Hermanus times 18 09 2014

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Chaos woed voort


Die onluste in Grabouw duur voort en behalwe vir die verwoesting wat sedert Maandag in en om Grabouw deur betogers gesaai word, verontrief dit duisende pendelaars, besighede en onskuldige inwoners. Sowat ’n duisend betogers het Maandagoggend die N2 by

Grabouw met brandende bande, klippe en takke versper en ook motoriste met klippe bestook. Die rede vir die betoging, volgens ’n memorandum wat deur John Michels van die Grabouw Civics Organisation (GCO), Maandag aan die Theewaterskloofburgemeester, Chris Punt, oorhandig is, is die inwoners omge-

krap oor te min behuising, duur elektrisiteit en swak geboude paaie. Die pad tussen Grabouw en Elgin-vallei is sedert Maandag aan en af vir verkeer gesluit. Motoriste, vragmotors en busse moet die R44-roete, tussen Kleinmond en Gordonsbaai, gebruik.

Ander pendelaars gebruik die Caledon- of Franschhoekafritte om by hul bestemmings te kom. Meeste pendelaars gebruik egter die R44, wat sedert die betogings in ’n verkeersknoop ontaard het, met groot dubbelwielvragmotors wat noodgedwonge die smal paaie om Rooiels moet gebruik.

Lusitania Seafoods sluit sy deure 4

Vervolg op bl. 2

Prof. Tim Noakes on banting 5

Betogers val die polisiele­ de aan en versper die paaie, insluitend die N2.

Pay cut on cards for municipal managers 9



Nuus News

18 September, 2014

CPF invites organisations to become members The Community Police Forum (CPF) invites all organisations to become a voting member before 24 September, as the annual general meeting will take place on 29 October, where a new committee will be elected. Organisations such as

churches, schools, ratepayers associations and others are welcome to contact Hennie Westraat, chairperson of the CPF, on 082 820 4811 to become a member. The annual general meeting will be held at the municipal auditorium.

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‘Betogings ruk beursie’ Vervolg van bladsy 1 Maxie Steyn van Kleinmond sê die hoofstraat in Kleinmond dra baie swaar aan al die verkeer. “Dit is totaal chaoties op die oomblik.” Jacqui Jackson, ’n eiendomsagent in Hermanus, sê dit het haar twee ure Dinsdagaand geneem om van die lughawe af Hermanus toe te ry. “Die R44 was donker en baie besig. Ek het agter vragmotors gesit kuslangs, en daar is geen plek om hulle verby te steek nie.” Die Wes-Kaapse minister van onderwys, Debbie Schäfer, het Dinsdag kriminele klagtes gelê teen die organiseerders wat agter die betoging sit. Sy sê leerders van vyf verskillende skole in die gebied kon nou al vir drie dae lank nie skool bywoon nie. Carin van Schalkwyk Havenga, ’n inwoner van Grabouw, sê die onluste “ruk aan haar beursie”. “My kind gaan skool in die Strand, en ons moet sover elke dag die alternatiewe roetes gebruik om hom by die skool te besorg aangesien hulle besig is met ’n toetsreeks. Behalwe vir die ekstra tyd wat dit neem, vat dit ook aan die beursie.” Aflewerings in en om Grabouw kon sedert Maandag nie gedoen word nie. Die meeste besighede in die omgewing, insluitend die poskantoor, is tans gesluit. Selfs brandweerdienste is toegang tot Grabouw geweier ná betogers velde aan die brand gesteek het. Houw Hoek Inn, op die N2 tussen Grabouw en Botrivier, is ook ernstig geraak deur die stakings.

’n Sake-eienaar in Grabouw het Dinsdag gesê die onluste is lank al nie meer ’n betoging nie. “Dit is eerder ’n klomp opportuniste wat die betoging as ’n rookskerm gebruik om spazawinkels en restaurante te roof en af te breek.” Stephan Rodenbach, bestuurder van Houw Hoek Inn, sê sedert die N2 gesluit is, kom geen voertuie verby op dié pad nie. “Dus word daar middagetes gemaak, maar daar is geen besoekers nie, want hulle kan nie toegang tot hier verkry nie.” Hy sê Houw Hoek Inn moet Vrydag gasheer wees vir ’n groot konferensie, maar die konferensiegangers oorweeg nou om te kanselleer as gevolg van die betogings. “Dit neem nou ongeveer twee uur of meer om van die Kaap by ons uit te kom, waar dit gewoonlik minder as ’n uur duur.” Nicoli Lara du Toit, ’n inwoner van Grabouw, sê hoewel sy nie naby aan waar die onluste plaasvind, bly nie, trek die klank en dit is skrikwekkend. “Ons diere is erg getraumatiseer. Toe my aanstaande skoonma by die huis kom Maandag, het ons 10jaar oue skaaphond in pyn gelê. Dit blyk sy het geskrik vir al die geraas en van die trappe afgeval. Ons moes haar inderhaas veearts toe neem.” Volgens die Theewaterskloof-munisipaliteit word die elektrisiteit vir Grabouw nie deur die munisipaliteit nie, maar direk deur Eskom voorsien. “Die probleme met die paaie sal ons ondersoek, wat spesifiek uitgewys

word in die memorandum,” het Punt gesê. Wat die ontevredenheid oor behuising betref, ontvang die munisipaliteit ’n baie beperkte begroting van die nasionale behuisingsdepartement waarvan die grootste gedeelte aan behuising in Grabouw bestee word. David Morris, ’n fotograaf wat sedert die onluste uitgebreek het op die toneel is, het Woensdagoggend gesê die situasie is steeds baie gespanne. “Selfs die media word met klippe bestook en is in die spervuur.” Volgens luitenant Raldene Atson, is 13 mense reeds in hegtenis geneem wat winkels beroof en eiendom beskadig het. Teen druktyd Woensdagmiddag het die onluste steeds voortgeduur. ) Protesters in and around Grabouw started a riot, forcing police members to close sections of the N2 , on and off, since Monday. Protesters, apart from throwing stones at motorists, also threw stones at police. Earlier, police fired rubber bullets and used tear gas to disperse more than 1 000 people protesting at the Grabouw municipal offices over service delivery. The N2 was closed at Sir Lowry’s Pass, Gordon’s Bay and close to Bot River. Motorists are rerouted and advised to use the R44 via Kleinmond and Rooiels. The protesters handed over a memorandum listing their grievances to Theewaterskloof mayor Chris Punt. Grievances include a lack of housing, expensive electricity supply and bad road conditions.

Maandag by die Theewaterskloof­ munisipaliteit se kantore in Gra­ bouw waar in­ woners ’n me­ morandum aan die burgemeester Chris Punt oor­ handig het. FO­ TO: DAVID MORRIS PHOTOGRAPHY

Vrou dood 3 dae ná brand in hospitaal JANINE VAN DER RIET Die 43-jarige Cythleen Beukman wat in ’n brand wat in die Caledonhospitaal uitgebreek het, beseer is, is Dinsdag 9 September oorlede. Sy is op Donderdag 4 September in die Caledon-hospitaal opgeneem vir behandeling van tuberkulose. Die brand het Saterdag 6 September in die hospitaalkamer waar Beukman gelê het, uitgebreek. Volgens ’n betroubare bron het Beukman na bewering in die kamer ’n sigaret met ’n vuurhoutjie aangesteek terwyl sy ’n suurstofmasker gebruik het.

Die kamer het in vlamme uitgebars en volgens Beukman se familie het sy 70%-brandwonde opgedoen. Sy is na dié hospitaal se intensiewesorgeenheid oorgeplaas, maar is drie dae later oorlede. Volgens Natasha Peterson, kommunikasie-amptenaar van die Overberg-distrik, word die ontstaan van die brand deur die Caledon-polisie ondersoek. “’n Nadoodse ondersoek is gedoen en die bevindings is aan die ondersoekbeampte deurgegee om die saak verder te ondersoek.” Marishen Beukman, Cythleen se niggie, sê die familie is diep bedroef oor haar dood. “Ons is so in

die duister oor wat presies gebeur het. Ons het gehoor dat sy glo gelê en rook het. Die familie stem nie saam nie. Ons wil bewyse sien.” Beukman sê Cythleen het soos almal, goeie en swak punte gehad. “Sy was baie lief vir haar familie en kinders. Sy was altyd behulpsaam. Ek mis haar geweldig baie want sy het altyd vir my kom help werf skoonmaak en dan het ons twee tog altyd so lekker gesels.” Beukman laat haar pa, twee susters, een broer, vier kinders en een kleinkind agter. Die begrafnis sal op Saterdag 20 September in Tesselaarsdal plaasvind.

Frustrasie oor diewe wat in Northcliff toeslaan JANINE VAN DER RIET ’n Jong man, woonagtig in Dirkie UysStraat in Northcliff, is nou al raadop ná opportuniste reeds drie keer by sy huis, wat oorkant Laerskool Hermanus geleë is, ingebreek het. Van die inbrake het helderoordag plaasgevind. Jacques Buys sê alhoewel hul lewens nie direk in gevaar was nie, is waardevolle items wel gesteel. In al drie gevalle wou hy ’n saak by die polisie aanhangig maak, maar vol-

gens hom, sonder sukses. Sy skootrekenaar, klere, beursie en ’n handsak is gesteel. Met die laaste inbraak sowat twee weke gelede, sê Buys, het hy in die tuin rondgeloop ná hy besef het daar is ingebreek. Hy het onder andere iemand onbekend se paspoort in sy tuin ontdek wat waarskynlik by ’n ander huis gesteel is. Hy het ook sy beursie met al sy kaarte naby sy huis opgetel. Die kontant was wel uit sy beursie gesteel. Buys sê Northcliff loop tans deur onder opportuniste wat ronddwaal

vir kwaadgeld en inwoners moet op hul hoede wees. Kolonel Francois de Wet, waarnemende bevelvoerder van die Hermanus Polisie het, ná Buys se frustrasie aan hom bekend gemaak is, dadelik vir Buys probeer kontak. “Elke mens is geregtig om ’n saak oop te maak. Ek nooi die publiek uit om my direk te kontak met al die besonderhede indien ’n polisieman hom of haarself skuldig maak daaraan om ’n saak te weier.” De Wet volg tans Buys se sake op.

18 September, 2014

Hermanus parents share Emmy pride ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN It was the second year the popular TV series, Game of Thrones, won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Costume Design for a Series, and as the supervisor of crowd costumes, Carolyn Vary Marston, whose parents both live in Hermanus, shares in the success. Carolyn was born in England and raised in East London in the Eastern Cape. Her parents, who have both remarried, live in Hermanus with their spouses. Her father, Colin Vary and his wife Ruth and her mother, Barbara and her husband Tony Monsson, are extremely proud of her achievements. “Carolyn has done so well working on the series and we just

think she is so special,” said Barbara “We are so proud of our daughter’s achievement. She loves her work, has a natural and creative flair and is a very good organiser. “She inspires her team and they adore her. We love her and think she is great,” added her dad, Colin. Carolyn has been working on the set of Game of Thrones since filming started five years ago. The costume department won their second Emmy this year under the lead of renowned designer Michele Clapton and her team. Carolyn is currently between Ireland/Croatia and Spain where they are shooting the fifth year of the popular series. Carolyn is one of four South Africans currently working in the costume department.

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Carolyn Vary Marston (left) with fellow South African and Key Set standby ‘Rivi’ Barrass with the costume department’s Emmy Award for outstanding costume design in a series.

It is time to make the Overstrand pretty in pink to support the Pink trees for Pauline project. do so again this year, you can buy metres of pink material from:

SPRING BLOSSOMS: Hermanus Times reader John Mountjoy sent this picture via our website of the first glimpse of spring over Dassiesfontein.

Furniture / Meubels

16 Mimosa St, Industria, Hermanus

Show support and wrap a tree in pink The Pink Trees for Pauline initiative is happening right now! Last year a multitude of trees in Hermanus were covered in pink wrap, all for a good cause. The Pink Trees for Pauline started in 2012 when a GraaffReinet resident, Carol-Ann van Jaarsveld, lost her mother and grandmother, both named Pauline, to cancer. As a legacy to both these women she founded Pink Trees for Pauline, together with Adri van Nieuwenhuizen – a breast cancer survivor and Dr Pam Kerr, an educational psychologist. To raise cancer awareness, all the trees along the streets in Graaff-Reinet were wrapped in pink material. This unique initiative has grown wings, and the vision Carol-Ann once had, is now the driving force of many people who are wrapping South Africa and Namibia in pink to unite communities and raise money too. The initiative is run in the Overstrand during the months September and October. How to get involved: Last year many Overstranders participated in this initiative. To

3 Snuffels


Nuus News

– Hospice Hermanus – Salon Annique

– the Cansa Office in Onrus – the Caledon Casino The minimum donation is R20 per metre. Businesses or individuals also have the option of sponsoring material to be used in less privileged areas as well as public spaces in order to make sure the entire community is involved. What are the funds used for? Of all funds raised, 80% will be used to improve the quality of life of those living with cancer within the participating towns. To this end, the funds will used in the following way: • Accommodation during cancer treatment • Home nursing • Feeding schemes for cancer affected patients • Training cancer-buddies • Social worker training • Supplying of wigs or prosthesis or wheelchairs • Playpens or toys for children in hospitals • Transport needs. ETC. For any information or how you can get involved in the Pink Trees for Pauline initiative please contact Maryke on 082 857 4294. www.pinktrees.co.za

WEES OP DIE UITKYK VIR HOENDERS: Die hoendergesinne wat gereeld oor die On­ rus­hoofstraat loop om aan die ander kant van die pad te baljaar in die plasse water is ’n bekende toneeltjie, en een wat inwoners graag wil bewaar. Dit het die Onrus­belas­ tingbetalersvereniging geïnspireer om spesiale waarskuwingsborde op te rig en motoriste so te waarsku om op die uitkyk te wees.




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Nuus News

18 September, 2014

Lusitania Seafoods skielik toe vir sake JAN-HENDRIK COETZER “We regret to advise that Lusitania Seafoods will be closed as of 1 September 2014. We thank you for your past support. Apologies, management and staff.” Só lees die kennisgewing tans op die voordeur van Lusitania Seafoods in die nuwe hawe nadat dié maatskappy letterlik oornag sy deure gesluit het. Volgens Mary Lunde, algemene bestuurder by Lusitania Food Products in Durban, was dit bloot ’n besigheidsbesluit om die winkel toe te maak, aangesien dit teen ’n verlies bedryf is. “Dis nou al vir baie jare wat die maatskappy verliese ly, en het ons, tesame met die eienaar, Rob Lea, besluit om eerder die deure te sluit.” Lea, wat Lusitania Seafoods vir sowat ’n jaar besit het, kon nie deur die Hermanus Times opgespoor word vir kommentaar nie. So ook is daar maatskappye in Hermanus wat ’n diens aan Lusitania verskaf het, en aan wie daar geld geskuld word, wat ook nie weet waar om te gaan aanklop nie. Aan een van hierdie maatskap-

Lusitania Seafoods se gebou by die nuwe hawe.


pye, Walker Bay Pest Control, wat al vir die aqfgelope 10 jaar Lusitania se plaagbeheer behartig, word daar glo ’n groot bedrag geskuld. Volgens Leatitia van Niekerk, mede-eienaar van Walker Bay Pest Control, is hierdie uitstaande rekening nie kleingeld nie en weet hulle nie waar om te begin navraag doen nie. “Op 1 September het ek uit die bloute ’n e-pos ontvang met die boodskap dat die besigheid toegemaak het. Toe ek probeer bel, kon ek eenvoudig nêrens antwoord kry nie. As ek net geweet het die

het Lunde gesê die seisoentyd was eenvoudig net te kort om die besigheid deur die stil maande te dra. En by navraag oor wat maatskappye te doen staan aan wie Lusitania Seafoods geld skuld, het Lunde geantwoord: “Die maatskappy was hulle eie entiteit, en ons ‘gesamentlike onderneming’ met mekaar was slegs ten opsigte van toerusting en die perseel. “So ek kan nie namens ’n ander besigheid kommentaar lewer oor watter prosedure daar gevolg moet word ten opsigte van uitstaande skuld nie.”

besigheid gaan toemaak, of as die eienaar net eerlik genoeg was om dit vooraf aan ons te noem, dan was dit nie vir ons nodig om hulle elke keer te dagboek nie. “Maar by elke navraag oor of ons die plaagbeheer moet kom doen, het hulle elke keer gesê ‘dis reg, kom maar’. Ek voel hulle kon dan eerder vir ons laat weet het hulle gaan toemaak, en dat dit nie meer nodig is om hulle te diens nie, want dan sou die bedrag ook aansienlik minder beloop het,” sê Van Niekerk. Oor hoekom Lusitania vir etlike jare teen ’n verlies bedryf is,

Gr. 8­ en 9­klasse word gestaak by Kleinmond Primêr ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

moet ry nie. Die busse wag net so lank, dus kan hulle nie aan nauurse programme deelKleinmond-ouers is hoogs onneem nie. Daar is baie talent tevrede ná ’n besluit van die wat so verlore gaan.” Wes-Kaapse onderwysdeparFransiena Kilani voel hulle tement (WKOD) om graad 8word gedwing om meer kosen 9-klasse by Kleinmond Prites aan te gaan, sonder dat mêre Skool te staak. hulle tyd gehad het om daarDie skool het tot onlangs voor te beplan. nog onderrig tot graad 9 ge“Ons moet ewe skielik al bied, maar nou sal leerders óf ons kinders twee jaar vroeër na Hawston óf Grabouw moet wegstuur en dis baie duur. As reis om skool te kan gaan. ek hulle nog twee jaar hier By navraag het die skoolkon hou, kon ek daarvoor behoof, Roderick Brikkels, alle plan.” navrae na die WKOD verwys. Ander ouers voel egter dat “Die departement is in ’n bedie besluit ’n goeie een is. ter posisie om antwoorde te “Die graad 8’s en 9’s boelie die gee rakende die prosesse wat Sommige ouers is ontevrede oor, en gekant teen, die besluit om die graad kleintjies,” sê Juanita Gagevolg is.” 8­ en 9­klasse van Kleinmond Primêre Skool te sluit aangesien hulle voel lant. “Hulle vloek, baklei en Volgens Paddy Attwell, hul kant van die saak is nie aangehoor nie en die beheerliggaam besluite gee selfs love bites. Ek het dit woordvoerder vir die WKOD, sonder hul insette gemaak het. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN al baie gesien.” het die skool se beheerligDie teenargument is egter dat gaam aansoek gedoen om die van Kleinmond na Hawston Se- merd oor die invloede waaraan graad 8- en 9-klasse te laat weg- kondêr. “Die graad 8’s en 9’s sal veral die jonger kinders blootge- die jonger leerders ook boelies is, val. “Die skool se beheerliggaam van dieselfde vervoer gebruik stel gaan word in Hawston. Ek sal selfs van graad 5 of 6, en dat die is bekommerd oor die invloed maak indien die ouers besluit om verkies om my kinders na Gra- skool die leerder moet dissipliwat die hoërskoolleerders op die hul kinders by Hawston in te bouw te stuur, maar dan sal ons neer om dit te voorkom. William August sê hulle het inprimêre skoolkinders het. Verde- skryf. Hawston het die kapasiteit self vir die vervoer en skoolgelde tussen ’n mosie van wantroue re redes sluit in dat die onderwy- om die leerders te akkommo- moet betaal. “Ons moet reeds nuwe skool- teen die skool se beheerliggaam sers by Kleinmond Primêr nie deer.” ’n Groep ontevrede ouers het klere koop en dit gaan sowat ingedien. opgelei is om hoërskoolvakke, “Ons het vir hulle sewe dae gesoos wiskunde en ekonomiese Maandag ’n vergadering gehou R2 000 kos!” Nóg ’n ouer, Gregory Jonas, gee om te reageer op die skrywe. in die Kleinmond-gemeenskapwetenskappe, aan te bied nie.” Volgens Attwell het die WKOD saal waar hulle die kwessies met het ’n seun wat in Grabouw Daar is sedert Oktober reeds se distrikskantoor die saak ten die skool se beheerliggaam wou skoolgaan en moet maandeliks kwessies rakende die beheerligvolle met die ouers en beheerlig- bespreek, maar die beheerlig- sowat R650 opdok vir taxi-geld. gaam wat nie kworum kan kry gaam bespreek. “Alhoewel van gaam en die hoof kon nie die ver- “Ek sou verkies dat my kleintjie vir vergaderings nie. Hoe kan hier bly tot en met graad 9, maar hulle dan só ’n groot besluit die ouers die besluit teengestaan gadering bywoon nie. ’n Ouer, Althea Olivier, sê daar ons word nou verplig om hulle maak, wat elkeen van ons raak, het, het die meeste saamgestem sonder dat ons vrae begin vra?” is vergaderings met die WKOD weg te stuur. met die skuif.” Hulle wag tans op ’n antwoord “Daar is ook nie soveel geleentDie WKOD bied reeds vervoer gehou, maar hul vrae is nie beaan graad 10-, 11- en 12-leerders antwoord nie. “Ons is bekom- hede vir die kinders wat in-en-uit van die skool se beheerliggaam.

