Hermanus times 13 11 2014

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THURSDAY, 13 NOVEMBER 2014 | Tel 028 ­ 312 3717 | Fax 028 ­ 312 4316



Your local home, DIY and garden centre open 7 days a week Cnr R43 & Mussel Rd, Hermanus Hermies onnie beste in provinsie 3 Kreefseisoen begin Saterdag 4 Who let the DOGS out? 27

Heidri de Klerk en haar dogtertjie, Bea. Die ongelukstoneel Saterdagmiddag waar ’n Toyota Hilux­bakkie en ’n Nissan Micra gebots het. Die pad is gesluit vir verkeer, wat ’n verkeersopeenho­ ping in beide rigtings veroorsaak het. Die ongeluk het om 14:30 plaasgevind en die pad is weer teen 16:00 oopgestel. FOTO: CILENE BEKKER

‘Engele’ red jong ma se lewe JAN­HENDRIK COETZER “Toe ek uiteindelik my deur oopkry en letterlik uit die bakkie val, het ek ’n baba hoor huil en ’n ma hoor gil. Op daardie oomblik was ek so vreesbevange en het ek net begin bid dat niemand dood is nie.” So beskryf Debbie Visser (19) haar eerste oomblikke nadat sy in ’n trompop botsing betrokke was Saterdagmiddag om 14:30 op die R43 net ná die Sir Robert Stanford-landgoed. Debbie was in ’n Toyota Hiluxbakkie. Die ander motor, met drie insittendes waaronder ’n baba, was

’n Nissan Micra. Binne oomblikke ná die botsing was daar drie dokters en ’n vrou met ’n noodhulptassie met druppe op die toneel. Een van die dokters, Vicky Schutte van Johannesburg wat vir die naweek in Hermanus was, sê dit was asof die vrou met die “druptassie” en die ander twee Duitse dokters “uit die hemel geval het”. “Eers het ons seker gemaak die baba is bestendig toe ons sien die ma is baie erg beseer. Die ma het gesukkel om asem te haal en dit was duidelik dat sy inwendig bloei. Ek het die drup voorberei en die ander twee dokters het dit toegedien. “As dit nie daarvoor was nie, is

daar nie ’n manier dat die ma dit sou gemaak nie,” het Schutte vertel. Schutte sê sy wou nog met die twee dokters praat, maar hulle het reeds in hul toerbussie geklim en vertrek. Visser was alleen in die bakkie op pad van Bredasdorp na Hermanus, en die drie insittendes van die Nissan, Heidri de Klerk (27), haar babadogtertjie Bea (14 maande oud) en Heidri se ma (53), was op pad van Durbanville na hul strandhuis in Kleinbaai. Al vier insittendes van die twee voertuie is na die Mediclinic in Hermanus geneem. Heidri is steeds in die intensiewesorgeenheid.

Visser, klein Bea en haar ouma het kop-, skouer- en nekbeserings opgedoen. Visser is reeds Saterdag ontslaan, en Bea en haar ouma is Maandagoggend ontslaan. Volgens De Klerk se man, Beau, herstel sy vrou merkwaardig nadat hulle Maandagoggend op haar geopereer het. “Volgens elke mediese beampte met wie ek tot dusver gepraat het, het hulle gesê dis ’n wonderwerk dat my vrou leef. Haar lewer en pankreas het geskeur, haar milt het gebars en haar gebreekte ribbes het deur die long gegaan.” Volgens Visser is haar lyf nog baie seer en ly sy erg aan skok. “Die dok-

ter het my vir twee weke af geboek en ek sterk tans tuis aan. Ek is heeltyd met die de Klerk-gesin in kontak en ek is net vreeslik dankbaar dat Heidri goed aansterk.” Beau sê daar is geen verwyte tussen die twee families nie. “Ons is feitlik daagliks in kontak met mekaar en ontsettend bly almal het lewend hier uitgekom. As alles goed gaan, behoort Heidri oor sowat ’n week ontslaan te word. En dank die Here my babadogtertjie het net ’n snywond voor die kop en ’n paar kneusplekke opgedoen.” Dit is nog nie presies seker wat die oorsaak van die ongeluk was nie, en word dit tans ondersoek.

Hermanus Valuation Day Tuesday 18 November 2014 The Marine Hotel, from 10.30am to 4pm Stephan Welz and Vanessa Phillips of Strauss & Co will be conducting valuations of South African Art and Antiques as part of a fundraising initiative for Camphill School. For an appointment, please call Gail on 021 683 6560 A minimum donation of R30 per item will be charged, limited to 3 items per person. www.straussart.co.za

Vanessa Phillips, Director

Stephan Welz, Managing Director



Nuus News

13 November, 2014

Rooikranshout te koop R850 afgelewer

T-Shirt Printing, Business Cards, Flyers (In-house & Litho), Vehicle Magnetics, Vehicle Branding, General Signage, Flags (Sharkfins, Telescopic, Hoisting Flags, Teardrops), Light Boxes, Vinyl Decals, Stamps, Name Badges, Invites, Designing, Banners, Gazebo’s, Embroidery.



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Saak teen seun vir poging tot moord na streekhof oorgeplaas ’n Jong man wat glo sy ma in Voëlklip aan die brand gesteek het, se saak gaan na die streekhof in die Strand oorgeplaas word. Landdros Gerhard Retief het Donderdag 6 November aan Nicholas van der Pluym (20) gesê die aanklagte word in ’n ernstige lig beskou. Hy staan tereg op twee aanklagte van poging tot moord. Hy word daarvan aangekla dat hy sy ma, Anthea, op 15 Julie vanjaar in haar huis aan die brand gesteek het. Hy het haar na bewering 14 keer met ’n hamer oor die kop geslaan, haar met ’n elektriese koord gewurg en daarna met petrol deurdrenk en aan die brand gesteek. Sy het die aanval oorleef. Sowat

Save these emergency numbers The Hermanus Police Station are experiencing problems with their telephone lines. Here are the num­ bers, plus cellphone numbers in case of an emergency:


Appointments / Afsprake: 028 313 0434 Our contact details are the same Ons kontaknommers is dieselfde 111111-HL061114

Hermanus SAPS: 028 313 5300 /028 313 5349 / 028 313 5350. Emergency number 10111 Station commander 028 313 5370 Warrant Officer Matthee 082 443 7640 Warrant Officer Du Toit 082 778 6840 Sgt Mazuthu 082 777 4737 Shift commanders 082 522 3219 Shift vehicle 079 893 9986

35% van haar liggaam is verbrand en sy moes twee veloorplantings ondergaan. Hy het na bewering ook sy ouma, Dot Potgieter (74), met ’n hamer oor die kop geslaan. Sy het daarin geslaag om weg te kom en hulp te ontbied. Die staatsaanklaer, Asanda Nelana, het aan Retief gesê die ondersoek is byna afgehandel. Die Burger het vroeër berig Van der Pluym het op 15-jarige ouderdom saam met sy pa na Engeland geëmigreer, waar hy glo aan dwelms verslaaf geraak en van die huis weggeloop het. Hy het ’n jaar gelede teruggekeer en by sy ma ingetrek. Die saak is tot 20 November vir ’n streekhofdatum uitgestel. – Raymond Willemse / Die Burger

Nicholas van der Pluym in die Her­ manus­landdroshof waar hy verskyn het op twee klagte van poging tot moord. FOTO: DENVOR DE WEE

Prayer day for protection services on Sunday The annual day of prayer for members of Overstrand protection services will take place at the Dutch Reformed Church in Hermanus on Sunday 16 November at 08:40 for 09:00. All members of SAPS Hermanus, exco of the community police forum (CPF) and all affiliated community based organisations and their fami-

lies, are welcome to attend the event. Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie has also accepted the invitation as well as 15 members of the NSRI. Please book your seat by 14 November as the organisers are reserving seats for members attending. Contact Hennie Westraat on 082 820 4811.

New ward councillor candidates nominated JANINE VAN DER RIET The list of candidates nominated for the by-elections were announced on 10 November. Five ward councillor candidates were nominated for the by-election that will take place on 26 November for Gansbaai, Zwelihle and Sandbaai. Ward 5, Zwelihle: Sicelo Gxamesi (African National Congress) and Samuel Khayalethu Nywebeni (Economic Freedom Fighters) were nominated as candidates.

Ward 2, Gansbaai: The candidates are Cornelia Adriana De Coning (Democratic Aliance) and Juan Lewis (African National Congress). Ward 7, Sandbaai: David Benjamin Botha (Democratic Alliance) was nominated, unopposed. The new candidates were nominated after Councillor Ben Solomon (Sandbaai) and Alderman Pieter Scholtz (Gansbaai) retired, and Councillor Mzameni Mshenxiswa passed away. For more information, call 028 312 1464/5.

Private Sale

Three magnificent large plots at upper end of Stanford: • Lovely views. • Level ground, fertile soil, gardens grow lush & tropical. • Near the nature reserve, over the road from a huge open field. • In Buiten Street: rural atmosphere, village values. • Tucked in a time warp where chickens are free-range and so are the children. 2 plots of 976m2 and 1 plot of 1007m2 ranging from R750 000 to R850 000. Phone Di to view: 082 558 3916

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ALEX GRANT CLINIC & PHARMACY Shop 14B , Gateway Centre Tel: 028 312 4847 111111-HL131114

13 November, 2014

Beste wiskunde­onnie in provinsie JAN­HENDRIK COETZER “As dit kom by wiskunde-onderrig is die belangrikste om te onthou om die ‘wil’ by kinders te kweek. Want waar daar ’n wil is, is daar ’n weg.” So sê Mariana Viljoen, wiskundeonderwyser by Hoërskool Hermanus, nadat sy onlangs deur die Wes-Kaapse onderwysdepartement as die beste wiskundeonderwyser in die provinsie aangewys is. “Ek het groot geword met ’n pa wat altyd gesê het dat enige mens wiskunde kan doen. Ek is een van vier kinders en vandag is almal van ons in ’n wiskundige rigting.” Volgens Viljoen het dit haar van vroeg af geleer dat jy nooit iets negatief vir ’n kind moet sê oor wiskunde nie. “Leerders is van nature geneig om bang te wees vir die vak. En dit is glad nie so moeilik as dit reg oorgedra en die kind betrek word nie. Dit is hoekom dit vir my so belangrik is dat al die leerders altyd voel hy of sy is deel van die klas.” Viljoen het haar onderwysloopbaan in 1988 by Hoërskool Hermanus begin en gee sedertdien wiskunde. Sy was eg-



Nuus News

ter intussen vir ’n paar jaar weg by die skool, maar het in daardie tyd steeds privaat wiskundeklasse aangebied. Vir die afgelope vyf jaar is Viljoen weer voltyds by die skool en gee sy wiskunde vir gr. 8–12. “Opvoeding en onderrig is vir my meer belangrik as noodwendig die vak self, want ander vakke is net so belangrik. Dit help nie jy is goed in wiskunde, maar jy weet nie hoe om dit aan die kind te verduidelik sodat hy dit verstaan nie. En eintlik meer belangrik, om dit so te verduidelik dat hy daarvan hou. “ Met die verkeerde manier van onderrig is dit so maklik om negatiwiteit by die kind te kweek en op die ou end nie meer van die vak hou nie. Dit is hoekom dit so belangrik is om ’n passie by die kind te ontwikkel. En dit kan jy slegs doen as jy almal in jou klas betrek. “Wiskunde is soos enige ander taal wat jy aanleer. As jy die basiese reëls verstaan, raak dit makliker.” Viljoen het ook deurgedring na die finaal en sal volgende jaar in Maart in Johannesburg in aanmerking kom vir die nasionale toekennings vir onderwysers.

Snuffels Furniture / Meubels

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POPPY DAY REMEMBRANCE SERVICE: The MOTHS hosted their annual Poppy Day remembrance service and wreath­lay­ ing ceremony in memory of those who had died in battle, at the Memorial above the Old Harbour on Sunday 9 November. Remembrance Day, also known as Poppy Day, was first ob­ served in 1919 throughout the British Commonwealth. It was originally called Armistice Day to commemorate the armistice agreement that ended the First World War on Monday 11 No­ vember 1918 at 11:00 – on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at the eleventh hour. Pictured here are members of the South African National Defence Force paying tribute to those who had died in defence of their country.


An officer of the South African National Defence Force saluting during the wreath laying ceremony. The Overstrand Municipality has recently set aside a total of R107 000 to restore the two WWII gunship canons, which were damaged due to years of weathering. Restoration will begin in February, although the can­ ons were painted for the Poppy Day commemoration and the coming season.

WAT MAAK SY HIER? Hierdie duikboot is Woensdagoggend gekiek waar sy aan die kus tus­ sen Hermanus en Gans­ baai gelê het. Volgens kapt. Collin Sharwood van die Suid­Afrikaanse Vlootbasis by Simonstad, is dit die SA Manthatisi wat vir ’n week lank uit­ gaan as deel van die nu­ we bemanning se opleiding. Die boot is vernoem na die hoof vrouekryger van die Bat­ lokwa­stam. FOTO: JAN­ HENDRIK COETZER

A Healthy Smile is a Beautiful Smile • Cosmetic Dentistry • Tooth Whitening • Crown / Bridges • Veneers • Dentures • Anti - Snoring Appliances • Anti Ageing Treatment

Dr.Linda Riddell Tel: 028 312 2219 9 College Street, Hermanus , 7200

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Nuus News

13 November, 2014

Sportkreefseisoen begin Saterdag


Please note increase in taxi price as fom 1 December 2014. The new price from Stanford to Hermanus is R20. Petros Dumse 072 305 7132 Petrosdumse1@gmail.com

Die sportkreefseisoen begin Saterdag en sportvissers mag net vier Weskus-krewe per persoon per dag uithaal, en ook net as hulle ’n geldige permit het. Die departement van landbou, bosbou en visserye het Dinsdagmiddag die besonderhede bekend gemaak en gesê net mense ouer as 12 jaar kan die nodige permit teen R94 bekom. Dit sal vir die hele seisoen geldig wees. Die kreef se dop mag nie korter as 75 mm wees nie en die kreef mag net tussen 08:00 en

16:00 uitgehaal word. Sportvissers mag ook nie die kreef wat hulle uithaal, verkoop nie. ’n Maksimum van 20 krewe mag per dag vervoer word, op voorwaarde dat al die permithouers in die voertuig is. Die dae waarop sportvissers kreef mag uithaal, is: ) Saterdag en Sondag; ) 16 Desember; ) 20 Desember tot 2 Januarie; ) 3 tot 6 April.


Stats SA data collection underway Chinese Health Massage

Reflexology Point Pressure Deep Tissue (Relaxation) Stress Release Increase of Blood circulation

028 313 2836 or 084 443 1515 Shop 3A Village Square Marine drive, Hermanus 111111-HL131114


Public are hereby invited to attend an introduction meeting for Phase II of the Hermanus CBD Revitalization Strategy at 17:00 on 27 November 2014 in the Auditorium, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. At this meeting the consultants appointed for this project, will be introduced to the public as well as a brief description on the methodology to be followed. Municipal Manager Notice no 76/2014 111111-HL131114

Fredericks further exData collection for the plained the data collecLiving Conditions Surtion covers a period of 12 vey 2014/15 conducted months where a houseby Statistics South Afhold is sampled for a perica (Stats SA) is unriod of four weeks. derway in the Over“A combination of diaberg. ry keeping and recall According to Carl methods will be used to Fredericks, District monitor household exManager: Overberg, penditure during the peStats SA officers will riod of the survey. A visit sampled housesampled household will holds in the province to The Stats SA team who will take care be required to keep an collect data from of the Overberg survey are Carmelita expenditure diary for a household members by Carelse (survey officer), Johanna Ban­ period of two weeks. means of a question- tom (survey coordinator), Maretta Lot­ The results of the LCS naire. The LCS data is tering (publicity officer) and Reginald are also used by Stats SA used to monitor and Muller (survey officer). to reweight the CPI basprofile the poverty levels and also provides the necessary data to ket of goods and services. The CPI, which was inform development and monitor inequality. last reweighted using data from the Income “The LCS is a household-based survey that and Expenditure Survey (IES) 2010/11, needs collects detailed income and expenditure da- to be updated every 3 to 5 years so that the ta, as well as information on education, hous- measure is linked to the most current coning, social welfare, health and living circum- sumption and spending patterns of housestances from households across South Afri- holds. The survey period runs until 30 October ca.” The survey is conducted once every five 2015. For enquiries, phone Carl Fredericks on 082 212 3504 or e-mail carlf@statssa.gov.za. years and the last survey was in 2008.

One tender received for De Mond development JANINE VAN DER RIET Only one tender was received for proposals to establish a public resort at the De Mond caravan park and adjacent land. The (extended) deadline for tenders was 7 November. Riaan Kuchar, senior manager: Town Planning and Property Administration, said on Monday that the municipality will evaluate the tender received. “If the applicant is successful, he will be requested to hand in a tender with suggestions for the development, which will also be evaluated by the municipality.” The previous deadline for tenders first expired on 30 May, but no tenders were received by that date. The Overstrand Municipality then again published notices for developers to enter into a long-term lease with the municipality to establish, manage, operate and maintain a public resort. The notice read that the resort – which includes erven 4831 and 5327, De Mond Caravan Park, as well as the adjacent land of Klein River Lagoon Park and a launching area along the river front, must cater for the needs of the broader public, including tourist groups and commercial interests through the availability of, among other aspects, accommodation and conference facilities. In accordance with the restrictive condition contained in the original Crown Grant of 1942, it states that the land may not be sold and may only be used for resort recreational purposes.



Nuus News

13 November, 2014

Inbrekers haal venster uit om toegang tot Voëlklip­huis te kry JANINE VAN DER RIET

torhuis geslaap en het klaarblyklik niks gehoor nie. Die egpaar het eers Maan’n Afgetrede egpaar wat ’n dagoggend besef hulle is bemaand gelede na Voëlklip verroof toe hul sien die TV is huis het, is steeds geskok nadat skoonveld. inbrekers hul televisiestel en Die JVC-platskermteleviander items uit hul huis gesteel sie met die afstandbeheer, ’n het terwyl hulle geslaap het. kamera en die vrou se handsak is gesteel. “Ons is net dankbaar dat ons nie Hulle het later die handsak wakker geword het nie, anders buite opgetel, nog met al haar kon dit veel erger gewees het,” het kaarte, identiteitsboekie en die inwoner, wat verkies om anorybewys binne-in. Net die niem te bly, Maandag gesê. ’n Soliede venster is uitgehaal deur inbrekers kontant wat in haar beursie Dit blyk die inbreker(s) het ie- om toegang tot die huis te verkry. was, is gesteel. wers tussen Sondagaand en die Die egpaar laat tans aanpassings vroeë oggendure van Maandag toe- dit sonder om die glas te breek en gang tot hul huis verkry deur ’n solie- boonop geluidloos. Ek is naar om te aanbring, om veiligheid by hul huis de ruit in die gastekamer uit te haal. dink iemand het deur ons huis geloop te verbeter. Die Hermanus-polisie ondersoek “Die inbrekers moet deeglike ken- terwyl ons rustig lê en slaap het,” het die inbraak. Enige iemand met inlignis hê van vensters uithaal en insit die inwoner gesê. Die egpaar se honde het in die mo- ting kan die polisie bel by 028 313 5300. – en die regte gereedskap. Hulle doen

Toer na Turkye 20-30 Augustus 2015 Besoek die gemeentes van Openbaring. Ons kry ’n kykie in die leefwêreld, toewyding en uitdagings van Christenwees in die eerste gemeentes. Turkye is ’n land met die mooiste natuurtonele, handwerk, heerlike eetgoed en vriendelike mense. Twee ervare toerleiers gaan saam. Koste R29 590 Kontak dr Wilhelm Burger by 083 448 1651 of wb@ngkonrusrivier.co.za vir meer inligting 111111-HL131114

90­year­old’s quick reaction leads to arrest JANINE VAN DER RIET The police, Hermanus Public Protection and detectives were congratulated on their speedy response and action over the weekend by a 90-yearold Northcliff resident. She even made a peanut-butter sandwich for one detective as a gesture of gratitude after he had found her stolen ring. On Friday, Ansie van Wyk employed a new cleaner recommended by a good friend as a reliable char. “A few hours later I dismissed her

with a R100 and taxi fare, as I was not satisfied with her method of cleaning.” Soon after the char left, Ansie looked for her diamond ring, but to no avail. She immediately phoned the police, Hermanus Public Protection, the detective office and ADT who all arrived within 30 minutes and set about looking for the char. “On Sunday morning, detective Ruehan van Romburgh arrived at our house, with my missing ring and the woman who had worked in my house, in the back of the police van.”

