THURSDAY, 14 AUGUST 2014 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316
For all your DIY needs. Get to Builders. Get it done 2 Mussel Rd, Hermanus Hoërskoolmeisie aangerand 2
DRUGS AND MUTI FOUND AT COURT: On 12 August, police members on duty at court found cellphones, dagga, muti and SIM cards hid den near one of the holding cells at the Her manus Magistrate’s Court. According to Colonel Francois de Wet from the Hermanus Police, the in vestigation is at a sensitive stage and they cannot elaborate on where the goods were destined for. The two cellphones, five dagga rolls wrapped in plastic, SIM cards and plastic wrappings with muti were handed in at the police station. No suspects have been arrested. The public is warned by the police that it is an offence to supply people with substances like drugs in prison, and also issued a stern warning that this will not be tolerated.
Als oor die hoogs suksesvolle Kalfiefees 4, 5 SPORT: Hermies beat UK team 27
Hawstonskoolbusse geskut ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN EN JANINE VAN DER RIET Meer as 200 leerders aan Hawston Sekondêr het Maandag laas by die skool aangemeld nadat die bus wat die leerders van Mount Pleasant na Hawston vervoer, deur die verkeersdepartement geskut is. Die leerders moes Maandag self by die huis kom na afloop van die skooldag. Van die leerders het langs die pad huis toe geloop ná die skool om 14:15 gesluit het. Volgens ’n ouer het die skoolhoof, Idy Adams, die leerders gewaarsku dat hulle op eie risiko duimgooi om tuis te kom.
Volgens Adams het die skool teen 16:00 die oorblywende leerders per minibustaxi’s en ’n klein bussie huis toe vervoer. Die skool is onkant gevang ná die drie busse na die skut geneem is. Die skool het drie roetes, en een van die busoperateurs is as ’n afgewentelde kontrak deur die skool aangestel. Die ander twee busoperateurs is deur die onderwysdepartement aangestel, maar albei busse het nog nie al hul permitte gereed om die leerders te vervoer nie. Volgens Rudi Fraser, die hoof van verkeer by die Overstrand-munisipaliteit, het hulle Maandagoggend drie busse geskut. “Die drie busse is geskut waarvan twee nie die toepaslike permitte ge-
had het nie en een onpadwaardig was.” Hy het voorts gesê busse moet padwaardig wees en die bestuurder moet oor die toepaslike professionele bestuurspermit en lisensie beskik sowel as ’n magtigingsbrief van die onderwysdepartement voordat hulle kinders mag vervoer. “Die bestuurder moet ook oor ’n roetepermit beskik wat duidelik die roete aandui waar die bus diens mag doen. Die brief van departement moet die spesifieke roete aan die bus toewys.” Volgens Adams is die een bus wat onpadwaardig gevind is, dieselfde dag reggemaak en die foute herstel. Die ander twee busse moet nog hul permitte bekom, het Adams ver-
duidelik. Jan Gelderblom, voorsitter van die beheerliggaam by die skool, sê die probleem lê by die onderwysdepartement. Hy sê die lewer van ’n busdiens hou verband met koste en die departement betaal die busdienste te min. “Ek het al hoeveel korrespondensie met die departement gevoer vir ’n verhoging in busfooie, maar daar is net nooit genoeg geld nie.” Intussen het Gelderblom, Adams en ’n direkteur van die onderwysdepartement Dinsdagoggend vergader om ’n dringende oplossing te vind terwyl die busse vir die toepaslike permitte wag. Teen druktyd Woensdag het Adams nog nie weer terugvoering
van die departement ontvang nie en sommige leerders van Mount Pleasant is steeds tuis as gevolg van die vervoerprobleme. Adams sê hy is dankbaar dat die ouers nie die skool blameer nie. Hy is baie bekommerd oor die leerders se skoolwerk wat agter raak, maar het belowe hy sal toesien dat die leerders die skoolwerk inhaal. Volgens Paddy Attwell, direkteur van kommunikasie van die WesKaapse Onderwysdepartement is die distriksbeamptes besig om met die skool te konsulteer om ’n alternatief te vind terwyl die diensverskaffers hul permitte uitsorteer. “Ons is jammer oor die ongerief vir die skool en leerders.”
Nuus News
14 August, 2014
Skoolmeisie aangerand JANINE VAN DER RIET ’n Leerder (14) van Hoërskool Hermanus is Maandag by die skool deur ’n medeleerder met die vuis aangerand. Volgens die meisie se ma het die seun wat van die beweerde aanranding aangekla word tweede pouse tussen haar dogter en dié se maats “kom rondstaan”. Hy was na bewering “orig” en die meisie het hom van haar weggestamp. “Die volgende oomblik het hy haar met ’n onbekende voorwerp teen die neus geslaan. Haar neus het dadelik begin bloei en sy het teruggeslaan. Die seun het toe ’n tweede vuis-
hou teen haar kop gemik,” vertel die ma, wat steeds saam met haar dogter erg getraumatiseer is. Die identiteit van die betrokke gesinne en leerders word teruggehou, aangesien die leerders minderjarig is. Hierna het die skool haar ma gebel om haar te kom haal en dokter toe te neem. Volgens die ma het die dokter ook gewonder oor die oorsaak van die diep snywonde aan haar neus. Die meisie is nie seker of die seun ’n ring gedra het, of waarmee hy haar bygekom het nie. Sy het steke aan haar neus gekry. Die dokter het ook ’n verslag oor haar wonde saamgestel.
Fisherhaveners fight crime
REGSTELLING! R317 SAL OOP WEES Die pad sal oop bly oor die Rooibrug (R317) en nie vanaf Vrydag 15 Aug tot Maandag 15 September gesluit wees nie, soos berig is in die Theewaterskloof op Dinsdag 12 Augustus. Die pad is oop vir daaglikse verkeer tot verdere kennisgewing. Jammer vir enige ongerief wat aan motoriste veroorsaak is.
CORRECTION! R317 WILL BE OPEN The road across the Rooibrug (R317) will remain open and will not be closed from Friday 15 August to Monday 15 September, as was published in the Theewaterskloof on Tuesday 12 August. The road is open for daily traffic until further notice. Apologies for any inconvenience caused to motorists. Ht3314 RC
More than 130 Fisherhaven residents gathered at the Lake Marina Yacht Club on Saturday 9 August to discuss the recent spate of serious crimes in the suburb. Overstrand Municipality’s protection services’ director Neville Michaels, Steenkamp Vermeulen from the K9 Unit, warrant officer Riaan Du Toit (police sector commander for the area), Dawn Korck from Fisherhaven Neighbourhood Watch (FNW) and local security companies OPS and ADT, presented their strategies and ideas for home safety and security. In addition, Leon Brand from Emergency Medical Response (EMR) introduced his company’s services and Cape Mental Health trauma counsellor Chookie Naude made herself available for residents who need counselling. Some of the issues highlighted were the use of technology and social media to activate responses from crime fighters and the community; the role of the FNW; the challenges that the Overberg K9 unit faces; the logistics and budget constraints
of setting up satellite police stations in the area and the over-burdened court system, which results in cases being struck from the roll despite the good work of law enforcers. The community was praised by the crime fighters for their efforts to stand together and share information via social media as this shows they are alert and enables them to provide valuable information to the police. Former chairman of the FNW, Tony Korck, and his team have played a key role in mobilising an effective strategy and it’s thanks to this community initiative that Fisherhaven can still boast the lowest crime stats when compared to other suburbs in the Overstrand. The neighbourhood watch’s membership has grown and new patrols will build on the already solid foundations in the community. Membership is free. Local private security companies also play a key role in fighting crime and work closely with FNW and police.
Burglars steal TV at police station JANINE VAN DER RIET A television was stolen from one of the offices at the Hermanus police station. The suspects broke into the station and took the television from the parade room. No officials were in the room when the incident happened. According to Col Francois de Wet from the Hermanus police station, two suspects have been arrested in connection with the burglary. A search for a third suspect is currently being looked into and the investigation continues. The two suspects are still in jail and awaiting a bail application.
Die ma het die skoolhoof, Greg Hassenkamp, oor die voorval in kennis gestel en die skool het Woensdagoggend met haar vergader. “Die skoolhoof het gesê ’n tugsaak teen die seun is geopen. Ons moet die doktersverslae aan die skool oorhandig en die saak sal dan deur die skool ondersoek word.” Die ma sê haar dogter is Woensdag weer skool toe, maar dit is baie traumaties vir hulle albei. “Haar een oog is amper heeltemal toegeswel en die wonde lyk sleg. Ek dink die storie begin my nou vang.” Teen druktyd het Hassenkamp nog nie kommentaar oor die aangeleentheid aan die Hermanus Times deurgegee nie.
VANDALISME AAN BORD IN ONRUS: Hierdie bord op die hoek van Van Blom menstein en De Villiers straat in Onrus het ge durende Paasnaweek onder vandalisme deur geloop en staan nou al vir die afgelope vier maande lank so. In die foto kan gesien word hoe “wood” van Mil kwood doodgekrap is en “me” bo dit geskryf is. By navraag aan Overstrandmunisipali teit het Peter Burger, senior bestuurder van operasionele dienste, ge sê hy het nie kennis gedra van die beskadigde bord nie. “’n Onmid dellike aansoek sal uitgereik word vir vervanging van hierdie bord,” het Burger gesê. FOTO: JANHENDRIK COETZER
Sandbaai se riool bly ’n probleem ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Alhoewel die rioolprobleem by Onrusriver se strandmeer op die oomblik onder beheer is (HT 31 Julie), is daar tans nog nie ’n oplossing vir die oorloop van riool in Sandbaai nie. Volgens Chris Nieuwoudt, ondervoorsitter van Sandbaai-belastingbetalersvereniging, het dit te doen met die ligging van die nood-uitlaatpyp wat oorspoel in wat Sandbaaiers die “dooie baai” noem. “Dié oorvloei lê op die verkeerde plek. Daar is nie genoeg golf-aksie in dié baai om die riool op te breek en weg te spoel nie. “Wanneer die watertafel baie hoog is, soos wat nou die geval is, begin stormwater in die rioolstelsel vloei. Daar is by dié pompstasie, soos in enige ander geval, ’n nood-uitlaatpyp wat in werking tree en binne ’n baie kort tydperk (ten tye van ’n kragonderbreking of wanfunksionering van die pompe) begin riool in die baai loop.” ’n Verdere probleem, aldus Nieuwoudt, is die feit dat die pompstasie opgerig is voordat daar soveel mense permanent in Sandbaai gewoon het. “Meeste inwoners het van septiese tenks gebruik gemaak, maar in die tussen-
tyd het die rioolvloei aansienlik toegeneem. “Die enigste oplossing is om die oorvloeipyp te skuif sodat dit meer oos uitloop.” Peter Burger, senior bestuurder: operasionele dienste van die Overstrand-munisipaliteit, het gesê die pompstasie beskik nie oor sy eie nood-kragopwekker nie, maar gedurende kragonderbrekings word daar van ’n mobiele kragopwekker gebruik gemaak om die pompstasie in werking te hou. “Riooltenkers word ook gebruik om oorlope te verhoed. Indien geen noodmaatreëls voorsien word nie, sal die pompstasie na ongeveer ’n uur oorloop. “Gedurende tye van hewige reenval kan die pompstasie egter oorloop as gevolg van die groot hoeveelheid stormwater wat in die rioolstelsel beland en die kapasiteit van die pompstasie oorskry word.” Luidens Burger bestaan daar ’n moontlikheid om die nood-uitlaat te verskuif, maar dit sal onderhewig wees aan die uitvoer van ’n omgewingsimpakstudie en die beskikbaarheid van die raad se kapitaalbegroting om dit te finansier. Hy sê verder dat daar nie in vanjaar se begroting hiervoor voorsiening gemaak is nie.
Two murders in Zwelihle During the weekend two murders took place in Zwelihle. A 21-year-old suspect was arrested for the murder of a 30-year-old man in the transit camp in Zwelihle. According to Lt Fadila September, the deceased and the suspect had an argument on Saturday whereafter the suspect stabbed the victim and left him to die. He passed away in hospital. The suspect appeared in court on 11 August and is still in custody awaiting a bail hearing. In the second incident on the same day, the
deceased was on her way to a neighbour’s house when her 52-year-old boyfriend confronted her and they had an argument. The boyfriend took out a knife and stabbed her in the chest. She ran home where she collapsed and passed away. September says according to neighbours and friends,thetwousedtofightcontinuously,especially when they were under the influence of alcohol. The suspect is in custody and a bail application will follow.
Nuus News
14 August, 2014
NSRI benefits from sales of Maritimus wine JANHENDRIK COETZER
The Owners of Sumaridge hand over the cheque worth R16 800 to NSRI Sta tion 17. Back from left: Deon Langenhoven, Henk Henn, Holly Be lingham (owner Sumaridge), Alwyn Geldenhuys, Simon Turner (owner Sumaridge), Antonie de Klerk and Jean le Roux. Middle: Wayne Theron, James Storbeck, Giepie Loubser, Andre Barnard and Eben van der Riel. Front: Joshua Henn.
Sumaridge Estate Wines handed over a cheque worth R16 800 to the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) during a function heldatthewineestateonSaturdayevening. The owner of Sumaridge, Simon Turner, explained that they will donate R1 for every bottle sold of their latest white blend, Maritimus, to the NSRI. “We will bottle 20 000 of this blend each year. So every year the NSRI can expect a cheque from us,” says Turner. According to Turner’s wife and co-owner, Holly Bellingham, they are extremely proud to be involved in this project. “My father was a commander in the Royal Navy in England, so I know what its like for these men to voluntarily go out to sea and put their own lives at risk to save others. “I also take my hat off to the wives and girlfriends of these men who must be worried sick every time they go out to sea,” says Bellingham. NSRI CEO, Cleeve Roberton, thanked Sumaridge for their generous support and the passion they share for what the NSRI does. “Normally guys at the top get all the credit, but tonight I want to thank all the people here,
because it’s the guys on the ground who do all the hard work, that really need to be thanked,” says Roberton. According to Sumaridge winemaker, Gavin
Patterson, the sea brings magic to their grapes and for this reason also it feels really special to support an institute such as the NSRI.
New clinic ‘’ideally situated’’ for optimal access KERRY VAN RENS BURG The new clinic in Swartdam Road, known officially as the Hermanus Community Day Centre (CDC), is expected to open its doors to the public early 2015. According to Natasha Peterson, communications officer for health in the Overberg District, the Hermanus CDC forms part of Western Cape Government Health Department’s commitment to ensure that access A 3D architectural image of what the completed Hermanus Communirty Day Centre is expected to look like. to quality health care PHOTO: SUPPLIED to the local historiHe says that the location of the CDC is ideal- flow which should lead to superior patient excally disadvantaged communities is imly situated to provide optimal access to the perience.” proved. Peterson says: “The Hermanus CDC will The price-tag for the construction of this total population. “The new CDC is suitably located for trans- render a primary health care service and will facility is about R38 million. Once this state-of-the-art clinic is complete, port access via public transport services. For have a full staff complement including a fullthe services offered at the old Zwelihle Clinic, inter-facility transfers, the CDC is also ideally time medical officer. It will offer services Mount Pleasant Clinic, Hermanus Clinic and situated for emergency transfers to the local such as mother and child health; health prothe primary health care and ART services be- Hermanus Hospital,” comments Minister motion; chronic disease management; occupational therapy; physiotherapy; psychiatry; ing rendered at the Hermanus Hospital’s out- Botha. He says the new eco/green design and con- oral health; communicable disease managepatient department, will be amalgamated unstruction of the facility maximises natural ment; mental health and curative health.” der one roof. Minister Botha made it clear that the new Western Cape Minister of Health, Theuns light entry, natural airflow, and the use of low clinic will make use of an appointment sysBotha, visited the construction site in Novem- carbon footprint material. “The facility allows for excellent patient tem from the beginning. ber last year.
Run/Walk for Life is here The well-known training programme, Run/ Walk for Life, will be kicking off in Hermanus as of 1 September. Elna Botha, a local runner, had made enquiries about this exercise programme and running one in the Overstrand. Elna Botha “I then started the training programme to open a branch here. I recently completed the last of my exams and our first run or walk will take place at 17:30 on Monday 1 September at the Old Boys’ Club at Hermanus High School. “Runners and walkers of all ages and sizes can join us every Monday, Wednesday or Friday. The programme is a specialised health, social and weight loss programme for everyone, no matter your age or fitness level.” For more about the programme visit or call Elna at 0 072 640 6822 or 2
GESTEELDE HOND GEVIND: Sammy, die swart Labrador wat uit ’n huis in Sandbaai gesteel is, is uiteindelik met sy eienaars herenig ná ’n op en wakker vrou die hond in verlede week se Hermanus Ti mes herken het. Sandy McFarlan het die hond by ’n sekerheidswag by die Herma nus Gholfklub gesien toe sy daar gaan gholf speel het. Sy het die eienaar van die hond, Yolanda Jansen van Vuuren, gebel en hulle is Sondagaand herenig. Die sekerheidswag het die hond by kinders in Zwelihle afgeneem nadat hy gesien het dat die hond aan ’n paal vasgemaak was. Die hond het bedags by die se kerheidswag gebly en saans het Sammy saam met hom werk toe gegaan. “Daar is baie goed na die hond, wat soos ’n baba geruik het, omgesien. Die sekerheidswag het die hond selfs met babasjampoe gewas. Ons is baie dankbaar.” Hier staan Sandy met Sammy ná Yolanda aan haar ’n ge skenk oorhandig het om dankie te sê.
Nuus News
14 August, 2014
Kalfiefees 2014 van die beste ooit CILENE BEKKER Hoewel ’n kort fees, net drie dae, was die Kalfie ’n bul van ’n fees. “Een van die bestes ooit”, “fenomenaal,” was van die vele positiewe kommentaar ontvang van feesgangers. “Fabulous verblyf en ’n heerlike show”, “Ons het dit vreeslik geniet en ‘n fantastiese gehoor gehad”, het kunstenaars laat weet. Regisseur Hennie van Greunen (van Rondomskrik en Vir Ewig en Altyd) sê: “Die reëlings was oudergewoonte uitstekend!”. “Omdat dit so ’n kort fees was, het ons baie ingeprop en sou mense, as hulle kon, nog meer vertonings bygewoon het,” sê Kalfiefees-programorganiseerders Anna Spaarwater en Annemarie Joubert. “Ons het veral ook lof gekry vir die openingsaand met Sarah Theron en die Gugulethu Tenore, Vrouedag by die Harbour Rock-restaurant, en dr. Piet Croucamp se ekonomie-besprekingsprogram by die Whale Coast-hotel.” Altesaam was daar 34 vertonings waarvan minstens tien uitverkoop is, insluitend Boskombuis in die Sandbaaisaal wat 520 mense kan huisves. Die vraag na kaartjies vir byvoorbeeld Vir Ewig en Altyd met Sandra Prinsloo en Marius Weyers was so groot dat hulle ingestem het om ’n derde vertoning aan te bied. Dié vertoning en Dowwe Dolla s’n was van die weiniges waar kaartjies duurder as R100 was. In totaal is 4 241 kaartjies deur Computicket verkoop en sowat 150 by die deure. Vertonings is aangebied by die De Wetsaal, Sandbaaisaal, die munisipale ouditorium en vir die eerste keer ook by Sprokkelster-teater in Onrus. Volgens die teater se eienaar, Louise van Zyl, was nie net die blootstelling vir haar teater goed nie, maar was die bywoning puik. “Die Kalfie was ’n dawerende sukses. Hoewel daar by van die vertonings hier oop sitplekke was, is al die kindervertonings uitverkoop. Ek dink dit bewys dat Sprokkelster ’n definitiewe plek het by die Kalfiefees, veral vir kindervertonings en ook die meer intieme soort shows. Hopelik kan ons met die komende Kalfies nóg meer hiervan aanbied.” Die goeie bywoningsyfers en borgskappe oor die algemeen het ook gemaak dat die boeke klop. “Die Kalfie is ’n NPO (nie-winsgewende organisasie). Die fees was suksesvol, nie gemeet in terme van wins nie, maar ons kan al die rekeninge betaal te danke aan die ondersteuning van die borge, die plaaslike media, die Kalfiefeesgangers, die gastehuise en hotelle en al die ander ondernemings wat bygedra het met dienste en produkte, van toiletpapier by al die venues tot versnaperings, blomme, geskenkbewyse en selfs die aanbied van fisiese arbeid om te help met die inpak, uitpak en oppak,” sê Adolf Joubert, tesourier: Kalfie-
Die klassieke kitaarspeler, James Grace, het ná sy vertoning by die ouditorium goedhar tig CDs geteken. Hier is dit die beurt van Adele Immelman en Mary Boehler.
