Hermanus times 16 01 2014

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Established 1949

THURSDAY, 16 JANUARY 2014 | Tel 028 ­ 312 3717 | Fax 028 ­ 312 4316

Jou Koerant • Your Newspaper Dive into pool leaves man (28) paralyzed 2

New shopping malls move one step forward 3

Shark­bite survivor is back in the water 4


Married couple wins in debut Totalsports Challenge


Tears, joy, trepidation

There were lots of smiles and a few tears on Wednesday morning as learners returned to school – or stepped in line for the first time – at the start of the 2014 academic year. For more photos see page 8 & 9.

RIGHT: On their first day at Hermanus High School the Grade 8s had to wear sign­ boards and silly hairstyles as part of their initiation. Look­ ing amused and apprehen­ sive were Zoe van Rensburg, Tristyn Bottcher and Amber­ Lee Isaacs. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

STORMERS FAN IN RUGBY HEAVEN: Jannie Beukes (57) of Hermanus, an ardent Stormers supporter who has Down’s syndrome, met his two rugby heroes, Schalk Burg­ er (left) and Jean de Villiers, on Tuesday. Beukes eats, sleeps, dreams and talks rugby and according to his family his room is filled with Stormers posters. The Stormers are in Hermanus for their annual training camp. For more on the Stormers and why they prefer Hermanus above all other towns, see page 3. PHOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER

LINKS: Ai, dit is maar moeilik om te laat gaan. ’n Trotse, maar ietwat emosio­ nele ma, Ylita Doty, soengroet haar seuntjie, Chandler, op sy eerste dag van skool by Haws­ ton Primêr. FOTO:



Hermanus Times

Nuus News

16 January, 2014

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Headfirst dive leaves young Hermanus resident paralysed KERRY VAN RENSBURG

treats an average of seven patients every year who sustain severe neck injuries secondary to A young man born and raised in diving accidents. The majority of Hermanus has been in hospital these injured patients, mostly since Christmas Day after susyoung people, will be permanenttaining a spinal injury in a swimly paralysed from the neck down ming pool accident. (quadriplegic). “Western Cape Government Lourens (Petri) Erasmus (28) was Health would like to encourage enjoying a Christmas Day braai people to dive feet first. Head first with his fiancée Audrey Oosthuizen diving, whether with outand her family in Saldanha Bay on stretched arms or not, is extremethe West Coast. ly risky and is not enough to preAudrey says they were having fun vent neck injuries. and were all going to have a swim. “We would also like to urge Petri dived into the swimming pool people to be careful when bodyahead of everyone else and on imsurfing. pact it was clear that he had injured “If someone is injured in a divhimself as he could not move at all. ing accident, contact emergency He was rushed to Vredenburg medical services immediately. Provincial Hospital and the next Ensure that their neck is stabiday he was transferred to Groote lised and that there is no moveSchuur Hospital. A CAT scan rement.” vealed that Petri’s C5 vertebrae on Audrey, who lives in Northcliff his neck had been ruptured. – with Petri, a self-employed meOn Friday 27 December he under- This photograph of Lourens (Petri) Erasmus and his fiancée chanic, before his swimming went a six-hour operation. Audrey Oosthuizen, from Northcliff in Hermanus, was taken on pool diving accident – says they Audrey says Petri is paralysed 24 December, the day before Petri landed in hospital with a spi­ have received so much support from the waist down. She says he nal cord injury after diving headfirst into a swimming pool on from friends and family during can move his neck, shoulders and Christmas day. PHOTO: SUPPLIED this difficult time. arms. He is still in ICU at Groote “Petri is doing well. He’s a fighter and even in Mitchells Plain. He is, however, respondSchuur’s spinal-cord section. the doctors say he is doing much better than Audrey says she was able to visit him three ing well to antibiotics. On 20 December Darren Francis, assistant many people in his situation,” says Audrey. times a day, along with family members and Close friends have set up a trust fund to close friends, while she was on holiday, but director of communications for Western as of Monday 13 January, she is back at work Cape Government Health, issued a public no- help with Petri’s medical expenses. To make a contribution the details are as in Hermanus. She says Petri, who has since tice titled: Prevent Diving Accidents this Holifollows: Vorster & Steyn; Nedbank Herpicked up an infection, will remain in hospi- day Season – Dive Feet First. The notice says: “Groote Schuur Hospital’s manus; branch code: 134512; account tal for another month or so, and thereafter he will be moved to a rehabilitation facility Acute Spinal Cord Injury Unit admits and number: 134 5002 408; reference: A03014.

Seuntjie uit see gered JANINE VAN DER RIET

Our water is 7-stage filtered and ozonated, with minerals added Refill your containers @ only R1/litre We stock 20 litre containers and 5 litre bottles We also do customer branded bottles – contact me for a quote Ludine 0828780185 aquabluehermanus@vodamail.co.za CALTEX GARAGE, VOELKLIP

STEEDS VERMIS: Stephan Rabe (20) van Hermanus het kort voor Nuwejaarsdag verdwyn. Volgens die Her­ manus­polisie het hy op 29 Desember met iemand se swart Corsa­bakkie na Vis­ hoek gery waar die voertuig in ’n ongeluk betrokke was. Rabe was egter nêrens te vind nie en is steeds soek. Die polisie het vermoed hy is op pad na Johannesburg, maar dis onbekend waar hy hom tans bevind. Enigeen met inligting kan speurder­ konstabel Martin Mtholo by 028 313 7000 bel.

’n Man van Worcester het Vrydagmiddag ’n jong seun se lewe gered toe hy homself in ’n seestroom bevind en amper verdrink het. Sandra Martin, wat by Abagold in Hermanus werk, vertel haar seun, Pierre Martin (40), was verlede Vrydag saam met sy gesin op Kammabaai toe hy ’n vrou op die strand opmerk wat haar hande in die lug waai. Die vrou het gesien hoe haar seuntjie deur ’n seestroom meegesleur word, maar was so geskok dat sy net haar hande om hulp kon waai, vertel Sandra.

Pierre het die seuntjie in die see gewaar en hom dadelik te hulp gesnel. Hy het vir die seuntjie gesê om sy hand te vat sodat hy hom uit die see kon red. “Al wat die seuntjie kon sê, was die woorde ‘asseblief, asseblief,’ ” vertel Sandra. Die Martins is nie seker van waar die gesin afkomstig is nie, want hulle het net ná die voorval die strand verlaat. Die pa het erg aan skok gely en kon nie ’n woord uitkry nie. Die seuntjie se ma was baie dankbaar en het Pierre bedank vir sy heldedaad.

NOW OPEN Nuwe eienaars helder Caltex-motorhawe op

Die Caltex-motorhawe by die Voëlklip-sirkel het nuwe eienaars, en inwoners kan uitsien na flink en vriendelike diens by die petrolpompe én 'n blink nuwe winkel genaamd d'lish wat mens aan 'n plaaskombuis deli laat dink. Maar dit is nie al nie. Die nuwe eienaars, Lindy en Jacques Retief, 'n paartjie van Kaapstad wat 12 jaar in Engeland gewoon het, is 'n vars briesie in die mooie Hermanus. Die dinamiese span is jonk, energiek en propvol toekomsplanne, nie net vir die winkel en motorhawe nie, maar ook hul betrokkenheid by die gemeenskap en liefdadigheid. Die Retiefs, wat sedert September verlede jaar in Hermanus woon, was reeds nou betrokke by die Pink Trees for Pauline projek vir kankerlyers, asook ander plaaslike projekte. Die winkel lyk soos 'n splinternuwe sikspens. Behalwe vir die gewone melk, brood, ys, hout, bestanddele vir koekbak en koeldrank, hou hulle ook 'n reeks besonderse produkte aan, wat mens self kan gebruik of as geskenk saamneem na kuiermense toe. Olywe, olyfolie, 'n verskeidenheid konfyte en plaaslike kase, die mooiste geweefde mandjies en vele meer. Behalwe vir Lindy se kreatiewe hande wat vir niks verkeerd staan nie, is sy 'n tandarts wat haar beroep binnekort

in Hermanus gaan hervat. Jacques was jare lank betrokke by gholf en beplan reeds gholfdae en -promosies vir die dorp. Na 12 jaar oorsee het dié twee besluit om die koue Engeland te verruil vir Hermanus, waar albei vakansies in hulle kinderdae deurgebring het. Hulle is lief vir die son en die see, saam kosmaak, gholf speel, sport en braai. Regte Suid-Afrikaners in murg en been. Die toekoms lyk rooskleurig en die paartjie beplan nog 'n klomp verrassings. Soos piekniekmandjies vir sonsoekers en strandgangers, 'n OTM masjien wat geinstalleer gaan word en hope meer. Inwoners sal ook binnekort voorafbetaalde krag by dié winkel kan aankoop. Lindy vertel hulle het tot dusver baie positiewe terugvoering gekry en hulle sal graag voorstelle van inwoners en vakansiegangers wil ontvang, soos wat mense nog in die winkel verlang, watter tipe brode, groente of vrugte... Enige versoeke en idees is baie welkom. Die Caltex-motorhawe en winkel is in 10de Straat, 30, of makliker om te verduidelik, by die groot Voëlklip-sirkel. Die winkel is oop van 07:00 tot 19:00 sewe dae 'n week. Houers is mooi versier en ideaal vir geskenke of sommer om huistoe te neem as ’n bederfie. Vir meer inligting kontak Jacques by 082?387?7251.

Die nuwe eienaars van die Caltex-motorhawe in Voëlklip, Jacques en Lindy Retief in die motorhawe se winkel.

Lekkernye en interessante eetgoedjies is by dié winkel te koop.

Van bakpoeier en meel, tot olyfolie en olywe is beskikbaar by d’lish.

Hermanus Times

Nuus News

16 January, 2014

Approval for malls dragging HEDDA MITTNER The proposals for the development of two new shopping malls in Hermanus which were recommended by council in April 2012 for approval by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Developmental Planning (DEA&DP), are still being held up at provincial level. The two developments waiting for final approval are Retail Africa’s Whale Coast Village Mall, to be built on the 12 hectare site between CTM and Engen, and Propergation Estate’s Overberg Mall on a 10 hectare site at Hoek van de Berg in Hawston. The DEA&DP issued partial environmental authorisation for both developments on 6 January, subject to compliance with certain conditions. This means that both developments have been given the go-ahead in terms of environmental legislation, subject to a period of appeal. Notification of intent to appeal has to be lodged within 20 days, and the appeal must be submitted within 30 calendar days after the lapsing of the 20-day period. “Land-use approval will only be finalised by the DEA&DP once the appeal process in

terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) has been completed,” says Riaan Kuchar, Overstrand Municipality senior manager: Town Planning & Property Administration. Jannie Kruger, CEO of Retail Africa, says he hopes the process will gain momentum in the new year. “However, it is a very comprehensive and thorough process and other legal aspects such as rezoning and adjustments to the spatial developmental framework still have to be completed. In the meantime we are being patient.” Retail Africa had applied for authorisation for a retail facility with a total footprint of 38 900m², but authorisation was only granted for 27 800m², with the option of expandeing in phases as the market demands, up to a maximum of 38 900m² by 2024. In order to secure their position, Checkers recently bought 2½ of the 12 hectare site, and will be incorporated into the master plan of the development project. Kruger has said earlier that the project will incorporate the strong heritage character of Hermanus. “The mall will reflect the typical Cape vernacular, combining a fisherman’s village feel with elements drawn from the surrounding Hemel-en-Aarde winelands ar-

ea.” He added that the Whale Coast Village Mall will be “a high-quality, low-impact building with well-landscaped spaces that will harmonise with the scenic surrounds of Hermanus”, in keeping with other Retail Africa projects such as the Constantia Village in Cape Town and the Irene Village Mall near Pretoria. Lambertus van Zyl, CEO of Propergation Estates, says the process will probably drag on for at least another year. They intend to lodge an appeal because they were only granted environmental authorisation for a footprint of 10 000 m² for the Overberg Mall in Hawston. “That is too low for our purposes – the site allows for a regional shopping centre with a surface area of 35 000 m² and the possibility of extending up to 70 000 m².” Van Zyl believes the location of the proposed Overberg Mall is advantageous to the whole community as it will ensure a more even spread of traffic and ease congestion towards Hermanus. “If a regional centre is too close to the CBD, it will have a detrimental impact on businesses. All retail in Hermanus will come under major pressure and the vacancies that are created will eventually be occupied by bottom-end retailers.”

Stormers kies Hermanus bo enige ander plek JAN­HENDRIK COETZER “Ons oefen nou al die afgelope drie jaar in Hermanus, want ons kon nog nie ’n beter veld vind as dié van Laerskool Hermanus nie.” So gesels die Stormers-spanbestuurder, Chippie Solomon, by Dinsdag se oefening ter voorbereiding vir die Super15. “As jy die oppervlak van dié veld moet vergelyk met ander is dit ’n baie veilige veld. Jy kan nie beserings bekostig tydens oefening weens ’n veld waarvan die oppervlak nie reg is nie. En dan het ons natuurlik ook oor die afgelope drie jaar sulke goeie verhoudings opgebou met Hermanus en sy mense dat ons dit regtig nie wil verbreek nie,” sê Solomon. Die Stormers het Maandag in Hermanus aangekom vir ’n week lange oefensessie en vertrek weer Sondag. Hul oefenprogram bestaan uit twee strawwe oefensessies per dag, maar oefening is darem nie die enigste aktiwiteit op hul program nie. Oudergewoonte bly hulle in die Windsor Hotel. Met die span se aankoms Maandag het hulle reeds ’n paintball-sessie by Hermanus Forest Adventures deurgewerk, waarna Fruit & Veg Food Lover’s Market die aand vir hulle ’n braai vir sowat 50 mense geborg het. En dan wag White Shark Cage Diving ook nog. Met die afskop van die Super15 op 15 Februarie begin die Stormers egter met ’n loslootjie waarna hulle in hul eerste wedstryd op 22 Februarie teen die Leeus in Johannesburg sal uitdraf. “Ons eerste oorsese wedstryd is teen die Crusaders en ons wil dit bitter graag wen. Dit sal ’n baie groot hupstoot wees. Vanjaar wil ons fokus op fiksheid en foute,” sê Solomon.

Cheslin Kolbe in aksie tydens ’n agterlynoefening.

Agterlyn­hulpafrigter en voormalige Spring­ boksenter Robbie Fleck wys hier vir die man­ ne hoe jy jou teenstander met ’n systap ver­ war.

Daar is hard geoefen aan lynstane. Hier spring Schalk Burger vir die bal. FOTO’S: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER



Hermanus Times

Nuus News

16 January, 2014

Shark­bite survivor back in water Accompanied by surfer friends and his family, Thomas Browne got back in­ to the water at Kam­ mabaai on Friday. It’s the first time he went surfing again since his ordeal with a great white shark on 16 December while surfing at Die Plaat near De Kel­ ders. PHOTOS: DAVE DE BEER

KERRY VAN RENSBURG On Friday 10 January, shark-bite survivor Thomas Browne, was back on his surfboard less than a month after being bitten by a great white shark. He was accompanied for this momentous step, which took place at Kammabaai, by a group of close surfing friends and his family. While out for a surf at Die Plaat on 16 December, Thomas was bitten on the back of his left thigh and the shark’s lower jaw bit into his surfboard. It seems the shark bit onto a fin of the surfboard which may explain why it released Thomas’s leg and then swam away. The shark left six deep teeth marks on his leg. Quick thinking and lots of adrenaline helped Thomas to catch a wave back to shore, whereafter his friends were able to get him to Mediclinic Hermanus in good time. The attack happened early Monday morning and by Wednesday of the same week

Thomas was out of hospital, much to the relief of his parents Sandy and Jeremy Browne. On the evening of Friday 10 January, Alison Kock, research director for Shark Spotters, Thomas Browne and Dr Shaun Luyt, an anaesthetist at Mediclinic Hermanus, chatted to about 25 surfers and swimmers about the local water conditions and sharkrelated matters at the Kiosk on Onrus beach. Jeremy Browne (Thomas’s father) says: “Thomas talked about his recent attack. Alison from Shark Spotters chatted in detail about white sharks and answered questions. Shaun, who attended to Tom’s operation, chatted about medical responses to a shark attack. It was an informal gathering at the Kiosk arranged by Graham Thjabring.” He says Alison explained the behavioural patterns of great white sharks and migratory movement of sharks. These are some of the points Alison covered: ) Shark attacks in general – only

350 worldwide since data have been collected. ) Chumming and shark incidents – no direct link to more attacks. ) Shark figures are actually declining at the seal colonies even with cage-diving operators chumming. ) 40 sharks have been tagged offering great new data. ) Cameras have been fitted to sharks showing that sharks will investigate everything in their environment and are very inquisitive. ) Shark attacks are more often just sharks being inquisitive.


Thomas Browne, surfer and UCT student from Northcliff Hermanus, catches a wave at Kammabaai on Friday 10 January.

