Hermanus times 13 mar 2014

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Established 1949

THURSDAY, 13 MARCH 2014 | Tel 028 ­ 312 3717 | Fax 028 ­ 312 4316

Jou Koerant • Your Newspaper Man sterf vlammedood



Memorial to HMS Birkenhead unveiled in Birkenhead, UK 3

Tiny tots (from left) Liam Dayson, Michael Beineke, Tyler Barends and Shiloh Erasmus from teacher Hettie Maree’s class run with glee and determination to the finish line during Hermanus Pre­Primary School’s athletics day held at Hermanus High School recently.

Businesses prepare for load shedding 4 Hope pret by laerskool se karnaval





Rioolwater besmet strand JANINE VAN DER RIET

’n Gedeelte van die kus- en strandgebied in Sandbaai waar riool vrylik see toe stroom is die afgelope paar dae afgesper op aanbeveling van omgewingsbeamptes. Sandbaai-inwoners en -besoekers sit met hul hande in hul hare omdat dié probleem al jare lank van tyd tot tyd kop uitsteek sonder dat ’n permanente oplossing gevind word. Chris Nieuwoudt, ondervoorsitter van die Sandbaai-belastingbetalersvereniging (SBV), sê hy is moedeloos. “Die pompe sal altyd een of ander tyd ’n probleem hê, maar die vernaamste oorsaak van die besoedeling is die feit dat die riool-uitlaat van die opgaartenk op die verkeerde

plek by die swemstrand uitmond. Dit moet geskuif word.” Die SBV het ’n lys van gebreke van die munisipale infrastruktuur van Sandbaai, wat volgens hom nie die nodige aandag geniet wat betref instandhouding nie. “Ten spyte van herhaaldelike klagtes, wat direk aan die wykskomitee, raadslid en munisipale amptenare deurgegee is oor die onbehandelde rioolwater wat van tyd tot tyd uit die pompstasie op die westelike eindpunt van Kusweg op die rotse gestort word en in poele bly staan, is die saak nog steeds nie sinvol aangespreek nie. Hierdie probleem word alreeds vir meer as twee jaar deurlopend aangemeld.” Die SBV versoek ook dat waarskuwingsborde opgerig word wat die publiek teen die besoedelde gebied

Die uitlaat van die rioolpompstasie mond uit op die rotse by Sand­ baai­strand. FOTO: CHRIS NIEUWOUDT waarsku. “Die gebied moet onveilig verklaar word vir ontspanningsgebruik en sodanige waarskuwings moet slegs verwyder word nadat die departement van gesondheid die nodige toetse gedoen het om te bepaal

dat bakterieë soos E-koli nie verder teenwoordig is nie,” sê Nieuwoudt. Volgens die SBV lê die probleem nie net by verouderde toerusting en onderhoud nie. Francois du Toit, komiteelid van SBV, sê ná ’n onlangse openbare vergadering blyk dit dat die raadslid van Wyk 7 net fokus op die pompe, wat deurentyd probleme sal gee. “Die probleem wat egter nooit aangespreek word nie, is dat die uitlaat van die opgaartenk verkeerd geplaas is en geskuif moet word. Die uitlaat is tydens dooie gety bokant die hoogwatermerk in die baai waar daar in elk geval min golf-aksie is en geen seestrome nie. Dit veroorsaak dat die riool nie deur die natuurlike golf-aksie en strome van die see opgebreek en weggevoer word nie.”

Tydens ’n besoek aan die pompstasie op Donderdag 6 Maart deur verskeie lede van die SBV, is weereens gevind dat die rotse en poele by die pompstasie ernstig met rou riool besmet is wat uit die pompstasie oorgeloop het. Nieuwoudt sê by hierdie geleentheid was daar munisipale amptenare besig met werk by die pompstasie. Die volgende dag, Vrydag 7 Maart, is daar egter teen ongeveer 13:00 ontdek dat riool steeds deur die pyp wat by die rotse uitmond, gestort word. David Botha, ’n ingenieur en komiteelid van SBV, het die munisipaliteit gebel om die dringendheid van die situasie onder hul aandag te bring en ook versoek dat die brandweer ingeroep word om die rotse en poele te kom skoon spuit en ontsmet. Vervolg op bl.3


Hermanus Times

Nuus News

13 March, 2014

Cher's Nails

Op Camelit­ ha se 21ste verjaardag was die ge­ sin nog saam. Van links is Frans Aren­ dolf, Belin­ da, Camelit­ ha, Linda (Arendolf se eksvrou) en sy seun, Franklin Cu­ pido.

Manicures, Pedicures Various Nail varnish colours or Gelish Paints. Also available is “Nail Art Tattoos” done on finger nails or toe nails. “Prices available on request” Ladies.......I travel to your place or can be done at my home. Address: Vermont, Hermanus / Cell: 082 337 4853 Email Address: cheziepack@gmail.com

Tel 028 312 3154 Gateway Centre

GATVOL Vir skuld, Garnishees, Skuldeisers? Kan nie bekostig om hulle te betaal nie. Praat met ons oor hoe ons jou kan help, sonder om enige kostes aan te gaan. Hoe? Bel Ons. Ons gee ook kontant lenings. Arno 072 067 0917 Ons is geregistreerd by die NCR.

Bring your items I will give you a TRUE and HONEST Valuation Then, take the best price for your items.

Man sterf vlammedood EMMYGAIL VELDSMAN ’n Man van Hawston is Saterdag in die oggendure dood ná die houthuis waarin hy gewoon het, aan die brand geslaan het. Frans Arendolf (39), beter bekend as Sleepy, het in ’n houthuis agter sy suster, Stienie Mentoor, se huis gewoon. ’n Geskokte Mentoor vertel haar broer het in die oggendure by haar huis aangekom en kos gesoek. “Ek het hom kos gegee en hy is uit na sy houthuis waar hy agter op die werf gewoon het.” Vyf minute later het Mentoor haar kêrel, John Philander, hoor gil: “Stienie, die hok brand!” Mentoor het dadelik uitgehardloop, maar die vlamme het reeds die huis verswelg. Bure

en omstanders het die vlamme probeer blus tot die brandweer daar aangekom het, maar volgens Mentoor het dit niks gehelp nie. “Ek het sommer self probeer om die hok oop te breek en hom uit te haal, maar die vlamme was onbeheerbaar en woes.” Die brandweer en nooddienste het die vuur geblus, maar dit was reeds te laat vir Arendolf, wat op die toneel dood verklaar is. Die oorsaak van die brand is nog onbekend en word deur die owerheid ondersoek. ’n Geregtelike doodsondersoek is deur die Hermanus-polisie geopen. “Hierdie oggend sal vir ewig by my spook, veral die manier waarop hy ons verlaat het. Ons weet nie hoe dit kon gebeur het nie. Dit voel baie onwerklik,” sê Mentoor. Arendolf laat sy twee dogters, Camelitha (21) en Belinda (16), en sy seun, Franklin Cupido (18), agter.

AfriForum wil stropery laat stopsit

BODY FAT FREEZING Cryoliplysis, also properly known as CoolSculpting, refers to a medical device used to destroy fat cells. IS CRYOLIPOLYSIS TREATMENT PAINFUL? No IS THERE A RECOVERY PERIOD? No HOW LONG BEFORE I NOTICE A DIFFERENCE? Typically 2 to 4 weeks after the procedure ARE THE RESULTS COMPARABLE TO LIPOSUCTION? Yes, but NO surgery is undertaken hence the results may be slower to achieve. Your drainage system does the work of fat cell elimination. COST PER AREA TREATED: from R750 Only 1 Session Needed.

2 x Areas Frozen eg. both arms + Multipolar Skin tightening WAS R2 500 NOW R 2000 Contact Janette 082 432 1933

Die burgerregte-organisasie AfriForum het ’n versoek aan die Wes-Kaapse provinsiale kommissaris van polisie, lt.genl. Arno Lamoer, gerig om weer spesialiseenhede teen perlemoenstropery en smokkelary in die Wes-Kaap in te stel. Dié versoek volg na AfriForum se besoek verlede week aan gebiede in dié provinsie, insluitend Hermanus, wat deur stroping geteister word. “Perlemoenstropers word betaal met dwelms. Waar daar dwelms is, is daar misdaad en geweld,” het Ian Cameron, AfriForum se hoof van gemeenskapsveiligheid gesê. Daar was tot 2012 ’n taktiese reaksiemag van die SAPD wat in die area perlemoensmokkelary en stropery hokgeslaan het. “Maar in 2012 het lede toegeslaan op drie

stropers wat vermoedelik besig was om perlemoen te verwyder en een van die vermeende stropers, Steven Figaji, is dood nadat hy onder die water in die moeilikheid beland het.” Die honde-eenheid in Hawston is kort daarna in November 2012 afgebrand. Figaji se dood het geweld tussen die gemeenskap en polisie laat opvlam. Die hondeeenheid het steeds nie ’n nuwe perseel nie. “Hoewel sy dood ’n tragedie was, is die praktyk van stropery nie goed te praat nie. “AfriForum sal ook toenemend druk op die polisie toepas om in te gryp. Lamoer moet optree. Sterk leierskap is nodig om ons land se natuurskatte en sy inwoners te beveilig. Dit is ons grondwetlike reg,” het Cameron afgesluit.

Man stabbed to death in Zwelihle A 26-year-old man died after he was stabbed to death in his house in Zwelihle. Mawande Milela died in hospital on 8 March due to the stab wounds to his back.

The Hermanus Police arrested a 28-yearold suspect in connection with the incident. He appeared in the Hermanus Magistrate’s court on Monday.

Hermanus Times

Nuus News

13 March, 2014

HMS Birkenhead memorial unveiled in UK CILENE BEKKER

brought a letter from Cllr Mitchell for Mayor Nicolette BothaGuthrie, who, at the lighthouse service, sent return correspondence as part of the day’s events. Subsequently, Liston sent the following correspondence to Brenda du Toit from sharkwatchsa.com: “If you Google ‘HMS Birkenhead memorial’ lots of articles come up and all linked with the event in Birkenhead on 5 March. This includes lots of short films and BBC TV coverage. “I can honestly say it couldn’t have gone any better. The South African flag was flying and the pebbles really caught the imagination of every-

Two wonderful highlights have emerged regarding the annual HMS Birkenhead commemoration held in Gansbaai in February every year.

One is a special HMS Birkenhead memorial unveiled in the UK, which is receiving world wide attention; the other is the purchase of a special Birkenhead collection for display at The Great White House in Gansbaai. The UK memorial came about after a member of the New Brighton Lifeboat Station, Andy Liston, At the HMS Birkenhead commemoration in Gansbaai were: Johan Pieterse (chair­ visited Gansbaai and Her- person of Gansbaai Tourism), Gavin Clackworthy (speaker), British Consul General manus last year. Christopher Trott, Mayor Nicolette Botha­Guthrie and Andrew Liston (Birkenhead He saw how many plac- UK). es were named after the Birkenhead, and this inspired the idea be- oured to welcome our Armed Forces to re- body present. “On Friday I received an e-mail from the hind organising a regional competition in No- member this event, and to bring together the vember to design a sculpture commemorat- people of Wirral and South Africa in a spirit Queen’s representative who informed me she was very moved and very impressed by the ing the HMS Birkenhead, to be built in Birk- of friendship and solidarity. “I would especially like to thank Mr Liston, service, memorial and symbolism of joining. enhead – a town within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral in Merseyside, England. who has worked tirelessly to help this memo- This feedback will eventually be fed back to An art student at Birkenhead Sixth Form rial come about, and to raise awareness of the His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh College, Jemma Twigg, won the top prize of HMS Birkenhead and its place in naval histo- who I have been told is very interested in hearing the tale from the Queen’s representa£500. Her design was manufactured by Cam- ry. “This memorial helps ensure, even after tive in Merseyside, Dame Lorna Muirhead.” mell-Laird’s engineers in the yard where the Liston further remarked that the interest more than 160 years, that the heroism and original ship was built. This memorial was unveiled on 5 March by courage of the men that day is not forgotten.” has been amazing, with the Lifeboat station This was said in reference to the famous receiving e-mails from as far afield as Canathe Mayor of Wirral, Cllr Dave Mitchell and the Lord-Lieutenant of Merseyside Dame Birkenhead drill (women and children first) da, all wanting to know more about our link Lorna Muirhead DBE, in the presence of rep- and the drowning of 400 men. The memorial and the HMS Birkenhead story. The other highlight is that Wilfred Chivell includes seaside pebbles from Gansbaai, and resentatives from the Armed Forces. According to the Wirral Press office web- stands on the Wirral waterfront overlooking purchased a Birkenhead Collection from the site, Cllr Mitchell in his speech said: “I look the River Mersey that saw the ship embark late Charlie Shapiro. “This collection can be forward to dedicating this new memorial to on her first sail. At the recent Gansbaai com- viewed at the Great White House and is the those who lost their lives off the coast of South memoration held at the end of February, Lis- true treasure of the Birkenhead now saved Africa 162 years ago. I am particularly hon- ton, hosted by sharkwatchsa.com, had for the Gansbaai area,” says du Toit.


‘Maatreëls in plek gestel’ om probleme te voorkom JANINE VAN DER RIET Botha se oproep na die munisipaliteit is ná ’n paar minute opgevolg toe die betrokke afdeling aangedui het die saak sal hulle dringende aandag geniet. Teen 17:00 Vrydag was daar wel drie voertuie van die Overstrand-munisipaliteit op die terrein, maar dit is nie duidelik of die probleem nou permanent opgelos is nie. Peter Burger, senior bestuurder: Operasioneel by die Overstrand-munisipaliteit, sê die raad het R2 miljoen vir die huidige finansiële jaar begroot vir die opgradering van bestaande rioolpompstasies juis om voorvalle van hierdie aard te minimaliseer. Tenders vir die opgradering het reeds gesluit en word eersdaags toegeken. “Die betrokke rioolpompstasie bedien die hele Sandbaai en pomp riool van daar na die rioolsuiweringswerke. Die pompstasie is ongeveer 15 jaar oud en beskik oor ’n dienspomp, sowel as ’n bystandpomp,” verduidelik Burger. ’n Opsomming van voorvalle waaraan die munisipaliteit aandag gegee het, sluit onder meer die volgende in: ) Op 26 Februarie het die pompstasie oorgeloop as gevolg van ’n foutiewe pomp. Die pomp is verwyder vir herstelwerk en op 6 Maart is die herstelde pomp weer geïnstalleer. Die bystandpomp is in die tussentyd gebruik. ) Op Maandag 3 Maart het die pompstasie weer oorgeloop, maar dié keer as gevolg van ’n

elektriese fout wat wel dieselfde dag herstel is. ) Op Woensdag 5 Maart het die pompstasie weer oorgeloop as gevolg van ’n foutiewe tydskakelaar wat ook dadelik daardie middag herstel is. ) Op Vrydag 7 Maart het die pompstasie weer oorgeloop nadat ’n elektriese skakelaar gebrand het. Die skakelaar is vervang en die pompstasie is dieselfde dag weer in werking gestel. Volgens Burger funksioneer die pompstasie sedertdien na wense. “Die onmiddellike omgewing by die pompstasie (gedeelte van die kus) is afgekamp op aanbeveling van die omgewingsbeampte. “Die meerderheid van die insidente is veroorsaak deur elektroniese probleme wat op die elektriese skakeltuig ondervind word. Dit is ook baie moeilik om hierdie tipe foute vroegtydig op te spoor. Die feit dat hierdie pompstasie teenaan die see geleë is, veroorsaak baie meer as net normale verwering wat onderhoud bemoeilik.” Volgens Burger is maatreëls in plek gestel wat bepaal dat pompstasies daagliks geïnspekteer gaan word en dat rioolpompstasies deurlopend deur middel van ’n telemetriestelsel gemonitor word. Bystandpersoneel sal ook uitgeroep word as dit nodig blyk te wees. ’n Diensverskaffer is aangestel om herstelwerk van pompstasies te bespoedig en geskeduleerde onderhoud gaan elke vier maande voorkomend by alle riool-pompstasies gedoen word.

Die water is besmet, maar die munisipali­ teit sê die saak ge­ niet dringende aan­ dag. FOTO: FRANCOIS


The HMS Birkenhead memorial in the UK.


4 Hermanus Times Businesses prepare for more Eskom load shedding

Nuus News

13 March, 2014



There have been warnings that the country is in for more load shedding, but to give the go ahead without prior warning, as was the case last Thursday afternoon, caught everyone unawares.

Daar was ’n paar ongelukkige kliën­ te. Ons moes ’n paar onnodige oproepe maak en bestellings herskeduleer. Ons het ’n kragopwekker teen R3 500 aan­ geskaf en geïnstalleer.

Reeling in shock at the suddenness, many businesses had to close shop, let staff go, and make plans for future load sheds. Most responses from businesses and residents were ‘give us warning and we can work around it!’ South Africa’s power supply remains constrained, Eskom CEO Brian Dames said on Tuesday. “We are not out of the woods yet, the system remains tight and vulnerable to any changes as we go into winter. The persistent rainfall had resulted in wet coal that made it impossible to power the stations. The supply issues will be a problem for the next few months unless we have aggressive supply interventions of at least 3000 MW,” he said. Business Chamber members responded as follows when asked how they were affected, and what plans they’ve made: ) Alex van Niekerk from Primwood Products

The problem for us, if load shedding happens more often, is that our ma­ chines take up to 4 hours to heat up. So every time it is off for 2,5 hours, we lose at least six hours of production. We work 24 hours a day because we cannot switch on and off. Stage 3 load shedding will close us down. We use 3 phase electricity and require about 100 amps, so a generator is not an op­

Ons kon geen van ons toerusting ge­ bruik nie. Ons probeer voorsiening maak vir kragonderbrekings deur te sorg dat ons gesnyde vleis in voorraad het elke dag, maar dit is ongelukkig ook moeilik, want die vleis kan net vir een dag in bakke wees anders verkleur dit. Ons het nou ’n elektroniese skaal aan­ gekoop wat met ’n battery werk.

Jan Gildenhuys van Ro3 Oasis

) Hermanus Recycling

Ons het een span van 17 mense wat 100% afhanklik is van krag om hul werk te doen. Ek kon hulle elders aanwend, maar hul produksie is negatief beïn­ vloed en dit affekteer hul produksie­bo­ nusse. By my hoof­aanleg het my baal masjien (die hoofslagaar van my pro­ duksie) gestaan. Ons het nie direkte verliese gely nie, maar baie indirekte verliese as gevolg van agterstallige werk wat ingehaal moes word, selfs na ure. Aangesien meeste van my toerusting op 3 fase krag loop is dit onbekostig­ baar vir my grootte onderneming om ’n kragopwekker aan te skaf.

) Stoffel en Charl Frick van Hermanus Gas

Ons besigheid was erg geraak, aan­ gesien die publiek onmiddellik begin in­ stroom het om al hul huishoudelike, Ca­ dac­tipe gas­silinders te vul vir kook en ligvoorsiening. Ons vulpomp werk met elektrisiteit en ons kon nie die eerste klomp kliënte help nie, totdat ons ’n kragopwekker teen R150 vir die res van die halfdag, onge­ veer twee ure, gehuur het. Ons tref nou voorsorg en het ’n krag­ opwekker vir bykans R7 000 aange­ koop. Dit bly egter ’n onvoorsiene uitga­ we en klein besighede het nie altyd ge­ redelik sulke fondse beskikbaar om te spandeer vir ’n “wat as situasie’’ nie. Daar was ’n geweldige toename in die verkope van gassilinders, kookplate asook lampe deur die publiek, waarvan die gemiddelde koste vir ’n enkele huis­ houding ongeveer R575 beloop. Daar was ook ’n toename in die ver­ kope van kragopwekkers, aangesien ons van die laastes in Kaapstad in die hande kon kry. In Sondag se Rapport is groot invoer­ ders en verspreiders van Gauteng aan­ gehaal wat heeltemal uit voorraad ge­ raak het oor die paniekgedrewe aanko­ pe van kragopwekkers. Die bedrywighede volgens Rapport het tot 400% op ’n handelaar se webwerf op­ geskiet, met ’n 750% toename in telefo­ niese navrae teenoor die normale ver­

) Johan de Kock van Sunjomar Rekenmeesters

Ons het UPS’e vir ons rekenaarstelsel aangeskaf vir toekomstige kragonder­ brekings. ) Kees van de Coolwijk from Foto First

The load shedding caused some in­ convenience. We lost about R1 000 in turnover, but made up again the next day so we did not suffer unduly. Should there be more shedding it would help if we had warning beforehand. ) Pam from The Hat People –

Possible loss due to auto bank tellers being closed, next to our business. Many tourists were caught unaware. We are prepared for load sheds at home, but there is little we can do in our place of business.

