Established 1949
THURSDAY, 17 APRIL 2014 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316
Jou Koerant • Your Newspaper Stanford in a tangle over loss of trees 4
PROUD MOMENT FOR LIGHTHOUSE LADIES: Members of the Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse committee pre sented representatives from Hermanus Waldorf School, their 2014 Charity of Choice, with a cheque for R285 285 on Wednesday 9 April. At the handover were, from back left: Ronelle van Zyl, Sheila Lyle, Ninky Mat thee (representing Waldorf School), Sharon SmallSmilie (Waldorf School), Glynis van Rooyen (Waldorf School), Elaine Bayer, Les Clark, Mer le Boshoff (Waldorf School) and Hester van Zyl. In front: Hettie Roux and Di Parker. See more photos and report on page 3.
Plenty to do this Easter weekend
7, 12, 13
14 16
Fusion/Eat and Tipples are league champions 36
Raad kom onder skoot HEDDA MITTNER
Gemoedere het by tye hoog geloop by die derde laaste van Overstrand-munisipaliteit (OM) se openbare konsepbegrotingvergaderings wat Dinsdagaand by die De Wetsaal in Onrus (Wyk 13) gehou is. In teenstelling met die vorige vergaderings waar net ’n handjievol mense opgedaag het, het ongeveer 60 mense dié woelige vergadering bygewoon. Die goeie opkoms in Onrus kan gedeeltelik toegeskryf word aan die feit dat die vergadering bygewoon is deur nie net die plaaslike inwoners nie, maar ook verskeie mense wat die vergaderings in hul eie wyke misgeloop het of nie kon bywoon nie. Nadat die burgemeester, Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, en Ben Solomon, voorsitter van die OM se finans-por-
tefeulje, die gehoor toegespreek het oor die OM se konsepbegroting vir 2014-2015, het ’n lewendige vraag-enantwoord-sessie gevolg. Verskeie inwoners wou weet of die OM se salarisrekening nie buitensporig is terwyl belastingbetalers, en veral pensioenarisse, sukkel om die tariefverhogings by te bring nie. Een inwoner het gesê hy kan nie sien hoekom die munisipale amptenare se salarisse met 12% moet styg “terwyl die belastingbetalers net meer en meer moet opdok vir dienste” nie. Solomon se verweer was dat, as oortyd en bystandbetalings buite rekening gehou word, die salarisverhoging slegs 8,4% is. Die salarisstruktuur word op nasionale vlak voorgeskryf, het hy gesê, en die OM doen alles in sy vermoë om die salarisse te regverdig deur meer produktief te wees en kostes te besnoei.
’n Ander inwoner het weer verwys na die vullisverwyderingstariewe wat sedert verlede jaar per wooneenheid bereken word en nie meer per vullisdrom nie. Dit het veral pensioenarisse wat in aftreekomplekse soos Kidbrooke woon swaar getref, het hy gesê. Solomon het in antwoord hierop gesê die OM hét gekyk daarna, maar die redenasie is dat een of twee mense wat in ’n deeltitel-eenheid woon net soveel vullis genereer as een of twee mense wat in ’n voltitel-huis woon. “Ons voel dis regverdig en ongelukkig volstaan ons by ons besluit,” het hy gesê. Solomon het bygevoeg dat die OM die saak nou as afgehandel beskou, maar net daarna het nog ’n inwoner van Hermanus (Wyk 4), Jurie Hamman, beswaar aangeteken en gesê: “U benadering is verkeerd.” Hamman, wat die voorsitter van
Fynbospark se regspersoon is, het aangevoer dat die OM nie voldoen aan die bepalings van munisipale wetgewing nie en selektief is oor wat hulle as voorskriftelik beskou. “Volgens wetgewing mag die groepering ten opsigte van tariewe wel aangepas word, maar nie as dit lei tot diskriminasie nie,” het hy gesê. “Daardie oortreding word begaan wanneer daar geen onderskeid getref word tussen voltitel en deeltitel nie. Hulle kan nie saam gegroepeer word nie want hulle is hoegenaamd nie dieselfde ding nie.” Hy het voorts daarop gewys dat daar byvoorbeeld twee huise op een residensiële erf mag wees en dat dit neerkom op diskriminasie. “Die wet skryf voor dat daar ’n verband moet wees tussen die tarief (wat die verbruiker betaal) en die diens (wat die verbruiker daarvoor kry). Vir al die ander dienste soos
water, elektrisiteit en riool is daar ’n maatstaf wat toegepas word sodat die verbruiker duidelik kan sien wat hy per eenheid vir die diens betaal. “Maar met die vullisverwyderingstarief hardloop julle weg van hierdie beginsel. Verlede jaar het dit neergekom op ’n verhoging van 745% vir dieselfde diens as voorheen, en hierdie jaar is dit ongeveer 300%. Ons betaal reeds oor die R1,000 per 240F-vullisdrom waar dit ons voorheen slegs R129 gekos het vir dieselfde hoeveelheid vullis.” Die burgemeester, wat verlede jaar reeds samesprekings met Hamman gevoer het oor dié aangeleentheid en die inwoners van Fynbospark self gaan toespreek het tydens ’n oproerige vergadering, het haar sigbaar vererg en gesê die OM is beslis nie skuldig aan dubbele standaarde nie. Vervolg op bladsy 2
Hermanus Times
Law Enforcers ready for Easter weekend JANINE VAN DER RIET
Tel 028 312 3154 Gateway Centre
1614 nj
Nuus News
17 April, 2014
Bring your items I will give you a TRUE and HONEST Valuation Then, take the best price for your items.
With the Overstrand traffic officials, together with the provincial traffic department, law enforcement and the police on stand-by, the Overstrand is ready for the influx of visitors during the Easter weekend. During the launch of the Overberg Safer Easter Programme in March, Hermanus Traffic Chief, Rudi Fraser, said their main focus this Easter is to bring down the road fatalities. Last year the Overstrand had 11 fatalities during the Easter weekend. “This year we want to bring it down to zero,” Fraser said. The Overstrand Traffic Department will concentrate on bringing speedsters
to justice, doing checks on the roadworthiness of vehicles and testing the alcohol levels of drivers. The Overstrand traffic officials, together with law enforcement, will also maintain visibility throughout the weekend and officials will patrol critical routes like the N2, R43, R316, R319 and R44. They will also patrol in caravan parks and visit bars and pubs to see if the owners are sticking to the trading hours as well as their population certificate, determining how many visitors are allowed on the premises. Traffic, law enforcement and the fire department officials will work longer hours to ensure the safety on our roads and surroundings. “I would like to thank the public for their co-operation. Every year most visitors and residents behave and the traffic and law enforcement departments do not have too many problems,” said Fraser. The station commander of the Hermanus Police Station, Colonel Nomana Adonis, said there will be a maximum deployment of SAPS members to combat crime concentrating on hot spot areas.
“Visitors must bear with us as we will have some vehicle check points (VCP) on the R43 and other exit routes around Hermanus, concentrating on illegal substances and preventing property crime. All liquor licence holders are urged to stick to their licence conditions, as there will be zero tolerance to those who contravene conditions.” She further said motorists are urged to be cautious on the road and obey all the rules and regulations. Drunk drivers will not be tolerated. “Although we will be having a maximum deployment, we urge the public to safeguard their own property and not to be negligent.” ) For any emergencies you can contact SAPS on 028 313 5300, 028 313 5306, 028 313 5349, 028 313 5350 or Toll Free 10111 from a Telkom land line and 112 from a cell phone. Choose option two and ask to be transferred to the Hermanus Police Station. The Overstrand Municipality’s control room 24 hour number for law enforcement emergencies is 028 313 8111. The fire department can be reached on 028 312 2400. The OM will be open from 07:45 to 16:30 on normal working days, and closed on public holidays.
1614 nj
1614 nj
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Vervolg van bladsy 1 Botha-Guthrie het verwys na Hamman se aanmerking by ’n vorige geleentheid dat sy nie kan somme maak nie en gesê: “Ons somme verskil steeds.” Hierop het nog ’n inwoner, Danie van Niekerk van Wyk 3, gesê hy het ’n probleem met die “high-handed attitude” wat die burgemeester met Hamman geneem het, maar Botha-Guthrie het geantwoord dat “mens se geduld net so ver kan strek”. Van Niekerk het ook weer na die amptenary se salarispakkette verwys en wou weet of dit op nasionale vlak voorgeskryf of net aanbeveel word. Solomon moes erken dat dit net ’n aanbeveling is en dat ’n onafhanklike konsultasiemaatskappy die salarisse van die munisipale bestuurder en direkteure bepaal deur marknavorsing te doen oor soortgelyke bestuursposte in die privaatsektor. Hy het gesê in vergelyking is die munisipale salarisse baie laer en is hy van mening dat hulle dit verdien deur baie hard te werk. Aan Hamman het Solomon gesê die OM is bewus van sy siening en dat hy welkom is om sy besware op skrif te sit voor die einde van April. “Ons sal daarna kyk,” het hy gesê, maar bygevoeg dat hy niks kan belowe nie. Nog ’n inwoner van Hermanus (Wyk 3)
wat baie op die hart gehad het was Piet Louw, wat verwys het na “die kommerwekkende probleem van die OM se langtermyn volhoubaarheid”, gebaseer op die ongelykheid van die inkomsteverdeling van huishoudings in die Overstrand, waarvan 68% minder as R6 300 per maand verdien, terwyl die laagste besoldiging vir munisipale werknemers R6 500 beloop. Hy het versekeie statistieke opgehaal en Solomon moes hom later onderbreek deur te sê: “Meneer Louw, jy maak nou misbruik van hierdie geleentheid. Wát is jou vraag?” Toe Louw voorgaan deur te sê dat die OM se gemiddelde jaarlikse salarisverhogings oor die afgelope sewe jaar 14% behels, wat ver bo inflasie is, het Solomon dit ten sterkste ontken en gesê Louw maak ongestaafde uitlatings en is welkom om die OM uit te daag met sy syfers. Die vergadering het op ’n vroliker noot afgesluit nadat twee inwoners vir wykraadslid Elzette Nel bedank het vir alles wat sy vir Wyk 13 doen. “Niemand werk harder as Nel nie,” het Bevan Pope gesê. “Die manier waarop sy vir haar wyk sorg maak dit die mooiste en lekkerste plek in die Overstrand.” Nog ’n konsepbegrotingvergadering is Woensdagaand in Gansbaai gehou en die laaste een vind Woensdag 23 April plaas by die Zwelihle-gemeenskapsaal om 18:00. Lees meer op bl. 16
Discover the Baardskeerdersbos artists this Easter The Baardskeerdersbos Art Route takes place this Easter weekend on Saturday 19 April and Sunday 20 April from 10:00 to 17:00. You can visit participating artists at their home studios. Several guest artists including Joshua Miles, Cape Town printmaker Kevin de Klerk, Prince Albert landscape photographer Gareth Williams and the art route’s
‘adopted son’ Ivan Trollop will exhibit their work along with local artists Liz van der Berg, Brahm van Zyl, Kali van der Merwe and Niel Jonker. Access via Pearly Beach or Napier since the road from Gansbaai is closed due to road works. For more info see: www.baardskeerdersbosartroute.com
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Hermanus Times
Nuus News
17 April, 2014
Sheila Lyle (centre), chairperson of the L2L committee presented Mervyn Gray (left) and Hannatjie Doordruin (right) from Kids Can with a cheque for R31 050 which was raised from the L2L practice walk.
René Grater and Ninky Matthee who have completed all nine Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse walks, were honoured for their achieve ment and commitment at the formal L2L function held at La Vi erge on Wednesday 9 April.
KERRY VAN RENSBURG The Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse ladies exchanged their hiking boots and shorts for elegant evening wear at the formal celebration and cheque handover function held at La Vierge restaurant Wednesday 9 April. The 63 women who participated in this year’s walk, raised a total of R316 335. Kids Can, a charity based in Kleinmond, received the money raised from the L2L practice walk and Sheila Lyle, chairperson of the L2L committee presented a cheque for R31 050 to Mervyn Gray and Hannatjie Doordruin from the organisation. It was with much excitement and fanfare that a sum of R285 285 was handed over to Hermanus Waldorf School. The money will go towards buying a 21-seater bus for the school.
Sheila says the amount raised was a great achievement in difficult economic times. “This means in total, over the nine years of the Lighthouse walks the ladies have raised in excess of R1,4 M for Overstrand charities and it is only thanks to the enormous support of our wonderful suppliers and people of the Overstrand that we can continue this effort. In 2015 it will be our 10th walk and should be really special.” The women who won prizes for raising the most money (excluding the committee members) were, in first place Linda Bellas, who raised R13 500 and won a wonderful prize from Beaumont Wines; Ann Theron, in second place who raised R9 687 and won a lunch for two at Grootbos; in third position was Ninky Matthee who raised R8 900 and won a lunch for two at The Marine Hotel; in fourth spot was Michelle Emett who raised R7 675 and won a voucher from Lembu Gallery.
In the absence of the mayor, Cllr Lianda Beyers Cronjé said in her speech: “The L2L walk has become a legend in the Overstrand and beyond. I am convinced that one can only appreciate this heroic effort if you have participated in the walk yourself, like I did a couple of years ago. Apart from nursing my mutilated toes for at least a month after the event, I remember forcing my wobbly legs to take just one step more, one at a time during the last long lap to Danger Point. “But I remember the camaraderie among the women,thelongtalkswhilewalkingalongpristine beaches and breathtaking coastal vegetation, and above all the victorious feeling afterwards that one has conquered your own fears and weaknesses while doing something really good for your community. We salute you magnificent ladies of the Lighthouse. May your light shine for many years to come.”
1614 nj
Lighthouse ladies shine a light for charity
AMAZING: On the water on Saturday, lo cal residents Dennis Keet and Mario Fernandes were greeted by hun dreds of dol phins in Walker Bay, from Den nis’s boat. “What an amazing sight! Wow!” said Keet PHOTO: DENNIS KEET
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Hermanus Times
Nuus News
17 April, 2014
Kragonderbrekings lei na vinnig kerse gryp JANINE VAN DER RIET
Inwoners van Sandbaai, Zwelihle, die industriële gebied, Mount Pleasant, Westcliff, Westdene en die nuwe hawegebied moes Saterdag en Sondag vinnig na kerse gryp ná verskeie kragonderbrekings. Koos du Plessis, senior bestuurder by die Overstrandmunisipaliteit se elektro-tegniese dienste, sê Saterdag se kragonderbreking is veroorsaak toe albei hooftoevoervoorsienings van Eskom af na die Hermanus-substasie uitgeskop het. Eskom is tans besig met ’n ondersoek na wat fout gegaan het ná die OM ’n verslag van Eskom aangevra het, het Du Plessis gesê.
Die beplande kragonderbreking Sondag van 09:00 tot 13:00, soos wat die OM dit in die Hermanus Times geadverteer het, se werklike afskakelingstyd was van 09:00 tot 09:45. “Dit is gedoen om vrag op die nuwe Walker Bay-skakelstasie te plaas,” het Du Plessis verduidelik. Om ongeveer 19:10 het die skakelstasie uitgeskop op oorlading en terugskakeling was voltooi teen 19:30. Om 19:35 het die skakelstasie weer uitgeskop waarna die toevoer teruggeskakel is op Eskom se netwerk. “Die elektriese departement van die OM is ook tans besig met ’n ondersoek na die oorsaak van onreëlmatige uitskopvoorvalle,” het Du Plessis gesê.
AfriForum bied verdedigingskursus aan AfriForum gaan binnekort gratis klasse in die Overstrand aanbied in paraatheid, teenverkragtingsopleiding en noodhulp. Die paraatheidklas, ’n inligtingsessie met ’n demonstrasie, vind Dinsdag 22 April in die munisipale ouditorium van 18:00 tot 20:30 plaas. Donderdag 24 April word twee sessies vir teenverkragtingsopleiding gehou, maksimum 16 mense per sessie, by die Whale Coast Hotel in Hermanus. Die eer-
ste sessie is van 09:00 tot 13:00 en die tweede sessie van 17:30 tot 21:30 vir werkende vroue. Dra gemaklike klere vir die demonstrasies. Donderdag 24 April word ’n noodhulpkursus, ook gratis, aangebied. Die maksimum per sessie is 16 mense. Dit word by die munisipale ouditorium gehou van 17:30 tot 21:30. Navrae: Marianne Rossouw by 082 454 9756 of Elmarie van Dalen by 079 366 1000.
Stanford up in arms over loss of trees HEDDA MITTNER Several Stanford residents were up in arms last week about the indigenous Karee trees (Rhus lancea) that were cut down in Church Street. They vented their anger on the social network, Facebook, and one resident almost came to blows with the contractor tasked with chopping down the trees. According to resident Annalize Mouton, she was driving down to the river on Monday afternoon last week when she saw a few men with saws cutting down the last of five healthy and fully grown Karee trees in front of Stanford House’s cottages. “Today is a very sad day in our local village’s life. A crime has been committed and I wish I knew who gave permission for this to be done,” Mouton wrote on her Facebook profile. She also added two photographs – one of what the street had looked like only three weeks ago and then on last Monday afternoon after the “massacre”. Mouton’s post elicited many heated comments such as: “This makes me so angry I could scream!”, “What a shame!” and “This is absolutely shocking...” The conflict escalated further when another resident, Penny van den Berg, tried to stop one of the men from continuing to cut down the trees. Van den Berg wrote on Facebook that the man stormed towards her and she had to hold out her arm and ask him to keep a respectful distance. She then phoned the police and asked them to halt the chainsaws until it could be established who had granted permission for the trees to be cut down on municipal property (the pavement). “When the police arrived these contractors decided to lay a charge of assault against me,” Van den Berg wrote on Facebook. She was informed that the contractors had obtained permission from Petronella Ferreira from the Stanford municipal office after the developers of Stanford House had made the request to have the trees removed. “Yes, there was a lot of emotion involved,” says Royd Frith, the outgoing chairperson of Stanford Conservation (SC), “but we had to get the facts first.” Frith wrote a letter to Ferreira, which she forwarded to Francois Myburgh of the Gansbaai municipal office.
AND AFTER: Church Street in Stanford looks empty after several Karee trees were cut down to the ground last week. “I was heartened by the response from Myburgh who took personal control of the situation,” says Frith. “We held a meeting on Thursday last week and he explained that the reason for the developers’ request was not the desire to let more light into the cottages, as was rumoured, but rather the fact that the trees’ invasive root system was encroaching on the property and causing serious damage to the water pipes.” When Myburgh showed him the damage, Frith says he realised that the municipality had made the right decision. “They had no other choice,” he says.
Myburgh apologised to Frith on behalf of Ferreira for not honouring the agreement to notify SC of activities of this nature. “We are grateful for the apology and look forward to greater cooperation between the municipality and SC in future,” says Frith. The developers of Stanford House will rehabilitate the area by planting new trees with a less invasive root system. “The whole saga has had an excellent outcome,” says Frith. “It is wonderful to know that Stanfordians are always ready to support and protect their town and environment.”
Sluitingsdatum 06 Junie 2014 Closing date: 06 June 2014 Aansoekvorms/ Application forms: http://www.hermanushigh.co.za/
1614 nj
Remember to
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
17 April, 2014
Farmers and workers unite for change
CHILDLINE 0800 055 555
KERRY VAN RENSBURG Valley farmers and their workers joined the Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Tourism, Alan Winde, Overstrand Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie and Western Cape parliamentarians for the launch of the Hemel-en-Aarde Development Association on Tuesday 8 April. The association aims to coordinate development, upliftment and education amongst the agricultural communities in the Hemelen-Aarde Valley. It will be an NPO with members consisting of producers and farm workers working together to change their community. The farmers and farms that initiated the formation of the association include Ian Wiegman (Zuiderkruis), Jadri Lotter (Vrede), Dawie Kruger (Southend) and Danie van Zyl (Karweyderskraal). The Hemel-en-Aarde Development Association is part of a bigger plan in the Western Cape (WC) farming community. According to Van Zyl, the provincial parliament member, Johan Visser, who is chairperson of local government, and was a guest at the launch, came up with the idea of forming NGOs to develop rural/farm communities. There are now seven associations that have been established. Winde gave an overview of the economy in the WC and said marketing is part of his job and an important aspect for farmers. Two most significant factors for economic growth include selling our products to the world in a competitive space and attracting investors. He raised the question whether our people have the skills to function in a competitive business environment. He said there is a misalignment of the jobs being created in the type of economy we have and the skills needed to fill these opportunities. “It is easy to talk about poverty alleviation, but not so easy to do something about it.” It was important to give people hope and the best way out of poverty is a job. “We need to move from grants to salaries,” he said. Johan Montgomery from Hamilton Russell Vineyeards spoke about the problems they face with seasonal farm workers and the need to keep them employed so as not to lose them
Founding farmers and dignitaries who attended the launch of the HemelenAarde Develop ment Association last Tuesday evening, included from left: Jadri Lotter (Vrede), Ian Wiegman (Zuiderkruis), MPP Johan Visser, Dawie Kruger (Southend), MPP Mike Walters, Danie van Zyl (Karweyderskraal), Mayor Nicolette BothaGuthrie and Provincial Minister of Finance, Eco nomic Development and Tourism, Alan Winde. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG to other jobs. He also said they bought two modern tractors to replace older outdated models, but none of the workers have the skills needed to operate them. Winde then offered to provide the money for the training of workers so they can learn the skills needed to operate the tractors if Montgomery developed an accredited course to train them. Ian Wiegman, the acting chairperson of the Hemel-en-Aarde Development Association, said the valley has three factors that count in its favour, namely: The geographical lay of the land/typography which lends itself to interaction and constructive support among the farmers; historically the upliftment and development dates back to the days of the rural foundation, and although it no longer exits, many farms continue to do significant work in this regard; and churches from Hermanus have been involved in community upliftment in the valley for some time already. Wiegman said: “Individual farms and organisations might be doing their bit, but there is still a definite void when it comes to identifying and addressing some of the needs of the farming community as a whole. He said three focus points have been identified and they include the family, sport and cultural activities. He emphasised that the association is not
a political organisation and will not be run by the farm-owners and managers only, but is a partnership between employers and employees. At the end of the formal proceedings, the founding farmers signed the constitution of the Hemel-en-Aarde Development Association. They will have their first AGM on 15 May. Asked who will serve on their committee, Van Zyl said: “As per the constitution, a member consists of a farm with both an employer representative and one employee representative for every 10 permanent workers. Karweyderskraal for instance will have three representatives on the association, consisting of myself (representing employer) and Joseph Jansen and Government Lusiba representing the 16 permanent workers. Then there will also be a smaller committee running the day-to-day operation and driving the projects, that will be elected during our first AGM.”
