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THURSDAY, 15 MAY 2014 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316
Jou Koerant • Your Newspaper
DA keeps top spot while ANC gains KERRY VAN RENSBURG A total of 38 615 registered voters in the Overstrand cast their national votes in the general election on 7 May. This means 77,7% of 49 660 registered voters in this municipal area went to the polls to make their mark, which is more than the overall national figure for SA which stands at 73,43%. Of the total number of national votes cast, 38 328 were valid and 287 were spoilt votes. In the 2009 general election 42 587 voters in the Overstrand were registered and 82% of them participated in the national vote. For the 2014 provincial vote, 37 392 votes were cast in the Overstrand Municipal Area of which 37 109 were valid and 283 were spoilt. According to final results from the IEC’s provincial communications office, the DA (Democratic Alliance) won 58,56% of the votes cast in the Overstrand for the provincial election and 55,74% of the national votes cast locally. Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, the leader of the DA in the Overstrand, says she is very happy with the outcome of the general elections in the Overstrand. “My people worked very hard over many months when the election machinery kicked in with voter registra-
tion weekends.” Botha-Guthrie says the DA met their targets, but no celebration was planned. “We believe in getting back to work straight away.” She says the tendencies which they picked up during this election will form the basis for their strategic planning for the 2016 local elections. According to Dayne Nel from Whale Coast FM, Hawston was the most closely contested area in the Overstrand. She reports that the DA walked away with 49,44% of the votes in Hawston with the ANC hot on their heels with 40,41%. The ANC (African National Congress) won 36,22% of the total votes cast by Overstranders in this year’s national election and 35,44% of the provincial votes. In the 2009 general election, 33,46% of Overstrand residents voted for the ANC and 54,51% of them voted for the DA in the national vote, which shows that the local ANC has gained ground. Ward 12 councillor, Vuyani Macotha, and head of mobilisation for the ANC in this area, says: “We are very pleased with the support we got from our voters. We increased the number of votes in our ANC basic wards and increased numbers in some ‘hostile’ wards.” He says Theo Oliver (former deputy mayor of the Overstrand) will be
serving in the Provincial Legislature, where he will be joined by Maurencia Gillion, local ANC councillor. According to the mayor’s office, no local DA members will be serving in the Provincial Legislature. The VFP (Vryheidsfront Plus) received 1 079 votes in the national election, which is 2,82% of the total number of votes cast in the Overstrand, and 509 votes in the provincial election – 1,37% of votes cast. The EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters) won 521 votes in the provincial vote and 564 national votes, which is 1,47% of the total votes cast in the Overstrand. Gigobani Nozongava, EFF national candidate and local representative deployed to the Overstrand, says: “We are very happy with the results in the Overstrand and as a new party we have something to celebrate. The EFF will now form formal structures around the country and start preparing themselves for local government.” Several of the 29 voting stations in the Overstrand had well over 80% voter turnout. At the Hou Moed voting station in Zwelihle, 99,56% of their 1 349 registered voters turned up. At the De Mond Caravan Park voting station, 93,29% (959) of the voters registered (1 028) at this venue made their cross in the national election.
VERWOESTENDE VLAMME: ’n Motor en bromponie is Woensdag laatoggend tydens ’n brand in ’n motorhuis in Mari nerylaan verwoes. Die inwoner van die woonstel, Eddie Lötter, sê sy bromponie, wat agter sy motor in die motorhuis gestaan het, het hy in ligte laaie gevind. Lees meer op bl. 3.
Municipal court in session soon 5
Centenarians celebrate birthdays 10
BUSINESS: Focus turns to Lemm’s Corner 12
SPORT: Annual Wheels and Runners Race 24
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
15 May, 2014
Man van Stanford op R43 raakgery, sterf op toneel Tel 028 312 3154 Gateway Centre
Bring your items I will give you a TRUE and HONEST Valuation Then, take the best price for your items.
’n Man van Stanford is Vrydag 2 Mei op die toneel dood verklaar nadat ’n voertuig hom op die R43 tussen Caledon en Gansbaai naby Tembelihle omgery het. Die bestuurder en haar vriendin het in ’n verklaring aan die polisie verduidelik dat hulle om ongeveer 18:45 op pad na Gansbaai ’n slag teen die voertuig gehoor het. “Ek het heeltyd agter ’n ander kar gery toe ek iets aan die linkerkant van die pad sien. Dit het soos ’n groot tak gelyk of iets. Die volgende oomblik het ek ’n harde slag gehoor.” Die bestuurder het dadelik rem getrap. Omdat dit reeds donker was kon sy nie sien wat sy raakgery het nie en sy en haar vriendin
het besluit om om te draai en na die naaste polisiekantoor op Stanford te gaan om die voorval te rapporteer. Volgens Sarena Hugo, kommunikasiebeampte van die Stanford-polisie, was die vroue in die polisiekantoor toe dié stasie ’n oproep ontvang het om hulle in te lig dat iemand op die R43 omgery is. Lede van Stanford-polisie het die saak ondersoek en ’n 59-jarige man met kopbeserings in die pad aangetref. Die ambulans is ontbied, maar die persoon is op die toneel dood verklaar. Die oorledene, Alfred Daniel Frans (oom Gosh) van Stanford, het voor sy dood, volgens sy familie, gaan hout haal in die bosse.
Man doodgesteek in Kleinmond JANINE VAN DER RIET
HERMANUS MUSIC SOCIETY Quentin Crida (lead violin) has assembled a highly-accomplished group of musicians including Suzanne Martens (1st violin), Reneé van der Westhuizen (2nd violin), Karin Gaertner (viola), Peter Martens (cello) and Grant Bräsler (harpsichord) to play one of the most popular pieces in the classical music repertoire:
Bouchard Finlayson Boutique Wine Estate 18.00 for 18.30 Non-members are welcome and should contact Penny for tickets (R100) at pcharteris@mweb.co.za or on 028 316 2489
’n Man (18) is Woensdagoggend 8 Mei naby die gemeenskapsaal in Proteadorp, Kleinmond vermoor. Die polisie is om 03:30 na die toneel ontbied waar hulle die man se liggaam op ’n oop veld gevind het. Bloed-streepmerke is op die toneel gevind, wat lyk of die slagoffer van iewers na die veld gesleep is. Drie verdagtes is kort daarna deur die Kleinmond-polisie in hegtenis geneem en het op 9 Mei in die Caledon-hof verskyn. Volgens ao. Jaco van Wyk van Kleinmond-polisie het die slagoffer nog gelewe toe die polisie op die toneel aankom, maar het minute daarna van ’n meswond gesterf.. Die drie verdagtes verskyn weer in die hof om vir borgtog aansoek te doen.
Een van die gedenkteëls op die VOS kuspaadjie wat deur vandale beskadig is en tydelik gegom is.
Vandale beskadig gedenkteëls JANINE VAN DER RIET Altesaam 20 gedenkteëls op die Vermont/Onrus/Sandbaai (VOS) kuspaadjie moet nou vervang word nadat skoorsoekers dié teëls stukkend gekap het. Die grootste skok, sê Avril Steenkamp, die voorsitter van VOS, is dat die vandalisme tydens skoolvakansies gebeur “wat maak dat mens dit op besoekers wil blameer”. Die teëls word teen R2 000 stuk gekoop ter nagedagtenis aan ’n geliefde, en word op die kuspaadjie tussen Vermont en Sandbaai aangebring. Steenkamp sê hul beleid is dat die beskadigde teëls ’n maksimum van drie keer gratis deur VOS vervang word, maar daarna is dit die teël-eienaar se verantwoordelikheid. Daar is ’n beloning van R1 000 vir inligting wat kan lei tot die inhegtenisneming van die skuldiges. Bel Steenkamp op 082 789 9211.
New substation increases Overstrand’s capacity A new electricity substation, which is regarded as one of a kind in the country, was officially opened on Tuesday 29 April. The Walker Bay 66/11 kV substation, situated in Swartdam Road, was built after numerous considerations as the electricity demand for Hermanus has grown from 13,8 MVA in 1998 to a measured 24 MVA in 2012. This means the demand for electricity has almost doubled in 14 years. The existing Eskom supply point limits the Hermanus supply to 24 MVA. During the design of the substation, a few challenges were encountered, including the following: • No 66 kV overhead lines were built, only 66 kV underground cables from the existing Eskom substation were installed. • A substation in an urban environment had
to fit in with neighbouring environments due to it being situated on the boundary between a residential and industrial area. • Safety features – firewalls around the transformers were built to fend off any possible explosion and fires from the neighbouring houses and to dampen transformer noise. • Indoor GIS switchgear – which reduces the footprint of the substation as well as reduces maintenance over the life-cycle of the substation. • Through proper long-term planning they were able to integrate the new substation into the existing 11 kV network. According to the municipality “the building of this substation shows the tremendous growth of the municipality over these few years, and the way it is investing its resources in ensuring that the growth is sustainable.”
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
15 May, 2014
Kleinmonder wen groot met woord Opperman het R500 aan die WAT geskenk om die druk van die woordeboek te ondersteun. Die woord wat hy geborg het is ‘merriekonserrie”. Opperman, toe hy gehoor het van die prysgeld, het woord by welwillende daad gevoeg en dié hele bedrag aan die WAT geskenk. Dr. Willem Botha, hoofredakteur en uitvoerende direkteur van die WAT, het Opperman gevra om ’n verdere vyf woorde te borg en sy keuses was: skeppingsmagtig, welwillendheid, welluidend, wêreldgebeure en verskansing. Volgens Opperman het hy die skenking ge-
maak omrede sy liefde vir die taal en daarom ook die ondersteuning aan WAT, wat tans besig is met die vaslegging van ons moedertaal in die woordeboek. “Ons moet onthou dat niemand anders vir die voortbestaan van Afrikaans sal sorg nie. Ons moet dit koester, dit vaslê, dit suiwer gebruik,” het hy gesê. “En daarmee wil ek my wrewel te kenne gee met die baie Afrikaanssprekendes wat so lief is om ’n Engelse woord tussen-in te gooi. Dis actually en awesome en fantastic tot vervelens toe. “Waarom? Wie wil hulle beïndruk? Hulle stel hulleself bloot as mengelpraters en doen hulle taal ’n onreg aan.” Opperman voeg by dat Afrikaanssprekendes nooit moet vergeet dat Afrikaans in dié land ontstaan het nie. “Dit het gegroei uit hierdie bodem. Dit is ’n absolute wonderwerk, want waar die En-
gelse, Duitsers en Franse gekoloniseer het, het die koloniste daardie tale voortgeplant in Afrika. “Maar Jan van Riebeeck neem die suidpunt van Afrika in besit met ’n Nederlandse verklaring. En jare later kom die eerste Afrikaanse woorde, eers krom en skeef, maar geleidelik al helderder en mooier in die joernalistieke idioom, in poësie, boeke, briewe en uiteindelik in wetenskaplike verhandelings. “Dog sy moes haar pad oop stry teen Nederlands en Engels. Die enigste voorbeeld van so ’n oorspronklike nuweling in die hele wêreld. Maar juis haar stryd om leefruimte maak haar sterk en gee karakter en daarom is ek trots op haar.” Dr. Botha het ná sy besoek aan die Oppermans die Hermanus Afrikaanse Kultuurontspanningsklub (HAKOK) toegespreek oor die onderwerp “Is Afrikaans tans op die kruin of op die rand van die afgrond?”.
Stardom beckons for ‘Sandy’ Overstrand Brand en Redding was vinnig op die toneel om die brand in die motorhuis te blus. FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET
Motor, bromponie, kano verwoes in brand JANINE VAN DER RIET Vanaf bl. 1: ’n Inwoner van Westcliff se hare het erg geskroei toe hy Woensdag laatoggend sy motor uit sy brandende motorhuis wou red. Dit blyk Eddie Lötter se bromponie, wat langs sy motor geparkeer gestaan het in die motorhuis langs die woonstel in Marine-rylaan in Westcliff, het skielik aan die brand geraak. Lötter (79) en sy vrou Sannie (73) woon in die woonstel agter sy suster, Hetta van der Merwe (89,) se huis in Marine-rylaan. Lötter was in die woonstel toe hy vir Sannie en Hetta hoor skree. Hulle was binne Hetta se huis toe hulle die brand in die motorhuis gewaar. Hy het uit die woonstel gehardloop en die motor uit die motorhuis probeer stoot, maar die vlamme het reeds die kar begin verswelg. Van die Overberg-brandweer en Metro-ambulanspersoneel was besig met brandopleiding en oefensessies dié spesifieke oggend. Soos Eddie Theron van Metro op die toneel vertel het: “Ek het na die “stormweer” en “don-
ker wolke” in die lug gekyk toe ek skielik besef dit is nie donker wolke nie, maar ’n brand!” Noodpersoneel het dadelik na die toneel gehaas. Omstanders het ook intussen die brandweer gekontak. Volgens ’n reddingswerker op die toneel, blyk dit dat die brand by die bromponie ontstaan het. “In 99% van dié soort gevalle ontstaan die brand as gevolg van ’n kortsluiting in die bedrading van die voertuig en/of ’n bromponie.” Lötter is op die toneel deur EMR Ambulansdienste ondersoek vir moontlike beserings. Maar behalwe vir ’n brandmerk op sy vinger en sy hare wat geskroei is, was hy ongedeerd. Gelukkig is die huis en woonstel nie deur die brand beskadig nie, behalwe vir die motor en bromponie waarop Lötter nie versekering uitgeneem het nie. Hy is ook baie hartseer oor sy opblaaskano wat in die motorhuis was en ook in die brand verwoes is. Hy het dikwels met die kano van die Ou Hawe na die Nuwe Hawe gevaar en dit was uitstappies wat hy terdeë geniet het.
The leading lady in the production of Grease, performed by learners of Hermanus High School last year, is bound for starry horizons. Savanna Bullough, who matriculated last year, has gained a scholarship entry to the prestigious Italia Conti Arts Centre in Guildford, UK. Her mother Fiona says Savanna’s theatre, dance and song training enabled her to be accepted for an audition process at Italia Conti. “She went through a gruelling two hour session and had to do three different dance disciplines, two musical theatre songs and one acting piece.” Fiona attributes her daughters’ ability to compete against hundreds of potential students on an international level, to Savanna’s seven years of dance training with Marina’s Dance School. Italia Conti Arts Centre is the oldest musical theatre college in UK, and is regarded as a training centre of excellence. The Academy has participated in Royal Variety performances, Queen Elizabeth’s 40th anniversary and Golden Jubilee, Andrew Lloyd Webber Concerts, BBC TV and
Savanna in her role as Sandra Dee/Sandy in Grease.
many more prestigious events. “Savanna will qualify with the equivalent of a degree in Musical Theatre with a teacher training certificate in Performing Arts. Thereafter she hopes to join a touring production company which will hopefully bring her back here to Artscape.” Savanna first performed at Artscape in 2006 when she played the role of the first princess in The King and I.
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Santie en Danie Opperman saam met dr. Wil lem Botha, hoofredakteur en uitvoerende di rekteur van die Woordeboek van die Afri kaanse Taal, tydens sy besoek in Kleinmond om die Oppermans se prys te oorhandig.
1614 nj
’n Inwoner van Kleinmond, Danie Opperman, was die wenner van ’n Sanlam-skenking van R25 000 in die prystrekking van die Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT) se Borg ’n Woord-projek.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
15 May, 2014
Pringlebaai koop sy eie vuurwa ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN ’n Nuwe Unimog is aan die Pringlebaaibrandweerstasie oorhandig ná die gemeenskap geld ingesamel het vir die aankoop van die voertuig. Die brandweerwa is “Rocky” gedoop, klaarblyklik ’n bynaam wat die inisieerder van die geldinsamelingsprojek, Clayton Francis, in sy weermagdae op die lyf geloop het. Volgens Angelo Aplon, die stasiebevelvoerder van die Hermanus-stasie, word die Pringlebaai-brandweerstasie beman deur vrywilligers uit die gemeenskap en ondersteun deur Overstrand-munisipaliteit. “Die brandweerwa vervang ’n Nissan 2x4-bakkie wat hulle gebruik het. Die Unimog beskik oor meer water, ’n groter pomp en is ook vierwiel-aangedrewe.”
