Hermanus times 19 09 2013

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Established 1949

THURSDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2013 | Tel 028 ­ 312 3717 | Fax 028 ­ 312 4316

Jou Koerant • Your Newspaper Eight people treated after collision



Sowat 850 leerlinge van Laer­ skool Hermanus het Woens­ dagoggend mooi stilgestaan in die vorm van ’n walvis ter­ wyl ’n radiobeheerde vliegtuig bo hulle gevlieg het om lugfo­ to’s te neem. Herman de Vries van Walker Bay Adventures het Dinsdag reeds die 75 x 45 m walvis met kalk op die gras met behulp van die skool se werkers uitgemerk. Met die Walvisfees wat Vrydag begin en September wat toerisme­ maand is, was hierdie projek ook deel van Hermanus Toe­ risme se bewusmakingspro­ gram. KFM radio se grond­ span het ook na die “reuse­ walvis” kom loer en die leerlinge het hulle omtrent oorval en hand geskud.


Whatever the weather, it’s Whale Festival time 5 Will Sandbaai get a liquor store? 9 Dispute over R39 M land deal 16



Another senseless attack JANINE VAN DER RIET

Exactly one week after 84-yearold Noreen van der Walt died after she was brutally attacked in her home in Westcliff, a man found his wife lying on the floor in their home in Eastcliff, her face and head covered in blood. The 73-year-old woman was attacked by an intruder on Friday morning at around 10:45. She was hit over the head and in the face several times with an unknown object before the intruder fled the scene with her handbag, containing her wallet, identity document and several other personal belongings. According to a statement by Lieutenant Fadila September, spokesperson for the Hermanus police, the

woman’s husband went to gym at the Eastcliff Spar. His wife was still in bed. When he returned to their home in Moffat Street, he noticed that the back door was open and found his wife covered in blood in their bedroom. The reason for the attack is unknown and police are investigating a case of house robbery and attempted murder. No one has been arrested. At the time of going to print, the woman was transferred to a hospital in Somerset West in a serious, but stable condition. Noreen, the woman from Westcliff who died from her injuries sustained in a brutal attack, was at home with her husband Bernardus Rijcks (85), who is bedridden, when a suspect walked into their home in

Fourie Street, gaining access through the back door on Wednesday 4 September at 10:30. He stabbed Noreen with a knife several times before fleeing the scene with R1 000 in cash after Bernardus had pressed the panic button. Noreen died in hospital two days later. No one has been arrested. Col Vincent Cetyana, cluster commander of the Hermanus Cluster says they are furious about the attack. As of Wednesday, they launched an operation which involves all police on duty, including the office staff. “We realised the crime pattern has changed and instead of focusing more on weekends, we are now sending out officers in uniform as well as plain clothes, on foot and in vehicles patrolling the areas, dur-

ing the day and especially between 10:00 and 12:00 in the morning.” Cetyana says that the suspects could be looking for work, or pretending to look for work, standing around at intersections and waiting for someone to offer them a job for the day. It is when they are unsuccessful and are going home that “they are desperate and dangerous. They could then start looking around for soft targets”. There is also a possibility that these attacks could be linked to a syndicate, but they are investigating all possibilities. “Residents must phone the police immediately if they see a suspicious-looking person or if anyone is wandering around. My promise is we will respond as quickly as possible, every time.”

Andrew Embleton from Community Against Crime (CaC) in Eastcliff says they formed this group several years ago to inform residents of emergency numbers and contact details of their neighbours. Every month, after attending a meeting with the Hermanus SAPS, they e-mail the information received to the residents. He says the biggest problem relating to crime is unemployment. “It is a pity that we have to live like this, with doors and windows closed, but it is the reality. Some crimes are opportunistic and we should not make it easy for the criminals to enter our homes.” Anyone with information is asked to contact the Hermanus police station on 028 313 5300. Read more on page 3.




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Hermanus Times

Nuus News

19 September, 2013

ABOVE: The robot at the Sand­ baai intersection was damaged. LEFT: This Toyota Corolla was bad­ ly damaged in the accident on Saturday at the Sandbaai intersection.

Eight injured in accident JANINE VAN DER RIET Eight people were treated for multiple injuries on Saturday morning after an accident occurred at the Sandbaai intersection on the R43. A Toyota Corolla and a Ford bakkie collided, flattening the traffic lights at the intersection. According to lieutenant Fadila September, spokesperson for the Hermanus SAPS, the Ford’s brakes could have been faulty when

it collided with the Toyota. EMR Ambulance Services, Provincial Ambulance Services, Overstrand Fire and Rescue and Overstrand traffic officials assisted on the scene. Eight people were injured, treated on the scene and taken to hospital. There were no serious injuries and they have all been discharged. The police are investigating a case of reckless and negligent driving. Anyone who witnessed the accident is asked to contact warrant officer Lucian Jacobs on 028 313 7000.

Crime snippets / Misdaadbrokkies ) Copper pipes and taps targeted Cases of copper theft reported to the Hermanus police seem to be on the increase. In one incident, a resident in Voëlklip discovered that copper pipes and taps to the value of R5 000 had been stolen from his property. Lieutenant Fadila September, spokesperson for the Hermanus SAPS, says it is not only the value of the taps and pipes, but residents receive a huge water bill from the municipality because the perpetrators just leave the water running after stealing the copper. Four people were arrested in Stanford recently after police confiscated stolen pipes and taps. “This kind of theft happens in every area of the Overstrand. SAPS encourages residents to mark their property so that it can be easily traced when it is recovered from the suspects,” September said. SAPS also encourages second-hand dealers to report all suspicious persons selling copper pipes and taps. ) Liquor abuse turns to murder A 26-year-old man was arrested in Zwelihle in connection with the murder of a 25-yearold man on Saturday 7 September at about 01:00. It is alleged that the victim and suspect argued about a cellphone, whereupon the suspect stabbed the victim and two other people who tried to intervene. In another incident, also on Saturday at around 23:00, a 30-year-old man was stabbed to death. In this incident, the victim was at a birthday party in Chris Hani Street, Zwelihle, where he had an argument with one of the suspects. It is alleged that the victim was stabbed in the chest and leg with a knife. He died on the way to hospital. Four men were arrested regarding this incident and will appear in the Hermanus Magis-

trate’s Court. ) Dogtertjie dood in brand ’n Tweejarige dogtertjie het voorverlede Maandag in ’n brand omgekom ná die sinkplaathuis waarin sy en haar ma bly, in ’n informele nedersetting in Kleinmond aan die brand geslaan het. Overstrand se hoof van brandweer en rampbestuur, Lester Smith sê die brandweer het om 15:36 ’n noodoproep ontvang. Die Overstrand-munisipaliteit brand- en reddingsdienste het om 15:40 op die toneel aangekom en twee informele strukture aangetref wat aan die brand was. Volgens kapt. Jacobus Marthinus, stasiebevelvoerder van Kleinmond SAPD, sê die ma sy het die dogtertjie in die huis gelos en gou by ’n buurvrou naby die huis gaan inloer. “Toe sy weer kyk, het sy rook by die huis sien uitkom. Die ma het uitgehardloop en haar dogter probeer red, maar die rook het haar oorval.” ) Man drowns at Onrus The body of an 18-year-old diver was found near Marine Drive in Onrus on Sunday morning, 8 September. The Hermanus SAPS radio room received a call at 11:20 informing them of a missing person who went diving and had not returned home. The body was found a few hours after the phone call was received. An inquest docket was opened for further investigation. ) Bakkie stolen A bakkie was stolen at Golden Hunt, Marine Village in Westcliff on Friday morning. According to Lieutenant Fadila September, SAPS spokesperson, the 24-year-old man parked his Ford Bantam bakkie outside his house. The next morning his bakkie was gone. Police are investigating the case.

Hermanus Times

Nuus News

19 September, 2013

The clean­up team: Blake Albert, Ricardo Mandoyi, Sivu Bango, Jaco Brand and Xoli­ sa Mgcima with the bags filled with, among ‘normal’ litter, beer bottles and human waste.

Hotel launches own clean­up campaign The staff at the Windsor Hotel have decided to take matters into their own hands by launching a plan to clean and maintain a large section of the cliff path in front of the hotel.

was appointed to clean the cliff path. “They should be cleaning there every day but only along the path, and the litter that can be seen from the path. At this stage there is no ongoing cleaning being done further down towards the sea.” Although there are elements in town that are responsible for much of the litter, the wind often “cleans the streets” and the litter gets caught up in the vegetation

The four objectives of their campaign are firstly to clear the rubbish off the cliff path such as plastics, papers, nappies, bottles etc. Not only for the aesthetic value, but also the protection of marine life. The second objective is to remove alien vegetation from the cliff path. This will be done in close consultation with the cliff path management committee and the Overstrand Municipality. The third objective is to educate the staff of the Windsor Hotel on how important the environment is to tourism, and the fourth is to help direct the vagrant community towards the establishments, like churches, which can assist them with shelter. Blake Albert, general manager at the Windsor Hotel Blake Albert, general and Sivu Bango clambered down the cliffs to round up manager of the hotel, and strewn litter. his team made good on their intentions and cleared mounds of lit- along the cliff, Kearney said. “We wish to thank the Windsor Hotel ter from the cliff path area in front of the hotel last Friday. Albert says they realise staff and all users of the cliff path who regthat this is a long term project that has ularly collect litter, for their efforts and cooperation. Communities will have to to become a culture in the community. They challenge all businesses and resi- get involved in preserving their environdents who have direct access to the cliff ment as the cost of the municipality doing path to match their efforts and keep the ‘everything’ will not be affordable. Incidents of people abusing the area should coast clean. According to Don Kearney from the be reported without delay to the law enOverstrand Municipality, a contractor forcement department.”

Residents furious after another senseless attack JANINE VAN DER RIET Residents too are upset and horrified by the recent spate of attacks on the elderly. Some residents think it could be the same suspect with the same modus operandi. Tess Cruickshank says this is the third attack in a short time. “My husband and I were attacked in our home in Vermont on 18 August. Somebody or something is behind these attacks. What are we as residents going to do?” Frances Tabone, another resident, commented on the Hermanus Times Facebook page that it sounds like the same criminal who killed Noreen van der Walt. “Maybe it is a serial killer?” Rosemary Hill asks whether

parents must now move in with their children just so they will not be targeted. Mary Lennox says she is “horrified” by yet another attack and refers to the murder of 84-year-old Lulu Hewitson in 2008 in De Goede Street, Westcliff, whose murderer was never caught. An ADT officer responded to an activated panic alarm at the Hewitsons’ residence and upon arrival discovered the body of Hewitson in the entrance hall of her house. She had sustained a stab wound to her back. The motive was expected to be housebreaking with the intention to steal. However, the investigation revealed that no valuable items were missing.


4 Hermanus Times Steeds geen lig in die tonnel vir stakende petroljoggies

Nuus News

19 September, 2013

JAN­HENDRIK COETZER Vulstasies van regoor die Overstrand blyk slaggereed te wees vir die naweek van die Walvisfees sowel as die skoolvakansie. Dit is ondanks die landwye staking deur petroljoggies wat tans sy elfde dag binnegaan. Dit kom nadat een van die vulstasies in Hermanus vir die grootse deel van die staking moes besluit om saans tydelik toe te maak. Hierdie vulstasie sal egter tydens die Walvisfees en skoolvakansie weer deurnag oop wees. Volgens die eienaar van Shell Hermanus, Dominic van Schouwen, moes hulle sedert verlede week hul sake-ure aanpas na 06:00–22:00, en nie meer 24 uur oop te wees nie. “Maar met die naweek van die Walvisfees

CLARIFICATION Hermanus Times last week published an article on the petrol attendants’ strike, headlined “Petroljoggies staak steeds”, on its front page. The article quoted Rodney Anderson, owner of the Gateway centre, as stating that he was temporarily managing the Total filling station on the premises. Although Mr Anderson’s company owns the Gateway centre property on which the Total filling station is situated, he wants it made clear that he has no management responsibilities for the Total garage nor was he aware of any intimidation of petrol attendants. The Hermanus Times apologises if an incorrect impression has been created.

sowel as die skoolvakansie is ons vir seker 24-uur oop,” sê van Schouwen. “Soos ander vulstasies maak ons steeds gebruik van tydelike werkers en spring ek sommer self in om brandstof in te gooi. “Maar ek moet erken, die staking kan nou maar einde se kant toe staan. “Ons manne raak maar moeg en intussen sit die petroljoggies ook by die huis sonder inkomste. “Van my petroljoggies wat tans staak, het al gevra of hulle kan terugkom, maar ek voel hulle moet eerder wag tot die staking oor is voordat hulle terugkeer werk toe. Dis net die veiligste opsie en ek wil verhoed dat daar verdere intimidasie onstaan,” sê Van Schouwen. Die National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) dring aan op ’n dubbelsyfer-verhoging. Hulle vereis ’n 10% verhoging of meer. Waar ’n petroljoggie tans R17 per uur verdien, vra Numsa ’n verhoging tot en met R30 teen 2016 en dat alle petroljoggies teen daardie tyd ’n maandelikse salaris van ten minste R6 000 moet verdien. Verder dring Numsa daarop aan dat petroljoggies se werksure van 45 na 40 ure verminder word en dat vroue geregtig moet wees op ses maande kraamverlof. Volgens Numsa se woordvoerder in die Wes-Kaap, Roger Piedt, staan die werkgewers se aanbod steeds op 7,5% en is dit van die hand gewys. “Ons wag nou dat werkgewers die volgende vergadering moet roep, maar ons soek egter ’n ordentlike offer op die tafel voordat ons verder sal onderhandel. Verder gaan die staking voort,” sê Piedt. Weens die feit dat vulstasies moontlik verder geïntimideer kan word, wou ander vulstasie-eienaars nie kommentaar lewer nie.


Dis tyd om uit te haal en te wys by die Walvisfees! Gearing’s Point Parkeerterrein, Hermanus 20 - 24 September 09:00 - 16:00 23 September 09:00 - 15:00


It’s show and tell time at the Whale Festival!

Gearing’s Point Parking Area, Hermanus 20 - 24 September 09:00 - 16:00 23 September 09:00 - 15:00


Lixesha lokubonisa nokubalisa kumbhiyozo weminenge!

Gearing’s Point Kwipaki, e-Hermanus 20 - 24 September 09:00 - 16:00 23 September 09:00 - 15:00

E n q u i ri e s 0 2 8 3 1 3 8 9 1 1 • w w w. o v e rs t ra n d . g o v. z a

Arabella development to boost local economy HEDDA MITTNER The developers of the Arabella Hotel and Spa estate near Kleinmond are waiting for approval from the Western Cape government for the second phase of this luxury development. Andrew Rogers, CEO of the Hospitality Property Fund, which bought the 427 ha property from the German brewery Schorghüber in 2010, says up to R2 billion will be invested in this project as soon as their application is approved. Arabella is already one of the biggest employers in the area, which has a high unemployment rate. Rogers says this second phase development will create many jobs and further boost the local economy. The property lies in an environmentally sensitive area between the Bot River estuary and the Kogelberg Biosphere, and extends on both sides of the R44, adjacent to the first phase development. The application process has already taken more than five years because of the ecological implications to developing such a sensitive area and the authorisation that is required from all the relevant local and provincial authorities. Once they receive the go-ahead, Rogers says about 340 ha (80% of the property) will be set aside for conservation and rezoned as a private reserve. The other 20% will be divided into 352 erven with an average size of 815 m² and an average asking price of R1,5 million. Pam Golding Properties area manager Mike Bisset says after a period of muted sales activity between 2008 and 2011 on the first phase of the development, the sales of homes on the estate have increased and steadied over the past 18 months. He says

there has been a notable shift towards a local buyer profile, and an increased number of permanent residents. At present there are 216 completed houses on the estate, a further five under construction, and just 15 erven which have not yet been developed. Entry level pricing is around R2,5 million for a small lock-upand-go home on a smaller stand, while the estate’s more luxurious homes in prime locations can fetch anywhere from R3,5 million to R7,5 million. The second phase of the development will be integrated with the first and, subject to approval by the relevant authorities, the golf clubhouse will be moved to the property north of the R44. The current premises will then be utilised by the hotel as a function/conference centre and will also include recreational facilities such as a new heated indoor pool. At the site of the new clubhouse a small additional 9-hole golf course will be built and the historic wine cellar currently used as stables will be renovated to accommodate a restaurant and wine tasting venue.

