDRIK COETZER
Kos &Wynmark h
Nuus News
12 February, 2015
Sector 3 subforum meeting The AGM for sector 3 subforum will take place on 18 February at 09:00 at the Hermanus SAPS conference room. Residents of Voëlklip, North
cliff, Eastcliff, Westcliff, Hermanus Heights, Fernkloof and Kwaaiwater are invited to attend the meeting. Con tact: WO JP Matthee: 082 443 7640.
Patrick Mavros and The Marine Hermanus Invite you to an Exhibition of exquisite Silver Sculpture and Jewellery 13th and 14th of February 2015 10AM-7PM Both Days Corner of Main Road and Marine Drive, Hermanus For more information: +27 83 422 3599
85 is just a number to Mr Fynbos JANHENDRIK COETZER Frank Woodvine (85), well-known fynbos expert, was honoured by the Hermanus Botanical Society by way of two benches erected in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve. One has an inscription dedicated to Frank, the other bench is in memory of his wife, Valerie, who worked alongside him and shared his passion. Frank has spent a lifetime caring for the environment and still continues to do so today. Originally from England, he moved to Zimbabwe at the age of 25 in 1955, and then settled in Hermanus in 1976 where he started working for Overstrand Municipality: Environmental Management. He retired from this position in 1995. Frank was also curator for Fernkloof Nature Reserve as well as chairperson of the Camphill Management Board. Today he is still a member of the Cliff Path Management Group, the Hermanus Botanical Society as well as environmental consultant for Bouchard Finlayson wine estate. And besides these many responsibilities, he is still a very active biodiversity tour guide. Frank has no plans to slow down, and is putting together a trip to Suma-
Frank in his element, surrounded by fynbos. tra. “Not many people know about this Indonesian island and its biodiversity. In terms of biodiversity, Brazil is ranked first in the world, Indonesia second and South Africa third. “ It is also the only place in the world where the orangutan is still to be
Frank and his daughter Julie on one of the benches erected in his hon our in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve. This photo of the two of them was taken on Frank’s 85th birthday.
found.” Discovery trips and breaking new ground are in his nature. Frank recalls one adventure, back in 1957 that stands out for him: “At the upper Zambezi Valley, before the Kariba dam was built, I was involved in surveying tree species in areas which would be flooded after the lake filled. The valley was remote, virtually trackless and teemed with wildlife. Lots of animals also needed to be removed.” As Anina Lee from Whale Coast Conservation says about Frank: “He is up to any task – enthralling tourists with his deep grasp of ecological connections; sharing his knowledge of fynbos; clearing aliens; and educating the young. “He has been a wonderful friend to Whale Coast Conservation. Thank you Frank – may we have the benefit of your knowledge and wisdom for many years to come.” The words engraved on the one bench in Fernkloof fittingly reads: “Frank Woodvine – lifetime conservationist, we salute you.”
Pasop vir robbe op strand, hul kan seermaak JANINE VAN DER RIET ’n Jong olifantrob is verlede week op Sandbaai se strand gewaar waar hy in die son gelê en bak het. Baie inwoners het die Overstrand-munisipaliteit (OM) gebel, bekommerd oor die rob wat “uitgespoel het en moontlik dood is”. Maar, waarsku Leon Steyn, Overstrand-munisipaliteit se omgewingspesialis, mense moet soos in hierdie geval, nie naby die 600 kg swaar jong rob kom nie. “Al lyk dit of hulle dood is, is hulle moontlik nie. Hulle rus ’n bietjie op die strand voor hulle weer verder swem. Robbe het groot tande en kan mens of dier baie seermaak as hulle
Verskeie mense het gedink die olifantrob het uitgespoel en is dood. Maar ta het net gelê en rus. gesteur word.” CapeNature en die OM het ’n ogie gehou en die rob het later weer die waters ingevaar.
Die Olifantrob het later weer verder in die water baljaar.
Nuus News
12 February, 2015
Involved in the pro gramme are (back) Francois Barnard (Har bour Rock), Sicelo Gxamesi (Abagold training facilitator), Thando Norushe (DED AT), Chester Ferris (Ned bank), Rahima Loghdey (DEDAT), Joke Gong gryp (Dutchies restau rant), Daan Gonggryp (Dutchies restaurant) and Theo Krynauw (Sparklekids). Front: Caylin Roubain (DEDAT), Lynette Visser (HIK Aba lone) and Caro Sankar (DEDAT). PHOTO: JAN HENDRIK COETZER
100 students to gain work experience One hundred young people in the Overberg will gain valuable work experience through the Western Cape Government’s Work and Skills Programme. The participants will complete a sixmonth internship at eight Overbergbased companies through the Work and Skills initiative, which is driven by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism (DEDAT). The internships started on 9 February. The participating companies include Harbour Rock restaurant, Abagold, HIK Abalone, Arabella Hotel & Spa, The Marine Hotel, The Hamilton, Dutchies Beach Restaurant and Rossouw Art Gallery. This is the third time companies in Hermanus are participating in the programme. The Work and Skills Programme places mostly first-time entrants to the job market at host companies and offers an exit strategy to learners who successfully complete the programme. Abagold, Harbour Rock and the NGO Sparklekids have provided leadership and were instrumental in the matching
and placing of the learners and host companies. Harbour Rock restaurant, Abagold, HIK Abolone and The Marine Hotel are also “repeat job creators” that have come back to participate in this round. In the last six months these companies have created over 100 jobs in the Hermanus area by employing youth who have successfully completed the Work and Skills Programme. To participate in the Work & Skills Programme, companies must be registered entities. Companies must provide written commitment to participate in the programme and should be willing to co-fund the monthly stipend to learners. The stipend is subsidised by DEDAT. Host companies are required to identify mentors to provide the appropriate support/skills to participants. Businesses in the Overberg region should contact Francois at if they are interested in participating in the matching and placement round, starting in May 2015. Or contact the department: Mark Apollis at
Department investigating complaint after doctor ‘refused’ to help patient JANINE VAN DER RIET A Mount Pleasant resident, suffering from diabetes was very upset after she was “humiliated” and not helped at the newly built Hermanus Community Day Centre (CDC) in Swartdam Road. The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, says she went to the clinic on Tuesday 27 January after she had made an appointment for 15:00. This 60-year-old patient says the doctor that was supposed to see her, was not there, and another was tasked to assist. She just needed a prescription renewed for her diabetes. “The doctor just refused to help me. He took my file and threw it on the ground and said he had only six minutes left before he goes home for the day!” She was very upset, and left the clinic without a renewed prescription. The Hermanus Times contacted the Over-
berg District Health Department regarding this particular complaint, and on Friday, Natasha Peterson, spokesperson for the department, said they are busy investigating the matter. She says the department encourages the community to use the following platforms when lodging an official complaint against the department: ) Speak to a senior official at the facility. ) Write, phone or email the medical manager. ) Complete a feedback form and place it in the box provided. ) Contact the complaints hotline by sending an email to, calling 0860 142 142 or sending a “please call me” to 079 769 1207. “The Western Cape Government Health has provided numerous platforms of engaging with dissatisfied clients to ensure that we can improve the patients’ experience at our facilities,” Peterson said.
Among the veteranwalkers (and supporters) who completed the long walk in readiness for the L2L walk in March were Kurt Nielsen, Les Clark, Maretha Swanepoel, René and Heinz Grater and Vivienne Stone. They completed the walk in four and a half hours.
L2L practice walk covered 18 km It was a blistering hot day, but that did nothing to wither the enthusiasm of a group of 37 Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse ladies and supporters who completed another practice walk last Saturday. The distance they covered were the 18 kms stretching from De Kelders to Grotto beach. A nominal fee was charged to participate and the funds raised were for the benefit of the Overberg Wheelchair Association, one of the nominated charities of the 2015 L2L. A shorter walk was organised as well from Piet-se-Bos to Sopiesklip (at Die Plaat) and back, completed by 16 adults and 9 kids.
With spirit, and flags flying high, were Franco Smith, Lionel ‘Texas’ Isaacs, Ian Bredell and Johannes ‘slaptjips’ Witbooi who cheered on the walkers. PHOTOS: CILENE BEKKER
Old Mutual Hermanus welcomes new senior associate member The General Practice of Willie Marais has appointed a new senior associate and would like to welcome Marius Nel to Hermanus. Marius joined Old Mutual in 2003 in Pretoria as financial advisor and com pleted a B.Com Investment Manage ment (Hons) degree in 2005. He is a certified financial planner, became a member of the Circle of Distinguished Advisors (CODA) in 2014 and has been a Top 50 Financial Advisor since 2011. Marius focuses on investment man agement, retirement advice and private wealth portfolios. There are currently only a handful of accredited Wealth Planners in Old Mu tual, and clients will benefit greatly from his expertise and knowledge. Should you have queries on invest ment management, retirement advice and private wealth management, please feel free to contact the Old Mutu al office on 028 313 7114/03
The Old Mutual General Practice of Willie Marais, left, has appointed a new senior as sociate. Here he welcomes Marius Nel to Her manus.
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Algemeen General
12 February, 2015
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OPPAS VIR DIE KINDERS: Dié bordjie met sy oorspronklike bood skap, opgerig naby Rabie se poel, spreek boekdele. FOTO: ELAINE HEIBERG
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Algemeen General
12 February, 2015
NOT EVEN ESKOM COULD SPOIL RE UNION: The Chingola reunion took place at The Classroom Restaurant on the even ing of Saturday 7 February. According to the organiser, Daph Weaving, what sets this reunion apart, is that it’s not the run of the mill school reunion, but a reunion of an entire village. Chingola is a copper mining town in what was then known as Northern Rhodesia, now Zambia. Seventy guests attended the reunion, many of whom had not seen each other for the past 5060 years. They arrived from all over South Africa and Zambia. Nine of the guests at the reunion will also be cel ebrating their 70th birthday in 2015, many guests were older. Weaving said “words cannot do justice to all the years of love and strength our parents gave us. We thank them for choosing Chingola as our home town. We have a very special bond, and not even an Eskom power out age could dull our sparkle at the joy of being reunited so many years later.”
You are my comfort when I am down, You are my smile when I frown, You are the sunshine in the rain, You are the laughter in my pain. You are my love and always will be. Thank you for spending your life with me. Love you always, Yolande 000000-HL120215
Aan my vrou Widad
Ek wil net sê ek is baie lief vir jou!
“Happy Valentines day” Al my liefde
Ghakeem 000000-HL120215
Aan my wonderlike vrou, Aliweyah
Ek is baie lief Wil net vir jou sê vir jou. Happy Valentine.
Al my liefde Chris 000000-HL120215
Aan Lu-wayne Gelukkige Valentynsdag & Lief jou Altyd Michelle 000000-HL120215
Happy Valentines day
Thank you for always loving me, to my hubby, Cor.13. Petrus Molfert. Love you, your wife: Esmeralda Molfert 000000-HL120215
8 HermanusTimes Talk on wetlands and freshwater systems
Algemeen General
12 February, 2015
World Wetlands Week is celebrated internationally in February and Whale Coast Conservation will host a talk by Edward Archer, titled: Aquatic Canaries: Using micro-organisms and freshwater animals as biomarkers of water pollution, on Tuesday 24 February at 17:30 at the Green House. Over the years, it has become more and more evident that manmade products are entering our freshwater supplies and creating pressure upon the quality of these systems. The use of biological indicators of water pollution (or biomarkers) can
then provide vital information on the presence of certain harmful water pollutants. Some of these harmful contaminants are endocrine disrupting contaminants (EDCs), which come from several agricultural, domestic and industrial practices. These pollutants can severely affect reproductive and/or developmental endocrine systems of both humans and wildlife species. To date, the presence and levels of EDCs in South African water systems are not adequately recorded or monitored. This is largely due to the lack of
FAMILY TREASURE: The Hermanus History Society’s first members’ meet ing for 2015 was on 2 February at the Windsor Hotel. Dr Robin Lee told members that the HHS publication In Those Days: The Story of Joey van Rhyn Luyt at the Marine Hotel, Her manus was completely sold out and the society was considering a re print. As a result of the book’s suc cess, a whole trunk load of new documentation – discovered in a ga rage – about the extended Luyt fami ly, has been handed over to the town’s history boffs and might war rant other publications. Lee says the book has sparked a contact with the Allengensky family (anglicised to Al len) which had an extensive fishing operation, owned the Windsor Hotel for a while, and set up and ran the first cinema in Hermanus – the Adel phi. He reckons there may be anoth er book about this family in the of fing. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
awareness about the harmful effects of these contaminants, and also the lack of sufficient biomarkers to show their presence in the water. This is where the use of micro-organisms and aquatic organisms can be used as sentinel indicators of freshwater quality. Edward will discuss the sources and presence of EDCs in our freshwater resources and also various uses of biomarker species (both on micro and macro level) to show the presence and fate of these chemicals in our water systems. – ANINA LEE,
EVENING ART WALK: Enjoying the mellow mood at Bellini Gallery on Friday evening at the First Fridays Artwalk, themed Heart 4 Art, were, from left: Artist Lize van der Walt, Dr Deon Tredoux, Annabe Tredoux and gallery owner Willie van Wyk.
Artists and guests at the HAC gallery included Annette Solomon, Ben Solomon, Laura van Riet, Maryna Visagie, Susan Karalis and Claudie Lem oine, chairperson of the HAC. Friday evening Art Walkers, Anne and Helmut Merensky, admire artwork at the Hermanus Art Circle gallery.
Mense People
12 February, 2015
Van die meer as 100 Hakoklede het heerlik gekuier by Fernkloof gedu rende die jaarlikse afskopbraai.
Hakok begin jaar met gesellige braai Meer as 100 lede en gaste het Dinsdagaand Hakok (Hermanus Afrikaanse Kultuur-en-Ontspanningsklub) se jaarlikse afskop-braai by Fernkloof-natuurreservaat bygewoon. Gedurende die gesellige saamkuier is die jaarprogram ook bekendgemaak en verskeie sprekers is reeds bespreek. ) 3 Maart: Prof. Andreas van Wyk, vermaarde regskenner van Stellenbosch, praat oor ‘Ons grondwet – waarvandaan en waarheen?’
) 7 April – Jaco Sieberhagen, kunstenaar en beeldhouer, praat oor ‘Die geboorte van ’n kunswerk’. ) 5 Mei – Dr. Jeanette de KlerkLuttig se onderwerp is ‘Het waardes nog waarde vir ons jeug?’. Sy is ’n opvoedkundige verbonde aan die Kantoor van Morele Leierskap van die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Al die byeenkomste vind om 19:30 plaas in die Grobbelaarsaal. Nuwe lede is welkom om aan te sluit. Lidmaatskap kos slegs R70 per jaar. Belangstellendes kan Linda Zaaiman by 028 312 1614 skakel.