Die Pringlebaai-voertuig is meer gepas om veldbrande te bestry. “Dié voertuig is aangekoop deur geld wat die gemeenskap self ingesamel het.” Dit het die vrywilligerskorps van Pringlebaai vyf tot ses jaar se geleenthede en skenkings (van heelparty groot finansiële instellings) gekos om genoeg geld bymekaar te maak vir dié vuurwa. Die Overstrand-munisipaliteit is verantwoordelik vir die onderhoud van die voertuig. Die gemeenskap, saam met die Overstrand-munisipaliteit, is tans besig om ’n nuwe satelliet-brandweerstasie te bou. “Dié groep mense is ’n sprekende voorbeeld van hoe die gemeenskap en die brandweer saam kan werk om ’n veiliger omgewing te skep,” het Aplon gesê. Bykomende bron: SSMA/Fanie Krige
By die oorhandiging van die Pringlebaaise brand weerwa, Rocky, aan die Overstrandmunisipaliteit was Dave Muirhead, voorsitter van die plaasli ke belastingbetalersver eniging, burgemeester Ni colette BothaGuthrie, brandweerhoof Lester Smith, afdelingshoof van die brandweer in Hang klipKleinmond Marlu Rust, en Clayton Francis. FOTO: FANIE KRIGE
BOLAND COLLEGE is a committed and innovative leader in continued education and training in the Boland area and currently offers the following opportunity at our CALEDON campus:
Part-time position (at least two years’ teaching experience in Mathematics L2 – L4 or Grades 10 – 12) Working hours: Maximum of 15 hours per week Reference number: CAL/PTF/10/4 Remuneration: R204 per hour To view the full advertisement, please visit our website (www.bolandcollege.com), from Tuesday, 13 May 2014. Closing date for applications: 20 May 2014 at 10:00 Enquiries: 021 886 7111 or recruitment@bolandcollege.com This appointment will be made in line with Boland College’s Employment Equity Plan. If you have not heard from us within four weeks of the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. www.ayandambanga.co.za
INVITATION FOR QUOTATION Quotations are hereby invited for the provision of Student Transport Services Route: Villiersdorp to Caledon Additional information that needs to be submitted with the quotation document is as follows: • Boland College Supplier Information form (included in the quotation document) • Company registration documents • Valid original tax clearance certificate – SARS • Valid B-BBEE certificate – Endorsed by SANAS / IRBA • In case of a consortium or joint venture, such a certificate in respect of each party to such consortium, issued by SARS • A quotation submitted by a partnership must be accompanied by a written partnership agreement • Affidavit regarding previous convictions for offences (if any) committed by the company or any of its directors, members, trustees or office bearers. • Operational records (Proof of Valid operating licenses; valid operating route permits and Roadworthy Certificate) This quotation will be evaluated in terms of 80/20 B-BBEE preference point scoring system. Incomplete, late quotations, via telephone and telex, fax will not be accepted and the College does not bind itself to accept the highest point scorer, lowest bid, part or any bid.
QUOTATION DOCUMENTS Obtainable by sending a request to E-mail: lloydm@bolandcollege.com Or Tel: 021 886 7111 for quotation document: Lloyd Meyer DELIVER QUOTATION Completed documents to delivered at: Boland College, Head Office 85 Bird Street, Stellenbosh CLOSING DATE OF QUOTATION 26 May 2014 at 14:00
Geel wa’s vir Overstrand ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Die Overstrand het verlede naweek twee nuwe brandweerwaens in ontvangs geneem, een vir die Overstrand brand- en reddingseenheid en ’n tweede vir die Pringlebaai-stasie. Volgens Angelo Aplon, die stasiebevelvoerder van die Hermanus-stasie, wat deel vorm van die Overstrand Brandweerdienste, is die brandweerwa vir Hermanus gebou volgens die vereistes van die Wes-Kaapse brandweerhoofde-komitee. “Alle brandweervoertuie is in verskillende klassifikasies verdeel. Die voertuig is dan in ’n ‘Urban pumper type 1’ omskep, wat die hoogste klassifikasie is vir struktuurbrande en reddingsdienste-voertuie. “Dié voertuig gee ons die vermoë om struktuurbrande en reddingsaksies te hanteer en sal aansienlik ons diens verbeter.” Dit is deur Marcé Projects, wat die brandweerwa gebou het, aan die Overstrand-munisipaliteit oorhandig tydens die Brandweerdiens-feesvieringe verlede naweek. Volgens Aplon is die Overstrand-brandweer reeds sedert 2008 besig om sy vloot van rooi na geel te verander en dus is die nuwe trok heldergeel. “Geel is meer sigbaar as rooi. Rooi is tradisioneel meer kenmerkend vir brandweervoertuie, maar brandweerdienste verrig heelwat meer funksies as net brande blus. “Die geel kan ook gesien word as ’n simbool
Die heldergeel brandweerwa wat onlangs aan die munisipaliteit oorhandig is.
van die transformasie wat die Overstranbrandweer tans ondergaan, van waar ons lede dominerend bestaan het uit reserviste en vrywilligers, na meer professionele, opgeleide en voltydse personeel.” Volgens Aplon beskik die nuwe voertuig oor ’n bemanningskajuit wat ’n offisier sowel as vyf brandbestryders kan vervoer. Die brandweerwa kan 3 000F water hou. Verder het dit ’n 4 000F per minuut pomp en ander gespesialiseerde toerusting. “Brandbestryders sal opleiding ondergaan om die voertuig effektief aan te wend.” Volgens Aplon is daar tans nege brandweerwaens (uitsluitend bakkies) in die Overstrand. Dit sluit in die Unimog in Pringlebaai, ’n wa en tenker in Kleinmond, drie brandweerwaens in Gansbaai, en drie in Hermanus, wat die nuwe voertuig insluit.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
15 May, 2014
More weekend fun at Platbos
0800 055 555
SARAH TAYLOR Africa’s southern-most indigenous forest, Platbos, near Gansbaai, got a boost last weekend when 150 enthusiastic children, teens and adults united to help plant 3 000 indigenous trees as part of the fourth annual Greenpop Reforest Fest.
New municipal court out of the starting blocks ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN After years of planning, a new additional court – which will focus only on contraventions of municipal bylaws, is finally becoming a reality for the Overstrand. The cases which will be dealt with in this additional court will include noise complaints, speeding and traffic fines and violations of town planning and building regulations. “At the moment municipal bylaw contraventions have taken the back seat in the criminal court and are usually last to be heard,” says attorney and Law Society area representative of about 50 local attorneys, Adrian Louw. “This means that the enforcement of local bylaws becomes somewhat irrelevant. But it is important to try the individuals contravening these laws.” According to Louw, the municipality must start adopting a stance of zero tolerance where every small con-
travention of the law is prosecuted, leading to other crimes also decreasing. “With the help of the new municipal court, the magistrate’s court will also be able to operate at a higher capacity and give attention to serious crimes, including theft and drug related crimes. “The community wants to see a functioning law system. If the system starts falling apart, it leads to vigilantism within communities.” Louw is still concerned about the current magistrate’s court. “The additional court will help with the criminal case loads, but will not address the issues regarding the civil, family and children’s court. “There has not been enough spatial and personnel capacity for at least 15 years. The current magistrate’s court is in serious need of rebuilding and expansion.” Tender notices to furbish and shopfit the new building have been published (HT 1 May) and must be sub-
mitted by 23 May 2014. The Overstrand Municipality has already advertised for the position of a prosecutor/legal advisor (HT 8 May), while the magistrate will be appointed by the Department of Justice. Lionel Wallace, senior manager of law services at the Overstrand Municipality, said that a part of Harmony House, situated within the municipal grounds, will be converted for use as the new court. “Building will commence soon. The next step in the process is to appoint the necessary court officials, in line with the requirements from the Department of Justice. “Furniture for the court must go through a formal procurement process,” said Wallace. He added that the opening date for the additional court is subject to the process to bring the building up to the standards as set out by the department. The aim is to open the doors as soon as possible after the original planned date of 1 July 2014.
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STOMPIE stray, then owners decided to give him up! He is 2-3 yr old Alsatian X with short legs! Good mixer & very friendly confident boy.
Look at how cute I am! OSCAR - 14 wk old X breed little guy brought in stray. Huge paws so will be med-large size. Great character! THIS AD IS SPONSORED BY
TAYA - is a small-med size young 9mth old X breed female who came to us as a neglected mangy pup. She is always overlooked but gentle, social and very affectionate.
KATIE - about 3 mths old, this pretty girl is one of the most affectionate kittens at the cattery & waits at the gate for visitors to come & cuddle her.
9 AM
Due to the event’s popularity, it is now held over two weekends: Families united last weekend to help plant 3 000 in one for families and the second, digenous trees. PHOTO: PURSUE THE WOLF PHOTOGRAPHY to be held this coming weekend, Michaela Kingwill for “friends”, when Greenpop aims to years old, although Melissa says the plant Cloete jumps on the 1 000 trees mulch to compress it plant a further 5 000 young trees. roots are older. a before the baby trees Platbos, which is about 40 hectares, in Since the first Platbos Reforest Fest in 2011 a total of 11 000 trees have been is in the process of becoming a Con- month in are planted. tract Nature Reserve with CapeNa- informal planted with Greenpop. PHOTO: SARAH TAYLOR The trees are being planted in an ture, which will manage the reserve settlearea that was previously an indige- together with the non-governmental ments, to offset our carbon footprint. nous forest, which was felled for agri- organisation, the Platbos Conservan- And so Greenpop was launched in September 2010. We now employ 15 culture before the fields were aban- cy Trust. Greenpop is a Cape Town- based so- people. doned and the “aliens” (the Austral“People who would like to support ian rooikrans) moved in, explains cial business started by a group of enhorticulturist Melissa Krige, who ergetic young South Africans com- Greenpop’s initiatives without getowns Platbos with her arborist hus- mitted to giving back to society in the ting grubby can sponsor a tree or band, Francois. The planting area greenest way they can. Since 2010, the multiple trees by visiting the webborders the existing ancient indige- organisation has planted over 30 000 site. They will receive certificates mostly indigenous and some fruit and GPS co-ordinates of their trees.” nous forest of Platbos. The Reforest Fest participants pay The Kriges began their own refor- trees on the Cape Flats; as well as in estation work in 2008 and planted various villages in the Western Cape. to wield spades and get their hands The organisation is the inspiration dirty, but Greenpop strives to make 3 000 trees themselves before involvof Misha Teasdale, Greenpop’s “tree- its greening initiative at Platbos fun ing Greenpop in their efforts. The trees, bladder nut, hard pear, EO”, who previously worked in the by integrating the hard work with a weekend of stimulating activities. white stinkwood, white milkwood, advertising industry. This coming weekend, Simon van “I was earning very good money, wild peach, white pear and wild olive, are propagated in the Kriges’ exten- but there was lots of consumption Gend, Grassy Spark and Bobzyouand the lifestyle was out of my com- runcle, among other bands, will be sive nursery. Melanie says the trees are very fort zone. While working on a partic- performing. Due to the sensitive enslow growing, “about 4 mm in tree- ular campaign, I racked up 360 000 air vironment, each Reforest Fest is limited to 300 tickets. trunk diameter every four years”. miles in four months. For more information visit plat“When we returned home, my colThe largest white milkwood in the forest is estimated to be about 1 000 league Rowan Pybus and I decided to bos.co.za and greenpop.org
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Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
15 May, 2014
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GOURMET WINE EVENING: The theme of the gourmet wine evening at The Marine ho tel on Friday 9 May was Pinot Noir vs Pino tage. Guests enjoyed a 6course dinner paired with Pinot Noirs from Hamilton Rus sell Vineyards, Paul Cluver, Creation and Mu ratie and Pinotage from Beyerskloof, Spring fontein, Wildekrans and Kanonkop. The De Kock family attended in full force. From left are Noel de Kock, mom Yolande, Pauline, Lara and dad Neil. PHOTOS: CILENE BEKKER
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Chef Shane Sauvage (left) from La Pentola says he loves to eat and enjoys a Pinot Noir and Pinotage, “so I am here for the educa tion factor and to enjoy an exciting food/ wine pairing evening”. With Shane are his wife Janet, and Barry and Debbie Jones.
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Algemeen General
CHEFS’ SHOWCASE: Neil en Joretha Wessels was onder die smulpape wat Vry dagaand die tweede Chefs’ Showcase by die Class Room restaurant bygewoon het. Tydens dié gewilde geleentheid is die gaste trakteer op ’n vyfgang maaltyd, waarvan elke gang deur ’n ander chef voorberei is en gepaar is met ’n plaaslike wyn. FOTO’S: HEDDA MITTNER
Seremoniemeester Craig Chapman met Ke vin Warwick (Class Room restaurant en Warwick’s Chef School) en André van Vuur en (Hermanus Gholfklub). Craig het al die aksie in die kombuis verfilm en hierdie ag terdieskermstonele is in die restaurant op ’n groot skerm vertoon tot groot vermaak van die gaste.
Anli van Vuuren (Delice Chocolates & Cakes en Hermanus Gholfklub) en Wayne Spencer (La Vierge) doenig in die kombuis. Die an der chefs wat deelgeneem het was Petri Hendriksz (Eat) en Rudolf van der Berg (Sa vannah).
Ruth Middleton en Bevan Pope van Cut ting Edge.
Elaine Bayer van die Eatery en Beanery klink ’n glasie met Louisa en Marinus Meyer.
Hermanus Times 15 May, 2014
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
15 May, 2014
Victims grateful for support
EDITORIAL COMMENT Lend a helping hand With the voter turnout at 77,7%, the people of the Overstrand have had their say when it comes to leadership. But each of us can play a role in making our community better, cleaner and safer by working with the local municipality and being watchdogs to make sure good governance and service delivery prevails. And then, after a long wait, the Hermanus fire station received a new bright yellow fire truck last week, replacing the written-off one. Better equipment means a safer environment for the whole community, as was evident with the quick response to a fire in Marine Drive this week. By working hand-in-hand, new goals can be set and achieved, as can be seen in Pringle Bay, where the community helped raise funds for their new fire engine. Hats off to the Pringle Bay community for taking the initiative and making a difference. And hats off to our readers who don’t shy away from saying their say and raising awareness of issues that could otherwise stagnate. Lemm’s Corner being a current example.
Your views Please note that letters and SMSes may be edited or rejected at the discretion of the editor. Letters with full name, address and contact details are required, but the writer may request the use of a pseudonym. SMSes with full names will be given preference.