The police are investigating a case of theft against the char. It is, however, not the first time Ansie’s quick reaction has led to the arrest of a suspect. In February this year, a man was arrested after he first attempted to steal goods from the house in Northcliff, and then moved on to steal goods in the area where he was caught redhanded by members of the police and security companies. The arrest was made after Ansie gave officials a good description of the man who had entered their home.

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Algemeen General

13 November, 2014

Shop 4 Warrington Place Harbour Road, Hermanus CBD Tel: 082 457 0026 111111-HL131114

Restaurant WinederousIndex Winederous Index &

@ Food & Wine - Carriages Centre, Hermanus 028-312 1349 At The Village Stall - Hemel & Aarde Village 028-316 2407 Barefoot Cook - Aberdeen Street Hermanus 028-312 4681 BELLA @ ONRUS - Van Blommestein Street 028-316 2967 BELLAVISTA - On the R43 between Stanford and Gansbaai 082 901 7650 Bientang’s Cave - Old Harbour 028-312 3454 B’s Restaurant - Hemel & Aarde Village 028-316 3625 Cattle Baron Grill & Bistro - Harbour Road, Harbour Square, Hermanus 028-313 0384 Col’Cacchio Pizzeria - Shop 2, Station Sqaure, Hermanus 028-312 1479 Creation Wines - Hemel & Aarde Village 028-212 1107 R E S TA U R A N T

Cuckoo Tree - Cnr Dirky Uys & High Street Hermanus 028-312 3430 Dassiesfontein (Caledon) - N2 to Caledon 028-214 1475 Die Plaaskombuis @ Hemel en Aarde Valley 028 312-1857

Dorf Krug

FOODS OF THE WORLD: Hermanus Private Montessori School held their annual Foods of the World fundraising event on Friday 7 November. Dishes included green curry (Thailand), Moroccan chicken (Morocco), sushi (Japan), fish & chips (En­ gland) as well as delicious small cakes for dessert. There were also fun events for the children which included a jump­ ing castle, disco dancing, face painting and a magic show. En­ joying the festivities are Diana Pieterse, Lenie Vorster, Hanlie Bauermeister and Trudi Le Roux.


Tosca Cozinha Portuguesa Portuguese Restaurant & Take aways Shop B10 Ground Floor Gateway Centre, Hermanus

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Restaurant WinederousIndex Winederous Index



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Gabrielskloof - N2 to Caledon 028-284 9865

Hawston Superette - Halaal Butchery, Hawston 028-315 1257 Harbour Rock - New Harbour Hermanus 028-312 2920 La Pentola - Shop 4, 87 Marine Drive, Village Square Hermanus 028-313 1685 Lemon Butta Seafood Sushi Grill - Upstairs, 028-312 3611

Village Square Hermanus

Milkwood Restaurant - 93 Atlantic Drive Onrus 028-316 1516 Ocean Basket - -Shop 104 Village Square Hermanus 028-312 1313 Oskars Deli - Shop 4, Village Sqaure, 028-312 3873


Pavilion at the Marine - Main Road Hermanus 028-313 1000 RAKA Wines R326 Stanford (between Stanford and Caledon) 028-341 0676 Rivendell Wine Tasting - R43 to Botriver at 028-284 9185

Kleinmond Turn-off

Rossi’s Italian Restaurant - High Street Hermanus 028-312 2848

DORF KRUG - Long Street Hermanus 028-312 1073

Seafood at the Marine - Main Road Hermanus 028-313 1000

Dutchies - Grotto Beach Voëlklip 028-314 1392

Springfontein - Wortlegate Road 08, Stanford 028-341 0651 / 073 553 0676

Eat Restaurant - Hemel en Aarde Village 028-316 2348

1km off the R43, Stanford 072 639 6135

Eden Café - Gateway Centre Hermanus 028-312 4439

Tapas - 1 Market Lane, Market Square, Nr 7 Harbour Road Hermanus 028-312 4840

ELL @ Spookfontein - Hemel en Aarde Valley 073 067 7936

Village Square Hermanus 028-312 2239

Fabio’s Ristorante Italiano - St Peters Lane Hermanus 028-313 0532

Tipples Bar & Grill - Mitchell Street Hermanus 028-313 0377

Fusion Café - Shop 5, Village Square, Marine 028-312 4277

Tuscany Coffee Shop H/V Dirkie Uys & Voortrekker Street, Gansbaai 028-384 0259

Drive Hermanus

The Tasting Room @ Stanford Hills Estate -

Tikka Palace Authentic Indian Pakistani Cuisine -


Algemeen General

13 November, 2014

WINNER: René Seal from Hermanus was the first customer to get a free copy of the Hermanus Times on Thursday, 6 November at Gateway Superspar. If you too want to qualify for a free Hermanus Times, all you have to do is purchase a Freshline bread, Lausanne 2 F milk and 18 large eggs at Gateway Superspar every Thursday until 27 November. The first 100 customers qualify for a free copy of the Hermanus Times. Gateway Superspar’s trading hours are: Monday – Friday: 08:00–20:00; Satur­ day: 08:00–20:00; Sunday: 08:00–18:00. With René Seal (second from right) are Devon Marinus and Kim Solomons from the Hermanus Times with Richard Almen­ dro from Gateway Superspar.


KUNSTIGE BOEKMERKE: Adele Bantjes (links), ’n nuwe Hermanus­inwoner, is die kunstenaar wie se kunswerke gebruik is vir ’n beperkte aantal boekmerke wat nou by die biblioteke te koop is teen R10 stuks. Daar is net 100 beskikbaar. Die geld wat deur die verkope geïn word, sal deur die Vriende van die Hermanus­biblio­ teek gebruik word ten bate van die bib­ lioteek. Saam met Adele by die bekend­ stelling by die Bhuki Café verlede Vrydag­ oggend is Helene Claassen, Hettie Roux en Jacky Dowling. FOTO: CILENE BEKKER

) Please let us collect your old beach umbrella and magazines for the Zwelihle Youth Art Group project. Call Sybille 082 774 5576 or e­mail Sybille@icon.co.za for collection. Thank you. Any condition will do. ) Aan al die kliënte wat my advertensie nie reg verstaan het nie: hoewel ek as Pamper Me geregistreer is, werk ek nou van my huis af in 4de Straat, Voëlklip. Alle dienste nog beskik­ baar, ook in die privaatheid van jou eie huis.

Have you tried the medium size pizza and pasta dishes on our lunchtime menu? Perfect for the "not-so-hungry" and at a great price too! "Local favourite since 1985” For bookings Tel: 028 312 2848 10 High Street, Hermanus. X1PER7CR-HL131114




Nuus News

13 November, 2014

SJ in verswakte toestand JANINE VAN DER RIET

SJ (Esje) du Toit, alombekend vir haar merkwaardige kennis van die area, verkeer tans in ’n baie verswakte toestand in ’n noodkamer by Huis Lettie Theron. Dié geliefde skrywer en geskiedkundige is, sedert sy op 9 Augustus geval het, in en uit die hospitaal, asook noodkamers en herstelsorgeenhede by Huis Lettie Theron en Onrus Manor. Volgens SJ se susters, May en Anna, neem haar gestel af sedert die val (waar sy ’n armbesering opgedoen het) en ou nierprobleme het haar ver-

der laat verswak. “Ons bly hoopvol. Sy is besig om stadig maar seker aan te sterk.” Albei susters besoek SJ gereeld en maak seker sy drink genoeg water en beweeg haar ledemate sodat sy ten volle kan herstel. Vriende kan haar besoek by Huis Lettie Theron. ) Van SJ se boeke wat sy oor die jare geskryf het, sluit onder meer in: Stanford Stories, Pen, Penseel en ’n Glimlag (biografie van T.O. Honiball), Swing Hi Swing Lo, Skoppelmaaijare, Stanford Stories II, Hermanus Stories I, Hermanus Stories II en Spore oor die Overberg.

ERF 927, VERMONT, PARADISE PARK : OVERSTRAND MUNICIPAL AREA : PROPOSED SUBDIVISION, REZONING TO SUBDIVISIONAL AREA, CONSENT USE , DEPARTURE, ESTABLISHMENT OF HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION AND REMOVAL OF RESTRICTION : WRAP ON BEHALF OF RH SCHONEGEVEL Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 24 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) of an application for subdivision of Erf 927, Vermont into 3 portions, Portion A measuring 0,6161ha, Portion B measuring 0,6763ha and the Remainder measuring 20,4793ha. Notice is hereby further given in terms of Sections 17, 22 and 24 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) of an application for the rezoning of the said Portion A and B to Subdivisional Area, to create 9 Residential Zone I portions on Portion A and 11 Residential Zone I Portions on Portion B, and the subdivision thereof. Notice is hereby also further given in terms of Sections 17, 22 and 24 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) of an application for rezoning to Subdivisional Area of the Remainder of Erf 927, Vermont (approximately 20,4793ha in extent) to create 252 Resort Zone portions and one portion for Transport Zone II (private road) purposes, and the subdivision thereof. Notice is then further given in terms of Section 15 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) to depart from Sections 13.1.4(a) of the Overstrand Zoning Scheme Regulations. Notice is also further given in terms of Section 2.2 of the Overstrand Zoning Scheme, of an application for consent uses to operate a recreational facility and tourist facilities (restaurant, conference facility and shops) and to establish holiday housing on the resort portions as created in paragraph 3 above. Notice is also given in terms of Section 29 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 of 1985) that application is made for the establishment of a Home OwnersAssociation for the resort. Notice is lastly given in terms of Section 3(6) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act 84 of 1967) that the under-mentioned application has been received and is open to inspection at the Department Town Planning (16 Paterson Street, Hermanus) and any enquiries may be directed to Mr. Henk Olivier (Town Planner), PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200, Tel no. (028) 313 8900; Fax no. (028) 313 2093; email: loretta@overstrand.gov.za. The application is also open to inspection at the office of the Chief Director: Integrated Environmental Management: Region 2, Provincial Government of the Western Cape, Room 601, Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, from 08:00 – 12:30 and 13:00 – 15:30 (Monday to Friday). Telephonic enquiries in this regard may be made to (021) 4834589 and the Directorate’s fax number is (021)483-3098. Any objections, with full reasons therefore, should be lodged in writing at the office of the above-mentioned Director: Integrated Environmental Management: Region 2, Private Bag X 9086, Cape Town 8000, with a copy to the abovementioned Town Planning Department on or before Friday 23 January 2015 quoting the above act and the objector’s erf number. Any comment/objection received after the afore-mentioned closing date, will be disregarded. Notice is also given in terms of Section 21(4) of the Local Government Act: Municipal Systems, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that people who cannot write are welcome to approach the Town Planning section of the Overstrand Municipality (Hermanus Administration) during the above-mentioned office hours where a member of staff will assist them in putting their comments or objections in writing. Applicant WRAP (on behalf of RH Schonegevel) Nature of application Removal of restrictive title conditions applicable to Erf 927, 37 Malmok Road, Vermont to allow the owner to legalize the existing restaurant on the property. The street, lateral and rear building line restrictions will be encroached upon. Municipal Manager, Overstrand Municipality, P.O. Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Municipal Notice No. 71/2014

Van heinde en verre vir Hoopland­veiling Plaas ’n mooi tent, interessante meubels, motors uit vergange se dae, en meer as 200 waarderende kopers en kykers, tesame met perfekte koel weer bymekaar . . . en jy het ’n onvergeetlike veiling. So het Koos Smith, organiseerder van die Fynbos Gemeenskapstigting se Hoopland-veiling in Stanford, Saterdag se hoogs suksesvolle veiling beskryf. Benewens al die kopers en belangstellendes van heinde en verre, het die Marimbas en Jerrie musiek verskaf en vir ’n feestelike atmosfeer gesorg. Net ná 11:00 het Appie Maritz, afslaer van BKB, losgetrek en onvermoeid voortgegaan en drie bottels water later teen ongeveer 15:00 was die Hooplandveiling 2014 iets van die verlede. Van die 165 items wat aangebied is, is slegs drie teruggehou. Die duurste item in die tent was ’n mat van sy wat R7 800 behaal het. Onder die motors het die Kia K2700 teen R75 000 met die louere weggestap. Dit was nietemin die goue oues wat baie harte gesteel het, ossewa inkluis.

Vrydagaand, voor die veiling, het die Fynbos Gemeenskapstigting ’n gebedsaand gehou. Smith sê die gesprek en gebedsaand het tot vroeg Saterdagoggend geduur. “Daar het mense mekaar beter leer ken en in die klein uurtjies van die nag ingetree vir die nood in die gemeenskap, kanse wat aan kinders gebied moet word en die deurslaggewende veiling wat binne ’n paar uur sou begin.” Toe die veiling agter die Die afslaer, Appie Maritz, moes sy storie ken rug was, het ongeveer tien met mense wat bie op die verskeie items. mense Sondagmiddag hul Alle geld wat ingesamel is, gaan aan visie en passie vir die dorp en sy gedie Fynbos Gemeenskapstigting om meenskap met die res gedeel. “Die behoefte is onder meer uitge- die Hoopland-sentrum te koop ten einspreek dat ons die punt sal bereik dat de die akademiese agterstande aan te ons nie meer uit verskillende gemeen- spreek. Die Fynbos Akademie, is die skappe sal bestaan nie, maar uit ’n en- onderrrigarm van die Fynbos Gemeenkele gemeenskap waar mense mekaar skapstigting wat in 2011 gestig is. Vir inligting, besoek www.fynbosrespekteer, ondersteun en by mekaar community.com. betrokke is.”

ERF 927, VERMONT, PARADISE PARK : OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALE AREA : VOORGESTELDE ONDERVERDELING, HERSONERING NA ONDERVERDELINGSGEBIED, VERGUNNINGSGEBRUIK, AFWYKING, VESTIGING VAN HUISEIENAARSVERENIGING EN OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKING : WRAP NAMENS RH SCHONEGEVEL Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikel 24 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) van ‘n aansoek om onderverdeling van Erf 927, Vermont in 3 gedeeltes, Gedeelte A 0,6161ha groot, Gedeelte B 0,6763ha groot en die Restant 20,4793ha groot. Kennis geskied hiermee verder ingevolge Artikels 17, 22 en 24 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) van ‘n aansoek om hersonering van genoemde Gedeelte A en B tot Onderverdelingsgebied, om 9 Residensiële Sone I gedeeltes te skep op Gedeelte A en 11 Residensiële Sone I gedeeltes te skep op Gedeelte B, en die onderverdeling daarvan. Kennis geskied hiermee ook verder ingevolge Artikels 17, 22 en 24 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) van ‘n aansoek om hersonering tot Onderverdelingsgebied van Restant Erf 927, Vermont (ongeveer 20,4793ha in grootte) in 252 Oordsone gedeeltes en 1 gedeelte vir Vervoersone II (privaatpad) doeleindes, en die onderverdeling daarvan. Kennis geskied hiermee verder ingevolge Artikel 15 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) om af te wyk van Artikel 13.1.4(a) van die Overstrand Soneringskemaregulasies. Kennis geskied hiermee ook verder ingevolge Artikel 2.2 van die Overstrand Soneringskemaregulasies, van ‘n aansoek om vergunningsgebruike om ‘n ontspanningsfasiliteit en toerisme fasiliteite (restaurant, konferensie fasiliteit en winkels) en ook om vakansie huisvesting op die oord gedeeltes soos geskep in paragraaf 3 hierbo, toe te laat. Kennis geskied ook hiermee ingevolge Artikel 29 van die Ordonnansie op Grondgebruikbeplanning, 1985 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1985) dat aansoek gedoen word om ‘n Huiseienaarsvereniging te vestig in die oord. Kennis word hiermee laastens gegee ingevolge Artikel 3(6) van die Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 (Wet 84 van 1967) dat die onderstaande aansoek ontvang is en ter insae lê by die Departement Stadsbeplanning, (Patersonstraat 16, Hermanus) en enige navrae kan gerig word aan mnr Henk Olivier (Stadsbeplanner), Posbus 20, Hermanus, 7200, of by tel.nr. (028) 313-8900; faksnr. (028)313-2093. E-pos: loretta@overstrand.gov.za Die aansoek lê ook ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur: Geïntegreerde Omgewingsbestuur: Streek 2, Provinsiale Regering van die Wes-Kaap, by Kamer 601, Utilitas Gebou, Dorpstraat 1, Kaapstad, vanaf 08:00 – 12:30 en 13:00 – 15:30 (Maandag tot Vrydag). Telefoniese navrae in hierdie verband kan gerig word aan (021) 483-4589 en die Direktoraat se faksnommer is (021)483-3098. Enige besware, met volledige redes daarvoor, moet skriftelik wees en by die kantoor van die bogenoemde Direkteur: Geïntegreerde Omgewingsbestuur: Streek 2, Privaatsak X9086, Kaapstad 8000, met ‘n afskrif aan die bogenoemde Stadsbeplanningsdepartement, ingedien word op of voor Vrydag 23 Januarie 2015 met vermelding van bogenoemde wet en die beswaarmaker se erfnommer. Enige kommentaar/beswaar wat ná die voorgemelde sluitingsdatum ontvang word, sal nie in ag geneem word nie. Voorts word hiermee ingevolge Artikel 21(4) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) kennis gegee dat persone wat nie kan skryf nie, die Stadsbeplanningsafdeling van die Munisipaliteit Overstrand (Hermanus Administrasie) kan nader waar ‘n amptenaar daardie persone sal help om hul kommentaar of besware op skrif te stel. Aansoeker WRAP (namens RH Schonegevel) Aard van aansoek Opheffing van beprekende titelvoorwaardes van toepassing op Erf 927, Malmokweg 37, Vermont, om die eienaar in staat te stel om die bestaande restaurant op die eiendom te wettig. Die straat- sy- en agterboulynbeperkings sal oorskry word. Munisipale Bestuurder, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Posbus 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Munisipale Kennisgewing Nr.71/2014

