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THURSDAY, 13 FEBRUARY 2014 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316
Jou Koerant • Your Newspaper
Rassismeklagte absurd, sê hoof van laerskool
Amphitheatre concept at Grotto scrapped 3 Popup wedding saves the day 9 SPORT: Marifeed wins bowls (32); plus skolesport foto’s (13 en14)
’n Bejaarde man se motor het Sondag deur ’n sekuriteitskompleks se omheining gebars en wieleindielug teen ‘n muur tot stilstand gekom. FOTO: ANNA BRAND/EMR
Inwoners van Onrus Close kon skaars hul oë glo toe hulle die voertuig op sy neus in die kompleks sien staan. FOTO: ILZE SMITH
lik sy bewussyn verloor en sodoende die ongeluk veroorsaak. Die bestuurder is deur ambulanspersoneel van EMR na die Hermanus-hospitaal gebring. Hy verkeer in ’n ernstige, maar stabiele toestand. ) Last Sunday afternoon a man of 70 drove through a boundary fence and upended his car against the wall of a unit in the Onrus Close complex. Authorities are still investigating the cause of the accident. The man apparently drove out of the Onrus Trading Post and straight over the Main Road. The driver was taken to hospital in a serious but stable condition by paramedics.
Nadat die voertuig terug op sy wiele ge plaas is, was die skade aan die Hyundai duidelik sigbaar. FOTO: MAGDA DU TOIT
Onderstebo op sy neus JANINE VAN DER RIET ’n Bejaarde man het Sondagmiddag die Hoofstraat in Onrus oorgesteek en in ’n woonkompleks vasgery, waarna sy motor vooroor geslaan en stert-in-die-lug teen ’n muur te lande gekom het. Die 70-jarige motoris het na bewering by die Onrus Handelspos inkopies gedoen en ongeveer 16:45 uit die parkeerarea gery. In plaas daarvan om links of regs in die Hoofstraat te draai, het hy lynreg oor die pad geskiet en dwarsdeur die omheining van die Onrus Close-woonkompleks ge-
ploeg. Sy Hyundai-sedanmotor het teen die motorhuis van een van die wooneenhede in die kompleks in ’n vertikale posisie op sy neus tot stilstand gekom. Magda du Toit, wat in die boonste woonstel bly, sê sy en haar gesin het in die sitkamer gesit toe hulle meteens ’n harde slag hoor. “Ons het uitgekyk, maar niks in die pad gewaar nie. Toe ons na links kyk, sien ons die voertuig binne die kompleks teen die muur van ’n motorhuis, met sy stert in die lug. Daar was een persoon binne die voertuig.” Ann Marais, nog ’n inwoner, het die slag gehoor maar nie die
ongeluk gesien nie. Sy sê baie motoriste het stilgehou en vinnig die owerhede in kennis gestel. Die bestuurder was sowat 35 minute lank in die voertuig vasgekeer. Beamptes moes eers die voertuig weer op sy wiele kry voordat hy uit die voertuig gesny kon word. Die eerste ambulans was om 17:05 op die toneel, waarna die brandweer en EMR ook opgedaag het. Du Toit sê toe die ongeluk plaasvind, was daar gelukkig geen kinders wat op die grasperke binne die kompleks gespeel het nie. Ander ooggetuies beweer die bejaarde man het moontlik tyde-
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
13 February, 2014
Rassismeklagte absurd en lasterlik, sê skoolhoof Cher's Nails
Manicures, Pedicures Various Nail varnish colours or Gelish Paints. Also available is “Nail Art Tattoos” done on finger nails or toe nails. “Prices available on request” Ladies.......I travel to your place or can be done at my home. Address: Vermont, Hermanus Cell: 082 337 4853 Email Address: cheziepack@gmail.com
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Bring your items I will give you a TRUE and HONEST Valuation Then, take the best price for your items. GATVOL Vir skuld, Garnishees, Skuldeisers? Kan nie bekostig om hulle te betaal nie. Praat met ons oor hoe ons jou kan help, sonder om enige kostes aan te gaan. Hoe? Bel Ons. Ons gee ook kontant lenings. Arno 072 067 0917 Ons is geregistreerd by die NCR.
JANINE VAN DER RIET “Hierdie is die ergste vorm van naamskending en laster denkbaar!” So sê Barry Cilliers, skoolhoof van Laerskool Hermanus, ná ’n dispuut met die ma van ’n 10-jarige seun wat ’n rasse-vete op die sosiale netwerk Facebook ontketen het. Daar is ook oor die aangeleentheid berig in twee poniekoerante. ’n Blanke ma van ’n graad vyf kleurlingseun, beskuldig Cilliers van rassisme nadat haar seun nie in dié skool toegelaat is nie. Die ma en seun se name is bekend aan die Hermanus Times, maar om die identiteit van die minderjarige te beskerm, word die name weerhou. Op verskeie blaaie op Facebook word die skoolhoof onder meer uitgekryt as ’n rassis en leuenaar. Die ma beweer sy het op 17 Januarie saam met haar (blanke) dogter by die skool aangekom om navraag te doen oor toelating vir haar seun. “Ek het eers op 14 Januarie gehoor die maatskappy waarvoor ek gewerk het, maak toe en ons moes inderhaas van die Kaap na Hermanus verhuis. Dit is die rede vir die laat aansoek.” Sy sê Cilliers en die sekretaresse het haar verseker dat daar plek vir haar seun sal wees, en die familie moet net haar seun se oorplasingskaart van sy vorige skool in Gordonsbaai, asook sy geboortesertifikaat, aan Laerskool Hermanus gee vir toelating. “Ons is die Maandag terug skool toe en toe die hoof uit sy kantoor kom, het hy my nie eers gegroet nie. Terug in sy kantoor het die sekretaresse met hom gaan praat, maar sy het aan my gesê die hoof sê daar is geen plek nie. Ek het gevra om die hoof self te sien, waarna sy weer met sy dagboek na sy kantoor is. Toe sy terugkom het sy weereens verduidelik dat die hoof sê hy kan my nie help nie.” Die ma beweer ná sy aan die sekretaresse verduidelik het dat geen skool ’n kind mag weier nie, is sy weer terug na die hoof se kantoor. “Die sekretaresse het uitgekom, weer gesê die hoof kan my nie sien nie, en gesê ek kan my kind by ’n kleurlingskool, soos Hawston Primêr, inskryf.” Cilliers ontken dat hy enige kontak met die ma gehad het. “Die enigste kommunikasie was ’n skriftelike brief wat aan haar gestuur is om haar in kennis te stel dat haar kind vierde op die waglys vir die graad vyf Afrikaanse klas is.” Die skool se register, wat aan die Hermanus Times oorhandig is, wys dat die ma eers op 23 Januarie ’n aansoekvorm aangevra het. “Sy was nie self by die skool nie, maar het
iemand gestuur om die aansoekvorm namens haar op te tel,” sê Cilliers. “Op 27 Januarie het die ma die vorm ingehandig, maar die skool was reeds vol.” Volgens die register is daar nog drie blanke leerlinge ná die ma se seun wie se laat aansoeke ook afgekeur is weens die feit dat die klasse vol is. Die sekretaresse by die skool ontken ook ten sterkste dat sy die ma na Hawston Primêr verwys het. Die ma beweer sowat ’n week gelede is twee graad vyf-leerders in die Afrikaanse klas ingeskryf. “Hoe kan die skool vol wees as daar dan twee weke ná my aansoek twee wit kinders ingeskryf is?” Cilliers verwys weer na die register as bewys dat geen leerlinge in dieselfde klas ná die seun se aansoek in die skool toegelaat is nie. Cilliers sê die samestelling van Laerskool Hermanus word baie goed verteenwoordig met alle kultuurgroepe. Hy stuur elke Donderdag die name van leerlinge wat op die waglys is, soos gespesifiseer deur die onderwysdepartment se beleid, deur na dié department. Volgens Cilliers is die seun se naam ook deurgestuur. Die departement kyk dan waar anders hulle die leerlinge kan akkommodeer. “Dit is ’n illusie dat ons in die verlede leef met apartheidsdrome. Dit is absurd en lasterlik.” Intussen sê die ma dat haar seun by vriende in Gordonsbaai bly, waar hy steeds skoolgaan. Hy is emosioneel onstabiel, sê sy. “Elke Sondag wanneer die kind moet teruggaan Gordonsbaai toe, is dit ’n tranedal en hy voel verwerp.” Die tegnologieklas en wetenskapklas by Laerskool Hermanus word tans as ekstra klaskamers gebruik. “Die skool is ’n model vir enige ander skool. Die ouers van die skool het reeds tien klaskamers, ’n skoolsaal en ander fasiliteite gebou, plus 11 ekstra onderwysers aangestel, juis sodat ons meer leerlinge kan akkomodeer en toegang kan bied tot puik onderrig,” sê Cilliers. Hy sê voorts dit blyk dat daar ander magte agter die skerms is “wat hierdie lasterlike storie dryf”. Paddy Attwell, direkteur: kommunikasie van die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartment sê hulle is bewus van die saak. “Ons bevestig dat die skool vol is en dat die kind vierde op die waglys is. Ons weet dat die ouer onlangs na Hermanus verhuis het en as gevolg hiervan kon sy eers in Januarie aansoek doen.” Attwell sê verder dat die skool die aantygings van rassisme ten sterkste ontken. ) Groblersdallers van Hoërskool Ben Viljoen: reunie vir oudskoliere van 1953 tot 1960. Vir meer inlig ting, skakel 076 115 7382. ) Child Welfare South Africa: Hermanus is loo king for people interested in fostering a child. Any person who feels they can open their heart and home to a child is welcome to phone Geraldine Skots at 028 313 0830.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
13 February, 2014
Amphitheatre concept scrapped CILENE BEKKER The amphitheatre concept at Piet se Bos at Grotto beach, which had Voëlklip residents and homeowners hot under the collar, is no longer on the cards. According to a statement released by the Overstrand Municipality on Tuesday, ‘the amphitheatre concept will not be entertained further’. At the public meeting on 18 January to discuss the development proposals for Grotto beach, which included a double storey restaurant and an amphitheatre, the vast majority of the attendees were not supportive of the proposed amphitheatre, as reported in the article ‘NO! to Grotto amphitheatre’ published in the 23/01/2014 issue of Hermanus Times. People who reside around Kirstenbosch in Cape Town highlighted excessive noise pollution from the outdoor theatre. Also, should classical music concerts be held, the music will not be audible due to the noise generated by wave action. On consideration of these viewpoints, the municipality says in its release that it is clear from the first hand experience of those who live in close proximity to an amphitheatre elsewhere, that the proposed amphitheatre will not add value to the residents and/or the community. As for the proposed double storey restaurant on the footprint of the old Nautilus (that burnt down years ago) the majority of attendees had felt that the site of the existing eatery, Dutchies, should be upgraded to fulfil the function of a restaurant and that there would be no need for the old Nautilus to be resurrected. The municipality, however, says the proposed restaurant and kiosk facilities will be established on the old Nautilus site, but that the structure will be downscaled in terms of height to a flat roof structure and elevated on stilts to make provision for possible erosion activities. They add that this proposed activity does not require a Basic Assessment Report (BAR), since it commenced before 1998 and this aspect was clarified with the Department of Environmental Af-
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fairs and Development Planning. Neil Hoogenhout, one of the convenors of the Grotto Beach Action Group (GAG) says he is “extremely pleased that the amphitheatre concept will not be entertained further and I am sure all the supporters of our Action Group and attendees of the 18 January meeting will feel the same. We will now get legal advice as to what paperwork and notifications are required to ensure that this idea cannot be resurrected sometime in the future”. As for the restaurant site, he says: “My personal view is that the overwhelming opinion at the 18 January meeting was that the restaurant should be on the existing Dutchies site and not on the old Nautilus site. I think the view was expressed at the meeting that it is indeed disturbing that the Overstrand Municipality intends relying on the fact that the old restaurant was on the site before the laws were changed. They have the perfect opportunity to move the buildings back to the setback lines prescribed by the new laws. I am sure this subject will be further investigated by some of the 18 January attendees. As for my personal view: I cannot imagine how terrible a restaurant on stilts will look at that location.” With regards to the envisaged rehabilitation of the wetland and upgrading of the picnic area, of which the attendees were in favour, the municipality confirms that this will still form part of the process. The picnic area (where the amphitheatre was planned) will be landscaped with shaded facilities and utilized as a picnic and braai area. Asked what the next step is now, the municipality responded that the BAR will be amended and include plans reflecting the amendments and will be made available on the Overstrand website. All registered parties will be notified in the prescribed manner as determined by legislation, which will include a comment period. The final BAR, once the latter public participation process has been finalised, will be submitted to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning for consideration. All documentation of the public participation process will form part of the final BAR, said the municipality.
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Hermanus Times
Nuus News
13 February, 2014
BMW AFGESKRYF: Vier mense is beseer toe die bestuurder van ’n BMW Saterdagmiddag beheer oor die voertuig ver loor het op die Karwyders kraalpad. Volgens ’n oogge tuie het die BMW ’n paar keer gerol tot waar dit in ’n sloot tot stilstand gekom het. Al vier insittendes is uit die voertuig geslinger. Die mense was van af Hermanus na Caledon on derweg. Hulle is na die Her manushospitaal geneem, waarna drie van die vier be seerdes na Tygerberghospitaal oorgeplaas is.
Met bykans 100 jaar ondervinding in begrafnisversekering en begrafnisdiens, verseker AVBOB dat daar goed na u en u geliefdes omgesien sal word. KRY TOT R4000.00 KORTING OP ’N BEGRAFNIS OF VERASSINGSDIENS Alle lewens wat ons ’n AVBOB-polis verseker is, kwalifiseer vir gratis vervoer van die oorledene in Suid-Afrika en kry tot R4000.00 korting op ’n begrafnis op voorwaarde dat die begrafnis deur AVBOB Begrafnisdiens uitgevoer word. Vir meer inligting kontak 028 312 1156/7 of Theresa Maree by 082 829 4285 of besoek ons by AVBOB Hermanus, Royal Straat 5 Hermanus
Drie verdagtes vas ná roof
AVBOB open Hermanus-tak Daar word nog afrondingswerk aan die nuwe AVBOB-gebou gedoen en van die meubels is nog in hul plastiekomhulsels, maar in haar kantoor is Theresa Maree al druk aan die werk. Haar man, Lukas, het ook sommer self sy moue opgerol en hand bygesit om die opknapping van die gebou te voltooi. “Ons is baie opgewonde oor die nuwe perseel,” sê Theresa van die ou vissermanshuisie in Royalstraat wat nou spog met ’n splinternuwe baadjie. Daar is onder meer ’n ruim ontvangsarea, verskeie kantore, ’n badkamer en besigtigingskamer. As die nuwe agent van AVBOB Hermanus, woon die Marees ook op die perseel, wat beteken dat hulle 24-uur ’n dag beskikbaar is. AVBOB is landswyd bekend as begrafnisondernemers, maar eintlik is hulle jou eenstop onderneming wat gespesialiseerde begrafnisversekeringspolisse en -dienste aanbied vanuit 156 agentskappe in Suid-Afrika en Namibië. Theresa is al deel van AVBOB sedert 1996, en het AVBOB oor die jare verteenwoordig in Edenvale, Pietermaritzburg, Pretoria en Durban, voordat sy en Lukas onlangs na Hermanus verhuis het om die nuwe tak te bestuur. “Ons het nog altyd van die Kaap gehou,” sê Theresa, “en ek het altyd gedink ons sal eendag in Agulhas aftree. Maar nou is ons hier in Hermanus.” Sy en Lukas verskaf ’n een-stopdiens, sê sy, wat
alles insluit. “Ons reël die blomme, die kis, die registrasie van dood, die lykswa, die diens, die predikant, die kerk, selfs die doodsberigte in die koerant. “Naasbestaandes is dikwels diep bedroef en in ’n toestand van skok, en ons poog om hulle by te staan en te help sodat hulle nie nog hoef te sukkel met al die praktiese oorwegings en bekommernisse wat met die afsterwe van ’n geliefde gepaard gaan nie.” Theresa sê sy voel saam met haar kliënte, veral diegene wat ’n kind aan die dood moes afstaan. “Dis gewoonlik vir my die heel ergste. As iemand oud was, en veral as iemand lank siek was, is die dood soms ’n verligting want dit beteken die lyding is verby. ’n Skielike dood, soos in die geval van ’n ongeluk of ’n hartaanval, is moeiliker vir naasbestaandes om te aanvaar. “Mense ervaar die dood en beleef hartseer op verskillende maniere, maar mens moet altyd simpatie en empatie hê. “En soms is daar selfs ’n tikkie humor,” voeg sy by. “Die dood is deel van die lewe en ons loop nie altyd met lang gesigte rond nie.” Mens kom gou agter dat AVBOB vir Theresa en Lukas meer as net ’n werk is; hulle stort hart en siel in die dienste wat hulle aan die publiek lewer. Kontak hulle by 028 312 1156/7.
Theresa en Lukas Maree in AVBOB se splinternuwe Hermanus-tak in Royalstraat.
All lives assured under an AVBOB Policy qualify for free transportation of the deceased within South Africa and get up to R4000.00 discount of the funeral, provided the funeral is conducted by AVBOB Funeral Service For more information please contact 028 312 1156/7 or Theresa Maree on 082 829 4285 or visit us at AVBOB Hermanus, 5 Royal Street, Hermanus
Drie plaaslike verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem ná ’n Somaliese winkeleienaar in Stanford aangerand en beroof is. Die voorval het op 27 Januarie om 11:30 plaasgevind. Die Somaliër is met ’n mes aangehou en daarna met ’n ysterstaaf geslaan en
van R4 000 beroof. Hy is met rib- en longbeserings na die hospitaal gehaas waar hy in ’n stabiele toestand verkeer. Sarena Hugo, woordvoerder van die Stanford-polisie, sê die verdagtes is spoedig aangekeer en in hegtenis geneem.
ESTATE AGENT’S BOARDS SET ALIGHT: On Saturday night ADT se curity staff discovered an estate agent’s boards along Main Road in Voëlklip that had been set alight. Although some of the boards were still burning they could not track the perpetrators. Elize du Toit Prop erties is offering a R1 000 reward to anyone who can help bring these perpetrators successfully to trial. Elize can be contacted on 028 313 2911 or email her at du toits@telkomsa.net.
No serious incidents HPP No serious incidents were reported by Hermanus Public Protection (HPP) for the month of January. Among the incidents reported were two cases of shoplifting. The first happened at a clothing shop where a school boy stole a pair of shoes to the value of R89,99 and the other at a hardware store where a man was arrested for stealing locks to the value of R228. Other incidents investigated by HPP in the
month of January include: ) A member of the public reported that, while walking on the cliff path at Langbaai, a man approached and flashed his private parts at her. Officers were ordered to be on the look out, but the suspect could not be found. ) A resident phoned HPP complaining about an HPP guard sitting by a wall in Voëlklip. It was confirmed that the patrol officer was resting and within her time limit.
