THURSDAY, 17 JULY 2014 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316
For all your DIY needs. Get to Builders. Get it done 2 Mussel Rd, Hermanus NUUS Seun (19) val ma en ouma aan in Voëlklip 2
SPORT Rugbyoumanne takel mekaar
Armed robbers hit three homes JANINE VAN DER RIET “I have never been so traumatised and scared in my life before!”
Emmy Awardwinning Hollywood actress Claire Danes (right), who is shooting an episode of Homeland in South Africa, visit ed Hermanus with her family on 11 July and enjoyed a whale watching trip with Southern Right Charters. Hannie Euser (left) who is from the Netherlands and works as an interpreter at Southern Right Charters says: “It’s always a joy and an honour when a celebrity is visiting Hermanus to come and see the whales. We loved having Claire on board. She stars as Carrie Mathison in the popular US series Homeland, and was in Romeo and Juliet with Leonardo di Caprio, among many other movies and series.” Hannie adds that the family absolutely loved the whale outing.
So said Sherry Hoefnagel after her home was one of three targeted by armed robbers last weekend. On Friday evening at around 22:30, she went to say goodnight to her mother, who lives in a flat adjacent to their home in Fisherhaven. Four robbers, armed with knives and guns, surrounded her in the back yard on her way into the house. One suspect grabbed Sherry from behind and held a knife against her throat. The suspects, all wearing balaclavas, grabbed her 81-year-old mother and took both women inside the house. There, Sherry’s husband was shocked to see the suspects threatening his wife and mother-in-law. They hit Sherry’s mother over the head with an unknown object and tried to take her wedding ring off her finger. “My mother has never, ever taken off her wedding ring since she got married many years ago. The suspects could not get the ring off her finger and then took my rings and the earrings I was wearing.” Her husband immediately realised the danger of the situation and told the suspects they could take anything they wanted, but the intruders
grabbed him and tied him up. They then tied Sherry up and took the three to one of the bedrooms. The Hoefnagels’ 29-year-old son was in another bedroom when the robbery took place. He made several phone calls for help, including the SAPS emergency number (10111), but when he could not reach the police on this number, he phoned Sherry’s brother in Johannesburg. “He told my brother that we were being robbed in Fisherhaven and he must get some help.” After stealing everything they could carry, including more jewellery, cellphones, laptops and wallets, the suspects closed the bedroom door on the trio and left. “We waited a while until it was quiet in the house and then my husband, whose cellphone was luckily not stolen, phoned for help.” ) A few hours before the Hoefnagels were robbed, another couple were also robbed in their home in the same street. At around 20:00, a 61-year old man and his wife were having a braai on their balcony upstairs when four men walked into the house, ran up the stairs and forced the couple into the house. According to Lieutenant Fadila September, spokesperson for the Hermanus Police, the suspects tied them up and forced them from room to room while they were looking for
a safe and demanding money and jewellery. The suspects wore gloves and balaclavas. They left the couple in the bathroom and fled the scene. The couple managed to free themselves and notified the neighbours, who in turn phoned the authorities. Goods to the value of R39 000 were stolen. The couple did not sustain any injuries. A 22-year-old suspect was caught and appeared in the Hermanus Magistrate’s Court in connection with the incidents. Police are investigating whether the suspect could be linked to both robberies. ) In an incident in Voëlklip on Saturday 12 July, a man went outside to walk his dogs at around 23:00 and later returned home to sleep. At around 03:00, he woke up and realised that two men were walking around in his house. The suspects assaulted the 64year-old man by hitting him continuously on the head. According to the Hermanus Police, the injured man passed out and only woke up at around 11:00 the next morning. He had several injuries to the head, right eye and hand. He called for help and was taken to hospital. A black flat-screen television and a cellphone were stolen. No arrests have been made. Hermanus Police: 028 313 5300 / 5348 / 5349. Fisherhaven neighbourhood watch: 083 506 6579
Nuus News
17 July, 2014
REPORT CRIME: Hermanus SAPS 028 313 5300 / 5348 / 5349.
Gesin vas met diamante, vuurwapens JANINE VAN DER RIET EN ANNETTE THERON Lede van die Overberg K9 SAPD honde-eenheid het Dinsdag 8 Julie op ’n plaas in Genadendal na ure se ondersoek, beslag gelê op verskeie wapens, patrone, diamante en dagga. Die eienaars van die plaas Paardevallei, ’n Poolse man en sy Suid-Afrikaanse vrou, is saam met twee van hul tien kinders in hegtenis geneem op aanklagte van die besit van ongelisensieerde vuurwapens, besit van dwelms en ongeslypte diamante. Nog ’n ondersoek word gedoen na van die wapens wat nie in veilige bewaring en onder genoegsame toesig gestoor was nie. Lede van die Valke, misdaad-
intelligensie en plaaslike polisielede het saam met die hondeeenheid vroegoggend op die plaas toegeslaan. Na ’n lasbrief aan die eienaars oorhandig is, het die lede die huis begin deursoek. Sersant Pieter Gardiner het met sy hond Fee, sersant Garth Gardiner met sy hond Tex en ao. Steven Koen met sy hond Sokkies, van die Overberg K9 gestasioneer in Hermanus, saam met die ander rolspelers afgekom op vier ongelisensieerde vuurwapens, ses gelisensieerde vuurwapens, meer as 2 500 patrone vir die onderskeie vuurwapens, asook ’n klein sakkie dagga. Daar is ook beslag gelê op ongeslypte diamante. Onder die patrone is ook patrone vir ’n AK47 gevind. Kaptein Gustav Tamboer, stasiebevelvoerder van Genadendal-polisie sê dié ondersoek
Die Over berg K9 hondeeen heid in Her manus het in Gena dendal af gekom op ongelisensi eerde vuur wapens, patrone vir die onder skeie vuur wapens, asook ’n klein sakkie dagga. is al sedert verlede jaar onderweg. Die pa, ma en twee van hul kinders bo die ouderdom van 18-jaar is in hegtenis geneem en
het die volgende dag, Woensdag 9 Julie in die Caledon-hof verskyn. Hulle is op borgtog vrygelaat en die saak word steeds ondersoek.
Voëlklip: Seun (19) val ma en ouma aan JANINE VAN DER RIET ’n Ma is in ’n ernstig, dog stabiele toestand in die Tygerberg Hospitaal se brandeenheid nadat haar 19-jarige seun haar en sy ouma Dinsdagaand in hul huis in Voëlklip ernstig aangeval en ook aan die brand probeer steek het. Die Hermanus Polisie is Dinsdagaand om ongeveer 21:45 na die toneel ontbied deur angstige bure
nadat die beseerde ouma by hulle om hulp aangeklop het. EMR ambulansdienste het die ma en ouma op die toneel gestabiliseer en na die Hermanus Provinsiale Hospitaal geneem. Die ma is direk daarna na die brand-eenheid by Tygerberg Hospitaal oorgeplaas waar sy in die trauma-eenheid vir brandwonde behandel word. Sy het na verneem word 35%
brandwonde aan haar gesig, nek en arms opgedoen. Sy het ook kopwonde opgedoen en daar is tekens van verwurging. Volgens lt. Fadila September van Hermanus Polisie was die voorwerp waarmee die ma en ouma aangeval is waarskynlik ’n hamer gewees. Na bewering het die seun ook ’n petrolbom gebruik in ’n poging
om sy ma en ouma aan die brand te steek, maar dit kon teen druktyd nie bevestig word nie. Die seun se ouma is Woensdag ontslaan na sy vir verskeie beserings en kopwonde behandel is. Polisielede het die seun op die toneel in hegtenis geneem en hy verskyn Vrydag in die Hermanus-landdroshof op aanklagte van poging tot moord.
Nuus News
17 July, 2014
Kalfiefeesmusiek: van vrolik tot klassiek , 7 10 Aug Die Kalfiefees spog hierdie jaar ook met uithalermusiek. Ons skop 7 Augustus met ons Openingsaand af met Sarah Theron en die Gugulethu tenore. Die aand gaan begin met ’n heerlike driegangmaaltyd van die Warwick’s Chef School, wat dan gevolg word deur Sarah en die Gugus! Die vurige diva saam met die “Gugs tenors” beloof om ’n hartsreis vol nostalgie en hartstog te wees. Liedere word gesing in Afrikaans, Engels en isiXhosa. Die meester-pianis Luas Heinen begelei hulle. Vrydagaand 8 Augustus sal Nianell ons meevoer na haar wêreld met haar eie kompo-
sisies en ander liedere. Sy is ’n platinum-verkoper wat maklik tussen vier oktawe skitter. Sy sluit in elemente van folk, pop, R&B, country, klassiek en kelties in haar liedjies. Sy begelei haarself op klavier en akoestiese kitaar. Saterdagaand 9 Augustus kom Stef Bos en Koos Kombuis met Boskombuis. Hierdie is ’n samekoms van twee manne van dieselfde generasie wat weet wie hulle was, wie hulle is en wie hulle eendag wil wees – ook waar hulle was, waar hulle is en waar hulle eendag wil wees. Die twee woordtowenaars sing van liefde vir vroue, kinders, ’n land, ’n God, ’n lewe. Hartroerend mooi, maar nooit sonder ’n
sweempie subversiewe ironie nie…. Kom ons verwelkom die twee kunstenaars in ons midde. Sondag 10 Augustus sluit die Hermanus Times Kalfiefees af met die wonderlike klanke van James Grace se klassieke kitaar. Hy het die Kanna by die 2010 KKNK gewen vir beste manlike kunstenaar en in 2011 die kykNET/Fiesta-toekenning, en is mees onlangs aangestel as ’n Ramirez Konsert-kitaar ambassadeur. Hy het saam met verskeie orkeste gespeel en die wêreld vol gereis . Come and listen to this outstanding classical guitar player. His latest cd World café will be available to buy. Besprekings by Computicket.
Fokus berig oor K9eenheid JANINE VAN DER RIET Spanlede van die SABC-TV se aktualiteitsprogram Fokus, het die afgelope paar dae onderhoude met verskeie rolspelers opgeneem oor die Overberg K9-polisie honde-eenheid se penarie. Die eenheid sit steeds sonder ’n permanente perseel nadat hulle gebou in Hawston in November 2012 deur lede van die gemeenskap en perlemoenstropers afgebrand is. Na verskeie mislukte pogings deur AfriForum om die nasionale departement van openbare Werke te betrek in die dringende behoefte om ’n nuwe perseel vir die K9 honde-eenheid te verkry, het AfriForum met die Fokusspan kontak gemaak. Daar is toe besluit om hierdie netelige saak te ondersoek en op film vas te lê. Die eenheid se honde word tans by die Hermanus Dierebeskermingsvereniging gehuisves, terwyl die polisielede van die K9eenheid hulle werk vanuit vraghouers, kilometers verwyder van hul honde-kollegas, moet
doen. Ian Cameron, hoof van gemeenskapsveiligheid by AfriForum, berig dat misdaad in die Overstrand/Overberg daagliks aan die toeneem is, omdat die K9 eenheid nie ten volle toegerus is vir hulle taak nie, as gevolg van die afbrand van hulle permanente perseel in Hawston. Die Fokus-span het met verskeie rolspelers gepraat, van kampvegters in die Hemel-enAarde-Vallei wat al vir twee jaar probeer om die honde-eenheid te help, tot Chris Nieuwoudt van Stop Crime Before it Happens, Overstrand en Ilze Smith, voorsitter van die Hermanus Dierebeskermingsvereniging. Fokus het ook na persele gaan kyk waar die K9-eenheid moontlik gevestig kan word. “Maar aan die einde van die dag is dit die nasionale departement van openbare werke wat spoedig ’n plan sal moet maak om goedkeuring te verleen vir ’n nuwe perseel. “Die oorsaak van die oponthoud lê regstreeks by hulle,” het Cameron opgemerk. ) Hou Fokus Sondagaande dop vir dié insetsel.
Ian Cameron gesels met Danie Hefers van die aktualiteitsprogram Fokus oor die K9eenheid se gebou wat twee jaar terug deur per lemoenstropers en gemeenskapslede in Hawston afgebrand is. Fokus het die insetsel geskiet by die murasie van die ou hondeeen heid in Hawston. FOTO: STEFAN PRETORIUS / AFRIFORUM
Robbery at jewellery store JANINE VAN DER RIET A jewellery shop in Village Square was robbed on Tuesday 8 July after four men gained entrance to the mall and held the security guards at gunpoint. At the time of the incident, the suspects had access to the inside of the mall because the wooden doors at the mall’s entrance were taken off for a few days to be replaced by new, modern doors. The men entered the building at around 23:50 and walked straight to the control room where the security officers are stationed and overpowered them. Two of the suspects then ran to African Jewels where they forced the door open with a crowbar. The store’s alarm went off, but the sus-
pects escaped despite the prompt response of ADT officials. According to Jeff Tanner, chairperson of the tenants association at Village Square, the security cameras in the mall captured the events and police are busy investigating the incident. “It seems this was an opportunistic crime, because the new doors where one can enter the building, were not in place yet. It is now in place and locked after hours.” Tanner says watches were stolen during the incident. The rest of the jewellery is locked away at night. No arrests have been made. Anyone with information can contact Detective Constable Craig Philander on 028 313 7000. The owner of African Jewels could not be reached for comment.
(fee charged) ZARA - used as a puppy mill mum, now rescued. this husky has a gorgeous loving social manner. Interesting flecks in her eyes. Good family dog - loves exercise.
FLUFFY rescued after hot oil poured over her. Now recovered & a lovely natured social, affectionate sm/med size X breed. Will always have bald patch!
To adopt please call - 028 312 1281 / 076 963 2092 KEISHA gorgeous female pitbull under a year, unwanted. Does mix with some dogs. Affectionate & friendly nature.
Pretty petite fox terrier X. MIA came in as a stray. Was shy but now mixing well. She is under 2 & sm/med size.
JAG & his rust colour borther POLO, 2 Lab X 6 mth pups with docked tails rescued from neglect. Lovely natures, mix well.
CADBURY came to HAWS a scared kitty after owner too sick to keep him. He has turned into a gorgeous fluffy bushy tailed outgoing, playful & loving boy.
Nuus News
17 July, 2014
MILESTONE BIRTHDAY: Ella Sutcliffe, a resi dent at Kidbrooke Frail Care, cele brated her 100th birthday on Wednesday 9 Ju ly. She spent the day surrounded by family. Here she is pictured with her son Pe ter, her daughter Jeanette (visiting from Tasmania), three of her six grandchildren and one of her four greatgrand children.
Drie susters sterf in een ongeluk
Van links: Michilina van Dyk, Ansie Keyter, hul broer Japie Keyter (hy is enigste een van hul twee broers en vyf susters wat nog lewe) en Gladys van Dyk. Hulle was maar altyd so vol grappies skryf ’n familielid. HELENE MEISSENHEIMER Drie Overbergers het Donderdag 10 Julie op pad na ’n vakansie-uitstappie tragies verongeluk buite Langebaan op die R27.
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Ansie Keyter (79) en Gladys van Dyk (76) is op slag dood en hul suster, Michilina van Dyk (83), ’n paar uur later. Ansie en Michilina is van Napier, en Gladys van Stanford. Gladys het die groen Subaru bestuur waarin die susters na Langebaan op pad was om by Michilina se dogter te gaan kuier. Volgens ’n familielid word vermoed dat die son moontlik vir Gladys verblind het toe sy die R27, vanuit rigting Langebaanweg wou oorsteek na die Langebaan-pad. Sy het voor ’n Metro-ambulans met twee insittendes wat op pad was Kaap toe ingery. Langebaan-polisie het bevestig dat altwee vroue wat voor gesit het op slag dood is. Die derde vrou is per ambulans na Weskus Life Privaathospitaal op Vredenburg geneem waar sy ’n paar uur later aan haar beserings beswyk het. Die twee insittendes van die ambulans, ’n man en ’n vrou, het ook albei ernstige beserings opgedoen. Dit kon nog nie bevestig word hoe dit met hulle gaan nie. Die polisie ondersoek ’n saak van strafbare manslag. Die R27 was etlike ure afgesper voor die Langebaan-afdraai langs die Engen 1 Stopvulstasie terwyl noodreddingspersoneel die toneel opgeruim het. Die slag van die botsing het albei voertuie oor die pad tot in die veld langs die vulstasie geslinger. ’n Noodhelikopter is ook uitgestuur, maar al die beseerdes was toe reeds per ambulans weggeneem. Daar was reeds etlike noodlottige botsings by hierdie aansluiting op die R27. Die susters het nog een oorlewende broer wat op Kimberley bly. Gladys se begrafnis is Dinsdag op Stanford gehou terwyl Michilina en Ansie Woensdag op Napier begrawe is. – Weslander Droom jy daarvan om ’n joernalis te wees? Besoek ons webblad by en laai jou eie artikels en foto’s op. Ons wil jou storie hoor!