‘Bende­aktiwiteite moet stopgesit word’ JANINE VAN DER RIET Verskeie bendes in die Overstrand – in skole sowel as die gemeenskap – word deur die Hermanus-polisie ondersoek. Verlede week het die Hermanus Times berig oor Operation Combat, wat die Hermanus- en Stanford-polisie gestig het om bendelede vas te trek. (HT 11/09/2014, “Signs of gangste-

rism, even in primary schools”.) Kol. Francois de Wet, waarnemende bevelvoerder by die Hermanus-polisie, sê daar is verskeie bendes in die gebied. “In die skole blyk skoolbendes genaamd MOP (Money over Bitches), Naughty Boys en ATL bendebedrywighede uit te voer. “Ander bendes in die onder-

skeie gemeenskappe sluit in die Dixie Boys in Mount Pleasant, die Terrible Josters in Hawston, die tronkbendes 26, 27 en 28’s, en Top Dogs. “Die gemeenskap én ouers moet op die uitkyk wees vir tekens van bendelidmaatskap. As ’n vermoede ontstaan van bende-aktiwiteite in jou huishouding of omgewing, moet jy dit dadelik by die polisie aan-

meld. Bendegeweld en -aktiwiteite moet stopgesit word.” Die Hermanus-polisie het Dinsdagmiddag weer met skoolhoofde en rolspelers vergader om ’n multisektorale taakspan te stig. De Wet sê hoewel die polisie die veldtog van stapel gestuur het, kan dit nie suksesvol wees of deurgevoer word sonder die hulp van al die rolspelers nie.


Nuus News

18 September, 2014

To ’bant’ or not to ’bant’?


JAN-HENDRIK COETZER “Do we have to go the grain way or the animal way?” This is the question that has the whole world debating after Prof Tim Noakes advocated that a “high fat, medium protein, low carb” eating plan will secure you a longer and healthier life as well as help you get rid of those extra kilos. Noakes, professor of exercise and sports science at the University of Cape Town, in association with Whale Coast 96FM and The Book Cottage, visited Hermanus where he shed some light on his controversial banting diet book, The Real Meal Revolution. The event, held on 11 September at the Inn AfriKa Guest House & Events venue in Sandbaai, was fully booked with almost 200 people attending. Many people believe that Noakes’ statement is the biggest threat to the science of health but he says that is exactly why he wrote this book, “so that people can decide for themselves”. The basic principle of this eating plan is simple: lower your intake of carbohydrates and sugars and load up on all the good fats. This means less bread, potatoes, pizza and sweets, and foods such as cream, cheese, bacon, eggs and avocadoes can be ‘indulged’ in. As a diabetic himself, Noakes believes that the scientific discovery in the USA in 1977, that a low fat diet will reduce heart related illnesses as well diabetes, is all untrue. “For all these years we believed that cutting out fat will secure us a healthier life, and it’s all nonsense. We need the fat, our body needs fat, and most of all, our brain needs fat. It is essential for healthy living. And with that I’m not saying that you must cut out your carb intake completely. Just lower your carbs. It is not fat that will kill you, it is the high carbs that will put you at risk.” According to Noakes, no scientific study on any eating plan can be completely accurate. “For many years we were led to believe that eating fat will clot our arteries and lead to heart

Many of the attendees queued to have their copies of Prof Tim Noakes’ book signed. Noakes wrote The Real Meal Revolution in only six weeks and sold almost 100 000 copies within the first six months of publication. PHOTO: WILLIAM MTEBE ­ WHALE COAST 96FM

make us full, and are also addictive. “For instance, if you eat two eggs in the morning instead of cereal, you will Prof Tim Noakes talking about the banting diet. be fuller for longer. Eating carbohyPHOTOS: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER drates for breakfast will leave you attacks. But we were only told that, it was never hungry before lunch time, I promise you. By a scientific fact. The only way you can prove eating boiled or scrambled eggs instead, you such a thing is by putting thousands of people won’t feel hungry or crave those in-between in quarantine and put them on different eating snacks.” He says that it’s very important to stay away plans for over a year’s time and then closely monitor them. Otherwise there can be no accu- from any “fat free” or “low fat” food. “If it’s fat free, it means that it has sugar in rate evidence on whether fat is good or bad for it to make it taste like something. And as you you.” Noakes says that some well-known South Af- know, large quantities of sugar is unhealthy. ricans such as Kobus Wiese, former South Afri- Don’t fool yourselves by thinking if you eat fat can rugby player, and Derek Watts, Carte free food that it’s more healthy, because it’s Blanche presenter, also started banting. Kobus just the opposite.” Many people argue that banting can be very lost about 30 kg and Derek about 8 kg. “When I was interviewed by Derek Watts on expensive, but according to Noakes, the bantCarte Blanche on the banting diet, he presented ing diet doesn’t have to cost you more than R30 me with a piece of meat with a fat strip on a a day. “Many people think you now have to plate and asked, how are you supposed to eat eat lamb chops and steak, but you can also buy this? So I took the knife, cut off the fat and said liver, sardines, eggs and even afval, which are to Derek, now you throw away the meat. Obvi- all high in protein, for much less.” On a question from the audience on whether ously the Heart Foundation and everyone else were immediately on my case for making such a vegetarian diet is healthy or not, because it’s a statement. But like I say, try it and decide totally the opposite from banting, Noakes answered “the only healthy vegetarians I know for yourself.” According to Noakes, carbohydrates don’t are the ones who cheat.”

Arabella crowned winner as Hotel Spa Arabella was crowned the winner of the Hotel Spa category at the recent 10th annual Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Awards in Sandton. By fusing Far Eastern and Western knowledge, the spa is home to the world-first African Rainforest Experience, a two-hour sensory water and steam treatment inspired by African rains. Arabella was crowned the winner amongst the finalists which included Mount Grace Country House and Spa in the Magaliesburg, Fancourt Spa in George and the Saxon Hotel, Villas & Spa in Sandton The team at Arabella said: “Our beautiful setting and five star facilities is any spa therapist’s dream. It is a privilege to be a part of an amazing award-winning spa that is continuously improving and evolving with the industry as we have many renovations and refurbishments taking place currently.”



LEARN TO EARN Cnr lelie and anglier street Mount Pleasant 2 October 2014 9am-2pm

For more information and bookings Contact the event organiser GILBERT Tel: 028 312 4234 Cell: 083 303 6920 073 794 0523 Email: gilbertscater@gmail.com

Prof Tim Noakes during question and answer time after his talk. Left is attorney Adrian Louw, owner of Inn AfriKa Guest House & Events, where the event was held. REGUIT, SOOS DIE KRAAI VLIEG: Dié motor is afgeneem Sondag by die Voël­ klip­sirkel ná die be­ stuurder hom/haar klaarblyklik vergis het met die draai en midde­in die sirkel­ tuin beland het. Die motor is later deur insleepdienste verwy­ der. Volgens lt. Fadi­ la September is die saak by die Herma­ nus­polisie aange­ meld, en word on­ dersoek. FOTO: VERSKAF



Algemeen General

18 September, 2014

Stuur vir ons jou Braaidag­foto’s Hoe gaan jy dié Erfenisdag vier? Gaan jy deel wees van die grootste of beste braai ooit? Stuur foto’s van jou en jou vriende, welwillendheidsorganisasie of maatskappy waar jy Erfenisdag / Nasionale Braaidag vier op Woensdag 24 September.

Come enjoy our genuine Italian pizza and pasta dishes, tender aged steaks, legendary spare ribs, linefish, seafood and much, much more. "Local favourite since 1985” For bookings Tel: 028 312 2848 10 High Street, Hermanus.

Jy kan jou foto’s oplaai deur www.hermanustimes.co.za te besoek of stuur ’n e-pos aan elbe.vanheerden@hermanustimes.co.za. Onthou om ons meer te vertel van jou dag en saam met wie jy dit gevier het. ) Kyk op bl 17 vir ’n liplekker sosatie-resep.

HERWINNINGSIDEE: Elsa Swart, Sand­ baai­inwoner, het ’n manier gekry om die vele melksakkies wat sy elke week opgaar, te herwin. Die melksakkies hoop op, want sy maak melkterte vir verskeie plaaslike win­ kels. Elsa het ’n vrou gesien stap met ’n soortgelyke sak en toe begin om melksakkies nuwe lewe te gee as inkopiesakke. “Ek doen graag kwiltwerk en die sakkies was ’n lek­ ker manier om besig te bly. Dit is nie te koop nie, maar hopelik spoor ek ander men­ se aan om kreatief en groen te wees,” sê El­ sa. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN


Algemeen General

18 September, 2014

Roof, huisbraak en aanrandingsaak ondersoek JANINE VAN DER RIET Gedurende die afgelope week is ’n saak van huisroof in Pringlebaai, en ’n gewapende huisroof in Proteadorp, deur die Kleinmond-polisie ondersoek. ’n Aanrandingsaak is ook geopen na ’n 72-jarige vrou aangeval is. Volgens ao. Jaco van Wyk, waarnemende bevelvoerder by Kleinmond, het vier verdagtes met balaklawas by ’n huis in Pringlebaai ingebreek. Die verdagtes het toegang tot die huis gekry deur ’n deur wat oopgestaan het. Selfone en kontant is geroof en die huiseienaars is vasgemaak voor die verdagtes te voet weggehardloop het. Niemand is nog in hegtenis geneem nie. In ’n ander geval is ’n gewapende huisroof-saak geopen na ’n paartjie in hul huis in Proteadorp, Kleinmond met ’n wapen aangehou is. R2 000 plus klerasie is tydens die roof gesteel. Die Kleinmond-polisie ondersoek die voorval. ’n 72-jarige vrou is op die kuspad by Palmiet aangeval en die verdagte het haar probeer wurg. Lede van die publiek het die vrou te hulp gesnel en die aanvaller is in hegtenis geneem. Hy het reeds in die Caledon-hof verskyn en bly in aanhouding.

Vandalisme op VOS voetpaadjie JANINE VAN DER RIET ’n Inwoner wie gereeld op die voetpaadjies tussen Onrus en Sandbaai draf, is geskok oor die gereelde nuwe vandalisme wat sy weekliks waarneem en volgens haar aan die toeneem is. Martine van den Heever sê sy het opgemerk dat al die skade nie op een slag aangerig is nie. “So die kwaaddoeners het dus ’n paar keer teruggekom deur die loop van die week.” Sy het Dinsdag weer verskeie gedenkteëls opgemerk wat deur vandaliste verniel is. “Daar is heelwat vandalisme te bespeur op die Vermont/Onrus/Sandbaai (VOS) paadjie in Sandbaai. Naby die begin van die paadjie aan Schulphoek se kant is een teëltjie toegeverf met ’n vloekwoord langsaan en verder aan op die paadjie is ’n paar teëls beskadig en een heeltemal stukkend gekap.” In Mei-maand het die Hermanus Times ook oor vandalisme in hierdie gebied berig. Altesaam 20 gedenkteëls is toe op dié kuspaadjie verniel en moes vervang word. Avril Steenkamp, die voorsitter van VOS, sê die teëls word teen R2 000 stuk gekoop ter nagedagtenis aan ’n geliefde, en word op die kuspaadjie tussen Vermont en Sandbaai aangebring. Steenkamp sê hul beleid is dat die beskadigde teëls ’n maksimum van drie keer gratis deur VOS vervang word, maar daarna is dit die teël-eienaar se verantwoordelikheid.

Van die gedenkteëls is met verf besmeer, stukkend gekap, en vloekwoorde is ook langs die teëls op die voetpaadjie geverf.





Mense People

18 September, 2014

Lize van der Walt, Wilna se dogter, steek ’n kers op vir haar pa Jaap Smit. Wilna het in haar bedanking genoem hoe baie sy na haar ma, en haar man, verlang.

Theuns en Annemarie van Dyk, saam met Deon Opperman en Janine Neethling was van die gaste in die propvol teater.

Gerhard Scholtz het vertel hoe Wilna veroorsaak het dat hy in sy drama­studentdae sy woorde tydens ’n verhoogstuk totaal vergeet het.

Nicky Bruintjies, in charge of the workshop at Langverwacht Fyn­ bos, standing with a bakkie recently donated by a doctor and his wife who wish to be known only as donors. The Fynbos Community Foundation is appealing for similar and furniture donations to help fund the Hopeland Project in Stanford.

Die digkuns­en­musiek trio, Adriaan van Niekerk, Wilna Snyman en Magda van Bil­ jon (ja, Tannie Magda van Wielie Walie). Adriaan stap al ’n lang pad saam met Wilna en Magda. “Oor die 50 jaar. Ek het ook hul onderskeie manne goed geken, Jaap Smit en Zack du Plessis. Omtrent vir 43 jaar.” FOTO’S: CILENE BEKKER

Vriende verras ‘lady’ Wilna CILENE BEKKER

mas vir Wilna geskryf het as vir enige ander aktrise. “Sy laat my altyd dink aan die gesegde: Vriende van die koningin Quiet please, there is a lady on van die verhoog, aktrise Wilthe stage.” na Snyman, het haar verras En die bewyse van dié gesegmet ’n verjaardagviering by de is steeds daar. Wilna kon Sprokkelster-teater in Onmet haar jare se ervaring haar rus Dinsdagaand. gemoed, en oorvloed van emosies, bymekaar skraap om die Wilna het by die teater opgemense met wie haar paaie gedaag om saam met mede-spekruis het, te bedank vir jare se lers, Adriaan van Niekerk en liefde en ondersteuning. “Julle Magda van Biljon, ’n musiek- Marie Vorster, Stephan Pretorius, Theo Vor­ het my goed onkant gevang, en en-poësie vertoning te lewer. ster en Barbara Pretorius geniet saam ’n op hierdie oomblik verlang ek Sy was oorstelp toe sy op die wyntjie voor die verjaardag­vertoning by na my ma. Sy het vir my geleer: verhoog stap en al die teater- Sprokkelster. You must always remember who gangers losbars met ’n verjaardagliedjie, en moes kort-kort trane man is in die gehoor toe val ek om- you are, where you are, and what you wegpink toe oud-teater-kollegas om trent op my rug. En net daar vergeet are doing.” Na pouse het Wilna, Adriaan en die beurt stories vertel oor die dae ek my woorde.” Gerhard het Wilna toe hul paaie met Wilna s’n gekruis beskryf as die somtotaal van die an- Magda hul vertoning gelewer. Hulle der groot vroue in die bedryf. “Alet- het uittreksels voorgelees uit die het. Gerhard Scholtz, in sy praatjie, ta Gericke. Babs Laker. Suzanne rolprent Dead Poets Society, en ook het haar blameer vir sy verhoog- van Wyk. Eerlikheid, netheid en ele- uit werke van digters soos Hennie blaps in sy drama-studentdae, toe gansie is wat hierdie drie vroue ons Aucamp, NP van Wyk Louw, Antjie hy uiteindelik beskore was om ’n geleer het, en al hierdie eienskappe Krog en Adam Smal. Magda het ook onder meer Franse liedere gesing. spreekbeurt-rol los te slaan. “Ek is in jou saamgevat.” Wilna het 79 geword op 14 SeptemDramaturg en regisseur Deon Opwas baie nervous. Toe ons lot van agter die gordyn sien Wilna en haar perman het getuig dat hy meer dra- ber.

Auction to raise funds for Hopeland project The Fynbos Community Foundation is planning an auction to raise the R600 000 still needed for their Hopeland Project in Stanford. The aim is to develop a facility where much-needed after-care services can be provided for at least 80 learners (Grade R to 7) from the HOP-land (RDP-housing) area on the outskirts of Stanford. A building in the Stanford industrial area was purchased for R850 000 and the foundation has been given until 31 October to raise the funds. R250 000 was raised in June with a 1 000 km cycle challenge undertaken by Koos and Joanie Smith of the foundation. “Too many children in poor areas drop out of the school system because of difficult circumstances,” says Mr Smith, chairman the foundation’s chairman. “The Hopeland Project has been initiated to give hope to these children. The centre will be a supervised, safe and caring environment where children will receive a proper lunch, take part in various programs, but most importantly, get help with their homework and additional learner support.” The committee is appealing for donations like secondhand cars and furniture for the auction.

They already have 13 vehicles to sell, but are hoping to have 20. They would also like to have at least 50 pieces of furniture to offer for sale, as well as any other items of value. “Perhaps you have an old car or bakkie that won’t start, standing under a tree? Or a stick of furniture that you no longer need? Any donation would help to better the lives of a few needy children in the Stanford area.” The Fynbos Community Foundation, a registered tax-exempt charity, also runs the Fynbos Akademie on Langverwacht Farm in the Papiesvlei area, which caters for about 60 learners. With the help of Agri Mega in Bredasdorp, a vegetable garden has been established at Langverwacht to provide fresh vegetables to the learners of Fynbos Akademie and in future will also supply the Hopeland Centre. The project committee consists of a medical doctor, a clinic sister, a nutritional expert and others with training in art, music and sport. There are also experts regarding policing, finances and a representative of Badisa. To get involved, please contact Koos Smit: koos@lvw-fynbos.co.za. - ANNALIZE MOUTON



Nuus News

18 September, 2014

Municipal managers salaries to decrease JANINE VAN DER RIET A new Government notice has been published with regard to the maximum salary notches for officials like municipal managers by the minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA), Pravin Gordhan. This notice determines a revised upper limit for the remuneration packages applicable to senior managers inclusive of municipal managers at municipalities. According to a list of all the Western Cape municipalities where the salary packages are set out, it seems that the salaries of 26 municipal managers must on average be decreased with R300 000 per year. The current annual salary of the Overstrand municipal manager is R1 659 212, according to the list. The new maximum limit for the Overstrand MM, set by the national departement, is R1 191 500. This salary paid to the OM municipal manager at present, is the second highest paid salary for municipal managers in the Western Cape. George Municipality is taking the salary lead with R1 680 692 annually, with the new maximum limitation of R 1 449 390 annually. Anton Bredell MEC: Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning said to the Hermanus Times on Tuesday, the notice does provide for transitional provisions which, amongst others, state that the salaries in the notice do not affect the validity of an existing employment contract of a senior manager. “Therefore, with regard to what is to be done, one cannot reduce current packages as that would very likely be – amongst other things – a breach of contractual law. The current levels of remuneration may therefore remain in place.” Minister Bredell agrees that salaries need to be regulated but says he is also aware that the current notice has practical implementation challenges and these must urgently be addressed. The minister is still consulting with the national department and other stakeholders on the issue. The provisions of the Notice became effective as of 1 July 2014. ) In the Overstrand Municipality’s operating budgets for 2014/2015, salaries were decreased with R564 968, while provision was made for another decrease, more than R3.5 M in the years 2015-16 and 2016-17. According to the budget report, the decrease amount will be generated by vacancies not filled. Savings of R62 435 is shown on the salaries of municipal managers and directors, with more savings to come in the next two financial years.

The Hermanus Botanical Society's


FERNKLOOF NATURE RESERVE “Plant Explorers: Then and Now”

EENDJIES, EENDJIES STAP HUL IN ’N RY: Verskeie lesers het die Hermanus Times van­ deesweek gekontak oor die twee kolganse saam hul “babas” wat by die Laerskool Her­ manus rondloop. Die familie het op en af langs die skool se hei­ ning geloop en kos ge­ soek. Die eendjies se “ouers” was ook baie beskermend teenoor hulle. FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET

MASSED FLOWER DISPLAYS. This is the Hermanus Botanical Society’s annual opportunity to show off the spectacular beauty of the wild flowers of Hermanus. The display is complemented by over 400 individually named botanical specimens. PLANT EXPLORERS. The world of the early explorers, amazed at the area’s floral wealth, is contrasted with the modern techniques of recording new plant species. SHOW- GARDENS and GARDEN ACCESSORIES. Back by popular request. MARKET in the MARQUEE. Plenty to intrigue, to enjoy and to buy. INDIGENOUS PLANTS. A wide choice is available everyday in Jack’s Nursery, up behind the Hall. DELICIOUS HOME-COOKED FARE from our own kitchen. Relax and enjoy a light meal with your friends and family under the trees in the Fernkloof Reserve’s beautiful gardens. FANTASTIC RAFFLE PRIZES. A lucky ticket could give you the treat of a lifetime! FUN FOR THE KIDS. Various activities, and MINITHEATRE (R10) Saturday 2.30, Sunday 12.30 PLUS! - Whale Coast Conservation presents

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25th - 28th September 2014

9.00 - 17.00

ENTRANCE R20, Pensioners special, R10 Thursday Children, under 12, or in school uniform, FREE www.fernkloof.com botsochermanus@telkomsa.net

Tel. 028 313 8100



Briewe Letters

18 September, 2014

GOOD TIMES ON GROTTO: The reader’s photo of Grotto Beach at sun­ set, featured in last week’s HT, reminded a reader of good times spent on the beach in bygone years. She says: “Your selected read­ er’s photo reminded me of a favourite photo of mine (of the Thonissen fami­ ly) taken in more or less the same spot at the same time (see the rocky out­ crop) but taken 25 years ago ­ with the same sentiment! Nice to know that some things never change.” PHOTO

EDITORIAL COMMENT So waar as vet Nou het Prof Tim Noakes se omstrede “hoë vet, lae koolhidrate”­dieet ook Overstran­ ders aan die gons. Dit nadat Noakes op Donderdag 11 September sowat 200 mense in Sandbaai toegespreek het oor sy banting­dieet. Double Cream jogurt vlieg van die rakke af, biltong met ekstra vet is skielik gewild, ou “Wagter” is knorrig, want die varktjop se vetrandjie of hoendervelletjie beland nie meer in sy kosbak nie en dan is daar selfs restaurante wat as alternatiewe opsie die “banting”­spyskaart voor jou inskuif. Vir al die jare al glo ons dat baie vet in die dieet sleg is vir ons gesondheid, vet­ sug kan veroorsaak en verskeie hartsiektes teweeg kan bring. En hier kom Noakes en gooi behoorlik die hele appellorrie om deur te sê dat as jy meer vet eet en jou koolhidrate en suiker laag hou, jy gewig sal verloor en baie gesonder sal voel. Is hierdie alles feit of flater? Of jy jou skaar by dié wat saamstem of dié wat galbraak, Noakes se antwoord is kort en kragtig, “probeer dit en besluit self.”