THREE’S COMPANY: Hermanus Times reader Elaine Kennedy says she was fortunate enough to be at the right spot at the right time, with camera in hand, when these three Cape clawless otters came to frolic on Onrus beach on Thursday afternoon. PHOTO: ELAINE KENNEDY
Biological control needed in fight against alien invasives The article “Alien hackers give fynbos a fighting chance” in the Hermanus Times of 8 May refers: All of us who cherish our fynbos and realise how big a threat alien invasives are to it, owe Charlyn Vosloo and her team of volunteers and workers a huge vote of thanks. It is people like Charlyn who get off their couches and literally take up arms against the threat. But how big a threat are aliens and why should we care? CSIR environmental economist Dr Willem de Lange and CSIR ecologist Dr Brian van Wilgen have estimated that the value of services provided by ecosystems in South Africa amounts to an estimated R152 billion per year. The millions of rands contributed to the economy by nature-based tourism is not included in this estimate. Services provided by Mother Nature herself through eco-systems include water, grazing and biodiversity. The researchers comment: “If we allow al-
Hermanusmedici ‘melk’ pasiënte
As nuwe intrekker vanaf Gauteng net meer as ’n jaar gelede, was ek verbaas om te sien hoe die mediese beroep pasiënte in Hermanus “melk”. In Hermanus is daar blykbaar nie ’n privaat dokter, spesialis of X-straal-departement wat ingekontrakteer is nie. By almal moet jy uit jou eie sak ’n bedrag inbetaal ongeag wie jy is. Miljoenêr, gewone werkersklas met ’n siekefonds, of ’n pensioenaris wat probeer oorleef ná jou duur mediese fonds van jou karige pensioen afgetrek is. Was my verbasing nog groter toe ek onlangs ’n sonar by die enigste privaat X-straal-kliniek op die dorp moes laat doen. Met ’n afspraak in my hand en voorbereiding wat ek die vorige dag al moes doen, het ek in die sonarkamer gewag. Die dokter aan diens was besig met ’n CT-skandering. Ná 20 minute se wag word ek deur die radiografis meegedeel dat die dokter nie weet hoe om die sonar te doen nie en of ek ’n herskedulering vir ’n ander dag wil maak wanneer daar ’n ander dokter aan diens sal wees. Sjoe, sowaar! Dié dokter weet hoe om ’n CTskandering te doen maar nie hoe om ’n sonar te doen nie. Dit laat ’n mens wonder waar het die dokter sy opleiding gehad? Hierdie was vir my onaanvaarbaar. Wat as die volgende dokter ook nie weet hoe om die sonar te doen nie? Geen waarborge nie. My tyd en opoffering is blykbaar nie vir die duur kliniek van belang nie. Ek glo die rekening sou wel onmiddellik ná die prosedure na my siekefonds gestuur word. En dan, tydens ’n privaat besoek by die provinsiale hospitaal het ek kennis geneem van die netheid van die hospitaal in teenstelling met baie ander staatshospitale waar ek nie eers my doodsertifikaat sal laat uitskryf
Your front page article “Hemel-en-Aarde Valley farm attack – two of four suspects still at large” (HT 8 May) refers. On Wednesday 30 April at about 21:00 we experienced what every South African family fears most – an armed robbery in their homes. We were tied up and held at gunpoint, our house was ransacked and the perpetrators escaped in our car, which they crashed enroute to Hermanus. We immediately reported this incident to the Hermanus police station and were astounded at the rapid response and professional service of all their officers throughout the entire investigation. Warrant Officer Fouché and his team are to be applauded for their highly professional approach, their diligence and support. They are a credit to the SAPS and we would like to put on record our appreciation for their efforts to make an unpleasant situation manageable and for their commitment to solving this crime. We would also like to extend our thanks to the neighbouring farmers for their kind wishes and offers of support following the incident. Sadly, in light of our experience we are compelled to install high-level security measures to ensure our safety; while this is not how one would choose to live in our valley, common sense dictates otherwise.
nie. Ek het besluit om dié staatshospitaal op die proef te stel. Behalwe vir die lang wag om my lêer op die eerste dag oop te maak het dinge daarna redelik vlot verloop. ’n Afspraak vir ’n sonar is gemaak. Die oggend van die sonar was ek gelukkig om net twee persone voor my te kry en binne 20 minute was ek op pad na die X-straal- afdeling waar ek vriendelik ontvang is. Die opvolgafspraak ’n week later by die kliniek was ’n heel ander storie. My afspraak was vir 15:00 geskeduleer. Ek het om 14:25 aangemeld om tyd toe te laat vir die verkryging van my lêer. Daar het reeds ’n pasiënt by die enigste toonbank wat oop was gesit en nog agt ander pasiënte wat wag. Die klerk aan diens het duidelik nie geweet wat sy moet doen nie en het meer agter met papiere rondgeloop as met die pasiënt gepraat. Na wat gevoel het soos ’n ewigheid is die pasiënt se saak afgehandel. Nadat ek die klinieksuster meegedeel het van my vertraging by ontvangs, het sy gaan navraag doen. Nog ’n toonbank is daarna oopgemaak, maar o wee, die klerk het slegs een persoon gehelp (20 min.), haar handsak geneem en by die hoofdeur uitgestap. Duidelik het sy ’n veer gevoel vir die mense wat al lank sit en wag. Iets wat ’n mens nie in die privaatsektor sal kry nie. My geduld was ná 50 minute en ’n verstreke afspraak op breekpunt en het ek aangedring om die hoof van die afdeling te spreek. Verskeie redes is aangevoer waarom die diens op die betrokke dag nie na wense was nie – klerk met verlof en ander op tee of ete en dié wat beskikbaar was, ken nie die werk nie. Tot my verbasing het ek ook gehoor dat
iens to dominate our natural ecosystems, the systems will lose their ability to deliver many of the benefits on which we depend for our livelihoods. Invasive alien plants use excessive amounts of water and smother our remarkable biodiversity, resulting in reduced river flow, a loss of grazing and a loss of harvested products from the veld.” Fire-adapted trees like pines and hakeas contribute to 20% of the alien impact in fynbos ecosystems, while invasive Australian acacia trees contribute about 80%. However, hacking and poisoning of invasive species by dedicated hackers in Hermanus and the considerable efforts of Working for Water in the rest of the country will never win the war. We need the help of nature itself. Biological control of these aliens by pathogens from their country of origin has been used successfully in South Africa and is an essential part of the offensive strategy. Pathogens include seed and flower-eating indaar 20 tot 30 minute per pasiënt by ontvangs toegelaat word. Kom ons doen ’n berekening teen gemiddeld 20 minute per pasiënt. Jy kom aan by ontvangs en daar sit reeds 10 mense en wag. Nie ongewoon vir ’n normale werksdag nie. As daar ’n pasiënt elke 20 minute gehelp word en my wiskunde my nie in die steek laat nie gaan pasiënt nr. 11 dus ongeveer 200 minute wag. Dit is swak diens punt! Interne probleme mag nooit na die publiek oorspoel nie. Daar is bejaardes, verwagtende moeders, moeders met klein kindertjies en mense wat soms erge pyn verduur wat op harde stoele sit en wag. ’n Mens voel jammer vir die mense wat geen ander opsies het nie, dit is onmenslik en onregverdig. Die enigste ligpunt by die hospitaal is die vriendelikheid van die meeste personeel, veral by die kliniek. Dankie klinieksusters, julle is die ware sterre. “I put it to you” Hermanus Hospitaal, word wakker. Daar is maniere om die probleem op te los sonder enige ekstra kostes. Trek die lêers van pasiënte met afsprake voor die tyd en laat ontvangs dit uitdeel soos hulle aanmeld. Die ry sal baie korter en die wagperiode aansienlik minder wees. Die kliniek hoef dan nie te wag vir pasiënte wat hulle lewe omsit in die ontvangs nie. Dit gaan bitter min tyd van die klerk by ontvangs neem en groot verligting op die wagtyd plaas. Die regering wil graag mediesefonds-pasiënte in hul hospitale sien om finansiering te help. Dit gebeur nêrens nie en sal ook nie met die huidige toedrag van sake in Hermanus gebeur nie! Pasiënte met siekefondse sal na die eerste besoek vlug en nooit weer terug kom nie.
sects, fungal diseases, wasps that produce galls, and so forth. De Lange and Van Wilgen add that they found biological control to be very effective in protecting ecosystem services. If there had been no biological control of invasive alien plants in South Africa, the country would have lost ecosystem services worth R48,2 billion per year. They estimate that controlling the invasive Australian trees just in fynbos has saved us R1,4 billion per year. The biological control of aliens in fynbos is one of the fascinating topics in the course on Fynbos offered at Hermanus FynArts, on 15 June. Anyone who is concerned about protecting biodiversity, not just in Hermanus, but in the entire Cape Floristic Region, will find the course of great interest.
Emerantia Cupido, Western Cape Government Health: Principal Communications Officer responds: In response to the letters from Mrs Dorothy Smith and Andre Roux (Hermanus Times 1 May) a follow up was done with both complainants and how the triage system works was explained. Mr Roux and Mrs Smith were both satisfied with the feedback they received. In response to this third letter being published this week, the Western Cape Government Health, Hermanus Hospital would like to thank Ms Erna Bosman for her positive feedback pertaining to the cleanliness of the hospital and the excellent service that is being provided by the radiography department. The hospital management would like to apologise for any inconvenience that was caused on 23 April 2014. The management wants to assure Ms Bosman that her suggestions have already been implemented practically as reflected at her follow-up visit on 30 April 2014.
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
15 May, 2014
) As long as this apathy to crime prevails and
people don’t face their vulnerability, thinking it won’t happen to them, the breakins and robberies will continue and we’ll be picked off one by one, while the robbers laugh at our stupidity. – VER MONT RESIDENT ) To the anonymous writer regarding disabled parking: I am the whitehaired woman referred to in the anonymous SMS. True, I do have a current disabled sign due to three operations in the past year and indeed do have better days, but hop and trot? Goodness gracious me! Are you following me? However, point taken and may your disability be temporary too. – SANDY ) Baie geluk aan Overstrandmunisipaliteit en veral die finansiesdirektoraat vir die skoon oudit status. Doet so voort! – VROUKIE ) Thank you to Mr Orion from Mount Pleasant, cell nr 073 476 0056, who repairs shoes beauti fully. He is honest and reasonably priced. – VER MONT RESIDENT ) Ek sê weereens dankie aan Zusara Lourens vir wonderlike diens en dat sy my rekening regge maak het by die munisipaliteit. – T. GALAND ) Thank you so much to the person who found my cellphone at Onrus Beach parking area on Sun day 11 May, and who put it on my windscreen. I was so happy and amazed that something I had thought I’d lost did come back. It had all my con tacts, those of patients as well. Thank you so much! God bless your thoughtfulness, and integrity.– SR PAT CHILDS ) Die vrou in Vermontlaan, as jou hond gaan vir oefening moet hy aan ’n leiband wees. Dit geld vir almal. Kom die reëls na, asseblief, dan sal daar minder poef wees op die sypaadjies. ) Ek het ’n bos sleutels Vrydagoggend in die dorp opgetel. Dit lyk na ’n tuinier (garden maintenance) se sleutels, want die sleutels is gemerk tuinhekkie, en so meer, met verskeie adresse. Bel Iggie by 082 611 0042. – IGGIE GOOSEN
) Sies vir die vandale wat 13 gedenkteëls op die VOS Kuswandelpaadjie geruïneer het! Wie almal gaan ons help? Daar is ’n R1 000beloning. – NELMARIE THERON, VOS BEHEERGROEP ) A service will be held in memory of Eastwood Loftus Nel at the NG gemeente in Onrus (55 Berg sig Street) on Saturday 17 May at 10:30. One of Eastwood’s sons will then be back from over seas. – D PALVIE ) Eastwood Nel, ons is verslae en hartseer oor jou skielike dood. Ons sal jou en die hondjies mis in Hermanus se strate. Rus in vrede. – JAPIE, ER NA EN ODI, VERMONT ) Die munisipale ouditorium het nie op stemdag ’n rolstoel gehad vir bejaardes wat moeilik loop nie. Hulle kon net met die biblioteek gereël het om hul stoel vir die dag te gebruik. – S. MAASS ) I found a white Blackberry Curve cellphone in Onrus on Saturday 10 May at around 14:30. I have handed it in at the Hermanus police station, reference number 518. It’s a pleasure, you are wel come. – NEIL JANGLE ) Ek stem saam met Dorothy Smith. Verlede maand het ek op ’n Sondagoggend by die hospi taal aangekom en moes ure wag om gehelp te word. ) Months ago I was admitted to the provincial hos pital in Hermanus with very high blood pressure. After Xrays of the heart plus ECG and blood tests, I was told to get my results at the clinic. There I got shouted at and told to make an appointment. Anything could have been wrong with me. After two months I got half my pills and had to go back. I am on chronic medication now. What a disaster. ) Why is only the building industry targeted by the government gazette on wage rates and condi tions and not all employers? Are they really looking after the employees or just the fat cats in the indus try? ) Jy met die groot wit voertuig wat nie weet dat twee wit lyne met ’n geel lyn in die middel beteken dit is juis nie daar om oor te ry teen aankomende verkeer nie... En dan boonop op jou toeter lê? Waar het jy jou lisensie gekry? ) Thank you to the man in the white car who helped me catch my two yorkies in Fourie Street. It is greatly appreciated. It is wonderful that such courteous people still exist. – CHARLENE PIE TERS
The weather menu offers a mixed grill this week, with a bit of rain on Thursday, sunshine on Friday, and more rain on Friday evening lasting until Saturday morning. The sun will be out again on Saturday afternoon but an icy easterly wind will push the temperature down to a low of 13 °C.
Dankie vir Fynbos + Fine Arts = FynArts Dankie vir die FynArts-fees. So jammer dat iemand ’n klippie in die skoen moet hê daaroor (AvN, HT 1 Mei). FynArts verdien ’n staande ovasie op alle fronte. Die woordspeling op “Fynbos” en “Fine Arts” is pittig. Die tydsberekening, om Hermanus se galerye, restaurante, gastehuise en inwoners te dra deur die donkerste, natste deel van die winter, verdien applous. Die veelsydige program met ’n magdom genres is enig en intiem op die feeskalender duskant Oudtshoorn. Hope plaaslike talent kry kans om uit te stal en vir die res is daar blootstelling aan die beste van buite.
Die mate waartoe die program deur die hele Hermanus meander, deur dorpskern tot in Zwelihle, van Hawston tot in Hemel-en-Aarde, is merkwaardig. Die praktiese en gebruikersvriendelike glansboekie beïndruk. Die webtuiste is ’n voorbeeld vir ander feeste, wat soms tot verwarrens toe bladsye en bladsye “lysies” beslaan. Dankie vir die innovering om vir 10 dae in Hermanus, met sy gebrek aan “voete” buite seisoen en sy “mespunt”-sakebestaan, fakkeltjies aan te steek om die dorp in die donker winter te verlig.
Dankie vir mense soos julle Die familie van Joey Keth wil hulle opregte dank teenoor die matrone en personeel van die kliniek by die Village of Golden Harvest uitspreek. Dank vir volgehoue liefdevolle versorging oor jare heen, dank vir professionele dienslewering en dank vir die warm ontvangs met elke besoek. Ons ma kon nie in ’n beter plek gewees het
nie. Telkens het ons verstom gestaan oor die geduld en empatie waarmee inwoners behandel is. Hulle het ons gerusstelling gebied deurdat hulle vir ons ingestaan het met die versorging van ons verswakkende ma. Sy het nooit ’n tekort aan aandag en liefde ervaar nie.
Zwelihle’s Humanity Youth organisation Our dream is to ensure that there are options for the Hermanus community other than drugs, woman and child abuse, animal abuse, planet destroying, verbal and emotional abuse. It is important for us all to work together to ensure a positive future for our youth. The fact is that many of our youth are poor, disadvantaged and dispossessed. Many fall through the cracks through bad choices.
Our role as the Humanity Youth organisation and leaders is to provide youth with alternatives and help guide them into a brighter future. We have already started with a piece of art at Zwelihle zone 5 wall. If anyone wants to donate paint and brushes for future projects, please contact Sipho or Nico on 073 149 1175.
Weerspyskaart ’n ‘mixed grill’ Mens kan skaars glo dat die jaar so vlieg. Ons is reeds in die 20ste week van die jaar en is dus amptelik op die eerste paar treetjies van die winter. Mens kan dit hier in die Overstrand aan die koue wind in die rug voel. En wat kan mens vanjaar van die winter verwag? Weet nie, reken Langfaan, maar hy wil vir ons sê dit gaan nie ’n gewone winter wees nie. Die weer had die afgelope week wel sy gewone mombakkies vir hierdie tyd van die jaar, maar kyk net hoe verskil die voorspellings in die media. Een ding is egter seker; die komende naweek sal nie heelpad plesierig wees nie. Die reëntjie wat oor ons uitsak, lig Vrydag met dagbreek ’n bietjie op en dit is die hele dag sonnig; maar net voor 7de Laan môreaand aanvang, raak dit weer reënerig tot Saterdagoggend, met genoeg wolke om besoekers aan die Overstrand af te skrik. Die ligte bries uit die ooste sal rondom 13° draai. Die geneuk kom by die Indiese hoogdruk wat nie dié kant toe of daai kant toe ordentlike konveksie kan bewimpel nie. Hy was Woensdag nog ’n sterk hoogdruk van 1 024 hPa op 40° suid en het hom sedert Dinsdag verlustig aan konveksie tussen twee laagdrukke, die een by Gough en die ander by Marion. Vandaar die algemene voorspellings dat dit Saterdag heeldag sal reën. Weerhaan sê aikôna, die outjie het nie genoeg woema om die druk van die
Atlantiese hoog (1 028 hPa) te trotseer nie en sal moet aanbeweeg. Net ’n paar druppels kan val. Die vlieg in die salf is egter die klein laagdruk aan die noordweskus vanwaar Donderdag se reën eintlik vandaan kom. Hy is so klein dat mens hom skaars op die skerm kan sien en pure mossie maar man. Die sonnetjie wat Saterdagmiddag deurbreek, bly tot Maandagaand met sonsak met ons. Die oostewind kom dan weer aan. Maar moenie dink Sondag se son gaan vir almal lekker wees nie. Mense! Dit gaan tot 13 °C daal want die oostewind kom uit ’n nat en koue OosKaap. En wat het dit alles te doen met Langfaan se swartgalligheid dat die winter vanjaar steeks gaan wees? Mens sien dit aan die jong saailinge in die dorpstuine. Mens kry omtrent niks aan die groei nie. Dit lyk of die plantjies weet wat voorlê. Net die jong klomp op die branderplanke in hul rubberpakke is nie bekommerd nie. Die lekker winter deinings wag.