17 July, 2014
Dagga confiscated at Post Office JANINE VAN DER RIET A Rasta man was caught with 1,5 kg dagga after he collected a dagga package sent to him from Somerset West to his local post office in Genadendal. He might have thought the risk of being caught would be smaller if he orders his dagga through the post, as the SA Post Offices are not allowed to open any packages. But in this case an alert employee realised something about the package was ‘off’, and contacted the Overberg SAPS K9 Unit. The employee had seen the parcel arrive on Wednesday 9 July. It looked like any other parcel, but the employee soon realised that the parcel reeked of dagga. The Overberg K9 unit arrived on the scene and sent the police dogs to identify the parcel, to which the dogs reacted positively. According to the police, the “waiting game” then began.
5 Baboon monitors back on duty HermanusTimes
Nuus News
A man was caught with 1,5 kg dagga in Genadendal. WO Steven Koen and his colleagues waited until closing time on Wednesday, but the person collecting the package, did not arrive. The K9 members returned to Hermanus and went back to Genadendal early Thursday morning and hid away until the man arrived a few minutes later to collect the package addressed to him. The man appeared in the Caledon Magistrate Court the follow-
ing day. In the mean time, the K9 unit followed up on the sender’s address, which led them to Somerset West, where they established that the address was false. The Hermanus Times asked an expert lawyer in criminal law about the charges laid against the suspect. Adrian Louw from Adrian Louw & Associates Attorneys says the recipient of the packet was the indicated addressee, thus he must have ordered the stuff. “I think he knew what he was getting and has taken possession of illegal substances. On the other hand, if you are told of an unsolicited, surprise package for you, you can have a solid defence of not having the required criminal mind “mens rea” and would be acquitted if the court finds your version reasonable that an opponent or enemy sent you this. “One can of course refuse a package and return to sender,” says Louw.
ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Baboons are still up to monkey business in Voëlklip, but the Overstrand Municipality wasted no time before stepping in to clean up after them. Resident Almarie Hugo says she was impressed by the quick response from the municipality over the weekend. “Ever since the baboon monitors have been less visible, it has been war in Voëlklip. The baboons are up and down the street. My poor dogs are going hysterical. “It should quieten down this week though, as the monitors have returned to work. “A few days ago the baboons had the audacity to come right into my garage, where they would steal anything from a bag. Luckily the dogs have kept them from entering our home; I even had one sitting right in my front door a while ago. “Over the weekend some of the residents, whom I assume went away, left some garbage bins outside in the street. The baboons were quick to tip them over and created
a big mess in the area.” Hugo called on the municipality early on Saturday to let them know about the refuse, but didn’t expect to see them on the scene. “I figured I would walk down and clean it up myself, but it wasn’t even ten minutes before some municipal workers arrived and cleaned up the area. “I think we can be really proud of the fantastic team we have working for us.” According to Leon Steyn, environmental specialist at the Overstrand Municipality, the baboon monitors are back at work as of Monday morning. “We had to renegotiate salaries as the programme is now funded by Working for the Coast. There are currently 14 monitors on duty, with two more to add to their numbers this week. “Their weekday hours are from 07:00 to 19:00 in winter and 06:00 to 20:00 in summer. On weekends they are on duty from 08:00 and 17:00.” Steyn says the group who cleaned up over the weekend is part of the active team under Area Manager Don Kearney.
HAWSTON SE JEUG SE DROME VIR DIE TOEKOMS: Die Hawstonbiblioteek het die afgelope twee weke hul jaarlikse vakansiepro gram aangebied by die Thusongsentrum. Die kinders het elke dag ontbyt en middagete ge kry en dan die dag spandeer aan verskillende aktiwiteite. Een van hul opdragte was om, in groepe, hul droom vir Hawston uit te beeld met herwinbare produkte. Daar is verskeie groot drome na die tafel gebring, onder ande re dié groepie wat graag ’n kollege sou wou sien in hul gemeenskap sodat daar geleentheid is vir verdere opleiding, maar ook sodat die ouer garde hulself verder kan oplei.
Dié groepie se droom vir Hawston is ’n hospitaal sodat hulle beter toegang tot gesondheidsdienste het, ’n botaniese tuin wat nie net die gebied sal verfraai nie, maar ook meer toeriste sal lok sowel as ’n bioskoop waar die jongmense hul self op ’n gesonde wyse kan ver maak.
Die Overstrandburgemeester, Nico lette BothaGuthrie, het ook ’n draai gemaak by die Thusongsen trum. Saam met haar is (agter, van links) Ronel Salie van die Thusong sentrum, Belinda May, van die Hawstonbiblioteek, die burgemees ter en twee vrywilligers, Lynette Fourie en Loretta Jacobs.
BOUCHARD FINLAYSON WITHOUT A NAME: A case of theft was opened after two solid brass signage plates worth R60 000 were stolen from Bouchard Finlayson Winery on the R320 HemelenAarde Road on 25 June. The Hermanus Police are asking the public to be on the lookout for the plates. Contact the investigating officer Constable Simphiwe Prusent on 028 313 7000.
CALLING ALL BUSINESSES IN THE HERMANUS BUSINESS PARK Do not miss the opportunity to advertise your products and/or service in our annual
Algemeen General
17 July, 2014
Sisa Louw, Wiseman Nogquala, Teressa Jones, Thomazile Stuurman (who manages the town ship tour for Magenta Tours), Magda Benade (Montavigus college) and François Jones.
Geoff Elske of Mountain View Manor and Magda Benade of Montavigus College enjoy ing the chocolate, jam and wine pairing at Whale Haven. PHOTO: TERESSA JONES
We’ve added extra ComFy chairs and a BIG family table Checkers Centre
Walking wine tour Tuesday saw the launch of a unique Hemel-en-Aarde Village walking wine tour. The concept is the brainchild of Teressa Jones, previously manager of the Hermanus Tourism office, who subsequently started Magenta Tours with her husband François. Finding guides to manage this tour came to Teressa when she assisted at Montavigus College with the training of tour guides and saw the potential in Siso Louw and Wiseman Nogquala. On Tuesday, Louw and Nogquala participated in a practice run of the tour with the ‘tourists’ being the local media and guest house owners. The walking wine tour starts at Hermanuspietersfontein, then ambles down the road to Hornbill and then Whale Haven winery, for a taste of the Bottega Family Wines paired with jam and chocolate.
The last stop is at Paul du Toit’s Wine Village. “Time is worked into the schedule to browse and shop and for the tour group to have a bite to eat at one of the eateries within the Hemel-en-Aarde Village afterwards,” says Teressa. The cost of the 2-3 hour tour is R450 pp, and includes wine tasting, a copy of the Overberg Wine Guide, and the services of a registered tour guide. Magenta Tours also offers the following tours in the Overberg area: a Hermanus Township Tour (R450pp), Hermanus Ghost tour (R200 pp, scholars R100), Cliff Path Walking Tour (R120pp), Cape Agulhas Tour (R900 pp), and the Whale Coast Tour (R750pp). (Prices are subject to change). For more information, email: or visit the website or contact Teressa on 079 959 5556.
Algemeen General
17 July, 2014
Briewe Letters
17 July, 2014
EDITORIAL COMMENT Make a difference With Mandela Day upon us, it’s time to devote 67 minutes to do something that makes a difference to our community. Perhaps you will help clean the cliff path or your own neighbourhood, or treat someone to a special tea. Whatever form your good deed may take, it is the attitude behind the gesture and the desire to be part of an initiative that has taken hold of the whole world, that inspires you to stop for a while and show a little kindness to others. With so much crime and violence go ing on in our town, we desperately need opportunities to counteract the negative impact incidents of this nature have on all of us living here. Doing something positive for others and taking pride in our environment helps to restore the balance. Keep Mandela’s legacy alive by doing something good for those who least ex pect it.
Huis Lettie Theron is ’n juweel Huis Lettie Theron is die trots van Hermanus. My moeder wat verlede maand oorlede is, het vir die laaste klompie jare daar gebly. Ek het op verskillende dae en verskillende tye daar besoek afgelê en dit was altyd skoon, sonnig en die besige personeel was altyd vriendelik en hulpvaardig. Die deernis en geduld waarmee hulle al die inwoners behandel is roerend om te ervaar. Hulle kan trots wees op hulself, hulle werk asof vir die Meester. Die baie bekwame, kalm en beredenerende bestuurder sorg dat alles goed geolie is. Marie hou die geldsake en admin goed op datum en Bets by ontvangs is baie skerp en kan binne sekondes al die inligting uitsoek uit haar goed georganiseerde lêers. Feedem, wat die skoonmaak en voedsel voorsien, se personeel is altyd netjies, vriendelik en vrolik en die etes is altyd interessant en smaaklik. Die onderhoudpersoneel hou alles in stand en hulle toon ook dieselfde omgee en geduld. Die tuin is so mooi versorg en ’n lus vir die oog. Die roostuin is uitstaande en daar is lekker paadjies waar inwoners kan loop of met ’n rystoel gestoot kan word. Waar soveel mense saambly sal daar soms klagtes wees, maar Tannie Dorothy en die huiskomitee hanteer dit spoedig en sorg vir oplossings voor dit stormagtig word. Hierdie juweel van ’n organisasie moet vir ewig behou word en die gemeenskap van Hermanus is alreeds een van die grootste pilare waarop dit staan, want die staatsubsidie is min en baie inwoners kan nie die eenheidskoste betaal nie omdat hul slegs ’n ouderdomspensioen kry (koste R5 000 – pensioen R1 200 = R4 200). Hierdie ekstra geld moet gedek word om die plek aan die gang te hou en daarom basaar, kollektes en skenkings van verskeie plekke. Ons moet almal saamwerk om die voortbestaan te verseker, want daar is soveel bejaardes wat geen ander heenkome het nie. Dit sou alreeds help as al die maatskappye op die dorp ten minste een bed borg teen ± R5 000 per maand. Testamentbemakings sal ook help al is dit hoe min. My opregte dank aan almal by Huis Lettie Theron. Dit was ’n aangename ervaring om julle so van naby te kon ervaar.
Waarheen is al die walvisse? Word hulle verdryf na stiller waters? As mens die bedrywighede van die walviskykbote dophou beteken dit seker dat die walvisseisoen aangebreek het. Of ons enige walvisse hierdie seisoen van Hermanus se kuslyn gaan sien of hoor is natuurlik ’n groot vraagteken. Tot 2 of 3 jaar gelede is ons daagliks hier by Tamatiebank in Westcliff getrakteer op die walvisse. Regdeur die nag het hulle geblaas en gespeel tot dagbreek toe, wanneer die son ’n blink streep oor die baai maak. Nie net 2 of 3 walvisse nie, nee, 3 tot 4 groepe van 4 of 5 walvisse. Dit was so aangrypend, mens kon nie anders as om stil te wees en met verwondering te luister nie. Maar dit was lank gelede. Die inwoners van Kwaaiwater en Voëlklip kan dit dalk nog tot ’n mindere mate ervaar, maar vir hoe lank nog, is die vraag? Ons arme walvisroeper wou seker verlede seisoen gereeld om hulp roep uit frustrasie omdat hy slegs een of twee walvisse die hele dag gesien het en daarom nie geweet het waarheen hy die massas nuuskierige toeriste kon beduie om ’n walvis te sien nie! ’n Vriend vlieg weekliks met sy ligte vliegtuig oor Walkerbaai. Volgens hom het die walvisgetal in die baai van ongeveer 220 vier jaar gelede tot ’n skamele 75 verlede jaar gekrimp. Ons almal weet waarheen die walvisse vlug - na De Kelders en om Danger Point na die strande by De Hoop. Volgens my vliegtuigvriend het die walvisse verlede seisoen by De Hoop ingeryg gelê soos sardiens in ’n blik. Dis logies dat die walvisse eerder die stille waters van De Hoop sal verkies bo die dreunende bote in Walkerbaai, wat heeldag soos brommers om hulle koppe zoem en hulle hoogs sensitiewe gehoor irriteer. Van die buitelandse toeriste het my vertel dat die walvisbote glad nie die voorgeskrewe afstand van 50 meter vanaf die naaste walvis handhaaf nie en dikwels tot teenaan die walvisse vorder, boonop sonder om enjins af te skakel. Hulle staaf hierdie bewerings met foto’s en videos geneem van ongeveer 4 tot 5 meter. Ons Liewe Vader in Sy wysheid stuur jaarliks vir ons die walvisse en verwag sekerlik van ons om hulle met verantwoordelikheid te ervaar en te geniet, maar ons verkies om hulle teenwoordigheid te misbruik tot ons korttermyn voordeel, eerder as om die langtermyn voordeel van hulle teenwoordigheid raak te sien. Ja, die skrif is aan die muur, ons is besig om die grootste trekpleister vir toeriste na ons mooi dorp te verdryf na stiller strande. Gaan ons betyds wakkerskrik of is dit reeds te laat?
Percy Heywood, MD of Percy Tours says: Personally, I collect loads of data on the whales, as a lot of my business depends upon when the whales arrive and leave and how many are here. Percy Tours books 100s of whale watching boat trips every year and I personally also conduct many whale watching walking tours along the cliff tops, from Grotto to the New Harbour – as well as book kayaking trips and Cessna flights over them. My data shows that over the last three years the very first whale watching boat trips have gone out in the first week of June and until the first week of December every year. This is a very important point because many people (tourists and tourism companies) think that the whale season is much shorter (Aug to Nov) and we get loads of calls asking are the whales here – which truly frustrates the hell out of us all because many websites quote completely incorrect rubbish information. The whale boats will not go out and conduct trips unless you are guaranteed to see whales. Evan Austin flies over the whales and regularly posts numbers on his Facebook page. His count at the start of this season on 28 June was: 12 humpback whales, 24 southern right whales, school of dolphins and 6 great white sharks. And that would certainly not be the entire bay, just a small section of it. Personally – I have seen very good numbers of whales in the last three weeks. I was at Sievers Point (which is in the Marine Reserve) on Sunday 13 July with a group of American tourists for 90 minutes and we saw well over 20 whales – many very close into the breakers and we were very lucky to see a mother and a tiny baby about the size of a dolphin very close to the cliffs. I would say that just from looking out to sea for the last two weeks that there must be over 40 to 50 whales in the bay this week – and probably more. As there were so many whales there on Sunday, I could not tear away my highly excited tourists from the cliff tops, even though we were all starving hungry and ready for lunch. We then sat in the window of Lemon Butta for an hour and while eating our lunch we saw over 15 whales (near and far) and certainly different whales than the ones that we had seen at Sievers Point; four were really close in to Roman Rock. From the records that I have, the highest number of whales spotted in one day in October a few years ago was 198 whales, and there would easily be more as mating groups are easily obscured by them being on top of each
other, so I would guess that that number would be about 250 to 300 in Walker Bay. As for the question, are there lower numbers – that’s a good question – personally I would say that the numbers in Walker Bay are slowly increasing each year. The scientists who collect data are seeing a rapid annual increase of between 7% to 10% per year, meaning that their numbers are doubling every decade, which is really excellent news and a fact that we humans should be very proud about, as they were nearly hunted to extinction only 50 years ago. This is an excellent conservation success story and let’s face it, there are not many of those on the planet. What I think really needs to happen in Hermanus is that Evan Austin and/or another plane/s, should be paid by the Overstrand Municipality and/or other eco–friendly organisations to weekly count the whales. The whales are a huge draw card for Hermanus and the whole tourism industry, so it is in the whole town’s interest that this research is done all the time. Only this important data would really tell us what numbers are truly occurring. Robin Alcock from Southern Right Charters responds: For the 2014 season specifically, we have found a significant increase in whale sightings so far, however it is too early in the season at this point to discuss whale numbers for the year, particularly for the areas mentioned in the letter, as we do not operate in these areas. When the boat is stationary it is not uncommon for southern right whales, known for being curious, to often come right up to, underneath and around the boat. Furthermore, the practice of shutting down engines while with the whales is not permitted and would be deemed illegal to do so. Engines are kept in neutral at all times around whales.