ISIZA 927, EVERMONT, EPARADISE PARK : KWINDAWO YOMASIPALA WASEOVERSTRAND : UKOHLULWA NOKUCANDWA OKUCETYWAYO KWENDAWO, UKUSETYENZISWA, UKUSUSWA, UKUSUNGULWA KWE- HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION NOKUSUSWA KWEMIQATHANGO EQHOTYOSHELWEYO EGAMENI LIKA-RH SCHONEGEVEL Ukukhutshwa kwesaziso ngokweCandelo 24 leLand Use Planning Ordinance, ka-1985 (iOrdinance 15 ka- 1985) esicacisa ukohlulwa kwesiza 927 eVermont ukuba sohlulwe izahlulo ezi-3, iSahlulo A sibe kangange-0,6161 lehektare, iSahlulo B sibe kangange-0,6763 ehektare ize iNtsalela ibe ngama- 20,4793 ehektare. Ukukhutshwa kwesaziso kwakhona ngokwamaCandelo 17, 22, nele-24 leLand Use Planning Ordinance, ka-1985 (iOrdinance 15 ka- 1985) isicelo sokucandwa kwakhona ukuze kwahlulwe indawo eyintsalela yesiza A no B, ukuze kuhlulwe, kusenzelwa indawo ezi 9 zokuhlala iZone yentsalela I kwintsalela u A ne ndawo zokuhlala izi 11 yentsalela kwintsalela ka B, zokuhlala kwintsalela ye Zone 1, nokwahlulwa koko. Ukukhutshwa kwesaziso kwakhona ngokwamaCandelo 17, 22, nele-24 leLand Use Planning Ordinance, ka-1985 (iOrdinance 15 ka- 1985) esicacisa ukucandwa kwesiza ukuze kwahlulwe indawo eyintsalela yesiza 927, eVermont (esikumyinge ongangaka ngama-20,4793 ehektare) ukwenza iindawo ezingama-252 zokuchitha iiholide neNdawo eyenzelwe iZithuthi 2 (ekwindlela yabucala)nokwahlulwa koko. Isaziso sikwakhutshiwe ngokweCandelo 15 leLand Use Planning Ordinance, ka-1985 (iOrdinance 15 ka- 1985) ukususela kumaCandelo 13.1.4(a) leOverstrand Zoning Scheme Regulations. Ukukhutshwa kwesaziso kwakhona ngokweCandelo 2.2 leOverstrand Zoning Scheme, sesicelo sokwenza iziko lokuzonwabisa neziko labatyeleli (indawo yokutyela, iziko leenkomfa neevenkile) kwakunye nokwenza izindlu zokuchitha iiholide kwindawo yeholide njengoko kuchaziwe kumhlathi 3 ongentla. Isaziso sikhutshiwe kwakhona ngokweCandlo 25 leLand Use Planning Ordinance, ka-1985 (iOrdinance 15 ka- 1985) sokuba isicelo senziwe ukusungula iHome OwnersAssociation yendawo yokuchithela iiholide. Okokugqibela, isaziso sikhutshiwe ngokweCandelo 3(6) loMthetho iRemoval of Restrictions Act, 1967 (uMthetho 84 ka-1967) esitshoyo ukuba isicelo esifakiweyo sifunyenwe futhi sikulungele ukuhlolwa kwiSebe loCwangciso lweDolophu (16 Paterson Street, eHermanus) kwaye imibuzo ngoku ingasiwa ngqo kuMnu Henk Olivier (onguMcwangcisi-dolophu), PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200, Inombolo yomnxeba (028) 313 8900; inombolo yefeksi (028) 313 2093; i-imeyile: loretta@overstrand.gov.za. Esi sicelo sikwavulelekile ukuba singahlolwa kwiOfisi yoMlawuli oyiNtloko woLawulo lokusiNgqongileyo okuManyanisiweyo: UMmandla 2 URhulumente wePhondo leNtshona Koloni, igumbi 601, Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, ukususela ngeye- 08:00 – 12:30 nangeye-13:00 – 15:30 (ngoMvulo ukuya ngoLwesihlanu). Xa ufuna ukubuza ungatsalela umnxeba kule nombolo (021) 483-4589 ifeksi yeCandelo ithi (021)483-3098. Nabani na ochasayo echasa ngezizathu ezivakalayo angabhalela kwiofisi yoMlawuli echaziweyo ngentla apha: yoMlawuli oyiNtloko woLawulo lokusiNgqongileyo okuManyanisiweyo, uMmandla 2, Private Bag X 9086, Cape Town 8000, afake nekopi yoko ayithumele kwiSebe loCwangciso lweDolophu echazwe ngentla apha phambi koLwesihlanu, 23 January 2015, achaze umthetho ongentla apha nenombolo yendlu yalowo uchasayo, Naziphi na iziphakamiso okanye imbalelwano efike emva kwexesha ayisayi kunanzwa. Isaziso sikwakhutshiwe kwakhona ngokweCandelo 21(a) loMthethi iLocal Government Act: Municipal Systems, ka-2000 (uMthetho 32 ka-2000) esithi abo bangakwaziyo ukubhala bavumelekile ukuba badibane necandelo loLawulo lweDolophu loMasipala weOverstrand (kuLawulo lwaseHermanus) ngamaxesha okusebenza achaziweyo ngentla apha apho umsebenzi wokuncedisa ekubhaleni iziphakamiso zabo bangakwazi ukubhala. Umfaki-sicelo WRAP (egameni lika-f RH Schonegevel) Uhlobo lwesicelo Ukususwa kwemiqathango ekwitayitile yesiza 927,37 Malmok Road, eVermon ukunika umnikazi siza ilungelo lokusebenza kwindawo yokutyela ngokusemthethweni. Kususwe imiqathango ebekiweyo kwimida yokwakha esesitratweni naleyo ihamba kumda ongakwisakhiwo. UManejala kaMasipala, UMasipala waseOverstrand,, P.O. Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Inombolo yeSaziso soMasipala. 71/2014 111111-HL131114


Algemeen General

13 November, 2014

Bourommel op erf hoop op

From Council Chambers

ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN ’n Paar inwoners van Voëlklip is raadop oor die bourommel wat op die erf op die hoek van Sewendelaan en Sewendestraat al vir maande lank ophoop. Diets van der Westhuizen woon oorkant dié erf en sy sê sy het reeds in Januarie vanjaar navraag begin doen. “Die eienaars sou voor Desember 2013 die ergste rommel verwyder, maar teen Januarie was dit steeds daar. Ons het die Overstrand-munisipaliteit gekontak, maar nie ’n finale antwoord gekry nie. “Nou, amper ’n jaar later, is die rommel steeds daar.” By navraag aan die munisipaliteit gedurende September, het Stephen Müller, direkteur: Infrastruktuur en Beplannings, geantwoord: “Ons is bewus van die probleem en is in kontak met die eienaars se argitek. Indien die rommel nie voor 31 Oktober verwyder word nie, sal ons voortgaan met die nodige stappe om die rommel te laat verwyder vir hul koste.” Die hoop rommel is egter nie deur die eienaars óf die munisipaliteit

Die erf op die hoek van Sewendelaan en Sewendestraat in Voëlklip waar bourommel reeds vir ’n jaar lank opgaar. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN verwyder nie. Volgens Elza Papas, wat gereeld in haar dogter se huis, oorkant die pad van dié erf, kom kuier, het sy op 29 Oktober ’n brief aan hul raadslid, Kari Brice, gestuur. “Sy het dadelik gereageer om te beaam dat die probleem opgelos is.” Tog is die rommel steeds nie verwyder nie. “Ons woon in Kaapstad, maar spandeer gereeld tyd hier. Die erf is reeds vir jare ’n oogseer, die tuin is


onversorg en word gebruik as ’n stortingsterrein vir ander se vullis. Müller het vandeesweek aan die Hermanus Times gesê dat die munisipale bou-inspekteur aandag aan die saak gee. “Sover my kennis strek het ’n landmeter gedurende die week assesseer hoeveel grond nodig sou wees om die beoogde bouplan te voltooi. “Sodra dit gedoen is, sal die balans verwyder word.”

RECESS PERIOD: The Overstrand Municipality will go into recess from 3 December until 18 January 2015. During the recess, all urgent matters will be dealt with by Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, in consultation with the municipal manager, Coenie Groenewald. This excludes matters reserved, by law, for full council. A special council meeting will be held on 23 January 2015 to table the municipality’s annual report and other matters. The first cycle for council business will commence in February 2015. The joint portfolio committee will have their first meeting at 10:00 on 17 February and the mayoral committee will meet at 10:00 on 25 February. The first council meeting is scheduled for 25 February at 11:00. ) All municipal offices, including libraries, but excluding essential services, will be closed from 13:00 on Wednesday 24 December and Wednesday 31 December and respectively reopen

at 07:45 on Monday 29 December 2014 and Monday 5 January 2015. NEW CHAIRPERSON FOR MUNICIPAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE: Deputy mayor, Cllr Rudolph Smith, is the new chairperson of the municipal disciplinary committee, following the resignation of Alderman Pieter Scholtz on 30 September. Scholtz was appointed in the position on 1 June 2011. During a council meeting on 29 October, Cllr Smith was elected as chair, while Cllr Mercia Andrews was appointed as a new member of the committee. Other committee members include Cllrs Phillip Appelgrein, Vuyani Macotha and Caroline Mandindi. NEW CHAIRPERSON FOR APPEALS COMMITTEE: After the passing of cllr Mzameni Mshenxiswa on 19 September, Cllr Mandlake Dyani was unanimously elected to form part of the Overstrand Municipality’s section 62 appeals committee.




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Briewe Letters

13 November, 2014

“In this photo the head of the whale is above the surface, but this time with its mouth open exposing its baleen plates. This is a rare shot as S.R.W’s don’t often feed in our waters, so no reason for them to have their mouths open. Note the rostrum sepa­ rated from the bottom jaw, with its callosities visible.” This is a great series of pho­ tos, says De Beer, who recent­ ly launched his new book Hermanus Whales, the journey continues.

KOMMENTAAR Onderwys bo! Asof Hermanus nie genoeg het om mee te spog nie, is dit ook nou amptelik dat ons die beste wiskunde­onnie in die provinsie het. Mariana Viljoen, onderwyser by Hoër­ skool Hermanus, is onlangs deur die onder­ wysdepartement as die beste wiskunde­on­ derwyser in die Wes­Kaap aangewys. Goeie onderrig en opvoeding is die fonda­ mente vir sukses in die lewe, en wetende dat ons onderwysers van hierdie kaliber het, laat dit ’n mens waarlik met ’n geruste hart, omdat ons kinders in goeie hande is. Dit is ook wonderlik om te weet daar is nog onderwysers wat nie net die betrokke vak aanbied nie, maar ook spesiale aandag aan elke kind gee en ’n passie en liefde vir die vak by leerders kweek. Dit wys mens net weereens, dit gaan nie net oor hoe goed jy jou werk (of in hierdie geval, jou vak) ken nie, maar ook die ekstra wat jy insit. Die HT berig gereeld oor onderwysers in die Overstrand wat uittroon, en vir menige ouer moet dit ’n riem onder die hart wees om te weet daar is tog onderwysers met so­ veel passie vir onderrig.

WALVISSE: Hierdie wonderlike foto’s is geneem deur Retha Rust, en sy vra in haar e­pos wie kan help om vas te stel wat presies, of eerder watter dele van die walvisse, sy afgeneem het. Die HT het walviskenner en ­fotograaf Dave de Beer genader, en hy verduidelik as volg: “These are of course Southern Right whales. In this photo two whales, both adults, are sticking their heads out of the water. The rostrum or bonnet is visible. This is the narrow top jaw of the whale. Note all the callosities covered in whale lice (off white in col­ our) and the darker jaggered barnacles.” FOTO’S: RETHA RUST

Is kajakkers soms nie te na aan walvisse nie?

Doen die regte ding want dit maak ’n verskil So ’n rukkie terug het iemand geskryf oor die Port Jacksons in ons groot Sandbaaimeent langs Wesendstraat. Teen daardie tyd het ek al die suidelike gedeelte grensende aan Maartblomstraat klaar skoongemaak, maar die brief het my toe aangespoor om die res ook te doen. Nogal rugbreek- en skouer-seerwerk, veral omdat daar letterlik honderde jong boompies was. Dit het my so drie werksdae geneem. Wat baie belangrik is, is om nie die boompies net bolangs af te sny nie maar hulle onder die grond af te sny of af te spit en om die heel kleintjies uit te trek. As die stam reeds te dik is kan mens die bas tot onder die grond afstroop, dan vrek die plant ook. Dit was duidelik dat die vorige pogings nie geslaag was nie, want daar was baie wat op ou wortels weer hergroei het– en dis nog moeiliker om dan effektief te verwyder. In elk geval, ons meent is skoon maar nou nog vir die klein myrtle boompies. En laaste, maar nie die minste nie, moet die vullis, van bottels en plastieksakke, tot klerasie en selfs ’n ou rekenaar-geraamte nog opgeruim word. So, as iemand in die omgewing van Maartblom-, Meent- of Wesendstraat dalk verveeld is – kom help asseblief! Selfs ’n halfuur se werk kan ’n groot verskil maak. En vir die morsjorse wat, soos dit vir my lyk, hoofsaaklik kinders en tieners is, wil ek graag vra – moenie vullis rondstrooi nie – môre wil julle weer daar speel en dan? En moenie eers praat van bottelstukke wat voete sny nie. As ons skoonste dorp-status wil behou moet ons begin by ons eie buurte. Doen die regte ding – want dit is die regte ding om te doen!


Ons is besoekers wat elke jaar na Hermanus toe kom vir die walvisse en bly vir twee tot drie maande op ’n slag. Al wat ons pla van Hermanus is die kajakke wat uitgaan vanaf die Ou Hawe. Dit lyk sodra hulle naby ’n walvis kom, sak die walvis weg, en tot ons teleurstelling moet ons dan maar loop of weer sit en wag tot ons dalk weer een sien. Die kajakke moet blykbaar ’n sekere afstand van die walvis weg wees, maar soos Maandag 3 November het hulle reg rondom die walvis wat teen die kant was, geroei. Sy het heerlik gespeel en stert gewys, maar toe die kajakke nader beweeg het sy verdwyn. Waarom kan die kajakke nie verder in of weg van waar die mense staan gaan nie? Hierdie is die walvisse se blyplek en speelplek, waarom hul verontrief? Besoekers wat met busse kom en net ’n rukkie in Hermanus spandeer, word daarvan beroof om groot wonderlike walvisse te kan sien. Verder wil ons net aan Hermanus sê, dit is die skoonste dorp wat ons nog gesien het. Mense tel self sommer ander mense se papiere op as hul dit sien. Ook moet ek die dorp komplimenteer met sy vriendelike en behulpsame mense. Dis die mooiste plekkie in Suid-Afrika. Dankie dat ons hom met julle kan deel.


HERMAN DE VRIES VAN WALKER BAY ADVENTURES ANTWOORD: Ek hoor die leser se opinie oor ons kajaktoere in Hermanus. Walkerbay Adventures bied al vanaf 1999 hierdie toere aan en het ’n permit verkry vanaf Mariene Kusbestuur in Kaapstad

wat ons toelaat om in die area tussen Bayview en Hermanus nuwe hawe ons toere aan te bied. Ons kajaktoere is ’n eko-mariene toer wat die gaste inlig oor die mariene lewe in Walkerbaai, die bewaringsaspek van ons oseane en terselfdertyd bekendstel aan roei op see. Ons werk baie nou saam met die navorsingspan van Mariene Kusbestuur en bied vir hulle inligting rakende die walvis getalle in die area waar ons roei. Die afgelope jaar het die getalle in hierdie area byna verdubbel, wat hopelik sal toon dat ons nie die walvisse steur as hulle hier is nie. Hierdie statistieke word maandeliks aan hulle verskaf tesame met ’n kort verslag oor elke toer wat ons aanbied. Een van die dinge wat ons moet rapporteer is wanneer ons te naby aan walvisse gekom het tydens ons toere. Ons moet dan ook verduidelik wat gebeur het. Maandag was daar ontsettend baie walvisse in die area wat rond geswem het en gereeld van posisie verander het. ’n Walvispaar het ons twee keer verras en was ons te naby aan hulle. Ons reaksie is dan om te bepaal waarheen die walvisse beweeg en dan self weg te beweeg van hulle af. Ons is baie ernstig oor die bewaring van die walvisse en sal sekerlik nie wil hê dat hulle bedreig moet voel nie. Ons seekajakke het sekerlik van die minste ekologiese impak op die omgewing en die mariene lewe. Die walvisse is inteendeel baie geïnteresseerd in ons en sal baie keer in ons rigting swem. Ek vra om verskoning indien ons die leser ontstel het en sal hom/haar graag wil nooi om ons gratis te vergesel op een van ons toere om die pragtige omgewing te verken en te sien hoe ons dit aanbied.

Generosity of strangers unbelievable What a wonderful thing happened to three octogenarians at Hermanus on 7 November. We were on a bus tour from Noordhoek to Hermanus for the day and after watching for whales and seeing three - kindly helped by a couple from Wales and the USA - we walked along the coastal path and then stopped for lunch at Burgundy. Having enjoyed a good meal, we asked for the bill, only to be told by two smiling waiters that “Your bill has been paid”. We said “No, we have not received the

bill yet”. The waiters insisted that it had been paid - and when, in disbelief, we asked who had paid the bill for the three of us, they said “By two couples sitting at a nearby table”. We could not believe our ears and asked to be shown where they were. “They have left”, we were told. We would so like to thank these folk for their amazing kindness and generosity to three “oldies”.


Have water meter tested The letter “Water bills soar after installation of new meter by Overstrand Municipality” (HT 30/10/2014) refers: A while ago I had the same problem in my building (not located in the Overstrand), and after the new meter was installed, water consumption jumped from 15 units (1 500 liter) to a whopping 35 units (3 500 liter) per day. And it does not matter explaining to the municipality that it is physically impossible for around 80 persons living in the building to consume that amount of water daily – it was my problem. Eventually they agreed to have the meter tested, and my account was credited with the difference. The meter was never tested, and a new meter was installed. Lo and behold, the same readings again. As I was on the brink of getting rid of this building, because now I have no ground to stand on. Neither can I afford this enormous water bill. The municipality (same as Overstrand) just sees it as my problem, and insists that there are leak/s in the building. Needless to say, I went through that building with a magnifying glass looking for leaks. Just as I was about to put the building up for sale, a private company started removing all the water meters under the pavement and placed them about 1,5 m above the pavement, next to the buildings. Guess what, the reading is back to around 15 units per day, and the municipality can just not come up with an explanation. Roderick Williams has not explained in his response how Mr Dekker, using around 2 000 liter per month, can now consume 3 600 liter per month. To conclude, Mr Dekker, get a professional to inspect the installation of the water meter, and have the meter tested.


Where have all the (yellow) daisies gone? Whoever dug up and absconded with my husband’s point of bloom yellow daisy bush from outside our Voëlklip home should hang their head in shame. Although he may be a quixotic, perhaps even untidy, gardener, he cherishes his plants and took great pride in his border of daisies of various hues. Pink, red, and white remain, but yellow is missing. Culprit, I hope you read my withering comment and never repeat this mean and unkind theft.



Briewe Letters

13 November, 2014

Surface of courts at Atlantics Tennis Club in a shocking state I am writing this letter in the hope that someone at the municipality will please take note: For the past few years the only two tennis courts available in Mount Pleasant have been seriously neglected. Security is non-existent, which means that the clubhouse is broken into on a regular basis and the nets have to be stored at a member’s house. Floodlights are in situ, but the cables have been stolen. Despite being replaced (and council advised by the members to re-install the cables in-

side the poles), they have been stolen again. The surface of the courts are in a shocking state and debris and sand need to be removed before any play can take place. The only other two courts available (at the top end of Mount Pleasant in a safer location) have been turned into a play park. Atlantics Tennis Club is an active club that has two teams that participate in the Boland club league. There are many primary and high school aged kids within the community who want to play tennis and the adults are more than prepared to

help coach and mentor these kids. During the weekend of 1 November, the metal uprights that hold the nets in place were cut with no consultation or consent from the club. That week the members arrived at practise to find that they had disappeared completely. Despite this, the club continues against all odds to survive with fantastic commitment and drive. Please, please municipality, help the community of Mount Pleasant by providing playable courts to keep the kids off the street.