HERMANUS: HERNUWING VAN OORSKRYDINGSOOREENKOMSTE OP 'N GEDEELTE VAN MUNISIPALE EIENDOM Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Raad aansoeke ontvang het vir die hernuwing van drie oorskrydingsooreenkomste op Munisipale eiendom, synde 'n gedeelte van Erf 4771, Voëlklip, ingevolge die Raad se Beleid opAdministrasie van Onroerende Eiendom van 2009, vir tuinmaak doeleindes. Die aansoeke is per afspraak gedurende normale kantoorure ter insae by Stadsbeplannings kantore, Paterson Straat 16, Hermanus. Navrae moet gerig word aan Léandra Minnaar, by die Hermanus Stadsbeplannings kantore (028 313 8109) of lminnaar@overstrand.gov.za. Aansoekers: Smith Familie Trust, Laubscher Familie Trust en Van Zyl Familie Trust Ligging: Gedeelte van Erf 4771, Voëlklip, aangrensend aan erwe 7502, 7503 en 7504, Voëlklip Enige beswaar teen die voorgestelde oorskrydings moet behoorlik gemotiveerd en skriftelik wees en die ondergetekende voor of op 14 Maart 2014 bereik. Persone wat nie kan lees of skryf nie mag die Munisipale Kantore besoek waar 'n personeellid behulpsaam sal wees om hul kommentaar en/of besware op skrif te stel. Kennisgewing Nr. 1/2014 Munisipale Bestuurder 13 Februarie 2014 Munisipale Kantore, Hermanus HERMANUS: RENEWAL OF ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENTS ON A PORTION OF MUNICIPAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that Council received applications for the renewal of three encroachment agreements on a portion of Municipal property, being a portion of Erf 4771, Voëlklip, in terms of Council's Administration of Immovable Property Policy of 2009, for gardening purposes. The applications can be viewed by appointment during normal office hours at the Town Planning offices, 16 Paterson Street, Hermanus. Enquiries must be directed to Léandra Minnaar, at the Hermanus Town Planning Offices (028 313 8109) or lminnaar@overstrand.gov.za. Applicants: Smith Family Trust, Laubscher Family Trust and Van Zyl Family Trust Locality: Portion of Erf 4771, Voëlklip, adjoining erven 7502, 7503 and 7504, Voëlklip Any objections against the proposed encroachments must be properly motivated in writing and be lodged at the undersigned by not later than 14 March 2014 Persons who are unable to read or write can submit their objection/comments verbally at the Municipal Offices, where they will be assisted by an official to put it in writing. Notice No. 1/2014 Municipal Manager 13 February 2013 Municipal Offices, Hermanus
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
13 February, 2014
Persombudsman se bevindings
It is in this modest Plettenbergstyle home in the now deserted De Mond Caravan Park that 81yearold Elizabeth Theron awaits her fate. She has lived here for 17 years and, being de pendent on a state pension, she claims to have nowhere else to go. PHOTOS: HEDDA MITTNER
Court to decide on last residents at De Mond HEDDA MITTNER
at an auction in February 2013 to recoup some of the costs, Only three resibut most of them dents are still livwere dissatisfied ing in the once with the bids popular De Mond achieved, which Caravan Park in they considered to Voëlklip, where be only a fraction of generations of the the real value. same family had Others took what spent idyllic holithey could remove days for more than themselves and simhalf a century. ply left the rest behind. The camp is The park now re- The park has been littered with rubble and still strewn with sembles a ghost has not been cleaned since the members of rubble and dilapitown after the more the De Mond Caravan Park Association were dated structures. than 200 members of evicted more than a year ago. “There was no orthe De Mond Caravan Park Association (DMCPA) were forced der for compensation of members of the DMto leave the premises more than a year ago – CPA as the lease allowed them only to erect movable structures and compelled them to with the exception of five individuals. Now Elizabeth Theron (81), Keith Hamp- remove them on termination of the lease and shire (63) and Hanna Auret (66) are the only also these structures did not improve the ones left of the five residents who were ex- land,” says Lakey. The municipality intends to develop the empt from the eviction order handed down by the Western Cape High Court on 10 Decem- site as a public resort in accordance with the restrictive condition contained in the origiber 2012. Unlike the other members, who only spent nal Crown Grant of 1942, which states that holidays at the camp and who own other the land may not be sold and may only be property, they claim to be living there on a used for resort recreational purposes. “Public resorts such as camping and carapermanent basis and that they have nowhere van parks are usually utilised on a seasonal else to go. Theron, Hampshire and Auret were basis for a relatively short period each year,” served with yet another eviction order in Oc- says Stephen Müller, director of infrastructober 2013 and according to Desmond Lakey, ture and planning at Overstrand Municipalisenior manager for legal services at the Over- ty. “As a result they are often not financially strand Municipality, the matter is on the unviable and do not represent optimal utilisaopposed High Court roll of 28 February. This latest development comes after the tion of scarce resources.” Müller says if, however, facilities were to Overstrand Municipality, who owns the land on which the park is situated, decided not be provided to accommodate large tourist or to renew their lease with the DMCPA, which conference groups throughout the year, occupancy rates may be increased by a considexpired on 29 February 2012. Following a protracted court battle, mem- erable margin, holding many positive advanbers of the DMCPA were given only 11 days, tages for the broader local community. He until 21 December 2012, to vacate the premis- says that when combined, the land under dises and another three months after that dur- cussion presents an excellent opportunity ing which they were allowed to gain access for this type of development. According to Riaan Kuchar, senior managfor the purpose of removing their caravans and Plettenberg-style homes which they had er: town planning and property administration, the municipality is finalising the tender erected on their stands over the years. Several members sold these structures, documents and the tender will be advertised along with furniture and other belongings, before the end of this month.
Met verwysing na die berig Tiaan nou ook sy kunsbeen kwyt, gepubliseer in die Hermanus Times op 5 Desember 2013, het die nasionale persombudsman die Hermanus Times berispe. Hiermee die bevinding van die persombudsman. Die nasionale persombudsman het Hermanus Times berispe omdat ons nagelaat het om die Tiaan Boshoff-fonds se mening oor die eienaarskap van sekere sporttoerusting te publiseer. ’n Administrateur van die fonds het ’n klag by die persombudsman ingedien oor ’n storie wat ons op 5 Desember verlede jaar gepubliseer het onder die opskrif “Tiaan nou ook sy kunsbeen kwyt”. Die storie sê dat ’n saak van diefstal teen die administrateur by die Hermanus-polisie geopen is “nadat Tiaan se kunsbeen, handfiets en tennisrolstoel van hom weggegneem is”. Die seun (14) is sonder ’n linkerbeen gebore en sy regtervoet is daarna afgesit. ’n Fonds is gestig waarna ’n handfiets, ’n tennisrolstoel en ’n prostese vir sy gebruik mettertyd gekoop en/of verkry is. Die persoon se naam word nie genoem nie omdat hy/sy nog nie in die hof gepleit het nie. Die klag was dat die joernalis nie die inligting gebruik het wat beskikbaar gestel is nie (waarin gesê word – reg of verkeerd – dat die toerusting aan die fonds behoort, en nie aan Tiaan nie), dat die koerant die klaer nie genoeg tyd gegee het om behoorlik kommentaar te lewer nie, en dat die storie feitelik verkeerd is. Die ombudsman, Johan Retief, het gesê dat die saak tans voor die hof is. “Ek gaan (en kan/mag) daarom nie enige uitspraak lewer oor wie die wettige eienaar van die goedere is nie – dit is die hof se taak; ek is ook nie geïnteresseerd in die vraag of die
administrateur (of die fonds se administrateurs) dalk met hul optrede gefouteer het nie. Ek gaan my beslis nie op die hof se terrein begewe nie. “My enigste belangstelling in hierdie saak is in die vraag of die koerant eties berig het (lees: opgetree het in ooreenstemming met die letter en gees van die perskode).” Hy het beklemtoon dat daar ’n ander mening was as ons s’n oor die eienaarskap van die artikels. Die administrateur het hierdie ander mening aan ons oorgedra, betyds vir publikasie – en die publiek het die reg gehad om oor hierdie kernaspek ingelig te word. “Die feit dat die koerant nie oor bogenoemde berig het nie, was daarom onbillik en het die potensiaal gehad om die administrateur en die fonds onnodige skade te berokken.” Retief het dit egter betreur dat die klaer nie sy/haar weg oop gesien het om betyds op verdere vrae te reageer nie. Hy het ook die Hermanus Times versoek om die klaer die geleentheid te gee om sy/ haar mening te gee in die vorm van ’n brief aan die redakteur (indien so verkies). (Sien die brief op bl. 10.) Besoek www.presscouncil.org.za vir die volledige bevinding. ) Intussen is Tiaan se kunsbeen, tennisrolstoel en resiesfiets teruggegee aan hom, soos berig in die HT (Tiaan het nou al sy items terug - 2014-01-30). Tiaan Boshoff se pa, Bossie Boshoff, het intussen ook ’n saak van diefstal teen die administrateur geopen. Tydens ’n spoliasie-aansoek het die hof bevind dat Tiaan se kunsbeen aan hom teruggegee moet word. Die administrateur van die fonds het nie die bevinding teengestaan nie, en het ook nie in die hof opgedaag nie en die bevel is toe permanent toegestaan. – RED
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
13 February, 2014
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Algemeen General
Thieves have pricey taste JANINE VAN DER RIET Three housebreaking and theft cases were opened in the last two weeks where goods worth thousands of rands were stolen while the owners of the houses were asleep. According to lieutenant Fadila September, spokesperson for the Hermanus Police, in most burglary cases a window or door is usually left open. On 28 January at a house in Voëlklip, the family went to bed at around midnight. A small window was open through which the suspect gained entry and then looked through the entire house. In the study, next to the main bedroom, the suspect took various items of expensive men’s clothing and shoes, cash, credit cards and a laptop. “The house was in chaos when I woke up the next morning. The suspect(s) searched through everything, but they only took expensive goods and did not take any food or alcohol,” said the owner, who does not want to be named. Some of the stolen items were later recovered high up on the mountain in Voëlklip. On 31 January, the owners of a house in Eastcliff did not turn on their alarm and said it appears the suspects gained access through a fan light window. The suspect(s) stole shoes, an expensive watch and ring, a laptop, iPads, cellphones and a camera. The next morning when they woke up, they found the front door open and realised they had been robbed. On 3 February, at a house in a secure estate in Vermont, the owner was woken up by screams. Friends of the family, visiting from overseas, had woken up and screamed when they realised the house had been burgled. Besides the cellphones, iPads, perfumes, wallets, cash and handbags that were taken, the friend’s British passport was also stolen. The police are investigating the cases and no arrests have been made.
UNCLAIMED: This beautiful dog was picked up by concerned policemen in the Hemel enAarde Valley near De Bos Dam on Thursday. The officers took the dog to the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society. Please contact Haws on 028 312 1281.
Hermanus Times 13 February, 2014
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
13 February, 2014
Gear up for next Adventure Race The main sponsors The Good Hope FM include Land Rover Adventure Race, SA, GoPro, Tsogo which was a soldSun, Coca Cola, Cape out event when it Country Meander, was launched for Cape Whale Coast the first time in and Wesgro – the proMarch last year, vincial tourism auwill again take thority. The event place this year on 15 aims to raise funds March. for Overstrand Billed as the largTraining Institute est mixed adven(OTI) and communiture race in South ty projects they have Africa, the event identified. will once again One of the teams that entered the inaugu “The marketing start in Caledon ral GHFM Adventure Race last year was value to the regions and take partici- the Superheroes, who were photographed is estimated at appants on a fun-filled at Gearing’s Point when one team mem proximately R1 milroute through the ber had to take the zipline across the sea lion, with exposure Cape Whale Coast and down to the Old Harbour to get their on Good Hope FM and the Cape Coun- next clue. PHOTO: HEDDA MITTNER and numerous teletry Meander as they follow the clues provided and complete var- vision programs,” says Lerm. “Unfamiliar places and adventures make ious activities along the way. Adrenalin-junkies will have the time of this event a unique marketing tool – visits their life as they zipline, sandboard, canoe, to venues such as museums, nature reblob and paintball their way to the finish serves, the penguin colony and Shark Conline. Towns along the route include Her- servancy, to name but a few, help to create manus, Kleinmond, Betty’s Bay, Bot River a larger awareness of the area’s diverse attractions.” and Stanford. Teams of four to five participants with “Participants this year will experience a few alternative adventures, and the route their own vehicle can register online at and clues along the way have been re-in- www.saforestadventures.co.za from 15 Febvented so as not to favour last year’s contest- ruary. Only 250 teams will be allowed to enants,” says Clinton Lerm of SA Forest Ad- ter, so be sure to enter early and avoid disappointment. ventures, who organises the event.
REAL ACHIEVEMENT FOR 86 YEAR OLD: Anna Andersen, a lo cal member of Curves Fitness for women has reached her 1 000 workout milestone at the age of 86 years. She has changed her health life by doing 30 minutes at a time, three times a week. Anderson joined Curves Fitness in 2006. An na says that her arthritis is much more under control since she has been exercising and that she has much less of those “painful days”. On Anna’s right is the owner of Curves Fitness, Jenni Sadie.
Hermanus Dry Cleaners Hermanus Dry Cleaners, wat reeds die afgelope 40 jaar ’n bekende baken in Hermanus is, het sedert Augustus 2013 letterlik en figuurlik ’n splinternuwe baadjie aangetrek. Leon Weakley en Manny Dos Anjos is die trotse mede-direkteure van hierdie nuut-opgeknapte onderneming. Anso ten Have het in September as bestuurder by die span aangesluit en het haar sedertdien baie goed van haar taak gekwyt. Dienste wat gelewer word, is hoofsaaklik die droogskoonmaak van klerasie, gordyne en meubeloortreksels. Deur ook die volledige funksie as wassery te bied, laat dit kliënte vry om Hermanus en omgewing se natuurskoon en strande te geniet. Sedert Desember verlede jaar is daar ook ’n volledige reeks huishoudelike skoonmaakmiddels teen mededingende pryse beskikbaar. Dienste gelewer deur Hermanus Dry Cleaners sal ook binnekort uitgebrei word om aansienlik meer fasette van die skoonmaakbedryf te bedien. Kom besoek hulle gerus in Mitchellstraat 8 en ontmoet die bekwame en vriendelike span agter die skerms.
Hermanus Dry Cleaners spog met sy splinternuwe baadjie.
Die personeel van Hermanus Dry Cleaners is van links Johan Burger, Leon Weakley (mede-direkteur), Elsie Minnaar, Lee-Ann van Staden, Carlin Spandiel, Gladine Phillips, Roxy Stewart en Anso ten Have (bestuurder). Voor is Esmie Montague.
Stony Point ontwikkeling in Bettysbaai byna voltooi FANIE KRIGE Die nuwe eko-inligtingsentrum en teekamer van meer as R9 miljoen op Stony Point, Bettysbaai, sal na verwagting binnekort geopen word. Dié toerismeontwikkelings-projek is verlede week deur lede van die Parlementêre Portefeuljekomitee oor Toerisme besoek as deel van hulle toer deur die Overberg.
Lede van die Mooi Uitsig Trust by rdl. Lisel Krige (regs). Hulle is, van links: Sophia Adonis, Joseph van Wyk, Magrietha de Bruin (ondervoorsitter), Gavin van Niekerk en Muvine Hartog. FOTO: FANIE KRIGE
Die ontwikkeling is deur die Nasionale Departement van Toerisme befonds en uitgevoer deur die agentskap Cassidra. Die besoekers het ook kennis gemaak met lede van die Mooi Uitsig Trust, wat deur Cassidra op die been gebring is as regsliggaam vir die Mooi Uitsig-gemeenskap, die beoogde begunstigdes van die projek. Die projek is byna voltooi en wanneer dit na verwagting einde Maart oorhandig word, sal daar buiten die ekosentrum en teekamer ook ablusiefasiliteite, ’n stoor vir ’n patrollieboot van CapeNature, parkeerareas, buitelug-toeligtingsborde en sitplek op die terrein beskikbaar wees. ’n Mentor is vir ses maande aangestel om die Mooi Uitsig Trust met sy bedrywighede by te staan.
Die voorsitter van die Parlementêre Portefeuljekomitee, Donald Mlindwa Gumede, het gesê hy sal graag wil sien dat daar met sulke projekte ’n volhoubare lewenswyse in gemeenskappe gevestig moet word. “Wanneer mense ’n goeie bestaan voer, word daar nie net meer werksgeleenthede geskep nie, maar misdaad neem ook af. Veral in landelike gebiede moet mense met mekaar saamwerk om die beste uit hul omstandighede te haal,” het hy gesê. Die ander belangegroepe in die projek is die Overstrand-munisipaliteit, die Bettysbaai-belastingbetalersvereniging en die Bettysbaai-bootklub. Ook betrokke is die WesKaapse Departemente van Omgewingsake en Ontwikkelingsbeplanning, Kultuursake en Sport.
MUSIEKSKOOL GEOPEN: ’n Inwoner van Mount Pleasant, William Solomons (links), het onlangs ’n musiekskool, Reach and Te ach, geopen om uit te reik na jongmense en vir hulle musiekvaardighede aan te leer. Solomons en sy assistent, Damian Solo mons, bied dromlesse, verskillende kitaar lesse, klavier en sanglesse aan teen slegs R50 per uur. Hulle hou ook elke Woensdag ’n bidsessie by die musiekskool in Tulp straat 22, en nooi almal uit om te kom bid vir dwelmverslaafdes en kinders wat die pad byster raak weens ander probleme. Kontak Solomons op 071 7731 898 vir meer inligting. FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
13 February, 2014
Popup wedding saves the day
HEDDA MITTNER Quick thinking, a positive attitude and swift action were needed to save the day when a couple cancelled their wedding only hours before the fairytale event was to take place in Hermanus. Karen Wurbach from Best Days event planning and co-ordination, says she received a call on Saturday morning from the not-so-lucky couple, who lives in Gauteng, to cancel their beach-themed wedding scheduled for 15:30 that afternoon at Kammabaai. The ceremony was to be followed by a reception at the Classroom restaurant, where Kevin and Sumien Warwick were to serve the 32 confirmed wedding guests a three-course dinner. Karen had everything ready, from the decor and flowers to the printed menus and the DJ, chef Anli van Vuuren had already baked the wedding cake and Kevin and his team were about to start prepping all the food when they received the news. “The tables had been set, we had organised the waiters and had taken no bookings for lunch or dinner because the venue had been booked exclusively for the wedding reception,” says Sumien. “At first we did not know how to react because it felt unreal. In all the years that Kevin has done catering for weddings, this has never happened. All we’d received was a deposit from the bride.” “At first we were just devastated,” says Karen. “Kevin was about to let his staff go and close up for the evening, but then I thought: let’s
FLOWER POWER: Father Adrian Knight (right), priest at St Peter’s Church, handed over a cheque for R25 000 to Kobus Esterhuyse (second from left), general manager of Overstrand Hospice, in the church garden on Friday 7 February. The money was raised through the recent St Peter’s Flower Festival, which was organised by Ann Harvett (left) and Christine Ross (second from right). The main purpose of the festival was to raise funds for Overstrand Hos pice and St Peter’s. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
The illfated ‘bride’ and ‘groom’ were toasted in their absence and a great wedding party was en joyed by all. rather dó something!” After consulting with the Warwicks they decided to go ahead with the reception and set about inviting people to enjoy the dinner at a discounted rate in order to recoup some of their losses. “Within a few hours we managed to round up more than double the amount of people than those who were to have attended the (real) wedding,” says Karen cheerfully. The pop-up wedding proved immensely popular and she says they had “a great party”. “We made up two scarecrows from the Hemel-en-Aarde Garden Market to look like the bride and groom and they were seated at the bridal table next to the wedding cake,” says Sumien. “The DJ played the wedding march and Kevin, acting as MC, proposed a toast to the couple in their absence. The ‘wedding guests’ chimed in with ‘...for they are jolly good fellows’, the dance floor was opened by Karen in the arms of the
Karen Wurbach from Best Days event planning and coordination opened the dance floor in the arms of the ‘groom’. ‘groom’ and at the end there were the usual thank you speeches.” Sumien says the guests partied until late and had an unforgettably fun evening. Says Karen: “Thanks to everyone pulling together, including Dieter Lauff from Function Hire who donated all the glassware and DJ James Peiser who kept everyone entertained, we were able to turn a most unfortunate situation into Hermanus’s first pop-up wedding.”
WINNING CHEESERY: Klein River Cheesery near Stanford was recently named the winner of the third annual Woolworths Cheese Maker’s Chal lenge. Here the proud owners Riaan and Shelly Lourens and their daugh ter, Sandy, stand next to Klein River’s cheese mak er Jacko van Beulen hold ing a wheel of the win ning cheese, the Oak Smoked Stanford. This small familyrun cheesery on the banks of the Klein River is no stranger to accolades, and they have been producing multi awardwinning Gruyere for many years. The milk for their cheeses comes from three neighbouring farms where the herds graze on the val ley’s fertile pastures. The Oak Smoked Stanford is matured for three to four months and cold smoked, with the addition of shavings from oak wine barrels giving the cheese its unique flavour. Woolworths introduced the Cheese Maker’s Challenge in 2011 to encourage small, local chee series to create new and exciting cheeses.
