THURSDAY, 12 JUNE 2014 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316
We do paint mixing and tinting 2 Mussel Rd, Hermanus Stormy weather: readers’ pics 4 Vandale teiken leë Sandbaai huis 5 FynArts photos and feedback 8
Twee veg nog om hul lewe
Twee mense van Stanford veg tans in die hospitaal vir hul lewe nadat die Opel Corsabakkie waarin hulle Sondagoggend na Her manus onderweg was, op sy sy te lande gekom het ná die bestuurder beheer oor die voertuig verloor het. ’n Vierentwintigjarige man van Milnerton, wat danksy sy goeie werk na Hermanus gebring is om personeel by ’n nuwe restaurant op te lei, is in die on geluk dood. Lees die berig op bl. 3. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Officer shot by colleague
A shooting incident that left a local traffic officer in serious condition in hospital, has been described as a freak accident. The officer, 30-year-old Slim Makhi from the Overstrand Traffic Department, was shot in the stom-
ach by a colleague when the latter apparently tried to enable his weapon’s safety mechanism before locking it away. Apparently both men were on leave when they decided to get together at the colleague’s house in Zwelihle on Tuesday afternoon. This is where the incident occurred at around 16:00, according to
Lt Fadila September of the Hermanus Police. September says the officer who fired the shot is very traumatised and has since been sent for counselling. As a case of attempted murder is currently being investigated by the Hermanus Police, the colleague’s name cannot be published, prior to
a court appearance. “Police and ambulance officials were quickly on the scene and took the injured man to Mediclinic Hermanus,” says September. “He was then transferred to the Hermanus Provincial Hospital and from there taken to Worcester Hospital by ambulance, because of the seriousness of his injuries.”
According to Jo-Anne Otto, spokesperson for Western Cape Government Health, Makhi underwent surgery on Tuesday evening in the Worcester Hospital. “He is currently in a serious, but stable condition,” Otto said on Wednesday afternoon. The municipality declined to comment on the incident.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
12 June, 2014
Forestry in Grabouw under threat ANNETTE THERON The livelihoods of 6 000 people in Grabouw are under threat if intervention in the forestry industry does not occur soon. According to a memorandum compiled by the Grabouw Deforestation Crisis Campaign, the Grabouw Development Forum and the local ratepayers association, some 12 000 people are currently employed in forestry in the Western Cape. Of these, half are estimated to live in Theewaterskloof. At present harvesting but no replanting of trees is taking place. This is due to Cabinet decommissioning 45 000 hectares of “uneconomical” state commercial timber plantations in the province in 2001. It included all of Theewaters-kloof’s plantations. But six years after a Cabinet decision to reverse some of the plantations’ decommissioning, which was already signed in 2008 and could save the local industry, it still has not been implemented by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF). If not finalised soon, sawmills are under threat of operations being terminated in 2020 due to timber supplies running dry.
The memorandum, which was handed to Mayor Chris Punt on 21 May, containing some 2 000 signatures, reads as follows: “Grabouw’s 100-year-old forestry industry will be terminated through bureaucratic bungling if replanting of our pine trees cannot begin within the next 18 months.” It argues that Grabouw’s unemployment rate will skyrocket. “Since the implementation of the Forestry Exit Strategy in 2001, there has been a steady shedding of jobs in the forestry sector which has exacerbated our local unemployment problem. Skills are being lost to the industry as employees are facing retrenchment and early retirement. Next year the Cape Pine sawmill in Stellenbosch will close as there are no longer enough big logs available from Grabouw, which will cause further unhappiness and, no doubt, further labour unrest.” Alex Roe, chairperson of the Grabouw Ratepayers Association says Grabouw is one of the towns affected in multiple ways. “Grabouw is a delicate eco-system with regards to unemployment and jobs and aesthetics. We rely heavily on tourism and if we suddenly lose our trees, it will have a great impact on tourism.” Further benefits of keeping the industry
running are the upkeep of roads and firebreaks, the retention of fire-fighting abilities in the area and the subsequent protection of fynbos. Production of Radiata Pine, amongst the best quality pine in the world, will also be lost. “We are now importing inferior pine from elsewhere when we could be using our own product,” says Roe. In an appeal to former deputy president Kgalema Motlanthe’s office after an election campaign visit to Grabouw earlier this year, role players pleaded with him to help. “Each year that passes, erodes away the possibility of a complete return to forestry and the reemployment of those employees lost to this industry. We therefore humbly request that you urgently intervene in whatever way possible and put pressure on the relevant department to plot a way forward.” Stiffie Cronjé, spokesperson for Theewaterskloof Municipality, confirmed receipt of the memorandum. He says to obtain clarity about the issue, meetings were already held between concerned locals, the mayor, Cape Pine and DAFF. Municipal manager Stan Wallace also raised the issue at a recent meeting between the municipality and sector departments. “The heads of the departments of Economic Affairs and Envi-
ronmental Affairs and Planning offered to assist with dealing with the matter on a national level.” The establishment of facts, the historical background and implications of the current situation, and a way forward have already been taken to relevant departments, he added. Senior officials will meet “as soon as possible” to obtain a commitment from DAFF to advertise tenders. “The municipality will use all avenues to consult with the relevant authorities to address the issue,” Cronjé said. Businessman Pieter Silberbauer, also a member of the Grabouw Development Forum, says, “If we can reverse the Exit Policy, Grabouw can become a growth point for forestry in the Western Cape and can be a place of job creation and skills development. These are permanent jobs, with scope for promotion throughout the country because forestry is a national organisation; it is not town-specific. Tragically it is too late to save Cape Pine sawmill in Stellenbosch because we no longer have the big logs to supply the sawmill. It is not too late to start a small log sawmill, which could prevent further job loss and could in fact result in many spinoffs that could create work.”
Owls may be snatching our cats JANINE VAN DER RIET Where do all the cats disappear to? Ingrid Green from Sandbaai thinks it could be the resident owls in the area that are responsible for the disappearance of so many cats and kittens in the past few months in Sandbaai. She says she had a horrific experience recently when an owl flew, from a building 10 m away, right down to her feet where one of her two cats were sitting. It was after dark, at around 18:00 and she could not properly see what kind of owl it was. “There have been many owls living in and around our complex in Bergsig Street for the past few months and we hear them almost every night.” Green says her cats have been acting strangely for a while now, as if they are scared to go outside without the proper “supervision”, while they usually do their own thing in their own time. “I was absolutely horrified when the owl went straight for my feet and my cat! I have no words to describe the feeling I experienced. And my poor cats. The one cat was further away and not in immediate danger, but my poor cat sitting close to my feet was in utter shock.” Since the incident, she has been researching owls, their be-
haviours and habits on line. She has spoken to some experts, and the owls in her neighbourhood could either be the Cape eagle owl or a spotted eagle owl. Even though it is difficult to believe that an owl can grab and "kidnap” a cat, she has learnt that some owls indeed see cats as prey. Rob Fryer from Whale Coast Conservation says after hearing Green’s story, it sounds as though there may very well be either spotted eagle owls or the more scarce Cape eagle owls in the area. “If the owls are preying on cats, then it is more likely that the birds are Cape eagle owls, which are slightly larger and are known to prey on dassies. Large owls have also been seen at night in the Vermont area, but I’ve not been able to get a good enough view of them to distinguish which variety these are. Either of these large owl species may take small or juvenile pets if they get the opportunity, so it is best to keep small pets – less then 4,5 kg in weight – indoors after dusk when the owls are scouting for prey.” Fryer says there are also Gymnogenes breeding in the area, which are known to have taken grey squirrels in Cape Town, but are unlikely, however, to take fully grown cats.
Could the Cape eagle owl be responsible for the disappearance of our cats? PHOTO: EAGLE ENCOUNTERS, SPIER WINE FARM STELLENBOSCH
Fynbos Gardens Nursery 7 Dirkie Uys Street. (Next to Waltons Stationary parking area.) Tel: 028 312 1418
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
12 June, 2014
BIRD ID: Barbara Gentil sent in this photo, taken in On rus, of a bird that has been seen around. “Can any one help with the identification of this bird? I’m pretty cer tain it’s a buzzard, but is it a nonmi gratory steppe or a forest buzzard? He has been around for a few months now and calls constantly.” BirdLife Overberg says that it is an immature African harrierhawk (Gymnogene) or kaal wangvalk. PHOTO: BARBARA GENTIL
Hooffoto: ’n Opel Corsabakkie het Sondagoggend op sy sy te lande gekom ná die bestuurder beheer oor die voertuig verloor het. ’n Vierentwintigjarige man is in die ongeluk dood. Inlas: Die bestuurder van dié bakkie het Maandagoggend van agter in ’n vragmotor op die R43 tussen Hermanus en Stanford vasgery. FOTO’S: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN, JANINE VAN DER RIET
Drie botsings naby Stanford, sterwerknemer sterf JANINE VAN DER RIET Drie ongelukke tussen Sondag en Maandag op die R43 naby Stanford het die lewe van een man geëis en talle beseerdes is per ambulans na die Hermanus-hospitaal gebring. Die ongeluk waarin Mathew Speelman (24) op slag dood is, het Sondagoggend omstreeks 08:40 op die R43 by die Kleinrivierbrug net buite Stanford plaasgevind toe die bestuurder van ’n Corsa-bakkie beheer oor die voertuig verloor het. Volgens ao. Sarena Hugo van die Stanford-polisie het die bestuurder in ’n verklaring gesê dat sy beheer verloor het weens die sterk wind wat gewaai het. Die voertuig het aan die ander kant van die pad in die sloot op sy linkersy beland. Speelman is op die toneel dood verklaar. Ses vroue is ook met verskeie beserings na die Hermanus-hospitaal gebring. Die sewe insittendes was almal besig met opleiding by ’n nuwe restaurant, Simply Asia, wat binnekort in die Carriages-sentrum open. Hulle was Sondagoggend onder-
wegna die restaurant in Hermanus toe die ongeluk gebeur het. Volgens Michael Cruywagen, een van die bestuurders by Simply Asia, werk Speelman al jare vir die Simply Asia-groep. Hy is van Milnerton buite Kaapstad na Hermanus gebring sodat hy kon help om ander werknemers op te lei en ook hand by te sit met die oopmaak van die nuwe tak. Weens dié tragedie en ander probleme is dié restaurant nog nie seker wanneer hulle amptelik hul deure vir die publiek gaan open nie. Volgens Cruywagen hoop hulle om ondanks die tragedie tog binnekort oop te maak. Die begrafnisreëlings was teen druktyd nog nie bekend nie. Twee van die insittendes, Bridget Mesias en Cameron Lottering van Stanford, is steeds in ’n kritieke toestand in die Worcester-hospitaal terwyl die ander reeds uit die hospitaal ontslaan is. Hugo sê lede van die polisie en paramedici was “ongelooflik” op die toneel. “Baie van die lede was nie eens op bystand nie, maar toe hulle van die ongeluk hoor, het hulle dadelik na die toneel gehaas en gehelp vashou, aangee, oplig of net troos. Dit was
Public Protector to mediate ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Following the news that all abalone quotas have not been reissued for the coming year, a complaint has been lodged with the Public Protector, Adv Thuli Madonsela, with a request that she mediate in this matter. According to Kgalalelo Masibi, spokesperson for the Public Protector, their office received a complaint regarding the issue on 30 May. “The divers only have until the end of July before their quotas expire. The Public Protector will deal with the case as an early resolution matter with a view to assisting the parties to settle the matter by 15 July 2014,” Masibi said in a statement. According to Masibi the Public Protector will mediate the matter between the divers and the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF). The complaint follows an interview with former minister of DAFF, Tina Joemat-Pettersen, stating that all quotas will be revoked as of the end of July. (Die Burger, May 2014). In the meantime it has become apparent that DAFF is behind on
the reissuing of permanent quotas and that the legal divers, of which there are 303 countrywide, will lose their quotas on 1 August. According to Shaheen Moolla, managing director of Feike, a Cape Town-based natural resources advisory firm, all quotas will be null and void on 1 August as the reissuing of quotas has not been completed. “Rather than admit failure on their (DAFF’s) part, they are trying to solve the problem by revoking all of the quota holders’ rights.” This urged local quota holders to send an urgent request to the Public Protector asking for intervention in the situation. The request reads: “We accordingly request the urgent intervention of the Public Protector as our rights to earn a legitimate income from the harvesting of abalone, which rights have been in place for the past 10 years and may almost certainly now be unlawfully terminated by 31 July 2014.” Of the 303 quota holders, about 250 reside in the greater Overstrand region.
baie mooi dat almal saamstaan in dié hartseertyd.” Sondag skuins ná 17:30 is nog ’n ongeluk op die R43, net buite Stanford in Gansbaai se rigting, aangemeld. Die bestuurder het beheer verloor oor sy VW Polo en in ’n sloot langs die pad beland. Die bestuurder is deur die Stanford-polisie in hegtenis geneem weens ’n klagte van moontlike dronkbestuur. Niemand is in die voorval beseer nie. Maandagoggend is die derde ongeluk aangemeld op die R43 naby Vark-se-Snoet. Die ongeluk het om 10:45 gebeur toe die bestuurder van ’n Isuzu-bakkie agterin ’n vragmotor, wat besig was om regs by ’n plaaspad in te draai, vasgery het. Die insittendes van albei voertuie is met ligte beserings per ambulans na die hospitaal vervoer. Volgens Hugo kon die gure reënweer, wat tot swak sig op die pad gelei het, vermoedelik die ongeluk veroorsaak het. Hugo sê mense moet versigtig wees, veral in gure weer. Die pad het ook nie ’n skouer nie, dus moet bestuurders geduldig wees met ander padverbruikers.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
12 June, 2014
Let it hail, let it hail, let it hail JANINE VAN DER RIET Icy and somewhat unusual weather conditions last week made residents reach for their coats, blankets and cameras. Hail storms last Thursday took many by surprise, and white lawns and cute little snowmen (hailmen?)
were recorded on camera as evidence of the occurrence. No serious weather-related incidents were reported, however. The Overstrand Municipality’s control room reports that since the start of the cold front on Wednesday evening 4 June, it was fairly quiet with no evacuations needed in lower parts like Zwelihle.
Annalize Loubser from the Royal Gardener’s Nursery next to Die Plaaskombuis in the Hemel-enAarde Valley says, however, that the wind and hail storms caused some damage to their nursery. Sections of Main Road and High Street in Hermanus were also flooded. Here’s a selection of some of our readers’ most impressive photos.
Links: ’n Waterval by Maan skynbaai Donderdag middag. FOTO: JANETTE SCHONBORN
Tammy Thom (16) from Voëlklip made a “snowman” with Thursday morn ing’s hail when she returned from school in the afternoon. PHOTO: JAMES
Hierdie foto van hael in Sandbaai is Woensdagmiddag om 17:00 geneem van hael in Sandbaai. Die leser sê die hael is baie ongewoon vir dié area.
Annalize Loubser van die Royal Gardener’s Nursery reg langs Die Plaaskombuis op die HemelenAar de Valleipad sê hulle het die afge lope week al twee rampe deurge maak. Eers die sterk wind en toe ’n paar dae later die hael. “Die wind het die een skadunetstruktuur met ankers en al uit die grond ge ruk. Die hael het die ander net struktuur plekplek tot op die grond laat hang. Al die pale staan nou skeef en hier en daar is ’n anker ook uit die grond gelig,” het Loub ser vertel. FOTO’S: ANNALIZE LOUBSER
Eerstestraat, Voëlklip op Donder dagoggend 5 Junie. FOTO: LEZAN
This spectacular photo was taken on 5 June on the corner of 9th Av enue and 4th Street, Voëlklip. PHOTO: HELETTA DU TOIT
David Leppan took this picture of his magical “snowy” garden in Moffat Street, Eastcliff on Thursday morning. He says the hail was more than dou ble than ever before in the 26 years that they have been living in the area. PHOTO: DAVID LEPPAN
Melanie Herselman van Gansbaai het haar dogtertjie Mikayla afge neem terwyl sy Donderdag in die “sneeu” gespeel het. FOTO: MELANIE
Cars parked in a section of Main Road which was flooded on Thurs day. Seeff staff were carried to a van to take them out of their of fice! PHOTO: JANE DAY
Martin Etsebeth from Sandbaai made this creative “snowman” from hail in his garden on Thurs day 5 June. PHOTO: MARTIN ETSEBETH
The picture above was taken in Voëlklip on Thursday morning 5 June at around 08:00. PHOTO: EU
Willem HJ Botha van Sewendestraat in Voëlklip het Donderdag 5 Junie hierdie foto van die ysreën om 06:20 geneem. FOTO: WILLEM HJ BOTHA
Dié foto is om 15:00 Donderdagmid dag in High Street, voor Precision Cy cles, geneem. Die hele straat was on der water. FOTO: JACQUI JACKSON
Michelle Lowe in Hermanus sent this photo of water gushing down the road in Voëlklip on Thursday.
’n Leser, Lourens Theron, het hierdie ongelooflike foto in Voëlklip se hoof straat Donderdagoggend geneem. Die hael het soos sneeu in die pad gelyk.