Briewe Letters
17 July, 2014
) It was very refreshing and pleasant
to see some ladies dancing in the Check ers Centre entrance on Saturday. Nice to see some happy people these days. Well done ladies. – HERMAN SMALL ) What a brilliant dance display last Saturday @ Checkers Mall. A totally un expected treat– called a flash mob. Well done Dee & the Rhythm in Line dancers for a fantastic job & a pleasure to watch! ) Dankie aan die munisipaliteit vir die regmaak van die rioollekkasie by die Thusongsaal, Hawston. – RM ) Suster Miranda Bosman by die Pro vinsiale Hospitaal an angel in disgui se. Dankie vir jou vriendelikheid en po sitiwiteit. – DIE BLOEDDRUK MEISIE ) Family of 5 stands at a till and not one helps pack bags. Come on consum ers. Help move queues along. ) Wanneer kom hoenderbord in Onrus op? Hulle is te bang om oor pad te loop. – INA ) ’n Persoon met valstande kan nie in OosEnd straat in Sandbaai ry nie. Uit val is jou voorland met al die gate. – SONJA ) By Mountain View in Sandbaai is die volgende kennisgewing aan die binne kant van die hek: Moetti lat ieman saam jou inslippi. Wil net weet hoekom is die Engelse weergawe perfek.– SONJA KRIGE ) Small wooden cross lost in Hermanus
between Just Pure and Hermanus Fish shop. Great sentimental value. 0 082 498 7303.– JOANNE ) To Jackie (HT, 10 July) don’t forget others that have helped you, no matter how small, so that God is good! ) Ek is lief vir diere. Ek het ’n krokodil op die erf. Lief vir soetkoekies. Het ’n huis en soek iemand om my te help met huishouding. – DOUNA PIET, CEM ) A shop on the Main rd near Sandbaai robots advertises a SALE. A very visible sign – only to go there and find not even five items on the outside stoep with “markeddown prices”. Is that a SALE?? ) Junaid, the sales assistant at Full house Furnishers, deserves applaud for her friendliness and efficiency even her aftersales phone call to make sure I was happy with purchase. – NAOMI NORLING ) Ek het ’n heerlike wandeling in Ver mont/Onrus met my twee Schnauzers vandag gehad, die enigste probleem is mense wie se honde uit hul erf kom en op my honde afstorm! Verstaan nie hoe dit gebeur nie. En mense wat met hul honde stap sonder leibande bederf ook die stappie. Wees asb. meer bedag saam. – AM ) When you knock and ask for a piece of bread, or work, it breaks my heart when it’s cold and wet and I have a pot of soup, but I won’t open my door to any person begging and be robbed or murdered, so sad. ) I am looking for books written by H.V. Morton. If u can help, please phone Heather on 028 315 1597. Thank you. – H HEATH
Support of Mayor appreciated I would like to thank Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie for the encouragement and support she has given the Cape Town Holocaust Centre in bringing the Anne Frank: A History for Today exhibition to Hermanus. Her speech at the opening of the exhibition was thoughtful, wise and insightful. We would also like to extend our thanks to Elize and the staff at the municipality for their support in the organisation and logistics of bringing the exhibition to Her-
manus. Thank you for arranging for lunchtime screenings of the documentary The Short Life of Anne Frank so that the councillors and general staff would not miss the opportunity to view this special film. This was a wonderful initiative. The people of the Overstrand are indeed fortunate to have a person of her calibre and integrity at the helm of their very special “ship”.
A cold, wet weekend is lying ahead for Hermanus with rain forecast for Saturday, with a minimum of 12 °C. It will be partly cloudy on Sunday. Even though the sun will make its appearance again on Monday, it will be very cold with a minimum of 9 °C and a maximum of only 15 °C.
Plea for pet food
Dankbaar vir omgee
The main objectives of The Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS), founded in 1969, are to prevent cruelty to animals and to promote animal welfare in the area. Most of our work is geared towards servicing the animals of the poor who are unable to afford to pay for their sick animals. Abandoned and maltreated animals also are cared for and hopefully rehomed. We have our own kennels and cattery which can house up to 40 dogs and puppies and the same number of cats and kittens. The society is entirely funded by donations, grants, requests, etc. received from the public. We have a welfare shop which sells goods donated by the public. No subsidies are received from government. There has been an enormous growth in population in recent years in especially the townships and informal settlements with a resultant growth in animals that need help. It is for this reason that we ask for donations of dog and cat food to enable us to help the dogs and cats in need.
Aan my Skepper van die heelal. My dank vir elke skone more en nuwe dag. Dankie aan dr. L.A.P.A Munnik asook Arnold van A. Steward apteek vir hul tegemoetkoming in my nood as ’n bejaarde. Dankie ook aan Pat van Sandbaai vir liefde en Sondag kuiers. Jill van Hermanus vir haar belangstelling. Pam van Hermanus vir haar verblyf verskaf sedert 2006. Henry en Tossie van Onrusrivier vir hul vriendskap. Terloops, ek lees die anderdag die grappie van twee ou vriende wat gesels nadat een, soos hul sê, die “kamera moes sluk” om uit te vind wat die oorsaak van sy pyn is. Ewe vriendelik sê die ander toe “nou sien jy, jy moet nooit met jou dokter stry nie want hy het inside information”.
Emmie de Villiers (de Kock) 30 Maart 1925 – 4 Julie 2014 “Hier is my storie oor wat ’n egte vriendskap aan iemand dame baie mis – haar vertroue in my, haar eerlikheid, kan beteken.” Deur Rita en Alam Margow, Kampsbaai haar besorgdheid oor haar familie, haar hoë lewenstanEmmie het vir die laaste 40 jaar permanent in Voëlklip daard, haar kontrole oor haar emosies, haar vasbytvermoë – is alles dinge wat ons bymekaar gehou gewoon. Emmie was my “ongewone“ waarhet, alhoewel dit so van my verskil het. My devolle vriendin vir 35 jaar. Dit is my storie boodskap is dat goeie vriende ’n seëning is. Iets oor wat ’n egte vriendskap aan iemand kan wat almal moet waardeer. Dit is tog die basis beteken. Wat is “ongewoon” hieraan, mag van elke verhouding – ’n waardering van verdie leser vra? Baie. skille. Daar was eintlik niks wat ons in gemeen In dié moeilike tye in ons pragtige land, dink gehad het nie. ek dat Emmie se familielede sterkte in mekaar Emmie was 16 jaar ouer as ek, sy was Afrise liefde vind. kaans, ek was Joods. Emmie was ’n praktieRus in vrede liewe vriendin en dankie vir wat se sakevrou. Ek is ’n onderwyseres. Emmie jy my geleer en beteken het. was eintlik teruggetrokke, baie gesteld op Ons hoop dat die De Kock/Margow- vriendhaar voorkoms. Ek is allesbehalwe teruggeskap sal voortduur. Ons het, met julle, die voortrokke en die uiterlike het nooit iets vir my reg gehad om baie jare van Emmie se liefde en beteken nie. Emmie de Villiers, lewe deel te wees. Ons gun haar, sonder pyn Ten spyte van ons verskille het ons ’n noue oudinwoner van en in vrede om nou te rus. Sy sal nooit vergeet vriendskap gebou. Ek dink dit was die enkele Voëlklip, is op word nie. Sy was ’n dame tot die laaste. gemeenskaplikhede wat ons twee se gom Dinsdag 4 Julie Ons laaste totsiens was twee weke gelede in was. Ons was altyd eerlik met mekaar, en ons oorlede. Seepunt met haar en Albert (de Villiers) se laashet altwee van die see gehou, sy op haar branderplank by Voëlklip se strand, met grimering op, om te vakansie. ) Dié huldeblyk is ingestuur deur Emmie se uitgebrei07:30 soggens. En ek met my uitgerekte baaikostuum. Op Dinsdag 8 Julie het ek Emmie se begrafnis byge- de familie wat graag ook vir Albert baie dankie wil sê woon – en dit my eerste Christelike begrafnis. Met my vir dit wat hy vir Ouma Emmie in die laaste ses wonderliswart baadjie en swart skoene het ek ’n eerbiedige begraf- ke jare beteken het. “Jy is ’n ware en opregte heer.” “Rus in vrede ‘Groot Ouma’ in die liefdevolle arms van nisdiens bygewoon. Daar het ’n atmosfeer van “dignity” geheers en toe ek haar familie sien toe hulle die kis uit Jesus Christus, onse Here.” Emmie was vrou, ma van vyf kinders Matthys, Charl, die kerk gedra het, het ek uitgebars van die huil. Hulle het hul ma, my Afrikaanse vriendin, na haar laas- Emmerentia, Pierre en André, ouma van nege kleinkinte rusplek gebring. Ek sal die hardwerkende, bekwame ders en “Ouma Groot” van 19 agter-kleinkinders.
Haelbuie nie uitgesluit Vandag sal lesers seker weer dieselfde ou weerstorie in weerhaan se gekraai hoor, skryf Boetman van Caledon in ’n e-pos, en hy is amper reg. Die naweek is weer voor die deur en dan is dit deesdae mos bewolkte weer in die Overstrand. En ja, die wolke skuif eers Sondag ná donker verby en Maandag (Bloumaandag ingesluit) skyn die son asof hy betaal word. Wasgoed kan weer op die draad kom. Wat Boetman nié verstaan nie is die koue suidewind wat deesdae warm weer indra wyl ysige koue weer uit die noordweste inkom. Dit hoort mos andersom, reken hy. Daar is twee redes, kan Weerhaan verduidelik. Onthou dat Sutherland in die winter die koudste plek in die Kaapland is en die noordwes kom soos die kraai vlieg netjies oor die gebied waar mense toesak om sterre te kyk omdat koue bolug ’n wolklose naghemel skep. Maar omdat daar nie wolke is nie kan die meeste grondhitte die ruimte in ontsnap en die koue val asof uit ’n oop yskasdeur weer terug aarde toe. Die bietjie warm vog vorm egter sy eie wolke en dryf via Ceres en Worcester reguit Hermanus toe. Dieselfde gebeur nie met die suidewind nie. Die see kry ook son en die bietjie hitte wat warmer is
as Sutherland se koue bring vir ons Sondag 3 °C warmer as Vrydag se weer kuswaarts. Vir ons vissermanne is dit nie ’n goeie wind nie want die warm water vou teen die kus onder druk van die suidewind onder die oppervlak in en maak die water te koud vir hengel. Die kanse is goed dat die reën tot Saterdagoggend aanhou. Maar garnale en ander fyn seediertjies raak skaars en dan is walvisse uiteraard nie bra spelerig nie. Omtrent 28 mm reën sal uitsak, wat nogal gewoon is vir dié tyd van die jaar. Wanneer twee uiterstes in die bolug mekaar aanvat kan hael uitsak. So ’n toestand is pas Dinsdag in die Baltiese lande gesien waar haelstene so groot soos spreekwoordelike hoendereiers in Rusland geval het. Dit terwyl mense een oomblik nog op die strande met sonsambrele rondgekuier het. As Boetman wonder waarom dit Vrydag (môre) om 14:00 14 °C is terwyl dit Sondag dieselfde tyd slegs 11 °C is terwyl die son skyn, is die antwoord dat vallende reën maar altyd die temperatuur effens opjaag.
Promosies Promotions
17 July, 2014
Visit the Village Square
HOUSE OF TOBACCO: Whether you need to stock up on your favourite brands or buy a cigar for that special occasion, visit House of Tobacco a new addition to the Village Square, with a range of products and gifts.
Village Square is centred in the heart of Hermanus, just above the Old Harbour, and is a hot spot for young and old, resident and tourist. One reason why so many gravitate towards Village Square is the openair waterfront piazza where out side tables and colourful umbrellas provide the ideal meeting place. In front of the piazza is the openair auditorium with its kiddies play park from where the whales can be viewed. Another reason is the doublevolume arcade that runs through Village Square. This light and airy space is host to an eclectic mix of about 50 shops ranging
OSKARS: Enjoy breakfast, lunch or coffee and cake, all made with the freshest ingre dients at Oskars. This eatery offers a very popular daily buffet lunch, except on Satur days when they have fresh bread, vegeta bles and other produce on sale. Their Sun day lunch too is popular. They also offer homemade meals such as curries, stews and pies and also cater for parties with snacks and cake.
HERMANUS SPORT & TACKLE: Situated on the second floor (behind Ocean Basket), they offer everything from sports apparel to diving and fishing gear. The shop specialises in getting the right equipment to the people at the right price. From left are LeeRoy Phi lander, Anica Crous and Johan du Preez (manager) at the shop.
from fashion boutiques to novelty, curio and gift shops. There are also jewellery stores, kiddies shops, a home decor shop, art galleries, a photo shop and cellular shops to a forex exchange as well as a new tobacconist and sport shop. Each shop has its own unique character and offers unique speciality items. The centre is open seven days a week and trading hours are from Monday to Saturday 09:00 to 17:00, and Sundays from 10:00 to 15:00. The restaurants open earlier for breakfast and stay open until later in the evening.
SFX: Sikhona Forex (SFX Exchange) is a pri vately owned business and operates as a boutique foreign exchange provider. They pride themselves on a high level of service and extremely competitive exchange rates. They have many repeat customers not only due to their competitive exchange rates, but also excellent service from a team of dedi cated professionals with many years of expe rience in the industry. Visit them on the cen tre’s ground floor.
OCEAN BASKET: This seafood restaurant in the Village Square offers their clients the finest fresh seafood, with sushi specials (from only R50) and scenic views. Their friendly staff is always ready to serve. In front are: Lesley Kambuma and George Magwiro. Stand ing at the back are: Aphiwe Mafilikana, Siyamthanda Mthalela, Charmaine Daboyi (manager), Phelisa Mroxisa and Behansa Sauls. FOTO FIRST HERMANUS: The shop is sit uated in the Village Square centre, with the entrance from Main Road. This is a onestop photo shop with a wide variety of services available. They currently have a promotion on canvass printing. Foto First Hermanus specialises in restoring old, damaged photo graphs and can convert any old slide photo graphs to a digital format or save your old video tapes by converting them to DVD.
Promosies Promotions
17 July, 2014
028 312 4988 COCOS: Another fine restaurant in the Vil lage Square is Cocos, which offers a variety of fine foods, cocktail specials and a view perfect for whale watching. The staff, or the Coconuts, are always on hand to deliver the finest service around.
TSONGA: For real hand stitched, hand made, hand crafted leather shoes and bags, visit Tsonga in the Village Square. The shop is off Market Street. Africa is everything they do.
SAFARI GIFTS AND DECOR: Safari Gifts & Decor in the Village Square offers a fan tastic range of Africanthemed collectables, skins and furs and leather goods. They spe cialise in exclusive leather furniture, hand bags, gifts and decor supplies. The shop is situated on the ground floor, at the back of Europa Coffee Shop.
LEMON BUTTA: With something for every one: prawns, paella, crab curry, pasta puta nesca and Turkish Delight ice cream, Lemon Butta offers scenic views with every meal. Visit them for whale watching over a glass of wine and a delicious meal.
BELLINI GALLERY: The Bellinni Gallery is host to a variety of fine art by local artists. Willem van Wyk and Klaus Dembeck have been living in Hermanus for the last 10 years and share their passion for art (and fine coffee) with their patrons. Be sure to vis it the gallery on the second floor of the Vil lage Square to see their latest exhibition.
SPECSAVERS: SpecSavers is part of the world renowned franchise. The store’s en trance is in Main Road. SpecSavers is com mitted to deliver the best service, while offer ing clients the lowest possible prices. Charles Gotz, the local optometrist, is always ready to serve his clients, while Adrian Chimphali ka, their technician, can fix any problem you have with your specs.
FUSION: True to the meaning of the word ‘fusion’, there is no specific style to their cui sine other than exceptional taste, quality and presentation. The ground level restaurant overlooks Walker Bay, known as the best land based whalewatching spot in the world. The restaurant offers exceptional qual ity, taste, presentation and service.
PARADISO: As an old fisherman’s cottage in the Village Square, Piazzo Paradiso offers an oldworld warmth and charm to visitors. They specialise in Mediterranean food and woodfired, thinbased pizzas and also offer seafood, pasta and delicious mussels.
EUROPA COFFEE SHOP: This delightful coffee shop offers everything from fine coffee to sandwiches and seafood and is open dai ly from 08:00 until 18:00. Europa Coffee Shop has a fantastic view of Walker Bay, whether it’s over a morning cup of java or an afternoon drink.
Shop 33, Upper level Village Square
Whale of a Tuesday at the Waterfront Piazza
Homemade seafood curry & glass of R85 house wine or juice or coffee
Fish and Chips served with a glass of wine or Juice @ R65 Add portion Calamari @ R30
Margharita Pizza with two toppings including a glass of wine R65
Sakegids Business Guide
17 July, 2014
Shop and Win festival to boost local shopping The wheels are being set in motion to run a monthly Hermanus shopping festival with the aim of encouraging more residents to shop locally. “Ultimately, the main purpose of this Shop and Win Hermanus ‘festival’ is to benefit the town – increased spending means a larger economy, improved infrastructure and a town that flourishes,” says Talal Salem from Goozi, who is spearheading the drive. “It is local businesses who support local schools, charities and the elderly. If local businesses are not supported, the shops will neither survive nor keep giving their support, or present a variety of merchandise at competitive prices.”