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
13 February, 2014
Arguments for and against shopping mall EDITORIAL COMMENT Unity in diversity If the letters and SMSes sent to the Her manus Times in the last two weeks are anything to go by, the main topic of con versation is currently the proposed retail shopping mall in Sandbaai. The fact that opinion is divided is not necessarilly a bad thing, as it brings dif ferent aspects of the development and its possible effects, both negative and positive, to the fore. It is essential that we as residents take all these differing opinions into conside ration so that we can be proactive in stead of reactive, as is so often the case. Any development, especially of this magnitude, has an impact on our town, and consequences that have to be antici pated. The level of response so far is a clear indication that as residents we all care deeply for our town, and the preservati on of its future as both a prime tourist destination and a place we feel privile ged to call home.
Burns Night Supper a great success On Friday 24 January members of the Scottish community and friends held a Burns Night Supper at the Hermanus Golf Club to celebrate the birth of Robbie Burns. This was enjoyed by all and Overstrand Hospice received a wonderful donation of R4 573 which is greatly appreciated by the Hospice team.
Get on with CBD upliftment What I have read in the Hermanus Times regarding the mall in the last while boggles the mind. My family and I moved to Hermanus just over a year ago, and we are proud to call Hermanus home. The only disappointment for us is the constant delays in the building of the mall. To see the reactions from some sections of the community to the mall is surprising. Some of the arguments raised are simply ludicrous. If you want to question the accuracy of research done, where is the research you have done? It seems some interesting conclusions are reached based on nothing but perceptions. The CBD needs revitalisation, mall or no mall. Get on with it.
When it comes to shopping malls, Hermanus residents have diverse opinions, none of which are, of course, irrelevant. There are two broad schools of thought: “for” and “against”. Both schools have compelling arguments to support their particular standpoint. In August 2012 I took a fairly strong stance against the Whale Coast Village Mall (the mall) which was followed up with an article in HT on 12 December 2012. My argument, which forms the basis of those ‘against’, was: ) Creates additional supply of shopping space. ) Consumer base essentially remains static. ) Does not necessarily create additional long term jobs. ) Existing “cake” sliced in smaller slices. ) Viability of old and existing businesses being compromised. ) Attracting down-market businesses to the CBD. For every 10 m² (real number is 3 m²) of shopping space built outside the CBD, the CBD will lose 1 m² – therefore the CBD stands to lose some 2 870 m²,– creating a vacuum of surplus space. We have already seen a move of the CBD towards the developments on the eastern boundary of the CBD. The vacuum being filled by downmarket establishments. There are many case studies where this was evident, for example George, Plettenberg Bay, Rustenburg, Somerset West etc. It is a pity that we have waited two years to wake up at the eleventh hour about the reality of the mall. Things have also changed since 2012 and the National Development Plan was introduced to address poverty, unemployment and inequality. The Overstrand has a population of some 84 000 people, 47 000 of whom live in the greater Hermanus area. Officially the unemployment rate is 23% (my guess, it is hugely understated), but among the youth, which makes up more than 25% of the population, it is 35%. From an income perspective more than 67% of the population earns less than R6 400 per month and some 52% less than R3 200, of which 16% have no income. The average per capita income is around R2 200. With negative savings this makes the Overstrand a very poor community.
Our town is in dire need of investments in businesses in order to create jobs and broaden the tax base. I am sure that Retail Africa did their homework in order to earn a reasonable return on their investment and on that score the viability of the mall is entirely their risk. The mall should create some 500 – 1 000 direct and indirect temporary jobs during the construction phase and possibly another 50 – 100 permanent jobs. Considering that since 2004 only ±1 200 jobs were created, it stands to reason that any additional jobs created, against the current economic background, is to be encouraged. It should also have a knock-on effect on local businesses and this needs to be addressed, given the history of previous developments where local businesses were side-lined. There is a window of opportunity from now until construction has been completed, during which the plans of the CBD Committee in conjunction with Overstrand Municipality can be refined and implemented to reinvent the CBD as something we all can be proud of. We know what the problems are. It is how we work around these problems towards a positive result that becomes the challenge. Cape Town did it, so can we. For the record, I still think that the mall, as the two parking garages with the best views in the world, are the products of a lack of a clear vision and strategy for Hermanus and should never have happened. However, given the current economic imperatives I believe on balance of the facts, it is in the interest of the broader community that the mall goes ahead – we need the investment and the creation of jobs. There is no alternative that I am aware of. The consequences of not having an alternative strategy to create jobs and alleviate poverty could be dire. This should concern all of us. Public participation (real face-to-face, not just the mechanical ticking of boxes) and complete transparency will be needed during the lead up to the construction of the mall to ensure that hard pressed ratepayers don’t see the council transfer a huge debt burden or increased rates/tariffs to fund infrastructure related to the development of the mall. The ratepayers should not be out-ofpocket as a result of this development.
Die Tiaan Boshoff Fonds is in 2011 gestig; die publiek kon ook geld direk aan die Boshoffs skenk. Die meerderheid donateurs was sakelui van Gauteng, maar bydraes is ook vanuit die plaaslike gemeenskap ontvang. Die Boshoff-familie het geldelike bystand ontvang uit die fonds en gratis chirurgie is vir Tiaan gereël. Die handfiets en die tennisrolstoel is deur die fonds gekoop vir sy gebruik. Daar is herhaaldelik gestel dat die fonds eiendomsreg behou en dit is deur die boekhouer as bate gelys. Die Boshoffs het in Maart 2012 die fiets van Ernst van Dyk gekoop en die fonds het besluit dat hul fiets vir twee maande gedeel moet word met gestremde persone van Hawston. Hierdie kontrak is onderteken, maar verbreek – Hawston-atlete is verhinder om te oefen, terwyl Tiaan albei fietse gebruik het. Tiaan het die prostese op 29 September 2012 ontvang. Die getekende kontrak stipuleer dat die prostese die eiendom van die fonds bly totdat dit afgeteken word deur die mediese span ná suksesvolle rehabilitasie. Volgens die kontrak het Tiaan onderneem om die prostese daagliks te dra en rehabilitasie en sielkundige berading te ondergaan. Hy het egter nooit die prostese daagliks gedra in 2012 nie. Reëlings is toe getref met die skool dat Tiaan die prostese in Januarie 2013 daagliks sou dra. Volgens die fisioterapeut het hy egter nie geoefen gedurende die Desember-skoolvakansie nie en rehabilitasie moes in 2013 van vooraf begin. Hy het sy prostese gedurende die afgelope 15 maande net sowat agt keer skool toe gedra. Op ’n jaarvergadering van die donateurs in Julie 2013 is besluit om die fonds te hernoem na die Children’s Mobility Fund om ander gestremde kinders te help. Die donateurs het besluit om die handfiets aan die atlete van Hawston, en die prostese aan ’n ander gestremde kind, te skenk. Daarisweer’nkontrakaandieBoshoffsgegee met die stipulasie dat die prostese teruggeneem sal word as die kontrak verbreek word. Tiaan is ’n verdere vier maande gegee om die prostese daagliks te dra, maar hy het nog steeds geweier. Die professionele span het aanvaar dat hy nie permanent met die been sou stap nie en wou nie verdere druk op hom plaas nie. Daarom is die prostese teruggeneem.
Tom Liebenberg, regsverteenwoordiger van die Boshoffs, is deur die HT genader vir kommentaar: “Ons kan nie kommentaar lewer op die brief nie. Kriminele sake word nog ondersoek. Die saak is sub judice.”
Dié dienslewering is na volgenswaardig
Van molle en walvisse – op hol oor die mall Die sakekamer nooi almal uit vir ’n vergadering oor die mall wat hulle wil bou in Sandbaai. So gaan sit ons toe in die “hall” en luister hoe gryse wyses brom oor die mall. Die saaltjie is vol en die sakekamer is mooi paraat, sommer met koffie en gassprekers. Een gasspreker is werklik vol gas, soos hy stoom en prut oor aardverwarming en klimaatsverandering, nasionale en provinsiale omgewingsplanne, maar net soos ons ogies begin toeval bring hy uiteindelik die kloutjie by die mall, deur aan te beveel dat die munisipaliteit eerder vir die armes huise daar bou. Slaan my met ’n slap snoek! Ons dog die oom is ’n “stand up comedian” (wel, dan moet hy nog bietjie oefen) want dis immers private grond. Maar miskien is hy die EFF se agent hier, om sommer left, right en senter grond te kom onteien! Die volgende paar sakemanne praat ook vaagweg teen die mall, maar mens wonder of hulle ook vir die armes wil huise bou, en of hulle net nie nog kompetisie teen hulle in die dorp wil hê nie en dit probeer wegsteek agter ’n vrees vir Sjinese, ag skuus, vir die verval van die CBD. Hulle betoog dat die SieBieDie (CBD) meer seedy en lelik gaan word en verval in ’n gangster hool, en dan sal al die toeriste wegbly, as hierdie monster mol gebou word. (Het nou nie werklik gebeur toe die Stasie
Prostese teruggeneem ‘omdat Tiaan dit nie dra’
mall en Woolies gebou was nie, maar nou ja, selfde koor en selfde song was ook daar toe die Gateway mall jare gelede gebou is.) Ons gaan loop toe rond op die grond van die toekomstige mall. Dit sal mos heet die “Whale Coast Mall”. Maar ons lag – hulle lieg! Dis nie eers naby die kus nie en daar is ook geen walvisse te sien nie! Ons almal noem dit sommer klaar “Sandbaai se mol”. Wel, dis eintlik nou net regte molle en daai Aussie-plakkers, Port Jackson, wat opslaan so ver die oog kan sien. Ons, ek en die honde, loop versigtig deur Port Jackson Park en dis ’n groot plesier vir my twee vlooi taxi’s om “free range’”rond te kan hardloop en snuf vir die molshope. Dink toe: mense maak darem maklik walvisberge van mall-hope. Ek dink by myself, ’n mol speel mos nie met ’n walvis nie, ’n mol steel nie ons fraaie kuspaadjies, toeriste of mooi eet- en koopplekkies by die waterfront nie, en ek dink geen toeris (behalwe Noord Koreane miskien?) gaan kuier in malls terwyl hulle in ons mooi sonskyn op die pragtige kus walvisse kan kyk en roomys kan eet nie. Il faut cultiver son propre jardin – Losweg beteken dit: Everyone should mind their own garden / Elkeen moet sy eie werf bearbei (kultiveer). Waarby ek voel kom ons, wat in die CBD werk, maak eers reg hier (in ons eie tuin).
Wat menigte kliënte se wagwoord ten opsigte van dienslewering is, kan baie gemaklik beskryf word met die dienslewering by Supa Quick, Hermanus. Daar word telkemale onredelike goeie diens verwag van sekere instansies (ek dink byvoorbeeld aan bankwese, wat volgens my ’n slaansak geword het vir dienslewering), maar daar is ook (nog altyd) billike verwagtinge rondom goeie dienslewering. Ek is nie ’n verkrampte persoon wat ’n soeklig op “outydse” dienslewering wil plaas nie. Ek dink met ’n nuwe hoed op my kop. Dit vir my, beteken net ’n diensleweringsfirma wat net meer as die nodige sal doen om my as kliënt se behoeftes in ag te neem. Ek weet dat Oosie en sy span by Supa Quick legendaries is, en ek wil dit net bevestig. Dit sal onregverdig wees om die detail te beskryf rakende die diens wat ek van Oosie gekry het. Ek dink dit sal hom bankrot maak as hy die diens aan almal gee! Maar ek weet hy sal dit doen. Dit is dié onbaatsugtige houding wat van hom so ’n groot sukses maak. Baie dankie vir jou ongelooflike diens met my bakkie se “gesing”, wat toe uiteindelik ’n voorwiellaer was. Hermanus kan sowaar trots wees om jou as besigheidseienaar en inwoner te hê. Met groot waardering
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
13 February, 2014
ZEBRA VS ZEBRA: An schen du Plessis, ’n vry skut fotograaf wat on langs na SuidAfrika te ruggekeer het van Dubai, het hierdie foto aan Hermanus Times gestuur. Sy skryf: “Om dat ek ’n fotograaf is ‘sien’ ek altyd ’n po tensiële foto. Ek kon nie anders nie as om hier die een te neem van ‘n Zebrapadroller wat reg oorkant die Zebra Cros sing restaurant in Her manus se hoofstraat aan die werk was.”
BEAUTIFUL HERMANUS: Hugo Uys from Hermanus spent his son, Corné’s birthday at Grotto beach where Corné’s friends and family joined them for a sunny day out. “We are so blessed to live in this awesome town,” Uys said proudly. From left: JohnRoss Court, birthday boy Corné Uys, Rayniel Ferreira, Luka Jasprica, Nathan Day, Callum Haskell, Dean Moller and Waldo Uys. PHOTO: HUGO UYS
) I wish those protesters will gather all their energy
and go and protest against real animal abuse, such as dog fighting here in our midst. The circus ani mals are well looked after and loved by their train ers. Rather stop dog fights. – JEANETS ) It’s about time that reporters become aware of the conditions in circuses in which animals are kept, and the suffering they are forced to endure for training purposes. This is all for the lowgrade entertainment of people who are utterly oblivious of such conditions and training. Of course I am referring to the circus in Hermanus which you fea tured.– JUDY DEWIL ) People in Hermanus appear to love and care for their animals and yet a circus featuring caged wild animals forced to “perform” unnaturally is allowed in town. I believe this should be seriously reviewed. ) There is a shop in Hermanus selling lion’s teeth. Perhaps we should offer our tourists scrimshaw, stuffed oyster catchers and seal skins. ) What’s the point now of climbing Hoy’s Koppie if the new building blocks the view of the sea? ) Another mall, another block house? We need
an upmarket conference centre with cinemas, not a cheaper tin of baked beans. Is there no loyalty to local businesses? Why is B.R.I.C.S holding their conference in Kleinmond? A missed marketing op portunity served on a plate.– GAYNOR PULKER ) To the person who stated the architect who de signed the Woolworths building and adjacent “blockhouse” should catch a wake up. Any archi tect, when commissioned to design any type of structure or building, is informed by the client as to the required style and dimensions of the structure required. To state that the architect singlehanded ly destroyed the view from Hoy’s koppie is a blatant insult. What people are you referring to? How many people climb the koppie to look at that specif ic “blockhouse” view? You are challenged to sub mit, in the HT, your design of what you perceive the “blockhouse” should have looked like. Then allow us to comment on and/or insult your effort. Don’t criticize without providing an alternative so lution.– HG ) Die CBD het nie genoeg parkering vir al die inwoners/besoekers nie en swak diens en hoë pry se laat my oor die berg vlug vir inkopies. Die anti mall’ers is selfsugtig en geld georiënteerd.– IN WONER VERMONT ) Tripping over broken paving, dodging between wares packed on the sidewalks, paying for park ing or shopping serenely in air conditioned, safety with free parking at a mall? No competition.– JL ) Ek stem saam met ander Sandbaaiinwoners dat veral senior burgers die mall sal verwelkom. Dink aan brandstof besparing. Gun ons iets.– IN WONER GOLDEN HARVEST
Light rain measuring no more than 0,8 mm can be expected today (Thursday) between 11:00 and 17:00. But because of the warm upper air, the moisture moving in from the sea will not be able to rise sufficiently to form clouds that could bring more rain. The Overstrand will enjoy sunny skies over the weekend.
) To the nameless person who said we should clear Sandbaai beach ourselves, what do we pay taxes for? Not everyone is fit and able to tackle such a big job, or have the funds and trucks to do this.– LINDA ) Is daar ’n omgewingsimpakstudie gedoen om ’n breekwatermuur in Sandbaai te bou? Oppas om te veel met die natuur in te meng om die mens te bevredig. Kyk wat het met Bettysbaai se duine gebeur. ) Die fynbos en park tussen Meent en Wesend strate is munisipale eiendom. As daar geld is om 5 mans te betaal om 1 paal te plant, kan 5 werklose mans vir R100 elk die perseel binne ’n paar uur opruim. Dit is ’n skande dat ons omgewing so lyk. ) Ek wonder net hoekom die gras in Onrus Kara vaanpark nie gesny word nie? – WILLIE BOTHA ) Who is responsible for picking up dog pooh at Voëlklip beach? It has become a health hazard to sun seekers. ) I find it fascinating that at Onrus beach, people totally ignore the notice boards all the time. There’s no concern for the health of little toddlers and young kids by their parents who choose to ignore the “No SwimmingPollution” sign. Loads of peo ple also bring all sorts of dogs to the beach and then let them off their leashes. No regard for the law as well as no consideration for anybody else. ) Northcliff residents, please listen when your dogs bark all day and during the early morning, please. Surely you must hear them or do you sleep with earplugs? Be considerate. ) Klappers kan gestop word as daar beter beheer
oor die verkoop daarvan is en die wetstoepassers nie apaties oor die afskiet van vuurwerke is nie. Nog ’n oplossing: Verbied dit geheel en al.– EB ) Dankie aan Hugh van Bosplasie wat kla oor die honde se geblaf. Ongelukkig is die geblaf nie al wat pla nie, maar dat sekere inwoners hulle honde laat uitgaan in die strate vir ’n “walkie” sonder toesig. Veral die vrou met die drie honde in Bosplasiesingel wat haar skuifhek gereeld deur die dag oopmaak sodat hulle ons tuine kan be mors. En wat doen die wetstoepassers as jy klagtes lê? Hulle hoop die probleem gaan self weg. – INWONER BOSPLASIE ) The public should really be schooled on how to cross a circle. They just walk across without look ing. They’re going to cause accidents. Please.– LORETTA ) Aan alle leerders van Hawston Primêr wat deur gaan na SuidBoland, ons is trots op julle. – ’N OUER ) Aan my seun Matwin en al die ander familielede wat in Februarie verjaar, baie geluk. – ISAACS ) Gelukkige Valentynsdag vir al die dames be trokke by Die Kolwyntjie.– JOEP & MARIE KORF ) I want to give a huge thanks to Carchele Spa at The Marine Hotel for their professional service and friendly staff. You guys are truly excellent and a cut above the rest. What an “out of this world” experience.– C MULLER ) Baie dankie aan Hendrika en haar medekolle gas van FNB vir hulle wonderlike diens. Ek waar deer dit so baie.– KAREN
Wanneer is reën eers regtig reën? Wat is die verskil tussen swaar mistigheid en reën? En hoeveel is 30% neerslag? Dit is ’n paar van die vrae wat lesers die afgelope tyd al hoe meer laat kopkrap, want soos Xhosa, Afrikaans en Engels in die koerant lesers soms laat frons, is daar min mense op straat wat altoos die taal van weervoorspellers verstaan. Dit is geen grappie nie. Veral op TV wissel die voorspellers deesdae dikwels en elkeen het sy eie manier van praat oor die weer. Een sal aanmekaar sê daar is koue lug in sirkulasie en anderpad kyk. ’n Ander sal op die droogtegebiede fokus wanneer party boere duim vashou dat dit nie by hulle reën nie. Om voor te begin, kyk ons vandag in die rubriek na die voorspelling van ’n bietjie reën (Donderdag) tussen elf- en vyfuur teen die aand se kant. Daar word gepraat van 0,8 mm, en dit oor 30% van die Suid-Kaap. Wanneer dit uit die suide kom soos vandag, is dit seevog wat opgeneem is maar weens die warm bolug nie hoog genoeg kan styg om wolke te maak nie. Die vog gaan terug grond toe en die verskynsel word oor 30% van die gebied gesien. Die 30% wat gereeld genoem word, kan dus nie in mm gemeet word nie. Die wenkbroue lig dan ook omdat die omvattende voorspelling ’n heel ander storie is en daarvoor is dit nodig dat mens maar die klimaat van jou onmiddellike omgewing ken. Veral die Overstrand verskil baie van omliggende gebiede en
vandaar die lekker geselsstories onder diegene wat die weer in ag neem tydens hul daaglikse aktiwiteite, soos hengel, tuinmaak en sommer net uitstappies. Dis ’n goeie beleid om vir alles te beplan. Daar is ’n groot verskil in swak sake in die Overstrand se hoofstraat weens swak weer en min besoekers, en swak sake in die hoofstraat weens padwerke wat besoekers van die winkels af hou. En wat sien ons vandeesweek as ons die wolke bekyk? Ons sien ’n patroon wat mooi inpas by die stand van die maan en die oorskakeling na ’n nuwe seisoen. Dit is wolke aan- en- af , en son en geen neerslae van meer as 1 mm tot die einde van die maand nie. En oor daardie 1 mm kan mens ook lank gesels want wanneer kan ons reën, reën noem? Eers nadat die water in die sypaadjies begin afloop soos wanneer die bure hul motor was en meer water mors as wat in die dorpsdam inloop, sê oom Langfaan.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
13 February, 2014
than e r o m k c a b n e iv g We’ve since March 2011 s r e p p o h s t r a R1 Billion to sm
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REUSE SKENKING: Gateway Spar het die Hermanus Dierebeskermingsvereni ging (Haws) as ’n spesiale projek aan geneem en gehelp met donasies en fi nansiële bystand sedert die Hawsper sele in November oorspoel het. Hulle het reeds groot hoeveelhede katkos ge skenk en borg ook ’n hok by Haws. Gateway Spar se grootste skenking tot dusver, was Donderdag toe Ferdi Pie tersen (links) ’n bakkievrag hondekos ter waarde van R10 000 afgelaai het. Ilze Smith, voorsitter van Haws, het die skenking ontvang. Om ’n hok by Haws te borg, kos R2 000 per jaar. Skakel 028 312 1281 vir meer inligting.
