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THURSDAY, 14 NOVEMBER 2013 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316
Jou Koerant • Your Newspaper Municipal court for Overstrand 2
Awards for nurse and teachers 4, 5
Leopard and cubs find safe haven 8
SPORT: Karate, tennis, perdry, fietsry
Roadworks halted ANNETTE THERON
onstruction on the R320 has come to a complete standstill after the main contractor, Vusela Construction, ran into financial difficulties. The Department of Transport and Public Works has confirmed that they have terminated their contract with Vusela and that they will no longer be involved in the project. Anton Nell, director of construction at the Department of Transport and Public Works, confirmed that the tarring of the road will commence as soon as they find another contractor. The process should not be delayed for longer than four to six weeks, he said. Most of the workers on the project are local unemployed people who will be re-appointed once the new contractor starts. Andries van Wageningen, the principal engineer on site, said Vusela is experiencing cash-flow problems and was struggling to procure the necessary materials and resources needed for the project. He said the department has the money to complete the project, but no payments will be made to Vuse-
la for work not completed and approved. The R320 road links Caledon to Hermanus and the upgrade will see the dirt road tarred across its length. The work started in March last year and was scheduled for completion in September 2014. At the end of October, Van Wageningen said a total of 4,5 km of the 16 km had been sealed. The completed sections are next to Spookfontein, just past Ertjiesvlei on the Hermanus side and just past the Tesselaarsdal turn-off on the Caledon side. “Work to complete the project will proceed as soon as possible and every effort will be made to ensure the road remains in a safe condition in the interim.” In August 2011 Robin Carlisle, Western Cape Minister of Transport and Public Works announced that the contract for the resurfacing of the road would be put out to tender. He said at the time the project would take 30 months. The overall allocation comprised R50 million for the 2010/’11 financial year, R80 million for the 2011/’12 financial year and R30 million for the 2012/’13 financial year. Van Wageningen said the project should be completed in October 2014, just a month later than the initially scheduled date.
A resident in the area said at this stage communication is crucial, but is sadly lacking. “We need to be updated about the progress of the road. We all became concerned during mid-August when work on the road almost came to a standstill and the stop/go points were not manned at certain times.” Johan Montgomery, regional representative of Agri Wes-Kaap, said he is hopeful that the project will be continued soon. He said the holiday season for construction is usually from December to January, and this should not be seen as causing further delays to the project. Schalk de Beer, owner of Nouvelle Mushrooms situated along the road just past Shaw’s Pass, is very unhappy about the delay. “Effectively the road is in a poorer state than it used to be and we have the stop-and-go to contend with, which takes a lot of time.” He said the quality of the road is deteriorating. “Our trucks and vehicles are taking a lot of hammering on the road. It is costing us in time and money.” Attempts by the Hermanus Times to gain comment from Vusela Construction had been unsuccessful at the time of going to print.
Managing Director Bevan Newton Johnson (left) with the winemaking team, sisterinlaw Nadia and brother Gordon Newton Johnson. Bevan is holding Nadia and Gordon’s son Noah and on Gordon’s hip is his daugh ter Anabelle. PHOTO: HEDDA MITTNER
Valley winery excels HEDDA MITTNER Before submitting his first Newton Johnson Family Vineyards Pinot Noir to the Platter’s South African Wine Guide in 2009, he was indecisive, says winemaker Gordon Newton Johnson. Will the wine be good enough . . . is it maybe too young? He need not have feared. The wine was awarded five stars and this family-owned wine estate in the Upper Hemel-en-Aarde Valley has not looked back since. At the Platter’s 2014 launch in Cape Town on Friday it was announced that their Pinot Noir 2012 again garnered five stars – the fifth vintage in a row to be singled out by this definitive guide to the best of South African wines. Only two Pinot Noirs were awarded five stars this year, and the second one was also a Newton Johnson wine – the maiden vintage of their single vineyard Pinot Noir, Windansea 2012, which also went on to clinch the red wine of the year award. Another five stars went to
the Newton Johnson Family Vineyards Chardonnay 2012. The Newton Johnsons – parents Dave and Felicity, sons Bevan and Gordon, daughters-in-law Ezanne and Nadia and four grandchildren – are a friendly and modest bunch who take their accomplishments in their stride. “Yes, this all came as a wonderful surprise,” says Gordon with a bashful smile. The Newton Johnsons bought their farm in 2001 and planted only the best virus-free clones. Gordon’s wife, Nadia, also a winemaker, joined them in time for the first harvest. “We soon realised that the terroir and climate of our farm was most suitable for Pinot Noir,” says Gordon. “It had an exceptionally attractive character – perfumed and feminine. And that is what we have tried to preserve in our wines.” The other five star winners from the Hermanus Wine Route are: Hamilton Russell Chardonnay 2012, Bouchard Finlayson Hannibal 2012 (Red Blend) and Alheit Radio Lazarus (Chenin Blanc).
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
14 November, 2013
Municipal court for CEM JANINE VAN DER RIET The proposal to establish an additional court within the Hermanus Magisterial District dedicated to municipal affairs was unanimously supported in principle during a council meeting on 30 October. The Overstrand Municipality is experiencing difficulties in dealing with traffic and bylaw offenders. The magistrate’s courts are swamped with cases other than municipal cases which currently means that only Fridays are reserved for municipal transgressions. One day per week is however not enough due to the volume of transgressions. Municipal Manager Coenie Groenewald said the establishment of an additional court for municipal related matters is wholeheartedly supported. “The municipality not only has a constitutional duty, but also a moral duty to see to it that the law, specifically as far
as municipal matters are concerned, is upheld,” said Groenewald. The envisaged court will be used among other things for municipal related transgressions such as traffic offences, enforcing the National Building and Standard Act, landuse planning ordinances and its scheme regulations and the various by-laws of the Overstrand Municipality. The municipal manager, director of protection services and the director of management services are mandated to enter into formal negotiations with the department of justice and other role players for the purpose of establishing such a court. Neville Michaels, director of protection services of the Overstrand Municipality said the establishment of an additional court is supported because it will enhance the prosecution of municipal transgressors. The target date for implementation is 1 July 2014.
Verdwaalde hond amper verkoop, was dit nie vir dapper man JANINE VAN DER RIET Toe Issah Slabbert, ’n inwoner van Eastcliff, voorverlede Saterdag, 2 November, besef haar geliefde swart labrador het weer iewers uitgeglip, het sy gedink hy sal, soos gewoonlik net ’n draai loop en weer terugkom. Maar teen Maandag 4 September was die hond nog soek en sy en haar familie rasend van bekommernis. En as dit nie vir Peter Gillion van die Mount Pleasant Wassery was nie, was die labrador seker lankal verkoop. Gillion sê hy het daardie Saterdag naby die rugbyveld in Mount Pleasant geloop toe hy vyf jong mans met die mooi hond sien. Hy het hulle gekonfronteer, waarop die jong mans gesê het hulle het die hond in die dorp opgetel en is op pad om hom te verkoop. Gillion het voet by stuk gehou en hulle beveel om die hond te oorhandig, maar hulle het geweier. Eers toe Gillion ’n baksteen op-
tel om hulle te oortuig van sy erns, het hulle die hond net daar gelos en weggehardloop. Die hond het toe vir die naweek by Gillion gebly en die Maandagoggend het hy die Hermanus Times gebel oor die vermiste hond. Die Hermanus Times het ’n brokkie oor die verlore hond op Facebook geplaas. Binne net vyf minute het die nuus versprei en Slabbert het Gillion gekontak. “Ek is baie dankbaar teenoor Peter dat hy ons hond uit die hande van skelms gered het en so mooi na hom gekyk het. Oneindig dankbaar,” het Slabbert gesê. Sy het vir Gillion ’n groot sak hondekos gegee om dankie te sê, want behalwe dat hy uitkyk na verlore of gesteelde honde, voer hy ook daagliks, en meestal uit sy eie sak, dosyne verwaarloosde honde voor sy wassery in Mount Pleasant. Hermanus Times Operasie Brakkenjan skenk ook nou en dan kos, maar dit is deesdae te min en Gillion sê hy gee nie om om dit uit sy eie sak te finansier nie.
ABALONE HAUL: Meaghen McCord, founder/director of the South African Shark Conservancy (SASC) at the Old Harbour Museum was shocked to find a bag of abalone sitting in front of the pumphouse next to the SASC facility earlier this week. “It is our opinion that the lights from the exterior of the build ing were stolen on Sunday night so that poachers could easily access the water in front of the Old Harbour. Since then we have found poaching implements in front of the facility several times and reported these to the authorities.” McCord says they would like to encourage concerned citizens to remain vigilant. If poaching is suspected, contact the Stop Poaching hot line on 028 313 2703 or 028 312 2601.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
14 November, 2013
Overstrand Junior Town Council mayor, Sonwabile Calata, and the council’s manager, Nontuthuzelo Unity Mtomile receive flowers from MOTH Rodger Smith to lay at the foot of the memorial.
Senior officials and delegates at the ceremony.
Two Sea Scout members laid wreaths in re membrance of the fallen on Sunday at Market Square on Poppy Day.
Wreaths laid in memory of the fallen JANINE VAN DER RIET A Remembrance Day ceremony was held at Market Square on Sunday where delegates including the Overstand Mayor, the Overstrand Law Enforcement and traffic department, the NSRI members, the Sea Scouts and other senior offi-
cials laid wreaths in remembrance of the fallen and survivors. Poppy Day has been commemorated since 1927 in memory of the millions of soldiers and civilians who sacrificed their lives during World War I and World War II.
The remembrance ceremony takes place annually at one minute past the hour of eleven on the Sunday closest to the 11th day of the 11th month – the day the Great War ended in 1918. A two-minute silence was observed; one minute for those who paid the highest sacrifice and one minute for those who survived.
Individuals who placed beautiful floral tributes at the foot of the war memorial situated at the entrance of the Old Harbour included Michael Range on behalf of the Old Boys Club, Deon Langenhoven from the NSRI, Hermanus and Hawston school leaders and police officers.
Onruskuspad opgeknap HEDDA MITTNER Atlantic-rylaan in Onrus word tans herseël en die rand van die pad aan die seekant word afgerond met ’n randsteentjie. Hierdie projek sal voor die vakansieseisoen voltooi wees, sê Mike Bartman, adjunkdirekteur van gemeenskapsdienste by Overstrand-munisipaliteit (OM). Sommige inwoners voel egter dat die behoefte aan ’n wandelpad van groter belang is as die herseël van die pad. “Hulle verbreed nou die pad in plaas daarvan dat ’n ordentlike voetpad vir stappers geskep word,” sê Lucy Pickford, wat in Onrus woon. “Honderde mense stap langs Atlantic-rylaan met kinders en honde reg deur die jaar, en veral oor die vakansieseisoen,” aldus Pickford. Die VOS-kuswandelpad van Vermont se kant af eindig tans by die Onrus-karavaanpark en begin weer net voor Onrus-strand
tot by Sandbaai. Tussen daardie twee gedeeltes moet stappers van Atlantic-rylaan gebruik maak. By navraag het die OM se areabestuurder Don Kearney egter bevestig dat ’n wandelpad vir stappers op Atlantic-rylaan reeds as ’n wyksprojek geïdentifiseer is. Daar word voorlopig nie beoog om ’n geplaveide wandelpad reg langs die pad te skep soos op die laaste gedeelte van Atlantic-rylaan net voor die strand nie. Die wandelpad sal egter nader aan die see wees en al langs die kuslyn loop tot by die karavaanpark. “Van die bosse sal verwyder word om ’n grondpaadjie te skep met ’n harde oppervlak en dit sal afgebaken word met paaltjies,” sê Kearney. “Die tender sal na verwagting volgende week geadverteer word.” Hierdie projek sal egter na verwagting eers in die nuwe jaar kan begin, het Kearney bygevoeg.
BRAAI IN WALKERBAAI: Jan Braai (middel), stigter van Nasionale Braaidag, was die afgelope paar dae op Herma nus en Stanford om sy TVreeks, Jan Braai vir Erfenis, vir kykNET te verfilm. Jan was vroeg Woensdagoggend 13 No vember by Riaan Kloppers (links) en Herman de Vries, kort ná sy kajaktoer saam met Walker Bay Adventures.
Drowning: body found near Stanford beach JANINE VAN DER RIET Police divers searched the area in Walker Bay, Grotto beach and Stanford again on Sunday, but the body of Lawxon Chiredzero (22), who presumably drowned on Tuesday, 5 November was not found. On Tuesday, 12 November, Her-
manus police received information of a body on the beach. Members went to Spookhuis near Stanford beach and the body of Chiredzero was found. He was later identified by his family. ) In the article Man’s body lost at sea in the Hermanus Times of 7 No-
vember, Henk Esterhuysen from the See en Sand Institute was incorrectly quoted as warning people to try and avoid rocks and gullies where there is white water present. In fact, the correct information is: “People should try to avoid rocks and gullies where there is NO white water present.”
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Kos &Wynmark h
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
14 November, 2013
Provincial award for nurse KERRY BURG
priority to develop, maintain and implement a training plan for nursing managers. For the first time in the “In this regard we are history of the Herawaiting the outcomes of manus Provincial Hosthe skills audit of senior pital, one of their clinimanagement. We have also cal nurse practitioners prioritised the image of was a nominee in the nurses. Our behavioural provincial Cecilia change programme is imMakiwane Nurse’s portant in this regard.” Recognition Awards There were nine nomiceremony. nees for the award and the selection criteria included Cathrine Nkonyane living up to the nurses’ was chosen as the first pledge and nursing ethics, runner-up and was pregoing beyond the call of dusented with a trophy and Hermanus Hospital’s Matron Nikki Bouwer (left) proudly ty, having a positive atticash prize by Western holds the trophy, which Sister Cathrine Nkonyane was tude towards patients and Cape Minister of Health awarded as the first runner up at the provincial Cecilia colleagues, contributing to Theuns Botha at the Makiwane Nurse’s Recognition Awards ceremony in Stel effective management and event in the Stellenbosch lenbosch. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG being part of a multi-disciTown Hall on Wednesyears old because she had to look af- plinary healthcare team. day 30 October. Maria Maghrieta Goodier, a senNkonyane , who is a chief profes- ter her siblings. When asked what the nursing ior auxiliary nurse at the Ruytersional nurse and manager of the ARV Clinic at the Hermanus Hospi- award means to her, Nkonyane wacht Community Health Centre tal, has done Hermanus and her col- says: “I feel very humbled because won the competition and will repreI was a goat herder. I came from the sent the province in the national leagues at the hospital proud. Matron Nikki Bouwer from the bushes of Barberton – to be nomi- competition. Nkonyane says they are currentHermanus Hospital, who attended nated for such an award is phenomely 1756 patients receiving anti-retrothe awards evening with Nkonyane, nal.” The award was named after Cecil- viral treatment at the Hermanus says: “It’s fantastic. We are so proud of her. This award is boosting the ia Makiwane, the first registered Hospital’s ARV Clinic of which 62 moral of the whole hospital and will professional black nurse in South are children. When she’s not working, Nkonmotivate the other staff members to Africa. Botha and Proffessor Craig yane likes to sleep, read and walk. enter as well. Cathrine has set the She has completed the Lighthouse Househam, the Western Cape head example for us.” 2 Lighthouse walk three times and Nkonyane has been a nurse for of health, attended the event. Botha, said: “Nurses are the back- plans to do it again next year. 28 years and has spent the past six She says the awards ceremony in years working at the Hermanus bone of our primary healthcare service. Our main challenge re- Stellenbosch was quite overwhelmHospital’s ARV Clinic. She grew up in Barberton and did mains the shortage of specialised ing “especially when I saw Matron not go to school until she was 10 nurses, and to address this, it is a crying”.