At recent meetings in May and June, attended by many shop owners in Hermanus, the concept and mechanics of Shop and Win were discussed and analysed. The ultimate goal is to get as many of these businesses to come on board by sponsoring a monthly shoppers’ premium prize of between R350 and R950. “So, whenever shoppers support these stores, they stand a chance of winning a monthly prize. Depending on the number of participants, the total amount could be quite substantial: if 20 shops participate, it would amount to up to R20 000’s worth of prizes or vouchers to be won every month,” said Salem. Frans van Rensburg from Hermanus Pharmacy who also represents Hermanus Business Chamber at the meetings, gave feedback about a survey that was conducted among a selection of businesses and showed that businesses cannot rely solely on tourist spending to keep the wheels turning. The survey revealed that not much spending is done by the crowds who come during the Whale Festival or over Easter weekend. “This is disconcerting, as those are times
when Hermanus sees an influx of tourists. It means that tourists are not spending their money in the town, or are only spending it at restaurants and with vendors.” The survey also shed light on local spending habits. The number-one item people drive over the mountain for is for household goods. The biggest factors influencing shoppers are also availability of stock, price and service. Other concerns raised at the June meeting included weekend and public holiday trading hours. Salem reiterated that many of the above issues could be addressed if businesses would stand together. Salem says launching Shop and Win Hermanus at at least 20 shops “would be a good start, although we hope it will grow and that more businesses will come aboard”. The retailer criteria for participation in Shop and Win Hermanus are: • Locally-owned and-managed businesses; • Specialist retailers of quality merchandise and/or premium brands that offer a guarantee and/or peace of mind to customers;
• People with credibility, with a passion for their businesses and respect for their clients and employees; • Adherence to the Consumer Protection Act, and recommended retail prices/fair pricing; • A contribution of R350/R650/R950 per month towards PR, marketing and advertising to help drive the campaign. At the beginning a contribution fee did not go down well with all those attending. The initial figure was R1 000 but this was eventually amended to the present scales. According to Johan van Zyl from Hermanus Toyota, businesses should as a rule budget 1% of turnover for marketing, adding that the main objective of advertising was to inform customers and accentuate brand names. Francine Koegelenberg from the Factory Shop gives the drive a big thumbs-up: “It’s a good concept, to reward customers. And more businesses standing together will mean more publicity. So many locals are not always aware of all that is on offer and this campaign can help address that.” ) To become a part of Shop and Win Hermanus, business owners should contact Talal Salem: Eunice Rademeyer: Tel:028 312 4979. Lee-Anne Kruger: Tel: 083 556 1723
Engineer and artist at My Design
Con men at it again
too. They offer a full range of signs, which includes a CNC router – a digital machine which can be programmed to cut out 3D designs on all sorts of materials from wood, to aluminium and dibond. Hilda and Jans say they are enjoying their new life in Hermanus and the business is an opportunity for them to do something different. They have taken over four experienced staff members from Richard Amos, the previous owner of the business.
Jans van Wyk, a mechanical engineer, and his artist wife Hilda have combined their talents and taken over My Design, a design and print company in Aberdeen Street. They have just moved from Vereniging with their two children, Rigardt (12) and Karla (9). According to Hilda, they are no strangers to the Overstrand as they have been visiting the area for the past 11 years because her parents live in Kleinmond. My Design specialises in large format, high quality digital graphics for various industries. They supply posters up to 1,3 m wide; framing as well as stretching of canvas for mounting; wallpaper, which includes supplying a variety of inhouse designs as well as personalised designs for clients which they install Hilda and Jans van Wyk.
A computer consultant from Hermanus says the technical support scam artists with Indian accents are targeting Hermanus once again. She says: “A client of ours was caught out this week and lost $149. We have had at least another two clients that have lost R3 500.” The consultant, who owns a local computer company, says: “These scam artists are very rude and frighten people into believing that they have viruses on their computers and that their Microsoft licence has expired.” The consultant raising the alarm, says: “I work for a client four days a week and have been answering her phone. This client gets a call once or twice a week from these people. My mom also gets a call once or twice a month.” She says they seem to target elderly people and bully and scare them into acting against their better judgment. “This con artist swore at my client and drove her to tears. I have warned my other elderly clients.”
They tell you that they can fix your computer problem, however, they need to remote control your computer. Once they gain access, they create havoc and you pay them to unlock your own computer. In December last year, the Hermanus Times reported on the same scam when two residents were nearly caught out by these con artists. Kyle Steenkamp from Maxitec Internet Services said there was a similar scam in Hermanus at the end of 2011. The scammers tell people there is a Windows security issue and prompt them to open their Windows Events Calendar. He said this is the warning signal, as it enables the scammer to log into your computer and create fake pop-up error messages. Victims are assured the problem can be fixed if they pay a certain amount of money in US Dollars. Lt Fadila September from Hermanus Police says if residents know there is nothing wrong with their computer and have not lodged a complaint, they should not take no notice of people calling to tell them otherwise.
Clothing Bank opens new branch in Kleinmond The Clothing Bank (TCB), a non-profit organisation aimed at upliftment and sharing of business skills with unemployed mothers, is opening a branch at the Mthimkhulu Village in Kleinmond. They are in the process of recruiting suitable candidates for their two -year business and life skills training programme and are holding an open day on Tuesday 22 July at 10:00 at 102 Main Road, Kleinmond. In essence the programme entails that major clothing retailers donating their excess stock to The Clothing Bank. The donated goods are then sold to the women in the programme for a fraction of the cost, which can be resold into their communities. The benefits are twofold, the women are able to earn an in-
come while they also learn business skills and how to run a small retail trading operation. According to Tracey Gilmore (Operations: The Clothing Bank) the women may spend a maximum of R3 500 a month with the Clothing Bank from which they earn an average profit of R4 500. “We limit the buying because we want to support as many women as our supply allows and we believe that R4 500 can take care of her family’s basic needs for the duration of the training.” The recruiting process to find suitable candidates is done in three stages. “Recruiting the right candidate is important and we like to recruit through referral partners (mainly other NGOs and government agencies) who have established relationships
with women and refer suitable candidates to us. “We ensure, through our three-stage recruitment process, that we recruit women who are self-motivated and are willing to put in the hard work needed on their journey towards financial and social independence. Beneficiaries need to be self-motivated, have an aptitude for business, unemployed, mothers with dependent children and South African citizens.” According to Gilmore, TCB has trained over 500 women in the past 4,5 years and these women have generated in excess of R1,6 million profit collectively. They currently have branches in Observatory, Midrand and Paarl. BBBEE scorecard The Clothing Bank has been
certified by Empowerdex as a 3rd Party Enterprise Development Service Provider, which means that they have verified that the work we do qualifies as Enterprise Development and that any donations (in the form of garments, services, grants, loans) can be claimed as Enterprise Development Points. Donations also qualify for bonus points as our entrepreneurs are classified as Exempt Micro Enterprises (Turnover of less than R5 M pa) and they are 100% black women owned businesses. This means that donors can claim the full rand value of contributions multiplied by a factor of 125%. ) For more detailed information about the Clothing Bank, their website is: or call 0 021 447 3334.
Sakegids Business Guide
17 July, 2014
Beduiwel die bul jou beleggingsplan? Beleggers voel toenemend ongemaklik oor die styging wat aandelemarkte die afgelope vyf jaar getoon het en wroeg oor of die beer binnekort gaan toeslaan en die bul gaan verwilder. Dit was Sir John Templeton, ’n bekende en baie suksesvolle waardebelegger van die 20ste eeu, wat gesê het: “Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on scepticism, mature on optimism and die on euphoria. The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy, and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell.” Het aandeelpryse reeds euforiese hoogtepunte bereik? Die JSE indeks van alle aandele (JSE ALSI) het die afgelope vyf jaar teen ’n saamgestelde jaarlikse koers van naastenby 21% gegroei oftewel 176% kumulatief. Soos Templeton uitwys, word korreksies dikwels voorafgegaan deur irrasionele euforie. Die jongste vertoning van die JSE is ’n skaflike, dog kwalik aardskuddende, lopie inaggenome die 33% p.j. styging in die JSE ALSI gedurende die vyf-jaar periode tot Mei 2008 (324% kumulatief) waarna die skuldkrisis in die VSA dit laat tuimel het. Beteken dit aandelebeurse gaan nog verder styg? Nie noodwendig nie. Maar ook nie noodwendig dat ’n yslike korreksie op hande is nie. Die volatiliteitsindeks, SAVI Top 40, is ’n drie-maande vooruitskatting van risiko (gemeet deur pryswisselvalligheid) in die Suid-Afrikaanse aandelebeurs (meer spesifiek die JSE Top 40 aandeleprysindeks) en dien as ’n barometer wat vrees en negatiewe sentiment onder beleggers in die plaaslike aandelebeurs weerspieël. Dit is soortgelyk aan die meer bekende Amerikaanse VIX wat ’n 30-dae vooruit-
skatting van die S&P 500 aandeleprysindeks se volatiliteit bied. Albei indekse toon ’n geringe styging in verwagte volatiliteit. Hulle vlakke is egter steeds baie laag vergeleke met wat dit net voor en tydens vorige krisistye was. Beleggers moet egter nie hierdeur té gerusgestel word nie. Marksentiment kan in ’n oogwink verander. Wanneer rentekoerse opwaarts aangepas word deur monetêre owerhede te midde van swak ekonomiese groei, kan dit ’n negatiewe uitwerking op aandelemarkte hê. Maatskappywinste wat reeds onder druk is a.g.v. gedempte verbruiksbesteding, swak hulpbronpryse en arbeidsontwrigting word laer gedwing deur hoër skuldkoste. ’n Gedeelte van die massas geld wat finansiële owerhede in ontwikkelde lande wêreldwyd skep om verdere finansiële krisisse te voorkom, vind ’n heenkome in lande waar opbrengskoerse aantrekliker is. Gevolglik is aandeelpryse in etlike ontluikende markte, insluitend SA, hoog opgejaag. Enige beduidenis dat sulke geldinspuitings afgeskaal kan word (soos in die geval van die VSA) kan aanleiding gee tot aansienlike uitvloeie uit Suid-Afrika en ander ontluikende lande. Sulke kapitaalvloeie is baie onbestendig en kan tot betekenisvolle markkorreksies lei. Nadat die internasionale beleggingstatus van Suid-Afrikaanse regeringskuld in Junie 2014 deur Standard & Poor’s afgegradeer is, is SA staatseffekte nou net een kerfie bo wat internasionaal as spekulatiewe of “gemors” effekte beskou word. Dié afgraderings dra ook daartoe by dat Suid-Afrika al minder aantreklik vir oorsese beleggers raak. Die moontlikheid van ’n regstelling teen heersende beursprysvlakke kan dus nie geignoreer word nie en die voortgesette be-
stendigheid van markte kan as broos beskou word. Om te knies oor wanneer ’n aansienlike korreksie sal plaasvind is onproduktief. Dis onvoorspelbaar. Wees voorbereid vir enige gebeurlikheid. Stof jou langtermynbeleggingsplan af en maak seker dat jou portefeulje se samestelling in lyn is daarmee. Een van die belangrikste funksies van jou beleggingsplan moet immers wees om toepaslike teikengewigte vir die vernaamste bateklasse soos aandele, eiendom, effekte en kontant daar te stel. Hierdie gewigte word deur jou langtermynbeleggingsdoelwitte en risikovoorkeure bepaal en nie deur beursvlakke nie. Soos Warren Buffett sê: “Predicting rain doesn’t count; building arks does.” ’n Beleggingsplan is as’t ware ’n ark wat jou kan beskerm teen die ontstuimigheid van die markte. Doelbewuste en deurdagte korttermyn- taktiese afwykings van ’n beleggingsplan is goed en wel, maar waak daarteen om deur die sentiment van die trop meegesleur te word. NOTA: Hiedie artikel behels nie uitdruklike advies nie. Dit is wys om altyd voor mens belê met jou beleggingsadviseur te skakel. Antoinette Naudé is ’n portefeuljebestuurder by PSG, Hermanus
FinMonitor Antoinette Naudé
Gansbaai is Sakekamer van die Jaar Dié eer is aan die Gansbaai Sakekamer toegeken by ’n gala-aand tydens die AHi Wes-Kaapse kongres, gehou by die Allée Bleue Wynlandgoed naby Franschhoek. Dié kamer is by dié konferensie aangewys as die Wes-Kaapse Sakekamer van die Jaar. Die Gansbaai Sakekamer is verteenwoordig deur Fanie Bothma, voorsitter, en bestuurslid Neels Claassen. Bothma sê die toekenning was onverwags en ’n groot verrassing. “Ons het met trots die mooi trofee in ontvangs geneem terwyl die vele konferensiegangers ons staande toegejuig het.” Sover hy weet is dit die eerste keer dat hierdie eer die Gansbaai Sakekamer te beurt val. Die gasspreker by die geleentheid was Alan Winde, minister van landbou, ekonomiese ontwikkeling en toerisme. “Hy het duidelik sy prioriteite uitgespel,” sê Bothma. Dit het ten doel dat die regering die klimaat moet skep vir besighede om te floreer. As besighede gemaklik kan sake doen, dan groei die ekonomie en word meer mense in diens geneem. Daarna het Christo van der Rheede, uitvoerende hoof van die AHi, ook ’n boodskap gebring oor die knelpunte in die ekonomie en die sake waarop die AHi fokus. Hy het sterk beklemtoon dat plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling die prioriteit by alle munisipaliteite behoort te wees. AHi-voorsitter, Piet Badenhorst, het daarna verskeie sakekamers bekendgestel met ’n beskrywing van wat hulle bereik het. Bothma vertel: “Daarna is nog ’n sakekamer se aktiwiteite aan die gehoor voorgehou – sonder om hulle naam te noem. Heelwat gewag is gemaak van wat alles bereik is deur hierdie plattelandse sakekamer. Badenhorst het melding gemaak van volgehoue harde werk en hoe daar met baie deursettingsvermoë verskeie projekte die afgelope jaar afgehandel is. Hy het ook verwys na die aansteeklike positiwiteit wat by dié sakekamer heers en dat hy die sakekamer aanmoedig om daarop voort te bou.” “En toe word Gansbaai Sakekamer opgeroep na die podium!”
Bestuurslede van Gans baai sakekamer is, ag ter: Neels Claassen, Ben Gericke (tesourier), Jori ne van der Merwe en DJ Heyns. Voor is Glen da Kitley (sekretaresse), Fanie Bothma (voorsitter) en René Beukes (onder voorsiter). In ’n latere boodskap wat Bothma van Jannie Kruger, Streeksbemarker van die AHi ontvang het, het Kruger beaam dat die Gansbaai Sakekamer sedert sy affiliasie by die AHi groot hoogtes bereik het. Die AHi is in die afgelope tyd intens betrokke by die aanbieding van entrepreneurskursusse vir voornemende entrepreneurs en ook vir die skoolgaande jeug in Gansbaai. Mentors is ook onlangs deur die Gansbaai Sakekamer benoem om saam met die AHi advies en steun te verleen aan die entrepreneurs wat die kursus voltooi het. Bothma sê gedurende ’n besoek deur Christo van der Rheede aan Gansbaai, waar hy met die bestuur van die kamer en sakelui in die dorp gepraat het, het hy onder meer gesê dat sakekamers ’n kritieke rol het om sakelui te mobiliseer en saam met hul munisipaliteit betrokke te wees by die ekonomiese welvaart van hul dorp, sê Bothma. Van der Rheede het genoem ’n sakekamer wat in voeling is met die ekonomiese polsslag waarin hy funksioneer, is ’n aanwins en trek lede. Volgens Bothma staan die ledetal van die Gansbaai Sakekamer, wat in 1999 gestig is, tans op 78, teenoor die 46 van verlede jaar, Bothma is tans in sy 10de jaar as voorsitter. Vir verdere inligting oor die sakekamer, of om aan te sluit epos: info@gansbaaibusiness
Piet Badenhorst (AHivoorsitter in die WesKaap) en Leonie van der Merwe (kantoorhoof) het die skild oorhandig aan Fanie Bothma (voorsitter: Gansbaai Sake kamer) met die aankondiging dat Gans baai Sakekamer aangewys is as Sakeka mer van die Jaar. ) Die president van die AHi, Ben Deysel, kom saam met Christo van der Rheede, uitvoerende hoof van die AHi, op ’n wel willendheidsbesoek na Gansbaai op 4 September om hul verdere betrokkenheid by die sakekamer te bevestig. Ben Deysel sal as geleentheidspreker by ’n sakedinee optree.
Have you ever dreamed of becoming a journalist? Why not kickstart your writing ca reer by becoming a citizen journalist for the Hermanus Times? Visit our web page and register. Click on Citizen Jour nalist to submit your story and photos. We want to hear your news!