Brandgevaar as gevolg van vuurwerk Graag wil ons ons dank uitspreek teenoor Hermanus Brandweer en wetstoepassing vir die puik diens wat hulle Saterdag 8 November gelewer het. Die pakstoor in my skoonma se agterplaas was in ligte laaie nadat vuurwerk op die dak beland het. Alles is menslik moontlik gedoen

) I am looking for the ice­cream man

Michael Smith from Hermanus who took over from his dad. Have been Googling to bits but to no avail. Contact 082 885 0226. – NEED ICE­CREAM NOW ) Soek dringend iemand om ons twee honde­kinders aan te neem. Een is mid­ delslag grootte en die ander ’n Jack Rus­ sell. Liefdevol, waaksaam en gehoor­ saam. Bel asb 082 824 3105. – HELEN GERTENBACH ) Friends of the Library are selling ±350 g rich, iced and decorated Christ­ mas cakes for R85 each. Visit the library at the Overstrand Municipality for more information. ) Be careful. I left my sandals between rocks at Onrus Beach while I went for a walk. Stolen within 30 min!– PAT C ) Heard on Whale Coast radio today that each family should get a certain small water and electricity subsidy each month. Government Gazetted long ago. Why not us? ) Help asseblief om jou sakke te pak by die kassiere. Dan gaan dit mos vinni­

om die vuur te blus; mense het selfs ligte brandwonde opgedoen soos hulle probeer help het. Ons dank gaan ook aan omgeebure en die gemeenskap van Hawston wat met groot belangstelling kom kyk het hoe hulle van hulp kon wees. Die brandweer het die vlamme heeltemal geblus en tussen die rom-

ger vir almal.– OU TILSLANER ) Chaotiese pilledag – Guy Fawkes is behoorlik Woensdag gevier toe pasiën­ te van Mount Pleasant op en af moes loop vir medikasie. “Jammer jou pille is nie hier nie, gaan maar op kliniek toe.” Sommige mense moes die volgende dag terugkom vir pille. Nee wat, julle span het nog baie te leer. – ONTSTOKE PASIËNTE ) “Ducks out of water”: Ek stem saam met Bobby Maroudas. Watter skade kan die dammetjie doen? Die persoon hou dit mooi skoon, soos sy tuintjie, en dis ’n plesier om die eendjies te sien. Gun ons tog ietsie mooi. – SUSAN, MCMILLAN­HUIS ) Goeie nuus Lolla. Die Overstrand­mu­ nisipaliteit verkoop reeds jare krag aan­ lyn. Ek is geregistreer en koop sonder moeite so krag. Kontak gerus die Over­ strand­kliëntediens. – DRAER VAN GOEIE NUUS ) Buurvrou, Vermont: daar is vier kwe­ kerye in Hermanus. Dit is waar ek begin het. Gaan join ’n stiggie­klub en wees

Cold and wet weather is expected until Friday night, but should clear up by Saturday morning. Sunshine is forecast until after the weekend, but temperatures will stay below 20° C. From Monday the mercury will again reach 22° C.


Temp: 14/18 Rain


Temp: 12/19 Clear


Temp:14/15 Partly Cloudy Temp: 13/22 Clear

Weather forecast info website: www.yr.no/place/South_Africa/Western_Cape/Hermanus/long/html


FORECAST BY12th SA November WEATHER BUREAU Coldest day: 6.9.°C on Warmest day: 29.2°C on 10th November

Rainfall: 0.6 mm on 10th November De Bos dam level: 100%

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri

Total rainfall for November: 14.1 mm Average rainfall for November: 34.3 mm

T I D E T A B L E 0815 0944 1059 1153 0029 0109 0144 0218


2054 2227 2338 ---1235 1311 1345 1420

0135 0258 0427 0534 0622 0701 0736 0810

LOW 1456 1629 1737 1825 1902 1936 2007 2039


22 Nov

29 Nov

7 Nov

14 Nov

Information supplied by the Hydrographer SA Navy. The Hydrographer is not responsible for any transcription errors.

mel gewerk totdat hul seker was dat die vuur nie weer sou kon opvlam nie. Ons is baie dankbaar vir sulke puik diens gelewer. Dankie!


jy die stiggie­meester. ) Thank you Business Owner/Resident Sandbaai (HT, 23 October) for your fac­ tual and unemotional concept of another Mall in Hermanus. – JOHN F ) Kan enige persoon/e ons, die publiek, inlig waarom die gras afgeskraap word op die groen grasperk voor die Herma­ nus Backpackers? – S VANDY ) Lizette, baie dankie vir sypaadjie in Chanteclair. Nou stap ons almal veilig langs die besige pad. Jy is tops in Wyk 13! – MARIE KORF ) A well­deserved compliment for a job well done to Ian Alton who recently fixed our rain­damaged entertainment area better than it used to be. After that, a superb house painting job. Thanks Ian for the beautiful finishing touches and setting everything back to order! If you need anything done we highly recom­ mend him. – THE DU PLESSIS FAMI­ LY, VERMONT ) Aan my twee baie spesiale dokters: dr. Tilla Muller en dr. Linda Riddell, baie dankie vir daardie ekstra “myl” wat julle stap vir my as pasiënt. – ELNA PLUCK ) Joe Potgieter, groot van gestalte, groot van hart met plek vir baie vriende, groot dankie vir die koffie en pannekoek laas Woensdag ná ons stap in die Hemel­en­ Aarde Vallei.– WILLIE, NAMENS AL ONS MEELOPERS ) Always efficient friendly service at Ad­ venture Centre car repairs. What a pleasure. Thank you Kelvin and staff. – DOC MARTIN

What is it with this town? We moved to Voëlklip permanently six weeks ago, having owned a house here since 1988, which we demolished and re-built three years ago. Service providers here seem to think they have a right to live in slow motion, and that we owe them a living, but yet complain if owners seek help elsewhere. What an eye-opener. Over the last six weeks, we are still waiting for the electrician to fix a heater in the bathroom, for the cupboard guy to


fix the rusty runners, for the builder (been waiting almost three years) to fix the faults and cracks. What is it with this town? I could name and shame, would actually love to do that, but am willing to let anyone contact me if they want to know who not to employ. We also have great recommendations for reliable people, if anyone is interested. Contact me via the CEM Times or 083 303 9459.


Unieke mini­gholfbaan Eerstens wil ek graag vir almal wat belangstel in gholf, aanmoedig om hierdie unieke stukkie paradys, die Paradise Park minigholfbaan, op ons deurdrumpel te besoek. Die nege (eintlik agttien) putjies, is ’n belewenis. Vir diegene wat gholfstokke het, maar nie kan bekostig om duur te betaal om die buitelug saam met die hele gesin te geniet nie, is hierdie ’n juweel. Ek het sowat een en ’n half jaar gelede, toe dit nog woes en leeg was (by wyse van spreke), aangesluit, maar die persoon wat ’n omme-

keer bewerkstellig het ten opsigte van standaarde en atmosfeer was/ is Deon Wandrag. Hierdie man dwing bewondering vir sy visie, selfmotivering en entoesiasme af. Durf ek dit sê, maar as jy hier gespeel het en dit nie geniet het nie, sal ek jou baanfooie vir jou betaal. Dit geld nie vir jou frustrasie wanneer jy balle in die water slaan nie! Deon, gaan voort met wat jy begin het, jou legacy sal voortleef.


There is no place like Hermanus On Thursday 30 October, the annual Izibusiso Charity Golf Day was held at the Hermanus Golf Club. The day was a great success – the weather was good, the course was in magnificent condition and a wonderful spirit of camaraderie prevailed. However, the success of the day was really directly due to the generosity of the “Izi Charity Day” sponsors and the support of the Hermanus golfing community, our two ever faithful and unfailing

power sources. I would like to publicly thank all the sponsors and the players for their ongoing support. Truly, there is no place like Hermanus, it is a town with a great heart; only with the help of such compassionate and public spirited people are charities, like Izibusiso, enabled to minister to those in need.


Koue lê naweek voor ’n Ongewone goedaardige winter bekruip die Noordelike Halfrond en hier, aan die onderkant van die planeet, word ons verras met skielike groeikrag in ons groentetuine nadat die wortels en luihuisvrouboontjies maar gesukkel het om op dreef te kom. Dit is só opvallend dat enkele lesers vir Weerhaan daarop attent gemaak het. Ook oom Langfaan laat weet dat die groengoed in die tuin darem nou vir jou dêm goed begin groei, gehoor? Die goeie nuus is: Daar is tekens dat die herstel van die osoonlaag besig is om dankie te sê vir minder aardse lugbesoedeling. Oksiede wat ons waardevolle suurstof aftakel deur dit onder meer met metale te verbind, is aan die minder raak en die plante se chlorofil-fabriekies wat koolsuurgas in suurstof omsit, kom weer in beheer. Dit is glo veral sierplante, grondmos en jong groente wat eerste baat. En dadelik gooi oom Langfaan ook ’n mening ons kant toe: Dit is nou as party munisipaliteite soos die Eikestad van fabrieke met swart rook in die dorp ontslae raak. Só sal die sterwende eike ’n hupstootjie kry. Noem dit die natuur se antioksidant. Ons sien dus die teendeel van die sagmoedige winter in Europa en dat dit op ’n aangename somer in die suide dui. Hier in die Overstrand sal ons dit ook sien. Die komende naweek sit ons grootliks weer en wal-

visse kyk wyl die streke rondom die Overberg koes vir die geniepsige front wat verby trek. Die kersie op die koek is dat die bietjie reën wat ons kry grootliks in die nag val en bedags kan ons met min ongerief die hele naweek geniet. Weerhaan se skermpie het Dinsdag gewys dat die front ons dalk ’n taai klap kan gee, maar Overstranders weet mos al: As die bolug bewe en skud, voel ons dit skaars rondom ons kuierplekke. Teen elfuur se kant vandag (Donderdag) sien ons die front se hakskene en dat dit ons net skuins aangedoen het. Die reën hou op en teen die aand se kant voel ons die fris briesie uit die noordweste. Die oog van die front beweeg oor die Boland na die Oos-Kaap toe. Die minder goeie nuus is dat dit weer koud word tot dit Vrydagmiddag lig begin reën en deur die nag tot 14° daal. Maar moed hou, ons kry Saterdagoggend lekker son en daarna tot Dinsdag vol son met temperature rondom die twintigs.

12 HermanusTimes High standard for gardening competition 13 November, 2014

JAN­HENDRIK COETZER The Whale Coast Conservation (WCC) gardening competition awards event took place on Saturday 8 November at the Moffat Hall in Mount Pleasant, during which Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie gave certificates to all the gardeners who had entered the competition. There were two categories, silver and gold, for each of the three suburbs of Zwelihle,

Mount Pleasant and Hawston. According to Shirley Volkwyn, coordinator at WCC, the gardens were of such high standard this year that the judges had multiple silver winners, and prizes were awarded to nine gardeners in total. The three gold-winners were Lindsay Geswind (Mount Pleasant), Anna Hendricks (Hawston) and Philip Skisozana (Zwelihle). The judging criteria included water wise irrigation and plant types, the use of recycled materials, sustainability in terms of growing

Zwelihle Gold Award garden of Philip Skis­ ozana.

herb and vegetables and general aesthetics and cleanliness. All entrants received a certificate as well as free membership to WCC. “We wish to thank all our sponsors and partners for their generous contributions to our annual gardening competition,” said Volkwyn. Should residents in these areas wish to enter their gardens for the 2015 competition, they can call the WCC office on weekdays, at .028 316 2527.

Hawston Gold Award garden of Anna Hen­ dricks. Mount Pleasant Gold Award gar­ den of Lindsay Geswind. LEFT: Lindsay Geswind from Mount Pleasant receives her gold award from Mayor Nicolette Botha­Guthrie. RIGHT: Anna Hendricks from Hawston receiving her gold award from the mayor. Philip Skisozana, the Zwelihle garden gold winner, was absent.

Volunteers needed for project The Enlighten Education Trust is looking for 15 volunteers from Hermanus to be trained to help with a Literacy Project to be implemented in 2015. The main focus of the project will be the establishment of a Shine Chapter in partnership with the Overberg Education District, in a bid to create a nation of readers. The project will be implemented in two primary schools in the Overstrand, focusing on Grade 2 and 3 learners at Zwelihle Primary and Lukhanyo Primary Schools. The Shine Centre was established 14 years ago. In just four years they managed to increase literacy rates of grade 3 school children from 50% to 82,75%. For further information, contact the trust manager of Enlighten Education Trust, Magriet Peter, at the Enlighten Centre, corner of Swartdam Road and Angelier Street at 028 313 0974.

ERF 116, 4 THE CRESCENT, FISHERHAVEN: OVERSTRAND MUNICIPAL AREA : PROPOSED CONSENT USE: XU JIANGPING (ON BEHALF OF ZHANG JIANBIN) Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 2.2 of the Overstrand Municipality Zoning Scheme that an application for a consent use has been received for a place of entertainment (live music, dancing and karaoke) at the existing restaurant / pub on Erf 116. Detail regarding the proposal is available for inspection at the Department: Town Planning (16 Paterson Street) during normal office hours. Enquiries regarding the matter should be directed to the Town Planner, Mr. H Olivier (Tel: 028-313 8900 / Fax: 028-313 2093). E-mail enquiries : Loretta Gillion (loretta@overstrand.gov.za). Any comments on the proposal should be submitted in writing to reach the undersigned by not later than Friday, 19 December 2014. Notice is also given in terms of Section 21(4) of the Local Government Act: Municipal Systems, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that people who cannot write are welcome to approach the Town Planning section of the Overstrand Municipality (Hermanus Administration) during the above-mentioned office hours where a member of staff will assist them in putting their comments or objections in writing. Municipal Manager, Overstrand Municipality, P.O. Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Municipal Notice No. 75/2014

HAWS struggles to wash blankets The blankets at the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) are piling up after their washing machine packed up a few weeks ago. “We need to make a desperate appeal for funds to buy an industrial washing machine for our dog and cat blankets/towels. It will cost R8 000, so any donations will be greatly appreciated,” said volunteer Judy Miller. Ilse Smith, chairperson at HAWS, has in the meantime been taking home bucketloads of blankets to wash. For more information, contact Judy on 082 740 7279 or judym@telkomsa.net. You may also call the office on 028 312 1281. Any donations can be made into HAWS Standard bank, Hermanus. Account number 082263310, bank code 050312 and reference “washing”.

ERF 116, THE CRESCENT 4, FISHERHAVEN: OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALE AREA : VOORGESTELDE VERGUNNINGSGEBRUIK: XU JIANGPING (NAMENS ZHANG JIANBIN) Kennis word hiermee gegee ingevolge Gedeelte 2.2 van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit Soneringskema dat ‘n aansoek om vergunningsgebruikontvang is vir ‘n vermaaklikheidsplek (musiekoptredes, dans en karaoke) by die bestaande restaurant / kroeg op Erf 116. Besonderhede aangaande die voorstel lê ter insae by die Departement: Stadsbeplanning (Patersonstraat 16) gedurende normale kantoorure. Navrae kan gerig word aan die Stadsbeplanner, Mnr. H. Olivier, (Tel: 0283138900 / Faks: 028-313 2093). Epos navrae : Loretta Gillion (loretta@overstrand.gov.za). Enige kommentaar aangaande die voorstel moet op skrif gestel word ten einde die ondergetekende te bereik teen nie later nie as Vrydag, 19 Desember 2014. Voorts word hiermee ingevolge Artikel 21(4) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) kennis gegee dat persone wat nie kan skryf nie, die Stadsbeplanningsafdeling van die Munisipaliteit Overstrand (Hermanus Administrasie) kan nader waar ‘n amptenaar daardie persone sal help om hul kommentaar of besware op skrif te stel. Munisipale Bestuurder, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Posbus 20, HERMANUS, 7200 Munisipale Kennisgewing Nr.75/2014

Algemeen General

Bernice Zietsman (April 2014 Winner) and sister, Chare (September 2014 Winner) with Leigh Murray (right) of Studio Health.

Two sisters win fat loss challenge Two sisters from Hermanus, Bernice Zietsman and Chare Zietsman were crowned the monthly winners of Studio Health’s 12 week Ultimate Fat Loss challenge. Bernice won the April 2014 challenge and Chare was crowned the September 2014 winner. These two sisters proved that with a shift in mental attitude they could take up the challenge, which involved a programme combining a balance of sound nutrition and training smarter with exercise specialist Leigh Murray, and the end result: They have lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of confidence. “I am an exercise specialist and run a few competitions a year and the 12 week Ultimate Fat Loss Challenge is a life changing experience that requires commitment, determination and perseverance.” The challenge follows the principles of sound nutrition and exercise training to bring about positive weight loss and body conditioning. R10 000 is up for grabs and the person with the most significant transformation wins the prize. The prize is sometimes shared where results are so close. Bernice entered the challenge in February and won it. Her sister, Chare was blown away by her results and entered the next one in June and won the challenge.

LEFT: Sandy the Jack Russell and Alice sniff­ ing at the backlog of blankets that need to be washed.

ISIZA ERF 116, 4 THE CRESCENT, FISHERHAVEN: KWINDAWO YOMASIPALA YASEOVERSTRAND : ISICELO SOKUSEBENZA SIFAKWE NGABAKWA- XU JIANGPING (EGAMENI LABAKWA ZHANG JIANBIN) KukhutshwaesisazisongokweCandelo 2.2 loMthethoiOverstrand Municipality Z o n i n g S c h e m e esichazaukubaisicelosifumanekilesokusetyenziswakwesizasenziweindawoy okonwaba (Umculokubukelwe, kudaniswenekiriyoki) kwisakhiwoesikhoyosokuthengisa / ibharikwisiza 116. ImibaebhekiselelekwesisiphakamisoiyafumanekaukubaihlolwekwiSebeloCw angcisolweDolophu (16 Paterson Street) ngexeshalomsebenzilesiqhelo. ImibuzoemalunganalombaingabhekiswakuMlawulooPhezulukuCwangcisolw eDolophu, uMnz H Olivier (Umnxeba: 028-313 8900 / Ifeksi: 028-313 2093). Imibuzongemeyileiyaku-Loretta Gillion (loretta@overstrand.gov.za). Naziphina iziphakamiso umntu afuna ukuzenza angazingenisa ngokuthi abhale athumele phambi koLwesihlanu, umhla,we19 kuDecemba 2014. KukhutshwakwakhonaesisazisongokweCandelo 21(4) lomthethowomasipalabengingqi: Ingqubokamasipalaka, 2000 (Umthetho 32 k a 2 0 0 0 ) ukubalowoungakwaziyoukufundanokubhalanofunaukunikauluvolwakheanga qhagamshelananeCandeloleZiboneleloezisiSisekonoCwangcisoaphoakunc edwangumsebenzingokuthiabhaleuluvolwakhe. UMlawuliwoMasipala, uMasipalawaseOverstrand, P.O. Box 20, HERMANUS, 7200 ISazisosikaMasipalaesiNomboloingu75/2014 111111-HL131114


Algemeen General

13 November, 2014


Jungle Tots Hermanus would like to thank all the sponsors that made their Golf Day unforgettable Alexis Zielsman Allure Andries Louw Anli & Andre van Vuuren Artist Lize van der Walt Birkenhead Breweries Black Knight International BlackPEPPERcollective Bredasdorp Slagpale Burgundy Restaurant Caledon Hotel & Spa Chrystallum Wines Clayton Wine Creation Wine Fruit & Veg Hermanus Geta Finlayson Hermanus Golf Club Hermanus Liquor Store Jake Roos

La Bella Vita Leigh Murray Studio Mintwellness Spa Newton Johnson Family Wines Oasis Water PSG Konsult Refine Restless River Wine Spyros Jeweller LED Light Susan McCarthy The Beanery Villiera Wine Stellenbosch Whalemail White Shark Projects Wildekrans Wine Estate


IMPORTANT NOTICE INVITATION FOR THE SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS FOR THE FUNDING OF FARM WORKER RELATED PROJECTS FOR 2015/16 (A): REQUEST: The Western Cape Department of Agriculture hereby invites relevant registered, non-profit organisations (NPOs) that deliver services to farm workers and their family members in the Western Cape to submit business plans (project proposals) that address the following focus areas: 1. Training: A range of early childhood development (ECD) training, the development of life skills, conflict management and financial literacy training. 2. Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Focussed awareness and prevention programmes that are measurable, including theatre plays to ensure that illiterate persons are also included. NOTE: Projects can be funded to a maximum amount of R200,000-00 each. The Department reserves the right to approve and fund only priority needs in your application. (B) CRITERIA FOR THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The implementation of the business plan should contribute to the general social upliftment of farm workers, their communities and farm worker organisations. Preference will be given to projects focussed on the following target groups as beneficiaries within farm worker communities i.e.: children, women, youth, disabled and unemployed farm workers. Preference will be given to projects implemented in the 16 identified rural development nodes in the Province as per the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP). The applicant must: (4.1) be a legal entity; (4.2) be in existence for at least 3 years and should not have been deregistered before; (4.3) maintain good financial discipline; (4.4) have administrative support structures in place to ensure effective and timeous submission of the required financial and progress reports. Compliance will be monitored and will determine the release of funds.