Costs of building materials do differ With reference to the “Just asking” letter in the Hermanus Times of 4 September: Firstly the writer shares no facts and is clearly oblivious to the fact that along the coast and inland building materials differ as do their pricing. This letter not only questions the integrity of building material suppliers in the area but also quantity surveyors, estimators and contractors alike, and their ability or inability to procure material cost effectively. The fact that the writer quotes that a roll of dampproof in Hermanus costs R1 500 and in Johannesburg costs R500, is a clear indication they have no idea of building material and the difference in building practice between inland and coastal areas and material used and why. The cost of building along the coast has and will always be more expensive as a result of our extreme climate difference. Material and building practice required to accommodate for that, naturally comes at a higher cost. With regards to the window and door scenario we have a local Cape-based national window and door supplier that has various quality and thickness ranges available and even certain cheaper ranges not available for re-sale along the coast, hence the ability to adjust their pricing accordingly to accommodate the writer. If low cost housing and building practice is what the writer is accustomed to, I suggest they relocate their operation to areas suited for that. We are available to assist with any building advice or building material pricing related queries and will ensure that you receive the right product at the right price for the right application.



Onrusrivier-oorlaaistasie: voor- en nadele Die huidige polemiek aangaande die oorlaaistasie en moontlike oplossings, veral die plasing van vullishouers (staaldromme) by wonings, verg noukeurige besinning sodat die voor- en die nadele van sentralisasie en desentralisasie deeglik oorweeg kan word. Kortliks: Met die bestaande oorlaaistasiefasiliteite word/is die “probleem” genadiglik gesentraliseer en in ’n mate bestuurbaar. Maar, met desentralisasie waar vullishouers by wonings geplaas word, word, o.a. twee addisionele potensiele probleme geskep. Eerstes gaan hierdie mense die strate invaar om die vullishouers te deursoek – ’n praktyk wat hom weekliks in die Kaap afspeel. Op dié wyse word ’n eiesoortige probleem van groter omvang geskep omdat rommelstrooiing op sulke dae aan die orde van die dag is. So ’n omgewingsprobleem sal van veel groter omvang wees as tans by die oorlaaistasie, en gaan met die beste wil in die wêreld nie maklik hanteerbaar wees nie. Ten tweede skep desentralisasie ook ’n potensiële veiligheidsrisiko. Weereens,

omdat diesulkes genoodsaak is/word om in die woonbuurte in te beweeg kan eiendomme en permanente inwoners veel makliker geidentifiseer en geteiken word. Dit is dus na my mening duidelik dat desentralisasie, benewens die omgewingsprobleme en veiligheidsrisiko’s wat dit kan meebring, nie volhoubaar kan of gaan wees nie. Die bestaande gesentraliseerde bestel, ten spyte van die huidige nadele, bied darem ten minste ’n meer hanteerbare bestuursopsie en, laat ons dit nou maar erken, dra darem by tot netjieser en skoner woonbuurte. Ten slotte moet ek ook meld dat ’n voorstel vir die plasing van ’n “staaldrom”summier voor my huis sonder my inspraak onaanvaarbaar is. Ek heg groot waarde aan die estetiese voorkoms van my huis en omgewing en aanvaar al vir baie jare, op my eie koste, die verantwoordelikheid om die “sypaadjies” van my hoekerf skoon en netjies te hou. ’n “Staaldrom” gaan ek beslis nie duld nie.


Wat ’n nagmerrie honde-stappie Ons het met ons twee honde, aan leibandjies, Saterdagoggend in Ixiastraat gaan stap na die parkie. By die parkie het ons die leibandjies uitgehak en ons honde het heerlik rondgehardloop. Geen gemors by die parkie nie, behalwe “nr 1.” Met die terugkeer het ek vir my man gesê dat die straat so stil is, ons honde nie aggressief is nie, en ons hulle bandjies nie hoef in te hak nie. In Wesendstraat het ons teruggestap op pad huis toe. Daar het ’n wit bakkie baie stadig in die straat aangery gekom en het ons betyds ons honde op die sypaadjie geneem. Die stadige bakkie is verby en ons het net begin verder stap, toe twee wille swart gevaartes - dink dis wolfhonde?, van agteraf op ons afgestorm kom. Die een was baie aggressief en het my dierbare wit hond van agter bespring en op haar rug/nek gebyt. Gelukkig dat ek die leibandjie in my hand gehad het, anders was my hand en arms in die slag. Ek het geskree en die swart gevaarte probeer wegkry deur die leibandjie te gebruik om orals te slaan. My man het intussen die ander swart hond probeer keer van ons Jack Russell

af, want ek ys wat sou gebeur het indien hy my klein hondjie net een hap sou gee! Met ons gesukkel om die swart gevaartes van ons twee liefdevolle honde weg te kry, het hul baas, net so ’n entjie voor ons, in die bakkie bly sit, en alles gesien. Hy het nie uitgeklim of sy honde geroep of gefluit nie, net alles gesit en aanskou. Dit was Harcourts se agent, wat êrens agter ons was, wat alles gesien en stilgehou het en gevra het of alles okay is. Ons het by die eienaar van die twee swart honde se huis verbygestap, waar hulle weer deur die draad ons aggressief aangeval het, maar die baas was nie in sig nie. Ons wil die eienaar net waarsku om sulke onnosele dinge nooit weer te doen nie, want ander honde sal dalk nie so gelukkig soos ons s’n wees nie. Almal sê ons moet polisie toe gaan, maar omdat ons nie hou van onenigheid nie, doen ons dit nie. Maar asb. eienaar van hierdie honde, neem hulle ver uit die dorp vir ’n stappie, want elke hond verdien dit, maar asb nie in ons strate nie.


SAPS says thanks On 8 September, we attended a complaint of a suspicious person walking around in Onrus. We had difficulty in arresting the suspect and the community, including law enforcement officer Ryan Swartz, a Bosplasie resident and Curro construction workers, helped us. We would like to thank the community for their support and good cooperation in the arrest. Stolen property was recovered. Anyone missing property can come to the police station and identify the goods confiscated.


Shocking facts regarding African Bank saga Thank you for publishing the letter of JJ Breitenbach last week, “Stay alert people” I was alerted to the following shocking fact: My Money Market account had been plundered, reduced, without any consultation or consent, to keep a sinking ship afloat. This called ABIL (African Bank to most). I have been using the account for the correct purpose for which it has been designed i.e a small saving to cater for emergencies and recently sold a vehicle to purchase my camper. The statement reflects two deductions, R336 called a unit deduction or a “haircut”. This is apparently non returnable and my donation to ABIL. The other R3 311 an ABIL retention fund called a “side pocket”. Apparently but not guaranteed, this could be refunded with interest in February 2015. Once again, those of us who save (as we are requested to do) and those of us who have deprived ourselves of extravagances have been targeted. I never saw African Bank as a viable business model and have selected what I consider stable institutions for my funds. I must ask what action is being taken to hold officials accountable. The CEO’s monument to self indulgence stands proud on an outcrop at Pringle Bay. If the “side pocket” is going to be repaid why did AB not have sufficient debt collection to keep the business afloat in the first place? Are investors expected to stand by and allow funds to be further plundered, together with worsening services and increasing taxes or is there any form of collective action in the pipeline?


Uncertainties around, and issues raised, by the ABIL saga will be addressed in the next FINMONITOR - HT Business Times, 16 October issue. - ED.


Briewe Letters

18 September, 2014

) Een verpakker van Food Lovers Market terg en

) Die Weerhaan het voorspel dat dit Donderdag­

aand net so liggies sal reën, net genoeg vir manlief om nie die gras te wil sny nie. Ek wil graag die munisipale werkers wat in die reën die gras in On­ rus gesny het bedank vir die diens. Manlief kan maar by julle leer! – WEERHAAN AANHANGER, ONRUS ) Ek sien daar is nou op Kyknet Maandagaande, om 20:00 ’n program oor Hermanus­munisipali­ teit. – ELIZABETH ) Verwysend na die vraag van Helena, Sandbaai, (HT, 11 September), “non­technical losses” is mos die verantwoordelikheid van die munisipaliteit. Waar is die amptenare wat na die “losses” moet omsien? – OOK ’N SUKKELENDE BELASTINGBETALER ) Ja! Sien heelwat titelaktes oorhandig aan die gemeenskap van Mount Pleasant! Is daar al ooit ’n titelakte aan ’n armblanke in Hermanus oorhan­ dig? – VRA MAAR NET, SANDBAAI ) Wat maak ’n mens as jou venster om 01:00 die oggend deur stormsterk wind uitgewaai word? Dit was soos ’n orkaan. Boeke, ornamente en glas­ stukke, alles vlieg soos projektiele. Ek het die poli­ sie gebel sonder enige antwoord, die munisipale nooddienste het my verwys na die brandweer. Die brandweer antwoord dat dit ’n private woning is en ek moet ’n sekerheidsmaatskappy bel. Hoe ge­ maak in so ’n geval? Wat is nooddienste dan? As daar rampskade en vloedskade is, gaan hulle dan nie reageer nie. As my dak afwaai, kan ek dan nie om hulp vra nie? Ek het net gevra vir hulp om iets voor die venster te sit. Wat moet ‘n vrou alleen in so ‘n situasie doen? – ORKAAN-GESLAAN, VOËLKLIP ) Kan motorbestuurders nie lees waar daar duidelik aangewys word dat die parkeerplek vir gestremde mense is, soos CEM 13*** by Gateway, sonder enige teken om aan te dui dat hul die reg het om daar te parkeer? – MS ) Lynne it is great seeing you back at the Cuckoo Tree after your op. Your girls were super and you still have fantastic food.– DEIDRE J ) Dit is jammer dat die raad nog nie n oplossing kon kry vir die samedromming en die drinkery by die vullisdepot nie. Daar is so baie daaroor geskryf. Raak ontslae van die depot en stel die Donderdag­vullisdiens weer in werking. Dit is da­ rem ’n swak indruk wat ’n besoeker kry as hulle die dronkies moet sien. – PIET, VERMONT

spot my vir jare wanneer ek daar kom. As ek koffie drink dan terg hy my ook. – DOWE INWONER, HUIS LETTIE THERON ) Its so sad/tragic that it seems like the Times only print several and large photos of Curro and all their events. There are other schools from Her­ manus all the way to Hawston. Be as generous and fair to other schools too please. ) Mmmm... Hoekom mag die verkeersbeamptes op hul selfone praat terwyl hulle bestuur soos die verkeersman in die Volkswagen Polo, Donderdag­ middag 16:25. En dit nogal terwyl hy aan diens is? ) Wil graag ons opregte meegevoel uitspreek teenoor die familie van Desiree. Ons sal haar ont­ hou vir haar mooi geaardheid en vriendelike diens. Ook vir haar gebede tydens my ma se siekte. Sy was ’n aanwins by die Friendly Seven. Gaan haar baie mis. – MA CORRIE EN LORINDA ) As I drove back from Somerset West around 17:00 last Thursday, I noticed a white delivery van, a refrigerator kind, next to me with no name on, registration CEM 29***, driving less than half a car length at +­110 kph behind and intimidating a lady driver in a sports car with a CAM registra­ tion number. We were in a double lane but he chose to intimidate her and stayed right behind her until she turned left opposite Peregrine Farm stall. I hope he has a boss who would be reading this message! – CONCERNED DRIVER ) Waar kan ek ’n Yorkie kry? Ek het geen kinders en het ’n Yorkie present gekry van ’n familie wat emigreer. Sy was my kind. Sy is twee maande gele­ de Yorkie­hemel toe en ek kan nie meer as R500 betaal nie. Het orals gevra en hulle kos oor die R2 000. Is daar iemand wat weens omstandighe­ de van hul Yorkie ontslae moet raak? Ek wag met ’n gewillige Yorkie se moederhart. Skakel my groot asseblief 0 076 432 0521.– YORKIE MAMMA ) LOST: prescription tortoise­shell Armani glasses in grey Armani glasses case. Reward offered. 0 082 442 7044.– ELAINE ) My May Eskom actual account was R24/day. My June and July estimate accounts R40/day. Queried it and was told this was based on last year’s usage but I didn’t own the house last year. I have now received August account and I am in credit, which means I have paid Eskom up front for something I haven’t used.– PAM ) Inwoners van die Overberg, plant asseblief bo­ me. Somer is om die draai. ) People seem to dump all their rubbish and even rubble anywhere they like, as well as on Hoys Kop­ pie. Shame on the one who dumped a couch on the corner of Luyt Street opposite Checkers. Have we not got responsible adults living in Hermanus?– MARIETJIE ) Checkers en Absa, baie dankie. Dit is nou ’n

Heavy rains are expected in the Overstrand on Thursday, with up to 40 mm forecast. Cold temperatures can also be expected. The rain will clear up over the weekend, but cooler temperatures of 11 °C will be prevalent.

plesier om die OTM te gebruik, sonskerm vertoon goed en help. Dankie.– EMILY ) Ds. Riekert Botha se reeks oor verhoudings was sielsverry­ kend! Baie dankie!– MARIE ) Dankie Ruben van Mains­ treet Computers vir jou uitste­ kende hulpvaardige diens en vriendelikheid wat ek ervaar het met my rekenaarprobleme. – DALENE PAULS ) Baie dankie vir die manne by Total karwassery vir julle vriendelike en vinnige diens. Dit is regtig ’n riem onder die hart om te sien daar is nog besighede wat ’n goeie diens le­ wer. Hou so aan.– CHRIS ) Ek wil ook net saam stem met Adrian Louw wat Johan Burger by die Hyundai diensstasie beskryf as a mensch, wat beteken ’n besonderse goeie mens en vriend. Dankie ook mnr. Burger vir gereel­ de gratis advies en hulp met geraas in motor se wieldop en deur. As daar meer mense soos jy is gaan die wêreld ’n beter plek word. – PENSIOENARIS


HOSPICE LUCKY DRAW: The Overstrand Hospice 600 Club draw took place on Thurs­ day 11 September and Greg Rethman (cen­ tre), owner of Midas Earthcote in Hermanus, drew the winning numbers. Making sure ev­ erything was above board were Sian Pan­ ton­Jones (right) from DM Adams Auditors and Sharon Small­Smillie (left), Overstrand Hospice Board Member. The month’s winners are: R5 000 – Anthony Hooper; R2 500 – Dave de Beer and R1 000 – Ellen Venn.

Wild horses in Fisherhaven are a nuisance We have written a letter to the health department, but have had no response from them, regarding the wild horses in Fisherhaven which are a nuisance. Is nobody taking any actions until an accident wakes up the authorities? Our letter to the health department reads as follows: Dear Ms. Erasmus. We have queried some time ago by phone the problem with the so-called wild horses in Fisherhaven. They are really stray horses and up to ten of them are here on a daily basis, fouling the streets right up to and onto the R 43, fighting sometimes and damaging private property.

This is not a farming area where manure is properly managed. We like to see the horses when they are in their proper environment. They belong to an area such as Rooisand and have to be taken and contained there. We can see a problem with flies and other pests proliferating if the municipality does not remove the horses from Fisherhaven. Would it be legal to keep horses here in our suburbs? Can residents keep horses in Westcliff or in other central wards? We trust, that you deal with this matter urgently.


Horses at the corner of China Marais Street in Fisherhaven.

Bonusreën vir damme Die weerglas het Dinsdagaand begin val van 1010 hPa tot 1004 hPa. Hoogtyd, want ons is net agt weke van somer af. Vir ons wat al begin glo het ons mis die winterreëns, is dit ’n troos. Dis ’n bonus vir die opgaardamme van die Overberg want ons kan ’n goeie 37 tot 40 mm in die volgende 30 uur verwag. Vandag van 11:00 tot 17:00 is die hardste neerslag van oor 20 mm. Enkele lesers had die afgelope week vrae oor die goeie nuus dat die gat in die osoonlaag besig is om te herstel, maar die slegte nuus is dat die osoonlaag net daar is om ons teen gevaarlike strale van die sonfakkels (sonuitbarstings) en violetstrale te beskerm. Klimaatverandering het net te doen met die elfjarige ovaalsiklus van die son, wat volgens Hennie Koortz van die Sterrewag in Kaapstad, dalk die komende paar dae internetgebruikers onthuts gaan los as hul selfone skielik simpel goed begin doen. Die diensverskaffers moet tog nie die skuld kry nie. Trek liewer genoeg geld vir kontant in die huis vir ingeval, want die banke is nie immuun teen internetonderbrekings nie. Oor die Overberg se weer kan ons maar net weereens dankbaar wees vir die unieke posisie wat die Overberg in die weersiklus het, soveel so dat daar soms twyfel is of ons wel in ’n winterreënvalstreek is. Wat wel verstaan word is dat die ganse wêreld se weer tans op sy

kop gekeer is. In die noordelike halfrond wat al byna winter het, woed nog tropiese storms en hier by ons is plekke wat gewoonlik warm is, skielik koud en die koue plekke warmer. Ook Sutherland is in die veiligheidsone van uiterstes. Dié area wat vir Weerhaan altoos ’n monitor op die grafieke is, bly eenvoudig koud as die son sak. Die noordwes wat die vog indra het skynbaar in die huidige stand van die son ’n reguit lyn Overberg toe. Die die rede waarom dit so is, is dat die elfjaar-ovaalbaan van die son ’n lyn tussen die noord en suidpool het. Dit word die Ourora Ovaal genoem. Dit lyk of die huidige verskuiwing van die son se baan die minste uitwerking op die lyn tussen die magnetiese pole het. Ons kan dalk so bietjie links of regs uit wees. Hierdie elfjaarsiklus had die Britte twee eeu gelede byna histeries toe die Teems gevries het en eers twee somers later ontdooi het.



Algemeen General

18 September, 2014

Whale Festival has a strong music line-up this year Festival-goers are in for a treat with the musical lineup at this years Two Oceans Whale Festival.


OFFICIAL NOTICE RECEIPT OF AN APPLICATION FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF A FINANCIAL INTEREST In terms of the provisions of Sections 58 and 32 of the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Act, 1996 (Act 4 of 1996) (“Act”), as amended, the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board (“Board”) hereby gives notice that an application for the procurement of a financial interest of five percent or more in an LPM site licence holder in the Western Cape has been received. The application is in respect of: The Business Zone 2364 CC, t/a Jax Pub, Shop 9 & 10, Royal Lane, 149 Main Road, Hermanus 7200 Summary of transaction: Jax Pub (Pty) Ltd, Reg no: 2014/033487/07 and represented by Peter Allan Seal (50% shareholder) and Paul Michael Preece (50% shareholder) will purchase 100% financial interest in Jax Pub. The conduct of gambling operations is regulated in terms of the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Act 1996 Act and the National Gambling Act, 2004. Since licensed gambling constitutes a legitimate business operation, moral objections for or against gambling will not be considered by the Board. An objection that merely states that one is opposed to gambling without much substantiation will not be viewed with much favour. You are hereby encouraged to read the Act and learn more about the Board’s powers and the matters pursuant to which objections may be lodged.These are outlined in Sections 28, 30, 31 and 35 of the Act. Members of the public can obtain a copy of the objections guidelines, which is an explanatory guide through the legal framework governing the lodgement of objections, public hearings and the Board’s adjudication procedures.The objections guidelines are accessible from the Board’s website at www.wcgrb.co.za and copies can also be made available on request. Interested parties are referred to Section 32 of the Act, which permits parties to lodge comment on the application. The name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the objection or offering the comment must also be provided. Comments or objections must reach the Board not later than 16:00 on Friday, 10 October 2014. Objections or comments must be forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer,Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board, P.O. Box 8175, Roggebaai 8012 or handed to the Chief Executive Officer,Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board, Seafare House, 68 Orange Street, Gardens, Cape Town 8001, or faxed to 021 422 2603, or e-mailed to objections.licensing@wcgrb.co.za



“Truly superb South African artists will feature from Friday 3 October to Sunday the 5th at the Two Oceans Wine Music Stage during the festival,” says Leon Theron, festival organiser. “Artists include Idols runner-up, Mark Haze, who opened for international superstar Bon Jovi last year; Jeremy Olivier, who performed with great international artists like George Benson, Jonathan Butler and Daniel Bedingfield; and GoodLuck with their explosive electroswing act, which claimed the number one position in chart-topping singles off a debut album in the history of South African music, plus Late Final and Tribute.” ) JEREMY OLIVIER Jeremy released his first single, Serendipity, to radio which became an instant hit. He then went on to record a four track E.P and released a further two singles, “It’s my time” and “What about now” from that E.P, both receiving enthusiastic response. He has written and arranged the theme song for the new SA Rugby mascot, “Bokkie” as well as Jeremy Olivier “Sharkie” for the Sharks Rugby Team, and in 2008 Jeremy wrote and co-wrote the original songs, Free Free and Sweet Love for an international animated movie, The Lion of Judah, which was released in the US in 2011. ) GOODLUCK With six number one hits, including Taking it Easy, Harlem, and Hop on Hop off, four international tours and over 350 live shows already behind their name, GoodLuck is making waves beyond boarders. In 2012 they also launched their new mix tape, The Lucky Packet which positioned them as the number one selling electronic act on the South African iTunes charts. GoodLuck was nominated for three South African Music Awards, including Best Dance Album, Best Duo/ Group and the coveted Record of the Year.

Whale Festival Street Parade The Whale Festival’s popular Street Parade will take place on Saturday 4 October for the third year and all businesses, organisations, sporting clubs and community members are welcome to take part. The street parade will leave from Swallow Park at 10:00 and make its way along the coast past Gearings Point, Market Square and end at the Marine Hotel. The parade will follow the popular vintage car parade and the Whale Festival organising committee encourages young and old to participate, build a float, advertise your business or just be part of the festivities. The parade will include the South African National Defence Force together with the SA Army and Cape Highlanders drums and pipe bands.