Die bakdames word in groepe verdeel en sorg elke Vrydag vir ’n verskeidenheid van soet en soutterte (van pynappeltert, melktert en lietjietert tot appelkooskaaskoek, ham en aspersietert en korslose souttert). Agter van links is: Kobie Murie, Drika Viljoen, Winy Euser, Klokkies Schoeman, Helen Viljoen, Wilna Stas sen, Lidia Vorster, Betsie Oelofsen en Annatjie van Vuuren. Voor sit Sophia Bester, Sarita Wepener, Marie Korf, Joep Korf, Joe Potgieter en Dawie Vorster.
TEETYD BY DIE TEETUIN : Vrydagoggend is daar weer gewerskaf by die Onrus NG Kerk se dienssentrum vir vanjaar se eerste Kolwyn tjieteetuin. Dié teetuin is elke Vrydag van 09:3011:30. Dit kos R30 (koffie/tee en koek) vir nielede en R20 vir lede. Verskillende ander aktiwiteite, soos Bybelstudie, verjaardag of speletjiesgroepe word ook by die Dienssentrum aangebied, met die doel om samesyn vir pensioenarisse te bied en ook om finansies te in wat die dienssentrum aan die gang hou. Bel gerus vir Marie Korf by 083 457 1896 vir na vrae oor aktiwiteite, of kom kuier Vrydaeoggende. Die stoep het blin dings as die weer onguur is en binne is daar ook gerieflike tafels en stoele. FOTO’S: CILENE BEKKER
KENMEKAAR BRAAI: Op Sondag 8 Februarie het ge sinne by die NG Gemeente Onrusri vier ‘n heerlike ken mekaarbraai ge hou. Daar was baie pret vir die kinders met ‘n slippy slide, en groot en klein het heerlik gekuier met ’n smullekker worsbraai. FOTO’S: KARIN DE BRUIN
LOVE YOU FOREVER: Har lan Carelse mar ried the love of his life Saman tha Henecke on 31January. “To my beautiful wife, may you know that every picture is a mo ment in time that captures the essence of our love, happiness, and God’s un failing favour in our lives. So may this picture not only be a sign of our union on that day but every single day of our lives together. Love you forever and a day.”
Die orrelman, Dawie Vorster, verskaf die musiek tydens die teetuinsamesyn.
BOOK TALK AT WINE ESTATE: Au thor Lauren Beukes (left) held a book talk at the tasting room at Stanford Hills Estate to intro duce her latest of fering Broken Mon sters. The launch was combined with a food and wine pairing by the winemaker Peter Kastner, who is married to author of Sam and Me & the Hard Pear Tree, Ja mi YeatsKastner. Val Haupt, one of the guests (and standing with Lauren), says Beukes enter tained the guests with anecdotes from her re search in Detroit to gather the material for Bro ken Monsters. Beukes has received international accolades for her bestseller The Shining Girls (about a timetravelling serial killer).
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Briewe Letters
12 February, 2015
EDITORIAL COMMENT Treasure and protect those who reach out Our community is full of people in need, many of them so povertystricken that they are unable to afford the basics of life. When tragedy strikes and poverty is all you know, it may seem all is lost and no one cares. But Hermanus is full of people who do care about those less fortunate. This week a champion of the poor and her network of communityminded friends unselfishly came to the rescue of a poor woman, who was so sick she could not care for herself. And on top of that, her shack had burnt down and she lost everything. The woman did not survive her illness or the ordeal, but in her last hours, she knew compassion and kindness. She may not have realised it, but so many people were donating blankets, clothing, food and money to help rebuild her home. And this came about because one woman in our community motivated a small army of likeminded people to ex tend a helping hand. There are few wellheeled people who will go into Zwelihle, let alone into the alleys and homes of the poorest of the poor. We need to treasure and protect peo ple like these, because without them soci ety would be all the poorer.
Vier ‘dapper muise’ Ja, muise, nie mans nie, want ware mans doen nie dit nie. Ware mans oorrompel en verwurg nie ’n weerlose vrou net om ’n selfoon en ’n skootrekenaar te steel nie. Ware mans sou ook geweet het wie die vrou is. Rina Louw, die vrou wat al vir baie jare by Hermanus Kindersorg hard werk om armoede, verwaarlosing en die mishandeling van kinders te probeer voorkom en te hanteer. Dis die vrou wie julle amper doodgemaak het. Dankie Rina, vir die liefdesdiens aan die gemeenskap deur die jare. Ons hoop dat jy en jou personeel nie sal toelaat dat hierdie soort barbaarse gedrag julle intimideer en keer om voort te gaan met die diens wat julle lewer nie. Die gemeenskap waar dit gebeur het, weet sekerlik wie die oortreders is, maar is dalk self te bang om dit te rapporteer. Hoe lank sal dwelms en bendes nog regeer? Wanneer sal die meerderheid gematigdes met mening opstaan en verkondig: ‘Genoeg is genoeg!’
WOLKEPRAG: Annatjie Uys van Vermont het hierdie indrukwekkende foto met ’n Nikon Cool Pixdigitale kamera op ’n bewolkte dag in George tydens hul vakansie by Victoriabaai geneem.
Dié pragfoto van die volmaan (met boomtakke in die voorgrond) is ook deur Annatjie Uys ge durende haar vakansie geneem. Sy sê sy het baie noukeurig die aanwysings in ’n digitale kameratydskrif nagevolg om dié besonderse foto’s te kon neem. FOTO’S: ANNATJIE UYS
Would a fourway stop solve the problem at Bergzicht Street? I would like to comment on the front page article in the Hermanus Times of 29 January about the traffic problems on the Sandbaai Main Road and Bergzicht Road intersection. Traffic management at minor junctions is a problem experienced worldwide and for many years. Every country has been looking for solutions for a long time and most of them have introduced standard solutions. Based mainly on empirical information, various intersection layouts are in use as standard designs when coupled with available or projected traffic figures. In South Africa this practice goes back to the sixties and I remember the old Transvaal Provincial Design Manual. Both the Hermanus Protection Service and the Department Infrastructure and Planning must be aware of these “off the shelf” solutions and they have simply missed their chance to implement them in the past. At this point in time, however, the Main Road and Bergzicht intersection most probably needs a tailor-made and designed solution and has passed its standard options phase. A no cost improvement could be to turn the junction into a four-way stop. I am fully aware that the introduction of a fourway stop at this intersection now is “too little too late” and will not really solve the problem. A four-way stop would, however, provide opportunity for all traffic streams to move continuously and would especially benefit right hand turning traffic. Stopping the Main Road traffic would also possibly encourage Sandbaai residents to use the alternative over Skulphoek Road. Why not try this? It can in no way make things worse. The second point I would like to make refers to Mr Stephen Müller’s comments. The road infrastructure in Hermanus belongs to the Overstrand Municipality. Nobody but the Department Infrastructure and Planning has any authority over the Hermanus roads. Mr Müller refers to access for Curro and the Shopping Centre and says - I quote: “Dit sal die ontwikke-
laar se verantwoordelikheid wees …. om te verseker dit kan die verkeersvolume dra” – end quote. By implication Mr Muller says in his comments that it is the responsibility of the developer of the Sandbaai Shopping Centre to provide adequate access, not only to the Centre itself but also to Curro; no Shopping Centre, ergo, no improvement for the Curro access. This is ridiculous and a misrepresentation of the facts. Since when has the municipality nothing to do with our roads? Depending on conditions of the relevant development approvals, the financial burden for changes to the road infrastructure can be placed on the developer but not the planning responsibility. During approval for Curro the infrastructure requirements for the school must have been part of the environmental assessment and projected scholar numbers as well as traffic numbers must have been on the table. To ignore these requirements in the hope that some other developer may solve the problem is highly irresponsible. Infrastructure and Planning should stand up to its responsibilities and accept that the department slipped up in developing this particular junction. Probably at no point in time were the required finances provided for or allocated as the municipality was waiting for the outside developer. This in itself is no problem; the system sometimes works like that. Stephen Müller, Director: Infrastructure and Planning at Overstrand Municipality, responds: Regarding the suggestion to introduce a 4-way stop I would like to comment as follows: The overall volume of traffic in Bergzicht Street does not warrant the installation of a 4-way stop at the intersection with Main Road. The congestion is only experienced for 30 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at midday. A 4-way stop will only marginally improve the level of service for approximately one hour per day but will be
Bike charity allowed to speed? Whilst I admire and applaud the efforts of the Steppies Bike Rally with regard to their charitable work, I cannot understand why they are allowed to drive their bikes at speeds way in excess of the legal limit?
They seem to think that the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley road is some sort of race track on which they can drive like maniacs.
very inconvenient for users of Main Road for the remaining 23 hours of the day. Regarding the timing of the required upgrading of the intersection, I would like to comment as follows: The upgrading of this portion of Bergzicht Street (including a traffic circle at Main Road) was planned for implementation with the development of the Sandbaai Commonage. Because of the great need for more education facilities in Hermanus, the municipality approved the development of the school on a portion of the commonage before a developer was secured for the commonage as a whole. The motivation was to secure a good quality education facility for the community and have it available as soon as possible. The developer of the school was ready to start immediately and the municipality did not want to risk losing such an opportunity for investment by insisting that the development of the whole commonage happens at the same time. There is no link between the development of the Sandbaai Shopping Centre and the upgrade of this portion of Bergzicht Street – this was an unfortunate misquote in the newspaper article. Regarding the responsibility of the required upgrading of the intersection, I would like to comment as follows: The internal road network of municipal streets belongs to the municipality and the municipality is responsible for the provision, operation and maintenance of the network. When a development is approved, the developer is required to provide the infrastructure required to address the impact of the development on municipal infrastructure. This is normally done by paying a Bulk Infrastructure Contribution Levy (BICL). The municipality uses the BICL to upgrade the municipal services required for the development. This includes upgrades to the water, sewer, electricity, roads and storm water infrastructure. I trust this provides more clarity on the situation.
Thanks for tarring Schulphoek dirt road On behalf of all the residents on the South Eastern side of Sandbaai, I would like to thank the municipality for tarring the small strip of car-wrecking Schulphoek dirt road between the sewerage farm entrance gate and Myrtle Street.
It has taken five years of lobbying to get this tarred, and at last somebody has listened to our pleas. We gratefully thank the official who made it happen – we applaud you.
Briewe Letters
12 February, 2015
) So sorry to Danie for his dog run over! These
pedestrian crossings at traffic circles are dan gerous and accidents waiting to happen espe cially when cars are already in the circle.– JUDY ) Ek wil net graag vra hoe slaap die vrou saans wat Oom Danie Roux se hondjie oor die voetoor gang aan sy leiband, doodgery het. ’n Boete vir ’n lewe is nie regverdig nie. – BELLA ) Load shedding not scheduled for Sunday! Also printing black on grey does not work, other print too small.– M. WILSON ) Two chickens runover within a week on Main Road, Onrus. Yet there is a sign up warning peo ple to beware of chickens crossing the road and to drive with caution. There was also a tortoise crushed to death on Chanteclair Avenue after the sign warning people of tortoises crossing. What is wrong with people? Last week a dog on a lead was killed by a motorist at a traffic circle and the driver did not even stop. ) The electricity has just gone off, I had no warn ing, I am 74, so no lunch, TV, or tea. At night it is worse. My friend is so afraid, locks herself in a room with her dog, phone and pepper spray. Come on Eskom, and what is our government doing about it. – GRAN ) New clinic a disaster. Thursday pill day, my chronic medication finished, I was told ‘it don’t work like that’. I left in tears. ) Strange that law enforcement no longer re sponds to noise complaints. The decent people now have to suffer! Imagine the police said they no longer respond to housebreaking. ) A late response to Pat re the remark about Afrikaans: I am English speaking Pat, not Afri kaans as you assumed. My parents were Europe ans and could not speak Afrikaans, but I have a high regard for Afrikaans and have endeav oured to become the bilingual person I am today. Now let’s put this subject to rest. – CYNTHIA ) Hi Moi of Voëlklip! Well done for setting the cat “xylitol” amongst the pigeons. Thank good ness it only affects birds and dogs! Oops! – XXELLE ) Key found corner l6th and 4th, Voëlklip on cross key ring. Call 028 314 1931.– S. DOVE ) Op Donderdag 5 Februarie so ongeveer 12 uur het ek ’n bottel Siberian Pine Nut Oil by die
kasregister in Fruit & Veg vergeet. Blykbaar het die pakker hierdie bottel saam met die dame ná my se aankopies in ’n karton gepak. Op die kringtelevisie kan gesien word hoe ek uitloop sonder die bottel en hoe dit dan per ongeluk saam met haar goed verpak word. Indien u die dame is bel my asb! Hierdie is ’n groot verlies en ek benodig hierdie olie dringend. Dit was nie by Fruit & Veg gekoop nie en ek het dit net aan die kassier gewys sodat sy kon sien dat dit nie hul voorraad is nie. My selnommer is 083 284 3325 en ek sal die bottel by u kom haal. Dankie by voorbaat. – SHEILA ACKERMANN ) Weet iemand dalk wat het van die blonde dame geword wat alleen kreef getrek het met ’n roeibootjie by Vermont? Sy het graag hoë branders in rowwe waters trotseer tot almal se vemaak? ) Maresha Spandiel (Mount Pleasant) matriku lant: Emil Weder, Abigail Swarts: Hawston Se kondêr, is vereer deur die Overberg Departe ment van Onderwys vir hul uitmuntende presta sies in hul finale eksamen. Ons is trots op julle. – SPANDIEL ) Francois Barnard: In Onrus Manor we have a lady mate for your male peacock. Ps: What do you call a lady peacock? – JEANJEAN ETTE ) Baie baie dankie aan die personeel en bestuur van Paradise Park vir jul gasvryheid met my ver jaarsdag. Veral Mickey. Jul het regtig die ekstra myl gestap. Sien julle gou weer. – AGNES, MOUNT PLEASANT ) Ek het rooi en blou leiband in Mountain Drive opgetel. Dis by Hermanus Kennels. En ons beno dig baie ou koerante by die kennels en grooming parlour asseblief. – E COETZEE ) Ek wil graag weet hoekom Hermanus Times nie Saterdagaand met die prysuitdeling by Hawston Steppies rally was nie? Hulle doen baie vir die gemeenskap van Hawston en Hermanus. – G JORDAAN Beste G Jordaan: Dankie vir die navraag. Waar en wanneer dit nie vir die redaksiespan moontlik is om geleenthede by te woon nie, word bydraes (foto’s en inligting) van lede van die gemeenskap altyd verwelkom. Stuur bydraes aan edi RED ) Sandbaaiinwoners wees gewaarsku! Hier loop ’n man, sy vrou en hul trawante rond, hul doen teël en verfwerk. Pasop Sandbaaiers. ) A woman lost two watches, earings and a ring in Voëlklip around 29 December. She is hoping that somebody has picked it up and could return it. Phone Jenny on 083 292 8042 or 021 782 2278.
Adams reageer op klag oor dissipline by Hawston Na aanleiding van die berig oor die messtekery by Hawston Sekondêr bestaan daar twyfel of mnr. Adams bevoeg is om dissipline by die skool te handhaaf. Sy kop-in-die-sand-houding sal seker ophou as daar die dag ’n lyk by die skool uitgedra word.