What a beautiful sight: Hermanus got a facelift! Even if it was just for a little while, says reader Hettie Maree from Sandbaai. “At least one en joyed it while it lasted.” She took this pic on Thursday in 8th Street in Voëlklip. PHOTO: HETTIE MAREE
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
12 June, 2014
Vandale teiken leë huis in Sandbaai JANINE VAN DER RIET
Sandbaaiers vrees dat leë persele in die omgewing ’n “geleentheid skep” vir misdadigers om te steel, en dat beleggers nie meer daar sal wil koop nie. ’n Bouval in Kusweg, waar eiendomme vir tussen R1,4 en R2,5 miljoen gewaardeer is, is die afgelope maande stuk-stuk gestroop tot ’n onooglike bouval. Graffiti teen die mure maak mense ook bekommerd dat lede van die berugte 26-tronkbende hier hul intrek geneem het. “Ons glo vas dat murasies en bouvalle in Sandbaai bende-aktiwiteite lok,” sê ’n lid van Stop Crime Before it Happens, ’n voorkomende buurtwaggroep in die Hermanus-area wat sosiale netwerke gebruik om inwoners in te lig. Ook Deon Beukes, voorsitter van die Sandbaai-belastingbetalersvereniging, sê inwoners is baie besorg. “Huise in Sandbaai wat leeg staan lok kriminele wat ’n geleentheid sien om in te breek en dan te steel wat ook al beskikbaar is.” Leegstaande huise en erwe wat oorgroei is met veral Port Jacksons, bied volgens hom ook skuiling vir mense om te slaap en weg te kruip. Chris Nieuwoudt, ondervoorsitter, sê sy grootste kommer is dat geen belegger meer in Sandbaai ’n vakansiehuis gaan koop as huise so afgetakel word nie. “Daar is nog drie huise in Sandbaai wat bouvallig is, halfgeboude huise waaroor ons baie bekommerd is, want ons wil nie hê kriminele moet daar intrek nie.” Volgens Beukes is die probleem herhaaldelik op wykskomiteevergaderings bespreek. “Gelukkig het ons ’n buurtwag wat gereeld die mense wegjaag en wetstoepassing in kennis stel, maar om dit te voorkom moet die Overstrand Munisipaliteit (OM) ernstiger en vinniger optree om te sorg dat eienaars nie hulle plekke verwaarloos nie. “Ons sal ook graag wil hê dat wetstoepassing gereeld Sandbaai besoek om te sorg dat daar nie geleenthede ontstaan vir kriminele om hulle hier tuis te maak nie.” Kol. Francois de Wet van die Hermanus-polisie sê hulle kry van tyd tot tyd klagtes van huisbraak en diefstal by vakansiehuise regoor die Overstrand, maar dat dit nie ’n groot probleem is indien eienaars maatreëls soos sekuriteitsmaatskappye gebruik om hul persele te beveilig nie. Hy het ook nie inwoners se vrese oor bende-aktiwiteite bevestig nie. Volgens hom is daar geen grondige bewyse dat die “besoekers” aan die huis in Sandbaai
Die huis by Kusweg 2 is stukstuk gestroop en party inwoners is van mening dat ’n bende dié huis as “hoofkantoor” bedryf. Inlas: ’n Betreder wat na iets bruikbaar soek. noodwendig bendeverwant is nie. Verder is die polisie se hande afgekap. “Ons patrolleer gereeld die area en spesifiek dié huis en kom soms op kwaaddoeners af, maar ons kan hulle net waarsku, en nie in hegtenis neem nie. Hulle kan nie vir betreding van pri-
vaat eiendom in hegtenis geneem word nie, want die eienaar moet self die saak open. Ook het die betreders geen gesteelde goedere in hul besit nie, dus is ons hande afgekap.” Die OM sit blykbaar ook met die hand in die hare oor dié eiendom. Raadslid Ben Solo-
The Overstrand municipal council recently approved the sale of land to the Department of Public Works, on behalf of the Department of Justice for the purpose of building a new municipal court. However, the new court could still be years from completion. The expropriation of the earmarked site (erf 11436) of about 4 527 m² – where the Hermanus Tennis and Squash Club currently operates – was approved in principle in 2011, but was revoked in council and earmarked for sale to the Department of Public Works. A condition of the sale is that it will have to be completed within six months. According to Lawrence Ngoveni from the Department of Justice and Correctional Services, the time frame for the commencement of a
Crossing over with Christy I have relocated from Johannesburg and as a reputable medium have begun practicing in Hermanus. • Make a connection with those that have crossed over • Find greater peace in knowing they are ok and very much still with you • Resolve issues that you feel you may not have been able to on earth • Find out more about Gods purposes for your life
Die foto bo wys die huis toe daar nog min skade aangerig is. Links is soos dit nou lyk. Die syfers 26 is op verskeie plekke teen die mure aangebring.
New court could take years to complete ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
mon het by navraag gesê die huis is sedert ’n paar jaar gelede gereeld onder die bou-afdeling se aandag gebring. “Die eienaar, wat in Engeland woon, het op elke aanmaningsbrief van die bou-afdeling onderneem om Suid-Afrika toe te kom om die probleem te hanteer, maar tot op datum het hy dit nog nie gedoen nie.” Die munisipaliteit het bevestig hulle oorweeg tans hul opsies om regstappe teen die eienaar van die huis te neem. Die eienaar kon nie vir kommentaar opgespoor word nie, maar na verneem word het hy al heinings om sy eiendom opgerig en die huis met staalrame probeer beveilig, maar ook dít is weggedra. Jaco van der Merwe, bestuurder by Seeff Hermanus, sê oor die algemeen word vakansiehuise in die Overstrand nie afgetakel nie en die huis in Sandbaai is ’n uitsondering. “Ons area oor die algemeen is baie veilig. So ’n eiendom doen baie skade aan sy omliggende bure. Dit doen afbreuk aan die standaard van die buurt en stuur die verkeerde boodskap uit aan besoekers en ook aan moontlike kopers. Dit kan indirek die waarde van die omliggende eiendomme negatief beïnvloed.” Sy raad aan vakansiehuis-eienaars is: “Beveilig jou huis met ’n alarmstelsel. Dit is ’n klein premie om te betaal vir groot gemoedsrus.”
project like this is at least three years as the department has to ensure that the funds are available, because it forms part of the national programme on infrastructure. The council has given the Department of Public Works only six months for the sale to be finalised. “It is the intention of this department to ensure that the Department of Public Works signs the deed of sale within the six month period as per section 3 of the Council resolution,” Ngoveni said. “However, should it be clear that the six month period will not be met, the department will request an extension of the time from the Council. “As per the condition stipulated in the minutes of the Mayoral Committee meeting, should the department fail to sign the deed of sale within the six month period, the municipality can alienate the prop-
erty by means of a competitive bidding process.” The future of the existing building is still uncertain, according to Ngoveni. “It will be discussed at a later stage and we are not in a position to comment on whether it will be made available to any other organ of state.” In the meantime, the Hermanus Tennis and Squash Club is eagerly awaiting the proposed sale as this could mean that the new facilities may soon be under way. The club president, Pieter Joubert, said they are very excited about the council’s decision to sell the land to the Department of Public Works with the intention of building a municipal court. “I’m also involved in the planning of the new sports complex and we can not wait to move. We have waited nearly ten years for this.”
ODEY NEEDS A HOME: This is little Odey. He was rescued last weekend by Kleinmond Animal Welfare So ciety (KAWS). He is now in foster care, but will need a forever home soon. Odey is nine weeks old. He will be about medium sized. He will stay in foster care for a little while, just until he picks up some weight. If some one would like to adopt him, he is in Hermanus at the moment and the adoption fee is R500. Home checks will be done. Contact Danica on danicapalvie@ya if anyone woulsl like to offer this gorgeous lit tle boy a home.
Having a session is a wonderfully uplifting experience. Private and group readings, book a session at your restaurant, hotel, resort or function: R600 private reading / R800 family reading R150 per person for group reading, minimum 5 people I also offer REIKI therapy
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Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
12 June, 2014
Stuur al jou sosiale foto’s en funksiekennisgewings aan of laai dit op ons webblad by
Droom jy daarvan om ’n joernalis te wees? Besoek ons webblad by en laai jou eie artikels en foto’s op.
Lemm's Corner, Cnr of Harbour & Main Rd, Hermanus, 7200 028 312 3642 / 082 556 5107
LUNCH SPECIALS @ R60 (12pm-3pm) Chefs Salad Fishermans Soup & Bread Spanish Calamari on Rice Beef Burger & Chips Lamb Curry with Roti & Rice Beer Battered Fish & Chips
Also come try our New Menu Items: Kudu Osso-Bucco Slow Brewed Pork Shoulder Roast Bone Marrow, Snails and Gruyere We look forward to seeing you.....Anton & Nicole Winter Trading Hours Monday: 5pm-9pm Tuesday-Saturday: 12pm -9pm
At your service at De Voorskooten are (from left) chef and part owner Mariette van der Merwe, Amanda Sitelo, who is Mariette’s right hand in the kitchen, and Wolf and Andrea Schmidt, the new owners. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
De Voorskooten under new ownership KERRY VAN RENSBURG It’s been a week of new beginnings for Andrea and Wolf Schmidt, who moved to Hermanus last week and took over as the new owners of De Voorskooten restaurant as of 1 June. This German couple, who immigrated to South Africa five years ago, spent the past five years in Cape Town working for an internet-based customer service company. Back in Germany, Wolf had spent 25 years in the hospitality industry, including spells in France, and he wanted to go back into hospitality. So when they noticed on GumTree that De Voorskooten in Hermanus Main Road was for sale, they decided this was the business they had been looking for. Andrea says the restaurant, which seats 24 inside and up to 16 outside, is not too big, and they loved the food prepared by chef and part-owner Mariette van der Merwe. According to Jacques Fouché, who sold De Voorskooten to the Schmidts, Mariette has a 25% share in the business. Jacques, who has a construction business in Johannesburg, says after his son came home from school one day with a letter asking for help with food for parents who are struggling, he decided it was time to do something that makes a differ-
ence. “We are basically looking at a whole new job creation and empowerment initiative focusing on crafting and entrepreneurship,” he says. In March this year, De Voorskooten relocated from Aberdeen Street to the Fisherman’s Village in the CBD, which is regarded as the historical heart of Hermanus. This new venue is in keeping with De Voorskooten’s decor with its antique furniture and historically significant artwork in ornate gold frames. With the restaurant under new ownership, Mariette will continue to serve up the delicious and beautifully presented fare this elegant restaurant has become renowned for. Andrea, however, says they have some ideas of their own for the menu, but they will only add these items step by step. She says the menu offers food that everyone can enjoy and they don’t cater only for tourists, insisting that the local people come first. This classy, warm-hearted restaurant is ideal for a mug of steaming Glühwein and a tasty Cape curry or perhaps homemade fishcakes followed by something sweet and satisfying. De Voorskooten’s menu offers breakfast, lunch and dinner and is open from 11:00 to 15:00 and again between 18:00 and 22:00.
Algemeen General
Word ’n bobaaskok vir ’n goeie doel Sien jy jouself as ’n bobaaskok? Kom neem dan deel aan die Masterchefstyl-kookkompetisie wat Saterdag 21 Junie om 18:00 in die Grobbelaarsaal gehou word. Jy hoef dit nie alleen aan te pak nie. Skryf ’n hele span in om saam te kom brou en tafel te dek. Die funksie word deur Projek Hoop gereël en die opbrengs van die kaartjieverkope gaan aan Operasie Mobilisasie, ’n wêreldwye organisasie wat hom onder meer beywer vir die bekamping van hedendaagse slawerny. (Sowat 27 miljoen mense is vasgevang in slawerny, 800 000 word verhandel en een miljoen kinders word deur die internasionale kommersiële seksbedryf uitgebuit.) Operasie Mobilisasie gebruik alle geld wat hy insamel om op voetsoolvlak ’n verskil in slagoffers se lewe te maak. Een van sy bedienings, wat hoofsaaklik fokus op slawerny en die verhandeling van vroue en kinders, is The Freedom Climb. In Afrika fokus dié bediening hoofsaaklik op voorkoming en die bevryding en rehabilitasie van slagoffers. Met die Hermanus Top Chef-geleentheid wil die organiseerders Projek Hoop se doelstellings, naamlik bewusmaking, bediening en bekamping verder bekendstel. Bespreek dadelik jou span se tafel teen R150 per persoon. Elke span bestaan uit agt mense: twee kokke – wat die minimum ondervinding hoef te hê, twee tafeldekkers en vier ondersteuners. Elke span kry ’n tafel waarby hulle kuier en eet. Die kokke en tafeldekkers kom reeds 17:00 by die saal bymekaar waar hulle die geheime mandjie met bestanddele ontvang. Al die spanne kry dieselfde bestanddele. Tussen 17:00 en 18:00 kan elke span sy disse beplan: ’n voorgereg en ’n hoofgereg. Die tafeldekkers versier in hierdie tyd hul tafel volgens die landstema wat aan elke span toegedeel is. (Die disse hoef nie die landstema te weerspieël nie.) Die ondersteuners begin teen 18:00 aankom, wanneer die kokke hul slag sal wys. Teen 19:00 moet die kos gereed wees sodat die beoordelaars X gesoute Hermanus-kokkedore X kan proe en almal kan eet. Al wat jy benodig is kreatiwiteit, spangees, ’n gasstofie, ’n pot en pan, ’n spaan en tafelversierings. Borde, eetgerei, tafeldoeke en glase word voorsien. Kaartjies teen R150 per span is beskikbaar by Savannah-kafee. Vir meer besonderhede bel 072 244 0233 of e-pos
Win a meat voucher Two lucky readers can each win a R500 Van Blommestein meat hamper in the Hermanus Times puzzle competition. All you have to do to stand in line to win is collect the puzzle pieces in the coming weeks. A puzzle piece will be printed each week. Once you have pasted all six puzzle pieces onto your entry form, drop your completed entry at the entry box at Van Blommestein Butchery in Swartdam Road or at the Hermanus Times office in Aberdeen Street. The entry form for the competition will be available in next week’s edition (19 June). The first puzzle piece can be found in the Hermanus Times of 26 June. Make sure to buy your newspaper in the next week to start building your puzzle.
Hermanus Times 12 June, 2014
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
12 June, 2014
Great start for FynArts 2014 CILENE BEKKER
These works by leading sculptors, placed at seven sites along the cliff path from the Old Harbour to the Windsor Hotel, will be on display until March next year. Jaco Sieberhagen, one of the sculptors, was instrumental in the setting up of the exhibition, to the level of helping to drill holes to stabilize and secure the sculptures. Of the sunshine-blessed morning he said: “I am a child of the Karoo and there every day
we pray for rain. Today is one of the few times that I prayed for sunshine.” Cllr Ben Solomon, speaking on behalf of the Overstrand Municipality, said he believes this public art exhibition will attract tourists and can grow into something bigger. “But it takes someone to run with an idea like this and make it work. We, the municipality, can only help smooth the way.” Melvyn Minnaar (curator of the Wine Plus series during FynArts) said the exhibition has the potential to become as big a tourist attraction as the Public Art exhibition in Münster, Germany which attracts around 2,5 million visitors annually. The Sculpture on the Cliffs pieces are an eclectic mix of various techniques and materials and may not be to everyone’s taste. “That’s the point of public art. You don’t have to like it, and it shouldn’t be pretty, but
Forty barrelheads in the Bouchard Finlayson cellar form the backdrop for the artworks of 40 finalists chosen from 175 entries. Here Jessie Hatting and Saskia Schiel are admir ing the winning entry by Tineke Meijer.
Barbara Pretorius and Christel van Vollenhov en standing by an Alessandro Pappada piece, called Transportation, at the ceramics group exhibition at the Windsor Hotel. More than double the number (over 20) of award winning ceramists’ works are displayed. Liz Coates from Pure South is the curator of this exhibition.
The gods were smiling down on Hermanus FynArts when last weekend arrived full of sunshine. The mist bank was still evident when a group of early birds gathered at Gearing’s Point on Saturday at 09:00 to hear more about the Sculpture on the Cliffs exhibition.
it must be engaging and make you think,” said Minnaar. This year’s FynArts by all accounts so far is double the size of last year. More tickets had been sold by opening day, and more entries had been received for competitions and exhibitions. One of the events in the past week where there were only single seats to be had in an otherwise packed out Hermanus High School hall, was the popular Songs of Praise, masterfully orchestrated by Richard Cock (now a FynArts board member). The programme included lively praise music performed by an 80-voice strong choir, an orchestra, solos by soprano Magdalene Minnaar (Christine in Phantom of the Opera) and Nick Nicolaidis (tenor), and much appreciated audience participation.
Christopher Hope (FynArts board member) and Melvyn Minnaar standing by the sculp ture by Marieke PrinslooRowe, one of seven along the cliff path. The piece is titled “Awaiting your return’’ and is thoughtfully placed at the main lookout over Walker Bay.
FynArtsgoers mixing and mingling with artists in their various galleries. With sculptor Willie Botha at his gallery is his wife Carlene, Letitia Immelman, Annette Barkhuizen and Philip Im melman. Behind them is a fibreglass copy of a bronze sculpture, Ramona, that Botha had made for a client.
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Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
RESOUNDING SUCCESS: The Songs of Praise concert, held in the Hermanus High School hall on Sunday afternoon, included a mass choir of 80 choristers from all over the Overstrand, and an ad hoc orchestra (27 strong), all brought to perfect harmony by renowned conductor Richard Cock. Songs of Praise is a community project which Richard takes around the country. The primary aim of these concerts is to praise God through music. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
12 June, 2014
Choir members from Pro Musica, St Peter’s Church, Kidbrooke, and choristers from Paarl, Stellenbosch and Somerset West, along with the Hermanus Festival Orchestra consisting of an ensemble from Camerata Tinta Barocca, local musicians and pipers Mark Robinson and Roger Hendry, participated in Songs of Praise on Sunday, a highlight event in the FynArts Festival programme which was a sellout success.
As part of the FynArts Festival, the Hermanus Botanical Society will present a day of talks in a pro gramme called: Fynbos Features and Creatures, at the Windsor Hotel on Sunday 15 June at 10:00. Tickets for the talk and lunch are R250; Her manus Botanical Society members on ly R180. Tickets at www.hermanusfyn and Hermanus Tourism.