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Founding members consisting of one employer per farm and and one employee representa tive for every 10 permanent workers who attended the launch function included, back from left: Dawid Heath, Dawie Kruger, Jadri Lotter, Danie van Zyl, Ian Wiegman, Noel and Jo hannes Damon. Front, from left: Valencia Wilshire, Linda Brikkels, Marthinus van Wyk, Joseph Jansen, Tersius Bruwer, Government Lusiba, Quinton Ribbok and Danie Motsemai.
The latest technology offers discreet, comfortable and life-changing solutions to embarrassing hearing problems. This is your invitation to have a professional hearing test and to try out a demo-hearing aid for a trial period, without obligation. For further information and appointments contact Franco Coetzee at 028 312 1307. Services • Diagnostic hearing tests • Hearing Aids • Ear Protection • All Hearing Aid repairs and services Shop 10 First Floor Station Square (New Woolworths Centre), Corner Main and Lord Roberts Roads: Hermanus 028 312 1307 info@hpractice.co.za
Suitable developer sought for De Mond resort Developers who are interested in leasing the De Mond Caravan Park and adjacent land for the development of a public resort, have been invited by the Overstrand Municipality to submit a response to their Request for Qualification (RFQ). The area of land that the long-term lease applies to in excess of 10 ha and includes erven 4831 and 5327, which is De Mond Caravan Park, as well as the adjacent land of Klein River Lagoon Park and a launching area along the river front. The Overstrand Municipality published a notice in the Hermanus Times on 27 March stating that the aim of the RFQ is to test the market appetite for financially sound and environmentally sensitive developers with the necessary experience and proven track record to enter into a long-term lease with the municipality to establish, manage, operate and maintain a public resort. The resort must cater for the needs of the broader public, including tourist groups and commercial interests through
the availability of, among other aspects, accommodation and conference facilities. The property for this development has a restrictive condition which stipulates that the land cannot be sold and it may only be used for resort recreational purposes. The municipality will establish a shortlist of qualifying developers and then, should they meet the pre-qualification criteria, they will be asked to submit development proposals (Request for Proposal). Potential developers can get their RFQ documents from the Overstrand Municipality offices in Magnolia Avenue between 08:30 and 15:30. The document fee is R300, or it can be downloaded free of charge from www.overstrand.gov.za. The closing time for the submission of these qualification documents is 12:00 on 30 May. For further enquiries or to inspect the subject property, contact Riaan Kuchar at rkuchar@overstrand.gov.za or Anja Kotze at anjakotze@overstrand.gov.za or call 028 313 8900.
You are invited to the launch of the Biolink Centre, Hermanus, that makes use of unique bio-feedback technology to help your child
U word genooi na die bekendstelling van die Biolink sentrum, Hermanus wat unieke bio-terugvoer tegnologie gebruik om u kind te help.
When: Wednesday 23 April 2014
Wanneer: Woensdag 23 April 2014
Where: Wine Village, Hemel & Aarde
Waar: Wine Village, Hemel & Aarde
Time: 18h30 for 19h00
Tyd: 18h30 vir 19h00
Speaker: Prof. Deon Visser
Spreker: Prof. Deon Visser
RSVP before 21 April 2014 (limited seats available)
RSVP voor 21 April 2014 (beperkte sitplekke beskikbaar)
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
17 April, 2014
shop, removing shoe and doing an explore, was not a recommended option. Finally at - IN THE NEW HARBOUR home, I de-shoed, shook hard and out stumTEL: 028 312 4665 bled two huge and seemingly inebriated crickets which had survived not only the footy atmosphere, but also several hours of being trodden on! Cricket Enthusiast. ) While out on a shopping spree recently, I ) In my motorhuis waar ek al my boeke felt a faint scratching under the toes of one stoor, gooi ek baie engelse sout. Daar is nie foot; it stopped, started, and then became ex- krieke nie. Wanneer ek by ander motorhuise tremely insistent. Sitting down on floor of the verbystap dan hoor ek hulle kriek. Engelse sout werk teen vismotte - nou wonder ek of dit nie ook vir krieke help nie. SJ du Toit ) Hermanus se Panfluiter het na byna 22 jaar sy fluite finaal gebêre. Hy soek egter na ’n opvolger sodat die klank van ’n panfluit weer gehoor kan word tussen berg en see. Bel gerus vir Charel Swarts op 028 316 1262 as jy belangstel. ) The Friends of Hermanus Library are collecting recipes from yesteryear and plan to produce a book which will be sold to raise funds for library materials. You are invited to send recipes and their stories to bhukifriends@hermanus.co.za or drop them off at the library. There will be prizes for the three best and most original recipes/stories - not limited to baking or traditional cooking, but Inquiries (028) 3124665 or (028) 3122920 also polishes, Gecko Bar - Your Soundtrack for Summer handy hints, drinks, medicines, Restaurant with 180° views preserves etc. over Walker Bay. Please support this initiative. Cosmopolitan cuisine, fully licensed. ) Visit the HerOpen for Lunch and dinner every day, manus Art Circle’s except Wednesday Art Loft at their Earthly Expression new venue in VilPortrayed To Heavenly Effect. lage Square (above Easter Trading Hours: Ocean Basket). Friday 18 April: CLOSED Along with the new Saturday 19 April: OPEN 10am – 3pm premises you can Sunday 20 April: CLOSED view new art works On the R43 between Stanford and Gansbaai. Monday 21 April: OPEN 10am – 3pm and sign up for art Phone Georges on 082 901 7650 • bellavista@hermanus.co.za • www.bella.co.za with lessons on Tuesday Tasting platters served between 12pm and 2pm. mornings from Extended hours weather dependent. 10:00 to 13:00. 028 312 1097
Friday 18th April Jo Martin 9:30pm R20 Cover Charge Sunday 20th April Afro Dizzy 7:00pm DJ Francois
1614 nj
1614 nj
Nuus News
EASTER TASTINGS AT WINE VILLAGE: There will be a surprise for customers and their children on Saturday 19 April, com pliments of the Easter Bunny, but also a few new wines to taste for the parents. Paul du Toit says they have five new wines from two new wineries on offer. The first is from Bramon, a winery in the Plettenberg Bay area. Their portfolio includes a Sauvi gnon Blanc, and two MCC’s: a Sauvignon Blanc and a Blanc de Blanc. Blake’s Family Vineyards are a husband and wife team: Andries and Marinda Blake. Andries has been a part of the wine industry for 23 years and has worked in some wellknown wineries. His eldest son is following in his footsteps and is studying at Elsenburg in Stellenbosch. The two wines that Blake’s has on offer are a white blend, the Tour maline and a Cape Blend, Amethyst. Also, Brenda’s is one of the suppliers for the Wine Village’s delicatessen and there is al ways something new that will be perfect for the chef at home. There are also many different types of brandies and spirits as well as craft beers for those who enjoy something other than wine. On the tasting counter from 18 to 21 April will be: Bramon MCC, Bramon Sauvignon Blanc, Creation WhalePod Sauvignon Blanc, Badsberg Chenin Blanc, Opstal The Mill Iron White, Blake Tourmaline, Vondeling Rosé, Blake Amethyst, Vierkoppen Caber net Sauvignon, Claim d’ Or Cabernet Franc, Belfield Aristata, Beaumont Shiraz/ Mouvedre and Badsberg Hanepoot. Bos man Family Vineyards will also be doing an instore tasting of their wines on Satur day 19 April from 10:00 to 16:00 at the Wine Village. During Easter weekend the Wine Village will be open on: Friday 18 April from 09:00 18:00; Saturday 19 April from 09:30 17:00, Sunday 20 April from 10:00 to 15:00 and Monday 21 April from 09:00 18:00.
Hermanus Times 17 April, 2014
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
17 April, 2014
Dancers shine at eisteddfod
The Overberg Dance Eisteddfod was held at the Overstrand Auditorium on 14 and 15 March and the participating dance studios entered items in the ballet, tap, modern, contemporary and hiphop dance categories. Dancers came from Stanford, Swellendam, Bredasdorp and Hermanus. The adjudicator was Erna Ackerman, an international examiner from Cape Town.
This group of dancers from Marina’s School of Dance won the Best Ensemble trophy for their All Things Bright and Beautiful performance. They won R1 000 prize money from OAK (Overstrand Arts/Kuns) which they will receive at the Prestige Prizewinners Concert in September. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
This Mexican themed dance won Best Ballet Group Seniors, for this group from the Dance Education Centre Hermanus.
This group of dancers from the Dance Education Centre Hermanus, won a trophy for the Best HipHop performance. The Technology Fair ies scored 89% and won the award for the Best Novice Group at the Overberg Dance Ei steddfod. Fluttering their wings are (back row from left) Jordan Metcalf, Lorna Boyisi and Cyan Richards. Middle: Sky La buschagne and Leigh Taylor. Front: Alianna Isaacs (left) and Micke Frowein (right). Many of the fairies were ab sent because they were attending an SOS camp.
FynArts 2014 set to impress with an array of performances The Hermanus FynArts (6 – 16 June) Programme booklet is now available at Hermanus Tourism, the Kiosk at the Old Harbour, the Municipal Library as well as in restaurants, galleries and tasting rooms along the Hermanus Wine Route. This year there are six amazing concerts: ) FynArts Opening Concert in the Dutch Reformed Church on Friday 6 June at 19:30. A 16-piece Camerata Tinto Barocca with inimitable Richard Cock introducing the music. ) Gauteng-based Selaelo Selota, a top jazz guitarist, will perform a concert at the Lukhanyo Primary School hall on Saturday 7 June at 14:00. Selota will be joined on stage
by Sipho Malinga on drums and Gally Ngoveni on bass. ) The Bovim Ballet have just returned from a successful run of Queen at the Ballet at the Johannesburg Theatre. For Hermanus Fyn-Arts, Sean Bovim will premiere a new production, Ovations! A once-off performance of the best and most popular extracts from their shows of the past five years on 7 June at 19:30 in the Hermanus High School Hall. ) On 8 June at 15:00 Songs of Praise will be back in the Hermanus High School hall. The local choirs will be joined by Magdalene Minnaar (soprano) and Nick Nicolaides (tenor).
) Lloyd Webber and Friends on 10 June in the Hermanus High School Hall at 19:30. In this programme of highlights from his works and famous pieces by other composers we experience some of the joy he has brought to millions. Magdalene Minnaar and Nick Nicolaides are joined by the FynArts Festival Orchestra and is conducted and narrated by Richard Cock. ) The Cape Philharmonic Youth Orchestra are back again to celebrate Youth Day on 16 June at 14:00 in the Thusong Hall in Hawston. Tickets are now on sale at www.webtickets.co.za or Hermanus Tourism 028 312 2629.
SANTA FUNDRAISER: Max Leipold (centre) gave a presentation on Burma at the Santa (South African National Tubercu losis Association) Hermanus’ fundraising evening on Monday 7 April. The event, held at the Overstrand Auditorium, was a soldout success. Sue Holmes (left), chair person of Santa Hermanus said they raised R10 000 and that she was “abso lutely thrilled with the response”. The proceeds will go towards fighting TB in Hermanus/Overstrand. Santa pays eight staff members who dispense TB medica tion at clinics in the Overstrand. On the right is Pat van Schoor, treasurer of Santa Hermanus.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
17 April, 2014
The jolly “single girls” table of Wina Loubser, Sandra Maartens, Marlene Louw, Rehanna Ra bie, Marie Rex and Estelle de Wet. Seated are Trudie Boverhoff and Lenie Kooistra. Behind the cowgirls is one of a few black/yellow sketches done by André Greef (resident at Golden Harvest) specially for the event.
The dance floor was packed and almost everyone quickly picked up on the steps. Besides everyone having a fun time, the barn dancing proved to be a good workout too.
Night shelter fundraiser was an ‘opskop’ of note CILENE BEKKER The current night shelter for the homeless is in a converted garage near the Hermanus clinic, but land has been allocated opposite the Waste Transfer Station in Zwelihle for a new and bigger shelter. To help raise funds to make this new shelter a reality, a barn dance evening was organised by Linda Daneel, secretary of the Hermanus Night Shelter Association. It was held at the Sandbaai Hall last Friday evening. All in all over 200 people attended the event, with almost everyone cheerfully dressed in plaid shirts, cowboy boots/hats and colourful neck scarves. There were 24 tables (seating 10 each) and the host of each table took care of decorating the table according to the theme, and organising eats. Guests paid R100 each and brought their own glasses/cups and cutlery. The Sandbaai hall provided a cash bar, and guests were allowed to bring their own wine, but had to pay a nominal corkage fee. Kevin Abbott, musician, was the MC and
Rozalia and Fred Ohlson. Fred upped his theme dressing game even further by chewin’ straw in true Cowboy style.
Linda Daneel (left), secretary of the Her manus Night Shelter Association and organis er of the event, with Anita and Thys Suther land. PHOTOS: CILENE BEKKER
“caller” and guided the very willing “cowboys/girls” on how to master the barn dance steps. Further entertainment was provided by Edian Barnard, who sang a few country and western songs, and instructors from Hermanus Dance School gave a dancing demonstration. Towards the latter part of the evening langarm took over from the more robust barn dancing, and cases of wine, donated by various wineries in the area, were auctioned. The plan for the new shelter was drawn up by Les Abbott from LA Design Studios, who is also the chairman of the association. The new shelter will have accommodation
TROUKLOKKE: Morné en Dalin Coetzee het op 5 April in die huwelik getree in Mount Pleasant. Die paartjie is ook beide van Mount Pleasant. Die troue was fantasties en die paartjie sien uit na ’n wonderlike toekoms saam.
for 22 men and five women, with separate bathroom facilities, a kitchen, dining area and an office for a part-time social worker. The current shelter has room for 12 people. “Two shift workers will also be employed who would be responsible for screening each person needing shelter,” says Daneel. “Those to whom shelter are given may not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. After three incidents, they are not allowed to return to the shelter.” The homeless who make use of the current shelter pay R5 per day which is utilised for shelter needs. There is also a team of over 30 people who prepare dinner for the inhabitants, and another good samaritan in
Hermanus opens up her guest lodge once a month to treat them to a hearty Sunday meal and a hot shower. Due to the success of this fundraising evening Abbott said that it may well become an annual event.
Rita Viljoen
SKAAPBRAAI: Huis Lettie Ther oninwoners is bederf met ’n skaapbraai uit die boonste rak ke verlede Sa terdag. Hierdie skaapbraai is ’n jaarlikse instel ling, met vleis (drie en half skape, en 220 porsies wors) geborg deur Pe trus en Estelle Hendriksz (Fusi on restaurant) en Carlos en Ri ta Sabba. Die manne agter die braairoosters is almal NSRIbemanningslede. Die braaiery het reeds vroegdag begin en inwoners het teen 12:00 aangesit in die eetkamer vir skaapvleis uit die boonste rakke. Ander borge betrokke by die geleentheid was Hermanus Liquors, Valley Farmstall, PackTown en Fair cape. FOTO: CILENE BEKKER
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
17 April, 2014
Thank you to car guards Further to previous letters regarding car guards in the Times : Yes, these people are trying to make a living by doing a proper job. They are in fact the result of an initiative to create jobs. Our local car guard not only keeps an eye on the cars in his area, but also sees to it that “his” parking area remains neat by grabbing a broom and sweeping up. He also does his best to keep criminal elements out of the area. One of them in fact identified a suspect after a theft from our offices, and assisted us and the police in tracking him down. It is thus disappointing that some members of the public drive off without giving him anything after he has pointed them to an open parking space, guided them into it (in a rather constricted parking area where guidance is helpful), guarded their car while they are elsewhere and finally guided them out again. Come on guys – he has earned something!
EDITORIAL COMMENT Safe Easter to all Happy Easter to all our readers. With the Easter weekend upon us, businesses are looking forward to a good weekend of sales, the working class is looking forward to a long weekend without having to wake up early to go to work and the kids are excited about all the Easter eggs they will be hunting for. Visitors to the Overstrand cannot wait for a great long weekend, with hopefully perfect weather. There is so much to do and see in Hermanus this Easter weekend, from a variety of craft markets to the Passion Play in the Old Harbour. Law enforcers have warned residents and visitors of their zero tolerance approach. This comes after the launch of the Overberg Safer Easter Programme in March where it was decided to bring down road fatalities in the Overstrand/Overberg area. Last year there were 11 road fatalities during Easter and authorities are hoping to bring it down to zero. The Hermanus Police have also expressed their plans to have regular roadblocks, not to irritate visitors and residents, but to ensure that everyone has a safe and happy Easter without fatalities, on the road or elsewhere. Keep safe and enjoy your break.
Pain after double loss I have endured a lot of pain in the past few years. Both my brothers were taken from me at a young age. Firstly, I lost my baby brother in 2008. He went to bed one evening and never woke up again. There was nothing wrong with him that we knew of. Then on 18 March this year, I lost the only brother I had left. He worked at the provincial hospital and then he got a promotion to work as supervisor in Maitland. He went to the doctor for an eye test and while the doctor was busy scanning his eyes, he died. The doctors explained his death was because of an eye infection. We don’t know what’s going on with our family, so I am asking everyone to pray for us. I would like to thank my brother’s colleagues from the provincial hospital for their support. Thank you to Miss Crammer, Sister Shirley and Sister Daizee for your help and support. My brother leaves behind two children.
SOUTPANNE IS GESPIN: Chané Payne van Vermont het hierdie ongelooflike foto geneem van wat lyk soos ‘spinnerakke’. Sy sê die oggend van 9 April was die hele soutpan in Vermont bedek. As daar lesers is wat weet wat hierdie ‘spinnerak’ ver skynsel is, laat weet gerus. FOTO: CHANÉ PAYNE
Werksessie oor armoede nodig Die artikel van Cas van Rensburg oor die swaarkry van bejaardes in die Overstrand (Hermanus Times 3 April) en die uitvoerende burgemeester se repliek daarop (Hermanus Times 10 April) verwys. Ek is die afgelope drie jaar ten nouste betrokke by die nood van arm mense in die Hermanus-omgewing. Wat ek feitlik daagliks beleef, is skrikwekkend. Dit is ’n wanpersepsie dat slegs bruin en swart inwoners arm is. Natuurlik is daar baie van hulle wat bitter arm is maar daar is ook tientalle wittes wat net so swaar kry. Daar word weinig, indien enige, voorsiening gemaak om bejaardes se nood wesenlik te verlig. ’n Staatspensioen van R1 360 per persoon en gratis mediese dienste by die kliniek en hospitaal, is al waarop hulle aanspraak kan maak. Hulle raak dus van hulporganisasies soos Helpende Hand afhanklik om ’n menswaardige bestaan te voer. Wat voedsel en klere betref, word daar deur skenkings van feitlik al die hulporganisasies redelik goed voorsiening gemaak. Die enkele grootste probleem vir die armstes van die armes in die Hermanusomgewing is bekostigbare behuising. Die goedkoopste akkommodasie wat ek van weet, is ’n eenkamer-woonstel waarvan die maandelikse huur R2 100 bedra – sonder elektrisiteit. Hoe kan ’n bejaarde weduwee of wewenaar dit bekostig met ’n bruto maandelikse inkomste van R1 360? Buitendien is wooneenhede in hierdie prysklas in Hermanus skaarser as hoendertande. Die munisipaliteit se hulppakket voldoen nie aan die behoeftes van die armes nie.