) Van Blommestein Slaghuis –

koopsdae. ’n Ander handelaar is aan­ gehaal wat tot 650 kwotasies gedoen het per dag teenoor die normale 60 tot 70 per dag. Die meeste van hierdie han­ delaars is uit voorraad en verkoop al voorraad wat nog in transito is en nog nie in hul pakhuise is nie. ) FNB, Hermanus

We are fortunate to have a generator. It would however be interesting to deter­ mine the cost of diesel compared to elec­ tricity. ) Eastcliff Spar

Produksie van die winkel het tot stil­ stand gekom en daar was geen vars brode om te verkoop nie. Ons voorbe­ reidings vir beurtkrag is dat ons perso­ neel in die produksie­afdelings vroeër inkom om produksie klaar te maak voor enige kragonderbreking. ) Johan de Villers & Vennote Argitekte

Ons het ’n kragopwekker in plek. Ons het nie finansiële verliese gely nie, maar moes langer ure werk om die werk klaar

te maak.

) Johan Nel, OPN Ouditeure

Ek het in 2009 ’n batterystel van 6 en “inverter” van R40 000 laat instal­ leer vir sodanige onderbrekings. Dit kan ons so ses uur aan die gang hou en ons telefone is operasioneel. Ek het ’n klein kamp­gasstofie om bietjie water te kook vir koffie en tee. ) Estelle, Fusion Café

We cannot operate in our kitchen without an extractor fan. We are pre­ paring for more load sheds in future. We bought a new generator, search protector plugs, search protector units on the DB board and worked out a spe­ cial menu for Eskom load shedding. ) Julia Barnard, Hermanus Laundry

We had to act quickly to wrap the hot rollers with old wet cloths to cool them down. The washing machines automati­ cally drain water after a sudden shut down. But what a waste of water and money. I let the staff go, and came back in later that night to redo all the loads.

Seminar to shed light on load shedding Whale Coast Conservation (WCC) is presenting a seminar at the Whale Coast Hotel (above Checkers) on Thursday 3 April from 17:30 to 18:30. This seminar is geared towards helping business owners, managers and homeowners decide what sort of installation will meet their particular needs and what costs would be involved. Once a decision is made, based on your particular needs and

budget, WCC can put you in touch with relevant suppliers. The Green House in Vermont – home to WCC – is entirely offgrid. They are sustainable energy savvy and can offer useful advice. Using a combination of photovoltaic solar panels and wind turbines, sufficient electricity is generated to run a busy office. Cost of the seminar is R100 pp. To book, email wcc@ocf.org.za or call 028 316 2527.

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Hermanus Times

Nuus News

13 March, 2014

Local wins International Women’s Day award

Inwoners uiteindelik volwaardige huiseienaars

Leán Terblanche recently won KLM South Africa’s Women who Inspire Change competition for International Women’s Day celebrated on 8 March. Leán is the managing director of the Grootbos Foundation outside Gansbaai and many know her for her work leading youth development programmes for the Football Foundation of South Africa. Erika Mueller nominated Leán with the following entry: “Leán Terblanche is in a league of her own. With a deep understanding of South Africa’s rich and diverse culture, as well as the various factors that play a role in community cohesion, Leán has demonstrated her ability to design, implement and manage community development projects successfully.” Over 1 000 young people benefit on a weekly basis from skills-based training, educational programmes and sport activities that address various social issues – all orchestrated by Leán.

Menige inwoner van Hawston se hart was oorstelp van vreugde toe hulle verneem dat hulle nou volwaardige huiseienaars is. Altesaam 100 geregistreerde titelaktes is Vrydag 7 Maart deur burgemeester Nicolette BothaGuthrie, bygestaan deur raadslid Rudolph Smith, aan inwoners van Hawston oorhandig. ’n Verdere 127 titelaktes word in die loop van die komende week deur die administrasie oorhandig. Die meeste inwoners woon reeds ongeveer vyf jaar in die huise in Hawston, maar ná die oorhandigings is dié huise nou hul eiendom. Die burgemeester het veral die belangrikheid van ’n titelakte beklemtoon. Sy het begunstigdes aangemoedig om verantwoordelik daarmee op te tree en dus ook eienaarskap van hierdie verantwoordelikheid te neem. Volgens Frankie Frans, bestuurder: behuisingsadmini-

Leán Ter­ blanche (left) together with two of the fe­ male crew members on board the KLM Airlines flight. She won a three-day trip for two to Amsterdam and flew back home on International Women’s Day, 8 March, with an all-female KLM crew. Among the places she visited was the Van Gogh Museum, Volendam and Edam. Leán also went on a walking tour with Holland Stopovers. “With the focus on International Women’s Day we walked through the Begijnhof, an area

where women live who dedicate a large part of their lives to helping the poor. And the visit to the Anne Frank Museum left me speechless.” On her prize Leáne said: “Through this I would like to encourage all the amazing women out there who inspire change in our communities on a daily basis. Your work is invaluable now and for generations to come.”

De Mond residents given more time to vacate JANINE VAN DER RIET The three residents still living in the once popular De Mond Caravan Park in Voëlklip reached a settlement agreement with the Overstrand Municipality in court on 28 February. The residents each received additional time to vacate the property, but the times of the individual extensions were not made public. According to Lionel Wallace, acting senior manager in the municipality’s legal services department, the contents of the settlement agreement, ruled by the Western Cape High Court, are confidential in respect to the respondents in the case.

Once the three residents vacate the property, the municipality intends to develop the site as a public resort in accordance with the restrictive condition contained in the original Crown Grant of 1942, which states that the land may not be sold and may only be used for resort recreational purposes. The park is now empty after the more than 200 members of the De Mond Caravan Park Association (DMCPA) were forced to leave the premises more than a year ago – with the exception of five individuals. Now Elizabeth Theron (81), Keith Hampshire (63) and Hanna Auret (66) are the only ones left of the five residents who were ex-

empt from the eviction order handed down by the Western Cape High Court on 10 December 2012. Theron, Hampshire and Auret were served with yet another eviction order in October 2013 and the matter was on the unopposed High Court Roll of 28 February. This came after the Overstrand Municipality, who owns the land on which the park is situated, decided not to renew their lease with the DMCPA, which expired on 29 February 2012. Following a protracted court battle, members of the DMCPA were given only 11 days, until 21 December 2012, to vacate the premises and another three

ARGUS FIETSTOER GEDOEN!: Baie plaaslike fietsers het deelgeneem aan vanjaar se Ar­ gus fietstoer wat Sondag plaasge­ vind het. Hier be­ loon Gerna van der Riet en Klaradyn Stemmet hulself met iets te ete en te drink. Hul tye was onderskeidelik 4:07 en 4:43. Meer fo­ to’s op bladsy 32.


months after that during which they were allowed to gain access for the purpose of removing their caravans and Plettenberg-style homes which they had erected on their stands over the years. Several members sold these structures, along with furniture and other belongings, at an auction in February 2013 to recoup some of the costs, but most of them were dissatisfied with the bids achieved, which they considered to be only a fraction of the real value. Others took what they could remove themselves and simply left the rest behind. The camp, which is now deserted, is still strewn with rubble and dilapidated structures.

Kansa Relay dié naweek Vanjaar se Relay for Life begin Saterdag 15 Maart om 16:00, tot Sondagoggend 06:00 by Hoërskool Hermanus se sportgronde. Die hekke open om 11:00 vir spanne om op te slaan en 13:00 vir dagbesoekers. Dagbesoekers sal R10 toegang betaal en kan bly tot 23:00. Om 20:00 begin die luminara-seremonie. ) Cansa promises an event for all to celebrate at the annual relay at

Hermanus High School on Saturday from 16:00 to Sunday 06:00. “We kindly request the residents of Eastcliff and surrounds to bear with the music as this keeps the participants going throughout the night, symbolising that cancer never sleeps,” says Anmar Spanellis, chairperson of the relay. For more information, contact Anmar on 082 877 9502.

Hawston­inwoners ontvang titel­ aktes wat hulle eienaars van hul huise maak. Hier gesels Smith en Botha­Guthrie met inwoners. FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET

strasie, is daar reeds 582 geregistreerde titelaktes vir Hawston en 270 nuwe registrasies tot datum vir die finansiële jaar 2013/2014. Gemelde registrasies vorm deel van die titelaktes wat Vrydag oorhandig is.




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Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

13 March, 2014

A woman’s journey through the world of aviation At the age of 84, long-time Hermanus resident Yvonne van den Dool, has written her first book, an autobiography aptly called From Kitchen to Cockpit. Yvonne was a pioneer in the aviation world and as a woman pilot in what was a male dominated industry, she faced seemingly insurmountable challenges. On the cover of her book is a photograph of Yvonne taken the day before she turned 21 in 1951, which appeared on the front page of The Argus after she won numerous trophies at the Youngsfield All Women’s Air Rally. From these early days, Yvonne rose through the aviation ranks to became the first woman in South Africa to hold a senior commercial pilot’s licence. But getting a job in SA that matched her qualifications, proved difficult. Yvonne says there was no history of women’s aviation in SA, and as the last survivor of the small group of women who were part




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of the groundbreaking force who took to the skies post World War 11, it fell to her to tell the tale. It took her ten years to complete the story. She says: “I knew it had to be done and I just put down my thoughts.” She says that in the early 1950s “Women had no right to be anything. We were regarded as spinsters or old maids if we were not married by 21.” Yvonne married at the age of 22 and after 12 years her marriage ended. Yvonne, who served in the South African Air Force’s women’s squadron in 1976, the latter part of her career, has highlighted the achievements of women aviators around the world who, between the 1950s and 1980s, did not let convention dictate their future. First time author Yvonne van den Dool, with her new book Throughout her flying ex- which is about her journey through the world of aviation. ploits, Yvonne had to juggle a PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG family and raise her two daughters, Ingrid and Karen. Both daughters when it comes to what women can and can’t married pilots and due to circumstances, be- do. Yvonne says although she had to work hard, she had a lot of fun along the way. came single mothers themselves. To order copies of this inspirational book, Yvonne’s book is dedicated to her daughters and three grand-daughters, Debbie, which costs R210 (R240 with postage) contact Chantal and Tarryn, who have all inherited Yvonne van den Dool on 082 723 2041 or email their grandmother’s spirit of adventure, em- yvonne.vandendool@gmail.com. – KERRY VAN RENSBURG barking on careers which break the mould

Remember to


CELEBRATING READING: In celebration of World Book Day last week, Curro Hermanus learners from Gr 1 to 3 were able to let their imaginations take over and came to school dressed up as their favourite story book character.


Algemeen General

Deon Meyer en Chanette Paul in gesprek tydens die 2013­fees. Meyer is vanjaar weer op die program. Hy praat op 14 Maart om 10:00 in die Boektent oor sy nuutste roman Kobra. FOTO: MARK REITZ

Laaste naweek van US Woordfees ‘14 As jy nog nie het nie, maak ’n draai by die 15de US Woordfees met sy tema “Kuns hier, kultuur daar – siedaar 15 jaar!” Toptowenaars haal hase uit hul hoed, ook by die Mirakeltentjie by Erfurthuis, die Woordfees en WOW-projek se nuwe tuiste. Die Skrywersfeeshoed is vol fassinerende gesprekke en boekbekendstellings. Corlia Fourie, Engela van Rooyen, Dan Sleigh en Lina Spies word met profiele vereer. Loer in by die ATKV Boekwinkel langs die Boektent. Towertoneel is volop: Die Goëlaar met kulkunstenaar Geon Nel speel met die feestema, Adam Small se Kanna hy kô hystoe bly aangrypend en talle komedies laat die gehoor lekker lag. Die Sanlam Musiekfees betower met talle bekende kunstenaars, soos 15 Vroue op een verhoog, David Kramer, Laurika Rauch, Theuns Jordaan, Jak de Priester, Jannie Moolman, Elvis Blue, Die Heuwels Fantasties, en meer. Moet ook nie die magiese piekniekkonserte in die vroegaand by Neethlingshof misloop of die soel somerse Blues later elke aand by De Vette Mossel nie. Luister daagliks na Monitor, Spektrum en Praat saam by Erfurtkafee en kom dink saam by die NG Moedergemeente se nuwe gesprekke, Maties SR se Van Zyl Slabbertdiskoersreeks of die Beste professor-reeks. Kom kyk en koop feeskunstenaar Diek Grobler en 26 ander kunstenaars se werk by Voortrekkers PJ Olivier-kunssentrum. Louis Jansen van Vuuren stal uit by die Oude Libertas-kunsgalery. By Radio Helderberg Klein Libertas pryk Karel Kraai, Bennie Boekwurm en sowat 200 ander bekende TV-poppe. By die WOW-Skrywersfees ontmoet leerders hul gunstelingskrywers en WOW se towerkarnaval by Van der Stelsportklub spog met talle sterre soos Emo Adams en Jimmy Nevis. Die fees hou aan to 16 Maart. Besoek www.woordfees.co.za. Kaartjies by Computicket.


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Hermanus Times 13 March, 2014



Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

13 March, 2014

FIKS VIR ALTYD: Fitness Forever is op die been gebring om fiksheids­ bewustheid onder die gemeenskap van Mount Pleasant te bevorder. Die idee is geskep deur Pro Active Fitness bemarker Mark de Jongh, en onder­ steun deur Stephney Wilschut, koördineerder van die groep vroue wat in al groter getalle by die groep aansluit. Die lede gaan binnekort aan die kanker bewusmakings­ veldtog, sowel as die Spar vroue­pretloop in Groenpunt, Kaapstad deelneem.


VRAGSKIP VAAR KNUS AAN DIE KUS: Martin Etsebeth het hierdie vragskip vroeg Dinsdagoggend afgeneem waar hy sowat ses seemyl van Onrus se kus af lê. Hy lê reeds sedert Maandagaand daar. Volgens Etsebeth mag daar nie vragskepe so naby die kus verby beweeg nie en mag hulle nie nader as 20 seemyl van die kus af kom nie. Die vragskip heet Ecopride G.O. Etsebeth sê die skip het na bewering toestem­ ming gevra om by Valsbaai anker te gooi, maar toestemming is glo geweier.


Put your business on the map by advertising in our Focus on Sandbaai and Hemel & Aarde that will appear in the issue of 27 March 2014. Contact Ester at 028 312 3717 or email to ester.schultz@hermanustimes.co.za

Hermanus SLAVE MINI­SERIES FILMS IN OLD HARBOUR: If you noticed the army of trucks parked at Gearing’s Point and Market Square on Monday, it had to do with the filming of a Canadian mini­series The Book of Negroes. The series depicts the life journey of Aminata Diallo, who was abducted as an 11­year­old child from her village in West Africa and forced to walk for months to the coast in a coffle – a string of slaves. She was sent to live as a slave in South Carolina and later forged her way to freedom, serving the British in the Revolutionary War and registering her name in the historic Book of Negroes. The mini­series stars Louis Gossett Jr, Cuba Gooding Jr, Ben Chaplin and Aunjanue Ellis. Scenes were shot at the Old Harbour on Monday but filming has since moved on to other locations in the Western Cape, and will continue in Nova Scotia after the South Africa stint. According to Elisabeth du Toit, manager of the Old Harbour Museum, they do get paid a “fair amount” from companies who use the Old Harbour as a film set. PHOTO: CILENE BEKKER

Wees deel van Songs of Praise Songs of Praise, wat verlede jaar baie gewild was, is vanjaar weer op die program van Hermanus FynArts. Plaaslike kore en ’n paar soliste neem deel, sowel as die groot orkes wat feitlik uitsluitlik uit musici van die Overberg bestaan. As jy ’n instrument speel en deel wil wees van Songs of Praise tydens hierdie jaar se Hermanus FynArts van 6 – 16 Junie, is jy baie welkom. Bladmusiek sal nader aan die tyd

UPGRADING HIGH VOLTAGE NETWORK Notice is hereby given that weather permitting; the electricity supply in your area will be disconnected on 16 March 2014 (Alternative 23 March 2014) between 11h00 and 13h00. This action is necessary in order to undertake maintenance work on the network. The power may be restored at any time between the above mentioned hours and all connections should be treated as live. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience you might have to endure. This is only applicable to the following areas in Hermanus: Sandbaai, Zwelihle, Industrial Area, Mount Pleasant, Westcliff, Westdene and New Harbour. Enquiries: (028) 316 2630 (office hours)


Kennis word hiermee gegee dat indien die weer dit toelaat; die elektrisiteitstoevoer in u area onderbreek sal word op 16 Maart 2014 (Alternatief 23 Maart 2014) tussen 11h00 - 13h00 sodat instandhouding op die netwerk gedoen kan word. Die krag kan te enige tyd tussen die gemelde ure aangeskakel word en alle punte moet as lewendig beskou word. Aanvaar asseblief ons verskoning vir die onvermydelike ongerief wat u moet verduur. Hierdie is slegs van toepassing op die volgende areas in Hermanus: Sandbaai, Zwelihle, Industriële Area, Mount Pleasant, Westcliff, Westdene en Nuwe Hawe. Navrae: (028) 316 2630 (kantoorure)

aangestuur word en daar sal twee repetisies met die hele orkes wees – een op Saterdag 7 Junie en een voor die konsert, op Sondagoggend 8 Junie. Kaartjies vir die konsert, op Sondag 8 Junie om 15:00 in die saal van Hoërskool Hermanus, sal van vroeg April reeds beskikbaar wees. Vir meer inligting, skryf aan Mary Faure by fynarts@hermanus.co.za.

Hermanus Times

Mense People

SEASIDE BIRTHDAY BASH: Birthday boy Hector Ross (middle) with John Leppan and Ian.

13 March, 2014

James Ross and Elzi Temperman from Gauteng enjoyed the beach side celebrations.


Hector Ross (middle) celebrated his 30th birthday in perfect sun­ shine weather at Skulpiesbaai recently. With him are Till and Andreé Noska.

LEKKER LITTE LOS MAAK: ’n Golden Oldies­ funksie is onlangs gehou by die NG Gemeente Onrusrivier en was voorwaar ‘n aand vol pret, ballonne, smaaklike kos van die Onrusri­ vier Dienssentrum en heerlike saamkuier. Die drie­gang maal was ‘n groot bederf, sê Karin de Bruin, kommunikasiebestuurder van die gemeente. Daar was tot geskoffel in die maalruimte op maat van heerlike musiek. Die mense vra alreeds: “Wanneer doen ons weer so?”

HUWELIKSKLOKKIES LUI: Marius en Ylita van Wyk, albei van Hawston, deel graag dié foto geneem op hul groot dag op 8 Maart.


Die plaaslike orkes (links) van Lesinda Malherbe­Janse van Rensburg. Sy het haar musikant­pa Jo­ han ingekatrol asook Japie du Toit op die kitaar.

Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 29(2) of the Local Government: Municipal StructuresAct, No 117 of 1998, of the following Council Meetings : 1. The approval of the Oversight Report and the Annual Report : Thursday 20 March 2014 at 14:00 in the Council Chambers, Municipal Offices, Caledon. 2. The presentation of the Draft Integrated Development Plan and the Draft 2014/15 Budget : Thursday 27 March 2014 at 11:00 in the Council Chambers, Municipal Offices, Caledon. TheAgendas of the Meetings is available at all Town Offices for inspection.

Dansers Erhardt en Monica Korf (regs), wat onlangs hul SA kleure verwerf het en binnekort aan ’n kompetisie in Duits­ land gaan deelneem, het die dansbaan geopen.

Esi sisaziso ngokwemigaqo ka Section 29(2) we Local Government Municipal StructuresAct, 117 ka 1998 sokuba kuzakubakho ezintlanganiso zilandelayo : 1. Ukwamkelwa Kwengxelo yoqwalaselo kunye Nengxelo yonyaka : Ngolwesine umhla 20 March 2014 ngentsimbi yesibini, 14:00 Egumbini Lebhunga e Caledon. 2. Ukuqwalaselwa Kwecebo Elihlangeneyo Lophuhliso (Lethutyana) kunye Noqingqo mali luka 2014/15 : Ngolwesine umhla we 27 March 2014 yeshumi elinanye, 11:00 Egumbini Lebhunga e Caledon. LiAgenda Zezintlanganiso ziyafumaneka kuzo zonke liofisi Zedolophu.

FAMILY FAIR: Parents and learners had a wonderful time at Hermanus Private School’s recent family fun evening.

Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikel 29(2) van die Plaaslike Regering : Wet op Munisipale Strukture, nr 117 van 1998, van die volgende Raadsvergaderings : 1. Die goedkeuring van Oorsigverslag en Jaarverslag : Donderdag 20 Maart 2014 om 14:00 in die Raadsaal, Munisipale Kantore, Caledon. 2. Die voorlegging van Konsep Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan en Konsep 2014/15 Begroting : Donderdag 27 Maart 2014 om 11:00 in die Raadsaal, Munisipale Kantore, Caledon. Die Agendas van die betrokke Vergaderings is beskikbaar by alle Dorpskantore vir besigtiging. HSD Wallace MUNICIPAL MANAGER UMANEJALAWESIXEKO MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER PO Box 24/Idilesi ye posi 24/Posbus 24 CALEDON, 7230


Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

13 March, 2014

Buried post “debacle” not an isolated incident What an absolute debacle concerning the post that has been found buried and dumped in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley. I have had post missing for some time. I should have received a book voucher as a gift from a friend enclosed in a card, but it never arrived. My friend and I both went to our respective post offices, and were told we should have had a tracking number. I have had municipal accounts not arrive, plus magazines, and now I wonder what other items I should have received. I was also told there was a strike in Cape Town which held up the delivery of post. In August last year I sent a book as a gift to a friend in the Eastern Transvaal; it arrived three months later. I have phoned the Post Office and mentioned all these facts to the staff behind the counter, and no reasonable answer has been given. All in all, a most inefficient service throughout the country.

EDITORIAL COMMENT Rioolprobleme steek orals kop uit Die probleem met rioolwater wat in die see en estuariums inloop, is besig om meer en meer in die Overstrand kop uit te steek. Eers was daar klagtes oor ’n rioolstorting in Onrus en ook in die Klein­ rivier naby Stanford. Nou is Sandbaaiers woedend oor die rioolwater wat op die vlak rotse en in poele by die swemstrand lê. Die Overstrand­munisipaliteit sê die raad het R2 miljoen vir die huidige fi­ nansiële jaar begroot vir die opgrade­ ring van bestaande rioolpompstasies juis om voorvalle van hierdie aard te mi­ nimaliseer. Dit is verblydende nuus dat die pomp­ stasies nou dringende aandag gaan ge­ niet. Lede van die Sandbaai­belastingbe­ talersvereniging wys egter daarop dat die pompe elke dag kan breek, maar dit is nie die enigste probleem nie. Die oorvloei­pyp wat tans op die rotse uit­ loop, moet geskuif word sodat seewater oor die rioolwater kan spoel en dit weg­ voer van die kus na die diepsee toe. Nog klagtes is intussen ontvang van besoekers by Uilkraalsmond. Daar is die riool ook duidelik sigbaar (en ruikbaar) waar die kinders in die water baljaar. ’n Bordjie met ’n waarskuwing dat die water besoedel is, is meters verder eers te sien. Die area moet liefs afgesper word totdat die probleem opgelos is, word gevra.

Good Samaritans, thank you for help with mom On Monday 3 March, my mother, Shirley Coetzee, collapsed in Woolworths. I would very much like to thank the following people: • The management and staff of Woolworths, who took care of her until the ambulance arrived, and rang me to inform me. They also arranged for a driver to drive her vehicle home. • The Good Samaritans who took care of her and her belongings, and had the foresight to find her doctor’s number on her cell phone, who gave them my number. (We have now added an ICE number on her cell – in case of emergency.) • The ambulance paramedics who were so efficient, friendly and caring, explaining to her all their procedures and trying to “keep” her with them. • Professional nurse Irene du Plessis in Casualty Mediclinic Hermanus, who took over with supreme efficiency, calmness and good humour to reassure and care for my mother. This was a potentially disastrous event, which was swiftly, efficiently and kindly dealt with by all involved. We would like to offer our heartfelt thanks and utter gratitude.


OMINOUS CLOUDS ROLLING IN: Or perhaps it was the forerunner of the Eskom load­shedding rolling in... This amazing sight was snapped at Grotto Beach on Wednesday 5 March just before sunset. PHOTO: MICHELLE PAGE

Support development in Hermanus Yes! We all would like to live in Hermanus as it was 30–40 years ago. Unfortunately this is not possible because forces beyond our control are impacting on our town. They are the following: 1. Migration – people are moving to Hermanus to get away from the city life or to retire, and people from other parts of Africa to seek a better life. 2. Urbanisation – people coming from the rural areas to the cities and the big towns, seeing it as an opportunity to get permanent employment and a better life. 3. Normal population growth. 4. Tourism. The above force us to take careful note and to plan ahead to avoid a situation which could very quickly develop into an unmanageble situation. There are a number of organisations and other entities whose specific responsibility it is to deal with such a situation. First of all the local authority, which has the specific responsibility to provide services and create a friendly environment to allow the private sector to flourish. It is not the responsibility of the local government to create economic growth as some people may think. The business sector is responsible for creating the necessary economic growth by encouraging outside investors to invest in Hermanus. They also need to encourage and help lo-

cals to develop new businesses. This also applies to tourism. For all this to happen, money is needed by the local authority through the various taxes. Money for development and business creation is the responsibility of the private sector. Local business, through the Business Chamber and other organisations, need to work very closely together with the local authority in order that the necessary planning can be done well in advance. We need development if we are going to have a successful town which is able to provide adequately for all its inhabitants. Permanent jobs can only be created by the expansion of business and not by the local authority. Temporary employment, for instance public works programmes and community work programmes do not create permanent jobs – and when referring to job creation we are specifically talking about permanent employment. If a new project is launched and it entails construction such as the Retail Africa project, obviously that would lead to shortterm jobs during the construction period. Once the project is completed, permanent jobs would become available. A final plea, please support the Retail Africa project. New business opportunities are desperately needed.


Parents do not need permission to homeschool In the Hermanus Times of 6 March the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) published a notice on homeschooling. It included a claim that parents must get permission before they can start homeschooling, and that the curriculum to be followed must be in line with the national curriculum. Because many parents were shocked by this notice the Cape Home Educators (CHE) would like to reply. According to the Constitution, the child’s interests are of paramount importance in matters concerning children. A requirement that parents must get permission before they start homeschooling has nothing to do with the interests of the child but only with burocratic convenience, and is therefore unconstitutional. For example, if parents decide in January that homeschooling is in the interest of their child because of bullying at school, this requirement would mean the child must be bullied for the rest of the year, so that the parents can request permission before 30 Sep-

tember to homeschool the following year. There is no law that justifies the requirement that homeschoolers should follow the national curriculum (NC). Judge Cynthia Pretorius commented on 25 March 2011 in the Pretoria High Court that the NC is not binding for independent schools and homeschooling parents. It’s therefore illegal to require that homeschoolers must follow the NC. Many of the requirements of the WCED concerning registering for homeschooling are illegal. Therefore law-abiding parents are not willing to agree to illegal requirements, and that is why more than 95% of parents do not register their children for homeschooling. Homeschooling parents are advised to get legal advice before they agree unknowingly to illegal requirements when they register. Parents who are interested can contact the legal defence fund for home education.



Quick thinking prevents fire damage On behalf of the teachers and children of the Hermanus Waldorf School in Sandbaai we would like to thank and praise the prompt actions of Shelton Goliath who, when driving past our school last Saturday afternoon noticed smoke rising from the bushes next to our school. He called the Overstrand Fire and Rescue Services who, in turn, arrived at our school within minutes and were able to extinguish the fire before it took over and destroyed our grounds and buildings. Their hard and dangerous work is much appreciated. At the same time our deepest sympathy to those families who lost their loved ones and homes in the recent fire in Zwelihle.


Japie, ons in Voëlklip salueer jou (pos)diens Die berig in verlede week se Hermanus Times oor die strooi van posstukke in Hermanus is ontstellende nuus en ek vertrou dat daar spoedig teen die skuldige partye opgetree sal word. Wanneer dit egter by die betroubare aflewering van posstukke in die Voëlklip-omgewing kom, moet daar ’n lansie gebreek word vir hierdie gebied se posbesteller, Japie. Daar moet ver gesoek word om ’n persoon te kry wat met soveel entoesiasme, toewyding, vriendelikheid en sigbare genot sy taak verrig. Hy lewer daagliks pos in ons gebied af op sy rooi fiets teen die spoed van lig. En wanneer jy hom op sy fiets gewaar is die breë glimlag aansteeklik en sy wuiwende arm ’n toonbeeld van pure plesier. Ons salueer jou Japie, en verseker jou van ons grootste waardering vir jou uitsonderlike diens.


Your views Please note that letters and SMSes may be edited or rejected, at the discretion of the editor. Letters with full name, address and contact details are required, but the writer may requst the use of a pseudonym. SMSes with full names will be given preference.

Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

13 March, 2014

SANDBAAI MALL ) Die beoogde Sandbaai­winkelsentrum kan ’n groot bate wees vir Hermanus. Bou die sentrum en kry klaar. Tyd kos geld. ) I agree 100% with Rosana Birch: “Grateful to live in Hermanus, as it is”, letter 6 March. I could not have said it better. Brilliantly written. – CHER ) Hoekom is ek nie verbaas dat die brief in Hermanus Times,“A Realist”, oor die Mall ’n winkel­ eienaar is nie? Afslag van 50% hierdie tyd van die jaar is normaal om plek te maak vir die winter­ voorraad. Jy kan nie ’n klein dorpie met Hermanus vergelyk nie. – LOL ) Ek sê nee vir die mall en stem saam met Rosana, dis lekker om in Hermanus te bly soos hy is. Mense wat hier bly en nie tevrede is nie, trek dan na ’n ander plek waar die een mall op die ander is. Dis mos waarvoor ons hier bly – in ’n lekker platte­ landse dorpie. Dié wat nie tevrede is nie moet maar gaan. – ESTER VERKEERSLIGTE ) Help my asseblief reg. Indien die verkeerslig by Mount Pleasant se voetoorgang rooi is en daar nie meer voetgangers is wat oor die pad loop nie, mag ek dan ry of moet ek wag dat die verkeerslig eers groen is? Baie voertuie ry oor. Mag ek ook ry? – THYS, VERMONT SIDEWALKS ) The beautiful new road from Swartdam to Sand­ baai is a disgrace. The street and all the storm drains are littered with bottles and rubbish and very few bins anywhere. The open ground next to the swimming pool looks like the new dumping ground. The lovely parking area, which must have cost a fortune next to the swimming pool, never has one car parked there. Why not turn it into ten­ nis or netball courts instead, and give the kids a few more places to play? – DD, ONRUS ) Die lang gras en onkruid langs die pad van He­ mel­enAarde Estate af tot by Gateway wek glad nie ’n netjiese indruk van die dorp se strate nie.

Ek weet nie wie veronderstel is om dit netjies te hou nie. VERLORE POSSTUKKE ) Op 4 Maart kry ek ’n posstuk wat van Herma­ nus­poskantoor af na Onrus­poskantoor op 2013.10.17 gepos is. Vier maande en 14 dae later. – SONJA THERON BEHUISING ) Zwelihle kry nuwe huise en swembaddens. Wat van die armblanke mense? Hulle soek ook huise, en die dorp sal ook swembaddens waardeer. – TRUDIE, SANDBAAI ) Hulle maak gou ’n plan vir Zwelihle vir huise, maar hoe lank moet Mount Pleasant nog wag? Ek bly al my hele lewe lank in Mount Pleasant, maar ander plekke se mense kry huise. – GATVOL, MOUNT PLEASANT GENERAL ) I have lived here for over 50 years, worked and paid taxes all my life, and cannot vote, but every murderer and rapist can. ) I have been surfing at Hawston for more than 25 years and sadly someone broke into my bakkie whilst there on Monday. A chain saw, two small grinders, a jigsaw, cordless screwdriver, camera and few important books were stolen. Anyone with any info, please call John at 072 677 3178. There is a reward. – JOHN ) If I could ask Oscar Pistorius one question, it would be: “What would your mother be thinking in heaven as she knows the truth, and so do you.” Reeva knows, too. ) Hi, Hermanus Times, I’m from Durban. I come to Hermanus every year because it’s so beautiful. I find great hospitality and the people are friendly. I’m so welcomed and I will come back every year. I stay with my best friends, Dav and Charls Smith. Keep up the good newspaper. – GREG NICHOLSON ) Annette Marais, jou ma in Nelspruit stuur vir jou groete en baie liefde. – MARIE KORF ) Savannah Café doesn’t charge corkage to lo­ cals. Free uncapped wifi is also available. Well done and thank you. – JO ) The animals Toffee and Cindy who were in the Hermanus Times last week looking for homes were both adopted by a lady in McGregor. She will con­ tinue Toffee’s diet and chatted to Bergview Clinic about that. – JUDY

The bigger the malls, the more business for the CBD Business players in Hermanus concentrated so much on their previous objections to Checkers and Woolworths and did not stop and think about the positives of the malls. During winter people love malls especially women in the Cape Peninsula, or for that matter all over the world, while men are watching sport. Hermanus is being left behind the rest of the world when it comes to shopping. With malls, a holiday home which stands empty during the winter months will be more frequently occupied if people had something to do during winter. Day visitors from the outlying areas will also want to enjoy these facilities. Without the malls, much needed spin off will be lost in the CBD especially restaurants. Players and partners, you know that your objections to the size of the mall is not going to be financially viable for the investors to

build and at the end of all this everyone is going to be losers. Mr Chairman of HRA, it is questionable why you objected to the mall if you had no mandate from the Hermanus Ratepayers or from the Sandbaai Ratepayers. Business games don’t go down well when they stand in the way of progress – we should move on. The mall should be built to its full potential as this will attract more people to Hermanus and more spin off will filter through to the CBD. Comments made by Mr Realist in the HT, the towns you talk about that failed had no tourists, sea, whales, fynbos etc. These towns failed because they were hit by a tsunami of people out of Africa and certainly not by a wave of malls.


Do something to wake up Hemanus’s rude drivers! Since the traffic circles were installed, Hermanus has benefited from a modern system of traffic control that should allow vehicles to move efficiently and with minimal delays. Oh, that it were so! I’m sure many readers, like myself, get endlessly frustrated by drivers who never use their indicators at the circles. Are they all crippled, or is it too much effort to show a little respect for waiting drivers by flicking their indicator switches? They use them, after all, when approaching a T-junction, or when turning into a side road. What, I ask, is the difference when approaching the circle at the bottom of, say, Lord Roberts Road? There are usually people waiting on the Main Road to use the circle, who could proceed if only they knew what the other road users’ intentions are, but no, they don’t signal and it makes my blood boil.

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It is just rude and uncooperative ( and probably against the law). Shortly after the new system was commissioned, I actually approached the Traffic Department with an earnest request that they please place traffic officers at the circles and apprehend those drivers who do not use their indicators. They advised that they did not wish to enforce rules by penalising drivers – instead they would prefer to embark on an educational programme. Many months have passed and, sadly, nothing has been done. How simple it would be to just publish a series of articles in this newspaper, advising users how to get the most out of traffic circles. Alternately, they could erect signs at the circles advising drivers to use their indicators. I appeal to them once again to please do something to wake up our useless drivers!


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It will be sunshine and roses in the Overstrand this weekend. The Indian high pressure system will bring warm air to chase away the chill that had locals reaching for their jerseys this morning (on Thursday). Only about 2 mm rain is expected on Tuesday next week.


Die Overstrand se beskerm­engel werk oortyd Omtrent al die weermonitors van hier tot in die noorde van die aardbol wys roeringe in die bolug wat nie goed lyk nie, maar hier in die Overstrand is dit al of die beskermengel oortyd werk. Die aanduiding is dat ons minstens tot die naweek sonskyn en rose beleef. Selfs die middernagtelike verskynsel in die Suid-Kaap; dat die wind rondom middernag stormsterkte hoog bo ons koppe haal, is sedert Maandag ’n bedeesde 50 km/h. Maar die vraagtekens op die grafiek is net soos ’n weglê hoender. Mens kan nie regtig jou vinger daarop lê nie. En die Overstrand is nie heeltemal deel van die land se weerpatroon nie. Die afgelope dae was die wind pal suid en suidoos en boonop op ’n bedeesde 10 km/h wat in die middel van die nag vir ’n uur of so opskiet na die vyftigs. Al die dinge wat ons op die skerm sien is inderdaad faktore wat aan Hermanus sy goeie naam hier en in die buiteland gee as gewilde aftreeoord. Al wat kan skeef loop is die oostewind wat van die Oos-Kaap af kom om Overstranders tot elfuur vanoggend (Donderdag) na hul truie te laat gryp. Daar is gelukkig geen wolke nie en teen huistoe gaan tyd is dit ’n skaflike 20° C. Dan sien ons ná sonsak waaroor ons hier bo praat, die gereelde aand-knorrigheid van die wind. Die suidoos staan op en bring (mens kan

dit amper nie glo nie) warm lug van Marion se kant af in om voor middernag 22° te haal. Wat die wisseling tussen die warm en koue lug en die oos- en suidoostewind vir ons wys is dat die Indiese hoogdruk wat so kort voor die volle herfs inkom, sy eie self word en warm lug begin sirkuleer. Dit verduidelik die verskil in die water temperature aan die wes- en die ookus. Dis waarom Durban se water so lekker vir die migrerende haaie en vakansiegangers in die winter is en die weskus net ’n plek vir kouewater galjoenvisse word. Selfs die snoek begin om suide toe te migreer agter die vlugtende kleinvis aan. Oor nog reën wat vir ons dorpsdam nodig is om leibeurte af te weer, hoef mens tans nie bekommerd te wees nie. Die westewind neem Dinsdag by die suidoos oor en draai deur die dag selfs tot noordwes om elke moontlike bietjie water, wat met lugstrome van Antarktika af kom, uit te druk vir 2 mm reën.


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

13 March, 2014

This site map shows where the open erf in Westcliff (erf 11154) is situated, opposite Huis Lettie Theron. The property has been earmarked for the development of an oncology unit and related medical facilities.

Oncology unit planned for Westcliff KERRY VAN RENSBURG



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The long talked about possibility of establishing an oncology unit in Hermanus has once again gained momentum. Municipal property in Westcliff has been earmarked for this proposed development on a rectangle of open land bordered by De Goede and Albertyn Streets on one side, and Church and Flower Streets on the other. Erf 11154, which is a portion of erf 11102, has been sold to Annenprop9 (Pty) Ltd for R5 million. The Overstrand Municipality published a notice in the Hermanus Times last week to inform the public that council intends to transfer this property. Objections to the transfer have to be lodged by 7 April. According to Anja Kotzé, manager of property administration at the municipality, council has approved the sale of the property

Posstukke word weer afgelewer JAN-HENDRIK COETZER



in principle as required by policy. Regarding the process that needs to be followed, Kotzé says: “The municipality, through the council, can only give final approval for the transfer of the property to the successful bidder after a public participation process was followed. “As the advertisement for comments was advertised on 6 March, with a closing date of 7 April, the final approval will most probably be served before council in May 2014. After council’s final approval, we can proceed with the necessary registration of the transfer.” CareWell Solutions is involved in the project to develop the oncology unit. On their website it says: “The Carewell Hermanus medical centre will include a day-hospital, sub-acute hospital and oncology unit. The facility will service the larger Overberg area and is set to open in 2015.”

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Poskantoor het bevestig dat die persoon wat verantwoordelik is vir posstukke wat onlangs in die Hermanus-omgewing in oop terreine gestort is, ontslaan is en nou verder deur die SAPD vervolg word vir die oortreding op die Poswet (artikel 68). Dit kom nadat daar op posstukke afgekom is wat op ’n erf in Mount Pleasant asook langs die Hemel-en-Aarde Vallei-pad gestort is. Volgens Martie Gilchrist, kommunikasie-

beampte van die Suid-Afrikaanse Poskantoor, word die verantwoordelike persoon nou deur die polisie vervolg. “Vir diegene wat dalk wonder hoekom hul pos nie by hulle uitkom nie, kan ek die versekering gee dat al die pos wat gevind is, weer afgelewer word,” sê Gilchrist. ) The SA Postal Services confirmed the person responsible for the dumped post has been relieved of his post and will be prosecuted in terms of the Postal Law (article 68). All the dumped post will be delivered.

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

13 March, 2014


Court in session at Paradise Park KERRY VAN RENSBURG

Hermanus Police responded to a trespassing complaint at Paradise Park on Saturday when the park’s residents were visited by a delegation of ANC Western Cape leaders. Efforts by the landowner Ray Schonegevel to have the ANC delegation, led by ANC Western Cape leader Marius Fransman removed from the premises, were in vain as the ANC called on the IEC to ensure access to these voters. After gaining access, Fransman said they visited the caravan park “where a number of poor people are trapped in poverty”. According to Fransman, of the 300 dwellings, 112 are occupied by elderly people. “Of these elderly people, 66 depend solely on government grants and/or pensions.” Marius Fransman, Western Cape ANC leader “The last category are in dire (second from left in the back), with Paradise straits as they have their grants dec- Park residents Lana van Dyk (left), Rose Audi­ imated by a R1 000 lease and R250 Jonker (2nd from right), Priscilla Sherriff electricity per month, leaving them (right), Helen Booysen (middle) and Carina Pa­ with no or little money for food and penfus (ANC delegate) in front. necessities,” said Fransman on PHOTO: DAYNE NEL /WHALE COAST FM Tuesday. “The ANC says these people cannot be Park for between ten and 30 years. They treated like slaves or farmworkers. Some must get title deeds to those plots of land,” residents have been living in Paradise he said.