New principal settles in at Hermanus High HEDDA MITTNER

a dual-medium and co-ed environment,” said Hassenkamp, who was the principal of PretoHermanus High School ria Boys High for the last 15 was a beehive of activity on years. Tuesday morning as the It is an English boys-only new principal, Greg Hasschool, but Hassenkamp said senkamp, and staff memthe challenges and issues are bers prepared for the 2014 the same at all schools. His new school year. appointment is “all part of the It was also an introductoprocess of being in education”. ry day for the new Grade Hassenkamp and his family – 8 arrivals who were taken wife Amanda, who has also in hand by members of the started her new job as a Grade matric council. 3 teacher at Hermanus Primary “This is a new adventure School, daughter Megan (4) and for me and I am keen to get son Robert (2) – are delighted to started,” said Hasbe living in Hermanus. senkamp. The new principal of Her­ “It’s a stunning environ“I look forward to getting manus High School, Greg ment,” he said. “We live in to know the pupils and get- Hassenkamp, says he is Northcliff which is a quiet area ting the ball rolling. “keen to get the ball roll­ close to the schools; in fact, it “I have held meetings ing”. PHOTO: HEDDA MITTNER is close to everything. The farwith all the staff members and I don’t expect the day-to-day running of thest we’ve driven since moving down in December is the few kilometres to Voëlklip the school to change much. “The challenge for me will be working in beach. Hermanus offers an idyllic lifestyle.”

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Hermanus Times

Nuus News

16 January, 2014


Roadworks on R320 still in limbo and workers unpaid HEDDA MITTNER The roadworkers who were employed by Vusela Construction on the R320 roadworks project between Hermanus and Caledon, have still not been paid since October 2013. The company was placed under liquidation by the Western Cape High Court on 6 December. The department of transport and public works has terminated its contract with Vusela Construction and senior operations manager Anton Nell, said on Wednesday that the negotiation process with a new contractor is almost complete. “We’ll be making an announcement regarding the new contractor within the next week or two, and hope to resume construction at the beginning of February.” The upgrade of the R320 which links Hermanus to Caledon entails the tarring of the dirt road across its entire length, but by the end of October last year, only about 4,5 km of the 16 km had been sealed.

The work started in March 2012 and was scheduled for completion in September 2014. A spokesperson for the road workers, Anthony Wells, said the workers, who are all local labourers from the Caledon area, received their last pay at the end of October last year. “We suspected that all was not well with the company as far back as April 2013,” said Wells. “Our pay was often late and there was a lack of equipment on site.” According to Wells the workers were called in on 5 November for a meeting where they were told by the foreman that Vusela Construction had been placed under provisional liquidation and they were to cease work until further notice. At another meeting a week later they were given claim forms for their November and December salaries, which they were instructed to complete and hand in at the Caledon police station. “Approximately 40 to 50 workers were left without an income less than two months before Christmas,” said Wells bitterly, “and we

still haven’t received anything. It is very unfair that the people of Caledon and their families have been left to suffer like this.” Wells said their contracts with Vusela were for the period from February 2012 to September 2014. He is hopeful that the workers will be re-employed by the new contractor. “The employment contracts of all Vusela’s employees were suspended by the operation of law on the liquidation of Vusela,” says Sivalutchmee Moodliar from Sanek Trust Recovery Services (Pty) Ltd, one of the three liquidators appointed by the WC High Court. “In terms of the insolvency legislation, these employees’ claims for arrear salaries and wages against the company in liquidation are preferent and will rank prior to the claims of trade and other concurrent creditors. “The employees have been advised to prove such claims against Vusela at the first meeting of creditors which will be convened by the Master of the High Court within the coming weeks.”

MAIN ROAD RESURFACING BEGINS: Main Road between Har­ bour Road and Marine Drive was closed to traffic yesterday morning at 06:00 and will remain closed for resurfacing work until the end of February. The sidewalks with crossovers for pe­ destrians will remain open for the duration of the project. Vehi­ cles will be diverted to alternative routes from a number of in­ tersections on Main Road entering Hermanus on the R43 from Onrus and Stanford, while businesses in the closed section of Main Road will have to cope with supply deliveries from adja­ cent streets. These roadworks were originally scheduled for Oc­ tober 2013, but the municipality bore the brunt of an outburst by business owners who feared they could lose up to 40% of their annual income during this busy period. Although the road upgrading was welcomed, it was the lack of public participation on the timing which angered the business community. After much negotiation with council, headed by the Hermanus Busi­ ness Chamber, the timing agreed to was now, after the school holidays. For maps indicating the alternative routes, and earlier articles published, go to www.hermanustimes.co.za.


Sandbaai beach has become ‘unbearable’ nario on their Blue A resident from Flag beach? I think Sandbaai is up in not.” arms because of the He says the seapoor condition of weed needs to be reSandbaai beach. moved daily as Johan Maree sent each high tide the Hermanus Times brings a new dethis photo of Sandposit. baai beach, express“While on the ing his concerns. subject, the two car He explains: “Siparks at either end lently hoping that of the beach have this issue would sort been in need of a itself out was obvitarred surface for ously in vain. My years. People enfamily and I have joying a stroll or a been rate paying resijog along the lovely dents in Sandbaai for coastal path don’t the past eight years want their scenery and we enjoy walks spoiled. and leisure time on “Come on Overthe local beach, as do A reader is concerned about Sandbaai beach – here strewn with strand Municipalimost families.” smelly seaweed and breeding insects. PHOTO: JOHAN MAREE ty, sort out the mess Maree says Sandat Sandbaai beach. Please restore it baai beach has become unbearable to dom seen. “The beach is already a health risk to ‘SANDbaai’ before it is renamed visit. He says the beach is always litand it is getting worse. When holiday- ‘KELP-baai’. If tenders are out there tered with kelp and seaweed. “In turn these are a breeding makers are overheard in local shops to remove alien vegetation from wine ground for insects. Maggots were complaining about the beach and farms in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley, teeming on the beach at 06:00 this ‘never coming back’, we need to sit then Sandbaai beach can be mainmorning. The contractor who is sup- up and take note. Would the residents tained properly for everyone to enposed to remove the seaweed is sel- of Voëlklip put up with a similar sce- joy.”

Piet­se­Bos and Grotto beach to be upgraded The rehabilitation of the wetland and the development of an amphitheatre and restaurant form part of the Overstrand Municipality’s proposed upgrade of the Piet-se-Bos and Grotto beach area. Hanneen van der Stoep, senior town planner says: “The area applicable is the Blue Flag beach and picnic area. The process for the upgrading of the area started with a Basic Assessment Report (BAR) for the following activities: wetland rehabilitation, amphitheatre (located at the picnic site) and a restaurant.” She says a geotechnical report was compiled for the site in 2010 to evaluate the shallow groundwater regime and to determine the requirements for the rein-

statement of the wetland. The intention in 2010, was to upgrade the picnic facility with its natural cliff overhangs to enhance the recreational value of the picnic area. The public participation process for this development on erf 4771 will include a workshop at the Overstrand Auditorium on Saturday 18 January from 10:00 to 14:00. The community and all registered interested and affected parties are welcome to attend this workshop. Information on the project’s BAR can be viewed under notices on www.overstrand.gov.za. Direct enquires to hvdstoep@overstrand.gov.za, or call 028 313 8900.

Signs have been erected at key points in the CBD as well as on the R43 upon entering Hermanus.


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

16 January, 2014

Fine tuning for Hermanus FynArts 2014 taking shape The central message for Hermanus FynArts 2014 is “It’s back, it’s bigger, it’s better!” A marketing The new logo meeting on how best to showcase this year’s FynArts Festival was held at the Hermanus Tourism Bureau on Saturday morning. It was agreed by the roleplayers that it will be built on the credibility gained in 2013 when the groundwork for the first Hermanus FynArts was established. In keeping with the central message, a fresh new logo has been created which is sleeker, clearer and elegant – encapsulating what FynArts is about, said Mary Faure. This year’s festival will take

place from 6 to 16 June and promises a fabulous line-up of concerts, ballet, talks, workshops, exhibitions and dinners. “The programme is crammed with new performers, presenters and artists – and a few returns by popular request.” There will also be another exhibition at the Old Synagogue and sculptures will once again grace the cliffs and amphitheatre. The Overstrand Municipality has given permission for them to be in place for 10 months. For updates, go to www.hermanusfynarts.co.za.

At the marketing meeting on Saturday morning were (back from left) Blake Albert, Suné Greeff, Martin Ranger, Avis McIntyre, Frans van Rensburg, Hanlie Allan, Colleen Naudé and Chantal Louskitt. Seated: Mary Faure and Christopher Hope.


EAT, LOVE, LIFE: Since ELL restaurant at the Spookfontein Winery in Upper Hemel­en­Aarde Valley opened its doors in December, food and wine lovers have been flocking there not only to experience “ethical eating” and an ex­ citing range of wines by winemaker Craig Sheard, but also the innovative architecture and interior design. ELL is the latest venture of Norah Hudson, previously from Rivendell, and the menu reflects ELL’s motto (Eat, Love, Life) by focusing on local produce from ethical suppliers. The building’s organic open­plan design is the work of architect DJ Carr, with interior design by Carr’s partner and Norah’s sister, Wilna Hendriks. Here in front of the res­ taurant’s wood­burning pizza oven are, from left: Andrew Dingani (waiter), Wellington Mundondo (kitchen staff), Norah, Angel Mbane and Zukie Madini (kitchen staff). Call 073 067 7936 to make a booking. PHOTO: HEDDA MITTNER

With the aid of a Dutch Theatre Group, The Art, seven youngsters from Zwelihle put on a play last week which was performed un­ der the milkwood trees across the road from Dutchies on Grotto. The owners of The Art – Noufri Bachdim, Dalith Tempert and Rhodé Gonggrijp, the daughter of Joke Gonggrijp who is the owner of Dutchies – encouraged the youngsters to tell their own story. The result was a play called Thando, which focuses on the negative effects of drugs and alchohol among the youth of Zwelihle. PHOTOS: HEDDA MITTNER

Thando was performed on Thursday and Friday afternoon and was enthusiastically applauded by the audience. Gathered under the milkwoods are, from left, Ntomboxolo Kutuka, Rhodé Gonggrijp, Nwabisa Freeks, Anathi Makhendlana, Msindiseni Moss, Siphe­ sande Lusiba, Alive Gxowa, Olwethu Mfanekiso, Dalith Tempert and Noufri Bachdim. The performances were free but donations re­ ceived will be donated to orphanages in Zwelihle. The Art Theatre Group would like to stage further performances of Thando with this talented young cast.

Algemeen General

DANCE OF THREE PLANES OF PLANTS: This appealing artwork by local steel sculp­ tor and designer, James Robertson, has been on display outside the entrance to the Overstrand municipal offices and Hermanus Library since last August, when it was part of an art exhibition held in the banquet hall during the 2013 Kalfiefees. James says the sculpture looks so at home there next to the water feature that he would like it to become a permanent fixture. He is appea­ ling to anyone who would like to be a be­ nefactor by purchasing and donating the sculpture to the Overstrand Municipality. Robertson is represented by the Walker Bay Art Gallery in Main Road and they can be contacted on 028 312 2928 for fur­ ther enquiries.

Fabulous festival a ‘bloomin’ good idea A fabulous Flower Festival will take place in St Peter’s Church in the Main Road from Wednesday 29 January to Saturday 1 February. The festival is the idea of Ann Harvett and Christine Ross who were the organisers of a similar successful show when the church turned 140 in 2008. The arrangements, which will be done by members of the church flower panel plus invited floral artists, will depict favourite hymns. More than a dozen hymns and sacred songs will be featured including The Lord is My Shepherd, Onward Christian Soldiers, Ave Maria, and There is a green hill far away. The church will be open from 10:00 to 17:00. Added attractions will include: ) On Thursday 30 January, Tobias Kotze will give a short recital from 13:10 to 13:45 on cello. There is no admission charge for this event. ) On Friday evening 31 January, the African Marimba band trained by Anna-Marie Kotze will play classical music from 19:00 in the church. Tickets at R60 each include a glass of wine which will be served on the lawn before the concert. ) Music and stalls in the St. Peter’s garden from 10:00 to 15:00 on Saturday 1 February. Visitors to the church will receive a pamphlet describing the arrangements which they can read as they leisurely follow the trail of flowers. Organ music as well as recorded hymns and songs will be playing in the background. All proceeds will go towards St. Peter’s and the Overstrand Hospice. For further information please phone Christine Ross (028 313 2555) or Ann Harvett (072 402 5245). – ANNE PHILIP

Hermanus Times 16 January, 2014


8 Hermanus Times High School, here we come!

Algemeen General

16 January, 2014

HEDDA MITTNER Approximately 184 learners from various primary schools in the Overstrand have enrolled for Grade 8 at Hermanus High School. On Orientation Day on Tuesday the new arrivals gathered in the hall with their grade head Anneke Harms and members of the matric council to find out what lies in store for them during their first week in high school. In keeping with tradition, the “initiates” have to don an A3sized cardboard nameboard with a photo of themselves at the age Ready for their first day of high school on Wednesday and dressed according to a strict Jared James William Wilson who attended primary school of five or younger and wear out- initiation “dress code” were (from left) Grace Page, Keelan Nel, Tayla Gordon, Keeley at Kirstenhof Primary School, and Matthew Smith, who at­ landish hairstyles – this year it’s Browne, Chloé Taljaard and Khanya Mgwedane. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG tended Hermanus Primary School. a bun on the one side and three Referring to the concert and another Herponytails on the other for the girls and a matric council as well as the layout of the be a newcomers’ concert where each group has to perform a song from High School Musi- manus High tradition where Grade 8s have straight parting with hair flattened by gel for school, the school song and the sot-lied. to invite a matric learner to the Valentine’s They will not be allowed to wear their cal in front of the whole school. the boys. Clara Lawrence, a Grade 8 learner, who Ball in front of the whole school during assemEach learner received an instructions & school blazers until they have earned the right came from Hermanus Primary School, said bly, Lawrence said: “It’s embarrassing but alguidelines booklet which they have to study by passing their “blazer test” on Monday. The Grade 8s were divided into groups on on Tuesday that she was very excited to be so a lot of fun.” until they know all the rules and regulations, the names of all the members of staff and the Tuesday and in about two weeks there will in high school, “but also a bit petrified”.

Rugbyspeler verras laerskool­leerders

Laerskool Hermanus

JAN­HENDRIK COETZER Gr. 1’s by Laerskool Hermanus het vir hul eerste dag van skool meer opwinding gekry as wat hulle verwag het. Tydens die Stormers se oefening gisteroggend het Stormers-kaptein, Jean Stormers­kaptein, Jean de Villiers, iets by die de Villiers. voorportaal gaan haal toe die kleinspan ook heel toevallig daar saamdrom. De Villiers het sommer uit die bloute met die kleintjies begin gesels en gevra of hulle enige spelers van die Stormers se name ken. Meeste van hulle het amper soos een man gesê “ja, Jean de Villiers”. De Villiers vra toe vir hulle “speel hy goed rugby?” ”Ja, hy is die beste”, was hulle antwoord. Tot hul oorstelpte verbasing lig hy hulle in “ék is Jean de Villiers!”. Volgens die skool se sekretaresse, Barbara Lotz, kon die kinders hulself op daardie oomblik behoorlik natmaak. Die een juffrou, Carolyn Hutton, sê toe vir die kinders dat as hulle soet is en hul huiswerk doen, sal hulle ook eendag so ’n groot en sterk rugbyspeler wees soos Jean, waarop Jean byvoeg “en julle moet ook julle groente eet”. Dis vir seker ’n ervaring wat dié gr. 1’s op hul eerste dag van skool nie gou sal vergeet nie.

Miëtte van Huysteen, ’n nuwe leerder in Laerskool Hermanus se graad 1 A2­klas, wys haar prentjie vir haar juffrou Adri le Roux (regs) en onderwys­ student Lelanie van Niekerk.

Mia Smith (links) het gesê sy sien die meeste uit daarna om netbal en tennis by die skool te speel, terwyl Leané van Heer­ den (regs) nie kan wag om “buite te speel met al my maatjies” nie.

Hierdie seuntjies in Anke Brodehl se graad 1 A3­klas by Laerskool Hermanus het sommer baie tuis gelyk. Voor links is Zeke Swartz, voor regs is Daniël Theron, agter links is James Bosch en agter regs is Erick Laubscher. Heel bo sit Erick Lubbe en Quiwan Smith. FOTO’S: HEDDA MITTNER

Hawston Primêr

Leerders stroom Woensdagog­ gend deur die hekke van Hawston Primêr.

Monica Hunter soengroet haar dogtertjie, Shanike Jantjies, op haar eerste dag van skool by Hawston Primêr.



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Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

16 January, 2014

Lukhanyo Primary


Curro Hermanus Juffrou Janet Ger­ ber saam met haar graadeen­ klassie. Dié pri­ vaatskool het on­ geveer 24 Engelse graadeentjies en sowat 20 Afri­ kaanssprekendes.


Teacher Zelda Killingsworth with her grade one English class, ready to start the first school day of the new year.