83 Bobtail Dry Dog Food Assorted 7/8kg Each
Excluding Beaufort West, George, Jeffreys Bay, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Plettenberg Bay, Namibia, Express, Daily and Local stores. smart shopper points will still apply in Express, Daily and Local stores. www.picknpay.co.za Customer Care 0800 11 22 88. Toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply. Shop in store or online at www.pnp.co.za/shop Pick n Pay endeavours to meet the demand for these promotional items, but stocks are limited. Some stores may not stock some of these products. Please check availability. We strive to ensure all printed information is correct, but will not be liable for any print errors that may occur. Advertised prices are inclusive of VAT where applicable. We reserve the right to limit quantities. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. Certain products are excluded from the smart shopper programme, please see in store or go online for more details.
Sixth Cansa Relay for Life coming up Overstrand Cansa Relay for Life 2014 is celebrating its sixth relay this year on 15 and 16 March at Hermanus High School. The registration fee per team of ten people is R600 and includes luminaria bags. People can once again look forward to a variety of food stalls and also new talent that will perform on stage. The theme of this year’s relay is Cancer Across Borders. You will be asked to pick a country, dress up and decorate your camp site according to the country that you have chosen. There will be prizes for best campsite, most creative flag (chosen country) and best poster showing the three cancers that affect that country the most. Cansa hopes to create a global village bringing awareness to the public of worldwide cancer. Please support and enrol a team by contacting Sheraleen on 082 926 1386 or at the Cansa office on 028 316 3678.
Join the Lighthouse ladies for their walk Put on your walking shoes and join the Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse ladies for their practice walk on Saturday 22 February. This year the practice walk is from Kleinmond beach to Meer-en-See. Participants must meet at Kleinmond’s main beach at 07:30 for a walk along this wonderful part of the coastline. The cost is R100 for adults and R50 for scholars. You could also sponsor a disadvantaged child to participate in the short walk at R50 per child, or you could enter a company team. All funds generated from the practice walk will go towards Kids Can, which is based in Kleinmond. For further enquiries call Sheila Lyle on 028 314 1390 or 073 778 2777.
Hermanus Times
Sport Sport
13 February, 2014
Baie geluk, Hoërskool Hermanus Hoërskool Hermanus het Saterdag 8 Februarie die geskiedenisboeke herskryf deur die eerste keer in 14 jaar die jaarlikse interskolestryd tussen Hoërskool Hermanus, Hoërskool Overberg en Hoërskool Bredasdorp te wen. Hoërskool Overberg was die afgelope 13 jaar onoorwonne en Hermanus moes baie hard veg om hulle te onttroon. Carina van der Merwe, Hoërskool Hermanus se sportorganiseerder en bemarker, sê die puntetelling tussen die twee skole het die hele dag wipplank gery en Hermanus het uiteindelik met net sewe punte die bo-toon gevoer. Van der Merwe het gesê: “Dit was die aflosse wat op die ou end die skaal in Hermanus se guns gedraai het. Hermanus het helfte van die aflosse gewen en twee 2de plekke behaal om die afdeling met 1 punt te wen.
Harold Raynard van Hoërskool Hermanus in aksie gedurende die seuns o.19 diskusitem. Hy het ’n afstand van 29,04 m gehaal.
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Nelrine Beyers (voor) het alles uitgehaal in die pylvlak om die meisies o.19A aflos te wen vir Hoërskool Hermanus.
Die finale puntetelling was: Hoërskool Hermanus 918; Hoërskool Overberg 911 en Geesbekerwenners Hoërskool Bredasdorp 769. Hoërskool Hermanus het 4 van die 8 spankompe tisies gewen. Dit was: meisies o.14; meisies o.17; meisies o.19 en seuns o.17. Die beste individuele prestasies in elke ouder domsgroep was: meisies o.14: Ricaydia Pieterse HH, gewigstoot 9,3 m; meisies o.15: Martelize Jor daan OH, 90 m hekkies 13,60 s; meisies o.17: Ta nisha Chowles HH, gewigstoot 11,97 m; meisies o.19: KayeLeigh Speelman, OH, gewigstoot 9,38 m; seuns o.14: Charl Janson, BD, 300 m hek kies 45,20 s; seuns o.15: Stanton Lewies, OH, 100 m 11,80 s; seuns o.17: Christian Oosthuizen, BD, 3000 m 9:35:06; seuns o.19: Deuston Oliver, OH, 200 m 22,20 s. Die algehele beste prestasies van die dag was: meisies o.15: Martelize Jordaan, OH, 90 m hekkies 13,60 s; seuns o.19: Deuston Oliver, OH 200 m 22,20 s. Op die dag is 16 rekords gebreek, waarvan vyf deur Hermanus.
Met die aankondiging aan die einde van die Interskole atle tiekbyeenkoms dat Hoërskool Hermanus met ’n kortkop van sewe punte gewen het, was die atlete, ondersteuners, per soneel en ouers van die skool oorstelp van vreugde. Skool hoof Greg Hassenkamp (regs) het die trofee met ’n breë glimlag oorhandig aan (van links) hoofmeisie Nelrine Bey ers en hoofdirigente TJ Ster gianos en Sarah Clark. FOTO’S: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
“Quality Home Builders since 1988” NHBRC registered registered 7328
MUNICIPA LITY U M A S I PA L A MUNISIPALITEIT Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 29(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, No 117 of 1998, that a COUNCIL MEETING of the Theewaterskloof Municipality will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CALEDON on WEDNESDAY 19 FEBRUARY 2014 at 14:00. _____________________________________ Esi sisazizo sokuba NGOLWESITHATHU, umhla we 19 FEBRUARY 2014, NGENTSIMBI YESIBINI 14:00 kuzakubakho INTLANGANISO YEBHUNGA lase Theewaterskloof, EMAGUMBINI EBHUNGA, E CALEDON. Esisibhengezo senziwa ngokwemigaqo ka Section 29(2) Womthetho Karhulumente Wezekhaya: Municipal StructresAct, 117 ka 1998. _____________________________________ Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikel 29(2) van die Plaaslike Regering : Wet op Munisipale Strukture, nr 117 van 1998, dat 'n RAADSVERGADERING van die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit in die RAADSAAL, CALEDON op WOENSDAG 19 FEBRUARIE 2014 om 14:00 gehou sal word. _____________________________________ HSD Wallace MUNICIPAL MANAGER UMANEJALAWESIXEKO MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER PO Box 24/Idilesi ye posi 24/Posbus 24 CALEDON, 7230
Hoërskool Hermanus se dirigente het hul ondersteuners op die paviljoen gelei tydens die openingsvertoning by Saterdag se inter skole atletiekbyeenkoms.
Die seuns o.19 spook dit uit in die 3000 m. Onder die atlete was (van links) Eugene Dunn (BD), Keanu Opperman (HH), Ro nan Quinlan (OH) and Nelius de Villiers (HH). Die item is gewen deur Wenner Thorne Swart (BD) in ’n rekordtyd van 4:25:5.
Konfetti reën neer op Hoërskool Hermanus se ondersteuners na hulle strydkreet aan die einde van hulle vertoning.
Harold Raynard van Hoërskool Hermanus het die hoog spring vir seuns o.19 met ’n hoogte van 1,86 m gewen.
Hermanus Times 13 February, 2014
Walkerbaai Atletiekstreeksbyeenkoms
Daar het Vrydagmiddag groot opwinding geheers toe Laerskool Hermanus die Walkerbaai Atletiekstreeksbyeenkoms vir laerskole aangebied het. Atlete van 14 skole het deelgeneem en diegene wat eerste en tweede plekke behaal het sal Saterdag 15 Februarie deelneem aan die SuidBoland Atletiekbyeenkoms op Napier. Die kleine Leah Matusik (bo) van Laerskool Hermanus se voete het skaars grondgevat en sy was loshande voor in die 80 m wedloop vir meisies o.8. Haar wentyd was 13:53.
Luhann van Dyk van Laerskool Hermanus sit alles in met hierdie gooi in die diskus vir seuns o.12. Hy het die tweede plek be haal in drie items – diskus, gewigstoot en 1 200 m.
Sport Sport
German Lewis van Laerskool Gansbaai het al les uitgehaal om die 1 200 m vir seuns o.12 te wen. In die tweede plek was Luhann van Dyk van Laerskool Hermanus.
Zolani Nogambu van Lukhanyo Primary was die wenner in die 1 200 m vir seuns o.11, met Emile Mehnert van Laerskool Kleinmond kort agter hom in tweede plek. Hierdie tenger atleet van Laerskool Die Bron in Stanford, Nathalie Kapot, het die 1 200 m vir meisies o.10 gewen in ’n nuwe rekord tyd van 4:49. Die tweede plek het gegaan aan haar spanmaat, Nosi Dayimani, ook van Die Bron.
Die talentvolle atleet, Eucome Ward, het van die begin af voor gehardloop en het die 1 200 m vir seuns o.10 gewen vir Hawston Pri mêr.
Gordon Shaw van Laerskool Hermanus het die ge wigstoot vir seuns o.11 gewen, met ’n afstand van 9,17 m.
Nasiphi Radebe van Zwelihle Primary is luid toegejuig deur haar ondersteuners toe sy die 1 200 m vir meisies o.11 ge wen het.
Mikayla Martinengo van Laerskool Gansbaai het met ’n uitstekende eindpoging die 1 500 m vir meisies o.13 gewen in ’n tyd van 05:29.
Minnette Minnaar van Curro spring oor die dwarslat in die meisies o.12 hoogspring. Sy het derde geëindig.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
13 February, 2014
NEW ARTWORKS: New works by acclaimed local art ist Louis Ströh van der Walt will be on exhibit at Bell ini Gallery in the Village Square until 23 February. Here the owners of the gallery, Klaus Dembeck and Willie van Wyk are seen nextt to some of the works, mainly landscapes. Dembeck and Van Wyk have a longstanding relationship with the artist; they were the first to bring his artworks to the Overberg, and since then many group exhibitions, as well as a sold out solo exhibition entitled ‘My beloved country’ have followed. Ströh van der Walt is a master at capturing the atmospheric essence of typical South African rural scenes, ranging from farms and villages to expansive seascapes and landscapes featuring forests and moun tains. His works are popular among both locals and international visitors. The gallery (on the first floor of Village Square) is open Monday to Saturday from 09:00–17:00 and from 10:00–15:00 on Sundays.
The highly motivated contestants who have signed up for the WAG’s Biggest Loser Competition 2014 attend exercise classes five evenings a week. With the participants are Zumba instructor Lydia de Vries (sitting front row second from left) and Carmen Titus (back group standing towards the middle/right hand side in a black sleeveless blouse), who is the WAG project manager.
Entrants for Biggest Loser get moving KERRY VAN RENSBURG A record number of women have signed up for the Women Action Group’s 2014 Biggest Loser competition. Forty women initially began their six-month weight-loss, fitness and well-being journey when the competition launched on 21 January. Since then the number of participants has grown to more than fifty. Carmen Titus, Women Action Group (WAG) project manager, says after the success of their first Biggest Loser competition last year, the enthusiasm and desire to be part of this year’s competition has spread like wildfire. The participants have embarked on an exercise programme organised by WAG and every evening at 18:00 they gather at the Mount Pleasant Business Centre and get active. The response to the exercise classes has been phenomenal. Professional exercise instructors have offered their services and eager, energetic, and highly motivated women kitted out in their exercise gear are moving
their bodies with vuhma. On Monday evenings Lydia de Vries does Zumba classes with the women, on Tuesdays Marc de Jongh from Pro Active takes a class, on Wednesdays Denver Scheepers offers ballroom dancing and on Thursdays Charl Cornelius presents aerobics. Fridays are reserved for energetic walks up Rotary Way, Hoy’s Koppie, Fernkloof and the like. Amelia Williams, a dietician from district health, will work out personalised eating programmes for each of the participants. The competition will continue until the end of July and on Women’s Day, 9 August, WAG will have a gala prize-giving function for the winners. Titus says they are in need of sponsors for this competition. She adds that the Biggest Loser competitors will be participating in the Cansa Relay for Life and if anyone wants to help provide water-bottles and sponsor Tshirts for the group, it would be much appreciated. If you are able to contribute in any way call Carmen Titus on 072 342 8287 or 028 313 2938.
VACANCY BULLETIN EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WHO WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE DEpArtMEnt oF HEAltH DIrEctorAtE: coMMunIcAtIons (HEAD oFFIcE, cApE town (stAtIonED cAlEDon DIstrIct oFFIcE, ovErbErg DIstrIct) Communications Officer rEMunErAtIon: r 212 106 pEr AnnuM sErvIcE bEnEFIts: 13tH cHEquE, EMployEr’s contrIbutIon to tHE pEnsIon FunD, HousIng AnD MEDIcAl AID AllowAncE. rEquIrEMEnts: MInIMuM EDucAtIonAl quAlIFIcAtIon: A Degree or Diploma in Communication, Journalism, Marketing or Public Relations. ExpErIEncE: Appropriate experience. InHErEnt rEquIrEMEnt oF tHE job: Valid driver’s licence (Code B/EB). coMpEtEncIEs (knowlEDgE/skIlls): Excellent verbal and written communication skills, well-developed writing and editing skills in English, Afrikaans or Xhosa. • Strong interpersonal and good time management skills. • Understanding of how the media works. • Computer literacy (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet, e-mail and desktop programmes, i.e. MS Publisher, Adobe In-design). • Operational management capability. • Analytical and problem-solving abilities. DutIEs (kEy rEsult ArEAs/outputs): Compile research, co-ordinate, edit and produce communication material. • Handle all queries from the general public. • Media liaison (handle media queries, writing of media releases, media monitoring and evaluation). Advertising and marketing. • Communicate with all staff involved when there is a special event. • Identify interesting and positive stories for the media. EnquIrIEs: Mr D Francis, tel. no. (021) 483-6632
closing Date: 28 February 2014 plEAsE subMIt your ApplIcAtIon For tHE AttEntIon oF Ms c vErsFElD to tHE DIrEctor: HuMAn rEsourcE MAnAgEMEnt, prIvAtE bAg 2060, cApE town, 8000.
HErMAnus HospItAl, HErMAnus (ovErbErg DIstrIct) Administration Clerk: Finance rEMunErAtIon: r 115 212 pEr AnnuM sErvIcE bEnEFIts: 13tH cHEquE, EMployEr’s contrIbutIon to tHE pEnsIon FunD, HousIng AnD MEDIcAl AID AllowAncE. rEquIrEMEnts: MInIMuM EDucAtIonAl quAlIFIcAtIon: Senior Certificate (or equivalent) with Mathematics and/or Accounting as passed subject and/or Senior Certificate (or equivalent) with experience/competencies that focuses on the Key Performance Areas (KPA’s) of the post. ExpErIEncE: Appropriate experience in a hospital (Fees department) related environment. coMpEtEncIEs (knowlEDgE/skIlls): Knowledge of the following: Hospital Fees Memorandum 18, UPFS, HIS, Delta 9, and Finance instructions. • Good communication skills (verbal and written). • Strong sense of confidentiality. • Computer literacy. DutIEs (kEy rEsult ArEAs/outputs): In and out-patient administration functions according to PGWC policies and procedures. • Delta 9, Billing and other PGWC system computer duties, including folders and X-ray control. • Reception tasks and attend to patient queries (e.g. MVA and WCA). • Admission, transfer and discharge of patients as per PGWC Hospital Fees policies and procedures. • Raise invoices as per Hospital Fees policies. • Debit charge entries to invoices as per UPFS and PGWC billing procedures. • Responsible for handling and receiving of public money. • Relief in other areas when required. EnquIrIEs: Ms C Langley, tel. no. (028) 313-5220 plEAsE subMIt your ApplIcAtIon For tHE AttEntIon oF Mr M MAtEyIsI to tHE DIstrIct DIrEctor: ovErbErg DIstrIct oFFIcE, prIvAtE bAg x07, cAlEDon, 7230. InstructIons to ApplIcAnts: Z83 forms (obtainable from any Government department or www. westerncape.gov.za) must: Be completed in full, clearly reflect the name of the position, name and date of the publication (candidates may use this as reference), be signed, accompanied by a comprehensive CV, the names of 3 referees and certified copies of ID, driver’s licence and qualification/s. A separate application form must be completed for each post. Applications without the aforementioned will not be considered. Applications must be forwarded to the address as indicated on the advertisement. No late, faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. CV’s will not be returned. Excess personnel will receive preference. Applications, which are received after the closing date, will not be considered.
SHOP IMMORTALISED ON CANVAS: Di Rattle (left), owner of the proudlyHermanus gift shop Shuk, was delighted when local artist Peter Wooldridge presented her with this painting. Featuring a montage of the different elements that epitomise Hermanus, such as fishing boats, whales, fynbos and fisher man’s cottages in town, Peter’s painting also depicts the pic turesque frontage of Di’s shop, Shuk, which is the Hebrew word for “market”. Shuk stocks a selection of carefully sourced items, most of which are handcrafted locally. Peter completed the painting just before the Whale Festival last year, and it was exhibited at the Walker Bay Art Gallery be fore he generously decided to donate the painting to Di. It now has pride of place in her shop and Di also plans to have the painting printed onto cards. PHOTO: HEDDA MITTNER
Further communication will be limited to short-listed candidates. If you have not received a response from the Department within 3 months of the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department. As directed by the Department of public service & Administration, applicants must note that further checks will be conducted once they are short-listed and that their appointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous employment. The Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Disabled candidates are encouraged to apply and an indication in this regard will be appreciated.
closing date: 7 March 2014 (unless otherwise stated) TBWA\H400998/E
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
13 February, 2014
or 082 932 6276.
083 660 2790 Previous Projects: Greyton Lodge Burgundy Restaurant Savannah Café La Paradis
THURSDAY 13 FEBRUARY ) Whalers Athletics Club time trials at 18:00 at the cricket club. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mol lergren Retirement Village. Call Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. ) The U3A will have their annual general meeting in the Sandbaai Hall at 17:30 followed by a talk by Prof Andreas van Wyk. FRIDAY 14 FEBRUARY ) Hermanus Hacking group meets at 06:30 above the sportsfield, near Old Boys Club, for two hours. All volunteers welcome. Call Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Join the Friends of the Library at the Bhuki Café for tea, coffee and crafts from 09:00 – 11:30. ) Geniet koek en tee/koffie by die Kolwyntjie tee tuin by die Dienssentrum van die NG Gemeente Onrusrivier, vanaf 09:30 tot 11:30. Slegs R20. Almal welkom. ) The U3A presents: WW I – Slaughter in the Trenches – at 10:00 in the Catholic Church hall. Call Letitia Snyman: 0 028 316 5170. ) The Hermanus Social Ballroom and Latin Dance School will have a Valentine’s dance at 19:00. Call: 0 072 316 5787. ) Join the Hermanus Ladies Luncheon Club at 12:00 for 12:30 at the Class Room Restaurant. Booking is essential. Call Erna: 0 028 316 2866
SATURDAY 15 FEBRUARY ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kosenwynmark 09:00 – 13:00. ) Hermanus Country Market from 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Garden Market 09:00 – 14:00 at Hemelen Aarde Village. ) EG Productions will present a Valentine’s Music Festival in the Zwelihle Community Hall from 14:00 until late. Tickets are R15 for scholars and R30 for adults. For enquiries call Ernest Gwebani: 0 073 563 4662. MONDAY 17 FEBRUARY ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 or 072 230 9179. ) U3A Letterkunde: Wilna Adriaanse oor haar roman, Net ’n Klein Lewe, in die Katolieke kerk om 10:00. Barbara Pretorius: 0 028 312 1438. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) The Hermanus Astronomy Centre will have an Astrophotography meeting at Deon Krige’s place at 19:00. Contact Deon Krige: 2 deonk@tel komsa.net. TUESDAY 18 FEBRUARY ) Join the Early Birds at the Hermanus Tennis Club on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 07:00 – 09:00. Call Vic HamiltonAttwell: 0 082 785 5145. ) U3A presents SA Mining: Legal and Environ mental Framework and Challenges by Stephen Davy, in the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Con tact Graham Palmer: 0 028 314 1167.