Hermanus Times

Vermaak Entertainment

19 September, 2013

Welcome to the Whale Festival! HEDDA MITTNER A huge influx of visitors are expected in Hermanus over the weekend for the Two Oceans Whale Festival, which kicks off on Friday and runs until Heritage Day on Tuesday. It is the 22nd year that Hermanus is hosting this ever-popular celebration of its whales, although with bad weather predicted until at least Sunday it might be a bit early to pack away coats and umbrellas. “I can organise most things,” quips Leon Theron, organiser of the Whale Festival, “but the weather is not one of them.” There will, however, be plenty of activities to keep festival-goers warm, from environmental exhibits and talks, great music and fabulous food and wine to sporting events and children’s entertainment. ) The festival parade at 10:00 on Saturday morning will include a selection of vintage cars from the 1920s up to the 1980s that are participating in the Whales & Wheels Classic Car Show at the Hermanus Primary School from 09:00 to 17:00. The school hall will also host an exhibition of scale model cars, model trains and radio-controlled helicopters, while live music and food stalls spice up the proceedings. ) The Marine Endangered Spe-

cies & Conservation Expo will be housed alongside the Overstrand Municipality’s exhibit in a large marquee on Gearing’s Point. Focusing on the conservation of our Marine Big Five, the expo will include exhibits by leading conservationists such as Dyer Island Conservation Trust, South African Shark Conservancy (SASC), CapeNature and Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve. There will be a series of informative talks and presentations from Friday through until Tuesday by various experts in the field of marine conservation. ) The Two Oceans Music Stage will be set up on the waterfront piazza. Day-time concerts are offered at no cost to the public and on Friday evening The Latin Kings will also perform a free concert at 20:00. On Saturday evening (21 September), Awesome 4SOME, a spectacular sixpiece band, will cover popular tracks from Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Queen and U2. On Sunday night the Renegade Rockers will present their version of hits from the Rolling Stones, Beatles, CCR, Jimi Hendrix, Aerosmith and Bon Jovi in Legends of Rock. Tickets for these two concerts, both starting at 20:00, are R50 per person for a standard seat, and R100 per person to secure a seat at one of the participating restaurants. ) Also on Sunday evening, the vivacious 3 Tons of Fun will be starring

in The Lesley Wulf Show in the Overstrand Auditorium at 19:00. Wulf is Cape Town’s hottest new R&B-star . He will be joined on stage by 3 Grams, the inimitable Lihle and Siphe Fassie, the young nephews of the late great Brenda Fassie. ) At the Old Harbour, activities for children in different age groups, from 4 to 18 years, will range from treasure hunts to swimming, snorkeling and ziplining. These activities will be on offer from 11:00 on Saturday, right after the carnival parade. There will also be adventure races on Saturday and Sundfay from 14:00 to 17:00. ) A multitude of sporting events will be offered during the festival, including the open-water distance swims at the Old Harbour under the watchful eye of the NSRI on Sunday 22 September, starting at 10:00. The Total Whale Festival Half Marathon and fun run/walk will depart from Hermanus High School at 07:00 on Saturday 21 September, and the cashkows Cliff Path Night Run on the Cliff Path between Grotto beach and the New Harbour departs at 18:00 on Monday 23 September. The Hermanus Whale Festival Mountain Bike Classic and and Trail Run will take place next weekend. ) For more information and a full programme contact the Whale Festival office on 028 313 0928 or visit www.whalefestival.co.za

Fest offers many Fringe benefits The Whale Fringe Festival from 20 – 24 September offers festivalgoers a full programme of music and entertainment at various venues that include the Windsor Hotel, Bientang’s Cave, Fisherman’s Cottage, Tapas, Cocos and the Gecko Bar, and starring favourites such as Barry Hilton, Dowwe Dolla (photo), The Rivertones, Mississipi Disco, Andy van Aarde, John Mitchell and Gareth James. Pick up your copy of the Fringe Fest’s Hidden Treasures Guide which will take you on a stroll down Harbour Road, Long Street, Aberdeen Street, Main Road and High Street to discover Hermanus’s treasure trove of galleries, boutiques, speciality shops and eateries. “Whether you are walking the Hidden Treasures Guide or attending one of the music or comedy shows of the Fringe Festival you will be met with a friendly welcome and hopefully an experience that will leave you enriched – but mostly you will have tasted the real Hermanus,” says Bruce van der Spuy, organiser of the Whale Fringe Festival. When you have watched the whales and are in need of some food go find the exquisite dishes home cooked to perfection at

Annie se Kombuis, The Eatery, The Dorf Krug, Barefoot Cook or Cuckoo Tree. Search for bygones at Romantiques and vintage clothing at Old Harbour Vintage, books and more books at Hemingways and Books@Aberdeen or that special music, artwork or gift at Funky Vibes, Art at Lembu, Art Thirst, Pure South and Trendy Tots, and the best ever jar of SA honey from the Honey Stall. And then it’s time to watch some more whales. Knowing about and caring for the environment that we live in is an important part of this year’s Fringe Festival, says van der Spuy. Bientangs Cave, the restaurant on the rocks with arguably one of the best vantage points to view the whales, have for many years been involved in fund raising and marine awareness projects. This year they play host to Sea Shepherd, Whale Coast Conservation and Projects Aware (Dive Against Debris). Everyone is welcome to attend the Fringe Fest opening function at Bientang’s on Friday 20 September, with live music from 16:00 onwards, and special vegan dishes prepared by Sea Shepherd. For more info call Bruce on 082 744 3212.




Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

19 September, 2013

Wildekrans Estate wins big

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KARAOKE CLIVE Every Tuesday and Second Saturday Night BIG SCREEN - Rugby TWO pool tables HAPPY HOUR Every Day 4pm - 8pm Two Double Brandies Coke @R32.00 SAB Beers R12 Wine per glass R10 Strictly No Under 18's - Admission Reserved Dress code after 9 pm SMART CASUAL 028 313 1406 121 Main Road, Hermanus

Braam Gericke, head viticulturist, and William Wilkinson, the winemaker at Wildekrans Boutique Wine Estate near Bot River, are very pleased after their wines received awards. Their Wildekrans Pinotage 2011 was announced as one of the winners in the 2013 Absa Top 10 competition at a luncheon at Landtscap venue in Stellenbosch on 30 August. “All our wines are bottled on the estate. We get one shot each year and we have complete control over the process. This means that only the very best quality wines are produced,” said Gericke. At another awards function, the 17th Michelangelo International Wine Awards held on Friday 6 September, the Wildekrans’ Pinotage Barrel Selection 2011 won double gold and they also won the Sue van Wyk trophy for the best pinotage in the RSA.

Braam Gericke, Sue van Wyk and William Wilkinson.

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

19 September, 2013

New owners for historic landmark


HEDDA MITTNER The Fisherman’s Cottage restaurant on Lemm’s Corner is situated on the old Village Green in an original fisherman’s cottage that dates back to the late 19th century when the first inhabitants settled in Hermanus. The building oozes charm and character of a bygone era, but there is nothing old or stuffy about the vibe at the Fisherman’s Cottage. Especially since its youthful new owners Nicole Joubert and Anton Verhoogt have taken over this historic landmark and added their light bright touch to both the interior and the menu. Nicole loves horseriding and Anton is an enthusiastic surfer; both are chefs with extensive experience in the restaurant and catering business and have plied their trade all over the world. They wanted to slow down and settle in a place where they could pursue their hobbies, run their own restaurant and enjoy quality of life – and Hermanus was their answer. The restaurant has a relaxed, homey atmosphere, with their pooch Sacha lazily sunning herself and enjoying the attention of passersby. Tempting items on the menu include a smoked fish salad, roasted bone marrow on toasted rye bread with caramelised onions and pickled cucumber salad, and crumbed risotto balls with mozzarella and wild mushrooms. “We are still primarily a seafood restaurant,” says Nicole, “with everything fishy from fresh line fish to mussels, prawns, calamari and a delicious fisherman’s soup.” There are also traditional favourites such as bobotie, Malay curry, burgers

The new owners of the Fisherman’s Cottage, Nicole Joubert and Anton Verhoogt with Sacha.

THE ORIGINAL DELI HOSTS WINETASTING: Rivendell Wine Es­ tate showcased their range of Sauvignon blanc, shiraz and rosé wines at The Original Deli on Friday evening. The freezing tempera­ ture outside was all but forgotten as guests tucked into the wine and fabulous pizzas prepared by co­owner Joanne Kunz (left).



and steaks, and mouthwatering desserts that include a rooibos crème brûlée and Belgian chocolate mousse. While Anton is in charge of the kitchen, Nicole is happy to escape the heat and concentrate on the finances and administration. The couple met three years ago while working at The Round House in Camps Bay, and since then life has been one big adventure. Following a stint in the Winelands, they travelled the world, working as chefs at a private island resort in the Seychelles and catering on a yacht in the Mediterranean. But for now they have put their passports away and are looking forward to putting down roots in Hermanus. The Fisherman’s Cottage is open 7 days per week from 11:30–21:30 for lunch and dinner, but closed on Sunday evenings. Call 028 312 3642.

Patricia Senekal and Jimmy Hat­ tingh kicking off the weekend at The Original Deli with a glass of Rivendell Shiraz on Friday evening.

Co­owner Peter Kunz (on the left) left the hard work to his wife while he entertained the guests. Among them were Ari Orenstein from Israel, who is enjoying a holiday in Her­ manus with his wife.

STANFORD WINERY MAKES WAVES: The Absa Top 10 Pino­ tage competition is held annually to promote the best of South Africa’s indigenous cultivar. And this year Springfontein Wine Estate’s Single Vineyard Jonathan’s Ridge Pinotage joined nine other wineries in receiv­ ing this prestigious award. “Our soil and climate offer a completely different take on Pinotage,” says Springfontein’s Zimbabwean gener­ al manager and winemaker Tariro Masayiti (above). Situated just out­ side Stanford, Springfontein’s vine­ yards are surrounded by 400 hec­ tares of fynbos close to the cool waters of Walker Bay. The unique maritime terroir, with limestone soils irrigated by a natural spring, is reflected in the estate’s hand­ crafted wines. An exciting new ad­ dition is Springfontein Eats, the res­ taurant on the estate which is opening in October. The restaurant will be run by German Michelin Star Chef, Jürgen Schnieder and his wife Susanne. For more information call 028 341 0651 or send an email to tariro.masayiti@springfon­ tein.co.za. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

19 September, 2013

With flair and ener­ gy Bonke Xakatha (left) conducted the singing group from the Hou Moed Cen­ tre which enter­ tained Child Wel­ fare’s dinner guests with an assortment of song items.


Taking care of business at Hermanus Child Welfare’s AGM and dinner function on Tuesday 10 September were (from left) Rina Louw (manager Hermanus Child Welfare), and man­ agement board members Alistair Lyle (treasurer), Molly Venter (chairperson for the past two years) and Dr Mike Weeks (vice­chairperson).

Among those enjoying the Child Welfare AGM and dinner were (from left) John Coates (Puppetry in Education), John Mathew (Whale Coast FM) and Winston Mackinnon.

Care and protection of children is top priority KERRY VAN RENSBURG At Hermanus Child Welfare’s 6th AGM and dinner function on Tuesday 10 September, it was clear that the care and protection of children is at the heart of this organisation. Molly Venter, chairperson of Hermanus Child Welfare, said in her report that the year has not been without its challenges and in spite of the tight economic conditions, Child Welfare Hermanus has been able to meet its obligation to the most vulnerable of our community. She paid tribute to the organisation’s manager Rina Louw and her staff, the management committee, and the many volunteers who contribute in countless ways. Venter, who has been chairperson of the organisation for two years and on the management board for the past eight years, said she would not be available for re-election to the board but would remain involved. Rina Louw reported on the many aspects of their child protection and community de-

velopment programmes. In the child protection programme, which is the organisation’s core business, Louw said there has been an increase in the number of babies available for adoption and an increasing number of inter-ethnical foster care placements. She says they operate three preschool and two after-care facilities, as well as three foster homes in the Overstrand. Challenges include, among others: A lack of resource and youth care centres for children with behavioural problems; the failure of reunification services as there are a minimum number of children being placed back in the care of parents – biological parents are not motivated to take part in the reunification process; the movement of foster parents from one place to another without the knowledge of a social worker; and the need for skills development and income-generating opportunities for school dropouts and older children. Louw said plans for the new year include the extension of Child Welfare’s erf in Mount Pleasant to establish a new cluster foster home.

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BOME MET JASSIES: Ná ’n SMS­klagte wat laasweek ontvang is oor ’n “sekere eiendomsagentskap” in Onrus wat bome verf en hoe dit sleg is vir die natuur, het Seeff Eiendomme aan Hermanus Times bevestig dat dit nie rêrig die geval is nie. Volgens die eienaar, Reon van der Merwe, is dit gehekelde lappies wat om die boomstamme vasgemaak is en het hulle toestemming by Overstrand­munisipaliteit daarvoor gekry. “Ons verf nie bome nie, ons hou hulle net warm in die winter,” het Van der Merwe grappenderwys bygevoeg. FOTO: JAN­

Hermanus Times

Nuus News

19 September, 2013

Strong opposition to liquor store KERRY VAN RENSBURG The community of Sandbaai quite clearly does not want another liquor store on their doorstep and has rejected Agrimark’s application to open a liquor outlet in a section of their existing building. Sean Walsh, on behalf of Kaap Agri Bedryf Limited, the owners of erf 1545 in Sandbaai, instructed Plan Active to apply for the rezoning, consent use and removal of restrictive title deed conditions in order to allow for a liquor store to be accommodated within the existing Kaap Agri trade centre in Sandbaai. This only applies to 275m² of the agricultural supply shop. The application was received by the Overstand Municipality’s town planning department on 17 August 2012, and residents had an opportunity to lodge their objections. According to the documents prepared for the municipality's Joint Portfolio Committee Meeting on 17 September 2013, a total of 79 objections were received. However, in the same documentation, Don Kearney, senior manager of the Hermanus administration says: “The ward committee of Ward 7 has indicated that it supports the application. I do therefore not have any objection.”