Idy Adams, skoolhoof: Hawston Sekondêr: Dit is nou regtig nuus vir my. Die voorval het onmiddellik die nodige aandag geniet (volgens die voorskrifte waartoe ek as werknemer verbind is). Ons het ook reeds ’n ouervergadering gehou rakende die veiligheid van die leer-
ders by die skool met ’n verteenwoordiging van ongeveer 300 ouers. Hulle het hulle daartoe verbind om die skool te ondersteun en as ouers eienaarskap te neem van die skool. My kantoor staan oop vir enige voorstelle om die skoolveiligheid te bevorder. Wat my bevoegdheid betref, hoef daar net gekyk te word na die vordering wat die skool maak op alle terreine van opvoeding. Ek nooi dus hierdie anonieme ouer uit om sy kop uit die sand te haal, my te kom besoek en persoonlik sy bydrae ter samewerking deur te gee.
The slight “dampness” in the air will continue until Friday when showers and a thunderstorm can be expected in spots. Saturday will be partly cloudy, and expect a shower on Sunday morning. Temperatures will remain in the lower twenties.
Maak asseblief leë erwe skoon
Ons stem volmondig saam met Raie Wells (HT 5 Februarie p. 10) rakende die skoonmaak van verwaarloosde en oorgroeide leë erwe. Na die onlangse bergbrand en die gevaar wat dit vir huise en inwoners in Chanteclair, Berghof, Onrus Manor, Kidbrooke en Curro ingehou het, is dit uiters noodsaaklik dat die munisipaliteit ook die skoonmaakbeleid in ’n area soos Vermont meer daadwerklik toepas. Ons is volkome vertroud met die prosedure van aanmelding, die kennisgewing wat aan eienaars uitgestuur word (of nie uitgestuur word nie) ens. maar die klagte blyk meestal op dowe ore te val, want die erwe is glo ‘nie ’n brandgevaar nie’. Ons laat ons nie vertel dat erwe met indrin-
gers soos Port Jacksons en dooie bietous wat in soveel as vyf jaar nie verwyder is nie, nie ’n brandgevaar inhou nie. Daar is ook al by geleentheid aan ons gesê dat dit baie duur geword het vir eienaars om erwe te laat skoonmaak. Mense, as jy in Kaapstad of Pretoria woon en ’n erf hier besit, kan jy seer sekerlik ook die skoonmaak daarvan een keer per jaar bekostig. Ons bepleit nie dat erwe kaal gestroop word nie (soos ’n paar jaar gelede), maar dat indringers uitgeroei en droë, dooie takke en lang grasse netjies opgeruim word.
Sypaadjie nie joune nie
Vierrigtingstop kan die antwoord wees
Ek is nou behoorlike gaaivol vir die ooms en tannies van Sandbaai wat vir my skel as ek en my hondjie op “hul” sypaadjies loop. As daar nie ’n omheining is nie, is hulle eers befoeterd. Ander mense vertel hulle word ook geskel. Van wanneer af koop mens die sypaadjie saam met die huis? ’n Man by Golden Harvest staan agter die muur en vertel my dis sý sypaadjie. Die sypaadjies behoort mos aan die munisipaliteit. Kan die munisipaliteit asseblief dit in hul maandelikse brief verduidelik. Mag julle tuin op die sypaadjie maak? Ja, dis pragtig, en ek vertrap dit nie. Nou vir ’n tweede keer die week by verskillende huise uitgeskel. Ek kan dit nie meer verduur nie, en nou baklei ek terug. Hulle veroorsaak dat ek ’n lelike mens word, wat ek glad nie is nie!
Overstrand-munisipaliteit het aan die ander kant van Bergsigstraat die regte en veilige ding gedoen; ’n vierrigting-stop by die ooraansluiting van Bergsig en Schulphoekweg. Dit werk goed, en die baie besiger aansluiting van Bergsig en Sandbaai behoort ook hierdie oplossing te kry. Die alternatief is moontlike noodlottige ongelukke. Laasweek het die Gauteng-Noord hof ’n eis toegestaan aan die oorlewendes van ’n noodlottige ongeluk weens die toestand van die pad. Eweneens het dié verskriklike padaansluiting ook ongelukke gehad en nou wag en wag ons vir die winkelsentrum-ontwikkelaar om die probleem te besleg. Nie goed genoeg nie! Wag ons vir ’n ongeluk of kan ons ’n paar strepe en stop-tekens kry, asseblief!
Hit and run and no recourse? On Sunday 1 February I was sitting in my car in a parking bay at the Gateway SuperSpar while my husband went into the shop. A man in a Rav4J drove into the bay next to me at great speed and hit my car, scratching it all along the driver’s side. He was so close I could not get out of the car, so I opened the window and said “you just hit my car”. His reply was “park properly, why don’t you”. The time was 15:00 and most parking bays were empty. His passenger was in the seat behind him – I think they were having a row. He raced off into the shop and I had to reverse to get out of my car. I went in after him and said “You have scratched my car and we need to exchange details. Can I have your name?” He shot off down an aisle and turned to me and said again “park properly in future” and stormed off. So I went out and took photos of his regis-
tration and disc and his bumper that still had my paint on it. I reported it to the police station. He has a Botswana licence plate. I phoned my insurance company and the damage is R7 000. I will now lose my no claims bonus, etc. The insurance said I could try 3rd party. My question is – does one get away with something like this? Just hit and run and I have no recourse? The police said they could do nothing as no one was injured. They said to try the traffic department to get his name, but that department said they did not have his name and sent me back to see a detective at the police station. Is there any possibility of finding the owner of this car? So no matter how safe you feel sitting in your car in a nice open parking lot, you still can be faced with a “hit and run”, as this is exactly what it is.
Lekker weer hier Genoeg is genoeg, skryf ’n leser, hy wil nou weet (nie later nie) waarom Die Overberg voor in die tou staan wanneer mooiweer uitgedeel word. Dit is soos Riaan Cruywagen op Haas Das se Nuuskas gesê het: “die weer is omgekrap maar elders is dit mooiweer.” Elders is Hermanus, het Riaan gese toe ek hom vra. Dit is nie “fair play” nie, skryf Hansie Theron van Calvinia, waar die barometer deesdae wil bars van die hitte en hy wat ’n hartlyer is, koers moet vat na sy vakansiehuis op Hermanus. In Calvinia rond het almal loopneuse van die yslike verskil in temperature – saans 12° en bedags 36°. En dit terwyl die Overstranders die matigste weer denkbaar in die land geniet. Nie dat dit nie op Hermanus se berge ook reën nie, maar dit is skaars genoeg om gerus te wees oor die dorpsdam se watervlak. Vat nou maar vandag (Donderdag). Daar is 18° verskil op Calvinia en op Hermanus net 6°. Dit is nie uit die duim gesuig nie, die gemiddelde patroon is presies dit: Calvinia 9° tot 32° vanaand en Hermanus ’n genoeglike 18° in die aand wat vandag maar by die 24° gedraai het. Kyk ons na die lesings in die bolug sien ons dat die Atlantiese hoogdrukstelsel weer tot 50 grade suid in die Arktiese See afdwaal om die koue lug letterlik aan die keel te gryp en in die rigting van
die Indiese Oseaan te slinger. Maar daar tussen 50 grade suid en 35 grade oos (by Marion-eiland) loop die koue hulle teen die warm weer van die ooste vas en stuur dit in die rigting van Australië, waar dit dalk ook iets goeds kan beteken. Dit wil voorkom asof die lugstroom wat oor die grootste deel van die Suid-Kaap vloei ’n gebalanseerde mengsel is van die laagdruk en die hoogdruk se effek op die seewater en dit net genoeg verhit vir die matige weer wat dan van Mosselbaai af weswaarts in die rigting van die Skiereiland dryf. Die verwagting is dat die matige lugvloei genoeg wolke bymekaar kan skraap om 0,4 mm vog te versamel en soos dou en mistigheid terug te gooi aarde toe. Mens kan dit beswaarlik reën noem, soos die koerante en radio dit aandui. Die “klammigheid” duur Vrydag en Saterdag voort wanneer die konveksie van 0,7 mm tot 0,8 mm styg. Donderdag (18 Februarie) styg dit tot 4 mm en kan mens ligte buie verwag. Aaaa! Lekker weer.
Algemeen General
12 February, 2015
MUNISIPALITEIT OVERSTRAND ERF 6220, ELFDESTRAAT 236, VOËLKLIP, HERMANUS, OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALE AREA : WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967 (WET 84 VAN 1967), WYSIGING VAN TERREINONTWIKKELINGSPLAN EN AFWYKING Kragtens Artikel (3)6 van bostaande Wet word hiermee kennis gegee dat die onderstaande aansoek ontvang is en ter insae lê by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Patersonstraat 16, Hermanus en enige navrae kan gerig word aan die Senior Stadsbeplanner, Mnr. S van der Merwe, Posbus 20, Hermanus, 7200, (028) 313 8900 en by die faksnommer (028) 313 2093. Epos navrae: Alida Calitz (
COMPUTER TRAINING: Overstrand Association for Persons with Disabili ties gave six people the opportunity to attend a 10day basic computer training course. This course was presented by Hawston eCentre Cape Access Local Government. With their certificates are Donelle Arendse, Lee Roy Dreyer and Kelly Mon taque. Sihle Makwelo and Gregson Gahl also com pleted the course. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
David Slabbert (left) with the trainer at the eCentre, Jacques Jones.
Die aansoek lê ook ter insae by die Kantoor van die Direkteur, Grondbestuur: Streek 2, Provinsiale Regering van die Wes-Kaap, by Kamer 606, Dorpstraat 1, Kaapstad, vanaf 08:00 – 12:30 en 13:00 – 15:30 (Maandag tot Vrydag). Telefoniese navrae in hierdie verband kan gerig word aan (021) 483 5834 en die Direktoraat se faksnommer is (021) 483 3098. Enige besware, met die volledige redes daarvoor, moet skriftelik by die kantoor van die bogenoemde Direkteur: Grondbestuur: Streek 2, Provinsiale Regering, Privaatsak X9086, Kaapstad, 8000, ingedien word op of voor Vrydag, 20 Maart 2015 met vermelding van bogenoemde Wet en die beswaarmaker se erfnommer. Enige kommentaar wat na die voorgemelde sluitingsdatum ontvang word, mag moontlik nie in ag geneem word nie. Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikel 42 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) dat 'n aansoek ontvang is vir die wysiging van die Terreinontwikkelingsplan van Erf 6220, Voëlklip, Hermanus.
Kennis geskied laastens ingevolge Artikel 15 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) dat 'n aansoek ontvang is 'n afwyking van die Overstrand Soneringskemaregulasies van toepassing op Erf 6220, Voëlklip, Hermanus ten einde die laterale boulyn te verslap vanaf 3m na 2m.
Notice is herewith given that the Municipality intends adopting the abovementioned by-law.
Voorts word hiermee ingevolge Artikel 21(4) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) kennis gegee dat persone wat nie kan skryf nie, die Stadsbeplanningsafdeling van die Munisipaliteit Overstrand kan nader tydens bogenoemde kantoorure waar 'n beampte daardie persone sal help om hul kommentaar of besware op skrif te stel.
The public is in terms of section 12 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) invited to submit comments in connection with the proposed by-law to the Municipality by submitting such representation on or before 27 March 2015 to the Municipal Manager (For attention Mr. Lionel Wallace ) at the under mentioned address or fax number.
The proposed amendments to the by-law will be available for perusal during office hours at the offices of theArea Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Kleinmond, in all the public libraries in the Overstrand and the Corporate Head Office of the municipality in Hermanus, as well as the official website at
Interactive Stads- en Streeksbeplanning
Opheffing van beperkende Titelvoorwaardes van toepassing op Erf 6220, 11de Straat, Voëlklip, Hermanus, ten einde die eienaar in staat te stel om die eiendom te ontwikkel, in stand te hou en om die gebou uit te brei.
Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Posbus 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Munisipale Kennisgewing Nr. 16/2015
Gansbaai, Stanford: F Myburgh Hermanus : D Kearney Kleinmond: D.Lakey
OVERSTRAND MUNICIPALITY ERF 6220, 236 ELEVENTH STREET, VOËLKLIP, HERMANUS, OVERSTRAND MUNICIPAL AREA : REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 (ACT 84 OF 1967), AMENDMENT OF SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND DEPARTURE Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 3(6) of the above Act that the under-mentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the office of the Municipal Manager, Overstrand Municipality, 16 Magnolia Street, Hermanus and any enquiries may be directed to the Senior Town Planner, Mr. S van der Merwe, PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200, (028) 313 8900 and fax no. (028) 313 2093. E-mail enquiries: Alida Calitz ( The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Director, Land Management: Region 2, Provincial Government of the Western Cape, at Room 606, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, from 08:00 – 12:30 and 13:00 – 15:30 (Monday to Friday). Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made at (021) 483 5834 and the Directorate’s fax number is (021) 483 3098. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, should be lodged in writing at the office of the abovementioned Director: Integrated Environmental Management: Provincial Government at Private Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, on or before Friday, 20 March 2015, quoting the above Act and the objector’s erf number. Any comments received after the aforementioned closing date may be disregarded. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 42 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) that an application has been received for the amendment of the Site Development Plan of Erf 6220, Voëlklip, Hermanus. Notice is lastly given in terms of Section 15 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) that an application has been received for a departure from the Overstrand Zoning Scheme Regulations applicable to Erf 6220, Voëlklip, Hermanus to relax the lateral building line from 3m to 2m. Notice is also given in terms of Section 21(4) of the Local GovernmentAct: Municipal Systems, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that people who cannot write are welcome to approach the Town Planning section of the Overstrand Municipality during the abovementioned office hours where an official will assist them in putting their comments or objections in writing. APPLICANT Interactive Town and Regional Planning
NATURE OF APPLICATION Removal of restrictive title conditions applicable to Erf 6220, 11th Street, Voëlklip, Hermanus, to enable the owner to develop, maintain and extend the building on property.