Eiendomsbelasting is byvoorbeeld nie ter sake nie, want die armes besit geen eiendom nie. Hoe kwalifiseer huurders vir die 6 kl water, 50 kWh elektrisiteit en gratis sanitasie en vullisverwydering as hulle nie die eiendom besit of ’n permanente woonplek het nie? ’n Bejaarde man wat met Helpende Hand se hulp ’n eenkamer-woonstel huur, sukkel al drie maande om die toegewing op water, sanitasie en elektrisiteit van die munisipaliteit te kry. Dit wil voorkom asof ’n berg rompslomp eers oorbrug moet word. ’n Paar jaar gelede is daar in Gansbaai ’n aantal HOP-huise eksklusief vir witmense gebou. Dit was op aandrang van ’n swart ANC-raadslid wat geredeneer het “dat wit mense net so swaar soos ons kry”. Op my vraag aan ’n raadslid van Overstrand of dieselfde nie ook in Hermanus kan gebeur nie, was sy antwoord “dat dit nie deel van Overstrand-munisipaliteit se langtermyn beplanning is nie”. Sou dit nie ’n tree op die moeisame pad na armoedeverligting in ons dorp wees, as al die rolspelers wat maatskaplike hulp verleen, dit wil sê die kerke, maatskaplike werkers en diensorganisasies soos Helpende Hand, die Round Table, Rotariërs en andere, deur die agbare burgemeester genooi word om deel te neem aan ’n werksessie waarin alle aspekte van armoede onder die loep geneem word nie? Individuele groepe se behoeftes kan by so ’n geleentheid geïdentifiseer word. Op hierdie wyse kan knelpunte bespreek en na oplossings gesoek word.
Hermanus history or Africhina for the CBD? Mr Bob Stanway (HRA), a revitalised programme cannot start without the removal of the joint appeals against the mall which will pave the way for proper planning for the already declined CBD. The transport matter to the malls is in place as there are taxis which the elderly may use, or special days and times and routes could be arranged throughout the Overstrand region. The Overstrand Municipality reported that only 9% of the residents are over 70 so how did you get to the large elderly population that needs transport in your appeal? It seems the services of only one taxi would be needed. About the rest of the appeal one cannot comment as the appeal has been withheld from us, the Hermanus ratepayers, which is more than likely going to be thumb sucking also. Your appeal only means more delays and losses. Logical thinking is that Retail Africa would need to complete their business plan. OM cannot plan ahead until they know what is happening. Business being lost, jobs are lost, sales of stagnant projects in Sandbaai could escalate, and last but not least the appeals are in the way of planning a revitalisation programme for the CBD. The selfish appeal from the privileged few is also in the way of changing Hermanus to a fisherman’s village look, or are you happy with the new Africhina look in the CBD? Even the Chinese tourists would want to see the history of Hermanus which is lost between the whale promotions. Taking reference from the HT letter by the Hermanus Business Chamber and your last letter in the HT that the HRA is riding on the back of others – that is a problem area that needs to be addressed and corrected. We can only take hands and take Hermanus forward by removing the stumbling blocks and by engaging with the public at large through ratepayers associations and eventually the OM for their approval.
Traffic offenders in Stanford a great concern to ratepayers On the 3rd of April, in the afternoon, a senior citizen, an 82-year-old man, was driven off his bicycle on the corner of De Bruyn and Bezuidenhout Street in Stanford. The driver of this vehicle got out to see if there were any damages to his pick-up (Toyota Hilux). He got into his vehicle and drove off while the cyclist was still trying to get up. He did not have the decency to ask if the gentleman was hurt or anything. Many people had noticed what happened and reported it to SAPS at Stanford. According to the gentleman no one from SAPS came to him for a statement. Another incident happened where a minibus which transported learners from Gansbaai Academia drove over stop signs like they
didn’t exist, almost colliding with a vehicle. Children had to jump out of the road due to the negligent driving. Here in Stanford the motorists do as they wish. The motorists are used to the routine of the traffic department officers working in the area because there’s high visibility in Hermanus and Gansbaai. But what about Stanford? We’re also ratepayers and require the services from the authorities. Must something happen first before they act?
WO Sarena Hugo, communication officer: Stanford SAPS responds: Our records were checked and no complaint
of an accident was reported on Thursday 3 April 2014. If the writer of the letter could kindly supply us with the names of some of the “many” people that complained as well as the name of the cyclist we will investigate the matter. The SAPS does have patrol vehicles in the area 24 hours a day. The vehicles do patrol in the areas most affected by priority crimes. Although traffic violations are not a strict priority, nine traffic-related crimes have been registered for April so far, 13 cases were registered for March 2014 and 19 for February 2014. We cannot comment on the role of the traffic department or law enforcement. They fall under Overstrand Municipality and operate as a separate entity.
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
17 April, 2014
) Ek dink mense moet ophou kla oor
die krieke in Hermanus, want ’n mens kan hulle eet! ’n Resep sê jy moet 25 volwasse krieke bak tot hulle bros is en hulle dan in gesmelte sjokolade doop. En siedaar – heerlike sjokoladekrieke. Die resep is in die boek Hoe hoog kan ’n sprinkaan spring. – ANTHONY SABBE ) I hereby wish to warn the public against the signing of a gym contract. They target: overweight, senior citizens with limited incomes and a credit card. The upside: you win a health voucher. The downside, you have years of credit card debt which you cannot afford. I was a sucker to fall prey to these ruth less operators! Beware! – ESTELLE OELOFSE ) Terugvoer op RM van Sandbaai se SMS op 3 April verwys: Mense wat kla oor rook in die publiek moet eerder be kommerd wees oor die misdadigers,
moordenaars en verkragters wat langs hulle sit en staan in die publiek. Of die ouer wat sit en drink en dan saam met hul kind in ’n voertuig klim. Bekommer jou liewers oor kinders op straat en mense wat dwelms aan kinders ver koop, kinders wat mishandel word en verwaarloos word. Bekommer jou lie wer oor hongersnood en mense sonder huise en inkomste. As jy wil kla, kla oor dinge wat regtig belangrik is en nie net uit verveligheid nie. As jy nie van rook hou nie, gaan sit binne of op ’n ander plek. Ek blaas nie my rook in jou gesig nie. Daar is heel moontlik gewoontes van jou wat vir my onaangenaam is. – ML, HERMANUS ) Aan RM van Sandbaai. Regtig: As jy nie wil hê ons rokers moet buite rook nie, gee vir ons rookplekke. Kriminele in tronke het meer regte as rokers. As ’n belastingbetaler het ek ’n reg om te rook. As ons nie buite mag rook nie, waar moet ons dan rook? Voorsien ons dan van skoon, gemaklike areas en be taal dit met die hoë BTW wat ons op ons eie sigarette betaal. – BB, VERMONT ) Danksy die karwagte hoor mens nie meer dat daar by motors ingebreek word nie. ) Aan die “outraged” persoon wat die SMS laas week in die Hermanus Times
geplaas het oor die K9 hondeeenheid wat by Hermanus Animal Welfare So ciety (HAWS) tydelik bly: Niemand wou help om die K9 eenheid te help vestig nie. HAWS het hokke gebou vir die hon de. Kry jou feite reg! Kom na HAWS en kom kyk wat hulle doen. Miskien was jou hond siek of jy weet nie hoe om na ’n hond om te sien nie. – NICO DREWRY ) To “outraged”: Instead of criticising Animal Welfare, rather choose to be grateful that someone is trying to do the best they can with the limited means available! ) Ek wonder of die Overstrand Besker mingdienste gereed is vir Paasnaweek. – JAN SMITH ) Oh dear Hes, Ian Macdonald was being sarcastic regarding the night clubs casinos etc. The very reason peo ple live in Hermanus is for the beauty and we don’t want our town to become commercialised! – LINDA P ) Macdonald from Vermont: a shop ping centre will not “replace” the sea, mountain and scenery, it will only add necessary shops to the fast growing Hermanus. – EB, VERMONT ) I found a cat run over on the corner of 7th Street and 15 Avenue in Voëklip. It was a magnificent big ginger cat (fe male). I informed the animal welfare
Discussing Overberg weather at The Green House Join Whale Coast Conservation (WCC) for green tea and green cupcakes at The Green House any time form 16:00 on Tuesday 22 April. This Earth Day celebration will include earth saving exhibits, Eco-Schools awards kiosk and a talk by Professor Michael Orren at 17:30, who will give a presentation on what we can expect in the Overberg as a result of increased heat energy in the atmosphere and ocean. Professor Orren will discuss the normal weather we used to experi-
ence in the Overberg in the past, including naturally-occurring extreme weather events and then focus on the latter, since these are so destructive and disruptive to our society. He will also comment on global climate change and how these ongoing changes already impact on us all here, emphasising the critically important effect of the global ocean. He will conclude with the best available forecast of what will happen next in the Overberg – particularly the
Residents and visitors can look forward to a sunny Easter weekend, but Monday evening will see the start of three days of rain – more than 9 mm before 02:00 and a further 5 mm before sunrise on Tuesday morning. Luckily the sun will be out again by next Friday, just in time for another sunny long-weekend.
damaging impacts of sea level rise, significant changes in our weather patterns, negative societal consequences, and an increased frequency of extreme weather events. Professor Orren is Emeritus Professor of Oceanography, National University of Ireland, Galway, and a visiting professor/lecturer at eight other international universities. He carried out research and contract work on a variety of topics and in a wide range of places worldwide. RSVP: Delray at 084 847 8910.
and animal hospitals, but I am scared the heartbroken owners might still be looking for her. My number is 072 227 3515. ) Ook ’n moeder (10 April): Jou brief is vaag. Bedoel jy iemand wat ’n voor bedagte moord gepleeg het, ’n gesin van hul pa ontneem het, moet mee ge simpatiseer word? Dat as jy gespot word, mag jy maar moord pleeg? Dit maak my senuweeagtig oor jou siens wyse van ouerskap en godsdiens met die verkeerde boodskap. – BEKOMMERDE LESER ) Terrible pests these baboons, aren’t they Sandy? Let’s get rid of as many of them as we can before there are no mo re monitors to save our picnics. – TOM MADDEN ) Ek wonder net, hoekom is baardgroei so hoog in die mode? Ek sien dit raak, veral by rugbyspelers en kompetisies. ) Ek wil graag net die hawelose mense aanmoedig. Ek is nou drie jaar en ses maande van die straat af en alkoholvry. Mense, as jy wil, kan jy ’n stop sit om so te lewe. Dis eenvoudig, vra die Here. Hy is by jou 24/7. Ek het en Hy het my gehelp.– JACKIE ) Who I am is my personality! Who you are is my attitude! – A SHOP OWNER ) Die man in Impalastraat wat sy twee
honde so laat rondhardloop sonder halsbande of toesig: Eerstens moet jy oppas want jou honde kan maklik raak gery word as hulle so teen ’n spoed oor die pad na die veldjie hardloop en tweedens laat jy toe dat jou honde ’n ouer dame se hond wat aan ’n halsband is, aanval en amper verskeur. Skaam jou! Kyk na jou diere! ) Lost in Onrus on Saturday: A digital Nikon D 5100 camera in a bag with accessories. Reward. Contact Lex on 073 315 7414. ) Mrs Y Lautenbach: Please phone Ina on 083 451 6238 in connection with your driver’s licence. ) Het julle gehoor daar is ’n nuwe ‘spraypainting shop’ in Hermanus met flinke diens en goedkoop pryse? Dankie aan die broers vir vriendelike, netjiese werk! – TRUDIE ) A huge thank you to the Cape Town Male Voice Choir for an inspiring eve ning of musical treats. The standing ovation was well deserved! Is a CD available? – MARG ) Wat ’n voorreg om medici soos Dr de Clercq en Dr Boezaart in Hermanus te hê. Hermanus MediClinic lewer uit muntende diens. Baie dank aan alle be trokkenes. – CHRIS VILJOEN
Final decision to be made on future of hospital Friends Friends of Hermanus Hospital (FHH) will meet at the Minor Hall of St Peter’s Church on Wednesday 23 April at 17:00. This follows the annual general meeting of FHH in March where the future of the organisation was discussed, and Angela Heslop and two long-standing
committee members stepped down. A final decision will be made and votes will be cast to continue or dissolve the NPO. Entrance on car park / sea side. For more info call Angela: 072 609 8655; 028 312 1663 or email aheslop@hermanus.co.za.
Rustige Pase voor die driedagreën Kom liewe lesers, Weerhaan vertel vir julle vandag eers ’n sprokie voor ons hoor van die drie dae se reënweer wat op pad is. Gisteroggend vroeg toe die mooi volmaan so oor die horison wegsak, was daar nie ver van hom af nie (so skuins regs onder hom) ook “reisigers” in die ruimte binne twee sterrestelsels met die name Boötes, wat herders beteken, en Virgo wat maagd beteken. Vir baie duisende jare al is hulle elke jaar tydens die Pase op hierdie reis in die hemelruim en mik dan na ’n derde sterrestelsel met die naam Gemini die tweeling, wat vir baie gelowiges die Seun en die Heilige in die sprokie is, doer onder waar Jupiter rondhang. In Bybels word die storie verder vertel dat daar ’n ster vir die herders verskyn het wat hulle na die stalle van Bethlehem in Israel gelei het om groot vreugde te aanskou. Maar o wee, net 33 jaar later het die mooi maan, wat voor die reisigers in die ruimte reis, verduister en vir die mense in daardie deel van die wêreld rooi soos bloed geword. Hulle sê hy was hartseer. Elke 33 jaar word hy soos bloed en reën dit rondom die Pase. Hulle sê dis die bloedmaan se trane. Maar hoe lekker is die storie verder dat die wolke en trane weggevee word en Weerhaan vandag vir almal kan vertel van die rustigheid in die bolug oor die hele Wes-Kaap. Die “losbol wind” wat saans oor die Overstrand opkom, is “vasgevat”
en sal hom tydens die Pase gedra. Vir oulaas was hy gister (Woensdag) nog nukkerig tussen 14 en 41 km/h grondlangs en ’n siedende 50 km/h daar bo. Maar vandag word hy ’n bries van die see se kant af wat wolke indra. Hy wyk Sondagaand voor die suidwestewind. Maandagoggend skyn die son nog lekker tot 14:00 maar aand se kant begin die driedagreën. Dit sous meer as 9 mm voor 02:00 en meer as 5 mm voor die son Dinsdag opkom. Dan kom die koue wind weer oor die see aan en vee die wolke “onder die mat in” soos mens maak as jy trane haastig wegvee om plek te maak vir vreugde. Daardie windjie sal die Overstranders teen 12 grade voel en die naweek bietjie bederf, maar dan, volgende week Vrydag, sal ons die lekkerste sonskyn tot ná die 26ste van die maand geniet, met gedagtes oor wat 2014 jaar gelede by Bethlehem gebeur het.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
17 April, 2014
) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008.
THURSDAY 17 APRIL ) There will be hacking by Hermanus Hacking Group from 07:00 to 11:00 at Lagoon Edge. Call André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) Die borduurgroep vergader by die De Wetsaal elke Donderdag van 09:00 – 13:00. Kontak Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday of the month at The Classroom at 12:15. Contact Lyle: 0 028 314 1390 or 073 778 2777. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. Call Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall, Onrus. Call Henriette Vlugter: 0082 738 7809. FRIDAY 18 APRIL ) The Hermanus Botanical Society presents their annual plant sale at the Fernkloof Nature Reserve Nursery from 18 to 21 April from 09:00 to 16:00. Call Margaret: 0 082 821 1872. ) Good Friday Passion Play at the Old Harbour from 18:45. SATURDAY 19 APRIL ) Mengelmarkie vanoggend by die De Wetsaal in Roosstraat, Onrus vanaf 09:00 12:00. ) Hermanus Country Market from 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kos en wynmark van 09:00 – 13:00. ) Garden Market from 09:00 – 14:00 at Hemel enAarde Village. ) Fisherhaven Neighbourhood Watch cake and book sale outside Moo’s Restaurant starting at 10:00. For queries call Pat: 0 028 315 1605. MONDAY 21 APRIL ) Hacking by Hermanus Hacking Group from 07:00 to 11:00 at Lagoon Edge. Call André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) The Overberg Quilters’ Guild meets at 09:30 at the De Wet Hall, Roos Street, Onrus. They will be embroidering on Crazy squares. ) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal: Maandae 08:00 – 09:30; Woensdae 15:00 – 17:00 en Donderdae 08:00 – 09:30. Belangstellendes kan Alida Liebenberg bel: 0 028 316 3994 of 082 783 5160. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 or 072 230 9179. ) Zumbadans, De Wetsaal, Maandae en Woensdae 17:30 – 18:30. Bel Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. ) Linedancing, De Wetsaal, 18:30 – 19:30. Call Maryanne Calitz: 0 073 469 9132.
TUESDAY 22 APRIL ) Hacking by Hermanus Hacking Group from 07:00 to 10:00 at Lagoon Edge. Call André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) Hermanus Leeskringledebyeenkoms vind plaas om 10:00 by Die Sandbaai Country House. Dit is boekemaand – bring ’n kinderboek of twee saam om geskenk te word aan minderbevoorregte skole. Cora Coetzee kom meer vertel oor die illu streer van kinderboeke. Skakel Maryna: 0 028 316 4283. WEDNESDAY 23 APRIL ) Hacking by Hermanus Hacking Group from 07:00 to 10:00 at Lagoon Edge. Call André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) Trimgimklasse vir seniors weekliks deur Mathil da Roos by die Onrusrivierdienssentrum van 10:00 –11:00. R30 per dienssentrumlid, R45 vir nielede. ) WeighLess group meets at the De Wet Hall in Onrus at 08:30. Call Annette Meiring: 0 082 560 2836. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Bel Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Egskeidingsondersteuningsgroep elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 in die gebeds kamer by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier. Bel Erika Oosthuysen: 0 072 322 0998. THURSDAY 24 APRIL ) Hacking by Hermanus Hacking Group from 07:00 to 11:00 at Lagoon Edge. Call André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) Sandbaai Belastingbetalersvereniging hou hul algemene jaarvergadering in die Sandbaaisaal om 18:00. Alle belangstellendes is welkom. Bel Chris Theron: 0028 316 3812. COMING UP SOON: Recycle Swop Shop AGM, 30 April, Grobbelaar Hall, 17:30.
OLD HARBOUR PASSION PLAY: The annual Good Friday Passion Play takes place for the19th time at the Old Harbour in Hermanus on Friday 18 April. The 20:00 per formance of this portrayal of the crucifixion of Jesus and the events that led up to his death, will be preceded by a performance by praise dancers at 18:45, followed by wellknown gospel singer, Innes Benade, who will officially open the Hermanus Passion Play. This is the 10th year that Fanus le Roux has organised this Easter play. As in pre vious years, there will be approximately 80 actors involved in the play this year. The entrance fee is R100 per adult. There will be no entrance fee for school children.
Sunset market and Kreef Derby Sunset Market The Easter Stanford Sunset Market takes place on Friday 18 April at the Stanford Village Green from 18:00 to 20:00. Kreef Derby Support the annual Kreef Derby at Laerskool Gansbaai, Main Road, Gansbaai, on Saturday 19 April from 10:00 to 23:00. Call 082 873 6889.
HERMANUSPIETERSFONTEIN-MARK: I scream, you scream... Friends of the Kosen wynmark have a lot to look forward to this Saturday. Breakfast and bubbles, coffee and cookies, cupcakes and pannekoek. Olives, bread, cheese and cured meats with Swart skaap. Schwarma, flatbread and salad with Die Martha. Perlemoen and rice with Die Bartho. Juicy hamburgers and Posmeester. Patés, dips and yogurt balls with Nr. 7. Artisinal gelato made by a real Italian – Don Gelato – simply to die for doll.
3 Tons of Fun
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UITHALER-VERMAAK: Valiant Swart tree op by Sprokkelsterteater in Onrus op Vry dag 18 April, om 20:00. Kaartjies kos R120 en kan bespreek word by Louise 082 896 5106 of 028 316 4567. As jy lus is vir uithalervermaak deur een van Suid Afrika se topkunstenaars, bring jou gelief des en jou vriende en kom geniet ‘n geselli ge aand saam.