The concerns of those opposed to the bottle store included, among others, the increased traffic congestion from the Engen garage past Agrimark; social problems like creating a gathering place for unsavoury characters begging and drinking in open spaces in the vicinity, which would impact negatively on the nearby crèche/pre-school, the child related activity venue and residents in nearby housing estates. The objectors say there is no need for another liquor store in Sandbaai as Spar Tops at Gateway is situated 2 km from the proposed store, Onrus Liquor Store is 3,5 km away, Wine Village is situated 200 m away and the Sandbaai Superette also sells wine. Of the three proposed shopping malls for the Overstrand, two would be in very close proximity of Kaap Agri, and they would also cater for a liquor store. They also say that the restrictive title conditions were instituted to ensure that Sandbaai remains a predominantly residential area and should be honoured. The applicant responded by

Agrimark in Sandbaai has ap­ plied to open a bottle store in an existing section of their build­ ing. PHOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER

saying the changing of the access points were determined and approved by the WC Department of Transport and Public Works during the Engen development and not the Kaap Agri development process. To prevent “unwanted elements” hanging around, Kaap Agri liquor markets in the Western Cape do not sell “papsak”, “rooi doppies” or “PET” at their liquor outlets and they do not cater for the “lower lifestyle measurement”. They also claim that they have had no complaints in other towns in the WC where their liquor markets are situated in residential areas or in close proximity of schools. The applicant stressed that no branding would be applied to the liquor store section of the building. Regarding locality, the applicant says their application is in line with the Overstrand Growth Management Strategy and the Spatial Develop-

Is jou dorp reg vir Braaidag? Die openbare vakansiedag op die Suid-Afrikaanse kalender op 24 September is nou alombekend as braaidag, te danke aan Jan Braai. Jan sê hy is baie opgewonde oor vanjaar se Braaidag en hulle het reeds ’n veldtog van stapel gestuur waar name van dorpe aangepas word, ter ere aan Braaidag. So, vir ’n dag, staan Gansbaai bekend as Gansbraai, Houtbaai as Houtbraai, Bredasdorp as Braaidasdorp, Worcester heet nou Worcester-sous en die Strand word Brand.

Raak betrokke deur Twitter; gaan na #braaidaytown na @JanBraai met die naam van jou #braaidaytown vir #nationalbraaiday. Jy kan ook Jan Braai se Facebook-blad besoek. ) Van die dorpe en plekke in die Overstrand is nog nie herdoop na ’n braai-naam nie. Stuur vir ons ’n goeie, slim nuwe naam sodat ons gebied ook deel kan wees van die Nasionale Braaidag-pret en wen ’n braaipak met hoender, wors en ’n vleisie ter waarde

ment Framework (2006) which earmark the area on the corner of the R43 and Sandbaai as an economic nodal point. They are not sure why a bottle store situated in a mall in the same vicinity would be acceptable to residents, but not one at their facility. In their evaluation of the application, the town planning department notes that a liquor store outside of the CBD should preferably be situated within a shopping centre since there are security arrangements that ensure better control of unwanted elements in and around the premises. The evaluation report states that it is evident from the objections raised that the activity is not perceived as a positive contributor to the Sandbaai community and that the Kaap Agri development is seen as a community centre of which a liquor store is not part. It also notes that the traffic flow and loading are problematic and a liquor store will exacerbate the situation. The application was not recommended for approval and the removal of restrictive conditions was not supported. Council will make a final decision on the matter on 25 September.

Gansbaai se braaidag­ naam is Gansbraai. Port Alfred is Pork Al­ fred. Worcester is Wor­ cester­sous. van R100. Stuur jul Braai-naam voorstelle van dorpe in die Overstrand na ons Hermanus Times Facebook-blad voor Maandag, 23 September om 11:00. Die wenner moet naby genoeg wees om die prys teen Maandagmiddag by die Hermanus Times kantoor te kom afhaal. Die wenner sal op Facebook aangekondig word.



Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

19 September, 2013

WALDORF SELECTED AS CHARITY OF CHOICE: The Lighthouse 2 Lighthouse ladies received 18 applications for their 2014 Charity of Choice and last week the five shortlist­ ed organisations gave a final presentation to the ladies at the United Church hall. “Every year it gets more difficult to choose,” says Sheila Lyle, chairperson of Lighthouse. After a tight vote, Hermanus Waldorf School was chosen as the beneficiary for the 2014 walk. The school hopes to buy a mini­bus with the funds. The goal for the 2014 walk is R300 000. The pupils from Waldorf were de­ lighted to be selected as Chari­ ty of Choice. LENTEDAG­PIEKNIEK: Curro Hermanus het on­ langs ’n Lentedag­piek­ niek saam met oupa en ouma by die skool ge­ hou. Die oumas, oupas, ma’s, pa’s en kinders het dit baie geniet. Hier is Jacomien en Christi­ aan de Wet, Tania Neal met die tweeling Sam en Lily en ouma Pretori­ us.

Die Calitz­familie, met baba Mias Calitz, het hulself gate uit geniet en heerlike familietyd saam deurgebring.

Story of Cape wagon way told Gerald McCann, a well known Botrivier author told the audience at the 8th members meeting of the Hermanus History Society at the Windsor Hotel on 10 September about the history of the Old Cape Wagon Way. It made sense to learn more about this route as so many early travellers to Hermanus must have used the route and even today all of us use Sir Lowry’s Pass and the R43 to and fro to Cape Town. McCann is a great story teller and enabled us to imagine how challenging it was for the early settlers to learn what lay beyond the Mountains of Africa, now known as Hottentots Holland. In 1669 Simon van der Stel the governor of the Cape instructed lieutenant Olaf Bergh to find a route and establish a barter trade with the local Khoi. In his illustrated talk McCann outlined this formidable route and the structural components of the Burchell ox wagons used. “By

1740 an official wagon trail was opened, however, not without many teams with their wagons enduring enormous dangers and loss of life. By 1821 4 500 wagons used the pass annually, with one in five suffering damage of some sort.” McCann traced the history of the road makers involved, places where the wagons stopped/outspanned to rest and how various places got their names. For example when the wagons reached the Houwhoek mountains they had a wall to climb and a descent down the mountains to Compagnesdrift, now Beaumont Wines in Botrivier. Every available hand was called on to control the ox wagon in descent and the drover would shout “Houw op die hoek”, (Hold on the corner). This part of the route is now known as Houwhoek Pass. McCann’s book The history of Botrivier and the old Cape Wagon Way’ was a sell- out after the meeting. ANGELA HESLOP

HERMANUS TIMES ONDERSTEUN CAMPHILL SKOOL: Cilene Bekker, nuusredakteur van die Hermanus Ti­ mes, oorhandig die gedrukte kopieë van Camphill Skool se jaarlikse ver­ slag aan Elaine Davie, Camphill se fondsinsamelingskoördineerder. Camp­ hill het vanjaar sy 60ste bestaansjaar gevier en ook ’n finansiële krisis met plaaslike en oorsese ondersteuning oorkom. Die druk van die boekies is deur die Hermanus Times geborg.


Cape Pulpit interviews local leaders

Radio Cape Pulpit 729AM recently visited Hermanus to record interviews with various community organisations including Learn to Earn and Enlighten Education Trust, as well as an interview with Mayor Nicolette BothaGuthrie. The Hermanus Christian Academy was another stop where principal Dawn Pearmain and pupils recorded inspiring sound bites. These recordings and other interviews will be aired on 729 AM on Monday 23 September at 16:15,” said station manager Linda Bruce. Cape Pulpit presenters will also be in Hermanus during the weekend of the Whale Festival. “We will have a stall and will do live cross overs. People attending the festival are more then welcome to come and visit us,” said Bruce.

Cape Pulpit’s station manager, Linda Bruce, busy doing an interview with mayor Nicolet­ te Botha­Guthrie.

Hermanus Times

Mense People

19 September, 2013

Drinking a toast to the happy couple are (in front): Frieda Lloyd, Almarie Hugo and Anton Gerber. Back: Hugo van Zyl, Carolyn Martin of Creation, Dan Hugo, Celia Rabie and Galvin Lloyd.

ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION AT CREATION: Rayno and Celia Rabie (left), the owners of Burgundy restau­ rant, celebrated Rayno’s birthday and their 20th wedding anniversay with an intimate group of friends and family at Creation on Saturday evening. The event included a sit­down dinner, lots of wine, a renewal of their vows and even a best man – long­time friend An­ dré du Toit, who also did the honours at the Rabies’ first wedding in 1993, here with his wife Glenis.

FRIENDSHIP TEA: A Friendship Tea was held at St Peter’s Church on 4 September and the purpose of this annual event is to bring women from various churches in the Hermanus area to­ gether and to acknowledge the work that is done by parishion­ ers. The day included a fashion show featuring garments from Margaret Fourie’s Vintage Shop in Warrington Place. Among the guests were (from the top of the table, clockwise): Rosemary Michelsen, Ruth Robertson, Ros McCormack, Noreen Ackerman, Shirley Pelser, Annette Wood, Alecia Williams and Audie Kelly. PHOTO: ANNE PHILIP

Celia Ra­ bie with Leon and Mariet Swane­ poel and Liz Chay­ ne.


HAWSTON HOU MODEKOMPETISIE: Drie raakvatvrouens – Christolene Manu­ el, Mercia Andrews en Reginia Wildschut­ te – het ’n modekompetisie gereël om geld in te samel vir die Hawston Rugby­ klub. Die kompetisie is op 6 September in Hawston Sekondêr se skoolsaal gehou, waar Mej. Skrik vir Niks in verskillende ouderdomskategorieë gekies is. Noleen Carelse (aka Grace­Love Loff) is gekroon as Mej. Skrik vir Niks in die 40+ ouder­ domsgroep (middel). Haar eerste prinses was Mary Grootboom (regs) en die twee­ de prinses Esmé Pontac (links).

BO: Ruche May is gekroon as Mej. Skrik vir Niks Junior (middel). Haar eerste prin­ ses is Robyn Hunter (links) en tweede prin­ ses is Cloe Gordon (regs). LINKS: Die nuwe Mej. Skrik vir Niks Senior is Bianca Alexander (middel). Haar eerste prinses is Tarryn Arendse (links) en tweede prinses is Clementine Andrews (regs).

Overberg Commercial se aandeelhouers bestaan uit by­ na 80% vroue waaroor die maatskappy baie trots is. Hierdie groepie vroue het die ete en bederf baie geniet. EINDE VAN DIE JAAR DANKIE­SÊ ETE: Overberg Commercial, beter bekend as Ocad LTD in Gansbaai, het Vrydag vir al hul aandeelhouers en perlemoen­ en kreef­kwotahouers ’n funksie gehou om dankie te sê vir hul volgehoue ondersteuning deur die jaar. Die funksie vir sowat 100 mense is by The Loft@Die Skuur in Sandbaai Industrieel gehou. Die eienaars van Overberg Commercial is (van links): Mike Liu, Brandon Liu en Nico Ho Lam.




Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

19 September, 2013

HAWS not bankrupt, but donations still needed In the Hermanus Times of 12/09/2013 there were two anonymous SMSes regarding HAWS: one urging us to ask probing questions from the chairperson regarding financial mismanagement and the other describing staff as rude, disinterested and power-hungry. I attended the AGM and it would seem that the authors were absent. There was praise from the auditor stating that the finances are in a far better state than previously. Not one word of criticism came from the floor: probably because the audience understands the difficulties and appreciates the sterling job being done. Or perhaps because they don’t have a personal axe to grind. What became clear is that contributions are dwindling (as with other welfare organisations) to the extent that healthy animals have to be put down. There are currently 77 dogs and 28 cats in their care! Please help us to do the necessary by giving donations however small and donating unwanted articles to the HAWS shop.

EDITORIAL COMMENT Geniet die fees, maar wees veilig Welkom in Hermanus en by ons 22ste Walvisfees! Opgewondenheid heers deur die dorp, ondanks die weer wat blykbaar nie heeltemal gaan saamspeel nie. Maar soos Leon Theron tereg sê, hy kan baie goed organiseer, maar het ongelukkig nie beheer oor die weersomstandighede nie. Daar is baie te doen vir oud en jonk dié naweek: ’n Groot verskeidenheid sportaktiwiteite, die jaarlikse Whales & Wheels Classic Car Show, musiek en aktiwiteite vir die kleingoed by die Ou Hawe. Ons nooi feesgangers uit om jul fees-kiekies na ons Facebook-blad te stuur of besoek www.hermanustimes.co.za of epos editor@hermanustimes.co.za. En dan, ondanks die heerlike atmosfeer moet besoekers en inwoners steeds hul eie veiligheid eerste plaas. Die skelms hou nie fees nie; hulle is op die uitkyk vir waar hulle kan aanval en steel. Julle het die voorbladberig gelees. En, die week vantevore is Noreen van der Walt (84) in haar huis in Westcliff aangeval en sy is later oorlede. So, geniet die fees in ons mooie dorp, maar wees veilig.

Trots op Hermanus, die ‘Juweel van Wes­Kaap’ Ons het ondervinding van verskeie munisipaliteite oor ons land, aangesien ons trekvoëls is. As jy ook onder meer in die groter Johannesburg al gewoon het, sal jy jou seëninge tel, soos ek in hierdie besondere mooi dorp van ons. Vullisverwydering word Vrydae in Voëlklip gedoen onder die ervare bestuur van David en sy hoflike span. Die afgelope Vrydag is my drom per abuis oorgeslaan en teen 14:00 moes ek skakel want my verlate, eensame groen drom wag toe steeds geduldig om verlos te word van sy inhoud. Vir ’n oomblik betwyfel jy dan die geloofwaardigheid van jou munisipaliteit soos elders. Ontvangs by Overstrand het my deurgeskakel na Francois Pretorius. Hy het my verseker dat hy spoedig daaraan sal aandag skenk. Binne 30 minute het Francois persoonlik opgedaag en my vullis in sy bakkie kom oplaai. Aan my mede-Overstrandbewoners, dit verdien vermelding. Ons waardeer die skoon dorp en sy buitengewone bestuur. Waar ons vandaan kom, sou my drom en sy inhoud geduldig moes wag tot die volgende week. Ons waardeer die skoon strate wat reeds al so vroeg as 05:00 soggens gevee word, veral in die middedorp. Dis met trots dat ek my Europese vriende oortuig om die feestyd in die skoon Juweel van die Wes-Kaap te kom kuier. David, jou verskoning neem ek graag aan. Jy het trots in jou werk.



REIK UIT: Kyk mooi, die brander lyk soos ’n paar hande (of kloue) wat uitreik. Ja Magda, ons stem saam, dit is ’n ongelooflike foto. Dit is geneem by Gearings Point, op 15 September. FOTO: MAGDA LEONARD DU TOIT

Wind farms will have a negative impact With reference to recent articles on wind farms in the Hermanus Times, I am very concerned that nobody to my knowledge has mentioned or emphasised the environmental impact of these enormous monstrosities. A recent article dealing with the size of the excavation of the wind farm currently in construction near Caledon mentioned that there are 45 tons of steel in the foundation alone. What is the carbon footprint of steel production, bearing in mind Langhoogte at Bot River is scheduled to have 44 turbines? The foundation hole is 230 cubic metres. What impact does the manufacturing of that amount of concrete have on the environment? Everybody passing the current sites have seen and in most cases been surprised, if not shocked, by the size of the access road. Did the farmer not stop to think of the road needed to transport the enormous components and the size of a crane required to erect a tower that is 110 m high with blades that are 60 m long? Imagine the Langhoogte area with 44 such roads. What will the impact be on the farming operation? What will the aesthetic impact on the beautiful Overberg be with these roads and turbines dominating the God-given landscape? In addition to the roads, they need to dig trenches for the underground cables that will link the turbine to the substation on site, and then there will be overhead power lines to the Houw Hoek Eskom substation. The trenches are an additional erosion hazard and an eyesore. How many blue cranes, raptors, owls, bats and other birds will be killed by the

rotating blades of the turbines? The blue crane is our national bird and is endemic to South Africa – and the greater bulk of the population is in the Overberg. Can we afford to risk their extinction? A recent article mentioned the negative effects of sound and flicker from the turbines. I don’t think people realise that because wind is so variable the carbon generating Eskom power stations still have to be kept running, even if only on stand by, as there is no way of storing the energy produced by the wind turbines. So where is the green gain from these environmentally detrimental monsters? I have asked the question, but nobody can give me an answer to what impact these industrial turbines will have on the farmer’s agricultural rates. They will be turning a lovely agricultural landscape into an industrial one. Do a few farmers have the right to spoil this landscape that belongs to us all collectively for their personal gain? If these wind farms are so effective, why have many countries in Europe banned further investment in them and why are there so many worldwide that are no longer in operation, but are still killing birds? I feel it is critical that the wider community should be aware of our concern for the impact of these wind farms on our greater environment and the negative effect on tourism and farming, which will result in job and food security losses.