Sarah Theron en die Gugulethu Tenore en hul pianis ná hul briljante openingsaanduitvoering saam met Kalfiefeeskomiteelede Louise van Zyl en Patricia Senekal FOTO’S: CILENE BEKKER net ’n dubbelbed deel. Hulle het dit in goeie luim gevat en mekaar gewaarsku hulle hou van cuddle in die aand. Van die ondersteuning en goeie gees wat geheers het, sê Joubert: “Die groot ding is dat die borge, in geld en dienste, dit moontlik maak om die fees aan te bied. Dit alles saam maak dit moontlik vir die fees om bekostigbaar te wees, en die goedkoopste feeskaartjies te kan aanbied. Dis voorwaar iets om op trots te wees.” “Dis ’n lekker ding om waar te neem dat mense van die noorde spesifiek hiernatoe In vrolike luim by die openingsaand was (voor) Mari Lätti, kom vir die fees, dat die fees Gawie en Ilse Richter en Marie Buys. Agter staan Ivan Lätti wyer trefkrag het, en dalk en Irma Rall. kan dit nog wyer word. “’n Mens sal ook daarnatoe wil werk dat byfees-komitee. Een van die aspekte wat help om uitgawes woners nie net vir die fees kom nie, maar nog te beperk is die bereidwilligheid van gaste- langer aanbly sodat die sakegemeenskap en huise en hotelle wat gratis verblyf aan die toerismebedryf op ’n meer effektiewe manier ook voordeel kry uit die besoekers. Dis iets kunstenaars en hul tegnici verskaf. “Ons het vanjaar 22 verblyfplekke gehad. wat ons by die komende Kalfie-bosberaad sal Die Windsor-hotel het die meeste kamers ge- bespreek.” In die woorde van die voorsitter, Thys Suborg. Die hele geselskap van Mathilda se Confusing Oggend en Rondomskrik, plus hul teg- therland: “Aan die Vriende van die Kalfiefees niese span het daar gebly. Misty Waves moes en die ander feesgangers, baie dankie! Die inspring om verblyf vir Sharleen Surtie-Ri- 2014 Kalfiefees was ’n super fees. Ons weet chards te verskaf,” sê Gwyneth Norman, ver- dat julle ons gaan help om die Kalfie, in die blyf-koördineerder van die Kalfiefees-komi- jare wat kom, te laat groei tot ’n stoetbul.” ) Die Hermanus Times Kalfiefees word elke tee. Met so baie logistieke reëlings sluip daar jaar rondom Vrouedag aangebied. Volgende jaar val Vrouedag op ’n Sondag wel ’n paar uitdagings in soos wat gebeur het met Hein Poole en Lee Rood wat Nommerpas (9 Augustus 2015). Die plan is om die openingsaangebied het. Iemand se klankman het hom aand op Donderdag 6 Augustus te hou, gevolg misgis met waar hy moes oornag en Poole en deur 4 volle dae van aanbiedings tot en met Rood moes toe noodgedwonge ’n kamer met Maandag 10 Augustus.
Elaine Heiberg, Heidi Heiberg en Margaret Loxton by een van die vertonings by Sprok kelsterteater.
Wilson Dunster en Elize Cawood saam met Kalfiefeeskomiteelid André Kruger wat ver antwoordelik was vir die opmaak van die bokse wat deel van die verhoogdekor was. “Dié egpaar is so spontaan, vriendelik en waarderend,” vertel André, “en Wilson het ’n lekker stewige handdruk, en Elize ook!”
Vrouedagoggend was ’n fees van saamkuier met van die beste uitsigte oor Walkerbaai. Terwyl vroue hier gekuier het, het verskeie van hul manne die besprekingspraatjie van dr. Piet Croucamp by die Whale Coast hotel bygewoon. Oor dié interessante praatjie sal in volgende week se HT berig word.
Sowat 100 vroue het Vrouedagoggend ge vier by die Harbour Rockrestaurant. Hier is Marie van der Berg, Helene Bekker, Susan Esterhuyse en Rykie Bouwer. Die skrywer Ka rin Brynard was die gasspreker en die ver maakkunstenaar Emile Minnie het dié be skrywing van sy talent gestand gedoen.
Nuus News
14 August, 2014
Kalfiefees Art Exhibition breaks records For the second year the Hermanus Times Kalfiefees hosted an art exhibition in the foyer of the Municipal Auditorium. This year there were nine fully booked shows at the auditorium thereby exposing the art on display to a potential 1 800 people attending the performances. Unlike last year when the exhibition hall was virtually empty while the shows were on, this year there were 20 to 30 people visiting the exhibition between shows. Most of the audiences moved between the exhibits before and after shows, which was the whole idea behind having the exhibition at the same venue. The Kalfiefees has now become a cultural feast of theatre, music and art and offers a full spectrum of creative work to Hermanus and Overstrand residents and many out of town visitors. The works of 47 artists and 12 galleries were on display, satisfying
Johan and Alice Kriel with Prof Derrick Dickens. many different tastes. Each artist averaged five works and the galleries eight, representing approximately 315 works of art all in one place. This year the public came to the party and well over R27 000’s worth of paintings were sold. History was made when amateur Sunday painters and professional artists stood in juxtaposition with one another without any drama or temperamental outbursts, and for the first time every artist was able
to judge their standards and levels of skill against their contemporaries. Many of the lesser artists went through a steep learning curve, and learned from the experienced artists at the exhibition. Those who exhibited last year benefited and a definite improvement in their standard and techniques was observed, proving the value of being able to judge yourself against others. The one prevalent comment from artists and the public alike was how surprised they were that there were so many talented artists in Hermanus, bearing out the hypothesis that Hermanus has one of the biggest art colonies in South Africa. The sad part is that many local residents did not take the opportunity of attending the biggest exhibition on their doorstep and therefore lost out on the pleasure of being exposed to some very good and reasonably priced art. PROF DERRICK DICKENS
The Kalfiefees art exhibition was well attended and gave browsers/buyers the opportunity to meet the artists. PHOTOS: CILENE BEKKER
Anna Spaarwater ontvang Kalfiefeesteël CILENE BEKKER Anna Spaarwater, programorganiseerder van die Hermanus Times Kalfiefees, is die ontvanger van vanjaar se Kalfiefees-teël wat elke jaar toegeken word aan iemand wat oor die jare ’n besondere bydrae maak en gemaak het tot die bevordering van Afrikaanse kunste en teater in die Overberg. Dit is aan haar oorhandig deur Cas van Rensburg, skrywer en ook eertydse voorsitter van die Kalfiefeeskomitee. Hy het Anna se bydrae geskets teen die agtergrond van die dertigerjare, in die tydperk van die arm blanke, maar ook die bloeitydperk van grotes soos NP van Wyk Louw, Boerneef, Pierneef, Maggie Laubser en Anna Pohl. “En dan was daar prof F.C.L Bosman, die stil man uit dié lot, op sy tyd lektor in Nederlands-Afrikaans aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad, later sekretaris van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, hoogleraar aan die Universiteit van Pretoria, vader van Laerskool Groote Schuur. “Anna Spaarwater is sy dogter.” Anna is reeds sedert 2004 by die Kalfiefees betrokke as komiteelid. “Jy kan maar sê ek het die kunste met moedersmelk ingekry, my pa was ook betrokke by TRUK in daardie dae,” het ’n aangedane Spaarwater gesê met ontvangs van die teël by die Kalfiefees-openingsaand verlede Donderdag.
MOTORBORG: Rola VW Hermanus was die amptelike mo torborg van die Kalfiefees. Hulle het motors verskaf, en brandstof geborg, waarmee die komiteelede kunstenaars kon vervoer vanaf die lughawe en terug en vanaf hul ver blyfplekke na die Kalfievenues. Hier is Jimmy Hattingh van die Kalfiefeeskomitee saam met Erno Coreejes, bestuurder van Rola VW Hermanus. FOTO: PATRICIA SENEKAL
Anna Spaarwater met die Kalfiefeesteël wat aan haar oorhandig is deur Cas van Rensburg. “Ek voel geëerd dat dit vir my gegee is. Ek is nie ’n kunstenaar nie, net ’n bewonderaar van die kunste. En met
Baie dankie ook aan die besighede wat dit moontlik gemaak het om Kalfiefeesgangers te bederf met allerlei
geskenke en bydraes Hermanus Nissan, Creation Wines, ProActive Gym, Wildekrans Wines, Wine Village, VW Rola Motors, Rivendell Wines, Benguela Cove, Maxitec, Agrimark, Whale Coast Hotel, Flight Specials, OK MiniMark Onrus, Checkers, Stanford Valley Guest Farm, Willow Creek, Curves, Feathers Bistro, Old Station Car Wash,
die Kalfiefees is dit vir my moontlik om hierdie liefde te kan uitleef, en met ander mense te kan deel.”
Dankie aan die borge vir finansiële bydraes, gratis verblyf, geskenke en bystand Die volgende besighe de en instansies het by gedra met borgskappe Hermanus Times, Overstrandmunisipaliteit, Computicket, Pick n Pay, Distell, Naspers, Wesgro, Onrus Apteek, Keller Williams Realty, Pam Golding Onrus, Toyota Hermanus.
Avon, Harbour Rock restaurant, Warwicks, Hermanuspietersfontein, PSG, Abagold, Aïda, Seeff, Sarietydskrif, Snuffels Die volgende hotelle en gastehuise het ver blyf verskaf aan Kalfie feeskunstenaars Vermont: On the Vermont, Beaumonte Guest House Sandbaai: Sandbaai Country House, Schulphoek Guest House,
138 Marine Drive Guest House Hermanus: Pat’s Place, ANHA Casa, Misty Waves Hotel, Aloe Guest House, Windsor Hotel, Avalon on Sea, Quarters Hotel, Pelagus Guest House, Abalone Guest Lodge, Westcliff House, 16 Reasons Guest House, Rochester Manor, Whale Rock Lodge, Whale Coast Hotel, Chesham House, Baleia Guest Lodge Voëlklip: Grys Paleis
Algemeen General
14 August, 2014
We are now open for breakfast from 09h00. Join us for our Breakfast Promotion which includes a complimentary filter coffee Piazza Breakfast R 28 Two fried or scrambled eggs served on a slice of white or brown toast, crispy streaky bacon and grilled tamato Health Breakfast R 40 Omelettes, from R 32 Egg on toast R 18 Croissant, plain or with scrambled eggs and bacon/smoked salmon, from R 28 Come and see our menu for seafood, steak & lamb chops, pizzas, pasta, salad Monday to Sunday from 9am till late * Free Wi-Fi * TV in Piazza Cafe for sport and news
028 313 1153
DIEËTPORSIE PIESANGS: Leo Benning het dié foto geneem van die piepklein pie sangs wat sy piesangboom in sy tuin opgelewer het. Hy het dit langs ’n winkelpie sang geplaas om die grootte te wys. FOTO: LEO BENNING
Algemeen General
PAPEGAAI VERMIS: Dié geel ringnekpapegaai, Skippy, het Son dag 10 Augustus deur die loop van die dag in Fisantesingel, Ver mont, vermis geraak. Sy is ver moedelik gesteel aangesien haar hokkie oopgemaak is. Daar is ’n ring om haar een pootjie. Enigeen met inligting kan 071 355 7252 skakel of ’n epos na stuur.
) BALLS OF WOOL NEEDED A big thank you to Hermanus for their contributions of odd balls of wool for Hawston folks. This gift was greeted with enthusiasm and these folks are busy creating warm caps, mittens and socks to keep out the cold. If there are any odd balls of wool still lurking in drawers and cupboards, we would be very happy to receive them for these elderly Hawston residents to give them a hobby in their old age that produces nice warm garments to keep their extremities warm in the cold weather we have been having. Any odd balls of wool you may have, mark it ‘Hawston’ and deliver to the Senior Centre. Many many thanks. - Barbara Summerell ) LIBRARY RAFFLE WINNERS The winners of the Friends of the Library whale of a raffle are Daan Goosen; Faith Bester; Tertius Warmenhove; Elbe Henn; Lesbury Smith and MD Wright. To all who took part, many thanks. All the proceeds will go towards new library material. ) DIE THEUNISSEN-NASATE KOM BYEEN OM 250 JAAR TE HERDENK Vanjaar, op 10 Oktober, vier ons Theunissens die 250 ste jaar sedert ons stamvader Marthinus Aegidius Theunissen hier in Tafelbaai aan wal gestap het nadat hy vanaf Maastricht in Nederland op die Admiraal de Ruiter as soldaat in diens van die H.O.I.K. hierheen gevaar het. Die meeste Theunissens in Suid Afrika is afstammelinge van Marthinus Aegidius Theunissen. Datum: 09.30 Saterdag 11 Oktober en Sondag 12 Oktober Plek: Ou NG kerk, Kerkstraat, Somerset-Wes. Hierdie is ’n baie groot mylpaal in ons geskiedenis en ons nooi al die nasate om die geleentheid te vier en eerstehands meer te wete te kom oor hom en die Theunissen-familie. Dr. Dan Sleigh, bekende historikus en kenner van die VOC is die gasspreker en sal onder meer ook praat oor die verskeie plase in die Overberg, wat aan die Theunissens behoort het. Die familie-byeenkoms sal plaasvind by die kerk gevolg deur ’n middagete en toer van die plaas Vergelegen in Somerset-Wes, wat vir 100 jaar en vier geslagte lank aan die Theunissens behoort het. Sondag is die plan om na die Overberg uit te ry waar ons voorouer en sy familie gewoon het. Genadendal, Greyton, The Oaks, Zoetmelksvallei, Hartebeestkraal en Ziekenhuis is almal plase wat ’n groot rol gespeel het in ons familie se geskiedenis. Vir meer inligting, kontak Frans Theunissen by 028 315 1990 / 082 559 4290 of epos
14 August, 2014
Algemeen General
14 August, 2014
Teelepelversameling van regoor die wêreld JANHENDRIK COETZER Toe Lea Gerber (89) meer as dertig jaar gelede in Jerusalem gaan toer het, het sy haar heel eerste teelepel gekoop, en sedertdien het dié versameling gegroei tot waar sy nou letterlik nie meer plek vir ’n enkele ene het nie. Lea en haar man, Willa (94), bly in Huis Lettie Theron al vir die afgelope 18 jaar. Voor dit het hulle 10 jaar in Onrus gewoon. Hulle is nou 28 jaar getroud en is dit haar derde huwelik. Gedurende haar agt jaar as weduwee, voor sy vir Willa ontmoet het, het sy vir die eerste keer oorsee getoer en die eerste teelepel gekoop. Daarna het sy weer getoer na plekke soos Alaska, Tokio, Taiwan en Duitsland van waar baie van die teelepels afkomstig is. Daarna het Lea en Willa saam besluit om meer plaaslik te toer tussen Pretoria en Kaapstad en dan letterlik op elke klein dorpie gestop en mooi teelepels uitgesnuffel.
“Dis darem nie net ek alleen wat oor die jare die teelepels bymekaar gemaak het nie. My een kleinseun vlieg vir Cathay Pacific in Hong Kong en hy koop altyd ’n teelepel van die land waarheen hy vlieg. Die ander kleinseun was ook vir sowat vyf jaar werksaam in Europa en het ook altyd vir my teelepels saamgebring”, vertel Lea. “’n Vriend van Oos-Londen het nou die dag weer vir my ’n teelepel gegee, maar ek weet regtig nie meer waarnatoe met al die teelepels nie. Die teelepels moet ook natuurlik elke keer skoongemaak word en dit kos ’n klomp geld om dit te laat doen.” Toe Lea gevra is of die kinders of kleinkinders die versameling gaan erf, het sy gesê, “nee wat, hulle het almal laat weet dat hulle stel nie eintlik belang nie – so ons weet nog nie rêrig wat om daarmee te maak nie.” Dalk is daar ’n versamelaar wat sal belangstel in die versameling van sowat 500 teelepels?
Lighthouse ladies to sign up and vote The Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse ladies have been very successful in raising money in support of the Overstrand charities, with the 2014 walk from Agulhas lighthouse to Danger Point lighthouse, a distance of nearly 100 km, raising over R280 000. Every year the ladies vote for their Charity of Choice at a special meeting where the short-listed applicants make a presentation to the ladies, who then vote for the main beneficiary and for the charity to benefit from the practice walk. This year there will be only one meeting on Wednesday 27 August at the United Church hall at 18:00 where the ladies can vote. All ladies wishing to join the charity walk are asked to attend the meeting in order to vote and register for the walk. The walk is restricted to 60 ladies. For more information contact Ronelle Van Zyl at
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 29(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, No 117 of 1998, that a COUNCIL MEETING of the Theewaterskloof Municipality will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CALEDON on THURSDAY 21 AUGUST 2014 at 14:00. Esi sisazizo sokuba NGOLWESINE, umhla we 21 AUGUST 2014, NGENTSIMBI YESIBINI 14:00 kuzakubakho INTLANGANISO YEBHUNGA lase Theewaterskloof, EMAGUMBINI EBHUNGA, E CALEDON. Esisibhengezo senziwa ngokwemigaqo ka Section 29(2) Womthetho Karhulumente Wezekhaya: Municipal StructresAct, 117 ka 1998. Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikel 29(2) van die Plaaslike Regering : Wet op Munisipale Strukture, nr 117 van 1998, dat 'n RAADSVERGADERING van die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit in die RAADSAAL, CALEDON op DONDERDAG 21 AUGUSTUS 2014 om 14:00 gehou sal word. HSD Wallace MUNICIPAL MANAGER UMANEJALAWESIXEKO MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER PO Box 24/Idilesi ye posi 24/Posbus 24 CALEDON 7230
Tussendeur die rondreisery het Lea ook ’n boek gepen wat handel oor haar lewe en die oorsese toere. Die boek is getiteld Never a Dull Mo ment. Lea Gerber met die teelepel versameling.
International botanical workshop focuses on Fernkloof Fernkloof Nature Reserve is the subject of an international botanical workshop in Hermanus on 26 September. The workshop’s theme is “Fernkloof: Celebrating Fynbos” and it is being marketed across South Africa and to interested international botanical and conservation organisations. Dr Shirley Sherwood, founder of the Botanical Art Gallery in Kew Gardens and an international authority, in supporting the workshop, said: “I’ve always thought Fernkloof a very special place. It is so accessible and yet so wild. The Cape flora is really unique.” Duncan Heard, chairperson of the Fernkloof Advisory Board, adds that, while Fernkloof is an important attraction, it faces challenges and is not sufficiently or appropriately marketed. “For example, there is an exciting role for the private sector in its development. The workshop will highlight this and other
aspects. I am sure it will be welcomed, especially given its strong programme, by all people in Hermanus who appreciate what Fernkloof offers us.” Organized by Omega Investment Research as part of its international marketing of Hermanus campaign, the event is supported by the Overstrand Municipality, Hermanus Botanical Society, the Hermanus Business Chamber and the tourism bureau and other local organisations, says Omega spokesperson Stacey Farao. “Participants in the event will be offered guided tours of Fernkloof on the day before the event and the day afterwards. We are marketing the workshop as a three-day experience, at the same time as the Flower Show, as part of our Destination Hermanus project.” Presenters at the workshop include Prof Brian Huntley (former CEO of South African
National Biodiversity Institute), Duncan Heard, David Davidson (of Chelsea Flower Show fame), Ishmail Ebrahim (CREW CFR Programme Manager, SANBI (South African National Botanical Institute), Dr Dianne Marais (Hermanus Botanical Society), Michael Lutzeyer (Grootbos Private Nature Reserve), Piet Louw (Sentinel Business Advisory) and Paddy Gordon (Table Mountain National Park). The cost of participation of the workshop is R850 per person and R1 200 per couple, and includes a finger lunch, refreshments and a concluding wine reception. Early bird registration fees, valid until 29 August, are R650 and R1 000 respectively. For details of participation or opportunities for sponsorship contact Stacey Farao at Omega Investment Research on 021 671 9233 or email or visit
DID YOU KNOW… The Camel Thorn or Kameeldoring (Acacia erioloba) of South ern Africa is very slowgrowing due to its harsh habitat. It is a beautiful, sculptur al tree that provides shade and food for giraffe, rhino, eland, elephant, gemsbok and kudu. It is protected wherever it grows, be it South Africa, Namibia or Bot swana. No person may cut, collect, remove, transport, export, purchase, sell, do nate or in any other manner acquire or dispose of any protected tree – even a dead one. What are you using for braai wood? This is a serious problem that not many people are aware of. One sees kameeldoring braai wood for sale all over – mostly from Namibia, I understand, where they can least afford to lose trees. ANINA LEE
NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DEREGISTER CERTAIN POLITICAL PARTIES The Electoral Commission intends to deregister the political party listed below. The affected party has two weeks from date of publication in this newspaper before it will be deregistered. Please contact us on 012-622 5200 or 012-622 5436, or send an email to or for any queries: Cape Agulhas Ratepayers Association
Algemeen General
14 August, 2014
Einde van ’n era – Sea Breeze Motors gaan deure sluit
JANHENDRIK COETZER Sea Breeze Motors, seker een van die oudste besighede in Hermanus, gaan binnekort sluit. Volgens die eienaars, Jimmy en Hanna McLachlan, het dit nou maar net tyd geraak om af te tree. “Oom Jimmy se gesondheid is nie meer wat dit was nie en aangesien my seun, Alexander, binne die volgende paar maande op pad is om in Soedan te gaan werk, het ons ook maar besluit dat dit nou tyd is om te gaan rus,” sê Hanna. Die McLachlans het die besigheid, wat toe reeds Sea Breeze Motors was, in 1968 oorgekoop. Oom Jimmy het eers by Ford in Caledon gewerk voordat hulle hier ’n besigheid begin het. Oor die jare het hy bekend geraak as die carburetor-man, want hy kon enige probleme aan ’n carburetor regmaak. Oor die jare heen het Sea Breeze aan alle voertuie gewerk en het hulle van dienste tot 4x4-modifikasies asook suspensies gedoen. Hulle het ’n sterk kliëntebasis gehad wat groot besighede insluit en het selfs die afgelope twee jaar EMR se noodvoertuie gediens. Alexander het die afgelope jare die voortou geneem, maar het on-
Jimmy, Alexander en Hanna McLachlan in Sea Breeze Motors se werks winkel. FOTO: JANHENDRIK COETZER langs die nuus gekry dat sy werkkontrak in Soedan goedgekeur is. “Dis maar ’n geleentheid wat homself nou voordoen en ek het besluit om daarvoor te gaan. Dis ’n Amerikaanse maatskappy in Soedan wat groot masjiene diens en onderhou en hulle het my ’n 10-jaarkontrak aangebied. So met my wat op pad is Soedan toe en my pa se gesondheid wat nie meer is wat dit was
nie, het ons as familie besluit dis tyd om toe te maak,” sê Alexander. Oom Jimmy-hulle gaan egter steeds die perseel uitverhuur. “Dis nog nie seker wie die nuwe huurder gaan wees nie, maar AutoHaven wat reeds die voorste gedeelte van die gebou huur, het aangedui dat hulle dalk belangstel om die agterste gedeelte ook te huur,” sê Alexander.