Bobby Skinstad, Suné Greeff, Blake Albert and Mike Joubert at the workshop. PHOTO: MADELEIN MARAIS
Tourism workshop held The newly appointed tourism ambassador for the Overstrand, Bobby Skinstad, was the key speaker at a workshop at The Windsor Hotel in Hermanus this weekend. Skinstad along with Mike Joubert from Brands Rock and Blake Albert, general manager of The Windsor Hotel, gave a broad outline of the importance of social media and its role in the tourism Industry. Skinstad also gave some indication as to how he is going to fulfil his new role. The workshop was well attend-
ed by a broad range of representatives from all the towns in the Overstrand area. Joubert’s presentation hinted at how powerful the Overstrand/Cape Whale Coast brand could be if unity in its diversity is found. Albert provided some local knowledge in terms of the effect of social media and its functionality in local tourism. The Overstrand Municipality, who organised the event, was represented by Suné Greeff and the Overstrand Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
14 November, 2013
Top honours for dedicated Hermanus teachers HEDDA MITTNER
the year that can make or break a child.” Such follows in the footsteps of another teacher from Hermanus, Susanna Pietersen from Hawston Primary School, who was the recipient for the provincial award for excellence in Grade R teaching last year. Van Aswegen, who is the accountancy teacher and matric grade head at Hermanus High, has been with the school for seven years. “It’s wonderful to receive recognition from someone other than your colleagues, stu-
Two teachers from Hermanus won provincial accolades at the Western Cape leg of the National Teaching Awards at the Protea Hotel in Bantry Bay on Friday evening. Lorna Such from Hermanus PrePrimary and Nadene van Aswegen from Hermanus High School both survived the regional finals to represent the Overberg at the elaborate ceremony. Such came out tops in the Grade R teaching category while Van Aswegen was a runner-up in the secondary school teaching category. Among the illustrious guests were the Western Cape Premier Helen Zille, the head of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) Penny Vinjevold and provincial Minister of Education Donald Grant. In his address Grant said despite many challenges, teachers go selflessly beyond the call of duty to ensure their learners receive the best quality tuition and a fair chance to live the lives that they deserve.
Lorna Such, the principal and Grade R teacher of Hermanus Pre Primary School, won the provincial award for top Grade R teacher in the Western Cape. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Nadene van Aswegen, accountancy teacher and matric grade head at Her manus High School, was a provincial runnerup in the category Secondary Teaching. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
“You inspire us all. You deserve our thanks,” he said. Such has been the principal and Grade R teacher at Hermanus PrePrimary since 1979. Her classroom is also utitlised by Hermanus Primary School for aftercare purposes, where she assists learners with homework.
“Winning this award was a very big moment for me because there are so many dedicated teachers out there,” she says. “The WCED went out of their way to make this a very special occasion and the appreciation was tangible. I’m especially pleased that the importance of Grade R is being recognised, as this is
Unique awards for Adopt a School project KERRY VAN RENSBURG Gansbaai Primary School took the Hermanus Times Adopt a School project to heart and were crowned the winners of this reading, language and news awareness initiative. The purpose of Gansbaai Primary School’s deputy principal, Neil the initiative is to Pedro (left), and Marietjie Barkhuizen (right), factory encourage chil- manager at Meadowsweet and sponsor of the Herdren to read more, manus Times Adopt A School project at Gansbaai Pri to secure a better mary, stand alongside the winners (from second left) future for them- Aliya Prins (Gr 5 winner), Lorenzo Geldenhuis (Gr 6 selves. winner and overall winner) and MareLize Titus (Gr 7 As a reward, the winner). PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG winning learners received uniquely designed and laser engraving machine as part of crafted awards made by the project the printing business they used to sponsor Marietjie Barkhuizen, facto- run, but Marietjie says she now only does it as a hobby. ry manager at Meadowsweet. The awards she created for the iniBarkhuizen says she drew the design which appears on the four wood- tiative were presented to the top en plaques by hand and then crafted achievers in Gr 5, 6 and 7 as well as it onto the wood with her laser en- the overall winner at the school’s prize giving function held on Thursgraving machine. She says she was the first person day 7 November. Marietjie also donated 12 Meadin South Africa to have a machine like this and she and her husband owsweet gift packs filled with bathwent to Arizona in America in 1993 time treats, which will be given to the to fetch it. The Barkhuizens used the girls and boys who were selected as
A close up of the intricate design of awards which Marietjie Barkhuizen from Meadowsweet created with her laser engraving machine especially for the children from Gansbaai Pri mary School who participated in the Hermanus Times Adopt a School/ Borg ’n Skool project. weekly winners in the project. Neil Pedro, the school’s deputy principal, who facilitated the project, said the gifts would be given to the children who made a special effort on the last day of the school year.
dents or their parents,” she says. “And it’s very encouraging to be recognised by people who are so positive about the future of education.” The WCED awarded a certificate of excellence and an ICT voucher to each of the regional and provincial winners. The schools of the finalists also received R5 000 and the winning schools each received R7 500 that must be used towards the professional development of the whole teaching staff. The provincial winners, including Such, will proceed to the national finals.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General HO HO HO: Christ mas may seem a long way off, but it’s actually only a few weeks away. The Gateway Spar (photo) and Checkers are some of the stores al ready dressed up for Christmas a cheerful reminder to start your shopping early and avoid the lastminute rush.
HOLE-IN-ONE PRIZE: The biggest prize up for grabs at this weekend’s Walker Bay Classic at the Hermanus Golf club is an Opel Astra 1.6 Cosmo Sedan worth R284 500. It will be won by the first player to hit a holeinone on the 9th or the 16th hole.
0800 055 555
14 November, 2013
Algemeen General
BacktoSchool party in aid of neglected animals JANINE VAN DER RIET Hermanus Times Operation Brakkenjan is hosting a Back-to-School party on Wednesday 4 December from 18:30 in the Sandbaai Hall. The aim of the party, besides having a good time, is to raise funds for Operation Brakkenjan and the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society. The Hermanus Times initiative was established in 2008 to feed neglected dogs and cats in and around Hermanus, with residents leaving food donations in designated trolleys at various shops. The evening will include dinner, lucky draws, a small auction, songs performed by Reanli de Jager, Morné Groenewald and Amoré with her hit song Dis lekker by die see my skat. DJ’s Abraham Smit and Francois Swart will also entertain guests with the best music for dancing. This function will not be possible without your generous donations (for the auction and lucky draws). A bottle of wine, a massage, a hair salon voucher – anything would be greatly appreciated. When JC Castelyn from Hair-We-Go in the Woolworths centre heard about the function, he immediately promised four wash, cut and blowdry vouchers for the event. Annie se Kombuis is sponsoring a tasting platter with a glass of wine worth R178. We also need a meat sponsor (chicken, lamb and any kind of braai meat) and potatoes/bread as we will have a braai, serve potato salad and a bread table at the event. Cash donations for this would also be fantastic. A full page of the Hermanus Times will be dedicated to the report back of the event, with photos, and mentions of all the sponsors. Kindly let us know if you would like to contribute. Your help will help save the lives of many neglected animals in Hermanus. All prizes/donations can be dropped off at the Hermanus Times office in Aberdeen Street. Tickets for the event are available at R100 per person, including dinner, at the Hermanus Times office or at Vee’s Video, Main Road, Hermanus. A cash bar will be available at the venue. Tables of ten can be booked or you can book individually. Only 300 tickets are available. For more information, contact Janine van der Riet at janine@hermanustimes.co.za or 082 885 0226 or 028 312 3717 or Francois Swart on 076 059 8372. Remember to buy your tickets now and get your outfits ready for the party of the season.
Hermanus Times 14 November, 2013
8 Hermanus Times ‘Marilyn Monroe’ and her cubs find safe haven 14 November, 2013
Algemeen General
The Landmark Foundation Leopard & Predator Project rescued a female leopard on a farm in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley in September and she seems to have settled in well.
Marilyn Monroe, the female leopard, was rescued by the Landmark Foundation after she was caught in a caracal cage on a farm in the HemelenAarde Valley in September.
MUSIEKTALENT: Sparkies Music Academy het ín Oktober hul jaarlikse prysuitdeling gehou. Met hul sertifikate en medaljes is voor: Werner van der Westhuizen (silwermedalje); (middel, van links) Bianca Kloppers (silwermedalje), Demi Steyn (bronsmedal je), Denielle Steyn (bronsmedalje), Chanté Kotze (gouemedalje), Zandri Kotze (gouemedalje); agter: Lee De Rust (bronsmedalje) en Hannelie van der Westhuizen (afrigter).
The leopard was named Marilyn Monroe by Landmark’s field staff because of her exceptional beauty. She was captured in a caracal trap set by a local farmer after some of his lambs had been killed. “When the culprit turned out to be a leopard and not a caracal, the farmer called the Landmark Foundation, which rescues and researches leopards from Hermanus to Port Elizabeth,” says Jeannine McManus, the foundation’s field manager and researcher. “We fixed the leopard with a GPS tracking collar in an attempt to learn about the individual’s movement around her territory.” While the rescue occurred on the supposedly unlucky day of Friday 13, recent reports from a local farmer indicated the possible presence of cubs at her side. The GPS data confirmed this possibility by pinpointing the locations of several den sites around her territory. “This was great news,” says McManus, “as the Landmark Founda-
Recent sightings of Marilyn show that she is still in the valley area and has contentedly settled in with her cubs. tion estimates that only 350 leopards remain in the highly fragmented landscape of the Western and Eastern Cape provinces. “Our camera traps indicate that there are currently about eight adult leopards between Hermanus and Agulhas. They are vulnerable to extinction due to loss of habitat and human-caused mortality which leads to genetic blockages.” While tracking the leopard with radio-telemetry, field researchers had a bit of a scare when locating the young leopard in the exact same location on two consecutive days. “While the fear was that she might have stepped in a lethal ‘gin trap’, the GPS data thankfully shows that she may have just been resting at her den
with new cubs,” says McManus. Data from the GPS collar indicated that the leopard has been happily and healthily moving throughout her mountainous home for the two months since she was rescued, while distinctly avoiding areas of human development. McManus says she was probably pregnant at the time of her capture and had the cubs a few weeks later. “Landmark Foundation will continue to monitor the leopard’s health and the welfare of her cubs. Field research officers will also be working with the farmers in the area, implementing non-lethal control methods to ensure the safety of both the farmers’ livestock and the gorgeous leopard who made her home nearby.”
NSRI now ready to save lives – and whales HEDDA MITTNER “We feel like kids getting a longed-for birthday present,” said Petrus Hendriksz, chairperson of the Hermanus NSRI fund-raising committee, at the handover of a whale disentanglement kit to Station 17 last Thursday afternoon. The kit, consisting of special buoys, cutters and grappling hooks, was donated to the Hermanus NSRI by Two Oceans, who are owned by Distell and have been the official sponsors of the Hermanus Whale Festival for the last three years. Station commander Henk Henn thanked Distell for their generous contribution and emphasised the NSRI’s dependence on donations, legacies and fund-raising. The members of Hermanus NSRI are all volunteers doing a selfless job in order to save lives, he said. Jean le Roux, who underwent training earlier this year with the South African Whale Disentanglement Network, said it was impossible to assist whales in trouble without
Leon Theron (Hermanus Two Oceans Whale Festival, Jean le Roux (NSRI), Jeanine Smith (Distell events manager), Danelle Kietz mann (Two Oceans brand manag er), Deon Langenhoven (NSRI) and station commander Henk Henn.
the necessary equipment. Having completed his training, he said, was like being an advanced driver without a vehicle. The nearest NSRI station with a whale disentanglement kit was in Gansbaai, but by the time they could travel there to get the kit and come back, the whale would be long gone, Le Roux said. They have not yet had a chance to test their new skills and equipment, but with their new enhanced capabilities, Hermanus Station 17 will be
ready to act immediately when the call comes. The rescue operation requires a crew of at least five people, Le Roux explained. The entangled whale is approached from behind and a grappling hook is thrown over the entanglement. A buoy is then attached to slow the whale down and prevent it from diving under the water. Approaching the whale in a rubberduck, the NSRI crew then cut the ropes with special blades designed in such a way that they can only cut the ropes and not harm the whale itself. According to Le Roux, when a whale gets entangled in nets, anchor ropes or buoys, it cannot move or feed properly and eventually dies of hunger – a slow and painful death. Young whales are particularly vulnerable, as the ropes will cut ever deeper into their flesh as they grow.
Algemeen General
Workshop looks to the future Dr Denis Worrall, chairperson of the Omega Investment Research Group, says they are particularly pleased with two challenging messages that have come through from interested parties. The group is organising a oneday Strategic Workshop on 11 December, aimed at marketing Hermanus in the light of the National Development Plan. “The first message is that the workshop should expand the Hermanus sense of community to include all communities who live here. There clearly is a wish to reach out and as organisers we believe civic organisations and especially churches have a big contribution to make to the results of this workshop,” said Worrall. “The discussion of the National Development Plan (NDP), launched by economist Chris Hart, and the NDP’s relevance to Hermanus at a municipal level, will open up discussions which will lead to action in this regard. “The second aspect is a sense among potential delegates of wanting to see the Hermanus brand strengthened. Local people understand this very clearly and they wish to see everything that makes up that brand appreciated. “They are saying it isn’t just the whales that distinguish Hermanus from other places; Hermanus needs to be appreciated for its unique strengths and opportunities, as a natural environment and as a place to visit, live in and retire to. “For example, the discussion on tourism, and the variety of accommodation which Hermanus offers, will be launched by Mary Faure. No doubt, with lots of contributions from the floor, this is bound to focus on what brings people back year after year to Hermanus. The discussion will draw this out and it will be included in the online marketing portal and platform emerging from the workshop.” ) The cost of attending the workshop at the Municipal Auditorium on 11 December is R300 (R250 each for couples). This includes workshop material, refreshments, lunch and a concluding wine reception. For further information and to register, phone 021 671 9233 or e-mail Stacey Farao at staceyf@omegainvest.co.za. Phone Janice Taylor for delegate registration, advertising and sponsorship at 073 219 7463.
Hermanus Times 14 November, 2013
Hermanus Times
Mense People
14 November, 2013
AT THE VILLAGE STALL: Petri Hendriksz (regs), die eienaarsjef van eat restaurant in HemelenAarde Village, by sy ouers, Petrus en Estel le Hendriksz, die eienaars van Fusion restaurant in die dorp. Petrus en Petri is vennote in ’n nuwe onderneming reg langs eat (waar Curves voorheen was) met die naam At the Village Stall, terwyl Estelle omsien na die boeke. At the Village Stall is amper soos ’n outydse negosie winkel, waar jy iets van alles kan kry. “Solank dit met die hand ge maak is,” voeg Estelle by. Hulle gaan plaaslike handvlytwerk verkoop, soos houtwerk, draadwerk, hekel en breiwerk, juweliersware, potte bakkery, muurbehangsels, fotorame, sepies, essensiële olies en hand sakke. Dan is daar ook die deli met plaaslike kase, olyfolies, patés, brode en koekies, en ’n lekker kuierkroeg wat plaaslike wyne en arti sanale bier verkoop. Ontbyt en ligte middagetes sal daagliks bedien word en die deure van At the Village Stall sal sewe dae ’n week oop wees. “Dis ’n eenvoudige konsep,” sê Petri. “Alles is vars en handge maak, net soos by die padstalle van ouds.” At the Village Stall maak Saterdag 16 November oop. FOTO’S: HEDDA MITTNER
Medical aid from only
per month *
* 1st child R320 p.m.; all other children only pay R85 per child p.m.