NOEL GREEFF, BOT RIVER This letter has been shortened. –Ed.

We held our AGM on Thursday afternoon, 12 September expecting to be peppered with questions from the floor after reading the very negative SMSes in the Times. However, not a murmur. I would like to ask these anonymous writers where they get their information from? We are not bankrupt and we can pay our staff. Does the public realise how much it costs us on a monthly basis to look after these poor animals? We have over 100 animals in our care at present. Each animal gets food daily, has a blanket and a roof over its head. We employ staff to clean up their runs, the cats have fresh litter at all times and the dogs get their walks by volunteers and staff. Over and above these expenses many animals need medical attention and for this we have vets available at all times. Very few of the owners are able to pay for the care of their animals or they pay off over many months. The government has stopped funding animal charitable organisations and we depend on donations from the public. When these were short of our requirements, we were forced to draw against our investments. We invite you all to pay a visit to our kennels in Steenbras Street. All is clean, the animals are happy and the staff are there to assist you with any questions you may have.


HAWS recently held their AGM. In spite of a couple of untruthful, inflammatory SMSes in the paper, the public did not raise any questions related to this. Three committee members have decided to step down, but the position of treasurer has since been filled. HAWS is asking the public to please consider the portfolio of a secretary to help the chairperson with minutes, notices, newsletter, etc. We also need an educator, preferably with teaching skills to help our youth understand what it takes to care for animals. We are always looking for dog walking volunteers as well. If you would like to volunteer for these positions, please phone our chairperson Ilze Smith on 082 856 8391 or leave your name at our offices, 028 312 1281.


Authorities responsible for safety of their citizens Let’s not beat around the bush and pretend that crime is not out of control. Criminals are having a field day burgling homes, assaulting and murdering elderly defenceless people. Why? Because they get away with it. They have been given carte blanche by the authorities and operate with impunity. I don’t recall reading about any arrests being made concerning the various attacks that occurred the past few months. I put the blame for this scourge squarely at the door of the authorities. Praising the police for prompt reaction to

the scene of a crime is admirable but sadly too late! Someone has already been injured, traumatised or murdered. How about being proactive? I can remember when growing up in the Northern Suburbs how police vans were patrolling the suburbs on a regular basis picking up anyone loitering and taking them to the police station to be charged. The would-be murderers are roaming our streets daily at all hours pretending to be looking for work, while they are actually scouting the area and identifying soft targets. Why is action not taken to flush these crimi-

nals from their hiding place? Our army can be called upon to assist? Show these criminals that we are not weak and lacksadaisical about this unacceptable state of affairs. We as tax payers have a right to feel safe in our homes. The authorities have an obligation and a mandate to keep us safe. The frequency of these attacks is not going to abate unless we act pro-actively. So please get serious and do something constructive before another innocent resident is murdered.


Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

19 September, 2013

) Let us not let Noreen have died in vain. Let

us start a Noreen Van der Walt campain against crime. We need to educate people on safety in the home. A dog that will protect you, warn you, and much more. Get a cat­hatch.– GRANNY ) ’n Baie groot dankie aan Sandbaai­buurtwag en die manne van Capital sekuriteit wat my in die oggendure van Vrydag die 13de te hulp ge­ snel het toe iemand by my huis gelol het. Julle paraatheid word waardeer.– E.B. ) Know your neighbours and look out for each other. Get a big dog, trained to not take food from strangers, and when to attack and when to ‘soek’. They must sleep inside. Tell your neighbour if you are away . Don’t give inside information and don’t trust people who work for you. A lion may be good. ) Our garage door would not open. So our car stood outside for the night. At 2am our trained alsation started growling and went to the window. What good is a dog that is friends with everyone. He must look up when the gardener is there etc. ) Vulstasies moet nou van hul pompe outomati­ seer sodat die publiek (wat wil) hul voertuie self kan vul. Numsa­eise is totaal belaglik vir werk wat meeste motoriste self kan doen.– S. VANDY ) Dis tyd dat SA oorgaan na selfhelp­brandstof­ pompe. Hoekom moet daar gesukkel word met mense wat nie wil werk nie?– J.P. ) Dis maklik om te sê “verkoop, pak op en trek”, maar met die wolk wat oor Paradise Park hang, wie wil daar koop? Ek wil u graag inlig dat u 6 000 liter water verniet kry. Sit watermeters in en daar is een probleem minder. Die krag, hoe kan die eienaars verwag dat ons ’n heffing moet betaal en dit net vir 15 amps? Die paaie is nog net so sleg, so hou op om te lap, want dit kos dubbel op die ou end. Ons daag enige persoon van buite om hul voertuig se onderstel te kom toets. Die vraag weereens: waarvoor betaal ons die be­ laglike bedrag? Sou jy ’n woonstel buite besit as water, belasting ens ingesluit is vir R650 000, net krag ekstra en jy is veilig agter sekuriteitshekke ook ingesluit. Let wel, almal bly lekker, maar net nie lus vir die deurmekaar duur gemors nie. ) Most of the people at Paradise Park are trying to live their lives in a decent, law­abiding manner but because of the bad behaviour of just a few nitwits living in our midst, we are all tarred with the same brush. It would be so nice if these few individuals would do us all a great big favour and sell their places and go and live somewhere else. As for the occasional badly­behaving visitors to the Park who come here to either spend some time in our Bush Pub or camp out for the weekend, please leave your bad behaviour at the entrance of the Park before you come in.– ENOUGH IS

ENOUGH ) How does one part with two loveable dogs after 12 and 7 years just because there are no houses to rent that allow animals? Is there anyone who does?– WILLI ) Ek wonder of Standard Bank weet watter juweel hulle het in die klein dametjie, Abrahams. Sy noem ons by naam en vra ons haar vir hulp, wees verseker, sy gee dit met ’n glimlag.– KOTZE­ FAMILIE ) Bergsig Street going towards Curro Hermanus is in terrible shape, to say the least. It has more potholes than it has tar. Not even a 4x4 could drive there. Municipality, please send someone out immediately. My wheel and rim damaged, I hope you have insurance to cover the damage. You should have thought about the road before deciding to let people build a second school in one street. ) To the person who sent an sms about De Bruyn Street in Stanford: There is such a huge outcry about the trucks going down this street and they complained about the vibrations caused. They said it would keep them awake and crack the walls. Now they want it tarred. They are not happy until they winge. ­ MANNIE ) Bring terug die drogbeeld.– LEWIES ) I totally agree with the sms published on 5 Sep­ tember regarding the Magistrate’s Court that needs to be painted. The Police Station too. It is an eyesore for residents as well as visitors to our lovely town.– J ) The company that owns the white truck CEM 34*42 should know that whoever was driving the truck on Thursday, 12 September at 12:30 in the direction of Bot River should be charged with reck­ less endangerment.– T.D. ) When you reach your golden years, every mo­ ment is precious. Yet on the tv and in the newspa­ per it’s all about funerals and life insurance. ) Asseblief mense, moenie Hermanus Staatshos­ pitaal so afkraak nie. Daardie mense doen hul bes en help waar hul kan. Ons betaal bitter min vir die diens wat ons kry. Probeer privaat dokters en Mediclinic en kyk wat jy betaal. Waardeer die mense wat jou help, al moet jy wag. Hermanus Staatshospitaal, dankie. Daar is mense wat julle waardeer. Hou aan met julle goeie diens.– SU­ SAN (DANKBARE INWONER) ) With the years of planning, the years of build­ ing and the millions spent, could the new road designers not have sloped the pavements at cross­ ings for easier use of prams/wheelchairs/bikes etc? Surely it’s standard. How bizarre. ) Please be warned about a computer scam. It comes via phone and the offer is to prevent a com­ puter crash caused by hackers. “Evidence” can be provided by them, so it sounds very plausible. Their offer is to clean and protect it for $189.– ROBIN ) Flick du Toit is reg. Behalwe al die ander koe­ rante wat die twee wonderlike mense aflewer, lê ons Rapport op Sondae vyfuur in die oggend voor ons deur. Samantha, julle is briljant en betrou­ baar.– JEANETTE

Prepare for more cold and rain as another cold front moves in on Thursday. About 60 mm rain is expected over the Whale Festival weekend, right up until Tuesday morning. Early on Saturday morning the temperature will be only 8 °C – and we are supposed to be celebrating the advent of spring?


No right to chase tourists away at Piet se Klip Last week Monday, my friend and I were standing on the rocks, just below the Old Harbour, looking over the bay and hoping to see the whales from as close as possible. Suddenly a man with two intimidating dogs started shouting at us, waving his arms. He was shouting that we are on private property and we had to leave. We duly left, feeling humiliated and angry to be treated in such a manner. However, on speaking to locals, it was said that this is not private property and this man has no right to shout and send tourists away. Ironically the following morning that specific area was full of people watching whales and they were not chased away. Hermanus is a tourist destination, known for its whales. There is no signage to indicate it is private property and therefore this unpleasant man who relies on tourists to support his restaurant should not be permitted to shout and chase people away. After the way he treated us, we will be sure to tell as many people as possible not to frequent his restaurant. Someone in Hermanus must take this further as I am sure we were neither the first people nor the last that have been treated this way; he should be taken to task for his actions as he singlehandedly gives Hermanus a bad name.


Giangi Negra, the owner of Bientang’s Cave, responds: Last Monday when I got to work there were probably five hundred trek cormorants resting on Piet se Klip. When I looked again I noticed that a man had walked onto the point and chased all the birds away. Needless to say I was quite annoyed, as I knew that the birds would not be back that day. So I walked down to the tidal pool with my dogs to call him off the point. He blatantly ignored me. I tried to explain to him that we were trying to keep people off Piet se Klip in order to preserve the biodiversity of the area. If everyone is allowed to go onto the point, there will be no biodiversity left, for people to see and appreciate. Besides the environmental aspect, there is the safety aspect. I have been the custodian of Bientang’s Cave since 1995. In that time I have had one drowning in front of Piet se Klip, and a lady falling as she tried to get across to Piet se klip, breaking her arm and collarbone. That is besides the people that I’ve had to help out of the water, after they’ve decided to go for a swim, and found themselves in trouble. Piet se Klip is an important biodiversity hotspot, an Important Bird Area (IBA), a safe place for seals and otters to take refuge. Therefore, it is a terrestrial Marine Wildlife

Sanctuary and people should respect that, without the need of a sign. You don’t need to stand on Piet se Klip to see the whales. Birds are a sign of a healthy environment and their space should be respected. SA is one of the most ecologically diverse countries in the world and it is vital that all South Africans take responsibility for maintaining the integrity of our natural resources and the rich biodiversity they support. Tourism enterprises, especially those engaged in nature-based activities, have an especially vital role to play. Surely even this reader should be able to recognise the value of protecting the biodiversity on Piet se Klip, for future generations and all the visitors to Hermanus. Neville Green, Bestuurder: Biodiversiteit, Overstrand-munisipaliteit, sê: 1. Die stukkie grond benede die hoogwatermerk van die see is openbare kuseiendom. Geen regte mag oor die grond op enige wyse bekom word nie. 2. Enige seevoëls, robbe ens. word as lewende hulpbronnebeskou. 3. Volgens die Wet op Lewende Mariene Hulpbronne, word die gesag vir die beskerming van sulke hulpbronne toegeken aan die minister van omgewingsake en die minister van visserye. 4. Toegang na die kusstrook vind deur middel van munisipale grond plaas. Die munisipaliteit mag net toegang na die kusstrook weier op die versoek van ’n ander staatsdepartement, of op sy eie inisiatief, maar met baie goeie rede. Dus, sonder die jurisdiksie oor lewende hulpbronne benede die hoogwatermerk van die see, tweedens sonder die versoek van ’n staatsdepartement om toegang tot openbare kuseiendom te beperk, en derdens sonder die nodige openbare deelname-proses, kan die munisipaliteit nie wettiglik ’n kennisgewing oprig om die publiek te belet om die eiendom te betree nie en sodoende die voëls te steur nie. Dit moet duidelik gestel word dat die wetgewing geskryf is om die van kant-making van lewende hulpbronne te verhoed of te beheer. As die spesies nie in hulle broeigebied versteur word nie, is dit nie noodwendig ’n oortreding van die wet nie en word die munisipaliteit nie verantwoordelik gehou vir kamstige oortredings van hierdie aard nie. Omgewingbestuur is besig om die Departemente Omgewingsake, sowel as Visserye op nasionale en provinsiale vlak te betrek om insette te lewer, voordat daar met ’n openbare deelname-proses voortgegaan word en voordat daar oor die inhoud van enige teken besluit word.

Hou maar die warm sop reg vir koue wat nie wil wyk nie Bykans 60 mm reën wag op Overstranders voor die naweek verby is, danksy ’n groot front wat gister op die Wes-Kaap afgepeil het. Op die grafieke wys dit dat die wolke Woensdag deur die dag nog ’n kilometer bo ons koppe pal vanuit die noordweste verby getrek het, maar ook daarby die goeie faktor in dié goor weer: die hele front lyk of hy motgevreet is. Wat tans in die bolug aan die gang is, is vir menige weerkenner ’n hoofpyn, want selfs die instrumente spring bont. Al wat stabiel is, is die windrigting van die sogenaamde reënwind wat party mense die wolwewind noem. Sy patroon is veral in die Karoo rondom Beaufort-Wes wel bekend. Donderdagoggend raak dit skielik kouer en kan ons sien hoe die wolke na ’n paar honderd meter daal. Teen elfuur begin die bontspringery wat mense op vliegtuie tussen die Kaap en die Baai na pilletjies teen reissiekte sal laat gryp. Dit kan ’n stamperige affêre word. Teen vyfuur Donderdagaand sal meer as 20 mm al geval het en staan die glas op 12 °C. Die swaarste neerslae is tussen 05:00 en 11:00 Vrydagoggend. Nodeloos om te vra, dat lesers maar help waar dakloses die hand uitsteek. Die glas val tot 8 °C voor die wolke Saterdagoggend rondom agtuur nog ’n paar koppies water oor ons uitgooi. En moet tog nie warmte verwag nie. Die weer

bly by ons. Dit reën Maandagmiddag weer deur tot Dinsdagoggend. Dan kry ons ’n ruskansie met min son tot Vrydag. Al wat die winter nou aan die Kaap doen is om petrol te spaar en krag te mors, sê oom Lang David van Hawston. Die kreef en perlemoendiewe kry ook op hul herrie want die see is omgekrap. Die windstasie (Windguru) voorspel dat die ergste deinings Sondag verby sal wees. Die deinings beweeg skuins teen die noordwes in en is 17 sekondes uitmekaar, wat ook nie goed is vir die plankryers nie, hoor ons die watersportmense praat. Oor ’n koppie warm sop kan ons mekaar wel hierdie naweek vra wat die beste manier is om die lente in te gaan. Op die 22ste (Sondag) wanneer hoor en sien wil vergaan, is dit volgens die SA Ruimtegids, amptelik lente en is die somerklere in die winkels al byna uitverkoop. Kan ons al die advertensies glo oor die winskopies wat jou paraat maak vir ’n lekker uitstappie, nuwe tent, nuwe rugsak en ’n duur waterfles op die rug (in hierdie weer)?