) MARK HAZE Mark formed his first professional band, 12th Avenue, which is till operational today. The group recorded four albums, producing two chart topping singles on a number of respected radio stations. In 2010 he went to America where he won “The American Idol Experience”, a shortened day-long version of the televi- Mark Haze sion show. This experience encouraged him to enter SA Idols in 2011, where he finished in second place. Mark’s debut album Where Angels Fear To Fly was released in June 2012 and has already had two respectable hits.

Late Final

) LATE FINAL This band needs very little introduction as a superb entertaining act with a repertoire that goes from the Beatles to Kelly Clarkson and Pink. ) TRIBUTE Cliff Richard and The Shadows, as played by the band Tribute, are back at the Festival this year due to popular demand. This year they will also include some other hits of the 60s, 70s and 80s to get your feet tapping and relive the memories of yesteryear. Since the last festival, the band has released their first CD to much acclaim, featuring some of their favourite numbers and also including an Elvis and Roy Orbison song for variety. The tracks were recorded live, mixed and mastered by Adam Linder and this CD can be purchased at this forthcoming show. Come and enjoy an evening with Tribute, which is also the title of the CD. Music Program: . Friday 3 October @ 19:30 – 20:30: Jeremy Olivier, and @ 20:45 – 21:45: GoodLuck . Saturday 4 October @ 19:30 – 20:30: Mark Haze, and 20:45 – 22:30: Late Final . Sunday 5 October @ 19:30 – 21:30: Tribute You will be able to buy food and drinks from participating restaurants in the Two Oceans Music Emporium. Tickets can be bought at African Kingdom, 16 Village Square, Marine Drive, Hermanus. Contact details are: Jeff Tanner at 028 313 2572, fax 028 313 1396 or e-mail jat@akuaba.co.za.Tickets, if available, will also be sold at the door for all three nights. The ticket price is R100 for Friday and Saturday and R50 for Sunday. There will also be live music throughout the day.


Algemeen General

18 September, 2014

Curro spoils the lasses A vibrant and colourful day was enjoyed by all the women and girls at Curro Hemanus’s #women@colour.fest held at the Sandbaai hall last Saturday. Lauren Shantall and Catherine Bowen, both in the trend and fashion industries, wowed everyone with an inspired talk about the new trends for 2015. Phrases like future Atlantis, abstract stain, avante pop, faye botanical, vitamin-induced


colours and sport active left everyone with new ideas on how to colour their future. The Sandbaai Hall and tables were adorned by art from Walker Bay Galleries, Pure South, theflowerscene, Fleurs, Tania Babb’s figurines, Goozi and D’lish. Guests’ taste buds were tickled pink with food from The Eatery, and the well-trained and mannered waiters (learners), from Curro Hemanus, were the cherry on top.

Ann Vos, Lichelle Marais, Nicole Louise Marais, Nadia van der Westhuizen and Nikhita van der Westhuizen loved being spoilt with a scrumptious breakfast.


Anne­Marie Bierman, Catherine Bowen, Ilze Peters­Cloete, Hennie Mentz (principal of Cur­ ro Hermanus) and Lauren Shantall.

WEDDING BELLS: Robin Chowles from Hermanus said “I do” on Satur­ day to her beloved husband Mike Okoniewski from Connecticut in the USA. The wedding was held in Por­ terville and family and friends flew all the way from America to witness the couple’s fairytale wedding.

From The Eatery, lovers of all things food are: Clare Richfield, Julia Baillie, Tullishe le Roux and Margie le Roux (Tullishe’s mom).

LEFT: The well­trained waiters (in the back) from Curro Hermanus made the morning feel like a 5­star experience. Moms and daugh­ ters enjoyed a good bonding experience. RIGHT: Santi Oelofsen and her daughter Yza­ né enjoyed the morning.

There are family gatherings, and then there is Dommisse Day According to Neil Malan, the Dommisse family has a long history in Hermanus. Dr Jan Dommisse (born in Piketberg in 1879) retired to Peter Pan in Luyt Street (formerly Theron Street) in the early 1940s, handing over his Worcester practice to his son John. Dr John (snr) had a house called “Suikerbossie” at that time and later built “Berg en See”. Both these homes are in Voëlklip. “The family still owns that house and the descendants are often seen on Voëlklip Beach or Kammabaai,” says Neil. Gathering the family is no mean feat as they are wide spread and plentiful. “At last count Dr Jan is the forefather of 110 direct descendants living as far afield as Canada, Australia, England, All in all, 68 descendants and their families were at the Italy and the USA.” Dommisse Day, hosted at the Malan’s home in Voëlklip on When the extended Dommisse family decides it’s time to reconnect, it is a gathering of note. On Saturday a Dommisse Day was held at the home of the Malans (Mary Dommisse’s son) in Voëlklip and it was attended by 68 descendants and their families.

THROUGH THE LENS: Felicity Jervis (right) is the social historian who ad­ dressed the Hermanus History Society (HHS) members meeting on the topic of Through the Lens of Thomas Ravenscroft (1852-1948): Glimpses of our History captured for Posterity. The talk, held at the Windsor Hotel on 9 Sep­ tember, was illustrated by some 90 slides and was very well received by members, said Angela Heslop (left) from the HHS. One member, Julius Sell, brought along a photo of himself taken as a child by Ravenscroft.



The photo shows the part of the second gen­ eration of Dr Jan Dommisse: Chris Malan, Dr George Dommisse, Liz Hutton, Adrian Dom­ misse, Neil Malan and Anne Eadie.

Dr. Elaine Dommisse, Mia Dommisse, Gary Lampe, Mark Dommisse and Jacques Malan.



REDWORKS 71916/E - GVL046






Sakegids Business Guide

18 September, 2014

Got news? This is your opportunity to share any breaking news on your business front with potential customers in Hermanus and surrounds. Have you recently started a new business, opened a new branch, new appointments, won awards or heard about interesting developments? Send your business news to: editor@hermanustimes.co.za. The Business Times section appears the third week of every month. The next Business Times will appear on 16 October.

Change of ownership under way at Eastcliff Village Centre JAN-HENDRIK COETZER Eastcliff Village Shopping Centre is undergoing quite a few changes with regards to a new landlord, and some of the businesses trading in the centre have already changed hands. According to Keith Muirhead from the property company PointBreak, who is in the process of taking over Eastcliff Centre from ADEK, the transfer has not yet taken place. “For this reason it will be inap-

propriate for me to comment on anything at this stage.” Greg Altona-de Klerk from ADEK, the company selling the property, also confirmed that the transfer is not yet official and that they cannot elaborate at this point. In the meantime the gym, Edge Fitness Club, has been taken over by a new owner, Wessie van der Westhuizen, the carwash is now owned by David Cooper and will reopen soon, and the bookshop, bookmark, is moving to Main Road (as reported in last week’s HT).

New look and owner at carwash JAN-HENDRIK COETZER

new garage door, lighting and a security system. He aims to open the carwash this month still, “but if The carwash at Eastcliff Village not on schedule, definitely before Shopping Centre is undergoing a the Whale Festival”. facelift and will soon open under He intends to operate the car the new ownership of David Coopwash seven days a week, come rain er. or shine. Cooper, who had a carwash in ) Cooper also extended his busiEngland for almost 40 years, ness footprint to Bot River by bemoved to Hermanus 11 years ago, coming the new owner of the and since then he had been watchShunting Shed two months ago. ing this business “like a hawk”, he He had invested some money says. here too and revamped the whole So, when the opportunity came kitchen. “I have built in a massive along, he started negotiating, and new pizza oven, which can take up proposed many new ideas on how to 20 pizzas at a time. For the rest to improve this carwash. of the interior and the menu, I will “To date I have already spent New owner David Cooper at the carwash at Eastcliff Cen­ keep it as is for now. We will have about R250 000 on upgrading the tre which is being renovated. PHOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER live music and customers can expremises. The whole floor was all bits of brick and concrete, which makes it and chemicals get separated so only pure pect top quality food, service and occasional live music with no extra cover charge,” very difficult to wash the cars properly water comes out at the end.” Cooper says he has bought new equip- says Cooper. without damaging them. Chef Helen Butler will be the head chef “I ripped out the floor and put in a new ment too, such as the machinery, vacuum one. I’ve also built a new chemical and oil cleaners and dryers. New aluminium win- and will assist with the running of the separation plant. This insures that the oil dow frames have been fitted as well as a business.

Nuwe gym­eienaar is vol planne JAN-HENDRIK COETZER Wessie van der Westhuizen het oorgeneem as nuwe eienaar van die Edge Fitness Gym op die boonste vloer van die Eastcliff Village Inkopiesentrum op 1 September. Volgens Van der Westhuizen, voorheen van Fochville in Gauteng, is dit sy strewe en mikpunt om 100% by die gimnasium betrokke te wees. “Ek gaan alles in my mag doen om weer die diensfaktor terug te bring. Ek kompeteer self as dit kom by liggaamsbou, so ek sal vir seker die meeste van my tyd by die gimnasium deurbring.” Die gimnasium word tans aan die binnekant oorgeverf en Wessie sê hulle beoog om die uitleg daarvan te verbeter en om ook ’n winkeltjie binne die gimnasium oop te maak.

“My ander besigheid is die verspreiding van Gorilla Wear, ’n sportklerereeks wat ek in Suid-Afrika bemark. “So die klerereeks, saam met liggaamsbouaanvullings sal binnekort ook in die gimnasium beskikbaar wees.” Die Van der Westhuizen-familie – sy vrou Jennifur-Lee en hul babadogtertjie, het sowat ’n maand gelede sak-en-pak afgetrek Hermanus toe – woon nou in Voëlklip. Wessie sê hy sien uit na die nuwe uitdaging en “is absoluut mal oor Hermanus en sy mense”. “Ons bly ook sommer loopafstand van die see af en het in ’n kort tydjie hier al heelwat vriende gemaak. “Maar ons vind nou eers ons voete en sal so stelselmatig nog al die plekke verken,” sê Wessie

Wessie van der Westhuizen, die nuwe eienaar van Edge Fitness Gym. FOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER

Overstrand employers’ court case against Bargaining Council dismissed A court case, initiated by a group of building contractors in the Overstrand, against the Minister of Labour and the Building Industry Bargaining Council (Cape of Good Hope) has finally been concluded with the dismissal of the case. “The case has been dismissed with costs awarded to the minister and the BIBC,” explained Arnold Williams, Secretary for Building Industry Bargaining Council (Cape of Good Hope) in the press statement released earlier this week. Contractors in the building industry contested the issue of jurisdiction and the

extension of the Collective Agreement to non-parties. This related to the Minister of Labour’s decision to extend the BIBC’s jurisdiction, as from 1 April 2011, to include Gansbaai, Hangklip, Hermanus, Kleinmond and Stanford. The Minister later extended the BIBC’s Collective Agreement to non-parties. “Employers within the Overstrand Municipality are in breach of the law if they choose not to comply with the current Building Industry Bargaining Council’s employment conditions as laid out in the Industry’s Collective Agreement,” added

Williams. During the proceedings, which dragged on for two years, the court order stated that the BIBC had the right to take non-compliant contractors to arbitration to enforce compliance. The council will thus continue to enforce the collective agreement in the area. “As much as we usually try to avoid litigation, we are pleased that the case has been concluded and that we can continue to ensure that the compliance agreement that has the Department of Labour’s approval, is enforced.” Williams added.


Sakegids Business Guide

18 September, 2014


Aftree-hervormings: Geleenthede vir sukses In sy 2012 Begrotingsrede het die destydse Minister van Finansies, Pravin Gordhan, aangekondig dat Tesourie ’n proses van betekenisvolle hervormings binne aftreefondse gaan implementeer. Sedertdien is aansienlike vordering gemaak en word meeste van die voorgestelde veranderinge deur die loop van 2015 voltooi. Die breë beleidsdoelwitte van die voorgestelde hervormings behels onder meer: Verpligte (outomatiese) inklusiwiteit; beter bewaring van beleggers se aftreebelange; verbeterde openbaarmaking deur aftreefondse (insluitend deursigtige en verlaagde fooistrukture); vereenvoudiging van aftreeprodukte; moeitelose oordraagbaarheid van belange tussen produkverskaffers en meer effektiewe regulasie van die industrie in geheel. Om die industrie te vereenvoudig en derhalwe makliker of meer verstaanbaar te maak is egter makliker gesê as gedaan. Daar is talle produkte en fondse beskikbaar waarbinne beleggers kan spaar vir aftreevoorsiening. Dit is die verantwoordelikheid van portefeuljebestuurders en aftreebeplanners om binne dié hervormings, die proses van vereenvoudiging en openbaarmaking te ondersteun en beleggers te adviseer betreffende al dié opsies. Derhalwe wy ons graag hierdie artikel daaraan om die beskikbare aftreebeplanning-opsies en keuses so eenvoudig moontlik uiteen te sit. Hierdie opsies het feitlik almal sekere belastingvoordele wat óf gedurende die spaarperiode, óf na/tydens aftrede van toepassing is. Ons hou vir eers die spesifieke belastingvoordele of -implikasies oor, aangesien dit opsigself ’n belangrike en soms komplekse aspek is om in gedagte te hou tydens aftreebeplanning. Aftreeprodukte word basies in twee kategorieë verdeel, naamlik dié vóór aftrede en die ná aftrede. Voor-aftredeprodukte


Theo Cloete, Portfolio-bestuurder, PSG Batebestuur, Hermanus verwys na die beleggingsvoertuie waarin beleggers hul bydraes kan plaas om voorsiening te maak vir aftrede. Hierdie bydraes kan eenmalig of gereeld (byvoorbeeld maandeliks, kwartaalliks, jaarliks) van aard wees, of ’n kombinasie daarvan. Hierdie produkte bestaan uit uittree-annuïteite, pensioenfondse asook voorsorgfondse (elk met sy eie voordele en belastingimplikasies). Bewaringsfondse kwalifiseer ook as voor-aftredeprodukte, en word gebruik wanneer beleggers bv van werk verander of bedank en nog nie aftreeouderdom bereik het nie, terwyl daar opgehoopte fondse binne hul werkgewer se aftreefondse lê. Na-aftredeprodukte kom in gedrang sodra die belegger aftree-ouderdom bereik (minimum 55) en aftree uit die betrokke aftreefonds. Tipiese opsies by aftrede bepaal dat ’n sekere deel (gewoonlik 1/3) in kontant geneem kan word, terwyl ’n annuiteit (of pensioen) met die balans aangekoop moet word, of die fondse kan in ’n lewende annuïteit geplaas word, waar beleggers hul vlak van inkomste kan kies en jaarliks kan aanpas (binne sekere perke). Weereens het elke opsie sy eie voordele en toepaslikheid wat verskil van belegger tot belegger. Die keuse van die mees toepaslike produk om voorsiening te maak vir aftrede sal bepaal word deur elke belegger se eie doelwitte en behoeftes. Kostes speel uiteraard ’n deurslaggewende rol en beleggers moet daarop aandring dat alle kostes tydens die besluitnemingsproses geopenbaar word. Watter aftreeproduk of -voertuig egter ook al gekies word, die mees belangrike aspek tydens die beplanningsproses vir af-

tree-voorsiening, is die samestelling van die onderliggende beleggings wat die opbrengste moet lewer wat uiteindelik die fondse tydens aftrede moet voorsien. Dis hier waar sake ingewikkeld raak. Benewens sekere regulasies wat van toepassing is op die onderliggende beleggingsinstrumente wat ingesluit mag word, is daar letterlik honderde fondse en opsies tot beleggers se beskikking. Beleggers moet toesien dat hul swaarverdiende bydraes optimaal aangewend word. Daar is vandag nuwe generasie produk-opsies beskikbaar wat sowel vereenvoudiging as aansienlike kostebesparings teweeg bring, gemeet aan ouer-generasie produkte. Dié opsies sluit onder meer in ’n persoonlike aandeleportefeulje (PSP) waar beleggers toegang kry tot ’n pasgemaakte portefeulje van kwaliteit genoteerde aandele. Hierdie aftreeportefeulje word namens die belegger bestuur, binne die neergelegde aftreefonds-riglyne, deur geregistreerde portefeuljebestuurders wat deur die Raad op Finansiële Dienste goedgekeur is. PSP’s is koste-effektiewe beleggingsvoertuie wat een laag (tradisionele) fooie elimineer, deurdat die aangewese portefeuljebestuurder in wese die rol van die batebestuurder vervul. Alle fooie word ten volle geopenbaar en is onderhandelbaar met die portefeuljebestuurder. Verder het PSP’s ook die voordeel dat begunstigdes benoem kan word vir boedelbeplanningsdoeleindes, terwyl dit dieselfde belastingvoordele bied as tradisionele aftreeprodukte. PSP’s is ook beskikbaar vir diskresionêre fondse, terwyl sekere minimum aanvangsbedrae geld. Huidige aftreefondse kan meesal kosteloos omgeskakel word na ’n PSP. Gesels met ’n ervare portefeuljebestuurder oor hierdie uitstekende opsie vir aftreebeplanning.

General cleanliness rated, but CBD aesthetics slated The Executive Committee (Exco) of the Hermanus Ratepayers Association (HRA) has been concerned that it may not be doing what members want, and it initiated a survey in July to gauge members’ attitudes to the level of service being provided, mostly by the Municipality, as well as views about various current issues facing ratepayers of Hermanus As pointed out by Bob Stanway, HRA chairman, the results only apply to the ward 3 area, the area of the HRA. “They would probably be very different for other wards.” The survey was administered and analysed by Doug Parker, who is an HRA Exco member, as well as being an experienced market researcher – and at no cost to the HRA.” All HRA members on email (some 370) were given the opportunity to participate. A total of 66 members completed the survey within the survey period. Results relating to quality of services: HRA members’ responses to the quality of various (mostly Municipal) services being provided was overwhelmingly positive, with the majority of members scoring good to excellent ratings. The top positive-rated services were: 1. Cleanliness of the general area 2. Activeness of Fernkloof, and 3. Maintenance of the cliff path 4. Maintenance of infrastructure and 5. Beach maintenance. The weakest (top negative-rated) service: 1. Management of the Klein River Lagoon 2. Standards and aesthetics of the CBD 3. Quality of policing 4. Quality of Law Enforcement, and 5. Quality of HPP services. “The very poor rating of management of the Klein River Lagoon is probably related to the repeated sewerage spills at the Scout Camp sewerage pump station, associated health hazards and the negative effect on tourism, while the CBD aesthetics rating would seem to relate to the serious decline in the quality of shops and businesses in the west end of the CBD.” “Of considerable significance is that three of the worst five services related to the “crime prevention/law enforcement” category provided by three different institutions being the SA Police Service (SAPS), the municipality and Hermanus Public Protection (HPP), pos-

sibly implying that better institutional co-operation and co-ordination in “crime prevention/law enforcement” might result in greater synergy and much better service to the public,” said Stanway. Results relating to listed current issues: Results showed general agreement with all propositions other than the need for a bypass road, which was by far the most opposed issue. There was almost unanimous agreement that: 1. Dogs should have a specific area where they may be allowed to run free and 2. Dogs should be kept on leads in all public places. “There was less overall agreement about dogs being allowed to run free on the beaches within set times, but the result was nevertheless one of agreement.” said Stanway. The survey also showed strong support for the revitalisation of the CBD and fairly strong support for pedestrianisation of the Main Road in the CBD. “Interestingly, there was also a fair amount of support for the proposed Sandbaai Mall.” Other issues raised Numerous other individual issues were put forward by members, such as: ) Costs for services charged by the Overstrand Municipality are too high ) Only charge for CBD parking in-season and over long weekends ) There is a need for more cycle paths ) Control CBD architectural standards and try to retain fishing village character ) Refuse removal and management is excellent and should be commended ) Baboons are a really serious problem. Besides baboon monitors, the use of baboonproof bins should be enforced ) Grotto wetland needs to be re-established ) Need to investigate and test new technologies to generate electricity ) Opposition to the proposed Mitchell street development ) Enforcement of traffic laws. “In summary, it is quite clear that HRA members who responded are proud of their town and believe it is being pretty well managed,” said Stanway, adding that they, the HRA exco, does need to direct its work to try to help improve the services that scored most

poorly, and to try to help resolve the issues of most concern to members, namely; ) Klein River estuary management ) Crime prevention/law enforcement ) Alternatives to the Bypass ) Revitalisation of the CBD ) A place or places to run dogs.

Stuur alle navrae, inligting en versoeke rakende sakenuus in en om Hermanus aan 2 editor@ hermanustimes.co.za of bel 028 312 3717.



Algemeen General

18 September, 2014

THURSDAY 18 SEPTEMBER ) Die borduurgroep kom byeen by die De Wet­ saal van 09:00 – 13:00. Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday at Hermanus Golf Club at 12:15. Lyle: 0 028 314 1390 / 073 778 2777. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall. Henriëtte Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. All welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. FRIDAY 19 SEPTEMBER ) The U3A presents a talk on Macbeth focusing on Mrs Macbeth. Presented by Allan Powell. 10:00. Call Allan Powell at 0 028 316 1251. ) Almal is welkom by die biblioteek se Bhuki Cafe vanaf 09:00 tot 11:30. Geniet tee, koffie, lekker etes en vriendskap. ) Kolwyntjie­teetuin by die NG­kerk Onrusrivier. Van 09:30 tot 11:30 vir net R20. ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:15 – 09:30 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. Charlyn Vosloo:0 082 558 8731. ) Kunsklasse by die De Wetsaal van 09:00 – 12:00. Kontak Estelle Valkenburg: 0 028 316 3522. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 12:00 – 16:30. Anneke van der Vlug: 0 082 923 9799. ) Crafts at Wonderland: Cupcake decoration at R25 / Cupcake decoration, cooldrink, entrance to park and lucky packet at R55. Book before 15 September at 0 028 316 1798 or 0084 250 0254.