Overstrand Municipality, PO Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Municipal Notice No. 16/2015 YESIZA 6220, 236 ELEVENTH STREET, eDE KELDERS : UMTHETHO WOKUSUSA IZITHINTELO, 1967 (UMTHETHO 84 KA-1967) Apha kukhutshwa isaziso, ngokwemiqathango yecandelo 3(6) lalo Mthetho ukhankanywe ngentla apha, sokuba kuye kwafunyanwa esi sicelo singezantsi apha, nokuba kuvulelekile ukuba singeza kuphendlwa kwiOfisi yeManejala kaMasipala wase Overstrand Municipality, Gansbaai Administration, kwaye nayiphi na imibuzo ingathunyelwa kulo S van der Merwe, Senior Town Planner, P O Box 26 Gansbaai, 7220,, tel no. 028-3848300, fax no. 028-3848337. Esi sicelo kananjalo kukwavulelekile nokuba siye kuphendlwa kwiOfisi yoMlawuli: kuLawulo loMhlaba: uMmandla B1, kaRhulumente wePhondo leNtshona Koloni, kwiGumbi elingu-601, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, ukusukela ngentsimbi ye-08:00 ukuya kweye-12:30 nango-13:00 ukuya ku-15:30 (ngoMvulo ukuya kutsho ngoLwesihlanu). Imibuzo eyenziwa ngomnxeba ephathelele kulo mba ingenziwa ngokutsalela kwa-(021) 483-4589, kwaye ke inombolo yefakisi yeli Candelo loLawulo ngu(021) 483-3098. Naziphi na izikhalazo, ekufuneka zihambe nezizathu ezipheleleyo, kufuneka zingeniswe ngento ebhaliweyo kule ofisi ikhankanywe ngentla apha yoMlawuli kuLawuloloMhlaba: uMmandla 2 kwaPrivate Bag X9086, Cape Town, 8000, ngomhla we okanye phambi kwawo Friday 20 March 2015, kuxelwe lo Mthetho ungentla apha kunye nenombolo yesiza salowo ukhalazayo. Naziphi na izimvo ezithe zafika emva kwalo mhla wokuvala ukhankanyiweyo zisenokungahoywa. Esi saziso sinikezelwe ngokweCandelo 42 leLand Use Planning Ordinance, ka-1985 (ordinance 15 ka-1985) sokuba isicelo sifunyenwe sokuhlengahlengiswa kweplani yesakhiwo kwisiza 6220, e Voëlklip, Hermanus. Esi saziso sinikezelwe okokugqibela ngokweCandelo 15 leLand Use Planning Ordinance, ka-1985 (ordinance 15 ka-1985) sokuba isicelo sifunyenwe kwisindululo esisuka kumthetho iOverstrand Zoning Scheme Regulations esingqameneyo nesiza 6220, e Voëlklip, Hermanus sokunyenyiswa kwesakhiwo sisuke ku 3 yemitha siye kwi 2 yemitha.) UMFAKI-SICELO J.A. Van Der Vyver
Persons who cannot write can visit the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus or Kleinmond during office hours where such persons will be assisted to transcribe their comments or representations. The designated officials for the different municipal areas are as follows:
UHLOBO LWESICELO Ukususwa kwemiqathango yezithintelo zolwakhiwo kwitayitile yesiza 6220, Eleventh Street, Voëlklip.
IManejala yoMasipala weOverstrand, P.O. Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200 MN 16/2015
Fax number: 028-312 3876
Notice number: 19/2015 OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALITEIT KONSEP WYSIGING TOT DIE VERORDENING INSAKE DIE GEDRAGSKODE VIR INTERNE SAKE Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Munisipaliteit voornemens is om bogemelde verordening, aan te neem. Die gemeenskap word ingevolge artikel 12 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering, Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) uitgenooi om kommentaar met betrekking tot die beoogde verordening aan die Munisipaliteit voor te lê deur hul vertoë voor of op 27 Maart 2015 te rig aan die Munisipale Bestuurder (vir aandag Mnr. Lionel Wallace ) by onderstaande adres of faksnommer. Die beoogde wysigings tot die verordening is gedurende kantoorure ter insae by die kantore van die Areabestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus en Kleinmond, in alle openbare biblioteke in die Overstrand, die Korporatiewe Hoofkantoor van die munisipaliteit in Hermanus, sowel as die amptelike webtuiste by Persone wat nie kan skryf nie kan gedurende kantoorure by die onderskeie Areabestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus of Kleinmond besoek aflê waar daardie persone gehelp sal word om hul kommentaar of vertoë op skrif te stel. Die aangewese Areabestuurders is soos volg: Gansbaai, Stanford: F Myburgh Hermanus : D Kearney Kleinmond: D.Lakey C GROENEWALD MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Overstrand Munisipaliteit Posbus 20 HERMANUS 7200
Faksnommer: 028-312 3876
Kennisgewingsnommer: 19/2015 UMASIPALA WE-OVERSTRAND INGUQU EZIYILWAYO ZOMTHETHO KAMASIPALA NGOKWENKQUBO MPATHO NGAPHAKATHI Esi sisaziso sokuba u-Masipala unenjongo zokwamkela lomthetho ungentla. Umphakathi uyacelwa ngokwesahluko 12 so Rhulumente Basemakhaya: Umthetho Ngqubo koMasipala, 2000 (Umthetho 32 ka 2000) ukuba bangenise izimbo zabo ngokwalomthetho uphakamiswayo ku Masipala phambi okanye ngomhla we 27 ka Matshi ku 2015 ku Mpathi ka Masipala (isolathiso ngu Mnu. Lionel Wallace ) kuledilesi nenombolo zefekisi ezingezantsi. Iziphakamoso zenguqu zalomthetho sifumaneka kwi-ofisi zabaphathi bengingqi bakamasipala e-Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus nase Kleinmond nakuwo wonke amathala encwadi ase Overstrand nakuyo i-ofisi ephezulu kamasipala e-Hermanus, nakwi website, kwabo bafuna ukuwufunda. Abantu abangakwaziyo ukubhala banga ndwendwela i-ofisi zabaphathi bengingqi zikamasipala e-Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus nase Kleinmond apho banokufumana uncedo loku bhala izimvo zabo.Abaphathi bengingqi ngaba balandelayo; Gansbaai, Stanford : F Myburgh Hermanus : D Kearney Kleinmond : D.Lakey
Inombolo ye feksi: 028-312 3876
Inombolo yesaziso: 19/2015 000000-HL120215
Algemeen General
12 February, 2015
Selected products on this page have been styled for photography
County Fair Fresh Chicken Drumsticks and Thighs
Zelda Calitz (second from right) with Martin Beukes, Franklin Manuel and Gloria Mpis ane.
Frames 4 Africa Zelda Calitz, owner of Frames 4 Africa, is in her element now that they have moved to new premis es in Long Street Arcade. Her neighbours are The Eatery, Frinché Hair Studio, The Flower Scene and Shuk. “Weare now also moreaccessibleto ourclients. The space is light and airy and even if there are power cuts we can still carry on working,” says Zelda who started Frames 4 Africa fifteen years ago. “One December holiday back when I was a student, I helped out at an art gallery, and simply fell in love with the business. I wanted to specialise in framing and did a course through Supreme Lar sonJuhl.” Zelda worked at Kwaaiwater framery for a year and then took the bull by the horns and opened her own framing business in 2000. Longstanding clients will know that Frames 4 Africa was first situated in Long Street too, opposite Pick n Pay. They moved to Long Street Arcade last week, and although they still have to get the interior spick and span, it’s business as usual and they look for ward to welcoming their clients to their new prem ises. Contact details: Frames 4 Africa Picture Framing. 24 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel: 028 313 1550. Email: Cell: 083 663 3237. Business hours: 09:00 –17:00 weekdays, but closed between 13:00 and 14:00. Saturdays from 10:00 – 12:30.
Per kg
PnP Bulk Farmhouse Wors Per kg
Fresh Fruit
PnP Banana Prepack Each
PnP Bulk Braai Pack Consists of Tenderised Steak, Lamb Braai Chops and Oukraal Wors Per kg
PnP Pure Sunflower Oil 2 Litre
PnP Milk Tart Each
Flora Fat Spread Assorted 500g Tub Each
Enterprise Bits o’ Bacon 250g
PnP Carrots 1kg
PnP Ring Doughnut 6s
Spekko Parboiled Long Grain Rice 2kg
Douwe Egberts Coffee Assorted 200g (Excluding Decaf) Each
Frames 4 Africa picture framing is now situa ted on the corner of the Long Street Arcade.
Clover Ultra Pasteurised Full Cream or 2% Milk 2 Litre Each
3 bdm & 2 bathrs & Garage from
R750 000 excluding plot.
Maggi 2-Minute Noodles 73g
Contact Joe 072 635 4070 PLAN & BUILD with DJ PROJECTS
Sunlight 2-in-1 Auto Washing Powder 2kg or Liquid Detergent 1.5 Litre Each
Spend your points
Twinsaver 2 Ply Toilet Tissue Assorted 9s Per Pack
Don’t pay a cent more than you have to.
Switch points to cash back on your card at the kiosk or on the Pick n Pay Mobile Mob obil ile e Ap App p Terms and conditions apply
See terms and conditions at
“Quality Home Builders since 1988” NHBRC registered 7328
Excluding Beaufort West, George, Jeffreys Bay, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Plettenberg Bay, Namibia, Express stores, Franschhoek Daily and Pick n Pay Local stores. smart shopper points will still apply in Express stores, Franschhoek Daily and Pick n Pay Local stores. Customer Care 0800 11 22 88. Toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply. Shop in store or online at Some products may not be available in all stores.
Certain promotional stocks are limited. Information correct at time of print. Prices inclusive of VAT, where applicable. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. E&OE. 1188303_390x198 000000-HL050215
14 HermanusTimes Camphill School presents Ian von Memerty
Algemeen General
12 February, 2015
On Saturday 7 March Ian von Memerty will present his Cabaret Performance for Camphill School at the Municipal Auditorium in Hermanus. Ian is known as the presenter of two seasons of the hit TV series Strictly
Come Dancing and the emotional judge on SA’s Got Talent. His twoman piano show A Handful of Keys, South Africa’s most successful musical show ever, has been running for the past 20 years
Enjoy wines and elegant eats included in the ticket price of R350 pp. They are available from: Alex Grant Pharmacy, Stewarts Pharmacy, Onrus Pharmacy, Wine Village and Camphill School.
Ian von Memerty will give a perform ance on 7 March. Contact Camphill School office for fur ther information on 028 312 4949 or email gene vieve@camphillher
VOLUNTARY RECALL OF 200ml UHT PUREJOY APPLE JUICE BATCH Parmalat South Africa has announced the voluntary recall of a batch of 200ml UHT PureJoy Apple Juice. Following the investigation of two 200ml PureJoy Apple Juice complaints received, Parmalat has announced the immediate, voluntary recall of the 200ml Apple Juice packs that may have been affected.
Consumers who have purchased this product are urged to phone 0860 66 44 22 or mail for immediate collection and refund. FULL PRODUCT DETAILS Parmalat 200ml UHT PureJoy Apple Juice is packaged in a green-coloured 200ml UHT carton with straw attached, and is marked as follows: Parmalat (brand) PureJoy Juice (product) Apple (flavour) 200ml (pack size) Information in Best Before box on top of pack: P 14.12.14 and P 15.12.14 (production date) E 14.12.15 and E 15.12.15 (expiry date) ZA 5/19 (factory code) Quality is the main pillar of Parmalat’s brand promise to consumers and any possible quality and/or safety problems receive immediate and urgent attention. An initial investigation showed that the products had been contaminated with cleaning chemicals, making it unfit for consumption. No other Parmalat products or code dates are affected by this recall. For more information visit our website at
THURSDAY 12 FEBRUARY ) Die borduurgroep kom van 09:00 12:30 by die De Wetsaal byeen. Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday at Hermanus Golf Club at 12:15. Lyle:0 028 314 1390 / 073 778 2777. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall. Henriëtte Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809 or Nicolette Lloyd: 0 028 312 3771. ) Rotary Hermanus meets every Thursday at Mollegren Park at 18:30 for 19:00. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. ) The AGM of the Overberg U3A at the Sandbaai Hall at 17:30. The meet ing will last about 20 minutes, followed by a talk by Dr Alex Boraine, titled: Can the ship of state be turned around? His analysis will touch on his 2014 book What’s Gone Wrong? SA on the Brink of Failed Statehood, dissect the current political scene, with all its weaknesses, and a suggestion for a way forward. Contact Dr Robin Lee: 0 028 312 4072 or robinlee@her FRIDAY 13 FEBRUARY ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets at the start of Rotary Way at 6:15 until 8:30. All volunteers welcome. Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Join The Friends of the Library for tea, coffee, crafts and homebakes at the Bhuki Cafe from 09:0011:30. ) Die KolwyntjieTeetuin van Onrus kerk, elke Vrydag 09:3011:30. Heer like eetgoed vir net R30, koffie/tee in gesluit. Marie: 0 083 457 1896. ) A Valentine’s exhibition of sterling silver jewellery and sculpture by Pat rick Mavros at The Marine from 10:00 19:00. Today and tomorrow. Details: 2 or see ) The U3A talk on Basic Properties of Light: The Light Man has Made, pre sented by Neal Allen is at the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Call Gert Claas sen: 0 083 602 5254. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 12:00 17:00. Anneke van der Vlug: 0 082 923 9799. ) Kuns by die De Wetsaal saam met Estelle Valkenburg van 09:0012:00. 0 028 316 3522. ) Hawston Primêr hou om 12:00 ’n etevir sowat150bejaardesvanHaws ton by die Sjicanah Bediening, of beter bekend as Jan Gelderblom se stoor. Vir meerbesonderhedebelJeniqueCellie: 0 060 400 1458. SATURDAY 14 FEBRUARY ) Hermanus Country Market from 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Die Hermanuspietersfontein kosen wynmark van 09:00 – 13:00. ) The Market in the Garden at Hemel enAarde Village is from 09:00 – 14:00. ) Enkellopendes, is u onlangs geskei, weduwee/wewenaar? Kom kuier saam met ander enkellopendes in die selfde situasie vir morele ondersteu ning. Kom geniet ’n Valentynsete saam met ons. Bel: 0 076 115 7382. ) Valentines Ball (dinner dance) at Bo na Dea Private Estate. R1 000 per per son. Time: 19:00. Dress: glamorous. To book: Elané: 2 info@bonad or Diddi: 2 diddi@bonad SUNDAY 15 FEBRUARY ) The Karlsruhe Concert Duo will give a recital in the Overstrand Auditorium at 15:30. Tickets are R120 (R60 for students) and available from Bellini Gallery: 0 028 312 4988 or at the door. Contact OAK secretary René du Plooy: 0 082 940 4238. ) Summer Classics at Dutchies with Roger Summers between 17:00 and 19:00. MONDAY 16 FEBRUARY ) The Overberg Quilters’ Guild meet
at 09:30 at the De Wet Hall, Roos Street, Onrus. Speaker: Irma van Heerden. ) The U3A series Literary Anniversa ries will feature the 150th anniversary of the birth of Rudyard Kipling present ed by Christine Cleal and Andrew Murray at the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Call Letitia Snyman: 0 028 316 5170. ) Fiksheidsklasse, De Wetsaal in On rus: Maandae 08:3009:30; Woens dae 14:0017:00 en Donderdae 08:3009:30. Alida Liebenberg: 0 028 316 3994 / 082 783 5160. ) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal, Maandae en Woensdae van 17:30 18:30. Emilia Knight: 0 076 837 4231. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fern kloof. Call 0 028 314 0662 / 072 230 9179. ) Run/Walk for Life meets Monday, WednesdayandFridayat17:30atthe Old Boys Club, Hermanus. Elna Botha: 0 072 640 6822. ) A group of walkers meet three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at 07:00 for walks of varying lengths. All walkers welcome. Contact Arlene Ehrenberg: 0 028 316 2037, Glenda Theobald: 0 071 900 8405 or Paulette Rodi: 0 028 312 4019 for more details. TUESDAY 17 FEBRUARY ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets at the start of Rotary Way at 6:00 until 9:00. Volunteers welcome. André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) U3A presents the BBC’s DVD series Nature’s Microworlds (duration 70 minutes) at the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Call Graham Palmer: 0 028 314 1167. ) Line dancing at De Wet Hall, 17:30 18:30. Maryanne: 073 469 9132. ) Hermanus Biodanzadansgroep. Elke Dinsdag om 18:00 by Yogaheart studio in Hermanus. Kontak Lize: 0 073 225 7160 of Dasha: 0 079 420 3512. WEDNESDAY 18 FEBRUARY ) Mike Ford, acclaimed birder, will give a presentation at the Hermanus Bird Club on Ringing Birds. Meet at Fernkloof Hall at 19:00. Refreshments served afterwards. For enquiries call Craig: 0 083 227 9003. ) Walker Bay Orchid Society monthly meeting at 14:00 at the Jukskei Hall, Sandbaai (opposite Sandbaai Hall). ) WeighLess group, De Wet Hall, 08:0010:00. Call Annette Meiring: 0 082 560 2836 / 028 316 2921. ) Trimgimklasse by die Onrusrivier dienssentrum van 10:0011:00. Kos te: R30 per lid, R45 vir nielede. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbe weging kom byeen van 18:0019:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Die egskeidingondersteunings groep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 by die NG ge meente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oost huysen: 0 079 322 0998. ) Make a Shape (free movement dance) with Raymond Calitz at the De Wet Hall from 19:3021:15. Call: 0 079 515 6401. ) The AGM for sector three subforum at 09:00 at the Hermanus SAPS con ference room. (see page 4). Contact WO JP Matthee: 0 082 443 7640. ) Martin Mans will give an organ re cital in the Stanford NG Church at 19:00. This concert replaces the recital that was scheduled to take place in the Hermanus NG Church. Mans will be accompanied by Carina Bossenbroek on the panpipes. Tickets are R60; available from the United Church in Royal Street, or the Info Centre in Stan ford. Contact Phil Pienaar: 0 083 2906 910 FRIDAY 20 FEBRUARY ) Twilight Family Run at the Hermanus Golf Club. Entry fee: R50 for adults, R30 for children. The 4 km run will start at 19:30. Tickets are available at Her manus High School and LandenSee, and on the day of event at the Herma nus Golf Club. Registration is strictly at 18:00. Contact Hermanus High School: 0 028 312 3760 or Tanya Stergianos: 0 084 608 2992.