WEDNESDAY 19 FEBRUARY ) Egskeidingsondersteuningsgroep (mans en vroue) elke tweede en vierde Woensdag, 18:00 in gebedskamer by die NG Gemeente Onrusri vier. Navrae: Erika Oosthuysen: 0 072 322 0998. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom byeen 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Bel Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250 of Badisa: 0 028 312 3909. ) Charles Naude will present a series of bird pho tographs in a collection called Birds I View at the Hermanus Bird Club’s meeting in the Fernkloof Hall at 19:00. Barbara: 0 083 659 3303. EVENTS ) Stanford Tourism presents SA star of the caba ret stage Emile Minnie at the Birkenhead in Stan ford on Friday 21 February at 19:30 for 20:00. Tickets are R185 pp and includes dinner and the show. To book: 2 ask@stanfordin fo.co.za or call 0 028 341 0340. ) A talk entitled Arboretum de la Sedelle (Gar den in the woods) will be presented by Nell Wanty (horticulturalist) and her husband Philippe (bota nist) in the Nivenia Hall, Harold Porter Botanical Gardens in Betty’s Bay on Friday 21 February at 18:00. Nell, the daughter of Lyn and Hanie Hanekom of Betty’s Bay, is visiting from France where they have created an arboretum near Limo ges, which is home to a collection of over 400 species of trees and shrubs from all over the world. ) Amida Johns will lead a walk into Buffelstal in the Kogelberg Reserve between Rooiels and Pringle Bay, on Saturday 22 February. Meet at 08:30 at the Harold Porter parking area or at 08:45 at the gate into Buffelstal. For more de tails contact Barbara: 0 082 338 4109.
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Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
13 February, 2014
Bird identification course offers more The Flight for Birders bird identification and conservation course by Anton Odendal will be presented at the community hall at Mollergren Park on 21 and 22 February. The content of the course was changed dramatically at the end of 2013, says Odendal. “In 2014 we will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the course and will now be celebrating our country’s birds with photographs by some of the top wildlife photographers in South Africa. “Much stronger emphasis is also being placed on conservation issues, in line with the MOU signed between the Overberg division of CapeNature and BirdLife Overberg.” A new addition to the course is a section focusing on the differences between the various families of LBJs and other confusing species, as well as birds of prey, and how this applies to the region where the course is being presented. “In many cases images of similar and potentially confusing species have been combined on the same slide in order to illustrate differences,” says Odendal. “The development of an infrastructure for birding tourists in local areas will also be highlighted. In the vast majority of the slides English and Afrikaans names of species are printed onto the slide. The course focuses on basic steps in the identification of birds, places heavy emphasis on where to find the rare and often endemic birds in southern Africa and illustrates how ordinary birdwatchers could become involved in the conservation of birds and their habitats.” The cost of the course is R500 per person and includes the course manual, a certificate endorsed by BirdLife South Africa and a year’s free membership to BirdLife Overberg. Parts of the proceeds of the courses will be donated to Black Harrier conservation. To register for the course, contact Elaine at birding@overberg.co.za or 082 455 8402.
Slovaskie besig om een van sy geskenke oop te maak.
Elke hond kry sy (verjaars)dag JANINE DER RIET
’n Geliefde brakkie het onlangs sy sewende verjaarsdag gevier, en die hond en sy maatjies was baie bederf. Slovaskie het sy groot dag saam Die hondekolwyntjies met sy “ouers”, wat spesiaal vir Slo Werner Piek en vaskie se verjaarsdag Jolene de Klerk, gemaak is. en vyf van sy woef-maters – Leo, Lennord, Spencer, Buttercup en Bambi – gevier. Elke woef het ’n partytjie-pakkie gekry. Maar Piek en De Klerk het nie net presentjies uitgedeel nie – elke hond het ook ’n kolwyntjie sonder suiker of sout gekry. Die kolwyntjie is gemaak van hoender a la king en gerasperde wortels. Die versiersuiker is van vanielje jogurt en gebraaide spek gemaak. De Klerk sê die hondjies was gaande daaroor.
QUOTATION NO. SC 1447/2014
KWOTASIE NR. SC 1447/2014
Quotations are hereby invited for the Supply and delivery of Herbicide for the control of Invasive Alien Plants for the Overstrand Working for Water Project. Quotation documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 14 February 2014, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus; Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30. Alternatively the document may be downloaded from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za. Sealed quotations, with: “Quotation No. SC 1447/2014: Supply and delivery of Herbicide for the control of Invasive Alien Plants for the Overstrand Working for Water Project” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 2 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation issued by Overstrand Municipality. The closing date and time of the quotation is on 21 February 2014 at 12h00 and will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the Supply Chain Management Committee Room, HermanusAdministration. Quotations must be valid for 60 days after the closing date. Quotations shall be evaluated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and bidders may claim preference points in terms of their B-BBEE status level of contribution. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any quotation and reserves the right to accept any quotation, as it may deem expedient. Quotations are subject to the General Conditions of Contract and the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Overstrand Municipality. Please refer enquiries to Ms. Tracy Sampson at telephone number: 028 316 3724.
Kwotasies word hiermee ingewag vir die Verskaffing en Aflewering van Onkruiddoder vir die beheer van Indringerplante vir die Overstrand Werk vir Water Projek. Kwotasiedokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag, 14 Februarie 2014, by die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, vanaf Me. Rita Neethling, Tel. 028 313 8064, tussen 08h30 en 15h30. Alternatiewelik kan die dokument afgelaai word vanaf die webwerf: www.overstrand.gov.za. Verseëlde kwotasies duidelik gemerk: “Kwotasie Nr. SC 1447/2014: Verskaffing en Aflewering van Onkruiddoder vir die beheer van Indringerplante vir die Overstrand Werk vir Water Projek” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tender Bus Nr. 2 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Kwotasies mag slegs ingedien word op die tenderdokumentasie uitgereik deur Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die kwotasie is 21 Februarie 2014 om 12h00 en kwotasies sal onmiddellik daarna in die openbaar oopgemaak w o r d i n d i e Vo o r s i e n i n g s k a n a a l b e s t u u r Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. Kwotasies moet geldig wees vir 60 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Kwotasies sal evalueer word in terme van die Voorkeurverkrygings Regulasies, 2011 en tenderaars mag voorkeurpunte eis in terme van hul B-BSEB status vlak van bydrae. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die laagste of enige kwotasie wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie. Kwotasies is onderhewig aan die Algemene Kontrakvoorwaardes en die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuursbeleid van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Navrae kan gerig word aan Me. Tracy Sampson by telefoonnommer 028 316 3724.
Kucelwa Uqikelelo-xabiso: Sokunikeza Nokuhambisa Kwamachiza Okubulala Izityalo Ezingafunekiyo kwi Projekti ka Working for Water eOverstrand. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoLwesihlanu, 14 Febhuwari 2014, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala weOverstrand., eMagnolia Avenue, eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling phakathi kweye08h30 neye-15h30. Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za. Uqikelelo -xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, 'UqikeleloXabiso No. SC 1447/2014: Sokunikeza Nokuhambisa Kwamachiza Okubulala Izityalo Ezingafunekiyo kwi Projekti ka Working for Water eOverstrand.” Ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no. 2 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala waseOverstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 21 Febhuwari 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Uqikelelo Xabiso mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamashumi anesthandathu 60 emva komhla wokuvala. Uqikelelo- Xabiso zizakuhluzwa ngokomgangatho womiselo oKhethekileyo wokuFumana ka-2011 kwaye abanini bethenda banga funa amanqaku okhetheko ngokomgangatho abanawo kwi B-BBEE. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphantsi okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kaMasipala weOverstrand. Nceda nxibelelana no Nkosazana Tracy Sampson kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 316 3724 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
13 February, 2014
Bot River Estuary wild filly operated on
VACANCY TECHNICIAN (HERMANUS, WESTERN CAPE) Aquafarm Development (Pty) Ltd., an abalone farm and member of the TerraSan Group of companies, has a position available in its Technical Department for a competent and self-motivated Technician Required skills / knowledge / capabilities: 1) N3 or related technical studies 2) Aminimum of 3 years supervisory and technical/maintenance experience; 3) Good communication and interpersonal skills with fluency in at least English; 4) Excellent planning and organizational skills are imperative; 5) Computer literacy and working knowledge of MS Office at intermediate level; 6) Avalid driver’s license and own transport; 7) Contactable references are a must. Responsibilities: The Technician is responsible for assisting the Repairs and Maintenance Foreman with repairs and maintenance, general housekeeping, and stock control as well as overseeing the day-to-day performance of the Technical team; to guide the team toward its goals; oversee productivity of all team members; and resolve any problems as they arise. A market related remuneration package is offered and the company supports the Employment Equity legislation. The company reserves the right not to make an appointment. Internal applications will be considered. Applications may be forwarded to the HR Manager: Abalone Division by email: michelle@aquafarm.co.za. Please state expected remuneration package clearly in application. Closing date for applications: 17 February 2014 Commencement: As soon as possible.
from the socket. Had the eye The Equestrian Centre Overbeen left, the infection would strand was contacted by Capehave worked its way into the Nature on Friday 7 February brain causing loss of mobility for assistance regarding a filly and eventually death. which had damaged her eye “The eye was then stitched and had a very bad infection. back up and we waited for the This was reported by Danie foal to wake up,” says Milton. Geldenhys of Fisherhaven who “At first she was a bit wobbly sent photos of the injury. on her legs, so we stayed with Rooisand Nature Reserve them to make sure that she nature conservator, Tarné Jodidn’t fall over or hurt herself. hannes, forwarded the photos She came out of the operation to Dr Anna Bowker of Hervery well.” manus Vet Hospital. After exAfterwards, both the mare amining the photos, Bowker and filly rested in the paddock was of the opinion that the only The filly having her first drink after the opera overnight. The vet will contintreatment that might save the tion. ue to treat the filly as required. filly was to operate and remove It was a good day for the preservaOnce the filly and mare were locatthe eye as the eyeball had shrunk and sunk into the eye socket. She would ed in Fisherhaven, Bowker decided tion of the Bot River Estuary wild however first check the eye before to move them to the centre’s stables horses. “The collaboration by all parnear Rooisand Nature Reserve for ties was excellent and very helpful in making a decision, she said. assuring that the filly and mare sufSarah Milton from the Equestrian the operation and post treatment. The loading of the horses went well fered very little stress,” says Milton. Centre Overstrand assisted with capturing and restraining the mare and and both horses experienced very lit- “A big thank you to Anna, the vet, filly on Monday 10 February. The tle stress. When they arrived at the who gave up her time to help and did centre was also able to help them equestrian centre, they were sedated such a great job. “Let’s pray for a speedy recovery with the operation and the use of and the filly had her pre-operative their horsebox for the transporta- treatment. The operation was suc- and that they can be reunited with cessful with the eye being removed the herd as soon as possible.” tion.
If not contacted within 14 days after closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful.
Flower Valley Conservation Trust (FVCT) is a registered Public Benefit Organisation, based on Flower Valley Farm, outside Gansbaai in the Overstrand. The Trust is now advertising for two positions for the next three years: a) Coordinator: Conservation Extension and Applied Research and b) Ethical Trade Coordinator The positions will be based at either the Bredasdorp office, or Flower Valley Farm, outside Gansbaai. a) Coordinator: Conservation Extension and Applied Research The responsibilities of the position include: 1. Coordinate with stakeholders to develop the Flower Valley Sustainable Harvesting Programme’s (SHP) monitoring and research agenda, publicise agenda and integrate results into the SHP. 2. Forge close associations with landowners and harvesters to champion best practice land management and sustainable use within the SHP. 3. Oversee collection of data for the SHP database, and provide data analysis. 4. Coordinate working groups to update and develop new vulnerability indices. 5. Carry out resource-based assessments in partnership with landowners. 6. Carry out pre-audit support to land users and harvesters around meeting good land management practice compliance. 7. Share lessons and report on outcomes at relevant forums. Minimum qualifications & experience: • Graduate or equivalent qualification in Natural Resource Management, Biodiversity Conservation, Resource Economics and Extension Services. • 5 years relevant experience in Conservation or Natural Resource Management Extension work. • Preference given to candidates with experience in interacting with role players in the fields of Natural Resource Management, Biodiversity Conservation and Agricultural Best Practice. • Preference given to a candidate who has coordinated monitoring and research strategies, and who can interpret data for publication. • Computer literacy; mapping skills. • Valid driver’s license. b) Ethical Trade Coordinator The responsibilities of the position include: 1. Work closely with fynbos industry representatives and organisations to further develop the Sustainable Harvesting Programme (SHP) to be viable to producers and attractive to the market. 2. Market the programme to producers and retailers. 3. Negotiate with third-party audit companies to build their capacity to undertake audits based on the Code of Best Practice. 4. Represent the programme at appropriate forums and meetings. 5. Work with fynbos suppliers where appropriate to further encourage social and labour best practice compliance. 6. Undertake basic awareness raising of the SHP with relevant stakeholders. 7. Work closely with the Coordinator: Conservation Extension and Applied Research to ensure the SHP’s ethical trade declarations are measurable. Minimum qualifications & experience: • Graduate or equivalent qualifications in particular from the field of sustainability, ethical trade, corporate responsibility, or a related field. • 5 years relevant experience in ethical trade or corporate responsibility project management; • Or 5 years marketing and supply chain management experience. • Computer literacy. • Valid driver’s license. A market-related salary will be negotiated, dependent on qualifications and experience, for both positions. Deadline: 26 February 2014 Please send your CV, a cover letter, and two contactable references to londeka@flowervalley.co.za or fax 028 425 2855. Please state which position you’re applying for in the subject line. For more information, contact 028 425 2218 during office hours.
Young person required to train as DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Must be computer literate - Word/Excel, Have good communication skills and be competent in English. Please send your CV to info@ dentalstudiohermanus.co.za
VAKANTE POS Verkoopsdame of man by Davidson Boards Salaris onderhandelbaar na gelang van ondervinding. Stuur CV en verwysings na cv@originalfurniture.co.za
ADT Security (Pty) Ltd – Hermanus Branch Residential Sales Consultant
Overall Purpose of the Job: Sell new and upgrade alarm systems, additions, CCTV systems, Electric Fences and link ups to new and existing clients Main Duties: • Follow up on all leads received internally and via telesales • Sell security solutions to new and existing clients • Generate and close self-sourced leads • Forge relationships with estate agents, builders, architects • Daily, weekly and monthly reporting • Motivated to achieve and exceed sale targets • Maintain all administrative duties pertaining to sales Minimum Qualifications and Experience: • Previous sales experience • Knowledge of DSC, CADDX, IDS alarm systems, advantageous • Matric • Valid driver's licence • Own reliable vehicle Other Attributes: • Excellent communication and writing skills (English & Afrikaans) • Able to work flexible hours and presentable • Of sober habits • Self-motivated and disciplined Closing Date: 21 February 2014 Should you meet the minimum requirements and wish to apply for this position, please forward a detailed CV via e-mail: vdaniels@adt.co.za or fax: 0215973042 and clearly state the position you are applying for. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Vakante pos by ’n gevestigde besigheid in Hermanus vir n betroubare persoon met sober gewoontes as ’n kabinetmaker, “joiner”. Moet ondervinding hê in die vervaarding en installering van kombuiskaste, kamerkaste ens. Stuur CV's na info@divviesfurniture.co.za of skakel 082 928 0336
Ford unveils Figo concept QUICKPIC
ord today revealed its vision for a global B-segment compact car featuring premium design and segment-redefining smart and safety features ahead of the 12th 2014 Auto Expo in New Delhi. With the global unveiling of the Ford Figo Concept, Ford aims to set new standards for quality and craftsmanship in the B-segment, aiming to exceed the expectations of consumers in emerging markets. Created at less than four metres long, the concept displays a purposeful presence and a no-compromise aesthetic that continues Ford’s design leadership in the compact car market globally. “With the Figo Concept, we are showing that choosing a compact sedan does not mean compromising on premium design or smart solutions,” said Kumar Galhotra, vice president of Engineering, Global Product Development, Ford Motor Company. “The Figo Concept stands out and surprises, offering a more premium and refined feel than you would expect in such a package.” The Ford Figo Concept builds on the automaker’s compact car offerings and shows how Ford plans to face rapidly growing global demand for compact vehicles. Despite its rapid growth, the compact car segment will remain highly competitive as increasingly savvy buyers look for ways to make their money go further. “Consumers are more demanding than ever, wanting and expecting more from their cars, even if they are first-time buyers,” said Ford
India President Nigel Harris. “They expect and demand great fuel efficiency and low cost-of-ownership from the initial price throughout the life of the vehicle. The Ford Figo Concept offers all of this, and more, with sophistication, fresh design, world-class quality, a roomy interior, and innovative smart and safe technology.” With the goal of bringing unexpected levels of refinement to the compact car segment, designers created the Ford Figo Concept using design elements common to more expensive vehicles. The front trapezoidal grille strongly communicates Ford’s design DNA and shapes the vehicle’s hood, giving it a powerful look. Moving rearward, designers inclined the windshield as much as possible to give the vehicle a sleek, fast profile that communicates a high-end image. Bold, elongated and blackedout headlamps accentuate the Figo Concept’s sporty appearance. In an example of the close attention designers paid to the smallest detail, a slight grain in the headlamp plastic enhances the parabolic shape inside. Sweeping, curved lines moving from the front to the rear of the vehicle create a sense of movement. Designers used light-catchers along the sides of the vehicle, giving the Figo Concept a robust and muscular presence. “The Figo Concept represents our vision of a refined, no-compromise approach to designing a compact car,” said Ehab Kaoud, chief designer, Ford North America, who led design for the Ford Figo Concept. “So often in this segment you see designs based on current trends and fashions that quickly look dated. We wanted instead to create a premium,
With the goal of bringing unexpected levels of refinement to the compact car segment, designers created the Ford Figo Concept using design elements common to more expensive vehicles. PHOTO: QUICKPIC long-lasting design that is clean and elegant, and which conveys a sense of precision, efficiency and sophistication.” The shape of the Ford Figo Concept is more than a design exercise: It was fine-tuned through hundreds of hours of wind-tunnel testing to improve aerodynamics and reduce wind noise, ensuring a quiet ride that will match the vehicle’s refined exterior. Aerodynamic tweaking has also resulted in a shape that maximises fuel efficiency, helping the Ford Figo Concept to slip smoothly through the air. Smart design features like electri-
cally adjustable power-fold mirrors are practical, helping to remove the stress of driving through a congested environment. The mirrors’ flexible architecture prevents them from being broken off if bumped by another car or motorbike. And Ford designed the Ford Figo Concept to feature unprecedented levels of safety for its class, further enhancing the driver’s peace of mind. Moving inside a spacious cabin filled with innovative stowage spaces, the Ford Figo Concept delivers surprising features that bring the promise of tomorrow’s technologies to drivers of compact vehicles. With
an innovative device dock, the Figo Concept introduces a new way to store, mount and charge devices such as mobile phones, MP3 players and satellite navigation systems, seamlessly integrating them into the in-car entertainment system. “In design, connectivity and safety, the features in the Figo Concept are at the forefront of smart technology,” said Galhotra. “The Figo concept was created with global standards of design, quality and performance. It is the perfect symbol of how we continue to build on the One Ford plan to go further for all of our customers.”