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SATERDAG 20 SEPTEMBER ) ’n Noodhulpklas vir ouers en kinderoppassers word aangebied in Hermanus deur Sr Rust. 2 louisa.hermanus@gmail.com vir meer. ) Daniele Pascal in Pascal Sings Brel by Sprok­ kelster­teater. R120. Bespreek by Louise: 0 082 896 5106 of 2 info@sprokkel­ ster.co.za. ) “Focus on the Family” Christian Workshop presented by: God’s windows in touch with Hemel and Aarde (PTY) Ltd. 09:00 until late. Venue: Par­ adise Park. Tickets cost R200 for adults, R100 for anone younger than 25 years and R400 for a family of 3­4. Contact: Tarryn Fortuin at 0 082 097 7210. ) Single people, Afrikaans and English: are you recently divorced, a widow or widower? Is u on­ langs deur ’n egskeiding of het u ’n eggenoot/ eggenote verloor? Come and meet people who are in the same situa­ tion and receive emotional support, and maybe meet a special friend through the group. Call: 0 076 115 7382. ) Crafts at Wonderland: Make your own puppet R25 / Puppet, cooldrink, lucky packet and en­ trance to park at R55. Book by 15 September at 0 028 316 1798 or 084 250 0254. MONDAY 21 SEPTEMBER ) The Overberg Quilters’ Guild meets at 09:30 at the De Wet Hall, Onrus. Guest Speaker: Lubi

POSITION AVAILABLE: Customer Services Clerk HERMANUS This permanent position requires a detailed, innovative, team player who understands the needs of clients. The key performance areas are attending to both telephonic and walk-in client queries, data capturing and general administration. To qualify for this position you will need a grade 12 or equivalent qualification, a minimum of 2 years' experience as an administrator / clerk, the ability to write and speak fluently in at least two of the languages spoken predominantly in the Western Cape and be fully computer literate (Excel, Word, Outlook). To your advantage will be a labour relations background and knowledge of the objectives and processes of labour. To apply send a cover letter and CV to The Secretary, BIBC, Private Bag X29, Bellville, 7535 or fax it to (021) 950 7407 or email to mcaldecott@bibc.co.za by 1 October 2014. Applicants who have not heard from the BIBC within 14 days of the closing date may assume that their application was unsuccessful.

Koorts. Block Demonstrations. ) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus: Ma. 08:00 – 09:30; Wo. 15:00 – 17:00 en Do. 08:00 – 09:30. Bel Alida Liebenberg: 0 028 316 3994 / 082 783 5160. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 / 072 230 9179. ) Line­dancing at the De Wet Hall from 17:30 – 18:30. Call Maryanne: 0 073 469 9132 / 028 316 2625. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir will be practising in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) Die U3A praatjie oor Letterkunde wat handel oor Ingrid Winterbach se Die Aanspraak van Lewende Wesens. 10:00, by die Katolieke Kerk. Bespreek by Barbara Pretorius: 0 028 312 1438. TUESDAY 23 SEPTEMBER ) Die maandelikse byeenkoms van Hermanus Leeskring vind plaas om 14:30 by Fynbospark. Nelia Louw gaan Die Blou van Onthou deur Mari­ ta van der Vyver bespreek. Almal welkom. Bel Maryna Peens by 0 028 316 4283. ) The U3A presents a talk on Jerusalem, a DVD of the book by Simon Montefiore, part 2. 10:00. Call Letitia Snyman at 0 028 316 5170. ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, Northcliff. Bel André van den Berg vir meer by: 0 072 191 3516. ) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal, Dinsdae en Woensdae van 17:30 – 18:30. Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. WEDNESDAY 24 SEPTEMBER - HERITAGE DAY ) Heritage Day in the Old Harbour: Potjiekos competition. Fundraiser in support of the Old Har­ bour Museum. Teams of four can enter the potjiek­ os competition at R300. Loads of prizes to be won. Live music, stalls and fun for the kids. Contact Jeanette or Diane: 0 028 312 3846 or 2 admin@hermanusonline.co.za. ) Join Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society from 09:00 to 13:00 for a fun filled day at their facilities on the corner of Main and Protea Road. Book sale, fun walk and some other fun activities. Contact 0 084 026 4409 or 2 bwc.payitfor­ ward@gmail.com. ) Nose to Tail Trail: Walk your dog around scenic Stanford and raise funds for Stanford Animal Welfare Society. 09:30 for 10:00. Start/Finish: corner Sillery and Sannie Badenhorst Streets, Stanford. R30 per dog, owners free! Lucky draw prizes. Tickets from Stanford Vet Clinic or buy on the day. Contact Annie Ranger 0 028 341 0984. ) Trimgim­klasse by die Onrusrivier­dienssen­ trum van 10:00 – 11:00. R30 per lid, R45 vir nie­lede. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaar­ saal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Vir meer inlig­ ting bel vir Erika Oosthuysen by: 0 072 322 0998. THURSDAY-SUNDAY, 25-28 SEPTEMBER ) Hermanus Botanical Society Flower Festival at Fernkloof Nature Reserve, with the theme Plant

Explorers. Visit www.fernkloof.com 0 028 313 0819 or 028 313 8100.


DONDERDAG 25 SEPTEMBER ) Fliek by die Onrus­kerk se Dienssentrum Stuur groete vir Mannetjies Roux. Om 10:00 in die an­ neks op die platskerm televisie. Slegs donasies. FRIDAY 26 SEPTEMBER ) Shackleton “down” - The story of Pelican 16, a DVD on the flight of a Shackleton aircraft will be shown in St. Peter’s church hall, with Lt. Col. Peter Dagg on hand to answer questions. R75 pp. Tickets: Anne Philip 0 082 399 3925 and Gracia Beukes 0 028 312 1325 (weekday mornings only). ) Pro Musica­koor konsert by die ouditorium om 19:00. Kaartjies R130, by NG Kerk­kantoor Her­ manus of koorlede. Kaas, wyn en sop ingesluit. SATURDAY 27 SEPTEMBER ) The Sofca Fete will be held at the United Church from 09:00. Tea garden, books, needlework, puddings, cake, pancakes, white elephants, curry and rice, and a snoek braai. All are welcome. MONDAY 29 SEPTEMBER ) The U3A presents a talk on Music with Ella Fou­ rie on the subject “The Sonata and Sonata Form”. At 10:00. Catholic Church. Call: Barbara Pretori­ us at 0 028 312 1438. FRIDAY-SATURDAY, 3-4 OCTOBER ) Seventh annual Clivia Show, hosted by the Overberg Clivia interest Group (affiliated with the Cape Clivia Club). NG Church hall, Hermanus. From 09:00 ­ 17:00. R10 per person. Call Miriam 0 072 904 0415 or Felicity: 0 078 710 9485 for more information. SUNDAY 5 OCTOBER ) Bowls Tournament at the Hermanus Bowls Club in celebration of the Whale Festival. From 08:30. All day event and lunch will be provided. Entry fee is R80 per person. Call 0 084 802 0514 or 028 316 5038 to enter your team. WOENSDAG 8 OKTOBER ) Mimi Coertse en die Bel Canto Ensemble. Ope­ ra gunstelinge­konsert. Overstrand munisipale ouditorium. Bespreek by 0 082 302 0037 or 2 jwcount@gmail.com.

Meetings/Vergaderings ) AGM of Hermanus Tourism on 23 September at 17:30 for 18:00 in the Municipal Auditorium. Discussion will include the Cliff Path Revisited with guest speakers: Da­ vid Beattie, Pierre de Vil­ liers and Jaco Sieberha­ gen. Light snacks. RSVP: Gardean Luckas, 0 028 312 3927. ) AGM of the Overstrand Association for Persons with Disabilities on 25 September at 17:00

at the Hawston Selfbou­ stoor. Call 0 028 315 2610. ) The Hermanus Pro Musica Choir will hold a general meeting on Monday 29 September at 18:00 at the Grobbelaar Hall. The main aim of the meeting is for the Herma­ nus Pro Musica Choir to become an NGO. Phone Anna­Marie Kotze on 0 028 312 4252 for more information or send an e­mail to 2pko­ tze@hermanus.co.za.


Algemeen General

18 September, 2014


Maak jou eie liplekker sosaties LISE BEYERS ’n Televisie-advertensie waarin Nataniël “sosaties” adverteer, het heelwat polemiek ontketen. Talle koskenners het gal gebraak hieroor. Hulle hou vol dat niks behalwe skaapblokkies wat in ’n kerriesous laat lê is, sosaties is nie. Ek wil nie betrokke raak by dié kwessie nie, maar ek moet byvoeg, deur die jare as ek die woord sosatie hoor, dan dink ek dadelik aan heerlike blokkies skaapvleis wat in ’n effe soet-suur kerriesousie laat lê is. Ek maak wel dikwels ander variasies van vleis, vis of hoender wat op ’n stokkie geryg is, maar dan noem ek dit self stokkiesvleis. So bevind ek myself by my gunsteling slaghuis waar ek mooi vra vir ’n skaapboud – so ’n tweetand werk beter as lam vir sosaties. My slagter ontbeen hom en ek is huiswaarts. Ek moet net byvoeg dat varkboud-

It can be something that unites us as a nation but it is definitely something that brings the family together. What are you doing for Heritage Day? Come and visit us at Boschrivier Wines on the R326 road towards Caledon. Pop in for a glass of wine and Boerewors Roll only R10 per roll.

vleis en hoederborsies ’n smaaklike plaasvervanger is vir skaapvleis. Vir die sous begin ek deur twee uie, in dikkerige ringe gesny, stadig in ’n eetlepel sonneblomolie te braai. As die uieringe byna deurskynend is, word twee fyngemaakte knoffelhuisies bygevoeg. Voeg dan twee of drie eetlepels kerriepoeier by, ’n eetlepel borrie, ’n koppie asyn en ’n klein blikkie appelkooskonfyt, asook drie gekneusde suurlemoenblare, ’n paar heel peperkorrels en twee heel naeltjies. Daar moet ’n goeie balans wees tussen soet en suur, en as die een die ander oorheers, gooi óf ’n bietjie suiker óf asyn by totdat die smaak vir jou reg is. As jy nog meer byt wil hê, kan ’n bietjie rissie bygevoeg word. Laat die marinade vir 15 minute verder prut en haal dan van die hitte af. As die sous afgekoel het, meng ’n halwe koppie Bulgaarse of Griekse jogurt daarby – dit is na my per-

soonlike smaak, en dit werk. Sny nou die boud in blokkies op, so een duim by een duim, en giet die afgekoelde marinade daaroor, asook ’n pakkie gedroogte appelkosies. As jou cholesterolvlakke dit toelaat, sny repe varkspek in blokkies en voeg dit ook by. Klein blokkies ui is ook lekker tussenin. En so moet die vleis vir minstens 24 uur marineer, maar my beskeie mening is egter drie dae. Voordat jy die sosaties aanmekaarslaan, week die houtstokkies in koue water. Ryg dan so dat jy twee stukkies vleis, dan ’n stuk spek ryg, dan weer vleis, dan appelkoos, weer vleis, en dan ui. Sosaties word oor matige kole gebraai en die rooster word gereeld gedraai om te verhoed dat hulle nie brand nie. Smeer die sosaties kort-kort met die orige marinade. Hulle behoort nie langer as 15 minute te braai nie.

Braaiing is something that we as South Africans all do. It is part of our Heritage.

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Algemeen General

18 September, 2014

Leerders skitter by Eisteddfod Die kinders van plaaswerkers in die Hemel-en-Aarde-Vallei het aan die Afrikaanse Eisteddfod deelgeneem waar hul verskeie sertifikate verwerf het. Wat dit meer merkwaardig maak is dat van die kinders Xhosa-leerders is wat by Lukhanyo Primêr skoolgaan en hul gedigte in Afrikaans voorgedra het. Die res van die groepie gaan skool by Mount Pleasant Primêr. Die kinders is afgerig deur vroue van die United Kerk wat hulle smiddae met hul huiswerk help. Die leerders se uitslae is as volg: Dalicia Farmer (silwer), Tono Blaai (silwer), Anevuyo Moyikwa (goud), Brendon Heath (cum laude), Andrewlene Mouries (brons), Cheryl Skermaans (goud) en David van Wyk (silwer). Vrydag het die leerders se spreekkoor ook aan die Eisteddfod deelgeneem en baie goed gevaar deur silwer te verower.

Dié leerders het Vrydag as spreekkoor in die Eisteddfod by Laerskool Hermanus deelge­ neem. Hul afrigters is baie trots op hulle, want sommige Xhosa­leerders het in Afri­ kaans deelgeneem. FOTO: CILENE BEKKER

DANCE STUDENTS EXCEL: The following learners are the winners of their section and/or finalists at the Theatre Dance Association’s Eisteddfod of the Performing Arts. They are Jana Bierman (third place in the Bronze tap solo B­section), Sanoline Calitz (finalist and winner hip hop amateur trios, 15­16 years), Axton Green (finalist con­ temporary trio silver 15­16), Yanna Stergianos (first place contemporary solo silver 13­14 and finalist contemporary trio silver 15 ­16), Inge Kuchar (finalist and outright winner hip hop amateur trios 15­16), Adalien Scrooby (finalist contemporary trio sil­ ver 15­16) and Corlia Kleyn (finalis and winner hip hop amateur trios 15­16).

LEERDERS VAAR PUIK BY EISTEDDFOD: Leerders van Laerskool Hermanus het Vrydag 29 Augustus aan die Overberg­kunseistedd­ fod deelgeneem en verskeie sertifikate (cum laude, goud en silwer) gewen. Hulle het in Kleinmond bymekaargekom en moes daar, onder toesig van die beoordelaar, ’n kuns­ werk voltooi. Kunswerke is direk daarna be­ oordeel en leerders kon dan dadelik die te­ rugvoer en diploma in ontvangs neem. Die cum laude­wenners is agter van links Earnes­ tine van Zeeberg en Zandri Kotze. Tweede ry: Anja Theart, Kirsten Sutherland en Me­ gan Naudé. Derde ry: Megan Hassenkamp, Margarita Charitou, Megan Nepgen en Kara Slabbert. Vierde ry: Danie Gouws, Chanté Roux, Nicol Snyman, Camille Loriston en In­ ga Mfundisi. Voor staan Attie de Vries. Andrea Amitrano en Chanelle Marx was af­ wesig.

GOUD-WENNERS: Agter van links: Jessi­ ca du Preez, Joshua Crowley, Angelina Sa­ kulski en Lee­Marié. Tweede ry: Kirsten Ganz, Coenraad van der Stoep, Daeun Kim en Emily Macklin. Derde ry: Thomas Ver­ maak, Hanke Opperman, Kyla Venter en Sharné Kruger. Voor: Nina Joubert en Jon­ té Dyantyi.

SILWER-WENNERS: Agter van links: Cara Janse van Vuuren, Jasmine Cowley en Geor­ gia Maroudas. Tweede ry: Jessica Meiting, Niel de Vries, Jordan Johnston en Arthur Dalbock. Voor: Pascalle Boucher, Ciske Agen­ bag, Miné Prodehl en Emma Kahts. Afwesig: Hanno Joubert.


Algemeen General

18 September, 2014

New day clinic still on schedule JANINE VAN DER RIET

a primary health care service and will have a full staff complement including a full-time The new day clinic in medical officer,” said PeterSwartdam Road, known son.” officially as the HermaAccording to Peterson, evnus Community Day Cenerything is going according tre (CDC), is expected to to plan and they will anopen its doors early 2015. nounce the exact opening date shortly. The search to find suitaThe construction of this fable staff is underway. Natacility is estimated at about sha Peterson, communicaR38 million. tions officer for health in Once the clinic is complete, the Overberg District, says the services offered at the old they are advertising differ- The new day clinic in Swartdam Road is due to Zwelihle Clinic, Mount ent vacancies in the local open early 2015. PHOTO: ELBE VAN HEERDEN Pleasant Clinic, Hermanus media for staff to be appointstaff nurses, medical officer, phar- Clinic and the primary health care ed at the new facility. Full page vacancy ads were pub- macy supervisor, administration and ART services being rendered at lished in the Hermanus Times, 11 clerks, housekeeping supervisor the Hermanus Hospital’s outpatient department, will be amalgamated September issue. Posts advertised and cleaner. “The Hermanus CDC will render under one roof. included those for professional and

Boshoff Visser Groep koop OPN­praktyk Die Boshoff Visser Groep het sy intrek in Hermanus geneem op 3 September toe die firma die leisels van Johan Nel se praktyk, OPN Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters in Hermanus, oorgeneem het. Die Boshoff Visser Groep is ’n medium-grootte geoktrooieerde rekenmeester- en finansiëledienste-firma met takke in die Wes-, Suid- en Noord-Kaap. Die groep se dienste sluit in: rekeningkunde, oudit, belasting, besigheidstrukturering, finansiële beplanning, fidusiêre dienste, testamente, statutêre dienste en belastingadministrasie en advies. Mariska Koekemoer sal die Hermanus-tak bestuur met die direkte samewerking vanaf die Grabouwtak se vennoot, Wessel Steyn.

Johan Nel, Wessel Steyn en Maris­ ka Koekemoer. FOTO: VERSKAF Koekemoer is ’n geoktrooieerde rekenmeester en is al drie en ’n half jaar deel van die Boshoff Visser Groep. Steyn is ’n geoktrooieerde rekenmeester, geregistreerde ouditeur, vennoot en direkteur van die Bos-

hoff Visser Groep. Steyn het meer as 15 jaar se ondervinding in die praktyk. Johan Nel sal op ’n raadgewende grondslag betrokke wees totdat Boshoff Visser behoorlik gevestig is. Jackie Botes sal voortgaan met haar diens as ontvangsdame en assistent. Die firma se kantoor sal steeds geleë wees te Kerkstraat 41, Hermanus. “Na die afsterwe van my eggenote was dit vir my baie moeilik om te konsentreer en het ek besluit ter wille van die goeie diens aan die kliente, om liewers af te skaal,” het Nel gesê. Volgens Koekemoer is hulle opgewonde om die Boshoff Visser Groep se gehaltediens nou uit te brei na die Hermanus-omgewing.

LEARNING ABOUT HEALTHY TEETH: Learners from the United Church Hemel­en­Aarde Children’s Outreach programme visited local dentist, Dr Claude Kelfkens, recently to learn about oral hygiene and healthy teeth and gums. The church started the pro­ gramme seven years ago by reaching out to the children on the Oldlands and Southend Farms in the Hemel­en­Aarde Valley. The church group helps them with basic education needs like home­ work and language skills. They ap­ proached Dr Kelfkens, who agreed to give the talk. Each learner also received a goodie bag to help with oral hygiene. With the learners and Dr Kelfkens are Kim Kelfens (back, second from left) and Henriette Viljoen (back, right) from Dr Kelfkens’s office.



Shackleton ‘down’ ­ the story of Pelican 16 On Friday 26 September a DVD on the flight of a Shackleton aircraft will be shown in St. Peter’s church hall, commencing with light snacks at 18:30. Lt. Col. Peter Dagg, who captained the aeroplane and who has lived in Hermanus for many years, will be on hand to comment and answer questions. This is a riveting show which should not be missed, particularly as 13 July this year was the twentieth anniversary of this ep-

isode in aircraft history. The pride with which a suitable Shackleton was rebuilt to fly South African pilots and engineers to the UK for a special air show, is evident in the film. The cost of the evening is R75 per person. Please bring your own tipple and glass. Tickets are available from Anne Philip (082 399 3925) and from the church secretary, Gracia Beukes 028 312 1325.

Busses parking overnight on this public open space at Magnolia and Ab­ erdeen Streets have been fined.

Busses fined for illegal parking ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Three buses that have been parking overnight on the public open space at the corner of Magnolia and Aberdeen Streets for the last few weeks, were fined in accordance with the new traffic by-law, recently adopted by the municipal council. According to the by-law, no person shall park a vehicle with a gross vehicle mass exceeding 3 500 kg; or any trailer with a gross vehicle mass exceeding 1 000 kg on a public road or road reserve within the jurisdiction of the municipality or property of the municipality for a period of more than one hour between 06:00 and 19:00 daily.

Such vehicles may not park there between 19:00 and 06:00, with the exception of when a temporary parking permit has been issued by the municipality. Temporary parking permits may be issued upon application for agricultural, general heavy-duty transport, business or industrial activities. According to Neville Micheals, the Director of Protection Services at the Overstrand Municipality, law-enforcement officers investigated the buses, which were seen parking overnight on weekdays. “Fines have been issued for overnight parking and unlawful camping,” he said.