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Algemeen General
12 February, 2015
EXCELLENCE REWARDED: Northcliff House College 2014 matric learner Abby Heese (left) and Vivienne Mitchley (NHC founder and principal) with the awards they received at the Overberg Education District Mat ric Awards ceremony held in Genadendal on 7 February. Awards won by the school in clude: Top performing candidate at NHC and top performer in English Home Language – Abby Heese (83%); Top performer in computer application technology at NHC – Nicholas Maeder (81%); school certificate for sustained improvement in over all performance – with 100% pass and 61,5% Bachelor passes; award for excellent achievement in overall performance. Mitchley says: “We are very proud of our achieve ment and looking forward to an even better 2015 matric year.”
NUWE SKOOLKLERE: Die onderburge meester, rdl. Rudolph Smith (middel) en rdl. Mercia Andrews (regs), het onlangs ’n projek begin waar hulle geld insamel om vir minderbevoorregte leerders skoolklere aan te koop. Hulle het Vry dagoggend 18 leerders van Hawston Primêr verras met splinternuwe skoolkle re en skoolskoene wat hulle aan juffrou Ursula Arendse oorhandig het. Dit is ’n langtermynprojek en dié raadslede hoop om binnekort aan nog leerders klere te voorsien. Andrews sê hulle het op die projek besluit omdat daar so baie kin ders is wat nie die regte skoolklere het nie. “Hoekom moet hulle ‘gestraf’ word en anders lyk, net omdat hul ouers dit nie kan bekostig nie? Hulle verdien om soos al die ander kinders in die klas te lyk.” FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET
(Notice 17/2015)
DRAFT STANDARD BY-LAW RELATING TO THE IMPOUNDMENT OF ANIMALS Notice is herewith given that the Municipality intends adopting the abovementioned by-law. The public is in terms of section 12 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) invited to submit comments in connection with the proposed by-law to the Municipality by submitting such representation on or before 27 March 2015 to the Municipal Manager (For attention Mr. Lionel Wallace ) at the under mentioned address or fax number. The proposed by-law will be available for perusal during office hours at the offices of the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Kleinmond, in all the public libraries in the Overstrand and the Corporate Head Office of the municipality in Hermanus, as well as the official website at Persons who cannot write can visit the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus or Kleinmond during office hours where such persons will be assisted to transcribe their comments or representations. The designated officials for the different municipal areas are as follows: Gansbaai, Stanford: F Myburgh Hermanus : D Kearney Kleinmond: D.Lakey
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 49(1)(a)(i) read together with section 78(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act No. 6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the “Act”, that the supplementary valuation roll for the financial year 2014/2015, is open for public inspection at the Municipal Head Office and its satellite offices, or on the website: from 12 February 2015 – 31 March 2015. An invitation is hereby made in terms of section 49(1)(a)(ii) read together with section 78(2) of the Act that any owner of property or other person who so desires should lodge an objection with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from, the supplementary valuation roll within the above-mentioned period. Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2) of the Act an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the supplementary valuation roll as such. The form for the lodging of an objection is obtainable from the Municipal offices at the following addresses: Hangklip/Kleinmond: Hermanus: Stanford: Gansbaai:
33 Main Road, Kleinmond 1 Magnolia Street, Hermanus 15 Queen Victoria Street, Stanford Main Road, Gansbaai
028 271 8400 028 313 8000 028 341 8500 028 384 8300
or on the municipal website: The completed forms must be returned to the municipal offices or the Municipal Manager, PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200 on or before 31 March 2015.
For enquiries please contact Carien de Beer at telephone number 028 313 8000 or send an e-mail to
Overstrand Municipality PO Box 20 HERMANUS 7200
C. Groenewald Municipal Manager 12 February 2015
Fax number: 028-312 3876
PO Box 20 HERMANUS 7200
Notice number: 18/2015 (Kennisgewing 17/2015)
KONSEP VERORDENING INSAKE DIE SKUT VAN DIERE Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Munisipaliteit voornemens is om bogemelde verordening, aan te neem. Die gemeenskap word ingevolge artikel 12 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering, Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) uitgenooi om kommentaar met betrekking tot die beoogde verordening aan die Munisipaliteit voor te lê deur hul vertoë voor of op 27 Maart 2015 te rig aan die Munisipale Bestuurder (vir aandag Mnr. Lionel Wallace ) by onderstaande adres of faksnommer. Die beoogde verordening is gedurende kantoorure ter insae by die kantore van die Areabestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus en Kleinmond, in alle openbare biblioteke in die Overstrand, die Korporatiewe Hoofkantoor van die munisipaliteit in Hermanus, sowel as die amptelike webtuiste by Persone wat nie kan skryf nie kan gedurende kantoorure by die onderskeie Areabestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus of Kleinmond besoek aflê waar daardie persone gehelp sal word om hul kommentaar of vertoë op skrif te stel. Die aangewese Areabestuurders is soos volg: Gansbaai, Stanford: F Myburgh Hermanus : D Kearney Kleinmond: D.Lakey
Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 49(1)(a)(i) saam gelees met Artikel 78(2) van die Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Eiendomsbelastingswet, 2004 (Wet No. 6 van 2004), hierna verwys as die “Wet”, dat die aanvullende waardasielys vir die 2014/2015 finansiële jaar, beskikbaar is vir publieke inspeksie by die Munisipale Hoofkantoor en sy administrasiekantore asook op die amptelike webtuiste:, vanaf 12 Februarie 2015 – 31 Maart 2015. 'n Uitnodiging word hiermee gerig in terme van Artikel 49 (1)(a)(ii), saam gelees met Artikel 78(2) van die Wet dat die eienaar van eiendom, of enige ander persoon wat dit verlang, 'n beswaar kan indien by die Munisipale Bestuurder rakende enige aangeleentheid wat vervat word in, of weggelaat is uit die aanvullende waardasielys, binne die bogenoemde tydperk. Aandag word daarop gevestig dat in terme van Artikel 50(2) van die Wet, 'n beswaar betrekking tot 'n spesifieke eiendom moet hê, en nie op die totale aanvullende waardasielys as sodanig nie. Die vorm vir die aantekening van 'n beswaar is beskikbaar by die volgende Munisipale kantore: Hangklip/Kleinmond: Hermanus: Stanford: Gansbaai:
Hoofstraat 33, Kleinmond Magnoliastraat 1, Hermanus Queen Victoriastraat 15, Stanford Hoofstraat, Gansbaai
asook op die amptelike webtuiste: Voltooide vorms moet op of voor 31 Maart 2015 terug besorg word aan die munisipale kantore of die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 20, Hermanus, 7200.
Rig u navrae asb aan Carien de Beer by telefoonnommer 028 313 8000 of stuur 'n e-pos aan
Overstrand Munisipaliteit Posbus 20 HERMANUS 7200
C. Groenewald Munisipale Bestuurder 12 Februarie 2015
Faksnommer: 028-312 3876
Posbus 20 HERMANUS 7200 (Isaziso 17/2015)
Kennisgewingsnommer: 18/2015
UMASIPALA WE-OVERSTRAND INGUQU EZIYILWAYO ZOMTHETHO KAMASIPALA NGOKUVALELWA KWEZILWANYANA Esi sisaziso sokuba u-Masipala unenjongo zokwamkela lomthetho ungentla. Umphakathi uyacelwa ngokwesahluko 12 so Rhulumente Basemakhaya: Umthetho Ngqubo koMasipala, 2000 (Umthetho 32 ka 2000) ukuba bangenise izimvo zabo ngokwalomthetho uphakamiswayo ku Masipala phambi okanye ngomhla we 27 ka Matshi ku 2015 ku Mpathi ka Masipala (isiya ku Mnu Lionel Wallace ) kuledilesi nenombolo zefekisi ezingezantsi. Iziphakamoso zenguqu zalomthetho sifumaneka kwi-ofisi zabaphathi bengingqi bakamasipala e-Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus nase Kleinmond nakuwo wonke amathala encwadi ase Overstrand nakuyo i-ofisi ephezulu kamasipala e-Hermanus, nakwi website, kwabo bafuna ukuwufunda. Abantu abangakwaziyo ukubhala banga ndwendwela i-ofisi zabaphathi bengingqi zikamasipala e-Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus nase Kleinmond apho banokufumana uncedo loku bhala izimvo zabo.Abaphathi bengingqi ngaba balandelayo; Gansbaai, Stanford : F Myburgh Hermanus : D Kearney Kleinmond : D.Lakey
Apha senza isaziso ngokweCandelo 49(1)(a)(i) elinokufundwa lidibene necandelo 78(2) likaRhulumente wezeKhaya: uMthetho WeeRhafu ZoMhlaba kaMasipala, wowama-2004 (uMthetho wesi-6 wowama-2004), ekuza kubhekiselwa kuwo apha nakamva ngokuthi “lo Mthetho”, Woxwebhu olongezelelekileyo lokuhlolwa kwexabiso lomhlaba lonyaka-mali wama-2014/2015, luvulelekile kuluntu ukuba luluhlole kwi-Ofisi eliKomkhulu likaMasipala nakwii-ofisi ezingaphantsi kwalo kwanakwimizi yogcino-zincwadi, okanye kweli jelo: ukususela kumhla 12 February 2015 ukuya kutsho kumhla 31 March 2015. Kananjalo sikwenza nesimemo ngokwecandelo 49(1)(a)(ii) elinokufundwa lidibene necandelo 78(2) lalo Mthetho sokuba nawuphi na umnini mhlaba okanye omnye umntu onqwenela ukwenjenjalo ufanele afake izimvo zakhe ezichasene noku kuMphathi kaMasipala ngawo nawuphi na umba olapha, okanye ositheleyo, kuxwebhu olongezelelekileyo lokuhlolwa kwexabiso lomhlaba ngeli xesha lichazwe ngasentl' apha. Sifuna ukutsalela ingqalelo yenu ngokukhethekileyo kwicandelo 50(2) lalo Mthetho elithi izimvo ezingaphesheya kule nto zifanele zityumbe loo mhlaba zingabi zezichasene nje noxwebhu lokuhlolwa kwexabiso lomhlaba. Iimpepha zokukhalaza ezigqityiweyo mazibuyiselwe kungekafiki usuku lwe 31 March 2015, kwii-ofisi ezikhankanywe ngezantsi okanye kwi-ofisi kaMphathi kaMasipala, PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200. Ifomu yokufaka izimvo zakho ezichasene noku ungayifumana kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala kwezi dilesi zilandelayo: Hangklip/Kleinmond: Hermanus: Stanford: Gansbaai:
028 271 8400 028 313 8000 028 341 8500 028 384 8300
33 Main Road, Kleinmond 1 Magnolia Street, Hermanus 15 Queen Victoria Street, Stanford Main Road, Gansbaai
028 271 8400 028 313 8000 028 341 8500 028 384 8300
okanye kweli jelo likaMasipala: Xa ufuna ukubuza nxibelelana noCarien de Beer kwinombolo yefoni u- 028 313 8000 okanye nge-imeyile
Inombolo ye feksi: 028-312 3876
Inombolo yesaziso: 18/2015 000000-HL120215
C. Groenewald UMphathi KaMasipala 12 February 2015
PO Box 20 HERMANUS 7200 000000-HL120215
Algemeen General
12 February, 2015
Edian Barnard is baie opgewonde ná hy gekies is om by die Absa KKNK later van jaar op te tree.