Hermanus Times
BOLAND Auto Sold
13 February, 2014
All service departments at Mercedes Benz Paarl are here to stay Our passenger and commercial dealerships have been operating very successfully within the Paarl community and surrounds for over 46 years and have NO intent of closing any of our service outlets, despite various rumours going around. We will continue to deliver only the best service to our individual, corporate and fleet clients, as we have been doing for the past 46 years. Highly trained Mercedes-Benz certified technicians, working under the watchful eye of workshop foreman André Coetzee and Dudley McMillan, certified service advisors and the rest of the staff, are ready to serve you, our customer!
For more information, contact service manager, Deon du Toit at 021 872 1531 or email deondt@sandown.co.za.
Mercedes-Benz Paarl
Number 1-
Number 1
The Mercedes-Benz Truck Centre has been part of the greater Paarl community for over 20 years.
Paarl Motors Passenger Vehicle Service Department received recognition as the Number 1 Mercedes-Benz Passenger Service Department, from 62 Dealers, in a recent Synovate Customer Satisfaction Survey. The Service Team continues with this focus and tradition on a daily basis.
Mercedes-Benz Truck Centre in Paarl! Free Safety Health Check On All Mercedes-Benz Trucks: • Your Truck will be inspected as per an inspection sheet from Mercedes-Benz South Africa to inform you of the condition of your Truck. This inspection will be free of charge. All repairs originating from this inspection will be offered to you at a 20% discount on labour cost and 15% discount on parts (excluding “Special Offer”, see below). This offer ends on 31 March 2014. 2 Year Warranty On Parts:
Mercedes-Benz Passenger Vehicle Service Department in South-Africa!
Special Offers:
Thanks to the reduction on the cost of certain Service & Repair Parts by Mercedes-Benz South Africa, Paarl Motors can now offer this reduction to you! Trucks included are: Actros / Atego / Axor and Sprinter . Other special offers also include: Brakes and Shocks. Please ask for our SPPS quotations when you enquire about these special offers when you schedule your Truck for a service/repair so that you will not miss out on these exciting offers, only at Mercedes-Benz, Paarl Motors!
• Only when Mercedes-Benz Parts are bought and fitted by Paarl Motors will We still offer the following services: you receive a 2 year Warranty on these • Your Truck will, by appointment, be parts. Parts bought over the counter will collected and delivered to you, free only carry a 1 year Warranty and you will of charge, within a 100km not qualify for the discounted labour radius/drop the Driver of the Truck rate. This could mean that it might me at the office, home or the mall while c h e a p e r t o h a v e y o u r Tr u c k we service/repair your Truck, serviced/repaired at Paarl Motors than at should you bring it in yourself. a non franchised garage. • We are dedicated in providing you, our Customer, with outstanding DON'T GET FOOLED IN PAYING MORE service which you deserve. Put us to THAN YOU HAVE TO AND ONLY HAVE the test! HALF A WARRANTY! Phone us during office hours: 021 862 1037 After hours emergency number: 080 013 3355
EK Street, Huguenot, Paarl
Free Safety Health Check On All Mercedes-Benz Vehicles: • Your vehicle will be inspected as per an inspection sheet from Mercedes-Benz South Africa to inform you of the condition of your vehicle. This inspection will be free of charge. All repairs originating from this inspection will be offered to you at a 20% discount on labour cost and 15% discount on parts (excluding “Special Offer”, see below). 2 Year Warranty On Parts:
• Only when Mercedes-Benz Parts are bought and fitted by Paarl Motors will you receive a 2 year Warranty on these parts. Parts bought over the counter will only carry a 1 year Warranty and you will not qualify for the discounted labour rate. This could mean that it might me cheaper to have your vehicle serviced/repaired at Paarl Motors than at a non franchised garage.
Special Offers:
Thanks to the reduction on the cost of certain Service & Repair Parts by Mercedes-Benz South Africa, Paarl Motors can now offer this reduction to you! Vehicles included are A-Class,
C-Class and E-Class:
• Services: A – Service from R1250.00 B – Service from R1790.00 • Other special offers include: Brake /
Shocks / Mountings / Control Arms / Timing Chain & Gears and other. Please ask for our SPPS quotations when you enquire about these special offers when you schedule your vehicle for a service/repair so that you will not miss out on these exciting offers, only at Mercedes-Benz, Paarl Motors!
The Passenger Service Department is open from 07h00, Monday till Friday. International Certified Service Advisors: Zanie Lombard and Edward Abrahams, Foreman: Dudley McMillan, Customer Liaison: Cindy Orffer, Service Manager: Deon du Toit, as well as the rest of the Service Team is dedicated in providing you, our Customer, with outstanding service which you deserve. Put us to the test! Phone us during office hours: 021 872 15 31 After hours emergency number: 080 013 3355
37 Jan van Riebeeck Avenue 37, Huguenot, Paarl
Hermanus Times
BOLAND Auto Sold
13 February, 2014
Subaru unveils 2015 Legacy concept at LA Auto Show QUICKPIC The 2015 Legacy echoes design themes introduced by the Legacy Concept at the 2013 Los Angeles Auto Show. The production model combines sporty form and efficient function. Key to the sleeker, coupe-like profile is a “nosecone” front section that combines the grille and bumper into one smooth piece. An aluminium bonnet reduces weight over the front wheels, enhancing steering response. The 2015 Legacy maintains a footprint similar to the model it replaces. The 2015 Legacy’s windscreen is more raked, pulled forward by 50 mm at the base. The new windscreen angle, higher seating hip points, new front partition windows and doormounted side-view mirrors help improve visibility. A 10-percent improvement in aerody-
namic efficiency contributes to lower fuel consumption as well. All 2015 Legacy 2.5i trim levels debut a standard Active Grille Shutter system, which helps to improve fuel economy by reducing wind resistance when closed. In the Legacy 3.6 R Limited, new standard HID low-beam headlights give the car a more distinctive night-time signature. The U-shape tail and brake lights on all models use LED bulbs for lower power consumption and a luxurious appearance. Limited trim-line models feature turn signal exterior mirrors, which are available as an option for the Premium. Subaru significantly upgraded infotainment capability in the 2015 Legacy. A new 6.2 Infotainment System in the Legacy 2.5i model provides AM/FM stereo with RDS, a single-disc in-dash CD player, 6.2-inch multi-function touch screen display which integrates the rear view camera, Bluetooth® hands-free phone connectivity and audio streaming, iPod® con-
In the Legacy 3.6R Limited, new standard HID lowbeam headlights gives the car a more distinctive night time signature. PHOTO: QUICKPIC trol capability, USB port and an aux input jack. The multi-touch display offers swipe and scrolling gestures – much like tablets and smartphones, The upgraded infotainment system in the 2.5i Premium adds a 6-speaker audio system with 7-inch touch screen display, SMS text messaging and dual USB ports. Standard for the 2015 Legacy Limited models, a new high-end audio system combines a 576-Watt equivalent AM/FM radio unit with 12 harman/kardon speakers, including a front centre speaker and a rear subwoofer. The amplifier and speakers use harman/ kardon Green Edge technology, which reduces system weight and power consumption. The Navigation Infotainment System available for the Premium and Limited trim levels, in addition to the multi-function display, features an interactive voice command system that accepts natural language and phrases and also operates the dual-zone automatic climate control system. A more versatile centre console in the 2015 Legacy provides a storage area that can hold an iPad. A new covered storage bin at the front of the console incorporates a USB port, 3.5 mm
aux jack and a 12v power socket. Models with high-grade audio or navigation feature two USB ports, making it possible to listen to music and charge two connected devices. Both 2015 Legacy models are equipped with a newly refined version of the Active Torque Split version of Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive. An electronically managed continuously variable transfer clutch actively controls torque distribution in response to driving conditions and wheel slippage. The system can send additional torque to the rear wheels either pro-actively or in response to slippage at the front wheels. Taking input from acceleration, steering angle and yaw-rate sensors, Active Torque Split AWD optimises traction and steering response when accelerating through turns and curves, particularly when the road surface is slippery. The 2015 Legacy 2.5i is powered by a doubleoverhead-cam FB series 2.5-litre Boxer® engine that debuted in 2013 and now receives numerous enhancements for lighter weight, improved efficiency and quieter operation. Power is increased slightly to 131 kW. Peak torque remains at 236 Nm but is spread over a broader engine speed range for more responsive performance. With the 2015 Legacy, Subaru continues to offer a 6-cylinder model in the midsize sedan segment. The 3.6-litre Boxer® engine produces 191 kW and 335 Nm of peak torque. For 2015, all Legacy models now come standard with a Lineartronic™ CVT (continuously variable transmission), with the 6-cylinder model using a high-torque version. Changes made to reduce friction in the CVT contribute to higher fuel efficiency in the 2015 Legacy. All models are equipped with Incline Start Assist and the electronic Hill Holder System that holds the vehicle in place until the driver applies the throttle.
Hermanus Times 13 February, 2014
BOLAND Auto Sold
Hermanus Times
BOLAND Auto Sold
13 February, 2014
RS is new Sonic halo model from Chevrolet QUIKCPIC
General Motors South Africa (GMSA) has kicked off 2014 with the launch of the all-new Chevrolet Sonic RS. The new Sonic RS joins the local Sonic model range as the new halo model, which sports turbocharged performance and uprated handling, along with a high level of specification and enhanced design elements for a uniquely exciting driving experience.
The turbocharged performance figures include a 0100 km/h sprint time of 9,5 seconds and a top speed of 197 km/h. .......................................................... PHOTO: SEAGRAMPEARCE
“The RS moniker forms the first level of performance-oriented nomenclature in the Chevrolet product portfolio,” explains Chevrolet Brand Manager at GMSA, Tim Hendon. “Originally applied to the Chevrolet Camaro RS (Rally Sport) in 1967, with this badge we are now providing a sportier, more athletic Sonic hatchback to performanceminded South Africans, the B-segment benefiting from a ‘hot Chevy’ for the first time. The new Sonic RS exhibits performance-en-
hancing mechanical upgrades, superior levels of driving comfort and a high specification level which includes the all-new Chevrolet MyLink infotainment system – all presented in a sexy hatchback body and with driving enjoyment at the heart of it all.” Turbo power and tuned performance Featuring GM’s global 1,4 F turbocharged Ecotec® petrol engine, the new Sonic RS makes use of 103 kW and 200 Nm – the front wheels receiving the power through a slick six-speed manual gearbox with close ratios for sporty performance. Audibly exciting as well, the tuned exhaust system allows the improved performance to be heard while still maintaining comfortable noise levels at all times. The turbocharged performance figures include a 0-100 km/h sprint time of 9,5 seconds and a top speed of 197 km/h. Balancing out the increase in excitement and sporty driving antics, the ECOTEC® engine also provides for improved fuel efficiency – the new Sonic RS consumes just 6,6 F per 100 km on the combined average cycle, with carbon emissions of 155 g/km to match. Tuned suspension, which takes shape in the form of a MacPherson strut design up front and a multi-link setup at the rear, allows for improved handling especially under sportier conditions, the Sonic RS featuring a lower ride height with stiffer suspension and performance-tuned dampers to deliver a communicative and firm, yet comfortable ride. The new Chevrolet Sonic RS can be easily identified by the distinct yet subtle design changes found on the exterior. A more aggressive front bumper features expressive and angular fog lights with chrome detailing. Gunmetal-painted 17-inch alloy wheels in a muscular five-spoke design are separated by chunky new side skirts and black painted door mirrors with integrated Led indicators and at the rear, the motorcycle-inspired tail lights are joined by a new roof spoiler, an accented rear diffuser with a striking trapezoidal exhaust tip and special Sonic RS badging. The interior continues the sporty design theme with top-quality materials used to express the RS moniker. Red accents abound – the stitching on the leather-bound, flat-bottomed steering wheel, “RS” emblems on the seats and piping on the floor mats – embodying the zestier Sonic’s personality. An upgraded rev counter also features an RS badge. The Chevrolet MyLink system is an integration of the most popular and advanced infotainment functions incorporated into an easyto-use, attractive and effective interface which transforms the Chevrolet Sonic RS into a connected entertainment hub while on the move. Comprising a host of smart features, the MyLink system is moving Chevrolet vehicles quickly forward in the in-car technology stakes. MyLink is fitted as standard on the new Sonic RS and features as an optional extra on 2014 Sonic LS models, giving the Sonic range a competitive edge in the B-segment. The MyLink concept is simple – an integration of the most popular and advanced infotainment functions incorporated into an easyto-use, attractive and effective interface. MyLink incorporates a host of different media sources and formats, allowing the user to play or watch their favourite media in the car. Bluetooth audio streaming with playlist customisation and full smartphone integration allows MyLink to stay connected and become an extension of the phone itself. Full phonebook and call list integration with a smart dialling feature makes calling easier than ever before. Video playback and picture gallery viewing while the vehicle is stationary adds another, class-leading touch. The high-resolution 7-inch touch screen is perfectly integrated into the vehicle’s dashboard and features touch button controls for a thoroughly modern look and feel. Voice control on most smartphones and steering wheelmounted controls also mean the system can be operated in complete safety with both hands on the steering wheel. Befitting of the new halo model in the Chevrolet Sonic range, the new Sonic RS features a high level of value-adding specifications in terms of safety, comfort and convenience. Safety equipment includes disc brakes allround with ABS, EBD and BAS, ESC and Traction Control, a full-size spare wheel, ISOFIX child seat anchors and four airbags. The new Sonic RS retails for R225 300 and is available as standard with a 5 year/120 000 km warranty and a three year/ 60 000 km service plan linked to service intervals of 15 000 km.
Hermanus Times
BOLAND Auto Sold
13 February, 2014
Voormalige Sprin bokkaptein en huidige hoof van Sharks Rugby, John Smit, geniet sy visvang. Hy is veral mal daaroor om dit vanaf ’n SeaDoowaterpo nie te doen.
John Smit hengel op ponie QUICKPIC Dit lyk asof die Springbok-rugbylegende John Smit altyd kop eerste induik – in die voorry van die Springbok-skrum, as die nuwe grootbaas van die Haaie, en in die golwe op ’n nuwe SeaDoo. Die voormalige Springbok-haker waag sy hand deesdae aan ’n nuwe en vinnig groeiende sport, jetski-hengel, en gebruik ’n kragtige SeaDoo daarvoor. “Hierdie soort hengel het baie gewild geword, en aangesien John dit so geniet, het ons besluit om hom van ’n SeaDoo te voorsien om die nuwe sport waarvoor hy so lief is, te beoefen,” sê Fred Fensham, hoofbestuurder by CMH Marine and Leisure. “John het nes SeaDoo ’n groot gevolg, en ons wou ons steun aan hom as een van ons gunsteling-seuns op só ’n manier bewys,” sê Fensham, wie se maatskappy die volledige SeaDoo-watertuigreeks bemark. John geniet dit om die waterponie rond te slinger wanneer hy in die golwe by Aliwal
Shoal, die Durbanse Skiboot-klub, of strande soos Umdloti gaan hengel of net vir die pret gaan ry. “Ek het ná my heel eerste rit op ’n SeaDoo besef ek was op ’n baie ander soort masjien as dié waaraan ek die afgelope paar jaar gewoond geraak het. Sy krag, brandstofdoeltreffendheid en tegnologie is stukke beter as enigiets waarop ek al voorheen gery het,” sê hy. Waterponie-hengel is nog ’n nuwigheid vir dié man wat deesdae die Groen en Goud as uitvoerende hoof van die Haaie dra. “Dit is vir iemand soos ek, wat nou eers begin leer het om van ’n waterponie af te hengel, belangrik om elke moontlike voordeel tot my beskikking te hê.” Hy voeg by dat hy vang en loslaat, maar elke dan en wan een vir die pan hou. Die nuwe “speelding”, wat deur CMH Marine and Leisure voorsien word, en deur Hooked Up van Pinetown in stand gehou word, is die middelpunt van belangstelling waar John ook al gaan. “Ek moet die ding by die huis in die garage wegsteek sodat my kinders my nie die hele dag pes om op die water te gaan baljaar nie!”
Hermanus Times
BOLAND Auto Sold
13 February, 2014
Knysna Motor show
MercedesBenz hopes its brand new VClass will become a future icon among South Africans.
The new VClass: This Mercedes sets new benchmarks among MPVs QUICKPIC As the youngest and largest member of the passenger-car family from Stuttgart, the V-Class Mercedes-Benz sets new benchmarks in its segment with its design and a host of innovations. The new V-Class combines room for up to eight people and exemplary functionality
with the high-class appeal, comfort, efficient driving pleasure and safety that distinguish all vehicles bearing the threepointed star. This makes the Mercedes among MPVs the perfect vehicle for everyone who appreciates great spaciousness but does not want to sacrifice style and comfort. “The introduction of the V-Class is testament to our mandate to continuously in-
crease functionality, comfort and style across our range of vehicles. Its versatility and safety credentials will certainly ensure that this vehicle becomes a future icon amongst South Africans” says Head of Mercedes-Benz Vans, Nicolette Lambrechts. Pricing and confirmation of engine ranges to be confirmed closer to the local South African launch expected at the end of the second quarter of 2015.
The Knysna Motor Show is an annual event that has become well established on the local calendar in the last decade. Although the motor show is independently organised by the Garden Route Motor Club, in 2011 a joint decision was made to bring it into the Knysna Speed Festival fold to offer fans visiting the town an added motoring element, while also assisting the show attract a larger number of people through the gate. Over 230 classic cars participated in this event in 2013 and record funds were raised for charity. All profits generated by the event are donated to charity. Owners of classic cars (ancient or modern) planning to visit Knysna are invited. Pre-registration is essential. Contact Peter Pretorius on the contact details below. You can leave your car in the care of the marshals and cross the road to the Waterfront to enjoy some Knysna oysters while the show is on. It takes place on theKnysnaHighSchoolsportsfieldsjustoffWaterfront Drive (opposite Caltex Garage) from 10:00 to 16:00 on Sunday 11 May. Food and refreshments are available. There has been great interest from marque clubs far and wide to be a part of the motor show this year, including the MG Car Club which is holding its Indaba over the period, so expect to see some fantastic vehicles on display. For information or to enter contact Peter Pretorius on 082 321 4724 or peterp@epweb.co.za
Hermanus Times 13 February, 2014
BOLAND Auto Sold
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
13 February, 2014
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 079 697 6555/082 492 4285.
DIE KLASKAMER - Wiskundeklasse. Bee Müller (gr 4-7) 076 306 3861 of bee@hermanus.co.za. Ansie de Kock (gr 8-12) 079 603 7781 of ansie@whale.co.za. Naby skole. Skryf nou in om teleurstelling te voorkom.
ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za. CONGRATULATIONS 1030
KAMERA OPGETEL. Skakel 082 693 5635.
RAAI WIE IS 21 OP 15/02/2014? Baie geluk en seëninge op jou pad voorentoe. Lief vir jou van mammie, daddy, broer & suster.
GROOT IS DIE DANK aan Johann De Jager van Maintenance Man vir al die ANIMAL werk & ondersteuning wat ADOPTIONS hy aan ons by R.S.E Dien1201 ste gegee het vanaf Maart 2013 tot nou. Ons glo dat BEAUTIFUL KITTENS, ons nog vir baie jare so assorted cats, Jack Russell saam sal werk. Van R.S.E and German Shepherd Dienste. cross require good homes very urgently. Tel 028 341FUNERAL 0547 or 082 899 1172. SERVICES 1025
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com
Wedding Anniversary Special for the month of love. If you are celebrating your anniversary during the month of February, place your wedding photo with a short message for onlyR80
1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.
HELIUM PARTY BALLOONS for any event. OUR FRIENDLY, SOCIAL Contact Annatjie 082 940 and protective superdogs 3653. Jet, male, 10, Ridgeback mix & Jessi, 11, Jack RusHERMANUS HIRING sell lady, need a good will fill all your function home for the next 18 months and/or 3 cool inde- needs - Tables, chairs, cutpendant cats. All spayed & lery, crockery, linen, etc. At healthy. Call Allie 079 857 good prices. Call 028-312 4291 or Ken on 082 420 9315. 0060. COMMUNITY NOTICES
HERBALIFE. Summer is here! Lose weight and keep it off! Professional follow up. Free delivery. Call 076 155 9648. MASSAGE THERAPIST. Raymond Philpott. Therapeutic, deep tissue, sports. Kidbrooke Place & Botrivier. Call 082 599 2993.