(C): THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTATION AND INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION: (PLEASE NOTE: Failure to submit this information will lead to the disqualification of your application.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

A fully completed Project Business Plan clearly indicating: • the project’s measureable objectives (compulsory format prescribed); • which target group and how many individuals will benefit from the funding; A fully completed Project Implementation Plan (Annexure A – compulsory format prescribed); A fully completed Project Item Budget and Cash Flow Projection (Annexure B – compulsory format prescribed); Proof of Registration as non-profit/non-governmental organisation/Article 21 Company has to be provided; Entities have to attach their most recent Tax Clearance Certificate; and In terms of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) the most recent Audited Financial Statements have to be attached.

Standing at the back is Mitch Yuen with Angela Yuen, Elizabeth Mont­ gomery and Zoë Theron at their very first market. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Skills programme for the youth The first market by members of “The Yes for Life Club”, an initiative founded by Loraine Law Yuen, took place in Onrus on Saturday 1 November. The focus of the programme is to nurture entrepreneurial and life skills through partnership with the community and selected local markets. Participants develop their skills through planned craft, educational workshops, talks and community networking. An added advantage is that participants will have a record of their activities that can be useful when seeking entrance at university and future entry-level employment opportunities. At the Onrus Market participants learnt how to set up a stall, work with stock, customers, managing cash flow and how to work within a team. The next market day will be on 6 December, also at the Onrus Market, and from February 2015 the Hermanus Country Market has committed to provide a section especially for this programme. The programme is suitable for young people between the ages of 10 and 25. If you are able to teach a craft, give a talk and would like further information as to how to participate, contact Loraine at yesforlifeclub@gmail. co.za. Alternatively SMS your name and e-mail address to 083 6099 893.

(D): A COMPULSORY INFORMATION SESSION FOR ALL PERSONS WANTING TO APPLY will be hosted in the Auditorium at Elsenburg from 09h30 – 12h30 on Tuesday, 18 November 2014 during which the requirements, responsibilities and business processes will be thoroughly discussed. Kindly contact Ms Meghan Cupido to RSVP your attendance by no later than Friday, 14 November 2014 at Tel: (021) 808-7601 or email her at: meghanc@elsenburg.com. The compulsory prescribed formats for the Project Business Plan and Annexures A & B are available at the District Offices of the Department of Agriculture (see list below) as well as on the website at: www.elsenburg.com The application must: • be submitted in a sealed envelope; • be addressed / marked for the attention of the relevant district official as indicated below; • be posted to, or hand delivered at the offices as indicated below.

CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 28 November 2014 @ 12:00

Late or faxed applications will under no circumstances be considered.

Prospective applicants are welcome to contact the Community Development Officers (CDOs) at the District Offices of the sub-programme: Farm Worker Development for guidance pertaining to the completion of the forms, should you so require. District Offices

Contact Details

Physical and Postal Address

Eden: George Office

Ms Evon Mayekiso Tel: (044) 803-3755 evonm@elsenburg.com

York Park Building, York Street, George, 6530

Cape Metropole: Goodwood Office

Ms Danisile Ngxangane Tel: (021) 483-7782 danisilen@elsenburg.com

Goulbourn Centre, Corner of Goulbourn and Voortrekker Road, Goodwood, 7460

Cape Winelands: Wellington Office and Elsenburg Office

Mr. Eben Saal Tel: (021) 873-0241/1135 ebens@elsenburg.com Ms Erika Manho-Damons Tel: (021) 808-7735 erikam@elsenburg.com

2nd Floor, Shoprite Building, Church Street, Wellington, PO Box 53, Wellington, 7655 Head Office, Muldersvlei Road, Elsenburg, Private Bag X1, Elsenburg, 7607

Overberg: Bredasdorp Office

Ms Jacqueline Cupido Tel: (028) 425-2681 jackyc@elsenburg.com

Albert Myburgh Hostel, Golf Street PO Box 1138, Bredasdorp, 7280

Central Karoo: Beaufort West Office

Ms Deona Strydom Tel: (023) 414-2126 deonas@elsenburg.com

Peter Jacobs Avenue 1, Beaufort West PO Box 66, Beaufort West, 6970

West Coast: Vredendal Office

Ms Jacqueline Carolissen Tel: (027) 213-2000 jacquelineca@elsenburg.com

Corner of Matzikama & Noorweg Street, Vredendal, 8160, PO Box 130, Vredendal, 8160


NATURE MAT­ TERS: DID YOU KNOW... The Cape Dune Mole Rat (Bathyergus suillus) is the largest completely underground mammal in Africa and can have a mass of over 2 kg. These rats are found in the soft coastal sands of the Western Cape where they leave their large, signature molehills. They are adapted for digging with strong claws on the feet and large protruding inci­ sor teeth. The lips close behind the grooved teeth to stop them from swallowing sand while digging or feeding. They eat under­ ground roots and bulbs and are a menace in many a coastal garden. It has been sug­ gested that ramming dog poo down their burrows will send them to the neighbour’s garden. PHOTO: TREVOR HARDAKER



Algemeen General

13 November, 2014


THE EURIDICE STRING QUARTET THURSDAY 13 NOVEMBER ) Rotary Hermanus meets every Thursday at Mol­ legren Park at 18:30 for 19:00. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187 for more information. ) Borduurgroep­byeenkoms van 09:00 – 13:00 by De Wetsaal. Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday at Hermanus Golf Club at 12:15. Lyle: 0 028 314 1390/073 778 2777. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall. Henriëtte Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809.

This very highly regarded group (violins, viola and cello) will play three well loved, melodious, ‘feel-good’ works by Haydn, Borodin and Schubert


Bouchard Finlayson Boutique Wine Estate 18.00 for 18.30 Please contact Penny for tickets (R 100) at pcharteris@mweb.co.za or at 028 316 2489 or vcmoran@iafrica.com or at 028 313 0567 111111-HL131114

Nedbank VinPro Information Day The Nedbank VinPro Information Day will be held in a new time slot, from 09:30 to 14:00, at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) on 22 January 2015. With unique challenges facing the wine industry, specialists will give an overview of the wine industry's prospects for 2015. The topics are: • Economic outlook (Nicky Weimar, Nedbank)

• Taking wine tourism to the next level (Alayne Reesburg, Design Capital Cape Town) • Wine Industry Strategic Exercise (Rico Basson, VinPro). Established and emerging wine producers, as well as roleplayers from the cellar and marketing fields are encouraged to attend. Registration is compulsory and closes 22 December 2014. VinPro members: R450 per person Non-members: R600 per person

• International wine trends (Jancis Robinson, acclaimed international wine writer) • Domestic and African markets (To be confirmed) • Seasonal overview and harvest expectations (Francois Viljoen, VinPro) • Agriculture as game-changer in the economy (Minister

Alan Winde – Western Cape Department of Agriculture, Economic Development and Tourism)

The complete programme and registration form are available at www.vinpro.co.za or from Patricia Jordaan on tel 021 276 0429 or at jordaanp@vinpro.co.za.

FRIDAY 14 NOVEMBER ) Tea and coffee morning with crafts and raffle at Bhuki Café from 09:00 – 11:30. All welcome. ) Kolwyntjie­teetuin by die NG kerk Onrusrivier van 09:30 – 11:30 vir net R20. ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:15 – 09:30 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) The U3A presents a talk on The History of Ameri­ can Popular Music: 1930 – 1940, presented by Alan Maker and Robin Lee at 10:00 in the Catholic Church Hall. Robin Lee: 0 028 312 4072. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 12:00 – 16:30. Anneke van der Vlug: 0 082 923 9799. ) Well­known theologian, Dr Baxter Kruger from the USA, will give a talk at the United Church at 12:30. Tea and sandwiches will be served. ) Kersmelodrama by die Onrusrivier­dienssen­ trum. Kom luister na Phantom of the Opera (past. Herman Breed), Elvis (ds. Corné Kemp), Shakin Stevens (ds. Neil Olwagen), PJ Powers (Louis van Zyl), Die Grafsteensangers, Lofdanse, Jerusalem (Mark Robson), Sonja Herholdt en nog meer. Kaartjies is R50 per persoon by die NG kerk Her­ manus se kantoor of Mariet Basson: 0 078 329 7888. ) Tina Schouw Live at the Tasting Room, Stanford Hills Estate, at 18:30. Tickets from Stanford Tour­ ism and Tasting Room at Stanford Hills Estate. SATURDAY 15 NOVEMBER ) The Book Cottage is presenting a children’s



KWOTASIE NR. SC1545/2014


Quotations are hereby invited for an Environmental Impact Assessment: Stanford Water Courses. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from, Friday 14 November 2014, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, MagnoliaAvenue, Hermanus; Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30. Alternatively the document may be downloaded from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za . Sealed quotations, with: “Quotation No: SC:1545/ 2014: Environm ental Impact Assessment: Stanford Water Courses.” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 4 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the documentation issued by Overstrand Municipality. A compulsory information session will be held at 11h00 on 20 November 2014, at Stanford Administration. The closing date and time of the quotation is on 28 November 2014 at 12h00 and quotations will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the Supply Chain Management Committee Room, HermanusAdministration. Quotations must be valid for 60 days after the closing date. Quotations shall be evaluated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and bidders may claim preference points in terms of their B-BBEE status level of contribution. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any quotation and reserves the right to accept any quotation, as it may deem expedient. Quotations are subject to the General Conditions of Contract and the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Overstrand Municipality. Please refer enquiries to Ms. L Bezuidenhout at telephone number: 028 316 3724.

Kwotasies word hiermee ingewag vir ’n Omgewingsimpakstudie: Stanford Waterlope. Kwotasiedokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf, Vrydag 14 November 2014 by die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, vanaf Me. Rita Neethling, Tel. 028 313 8064 tussen 08h30 en 15h30. Alternatiewelik mag die dokument afgelaai word vanaf die webblad www.overstrand.gov.za. Verseëlde kwotasies duidelik gemerk: “Kwotasie Nr.SC 1545/2014: Omgewingsimpakstudie: Stanford Waterlope.” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tenderbus Nr. 4 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Kwotasies mag slegs ingedien word op die dokumentasie verskaf deur Overstrand Munisipaliteit. ñ Verpligte inligtingsessie sal gehou word om 11h00, op 20 November 2014, by Stanford Administrasie. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die Kwotasie is 28 November 2014 om 12h00 en kwotasies sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. Kwotasies moet geldig wees vir 60 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Kwotasies sal evalueer word in terme van die Voorkeurverkrygings Regulasies, 2011 en tenderaars mag voorkeurpunte eis in terme van hul B-BSEB status vlak van bydrae. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die laagste of enige kwotasie wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie. Kwotasies is onderhewig aan die Algemene Kontrakvoorwaardes en die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuursbeleid van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Navrae kan gerig word aan Me. L Bezuidenhout by telefoonnommer 028 316 3724.

Kucelwa uqikelelo-xabiso: Lwe Environmental Impact Assessment: Stanford Water Courses. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoLwesihlanu 14 Novembha 2014, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand., eMagnolia Avenue, eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye15h30, Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwiwebhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za Uqikelelo-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, UqikeleloXabiso No. SC 1545/2014: Environmental Impact Assessment: Stanford Water Courses.” Ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no. 4 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala waseOverstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umjikelo onyanzelekileyo wokubonisana uyakubanjelwa Kulawulo lwase Stanford ngomhla we 20 ku Novembha ngentsimbi yeShumi elinanye 11h00 Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 28 Novembha 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamashumi anesthandathu 60 emva komhla wokuvala. Ithenda zizakuhluzwa ngokomgangatho womiselo oKhethekileyo wokuFumana ka-2011 kwaye abanini bethenda banga funa amanqaku okhetheko ngokomgangatho abanawo kwi B-BBEE. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphantsi okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kaMasipala we-Overstrand. Nceda nxibelelana no Nkosazana u L Bezuidenhout kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 316 3724 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo.




book reading at 11:00 for all children aged 4 – 7 years. Information: 0 028 313 0834. ) Matric revision from 10:00­12:00 on Whale Coast fm 96­96.2, presented by subject special­ ists from the Western Cape Education Depart­ ment. Business studies: 10:00­11:00 and Afri­ kaans second paper: 11:00­12:00. ) Single people, 40 and older, English and Afri­ kaans: Are you recently divorced, a widow or widower? Bring your picnic basket, blanket and kids for a family picnic and enjoy the day with other singles. Information: 0 076 115 7382. ) Gert Vlok Nel tree op by Sprokkelster­teater om 20:00. Kaartjies kos R120. Besprekings: 0 082 896 5106/028 316 4567 of 2 info@ sprokkelster.co.za. SUNDAY 16 NOVEMBER ) The annual day of prayer for members of Overstrand protection services is at the Dutch Re­ formed Church in Hermanus at 08:40 for 09:00. All members of SAPS Hermanus, exco of the community police forum (CPF), affiliated commu­ nity­based organisations and their families are welcome. Book your seat by 14 November. Hennie Westraat: 0 082 820 4811. ) Overstrand Arts/Kunste (OAK) concert with Russian pianist, Andrei Pisarev. Bookings at Belli­ ni Gallery: 0 028 312 4988. Tickets are R120 (R60 for students). OAK secretary René du Plooy: 0 082 940 4238 for further enquiries. ) Dynamite Music will be hosting a classical CD and DVD Expo at the Municipal Auditorium from 13:30 until after the OAK concert. Peter: 0 021 592 5715 for more information. MAANDAG 17 NOVEMBER ) Fiksheidsklasse word aangebied by die De Wetsaal in Onrus. Die tye is soos volg: Maandae 08:00 – 09:30; Woensdae 15:00 – 17:00 en Donderdae 08:00 – 09:30. Alida Liebenberg: 0 028 316 3994/082 783 5160. ) The Overberg Quilters’ Guild meet at 09:30 at the De Wet Hall, Onrus. Year­end function. ) Modern Automobile Technology will feature Toyoto SA at 10:00 in the Catholic Church Hall. Gert Claassen: 0 083 602 5254. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Infor­ mation: 0 028 314 0662/072 230 9179. ) Line­dancing at De Wet Hall, 17:30 – 18:30. Maryanne: 0 073 469 913/028 316 2625. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Martin: 0 082 438 6008. TUESDAY 18 NOVEMBER ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, Northcliff. André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) The U3A series on Supermarkets will feature Pick n Pay in the Catholic Church Hall at 10:00. Gert Claassen: 0 083 602 5254. ) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal, Dinsdae en Woensdae van 17:30 – 18:30. Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. WOENSDAG 19 NOVEMBER ) Trimgim­klasse by die Onrusrivier­dienssen­ trum van 10:00 – 11:00. Koste: R30 per lid, R45 vir nielede. ) Kom kyk die fliek Dragon Fly om 15:00 by Ons Teater, dienssentrum van die Onruskerk. Net skenkings. Marie Korf: 0 083 457 1896. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaar­ saal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oost­ huysen: 0 079 322 0998. DONDERDAG 20 NOVEMBER ) ’n Lekka Experience! – geldinsamelingsge­ leentheid deur Badisa ten bate van Hermanus Senior Sentrum by die Grobbelaarsaal. Restau­ rant open 18:30. AmaZink Live tree om 19:30 op. Die drag is informeel en die koste R420 per persoon. Maak dit jou jaareind­partytjie, of maak ’n tafel vol met jou beste vriende vir ’n kuiertjie. Besprekings by Ilze: 0 082 414 8427 of Lizel: 0 028 312 2515. FRIDAY 21 NOVEMBER ) The U3A talk on History of American Popular Music: 1940 – 1950 will be presented by Alan Maker and Robin Lee in the Catholic Church Hall at 10:00. Robin Lee: 0 028 312 4072. ) Hospice annual quiz and dinner evening in the banqueting hall of the municipal auditorium. Teams of eight to fill a table. A short auction fol­ lows after the quiz. Tickets cost R200 per person (or R1 600 per table). Dee: 0 028 312 4679 for bookings. ) Enlighten Education Trust Open Day from 10:00 – 13:00. They are situated on the corner of Swartdam Road and Angelier Street.

Algemeen General


13 November, 2014


VERTONING TEN BATE VAN HUIS LETTIE THERON: Jannie du Toit sal op 1 Desember te sien wees in ’n vertoning van “Doep is nie dood nie”, uit die pen van Koos du Plessis, ten bate van Huis Lettie Theron. Die vertoning sal om 19:00 in die munisi­ pale ouditorium gehou word. Kaart­ jies kos R80. Kaartjies kan bespreek word by 0 028 312 3721.

Evaluate your valuables Hermanus is in for a rare treat when Stephan Welz and Vanessa Phillips of Strauss & Co will be in Hermanus on Tuesday 18 November. . They will spend the day, from 10:30 to 16:00 at the Marine Hotel conducting a valuation road show. Stephan Welz (photo), Managing Director of Strauss & Co, is an expert at evaluating paintings, drawings, prints and sculpture. Vanessa Phillips specialises in furniture, silver, ceramics, glass & jewellery. ) A minimum donation of R30 per item will be charged, limited to three items per person. The funds raised will go to Camphill School. All the valuations will be conducted by appointment: call Gail at 0 021 683 6560 of Strauss & Co to arrange a time.

KOM GE­ NIET ELVIS NOSTALGIE: Matt Stern (oftewel Kurt Conradie van 7de Laan) bring hulde aan Elvis met sy vertoning Hound Dog a Tribute to the Life and Music of Elvis op Vrydag 5 Desember, in die Sandbaai­ saal om 19:00. Dié vertoning word aangebied deur Flight Specials Hermanus en kaartjies kos R150 (volwassenes) en R140 (kinders o.12). Kurt is ’n gesoute akteur ­ Fre­ derik du Preez in Begeertes, en hy het rolle gehad in Clint Eastwood se Invictus en Peter Jackson se District 9. Hy het ook al in musiekblyspele opgetree soos Tree aan, The Rocky Horror Show, Fiddler on the Roof en Droomkind. Kurt gaan nie sy lyf Elvis hou nie, in Hound Dog sing hy Elvis liedjies en vertel tussendeur stories oor sy lewe. Kom geniet ’n puik aand van nostalgie en Elvis­ritmes.





Algemeen General

13 November, 2014


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Spesialiseer in die snoei en afsaag van alle bome, sowel as Palm bome, skoonmaak en verwydering van rommel Kontrakteur vir die Overstrand Munisipaliteit. 6 jaar ondervinding (met verwysings) Kontak Michael 078 371 5967 vir kwaliteit gewaarborgde diens teen die beste pryse! Epos: maritha.erasmus @whalemail.co.za TEN VOLLE VERSEKER



PRIMARY SCHOOL LEADERS: The 2015 junior council of Curro Her­ manus was announced last week. They are: Gideon Harmse, Sam Cutts, Luke Grindley­Ferris, Aron Brumage, Ruhan Venter, Shanéa Smith, Shanelle Prinse, Lara Arrison, Kai Musson, Madé Loxton, Karmyn van Noordwyk (absent) and Sean Castle (absent).