FYNARTS: a weekend filled with topclass events The last weekend of Hermanus FynArts, leading up to Youth Day on Monday 16 June, is filled with top class events for people of all ages. You could grab the opportunity to attend a 30 minute masterclass with guitarist James Grace on Saturday 14 June. Anyone with a minimum level of trinity/ABRSM Grade 5 can book for this special event at the Windsor Hotel. The weekend is filled with inspirational events for aspiring young musicians. Five of the finest singing actors from the UCT Opera School will perform in The Magic of the Operetta in the Auditorium on Saturday 14 June at 19:30. The show is produced and directed by Angelo Gobbato, with musical direc tion and piano accompaniment by conductor and pi anist Kamal Kahn, director at the UCT Opera School. At noon on Saturday the whole family can enjoy Comedy on Piano with Victor Tichart. The special programme will include Happy Birthday Variations,
a Mozart opera, Phonetic Punctuation, Inflationary Language and How to Compose Your Own Gilbert and Sullivan. On Saturday afternoon at 15:00 Abel Selaocoe (22), who recently won the Sir John Barbirolli prize at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, will perform in Cello Classics and Surprises. He will be accompanied by Jose Dias, currently working to wards a PhD in Solo Performance at UCT. On Sunday evening film aficionados will have the opportunity of meeting Ian Gabriel, director of Four Corners, the official South African submission for Best Foreign Language Film at the 86th Academy Awards. Before the film is screened in the Auditorium Gabriel will introduce and provide context. Tickets for this event (at 19:00) are R60, which include a glass of wine. On Friday and Saturday afternoon at 16:00 a tu tored and interactive session exploring the tastes
of whisky, coffee and chocolate, individually and with one another, will be presented by three ex perts at The Marine hotel. On Saturday at 09:00 you can have breakfast with Anton Harber, Caxton professor of Journalism at the University of the Witwatersrand, at La Vierge, a wine farm in the HemelenAarde Valley, and find out “How to love social media”. Opt for a breakfast feast with flowers at @Food & Wine restaurant on Sunday (at 9:00). Learn the language of edible flowers. For booking phone 028 312 1349. On Monday festival goers can start the day with a chocolate masterclass at Milkwood restaurant in Onrus. Tickets are R200. Children (under 12 ac companied by an adult) pay R50. Another item that will appeal to adults and children alike is an Origami workshop on Saturday at the Windsor Hotel with Niki Daly, acclaimed author
Jonsson Workwear is proud to announce the opening of the Jonsson Zone store in Agrimark Hermanus.
and illustrator of children’s books. On Sunday Fynbos Features and Crea tures, a oneday workshop with illustrated talks by four authoritative speakers, will be presented at the Windsor Hotel. The finals of Hermanus’s Got Talent will be held at Dutchies restaurant on Grotto Beach on Sun day evening 15 June. Book a table (www.dutch for this exciting event (18:00 – 20:30) where the 12 finalists will perform and the audience will vote for the winner. This final FynArts weekend, with many more events listed in the programme (www.hermanusfyn, will culminate in celebrating Youth Day with a performance by the Cape Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, with cellist Abel Selaocoe as so loist, in the Thusong Hall in Hawston at 14:00. Tickets for FynArts are available at www.webtick or Hermanus Tourism at 028 312 2629.
Friday 13th of June 2014
The Jonsson Zone is based on a store within a store concept; it aims to make Agrimark a destination for customers to have the ultimate Jonsson Workwear shopping experience where they will be assisted by dedicated and knowledgeable staff members.
11:00am to 4:00pm
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Agrimark Hermanus
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
12 June, 2014
Language lesson EDITORIAL COMMENT Be sensitive to the needs of others A freak accident can occur in the blink of an eye. On Tuesday afternoon a young traffic officer defied death after being accidentally shot when his colleague’s weapon fired unexpectedly. Another young man, however, was not so lucky. Twenty-four-year-old Mathew Speelman died in a car accident on Sunday morning on his way to a work-related training programme. Six women were travelling with him in the vehicle; two are in hospital in a serious condition. While this kind of “news” may help sell newspapers, we should never lose sight of the impact incidents and accidents like these have on our community. There are families standing at hospital bedsides and there are families who are grieving. When the newspaper has been discarded, those families are still picking up the pieces. We all know someone who is going through a tough time, be it a life-threatening illness, bereavement or financial difficulties. Offer support even if it’s only a shoulder to cry on. Be sensitive to what others are dealing with, because we never know when hardship and heartache may come our way.
Keep up complaints against ‘soulless boxes’ One can only heartily endorse the sentiments expressed by E. Burnside-Welsh regarding the proposed (but will it happen?) building in Long Street. Over the years, many, many well thought-out, intelligently written letters have made it quite clear that bunker/block style architecture is not welcome in Hermanus. Have the powers that be listened? NO. They never have and never will. The charming, elegant or whimsical is ruthlessly thrust aside for sterile, soulless boxes which squat like evil toads looming over our once desirable town, blocking out its renowned vistas. I think clowns would have better taste, and I don’t think the sub-committees are even secret, viz the blatant disregard for what is suitable and aesthetically pleasing. The hideous and most historically incorrect clumps are foisted rough-shod onto those of us with good taste and discernment. However futile, those who object, please continue sending your letters to Hermanus Times, if only for the comfort of knowing that one is not alone in one’s revulsion, anger and disappointment at what has, and will continue, to happen. Perhaps, hopefully, it might give those responsible a few uncomfortable moments just before they drift off to sleep in their well-upholstered beds.
GIANT SEAL: From the right angle a giant seal appears to be sniffing the “No Stop ping” sign above the Old Harbour! PHOTO: SUZANNE CLARK
Angels at Mediclinic I have just spent two weeks in the Hermanus Mediclinic – most of it in the Intensive Care Unit. I was amazed at the selfless dedication of the hospital and nursing staff and want to thank them on behalf of all patients who have been privileged to experience their special caring treatment. This Mediclinic is a well-run institution under the efficient management of Annemarie Nortje and her team, and deserves to be congratulated. I noticed during my stay that many nurses complained about sore backs or shoulders – of course from handling patients. We are so grateful and apologise most sincerely. All of them deserve special recognition. At the age of 62, this was a first for me: first hospital stay, first operation and first anaesthetics. I was admitted for a diagnostic gastroscopy and colonostomy to try and determine why my iron levels were critically low. I expected to return home afterwards – not stay for two weeks and face a life changing situation. During my stay in the ICU I was shocked by the acute reality level of life speeding by. The competent nursing staff handled every crisis with calm professionalism. My heart went out to the bereaved family of Enrico Spandiel, beloved resident of Stanford, who had to watch him pass away in the bed next to me after a cycling accident. In the bed on my other side, a man was admitted at the same time after a massive heart attack, and his family was also traumatised. Dr Tredoux handled both cases with admirable efficiency and professional empathy. That same night a lovely baby girl was born in the Hermanus Mediclinic, and I realised that this is a place where life and death happen simultaneously in the fast lane, and the people who have to deal with this on a daily basis are true angels. Another first for me was a blood transfusion and I wished I could thank the person who donated his/her blood (O negative type) for my benefit. It was a strange feeling lying flat on my back for six hours while some-one else’s life fluid slowly penetrated my body, to help me grow stronger. The Cat Scan was also an amazing experience and I felt as if I was in a UFO with the doughnut spinning at dizzying speed around my body, its lights flashing as the robot voice gave strict impersonal instructions on when to breathe and when to hold your breath. How unbelievably advanced our medical world has become! Every person who works in the Her-
I respond to an SMS published in Hermanus Times on 5 June 2014. I have several points to make regarding Anne Clark’s comments about the front page of Hermanus Times, presumably the edition of 29 May 2014. In the first place – you do not have to be a ratepayer to qualify to read the HT. Paying the cover price of R5,20 is more than enough qualification. There are many readers of the HT who are not ratepayers. The second point is this – if you are a South African and you cannot communicate in Afrikaans – shame on you. If you are an immigrant (who apparently owns property in South Africa), then perhaps this is a good time to learn Afrikaans. Thirdly, would you complain to the editors of Le Monde, Der Spiegel or Pravda for publishing in French, German or Russian if you lived in any of those countries? The Hermanus Times has always had a mixture of both English and Afrikaans and we get on quite nicely, thank you very much. Did you give any thought to the fact that there are nine other official languages in South Africa? You can be happy the paper isn’t in Xhosa, Venda, Sotho or Zulu! Just by the way, the edition of HT of 5 June 2014 has an all English front page. Finally – nice picture of the cloud that you submitted to the HT and published on the same day as your complaint. Welgedaan, mevrou!
Donations keep Recycle Swop Shop going
Alta Pretorius is retiring as CEO of the Hermanus Business Chamber with imme diate effect due to medical reasons. manus Mediclinic deserves an award, but I wish to give special recognition to Professional Nursing Sister Lynette Gloy who assisted so calmly and efficiently when part of my wound opened up after a coughing fit and the post-operational fluids started seeping out – a scary experience. Another angel who also deserves a special star is Professional Nursing Sister Annetjie Squires. She assisted in many ways above the call of duty, and helped to make the long nights shorter. Natasha was the star at ICU. Doctors Luyt, Coetzee, Scheepers and Tredoux were all brilliant and professional, as well as Megan, the sunny physiotherapist who had to be cruel to be kind while pummeling the phlegm out of my lungs with clever fingers like a cavalry of wild horses galloping over my chest. I have been diagnosed with a chronic lung condition and colon cancer and will have to go through chemotherapy once my wound complications have healed, but I am positive and confident that everything will go well, because there are angels in hospitals. Due to the deterioration of my health, I will unfortunately not be able to continue my work as CEO of the Hermanus Business Chamber, but the efficient executive committee under the leadership of Mervyn Milner will ensure that the chamber continues to grow from strength to strength. For any inquiries call Mervyn Milner at 082 558 8593.
Thank you to the private and public sector of Hermanus for your encouragement and support through donations to the Recycle Swop Shop. A sum of R2 195 was collected through a street collection on 31 May by individual contributors. Although we have not received official notification, we wish to thank the municipality for their commitment to funding of R10 000 recently announced in the Hermanus Times. This year is the 11th year of operation of this project that enables children to help themselves through recycling. More than 25 other similar projects are in independent operation throughout the country and growing. Thank you, Hermanus for providing the incubation and home to the “original” Recycle Swop Shop concept “hatched” in 2003.
Farewell, Rita van Wyk Sadly the wellknown partnership of Marie Claire Day and Rita van Wyk has come to an end. After over five years of a very successful part- Marie Claire Day and nership at one of Rita van Wyk of The Hermanus’s Barefoot Cook. most welcoming venues, The Barefoot Cook, Rita has decided on a change of direction, and will soon take up her position with VW Rola in Hermanus, doing something completely different – selling cars! I am sure she will do that with as much enthusiasm and warmth as she welcomed all the patrons to The Barefoot Cook. We wish her luck with her exciting new job, and will miss her instant smile. Marie Claire has shut her popular restaurant for three months and is taking a rest. We will all be back in September, Marie Claire!
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
12 June, 2014
) Gavin B, where art thee? Whalecoast fm just
ain’t the same. Miss your chitchat and your wit, and the daily Beatles hit. English perfect you did speak, your professional style made my week. We don’t need two, one will do. That’s You! – PAM ) Dear Anne Clark: I believe ALL papers in the UK have their front pages in English only. I am sure the Afrikaansspeaking community of Her manus will gladly club in to buy you a oneway ticket to your “homeland”.– CHRIS VILJOEN ) Anne Clarke: Your chronic moaning about Af rikaans in the Hermanus Times is now becoming rather comical and I am sure nobody takes it seri ously. – JOHAN VAN DER WESTHUIZEN ) Referring to Anne Clark’s SMS: I speak both English and Afrikaans fluently plus a Nguni lan guage. Why can’t you, Anne? – HARRY VIL JOEN (THE POOR ONE) ) Why is it that most Afrikaans people can read and speak some English, but many English people can’t (won’t) read, speak Afrikaans?
) How petty can some people get when it comes to language issues. What about Hermanus Times of 5 June 2014? Everything in English which I was able to read and understand. Try learning Afrikaans rather than complain. – RIA BAR KLEY ) Well Anne Clark if you want to read the news paper in English buy an English newspaper. There are also old people who cannot read English. So what will you suggest? They must bring out two newspapers? One will be English and the other one Afrikaans. Whe are all ratepayers. It’s dis criminatory. – HESSIE ) Anne Clark, stop complaining about an article that was in Afrikaans. We Afrikaners don’t com plain when articles are featured only in English. We educate ourselves and learn the language. – ELANE ) The development in Long Street is the best de velopment so far. Why wasn’t it done years ago? – MW ) Baie dankie aan Mount Pleasantkliniek en Mnr. Mageli vir professionele uitstekende diens. Julle is sout van die aarde. God bless! ) JP, Vermont – kry n stokperdjie of vat jou goed en trek. Sterkte met jou soektog na ’n beter munisi paliteit as Overstrandmunisipaliteit! ) Thanx friends for your support regarding HAWS! See you soon.– A & P ) Help: Blue house remote lost. Reward offered. Phone 072 762 0253. ) A Nokia phone with a pink flip cover was found
Councillors’ pay packets under scrutiny The mayor in her budget speech announced that the increase for councillors “for the current year amounts to 7 per cent”. My calculations, and as I had explained to the mayor personally, paint a different picture. Councillors’ remuneration approved in the previous budget, this time last year, amounted to R7 577 a month. The approved 2014/2015 budget provides for councillors’ remuneration cost of R8 516 a month. In my book, this amounts to an increase of 12,39 % year-onyear. I assume the reason for the difference in my interpretation and that of the mayor, is that the interim remuneration increase
awarded to council earlier this year, which was not included in the original budget, became the new norm for this year’s budget comparison. Even if we accept this philosophy, then councillors awarded themselves an increase of 12,6 % in the current year which was not budgeted for. I invite the mayor, the council and the budgeting committee to enlighten us as to how a 12 %+ increase year-on-year is justifiable against the background of the mayor’s opening remark: “We have experienced very difficult economic circumstances since 2009 and a clear message came from our pension-
We can look forward to a few days of blissful sunshine until the new cold front moves in on Saturday, bringing low temperatures to the whole country, and another 15 mm rain to the Overstrand between Saturday and Monday morning. Tuesday will be cloudy but the sun will re-appear on Wednesday.
in the basement parking at the Checkers Centre on Wednesday 4 June. Please contact Pegasus Security on 079 514 7543. ) Geagte Hester. Ons praat maar weer as jy in so ’n posisie is. Ek hoop jy ken die mense wat geroof is dat jy so kan praat. Jou SMS in die koerant is onsmaaklik en nie van pas. As dit is hoe julle slagoffers behandel, bly maar eerder weg.– ALBERT ) Can’t Hermanus Times start a campaign where all shoppers can put their own groceries in the bag/s. It’s highly frustrating if the poor cashier also has to put groceries in a bag, while you are stuck in a long queue! – A BERG ) Sincere thanks to Maarten and Sherry of Bergview Vet Clinic for caring and helping Lucca in his last days. – B SWART ) Had a pleasant afternoon at the Lukhanyo Pri mary School in Zwelihle at the Selaelo Selota Jazz Memories concert. A great vibe, thank you. – MICHAEL ) The ballet show was fantastic. Just a pity about the lady upstairs in the box screaming after every performance. Didn’t she notice everyone around her cringing with embarrassment? – SUE ) Cosy coffee shop in centre of town offers a delicious harvesttable lunchtime meal (which in cludes soup) for R65. Just down the road you pay R60 for just soup/bread. Restaurant owners – look after your locals and don’t just chase the tourists with your prices. ) Na aanleiding van die navraag en foto van
die mol op bladsy 11 in Hermanus Times verlede week: Dit is ’n Kaapse blesmol (Georychus capensis) wat net in sanderige grond voorkom naby die kus. Dit eet wortels en bolle van plante. Die maskergesig is kenmerkend. – WALTER PROZ ESKY, VOËLKLIP ) Thank you ADT for your prompt response to our situation this morning at 05:00, you are the best. ) CEM 8XX2 Toyota Tazz: Hoe kan jy dit oor jou hart kry om ’n brandende sigaretstompie by jou motor uit te gooi? Word groot! – JULIA ) Soek dringend kartonbokse! Ons verhuis na ’n ander adres, steeds in Sandbaai. Baie dankie! 082 613 1944– RIANA ) These ‘old’ people who ‘smell’ and ‘speak about the past’ (last week’s SMS column) are the reason why you exist and why you happen to be privileged to live and breathe in such a beauti ful part of Africa. They deserve respect. And never forget, young people, what goes around comes around. So, think before you speak and when one day you cry for ‘help’ you will probably turn to the ‘smelly, old people’, and do you know what? They will be there for you. – DELIA ) Mercedez keys found. Phone 083 956 0299. ) Vir Rudolf en sy span by Food & Wine, baie dankie dat julle ons Vrydagaand so spesiaal laat voel het. Jul kos en diens is uitstekend! – YOLAN DI & KIE ) Happy birthday to the president of the Atlantic Rugby Club, Mr Wilfred Gibson on 6 June!
ers and people who live from the interest on their life savings, that they cannot afford sharp increases on rates and tariffs,” and the fact that “the official inflation rate for April 2014 is 6,1%”.
staff complement are comparative year-onyear. The reason why an assumption of a 12,6% increase in the 2013/2014 year has been reached is due to the classification of costs as mentioned above. Up until 2012/2013 the cellphone allowances for councillors were included in the general budget for cellphone allowances, but reclassified from 2013/2014 as a separate item. Therefore, the comparison between 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 is not equiponderant and the conclusion drawn is incorrect. The cost increase in councillors’ remuneration from 2012/2013 to 2013/2014 is 5,25%, excluding the reclassification of the cellphone allowances. An increase of 7% has been budgeted for 2014/2015.