Algemeen General
17 July, 2014
Give your 67 minutes on Madiba Day and win There are numerous ways you can contribute 67 minutes of your time to make a difference in your community on Mandela Day on Friday 18 July. Here are a few examples of what people are doing; where you can join in; and how you can win one of two bookhampers. . The sisters at the Gansbaai Clinic will be keeping the doors of the clinic open for an extra two hours on Friday without expecting to be paid overtime. . Members of the Hawston Health and Welfare Organisation will clean the garden at Sonstraaltjie Creche in Hawston. (Call Julie Johnson on 028 315 2527 if you want to get involved.) . Sister Marlene Samuels from Overstrand District Health, will distribute fruit and chocolates to patients at the Overstrand Care Centre. . The municipality will be unveiling of a special mosaic in front of their offices in Magnolia Street at 10:00. You can join: . the South African Shark Conservancy (SASC) team for a coastal clean up. Pick up 67 pieces of trash or donate 67 minutes to clean our coastal community. The SASC team will be cleaning the cliff path between 09:00
Nelson Mandela may no longer be with us, but his legacy lives on with initiatives like 67 Minutes for Madiba where everyone can do something worthwhile for the good of all.
and 15:00. Call 028 312 3029 or email info@sharkconservancy to find out how you can get involved. All debris will be collected and recorded as part of a SASC project quantifying impact of marine debris in Walker Bay. . Hermanus Staan Saam, a NGO helping people in need, will be at Mustangs Restaurant and Pub at the Gateway Centre on Friday at 14:00 where you can assist them with handing out
flyers, giving hugs and helping to carry groceries. Theresa le Roux and Edian Barnard will be singing at the pub. . Join Ward 3 councillor, Kari Brice, members of the Cliff Path Management Group and volunteers in clearing alien vegetation and rubbish from the cliff path along the 1 km stretch between Gearings Point and Fick’s Pool, which they hope to develop as a biodiversity park. Meet at the Gearing’s Point parking area (Windsor Hotel side) at 11:00 on Friday 18 July. Refuse bags will be provided, but bring along garden gloves and spades. . Assist Ward 4 committee members in their cleaning up project in Mount Pleasant. ) Win with Madiba Day: In whichever way you give your 67 minutes on Friday 18 July, we at the Hermanus Times would love to hear from you. Send a photo of you, your company or your team’s efforts to with a short explanation of who you are and how you spent your 67 minutes. In the subject-line write: Win with Madiba Day. You could win one of two book hampers which you can enjoy yourself or donate to a school or organisation of your choice. Send your photos no later than Monday 21 July at 12:00.
André Barkley, as Hans, Celeste SlabberCoriston as Kiets die Kat, en Marhette van Huyssteen is vandeesweek te sien in Die Gestewelde Kat by die Sprokkelsterteater.
Kom kyk na die Kat! ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Wat gebeur as jy drie mense met dieselfde passie bymekaargooi? Van die beste kinderteater wat die Overstrand kan bied. Marhette van Huyssteen van Vere Toneel, Celeste Slabber-Coriston van Loud Lemon en André Barkley van Cookie Factory Film Production is vandeesweek te sien in Die Gestewelde Kat, ’n plaaslike produksie met dié drie plaaslike akteurs op Sprokkelster-teater se verhoog. Marhette het op Tukkies studeer, waarna sy vir ’n ruk lank televisie-rolle vertolk het. Ná sy getroud is, het sy na Vanderbijlpark getrek waar sy Engels en drama by verskillende skole aangebied het. Sy het ook ’n tyd lank vir die tydskrif Finesse gewerk, voor sy na Hermanus verhuis het. “Hier het ek vir Louise van Zyl van Sprokkelster en vir Celeste ontmoet en ook Vere Toneel begin. Ek bied tans drama-klasse onder dié vaandel by Laerskool Hermanus aan.” Sy is verder ook by verskeie plaaslike teaterproduksies betrokke. Celeste het self ook sowat ’n jaar-en-’n-half gelede na Hermanus getrek, nadat sy sowat 15 jaar lank skoolgegee het. “Ek was ’n onderwyser in die
Paarl en het toe na Riviersonderend getrek. Hier ek saam met CapeNature begin om opvoedkundige kinderteater aan te bied. Ons het gefokus op herwinning en natuurbewaring.” Tydens haar twee jaar in Riviersonderend het sy ook haar eerste een-vrou-stuk, Gif, geskryf sowel as ’n jeugroman. “Kinderteater is absoluut ’n passie vir my en dit was wonderlik om met Louise en Marhette te skakel, wat albei dieselfde passie het.” Die drie het saam hul eerste produksie, Die Keiserin se nuwe Klere, met Louise in die titelrol, by Sprokkelster aangebied. Hulle het onlangs met André kennis gemaak. André het drama aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch studeer en werk tans as ’n videograaf onder die vaandel van sy maatskappy, Cookie Factory Film Production. Die nuwe produksie is slegs een van die projekte waaraan hulle werk. Kaartjies vir Die Gestewelde Kat, Donderdag- en Vrydagoggend om 11:30 by Sprokkelster-teater, kos R50. Blokbesprekings vir skole is beskikbaar. Vir meer inligting en besprekings bel: 082 786 3966 of 083 708 4917.
Algemeen General
17 July, 2014
from 09:00 – 16:00 on the R43 at the Shell Service Station between Hermanus and Bot Riv er. ) Lunch with Emmaleen Kriel at the Stanford Table with guest chef Marcelle du Preez. Mains and dessert R145; full meal R175. To book 2 or call: 0 028 341 0340.
FRIDAY 18 JULY ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:15 – 09:30 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Tea and coffee at the Hermanus Library’s Bhuki Cafe from 09:00 – 11:30. ) Kunsklasse by die De Wetsaal van 09:00 – 12:00. Kontak Estelle Valkenburg: 0 028 316 3522. ) Kolwyntjieteetuin by die Onrus NG kerk van 09:30 – 11:30. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 12:00 – 16:30. Anneke van der Vlug: 0 082 923 9799. ) The Hermanus Botanical Society will hold its annual soup and sherry evening at 19:00 in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve Hall. Presentation by Giorgio Lombardi on Pollination of Erica lanugi nosa. Contact Di: 0 082 462 3624. ) Spoelklippe van Onrusrivier NG kerk bied aan: praatjie deur dr. Vic HamiltonAttwel oor Fynbos. Geniet sop en brood om 17:30 en die praatjie om 18:00. Slegs donasie. ) A talk by James Gray called: A Snowball’s Hope in Hell, at the Stanford Table with guest chefs Nini and William Stephens. R125 pp. To book: 2 or call: 0 028 341 0340. SATURDAY 19 JULY ) Hermanus Country Market, 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kosenwynmark van 09:00 – 13:00. ) Market in the Garden at HemelenAarde Village from 09:00 – 14:00. ) Single people – are you recently divorced, a widow or widower? Come and meet people who are in the same situation and receive emotional support, and maybe a very special person through the group. Call: 0 076 115 7382. ) Kogelberg branch of the Botanical Society of SA AGM at 17:30 at the Nivenia Hall, with a talk on Madagascar. Call Merrliee Berrisford: 0 028 272 9314. SUNDAY 20 JULY ) The Salandra Country Market every Sunday
MONDAY 21 JULY ) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus: Maan 08:00 – 09:30; Woens 15:00 – 17:00 en Don 08:00 – 09:30. Bel Alida Liebenberg: 0 028316 3994 / 082 783 5160. ) The Overberg Quilters’ Guild will meet at 09:30 at the De Wet Hall. Guest speaker is Re nee de Beyer, president of Good Hope Quilters’ Guild. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 / 072 230 9179. ) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal. Maandae en Woensdae van 17:30 – 18:30. Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. ) Linedancing at the De Wet Hall from 17:30 – 18:30. Call Maryanne: 0 073 469 9132 / 028 316 2625. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir will be practis ing in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) The Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s astropho tography evening is at Deon Krige’s house at 19:00 and the topic is: Processing of Veil nebu la. Contact: 2 TUESDAY 22 JULY ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, Northcliff. André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) Friends of Hermanus Library committee meeting at 10:00. Whale of A Raffle at the library starts 12:00. ) Hermanus Leeskring se maandelikse byeen koms vind plaas om 14:45 by Fynbospark. Ani ta Sutherland bespreek The Elegance of the Hedgehog deur Muriel Barbery. Almal is wel kom. Kontak Maryna Peens: 0 028 316 4283. WEDNESDAY 23 JULY ) Trimgimklasse by die Onrusrivierdienssen trum van 10:00 – 11:00. R30 per lid, R45 vir nielede. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbe laarsaal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom el ke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oosthuysen: 0 072 322 0998. ) Christmas in July dinner at the Stanford Table with guest chef Sanity Farm and Blues perform er Steve Walsh. R220 pp. To book: 2 or call: 0 028 341 0340. THURSDAY 24 JULY ) Dienssentrum van Onrusrivier NG kerk, om 10:00, fliek van Andre Rieu – Roses from the South. Slegs donasie. Almal welkom.
Muller en ds Cornè Kemp, en nog meer. Skets van Rooikappie en Wolf met ds Cornè Kemp as Wolf. Kaartjies R50. Kontak Mariet Basson: 0 078 329 7888. ) The Hermanus Wine and Food Festival will take place in the Hermanus Wine Village from 8 to 10 August. Tickets cost R120 per day. Buy at the door or Computicket.
) Die Dienssentrum van Onrusgemeente bied die fliek Fiela se kind om 10:00 aan in die konsistorie op Donderdag 31 Julie. Slegs donasie. Almal is welkom. ) Verskeidenheidskonsert, Saterdag 2 Augus tus by die Grobbelaarsaal. Musiek, kulkunstenaar, doedelsak, sanggroep met pastore Christo van Niekerk, Herman Breed, Jannie
THURSDAY 17 JULY ) Die borduurgroep kom byeen by die De Wet saal van 09:00 – 13:00. Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday at Hermanus Golf Club at 12:15. Lyle: 0 028 314 1390 / 073 778 2777. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall. Henriëtte Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. All welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. ) Cathrine Nyquist and Lizeane Cornwall will talk on Prosperity for Predators at the Stanford Table from 18:30. Guest chef is Martin Sauer. To book: 2 or call: 0 028 341 0340.
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Discount Wednesday Only Must be 60 years or older Excluding: • Building material
(eg. Bricks, cement) • Store services (Deliveries, estimation, cutting, edging, estimations & all
installation services) • All promotions, markdown & clearance items • Special orders & buy in products • Store management reserves the right to exclude certain articles from the pensioners discount
The Department of Economic Development & Tourism in partnership with Overstrand Municipality invites you to a Supplier Registration Day where you will
Cash customers only, not valid for accounts * To qualify bring in your ID document
be able to: Register on the Western Cape Supplier Database or update your status Apply for a Tax Clearance certificate or register as a first time tax payer Apply for a BEE Verification Certificate Register or update your status on the municipal database and many more
WHEN: 24 JULY 2014 WHERE:MUNICIPAL BANQUETING HALL, HERMANUS TIME: 09:00 – 14:30 For more information contact Jolanda Hendricks or Motebang Koloko at 028 313 8928 / 5010 or email us at
Builders Express Hermanus: 2 Mussel Road Tel: 042 293 4123
Algemeen General
17 July, 2014
TENDER NO. SC 1497/2014
TENDER NR. SC 1497/2014
Tenders are hereby invited for: Provision of Cleaning Services, Kleinmond, for a contract period ending 30 June 2017. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 18 July 2014, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling, upon payment of a tender participation fee of R143.00 per set. Alternatively the documents can be downloaded free of charge from the website: Sealed tenders, with “Tender No. SC 1497/2014: Provision of Cleaning Services, Kleinmond, for a contract period ending 30 June 2017.” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 2 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation provided by the Municipality. The closing date and time of the tender is on 08 August 2014 at 12h00 and will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the SCM Committee Room, HermanusAdministration. A compulsory information session will be held at 10h00 on 28 July 2014 at the Offices of th Overstrand Municipality, 5 Avenue, Kleinmond. Tenders must be valid for 60 days after the closing date. Tenders shall be evaluated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and bidders may claim preference points in terms of their B-BBEE status level of contribution. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender, as it may deem expedient. Tenders are subject to the Standard Conditions of Tender and the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Overstrand Municipality. Please refer enquiries to Mr. D. van Rhodie at telephone number: 028 271 8431.
Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir: Voorsiening van Skoonmaakdienste, Kleinmond, vir ñ kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2017. Tenderdokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag 18 Julie 2014, by die kantore van die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 vanaf Me. Rita Neethling, by betaling van 'n tenderdeelnamefooi van R143.00 per stel. Alternatiewelik mag die dokumente gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad: Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk “Tender Nr. SC1497/2014: Vo o r s i e n i n g v a n Skoonmaakdienste, Kleinmond, vir ñ kontrak periode eindigend 30 Junie 2017.” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tender Bus Nr. 2 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die tenderdokumentasie deur die Munisipaliteit verskaf. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die tender is 08 Augustus 2014 om 12h00 en tenders sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. 'n Verpligte inligtingsessie sal gehou word om 10h00 op 28 Julie 2014 by die Kantore van Overstrand Munisipaliteit, 5de laan Kleinmond. Tenders moet geldig wees vir 60 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Tenders sal evalueer word in terme van die Voorkeurverkrygings Regulasies, 2011 en tenderaars mag voorkeurpunte eis in terme van hul BBSEB status vlak van bydrae. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die laagste of enige tender wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie. Tenders is onderhewig aan die Standaard Tendervoorwaardes en die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuursbeleid van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Navrae kan aan Mnr. D. van Rhodie by telefoonnommer 028 271 8431 gerig word.
Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso: Ukunikeza Ngeenkonzo Zokucoca Izitalato, eKleinmond, kangange Xesha eliphela nge 30 Juni 2017. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoLwesihlanu, 18 Julayi 2014, kwi-ofisi yecandelo yoLawulo loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand, eMagnolia Avenue, eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling, Usakuhlawula Umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba ongama R143.00 nge seti. Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: Isiniki-xabiso Esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1497/2014 “Ukunikeza Ngeenkonzo Zokucoca Izitalato, eKleinmond, kangange Xesha eliphela nge 30 Juni 2017”ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no.2 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala wase-Overstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 08 Agasti 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Umjikelo onyanzelekileyo wokubonisana uyakubanjelwa kwi ofisi zika Masipala wase Overstrand, 5th Avenue, eKleinmond ngomhla we 28 ku Julayi 2014 ngentsimbi yeShumi 10h00. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamashumi anethoba 60 emva komhla wokuvala. Ithenda zizakuhluzwa ngokomgangatho womiselo oKhethekileyo wokuFumana ka-2011 kwaye abanini bethenda banga funa amanqaku okhetheko ngokomgangatho abanawo kwi B-BBEE. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphantsi okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kaMasipala we-Overstrand. Nceda nxibelelana no Mnumzana u D. van Rhodie kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 271 8431 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo.
TENDER NO. SC 1498/2014
TENDER NR. SC 1498/2014
Tenders are hereby invited for: Provision of Cleaning Services: Informal Settlements, Gansbaai and Stanford, for a contract period ending 30 June 2017. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 18 July 2014, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling, upon payment of a tender participation fee of R143.00 per set. Alternatively the documents can be downloaded free of charge from the website: Sealed tenders, with “Tender No. SC 1498/2014: Provision of Cleaning Services: Informal Settlements, Gansbaai and Stanford, for a contract period ending 30 June 2017.” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 2 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation provided by the Municipality. The closing date and time of the tender is on 08 August 2014 at 12h00 and will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the SCM Committee Room, HermanusAdministration. A compulsory information session will be held at 10h00 on 25 July 2014 at the Offices of Overstrand Municipality, Gansbaai. Tenders must be valid for 60 days after the closing date. Tenders shall be evaluated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and bidders may claim preference points in terms of their B-BBEE status level of contribution. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender, as it may deem expedient. Tenders are subject to the Standard Conditions of Tender and the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Overstrand Municipality. Please refer enquiries to Mr. F. Myburgh at telephone number: 028 384 8365.
Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir: Voorsiening van Skoonmaakdienste: Informele Nedersettings, Gansbaai en Stanford, vir ñ kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2017. Tenderdokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag 18 Julie 2014, by die kantore van die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 vanaf Me. Rita Neethling, by betaling van 'n tenderdeelnamefooi van R143.00 per stel. Alternatiewelik mag die dokumente gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad: Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk “Tender Nr. SC1498/2014: Vo o r s i e n i n g v a n Skoonmaakdienste: Informele Nedersettings, Gansbaai en Stanford, vir ñ kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2017.” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tender Bus Nr. 2 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die tenderdokumentasie deur die Munisipaliteit verskaf. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die tender is 08 Augustus 2014 om 12h00 en tenders sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, Hermanus Administrasie. 'n Verpligte inligtingsessie sal gehou word om 10h00 op 25 Julie 2014 by die Kantore van Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Gansbaai. Tenders moet geldig wees vir 60 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Tenders sal evalueer word in terme van die Voorkeurverkrygings Regulasies, 2011 en tenderaars mag voorkeurpunte eis in terme van hul BBSEB status vlak van bydrae. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die laagste of enige tender wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie. Tenders is onderhewig aan die Standaard Tendervoorwaardes en die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuursbeleid van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Navrae kan aan Mnr. F. Myburgh by telefoonnommer 028 384 8365 gerig word.
Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso: Ukunikeza Ngeenkonzo Zokucoca Izitalato: kwi Informal Settlements, eGansbaai nase Stanford, kanga nge xesha eliphela nge 30 Juni 2017. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoLwesihlanu, 18 Julayi 2014, kwi-ofisi yecandelo yoLawulo loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand, eMagnolia Avenue, eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling, Usakuhlawula Umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba ongama R143.00 nge seti. Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: Isiniki-xabiso Esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1498/2014 “Ukunikeza Ngeenkonzo Zokucoca Izitalato: kwi Informal Settlements, eGansbaai nase Stanford, kanga nge xesha eliphela nge 30 Juni 2017.” ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no.2 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala waseOverstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 08 Agasti 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Umjikelo onyanzelekileyo wokubonisana uyakubanjelwa kwi ofisi zika Masipala wase Overstrand, Gansbaai ngomhla we 25 ku Julayi 2014 ngentsimbi yeShumi 10h00. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamashumi anethoba 60 emva komhla wokuvala. Ithenda zizakuhluzwa ngokomgangatho womiselo oKhethekileyo wokuFumana ka-2011 kwaye abanini bethenda banga funa amanqaku okhetheko ngokomgangatho abanawo kwi B-BBEE. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphantsi okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kaMasipala we-Overstrand. Nceda nxibelelana no Mnumzana u F. Myburgh kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 384 8365 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo.
Win tickets to the Winelands bridal fair The fourth Winelands Bridal Fair is set to take place at Spier Wine Farm on 2 and 3 August and will once again offer those who are planning their wedding (or even a special event or birthday party) access to everything they need for that special day, all under one roof. The fair brings together service providers and products from across the Cape so you can touch base with the various experts ranging from designers and caterers to jewellers and venue or honeymoon hosts. Even those who are only in need of a special garment or unique piece of jewellery for an event such as a formal function, engagement or wedding, will benefit from a visit to the Winelands Bridal Fair. To add to the ambiance there will be a variety of attractions such as live chamber music during the day, fashion shows at 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00 and an area where husband-to-be will be able to relax with a glass of wine or beer. Show hours: Saturday 2 August: 09:00 to 17:00; Sunday 3 August: 09:00 to 17:00 Entry is R80 a person, which includes viewing of the fashion shows, live music, lucky draws after each fashion show, Win-4-YourWedding packages and over a 100 exhibitors to visit. Tickets can be purchased at the entrance to the expo. For more information, contact the organisers on 021 910 2779 / 084 596 1753 or go to or visit the facebook page, winelands bridal fair. ) Win free tickets Twenty brides-to-be stand a chance to win free tickets to the show. All you need to do is call Donato Events at 021 910 2779 on Friday 18 July between 12:00 – 12:15 and answer the question “What is the name of the bridal expo at Spier Wine Farm?”
Nature matters Did you know: The Cape dwarf chameleon, Bradypo dion pumilum, is aptly named verkleurmannetjie in Afrikaans. It is only found in the extreme Western Cape, including the Overstrand. Bradypodion means slowfooted, and this curious creature has a sway ing gait that helps it to blend with its background, appearing like a leaf in the breeze. This chameleon can also change its colour at will, making it a master of camouflage – which helps it to catch prey and also tricks its predators. Although these little ‘dragons’ are not considered endangered, they are now very rarely seen in our gardens as they fall prey to domestic cats and in secticides wipe out their favourite insect lunch.
Dwarf chameleons can be found in gardens in the Overstrand.
Ford unveils poised new Focus ST QUICKPIC
The most advanced Focus ST yet offers new chassis control technologies, tuned suspension, steering and a bespoke tyre specification that ensure a more poised, responsive and refined driving experience. The 184 kW 2,0-litre EcoBoost delivers 0-100 km/h in 6,5 seconds, fuel efficiency of 6,8 F/100 km and 158 g/ km CO2. For the first time AutoStart-Stop is offered in an ST, improving fuel efficiency by six percent and making it the most fuel-efficient petrol Focus ST ever. Ford’s 2,0-litre EcoBoost engine uses turbocharging, twin-independent variable cam timing technology, and high-pressure direct fuel-injection to deliver uncompromising performance. Peak power is available at 5 500 r/min; 360 Nm of torque is available from 2 000–4 500 r/min and maximum speed is 248 km/h. The six-speed manual transmission offers a performance-oriented, short-throw shift. The gear ratios – exclusive to ST – deliver rapid acceleration in lower gears and comfortable cruising at speed. “The new Focus ST delivers an even more sophisticated balance of performance, driving dynamics, refinement and style – the core of Ford’s Sports Technologies DNA,” said Joe Bakaj, vice-president, Product Development, Ford of Europe. The Focus ST also will benefit from technology and craftsmanship first revealed earlier this year for the new Ford Focus – the world’s best-selling global nameplate.** The sporty and aggressive new five-door model will offer class-leading driver assistance technologies and connectivity features including the SYNC 2 in-car connectivity system. Ford has sold more than 140 000 Focus ST models in 40 countries worldwide since the car was first
steering wheel with a soft-feel launched in 2002. leather covered rim; a satin Ford Team RS, the awardchrome-topped gear lever and winning European arm of ST pedals create the interior Ford’s Global Performance that ST drivers expect. Vehicle group, made improvSatin chrome door grab haning the entire driving experidles and illuminated aluminience the number one objecum scuff plates add extra tive for the new Focus ST. touches of refinement, and The sports suspension feasports seats developed jointly tures all-new front springs by Ford and Recaro provide the and sportier new shock absupport required to enjoy the sorber tuning, front and rear. full ST driving experience, In combination with the modwhile also being comfortable el-specific anti-roll bars and enough for every day driving. rear springs from the previAdvanced technologies: ous generation ST, these • Driver assistance, conventweaks deliver even sharper ience and connectivity techdynamic performance. nologies that will be introCalibration of the Electronduced for the first time include ic Power-Assisted Steering the Ford SYNC 2 connectivity and electronic vehicle control system. SYNC 2 offers access to systems also has been revised The sixspeed manual transmission sports a performanceoriented, shortthrow shift. audio, climate control and moto meet the specific sporting The gear ratios – exclusive to ST – deliver rapid acceleration in lower gears and bile phones using class-leading needs of the new Focus ST. comfortable cruising at speed. PHOTO: QUICKPIC voice control and a high-definiThese changes deliver: • A new Electronic Transitional than lives up to that pedigree,” level,” said Martin Smith, executive tion, eight-inch colour touchscreen that displays the ST logo on start-up. Stability function in the advanced Bakaj added. “The engineering en- design director, Ford of Europe. “The signature honeycomb upper • Adaptive Front Lighting, availathree-stage Electronic Stability Pro- hancements to the suspension, gramme. This senses vehicle stabili- steering and electronic control sys- grille has been reproportioned, ble for the first time on the Focus ty and driver inputs, intervening as tems deliver greater responsive- there are new rectangular fog lamps ST, adjusts the intensity and angle required to maintain optimal preci- ness, agility, precision and an exhil- in the outer apertures, and the lower of the Bi-Xenon HID headlamp fascia offers a much sharper defini- beams according to vehicle speed, sion and control during rapid arating driving experience.” The new Focus ST features sporti- tion and profile. At the rear, the steering angle and distance to obchanges of direction at speed – for example in a lane-change situation er and more aggressive styling than width of the car is emphasised by jects to provide optimal illumination. • Revised Electronic Torque Vec- the previous generation, with a low- a new full-width graphic.” A new dark grey exterior paint • Cross Traffic Alert also is a new toring Control settings that further er, wider stance; new dynamically optimise wheel torque distribution, sculpted bonnet; slimmer head- colour called Stealth is introduced addition for Focus ST, and warns exclusively to the Focus ST. Deep drivers reversing from parking maximising traction through cor- lamps and rectangular fog-lamps. The sports body kit also includes Impact Blue also is new to the range spaces if other vehicles are about to ners and increasing agility Power delivery refinement under body coloured side skirts and diffus- that includes Tangerine Scream, cross their path. • Ford’s enhanced Active City hard acceleration – particularly er elements on either side of the ex- Frozen White, Panther Black and Stop collision avoidance system – front-wheel traction and gear shift haust, and a rear roof-spoiler opti- Race Red. Ford has redesigned the Focus in- now operative at speeds of up to 50 quality – is also assisted by engine mised for aerodynamic performmounts engineered specifically to ance. All new Focus ST models terior for a more intuitive layout km/h – readies the brakes if a potenaccommodate the performance of feature twin-hexagonal centre tail- that also is simpler, with a clearer tial impact is detected and – if the visual connection between the key driver does not respond – will autothe new Focus ST. Ford has also pipes. Black lamp bezels, ST badging components and significantly fewer matically apply the brakes. worked with Michelin to develop a • Lane-Keeping Aid applies steernew 19-inch tyre that complements and new 19-inch ST Design alloy buttons in the cabin. An additional bank of three gaug- ing torque to guide the Focus ST driving dynamics, especially max- wheels – available as an option – es – an ST hallmark – is situated on back in to lane if drifting is detected. complete the look. imising lateral grip. The new Focus ST will be “Focus ST has proved very popu- the instrument binnacle and dis“Ford has long enjoyed a reputation for producing performance lar with Ford’s sporty customers plays turbocharger boost pressure, launched in South Africa next year. hatchbacks with superb driving dy- and the new model takes that to an oil temperature and oil pressure in- Prices will be announced closer to namics and the new Focus ST more even more striking and dramatic formation. A new, flat-base sports the time.
BOLAND Auto Sold
17 July, 2014
The FType R Coupé represents the pinnacle of Jaguar’s R Per formance range – its power, per formance and im mediacy of re sponse will re ward the most enthusiastic driv ers. Most impor tantly the chassis has been engi neered to provide exploitable han dling that inspires confidence. PHOTO: MOTORPRESS
Jaguar FType Coupé leaps into SA showrooms MOTORPRESS The all-aluminium F-Type Coupé – the most dynamically capable, performancefocused sports car that Jaguar has ever produced – is now in South African Jaguar showrooms, with three versions on offer: F-Type R, F-Type S and the F-Type. “The introduction of the Jaguar F-Type Coupé completes the process started here just under a year ago when we launched the FType Convertible, and with both open and closed versions of this dynamic two-seater now on offer, we are poised to dominate the sports car market in South Africa,” said Kevin Flynn, managing director of Jaguar Land Rover South Africa and sub-Sahara Africa. “The convertible is already the best-selling open sports car in the country, and we expect the Coupé to have broader appeal and will outsell convertible by about two to one. It is more hard-core than its open-top sibling, while the V8R flagship represents the zenith of our philosophy of making innovative, seductive performance cars. ” The range-topping F-Type R Coupé is powered by Jaguar’s 5.0 F supercharged V8 engine in 405 kW/680 Nm tune, delivering acceleration to 100 km/h in 4,2 seconds, and a top speed of 300 km/h (electronically limited). The F-Type S Coupé and F-Type Coupé are powered by Jaguar’s 3.0F V6 supercharged petrol engines in 280 kW/460 Nm and 250 kW/450 Nm forms respectively, giving 0100 km/h in 4,9/5,3 seconds and top speeds of 280/260 km/h. The F-Type Coupé embodies the uncompromised design vision of the stunning Jaguar C-X16 concept sports coupé that debuted at the 2011 Frankfurt Motor Show, its dramatic cabin-rearward stance being defined by three heartlines. The first two heartlines – shared with F-Type Convertible – form the muscular front and rear wings, the third heartline being the sweeping Coupé roof profile which provides an unbroken silhouette while emphasising the visual drama of the tapered cabin sitting between powerful rear haunches.
Jaguar’s expertise in aluminium technology has enabled the design vision for the FType Coupé to be delivered in a lightweight yet extremely strong bodyshell. Torsional rigidity for all F-Type Coupé variants is 33 000 Nm/degree – greater than in any previous production Jaguar – this rigidity providing the basis for excellent dynamic attributes. The F-Type Coupé’s body side is made from a single piece aluminium pressing, probably the most extreme cold-formed aluminium body side in the automotive industry, eliminating the requirement for multiple panels and cosmetic joints. A deployable rear spoiler sits within the tapered shut-line of the F-Type Coupé, while slim, wrap-around LED lamps flank a beautifully engineered tailgate, with optional powered open/close functionality. To deliver assured, progressive handling in line with its 405 kW output, the range-topping F-Type R Coupé features a bespoke suspension set-up and new dynamic technologies. Sports suspension with Adaptive Dynamics damping and Configurable Dynamic Mode further enhance the F-Type R’s immediacy of response, providing an exhilarating and involving driving experience. Every F-Type Coupé model utilises Jaguar’s eight-speed close-ratio Quickshift transmission which is optimised for sporting performance, with full manual sequential control from the central SportShift selector or steering wheel-mounted paddles. The F-Type Coupé range complements the existing three-car F-Type Convertible model line-up; the V6-engined F-Type (250 kW) and F-Type S (280 kW), and the 364 kW F-Type V8 S. “With F-Type Coupé, the Jaguar engineering team has exceeded our considerable target of building a car that delivers even more driver reward than the acclaimed F-Type Convertible. Engineering an exceptionally rigid all-aluminium Coupé body structure was the key to achieving this, as it’s the fundamental basis for enhanced dynamic attributes. The result is that the F-Type Coupé is the most dynamically capable and involving Jaguar we’ve ever built.”
19 Toyotaleiers Poulter, Coetzee tweede in VW tydren BOLAND Auto Sold
geknip en hom verhinder om verder deel te neem. Giniel de Villiers en sy naviDie naweek se Volkswagengator, Greg Godrich, wat in ’n tydren in en om Port ElizaToyota Yaris S2000-motor met beth het met gemengde sukborgskap van Imperial Toyota ses vir Toyota Motorsport gejaag, het baie goed weggeeindig toe die kampioenskap spring. se voorlopers, Leeroy Poulter Hulle het die eerste dag meen Elvéne Coetzee, hul voordedingende sneltrajektye opsprong danksy ’n netjiese gestel en was regdeur die bytweede plek in die tydren vereenkoms in ’n taai tweestryd groot het, dit ten spyte van ’n Leeroy Poulter en Elvene Coetzee het die na met die Hollandse en Belgiese moeilike begin. week ’n tweede plek behaal in Port Eliza jaers Hans Weijs and Björn beth se Volkswagen Tydren. FOTO: QUICKPIC Degandt betrokke. Poulter-hulle het ondanks De Villiers se rentyd tot hy uitgedie stof voortgebeur en as naaswen- tweede plek tevrede wees. Poulter het die tydren saam met val het was genoeg om hom, ingevolners agter Mark Cronjé en Robin Houghton geëindig. Poulter/Coet- Castrol-Toyota-spanmaat Hergen ge die Supertydrenreëls. 7,5 punte in sy klas te besorg. zee was regdeur die 15 sneltrajekte Fekken begin. Die jong Durbanse jaer Guy Bot’n Kets in die tweede Yaris se envan die byeenkoms in ’n strawwe tweestryd met die Ford-jaers gekop- jin het Fekken se tydren kort ná die terill het weer die septer in Klas pel, maar moes uiteindelik met ’n begin van die eerste sneltrajek kort- S1600 vir voorwielaangedrewe mo-
17 July, 2014
tors met enjins tot 1,6 l geswaai toe hy sy Yato-geborgde Toyota Etios R2 tot nog ’n klinkende klasoorwinning aangevoer het. Botterill en sy navigator, Simon Vacy-Lyle, het die voortou vroeg op Dag 1 ingeneem. Botterill/Vacy-Lyle het Saterdag met ’n kragtige poging vorendag gekom en die gaping agter Chad van Beurden en Nico Swartz begin aanval. Botterill was teen die voorlaaste sneltrajek nog 18 sekondes agter Van Beurden, maar het die laaste grondsneltrajek voor die laaste en baie kort teersneltrajek met mening aangedurf. Die gevolg was een van die mees indrukwekkende sneltrajek-oorwinnings in die geskiedenis van Klas S1 600, aangesien Botterill ’n hele 26,3 sekondes van Van Beurden
se tyd – en die klasoorwinning – afgerokkel het. Hy het ook ’n baie kredietwaardige vyfde op die algehele punteleer geëindig. Dit was Botterill en Vacy-Lyle se vierde agtereenvolgende oorwinning, wat nie net sy status as tydrenjaer beklemtoon nie, maar ook die betroubaarheid van sy plaaslik geboude Toyota Etios R2. Botterill se jongste oorwinning plaas hom gerieflik voor in die kampioenskap, met sy naaste mededinger meer as 40 punte agter hom. Volkswagen het die vervaardigersprys vir die hersiene byeenkoms gewen. Vier van die sneltrajekte was splinternuut, hoewel die kern van die byeenkoms steeds die skrikwekkende Longmore-plantasie-sneltrajekte was.