RENATA ROOS Neuroflexologist, Reflexology, pedicures. Tel: 083 265 0421.
WENDY HOUSE. 12sq meter wendy in reasonable condition R4000 or nearest offer. Call Lance 076 810 1196. ELECTRICAL & DIGITAL 1625
ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.
AFFORDABLE ONSITE Computer Support. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer with ten years corporate experience to assist you at home or office with all computer, network, internet and email problems. Call Jacques 084 402 0500. BARGAIN SHOP. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508.
MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311.
WHIRLPOOL Skottelgoedwasser (soos nuut) R1400.00. Hoover tuimeldroër - R500.00. Nikon Coolpix kamera (digitaal) R500.00. Ontwerper rok (10) - perfek vir matriek afskeid. Nooit gedra, met etiket nog aan (ligpienk, ontwerp soos die Chanel rok) R1500. Skakel 079 899 3408. PETS
MISCELLANEOUS APPLE AND COMPUTER SUPPORT. Your friendly neighbourhood geek would like to help you sort out your PC and mobile device problems! I provide on-site support, tutoring and expert advice all at the best price in town. Try me! Call Chris on 082 856 5384.
TRANSPERSONAL HYPNOTHERAPY. Help with releasing stress, depression, anger, addictions, weight issues, fears etc. through relaxation & access of the unconscious mind. Call Joe Hein 079 680 2600.
AMERICAN TYPE CANOE with new paddle and custom seat - R900. Call 071 896 4980. BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749. ELEKTRONIESE SIGARETTE is nou hier beskikbaar as alternatief vir die rook van skadelike tabakrook. Kontak: Ben 082 726 8771/ 028 316 4217.
Steenbras Street, off Swartdam Street. Industrial Area Tel 028-312 2886 084 512 9584 WANTED TO BUY 1675
LOANS 1445
BESTE KORT en langtermyn lenings beskikbaar. HOMEMADE LUNCHES, Sel: 074 770 7291/081 047 weekend braai's, roasts 0904. from R45 p.p. Platters, Chicken pies & much more. We deliver. Bookings PERSONAL essential. Call Bianca 061 1460 372 5357.
CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 SUGAR PLUM Party 548 5871. Shop.Surprise your loved HERMANUS DIABETIC ones with Valentine's balSUPPORT GROUP. Mee- loons. We can deliver Call 072 401 5913 or e-mail: tings on first Tuesday of sugarplumpartyfun@gmail. the month. Contact Liezl com Jordaan at 028 313 0643.
GUITAR LESSONS English/Afrikaans. Call Andrew 072 563 1817.
DEMAND MORE from your body. 12 Weeks to a stronger, fitter, slimmer you. Lose weight. Lose body fat. Gain lean muscle mass! To reach your level 10, contact me now! Call 082 796 5741 or e-mail: tanya.kirsten@yahoo.com.
DAVID ALBERT 16/10/1929 - 11/02/2013. In loving memory of Dick, beloved and very precious husband, much loved father and grandfather. You are forever in our hearts and thoughts and are sorely missed.
GELDENHUYS YVONNE. 19/03/1967 - 4/02/2014. Troosdiens Saterdag 15 Februarie 2014 - 11vm, op die hawemuur. Tot ons weer ontmoet mamma. Liefde, Luanne.
I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.
COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.
HOUSE & PET SITTER Available. Reliable and responsible person. Call Anna-Claire 072 645 4232/028 316-2871.
HOUSE & PET-SITTER AVAILABLE. Reliable and trustworthy. Live-in. Contact Deevra 071 477 7850 or deev67@gmail.com. OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679.
WANTED: Antiques, furniture, paintings, bronzes, silver, porcelain, jewellery, watches, clocks. Cash payments for unwanted goods. Call 082 833 2567.
PAVING BRICKS. Large quantity and variety. Half price. Call 076 810 1196 / 028 313 2372.
A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798.
TRAILER R1200 as is VAT inclusive. Dog kennel never used R500 VAT inclusive. Call 028 3164408/072 505 4169.
ALL BUILDING WORK. Alterations, renovations, extensions, boundry walls, paving, painting. Call 082 255 0939.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
13 February, 2014
ALTERATION & BUILDING PLANS, can do energy efficiency study. Call Steven 074 102 7897. E-mail: steven@ imagestudio.co.za. CARPENTRY 1874
BUILT IN CUPBOARDS & carpentry. Call Andre Steenkamp 082 660 4455. CLEANING SEVICES
BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592. DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. Fire wood. Call T.J.Boshoff 082 954 7970. E-mail: bossie.boom@gmail.com.
DANGEROUS TREE REMOVAL, Plot clearing and pruning. Call Lloyd 078 315 9556.
ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS, painting, electrical, plumbing, tiling, building etc. Free quotations. Phone 082 864 2275.
OVERBERG DRY TAR. We specialise in driveways, walkways, patios and more. Choose from asphalt, paving products, rubber surfacing, exposed aggregate, concrete etc. Contact Jaco Stander for free quotation at 072 225 3792.
ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. No call out fee. Call 079 706 1056/074 126 4801.
FLOOR SANDING & specialized installation of wood floors & timber decks. The Hutton Brothers 082 828 5627 or 028-341 0543.
1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280. ccsplant@telkomsa.net. BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028312 2367.
REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195. GLASS/WINDOWS
MILLAN MAINTENANCE. For general maintenance, repairs and renovations, care of properties when you are away. Call local, reliable, single worker on 071 479 0230/028 314-0233.
PEST CONTROL -WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call our friendly staff on 028316 3010. 082 885 7480.
1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874.
NEED A NEW CAR? Let me assist you with your transport needs. Over a hundred vehicles to choose from. Call Conrad today on 071 925 5406 for more information. TRAILERS 3040
We recycle
BMW 328 I COUPÉ Convertable. Auto 1995. 180 000km. R55,000 neg. Very good condition. Call 072 434 1886.
HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za. VEHICLES WANTED TO BUY 3075
WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480.
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.
BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323.
PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028 316 1881 / 072 288 4761. PEST CONTROL
GUARANTEED PEST/WEED CONTROL. Personal treatment. Industrial/Residential. Weed treatment on lawns. Andries de Kock 082 567 7591.
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com
082 414 9611
AAA MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, damp proofing, water proofing, building & renovations, general maintenance. Free quotes. Call Ian 082 535 5591.
2002 TOYOTA MR2 1.8 Soft Top R114 950. Petrol, convertable, red, manual. Very good mechanical/body overall condition. R/cd, power steering, mags, air conditioner, ABS, airbags, Alarm/immob, electric windows. RWC on delivery. Tel 079 526 8324.
A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. For full garden maintenance, tree felling, plot clearing and refuse removal. Also small removals. Gutter cleaning. Call Morné 083 225 3712.
WIND-O-WASH. For professional window cleaning services in the domestic, commercial, industrial and retail sectors. We have more than 20 years experience in the industry and look forward to your call on 028-313 2232 for a free, no obligation quotation.
MIK & TAK. Afsaag van bome, verwyder wortelsisteme. Verwyder en maak skoon - die twee boertjies ken - probeer ons. Mike 078 371 5967 or Aldert 083 739 9865.
BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact 028 312 4615 or email us at advice@bbrokers. co.za. Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website: www.bbrokers.co.za.
BUILDERS & PLUMBERS. Best price guaranteed. Painting - paving walls and fencing. Ben JorSOLARMAX. SABS FYNBOS GARDENS. daan 072 293 6169. approved solar hot water Landscaping, irrigation and systems. Free site inspecgarden maintenance. 15 CARPET and upholstery Mimosa Street, Industrial cleaning. Personal supervi- tions & quotation. 17 Long Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. sion. Best prices. Free quo- Street, Hermanus. Tel. www.fynbosgardens.com tations. Phone Top Carpets 028-312 1667.www. solarmax.co.za. 028-313 0721. HERMANUS CLEANING HERMANUS LANDSCATUFF GUARD Seamless PING. Garden design, SERVICE. Houses, pre CARPET AND UPHOLmaintenance & irrigation. and post occupational STERY cleaning. Curtains polyurethane coating for motor/marine and waterclean-ups. Once-off, wee- 22 Years experience. Call & blinds. Call Allison or proofing roofs/dams. Call kly/monthly & laundry. Fri- Paul Marx 082 32 777 04. John 072 572 0215. 028 312-2066. Vernon 083 endly service under super375 4667. Weder park nr 3. vision. Mon-Sat. Call 076 FISHING ROD & REEL 115 7382. Service and repairs. 117 Main Road Kleinmond. Contact Arthur 028 271ELECTRICAL 5420/079 974 9903. 24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017.
ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 4761/084 558 1902.
FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.
OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.
01 STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704. TRANSFERS/AIRPORT. Airport transfers and weekend shuttle service to and from Cape Town. Enquiries or bookings Megan 083 702 3273.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
13 February, 2014
MALAWIAN LADY looking for a job as domestic worker. Five years experience. Call 071 901 4336 / 073 844 5034.
MALAWIAN GIRL looking for a job as domestic or any job. Very intelligent, 20 Year old Zimbabwean fast learner. Call Beatrice girl looking for stay in or out work. Have experience. 083 962 6394. Call 084 372 4715. MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job . Please 25 YEAR MALAWIAN phone Blandina 078 713 lady unmarried, looking for 1145. a job as domestic worker. MALAWIAN LADY(28) 2 Years experience. Refelooking for a job as a rence Sharon 072 859 2378. Call Jane on 061 208 domestic worker. Please call Happiness 071 833 2837. 5588. 27 YR ZIMBABWEAN MALAWIAN MAN aged man is looking for a gardening job. Reference 079 28 looking for a job full time as a gardener, painter 343 1047 or call 073 857 or domestic work. Call 9151. Japhet on 060 450 1291. 28 YR MAN looking for a MALAWIAN MAN aged job - gardening or dome35 is looking for a job. Garstic. 2 Days - Monday & dening or domestic. RefeTuesday. Reference availarences available. Call 074 ble 073 908 4781. 916 6324/083 894 4850. 35 YR ZIMBABWEAN MALAWIAN LADY(30) hardworking man looking looking for a job as a houfor a housekeeper or garsekeeper, babysitting or dener job. Please call 061 cooking. 4 Years experi116 0191. ence. Call 061 020 3225.
ZIMBABWEAN LADY looking for job as babysitter or domestic worker for 5 days. Call Siteni 074 911 3164.
SHOP 72m2 in the Hemel & Aarde Village. Available now. Very reasonable rental in beautiful setting. R5500 pm. Phone Frandi for details: 083 480 9208. STRAATFRONT EENHEID te huur. Eenheid nr.1, Jarina Park, Gideon van Wyk Slot. 200 vierkante meter. Skakel 083 310 2319. UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY in Hermanus CBD. Shop to let in The Courtyard, central Hermanus for R1300 pm + VAT. Fantastic position for the right enterprise. Phone Frandi for details and to arrange a viewing 083 480 9208.
39 YEAR MAN looking for a job as a gardener, housekeeper or licenced driver. Reference available. Call 074 362 8674.
A LADY is looking fro a job as a housekeeper or babysitter for 3 days a week. Reference 083 429 9919 (Jami). Call 074 072 8617.
1 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL aan huis te huur. Geen diere. Nierokers. R2500 per maand. Kontak Cornel 083 704 8636. FULLY FURNISHED 1 Bedroom flat - R2500 pm. Available 1 March 2014. No animals permitted, no smoking. Call 028 3164408/072 505 4169. FURNISHED APARTMENT Kwaaiwater. 2 Bedrooms, large livingroom, bathroom. Nice view close to the sea. Available now. R3700 pm. electricity incl. Call Lance 076 810 1196. SANDBAAI. Eenslaapkamer woonstel van 01/03/2014 te huur. Verkieslik een persoon. R2600 pm. Skakel 028 316 1324. TO LET: 3 bedroom apartment in Main Road, Kleinmond @ R6,000 pm (Incl.services). Retail Space in Hermanus CBD suitable for café/bistro. Contact: 082 870 5704/ xpertprop@gmail.com.
House & Home feature – 20 February edition Hermanus Times classifieds will be showcasing all businesses related to home cleaning and garden services as well as handyman and maintenance companies. This feature will cast the spotlight on companies that offer home services –roofs, windows, painting – With the fantastic weather one can get all the small jobs done around your property long before winter. Place your full colour 6cm x 3cm block advert for R226.70 or your 5cm x 6cm full colour business card size advert for only R377. Both prices include VAT. Deadline for bookings th Monday 17 February
3290 3201
FYNBOSPARK R499 000 ALLEENMANDAAT. Ligte goedgeleë 1 slaapkamer grondeenheid wat op tuin uitloop. Badkamer en lekker leefarea met toegeruste kombuis. Web verw: 655278. Marietta 082 569 6967. Guthrie & Theron Eiendomme.
2 BEDROOM COTTAGE. Big garden. Walking distance Village garage. R5000pm. Contact peterhodgskin@gmail.com.
A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a housekeeper/gardener/gueshouse attendant/painter. Work permit available. 3 Years experience. Call Alex 073 903 4493. Reference 082 409 1290. A MATURE RELIABLE Zimbabwean lady is looking for a job as a babysitter/housekeeper or pet sitter job. Full/part-time. Ref available. Call Laizah 084 216 3240. A MATURED Zimbabwean lady is looking for a job as domestic worker. Full time or 4 days/week. Call Chipo 071 991 3412.
NORTHCLIFF R1,450,000. Nuwe vrystelling! Hierdie netjiese enkelvlak woning bestaan uit 'n sitkamer, eetkamer & kombuis, 3 slaapk, 2 badk, enkel motorhuis en buitekamer met toilet. Netjiese, ruim tuin met berguitsig. Erf: 763m2. Eiendom is baie sentraal geleë binne loopafstand van dorp en skole. Goed geprys! Heather Kleynhans 083 285 2777. WONING NR 8 TENNISSTRAAT BOTRIVIER. Erf no 1634, grootte 595m2. Die woning bestaan uit 8 vertrekke, plus 2 badkamers en 2 aparte toilette. 'n Agterplaas met vrugtebome en grond vir tuinmaak. Voor is 'n stoep en tuin plus parkeerruimte. Geskik vir "backpackers". Skakel 028 284 9891 / 028 284 9002.
A MALAWIAN lady is looking for a job as domestic worker. Smart & honest. Call Linnet on 074 258 9970.
(AGE 31) LOOKING for domestic work 4 days a week. Call 083 453 1455. BERTHA CHAMBO Malawian lady looking for job as a childminder or housekeeper. Full-time or days. Hardworking and experienced. Call 083 892 6428 or 074 402 4735.
MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job as a housekeeper, gardener or shopkeeper. 2 Experience. Reference 082 052 4113. Call 074 495 8629.
BE YOUR BEST WITH AVON! Want to become one of our fabulous reps? SMS your name to 073 302 1463.
Seeks to recruit a highly motivated and experienced COMMUNITY CO-ORDINATOR This full time post offers an exciting opportunity to be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the CFC strategy, as determined by the Board of Directors, across the community, ensuring delivery of care at the highest standards to our residents, whilst taking responsibility for the overall financial and operational management of the community.
The successful candidate will:
MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job as a housekeeper or driver or gardener with 6 years experience. Please call Lowrent 084 330 0715.
MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job as a domestic worker, housekeeper or gardener. 5 Years experience. Call 074 824 7171.
HELP JOUSELF, niemand anders sal nie, daarom sal jy nooit weet hoe om R18 000 deeltyds te verdien nie. Geen netwerk & deur tot deur bemarking nie. Skakel Riana 071 492 9221/021 850-8184.
MALAWIAN MAN looking for housekeeping/gardener/tyre fitting or carpenter work. 6 Years experience. Reference 073 430 6443. Call 074 305 6024.
LIVE IN MANAGER for guesthouse. Salary package negotiable. E-mail CV to brogers@mweb.co.za.
MATURE SINGLE LADY would like to do permanent house sitting 3-6 months a time. Qualified housekeeper with references. Call Heather 076 398 6206.
Its the new year and with it will be many celebrations throughout the year – Birthdays/ Kiddies parties, 21st and anniversary DOMESTIC WORK. celebrations. Employment wanted for 5 TWO MALAWIAN ladies Hermanus Times will cast the looking for jobs as house days. Got experience as a spotlight on businesses who cleaners, babysitters. cook & babysitter. Got provide catering, jumping Work permits and refereferences or phone Georcastles, limo services, fancy gina 072 310 8944/071 950 rences available. Call 084 dress , cake making , venues 741 7576/074 549 8452. 0981. and entertainment for parties Reference 083 357 4515. in this feature. 4 YEARS Experienced YOUNG LADY (20) is To book your advertising lady, is looking for work 4 looking for a housekeeper space please contact days a week. Call 084 628 job. Honest & reliable. Yolande Pistilli 7550. Available immediately. Place your full colour 6cm x Please call Chido 074 579 EXPERIENCED MALA3cm block advert for 5952. WIAN lady is looking for R226.70 or your 5cm x 6cm full/part-time domestic YOUNG LADY looking for full colour business card size work. Reference avail. Call employment as a domestic advert for only R377. Both 078 188 2504/074 523 prices include VAT. worker - 3 days/week. For 6305. reference call Mr. Smit 072 Deadline for bookings 884 3827 or call Mteto 083 24 February. I HAVE AN Excellent
Zimbabwean gardener, very reliable. He can even do housework. Highly recommended. Thursdays & Saturdays. Please call me on 072 994 3967.
SA LADY looking for a job as a domestic worker. Full/part time. Reference 079 897 4479 or Miriam 073 510 7082.
995 9332.
ZIMBABWEAN LADIES looking for domestic work part/full time. Norah 061 134 7816 or Esnath 074 604 4736.
SALES REP. A well known company in Hermanus is looking for a sales representative. Must be well spoken & well presented. Must be computer literate & have own transport. Only people with experience, who are serious about working hard and under pressure need apply. To start asap. Contact 072 105 3198. TEACH IN THAILAND. Major intake: March/April. linda@teachnet.co.za
MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job as a housekeeper, gardener or driver. Have got experience and contactable reference. Able to stay in. Call 061 632 8855/072 882 2834.
MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job as a housekeeper/gardener/painter or domestic work. 3 yrs experinece. Ref avail. Call 074 723 3188.