Budget office responds: It is evident that the writer is referring to the information contained in Table SA22 on page 72 of the budget report. It should be noted that the purpose of Table SA22 is to indicate total employee related costs and not salary increases per se. Salary increases are dealt with in paragraph 1.5 (pg. 14-15) of the budget report. This table can only be an indicator of salary increases when all factors, such as the classifications of costs and the
Geniet sonskyn; nog reën is op pad Daar is al weer ’n droster van ’n hoogdruk wat die hele pad van die ewenaar af afsit Suidpool toe om ’n bietjie ys te gaan smelt. Die hoogdruk is op 1 016 pascal druk maar lig in die broek en het geen invloed op die Indiese hoogdruk, meer Oos-Kaap se kant toe nie. Wat in die huidige situasie belangrik is, is dat die wegloper van ’n warm sel agter Gough gedaal het en tans op 50° suid, met sy draai teen die klok, die meeste van die koue lug uit die suide in die rigting van Gough slinger. Ons weet dat die koue lug nie maklik warm water anderkant Gough kan duld nie en summier regs swenk in ons rigting. Die lae posisie van die klein warm sel domineer die waters suid van die land deurdat dit effens verhit. Dit befomfaai die vorming van wolke wat ons kan laat uitsien na ’n paar dae van lekker sonskyn. Die bietjie son kan dalk hier in die Overstrand tot Saterdagoggend aanhou. Die koue klou vandag nog tot so elfuur se kant aan die Overstrand en dalk verder tot by George. Dit is ongeveer dan wanneer die warm sel in die suidelike waters begin ontbind en koue lug weer nader aan 35° suid beweeg op die vlak waar die grootste deel van die Kaap geleë is. Dit is geen troos vir ons lesers nie om te sê dat die front wat Saterdag suidwes van die land sy beslag kry, die hele land sal raak met neerslae in Kaapland en oggendmistigheid (4 °C saans) in
die noorde van die land. Reisigers kan in die Vrystaat tot minus 4 °C verwag. Selfs in die snoesige Durban sal dit maar kners teen minder as 9 °C. Lesers vra soms hierdie tyd van die jaar hoe ons weer met die buiteland vergelyk en hieroor kan gesê word dat die somer vanjaar ook maar huiwer om Europa in te vaar. ’n Mens kan nie help om jammer te voel vir trekvoëls nie. Ook die bedreigde klein rooipootvalkies wat die hele pad van Indië af Suid-Afrika toe migreer, sal in die huidige klimaatsverandering seker maar besluiteloos wees en dalk soos party Stellenbosse swaels maak, en winter en somer bly waar hulle is as hul neste tog maar net onderdak kan vind. Einde van vandag se weerstorie is dat dit Saterdag tot Maandagoggend ’n goeie 15 mm oor die Overstrand kan reën; ’n bietjie bewolk Dinsdag en sonskyn van Woensdag af.
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
12 June, 2014
Grand Opening
Toyota launches new facility On Thursday 5 June 2014 Her manus Toyota opened its new facilities at the dealership.
The glamorous event hosted 230 customers and several VIPs, including the Overstrand Executive Mayor, Nicolette BothaGuthrie, Springbok, Stormers and Western Province utility backline player, Gio Aplon, Gavin Carstens from Carstens Construction, Calvyn Hamman, the Senior Vice President Marketing and Sales, and Leon Theron, the Head of Technical and Field Operations, Toyota SA Mo tors (Pty) Ltd. Guided tours through the new facil ities for new and used vehicles (Au tomark) showrooms, the Parts and Service departments, wash bay and service reception were offered. “Even though the local economy was under severe pressure the past few years, we are sure that Hermanus will continue to grow and offer inves tors in businesses exceptional value and return on investments made,”says Johan van Zyl, owner and Dealer Principal at Hermanus Toyota. “For this reason we undertook to build one of the best and technologi cally advanced Toyota dealerships in the Overberg region. “This decision asked for a multimil lion investment but I believe in Her manus and what it has to offer.” In his keynote address, Calvyn Hamman emphasised that Toyota SA’s strategy is to manufacture high quality vehicles at affordable prices. Furthermore, the dealer network will continue to support this business philosophy with excellent customer service with a smile. The highlight of the evening could be described as twofold: the number of guests who attended the grand opening ceremony and the Toyota SA Motors New Retail Concept trophy, which was handed over by Calvyn Hamman. PARTS DEPARTMENT Charles Malan, Parts Manager, qualified as a master in 2013 and has 25 years experience of Toyota Parts and Accessories. He says that Toyota SA’s Customer Service division pro
vides parts and accessories at a sup ply rate beyond 95%. If the part is not in stock at the deal ership, the Toyota Distribution Centre (Johannesburg) supplies it to Her manus within 16 hours. Toyota Parts and Accessories carry a 12 month un limited warranty. VEHICLE SALES Johan de Kock, New and Used Ve hicle Sales Manager, has 13 years Toyota experience and is a “Knight” since 2004. He is ably assisted by four sales consultants of which two have “Knights” accreditation. Natasha Kruger, Manager Finance and Insurance, is a certified NCA agent, FAIS and FICA accredited. She is registered at the Financial Services Board as a representative. SERVICE CENTRE The 1100 square metres service centre features 10 work bays, each with an air line supplying air to the hand tools used. A pneumatic pump system feeds engine oil to every work bay where the oil is dispensed with an oil reel. An “Oilpro” management system ensures that the correct amount of en gine oil is used to fill the required quantity for each vehicle type. Fur thermore, the new generation RA VIOLO electro hydraulic lifts (import ed from Italy) were installed at each service bay. Two Toyota qualified technicians and a repair service assistant ensure that the best technical expertise is ap plied under the able guidance of Riaan Booyens, Chief Technician, who is a qualified “Master”. Riaan Fortuin (Service Manager) and Mary ka Sebonka are qualified “Master” Service Advisors. Charlene Vermeu len is the Service Receptionist. “The investment we have made with the new and upgraded dealership is proof of our commitment to Her manus, its residents and visitors,” says Van Zyl. “We are proud to be a part of this community and as the Toyota brand has always been synonymous with quality, reliability, durability and low cost of ownership, so are we synony mous with offering the best and most comprehensive service in town.”
Cutting the ribbon to the new showroom is Leon Theron (Toyota SA), Calvyn Hamman (Toyota SA), Johan van Zyl (Dealer Principal of Hermanus Toyota), and the executive mayor, Nicolette BothaGuthrie.
Leon Theron, Peter Stevens and Johan de Kock enjoying a glass of red against the cold at the launch of the new Her manus Toyota premises.
Hester and Johan van Zyl from Hermanus Toyo ta with their daughter, Mignon.
Attending the opening of the new Hermanus Toyota showroom is Calvyn Hamman, the senior vice president of Sales and Marketing of Toyota SA, with Manda Hamman.
Calvyn Hamman, Johan van Zyl and Stiaan Geldenhuys from Toyota SA at the event.
Gio Aplon and Bevan Pope were among the guests attending the glamorous event at Toyota Hermanus.
Gavin Carsten (right) from Carstens Construc tion was one of the VIPs at tending the event.
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
12 June, 2014
Grand Opening
Altus Mostert, Mathew Browne, Claude en Mari Tyres and Mia Mostert.
Kokkie Burger and Joe Schoeman.
Peter Aspeling and Anel du Toit.
Municipal area manager Don Kearney and his granddaughter with Thelma and Deon Beukes. Dressed to the nines at the launch of the new Hermanus Toyota premises are Kim Kelfskins, Wayne le Roux, Dr Claude Kelfskins, James Gerber and Karin Gerber.
Morkel van Niekerk, De Wet van Niekerk, Estelle van Nieker, Baren van Niekerk and De Waal Steyn.
Mariaan Beyleveldt, Mr and Mrs Van der Merwe and Peet and Anita Geyser.
Calvyn Hamman, Neil Claassen and Stiaan Geldenhuys.
Heidi Western Scrooby (right) from Whale Coast FM enjoyed the evening with friends.
From left are Dephrane and Eric Dahl, and Adele and Christi足 aan Klotz with Dave and Beverley Dippenaar.
Neil Claassen, Oosie Oosthuizen and Heinie Engelbrecht.
Wentzel and Janine van Wyk with Elana and Andries Schreuder.
The guests had a glamorous night filled with friends and fine food.
14 Hermanus Times Rogue mountain bikers can be banned from events
Algemeen General
12 June, 2014
ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Mountain bikers have been warned not to illegally enter any private property or farms while training, or they might be banned from all major mountain biking events. Although currently one of the fastest growing recreational sport categories in South Africa, the sport of mountain biking (MTB) is being threatened by the emerging negative trend of rogue riding. According to the director of FNB Wines2Whales (W2W) MTB events, Johan Kriegler, the exceptional growth of the sport has resulted in an increase in the number of MTB events as well as the building and opening of public MTB trails. Kriegler emphasises that although a costly exercise, MTB trail building and the maintenance thereof has proven to be a positive job creation opportunity, with a number of previously unemployed citizens finding a destiny in this
newly established market. Most MTB trails that are open to the public charge a daily or annual fee. Mountain bikers are required to own a permit, to ensure proper access control on public and privately owned properties. Jan van Schalkwyk from Euodia Cycles in Hermanus partnered with Deon Ferreira and Paul du Toit to form Hermanus Adventures four years ago, with the purpose of creating new mountain biking trails in the area. “In the past, mountain bikers would use district roads, but the sport has grown tremendously and as the need for more challenging routes arose, people started biking on private property, using dirt roads and jeep tracks without ever really having any formal permission,” says Van Schalkwyk. “We started building formal single track routes especially for mountain biking. “To do this, we make formal agreements with farmers to be able to use their land. The memorandum of un-
derstanding would then include where the route would be. “Only then would we be able to build a track on private land.” According to Van Schalkwyk, the problem with rogue riding in Hermanus is the access points, due to the route crossing not one or two farms, but 15 in total. “The trail can be accessed at various points, making it incredibly difficult to police.” Van Schalkwyk says another important aspect of the permit is that an indemnity form needs to be signed that declares the cyclist is able and capable of riding the trail, and safeguards the land owners, municipality and other role players from legal action if a rider were to be injured. “There are several signs along the way warning riders that they have to have a valid permit and wear a helmet at all times.” One of their most common problems with illegal riders is the breakdown of relationships with landowners. “A registered rider can be identified, but we have had a lot of
problems where farm owners refuse the continued use of trails because of abuse by rogue mountain bikers. “The second problem is that there is no indemnity for the landowner or biker if he does not have a permit. And thirdly, as a non-registered rider, you are crossing into private property, which is a criminal offence. “Not paying for a permit also means that we cannot continue to build and maintain the routes.” The decision was taken to ban rogue riders for at least three years from all MTB events in the Western Cape including the FNB W2W, ABSA Cape Epic, and MTB events organised by MTB Adventures, Stillwater Sport & Entertainment, Dirtopia and PPA. “It was the best solution to the problem and we are hoping this will motivate reluctant mountain bikers to get their permits,” adds Van Schalkwyk. “Mountain biking has become the new golf. Yet, you wouldn’t go onto a golf course and just start playing.
You would first make sure that you have paid your dues. Why would it be any different for mountain biking when you go riding on formal trails?” Permits are available at Euodia Cycles at the Hemel-en-Aarde Village for R40 per day, or R350 per year. An honesty box is available in case the shop is closed. Amarider will manage the disciplinary process of rogue riders and will inform the relevant event organisers once a rogue rider has been found to be guilty of frequent illegal riding on private property or public trails. Members of the larger and responsible MTB fraternity are encouraged to communicate and express their anti-rogue riding opinion by notifying Amarider of anyone involved in such rogue practices. Contact Amarider at 021 884 4547 or e-mail To see the variety of local routes available, as well as the prices of permits, visit
Brandbeskermingsvereniging op die been gebring
There are loads of clothes and interest ing things to buy at Cat’s Whiskers.
Cat’s Whiskers expands The Cat’s Whiskers, Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society’s second-hand shop, opened its new wing consisting of a second-hand book and art shop, on 6 June. The opening was attended by several volunteers and committee members. Apart from the new bookshop, the shop itself was also renovated. The Cat’s Whiskers is open on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings. Pay a visit and you might just find a good book or a nice big mug for coffee or hot chocolate. The shop depends on donations from the community, and all those white elephants in your cupboard may just end up being something special to somebody else. For those of you with My School Cards, KAWS is now a beneficiary as well. You can also vote for KAWS on For more information contact
Die grootste deel van die Overberg-distrik word nou bedien deur een Brandbeskermingsvereniging (BBV) wat pas gestig is. Ná maande van harde werk en insette van al die groot rolspelers is die distrikwye Groter Overberg BBV gevorm en geregistreer by die departement van landbou, bosbou en visserye (DAFF). Slegs die Hagelkraal en Napier BBV’s het nog nie aangesluit nie. Die totstandkoming van die distrikwye BBV was moontlik danksy navorsing, personeel en finansiering van die Verenigde Nasies (VN) se FynbosFire-projek, wat by dié organisasie se Global Environmental Facility inskakel. Brandbeskermingsverenigings se doel is om ooreenkomstig Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing hulp te verleen aan grondeienaars met die voorspelling, voorkoming, bestuur en blus van veldbrande. Al dié verantwoordelikhede is volgens wet die grondeienaar s’n. Die Groter Overberg BBV gee dus raad en bystand aan al sy lede deur die ontwikkeling en implementering van ’n veldbrandbestuurstrategie en gee hulp waar moontlik met brandbestryding, voorbereiding van brandstroke, brandstoflading-vermindering en beheerde brande.
Die gebied wat onder die bestuur van die nuwe BBV val. Die BBV is nie ’n brandbestrydingdiens nie, maar sal help deur die fasilitering van beter kommunikasie, opleiding en huur van die Working on Fire-spanne en lugbrandbestryding-hulpbronne. Verder sal die BBV die bewustheid van die risiko en gevare van veldbrande uitlig deur bewusmakingsveldtogte, toegang tot inligting en verspreiding van die daaglikse voorspellings van die brandgevaar-indeks. Die Groter Overberg BBV bied ook lede die wetlike sekerheid dat in die geval
van ’n siviele geding teen hulle vir die skade wat deur ’n veldbrand veroorsaak is, hulle nie nalatig geag word nie soos uiteengesit in die Wet op Nasionale Velden Bosbrande van 1998 (NVFFA). Vir beter bestuur en om beter voorsiening te maak vir gebiede met verskillende brandbestuursbehoeftes, is die Groter Overberg BBV verdeel in kleiner Brandbestuurseenhede (FMU). Hierdie FMU’s sal waar toepaslik soortgelyke gebiede dek soos die ou BBV’s of die landbouverenigings. Die Groter Overberg BBV het die FynbosFire-nuusbrief asook
BBV-kommunikasie aan al sy lede per e-pos aangestuur. Mense wat lede is en nie hierdie kommunikasie die afgelope paar maande ontvang het nie, kan e-pos stuur na Werwing van nuwe lede, die voorbereiding van ’n ingeligte strategie en bou van die nodige kapasiteit om die vereniging effektief te laat funksioneer is tans van die grootste take van die nuwe BBV. Vir meer inligting, besoek of kontak die vereniging by 028 425 1690 om ’n lid te word.
the plough shed
Dirkie Uys St, cor Hope St 083 267 9432
WHALE COAST FM ELECTS NEW BOARD: A new board was elected last Tuesday to steer Whale Coast FM in a new direction. Dr Nelia Louw, Leonard Smith and Dr Martin Fisher stepped down as board members and Heidi Scrooby, Janet Marshall and Mhlangabezi Sithonga now fill their shoes. John Mathew, executive director of the board and station manager, was asked to keep his position on the board. “We are excited about the use of social media to deepen the reach of Whale Coast FM,” says Mathew. The new directors of Whale Coast FM are, from left, Mhlangabezi Sithonga, Heidi Scrooby, John Mathew and Janet Marshall. PHOTO: DAYNE NEL, WHALE COAST FM
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
12 June, 2014
Church welcomes a new priest KERRY VAN RENSBURG A new priest who has been in ministry for 45 years and brings a wealth of experience to his new congregation, has been installed at the Hermanus Catholic Church. Father Barry Matthews has taken over from Father Bart Walsh as parish priest at Our Lady of Light Catholic Church. Father Bart has moved to a new parish in Mitchells Plain. Fr Barry has come straight from the UK where he spent the past seven years doing supply work for the archdiocese of Liverpool, to take up his position in Hermanus. Cautious about going into too much detail about his many years in the ministry, Fr Barry simply says: “I worked in South Africa from 1969 to 1982 as a priest in a different denomination, and from there went to Matabeleland.” He spent 12 years in this area, and
Father Barry Matthews has taken over as parish priest at Our Lady of Light Catholic Church.
Victoria Falls and Hwangi National Park were included in his parish. He then spent five years in Harare
before returning to Cape Town. He attended a Catholic seminary and in 2002 was ordained for work in Malmesbury and Atlantis. This was followed by a stint in Kuils River, before he returned to his home country, the UK, where he began his work in Liverpool. Fr Barry will be inducted as parish priest serving the four churches in his new parish, which include Our Lady Of Light Church in Hermanus, The Martyrs of Africa Church in Zwelihle, St Peter the Fisherman Church in Gansbaai and the All Saints Anglican Church in Bredasdorp which is shared with the Anglican congregation. The induction service will take place on the feast of Corpus Christi (Body of Christ), at 11:00 on 22 June, which will include a procession of the Eucharist in the church grounds. The celebrant will be Rev Father Peter-John Pearson, vicar general of the Diocese of Cape Town.