10 Hermanus Times Celebrating 100 years
Mense People
15 May, 2014
CILENE BEKKER Kidbrooke resident Kathleen Dorothy Hamilton, née Hudson, celebrated her 100th birthday on 12 May, in the company of her two daughters, Mary Jane and Tessa. Mary Jane says her mom was born in a certain Mrs Batchelor’s house in Lovers Walk, Rondebosch, and that “this has always amused her”. “Mum used to work at Metro Goldwyn Mayer in Johannesburg when she met and married dad Maurice Hamilton during the war.” Mary Jane also tells the story of her mum’s parents who had returned to Cape Town from the UK and that Kathleen’s father had brought the first hydroplanes to South Africa along with Royal Flying Corps pilot Dennis Cutler. In a report in The Daily News dated September 9, 1969 (which Mary Jane showed the Hermanus Times) it states that, “For centuries man has been boating and swimming. But the earliest record of anybody aquaplaning or skiing in Durban Bay dates back to 1914 when Mr Gerard Hudson bought and imported two hydroplanes as a novel attraction for the gala season. It was used for flips around the Bay.”
BASAARWARMTE TEEN DIE WINTER KOUE: Die NG Kerk Hermanus se kerk basaar Vrydag was weereens ’n enorme sukses ten spyte van die koue en reën. Volgens die koster, Hester Fourie, het hul le kort voor 17:00 die deure oopgemaak en was verkope fluks. Pannekoeke, heer like tuisgebak en vars vleis is sommer vinnig uitverkoop. Rothea Kleynhans, Rhoda Brynard, Hanna Patterson en Ma riaan Verster moes bontstaan om voor te bly met die vraag na pannekoeke.
Daughters Mary Jane and Tessa celebrated their mum’s 100th birthday on Monday 12 May. Kathleen Hamilton has been living at Kidbrooke Place for the past 10 years. It was later taken to Kenya during WWI where it was used to trace the Koningsberg, a German boat hiding on an East African river. Mary Jane and Tessa have enriched Kathleen’s life with six grandchildren, who added eleven great-grandchildren to the family fold.
MA EN DOGTERFUNKSIE: ’n Ma en dogterfunksie by Wellness Emporium Salon het op 3 Mei plaasgevind. ’n Modevertoning en ’n heerlike ontbyt is geniet saam met kliënte. Die missie by Wellness Emporium is om kliënte te help met leefstylbeplanning, soos gesonde eetwyses, skoonheidsgewoontes, streshantering, detoksifikasie, kolon spoelings ens. Hulle spesialiseer ook in niesjirurgiese estetiese behandelings. By die funksie is Marcel Hartman van Omega 3, Deirdré Grobbelaar, eienaar van Wellness Emporium Salon, Abigail Reck, Denike le Roux, Natasha Byleveld, Sophia Byleveld, Cin dy Khonco, Apologies (voor) en Elna Botha, ontvangsdame van Wellness Emporium.
Bringandbraai fundraiser a huge success The Hermanus Staan Saam (HSS) organisation and the Overberg Food and Blanket drive had a very successful Bring-and-Braai evening on Friday 2 May. This event was organised to raise funds for both HSS and the Overberg Food and Blanket drive. HSS supports poor families in the Hermanus area and the Overberg Food and Blanket project was created to collect blankets and food for the five Overberg animal shelters. The event was hosted at
Bikers Pub in the Hermanus industrial area. Organisers Tronel Meintjies and Danica Palvie would like to thank each and every person who supported the evening. More than 100 people attended the event and blankets and food were donated which will be distributed to those in need. Tronel Meintjies from HSS and At the event Graham van Danica Palvie from the Over berg Food and Blanket drive or Heerden from the Bikers Club paid homage to Eastganised the fundraiser. wood Loftus Nel, the bikelover who had passed away earlier that day. Altogether more than R4 000 was raised. the Hermanus
Daar was ook heerlike vars lamsvleis te koop. Van links is Stephen le Roux, Ru dolph Pretorius, Johann Oosthuizen en Jo han Conradie by hul stalletjie.
Juanita Malan, Pine Pienaar en Jacques Malan het by een van die tafels aangesit en van die plaaslike gebak geniet. Mu siek is verskaf deur Gert van der West huizen en sy dogter, Liezel.
Soetgoed het soos soetkoek verkoop, ook by die tafel van Comine Zandberg, Elsabé de Beer en Charlene Behn. Rosemary Luyt was een van die baie besoekers wat kon kies en keur om haar soettand te bevre dig.
CELEBRATING 102 YEARS: Betty Wright will be turning 102 in July but her family decided to hold a super special celebration for her on Mother’s Day. Betty came from Douglas in the Karoo to visit the family home in Her manus after 15 years. With Granny Betty are Eugene van Wyk (grandson), together with his fiancée, Debi Thom son, and his mom, Gillian van Wyk. “This wonderful woman has seen both World Wars, and still regularly writes to us,” says Debi.
BOONTJIES KRAAL HIS TORY: Uwe Kersandt and Doreza De Wet, authors of the book Boontjieskraal, addressed members of the Hermanus History Society on 6 May dur ing an outing to the farm. Members learnt about the history of and life on Boontjieskraal. The farm area, which dates back to the early 18th century, is situ ated at a crossroads in the Overberg on the old Cape Wagon Way. The members also visited the area where Hermanus Pieters is buried. Hermanus Pieters taught at Boontjieskraal as well as other farms. His name was given to the town, which was originally called Hermanuspietersfontein be fore it was abbreviated to Hermanus in 1902. ......................... PHOTO: FRANS THEUNISSEN
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
DONDERDAG 15 MEI ) Die borduurgroep kom byeen by die De Wet saal van 09:00 – 13:00. Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday of the month at The Class Room restaurant at 12:15. Lyle: 0 028 314 1390 / 073 778 2777. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. All welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. VRYDAG 16 MEI ) Sprokkelsterteater in Onrus bied aan: Sê jy ek is dik 2 – ’n volronde kabaret met Marika Reinke en Yolande Rabe, om 20:00. Kaartjies is R80. Be spreek by Louise: 0 082 896 5106 of 0 028 316 4567. ) Hermanus Hacking group meets from 06:45 – 09:00. Volunteers are welcome. Charlyn Vosloo:
15 May, 2014
0 082 558 8731. ) Die Hermanus Pro Musicakoor en die Haws tonGriekwakoor tree op by die Grobbelaarsaal om 19:00. Kaartjies, teen R50 per persoon, is be skikbaar by die NG kerkkantoor, Hermanus. ) Geniet tee of koffie en tuisgebak by die biblio teek se Bhukikafee van 09:00 – 11:30. ) Kolwyntjieteetuin by die Onrus NG Kerk van 09:30 – 11:30. Tuisgebak en tee of koffie vir R20. ) Kunsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus van 09:00 – 12:00. Estelle Valkenburg: 0 028 316 3522. ) U3A presents Punch – Shakespeare: His life as we know it, at the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Robin Lee: 0 028 312 4072. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 13:00 – 17:00. Jaye Howse: 0 028 312 1553. ) The Hermanus Botanical Society’s presentation by Matthew Lewis on his research of the ecology of a troop of nonraiding chacma baboons will be held at 19:00 in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve Hall. Margaret: 0 082 821 1872. SATURDAY 17 MAY ) Hermanus Country Market from 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kosenwynmark
5 years on and lots to smile about It’s hard not to smile when you enter the iSmile orthodontic practise of Dr Frans Kruger in Northcliff, Hermanus. Even though the main reason for visiting is exactly because your smile isn’t as perfect as it can be. It’s the warm, perfect teeth welcome smile you receive from Dr Kruger when you walk through the doors of his practice, adjacent to his and wife Louisa’s home at 9 Impala Street. This month it has been five years since he first opened his doors. And there are at least three reasons for celebrating.
Not least of all the addition of little Estella (1) to the family fold, a sister to Sophia, who is now three years old. “Yes, we’re growing on all fronts,” says Frans with a proud grin. Another reason to celebrate is the extension of the services offered by Dr Kruger. Although 90% of his clients are and will remain children who require orthodontic attention, he does now offer facial aesthetics for adults. He explains: “It’s Botox and fillers. All this is still in the same field of enhancing your smile. Botox everyone knows, and fillers are for smoothing out those laughing lines around the mouth.” Dr Kruger offers this service twice a week, in the mornings. But his main focus is still dental orthodontics for children. “This is the other reason for celebrating. To give a public thank you to our clients for their continued support. It is great to see some of the brothers and sisters of their now older siblings also coming in for braces. So many of the same families have remained
SUNDAY 18 MAY ) The Salandara Country Market every Sunday from 09:00 – 16:00 on the R43 at the Shell Service Station between Hermanus and Bot River. MONDAY 19 MAY ) U3A series on 19th Century French Art will fo cus on the influence of Millet and Toulouse Lautrec on modern painting, in the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Barbara Pretorius: 0 028 312 1438. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 or 072 230 9179. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Mar tin: 0 082 438 6008. ) The Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s Astropho tography evening is at 19:00 at Deon Krige’s place. The topic is Processing of Keyhole Nebula image. Deon Krige: 2 deonk@telkomsa.net. TUESDAY 20 MAY ) Hermanus Hacking group meets (today and al
with us as clients.” The Krugers are happily settled into the Hermanus community. Frans says he still manages a few games of golf and squash with a pilatus class thrown in now and again, but he’s had to wave goodbye to kitesurfing now, with little Estella now on board too. Louisa, besides being a mom and the manager of the pratice, still runs her popular Saturday morning ante-natal classes. She too has had her turn in her husband’s chair ‘to sort out crowded teeth’ and sported tooth-coloured aesthetic braces for fifteen months. For more information and all you need to know about iSmile’s services, tariffs and various treatment options, go to their website www.ismile.co.za. You can also view before and after photos (wonky smile / sunny smile) on the website and 5 second videos on their facebook page, facebook.com/ismile.co.za. ) Contact Lourie Denysschen (reception/ assistant) at iSmile on 028 313 2195 or 082 969 7571 for an appointment with Dr Kruger. The practice is open from 08:30 to 17:00 Mondays to Fridays. Otherwise send an email to info@ismile.co.za.
Wishing I Smile a very happy 5th Birthday!
Dr Frans Kruger and his wife Louisa with lit tle Estella (1). Their other daughter, Sophia (3) was at the créche when this photo was taken.
Affordable Accounting and Taxation Services.
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Congrats on your th 5 Birthday!! Dr HERMAN FOURIE B. CH. D Stell TANDARTS/DENTIST
Best wishes on your 5th Birthday!!
van 09:00 – 13:00. ) Market in the Garden from 09:00 – 14:00 at HemelenAarde Village.
Hoofweg 9 Main Road Hermanus 028 312 1066
Ons wens julle 'n baie gelukkige 5de verjaarsdag toe.
so tomorrow) from 06:45 – 10:00, opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, Northcliff. André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) Join the U3A for A Taste of Hermanus, featuring Chocolate: Hermanus Golf Club, at 10:00 in the Catholic Church hall. Letitia Snyman: 0 028 316 5170. WEDNESDAY 21 MAY ) Dale Wright, conservation manager and IBA (Important Birding Areas) representative will give a presentation called Soaring to New Heights, for the Hermanus Bird Club at the Fernkloof Hall at 19:00.00. Craig: 0 083 227 9003. ) Trimgimklasse vir seniors by die Onrusrivier dienssentrum van 10:00 – 1:00. R30 per diens sentrumlid, R45 vir nielede. ) WeighLess group meets at the De Wet Hall in Onrus at 08:30. Annette Meiring: 0 082 560 2836. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 in die gebedskamer by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oosthuysen: 0 072 322 0998.
Win a free examination The first 10 people to respond to this invitation will each receive a free miniorthodontic examina tion, valued at R200. It lasts half an hour and will determine your child’s orthodontic dental needs. Contact Lourie Denysschen at iSmile on 028 313 2195 or 082 969 7571 and quote “Hermanus Times” to qualify. Dr Frans Kruger in the dentist chair for a change. With him is his wife Lou isa and his receptionist/ assistant Lourie De nysschen.
Beste wense met jul 5de verjaarsdag!!
Hermanus Times
Sakegids Business Guide
15 May, 2014
Chamber AGM now on 22 May The Hermanus Business Chamber AGM will now take place on Thursday 22 May, from 18:00 to 20:00 at the Bowling Club. It will be combined with the soup and sherry networking session (that was planned for 12 June, but this clashes with FynArts events). An overview of last year and plans ahead will be discussed. The executive committee for the next year will also be appointed. The cost to attend is R50. RSVP to Alta Pretorius, chamberceo@hermanus.co.za or 028 315 1619.
‘More than lip service needed’ for CBD and Lemm’s Corner KERRY VAN RENSBURG The sad demise of Lemm’s Corner, as seen through the eyes of Beth and Noel Hunt, and their suggestions to restore this once vibrant and creative hub of Hermanus, has generated a great deal of interest. The Hunts, who have owned Hemmingways Bookshop in Harbour Road for the past 19 years, say that after their letter was published in the Hermanus Times of 24 April, they experienced a positive and supportive response to their proposal for Lemm’s Corner and the Hermanus CBD. They say: “As well as between 20 to 30 walkins and telephonic calls received at our shop, we have been informed that an executive consultant is currently proposing to negotiate a lease on Lemm’s Corner and will put forward a business plan to the relevant authorities.” Angela Heslop of the Hermanus History Society has indicated that the society is in favour of the proposal to bring about the restoration of the CBD and in particular Lemm’s Corner as a historical landmark of which the town can be proud. The Hunts confirm that considerable support has been shown for the upgrading of Lemm’s Corner with a view to perhaps transforming this area into a park with trees, benches, gardens, and a fountain. As far as the revitalisation of the CBD initiative that was launched some time ago, is concerned, the Hunts say: “In 2013 we attended a meeting by Petrus Hendrickz, held in the auditorium. We put our names down on a list confirming our wish to participate in the proposals for pro-active
change.” They continue: “Our focus as shop retailers in the CBD is not on the Sandbaai mall or any other such development, but solely on revitalising the CBD, which already is suffering as a result of the geographical shift to the Checkers/Woolworths malls.” The Hunts say in the last five years they have seen a radical down marketing of the CBD and the neglect surrounding Lemm’s Corner is a point in case. “Our proposals are not ‘about moaning’, but are rather pro-active suggestions with a view to creating change for the benefit of a town which stakes its claim internationally as the whale watching capital of the world.” The Hunts claim that at least eighteen months ago they sent a proposal to the mayor supporting the delineation of an old town, which was to include the revamp of Lemm’s Corner. “Shortly afterwards, we were visited at our shop by Ben Solomon, an official of the municipality. He enthused about the concept which we had suggested. To date, we have received no further response from either him, the mayor or any other member of the municipality.” Elizabeth du Toit, director of the Old Harbour Museum, says: “The Board of Trustees has already identified and approved the implementation of a long-term plan, including an enclosed garden with benches and lights for the Lemm’s Corner area, as well as a few permanent kiosks for selected traders. This was drawn up by an architect and is presently going through some processes, looking at some other input from various members of the community, tenants and traders. Since
the last two publications of the Hermanus Times, some more supportive proposals have come forward and all of these go to the Board of Trustees for its perusal. It will be meeting next week (Thursday 15 May) and will then give an indication of what the way forward will be.” Although Hemingways and other retailers do open 7 days a week, and have done so for some years now, there still remains a considerable number of shops who do not follow this pattern. “To the best of our knowledge there are no regulations, apart from Village Square, regarding retail shop hours. Although it should be obvious to retailers to take cognisance of the fact that Hermanus is a destination for visitors from Cape Town and further afield, an entrenched mindset still prevails with most shops closing midday Saturday only to reopen again on Monday morning,” say the Hunts. They say they had experienced a problem regarding the rental of their business premises as a result of the financial strain of annual increments way in excess of current inflation and market rates. They were, however, able to negotiate more realistic terms with their landlord. “Unfortunately, this is not the case with a number of small retailers. In fact a small business in the CBD is currently paying almost double the price per square metre as is being charged by the Cape Town Waterfront. The Hunts say: “We have been heartened to know that our vision for the CBD, especially Lemm’s Corner, is shared by so many others. However, more than lip service to make this a reality is required.”