PSG Hermanus Dawie Theron 028 313 1118
Overstrand Investments & Insurance Administrators 0861 564 6669
Louis Fourie 028 313 2916
Willi Neusch van Huis Lettie Theron en ‘n knap kabinetmaker, het al die houtwerk in At the Villa ge Stall self gedoen – hortjies, panele, afskor tings, rakke, kroegtoon bank, tafels en stoele, wat hy ook gestoffeer het. “Willi is reeds 73, maar sy hande staan vir niks verkeerd nie,” sê Petrus. “Hy kan enigiets doen; van skrynwerk, bou en tuinmaak tot brei, skilder en kook.” PROJEK HOOP BEKENDGESTEL: Hierdie groep vrouens, wat ge reeld bymekaar kom met hulle kinders vir Bybelstu die en bidure, het besluit hulle wil méér as net dit doen – hulle wil op prak tiese sowel as geestelike vlak lewens aanraak en ’n verskil maak in ’n gebroke wêreld. En so is Projek Hoop gestig, wat veral fokus op die bekamping van geweld teen vroue en kinders in die Overstrand. Die bekendstelling Woensdagaand 30 Oktober by Savannah Café is deur vrien de, familielede en ondersteuners bygewoon en het ’n heerlike viergang maaltyd met wyn ingesluit. Van links is Lezan van der Berg, Yolandé Pieterse, Lizelle Truter, Anneline Hugo, Marhette van Huysteen en Madré Malan. Met die ondersteuning van die burgemeester en verskeie plaaslike besighede, sowel as hulle beskermliggaam, die Vrouebediening van die NG Kerk Hermanus, wil hulle fondse insamel vir die opknapping van die traumakamer by die polisiekantoor, en ook vir terapie, regshulp en algemene bystand aan slagoffers. Om betrokke te raak, skakel koördineerder Anneline Hugo by 072 244 0233. FOTO: HEDDA MITTNER
Foods of the World enjoyed by all Hermanus Private Pre and Primary School’s annual Foods of the World fundraising event on Friday 8 November was a happy, sociable evening. “The success of this event was due to Harriet Saville and the team of moms on the parent teachers association who worked with dedication and planned everything in detail months in advance,” says Molly Venter, principal of the school. The various activities and food tables included paella (Spain), potjiekos (South Africa), cevapi (Croatia), and chicken curry (India) as well as delicious small cakes for dessert. Beer and wine tasting from local wineries was also available. MC Philip Gordon from Whale Coast fm and DJ Jaco Fourie kept the guests entertained while the children participated in various fun activities, from a jumping castle to disco dancing, a magician show, face painting and a hair and nail bar.
Michelle Jasprica with her children Nadja and Luka, and Grade Rteacher Kathy Cupido. PHOTOS: TAYLUM MEYER
Former Proteas cricketer Jon ty Rhodes with Molly Venter, principal.
Mariaan de Klerk, granddaughter of HPS principal Molly Venter, with her friend Rowan Yearsley.
NEDBANK VINPRO INFORMATION DAY The Nedbank VinPro Information Day will be held from 08:00 to 12:45 at Lord Charles Hotel, Somerset West on 23 January 2014.
• South Africa's competitiveness in the global context (Stephen Rannekleiv – Executive Director: Food and Agribusiness Research, Rabobank)
With renewed challenges facing the wine industry, specialists will give an overview of the wine industry's prospects for 2014.
• Industry-related topic (To be announced)
The topics are: • Economic outlook (Johann Els – Senior Economist, Old Mutual) • Trends in the international wine market (Mike Veseth – Author, The Wine Economist) • Seasonal overview and harvest expectations (Francois Viljoen – Manager: Consultation Service, VinPro) • Prospects in the domestic wine market (Phillip Retief – Chief Executive Officer, Van Loveren)
Established and emerging wine producers, as well as role players from the cellar and marketing fields, are encouraged to attend. Registration is compulsory and includes lunch. GENERAL: R600 per person by 11 December 2013 (R700 thereafter) VINPRO MEMBERS: R450 per person by 11 December 2013 (R500 thereafter) The complete programme and the registration form are available at www.vinpro.co.za, or contact Patricia Jordaan at tel 021 807 3237, fax 021 863 2079 or email jordaanp@vinpro.co.za.
Hermanus Times
Mense People
14 November, 2013
Só hou Hangklip basaar
FLOWER FLAIR: Alysson Kessel present ed a flowerarranging demonstration using an assortment of vases and vessels found at the Hospice Shop at St Peter’s Church Hall on Friday 8 November. She was assisted by Christine Ross and Ann Harvett, who coordi nated the event. The hall was packed with women who seemed to appreciate the crea tive ideas Alysson was able to share with them. Her floral ar rangements were in spirational and the clever tips she passed on to her audience were well received.
FANIE KRIGE Die jaarlikse Hangklip-streekbasaar wat Saterdag in die NG gemeentesentrum op Bettiesbaai gehou is, het nie net broodnodige geld vir die kerk opgelewer nie, maar ook die gemeente en gemeenskap gesellig byeengebring. Die sameroeper van die reëlingskomitee, Mervin Burger sr., het namens die gemeente opregte dank uitgespreek vir die goeie ondersteuning uit alle gemeenskappe. Die voorlopige aanduidings is dat meer as R100 000 ingevorder is. Bydraes vir die basaar het tot uit Potgietersrus (Mokopane) gekom. ’n Familielid van een van die gemeentelede, Tom Schoeman, se riempiestoele en ander houtwerkprodukte is vinnig opgeraap deur kopers wat gehalte kon raaksien.
Karin Steinbach het ’n gesellige Duitse kafeekultuur na die Hang klipbasaar gebring.
Bettie Kleynhans moes maar inval toe aankondiger Sedrick Taljaard se voete begin jeuk het.
Daar is lekker gekuier, terwyl John van Taak se musiek en aankondiger Sedrick Taljaard van Radio Tygerberg-faam dinge gesellig gehou het. Die kinders is met ’n Kerskaartjiekompetisie geleentheid gegee om betrokke te raak.
Die verrassing van die dag was die pragtige potloodsketse waarmee Jonsie Burger vorendag gekom het. Lootjies is ook getrek vir twee spogpryse. Dit was ’n sierborduurkunswerk van Hennie en ’n popbedjie, wat deur Riekie Nel vir haar nuwe kleindogter gewen is.
HUWELIKSKLOKKIES: Nj en Theresa Bosch het ewige trou aanmekaar beloof op 12 Oktober by De Oude kraal.
GLITZ AND GLAMOUR: Curro Hermanus hosted their first official Senior Formal at the Classroom on Wednesday 6 November. The tone of the evening was set on arrival, with the women shining in all their glitz and glamour while the men looked quite dashing themselves. It was a celebration of hard work, dedication and all out fun. The delicious fourcourse dinner and an Oscarworthy awards ceremony rounded off this spectacular event. Winners on the night were from left Tristan Roberts (Mr Personality), Layla Arrison (Ms Congeniality), Robert Payne (Mr Muscle), Ciara Nel (Ms Smarty Pants), Falcon Sau vage (Mr Smarty Pants) and Zoë Chowney (Ms Legs). PHOTO: SUPPLIED
KYK WEER: Francois du Toit van Sandbaai het sy braai gaste twee keer laat kyk toe hy met dié vro(u)like voor skootjie aan ’n potjie op die vuur maak. FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET
ART TIPS: Maureen Tomaino was one of several artists who took part in the Art Shop’s summer art school programme which started at their studio on 21 October and continues until 15 No vember. Maureen recently presented a free onehour watercolour demonstration.
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
14 November, 2013
LEAPING BEAUTY: As the whale watching season draws to a close, this spec tacular photo was captured near the Old Harbour last week. “For me, this captures the joy of living in Hermanus, and how privileged we are to wit ness such scenes on a regular ba sis,” says pho tographer Phil Heading.
EDITORIAL COMMENT Municipal court will bring benefits If the Overstrand Municipality succeeds in establishing an additional court within the Hermanus Magisterial District dedicated to municipal affairs it will have many advantages. A municipal court, focusing only on traffic, municipal and by-law transgressions, will ease the burden on the magistrate courts for one. Cases will be dealt with faster, specialised knowledge will allow for more successful prosecutions, and perhaps most welcoming of all is that these offendors will be dealt with in a court separate from where hardened criminals appear.
Thank you kind young man, ‘my knight’ With all my heart I want to thank the caring, concerned people who helped me after my fall at the Checkers open parking area on Wednesday 6 November at 13:30. Walking all over town for four hours not eating, nor drinking, not thinking about my blood sugar levels, I went into Checkers to buy a few items. I decided on a small basket trolley. Bad decision. Pushing it over the road towards the open parking area it hooked on the curbstone, tumbled forward and crashed onto the pavement pulling me down into the baskets. A kind young man picked me up gently. I thanked him but then I fainted. Regaining consciousness I found myself sitting on the ground surrounded by all you lovely concerned people. A sincere thank you to all of you as well as the ladies of the United Church who contacted my lovely daughter. A very special thank you to the kind young man, my knight, who patiently stood behind me waiting for my recovery and gently lifted me up for a third time. God bless you all!
No after effects In response to the letter “Skincare: know the risks” that appeared in the HT on 24 October: I would like to point out that I have had several treatments at a couple of salons, one being fat freezing carried out by qualified therapists with no after affects after the treatments. Incidentally, where did the “Medical Practitioner” get her information from with regard to qualifications? Seems odd that she knows so much.
Soektog na beursie het ’n goeie einde Op Saterdag 2 November omstreeks 10:00 het ek my motor parkeer by Hermanuspietersfontein. ’n Vriend het opgedaag en ons het gesels, waartydens ek my beurse met R2 400 kontant asook my bank- en ander kaarte op die motor se kattebak gesit het. My vriend het vertrek en ek het gegaan na die industriële gebied in Hermanus vir besigheid. Groot was my skok toe ek nie my beursie kon vind nie. Dit het my dadelik bygeval dat ek my beursie op die motor se kattebak vergeet het. Daar was orals gesoek na die beursie. Hermanuspietersfontein se personeel het ’n afkondiging gemaak en baie moeite gedoen om die beursie te soek. Ek het die bank betyds bereik en die kaarte gekanselleer. Op Sondag 3 November omstreeks 10:30 het
ek al wat ’n vullisdrom besoek met die hoop dat die beursie – al is dit sonder die geld, gevind kon word. Groot was my verbasing en blydskap toe ek kort daarna ’n oproep van my dogter van Worcester ontvang dat my beursie gevind is en by ’n mnr. Bronkhorst van Onrusrivier is. Ek het die beursie in ontvangs geneem, met al die geld en kaarte nog binne-in. Jan Willem, seun van mnr. en mev. Bronkhorst, het die beursie gevind by die Sandbaai verkeersligte waar dit in die straat gelê het. Aan Jan Willem, baie, baie dankie vir jou eerlikheid en integriteit. Jou soort is dun gesaai. Aan sy ouers, baie dankie dat julle hom sulke waardes geleer het. Jan Willem is ’n deeltydse kelner by Ocean Basket in Hermanus. Pas hom goed op – sy soort kry jy bitter min.
Overgrown Fisherhaven plots will be cleared To all the residents of Vermont complaining about the dismissal of their “cleaning contractor”, I would like to say: welcome to the club. I stay in Fisherhaven and have complained to the relevant parties about the horrible state of Fisherhaven’s vacant plots. The last response I got was that the budget for plot clearing in Fisherhaven has been depleted. This was in March 2013. The Port Jacksons on the plot next to my house are over 3 meters tall, and their roots have now grown under my boundary wall, sucking all the water from my lawn. In the last year and a half I had to remove some of these trees at my cost to prevent any further damage to my property. In the past the municipality used to send notices out to plot owners to clean their plots; if this notice was ignored the municipality would get a contractor to do it and add the charge to the relevant parties’ municipal account. Perhaps the person in charge of writing these notices should start doing his or her job. The question is this: Fisherhaven residents pay their rates and taxes like any other neighbourhood in the Overberg; why is our money not invested in the upkeep of our beautiful neighbourhood? Lastly I would like to remind our municipality that the Greater Hermanus area is marketed as a tourist/holiday destination. Many holidaymakers drive through Fisherhaven to get access to the Klein River Lagoon for skiing and other water sports. Are overgrown plots and kerbs really the image we want to portray to these visitors?
DER: FIRE & RESCUE SERVICES: The “contractor” is not employed by the municipality; the municipal contractor is contracted until 30 June 2014 and is responsible for plot clearing throughout the whole Greater Hermanus and Stanford. Sufficient funds are allocated for plot clearing for the whole financial year, but clearly insufficient manpower may cause a problem.The Fisherhaven erven were inspected at the beginning of 2013 and again in June/July. Thirty plots in violation of the Overstrand Community Fire Safety By-Law were cleared in February/March, and in September/October a further 20 plots were cleared by the contractor. Numerous plot owners responded to notices and cleared plots before the compliance dates. Unfortunately most erven contain alien vegetation like Port Jackson that regrows unchecked and reaches prolific proportions within six months of being removed. Seventy-nine notices were issued to non-compliant vacant erven owners in Fisherhaven in November 2012, 51 in January 2013 and 58 in September 2013. Further inspections will be done early in 2014. The plot-clearing department operated to its full potential but faced many challenges during the last 12 months without a full-time plot clearing official. Residents with complaints regarding overgrown municipal property must send these to the relevant area managers. Other complaints about private erven are attended to by the Fire and Rescue Department as promptly as possible. Residents are assured that overgrown property is regarded very seriously and that the municipality will endeavour to address this problem as soon as possible.
HAWS and Hospice, let’s not fight please! Please note that we are not in competition. We all do our work with dedication and love. Let’s stop the nastiness, it hurts all of us. I volunteer at the HAWS shop and I am proud to be in the team. Our prices are absolutely fair; let people decide for themselves! Please think of the cash we need to feed all our animals daily, to pay the staff who care for them, the petrol needed. Do you have any animals at home? Then you know how much you spend on food per month. Let us all be friends and work in harmony. God bless.
Instead of complaining, roll up your sleeves We live in such a beautiful town, yet we find all sorts of things to complain about. Our charity shops seem to be the target of the moment. These shops raise much-needed funds for our not so fortunate animals and others. I suggest that instead of complaining, you roll up your sleeves and join the ranks of the wonderful volunteers who give so generously of their time to help at the kennels and cattery to make the cats’ and dogs’ miserable lives a little more comfortable. You can join the dog walkers who take the dogs out every day so they can sniff around and do the things that they cannot do in their confined runs. Do something positiv; you may even be moved enough by the plight of a cat or a dog to show that you are an animal lover. You could even just drop some cash into one of their collecting boxes placed in the supermarkets around this wonderful town of ours.