LAERSKOOL­ AFSKEID: Laerskool Gans­ baai het Sater­ dagaand ’n swierige af­ skeid vir die Gr. 7s by die Inligtingsentrum op Gansbaai gehou. Die te­ ma was Ko­ nings en Konin­ ginne en die nuwe leerling­ raad vir 2015 het as kelners opgetree. Op­ getooi en mooi is Christiaan Groenewald, Li­ ana Louw, Mo­ nique Stockl en Jean­D van Zyl.


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OPEDAG: Laerskool Hermanus het op Vrydag 7 November aan die graad 1’s van 2015 ’n voorsmakie gegee van wat vir hulle wag wanneer hulle “groot skool” toe gaan. Dit was duidelik dat die maats sommer gou tuis gevoel het in hul nu­ we klassies vir die volgende jaar.

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17 Children pamper Zwelihle’s elderly HermanusTimes

Algemeen General

13 November, 2014

EWIGE TROU: André en Leoume Vos het op 4 Oktober in Porter­ ville in die huwelik getree. Dié paartjie is oorspronklik van die Weskus, maar woon reeds die af­ gelope vyf jaar in Hermanus en werk albei by Hermanus Volks­ wagen.


HIGH TEA IN AID OF DIABETES: The Mount Pleasant Clinic held a fundraiser in the form of a high tea for members of the local community on Saturday 8 November at the Learn to Earn hall. During the past year health care workers at this clinic identified an opportunity to begin a support group for community members living with diabe­ tes. The purpose of the group is to improve the health of participants by creating a supportive environment through the sharing of information, doing activities together, building relationships and learning from one another. Attending the function were Annemarie Pretorius, Christine Pre­ torius, Gloria Marsh, Priscila Zaal en Rini Appel.

Elderly residents of Zwelihle were treated to foot massages and some well deserved pampering recently when members of the Rainbow Trust’s Circle of Support group decided to give back to the community. The children, accompanied by their supervisors, visited the homes of five of the oldest residents in Zwelihle, among those was 107-year-old Annie Fortewu, Annie Fortewu (107), the oldest granny in Zwelihle. the oldest resident in Alice Ponoane being pampered Winnie Nywebeni, auxiliary by children from the Rainbow Zwelihle, was also social worker for the Rainbow Trust’s Children’s Circle of Support treated to a day of Trust, has been involved with the group. pampering. Children’s Circle of Support in the community, was treated to a soothing group since its inception. She says the children asked questions about foot massage. Nywebeni says this interaction with the the “olden days” when the grannies and senior citizens is an ongoing initiative for grandpas were still young. The children, who are learners at Lukhanyo Children’s Circle of Support. She thanked Morris Tshabalala, principal Primary School, enjoyed listening to their stoof Lukhanyo Primary School, for his ongoing ries while they pampered them. Wilson Salukazana, one of the senior men support.


DANKIE­SÊ ONTBYT Vorster & Steyn Proku­ reurs in Hermanus het Vrydag 7 Novem­ ber, ’n ont­ byt gehou by The Classroom Restaurant waartydens hulle eiendomsagentskappe in die Overberg, met wie hulle oor die jare heen saamgewerk het, by hierdie sosiale geleentheid beter kon leer ken. Op die foto is Lucas Steyn en Coe­ nie Bierman, albei van Vorster & Steyn. FOTO’S: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER

Jenny Rushin (BetterBond­areabestuurder), Li­ zanne Mentz (Vorster & Steyn) en Shelly Keys (BetterBond­verkoopsbestuurder).

Pos Beskikbaar

Rekenaar Tegnikus - Kleinmond Tak

Rekenaar Tegnikus met nodige ondervinding in herstel van rekenaars, kennis op MS Office produkte Salaris onderhandelbaar Sonic Computers & WiFi CV na info@sonicmail.co.za 111111-HL131114

RUSTYBUGS GATHERING: Last Monday the Rustenburg Register held their annual gathering for all vinta­ ges of past pupils of Rustenburg High School for Girls in the Overberg area. It took the form of a brunch at Dutchies, at Grotto Beach, where 31 “girls” enjoyed great fun and fel­ lowship. The photo shows the team involved: Angela de Villiers, Zanele Fakusosa (from Dutchies), Joke Gonggrijp (owner of Dutchies), Faith Botha and Pat van Schoor. Any Rus­ tybugs interested in joining the Rus­ tenburg Register should contact Pat (028 313 1958) or Angela (083 702 2382 / 028 314 1501).


RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY Highly skilled on Computer - Word, Excel and PowerPoint, Accurate typing, Fully bilingual Working hours: 07:30 - 14:00 weekdays Starting date: 5 January 2015 Brief, updated CV with recent references Please send CV to The Principal, PO Box 209, Hermanus, 7200 Closing Date: 20 November 2014 111111-HL131114

Established Cupboard company seeks Qualified Factory Manager with previous experience in the Cupboard industry for the new year 2015. Send CV to cemcupboards@gmail.com or fax to 086 645 4173 111111-HL131114

MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Medical Receptionist wanted for private practice, full time, to commence duties 1 January 2015. Any suitable candidates to apply with CV to: Email: skippie.s@telkomsa.net. Fax: 028 313 2059 or contact Annalize 028 312 4171. 111111-HL131114

A SOFT FRUIT FARM IN HERMANUS HAS THE FOLLOWING VACANCY: NURSERY SUPERVISOR Reporting to the Nursery Manager Minimum Requirements: • Agricultural Diploma • Supervisory experience • Experience in landscaping/gardening • Irrigation installation experience • Unendorsed driver’s license • Speak and understand English fluently • Plant knowledge would be advantageous • Computer Literate Duties will include: • Irrigation and installation • Managing nursery and garden • Supervising a team • Growing plants and planting gardens The above position would suit an organised, observant individual who pays attention to detail and is able to perform in a pressurised agricultural environment. Working over weekends may be a requirement. Please e-mail a covering letter to support your application and a CV to ntombomzitolobisa@haygrove.net Or fax to: 086 504 9326 Haygrove is a Fair & Equitable Employer 111111-HL131114


Cross Caddy simplifies driving QUICKPIC With the introduction of the Cross Caddy, Volkswagen is extending its popular Cross lifestyle model range which is currently only available in the Polo model range in South Africa. With its distinctive design elements and exclusive 17-inch Canyon wheels with 205/50 R 17 tyres, the Cross Caddy differs significantly from other Caddy model range derivatives – whether in the passenger or panel van range. At first glance, the new Cross Caddy can be easily identified as an independent derivative thanks to its customised exterior elements. The black fairings of the wheel housings, the side sills and at the lower edges of the front and rear bumpers convey a rugged appearance. They stand out prominently from the addon parts in body colour and form a unit with the side sills that rise up into the doors. The silver underbody protection, front and rear, and side guard strips on the sills complete the off-road look. There are also silver coloured roof rails. Privacy-glass on the rear windows and rear windscreen and the smoked rear lights add to the distinctive visual differentiating characteristics. The same applies to the interior. The front seats with lumbar support, as well as the workplace behind the leather-trimmed steering wheel impress with their balanced ergonomic properties. Air vents painted in high-gloss black with silver surrounds, front seats in twotone design, the centre armrest that is adjustable in height and length as well as leather accents with grey seams on the gear shift grip and parking brake lever and colour-off-

Cross Caddy has a number of passive safety features such as the latest generation ESC, front, side and head airbags. set inside door trim panels all provide for the right ambience. In addition, the Cross Caddy simplifies everyday driving tasks with standard features such as cruise control system, Hill Hold Assist, bluetooth mobile phone preparation as well as light and rain sensors. There are up to 24 storage compartments and cargo nets in the doors (front doors can hold 1,5 litre bottles), on the centre console and centre armrest, in the dashboard sections, in the vehicle floor of the second row of seats, under the driver’s seat and in the roof area. Between the front seats, two drink

holders are part of the storage system; there is another cup holder at the end of the centre console in front of the second row of seats. Other standard features include a multifunction leather steering wheel, central locking, storage compartments in front of the second row seats, height-adjustable driver’s seat, cargo nets in the roof frame, a sliding drawer under the left front seat and the RCD 310 Radio-CD system and front heated seats. The Cross Caddy can be ordered as standard five-seater or optional seven-seater. Similar to other Caddy passenger derivatives, the Cross Caddy has a

number of passive safety features such as the latest generation ESC, front, side and head airbags. It is also equipped with Isofix child seat fittings at the outer second row seats, daytime running lights and a removable second seat row. Cross Caddy is offered with a 2.0 TDI 81 kW engine. This four-cylinder engine operates quietly and efficiently with common rail direct fuel injection. It makes its mark at the pumps with an average fuel consumption figure of just 5,7 litres of diesel per 100 kilometers. Top speed is 170 km/ h. The 81 kW TDI also impresses


with a maximum torque of 250 Nm, which can be reached at 1,750 rpm. The 81 kW engine is mated to a 5-speed manual transmission. In addition to standard Caddy model range colours, Cross Caddy can be ordered in special colours, Honey Orange and Viper Green. Retail Price (VAT and emissions tax included) Cross Caddy 2.0 TDI 81 kW R340 600 Cross Caddy comes standard with 3 year/120 000 kilometre manufacturer and 12 year anti-corrosion warranties. Service intervals are at 15 000 km. Service and maintenance plans are optional.


BOLAND Auto Sold

13 November, 2014

Volvo reveals new V60 Cross Country


QUICKPIC Volvo Cars unveiled its much-anticipated Cross Country version of the beautiful Volvo V60 sportswagon at the 2014 LA Motor Show this month. “We are delighted to add the third true Cross Country model to our product portfolio. The successful combination of dynamic styling and rugged capability places the Volvo V60 Cross Country in a class of its own,” said Lex Kerssemakers, senior vice-president product strategy and vehicle line management at Volvo Cars. Volvo’s Cross Country brand has a long and distinguished heritage. Volvo Cars was the first premium brand to offer increased all-road capability and styling on its wagons as far back as 1997, when it introduced the Volvo V70 Cross Country, creating a whole new type of car experience that has since captured the imagination of the motoring public. Continuing this proud heritage, and reflecting Volvo’s Scandinavian elegance, love of nature and adventure, the new Volvo V60 Cross Country brings together the best of both worlds – a sporty, connected yet comfortable driving experience with the freedom to explore new horizons. “With ground clearance increased by 65 mm compared to the standard Volvo V60, the Cross Country’s sturdy construction offers unparalleled control on and off the beaten track, coupled with a sporty drive thanks to torque vectoring technology and corner traction con-

The Volvo V60 Cross Country really is the ideal getaway car – enabling an adventurous lifestyle in pure rugged form trol. The Volvo V60 Cross Country is the ideal getaway car – enabling an adventurous lifestyle in pure rugged form,” said Kerssemakers. Available with new Cross Country 18” and 19” wheels, the Volvo V60 Cross Country comes with high profile tyres, adding comfort and offroad aesthetics, reducing road noise and providing added wheel protection, whether climbing those pesky kerbs or negotiating rocky roads. Central to Volvo’s Cross Country

concept is the expression of go-anywhere capability and rugged design. It caters to those who have an active lifestyle, favour dirt roads over paved, and want a car that handles either with ease. This is manifested in the Volvo V60 Cross Country through explicit design cues that heighten the adventurous nature of the car. With increased ground clearance, skid plates front and rear, side scuff plates and fender extenders, the Volvo V60 Cross Coun-

try conveys an imposing, muscular presence that underlies its capable nature, while integrated tailpipes reflect its sporty dark side. To complement the capable exterior styling, sports seats in black leather with distinctive brown stitching, as well as two new two-tone leather upholsteries, will be offered. The US and Canada will get the first Volvo V60 Cross Countrys, and they will launch with Volvo’s iconic five cylinder 242 kW T6 petrol en-

KIA MOTORS PAARL sales@kiapaarl.co.za


gine with All-Wheel Drive coupled with an automatic transmission. The new Volvo V60 Cross Country is expected to arrive in the second half of 2015 and will be available in two AWD derivatives: •Volvo V60 Cross Country D4 AWD (140 kW) Automatic •Volvo V60 Cross Country T5 AWD (187 kW) Automatic Detailed specification and pricing will be available closer to the local launch.

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BOLAND Auto Sold

13 November, 2014



Mad Mac's provides only the best “Success is achieved through hard work and dedication to the task at hand.” These are the core values of Mad Mac's motorcycle dealership situated at 1 Bright Street, Somerset West. Mad Mac's opened its doors for business in Somerset West in July 2013 and have since prospered into one of the Helderberg's most popular motorcycle dealerships. Owner Nick McFall has been in the motorcycle industry for 35 years and it is his specialised knowledge that makes the business so unique. McFall's nickname in motorcycling circles has always been Mad Mac - hence the company's name. The company recently acquired the Helderberg Kawasaki dealership making Mad Mac's the proud stockists of New Kawasaki, Indian, Victory and Sym motorcycles, as well as parts and accessories. The company prides itself on being able to provide expert advice to all customers on just about anything to do with motorcycles. Mad Mac's identified a need in the Boland for a Kawasaki dealership and the team are excited to represent the on 15 Nov: brand in the Helderberg. Mad Mac's also offers a 9am till 3pm specialised service centre with the capacity to service almost every brand of motorcycle including a number Bring your Motorcycle License of classic motorcycle brands.


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“We are all mad about bikes,” says manager Marlee U'ren. She says everyone employed at Mad Mac's shares a passion for motorcycles, and each employee focuses their varied talents into building a business that each staff member can be proud of. The business is determined to become the number one choice for sales and service in the Helderberg by providing quality customer service and supporting the local motorcycling fraternity in every way possible. The staff at Mad Mac's believe that it's the small things that count and going the extra mile has never been an issue and acting with honesty is second nature.

For more information contact Mad Mac's on 021 852 4851 or visit www.madmacs.co.za X1PELNMH-SI131114


BOLAND Auto Sold

13 November, 2014



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22 HermanusTimes All­wheel­drive Jaguar F­Type R boosts record bid

BOLAND Auto Sold

13 November, 2014

QUICKPIC The new all-wheel-drive Jaguar F-TYPE R Coupé ensured the Bloodhound SSC World Land Speed Record programme passed a significant high-speed testing milestone. The test marks the start of a major technical partnership between Jaguar and The Bloodhound Project, with the ultimate aim of raising the world land speed record above 1 610 km/h and to assist in inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers, which is the overall objective of the project. The current record stands at 1 228 km/h and was set by Andy Green in Thrust SSC in 1997. Andy will drive the Bloodhound Supersonic car. On the relatively soft surface of

the Hakskeen Pan desert in the Northern Cape, the stability of the AWD F-TYPE R Coupé and its dynamic ability – it has a limited top speed of 300 km/h – enabled the successful completion of a vital communications test for the Bloodhound SSC team. Ian Hoban, vehicle line director, Jaguar said:“Our target with engineering the all-wheel drive F-TYPE was to maintain the engaging reardrive character that’s so important to Jaguar sports cars, yet offer even greater dynamic capability. The result is a controllable, exploitable and blisteringly fast performance car in all weather and road conditions.” The AWD F-TYPE R Coupé was driven flat-out by Bloodhound project director and former World Land Speed Record holder, Richard

The AWD F­TYPE R Coupé was driven flat­out by Bloodhound project di­ rector and former World Land Speed record holder, Richard NoblePHOTO:


Noble, who said: “We are absolutely delighted to announce Jaguar as a main partner to the Bloodhound Project. This is a very fine match – Jaguar is very strong on innovation

and with its huge drive in advanced technology, education and motorsport track record, we have the perfect partner. Together we have developed outstanding inter-team

synergy and this is a very special relationship.” Fitted with the same radio equipment as the jet and rocket powered Bloodhound SSC, the F-TYPE was driven head-to-head at top speed with a similarly equipped jet flown at 805 km/h just metres above the ground. The combined closing speed of almost 1 126 km/h enabled the successful test of the system that will allow communications between the ground crew and Andy Green in Bloodhound SSC, which will run for the first time on the Hakskeen desert just twelve months from now. The addition of all-wheel-drive is one of a number of performance enhancements to the award-winning Jaguar F-TYPE range, which will grow from six to 14 derivatives in 2015.


11 Victoria Street, Somerset West - Tel: 021 201 8389 - fouriej@kelfords.co.za We buy all makes of vehicles, bring your vehicle for a Free assessment. Die binneruim is ook opgeknap, met veral die splinternuwe instrumentestel wat aandag trek. FOTO: QUICKPIC

Outomatiese ratkas vir Jimny

900 4 2 R2

900 49 2 R

2014 Ford Fiesta 1.6ST 8 000km

2014 Ford Ecosport 1.0 Trend 9 000km

QUICKPIC Suzuki Auto Suid-Afrika het die ikoniese Jimny-veldryvoertuig opgeknap. Die jongste weergawe bied ’n rits verbeteringe binne en buite, terwyl die toerustingvlak terselfdertyd opgegradeer is. Boonop is ’n outomatiese ratkas nou vir die eerste keer as alternatief vir die handratkas beskikbaar. Die mees ooglopende verandering is die allooiwiele van 15 duim, wat met ’n nuwe donkersilwer afwerking spog. Die palet van beskikbare kleure is ook aangepas, en bied twee nuwe kleure: Bison-bruin, en Khaki Pearl-metaalverf. Die binneruim is ook opgeknap, met veral die splinternuwe instrumentestel wat aandag trek. Twee groot, ronde wyserinstrumente vir snelheid en toeretal is aan weerskante van ’n derde meerdoelinstrument geplaas, wat ’n magdom digitale inligting weergee. Daaronder tel grafieke vir brandstofvlak en enjintemperatuur,’n syferhorlosie, laestrekstatus en ’n ritmeter. Die Jimny se sitplekke spog met nuwe doekstofoortreksels wat groter duursaamheid en gerief bied. ’n Nuut ontwerpte stuurwiel is ook deel van die opknappakket. Die opsie van ’n outomatiese viergangratkas behoort veral byval te vind by eienaars wat die gerief van koppelaarvrye motorry verkies, veral in stadsverkeer, terwyl die ratkas dit nóg makliker maak om die Jimny se legendariese 4x4-vermoë te ervaar. Nes die handratmodel word die outomatiese weergawe met ’n laestrek-ratkas toegerus, wat sorg dat die Jimny selfs in die rofste en moeilikste toestande so te sê onstuitbaar bly. Die jongste Jimny word steeds aangedryf deur ’n lewendige en ekonomiese viersilinder-petrolenjin van 1 328 cc. Maksimumkraglewering beloop 63 kW by 6 000 r/min, met ’n gepaardgaande wringkragpiek van 110 Nm by 4 100 r/min. Die volledig toegeruste binneruim sluit onder meer sentrale sluiting, ’n klankstelsel met CD-speler en instemmer, elektries-beheerde ruite en lugversorging in. Wat veiligheid betref, bied die Jimny dubbele lugsakke voor, nekstutte, rukstop-sitplekgordels, en ABS-sluitweerremme. Albei Jimny-weergawes word deur ’n waarborg van drie jaar/ 100 000 km gedek, en ’n diensplan van vier jaar/60 000 km.

900 4 1 R1

00 49 9 R

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900 84 1 R

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900 4 2 R1

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14 R1

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900 4 2 R1

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900 24 1 R

2011 Ford Fiesta 1.6 Trend A/T 56 000km

900 19 2 R

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900 9 1 R2

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900 9 2 R1 om


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900 4 2 R1

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00 99 4 6 0 R1

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0 9 90 4 7 0 R1

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9 00 9 4 2 0 R13

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900 9 5 R1

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900 49 2 R

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900 9 2 R1

2014 Figo 1.4 Trend

00 49 8 R

2010 Toyota Yaris 1.0 96 000km




2013 Ford Ranger 3.2 Double Cab 34 000km


9 19 R1

2014 Ford Figo 1.4 Trend 20 000km

14 R1


2011 Mazda 2 Dynamic 1.3 94 000km

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Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

13 November, 2014



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HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218. ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za.