Alan bows out after 10 years at Hospice Alan Toombs recently stepped down from his position as chairman of the Overstrand Hospice where he has been involved since its inception in September 2004. The initial idea of a Hospice came from Jeremy and Vivienne Owen together with Dr Julian Turner, then recently arrived from England, who expressed surprise that Hermanus with its large retired community did not have any formal establishment caring for the terminally ill. Toombs was an early collaborator, meetings were held and he took responsibility for starting just such a Hospice. Unfortunately for Alan he had a serious accident breaking both his ankles and so could not play golf nor enjoy his other favourite past-time: fly fishing. He was desk-bound for five days a week during the gestation period, and working alone in a tiny office kindly supplied free by Dawie Bothma, he designed the administration and accounting systems, set up reporting structures, and liaised with
On average the the national Hospice Hospice now cares Palliative Care Assofor about 50 patients ciation, which reguat a time. It owns both lates all hospices. the administrative Together with Jeroffice as well as the emy and Vivienne shop. and Turner, Alan Annual running was a co-midwife costs are in the region when in January of R1,7 m, all of which 2007 the Hospice was has to be sourced born. since the Hospice reThe highly trained ceives no financial palliative care nursassistance from goving sister Gerna van ernment. der Riet was engaged There has always and soon a man-Fribeen an enthusiastic day secretary, Dee Alan Toombs will be suc and competent board Back was appointed. ceeded by Sharon Small with Turner still The starting staff Smillie as chairman. She closely involved, but of two has now grown has been a board mem the Hospice would to 13 permanent em- ber for the past three not be where it is toployees supported by years. day without Alan’s several relief nursing sisters and well over 100 volun- selfless, dedicated service and the teers - but it was only in June 2010 community is deeply in his dept, that a general manager was engaged says Michael Mathews, former and until then Alan was effectively chairperson. ) Sharon Small-Smillie will take the full-time, unpaid, executive diover the reigns from Alan. rector.
SeeenSand se 4x4 avontuurtoere is ook baie gewild. Toergangers moes padbou en help om voertuie deur sagte sand van ’n gevaarli ke rotshelling te kry. FOTO: MC BOTHA
Leer lewens red of gaan op avontuurlike toer JANINE DER RIET
Die gesoute manne van die See-enSand-Instituut bied reeds vir die afgelope 43 jaar lewensreddingskursusse aan en vanjaar word twee kursusse aangebied: een vir skoolgaande jongmense en een vir studente. Henk Esterhuy- Studente leer om lewens te red tydens die See sen van See-en- enSand lewensreddingskursus. Sand sê hulle het FOTO: HENNIE ODENDAL besluit om twee kursusse aan te bied omdat be- aangebied van 4 tot 11 Oktober. Die studente lewensreddingssoekersgetalle by die strande elke jaar toeneem en die dienstyd- kursus (18+ jaar) word van 7 tot 13 September aangebied. perk vir redders langer is. ) Esterhuysen bied ook 4x4 “Dit is ook sodat ons die Blouvlag-strande van redders kan toere aan. Hulle het pas weer ’n voorsien. Wat ons kursusse baie avontuurlike toer op die sandwaardevol maak, is dat die prak- strande tussen Xai-Xai en Ponta tiese oefeninge wat die jong men- Zavora in Mosambiek aangese doen in dieselfde omstandig- bied. Gedurende die toer moes toerhede geskied as waarin hulle as gangers eers “padbou” en daarna lewensredders sal werk. “Al ons oefeninge vind plaas in mekaar help om elke voertuig die Hermanus-omgewing. En deur sagte sand van ’n gevaarlike soos almal weet, as jy hier kan rotshelling te kry. Vir diegene wat belangstel in lewens red, kan jy op enige plek op aarde gemaklik voel in die wa- die lewensredderskursus en of die toere, kontak See-en-Sand per ter,” voeg Esterhuysen by. Die jaarlikse lewensreddings- e-pos: of kursus, vir 15 tot 18-jariges, word
ART AUCTION DINNER HELD 2nd AUGUST 2014 We would like to thank all the parents, friends and families for their amazing support. To the teachers and children, thank you for all your hard work. We commend the generosity of the following businesses and individuals for their donations towards our event which was a great success!!
The Classroom Restaurant Gavin – Sumridge Wine Estate Van Dyk Loots Attorneys Total Garage Hermanus Creation Wines Office National Overgas & Hermanus Gas Ronald – Whale Printing & Signs Joe's Pies The Art Shop Ariana Persian Carpets Andre – Okasie Procom Hermanus Printers Hamilton & Russell Vineyards Hemingway Bookshop Burgundy Restaurant Pick 'n Pay
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hermanus Guest House Great White Shark Tours Theo Benzien - Artist Lize Van Der Walt - Artist Jeandre Marinier - Artist Lia Koekemoer - Artist Hugo Maritz - Artist Hair Prestige & Frinché Hair Studio Zellen Paints Kleinmond Kidz Stuff Studio Health & Refine Clinic Estelle – Fusion Restaurant Janita Bester - Dreamshots Tacha Ellis - Gifts Leslie Van Zyl – Kiddies Craft Club Hermanuspietersfontein Rustic Worx Langebaan
Briewe Letters
14 August, 2014
Ripoff time again So our municipality has again seen fit to increase existing electricity deposits. This is a most unheard of practice and something I have never come across in all my years in business and so it needs to be called what it really is. Plain and simple “extortion”, which after some years when you sell your house, they will repay you with grossly devalued money that they have not even given any interest on. What a lovely “ponzi” scheme. This needs to be legally challenged. What about bad debts? The municipality will cry. Well if some don’t pay for their electricity then, cut their supply. If they are renting then the owner is liable. Should the house be sold with an outstanding account? Then withhold transfer until it is settled. So where is the risk? The municipality often informs us how well they are running things, but should that not be the case? They are getting paid to perform these duties and only stand out because of the chaos in 90% of countrywide municipalities. I would like answers to the following: 1. What measures are being taken to reduce running costs? 2. What has happened to the road sweeping machines and how much did they cost? There are many struggling pensioners in this town and they along with the rest need more consideration from a municipality that’s running financially rampant.
EDITORIAL COMMENT Issues at schools A number of worrying incidents were reported at our local schools the past week. In one incident learners from Mount Pleasant who attend Hawston Second ary School were left stranded after the school buses they commute in were im pounded due to various discrepan cies. This meant more than 200 learners could not attend school the past few days. Although the Department of Educa tion has stepped in to try and find solu tions, the children were the ones who are most affected. With the matric exams around the corner, the last thing learners need are reasons beyond their control keeping them from school. In another incident, a young boy from Hermanus High School allegedly hit a girl in the face so much so that she ended up with stitches to her nose. This incident is alarming to say the least, and especially during Women’s month where all the different organi sations are focusing on preventing women and child abuse.
The great imposition
KISSES IN THE MOONLIGHT: This stunning photograph of the Supermoon on 10 August was captured by reader, Caroline Gabb, who manages the Onrus Beach Face book page. Barbara Davies saw it on Facebook and realised it looked like the cloud, in shape of a whale, was leaning in to kiss the moon. (A Supermoon is when there is a full moon at the time of the year when the moon is closest to the earth, making it seem super big. The technical name is the perigeesyzygy of the earthmoonsun sys tem. The term “Supermoon” originated in modern astrology, according to Wikipedia.) PHOTO: CAROLINE GABB, WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ONRUSBEACH
Upgraded hospital sends patients elsewhere Whales in the bay We saw the first whales in Windsor Bay this afternoon (5 August). No telelens required. They must have read the HT!
Dogs need good homes If anyone is looking for a very nice, well behaved terrier dog, I found one when I went to feed the dogs in Zwelihle last week Tuesday. She was waiting for food as her owner had gone to Cape Town and left her there, not coming back. I have known her for several weeks as I feed her every week. She was always sitting quietly outside the house, so well behaved. All she needs is a kind home, so if there is anyone out there who needs a very good companion, contact the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) on 028 312 1281. PS: Tell them this is the dog that Joyce brought in. Then, another dog called Aggie, which I rescued (a black and white smooth coated Terrier type of dog) needs a kind home. She is about one year old and would suit a home with children. Aggie received all her injections and is spayed. Call me after hours on 028 312 2978.
Driving past our gleaming new hospital one cannot help feeling grateful to live in our wonderful town or so I thought until I heard the story of our elderly bookkeeper. Last week she went to the local hospital with an eye infection and was referred to Worcester hospital and the procedure was as follows. She had to report to Hermanus Hospital at 05:30 where they boarded a bus and departed at 06:00 from here to Hawston, Botrivier, Kleinmond and somewhere around 09:30 she went into a coma at Grabouw, because she is a diabetic and her sugar level dropped. She woke up at lunch time in the intensive care unit at Worcester, was stabilised, saw the eye specialist and arrived back home at 19:30 that evening. Seeing and listening to our Minister of Health Dr Aaron Motsoaledi boasting about our new health system I cannot believe or understand why this can happen in 2014 where millions were spent to upgrade our hospital and an elderly person must go through this trauma because of the lack of facilities locally. We have some great doctors and specialists in Hermanus. Can they not do duty at the hospital at certain times and get paid by the state to help the local people. Those of us that are fortunate enough to have a medical aid or a hospital plan and get treated at our fantastic local MediClinic where everything runs like clockwork better wake up. The way the monthly fees of the medical aids are increasing we may have
to sit in a little overcrowded bus on the way to Worcester unless we demand better service from our overweight government. After hearing this story our new hospital reminds me of a grave with a gleaming, shiny new tombstone, flowers and inside dust, dirty linen, bones and a bad smell.
Natasha Peterson, Communications Officer: Overberg District for Western Cape Government: Health responds: Optometry services, such as eye testing and provision of prescription spectacles are offered at Hermanus Hospital weekly. Patients requiring ophthalmology services are, however, referred to Worcester Hospital where they receive the necessary treatment. There are Healthnet buses available to transport the outpatients to and from Worcester Hospital on a daily basis. Hermanus Hospital is currently receiving specialist outreach services from Worcester Hospital and Tygerberg Hospital to bring services closer to patients. Comment from the WCape health minister, Theuns Botha: “Our Healthcare 2030 strategy spells out our pathways to care. We are gearing our health services to improve the individual’s experience in our facilities, and to ensure that they receive the best possible healthcare for their individual condition. Diabetes sufferers requires exceptional care and we are aware of their needs.” Western Cape Government Health encourages all diabetic citizens to ensure that they pack a healthy snack whenever they are away from home.
I wish to complain about the municipality’s unheard of practice of increasing long standing deposits – this must be stopped. Years ago when we originally paid our deposit for electricity we were given to understand that this was a once-off charge and no hint was I given or implied that the future held further increases, and why should it? They held our money interest free for all these years so when we eventually sell, this greatly devalued deposit money will probably buy us a couple of hamburgers. Why doesn’t the Municipality deduct money every month from the salaries of the overpaid bureaucrats and then repay them when they retire with interest-free money and see how they like it. One way we can show our displeasure with this is to withhold municipal payments until the last day due, that is the 19th or 20th of the month. I always paid my account within two or three days of receiving it, but will not do so in the future.
Response from Elmarie Hooneberg, senior manager: revenue at the Overstrand Municipality: Consumers must keep in mind that a deposit not only serves as a safeguard against defaulters, it also provides the municipality with the required capital to purchase the service which, in the case of electricity, Eskom demands should be settled within ten days from month-end. This situation explains why deposits should be equivalent to two month’s consumption. In general, meters are read during the first week of the month, consumption is levied against a consumer’s account at the end of the same month and the final settlement date is the 20th of the next month. Consequently, by the time the municipality receives its first installment; it has already delivered two month’s service and settled the account in full with Eskom. The following is according to our customer care, credit control and debt collection policy: 7.6.4 Security deposit for electricity customers on credit meters will be adjusted annually, which will be equal to the average percentage increase in electricity tariffs by NERSA. This year the increase is 7.39%. The consumer is welcome to convert to prepaid electricity, which is approximately 7c per unit cheaper and the deposit is only R424.
Briewe Letters
14 August, 2014
) Ná die lees van hierdie artikel oor
die ‘dooie’ honde, is dit moeilik om te aanvaar dat mense so naïef optree. Die feit dat almal wat ’n eier gelê het, nie by die vrou gestop het nie; nie een het ’n poging aangewend om hulp aan te bied nie. Wat maak die honde in elk geval buite hulle agterplaas. Die pro bleem met baie Hermanusmense, en ek weet ek gaan gestenig word, maar ek gee nie om nie – julle moet liewer bykom en hulp aanbied en stop om kri tiek en beskuldigings rond te slinger, veral op Facebook. Ek het ook die kom mentaar daar gelees, siek man. Dankie tog dat die vrou en kinders nie beseer is nie, en julle wat eiers lê, mag julle nooit ooit hulp langs die pad nodig kry nie. Sê maar net. – SCHALK ) To the lady whose dog was run over (HT, 7 August): Yes, it is very sad to lose a pet, but we all have to take responsi bility for our own actions. So you cannot give the driver all the blame. Why was your dog in the road and not safely en closed in your property? Think about that. ) A huge thank you to Nellis and Karin Beyers of Comfi Beds who gave me real ly wonderful service regarding a head board. My sister was very impressed. ) Indien iemand ’n blou budgie vermis,
ek het een in ons tuin gevind. 0 082 764 7539. – CHRISTINA ) Well done HPP who helped recover goods stolen from Hospice Shop on Sat urday morning. Thanks for your prompt response. ) To Errol! I am a chef that assists in various establishments in and around Hermanus as part of my monthly in come. I was horrified while on holiday to receive various phone calls concern ing your complaint sms to the HT about the quality of food, your disappoint ment and the chef, called Ingrid, hiding away, and not handling the situation! I was totally distraught and after return ing home did do some investigation and believe it’s another Ingrid. So please, next time you attack someone please put down their surname too. – INGRID VERMEULEN ) Goeie diens in provinsiale hospitaal, almal van ons wat hier lê stem saam. – HANLIE B ) Kan iemand dalk vir my sê hoekom moet een van Sandbaai se ingangs paaie ’n grondpad wees. Ons betaal ook mos belasting. Moet ons ook begin betoog teen dienslewering om die ou stukkie pad geteer te kry. Met vandag se petrolpryse wil jy graag die kortste pad gebruik. Sal Sandbaai se inwoners ook hulle mening oor hierdie pad uit spreek. ) Dear Editor, re my request to have article reprinted in English: don’t as sume that everyone has access to a computer. I have, but prefer to read hard copy in the comfort of my arm
chair. That’s why I buy the HT. – PAM
) My greatest, most sincere thank you
to one and all that kept my “open win dow, but locked” car safe for all of two andahalf hours at Checkers parking on Saturday August 9! May our paths cross one day! Thank you. – CY 23... ) In case anybody ever wondered, yes, there are many of us who’d love a cosy but light and bright coffee shop at On rus Trading Post, not just a pub. ) Aan al die mense wat kla in Herma nus. Baie dankie vir die vermaak. Ek dink die Hermanus Times het die sms berigte ingesit en nooit verwag dat dit so ’n root sukses sal wees nie. Ek koop die koerant elke week net vir die sms’e. Dit is vreeslik interessant en die baklei en gestryery vreeslik vermaaklik. Ge niet dit. Hou so aan Hermanus. – BELINDA, VERMONT ) Lift required to Benoni. From 05/09/14, share fuel and driving. From Hermanus. Call: 076 930 6463. – ALLAN ) Lost my tennis bracelet. Got it from my husband for Christmas. Blue & white stones (Tanzanite and silver). Please contact 082 825 5377.– BELINDA ) The gravel road to Habonim is be coming a rubbish dump. With all the oil cans around it must be a backyard mechanic. – CHRIS ) Dog owners (and I am one), when your dogs bark incessantly at all hours of the day, or each time someone ar rives at your door, does it not occur to you that it is seriously bothering to oth
ers? It is so inconsiderate to those around you. Please be caring to hu mans around you, and not just think about your dogs. ) Millions of rands are lost because of the theft in the township here in Her manus. The electric poles look like spi der webs. Eskom must do something about it. You give us a price hike get rid of the thieves. – RESIDENT, HERMANUS ) Aan die raadslid van Onrus: Ons buurt het aandag nodig. Daar is te veel slaggate vanaf Rabie se in en uitgang in Krige Marine Drive, Roome King strate en die onooglike vullisdepot waar daar al klaar ’n samedromming van mense is wat daar slaap. Die sosio ekonomie moet aangespreek word voor die agbare raadslid nie die groter wordende probleem kan hanteer nie.– BELASTINGBETALER, ONRUS ) With reference to the recycle truck: Every week, everyone puts out 2 bags, one for recycling, one not. Yet both get thrown into the back of the truck. So why do we bother to go through all that effort?– GARY LANCELLAS ) Baie dankie aan die SAP Hermanus se mnr. van der Westhuizen en mev. Koen met die papierwerk en die aflewe ring van my vuurwapenlisensie. Bravo SAPD Hermanus. – GIEP, VERMONT ) Baie dankie mev Nortje vir die mooi gebaar terwyl ons so besig was! Ons waardeer dit baie!! – ICU, HERMA NUS MEDICLINIC ) Ek het vanoggend ’n oproep gehad van iemand wat voorgee dat hy na
mens Windows optree en vra of ek ’n rekenaar of laptop besit, en dan wil die persoon hê dat ek sekere aksies doen daarop. Dit was al voorheen in die Her manus Times uitgelig, net miskien be langrik dat hul weer hiermee doenig is in Hermanus en mense gewaarsku word. – WILINA DRIJFHOUT ) HiQ op Hermanus is van die beste in die Overberg, ek wil graag vir Con raad, Nannie en sy span baie dankie sê wat spesiaal laat oop gebly het om my te help om my reis voorspoedig voort te sit. – MARIUS ) PLUMBGAZ, thanks to Mathew for excellent service & knowledge on gas repair. Proves opportunities out there for young gogetters. Hermanus is the place. – BRIDGET, LIVESEY GUEST HOUSE ) Wonderlik om te sien Rossi’s Restau rant is weer terug onder die vorige be stuur! Sien so uit daarna om weer julle legendariese pizzas te eet! Alle voor spoed. – JULLE OU KLIËNTE ) Baie, baie dankie vir die ongelooflike diens van Hermanus Woolworths en personeel wat my selfoon in winkel ge kry het, bewaar in kluis en aan my te rugbesorg het.– ANNATJIE OLIVIER ) When is Standard Bank going to sort out the ATM on Market Square which regularly goes on the blink or swallows bank cards much to the dismay of for eign tourists who have to cancel them. I tell everyone not to use that machine. – JUDY
Volgens walviskenner Ken Moore is swart enwit suidelike noorkappers, wat soms met moordvisse verwar word, uiters skaars, maar word wel soms gewaar. Hier is een van sy foto’s van dié rare verskynsel.
MOOIE WALVIS: ’n Leser het hierdie foto (links, bo) van ’n suidelike noorkapper (southern right whale) ingestuur wat sy in Langbaai afgeneem het. Met die beduidend baie wit op die borskas het dit van ver af gelyk of dit ’n moordvis (orca) kon wees. Ken Moore, walviskenner en fotograaf, het be vestig dat hierdie walvis egter wel ’n suidelike noorkapper is. FOTO: RETHA RUST
The weekend can expect clear skies with some clouds moving in on Sunday. On Monday we can expect 2 mm rainfall as the clouds moving in are not that heavy. Temperatures between 12 and 20 °C can be expected with Saturday being mostly sunny.