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

19 September, 2013

Municipal accounts ‘miscalculated’ It was with dismay that I recently received a letter from the office of the director of finance regarding costs relating to refuse, sewage and sewage infrastructure dating back to June 2011 for the amount of R5 577,20. I have been receiving regular municipal accounts as from the date when my daughter C. Steyn, in whose name the property is registered, took ownership of the above property. At no stage did any account reflect these services. A debit order was signed by me for the rates and taxes, at which stage I enquired whether the amount was correct and no other charges levied. I was assured by one of the interview clerks that this was correct. Having received the letter I went to the municipality to enquire how this two year-long miscalculation/omission on their part could happen, only to be told that I was responsible for settling this account immediately, on Friday 13 September, as I had failed to respond to their letter timeously. The reason for the delay being that the letter was addressed to my daughter in Johannesburg, who was only able to forward this letter to me last week. I was informed that my bank account would be debited with the full amount outstanding that evening. With shock I asked how this could be done as I had not even had an opportunity to ascertain that sufficient funds are in my account, nor if this amount would leave me with any funds for the rest of the month. I enquired with horror how a debit order could be changed without authority given by the account holder. The answer to this was a shrug and an offer by them attempting to stop the instruction. This being Friday morning, with the debit order going through that evening, I have my doubts that this would have proved possible. As I am sure that I am not the only person landed in this unfortunate position, I would like some answers to the following: How can the municipality’s finance department be so inefficient as to omit charges for services on regular accounts? Who is responsible for checking that correct accounts are sent out? An oversight of this magnitude would surely demand an open investigation and not just letters of demand to the innocent householders, many of whom are pensioners with limited incomes. I request the director of finance of the Overstrand Municipality to give an open answer to how this could happen.


Santie Reynecke-Naude, Overstrand Municipality: director of finances, responds: A. All correspondence between Overstrand and Ms Steyn is mailed to the postal address supplied to us with registration. B. Overstrand is not in possession of any instruction or correspondence from Ms Steyn giving E Hughes mandate over the abovementioned property or account. C. E Hughes does not appear or feature anywhere on Overstrand’s billing system for account 900000159615 erf 2763 Sandbaai. D. When Ms Hughes visited Overstrand’s offices on Friday 13/09/2013, it was explained to her that due to the delay in response from the owner Ms Steyn to Overstrand letter dated 29/07/2013, the debit order instructions were to be passed to Absa bank that afternoon. Ms Hughes enquired what would have happened to the additional levy should she not have visited the office that morning? Again it was explained to her that as the account is paid by debit order and no arrangement was made to pay the adjustment in instalments, the amount due was being sent to Absa on 13/09/2013 to be deducted from her bank account on 20/09/2013. Ms Hughes seemed satisfied with this response and that the monies would be deducted from the same bank account which normally pays the monthly account. E. The property was purchased as part of a group housing development in 2010. These schemes are initially registered in the developer’s name, who are not liable for refuse and sewerage services and can take up to five years or longer, before they are purchased by private individuals like Ms Steyn. Once the property registers into an individual’s name, services are payable from date of registration. Notice of registration can take up to three months to receive from the Registrar of Deeds. In Ms Steyn’s case, there was a human oversight with the opening of the services at date of notice of registration. Because Overstrand realises that such oversights are possible whilst administrating over 40 000 properties, verification processes have been put into place to ensure that all income due to Overstrand is levied as per The Prescriptions Act 68 of 1969, section 11(d). A timeous written apology and invitation to pay off the additional charge in instalments, is sent to each affected property owner. If no response is received to the invitation, the normal monthly due date is applied to the outstanding amount.

IN THE NEWS: Jeanette Pelser’s (back right) Grade 3 Hermanus Primary class were so excited to receive their first classroom issue of the Hermanus Times on Friday 13 September. This is the first time Hermanus Primary has been part of the Hermanus Times Adopt a School programme which aims to improve literacy and to create a greater aware­ ness of the news value of the Hermanus Times among younger readers. Ernest Solomon, owner of Club Octopus and Charlie’s Café and Take Aways in Hawston, has sponsored 50 newspapers a week for the four weeks that Hermanus Primary will be part of the initiative. Jonnelize Veldsman (back left) from the Hermanus Times can be con­ tacted on 028 3123717 for more details about the programme. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

Chanté Roux and her classmates couldn’t wait to read the Hermanus Times and to look at all the photographs when the newspaper was delivered to to their class on Friday.

INSPIRATIONAL MAN: A Hermanus Times reader, Karin Beyers, sent this photo of the “nicest street cleaner in Hermanus”. She says Carolus Titus is walking through Hermanus and keeping the streets clean. Every day he passes their shop at Beds B’Us with a trolley full of stuff that he has collected, which he then sells again. “He is always so friendly and happy and although he is retired, he believes that sitting still will make you ill. He is really an inspiration,” Beyers said. PHOTO: KARIN BEYERS

Stretch your mind to stretch the funds A quiz night will be held in St Peter’s Church hall on Thursday 10 October at 18:30 for 19:00. Stretch your minds to help stretch our funds, as the quiz evening is a fundraiser for the St Peter’s Flower Festival which will be held in the church at the end of January 2014. Tickets for the quiz are R50 each and a team consists of four people (R200 per team). Make

up a team, or the organisers can put you together with others looking for a foursome. Contact Ann Harvett on 072 402 5245, Christine Ross on 028 313 2555, Anne Philip on 082 399 3925, or Daphne, mornings only, at St Peter’s office, 028 312 1325. Your ticket includes a light snack. Bring your own tipple and glass.

SYPAADJIE­ UITSTAPPIE: Hierdie pragti­ ge foto van ’n francolin en haar kleintjies wat sypaadjie­ langs by Fern­ kloofrylaan wandel is in­ gestuur deur Maxie Lerm.

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

19 September, 2013


More food donations needed

Great green potential

The committee of Hermanus Staan Saam (Hermanus Stands Together), a group of people working to relieve poverty in the area, received an outpouring of generosity in the first few months after they started. However, it seems the food donations are becoming a bit less and the demand to help people in need a bit bigger.

ARBOUR WEEK INITIATIVES: Two members of the Cliff Path Management Group, Frank Woodvine (83) and Harvey Tyson (84) planted a very small milkwood last Tuesday as part of Arbour Week ­ knowing it will eventually grow into a magnificent tree. The school group that was meant to participate in the planting can­ celled due to the 10% predicted chance of rain. “Who says the fu­ ture is in the hands of the youth?” asks Anina Lee, Whale Coast Conservation’s communications manager.

A recent project of the Overstrand Junior Town Council (JTC) was supplying trees to several schools in the area in celebra­ tion of Arbour Week. One of the lucky recipients was Padda­ koor Akademie in Sandbaai, where JTC representatives from Northcliff House College planted two trees last week. From the right are Lochel Coetzee and Dillon Arendse, both pupils at Northcliff House College, Jacqui Benzien from Paddakoor, and on the left is Gerhard Coetzee, a teacher at Northcliff House College. Behind them are staff members and children from Paddakoor having fun outdoors. PHOTO: HEDDA MITTNER

Hester Bruwer (Ward 9 Com­ mittee mem­ ber), Cllr Philip Appel­ grein and Kleinmond Area Manager Cecile Jonk­ heid planted a tree in Klein­ mond during the Over­ strand Munici­ pality’s Arbour Week pro­ gramme.

Lauren Rainbird (municipal horticul­ turist), Mayor Nicolette Botha­ Guthrie, Juan Lewis (chairperson Gans­ baai Primêr gov­ erning body), Tom­ my Volkwyn (princi­ pal Gansbaai Primer) and Ald Pieter Scholtz (dep­ uty mayor) planted a tree at the school for Arbour Week.

Die skoolkoor van Gansbaai Primêr het ’n vertoning gelewer gedurende die amptelike ope­ ning van die skoolsaal. FOTO: MICHELLE VAN ZYL

Gansbaai Primêr se nuwe skoolsaal ingewy Gansbaai Primêr se nuwe skoolsaal is vandeesmaand in gebruik geneem. Die saal is fase drie van ’n reeks verbeteringe wat sedert 2009 by die skool aangebring is. Die nuwe administratiewe gebou is in 2010 in gebruik geneem, waarna 14 nuwe klaskamers in 2011 voltooi is. Die jongste toevoeging, die skoolsaal, kan gemaklik 800 sitplekke bied. Dit het ’n volledig toegeruste kombuis, kleedkamers en ’n groot verhoog. Die amptelike opening is deur die superintendent-generaal van die Wes-Kaapse departement van onderwys, Penny Vinjevold, waargeneem. Die projek is binne ’n jaar afgehandel en het die departement R4 miljoen gekos. Hooggeplaastes by die amptelike inhuldiging was Bertram Loriston, direkteur Overberg-onderwysdistrik, Wendy Colyn, kringspanbestuurder (kring 2), John Philander (ook kring 2) en Nicolette Botha-Guthrie, burgemeester van Overstrand. Die opening het gepaardgegaan met verto-

Skoolhoof Tommy Volkwyn, Penny Vinje­ vold, Wendy Colyn en Bertram Loriston by die amptelike plaak. nings deur die skoolkoor, marimba-orkes en blokfluitspelers. Alle rolspelers is daarvan oortuig dat hierdie nuwe fasiliteite baie waarde sal toevoeg tot die opvoeding van leerlinge by Gansbaai Primêr.

Tronel Meintjies, founder member of the organisation, said they handed out 125 plates of food the week before last, and last week 85 plates. In July, an average of 65 plates of food were handed out. There is a definite increase in demand, says Meintjies. “We need people to help with food donations. We would like to thank Marietjie Dalbock from Wonderland Café who helps to cook food every week, Fruit and Veg Wholesalers in the industrial area who donate food on a weekly basis and also a big thank you to the AGS Church, Hermanus Gas and Econo Meats for their contibutions.” Anyone willing to donate any form of food, frozen or fresh, and people who would like to help with the cooking or other contributions can contact Meintjies on 082 737 1226. Meintjies is also making jaffles and other goodies on Tuesdays which she personally delivers in the Hermanus area. The jaffles sell at only R10 each, so phone her before the time to order. They are also selling car air freshners for R20. Funds raised will go to Hermanus Staan Saam. Benefactors who would like to make a contribution, please note that the bank details have changed. Funds can be deposited in the following new bank account: Hermanus SS, Capitec Bank, Hermanus. Account number 1359 638 669, branch code 470010.


Hermanus Times

Sakegids Business Guide

19 September, 2013

Minister to talk on grants and opportunities The national Minister of Trade & Industry, Dr Rob Davies will address business people on grants and opportunities available from the DTI, on Monday 23 September from 17:30 till 20:00 in the Whale Coast Hotel Conference Centre (first floor Checkers Centre). Booking is essential at 028 315 1619, or e-mail chamberceo@hermanus.co.za. The cost to attend it R50 for members and R100 for non-members.

Dispute over Sandbaai Common land sale KERRY VAN RENSBURG The R39,75 million Sandbaai Common land sale, according to a decision taken by the council on 28 August, has fallen through.

Documents from the municipality’s joint portfolio committee meeting on 20 August state that the purchaser – Agattu Trading – did not comply with the terms of the contract regarding the payment of the purchase price. Council was asked to rescind the resolution they made on 31 October 2012 for the transfer of ownership of the remainder of erf 2834 (a portion of erf 1291), excluding erf 2836 but including erf 2837, Sandbaai – about 39,4905 ha in extent – to Agattu Trading 216 (pty) Ltd. Despite several concessions, the municipality claims Agattu Trading did not comply with the terms of the contract and cancelled the deed of sale in writing on 25 June. On 28 August council unanimously resolved to cancel the resolution regarding the sale of the Sandbaai Common. They also forfeited R39 750 000. Paul de Wet, the sole director of Agattu Trading, disputes council’s decision and says the deed of sale was cancelled prematurely and without proper procedure. He says he and the municipality signed an addendum to the deed of sale on 20 February, which stated that the sale would not be cancelled for a period of four months and

not until De Wet supplied a formal written undertaking to pay the seller (OM) an escalation on the purchase price of 1% per month calculated from January 2013 until the registration of transfer. De Wet supplied this written undertaking on 5 July, after he received notice that the sale had been cancelled. He says transfer should only have taken place on or before 5 November. He says the addendum was necessary as he was applying for permission from the health department to build a day hospital, a sub-acute hospital and an oncology unit on the business site which forms part of the Sandbaai Common land sale agreement. This, says De Wet, was a lengthy process and there was an additional cost factor of about R80 million. “We needed time to raise these funds – with the municipality’s approval.” However, on 14 August the provincial health director rejected the application after the Overstrand Municipality had provided their input on the matter. De Wet says the Sandbaai Common development, without the hospital and oncology unit, is a two billion rand project which includes 870 units built over a period of seven years. The development includes a retirement village, housing and a business node.

He says: “We are committed to the development and in line with the addendum we are going ahead with the project. Arrangements were made to delay the transfer due to the hospital application in order to provide for the extra funding required for such an endeavour. “Despite arrangements made and the support documents from the OM for the hospital, the local authority has unlawfully cancelled this agreement and have been very unresponsive to all our requests and in our view the matter is sub judice.” The municipal spokesperson maintains the deed of sale was cancelled because the purchaser was in breach of contract. Asked how the forfeiture of the R39 750 000 sale price would affect the capital projects which it would have financed, the spokesperson says: “Some of the projects have been completed and funded through alternative sources. Other projects affected have been revised or put on hold and will be reconsidered during the 2013/2014 adjustment budget as well as the 2014/2015 draft budget. According to Anja Kotzé, Overstrand’s property administration manager, the tender for the sale of the Sandbaai Common property will be advertised in due course.

Gansbaai­sakekamer verskuif grense Die Gansbaai-sakekamer is een van die eerste sakekamers in die land wat ’n samewerkingsooreenkoms met die plaaslike bestuur, die Overstrand-munisipaliteit, gesluit het, het Sakekamer-voorsitter Fanie Bothma, by ’n ledevergadering gesê. Hierdie inisiatief is afkomstig van die hoogste regeringsvlak. Die minister van samewerkende regering het ook met die Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut (AHI) ’n soortgelyke ooreenkoms aangegaan, wat daarop gerig is om die sakegemeenskap betrokke te kry by plaaslike regering om te help met die bevordering van infrastruktuur en dienste aan die gemeenskap. As ’n geaffilieerde lid van die AHI het die Gansbaai-sakekamer hierdie ooreenkoms by die ledevergadering geteken met verteenwoordigers van die Overstrand-munisipaliteit. Gasspreker dr. Christo van der Rheede, uitvoerende hoof van die AHI, het die stap geloof en sy waardering uitgespreek vir dit wat reeds in Gansbaai in dié verband bereik is. Piet Badenhorst, AHI-voorsitter in die WesKaap, wat ook spesiaal die geleentheid bygewoon het, het gesê: “Ek is trots op die voorbeeld wat Gansbaai-sakekamer stel en vertrou dat dit nog verder sal bydra tot die ontwikkeling en uitbouing van die streek.”