Take a historical Hermanus hike The Hermanus History Society is offering two guided walks over the Easter period: ) Walk One: Hoy’s Koppie – the famous geological feature that overlooks the town. Learn about its origin 400 million years ago, its flora and fauna, and the 100 000-year-old cave hidden away under its cliffs. This walk takes 60 - 75 minutes. ) Walk Two: Historic Hermanus – starting from The Marine hotel, you will learn about the Old Harbour, the Champagne Mile along Marine Drive, the Hermanuspietersfontein, the Windsor Hotel, Swallow Park and Harbour Road. This walk takes 75 - 90 minutes. The cost of each guided walk is R100 per person. The walks start at the Hermanus Tourism office (tel: 028 312 2629) in Mitchell Street, where you can book and buy tickets. Be sure to bring a hat, sunblock and water. Tour schedule: Thursday 17 April: 10:00: Hoy’s Koppie. 15:30: Historic Hermanus Saturday 19 April: 10:00: Hoy’s Koppie Sunday 20 April: 10:00 Historic Hermanus Monday 21 April: 10:00: Historic Hermanus. 15:30: Hoy’s Koppie For more information and additional walk dates (until 4 May), contact Dr Robin Lee on 028 312 4072 / robinlee@hermanus.co.za.
jackie designs 0023
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www.hermanusanimalwelfare.co.za ABBEY - our regal beauty queen! This 9mth old med size female who grew up with us, has a wonderful calm social temperament . Looks like a Pharaoh’s dog!
PEPSI - 4 mth old Africanus X pup found as a stray. She is super cute with lovely social nature.
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To adopt please call - 028 312 1281 / 076 963 2092 PIPPA - is a tiny female J.Russell confiscated for neglect. She has recovered & a social cute natured 2 yr girl looking for love.
DANIEL - recovering from neglect & abuse, this loveable Husky X still nervous & learning to trust. Does mix but is an alpha male. PIXIE - 10 mth old teen given up as owners moving. She is an interesting maltese mix - small size but confident.
HANNAH 6 mth old - she is reaching out asking for her forever home. Very social will make great companion. THIS AD IS SPONSORED BY
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
17 April, 2014
Fernkloof Easter sale The Fernkloof Nursery will host its annual indigenous plant sale this Easter from 18 to 21 April. The Hermanus Botanical Society started the nursery many years ago. Members of the society loved the plants they saw in and around the Fernkloof Reserve and along the coast so much that they wanted to grow them in their own gardens. Local plants grow well in local soil and in a familiar climate. The society started a small nursery in which local indigenous plants were propagated and nurtured by members and distributed
to members. The Fernkloof Nursery has grown from these early beginnings and is now a commercial venture. Established within a nature reserve, it will only stock plants which are native to the Cape. Now that the cooler days of autumn have arrived, it is time to replan and replant your Hermanus garden. Nursery manager Jack Bold and his wife Cathy will give you a warm welcome any morning and offer good advice. Visit the Fernkloof Nursery over the Easter weekend and take advantage of the wide variety of local plants at sale prices,
Stock up on indigenous plants at the Fernkloof Nursery’s Easter plant sale this weekend from 18 to 21 April.
Alienation of Portion of Property
MARKET ATMOSPHERE: There are a number of markets in Hermanus which attract visitors and local residents each Sat urday morning. Families can enjoy the unique atmosphere of each market as well as stock up on the assortment of prod ucts on sale. PHOTO: CILENE BEKKER
Vervreemding van Gedeelte van Eiendom
Notice is hereby given of Council’s intention to alienate the undermentioned municipal properties in terms of section 14 of the Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003) and the municipal asset transfer regulations: • Portion 2 of Farm 308/2, Bredasdorp • Portion of Farm 339/0, Bredasdorp Further information is available during normal office hours at the Municipal Offices, 26 Long Street, Bredasdorp. Enquiries must be directed to Ms AJ Thompson, tel. (028) 425-1157. Any objections against the alienation must be properly motivated in writing and be lodged with the undersigned by no later than 10 June 2014. Persons who are unable to read or write, can submit their objection/comments verbally at the Municipal Offices, 26 Long Street, Bredasdorp and Ms AJ Thompson will assist them in putting their comments or objections in writing. Mr DP Beretti - Municipal Manager (Acting) Overberg District Municipality, Private Bag X22, Bredasdorp 7280
Kennis geskied hiermee van die Raad se intensie om die ondergemelde eiendomme te vervreem ingevolge artikel 14 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, 2003 (Wet 56 van 2003) asook die munisipale regulasies insake oordrag van vaste bates: • Gedeelte 2 van Plaas 308/2, Bredasdorp • Gedeelte van Plaas 339/0, Bredasdorp Verdere besonderhede is gedurende normale kantoorure ter insae beskikbaar by die Munisipale Kantore, Langstraat 26, Bredasdorp. Navrae moet gerig word aan me AJ Thompson, tel. (028) 425-1157. Enige kommentaar teen die vervreemding moet voor of op 10 Junie 2014 behoorlik gemotiveer en skriftelik by die ondergetekende ingedien word. Indien ’n persoon nie kan lees of skryf nie, kan so ’n persoon sy/haar beswaar/ kommentaar mondelings by die Munisipale Kantore, Langstraat 26, Bredasdorp aflê, waar me AJ Thompson behulpsaam sal wees om hul kommentaar of besware op skrif te stel. Mnr DP Beretti - Munisipale Bestuurder (Waarnemend) Overberg Distriksmunisipaliteit, Privaatsak X22, Bredasdorp 7280
Arina Wilson 108424
VACANCY BULLETIN EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WHO WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE DEpArtMEnt oF HEAltH stAnForD clInIc, ovErstrAnD sub-DIstrIct (HErMAnus) (ovErbErg DIstrIct) Operational Manager Nursing (Primary Health Care) rEMunErAtIon: r 376 815 (pn-b3) pEr AnnuM (plus A non-pEnsIonAblE rurAl AllowAncE of 8% of basic annual salary.) sErvIcE bEnEFIts: 13tH cHEquE, EMployEr’s contrIbutIon to tHE pEnsIon FunD, HousIng and medical aid allowance. rEquIrEMEnts: MInIMuM EDucAtIonAl quAlIFIcAtIons: Basic R425 qualification (i.e. diploma/ degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as a Professional Nurse. • A post-basic nursing qualification, with a duration of at least one year, accredited with the SANC in Clinical Nursing Science: Health Assessment, Treatment and care (R48). rEgIstrAtIon wItH A proFEssIonAl councIl: Registration with the SANC as Professional Nurse. ExpErIEncE: A minimum of 9 years appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. • At least 5 years of the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognisable experience in the specific specialty after obtaining the one- year post-basic qualification as mentioned above. InHErEnt rEquIrEMEnt oF tHE job: Driver’s licence (Code B/EB). coMpEtEncIEs (knowlEDgE/skIlls): Basic computer literacy. • Knowledge and insight of relevant legislation and policy related to this nursing speciality within the Public Sector. • Ability to promote quality patient care through the setting, implementation and monitoring of standards. • Effective communication, interpretation, leadership, decision-making and conflict resolution and organisational skills. • Ability to effectively communicate (verbal and written) in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape.
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DutIEs (kEy rEsult ArEAs/outputs): Supervise, plan and implement the provision of effective and efficient health and support to Security, Cleaning division, Infection control and Ground service. • Effective management and utilisation of human and financial resources to ensure optimal operational functions. • Supervise, practice, plan and implement the provision of effective and efficient Primary Healthcare on a short-/medium-/long-term basis. • Organise a cost-effective service on a daily basis. • Provide support to supervisor and management with regards to verifications and timeous accurate stats. • Participate in Community work and continuous support to the Primary Healthcare Management. EnquIrIEs: Ms MA Samuels, tel. no. (028) 312-3010 plEAsE subMIt your ApplIcAtIon For tHE AttEntIon oF Ms A brIts to tHE DIstrIct director: overberg district office, Private bag X07, caledon, 7230. InstructIons to ApplIcAnts: Z83 forms (obtainable from any Government department or www.westerncape.gov.za) must: Be completed in full, clearly reflect the name of the position, name and date of the publication (candidates may use this as reference), be signed, accompanied by a comprehensive CV, the names of 3 referees and certified copies of ID, driver’s licence and qualification/s. A separate application form must be completed for each post. Applications without the aforementioned will not be considered. Applications must be forwarded to the address as indicated on the advertisement. No late, faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. CV’s will not be returned. Excess personnel will receive preference. Applications, which are received after the closing date, will not be considered. Further communication will be limited to short-listed candidates. If you have not received a response from the Department within 3 months of the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department. As directed by the Department of public service & Administration, applicants must note that further checks will be conducted once they are short-listed and that their appointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous employment.
The Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Disabled candidates are encouraged to apply and an indication in this regard will be appreciated.
closing date: 2 May 2014 TBWA\H401155/E
Hermanus Times
Sakegids Business Guide
17 April, 2014
Hermanus Business Chamber resolves to fight for CBD CILENE BEKKER While there is ongoing debate regarding the pros and cons of Retail Africa’s proposed Whale Coast shopping mall in Sandbaai, the Hermanus Business Chamber (HBC) has resolved to continue fighting for their appeal to be upheld. The Chamber indicated that they expect to hear the outcome of their appeal by the end of April. The Chamber has in the meantime made available their appeal document, which was delivered to the offices of Anton Bredell, minister of local government, environmental affairs and development planning, on 10 April. The Chamber is the first appellant and the second appellant is Zamar Investments (Pty) Ltd. Retail Africa had applied for authorisation for the construction of a retail facility of 38 900m² and authorisation was granted for 27 800m². The authorisation states that the development will be “of an appropriate scale and so will not have unacceptable associate socio-economic impacts on existing businesses in the area.” However, the HBC is convinced that the mall will have ruinous effect on the CBD and will also not stem the flow of people going over the mountain to do their shopping. After the Directorate: Land Management (Region 2) granted authorisation for the proposed Retail Africa mall on 6 January 2014, the HBC and Zamar Investments (Pty) Ltd tasked Rode Consult to provide an expert perspective in aid of the review of the environmental authorisation. (See Rode Consult report on page 16). Their appeal is based on the findings of this report. ) First ground of appeal: Failure to have regard to relevant considerations and to assess properly the true need and desirability of the proposed development Having only been granted a smaller retail space of 27 800m², the appellants argue that the mall could merely be expected to draw customers from a surrounding area of 3–5 km, and is unlikely to draw any significant customers from a wider area. It will not stem the outflow to Cape Town or Somerset West, as a big regional mall could do. According to the appellants, the CBD, which is some 4 km away, already houses the vast majority of the national retail chain stores. “The CBD is central to the primary economic activity of Hermanus – tourism. The CBD is dependant on a large number of pedestrians coming into the area as tourists, shoppers or employees,” the appeal reads. The appellants also point out that, apart from the current retail node in the CBD, there is the Gateway Centre 2 km to the west and several convenience shopping centres in Sandbaai, Onrus and Vermont. In addition, on 26 November 2009, the director granted environmental authorisation for the construction of a community shopping centre of 20 000m², to be called the Southern Cross shopping centre, on Erf 1447 in Sandbaai, a mere 500 m west of the proposed Retail Africa mall. Since this au-
thorisation, the developer of Southern Cross has decided to scale down the development to a neighbourhood shopping centre of 12 000m². Also on 6 January 2014, the directorate granted authorisation for the development of a retail facility on Farm 572/1 Hawston, comprising 10 000m², after the applicant had applied for authorisation for the construction of a small regional shopping centre of 38 000m². The HBC is convinced that there is no need for another small shopping centre in Sandbaai and that a regional retail facility in Hawston would be more desirable, for the following reasons: - the site falls outside of the Hermanus CBD primary catchment area, and will enable the CBD to compete more effectively. - being closer to the N2, it is more likely to attract regional shoppers and tourists off the N2 and into the greater Hermanus. - the size of the area available for development in Hawston, and the character of the surrounding erven means that, unlike the Retail Africa site, it has the potential to accommodate a bigger regional mall. - It would stimulate essential growth, offer employment opportunities, and uplift the standard of living by integrating Hawston into Hermanus. It is this growth that is needed to underpin growing municipal revenues, which are used to provide the population with jobs as well as essential services. - The vast majority of the 7 000 new houses expected to be added in the area over the next few years are to be situated in the three urban extensions surrounding Hawston. The supply of retail should follow to the Hawston area, also in order to provide a boost to the economy of the immediate area. ) Second ground of appeal: Failure to appreciate the disastrous socio-economic consequences of the activities for which authorisation was sought The appellants point out that because few national retailers are likely to consider it viable in the long-term to have a second store only 3,5km from their CBD store, the risks of short-term cannibalisation are indeed very high. This is the result of several factors: - the proposed mall is at an intercept position for the vast majority of local and regional traffic - the location of the proposed mall is in the centre of retail purchasing power - the mall will offer free parking, and - a climate-controlled one-stop shopping facility. According to the appellants national business, or any other leading retailer, will tap into this and open two stores if its lease in the CBD is still active, and will then close its CBD store at the first available opportunity. “The end result will be that the national supermarket and clothing anchor tenants will depart the CBD for the Retail Africa site,” the appeal states. “The exodus will be devastating. Trade will in all likelihood collapse, save for small, low-rent businesses like pawn brokers, micro-lenders and sex shops that will replace the former CBD
FITNESS FACTORY: The Fitness Factory is a new fitness centre offering programmes to people of all ages and fitness levels, located in Sandbaai Indus tria, 4 Argon Road, Unit 12 (next to Kekkel en Kraai). Alicia Boonzaaier, the person behind Kettel bell Dynamics, and Mandy Pampallis, who relocated from Kowie Kettlebell in the Eastern Cape, have joined forces to open The Fitness Factory. Kettlebell weight training focuses on movement pattern skills, such as squatting, lunging and hinging, rather than isolated muscle devel opment. This kind of resistance training helps with weight loss, increased joint mobility and improves cardiovascular health. Contact Mandy on 082 424 2435 or Ali Alicia Boonzaaier and Man cia on 072 6311 236 for more information. dy Pampallis.
tenants. The tourist trade will diminish. Jobs will be lost and social decay will follow.” ) Third ground of appeal: Failure to take due cognisance of the relevant zonings, schemes, frameworks etc In terms of the Greater Hermanus SubRegional Structure plan (2000) the proposed site is reserved for Urban Area development. The appellants argue that it will thus not be possible to develop adjacent sites for the use of retail facilities, offices, a hotel or entertainment – one of the main functions of a regional centre – without rezoning and demolishing the existing residences around the site. “The authorised development will also not be able to meet the standards set by the Western Cape Spatial Development Framework... (because) it will only provide economic opportunities associated directly with that minor mall, and provide none of the economic spin-offs and job opportunities which would flow from a larger mall.” According to the appellants, the Directorate also ignored the OM structure plan (2006) which provides for the extension of the Hawston / Fisherhaven area “at a scale and in a manner which ensures that the area becomes the growth and development focus point of the greater Hermanus area.” ) Fourth ground for appeal: Failure to consider alternatives with regard to sites “By failing to consider alternative suitable sites the Directorate committed a fundamental breach of its statutory and regulatory obligations, fatally undermining the authorisation.” ) Fifth ground of appeal: Failure to take due cognisance of necessary traffic mitigation measures The appeal states that the traffic and road conditions on which the municipality insisted in their recommendation have been ignored. “As a result the cash strapped municipality will have to divert funds from essential services, or other projects, to complete the substantial upgrades which it considers are required (and thus assume the burden of addressing the problems occasioned by the development itself).” According to the appellants, the municipality would never have consented to the authorisation on that basis. ) Sixth ground of appeal: Procedural irregularities and unfairness The appellants have not been able to obtain access to the Hermanus Regional Analysis Report by Urban Studies 2010, which the Directorate considered important in its analysis of socio-economic consequences. “The appeal should be upheld for this reason alone.” Conclusion The appellants request that the authorisation granted to the developer by the Directorate should be set aside on appeal; alternatively, and in the event of the procedural unfairness contentions being upheld, that the MEC should require that those defects identified in the appeal be remedied before the appeal be considered afresh.
DENTS UNLIMITED: Dents Unlimit ed Spraypaint ing & Panel beating opened its doors in the beginning of April in unit 16 E, Arum Street, Hermanus Industria. Owners and twin brothers Walter and Wayne Klaue, local residents of Hermanus, have been in the spraypainting business since the age of 19. Besides spraypainting and panelbeating, they also specialise in chassis black, rust re moval and polishing of all types of vehicles. Contact them on 079 901 4763 or 076 251 6231 for a free quotation.
REDZ ETC: A newly reg istered real estate company with the slogan: ‘real estate, real experts’ has opened its doors in the Overstrand. “We are truly South African,” says REDZ etc. founder and managing director, Pam Sny man (left). Snyman, Rob Semer and Flick du Toit have a combined experience of 69 years in real estate. “We believe that REDZ etc. has a unique proposition to bring – we do not sell to our clients, but get our clients to buy from us,” says Snyman. Contact Pam: 082 800 0867, Rob (Hermanus): 082 535 9126 and Fick (Onrus/Vermont): 083 675 3064.
Hermanus Times
Sakegids Business Guide
17 April, 2014
Generation-X – the penny drops Recent weeks have seen considerable media attention surrounding the so-called XGeneration, or “Gen-X”. More specifically, attention that focuses on their financial wellness (or not) and ability to “survive” financially, as years in retirement seem to be increasing all the time. There is worldwide concern about this phenomenon as the focus increasingly shifts from the so-called baby-boomer generation (i.e. those born post WW II) to Gen-X and their unique challenges. Generation-X broadly refers to people in the age group 30 to 50 years (i.e. born between mid60s and mid 80s). Web references profile them as being active, balanced, happy and family oriented. They are further characterised as “a generation whose worldview is based on change, on the need to combat corruption, dictatorships, abuse, AIDS, a generation in search of human dignity and individual freedom, the need for stability, love, tolerance, and human rights for all”. They are also better educated, less likely to smoke and more likely to be employed if they are female than babyboomers were. Sound familiar? Compared with previous generations, Generation X represents an apparently more heterogeneous generation, openly acknowledging and embracing social diversity in terms of race, class, religion, ethnicity, culture, language, gender identity, and sexual orientation (Wikipedia). This sounds like a wonderful bunch of people, doesn’t it? It almost sounds too good to be true and, as the saying goes, then it most probably is. The challenges facing Gen-X are quite daunting. They are typically at a stage in their lives where they need to balance the financial
demands of raising and educating children with a lifestyle seemingly portraying success, whilst rather half-heartedly realising that they also need to provide for “retirement” which, in the case of a 45-year-old, is suddenly only 20 years away. A recent Old Mutual Savings monitor reveals the following: Gen-X is caught up in an increasing debt spiral; they portray an instant-gratification attitude; have a propensity for keeping up with the Joneses and a yearning for the latest technological devices; they are still repaying bonds and instalments on trendy cars, while some are financially supporting their parents/family (the first wave of people not being able to support themselves in retirement). These realities and lifestyle obviously make it extremely hard, if not impossible, to save. They struggle to follow the pay yourself first rule, i.e. first subtract your savings from your salary/income. Forty percent actually hope their children will be able to look after them during old age (which somehow conflicts with the statement in the previous paragraph), while 30% believe government will support them. Well, I think we all know the answer to that one. So, what to do? Well, being passive and staying ignorant certainly isn’t going to help. There is actually only one answer: draw up your financial plan AND implement it. Fortunately, for most it is not too late. One thing is certain: You must act and act now. The two main areas to address in your plan (and yes, we are repeating ourselves for the umpteenth time) are: 1. At what age do you want to retire? and 2. How much will you need to retire? These two issues are normally dependant on each other, but need to be looked at separately.
In terms of how much, there are guidelines that have been established over the years, amongst them the “4% rule” (stating that you start by withdrawing 4% of your available capital in the first year of retirement and subsequently increase it annually by the inflation rate); the “10 x annual salary rule” (i.e. gather a capital amount equal to 10 x your final annual salary) or taking “70 – 80% of income” during the year preceding retirement as the required income level in retirement as guideline. Although not absolute, these formulas all assist to determine the capital needed to attain your required retirement income level. Starting with this number, the savings needed to achieve your stated goal at retirement can be readily estimated. Determining how much and how to get there is best done in consultation with an astute financial planner or portfolio manager. The most critical step, however, is not to procrastinate, but to actually do it NOW. Retiring without financial peace of mind is hell! Note: This article does not constitute explicit advice. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Always remember the prudent way is to consult your stockbroker before investing. Theo Cloete is a portfolio analyst at PSG, Hermanus.
FinMonitor Theo Cloete
Historic Voëlklip property goes on sale for R35 million A character-filled home, called De Mond House, with a past intertwined with several key figures in Cape history, has come onto the market in Vöelklip. The historic property is on the market exclusively through Pam Golding Properties, priced at R35 million. The home traces its history back to the late 18th century, when Hendrik Cloete of Groot Constantia purchased grazing rights in the Hermanus area. In 1790 he built his holiday home there, calling it “Lustplaas”. Among the regular visitors to the town was James Hamilton-Russell, a prominent member of parliament for the United Party, who purchased the home in 1946 and renamed it ‘De Mond House’. The house was established as a regular gathering point for his family and friends, including United Party leader De Villiers Graaff. The home has remained in the family’s ownership ever since. Estate agent Rose-Marie Marais says the historic home has been beautifully restored by the family, and has gleaming wooden floors and open eaves beneath immaculate thatched roofs. “The walls are over a metre thick, offering coolness in the heat of summer, and cosy warmth in winter,” she says. “The interiors have been upgraded to contemporary living standards, but still maintain a sense of the home’s unique past.” To view De Mond, or for more information, contact PGP agent Rose-Marie Marais on 028 312 1110 or hermanus@pamgolding.co.za.