Honda Launches 2014 MSX125 QUICKPIC Manufactured in Thailand, the MSX125 is small enough to be supremely manageable yet also has a fully-fledged feel thanks to some standard sized motorcycle parts. It is part mini-bike, part motorcycle with involving performance matched to confident handling and styling that combines a sense of fun with a tough, urban edge. Its well-proven and efficient 125cc fuel-injected engine has been further refined for even greater economy plus smooth torque and power delivery, and also features a motorcyclestyle four-speed gearbox and clutch. Complementing the powerplant is a compact chassis that features a sturdy steel frame, inverted front fork, monoshock rear suspension, hydraulic disc brakes front and rear and lightweight 12-inch wheels sporting wide, low profile tyres. Four patents were applied for through development of the MSX125, focused around the split structure tank cover and frame, proof of just how seriously this bike is taken by Honda. Small it may be, but in terms of worldwide sales, brand awareness and owner satisfaction, its impact has been large. Priorities for the MSX125’s chassis were threefold: it needed to provide the base for a practical bike that new riders could use – and park – with ease in an urban environment. But it also needed to be just as useable and enjoyable out of town, and also readily accept a pillion. A steel mono-backbone frame has been employed. Its rigid, square-section tube joins the headstock directly to the swingarm pivot plates and every other part in effect hangs visibly from the frame, greatly contributing to the MSX125’s minimalist look. Specifically tuned vertical/horizon-

The MSX125’s 125cc two­valve air­cooled engine is based on one of Hon­ da’s most well­proven power units PHOTO: QUICKPIC tal rigidity and flex in the swingarm pivot and engine hanger plates provides the perfect balance of comfort and confidence. The new frame structure has also enabled efficient storage of PGM-FIrelated components and electrical parts inside the tank cover without reducing fuel capacity (5,5 litres). Wheelbase is a snug 1200 mm, with rake and trail of 250 and 81 mm and kerb weight of 101,7kg. The MSX125 has a low 765 mm seat height making it very manageable; its size also ensures that holiday makers are sure to find it easy to load/unload, transport and use. Another aim for the MSX125 was to provide ‘beyond class’ suspension quality. The 31 mm USD fork – a first for Honda on a 125cc motorcycle – reduces unsprung weight and thanks to the pistons’ greater pressure-bearing area (compared to a standard telescopic fork) offers improved damping feel throughout the stroke. The

top and bottom yokes are full-sized, further enhancing handling and rider feel while a lightweight and robust single rear shock operates a simple and tough H-shape, 50 mm x 25 mm steel box section swingarm. Fundamental to the MSX125’s form and function are its 12-inch cast aluminium wheels, which feature wide 2,5-inch rims. New ‘Y’ shaped spokes not only look great they also save weight and the front 120/70-12 and 130/70-12 rear tyres also inject a different dynamic, both in terms of looks and performance. Hydraulic dual piston front and single piston rear brake calipers work front 220 mm and rear 190 mm discs. The MSX125 uses a combined projector headlight – not only does this feature give the front of the bike a strong identity and presence, it also uses a single light source (an HS1 35W/35W double filament bulb) rather than a pair of bulbs for both high and low beam. Low beam is generat-

ed by the upper projection unit and high beam is produced by multi-reflectors which spread out in its lower section. A subtle blue light flanks the projector lens and adds character and visibility while the bright LED taillight melts seamlessly into the bike’s stubby silhouette. Easy to read for its compact size, the LCD digital dash delivers all the information the rider needs – speedometer, twin trip meters, fuel gauge and clock. Resetting the trip meters and clock, or alternation between odometer and trip meter is via switches either side of the display. The MSX125’s 125cc two-valve aircooled engine is based on one of Honda’s most well-proven power units; recently employed in the Wave 125i, over 930 000 have been produced since initial introduction in 2003, and it’s won universal praise over the last decade for fuel efficiency, ease of use and longevity. Further development of the engine for the MSX125 has resulted in improved fuel economy; the engine uses low-friction technology such as an offset cylinder and a roller-rocker arm for the valve gear. Reducing crank inertia has also resulted in improved throttle feel and a smooth power delivery. Imparting a motorcycle feel to the MSX125, the four-speed gearbox is managed via manual clutch and offers smooth and consistent gear changes. The 15T gearbox sprocket, 34T final drive sprocket and 12-inch wheels deliver lively around-town response plus the ability to travel slowly in a high gear – perfect for threading easily through tight traffic. Sophisticated PGM-FI guarantees highly efficient combustion, and works in conjunction with both air intake and exhaust to deliver an involving experience at the throttle. The air intake connecting tube and

funnel is divided in two, allowing its length to be optimised for consistent torque delivery at low and mid rpm. A large, 3-litre airbox and panel-type, wet paper filter provide reliable and quiet airflow; the filter itself has a life of 16 000km. The exhaust pipe features a larger, 28,6 mm diameter bore with increased 3-litre multi-section muffler volume, allowing a strong power output in the mid and upper rpm ranges. The muffler itself uses a dual-layer protector, featuring an inner metal cover that contains heat and a resin outer shield. Improving the efficiency of the catalyser has been achieved by placing it in the exhaust pipe itself; the higher temperature triggers earlier activation while an elongated tapered shaped section in front of the catalyser means spent gases strike it evenly. All in all the MSX125’s engine packs a perfect blend of punchy rollon performance with useful, accessible and fun all-round ability. The effort put into reducing internal friction and increasing intake and exhaust efficiency has also produced a highly economical unit. Colours Available: Suiting its individuality (and that of its owners) the MSX125 is available in four paint options: •Asteroid Black Metallic •Pearl Himalayas White •Pearl Valentine Red •Candy Pisces Blue * All colours now have colour matched tail section and headlight side cover as well as gold wheels, swing arm pivot bolt and front calipers. The Honda MSX125 is sold standard with: •Complimentary Rider Training course through the Honda Academy •12 Months Free Roadside Assistance •24 Month unlimited km warranty

21 Isuzu KB enhanced through constant improvement HermanusTimes

BOLAND Auto Sold

QUICKPIC The locally-engineered and built Isuzu KB has received subtle cosmetic updates, following constructive feedback from loyal Isuzu customers from around South Africa. Isuzu brand manager at General Motors South Africa (GMSA), Mlungisi Nonkonyana, says: “We constantly strive to improve our products. With the added advantage of the sixth-generation Isuzu KB being developed, engineered and built for South Africans in South Africa,

18 September, 2014

we are able to introduce updates with quick turnaround times for maximum effect. “The subtle new tweaks to the Isuzu KB are all geared at enhancing visual appeal and creating a better driving experience.” Available from mid-September 2014, the updates include a new overhead storage compartment including a sunglasses holder on the LX extended cab and double cab models. The new Anthracite Grey upholstery on the LE and LX models moves the interior ambience more upmarket. LE models now feature a more striking Anthracite Grey radiator

grille and a black rear bumper. The LX double cab now features a chrome lockable tailgate handle, and all models now feature a centre-high-mounted stop lamp. “The changes are now reflected on a streamlined range of 18 Isuzu KB derivatives, all powered by our renowned diesel engines.” All Isuzu KB models are sold with a fully-comprehensive 5-year/ 120 000 km warranty and roadside assistanceprogramme,a5-year/unlimited mileage anti-corrosion warranty and a 5-year/ 90 000tkm service plan. Service intervals are 15 000 km or 12 months for all derivatives

The locally­engi­ neered and built Isuzu KB has re­ ceived subtle cosmetic up­ dates, following constructive feedback from loyal Isuzu cus­ tomers from around South Africa.



HermanusTimes 18 September, 2014

BOLAND Auto Sold


BOLAND Auto Sold

18 September, 2014

Suzuki Swift bereik steeds nuwe mylpale QUICKPIC Suzuki se gewilde Swift-luikrugmotor bereik steeds nuwe mylpale, nie net internasionaal nie, maar ook op plaaslike bodem. Die Swift, wat oorspronklik in 2004 as ’n wêreldmotor bekend gestel is, het sedertdien altesaam 4 miljoen verkope wêreldwyd aangeteken – presies nege jaar en nege maande na die oorspronklike bekendstelling. Suzuki en sy Indiese filiaal, Maruti, was boonop in Junie vanjaar die twee handelsmerke wat in vergelyking met 2013 globaal die vinnigste gegroei het. Albei kon hulle verkope met meer as 20 persent laat toeneem. Volgens die gesaghebbende World Brands-webwerf het Maruti se verkope in Junie 2014 met ’n indrukwekkende 27 persent gestyg,

terwyl Suzuki met ’n toename van 23,5 persent kort op sy filiaal se hakke was. Die Swift versinnebeeld Suzuki se erkende kennis en vernuf wat die ontwerp, ontwikkeling en produksie van klein motors betref. Die oorspronklike weergawe is aanvanklik in Japan gebou, maar word nou in agt lande gemonteer, onder meer in Hongarye, Indië, Sjina en Tailand, en word in meer as 140 lande en streke verkoop. Die Swift se welslae in Indië is besonder indrukwekkend: die Indiese mark verteenwoordig sowat die helfte van algehele Swift-verkope wêreldwyd. Europese verkope geld vir ’n verdere 19 persent, terwyl Japan se verkope-aandeel sowat 11 persent behels. Dis egter nie net die verkoopsyfers wat die Swift se gewildheid be-

nadruk nie: die kompakte luikrug spog ook met ’n indrukwekkende lys toekennings. Die Swift het reeds twee keer – in 2006 en 2010 – die Japanse RJC Motor van die Jaar-titel ingepalm, terwyl die Australiese webwef, motoring.com.au, die Swift drie jaar agtereenvolgens as een van die land se beste eerste motoraankope aangewys het. Wat Suid-Afrika betref, bly die vraag na die Suzuki Swift, wat in 2008 plaaslik bekend gestel is, eweneens positief. Kumulatiewe verkope na net ses jaar beloop reeds amper 10 000 voertuie. Die Swift was boonop ’n finalis in die 2009 SA Motor Van Die Jaar-wedstryd. “Die Swift bly ’n sleutelmodel in Suzuki se voortgesette groei en welslae in Suid-Afrika,” sê Francois van Eeden, Suzuki Auto SA se nasionale bestuurder van bemarking.


Dis egter nie net die verkoopsyfers wat die Swift se gewildheid benadruk nie: die kompakte luikrug spog ook met ’n indrukwekkende lys toeken­ nings FOTO: QUICKPIC

Fuel Saving tips for your car Fuel­saving tips with fuel costs at its current high, the following fuel­saving tips will be helpful: *Fill up at night: Petrol evaporates fast, and more petrol is lost through evaporation during the day than at night. * Drive at a constant engine speed: Accel­ eration burns more fuel. * Drive with the windows up: At speeds fast­ er than 80 km/h, the windows should be closed. Thus fuel consumption may be im­ proved by up to 5 percent. *Drive with the windows down: Drive without air condi­ tioning, with the windows down, if the speed is below 80 kmh. The air conditioner puts a load on the engine, increasing fuel consumption.· * “Feel” the engine: Use the feedback from a car’s engine during driving. Allow the car to gain momentum on a downward slope. This inertia will assist the car up the following incline, and only when one starts to lose steam, change to a lower gear. *Plan your route: Driving when traffic is moving well will greatly help to reduce fuel consumption. An idling car in a traffic jam gets zero km per litre



BOLAND Auto Sold

18 September, 2014

Jeep Cherokee Longitude: oos wes, tuis bes HANS HEESE Jare gelede was daar ’n volbladadvertensie in die nuustydskrif Time met ’n foto van ’n Jeep tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog aan een of ander bloeddorstige gevegsfront. Die enigste byskrif was “Original Sin”. Wat die Jeep met sonde te doen gehad het, weet ek tot vandag toe nog nie. Maar die prentjie van die Jeep in die middel van ’n harde geveg, sal my altyd bybly.

Van buite lyk die Cherokee pure perd op sy 17 duim allooiwielvellings en maak hulle die oop ruimtes om die nisse mooi vol. FOTO: QUICKPIC

Wat wel waar is, is dat die Jeep die VSA gehelp het om die oorlog te wen en dat alle ligte 4X4 voertuie op die mark eintlik maar afstammelinge van hierdie moeder van alle “sondes” was! Dit geld dan ook vir die moderne makers van alle luukse 4X4s. As sesjarige seun het ek die eerste keer op Oom Danie de Wet se plaas by Caledon ervaar hoe sy Jeep in reenweer teen ’n damwal kon uitklim en het op die plek ’n Jeep-bekeerling geword. As student is ek en my maats in die middel sestigs na die Goodwood Skou met die uitsluitlike doel om die nuwe Jeep Wagoneer te gaan aanskou; die eerste 4X4 wat soos ’n stasiewa gelyk het en soos ’n motor hanteer het. Dit is eers jare daarna wat die Engelse en die res met soortgelyke voertuie voor die dag sou kom. Terug na die nuwe Jeep Cherokee met die snaakserige naam Longitude, oftewel lengtegraad in Afrikaans. Het die name nou begin opraak, of het dit te doen met die OosWes debat waar Japannese 4X4 bakkies daagliks op CNN te siene is? Die Longitude is die intreemodel in die nuwe Cherokee-reeks wat on-

langs bekendgestel is. Anders as die res van die reeks, wat almal dieselfde moderne en byderwetse bakvorm deel, is die Longitude met voorwielaandrywing toegerus en is die enjin die 2.4l Tigershark MultiAir I-4 eenheid wat ’n baie skaflike 130 kW ontwikkel en 229 Nm wringkrag lewer. Vir gewone en alledaagse gebruik is hierdie krag beslis meer as genoeg; om die waarheid te sê, amper te veel. Met die wegtrekslag het ’n mens die gevoel gekry dat jy te doen het met ’n senuweeagtige renperd wat net wil hol! Maar hierdie verskynsel kan ook verband hou met die nuwe outomatiese ratkas met sy nie minder as nege ratverhoudings nie. Dit kos versigtig petrol trap om nie die wiele te laat tol nie. Aan die binnekant is daar alles wat daar verwag word van ’n luukse sedanmotor wat gerief betref en spasie en sitplekke is ontwerp vir groot Amerikaners. Die ekstras sluit dinge soos ’n 7-duim navigasieskerm gekoppel aan ’n klank- en vermaaklikheidsentrum met USB-poorte en die moontlikheid om mondelinge bevele aan die sentrum oor te dra; alles wat in Japan uitgevind is, is teenwoordig. Natuurlik ook die veiligheidstoerusting uit Europa soos die sewe lugsakke wat gekoppel is aan sensors wat vooruit ’n moontlike botsing of omrol-aksie kan voorspel. Hierdie is eienskappe wat moontlik spruit uit die alliansie tussen Daimler-Benz en Chrysler van so ’n paar jaar gelede. Dit is dan ook nie ’n wonder dat die Cherokee in 2013 die hoogste punte in sy klas in die Europese botsingstoetse behaal het nie. Van buite lyk die Cherokee pure perd op sy 17 duim allooiwielvellings en maak hulle die oop ruimtes

om die nisse mooi vol. Daar is ook die geheelbeeld dat hierdie voertuig nog steeds die oorwin-alles voorkoms het; iets wat by sommige mededingers ontbreek. Dieselfde geld natuurlik ook vir die Wrangler-modelle wat nog altyd sy klassieke lyne uit die Tweede Wêreldoorlog behou het en lyk soos ’n ware 4X4 behoort te lyk. Noem dit retro-stilering of iets anders, maar dit werk vir ons ware entoesiaste wat nie modebehep is nie en waar funksionaliteit eerste kom. En natuurlik die gepatenteerde aantal balkies op die neus wat die verkoeler beskerm. Prakties is natuurlik die parkeersensors agter om die relatief groot voertuig in ’n klein parkeerspasie in te kry; senior burgers sal veral hierdie geriefie waardeer! So ook die dubbele stelsel klimaatbeheer wat natuurlik veel meer behels as blote lugversorging. En wat kos hierdie Amerikaanse ikoon? Die eienaar sal R479 990 minder in sy sak hê as hy hom van die vloer aftrek. As die krag en ekstra toerusting miskien nie op standaard is nie, is daar natuurlik ’n lang lys van toerusting wat teen ’n ekstra prys beskikbaar is, onder andere leerbekleedsel en ’n sondak. Of die koper kan die hardebaard Limiteden Trailhawk-modelle met vierwielaandrywing oorweeg, waarvan sommige ook ewenaarslotte insluit. Die prys vir die hardebaard Cherokee 3.2 l Limited AWD is R563 990en die koning van die reeks, die Cherokee 3.2 l Trailhawk 4WD, kan joune wees vir R607 990. Slotsom, geniet die (Amerikaanse) verlede in vandag se gemak en styl! Galimoto Media

BOLAND Auto Sold


18 September, 2014

Awesomeness amplified: the updated Kia Picanto QUICKPIC The second-generation Kia Picanto has been turning heads since making its global premiere at the 2011 Geneva Motor Show and local market introduction in 2011. Completely redesigned, the new model – proudly featuring Kia’s iconic ‘tiger nose’ grille – moved the Picanto from ‘cute’ and ‘friendly’ to ‘mature’ and ‘handsome’, combining sporty styling, a high quality interior, frugal and efficient engines and exceptional levels of standard equipment to create a car that is, quite simply, awesome. The Picanto was born from a simple idea: an affordable car should make no compromises on styling, features or technology. However, thanks to a mild exterior update, the all-awesome Picanto now looks even sportier and sexier, confidently showing off the design and features that has garnered it multiple awards in the past four years. And with the latest Picanto, Kia Motors has proven that ‘affordable’

elected a finalist in the can also be ‘awesome’. 2012 WesBank / SAGMJ Fresh off the mark folCar of the Year competilowing its European tion, widely considered market launch in 2011, the most prestigious comthe Kia Picanto scooped petition on the South Afa prestigious red dot derican motoring calendar. sign award in the ProdWhile the two-model uct Design category, Picanto line-up remains coming out ahead of unchanged, enhancemore than 11 000 other ments to the exterior enentries from more than dows it with a sportier, 60 countries and marksexier face thanks to a reing Kia’s fifth red dot vised ‘tiger nose’ grille award in less than three and a restyled front years. bumper. A few months later, The new grille is slightKia Motors scooped up The new grille is slightly larger, and features a silver ly larger, and features a an equally covetable iF painted bezel surrounded by beveled edges for a more silver painted bezel surproduct design award expressive, three­dimensional visage PHOTO: QUICKPIC rounded by beveled edges for the three-door Picanto (available exclusively in Europe) duction of the Kia Picanto (as well for a more expressive, three-dimen– the company’s fourth in three as the Kia Rio and Optima), TÜV sional visage. The ‘tiger nose’ on the range-topNord, an independent technical inyears. This award recognises design spection organisation, certified all ping EX model also features red borquality alongside a number of other three models according to the ISO dering to separate the bezel from the criteria, including workmanship, 14040 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). black mesh grille, emphasising its In South Africa, the Picanto took sporty appearance. level of innovativeness and ecoThe new bumper incorporates a top honours in the People’s Wheels friendliness. But it’s not just about awesome Awards for three years in a row smaller kidney grille separated styling. Thanks to its low tailpipe (2011, 2012 and 2013), has won nu- from the lower air intake, which is emissions and the advanced manu- merous ‘Best Buy’ awards from mul- now narrower and positioned lowfacturing processes used in the pro- tiple major publications, and was er. The fog lamps are larger, as are


the integrated fog lamp housings. The Picanto’s strongly-sculpted, dynamic side profile and uncluttered rear styling remains unchanged. The 1.0 LX ships with 14inch steel wheels with full wheel covers, while the 1.2 EX features sporty 14-inch alloys. Two of Kia Motor Corporation’s efficient Kappa engines do duty in the all-awesome Picanto, starting with three-cylinder, 998 cc unit producing 51 kW and 94 Nm of torque in the 1.0 LX. A four-cylinder, 1248cc engine is utilised in the range-topping 1.2 EX, producing 65 kW and 120 Nm of torque. Both engines are mated to a fivespeed manual transmission, but a four-speed automatic transmission is available as an option. The Picanto 1.0 LX retails for R130 995* (R142 995* for the automatic version), and the range-topping 1.2 EX for R140 995* (R152 995* for the automatic version). All derivatives ship as standard with a five-year/ 100 000 km warranty. A two-year/ 45 000 km optional service plan is also available. For more information, visit www.kia.co.za.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

18 September, 2014



FOUND 1215


PURSE, Bank cards. Mr Dyani & Mr Madolo. Can be collected from Coetzee Van Zyl, Rheezicht Centre, Main Road, Onrus River. 028 316 4454


JACOBUS MARTIN RAS GEBORE: 2/9/1946 OORLEDE: 10/9/2014 My man so skielik is jy weg van my. Self siekte en pyn was jy steeds 'n rots en 'n inspirasie vir almal. Die wat jou geken het , het nooit ooit gekla oor enige iets nie. Ek sal jou oneindig mis. Eggenoot Angie, Kinders en Kleinkinders.

ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.







WILLEM GAHL 06/09/2014 Reeds 2 jaar weg en 19/9/2014 2de verjaarsdag. Liefde en mooi herinneringe sal ons altyd bybly, Anne, Arthur, Johan, Franklin en Julian.

Due to the Public holiday on 24 September the deadline for Hermanus Times of 25 September SmallADS Monday 22 September @ 14:00



JACOBUS MARTIN 02/09/1945 - 10/09/2014

Die gedenkdiens vind plaas op Saterdag 20/09/2014 om 14h00 vanuit die Ou Apostoliese Kerk, Sandbaai Privaat Verassing

Reëlings deur: Anthea Woolstencroft

SMITH NEIL Passed away peacefully on 14 September 2014. Much loved Husband, Father and Grandfather who will be sorely missed by Avril, Brad, Gregg and family. Memorial service will be held at Volmoed Chapel Hemel en Aarde on Monday 22 September 2014 at 15:00.

Hermanus 028 316 1659

CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871 HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.

HILDA GALANT: 19/09/42 - 14/03/14 If roses grow in Heaven, Lord please pick a bunch for us. Place it in our Mother's arms, And tell her it's from us. Tell her we love her and miss her, And when she turns to smile place a kiss upon her cheek and hold her for a while. Because remembering her is easy, We do it every day. But there's an ache within our hearts that will never go away. From Mara, Wayne & children FUNERAL SERVICES 1025

Ons innige meegevoel aan die naasbestaandes.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218. ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za. OVERSTAND HOSPICECare for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679 SOFCA FETE. Please donate your old clothing, books, white elephants, fresh produce, home baked cakes, and anything we could sell on our stalls on September 27 Deliver to Sofca or phone 028 312 3236

MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311.

1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.

VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281. LOANS


OUD-ONDERWYSERES/Bibliotekaresse kan jou laerskoolkind help met Afrikaans, Engels, Leesvaardighede en voorbereiding vir eksamen. Onrusrivier. Kontak Annette 082 877 6337



LA DANé Danielle 072 253 3960 danielleladane@gmail.com CAKES FOR ALL OCCASIONS

MY CAKE ANGEL. Cakes/cupcakes for all occasions. E-mail: tarrynlotz@gmail.com. Call Tarryn Geyer: 076 154 9612. View: www.mycakeangel.co.za.