Funeka Magabela is one of the four Gr 1 teachers at Lukhanyo Primary School in Zwelihle and with her in her Gr 1 D classroom are some of her new pupils who started the 2014 school year on Wednesday 15 January. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

Zwelihle Primary

Zwelihle Primary School Gr 1s were lined up and ready to get to their new classroom. The school has four grade one classes with a total of 172 pupils enrolled for the 2014 school year. There are be­ tween 40 and 45 pupils per Gr 1 class.

Emihle Bohlo is in Xoliswa Nanana’s Gr1 B class at Zwelihle Primary School.


Hermanus Private School

Die Afrikaanse graadeen­klassie van juffrou Magdaleen Theunnissen. Die kindertjies het op die mat gesit en speel.

Mount Pleasant Primêr

Dié graadeentjies was baie opgewonde om hulle eerste dag van “groot skool” te begin. Ray­Lee Benjamin, Deanwill Gardi­ ner en L­Jay Scheepers is in die graad 1.2­klassie vanjaar. The junior primary class (grades 1, 2 and 3) of the Hermanus Private Pre & Primary School welcomed three new grade ones to their class – from left, Jana Prins, Jemma Nell and Ethan Wolf. They said big school was not scary at all, but not everyone agreed. On his first day in the introductory class, 18­month­old Zenith Sheard (RIGHT) had to be comforted by Loren Augus. PHOTOS: HEDDA MITTNER


Eendjies in ’n ry . . . Die graadeentjies het mooitjies in ’n ry na hulle nuwe klaskamer geloop en was baie opge­ wonde om hul eerste dag aan te pak. Dié skool het vanjaar drie graadeen­ klasse van ongeveer 30 leerders per klas.


Our latest technology offers discreet, comfortable and life-changing solutions to embarrassing hearing problems. This is your invitation to have a professional hearing test and to try out a demo-hearing aid for a trial period, without obligation. For further information and appointments contact Franco Coetzee at 028 312 1307. Services • Diagnostic hearing tests • Hearing Aids • Ear Protection • All Hearing Aid repairs and services Shop 10 First Floor Station Square (New Woolworths Centre), Corner Main and Lord Roberts Roads: Hermanus 028 312 1307

Free Screening Hearing Test


Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

16 January, 2014

Ek salueer julle, Hermanus­inwoners

Some down time for the language issue? I refer to the letter by Summerell in the Hermanus Times of 9 January 2014 regarding the above. The ongoing polemic relating to the representation of English versus Afrikaans in our local newspaper is becoming trite and repetitive. Surely, this is a matter for the Editor to handle and in my opinion it is being adequately dealt with by that office. I am however concerned with another issue pertaining to this communication. Am I being oversensitive or is there a nuance of individual/language/cultural superiority in the contribution of your correspondent? On reading her letter carefully, it is clear that a derogatory attitude towards Afrikaans is displayed, especially in the last paragraph. She is obviously of the view that the English language (her language) is far superior to Afrikaans. If that is her opinion, so be it. It still does not give her the right to refer to my language – “colloquial Afrikaans” - in an offensive way. I would suggest that she offers an immediate apology to your Afrikaans readers and that, in future contributions, she thinks twice before allowing her prejudices to show. Met dank en goeie wense in Afrikaans – ook aan u korrespondent

EDITORIAL COMMENT Food for thought Of all the towns vying to host the Stormers’ annual pre­season training camp, Hermanus has become the outright favourite – because of the bounty and beauty the area offers; because of the welcome the players receive when they are here; and last but not least because of the fabulous field at Hermanus Primary, where the players are put through their training sessions. And they don’t intend looking elsewhere for a better field. “We are here to stay,” said the Stormers team manager, Chippie Solomon. This is food for thought. The top condition of the sports field at Hermanus Primary was one of the main deciding factors for their deci­ sion. The surface, according to Solomon, makes it a safe field to play on as the team cannot afford to lose any players due to inju­ ries while training. He says their relationship with the school is such that they can pick up the phone, confirm dates, and when they ar­ rive all is sorted and arranged. What a feather in the cap for the school. And what a great spin­off for other businesses in town and surrounds. But it takes effort and commitment to keep the field in tip­top shape for a handful of training sessions. Which is part of the school’s normal commitment to its sports grounds, said school principal Barry Cilliers. When excellence is an everyday standard, the benefits and returns flow almost naturally.


Barbara Summerell responds: I must congratulate you on your mastery of the English language to interpret nuances. I wish I was anywhere as proficient in the Afrikaans language. Language is not one of my strong points.

My own is so complicated that I have used up my language proficiency on struggling with English. I am Celtic by origin. I assume you are new in the Overberg. Welcome. Enjoy. Be happy.

Ek het die geleentheid gehad om van Oujaarsdag tot so ná Nuwejaarsdag by my suster op Onrus te kuier. Oujaarsdag het ek geld getrek by die Standard Bank OTM by Gateway-winkelsentrum. In my nalatigheid het ek my vlugkaartjie terug na Durban vanaf Kaapstad uit my handsak laat val ... sonder om dit eens agter te kom. Terug op Onrus kry ek toe ’n SMS van ene Magda van Mel Tucker Travel Agency, Hermanus, met haar straatadres om te sê iemand het my kaartjie by die sentrum opgetel en na haar gebring. Ek kon dit by haar kom afhaal. Is dit nie wonderlik nie? Dit was toe al te laat op Oujaarsdag, maar ek kon ’n SMS stuur om te vra of ek dit die 2de Januarie kon kom haal. Dit het ek toe ook gedoen en vir haar blomme geneem om dankie te sê, maar sy kon nie vir my sê wie die persoon was wat dit opgetel en na haar geneem het nie. Die hele episode is vir my ’n riem onder die hart. Hermanus se mense gee genoeg om vir hul gaste om die ekstra draai te loop om hulle uit ’n verknorsing te help. As hulle dit nie gedoen het nie, sou ek eenvoudig ’n ander vlugkaartjie moes koop. Magda moes my selfoonnommer soek in die SAAkoevert en het dit opgespoor op die kaartjie van die pendeldiens in Margate wat my moes terugbring van die Durban-lughawe af. Dit sou ek ook verloor het. Hoeveel mense sou daardie SAA-koevert enigsins opgelet het? Dit kon so maklik net daar bly lê of weggewaai het. Wie is jy, weldoener? Ek skuld jou ’n baie groot dankie! As jy die brief lees, maak asseblief kontak met my suster, Tertia Knaap, op Onrus. Vir jou wil ons ken! Dankie, Hermanus. Jul gasvryheid is puik!

From the editor: Hermanus Times has received (and published) a number of comments on the balance of language in our publication. Although it is always uplifting to know we are part of a community that cares enough to keep sending a continuous stream of letters (and SMSes) – whether these be congratulatory, challenging or tongue-in-cheek, and voicing opinions on a variety of issues – let’s give the language issue some down time. We do our utmost to ensure a good and balanced read every week, despite the language “challenge”. But, on this topic, we do need to explain why the index headings on the classified pages have suddenly changed to Afrikaans only, when they had always been bilingual until a few weeks ago. One reader took it upon himself to count the number of English ads in the classified section to strengthen his query/complaint regarding the sudden absence of English index headings. This is due to a new ad booking system implemented across the Boland Media group. The request, to bring bilingual headings back is being addressed. Although the timing of the system switch-over made our explanation to this reader all the more difficult, we do ask that you bear with us while it is being worked on.


Letters column provides insights into strange workings of human mind Sometimes the letters column of the Hermanus Times supplies surprising food for thought as well as extraordinary insights into the strange workings of the human mind. Today was such a day. A certain gentleman wrote about traffic congestion caused by road blocks held during the festive season. As one started to read, one was inclined to sympathise – poor man, delayed in his quest to go shopping – what an inconvenience! However, the poor man, delayed for 27 terribly long minutes at the inappropriate roadblock, was discovered to have outstanding traffic violations! One wonders how anyone can be arrogant enough to complain about a road block when they are the very reason for the inconvenience to everyone else. Sir, pay your tickets and such a road block will not be necessary. Not only did the poor man have to wait 27 long minutes, but when he was finally released to go (his face having reflected many different hues of anger, by his own admission), he furiously spun his front wheels in anger (by his own admission) and

‘No dogs allowed’ not adhered to Is it only at Onrus beach that the regulations on dogs on the beach and on leashes does not count? On 5 Jan the “security guards” were on duty and none stopped people walking right past them, taking their dogs onto the beach, this despite the “no dogs allowed” sign. Last Sunday a dog was running around dragging his leash with him (without the owner attached) and promptly attacked two smaller dogs. Were it not for the one dog owner who happened to have a stun gun on hand, this dog would have mauled the second dog as well. What is to be done? This behaviour by dog owners is unacceptable.


shot out into the traffic because, he says, none of the traffic officers assisted him in rejoining the queue of traffic. Extraordinarily he manages to be surprised when the officers pursue him and give him yet another ticket. This, after he had earlier stated that their concern should be the safety of drivers, not the collection of cash. Driving with squealing wheels into traffic does not seem to register in the mind of this poor put-upon gentleman as a somewhat unsafe activity. Finally he tells us that he is looking forward to his day in court when he expects to have ‘fun’ detailing the poor judgement of the Hermanus Traffic Officials. Well, I am not sure how much fun it is going to be to pay his latest fine (he has after all made an admission of guilt in a public newspaper) and why anyone in authority should waste their valuable time listening to his strange version of officials doing their duty as they should.


Jan Cilliers reponds: The author of the above letter is right; the

human mind is indeed a strange place. He only read in my letter what he wanted to read and then came to some weird conclusions. The case in point is that he or she didn’t see the wood for the trees. In his own words it was an inappropriate roadblock. He also didn’t take cognisance of the fact that I mentioned alleged offences. He also assumed that it was unsafe to spin my wheels. If, and only if, it was an unsafe hasty departure, it was the direct result of the traffic department not properly managing a roadblock in peak traffic in a safe manner. He also thought I admitted guilt. He also thought that my face reflected anger and not frustration as I said. There is also a difference between spinning wheels and a squeal from tyres – the word quantify comes to mind. No sir, although my letter was written tongue-in-cheek, I think you should look at the bigger picture of safety on our roads . How many deaths are caused by spinning wheels causing damage to the road and how many are because of excessive speeding and/or drunken driving? I think you should re-assess your criticism.

Why were fireworks allowed on 4 January? I read the article ‘Vuurwerkherrie bars los’ in the Hermanus Times of 9/01/14 and realized that not much has changed in the 14 years I’ve lived here. There is cruel, avoidable distress for all types of animals, the loss of animals and a fire hazard due to illegal and so-called legal fireworks. The Fire Department seems to be a little confused as to when New Year should be celebrated. Giving permission for a display on 4 January without notifying the public would mean that they expect us to sedate our animals for about a week every day and night to accommodate a visitor who seems to have some clout. The first firework went off on 30 December, 2013 at 21:25. Neighbours down from Potchefstroom lost two cats on the night of 4 January

028-312 3717 PO Box 96 Hermanus 7200

and we are on the other side of Voëlklip. One of the cats only found its way back to their holiday house the evening before they left to go home on 11 January. I am not alone in wanting to know what the actual procedure is for giving permission for the use of fireworks. Is a meeting held about it or is it enough to have a beach front property? Please can Joe Schoeman explain this procedure and the criteria followed, if any, to the ratepayers in a transparent manner. Why permission can’t be given for a half hour before and after midnight to celebrate New Year, I don’t know, or are we celebrating fireworks?

JOURNALIST ON CALL THIS WEEKEND Cilene Bekker 083 444 9511


Joe Schoeman, division commander: Fire & Rescue Services, responds: The main criteria for the discharge of fireworks outside the designated areas, includes: . Application must be in writing and addressed to the Chief: Fire & Rescue. . Fireworks are only permitted if they are conducted by a professional pyro-technician or licensed competent person. . Permisission must be obtained from the police department’s explosives unit and be submitted with the application. . A site inspection is then conducted and a safety risk assessment for the area is done. . The applicant as well as the technician who is going to be in charge of the fireworks must complete an indemnity form and take re-

Ombudsman According to the editorial policy of Hermanus Times we invite readers to comment about the newspaper's contents, and we correct significant errors as soon as possible. Please send information about correction of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24's Community Press, George Claassen, at george.claassen@media24.com, or call him at 021 8513232 or 083 5432471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman, Mr. Joe Thloloe. In that case, please phone 011 484 3612/8, send a fax to 011 484 3619 or e-mail to khanyim@ombudsman.org.za.

sponsibility for irregularities or claims. . Applications are approved with strict conditions to ensure that adequate safety procedures are followed. . It is the responsibility of the applicants to inform the community/neighbours of their intention to use fireworks on a specific day and time, and to handle objections. . The law does not require a municipality to inform residents about approved fireworks, but it is expected that applicants do so out of courtesy to their neighbours. Only three beaches in the Overstrand are allowed fireworks on New Year’s Eve between 22:00 and 01:00 – Grotto East, Hawston and Kleinmond – because they are deemed the safest areas for uncontrolled fireworks.

Editor: Annelien Dean (annelien.dean@media24.com News Editor: Cilene Bekker (cilene@hermanustimes.co.za) Photo Journalists: Kerry van Rensburg (kerry@hermanustimes.co.za) Janine van der Riet (janine@hermanustimes.co.za) Hedda Mittner (Hedda.mittner@hermanustimes.co.za) Advertising: Olivia Dickson, (odickson@hermanustimes.co.za) Ester Schultz, (ester.schultz@hermanustimes.co.za) Michelle van Zyl (michelle.vanzyl@hermanustimes.co.za) SUPERsmalls: Tania Fisher (ads@hermanustimes.co.za)

Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

16 January, 2014

Letters A TOAST TO THE NEW YEAR: A Stewart Pharmacy staff, with their giant bottle of bubbly, wishes all their customers a hap­ py and prosperous new year. Celebrating the start of 2014 in festive spirit were (back from left) Arnold Nepgen, Faith Mn­ yanzeli, Amanda Symington, Juanita Swarts and Riana Buys. In front from left: Marile Geldenhuys, Hannelie Roux, Lind­ say Light and Joshlin Hartnick.

) Ai tog, met of sonder toestemming is dit onwettig

om klappers in ’n woongebied af te vuur. Gaan kyk gerus by HAWS hoeveel diere daar is weens klappers. Joe Schoeman, agter jou ore wil ek ’n klapper sit op afstandbeheer en dit afskiet wan­ neer jy dit die minste verwag. Dalk kry jy dan die insig wat jy nou kortkom.– EB ) Dit is nou tipies ons munisipaliteit wat agteraf toestemming gee vir vuurwerke tot ergernis van ander inwoners. ) Mense van Hermanus verhuis terug na Duitsland oor twee weke. Hulle het iemand gehad wat hulle opregte African Ridgeback en hulle opregte Jack Russel sou oorneem, maar dit het nie gerealiseer nie. Daar is niks fout met die honde nie, hulle soek net ’n goeie huis. Kontak vir Sven Lager by 072 828 4727. ) This is a warning to the residents of the retirement villages on Chanteclair Avenue. A man driving an Audi with registration number “Car 4 U”, when travelling from Onrus, cuts you off and if you hoot at him he slams on the brakes hoping that you will smash into him. To this Audi driver: Read the rules of the road and stop thinking the road belongs to you.– M. VAN VUUREN ) Ons mense wat in Sandbaai, Onrus en Vermont werk het darem ’n groot probleem om in die aande by ons huise te kom, maar in die oggend is ons geld goed vir Hawston se taxi­base. ) Dankie aan Johan Venter wat my Opel­bakkie herstel het so twee jaar gelede en nou onlangs my skoonseun, Flip van Dyk, se Isuzu­bakkie van die Paarl reggemaak het. Jammer dat die mense van die Paarl dit nie kon regmaak nie. Nogmaals baie dankie.– OOM JAAP ) Something must be done to the entrance road to Sandbaai beach on the Onrus side. It is very bad, lots of deep pot holes, and half of the road is washed away. You have to be very careful driv­ ing there, it’s dangerous for your car.– GARY

LANCELLAS ) Aan die “poacher” met die blou bakkie: Ek sien jou waar jy perlemoenslym van jou bakkie afwas op die plein naby Westdene. En dit nogal reg on­ der die polisie se neuse. ) Ek wil net graag vir Hennie, Maurice en Gerome van Hermanus Midas baie dankie sê vir hulle uit­ stekende diens. Ek werk gereeld op plase buite die dorp, maar wil steeds besighede in my dorp ondersteun. Hulle vind altyd alle snaakse items wat ek benodig. So ook vind hulle altyd ’n manier om die items by my te kry. Baie dankie manne, dit word regtig waardeer. – ETIENNE ENGEL­ BRECHT, DINGO MINI DIGGER HIRE ) I had fantastic response by the electricity depart­ ment on 8 January to repair a fallen overhead cable which fell over our driveway. The crew ar­ rived within four minutes of making the call. I think it took us longer to find the emergency number. Thanks.– PAM & ALICK BRUCE ) Barbara Summerell, if I were you, I won’t even make it public in the newspaper that I am not able to read or speak Afrikaans, because 99,99% of Afrikaans­speaking people can read, write and speak English. It is poorly of us all that we can’t even understand a black language like Xhosa.– BETS ) Wat het geword van die verfraaiings­komitee en die munisipaliteit se alien­werkers? Ek het my tuinman ’n hele dag Port Jacksons laat uitkap in die park tussen Wes­End en Meentstraat en dis maar nog ’n druppel in die emmer. Dis die munisi­ paliteit se verantwoordelikheid. ) Dame in nood benodig huisartikels, kombuis­ ware en meubels. Sy sien geen hoop. Kontak 076 115 7382. ) HT 9 Jan, page 6. Very naughty Du Plessis fami­ ly. Three leashless dogs on the beach. Soon the sky will fall down.– J.M. PHILIP ) To Kavanagh Diamonds & Jewellery: thank you for your excellent services and superb craftsman­ ship.– PAM & MOM ) To all friends and ex­colleagues in Hermanus: Hope you have an awesome 2014. Love and miss you all.– PATRICIA & ELWYN PHILANDER ) Found inscribed silver baby bracelet, in Ver­ mont. Phone 028 316 2342 to identify. ) The paper is too thin to pay R5,20 for. It is too little news for that price.