The Rental Housing Tribunal set up their court room in the Paradise Park community hall on Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 March. This action follows on the heels of a deposition that was submitted by Bram van der Harst on behalf of the Paradise Park Home Owners Association (PPHOA) to the Rental Housing Tribunal in July 2013 after the owners of the resort made it clear that they intended to increase the rent for their permanent residents by a minimum of 45%. A number of grievances, which includes the cost of electricity as well as inadequate infrastructure and services, were also included in the complainant’s deposition. In November 2013 mediators from the tribunal met with the PPHOA committee, members and Dolf Olivier and Helen Potgieter, family members who represented Raymond Schonegevel, the


owner of Paradise Park, at the resort. An attempt was made to resolve the dispute, but this did not happen. During the two days court was in session at Paradise Park last week, the defendant and his lawyer presented their case and substantiated their position. Bram van der Harst, chairperson of the PPHOA, says the court case has been postponed until 14 and 15 April, and this is when they, the complainant, will be able to present their case. Van der Harst says they have a “big shot” lawyer – Nazir Chafeker – to represent the PPHOA. Their legal advisor, Carina Papenfus recommended him, and he comes courtesy of the ANC. Van der Harst says before the court case got underway, the PPHOA held a special general meeting on 1 March. He says they had 80% consensus regarding three items on the agenda: Papenfus was opted onto the PPHOA committee; they were given a mandate to in-

stall Eskom pre-paid meters in their homes; in the event of the tribunal being unable to reach a settlement or ruling that is acceptable to the PPHOA, a rental boycott will commence. Van der Harst explains that the objective of the tribunal is to have a win win situation. “If this can’t be reached, then we will boycott.” Van der Harst, who was a homeowner at Paradise Park, has since sold his house and is no longer living there. “Before I left I changed the PPHOA constitution. It now says the chairperson does not have to be a homeowner at Paradise Park.” This also applies to opted members like Papenfus, who is not a homeowner at the resort either. Van der Harst says he wants to see the process with the Rental Housing Tribunal through. The Rental Housing Tribunal is governed by the Department of Justice and its rulings are legally binding.


Difference between attorneys, advocates soon to be historical For many decades attorneys have been requested to provide 24 hour pro bono (that is, free of charge) services to the deserving and indigent public. Many attorneys selflessly do this year in and out in various recognised pro bono structures. The pro bono service requirements are, since November 2013, mandatory, after the last AGM of the Law Society of the Cape amended the rule relating to pro bono services. We simply need more Commissioners of the Small Claims Court as the demand for this excellent service rises. Attorneys who do not yet fulfil the pro bono requirements must contact the Law Society to find out where they can serve their pro bono duties. Certain senior attorneys are exempted. Attorney, advocates, prosecutors, magistrates and judges all are lawyers! The difference will soon be historical as the Legal Practice Bill is imminent and will after a “sunset

period”, abolish the distinction. This has already happened in former colonies of the British common law “family”, such as New Zealand, Nigeria, Kenya and our neighbour Namibia. The USA is the best known example of a single legal professional: the lawyer. Contrary to popular misconceptions, attorneys are not “lesser” lawyers than advocates. Any person with an LLB degree can become either an advocate or attorney (or public prosecutor or magistrate). There is no difference in the academic training of these lawyers but in the subsequent professional training. An attorney is subject to two years of comprehensive examinations and courses. Advocates get a six month “pupilage” under men-

VAN DYK LOOTS ATTORNEYS: From left: Li­ anda Fourie, Aloma Rabie, Marlene Loots, Renate van Dyk and Corné Stevens.


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torship of a senior advocate. The professional career path chosen has different training and application. Attorneys, on simple application, can also appear in the High courts right up to the Constitutional court, and as with prosecutors and magistrates, are also appointed judges. The major difference is that some advocates become litigation specialists in particular litigation fields. But attorneys too prefer and specialise in work such as: Patent, Tax Law, Family Law, Building and Engineering Law, Labour Law, Property Law, etc. Important contacts: Cape Law Society - 021 443 6700 / cls@capelawsoc.law.za; Law Society of South Africa - 012 366 8800 / LSSA.org.za –ADRIAN LOUW, Area representative, CLS

MICHAEL RANGE & ASSOCIATES: Agter van links: Michael Range, Johneline Saim en Jaques Wilmans. Voor: Ina Van Zyl en Alan­ nah Meyburgh.

ADRIAN LOUW & ASSOCIATES: Back: George Coetzee and Adrian Louw. Front: Ur­ sula Niemand and Kathryn Celliers­Louw.

STEYN WILSON ATTORNEYS: Back: Danie Steyn and Jan Wagener; seated from left: Lourina Wilson, Angela Chokie and Marica Lansberg.


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

13 March, 2014

L2L ladies gear up for 2014 walk KERRY VAN RENSBURG A total of 65 ladies will be participating in the ninth Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse charity walk this year. The four-day walk begins on Thursday 20 March and ends on Sunday 23 March. The ladies gathered at the United Church last Wednesday for their final meeting. The sponsors of the various items, which were handed out to the 2014 team, and representatives of the beneficiaries, also attended the meeting. The ladies walking for the first time received their big, blue, branded travel bags sponsored, for the fifth year, by Hermanus Toyota. The L2L T-shirts were sponsored by Cashkows and the nifty neon green buffs by Edge Fitness in Eastcliff. Each lady received a goody bag stuffed full of travel essentials sponsored by various companies, as well as personalised wooden walking sticks courtesy of Hermanus Waldorf School, the L2L 2014 Charity of Choice. Sheila Lyle, the L2L chairperson, introduced the committee and team leaders, followed by a power point presentation of the four day walk and the programme for each day.

Day one begins at the Agulhas Lighthouse at 08:00 and ends 16 km later at Brandfontein. A bus will transport the ladies to their campsite at Die Dam. On day two the ladies walk 18 km from Brandfontein back to their camp at Die Dam. On day three the ladies walk from Die Dam to Pearly Beach – a distance of 27 km. Along the way they pass through Quoin Point, which has an automatic lighthouse that was erected in 1956, and the area that has been designated as a possible nuclear power station site. On the fourth and final day the ladies walk 26 km from Pearly Beach to Danger Point Lighthouse. From there they travel by bus to Die Plaat and walk the last stretch to Grotto beach were they are expected to arrive between 16:30 and 17:00. A welcome party for the ladies will be held at Dutchies. Sheila says the L2L ladies will eat very well at camp as Lauren Rapp, one of the trainers at Warwick’s Chef School, and two assistants, have volunteered to take care of all the catering. Woolworths has donated a large amount of food for this purpose. Sheila says all the administration is also done voluntarily which means that 99,9% of all funds raised go directly to their Charity of Choice.

Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse sponsors and committee members gathered outside the United Church after a final meeting last Wednesday. The group included (back from left) Lourens Smith (Hermanus Toyota sales consultant ­ Toyota has sponsored the L2L bags for the past 5 years), Les Clark (L2L committee), Hester Van Zyl (Toyota representative and L2L committee member), Lindi Prinsloo (L2L committee and team Leader), Hettie Roux (L2L committee mem­ ber responsible for the Snoepie (shebeen) at Die Dam where the participants overnight), Jean­Pierre Klack (Edge Gym – sponsored colourful buff (neck attire), Ronelle Van Zyl (L2L committe and team leader) and Di Parker (L2L committee). Front row: Sheila Lyle (L2L chair­ person), Sharon Small­Smillie (chairperson of school board at Hermanus Waldorf School ­ L2L beneficiary for 2014), Ninky Matthee (veteran L2L walker and representative of Wal­ dorf), Jaqui Davies (Cashkows ­ sponsors of the L2L T­shirts), Elaine Bayer (L2L committee and team leader), Retha Viljoen (Cashkows). Not present: Gigi Van Oudtshoorn (manager of Woolworths which has donated food to feed 65 ladies). PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG


NATURE AT WORK: Hettie Maree from Sandbaai says if you snooze you lose out on nature’s art. “Wake up early, peep out your win­ dow and you will be surprised at what awaits you.” She took this photo on 28 February just after 06:00.



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Nature right on your doorstep DID YOU KNOW: Both Fernkloof (Hermanus) and Kogelberg Nature Reserve (Betty’s Bay) have superb hiking trails with spectacu­ lar views over the coast­ line. If you walk up the Palmiet River in the Kogel­ berg there is a wonderful spot with a white sandy beach where you can swim in water fresh from the mountain – warmer than the sea and out of the wind. Don’t tell, it might get crowded!

Discover the environ­ mental secrets and attractions of this ar­ ea with Whale Coast Conservation. PHOTO: ANINA LEE

SEDA INVITES ENTREPENEURS TO THEIR LAUNCH IN HERMANUS The Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) is proud to announce the launch of their New Satellite branch in Hermanus. Seda is an agency of the South African Department of Trade and Industry (the dti). It was established in December 2004, through the National Small Business Amendment Act, Act 29 of 2004 and their vision is to be the Centre of Excellence for small enterprise development in South Africa. It is mandated to implement government's small business strategy; design and implement a standard and common national delivery network for small enterprise development; and integrate government-funded small enterprise support agencies across all tiers of government.


The unveiling of Seda's offices at the Gateway Centre will be held on Thursday, 27 March 2014. All you need to be part of the first 50 qualifying applicants, is a South African ID and an entrepreneurial skill to receive an invitation to attend this event, to enjoy a luncheon and the opportunity to be introduced to the Seda system. Please contact your local Seda councillor at 028-312 1812 for further details on how you can become part of their programme.

To be invited as a guest to the launch, please e-mail Karen at karen@bestdays.co.za or phone 083 216 8927, with your Full Name, South African Identity number, contact details and your Entrepreneurial Business Skill and you will receive a complimentary invitation via return e-mail or alternative arrangement. Only the first 50 registered invitees will be granted invitations to Seda's mission is to develop, support and promote small enterprises throughout the launch. the country, ensuring their growth and sustainability in co–ordination and partnership with various role players, including global partners, who make international best practices available to local entrepreneurs. Their Goal being to ensure that the small enterprise sector grows and increases it's contribution to sustainable and equitable social and economic development, employment and wealth creation.

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

13 March, 2014


Pret en plesier volop by karnaval JAN-HENDRIK COETZER

bleempies wat opgeduik het, maar niks wat nie hanteer kon word nie. Eerstens is dit Donderdag onder my aandag gebring dat Eskom beplan om Vrydag die krag tussen 14:00 17:00 af te sit, waarna ek inderhaas gereël het om groot genoeg kragopwekkers van die Kaap in te kry sodat die pretparke ten minste in daardie tyd operasioneel kon wees. Maar dit het toe nie gebeur nie, en ons kon asemhaal. “Vrydagaand was kunstenaars besig om hul ding op die verhoog te doen, toe kom die klankmanne en sê daar is ’n reënbui op pad en hulle moet die klanktoerusting oppak. Toe reël ons vinnig om die skool se luidsprekers in die kuiertent op te stel. Die klank was nou nie van dieselfde gehalte nie, maar niks sou my keer om ’n plan te maak om mense so lank moontlik hier te hou nie. Die meeste het tot laat gebly en al die kos was uitverkoop. Elke ouer wat gehelp het, kan baie trots wees,” sê van Niekerk. Johan Koegelenberg, voorsitter van die beheerraad, sê die karnaval

is ongelooflik belangrik vir die skool. “Die subsidie wat ons van die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement ontvang, sowel as die skoolfondse, dek slegs die lopende kostes en nie kapitaal-projekte soos rekenaars en die opgradering en bou van nuwe klaskamers nie. Die OOV bestaan uit ’n handjievol ouers wat hierdie fondsinsameling dryf en met hulle aan die stuur, tesame met die res van die ouers se hulp, is dit wonderlik om te sien hoe hierdie legkaart jaarliks gebou word.” Laerskool Hermanus se skoolhoof, Barry Cilliers, sê die ouers het weer bewys dat hulle deur harde werk daadwerklik ’n verskil kan maak. Die skool het onder meer al tien klaskamers en ’n skoolsaal aangebou en vier skoolbusse met karnaval-fondsinsamelings gefinansier, asook verskeie verbeterings aan bestaande infrastruktuur. “Verder beplan die skool om fasiliteite ter waarde van R1 miljoen vir 2014 te bou waaroor meer inligting later bekend gemaak sal word,” sê Cilliers.

Die opblaas­attraksies het groot aftrek gekry onder die kinders. Hier kyk Herman de Vries hoe sy seun Attie (7) bo­op die meganiese bul probeer bly. FOTO’S: CILENE BEKKER

Micaela en Jordan Wessels saam met hul tannie Adelaide Sauls het soos vele ander families heerlik uit­ gespan op die sportveld.

Nie ’n reënbui of selfs Eskom se beplande beurtkrag kon Vrydag, 7 Maart, die Laerskool Hermanus Karnaval se feestelikhede in die wiele ry nie. Die karnaval, wat sy 16de jaar beleef, se opwindende pretparke het ure se pret en vermaak aan kinders besorg, terwyl ouers deur die verskeidenheid stalletjies kon rondsnuffel en terselfdertyd ’n heerlike steak, kerrie-en-rys, perlemoenpotjie of lams-wrap in die kuiertent kon geniet. Die karnaval se tema was hierdie jaar Wild Wild West en kinders en ouers het in alle kleure en geure as indiane, cowboys en selfs kroegmeisies aangetrek, waarna hulle vanaf die Ou Hawe aan die optog deelgeneem het. Volgens Leatitia van Niekerk, organiseerder van die karnaval en lid van die OOV, was dit soos vorige jare weer eens ’n groot sukses. “Daar was wel ’n paar onvoorsiene pro-

Die toue vir die opblaas­attraksies was nimmereindigend, ook vir dié op­ blaas­glybaan.

Sensei Rue­ han van Rombergh se studente het ’n selfverde­ diging­verto­ ning aange­ bied.

Dié groep Gr 4­mammas, Jeaneke Lawson­Smith, Kim Romburgh, Sally Matusik en Marlene Louw sê hul vleishappies het soos soetkoek verkoop. Die skoolhoof van Hoërskool Hermanus, Greg Hassenkamp (regs), het sy ondersteuning kom wys.


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

13 March, 2014

Krieket-pretdag by Old Boys Die tweede Old Boys Krieketdag is Saterdag by die Old Boys-gronde gehou, en tesame met die manswedstryd is ’n dameswedstryd ook gereël. Die rooi span genoem Savannah, onder die leisels van Maretjie Haman, het die jong groen span, Brutal Fruit, met Adelle Gerber aan die spits, aangevat, so tussen die reënbuie deur, en gewen met 20 lopies. Lauren Usher is benoem as die speler van die wedstryd. Die manne se wedstryd is ietwat vertraag

weens die reën. Om 13:35 het die manne besluit om die reën te trotseer en ná ’n paar koeldranke en Swartland Hanepoot het die Castle-span se kaptein die Black Label se span gevra om eerste te kolf. Met die wedstryd wat gebaseer is op aksiekrieket-reëls, het die wedstryd wipplank gery tot die einde toe en die Castle-span het met die laaste bal die wenlopies aangeteken en met twee lopies gewen. Andries Gotze is as speler van wedstryd aangewys. - RAYMOND HENN

Die Savannah­ span (in rooi) saam met die Brutal­span (in groen) het teen mekaar gespeel. Die Black Label­ span het met net twee lopies ver­ loor.

Nuwe restaurant open in B’Baai Jean da Cruz en die Jackson-egpaar, Dominic en Roxy, het hul nuwe restaurant, Plate Bistro, verlede Donderdagaand met ’n klein geselligheid op Bettysbaai geopen. Hulle hoop dat dit ’n bymekaarkomplek vir inwoners sal wees en juis daarom word dit ná die vakansieseisoen geopen. Die spyskaart word tot ses geregte beperk, wat daagliks aangedui word op ’n swartbord en bekostigbaar is om inwoners se sak te pas. Hulle het ook ander opwindende planne, soos om ’n gereelde aandmark vir plaaslike kuns en produkte te organiseer. Die eetplek sal hoofsaaklik in die dag oop wees, maar op Vrydae- en Saterdae ook in die aande. Plate Bistro is nie gelisensieer nie en geen kurkgelde sal gehef word op kliënte se eie wyn nie.

Die Castle­span het die Black La­ bel­span gewen.

By die Plate Bistro se openingsgeselligheid was Louis van Heerden (voor) en agter van links Lisel Krige, Nancy van Schaik, Jean da Cruz, Roxy Jackson en haar sjef­man, Dominic. FOTO: FANIE KRIGE


Career & SMME Development

The Overstrand Municipality: Local Economic Development and Tourism invites all youth to attend a Career and SMME development conference. The objectives of the conference are: • To help unlock job creation opportunities for youth and the disabled • To promote and strengthen youth SMME development • To offer youth career opportunities and guidance • To help build youth with a positive image • To strengthen existing partnerships with the community, government and private sector

MC Carl Wastie (Good Hope FM)

DATE: Wednesday, 19 March 2014 TIME: 09h00 – 15h00 VENUE: Hawston Community Hall, Hawston ADMISSION: Free TRANSPORT: Contact Motebang Koloko at 028 313 8928 RSVP: On or before Friday, 14 March 2014 with Jolanda Hendricks at Overstrand Municipality: 028 313 8928, email: jhendricks@overstrand.gov.za

GOLF: The DOGS are getting around... Theewaterskloof (4 March) Having been at Sahara Park and despite problems with his short fine legs and googlies, mister Halifax held his end up creditably for his maiden victory of the season. The track was in very good condition and scores in general were surprisingly low. Putts were dropped as rarely as Aussie catches and heads went down as often as Protea wickets. The Ripper was stumped after a particularly nasty Yorker and has announced his retirement from the international game. ) Scores: 38 David Naylor; 37 André Franken; 35 Doug Ross, Tony Wreglesworth; 32 Bob Barton, Alan Smith, Chris van Zyl; 30 Tony Jones; 29 Peter Thomas, Gordon Wilson, Brendan Byrne; 27 Dave Rade, John Tunstall, Alan Calder; 26 Tony Hackett, Dave Smith, Hugh Frangs, Jon Forsyth; 25 Malcolm Lazenby; 24 Geoff Crowther; 22 John Cheesbrough; 18 Dave Robinson; 11 Keith Gillott; DNF: Mannes van Zyl.

Kleinmond (11 March) Golf can be a repetitive game – follow your pre-shot routine; concentrate on a few swing thoughts; let your muscle memory do its job; pick the ball out of the sloot and drop for a penalty stroke. The swallows start to fly away at about the same time each year and even the results and reports can sometimes get boring with the same old winners and the same old losers. So just for a change: The Star of David twinkled in second place, Coldplay Martin was a cool joint 8th, and Mr Hacker failed to live up to his name. ) 39 Andre Franken; 37 Dave Rade; 36 Doug Ross, Ian Newman, Brendan Byrne, Fred Garrett; 35 David Naylor; 34 John Horobin, Chris Martin, Bob Barton; 33 Jon Forsyth, Peter Theron, Dave Smith, Tony Hackett; 32 Tony Jones, Alan Calder, John Tunstall; 30 Malcolm Lazenby; 29 Sam Seal; 28 Peter Sulley, Mike Graham; 26 Gordon Wilson; 23 Peter Thomas; 17 Dave Robinson.

13 JAN - 15 MAR 2014








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Hermanus Times

Promosies Promotions

13 March, 2014


Computers / Rekenaars Technology trends and the impact on privacy JURIE STEENKAMP With the release of the latest Apple operating system for mobile devices; iOS 7.1, on 10 March, it’s interesting to note the difference in advances between traditional desktop systems and mobile devices. Where updates for traditional desktop operating systems, like Microsoft Windows were historically released at an average of three year intervals, software developers for mobile devices are launching new releases within much shorter intervals; mostly twelve months or less.

Mainstreet Computers Address: 69 Main Road, Hermanus Tel: 028 313 1574 / Fax: 086 246 0156 mainstreetpc@gmail.com

Managing Your IT Needs

Services Offered: Internet Facilities Scan, Fax, Print, Email & Copying Computer Sales / Repairs Computer Software Sales Computer Virus Protection, Prevention & Removal Technical Support (ON & OFF-SITE) Laptop Repairs (Screens, Batteries, Chargers, Keyboards) Ink Cartridges (Original & Compatible) Networking Please feel free to contact us for any enquiries.