FLIGHT CEM123 FROM WHALE AIR COMING IN TO LAND: I took this photo as it looked so much like a whale tail over Vermont, taken from Harderbaai. PHOTO: HUGH ROY
Ligte buie op pad “Wat was was voor was was was?” So vra juffrou Lettie kleintyd in die klas, en ek spring op. Alles hang van die weer af, sê ek, en die klas wil hulle siek lag. Almal weet tog hoe sukkel ek om graad 5 deur te kom. Juffrou vra waar ek die snaakse antwoord kry. “By die profeet padda-skop-die-wortels-los. Die oom werk by die ‘sterrewag’.” Die klas hou asem op. “Hy sê as dit nie reën nie, is daar nie blomme nie. Dan kan die bye nie stuifmeel kry om bêreplek vir hul heuning te maak nie. Só? Was was stuifmeel eers ná dit gereën het.” Doodse stilte: “Jy bedoel seker professor Parras Skiwopolus van die Boyden-sterrewag? Maar hy is lankal dood.” “Hy’t my pa vertel en my pa het my vertel.” Juffrou Lettie klap alleen hande. “Klas, volgende week gaan ons Sterrewag toe.” Vandag, as iemand vra hoe lyk die weer, kyk ek eers na die slakke hoog teen die muur en die rigting wat die voëls vlieg om kos te gaan soek. Ek snuffel in die tuin om te kyk wat maak die mikro-wêreld van akkedisse, motte en goggas en steek ’n nat vinger in die lug. Is die wolke donsies, slierte of bolwange? Die berge doer vêr deinserig
of ’n skildery? Bel ’n leser vroegdag en vra wat die weer gaan maak, is daar al vier koppies agter die blad. Ek moet besluit of ek mense bly, mistroostig of besluiteloos moet maak. Ek gesels met vreemdes oor brood wat nie in die sonoond wil gaar word nie en iemand wat met jig gepla is. Weerkyk is ’n lewenswyse en ’n hoorsê-ding. Ons groet mekaar met: “Wat gaan die weer maak?” Die voëls is vort lande toe. Sê ek vanoggend. Net die patryse is voor die deur, want my papegaai het geleer hoe om hulle vir geselskap te roep. Vandag se nattigheid is ’n lastigheid. Dit kan nie reën genoem word nie, maar die koue hou mense die naweek van die straat af. Walviskykers soek hul dikste truie om die verwagte 12 °C te trotseer. Reën? Die wind is te swak en die deinserigheid teen die berge wys goeie reënwolke is nie moontlik nie. Maandag kan ons dalk 2 mm meet. ) Vandag se Weerhaan ter gedagtenis aan oom Parras en pa se weerstories.
Algemeen General
14 August, 2014
Graham Palmer, Gill Woolford and Howard Woolford with Carol Leipold. Carol is the step grand daughter of Joey Luyt. The Luyt family were keepers of the Marine during the 1903 to 1947 era.
Elzané Lotz, Guy Morel, KellyAllison Smith and Emile Es pin enjoyed wine tasting at the event.
HHS fundraiser The Hermanus History Society (HHS) hosted a successful fundraising event on 6 August when dr Robin Lee presented the history of the Marine Hotel to 125 people. Proceeds from the event will be used in support of two HHS projects, firstly the 52-year history of Zwelihle through interviews conducted with individuals or groups that experienced the removal and finding out where they lived before. “This will include library and ar-
chival research and careful scrutiny of media coverage of the events,” said Angela Heslop, chairperson of HHS. “The second project is creating and keeping in existence an organisation provisionally called the Friends of Swallow Park to assist in maintaining the present municipal upgrade and that groups are encouraged to use the park for dramatic productions or music.” An historical plaque about Swallow Neethling and her creation of the park has already been erected.
Members of the Junior Town Council also attended the HHS event to learn more about the history of the Marine Hotel.
PANNEKOEKFABRIEK: Kansa se kantoor het Vrydag 8 Augustus verander in ’n pannekoekfabriek nadat die gemeenskap saamge span het en oor die 1 600 pannekoeke by Kansa bestel het. Kansa wil graag al die besighede bedank wat bestellings geplaas het, asook die volgende borge: Pick ’n Pay, Spar, Savannah Cafe, Os kars, Oh Crumbs Bakery, Fusion en Pack ’n Bake. Spesiale dank ook aan Curro, Sansa en The Beanery vir hulle spesiale bydrae.
The 18th annual Hermanus Wine and Food Festival took place at the Wine Village over the past week end. The tent was bustling with visitors from all over. Enjoying a day out are Guy and Lorna van Cuyck with Debbie Bishop (right).
Visitors could en joy a host of wines from Elim to Elgin. Here are Reinhard Schuel, Saskie Sonnel, Pieter Strydom (at the back), Matthew Milne and Jacqui Watson.
Hermanus Wine Festival Hermanus was buzzing this past weekend, not only with the Hermanus Times Kalfiefees, but also due to the annual Hermanus Wine & Food Festival at the Wine Village. The event was organised by Paul du Toit, owner of the Hermanus Wine Village, and his wife Cathy. Cathy said that this year’s event was a huge success and that they had tremendous support from Hermanus. “Our regular clients from Gauteng have increased and this year we had visitors from as far afoot as Botswana, Namibia, the UK and Canada. These visitors had planned their trip to Hermanus to coincide with our annual event. It was quite an honour for us. “The festival is growing at a steady pace and with the fantastic weather we had over the weekend it was an awesome festival.” This year’s festival hosted a wider
variety than previous years, not only in wine producers, but also food wise. “The selection was better and of course our musicians, Gypsy Jones, on Friday evening, and The Profes- Tasting some of the local wines are Nicolette and Am sors on Satur- brose Lloyd, pictured here with Malanie Lourens (left) day and Sunday, from Raka. were a huge Wines that sold the best at the feshit.” Entry to the food section was free tival included Raka Spliced, a red for all and they can only guess at the blend from the Akkedisberg above number of guests attending, but in Stanford and following close on its the wine area, where tickets were heels, the Ashbourne Sauvignon/ sold, the number has increased sig- Chardonnay, a white blend from the Hamilton Russell Cellar. nificantly. “The wine voted most popular at “Sales at the Wine Village also reflect this. We estimate that around the festival was the Ataraxia Sauvi8 000 people attended the festival.” gnon Blanc.”
NEW LOOK: Vodacom Hermanus in Main Road recently upgraded the shop to form part of Vodacom’s international standards, that all the Vodacom shops around the world can look the same. Francois Claassen, owner of Vodacom Hermanus says the revamped shop of fers more space and specialised servic es such as The Big Red Box, a service which allows users to transfer all their data from one phone to any other phone and they also have data spe cialists in store to help customers with their laptops, smart phones, tablets etc. At the opening on Friday 8 August, from left: Desire Jagers, Bianca Geldenhuys, Demi du Plessis, Anne Marie Geldenhuys and Allan Roux.
14 August, 2014
Local marimba bands scoop prizes at international festival wonderful feedback from the judges on their musical performances, excellent playing and ensemble skills as well as the quality of their arrangements. With their last performance, the adjudicator said: “I love this band. Every time they play, they deliver a beautiThis band is the product of ful performance”. Narrative Foundation’s muEverything on the tour sical development prowas exciting. It was the first gramme in the Kleinmond artime any of the Handevat ea and has learners from kids had set foot in an aerothree schools, namely Kleinplane and they enjoyed mond Primêr, Laerskool trips to Gold Reef City and Kleinmond and Lukhanyo the zoo and the boys, espePrimary in Zwelihle. The Handevat Marimbas are proud of their gear, cially Monelisi Lutshwati The Handevat Marimbas which Wynand Bock of Datastoor Kleinmond spon and Sikhokhele Mdladlamreceived the “goodies”-prize sored the print and embroidery work of. Back from ba, enjoyed their time playon Saturday for the best ar- the left: Sikhokhele Mdladlamba, Sayola Zungula, Si ing soccer at St Benedict rangement and musical per- ya Saul, Lize Visser, Nina Visser and Monelisi Lutsh school’s fields. formance for their rendition wati. Front: Shaun Bailey and Gilderoy Swartz. We can all be extremely of Weeping. Absent: Noni Afrika. proud of the two Kleinmond This prize package conmarimba groups (The Handevat Martained music books, marimba and one each. At the final prize giving ceremony imbas and Laerskool Kleinmond’s percussion mallets, maracas, CDs and a computer program to learn to on Sunday, the Handevat Marimbas band) who brought home three troreceived a second place overall for phies. Most of the 80 groups who parplay piano. After each performance some of the The Flower Waltz of Tchaikovsky in ticipated didn’t receive any. Thank players were chosen as the chocolate- the Strictly Classical category (here you all so much for supporting us. deserving player for excellent and Laerskool Kleinmond received a Without that, this trip would have “involved” playing. Noni Afrika re- third place) and a third place for Weep- been impossible. – STEFNÉ VAN DYK, HANDEVAT MARIM ceived four chocolates, Siya Saul two ing in the In the Mix category. The Handevat Marimbas received BAS PROJECT LEADER. and Sayola Zungula and Nina Visser
The Handevat Marimba band of Kleinmond placed second and third in two of the categories they took part in during the Third International Marimba- and Steel Pans Festival in Johannesburg last week.
VROUEDAGVROLIK HEID: Die wykraadslid vir Wyk 4, Lianda Beyers Cron jé, het ’n groepie jong vroue van Mount Pleasant op ’n oggendtee getrakteer op Vrouedag met die doel om ’n Jong Damesklub te stig. ’n Bekende sakevrou van Hermanus en stigter van die “Lighthouse to Lighthouse Ladies”, Antoinette van Vuuren, het praktiese raad vir die vroue gehad oor hoe om so ’n organisasie suk sesvol en volhoubaar te be dryf. ’n Stigtersvergadering vir ’n Mount Pleasant Jong Damesklub word om 17:00 op Woensdag 20 Augustus in die Moffatsaal gehou waar ’n komitee verkies sal word. FOTO: VERSKAF
’n Welbekende gesig in Hermanus, Suretha Magaretha van der Merwe (58) is op 24 Julie ná ’n kort siekbed oorlede. Suretha het vir meer as nege jaar lank by Hermanus Hardware gewerk en het die klante met alles gehelp – van verf tot skroewe. Sy het ’n maand voor haar dood skielik ’n beroerte gekry en is in die hospitaal opgeneem.
Volgens haar dogter, Hannelie Roux, het dokters daar vasgestel dat haar ma brein- en longkanker het. Sy het haar laaste dae in die Hawston Hospice deurgebring tot sy op 24 Julie oorlede is. Behalwe vir haar dogter, laat Suretha haar 90-jarige ma Johanna Beukes, haar man Jan, haar seun Hein Swart, haar suster Linda Beukes en kleindogter Arianna Swart agter. Die begrafnis het reeds plaasgevind.
SKENKING: Die Betel Sending vir Christusgemeente in Botrivier, onder leiding van pastoor Aubrey en Sophie Adams, het op Sa terdag, 9 Augus tus, besoek afgelê by ’n kinderhuis in Hawston om donasies te oorhandig. Hulle het onder meer klere, ’n bababedjie en kos geskenk. Die doel van hul besoek was om uit te reik na kinderharte wat elke dag iets benodig. Die gemeente doen wat hul kan om dié nood te verlig. Hulle bou tans hul kerk in Botrivier en hoop om ná die voltooiing daarvan ook ’n kinderhuis op die perseel op te rig.
Heights Villa with Serenity Massage & Beauty A new venture in the form of an upmarket Self-Catering, Heights Villa with a Beauty Salon, Serenity Massage and Beauty will be opening in Hermanus Heights on 1 September 2014. Heights Villa consists of 2 units sleeping 4. It offers stunning views of Walker Bay and is fully equipped with all amenities. For the month of September experience luxury at R275 pp sharing. Contact or email Valerie. Valerie de Kock will be managing Heights Villa as well as running Serenity Massage and Beauty. Valerie was brought up in Hermanus and did her 3 year somatology training in Cape Town. After her training she worked on the Cruise Liners as a beauty and massage therapist for 5 years. Valerie has worked at 5 star establishments and beauty salons and has truly found her passion in the Beauty Industry. Serenity Massage and Beauty offers a variety of treatments, from specialised massages and facials to manicures, pedicures and waxing. Valerie ensures that each treatment will be individually
tailor made for every clients’ needs and concerns. Come and relax at Serenity Massage and Beauty with Valerie in the month of September and receive a free Back Massage with every treatment booked. Bookings call Valerie @ 071 382 7383, 028-312 2906 or email
se Verbruikers p aa K s/ er m su n o C Cape pen 16 August 2014 tO and Pretorium Trus
Huggies Dry Comfort Bulk Pack Size 2 - 66s, Size 3 - 58s, Size 4 - 50s or Size 5 - 44s
Oorlede na kort siekbed JANINE VAN DER RIET
Algemeen General
Per Pack
Johanna Beukes saam met Suretha (in die rolstoel) met haar kleindogter Arianna, ’n paar weke voor Suretha se dood.
Opleiding in huisbestuur en tuisversorging Kursusse in huisbestuur of tuisversorging word aangebied by die Onrusrivier Dienssentrum (Die Ark) vanaf 8 September tot 24 Oktober. Die kursusse word slegs in Afrikaans daagliks van 08:00 tot 16:00 oor ’n tydperk van agt weke aangebied. Die huisbestuurkursus sluit die volgende in: was, stryk en vlekverwydering, diere- en plantsorg, wynetiket, tafeldek, skoonmaak van huisapparate en meubelstukke, ekonomiese en gesonde kosvoorberei-
dings en ’n driegangete. Dit word aangevul met selfbeeldbou, kommunikasievernuf, konflikhantering, huweliksberading, kindersorg asook hulp met CV opstel en werksetiek. Die tuisversorgingkursus strek oor ses weke en sluit twee weke praktiese opleiding in by ’n versorgingsoord in jou omgewing. Bejaardes se behoeftes word aangespreek en sluit in: maaltydbeplanning, bedsorg, inkontinensie, dementia, arbeids- en fisioterapie-tegnieke en siektetoestan-
de. Met dié kwalifikasie word top versorging vir senior burgers moontlik gemaak sodat die vrees vir oud word (rontofobie) die nek ingeslaan kan word. Aansoekvorms is by Huis Lettie Theron Tehuis vir Bejaardes se kantoor beskikbaar waarop verdere inligting en kostes verkrygbaar is. Vir navrae oor die kursusse, bel suster Iréne de Waal by 028 212 1138 of 071 125 4704.
PRICE VALID 11-17AUGUST 2014 AT PICK N PAY SUPERMARKETS AND HYPERMARKETS IN WESTERN CAPE Excluding Beaufort West, George, Jeffreys Bay, Knysna, Mossel Bay, Oudtshoorn, Plettenberg Bay, Camps Bay, Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland, Lesotho, Express Franschhoek Daily, Monte Vista and Kenridge stores. Buy-aid cards not accepted at the following store: Strand Street Customer Care 0800 11 22 88. Toll free landline only. Cellphone rates apply. Shop in store or online at
Certain promotional stocks are limited. Information correct at time of print. Prices inclusive of VAT, where applicable. smart shopper terms and conditions apply. E&OE.
14 HermanusTimes Relief in sight for Masibulele 14 August, 2014
ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN For the past three years Masibulele Educare Centre in Zwelihle was barely making ends meet. The crèche, with 48 learners currently enrolled, has been surviving on the meagre school fees, which come in as the parents can afford it. “Many parents don’t have the means to pay the school fees and we can’t just let the children stay at home. Here they are safe and cared for,” said Sweetness Rwexana, the school’s principal. “We have four care givers on the staff and at the moment we pay their salaries as well as we can. Some months they only receive R500 or R1 000 for the month’s work. We cannot afford to feed the children, who are here every day between 07:00 and 16:00, unless we receive food donations.” Their financial hardship is a result of a dispute which was resolved earlier this year. “There used to be two crèches based here, Zwelihle and Masibulele. Issues arose as to who was the principal. In the beginning of the year, Zwelihle Educare Centre closed down and we have since elected a new governing body.” According to Melany Kuhn, spokesperson for the Western Cape Department of Social Development, their local office, together with the Overstrand Municipality, have been assisting Masibulele Educare Centre with the partial care registration of the Centre, NPO registration and the merging of the two fac-
The teachers at the Masibulele Educare Centre in Zwelihle have been un der tremendous financial strain while they awaited funding from the De partment of Social Development. With the learners are (at the back, from left) principal Sweetness Rwexana and teachers Loraine Stengile, Ntombise Sithole, Cynthia Mbadeni and Vivian Alam. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN tions that were at the Centre. “All this has subsequently been resolved. The registration certificate has been approved on 8 July 2014. We have also approved their funding or subsidy for the financial year 2014/2015. “We are currently in the process of verifying the number of children, the ages of the children and the subsidy eligibility criteria of each child. “The latter process is at its final stage and Masibulele Educare will within the next week receive their Transfer Payment Agreement or
funding contract. Funding will then commence as soon as the department has received the signed funding contract from the facility.” The provincial member of parliament for the Overstrand Municipality, Masizole Mnqasela, expressed his sincere thanks to all the role players, “especially the Mayor of Overstrand Municipality, who has spared no time but came to the rescue of those children in the realisation of a universal access to primary education”. “An educated child is an educated nation,” he added.
Algemeen General The youngest pupils had to be vacated their classroom due to water leakage, but the municipali ty has stepped in to fix the ceilings at Ma sibulele Edu care Centre.
SUMARIDGE WELCOMES ADULT EDUCATION: Adult Basic Eduction and Training (ABET) was granted R60 000 by Foodbev Seta to train farm workers and further their skills at Sumaridge Estate Wines in the upper HemelenAarde Valley. To receive such a grant, the employer (in this case Sumaridge) has to ap ply for it in conjunction with The Numeracy Academy. This train ing is provided by The Numeracy Academy and focuses on sub jects such as mathematics and communication. This is a national initiative and the duration of such a course is 110 hours. Ac cording to the coowner of Sumaridge, Holly Bellingham, free dom comes from education and she welcomes this initiative with open arms and wishes it upon their staff. In the picture is the group of farm workers from Sumaridge who receives the train ing together with the owners of Sumaridge, Holly Bellingham and Simon Turner (front, middle), Gavin Patterson (winemaker) far right and Kevin Brown (education and training consultant) second from right. PHOTO: JANHENDRIK COETZER
FRIDAY 15 AUGUST ) Geniet tee/koffie en tuisgebakte etes met The Friends. 09:00 – 11:30 by die biblioteek se Bhuki Kafee. Almal welkom. ) ’n Maskerbal word gehou by Sandbaaisaal om 19:00. Kaartjies is R100 pp, driegang maal tyd ingesluit. Kleredrag: formeel. Kontak Ilze op 028 313 5215 vir kaartjies. ) The Hermanus Botanical Society presentation this month with Dr Erich Kuschke, on the subject “Aloes”. 19:00. Fernkloof Nature Reserve Hall. All welcome. Call Riette: 0 074 888 3105. ) Kolwyntjieteetuin by die NGKerk Onrusri vier. ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:15 – 09:30 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. Charlyn Vosloo:0 082 558 8731. ) Kunsklasse by die De Wetsaal van 09:00 – 12:00. Kontak Estelle Valkenburg: 0 028 316 3522. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 12:00 – 16:30. Anneke van der Vlug: 0 082 923 9799. ) A saftey and security meeting at the De Wet Hall in Onrus will be held at 17:00 hosted by the Vermont and Onrus ratepayers association. ) The Hermanus Botanical Society monthly meeting with speaker Dr Erich Kuschke on Aloes. 19:00 in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve Hall. All welcome. For more info call Riette: 0 074 888 3105. SATURDAY 16 AUGUST ) Hermanus Country Market, 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kosenwynmark van 09:00 – 13:00. ) Market in the Garden at HemelenAarde Village from 09:00 – 14:00. ) Single people: are you recently divorced, a widow or widower? Come and meet people who are in the same situation and receive emotional support, and maybe meet a special friend through the group. Call: 0 076 115 7382. SUNDAY 17 AUGUST ) The Salandra Country Market every Sunday from 09:00 – 16:00 on the R43 at the Shell Serv ice Station between Hermanus and Bot River. ) Dynamite Music will be hosting a classical CD and DVD Expo at the Hermanus Auditorium from noon until 17:30. For more information call Peter at 0 021 592 5715. ) Overstrand Arts/Kunste will be hosting the
14 August, 2014
Capella Concertante wind ensemble from Austria at the municipal auditorium at 15:30. The pro gramme will include works by Mozart, Bizet, Stephenson, Dvorak, Johann Strauss and various other composers. Tickets: R100 (R50 for stu dents/scholars) and available from Bellini at 0 028 312 4988. Enquiries: René du Plooy on 082 940 4238 MONDAY 18 AUGUST ) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus: Ma. 08:00 – 09:30; Wo. 15:00 – 17:00 en Do. 08:00 – 09:30. Bel Alida Liebenberg: 0 028 316 3994 / 082 783 5160. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 / 072 230 9179. ) Linedancing at the De Wet Hall from 17:30 – 18:30. Call Maryanne: 0 073 469 9132 / 028 316 2625. ) Die U3A hou ’n praatjie oor letterkunde met Stanley Jonck; resensent en keurder van Afri kaanse kinderlektuur, in die Katoliekekerksaal om 10:00. Kontak Barbara Pretorius: 0 028 312 1438. ) Overberg Kwilters kom bymekaar in die De Wetsaal, Onrus. 09:30. 0 Sue Prins: 072 248 3425. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir will be practising in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. TUESDAY 19 AUGUST ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, Northcliff. André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) The U3A presents a talk on Pollution of Rivers and Estuaries and its ecological consequences by Sue Matthews, in the Catholic Church Hall at 10:00. Contact Gert Claassen: 0 083 312 4072. ) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal, Dinsdae en Woensdae van 17:30 – 18:30. Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. ) Antenatal classes / Voorgeboorteklasse every Tuesday at 19:00 in Onrus. Contact Debby: 0 028 316 4880 or 082 500 2218.