BOLAND Auto Sold
17 July, 2014
021 841 4287
021 887 2840
Honda Accord: the secret manners 021 870 4601
HANJO STIER 021 312 3717
Usually I wouldn’t be this generous on a Thursday morning but you find me in a particularly good mood so I’ll let you into an insider’s tip. One of the best kept secrets of the industry and a car which almost every motoring journalist raves about – yours truly included – is the Honda Accord. As of now, there is a bit of a problem though. You see, Honda South Africa only brought the seventh and eighth generation of the Accord to our shores in January 2003 and June 2008, but this wasn’t the mainstream model which
took over America and the world with almost 20 million sales to date. What we got instead was their “Euro” model, an edgier version for markets with refined tastes. Hell, we even crowned it car of the year in 2009. Having sold roughly 8 300 units since 2003, Honda South Africa announced that its sporty merits didn’t garner the popularity they’d hope for – so the mainstream model has now replaced it. The range of engines at launch is all petrols: a 2-litre 4 cylinder iVtec (114 kW, 190 Nm), a 2.4-litre 4 cylinder iVtec (132 kW, 225 Nm) and a 3.5-litre V6 iVtec (207 kW, 339 Nm). The 2.4 motor may sound familiar from old Accord but it’s in fact a whole new engine; new block, new internals, better efficiency. It may be down on power when compared to its father, but it’s more sophisticated; power is spread through a wider rev range, there’s less screaming and it’s not as thirsty. The big vee six has full valve management and selective cylinder shut-off to save fuel, running on three, four or six cylinders. All new Accords are only available with automatic gearboxes and, as before, front wheel drive.
The V6 gets an extra cog over the four cylinder’s five speeds and Honda has also blessed it with active engine mounts to counter those naughty vibrations which are so inherent to a vee motor. Honda South Africa sells Accord as three models with escalating levels of trim. The 2.0 Elegance costs R389 000, a 2.4 Executive is R449 000 and the 3.5 V6 Exclusive will set you back almost R550 000. “For a HONDA!?!” whines someone on Facebook. Yes, for a Honda with a V6 engine and bucket-loads of toys. The bigger ones – whose prices seem to steep – will also spoil you with keyless entry and start, adaptive cruise control, lane assist with camera, collision mitigation, active LED headlights with cornering function and high beam assist, shift paddles, a subwoofer, sunroof and rear sun blind. More importantly, the new Accord has more room than its predecessor, which should help it to win the minds of D-segment luxury sedan buyers. An estimated 80-85% of this pie is gobbled up by the perennial German trio but a Honda exec noted that “Accord owners don’t crave status and appreciate the car’s engineering.” I certainly think so.
Its appear ance, dimen sions and performance are more streamlined and gener ous, while its manners are less sporty but more comfy. PHO TO: QUICKPIC
BOLAND Auto Sold
17 July, 2014
22 HermanusTimes Mitsubishi hits supermini spot with frugal Mirage 17 July, 2014
QUICKPIC As part of an expanding footprint in South Africa, Mitsubishi Motors is gearing up for the debut of the all-new Mitsubishi Mirage in August 2014. Poised to take the fight to competitors in the budget and youth-focused A-segment, the stylish new entrylevel 5-door Japanese hatchback prides itself on providing fuel efficient, enjoyable motoring with particularly youthful appeal. A new three-model range will arrive with trusted Mitsubishi integ-
rity, reliability and practicality as well as exceptional fuel efficiency and safety. The superbly compact proportions envelop a spacious and manoeuvrable vehicle, which is an ideal everyday runabout. “Mitsubishi is renowned all over the world as one of Japan’s foremost automotive brands and we are on a resurgence in the South African market,” comments Wynand Pretorius, general manager at Mitsubishi Motors South Africa. All new Mirage derivatives will be powered by Mitsubishi’s 1,2-litre, 3-cylinder MIVEC DOHC petrol engine, mated to a 5-speed manual
transmission. Easily able to keep up with the hustle and bustle of busy city streets as well as the open roads so characteristic of South Africa, the Mirage is also highly fuel- efficient thanks to MIVEC– Mitsubishi Innovative Valve-timing Electronic Control. Average fuel economy on the combined cycle is just 4,9 litres per 100 km, allowing Mirage to punch above its weight on the fuel efficiency front. In fact, Mirage is acclaimed as the most fuel-efficient non-hybrid petrol vehicle available in the United States, a market where it is also cited as the lightest 5-door, 5-
passenger vehicle. This was achieved after an extensive weightsaving engineering process with key benefits linked directly to enhanced fuel efficiency. Impressive too is that Mirage is fitted as standard with creature comforts like keyless entry and a full complement of safety equipment including ABS, EBD and dual airbags. The new Mitsubishi Mirage will be backed by Mitsubishi Motors’ comprehensive 3-year/ 100 000 km warranty. Full range details and pricing will be announced at launch.
BOLAND Auto Sold
All new Mirage derivatives will be powered by Mitsubishi’s 1,2litre, 3cylinder MIVEC DOHC petrol en gine, mated to a 5speed manual transmission. PHOTO: QUICKPIC
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
17 July, 2014
MEMORIAM- 15 JULY. William John Okkers My dear husband, a year has passed. We still missed you alot but know you are at peace. Your wife, children & grandchildren. REST IN PEACE FUNERAL SERVICES 1025
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail:
MY CAKE ANGEL.Cakes/cupcakes for all oc-casions. E-mail: Call Tarryn Geyer: 076 154 9612. View:
PARTY/EVENT DANCE CHRISTELIKE AFHANK- floor for hire. Black & white check. Phone Carol LIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 or Talitha 028 313 2769. - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871. HEALTH & BEAUTY
HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218. ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos
DON'T WANT TO JOIN A GYM? Come to a private studio or gym at home with qualified trainer. Richnard: 079 768 1491.
SUGAR PLUM Party shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles etc. Purple shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.
FINANCIAL LOST: Cocker Spaniel went missing on 11 July in Northcliff Hermanus. Worried owners, please contact 083 644 6443. Reward included.
ALETTA GIBSON 20 JULIE 2010 Reeds vier jaar weg van ons. Die verlange nog groot. Wilfred- kinderskleinkinders.
CONGRATULATIONS on your 21st birthday! - It is also your Crown Birthday! Stay the sweet girl that you are! Remember we Love You and we are very proud of the adult you have become! Lots of Love! Mommy, Daddy and your brother. SLAMAT on your 21st Birthday! May Allah grant you many more years to come! Insha' Allah! Love you lots! Mamma G
CONSOLIDATION LOAN ONLINE. Up to R230 000. Bad credit welcome. E-mail:
GENTLEMAN ARE LONELY-looking for female friend. Phone 074 300 5955. OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679.
Dit is met groot hartseer dat ons ’n geliefde vrou, mamma en ouma moet groet. Jou plek is leeg, jou stem is stil, maar ons weet dit is God se wil. So skielik en gou, maar ons weet ma is in die Vader se hande - veilig en gelukkig. Ons mis ma so baie en dra ma in ons harte vir altyd saam. Diens te NG Kerk Onrus 11:00 Donderdag 17 Julie 2014.
16/02/1956 - 11/07/2014
VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281.
1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.
THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
17 July, 2014
CALL VISUAL MEDIA for proffesional, affordable videography and editing of those unforgettable occasions. Bookings essential 081 589 1384,
LET ME DO ALL your Video and or Photography of that special occassion. 30 Years experience. Affordable.Bookings essential. Call Ben 072 293 6169. TRAINING & EDUCATION 1480
DIE KLASKAMER- Wiskundeklasse, Ansie de Kock, 0796037781.
ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.
NOSTALTIQUES. Wanted: Antiques, Art, secondhand household goods. Steenbras Street 15, Hermanus Industria. 082 833 2567.
BUILDING MATERIALS. Clay brick pavers. Beige to dark +-5000 R2 each. Sliding gate 2,15(h) x 4,2m(w), (galvanised steel) & matching fencing (3,7 x 1,6m x 2) and 1,2m pedestrian gate. 100 mm pine flooring R18/m. Aluminium slidingdoors at discount 3m Trellidor. Braai R1800. Canadian roof sheds. Call Lance 076 810 1196 or Terence 028 313 2372. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES
FURNITURE WANTED. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508.
INVERSION (UPSIDE DOWN) table. As newrelieve back pain. Any offers. BOSCH food processorPerfect condition- R1500, 028 312 4041 J.C TRADERS-GATEWAY CENTRE - Hotel Beds, Sold at factory prices. Brand new bedset for R2 900- Save R4 000. Contact 082 514 9840/0792740510
COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.
PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028 316 1881 / 072 288 4761. PEST CONTROL OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.
REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195. MAINTENANCE SMALL BUILDING JOBS: Painting and plumbing. Good 1827 prices. Phone 081 565 WIND-O-WASH. For pro- 6385. PEST CONTROL -WALfessional window cleaning KER BAY. 19 Years expeservices in the domestic, rience in residential, inducommercial, industrial and NUTSMAN/HANDYstrial and commercial pest MAN Phillip Hough. Sel/retail sectors. We have control. Specializing in Cell: 079 613 9328. E-mail: more than 20 years expebeetle inspections and rience in the industry and timber treatments. Regilook forward to your call stered with Dept. of Agrion 028-313 2232 for a free, culture and SAPCA. Call no obligation quotation. our friendly staff on 028316 3010. MISCELLANEOUS PLUMBERS 1845 GLASS/WINDOWS
MELAMINE kitchen units, cupboards, drawers, table tops and cabinet in excellent condition, R2500. Phone 082 800 8808
APPLE AND COMPUTER SUPPORT. Your friendly neighbourhood geek would like to help you sort out your PC and mobile device problems! I provide on-site support, tutoring and expert advice all at the best price in town. Try me! Call Chris on 082 856 5384.
NEW LEXMARK PRO 705; Cast iron doorstops, Curtain tie backs, d/b headboard, ballustrade posts, computer bags/cases. Call Pat a/h 028 316 4223
I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.
HERMANUS LANDSCAPING. Garden design, maintenance & irrigation. 22 Years experience. Call FOR GENERAL PLUMPaul Marx 082 32 777 04. BING, MAINTENANCE, Roof cleaning & painting, exterior & interior or wall painting. Paving, waterproofing & tiling. Call Johan 082 216 7009.
24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017.
ELECTRICAL and houseKAROO DORING HOUT hold appliance repairs. te koop vir braai @ R20 per Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 sak. Cell no 072 193 4437. 7480.
SAMSUNG-6 kg Top Loading Automatic washing machine for sale. R500. Tel 082 329 4398 (Stanford)
MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311.
HERMANUS APPLE RETAILER delivers brand new iPads, iPhones, Macbooks and Macs to your door! We also provide onsite support, tutoring and expert advice for your apple device. Call Chris on (082) 856 5384 or e-mail:
PRIVATE TUTOR: JP Teacher with remedial experience offering tutoring for young learners Gr R- Gr 5 in Maths, English, Reading & Comprehension, Spelling & Phonics. Anne Dale 072 071 4289.
HOUT GARAGE deur, kompleet met gewigde. Baie goeie toestand, Prys R1000.00. 084 208 4774/ 028 316 2615
BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028312 2367.
101 SERVICES. Handyman general. No job too small. Best rates. Pensioners discount. 15 Years experience. Call Peter 073 157 2415.
ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. 1825 Manufacture, supply, GENERAL & A & A BOME. Afsaag van install direct. Replace wooHOME SERVICES den/steel frames. Average bome en takke, asook wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot house completed in 1 day. REFRIGERATION & by Rooi-Els. Aldert en Ani- It pays to get our quote. BUILDING & Michael Haman 072 288 ta skakel 083 739 9865. SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call CONSTRUCTION 4761/084 558 1902. 082 885 7480. 1801 ASEMROWENDE TuinMISCELLANEOUS APPLIANCE AT ALL dienste. Snoei & afkap van A1 BUILDERS. AlteratiSOLARMAX. SABS Repairs at your home 1655 ons, extensions, new gara- bome. Sny van gras, approved solar hot water skoonmaak van erwe, rom- Fridges & Freezers, Stoves, systems. Free site inspecges, painting (in and outALARM SYSTEM FOR Washing machines & melverwydering & meubelside), paving, decking. tions & quotation. 17 Long SALE: 5x sensors, 2x Microwaves. vervoer. Geute skoonmaak. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call Street, Hermanus. Tel. remotes, Keypad and panic Call 071-755-3390 MornĂŠ 083 225 3712. 028-312 1667.www. button. Value R4500. Sel- 072 306 1798. ling for R2000. Contact: ALL BUILDING WORK. CARPET and upholstery 072 280 5454 Alterations, renovations, cleaning. Personal superviextensions, boundry walls, sion. Best prices. Free quoBRAAI & FIRE WOOD. paving, tiling & painting. tations. Phone Top Carpets Call Danie 082 958 5749. Call 082 255 0939. 028-313 0721. WALKER BAY BRAAI AND FIRECONTACT JOHANN WOOD for sale. RooiRECYCLING 083 452 1422 for free quokrans, Bluegum, Myrtle. tes on Plan Draughting of We recycle Contact Wayne Haman 079 New Buildings , Existing BUFFALO GRASS. Save 484 0364 or ffprojects22@ Illegal structures to legaCARDBOARD water, plant indigenous lise Municipal Records, PAPER grass. For the best prices, Extensions to Existing GLASS call Chris 082 568 2592. Buildings. CHIMNEY SWEEP. ProELECTRONIC SCRAP METAL DANGEROUS TREE Re- fessional sweep & service CIGARETTES. COPPER moval. Pruning, plot cleaof all chimney and cowling We supply all your requiCLEANING BRASS ring. Hedges trimming. types. A clean chimney is rements and E-liquid flaSEVICES Alien plant extermination. a safe chimney. Call Peter vours. Contact Ben RosALUMINIUM ETC. 1805 Fire wood. Call T.J.Boshoff 073 157 2415. souw cell: 082 726 8771. 028-312 2035 1ST EXCLUSIVE CLEA- 082 954 7970. E-mail: Tel: 028 316 4217. NING SERVICE. 11 Branderdraai Street, off, WATER PUMPS. MechSandbaai Hermanus. weekly/monthly. Full time FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: Elect. Call 082 885 7480. for professional irrigation supervision. Honest, well and automatic borehole trained staff. Are you interfacing systems. For a moving in/out? We can free consultation phone help. Mon-Sat. Call 076 028-313 0295. 115 7382. FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. GARDEN AFFAIR. Offering full garden maintenance. Garden design & landscaping. irrigation repairs. Plot clearing. Juliet Leppan 072 942 1260.
DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS to ladies and mens clothing. Erna Vroom 072 380 0440/028 316 2376. Hemel-en-Aarde Estate. FLOOR SANDING & specialized installation of wood floors & timber decks. The Hutton Brothers 082 828 5627 or 028-341 0543.
1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874. BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323. FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. For all your plumbing requirements and bathroom makeovers call 083 308 0534.
PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds RUBBLE REMOVAAL
17 July, 2014
BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact Evan Rautenbach at 082 974 6995 or email us at: Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website:
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828. TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering. PROPERTIES
FURNISHED BACHELOR GARDEN FLAT. Available in Vermont from 1 Aug. Rent R2500 with basic elect. 083 344 7031/082 888 0699.
MY RELIABLE 35 year old Malawian "char" seeks employment urgently as I no longer live in Hermanus. He helped me from time to time. I can recommend him whole heartedly. He has experience in guest A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a hou- houses, restaurants (as chef & waiter) and also in sekeeper/gardener/guesprivate homes, including house attendant/painter. gardening. Contact 072 Work permit available. 3 Years experience. Call Alex 175 2782. Reference 082 818 1183. 073 903 4493. Reference 082 409 1290. S.A LADY is looking for A TRUSTWORTHY, a full time job as domestic reliable, hardworking worker or part time. Very Malawian lady is looking honest. Reference availafor a job as a babysitter, domestic worker or house- ble. Call 078 508 9757. A 31 YEAR OLD LADY is looking for domestic work, honest and hard worker. Work permit available. Call Pamela 073 285 3189
SANDBAAI- Een slaapkamer woonstel te huur. Vanaf 1 Aug. 079 400 7938. FOR RENT 3205
OFFICE TO-LET IN CBDPrime location, 2 safes + boardroom, R9500 + Vat services. Contact Frandi on 083 480 9208
keeper. References available, call me on 071 037 0638
BLANKE dame met uitstekende versorgings-en huishoudingsvaardighede en verskeie goeie verwysings. Vanaf Augustus beskikbaar as 'n inwonende versorger. Het eie vervoer. Skakel Morn by 083 585 9329
WORKSHOP TO LET:Hermanus, Contact 082 416 1009.
Properties from R295 000. DENI 084 436 2526
SANDBAAI: R890 000 ruim 3 slaapkamer huis met 2 badkamers met double garage, Groot erf omhein. Skakel Lesley 082 473 6942
GENTS BICYCLE urgently needed. Phone 072 175 2782.