Nuwe, inspirerende drama by Sprokkelster JANINE VAN DER RIET ’n Nuwe drama wat Saterdag 14 Junie by die Sprokkelster Teater in Onrus te sien is, is geskryf en word opgevoer deur plaaslike inwoners uit die Overstrand. Oorboord/Miss-fit se teks is aanvanklik deur Celeste Slabber-Loriston, oorspronklik van die Paarl en nou woonagtig in Voëlklip, geskryf, maar sy sê ná vele werksessies en hulp, en veral tydens repetisies, is die finale storie geskryf. Sy speel Mel Burger in Oorboord/Miss-fit. Miss-fit belig die wêreld van verslawing: die behoefte om te ontsnap, gered te word en geken te word, asook die mens se behoefte aan liefde. Om die letsels van haar verlede te ontsnap, raak Mel Burger (’n doodgewone huisvrou) verslaaf aan haar voorskrifmedikasie. Met die vlambare kombinasie van alkohol verval sy in ’n waansin van illusie en eensaamheid. Sy verteenwoordig die meer as 50% van die samelewing wat voorskrifmedikasie gebruik as kruk om die wêreld te oorleef. Marilyn Monroe, ’n ikoon van verslawing, word die simbool van Mel Burger se stryd. Hul ervarings en ontnugtering word verweef tot een siel se geveg met die werklikheid en verwerping, asook hul behoefte om te behoort. Saam op die verhoog is Marhette Van Huyssteen, voorheen van Pretoria en nou woonagtig in Westcliff in Hermanus. Sy speel Mel Burger se “ander ek”, Marilyn. Sy verteenwoordig versoeking, ontsnapping, verslawing en die dood. Shirley Ellis van Vermont keer terug teater toe ná ’n lang speelvak in
Marhette van Huyssteen, Shirley Ellis en Celeste SlabberLoriston. die televisie-arena. Sy behartig die regie en storievertelling. Slabber-Loriston en Van Huyssteen sê die stuk het hulle geïnspireer omdat hulle in hul eie lewe kontak het met mense wat vasgevang is in die greep van verslawing. “Dit was die dryfveer vir die ontstaan van die teks. Hierdie ervaring gee ook die nodige begrip vir die verslaafde én die familie,” sê Slabber-Loriston. Alhoewel Oorboord/Miss-fit reeds op Stellenbosch en in die Paarl opgevoer is, het die projek gestalte gekry in die Overstrand. “Ons nooi graag skole en ander organisasies uit ons eie geweste om ’n enkelvertoning by te woon by die Sprokkelster Teater in Onrus op Saterdag 14 Junie om 20:00,” sê sy. Kaartjies is beskikbaar teen R100 per persoon. Groepe van 10 of meer
SKENKING: Overberg Quilters Guild het ’n wonderlike donasie van R6 000 aan Hermanus Dierebeskermingsvereniging (HAWS) oorhandig. Dié groepie het ’n kwilt gemaak en uitgeloot en die geld aan HAWS geskenk. Met Ilze Smith (regs), voor sitter van HAWS is Sue Prins, voorsitter van die Overberg Quilters Guild.
kan kaartjies teen slegs R60 per persoon bekom. Bel Sprokkelster by 082 896 5106. ) Die groep beoog om in die toekoms die vertoning na gemeenskappe in die Overstrand/Overberg te neem. “Dit sal gebruik word as mondstuk vir die probleem in ons gemeenskap. Ons wil ook graag volwassenes, die jeug en jong kinders bereik. Ons glo die probleem is ’n werklikheid in al drie generasies – van grootouers tot kleinkinders.” Organisasies soos kerke, ander gemeenskapsorganisasies, skole en klinieke wat betrokke wil raak by hierdie projek, kan Ellis bel by 082 940 2396, Van Huyssteen by 082 786 3966 of Slabber-Loriston by 083 708 4917. Die stuk kan ook ingespan word as geldinsamelingsprojek vir verskeie organisasies.
Coral garden and marine splendour to highlight World Oceans Day. PHOTO: MARINE AQUARIUMS SA
NATURE MATTERS Did you know: 8 June was World Oceans Day. We all know that Walker Bay is one of the best places to see whales from the land. But what is less known is that it also has one of the most colourful cold-water coral reefs in the world. This amazing reef stretches from
Hermanus to Hangklip, less than a kilometre from the shore. It is home to beautifully coloured hard and soft corals, sea stars, feather stars, anemones, horsefish, pipefish, cute little sharks and the most spectacular nudibranchs. Nudibranchs? Watch this space next week.
DONATION HONOURS CLUB FOUNDER: The members of the Overberg Model Railway Club donated R1 000 to the Overstrand Hospice in mem ory of their founder and late chairperson Paul Wolvaardt. Current chairper son Norman Tait (left) handed the donation to hospice funding coordinator Dee Back.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
12 June, 2014
DONDERDAG 12 JUNIE ) Die borduurgroep kom byeen by die De Wet saal van 09:00 – 13:00. Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday
SHOWROOM: 21A Mimosa Street Hermanus Industria Tel: (028) 312-3767
of the month at The Class Room Restaurant at 12:15. Lyle: 0 028 314 1390/073 778 2777. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall. Henriëtte Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. All welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. ) Quiz Night at Dutchies at 18:00. More infor mation: 0 028 314 1392. FRIDAY 13 JUNE ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 09:00 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Join the Friends of the Library at the Bhuki Café for tea, coffee and friendship from 09:00 – 11:30. ) Kolwyntjieteetuin by die Onrus NG Kerk van 09:30 – 11:30. ) Kunsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus van 09:00 – 12:00. Estelle Valkenburg: 0 028 316 3522. ) Join the Hermanus Ladies Luncheon Club at 12:00 for 12:30 at The Class Room Restaurant. Booking is essential. Erna: 0 028 316 2866/ 082 932 6276. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 13:00 – 17:00. Jaye Howse: 0 028 312 1553. SATURDAY 14 JUNE ) Hermanus Country Market, 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kosenwynmark van 09:00 – 13:00. ) Market in the Garden at HemelenAarde Vil lage from 09:00 – 14:00. ) Single people getting together. We want new comers to Hermanus feel welcome. Come and join this friendly group. More information: 0 076 115 7382. SUNDAY 15 JUNE ) The Salandara Country Market takes place eve
ry Sunday from 09:00 – 6:00 on the R43 at the Shell Service Station between Hermanus and Bot River. MAANDAG 16 JUNIE ) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus: Maandae 08:00 – 09:30; Woensdae 15:00 – 17:00 en Donderdae 08:00 – 09:30. Belangstel lendes kan meer inligting kry by Alida Liebenberg: 0 028 316 3994/082 783 5160. ) The Overberg Quilters’ Guild will meet at 09:30 at the De Wet Hall in Onrus. ) The U3A presents Africa: Congo, narrated by David Attenborough, in the Catholic Church Hall at 10:00. Gert Claassen: 0 083 312 4072. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Infor mation: 0 028 314 0662/072 230 9179. ) Harte vir Godoggendgesprekke by Volmoed (HemelenAardevallei). Kom raak rustig en maak weer opnuut kontak met God se hartklop vir jou in Volmoed se kapel. Tyd: 09:30. Koste: R30 p.p. Madeleine: 2 of 0 078 841 9054. ) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal in Roosstraat, Maandae en Woensdae van 17:30 – 18:30. Emi lia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. ) Social linedancing beginner’s class at the De Wet Hall from 17:30 – 18:30. R100 per month. Maryanne: 0 073 469 9132/028 316 2625. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir will be practising in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Mar tin: 0 082 438 6008. TUESDAY 17 JUNE ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 10:00, opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, North cliff. André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) The U3A’s series on Galileo: His Contribution to Science, takes place in the Catholic Church Hall at 10:00. Gert Claassen: 0 083 312 4072. ) Antenatal classes at 19:00 in Onrus. Debby: 0 028 316 4880/082 500 2218.
ALL BUSINESSES IN THE CBD AREA!! Put the BUZZ back into your business, advertise with me!!!
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WEDNESDAY 18 JUNE ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, North cliff. André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) A potpourri of birding adventures by members of the Hermanus Bird Club will include presenta tions by Gavin Turner on New Zealand; Lee Bur man on Botswana; Alan McLennanSmith on Bhu tan and Ronnie Hazell on Swaziland, at the Fern kloof Hall at 19:00. Visitors welcome. Craig: 0 083 227 9003. ) Trimgimklasse vir seniors word weekliks deur Mathilda Roos by die Onrusrivierdienssentrum aangebied. Tyd: 10:00 – 11:00. Koste: R30 per lid, R45 vir nielede. ) Die algemene vergadering van die Hermanus Gemeenskappolisieforum vind plaas om 18:00 by die Overstrand Ouditorium. By hierdie geleent heid sal die polisie sy jaarplan aan die gemeen skap bekendstel en ook die gemeenskap inlig oor die stand van misdaad. Gemeenskapsorganisa sies wat deel wil word van die GPF sal geleentheid kry om die nodige inskrywingsvorms te bekom om by die forum aan te sluit. Meer inligting by Hennie Westraat: 0 082 820 4811. ) WeighLess Group meets at the De Wet Hall in Onrus at 08:30. Annette Meiring: 0 082 560 2836. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oosthuysen: 0 072 322 0998. GEBEURTENISSE ) Dans by die Sandbaaisaal, Vrydag 27 Ju nie om 19:00. R50 p.p. Bring eie eetgoed. Daar sal ’n kontantkroeg beskikbaar wees. Meer inlig ting by Oosie: 0 082 772 7657, Elmarie: 0 082 898 6097 of die kerkkantoor: 0 028 312 3904.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
12 June, 2014
CHILDLINE 0800 055 555
Koos and Joanie Smith have undertaken a cycle challenge to raise funds for the Hopeland Project which aims to build a much needed aftercare facility for the chil dren from Hopeland.
Cycle challenge to raise funds On the outskirts of Stanford is an area called Hopeland, where the signs of poverty are everywhere. Unemployment is rife, crime is a given and drug abuse has become a major concern. The Hopeland Project has been initiated to bring hope to the children living in this area. The project is supported by the Fynbos Community Foundation, which believes everything possible should be done to offer the children of Stanford the best possible facility for them to spend time after school in a safe and caring environment. This after-care service will include a proper lunch, homework help, learner support and various other programmes. The Fynbos Community Foundation has purchased a building on a 5 000 square metre plot at a cost of R 850 000. The foundation has been given six months to raise the funds. The after-school facility will be operational from 21 July. Four major fundraising events are currently taking shape of which the Western Cape Cycle Challenge is the first. Individuals and companies are asked to sponsor a cyclist per kilometre. The cycle challenge began on 2 June and the route will take the cyclists from Stanford to Bitterfontein in the west and then on to Drie Susters in the east. They will visit several schools along the way, spreading a message of hope and encouragement. Koos and Joanie Smith will be the foundation’s representatives on this journey. For more information, contact Koos and Joanie on 082 708 4045. To make a pledge go to
HAWS to hold cat tea party The cat volunteers who love the kitty cats at HAWS are organising a tea party along with the staff members of HAWS, in aid of the welfare cats and kittens and to introduce the public to the many gorgeous animals they have. So many cats have been waiting a long time for a home and if people could just come along and see what wonderful characters they have, perhaps a few may get the opportunity to find a home. The cat tea party will be held on Monday 16 June between 10:00 and 12:00 at the kennels at 4 Steenbras Street. Come and spend a few hours of fun with refreshments and snacks, and play with, stroke and meet the kitties – and of course the doggies too, for those who prefer to meet the dogs. There will be a special low adoption fee and HAWS asks that you bring along a little present for either the cats or the dogs (food, toys etc). Bring your family and friends and spread the word. For information call 028 312 1281 or 083 448 4805. If the weather is foul, the tea party will automatically be postponed to Saturday 21 June.
(Gansbaai Administration) M.N. 12/2014 PORTION 2 OF THE FARM NO. 933, DIVISION CALEDON : APPLICATION FOR CONSENT USE Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of the Overstrand Zoning Scheme Regulations that council received an application from PlanActive Town- and Regional Planners on behalf of the owner of Portion 2 of the Farm No. 933, Division Caledon, EM Payne, in order to establish a tourist facility (Animal Park) on the property. The application is open to inspection at the office of the Area Manager, Gansbaai Administration at Main Road, Gansbaai from 07:45-13:00 and 13:45-16:30 (Monday to Friday) and any enquiries may be directed to mr. SW van der Merwe, P.O. Box 26, Gansbaai, 7220, E-mail: / tel. no.: (028)384-8300 / fax no.: (028)384-8337. The application is set out as follows: Any objections, with full reasons therefore, should be lodged in writing, must be signed and handed in at the office of the Area Manager on or before Friday 18 July 2014 quoting the objector’s property description and contact details. Any comments received after the afore-mentioned closing date will be disregarded. Notice is also given in terms of Section 21(4) of the Local Government Act: Municipal Systems, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that people who cannot write are welcome to approach the Town Planning section of the Overstrand Municipality (Gansbaai Administration) during the above-mentioned office hours where a staff member will assist them in putting their comments or objections in writing. C Groenewald, Municipal Manager, c/o PO Box 26, Gansbaai, 7220 13 June 2014
(Gansbaai Administrasie) M.K. 12/2014 GEDEELTE 2 VAN DIE PLAAS NR. 933, AFDELING CALEDON : AANSOEK OM VERGUNNINGSGEBRUIK Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van die Overstrand Soneringskemaregulasies dat die raad ‘n aansoek vanaf PlanActive Stads- en Streekbeplanners namens die eienaar van Gedeelte 2 van die Plaas Nr. 933, Afdeling Caledon, EM Payne die ontvang het, ten einde ‘n toeriste fasiliteit (dierepark) op die eiendom te vestig. Die aansoek lê ter insae by die kantoor van die Area Bestuurder, Gansbaai Administrasie te Hoofweg, Gansbaai vanaf 07:4513:00 en 13:45-16:30 (Maandag tot Vrydag) en enige navrae kan gerig word aan mnr. SW van der Merwe, Posbus 26, Gansbaai, 7220, E-pos: / tel nr.: (028)3848300 / faks nr.: (028)384-8337. Enige besware, met volledige redes daarvoor, moet skriftelik en onderteken wees en by die kantoor van die Area Bestuurder ingedien word voor of op Vrydag 18 Julie 2014 met vermelding van die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing en kontakbesonderhede. Enige kommentaar wat ná die voorgemelde sluitingsdatum ontvang word, sal nie in ag geneem word nie. Voorts word hiermee ingevolge Artikel 21(4) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) kennis gegee dat persone wat nie kan skryf nie, die Stadsbeplanningsafdeling van die Munisipaliteit Overstrand (Gansbaai Administrasie) kan nader tydens bogenoemde kantoorure waar ’n amptenaar daardie persone sal help om hul kommentaar of besware op skrif te stel. C Groenewald, Munisipale Bestuurder, p/a Posbus 26, Gansbaai, 7220, 13 Junie 2014
(Gansbaai Administration) M.N. 14/2014 ERF 11, 10 BUITEN STREET, STANFORD : APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 24 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) that council received an application from the owner of Erf 11, Stanford, D Möhr for the subdivision of the mentioned property in four portions, namely Portion A approximately 1799m² in extent, Portion B approximately 1007m² in extent, Portion C approximately 976m² in extent and Portion D approximately 976m² in extent. The application is open to inspection at the office of the Area Manager, Gansbaai Administration at Main Road, Gansbaai from 07:45-13:00 and 13:45-16:30 (Monday to Friday) and any enquiries may be directed to mr. SW van der Merwe, P.O. Box 26, Gansbaai, 7220, E-mail: / tel. no.: (028)384-8300 / fax no.: (028)384-8337. The application is set out as follows: Any objections, with full reasons therefore, should be lodged in writing, must be signed and handed in at the office of the Area Manager on or before Friday 18 July 2014 quoting the objector’s property description and contact details. Any comments received after the afore-mentioned closing date will be disregarded. Notice is also given in terms of Section 21(4) of the Local Government Act: Municipal Systems, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that people who cannot write are welcome to approach the Town Planning section of the Overstrand Municipality (Gansbaai Administration) during the above-mentioned office hours where a staff member will assist them in putting their comments or objections in writing. C Groenewald, Municipal Manager, c/o PO Box 26, Gansbaai, 7220 13 June 2014
(Gansbaai Administrasie) M.K. 14/2014 ERF 11, BUITENSTRAAT 10, STANFORD : AANSOEK OM ONDERVERDELING Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 24 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) dat die raad ‘n aansoek vanaf die eienaar van Erf 11, Stanford, D Möhr ontvang het vir die onderverdeling van genoemde eiendom in vier gedeeltes, naamlik Gedeelte A ongeveer 1799m² groot, Gedeelte B ongeveer 1007m² groot, Gedeelte C ongeveer 976m² en Gedeelte D ongeveer 976m² Die aansoek lê ter insae by die kantoor van die Area Bestuurder, Gansbaai Administrasie te Hoofweg, Gansbaai vanaf 07:4513:00 en 13:45-16:30 (Maandag tot Vrydag) en enige navrae kan gerig word aan mnr. SW van der Merwe, Posbus 26, Gansbaai, 7220, E-pos: / tel nr.: (028)3848300 / faks nr.: (028)384-8337. Enige besware, met volledige redes daarvoor, moet skriftelik en onderteken wees en by die kantoor van die Area Bestuurder ingedien word voor of op Vrydag 18 Julie 2014 met vermelding van die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing en kontakbesonderhede. Enige kommentaar wat ná die voorgemelde sluitingsdatum ontvang word, sal nie in ag geneem word nie. Voorts word hiermee ingevolge Artikel 21(4) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) kennis gegee dat persone wat nie kan skryf nie, die Stadsbeplanningsafdeling van die Munisipaliteit Overstrand (Gansbaai Administrasie) kan nader tydens bogenoemde kantoorure waar ’n amptenaar daardie persone sal help om hul kommentaar of besware op skrif te stel. C Groenewald, Munisipale Bestuurder, p/a Posbus 26, Gansbaai, 7220, 13 Junie 2014
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
12 June, 2014
Presteerders se harde werk erken Studente en trotse ouers van Boland Kollege se Caledon-kampus, asook die satelliet-kampusse in Bredasdorp, Kleinmond en Hermanus, het die saal vol gesit tydens die jaarlikse merietefunksie by die Caledon-kampus. Daar is verskeie toekennings aan studente in die onderskeie programme oorhandig en vakpryse is ook toegeken. Die wenners van die jaarlikse Boland Kollege Kultuurdag te Stellenbosch is van Hermanus en hulle het ook ’n item gelewer by die geleentheid. Jowene Hopley van die Caledon-kampus het ook tydens die jaarlikse Boland Kollege diplomaplegtigheid ’n vaktoekenning gekry vir die beste student algeheel vir Afrikaans Eerste Taal en Samantha Munyaka van Kleinmond-kampus het die toekenning as beste Kantooradministrasie-student gekry.