• Be suitably qualified, holding a professional financial and/or management qualification. • Have a minimum of 3 years' operational work experience at a senior management level, to include strategic development, implementation and financial management and controls. • Experience of managing and leading a team effectively. • Experience of the NPO, charity and voluntary sector. To obtain an application form and detailed job / person specification please contact Mrs. Karin Laubscher on: 076 376 4847
Closing date for receipt of applications is 28.2.2014. For more information please visit our website: www.farm.camphill-hermanus.org.za
Aquaculture Company
Based in Hermanus, requiring a Financial Management Accountant for a permanent position responsible for six divisions. Minimum Requirements • B.Com. with 3+ years' experience in a similar role • Sound knowledge of IFRS, SA Tax regulations, accounting statements and financial legal aspects. • Experience in budgets / forecasting / company tax and VAT • Strong people management skills • MS Office, Pastel and/or other accounting software packages an advantage Job Specification KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: • Preparation of complete monthly management accounts • Maintain general ledgers to trial balances; • Maintain debtors ledgers • Maintain creditors ledgers • Maintain stock ledgers • Maintain cash books and manage cash flows and projections • Maintain fixed asset registers and insurances • Maintain payrolls • Complete statutory returns (VAT, PAYE, UIF, SDL, etc.) • Budget compilations • Maintain stock valuation and margin analyses. • Coordination of operational half-year and yearend reporting including external audits; • Ensure that all policies; processes and procedures within the departments and group have been complied with; • Supervising and managing bookkeeping staff at each respective unit To apply please forward your CV by email to reception@t-marine.co.za by no later than the 21st of February 2014. Applications must include contactable references. If you have not been contacted by us before or on the 28th of February 2014, please accept your application was unsuccessful.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
13 February, 2014
Milner donates art pieces to hospice of the time. He would sometimes accept art in lieu of rent, including important works by Maggie Laubser, Paul du Toit and Morris van Essche, but his first acquisition was notably Irma Stern’s Still life with Tiger Lilies and a Melon. Dotty recalls how furious she was with him when he Dotty has retired brought the painting from the familyhome, as they still owned business had no chairs in the known as New York house. He formed enBagels and Deli in Dotty Milner has contributed two paintings during ties with the Sea Point. from her late husband’s impressive art col art world, including Leslie Milner was lection to Overstrand Hospice’s Opportunity Gerald Sekoto, who a pioneer in the food Art 3 fundraiser which takes place at the was exiled and living industry in South end of March. in Paris, and is now Africa, establishing a frozen food plant, a pickled cucumber facto- a highly respected South African artist. It is from this collection that Dotty has dory, and the country’s first smoked salmon factory, which supplied to the local industry as nated two early works by Cape Town artist well as exported to Australia, Germany and Stanley Hermans. Hermans has had several private commissions and his work is disCanada. “Leslie did not speculate in art, he trusted played in the South African National Galhis instincts and made choices motivated by lery, Durban Art Gallery and the Sasol and the sheer enjoyment his collection provid- Sanlam collections. Overstrand Hospice thanks Dotty and the ed,” says Dotty. Consequently many of these paintings have never been seen outside the Milner family sincerely for their interest in circle of Milner’s family and friends. He was this project. As Opportunity Art 3, a wonderful event well known for his pioneering work in the food industry, but many people will be sur- which has provided a showcase of talent each year and enabled the entire community an prised to discover his passion for art. In the 1950s Leslie met Solly Disner, a ten- opportunity to buy some piece of art that ant in his gardens factory. It was through Sol- “talks” to them, gains momentum, the organly, himself a sculptor and art dealer, that Les- isers urge all artists, both casual and profeslie was introduced to the leading Cape artists sional, to donate a piece of their choice.
Dorothy Milner, known by her friends as Dotty, has generously donated two pieces of art from her late husband Leslie’s considerable collection to Opportunity Art 3, which is to be hosted on 29 March by Overstrand Hospice.
FAST TRACK: Qhayiya Secondary School held their Interhouse athletics day at the Zwel ihle Sports Stadium on Friday 7 February. Due to a lack of equipment only track events were held and the sprint events were certainly the most exciting. It was decided to only have finals in the 100 m, 200 m and middle distance events as a result of the large number of participants.White House won the day with 67 points, followed by the Blue House with 46 points. Yellow came in third with 36 points and in fourth position was the Red House with 31 points. PHOTO: MOGAMAT KAMEDIEN
16 February 2014 Services: 8.30 & 10am Led by Rev. Dr. James Gray Children's & Youth MINISTRY 8.30am YOUTH MINISTRY in the Upper Room Every Friday night @ 7pm
Bible Hour: 6.30 pm A Series led by Rev. Andrew Luke “Ten Crucial Convictions”
Enquiries 028 – 312 2717
********************* STANFORD UNITED CHURCH Evening service 18:00 Enquiries (028) 341 0077
Minimum Requirements • Welding experience • Mechanical experience • Administration experience • Building and plumbing experience will be advantageous The above position would suit an organised, observant individual who pays attention to detail and is able to perform in a pressurised environment. Please e-mail CV to ntombomzitolobisa@haygrove.net Or fax to: 086 504 9326 Please use job title as a reference
If you are not contacted within 2 weeks from the date of advertisement your application was unsuccessful. Haygrove is a Fair & Equitable Employer
F&I Business Manager VW Hermanus Duties: To ensure budgets and sales objectives are met by selling Dealership's value added products, vehicle finance and secondly by providing support to direct selling staff. To ensure budgets are met Operate within Dealer Standards Compliance to FSB requirements. Requirements: Comply with all the regulatory requirements set by the FSB, unsupervised Excellent communication skills High level of motivation which includes enthusiasm, initiative and drive You need to be thorough and organized with strong administrative skills backed by business acumen Knowledge and experience of the finance and insurance industry Ability to negotiate profitable transactions and display strong selling skills. Closing Date: 17 February 2014 If you meet the minimum requirements, please forward your CV via email: hondahr@rolagrp.co.za and kindly state your notice period and salary expectation. Please note: Candidates who have not been contacted within 3 weeks of the closing date may assume that their application has been unsuccessful.
Inspired Life MINISTRIES
Invites you for a time of Worship, & the Inspired Word of God
All Welcome
Sunday @ 09am-10:30 am Evening Service @18:00 Sandbaai Saal Main Rd
Cecil & Brenda James 028-316 3224
Inspired Life MINISTRIES
All Welcome
implementing: Team Impact Christian University In Hermanus & surrounding areas. Certificate & Diploma Courses Bachelors, Master's & Doctorate Degrees Affordable, Accessible, and Internationally Accredited
For more information: Bee James 028 316 3224/083 615 0678 Email: beejames@telkomsa.net
13 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS LENTEN PROGRAMME 4 March: Shrove Tuesday -Fun, fellowship & pancakes - 6pm Wed. 5 March – 9 April: Ash Wednesday & every Wed. during Lenten -Day of Prayer & Fasting - Starting at 7am the Church will be open throughout the day. Communion Services - 8-8.30am & 6-6.30pm Sun. 9 March – 13 April: Lenten series led by Rev. Dr. James Gray - 6.30pm 14-16 April: Holy Week led by Rev. Dr. James Gray - 7-7.30pm 17 April: Tenebrae - 8-9pm 18 April: Good Friday Communion Service led by James Gray & Malcolm Forster - 10am 20 April: Easter Sunday led by Rev. Dr. James Gray - 8.30 &10am
Hermanus Times
Sport Sport
13 February, 2014
Valentine’s golf competition a success SHARON SLEIGH A total of 136 players teed off on a rather windy Sunday afternoon on 9 February in the Valentine’s Mixed competition. Despite the blustery conditions, good scores were returned on each of the three courses. After prize-giving, the numbers swelled to 144, as golfers were joined by their partners for the three-course meal which followed. The lounge and tables were stunningly decorated and the evening was enjoyed by all. Scores (Red Course): 1. M&T Squires / G&K Davies (87). 2. B&J Taylor / K&S Leg- The Green Course winners were from left: Gi gett (86 c/i). 3. L Adams & P Meyer / S na Buckmaster, Cheryl Richardson (Ladies Cap Raine & W Upton (86 c/o) tain), Mike Buckmaster and Claire Peacock. Blue Course: 1. J&G Tuer / J Hartshorne Absent was Alan Williams. & R Bergher (90). 2. G Coates & H Douglas / P. Boshoff & J Havenga (88). 3. P Smith & liams & C Peacock (90). 2. G Combrink & L Musgrove / B&L Cartwright (82 c/i). 3 P&M T Westbrook / I&J van der Plas (86) Green Course: 1. M&G Buckmaster / A Wil- Kopke / N&W Clarke (82 c/o). BRIDGE )Wednesday, 5 February N/S 1. Riekie Louw / Betty Nel 56,57% 2. Julie Cotton / Joan o’Connor 56,25% 2. Mary Andrew / Carin Verburg 56,25% 2. Jaye Howse / Claudine Bylsma 56,25% E/W 1. Eric / Rowena 63,30% 2. Ilse Smart / Val Velaers 57 2% 3. P&B Thomas 56,73% )Friday, 7 February N/S 1. Mary Andrew / Colleen Gower 58,82% 2. Jackie Ascham / Nell Naude 57,27% 3. Joan o’Connor / Julie Cotton 55,12% E/W 1. Maggy Xmas / Peggy Nicholson 60,31% 2. Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 55,25% 3. P&B Thomas 54,38% )Saturday, 8 February N/S 1. Carin Verburg / Annaloes Hoeve 60,42% 2. Anneke v.d. Vlugt 57.18% 3. Jackie Ascham / Betty Nel 54.40% E/W 1. Julie Cotton / Annette Strachen 59,95% 2. Patsy Kann / Val Runkel 57,64% 3. Heather Leemans / Jenny Veysey 55.79% )Monday, 10 February 1. Michael / Dorothee 62.45% 2. Betty Nel / Nell Naude 56.85%
3. Ros Wiebols / Gerd 56.34% E/W 1. Margeret Cunningham / Mary Wood 59.93% 2. John Truswell / Mike Brownlee 59.10% 3. Aletta Robinson / Annette Strachan 58.41% WHALERS ATHLETIC CLUB - TIME TRIAL )Thursday, 6 February 3 km Runners: 1 Lisle Geldenhuys 15.18; 2 John Theobald 16.29; 3 Tiaan de Wet 23.02; 4 Leo Benning 24.27; 5 Johan Andersen 24.37 3 km Walkers: 1 Willie Loedolff 28.56;2Charlotte Kiesen 29.41; 3Ella Coetzer 29.41 5 km Runners: 1 Ignatius Matema 19.02 SB; 2 Serame Bekokobetso 20.30; 3 Murray du Plessis 20.33 PB; 4 Daniel Maree 22.02 SB; 5 Charles Malan 22.30; 6 Ewan Venter 23.15; 7 Frank Gillion 23.24; 8 Alfred Tshabeni 23.24; 9 Dewald Botha 23.58; 10 Carina van der Merwe 24.07 SB; 11 Les Hanna 24.07 SB; 12 Arthur Buckingham 24.48; 13 Christine Hibberd 25.00 SB; 14 Catea Lizabet Sinclair 25.33 PB; 15 Keri Geiger 25.53 PB; 16 Jonathan Austin 26.20 SB; 17 David Steere 26.20 PB; 18 Hugh Waters 27.21; 19 David Cupido 27.21; 20 Nor-
ma Wheeler 28.58; 21 David Austin 29.04; 22 Ronel Bootha 31.20; 23 Josef du Preez 33.08 5 km Walkers: 1 Arlene Ehrenberg 41.04; 2 Emmie Gouws 41.04 SB; 3 Melany Vaughan 49.23 8 km Runners: 1 Sign Mawunda 30.45 PB; 2 Mark Kavanagh 30.58 PB; 3 Peter Rudukha 32.31; 4 Kate Mapham 33.04; 5 Kevin Middleton 35.18; 6 Christiaan de Wet 36.22 SB; 7 Andre van der Merwe 36.22 SB; 8 Wilhelm Cooper 37.40 SB; 9 Graham Tjabring 39.00 FREEDOM RACE )Sunday, 9 February 10 km Runners: Alfred Tshabeni 38 min; Frank Gillion 40 min LB MASTERS MEETING - PAROW )Saturday, 8 February M85: Willie Loedolff 1. 5000 m walk 44:40 M80: Leo Benning 3. 100m 19.3; 2. hammer throw 20.49; 1. heavy weight 9.86; 1. javelin 21.04 M40: Johannes Mathewson 1. discus 36.10 W40 Julie-Ann Mathewson 1. 100m 15.7; 1. shot put, 6.49; 1. discus 16.06 GOLF )Tuesday, 4 February 52 players took part in the WGSA Medal & Putting Hodes Cup competition at the Hermanus Golf Club. Silver Devision: 1. J. Clifford (68). 2. P. van Renen (71). 3. L. Behaug (71). Bronze Devision: 1. C. Southey (70). 2. I. Striewe (70). 3. C. Brownlee (71).
DOGS awed by prowess Kleinmond - On Tuesday the DOGS were honoured to experience an outstanding display of golfing prowess causing them to scour their annals for similar examples. His drives drove, his approaches approached, his pitches pitched and his putts, rather spoiling the word games, dropped. Playing partners were effusive: “A pleasure to watch”; “a privilege to be a part of”; ”a superb performance”. Yes, Rookie Robinson quadrupled his previous week’s score! (And, by the way, The Ex-Pole-Dancer won with a 77 gross). )Scores: 47 Andre Franken; 39 Ian Newman; 38 David Naylor; 37 Hugh Frangs, Richard Ridge; 36 Alan Smith, Bob Barton, Dave Brittain; 35 Malcolm Lazenby, Mannes van Zyl; 34 Tony Hackett, Doug Ross; 33 Dave Rade; 32 Jon Forsyth; 31 Rob Welton; 30 Dave Smith, Peter Theron, Tony Wreglesworth, Vic van der Westhuizen; 29 Peter Sulley; 28 Sam Seal, Peter (guest); 27 Gordon Wilson, Tony Jones, Mike Graham; 25 Brian (guest); 24 Keith Gillott; 22 John Horobin; 21 Derek (guest); 8 Dave Robinson. - DAVE SMITH
The Red Course winners were from left: Tony Squires, Cheryl Richardson (Ladies Captain) Kim Davies, Miriam Squires and Glyn Davies.
The Blue Course winners were from left: John Hartshorne and Ruth Bergher, Jose Tuer, Cheryl Richardson (Ladies Captain) and George Tuer.
APPLICATION FOR ATMOSPHERIC EMISSION LICENSE I.S.De V Beukes BK manufacture clay bricks, for the brick to burn to get to full strength coal are added into the clay. They are then burn in open air kilns. For this whole process an license is required in terms of Section 38 of NEM. The kilns are 6km north west of Caledon, the nearest town. Any feedback must be submitted to I.S.De V Beukes BK before 28 February 2014. Marius Beukes; Tel: 028 212 1754; Sel: 072 214 2518; Fax: 086 663 9740.; beukesbricks@telkomsa.net (N.S. I. S. De V Beukes BK) ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late HENDRIK JACOBUS VAN GRAAN, Identity Number 250320 5020 085, of 1 Erika Street, Onrus, Hermanus and who died on 29th July 2013. Estate Number: 11008/2013 The Debtors and Creditors in the above Estate are requested to pay their debts and lodge their claims with the undersigned within a period of thirty (30) days as from Friday, 14th February 2014. Dated at Hermanus on this 3rd day of February 2014. JOOSTE & SEMER ATTORNEYS, AGENT FOR THE EXECUTOR, 9 ON COLLEGE, COLLEGE ROAD, PO BOX 1491, HERMANUS. Tel: 028 312 4995.
ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late DAVID RAMSAY LEON HELFRICH, Identity Number 300501 5051 085, Date of birth: 1 May 1930, a widower of Huis Lettie Theron, De Goede Street, Hermanus, who died on 8 August 2013. Estate Number: 11713/2013 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town and the Magistrate Office of Hermanus for a period of 21 (TWENTY ONE) days reckoned as and from, Friday, 14th February 2014. Dated at Hermanus on this 3rd day of February 2014. JOOSTE & SEMER ATTORNEYS, AGENT FOR THE EXECUTOR, 9 ON COLLEGE, COLLEGE ROAD, PO BOX 1491, HERMANUS. Tel: 028 312 4995. ESTATE NOTICE In the Estate of the Late ERNEST RICHARD ENDERSBY, Identity Number 160518 5090 185, unmarried of 160 Protea Crescent, Kidbrooke Place, Hermanus, who died at Hermanus on 9 October 2013. Master’s Reference: 14816/2013 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the abovementioned estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master, Cape Town and a copy thereof at the office of the Magistrate, Hermanus for a period of 21(twenty one) days reckoned as from Friday, 14 February 2014. Signed at Hermanus on this 31st day of January 2014. GUTHRIE & THERON, JP VAN ROOYEN, ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTOR, 77 MAIN ROAD, HERMANUS. (REF: JVR/ajf/VE0145)
Favoured with instructions by THE OVERSTRAND MUNICIPALITY, ADEK shall submit the following loose assets for Public Auction.
Overstrand Municipality Clearance Auction! Large variety of electrical transformer, collectables. Important: Large disposal of +- 5tonnesCopper and copper off cuts. Redundant equipment and machinery, vehicles and trucks. Unclaimed impounded vehicles. AUCTION DATES: Kleinmond: Onrus: Hermanus Stores: Gansbaai VIEWING:
For Further information please contact the Auctioneer: Tuesday 25 February @ 10h00 Nick Altona-de Klerk 082 494 7620 Tuesday 25 February @ 14h00 Office: 028 312 4167 E-mail: nick@adek.co.za Wednesday 26 February @ 12h00 www.adek.co.za Thursday 27 February @ 11h00 Friday, 21st February 2014 14h00 – 17h00 Monday, 24th February 2014 14h00 – 17h00 Terms: 10% deposit and Auctioneer’s commission on the fall of the hammer.
R5000 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT - to be transferred prior to auction.
9 771608 589068
The team from Marifeed took top honours at the Busi ness League Bowling final played at Hermanus Bowl ing Club on Sunday 9 February. With their prizes and trophy are (back from left) Densil May, Kurt Mätschke, Awie Smit and Cornia Smit. In front is Doreen Meyer (manager). PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
The team from Auto Repairs competed in the final on Sunday and besides winning the plate, they also won a prize for the best dressed team because even the children wore matching shirts during the tournament. Looking smart in green on the green are (from left) Ki ara Theron, Wayne Theron, MJ Henn, Emile Henn, Mi kayla Theron and Clinton Coetzee.
The Windsor Hotel first team were the runners up in the Cup Division. At the final prizegiving on Sunday after noon are (from left) Blake Albert, Maatjim Theron, Jaco Brand and Louis Engelbrecht.
The Shield Division was won by the Hermanus Times second team. Collecting their prizes – gift vouchers from Niel du Toit – are (from left) Luba Dyantyi, Bon sani Tshona, Rethabile Ponoane and Biza Tshona.
The Hermanus Hockey Club’s ladies team (in white shirts) took on a tough team from Mutual on Saturday afternoon.
Top honours to Marifeed Hockey ladies tackle in Business Bowls league strong team in first match LUDWIG SCHUTZ
CHRISSIE VAN WYK The annual Hermanus Business League social bowls tournament played over the past three weeks, once again proved the popularity of this bowling competition. Forty-two teams of four members participated in a friendly format. Group A got started on 21 January and Group B business teams began on 30 January.
On Sunday 9 February the top 12 teams from each group faced each other in the final. Marifeed once again outplayed their opponents and took top honours as winners of the Business League Cup with a score of 4 plus 2. This is their fifth win. Their other triumphant years were 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2011. The Windsor Hotel first team was this year’s runners-up in the cup di-
vision. The Shield division was won by the Hermanus Times second team (our sponsored side, not to be confused with the HT staff team! - Ed.) with a score of 6 plus 7 and GNM Hermanus was close on their heels with a score of 4 plus 24. Auto Repairs won the Plate final with a score of 6 plus 22 and the runners-up in this division were Davidson Boards with a final score of 3 plus 22.
On Saturday 8 February the Hermanus Hockey Club’s women took on Mutual Hockey Club in their first match of the season on home turf at the Old Boys Club. The match ended 2-0 in Mutual’s favour and although Mutual are a much more experienced side, Hermanus kept them at bay for most of the game. Mutual currently find themselves in the 2nd tier of the WP
?Cobble Paving ?Paver Blocks ?Interior/Exterior Tiles ?Wall Cladding ?Pool Copings ? Landscaping & Garden Products CLINTON SMITH Cell: 072 904 3736 5 Argon Street Sandbaai Business Park T: 028 3122 331 / 028 3122 390 F: 086 775 9262 email: clinton@jmgrp.co.za www.capestone.co.za
league, called Town Challenge, where Hermanus will start their journey in L6, which is about five divisions lower. The Hermanus women are very keen to get going and await a return date to face the Mutual ladies on astro in March. All guys and girls are encouraged to join hockey practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:30 at the Old Boys sports fields. Contact Ludwig on 078 111 7271 for further details.
Sports Challenge at Camphill Camphill School Hermanus is having their Sports Challenge on Saturday 22 February under the auspices of Hermanus Adventures. Activities include mountainbike racing, trail running, family fun walks and lots of children’s activities. Distances for the MTB races are 30 km, 20 km and 10 km. Entry fees are R140 (30 km), R100 (20 km) and R50 (10 km). For the trail run the distances are 15 km (R95 entry) and 10 km (R 65). The River run/walk is 5 km (R45 entry) and the fun walk is 2 km (R30). All participants will receive a free coffee on registration and a free boerewors roll on completion. For more info and bookings call 028 312 4949 or email school@camphill-hermanus.org.za. Online entries can also be made at www.enteronline.co.za.