The weatherman says now that the holiday is over and the children are back at school, it is time to look after the garden and plant some flowers or trees, as the weather is perfect for planting. A few clouds are expected today and Friday, but for the next few days, sunshine weather can be expected.


Temp: 16/23 Clear


Temp: 18/24 Clear


Temp: 18/24 Clear


Temp: 18/25 Clear

Weather forecast info website: www.infosight.co.za/weather/SouthAfrica/WesternCape/Hermanus/


FORECAST SA WEATHER BUREAU Coldest day: 14°C onBY 14th January Warmest day: 29.4°C on 15th January Rainfall: 9.5mm on 10 January Total rainfall for January: 149.6 mm De Bos dam level: 100.6% Average rainfall for January: 23.5mm

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

T I D E T A B L E 0358 0428 0459 0530 0604 0641 0726 0825


1609 1640 1711 1743 1817 1857 1950 2108

0958 1029 1101 1135 1212 0016 0057 0151

LOW 2209 2239 2310 2341 ---1254 1347 1502


1 Jan

8 Jan

16 Jan

30 Jan

Information supplied by the Hydrographer SA Navy. The Hydrographer is not responsible for any transcription errors.


Staan Saam benodig dringend hulp Hermanus Staan Saam wil ’n dringende beroep doen op die publiek. 2014 het begin met groot nood aan ons kant en ons word daagliks oorval met oproepe om hulp. Daar is in hierdie tyd van die jaar baie behoeftige mense wat om hulp aanklop weens die feit dat dit skoolklere, skoolgelde en nog baie meer is wat moet aandag kry. Alhoewel ons dit verwag het en voorsiening daarvoor gemaak het, is Hermanus Staan Saam nog steeds oorweldig deur die hoeveelheid roepe om hulp. Ons sal dit waardeer as mense ons dalk be-

hulpsaam kan wees in terme van vleis of enige ander item wat ons kan aanwend om verligting te bring. Hermanus Staan Saam het ’n streng beleid en ons wend alle fondse aan deur slegs voorbereide etes aan behoeftiges te verskaf, maar gee geen kontant aan persone nie. Dus versorg en verskaf ons voorbereide etes aan gesinne terwyl hulle hul eie inkomste moet gebruik om hul huidige omstandighede aan te spreek. Bel Hermanus Staan Saam by 082 737 1226.


Huis Lettie Theron is ’n klein hemel vir bejaardes’ Ek is ’n inwoner van Huis Lettie Theron en ek wil net van die geleentheid gebruik maak om al die inwoners van Hermanus bewus te maak van hoe wonderlik ons hier behandel word. Ons bejaardes word met liefde en respek deur die hele personeel behandel. As ons nie die nuwe tegnologie verstaan nie

word ons met geduld reggehelp. As ons siek is word daar na ons omgesien. Ons kry baie lekker kos. Die tehuis is ’n klein hemel vir bejaardes. Dit is ’n genade om te weet ons bly rustig en veilig hier tot die Here ons kom haal.


Hospice supportive and caring to the end Do we realise how lucky we are in Hermanus to have such a wonderful Hospice service who are truly dedicated to helping not only people who are sick but helping families cope with very sick partners. My husband fell ill last year with cancer and on the same day we found out how ill he was, the doctor contacted Hospice who rang and arranged to come and see us. What wonderful people they turned out to be. They were there to help both night and day. With not only pain management control but with compassion towards myself and

family, in fact they became part of our family. The support and encouragement they gave me to be able to cope with the situation was far more than my family and I ever expected. My husband is sadly gone now but because of their service we were able to let him stay at home to the end. Thank you, I will always be indebted to you. If you wish to donate to a worthwhile cause I urge anyone with a few rand to spare to give to Hospice. THE MASTERSON FAMILY FISHERHAVEN

Shark attack victim and family eternally grateful Thomas Browne and his family would like to take this opportunity to thank the communities of Hermanus and Stanford for the incredible love and support shown during the shark attack on 16 December at De Kelders. The quick response and excellent medical attention Thomas received at the Mediclinic Hermanus has resulted in a speedy recovery.

Our special thanks go to Dr RG du Toit and all the staff in Ward B for their love and kindness. Thomas continues to go from strength to strength and we will always be eternally grateful to all those people for their prays and thoughts during this traumatic incident.


Genoeglike weer tot herfs toeslaan Uit en tuis en die vakansie is ook verby vir Overstranders wat nie weg was nie. En kyk, die weer is aan die verander. Ons kyk aanstaande week reeds na die begin van herfs. Maar tot dan heers ons genoeglike klimaat, wat ons tuis en veilig laat voel. Maar nou dat die kinders weer hok toe is, is dit tyd om bestek te neem. Dit is veral die tuin wat moet aandag kry. Die maan is ampertjies vol en dis ’n baie vrugbare tyd om te plant. Laatsomerblomme, vrugteboompies en rankplante moet in die grond kom. Potplante moet vandag en môre nog in nuwe grond verplant word. Tot aanstaande week durf manlief nie lyf wegsteek om die gras te sny nie. Die sterk groei is nou. En moenie vergeet om voor Dinsdag bietjie plaagbeheer toe te pas nie. Hierdie wenke van ons tuinboumense geld vir almal in die Overberg. In die bolug is alles honkie dorie met ons weerpatroon. Die normale hobbelrigheid in die windspoed wat na donker elke drie uur byna gaan lê, is nog aan die gang en daar is in die volgende week min uiterstes in selfs die aand en dag temperature wat tussen 20 en 25 grade wissel. Die seestrome is tot aanstaande week ook rustig. Dit raak ons hengelaars. Diegene wat met sonsak ’n lyntjie wil gaan natmaak sal die water byna te stil vind. Weerhaan het heelwat oproepe gehad van le-

sers wat kla dat besoekers baie ondermaatse vis gevang het en daar is nou veral baie klein kabeljou en elwe in die water. Hou tog maar by die reëls, vra die bewaringsmense. Die boetes is groot. Onthou, die son sak nou reeds vroeër en pak maar teen 7 namiddag se kant op as jy nie in die donker op die rotse wil wees nie. Die wolke wat môre en Vrydag oor die Overstrand trek, keer nie dat Sondag ’n heerlike gesinsdag op die strand kan word nie. Die water is warm en veilig, wat ook beteken baie plankryers sal op die wal rondsit. Die matige weer hou tot volgende Woensdag aan. In ’n neutedop is die goeie nuus dat ons dorpsdam redelik vol is, maar langtermyn kenners weet dat dit geen waarborg is dat die winter nie, soos die Overstrand sommige jare is, maar baie onvoorspelbaar kan wees nie. Werk maar spaarsaam met die tuinwater en die karwas en kyk dat die kleingoed nie ure lank onder die stort speel nie.


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

16 January, 2014

Artist Lize van der Walt.


Positive outlook after cancer treatment DEEVRA NORLING Artist Lize van der Walt was diagnosed with cancer in October last year after noticing tenderness in her right breast. Lize explains that a year and a half ago her doctor recommended that she go for regular mammograms, because she is over 40 and her mother (actress Wilna Snyman) has also had breast cancer. She made a mental note of it but soon forgot. In October, a chance meeting with an old friend who had breast cancer finally prompted her to go for a check-up. An ultrasound revealed a lump and a biopsy confirmed that the tumour was malignant (cancerous). “This was a curve ball and I knew that I needed to be calm and stay positive, and above all trust and believe that my newfound faith in Jesus Christ will lead me through this,” says Lize. After the initial shock, the financial reality came crashing down on her. Lize is a freelance artist and also has a slimming treatment business. Both these provide an erratic income and she does not have a medical aid plan. “My only option was to use a state-funded hospital. I was referred to Tygerberg Hospital, but the first available date for a lumpectomy was at the end of January this year.” Then something amazing happened. Nelia and André Schreuder in Johannesburg heard about her predicament from Lizette Voigt, a mutual friend. André, who had recently been through his own battle with cancer, was concerned about a waiting period of four months to have the operation. He promptly decided to make a donation on behalf of his company, Villa Crop Protection, to pay for the operation. Lize was admitted to Mediclinic Panorama in December, her tumour was removed and she is back home and recovering well. “I realised that the operation was made possible not only through the amazing kindness and generosity of my friends Lizette, André and Nelia who paid for it, but also through the power of prayer. “I am overwhelmed and forever thankful to my friends and church for their prayers and blessed to witness how our Lord uses angels to reveal His goodness and perform miracles.” She is now undergoing further treatment while still maintaining a positive outlook.

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

16 January, 2014


Inspired Life MINISTRIES

Invites you for a time of Worship, & the Inspired Word of God

All Welcome

Sunday @ 09am-10:30 am Evening Service @18:00 Sandbaai Saal Main Rd

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19 January 2014

Services: 8.30 & 10am Rev. James Grey SUNDAY SCHOOL 8.30am

In anticipation of their upcoming fundraiser and launch, members of the local Heal the World reach out team recently met with Mayor Nicolette Botha­Guthrie (second from right), who is the guest speaker at their function on Saturday evening. With the mayor are Robert Van­Haagen, Pastor Nathan Mashongwa and Theo Smits. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Bible Hour: 6.30 pm A Series led by Rev. Andrew Luke Israel THEN & NOW (12-26 January)

Enquiries 028 – 312 2717 ********************* STANFORD UNITED CHURCH Evening service 18:00 Enquiries (028) 341 0077

Heal the World fundraising dinner The locally based Heal the World reach out team will host a fundraising dinner and launch function in the Overstrand Banqueting Hall on Saturday 18 January from 18:00 to 21:00. Pastor Nathan Mashongwa says Heal the World is a non-profit organisation and they spread the gospel in the community through their musicians, preachers, and students and individuals from Europe. The ministry’s aim is to change the world and make a difference by reaching out to the needy. Mashongwa says their launch function

was supposed to take place on 14 December but was postponed until 18 January. Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie is the guest of honour at this special function and Bruce Retief is the guest artist. Heal the World is affiliated to Christian World Centre and the main purpose of the function on Saturday is to introduce the ministry to the community and to raise funds for their various projects. Tickets are R300 pp and include a traditional Indonesian meal. Tickets can be purchased from Willie or Klaus at Bellini Gallery; call 073 461 0132 or 083 475 7290.

shofar at bosko everyone’s invited to join our sunday celebration! sunday services


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Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

16 January, 2014

GESKENKE: Curro Hermanus het gedu­ rende Desember ver­ lede jaar skoenbok­ sies gevul met Kers­ geskenke wat vir kinders ingesamel en uitgedeel is aan die pleegkinders van Ba­ disa Hermanus. Lu­ zanne Naudé (maat­ skaplike werker) is vergesel deur twee gemeenskapsontwik­ kelaars, Madeleine Fourie en Joanne Le­ wis, wat die onge­ veer 30 boksies in ontvangs geneem en uitgedeel het.

KENNISGEWING VAN OMGEWINGSMAGTIGING DEA&DP VERW NR: E12/2/3/1-E4/5-0016/09 VOORGESTELDE WINKELSENTRUM OP GEDEELTE 1 VAN PLAAS 572, HAWSTON Kennis geskied hiermee, in terme van die 2006 EIA Regulasies en die 2010 EIA Regulasies onder die Wet op Nasionale Omgewingsbestuur (Wet Nr. 107 van 1998), van die Departement van Omgewingsake en Ontwikkelingsbeplanning se besluit om die bogenoemde voorstel gedeeltelik goed te keur. Die Omgewingsmagtiging (EA) (beskikbaar by die Hermanus en Hawston biblioteke), gedateer 3 Januarie 2014 en uitgereik op 6 Januarie 2014, lys die redes vir goedkeuring, goedkeuringsvoorwaardes en appèl-prosedure. Die terrein is direk suidoos van Hawston geleë, langs die R43 hoofpad na Hermanus. Die EA gee magtiging vir ‘n winkelsentrum met ‘n maksimum totale verhuurbare area (GLA) van 10 000 m2. Verwante infrastruktuur sluit in toegangspaaie vanuit die R43, interne paaie, parkeerareas en ‘n stormwater dreineringstelsel. In terme van Staatskennisgewing Nr R386 van 21 April 2006 word die volgende gelyste aktiwiteite goedgekeur: Nr 1(k), 1(v), 15, 16 en 18 In terme van Staatskennisgewing Nr R544 van 18 Junie 2010 word die volgende gelyste aktiwiteite goedgekeur: Nr 9, 22, 23 en 47 In terme van Staatskennisgewing Nr R546 van 18 Junie 2010 word die volgende gelyste aktiwiteite goedgekeur: Nr 4, 12, 13 en 19 U aandag word gevestig op u reg tot appèl teen die EA of enige voorwaarde daarin vervat in terme van Artikels 60-64 van die NEMA EIA Regulasies. Enige persoon wat verlang om te appelleer moet ‘n Kennisgewing van Voorneme om te Appelleer binne 20 kalender dae vanaf die datum van besluit aan die Minister rig, en moet die appèl binne 30 kalender dae na vestryking van die bogenoemde 20 dae indien. Dit kan deur middel van die volgende wyses geskied: Pos: Western Cape Ministry of Local Government, EnvironmentalAffairs & Development Planning Private Bag X9186 Cape Town, 8000 Faks: (021) 483-4174; or Per hand: Att: Mr J. de Villiers (tel 021 483-3721) Room 809, 8th Floor Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, 8001 Enige persoon wat verlang om appèl aan te teken moet alle geregistreerde belanghebbende en geaffekteerde partye of die aansoeker (Wekita One (Pty) Ltd by faks (021) 914-6247) kennis gee van hul voorneme om te appelleer, en besonderhede verskaf waar en vir watter periode die appèl beskikbaar gaan wees vir besigtiging. Dit moet binne 10 kalender dae vanaf die datum van indiening van kennisgewing aan die aansoeker gerig word. Die voorgeskewe vorms is beskikbaar vanaf die Minister se kantoor by tel (021) 483-3721, e-pos Jaap.deVilliers@westerncape.gov.za of URL http://www.capegateway.gov.za/eadp. Sien die EA vir verdere besonderhede.

Pretty in pink: Lena Sauls, a member of Lombardi Centre.

It was an enchanted evening when members, friends and sponsors gathered for the Lombardi Senior Centre’s end­of­ year Christmas function held at the end of last year before closing for the holidays. The theme of the party was Matric Class of 1990. Jenny Sauls, manager of Lombardi, said it was because many of the members of the centre did not have an opportunity to finish matric, as they had to work, so they were never part of a matric class. But when Nelson Mandela was freed from prison in 1990, it was a symbolic “graduation” for all of them. Jenny thanked the many peo­ ple who contributed to the success of the evening. Looking very glamorous in their evening gowns and decorative masks were, from left, Valerie Doty, Anna April and Moira Claasen. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

Lady in red: Jenny Sauls, manager of Lombardi.

U3A presents talk on Schubert The Overberg U3A will present a talk on Franz Schubert in the Overstrand Auditorium on Thursday 16 January at 17:30. The speaker will be Klaus Dembeck, who was the speaker at the very popular Verdi evening at the end of last year. The title of his talk is: Franz Schubert (1797 – 1828) – a composer’s Life in Vienna. Dembeck was born in Germany and studied at the University of Hildesheim with music, literature and art as his major subjects. His talk will be an introduction to two concerts presented by OAK in the Over-

Mark Berry Omgewingskonsultante Posbus 1456, Gordonsbaai, 7151 Tel (021) 856 1148 of 083 286 9470, Faks 086 759 1908 E-pos mberry@telkomsa.net

strand Auditorium on 17 and 24 January respectively, both at 19:00, during which Die Schöne Müllerin and Arias by Schubert will be performed by visiting German artists Christoff Genz (tenor), Cornelia Herrmann (piano) and Reiner SchneiderWaterburg (baritone). Dembeck does not only know much about the composer and his music; he has also lived and worked in Vienna as an opera manager and director before he moved to Hermanus in 2003. Tickets are R10 and are available at the door.