SPACIOUS OLD-STYLE HOME to let in Voelklip @ R10,000.00 pm excluding services. Contact 082 870 5704
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398
001 STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.
LOOKING FOR JOB as domestic work or babysitter,1-5 days/ week. Have 7 years experience. Ref available. Work permit. Call 078 292 0819
CASH 4 GOLD : Gold and Silver memorabilia - Bring your items and get a honest evaluation. Contact 028 312 3154.
MAZDA 1.3, SOHO 121, 1998, 4 door white. Excellent condition. Low mileage- 2 owners, R29 000,00. Licensed. Contact 079 952 1975/ 028 316 3056
I AM looking for housekeeping or as a home based carer. References available. Please contact Susan on 078 508 6761.
CHANTECLAIR Gembeubileerde 1 slaapkamer woonstel oopplan kombuis/sitkamer, beskikbaar aan enkelpersoon vanaf 1 Augustus. Onderdakparkering agter veiligheidshek. Geen rokers, geen diere. R3500 p.m, w&e ingesluit. Skakel 082 871 1927. FULLY FURNISHED BACHELOR FLAT to let in Sandbaai from 1 August 2014. Rent R1800 incl L/W. Deposit of R1800 required. Regret no pets. Contact Jenny 079 322 3120. FURNISHED APARTMENT Kwaaiwater. 2 Bedrooms, large livingroom, bathroom. Nice view close to the sea. Available now. R3900 pm. electricity incl. Call Lance 076 810 1196.
I AM A MALAWIAN man aged 31. Am looking for a job as a housekeeper, gardener or a cook. Call George on 081 027 4582. I AM a Zimbabwean lady (aged 31 yrs) looking for domestic work. I am honest, hard working. 3Yrs experience. I have reference. Call me on 071 930 9332.
NOBODY WANTS USWe need a pet friendly home to rent with our mum. Min. 2 beds, encl. garden for end Sept in Onrus/ Vermont. Please call Sue 082 490 5969.
TO LET BERG 'N SEE Spacious 3 bedroom unit with double garage fully renovated and converted to 2 bedroom and a separate study. Open plan kitchen, large living areas with fireplace and lovely sunning patio with adjustable awning. Prime North facing position, a stroll to OFFICES the clubhouse. Reasonably 3290 priced R8 500 p/month. DAVID LEPPAN-028 455 300M2 OFFICES to let in Haw Street, Caledon . Con6439 / 028 313 0914 tact Xpert Property Admin at 082 870 5704.
I'M A MALAWIAN lady looking for a job as a house keeper, maid or cleaner. 3 years experience. Work permit & reference available. Tuesdays & Fridays. Call Getrude 078 697 7436 or 082 663 0308 IM A MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job as a gardener or a domestic worker, good English and well trusted LANKI- A housekeeper, a hard worker, honest person, taking care of kids. Good on cleaning. 10 Years of experience, 073 117 6301 after hours 073 082 6983. Previous boss left Hermanus. Mrs Mair 072 111 9339. MALAWIAN MAN aged 24 looking for a job full time as a gardener, painter or domestic work. Call Patison on 084 849 6647.
(26YR) MALAWIAN man is looking for housekeeping job. Has code 10 license.6 Years experience. Contact Paul 084 704 6200 31 YEAR OLD LADY is looking for employment as a nanny, househelp or any available jobs. 084 282 7611 or 084 780 7170
MALAWIAN MAN seeking for a housekeeping, waiting plus barman. Reference Available-5 years experience, contact 078 571 0262
SA LADY seeking employment as housekeeper, guest house attendant. Good attitude , hardworking, 3 years experience. Contactable References. Please call Tania at 071 820 5072. ZIMBABWEAN LADY (34yrs) looking for a domestic/babysitter workeveryday. Hardworking & honest. Call Patricia 073 956 5463. GENERAL 3680
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
17 July, 2014
DONT MISS THIS!! Earn R2 000 to R4 500 per week. Becoming a mailing agent posting letters. The more you post the more you will earn. It's easy ask us how. SMS name and postal address to 078 074 4515
GESOEK NA 'N BEKWAME dame om te help met ouer persoon in rolstoel. Kennis van Tuisversorging sal 'n voordeel wees. Motorvoertuig lisensie van uiters belang. Skakel 028- 312 4269 vir onderhoud. START YOUR OWN home based business in the Insurance Industry. Substantial income potential. No capital needed. SA citizens who have PC + Internet, email:
0800 055 555
WINDOW & AUTO TINTING Nothing better under the sun!
Tinting: • Extracts up to 80% of the heat • Contains up to 20% of heat in cold weather • Protects your curtains and furniture from UV rays • “Reflective Film” for your privacy • Security against burglaries • Transforms existing glass to Shatter Resistant • Five years warranty on material
Tel/Fax: (028) 312 4217 • Cell: 083 645 9917 / 082 876 0574 Specialists for more than 25 years
Graphic Designer Needed Please Contact @ 076 571 5649
OK MINIMARK ONRUS We are looking for a NIGHT SHIFT MANAGER (9pm) including weekends. The applicant should be trustworthy, computer literate, fluent in English and reliable. References must be available. Retail experience an advantage. Please contact us 028-316 3711 or FAX CV to 028-316 2781.
FREE QUOTES 083 693 8983
The position exists for a
All candidates who wish to apply should have or meet the below requirements: • 1 to 5 years Sales experience (preferably retail/frontline sales) • Proficient in English & 1 other language (specify) • Company values are key • Hardworking & Hands on • Goal driven with good SAP skills • Work well under pressure • Must be a team player • Self motivated & sales driven • Computer literate • Passion for customer service • Understanding building plans an advantage • Numeracy • Accuracy
• Wall to Wall • Laminated Flooring • Heating • Vinyl • Natural • Rugs
• Full Range • Awnings
028 313 0721
1614 nj
Should you feel you have the necessary experience and wish to apply for this position, please forward your CV to:
• Carpets • Laminated & Solid Wood • Synthetic Grass • Vinyl Tiles • Cork, Sisal and Coir • Underfloor Heating
028 313 1548
Sport Sport
17 July, 2014
Hermies riders excel During the course of the year, Roxanne Marais, Grace Page and Tayla Gordon have been competing in various South African National Equestrian Schools Association (Sanesa) events, and their accumulated scores have placed the school second in the Boland region, behind Somerset College. This achievement is even more outstanding as Somerset College has eight
Alec Rabie (kompetisiesekretaris), Blackie de Swardt (klubpresident), Amanda Meyer (sportsekretaresse vir die vroue) en vanjaar se klubkampioen, Jan de Wet. FOTO’S: PETER SCHUMER
Rolbalkampioene vereer Die jaarlikse prysuitdeling van die Hermanus Rolbalklub is op 8 Julie gehou. Blackie de Swardt, die klub-president, Alec Rabie, die sekretaris en Amanda Meyer, die dames se sekretaresse, het die pryse oorhandig tydens die funksie. Die wenners vir die vroue-afdeling was: Tish Bryce, as die klubkampioen. Nuweling enkels: Stephanie Crause, Twee-bal enkels: Jean Greyling. Getrekte pare: Ena Linde en Jean Greyling. Genomineerde pare: Valiana Kruger en Serita Stander. Getrekte driespel: Amanda Meyer, Nina Krige en Sona Kruger. Die wenners in die mansafdeling was: Jan de Wet, as klubkampioen. Nuweling enkels: Michael Hutton. Twee-bal enkels: Keith Kruth. Genomineerde pare: Dave Buckley en Vruwer Scannell. Getrekte pare: Riaan Pienaar en Jerome Thorpe. Die klub het elkeen van die wenners ge-
Golf Roundup with Julian Shaw
Greetings one and all, this week our weather played ball a little better than of late. Tuesday was ladies day as normal and we had 33 players competing in a nice friendly alliance medal. The winners were Mieke Tetley, Marge White and our ladies champion Lynne Behagg on a great 124. Wednesday was the Dave Clark Cup which is an individual stableford. Dave Clark was a prominent local businessman who owned the Eastcliff service station. He was a keen golfer and was a past Captain of Hermanus Golf club in 1962. This time around our winner was Baldy Baldwin, who was counted in from Peter Crawford on 41 points. Third place was Rein Kelder on 40 points and just behind him on 39 was our longest standing
lukgewens met hul oorwinnings. Die aand is vrolik afgesluit met ’n heerlike maaltyd geborg deur Gateway Spar.
Vanjaar se vroue klubkampioen is ook die klubbestuurder, Trish Bryce (derde van links). Saam met haar is Alec Rabie, Amanda Meyer en Blackie de Swardt.
member Robert Gillespie. Ball pool paid to 36 and there were 6 two clubs. On Saturday the weather tried to scare our members away, but they are made of sterner stuff so in the end we had nearly a hundred players braving the weather. In fact the afternoon cleared up to be a magnificent day. The format for the day was a betterball medal and our winners were Norbert Matern and Gary Gilder counted in on nett 62, counted out on the same score was Steven van Der Merwe and Hoppie Nel. Ball pool paid to 64 and there were four 2 clubs. The jackpot next week has climbed to R1 150 so make sure you go in for that one. To close off this week – one of our members went home in quite a state to his wife after a visit to the doctor. He told her that the doc had told him he can’t play golf. His wife didn’t miss a beat and replied: “So, he’s seen you play too?”. Until next week, keep calm and go golfing.
The DOGS played an Individual Stableford competition in Kleinmond on 15 July. Every DOG has its day and it was DOGSbody’s turn for the first time this year on Tuesday. He coasted in a full three lengths clear of the Ex-Pole-Dancer who was in turn four lengths ahead of the also-rans. Guest Glen is beginning to worry about the cost of golf as his bill for golf balls increases each week. A certain MacDOG also had an expensive outing following an incident involving a
Bridge results: ) Wednesday 9 July 1. Betty Nel/ Riekie Louw 60.58%; 2. Joan O’Connor/Julie Cotton 58.97%; 2. Mary Andrews/ Collen Gower 58.97% ) Friday, 11 July 1. T. Kimpton - L. Zaaiman 69%; 2. A. du Plessis - E Du Plessis 57.9%; 3. P. Etsebeth - V. Runkel 57% Whalers Athletic Club ) Time trial results – 10 July 3km Runners: 1 Olwethu Mgaraduza 15.52; 2 Lucky Mdlokovana 16.03. 3km Walkers: 1 Leo Benning 24.28; 2 Abel Erasmus 24.40 SB; 3 Willie Loedolff 27.45; 4 Johann Andersen 27.45. 5km Runners: 1 Peter Rudhuka 18.44; 2 Serame Bekokobetso 20.27; 3 Daniel Maree 21.34; 4 Louise Erasmus 23.04; 5 Emma Browne 24.31; 6 Roelof van Weele 26.15; 7 Les Hanna 26.15; 8 Christine Hibberd 27.45; 9 Jan Gildenhuys 27.45; 10 David Cupido 28.11; 11 Hugh Waters 28.11; 12 Gavin Turner 28.58; 13 Marhette van Huyssteen 31.12; 14 Lorette Streicher 31.33; 15 Joseph du Preez 31.43 5km Walkers: 1 Arlene Ehrenberg 40.30; 2 Emmie Gouws 40.30. 8km Runners: 1 Sign Mawunda 29.08; 2 Anneline Hugo 37.51 SB; 3 Johan Hugo 37.51; 4 Richard van der Spuy 39.53 PB; 5 Mikki Milne 39.53. ) Knysna Half-maraton, Saterdag 12 Julie 21.1km: Mavis de Villiers 1.59, Carlien Roux 2.08, Zenobia Venter 2.15, Marius Venter 2.24, Ronel Bootha 2.32.
13 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS 028 312 2717
20 July 2014 8.30 & 10am Led by Rev Dr James Gray
Sunday Evening:
6.30pm “Praying more effectively” Led by Rev Barry Wood
ESTATE NOTICE - Estate No: 3787/2013 In the estate of the late GRACE ELLIS, ID number 241025 0036 08 3, who resided at 13 Belladonna Street, Sandbaai, 7200. The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will lie open for inspection at the Master of the High Court, Cape Town, and a copy at the Magistrate’s Office, Hermanus for a period of 21 (TWENTY ONE) days, reckoned as from Friday, 18 July 2014. AGENT OF THE EXECUTOR: A OOSTHUIZEN, HERMANUS ACCOUNTING, 20 HOPE STREET, HERMANUS, 7200
Roxanne Marais, on her pony Flica, with Grace Page (left) and Tayla Gordon.
DOGSbody gets his day at last
Morning Services:
BOEDELKENNISGEWING In die boedel van wyle: MARTHA ELIZABETH SWART , Identiteitsnommer: 560530 0043 08 1 wat oorlede is op 22 MEI 2014 en in die lewe woonagtig was te LANGMARKSTRAAT 37, STANFORD. Meestersverwysingsnommer: 22884/14 Kennis geskied hiermee dat Krediteure en Debiteure hul vorderings moet indien en hul skulde betaal by die ondergemelde prokureur binne die tydperk van 30 (Dertig) dae vanaf 18 JULIE 2014. LUCAS STEYN, VORSTER & STEYN ING., PROKUREUR VIR EKSEKUTEUR, MITCHELL HUIS, MITCHELLSTRAAT 16, POSBUS 500, HERMANUS, 7200.
riders competing to Hermanus’s three. All three have qualified to represent Boland in August. All their hours on horse back (10 hours per week) are paying dividends. During the last Sanesa show, Marais won two second places, and a fourth place for various disciplines. Page won five first places and came second in a sixth. Gordon won a first, third and sixth place for various disciplines.
sand wedge and a carry bag containing a cell phone and a set of car keys. A chipping lesson and a course in anger management might have been cheaper. Results: 42 Dave Smith; 39 André Franken; 35 Richard Ridge; 34 Peter Theron, Michel Maury, Gordon Wilson, Brian Oosthuizen; 33 Alan Smith; 32 Jon Forsyth; 31 Sam Seal, Morgan O’Kennedy; 30 Dave Rade; 29 Keagan Seal (guest); 28 Mike Graham; 27 Trevor Vaughan; 25 Ian Newman, Peter Sulley, Doug Ross; 24 Vic vd Westhuizen; John Tunstall; 19 Glen Smith (guest).
9 771608 589068
Die Hermanus se oor35’s wat Saterdag teen DurBell in die eerste WesKaapse ligawedstryd gespeel het saam met hul gelukbringers. FOTO’S: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
‘Oumanne’ takel mekaar
Hermanus se 35-plussers span het verlede Saterdag hul eerste wedstryd in die WesKaapse liga teen Dur-Bell gespeel op die Hermanus Hoërskool B-veld. In die eerste (van drie derdes van) 20 minute was Hermanus oorheersend in alle fasette en het die stryd om die losbal telkemale gewen. In die vaster fasette het veral die Voges-broers hul krag laat geld terwyl die agterlyn baljaar het met al die spasie wat hulle gegun is. Ongelukkig het ’n uiters onnodige vertolking van die reëls deur Dur-Bell se skeidsregter gelei tot 25 strafskoppe teen Hermanus. (Elke keer as ’n “strafskop” toegeken word, kry die opponente die bal. Daar word nie geskop pale toe nie.) Slegs twee strafskoppe is teen Dur-Bell geblaas. Met die omdraaislag was Hermanus voor en het dit voorwaar gelyk of die span die wedstryd met ’n mate van gemak sou bly oorheers. Maar na die soveelste strafskop teen Hermanus en ’n uiteindelike wendrie deur Dur-
Bell het Hermanus die spit afgebyt en 2-3 verloor. (Elke drie tel net een punt en word nie verdoel nie). Drieë vir Hermanus is gedruk deur Theunis Gouws en Ivan Kotze ná ’n skouspelagtige kurktrekkerlopie deur Jurg Kuyler, wat welverdiend as die beste agterlynspeler aangekondig is. Die beste voorspeler was Rymo van Rooyen terwyl Wian Bishop die houtlepel ontvang het nadat hy met ’n oop doellyn voor hom ongelukkig oor sy eie voete gestruikel en neergeslaan het voor hy die doellyn bereik het. Spel is wel gekenmerk deur positiewe hardlooprugby wat die toeskouers waardeer het en ondersteuners het die spelers met ’n harde gejuig aangemoedig met uitroepe van “Kom, Daddy!!” en “Vat hom, Booitjie!”. Baie dankie aan Hoërskool Hermanus wat sy sportveld beskikbaar gestel het vir die dag se rugby. Die spitbraai-onthaal ná die wedstryd is iets waaroor daar eerder geswyg moet word, aldus Hermanus se inspirerende kaptein, Attie Voges.
Wian Bis hop se by nadrie, net voor die einde van die wedstryd het die skare op hete kole gehad. Ongelukkig het hy gestruikel voor die doel lyn en is ‘beloon’ met die houtlepel toeken ning.
Louis van Wyk breek deur DurBell se spe lers.