’n Samewerkingsooreenkoms is by die ledevergadering tussen die Gansbaai­sake­ kamer en die plaaslike bestuur (Overstrand­munisipaliteit) onderteken. Hier (voor) is dr. Christo van der Rheede, uitvoerende hoof van die AHI, Fanie Bothma, voorsitter van Gansbaai­sakekamer, Santie­Reynecke­Naudé, direkteur finansies by Over­ strand­munisipaliteit en raadsheer Pieter Scholtz; (agter) Piet Badenhorst, AHI­voor­ sitter in die Wes­Kaap en Kat Myburgh, Gansbaai­areabestuurder. FOTO: VERSKAF

Hermanus business women share expertise The Women’s Business Network held their monthly get together on Thursday morning at the Quarters Hotel in Hermanus and this month the speaker was Hannes Smuts from PSG Consult who talked about investments and shares and how to make your money grow. This network was originally initiated as a platform for women in business in Hermanus and surrounds to network and support each other. At the meetings, members also get a chance to introduce themselves, share their expertise and explore business opportunities between them. Women who feel they can benefit by this network, can join the group the second Thursday of every month. The next get together will be hosted at La Vierge, with a food and wine pairing and other surprises. Contact Heidi Nortier on 084 408 6000 or email her at hnortier@hermanustoyota.co.za to join. The annual membership fee is R600, or alternatively there is the option to pay R50 monthly. Breakfasts are to be paid for separately each time.

Heidi Nortier (Hermanus Toyota), Klaradyn Stemmet (Seeff), Yolanda McIntyre (Transi­ tions Consulting), Marlene Loots (VDL Attorneys), Renate van Dyk (VDL Attorneys) and Lize van der Walt (artist) attended the Women’s Business network meeting last Thurs­ day. Van der Walt also introduced her new slimming wraps business that she operates from home. PHOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET

Hermanus Times

Sakegids Business Guide

19 September, 2013

Kan FirstRand die huidige pas volhou? FirstRand (FSR) is genoteer op die JSE. Die sluitingsprys op 13 September 2013 was R33,40; beleggers is ryklik beloon met ’n saamgestelde jaarlikse opbrengs van 14,5% (dividende uitgesluit) oor die afgelope vyf jaar. Dit vergelyk gunstig teenoor die JSE Indeks van Alle Aandele wat 10,8% p.j. gedurende die ooreenstemmende periode behaal het. Kan FirstRand die pas volhou? FirstRand beheer verskeie bankinstellings. Eerste Nasionale Bank (ENB) en WesBank (motorvoertuig-en ander batefinansiering) is allerweë bekend. Rand Aksepbank (beleggingsbankwese en sakefinansiering) en Ashburton Investments (beleggingsbestuur) vorm ook deel van die FirstRandgroep. FirstRand het verlede week ’n voortreflike stel resultate vir die finansiële jaar geëindig 30 Junie 2013 bekend gemaak wat weereens bevestig het dat hulle een van Suid-Afrika se top-bankgroepe is. Van die hoogtepunte was: ) Verdienste per aandeel het gedurende hierdie periode met 20% tot 271,8 sent per aandeel gestyg. ) Die bruto finale dividend van 81 sent per aandeel toon ’n styging van 40% teenoor die vorige jaar; die totale bruto dividend vir die 2013 finansiële jaar beloop 136 sent per aandeel, ’n styging van 33% teenoor die vorige jaar. Gegrond op ’n aandeelprys van R33,40, bied FirstRand ’n aantreklike historiese bruto dividendopbrengs van 4,1% p.j. of 3,5% p.j. netto vir beleggers wat nie vrygestel is van dividendweerhoudingsbelasting nie. ) Groei in nuwe besigheid afkomstig van FirstRand se vernaamste drie afdelings, nl. ENB, RMB en WesBank, het gesorg vir ’n 13% styging in netto rente-inkomste. ) Inkomste uit transaksiefooie en kommissie het met 13% gestyg. ’n Goeie prestasie-rekord bied ongetwyfeld

gerusstelling aan beleggers. Tog is ’n maatskappy se strategieë vir uitbreiding en groei deurslaggewend vir toekomstige verdienstegroei. Verdienste uit sakebedrywighede buite Suid-Afrika verteenwoordig tans slegs 10% van FirstRand se totale bruto verdienste. FirstRand is egter vasbeslote om hulself as die voorkeur finansiëledienstegroep in Afrika te vestig en beplan om ongeveer R10bn se kapitaal vir ’n verskeidenheid uitbreidings, waarvan die meerderheid in Afrika, aan te wend. FirstRand het reeds goeie vordering gemaak met die vestiging van ENB-takke in lande soos Zambië, Tanzanië, Mosambiek, Botswana en Namibië. FirstRand het ook ander Afrika-lande soos Nigerië, Kenia en Angola in sy visier. 51% van FirstRand se verdienste uit SuidAfrikaanse bedrywighede word toegeskryf aan ENB. Hiervan is 45% te danke aan ENB se transaksionele besigheid wat sterk groei toon danksy die voortdurende toevoeging van innoverende bankdienste en verwante produkte. ENB het vroeg reeds die gewildheid van slimtoestelle soos selfone en tabletrekenaars geïdentifiseer as ’n geleentheid om hul waardeproposisie aan verbruikers te versterk. Dit strook met ander top-maatskappye soos bv. die Naspers groep se oortuiging dat e-handel via veral mobiele slimtoestelle wêreldwyd toenemend gebruikersvoorkeur word. Met die hulp van ENB se gebruikersvriendelike toepassings, wat spesiaal vir slimtoestelle ontwerp is, kan kliënte hul banksake moeitevry buite die bank se handelsure afhandel. Om die gebruik van hierdie toepassings en mobiele dienste verder aan te moedig en te fasiliteer, bied ENB afslag sowel as ’n gunstige 24 maande rentevrye afbetalingstermyn wanneer ENB-kliënte slimtoestelle via die

bank se distribusiekanaal aanskaf. Gratis lugtyd en data word ook by sommige aanbiedinge ingesluit. Ander dienste waarmee ENB waarde toevoeg vir hul bestaande kliënte is eWallet en eWallet Pro. Met eWallet kan geld oorgeplaas word na persone wat nie ’n bankrekening het nie – die begunstigde het slegs ’n geldige SA selfoonnommer nodig. eWallet Pro maak dit ook vir sakeondernemings maklik om werknemers te betaal wat nie ’n bankrekening het nie. ENB se gewilde eBucks-lojaliteitsprogram vorm ’n integrale deel van die bank se strategie om nuwe kliënte te lok en bestaande kliënte te behou. eBucks het onlangs die jawoord van Shoprite Checkers gekry en lede van die program kan nou ook hier punte verdien en spandeer. Die bestuur en strategie van die FirstRandgroep boesem vertroue in en ’n dividendopbrengs van ongeveer 4% is nie te versmaai nie. Ons meen belegging in FirstRand-aandele kan gunstig oorweeg word. NOTA: Hierdie artikel behels nie professionele advies nie. Dit is wys om altyd voor mens belê met jou beleggingsadviseur te skakel. Antoinette Naude is ’n portefeuljebestuurder by PSG, Hermanus

FinMonitor Antoinette Naude

Werksessies om produktiwiteit te verhoog Met dié dat die Hermanus Sakekamer fokus op verbetering van dienslewering in die Overstrand wat produktiwiteit, finansiële bestuur en vaardigheidsontwikkeling betref bied hulle benewens die Work & Skills projek ook eersdaags ’n reeks van vyf werksessiesinsamewerkingmet Productivity SA aan. Die datums van die sessies is Dinsdagoggende – 1, 8, 15, 22 en 29 Oktober 08:30 – 13:30 by Overstrand Training Institute. Die fokus is op die bevordering van produktiewe sakebestuur in besighede. Die koste van die sessies is R500 en sluit verversings in. “Ons poog om die plaaslike ekonomie op te hef deur probleme te identifiseer en oplossings te soek,” het Mervyn Milner, president van die Hermanus Sake-

kamer, gesê. Samewerking word bewerkstellig met staatsdepartemente en nasionale organisasies met die oog om in te skakel by gratis opleidingsprogramme en finansiering van provinsiale en nasionale vlak. Die sakekamer hoop ook om ’n datum vas te maak met Minister Trevor Manuel om te kom praat oor die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan en hoe daarby ingeskakel kan word. Milner het bevestig dat die sakekamer toestemming gekry het om in Wyk 3 waaronder die sentrale sakekern val, te dien. Die verteenwoordiger is Madeleine Cillers. ) Kontak Alta Pretorius by 028 315 1619 of e-pos chamberceo@hermanus.co.za.

BE CONNECTED: The Berghof Estate’s home own­ ers association celebrated the launch of their website during a cocktail party with many accredited agents in attendance – Rawsons, Guthrie­Theron, Chas Ever­ ett, Fine & Country, Seeff, Aïda and Infoprop. Des Col­ lins (photo) is chairperson of the association. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

Trevor Floyd, Jerome Thorpe and Theo Aggenbach

Harbour Rock restaurant was visited by the Work & Skills Team to de­ termine their participation in the project. Restaurant owner Francois Barnard (middle) explained the inner workings of running a restau­ rant. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Work and skills project brings hope Several businesses in Hermanus are going to make use of the offer from the Western Cape Government’s Work & Skills Project, says Alta Pretorius, CEO of Hermanus Business Chamber. A delegation of eight officials from the Western Cape Government’s Department of Economic Development and Tourism recently visited to determine which businesses would be suitable to provide training. At the presentation at the Whale Coast Hotel Rahima Loghdey, director of the Skills & Innovation Programme, said the purpose of this project is to ensure that young unemployed people get placed at businesses where they can learn skills without it being a financial burden to the company. During this six-month period a stipend of R1 500 will be paid to the learner, and he/she will get recognition for this training, making it

easier to find work in future. Companies can apply for more than one placement, and can also stipulate the gender and age of the person between 18–35. An application from a company or a learner is not an automatic acceptance though as due diligence is completed to ensure appropriate match of supply and demand. Some of the places visited included Harbour Rock restaurant and training kitchen, Abagold and HIK Abalone Farms, Sansa (South African National Space Agency), The Wine Village, La Vierge Wine Farm, and Overstrand Training Institute. A follow-up visit will take place with interested parties in October where relevant steps and procedures will be explained. “The team will liaise with the Overstrand Training Institute and other organisations with databases of unemployed young people in the area,” said Pretorius.



Hermanus Times 19 September, 2013

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Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

19 September, 2013

WELL SAID: Although Afrikaans is not offered as a subject at Lukhanyo Primary School in Zwelihle, three pupils participated in Afrikaans choral verse and poetry at the Overberg Eisteddfod held at Kleinmond Primary School last week. Showing off their gold certificates are (from left) Vuyolwethu Blaai, Anuvuyo Mo­ yikwa and Tono Blaai. With them is Msingati (MJ) Mjada, deputy principal. Absent: Nkosinathi Mdlelembe.


KUNSKOMPETISIE: Brad Stephenson, nuwe eienaar van die elektroniese speletjieswinkel, Zero Gravity, het die tradisie voortgesit om elke kwartaal ’n kunskompetisie met Laerskool Hermanus te hou. Stephenson het Maandag aan elkeen van die wenners ’n geskenkbewys van Zero Gravity oorhandig. Voor is Michelle Beeton, Josh Mair en Danielle Kotze. Agter hulle is: Mari Louw, Tayla Gordon, Michelle Alexander, Brisen Reay­Bank en Dhandre Etalla. Agter, tussen Brad en kunson­ derwyser Cornelia van der Merwe, is Nicole du Toit. David Steere was afwesig toe die foto geneem is. Die tema van die kompetisie was “walvisse” en die wenners se kunswerke word by Zero Gravity (bokant Woolworths) uitgestal.

Pregnancy app for parents SUPPORTING THE YOUTH: The Overstrand Junior Town Councillors who attended a centralised meeting last week, were accompanied by (from left) Lusapho Calata (mentor: Qhayiya Secondary), Xolile Kosi (economic development), Helene Segal (mentor: Gansbaai Academia), Unity Mtomile (manager: Junior Town Council) and Ria Acker (mentor: Hermanus High School). PHOTOS: ANTHEA SWANSON

The Junior Town Council attended their third central­ ised meeting on 29 August at the En­ lighten Education Trust Centre. The meeting was organ­ ised by JTC manag­ er Unity Mtomile and the Junior Councillors came well prepared for their presentations and reports on service delivery projects.

Mediclinic Baby has created an innovative, free mobile application to enhance the pregnancy and birth experience, and to offer peace of mind to prospective parents. This application is now available to iPhone and Android phone users. The pregnancy app is designed to provide comprehensive, easy-touse information on each stage of your pregnancy. Its features include weekly updates of what you can expect as your body changes and your baby grows, frequently asked questions, a weight tracker, a contraction timer, a calendar and a photo-to-video function. “Mobile devices have dramatically changed the online landscape,” says Shameema Adams, Mediclinic client al-

liance programmes manager. “For example, our research shows that half the Facebook users in South Africa access the site via their phones. It made sense therefore to develop a source of knowledge about pregnancy and babycare which is readily accessible and convenient to use on a handset. Mediclinic Baby is the first hospital baby programme in South Africa to launch such an app, and we are excited that we have been able to expand this service to Android phones.” The Mediclinic Baby Programme is exclusive to parents of babies born at Mediclinic hospitals and is intended to assist them throughout their pregnancy, birth and babycare journey. To download this app, go to www.mediclinic.co.za/ pregnancyapp.



Hermanus Times

Promosies Promotions

19 September, 2013




Italian style restaurant for the whole family family restauItalian style food rant atmoscooked the Italphere,” says ian way is now Patrick. available to food Lucretia was lovers and pathe owner of Die trons in KleinOu Kombuis cofmond and the fee shop in Onrus Overstrand. until July 2011, Patrick and after which she Lucretia Bettessold the business worth from Alito join Patrick mento restauwho travelled the rant both love length and good food, pizzas breadth of Africa and pastas and in his capacity as decided to start Patrick and Lucretia Bettesworth, owners of CEO in the bankthe eatery to Alimento Restaurant. ing industry. share their love. They returned from Djibouti in January They are the only restaurant in Kleinmond with a wood-fired pizza oven which and now reside in Bot River. Patrick takes care of front of house while it increases the flavour and adds to the amLucretia is in charge of quality control and biance. “We want to cater for local people in a preparation in the kitchen.

Agter van links is Vicky, Karlien (eienaar), Sanet, Fryhoff (eienaar en apteker), Danver, Ina, Rosa. Voor is Jenny en Madelein. Daleen was afwesig toe die foto geneem is.

Albertyn Apteek groei steeds Albertyn Apteek het op 2 Mei 1999 in Kogelberg Arkade, Kleinmond geopen, met Fryhoff Albertyn aan die stuur en ’n personeel van vier. Die apteek het met rasse skrede gegroei en in Februarie 2012 na die nuwe Spar Sentrum geskuif. Die personeel is nou tien mense wat twee aptekers (Albertyn en Karlien Venter), twee assistente, twee admin-personeel en vier algemene assistente insluit. Die apteek is baie betrokke by die gemeenskap, en neem

jaarliks deel aan die Rolbal-besigheidsliga asook die Jukskeiklub se sportdae. Plaaslike instansies word ook ondersteun, hetsy met borgskappe of donasies. Albertyn Apteek wil die bes moontlike diens aan die gemeenskap te lewer, en doen siftingstoetse vir cholesterol en diabetes asook gratis bloeddrukmonitering. Die apteek is ingekontrakteer by die meeste groot mediese fondse.