Thank you! from the Izibusiso family On behalf of the children at Izibusiso Foster Home and the women who organised the Izibusiso Charity Golf Day, I would like to say a resounding thank you to everyone who helped make the day such a success. Particular thanks go to our generous sponsors, of whom there were so many – the business community in the Overstrand is warm-hearted when approached for support. This year we raised just under R40 000 and, as we have no administration costs at Izibusiso, this entire amount will go towards the upkeep of the children. Thank you, one and all!
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
14 November, 2013
) Die 148 eenhede in Fynbospark
word vir vullisverwydering elk dieselfde aangeslaan as ’n erf in Westcliff, maar kry net 19 wheelies. Die munisipaliteit kort nog ’n vullislorrie. Nou moet Fyn bospark dit verskaf.– ESTELL OELOFSE ) How much will it cost to repair Die Plaat and walkways? Dogs must now walk where humans bathe and are una ble to run beyond the river. ) Please, high school learners’parents: be grateful for our excellent high school. See what is happening in other schools. With the new principal’s new ideas, we can look forward to even more excel lence at Hermanus High School. Well done all. ) Some people can’t live without com plaining: parking, weather, traffic de partment, municipality, the mayor, hos pital or petrol. The money from charity shops goes to a good cause. You never know when you will need one. Please be positive and thankful.– DENNIS ) I saw a heartwrenching scene today. The traffic at Mt Pleasant had halted. A man in a white bakkie had stopped cars in both lanes to carry a toddler, who had strayed into traffic to safety. ) Nice to see Skye reunited with her dog Diesel. A child that loves animals will turn into a compassionate adult. ) Dear ‘animal lovers’, I am sure you want best for less. I shop at HAWS and the prices are so reasonable I even leave
my change instead of going bargain hunting. Forget about yourself, think of others and those who have no voice. Live and let live.– SUSAN ) Have you heard? Animal Welfare Shop in Mitchell St is selling Christmas cards at R5 each. ) People complaining about animal welfare shop prices, why do you go there? To score a bargain and line your own pockets? Obviously not for the wel fare of animals. Shame on you, please go elsewhere so they don’t have to listen to your complaints. ) I saw a man in a CY bakkie walking three dogs on Grotto beach on Satur day. He went back, got a plastic bag and picked up doggie poo to deposit it into the bin. Just saying. ) “Hats off” to Wendy from Hermanus Kennels & Grooming for grooming dogs going for adoption from animal welfare, for free. Also to Coenie and staff at Hermanus Animal Welfare, I can see how much you care.– DT ) Paradise Park het nie net ’n Bush Pub nie, maar ook ’n Aanbiddingsdiens Dinsdagaande om 19:00. Koffie/Tee word daarna bedien.– DANIERIA ) Chookie Naude van NGgemeente, Onrusrivier: jy is die lig wat skyn in ons kerk en oral waar jy gaan raak jy mense se harte aan. Dit is aangenaam om in jou teenwoor digheid te wees. Baie dankie vir al die glimlaggies.– H ) I love our Mayor, but must she be in every picture on every page? ) SpecSavers bo. Het my driejaar oue brilraam gratis heelgemaak. Hoe is dit vir diens?– MARILYN CILLIERS ) Identity Book found. Thomas Coetser. Cell: 083 533 4092
Reader ‘ignorant’ about funding, origin of VOS coastal path I refer to a letter (Hermanus Times 7/11/2013) regarding the “misdirection” of funds for the VOS coastal path. It is a pity that Mr McKinnell, as a newcomer to the area, did not do his homework before he ventured into uncharted territory. I am not going to defend the temporary construction of a bridge and pallet pathway on Onrus beach. If Mr McKinnell is selfishly opposed to it then so be it. My problem is his total ignorance of the origin of the coastal path, the funding and construction over the past seven years and the ongoing maintenance that is now required to keep it in a safe condition for public utilisation. Does Mr McKinnell also believe there was “misdirection” of the funding of the Onrus coastal path, the Vermont coastal path and the Hermanus cliff path (the latter
some 12 km in length) and the cost of maintaining them so that it is accessible to old and young – even persons in wheelchairs? Where else in the world will you find a path of some 30 km in length along a beautiful, fynbos-covered coastline? The section of the path he is referring to (between Sandbaai main beach and Onrus beach) was the first section to be constructed and it was a learning curve. That section had to be resurfaced. Not for the benefit of a cycle race, which will not use the path, but because the surface became unsafe for the elderly and wheelchair users due to erosion and wave action. The material used for the topping is of such a high standard that it will withstand the elements, the ocean and those cyclists who choose to ignore the
many “no bicycles” signage displayed at regular intervals and being vandalised regularly. Please look again, all the original expansion’s joints are still there! Do yourself a favour and observe the many local residents/ ratepayers who enjoy the Sandbaai path daily, not to mention the seasonal tourists. I agree with you that less fortunate communities should be assisted financially but past and future expenditure on the coastal path in Sandbaai is but a drop in the bucket. I suggest you rather become involved in Sandbaai matters than trying to criticise what has been achieved for the benefit of Sandbaai. Take responsibility and consider what YOU can do for Sandbaai.
VOS coastal path: Rather offer help, not just criticism With reference to the letter in Hermanus Times on 7 November: “Developments at VOS Coastal footpath a ‘misdirection’ of funds”: As a founder member of the Vermont-Onrus-Sandbaai (VOS) Coastal Management Group (est 2007), I feel obliged to respond to this letter. The part of the coastal path under construction was the first section completed in 2007 and it desperately needed maintenance. In cooperation with the Overstrand Municipality, the commit-
tee sold memory tiles to erect this great asset to the local community of Sandbaai. It took time-consuming efforts and selfless devotion to make our dreams come true. Sir, as a “newcomer” (as you call yourself) don’t you think that it is maybe a better idea to join this venture by making a contribution, by means of buying a memory tile to support the noble effort instead of breaking it down? By the way you are totally out of bounds with the technical details of the construction. You are
welcome to contact our committee members dealing with this task. Kindly empower yourself with the technical background and then do what so few citizens have done up until now. Say: “Thank you VOS committee members for your brave efforts to create such a wonderful asset for the enjoyment of all the Sandbaaiers, holidaymakers and Overstrand Tourism! How can I help?”
Geluk aan gr. R-onderwyser met provinsiale toekenning
PARKING HAZARD: A lot has been said about the unavailability of streetlevel parking at the Woolworths centre. A reader sent in this photo saying: “A great attempt at parking by a local – blocking the road, facing oncoming traffic, on a sharp bend, at a yield sign. The vehicle was parked and the driver nowhere in sight. Worth a raspberry!” PHOTO: JAMES
KDP, Kids Developement Programme / Monica Alberts, Danie en Cathy Loedolff, wens vir Lorna Such geluk met haar prestasie as die WKOD se provinsiale wenner vir uitnemendheid vir graad R. Sy verdien hierdie toekenning deur en deur. Ons is reeds 15 jaar
The past few days the Overstrand experienced warmer days, but it is still cool at night. This week a high pressure system causes the southeaster to absorb cold air and moisture which will fall back to earth as rain from Friday afternoon right through until Saturday night. About 12 mm rain is expected.
deel van haar span en het altyd geweet hierdie toekenning kom haar, en haar uitgesoekte personeel, toe. Sy is ’n uitstekende administrateur, skoolhoof, onderwyser en het soveel kalmte in moeilike situasies. Haar liefde en omgee vir die
kinders, ouers en personeel is uitstaande. In die 15 jaar het die skool gegroei van ’n klein skooltjie tot dit wat dit vandag is. Sy is puik en spesiaal vir ons en die kinders. Baie, baie geluk.
Nog reën oppad Ou vader Henog, pa van Methusaleg wat byna 1 000 jaar oud geword het, het sy telg eers leer skryf en beveel om neer te skryf dat hy die “poorte” van die wêreld se vier winde gesien het. Bykans 6 000 jaar later sien weerkundiges al hoe meer dat elke woord van dié aartsvader waar is. Die winde word in vier hoeke (ooste, weste, suide en noorde) op die aarde losgelaat omdat die lug bo ons koppe beweeg. Vir wat nogal? wil oom lang Faan van anderkant Stanford weet toe ek hom dié storie vertel. Hy wou grootoog by Weerhaan kom hoor wat het die lelike storm in die Filippyne veroorsaak. Dit werk só; die son bak op die aarde, maar omdat hitte omtrent niks weeg nie, styg dit op en vat sommer ’n bietjie nattigheid van die koue grond af, of seewater, saam om wolke te maak. Die warm lug word ’n kolk wat teen die klok draai. Die koue wat saamgesleep word protesteer en draai saam met die klok. Dit word ’n toutrekkery. Die aarde is ongelyk en die klosse warm en koue lug is nie oral op die aarde dieselfde nie. Daar lê die moeilikheid. As warm lug vinnig afkoel trek dit koue lug vinnig in soos die suidoos doen as die Atlantiese hoogdruk wyk. Met ’n lang aanloop en op groter skaal kom die lug teen Filippynse spoed en vee alles plat. Dié soort dinge in die bolug gebeur omtrent elke aand bokant Overstranders se koppe wanneer ons sonnige vakansiedorp afkoel en die
koue lug inplof. Dit verplaas lug. Ons sien dit soms in sandstorms in die woestyn. Vrek warm bedags en koud saans. Sutherland is rolmodel. Die wind het Dinsdagnag twee keer, tussen 23:00 en 02:00, bokant Walkerbaai van noordwes na noordoos geswaai en koue laat inplof, die dakke geruk en voëls byna uit hul neste laat val. Gelukkig was die verskil in lugdruk nie erg nie en die insuig van lug matig teen 20 km/h. Dit was ’n mikro-model van die Filippynse wind. Die suidwestewind maak vandag plek vir die suidoos, met heelwat vog wat saam met die koue terug val grond toe en kort na 14:00 Vrydag 3,5 mm oor die Overstrand uitstort. Dit sous tot Saterdagaand toe ’n goeie 12 mm. Glo dit maar, want ou Henog se boek was vroeër jare Openbaringe in die Bybel, toe mense nog oud kon word van baie vars lug onbesmette groente.
14 Hermanus Times Bona Dea charity ball – a night to remember 14 November, 2013
By way of a last minute donation of R50 000 the amount raised at the Bona Dea Estate charity fundraising ball leaped to almost R400 000. The glittering event was held on the Bona Dea Estate in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley on 2 November in aid of Camphill School. It was attended by 150 guests who each paid either R1 000 or R1 500 (VIP tickets) which included a four course meal, wines from Hamilton Russell Vineyards (and the dessert wine from Beaumont Wines), and entertainment by singer Nianell. Some of the guests still dug deeper into their pockets to bid on auction items that included a young race horse from Hemel ’n Aarde Stud with stabling and training for two years sponsored by Crawford Racing in Cape Town. The horse fetched R125 000 at the auction and the successful bidders were a consortium of people from Hermanus and Athens, Greece.
The other big bidding items included a 6 night stay for 10 people at the 4 star Ngau Lodge in Madikwe Game Reserve (bidding price R45 000), sponsored by Michelle Cathrall from Cape Town and a week’s luxury accommodation (bidding price R22 000) for four people on the Greek island of Skiathos, sponsored by Alexia Honiball. It was a night to remember. A power outage just before the event started threatened to derail the function, but after a few frantic phone calls by the general manager of the estate, Galvin Lloyd, this was soon sorted – only to resurface as Nianell took to the stage. Unfazed she started singing a cappella. One line in the song was: ‘I believe in the power of prayer, I believe that a miracle is taking me there’ and as if on cue by divine intervention, the electricity came back on. The rest of the evening was as magical. The setting, the catering, the ambiance, the amount of money raised – truly spectacular.
The amount raised far surpassed their expectations, said Robert Johnson. They had hoped for R100 000, realised R250 000 was possible due to the generosity of individuals and the business community, but reaching the fi nal total of R384 650 ‘is unbelievable’. The money will go towards the Camphill School security project which includes fencing and a secure en trance. The cheque was handed over to representatives of Camphill School on Monday 11 November. From left: Juan Pieterse (BNP Account ing), Elaine Davie (fundraiser), Robert Johnson (Bona Dea Estate), Michelle van Zyl (fundraiser) and JeanneMarie Botha (admin and finance manage ment). PHOTOS: CILENE BEKKER
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Magda Viljoen and Rick Oost huyzen chatting to Grant MacLa chlan.
Inside the glittering function venue. The starter was a tuna carpaccio (photo) followed by fillet of beef and for dessert a vanilla bean pan na cotta was served. For late nighters there was coffee, homema de fudge and a midnight snack.
Galvin Lloyd (general man ager: Bona Dea Estate), with the successfully bidder for the double magnum Creation Syrah Grenache.
Diddi Johnson and auctioneer Nic AltonaDe Klerk (right) in high spirits after closing a bid on one of the high price lots.
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
14 November, 2013
Camphill School says ‘thank you’ To dear Robert, Diddi, innumerable businesses and individuals: It was an evening to remember! I don’t think Hermanus has seen so much glitz and glamour all in one place for a very long time. I’m talking about the extraordinary DinnerDance organised by Robert and Diddi Johnson on Saturday night of 2 November at their magnificent Bona Dea Estate in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley. It was organised to raise funds for the Camphill School security project and it could not have been a greater success. All of us at the School – learners, staff and members of the Board – would like to express our enormous gratitude to Diddi and Robert for the enthusiasm and energy with which they threw themselves into this project. The unsuspected powers of persuasion they brought to bear to ensure the generous participation of so many members of the Hermanus community were quite astonishing. Indeed, we are at a loss for words to
express our gratitude to innumerable businesses and individuals who bought tickets and made donations in cash and in kind. Where would we be without the ongoing encouragement we receive from the people of Hermanus? Financial support is clearly of vital importance in helping Camphill School provide high-quality education and care to our very special children. However, equally heart-warming is the love which we feel constantly surrounding us, epitomised by this initiative of Robert and Diddi, their friends, neighbours and business associates. What greater gift can there be than ensuring the safety of our children and staff, so that this remains a haven of peace and tranquillity for them in the heart of the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley? In return, we want to offer all our friends love, gratitude and the wish that they will be greatly blessed.
Len Huiding, Anton Gerber, Hugo van Zyl and Jan Stultiens. Guests mingling on the lawn at the function venue enjoyed canapés such as duck liver par fait with calvados jelly crystals, prawn skewers and white gazpacho with grapes prepared by Zest Catering.
Thank you to all the sponsors
Quentin and SallyAnne Mitchell with Robert Johnson.
Henriëtte and Theo Biesenbach.