Laerskool Hermanus bied Neil Diamondvertoning aan JANHENDRIK COETZER Die Ouer Onderwysersvereniging (OOV) van Laerskool Hermanus poog om elke kwartaal ’n projek aan te pak om geld in te samel wat aangewend word om kinders die beste moontlike onderrig te bied. Gedurende die derde kwartaal word ’n Neil Diamond-aand op 29 Augustus gehou met lirieke wat deur Marius du Bruyn, bekend vir sy vertolking van Neil Diamond-musiek, gesing sal word. Gedurende die vertoning word daar ’n gelukkige trekking en ’n pretveiling gehou. Hope pryse is op die spel en items wat opgeveil gaan word, beloof om in ieder en elk se smaak te voldoen. ’n Broodmandjie met smere en kaas sal op elke tafel beskikbaar wees, maar diegene wat hul eie verversings wil saambring, is meer as welkom. Kredietkaartgeriewe sal ook vir die veiling beskikbaar wees. Kaartjies kos R120 per persoon of R960 per tafel. Daar is slegs 27 tafels of 216 kaartjies beskikbaar. Geen kaartjies sal by die deur te koop wees nie. Die vertoning begin om 19:00 by Laerskool Hermanus.
Vir besprekings skakel Laerskool Hermanus by 028 312 3670 of Leatitia van Niekerk by 082 294 0408.
(fee charged)
WEDNESDAY 20 AUGUST ) Trimgimklasse by die Onrusrivierdienssen trum van 10:00 – 11:00. R30 per lid, R45 vir nielede. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaar saal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oosthuy sen: 0 072 322 0998. ) Hermanus Bird Club invites you to a special evening with Wicus Leeuwner on 20 August who will treat us to a presentation of the Birdlife SA’s Bird of the Year for 2015 The Blue Crane. Meet at the Fernkloof Hall at 19:00. Visitors welcome. Enquiries: Craig 0 083 227 9003.
To adopt please call - 028 312 1281 / 076 963 2092
ZOEY - a small/med size J.Russell X unclaimed stray who has beautiful amber eyes. She is a confident girl, mixes well, loves her walks & playtime. About 2-3 yrs.
SANDY - 5-6yr old J.Russell x stray well behaved, who loves her walks & confident among other dogs. Affectionate & makes super pet.
STOMPIE - 23 yr unwanted short legs Corgi/GSD X. Affectionate, clever, active, good dog mixer & really needs 2nd chance.
BRUNO Belgium Shepherd X, 4 mth old male pup gorgeous looking & great mixer. Will be med/tall size. Has 2 sisters, smaller black JASMINE - small/med size Collie/Pom X neglected & fawn stray with auburn curls on her back. She mixes well & colour. needs to know she is part of a loving pack.
FRIDAY 22 AUGUST ) Cansa Night at the Races at the Wine Village. 18:30 for 19:00. Homemade soup and bread for sustenance. Wine is available at very reason able prices. Tickets cost R40 per person. Dress as you would for the Durban July.
MANGO - 2yr old orange/white gentle, calm male with green eyes, who loves people & also confident with dogs! Will make stunning pet.
THURSDAY 14 AUGUST ) Die borduurgroep kom byeen by die De Wet saal van 09:00 – 13:00. Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday at Hermanus Golf Club at 12:15. Lyle: 0 028 314 1390 / 073 778 2777. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall. Henriëtte Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. All welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187.
Algemeen General
FOR ENQUIRIES PHONE 028 214 5100 T&C Apply.
028 214 5100 |
Algemeen General
14 August, 2014
LUKHANYO FUN DAY: Two fourthyear occupational therapy stu dents from Stellenbosch University are currently doing practical training at Lukhanyo Primary School in Zwelihle. As part of the programme they hosted a fun sport day at the Zwelihle Sport Fields on Monday. The Grade 1 and 2 learners enjoyed them selves immensely, taking part in various races in cluding sack jumping.
GOOD VISIT: Bosko Christian School and Jolly Tots PrePrima ry School in Eastcliff had a lovely visit from Overstrand Mayor Nicolette BothaGuthrie on Friday 8 August. The learners were delighted that the mayor made time to visit with each class and chatted to them about life’s challenges. Here the mayor is with the three to fiveyearold children in teacher Sylvia Sikithi’s class.
The Lukhanyo learners took part in tugof war, with the girls compet ing (and eve ry so often beating) the boys.
The two occupational therapy stu dents, Mariet van Rensburg (left) and Chandre Poulton (right) who organised the fun day with Lukhanyo’s principal, Morris Tshabalala, who thanked them for their efforts. They in turn thanked sponsors, PennyPinchers, Gateway SuperSpar, Sterling Auto and Power trade Cash & Carry, who helped make the day possible. PHOTOS: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
LUKHANYO PRESTEER IN EISTEDDFOD: Twee graad 3leerders aan Primêre Skool Lukhanyo in Zwe lihle het verlede Vrydag deelgeneem aan die Afrikaanse Eisteddfod wat by die United Kerksaal gehou is. Pinky Blaai (links) en Linda Moyikwa het onderskeidelik goud en silwersertifikate ontvang vir voordrag van hul Afri kaanse gedigte. Dié skool bied nie Afrikaans as ’n vak aan nie. Hul onderwyser, Bulelwa Mbekisa, hoop om hul eersdaags ook aan die Afrikaanse spelkompetisie wat op 21 Augustus by die Mount Pleasantsaal gehou word te laat deelneem. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
RECYCLING DRAMA: A project funded by the Overstrand Municipality to improve the understanding of residents about the twobag system of re cycling, has been rolled out in Mount Pleasant and Hawston by Sheraine van Wyk (on stage), ecolearning manager at Whale Coast Conservation. The campaign hit a high note last week when learners from Mount Pleas ant Primary staged a play they had workshopped, to illustrate the need to recycle and the correct use of the clear bag to fellow learners. Van Wyk reiterated the information presented in the play. PHOTO: ANINA LEE
13 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS 028 312 2717
SUNDAY 17th August 2014 Morning Services: 8.30 & 10am led by Lt. Col. Malcolm Forster Children’s & Youth Ministry 9.45am in the hall Sunday Evening: 6.30pm ‘Surprised by Hope’ Series ‘The Hope of Resurrection’ Part 3 of 6
The talented drama group included, from left: CJ Abrahams, Tristan Freeks, Celino Petersen, Ronaldo de Bruyn and Ronaldo Botha. The play was a huge success and enjoyed by all the learners who undertook to in form family and neighbours the rea sons for recycling and how to do it. They will undoubtedly be great young ambassadors of sustainable living.
Algemeen General
14 August, 2014
New kitchen for school JANINE DER RIET
vegetable garden. Ninky Matthee, Hermanus Waldorf School’s A while ago the fundraiser, says kitchen at the they are very Hermanus Walthankful to Ecodorf School in lab and also exSandbaai was detend a big thank clared unhygienyou to Elaine and ic by the DepartMike Bayer from ment of Health The Beanery for and the school sourcing equipthen decided to ment and supplyrevamp the ing it to the school kitchen com- Eleanor Christie (Ecolab), Ninky Matthee at cost price. pletely. (Hermanus Waldorf School fundraiser), Elaine “Without the and Mike Bayer (The Beanery) and Sharon support of the SusAt the same SmallSmillie (chair of the Council of Manage tainable Futures time, the school’s ment at the Hermanus Waldorf School) at the Trust and Wendy vegetable garden launch of the new, revamped kitchen at Colyn we would started producing Hermanus Waldorf. PHOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET not have been able cabbages, carrots, beans, peas, spinach, parsley and onions, to have such a flourishing garden! We would and they needed to streamline the kitchen also like to thank Greg Rethman from Midas to make soup for the learners with the vege- Earthcote for giving us a good deal on the flooring. tables from the garden. “A big thank you also to Hennie van The school received a generous donation from Ecolab of R40 000 towards upgrading Niekerk, Zama Yeleka, Xolani Mapela and the kitchen, which turned their dream of a Errol Coert for their hard work breaking out the old kitchen and Frank Matthee for trainnew kitchen into a reality. On Friday 8 August the school officially ing two parents to make soup,” Matthee said. The school is now making delicious vegeopened their new kitchen and served guests soup made from the produce from school’s table soup for all the learners once a week.
EMR HELP HER MIES: EMR, ’n plaaslike ambulans diens, het Hoër skool Hermanus se noodhulpspan ’n hupstoot gegee deur hul nuwe baadjies te borg. Dit verseker dat hulle duidelik sig baar is by sportge leenthede waar die span aan diens is. Anna Brand van EMR het die baad jies Vrydag oorhan dig aan Gitte Schulenburg, die kaptein van die noodhulpspan. Die skool wil graag hul dank uitspreek teenoor EMR, nie net vir die baadjies nie, maar ook vir hul ondersteu ning en hulp by die skool se sportgeleenthede. Hier (van links) is Zani Smuts, Anna Brand, Gitte Schulenburg en Maritza du Plooy.
LIQUIDATION AUCTION Duly instructed by the Liquidator, Michael James Organisation will submit for Public Auction
Auction Date: Venue: Viewing:
Friday, 22 August 2014 @ 11h15 Rocklands, Farm 633, Portion 47, Hermanus Sunday, 17 August 2014 between 14h00 - 16h00
Greyton View Property Development (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) Master’s Reference: C910/2013
MCNAUGHT LEGACY CONTINUES: Martin Blignault, a grade 12 learner at Her manus High School, has been awarded a bursary that will cover his final year’s school fees. The bursary was bequeathed by the estate of wellknown booklover and owner of The Book Cottage, Sue McNaught, who died of cancer in 2010. Since then the bursary is awarded every year to a worthy candidate as a contribution to the development of children in Hermanus who need financial support. Blignaut is here with (from left) Hermanus High School principal, Greg Hassenkamp, and Tessa and Ben de Kock who handed over the bursary. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
CURRO PRESTEER IN EISTEDDFOD: Heelwat van Curro Hermanus se leer ders het onlangs in die Hermanus Ouditorium aan die Overberg Musiek Eistedd fod deelgeneem en uitstekend presteer. Die Goue en Cum Laudewenners sluit in (agter van links): Danish Gerrits (sang), Jacques Stoop (klavier), Ashley Cornall (sang) en Lara Arrison (klavier); (middel) Chané Roodt (sang), Liya Hiestermann (klavier) en Olivia Liebenberg (klavier); (voor) Stephanie Spanellis (klavier), Alshe Meyer (sang) en Elmia Schutte (sang). Afwesig: Sesethu Gxoyiya (sang).
Home comprising tiled entrance to open plan kitchen and living area which flows onto a partly covered timber deck overlooking the lagoon and plunge pool. Three bedrooms, two en-suite and family bathroom. Above the garage is a mezzanine en-suite bedroom. Single garage and covered carport. Visit our website Ref: 557 Terms:
10% Deposit + commission on fall of the hammer, balance on transfer. FICA Documentation is required for auction registration.
Samantha James 021-851 7007 / or John Leppan 028 313 0914 / 082 801 5252 / Auctioneer: Michael R James
Advertensie Advertisement
14 August, 2014
CHILDLINE 0800 055 555
Overstrand Municipality is a dynamic centre of excellence combining great potential with a beautiful setting. Our task is to bring about growth and development to the benefit of all our people, in their different communities, whilst maintaining a balance with nature. The Municipality includes the areas of Hangklip/Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford and Gansbaai. Overstrand Municipality, an Equal Opportunity employer, strives to render a dynamic and effective service to the community. Competent and selfmotivated people who enjoy challenges are invited to join our leading team and to apply for the following posts:
manager: expenditure & assets (Hermanus)
meCHaniC (Hermanus)
• Directorate: Finance (Ref.:WC0320010) • Salary: R283 728 per annum plus participation in the “Perk” car allowance scheme
• Directorate: Community Services (Ref.:WC0321622) • Salary: R142 632 per annum
Minimum requirements: • a relevant B degree (Financial Accounting) or equivalent NQF qualification • the minimum competency level in the relevant Unit Standards, as provided for in Regulation 493, chapter 5, dated 15 June 2007, or the willingness to obtain the competency level within 12 months after appointment • 5 years’ appropriate experience with knowledge of the functional work areas • 3 years’ middle management level experience • role specific experience in the expenditure function • sound knowledge of relevant policies and applicable legislation • valid Code B/EB driver’s licence • computer literacy in MS Office • communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of theWestern Cape • the ability to work under pressure.
Minimum requirements: • a Grade 10 Certificate • mechanical artisan trade test • 1 year’s relevant experience • a valid Code C1 driver’s licence with proof of an EC learner’s driver’s licence (will receive preference) • communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape.
Recommendations: • 5 years’ Municipal finance experience • knowledge of the Samras DB4 Accounting and Payday Payroll System.
Special conditions: • incumbents must be physically fit and able to pick up and carry equipment and tools • it may be expected of the successful candidate to perform standby duties and work overtime, when required.
Main functions: Responsible for: • effective and efficient functional control and supervision of the key performance areas of the Asset Management, Payroll, Creditors and Insurance sections • effective, efficient and economic payment for the procurement of goods/services • budget control through the implementation of policies and procedures for the recording and payment requirements for expenditure, payroll, asset management and insurance portfolio • managing and developing personnel • controlling the implementation of record keeping, data and asset management and insurance procedures, to ensure that the transactions are maintained and payments are done timeously. More information may be obtained by contacting Mr H.Vorster on 028 313 8046. Closing date: Friday, 29 August 2014 at 15:00
CHief administrator: ContraCts,tenders & projeCts (Hermanus) • Directorate: Infrastructure and Planning (Ref.:WC0326406) • Salary: R251 988 per annum plus participation in the “Essential” car allowance scheme Minimum requirements: • a Law degree • 2 years’ legal experience (after admittance as an attorney) with a focus area on contracts • computer literacy in MS Office • a valid Code B/EB driver’s licence • communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape • the ability to work under pressure. Recommendations: • knowledge of Local Government administration procedures • knowledge and skills to interpret and understand the relevant legislation, policies and regulations of Overstrand Municipality and Local Government as a whole. Main functions: Responsible for: • implementing and executing procedures of Council decisions regarding sales/leases of Municipal properties, as well as purchasing of properties • drafting of tender documents and completion of tender processes • drafting, administration and managing Municipal property contracts • reconciling the Municipal rentals • public relations and customer care • supervising subordinates. More information may be obtained by contacting Ms A. Kotze on 028 313 3724. Closing date: Monday, 1 September 2014 at 15:00
eleCtriCian (x2) (Hermanus & Kleinmond) • Directorate: Infrastructure and Planning (Ref.:WC0321598 [Hermanus] and WC0325104 [Kleinmond]) • Salary: R160 596 per annum plus a non-pensionable scarce skills allowance (30% of gross salary pro rata payable monthly). Minimum requirements: • qualified electrician • an N2 Technical Certificate or 5 years’ relevant electrical experience after trade test • a valid Code EC1 driver’s licence and Public Driver’s Permit • experience in the maintenance and fault finding of low and medium voltage overhead and underground distribution networks, electrical motors and control panels • knowledge of different tools, equipment and material • communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape. Physical requirements: • good physical and mental health • no fear of heights or confined spaces • not sight or hearing impaired • ability to distinguish between colours.
Main functions: Responsible for: • undertaking checks and testing vehicles before and after service maintenance/repairs • performing small welding repairs • repairing and changing tyres • doing maintenance on lawnmowers and brush cutters.
More information may be obtained by contacting Mr J. Hanekom on 028 313 8096. Closing date: Monday, 1 September 2014 at 15:00
prinCipal ClerK: properties (Hermanus) • Directorate: Infrastructure and Planning (Ref.:WC0324882) • Salary: R112 548 per annum Minimum requirements: • a Grade 12 Certificate • 2 years’ relevant experience in office administration • computer literacy in MS Office • typing skills (30 w.p.m.) • valid Code B/EB driver’s licence • communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape • good interpersonal skills • ability to work under pressure. Recommendations: • knowledge of Local Goverment administration procedures • experience in property administration • knowledge of contract law. Main functions: Responsible for: • drafting, administrating and managing the municipality’s property contracts • public liaison and client services • updating statistics for property administration • recordkeeping and updating registers for deeds of sale and rental contracts of the municipality • monthly reconciliations of property rental contracts • registering of new contracts • annual reviewing of all contracts • assisting senior personnel in the department with their duties. More information may be obtained by contacting Ms A. Kotze on 028 316 3724. Closing date: Friday, 29 August 2014 at 15:00
senior ClerK: Client serviCes (gansbaai) • Directorate: Finances (Ref.:WC0320128) • Salary: R93 072 per annum Minimum requirements: • a Grade 12 Certificate • 1 year’s client service and cashier experience • communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape. Recommendation: Knowledge of Local Government and of the DB4 financial system. Main functions:Responsible for:• handling client enquiries • filing of erf files and other documentation • maintenance of debtors accounts • handling applications for new and reconnections services • daily cash-up and balancing of cashier • acting as relief clerk, if needed. More information may be obtained by contacting Ms E. Stadler on 028 313 8062. Closing date: Friday, 29 August 2014 at 15:00
small plant operator (gansbaai) • Directorate: Community Services (Ref.:WC0324902) • Salary: R71 748 per annum Minimum requirements: • basic adult literacy (NQF Level 1) • 3 months’ relevant experience (letter from verifiable employer confirming experience) • communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape.
Main functions: Responsible for: • maintenance and repair of low and medium voltage distribution networks • installation of new low and medium voltage overhead and underground networks, electrical motors and control panels • installation of new electricity connections • repair and maintenance of public lighting • installation, management and reading (electronically) of bulk meters • medium voltage switching • associated administration • training, supervision and management of subordinates.
Main functions: Responsible for: • undertaking general labour tasks and operating lawnmowers, weed-eaters and chainsaws during maintenance of parks, public open spaces, sports fields, beaches and cemetery • maintaining equipment and reporting defects • ensuring safety measures are adhered to • mixing and spraying of herbicides using backpacks • digging holes for planting of trees • picking up papers and general refuse • cleaning tools and equipment as well as work sites, including the removal of rubble • loading materials prior to departure from work site.
Special conditions: A medical certificate will be expected of the successful candidate. Candidates must be willing to submit themselves to a practical/skills test. It will also be expected of the successful candidate to work overtime and perform standby duties in all weather conditions.
Special conditions: Incumbents must be physically fit and abled bodied.The position entails working in all weather conditions and working outside normal hours during seasonal backlogs. It may be expected of the successful candidate to work overtime and perform standby duties.
More information may be obtained by contacting Mr K. du Plessis on 028 316 2630.
More information may be obtained by contacting Mr J. de Villiers at 028 384 8312.