Plaaslike sanger se drome word waar JANINE VAN DER RIET Ná verskeie teleurstellings en moed opgee, is ’n plaaslike kunstenaar van Hermanus in die wolke ná hy pas genomineer is om by vanjaar se Absa KKNK in April op te tree. Edian Barnard, wat sing en kitaar speel sedert hy ’n tjokkertjie is, woon al die afgelope nege jaar op Hermanus. “Ná ’n lang wisselpad van drome, teleurstelling en hoop opgee, het ek ’n paar jaar gelede my drome eers gebêre. Tot sowat ’n jaar gelede,” vertel die 41-jarige Edian. “Dinge het weer begin goed gaan en ek was meer geïnspireerd as ooit tevore. Ek was skielik gereed om my kitaar op te tel en my musiek verder te neem.” Christa Theron het sy talent raakgesien, sy bestuurder geword en van daar het Edian net musikaal geblom. Ná verskeie optredes by feeste en byeenkomste, en vele harde werksessies, is hy gekies om op die groot verhoë in Oudtshoorn op te tree. Edian sê as dit nie was vir mense soos Christa of sy bemarkingsbestuurder Theresa le Roux van Miss Music Events op Hermanus nie, sou hy nooit so ver gekom het nie. Theresa sê hulle is tans besig met sy eerste CD, Kluisenaar se Droom, waarvan daar drie van sy eie liedjies op die CD is. Sy musiek, onder meer Afrikaanse liedjies, asook oldies, word gereeld op Whalecoast 96 FM gespeel. Vir meer inligting oor Edian en sy musiek, bel Theresa by 082 470 0984 of stuur ’n e-pos na
Algemeen General
12 February, 2015
Tjaart Olivier, right, stood down as chairper son of the Walker Bay Ski Boat Club at the club’s recent AGM and hands the helm to Walter Mapham. Tjaart is a foundermember of the club and has fished in these waters for 30 years. He is well known in the Over berg for his skipper’s courses and boat sur veys. He will continue to serve as vicechair person and club safety officer where he will provide training and do boat surveys. Wal ter, a permanent resident in Hermanus and keen skiboater, paid tribute to Tjaart saying: “The club is privileged to have experienced men like Tjaart, who continue to freely share their knowledge and experience with the rest of us.” The ski boat club promotes sustaina ble and safe boatbased fishing and caters for social members as well as boat owners and fishing enthusiasts. The club is based in the New Harbour and welcomes those with an interest in the environment or the fishing history of Hermanus (website
Inspired Life MINISTRIES
All Welcome
Invites you for a time of Worship, & the Inspired Word of God
Our American based client requires the urgent employment of reliable men and woman for the following positions
See the USA and get paid!! FREE FLIGHTS Accommodation included. Successful applicants must be hard working, enjoy physical labour in an outdoor environment and be between 21 and 32 years old. Minimum $300/week
SALES Position available @
We are looking for a young, vibrant, energetic, trustworthy lady who loves people and selling. Previous retail experience essential. Fax a 1 Page CV (with contactable references) to (044) 3841791 Please note that we will only contact successful candidates by 8 September.
The successful applicant must be punctual, reliable, honest, have the relevant qualification with experience and be willing to work flexible schedules over full week periods. Contracts include:
Send your CV, valid SA Passport, ID and drivers license to: P: 021 552 9183, F 021 552 9198 Apply online
Send your CV, valid SA Passport, ID and drivers license to: P: 021552 9183, F 021 552 9198 Apply online X1PPDCVR-HL120215
Sunday @ 09am-10:30 am Sandbaai Saal Main Rd
Cecil & Brenda James 028-316 3224
Helderberg Media
Helderberg Media (DistrictMail & Helderberg Gazette) a division of Boland Media is looking for an experienced, dynamic dedicated Editorial Publisher based in Somerset-West. The ideal candidate should have 2 years experience in a publisher/editor role in the newspaper environment. The successful candidate will be responsible for overall management, commercial, operational and editorial function of DistrictMail and Helderberg Gazette. Are you someone who loves to lead, thrives in a deadline driven media environment and is an excellent editor as well as an organised and inspirational manager? Are you someone who loves the Helderberg and has your finger on the pulse of what's news in this area? Then this might be a once in a lifetime opportunity to make a mark. Core Competencies & Responsibilities: • Initiate and implement strategies to reach readership and revenue targets • Manage editorial direction of DistrictMail and Helderberg Gazette • Oversee the day-to-day operations of the editorial team, ensuring all deadlines are met and all schedules are adhered to • Evaluate annual progress, establish goals, implement strategy and tactics and execute • Be a thought leader: keep on top of media and market trends, share insight with the team and innovate • Keep staff morale high and create a happy, hard-working cohesive editorial unit that is legendary • Be part of the management team and brainstorm about direction of company, innovation and new monetisation methods • Run weekly project management meetings to ensure team is clear on assignments and targets are met • Act as main bridge between the editorial and advertising/circulation teams in order to align goals with actions • Ensure alignment between the goals and strategies of the publication with key commercial objectives of the division/company • Review existing operational procedures and identify and implement measures or structures to increase operational efficiencies • Identify and timeously address functional related problems and opportunities • Develop and drive advertising-based, revenue-generating commercial opportunities • Ensure that product designs adhere to industry best practices and standards • Oversee the implementation of product enhancements • Manage the budget of the publication(s), including drawing-up budgets and achieving budget objectives • Formulate and present required reports • Build and maintain effective relationships with local businesses, business chambers and authorities • Work with other relevant publications in the Company to collaborate on strategies where possible
UNITED CHURCH HERMANUS To worship God To follow Christ. To touch a broken world in His Name.
13 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS 028 312 2717 Lent 2015 – the Potter and the clay “Family Fun” on Shrove Tuesday – 17 February @ 6:30 pm Ash Wednesday Service – 18 February @ 6:30 pm. Led by Rev Theo Groeneveld
13 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS 028 312 2717
To worship God To follow Christ. To touch a broken world in His Name.
Lenten Communion Services – Every Wednesday, starting 18 February – 1 April @ 8:00 am Led by Rev Dr James Gray
15 February 2015
“Were you there…? – a Lenten Bible study series – Every Wednesday, starting 25 - February - 25 March @ 6:30pm Led by Rev Theo Groeneveld (Refer to our website for more information X1PQE3C9-HL120215
Morning Services: 08:30 & 10:00 led by Rev. Dr. James Gray
Children’s & Youth Ministry 09:45 in the hall
Sunday Series:
6:30pm led by Rev. Theo Groeneveld Lessons from the Old Testament Heroes: Elijah: ‘Dealing with burnout’ 1 Kings 19:1-18 X1PP7VDW-HL120215
Qualifying criteria: • Relevant tertiary qualification • At least 5 years experience in publishing, with at least 2 years in a senior role. • Experience operating at a strategic level. • General management experience, e.g. managing budgets, people, creating business plans etc. • Thorough understanding of the newspaper business, preferably local newspapers. • Thorough understanding of publishing processes • Understanding of online/print media trends • Proficiency in relevant software packages and applications • Thorough understanding of target market of publication(s) • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills • Conceptual thinker • Innovative If you meet the above requirements and would like to be part of this team, please forward a comprehensive CV to or Applicants must clearly indicate which post is being applied for. Please use reference "DistrictMail Publisher." CLOSING DATE: 20 February 2015 If no feedback has been received by 20 February 2015, please accept your application as unsuccessful. The company reserves the right not to fill the position. Given the employment equity policy of Media24, preference will be given to suitable candidates from the designated groups. X1PQJ2DW-HL120215
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
12 February, 2015
ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos
HERMANUS HIRING will fill all your function needs - Tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, linen, etc. At good prices. Call 028-312 4291 or Ken on 082 420 0060.
HERBALIFE: Dissatisfied with your weight? Start 2015 anew. Lose weight and feel great! Free delivery call Jaques 076 155 9648
LOANS 1445
GINGER KITTENS and adult spayed lab/collie cross very urgently need good homes. Tel no 028 3410 547 or 082 899 1172
MISSING.... Please help us find our precious King Julian. 076 412 0628. Last seen in Onrus on Saturday the 7th of Feb. PERSONAL SEVICES
MY CAKE ANGEL Cakes/ Cupcakes for all occasions. Email: Tarryn Geyer 076 154 9612
SUGAR PLUM PARTY FUN. Themed cakes, kiddies tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles etc. Purple shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913
1425 1210
VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Permanent make-up now available. Call 083 496 2281.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: FRESH OYSTERS Delivered to your home for that special dinner or function+ opened and served at your venue. Contact Kati 082 372 3588/ or NARCOTICS ANONYsee me at the Hermanus MOUS. Hermanus group Country Market for your meetings. Are drugs a proextra valentines oyster. blem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218.
HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.
OVERSTAND HOSPICECare for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679
Groenewald, Gertie
23 / 09 / 1928 ~30 / 01 / 2015 Gertie Groenewald van Huis Lettie Theron het op 30/01/2015 sag heengegaan op die rype ouderdom van 86 jaar. Sy sal met liefde onthou word deur haar familielede en vriende.
1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608. PARTY/EVENT DANCE floor for hire. Black & white check. Phone Carol or Talitha 028 313 2769.
LEGAL 1440
ANNIQUE PRODUKTE BESKIKBAAR Baie "specials" hierdie maand. Tel: Annette 082 801 3305 028 316 4961
PERSONAL AFGETREDE PAAR Beskikbaar om huis en diere op te pas, jarelange ondervinding in beide. Onrus tot Voëlklip 072 933 6968/028 316 3335.
MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311. 1460
HERMANUS 028 316 1659
NOW LAUNCHING in SOUTH AFRICA the natural immune boosting Transfer Factor to overcome viral, bacterial and autoimmune diseases. For more info contact: Tel. 083 444 1313
Conversational Xhosa Macro needs and mini skills. Groups and in-house. 082 840 6552 Complete IT and Computer Solutions for Home or Business. We offer ADSL Internet ( Best prices in town), Hardware and Software sales, Computer Sales and Training, Web Design and Hosting, Repairs and much more. Contact us for our price lists or a free quotation. -We are located upstairs HERMANUS MATH & from the Wine Village-. READING Email: info@imaginesoStruggling at school? We Tel: Concan help! Call today for a tact 028 316 3113 or FREE ASSESSMENT 073 674 2775 028 313 0209, Grades R-12.
FOUND SILVER MONEY clip found in Fernkloof. Call 083 969 2004.
CONTACT. Would you like to contact your loved ones in Spirit who have left this earth through a Medium with 40 years experience. Also a spiritual healer. If so phone Vera on 083 549 3473.
MATHS LESSONS. Grades 8-12. Qualified teacher, 30 years experience. Call 083 228 1255.
DIE LAASTE & GROOTSTE MISLEIDING - Lukas 21:8, Danie Pienaar. Vir gratis leesstof en CD SMS jou naam en adres na 082 734 4168. THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028 313 1884. PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEOS 1465
CONVERTING OF VHS TAPES. We specialise in the converting of VHS tapes, 8 & 16mm films to DVD. Make slide shows for birthdays, weddings & funerals. Call 082 466 7027/ 028 316 2553.
COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.
NOSTALTIQUES. Wanted: Antiques, Art, secondhand household goods. Steenbras Street 15, Hermanus Industria. 082 833 2567.
FURNITURE WANTED. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028 312 3508. BEAUTIFUL GLASS Topped dining table and 8 chairs R5,000. Cubitt 076 216 0744.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
12 February, 2015
OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.
BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Rooikrans, Wattle en Bloekomhout. Call Danie 082 958 5749. BUY & SELL. We have excellent quality used furniture and appliances. Super Seconds 2 Arum Street, Industrial area, Hermanus. Opposite CocaCola. Between Adventure Centre and Port Scaffolding. 079 746 0830 ELEKTRONIESE SIGARETTE Vir al u E-Sigarette, ELiquid's, onderdele en benodighede. Kontak Ben Rossouw Sel: 082 726 8771. Tel: 028 316 4217. Branderdraai Str 11, Sandbaai, Hermanus of Martie Sel 072 644 2942 Gansbaai
STYLISH BLACK leather recliner with separate footstool R3,000. Patio table and 6 chairs in borerresistant New Zealand Kwila wood R5,000. Tel 076 034 0263. YAMAHA PORTABLE Grand keyboard te koop. R6000 o.n.o. Skakel 082 595 4219. WANTED TO BUY 1675
A.R.B Get a retired builder to do those D.I.Y jobs for you. Quick service, reasonable prices. Tel: 082 894 2145
CONTACT JOHANN 083 452 1422 for free quotes on Plan Draughting of New Buildings , Existing Illegal structures to legalise Municipal Records, Extensions to Existing Buildings. FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. Painting, paving, tiling, bathroom makeovers, home maintenance, building requirements call 083 308 0534 CARPENTRY 1874
LYNT-WOOD DESIGN, Custom furniture, furniture repair. 078 419 1918. CLEANING SEVICES 1805
EXECUTIVE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE/ SKOONMAAKDIENS. Personal full time supervision. Maintaining holiday homes. Are you moving in or out, we can help. MonSat Call 076 115 7382 ELECTRICAL 1810
I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.
Gareth 072 656 6370 Stock Tents is a stretch BUILDING Alterations tent rental and manu- and Maintenance Contact Greg Voges facturing company 071 452 7482.
PLAASVARS GROENTE. Groenboontjies R15/kg in 4kg sakke. Brokkoli R10/kg. Sweetcorn R2 'n mielie. Aflewering Vrydagmiddae 17:00 by Montesori Skool ingang. Sms 082 374 8018 vir bestelling
A1 BUILDERS. Project Management Holiday House.- Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798.
WE COLLECT garden refuse and Rubble and anything that you want to be moved within Hermanus. Call Michael 073 016 1686
ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves & affordable pre-paid sub meters for garden flatlets and rental properties. No call-out fee. 079 706 1056. GESOEK LEWEND OF dood, ys/vrieskaste,stowe, wasmasjiene, mikrogolf oonde. 073 608 4652. H.C.D ELECTRICAL. For all your electrical maintenance installations and repairs. Phone Hamish 079 182 8825. Quick Service.
1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280.
NUTSMAN/HANDYMAN Philip Hough. Sel/Cell: 079 613 9328. E-mail:
24 HOUR PLUMBING SERVICES. Qualified & PIRB registered. Gen maintenance, new installations, emergency services & bathroom make overs. Francois du Toit 083 308 0534
5 STAR POOLS. Do you need good service and customer satisfaction? Look no further and contact us for all your swimming pool cleaning in Hermanus/Gansbaai area. Pieter 082 337 3547/
D4 MOVING & STORAGE Contact Dave cell 082 435 2004.
ASEMROWENDE Tuindienste. Snoei & afkap van bome. Sny van gras, skoonmaak van erwe, rommelverwydering & meubelvervoer. Geute skoonmaak. Morné 083 225 3712.
BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.
AAA PROJECTS. Specialising in: painting, decking, dry walling, ceilings, boundary walls & lapas. Contact Ian 082 535 5591 for a free quote. ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 4761/084 558 1902. CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY cleaning.Including Persian Carpets, curtains & blinds. Call Alison or John 072 572 0215.
REFRIGERATION & AIRCONS. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667.www.
REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195.
105 BUSINESSES for sale from Hermanus to Cape Town. Sell your business quickly and discreetly. Contact Evan Rautenbach at 082 974 6995 or email: Web:
PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
IRRIGATION Summer is here. New Irrigation + upgrade of existing irrigations.Phone Peter 082 603 8164 Email
WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480.
CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervision. Best prices. Free quoFYNBOS GARDENS. tations. Phone Top Carpets Landscaping, irrigation and 028-313 0721. garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. GARDEN AFFAIR. Offering full garden maintenance. Garden design & landscaping. Irrigation repairs. Plot clearing. Juliet Leppan 072 942 1260.
BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028 312 4323.
FLOOR SANDING & specialized installation of wood floors & timber decks. The Hutton Brothers 082 828 5627 or 028 341 0543.
BLOCKED DRAINS Huw PEST CONTROL WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028-316 3010.