Although recent software changes were prompted by the need for enhanced performance and user experience, some of the software improvements we’re seeing can be quite amusing. On the release page of the latest iOS version, Apple announces; “Now Siri knows when to stop listening”. Further explaining that this software update now allows users to manually control when Siri (Apple’s voice activated personal assistant) listens for commands, by holding down the Home button. Maybe it’s just me that finds this funny, but perhaps a more useful button would have been one that will allow us to control when the NSA (or any one of our own, or other governments’ agencies) should stop listening to our conversations and spying on our movements. Although it’s no longer a secret that governments are actively collecting data from phone calls, video feeds and other user activity, we don’t seem to fully understand the extent to which this is happening. A recent report indicated that US and British surveillance (read “spy”) agencies intercepted and stored webcam images from millions of users. It is stated that in one six-month period in 2008 alone, web-cam imagery, which included substantial quantities of sexually explicit communications, were collected from more than 1,8 million Yahoo user accounts globally. We’re seeing a surge of new technologies being implemented in the devices we carry around with us almost permanently, nowadays. The latest mobile devices are equipped with GPS’s, front- and back cameras that can

capture high quality, low light images, finger print scanners and a fast-growing list of other biometric sensors. With the help of built-in hardware in some phones, Samsung’s S-Health application can track our calorie intake, step counting characteristics, heart rates, etc. While this should of course be utilised for the user’s benefit, I can just see the health

insurance companies salivate. I truly believe that technology should improve our lives, but while we’re anxiously waiting for devices like Google Glass, smart watches, connected cars and even on-line fridges, let’s just stay mindful of the physical and virtual fingerprints that we’re leaving behind and how this might be used if it fell into the wrong hands.

Diane Hunter (travel bookings clerk), Jacques Du Toit (technician) and Jeanette du Toit, own­ er of Jaydee Media.

Back: Riekert Janse van Vuuren, Marnus Aucamp, Carl-Heinz Conradie, Ron Holloway. Middle: Jessica Pote, Lorraine Fourie, Justin Leaf-Wright, John Hunter Kennedy, Godfrey Gillion, Jurie Steenekamp. Front: Clifford Steyn, Alma Fourie.

Maxitec welcomes new faces Maxitec recently welcomed a new partner and three new faces to its growing team of technology specialists. The former head of Support, Carl-Heinz Conradie, who joined the company in 2007 became a junior partner and shareholder a few months ago. Carl is currently completing the final year of his BSc Computer Science degree through Unisa and will head up Operations and continue to ensure the level of professional standards that customers have come to know. The new faces are Marnus Aucamp, Clifford Steyn and Alma Fourie. Marnus, who moved to Hermanus after working for a Wireless Internet Service Provider (ISP) on the West Coast for several years, brings valued network experience and is no stranger to Wi-Fi deployment and installations. Clifford and Alma both finished matric last year and share an interest in phones and mobile devices. While Clifford's technical knowledge and overall geekiness is very impressive, Alma's organisational and administration skills are invaluable at reception. The creative side of the business are headed by a qualified and capable Web Department that takes care of all aspects related to the design, development, copywriting and administration of websites and social media environments. Justin LeafWright joined Maxitec in 2006 and is the Senior Web Developer and in-house expert when it comes to Content Management Systems (CMS) and custom website development. Godfrey Gillion also joined Maxitec in 2006 and has developed and maintained

many of the local websites. He has also been responsible for the administration of a few high level portals. Jessica Pote, a qualified photographer, brings valued design- and copywriting skills to complete the packages. She has a background with Social Media management and Administers our Hermanus and Overberg Portals : www.hermanus.co.za & www.overberg.co.za. One of Maxitec's key objectives has always been to build long-lasting relationships with our clients by providing exceptional services and support. To ensure this, the two new members, Clifford and Marnus are currently undergoing in-house training and will soon join John-Hunter Kennedy and Riekert Janse van Vuuren, who has been in our ranks since 2007 in the Support Department. This team of professional technicians will look after new and existing customer services, which include general internet and email support, wireless and ADSL installations, maintenance and call out support. In short, with oversight from Carl-Heinz Conradie, they will ensure that all services are active and customers stay connected. Lorraine Fourie, who is well-known and loved by many customers, has been with the company for more than eight years. She'll continue to oversee general- and account administration. The original founding partners and senior Management Team of Ron Holloway and Jurie Steenekamp, will continue their active involvement in the company and wishes to express their gratitude towards the loyal customers who continued to support them over the past 17 years.

Ruben Abrahams, co­owner of Mainstream Computers, with Cameron Marang (technician).




Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

13 March, 2014

COLOURING JOY: San­ lam recently visited Her­ manus Pre­Primary School and distributed Takalani Sesame colour­ ing books, crayons and information packs for parents as part of the Sanlam Cares initiative. With their goodies are (back from left) Lorna Such (school principal), Thomas Evans, Lee­Anne Kruger and Alex Patter­ son. Middle: Tanya Ma­ lan (Sanlam), Antonio Prinsloo (Sanlam financial adviser) and Tian Venter. Front: Jamila Kombe, Ju­ lia Walton, Zara Thomas and Damian Prins. Sitting in front: Jada van Kerwel and Zechariah Harmse.

Auction: 21 March @ 12h00 ON SITE 199 Main Rd Hermanus VIEWING: 1 HOUR PRIOR Immaculate and excellent area: Building size approx +400sqm • 1784 sqm ( 2 erven) • Situated in business hub in sort after area • 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms or convert a bedroom to a study • Lounge, dining room, kitchen, pool, double garage • Flatlet • ATTORNEY INSTRUCTION Terms & Conditions: 10% commission payable immediately, 2 day confirmation period, FICA requirements www.stormingbullauctioneers.co.za


Nuwe areabestuurder verwelkom

Contact Carl 084 366 3474


The children from Hermanus Pre­ Primary School attended a special performance of the Sonja & Tjokker show at Hermanus High School as part of the primary school’s fundraising efforts. With Sonja Heroldt and Tjokker on stage are Karlia Schneeberger, Charl Rossouw and Jada van Ker­ wel.


Favoured with instructions by the owner, ADEK shall submit the following property for Public Auction.

5 Muller street – Erf 144, Gansbaai

Positioned in the heart of Gansbaai, this characteristic property has towering views across the busy harbour and Atlantic ocean. Completely renovated two bedrooms en-suite, loft space with extra accommodation and an outside cottage overlooking a pool complete the package. Renowned surf spot below.

AUCTION DATE: Saturday 22 March 2014 @ 11h00 VENUE: On site VIEWING: Sunday 16th March 12h00 – 17h00 Friday 21st March 12h00 – 17h00 Terms: 10% deposit and Auctioneer's commission on the fall of the hammer

For Further information please contact the Auctioneer: Nick Altona-de Klerk Cell: 082-494-7620 Office: 028-312-4167 E-mail: nick@adek.co.za

Desmond Lakey, Eric Phete (Xhosa­gemeen­ skapskomitee), Izak Smit (Rooiels­belasting­ betalersvereniging), wyksraadslid Lisel Kri­ ge en Anuta Scholtz (Rooiels­bewarea).

TENDER NO. SC 1454/2014

TENDER NR. SC 1454/2014


Tenders are hereby invited for the Construction of a Building for a Fire Station, Pringle Bay: Phase 1. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 14 March 2014, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus; Tel. 028- 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30, upon payment of a tender participation fee of R130.00 per set. Alternatively the document may be downloaded free from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za. Sealed tenders, with: “Tender No. SC 1454/2014: Construction of a Building for a Fire Station, Pringle Bay: Phase 1.” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 3 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Tenders may only be submitted on the documentation provided by Overstrand Municipality. The closing date and time of the tender is on 04 April 2014 at 12h00 and will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the SCM Committee Room, HermanusAdministration. A compulsory information session will be held at 10H00 on 25 March 2014 at the Community Hall, Buffalo Road, Pringle Bay. Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of 1GB /1SL or higher. Tenders must be valid for 90 days after the closing date. Tenders shall be evaluated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and bidders may claim preference points in terms of their B-BBEE status level of contribution. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender, as it may deem expedient. Tenders are subject to the General Conditions of Contract and the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Overstrand Municipality. Please refer technical enquiries to Mr. Denovan van Rhodie at telephone number: 028 271 8431.

Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir die Oprigting van n Brandweerstasie, Pringlebaai: Fase 1. Tenderdokumentasie, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag, 14 Maart 2014, by die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, vanaf Me. Rita Neethling, Tel. 028- 313 8064, tussen 08h30 en 15h30, by betaling van ’n tender deelnamefooi van R130.00 per stel. Alternatiewelik mag die dokument gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad www.overstrand.gov.za. Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk: “Tender Nr. SC 1454/2014: Oprigting van n Brandweerstasie, Pringlebaai: Fase 1.” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tender Bus Nr. 3 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die dokumentasie verskaf deur Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die Tender is 04 April 2014 om 12h00 en tenders sal onmiddellik daarna in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. ñ Verpligte inligtingsessie sal gehou word om 10H00 op 25 Maart 2014 by die Gemeenskapsaal, Buffelsweg, Pringlebaai. Tenderaars moet ’n geskatte CIDB kontrakteur gradering van ten minste 1GB/1SL of hoër hê. Tenders moet geldig wees vir 90 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Tenders sal evalueer word in terme van die Voorkeurverkrygings Regulasies, 2011 en tenderaars mag voorkeurpunte eis in terme van hul BBSEB status vlak van bydrae. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die laagste of enige tender wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie. Tenders is onderhewig aan die Algemene Kontrakvoorwaardes en die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuursbeleid van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Tegniese navrae kan gerig word aan Mnr. Denovan van Rhodie by telefoonnommer 028 271 8431.

Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso: Ukwakhiwa kwesakhiwo Sezo cimo Mlilo, ePringle Bay: Phase 1 Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoLwesihlanu, 14 Matshi 2014, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand., eMagnolia Avenue, eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye15h30 usakuhlawula umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba kwiziniki-maxabiso ongama- R130.00. Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1454/2014: Ukwakhiwa kwesakhiwo Sezo cimo Mlilo, ePringle Bay: Phase 1.” Ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no. 3 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala wase-Overstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 04 Aprili 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Umjikelo onyanzelekileyo wokubonisana uyakubanjwa ngomhla we 25 Matshi 2014 ngentsimbi yeShumi 10h00, Kwi Holo loluntu, eBuffaloroad, Pringle Bay. Abanini be thenda kufuneka babene CIDB enobukhulu obu 1GB/1SL okanye ngaphezulu. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamashumi alithoba 90 emva komhla wokuvala. Ithenda zizakuhluzwa ngokomgangatho womiselo oKhethekileyo wokuFumana ka-2011 kwaye abanini bethenda banga funa amanqaku okhetheko ngokomgangatho abanawo kwi B-BBEE. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphantsi okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kaMasipala we-Overstrand. Nceda nxibelelana no Mnumzana u Denovan van Rhodie kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 271 8431ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo.




Overstrand-munisipaliteit se nuwe senior bestuurder vir die administratiewe gebied Hangklip-Kleinmond, Desmond Lakey, het Dinsdag 11 Maart op Bettysbaai ’n vergadering van Wyk 10 se wykskomitee bygewoon. Lakey het twee regskwalifikasies verwerf, is ’n toegelate prokureur en was sewe jaar lank aan die hoof van die munisipaliteit se regsafdeling. Verskeie senior amptenare was teenwoordig by die vergadering om oor kwessies soos die nuwe skemaregulasies en wetstoepassing te praat. Flippie Bezuidenhout, senior administratiewe beampte, het gesê die nuwe skemaregulasies het begin vanjaar in werking getree en die doel daarvan is om verdigting van bestaande woongebiede aan te moedig. Op vrae van Dave Muirhead (Pringlebaaibelastingbetalersvereniging) en Izak Smit (Rooiels-belastingbetalersvereniging) het Bezuidenhout gesê die tyd is ryp om weer versoeke in te dien vir gebiedspesifieke belegvelle tot die skemaregulasies. André Lucas, wetstoepassingsinspekteur vir Hangklip-Kleinmond, het gesê daar is opnuut gekyk na die dienstye van amptenare oor naweke en ook die versekering gegee dat alle strande besoek sal word om veral na wetstoepassing rakende honde te kyk. Lakey het gesê daar word weer gekyk na die afbakening van gebiede waar honde sonder leibande kan loop. Hy het voorts gewys op onderhandelinge wat tans gevoer word om die eiendom waarop die pikkewynkolonie op Stony Point gevestig is, aan CapeNature oor te dra. ’n Memorandum van ooreenkoms sal na verwagting teen die einde van die maand in plek wees en na beginselgoedkeuring deur die Raad gegee is, sal die publiek geleentheid gegun word om kommentaar te lewer voor finale goedkeuring. FANIE KRIGE

CHILDLINE 0800 055 555

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

After the bath, sculpture by Caro­ line van der Merwe

13 March, 2014

This painting is be­ ing donated by Louis van Heerden.

Artists support Opportunity Art3 Overstrand Hospice is overwhelmed by the support received from artists around the Western Cape, for Opportunity Art3, the art sale and auction which will be hosted in the auditorium on Saturday 29 March. The line up of participating artists includes: Louis van Heerden, Carl Becker, Hennie Niemann Jnr, Tay Dall, Jan Vermeirin, Hennie Niemann Snr ,Willie Bester and Dante Ruben. So too Heidi Smuts, daughter of the late Caroline van der Merwe, has brought all of her late mother’s work back from Pietrasanta, Italy, where Caroline lived from 1983 until 2012. It is from this collection that Heidi donated a sculpture saying that it would have been what her mother, who died of cancer, would have wanted. Other sculptures in the line up include “Firecracker” by Brigitte Randall, “Lost in Time” by Wim de Roubaix and Willie Botha’s “Bound in Matter”. The Art Sale is from 15:30 - 18:30, and the auction from 19:00. Online bidding with effect from 16 March. Auction preview at the Willie Botha gallery, Hermanus on 27 and 28 March. For more information, see www.overstrandhospice.org.za.

CELEBRATING ART: Local art­ ist Annemarie du Plooy is celebrating her birthday month with an exhibition at Bellini Gallery in Village Square from 14 to 23 March. She works in oil on stretched canvas and loves to use a palette knife.


TENDER NO. SC 1439/2014

TENDER NR. SC 1439/2014


Tenders are hereby invited for: Supply and installation of irrigation systems at the Mount Pleasant Soccer Field and Hawston Rugby Field, Hermanus. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 14 March 2014, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30, upon payment of a tender participation fee of R130.00 per set. Alternatively the document can be downloaded from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za Sealed tenders, with Tender No. SC 1439/2014: “ Supply and installation of irrigation systems at the Mount Pleasant Soccer Field and Hawston Rugby Field, Hermanus.” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 3 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation provided by the Municipality. The closing date and time of the tender is on 04 April 2014 at 12h00 and will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the SCM Committee Room, HermanusAdministration. Tenderers should have an estimated CIDB contractor grading of at least 2SH/2CE or higher. A compulsory information session will be held at 15H00 on 25 March 2014 at the Mount Pleasant Soccerfield, Hermanus. Tenders must be valid for 90 days after the closing date. Tenders shall be evaluated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and bidders may claim preference points in terms of their B-BBEE status level of contribution The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Tender and reserves the right to accept any tender, as it may deem expedient. Tenders are subject to the Standard Conditions of Tender and the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Overstrand Municipality. Please refer technical enquiries to Ms. L Rainbird at telephone number: 028 313 8923.

Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir: Voorsiening en installering van besproeiingstelsels by Mount Pleasant Sokkerveld en Hawston Rugbyveld, Hermanus. Tenderdokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag, 14 Maart 2014, by die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 vanaf Me. Rita Neethling tussen 08h30 en 15h30, by betaling van 'n tender deelnamefooi van R130.00 per stel. Alternatiewelik mag die dokument afgelaai word vanaf die webblad www.overstrand.gov.za Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk Tender Nr. SC 1439/2014:“ Voorsiening en installering van besproeiingstelsels by Mount Pleasant Sokkerveld en Hawston Rugbyveld, Hermanus.” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tender Bus Nr. 3 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die tenderdokumentasie deur die Munisipaliteit verskaf. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die tender is 04 April 2014 om 12h00 en tenders sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. Tenderaars moet 'n geskatte CIDB kontrakteur gradering van ten minste 2SH/2CE of hoër hê. ’n Verpligte inligtingsessie sal gehou word om 15H00 op 25 Maart 2014 by die Mount Pleasant Sokkerveld, Hermanus. Tenders moet geldig wees vir 90 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Tenders sal evalueer word in terme van die Voorkeurverkrygings Regulasies, 2011 en tenderaars mag voorkeurpunte eis in terme van hul B-BSEB status vlak van bydrae. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die laagste of enige tender wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie. Tenders is onderhewig aan die Standaard Tendervoorwaardes en die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuursbeleid van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Tegniese navrae kan aan Me. L Rainbird by telefoonnommer 028 313 8923 gerig word.

Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso: Ukuzisa Nofakelwa kwe Mibhobho Yamanzi Kwibala lemidlalo eMount Pleasant nase Hawston kwi Bala Lombhoxo, eHermanus. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoLwesihlanu, 14 Matshi 2014, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand., eMagnolia Avenue, eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye-15h30 usakuhlawula umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba kwizinikimaxabiso ongama- R130.00. Iitsheki mazenziwe zihlawuleke ku “Masipala we-Overstrand”. Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1439/2014: “Ukuzisa Nofakelwa kwe Mibhobho Yamanzi Kwibala lemidlalo eMount Pleasant nase Hawston kwi Bala Lombhoxo, eHermanus.” Ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no.3 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala wase-Overstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 04 Aprili 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Abanini be thenda kufuneka babene CIDB enobukhulu obu 2SH/2CE okanye ngaphezulu. Umjikelo onyanzelekileyo wokubonisana uyakubanjwa ngomhla we 25 Matshi 2014 ngentsimbi yesiyhathu 15h00, Kwibala lemidlalo lase Mount Pleasant. eHermanus Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamashumi anethoba 90 emva komhla wokuvala. Ithenda zizakuhluzwa ngokomgangatho womiselo oKhethekileyo wokuFumana ka2011 kwaye abanini bethenda banga funa amanqaku okhetheko ngokomgangatho abanawo kwi B-BBEE. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphantsi okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kaMasipala we-Overstrand. Nceda nxibelelana no Nkosazana u L Rainbird kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 313 8923 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo.




TENDER NO. SC 1456/2014

TENDER NR. SC 1456/2014


Tenders are hereby invited for the Supply and Delivery of Inventory Items to Overstrand Municipality for a contract period ending 30 June 2015. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 14 March 2014, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus; Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30 upon payment of a tender participation fee of R130.00 per set. Alternatively the document may be downloaded free from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za . Sealed tenders, with: “SC1456/2014: Supply and Delivery of Inventory Items to Overstrand Municipality for a contract period ending 30 June 2015.” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 3 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation issued by Overstrand Municipality. The closing date and time of the tender is on 04 April 2014 at 12h00 and tenders will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the Supply Chain Management Committee Room, Hermanus Administration. Tenders must be valid for 60 days after the closing date. Tenders shall be evaluated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and bidders may claim preference points in terms of their B-BBEE status level of contribution. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender, as it may deem expedient. Tenders are subject to the General Conditions of Contract and the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Overstrand Municipality. Please refer technical enquiries to V LynersSwartz at telephone number: 028 313 5027.

Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir die Voorsiening en Aflewering van Voorraad Items vir die Overstrand Munisipaliteit vir n kontrak periode eindigend 30 Junie 2015. Tenderdokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag, 14 Maart 2014, by die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, vanaf Me. Rita Neethling, Tel. 028 313 8064 tussen 08h30 en 15h30 na betaling van 'n tenderdeelnamefooi van R130.00 per stel. Alternatiewelik mag die dokument gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad www.overstrand.gov.za. Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk: SC1456/2014 “Voorsiening en Aflewering van Voorraad Items vir die Overstrand Munisipaliteit vir n kontrak periode eindigend 30 Junie 2015.” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tenderbus Nr. 3 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die tenderdokumentasie verskaf deur Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die tender is 04 April 2014 om 12h00 en tenders sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, Hermanus Administrasie. Tenders moet geldig wees vir 60 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Tenders sal evalueer word in terme van die Voorkeurverkrygings Regulasies, 2011 en tenderaars mag voorkeurpunte eis in terme van hul B-BSEB status vlak van bydrae. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die laagste of enige tender wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie. Tenders is onderhewig aan die Algemene Kontrakvoorwaardes en die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuursbeleid van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Navrae kan gerig word aan V Lyners-Swartz by telefoonnommer 028 313 5027.

Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso: Ukunikeza Nokuhambisa Kwempahla eSeselugcinweni (Inventory) ku Masipala wase Overstrand kanga ngexesha eliphela nge 30 Juni 2015. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoLwesihlanu 14 Matshi 2014, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand., eMagnolia Avenue, eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye15h30, usakuhlawula umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba oxabisa R 130.00 nge seti Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1456/2014: Ukunikeza Nokuhambisa Kwempahla eSeselugcinweni (Inventory) ku Masipala wase Overstrand kanga ngexesha eliphela nge 30 Juni 2015.” Ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no. 3 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala wase-Overstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 04 Aprili 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamashumi anesthandathu 60 emva komhla wokuvala. Ithenda zizakuhluzwa ngokomgangatho womiselo oKhethekileyo wokuFumana ka-2011 kwaye abanini bethenda banga funa amanqaku okhetheko ngokomgangatho abanawo kwi B-BBEE. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphantsi okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kaMasipala weOverstrand. Nceda nxibelelana no Nkosazana u V Lyners-Swartz kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 313 5027 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo.





Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

13 March, 2014

THURSDAY 13 MARCH ) ’n Kansa Shavathon by Clicks vanaf 09:00. Glu­ kose en bloeddruk toetse is gratis. Suster Petra Dippe­ naar het onderneem om ook haar hare af te skeer. ’n Paar suikermasjienties sal gratis uitgedeel word. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Moller­ gren Retirement Village. Call Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. ) Women’s Business Network meeting from 09:00 – 11:00 at the Whale Coast Hotel. The talk is on Parenting and Family Dynamics. 2 deev67@gmail.com. FRIDAY 14 MARCH ) Hermanus Hacking group meets from 06:30 – 08:45 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. All volunteers welcome. Call Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Geniet lekker koek en koffie met die Vriende van dieBiblioteekbydieBhukiKafeevan09:00 – 11:30. ) Geniet koek en tee/koffie by die Kolwyntjie­tee­ tuin by die Dienssentrum van die NG gemeente On­ rusrivier, van 09:30 – 11:30. Slegs R20. ) The U3A presents: WW I – Victory and Despair, at 10:00 in the Catholic Church hall. Call Penny Charteris: 0 028 316 2489. ) The Hermanus Ladies Luncheon Club meets at 12:00 for 12:30 at the Class Room Restaurant. Book­

ing is essential. Call Erna: 0 028 316 2866 or 082 932 6276. ) The Goozi Kitchenshop is hosting a coffee morn­ ing from 09:30 to raise funds for local artist Lize van der Walt. Lize and her mother Wilna Snyman (also a cancer survivor) will be giving talks on their experi­ ences. Tickets are R50. RSVP to Deevra or Christa: 0 028 312 4979 or 2 marketing@goozi.co.za. ) Learn to Earn will host a community open day from 09:00 to 11:00 to inform everyone about the organisation and the courses they offer. Call Monica: 0 028 313 0564. SATURDAY 15 MARCH ) Catch all the action of the Good Hope FM Over­ strand Adventure Race, hosted by SA Forest Adven­ tures. See www.saforestadventures.co.za. ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kos­en­wynmark van 09:00 – 13:00. ) Hermanus Country Market from 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Garden Market from 09:00 – 14:00 at Hemel­ en­Aarde Village. SUNDAY 16 MARCH ) The Festival of Body, Mind, Spirit will be held at Fernkloof Nature Reserve. Entrance is free. Call Jill: 0 072 477 7120. ) Projek Hoop bied ’n gratis vrouebyeenkoms by die Moffatsaal om 15:00. Bel 0 072 244 023 vir meer inligting. MONDAY 17 MARCH ) The Overberg Quilters Guild will meet at 09:30 at the De Wet Hall, Onrus. Three new blocks will be demonstrated. The guest speaker is Doortjie


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Gersbach. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 028 314 0662 or 072 230 9179. ) U3A lecture on Gender Violence presented by Nelia Louw at 10:00 in the Catholic Church hall. Call Letitia Snyman: 0 028 316 5170. ) HermanusProMusicaChoirpractisesintheGrob­ belaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) Learn more about processing techniques at the Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s astrophotography evening at Deon Krige’s place at 19:00. Contact: 2 deonk@telkomsa.net TUESDAY 18 MARCH ) The U3A presents a series on India in the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Call Robin Lee: 0 028 312 4072. WEDNESDAY 19 MARCH ) Trimgim­klasse vir seniors word weekliks deur biokinetikus Mathilda Roos by die Onrusrivier­diens­ sentrum, Woensdae van 10:00 – 11:00, aange­ bied. R30 per dienssentrum­lid, R45 vir nie­lede. ) Egskeidingsondersteuningsgroep elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 in die gebedskamer by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier. Bel Erika Oosthuy­ sen: 0 072 322 0998. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom by­

een van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Bel Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. THURSDAY 20 MARCH ) The Friends of Hermanus Hospital (FHH) Annual General Meeting is at 17:00 in the United Church hall. The topic: FHH ­ Is there a future? All welcome. Call Angela Heslop: 0 028 312 1663 or 072 609 8655. EVENTS ) The Hermanus Botanical Society is holding its an­ nual braai on Friday 21 March at 18:00 in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve Hall. All members and friends invited. RSVP as per invitations or for more info call Margaret: 0 082 821 1872. ) Gert Vlok Nel tree op 22 Maart by Sprokkelster Teater op om 20:00. Kaartjies kos R100 en kan bespreek word by Louise 082 896 5106 of 028 316 4567. ) Hermanus Leeskring se maandelikse byeenkoms vind plaas op Dinsdag 25 Maart om 14:45 by Fynbospark. Karin Brynard se boek Onse Vaders word deur Anita Sutherland bespreek. Almal is wel­ kom. Bel Maryna: 0 028 316 4283. ) Kalfiefees­vriende word genooi na die jaarverga­ dering Woensdag 26 Maart om 18:00 by Sprokkelster­teater in Onrus. Bel Anna by 0 082 893 6208 of 2kalfiefees@herma­ nus.co.za om bywoning te bevestig.

Stanford­fees, vol kuns en plesier Die langnaweek 21-23 Maart gaan Stanford feesvier met ’n kombinasie van toeka en vandag se pret en plesier by die Stanford Village Fair. Die naweek skop Donderdagaand af met ’n Jazz Soiree by een van Stanford se nuutste eetplekke, Don Gelato (’n regte egte Italiaanse gelato-winkel met eienaars wat pas uit Venisië geëmigreer het). Vrydagoggend bied Coffee Corner vanaf 09:00 ’n gesellige sjampanje-ontbyt aan en die res van die dag behoort aan die visuele kunste met ’n interessante “geluidlose” veiling. Ongetekende werke van plaaslike kunstenaars sal vanaf 10:00 by The Stanford Table besigtig kan word en alle werke dra ’n minimumprys van R500.

Ná die amptelike opening van Stanford se Kunsroete om 18:00 sal elke skildery aan die hoogste bieër toegeslaan en deur die kunstenaar geteken word. Feesgangers kan Saterdag deur Stanford se historiese strate wandel en met die kunstenaars aan’t huis kennis maak, of die feestelikhede meemaak op die markplein waar klassieke motors op skou sal wees. Vir fikses is daar ’n pretdraf, en kinders kan deelneem aan outydse boeresportspelletjies, en nog vele meer. Die Kaapse orkes Late Final tree in die aand op. Vir kaartjies en inligting kontak: ask@stanfordinfo.co.za, www.stanfordtourism.co.za of www.facebook.com/stanfordtourism




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Fresh design for 2014 Discovery QUICKPIC The 2014 Model Year Land Rover Discovery is now in South African showrooms, ready to excite those of an adventurous disposition with the most significant round of changes to the planet’s ultimate all-purpose vehicle since its introduction. The 2014 Land Rover Discovery receives a new look, new badging, an all-new petrol engine, improved audio systems and a new range of driver assistance, comfort and safety features to further broaden its appeal. “Land Rover has always been aware of the importance of delivering performance with sustainability, and every new design and each round of improvements aim to meet this challenge,” says Kevin Flynn, Managing Director of Jaguar Land Rover South Africa and sub-Sahara Africa. “The introduction of the supercharged V6, which supersedes the V8, is proof of this and it is a more fuel-efficient combination especially when mated to our 8-speed automatic transmission. As one of the world’s most stylish, capable and versatile SUVs, the Dis- The covery remains the perfect vehicle for people who enjoy living an active lifestyle to the full.” For 2014, the Land Rover Discovery has been given a new ‘face’ and numerous detail exterior changes. The grille, front bumper and headlamps are all new while new daytime running lights with a distinctive LED signature and a more premium execution to the fog-lamp surround further enhance the Discovery’s appearance. There are three types of headlights, vehicle grade-dependent. XS and S models use bi-halogen bulbs with a single Daytime Running Lamp (DRL) while the SE gets Xenon headlamps with Signature DRLs and flagship HSE models get the Adaptive Xenon version. To complement the design changes seen at the front of the vehicle, the rear light units receive a black mask for an especially clean look.

much of its content being userdriven. For example, in Angola it maps nearly 20 000 roads and tracks, and details more than 2 500 points of interest. For the urban environment, the mapping software of choice is Nokia HERE, which gives comprehensive coverage of over 100 cities in sub-Sahara Africa. The new range of driver assistance, comfort and safety features for the 2014 Discovery include: Wade Sensing (a technology unique to Land Rover), Blind Spot Monitoring, Closing Vehicle Sensing, Reverse Traffic Detection and T-junction Cameras – which give drivers a 180 degree-plus view at an intersection via the centrally-positioned TFT (thinfilm transistor) screen. Wade Sensing will be offered as an optional extra exclusively on the top-flight HSE grade, enabling drivers to use the TFT screen to monitor proximity to the maximum wading depth of 700 mm. The system is activated when water hits the bottom of the lowest Parking Aid sensor, projecting a graphic of the vehicle in profile onto the screen, with a real-time indication of the water level relative to the maximum wading depth, with warning chimes that sound as this figure approachoval Land Rover logo is now in a richer shade of green, enhancing its prominence. PHOTO: QUICKPIC es. Information to calculate Two new alloy wheel designs first time ever, the ‘Discovery’ bers of 276 kW/510 Nm and emis- water depth is supplied by sonarhave been introduced and, to give name replaces ‘Land Rover’ on the sions of 328 g/km for the V8. Im- based sensors in the mirror housvehicles a heightened level of dis- bonnet and the number 4 will be re- provements in fuel consumption ings. To align the 2014 Discovery with tinction, the optional ‘Black Design moved from the tailgate leaving just are marked with figures of Pack’ remains available for 2014 the word ‘Discovery.’ Engine badg- 12F/100km for the V6 compared to Range Rover vehicles, the SE and HSE models will now be fitted with models, featuring revised detailing ing moves from the tailgate to an in- 14F/100 km for the V8. All power plants are mated to an Meridian premium audio. The SE and a choice of 19-inch or 20-inch got mounted on each of the front eight-speed ZF automatic transmis- will have a Meridian system which black alloy wheels. New colours in- doors. The oval Land Rover logo is now sion, working in perfect harmony features 8 speakers and 380 Watts clude Corris Grey, Loire Blue, Scotia Grey, Chablis and Luxor, which in a richer shade of green, enhanc- with Terrain Response and High/ of power, while the Meridian SurLow ratios to provide the perfect round system, which produces an have also been added to the palette. ing its prominence. Underlining Land Rover’s com- combination of gear ratio and drive impressive 825 Watts output and In a change driven by form and features 17 speakers, will be fitted function, the 2014 Discovery has re- mitment to power with sustainabil- train response for any situation. A Discovery has always been the to the HSE derivatives. designed exterior mirrors. They’re ity, the 2014 Discovery will continThe Discovery’s breadth of capamore aerodynamic than before but ue to be available with the class- perfect companion for a trip into also support the introduction of leading 183 kW/600 Nm 3.0 SDV6 – ‘The Dark Continent’, and it gets bility has never been in question – new technologies: they house the with CO2 emissions of 230 g/km. even better in this regard thanks to a fact confirmed by an impressive cameras for the surround camera The 155 kW/520 Nm 3.0 TDV6 will the Extended Navigation system fit- average monthly sales figure of 185 ted as standard from MY14. In a first (and a record figure of 398 in March system, and the sensors for the all- also continue to be available. The petrol newcomer (this is the for availability as a factory-fitted 2013) since its introduction in 1989. new Wade Sensing system. In recognition of the Discovery’s first time this engine has been of- integrated system, the Discovery With the launch of the new and imestablished identity, the refreshed fered in the Discovery) is rated at comes with the latest generation of proved MY14 range, Discovery exterior design for 2014 also incor- 250 kW and 450 Nm with emissions Tracks4Africa, a suite of 16 maps of looks set to continue to go above and porates a change of identity. For the of 285 g/km versus headline num- rural areas, with impressive detail, beyond.


Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

13 March, 2014

Mercedes-Benz S350 BlueTEC: the best goodies HANJO STIER Most successful people and businesses will tell you that it’s harder to stay at the top than it is getting there. That’s exactly what I tried to determine when a new Mercedes-Benz S-Class, this dark grey metallic S350 BlueTEC, wafted into my life for a week. Is the best still the best? Having already made friends with the SClass’ conservative and understated new looks in my launch report, what followed was hours of fiddling with abundant buttons and settings, scouring countless menus and toying with numerous interfaces to see what the chaps from Stuttgart armed their new car

with. The S350 (190 kW/700 Nm 3-litre turbo-diesel V6) with BlueTEC fluid is the baby of the range at R1 214 000 and while its standard equipment list is extremely impressive, this press demonstrator was also fitted with an AMG kit, additional driver aids, luxury seats, lighting and rear entertainment systems. Forgive me if I don’t mention all the fitted features, for it would take a month of Sundays. Some noteworthy features and options include active cornering and massage seats, ionised and perfumed climate control, all-LED lighting, advanced adaptive cruise control and two-stage air suspension. I was a bit disappointed to discover that Magic Body Control, the system which scans

the road ahead and adjusts the suspension accordingly, is not standard on every model. And while the air ride in our S350 was very good, those tasty low-profile AMG wheels produced quite a bit of noise and a few low-speed jolts. My advice: ignore the AMG option and use the R57 500 towards Magic Body Control with the S-Class’ regular 18 or 19-inch wheels. If you want hard damping and fast cornering, buy a REAL S-Class AMG. The level of quality and opulence in this car deserves a smooth and silky ride. Our test car’s porcelain white with black interior dropped so many jaws that I eventually fitted it with another camera to record the reactions. These came courtesy of the seven interior lighting colours, twin TFT front monitors, power climate seats, 360° cameras and rear screens; among many others. Before I fall into the same trap as most of my passengers and focus on too many goodies, I’ll quickly tell you what it feels like to drive an S-Class. Obviously it has keyless entry and ignition so you can just stroll up to any door and touch the handle to open it. Gently stroke it to reverse the process. Should your hands be full of golf bags or boutique shopping, just wave your foot under the rear bumper to pop the boot lid, then simply press a button to have it close itself automatically. You can also go into the vehicle settings menu and adjust how high the boot lid… blast it, I’ve just done it again! Apologies. The S350 drives SO smoothly that, for the first time in my career, a fuel attendant corrected me when I told him to fill it up with petrol. The start/stop function produces a small Diesel shake and the 7-speed au-

to reacts a bit harshly to kick-downs – but only for S-Class standards, you understand. Our average fuel consumption from the 78 F tank hovered between 7 and 10F/100km depending on driving styles and routes but I can’t see how an S-Class owner would be worried about consumption or range, especially with the highly-efficient V6 Hybrid and bi-turbo V8 available. I’d have one of those. If someone insisted on giving me an S350 BlueTEC though, I wouldn’t be upset at all. Cornering, steering and brake feedback are surprisingly fine for such a hefty car and the only real-world trouble can be its enormous size when driving or parking in confined spaces. At least it has park assistants to help you. An S-Class doesn’t belong in the village square or the airport’s multi-storey, it prefers VIP parking and the motorway’s outside lane. Every journey in our S350, no matter the road or time of day, was a relaxing, quiet experience. Anyone in the back whose head landed in the fluffy pillow would either start giggling or snoring. Depending on specified options, the multimedia system has multiple USB and input slots, a hard drive, Bluetooth, voice control, a six DVD changer, 3D navigation with live traffic capability, twin-view main screen and exquisite sound with extra boom from the FrontBass low frequency response system. I don’t want to get tangled in specs again so all you need to know is this: the MercedesBenz S-Class has advanced even further and while it has some very competent advisories, you wouldn’t be blamed for calling it the best. Minus AMG kit plus magic carpet ride and a petrol engine, I certainly think it is. Galimoto Media

The S350 drives SO smoothly that, for the first time in my career, a fuel attendant corrected me when I told him to fill it up with petrol. PHOTO: QUICKPIC

BOLAND Auto Sold

Hermanus Times 13 March, 2014



Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

13 March, 2014

Subaru Outback diesel wins towcar of the year QUICKPIC The Subaru Outback 2.0D Lineartronic™ has won the 2014 TowCAR of the Year competition, in association with CAR and Leisure Wheels magazines, Campworld and Forever Resorts.

The test day also included a 15 km road section, with inclines and declines, topped off with some fast and slow stretches, and bumpy and smooth sections. PHOTO: QUICKPIC

The competition, which saw 12 automatic 4x4 vehicles tested with 1,4-ton Jurgens Penta caravans at the Boekenhoutkloof Traffic College, seeks to find the SUV which performs best in a host of towing-related categories which are evaluated in control-

led conditions. The Outback Diesel CVT, which features the world’s only Boxer® turbocharged diesel engine, Subaru’s famed Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive™ and Lineartronic™ CVT automatic transmission, overcame the odds after its on-paper specifications seemed to be disadvantaged against larger and more powerful automatic 4x4 SUVs. The Outback Diesel CVT took the honours a full eight points ahead of its nearest competitor. The Traffic College’s massive skidpan, where the tow vehicles’ traction and stability systems could be tested to the limits and beyond, as well as an enclosed test track, proved to be an ideal and safe base where the vehicles could be put through all the paces. The test day also included a 15 km road section, with inclines and declines, topped off with some fast and slow stretches, and bumpy and smooth sections. Eight judges decided the outcome of the towing test. The panel included professional vehicle dynamics testers, top advanced-driving instructors who specialise in towing, award-winning motoring journalists and a professional racing legend who is also a keen caravanner. The judges had to score each SUV in 10 categories. These included exterior, interior, handling, stability, engine, transmission, braking, parking, cruising ability and value for money. All the SUVs were driven over exactly the same route, in exactly the same conditions, performing exactly the same tests along the way. Says Jakes Jacobs, one of the judges and a legend of vehicle testing and racing in South Africa: “We judged these vehicles only as tow vehicles, towing a caravan designed for tar roads.” The judges cited a number of the Outback’s facets which impressed them most, including excellent handling and stability, as well as the collaboration between the two-litre turbocharged Boxer® diesel engine (110 kW and 350 Nm) and the Lineartronic™ transmission, with its simulated gearing. “The engine had almost 40 kW of power less on tap than some of the other SUVs, but thanks to the brilliant transmission, with its simulated gears and paddle shifters behind the steering wheel, the available power was always immediately accessible,” explains Jacobs. “Some of the other SUVs had almost 500 Nm of torque to play with, but thanks to less effective auto transmissions and drivetrains, much of the torque was lost in translation, so to speak. “Combine that with the Outback’s excellent handling and confidence-inspiring ride, as well as the roomy interior, and you end up with a very good, practical and safe towing package.” Subaru Southern Africa marketing manager, Ashley Lazarus, says: “This accolade is incredibly important, both to the Subaru brand and our Outback range. “Having recently shifted our focus towards lifestyle vehicles, winning a towing accolade like this reinforces our vehicles’ suitability to lifestyle applications.”

BOLAND Auto Sold

Hermanus Times 13 March, 2014



Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

13 March, 2014

Nissan Navara still SA’s most powerful QUICKPIC The Nissan Navara continues to top the power and torque charts in the South African bakkie market, standing its ground against fierce competition from newer rivals in recent years. Proving that Navara was way ahead of its time when it was originally introduced in 2005, its range of petrol and diesel-powered bakkies still offer the best performance. Product Marketing Manager at Nissan South Africa, Marinus Venter, comments: “The Nissan Navara was launched as a new-age bakkie with class-leading technology and refinement and today it continues to lead from the front in several aspects of design, engineering, style, purpose and technology. The fact that it is still proving a popular choice in 2014 shows just how innovative and engaging the Navara continues to be. It is a great embodiment of our ‘Innovation that Excites’ ethos. “This excitement is provided courtesy of the pickup’s petrol and diesel V6 engines in particular, ensuring Navara continues to be the bakkie to beat in South Africa.” The smooth and meaty 4.0-litre V6 petrol engine fitted to the Nissan Navara LE includes advanced design features like Electronic Throttle Control with secondary mapping in 4LO mode (in the 4x4 model), Continuous Valve Timing Control (C-VTC), Nissan Variable Induction Control System (NICS), a silent timing chain, micro-finished camshaft and crankshaft surfaces, molybdenumcoated pistons, a resin intake mani-

fold, a digital knock control system, high-capacity muffler and a lightweight aluminium block. Nissan produces more than one million V6 engines each year making it the largest manufacturer of V6 engines in the world. The VQ series found in Navara has been ranked among the ten best engines in the world for the last fourteen years, and is related to the earth-shattering twin-turbocharged V6 engine which powers the famous Nissan GT-R. Developed to deliver high levels of performance with outstanding fuel efficiency, competitive emissions and class-leading refinement, the 3.0-litre turbocharged common rail diesel motor fitted to the range-topping Navara 3.0 dCi 4x4 LE astounds with its 170 kW and class-leading 550 Nm – making the Navara the only one-ton pickup vehicle in South Africa to feature a diesel V6 engine. The torque is available from as low as 1 700 rpm and pulls consistently all the way to 2 500 rpm, 500 Nm of which is available from as low as 1 500 rpm. Idle speed is low at 650 rpm, with the usual NVH connotations associated with diesel engines non-existent. The results are strong low-end performance with comfortably refined power delivery and exceptional throttle response. Flipping over the coin, the strong diesel performance bestows the Nissan Navara 3.0 dCi 4x4 LE with a towing capacity of 3 000 kg. Key to its smoothness and responsiveness, a vee-angle of 65 degrees and construction from Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) ensures the benefits of a cast iron block – including high levels of stiffness and noise absorption – are maintained,

Nissan produces more than one million V6 engines each year making it the largest manufacturer of V6 engines in the world. PHOTO: QUICKPIC but without the weight penalty. Although CGI is heavier than pure alloy construction, stiffening ribs and extra sound-deadening material are no longer necessary, contributing to a comparatively modest weight gain. The class-leading torque and highly competitive specific power outputs are delivered thanks to the adoption of a comparatively large single turbocharger which is mounted within the vee of the engine, an intercooler, and the use of latest-generation Bosch common-rail fuel injection which incorporates piezo injectors operating at 1 800 bar. This combination of engine refinement, high-end packaging, excellent specifications and a “go-anywhere,

do-anything” attitude to life is what carries the Nissan Navara forward

– still South Africa’s most powerful bakkie.

Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds


13 March, 2014


BERNETTE 15 SEWING MACHINE. 13 Months old, brand new condition. 9 Months guarantee remaining. 28 Stitch patterns. Needle threader. R2000. Call 028 312 2403.



ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871.


CAKES AND CUPCAKES for all occasions. To view Website: www.my cakeangel.co.za. Call Tarryn Geyer 076 154 9612.


NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 079 697 6555/082 492 4285. ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za.

COMPUTER SUPPORT, CONTENTS OF COUNTRY cottage house. Bricmobile devices. Onsite a-brac etc. Everything support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and mainte- must go! View by appointnance. Call Andrea 079 707 ment. Call Jason 072 199 4735. 2997.


HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643. FUNERAL SERVICES

BUY & SELL. Cash paid for unwanted household furniture, fridges, beds, etc. Super Seconds pays best. Call 079 746 0830.


1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.

THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884.




GUITAR LESSONS English/Afrikaans. Call Andrew 072 563 1817.

BARGAIN SHOP. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508.

FOUND 1215

GOLF BAG FOUND near Bosko behind cricket field on Friday. If it is yours phone Hermanus Times on 028 312 3717.

RAAI WIE IS 21 JR op 12/03/2014? Lekker verjaar mag jy 'n baie mooi dag hê van jou ouers, Elizabeth, Pat en broers Petronico, Patroclive en sister Priscilla & Pontac familie. GENERAL NOTICES ANIMAL ADOPTIONS 1201

KITTENS, Young cats, Jack Russell and older crossbreed Collie very urgently need good homes. Tel: 028 341 0547/082 899 1172.


GARAGE SALE ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.



FREE WELLNESS PROFILE. Inner body scan: Fat %, muscle mass, water HERMANUS HIRING %, bone mass, metabolic will fill all your function rate, BMI, protein factor. needs - Tables, chairs, cut- Contact Tanya 082 796 lery, crockery, linen, etc. At 5741 to book an appointgood prices. Call 028-312 ment. 4291 or Ken on 082 420 HYPNOTHERAPY & 0060. LIFE COACHING. For the release of stress, depression, anger, weight issues, addictions, fears etc. Joe Hein 079 680 2600. 1401

SUGAR PLUM Party Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.

SOLVE YOUR DOG Walking problems. Safe. Scoop, bags, bin & water supplied. Seven days/all hours. Phone 082 706 2580.

FOR SALE: GOLF TROLVOEDSAME HONDELEY. Clicgear golf trolley as new with extras R1500. KOS. 8/20 kg. Deur tot deur aflewering . Skakel Call 082 779 2870. Natasha 082 450 9405. FARMER GATES - Galvanised. 1 x 2.4m x 1.2m R900.00 and 2 pedestrian WANTED TO BUY gates 900 x 1.2m -R500.00 1675 each. Call 072 597 4494.



ELEKTRONIESE SIGARETTE is nou hier beskikbaar as alternatief vir die rook van skadelike tabakrook. Kontak: Ben 082 726 8771/ 028 316 4217.

Steenbras Street, off Swartdam Street. Industrial Area Tel 028-312 2886 084 512 9584

FOR SALE MOBILITY Scooter. Like new. Cherry red. R12 000 onco. Call Helen 076 034 0263.


OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. CONGRATULATIONS Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679.


BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749.


VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac. Call 083 496 2281.



WANTED: Antiques, furniture, paintings, bronzes, silver, porcelain, jewellery, watches, clocks. Cash payments for unwanted goods. Call 082 833 2567. ELECTRICAL & DIGITAL 1625

OREGON PINE 1x25x 220x3000, 1x75x75x3600 new R1200. 2x35x125x 2300 2nd hand R200. Imbuia chunk pieces R400. 2 Golf steel rims R100. Toilet cystern R100. Basin & ped. R130. 3 New braais R600 each. 1 LP Gas heating torch with regulator. Phone Barry 072 713 5627. MISCELLANEOUS 1655

MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311.

MUSIC. Wanna learn Psy Trance production? Local legend and international MASSAGE THERAPIST. DJ Xatrik is now offering Raymond Philpott. Theracourses in Hermanus. EAFFORDABLE ONSITE peutic, deep tissue, sports. mail: xatrik@gmail.com for Computer Support. MicroKidbrooke Place & Botrifurther info. soft Certified Systems vier. Call 082 599 2993. Engineer with ten years PROFESSIONAL HAIR WISKUNDE EKSTRA corporate experience to assist you at home or STYLIST in your lounge! KLAS. Graad 1-12, R100 office with all computer, Immobile, shy, frail? Expe- per uur. Skakel 074 887 network, internet and rience salon expertise @ 0088 of e-pos: your own home. Call Jean- nardusv@yahoo.co.za, Een email problems. Call Jacques 084 402 0500. Pierre 076 199 0439. tot 1 basis.

1 X LARGE Wooden kennel R500. 1 x Small kennel R250. Sheepskin electric blanket (queen sized) never used R500 (store price R799). Call 072 597 4494. ATTENTION B&B's AND GUESTHOUSES: Full set of white linen & towels for single and double beds available. Used only once. Contact Jason 072 199 4735. BABY NAPPIES from R1.50 each, Melissa 072 966 5149.

HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS. Posturepedic queen size bed & base (extra length), 2 cream wool couches, tv wall unit 1.52cm x 1.57cm, beechwood desk, electric lawnmower, 12 speed bicycle, Meranti slatted table & 4 chairs, 1 x 74cm tv and 52cm tv. Call 072 597 4494. KIC FRIDGE/FREEZER R700, pine double bunks, good mattresses R750, Maxed trampoline 190cm dia. new R150. Call 082 964 4848. LARGE HEAVY Glass top table, 8 chairs plus 4 heavy pillars - glass and tops. Cubitt 079 260 2146. QUALITY CHICKEN MANURE for your lawn & garden. Delivered. R55.00 for 40 kg. Call Oliver 072 176 2657.

I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749. GENERAL & HOME SERVICES BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION 1801

A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outRED CLAY PAVERS Secondhand for sale, 22 x side), paving, decking. 11 x 5cm , R1.50 per paver, Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798. contact 082 895 3021. PETS 1660

ALL BUILDING WORK. Alterations, renovations, extensions, boundry walls, paving, painting. Call 082 255 0939. BOUWERK, VERFWERK & Teelwerk teen billike pryse. Skakel 028 316 3961/082 258 8911. CLEANING SEVICES 1805

1ST HERMANUS CLEANING SERVICE. Houses, pre and post occupational clean-ups. Once-off, weekly/monthly. Friendly service under supervision. Mon-Sat. Call 076 115 7382.


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

13 March, 2014

EXCELLENT CLEANING Services/Skoonmaakdienste. Professionele, betroubare skoonmakers onder streng toesig. Skakel vir Gerrie 083 231 5282. ELECTRICAL



MATTHEW'S WINDOW CLEANING Hermanus, Gansbaai, Kleinmond. For domestic. Free quotation. Call 082 257 5968.

1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874.


ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. No call out fee. Call 079 706 1056/074 126 4801. FOR HIRE 1820

1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280. ccsplant@telkomsa.net. BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028312 2367.


ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS, painting, electrical, plumbing, tiling, building etc. Free quotations. Phone 082 864 2275. ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 4761/084 558 1902.

DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. Fire wood. Call T.J.Boshoff 082 954 7970. E-mail: bossie.boom@gmail.com. FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. www.fynbosgardens.com




BUILDERS & PLUMBERS. Best price guaranteed. Painting - paving walls and fencing. Ben Jordaan 072 293 6169. CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY cleaning. Curtains & blinds. Call Allison or John 072 572 0215.



BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact 028 312 4615 or email us at advice@bbrokers. co.za. Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website: www.bbrokers.co.za.

SANDBAAI The Avenues. 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, separate guest toilet. Single garage. 2 Balconies. R5300 per month. Phone Hermanus Rentals 079 311 3170.

2 (70m2) OFFICE SUITES for rent in Hemel en Aarde Craft Village @ R5500 per month each. Ample parking. Available immediately. Call Tony Monsson 072 792 2447.




BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.



BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 MANY SIZES. Also 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 Packaging material. Geoff 4323. 082 560 0852. FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & HERMANUS TRANPLUMBING. For all your PORT. 1.2 Tons @ R6/kmplumbing requirements 4.5 Tons @ R12/km- 7.5 and bathroom makeovers Tons @R17/km - 13 Tons @ call 083 308 0534. R20/km. Prices netgotiable. T&C's apply. Call 082 977 7062. Telefax 028 313 1332.


GARDEN & IRRIGATION ASEMROWENDE Tuindienste. Snoei & afkap van bome. Sny vangras, skoonmaak van erwe, rommelverwydering & meubelvervoer. Geute skoonmaak. Morné 083 225 3712.





We recycle


CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervision. Best prices. Free quotations. Phone Top Carpets WATER PUMPS. Mech028-313 0721. Elect. Call 082 885 7480. CINDY'S CARPET CLEANERS. Carpets, rugs & upholstery cleaPAINTING ners. We now offer house 1872 cleaning. Cindy 083 270 5385/028-316 4264. PAINTING of wooden houses and windows. Call Oliver 072 176 2657. PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028 316 1881 / 072 288 4761.

FISHING ROD, REEL Service and repairs. Accessory sales. Crayfish nets PEST CONTROL available. Best prices. Open 7 days a week. 117 1850 Main Road Kleinmond. Call Arthur 028 271 5420/079 OVERBERG PEST CONHAVEN TUINDIENSTE Landskap vanaf 2002. Gras 974 9903. TROL: Domestic and comsny, blombeddings, sny mercial treatments. ProFLOOR SANDING & speheinings, erf skoonmaak, fessional solutions to your cialized installation of tuine skoonmaak. Skakel pest problems. Beetle wood floors & timber 083 556 9393. inspections and timber decks. The Hutton treatments. Registered HERMANUS LANDSCA- Brothers 082 828 5627 with Dept. of Agriculture. or 028-341 0543. PING. Garden design, Phone Frank 028-312 2225 maintenance & irrigation. or 082 563 9514. FRANCOIS DU TOIT 22 Years experience. Call CONSTRUCTION & Paul Marx 082 32 777 04. PLUMBING. Painting, MIK & TAK. Spesialiseer paving, tiling, bathroom in afsaag van bome en ver- makeovers, home maintewydering van tuinrommel. nance, building requireKontrakteur vir Overstrand ments call 083 308 0534. munisipaliteit. Skakel FRIDGE & FREEZER Michael 078 371 5967. REPAIRS vir herstel van PRO MAINTENANCE & yskaste. Soek ook stukIRRIGATION. Irrigation & kende yskaste om te koop. maintenance. Wellpoints & Skakel 082 895 4546. boreholes. Pressure PEST CONTROL -WALREFRIGERATION & pumps. Complete household water filters. 24 Hrs. SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call KER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, indu082 885 7480. Free quotations. Call 061 strial and commercial pest 720 1095. SOLARMAX. SABS control. Specializing in REMOVAL OF dangerous approved solar hot water beetle inspections and trees, tree trimming, plot systems. Free site inspec- timber treatments. Regiclearance, garden mainte- tions & quotation. 17 Long stered with Dept. of Agrinance, garden refuse Street, Hermanus. Tel. culture and SAPCA. Call removal, firewood. Call 028-312 1667.www. our friendly staff on 028Wilson 074 824 2195. solarmax.co.za. 316 3010.

2 SLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL te huur R3000 p.m, water ingesluit. Geen kinders. Plus deposito. Skakel 083 317 1134.

VEHICLES PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. SOUTH COAST PLUMBING. Registered plumber. Service and installations. Quality guaranteed. Pensioner discounts. LPG gas installations & services. Certified installer. Oliver Voigt 072 176 2657/028-312 2796.




TO LET: 3 bedroom apartment in Main Road, Kleinmond @ R6,000 pm (Incl.services). Retail Space in Hermanus CBD suitable for café/bistro. Contact: 082 870 5704/ xpertprop@gmail.com. FOR RENT 3205




CONTACT CECILE 082 811 4182 in Hermanus to buy or sell property.






HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za.


• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com


01 STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.


AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828. PENSIONER REQUIRES small economical car in good condition with service history-around R25 000. Call 083 398 0476. TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering.


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds OFFICES 3290

13 March, 2014

A MALAWIAN Couple experienced in housekeeping and have drivers licence. If you are interested please call Pempho/Terrence 061 092 4809 or Prudence 061 105 3281. A MALAWIAN Lady is looking for a job Tuesday to Friday, caring for the aged or any job. Single, age 28. Please call 084 373 7748. A MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a housekeeping job. Has experience and reference available. Please call 071 727 9225/071 833 5588. A RELIABLE Zimbabwean lady is looking for a job as a housekeeper/petsitter and babysitter. Full or part time. Reference available. Please call Laizah 084 216 3240.

MY TRUSTWORTHY and diligent gardener is looking for work, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please call Agrippa 071 965 9974 or Connie Rode 084 855 8279. MY TRUSTWORTHY, reliable maid seeks work on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. For reference call Anthony on 082 561 3758. ZIMBABWEAN Lady (25yrs) is looking for domestic work. Please call 074 742 8468.


COFFEE SHOP SUPERVISOR needed, must have experience and be able, fully bilingual. Also: coffee shop assistant needed. Must have experience and be fully biligual. CVs can be dropped at Fruit & Veg City Hermanus.

Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society has a vacancy for a Facility Manager Requirements: • Grade 12 qualification (minimum) • Must have valid driver’s license • At least 2 years experience in a management position • Experience managing staff and be willing to be guided by the Committee • Fully bilingual (English / Afrikaans) • Adequate computer knowledge (Microsoft office documents; update social media pages ect.) • Good communication skills • Strong customer service orientation • Administrative management • Field work – assist collecting & delivering animals and donated goods • Good interpersonal relations • Knowledge of labour relations – would be an advantage • Knowledge and handling of animals – would be an advantage • Assist the fundraising sub-committee when necessary Working hours: • Work 5 full days a week • Be available for a/h emergencies and some weekends when necessary Closing date for applications is 15 April 2014 if you have not been contacted by 15 May 2014 your application was unsuccessful. Will only except emailed or faxed applications please! Email: kathycampbell27@gmail.com or fax: 028 271 3143

ZIMBABWEAN lady is looking for a job as a domestic worker or babysitter. 2 Years experience. Call 084 097 6747. ZIMBABWEAN Lady is looking for a job as a housekeeper or shop assistant. Please call 084 335 9916.

A ZIMBABWEAN lady (29yrs) is looking for a job as a housekeeper or babysitter 5 days a week. Refe- ZIMBABWEAN Man aged 40, valid permit, code rence available. Call 084 10 drivers licence with 282 7611. A ZIMBABWEAN lady (33yrs) is looking for a job as a domestic worker. Full time. Reference available. Call 078 270 3448. PLOTS/STANDS 3295

URGENT PLOT FOR SALE R175 000 - Marine Drive Hawston. Contact Alan 083 442 0061. PROPERTIES WANTED TO RENT 3305

A ZIMBABWEAN Lady is looking for domestic work full time. Call Sheron 073 086 2872 or Maike 084 432 3541. A ZIMBABWEAN man is looking for a domestic work part/full time. Hardworking nature to handle anything. Call 078 195 0387.

PDP, looking for employment as a gardener/ housekeeper or guesthouse assistant. Call 073 578 7368.

ZIMBABWEAN Man looking for a driving job. I have a valid Zimbabwean drivers licence (proof available). Please call 083 790 6130.

RECEPTIONIST needed for hearing practice in Hermanus. Previous experience regarding medical aids will be an advantage. Candidate must have experience with Microsoft Excel. Please email CV to franco@hpractice.co.za.

Dental Assistant Required for an exclusive dental practice in Hermanus. Experience is preferred. The successful applicant must • Be flexible with working hours • Have excellent organisational and communication skills • Be fluent in both English and Afrikaans • Be computer literate No time wasters please Please e-mail CV to hermanusdentalcare@gmail.com and quote “Dental Assistant”

BERTHA CHAMBO Malawian lady looking for job as a childminder or housekeeper. Full-time or days. Hardworking and experienced. Call 083 892 6428 or 074 402 4735. EXPERIENCED Zimbabwean lady looking for domestic/babysitting job. Sleep in/out. Mon-Fri. Reference available. Call 071 968 8727.

RETIRED LADY Looking for one to two bed unfurnished cottage to let longterm in Hermanus. Call Jill 079 911 2100. ROOMS TO LET 3315

ROOM TO LET Hermanus Heights. Bathroom & kitchenette R1650 + deposit R1650. Phone Barry 072 713 5627. EMPLOYMENT


(21YR) XHOSA LADY is looking for domestic work. Monday - Friday or 3 days a week. Please call Julia 073 711 9371. A 33YRS Zimbabwean lady looking for a domestic/housekeeping/nanny or babysitting job. Stay in or out. Please call 078 502 0607. A HARD WORKING and well experienced Zimbabwean lady(26yrs) is looking for a job as a domestic worker and baby sitter. Call 073 698 5869.

HARDWORKING Malawian man looking for a job as a housekeeper & gardener. 4 Years experience. Honest Christian. Reference: Edward 061 252 1886 or 074 643 9350. I AM Looking for a job as a housekeeper. I can cook or babysit. I have 10 years experience. Reference available. Please call 079 213 5018. I AM Looking for a job as a housekeeper. I have experience. Please call 072 289 5862. LADY Looking for a job as a housekeeper. Got experience. Full time or days. Call 073 172 3041. MALAWIAN Couple looking for jobs as a housekeeper & cooking. man as gardener or housekeeper. 4 Years experience. Call 079 033 5300/074 824 7171. MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job . Please phone Blandina 078 713 1145. MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a driving job or other work. Call 078 774 2389. MALAWIAN Man looking for a job as a housekeeper/gardener. 3 Years experience. Reference available. Call 061 324 5838.


HEMEL & AARDE ESTATE HOME OWNER’S ASSOCIATION Seeks to Recruit a highly Motivated and Experienced

HEMEL & AARDE LANDGOED Bogenoemde landgoed is op soek na ’n hoogs gemotiveerde persoon met ondervinding, vir die pos van

Based in Hermanus; the HOA requires an Estate Manager for a permanent position to manage daily operations within the estate and ensure the smooth running of the Hemel &Aarde Estate Minimum Requirements: 1. Be suitably qualified for a management position. 2. Have a minimum of 5 years operational work experience at a Senior Management level. Estate management experience will be an advantage. 3. Be experienced at managing and leading a team effectively. 4. Communicate effectively. Speak, listen and write in a clear, thorough and timely manner using appropriate and effective tools and techniques. 5. Be computer literate with experience in budgets and financial reporting. 6. Understand ethical behaviour and business practices. 7. Have own transport and be licenced to drive a light vehicle. Key responsibilities: 1. Liaise with the chairperson and Trustee Committee. 2. Operational planning and management. 3. Estate precincts management with particular focus on security management. 4. Human resources planning and management. 5. Financial planning and management. 6. Community relations. 7. Risk management. 8. Establish and maintain positive working relationships with other, both internally and externally, to achieve the goals of the Estate. 9. Develop new and unique techniques to improve operations of the Estate and to create new opportunities. 10.Determine strategies to move the Estate forward, set goals, create and implement actions plans, and evaluate the process and results. The salary is market related and negotiable depending on experience and qualification and includes the use of an Estate vehicle for business use. To apply please forward your application with CV (preferably in one document) to: estatemanager@talentnetwork.co.za by no later than 12 noon on Monday 24 March 2014. Applications must include at least two contactable references. If you have not been contacted by the HOA by 15 April 2014, please accept that your application has been unsuccessful.