1. Bona Dea Estate: coordination, marketing, venue, furniture, cutlery, crockery, glasses, setup, breakdown, décor, protea flowers and greens, can dles, linen and nappery, function con sumables, décor, labour, overtime costs, rope fairy lights, VIP table chairs, special crockery, linen, candelabras, candle votives, sponsorship of video material etc. 2. Galvin Lloyd (general manager – Bona Dea): coordination, function preparation, set up, break down and management during the event. 3. Hamilton Russell Vineyards: wine throughout the meal valued at R47 000. 4. Anthony Hamilton Russell: MC on the night. 5. Zest Catering (Bot River): all cater ing at cost, design of meals and labour. 6. Beaumont Wines: dessert wine. 7. Waitering staff from West Staff Services in Cape Town: services at cost. 8. Clinton Lerm: sponsored fees for Nianell performance (excluding flight tickets) R15 000. 9. Juan Pieterse form BNP Account ing: fully sponsoring all accounting and bookkeeping services, receiving of money on ticket sales and auction man agement, management of security
project funds. 10. Stock Tents: supply of tent and fairy lights inside of venue area, set up and breakdown of tent at highly dis counted rate. 11. Okasie, Hermanus, Andre Lampbrechts: supply of flowers and ar rangements, involvement in décor planning. 12. Nic AltonaDe Klerk: auctioneer. 13. Downings Hire: discounted hir ing cost of catering equipment and chair hire. 14. My Design: printing of invitation tickets, menus, auction lists. 15. Jay Dee Multi Media Production: audio visual material for function evening. 16. Hermanus Times: media partner. 17. Just Pure: for goodie bag prod ucts. 18. House & Leisure: for goodie bag magazines. 19. The Gardener / Die Tuinier: for goodie bag magazines. 20. Paul du Toit, Wine Village: for planning and organizing the cash bar. Auction items: 1. Hemel ’n Aarde Stud: young race horse, David & Sandy HepburnBrown 2. Crawford Racing: stabling, train
ing of horse for two years including jockey fees, Brett & Jill Crawford. 3. Alexia Honiball: week’s holiday in Greece for 4 people & Lambros Choumas for full day boat trips. 4. CHB Landscaping and Irrigation: Chris & Louise HepburnBrown. 5. Billy Jean: photography package. 6. Wellness Emporium: for special ized wellness, including an array of medical body and facial treatments by Dr Deirdre Grobbelaar. 7. Originals Gallery: two framed original paintings by Terry Kobus. 8. Creation Wines: Double Mag num Syrah Grenache. 9. Nguni skin by breeders Nick & Greg Altona de Klerk. 10. Multiactrivity adventure trip for six donated by Clinton Lerm from Her manus Adventures. 11. Cold cast bronze lioness statue by sculptor Willie Botha from Her manus. 12. Helicopter flight for one hour around Cape Town Peninsula donated by Sandow Rossow of Civair. 13. Handmade African Whale Bear named May Redman after the founder of Camphill, donated by Elize and Jaques Fouche @ DeVoorskooten. 14. 2 x photographic canvasses by
photographer Marius Martens. 15. Luxury lodge at Madikwe for ten persons donated by Michelle Cathrall from Cape Town. Lucky draw donations: 1. Alexia Honiball from Skiathos: 1 x week accommodation including breakfast on Greek Island. 2. Lambros Choumas form Skiathos: for boat trips, full day excursion. 3. The Marine: weekend accommo dation and breakfast. 4. Anna Celliers,:10 x gardening books. 5. Hermanus Car wash: 2 x full val ets, 6 x car washes. 6. Burgundy Restaurant: 2 x dinner vouchers. 7.Arabella Spa: 5 x African Rain Forest treatments valued R520 each. 8. Dr Herman Fourie: 5 x profession al teeth cleaning appointments. 9. Creation Wines: food & wine pairing for four people. 10.Creations Wines: vineyard safa ri for six people. 11. Proactive Gym: 6 months mem bership. 12. Goozi: Le Creuset ‘Spring Ham per’. 13. Action Rod voucher.
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
14 November, 2013
Stanford and De Kleine Riviers Valey House’s history Juriaan Appel, a farmer from Caledon, applied for a grazing permit for his cattle and sheep when he first saw the fertile lands at the foot of the Akkedis Mountains in 1729. This permit changed hands numerous times and in 1785 Christoffel Brandt built the first farm house ‘De Kleine Riviers Valey House’. The government granted the farm to him in 1801. One of its many owners was Johannes Andries Truter (1813 – 1831) who was one of the Cape Colony’s first Presiding Judges. King George IV knighted Sir John Truter in 1820, he was the first South African to be knighted. Legend has it that the following owner, Samuel Parlby (1831 - 1838), was so in love with his wife Hester that when she died in 1835 he wanted to be able to see her grave from the terrace of the farm house, so he buried her
on the site of what is now the Old Graveyard in Moore street. Sir Robert Stanford lived in and owned the homestead from 1838. He served the 27th Inniskillin Regiment of Foot and was knighted by Queen Victoria in 1850. Philippus de Bruyn, the village founder, acquired the house at a public auction in 1855. He was also laid to rest in the Old Graveyard. Duncan McFarlane bought the house in 1857, this purchase marked the first land/ property transfer in Stanford. ) Other interesting historical facts: Lady Anne Barnard describes her trip through the Overberg as well as her stay in the home of Christoffel Brandt, in the journal she kept of her travels through the Cape Colony. Mr Andrew and Lady Anne Branard stayed in the house for two nights, 7, 8 May 1798, on their way to the Drup Kelder, (the present day Die Kelders near Gansbaai) dur-
O/SOLAR: Installation teams hard at work on a recent O/Solar installation in Stanford.
EVERGRINE: At Evergrine you will find deli cious cakes, coffee and much more. ing their tour of the interior. De Kleine Riviers Valey House also gave hospitality to the survivors of the Birkenhead disaster. The H.M.S. Birkenhead ran aground off Danger Point, in the early hours of the morning on February 26, 1852. The ship was carrying 638 people, 193 survived the tragedy. Some of the survivors were brought to the house for convalescence where they were nursed, fed and clothed. The Birkenhead has secured a place in history due to the gallantry of their men, who allowed the women and children to escape before trying to save themselves. ) Sir Robert Stanford (history from 1838 to 1857): Robert Stanford bought the land when he retired from the army, on half pay, in 1838. He was a progressive farmer for his time, building dams and a large dressing mill. He also supplied fresh produce, in abundance, to
Cape Town markets, ships, the government and army. In 1849 he became the victim of anticonvict agitation, protesting against the British government’s decision to settle convicts in the Cape. He was in agreement with the protest, but as he was still on half pay as an officer, he was left no choice but to supply the convict ship, Neptune, using his boats to ferry the goods by sea from Stanford’s Cove to Cape Town. Because of this, Stanford was completely ostracised by the entire Cape Colony, even his dying child was refused medical attention. Stanford went to England to seek help from the British government, but all he received was £5 000 and a knighthood. On returning to the Cape he found that documents had been falsified and the farm auctioned off against his wishes to de Bruyn, who was to subdivide the farm into erven for a new town. It is said that Sir Robert Stanford paid de Bruyn 50 pounds to have the town named Stanford. ) The Stanford Stumble takes place on 30 November and the Christmas Market on 20 December. The Stanford Stumble was started in 2011 to assist a young girl from the community, Abigail Hoogbaard, who needed funds to attend a school for children with special needs. This year’s Stanford Stumble will be the first official fundraiser for the Butterfly Foundation, which was launched earlier this year. As always, it promises to be a day full of fun for the whole family, and all for the benefit of a very worthy cause.
THE SPEAKEASY: The Speakeasy is a func tion venue based at The Stanford Hotel. Please ‘like’ us on Facebook www.face book.com/thespeakeasystanfordvillage or send us an email if you would like to host a function. Email: reservations@stanfordvil lage.co.za or find us on Twitter: @stanford village or visit www.stanfordvillage.co.za.
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
14 November, 2013
CAIT’S: Cait’s, established 2009, has moved to a new central location in Queen Victoria Street. They offer sewing services, handmade gifts, second hand baby clothes and goods, bookings for Platanna River Cruises as well as bicycle rentals.
THE VINE RESTAURANT: Besoek The Vine Restaurant by www.thevinerestaurant.co.za of skakel hulle gerus op 071 287 8823. In die foto is die eienaars Santie en Karl van Zyl.
O/SOLAR: O/Solar’s recent installation on a residential house in Stanford. The owner now enjoys spending 70% less on his elec tricity per month.
O/SOLAR: O/Solar’s instal lation teamleader Marky Appel making sure that eve ry aspect of the solar power installation is meticulously implemented.
DE KLEINE RIVIERS VALEY HOUSE: Come visit Sir Robert Stanford’s Home of Crafts & An tiques, SJ’s Bookshop or book for accommoda tion. Contact John or Irene on 028 341 0048.
STANFORD VILLAGE: Meet the Social Media Strategist for Stanford Village. Thaya is a copywriter and travelwrit er who fell in love with the Overberg 20 years ago. Now residing in Stanford, she runs a social media busi ness which focuses on estab lishments in the Overberg, recommending her preferred places via Twitter: @beatnik loves, Facebook: Beatnik Loves and Instagram: @beat nikloves. Contact her on lo veoverberg@gmail.com to find out how she can help your business.
Robyn Lavender and her Kiwinet Crew
STANFORD HOTEL: The famous Stanford Hotel win dow displays have been a source of village entertain ment for years. Contact the hotel at 028 341 0900.
BEAUTIFULLY VERSATAILE: The 1892 Spookhuis is Mosaic’s cafe, wedding venue, conference centre and activity centre. It was in a state of ruin when the owners of Mosa ic, Breese and Kathryn Johnson, restored it in 2008. Marcelino Henckert, general man ager, was a wildlife game ranger and the then manager for &Beyond (CC Africa) for 12 years before joining Mosaic. Simone Henck ert, the spa and curio manager, worked as spa therapist for the Singita and &Beyond lodges. They have two children and are hap py to be in the Western Cape. Mosaic is thrilled to have them leading our team.
OVERBERG AGRI: Van links is Dina van Heerden, Shameela Abrahams, Maureen Diedericks, Johan Greyling, Granville Johannes, Johan Sprong, Pierre Nel, Andre Jonas. Voor van links is Ursula Cornelius en Zenel Damon.
18 Hermanus Times Pre-school gets new lease on life
Algemeen General
14 November, 2013
HEDDA MITTNER The Hemel-en-Aarde Valley Preschool on the Hamilton Russell Vineyards (HRV) estate has a new lease on life, thanks to the efforts of marketing and sales manager, Talita Engelbrecht and the HRV team. The school was on the verge of closing a few months ago but has now not only attained NPO status, but with the support of the community and local government, Engelbrecht says they are looking forward to improving the facilities and level of education offered to the children of the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley. To celebrate their success, she invited an up-and-coming Zimbabwean artist, Obert Jongwe, to the school last Thursday to show the children how to mix paint colours and create their own artwork. Jongwe also donated one of his paintings to the school to assist with fundraising. Since meeting gallery owner Joshua Rossouw in 2004, Jongwe has come to Hermanus annually to paint for the Rossouw Modern, who represents him, and hosted his first solo exhibition in 2010. He thoroughly enjoyed working with the children and said with a big smile: “There is some real talent here.” Engelbrecht says she has been very surprised and excited to see how much focus and support is lent to education in the Overstrand. “The importance of keeping the school open seems to be key and therefore all the necessary assistance and support to do so is available – from the Department of Social Development’s helpful social workers and other staff to Enlighten
Obert Jongwe gives the children an opportunity to create their own art works. Trust which updates toys and books biweekly with their mobile unit and assists in setting curriculums.” The school currently has 27 children from farms in the Hemel-enAarde area. Many of the parents are unable to afford school fees and a major concern is still the transportation of the children to and from the school. But with the assistance of various businesses, trusts, farms and very generous individuals, Engelbrecht says they now have the funds to complete the upgrades that will enable the school to be registered as an Early Childhood Development Centre (ECD) and apply for government funding. “Children who receive quality early childhood development are significantly more likely to grow up to be productive and constructive citizens of the world,” says Engelbrecht. “There is now widespread consensus that investing in early
ART WITH A MESSAGE: The winners of the Gr 7 HIV art com petition presented by the Women Action Group (WAG) and Child Welfare were announced on Monday 11 November. Mayor Nicolette BothaGuthrie (front left) presented the prizes. Finalists from Mount Pleasant Primary and Hawston Primary attended the prize giving in the foyer of the Overstrand Municipality, but par ticipants from Zwelihle Primary and Lukhanyo Primary, as well as the top three prize winners were unable to attend the event. The competition was judged by Alex Forsyth (front right), Estelle Valkenburg and Ed Bredenkamp. The first place winner of the art competition was Anwardo Carelse from Hawston Primary, second was Fortune Mbeu from Lukhanyo Primary and third place went to Fabian Schroder from Mount Pleasant Primary. The project fa cilitators are: Sister Marie Du Plessis (back left), Curwin Beukes (back centre), Archie Mwamuka (left behind the mayor), Saretta September (second from left), and Vuyiswa Khuse (front centre). PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Talitha Engelbrecht helps the chil dren of HemelenAarde PreSchool clean up after their art lesson. childhood development services has a far higher return on spending than more traditional attempts to address poverty and inequality.” Visit their website heaps.yousemble.com or contact Engelbrecht on 028 312 3595 or hrv@hermanus.co.za
) Bos sleutels verlede Donderdag in Vermont in ’n openbare telefoonhokkie gevind. Dis ’n bos voertuigsleutels met ’n pers hartjie. Bel mnr. Braaf by 071 234 3863. ) A camera was found at the
Hermanus cliff path. Call 083 360 7328. ) The police are looking for the owner of a Reef wetsuit, red and black in colour. The suspect was arrested with the wetsuit in Dolphin Street. Anyone with information, please contact Const. Mniki on 074 573 6684 or 028 313 7000. ) 35 new titles have been added to the shelves of the Hermanus library.
HansdieSkipper weer vertoon CILENE BEKKER Die Hermanus History Society het gereël vir die vertoning van die 1952 rolprent Hans-die-Skipper by ’n ledebyeenkoms in die Windsor hotel verlede week. Die film is van geskiedkundige belang want van die seetonele is by die Ou Hawe geskiet. Die gasspreker was Leonie Pauw neé Ross, een van die hoofspelers. Sy het verskeie interessante brokkies te vertelle gehad oor wat agter die skerms gebeur het, soos die vis, bokkoms en sand wat al die pad na Johannesburg gevlieg is vir die res van die tonele wat by die Killarney-ateljees geskiet is. Leonie en John Pauw saam met haar suster Pat van “Dié vis en bokkoms het na ’n Wyk. tyd verskriklik gestink!” ’n Groot dam is by die ateljee gebou waar die stormseetonele verfilm is en die Johannesburgse brandweer het die reën verskaf. Vir ’n reëntoneel by die Ou Hawe moes die span ’n boer se hulp inroep om water te laat reën uit ’n tenk op sy bakkie. Daar was toe geen brandweerdiens nie, sê Leonie. “Hermanus was ’n slaperige vissersdorpie en die inwoners was gaande oor die film wat geskiet word, veral die skoolkinders. Hulle het niks huiswerk gedoen nie, net reguit koers gekry na die filmstel toe.” Leonie het hier en daar ook verduidelik wat oëverblindery is. Soos die vissersdorpie (gebou by Killarney studios) met sy imposante berge in die agtergrond. Dié Dinkie Marais het homself kom voorstel aan Leonie en berge is geverf deur die bekende haar vertel hy was een van die skoolkinders wat des Gordon Vorster. tyds skool ge“bunk” het om te kyk wat by die filmstel Leonie (toe 16) het die rol ver- aangaan. tolk van Nelie, en haar ma Elsa Fouché die rol van Siena. “’n Mens het ongelooflik baie geduld nodig. Oor haar loopbaan as aktrise in 17 flieks, En meestal is jy of aan die verkluim, of verhet Leonie gesê dit is nie altyd vyfster nie. gaan jy van die hitte.”