Overberg District

NOTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DECISION DEA&DP REF NO: E12/2/3/1-E4/5-0016/09 PROPOSED RETAIL CENTRE ON PORTION 1 OF FARM 572, HAWSTON In terms of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No 107 of 1998) and the EIA Regulations of 2006 and the EIA Regulations of 2010, notice is hereby given of the Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning’s decision to issue a partial authorisation for the above activity. The Environmental Authorisation or EA (copies of which are available at the Hermanus and Hawston libraries), dated 3 January 2014 and issued on 6 January 2014, outlines the decision, reasons for the decision, conditions of authorisation, and the appeal process. The site is located directly south-east of Hawston, next to the R43 main road to Hermanus. The EA allows for a retail facility with a maximum Gross Leasable Area (GLA) of 10 000 m2. Additional infrastructure includes access roads off the R43 main road, an internal road network, parking areas and a stormwater drainage system. In terms of Government Notice No R386 of 21 April 2006, the following listed activities are authorised: No 1(k), 1(v), 15, 16 and 18 In terms of Government Notice No R544 of 18 June 2010, the following listed activities are authorised: No 9, 22, 23 and 47 In terms of Government Notice No R546 of 18 June 2010, the following listed activities are authorised: No 4, 12, 13 and 19 Your attention is drawn to your right to appeal against the EA or any condition contained therein to the Minister in terms of Sections 60-64 of the NEMA EIA regulations. Any person who wishes to appeal against the EA must lodge a Notice of Intention to Appeal with the Minister within 20 calendar days of the date of the decision, and must submit the appeal within 30 calendar days after the lapsing of the above 20 calendar days. This can be achieved by means of one of the following methods: By post: Western Cape Ministry of Local Government, EnvironmentalAffairs & Development Planning Private Bag X9186 Cape Town, 8000 By facsimile: (021) 483-4174; or By hand: Att: Mr J. de Villiers (tel 021 483-3721) Room 809, 8th Floor Utilitas Building, 1 Dorp Street, Cape Town, 8001 Any person who wishes to appeal must provide all registered Interested & Affected Parties or the applicant (Wekita One (Pty) Ltd at fax (021) 914-6247) with a copy of their notice of intention to appeal as well as a notice indicating where and for what period the appeal submission will be available for inspection. This must be served on the applicant within 10 calendar days of having lodged the notice. The prescribed forms are obtainable from the Minister’s office at tel (021) 483-3721, e-mail Jaap.deVilliers@westerncape.gov.za or URL http://www.capegateway.gov.za/eadp. See the EAfor further details in this regard.

Call for Proposals

For NPOs to Deliver Community and Facility-based Services for the 2014/2015 Financial Year

The Health Department of the Western Cape Government aims to strengthen its collaboration with non-profit organisations (NPOs) through the creation of formalised partnerships for the delivery of various community and facility-based services. The Department is conducting structured evaluations of all existing NPO partnerships, delivering comprehensive holistic community-based services, global funding and specified facility-based services. Service level agreements may be extended for a 2-year period, performance based. Global fund service level agreements are for a period of one year, performance based. All non-profit organisations complying with the Non-profit Organisations Act, 1997 (Act 71 of 1997), the Fundraising Act, 1978 (Act 107 of 1978), and Section 21 of the Companies Act, 1973 (Act 61 of 1973), are invited to submit a business proposal if they are prepared to deliver the following services for the 2014/2015 financial year, as indicated below: 1. Integrated home and community-based care (HCBC) services package: • Provision of basic home nursing care: * Maternal and newborn care * Child and adolescent healthcare * Women’s healthcare * Healthy ageing * Palliative care * Rehabilitation services * Support of stable mental health clients • Provision of community health prevention and promotion activities • Chronic disease prevention and control • Integrated community adherence support: Homes/groups. 2. Existing inpatient service providers delivering intermediate care, which aims to integrate, link and provide a transition between locations (home/hospital and vice versa) between different levels (acute/primary/homebased care) and different states (illness and recovery, or management of acquired or chronic disability/long-term condition). 3. Existing community-based mental health services including group homes and licensed homes. 4. Facility-based counselling projects delivered within the public health facilities, eg services related to TB, HIV, HCT, ARV adherence and wellness centres. 5. TB/HIV prevention services providing integrated community-based interventions, eg HCT at non-medical sites and in high-transmission areas. 6. PEAP (Provincial Employees AIDS Programme) services providing HCT at Western Cape Government Department workplaces across the Overberg District. 7. The Global Fund aims to strengthen the community-based response to HIV/AIDS and TB. The 5 specific focus areas are the following: • Promotion of food security • Provision of community-based care to orphans and vulnerable children • Provision of emergency accommodation for children, women, the frail and the terminally ill • Job creation and income generation • Life-skills and youth work targeting youth out-of-school. NPOs are encouraged to, where possible, work within the identified sub-district boundaries of the Overberg. District responsible person contact details Overberg District

Ms Petro Robertson (028) 212-1512 Ms Esmé Henn 082 340 9144 All NPOs intending to submit proposals are hereby requested to attend the compulsory information/briefing session. This session will provide relevant information regarding the requirements for submission of the proposals and will take place as follows: Venue Overberg District Caledon Town Hall

Address Donkin Street, Caledon

Date and Time 22 January 2014 09:00 – 14:00

The due date and venue for submission of proposals will be as follows:

Mark Berry Environmental Consultants Box 1456, Gordon’s Bay, 7151 Tel (021) 856 1148 or 083 286 9470, Fax 086 759 1908 E-mail mberry@telkomsa.net



Date and Time

Overberg District Caledon Tender Box at Reception

Overberg District Office, N2 Highway, Caledon

21 February 2014 at 14:00

The Department of Health, Overberg District reserves the right to set programme-specific targets, in accordance with its Annual Performance Plan for 2014/15. Arina Wilson 105489

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

16 January, 2014

LOOK AT ALL OUR PREZZIES: Some of the dogs from Her­ manus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) enjoy­ ing the toys and chewies which were donated by the three vet shops in Her­ manus, following their Santa Box Project, which ran for a cou­ ple of months prior to Christmas. The public filled five to six large boxes full of treats, as well as large bags with tins of food.

) ’n Jong wyfiekat, oorwegend wit met tortoise shell­kleurkolle, gevind in Northcliff Saterdag 11 Januarie. Skakel 028 312 3065. ) Overstrand Hospice Opportunity Art 3 on 29 March at the Municipal Auditorium. Donate art and antique collectables at the Hospice Shop at 3 Aberdeen Street (next to the Hermanus Times). ) Priscilla (082 777 4002) vra dat die eienaar van die blou Nissan­bakkie met sleepwa wat op 1 November 2013 voor Pick n Pay teen haar motor vasgery het, haar asseblief skakel.


YUMMY! HAWS would like to thank the manager of the shop, Janina Kruger, for this initia­ tive and the public for their fantastic sup­ port. All of the dogs in the photos are up for adoption. Please call HAWS on 028 312 1281 for more info.

Nico Steneveld with the kittens he rescued out of a refuse bag.

Kittens dumped in refuse bag JANINE VAN DER RIET Five newborn kittens tied up in a black refuse bag were discovered at the Stanford municipal dump on 29 December by a resident from Stanford. Nico Steneveld couldn’t believe his eyes when he opened the bag and discovered the tiny wriggling kittens. When he found them they were only ten days old and their eyes were still closed. He took the kittens to the Stanford Vet Clinic where they are being cared for by staff with support from the Stanford Animal Welfare Society (SAWS). SAWS condemns this extremely cruel act. “It shows that owners are not sterilising their pets and then dealing with the consequences in the most inhumane manner,” said a representative of SAWS. “We applaud Nico for saving the kittens – it was the right thing to do.” However, the welfare kennels are bursting at the seams with 12 kittens and five older cats so they are desperately looking for good homes for these lovely furry friends. Please contact the Stanford Vet Clinic on 028 341 0547 if you can help.

MUNICI PA LITY U M A S I PA L A MUNISIPALITEIT Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 29(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, No 117 of 1998, that a COUNCIL MEETING of the Theewaterskloof Municipality will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CALEDON on THURSDAY 23 JANUARY 2014 at 14:00. _________________________________ Esi sisazizo sokuba NGOLWESINE, umhla we 23 JANUARY 2014, NGENTSIMBI YESIBINI 14:00 kuzakubakho INTLANGANISO YEBHUNGA lase Theewaterskloof, EMAGUMBINI EBHUNGA, E CALEDON. Esisibhengezo senziwa ngokwemigaqo ka Section 29(2) Womthetho Karhulumente Wezekhaya: Municipal Structres Act, 117 ka 1998. _________________________________ Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikel 29(2) van die Plaaslike Regering : Wet op Munisipale Strukture, nr 117 van 1998, dat 'n RAADSVERGADERING van die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit in die RAADSAAL, CALEDON op DONDERDAG 23 JANUARIE 2014 om 14:00 gehou sal word. _________________________________ HSD Wallace MUNICIPAL MANAGER UMANEJALAWESIXEKO MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER PO Box 24/Idilesi ye posi 24/Posbus 24 CALEDON 7230

QUOTATION NO. SC 1432/2014

KWOTASIENR. SC 1432/2014


Quotations are hereby invited for the Provision of Medical Examination Services for 180 Beneficiaries of the Working for Water Project. Quotation documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 17January 2014, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus; Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30. Alternatively the document may be downloaded from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za . Sealed quotations, with: “Quotation No. SC 1432/2014: Provision of Medical Examination Services for 180 Beneficiaries of the Working for Water Project”, clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 5 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the documentation issued by Overstrand Municipality. The closing date and time of the quotation is on 31 January 2014 at 12h00 and quotations will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the Supply Chain Management Committee Room, HermanusAdministration. Quotations must be valid for 60 days after the closing date. Quotations shall be evaluated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and bidders may claim preference points in terms of their B-BBEE status level of contribution. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any quotation and reserves the right to accept any quotation, as it may deem expedient. Quotations are subject to the General Conditions of Contract and the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Overstrand Municipality. Please refer enquiries to Tracy Sampson at telephone number: 028 316 8250.

Kwotasies word hiermee ingewag vir die Voorsiening van Mediese Ondersoekdienste vir 180 Begunstigdes vir die Werk van Water Projek. Kwotasiedokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag, 17 Januarie 2014, by die Voorsienings-kanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, vanaf Me. Rita Neethling, Tel. 028 313 8064 tussen 08h30 en 15h30. Alternatiewelik mag die dokument afgelaai word vanaf die webblad www.overstrand.gov.za. Ve r s e ë l d e k w o t a s i e s d u i d e l i k g e m e r k : “Kwotasie SC 1432/2014: Voorsiening van Mediese Ondersoekdienste vir 180 Begunstigdes vir die Werk van Water Projek.” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tenderbus Nr. 5 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Kwotasies mag slegs ingedien word op die dokumentasie verskaf deur Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die Kwotasie is 31 Januarie 2014 om 12h00 en kwotasies sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. Kwotasies moet geldig wees vir 60 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Kwotasies sal evalueer word in terme van die Voorkeurverkrygings Regulasies, 2011 en Tenderaars mag voorkeur punte eis in terme van hul B-BSEB status vlak van bydrae. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die laagste of enige kwotasie wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie. Kwotasies is onderhewig aan die Algemene Kontrakvoorwaardes en die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuursbeleid van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Navrae kan gerig word aan Tracy Sampson by telefoonnommer 028 316 8250.



Kucelwa uqikelelo-xabiso: Sokunikeza ngee Nkonzo zovavanyo kwempilo yabantu aba yi 180 abazuzayo kwi Projekthi ka Working for Water. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoLwesihlanu 17 Januwari 2014, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala weOverstrand., eMagnolia Avenue, eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye-15h30, Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za Uqikelelo-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, “UqikeleloXabiso No. SC 1432/2014: Sokunikeza ngee Nkonzo zovavanyo kwempilo yabantu aba yi 180 abazuzayo kwi Projekthi ka Working for Water” Ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no. 5 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala waseOverstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 31 Januwari 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamashumi anesthandathu 60 emva komhla wokuvala. Ithenda zizakuhluzwa ngokomgangatho womiselo oKhethekileyo wokuFumana ka-2011 kwaye abanini bethenda banga funa amanqaku okhetheko ngokomgangatho abanawo kwi B-BBEE. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphantsi okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kaMasipala weOverstrand. Nceda nxibelelana no Nkosazana u Tracy Sampson kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 316 8250 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo. UMNU. S. MULLER UMONGAMELI: WEZIBONELELO EZISISISEKO NO CWANGCISO


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

16 January, 2014

) Fountain of Victory International Ministries fel­ lowship at Qhayiya Secondary School from 09:30 – 12:00.

THURSDAY 16 JANUARY ) Whalers Athletics Club time trials at 18:00 at the cricket club. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mol­ lergren Retirement Village. Call Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. FRIDAY 17 JANUARY ) First Bhuki Cafe tea of 2014. Join the Friends of the Library for tea, coffee, companionship and home bakes from 09:00 to 11:30. ) Langarmsokkie (elke eerste Vrydag) by die Her­ manus­rolbalklub, om 19:00. R30 p.p. of R80 p.p. met ’n ete ingesluit. Kontantkroeg en restaurant sal oop wees. SATURDAY 18 JANUARY ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kos­en­wynmark, 09:00 – 13:00. ) Hermanus Country Market from 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Garden Market, 09:00 – 14:00 at Hemel­en­ Aarde Village. SUNDAY 19 JANUARY

MONDAY 20 JANUARY ) The Overberg Quilters’ Guild will meet at 09:30 at the De Wet Hall, Roos Street, Onrus. Everyone is welcome. Come learn, share and see amazing quilts. The new block project will begin at this meet­ ing. For more information contact Sue Prins: 0 028 314 1918, 072 248 3425 or 2 sjprins@mweb.co.za ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof: 0 028 314 0662 or 0 072 230 9179. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) Birdlife Overberg’s monthly meetings in January and March, at the community hall at Mollergren Park, will focus on the plight of the black harrier. This will form part of the build­up to the charity golf day at the Arabella Golf Estate on 19 March. Researchers Dr Rob Simmons, Dr Odette Curtis and Dale Wright will inform members about their work during these two meetings and highlight the projects that Birdlife Overberg is raising funds for. The meeting is at 18:30 for 19:00; catering at R60 pp. Bring your own drinks and glasses. RSVP Helen: 2 birding@southernartsceramics.co.za or 0 073 456 0393. TUESDAY 21 JANUARY ) Join the Early Birds at the Hermanus Tennis Club on Tuesdays and Thursdays 07:00 to 09:00. Call

Vic Hamilton­Attwell: 0 082 785 5145 or Ken Collett: 0 082 806 8292. ) Friends of the Library AGM at 10:00 at the library. Committee members please take note of this date. WEDNESDAY 22 JANUARY ) Summer Night Market from 16:00 – 20:00 at the cricket club. Call: 0 072 883 3894. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging ver­ gader 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Bel Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250 of Badisa: 0 028 312 3909 EVENTS ) The Flower Festival in St Peter’s Church, in aid of the Overstrand Hospice and St Peter’s Church, takes place from Wednesday 29 Jan­ uary to Saturday 1 February. The festival is open daily from 10:00 to 17:00. For further info contact Ann Harvett: 0 072 402 5245 or Christine Ross: 0 028 313 2555. ) On Thursday 30 January from 13:10 to 13:45 you can listen to Tobias Kotze on Cello at St Peter’s Church. No admission charge. ) The African Marimba Group will play classical music at St Peter’s Church on Friday 31 Janu­ ary at 19:00. The cost is R60 which includes a glass of wine. ) Enjoy music and stalls in St Peter’s garden from 10:00 to 15:00 on Saturday 1 February. ) The first meeting in 2014 of the Hermanus Sup­ port Group for Mental Health will take place on Monday 3 February at 15:30 in the Blue Room, Fynbos Park Retirement Village. All wel­

come ­ bring your friends and/or family. For en­ quiries call Phil: 0 083 456 5017; Non­ nie:0 028 316 2461; or Esje 0 028 313 2031 / 071 853 2106 / 2 sj@hermanus.co.za ) The annual general meeting of the Community Sector 3 Sub Forum will take place on 5 Februa­ ry at 09:00 at the Hermanus Police Station OPS room. For more information, contact Westraat on 028 314 1049. ) The Kogelberg branch of the Botanical Society of SA will present a talk on Thursday 16 Janu­ ary in the Nivenia Hall at 18:00. Hilary Guise is the guest speaker. The collection money will be donated to Harold Porter Gardens. ) Stanford Tourism presents SA star of the cabaret stage Emile Minnie at the Birkenhead in Stanford on Friday 21 February at 19:30 for 20:00. Tickets are R185 pp and include dinner and the show. Bookings can be made at 2 ask@stan­ fordinfo.co.za or call: 0 028 3410 340.

LOST PROPERTY: Do you recognise any of these items? The purple NIV Bible was found near Siffie and Ghwarrieng Streets in Ver­ mont and the wedding photos were picked up in Glasolien Street near the sea front, al­ so in Vermont. If these items belong to you, call Marilyn on 082 899 5376.