LOVERS OF KNITTING & SEWING: Lu Dal Interior is situated in the heart of Kleinmond, creating beau­ tiful memories and lasting impres­ sions with their love for sewing and knitting. They stock a wide range of good quality, local and imported quilting material, fabric, wool, habby and interior goods. Visit them for great workshops and learning opportunities.

Agter is Bremer Meyer (bestuurder), Martie en Ozzie Osmond (“kastimmers”), pa Kobus en Johan Olivier. Voor sit Alex Smith (93), een van ons oudste “kastimmers”, en Corrie van Rooyen wat help in die winkel.

Bloubakkie is uit nood ‘gebore’ Om ’n inkomste te skep het ons met ons blou bakkie op Worcester se kerkplein groente en vrugte verkoop. Almal het gou geweet waar om hul plaasvars produkte te kry. Worcester se mense het ons deur die jare op die hande en in hul harte gedra en in ons lief en leed gedeel. Toe teëspoed ons tref, die blou bakkie gesteel word en ’n wit bakkie sy plek moet inneem, is dié wit bakkie gou herdoop tot die “bloubakkie”. Ons handelsmerk – ’n outydse blou bakkie – is geïnspireer deur die Rabie-familie van

Nuy. Oom De Vos Rabie het met sy 1950 blou GMC Chev-bakkie voorraad vir ons dorp toe gebring en die res verkoop. Baie van die voorraad wat bestem is vir verkoop het uiteindelik by die dorp se ouetehuise beland om hulle te help. Ons bloubakkie se wiele rol die afgelope sewe jaar in die pragtige Kleinmond Hier bedryf ons die bloubakkie vanuit ’n winkelperseel. Ons is geseënd met getroue “kastimmers” van oor die land. Ons ervaar daagliks die goedgesindheid eie aan die inwoners van die omgewing.

Hermanus Times

Promosies Promotions

19 September, 2013

Gansbaai ­ Sharks, whales and more Gansbaai has grown from its small beginnings as a fishing village (1881) to an area known as the white shark capital of the world. The town got its name from the large number of geese found at the fresh water fountain in the current harbour area. A small monument in the Gansbaai harbour depicts the origins of the town at the fresh water fountain and at the Kleinbaai harbour the eight shark boats attest to the current popularity of shark cage diving. As a coastal area, fishing and sea-associated activities play a big role in the town. The excellent fishing opportunities led to the establishment of Gansbaai Marine in 1962 and the trawlers are a familiar sight out in the bay. In years gone by they all had names like Kolgans, Blougans, Sneeugans and Berggans. Fishing is also still a popular recreational sport. The greater Gansbaai area consists of De Kelders, Gansbaai town, Kleinbaai, Franskraal, Masakhane, Blompark, Pearly Beach and Baardskeerdersbos. Each of these areas have their own unique ambience. Gansbaai is a popular weekend and holiday

destination and a place where one can relax and enjoy all that nature has to offer. Both land-based and boat-based whale watching is a popular past time from June to November when the Southern Right Whales visit our shores. A number of hiking trails including Platbos, the Southern most forest, and Walker Bay trails (slackpacking) take the visitor on a journey through nature at its best. The long stretch of beach at Pearly Beach allows for the renewal of mind and spirit. There are two guided trails if one prefers a more informative experience. A number of well-known artists live in Baardskeerdersbos and some of the best olives come from this region. The Baardskeerdersbos Art Route has become extremely popular along with the BBos Basaar and not to forget the “Skaapkopete”. The next one is on 26 October. Interesting places to visit include the Danger Point Lighthouse with the monument to the Birkenhead troop ship that sank in 1852, as well as the Strandveld museum. There is plenty of accommodation to suit all tastes and budgets and restaurants serving dishes from local fish and perlemoen to potjiekos.

EVENTS 21 September ­ Herberg Aan See Basaar Pretorius Hall from 10:00. Fees van die Ganse Golf Challenge Golf Club 4x4 Family day Groet die Grotman: Pretorius Hall at 20:00 (still tickets available). 24 September ­ BARC (Birkenhead Animal Rescue) Wet nose day – Walkabout and Pet show 26 October ­ “Skaapkopete” De Ujile Nes 6 December ­ Switching on of Christmas Street Lights 7 December ­ Fees van die Ganse Street Festival. For more information, contact 028 384 1439 or 072 291 5564, email gansbaaiinfo@tel­ komsa.net or visit www.gansbaaiinfo.com.



Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

19 September, 2013

Stanford se feesnaweek


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: The ladies from Die Dameskring visited the Hermanus Waldorf School recently and donated some seeds and small garden forks towards the school’s food garden. They encouraged the children to look after the vegetable garden. Each class is re­ sponsible for their own bed, and the ladies will come and judge the beds each term. Busy planting beans in the garden are the Class 3 children with the help of (from left) Martie van Dyk, Magriet Louw, Xolani Mapela (the school’s gardener) and Lidia Vorster (in the red top). The garden spades were kindly sponsored by Gateway Spar. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Die NG gemeente Stanford word vanjaar 100 jaar oud en ’n feesnaweek word van 20 tot 22 September beplan. Dit gaan ’n groot fees wees wat saamval met die gemeente se basaar en die jaarlikse fynbos-uitstalling in die pragtige skulpsteen-kerkgebou, wat van Vrydagoggend af vir die naweek oop sal wees vir die publiek. Die basaar vind Saterdag van 10:00 af op die kerkterrein en by die kerksaal plaas, maar ontbyt en pannekoek is van vroeg af beskikbaar. Van 17:00 af word ’n potjiekos-kompetisie op die markplein gehou. Almal is welkom. Potkokers wat dink hulle weet hoe, kan vir die kompetisie inskryf deur Pieter by 082 656 7884 te bel en vir hulself ’n lekker prys losslaan. Porsies van al die potjies sal te koop wees. Sondagoggend word ’n interkerklike diens in die kerk gehou. Besoekers sal kans kry om die blomme-uitstalling te geniet.

Loop vir Hoop saam met Dana Kom stap saam met bekende skrywer Dana Snyman op Sondag 13 Oktober om bewusmaking oor depressie te kweek. Op 10 Oktober is die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie se bewusmakingsdag vir psigiatriese gesondheid (nb: nie geestesgesondheid nie) en op die naaste Sondag, 13 Oktober, word die Hoop Hike aangebied om bewusmaking oor depressie as biologiese siekte te kweek. Dana het gesê hy gaan aan die Hoop Hike deelneem want hy dink mense moet nou meer as ooit bewus gemaak word van depressie as siekte. “Te lank is ons gemaak verstaan dat mense met depressie net ‘aansit’ en hulself net moet ‘regruk’.” Depressie is nie “om sommer net af te voel nie” en kan nie verdwyn deur jouself “net reg te ruk” nie. Dis ’n mediese toestand, en soos met ander biologiese siektes, vereis dit mediese behandeling. Om verskeie redes is dit egter nog ’n siekte waaroor ons samelewing nie mak-

lik praat nie. Soos in die geval van ander siektes kan die vroeë herkenning van simptome en die nodige behandeling ’n lyer se lewensgehalte verbeter. Veel meer: Dit kan lewens red, want oor die terminale, fatale gevolge van depressie, selfdood, heers ’n groter taboe. Jy kan kies tussen of 5 km of 10 km in die pragtige wingerdlandskap van D’Aria, Dubanville. Inskrywingsgeld is R50 (5 km) of R75 (10 km) en R30 vir kinders onder 12 (albei roetes). Stappers kry ’n T-hemp en staprugsak. Om in te skryf, gaan na www.iqelaevents.co.za en kliek op die Hoop Hike-logo. Inskrywings is beperk. Die volledige inskrywingsgeld gaan vir die depressienavorsingsfonds van die Ithemba Stigting (’n nie-winsonderneming, registrasienommer 2012/171250/08; Ithemba beteken hoop in isiXhosa). Vir navrae kan jy 082 517 4799 bel.


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CLIVIA SPECTACULAR: The annual Clivia Show takes place at the Her­ manus NG Church on 27 and 28 Sep­ tember. The show is also a competi­ tion for the clivia growers and their best plants will be featured. The pub­ lic can also participated in the Peo­ ple’s Choice award. On Friday the show is open from 09:00–17:00 and on Saturday from 09:00–16:00. En­ trance fee is R10 pp. Enquiries: Felici­ ty Weeden at 028 3163092 or 078 710 9495. PHOTO: FELICITY WEEDEN

Hermanus Times

Promosies Promotions

19 September, 2013

Rare and delicate Marsh Rose on display at Flower Festival

Mini indigenous gardens will be a feature of this year’s Hermanus Flower Festival at Fernkloof Nature Reserve from 26 to 29 September.

Look out for the alpacas that will be visiting the Hermanus Flower Festival on Saturday 28 September

Mini­gardens are back again

Fun activities for the Wetlands take young centre stage

The green lawns in the amphitheatre of the Fernkloof Nature Reserve will come alive with colour when landscapers and nurseries use their creative talents to design mini indigenous gardens for the festival. We welcome landscapers from Fynbos Gardens, Harold Porter Nature Reserve, Legacy Landscapes, Overberg Agri-Stanford, The Garden Company, The Royal Gardener’s Nursery, Superplants Hermanus, Walker Bay Nursery, The Marine, and the team from the Hermanus Botanical Society. Expect to be inspired when the amazing beauty of our indigenous plants are used to create an array of garden styles.

A fun programme of activities will keep young visitors to the Hermanus Flower Festival happy. Bring them along to learn about fynbos as they take part in a runaround-quiz in the gardens and let them loose to create their own style of mini-moss and wetland garden. An interactive puppet theatre show Saskia of the Sea, takes place on Saturday 28 September at 14:30 and Sunday 29 September at 12:00. Tickets are R10 per child. Alpacas will visit the festival on Saturday. Children can get up close to feel their soft woollen coats and products made from their wool will also be on sale. Cooks can try their hand at icing a cupcake or two and toasted sarmies from the Tea Garden can be enjoyed.




Beautiful Erica perspicua growing in fields of fynbos. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

A mini-wetland will take centre stage in the Fernkloof Hall during the Flower Show at Fernkloof Nature Reserve from 26 to 29 September. Plants from this habitat will be used in the Wetland Health for Water Wealth design. There will also be a wetland in miniature in the adjoining marquee, and the smallest visitors will be making wetland model gardens in a children’s competition. As 2013 is the International Year of Water Cooperation, Fernkloof Nature Reserve, with its brown bubbling rivers and mountain streams and its Flower Show displays, must qualify for one of the best water cooperatives in the area. Wetlands have been identified as the third most important life support system on the earth.

Most beautiful of the protea family, the exquisite Marsh Rose Orothamnus zeyheri, will take pride of place at the Hermanus Flower Festival – for the first time in living memory. The flowering plant that will be on display in the hall is on loan from Caledon nurseryman Adriaan Hanekom and the family of “roses” in the Botsoc mini-garden is a gift from Rob Thomas of Betty’s Bay. Both men have succeeded in making this sensitive protea into a viable garden subject, the former in a natural propagation process and Rob by successfully grafting it on to conocarpodendron stock and so “toughening it up”. Rated as Vulnerable in the Red List of South African Plants 2009, it grows on only a few swampy high altitude sites on the Kogelberg and Kleinrivier mountains. Dr Ludwig Pappe, the colonial botanist, discovered it on the Hottentots Holland Mountains in 1844, and named it Orothamnus, a Greek word meaning “mountain

branch”. Then came the flower pickers who decimated huge populations of the rose in the early part of the 20th century. This was curtailed by the Cape Provincial Wild Flower Protection Ordinance No.15 in January 1938. But still a faulty fire policy banning fires in fynbos areas proved even more damaging to this precious species. In May 1968 controlled fires in patches of Orothamnus populations were carried out and to everyone’s surprise Orothamnus zeyheri seedlings sprang up. After scientific research it was ascertained that fire intervals of fifteen years were necessary to encourage regeneration of fynbos species, and in particular the Marsh Rose. Now another scientific method has been added to keep the rose safe – grafting on to tough protea stock which hopefully will make this beautiful flower a far more sociable belle of the ball. – Geraldine Gardiner

More than flowers to be enjoyed at the festival If you are thinking of visiting the annual Flower Festival at Fernkloof Nature Reserve between 26 and 29 September to view the beautiful flower displays and the amazing number of specimen plants, you will definitely not be disappointed. The wetland scene in the hall will be surrounded by spectacular massed flower displays and complemented by over 350 individually named botanical specimens. Visit the marquee for a demo in a bottle of how wetlands function, be intrigued by

birds and frogs and their calls, learn about penguin behaviour, and be inspired by the art works. Stalls will also offer a wide range of items for sale. Buy bunches of fynbos flowers to take home and visit the indigenous nursery with new hybrids in stock. There are exciting raffle prizes to be won and the Garden Restaurant will offer visitors an assortment of tasty treats. The cost for the festival is R15 pp and children under 12 can attend free of charge.


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

19 September, 2013

THURSDAY 19 SEPTEMBER ) Whalers Athletics Club time trials for 3 km, 5 km and 8 km at 18:00 at the cricket club. ) The Hermanus Rotary Club meets every Thurs­ day at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village in Eastcliff. Visitors welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. ) Die Vriende van Huis Lettie Theron en alle be­ langstellendes word vriendelik uitgenooi na ’n ver­ gadering om 14:30 by die tehuis. FRIDAY 20 SEPTEMBER ) The Hermanus Hacking Group meets above the Old Boys’ Club, 06:45 – 08:45. Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Enjoy tea and coffee with the Friends of the Li­ brary at the Bhuki Café, 09:00 – 11:30. ) Besoek die teetuin by die dienssentrum van die NG gemeente Onrusrivier, 10:00 – 12:00, vir vars tuisgebak met ’n koppie moerkoffie of tee. ) The Walker Bay Orchid Society presents their annual Orchid Show today, 09:30 – 17:00, and Saturday 21 September, 09:30 – 16:00 in the St Peter’s Church hall. The entrance fee is R15 and R10 for pensioners. ) The U3A talk, “The Making of Modern Britain: Having a Ball”, presented by Andrew Marr will take place in the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Penny Charteris: 0 028 316 2489. ) The chiller silent movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame with organ improvisations by Zorada Tem­ mingh in the Dutch Reformed Church can be expe­ rienced again at 19:00. Tickets are R70 each and on sale at the NG Church weekdays 08:00 – 15:00. Elmarie: 0 028 312 3904 or Phil: 0 083 290 6910 for delivery in Hermanus and phone bookings or 2 philpienaar@absa­ mail.co.za. Tickets also available from 18:15 at the door. ) The Stanford Dutch Reformed Church is cele­

brating its centenary. Come and join in the festivi­ ties starting today with the annual flower exhibition in the church and ending with an interdenomina­ tional service on Sunday 22 September. Sat­ urday’s activities include a bazaar on the church grounds. From 17:00 a potjiekos competition will be held on the historic Stanford Village Green. To enter, phone Pieter: 0 082 656 7884. Great prizes are up for grabs. Every entrant will receive a bottle of wine, and the potjie­meals as well as sheep on the spit will be for sale. ) Vintage piano evenings with Margaret Fourie at the Old Harbour Vintage shop in Warrington Place on Harbour Road, every Friday 17:30 – 18:30. Come and enjoy light piano music and refreshments at R30 per person and browse through the Old Harbour Gallery. Bring your own chair or cushion. Margaret: 0 082 259 5515. SATURDAY 21 SEPTEMBER ) Reünie van Hawston Primêr se 1969­klas. Kom by die Hawston­taxistaanplek om 11:30 byme­ kaar vir staproete tot by die skool. Calla: 0 079 457 1501. ) Come and support our Relay For Life kick­off sprayathon at the Hermanus Cricket Club and Her­ manuspietersfontein, 09:30 – 13:00. The next Re­ lay event will take place from 15 to 16 March 2014 at Hermanus High School. Cansa office: 0 028 316 3678 or 2 kmarquard@can­ sa.org.za. ) Flower Power 4x4 Day in Gansbaai; Johnny Rocket’s Pub. ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kos­en­wynmark, 09:00 – 13:00. ) Hermanus Country Market, 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Hemel­en­Aarde Garden Market, 09:00 – 14:00 at Hemel­en­Aarde Village. ) The Diocese of False Bay’s Church Men Society is presenting a family fun day from 08:00 till late at the Hawston beachfront. Entry is R20 per per­ son. The day includes a health walk at 09:00, a tug of war and a whole lot more. SONDAG 22 SEPTEMBER ) Is jy enkellopend? Voel jy alleen op ’n Sondag? Kom eet en kuier gesellig saam met ons om 12:00. Skakel: 0 076 115 7382.