Minimum vereistes: 1. Toepaslik gekwalifiseerd vir ’n bestuurpos. 2. Minstens 5-jaar ondervinding op ’n senior bestuurvlak. Bestuursondervinding van ’n landgoed sal ’n aanbeveling wees. 3. Moet ’n span effektief kan bestuur en lei 4. Moet effektief kan kommunikeer deur die gebruik van geskikte kommunikasie metodes en tegnieke. 5. Rekenaargeletterdheid en ondervinding van begrotings en finansiële verslaggewing is belangrik. 6. ’n Begrip van etiese standaarde en sake praktyke is nodig. 7. Moet oor eie vervoer met geldige ligte voertuig rybewys beskik.



Verantwoordelikhede: 1. Verantwoordelik aan die Voorsitter en Trustee Komitee 2. Operasionele-bestuur en -beplanning 3. Bestuur van die totale landgoed met spesifieke fokus op sekuriteit 4. Personeel aangeleenthede en -bestuur 5. Finansiële beplanning en -bestuur 6. Gemeenskapsverhoudinge 7. Risiko-bestuur 8. Vestig en handhaaf ’n positiewe werksverhouding, intern sowel as ekstern, om die doelwitte van die landgoed te bevorder. 9. Ontwikkel nuwe tegnieke ter verbetering van die bestuur van die landgoed, en die skep van nuwe geleenthede. 10.Bepaal toekoms-strategieë, stel doelwitte, skep en implementeer aksieplanne, bestuur die proses.

Die salaris is markverwant en onderhandelbaar volgens ondervinding en kwalifikasies. Dit sluit die gebruik van ’n landgoedvoertuig in vir sake-doeleindes. Rig u aansoek en CV (verkieslik in een dokument) aan:estatemanager@talentnetwork.co.za om ons te bereik nie later as 12h00 op Maandag, 24 Maart 2014 Aansoeke moet minstens twee kontakbare verwysings insluit. As u nie van die Huiseienaarsvereniging gehoor het voor of op 15 April nie, dan was u aansoek onsuksesvol.


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

13 March, 2014

Alles oor katte, nou in Afrikaans

Overstrand Monkeynastix wins award Madelein Wrigley from Monkeynastix was awarded for being an excellent franchisee for the past decade during the Monkeynastix conference held at Spier near Stellenbosch last weekend. Wrigley teaches Monkeynastix to children between the ages of 2 and 8 years in most schools in Hermanus, Kleinmond, Stanford and Gansbaai. Monkeynastix helps develop general motor imitation skills, aerobics, ball skills, gymnastic skills, speed and agility, flexibility and cardio vascular fitness. According to Wrigley, it is her passion. “Most of my ‘monkeys’ stay in the programme for up to two to four years. It is a privilege for me to be a part of so many children’s physical literature for more than a decade here in the Overstrand,” says Wrigley. She was also a Boland gymnast herself and is currently a qualified

Madelein Wrigley. WP judge and coach. She also teaches gymnastics at Hermanus Primary. “I would like to thank all the parents for their trust.” For more info, email Madelein on monkeynastix@sonicmail.co.za.

TESSA PINES FOR OWNER: This 2­year­ old female fluffy dog’s owner died sud­ denly last week. Tessa, who was adopted out from the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (Haws), is back and very emotion­ al. She needs an upbeat environment where she can find love again. She can be a family dog and does get along with other dogs. If you can help Tessa call Haws on 028 312 1281 or 076 963 2092.

Begin jou eie besigheid met unieke produk Alleen streeks verspreidingsregte beskikbaar CONNI is ‘n nuwe reeks wasbare inkontinensie produkte wat tydens 2013 in Suid-Afrika bekendgestel is. Dit word gemaak van super-absorberende tekstiele en vervang die dra van weggooi doeke vir mense met matige inkontinensie. • • • • • •

Gewaarborg vir ten minste 500 wasse Mediese fonds goedgekeur Volledige reeks vir bed, stoel en onderklere Geskik vir volwassenes, kinders en troeteldiere Bespaar tot 90% van weggooidoek kostes Stylvol, gemaklik en omgewingsvriendelik

Die alleen verspreidingsregte vir hierdie produkte is beskikbaar vir die volgende drie areas teen R35 000 per streek: 1. Worcester, Robertson, Montagu, Bonnievale, Villierdorp, De Doorns, McGregor 2. Hermanus, Caledon, Greyton, Stanford, Gansbaai, Bredasdorp, Struisbaai 3. Oudtshoorn, De Rust, Beaufort Wes, Prins Albert, Calitzdorp, Barrydale Verdien 35% kommissie op alle verkope in jou streek, selfs internet verkope. Alle fakturering en voorraad word deur die hoofkantoor hanteer. Die harde werk is gedoen, jy moet net bemark. Opleiding en aanvanklike verkoopsbystand sal verskaf word. Kontak: Nicolas by Nicolas.l@conni.co.za Website: www.conni.co.za


Die DistriksPos, trotse bron van nuus en inligting in die Helderberg, bied 'n opwindende geleentheid in hul kantoor in Somerset-Wes vir 'n geesdriftige joernalis. Die suksesvolle kandidaat moet oor 'n uitstekendende skryfvermoë in Afrikaans en Engels beskik en daar sal van hom/haar verwag word om relevante, gesaghebbende en feitelik korrekte nuusberigte en artikels te skryf vir die weeklikse publikasie en sy web- en mobiwerf. Sleutelverantwoordelikhede: • Skryf van gehalte-nuusberigte en artikels teen streng spertye • Voldoening aan die voorskrifte van die Suid-Afrikaanse Perskode • Proeflees van artikels • Neem van foto's en skep van inhoud vir aanlyn- en ander platforms • Moontlike bystand en ondersteuning verleen aan vryskut- en heeltydse junior personeel Vaardighede benodig: • Vlot skryfvaardighede in die tale benodig deur die publikasie • Vermoë om te werk onder uiterste druk en volgens streng spertye • Goeie nuussin • Fokus op besonderhede en gehalte • Die vermoë om onafhanklik te kan werk • Inisiatief Vereistes: • Diploma of graad in Joernalistiek, Tale of Mediastudies • Ervaring in skryf vir 'n koerant of tydskrif • Goeie algemene kennis en kennis van die publikasie se teikenmark • Plaaslike kennis en kennis oor sake van die dag • Geldige rybewys en eie vervoer Indien jy aan bogemelde vereistes voldoen en graag deel van hierdie span wil wees, stuur 'n volledige CV aan communities@media24.com. Aansoekers moet duidelik aandui vir watter pos hulle aansoek doen. Gebruik die verwysing "Joernalis DistriksPos". SLUITINGSDATUM: 21 Maart 2014 Indien daar geen terugvoering is teen 28 Maart 2014 nie, aanvaar asseblief dat jou aansoek nie suksesvol was nie. Die maatskappy behou die reg om nie die vakature te vul nie. Ingevolge die gelyke indiensnemingsbeleid van Media24, sal gepaste kandidate van die aangewese groepe voorkeur geniet.

BOLAND Afdeling van Media24 | Division of Media24



OK Foods op Villiersdorp beskik oor twee vakatures wat spoedig gevul moet word. Beide kandidate moet beskik oor matriek en moet presies en sekuur kan werk. Hul moet ook leiding kan neem en werknemers kan motiveer, kontroleer en dissiplineer. 1. SENIOR ADMINISTRATIEWE KLERK •· Die ideale kandidaat sal leiding moet neem in die administratiewe afdeling. • Sy sal ook verantwoordelik wees vir opkasfunksie, voorbereiding van lone en hantering van kliënte navrae. • Moet beskik oor administratiewe, en rekenaarsondervinding (ARCH Program en Web register. 2. TOESIGHOUER • Vorige ondervinding van toesighouding in groot/en of kleinhandel. • Goeie kliënte verhoudinge kan handhaaf. • Rekenaarvaardig. Diensaanvaarding: So spoedig as moontlik.

Rig u aansoek voor 21 Maart 2014 aan Faks no. 0866965277 of e-pos: barvallei@vodamail.co.za

(Aansoekvorms is ook by OK Foods op Villiersdorp beskikbaar.) Indien u nie binne 14 dae na sluiting van aansoeke van ons gehoor het nie, was u aansoek onsuksesvol

Katte, ’n handleiding vir verantwoordelike kateienaars in SuidAfrika geskryf deur Yolanda Wessels van Bredasdorp, is die eerste eenvoudige, praktiese en moderne A-Z van katte, geskryf in Afrikaans vir Suid-Afrikaanse kateienaars. Dit gee antwoorde op alle moontlike vrae wat katliefhebbers op die hart mag hê en dek ’n wye spektrum Yolanda Wessels van Bredasdorp met Lady kwessies wat dié Jemma. Wessels het ’n boek oor katte ge­ troeteldiere se le- skryf in Afrikaans. wens raak. Dié publikasie, uitgegee deur van dié geliefde kameraad, beNaledi, vul ’n behoefte in die handel. Deel drie is ’n alfabetiese saAfrikaanse mark: Die boek is ’n omvattende, toeganklike inlig- mevatting van die mees algemetingsbron vir troeteldiereie- ne kwale en siektes wat te voornaars wat hul verantwoordelik- skyn kom by katte in Suid-Afriheid teenoor huisdiere ernstig ka. ’n Eenvoudige uiteensetting opneem. Vir baie jare moes katliefhebbers in Suid-Afrika vir word gegee van siektes, diagnolief neem met ingevoerde gidse se, behandeling, nasorg en die oor die versorging van hul troe- voorkoming daarvan. Die handleiding word aangeteldiere. Nou het ’n Suid-Afrikaner jare vul met treffende aanhalings se deeglike navorsing vervat in deur bekende katliefhebbers en ’n volledige, eg Suid-Afrikaanse bevat pragtige foto’s. Katte, ’n handleiding vir vergids. In deel een behandel Wessels antwoordelike kateienaars in onder meer dié karaktervolle Suid-Afrika is ’n onontbeerlike troeteldier se oorsprong en mak- item op die rak van elke Suidmaak, hul anatomie, sintuie en Afrikaner wat ernstig is oor die kleurvolle pelse. Interessante mens se opdrag om na diere om vrae word beantwoord, soos: te sien. Wessels, gebore in die Kaap en Waarom spin katte? Kan katte onthou? Waarom snater dié die- getoë in Bredasdorp in die Overre as hulle voëltjies sien? Het hul- berg, is haar lewe lank ’n natuurle regtig nege lewens? Waarom en diereliefhebber. Sy het ’n kursus in joernalisvind hulle kattekruid (catnip) so tiek voltooi en skryf gereeld vryonweerstaanbaar? Die tweede deel van die boek skutartikels vir verskillende pudek die voorbereiding vir en ver- blikasies. Ná die dood van Oscar, haar welkoming van ’n nuwe katjie in die huisgesin – wat die katjie sal klein katjie met die groot naam, benodig, en hoe om die katjie het sy begin fokus op dié avontuurlustige, akrobatiese spesie. korrek te versorg. Haar eerste artikel, “Why cats Alle aspekte van die kat se lewe kom onder die loep – van die are good for your health”, is in versorging van weeskatjies, hi- die kattydskrif Catslife gepubligiëne met katte, die verskille tus- seer. ’n Dekade later lewer sy sen binne- en buitekatte, asook steeds bydraes in byna elke uitgawe van dié tydskrif. die ideale tuin vir ’n kat. Die boek is die ideale geskenk Verder word onderwerpe soos kastrasie en sterilisasie, korrek- vir die hele gesin. Dit is beskikte voeding, die versorging van baar by alle goeie boekhandesenior katte, asook die afsterwe laars en by www.kalahari.com.

Women invited to join hockey team Hermanus Hockey Club is looking for female hockey players to join the club as the league starts in April. Ideally they are looking for players between the ages of 16–40 to become part of this winning team. Practice resumes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:30 at the Old Boys Sports Grounds behind Hermanus High School.

The women’s team will play their first league match and make history in Hermanus, when they play against Mandalay Hockey Club on 12 April - subject to con-

firmation. Hermanus Ladies Hockey will also soon reveal a new sponsorship deal for their 2014 hockey kit. Contact Ludwig Schutz on 078 111 7271.

Hermanus Times

Sport Sport

13 March, 2014

CURRO INTER­ SCHOOLS: Curro Hermanus recently held their swimming gala and competed against Worcester Gymnasium, Robert­ son, Bredasdorp, Hermanus High, Rûens Kollege, Zoe­ tendal, De Heide and Phin Swim School. Diving to glory is Robert Payne from Curro Hermanus, winning the freestyle for boys u.17.

Lian Vlok (boys aged six) from Curro Her­ manus took first place in the back­ stroke.

S­BOLAND KRIEKETSPELERS: Twee leerders van Hawston Primêr is in die Suid­Boland­ krieketspan opgeneem. Van links is Markus Viljoen (hulpafrigter), Chadon de Long (o.11), Duran Plaatjies (o.11) en Warren Maree (afrig­ ter). FOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER


A FIRST FOR QHAYIYA: Athlete Sim­ phiwe Mdlokovana (right), a 14­year­ old learner from Qhayiya Secondary School is the first learner from the school to earn Boland colours and the school is very proud of him. He came 3rd in the Boland Championships two weeks ago and won a medal for the 3 000 m against stiff opposition from all the regions of Boland. Through the dedication of Lusapho Calata (left), the school’s athletics coordinator who took the learner to all his races, Simphiwe Mdlokovana was able to achieve ath­ letic success. Simphiwe leaves for Oudshoorn on 13 March to compete in the Western Cape Trials /Champi­ onships from 14 to 15 March. PHOTO: MOGAMAT KAMEDIEN

CRICKET: Kleinmond wins 20/20 final

Blouberg International, Chesterhouse, Curro Durban­ ville, (overall winner) Curro Langebaan, Curro Her­ manus and El Shaddai recently participated in the Curro Interschools held at the Bellville Velodrome. Tris­ tan Roberts (boys u.17) from Curro Hermanus won the 1 500 m event in a new record time.

Ryan Land (boys u.17) from Curro Hermanus came second in the shot put.

Hawston cricket club played Kleinmond on Saturday 8 March during the 20/20 competition final. Kleinmond won the toss and sent Hawston in to bat. The team scored a respectable 110 runs in their 20 overs. Top scores came from Myron Claasen (25 runs) and Philip Olifant (18 runs). Kleinmond then scored the winning runs in the 18th over. The top bowlers from Hawston were Heino Bailey (4/28 in 4 overs) and Dewald Hamilton (2/13 in 3 overs). Hawston would like to congratulate Klein-

mond on their victory. The management would also like to congratulate their team for their achievement of reaching the final and the character they have shown throughout the whole season, especially as they are a very young team. Also a big thanks to all our sponsors and supporters for the 20/20 campaign. ) Hawston tackles Kleinmond again this weekend in a 50 over encounter at Hawston and everyone is welcome to attend. –LLYLE TAIT


HERMIES SE S­BOLAND KRIEKETSPELERS: Die Suid­Boland­ krieketproewe het op Woensdag 19 Februarie, op Hoërskool Hermanus se sportgronde plaasgevind, waarna die volgende leerders van dié skool die Suid­Bolandspan gehaal het. Voorste ry van links: Dillon Maree, Jarred Wilson en Franco Swartz. Tweede ry: Marc Sales, Blake Ludick en Kayno Temmers. Derde ry: Josh van Rens­ burg, Ryno Swartz, Jan du Plessis en Uli Schulenburg. Afwesig: Robert King.

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call us on 028 312 2514 ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late GEORGE PATERSON DAWSON, Identity Number 210101 5055 084 married out of community of property without the accrual system, who died at Hermanus on 25 March 2013. Master’s Reference: 5383/2013 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the abovementioned estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master, Cape Town and a copy thereof at the office of the Magistrate, Hermanus for a period of 21 (twenty one) days reckoned as from Friday, 14 March 2014. Signed at Hermanus on this 6th day of March 2014. GUTHRIE & THERON, JP VAN ROOYEN, ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTOR, 77 MAIN ROAD, HERMANUS, 7200. (REF: JVR/ajf/VD0434)

CATHERINA MAGDALENA FOURIE BOEDELKENNISGEWING In die boedel van wyle CATHERINA MAGDALENA FOURIE (Identiteitsnommer: 531110 0895 08 1), en wat oorlede is op 19 April 2010 en langslewende eggenoot IZAK JOHANNES FOURIE (Identiteitsnommer 600420 5262 08 8), wie woonagtig was teAngelierstraat 17, Blompark, Gansbaai. Meestersverwysingsnommer: 5721/2010 Kennis geskied hiermee dat Krediteure en Debiteure hul vorderings moet indien en hul skulde betaal by die ondergemelde prokureur binne die tydperk van 30 (DERTIG) dae vanaf 14 Maart 2014. ETIENNE LE ROUX, VORSTER & STEYN ING., EKSEKUTEUR, MITCHELL HUIS, MITCHELSTRAAT 16, POSBUS 500, HERMANUS. (VERW: L01183/E LE ROUX)

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BOLAND­KAMPIOENE: Groenberg Jukskeiklub van Sandbaai het op 8 Maart, tydens die Bo­ land­jukskei­kampioen­ skappe in Worcester, as algehele wenners uitge­ tree. Ná ’n lang seisoen, wat in September afge­ skop het, kon die spelers van Groenberg uiteindelik met trots op die wenners­ podium staan. Agter van links is Jaco Botes, Johan du Preez, Sakkie du Toit, Angie Ras, Willie van der Merwe, Penny Davidson, Poppie Marais, Willie Marais en Krynauw du Toit. Voor is Toeks Bo­ tha (links) en Anette Ma­ rais.


Hawston se skrumskakel, Cameron Plaatjies, in aksie.


Hawston klop Ceres, maar ai, die foute . . . In ’n minder aantreklike wedstryd as laas naweek kon Hawston se A-span darem steeds hul eweknie van Ceres troef. Hawston het goed meegeding in die lynstane en het sodoende die meeste balbesit geniet, maar kon egter nie regtig die wedstryd domineer nie. Verskeie lynbreke kon nie afgerond word nie en het dus heelwat punte gekos. In die eerste helfte het Heinrich Robertson daarin geslaag om ’n drie te druk en Roland Swarts het verdoel. Ceres het heelwat strafskoppe gekry, maar gelukkig vir Hawston kon hulle nie almal deur die pale sit nie. Die rustydtel-

ling was 7-5 in Hawston se guns. Die tweede helfte het ietwat beter begin vir Hawston wat weereens balbesit oorheers het, maar gesukkel het om te kapitaliseer en heelwat foute begaan het. Cameron Plaatjies, skrumskakel, het ’n uitstekende wedstryd beleef en was ook goed ondersteun deur sy kaptein, Brandon Hunter, en Neil Coetzee. Plaatjies het Hawston se tweede drie gedruk en Roland Swarts het verdoel. Hawston het die wedstryd 17–10 gewen. ) Saterdag 15 Maart speel Hawston met al drie sy spanne in Durbanville. – RYAN STONE

Argus onder die belt

Jacqui Jackson with her first Argus Cycle Tour medal after finishing the race in a time of 4:08.

It was also a first for Dave Jackson finishing the race in a time of 5:32.

Phillip­Ben Kotze from Her­ manus Pharmacy finished the race in a time of 3:05.

Barry Ackermann (71), en sy kleinseun Barry Swanepoel, het saam die Argus aangepak op Sondag 9 Maart. Dit was Oupa Barry se 7de en jong Barry se 1ste Argus. Met die verskriklike sterk wind het die twee besluit om saam te ry maar so ‘n uur in die rit het oupa besef die kleinseun pak die bulte makliker en het hy klein Barry laat waai. Die onder­ steuning vir mekaar was fantasties en wat ‘n voorreg vir ‘n oupa om saam met sy kleinseun te ry. Barry Ackermann het ook in 1981 saam met sy seun Kurt, toe 9 jaar oud, die Argus gery.


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KARATE­KA: Local karate­Ka from SA JKA karate Hermanus, Siyamthemba Qotya­ na (WHICH ONE???), took part at the. KSA (Karate South Africa) SA Open Karate, all styles championships, held at the Durban University of Technology recently. Siya­ mthemba, who trains under Sensei Ronnie Knott, was fortunate enough to gain spon­ sorship and fly to Durban. He did extremely well and took the bronze medal for kumite in the men’s open black belt division. This achievement will allow him to be seeded with KSA for future events.

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