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398
CASH 4 COINS & GOLD We buy Coins and Gold and Silver Jewellery. We also buy high value Watches and war memrobelia. .call 0814959576 or visit 79 Main road Hermanus. KONTANT VIR GOUDOns verbeter u beste prys met 10persent en ons doen die transaksie by u woning veilig en privaat. Pierre Barkley 082 441 8004
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
12 February, 2015
BIG SALE – Genuine Nissan Parts at cost priceplease contact Stephen Smith or Melanie May at 028 312 1117 for more details.
AN HONEST & Trustworthy Malawian lady is looking for a full-time job as domestic housekeeping or babysitting. 3 Years experience. Ref. available. Call Angela 078 133 6425/073 512 3091.
A MALAWIAN man (28yrs) is looking for a full/part time job as a domestic worker, housekeeping & driver. 8 yrs exp. Ref. Martie 082 325 0747. Call: 071 938 6597.
ENKEL GARAGE te huur. ONRUS: Furnished bache- Sandbaai R650.00. Kontak lor flat for single working 083 604 0455. person. On street parking. No pets/smoking. AvailaHOUSES TO LET ble 15 February 2015. R2800 pm electricity inclu3270 ded. Call Susan 082 338 3 BEDROOM HOME 3187. Onrus - on large 550sqm plot. Fenced in, outside braai, R4700pm. Phone VERMONT: Furnished 028 316 1428. bachelor flat for single non-smoking person. W & E incl. No pets. PRINGELBAAI gemeubiAvailable 1 March. leerd/ongemeubileerd 4 R2 200pm & Dep. Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, 082 868 5667 stort, gourmet kombuis, ingeboude kaste, motorhuis, wendyhuis, seeuitsig. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. FOR RENT R6000 pm. Skakel 084 578 4414/021 785 3251. 3205
A MALAWIAN man hardworking, reliable and trusted looking for job as housekeeper, guesthouse attendant, porter. 3Yrs experience. Work permit and reference available, Call 084 347 8320 A MAN (23YRS) looking for a full/part time job as a mechanical/industrial engineer/technician. 8 Months experience. Ref. Call Chriss 076 201 1649.
2006 RENAULT CLIO 1.4 16V Va Va Voom, 98387 km's,R 55,000, Immaculate condition. Jack 028 316 1622 BANTAM BAKKIE 1300, FULLY FURNISHED 2 2002 model. R29,500. Ska- Bedroom luxury apartment kel 074 116 4585. R8500 per month. Available 1 March. Luxury two bedroom, two bathroom TOYOTA TAZZ R16 000 fully furnished apartment cash. Call 072 288 4761. in hub of town, walking distance from sea and old harbour and all your favouTRAILERS rite restaurants and sto3040 res. Lock up garage, gas HELDERBERG TRAILER fireplace, open plan kitSALES. New & used Ven- chen with scullery, washing machine and tumble ter or Karet trailers. Spadryer. Please contact res & repair service. We Magda 082 821 1129. buy trailers for cash. Call
021-853 5009. www.
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.
A MALAWIAN COUPLE who are hardworking & honest are looking for jobs as housekeepers/domestic & lady child minding. Experienced. Please call Gift 078 152 3890 or Teleza 061 660 2642.
A TRUSTWORTHY Malawian young man is looking for a job as a housekeeper, driver or any job. Work permit available & also a first aider. Call 074 400 3974.
ROOM TO LET, in a home,with separate SPACIOUS 3 bedroom, 2 entrance. R1,800. Contact bathroom, furnished Caro at 028 284 9353, or house. DSTV included with 084 458 7594. patios and gated parking in Onrus. R7500. Available immediately. Call Marcel 076 795 9743. EMPLOYMENT
A ZIMBABWEAN guy is looking for a full/part-time job as a gardener/office cleaner/shopkeeper/housekeeper. 5 Years experience. Ref. available. Call Kingsley 078 205 7930/084 875 8030.
GOODNEWS SANDE Malawian man looking for a job as a housekeeper, gardener, waiter or cook. Three years experience in a busy hotel. Work permit and contactable references available. Tues & Fridays. Contact me 071 029 8931. HOUSEKEEPER/DRIVER/Mechanic. I seek employment for David, my Malawian employee of 10 years. Tel. Richard 084 780 5555. HOUSEKEEPER/SECURITY Guard/gardener or other jobs. 4 Years experience & references. Seeks everyday work. Stay in/out. Zimbabwean man (36yrs). Phone Solomon 061 900 5785. I AM A MALAWIAN man with 5 years experience. I'm looking for a job as a gardener,Housekeeper or painter(varnishing). I have contactable references. Captain Dickens 083 860 8557/078 623 8994. I AM A 34yr old man looking for a job as staff delivery or any general work with my own transportbakkie or private car available. Local & long distance. Call Banda 062 020 7119.
I AM Joseph and I am looking for a full time job as a domestic worker/housekeeper or shop assistant. 2 Years experience. Ref. Nick Erasmus 084 412 1660. Call me on 073 947 2380. I AM MALAWIAN lady looking for a job as a house cleaner or babysitter. Work permit. For more information call 084 741 7576. MY RELIABLE honest willing domestic lady needs work Wed &/or Sat weekly. Call Maryann for reference 082 784 4179.
LUTEA PERFUME. If Perfume is your passion! This is YOUR ROAD TO RICHES! Become part of a multi million dollar industry! For more information. Call Madri or sms your e-mail address to 083 655 0445.
VERWER: Deeglike, netjiese, vinnige, eerlike verwer soek verfwerk. Naam: Albert Theunissen, 083 961 9021. VERWYSING: J. Heyns, 021 982 6477 083 957 7511
I AM A LADY from Zwelihle, looking for a char job Monday, Tuesday & Thursday. Please contact me on 071 566 8656/071 000 0846. I am a good worker. I AM A Malawian looking for a job as a housekeeper, gardener or painter. I am a good worker. For more information please call 081 073 8539/060 350 6839.
A ZIMBABWEAN lady (30) is looking for a full/ part time job as a domestic worker/housekeeper/ babysitter. 2 Years experience. Ref. available. Call Sarah 063 262 2368.
A HARDWORKING, fast learning Malawian lady is looking for full or parttime domestic work. Reference avail. Call 078 188 2504/073 271 1411.
HALF DAY P/A - offers basic + incentives. Must be honest & reliable. I need an organised person with computer knowledge. Fax CV to 086 527 2187
VERRONICA MALAWIAN lady is looking for a job as a housekeeper, waitress or cleaner. 6 Days per week. I am very experienced. Please call 073 317 2789.
I AM A MALAWIAN man looking for a job as a domestic worker, cleaner or gardener. Full/part-time Mon-Fri. I have a drivers licence. Reference availaPLOTS/STANDS ble. Please call 073 153 EMPLOYMENT 0924/073 109 3794 WANTED 3295 EXPERIENCED 3670 RESTAURANT 2 ERWE STANFORDMANAGER, barman/waiNOORD. Weggeepryse. I AM A MALAWIAN A 42 YEAR OLD man is A ZIMBABWEAN lady is ter for Blueroof pub and Skakel 071 106 4954. looking for a job full or looking for domestic, baby- man looking for a job as a Restaurant. Please sent domestic worker/housepart time as a painter, gar- sitting or any other job. I keeper or gardener. 4 Days CV to HAWSTON: Plot with dener or house cleaner/ am hardworking, honest, a week from Tuesday good views of sea and windows. Reference got sales experience and or phone 028 315 1025. mountains, near beach. available. Please call Naihave contactable referen- Saturday. Ref. available. Call 078 506 6363. R159,000. Fisherhaven son Shambira 071 034 ces. Please call on 078 270 Properties 028 315 1990 or 8301. 3448/061 880 0795. 082 559 4290. I AM A MATURED lady A 43 YEAR South African AM A MALAWIAN lady looking for a full time job man is looking for a job as looking for a job. I am sin- as a domestic worker or PROPERTIES babysitter. I am good at a gardener, painter or car WANTED TO BUY gle and looking for any job, wash. Call 073 891 4001 & babysitting or housekeep- ironing. Reference availa3301 ble. Please call 073 875 a lady on 079 795 6335. ing for 3/4 days per week. 1134. Please call 078 340 7129/ A MALAWIAN GUY(27) 074 938 5660. I AM A Zimbabwean lady who is hardworking, trustlooking for a full time stay worthy & experienced AM A MALAWIAN man in job. I am a hardworker seeks work as a gardener, looking for a job as a driand trustworthy lady. I am shop assistant, housekeever, waiter, barista, potter, also a christian. Reference per or waiter. Please call housekeeping and gardeMr Karl 081 215 5056/083 061 850 4189. ner.Reference Andre: 082 774 2002. Please call 074 817 6062. Please call: 072 750 8511. A LADY named Barbra 295 7431, Sam. (22yrs) is looking for a job I AM A Zimbabwean man as a domestic worker. I have a certificate in gene- EXPERIENCED DRIVER looking for a gardener/ ral housekeeping. I am free looking for a job. Any work waiter or looking after welcome. I have a code 10 pigeons or any other job. from Monday to Sunday. & reference available. Call Please call Casper on 083 Reference 074 205 4062/ Trevor 078 877 1249/078 691 0958. 084 267 4363. 772 2313. A MALAWIAN single lady(30) is looking for a full-time job as a housekeeper, cleaner or Guesthouse work. Reference available. Call 063 178 6292.
I AM BONNY(Malawian), very reliable & effecient! Looking for gardening, housekeeping or driving! Good references available. Call now, if not sooner. Bonny 074 575 7200.
TURN 5 MEASLY BUCKS into over R50,000 per month income. For free info, send e-mail to
WANT/NEED MATRIC "Pure Maths". Upgrade Maths Literacy: register before 10 March .Master Maths. 071 818 3311
30 HermanusTimes Pirates win 25th annual tournament
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
12 February, 2015
The annual Six-a-side held over the festive season at Hermanus Cricket Club also celebrated its 25th year of this prestigious tournament. A record number of teams entered. The Cape Africa Tours School Festival formed part of this event and five cricket fields were used to make sure all the cricket was enjoyed by 20 senior teams and over 12 schools. Video & TV Clinic was arguably one of the stronger teams on paper, but also the unluckiest as their pool was called the pool of death. They ended up being 4th in their pool, not losing a single match, but in this competition the more runs you score, the more points you get. A few new teams showed that they were going to be a threat, but in the
Jean Marais, captain of the Pirates side, with the trophy.
SHOWROOM: 21A Mimosa Street Hermanus Industria Tel: (028) 312-3767
end the four teams that sneaked through to the semi-finals were Pirates (Maties), Super 6’s (Somerset West), Jack Hammers (Claremont) and Expendables (Hermanus). The Pirates team was one over too strong for the Expendables, and the Super 6’s almost snatched victory, but it was Jack Hammers against Pirates in the final. The Pirates team ended being victorious and will definitely be back for the next edition. Hermanus Cricket Club would like to thank all the sponsors – Fruit & Veg, Premier Shutters & Fire and Hermanus Towing – which contributed hugely to the success of the tournament. Organisers Jan-Hendrik Koegelenberg and Leandra Minnaar also extend their thanks to the people behind the scenes who helped make this an event to remember. – JAN HENDRIK KOEGELENBERG
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Hockey club raring to go Hermanus Hockey is calling all hockey enthusiasts to join the pre-season training sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 17:30, at the Old Boys Club. With a new league proposed by government, which will see the Western Cape Hockey Union divide its regions, it is of paramount importance that the focus in the Overberg will be to get more people playing field hockey, says Ludwig Schutz from Hermanus Hockey. “The proposal, for 2016, suggests that the different districts compete within their own regions, for example Hermanus plays Caledon, Bredasdorp, Swellendam, Villiersdorp and other surrounding towns. The regional winner then competes against the other clubs in the Western Cape. Each region will
get opportunities to host the final matches on a yearly basis, which could be a great platform to get some finances, so that Hermanus Hockey and Overberg Hockey can eventually get to a level one would find in the Cape Town Metro areas.” “We, as pioneer club in the region, will make it our goal to develop hockey within Hermanus and really build relationships with “feeder schools” to build a competitive club and eventually region,” adds Schutz. He urges players between the ages of 16 and 60, male or female, to join. For more information contact Jamie Single, club secretary, on 0 083 226 8183. The first pre-season match against Mutual Hockey Club is on 28 February at Oude Molen Astro in Pinelands.
Bettysbaaijukskeiklub open verbeterde baan met toernooi Die Bettysbaai-jukskeiklub het pas baie geld aan sy bane bestee en gaan dit op Saterdag 14 Februarie met ’n toernooi in gebruik neem. Voorsitter Willie van der Merwe sê verrigtinge gaan om half twee begin. Die baanfooi is R5 per persoon. “Al weet jy niks van die spel nie, gaan jy speel-speel dit vinnig aanleer”, verseker Van der Merwe. Bettysbaai se klub bied hoofsaaklik geleentheid vir sosiale samesyn wanneer die lede dwarsdeur die jaar op Dinsdae en Donderdae van 14:00 tot 17:00 bymekaarkom om jukskei te speel. Een keer per maand word daar op ’n uitruilgrondslag saam met Kleinmond se klub skeie gegooi. Ledegeld beloop R100 per jaar en die klub het skeie wat jy kan gebruik. Ook vir borge is daar ’n kans om teen dieselfde bedrag iets in die gemeenskap terug te ploeg. Op die oomblik is daar bordjies van drie eiendomsagente op die baan om vir hulle erkenning te gee vir hul bydraes. Die verbeteringe behels dat die veld rondom die sandpunte uitgegrawe en gelyk gemaak is. In dié proses is ou plaveisel rondom die
Sport highlights on TV
Willie van der Merwe by die Bettysbaaijuk skeiklub. klubhuis oopgegrawe. Van der Merwe wonder of dit van enige historiese betekenis is. Die baan is agter die Crassula-saal, wat jare gelede as ’n werkswinkel deur een van die eerste bouers in die gebied, Alf Broadwith, ’n verlangse familielid van Penny, gebruik is. Kontak Willie by 079 167 5759 of Penny by 083 260 9019 vir meer besonderhede.