Die toppresteerders is: Raymond Odendaal (beste student: Elektriese Infra struktuur Konstruksie, Caledon), Pravina Hammer (beste student: Onderne mingsbestuur, Bredasdorp), Sugnet Sieberhagen (kampusbestuurder), Lucin da Bloem (beste student: Bestuursassistent, Caledon), Jowene Hopley (bes te student: Gemeenskapsveiligheid, Caledon), Sonia Swart (beste student: Kantooradministrasie, Kleinmond) en Michelle Mathewson (beste student: Menslike Hulpbronbestuur, Hermanus). FOTO: BEN C PHOTOGRAPHY
OVERSTRAND MUNICIPALITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – EVENTS AND FESTIVALS Financial year: 1 July 2014 – 30 June 2015 The Overstrand Municipality is calling for event and festival proposals from event organisers, local tourism associations or community tourism organisations to partner with the municipality in: • attracting more visitors to the Overstrand area; • increasing the length of stay in our region; • addressing seasonality and contributing to economic development and growth in the Overstrand; and • promoting broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) and small, medium and micro enterprise (SMME) participation in the economy. Approval procedures Applications for funding will be submitted to the Director: Local Economic Development and Tourism, who will shortlist events that can be supported with the available funds and will make a recommendation to Council through the Executive Mayor. Funding will mainly be allocated in the form of marketing support with agreed-upon outcomes. Criteria for project selection Events must: • be viable and tourism related • be hosted within the Overstrand area during the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 • be geographically representative of the Overstrand area as a whole • contribute to SMME development and upliftment • contribute to job creation within the Overstrand area • establish a brand that identifies the Overstrand as a preferred destination. Content of proposals • Contact details • Description of event • Location • Aim and objectives of event • Activities planned • Outputs and outcomes • How the surrounding communities will benefit • Number of jobs created (temporary and permanent) • Budget • Management structure • Any other sponsors and sources of income towards the event must be declared up front to avoid duplication of funding by municipalities • Procurement of goods and services plan • List and costing of all municipal services required (form to be requested separately).
UMASIPALA WASE-OVERSTRAND IZICELO ZEZIPHAKAMISO – IZIGANEKO NEMIBHIYOZO Unyaka lwabiwomali: 1 Julayi 2014 30 Juni 2015 UMasipala waseOverstrand ucela ukuba kungeniswe iziphakamiso zokwenza iziganeko nemibhiyozo ngabaququzeleli bemibhiyozo, imibutho yokhenketho yengingqi okanye imibutho yokhenketho yasekuhlaleni ukuze isebenzisane naye kwezi zinto: • Ekutsaleni abatyeleli abongezelelekileyo ukuba batyelele ummandla waseOverstrand; • Ukuba bahlale ixesha elide kummandla wethu; • Ukujonga umba wamaxesha onyaka kunye nophuhliso nokhulo loqoqosho eOverstrand; kunye • Nokuphakamisa uphuhliso lwezoqoqosho lwabantu abamnyama (BBBEE) kunye nokuqinisekisa ukuba amashishini amancinci nasakhulayo (SMME) athatha inxaxheba kuqoqosho.
OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALITEIT VERSOEK OM VOORSTELLE – GEBEURLIKHEDE EN FEESTE Finansiële jaar: 1 Julie 2014 – 30 Junie 2015 Die Overstrand Munisipaliteit wag voorstelle vir gebeurlikhede en feeste in van gebeurlikheidsorganiseerders, plaaslike toerismeverenigings of gemeenskapstoerisme-organisasies om in vennootskap met die munisipaliteit: • meer besoekers na die Overstrand-gebied te lok; • die lengte van verbly in ons streek te verleng; • seisoenaliteit aan te spreek en tot ekonomiese ontwikkeling en groei in die Overstrand by te dra; en • breëbasis swart ekonomiese bemagtiging (BBSEB) en deelname van klein, medium en mikro-ondernemings (KMMO) aan die ekonomie te bevorder.
Iinkqubo zolwamkelo Izicelo zenkxasomali ziya kuthi zingeniswe kuMongameli: woPhuhliso Lwezoqoqosho noKhenketho, oya kuthi akhethe iziganeko ezinokuthi zixhaswe ngeemali ezikhoyo aze angenise iziphakamiso kwibhunga eziyakudluliswa kuSodolophu oLawulayo . Inkxasomali iya kuthi inikezwe ngokuthi kunikwe ikxaso kwezorhwebo kuvunyelwane ngeziphumo ezilindelekileyo.
Goedkeuringsprosedures Aansoeke om befondsing sal voorgelê word aan die Direkteur: Plaaslike Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling en Toerisme, wat ’n kortlys sal opstel van gebeurlikhede wat deur beskikbare fondse ondersteun kan word en aanbevelings deur die Uitvoerende Burgemeester aan die Raad sal maak. Befondsing sal grotendeels in die vorm van bemarkings ondersteuning met ooreengekome uitkomste toegeken word.
Inkqubo eza kulandelwa xa kukhethwa iprojekthi Iziganeko kufuneka: • zibe zizinto ezineziphumo ezilulutho yaye zikekelele kukhenketho • zisindlekwe kummandla waseOverstrand kwesisigaba sexesha 1 Julayi 2014 ukuya ku 30 Juni 2015 • zimele ummandla waseOverstrand wonke, zingabi lulutho kwiindawo ezithile kuphela • zibe negalelo kuphuhliso nokuphakanyiswa kwee-SMME • zibe negalelo ekudalweni kwemisebenzi kummandla waseOverstrand • zimisele ibrendi echonga neqaqambisa iOverstrand njengendawo yokufikela.
Kriteria vir projekkeuring Gebeurlikhede moet: • lewensvatbaar en toerismeverwant wees • in die Overstrand-gebied plaasvind gedurende die tydperk 1 Julie 2014 tot en met 30 Junie 2015. • geografies verteenwoordigend van die Overstrand-gebied as geheel wees • tot die ontwikkeling en opheffing van KMMO bydrae • tot werkskepping binne die Overstrand-gebied bydra • ’n handelsmerk daarstel wat die Overstrand as ’n voorkeurbestemming identifiseer.
Izinto emaziqulathwe kwisiphakamiso • Iinkcukacha zoqhagamshelwano • Inkcazelo ngesiganeko • Indawo • Iinjongo zesiganeko • Izinto eziza kwenziwa • Izinto eziza kuphunyezwa • Iindlela oluza kuzuza ngazo uluntu olungqonge ummandla • Inani lemisebenzi edaliweyo (eyexeshana nesisigxina) • Ibhajethi • Abalawuli bombutho okanye iziko • Bonke abaxhasi ngezimali kunye nemithombo yemali kufuneka bachazwe phambi kokuqala kwesiganeko ukuze kuphetshwe ukuba oomasipala bazihlawulele kabini iziganeko • Izinto eziza kuthengwa nesicwangciso seenkonzo • Uludwe kunye neendleko zazo zonke iinkonzo zikamasipala ezifunekayo (loo fomu kufuneka icelwe yodwa).
Inhoud van voorstelle • Kontakbesonderhede • Beskrywing van die gebeurlikheid • Ligging • Doelwit en oogmerke van die gebeurlikheid • Aktiwiteite • Uitsette en uitkomste • Hoe die omliggende gemeenskappe bevoordeel sal word • Aantal poste geskep (tydelik en permanent) • Begroting • Bestuurstruktuur • Enige ander borge en inkomstebronne vir die gebeurlikheid moet vooraf verklaar word om duplisering van befondsing deur munisipaliteite te verhoed • Plan vir die verkryging van goedere en dienste • Lys en kosteberekening van alle munisipale dienste wat nodig is (vorm moet afsonderlik aangevra word).
Accompanying documentation • Confirmation of bank details (letter from the bank) • Signatories to bank account • Auditing details (if applicable) • Latest financial statements and audit reports (if available) • Constitution
Amaxwebhu afunekayo • Ubungqina beenkcukacha zebhanki (ileta esuka ebhankini) • Abantu abasayinayo kwiakhawunti yebhanki • Iinkcukacha zophicotho-zincwadi (ukuba zikhona) • umgaqosiseko
Governance of the fund Agreements will be entered into between all the event organisers and the Overstrand Municipality, in terms of which a comprehensive report must be submitted by the event organisers a month after the actual event has taken place.
Ulawulo lwengxowamali Kuya kuthi kungenwe kwizivumelwano phakathi kwabaququzeleli beziganeko kunye noMasipala waseOverstrand, apho kufuneka abaququzeleli beziganeko bengenise ingxelo epheleleyo emva kwenyanga emva kokuqhubeka kwesiganeko eso. Imibuzo
Bygaande dokumentasie • Bevestiging van bankbesonderhede (brief van die bank) • Gemagtigde ondertekenaars van die bankrekening • Ouditbesonderhede (indien toepaslik) • Die jongste finansiële state en ouditverslae (indien beskikbaar) • Die organisasie se grondwet Bestuur van die fonds Ooreenkomste sal tussen al die gebeurlikheidsorganiseerders en die Overstrand Munisipaliteit aangegaan word, ingevolge waarvan ’n omvattende verslag ’n maand nadat die gebeurlikheid plaasgevind het, deur die organiseerders voorgelê moet word.
Enquiries Imibuzo emalunga nesi Sicelo seSiphakamiso seZiganeko neMibhiyozo Direct any enquiries regarding this Request for Proposals: Events and mayithunyelwe kula magosa alandelayo: Festivals to the following official: Nks.A. Jantjies kwi imeyile ethi okanye 028 313 8038 Ms.A. Jantjies at or 028 313 8038. Submission Please submit event proposals to the following address: Attention: Ms. A. Jantjies, Overstrand Municipality, Economic Development & Tourism Department, no. 3 Myrtle Street, LED House, Hermanus or mail to: Ms. A. Jantjies, Overstrand Municipality, P O Box 20, Hermanus, 7200.
Ukungeniswa kweSiphakamiso Nceda ungenise iziphakamiso zeziganeko kule dilesi ilandelayo: Iya ku-: Ms. A. Jantjies, Overstrand Municipality, Kulawulo Lophuhliso lweZoqoqosho nezoKhenketho “Economic Development & Tourism Department”, no. 3 Myrtle Street, LED House, Hermanus okanye uyithumele ngeposi ku: Nks. A. Jantjies, Overstrand Municipality, P O Box 20, Hermanus, 7200.
Navrae Rig enige navrae rakende hierdie Versoek om Voorstelle: Gebeurlikhede en Feeste aan die volgende amptenaar: Me.A. Jantjies by, tel: 028 313 8038. Inhandiging Stuur asseblief voorstelle vir gebeurlikhede aan die volgende adres: Aandag: Me. A. Jantjies, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Departement Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling en Toerisme, Myrtle Straat 3, LED Huis, Hermanus of pos na: Me.A. Jantjies, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Posbus 20, Hermanus, 7200.
Closing date: Monday, 30 June 2014.
Umhla wokuvala: uMvulo, 30 Juni 2014.
Sluitingsdatum: Maandag, 30 Junie 2014.
Road test: Hyundai’s new Accent hatch FRANS LE ROUX Gone are the years of unreliable, unsafe and bland vehicles. If you are in the market, it is near impossible to find a “bad” car. For decades, premium German brands were ruling the roost. They offered reliable, good-looking options, but at a hefty price tag. Luckily for us, some healthy competition emerged and the biggest winners came out of Korea and China. One of the most impressive progressions were seen from Korean giant, Hyundai. Just when you think they have enough models in their line-up, they add a new one. The Hyundai Accent hatchback quietly sneaked into the market re-
cently. Bringing with it another option of a good practical no-nonsense hatchback. Okay, so where does the Accent hatch fit in? Very good question I would say. At first I was rather confused because you get the i10, i20 and i30 hatchbacks. Each differing in size, specification-level and price. The Accent hatch then fits in between the i20 and the i30. See it as a bigger sibling to the i20, but a more affordable alternative to the i30. The Accent hatch features a rather punchy 1.6-litre 4 cylinder petrol engine which delivers 91 kW/15 Nm. These figures, coupled with a slick 6-speed manual gearbox, translate into a satisfying driving experience. Average fuel
economy is claimed at 6,5 F/100 km, although my figures returned slightly higher at 7,3 F/100 km. The Accent’s steering is very light, thanks to its power assisted steering. At low speeds it is easy to manoeuvre around town or get into that tight parking space. Speaking of which, the Accent Hatch has rear park assist as standard. No more reversing into lampposts or scraping the occasional tree. In the looks department, I found the Accent Hatch rather pleasing to look at. It shares the same front end as its sedan brother. Those smiling fog lights and prominent Hyundai badge are all part of Hyundai’s new fluid design philosophy.
Hyundai’s new Accent Hatch fits in nicely between their i20 and i30 hatchbacks. It offers good space and value for money. PHOTO: QUICKPIC
It has been part of their recent success, and this platform is shared throughout their model line-up. Step inside and you are greeted by a familiar interior. Blue lights light up the cabin, while familiar silver and grey inserts draw your attention. These striking additions to the cabin help lift the overall quality and feel. A multi-function steering-wheel fits nicely between your hands while a large display-screen makes navigating your Bluetooth and multimedia devices easy. Rear legroom is more than enough with seating for two adults. The boot swallows a generous 370 F. With most South Africans needing to cut down on spending, the good-old hatchback segment is
crammed full of decent options. The Accent Hatch retails for R234 900 for the manual. Hyundai offers a comprehensive 5year/150 000 km warranty along with a 5-year/90 000 km service plan. Considering the size of the Accent, it will be hard to beat in terms of practicality and price. The main rivals in this category include the Toyota Auris 1.6 Xi, Opel Astra 1.6 hatch and the Ford Focus 1.6 Trend. Only the Auris offers similar value but it has a poorer warranty. If you directly compare the Accent to its bigger i30 brother, you will save R25 000. For your saving you get a no-nonsense family hatchback that has plenty to offer. This Accent hatch is a definite contender for your shopping list.
Hermanus Times
BOLAND Auto Sold
12 June, 2014
Toyota FJ Cruiser: the thumping brute HANJO STIER Some of my earliest childhood memories take place on gran’s farm. The smell of furniture polish in the gigantic house, a thriving herb garden out front, the monotonous beat of a Lister engine and a powder blue Toyota Land-Cruiser FJ40 pick-up parked next to the second barn. The farm has long been sold and I often think that FJ40 sealed the deal. Never shy to work, it always started first time and its blue paint was marked with countless scratches and dents from the many tasks it performed as the daily runner, hunting vehicle and carry-all of this land. Fast forward a few decades and Toyota pays homage to these durable workhorses with this retro take called FJ Cruiser. Based heavily on a Land-Cruiser Prado, the oddball 4x4 combines elements of its ancestor with strange proportions, bizarre doors and a near-vertical windscreen with three wipers. Big headlights and ye olde Toyota letters frame the retro grill while mock silver bumpers protrude from the front corners just as much as the strange lights do at the back. The square wheel arches house big wheels with gun-metal alloys and the spare wheel sits on a rear door which hinges in the wrong direction. Due to its extreme squareness and slim window line, the cabin
Due to its extreme squareness and slim window line, the cabin has an extremely high waistline, tall dash board and low seating position PHOTO: QUICKPIC has an extremely high waistline, tall dashboard and low seating position. That slab of a front windscreen seems a mile away and for this reason, Toyota has installed a second set of side sun visors above both front doors. Its radio with CD/mp3, USB, Aux and Bluetooth capability, also looks like a relic but it pumps impressive tunes through six thumping speakers with satellite buttons on the height-adjustable steering wheel. The big instruments seem
a tad playful and supply battery voltage above the usual information. Rear accommodation can be tight for adults and the door/window construction doesn’t help to ease any claustrophobia. Most of the floor is covered in tough rubber mats and this also applies to the 990F boot area. Rear visibility is rather tragic so the reversing camera is a welcome standard feature. The FJ Cruiser has been discontinued elsewhere and this shows in
the cabin materials and ergonomics. The layout and style seems antiquated but this won’t be a problem for fans of retro. The big ventilation knobs, simple buttons and stalks are easily controlled and the only modern absentee is a trip computer. Perhaps that was done on purpose as the FJ is only available with a high-compression, 200 kW/380 Nm 4-litre V6. Delivering its power to two or four wheels via an old but smooth five-speed
automatic gearbox, it allegedly helps itself to an average of 11,4F/100 km – I think mid-teens are more likely. Toyota has addressed this with a recent update which adds a secondary tank to make up a total volume of 159 L. Another big novelty is Crawl Control which allows the FJ Cruiser to climb, ford or descend treacherous terrain on its own, at variable (slow) speeds controlled by a rotary knob on the cabin’s ceiling. This adds to the car’s already remarkable off-roading abilities which can also call on four-wheeldrive, low-range ratios, a rear differential lock, active traction control, impressive 245 mm ground clearance, 34° approach and 31° departure angles. Vehicle stability control, ABS brakes with EBD are also standard. The FJ retains its sturdy, ponderous yet unbelievably comfortable suspension which means it won’t put up with any fast corners. In a straight line, though, the lively V6 propels this 2 030 kg car to 100 km/h in under eight seconds and on to a limited top speed of 175 km/h. Parking this brute in your driveway requires R476 500 of your moolah. The Sport version retails for R500 200 and both come with a 3-year/100 000km warranty and 5year/90 000km service plan. If it’ll last as long as that old blue Cruiser is debatable, but its chances are better than most other new cars. Galimoto Media
BOLAND Auto Sold
Hermanus Times 12 June, 2014
Hermanus Times
BOLAND Auto Sold
12 June, 2014
Exciting future for MG and Maxus in SA QUICKPIC
South Africa’s MG and Maxus can look forward to an exciting future after the latest developments at its parent company, SAIC, the biggest automaker in China, the world’s biggest car market. SAIC, who took over iconic British marque MG and also manufactures the popular light commercial vehicle range of Maxus, named Chen Hong, previously the company’s president and vice chairman, its new chairman. The state-owned automaker said Chen will succeed 63-year-old Hu Maoyuan Hu Maoyuan, who retired last week after 15 years as SAIC’s chairman. Vice President Chen Zhixin, who heads SAIC’s passenger car operation, has been promot-
ed to become SAIC’s president, according to an announcement the Shanghai Communist Party Committee published on its website. Top officials of state-owned companies are all appointed by China’s ruling Communist Party. The shuffle follows the opening of a dedicated new MG plant in Thailand, where the MG3 enters production next month. MG South Africa plans to launch the extremely successful MG3 in the second half of this year. The availability of this new super mini has been hampered by massive UK demand, but South Africa will now receive cars from the new plant which opened in Thailand last month. Last year, SAIC sold 4,7 million vehicles through its joint ventures with Volkswagen and GM. SAIC Motor achieved record global sales last
year of over 5,1 million units; the first Chinese automotive manufacturer to exceed five million units in a year. Of these, 230 000 of this extraordinary end of year figure can be attributed to sales of the MG and Roewe marques worldwide, including MG South Africa. Roewe is SAIC’s in-house brand, based on MG technology. Despite being manufactured in Asia for the last five years, Maxus commercial vehicles and MG still retain their British design and technology. Maxus vehicles have been proven the most reliable in the UK for the last four years, regularly outperforming the likes of IVECO, Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen, Nissan and Toyota, to name but a few, while the new MG3 has become the biggest MG success in history in less than a year after launch. Maxus and MG are locally distributed, sold and serviced by Mandarin Motors under the
banner of Combined Motor Holdings (CMH), a leading South African motor retailer group listed on the JSE. Maxus and MG will soon have 15 dedicated dealersthroughoutSouthAfrica,withadditional service outlets in remote areas.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
12 June, 2014
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 079 PAUL WYNGAARD. Eer697 6555/082 492 4285. ste verjaarsdag (14 Junie) CHRISTELIKE AFHANKskielik weggeneem van ons. Die gemis is nog groot LIKHEIDSBEWEGING maar sal met liefde onthou Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 word. Jou vrou Freda, kin- - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. ders, kleinkinders & agter- Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakleinkind Ashri Gillion. kel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871. THANKS 1020
TO THE GIRLS at The Eatery for the great catering experience. Giovanni & Eileen Andreotti. FUNERAL SERVICES 1025
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679. ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos
12/08/1948 -10/06/2013 One year gone. "Always remembered by what you have done". From your wife Lisa, five children & 10 grandchildren.