This historic Hermanus property has recently come on the market..
’De Mond’ occupies a seafront plot of over 2 300m², with views across Walker Bay and the surrounding mountains.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
17 April, 2014
Various studies have been conducted over the last five years to assess the amount of new retail space that would be warranted over the next 10-15 years to satisfy consumer demand in the Greater Hermanus area. Fernridge Consulting (2009) and Urban Studies (2010) conducted studies on behalf of Retail Africa on the potential of the Whale Coast Mall development, while Douglas Parker Associates was commissioned by the Overstrand Municipality in 2011. All these studies corroborate the potential of the Retail Africa site for a regional mall, and emphasise the need for stemming the outflow of expenditure from Hermanus over the mountain, and attracting additional expenditure from neighbouring towns. However, the report by Rode Consult (February 2014), commissioned by the appellants, Hermanus Business Chamber and Zamar Investments (Pty) Ltd. points out that “the impact on the CBD of a competing regional centre in the exact same primary catchment area is not adequately addressed, and no alternatives are critically explored”. The Rode report points out that according to Douglas Parker Associates’ research, the impact of the mall on the CBD would amount to 43%, while Urban Studies estimates the impact to be between 7% and 12%. “The variance between the two studies is a concern. Nonetheless, a 7% impact on 394 stores in the CBD means a loss of 28 stores. Seventeen of the existing national stores in the CBD alone are at risk of a downgrade, but at the minimum the dominant flagship store will be in the mall and the second-biggest will always be at risk. How many of these wil have to leave town to prove that the impact on the CBD is too high? And any decision that will be taken is irreversible.” According to the Rode report, the well-being of the CBD cannot be guaranteed by the developer and the observation that the impact would be marginal and that “the CBD should not be adversely affected” is cause for concern. The Rode report states that a host of assumptions have underpinned the approach of the decision-makers and the researchers on
Rode Consult cautions against Hermanus mall whom they rely, which has led to these fatally flawed recommendations and decisions: 1. That a regional mall is required in order for Hermanus to become a regional shopping destination The Rode report states that the preoccupation with a mall as the only typology for retail development that can take Hermanus into the future is a flawed assumption. It is accepted by default as if it is the only urban design vocabulary in existence. The mall is mainly an American tradition; Europe rather repaired their inner-cities post WW II. Today integrated mixed-use development and “de-malling” is considered to be more socio-economically desirable and sustainable. 2. That the most perfect central location in the town for a decentralised regional mall is the most beneficial means of geographically distributing and delivering retail products to the consumers of or visitors to Hermanus. The mall site would be in the most beneficial position to maximise consumer spending, and in the worst possible position to minimize the impact on the CBD. The central location will sterilise the future development of another shopping precinct of substantial proportions in future growth areas such as Hawston and Fisherhaven for a number of decades. The CBD will become the shopping precinct of the lower-market segments who are dependent on public transport, without a middle- and higher-income buffer to the precious tourist precinct. By addressing the undersupply in specific categories in Hermanus, and particularly within the CBD, the entire town can substantially improve its appeal as a regional shopping destination. 3. The CBD must be avoided at all cost because a mall will damage its unique offering “as an attractive tourist destination which will be able to continue to successfully offer small speciality stores and attractive restaurants. This quality may help preserve the CBD as an attractive tourist destination”. Our assessment is that the location 4 km away is more damaging and risky than the risks of being in the CBD, which is merely
Mt Pleasant: tekort aan behuising JANINE VAN DER RIET Sowat 25 inwoners het die Overstrand-munisipaliteit (OM) se konsepbegrotingvergadering Donderdag 10 April in Mount Pleasant bygewoon. Hier het burgemeester Nicolette Botha-Guthrie die konsepbegroting en die redes vir die styging in tariewe in fyn besonderhede aan inwoners verduidelik. Inwoners was veral besorg oor die tekort aan behuising in die area en hul kommer is aan die burgemeester en OM-amptenare deurgegee. Botha-Guthrie en Stephen Müller, direkteur van infrastruktuur en beplanning by die OM, het inwoners gerus gestel oor toekomstige projekte wat reeds op dreef is en ook aangedui waar ekstra behuising voorsien gaan word. Die beplanningsfase van die twee projekte, waarvan een in Mount Pleasant en een in Swartdamweg, is reeds afgehandel en goedgekeur en gaan aan die einde van April voor die raad dien.
one alternative delivery option. 4. All the research on which the EIA is based, as well as council’s own research by DPA and the associated conclusions, apply to such a region per se and assumes that only “the mall will provide the variety of retail facilities that are currently not available in Hermanus”, and will stem the outflow of purchasing power. No targeted research was conducted to obtain a robust quantitative assessment of the impact on the CBD, with a clear, succinct and unambiguous conclusion. This is precisely what lies at the heart of issues such as the precarious balance between the size of the development and the distance from the CBD. 5. The risk of cannibalisation of existing stores in the CBD by the mall is “limited” and that retailers can be held accountable to abide by a proposal that the mall “will only house stores not already established in the CBD, unless the performance of the existing one has reached certain levels which warrants an additional store”. Sharing an existing local market with a newcomer who is better positioned in all respects could have potentially disastrous socio-economic impacts. Skimming the cream of the middle and upper segments off that market, which is the explicit objective of the mall, will leave the existing CBD terribly exposed. 6. The assessment of the risk is a precarious balance of optimising diverse objectives. The researchers believe more than 30 000 m² is required to fulfil the promise to curtail outflow to Somerset Mall and to attract new inflow from the surrounding small towns. The developer asserts that 4 km is far enough from town not to do any harm, but still to attract the middle- and upper-income segment. The proposal maximises the recovery of lost expenditure over the mountain, instead of optimising it with the needs of the CBD. To council, a mall at this point in time may be a very attractive boost to the rates and taxes base. But have the cost benefits been weighed? 7. While the developer may be “an experienced strategic property analyst”, it
does not follow that he “therefore” is an “expert in understanding the umbilical link between a regional mall, the Hermanus town centre and surrounding smaller towns’’ (Draft SDF 2006). Such a statement speaks of a lack of critical thinking and an intrinsic bias. National developers have no local sentiments. According to the authorisation, a regional shopping mall will bring jobs to the local community and rates and taxes to the municipality, but the more significant income, rental income and store revenue will be remitted to the domicilium of the landlord and the corporate retailers and will not accrue to the local economy. The Rode report points out that, on the liability side, three national priorities will be at risk, depending on the impact on the CBD: – existing entrepreneurs, – existing small- and medium-sized busi nesses, and – the jobs they create. As properties are vacated and precincts deteriorate, rents and rates income will be lost, value will be destroyed and the tax base of the municipality will decrease, the report states. “Our view is that the mall as proposed will have a substantial negative impact on every part of the CBD that will affect its heart, its genius loci – the sense of place.” The buzzwords of today are integrated mixed-use development in compact cities, also referred to as de-malling. A mall, the report states, may just be a move in the wrong direction. “With its multiple arcades and walkways, which form part of the attraction of Hermanus, and the recent Checkers and Woolworths developments linking almost seamlessly to it, Hermanus has the opportunity of extending its magic through the development of various precincts and innovative innercity design. “If the CBD is not appropriately stimulated to compete for a share in more than the tourist market, it will contract with undesirable effect. This is evident wherever a major peripheral centre has been established. Only, in a special tourist destination like Hermanus, it will be even uglier.”
Bettysbaai: OM geloof vir dienslewering Volgens die munisipale bestuurder, Stephen Muller die vergadering ingelig Die openbare bespreking van die Overstrand-munisipaliteit se konsepbegro- Coenie Groenewald, was daar tot einde het dat die provinsiale padowerheid binting vir 2014/15 Maandagaand op Bettys- Maart vanjaar geen instrument vir mu- ne die volgende drie maande ’n publieke baai het geëindig met gelukwense vir nisipale rade om die salarisse van die deelnameproses daaroor gaan aanpak. topbestuur te bepaal nie. Daarom het Die munisipaliteit het reeds insette gewat hy met sy dienslewering bereik. Manfred van Heerden het gesê inwo- Overstrand van ’n onafhanklike vergoe- gee vir ’n konsepplan wat ter tafel gelê ners kan nie kla oor die dienste wat hulle dingspesialis se dienste gebruik gemaak sal word. Theuns Prinsloo het gesê hy is bly ontvang, die gehalte van die water, om te hoor dat die munisipaliteit ’n die verwydering van vullis ensoskofstelsel oorweeg as ’n maatreël voorts nie en boonop het die munisiom oortyd aan bande te lê. Hy meen paliteit ’n skoon oudit ontvang vir dit sal baie help om wetstoepassing, die wyse waarop hy sy geldsake bewat ’n 24-uur diens moet lewer, in dryf. die Hangklip-gebied te verbeter. Hy het gemaan dat die munisipaDie planne om bestuur te sentraliliteit nie moet toelaat dat sy infraseer bekommer hom en hy het ’n struktuur agteruitgaan nie en gevra pleidooi gelewer dat voetsoolvlakdat meer geld vir die instandhoubestuurders eerder bemagtig word ding daarvan beskikbaar gestel om sake af te handel as om as ’n posmoet word. kantoor vir Hermanus te dien. Voor hy aan die beurt gekom het, Solomon kon hom gerusstel oor sy het die Kleinmondse prokureur, siening dat munisipale waardasies Tickey Ince, wel vir ’n opskudding te hoog is, deur te sê dat dié waardagesorg toe hy die burgemeester, Ni- Raadslid Ben Solomon en Burgemeester Nicolette sies elke vier jaar hersien word. Socolette Guthrie-Botha, gevra het of BothaGuthrie. lomon het ook bevestig dat daar sy haar en die munisipale bestuurom te verseker dat dit markverwant is. geen belastingverhogings vir onontwikder se salarisse kan regverdig. Heelparty van die teenwoordiges het Regulasies is nou deur die sentrale rege- kelde erwe in die nuwe begroting voorluidkeels hul beswaar teen dié soort vrae ring uitgevaardig om die aanstelling en sien word nie. Solomon het die 15% verhoging op die te kenne gegee en die vergadering ver- vergoeding van munisipale topbestuurseiendomsbelasting van ontwikkelde perlede te beheer. laat. Dave Muirhead, voorsitter van die sele verdedig deur te sê dit sal ’n beter Daar was egter ook steun vir Ince. Riekie Nel het gevra of die senior bestuur Pringlebaaise Belastingbetalersvereni- welvaartsgebaseerde verdeling van inhul salarisse werd is en gesê die hap van ging, het gesê beter kommunikasie moet komste bewerkstellig as die verhoging meer as 30 persent wat salarisse en lone tussen die belastingbetalers en die op- van dienstetariewe. Die verhoging van dienstegelde is so uit die begroting neem, te groot is en pro- stellers van die begroting bewerkstellig bleme vir die organisasie gaan veroor- word. Daar is byvoorbeeld gedink dat ver moontlik aan die inflasiekoers gePringlebaai teerpaaie wil hê terwyl hul koppel. saak. Inwoners se totale munisipale rekeBotha-Guthrie, wat in haar openings- voorstelle eintlik daarop gemik was om boodskap daarop gewys het dat sy nie die gehalte van grondpaaie met gereelde ninge sal met sowat 8,5% styg. Oor die van ’n ampsmotor, ’n voltydse bestuur- onderhoud en klipbelyning van storm- lot van bejaardes het Botha-Guthrie gesê die munisipaliteit is besorg daaroor en der of lyfwagte gebruik maak nie, het ge- waterslote te verhoog. Geoff Harris se kommer oor die veilig- dat hulle waar moontlik met deernishulp sê sy is sewe dae van die week 24 uur per dag tot die beskikking van belastingbeta- heid van die R44, veral by die afdraaie bygestaan sal word. – SSMA/FANIE KRIGE na Rooiels en Pringlebaai, is bygelê toe lers om na hul probleme om te sien.
17 Hermanus resident pens book on aviation memories Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
17 April, 2014
FACTA NOSTRA VIVENT - Memories from the South African Air Force Central Flying School 1922-1995: Compiled by Andrew Embleton - is a fascinating compilation, not only for those who are, were or want to be in aviation, but for the pedestrian airplane- and airshow-besotted like I am, who never missed an airshow.
Facta Nostra Viv ent is the motto of CFS, and means Our Deeds Shall Live
Of the many highlights in the book are the photos and references to the 55 Harvards from CFS flying in formation for the Harvard Farewell in 1995, remembered by some of the pilots. What an unbelievable sight that must have been. This book is not an official history, but a compilation of historical information. Says Harvey Tyson (author, columnist and former editor of The Star) on the back flap: “This is a story about the CFS in all its guises from 1922 up to the end of the Harvard era in 1995. “It covers a brief history of the school, the training methods and the aircraft. It is about the first steps in a military aviation career. It is about ‘pupes’ and their instructors and is told in their own words. “Here are precious memories, proud moments and hilarious histories. They are recalled mainly by some of South Africa’s magnificent men in their flying machines. “All these, plus valuable illustrations, have been collected by writer-painter Andrew Embleton from graduates of SA’s famous air force flying school. “His collage of real, soaring experiences should also lift the hearts of even the most pedestrian of general readers,”
writes Tyson. The book contains over 300 photographs including colour copies of paintings by Prof Derrick Dickens, Paul Buchel and Darryl Legg. Also interviews and contributions from early cadets like Judge Cecil Margo and Dr. A.D. Wassenaar and other WWII pilots and instructors. Former Commanding Officers like Col Clements, Brig.Boyle, Col. Tienie van der Kaay, Gen. Ben Vorster, Gen. Crow Stannard remember their time at CFS. Gen. Des Barker and Lt.Col. Ray Houghton remember the Harvard vs Impala story. The story ends with the phasing out of the grand old “Spammy” in 1995. Available at local bookstores. – CILENE BEKKER
WILLIE BOTHA SCULPTURE GALLERY: The Willie Botha Sculpture gallery opened its doors in June 2013 at 171 Main Road in Hermanus. The gallery forms a part of the Hermanus Art Amble. This follows the in ternational trend to have concentrated areas in cities and towns dedicated to the visual arts where art lovers can casually stroll from gallery to gal lery. People also like to see the artists in action or at least meet the artists whose work they are buying. That is why Willie Botha decided to use part of his gallery to work on smaller pieces where the public can learn more about the sculpting, as well as the bronze casting process. You can visit the gallery to view their fantastic collection of works by old master painters such as Jan Dingemans, Frans Claerhout, Piet van Heerden, Hen nie Niemann, G.W. Pilkington, Chris Tugwell, Alfred Krentz, Dino Para vano, Trechikoff, Gregoire Boonzaier and Majory Wallace among others. Works of Pieter Vermaak and Angela Keys are also on display.
LEMBU GALLERY: Ed Bredenkamp, resi dent artist at Lem bu Gallery and Studio, recently embarked on a new series of abstract paintings. Well known for his ‘red elephants’ and other wildlife studies, Ed’s new path was trig gered by using a palette knife to lay down a back ground of bold colours in prepa ration for a com mission painting of a black rhino. He soon moved on to create a series of abstracts, merging robust colours and powerful strokes to build a sequence of canvases that are both striking and engaging. In some of the paintings, vague outlines of human figures occupy the foreground, forc ing the viewer to consider the context and setting of the painting. Ed’s larger abstracts have already been sold but several of his smaller canvases can now be seen at Lembu Gallery and Studio.
JENNY JACKSON’S GALLERY 19: After spending many hol idays in Hermanus, Jenny Jackson moved here permanently 12 years ago and says she is experiencing the best years of her life. Always a “late bloomer”, Jenny only started painting when she was in her late sixties. Her first solo exhibi tion was hosted at the Rossouw Modern in September 2012 and her delightful gallery attached to her home/ studio in High Street opened in December last year. This restored fisherman’s cottage is filled with light and reflects Jenny’s boundless energy and delight in her work. Her unique technique of using a palette knife to apply thick strokes of paint to canvas encourages a kind of alchemy within the paint, and her works are rounded off with finer touches of charcoal.
ABALONE GALLERY: The Abalone Gallery is showcasing an exhibition called Reflections with works by four prominent female artists – Alta Botha, Lien Botha, Pippa Skotnes and Lynette ten Krooden. Alta is ex hibiting her Universe series, which she completed before she started her studies at the Michaelis School of Fine Art in Cape Town. Lien, whose work is an integral part of Abalone Gallery exhibitions, is showing some of her narrative photog raphy, the Amendment series. Pippa, daughter of the late icon in the arts, Cecil Sko tnes, and professor at the Michaelis School of Fine Art, is represented with two very special etchings from the 1980s, which are collector’s pieces. Ortrud Mulder has shown many series of Skotnes’ works at museums and institutions overseas before she relocat ed to Hermanus. Lynette, a Pretoriabased artist, has some of her smaller works on show, reflecting her research on the old trade routes from Petra in Jordan to Kimberley.
1614 nj
1614 nj
WALKER BAY ART GALLERY: The Walker Bay Art Gallery, situated at 167 Main Road, Hermanus, invites all art lovers and collectors to the Aviva Maree Exhibition, on Sat urday 3 May, at 18:30 for 19:00. The speaker is Helénè Truter.
Francois Grobbelaar francois@walkerbayartgallery.co.za / www.walkerbayartgallery.co.za TEL/FAX: 028 312 2928 CELL: 082 719 0907 167 Main Road, Hermanus, 7200
Andrew Embleton at home in Hermanus. He started compiling the book in 1986, then put thoughts of publishing it on hold un til three years ago. His father was an early aviator gaining his PPL in 1932 on Gypsey Moths and Andrew himself spent many hours at the Johannesburg Light Plane Club where his father was a committee member. Andrew had flying in his blood but his father had insisted Andrew earn a “proper” living which saw him follow a career in the steel and engineering industry. Old aircraft and classic racing cars have however remained his passion. His son, Mark, was an SAAF pilot and since 20 years ago an Emirates A380 Captain.
Modern & Contemporary Fine Art 028 313 2935 www.abalonegallery.co.za ortrud.mulder@abalonegallery.co.za
Jenny Jackson @ Jenny Jackson’s Gallery 19
19 High Street, Hermanus Email: jeni@hermanus.co.za / www.jennyjackson.co.za
072 270 1883
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
17 April, 2014
201 Vyfde Straat Voëlklip
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Dit is die enigste ten volle geïntegreerde resies in Suid-Afrika vir hardlopers en mense met gestremdhede om saam deel te neem in verskeie kategorieë. Elke deelnemer ontvang ’n medalje. Die rystoelatlete met die vinnige handfietse en resiesfietse spring weg om 08:30 deur Eastcliff na die Hoofweg op pad na Voëlklip. Die 10 km- en 5 km-wedlope het verskeie kategorieë vir senior en junior hardlopers, rystoele en shopriders en begin om 10:00. Daar is ook ’n 5 km-pretloop om 10:15 en die hele familie is welkom. Die venue is in die parkeerterrein onder Hoy se Koppie in Lord Robertslaan en die roetekaarte is beskikbaar op die webblad. Geen hooftoegangsroetes sal gesluit word nie. Inskrywingsvorms is beskikbaar op die
webblad, by Checkers en die Inligtingskantoor. Laat inskrywings en afhaal van resiesnommers kan gedoen word by die munisipale banketsaal op Vrydag 9 Mei van 16:30 tot 18:30. Faks- en aanlyn inskrywings sluit op 6 Mei en die eerste 500 inskrywers ontvang gratis T-hemde. Geen resies-inskrywings op die dag van die resies nie, slegs pretloop-inskrywings van 07:30 af. Die agtste jaarlikse Wheels and Runnersresies, geborg deur Chec Vir meer inligting of kers, vind vanjaar plaas op Saterdag 10 Mei. inskrywings, besoek gerus www.hermanusrace.co.za. Rig navrae waarsonder ons nie die resies kan aanbied nie. aan Jan le Roux by 078 821 2163. “Ons hoop dat die inwoners die dapper atleKaren Coetzee, hooforganiseerder van die resies, sê: “Baie dankie aan die munisipaliteit te sal kom ondersteun en laat welkom voel in vir die bydrae en wonderlike ondersteuning Hermanus.”
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Hermanus Times
Nuus News
17 April, 2014
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MATRESSES FOR LITTLE PEOPLE: The Hermanus Rotary Club donated mattresses to the Hemel & Aarde PreÂSchool at Hamilton Russell which caters for the children of farm work ers in the valley. From left: Frank Matthee, president of the club and Diandra Groenewald, school principal.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
17 April, 2014
NATURE MATTERS: Tiny member of the elephant family What’s small, furry, related to an elephant and really fast? It’s a Cape Sengi – the world’s fastest small mammal. Their long noses earned the animal its comparison to elephants and Sengis are also known as elephant shrews. The average adult is around 11,89 cm long. Scientists discovered that despite their diminutive size, they are genetically more closely related to their elephant namesakes than to shrews. They are also related to the dassie and the aardvark. Sengis eat termites and ants, do not nest like other small mammals, hibernate overnight and have remarkably long bones in their feet, an adaptation to fast running – up to 28 km/h. The Cape Sengi (Elephantulus edwardii) is endemic to South Africa, but how many of us have actually seen one? Perhaps it went past too quickly.