At the launch are (from left) Fanie Nolte, Annemarie Senekal, Christina de Vries, Tanya Kirsten (behind the counter) and Linda Kirsten. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Good nutrition on the go NUWE BESTUUR: AfriForum het Maandagaand 28 April ’n lede vergadering in Hermanus gehou waartydens ’n her strukturering van die bestuur plaasgevind het. Agter: van links na regs: Elmarie van Dalen (ondervoorsitter), Dirk Scott (omgewingsake), Pittius Coetzee (plaaslike regeringsa ke), Pieter Rautenbach (hoof van plaaslike regering: AfriFo rum) en Chris Nieuwoudt (veiligheid). Voor: Marianne Ros souw (voorsitter), Tony Breytenbach (addisionele veiligheid), Stefan Pretorius (organiseerder WesKaap: AfriForum), Elke van Dalen (addisionele jeug) en Hanlie Britz (jeugbelange).
KERRY VAN RENSBURG If you want to boost your metabolism, increase your energy levels and enjoy healthy, nutritious meals, then Tanya Kirsten has a solution. With the launch of her Wellness Studio and Nutrition Club recently, Tanya treated her guests to a taste of the Herbalife range that she is using to promote a healthy
lifestyle. Tanya says: “The nutrition club is a way to create awareness about making better nutrition choices to live healthier lives.” At the Wellness Studio, with its nifty health bar, Tanya will make up a healthy meal for you. A whole ‘meal’ costs R40 and is a way to try the products before buying the range, or if you have skipped a meal (particularly breakfast) during the day. The club, situated at 1 Mimosa Street (inside Sugarberry Distributors) in the Industrial area, is open from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 13:00.
Hermanus team back from tour ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN A tired but triumphant team of delegates returned earlier this week after blowing the trumpet for Hermanus and the Whale Coast at the annual Tourism Indaba. Blake Albert, general manager at the Windsor Hotel and one of the delegates, said the trip was a huge success and that they are hoping that the payoff will be visible within the next few months. Albert is part of a team of local business people who grouped together on a Hermanus On Tour mission to ensure a presence in the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Convention Centre (Durban ICC) at the Tourism Indaba in Durban held from 10 – 12 May. “The Indaba this year was a lot better than last year. The Whale Crier, Eric Davalala, was absolutely amazing. He captivated both the local and international visitors with his energy and everyone wanted to take a photo with him. He was truly an incredible ambassador for Hermanus and the Whale Coast as a whole.”
Albert said they used some old-school tactics to draw people to their stall. “We had a welcoming cocktail party, and on Mother’s Day we handed out little bouquets of Fynbos we had taken along for the trip.” A cardboard shark to advertise the region’s shark cage diving industry, was also a huge hit. “The teamwork between the delegates was outstanding. Everyone worked together, channelling the right energy. It was such a wonderful culmination of ideas and we drew a lot of attention,” said Albert. “There were also a number of bloggers who became very interested in the area and we are hoping that they will be visiting soon.” The Whale Crier is still on his way back from Indaba with the Hermanus Online team in their vehicle named Die Skip. Davalala will be welcomed home today (Thursday), when he completes the last leg of the journey. A party will be welcoming him at Hermanus Tourism at around 15:30. To follow his progress, sponsored by Multitrack, visit www.hermanusontour.co.za.
The Whale Crier, Eric Davalala, was a huge hit at the Tourism Indaba in Durban. He was part of the Hermanus on Tour delegation.
Hermanus Times
Sakegids Business Guide
15 May, 2014
FINMONITOR: En as die beer oorneem? Die aandelebulmark wat reeds jare duur, het ernstige aandeelbeleggers goed beloon. Dit begeester terselfdertyd opportunistiese – eintlik naïewe – beleggers. Dié beleggers spring daagliks nog geesdriftig op die wa, meestal sonder ’n beleggingsplan. Blykbaar redeneer hulle so: “Aandelebelegging is pret, opwindend, lonend en eintlik eenvoudig. Kies ’n prominente aandeel, beursverhandelde fonds of laasjaar se wenner onder effektetrusts, dompel jou beleggingsgeld daarin, sit agteroor en kyk hoe jou rande meer word soos die JSE indekse nuwe hoogtepunte bereik. Beleggingsadviseurs is ’n beslommernis en kos geld; beleggingsplanne belemmer beweeglikheid.” En as die beer die bul verjaag? “Wel dan sal ons tog betyds uitspring”, meen hulle met selfvertroue. Wel, wel. Toe die JSE Algehele Indeks met sowat 44% tussen 2008 en 2009 getuimel het, het sulke beleggers (sonder ’n beleggingsplan) hulle op ’n bloedige slagveld bevind. Vir lank moes hulle slegs wonde lek en kon hulle nie aktief op die beurs optree nie. Maar nou, vyf jaar later, in ’n stewige bulmark, baljaar hulle weer. Vrae ontstaan oor die volhoubaarheid van die bulmark wat kort-kort nuwe hoogtepunte bereik. Die wêreldekonomie stotter, vraagtekens hang oor China se ekonomiese mirakel, die SA ekonomie vertoon swak en swakker, rentekoerse is blykbaar op ’n stygbaan, arbeidsonrus verlam van ons belangrikste uitvoersektore en sakesentiment is bedruk en kwesbaar. Teen hierdie agtergrond lyk aandelewaardasies hoog d.w.s. aandele van prominente maatskappye wat reeds opvallende
pryslopies gehad het, lyk duur. Dit verg dapperheid om te argumenteer dat ’n beurskorreksie buite die kwessie is. Ernstige beleggers pantser hulle teen die risiko van kapitaalverlies, besluitloosheid en verwarring indien so ’n situasie sou uitspeel deur op ’n deeglik-beredeneerde beleggingsplan staat te maak. Hoe gaan die opportunistiese beleggers so ’n situasie sonder ’n beleggingsplan trotseer? Eintlik baie moeilik. Hoe gemaak om ’n beleggingsplan in plek te kry? 1. Aanvaar dat elke belegger se situasie uniek is; daar bestaan nie ’n “one-size-fitsall”-beleggingsoplossing nie 2. Betrek ’n beleggingsdeskundige tensy jyself een is 3. Ontleed jou behoeftes: word gereelde inkomste-onttrekkings benodig; is kapitaal nodig vir kinders se opvoeding of aankoop van ’n nuwe motorvoertuig; is aanvulling van ontoereikende bestaande aftreevoordele nodig ens? 4. Ontleed jou totale finansiële situasie: uitstaande skuld, belastingpligtigheid, bestaande beleggings, ens. 5. Bepaal jou vermoë om risiko te kan hanteer – toepaslike metodes bestaan om dit te bepaal vanaf TOTAAL KONSERWATIEF (geen risiko-aptyt) tot UITERS AGGRESSIEF (groot risiko-aptyt). Hierdie stap is krities belangrik. 6. Wys beleggingsfondse toe aan bateklasse met verskillende risikoprofiele nl. aandele en eiendom (hoë risiko), rentebeleggings – geldmark en ander (laer risiko) in ’n mengsel wat jou risiko-aptyt weerspieël. Verfyn deur fondse tussen plaaslike en internasionale belegging te versprei. ’n Beleggingstrategie kristalliseer wat in ’n beleggingsplan vervat word.
7. Implementering van die beleggingsplan volg. Aandele, effektetrusts en rentebeleggings word uitgesoek, plaaslike sowel as internasionaal. Direkte aandelebelegging asook effektetrusts en ander geskikte beleggingsprodukte word vermeng om die toepaslike risikomengsel van die beleggingsportefeulje te verseker. 8. Die hele proses werk beste deur ’n beleggingskundige te betrek. Die beleggingsplan is die kompas wat koers aandui, rustigheid bring en vertroue inboesem veral wanneer die beleggingsomgewing onstuimig raak en versleg in ’n pynlike korreksie. Dit rig die toepaslike respons; deur by die plan te bly solank die belegger se omstandighede nie verander het nie word impulsiewe, emosionele beleggers-optrede voorkom. As die beer oorneem en die pret en opwinding verander na kommer en vrees namate beleggingswinste in verliese omswaai lyk sake glad nie meer eenvoudig nie. Dis dan wanneer die beleggingsplan, deurdag en deeglik opgestel, ernstige van opportunistiese en paniekerige van rustiger beleggers onderskei. En dis wanneer jy gemoedsrus waardeer. NOTA: Hierdie artikel behels nie uitdruklike advies nie. Dit is wys om altyd voor mens belê met jou beleggingsadviseur te skakel. Chris van Wyk is ’n senior portefeuljebestuurder by PSG, Hermanus.
FinMonitor Chris van Wyk
Gansbaaisakekamer floreer Gedurende die algemene jaarvergadering van die Gansbaai-sakekamer het voorsitter Fanie Bothma uitgebrei oor die projekte wat hulle aangepak het en die “besonder goeie groei” in hul ledetal. Hy het onder meer verwys na die moeilike ekonomiese klimaat en hoe dit ook in Gansbaai gevoel word. “Die verbruiker kry swaar en ongeveer 50% van alle kredietgebruikers sit met ’n verswakte kredietrekord. Daarom is hulle nie in staat om te bestee nie – onlangse syfers bevestig dit ook. Ons voel dit ook in Gansbaai, maar sien wel tekens van hoop vir sakeondernemings.” Van die sakekamer se projekte deur die jaar was: ) ’n Vyf dag-lange entrepreneurskursus wat deur 26 gekeurde mense bygewoon is. Die aanbieder was dr. Johan Louw en die Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut (AHI) het dit gesubsidieer teen ongeveer R3 000 per persoon. “Ons moes sekere koste dra en die kerkgemeenskappe (Fraternal, die liggaam vir al die geestelike leiers in Gansbaai) het ons ondersteun deur geriewe beskikbaar te stel en die spyseniering te doen.” Ná ’n opvolgvergadering in Oktober is ’n “broeikas” gestig om deurlopende ondersteuning aan die jong entrepreneurs te verleen. “Hulle het groepleiers gekies wat nou self die strukture moet benut tot hul eie voordeel,” sê Bothma. ) Dieselfde week is ’n twee dag-lange entrepreneurskursus by Gansbaai Academia aangebied vir die senior leerders. Die kursus is ook geborg deur die AHI en aangebied deur Jannie Kruger van die AHI. Elke leerder het ’n handboek ontvang en op die skool se versoek is gereël dat die uitvoerende hoof van die AHI,
Christo van der Rheede, hulle toespreek oor ’n toekomsvisie en om leerders te motiveer om hul geleenthede te benut. Van der Rheede was ook die gasspreker by ’n geleentheid van die sakekamerlede waar hy sertifikate aan die jong entrepreneurs oorhandig het. Nog ’n gasspreker was Jannie Mouton van PSG. ) Gansbaaiwaseenvandie eerste sakekamers in die land Bestuurslede is Rene Beukes (ondervoorsitter), Fanie Bothma om ’n Memorandum van Ver- (voorsitter) en Glenda Kitley (sekretaresse). Agter staan Neels standhouding (MVV) met die Claassen, DJ Heyns, Ben Gericke (tesourier) en Jorine van der Overstrand-munisipaliteit te Merwe. teken. Dié inisiatief het voortgevloei uit hulp wat die AHI vir die sentrale jek deur die Grootbos-stigting. “Ná dié besoek het daar reeds drie staatsderegering aangebied het om sukkelende munisipartemente in Gansbaai besoek afgelê om hulp paliteite te help. Bothma berig ’n komitee is daarna saamge- aan te bied met die projekte. Ons het net ’n paar stel, bestaande uit die sakekamer se voorsitter wekegelede’naanbodgekryvan’nstaatsdeparen ondervoorsitter, asook die Overstrand se di- tement om nóg projekte na hulle te kanaliseer.” ) Een projek wat al drie jaar lank sloer en rekteur van plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkedalk geskrap gaan word, is navorsing oor ’n viling en direkteur van finansies. ) Die sakekamer bou ook goeie verhoudinge sie vir Gansbaai. “Ons het dit geïnisieer en dit met die toerismekantoor. “Ons betrek mekaar het beland by die Overstrand se direkteur van en beplan en bespreek saam aksies. Die sakeka- plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Daar is lamer het byvoorbeeld bome geplant by dorpsin- ter by die wykskomitee daarvoor as projek begange en Gansbaai Toerisme het die dorp ver- groot, maar dit kom nie van die grond af nie.” Bothma het voorts verslag gelewer oor die der verfraai. Ons het ook saam aksieplanne bevoordele van inlywing by die AHI. “Dit kos ons spreek met Wesgro.” ) ’n Afvaardiging van die sakekamer het R1 000 per jaar waarvoor ons vele voordele ontverlede jaar in November by min. Alan Winde vang soos die R78 000 vir die entrepreneurskurbesoek afgelê. Winde het aangebied om met sy susprogram. Ons kry ook gratis sprekers en departement en mense in verbinding te tree ontvang gereeld ekonomiese nuusbriewe en inmet die versoek om die sakekamer te onder- ligtingoorgeleenthedewatonsledekanbenut.” ) Diesakekamer-gholfdagopSaterdag28Desteun. Deel van die voorlegging was ’n gemeenskapsvoedselproduksie- en werkskeppingspro- sember het die geldinsamelingskis ’n hupstoot van R16 000 gegee. ) Wat die voorgestelde Kleinbaai-haweontwikkeling betref, het Bothma gesê: “Enkele vergaderings en voorleggings is in Gansbaai aangebied, maar dit klink na ’n lang, omslagtige proses waar ons nie veel invloed kan uitoefen nie.” to influence these trends in the years ahead. Bothma het die sakekamer se bestuur beGouws obtained a master’s degree in dank vir die ondersteuning en mooi gees van economics from Stellenbosch University in samewerking. Die ledetal het gegroei van in die 1971. He was appointed chief economist of 40 tot amper 70 teen die einde van verlede jaar. the Nedbank Group in 1979 and from 1986 Hy het gesê daar heers ’n goeie verhouding to June of 2009 he was the chief economist tussen baie van die rolspelers in die gemeenat Rand Merchant Bank (RMB). skap. “Van die sakekamer se kant af doen ons He retired at the end of 2012, but remains moeite om goeie verhoudinge te bou. Ons streef an economic consultant to RMB and a ook daarna om die breër gemeenskap se belanmember of its board. ge te dien.”
Postelection talk looks at economic policy In the wake of the elections, economic policy, politics and ideology after the election, is the topic for a talk presented by Professor Rudolf Gouws at the U3A’s open meeting on Thursday 22 May at the Overstrand auditorium at 17:30. Professor Gouws’ talk will cover recent and long-term trends in the economy. He will then review and evaluate aspects of economic policy and how policy is likely
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
15 May, 2014
WÊRELDWYE PRETLOOP: Die VLV vroue van Hermanus wat Woensdag 30 April deelgeneem het aan die Wêreldbond vir Plattelandse Vroue se wêreldwye pret loop is (van links) Charmaine Lombard, Cora Clark, Berta Koekemoer, Elna Bo tha en Magda Ma rais by Grotto se wandelpad.
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SPLINTERNUWE SKOENE: Die Arugby span van Atlantics het besluit om uit hul eie sak geld bymekaar te sit om vir minderbe voorregte kinders skoolskoene aan te koop. Die rugbyspelers het genoeg bymekaar ge maak vir 20 paar skoene. Dié span en van die bestuurslede het Dinsdag 20 leerders van Mount Pleasant Primêr se harte verbly met die oorhandiging van die splinternuwe, blink skoene. FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET
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Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
Ballet with a twist at FynArts “Bovim Ballet is honoured to be part of Hermanus FynArts,” said Sean Bovim, who founded the Cape Town company five years ago. Ovations, a programme with highlights from the company’s repertoire, will be staged in the Hermanus High School Hall on Saturday 7 June at 19:30. Audiences can prepare to be entertained and enthralled with hand-picked hits from Tango Nights, Swing Time, Romeo’s Kiss, Queen at the Ballet and Private Presley. The programme also offers a powerful fusion of fashion and dance. Sean is an award-winning South African choreographer whose creations have been presented worldwide. Over the past 15 years, he has made ballet accessible by creating popular works that have drawn in a new and young market. He enjoys pushing the boundaries choreographically and creates works that incorporate dance styles such as contemporary, jazz and even African dance without losing the basic principles of ballet technique. The Ovations dancers will also be hosting a dance workshop on 7 June between 11:00 and 12:00 noon in the Hermanus High School hall. Workshop tickets cost R50. ) Tickets at R120 are available at www.webtickets.co.za or Hermanus Tourism on 028 312 2629. For the full programme visit www.hermanusfynarts.co.za, or collect a booklet at the Hermanus Tourism office. If you purchase a minimum of four or five tickets at Hermanus Tourism, you could still get them at the early bird rate.