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
14 November, 2013
TOP CLASS: Gansbaai Primary School held their annual prize giving func tion on Thursday 7 No vember. Grade 7 learner, Dylan Preslin, was the school’s top achiever and was awarded the Dux shield, as well as the Principal’s Award for Most Versatile Learner. With him is school princi pal Tommy Volkwyn. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENS BURG
The school’s 2014 prefects were also chosen. From left back are: Eunice Leonard, Venice Bardman, RalphVino Richter, Elize Appel, Jody Bele, Adam Mitchel and Tommy Volk wyn (principal). In front are: Henry Valentine, Pamela Poswayo (headgirl), Izaan New man (headboy), Lorenzo Geldenhuis (deputyheadboy), Leone Theunissen (deputyheadgirl) and Heidre Loff.
OPEDAG VIR GR. 1’S: Die nuwe gr. 1’s het Vrydagog gend hul opedag by Laerskool Hermanus gehad waar hulle die geleentheid gebied is om hul nuwe juffrou vir 2014 te ontmoet. Hier kry hulle ’n voorsmakie van hul nuwe klaskamer vir volgende jaar by juf frou Adri le Roux.
’n Trotse Lize van der Walt en Rob Semer saam met hul seun, Michael James Semer, wat volgende jaar een van die nuwe gr. 1’s gaan wees.
Hermanus Times 14 November, 2013
Algemeen General
Art auction for the homeless An art auction in aid of the Hermanus Homeless Shelter will take place at the Onrus Gallery at 2 Lagoon Drive on Friday 15 November at 18:00. Among the items to be auctioned are two bistre and paper works generously donated by acclaimed local artist Hennie Niemann snr. According to Therese Streicher, who serves on the Homeless Shelter’s committee as fundraiser, the running costs of the shelter amount to at least R7 000 per month. Anyone willing to make a donation can do so by depositing any amount, together with their cell number as a reference, into the following bank account: Hermanus Night Shelter Association; ABSA bank Hermanus; Cheque Account Number – 4081 927 061. Therese can be contacted at 079 371 6523 in connection with any items that could be sold in aid of the shelter, or any goods like blankets or food that can be used by homeless people. To donate art towards the auction contact Derrick Benzien from the Onrus Gallery at 028 316 2103. Documentation needed to claim back tax is available, as the committee is in the process of finalising the shelter’s status as a non-profit organisation.
Upcoming community events ) Hermanus Social Motorbike Club (SMC) annual charity ride on 23 November at 09:00 at the corner of George Viljoen Street and the R43. Depart at 10:00 for the mass ride and join afterwards at the Bikers Pub for drinks, food will be available as well. ) Onder leiding van orrelis dr Frikkie Strydom en sy vrou Jeannette is daar in die Hermanus NG-gemeente weer ’n kerkkoor op die been gebring. Op 24 November om 19:00 word ’n Kerssangdiens in Hermanus NG Kerk aangebied. Samesang begin reeds om 18:40. Sielsverrykende Kersprogram met koor, soliste en instrumentale musiek. Die tema is Halleluja, U is Koning, en ’n kindersanggroep sal ook ’n item lewer. Almal baie welkom. Die program behoort ’n uur te duur. ) The Hermanus Garden Club will be holding their annual Christmas Crafts Market at the Catholic Church Hall on Wednesday 27 November from 09:30 to 12:00. Lots of super things on sale, and scrumptuous eats and tea will be served at R10 per head. All welcome. ) Reach for Recovery lunch meeting takes place on 28 November at 9 Esseboom Street, Kleinmond at 11:00. RSVP Shirley: 0 082 789 7747 or Rita: 0 082 821 1807 by 21 November. ) The Hermanus Dance School are having a Great Gatsby themed year-end party on Saturday 30 November at 18:30 and this is your chance to learn the Charleston. Tickets are R200pp which includes live music, and a three-course meal. Limited seating; bring your own drinks and glasses. Contact Lani: 0 072 316 5787 or 2 admin@hermanusdance.co.za ) Tribal Echo will perform in the Sandbaai Hall on Saturday 30 November at 19:00 in aid of the Hermanus Waldorf School. Tickets at R80 are available from the school: 0 028 316 2938. ) Camphill Farm Community’s annual Friendraiser Fun Day is on 30 November, 11:00 to 15:00 at Camphill Farm in the Hemelen-Aarde Valley. Contact Luzette: 0 021 200 2230 or 083 303 3483. ) Christmas cake decorating workshop with Margeaux Victor at 14:00 on 5 December at the library. R50 payable on booking. Call Sue Winder: 0 082 977 3475 or 028 316 4981.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
14 November, 2013
‘Royal’ chef in bowling club’s kitchen A new catering manager has been appointed at the Hermanus Bowling Club and although he has cooked for royalty and heads of state, he also knows how to serve up hearty, everyday meals. Danie van Romburgh has taken over command of the kitchen at the bowling club and with 39 years experience in the catering business, he certainly knows what’s cooking when it comes to planning menus for special functions and events, as well as preparing simple everyday fare. Janes le Grange, who is part of the executive structure of the Hermanus Bowling Club, is the club manager and oversees all the events, tournaments and functions at the club. Le Grange, who has vast business experience in the restaurant industry is putting his expertise to good use. “It’s about optimising club facilities,” says Le Grange. The members bought the club from the Overstrand Municipali-
Danie van Romburgh (left) is the new catering manager at the Her manus Bowling Club. Standing alongside him are his two kitchen as sistants, Bongiwe Tshandu and Letta Dyantyi. On the right is Janes le Grange, club manager. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG ty six years ago and Le Grange says: “The club belongs to the members, is maintained by the members and it needs to be run on business principles.” He assures, however, that
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when it comes to menu planning and preparing meals fit for a queen, Van Romburgh is in charge of the kitchen. He has lived in Hermanus for 19 years and has had an interest-
ing career. He was head chef in the SA Navy for two years, FW de Klerk’s personal chef for three years, and he really did cook for the queen mother on board the Royal Britannia. Le Grange says the club can be hired for weddings and corporate functions, and during the day you can stop by for a cup of coffee and a light meal. Take-aways can be ordered and the popular Sunday lunches, with a set menu which includes a starter, main meal and pudding, have started again. This service is not limited to club members. The club will also be hosting Friday evening dances, which will be open to the public, starting on 6 December. The kitchen is closed on Mondays, but is open for business from Tuesday to Sunday from 09:00 until late. To book for an event or to find out more about what’s cooking at the Hermanus Bowling Club, call Le Grange on 083 412 8794 or Danie van Romburgh on 076 573 1459 or 028 312 2336.
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Insight into astronomy
Dr Jenny Morris will be the guest speaker at the Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s monthly meeting on 14 November. Formerly a physiotherapy lecturer and researcher in learning in higher education, Morris developed her interest in astronomy after joining the Hermanus Astronomy Centre in 2008. A member of the committee, she also compiles and edits the centre’s monthly newsletter. Her presentation is titled: Of clocks and comets, coronas and quasars: the lives and times of the Astronomers Royal. The talk is at Sansa and starts at 19:00.
Hermanus Times 14 November, 2013
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Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
THURSDAY 14 NOVEMBER ) Whalers Athletics Club time trials for 3 km, 5 km and 8 km at 18:00 at the cricket club. ) The Hermanus Rotary Club meets every Thurs day at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. Call Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. ) Prof André Roux will be the guest speaker at the U3A’s open meeting in the Overstrand Audito rium at 17:30. ) Hermanus Business Chamber end of year func tion at The Class Room restaurant,18:00 – 20:00. Wine tasting, lucky draws, 2014 plans. Dress: cocktail wear; cost: R150 per member, R200 for nonmembers. Call Alta Pretorius: 0 028 315 1619 or 2 chamberceo@herma nus.co.za. ) Women’s Business Network meeting at the Three Cities Whale Coast Hotel, 09:00 – 11:00. Topic: Social Media for your Business. ) Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s monthly mee ting at Sansa at 19:00. Topic: The Astronomers Royal. Contact: 2 hermanusastrono my@gmail.com. FRIDAY 15 NOVEMBER ) ’n Kersmelodrama word om 19:00 vir 19:30 by die NG Kerk Onrusrivier gehou. Kaartjies is beskikbaar teen R50 per persoon en gaan ten bate van Emma Basson van Hoërskool Hermanus wie in Desember aan die SA danskampioenskap pe in Kaapstad gaan deelneem. Kaartjies is be skikbaar by die NG Kerk Onrusrivier asook die NG Kerk Hermanus of by Mariet Basson: 0 078 329 7888. ) Besoek die teetuin by die dienssentrum van die NG gemeente Onrusrivier, 10:00 – 12:00, vir vars tuisgebak met ’n koppie moerkoffie. ) Join The Friends of the Library and crafters at the Bhuki Café for tea, homebakes, crafts, mince pies and Christmas cakes from 09:00 – 11:30.
14 November, 2013
) The U3A series History of Modern Britain: Paradise Lost, by Andrew Marr is at 10:00 in the Ca tholic Church hall. Call Penny Charteris: 0 028 316 2489. ) Lance James will perform at the Overstrand Auditorium at 11:00. Concert in aid of Sofca. Tic kets are R80, available from Sofca or call Clyde Manson: 0 072 024 0560. ) The Cook Club is hosting an evening of tricks and tips with chef Ben Neal. Contact Emilia: 0 076 837 4231. ) The Paddakoor school concert takes place at the Sandbaai Hall at 18:30. Tickets from Padda koor School. Adults R50. Children R20. Call: 0 028 316 2057. ) Die Belastingbetalersvereniging van Klein mond se algemene jaarvergadering vind om 10:00 in die Gereformeerde kerk plaas. Die jaar likse ledegeld is R30 per standplaas en dit is be taalbaar voor aanvang van die vergadering. ) NG Kerk Hermanus: ’n Gemeenskap in Gebed – ons nooi almal uit na ’n gesamentlike gebedsby eenkoms om te bid vir ons gemeenskap vir vrede en veiligheid van 13:00 14:00. Vir navrae bel Ds Michiel de Kock: 0 083 468 8194. ) The Hermanus Botanical Society invites its members to a talk at 19:00 in the Fernkloof Hall by Peter Finlayson, renowned winemaker of the HemelenAarde Valley, on Fynbos and Wine Farming. The talk will be followed by wine and snacks as this is the final meeting of the year. For more info call Margaret: 0 082 821 1872. SATURDAY 16 NOVEMBER ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kosenwynmark, 09:00 – 13:00. ) Hermanus Country Market from 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) HemelenAarde Garden Market, 09:00 – 14:00 at HemelenAarde Village. SUNDAY 17 NOVEMBER ) Fountain of Victory International Ministries fel lowship at Qhayiya Secondary School every Sun day from 09:30 – 12:00. MONDAY 18 NOVEMBER ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 or 0 072 230 9179.
) U3A series on the SA Agricultural Crisis will feature a presentation on wine production by Pe ter Finlayson at the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Call Gert Claassen: 0 083 602 5254. ) Touching Hearts meets every Monday at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) The Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) The Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s Astrophoto graphy course is at Deon Krige’s place at 19:00 and will include the assessment of members’ own photographs and processing. Contact 2 de onk@telkomsa.net TUESDAY 19 NOVEMBER ) Join the Early Birds at the Hermanus Tennis Club Tuesdays and Thursdays, 07:00 – 09:00. Call Vic HamiltonAttwell: 0 082 785 5145 or Ken Collett: 0 082 806 8292. ) U3A presents Private Life of a Masterpiece: Klimt - The Kiss at 10:00 in the Catholic Church hall. Call Allan Powell: 0 028 316 1251. WEDNESDAY 20 NOVEMBER ) Join the Hermanus Bird Club at the Fernkloof Hall at 19:00 where John and Irene Saunders will give a presentation on the birds of the Scilly Isles, Paul de Villiers will provide a glimpse into an Afri can safari and Sue Rossington will talk about the Bonelli’s Eagles Project. There is no charge for visi tors and refreshments will be served. For enquiries call Barbara: 0 083 659 3303. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging ver gader 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Bel Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250 of Badi sa: 0 028 312 3909. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag van die maand om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Bel Erika Oosthuysen: 0 079 322 0998. ) Summer night market from 16:00 to 20:00 at the cricket club. Call 0 072 88 33 894 for info. ) The Hermanus Community Police Forum AGM will take place at 18:00 at the municipal auditori um. Three vacancies on the exco will be filled. Feedback from chairperson, the Hermanus SAPS station commander and the cluster commander. Call Hennie Westraat: 0 082 820 4811.
EXCEPTIONAL CELLO AND PIANO DUO RETURNS TO HERMANUS: Overstrand Arts/ Kunste (OAK) will present Jérôme Pernoo, (cello) and Jérôme Ducros (piano) in a re cital on Sunday 17 November at 15:30 in the Overstrand Audi torium. Tickets cost R100 and R50 for stu dents.Book at Bellini Gallery on 028 312 4988 or call OAK secretary René du Plooy on 082 940 4238. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
14 November, 2013
CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00-19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871.
HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.
APPLE AND COMPUTER SUPPORT. Your friendly neighborhood geek would like to help you sort out your PC and mobile device problems! I provide on-site support, tutoring and expert advice all at the best price in town. Try me! Call Chris on 082 856 5384.
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218. ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid (depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almal welkom ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028-3162461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028 313 2031/071 853 2106. Epos sj@hermanus.co.za. PERSOONLIKE DIENSTE SPYSENIERING & LOKALE 1401
VAN WYK FRANCOIS 12/11/1936 - 5/11/2013. Dit is met hartseer dat ons afskeid neem van ons broer, oom & vriend. Ons eer sy nagedagtenis. Jannie, Maretha, Johann, Claudius & gesinne. IN MEMORIAM 1015
GELUK MET OUPA SE 90STE verjaardag. Mag God u ryklik seën. Van jou dogter, kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders.
SUGAR PLUM Party Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Estelle 072 401 5913. FOREST PARTY Venue for children + tractor rides etc. Separate venue for bachelor parties + overnighting. Booking essential. Call 028-313 0129/ 074 266 9809.
MASSAGE THERAPIST. Raymond Philpott. Therapeutic, deep tissue, sports. Kidbrooke Place & Botrivier. Call 082 599 2993.
OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679. TAROT READING. 25 Years experience. Phone 083 750 9453 for appointments. THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884. FOTOGRAFIE & VIDEO’S
BEAUTIFUL KITTENS, border collie cross pup, Jack Russell and many other abandoned pets urgently require good homes. Call 028-341 0547/082 899 1172. GEMEENSKAPSKENNISGEWINGS 1210
KATRIENA ALEXANDER. 13 November - jou 1ste verjaardag weg. Die gemis is nog groot, maar ons gun jou die rus. Van: Kinders, kleinkinders & Alexander familie.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com
1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608. HERMANUS HIRING will fill all your function needs - Tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, linen, etc. At good prices. Call 028-312 4291 or Ken on 082 420 0060.
COMPUTER: EMERALD Desktop tower. Intel celeron processor. Intel mother board. 1Gb memory. 80Gb hard drive. Sony DVD writer. Keyboard and mouseonly R1150-00. Call 028 313 1343
LOSE WEIGHT, GAIN ENERGY. Sms XTRA to 45633.R1.50/sms.
14/11/2013 REEDS 'N JAAR van ons af, maar die verlange tog nog so seer. Liefde: Kinders, Gert en kleinkinders.
COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pentium 4's from R1299,00. Refurbished with warranty. Call Dolf Uys 072 705 8577.