The Cape Sengi
GELUKKIGE TREKKING: Die Overstrand Hospice het Dinsdag 15 April weer hulle maandelikse gelukkige trekking gehou. NelSue Fourie (links) van DM Adams boek houers was daar om weer ’n ogie te hou terwyl Annari Nel (middel) van die Herma nus Senior Sentrum die gelukkige nommers getrek het. Suster Gerna van der Riet (regs) is die pasiëntesorgbestuurder by die Overstrand Hospice. Die gelukkige wen ners van die trekking is: Inge Ellis in derde plek (R1 000), Sonja Lovemore in tweede plek (R2 500) en Rona Rossouw is die gelukkige wenner van R5 000 in eerste plek.
Woolworths Warwick’s Chef School Checkers Spar Hermanus Spar Gansbaai Pick’n Pay Hermanus Oasis Water Kleinriver Cheese Stanford Hermanus Times Splash Magazine
Hermanus Poultry Fair Cape Nu Foods Cape Town Elgin Chickens Ocean Mushrooms Von Blommenstein Butchery • The Beanery • Madron Hemel en Aarde • Lighthouse Tavern Danger Point
• • • • • •
The Blanket and Food Drive, in aid of animal welfare societies in the Overstrand, is organising a bring and braai on 2 May at the Social Motorcycle Club in Hermanus Industria. The animal welfare societies that will benefit include Kleinmond, Caledon, Hermanus, Stanford and Gansbaai AWS. The organisers are looking for blankets as well as any food for dogs and cats.
At the bring and braai the entrance fee is a tin of food for Hermanus Staan Saam or blankets for the animals in need. The braai starts at 19:00 and a cash bar is available. Wood and fire for the braai will be supplied. Contact Danica (danicapalvie@yahoo. com), Heidi Nortier (hnortier@hermanustoyota.co.za) or Annelie le Roux (annelieleroux1@gmail.com) or call 082 516 6446.
KENNISGEWING INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 116(3) VAN DIE WET OP PLAASLIKE REGERING: MUNISIPALE FINANSIëLE BESTUUR, 2003 (WET 56 VAN 2003) VIR DIE VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE BESTAANDE OOREENKOMS MET BYTES SYSTEMS INTEGRATION VIR DIE VERSKAFFING VAN ‘N TYD- EN BYWONING KONTROLESTELSEL OPLOSSING Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 116(3) (a) en (b) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, 2003 (Wet 56 van 2003) dat die Munisipaliteit Overstrand van voornemens is om die bestaande Ooreenkoms met Mnre. Bytes Systems Integration te wysig. Die voorgestelde wysiging van die Ooreenkoms is om voorsiening te maak vir die uitbreiding van die dienste vir ‘n periode wat einding op 30 Junie 2016. Kennis geskied verder ingevolge artikel 21 en 21A van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000), dat die plaaslike gemeenskap en geaffekteerde partye genooi word om kommentaar of vertoë oor die voorgestelde wysiging van die ooreenkoms aan die Munisipaliteit te lewer. Hierdie kommentaar of vertoë moet teen nie later nie as Vrydag, 23 Mei 2014 om 12:00 ingedien word. Alle kommentare of vertoë moet ingedien word in ? verseëlde koevert, duidelik gemerk “SC1327A/2013: KOMMENTAAR OP KENNISGEWING VAN WYSIGING VAN BESTAANDE OOREENKOMS MET BYTES SYSTEMS INTEGRATION” en geplaas word in tenderbus nr. 6. Alle voorleggings moet geadresseer word aan: Die Munisipale Bestuurder Tenderbus nr. 6 Munisipaliteit Overstrand Magnolialaan Hermanus 7200 Persone wat liggaamlik gestremd is of nie kan lees of skryf nie, maar aan die proses wil deelneem, kan gedurende kantoorure na die Munisipale Kantore, Magnolialaan, Hermanus kom, waar ? personeellid hulle sal help om die kommentaar of vertoë neer te skryf. COENIE GROENEWALD MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 116(3) OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT: MUNICIPAL FINANCE MANAGEMENT ACT, 2003 (ACT 56 OF 2003) FOR THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE EXISTING AGREEMENT WITH MESSRS. BYTES SYSTEMS INTEGRATION FOR THE PROVISION OF A TIME AND ATTENDANCE SOLUTION.
The Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse Ladies would like to give a huge thanks to the following wonderful sponsors who have helped us achieve R285 285 which will go a long way to assisting Hermanus Waldorf School purchasing a bus to transport the children to and from school and on school outings:• • • • • • • • • •
Bring and braai in support of animals
• La Vierge – Hemel en Aarde • The wonderful wineries of the Overstrand • Dutchies • Hermanus Toyota • CashKows • Edge Gym • Refine and Nimue • Remgro
Also huge thanks to all those sponsors who have supported the ladies over so many years.
Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse Committee 2014
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 116 (3) (a) and (b) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) that it is the intention of the Overstrand Municipality to amend the existing Main Agreement with Messrs. Bytes Systems Integration. The proposed amendment of the Main Agreement is to provide for the extension of the services and support for a period ending 30 June 2016. Notice is hereby further given in terms of Section 21 and 21A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that the local community and affected parties are invited to submit comments or representations on the proposed amendment of the agreement. Such comments or representations must be submitted by not later than Friday, 23 May 2014 at 12:00. Comments or representations must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly endorsed “SC1327A/2013: COMMENTS ON NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF EXISITING AGREEMENT WITH BYTES SYSTEMS INTEGRATION” and be deposited in tender box no. 6. All submissions must be addressed to: The Municipal Manager Tender box no 6 Overstrand Municipality MagnoliaAvenue Hermanus 7200 Persons who are physical disabled or who cannot read or write but wish to participate in the process, may come during office hours to the Municipal Offices, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus where a staff member will assist that person to transcribe that person’s comments or representations. COENIE GROENEWALD MUNICIPAL MANAGER ISAZISO SECANDELO-116(3) LOMTHETHO ILOCAL GOVERNMENT: MUNICIPAL FINANCE MANAGEMENT ACT, NO.56 WANGO-2003 OKUBA UJONGE UKWANDISA ISIVUMELWANO NO MNIKI NKONZO U-BYTES SYSTEMS INTEGRATION, SENKONZO EZIDIBENE NE- TIME AND ATTENDACE SOLUTION. UMasipala weNgingqi yase-Overstrand, wazisa ukuba unqwenela ukwandisa isivumelwano no- mniki nkonzo uBytes Systems Integration, oko kusenziwa ngokwemimiselo yamaCandelo-116(3) (a) no (b) lomthetho iLocal Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, No.56 wango-2003. Lomnqweno ubekwayo ngowokuba kwandiswe isivumelwano esikhoyo ukuze kuqhubekeke inkonzo, uyotsho nge 30 Juni 2016. Abantu abasuka ekuhlaleni nabanye abantu abanomndla bayamenywa ukuba bathumele izimvo zabo okanye izinto abazibhalileyo kuMasipala ngokumayela nesi sivumelwano siphakanyiswayo,oko kwenziwa phambi ko 12:00, 23 Meyi 2014,Oko kwenziwa ngokwemimiselo yamaCandelo 21 kunye nele- 21A lomthetho iLocal Government: Municipal SystemsAct, 32 wowama-2000. Izimvo ezibhaliweyo Ziibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu etywiniweyo kwabhalwa “SC1327A/2013: IZIMVO ZESAZISO UKWANDISA ISIVUMELWANO NO- MNIKI NKONZO U- BYTES SYSTEMS INTEGRATION” mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no. 6. Zonke izibhalo zithunyelwe kwi: Umphathi kaMasipala Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no 6 UMasipala weNgingqi yase-Overstrand MagnoliaAvenue Hermanus 7200 Abantu abakhubazekileyo kunye nabantu abangakwaziyo ukubhala kodwa bayangqwenela ukuthatha inxaxheba kulomba, bayacelwa baye kwi ofisi zika Masipala eMagnolia Avenue,eHermanus apho khona banokufumana uncedo ngokubeka izimvo zabo. COENIE GROENEWALD UMANEJALAKAMASIPALA
1614 nj
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
17 April, 2014
A cat from Scotland went missing on 16 March. Her owners brought her with them when they moved to Vermont recently. Her name is Squirt and she is an adult, small grey tabby cat, with white on her paws and chest. She is chipped and went missing from Seemeeu Cresent in Vermont. “Squirt is my 3yearold son’s best friend, she slept with him every night and he misses her very much,” said Ilana Stuart, the owner of the cat. Contact her on 079 251 3583 if anyo ne has information on Squirt.
FIRST AID TRAINING: Mediclinic Hermanus sponsored the First Aid training for eight learners from Hermanus and Hawston High School. The learners from Hermanus High School received certificates in First Aid Level 1, and the learners from Hawston High School received their certificate in First Aid. The training was presented by Laetitia Scherman from LV Emergency Solutions. The learners involved in the project included (back from left) Rachel Templer, Roxanne Marais, Tayla Gordan and Sr Retha Serdyn (Mediclinic Hermanus training and development consultant); middle row: Doney Slabbert, Susan Jinjika, Brigette Cornelius, Simone Verdoodt, Aimee Buckenham and Laetitia Scherman (LV Emergency Solutions); Front: Andrea Afrikaner, Jérémie Verdoodt and Farren Gillion.
UMTHETHWANA OQULUNQWAYO WESIQHELO OPHATHELELE KULAWULO LWEZITHUTHI NEENDAWO EZIMISA KUZO Esi sisaziso sokuba uMasipala uneenjongo zokwamkela lo mthethwana ungentla. Uluntu luyacelwa ngokwesahluko 12 sooRhulumente Basemakhaya: UMthetho-Nkqubo wooMasipala, wowama2000 (Umthetho 32 wowama-2000) ukuba bangenise izimvo ngokwalo mthethwana uphakanyiswayo kuMasipala phambi okanye ngomhla wama-17 Meyi 2014 kuMpathi kaMasipala (zithunyelwe kuMnu. Lionel Wallace)kule dilesi nenombolo zefekisi ezingezantsi. Lo mthethwana ucetywayo uza kufumaneka kwi-ofisi zabaphathi bengingqi bakamasipala eGansbaai, eStanford, eHermanus naseKleinmond nakuwo onke amathala encwadi aseOverstrand nakuyo i-ofisi ephezulu kamasipala eHermanus, nakwi-webhusayithi www.overstrand.gov.za, kwabo bafuna ukuwufunda. Abantu abangakwaziyo ukubhala bangandwendwela ii-ofisi zabaphathi bengingqi zikamasipala eGansbaai, eStanford, eHermanus naseKleinmond apho baza kufumana uncedo lokubhala izimvo zabo.Abaphathi bengingqi ababelwe lo msebenzi ngaba balandelayo: Gansbaai, Stanford: F Myburgh Hermanus: D Kearney Kleinmond: D.Lakey C GROENEWALD UMPHATHI KAMASIPALA Umasipala weOverstrand PO Box 20 HERMANUS, 7200 Inombolo yefekisi: 028-312 3876 Inombolo yesaziso: 23/2014 DRAFT STANDARD BY-LAW RELATING TO TRAFFIC AND PARKING MANAGEMENT Notice is herewith given that the Municipality intends adopting the abovementioned by-law. The public is in terms of section 12 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) invited to submit representations in connection with the proposed by-law to the Municipality by submitting such representation on or before 17 May 2014 to the Municipal Manager (For attention Mr. Lionel Wallace) at the under mentioned address or fax number. The proposed by-law will be available for perusal during office hours at the offices of the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Kleinmond, in all the public libraries in the Overstrand and the Corporate Head Office of the municipality in Hermanus, as well as the official website at www.overstrand.gov.za. Persons who cannot write can visit the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus or Kleinmond during office hours where such persons will be assisted to transcribe their comments or representations. The designated officials for the different municipal areas are as follows: Gansbaai, Stanford: F Myburgh Hermanus: D Kearney Kleinmond: D.Lakey C GROENEWALD MUNICIPAL MANAGER Overstrand Municipality PO Box 20 HERMANUS, 7200 Fax number: 028-312 3876 Notice number: 23/2014
1614 nj
KONSEP STANDAARDVERORDENING TEN OPSIGTE VAN VERKEERS EN PARKEERBESTUUR Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat die Munisipaliteit beoog om bogenoemde verordening aan te neem. Die publiek word ingevolge artikel 12 van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) uitgenooi om vertoë in verband met die voorgestelde verordening aan die Munisipaliteit te rig deur sodanige vertoë voor of op 17 Mei 2014 aan die Munisipale Bestuurder (Vir aandag van mnr. Lionel Wallace) by ondergemelde adres of faksnommer te stuur. Die voorgestelde verordening sal gedurende kantoorure ter insae beskikbaar wees by die kantore van die Areabestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus en Kleinmond, by al die openbare biblioteke in die Overstrand en by die Korporatiewe Hoofkantoor van die Munisipaliteit in Hermanus, asook op die amptelike webwerf by www.overstrand.gov.za. Persone wat nie kan skryf nie, kan die Areabestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus of Kleinmond gedurende kantoorure besoek, waartydens sodanige persone hulp sal ontvang om hulle kommentaar of vertoë op skrif te stel. Die aangewese amptenare vir die verskillende munisipale gebiede is soos volg: Gansbaai, Stanford: F. Myburgh Hermanus: D. Kearney Kleinmond: D. Lakey C. GROENEWALD MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Overstrand Munisipaliteit Posbus 20 HERMANUS, 7200 Faksnommer: 028 312 3876 Kennisgewingnommer: 23/2014
New Accent 1.6 hatchback has it all QUICKPIC A very attractive hatchback with an excellent list of specifications that offers real value has been added to the local Hyundai passenger car range. The addition of this five-door Accent has also filled a spot in Hyundai’s range that has long been reserved for it. Powered by a 1,6 litre petrol engine and available with a choice of a six-speed automatic or a fourspeed automatic gearbox, the Accent hatchback is bound to gain ground quickly in the competitive B-segment of the South African market. Two derivatives – the 1,6 Fluid manual, with a six-speed gearbox, and the 1,6 Fluid with a four-speed automatic transmission – will be on Hyundai dealers’ showroom floors in South Africa from this week. Both derivatives get their power from a very economical four-cylinder 1,6 litre Gamma engine which is transverse mounted to drive the compact yet roomy Accent Hatchback through the front wheels. The petrol-injection engine, with Continuously Variable Valve Timing (CVVT), has a displacement of 1 591 cm³ and delivers maximum power of 91 kW at 6 300 r/min. and peak torque of 156 Nm at 4 200 r/ min. Its CO2 emissions were measured at 152 g/km for the manual derivative, and 161 g/km for the Accent Hatchback with the automatic transmission. A combined fuel consumption figure 6,4 litres/100 km was recorded in the manual Accent Hatchback, while the automatic derivative delivered average fuel consumption of 6,8F/100 km. When viewed from the front, the
attractive features ofAccent Hatchback resemble those of its sedan sibling with headlamps that curve into the body, and a two-piece black bezel design that adds a touch of high-tech luxury. The sporty fog lamps, which are standard equipment, blend with the stylish looks of the body shell that reflects Hyundai’s fluid sculpture design language. The hexagonal grille, Hyundai’s family face, has rounded edges which makes the Accent Hatchback look even more modern and stylish. The body coloured outside door handles provide a refined, uninterrupted look. At the rear the sedan’s spacious boot is replaced with a wide hatch door that reveals an equally roomy luggage area, covered by a parcel tray for security. Rear combination lamps blend with the sides of the Accent Hatchback in a modern, dynamic style, making the Accent look wider. Large rear reflectors incorporated into the bumper add to the modern style and provide extra safety and visibility. The raised edges of the rear hatch door contribute to the sensual aesthetics and provide better aerodynamics at speed. The exterior picture is rounded off by attractive alloy wheels with 195/50R16 tyres. The spare wheel, located under the floor of the luggage area, is also a full-size alloy. Improved gear shift feeling for the manual six-speed transmission, which is regulated with the help of a hydraulically controlled clutch. The gear ratios are well spaced to provide spirited acceleration with frugal fuel consumption in the overdrive sixth gear. The four-speed automatic transmission features a flat-type torque converter with a variable line pres-
Improved gear shift feeling for the manual sixspeed transmission, which is regulated with the help of a hydrau lically controlled clutch. PHOTO: QUICKPIC sure control disc-type return spring. These innovations ensure reduced gear noise and smooth gear changes. The suspension provides good ride and handling, with McPherson struts at the front and a coupled torsion beam axle at the rear ensuring comfortable suspension that is still firm enough to provide excellent road holding and articulation, even on rough surfaces. Lateral load compensation springs offer reduced
friction resistance on the struts, improving the ride and optimising the suspension to ensure comfortable driving. The use of springs that are independent of the modified shock absorbers allow more efficient use of the interior space at the rear. A Motor Drive Power Steering system delivers a sharp response when the steering wheel is turned, with accurate handling. It also makes the Accent Hatchback a car that is easy to manoeuvre and park
in city traffic. The prices of the two Accent hatchback derivatives are: Accent Hatch 1.6 Fluid (manual) R 234 900 Accent Hatch 1.6 Fluid (auto) R 244 900 Hyundai’s 5 year/150 000 km warranty, 5 year/90 000 km service plan and 5 year/150 000 km roadside assistance is part of the Accent Hatchback package. Service intervals are 15 000 km.
BOLAND Auto Sold
Hermanus Times 17 April, 2014
Hermanus Times 17 April, 2014
BOLAND Auto Sold
BOLAND Auto Sold
Hermanus Times 17 April, 2014
Hermanus Times 17 April, 2014
BOLAND Auto Sold
Hermanus Times
BOLAND Auto Sold
17 April, 2014
BMW 435i: The alluring weapon FRANS LE ROUX It has been seven long years of waiting since BMW introduced their giant-killing 335i sedan. I remember back in 2007 when I saw the first of what proved to be a big step (in the right direction) for the German manufacturer. She was parked outside a grocery store. She was white, adorned with the M-Sport pack and boasted a beautiful set of twin exhausts. Walking around her in the parking lot certainly could not have prepared me for what I experienced with the mind-blowing new 4-series Coupe seven years later. BMW has since decided to drop one of the two turbos, which helped the first 335i to the admirable power figures of 225 kW/400 Nm. Today however, the power stays the same, even while using only one turbo. But what about turbo-lag I hear you say? Well thanks to TwinScroll technology, there is simply put, no lag at all. What happens is they use one turbocharger driven through two exhaust pipes. As it does with two smaller turbochargers this double charging causes a quicker build-up of pressure and thus more direct engine response. You now save weight while the TwinScroll system aids fuel economy as well. Let’s get started with the car itself: after some begging and pleading, I picked up a brand-new BMW 435i from Paarlberg BMW. The fuel tank was full, I had two days, needless to say had a smile wrapped right around my head. Some interesting additions to an already punchy engine were made by BMW, specifically for this 435i. Firstly, and in my opinion the best upgrade one can ever do to this brilliant straight six engine, is to fit an performance exhaust system. And not just any backyard stainless steel drain pipe that makes a noise, but a hand crafted, carbon fibre tipped, aural masterpiece made by a Slovenian company called Akrapovic. This exhaust system not only looks spectacular in matte black but sounds absolutely beautiful throughout the rev range. This aural splendour emitting from the rear of your 435i comes at a hefty price tag, R55 000. Certainly not cheap, but it does add about 10 kW of power. The second performance upgrade is a computer chip that adds more power (roughly 20 kW) and it’s made by BMW specialist tuners AC Schnitzer. All sounds pretty intimidating, but it all translates into a blisteringly quick Coupé with about 255 kW/480 Nm. I probably also need to explain why there is suddenly a 4-Series in BMW’s line up. Well, they have dropped their 3-Series Coupé and renamed it 4-Series. All of BMW’s even numbers (2,4,6) will be available in Coupé shape. The styling of this new 4-Series is simply gorgeous. You can choose between two- fourcylinder models as well (420i and 428i) which both use the same 2,0 engine. With a hunkered down stance, widened waist-line, blackened, flared nostrils and an aggressive
front fascia, the 4-Series looks purposeful and intimidating. Those attractive multispoke 19-inch wheels add to the sporty appeal. Take a seat and you’re greeted by a redesigned new dashboard and centre console. Quality leather and other plastics are scattered around a snug cabin. The 435i had the Sport Line package fitted, which featured red matte inserts and a matching key. Electronic sport seats offer ample bolstering in all the right areas, while finding your perfect driving position takes only seconds. A well-proportioned leather-clad steering fits tightly between your fingers. The large multimedia display screen features everything your heart desires: you can access your music, mobile-phone and even Satellite Navigation from the newly redeveloped system. The most important aspect of this 4-Series however, is how it feels to drive. This is my third year of testing cars, and nowhere along the way have I tested anything that accelerates quite as fast. The standard 435i catapults from 0-100 km/h in 5.1 seconds, while it quickly runs out of puff at 250 km/h (electronically limited). These figures are only half the story. Thanks to four different driving modes, the 4-Series can transform itself from a luxurious highway cruiser into a brawling mountain-pass racer in the blink of an eye. While driving, select Sport or Sport+ mode, shift the gear-lever to left and hold on for dear life. Sport+ mode is slightly more tricky because it removes some of the traction control settings. I would suggest that a novice driver stick to Sport mode. If selected, it adapts the suspension, adjusts the sport steering and maximises the cars ability in all round conditions. The 435i leaps forward when you stomp on the accelerator. In-gear acceleration is savage and your body gets pushed back deep into your seat. Along with the burp and crackle emitted from the exhausts, every sense of your body is enticed. In Sport+ mode the perfectly balanced 435i corners flat with almost no body roll at all. It s thanks to its superb balance, incredible grip and a taut chassis that the BMW inspires such confidence. Fuel economy is always an important factor, and thanks to a butter- smooth dualclutch 8-speed automatic gearbox, overall combined consumption was around 9,5 litres/100 km. At R704 200 it is certainly not a bargain buy. But take into account that its two main German rivals, the Mercedes Benz C350 Coupé and the Audi S5 Coupé, cost more or less the same. As tested here it retails for R812 700 (standard Sportline 435i R704 200). Thanks to BMW’s 5 year/100 000km maintenance plan, you can enjoy trouble free motoring for years to come. The 4-Series then is a truly special car. If it’s exclusivity and style matched with breathtaking performance and dynamism you’re after, there is only one choice and I would pick the 435i every single time.