Make sure not to miss Bovim Ballet’s Ovations during FynArts on 7 June.
NATURE MATTERS Did you know: Most flowering plants are adapted to be pollinated by animals, especially in sects. About a third of all our food comes from crops (fruits and vegetables, maize and wheat) that are pollinated by insects, especially honeybees. They are ideal pollinators because they deliber ately collect pollen and continually move between flowers, often concentrating on a single plant spe cies, and move over large distances. Our world would be very different without hon eybees. So it is very worrying that honeybees are in severe trouble around the world. There is also some cause for concern in South Africa. We can help our bees by not spraying insec ticides and planting bee forage in our gardens.
15 May, 2014
TENDER NO. SC 1475/2014
TENDER NR. SC 1475/2014
Tenders are hereby invited for the sale of either: A: The remainder of Erf 2834 including Erf 2837 Sandbaai, Hermanus, for mixed residential development as well as a retirement village; OR B: Erf 2837 Sandbaai, Hermanus, for a retirement village. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30, upon payment of a tender participation fee of R130.00 per set. Alternatively the documents can be downloaded free of charge from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za Sealed tenders, with “Tender No. SC1475/2014: Sale of (A): The Remainder Of Erf 2834 Including Erf 2837 Sandbaai, Hermanus, for mixed residential development as well as a Retirement Village Or (B): Erf 2837 Sandbaai, Hermanus, For A Retirement Village” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 4 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation provided by the Municipality. The closing date and time of the tender is on Friday, 27 June 2014 at 12h00 and will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the SCM Committee Room, HermanusAdministration. Tenders must be valid for 60 days after the closing date. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any or none of the tenders submitted, as it may deem expedient. Tenders are subject to the most recent Supply Chain Management Policy, and the Administration of Immovable Property Policy of the Overstrand Municipality as amended, approved and adopted by Council. Please refer enquiries to Ms A Kotze at telephone number: 028 313 8938.
Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir: Verkoop van: A: Restant Erf 2834 ingesluit 2837 Sandbaai, Hermanus, vir gemengde Residensiële Ontwikkeling sowel as Aftree Oord; OF Erf 2837 Sandbaai, Hermanus, vir ’n Aftree Oord. Tenderdokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar by die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, vanaf Me Rita Neethling, Tel. 028 313 8064, tussen 08h30 en 15h30, by betaling van ’n tenderdeelnamefooi van R130.00 per stel. Alternatiewelik mag die dokumente gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad: www.overstrand.gov.za Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk “Tender Nr. SC 1475/2014: Verkoop van A: Restant Erf 2834 ingesluit 2837 Sandbaai, Hermanus, vir gemengde Residensiële Ontwikkeling sowel as Aftree Oord OF Erf 2837 Sandbaai, Hermanus, vir ’n Aftree Oord.” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tender Bus Nr. 4 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die tenderdokumentasie deur die Munisipaliteit verskaf. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die tender is Vrydag, 27 Junie 2014 om 12h00 en tenders sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, Hermanus Administrasie. Tenders moet geldig wees vir 60 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die hoogste of enige tender wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie en behou die reg voor om enige of geeneen van die tenders wat aangebied is te aanvaar nie. Tenders is onderhewig aan die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurbeleid, en die Administrasie van vaste eiendom beleid van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit soos gewysig, goedgekeur en aangeneem deur die Raad. Navrae kan gerig word aan Me A Kotze by telefoonnommer 028 313 8938.
Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso sokuthengiswa Kweziza: A: Isahlulo sesiza 2834 kunye nesiza 2837 eSandbaai, ngejongo yokwakha izindlu zokuhlala kunye nezindlu zabantu abathathe umhlala phantsi OKANYE. B: Isiza 2837 esandbaai, Hermanus, ngenjongo yokwakhwa indawo zabantu abahlala phantsi. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala weOverstrand., eMagnolia Avenue,eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye-15h30 usakuhlawula umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba kwiziniki-maxabiso ongama- R130.00. Iitsheki mazenziwe zihlawuleke ku “Masipala we-Overstrand”. kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa,“Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1475/2014: Ukuthengiswa Kwesiza A: Isahlulo sesiza 2834 kunye nesiza 2837 eSandbaai, ngejongo yokwakha izindlu zokuhlala kunye nezindlu zabantu abathathe umhlala phantsi okanye.B: Isiza 2837 esandbaai ngenjongo yokwakhwa indawo zabantu abahlala phantsi.” ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso No. 4 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala waseOverstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 27 June 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamakhulu anamashumi anesbhozo 60 emva komhla wokuvala. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphezulu okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso, neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kunye nomthetho wolawulo lezakhiwo kaMasipala we-Overstrand ka ovunywe libhunga lika Masipala. Nceda nxibelelana no Nkosazana A Kotze kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 313 8938.
TENDER NO. SC 1474/2014
TENDER NR. SC 1474/2014
Tenders are hereby invited for the Supply and Delivery of Copying Paper and Ink Toners to Overstrand Municipality for a contract period ending 30 June 2017. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 16 May 2014, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus; Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30 upon payment of a tender participation fee of R130.00 per set. Alternatively the document may be downloaded free from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za . Sealed tenders, with: “Tender No. SC1474/2014: Supply and Delivery of Copying Paper and Ink Toners to Overstrand Municipality for a contract period ending 30 June 2017.” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 3 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation issued by Overstrand Municipality. The closing date and time of the tender is on 30 May 2014 at 12h00 and tenders will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the Supply Chain Management Committee Room, Hermanus Administration. Tenders must be valid for 60 days after the closing date. Tenders shall be evaluated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and bidders may claim preference points in terms of their B-BBEE status level of contribution. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender, as it may deem expedient. Tenders are subject to the General Conditions of Contract and the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Overstrand Municipality. Please refer enquiries to V Lyners-Swartz at telephone number: 028 313 5027.
Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir die Voorsiening en aflewering van Fotokopieërpapier en Inkhouers aan die Overstrand Munisipaliteit vir ’n kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2017. Tenderdokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag, 16 Mei 2014, by die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, vanaf Me. Rita Neethling, Tel. 028 313 8064 tussen 08h30 en 15h30 na betaling van 'n tenderdeelnamefooi van R130.00 per stel. Alternatiewelik mag die dokument gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad www.overstrand.gov.za. Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk: Tender Nr. SC1474/2014 “Voorsiening en aflewering van Fotokopieërpapier en Inkhouers aan die Overstrand Munisipaliteit vir ’n kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2017.” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tenderbus Nr. 3 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die tenderdokumentasie verskaf deur Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die tender is 30 Mei 2014 om 12h00 en tenders sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. Tenders moet geldig wees vir 60 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Tenders sal evalueer word in terme van die Voorkeurverkrygings Regulasies, 2011 en tenderaars mag voorkeurpunte eis in terme van hul BBSEB status vlak van bydrae. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die laagste of enige tender wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie. Tenders is onderhewig aan die Algemene Kontrakvoorwaardes en die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuursbeleid van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Navrae kan gerig word aan V Lyners-Swartz by
Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso: Ukunikeza Nokuhambisa Kwa Maphepha Okufotokopa kunye ne Ink Toners ku Masipala wase Overstrand kanga ngexesha eliphela nge 30 Juni 2017. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoLwesihlanu 16 Meyi 2014, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand., eMagnolia Avenue, eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye15h30, usakuhlawula umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba oxabisa R 130.00 nge seti Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1474/2014: Ukunikeza Nokuhambisa Kwa Maphepha Okufotokopa kunye ne Ink Toners ku Masipala wase Overstrand kanga ngexesha eliphela nge 30 Juni 2017.” Ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no. 3 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala wase-Overstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 30 Meyi 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamashumi anesthandathu 60 emva komhla wokuvala. Ithenda zizakuhluzwa ngokomgangatho womiselo oKhethekileyo wokuFumana ka-2011 kwaye abanini bethenda banga funa amanqaku okhetheko ngokomgangatho abanawo kwi B-BBEE. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphantsi okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kaMasipala weOverstrand. Nceda nxibelelana no Nkosazana u V Lyners-Swartz kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 313 5027 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo.
Honda launches CBR1000RR SP QUICKPIC For 21 years Honda has pursued a concept of “Total Control” with the Fireblade, after rewriting the rulebook in 1992 with the original CBR900RR. Over the last decade the CBR1000RR has developed into perhaps the most balanced Super Sport machine available, combining exceptional performance and handling with a satisfying ability to extract the very best from every rider. Victories in the World Super Bike (WSBK) championship and all-conquering success at the Isle of Man TT, with average lap speeds of 130 mph plus over 37,73 miles over the mountain course, is testament to the CBR1000RR’s innate capacity. The open-class CBR has built a loyal army of fans around the world over two decades especially with over 200 000 sold, throughout Europe. And in response to demand from hard-core performance enthusiasts, Honda for the very first time in 2014 is producing the CBR1000RR Fireblade SP. A track-focused, yet fully road legal, limited edition Sport Production version of the standard bike that not only looks special – it is special. In Japanese to give something ‘edge’ is to add polish. And for the dedicated track day goer that’s exactly what the CBR1000RR Fireblade SP has been given: “Total Control” with an extra edge. The chassis wears circuit-ready front and rear Öhlins suspension plus Brembo four-piston mono block calipers, with frame revisions and new top and bottom yokes to suit. Pirelli Diablo Supercorsa SP tyres are the finishing touch. The 999.8cc inline four-cylinder engine gets the same updated cylin-
The CBR1000RR SP’s 999.8cc, 16valve inline fourcylinder engine has the same cylinder head updates as the standard machine. PHOTO: QUICKPIC der head as the standard 2014 CBR1000RR Fireblade, with improved inlet/exhaust gas flow and combustion efficiency, and an extra 2 kW peak power boost. However the SP features factory-matched pistons and con-rods, to ensure optimum internal balance. As a track-focused machine there’s no provision for a pillion and a sleek single-seat unit saves weight. Further marking the SP version out from standard is its own unique Tricolour paint – white and two-tone blue, with a central red stripe and trademark Honda gold wheels.
At 35 mm (from 38 mm) the exhaust pipe diameters are smaller, increasing torque and a new vertical connecting pipe balances pressure between cylinders two and three. Peak power of 133 kW – up 2 kW – arrives at 12 250rpm; torque is improved in the 4-6 000 rpm area, peaking with 114 Nm delivered at 10 500 rpm. The CBR1000RR SP’s 999.8cc, 16valve inline four-cylinder engine has the same cylinder head updates as the standard machine. The inlet and exhaust ports have been reshaped and polished with the combustion chambers “gas-flowed” to
improve efficiency. The CBR1000RR SP uses a new “wave” design ignition key; it offers improved security and its compact size greatly reduces the chance of breakage. Also new is the fuel tank cap – it uses an improved breather design for better venting. Instrumentation is a multi-function LCD with a cockpit display dominated by the digital bar-type linear tachometer that scrolls left to right as engine speed increases. Beneath this are the main numerical readouts: gear position, coolant temperature, speedometer, clock/ lap time, trip/fuel efficiency/fuel
consumption and odometer/numerical tachometer. At the bottom of the display are lights for headlight high beam, neutral and indicators. Clear and easy to read in all light conditions, the tachometer has four display modes: Conventional, which uses black LCD segments to show current rpm; Reverse, which employs black LCD segments to show remaining rpm. Peak Hold indicates rpm in the conventional way and also leaves a tell-tale segment showing the peak rpm achieved while Single Segment uses a single block to show current engine speed. In addition the odometer may be switched to display engine rpm numerically. The lap timer features four modes. The display can also show fuel consumption, average fuel efficiency, distance travelled and total elapsed time. To assist debriefing after a session, lap-time recall mode shows the fastest lap time and the lap on which it was set. To ensure gear shifting at the optimum engine rpm, the 5-level shift indicator display uses highly visible white LEDs, adjustable for brightness. They illuminate sequentially as engine rpm rises, finally blinking at a chosen pre-set rpm (default is 13 000 rpm but this can be set between 4 000 rpm and 13 000 rpm). The interval between sequential illumination can also be set at 0,200 or 400 rpm. The Honda CBR1000RR SP is sold Standard with: • Complimentary Rider Training course through the Honda Academy •12 Months Free Roadside Assistance •24 Month unlimited KM warranty Dealer recommended sales price is R189 990
BOLAND Auto Sold
Hermanus Times 15 May, 2014
Hermanus Times 15 May, 2014
BOLAND Auto Sold
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
15 May, 2014
MABUTI It's your 5th birthday away from us. Our hearts are empty. Love from mom & sisters.
GELUK WENSE aan Louis Pretorius op sy 60ste verjaarsdag! Baie liefde jou kinders en die Field familie. ENGAGEMENTS 1040
REWARD!! BLACK WALLET lost on Thursday morning with ID, licence & pension card. In Paterson Street, infront of Strati. 028 316 4068.
MASSAGE THERAPIST. Raymond Philpott. Therapeutic, deep tissue, sports. Kidbrooke Place & Botrivier. Call 082 599 2993.
PRIVATE NURSING SISTER/caretaker/housekeeper/driver available. Will start immediately. Call 079 604 0313. TAROT READING. 25 Years experience. Phone 083 750 9453 for appointments. THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884.
WOELWATERS CRECHE Bedank Checkers vir die uitnodiging vir 'n dag in die bakkery. Elke kind het sy eie doughnuts versier. FUNERAL SERVICES 1025
CONGRATS JOHN QUINCEY AND AIDAN LEAKER on your engagement! We are all so happy for you - you make a wonderful couple. God's richest blessings on you both x. Lots of love from us all: Mom & Dad Leaker & Royce. Mom & "Pops". Kym & Savannah & Bailey Boy. Jarrod Kirst & family. Dust, Andrea & family. Jason, Dee & the dogs "Pepperoni" & Joburg brood and from the Sotheby's Team: Ute, Brent, Lee & Colleen.
1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.
MY CAKE ANGEL. Cakes/cupcakes for all occasions. E-mail: tarrynlotz@gmail.com. Call Tarryn Geyer: 076 154 9612. View: www.mycakeangel.co.za.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com
RENE STEINEMANN 01/11/34 - 07/05/14. To our precious husband/dad, you are at peace now darling Rene. To live in the heart of those we love is never to die. We will love and miss you always. Love Mai and Katya. Private cremation.
HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.
18/05 IS JY 'n jaar tragies weggeneem van ons. Verlange so groot. Onthou jou soos jy was. Liefde van familie.
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a proCONGRATULATIONS blem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 079 1030 697 6555/082 492 4285.
ANNA HENN WORD 80? Baie geluk met Mamma se 80ste verjaardag. Liefde kinders, kleinkinders en agterkleinkind Armand.
ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za.
CONVERSATIONAL XHOSA Macro needs and mini skills. Groups and in1445 house. Call 082 840 6552 CONSOLIDATION LOAN renee.language@gmail. ONLINE. Up to R230 000. com. Bad credit welcome. EHEKELKLASSE VIR mail: help@debtcon.co.za BEGINNERS (3uur klasse). Skakel asseblief tussen 19:00 en 22:00 vir NURSING afspraak. 082 525 2773. LOANS
PARTY/EVENT DANCE floor for hire. Black & white check. Phone Carol or Talitha 028 313 2769.
ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.
DON'T WANT TO JOIN A GYM? Qualified personal trainer will come to you. Affordable rates. Contact Richnard: 079 768 1491.
CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871.
IN LOVING MEMORY. To my departed companion Klaus. He who has gone, so we but cherish his memory, abides with us more potent, nay, more present than the living. 12/09/06 - 06/05/2014.
VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281.
LET ME DO ALL your Video and or Photography of that special occassion. 30 Years experience. Affordable. Call Ben 072 293 6169.
SUGAR PLUM Party Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.
DRINK & SHRINK. Personal Wellness Coach to help you achieve your goals @ The Studio, inside Sugarberry Distributors, 1 Mimosa Street, Industrial Hermanus. Contact Tanya 082 796 5741 to book your appointment and your tasty samples.
MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311.
BENODIG U IEMAND om na u huis, tuin of diere om te sien vanaf middel Julie to einde November? Skakel 072 966 3743. OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679.
QUALIFIED TEACHER: offering private tuition and homework supervision. Monday - Thursday between 14:00 - 17:00. R150 per hour. Contact Angela 083 303 8461.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
15 May, 2014
PEDIGREE TOY POMS. Bed, brush, food & certificate. Call 072 578 7932.
ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, PETS instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. 1660 No call out fee. Call 079 BABA YORKIES - Reunt- 706 1056/074 126 4801. jies en tefies beskikbaar. Aflewering 29 Mei. 078 635 2414
BARGAIN TV CABINET. Large glass side doors. R2500 ono (new R7000). Call 082 455 8901. YORKY'S TE KOOP. 7 Weke oud R2000 elk Sandbaai. Skakel 082 772 2211. WANTED TO BUY 1675
1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280. ccsplant@telkomsa.net.
BARGAIN SHOP. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508. MISCELLANEOUS 1655
BABY NAPPIES from R1.70 each, ADULT DIAPERS at discounted prices. Royal Street Hermanus. Melissa 072 966 5149. WANTED: Antiques, furniture, paintings, bronzes, silver, porcelain, jewellery, watches, clocks. Cash payments for unwanted goods. Call 082 833 2567.
BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749. BUY & SELL. Cash paid for unwanted household furniture, fridges, beds, etc. Super Seconds pays best. Call 079 746 0830.
I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.
FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295. FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS to ladies and Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. mens clothing. Erna Vroom www.fynbosgardens.com 072 380 0440/028 316 REMOVAL OF dangerous 2376. Hemel-en-Aarde trees, tree trimming, plot Estate. clearance, garden mainteNEW OR REMODEL nance, garden refuse Building Drawings done, removal, firewood. Call with New Energy RegulatiWilson 074 824 2195. ons SANS10400XA, CESA, NRCS, SAIA, WSP. E-mail: GLASS/WINDOWS systemhomes@vodamail. co.za. Call Jaco Sadie 076 1827 330 0330. WIND-O-WASH. For professional window cleaning NUTSMAN/HANDYservices in the domestic, MAN Phillip Hough. Sel/commercial, industrial and Cell: 079 613 9328. E-mail: retail sectors. We have vaphimopo@gmail.com. more than 20 years experience in the industry and look forward to your call on 028-313 2232 for a free, no obligation quotation. MISCELLANEOUS
1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874. BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaTRANSPORT & STORAGE ning services. Industrial, 1870 marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 111 VERMONT STO1769. Tel/fax 028-312 RAGE. Space available, 4323. size of single garage, 24Hr ADT, secure & clean. Call 079 382 2276. FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. For all your plumbing requirements and bathroom makeovers call 083 308 0534.
BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028312 2367.
PAINT, TILE, RENOVATE & MAINTAIN. Good prices. Pensioners discount. Phone Enrico at 072 023 8326.
FOR HIRE: TOMCAT WOODCHIPPER. "Keeping out towns clean by 1801 going green, chip it, don't A1 BUILDERS. Alterati- dump it". For more inforons, extensions, new gara- mation contact Basil ges, painting (in and outHaman (Woodchippers side), paving, decking. Hermanus) at 082 898 Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 9694. 072 306 1798. BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION
GJ BOUERS - Nuwe huise - hout & steen, aanboudings, onderhoudswerk, verf, algemene restorasie. 082 973 9297. gerrie2512@gmail.com
OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.
REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. For full garden maintenance, tree felling, plot clearing and refuse JG HOME MAINTEELECTRICAL removal. Also small remo& DIGITAL NANCE. Alterations, buil- vals. Gutter cleaning. Call FRIDGE/FREEZER 1625 ding and paint work. Phone Morné 083 225 3712. (200/250 litres)as new Gerhard at 083 955 2263. R1950. Lovely Oak warAFRI-LANDSCAPES. drobe (oval mirrors) R2950 Landscape design, installa+ old Pye Radiogram CLEANING tion, irrigation and mainSEVICES R2950 (pics on requesttenance. For professional 1805 Napier). Call 083 444 1313. service contact Tony on 1ST HERMANUS 072 125 1855 or GLEN ROWW - 6.1 Inch Pro Surfboard with bag EXCLUSIVE CLEANING tony@afrilandscapes.co.za. R800 ono. Call Pierre 082 SERVICE. Once-off, A & A BOME. Afsaag van 441 8004. weekly/monthly. Full time bome en takke, asook supervision. Honest, well wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot VAPE AFRICA trained staff. Are you by Rooi-Els. Aldert en AniELECTRONIC moving in/out? We can ta skakel 083 739 9865. CIGARETTES help. Mon-Sat. Call 076 E-cigarettes are rising in 115 7382. ALL SEASONS is back in popularity every month town. For landscaping, and people are using COMPUTER SUPPORT, maintenance and plot cleaELECTRICAL them as an alternative to mobile devices. Onsite ring. Inquiries welcome. cigarettes. For all your support and tutoring. 1810 Call Juliet Leppan 072 942 Sales, repairs and mainte- vaping needs we supply 1260. nance. Call Andrea 079 707 all you need, such as: Vape single starter kits. 2997. Vape double kit. Batteries, Cleromizers, Usb charger, wall adaptors, replacement coils, Eliquids - quality flavours. Contact: Ben Rossouw. Cell: 082 726 8771. Tel: 028 316 4217. 11 Brander- 24 HOUR EMERGENCY draai Street, Sandbaai call out Electrician. No BUFFALO GRASS. Save Hermanus. power, no hot water? water, plant indigenous HERMANUS APPLE Installation maintenance & grass. For the best prices, RETAILER delivers brand PASSAP DUOMATIC repairs: industrial, comcall Chris 082 568 2592. new iPads, iPhones, Macmet industriële motor te mercial & domestic. books and Macs to your koop. Ingesluit baie, baie DANGEROUS TREE ReGraeme Lahoud 082 785 door! We also provide on- wol en al die "attachmoval. Pruning, plot clea2017. site support, tutoring and ments" vir Fair Aisle, Deco ring. Hedges trimming. expert advice for your met punch kaarte en tonne ELECTRICAL and house- Alien plant extermination. apple device. Call Chris on brei boeke. Het vir winkels hold appliance repairs. Fire wood. Call T.J.Boshoff (082) 856 5384 or e-mail: gebrei. R8000. Skakel Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 082 954 7970. E-mail: mailchrisvv@gmail.com. Linda 082 653 0197. 7480. bossie.boom@gmail.com.
Aaaaaaaaaaaah, NOW THIS is the answer to your home " PURE WATER" needs. Equal to the world's best domestic purifiers. Quality at a Decent, low, Cost Price. Phone our Call Centre now, for direct and personal consultation. Call 079 710 9004. CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervision. Best prices. Free quotations. Phone Top Carpets 028-313 0721.
SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667.www. solarmax.co.za.
PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
SOUTH COAST PLUMBING. Registered plumber. Service and installations. Quality guaranteed. Pensioner discounts. LPG gas installations & services. Certified installer. Oliver Voigt 072 176 2657/028-312 2796.
We recycle
082 414 9611
CHIMNEY SWEEP. Professional sweep & service of all chimney and cowling types. A clean chimney is a safe chimney. Call Peter 073 157 2415.
FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. Painting, paving, tiling, bathroom makeovers, home maintenance, building requirements call 083 308 0534 .
WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480.
CINDY'S CARPET CLEANERS. Carpets, rugs & upholstery cleaners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 5385/028-316 4264.
PEST CONTROL -WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028316 3010.
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com
A1 STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.
Hermanus Times
15 May, 2014
VERMONT 1 Bed garden flat suitable for single working person R2650 + deposit. Water & electricity incl. Garage optional. Call 082 705 3055.
25 YR LADY is looking for a job as a babysitter or domestic worker. To start asap. For reference call 084 875 9276 or 072 976 4711.
BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact 028 312 4615 or email us at advice@bbrokers. co.za. Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website: www.bbrokers.co.za.
NORTHCLIFF LARGE ROOM. For working, nonsmoking, single, refined female. R1900pm. For interview phone 083 697 2040. Rules will apply.
27 YEARS OLD lady is looking for a house keeping job. 5 days a week. 084 893 1158.
ONRUS RENTAL R4500.00 pm including electricity, water and garden service. Looking for Single person occupancy and non-smoker. Two bedroom flatlet, o/p kitchen, lounge and dining area, two private own entrance off street parkings and close to the sea. Call 082 798 0221 for viewing.
(28YRS) LADY Looking for housekeeping/babysitting job. Please call 078 713 1145. A HARD, FAST learning lady is looking for a job, she is good with kids & general house cleaning. 061 878 4609. A MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job as housekeeper/babysitter. 5 days. Please call Eliza 074 998 7461. A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a housekeeper/gardener/guesthouse attendant/painter. Work permit available. 3 Years experience. Call Alex 084 347 8320. Reference 082 409 1290.
A MALAWIAN man looking for a job as a housekeeper, cook, gardener or carer of the aged. Reference available call 084 866 5974.
BACHELOR GARDEN FLAT - ONRUS. Available immediately. R2400 pm + R200 elec. (previous rent refs required). Call 084 792 1548.
LAND ROVER 1997 Discovery, Petrol V8, Auto. R40 000. Not neg. Cash only. Land Rover 2000 Discovery, Diesel, Manual. R65 000. Cash only. Not neg. Phone 028 312 3527. After 19:00.
EEN SLAAPKAMER woonstel in Fynbospark Aftreeoord. Noordsig en in tuin geleë. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Huur van R3400pm sluit water en ligte in. Skakel C.vd Westhuizen op 023 415 3560/082 821 1611. HERMANUS: ONE BEDROOM flat for single person. Furnished/unfurnished. R2300 pm incl. water & lights. 082 746 6641.
BEACH CLUB R650,000. Urgent sale! Apartment on 1st floor with open plan living areas, 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Sea views. Price greatly reduced. Make an offer! Web ref: 629 685. Heather 083 285 2777. www.gtproperty. co.za. Guthrie & Theron Properties.
CONTACT CECILE 082 811 4182 in Hermanus to buy or sell property.
HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za. VEHICLES WANTED TO BUY 3075
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828. TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering.
CAPE TOWN - upmarket 1 bed unit in CBD R1,395 (presently in Hotel Rental Pool).Napier - house and shop - prime position on Main Road R1,295 + lovely viewsite plot in old heritage area R200 000 - also plot in Stanford R99 000 and Hawston (seaview) R395 000 (Terms Sale could be considered) - pics on request. Call 083 444 1313.
URGENT PLOT FOR SALE R175 000 - Marine Drive Hawston. Contact Alan 083 442 0061. PROPERTIES WANTED TO RENT 3305
SOEK DRINGEND VERBLYF in Onrus, Vermont of Hemel-en-Aarde. R1600p/m vir gemeubileerde woonstel met motorhuis - vanaf 12 Julie to 12 Desember 2014. Skakel 072 966 3743. URGENTLY REQUIRED One or two bedroom unfurnished flat/cottage/ house in or around Hermanus for long term rental by single male of sober habits. Must allow Cats please. Prepared to pay between R3 000 and R4 000 per month. Call Toby on 021 930 6467 or 072 938 9209 or send email to Toby: mynhardt@gmail. com. WANTED GARDEN COTTAGE with garage Onrus / Vermont preferably. Middle age couple & 1 well behaved dog. Call Helen 072 821 4887.
MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job as a housekeeper/babysitter or domestic worker. Please call Ireen 084 389 4889/074 841 2888.
DOMESTIC WORKER. Monday - Friday or daily. Bilingual (Eng & Afr). Call Beauty 071 259 2042/061 053 9338. Reference 082 855 0716. EXPERIENCED MALAWIAN lady is looking for part-time domestic work. Reference avail. Call 078 188 2504/073 271 1411. GERALD A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a house keeper. I'm a smart man, hard working & have 4 years exp. 074 619 4333. HARD WORKER & HONEST. 30 Year old Xhosa man looking for job as gardener. Very neat painter. Please call Allie 083 396 5392. Reference Franswer - 079 959 5556. I AM LOOKING for a job as a house keeper. I'm honest & hard working. Have ref. 10 years exp. 073 117 6301. I AM LOOKING for domestic/housekeeping/child minding job. Reference 084 077 4227. Part time or full time 073 908 0584.
LOOKING FOR full/part time job as a nanny or domestic worker. Please 3315 call Gloria at 083 686 5917 KAMER IN HUIS te huur. or 073 022 8377. R2500 per maand. Sluit in TWO MALAWIAN MEN water en krag, etes, wasand lady is looking for goed en skoonmaak. Skawork as housekeeper or kel Mev. Horn 076 512 gardening. Has experience. 3467. Call 084 277 3784 / 074 824 7171 / 079 033 5300. ROOMS TO LET
MALAWIAN DRIVER CODE 8, cook & garden boy. Avail work permit. 074 540 5968.
THE EATERY IS looking for a Barista. Please email your CV to: theeateryher manus@telkomsa.net or call Julia 083 451 8989.
PHYLLIS A MALAWIAN TEACH IN THAILAND lady is looking for full time teachnet2012@gmail.com. or part time job in housekeeping or domestic. Call 084 044 1540. MEMORY A WELL friendly experienced Malawian, seeks part time or full time job. Ref avail. 074 048 4984. SOUTH AFRICAN GIRL looking for a domestic job, home manegment, waiteress or cashier or willing to take any job. Call 073 122 9929. SOUTH AFRICAN LADY is looking for domestic work. l have reference. Full or part time. Gladys 078 404 8645 / 071 619 0671. GENERAL 3680
99% SAL NIE REAGEER op hierdie advertensie nie. Inkomste potensiaal deeltyds: ± R24 000. Onmiddelike kontantvloei. Geen deur-tot-deur bemarking nie. Skakel Litishia 083 290 8409/Kantoor: 021 850 8184.
CLEANING SERVICE Requires a part time supervisor with own reliaA ZIMBABWEAN lady ble transport and celllooking for work as a phone. Must be able to domestic worker. Honest & work with staff and clihard worker. Work permit ents. Phone 082 967 2113 avail. Call Pamela 073 285 between office hours. 3189. AFRIKAANSE DAME OP soek na huishulp en oppas van kinders. Ervaring van 7 jaar. 071 234 8331 / 072 224 2702.
THINK YOU'RE THE BEST? Think you have what it takes? Do you want to determine your own income? I am looking for a Qualified Estate Agents/Intern to be part of the family? Competitive commissions structures and opportunities - own your own business in a business! Please forward your CV to 086 579 5005.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR a trained Seamstress. Please drop off your CV at Sanah Bij, 5 Warrington Place, Harbour Road, Hermanus. Call Susan 082 294 3412.
WOULD YOU LIKE to become a sales consultant for AVON? SMS/Whatsapp your name and area to 073 302 1463.
SALES Position available @ SUBLIME CLOTHING Village Square
2014 RC
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
We are looking for a young, vibrant, energetic, trustworthy lady who loves people and selling. Previous retail experience essential. Fax a 1 Page CV (with contactable references) to 044 384 1791. Please note that we will only contact successful candidates by 23 May.
POSITION AS SALESMAN We are a well-established manufacturer that specialises in the design and manufacturing of kitchens, bathrooms, shop fitting, staircases and all forms of wooden furniture in the Overberg Region. We have a data base of satisfied corporate and household customers. Because of our unique quality products and outstanding service, we are established in this niche market that we want to build out. The potential candidate should comply with the job description and should have the skills as set out as per the details posted at http://www.careers24.com/jobs/adverts/466774sales-representative-overberg/ CV's of applicants to be submitted to info@redchair.co.za before 15 June 2014 Management, Red Chair Functional Art (Pty) Ltd. T: +27(0)28 312 3707 W: www.redchair.co.za
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
15 May, 2014
· Hiring of TV's, Projector & Screens · Audio Visual Equipment · DSTV Installations · TV & Audio Installations Lifestyle Centre at Hermanus Gateway Centre sales@vidivox.co.za / www.vidivox.co.za
028 313 0505
85m² from R450 000-00 excluding plot. •In-house Architect • Garden Cottages from R250 000
Contact Joe 072 635 4070
djprojects777@gmail.com www.djprojectsbuilders.co.za
VAKATURE – Maatskaplike werker (8/8 – Standplaas Stanford) Die Beheerraad van HERMANUS STANFORD GANSBAAI MAATSKAPLIKE DIENSTE wag aansoeke in van gemotiveerde persone wat Badisa se waardes (www.badisa.org.za) onderskryf : Vereistes: Graad of Diploma in Maatskaplike Werk Registrasie by die Raad vir Maatskaplike Diensberoepe Kode 08-rybewys Vaardigheid in Ontwikkelingsgerigte Maatskaplike werk Kennis mbt Statutêre Prosedures tov die Wet op Kindersorg Vermoë om te skakel en netwerke met ander rolspelers te vorm Voordele: Mededingende salaris, Dertiende tjek, Ruim verlofvoordele en Mediese- en pensioenvoordele Diensaanvaarding: So gou moontlik Voorsien asb volledige CV en stawende dokumentasie teen 20 Mei 2014 aan R Engelbrecht, Beyersstraat 8, Onrusrivier. Epos-adres: riettabmd@telkomsa.net Faksno 086 549 5557 Navrae: 0828036870.