Closing date: Monday, 1 September 2014 at 15:00
Closing date: Friday, 29 August 2014 at 15:00
In addition to the abovementioned salaries, these positions offer competitive benefits which include a 13th cheque, medical aid, pension, housing subsidy/allowance and removal costs under certain conditions. To apply, please forward a comprehensive CV with a covering letter to the Senior Manager: Human Resources, Overstrand Municipality, PO Box 20, Hermanus 7200. Please note: Original certified proof of your qualification/s and driver’s licence (if applicable) is a requirement for selection and must be attached to your CV. Candidates who do not submit all the supporting documentation as requested, will not be considered for these positions. Please quote the reference number of the position for which you are applying. Receipt of applications will not be acknowledged and no supporting documentation will be returned. Overstrand Municipality is an Equal Opportunity employer. Candidates from the designated groups are encouraged to apply. If you do not hear from us within six weeks of the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful.The Council reserves the right not to make any appointments. 119460HERMANUSTIMES 35X8 ENGLISH
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14 August, 2014
Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n dinamiese sentrum van uitnemendheid met groot potensiaal binne ’n pragtige omgewing. Ons taak is om groei en ontwikkeling tot voordeel van al ons mense in hulle onderskeie gemeenskappe te bevorder, terwyl ’n balans met die natuur gehandhaaf word. Die Munisipaliteit sluit die areas van Hangklip/Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford en Gansbaai in. Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n werkgewer met ’n beleid van gelyke geleenthede wat daarna streef om ’n dinamiese en effektiewe diens aan sy gemeenskap te lewer. Bevoegde en selfgemotiveerde mense wat uitdagings geniet, word genooi om deel van dié topspan te word en vir die volgende poste aansoek te doen:
bestuurder: uitgawes en bates (Hermanus) • Direktoraat: Finansies (Verw.:WC0320010) • Salaris: R283 728 per jaar plus deelname aan die “Perk”-vervoerskema Minimum vereistes: • ’n toepaslike B-graad (Finansiële Rekeningkunde) of gelykwaardige NKRkwalifikasie • die minimum bevoegdheidsvlak in die toepaslike Eenheidstandaarde, soos bepaal in Regulasie 493, hoofstuk 5, gedateer 15 Junie 2007, of die bereidwilligheid om hierdie bevoegdheidsvlak binne 12 maande na aanstelling te bekom • 5 jaar toepaslike ondervinding en kennis van die funksionele werksareas • 3 jaar bestuursondervinding op middelvlak • rolspesifieke ondervinding in die uitgawefunksies • goeie kennis van die tersaaklike beleide en wetgewing • ’n geldige Kode B-/EB-rybewys • rekenaarvaardigheid in MS Office • kommunikasievaardigheid in ten minste twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap • die vermoë om onder druk te werk. Aanbevelings: • 5 jaar Munisipale finansies-ondervinding • kennis van die Samras DB4 Rekeningkundeen Payday Payroll-stelsel. Hooffunksies:Verantwoordelik vir: • doeltreffende en doelmatige funksionele beheer en toesig oor die sleutelprestasie-areas van die Batebestuur-, Payroll-, Krediteure en Versekerings-afdelings • doeltreffende, doelmatige en ekonomiese betaling vir die verkryging van goedere/dienste • begrotingsbeheer deur die implementering van beleide en prosedures vir die opname en betaling vir uitgawes, betaalstaat, batebestuur en versekeringsportefeulje • bestuur en ontwikkeling van personeel • beheer die implementering van rekordhouding, data- en batebestuur en versekeringsprosedures, om te verseker dat transaksies op datum gehou word en betalings betyds geskied. Meer inligting kan verkry word deur mnr H.Vorster by 028 313 8046 te skakel. Sluitingsdatum:Vrydag, 29 Augustus 2014 om 15:00
Hoofadministrateur: KontraKte,tenders & projeKte (Hermanus) • Direktoraat: Infrastruktuur en Beplanning (Verw.:WC0326406) • Salaris: R251 988 per jaar plus deelname aan die “Essensiële”-vervoerskema Minimum vereistes: • ’n Regsgraad • 2 jaar regsondervinding (na toelating as prokureur) op die gebied van kontrakte • rekenaarvaardigheid in MS Office • ’n geldige Kode B-/EB-rybewys • kommunikasievaardigheid in minstens twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap • die vermoë om onder druk te werk. Aanbevelings: • kennis van Plaaslike Owerheid-administrasieprosedures• kennis en vaardigheid om die toepaslike wetgewing, beleide en regulasies van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit en Plaaslike Regering in die geheel te interpreteer en te verstaan. Hooffunksies:Verantwoordelik vir: • implementering van prosedures vir die uitvoering van Raadsbesluite ten opsigte van die verkoop/verhuring van Munisipale eiendomme asook die aankoop van eiendomme • opstel van tenderdokumente en afhandeling van tenderprosesse • opstel, administrasie en bestuur van Munisipale eiendomskontrakte • rekonsiliasie van die Munisipale huurinkomste • publieke skakeling en kliëntediensversorging • toesighouding oor ondergeskiktes. Meer inligting kan verkry word deur me. A. Kotze by 028 313 3724 te skakel. Sluitingsdatum: Maandag, 1 September 2014 om 15:00
eleKtrisiën (x2) (Hermanus & Kleinmond) • Direktoraat: Infrastruktuur en Beplanning (Verw.:WC0321598 [Hermanus] en WC0325104 [Kleinmond]) • Salaris: R160 596 per jaar plus ’n nie-pensioendraende skaarsvaardigheidstoelaag (30% van brutosalaris pro rata maandeliks betaalbaar) Minimum vereistes: • gekwalifiseerde elektrisiën • ’n N2 Tegniese Sertifikaat of 5 jaar toepaslike elektriese ervaring na vaktoets • ’n geldige Kode EC1-rybewys met ’n geldige Openbare Bestuurspermit • ondervinding van die instandhouding en foutopsporing op laag- en mediumspanning- oorhoofse en ondergrondse distribusienetwerke, elektriese motors en beheerpanele • kennis van verskillende gereedskap, toerusting en materiaal • kommunikasievaardigheid in minstens twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap. Fisiese vereistes: • goeie liggaamlike en geestelike gesondheid • geen hoogte- of engtevrees • nie swak sig of gehoor nie • die vermoë om tussen kleure te onderskei. Hooffunksies: Verantwoordelik vir: • instandhouding en herstel van laag- en mediumspanningdistribusienetwerke • installering van nuwe oorhoofse en ondergrondse laag- en mediumspanningdistribusienetwerke, elektriese motors en beheerpanele • installering van nuwe elektriese aansluitings • herstel en instandhouding van openbare ligte • installering, bestuur en lees (elektronies) van grootmaatmeters • mediumspanning-skakelwerk • administratiewe take verbonde aan die pos • toesighouding oor, asook opleiding en bestuur van ondergeskiktes. Spesiale voorwaardes: ’n Mediese sertifikaat sal van die suksesvolle kandidaat verwag word. Kandidate moet bereid wees om hulself aan ’n praktiese/vaardigheidstoets te onderwerp. Daar sal ook van die suksesvolle kandidaat verwag word om bystanddiens te lewer en in alle weersomstandighede oortyd te werk.
werKtuigKundige (Hermanus) • Direktoraat: Gemeenskapsdienste (Verw.:WC0321622) • Salaris: R142 632 per jaar Minimum vereistes: • ’n Graad 10-sertifikaat • werktuigkundige vaktoets • 1 jaar toepaslike ervaring • ’n geldige Kode C1-rybewys met bewys van EC-leerlingrybewys (sal voorkeur geniet) • kommunikasievaardigheid in minstens twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap. Hooffunksies:Verantwoordelik vir: • onderneem toetsing van voertuie voor en na instandhoudingsdienste/herstelwerk • verrigting van klein sweiswerk • herstel en vervanging van bande • instandhouding/ herstelwerk aan grassnyers en bossieslaners. Spesiale voorwaardes: • kandidate moet fisies sterk en liggaamlik geskik wees om toerusting en gereedskap te kan optel en dra • daar sal van die suksesvolle kandidaat verwag word om bystanddiens te lewer en oortyd te werk, wanneer nodig. Meer inligting kan verkry word deur mnr J. Hanekom by 028 313 8096 te skakel. Sluitingsdatum: Maandag, 1 September 2014 om 15:00
HoofKlerK: eiendomme • Direktoraat: Infrastruktuur en Beplanning (Verw.:WC0324882) • Salaris: R112 548 per jaar Minimum vereistes: • ’n Graad 12-sertifikaat • 2 jaar toepaslike ondervinding in kantooradministrasie • rekenaarvaardigheid in MS Office • tikvaardigheid (30 w.p.m.) • geldige Kode B-/EB-rybewys • kommunikasievaardigheid in minstens twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap • uitstekende interpersoonlike vaardighede • vermoë om onder druk te werk. Aanbevelings: • kennis van Plaaslike Owerheid-administrasieprosedures • ondervinding in eiendomsadministrasie • kennis van kontraktereg. Hooffunksies: Verantwoordelik vir: • samestelling, administrasie en bestuur van munisipale eiendomskontrakte • skakeling met publiek en kliëntediens • opdatering van statistieke vir eiendomsadministrasie • byhouding en opdatering van munisipale koop- en huurkontrakteregisters • maandelikse rekonsiliasie van huurooreenkomste • registrasie van nuwe ooreenkomste • jaarlikse hersiening van kontrakte • bystandverlening aan senior personeel in die departement met die uitvoering van hul take. Meer inligting kan verkry word deur me. A. Kotze by 028 316 3724 te skakel. Sluitingsdatum:Vrydag, 29 Augustus 2014 om 15:00
senior KlerK: Kliëntediens (gansbaai) • Direktoraat: Finansies (Verw.:WC0320128) • Salaris: R93 072 per jaar Minimum vereistes:• ’n Graad 12-sertifikaat • 1 jaar kliëntediens- en kassiere-ervaring • kommunikasievaardigheid in minstens twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap. Aanbeveling: Kennis van Plaaslike Owerheid en van die DB4 finansiële stelsel. Hooffunksies:Verantwoordelik vir: • hantering van kliëntenavrae • liassering van erflêers en ander dokumentasie • instandhouding van debiteure-rekeningbesonderhede • hantering van nuwe en heraansluitingsaansoeke vir dienste • daaglikse balansering van kassier • instaan as aflosklerk, wanneer nodig. Meer inligting kan verkry word deur me. E. Stadler by 028 313 8062 te skakel. Sluitingsdatum:Vrydag, 29 Augustus 2014 om 15:00
Kleinmasjienbediener/-operateur (gansbaai) • Direktoraat: Gemeenskapsdienste (Verw.:WC0324902) • Salaris: R71 748 per jaar Minimum vereistes: • basiese volwasse geletterdheid (NKR Vlak 1) • 3 maande toepaslike ervaring (brief vanaf kontakbare werkgewer wat ondervinding kan bevestig) • kommunikasievaardigheid in minstens twee van die drie amptelike tale van die Wes-Kaap. Hooffunksies:Verantwoordelik vir: • die onderneming van algemene werkstake en die bedryf van grassnyers, randsnyers en kettingsae gedurende die instandhouding van parke, sporttereine, openbare oopruimtes, sportgronde, strande en begraafplaas • instandhouding van toerusting en rapportering van defekte • versekering dat veiligheidsmaatreëls toegepas word • vermenging en spuit van onkruiddoders deur van rugsakke gebruik te maak • grawe van gate vir die plant van bome • optel van papier en algemene afval • skoonmaak en stoor van gereedskap en toerusting asook skoonmaak van werkstasies • verwydering van puin • oplaai van materiaal voor vertrek vanaf werkstasie. Spesiale voorwaardes: Kandidate moet fisies sterk en liggaamlik geskik wees. Die pos vereis werk in alle weerstoestande en werk buite normale ure gedurende seisoenale opeenhopings. Daar kan van die suksesvolle kandidaat verwag word om oortyd te werk en bystanddiens te lewer.
Meer inligting kan verkry word deur mnr K. du Plessis by 028 316 2630 te skakel.
Meer inligting kan verkry word deur mnr J. de Villiers by 028 384 8312 te skakel.
Sluitingsdatum: Maandag, 1 September 2014 om 15:00
Sluitingsdatum:Vrydag, 29 Augustus 2014 om 15:00
Benewens die bovermelde salarisse bied hierdie poste mededingende voordele wat ’n 13de tjek, mediese bystand, pensioenvoordele, ’n behuisingsubsidie/-toelaag, asook meubelvervoer onder bepaalde voorwaardes insluit. Rig asseblief ’n omvattende CV met ’n dekbrief aan die Senior Bestuurder: Menslike Hulpbronne, Munisipaliteit Overstrand, Posbus 20, Hermanus 7200. Let wel: Oorspronklik gewaarmerkte afskrifte van kwalifikasie/s en rybewys (indien van toepassing) word vir keuring vereis en moet u CV vergesel. Kandidate wie nie al die ondersteunende dokumentasie indien nie, sal nie vir hierdie poste oorweeg word nie. Meld asseblief die verwysingsnommer van die pos waarom u aansoek doen. Die ontvangs van aansoeke sal nie erken word nie en geen stawende dokumentasie sal terugbesorg word nie. Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n Gelyke Geleenthede-werkgewer. Kandidate vanuit die aangewese groepe word aangemoedig om aansoek te doen. Indien u nie binne ses weke ná die sluitingsdatum van ons verneem het nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. Die Raad behou die reg om geen aanstellings te doen nie. 119460HERMANUSTIMES 35X8 AFRIKAANS
Nuus News
14 August, 2014
MOERBEI VAN DIE WEEK: Hierdie voer tuig is Saterdag by die Hermanus Wine & Food Festival opgemerk waar dit drie an der motors vasparkeer het. Dit het tot heel wat konsternasie gelei onder diegene wie se mobiliteit só aan bande gelê is, en ver skeie notas is op die motor se voorruit ge plak.
Adjustable Shutters & louvers American Shutters Custom made Aluminium Windows & Doors Tel: 028 313 1933 Cell: 072 371 7250 Email:
ADMINISTRATIEWE PERSOON VEREISTES: • Moet onder druk kan funksioneer • Data inlees/fakture verwerk • Voorraad beheer toepas • Opmaak van winkel bestellings • Moet beskikbaar wees om elke 2de naweek en ongereelde ure te werk • Uitstekende kliente diens • Vorige ondervinding sal in u guns tel
Top Carpets
Benodig ’n dinamiese verkoopspersoon met geldige rybewys. Ondervinding en rekenaar vaardigheid sal in jou guns tel.
Epos 'n verkorte CV met kontakbare verwysings na Indien u teen 31 Augustus geen terugvoering ontvang het nie, aanvaar asb dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.
E pos CV aan :
Tables Dealer Training Opportunity THE CALEDON CASINO, HOTEL, SPA AND ENTERTAINMENT Tsogo Sun welcomes inspired applicants who are passionate and hardworking team players to participate in a six week Tables training opportunity. Our successful Trainee Dealers will be trained and skilled to… • • • • •
process all game transactions smoothly while strictly complying with company policies and procedures perform cash and chip transactions with 100% accuracy are lively extroverts who impress customers with positive and professional service monitor guest play and action very closely to identify and report security problems promptly be trusted team players. If you have the following qualifications, then submit your application : Matric (NQF 4), Numeracy skills (NQF 4), physically able to stand for long periods of time, quick thinking with an ability to operate in a fastpaced and pressurized environment. Previous customer service experience involving cash handling will be a definite advantage.
CLOSING DATE: 25 August 2014 To apply: Your written application must include • CV (maximum 4 pages) • contactable references (with telephone numbers) • covering letter telling us three reasons why you’re our top participant! For info or to apply, contact the HR Manager – N de Bruyn: phone (0282145100) or email ( )
Alfa Romeo 4C is here QUICKPIC Extraordinary performance, unique handling, extreme aerodynamics and design that takes up the stylistic features of the Alfa Romeo tradition. This in brief is the new Alfa Romeo 4C, a driving machine without compromise that beckons drivers to take to the road or track to experience the thrill of driving it. The Alfa Romeo 4C is a lightweight car where everything has been designed to provide total driving pleasure. That same essentiality shaped its design. The car expresses a “natural beauty” that results from a perfect blend of function and form. Its layout and size immediately brings one of the most beautiful coupés of all time to mind, the Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale. Like the legendary 33 Stradale, the 4C is designed to meet extreme mechanical and functional requirements. Its body aerodynamically “covers” the engine and chassis with clean and essential surfaces. Designed by Alfa Romeo engineers and built at the Maserati plant in Modena, this captivating coupé with two racing bucket seats uses materials and design solutions like carbon, aluminium, and rear-wheel drive derivedfromthe8CCompetizionealong with technologies from Alfa Romeo’s
latest models, all thoroughly revised to maximise the new car’s sporting appeal. Proof of that lies in the new 1750 Turbo Petrol engine with direct injection and aluminium block, the sophisticated latest-generation “Alfa TCT” dry twin-clutch automatic transmission and the Alfa DNA driving mode selector with the brand-new Race mode. A length of approximately 4 m and a wheelbase of less than 2,4 m emphasise the car’s compact size while also accentuating its agility. The dynamic qualities of the Alfa Romeo 4C are confirmed by a weight to power ratio of less than 4 kg/HP (in base factory specification, not SA std.); it’s a value worthy of a “supercar”. This vehicle quite simply screams Alfa. Its sports car soul creates unique driving sensations, both on the road and when racing, where velocity and transverse accelerations offer even the most expert driver unrivalled driving thrills: from 0 to 100 km/hinjust4,5secondsflat,258km/h top speed, deceleration peaks in the range of 1,2 g and lateral acceleration peaks over 1,1 g. All this is also achieved with a balanced weight distribution, with 40% on the front axle and 60% on the rear. If these figures attest to the outstanding performance and dynamic qualities of the 4C, there is one characteristic enduringly connected to
every Alfa Romeo: ease in recognisingoneofthebrand’smodelsthrough other senses. Not only is it eye-catching, but the sound of the engine has also been emphasised with low frequencies and the classic roar of the exhaust. In the same way it has been studied with particular attention paid to an enveloping seat design so the car can be “felt”. “Body” perceptions are felt inside and even more so – with an added thrill – at the wheel. The brake, for example, can be modulated when loaded to get the necessary feedback even in the most demanding braking situations. Steering, which has to convey as much “feel” as possible, is unassisted, progressive and direct, and the accelerator is ready to handle exits from curves with as much acceleration as possible. The 4C marks the launch of Alfa Romeo’s global growth plan that, along with future models, is offered as a global brand that competes in the heart of the Premium market. The reason for developing synergies with the Premium brands of the FiatChrysler Group, and Maserati in particular, which adds the strength of its history, its ability to innovate and its fame the world over. So in this sense the Alfa Romeo 4C supercar is a symbolic product with an extremely high level of quality and technological refinement that embodies the deepest
The Alfa Romeo 4C goes from 0 to 100 km/h in just 4,5 seconds and achieves a top speed of 258 km/h. PHOTO: QUICKPIC values of the Alfa Romeo brand. The annual production of the 4C Alfa Romeo on the major world markets is limited to only 3 500 units. The new “4 cylinder” 1750 Turbo Petrol engine featuring direct injection (200 bar) achieving performance of absolute excellence, is making its debut on the Alfa Romeo 4C. Torque and specific power set new records for this size of engine at over 200 Nm/l and 137 HP/l, respectively, while maximum power of 176 kW is reached at 6 000 r/min. The maximum torque of 350 Nm ensures its extraordinary elasticity and sportiness since it is maintained constant between 2 100 and 4 000 r/min, but 80% of the torque is already available at just 1 800 r/min. The compact supercar registers exceptional results both during launch and when accelerating. The Alfa Romeo 4C goes from 0 to 100 km/h in just 4,5 seconds and achieves a top
speed of 258 km/h. Driving pleasure is magnified by the full, rich sound oftheexhaust,wherethelowfrequencies and classic roar have been emphasised. This impressive level of performance has been achieved with minimum impact on the environment. Thanks to multiple injection control and advanced anti-friction and energy loss reduction systems, the emissions of the Alfa Romeo 4C fall well within the strict limits of Euro 6. The Alfa Romeo 4C is sold and serviced through seven dedicated dealerships countrywide; Gary Green Auto andCenturyCity,CapeTown,Arnold Chatz Cars, Johannesburg, McCarthy Wonderboom, Pretoria, NMI Umhlanga, Maritime Motors, Port Elizabeth and Spesbona in Windhoek, Namibia. The 4C retails for R870 000 and comes standard with a three year / 100 000 km warranty and maintenance plan.
BO LAND Auto Sold
HermanusTimes 14 August, 2014
Preventative tips for smash and grab incidents Smashandgrabincidentsarebecominganeveryday occurrence in South Africa. Here are a few tips to make you better prepared: ) Lock all your doors and close all windows. Thieves steal handbags and other valuables by opening car doors, even by breaking windows while your car is stationary at traffic lights or in slow-moving traffic. ) Don’t have handbags, cellphones, briefcases or other valuables visible in the vehicle. Lock all valuables in the boot of your car or behind the seat if it is a bakkie. ) Be constantly on the look-out for suspicious-looking characters. Don’t hesitate to report them to the police. ) When approaching a red traffic light at night, slow down so that you only reach it when it turns green and therefore you do not need
to stop. ) Be wary of people standing at traffic lights or intersections. They may be innocent, but perpetrators mix with these people while waiting for an opportunity to pounce. They may evenpointtosomethingbeingwrongwithyour vehicle to get you to open your window or get out of your vehicle. ) Never open your vehicle window or door for any stranger. ) If you encounter obstacles in the road such as rocks or tyres do not get out of your vehicle to remove them. Immediately reverse and drive off in the opposite direction. ) Thieves target car parks. Always park your car in attended parking lots. ) When parking at night, ensure that you always park in a well-lit area.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
14 August, 2014
WRIGHT HEWITT NUTTON 03-09-1936 – 06-08-2014
Onverwags oorgestap na ‘n nuwe hemelse safari. Kuiers rondom die familietafel, jou grappies, en liefde vir jou kinders, kleinkinders en die dierekinders, sal kosbare herinneringe bly. Ons sal jou mis! Liefde Marlinda, Theresa & Andrew, Belinda, Cilliers, Quinne en baba-oppad, Hewi & Anna Privaat verassing
Hermanus 028 316 1659
21/12/1940 - 07/08/2014
Ons neem met hartseer afskeid van ons Pa en Oupa. Ons is dankbaar dat Pa se lyding nou verby is en ons gun Pa die rus. Jacques en gesin en Dolf en gesin. Roudiens op Donderdag, 14/08/2014 om 11h00 by Huis Lettie Theron, Hermanus.