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Rugby: The Super 15 starts this weekend. See the pullout calendar inside for fixture dates. On Saturday, Sunday and Monday, we have the World 7s from Las Vegas. The 6 Nations continues, on Sat at 16:30 Eng land play Italy and at 19:00 it’s Ireland against France. On Sunday at 17:00 Scotland are at home to Wales, all on Supersport 1. Cricket: The opening ceremonies of the World Cup, from New Zealand and Australia. Thursday from 07:30 to 12:30. The first match is on Friday between New Zealand and Sri Lan ka from 23:00, then it’s Australia against En gland on Saturday from 08:30 at a soldout S.C.G. South Africa’s first game is from 02:30 early morning on Sunday against Zimbabwe from Hamilton, followed India vs. Pakistan from Adelaide. All on Supersport 2. SPORT FAN(ATIC)
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Cnr. Mimosa & Steenbras Streets, Hermanus Industria
10 Feb - Kleinmond. Individual Stableford (Log) / 4BBB The forecasted wind only really picked up in the early afternoon, much to the annoyance of those still out there and the delight of those already in the bar. The Schadenfreude was not to last though as the winning score came from the final group – a guest who, in the best traditions of the game, will not be invited to play again. Thus, yet one more time, Mr Countback was denied his big chance to be counted in over little Huge. Scores in general were very high – a testimony to improving standards in both golf and creative accounting. Both Huge and Mr. Security had to leave early to attend “meetings”, thereby coincidentally avoiding a rite of passage which will be held over for another time. Stableford: 45 Paul Martin (guest); 44 Hugh Frangs, Jon Forsyth; 39 John Horobin. Gordon Wilson, Dave Smith, Alan Calder; 38 David Naylor, Tony Wreglesworth; 36 Koos Roelofse, Dave Robinson, Art Rae; 35 Mannes van Zyl, Rob Welton; 34 Bob Barton, Dave Brittain, Dave Rade; 33 Alan Smith, Ian Newman; 32 Peter Theron, Gary Wentzel, John Cheesbrough; 30 Trevor Vaughan; 29 Pat Dewil; 27 Tony Hackett; 26 John Tunstall, John Armitage (guest); 25 Deon Pheiffer, Doug Ross; 23 Tony Jones; 17 Sam Seal; 10 Michel Maury (Rtd) 4BBB: 50 Dave Robinson / Hugh Frangs. DAVE SMITH
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Sport Sport
12 February, 2015
HERMIES INTERSKOLE: Alhoewel Hoërskool Hermanus ’n totaal van 114 medaljes gewen het, was dit net nie ge noeg om Hoërskool Overberg by vanjaar se interskoleatletiek in Caledon te klop nie. Overberg was eerste, Hermanus tweede en Bredasdorp derde. Hermanus het 29 goue, 42 silwer en 43 bronsme daljes by die byeenkoms gewen. Herma nus se twee rekordhouers was (foto links) Tanisha Chowles (spiesgooi meisies o. 17) en Marli de Villiers (hoogspring meisies o. 19). Chowles het ’n rekordafstand van 38,36 m in spiesgooi behaal. SJ Herold (diskus seuns o. 14) het gemaklik ge wen met ’n uitstekende afstand van 33,17 m.
Marli de Villiers (hoog spring meisies o. 19) seil hier oor die dwarslat met ’n wenhoogte asook in terskolerekord van 1,57 m.
Golf roundup with Julian Shaw Tuesday Ladies Forty-nine ladies pitched to play the dreaded medal-and-putts format, where every shot counts. Great for your golf though! Sue Garlick won the silver division with a great 68 nett and just behind her Sue Mills with a nett 70. Winning the best gross by only one shot from Sue Garlick was Lynne Behagg. The bronze division was won by Rowena Austin on a super nett 68. Wednesday Men’s This week we had a better-ball stableford with 126 players. Winning the East course were the deadly duo of Glynn Davies and Bill McGeachy, with a very good 48 points. Taking the South course with 46 points our vice-captain Joe Lyon and partner Greg Impson. Next, winning the North course, also with 46 points, were Dave Schutte and Colin McCullough. The ball pool paid to 44 and we had seven two-clubs.
Saturday A beautiful day out on the course greens, running at 9.0 on the Stimp Meter, which was just perfect. Well done to Malcolm and his team. We had 176 players and the winners on the East course was that duo yet again, the seemingly unbeatable two ladies Sue, Garlick and Mills, on a great 48 points. Then on the North course Peter Daneel and Ray Calitz came out on top with 46 points and winning the South course was one of our past captains Deon Esterhuyse and partner Rein Kelder with a super 46 points. The jackpot was won by the fair Jill van Heerden. Well done, not too many ladies have managed to capture that little prize. We had seven two clubs and ball pool paid to 44. The ICM Cup The day was also the first leg of the ICM Cup, with 42 players from Bredasdorp matching up against the same number of players from Hermanus. The return match using the same format, is scheduled for sometime in autumn. All the stableford points made from both legs will be tallied up to determine the winning side. Hermanus narrowly held out Bredasdorp by 31 points, so it’s down to the wire later in the year on Bredasdorp’s home course. Hermanus is the defending holders of the ICM Cup. Until next week, keep calm and go golfing.
Camphill Sports Challenge day The Camphill School Sports Challenge on Saturday 14 February promises a great day in the bush, with mountain bike rides, trail runs and family fun walks in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley. Registration opens at 06:30 with free coffee. Also on the menu for the day are yummy eats, fun and games for the whole family, and a cooling off opportunity in the swimming pool. MTB: 40 / 25 / 15 km, from 07:30. R150 / R100 / R80. Trail runs: 15 / 7 km, from 08:00. R80 / R50. The 7 km trail is also open to walkers. A great challenge to all our Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse ladies. Fun walk: 3 km, at 09:30. R20. Enter online: or contact the Camphill Office on 028 312 4949, or email Visit for the routes.
WHALERS ATHLETIC CLUB – TIME TRIAL RESULTS – 5 February 3 km Runners: 1 Louise Erasmus 11.38 SB; 2 Barney Louw 12.59; 3 Ignatius Matema 18.12; 4 Jaco van der Merwe 18.37 3 km Walkers: 1 Abel Erasmus 26.24; 2 Willie Loedolff 26.24; 3 Mikki Milne 28.49; 4 Ronelle Bootha 28.49; 5 Ben Bootha 28.49 5 km Runners: 1 Karin Austin 26.33 SB; 2 David Austin 26.50; 3 Johan Pelser 26.54; 4 Petrie van Niekerk 26.54; 5 Nadine van Niekerk 29.17; 6 Hanu Joubert 29.25; 7 Les Hanna 29.30; 8 Julie Walton 29.53; 9 Wendy Harris-Jones 30.31 SB; 10 Schalk Visser 31.06 PB; 11 Grace Page 32.17; 12 Willem Vallenduuk 33.14 PB; 13 Shereleen Corbett 33.22; 14 Monica Hamman 33.26; 15 Melanie Lourens 35.28; 16 Jane Paterson 37.29 5 km Walkers: 1 Arlene Ehrenberg 41.34 8 km Runners: 1 Sign Mawunda 30.06; 2 Murray du Plessis 33.00; 3 Richard van der Spuy 33.35 PB; 4 Daniel Maree 34.54; 5 Charlie Jenkin 35.13 SB; 6 Frank Gillion 35.20; 7 Christo du Plessis 36.02; 8 Anzel du Plessis 36.02 SB; 9 Wilhelm Cooper 37.06 SB; 10 Jan Gildenhuys 40.37 BRIDGE Wed 4 February N/S 1. Joan O’Connor / Julie Cotton 69.84% 2. Anette Robertson / Aletta Strachan 64.65% 3. J McMorran / Val Valaers 56.22% E/W 1. Carin Verburg / M Andrew 61.79% 2. H Leemans / J Veysey 60.45% 3. L McIntosh / I McIntosh 58.00% Fri 6 February N/S 1. Maggie Christmas / Riekie Louw 65.87% 2. Betty Nel / Joan O’Connor 55.39% 3. M Searle / S Smith 52.81% E/W 1. R Sutton / S Wroth 69.53% 2. P & R Beveridge 57.77% 3. M Andrew / C Gower 54.58% Sat 7 February 1. Jackie Ascham / Betty Nel 67.50% 2. C Bylsma / M Wood 56.25% 3. C Raven / Anneke van der Vlugt 55.83% Mon 9 February N/S 1. Betty Nel / Tony Maytham 63.45% 2. Nell Naude / Joan O’Connor 60.70% 3. Elaine Bosman / Kathy Hartley 60.46% E/W 1. Carin Verburg / Wina Loubser 63.07% 2. Lynn Heyns / Beatte Muller 62.27% 3. Andre Wagener / Ernst 55.38%
NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MYFANNY ELIZABETH JOSEPHINE DURKIN (IDENTITY NUMBER 481012 0115 181), WHO WAS ORDINARILY RESIDENT AT 3 PLEIN STREET, WESTCLIFF, HERMANUS. ESTATE NUMBER: 22761/2014. The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the Office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town, and at the Office of the local Magistrate at HERMANUS for a period of twenty-one days from the 13th of February 2015 IS VAN NOORDWYK, BURGERS & VAN NOORDWYK PO BOX 50, HERMANUS 7200.
NOTICE In the Estate of the Late SUSAN DIANA BUCKMASTER, Passport Number 206926950, of 18 KUS ROAD, SANDBAAI, HERMANUS, who died at HAMPSHIRE, ENGLAND on 10 January 2009. MASTERS REFERENCE: 2613/2014 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the abovementioned estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town and at the office of the resident Magistrate, Hermanus for a period of (Twenty-One) 21 days from Friday, 13 February 2015. LC STEYN, ATTORNEYS FOR THE EXECUTOR, VORSTER & STEYN, PO BOX 500, HERMANUS, 7200. TEL. 028 313 0033 (LC STEYN/MH/G03113)
ESTATE NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE HESTER CATHERINA VILJOEN , date of birth 20 January 1931, ID No. 310120 0054 081, of No 2 Hamewith, Main Road, Hermanus 7200 and who died on 13 September 2014. ESTATE NO 032153/2014 MASTER’S OFFICE CAPE TOWN Creditors and Debtors are hereby called upon to submit their claims and to pay their debts within 30 (thirty) days as from the date of this advertisement. TREVOR SCHOUW, C/O ADAMS & CAIN 2 INC, AGENT FOR THE EXECUTORS. 9 MITCHELL STREET, HERMANUS 7200.
ESTATE NOTICE IN THE JOINT ESTATE OF THE LATE LILIANA RICCO (IDENTITY NUMBER 330723 0219 08 7) AND SURVIVING SPOUSE, BENITO RICCO, OF NO 1 FYNBOS STREET,th HERMANUS HEIGHTS, HERMANUS, WESTERN CAPE, WHO DIED AT HERMANUS ON THE 7 JULY 2014. MASTER'S REFERENCE: 029036/2015 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 29 of the Administration of Estates Act to debtors and creditors in the above estate, to pay their debts to and lodge their claims with the under mentioned within a period of 30 (THIRTY DAYS) from date of this notice. DE KLERK MACLENNAN-SMITH INC 8 MAGNOLIA STREET, PO BOX 113, HERMANUS 7200, TEL: 028 312 1100
KENNISGEWING: BOEDEL NR29225/2014 Boedel wyle ELLI GRUBER identiteitsnommer 200708 002 318 0 van Aftree-oord, Uys Krige Straat, Panorama, Hermanus, 7200. Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Eerste en Finale Likiwdasie en Distribusie rekening in bogemelde boedel ter insae le in die Kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof Kaapstad en Landdroskantoor Hermanus Wes-Kaap vir die tydperk van 21 dae gereken vanaf 13 Februarie 2015. SYBRAND SMIT, OPTIMUM CENTRE, 10 MAIN ROAD, ONRUSRIVIER. TEL. 028 316 3743
NOTICE In the Estate of the Late ANNA CORNELIA GROENEWALD, Identity Number 300726 0034 089, who died at Hermanus on 6 August 2014 and surviving spouse LUCAS JOHANNES GROENEWALD, Identity Number 310227 5024 085, to whom she was married to in community of property. MASTERS REFERENCE: 26909/14 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the abovementioned estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master, Cape Town and a copy thereof at the office of the Magistrate, Hermanus for a period of 21 (twenty one) days reckoned as from FRIDAY 13 FEBRUARY 2015. GUTHRIE & THERON, JP VAN ROOYEN, ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTOR, 77 MAIN ROAD, HERMANUS, 7200. (Ref: JVR/lf/VG0503)
9 771608 589068
Rugs The Professionals
The Headmasters, overall runnersup, included Marius Voight (sponsor) Andrew Philip, David Romburg, Danie van der Spuy, Brian Cain and Deon Muller (sponsor).
HERMANUS 1 Kort Street Industria Tel: 028 313 0721
Maintenance Man finished first in the Bdivision. Front: Johan de Jager, Renée Fullard (coconvenor: bowling club), Marius Voight (sponsor) and Bekker van Rensburg. Back: Leo Voster and Loudi Voster.
Team Spartans won the Cdivision. Front: Didi Andries, Dean Booysen, Johnatan Bissolati and Bradley Brown. Back: Marius Voight (sponsor).
Businesses show E their form on ON TH ROLL the greens JANHENDRIK COETZER The annual Hermanus Business League social bowls tournament played over a two-week period once again proved to be as popular and fun-filled as ever, with the final matches played on Friday 6 February. This year a total of 36 teams competed in three different sections. Hermanus Times A (a development team sponsored by the Hermanus Times) took top honours with The Headmasters as runners-up, Windsor Hotel A third, and Flight Specials in fourth place. In the B-division Maintenance Man came first, followed by Kia Motors, Fouché Staalwerke and Sothebys Re-
alty. In the C-division it was Spartans in first place, Hermanus Toyota second, Hermanus Times B third and Handle This in fourth place. Ecodeck Projects won the prize for best effort. At the prize-giving on Friday night Blackie de Swardt, president of Hermanus Bowling Club, said it’s an honour to be able to host this event every year. “It was truly a wonderful two weeks of bowls. If you look at the spirit in which this tournament is played, it’s exactly what is needed. Who can believe that bowling can be such a lively event. I also want to thank all the coaches for doing such a wonderful job, and for Mediclinic Hermanus for sponsoring the delicious platters.” The benefit of this tournament, be-
sides having some competitive fun, is the networking and socialising among business people. Blake Albert, GM of the Windsor Hotel, announced that he, for one, would like to see a lot more business bowling happening. “The bowling doesn’t have to end tonight, because we need something like this in Hermanus. It doesn’t only have to be once a year. I suggest we do this every Thursday evening after work. Let’s see if we can pull this off.” Businesses that want to sign up for Thursday evenings, will have to pay a small fee for the year. To participate contact Mike Crause on 072 719 3642, or email, or email Blake Albert at
Hermanus Times A (the development team sponsored by the Herma nus Times) racked up incredibly high scores. On Thursday their tally after 10 heads was 242 against the 2014 winners Marifeed. On Fri day, in their finals match in the Adivision, their points tally was 214. Back: Sku Ntlapo, Luba Dyantyi and Patrick Ponoane (their coach/manager during the tournament and greenkeeper at the bowl ing club). Front: Bongani Tshona and Biza Tsona.
(trombone, two trumpets, French horn and tuba) a group up with the best of brass quintets. They will perform compositions by Handel, Farnaby, Bach, Purcell, DeBussy, Ewald, Bizet and Gershwin.
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Johan le Roux Cell: 082 367 5170 Tel: 028 312 1543 • •
Bouchard Finlayson Boutique Wine Estate 18.00 for 18.30 Please contact Penny Charteris for tickets (R120) at or at 028 316 2489
Hermanus Business Park, Whale Park, Unit 1, 4 Adam Street, Hermanus