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Kraakvars aansig en meer waarde QUICKPIC Suzuki se gewilde Swift-luikrugmotor wat in 2011 bekendgestel is, het pas ’n aantal verbeteringe vir die 2014-modeljaar ondergaan. Die meerderheid veranderinge is op ’n varser voorkoms gerig, maar die lys standaardtoerusting is ook aangepas. Die 2014 Swift baat by ’n deftiger binneruim, met Bluetooth-koppeling wat nou deel word van die GLSweergawe se standaardmondering. Dié stelsel laat nie net toe dat versoenbare toestelle soos selfone draadloos aan die motor se klankstelsel gekoppel kan word nie, maar buiten telefoonoproepe kan musiek van slimfone en Bluetooth-toegeruste toestelle ook deur die klankstelsel gespeel word. Nog ’n toevoeging wat byval sal vind is togsnelheidsbeheer, wat eweneens by die GLS-model se lys standaardkenmerke gevoeg is. Die stelsel word gerieflik deur middel van kontroles op die meerfunksiestuurwiel beheer. Daarbenewens spog die GL en die GLS-weergawes van die nuutste Swift met nuwe, meer moderne doekstofbekleedsel, wat verder tot die luikrug se hedendaagse beeld bydra. Die mees ooglopende verandering aan die 2014 Swift is die splinternuwe sierrooster, wat met ’n herontwerpte voorste buffer gepaard gaan. GLS-weergawes word voortaan met LED-dagryligte toegerus, terwyl die luginlate van die GL-modelle met nuwe sierstroke omring word. Die derde, hooggeplaaste remlig agter maak ook van ’n helderder LED-eenheid gebruik. Die volgrootte naafdoppe van die GL-model is heeltemal herontwerp, terwyl die GLS met splinternuwe allooiwiele toegerus is. Die 2014 Swift-

Die 2014 Swift baat by ’n deftiger binneruim, met Bluetooth­koppeling wat nou deel word van die GLS­weerga­ we se standaardmondering. FOTO: QUICKPIC modelreeks kry ook ’n nuwe kleur, wat as Luminous Blue Metallic bekend staan. Die 2014 Swift-reeks maak steeds van dieselfde doeltreffende, brandstofingespuite viersilinder-kragbron gebruik. Die sogenaamde K14Beenheid se maksimum-kraglewering beloop 70 kW by 6 000 r/min, met ’n gepaardgaande wringkragpiek van 130 Nm by 4 000 r/min. Suinige brandstofvebruik bly ’n hoogtepunt van die hele Swift-reeks. Die vyfgang-handratweergawes behaal ’n verbruiksyfer van net 5,5 F/ 100 km in die gekombineerde siklus, met ’n gepaardgaande CO²-uitlaatgasvlak van 132 g/km. Die GLS Outomaties, met sy seepgladde outomatiese viergangratkas, spog met ’n gekombineerde siklusverbruiksyfer van 6,2 F/100 km, met CO²-uitlaatgasvlakke van 147 g/km.

Die 2014 Suzuki Swift bied ’n keuse van twee afwerkings. Die Swift GL koppel bekostigbaarheid aan bogemiddelde vlakke van standaardtoerusting. Onder die hoogtepunte tel kragstuur, ’n hoogteverstelbare stuurwiel, elektries-beheerde ruite voor en agter, afstandbeheerde sentrale sluiting, en lugversorging. Die lys sluit ook elektries-verstelbare buitespieëls, hoogteverstelling vir die bestuurdersitplek, en ’n meerfunksie-ritrekenaar in wat inligting soos die buite-temperatuur, brandstofverbruik en reikafstand vertoon. Die agtersitplek is 60/40 verdeel en kan platgevou word om meer pakplek te bied. ’n Handige nutshaak op die agterste sitplekleunings bied slim bergplek vir inkopiesakke. Veiligheid word ook deeglik aangespreek: GL-weergawes spog met

twee lugsakke voor, asook ABS-sluitweerremme. Die Swift GLS is nog deftiger, en bied ook die keuse van ’n outomatiese of ’n handratkas. Wat voorkoms betref, word die GLS-model veral deur sy nuwe allooiwiele van 16 duim onderskei, asook deur die voorste misligte en die nuwe LED-dagryligte. Binne word Bluetooth en togsnelheidsbeheer by die GLS se uitvoerige lys standaardtoerusting gevoeg. Die leerraamstuurwiel kan vir hoogte en reikafstand verstel word, en bied kontroles vir die klankstelsel en die nuut bygevoegde togsnelheidsbeheer. Wat veiligheid betref, word die getal lugsakke na ses uitgebrei, met syen gordynlugsakke wat by die voorste lugsakke gevoeg word. Die GLS se lys bykomend kenmer-

ke sluit outomatiese klimaatbeheer in, asook ’n USB-sok waarmee geheue-stokkies en musiekspelers aan die klankstelsel gekoppel kan word. ’n Sleutellose bedryfstelsel laat toe dat die Swift met die blote druk van ’n skakelaar aan- en afgeskakel kan word, terwyl die deure ook oop- en toegesluit kan word. Die lewendige Swift Sport bly grotendeels onveranderd, en bied steeds al die ontwerp- en binneruimkenmerke wat dié unieke verrigtingsmodel van die gewone Swiftreeks onderskei. Die Sport baat egter by die toevoeging van Bluetooth-koppeling en togsnelheidsbeheer tot die Swiftreeks. Dit geld ook die kontroles vir die togsnelheidsbeheer op die stuurwiel. Die Sport is die Swift-reeks se atleet, en word deur ’n toergierige viersilinder-enjin van 1,6 liter aangedryf. Die eenheid bereik sy wakker maksimum-kraglewering van 100 kW by 6 900 r/min, gekoppel aan ’n wringkragpiek van 160 Nm by 4 400 r-min. Die Sport word as standaard met elektroniese stabiliteitsbeheer (ESC) toegerus, wat nie net veiligheid en traksie baat nie, maar ook afgeskakel kan word vir diegene wat ’n selfs meer opwindende bestuurservaring wil geniet. Pryse vir die nuwe Swift begin by R165 900 en eindig by R223 900 vir die Swift Sport. Die pryse sluit metaalverf in, asook die Suzuki Complete-pakket, wat alle fasette van naverkope-diens behels. Die Suzuki Swift-reeks word deur ’n omvattende waarborg van drie jaar/100 000 km gedek, asook roesweerdekking van ses jaar. Boonop is ’n diensplan van drie jaar/60 000 km ook standaard, tesame met ’n AA-bystandsplan van drie jaar.


Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

16 January, 2014

Mercedes­Benz CLA: the hip sedan HANJO STIER Caution caution, I’m about to go into grumpy-old-man mode. What happened to common courtesy and good manners? Why do our lives move quicker and quicker? Who needs all these new cars we have on our market? Take the new Mercedes-Benz CLA, for example.

All engines are state­of­the­art, turbo­charged four cylinders which comply with Euro 6 emis­ sions regulations; one more than they have to. PHOTO: QUICKPIC

Who is it aimed at? Unconventional, younger, lifestyle-orientated customers, ladder climbers and innovators who are looking for a confident, sporty, untamed, compact C-segment sedan with sporty, powerful design language and an aggressive, stand-out, dynamic edge to it – according to Mercedes-Benz South Africa. So what’s wrong with the C-Class? Well, yes, M-B execs were quick to point out, the slightly larger, rear-wheel-drive sedan is more re-

strained and classic so the new CLA is in no way a C-Class substitute. In fact, it looks, feels and drives differently, for customers who weren’t considering this brand before, also financially. Isn’t that being greedy? Not really, they would argue, by following the daring CLS designs with a lower price tag, this car lures a completely different *cough* younger *cough* audience and hopefully they’ll stay with the three-pointed star. Merc aims to lead luxury segments by 2020, locally by as early as 2015. Really. How? Progressive and exciting products, like this CLA with a world-record Cd (aerodynamic) value of just 0.22. All engines are state-of-the-art, turbo-charged four cylinders which comply with Euro 6 emissions regulations; one more than they have to. All petrols are also BlueDirect (direct injection) motors. Sounds complicated. What else? All CLAs have an Eco start/stop system to further lower their emissions and consumption. Other standard items, besides most available electric and automatic goodies, are a dynamic DirectSteer system, Attention Assist drowsiness detection and Collision Assist system. Is that all? Of course not. The CLA is packed with safety features to the tune of five EuroNCAP stars and an advanced award, it boasts a premium interior with lots of individualisation options, differing specification levels and a host of connectivity solutions – more of which will be added in the near future. Right, which models are available? For you Sir, CLA180 and CLA200 turbo-petrol (90kw/200Nm and 115kW/250Nm) or CLA220 CDI turbo-diesel (125 kW/350Nm) with either 6-speed manual or 7-speed double-clutch automaticgearbox(includingeco,sportandmanual modes with shift paddles). Both petrol cars claim average fuel consumption of around 5.5F/100 km with about 130 g CO²/km while the diesel manages 4.5 and 117 g. All of them hit 100km/h in eight to nine seconds and can reach 210 to 230 km/h. The boot takes 470F, the fuel tank 50+6F, maximum load is 525 kg and the turning radius is 11 m. For absolute speed freaks, there’s also the CLA45 AMG which assaults you with another world-beating 265 kW and can scare Porsche’s by hitting 100 km/h in 4.6 seconds. After sampling the dynamic CLA range on our launch route, we were given the chance to fling the AMG around an airfield – amazing. Good Heavens. How much? The CLA45 AMG is about R675 000 and slightly sold out while the CLA180 costs R348 700, CLA200 is R372 200 and the CLA220 CDI will set you back R397 600. All cars are sold with a 6-year/100 000km full maintenance plan and a choice of seven exterior colours. From our short drive and all these impressive specs I can confirm that the CLA is not an oldman’s car, especiallyagrumpyone.Judging by the public’s reaction, Mercedes has certainly hit their mark and will attract a lot of hip new clients. And for clients with a new hip, there’s always the C-Class. Galimoto Media

Check oil and water levels regularly If your car runs out of oil the engine will have no lubrication, seize up and die, leaving you with a car that doesn’t work and a hefty mechanic bill. Checking the oil once a month can prevent this. Make sure your car engine has been turned for five minutes, open the bonnet, pull out the dipstick, then wipe and replace it, before pulling it out again. The oil level should be between the minimum and maximum marks. If it’s not, then it’s time to top up

Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

16 January, 2014


Volvo Concept XC Coupé for an active lifestyle QUICKPIC The second of Volvo’s three much-anticipated concept cars is the new Volvo Concept XC Coupé. Inspired by the design of modern sports equipment and demonstrating the safety capabilities of Volvo’s new Scalable Product Architecture, it is a sophisticated and capable car for people with an active lifestyle. “Those who love gravity sports freely seek new thrills and challenges. To ensure that they make it back in one piece, they prefer high-performance equipment that offers the ultimate sense of freedom and protection,” says Thomas Ingenlath, Senior Vice President Design of Volvo Car Group. “The Volvo Concept XC Coupé is perfectly in tune with this active lifestyle. Its capability and protection is cleverly integrated into the sophisticated looks. Concept XC Coupé is ready and willing to bring you into the adventure zone and back,” he adds. The three concept cars are designed to demonstrate vital elements of the company’s new Scalable Product Architecture (SPA): namely the confident stance, the perfect proportions and the most prominent design signatures. “Volvo’s Concept XC Coupé also shows how clever engineering makes it possible for us to reinforce our world-leading safety without compromising design, size or weight. Thanks to the extensive use of high-strength boron steel and structures with new, ingenious decoupling, we can make SPA cars

more compact and safer at the same time,” says Ingenlath. The two-door, four-seater Volvo Concept XC Coupé has a strong connection with its sibling, the Volvo Concept Coupé. However, the larger 21-inch wheels, the more accentuated wheel-arches and the taller roofline all contribute to a more ro-

bust impression and a fuller, capable look. The extended distance between the dashboard and the front axle is still a very powerful visual element. The capable stance is emphasised by details such as the new bonnet and a beltline that spans an elegant bow along the length of the

car. The connection with modern, high-tech sports gear is highly present in the concept car. Among the sources of inspiration for the design team is the Swedish company POC, which develops high-tech protective gear for gravity sports athletes.

The two­door, four­seater Volvo Concept XC Coupé has a strong connection with its sibling, the Volvo Concept Coupé. PHOTO: QUICKPIC

“Several orange details and exterior graphics in combination with bold use of matte rubber mouldings, which cover the rear end of the car, add to the highly functional expression of the design,” says Ingenlath. To strike the right balance between aesthetics and functionality, the design team has also given traditional SUV elements, such as side mouldings and skid plates, a modern interpretation. They are more integrated into the sleek design, lying flush with the surrounding body areas. Just like Volvo Concept Coupé, the face of the Volvo Concept XC Coupé is characterised by a new topography on the bonnet and the “floating” grille, flanked by headlights featuring new T-shaped DRL light guides. The rear light signature is also a distinctive element in the new design direction of Volvo Cars. “Both concept cars show how we can shape our cars from now on. We add emotional value to the Volvo brand with the calm, confident beauty that is the hallmark of Scandinavian design,” says Ingenlath. Volvo Cars paved the way for a completely new segment by introducing the V70 Cross Country in 1997. The range has been continuously developed and extended since then. Presently, it spans from the Volvo V40 Cross Country, via the XC60 and XC70, to the XC90. “With the Volvo Concept XC Coupé, we take this unique blend of capable ruggedness and expressive elegance up to a new, sportier level,” says Ingenlath.


Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

16 January, 2014

Lexus RC F to make world debut QUICKPIC The aggressive new Lexus RC F coupe – equipped with new 5.0litre engine with power well above 330 kW (450 hp) – will be launched at the North American International Auto Show on January 14. The model has been styled for optimum high speed stability to support the most powerful V8 performance car ever developed by Lexus. The RC F is based on the spectacular new RC coupe revealed at the Tokyo Motor Show in November. It has wider wheels and tyres, an active rear wing, air scoops, cooling ducts and carbon-fibre components, each delivering what Lexus describes as “functional beauty”. “The form of each component is carefully designed to contribute to performance,” Lexus RC F chief engineer Yukihiko Yaguchi said. “Unique air outlets in the hood and rear section of the front fenders contribute to optimum engine cooling and handling stability, and create an aggressive look that immediately conveys the expectation of a dynamic driving experience.” The signature Lexus spindle grille dominates the front of the RC F and encompasses one single F-pattern in its mesh, from the bonnet line to the lower lip. The bonnet is higher than that of the RC and helps create a powerful flared profile suited to an F model. Ducts beneath the front bumper

The RC F has taken design cues from the Lexus LFA supercar. and fenders and strategically placed aerodynamic stabilising fins create a stance which further identifies the F model. Air outlets at the rear of the front fender form the shape of an L when they merge with side sill extensions, while stacked trapezoidal quad-outlet tailpipes at the rear add further aggression. The RC F has taken design cues from the Lexus LFA supercar. An

active rear wing deploys from the RC F’s deck at speeds over 80 km/h and retracts at less than 40 km/h to enhance the coupe’s lines at standstill. Three variations of 10spoke 19” forged aluminium wheels are available by grade. Two are machine polished and on the High Plus grade the wheels are hand polished by a craftsman. The striking cockpit-like interior of Lexus RC F complements the


aggressive exterior. Unique components include the meters, steering wheel, seats, ornamentation and pedals. The instrument panel is dominated by a switchable central dial which changes according to the four selectable driving modes. The information, colour of the display and size of text all alter. RC F debuts a Lexus-first elliptical cross-section thick-grip steering wheel with optimum place-

ment of paddle gear shifts. All-new high back seats with an embossed F on the headrests have been styled to resemble tight-fitting athletic sportswear and to offer similar levels of support. The seats are available in a selection of five leather trims. Outstanding new L-shaped rubber slits in the brake and accelerator pedals combine form and function by providing better foot grip.

BOLAND Auto Sold

Hermanus Times 16 January, 2014



Hermanus Times 16 January, 2014

BOLAND Auto Sold

Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 January, 2014



Mammie se eerste verjaarsdag weg vanaf ons en dit is so hartseer want ons het nooit geweet hoe min tyd daar oor was nie.


Ons sal elke verjaarsdag partytjie onthou al was dit hoe klein. Missing you very much.







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KIP MCGRATH EDUCATION CENTRE. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028-313 0209 today for a free assessment.


Your children and grandchildren.


ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za.

VIRET WALTER 1/01/2014. Passed away . We will miss you our dear friend. RIP. Pamela and Harry.

IN MEMORIAM BERG ALIDA (LEE) née SCHUTTE 26/09/1933 – 25/12/2013 Much loved wife of Laurie, (a 59-year love story), mother of Belinda, Daryl and Cynthia. Grandmother of Rhys, Martene, Branden, Justin, Matthew and David. Mother-in-Law of Sean and Manuela. Lee passed away at home on Christmas Day after a 4-year battle with cancer. She was one of the world's kindest ladies and we all miss her so much. Our special thanks to Sister Shelley of the Highway Hospice, Durban, for the kindness and care shown towards the end of Lee's life, and to all at St Agnes Anglican Church, Kloof, KZN, in particular Father Nigel Juckes, who conducted the Cremation Service. --ooOoo-A memorial service and celebration of Lee's life will be held in Hermanus at a date to be announced. Tel: 083 461 8044 Laurie



SUGAR PLUM Party Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.