ARGONSTRAAT 9, HERMANUS BESIGHEIDSPARK Mitch Jantjies 028 313 1741 / 082 575 3181
HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218.
VARS DADELS van Noord Kaap te koop. R23.00 per pak. 082 331 0333 FINANCIAL 1420
EENSAME BLANKE dame soek goeie eerlike vriende nie ouer as 60. Kontak 060 692 5026 OVERSTAND HOSPICECare for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679 THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884.
ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos PERSONAL SEVICES
ART & MOSAIC CLASSES London trained artist offering classes for adults in fully equipped studio. Flexible days and times ALEX 079 697 6555
ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.
1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.
26-07-1930 – 06-08-2014
Met liefde, hartseer en liefdevolle Herinneringe neem ons afskeid van Ouma Anne. Die LIEFDE van my lewe - Billy Die ANKER van my lewe - Malita Ons LIEFDEVOLLE HIP ouma - Didier, Enrico, Edna en Waldo
BUILDING MATERIALS. Clay brick pavers. Beige to dark +-5000 R2 each.± 30m HEALTH & Steel palisade fencing BEAUTY R200/m. Pine flooring 1430 R18/m. Aluminium slidingAVON: Passievol oor doors at Discount, Trellidirekte verkope? Sluit nou dor. Braai R1800. Canadian aan by my dinamiese span. roof sheds R30/m. Call Rene Geldenhuys 083 468 MATHS TUITION. WisLance 076 810 1196 or kunde onderrig. Skakel 071 Terence 028 313 2372 8164 / 028 425 2118 818 3311.
Geliefde man, vader en oupa. Sag heengegaan op 5 Augustus 2014. Sal altyd in ons gedagtes wees. Met Liefde Familie
Hermanus 028 316 1659
MY CAKE ANGEL. Cakes/cupcakes for all occasions. E-mail: Call Tarryn Geyer: 076 154 9612. View:
NIEKIE GABRIELS Jou 2de verjaarsdag weg van ons. Jou herinneringe leef voort. Van vroulief 5 kinders en 10 kleinkinders
CONSOLIDATION LOAN ONLINE. Up to R230 000. Bad credit welcome. E-mail:
AFFORDABLE local transport available at your doorstep for school, creches, work, church. 7 Days. Call 073 654 7278/ 074 534 3916
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail:
SUGAR PLUM Party shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles etc. Purple shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.
OP soek na iemand wat n trourok kan ontwerp/ maak, Sandbaai area. Vir November maand skakel 082 739 7615
PERSONAL KIPPER ROHLANDT. 17/08/1946-09/02/2011. Dis reeds jou 4de verjaarsdag by Liewe Jesus. Die hartseer en gemis is altyd daar. Jou verlangende vrou Jakkie.
OP SOEK na 'n DJ. Sandbaai area vir 13 Desember vanaf 14h00 tot 22h00. Kontak 082 739 7615 VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281.
Hermanus 028 316 1659
23-07-1937 – 05-08-2014
LA DANé Danielle 072 253 3960 CAKES FOR ALL OCCASIONS
Privaat Verassing
NOSTALTIQUES. Wanted: Antiques, Art, secondhand household goods. Steenbras Street 15, Hermanus Industria. 082 833 2567.
DIE LAASTE & GROOTSTE MISLEIDING - Lukas 21:8, Danie Pienaar. Vir gratis leesstof en CD SMS jou naam en adres na 082 734 4168.
APPLE AND COMPUTER SUPPORT. Your friendly neighbourhood geek would like to help you sort out your PC and mobile device problems! I provide on-site support, tutoring and expert advice all at the best price in town. Try me! Call Chris on 082 856 5384.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
14 August, 2014
PJ BATTERIES ENERGIZER Car, Bike, Quad, Alarm, Lawn mowers, Hillbilly's etc. Eg: 618/9- R650-2 Year Warranty. Peter: 072 155 5226, 4 Royal Street, Hermanus
COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997. FURNITURE 1635
ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES. We supply all your requirements and E-liquid flavours. Contact Ben Rossouw cell: 082 726 8771. Tel: 028 316 4217. 11 Branderdraai Street, Sandbaai Hermanus. Martie: 072 644 2942, Gansbaai
24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017.
ELECTRICAL and houseKAROO DORING HOUT hold appliance repairs. te koop vir braai @ R20 per Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 sak. Cell no 072 193 4437. 7480. ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. No call out fee. Call 079 706 1056.
FURNITURE WANTED. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508.
PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028 316 1881 / 072 288 4761.
BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.
CHIMNEY SWEEP. Professional sweep & service of all chimney and cowling types. A clean chimney is a safe chimney. Call Peter 073 157 2415.
FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.
FLOOR SANDING & specialized installation of wood floors & timber decks. The Hutton Brothers 082 828 5627 or 028-341 0543.
FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial Area. Tel. 028-313 1763.
FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. Painting, paving, tiling, bathroom makeovers, home maintenance, building requirements call 083 308 0534
GARDEN AFFAIR. Offering full garden maintenance. Garden design & landscaping. Irrigation repairs. Plot clearing. Juliet Leppan 072 942 1260.
CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY cleaning. Curtains & blinds. Call Allison or John 072 572 0215.
REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195. MISCELLANEOUS
OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.
WE COLLECT garden refuse and Rubble and anything that you want to be moved within Hermanus. Call Michael 073 016 1686
PEST CONTROL WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028-316 3010.
TRANSPORT OF FURNITURE & goods. Hermanus, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape. Long distance available. PDP driver. Call Johan 076 253 3745
101 SERVICES. Handyman general. No job too small. Best rates. Pensioners discount. 15 Years experience. Call Peter 073 157 2415.
LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874.
BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749.
A1 BUILDERS. Project Management Holiday House.- Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798.
BRAAI AND FIREWOOD for sale. Rooikrans, Bluegum, Myrtle. Contact Wayne Haman 079 ALL BUILDING WORK. 484 0364 or ffprojects22@ Alterations, renovations, extensions, boundry walls, paving, tiling & painting. BUY & SELL. Huge mark Call 082 255 0939. downs at super seconds. DRAUGHTING of builMaking space for new ding documentation for all stock. Call 079 746 0830 types of building work: DOWNSIZING OLD New buildings and additiHOME. Following friends. ons to Existing and the Need new homes. 1x Yelcompiling of "As-Built" low wood dining room drawings of existing works table-R700, 2x Blue arm for legalising of unapprochairs-R1000, 1x Chest of ved structures for MuniciDrawers (Yellow wood) pal approval. Do you have R700, 1x dressing table a set of approved building top & dressing table-R700, plans of your property as 1x short legged table- Ore- required by law? Contact gon coffee table-R300, 1x Johann at: 083 452 small writing desk- Bur1422 mese Teak-R700, 1x Yellow wood cupboard-2 Top drawers- JonkmanskasCLEANING R1800, 1x chest of draSEVICES 1805 wers-R850, 1x small yellow wood table-R700, 1x EXCLUSIVE HOUSE Lloyd loome chair-R200, 1x CLEANING SERVICE/ steel frame chair loose SKOONMAAKDIENS. cushion-R50, 1x chair Personal full time supervistinkwood R250. Call David sion. A real make-over . 084 441 0293 Are you moving in or out, we can help. Mon- Sat Call QUALITY CHICKEN 076 115 7382 MANURE for your lawn & garden. Delivered. R55.00 SOLOMON'S WINDOW for 40 kg. Call Oliver 072 CLEANING Services for 176 2657. domestic, commercial, TYRE for sale industrial & construction 275/45R20YXL Conti Sport sites. For free quotation Contact. 45mmth read left. phone Solomon 082 747 R350.00- Contact Oliver 3640. Serving Hermanus 072 176 2657 since 1996.
24 HOUR PLUMBING SERVICES. Qualified & PIRB registered. Gen maintenance, new installations, emergency services & bathroom make overs. Francois du Toit 083 308 0534
AAA MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, damp proofing, water proofing, building & renovations, general maintenance. Free quotes. Call Ian 082 535 5591. REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. FOR HIRE 1820
1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280. BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028312 2367. ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. 1825 Manufacture, supply, A & A BOME. Afsaag van install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average bome en takke, asook wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot house completed in 1 day. by Rooi-Els. Aldert en Ani- It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 ta skakel 083 739 9865. 4761/084 558 1902. ASEMROWENDE Tuindienste. Snoei & afkap van CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervibome. Sny van gras, skoonmaak van erwe, rom- sion. Best prices. Free quomelverwydering & meubel- tations. Phone Top Carpets vervoer. Geute skoonmaak. 028-313 0721. Morné 083 225 3712. JOHAN PAINTERS AND BASIL HAMAN, 30 Years GUTTER MAINTENANCE. Painting of houexperience in tree felling and trimming, plot clearing ses - inside & outside, gates, fences. Cleaning of , hedge trimming, garden PVC gutters & aluminium services. Contact me on gutters. Johan 072 647 082 898 9694 2328. GARDEN & IRRIGATION
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398
VISGEREEDSKAP, hoë kwaliteit. Katrolle daiwa 30SH X, 3. Visstokke Carbon, 3-stuk 330cm, 5 stuk 403cm. Bel 8vm tot 5nm. Kontant aleen. Dr. Kotze 028 314 0956
BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact Evan Rautenbach at 082 974 6995 or email us at: Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website:
BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323.
SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667.www.
We recycle
PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480.
SOUTH COAST PLUMBING. Registered plumber. Service and installations. Quality guaranteed. Pensioner discounts. LPG gas installations & services. Certified installer. Oliver Voigt 072 176 2657/028-312 2796.
PAINT AND MAINTAIN SPECIAL: Paint standard house outside for only R2000 labour. Call Enrico 072 023 8326
001 STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.
CASH 4 GOLD : Gold and Silver memorabilia - Bring your items and get a honest evaluation. Contact 028 312 3154.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds VEHICLES
14 August, 2014
SHOP TO LET in Harbour Road. Ideal for coffee shop/ florist/ dentist/beautician, etc. Contact 082 870 5704
KWAAIWATER MAINROAD: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Lounge, Stoep, Kitchen, PLUS flat/ office, Garage. Ideal home business, R1.2m Bond. 083 654 5661,
1 BEDROOM flat for sale, Silver Oaks. Private sale. R430 000. Paul 084 570 8351
BACHELOR- Flat for sale. Silver Oaks. Private sale. R350 000. Paul 084 570 8351
VEHICLE SPARES WANTED: Tow bar for Toyota Corola 1997. Cell no 082 267 4677 CARS FOR SALE 3025
TOYOTA CAMRY 1997 2.2 (CALEDON). Kontak : 082 788 5477 of 082 443 5449 VW BEETLE- 1975 Collectors, Cert. Car, Roadworthy, Excellent condition. R18 500. Call 084 721 6008 TRAILERS 3040
HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. VEHICLES WANTED TO BUY
CHANTECLAIR: Gemeubileerde moderne 1 slaapkamer woonstel met oopplan kombuis/ sitkamer + alarm. Veilige onderdak parkering. Geen rokers/ diere. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. R3500 pm water/ligte Ing. Skakel: 082 871 1927/ 028 316 1238
SANDBAAI, enkelwoonstel. Vanaf 1 September 2014. R2 000pm. W&E ingesluit. Geen diere. 082 767 1086
PRIVATE garden flat available for 4 months. Immediately available. Fully furnished. Water and Elect. included @ R2200 per month. Contact 079 797 0568
UNFURNISHED garden flat/ available 1 Sept./ Ensuite bedroom/ Open plan/ secure parking/ Wanted mature responsible tenant/s R2500p/m. Incl. water + Electricity. R2500 Deposit. Ph- 072 467 5399
OFFICE in Hemel & Aarde Village 72m2 @ R5000 pm plus VAT + electricity and levy. Contact Frandi: 083 480 9208. PROPERTIES WANTED TO RENT 3305
HERMANUS CBD-First floor flat, 2 bedroom, 2bathrooms, open plan living/ kitchen area, with secure parking. Near all shops. R5000.00pm. Call MIKE STEGMANN 082 579 3949 PRIME INDUSTRIAL space to let, 120 square metres, alarmed, good parking in Mimosa Street phone André 083 443 2901 or Maggie 079 989 3018
SPACIOUS OLD-STYLE FAMILY HOME to let in Voelklip @ R10,000.00 pm excluding services. Contact 082 870 5704
I AM 26 years old. I am looking for a job- housekeeping. I am married. I 24 YEAR reliable Zimbab- have 2 children, I am wean man looking for a job coming from Zimbabwe. as a pizza maker, food gril- 078 959 1071/ 074 504 ler, cashier, waiter & hou- 6034 sekeeping. Reference available call Cetty 084 I AM a lady aged 42 yrs 323 9682 looking for domestic work, Housekeeping, babysitter. 33 YEAR OLD lady looI have experience-2 yrs king for a job as a house honest and hardworking. I cleaner: (Domestic work), have reference. 084 671 for 3 days work- Monday, 8804 or 071 701 5540 Wednesday, Friday. With experience and hardwork. I AM looking for a job as Reference: 072 229 6687, a chef & carer. Sleep in. 6 Call 071 758 8103 Yrs Experience. Call 083 (Mariam) 899 8584/ 073 524 6777
ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for a domestic work, kitchen helper or waiter. Did catercare course at Learn To Earn. Call 084 097 6747. Reference 082 256 0188
A MALAWIAN lady looking for a job as a domestic. 3 Years experience. Ref available. Two days a week. Thurs. and Saturday. Please contact on 078 666 2209 A MALAWIAN man hardworking, reliable and trusted looking for job as housekeeper, guesthouse attendant, porter. 3Yrs experience. Work permit and reference available, Call 084 347 8320
looking for jobs as housekeeper or guesthouse attendants. Good references. Experienced. Call 073 197 4799/ 073 049 4336
MALAWIAN gentleman with gardening experience (references etc available) seeks full-day employment for Thursdays and Fridays. Please call Tithus 073 271 1411
HERMANUS BARGAIN of the month! 2 Bedroom flat with a garden. R475 000. Elmar 081 534 5604 HERMANUS MARINER'S VILLAGE
Properties from R295 000. DENI 084 436 2526
VOëLKLIP: R1 200 000 DRINGENDE VERKOOP!!! 4 slpk, 2 badk, ruim sitk, eetk, kombuis, 1 mh, 2 x studeerkamers Marietta 082 569 6967 GUTHRIE & THERON EIENDOMME
Pls call Vincent 060 497 7251
SINGLE room needed. For young man working as a Maths teacher- Urgent. Any room will do. Contact Theo 082 654 4924
PARADISO RESTAURANT- VACANCIES. Pizza Chefs, Sous Chef & Chef de Partie. Formal relevant qualification, relevant experience. Submit CV with photo to Paradiso 83 Marine Drive. Email to
99% SAL NIE REAGEER op hierdie advertensie nie. Inkomste potensiaal deeltyds: ± R24 000. Onmiddelike kontantvloei. Geen deur-tot-deur bemarking nie. Skakel Hein 072 266 3612/ kantoor 021 850 8184 BIG JOE'S PIES Benodig algemene winkel assistent. Ondervinding in kosbedryf noodsaaklik. Professionele persoon. Dadelik beskikbaar. Kontak 028 312 4544
SALESLADY wanted for Clothing Shop. With: 2 Years Experience, Computer Literate, Contactable References. Fax 086 575 6597. Drop off: At Sportzone Gateway Centre
DON'T MISS THIS!!! Work from home and earn R1300-R1900 per week. For further information sms your name and adress to 060 459 2123
SECURITY OFFICERS needed . Min. Requirements: PSIRA Reg. Grade C. Retail experience. Fax CV to: 086 659 2767
EARN some extra income part/ full time.... Join my team today... Avon/ Justine. Sms/ whatsapp name/ area 072 465 4100
HOTEL seeks a Senior Handyman. Experience essential. Please send CV to manager@harbourhouMALAWIAN lady am A MALAWIAN man loo- king for a job as a houseking for a job as a garden keeper or babysitter. I am NOMZAMO EDUCARE boy/ housekeeper and experienced. Call 074 604 CENTRE: cleaner. Contact 061 103 1223 VACANCY 5160 Requirements- ExperiMALAWIAN LADY is enced Practitioner to teach A WELL spoken, honest & looking for a full time job child from age 2-3years hardworking lady is looas domestic worker. Has with level 4 or 5 qualificaking for a job as a home experience. Call 073 968 tions. Send CV to PO Box based carer. References 5794/ 073 153 1037 466, Hermanus 7200. Cloavailable, Please call Patising date 5 September ence on 073 144 3164 MALAWIAN LADY loo2014 king for full time job as a A YOUNG energetic housekeeper or babysitter Malawian man seeking for with three years experia job as a gardener and ence. Please call Brenda on housekeeper for more 073 902 8749, Ref. 072 235 information contact Jose- 4989 or 084 873 2445 phy on 083 292 2716 MALAWIAN man with SADL driving lisence looA ZIMBABWEAN guy aged 39 yrs is looking for a king for a job as a driver, job as a housekeeper, gar- stores clerk, labotory dener, guest house atten- attendant, gardener. Call: dant or painter. Porter and 060 388 3524 or 061 908 grooming, training of dogs. 4349
BOTRIVIER FARMHOUSE on N2. 4 Bedrooms, Ensuite R6000pm + Elec. and Deposit. Phone 083 248 7773. Available immediatly
26 Yrs old Zimbabwean lady is looking for a job as a domestic worker, housekeeper, babysitter or guesthouse attendant. Reliable and trustworthy. Call 074 770 4630 have reference
A ZIMBABWEAN matured lady. Looking for full time domestic work. Very active and energetic. Reference available, Contact Norma 071 902 6231
MALAWIAN hard working man looking for a job, cooking, gardener, house A MALAWIAN man loo- boy. Four years experience king for a job as gardenat Whale Hotel, Cell 078 boy, housekeeper and clea- 107 1293 ner. Contact 074 327 8325
GEMEUBILEERDE 3 slaapkamer woonstel te huur, met een badkamer, oopplan kombuis met sitTREU MOTORS. Treukamer, see uitsig grondvstraat 4 Swellendam. Clive loer. Beach club. R4700pm Treu 082 345 0297. Soek huur + deposito. Water is 2de handse voertuie om te ingesluit. Kontak Niek by koop. Onmiddellike eie082 735 6768 naars verandering.
YOUNG well experienced Malawian lady looking for job as a domestic worker. Three ref available, Please call Cecilia 074 938 5660
I AM a Zimbabwe lady looking for job as a domestic worker/ housekeeping/babysitter. 1 or 2 A MALAWIAN lady is days a week or every day. looking for a job as a 5 Years experience. Ref. domestic worker or babyavailable/ work permit. sitter. Reference available. Call 078 292 0819 Pls call 071 032 6077 / 021 928 5202 MALAWIAN COUPLE is
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.
A ZIMBABWEAN lady with drivers licence is looking for domestic work or in hotels. Got experience and good reference. Call Prudence 061 105 3281.
A carer Nurse is looking for work or domestic. Please call 084 294 7740
EASTCLIFF: R2500/ R3000pm. 2x Batchelor/ Bedsit, Furnished Incl. Light + water, 082 437 2929 FURNISHED APARTMENT Kwaaiwater. 2 Bedrooms, large livingroom, bathroom. Nice view close to the sea. Available now. R3900 pm. electricity incl. Call Lance 076 810 1196.