MY CAKE ANGEL. Cakes/cupcakes for all occasions. E-mail: Call Tarryn Geyer: 076 154 9612. View:
SUGAR PLUM Party Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.
3 DAY TRIAL PACKS. Free Wellness assessments. Nutrition on the go. 1 Mimosa st, Hermanus Industrial, inside Sugarberry Distributors. Monday - Friday 8am to 1pm. Contact person Tanya 082 796 5741. DFverslankingskliniek Puik gewigsverlies. Geen Dieetmiddels! Puik met Oorgewig, Hoë bloeddruk, cholestrol, insulien weerstandigheid, swanger en mammas wat borsvoed. Elke 2de Vrydag 12:30 14:00 NG Kerksaal Hermanus. Navrae dfverslank of 082 534 5345.
LOANS 1445
CONSOLIDATION LOAN ONLINE. Up to R230 000. Bad credit welcome. E-mail: PERSONAL 1460
FIRST AID TRAINING level 3 in Hermanus on 23-27 June. (Accredited certificate). Contact Karin 084 305 2086. Hermanus self-improvement centre.
DON'T WANT TO JOIN A GYM? Come to a private studio or gym at home with qualified trainer. Richnard: 079 768 1491.
NOSTALTIQUES. Wanted: Antiques, Art, secondhand household goods. Steenbras Street 15, Hermanus Industria. 082 833 2567.
HERBALIFE. Use winter to get ready for summer! Lose weight and keep it off! Professional follow up. Free delivery. Call 076 155 9648.
SOFCA members are invited to renew their membership before the AGM on June 23 @ 15h00 in FBP.
PRESCRIPTION GLASSES LOST at Cricket Ground Saturday Market, 31st May. Blind without! Reward offered. Debbie 078 302 3424.
VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281.
ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.
KLAVIERLESSE VIR BEGINNERS oud en jonk. Skakel Amanda Hough 082 HERMANUS APPLE 595 4219. RETAILER delivers brand new iPads, iPhones, Macbooks and Macs to your door! We also provide onsite support, tutoring and expert advice for your apple device. Call Chris on (082) 856 5384 or e-mail:
LET ME DO ALL your Video and or Photography of that special occassion. 30 Years experience. Affordable.Bookings essential. MATHS TUITION. WisCall Ben 072 293 6169. kunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311.
COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.
MEMORIAL 42 YEARS ago - 11 June. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal. RIP Dad, grandpa and great grandpa. From Daniel Plaatjies.
21st - 11 JUNE. This is the most important year in your life. Enjoy your life by doing those things that gives you happiness. Remember, we are here for you always. Happy 21st birthday to you! From Mom, Micoll and Lyle.
FURNITURE WANTED. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508.
1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.
LG WASHING MACHINE in good working order - R500. Small upholstered arm chair R500. Tel 028 314 0776.
PARTY/EVENT DANCE floor for hire. Black & white check. Phone Carol or Talitha 028 313 2769. WELLNESS COACH. Free wellness evaluation.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
12 June, 2014
BABY NAPPIES from R1.70 each, ADULT DIAPERS at discounted prices. Royal Street Hermanus. Melissa 072 966 5149.
24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017. ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installatiBLANKETS, SHEETS, ons, geysers, stoves, Clothes, Ornaments, Kitgarage/gate automation, chen utensils, Hobby tools, instant hot water sysPlastic flowers, Easy tems, controlled geysers. chairs, Odds and ends. Tel: No call out fee. Call 079 079 868 9069. 706 1056/074 126 4801. BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749. ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES. We supply all your requirements and E-liquid flavours. Contact Ben Rossouw cell: 082 726 8771. Tel: 028 316 4217. 11 Branderdraai Street Sandbaai Hermanus.
FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295. FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. HERMANUS LANDSCAPING. Garden design, maintenance & irrigation. 22 Years experience. Call Paul Marx 082 32 777 04.
101 SERVICES. Handyman general. No job too small. Best rates. Pensioners discount. 15 Years experience. Call Peter 073 157 2415.
1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280.
A & A BOME. Afsaag van bome en takke, asook wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot by Rooi-Els. Aldert en Anita skakel 083 739 9865.
CINDY'S CARPET CLEANERS. Carpets, rugs & upholstery cleaners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 5385/028-316 4264.
AA WATERMARK MAINTENANCE. Irrigation design and installation. Pump repair. Repair of existing systems. Painting of houses, roofs and wood. Erecting of fencing, gates and burglar proofing. Garden cleaning, tree felling and instant lawn. Drainage and waterproof problems. Plumbing & electrical. Anything outside the house that needs fixing. Call Jay Smith 082 372 2448.
BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028ALUMINIUM ANGLO 312 2367. WINDOWS/DOORS. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 4761/084 558 1902.
DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS to ladies and mens clothing. Erna Vroom 072 380 0440/028 316 2376. Hemel-en-Aarde Estate. FLOOR SANDING & specialized installation of wood floors & timber decks. The Hutton Brothers 082 828 5627 or 028-341 0543.
111 VERMONT STORAGE. Space available, size of single garage, 24Hr ADT, secure & clean. Call 079 382 2276.
PEST CONTROL -WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028316 3010.
FOR GENERAL PLUMBING, MAINTENANCE, Roof cleaning & painting, exterior & interior or wall painting. Paving, waterproofing & tiling. Call Johan 082 216 7009. JOHAN PAINTERS. Painting of houses inside and outside. Painting of gates and fences. Gutter cleaning and maintenance. Call Johan 072 647 2328.
1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874.
BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323.
PLUMBING XPRESS. All plumbing repairs & handyREFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call man work. Rudi Williers 082 783 0312/083 456 082 885 7480. 2900. SOLARMAX. SABS PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspec- Call 082 885 7480. tions & quotation. 17 Long 24 HOUR SERVICE Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667.www.
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398
A1 STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704. BUSINESS
CHIMNEY SWEEP. Professional sweep & service of all chimney and cowling types. A clean chimney is a safe chimney. Call Peter 073 157 2415.
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828. DAIHATSU CHARADE AUTOMATIC Phone 028 312 1581. TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering. PROPERTIES
RUBBLE REMOVAAL CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervi- WATER PUMPS. Mechsion. Best prices. Free quo- Elect. Call 082 885 7480. tations. Phone Top Carpets 028-313 0721.
BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.
SMALL WIND TURBINES Also LED lighting systems. Distributors wanted. 082 257 6630. Monica.
082 414 9611
FOR HIRE TIPPER TRUCK 7m3 (10 tons) @ A1 BUILDERS. Alterati- R320/hour. Digger Loader ons, extensions, new gara- for loading, plot clearing, ges, painting (in and outroad, trenches etc. side), paving, decking. R320/hour - minimum Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 3 hours. Removal of buil072 306 1798. ding rubble, etc @ R750/7m3 load. Please call JG HOME MAINTENANCE. Alterations, buil- Kokkie Burger 083 653 ding and paint work. Phone 2546 or Gerhard at 083 955 2263.
1ST HERMANUS EXCLUSIVE CLEANING SERVICE. Once-off, weekly/monthly. Full time supervision. Honest, well trained staff. Are you moving in/out? We can help. Mon-Sat. Call 076 115 7382.
A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. For full garden maintenance, tree felling, plot clearing and refuse removal. Also small removals. Gutter cleaning. Call Morné 083 225 3712.
MANS NEW BLACK Leather hip length jacket in perfect condition R500. Tel. 028 314 0776.
I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.
DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. Fire wood. Call T.J.Boshoff 082 954 7970. E-mail:
BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact 028 312 4615 or email us at advice@bbrokers. Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website:
65M2 SHOP/OFFICE to let in Warrington Place, Hermanus CBD. Contact Xpert Property Administration at 082 870 5704.
GARDEN FLATLET Onrus (open-plan with indoor braai) available immediately at R2600 plus R200 electricity pm. (Previous rental references required). Call 084 792 1548. FOR RENT 3205
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
12 June, 2014
SELF CATERING. Fully furnished self catering unit to rent. Walking distance from CBD, secured parking, no dogs & no smokers. Available from 1 July 2014. R3500 pm, incl. water & lights. Call 082 336 7734.
SANDBAAI - Kamers in losieshuis beskikbaar. Sluit in 2 etes, wasgoed, water en krag en skoonmaak vanaf R2500. Skakel 076 512 3467. EMPLOYMENT
FISHERHAVEN: Spacious 3 b/r house. Double garage, swimming pool. R6,500 per month. Fisherhaven Properties 028 315 1990 or 082 559 4290.
A MALAWIAN MAN with code 10 driving licence & pdp & work permit is looking for work as a driver, cook or house keeper. Has contactable ref. 079 422 0687 / 074 656 9844.
WONDERFUL SOUTH AFRICAN dependable and trustworthy cleaner or nanny available with great references. Contact Rosemarie 082 877 6160. ZIMBABWEAN LADY (34yrs) looking for a domestic/babysitter workeveryday. Hardworking & honest. Call Patricia 073 956 5463. GENERAL 3680
5 STAR HOTEL seeks a Beauty Therapist. Experience essential. Please send CV to manager@ or fax 028 312 1798.
AN ESTABLISHED SIGNAGE COMPANY is A SOUTH AFRICAN lady looking for a signage producer & installer. Call 076 seeking employment as a TEACH IN THAILAND 571 5649. cashier, housekeeper or marketing@teflintlbang guesthouse attendant. DIGGER LOADER OPE- MEERENSEE: Neat 3 fur- Honest and hardworking. RATOR with PDP. Call 028 THE WINSOR HOTEL Have exp.Call 073 664 nished b/r house near 313 1036 (between 7h00 requires the services of a 2840/073 092 5914/083 lagoon and sea. and 16h30). female Personal Assistant 962 6394. Fisherhaven Properties for one of the Senior POS DADELIK Beskik028 315 1990 or 082 559 A ZIMBABWEAN LADY baar vir jong man. RekeManagers. No experience 4290. is looking for a housekee- naargeletterd ( Excel, required. Send a brief CV ping job, stay in or out for Word, Pastel). Tweetalig, (without Certificates) to ONRUS: R5500 pm: 3 days. 074 746 0886 or goeie menseverhoudings. 1 August. Old type cozy 084 304 2813. E-mail CV: qvconstruction or drop it off at reception. home. 3 Bedrooms, 2 083 bathrooms, 1 garage. No I AM ZIMBABWEAN WORK FROM HOME. 406 7384. dogs. Phone 083 429 9919. lady looking for job as domestic worker for 1-5 za. days/week. Have 7 years OFFICES experience. Ref available. 3290 Work permit. Call 078 292 300M2 OFFICES to let in 0819. Haw Street, Caledon . Con- I'M A MALAWIAN lady FOR SALE tact Xpert Property Admin aged 25 & single. I'm looat 082 870 5704. 3201 king for a job as a domestic worker. 2 years exp. ONRUS - R1,6000 OHB. Residential care and therapeutic workshops for adults Full or part time. 074 254 with intellectual disabilities 2 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, 7746. Seeks to recruit motivated and experienced persons: oopplan. Enkel motorhuis. ______________________________ I'M A MALAWIAN lady Perfek vir vakansies en NPO ADMINISTRATOR looking for a full time job. naweke. Skakel 079 363 An exciting opportunity to be responsible for overseeing Have experience in house 1873. the implementation of our strategy, ensuring delivery of keeping. Have references. care at the highest standards to our residents, whilst taking 078 323 6163. GARDEN FLATS responsibility for the overall financial and operational TO LET I'M A MALAWIAN man management of the community. 3265 This position will suit a person who wishes to contribute looking for a job as a cook, his/her experience to a residential community with 60 housekeeper or gardener. adults with intellectual disabilities and their care givers. Ref no 073 225 7160. ConFlexible work hours. tact 074 841 6669 or 073 Skills required 316 3755. * Professional financial and/or management qualification MALAWIAN LADY is * A minimum of 3 years' operational work experience at a looking for a job as a housenior management level, including strategic development, implementation and financial sekeeper/babysitter or management and controls domestic worker or chef. I * Experience of managing and leading a team effectively have 4 years experience. * Experience of the NPO and voluntary sector Reference available. Call Applications close on 20 June 2014 079 213 5018/084 839 For detailed job/person specification and application form 7014. please contact Mrs. Karin Laubscher on: 076 376 4847. MALAWIAN LADY is ______________________________ FUNDRAISER looking for a domestic or Responsibilities nanny job. 4 Days- Mon, Secure donations & sponsorships through funding Tues, Wed & Fri. Ref proposals and grant applications available. Call 071 789 Build & maintain relationships with donors 5837. Organise events MALAWIAN LADY looRequirements king for a job as a houseExperience in proposal and report writing and event management keeper/nanny/waitress or High level of computer literacy and excellent written and any other work. Please call verbal command of English Gloria 083 686 5917/073 PROPERTIES Compassion for people with intellectual disabilities 022 8377. WANTED TO RENT Send short CV to Mrs Christine Scott, fax 086 776 2764 or 3305 MALAWIAN couple looe-mail to and request king for jobs as a houseapplication form. keeper & cooking, man as a ______________________________ BOOKKEEPER gardener or housekeeper. 4 Part time position years experience. Call 079 Responsibilities 033 5300/074 824 7171. Accounting to trial balance and financial transactions SOUTH AFRICAN LADY. related to CFC My outstanding reliable Requirements char is looking for daily Experience in working with Pastel work as required. Excellent Send short CV to Mrs. Christine Scott, fax 086 776 2764 or e-mail to and request ref. Phone me Cecily 083 application form 292 2465 or Gladys Self ______________________________ 078 404 8645. TWO MALAWIAN LADIES looking for a job as a housekeeper with 3 years experience. Please call Brenda for Thurs & Saturday on 061 896 7576 or Rita for full time on 074 PROPERTY ADMINI607 1829. STRATOR looking for a small house/townhouse/ garden cottage to rent long term. Contact 082 870 5704 or xpertprop@gmail. com.
Camphill Farm Community Hermanus
2 Slaapkamer woonstel teen aan see. Ongemeublieerd, geen troeteldiere, onderdak parkering Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Augustus 2014. R3 500 per maand + vullisverwydering R140 + elektrisiteit Kleinmond Skakel 076 030 2874
Inspired Life MINISTRIES
Invites you for a time of Worship, & the Inspired Word of God
All Welcome
Sunday @ 09am-10:30 am Evening Service @17:30 Sandbaai Saal Main Rd
Cecil & Brenda James 028-316 3224
ST. PETER'S SUNDAYS 9.30 AM EVENSONG - EVERY RD 3 SUNDAY OF THE MONTH at 18:00 WEEKDAY SERVICES Every Wednesday at 7.30 st 1 Wednesday of month at 7.30 and 9.00 Every Saturday at 9.30am ST. PATRICK'S Malva Street Mount Pleasant SUNDAYS AT 8.00AM ALL SAINTS : 185 Nama Street Zwelihle SUNDAYS AT 11.00AM
15th June 2014 Morning Services:
8.30 & 10am led by Rev. Dr. James Gray Children's & Youth Ministry 9.45am in the hall
Sunday Evening:
PROFESSOR JOHN DE GRUCHY AT THE UNITED CHURCH 15 June @ 6.30pm. What is the significance of Trinity Sunday Who better to help us to understand than the world renowned Christian theologian and teacher, Professor John de Gruchy? Don't miss this. Everyone is welcome
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
12 June, 2014
Day of cycle and social fun JANINE VAN DER RIET A mountain bike-fanatic woman from Hermanus decided to host a day of fun and learning at Paul Cluver in Grabouw for fellow women cyclists on Saturday. A group of 15 ladies attended this mountain bike skills clinic to broaden their technical skills on single track and small emergency repairs when on a ride. Klaradyn Stemmet says the main idea be-
Jill is looking for a home after spending many years at Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society.
Jill looking for forever home
Elzaan Visser riding on a wooden bridge.
The Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society is trying their best to find a home for Jill. Jill has been with KAWS for so long, she lost count of all the years. She is about six years old and yet she has to spend winter in and out at KAWS. Jill is a very happy, friendly and sweet girl. She enjoys water a lot and will be happy with a walk every now and again on the beach. This Collie cross breed will fit perfectly into a home with an older couple, as she is not that energetic anymore. She gets along well with other dogs, but tend to get a bit jealous when she is with a human that she thinks is hers and hers alone, but she doesn’t fight, she just gives a little warning. She walks wonderfully on a lead. Contact Nicola Ramos on 084 803 8873 or or Helene Strydom on 073 354 4915 or
Tanya Jovanonvski | 082 411 9599 | Victor Schonborn | 083 792 4169 |
BOLAND NETBAL: Dié vier leerders van Hoërskool Herma nus is in verskeie Boland Netbalspanne opgeneem. Hulle neem op verskillende tye gedurende die JunieJulie vakansie aan toernooie deel. Amor Plaatjies is gekies vir die o. 13 Bo landspan, Liske Hunter vir die o. 18 WesKaapspan, Hanerie van Zyl vir die o. 15 Bolandstreekspan en Jaiden Dickson vir die o. 14 Bolandstreekspan (reserwe).