BEAUTIFUL KITTENS and female Jack Russell all very urgently need good homes. Tel no 028 431 0547 or 082 899 1172. GEMEENSKAPSKENNISGEWINGS 1210

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.


NARDUS VAN DYK Opsoek na iemand wat klavierlesse aanbied. Skakel 074 887 0088 / Nardu8v@yahoo.co.za. OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679.


Ek wil graag DR. Marius Coetzee en sy span kolegas asook almal wat my so wonderlik bygestaan het asook oproepe, boodskappe met my man Christie Stander se heengaan. Baie dankie sê, word baie waardeer.


HOUSE & PET-SITTER AVAILABLE. Reliable and trustworthy. Live-in. Contact Deevra 071 477 7850 or deev67@gmail.com.




ELEKTRIES TOEBEHORE MATHS TUITION. Wis1620 kunde onderrig. Skakel 071 1460 FRIDGE/FREEZER Dou818 3311. ble-door 480 Litres R1800 ANGELIQUE PSYCHIC and Top Load washing maholiday special. Ph 082 909 chine R1750, double gas 4994. Need advice or direcburner R350 (Napier). Tel tion accurate predictions. 083 444 1313. PERSOONLIK



CAROLINE ADAMS. Heengegaan op 10/01/2014. Dankie vir mamma se liefde deur die jare. Ons saluut jou mama. Van Chrizel, Ethan, Aldrin & E-Jay.

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218.

OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679.

DRINK AND SHRINK. Promoting a healthy, active lifestyle. For free wellness assessment call Tanya 082 796 5741.

TAROT READING. 25 Years experience. Phone 083 750 9453 for appointments.


PHOTOGRAPHER for all your functions. M. Stone 083 456 1913 or mestone@mweb.co.za.

MAIA DANU MASSAGE. Healing and Balancing Aromatherapy. Call Megan 079 882 3250. maiadanu@gmail.com. www.maiadanu.wix.com/ maiadanu


MASSAGE THERAPIST. Raymond Philpott. Therapeutic, deep tissue, sports. Kidbrooke Place & Botrivier. Call 082 599 2993.

HERMANUS HIRING will fill all your function needs - Tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, linen, etc. At good prices. Call 028-312 4291 or Ken on 082 420 0060.

WEIGHT WATCHERS, internationally acclaimed as the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Summer Special! Phone Gilly 082 8789 558. Because it works!


SOEK SAAMRYGELEENTHEID van Kleinmond tot Onrus vir 2 persone. Tyd 7h45 - 18h00. Skakel 072 428 7320.


HERBALIFE. Summer is here! Lose weight and keep it off! Professional follow up. Free delivery. Call 076 155 9648.

1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.


AFFORDABLE ONSITE Computer Support. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer with ten years corporate experience to assist you at home or office with all computer, network, internet and email problems. Call Jacques 084 402 0500.


WENDY HUISE 1677 1480

COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997. MEUBELS 1635

BARGAIN SHOP. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508.


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 January, 2014


Steenbras Street, off Swartdam Street. Industrial Area Tel 028-312 2886 084 512 9584 ROMMELVERKOPING 1636


GARAGE SALE. 18th January 2014. Variety of things. 6 Dikkop singel Sandbaai off Jan van Riebeek Street to left. Call 028-316 3563.



CALEDON - Rippen piano- good condition, R4000. Singer sewing machine (hand model) R350. Call 072 368 7426 at 18h00.

I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.


BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028312 2367.

TRAILER HIRE: Contact CCS Plant Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726.


MIK & TAK. Afsaag van bome, verwyder wortelsisteme. Verwyder en maak skoon - die twee boertjies ken - probeer ons. Aldert 083 739 9865/Mike 078 371 5967. BOUPLANNE 1802


BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592. DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. Fire wood. Call T.J.Boshoff 082 954 7970. E-mail: bossie.boom@gmail.com FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.

RUSTIC CARPENTRY. Qualified carpenter. For your carpentry needs! Call Martin 082 557 6095.

ZUKI'S GARDEN & Forestery Service. Alien plant clearing. Plot clearing. Garden refuse removal. Tree pruning. Hedge trimming. Weed extermination, etc. Call Zukisani 082 711 6102.

NEVILLE'S REFRIGERATION and appliance repairs. Fridges, freezers, stoves, tumble driers, microwaves. Phone Neville 028-316 1690 or 078 401 3547.

FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. www.fynbosgardens.com

PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.




GLAS/VENSTERS OVERBERG DRY TAR. Diensverskaffing van teer WIND-O-WASH. For pro- werk asook plaveisel. Nufessional window cleaning we opritte, sypaadjies, services in the domestic, parkeer areas en paaie. commercial, industrial and Herstelwerk en vernuwing retail sectors. We have van bestaande oppervlakmore than 20 years expetes. Besoek gerus www. rience in the industry and hfrubbersurfacing.co.za vir look forward to your call meer inligting oor ons nuon 028-313 2232 for a free, we dienste. Kontak Jaco no obligation quotation. Stander vir gratis kwotasies by 072 225 3792. ALLERLEI 1827


082 414 9611





PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028 316 1881 / 072 288 4761.

TOILET & HUT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726.

A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. For full garden maintenance, tree felling, plot clearing and refuse removal. Also small removals. Gutter cleaning. Call Morné 083 225 3712.

ALTERATION & BUILDING PLANS, can do energy efficiency study. Call Steven 074 102 7897. E-mail: steven@ imagestudio.co.za.

REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195.

PLANT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726.


INDUSRIAL OVEN CONVOSTAR 740 1030 690 high. 5 Shelves R5000. Call 072 616 0976.


24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017.


DRILL PRESS R1200; Grinder R1400; Lathe R5000; Band saw R2000; Belt sander R900; Vertical ALGEMENE & belt sander R1100; Circle HUISDIENSTE saw R1500; Electric welder R1700; Gas welder R3000; Oxygen bottle, full R600; Gauges R500; Plate-wire BOUWERK & KONSTRUKSIE roller R4000; Hand shear 1801 R1200; Electric power tools from R250; Vacuum pump and oven. Call 079 A1 BUILDERS. Alterati868 9069. ons, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outFREEZERS 210L, 480L, Chest type 300L upright & side), paving, decking. one 300L fridge. Call John Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798. 082 950 6007(Stanford).

WORKSHOP BENCH with drillpress vice grinder. R1000. Call 028 316 1281.


ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. Call 079 706 1056/074 126 4801.

BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749.

ROOIKRANS - BRAAIWOOD. Delivered and packed. Call 084 802 6944.


ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.


MODULAR 4 PIECE kitchen/wall units. New condition. L-Shaped unit has 30mm counter top overhang for bar stool seating. Plenty storage with drawers. Units are standard height. L-Shape is 600x1200 (with sink) plus 900x1600. R3000. Can whatsapp/email pictures. Call Steve 072 204 4606.

GET A WATER WELL drilled on your property for as little as R2 800 all 1805 inclusive. Contact 072 420 HERMANUS CLEANING 1800 or email: over50 SERVICE. House, pre & employsa@gmail.com. post occupational cleanHERMANUS LANDSCAups. Once-off weekly/monthly & laundry. Fri- PING. Garden design, endly service under super- maintenance & irrigation. 22 Years experience. Call vision. Mon-Sat 076 115 Paul Marx 082 32 777 04. 7382. SKOONMAAKDIENSTE


PLAAGBEHEER AAA MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, damp proofing, water proofing, building & renovations, general maintenance. Free quotes. Call Ian 082 535 5591.


OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your REFRIGERATION & pest problems. Beetle SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call inspections and timber 082 885 7480. treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 SOLARMAX. SABS or 082 563 9514. approved solar hot water ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS, painting, elec- systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long trical, plumbing, tiling, Street, Hermanus. Tel. THE BEE MAN. Problems building etc. Free quotawith Bees? I can solve tions. Phone 082 864 2275. 028-312 1667.www. solarmax.co.za. your Bee problem for you. CARPET AND UPHOLCall 076 832 4719. STERY cleaning. Curtains & blinds. Call Allison or WAL'S SHUTTLE and John 072 572 0215. CAB SERVICE. Specialise in Airport transfers to and CARPET and upholstery LOODGIETERS from Hermanus to Cape cleaning. Personal supervi1855 Town International Airport sion. Best prices. Free quoand Overberg area. We tations. Phone Top Carpets offer you a friendly, perso028-313 0721. nal and punctual, service 1 LOCAL PLUMBING. DAK HERSTELWERK at affordable rates 24/7. Maintenance, geysers, reook water verdigting. Cell:082 268 3226 / W:028 novation, blockages, water Berei voor betyds vir baie 316 4813. proofing, emergency. PIRB ru weer en groot reën SkaRegistered. Discount for kel Bruwer 076 723 3308. pensioners. Call 072 756 FLOOR SANDING & specialized installation of wood floors & timber decks. The Hutton Brothers 082 828 5627 or 028-341 0543.



• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com



9614/028 312 3874.



We recycle




BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact 028 312 4615 or HERMANUS TRANemail us at PORT. 1.2 Tons @ R6/km- advice@bbrokers. 4.5 Tons @ R12/km- 7.5 co.za. Address: 181 Main Tons @R17/km - 13 Tons @ Road, Hermanus. Website: R20/km. Prices netgotiawww.bbrokers.co.za. ble. T&C's apply. Call 082 977 7062. Telefax 028 313 1332. 1870

Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 January, 2014



TE KOOP 2420



NEED A NEW CAR? Let me assist you with your transport needs. Over a hundred vehicles to choose from. Call Conrad today on 071 925 5406 for more information.

HOUSEKEEPING/ SHOP ASSISTANT. Young man looking for housekeeping job or shop work. Please call 061 005 0717/073 673 9748.




HERMANUS - 3 Bedr. Holiday house, R3 600/ week. Call 021 919 2604.

HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za. VOERTUIE GESOEK OM TE KOOP 3075

KENYA WOMAN looking for a job sleep in or out. 14 Years experience in cooking and housekeeping. Call 079 213 5018.

STRAATFRONT EENHEID te huur. Eenheid nr.1, Jarina Park, Gideon van Wyk Slot. 200 vierkante meter. Skakel 083 310 2319.

LOOKING FOR A JOB as a shopkeeper, gardener. 2 Years experience. Reference available. Call Patric 084 443 0818. 4 Days.



LOOKING FOR DOMESTIC or babysitting job. 5 day a week. Call 073 163 1301/074 504 8716.




AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.


ALL BIKE, GOLFCART, Car and truck batteries at discounted prices. Call Peter 072 155 5226.



HEMEL & AARDE EST. Modern House with seaview. 3 Beds, 2 baths, TV room. 1 Year lease. No pets. Garden lovers. R9000 p/m. Tel 082 825 8891. From 1 Feb.

BACHELOR FLAT SANDBAAI. Water & electricity incl. Partly furnished. Call 028- 316 1437/082 767 1086.

BACHELOR FLAT TO RENT. Undercover offroad parking. Includes 250u electricity. No pets. Available 1 March. Call 083 241 1990.

NORTHCLIFF 1 Bedroom semi-furnished garden flat. Street parking. Single professional lady only. No smoking. R2700 pm + deposit and reference required. Available immediately. Call 082 927 6616.

ONRUS 2 Bed/r flat. Ground floor. Off-road parking. Water & electricity, garden service & ADT included. Available 1 Feb. R4500 pm. Call 083 306 9620.

ONRUS: New three bed, two bath home. Spacious kitchen, open plan living. No smokers or pets. R5800 per month including water, Monito Red alarm. Available February. Call 076 607 3080.

HUISE TE HUUR ONRUS APARTMENT 2 Bedroom, 2 bathroom. 1st Floor in the middle of Onrus. No pets. R4250 p/m. Call 071 419 8944.

SANDBAAI: 1 Slaapkamer woonstel. R2800 plus deposito, sluit dienste in. Kamers in gastehuis beskikbaar vir bejaardes, 3 etes per dag plus wasgoed. mediese toesig. Kontak Mev Horn 028 316 4181/076 512 3467.



SHOP 72m2 in the Hemel & Aarde Village. Available FORD FOCUS 2L Zetec now. Very reasonable ren2000 model with all luxutal in beautiful setting. ries and FSH. R42 000. Call R5500 pm. Phone Frandi 071 419 8944. for details: 083 480 9208.



LAW ABIDING, QUIET, refined, single, employed, non-smoking, clean living, considerate person. Six such people reside here. Phone 083 697 2040.


A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a housekeeper/gardener/gueshouse attendant/painter. Work permit available. 3 Years experience. Call Alex 073 903 4493. Reference 082 409 1290. A YOUNG Malawian lady is seeking employment as a housekeeper or domestic TO LET/FOR SALE House in Hawston. Moun- worker. Full/part-time. tain side. Five room house, Very trustworthy and redouble storey. Rent R5000. liable. Call Agness 084 298 Available immediately. Call 5306/078 084 2723. Norman 082 543 1400.

MEERENSEE: 3 B/r furnished house near lagoon and sea. R5900 per month. Fisherhaven Properties 028 315 1990/082 559 4290.

VOテ記KLIP HOME TO LET. 2 Bed, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen/dining/ sitting room. Single garage and carport. R5200 p/m including security. Call 084 528 0947. KANTORE 3290

NAPIER- Shop on Main road R1500p/m + services, Plot R200k and Cottage in quiet part of Village from R350 p/d. Tel 083 444 1313.

MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job as domestic worker. 5 Years experience. Call 071 901 4336/073 844 5034.


3 SLAAPKAMER HUIS in stil buurt in East Cliff te huur. Naby skole en gholfbaan. Sekuur parkering. Geen troeteldiere. Prys: R8000pm. Kontak nr: 082 861 5427.

WALK TO TOWN: 1 Bedroom furnished garden flat for single person. Electricity incl. R2300 p/m. Call 082 746 6641.


THEMBIKA looking for housekeeping and babysitter job for 4 days. Call Thembika 078 572 8055.


SPACIOUS 3 bedroom apartment to let in Main Road, Kleinmond. R6000 per month (services included). Contact Xpertprop @ 082 870 5704.

OPTIMUM SENTRUM ONRUSRIVIER winkel/kantoor (55vkm) te huur. Baie goeie blootstelling. Dit is die selfde perseel as Onrus Poskantoor en is tans die kantore van Hermanus Property Sales. Kontak asb Sybrand 082 416 6788.


FISHERHAVEN: Furnished 3 b/r house. R5000 per month. Fisherhaven Properties 028 315 1990/082 559 4290.

EXCLUSIVE OPEN PLAN offices to let. Hemel & Aarde Village, ツア 100 square metres. Phone 028-316 2696.

A ZIMBABWEAN lady is looking for a job as domestic worker. Mature, honest & experienced. Call Rose for reference 073 895 0169. DOMESTIC NEEDED: My name is Bettina am looking for a job as nany/housekeeper full time. I am hardworking. Call 082 535 8525.

MALAWIAN LADY looking for a job as housekeeper or domestic worker. Three years experience. Please call 074 165 0581. MALAWIAN LADY looking for job. Housekeeper, babysitter. Reference available. Call 083 357 4515/084 741 7576. MALAWIAN man aged 50, looking for a job as chef/ gardener. 15 Years experience in cooking. Have working permit. Call 061 214 7001. MALAWIAN MAN is looking for housekeeping/gardening or any other general work. Guesthouse please call Nicholas 084 984 4579. MALAWIAN man looking for a job as housekeeping on every Monday & Tuesday. Please call Symon 073 908 4781. Reference Mr W Du Toit or Mrs Henzys 083 481 7979. MALAWIAN MAN looking for domestic work/gardening or housekeeping. Four years experience. Call 074 824 7171. MALAWIAN man looking for a job as gardener/housekeeping with experience. Call 083 728 5822. MARY BANA looking for a 5 day job. Domestic or babysitting. Call 071 032 6077/078 568 771. SA LADY LOOKING for a domestic work 3 or 5 days a week. Call 074 659 1765. TISITSI MALGAS looking for a 5 day job. Domestic, babysitter or both. Call 073 728 0413. ALGEMEEN 3680

AFRIKAANS SPREKENDE DAME. Junior winkelassistent. HermaDOMESTIC work Friday. nus Fish Shoppe. Bel 083 Babysitting / housekeeper. 457 5741 tussen 08h00 en Call 076 036 1924. 14h00 om afspraak te reel.


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

16 January, 2014

AGENTS NEEDED to sell Funeral & Life policies. Full training provided. Fax CV to 086 660 4567 or e-mail to tcf@8tamail.com.

WINDSOR HOTEL HERGESOEK MANUS: Service Steward and Kitchen Assistant/ 3601 Cook. E-mail/drop off your CV at the Hotel. E-mail: deputygm@windsorhotel.co.za. MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job as a gardener/bricklayer/painter/housekkeeper. Very hard working. Call 084 013 8149/083 966 7032.