WANTED: Chainsaw, Herbicide and Brushcutter Operators needed. Must have Certificates. Contact Juliet 072 942 1260
RELIABLE char with references. Available Mondays & Thursdays. Call 028 316 2902 or 078 128 3386
32 YEAR Zimbabwean lady have four years experience, looking for domeTRACEY is looking for a stic work, Full or part time. Reference avail. Con- job as a housesitter on tact 071 798 0629 Eustina Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reference-082 775 3155. My cell-061 727 3746 A ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for a domestic work or babysitting and I WARM FRIENDLY and also have a home manage- efficient domestic worker ment course. Please Conlooking for 3 days. Call tact Loveness 074 683 Lucia 073 175 1223. Refe9353 rence 084 483 4286
Due to the Public holiday on 24 September the deadline for Hermanus Times of 25 September SmallADS Monday 22 September @ 14:00
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
14 August, 2014
DOGS feast on luscious greens Kleinmond (Individual Stableford) All the ingredients were there on Tuesday for a fine feast of golf, freshly cut greens, sun-blushed slices and plenty of roughage. It was Half-time Shirley and the Ex-Pole-Dancer who served up the tastiest treats with Shirley just edging it by
virtue of his creamy finish. Surprisingly, it was the Naked Chef who failed to produce the goods. Instead of putting for dough it was as though he was putting through dough and his Yorkshires just wouldn’t rise. ) Scores: 38 Peter Sulley,
Andre Franken; 37 Fred Garrett, Jon Forsyth; 35
Quentin Mitchell, Art Rae (guest), Dave Rade; 33 Alan Smith, Mike Graham, Sam Seal; 30 Richard Ridge, Hugh Frangs, Ian Newman; 29 John Tunstall; 26 Trevor Vaughan, Marc de Maudave Bestel; 25 Dave Smith; 24 Doug Ross; 23 Peter Theron; 22 Gordon Wilson. - DAVE SMITH
ESTATE NOTICE In the Estate of the late MYRA ROSARIO McDONALD (Identity Number 260824 0066 08 2) a widow of No 7 Oak Terrace, Main Road, Hermanus Western Cape, who died at Hermanus on the 25TH July 2013. Master's Reference: 13464/2013 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 35 of the Administration of Estates Act that the First and Final Liquidation & Distribution account will lie for inspection at the Master's Office in Cape Town, and the Magistrate's Office, Hermanus, for a period of 21 days as from date of this notice. DE KLERK MACLENNAN-SMITH INC, AGENTS FOR EXECUTOR, 8 MAGNOLIA STREET, PO BOX 113, HERMANUS 7200. TEL: 084 516 3595
THE JOBS PEOPLE DO: Curro Kids Nursery School held a theme day, called “The jobs people do”, recently whereby kids came to school dressed up in outfits depicting the job they would like to do one day. As part of the theme the Overstrand Fire De partment also visited the school to tell them more about their work. From left are An gelo Aplon, Mila Ferreira, Timothy Weaving, Caelan Bredenkamp en Earl Galant.
Guy Riddel, Gabriel Heunis, Seth Wakefield, Jack Hilton, Connor Opperman, Cole du Plooy, James Taylor and Timothy Weaving.
Case Number: 8580/2010 In the matter between ABSA BANK LIMITED (Plaintiff) and CARINA BURGER N.O. (in her capacity as trustee of the CAYMAN BAY NO 73 TRUST) (Trust Number: IT4182/1995) (1st Defendant); REINHARDT WIETS BURGER N.O. (in his capacity as trustee of the CAYMAN BAY NO 73 TRUST) (Trust Number: IT4182/1995) (2nd Defendant); CARINA BURGER (3rd Defendant) and REINHARDT WIETS BURGER (4th Defendant). In Execution of a judgment of the High court of south Africa, (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) in the abovementioned suit, a sale without reserve will beheld by the SHERIFF HERMANUS at 163 FALCON CLOSE, HAWSTON, HERMANUS, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE on 29 AUGUST 2014 at 12H00 of the undermentioned property of the Defendant/s on conditions which lie for inspection at the offices of the SHERIFF HERMANUS at 11B ARUM STREET, HERMANUS, prior to the sale. Short description of property, situation and street number: CERTAIN: ERF 218 HAWSTON TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION OF CALEDON RD, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE MEASURING: 892 SQUARE METRES HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER NO: T1530/2005 STREETADDRESS: 163 FALCON CLOSE, HAWSTON TOWNSHIP HERMANUS, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE The property is zoned residential The following information is furnished re the improvements, though in this respect nothing is guaranteed.: 1. MAIN BUILDING: Standard double storey house which consists out of 5 flats with 2x bedrooms, 1 x bathroom and a kitchen each. 2. Additional Standard double storey house consisting out of 4 flats with 2x bedrooms, 1 x bathroom and a kitchen each. 3. Free standing flat which consists out of 1x bedroom, 1x bathroom and a kitchen. Dated at Pretoria on this 1st day of August 2014. ROOTH & WESSELS INC., ATTORNEYS FOR THE PLAINTIFF, WALKER CREEK OFFICE PARK, SECOND FLOOR, WALKER CREEK 2, 90 FLORENCE RIBEIRO STREET, MUCKLENEUK, PRETORIA. (REF: Q Badenhorst/MAT17883)
LOOKING FOR A HOME: JR was recently taken off the streets and Helene Strydom from Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society (KAWS) has taken him in. KAWS does not have an escapeproof kennel, so basically JR has to spend most of his time in a cage. JR has not been tested with other males, but he gets along well with females. No cats please. Helene can be contacted on 073 354 4915 or
WINNER: Griffan Nale, a Grade 1 learner at Curro Hermanus is the Grade 1 winner of the English Grade R to 3 section of the Overberg Ei steddfod and is also the overall win ner for this section. Griffan will also take part in the OAK prizewinners concert on 17 September at 19:00 in the municipal auditorium.
Desperate need for volunteers Lukhanyo Primary School in Zwelihle is in need of volunteers who can help teach various sport codes. The school, which is under financial strain, can’t afford
to appoint coaches and are looking for volunteers who would like to make a difference through sport. The codes in which they seek help include netball,
rugby, cricket, tennis and cycling. Anyone who can help can contact the sport convener, Ms. Tom at the school at 028 312 1552.
Sport Sport
14 August, 2014
Hermies beat visiting UK rugby team
Brad Philander van Atlantic (in geel en blou) reik na die bal in die lynstaan teen Rangers Saterdag. FO
Atlantic se spanne wen ver Die Atlantic-rugbyklub het die afgelope naweek skoonskip gemaak teen die Rangers van Bredasdorp en al drie hul wedstryde op Atlantic se tuisveld gewen. Die drie spanne het een van hul grootste oorwinnings behaal en al drie spanne het bonuspunte in die liga behaal. Die C-span wen 22-3 en behaal vyf bonuspunte, met goeie hardlooprugby. Andrew Malahle, Lesley Felix, Earl Galant en Callie Vries druk elkeen ’n drie en Nohen Fick verdoel een van die drieë om nog twee punte te verdien. Die B-span het feesgevier en Rangers oorrompel met 56-0. Die span het met goeie hardlooprugby agt drieë gedruk en sodoende hul posisie op die punteleer versterk. Hershel Vermaak het drie doelskoppe en ’n strafskop oor die pale geplaas. Mondi Mbane en Nigel Theunissen druk elk-
een twee drieë. Damian Coert, Romeo Steven, Leslie Felic en Andrew Malatsi het elkeen ’n drie gedruk en Wilhelm Plaatjies druk ’n drie en verdien ook ’n doelskop vir sy span. Na die A-span se sukkel-wedstryd verlede week het die A-span Saterdag ontplof ná ’n agterstand van 8-14 teen rustyd. Met hardloopbewegings het hulle die Rangers met 30-14 geklop. Die puntemakers was Evan Visser met ’n drie, twee doelskoppe en twee strafskoppe. Heinrich Pieters het twee drieë gedruk en Reagan Hoogbaard het die laaste drie gedruk. Die A-span is saam met Grabouw ( 4) met ’n totaal van 36 ligapunte die voorlopers. Die A-span kan Saterdag die voortou neem met ’n oorwinning teen Villiersdorp. Toeskouers word genooi om die spanne Saterdag te ondersteun. WCM GIBSON
The u. 16 rugby team from the Luctonians Sport Club, based in Herefordshire in England, paid a visit to Hermanus as part of an organised tour. Andrew Russell from Cape Africa Tours and director of the South African charity Sport4Kids organises sport tours around South Africa. “The Luctonians presented various rugby clinics, including one in Hawston on Monday, with the help of Tag Rugby. They also sponsored rugby balls, tags, kits and jerseys to Hawston Primary School. “The (Luctonians’) u. 16 team raised money to make the donation possible. “Sport4Kids further sponsored a netball kit to the Hawston school,” Russell said. The team played against Hermanus High School’s u. 16 team on Tuesday before concluding their
South African visit. It was a tough game for both sides, but Hermies managed to win the game with a fi-
nal score of 37-17 against the English side, whose players were much bigger in stature.
Arno Haardhoff passes the ball, followed closely by Johan van Wyk, with Kayno Tem mers and James Mao Cheia on the ground.
The Luctonians Sport Club’s u.16 rugby team hosted a tag rugby clinic in Hawston on Monday. After completing their ba sic training, teams com peted against each other.
YOUR WEEKEND SPORT ON TV The rugby test between South Africa and Argentina will take place at 17:00 on Sat urday from Loftus. The Springboks still play a limited style, but the team is more ambitious these days with Willie le Roux, a running threat from fullback. and with the monstrous pack should see us win. Scrumhalf might be a problem with Fourie du Preez injured and both Jano Vermaak and Rory Kockott not chosen. At noon on Saturday, Australia enter tain New Zealand in Sydney. The All Blacks should win the best of three “Bledisloe” games, but might not go unbeaten. Richie McCaw is not the force he was and Dan Carter is injured yet again. There are also four Currie Cup games to look forward to. At 19:00 on Friday the
Sharks entertain the Pumas. On Saturday at 14:00 from Newlands Western Prov ince play the Blue Bulls who were rather poor last weekend, and at 14:30 the im pressive Lions take on the EP Kings. At 15:00 it is the Cheetahs against the spright ly Griquas. In cricket, South Africa play Zimba bwe on Sunday, and again on Tuesday with the final game on Thursday in the threegame ODI series. All games start at 13:00 from Bulawayo. The fifth and final test between England and India starts at the Oval in London on Friday, with India needing a win to level the series. The English Premier League starts on Saturday at 13:45 with Manchester United vs Swansea, followed by West Ham vs. Spurs, then Arsenal vs Crystal Palace.
Also, Leicester vs Everton and Stoke vs As ton Villa. On Sunday afternoon Liverpool plays Southampton, then Newcastle vs Man City. Monday evening it’s Burnley vs Chelsea. The MTN 8 semifinal is at 20:00 on Saturday between Platinum Stars and Chiefs; the next is at 15:00 on Sunday with Wits against Pirates. The Rugby World Club 7s from Twickenham featuring WP and the Bulls, is from 16:00 on Saturday and 13:30 on Sunday. (Supersport 7 + 8) Schools rugby on Saturday includes Selborn vs Grey High at 12:00 noon and Grey Bloem vs Maritzburg College at 14:00. Phew, so much incredible sport, we are spoilt for choice. SPORT FAN(ATIC)
Glen Grey beat Super Eagles Glen Grey played against the very tough and aggressive Super Eagles team on Sunday 3 August and won the encounter 1-0. Both these clubs are local Zwelihle clubs. Glen Grey trained everyday and they were very focused on winning the tournament. They showed unity as a team and that they are ordinary friends off the field. As drinking is a serious problem in the area, the coach organised a camp in their clubhouse where they stayed for the weekend leading up to the game. They woke up early to warm up before the big game. They were especially inspired by their brilliant goalkeeper, Siphelele “Caslass” Mfundeni.
Golf Roundup with Julian Shaw
This week the Hermanus Golf Club recognised staff with 15 years of service at the club. A special thanks and congratulations went to Aubrey Tilley, Piet Blignaut, manager Sharon Sleigh and Leon Metrovitch. Working at any golf club is a challenge at the best of times as staff have to deal with large volumes of people and try to be polite and efficient at all times. The staff members have spent 15 years at the wonderful local club and should be recognised and congratulated for that super achievement.
Caslass did not concede a single goal during the tournament. Khanyiso Ngqeli, well-known as Khasta, was not in the starting lineup but went in as a super-sub (when you go in as a reserve and score) and had an immediate effect on the match by creating the only goal of the match off a pass from Asiphe “Mso” Mbovane. Bulldozers Athi Ngakanani and Elton Mala played an important role at the back. Aviwe Ngqaku well-known as “Pule” in jersey no. 10 proved to be the best player of the tournament. He entertained the crowd with his skills and dribbling. Thembelani “Dero” Khoboko scored the only goal which proved to be the match winner. This game was a qualifier for the Mayoral Cup. – KHANYISO NGQELE
Well done to these three marshals and our excellent manager for the time served so well. On the golfing front, the club had a little inclement weather on Tuesday which saw the cancellation of the women’s day but thankfully the wild winds abated by the next day, so the men had a beautiful golfing day. The competition was a betterball stableford and they had 101 players. Coming out on top was William Gau and David Shutte on a super 46 points. In second place was one of their best past captains Deon Esterhuyse and partner Gerrie du Plooy on 45 points. Saturday was a fantastic day weather-wise. (Dare we say that spring is in the air?) The club played
The winning Glen Grey team (back, from left) Tar Bhala Ngqele, Aviwe ‘Pule’ Nqaqu, Asanda, Thwala, Athi ‘Tlou’ Ngakanane, Anderson ‘Nt shebe’ Bobotyane, Asiphe ‘Mso’ Mbovane, Phindile ‘Morinho’ Mbadeni. In front is Elton ‘Elti’ Mala , Siphe ‘Mahoota’ Mbuli, Lubabalo ‘Bhawa’ Time, Siphelele ‘Caslass’ Mfundeni, Zubenathi Mayambela Dalasile, Thembelani ‘Dero’ Khoboka, Khanyiso ‘Khasta’ Ngqele. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
The Hermanus Golf Club recognised some of their staff’s 15 years of excel lent service this week. From left are: Aubrey Tilley, Piet Blignaut, Shar on Sleigh (club manager) and Leon Metrovitch.
a friendly stableford alliance and the scoring was nothing short of brilliant, taking the honours this week was the fastest fourball in the club, consisting of Christo Nel, Hennie Theron, Theuns Geldenhuys and Tony de Beer winning the count out on 96 points. Hennie had the best in-
dividual score of the day with a exemplary nett 66. Lastly the Club wish their Brodie team ably lead by Stephan van Der Merwe the very best of luck for the coming weekend whentheywillbeplayinginthesemi finals of the Boland league. Hit straight and putt few. Until next week: keep calm and go golfing.
Whalers time trial results: ) 3 km Runners: 1 Daniel Maree 12.14 PB; 2 Elsa Venter 17.59 SB; 3 Christoff Botha 20.53 PB; 4 Evan Venter 22.48; 5 Kyla Venter 22.48. ) 3 km Walkers: 1 Retha Viljoen 19.27 PB; 2 Leo Benning 25.39; 3 Abel Erasmus 25.59; 4 Willie Loedolff 25.59. ) 5 km Runners: 1 Ignatius Matema 18.45 SB; 2 Frank Gillion 20.53; 3 Jeremy Browne 21.38; 4 Kevin Middleton 24.03; 5 Anzel du Plessis 24.03; 6 David Cupido 24.35; 7 Roelof van Weele 25.05; 8 Lane Botha 26.48 PB; 9 Gavin Turner 28.36; 10 Josef du Preez 31.39; 11 Annarie Nel 32.10; 12 Lourette Streicher 32.43; 13 Johnson Streicher 32.43; 14 Ronel Bootha 33.47; 15 Petré Olivier 33.47 PB. ) 8 km Runners: 1 Sign Mawunda 28.46 PB; 2 Mnandeli Mkhohlakali 30.05; 3 Shaun Privett 33.37; 4 Mark kavanagh 33.37; 5 Richard van der Spuy 35.29 PB. Bridge results: Monday 4 August : 1. Nell Naude / Joan O’Connor 63,10%. 2. Audrey Boynton / Elaine Borman 60,99%. 3. John Truswell / Mike Brownlee 56,55%. Wednesday 6 August N.S: 1. Riekie Louw / Andre Wagenaar 63,19%. 2. Aletta Robertson / Anette Strachan 58,10%. 3. Jaye Howse / Claudine Bylsma 54,63%. E.W: 1. Audrey Boynton / Betty-Anne Illing 56,25%. 2. Patsy Kann / Margaret Cunninham 55,32%. 3. Monika Peters / Pat M 55,09% Saturday 9 August: 1. Patricia Kann / Jenny Veysey 59,03%. 2. Jackie Asham / Betty Nel 55,56%. 2. Claudine Bylsma / Janice Ospovat 55,56%. Monday 11 August: N.W: 1. Andre Wagenar/ Riekie Louw 63,19%. 2. Jackie Asham / Monika Peters 58,80%. 3. Linda Zaaiman / Val Velears 56,71%. E.W: 1. Julie Cotton / Pat Monhahan 64,35%. 2. Joan Roux / Lorraine Kuhn 57,87%. 3. Carin Verburg / Wina Loubser 55,32%. Bridge results, Kidbrooke: Thursday 7 August : 1. Boynton, A / Brookes, L. 61,46%. 2. Charteris, P / Van der Vlugt, A. 54,17%. 3. Illing, B / Runkel, V. 53,13%. 4. Sutton, D / Sutton, R. 52,08%. 5. Hallas, M / Vlok, V. 44,79%. 6. Etsebeth, P / Smith, S. 42,71%. 7. Kent, P / McCarthy, P. 41,67%. Sentraal-Suid Koöperasie muurbal-liga: Hermanus-muurbalspan se eerste liga het die afgelope week tuis kragte gemeet teen die gedugte span van Bredasdorp. Hermanus het hul opponente ’n bietjie moeilik gevind en kon slegs 1 van hul 4 wedstryde wen en verloor teen Rola Toyota Bredasdorp 1 met 6 potte teenoor 9. Uitslae: 1. Wayne Cooke klop Stan Voges (3-0). 2. Jaco Sadie verloor teen Jaco Beukes (2-3). 3. Bernard Heyns verloor teen Robin Visagie (0-3). 4. Elize Mostert verloor teen Neels Barkhuysen (1-3).
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Hermies se taai stryd teen Strand ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Die spanne van Hoërskool Hermanus het die afgelope week teen Hoërskool Strand meegeding. Die rugbyspanne het reeds verlede Woensdag, 6 Augustus, hul wedstryde op Hoërskool Strand se velde gespeel. Die opposisie was uiters sterk en Hermies kon net daarin slaag om een van die ses wedstryde te wen. Die hokkie- en netbalspanne het Saterdag hul wedstryde tuis gespeel. Weereens het Strand as gedugte teenstanders meeste van die wedstryde gewen, alhoewel die o. 18Ameisies-hokkie ná ’n moeilike seisoen goed kop gehou het en gelykop gespeel met ’n telling van 1 elk. Die o. 16A-span het hul wedstryd gewen (1-0) terwyl die ander verloor het. Die seuns-hokkie se o. 18A-span het hul wedstryd oortuigend gewen met ’n telling van 4-0, terwyl die ander drie spanne hul wedstryde verloor het. Die netbalspanne het ses uit die 14 wedstryde gewen. Die uitslae vir die dag was as volg: Rugby: Die o. 19A’s verloor 7-37, o. 19B verloor 7-22, o. 16A wen 29-27, o. 15A verloor 14-29, o. 14A verloor 7-8 en o. 14B verloor 3-34. Netbal: Die o. 18A-span verloor 26-33, o. 18B wen o. 17A 17-14, o. 18C verloor teen o. 18B 3-32, o. 18D verloor teen o. 17B 6-30, o. 16A wen 18-16, o. 16B verloor teen o. 15A 16-20, o. 16C verloor teen o. 16B 12-20, o. 16D
Die o. 19Ameisies het hard teruggeveg teen Hoërskool Strand en gelykop gespeel met ’n telling van 11. Hier hanteer Justine Rubesch die bal met ondersteuning van Christelle Grimbeeck en Nicolene van der Merwe aan haar sy.
verloor teen o. 15B 9-17, o. 16E wen teen o. 16C 10-9, o. 16F verloor teen o. 15C 4-9, o. 14A wen teen o. 14A 20-16, o. 14B wen 25-12, o. 14C verloor 31-7, o. 14D wen 7-6. Meisies-hokkie: o. 18A speel gelykop 1-1, o. 18B verloor 0-3, o. 18C verloor 0-4, o. 16A wen 1-0, o. 16B verloor 0-1, o. 14A verloor 1-3, o. 14Bverloor 0-2. Seuns-hokkie: Die o. 18A-span wen 4-0, o. 18B verloor 0-1, o. 16A verloor 0-5, o. 16B verloor 0-1.
Skryf jou talentvolle sportsterre in Dit is tyd om weer ’n maandwenner te kies vir die Hermanus Times Supersport Let’s Play se Sportster van die Maand. Skole wat hul leerders wil nomineer, moet ’n bondige motivering skryf en dit aan Janine van der Riet stuur by Aan die einde van die kompetisie sal ons
’n opgedateerde lys van prestasies van al die finaliste vereis om dan op ’n algehele wenner te besluit. Deelnemers mag aan enige sportsoort deelneem. Die maandwenners word deur Hermanus Times aangewys en geen korrespondensie sal daaroor gevoer word nie.
HEAVEN ON EARTH MOUN TAIN BIKE WINNERS: With all the weekend’s festivities, there was also some mountainbiking under foot. The Heaven on Earth Mountain Bike Tour, which was held throughout the HemelenAarde Valley, started and ended at Hermanuspie tersfontein with routes of vari ous difficulty for riders to choose from. The winners in the men’s division on the black route were (from left) Jurgens Uys in first place, Karel Keyser in second and Thembisile Shaun Mtintsilana in third. The organisers thanked Derek van Zyl from DVZ Insurance who sponsored the medals as well as one of the water points.
The women on the podium for the black route Arlien Mattheus in first place, Jacqui Jackson second and Mimi Viviers in third.