Residential care and therapeutic workshops for adults with intellectual disabilities
Seeks to recruit a motivated and experienced
NPO Administrator
An exciting opportunity to be responsible for overseeing the implementation of our strategy, as determined by the Board of Directors, ensuring delivery of care at the highest standards to our residents, whilst taking responsibility for the overall financial and operational management of the community. This position will suit a person who wishes to contribute his/her experience to a residential community with 60 adults with intellectual disabilities and their care givers. Flexible work hours.
Skills required
• Professional financial and/or management qualification • A minimum of 3 years' operational work experience at a senior management level, including strategic development, implementation and financial management and controls • Experience of managing and leading a team effectively • Experience of the NPO and voluntary sector For detailed job/person specification and application form please contact Mrs. Karin Laubscher on: 076 376 4847. www.farm.camphill-hermanus.org.za
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Hermanus Times
Sport Sport
15 May, 2014
DOGS duel
READY, STEADY, GO: Cyclists ready to start the race in Stanford. The Hopeland Community Project in Stanford, supported by the Fynbos Community Foundation, hosted a mountain bike challenge on 1 May. The participation of the 62 entrants and support received, will contribute to the opening of a new aftercare centre for children in Stanford.
Bridge results: Wednesday 7 May N/S: 1. Wina Loubser - Carren Emary - 61,67%. 2. Mary Andrew - Carin Verburg - 61.30%. 3. Nell Naude - Jackie Ascham - 60,37%. E/W: 1. Jaye Howse - Claudine Bylsma - 59,26%. 2. Anita de Jager - Callie Groenewald - 57,59%. 3. Adele Bovin - Sylvia Smith - 57,22%. Friday 9 May 1. Julie Cotton - Jaye Howse - 58,47%. 2. Pat Etsebeth - Val Runkel - 56,61%. 3. Jackie Ascham - Hein Pierneef - 56,09%. Saturday 10 May 1. Hein Pierneef - Jackie Ascham - 63,33%. 2. Claudine Bylsma - Ann Mciver - 57,50%. 2. J Sparg - MillyAnn Tanton - 57,50%. Monday 12 May N/S: 1. Riekie Louw / Carren Emary 63.19%. 2. Audrey Boynton / Elaine Bosman 55.32%. 3. Nell Naude / Anneke vd Vlugt 52.55%. E/W: 1. Carin Verburg / Wina Loubser 60.19%. 2. Gordon Peters / Margaret Truswell 58.10%. 3. Moira / Pam 52.55%. Whalers Athletic Club - Time trial results – 8 May 3 km runners: 1 Mavis de Villiers 16.48; 2 Kayla Venter 19.36; 3 Elsa Venter 20.07 SB. 3 km walkers: 1 Arlene Ehrenberg 24.47; 2 Leo Benning 26.55; 3 Willie Loedolff 26.58. 5 km runners: 1 Ignatius Matema 19.13; 2 Serame Bekokobetso 19.21 SB; 3 Daniel Maree 21.52; 4 Frank Gillion 22.02; 5 Mikki Milne 23.36 SB; 6 Brett Adam 23.36; 7 Wilhelm Cooper 24.10; 8 Loudi Vorster 24.10; 9 Jan Gildenhuys 24.10 SB; 10 Roelof van Weele 25.16; 11 David Cupido 25.16; 12 Les Hanna 27.39; 13 Norma Wheeler 29.41; 14 Josef du Preez 30.08. 8 km runners: 1 Sign Mawunda 30.05; 2 Mark Kavanagh 30.40; 3 Kevin Middleton 34.43; 4 Gavin Turner 47.52. Hoërskool Hermanus sportdag-uitslae: Hoërskool Hermanus het Saterdag 10 Mei hul jaarlikse sportdag teen Hoërskool Parel Vallei op Hermanus se skoolgronde gehad. Hoërskool Hermanus het in die rugby en netbal oorheers, maar die hokkiespanne het swaar gekry. Die o/19 meisies en seuns hokkiespanne het al Vrydag 9 Mei by Parel Vallei (in Somerset-Wes) op hul Astro gaan speel. Hoërskool Hermanus rugby wen 6 wedstryde en verloor een. Hoërskool Hermanus netbal wen 10 wedstryde, verloor een, en speel een gelykop. Hoërskool Hermanus meisieshokkie verloor agt wedstryde en die seunshokkie verloor vier wedstryde.
The Dogs took part in an individual Stableford (log) in Kleinmond on 13 May. Half-time Shirley fought a nail-biting duel with one of the Swampland Bandits of the Bot River Wetlands only to be beaten to the draw when he ran out of bullets on the last 6. The Smith Brothers backed him up with some accurate shooting but it wasn’t good enough to see off the intruder. Sheriff van Zyl didn’t quite live up to
SPONSORS: The u.13 rugby boys at Hermanus Primary received generous kit donations for their rugby matches ahead. In the back row with deputy principal Barry du Preez (left), are Tom my Hough from Top plan (fleece tops), Marc Baine from Cloud Nine (white shorts), Morne Bridg ens (coach) and Ste phan Herholdt from Top Carpets (jerseys). PHOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET
his new Butch image and the Ripper had no cause to Sundance. 42 Trevor Vaughan (guest), Peter Sulley; 38 Dave Smith, Alan Smith; 36 Ian Newman; 35 Peter Theron, Mannes van Zyl; 34 Jon Forsyth, Michel Maury; 33 Gordon Wilson; 32 Dave Rade; 31 Doug Ross, Peter Thomas, Mike Graham; 29 Morgan O’Kennedy, Pat Dewil; 27 Art Rae (guest); 23 Robin Clacher (guest); 20 Keith Gillott. – DAVE SMITH
Golf roundup with Julian Shaw
This week we had some better weather on the golfing days, so we have a full golf report. Tuesday was the ladies, and this week was the turn of the dreaded medal and putts, a true test of golf. Winning the best gross, no surprise here, was Lynne Behagg with a very well constructed 75. Winning the silver division was Lexa Garbers with a great nett 69, the bronze division victor was Wendy Altona de Klerk who counted in on nett 72, and Charme Southey won the putts with 27 strokes. Well played to all the ladies. Wednesday was an equally beautiful day with 110 players and this week was kindly sponsored by Overberg Asset Management. Our competition was a betterball stableford and we had a spectacular 51 points from Jan Kuhn and Neil Malan. Indeed, Neil had a nett 64, and I am sure the handicapper is eagerly anticipating this card. We had ten two clubs and ball pool paid to 46. Saturday was a challenging day to say the least. The wind got up and the rain came down, but undaunted we had 100 players braving the elements. This week was the Dockerall Cup, which was first played for in 1948, and the format was an individual bogey plus. Coming out tops this week was an old campaigner in the form of Harold Barker with a very good +3. Congratulations Harold. Harold also won on the South Course. Winning on the North Course was an even older campaigner, Johnny Rhodes on +1. It is nice to see Johnny back playing Saturdays. There was just one two club from Terry Westbrook, which took the pot! Ball pool paid to -1. We also had great results from our league teams this week with the Kruger team winning against Bredasdorp 5.5 to 2.5, and our Brodie team won against Arabella 6-2. Well played guys. Don’t forget the Adams demo days this week on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. All are welcome to come and try some of the most popular equipment there is on the market.
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KENNISGEWING AAN KREDITEURE IN BESTORWE BOEDELS Alle persone met vorderings teen ondervermelde boedel moet dit binne 30 dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan by die betrokke Eksekuteur inlewer. Boedelnommer: 2094/2014 Kaapstad In die boedel van wyle ANTON LOMBARD BOONZAIER, Geboortedatum 13/09/1946, Identiteitsnommer 460913 5159 089, van Duikerstraat 16, Vermont, Hermanus. Sterfdatum: 08/04/2014. SYBRAND SMIT, OPTIMUM SENTRUM, HOOFWEG 10, ONRUSRIVIER. BOEDELKENNISGEWING Boedel wyle MARLENE PRETORIUS (ook bekend as Marlene Gous, gebore Lotz), Identiteitsnommer 430905 0033 084, wie woonagtig was te 3 Tuscan Close, Onrusrivier, Hermanus. Meestersverwysingsnommer: 8970/2013 Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van Artikel 35 van die Boedelwet no 66/965 dat die Eerste Likwidasieen Distribusierekening on bogenoemde boedel ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Kaapstad en die Landdros te Hermanus vir die tydperk van 21 dae vanaf Vrydag, 16 Mei 2014. R VAN DYK, EKSEKUTRISE, P/A VAN DYK LOOTS PROKUREURS, 3 ABERDEENSTRAAT, HERMANUS. (VERW: RVD/VL0369) 2014 RC
ESTATE NOTICE In the Estate of the late PIETER HENDRIK JACOBS, Identity Number 500214 5092 087, unmarried of 31 - 4th Street, Kleinmond, who died at Kleinmond on 23 July 2013. Master’s Reference: 10826/2013 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account int he abovementioned estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master, Cape Town and a copy thereof at the office of the Magistrate, Caledon for a period of 21 (twenty one) days reckoned as from Friday, 16 May 2014. Signed at Hermanus on this 2nd day of May 2014. GUTHRIE & THERON, JP VAN ROOYEN, ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTOR, 77 MAIN ROAD, HERMANUS, 7200. (REF: JVR/ajf/VJ0099)
SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 34 of the Insolvency Act No 24 of 1936 (as amended) that Insperations at Home Work Play CC Reg no 2011/057143/23 intends selling the business known as My Design which conducts its business at 13 Aberdeen Street, Hermanus as a going concern within a period of 30 (thirty) days after the publication of this advertisement to H van Wyk ID 7604070047081 who will thereafter conduct the business at the said address. Dated at Hermanus this 15th day of May 2014. BUSINESSADVICE BROKERS, PO BOX 1131, HERMANUS. TEL 028 312 4615 KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING VAN BESIGHEID Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 34 van die Insolvensie Wet Nr 24 van 1936 (soos gewysig), dat Insperations at Home Work Play BK Reg nr 2011/057143/23 van voornemens is om die besigheid bekend onder die naam My Design wat handel dryf te Aberdeenstraat 13, Hermanus, as ‘n lopende saak te verkoop binne ‘n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae na die publikasie van hierdie advertensie aan H van Wyk ID 7604070047081 wat daarna die saak by dieselfde adres en onder dieselfde naam sal bedryf. Gedateer te Hermanus hierdie 15de dag van Mei 2014. BUSINESSADVICE BROKERS, POSBUS 1131, HERMANUS. TEL 028 312 4615
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Young Tupac Chris tiano (6) completed the 1,4 km race with the help of Christopher Blaauw (17).
Atlantic weer op wenpad WCM GIBSON Atlantic het verlede Saterdag goeie oorwinnings behaal teen Villiersdorp. Atlantic A (19) vs. Villiersdorp A (8) Die A-span-wedstryd was vinnig en albei spanne het met die bal gehardloop. Atlantic se Evan Visser het drie strafskoppe oorgeskop en Jerome Julies het met ’n skepskop die rustydtelling 12-0 gemaak. Ná rustyd het Villiersdorp met ’n strafskop en ’n drie die telling 12-8 gemaak. Roderick Geswind het ná ’n mooi lopie gaan druk en Marceldo Gillion het die drie verdoel om die eindtelling 19-8 te maak. Atlantic B (17) vs. Villiersdorp B (3) Atlantic B het sy onoorwonne wenrekord behou. Kevin Williams en Shane Booysen het elk
gaan druk om die rustydtelling 10-0 te maak, maar ná rustyd het Villiersdorp ’n strafskop oorgeklits. Jerome Damon het uiteindelik die wendrie gaan druk wat Kevin Williams verdoel het. Atlantic C (22) vs. Villiersdorp C (12) Die C-span was weer in ’n hardloopbui en het goeie drieë gedruk. Bevan Pieters en André Slingers het drieë gedruk. Gurshen Elliot het een drie verdoel vir ’n rustydtelling van 12-0. Ná rustyd het Villiersdorp twee drieë gedruk en een verdoel en die telling was gelykop. Elliot het daarna met ’n strafskop geslaag en Jerome Damons se drie is deur Elliot verdoel. ) Atlantic speel Saterdag 17 Mei weg teen Botrivier. Die spanne kan harde wedstryde verwag. Die toeskouers word gevra om hul spanne te gaan ondersteun.
First across the finish line in the 21,1 km race was Johann Lubbe in a time of 01:14:21, followed closely by Tony Wil liams (1:14:22) in second place.
Right: Katherine Limford (7) also completed the 1,4 km race. With her is Gideon Meimels.
Wheels and Runners
The eighth annual Wheels and Runners Race took place in Hermanus over the weekend, and over 600 entrants took part in the race.
PROVINSIALE SPORTMANNE EN VROUE VAN HOËRSKOOL HERMANUS: Die volgende leerders van Hoërskool Hermanus is in pro vinsiale en nasionale spanne vir verskillende sportsoorte ingesluit: Agter: Karli Beyers (Boland o.16 muurbal); Nelrine Beyers (Boland o.18 muur bal); Kristen Block (Boland o.18 Bspan hokkie) en Richard Whitelaw (Bo land o.18 Bspan hokkie). Middel: Carmen Lenci (o.16); Mika Engelbrecht (o.18) en Kendra Hudson (o.18) behaal die Boland Streekspan vir hokkie. Voor: Tyron Davidowits (Boland o.17 gholfspan) en Ayron Davidowits (Protea o.20 kushengelspan).
This year’s number of entrants were down from last year. “In 2013 we had a record number of 757 entrants taking part, while this year we had a total of 651,” said local organiser Karin Coetzee. “According to the timekeepers this trend is seen in most races. It seems to be due to the state of the economy and the increase in the petrol price.” This year’s competitors competed at a slower pace than last year. In the 21,1 km race, Johann Lubbe came in first in a time of 1 hour 14 minutes and 14 seconds, followed closely by Tony Williams in 1:14:22. Gerrit Hendricks came in third in a time of 1:16:13. In 2013 this race was won by local hand cyclist, Tiaan Boshoff in a time of 0:47:21, while Johann Lubbe completed last year’s race in a time of
00:48:42. The event attracted quite a number of entrants who came from far and wide to take part in this oneof-a-kind race. According to Coetzee there were runners from Kwazulu-Natal, Springbok, Graaff-Reinet, Oudtshoorn, Mossel Bay, George and Cape Town. New state-of-the-art timekeeping equipment, from the About2Time team, was used for this year’s race. “The group is involved with races across the country and did an excellent job,” said Coetzee. The equipment could track each racer to see how far along the way they are and then recorded their time the moment they crossed the finish line. But the future of the race is somewhat uncertain due to the withdrawal of its main sponsor and the convener stepping down. After eight years of being involved, Coetzee is stepping down as convener, citing personal family reasons for her decision. Checkers has also withdrawn as the main sponsor, said Coetzee “but
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they will probably still be involved albeit in a smaller capacity”. The event organisers are in talks with other companies to possibly come on board as sponsors for the race next year. Coetzee confirmed they are looking for a new main sponsor. Besides the challenge of finding a main sponsor, Coetzee also cited finding accommodation for all the wheelchair racers as a major challenge for next year’s race. “There is a shortage of self-catering holiday facilities in Hermanus, but hopefully new developments in the area should fill this void. “We also struggle to find enough marshals to man the course. Many of our marshals did not show up on Saturday and the course was not fully manned.” But Coetzee would like to thank everyone who has been involved in the organisation of the event over the last eight years. “The community has done so much and I am hoping that the race will continue with their support.” To view a video of the day’s events, visit www.hermanustimes.co.za..
SKAAK KAMPIOEN: Die Wes Kaap skole skaakkampi oenskappe het plaasge vind vanaf 1 tot 3 Mei by Hoërskool Outeniqua in George. Zoë Eyberg van Hawston Pri mêr het haar uitstekend van haar taak gekwyt. Sy het vyf uit die ses wedstryde ge wen. Zoë sal later in die jaar in Bloemfontein deelneem aan die SA kampioenskappe. Sy word alle sterk te toegewens en haar skool hoop dat sy sal aanhou om dié uitstekende spel te handhaaf.