DR CHAD GORDON DC (USA) Sports and family practice. Checkers Centre. Call 028-313 0878.
VAL'S SALON. Lashes, nails & faces. London trained. Hemel en Aarde Village Garden- Hermanus. Call Val 083 496 2281.
PHOTOGRAPHER for all your functions. M. Stone 083 456 1913 or mestone@mweb.co.za.
COOKING COURSES for pleasure. Groups of 6 with Chef Steve. R280 p/evening class at Overstrand Training. Material supplied. Booking essential. Call 028-313 0129.
REFILL LASER & INK cartridges. New printers & repairs. Best prices in town. Long Street Arcade. Call 028-312 4750.
DIE KLASKAMER - Wiskundeklasse. Bee Müller (gr 4-7) 076 306 3861 of bee@hermanus.co.za. Ansie de Kock (gr 8-12) 079 603 7781 of ansie@whale.co.za. Naby skole. Skryf nou in om teleurstelling te voorkom.
BARGIN SHOP. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture & appliances. Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508. ELEKTRONIES & DIGITAAL 1625
KIP MCGRATH EDUCATION CENTRE. Math and English tuition. Grades to 12. Call 028-313 0209 today for a free assessment. TE KOOP
WENDY HUIS te koop 9mx 3m R15 000. Skakel 082 626 7270. Onderhandelbaar.
AFFORDABLE ONSITE Computer Support. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer with ten years corporate experience to assist you at home or office with all computer, network, internet and email problems. Call Jacques 084 402 0500.
Remember to
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
14 November, 2013
24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017. ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
WELL POINTS, BOREHOLES & Irrigation, borehole refurbishment. 25 Years experience in Hermanus/Kleinmond area. Call 073 140 9885. ZUKI'S GARDEN & Forestery Service. Alien plant clearing. Plot clearing. Garden refuse removal. Tree pruning. Hedge trimming. Weed extermination, etc. Call Zukisani 082 711 6102. GLAS/VENSTERS 1827
SOLOMON'S WINDOW CLEANING Services for domestic, commercial, industrial & construction sites. For free quotation phone Solomon 082 747 3640. Serving Hermanus since 1996.
OVERBERG DRY TAR. Diensverskaffing van teer werk asook plaveisel. Nuwe opritte, sypaadjies, parkeer areas en paaie. Herstelwerk en vernuwing van bestaande oppervlaktes. Besoek gerus www. WIND-O-WASH. For pro- hfrubbersurfacing.co.za vir fessional window cleaning meer inligting oor ons nuwe dienste. Kontak Jaco services in the domestic, commercial, industrial and Stander vir gratis kwotasies by 072 225 3792. retail sectors. We have more than 20 years experience in the industry and look forward to your call on 028-313 2232 for a free, no obligation quotation.
BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749.
TE HUUR 1820
HUISVERBETERINGS BINNE BUILDERS/EVENTS 1835 TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. TILING. A TO Z MASCall 086 100 2271 or 028TER TILER. Ceramic, pro312 2367. celain, travetine, mosaic, slate, sandstone. All work PLANT HIRE: Contact professionally done. Call CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 082 255 0939. 492 5726. TOILET & HUT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726. TRAILER HIRE: Contact CCS Plant Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726.
IMPORTED WOOL RUG. Burgundy tones. Size 185 BUFFALO GRASS. Save x 125cm. Beautiful condiwater, plant indigenous tion. Harfdly used. R750. grass. For the best prices, Call 083 654 8390. call Chris 082 568 2592. PENTAX DRAWING DANGEROUS TREE ReMACHINE. Complete with moval. Pruning, plot cleaA0 drawing board & stand. ring. Hedges trimming. Excellent condition. R3000. Alien plant extermination. Call 028 314 0064. Fire wood. Call T.J. Boshoff 082 954 7970. TWO SEATER FIBRE GLASS peddle boats for FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: sale. R11 000 each. Call for professional irrigation Nico 084 837 5374. and automatic borehole www.avantimarine.co.za. interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.
A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798. BUILDING ALTERATIONS, boundry walls, painting, bathroom renovations, plumbing, tiling. Professionally done. Call 082 255 0939.
REPAIRING & CLEANING of any kind of PerSAFE TRANSFER of stu- sian carpets at Shakhcha Persian Carpets, Gateway dents & scholars from Centre, Hermanus. Also Gansbaai & Hermanus to Stellenbosch & Paarl. Con- wide variety of assorted tact us: info@agulhaseco- Persian carpets for sale. Call 028-313 2072. tours.com. SOLARMAX. SABS approved solat hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. CARPET and upholstery 028-312 1667.www.solarcleaning. Personal supervimax.co.za. sion. Best prices. Free quotations. Phone Top Carpets TRANSFERS/AIRPORT. 028-313 0721. Airport transfers & shuttle service to Cape Town. LonCINDY'S CARPET ger trips. Bookings in adCLEANERS. Carpets, vance. Call Megan or Gary rugs & upholstery clea083 702 3273. ners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 WATER PUMPS. Mech5385/028-316 4264. Elect. Call 082 885 7480. CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY cleaning. Curtains & blinds. Call Allison or John 072 572 0215.
IMPORTED SHAGGY RUG. Brown tones. Size 230 x 160cm. Perfect condition. R750. Call 083 654 8390.
We recycle
REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195.
082 414 9611
Units from R220/pm T & C applies
VARIOUS BUSINESSES for sale. Please contact Evan Rautenbach at 082 974 6995 or email us at advice@bbrokers.co.za. Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website: www. bbrokers.co.za. GELEENTHEDE
GUARANTEED PEST/WEED CONTROL. Personal treatment. Industrial/Residential. Weed treatment on lawns. Andries de Kock 082 567 7591.
LIMITED OFFER Discount on Steel Container Storage! 24 hrs Secure lock-up self storage. Cnr. Swartdam & Steenbras Rd, Hermanus. Office on site Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00 (028) 312 3898 or 072 635 9656 Restricted access don’t be fooled Security by SECURI-TEAM
SMALL WIND TURBINE. Distributors required for inexpensive new product. Call Basil 010 227 0236. DIENSTE 2420
OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514. VERVOER & BERGING 1870
HERMANUS TRANPORT. 1.2 Tons @ R6/km4.5 Tons @ R12/km- 7.5 Tons @R17/km - 13 Tons @ R20/km. Prices netgotiable. T&C's apply. Call 082 977 7062. Telefax 028 313 1332. PEST CONTROL -WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028316 3010.
STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com
PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
DOVECOTE COTTAGE. New to market. Beautiful appartment, 5 mins walk from central of Hermanus, sleeps 2-4. Booking open for summer and festive season. Check website at www.dovecotehermanus.co.za or phone 028 312 2915 or e-mail: toms@hermanus.co.za.
BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323.
NEVILLE'S REFRIGERATION and appliance repairs. Fridges, freezers, stoves, tumble driers, microwaves. Phone Neville 028-316 1690 or 078 401 3547.
1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874.
FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. www.fynbosgardens.com HERMANUS LANDSCAPING. Garden design, maintenance & irrigation. 22 Years experience. Call Paul Marx 082 32 777 04.
REFRIGERATION & 101 SERVICES. HandySPARES. Mech-Elect. Call man general. No job too small. Best rates. Pensio- 082 885 7480. ners discount. 15 Years experience. Call Peter 073 157 2415.
I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.
TUIN & BESPROEIING A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. For full garden maintenance, tree felling, plot clearing and refuse removal. Also small removals. Gutter cleaning. Call Morné 083 225 3712.
I'M LOOKING FOR a traveling companion for my road trip from Kleinmond along the Garden Route all the way into Mozambique, then west along the northern SA border, through Botswana into Namibia, and back down the West Coast to the Cape and Kleinmond. This trip should take a couple of months, and thereafter may be extended indefinitely all over the world. I plan to "blog" our trip(s) so that family and friends can follow our adventures. If you're interested, please contact me - it is free. Hurgen Rubow on email: hsrubow@gmail.com or 084 925 2165. VOERTUIE
CANOPY. Full door canopy for Mazda Drifter bakkie R1500. Phone 082 607 1632.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
14 November, 2013
VOËLKLIP HOME to let. 2 Bed, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen/dining/sitting EMPLOYER of a Malaroom. Single garage and wian houseboy would like carport. R5 200 pm incl. security. Call 084 5280947. to recommend his services for Tuesday/Thursday/ Saturday each week. He is KANTORE reliable and hardworking and is currently doing 3290 house work, ironing, pet EXCLUSIVE OPEN care, gardening and basiPLAN offices to let. cally any job that needs Hemel & Aarde Village, ± doing. Please contact 100 square metres. Phone Anita 076 155 9662 for an 028-316 2696. interview with Idrisa and a reliable reference. TO LET: 1ST FLOOR OFFICE. 28 square FIBREGLASS SPECIAmeters. CBD, Hermanus. LIST. Repairs. Reference Phone 082 455 7276. available. Call 073 921 3900/084 953 8418. EIENDOMME GESOEK OM TE HUUR HARDWORKING Mala3305 wian man looking for emRETIRED COUPLE LOO- ployment as housekeeper/gardener/waiter/painKING for a 2 bed, 2 bath ter. Please call Manase on stepless. Small dog- friendly. Long term. Call 083 074 685 3695. Reference 083 538 7486. 739 3830.
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828. EIENDOMME
ONRUS CENTRAL OFFICE to rent. First floor, 80m2, available from mid December/January 2014. R5 700 pm. Call 082 563 5990.
33-YEAR-OLD Malawian man is looking for a job as driver or domestic worker. Has code 10 licence. Call Francis 084 710 0912/078 731 9515. 35YR MALAWIAN man looking for a job as a panelbeater/spraypainting/motor mechanic or any work. Call 084 534 0015.
2003 AUDI A4 1.9 TDI. Good condition. Motor needs overhauling. R39 000 onco. Please call Marius 073 460 0405. OPEL ASTRA 1998 180IE Auto with A/C & Radio. 139 000 km. R35 000. Call 082 460 0505. OWN NEW CARS from R699/month. Aimed at people whon drive 15002000km+ a month. Earn R5 500 a month. Are not blacklisted. Visit: www. ownnewcars.co.za or sms A6435 to 35393. R3/sms. T & C apply. SPUITVERF & PANEELKLOP 3002
STRAATFRONT EENHEID te huur. Eenheid nr.1, Jarina Park, Gideon van Wyk Slot. 200 vierkante meter. Skakel 083 310 2319. STUDIO/OFFICE in Hemel & Aarde Village. Own bathroom & mini kitchen. R1 800 pm. Call 083 325 7515. WORKSHOP TO LET. Hemanus Industrial area. Call 082 416 1009. WOONSTELLE TE HUUR
TE KOOP 3201
OCEAN BREEZE, SANDBAAI. 2 Bedroom home, neat as a pin in lovely security complex with extra special features. View on www.seeff. com. Web ref. 275780. Offers from R850 000. Call Lesley 082 473 6942.
CENTRAL - ONE BEDROOM furnished flat for single person including water & lights. R2 300 pm. Call 082 746 6641.
HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 50093. www.helderbergtrailer.co.za. LICENSED VENTER, 7ft + lid trailer. R6 300 ono. Call 082 937 9363.
SANDBAAI Bachelor flat - gemeubileerd. Krag & water ingelsuit. Enkel persoon, geen diere. R2600pm + deposito. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel 082 405 6189.
GARAGE FOR RENT. R600 per month. Central Hermanus. Caron Reck 082 456 2016.
NORTHCLIFF. R1 850 000 ohb. Pragwo3205 ning, 3 slpk, 3 l/a, 2 badk, onderdak noordestoep. NORTHCLIFF. Spacious Moderne kombuis, 1 moen suite room with private torhuis, 1 afdak. Web entrance. R1 900 pm plus verw. 632776. www.gtprodeposit. Incl. water & 250u perty.co.za. Marietta 082 electricity. Call 072 882 569 6967. Guthrie & The2744. ron Eeindomme. TE HUUR
BILINGUAL man seeks work as driver, housekeeper, handyman. RSA PDP & Zimbabwean class 2 driver's licence. Experienced. Call 076077 9424.
HARDWORKING MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as chef/housekeeper/waiter. Please call Paulo 074 685 3695. HARDWORKING Zimbabwean lady looking for employment. Reliable, good with kids. Call Nyasha 071 968 2693. HONEST & RELIABLE lady looking for domestic or any other work. Has references. Please call 078 827 5513. MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job as gardener/housekeeper. Call 084 828 2983. Reference 074 972 4268.
A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a gardiner, housekeeper. Has work permit and PDP drivers licence. Reference available. Call 074 832 6090.
MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job as driver, with code C10 or work as gardener or housekeeper. Call 084 783 8116.
A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a house cleaner/gardener & painter. Reference available & good experience. Call Lamson 078 551 3382.
MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job as a housekeeper/gardener job. Please call 073 086 3843 or Andrew 079 884 0376 for a reference.
A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a general worker. Age 32. Please call Gilliot on 084 090 3465.
MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job, carpentry & joinery, also ceilings. Call 060 418 2080/072 093 4967.
A ZIMBABWEAN LADY is looking for full-time job as domestic worker or childminder. Reliable & honest. Call 078 267 6408. Reference Amanda 082 333 5737.
MALAWIAN MAN looking for a full-time job as a gardeneror any other domestic work. Call 074 955 0105.
A ZIMBABWEAN lady seeks domestic work/housekeeping/babysitting/ guesthouse . Stay in. Full/part time. Call 078 502 0607. A ZIMBABWEAN lady20yrs old is looking for a job as a housekeeper. Experienced. Please call 078 028 6565 or 073 023 6060.
YOUNG MALAWIAN lady (22) seeking parttime/full-time employment as domestic worker. 2 Years experience. Reference available. Call 078 133 6425. ZIMBABWEAN 35Yr old lady looking for domestic work. Full time. Has 3 years experience. Call Lisa 084 772 7830. ZIMBABWEAN looking for a job - stock controlling & manufacturing. Call Peter 084 637 5314. Permit available. Many years experience. ZIMBABWEAN Mature couple seeking domestic work as a housemaid and a gardener. Call Indra 071 802 3862. ALGEMEEN 3680
BESIGE PUB/RESTAURANT dringend opsoek na kroeg dame. Skakel 071 160 6870.
CHEF/COOK & WAITRESS WANTED for restaurant. Positions available immediately. Phone Elize 028=312 2689.
Remember to WIRELESS INSTALLER/IT TECHNICIAN. Email CV to internetclients2@gmail.com or phone 028 316 4604. To start immediately.
RECYCLE YES, MY EARS AND I ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME: So many of the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society’s puppies are be ing overlooked and not adopted early enough. Jock is turning into such a cute funnylooking dog. Jock was a lovely puppy and is growing into quite an unusual looking tall dog with extra perky ears. His breed is unknown and he grew up at the kennels along with dozens of other homeless puppies. To adopt Jock or one of his friends, contact the welfare on 028 312 1281. BOE-HOE: Francois Swart van Hermanus het Maandagaand hierdie pragtige uil by die St Pe ter’s Kerk in Hoofstraat, Hermanus gewaar. Hy sê dit was ongelooflik om hierdie mooi gedierte van naby te aanskou.
30 Hermanus Times Afrikamasutra nou beskikbaar
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
14 November, 2013
MO SISTERS: The women at Sterling Auto showed their support for Movem ber by donning fake moustaches. From left: Nicole Du Plooy, Lizet Oosthuizen, Karmen Erasmus and Alma Stander. In the front is Christa du Plooy.