Klaradyn Stemmet and Corné Barnard from Rockhopper Adventures repairing a flat tire. PHOTOS: JACQUI JACKSON (chiropractor), Antionette van Vuuren (physiotherapist), The Original Deli, Refine, The Salon, Arabella Hotel & Spa, Eat restaurant, Rentalsdotcom, Wildekrans and Rockhopper Adventures. “Mountain Biking is a sport which offers exercise, great time in the outdoors and an opportunity to make new friends,” says Stemmet. She has already had enquiries as to when the next event will take place. She says the next day out will be soon and they will keep everyone posted.
SHOWTIME: A Miss Gay pageant was held in the Moffat Hall in Mount Pleasant on 23 May. The event, which was wellattended, was organised by Maria WIlliams as a fundraiser for her daughter who is a debutante at Hawston Primary School. The contestants (with their stage names only) included, from left: Bodesha (second princess), Gigi (Miss Personality), Tatiana, Tessa, Natalie (first prin cess) and Miss Lee (winner of the pageant and crowned as Queen).
RUGBY: Twee leer ders van Hoërskool Hermanus is opge neem as deel van die o.16 Boland Grant Khomospan. James MaoCheia (heelagter) en Cris ham Lucas (vleuel) sal nou dié span ver teenwoordig.
Address: Voortrekker Road, Malmesbury, Western Cape Shopping centre with 11 secure tenants. Silent Auction By Tender. Tenders close on 23 June at 12 Noon Auction Venue: 222 Main Road, Rondebosch Offers can be delivered to our Head Office in a sealed envelope or emailed to Tanya. For more information pertaining to this property or to view please contact Tanya on the contact details below. Tanya 082 411 9599
hind this day was showing women that they can have immense fun in a male dominated sport. “There are so many awesome MTB routes in the Overberg, and this is a sport you can do with your kids, hubby or just friends. We were 15 ladies varying from ages 21 to 52 – and we all had an awsome time.” She says mountain biking is an opportunity to network and make new friends, and has far outgrown golf in terms of sponsors as well as being “the” sport to do amongst the men! On Saturday, the group learnt new skills at the Paul Cluver bike park, had wine and champagne and enjoyed lunch. Corné Barnard from Rockhopper Adventures was the trainer for the day and according to Stemmet, he was awesome with the ladies and made it a day to remember. The fun day included sponsored prizes to the value of R10 000. Prize categories varied from the muddiest bike, the biggest fall, the loudest yeller, the most skilled and the most glamorous. “Local businesses really supported our ladies event, and we would like to thank each and every one of them: SA Forest Adventures, Amri Hair Salon, Dr C Gordon DC
Bathing suite parade at the recent Miss Gay pageant.
MUNICIPAL NOTICE 2014/2015 Integrated Development Plan (IDP) Review and 2014/2015 District IDP Review Time Schedule Notice is hereby given in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) and the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) (Act 56 of 2003) that the 2014/2015 Integrated Development Plan (IDP) Review and District IDP Review Time Schedule of the Overberg District Municipality were adopted by Council on 26 May 2014. The 2014/2015 IDP Review and District IDP Review Time Schedule can be viewed at the Overberg District Municipality’s head office, regional offices, local municipalities, libraries and Thusong Service Centres in the district and on the Municipality’s website at
Address: 117 Main Road, Hermanus 22 separate units ,GLA 2000m2, Zoning B1. Nett rental income of R 181 854,00 pm Silent Auction By Tender. Tenders close on 25 June at 12 Noon Auction Venue: 222 Main Road, Rondebosch Offers can be emailed to Recommended bidding from: R25 000 000.00 Contact: Tanya 082 411 9599 Cedric 082 554 1887
Three-year Budget/Medium-term Revenue and Expenditure Framework for 2014/2015 to 2016/2017 Notice is hereby given in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) (Act 56 of 2003) that the Three-year Budget for 2014/2015 to 2016/2017 of the Overberg District Municipality was adopted by Council on 26 May 2014. The Three-year Budget for 2014/2015 to 2016/2017 can be viewed at the Overberg District Municipality’s head office, regional offices, local municipalities in the district and on the Municipality’s website at Head Office: 26 Long Street, Bredasdorp Regional Offices: Caledon: 4 Field Street, Caledon Swellendam: Craig Street, Swellendam Hermanus: 15 Flower Street, Hermanus D Beretti - Municipal Manager Arina Wilson 109779
BOT RIVER RAINBOW: This rainbow was captured on Monday morning at the mouth of the Bot River Estuary in be tween two showers. PHOTO: MEGAN CAMPBELL
Hermanus Times
Sport Sport
12 June, 2014
GOLF DAY: Curro Hermanus hosted their inaugural Curro Hermanus Open golf day on 30 May at the Arabella Golf Club. It was a perfect day for golfing and a field of 80 players were competing in a four ball alliance, with two scores counting towards the tournament. The day’s winners were Ilze Pe tersCloete, here with Hennie Mentz, the ex ecutive head at Curro Hermanus, Lindsay Henderson, Willis Coetzee, and Thea Al bertyn, who ended the day on a massive 94 points to be declared the overall winners of the event. Coetzee was also awarded as the best lady golfer.
2ND PLACE: In second place was the four ball with André Pollard, Eddie Con radie jr, Dr. Chris van der Merwe, and Malcom Law. Here are André Pollard, Hennie Mentz from Curro Hermanus and Malcom Law at the prizegiving.
3RD PLACE: Curro Hermanus ended in third place. From left are Dexter Rowinger, Barry and Debbie Jones, Hennie Mentz and John Lange.
Golf roundup with Julian Shaw Well, what can we say about this week but wet, wild, windy and cold. Consequently not much golf was played at all! Tuesday’s ladies’ day rained out and Wednesday’s men’s day was a disaster, but luckily Saturday was a beautiful day and play resumed with a friendly stableford alliance to ease the golfers back onto a rather soggy course. Winning the day with a super 95 points were our tame gorilla Andrew Philip, Tyron Davidowitz, John Reynell and Joe Lyon. Second place by one point were Mike Brownlee, Peter Boshoff, Willie Vanderhoeven and the ghost was John Simson. Well done guys. Last week Monday saw an amusing incident when
Alan Toombs after heroi cally saving a ball from the water hazard. a four-ball of senior golfers were playing the 13th. Clive Day had to chip from the cart path towards the water hazard and Alan Toombs went to stand as “back-stop” on the hazard side of the green to prevent the chip from going into the water.
The ball promptly skipped over the green and Alan, the good wicketkeeper he is, gathered the ball before it could disappear into the deep. The rest of the fourball, standing opposite the hazard, saw him lunge for the ball, only to disappear completely from view! He unfortunately had lost his footing against the steep bank and toppled over backwards into the water hazard. A few moments later Alan re-appeared, dripping wet but still wearing his hat – and with golf ball aloft! He was wet from head to toe with green slime on his hat and one of the quick thinking golfers was out with his camera phone! Well done Alan Toombs, aka “the fish”.
Universals rugby on the ball against Cheetahs Last Saturday Universals rugby team travelled to Grabouw to play against the Cheetahs. Cheetahs had previously only lost one game and were determined to topple the unbeaten log leaders.
However, Universals made it eight out of eight in a hard-fought encounter which saw them win convincingly 27-15. The man of the match was Brendan Barends, who had a sterling
game. Allen Tobias scored a gem of a try which was the try of the match. A great team effort. Universals’ next game is at home on 21 June against Struisbaai. – INVIC
SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 34 of the Insolvency Act No 24 of 1936 (as amended) that Oskars Delicatessen (Pty) Ltd Reg no 2011/132050/07 intends selling the business known as Oskars Harbour Road which conducts its business at 8 Harbour Road, Hermanus as a going concern within a period of 30 (thirty) days after the publication of this advertisement to RGM Weir and CGE Weir who will thereafter conduct the business at the said address. Dated at Hermanus this 5th day June 2014. BUSINESSADVICE BROKERS, PO BOX 1131, HERMANUS. TEL 028 312 4615 KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING VAN BESIGHEID Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 34 van die Insolvensie Wet Nr 24 van 1936 (soos gewysig), Oskars Delicatessen (Edms) Bpk Reg no 2011/132050/07 van voornemens is om die besigheid bekend onder die Oskars Harbour Road wat handel dryf te Haweweg 8, Hermanus, as ‘n lopende saak te verkoop binne ‘n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae na die publikasie van hierdie advertensie aan RGM Weir en CGE Weir wat daarna die saak by dieselfde adres en onder dieselfde naam sal bedryf. Gedateer te Hermanus hierdie 5de dag van Junie 2014. BUSINESSADVICE BROKERS, POSBUS 1131, HERMANUS. TEL 028 312 4615
GOUDWENNERS: Jukskei SA het onlangs ’n suksesvolle toer na Namibië onderneem en verskeie medaljes verower. Links voor is Yvette Botha, van die Groenberg Jukskeiklub, saam met haar trotse span wat goud verower het.
Poor results for DOGS The DOGS played an Indivual Stableford on 10 June in Kleinmond. Conditions were perfect on Tuesday but the scoring defied explanation. The main suggestion for the poor scores was that the pack was suffering from collective anxiety. DOGSbody is off overseas for a couple of weeks. How will Deputy DOG cope? And will the leader of the pack be allowed back with the new Home Affairs draconian (and cash-generating) regulations? The Ex-Pole-Dancer was so anxious he was constantly lifting his head to see what was going on around him, which may be another explanation for his low, but winning, score. The Yorkshire Ripper was anxious when he shot a hole-inone on the par 58th, but, as the hole in question was a drainage pipe, there was no need to call ADT to fetch his wallet. Results: 34 André Franken; 33 Jon Forsyth, Trevor Vaughan, Ian Newman; 31 Alan Smith; 30 Dave Smith, Richard Ridge, Fred Garrett; 29 Peter Sulley; 28 Gordon Wilson; 24 Peter Theron, Dave Rade; 23 Pat Dewil; 22 Mike Graham, Michel Maury; 21 Robin Clacher (guest); 19 Gary Wentzel; 12 Keith Gillott – DAVE SMITH
Whalers Athletic Club - Time trial results – 5 June: 3km Runners: 1 Daniel Maree 14.30 ; 2 Les Hanna 15.18 SB. 3km Walkers: 1 Willie Loedolff 26.43 5km Runners: 1 Sign Mawunda 19.00; 2 Peter Rhuduka 19.33; 3 Mikki Milne 23.23 SB; 4 Jeremy Browne 23.23. 8km Runners: 1 Roelof Van Weele 42.30. 29 May: 3km Runners: 1 Jonathan Austin 16.06; 2 David Austin 16.10. 3km Walkers: 1 Willie Loedolff 25.48. 5km Runners: 1 Evan Austin 22.09; 2 Daniel Maree 23.06; 3 Loudie Vorster 24.55; 4 Andre van der Merwe 24.55; 5 Anzel du Plessis 26.05; 6 Mikki Milne 26.05; 7 Carina van der Merwe 26.13; 8 Roelof van Weele 26.13; 9 Les Hanna 26.38; 10 Christine Hibberd 26.38; 11 Karin Austin 26.55; 12 Hugh Waters 29.39; 13 Norma Wheeler 29.39; 14 Gavin Turner 29.39; 15 Josef du Preez 30.12 5km Walkers: 1 Arlene Ehrenberg 41.40; 2 Emmie Gouws 41.40. 8km Runners: 1 Sign Mawunda 29.56; 2 Frank Gillion 34.00. Bridge results: Wednesday 4 June: N/S: 1 Joan O’Connor / Julie Cotton 60 05%. 2 André Wagenaar / Toni Mathem 54.76%. 3 Sue / Marion 53.70%. E/W: Anneke vd Burg / Annaloes Hoeve 60.42% 2 Riekie Louw / Betty Nel 59.82% . 3 Betty Ann / Sue 56.25%. Friday 6 June: 1 Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 67%. 2 Juliana Dockel / Janice Ospovat 58%. 3 Julie Cotton / Joan O’Connor 57%. Saturday 7 June 1 Peggy Nicholson / Janice Ospovat 60.71%. 2 Anneloes Hoeve / Carin Verburg 58.93%. 3 Lynn Beukman / Carol van Dyk 55’95. Monday 9 June 1 Carin Verburg / Wina Loubscher 66.21%. 2 Toni Mathem / Betty Nel. 3 Claudine Bylsma / Peggy Nicholson 59/07%.
KENNISGEWING VAN GEREGTELIKE VERKOPING VAN ONROERENDE EIENDOM IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN CALEDON GEHOU TE CALEDON Saaknommer: 308/12 In die saak tusen NQABA FINANCE 1 (PTY) LTD (Eksekusiekuldeiser) en MNR NATHAN BRADLEY SIMMERS (Eksekusiekuldenaar) Ten uitvoerlegging van ’n vonnis van bogemelde Hof gedateer 21 Junie 2013, en ’n Lasbrief vir Eksekusie, word die onderstaande eiendom in eksekusie verkoop op Woensdag, 2 Julie 2014 om 11:00, by die perseel self, te wete Hoopvolstraat 21, Bergsig, Caledon, 7230, aan die hoogste bieër. Die eiendom wat verkoop word, word as volg beskryf: ERF: 927 Caledon IN DIEAFDELING: Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit GROOT: 320 vk meter GEHOU KRAGTENS TRANSPORTAKTE: T10723/86 STRAATADRES: Hoopvolstraat 21, Bergsig, Caledon, WEs-Kaap SONE: Residensieël WOONHUIS: Sitkamer/TV-kamer, 4 slaapkamers, 1 kombuis & 1 badkamer VERBANDHOUER: NQABA-FINANCE 1 (PTY) LTD Volledige verkoopsvoorwaardes lê ter insae by die kantore van die Balju, Caledon en sal voor die aanvang van die verkoping deur die Balju voorgelees word. Geteken te Caledon op die 27ste dag van Mei 2014. GUTHRIE & THERON, EISER SE PROKUREURS, DONKINSTRAAT 21, CALEDON, 7230. (VERWY: MVVW/LH Lêernr: Jv0206)
9 771608 589068
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Legacy brings home gold from Cape Classic The team from the academy did an outstanding job of bringing home 17 gold and one bronze medal. With over 700 entries, the championship saw all the Western Cape clubs compete in various modes and styles. This tournament was held in preparation for the South African Open for mixed and sport martial arts championships later this year. At the championships, the team decided at the last minute to compete in the tag team-fighting event, without having received any former training. Shihan Ruehan van Romburgh, François Thorne, Keagan Seal and Casper Swart took on their opposing tag team and ended up winning the event. The team members were praised for their commendable sportsmanship and passion.
Qhayiya soccer team is tops On Friday 30 May at 16:00, Qhayiya Secondary School’s soccer team played two Overberg School League matches, one against Umyezo wama Apile and one against Gansbaai Akademie. The scores were: Qhayiya vs Umyezo wama Apile 0-0, and against Gansbaai Academia 2-2. Because of the superb reputation of Qhayiya as the top team in the Overberg Education District,
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Atlantic het verlede Saterdag weg teen Napier gespeel. Die C- en B-spanne het swaar onder die skeidsregters deurgeloop. Die A-span wen
19-18 (4 punte). Die B-span verloor 12-13 (1 bonus). Die C-span verloor 10-13 (1 bonus). Atlantic A vs Napier A Dit was ’n harde wedstryd en Atlantic moes veg vir sy oorwinning en was gelukkig toe Napier nie sy laaste drie kon kry nie. Die A-span is nou weer die nuwe voorlopers met 23 punte. Die A-spanne het goeie agterlynbewegings uitgevoer. Die puntemakers was Evan Visser: doelskop (1) en strafskoppe (4), en Brendon Viegeland: drie (1). Die speler van die wedstryd was Viegeland. Atlantic speel sy volgende wedstryd tuis op 16 Junie teen Grabouw. Atlantic B vs Napier B Die B-span het hul eerste nederlaag gely met 12-13. Die B-span is nog steeds voor op die punteleer en kan teen Grabouw tuis ver voorloop. Die puntemakers was Damian Coert: drie (1), Keanon Lukas: drie (1) en Herschel Verm: doelskop (1). Telling 12-13. Speler van die wedstryd: Anwar Spandiel. Atlantic C vs Napier C Die C-span was ongelukkig om te verloor. Rustydtelling was 7-7. ’n Drie aan Napier het die C-span 10-13 gesink. Die puntemakers was Monroe Jacobs: strafskop (1). Angelo van Schalkwyk: drie (1) en Nohen Fick: doelskop (1). Speler van die wedstryd was Zebloyo. Atlantic speel op 16 Junie tuis teen Grabouw, die laaste wedstryd van die 1ste ronde. – WCM GIBSON
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Gansbaai gave them a tough time and it was revealed that they have been practising since the beginning of the year just to beat Qhayiya. They nearly managed in their objective, but Qhayiya proved too much for them because of the technical skills inculcated into them by their coach Nkosinathi Joja. The two goals for Qhayiya were scored by Zuko Jeko and Sinethemba Liwane. – MOGAMAT KAMEDIEN
Atlantic A voorloper ná goeie wedstryd
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The Legacy Martial Arts Academy decided at the last minute to enter a team for the tag team event. The team ended up taking first place and were commended for their skills. From left: Francois Thorne, Shihan Ruehan van Romburgh, Keagan Seal and Casper Swart.
Wayne Oosie
Qhayiya Secondary School’s soccer team is re garded as the team to beat in the Over berg School League.
The team of Legacy Mar tial Arts Academy in Her manus that participated in the NMAISKA’s Cape Classic. From left: Zaanru Fraser (gold), François Thorne (three gold med als), Keagan Seal (two gold and one bronze medal), Lance Anders (gold), Shihan Ruehan van Romburgh (two gold med als), Landre Botma (two gold medals), Quintin Ben zien (gold), Dean Moller (two gold medals).
The kickboxing students of the Legacy Martial Arts Academy in Hermanus recently took part in the kickboxing organisation NMA-ISKA’s Cape Classic mixed and sport martial arts championship held in Parow.
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