CONSOLIDATION LOAN AVON: Passievol oor ONLINE. Up to R230 000. direkte verkope? Sluit nou Bad credit welcome. aan by my dinamiese span. E-mail: help@debtcon.co.za Rene Geldenhuys 083 468 8164 / 028 425 2118 PERSONAL



DIE LAASTE & GROOTSTE MISLEIDING - Lukas 21:8, Danie Pienaar. Vir gratis leesstof en CD SMS jou naam en adres na 082 734 4168.

DON'T WANT TO JOIN A GYM? Come to a private studio or gym at home with qualified trainer. Richnard: 079 768 1491.

TAROT READING: Over 25 yrs experience. Phone Glenda 083 750 9453 for appointments. THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884.


TRANSPORT available at your doorstep. For school children, creches, work, churches etc. 7 Days, MonSun. Call Blessings 074 534 3916 or 073 654 7278

PARTY/EVENT DANCE floor for hire. Black & white check. Phone Carol or Talitha 028 313 2769.


Helium balloons, Cakes, Cupcakes, Jumping Castle, Children Party supplies and much more Estelle 13 Dirkie Uys Street, Hermanus 072 401 5913 sugarplumpartyfun@gmail.com

NOSTALTIQUES. Wanted: Antiques, Art, secondhand household goods. Steenbras Street 15, Hermanus Industria. 082 833 2567. ELECTRICAL & DIGITAL

PHOTO & VIDEO SERVICES. Weddings, Functions, Parties, Concerts, Portrates. Very affordable rates. Bookings essential. Call Ben 072 293 6169


COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pentium 4's from R1299,00. Refurbished with warranty. Call Dolf Uys 072 705 8577.


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

18 September, 2014


COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.



FURNITURE WANTED. We offer best prices for all TREKSTANG vir Fiat Polio Weekend 2003. Skayour unwanted furniture kel 082 920 2204 and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508. GENERAL & HOME SERVICES BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION

24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, comSEPTEMBER SPECIAL mercial & domestic. Irrigation Installation Graeme Lahoud 082 785 For quotation phone 2017. Peter 0826038164 ELECTRICAL and house- Email: lotz.onrus@telkomsa.net hold appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL: Break1845 downs, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. No call out fee. Call 079 706 1056. FOR HIRE 1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280. ccsplant@telkomsa.net.




REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. ROMAN BLINDS. Do you need Roman blinds? Please call 082 449 8228 SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667.www. solarmax.co.za.







RED NISSAN GRAND LIVINA Model 2012. Excellent condition, full house, only done 34.400 kms. Balance of three year warranty. R149 000. 028 316 4352 or 076 424 0355

WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480. BUSINESS


AAA MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, damp proofing, water proofing, building & renovations, general maintenance. Free quotes. Call Ian 082 535 5591.


PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.



BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. ALUMINIUM ANGLO Call 086 100 2271 or 028WINDOWS/DOORS. 312 2367. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 ALL BUILDING WORK. 4761/084 558 1902. Alterations, renovations, GARDEN & CARPET AND UPHOLextensions, boundry walls, IRRIGATION STERY cleaning. Curtains paving, tiling & painting. 1825 & blinds. Call Allison or Call 082 255 0939. A BEAUTIFUL GARJohn 072 572 0215. MISCELLANEOUS DRAUGHTING of builDEN. For full garden ding documentation for all maintenance, tree felling, CARPET and upholstery 1655 cleaning. Personal supervitypes of building work: plot clearing and refuse BARGAINS, 2nd hand sion. Best prices. Free quoNew buildings and additi- removal. Also small remosingle bed & mattress, tations. Phone Top Carpets ons to Existing and the vals. Gutter cleaning. Call 028-313 0721. heater, overlocker, cabinet, compiling of "As-Built" MornĂŠ 083 225 3712. frying pan, suitcases, cutdrawings of existing works FLOOR SANDING & spelery, glassware, binocular, AFRI-LANDSCAPES. for legalising of unapprocialized installation of chairs, gifts, ottomans, ved structures for Munici- Landscape design, installa- wood floors & timber books etc. Call: 082 767 tion, irrigation and mainpal approval. Do you have decks. The Hutton 1086 a set of approved building tenance. For professional Brothers 082 828 5627 service contact Tony on plans of your property as or 028-341 0543. BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. 072 125 1855 or required by law? Contact Rooikrans, Wattle en Bloetony@afrilandscapes.co.za. Johann at: 083 452 komhout. Call Danie 082 1422 A & A BOME. Afsaag van 958 5749. bome en takke, asook FOR GENERAL PLUMBRAAI AND FIREFRANCOIS DU TOIT wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot BING, MAINTENANCE, WOOD for sale. RooiCONSTRUCTION & by Rooi-Els. Aldert en AniRoof cleaning & painting, krans, Bluegum, Myrtle. PLUMBING. Painting, ta skakel 083 739 9865. exterior & interior or wall Contact Wayne Haman 079 paving, tiling, bathroom painting. Paving, water484 0364 or ffprojects22@ makeovers, home mainteproofing & tiling. Call gmail.com. nance, building requireJohan 082 216 7009. ments call 083 308 0534 BUY & SELL. We have JAMES PEARSON for excellent quality used furROSS CONSTRUCTION General Plumbing, Painniture and appliances. ting, Roof cleaning, WaterN.H.B.R.C REGISTERED Super Seconds 2 Arum proofing, Paving Tiling, Alterations- ExtensionsStreet, Industrial area, Joinery. Renovations and Hermanus. Opposite Coca- New Builds, Free Quotes. general Maintenance. 073 rossconstrucCola. Between Adventure BUFFALO GRASS. Save 116 4488 tion@gmail.com-078 447 Centre and Port Scaffolwater, plant indigenous 7594 ding. grass. For the best prices, 079 746 0830 call Chris 082 568 2592. ELEKTRONIESE CLEANING FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: SEVICES SIGARETTE for professional irrigation 1805 Vir al u E-Sigarette, Eand automatic borehole Liquid's, onderdele en EXCLUSIVE HOUSE interfacing systems. For a benodighede. Kontak Ben CLEANING SERVICE/ free consultation phone Rossouw Sel: 082 726 SKOONMAAKDIENS. 8771. Tel: 028 316 4217. Personal full time supervi- 028-313 0295. Branderdraai Str 11, sion. Maintaining holiday FYNBOS GARDENS. Sandbaai, Hermanus of homes. Are you moving in Landscaping, irrigation and Martie Sel 072 644 2942 or out, we can help. Mongarden maintenance. 15 Gansbaai Sat Call 076 115 7382 Mimosa Street, Industrial Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. SOLOMON'S WINDOW www.fynbosgardens.com CLEANING Services for GARDEN AFFAIR. domestic, commercial, Offering full garden industrial & construction maintenance. Garden sites. For free quotation design & landscaping. Irriphone Solomon 082 747 gation repairs. Plot clea3640. Serving Hermanus ring. Juliet Leppan 072 942 since 1996. 1260. 1801

A1 BUILDERS. Project Management Holiday House.- Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798.

BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323.

REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195.

Gareth 072 656 6370 info@stocktents.com www.stocktents.com Stock Tents is a stretch tent rental and manufacturing company WANTED TO BUY

HERMANUS LANDSCAPING. Garden design, maintenance & irrigation. 22 Years experience. Call Paul Marx 082 32 777 04.


PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028 316 1881 / 072 288 4761.



OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.

WE COLLECT garden refuse and Rubble and anything that you want to be moved within Hermanus. Call Michael 073 016 1686

BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact Evan Rautenbach at 082 974 6995 or email us at: advice@bbrokers.co.za. Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website: www.bbrokers.co.za. SERVICES 2420


AUDI A6 Winskoop. 2.6 outomaties 1996. R37000. 076 511 7957


HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za. VEHICLES WANTED TO BUY 3075

AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.


TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering.

PEST CONTROL WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028-316 3010.



PRIME INDUSTRIAL space for rent, 120sq, Alarmed, Good parking, Mimosa St. Hermanus. Contact 021 200 9961/ 083 556 6564.



CASH 4 GOLD : Gold and Silver memorabilia - Bring your items and get a honest evaluation. Contact 028 312 3154.

A STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704. 24 HOUR PLUMBING SERVICES. Qualified & PIRB registered. Gen maintenance, new installations, emergency services & bathroom make overs. Francois du Toit 083 308 0534

TRANSPORT OF FURNITURE & goods. Hermanus, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape. Long distance available. PDP driver. Call Johan 076 253 3745



1995 FORD TX5 one owner R29,900. 1996 Volkswagen Caddy with Canopy-R32,500. 1996 Mercedes C280 R29,900. Call 082 336 6559

EASTCLIFF-R3000. Furnished bedsit for single working person. Incl light+water. Dep Required. 082 437 2929 EASTCLIFF. Flat with private garden Incl. light + water. R4000pm. Dep. required 028 312 3978. Please leave message. FURNISHED APARTMENT Kwaaiwater. 2 Bedrooms, large livingroom, bathroom. Nice view close to the sea. Available now. R3900 pm. electricity incl. Call Lance 076 810 1196.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

18 September, 2014

FURNISHED APARTMENT- Bedroom lounge/ kitchenette. Large balcony. Mountain and sea view. Avail. immediateley. R2700 pm. Electricity and water incl. Contact Lance 076 810 1196 SPACIOUS one bedroom flat available 1 October in Sandbaai. Walking distance from Sandbaai and Onrus beaches with sea view. R4200 per month including electricity. Contact 082 924 4335

GARDEN flat Northcliff R2700pm, Water included. Pay as you go Electricity. Fully furnished + full DSTV. Bedroom upstairs, open plan kitchen/ lounge. Own enclosed garden/ Braai. Dressing room/ bathroom, shower. Phone Irene 084 690 3583 VERMONT: Furnished room, en-suite bathroom, kitchenette, garden for working person. R1900pm. + dep R1900. From 1 October. Call 083 763 6572.

VOëLKLIP HOUSE. 2 Bedrooms,1 bathroom, 700 m to beach, above Main Rd. Private. Quiet Mountain views. No dogs or kids please. Off-street shaded parking. R4750 per month, excl municipal costs. R4750 deposit. 072 906 6731. OFFICES 3290



3201 3205

ARABELLE COUNTRY ESTATE R 2600 000 Urgent sale ! 3 Bedroomed home on 2nd hole of the golf course, open plan living area with undercounter stove, 1.5 bathrooms, central courtyard and single garage. Excellent investment opportunity. Call Res Donovan 082 490 9203 or Denis Helfrich 083 285 6474. BEACH HOUSE PROPERTIES MARINER'S VILLAGE Plot & Plan from R975 000

4 BEDROOM house in Voëlklip. Contact 082 870 5704. 78 SQUARE Metre shop in Harbour Road Hermanus. Contact 082 870 5704 88 SQUARE Metre shop in Main Road, Hermanus. Contact 082 870 5704


FISHERHAVEN R350 000 Ruim hoek erf met meer en berguitsig. Uitstekende posisie teen redelike prys. Web Ref: 703752 www.gtproperty.co.za Lynette 082 578 5900 GUTHRIE & THERON EIENDOMME PROPERTIES WANTED TO RENT

DENI 084 436 2526



MILKWOOD ESTATE, ONRUS R1 450 000 Single-storey charming free standing house with spacious open plan living area, separate laundry/scullery, access to double garage auto doors, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, enclosed garden, north-facing Occupation 1 October 2014 Contact: Flick du Toit 083 675 3064

HARDWORKING lady (31) seeking employment as carer/babysitter. Qualified, proffesional home caregiver available for night care or weekend on A 30 year old Zimbabwean nightly basis. 4 Years experience. Call Ethel 071 lady is looking a fulltime 758 4276. Reference 072 housework or babysitting job. Reliable, trustworthy 040 9729 and fluent in English. Please call Lucy on 073 HOUSEKEEPER/CARE581 2183 GIVER, home and garden Maintenance. Responsible A Malawian lady 22 years young husband and wife currently working for Gen- team, with reliable refevive Starke is looking for a rences. 061 078 9936 fulltime job as a domestic worker. Call Jessie on 078 I AM a 46 year old woman 483 7232, 071 809 8711 looking for a job as a Ref 082 873 4559 domestic worker or child minder. I am a hard worA MALAWIAN lady aged ker. I can start as soon as possible. Call 073 104 1967 25 years is looking for a job as a domestic worker or babysitter. Full time. I AM a lady aged 26 looContact 071 032 6077. Ref. king for domestic work. 082 890 5749, 2 Years Babysitter for 2 to 3 days. experience. Work permit Call 062 153 6285 Pennia. available. I am a Malawian man looA MALAWIAN man is king for a job as a houselooking for a job as a garkeeper. I am Computer dener or any housekeeping literate and have experijob for 2 days a week. ence in MS Office, MSPPT, Thurs/ Sat. Please call Cle- MS Excell, MS Internet, ment on 078 744 4500 Email. 061 005 0717 A 23 year Zimbabwean man with code 10 (PDP) looking for a job as a driver, cashier/ General worker. Contact 074 368 1199

A ZIMBABWEAN couple looking for a job as a gardener, painter & housekeeper/domestic for full time. Ref no 082 807 8842-079 697 6551, 071 318 2159. Call Moses 083 766 7076/ Beatrice 084 050 0064. A ZIMBABWEAN couple looking for a job as stayins. Please contact Emilly 084 391 5887 A ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for a job as a housekeeper, babysitter or stay-in. Please call Brenda at 078 357 4140. Reference available. Louise Erasmus 082 897 1650 A ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for work as a house cleaner. 3 Days per week. 084 592 0200 A ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for a job as a domestic worker or babysitter fulltime. Call Beatrice 084 050 0064 or Moses 083 766 7076



AN EXPERIENCED Zimbabwean lady with reference is seeking for three days work per week as a domestic worker. Call Eva 061 073 0206 CALLISTO CHILANGA looking for a job as a gardener, Maintenance worker or Porter. I am available for 4 days, Tuesday to Friday, Contact 078 855 7579 ELIZA Malawian lady looking for a job as a housekeeper or babysitter. Call Yohane 074 267 5973



25 YEAR old Malawian lady is looking for domestic or babysitting work for 3 days. Contact Lucy @ 078 905 8589/ 061 850 4189 35 YEAR old lady is looking for domestic work. Monday to Friday or a babysitting work. Please call 073 174 0391

ENERGETIC experienced lady looking for full time job as a houskeeper. Has a permit. Contact Veronica on 073 299 9429. References available. EXCEPTIONAL, honest and reliable domestic worker seeks employment in Vermont, Hermanus area. Phone employer for reference 082 585 4704

I AM a Zimbabwean lady aged 30. I am looking for domestic work or child minding work. Mon- Fri, 2 Years experience with references. 073 074 3955

MALAWIAN man with SA driving lisence looking for a job as a driver, stores clerk, laboratory attendant, shop assistant, housekeeper & gardener. Experience working with South African Fidentia Group for 5 years. Call: 060 388 3524 or 061 908 4349

SEAMSTRESS. Looking for qualified seamstress who has experience working with industrial machines and must be able to work from patterns. Fax CV to 028 316 2025

MY EXCELLENT, honest Zimbabwean char is looking for work, 3 Times a week. Call 072 994 3967 MY NAME is Gilbert M. I am coming from Zimbabwe. I am 29 years old. I am married. I am looking for a job as gardener, housekeeper or driver. I can speak English and Afrikaans. 078 959 1071, 074 504 6034 MY NAME is Talent Mafuta. I am coming from Zimbabwe. I am 26 years old. I am married and looking for a housekeeping job. Call 084 067 3763/ 078 EASTCLIFF Spar Car 589 7719 Wash require experienced staff. References and CV. SOUTH AFRICAN lady Fax details to 086 635 looking for a job, any kind 9463 of job. I am a hard working lady. Ready to start work EXPERIENCED Pizza any time from now. 078 chef required. Wednesday 815 7179 to Sunday initially. Fax CV to 086 635 9463 TWO reliable Zimbabwean ladies looking for housekeeping, Nanny livein job. Able to prepare meals. Call 084 799 4736/ 078 554 4623

I AM a Zimbabwean lady (aged 32 yrs) looking for domestic work. I am honest, hard working. 3Yrs experience. I have refeZIMBABWEAN lady is rence. Call me on 071 930 looking for Home Carer 9332. work. I worked at Hermanus Medi Clinic for 1½ I AM a Zimbabwean lady, years. Reference available, I am 40 years old. Looking Certificates available. Call 061 074 1370 for a housekeeping job. I worked for a Cleaning Service company for 4 years. Hardworking and Honest. GENERAL 076 646 7204 / 061 615 3680 2791 I'M a lady looking for a job as a housekeeper or babysitter. I have experience. Ref : Margie Deegan 082 964 4848. Contact me on 079 844 8124 / 073 368 9840 I'M an honest Zimbabwean lady looking for a job as a domestic worker or babysitter. Working from Monday to Friday. Contact Esther 061 344 7335, 083 968 3953. Reference Mrs. Spaarwater 082 898 7724 I'M looking for a job as a domestic worker. Wednesday, Friday. Phone 078 404 8645/ 063 107 8281 Refernce 082 411 5505 MALAWIAN lady looking for a job as a babysitter / domestic worker. 2 Years experience. Call Gloria 083 686 5917, 073 022 8377 MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job as a waiter, domestic worker, farm worker, gardener, shop assistant or any other job. References available. Call Wellington on 084 225 6419 MALAWIAN man looking for a job as housekeeper, painter or gardener or any kind of job. Contact Oscar on 074 728 3721 99% SAL NIE REAGEER op hierdie advertensie nie. Inkomste potensiaal deeltyds: ± R24 000. Onmiddelike kontantvloei. Geen deur-tot-deur bemarking nie. Skakel Hein 072 807 8603/ kantoor 021 850 8184

LIVE IN housekeeper to start soonest. Must have guesthouse experience. Phone 083 331 2809 NANNY RECRUITMENT AGENCY. Care Foundation Recruiting Nannies with SA ID and high school education. Send CV to Po Box 509, Onrus 7201. 071 404 8529 OP SOEK na 'n huishulp. Moet in 'n gesonde toestand wees, betroubaar en vinnig kan werk. Werksure 8uur tot 3uur. R120 per dag Kontak mev Language 082 739 7615


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

18 September, 2014

Dog whisperer whispers “I DO”



Smith, chairperson, organised a ceremony that Two dedicattook place on ed Hermanus Saturday 30 Animal WelAugust, caterfare Society ing for (HAWS) emaround 50 ployees had guests. their hearts Judy Milset on getting ler, volunteer married, but at HAWS with limited thanks all the funds they saw other voluntheir dream of teers who a beautiful helped set up wedding day the wedding. floating away. Rev James But mem- Ilze Smith, chairperson of HAWS Grey of the bers of HAWS, made sure the couple received a United volunteers beautiful cake specially made for Church genand their co- them. erously doworkers decided to jump in and help Takesure nated his time and the use of the Razah, called the dog whisperer church hall and the kitchen for by his colleagues, and Progress the occasion. Takesure and make their special day a day to Progress were blown away with gratitude and also thanked remember. Other HAWS members and everyone who helped to make staff donated money and Ilze their day so special.

Rev James Grey with the couple, Takesure and Progress, on their wedding day. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

PENNYPINCHERS HERMANUS TAKES FIRST PLACE: Pennypinchers Hermanus re­ ceived the prestigious accolade of Steinbuild store of the year, first place across all three of their brands namely Pennypinchers, Timbercity and Hardware Warehouse at the recent Steinbuild store and supplier awards held at the Arabella Country Estate on 5 and 6 September. This was the first Steinbuild awards evening where all three their national brands attended and were eligible. Dean White, store oper­ ator of Pennypinchers Hermanus, received the award on behalf of the branch and thanked each of his staff members for their con­ tribution towards this recognition.


13 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS 028 312 2717

SUNDAY 21st September 2014 Morning Services: 8.30 & 10am led by Rev. Dr. James Gray

Children's & Youth Ministry 9.45am in the hall

Sunday Evening: 6.30pm Led by Prof. John de Gruchy

BotSoc plants five indigenous trees The Hermanus Botanical Society celebrated International Arbor Week this September by planting five indigenous trees in the Fernkloof Arboretum. Those planting trees this year were dr Di Marais, Geraldine Gardiner, Jack Bold, manager of Fernkloof Nursery and 2014 winner of the Mayor’s Environmental Trophy, Danielle Gous and Robin Richards, HBS member. Richards is a grandson of Joseph Storr Lister, who as a young forester, created the arboretum in Tokai and went on to become the first Chief Conservator of For-

ests. Robin’s great- grandfather was Thomas Bain who wrote the report which played such an important part in saving the Knysna forests from the axes of the woodcutters. Dr Marais thanked everyone present at the tree-planting for their support and said she was “delighted that Cashkows had taken the opportunity to become a part of our local environmental tree planting initiative”. “I hope their example will inspire other local businesses to follow suit next year by donating or planting trees.” The Arboretum was estab-

lished in 2010 following an initiative by Max Leipold and the family and friends of Elwen and Chris van Schouwen. David Beattie and Riaan Maritz were involved in the planning and Frank Woodvine was in charge of choosing, buying and planting the trees. The Overstrand Municipality recently provided swings and a jungle gym there for youngsters, which, together with the tables and benches in the shade of the established trees, make it a popular place for family picnics.

The Hermanus Botanical Society celebrated In­ ternational Arbor Week by planting five indig­ enous trees in the Fernkloof Arboretum. Here are Danielle Gous, Cashkows Environmental Responsibility representative, Di Marais, chair­ person of the Hermanus Botanical Society and Geraldine Gardiner, HBS Gardening committee.