OVERSTAND HOSPICECare for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679


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CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871

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ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com



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RSE HOPE FUNERALS 24uur diens 1.Verassings 2.Begrafnisse 3.Polisse 4.Grafstene Hermanus agent Desmond Hendriks 078 112 1670 Hawston Agent Juanita Smit 073 516 7053 Hope Kantoor Riviersonderend 028 050 0317

We are a family company, looking after family needs. Funerals / Cremations / Insurance / Tombstones For any queries please visit Natasha at our office 64 Dirkie Uys Street, Sandbaai, Hermanus Tel 028 316 1659 / 082 322 2633





Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

13 November, 2014

HUISRAAD TE KOOP CLEANING ons verhuis 079 273 2985. SEVICES Asook Slaghuis en Restau1805 rant toerusting te koop. EXCLUSIVE HOUSE 079 273 2985 CLEANING SERVICE/ SKOONMAAKDIENS. KOMBUIS, SITKAMER Personal full time supervien slaapkamer ware te sion. Maintaining holiday koop. Dames klerasie homes. Are you moving in no.40 en dames hofskoene or out, we can help. Monno.7. Skakel asb. 076 115 Sat Call 076 115 7382 7382.

GRADE R to matric, Sandbaai Shalom Christian Education, WCED umalusi approved syllabus, small classes 072 230 9882, katleenveater@yahoo.com

ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.

COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.



LG. TOP-LOADER Washing Machine R1900. Call 082 447 4458 REFRIGERATORFREEZER: Toshiba GR653AE (G)(A). Excellent condition R500.00. Contact: Kathy 084 707 1052. SOLID OAK POOL TABLE with Italian slate top, green baize, net pockets, 2,15 x 1,25m, 3ques, set of snooker and pool balls , Score board cover. Price R8500 ono. Murray 082 881 7692

SOLOMON'S WINDOW CLEANING Services for domestic, commercial, industrial & construction sites. For free quotation phone Solomon 082 747 3640. Serving Hermanus since 1996.


BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies. 1 Male and 1 Female. R3500 each. Contact Jeanne 072 023 8611.



BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Rooikrans, Wattle en Bloekomhout. Call Danie 082 958 5749.


NOSTALTIQUES. Wanted: Antiques, Art, secondhand household goods. Steenbras Street 15, Hermanus Industria. 082 833 2567. ELECTRICAL & DIGITAL 1625

Complete IT and Computer Solutions for Home or Business. We offer ADSL Internet ( Best prices in town), Hardware and Software sales, Computer Sales and Training, Web Design and Hosting, Repairs and much more. Contact us for our price lists or a free quotation. -We are located upstairs from the Wine Village-. Email: info@imaginesolutions.co.za Tel: Contact 028 316 3113 or 073 674 2775

BRAAI AND FIREWOOD for sale. Rooikrans, Bluegum, Myrtle. Contact Wayne Haman 079 484 0364 or ffprojects22@ gmail.com. BUY & SELL. We have excellent quality used furniture and appliances. Super Seconds 2 Arum Street, Industrial area, Hermanus. Opposite CocaCola. Between Adventure Centre and Port Scaffolding. 079 746 0830 DISHWASHER: LG 3-in-1 12 Place Setting Silver Dishwasher- as new, immaculate condition, fully tested perfect working order. R1950 onco. Call 082 447 4458 ELEKTRONIESE SIGARETTE Vir al u E-Sigarette, ELiquid's, onderdele en benodighede. Kontak Ben Rossouw Sel: 082 726 8771. Tel: 028 316 4217. Branderdraai Str 11, Sandbaai, Hermanus of Martie Sel 072 644 2942 Gansbaai


ALL BUILDING WORK. Alterations, renovations, extensions, boundry walls, paving, tiling & painting. Call 082 255 0939.

FREE QUOTATION for draughting of building documentation for all tipes of building work: New buildings, additions to existing and the compiling of "AsBuild" drawings of existing works for legalising of unapproved structures for Municipal approval. GOLF KAR TE KOOP. You must have a set Eeze Go: Kleur goud. Insluitend sand houer, wasser approved building plans of en koeler. Goeie toestand. your property as required R20 000.00.Skakel Eugene by law! Contact Johann at: 082 801 5772, Daan 083 384 2745. 083 452 1422


24 HOUR PLUMBING SERVICES. Qualified & PIRB registered. Gen maintenance, new installations, emergency services & bathroom make overs. Francois du Toit 083 308 0534

GARDEN AFFAIR. Offering full garden maintenance. Garden design & landscaping. Irrigation repairs. Plot clearing. Juliet Leppan 072 942 1260. REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195.


IRRIGATION Quotation for new irrigations. Service + upgrade on existing irrigations. Phone Peter 082 603 8164 Email: lotz.onrus@telkomsa.net 24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017. ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. No call out fee. Call 079 706 1056.

I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.



PETS FURNITURE WANTED. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508.

FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. www.fynbosgardens.com

ZUKI'S GARDEN & Forestery Service. Alien plant clearing. Plot clearing. Garden refuse removal. Tree pruning. Hedge trimming. R.A.P ENTERPRISES. Weed extermination, etc. Call us today for all Home Call Zukisani 082 711 Renovation, Minor Con6102. struction, Maintenance and Handyman needs. SteMISCELLANEOUS fan 078 326 8192

BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323.


101 SERVICES. Handyman general. No job too small. Best rates. Pensioners discount. 15 Years experience. Call Peter 073 157 2415.

SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667.www. solarmax.co.za.



We recycle



1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280. ccsplant@telkomsa.net.

LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874 PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.

AAA MAINTENANCE. 24 HOUR SERVICE Painting, paving, tiling, damp proofing, water proofing, building & renoBUILDERS/EVENTS vations, general mainteTOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. nance. Free quotes. Call 082 414 9611 Ian 082 535 5591. Call 086 100 2271 or 028NEW GEYSER 312 2367. ALUMINIUM ANGLO GEYSER ELEME NTS WATER PUMPS. MechWINDOWS/DOORS. REPLACEME NTS Elect. Call 082 885 7480. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. PEST CONTROL It pays to get our quote. BLOCKED 1850 GARDEN & Michael Haman 072 288 DRAINS IRRIGATION 4761/084 558 1902. OVERBERG PEST CON1825 Huw TROL: Domestic and comCARPET and upholstery Jones A BEAUTIFUL GARmercial treatments. Procleaning. Personal superviDEN. For full garden fessional solutions to your maintenance, tree felling, sion. Best prices. Free quo- pest problems. Beetle RUBBLE tations. Phone Top Carpets plot clearing and refuse REMOVAAL inspections and timber 028-313 0721. removal. Also small remo1860 treatments. Registered vals. Gutter cleaning. Call CARPET AND UPHOLwith Dept. of Agriculture. ANYTHING GOES. MornĂŠ 083 225 3712. STERY cleaning.Including Phone Frank 028-312 2225 Contact Fanie or 082 563 9514. A & A BOME. Afsaag van Persian Carpets, curtains 082 422 8996. & blinds. Call Alison or bome en takke, asook wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot John 072 572 0215. by Rooi-Els. Aldert en AniCINDY'S CARPET ta skakel 083 739 9865. CLEANERS. Carpets, rugs & upholstery cleaners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 5385/028-316 4264.

BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592. FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.

FLOOR SANDING & specialized installation of wood floors & timber decks. The Hutton Brothers 082 828 5627 or 028-341 0543. NUTSMAN/HANDYMAN Philip Hough. Sel/Cell: 079 613 9328. E-mail: vaphimopo@gmail.com. REFRIGERATION & AIRCONS. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.

PEST CONTROL WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028-316 3010.


WE COLLECT garden refuse and Rubble and anything that you want to be moved within Hermanus. Call Michael 073 016 1686 TRANSPORT & STORAGE 1870

AAAHH STORAGE AVAILABLE. Call Walkerbay Storage 082 577 9293.


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

13 November, 2014






COMMERCIAL EASTCLIFF VILLAGE. Ideal Retail and Office space available in well positioned shopping centre with lots of traffic. Ground floor, ample parking space, street frontage, pre-paid electricity. Rates from R99/sqm. Contact Nick 082 494 7620 or Tania 074 703 5622 or office 028 412 4167

A STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704. TRANSPORT OF FURNITURE & goods. Hermanus, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape. Long distance available. PDP driver. Call Johan 076 253 3745


VILLAGE SQUARE Restaurant for sale. Good position & good price. Call owner Michael 072 125 7068.

CASH 4 GOLD : Gold and Silver memorabilia - Bring your items and get a honest evaluation. Contact 028 312 3154.

VERKOOP PARFUUM EN MAAK GELD. Verkoop 2 bottels per dag en maak R4 000 per maand. Geen vooraf kostes. Ons voorsien alles om te begin gratis. Ons het ongeveer 160 geure ingesluit DKNY, Gucci, Issey Miyake en nog baie meer. Skakel 074 589 8110.

MERCEDES SLK 230 Auto Convertable 1999 white with black upholstery. Excellent condition. R110 000 ono. Call 072 853 8613. MOTOR CYCLES 3055



AUSTIN HEALEY 1998REPLIKA. Baie netjies met min km. R120 000 ono. Kuilsrivier 021 903 8651. Sel. 083 628 3399. BAJA BUG with canopy, tow-bar & winch. Good condition. R35 000 ono. Call Lauren 082 456 5125.



VUKA 110 in minor accident. Engine no damage. R1500. Contact Peter 083 305 4368 TRAILERS 3040

HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za. VEHICLES WANTED TO BUY


RONDAVEL, Kitchenette, pvt. entrance, garden, full bathroom. R2200pm. One month deposit. Available 1st January 2015. Call 083 346 5656. VOËLKLIP Eenpersoon woonstel, onmiddellik beskikbaar. Toesluit motorhuis en gemeubileerd. R2850. Elektisiteit uitgesluit. Deposito word verlang. Skakel 083 720 1046 of 028 314 1104. WESTCLIFF. 2 Room garden flat. Bathroom, small kitchen. Off Rd Park. Good sec. No pets. Non smoking. Water and Elec incl. Unfurnished R3500. Available 1 Dec. 083 497 3290


AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828. TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering.





geleë te Viljoenstraat 5 Onrusrivier, heropen op Maandag 17 November 2014 onder nuwe bestuur as


MANIE'S WOODYARD, located at 5 Viljoenstreet Onrusriver, reopen on Monday 17 November 2014 under new management as




99 BUSINESSES for sale from Hermanus to Cape Town. Sell your business quickly and discreetly. Contact Evan Rautenbach at 082 974 6995 or visit us at 181 Main Road Hermanus. Web: www.bbrokers.co.za KOSKARAVAAN ten volle gelisensieerd. Goeie toestand R18 000 o.n.k.a. Asook Slaghuis en Restaurant toerusting 079 273 2985.


AUTHENTIC COTTAGE. Westcliff. 3 Bed, 2 bath plus flatlet. Single garage. Call us 028 314 0050. For Sale.

AVAILABLE Immediately. Energetic, experienced & reliable. Our 2 Zimbabwean ladies need work due to our contract ending. Both have permits. Please phone 083 513 3738 & 074 934 7945. CARER. Reference 082 440 5800. Advance carer asap. Please contact 072 402 0569. EXPERIENCED MALAWIAN lady is looking for full or part-time domestic work. Reference avail. Call 082 399 5251/078 188 2504. I AM a Malawian man with 5 years experience. Looking for a job as gardener, painter, housekeeper. Hardworking. Reference available. Call 083 860 8557/078 623 8994. I AM a Malawian lady looking for a job as housekeeper, 5 days a week. Please call Veronica on 073 317 2789 I AM a Malawian lady looking for a job as a babysitter, housekeeper. Reference is available. Please call Florence on 072 864 5354

HERMANUS MARINER'S VILLAGE Plots from R250 000 NIEL 082 967 0813

I AM A Malawian man looking for a job as a houA MALAWIAN MAN sekeeper, driver (have liHAWSTON: Plot with is looking for a job as a cence), cook & handyman. good views of sea and gardener, housekeeper, 6 Years experience. Call mountains, near beach. cleaner or panelbeater. Call 078 545 8147. R159 000. Fisherhaven Properties 028 315 1990 or 073 421 0098. I am a Malawian man loo082 559 4290 A MALAWIAN Man is king for a job as a houselooking for a job as a drikeeper. I am Computer ver, South African code 10 literate and have experiPROPERTIES with category GP. 2 Years ence in MS Office, MSPPT, WANTED TO RENT experience. Reference MS Excell, MS Internet, 3305 available. Call Nelson 073 Email. 061 005 0717 GESIN VAN 4 Soek drin- 836 3120. gend 'n huis voor end van I AM A Zimbabwean lady November of stoorplek vir A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a looking for a job as a drimeubels. Prysklas R3000 domestic worker. Full R4000 p.m. Skakel 083 640 ver or any job full time. time. Dorothy 073 308 Call 063 243 2738 1170. 8325


A MALAWIAN man looking for a job as a housekeeper or gardener. Call Mphatso on 060 344 9760/ 078 185 0003.

GET YOUR TOE in the door. Voëlklip. 3 Bed, 2 bath tandem garage. Close to Mtn res. Single storey. Must go. Only R1.595. Call us 028 314 0050/082 425 0451.





A MALAWIAN man looking for a job as a gardener or housekeeping. Full/ part-time sleep in/out. Reference available. Call Syson 071 830 5900/061 148 6613.

GARDEN FLAT to let in Whale Rock Westcliff. Partly furnished, sleeps 4, available about mid Nov. Rent R5500, plus electricity. Good condition, seafacing, swimming-pool avaialbale. Only couple with references. Call 021 439 1202/076 455 7643. HOUSES TO LET 3270


FISHERHAVEN: Large neat house, walled and EMPLOYMENT secure, 3 b/r en-suite, douWANTED ble garage, pool. R6500 per 3670 month. Fisherhaven Pro24 YEAR reliable Zimbabperties 028 315 1990 or wean man looking for a job 082 559 4290 as a pizza maker, food griller, cashier, waiter & barista. Reference available call Delan 061 780 2563.


Contact Laura: 079 408 6931 or Callie: 083 381 8119

30 YR Zimbabwean lady looking for a job as domestic/babysitter for days Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri & Sat. I am a hardworker. Call Grace 073 731 1393


A LADY looking for a job as a house maid full time or part time. Honest and reliable and has 5 years experience. Contact number 074 028 2985

A MALAWIAN Lady is looking for a job for 3 days LODGING WANTED Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday as a domestic 3285 worker. Call Mariam 071 AFGETREDE DAME Mev 758 8103. Experienced and Serfontein soek gemeubiref. 082 414 4111. leerde sonnige woonstel/ kamer te huur tussen A MALAWIAN lady looWestcliff en Voëlklip. king for a job as a domeMotorhuis. R4000 W/L stic worker, housekeeper ingesluit. Ref skakel 083 or babysitter. I am honest. 360 5185 Contact Shamim on 073 388 9523 or 084 849 6647. FAMILY looking for a house to rent. Good refeA MALAWIAN LADY rences. Colette seeks for a part time job 082 728 2305. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Trustworthy and hardworking lady. Please PLOTS/STANDS call Phyllis 084 044 1540.

25 YEAR Malawian lady is looking for a job as babysitter or housekeeper. Full or part time. Contact Lucy @ 078 905 8589/ 061 850 4189

We offer unique and exclusive products, ranging from superb nutritional supplements to exquisite – yet affordable – cosmetics. All products are based on the healing and nurturing power of natural herbs and indigenous South African plants.

A ZIMBAWEAN Lady (42yrs) is looking for fulltime domestic work. 4 Years experience. With reference. Call 074 934 7945.

A MALAWIAN couple is looking for a job. Stay in or out. Man is driver and lady-housekeeping or nanny, elderly care. Reference call: 073 888 2939. Call 061 730 1754/063 243 2738.


A 36 year old lady looking for domestic or any other job. I am hardworking. Please call on 078 270 3448 or 061 880 0795.

A LADY, 25 yrs of age is looking for a job as a domestic worker. Full time job, four years experience. Call 084 482 6449.



A MAN (27yrs) is looking for a job as a garden and domestic worker with driving license. Stay-in. Full time. Call 061 368 3415/078 773 5655.

I'M A MALAWIAN lady aged 21 and single looking for a job as a housekeeper, babysitter full time. Please call 074 938 5660. MALAWIAN 30 yrs old looking for a job Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Call Fatima 078 307 0710 or 084 389 4889. MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job as a gardener, painter or housekeeper. Call 073 547 3776. MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job as housekeeper or gardener. Honest & christian. Reference available. Call Mathews Mphande 063 216 1485.

A MAN LOOKING for a job as a guest house attendant, housekeeper, driver or painter with experience and have references available. Work per- MALAWIAN WOMAN is looking for a housekeeping mit. Call 078 839 3485 job. Even for a single day. I am 26 years old. Please A ZIMBABWEAN lady(24yrs) is looking for a job call 074 293 2051. as a domestic worker for 5 days. Ref. James Gray 084 547 2792. Please call 063 161 9542.

MATURE LADY can assist you with the following: Transport to appointments, airport and A ZIMBABWEAN MAN mall shopping assistance, (31Yrs) is looking for a job Getting your holiday home ready, Day to day errands. as a code 14 driver. ExpeCall Ann Vos on 083 288 rience in motor mechanics. 5135. Call Lucian 083 684 7914. A ZIMBABWEAN Man is looking for a job as a gardener or housekeeper. For more info. call 061 005 1287. Reference Galvin 082 093 9725.

ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for a job as a housekeeper, Nanny with experience and references. 074 526 1644



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

13 November, 2014


EARN SERIOUS PHARMACY in Hermanus MONEY part time. E-mail: is looking for a qualified Post-Basic Pharmacist ezfreeoffer@gmail.com. Assistant. Phone Arnold at FRINCHE HAIR AND 082 779 1465 or email BEAUTY STUDIO has a arnold@aspharmacy.co.za vacant position for a Hairstylist on a rent a chair basis and for a Nail Technician. To start asap. Contact Werner 028 312 2935.

Weekend sport on TV

JOIN my team today. Part/ Full time. Sell of cosmetic products for Avon/ Justine. Sms/ Whatsapp to 073 302 1463

BAKERY/ COFFEE SHOP IN VOËLKLIP looking for experienced Waitrons for daytime. Fax CV to 086 617 5633.

LADY SHOP ASSISTANT required (between 20 & 40 years). Own transport needed. Computer Literate. Send CV to golf@hermanus.co.za or call 028 312 2271.


NANNY RECRUITMENT AGENCY. Care Foundation Recruiting Nannies with SA ID and high school education. Send CV to Po Box 509, Onrus 7201. 071 404 8529, Fax no. 086 614 6859.

CURVES HERMANUS has a part time position availble for a Circuit Trainer. Training will be provided. Please drop CV'S at Curves Hermanus. 028 316 2211.

FULLY QUALIFIED Beauty Therapist required for newly renovated Health & Beauty salon in Onrus! Specializing in alternative therapies wil be to your advantage. Position available from 1st March 2015. Please send CV to charmaine@bergrivier.co.za or deliver to Onrus Health & Beauty Unit 4 Van Blommenstein Street Onrusrivier 7200. Closing date 30 November 2014.