SLEEK LINES: The new BMW 435i Coupé. takes four adults with their stuff and can scare them stiff too. PHOTO: FRANS LE ROUX
Hermanus Times 17 April, 2014
BOLAND Auto Sold
Hermanus Times
BOLAND Auto Sold
17 April, 2014
HERMANUS 2009 Nissan Tiida Sedan
R89 900 77,000km
2010 Nissan NP200 1.6 Base
R89 900 102,000km
2012 Nissan Navara 2.5 A/T 4x4 LE
2013 Nissan Almera 1.5 Manual
2010 Nissan X-Trail 2.0 XE
2006 Mitsubishi Colt 2.8 D/Cab 4x4
R349 900 R149 900 R189 900 R119 900 75,000km
2014 Nissan Sentra 1.6 Manual
2008 Suzuki Grand Vitara 2.4 4x4
2007 Ford Ranger 2.5 XLT D/Cab
Happy Easter!
R214 900 R154 900 R104 900 50km
Alle voertuie sluit in EEN JAAR / ONBEPERKTE KM MEGANIESE WAARBORG en “op-die-pad” kostes.
T: 028 312 1117
Hermanus Times 17 April, 2014
BOLAND Auto Sold
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
17 April, 2014
HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.
OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679.
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 079 1st FOR FUNCTIONS. 697 6555/082 492 4285. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any PERSONAL event. Birthdays, WedSEVICES dings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608. CATERING & VENUES
TAROT READING. 25 Years experience. Phone 083 750 9453 for appointments. FREE WELLNESS PROFILE. Call Tanya 082 796 5741 to book an appointment.
THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884. TRAINING & EDUCATION 1480
BARGAIN SHOP. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508.
CAKES AND CUPCAKES for all occasions. To view Website: www.my cakeangel.co.za. E-mail: tarrynlotz@gmail.com. Call Tarryn Geyer 076 154 9612.
SUGAR PLUM Party Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.
ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.
CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871. ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolĂŞre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za.
FILTRATION PLANT ideal for garden or koi pond for sale. Call 083 264 2858.
ONS VERHUIS. Verskeie huisraad, breekgoed en elektriese toestelle te koop. Skakel 082 460 1805 WANTED TO BUY 1675
16.4M GARAGE Shelving & Elec. plugs & adaptors + fax m/c + camping pots + miscellaneous items. Call 028 314 0064. BABY NAPPIES from R1.50 each, Melissa 072 966 5149.
ELEKTRONIESE SIGARETTE is nou hier beskikbaar as alternatief vir die rook van skadelike tabakrook. Kontak: Ben 082 726 8771/ 028 316 4217.
MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311. COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. FOR SALE Sales, repairs and mainteFIVE PIECE BEDROOM nance. Call Andrea 079 707 Suite. Elegant Harper desi2997. gned and built. Solid Kiaat. WENDY HOUSES Double bed headboard. Call 1677 028 312 2605.
I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749. GENERAL & HOME SERVICES BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION 1801
A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798. ALL BUILDING WORK. Alterations, renovations, extensions, boundry walls, paving, tiling & painting. Call 082 255 0939.
PAVING, BUILDING MAINTENANCE, Boundry walls, alterations, tilling, painting. Call 082 328 9396.
XP EXPIRING? Upgrade to win8/win7 now. R1700 all inclusive. Phone Soho Computers - 028 316 3684. Terms & conditions apply.
HERMANUS HIRING will fill all your function needs - Tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, linen, etc. At good prices. Call 028-312 4291 or Ken on 082 420 0060.
STRETCHER NEW. Purchase from Cape Union. That comfortable can be used for unexpected guest. R500. Call 028 316 4808. Cell 072 786 4206.
BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749.
VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com
BUY & SELL. Cash paid for unwanted household furniture, fridges, beds, etc. Super Seconds pays best. Call 079 746 0830.
COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pentium 4's from R1299,00. Refurbished with warranty. Call Dolf Uys 072 705 8577.
RAAI WIE WORD 18 op die 18de? Geluk van Dora, Mammie en 2 broers.
CONSOL SOLAR JARS FOR SALE 1-11 Jars R170 TOIRTOISESHELL, Gin- per jar. Cases of 12: 1-4 cases R160 per jar. 5-12 ger kittens and female wire-haired Terrier very ur- Cases R145 per jar. Large trade enquiries welcome. gently need good homes. Call 028 341 0547/082 899 Excl. delivery. Leanne 083 293 7208. solar@thephoto 1172. walkers.com.
SLEEP APNOEA MACHINE, mask and case. All booklets & CD's. No more snoring. Possible medical aid cover R5000. Verimark Tobi portable steamer still in box R900. Call 076 034 0263.
WANTED: Antiques, furniture, paintings, bronzes, silver, porcelain, jewellery, watches, clocks. Cash payments for unwanted goods. Call 082 833 2567.
1805 1635
KREEFAAS. VISKOPPE R5.00 per kg. Skakel 083 412 3378. HEALTH & BEAUTY 1430
1 MEDEEN SKIN SUPPLEMENT. Dermaone. Time perfection. Prime renewal. Now available call now to order! 071 226 7029 The Care Foundation. MASSAGE THERAPIST. PERSONAL Raymond Philpott. Thera1460 peutic, deep tissue, sports. Kidbrooke Place & BotriHOUSE & PET-SITTER vier. Call 082 599 2993. AVAILABLE. Reliable and trustworthy. Live-in. Contact Deevra 071 477 7850 or deev67@gmail.com.
LADIES BLACK LEATHER Jackets. Size large. R390.00 each. Excellent condition. Call 084 200 2253. NOKIA 625 SMARTPHONE. Size 130mm by 70mm. Black, with protective cover and glass cover and includes charger and car charger. Purchased November 2013 for R4400. Need a smaller phone. Price R3000. Contact number 072 903 8232.
EXCELLENT CLEANING Services/Skoonmaakdienste. Professionele, betroubare skoonmakers onder streng toesig. Skakel vir Gerrie 083 231 5282.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
17 April, 2014
24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017. ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. No call out fee. Call 079 706 1056/074 126 4801.
DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. Fire wood. Call T.J.Boshoff 082 954 7970. E-mail: bossie.boom@gmail.com. FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295. FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. www.fynbosgardens.com HAVEN TUINDIENSTE Landskap vanaf 2002. Gras sny, blombeddings, sny heinings, erf skoonmaak, tuine skoonmaak. Skakel 083 556 9393. MIK & TAK. Specialising in tree felling and removal of garden rubble/waste. Contractor for Overstrand municipality. Michael 078 371 5967.
ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 4761/084 558 1902.
SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervi- Street, Hermanus. Tel. sion. Best prices. Free quo- 028-312 1667.www. tations. Phone Top Carpets solarmax.co.za. 028-313 0721.
CINDY'S CARPET CLEANERS. Carpets, rugs & upholstery cleaners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 5385/028-316 4264.
1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280. ccsplant@telkomsa.net.
BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.
PEST CONTROL -WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028316 3010.
DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS to ladies and mens clothing. Erna Vroom 072 380 0440/028 316 2376. Hemel-en-Aarde Estate.
MANY SIZES. Also Packaging material. Geoff 082 560 0852.
NEW OR REMODEL Building Drawings done, with New Energy Regulations SANS10400XA, CESA, NRCS, SAIA, WSP. E-mail: systemhomes@vodamail. co.za. Call Jaco Sadie 076 330 0330. NUTSMAN/HANDYMAN Phillip Hough. Sel/Cell: 079 613 9328. E-mail: vaphimopo@gmail.com. OVERBERG DRY TAR. We specialise in driveways, walkways, patios and more. Choose from asphalt, paving products, rubber surfacing, exposed aggregate, concrete etc. Contact Jaco Stander for free quotation at 072 225 3792.
ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS, painting, electrical, plumbing, tiling, SEAMSTRESS AT HERbuilding etc. Free quotations. Phone 082 864 2275. MANUS DRY CLEANERS. Versatile in all aspects of alterations and/or mending. Contact Anso or Selina at 028 312 1487.
We recycle
BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact 028 312 4615 or email us at advice@bbrokers. co.za. Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website: www.bbrokers.co.za.
2001 WIT BMW 318, handrat 225 000kms. Volledige diensboek. Trekstang, grysleer. R49 500. Skakel Clive 082 345 0297. 2006 DIAHATSU SIRION silver. 187 000 kms. Full service history. New tyres. Good condition. R58 000. Enquiries 083 415 3177.
AUDI A6 2.4 Multitronic 2002 automatic. New cambelt, water pump & tyres. R48 000. Call 071 433 2950.
WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480. WATERMARK MAINTENANCE. Irrigation design and installation. Pump repair. Repair of existing systems. Painting of houses, roofs and wood. Erecting of fencing, gates and burglar proofing. Garden cleaning, tree felling and instant lawn. Drainage and waterproof problems. Anything outside the house that needs fixing. Call Jay PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Smith 082 372 2448. Call 082 885 7480.
BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323. FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. For all your plumbing requirements and bathroom makeovers call 083 308 0534.
A1 STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.
1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874.
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com
REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden mainteBUILDERS/EVENTS nance, garden refuse TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195. Call 086 100 2271 or 028312 2367. ZUKI'S GARDEN & Forestery Service. Alien plant GARDEN & clearing. Plot clearing. GarIRRIGATION den refuse removal. Tree 1825 pruning. Hedge trimming. A BEAUTIFUL GARWeed extermination, etc. DEN. For full garden Call Zukisani 082 711 maintenance, tree felling, 6102. plot clearing and refuse removal. Also small remoGLASS/WINDOWS vals. Gutter cleaning. Call 1827 Morné 083 225 3712. WIND-O-WASH. For proAFRI-LANDSCAPES. Landscape design, installa- fessional window cleaning services in the domestic, tion, irrigation and maincommercial, industrial and tenance. For professional retail sectors. We have service contact Tony on more than 20 years expe072 125 1855 or tony@afrilandscapes.co.za. rience in the industry and look forward to your call A & A BOME. Afsaag van on 028-313 2232 for a free, REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call bome en takke, asook no obligation quotation. 082 885 7480. wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot by Rooi-Els. Aldert en AniMISCELLANEOUS ta skakel 083 739 9865. ALL SEASONS is back in town. For landscaping, maintenance and plot clearing. Inquiries welcome. Call Juliet Leppan 072 942 1260.
FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. Painting, paving, tiling, bathroom makeovers, home maintenance, building requirements call 083 308 0534.
PRO MAINTENANCE & IRRIGATION. Irrigation & maintenance. Wellpoints & boreholes. Pressure pumps. Complete household water filters. 24 Hrs. Free quotations. Call 061 720 1095.
THE TRANSPORTER. Airport transfers. Taxi and Cape Town shuttle services. Safe, reliable. PDP. Enquiries Megan 083 702 3273.
SMALL ESTABLISHED BUSINESS for sale for more details please phone 076 093 8008. SERVICES 2420
PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028 316 1881 / 072 288 4761.
OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.
FORD ESCORT XR3 1600 CVH for sale. R11 000. Call Jereze 078 518 6453. HONDA CIVIC 2006 for sale. One owner, 113 000km. Full service history with agents. Excellent condition. Accident free. Call Allan 072 768 9984. R75 000 onco. HYUNDAI ATOS 2008 soos nuut. 61 000Km volle diensgeskiedenis. Nuwe bande R59 000. Aldert 083 739 9865.
TOYOTA TAZZ 1300 1999 baie goeie toestand. Nuwe bande, 114 000km. R39 000 ohb. Aldert 083 739 9865. VW JETTA 2. Sedan. Sunroof.Daily use, recently did trip from PTA to Hermanus. Leaving for overseas. R14 500. 87 Model. Call Theo 082 654 4924. TRAILERS 3040
HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds VEHICLES WANTED TO BUY 3075
17 April, 2014
NEWLY RENOVATED 62sqm office/shop space to rent in Hermanus business district, 4 Royal Street. Own ablution facilities. Phone 076 092 7240.
NORTHCLIFF R1900. Seek quiet, refined, single, employed, non-smoking female. Must meet certain criteria. No pets or children. Call 083 697 2040.
TO LET: Bistro/Retail/Office Space to let in Harbour Road (previously Annie se Kombuis). Contact Xpert Property at 082 870 5704.
(20 YRS) LADY looking for a job as a housekeeper or babysitter. Please call 084 067 3763 or 060 424 0490. 25 YR LADY is looking for a job as a babysitter or domestic worker. To start asap. For reference call 084 875 9276 or 072 976 4711.
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.
HONDA CT110. I am looking for this bike to buy. Any one. please phone me 079 346 7871 or sms me.
FLAT IN VOËLKLIP for single working person from June. R3200 pm. Call TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Gloria 078 117 4906. Treu 082 345 0297. Soek KWAAIWATER 1 Bed2de handse voertuie om te room flat furnished, kitkoop. Onmiddellike eiechenette, balcony. From naars verandering. May R2500. Elec incl. Call 076 810 1196.
2 x 70M2 OFFICE SUITES For sale or to rent. Hemel en Aarde Craft Village. R4900 pm each. Call 072 797 2447.
SANDBAAI 1 Bedroom garden flat available 1st May. Single, mature, nonsmoking lady. No pets. R2800 pm. Water & electricity included. Call 078 910 4304. SANDBAAI 65M2, 2 SLAAPKAMERS, kombuis, leefkamer, badkamer, pakkamer. Beveilig, aparte toegang. Geen honde - kinders, 1 volwassene R3950, 2 volwassenes R4250. Water & ligte ingesluit. Call 083 270 4263.
ONRUS MANOR RETIREMENT VILLAGE. Opportunity to rent a free standing home in secure upmarket retirement village. Beautiful surroundings. 2 Bedroom en-suite, lounge/dining. Mod kitchen, l/u garage. Patio & garden. Available 1st June R5900 pm. Call 073 149 1154.
VERMONT: Furnished room, en-suite bathroom, kitchenette, garden for working person. R1900pm. + dep R1900. From 1 May. Call 083 763 6572. VOËLKLIP R6000 pm 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, cellar room, 2 garages. Call 083 429 9919.
Furnished 2 bd GARDEN COTTAGE in KWAAIWATER R5 000 pm 3 - 6 months contract NO ANIMALS 3 bd home in a street scape HEMEL-ENAARDE ESTATE R7 700 pm - 1 May NO ANIMALS Furnished 3 bd home in HEMEL-EN-AARDE ESTATE near the club house - R9 000 pm 3 – 6 months contract NO ANIMALS 1 bd Garden flat in FYNBOS PARK retirement village R3 800 pm Small 3 bd home in 8th STREET – VOËLKLIP R6 000 pm 9 month’s contract 028 312 3732 Office / Linda
(35YR) LADY is looking for a job as a housekeeper, babysitter or any kind of work. Call 078 830 8865.
A MALAWIAN man aged 31 looking for employment as driver (with code 14 & valid PDP). Reference available. Call James 061 979 1919.
A 27 Yrs lady is looking for a domestic job full/part time with good references in laundry and domestic. Please call Erica 083 351 8960/078 925 9866.
MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job as housekeeper/gardener or cook. Experienced and reference available. Please call Bonnie 061 107 1387.
A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a gardener/housekeeper/domestic worker/painter/waiter. Work permit available. Call James 074 962 0448. Reference 084 603 0216.
MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job as a housekeeper and cook. Have experience in cooking and housekeeping.Reference available. Please call 078 545 6004/081 058 2696.
A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a housekeeper/gardener/gueshouse attendant/painter. Work permit available. 3 Years experience. Call Alex 073 903 4493. Reference 082 409 1290.
MALAWIAN MAN looking for a cooking food, gardening, caring for the aged, housekeeping or painting job. Call 074 723 3188.
HONEST, intelligent young Zimbabwean lady experienced in hospitality, cleaning & guesthouse management, childminding is looking for 2 days work. Call Faith 073 040 5123. Reference 083 651 0877.
HERMANUS Bachelors flat in SILVER OAKS R2 600 pm - 1 July
MALAWIAN LADY looking for a job as a housekeeper/babysitter. Sleep in or out. 4 Days a week. Call 074 998 7461.
GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY To earn the lion's share of the commission. We are looking for an experienced, motivated Estate Agent. Send your CV to 086 542 5094.
HARD WORKER & HONEST. 30 Year old Xhosa man looking for job as gardener. Very neat painter. Please call Allie 083 396 5392. Reference Franswer - 079 959 5556.
CONTACT CECILE 082 811 4182 in Hermanus to buy or sell property.
PHYLLIS A MALAWIAN lady is looking for full time or part time job in housekeeping or domestic. Call 084 044 1540.
A MALAWIAN man looking for a job as a housekeeper, gardener, cook or carer of the aged. 4 Years experience. Reference available call 078 231 0512.
FOR RENT HEMEL AND AARDE ESTATE garden flatlet. Single accommodation. Electricity, water and all Estate facilities included. R2500 pm. Call 083 292 2465.
MALAWIAN LADY looking for a job as a housekeeper. Three years experience. Stay in or out. Please call Brenda 061 896 7576.
NORTHCLIFF - R1 650 000. Uitstekend geleë naby skole, praguitsig op berg, groot erf, netjies 3 slpk, sit-, eetkamer. Aparte volledige 1 slaakamer woonstel. 1 Toesluit motorhuis. Web verw: 653 695. www.gtproperty.co. za. Marietta 082 569 6967. Guthrie & Theron Eiendomme.
I AM a Malawian looking for a job as a housekeeper or cook. 2 Years experience. Reference available. Call George 084 884 9029. I AM looking for domestic/housekeeping/child minding job. Reference 073 654 5485/078 927 8640. I'M A ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for a job as a housekeeper. Call 078 693 0833.
GEMEUBILEERDE KAMER met badkamer in Hermanus te huur vir R2000, net dames met sober gewoontes asb. Skakel 082 529 2271. KAMER IN HUIS beskikbaar vir werkende dame. Geen roker. Sluit in 2 etes, wasgoed en skoonmaak. R2500 per maand. R1000 deposito. Skakel 076 512 3467.
MY TRUSTWORTHY and diligent gardener is looking for work, Wednesdays . Please call Agrippa 071 965 9974 or Connie Rode 084 855 8279. OUR HONEST, Reliable char requires additional work. Please phone Adele 072 449 9028 or Rose 083 230 7251. GENERAL 3680
SHOP ASSISTANT WANTED. Motivated. Computer, bookkeeping and graphic skills a plus. Send CV to: leanned@iburst.co.za
LADY aged 40 is looking for a caregiving job. Full time or days. Experienced & qualified with good references. I appreciate you TEACH IN THAILAND calling 074 658 5435. teachnet2012@gmail.com. MALAWIAN Couple looking for jobs as a housekeeper & cooking. man as gardener or housekeeper. 4 Years experience. Call 079 033 5300/074 824 7171. MALAWIAN HARDWORKING man is looking for a job as a housekeeper or guesthouse attendant. Good reference. 7 Years experience. Call 073 197 4799. MALAWIAN LADY is looking for domestic or babysitting job. 2 Years experience. Reference available. Call 074 493 1883.