MOOI GESNOEI, MAAR WAAR’S DIE PERMIT?: Op Donder­ dag 4 September, het dié hoop afgesnyde melkhoutboom­takke in Van Blommensteinstraat langs Onrus­karavaanpark gelê – en dit in Nasionale Boomplantweek! Volgens Bevan Pope van die Onrus Be­ lastingbetalersvereniging het hy aangedring op ’n permit wat jy in jou besit moet hê om melkhoutbome te mag snoei. “Toe ek die per­ soon wat die bome gesnoei het, vra of hy ’n permit het, het hy aan my genoem dat hy dit in opdrag van Overstrand­munisipaliteit gedoen het. Hy het ook aan my verduidelik dat dit nodig was om die voetpad skoon te maak. Dit is wel baie professioneel gesnoei, maar sover my kennis strek moet jy in besit van ’n permit wees om dit te kan doen.” Volgens Roderick Williams, direkteur van gemeen­ skapsdienste by Overstrand­munisipaliteit, is deel van die “skoon­ maak­kontrakteur” se pligte om bome, struike, plante, ens. wat oor sypaadjies of oor paaie groei, te snoei. “Waar bome verhinder dat voertuie, insluitende vragmotors, in hul bane kan beweeg, moet hy die terugsnoei van sulke bome doen, selfs al is dit melkhoutbome. As dit ’n gevaar of risiko vir motoriste inhou, mag daar vir dié doel gesnoei word.” FOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER



Sport Sport

18 September, 2014

LUKHANYO SPELLING BEE WINNERS: A num­ ber of learners from Lukhanyo Primary School par­ ticipated in the Overberg Spelling Bee competition that was held on 9 September at Swartberg Prima­ ry School. Amongst the winners for isiXhosa home language were (in front) Martins Sixolile (second place, grade 3), Moss Litha (first place, grade 3), Feketshane Milani (second place, grade 2) and Mtsegwala Anganathi (first place, grade 1) and (at the back) Bablula Mananga (teacher and coach), Lumka Iviwe (second, grade 4), Lusawana Andisiwe (first, grade 7), Sokhasi Lutho (second, grade 7) and Madolo Aphelele (first, grade 2) with coordina­ tors Sindiswa Ngqameni and Bulelwa Mbekisa.


ZWELIHLE SPELLING BEE WINNERS: A num­ ber of learners at Zwelihle Primary School per­ formed very well in the recent Overberg (circuit 2 and 3) Spelling Bee. With the acting deputy princi­ pal, Noluthando Macupe, are Ngethu Ayabonga (first place, grade 6), Tsidi Mgwedane (first, grade 5), Likho Tyelinzima (third, grade 3) and Gazi Zi­ yanda (second, grade 1) and at the back Phesiza Seven (third place, grade 7, English), Tito Musa (third, grade 7 isiXhosa), Mpanda Sinalo (second, grade 6) and the head of department: foundation phase at Zwelihle Primary, Princess Nofemela.


GANSIES SE SPELLER: Carla Oosthuizen van Laerskool Gansbaai het Dinsdag 9 Septem­ ber by die Spelfees se distriksuitdunne op Ca­ ledon ’n tweede plek behaal vir Afrikaans in graad 1. Sy het daarna op Saterdag 13 Sep­ tember in Stellenbosch deelgeneem teen leer­ ders van die hele Wes­ Kaap. Die skool het haar gelukgewens met haar uitmuntende pres­ tasie.

OKKIE SMUTS SE BOBAAS-SPELLERS: Dié ses leerders van Laerskool Okkie Smuts het uitgeblink in die Overberg Spelfees met Engels as moedertaal. Hulle is (agter) Craig Mohr (derde, graad 3), Nick Mohr (tweede, graad 3), Nelissa Yana (tweede, graad 2), Aby Molisi (eerste, graad 3) en voor, Salmah Sydow (eerste, graad 2), en Abigail Barkhuizen (eerste, graad 2 met Afrikaans as moedertaal). Abigail Barkhuizen (graad 2) het deurgedring na die Wes­Kaapse Provin­ siale spelbyeenkoms wat die afgelope naweek in Stel­ lenbosch gehou is, waar sy as die algehele wenner vir graad 2 aangewys is. Sy sal op 18 Oktober weer in Stellenbosch by die nasionale byeenkoms meeding.

TAAL- EN WISKUNDE-BOFFINS: Die leer­ ders van Laerskool Hermanus wat op 9 Sep­ tember aan die Overberg­onderwysdistrik se spelfees en wiskunde­kompetisie by Swart­ berg Primêr deelgeneem het is (voor) Sharne Kruger (eerste plek, graad 4 wiskunde), Me­ aghan McLachlan (tweede plek, graad 2) en Megan­Leigh Mostert (vierde, graad 6). Agter is Juan Gouws (vierde, graad 4) en Rachel du Plessis (derde, graad 5, Engels). Meagan­ Leigh en Juan het die ook afgelope naweek deurgedring na die Nasionale Spelfees wat op 18 Oktober op Stellenbosch plaasvind.

MATH MINDS: Two learners from Okkie Smuts Primary School, Johan de Villiers (scored 20/20) and Tanique van der Walt (19/20) participated in the annual Mathematics Problem Solving Cluster Competition for Circuit 2 that was held on Wednesday, 3 September at Lu­ khanyo Primary School for Her­ manus and surrounding schools. Johan took first place overall in Circuit 2 and Tanique second place.


QUAYIYA LEARNERS PERFORM WELL: Learners from Quayiya Sec­ ondary School in Zwelihle, who take Dra­ ma with En­ lighten Educa­ tion Trust, re­ cently received their certificates in the English and Xhosa sections of the Overberg Eisteddfod, held in Bredas­ dorp. From left: Michelle Kok (Quayiya Secondary School), Solethu Stiki, Siyasanga Xego, Fezuxolo Ndlomoza, Linathi Mgqobhozi, Busisiwe Mgqkelana, Nkuthazo Mtengwane and Ele­ nore Wessels (Enlighten Education Trust).

NÓG EISTEDDFOD-WENNERS: Die graad 4A 3­klas se spreekkoor, onder leiding van Zenobia Venter (agter, links), het ’n goue sertifikaat in die onlangse Eisteddfod vero­ wer vir hul op­ trede. FOTO’S: EL­ BÉ VAN HEERDEN

DOGS: A lesson in safety for Mr Security

Sport on TV CURRIE CUP RUGBY: At 19:00 on Friday the Lions play the Pumas. Western Province entertain the Griquas at 15:00 from Newlands and at 17:00 it’s the Blue Bulls against the Sharks. SOCCER: The English Premier League has three games on Saturday, starting at 14:00 with QPR against Stoke, then Aston Villa versus Arsenal fol­ lowed by West Ham against Liverpool. On Sunday from 14:00 Leicester play the fabu­ lous resurgent Man. Utd, then the big game of the weekend with Man. City against Chelsea; and also on Sunday from 14:30 Spurs entertain West Brom on SuperSport 5. The Championship on Saturday, from 13:10 will feature Watford against Bournemouth “Cherries” on SuperSport 5. The MTN 8 final is at 20:15 on Saturday, Pirates versus Chiefs, the huge and ultimate derby before 50 000 fans from the Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durban. CRICKET: The Champions League 20/20 from India continues and on Thursday afternoon the Cape Cobras will be in action from 16:15, with the Dolphins playing Perth on Saturday afternoon. The Cobras are again in action on Sunday from 12:30 against Hobart. R25 million in prize money is up for grabs. FORMULA 1: The Singapore Grand Prix gets underway at 14:00 on Sunday, Rosberg versus Hamilton, the Mercedes rivals, phew, the ultimate competitors. GOLF: the Welsh Open and the final round is on Sunday from 14:00 on Supersport 1. What a weekend! - SPORT FAN(ATIC)

On 16 September, the DOGS played an individual stableford (log) at Theewa­ terskloof. The DOGS were in a bit of a fog when they teed off by the dam and it was even more difficult than usual to see those wayward ball­ flights. After a few holes though, the sun burnt through and even the stars came out to shine, particularly the Star of David who pipped Mr Se­ curity to claim his maiden DOGS win in many years of trying. Mr Security’s tem­ porarily elevated status was

CRICKET TEAM OFF TO J’BAY: The Hermanus Primary School u. 13 Cricket team will be touring to Jeffrey’s Bay from 26 Septem­ ber to 1 October, where they will play three matches against Jef­ frey’s Bay Primary, Sunridge Primary from Port Elizabeth and Laer­ skool Handhaaf from Uitenhage. The team thanked their sponsors who made the tour possible. At the back are coach Petrie van Nie­ kerk, Caroline Goatley (who sponsored their long­sleeved tops), Dean White (from Pennypinchers who sponsored money for the tour), and coach Barry du Preez. Other sponsors include Jacques Fouché, one of the parents who donated caps and Teresa Labu­ schagne from Mega Events, who helped with short­sleeved tops.


quickly brought back to earth when he discovered he had left his car window open for 5 ½ hours! Do as I say not as I do? The fog never really lifted for guest Paul. Results: 37 Dave Rade, John Tunstall; 35 Jon For­ syth, Andre Franken; 34 Gary Wentzel; 32 Ian New­ man, Sam Seal; 31 Peter Thomas; 30 Dave Smith, Gordon Wilson, David (guest); 28 Trevor Vaugh­ an; 27 Mike Graham, Hugh Frangs; 22 Michel Maury; 16 Paul Barkley (guest). - DAVE SMITH

Universals RC secures league title Universals Rugby Club from Stanford did their supporters proud on Saturday when they beat Cheetahs from Grabouw 30-13. They have already secured the league title with two games still to go. This young side is playing an exciting brand of rugby and have proven that they have the ability to compete with the top lea-

gues. Ian “Mince” Cornelius was named man of the match. This was his second game with a 100% kicking record. The hit of the game came from Bjorn, who has grown in stature as the season progressed. Coach Neil de Kock said: “This is a great team to coach. Now we have to step up our game to be successful in the play-offs.”


Sport Sport

18 September, 2014

Business league cricket’s 2nd week The second week of the Pennypinchers business league cricket tournament was slightly subdued due to wet weather conditions, but some good cricket was played on Sunday. Although the highlight of week one was some fast-paced and entertaining batting, week two saw the bowlers get into the action. Ashwill Barends figures of 1 over, 3 for 3 helped the Stock Tents team to a 16-run victory over the Kwaggas. A solid bowling performance from the Fusion team prevented Table Tigers batting lineup from firing, and thus Fusion cruised to a 13-run victory. The Ranked Outsiders bounced back this week, with a solid opening stand between Matt Naylor (28*) and Charlie Jenkins (20*) setting up a challenging target of 75 for the HIK Allstars. However Brandon Smook with 2 overs, 3 for 6, made it a touch too far for the HIK Allstars. Live the Life Lions battled to gain momentum with the bat against a strong Locals bowl-

ing attack setting a score of 40. Impressive batting from Ishmail September (26*), Johan Botha (26* off 9 balls) and the rest of The Locals team ensured a score of 105, and ultimately a convincing win. In the final game of the day, the Hermanus Hockey Club bowling attack, spearheaded by John with figures of 2 overs, 4 for 15, restricted Hermanus High to a relatively low score of 52. The Hockey Club team chipped away steadily at their target, eventually winning the game by 10 runs. In the Over 35 division, the only game played was between Curro Hermanus and Hermanus Towing. The Curro batting line-up was splintered, with only Buksie (23 off 14) making a solid contribution to a score of 55. The Hermanus Towing team chased this score down with ease, with Raymo van Rooyen showing them the way with 28 runs off 14 deliveries, securing a 19 run victory. See the league’s facebook page for 10 top batsmen and bowler results thus far. - MATT NAYLOR

Byron May from Fusion lets rip with the bat, while Pieter Joubert from Table Tigers does duty as wicket keeper.

Camphill Golf Day promises fun WHALERS TIME TRIAL RESULTS, 11 SEPTEMBER: 3 km Runners: 1 Tiaan de Wet 17.38 PB 3 km Walkers: 1 Hettie Hull 25.00 PB; 2 Willie Loedolff 25.55 5 km Runners: 1 Christo du Plessis 19.10 SB; 2 Evan Austin 20.24; 3 Christiaan de Wet 21.04; 4 Daniel Maree 21.08 PB; 5 Jeremy Browne 21.19; 6 Loudi Vorster 22.10; 7 Anzel du Plessis 22.55; 8 Andre van der Merwe 23.28; 9 David Cupido 24.50; 10 Les Hanna 25.03; 11 Mavis de Villiers 26.10; 12 Johan Pelser 27.50; 13 Petrie van Niekerk 27.50; 14 Elsarie Strauss 27.50; 15 Kyle Wilkinson 27.50 ; 16 Hugh Waters 28.54; 17 David Austin 29.03; 18 Nadene Coetzee 29.17; 19 Maryke Henn 29.47; 20 Karen de Bruyn 29.47; 21 Carina van der Merwe 29.47; 22 Ronel Bootha 30.23; 23 Petré Olivier 32.45 PB 8 km Runners: 1 Mlandeli Mkhohlakali 29.03 PB; 2 Frank Gillion 33.36; 3 Richard van der Spuy 33.45 PB; 4 Wilhelm Cooper 36.53; 5 Jan Gildenhuys 37.26; 6 Mikki Milne 39.14. WHALERS ATHLETICS CLUB RACE RESULTS: ) Tru-Cape Kogelberg Challenge, 6 September: 21,1 km: Sean Privett 1.31; Wilhelm Cooper 1.57; André Koekemoer 1.57; Jan Gildenhuys 1.59; Jacques Franck 2.00. 10 km: Mlandeli Mkhohlakali 40:00; Frank Gillion 41:00; Wilhelm Cooper and Jan Gildenhuys 57:00; Ronel Bootha 68:00; Petré Olivier 71:00; Leo Benning 78:00. ) Riebeeck Kasteel Lentefees 10 km, 6 September: Daniel Maree 48.15.

It is time to swing into golfing mode for the annual Camphill School Golf Day on 12 October and this year it’s a different ball game: your chance to cosy up to a player of the opposite sex and demonstrate your golfing prowess. The format will be a Mixed Alliance competition, with prizes, snacks and a wine-tasting to follow. Every cent raised will go towards improving the services offered to the very special children at Camphill School. The School is deeply indebted to the Her-

BRIDGE RESULTS: Wed 10 Sep: 1. Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 68.75%. 1. Val Valears / Jane McMorran 68.75%. 2. Toni Maythem / Andre Wagener 54.17%. Fri 12 Sep. N/S: 1. Tony Maytham / Betty Nel 55.56%. 2. A & E du Plessis 52.91%. 3. Jackie Ascham / Hein Pierneef 52.65%. E/W: 1. Mary Andrew / Colleen Gower 55.36%. 2. Adele Bovim / J Sprag 53.57%. 3. R Sutton / S Wroth 53.27%. Sat 13 Sep: 1. Chris Raven / Anneke van der Vlugt 60.94%. 2. J Sparg / M Tanton 55.09%. 3. Maggie Cunningham / Sylvia Smith 53.65%.. Mon 15 Sep: 1. John Truswell / Mike Brownlee 63.54%. 2. Riekie Louw / Jane 57.64%. 3. Jackie Ascham / Margaret Truswell 55.56%. ) Hermanus Local Football Association results for Saturday, 13 September: Rangers United beat Eleven Stars 2-0. Hot Fire beat Mount Pleasant Spartans 4-0. Hermanus United beat Shock Waves 7-0. All Stars beat Man United 2-0. Eastern Cape United beat Overstrand Rangers 2-0. Real Citizen beat Junior Bucks 2-0. Mighty Blues beat Haygrove Tigers 1-0. Real Tigers drew Boca Juniors 1-1. Black Lion beat Sweepers FC 1-0. Early Birds beat Real Attackers 2-1.

ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late LORRAINE MILLICENT POLLOCK (Identity Number 200522 0031 089) who died on the 6th of March 2014 and in the living resided at 149 Kidbrooke Retirement Village, Protea Street, Onrusriver, Hermanus. Master’s Reference Number: 3962/2014 Notice is hereby given the first Liquidation and Distribution account will lie open for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town and at the Magistrate’s Court, Hermanus for a period of 21 (Twenty One) days as from 19 September 2014. ETIENNE LE ROUX, VORSTER & STEYN INC., ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTOR, MITCHELL HOUSE, 16 MITCHELL STREET, PO BOX 500, HERMANUS, 7200. (REF: E LE ROUX/L01193)

manus community for its continued enthusiastic and sustained support and by participating in the Golf Day, golfers can kill two birds with one stone (or golf ball): have fun and at the same time, help Camphill School. Hurry and put together a four-ball, at a cost of a mere R400 per player. To register and book a tee-off time, contact Genevieve or Michelle at Camphill School on 028 312 4949, or e-mail genevieve @camphillhermanus.org.za or michelle@camphillhermanus.org.za.

HYUNDAI COMPETITION: A highly successful Hyundai Competi­ tion was held at the Hermanus Bowls Club on 9 September. The tournament was well supported by the local members. Paul Killing­ sworth (left) from Hyundai handled the prize giving. After the allotted 18 ends of play, it was the men’s team consisting of Piet de Wet, Ser­ vaas de Wet and Willie Lategan that had the winning honours. With them is new club member, Jeremy Swiss.

The club president, Blackie de Swart, thanked the sponsors for their continued support. With Paul Killingsworth, (sec­ ond from left), are the winning ladies Sabrina Stravino and El­ la Loots, as well as David van der Merwe who ended with the highest score.


MOUNT PLEASANT NETBALSPELERS PRESTEER: Drie spelers van die Mount Pleasant­netbalklub, Jayrene Deez, Jessica Benjamin en Jaime du Plessis, is gekies vir die Overberg­ont­ wikkelingspan en het aan ’n toernooi in die Paarl meegeding. Jayrene is as die beste senter­baanspeler aangewys en sy en Jaime is ook gekies vir die Wes­Kaap Ontwikkelingspan wat aan die Suidelike Netbaltoernooi gaan deelneem in 2015.

Golf roundup with Julian Shaw On Tuesday, ladies’ day, 27 players took part in a betterball stableford format for the Gertrude Grant trophy. The winners were Glenda Von Beneke and Ali­ son Toombs on a super 48 points. On Wednesday, 75 men competed a betterball medal. The winners, Christo Nel and Daniel de Kock, scored a terrific nett 63, and counted out the regular combination of Tony Behagg and Peter Sulley. There were six two clubs and the ball pool paid to 66. On Saturday, playing individual stableford, An­ dre Sherriff topped the leader board with a great 43 points, narrowly defeating Johan Stander by a single point. Andre also recorded the best score of the day on a nett 63. (I hope the handicapper was watching... Chop, chop!) There were nine two clubs and the ball pool paid to a generous 36. ) On Friday, the club hosted the Northcliff House College golf day. The Hermanus Golf Club deserves thanks for allowing the day, and all the players, mainly members, for the tremendous sup­ port year on and year out. The weather was bril­ liant and over 100 players took part. A big thanks to all the sponsors of the day. The format was an alliance stableford and com­ ing out on top this year was almost a replay of last year: Northcliff College principal’s dad, Rod­ ney Page, coming through all the way from Stil­ baai, partnered up with Gert Keuler, Ray Calitz and Alwyn Vorster. Second place went to Danie Calitz, Lucas Steyn, Jurie Jan Swart and Walter Pretorius, both on a brilliant 96 points. The day was a super success raising about R35 000 for the school. Until next week, keep calm and go golfing.

RE-INSTATEMENT OF COMPANY IN TERMS OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 2008 Notice is hereby given that executors of the estate late EDUARD DAWID THERON (Identity number 4306185093082) intends making application to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission for the re-instatement of EDDIE THERON BELEGGINGS CC Registration number 1986/004017/23. Any objection to the proposed application must be lodged with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission within twenty one (21) days of the date of publication hereof. ADAMS SCHOUW & CAIN 2 INC, 9 MITCHELL STREET, HERMANUS 7200

9 771608 589068


Die Atlantic­rugbyklub se eerste span is deur na die top­8 en speel die komende naweek in Grabouw. Hier is die span saam met ’n paar ondersteuners van die Reach for a Dream­projek.

Christo Theron, a grade 11 learner at Northcliff House College, competed in the Western Cape Gymnastic Association’s West­ ern Cape Tumbling Championships (Level 7), which took place at the Bellville Velodrome on 12 and 13 Sep­ tember. He won two gold medals for artistic exercises and silver for tram­ poline.


Atlantic deur na top-8 Die Atlantic-rugbyklub het die afgelope naweek sy goeie vorm voortgesit en sy laaste tuisligawedstryd op skitterende wyse teen Napier gewen. Met ’n telling van 43-21 het die eerste span seker gemaak van ’n plek in die top-8-kompetisie. Die ses drieë is gedruk deur Heinrich “Peks” Pieters, Wimpie Plaaitjies, Kevin Williams, Keanon “Bakkies” Plaaitjies, Jaundre “Jannie” Steneveld en Shane “Pakka” Salies. Evan Visser het met twee doel- en drie strafskoppe pale toe daarin geslaag om die gaping tusse die spanne te vergroot. Shane Salies is as speler van die wedstryd aangewys vir sy goeie vertoning. Die tweede span het 13-0 gewen. Monde “Chief” Mbane is as speler van die wedstryd aangewys. Die derde span se wedstryd is afgestel. Atlantic speel dié naweek teen Grabouw op die teenstander se veld in ’n wedstryd wat sal bepaal wie eerste in die kompetisie sal eindig. Die spelers en bestuur het hul toeskouers bedank vir die ongelooflike ondersteuning deur die loop van die jaar en doen ’n beroep op elkeen om dié naweek saam te reis en hul span in Grabouw te ondersteun.

Christo Theron from Northcliff House Col­ lege in action at the Bellville Velodrome. PHOTOS: SUPERIMAGE MEDIA

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