HERMIES SE KRIEKETSTERRE: Dié twee Hoërskool Hermanus­leerders, Marc Sales en Richard Whitelaw, het goed presteer op die krieketveld. Marc is onlangs vir die Bo­ land 0.17 Plattelandse Krieketspan gekies wat in die Desembervakansie aan ‘n nasio­ nale skoletoernooi deelneem. Richard, ‘n veelsydige sportman wat ook deel is van die skool se eerste krieketspan, het in die o.19­krieketwedstryd teen Hoërskool Swart­ land van Malmesbury op 1 November 100 lopies behaal. Dit is slegs die vyfde 100­tal wat ’n leerder van die skool in die laaste sewe jaar kon haal. In Hoërskool Swartland se kolfbeurt neem Richard 4 paaltjies vir 18 lopies, wat ’n driekuns ingesluit het.

HELP, I AM LOST: The white/ brown female long­legged Jack Rus­ sell cross was brought in by the public after she was picked up at the Engen Garage in Sandbaai. HAWS named her Jodie. Please call HAWS on 028 312 1281 if you recognise her.




Birthday Celebration

Sunday 16th November 2014 @ 09h00 Sandbaaisaal, Main Road Dr Gustav Du Toit International Revival Speaker

All Welcome

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: E: jaydene.sampson @media24.com

Cecil & Brenda James 028-316 3224 111111-HL131114

0861 76255 237


0861 small ads

13 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS 028 312 2717



16th November 2014

Bobaas Bakkers / Top Bakers

Morning Services: 8.30 & 10am led by Rev. Dr. James Gray

Children's & Youth Ministry 9.45am in the hall

Sunday Evening:

6.30pm Led by Pastor Umar Mulinde 'The cost of following Jesus: a Ugandan pastor's testimony 111111-HL131114


LOOKING FOR A HOME: Bella is a Boer­ boel cross and about three years old. She is looking for a good, loving home. Contact Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society on 028 271 5004 or email kaws@telkomsa.net.

Inspired Life

Fridays between 10:00 – 12:00

MY CAKE ANGEL NEW-Naked wedding cake. Cakes for all occasions. Email: tarrynlotz@gmail.com 076 154 9612 www.mycakeangel.co.za

Rugby: From 16:00 this Saturday its the Boks against England, followed by Scotland versus New Zealand, then France take on Australia. Supersport 1. South African­born Scott Spedding was in­ credible in his debut test for France, and his parents have a home here in Hermanus. Also on Saturday Wales play Fiji at 16:30 on SS5. The huge Afcon qualifier is on Saturday from 15:00, South Africa against Sudan, in Durban. Cricket: South Africa against Australia. The first ODI is from 05:00 on Friday from Perth, and the second ODI on Sunday at the same time and venue. The third ODI is on Wednesday from Canberra. Supersport 2. Tennis: The tennis season­closing ATP fi­ nals from London have been on all week on Supersport 6, with the final on Sunday from 20:00. Golf: Two golf tournaments will be trans­ mitted, Thursday through to Sunday. The Turkish Open and the Chiangmai Classic from Thailand. - SPORT FAN(ATIC)

SUGAR PLUM Party shop.

Themed cakes, kiddies tables and chairs, Helium balloons, jumping castles etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.

12 PIES FOR R100

MIMOSA STREET, Hermanus, 028 312 4544



Sport Sport

13 November, 2014


Close call for Hawston Cricket Club BRIDGE RESULTS: Wednesday 5 November: N/S: 1. Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 61.12%. 2. Joan O’Connor / Julie Cotton 59.12%. 3. Anneloes Hoeve / Linda Zaayman 55.02%. E/W: 1. Mary Andrew / Carin Verburg 63.00%. 2. Juliana Duckel / Marie Nel 56.85%. 3. Chris Neethling / Estelle Neethling 55.62%. Friday 07 November: 1. Mary Andrew / Colleen Gower 61.54%. 2. M Hallas / V Vlok 59.89%. 2. Maggie Christmas / Carren Emary 59.89%. Saturday 8 November: 1. Jackie Ascham / Betty Nel 67%. 2. Ingrid Horwood / Maretha 58%. 3. Heather Leemans / Jenny Versey 57%. Monday 10 November: N/S: 1. Joan O’Connor / Tony Maytham 65.56%. 2. Linda Zaaiman / Val Velaers 58.15%. 3. Jackie Ascham / Monica Peters 56.48%. E/W: 1. John Truswell / Mike Brownlee 56.30%. 2. Elzane Steynberg / Juliana Dockel 55.93%. 3. Betty-Anne Illing / Jaye Howse 55.37%. WHALERS ATHLETICS CLUB: Time-trial results: 6 November. 3 km Runners: 1 Louise Erasmus 12.28 SB; 2 Barney Louw 13.20 SB; 3 Brooke de Bruyn 13.29 PB; 4 Roelof van Weele 15.49; 5 Leo Benning 23.23; 6 Karen Austin 26.18 3 km Walkers: 1 Abel Erasmus 24.34; 2 Willie Loedolff 25.28 5 km Runners: 1 Daniel Maree 21.00; 2 Raymond Nowers 21.16 PB; 3 Mikki Milne 22.50; 4 Anzel du Plessis 22.54; 5 Guy Redford 24.47 PB; 6 Evan Austin 24.59; 7 Greg Hassenkamp 24.59; 8 Jan Gildenhuys 25.00; 9 David Cupido 25.01; 10 Christine Hibberd 27.11 ; 11 Les Hanna 27.11; 12 Petrie van Niekerk 27.21; 13 Johan Pelser 27.35; 14 Norma Wheeler 28.50; 15 Megan Leppan 28.50; 16 Wendy Harris-Jones 30.05 SB; 17 Hugh Waters 30.19; 18 Joseph du Preez 31.08 5 km Walkers: 1 Arlene Ehrenberg 43.02; 2 Emmie Gouws 43.02 8 km Runners: 1 Sign Muwanda 30.00; 2 Christopher Wheeler 30.13 PB; 3 Mark Kavanagh 31.11; 4 Frank Gillion 34.34; 5 Richard van der Spuy 35.19; 6 Christo du Plessis 36.45; 7 Wilhelm Cooper 36.45; 8 Josua Blom 37.46 PB; 9 Ronel Bootha 54.38.

Golf roundup with Julian Shaw TUESDAY LADIES: 29 competitors played for The Westcott Bowl, in a medal competition and the in-form Sue Garlick (a member of last week’s victorious Daysch Cup side) again showed her mettle. She had a gross 82, nett 68 and took the Silver Division honours. The Bronze division winner was Mirium Squires on a great nett 70 playing in her first tournament since returning from the UK. WEDNESDAY MEN’S: 128 men played in a betterball stableford format. Winning the North course this week was Frans Prins and 16-year-old Tyron Davidowitz with 45 points. Tyron is in good form and has just come off winning his first Boland junior

Hawston Cricket Club played a 50-overs match on their homeground last weekend against a strong Grabouw team.

SPORTMAN VAN DIE JAAR: Hermanus Old Boys het verle­ de Saterdag ‘n sosatie­braai­kompetisie en sportdag gehou. Soos oudergewoonte gaan alle winste vir liefdadigheid. Die hoogtepunt van die dag was die aankondiging van die 2014 Old Boys Sportman van die Jaar. Op die foto verskyn Marius Minnaar, Sportman van die Jaar met sy trofee, saam met Ri­ aan Potgieter (hooforganiseerder), Brian Cain (verlede jaar se wenner) en Michael Range (seremoniemeester).

Grabouw won the toss and sent Hawston in to bat. Hawston ended with a score of 127 runs in 44 overs, around 50 runs shy of what they would have liked to score. Good accurate bowling from Ryno Swartz (3/20 in 8 overs) and Devan Hamilton (2/42 in 9 overs) ensured that Hawston kept a tight lid on things. Myron Claasen also chipped in with a few wickets and Hawston

Who let the DOGS out? Many followers of the tongue-in-cheek DOGS golf report wanted to know more about the group. Dave Smith, DOGS golfer, and reporter, responds: “Well, the GS obviously stands for Golf Society, but what about the DO?” That question has been asked many times but the truth is that “DOGS” is not short for anything, although one Liverpudlian, trying to impress, did once suggest “Doctors, Obstetricians, Gynaecologists and Surgeons”. In fact, around ten years ago, half-a-dozen guys got together to play a friendly round of golf each Tuesday and, since then, the DOGS have developed into what they are today. The group has a self-imposed limit of 50 members and is currently only one short of this figure although there is a queue to join. The membership comprises roughly 50% South Africans and 50% from overseas, mainly Europe. Of the European contingent, around half are swallows. The members range from an ex-Springbok pole-vaulter to an ex-England squash player, from a Savoy-trained chef to an tournament. Winning the South course Tinus van Niekerk and Ian Pansegrouw. The day however belonged to Greg Impson and one of our quieter members, Gary Combrink, on a massive 51 points. The best individual game also belonged to Gary with a great nett 63. Chop, chop goes your handicap. There were six 2 clubs and the ball pool paid to 44. SATURDAY: Saturday saw our biggest field this season so far, with 139 players playing the traditional warm up for the Walker Bay Classic, a betterball bonus bogey. The winners on the South course with a great +13 were Robert Pamario and Barbera Rous, just pipping our new vice captain Joe Lyon and partner Stephan oKennedy. Taking the honours on the North course are Pat van Renen and Sue Atkinson on +11, and coming out on top on the East course was Daan Dockel and Terry Westbrook with a day winning +14. There were 8 two clubs and ball pool paid to +10.

ESTATES NOTICE In the estate of the late BAREND NICHOLAS VILJOEN, date of birth 3 April 1927, ID No 270403 5040 08 3, of No 2 Hamewith, Main Road, Hermanus 7200 and who died on 13 July 2014, married in community of property to surviving spouse HESTER CATHERINA VILJOEN (nee GROBLER) ID No 310120 0054 08 1. Estate No 028099/2014 Master's (Office Cape Town) All persons having claims against the abovementioned estate must lodge it with the Executors concerned within 30 days from date of publication hereof. TR SCHOUW, C/OADAMS SCHOUW & CAIN 2 INC,AGENT FOR THE EXECUTORS, 9 MITCHELL STREET, HERMANUS 7200. 111111-HL131114

NOTICE In the Estate of the Late HEINRICH WILHELM JANCZIK, Identity No 361121 5034 18 3, who died at HERMANUS on 28 JULY 2014 of 36 MOFFAT STREET, EASTCLIFF, HERMANUS Master's Reference No: 027803/2014 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the Undersigned within thirty (30) days of the publication of this Notice. Dated at Hermanus on 30 October 2014. VORSTER & STEYN, CJ BIERMAN, Attorneys for the Executor, PO Box 500, HERMANUS 7200 (Ref: CJBIERMAN/MH/A04014) X1PDJBU1-HL131114

Olof-sponsored restaurateur, from current and ex-publicans (the former are more popular) to an ex-Professor (and ex-publican combined). They play every Tuesday at Kleinmond in their distinctive pink shirts, except for once a month when they play elsewhere – mainly Hermanus, Theewaterskloof and Arabella. There is also a less formal Friday morning school. There is a league table which runs throughout the year as well as an annual match-play competition and numerous other medal, alliance and better-ball cups. The year climaxes with the no-holdsbarred RSA v Rest of the World match. The standard of golf ranges from the average to the indifferent but that doesn’t matter. The important thing is the camaraderie, the banter, the leg-pulling and the over R40 000 which the DOGS have raised for charity. For more about the club visit www.dogsgolf.jimdo.com. – DAVE SMITH

came agonisingly close to win the game, with Grabouw scoring the winning runs with nine wickets down. Hawston showed good character and fighting spirit throughout the match. Hawston lost their first game to Kromco in a very tight match by only four runs, but beat Helderstroom last weekend with 113 runs. The club thanked all their supporters for their continued loyalty. ) Their next home match, against Bredasdorp, will take place on 29 November. – LLYLE TAIT

The DOGS played the Landlord’s Cup, in the form of an individual Stableford (log), in Hermanus on 11 November. It is hard to think of a logical reason why the scores were so high on Tuesday. Is the Hermanus course getting easier? Is the standard of DOGS’ golf getting better? Is there a concerted effort to get handicaps down before the big end­of­year fixture? No logic there then. The Countback King won again without the need of a count­out and so had nothing (much) to moan about, closing the gap at the top of the log to just 5 points with 2 to play. Hanging Judge Robinson wants to see the catering staff as there must have been something in his half­way sandwich to account for his back 9 performance. The Landlord’s Cup, a blind pairings competition (or the blind leading the blind in some cases), was won by Biggles and The Prof. ) Log: 40 Jon Forsyth; 38 Fred Garrett, Louwtjie Kruger; 37 Chris Martin, Dave Rade; 36 Morgan O’Kennedy, Andre Hattingh, Koos Roelofse, Andre Franken; 35 Dave Brittain, Alan Smith; 34 Dave Smith, Tony Jones, Peter Sulley, Ian Newman, Peter Theron; 33 Hugh Frangs; 30 John Horobin, Gordon Wilson, John Tunstall; 29 Sam Seal, David Naylor; 27 John Cheesbrough; 26 Geoff Crowther, Mannes van Zyl, Art Rae; 25 Gary Wentzel, Pat Dewil; 24 Peter Thomas; 20 Dave Robinson Landlord’s Cup: 74 Louwtjie Kruger / Koos Roelof­ se. – DAVE SMITH

THE RUNAWAY TROLLEY DASH: The dayhowevermustgotoCliveDaywhomanaged not to notice he had left his electric trolley on and it trundled 200 metres before it ran into a bunker. The golfers who passed it on its merry way, couldn’t catch it either as they were doubled up with mirth at the sight of the runaway trolley with a 70+ year old sprinter trying to catch up. Life is made of these moments, thanks for your contribution, Clive. ACTION ON ALL THREE COURSES: As the number of players are increasing we are now playing on all three courses on both Wednesdays and Saturdays. WALKER BAY CLASSIC: The Hermanus Golf Club is building up to their premier golfing event of the year this weekend, The Walker Bay Classic, flanked by The Walker Bay Sundowner on the Friday and The Walker Bay Mixed on Sunday. All the best of luck to the participants. May your drives go straight and putts go in. As ever keep calm and go golfing.


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Be pleased to take notice that Francina Berdina Jackson intends to apply to The Commissioner of the CIPC, for the re-instatement of DAVID JACKSON KONSTRUKSIE 1985/007193/23. Take further notice that any objections to the application must be lodged with The Commissioner of the CIPC within 21 days of the date of publication hereof. 111111-HL131114

NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of the Late PEGGY MAY NICHOLSON , Identity Number 250816 0028 08 0, who was ordinarily resident at Unit No 32 Onrus Manor, Onrusriver, and who died at Onrusriver on 27 July 2014. Master’s Reference: 027482/2014 All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. IS VAN NOORDWYK, BURGERS & VAN NOORDWYK, PO BOX 50, HERMANUS, 7200. (REF: ISVN/vs/N213B) X1PCJ6LM-HL131114


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Sport diary

Zurich Hermanus bares their teeth ond innings, leaving enough time for the boys to watch the Bokke get taught a proper rugby lesson against a well-prepared Ireland! Sunday’s crisp South Easter soon shook out any Saturday night cobwebs and play resumed at 09:45. Thomason failed for the first time in four innings and skipper Brand was a lone spectator at the other end as the top and middle order failed yet again. Tashwin Lukas showed why he should be promoted up the order as he held the innings together with a really well-constructed 37. The young Keanu Opperman joined Lukas for the last wicket and it was that specific partnership that finally broke the back of the very verbal opposition. Hermanus were eventually bowled out after lunch for 148, an overall lead of 222. The fourth innings was always going to be a tester and so it proved, as Brand and Petersen tore through Spes Bona in no time. Brand again picked up 5 and Petersen 4, with the latter pulling off a world-class onehanded catch to end the match. The visitors simply had no answer to the slick Hermanus fielding and bowling and were bundled out for a paltry 81. In the end a convincing 141 run win for the Zurich Hermanus First XI, but the home side were left with quite a few issues to ponder, not least of all the spate of hamstring injuries. ) This weekend is a bye for the First XI. That should give enough time for the players and management to solve the problems of the non-existent middle order, so that they can be ready for the 50over challenges that lie ahead. Still, a win is a win and this Hermanus side is starting to show glimpses of what they are really capable of. – STICKY FINGERS

Last weekend the Zurich Hermanus First XI sent a loud message out to the rest of the Boland Premier A League when they dispatched second division Spes Bona at the Sir De Villiers Graaff Oval. But Hermanus did not have it all their own way. Sent in to bat first on a tricky first-morning wicket, the Hermanus openers struggled to get the measure of the slow wicket from the start. Derek Brand and Bradley Petersen perished early, popping easy catches to cover. Lee Thomason and Dirkie Marais consolidated but were made to work very hard for their runs, each of them getting good grafting 50s. The Spes Bona spinners bowled very well though and gave very little away, making scoring pretty tough. The frail Hermanus middle order again struggled and bits and bobs from the lower order ensured a first innings total of 173. The visitors’ response started off well, but the relentless grinding of Tashwin Lukas and Willem du Toit soon took its toll. At one stage they were looking quite comfortable at 54 for 2, but then the whole pack of cards came tumbling down as the tall workhorse Du Toit got into his stride. At tea, the young Stellenbosch side were teetering on the brink at 64 for 6 and not long after that, Derek Brand capitalised on the good pressure created by the quicks. Brand bowled 19 overs on the trot and brilliantly exploited both the pitch and the frailties of the visitors’ lower order. Du Toit finished with 5 for 26 off 14 balls, Brand with 4 for 36 off 19 and Bradley Petersen picked up the last wicket with the score one short of 100. The late-afternoon gloom put an early end to proceedings without a ball being bowled in the sec-

) The Hermanus Hockey Clubs will be hosting their third annual round­robin Indoor Hockey Tournament from 12 – 14 December at the Hermanus High gym hall. There is still time to sign up before 1 December. Men and women, between the ages of 14 and 60 are invited to take part. So far six women’s and six men’s teams are on board, but they are aiming for ten teams each. Entry per a team of eight costs R900. The team includes a goalkeeper, four on the field and three subs. Prize giving after the finals. Contact Ludwig on Whatsapp on 078 111 7271 or ludwigschutz@yahoo.co.uk.

WINES2WHALES COMES TO AN END: The final stage of the FNB Wines2Whales (W2W) Mountain Bike Race finished in Onrus on Sunday 9 November. Christoph Sauser and Konny Looser of Team Meerendal­SONGO­ Specialised/Wheeler were the overall men’s champions, in a lightning fast time of 8:36:29. Robyn de Groot and Catherine Willi­ amson of Team Biogen Toyota / Asrin Cycling, who claimed the women’s team title, complet­ ed the race in a time of 10:08:03. Many mountain bikers from the Overstrand also took part. Jan­Hendrik Hanekom and Morne Bester (pictured) ended in 68th place in a time of 10:51:33. For more local riders’ re­ sults, visit www.hermanustimes.co.za.

WINNING TEAM: The winners of the Jungle Tots Golf Day are Anel Henn, Francois Bezuidenhout, Adriaan Slabbert and Dave Jackson.

Thirteen medals to warriors of Team Legacy Overberg Kickboxing was represented by the warriors of Legacy Martial Arts Academy at the annual Western Cape Kickboxing Championship held in Langebaan recently. Team Legacy won 13 medals. There was also a team from Gauteng who took on a team from Western Cape. Francois Thorne represented Team Legacy in the WP team and won a silver medal. The following members are in the Western Cape Kickboxing team: Zaanru Fraser, Ruehan van Romburgh, Francois Thorne, William Maree, Dean Moller, Christiaan Conradie and Casper Swart who will take on the Gauteng team in Johannesburg next year.

Back row: Zaanru Fraser (silver and bronze), Shihan Ruehan van Rom­ burgh (gold), Fran­ cois Thorne (silver) and William Maree (silver and bronze). Front: Dean Moller (gold and silver) and Christiaan Con­ radie (silver and bronze). Absent: Casper Swart (gold and silver).


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