WELDER WANTED 2 Month contract. Forward 1 page CV to: admin@meansealevel.com.
34 Hermanus Times DOGS results
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
17 April, 2014
Individual Stableford log played in Kleinmond on 15 April. The DOGS said a sad, collective goodbye to “M” on Tuesday. RIP and “Howay the Lads”. On the golfing front, the Ex-Poledancer did it yet again and further increased his lead at the top of the log. The Currie Cup though, is not won in April and there is still time for him to fall off his pole. For those who missed the announcements from the post-match interviews (and later repeated on CNN, BBC, Sky, ENCA and Al
Jazeera) DOGS body was on the 18th in 2, thus achieving a lifetime achievement award and a subsequent “4 for 4”. 41 Andre Franken; 39 Chris Martin; 37 John Cheesbrough; 35 Gordon Wilson, Jon Forsyth; 34 David Naylor; 33 Tony Hackett, Peter Sulley, Peter Thomas; 31 Hugh Frangs, Peter Theron, Mannes van Zyl; 30 Andre Hattingh, Richard Ridge; 29 Sam Seal; 28 Dave Smith, Pat Dewil, John Tunstall; 27 Geoff Crowther, Alan Smith, Ian Newman; 25 Dave Brittain; 23 Gary Wentzel.
FIETSRYER: Ka rel Keyser, ’n graad 12 leer der by Hoër skool Hermanus het Sondag 13 April aan die eerste rondte van die PennyPinchers MTB reeks in Simonsberg in die Paarl deelgeneem. In die hitte en met ’n uitputtende 1 400 mklim, het hy ’n uitstekende derde plek in die o.18 kategorie be haal.
14 Dirkie Uys Street, Hermanus 7200
24h Tel: 028 312 3065
Do you have a passion for nursing and want to make a difference in the community? An opportunity has risen in the Hawston Health and Welfare Organisation, a community based project for an enrolled nurse. Job Title: Enrolled/staff Nurse: General and Medical nursing (weekends) Location: Hawston, (Overstrand Sub-district). Recruiter: Julie Johnson Closing Date:30/4/2014 Requirements: Enrollment with SANC as an Enrolled Nurse for 2014. • Relevant experience as an Enrolled Nurse • Good communication skills • Knowledge of the scientific nursing process • Critical attention with regard to quality patient care • Able to function well under pressure and as a team member • Able to work weekends(weekend post). Key areas: Maintaining and overseeing high quality patient care • Accurate recordkeeping • Liaison between patients, doctors and ward personnel • Providing high quality patient care• Accurate record-keeping • Client satisfaction • General nursing duties applicable. Please contact Julie Johnson on 028-315 2527. Applications can be hand delivered to 169 Church Street, Hawston or posted to PO Box 79, Hawston, 7202. Or faxed to 0866 500 9907 no later than 30th April 2014.
BOLAND Afdeling van Media24 | Division of Media24
Verkoopsverteenwoordiger: Advertensies Boland Media benodig tans die dienste van 'n ervare advertensieverteenwoordiger in hul Eikestadnuus kantoor in Stellenbosch. VERANTWOORDELIKHEDE: • Daaglikse generering van nuwe besigheid deur die verkoop van vertoonadvertensies vir die direkte kleinhandelverkopeafdeling; • Toesien dat maandelikse doelwitte bereik en selfs oorskry word; • Stimulering van die mark deur innoverende idees en advertensieplatforms te skep om in kliënte se advertensiedoelwitte en reklamebehoeftes te voorsien; • Identifiseer en kapitaliseer op geleenthede om addisionele inkomste te genereer. POSVEREISTES: • Matriek of gelykwaardige kwalifikasie • Graad of Diploma in Verkope/Bemarking sal voordelig wees • Ten minste 1 jaar verkoopsondervinding • Rekenaarvaardighede, veral bedrewe in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint en Outlook) • Sterk interpersoonlike en onderhandelingsvaardighede • Doeltreffende kommunikasievaardighede (skryf en praat) • Sterk aanbiedings-/voorleggingsvaardighede • Geldige rybewys en eie, betroubare vervoer noodsaaklik • 'n Positiewe ingesteldheid en die vermoë om uitstekend onder druk te kan werk in 'n uiters mededingende omgewing • Inisiatief en vermoë om transaksies te beklink. In ruil vir die suksesvolle kandidaat se dienste bied die maatskappy 'n mededingende vergoedingspakket wat 'n winsgewende kommissiestruktuur asook lidmaatskap van die mediese- en pensioenfonds insluit vir diegene wat daarvoor kwalifiseer. Belangstellendes kan hul CV, met 'n dekbrief, e-pos na: localnews@media24.com Verwysing: AD REP EIK Sluitingsdatum: 25 April 2014 Indien u teen 2 Mei 2014 nog geen terugvoer van ons ontvang het nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. Ingevolge Media24 se diensbillikheidsbeleid sal geskikte kandidate uit die aangewese groepe voorkeur geniet.
Pet Food Tick and Flea Remedies Less 10% IN STORE Branches: Onrus 028 316 2753 / CBD 028 312 3065
Atlantic se rugbyspanne kraai koning oor Montagu Atlantic het verlede Saterdag hulle tweede liga wedstryd teen Montagu gespeel. Dit was bloedig warm en die spanne moes kort-kort ’n waterbreek neem. Die A-span wen 32 - 20, met vyf bonuspunte. Die B-span wen 19 - 10. Atlantic A t. Montagu A Atlantic het van af die afskop met die bal begin hardloop en Montagu onder druk geplaas en in die warm weer aanvalle geloods. Die agterlyn was briljant. Rustyd was reeds 20 – 6. Evan Visser het 22 punte aangeteken. Die puntemakers was Visser met twee drieë, drie doelskoppe en twee strafskoppe. Roderick Geswind en Jerome Julies het elk een drie gedruk. Soos die A-span Saterdag vertoon het, gaan baie spanne hulle vorentoe nie klop nie. Geluk aan die A-span met die oorwinning. Atlantic B t. Montagu B Die B-span het grondslag vir die A-span gelé en het met elke bal in die warm son gehardloop. Ditwasmooiomtesienhoevoorenagterspelers met die bal gehardloop het. Die puntemakers was Heinrich Pieters en Herschel Vermaak met een drie elk en Romeo Stevens met een doelskop. Atlantic C t. Montagu C Die C-span het in die warm son alles probeer, maar het 0 - 8 verloor. Die puntestand ná twee wedstryde: A-span nege punte, B-span agt punte (altwee nog onoorwonne) en die C-span het 4 punte. Atlantic speel weer op 3 Mei teen Rangers Bredasdorp. Almal hoop hulle behou hul goeie vorm. – W.C.M GIBSON
Easter services This week marks the holiest of all in the Christian calendar as the disciples follow the journey of Christ to the crucifixion. On Thursday 17 April the Mass of the Lord’s Supper will be held at Our Lady of Light Catholic Church. At St Peter’s, a service to wash the feet of congregants takes place at 18:00 on Maundy Thursday, followed by the stripping of the altar and a vigil in the remembrance garden. The United Church celebrates its annual Tennebrae service at 18:00. Candles arelitinthechurchandatspecificpoints in the service they are blown out one by one, signifying the gradual extinguishing of the Light of the World, Christ. People are asked to leave the church in complete silence and should bring a torch to see themselves to their cars. Good Friday on 18 April is kept by most Christians as a time of contemplation. St Peter’s will hold its annual three hour service from 12 noon. This year there are six preachers taking the service, each spending half an hour on an aspect of the proceedings of the crucifixion. Our Lady of Light celebrates our Lord’s Passion at 15:00 in both its Hermanus and Zwelihle churches. The United church services are at 08:30 and 10:00. On Saturday 19 April there will be a Vigil Mass at the Catholic Church at 19:00. On Easter Sunday the service will be held at 08:00. The Catholic service in Zwelihle will be at 12 noon. St Peter’s sunrise service on Easter Sunday is at 05:30. Another Easter Eucharist will be held there at 09:30. There will be no Evensong on Sunday 20 April at St Peter’s. ) By die NG kerk in Onrus word die Goeie Vrydag-diens vanaf 08:00 en nog een om 10:00 uur in die oggend gehou. Hulle is Nagmaalsdienste. Paasdag (Sondag 20 April) sal die Opstandingsdiens vroeg in die oggend om 06:00 plaasvind. Dit sal buite gehou word. Mense moet asseblief hulle eie stoele en flitse saambring met ’n piekniek mandjie. Nog ’n Opstandingsdiens sal in die kerk gehou word om 09:00 die Sondag. By die NGK in die Hoofpad in Hermanus sal die Opstandingsdiens om 09:30 gehou word. ’n Diens sal in die Amfiteater plaasvind vanaf 06:45. Dit sal deur ds. Kempgeleiword.Almaliswelkom.–ANNE PHILIP
Hermanus Times
Sport Sport
17 April, 2014
Martial arts academy wins 39 medals Bridge Wednesday 9 April N/S: 1. Joan O’Connor / Julie Cotton 65.87%. 2. Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 57.14%. 3. Linda Zaaiman / Margie Dawson 56.09%. E/W: 1. André Wagenaar / Anita Coetzer 62.80%. 2. Riekie Louw / Carren Emary 57.44%. 3. Chris / Estelle Neethling 54.46%. Friday 11 April 1. Val Vlok / Maureen Hallas 58.01%. 2. Jaye Howse / June Opperman 55.45%. 3. Elaine Bosman / Juliana Dockel 54.81%. Monday 14 April N/S: 1. Nell Naude / Toni Maythem 61.34%. 2. Riekie Louw / Carren 55.32%. 2. Juliana Dockel / May Garvey Keenan 55.32%. E/W: 1. Jackie Ascham / Margaret Truswell 55.32%. 1. Aletta Robinson / Annette Strachan 55.32%. 3. Louise Mkintosh / Lee 54.86%. Whalers Whalers Athletic Club time trial results – 10 April: 3 km runners: 1 Mark Kavanagh 21.53; 2 Luke Kavanagh 21.53; 3 Shelley Kavanagh 22.06 3km Walkers: 1 Melany Vaughan 29.12; 2 Willie Loedolff 29.12; 3 Abel Erasmus 29.12 5km Runners: 1 Peter Rudhuka 18.40 SB; 2 Luke Erasmus 19.09; 3 Serame Bekokobetso 19.40 SB; 4 Frank Gillion 21.45; 5 Daniel Maree 22.02; 6 Louise Erasmus 22.57; 7 George Dimopoulos 23.27; 8 Andre van der Merwe 23.39; 9 Roelof van Weele 24.38; 10 Kerry Geiger 26.33; 11 Hugh Waters 28.30; 12 Leo Vorster 29.15; 13 Karin Austin 29.15 5 km walkers: 1 Arlene Ehrenberg 41.00; 2 Emmie Gouws 41.00; 3 Karen Carr 41.00. 8 km runners: 1 Sign Mawunda 30.00; 2 Joseph du Preez 31.36; 3 Christiaan de Wet 33.31; 4 Kevin Middleton 33.50; 5 Sarah Gordon 36.14 PB; 6 Ewan Venter 38.31; 7 Wilhelm Cooper 38.31; 8 Andre Koekemoer 39.17; 9 Loudi Vorster 39.17; 10 Leo Benning 67.17.
Team Legacy (Okinawa Goju-ryu Karatedo Kyokai karate students) of the Hermanus Martial Arts Academy recently took part in the regional OGKK karate champs in Parow and
brought back 39 medals (11 gold, 8 silver and 20 bronze). The team ranked 4th out of the 10 clubs that took part. The next event will be the national OGKK champs at the end of June.
MEDALJE-WENNERS: Die vroue (en manne) van die oefengroep Fit ness Forever van Mount Pleasant het Sondag 6 April die Overstrand verteenwoordig by die Spar Women’s Race. Al 16 deelnemers het on der die kwalifiserende tyd klaargemaak en ’n medalje gewen. Mark de Jongh van Mount Pleasant het Fitness Forever sowat drie maande gelede in Mount Pleasant geopen, spesifiek gemik op moeders in die gemeenskap wat wil fiks en gesond wees. Results are as follows: Back row: Sensei Cornelia van Romburgh (instructor at Hawston branch), Nazli Gillion (bronze), Hannelie van der Westhuizen (bronze), JP Duncan (gold and silver), Wimpie Scheepers (2 silver), Zaanru Fraser (gold and bronze), Lisa Briers (gold) and Sensei Ruehan van Romburgh (chief instructor). 3rd row: Ruthy Appel (silver), Keegan Sauls (bronze), Aislee Damons (bronze), Liam Rossouw (gold), Deivine Wehr (bronze) and Quintin Benzien (bronze). 2nd row: Sempai Jeremie Verdoodt (assistant instructor), Johndre Dunston (gold), Lerisha Montaque (gold and bronze), Hayle Spandiel (bronze), Michael Coetzee (silver), Lee Roy Botha (bronze) and Somine Ver doodt (gold, silver and bronze). Front row: CaruMari Fraser (bronze), Abri Sebonka (gold), Chengfong Jacobs (gold and bronze), Lorne Adams (gold), Mealen Frans (gold and bronze), Jill September (bronze) and Shaun Gibbs (bronze). Absent: Torick Andries (gold and bronze).
SPORT DIARY ) Hawston Primary Golf Day on 2 May at Arabella Golf Estate. Price is R1 200 per team in a 4 ball alliance and the competition starts at 10:00. For more information contact Arnie Africa on 072 315 2620. ) On 8 May Camphill School offers golf-lovers the chance to participate in the annual Camphill School Golf
Day fund raiser at the Hermanus Golf Club. Now a regular event on the Hermanus golfing calendar, there will be lots of fun to be had and heaps of prizes to win. You are invited to put together a four-ball, at a cost of only R400 per player. To register and book a tee-off time, or if you would like to sponsor a tee, contact Genevieve or Michelle at Camphill School on 028 312 4949, or email michelle@camphill-hermanus.org.za.
1614 nj
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Agent of the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate No 16338/2013 In the estate of the late DE WET, PIETER DANIEL Date of birth 10/11/1926, Identity number: 2611105016085, Last address: Frail Care, Onrus Manor, Onrus River 7201. Date of Death: 24/10/2013 AGENT OF THE EXECUTOR: J Pieterse, Hermanus Accounting, P O Box 1810, Hermanus, 7200
KRUISIGINGSDIENS: 18 April om 9:00.
TENEBRAE SERVICE Thursday, 17th April 8-9pm GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES 18th April 8.30 & 10am Led by Rev. Dr. James Gray & Lt. Col. Malcolm Forster EASTER SUNDAY 20th April 2014 Morning Services: 8.30 & 10am led by Rev Dr. James Gray NO BIBLE HOUR IN THE EVENING Enquiries 028 – 312 2717 ********************* STANFORD UNITED CHURCH Evening service 18:00 Enquiries (028) 341 0077
EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE Sunday, 20 April 2014 at 06h45
Paasnaweek Dienste:
Goeie Vrydag Nagmaaldienste: 18 April 08:00 en 10:00 Opstanding Sondag: 20 April 06:00 Diens by kruis bokant kerk 09:00 Feesdiens in sentrum
Once again the popular easter Sunrise Service will be held at Godfrey and Helene Coetzee's farm Lucerne 8kms outside Stanford on the R326. Dress up warmly. Bring a chair and celebrate Easter while watching the sun rise over the mountains Tea/coffee will be served after the service
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Fusion/Eat and Tipples are league champions On Sunday HIK Allstars played Video & TV Clinic in the Bowls Final. The HIK team managed a competitive 73 runs in 10 overs, but the Video & TV Clinic team struggled to read the pace and behaviour of the pitch. The bowling by the Abalone staff was tight and they won the Bowl competition by 13 runs. Top Plan took on the Roaring 40s in the next match. Top Plan started well, but then the support batsman found it hard to score off the clever bowling of the Roaring 40s team. Top Plan set up a target of 78 runs. Ex-provincial player and star of the Roaring 40s team John du Plessis made light work of the total and he and his side passed it with three overs to spare.
After some drama on Saturday with the semi-finals of the Over 35’s competition, it was Tipples and Hermanus Oldies who took each other on. This match was played over 16 overs and Tipples paced themselves cleverly, keeping wickets in hand so that they could give it their all in the last couple of overs. The Hermanus Oldies skippered by Chris Goatley had to score 118 runs in 16 overs. The pitch was dry and most teams knew more or less what a winning total would be. The target was high, but not too high for the Oldies to chase. Their opening batsman started off well but wickets tumbled and the scoreboard put pressure on the Oldies. A last-wicket stand by Niels Verburg gave them a chance, but they lost by five runs. The final was played between the Fusion/Eat team and Table Tigers.
Table Tigers, enjoying their second final in 12 years, batted first and scored 86 runs in 16 overs. All the Table Tigers players chipped in with valuable runs. The Fusion/Eat team had the perfect start as the openers provided a solid platform. Wickets began to fall and some batsman found it difficult to score, but kept the scoreboard ticking over and finally emerged as champions for 2013/2014. With a few catches put down, the Fusion/Eat team strolled across the line in what was a successful finals day for them. The league thanks Pennypinchers and Dean White for making the tournament such a huge hit on the Hermanus social calendar. The league now boasts over 400 participants and over 16 000 runs scored in tournaments, which is surely some sort of record. –JANHENDRIK KOEGELENBERG
Tipples, the over 35’s winning team.
Let’s Play se Maartwenners
Overstrand Jukskei klubs presteer by toernooi Groenberg Jukskeiklub en ander spelers uit die Overstrandgebied, het vanjaar besonder goed gevaar in hul Bolandkleure by die nasionale kampioenskappe wat van 31 Maart tot 4 April in Kroonstad plaasgevind het. Boland se Vroue A-2 span, onder leiding van Poppie Marais (Groenberg), met Stella Geldenhuys (Gansbaai), BB Schmidt (Kleinmond), Hester Marais en Hilda Barnard (Wellington), spog met die bronsmedalje. Jaco Botes en Yvette Botha (albei Groenberg) asook Maryke Pieters (Gansbaai) is opgeneem in die nasionale spanne om later vandeesmaand teen Namibië deel te neem. Botes is ook aangewys as afrigter van die nasionale spanne. Willem Marais (voorsitter van Groenbergklub) is vereer vir sy
Team Fusion/Eat won the Pennypinchers Business League cricket on Sunday.
Nicola Streicher uitnemende bydrae en is op Juskei Suid-Afrika se Ererol geplaas. Groenbergklub is baie trots op Willem onder wie se voortreflike leiding hulle vanjaar alreeds baie suksesse behaal het. Die juskeiseisoen in die streek het Saterdag 12 April geëindig met ’n baie gesellige ope toernooi op Sandbaai.
Jukskeispelers van die Over strandgebied wat buitengewoon goed presteer het by die Nasio nale Toernooi op Kroonstad, is (van links) Jaco Botes, Toeks Moore, Yvette Botha, BB Schmidt, Poppie Marais, Stella Geldenhuys en Willem Marais. Nadia van der Westhuizen
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1614 nj
The Fusion/Eat team was victorious as the twelfth yearly leg of the Pennypinchers Business League came to an end over last weekend.
Dit was baie moeilik om ’n wenner te kies vir Maartmaand se Supersport Let’s Play kompetisie omdat twee genomineerdes kop-aan-kop was met hul lys prestasies. Die beoordelaars het besluit om albei meisies as die Maart-wenners te kies. Nadia van der Westhuizen van Curro Hermanus en Nicola Streicher van Laerskool Hermanus is Maartmaand se Supersport Let’s Play wenners. Nadia is 13 jaar oud en ’n graad 7-leerder. Sy speel vir die o.13 netbalspan en ook vir die laer- en hoërskool se eerste tennisspanne. Sy is opgeneem in die Suid-Boland tennisspan. Sy het ook die Boland gholfspan gehaal wat van 20 tot 24 Maart in OosLonden aan ’n toernooi deelgeneem het. Al nege provinsies het deelgeneem en sy het eerste geëindig in die meisies-afdeling en tweede in die algemene toernooi. Nicola, ook 13 jaar oud, speel in die Bolandse o. 13 A-tennisspan. Einde Februarie het sy die SATA WPtoernooi in Rondebosch gewen. Einde Maart is sy gekies om aan die SA laerskole tennisweek in Bloemfontein deel te neem. Sy is ook Laerskool Hermanus se nommer een meisiestennisspeler. Nicola is in die o.13 A-hokkiespan en is gekies om aan die Boland hokkieproewe, en ook die semi-finale Boland hokkieproewe deel te neem. In atletiek het sy ’n 5de plek behaal in die meisies o. 13 800 m en 1 500 m by die Walkerbaai-byeenkoms. Beide spelers het ’n geskenkpak van Supersport Let’s Play ontvang. Skole wat sportuitblinkers wil nomineer, kan ’n epos met ’n bondige motivering van die uitblinker se prestasies stuur aan janine@hermanustimes.co.za stuur.