ARE YOU LOOKING TO SUPPLEMENT your income? Only dedicated, goal driven individuals need apply. No experience required! Call 073 302 1463. EXCELLENT SMALL business opportunity! Work only Saturdays. Nett R3000 p/m. Price R25000. Call Izak for an appointment 072 032 0002. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER/CABINETMAKER/Installer required by a well established joinery company in Hermanus, to start work as soon as possible. Salary negotiable based on experience and skill level. Fax short C.V. to 028 312 1702.

RECEPTIONIST/GOOD ALL ROUNDER. Busy tourist lodge in central Hermanus requires a staff member: you need to be good with people, confident and friendly, fluent spoken & written English, a driving licence, reception/admin experience and good attention to detail skills. Lots of telephone bookings, arranging adventure tours, checking customers in and out. You'll need to be hard working, smart, reliable, honest and have a sense of humour. Travel experience overseas would be a huge advantage. Age 25+. Starting salary R3,500. Possible live-in position. Send CV and photo to moobag@mweb.co.za.

NEW & USED CAR SALES EXECUTIVE The Omnicar Group, is a progressive franchise motor dealer which requires the services of an experienced bilingual sales executive. The ideal candidate must: • Have a proven track record • Have well defined people / communication skills • Have good business skills • Be customer service orientated • Be in possession of a valid driver’s licence. A highly competitive remuneration package, with all the benefits of an established company and with career path opportunities, is offered. If you are this person, and would like to join a dynamic organisation, send your application to: E-mail: paul@omnicars.co.za Closing date for applications: 28 February 2014 No telephonic applications will be accepted. Interviews only on invitation. All applications will be treated as confidential.

QUALIFIED BEAUTY THERAPIST needed for an upmarket salon in Hermanus. Basic salary plus commission. To start asap. Call Elzet at 082 764 7591. PHARMACY ASSISTANT learner. Basic minimum requirement. Matric with maths and english 50%. Apply per CV at Clicks. GARDEN SERVICE COMPANY is looking for an experienced lawnmower and weedeater operator. Please contact 082 896 3168.

The South African National Space Agency (SANSA) has a mandate, as outlined in the South African National Space Agency Act, 2008 (Act No 36 of 2008), to coordinate and integrate national space science and technology programmes including conducting long-term planning and implementation of space related activities in SouthAfrica, for the benefit of the citizens of SouthAfrica. SANSA has the following vacancy within the Space Science Directorate situated in Hermanus, Western Cape to be filled by an individual with the relevant skills, competencies and qualifications. SANSA Space Science is a scientific and research organisation that focuses on the Sun-Earth environment. National and International research collaborations, the development of scarce skills within Space Science, the operation of a geophysical laboratory and unique magnetic technology facilities all form part of the Hermanus operations.

Reception administrator

Reporting to the Finance and Business Manager, the incumbent will be responsible for front of house duties which includes managing the reception and being on hand to welcome visitors, co-ordinate catering, assist with students, onsite accommodation bookings and general enquiries. The role will be required to fulfil secretarial duties and administration in addition to receptionist work. The ideal candidate will have: • Grade 12 or Diploma in Office Admin • 3 – 5 years reception/office administration skills • Excellent communication skills • Telephone Handling skills • Good interpersonal skills • Planning and Organising skills • Ability to multi task • Ability to work under pressure The individual will be responsible to: • Operate the Switchboard • Liaise, communicate with different clients and staff •Order goods and services • Provide general office administration assistance • Coordinate the duties of the driver/s and house- keepers • Manage placement of visitors or students residing in the on -site accommodation • Manage student residence • Arrange catering where necessary for meetings • Update telephone list • Manage the print and media room • Make flight and accommodation arrangements • Manage stationery stock Background verification, including criminal record, credit checks, security clearances, qualification and citizenship checks will form part of the selection process. SANSA subscribes to the principles of Employment Equity and welcomes applications from all persons with disabilities ??????? Preference will be given to candidates in accordance with this. Should you meet the above requirements, please e-mail your detailed CV (indicating clearly the position you are interested in) to spacescience@sansa.org.za Closing date: 22 January 2014 Communication will only be conducted with short-listed candidates. If applicants have not heard from us within 4 weeks of the closing date, they must assume that their applications were unsuccessful.

Hermanus Times

Sport Sport

16 January, 2014

CKW Steel Wire wins 6­a­side MANDY ERWEE Fourteen teams competed for the Umpires Cup at the annual Stanford 6-a-side, held recently at the Stanford Cricket Ground. Three new teams joined the 11 teams that return every year and a record number of 3 500 spectators and supporters enjoyed the day’s cricket, which draws top sportsmen like Robbie Fleck, Bobby Skinstad, Schalk Burger, Jean de Villiers, Hottie Louw, Dawie van der Walt and also Willie le Roux. The top four teams of each pool, who played in the semi-finals were Hermanus Towing and CKW Steel Wire (also Hermanus based), Wellington Locals from Stanford and Rocking Rough-

necks from Cape Town. The final was contested between Jeanne Minnaar’s Hermanus Towing and Greg Hunt’s CKW team, with CKW Wire taking the cup. Keeping the winners in the Overberg, Tim Deverson from the John Deere team won the potjiekos competition with his lamb bunny chow pot. The organisers wish to thank the Stanford Municipality and sponsors KWV, SAB, BondiBlu, Overberg Agri, Distell, Stor-Age and Eagle Eyes. Jan-Hendrik Koegelenberg and his team of umpires oversaw the officiating. Thanks too go to Johan Bothes and his team of judges for the potjiekos competition and everyone who helped on the day. This year the Stanford sixes celebrates its 20th anniversary.

3. Sylvia Smith / Margeret Cunningham 56.41%

BRIDGE )Wednesday, 8 January N/S 1. Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 61.74% 2. Jane Underwood / Carin Verburg 61.67% 3. Janice Opsovat / Peggy Nicholson 52.48% E/W 1. Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 66.30% 2. Carol / Val Valeurs 65.55% 3. Adele Bovim / Wina Loubser 57.40% )Friday, 10 January 1. Jaye Howse / June Opperman 60.00% 2. Toni Maythem / Joan o’Connor 59.17% 2. M. Hallas / Vlok 59.17% )Saturday, 11 January 1. Anneke v.d. Vlugt / Chris Raven 67.95% 2. Heather Leemans / Jenny Veysey 60.90%

)Monday, 13 January N/S 1. Louise Mcintosh / Riekie Louw 62.55% 2. Sheila Peers / Maggy Xmas 61.96% 3. Audrey Boynton / Elaine Bosman 55.00% E/W 1. Betty Nel / Toni Maythem 62.25% 2. Marie Nel / Marion Roux 61.47% 3. Aletta Robinson / Annette Strachen 59.08%

WHALERS ATHLETIC CLUB - TIME TRIAL )Thursday, 9 January 3km Runners: 1 Daniel Maree 12.50; 2 David Steere 16.28; 3 Dinkey du Toit 23.10 3km Walkers: 1 Arlene Ehrenberg 26.28; 2 Leo Benning 26.28; 3 Melany Vaughan 26.42; 4 Willie Loedolff 26.42; 5 Johan Andersen 26.42 5km Runners: 1 Alfred Tshabeni 19.55; 2 Evan Austin 19.55; 3 Frank Gillion 21.50; 4 Nicolene van der Merwe 23.21; 5 Andre van der Merwe 23.21; 6 Charles Malan 23.56; 7 Jan Gildenhuys 24.36; 8 Wilhelm Cooper

028 314 0289 or email: aaupton@hermanus.co.za. Places will only be secured on receipt of the entry fee. Entry Fee: Hermanus Golf Club members: R200 pp (includes post­match meal). Visitors: R345 pp. ) The Hermanus Golf Club Be­ nevolent Golf Day will be held on Friday 7 March. Play starts at 11:54 and a 4­ball will cost R2 000. There are also

25.01; 9 Roelof van Weele 26.49; 10 David Cupido 26.49; 11 Hugh Waters 27.03 SB; 12 Paul Pretorius 27.07; 13 Stiffie du Toit 27.21; 14 David Austin 27.41; 15 Karin Austin 27.55; 16 Lisle Geldenhuys 34.10; 17 Josef du Preez 34.10; 8km Runners: 1 Mlandeli Mkhohlakali 30.38; 2 Shaun Privett 30.52; 3 Mark Kavanagh 31.52; 4 Kevin Middleton 35.44; 5 Ewan Venter 39.12; 6 Justin Swarts 39.12; 7 Mikki Milne 39.38; 8 Les Hanna 41.46; 9 Christine Hibberd 41.46; 10 Carina van der Merwe 41.46; 11 Mavis De Villiers 44.19; 12 Gavin Turner 44.42


14 January – First day back on the golf course (Kleinmond) for the DOGS. The results were: 39 Louwtjie Kruger, Jon Forsyth; 38 Peter Theron; 36 Hugh Frangs, David Naylor; 35 Dave Brittain; 34 Michel Maury; 33 Arne Andersen, Peter Sulley, Andre Franken; 31 John Horobin, Sam Seal, Mannes Van Zyl; 30 Ian Newman, Tony Jones, John Tunstall; 29 Pat Dewil, Tony Hackett, Geoff Crowther, Altus (guest); 26 David Rade, Gordon Wilson; 24 Peter Thomas, Vic van der Westhuizen; 23 Gary Wentzel; 22 Keith Gillott.

GOLF )Saturday, 11 January 175 players competed in the 4BBB Stableford competition at the Hermanus Golf Club. East Course: 1. Terry Westbrook / Simon Upton (46). 2. Jooste Senekal / Floors Venter (c/i 45). South Course: 1. Kees Verburg / Les Adams (49). 2. Pieter Daneel / David Dicey (c/i 47). North Course: 1. Lance Nel / Alan Toombs (47). 2. Brian Taylor / Tyron Davidowitz (45).

plenty of opportunities to adver­ tise on and off the course and any donations of prizes or cash will be gratefully accepted. Proceeds will go to the benefici­ aries: Hermanus Hospital, Huis Lettie Theron and Sofca. To enter a team, contact Tarryn­ Lee Schwulst at Hermanus Golf Club 028 312 1954/bookings @hgc.co.za. For information: Dave Smith on 076 706 7973/ davidmsmith0910@gmail.com

CHILDLINE 0800 055 555

KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING IN EKSEKUSIE IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN BELLVILLE GEHOU TE VELLVILLE Saaknr: 8376/03 In die saak tussen HW WENTZEL (Eksekusieskuldeiser) en DM MOMBERG (Eksekusieskuldenaar) In opvolging van ’n vonnis (toegestaan op 09/12/2005) in die Landdroshof Bellville en ’n Lasbrief vir Eksekusie gedateer 08/03/2006 sal die goedere hieronder uiteengesit in eksekusie verkoop word aan die hoogste bieder op 21 Februarie 2014 om 09:00 teArumstraat 11B, Hermanus, naamlik: 1 x Isuzu Kb280 1995 (Registrasienommer CFR 40624) Gedateer te Parow op 10 Januarie 2014. FJ VAN DYK, PROKUREURS VIR EISER, VAN DYK & KIE, 26 McINTYRE STRAAT, PAROW. (VERW: FJVD/W27)

BOEDELKENNISGEWING Boedel wyle THOMAS JAMES TAYLOR, Identiteitsnommer 550312 5002 087, wie woonagtig was te Birdstraat Hermanus. Meestersverwysingsnommer: 4118/2011 Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van Artikel 35 van die Boedelwet no 66/1965 dat die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening in bogemelde boedel ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Kaapstad en die Landdroshof te Hermanus vir ’n tydperk van 21 dae gereken vanaf Vrydag, 17 Januarie 2014. CJ BIERMAN, EKSEKUTEUR, PA VORSTER & STEYN PROKUREURS, MITCHELL HOUSE, MITCHELLSTRAAT 16, HERMANUS. (VERW:A02370/CJ BIERMAN/ps)



Back to golf for DOGS

The team from CWK are back: Jason Underwood, Simon Gordon, Gerry Ferreira, Greg Hunt, Richard Holman and Linian da Silva. Front: Ian Hunt and Larry Dorman.

Charity golf days at Hermanus Golf Club ) A charity golf competition will be held at Hermanus Golf Club Sunday 16 March to help raise much­needed funds for the Overstrand Hospice. The golf competition will be in the form of a mixed 4­ball alli­ ance with many prizes up for grabs. There will be an opportu­ nity to contribute via the popu­ lar Gift Tree, and a raffle and auction are also planned. Bookings via Toni Upton:



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Couple wins in debut Totalsports Challenge

’n Groot ‘afslaan’ vir speler van Hermanus­tennisklub veterane. Sy is ook ’n ge’n Tennisspeler van Hermakwalifiseerde afrigter en nus is gekies om vanaf 21 – 26 was vanaf 1994 – 2000 by afApril vanjaar in die VSA haar rigting betrokke. land te verteenwoordig. “Ek is baie lief vir tennis Maretha Sauer is in Novemas ’n sport en ek glo in die ber gevra om aan die ITF (Indae wat ek tennis afgerig ternational Tennis Federatihet, ek ook ’n lewenslange on) Senior World Team Chamliefde vir tennis by my stupionships in Palm Beach, dente gekweek het,” vertel Florida, te gaan deelneem. Sauer. Altesame 16 mans en 16 “In die VSA gaan ons op vroue (tussen ouderdom 35 en kleibane speel soos in Fran55) is landwyd gekies en Sauer kryk en dit maak my vreesneem deel in ’n groep wat sal lik opgewonde, want ek het meeding om die Margaret Maretha Sauer. as kind laas op kleibane geCourt-trofee. “Dit is vir my ’n absolute eer en voorreg speel.” Die tennisspelers wat gekies is om SA om my land te kan verteenwoordig. Ek sal te verteenwoordig, is volgens ranglys gemy beste gee,” sê Sauer. Sauer speel vir die Hermanus-tennis- keur op grond van nasionale kompetisies klub sowel as vir die span van die Boland waaraan hulle deelgeneem het.

New women’s hockey team Anzel and Christo du Plessis show the medals they received for being the mixed pairs champs in the Totalsports Terra Firma Challenge. PHOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER JAN­HENDRIK COETZER Competing as a mixed pair for the first time, Christo du Plessis and his wife Anzel from Hermanus came in first place in the mixed pairs 4-discipline event in the Totalsports Terra Firma Challenge, which took place last weekend. Their time of 04:26:06 put them in 7th place overall in the pairs category. Approximately 700 multi-sport athletes took part in the event which started in Gordon’s Bay and ended in Kleinmond. This was Christo’s 6th Totalsports Challenge, and Anzel’s third but it was the first time they entered as a (mixed) pair. Christo says their biggest challenge was the beach run,“because of the high tide and the big waves together with running on the loose sand. Luckily we managed to make up some

time in the mountain bike discipline, which was our best event in the race. “The weather conditions were favourable for the most part and I’m extremely satisfied with our overall time.” They competed under the name Zelto Zippity Dooda which Christo explains is a combination of his and Anzel’s names “and the Zippity Dooda at the end just had a nice ring to it”. Apart from receiving medals, the twosome also received two gift vouchers from Totalsports. In the 7-discipline event Dan Hugo reclaimed the Totalsports Challenge Champion title over a combined distance of 123,5 km in a time of 07:06:53. Brett van Coller came in second, while Simon Oosthuizen finished third. In the individual women’s category Heleen Rossouw was the athlete to beat. She crossed the finish line first in a time of 08:59:09.

Hermanus Hockey is making history by opening its doors to all hockey ladies who want to either just stay fit or are crazy for hockey. Ludwig Schutz, chairman, says they have been approached by many individuals to do this for quite some time, but need a certain amount of players to sustain such a team. “We need you to join to make this dream a reality.” The women’s season kicks off with a pre-season match against a touring side from the Mutual Hockey Club on 8 February at 17:00. Interested players (age 16+) are urged to sms or whatsapp Schutz at 078 111 7271. Women’s practice sessions start next week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:30 to 19:00. The venue will be announced via whatsapp. Hermanus Hockey has also selected their committee for the year. They are Ludwig Schutz (chairman), Stefan Lotz (treasurer), Jamie Single (secretary), Greg Stock (marketing and PR) and Frank Single (coach).

Wet greens did not deter Ernie Els from en­ joying a foursome at the Hermanus Golf Club in the company of Dr Johann Rupert, Schalk Burger snr and Els’s brother­in­law.

A wet 18 for Ernie in Hermanus CILENE BEKKER

The Hermanus Golf Club saw its fair share of who’s who playing golf during the season, which also included a foursome made up of Ernie Els, Dr Johann Rupert, Schalk Burger snr, and Els’s brother-in-law. Their friendly round of 18 holes took place on 10 January after the rainy week which saw the course having to close for three days. “We measured 205 mm of rain,” says Sharon Sleigh, club manager. The wet course did nothing to deter these keen golfers from playing. “We’re just here to enjoy and hit the ball,” was the response from Els when advised of the conditions. He has since returned to Florida. According to Sleigh they had a very good season overall, with a tally of 6 982 18-hole rounds played in December. “The number of visitors rounds hit a record high of 3 500 in December. This is almost 500 up from our previous record of 3 070 in 2011.”

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