Hermanus Staan Saam benodig vleis JANINE VAN DER RIET Gerard Scholtz in gesprek met Afrikamasutra se skrywer/vertaler Ilze Carla Groenewald oor haar boek by The Book Cottage in Haweweg. FOTO’S: JANINE VAN DER RIET JANINE VAN DER RIET Bekende plaaslike skrywer Gerard Scholtz het Saterdag met Ilze Carla Groenewald oor haar vertaling van die Kama Sutra in Afrikaans by The Book Cottage in Haweweg gesels. Die staaltjies uit haar boek Afrikamasutra het die gehoor laat skaterlag terwyl Scholtz met sy vindingryke persoonlikheid interessante vrae aan haar gestel het oor die “taboe” onderwerp. Die bekendstelling van Afrikamasutra, het met ’n bietjie gebloos en ’n gelag gepaard gegaan. Die boek is van die oeroue Kama Sutra boeke vertaal na ’n mooi, suiwer Afrikaans. Groenewald het ook besluit om die poëtiese beskrywings van die verskillende posisies in die teks in te werk. Sy het ook liefdesresepte en oer-oue boererate by die boek ingewerk.
Dit gaan deesdae bedroef met Hermanus Staan Saam (HSS) wat skenkings betref. Tronel Meintjies, stigterslid van die organisie sê hulle wenslys is vleis en hoender. “Groente en rys is hier nog genoeg, maar vleis en hoender is regtig ’n probleem. “In hierdie stadium voel ek dankbaar teenoor almal wat help, maar soos dikwels gebeur, het daar aanvanklik donasies ingestroom en nou sterf dit ’n stille dood.” Verlede week het die groep 65 borde kos uitgedeel aan minderbevoorregde mense, asook klere en speelgoed. HSS het ook klere en speelgoed aan ’n weeshuis geskenk wat hulle van
Christmas gifts for needy furry friends
“Adults only”: By die boekbekendstelling was daar ’n kennisgewingbord wat mooi aandui dat dié boek nie vir jongelinge bedoel is nie.
Do you want to help fight crime in your community and get paid? The Western Cape police has 668 entry-level posts available for police constables throughout the province and want to invite interested parties to make an application if they meet the criteria. They want to expand their contingent of police officers in the Western Cape with individuals who are committed and serious about law enforcement and who want to make a career out of policing. To qualify, an applicant must comply with the following criteria: ) Be a South African citizen of which documentary proof must be furnished; ) Be at least 18 and under 30 years old of which documentary proof must be furnished; ) Be in possession of a Grade 12 school certificate or National Certificate (Vocational) Safety in Society of which documentary proof must be furnished; ) Preference will be given to applicants who are in possession of at least a light vehicle driver’s license; ) Submit himself or herself to a physical medical examination as determined by the national commissioner and must be found to be physically and mentally fit for appointment in the post for which he or she applies; ) Undergo a psychological assessment as determined by the national commissioner and be found to comply with the profile of a police official; ) Be proficient in at least two of the official languages, of which one must be English; ) Be prepared to take the oath of office; ) Be prepared to undergo such training as determined by the national commissioner; ) Not have any tattoo marks that will be visible and irreconcilable with the objectives of the police service; ) Have no previous criminal convictions, and/or pending criminal, civil, disciplinary cases and such person shall allow his or her fingerprints to be taken and allow back-
ground enquiries to be made; ) Not have been declared unfit to possess a firearm; and ) Be prepared to serve anywhere in the country. Upon completing a 24 month training programme, successful candidates will serve as functional police officers at a police station or unit within the province. Applications must be submitted to your nearest police station or to The Provincial Recruitment Centre, 1st floor, Customs House Building, Lower Heerengracht Street, Cape Town, before 25 November. Contact personnel officer Qomfo on 021 467 8388 or personnel officer Mahloane on 021 467 8383 for any enquiries.
weldoeners ontvang het. Meintjies sê dankie aan Marietjie van Wonderland wat hulle gehelp het met gekookte kos en ook Martin Steinmann wat HSS gehelp het met koskook. Amanda Stevens-Syfert gaan aanstaande week vir HSS hand bysit met die koskokery. “Dankie ook aan Marelize Acker wat weer vir ons ’n skoonmaakgeskenkpakkie gegee het.” Enigeen wat ’n donasie wil maak, kan dit inbetaal in HSS Capitec, rekeningnommer 135 963 8669 met takkode 470 010. Steinmann kan gekontak word op 073 040 3011 of epos hom by martin@tibu.co.za. Meintjies kan op 082 737 1226 gekontak word.
TOPPRESTEERDER: Jade Dreyer is onlangs aangewys as Hawston Primêr se toppresteerder in graad 4. Haar ouers sê hulle is baie trots op hulle slim kind se prestasie.
The three Vetshops in Hermanus situated at the Station Centre, Pick n Pay Centre and in Onrus, are running a Santa Box Project from now until Christmas. All Vetshop clients are invited to purchase something from the shop for the Santa Box. Everything in the boxes will then be donated to the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (Haws), for the pooches and kitties this Christmas. Every donation or gift, big or small, will be much appreciated. Clients who donate or purchase items to the value of R50 or more, will also have their names entered into a draw to win a Christmas dog or cat hamper. The draw will take place on 27 December. There will be a box available at each Vetshop and donations including food, toys and chew treats are welcome. They will brighten the lives of the dogs and cats staying at the society over Christmas.
Hermanus Times
Sport Sport
14 November, 2013
149 medals for martial arts The Hermanus Martial Arts Academy trophy winners are, from left (back): Simone Ver doodt and JP Dun can (best performance karate), Francois Thorne (best perform ance kickboxing), Zaan ru Fraser (best all rounder), Turen van der Spuy (best kickboxer). Front row: Jeremie Ver doodt (best karateka), Marco Gildenhuys (best beginner karateka), Heinz Hattingh (best be ginner kickboxer), sen sei Ruehan van Rom burgh (instructor). Ab sent was Ruthy Appel (most devoted stu dent). PHOTO: SUPPLIED The Hermanus Martial Arts Academy recently had their year end function and as they’d had their best year to date, there were various floating trophies up for grabs. The year’s tally of 149 medals included 103 for kickboxing and 46 for karate. There were nine Boland karate champs, and three students who represented South Africa at the World Karate Champs and obtained two silver medals and one 4th place. The academy delivered 20 Boland and nine
Western Cape kickboxing champions. There were four SAAKA South African kickboxing champions and seven ISKA South African champs. Instructor sensei Ruehan van Romburgh and Francois Thorne will also represent South Africa at the world kickboxing championships in Turkey at the end of November. For the first time two 9th Dan Black Belts visited the academy.
Young equestrians pocket gold and silver Equestrians Grace Page and Tayla Gordon, pupils at Hermanus Primary School who represented Boland in the SANESA Equestrian team, won five medals between the two of them. Grace Page achieved bronze for Show Jumping Level 3, silver for Working Hunter and gold for Working Riding Level 5. Tayla Gordon received silver for Show Jumping and silver for Working Hunter.
CRICKET: Ian Haskell and Luca Jasprica from Curro Hermanus were selected for the boys u.13 and boys u.12 South Bo land cricket teams.
DOGS battle through plagues Kleinmond – Numbers were good as an Exodus of Dogs battled the plagues of Kleinmond. The first was not locusts but hundreds of buzzing, annoying flies; then, not frogs but tortoises heading for the hills before this week’s rains. And then great clumps of soil began to emerge from the earth as if disturbed by the tines of a scarifying machine. None of this seemed to worry “Howay the Lads” (or “M” as he is now mysteriously known according to his scorecard) as he led the pack to the Promised Land. One Revelation was that the Star of David failed to twinkle. Results: 40 Malcolm Lazenby; 38 Mannes van Zyl; 37 Peter Theron; 36 John Horobin, Alan Smith; 35 John Cheesbrough, Chris Martin; 34 Tony Jones, Ian Newman; 33 Jon Forsyth, Sam Seal, Dave Brittain; 32 Tony Hackett; 31 André Franken, Hugh Frangs, Vic vd Westhuizen, Gordon Wilson, Geoff Crowther; 30 Dave Smith, Peter Sulley; 27 Richard Ridge; 26 John Tunstall; 23 Peter Thomas; 20 David Naylor, Ryan Ridge (guest); 17 Dave Rade (DNF).
CONGRATULATIONS: The winners of the Teeoff for Trees 27hole tournament, held on Saturday at the Hermanus Golf Club are club vicecaptain Stephen van der Merwe and ladycaptain, Cheryl Ri chardson. PHOTO: ANDRE DU PLESSIS
SPORT AWARDS: Monré Titus (left) was awarded the sportsman of the year award at Gansbaai Primary School’s awards function on Thursday 7 November. This rugby star will be attending Durbanville High School next year on a sports scholarship. The sportswoman of the year award went to Allison Tobias (centre). With them is Tommy Volkwyn, the school prin cipal. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
BRIDGE )Wednesday, 6 November N/S 1. Julie Cotton / Joan o’Connor 59.26% 2. Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 57% 3. Aletta Robinson / Annette Strachan 53.97%, E/W 1. Janice Ospovat / Peggy Nicholson 70.54% 2. Riekie Louw / Betty Nel 64.58% 3. Gordon Peters / Hugh Waters 56.25% )Friday, 8 November 1. Nell Naude / Joan o’Connor 66.03% 2. Carren Emary / Linda Zaaiman 62 52% 3. Peggy Nicholson / Val Velaers 58.97% )Saturday, 9 November 1. Jackie Ascham / Riekie Louw 66.67% 2. Pippa Meyer / Carin Verburg 57.41% 3. Hugh Waters / Ruby Waters 56.02% )Monday, 11 November N/S 1. Jackie Ascham / Monika Peters 60.42% 2. Carin Verburg / Weina Loubser 59.72% 3. Nell Naude / Joan o’Connor 52.32%, E/W 1. Roger / Glenda Cleaver 57.18% 2. Betty Nel / Toni Mathem 56.25% 3. Heather Leemans / Jenny Veysey 54.17% WHALERS ATHLETIC CLUB - TIME TRIAL )7 November 3km Runners: 1 Leo Vorster 14.00; 2 Jonathan Austin 14.42; 3 Mavis De Villiers 16.17; 4 David Austin 18.56; 5 Theo Malan 19.54 3km Walkers: 1 Willie Loedolff 25.51 5km Runners: 1 Peter Rudhuka 17.47 PB; 2 Ignatius Matema 20.28; 3 Christo du Plessis 22.00; 4 Daniel Maree 22.31; 5 Andre Van der Merwe 22.49; 6 Jan Gildenhuys 23.09; 7 Charles Malan 23.09; 8 Wilhelm Cooper 23.09; 9 David Cupido 25.00; 10 Roelof van Weele 25.21; 11 Les Hanna 26.07; 12 Gavin Turner 29.13; 13 Annarie Nel 29.13 5km Walkers: 1 Arlene Ehrenberg 42.56 8km Runners: 1 Christiaan de Wet 33.35; 2 Frank Gillion 33.55; 3 Kevin Middleton 34.21; 4 Anzel du Plessis 35.34 GOLF )Saturday, 9 November 153 players competed in the 4BBB Stableford competition at the Hermanus Golf Club. 18 Holes: 1. Sam Oosthuizen / Heinz Peil (48). 2. Baldy Baldwin / Syd White (46). 3. Denis West / Ivor Kinston (44 c/i). 27 Holes: 1. Steven van der Merwe / Cheryl Richardson (c/i 70). 2. Chris Hinde / Andy Sherwood (c/o 70). 3. John Rhodes / Gerald Coates (c/o 70). 4. Sue Garlick / Sue Mills (c/i 69). 5. GP le Roux / Joe Lyon (c/o 69). 6. Andrew Philip / John Makinson (c/o 69). Tuesday, 12 November 43 players competed in the 4BBB competition in the ladies section at the Hermanus Golf Club. 1. C. Richardson / S. West (48). 2. C. Richardson / G Oliver (45). 3. C. Tyley / D. Herd (44). 4. A. van Schoor / M. Stadler (44) and P. van Renen / C. Brownlee (43).
9 771608 589068
MTB riders out in force for Wines2Whales Many locals participated in the final FNB Wines2Whales MTB Race that ended on Sunday at the Onrus Caravan Park. The race started at Lourensford Wine Estate (Somerset West) on Friday and the mountainbike community was out in full force, with 1 300 riders competing. Teams of two riders (male/female/mixed) had three days to cross through 13 wineries, 26 private farms, six mountains, historic roads, mountain passes and nature conservation areas. Locals who participated in the race included Philip-Ben Kotze, Mark Cryans, John Leppan, and Gavin Patterson. Also spotted at the finish line was former Bok rugby captain John Smith. The ultimate winners of the race were: Men: Renay Groustra and Nico Pfitzenmaier of Team RSA Web/Bridge who completed all three stages in a combined time of 08.53.18. Mixed: Yolande Speedy and Paul Cordes of Team asg MTB Academy in a combined time of 10.22.23. Women: Yolande De Villiers and Jennie Stenerhage of Team ISUZU 1 in a combined time of 10.32.24.
Mountain bikers on the Onrus beach boardwalk specifically constructed for the W2W race.
Atlantic wen ligabeker
Mathew Browne and Claude Tyers from team Xpe dient Medical came 269th in the W2W MTB race with an overall time of 12.56.16.
W.C.M. GIBSON Atlantic-tennisklub het Saterdag geskiedenis gemaak deur vir die eerste keer sedert die klub se bestaan ’n beker van die Boland-unie te wen. Die mans het die Country Club se span in die eindstryd 12-2 geklop. Hulle het deur die sei- Van links is Ronald Nutt, Roger Wild soen baie goeie tennis schut, Robert Nutt, Curt Wilkinson, Wal gespeel deur al hul wed- ter Rudolph en Heinry Steneveldt stryde te wen. Die uitslae was soos volg: Mans Meyer/Morkel Bosman 6-3, 7-6. Atlantic gaan nog een vriendenkels: Robert Nutt wen Wesley Kruger 6-3, 6-0 en Heinry Stene- skaplike wedstryd teen die Paarl veldt verloor teen Hannes Hota- speel. Die klub is ook van plan om in rek 3-6, 4-6. Mans dubbels: Ronald Nutt/Walter Rudolph wen Han- Desember ’n bekeroorhandiging nes Hotarek/ Wesley Kruger 6-3, te hou. Intussen gaan Atlantic 6-1, Heinry Steneveldt/Ronald tennisklub sy eie uitklopwedNutt wen Pieter Meyer/Morkel stryd hou. Daar sal mans- en Bosman 6-3, 6-2 en Ronald Nutt vroue-enkels en -dubbels asook /Walter Rudolph wen Pieter gemengde dubbels gespeel word.
PhilipBen Kotze and Mark Cryans from team Hermanus Pharmacies came 99th with an overall time of 11.27.12.
Former Springbok Rugby Captain, John Smit also finishing Stage Three of the 2013 FNB Wi nes2Whales Mountain Bike Race.
John David Leppan and Gavin Pat terson from team Sumaridge Wines came in 162nd place with an over all time of 12.08.32.
Shaun Luyt and Koenraad de Ruy ck from team Hermanus Cycles came 245th with an overall time of 12.44.15.