MONDAY 23 SEPTEMBER ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 or 072 230 9179. ) The U3A series “Evolve!” will take place in the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Gert Claassen: 0 083 602 5254. ) Touching Hearts meets every Monday at 18:45 in Onrus. Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) The Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall, 18:00 – 20:00. DINSDAG 24 SEPTEMBER ) Hermanus Leeskring se byeenkoms om 14:45 by Fynbospark. Susan Radloff gaan Piekniek by Hangklip van Kerneels Breytenbach bespreek. Meer besonderhede by Elsabé de Beer: 0 028 312 1886. ) Join the Early Birds at the Hermanus Tennis Club Tuesdays and Thursdays, 07:00 – 09:00. Vic Hamilton­Attwell: 0 082 785 5145 or Ken Collett: 0 082 806 8292. ) The U3A course Meet Local Artists will feature Richard Smith at the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. David Boobyer: 0 028 316 1004. ) Trashed is a thought­provoking film presented by Jeremy Irons on the challenge the world faces in disposing of waste. Irons takes us across the globe to highlight some of the immense problems caused by our “throw­away” society. Whale Coast Conservation is the first in South Africa to secure the rights to screen this movie. Don’t miss it. At the Green House in Vermont at 17:30. WOENSDAG 25 SEPTEMBER ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging verga­ der 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal en nooi alle drank­ en dwelmverslaafdes uit om by hulle aan te sluit. Meer besonderhede by Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250 of Badisa: 0 028 312 3909. ) Die egskeiding­ondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag van die maand om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oosthuysen: 0 079 322 0998 of 2 sorg@ngk­onrusrivier.co.za. ) Hermanus Garden Club: Outing to be advised by email or phone. Sue: 0 028 314 0072. EVENTS ) On 28 September Fisherhaven Neighbour­

hood Watch is having a cake and book sale at the Piccaninny Centre, Broadway, from 10:00. Please come and support this worthwhile cause. Pat: 0 028 315 1605 for more information. ) David Davidson will talk at the Green House on Saturday 28 September at 17:30 about the 2013 Chelsea Flower Show. Davidson and his team won South Africa’s 33rd Gold Medal at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show. Anyone who is inter­ ested in flowers and great design should not miss this golden opportunity. ) Patricia Glynn will be the guest speaker at the U3A open meeting on Monday 30 Septem­ ber at the Overstrand Auditorium. The meeting starts at 17:30.

) Hangklip/Kleinmond Tourism is giving away a R250 voucher sponsored by Werner’s Butchery in Kleinmond for the winner of their braai recipe competition in lieu of Heritage Braai day on 24 September. If you have a delectable braai recipe on the tip of your tongs, send it to info@kleinmondtourism.co.za, or hand it in at the Hangklip/Kleinmond tourism bureau in Harbour road by or on Friday 20 September. More info: 028 271 5657. ) Child Welfare Hermanus needs a freezer to store donated frozen foods. Second hand clothes are also welcome. Please drop donations at Child Welfare Hermanus offices or contact Nosicelo Mkiva at 028 313 0830 for collection. ) Petrovna Metelerkamp is The Friends of the Library’s tea guest on Friday 27 September at the Bhuki Cafe. Her subject is Publishing – self or with a publisher. ) Universal clothes for men needed at the Hermanus Provincial Hospital please: t-shirts, tracksuits, shirts, warm tops, pyjamas in sizes small and medium in clean condition. Contact Angela at 028 312 1663.

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

19 September, 2013

Boishaaiers en Le Roux’s hou reünies ) Die Le Roux Familiebond hou op Dinsdag 24 September ’n saamtrek by die KWV ontspanningsklub, KWV Hoofkantoor in Suider Paarl. Die 325ste herdenking van die aankoms van die Franse Hugenote aan die Kaap word gevier. Die dag se verrigtinge sal bestaan uit ’n kranslegging by die Le Roux-gedenksteen op die gronde, en Paul le Roux sal praat oor Le Roux’s wat ’n besondere rol in hul kultuur-erfenis gespeel het. Worsrolletjies sal te koop wees, maar lede kan hul eie drinkgoed en vleis vir braai bring. Belangstellendes en Le Roux’s is welkom. Kontak ds Niël le Roux by nielmarie@telkomsa.net, of by 021 558 2900 of 073 321 4750 voor of op 20 Sept.

) Op Donderdag 10 Oktober is daar ’n geleentheid vir Old Boys van Paarl Boishaai wat in die Overberg woon om bymekaar te kom by die Hermanus Gholfklub. Paarl Boishaai is in 1868 gestig en die Oudstudente-unie (OSU) is in November 1933 in die lewe geroep. In die skooljaarblad van daardie jaar lees die inskrywing: “Onder blyke van groot belangstelling en die konsumpsie van heelwat druiwesap is ’n plaaslike unie van oud-leerlinge van die skool in die lewe geroep”. Die HJS OSU is een van die grootste Oudstudente-unies in die land en hulle speel ’n groot rol om tradisies te laat voortleef en die skool te ondersteun. Daar is vroeër vanjaar selfs ’n streeksfunksie in Londen gehou. Vir meer inligting oor die funksie, skakel 021 872 2835.

Free physio Q&A at Farmers Market To create awareness for the SA Society of Physiotherapy (SASP) campaign - Movement for Good Health, a group of local physios are planning to man a stall at the Farmers Market (next to the cricket grounds) on Saturday 21 September. Published research shows that people who exercise regularly from childhood fare better in mental tests at the age of 50. According to the statement released by SASP, these results were seen by researchers of The King’s College, London who looked at over 9 000 men and women in the British 1958 Na-

tional Child Development Study. Study leader Dr Alex Dregan is quoted as saying: “Even those who exercise less than the recommended 150 minutes per week, for example, reap the benefits.” National Physiotherapy BackWeek is also in September. “At Farmer’s Market we will answer any questions related to the Keep moving, keep thinking campaign, or to looking after your back, whichever is the more pressing,” says Vivienne Stone, physiotherapist at Felicia Jordaan’s practice and chairperson of the SASP Overberg branch.

WHERE IS MY OWNER? These dogs were found roaming the streets near the Voëlklip circle last week. They are obvi­ ously best friends and it looks as though they are from the same home. Two animal welfare workers took the dogs for a walk on Friday to get them out of the kennels for a few hours. Please contact the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society on 028 312 1281 if they are your dogs.


A WORTHY CAUSE: The 66th Overstrand Hospice 600 Club draw took place on Monday 16 September and Councillor Kari Brice (second from right) drew the winning numbers. Oversee­ ing the process were (from left) Hayla Shroeter (Don Adams Au­ ditors), Sharon Small­Smillie (Overstrand Hospice vice­chair­ person) and on the right is Sis­ ter Ann Theron. The winners were: R5 000 – Esther Strauss; R2 500 – Norma Perrins; R1 000 – Jane Hugo. Hospice staff were sporting gold ribbons as September is Childhood Can­ cer Awareness Month.



Hermanus Times 19 September, 2013

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Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

19 September, 2013

Save an animal from death row JANINE VAN DER RIET From 15 September to 15 October you will have the opportunity to adopt one of the wonderful cats and dogs from the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) at a reduced rate

of R350 per animal. This includes the sterilisation and the first vaccinations. Please grab this chance to give a home to one of the lovely animals that so deserve a loving owner. Also, there are quite a few dogs and cats on death row – if they don’t find a home soon, they

will have to be put down. Bernard de Necker, a businessman from Hermanus, together with Kolie and Natasha Nel, opened a PetProject depot for the Overstrand region with free dog and cat food, and delivery services in most areas. De Necker said PetProject will sponsor a 20 kg bag of pet food to every dog adopted on death row. They are situated in Mitchell Street, next to Kekkel en Kraai. So if you have a lot of love to give, a fenced garden and a warm bed, why not have a look at all the dogs up for adoption at the welfare. Phone the Animal Welfare on 028 312 1281.


Many dogs and cats are up for adoption at the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society. This is Simba, a neutered male. He was picked up and to date his owners have not claimed him and he is now up for adoption. He is a big cat with a gentle man­ ner. If you have a lap for him to sit on, then he is the cat for you.


Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

19 September, 2013

Top safety rating for Toyota Auris, Rav4 QUICKPIC Toyota’s commitment to achieving the highest safety standards is yielding excellent results with both the new Auris and RAV4 being awarded the top five-star rating by the independent testing organisation Euro NCAP. They are among the first models to reach the standard under the tougher test criteria introduced for 2013. Launched in SA at the beginning of this year, the Auris maintains Toyota’s reputation for delivering high standards of passive and active safety. It is the first compact/family hatchback to gain Euro NCAP’s five-star rating under the more stringent 2013 testing programme. As standard, Auris is equipped with ABS with EBD and brake assist as well as a full complement of airbags including driver, front passen-

ger and side airbags. Selected models include vehicle stability control, curtain airbags and a driver’s knee airbag as part of the standard package. In the event of an impact, Auris’s bodyshell has been engineered to absorb and channel energy forces away from the cabin. Around the front end of the car there is also a series of design features that help reduce the risk of injury to pedestrians, while maintaining a low, stylish bonnet line. The Toyota’s five-star rating was gained with scores of 92% for adult occupant protection, 84% for child occupant protection, 68% for pedestrian protection and 66% for safety assist features. The new fourth generation Toyota RAV4 is the first SUV to gain a five-star rating under Euro NCAP’s 2013 test programme, its safety performance building on the achievements of its predecessors. (The new RAV4 went on sale locally in April.)

This model has an impact-absorbing, multi-load path body construction that helps safeguard occupants in the event of a collision. It goes beyond the provisions of the previous model with a new seat design that helps reduce the risk of whiplash injury. Across the range ABS with EBD and brake assist as well as vehicle stability control (VSC) is standard. There is also a comprehensive suite of standard passive safety kit comprising no fewer than seven airbags, including driver and passenger front airbags, a knee airbag for the driver, twin-chamber front side airbags and curtain shield airbags. The car tested was a mid-grade 2.2 D-4D diesel all-wheel drive model (equivalent to an SA-spec 2.2 D-4D GX). It scored 89% for adult occupant protection, 82% for child occupant protection, 66 per cent for pedestrian protection and 66% for safety assist features.

The new fourth generation Toyota RAV4 is the first SUV to gain a five­star rating under Euro NCAP’s 2013 test programme – its safety performance building on the achievements of its predecessors. PHOTO: QUICKPIC

Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

19 September, 2013


C20R brings crossover chic to the GWM line­up QUICKPIC GWM’s dashing new C20R offers local car buyers an exciting new crossover-themed option in the compact hatchback segment. Its trendy design and featurepacked cabin are not the only attractions; the C20R is the first GWM to be offered with a 3years/45 000 km service plan as standard. Based on the company’s popular C10 hatchback, the C20R can be easily distinguished by its striking new front grille and air-dam design with integrated fog-lamps, black wheelarch liners, roof rails and SUVthemed front and rear skid plates in a contrasting silver colour. The C20R comes standard with 16inch alloy wheels and, with a ground clearance of 172 mm, is not only well suited to the rough and tumble of city driving, but also the occasional gravel road on the way to the weekend getaway. The C20R will be offered locally in a range of exciting colours, including fashionable orange, ocean blue, maple red, pearl black, sky silver and titanium white. Quality, luxury features and flexibility are not always the norms in the compact car segment, but the C20R has all those bases covered, and more. The driver’s seat is adjustable for height and so is the steering wheel, ensuring a comfortable driving positioning is easily attainable. Air-

GWM’s proven 1,5 F petrol engine with variable­valve timing (VVT) powers the C20R. conditioning, electric power steering, electric window and mirror adjustment, remote audio controls, height-adjustable headlamps, rearpark assist and a radio/CD/MP3 sound system with auxiliary and USB inputs are all part of the package, too.

The boot features a handy doublefloor design and the rear seats can not only fold forward, but also offer reclining and fore/aft sliding functionality. The overall design theme in the cabin is one of sportiness and quality, best evidenced by the alumini-


um-look pedals, cylindrical instrumentation and tactile nature of the curvy facia. GWM’s proven 1,5 F petrol engine with variable-valve timing (VVT) powers the C20R. This engine offers exceptional refinement and delivers 77 kW at 6 000 rpm and 138 Nm

of torque at 4 200 rpm. Power goes to the front wheels via a slick fivespeed manual transmission. The engine not only endows the C20R with enough power to take that gap in the traffic, but also with good fuel efficiency. A combined cycle fuel economy figure of 7,7 F/100 km is claimed for this model, resulting in a CO² emissions figure of 179 g/km. Driver and passenger safety is provided by a full suite of safety systems and features. Dual airbags are fitted at the front, disc brakes allround, and the sophisticated ABS system is supported by electronic brake-force distribution (EBD) and emergency brake assistance (EBA). Isofix child-seat anchorages are provided at the rear and the doors feature child-lock protection. The front seatbelts are height-adjustable. To ensure that your C20R stays exactly where you left it, an alarm and immobiliser are fitted as standard. Further boosting security (and convenience) is remote control central locking. The C20R is available through GWM’s comprehensive dealership network, currently boasting more than 70 outlets and service centres. Priced at R154 900 (including VAT and emissions tax), the C20R is backed by a comprehensive 3-years/100 000 km warranty, 2years/24-hour roadside assistance and a service plan of 3years/45 000 km. . Please note that prices and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.


Hermanus Times 19 September, 2013

BOLAND Auto Sold

BOLAND Auto Sold

Hermanus Times 19 September, 2013



Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

19 September, 2013

TOYOTA YARIS: It was a weekend that promised much and at one stage on Saturday a Castrol Team Toyota Yaris 1­2 looked very much on the cards. But at the end of the Toyo­ ta Cape Dealer Rally – which finished in Bracken­ fell near Cape Town on Saturday afternoon after two days and 10 special stages in the Durbanville, Malmesbury and Moor­ reesburg areas – Johnny Gemmell and Carolyn Swan fell just 1,8 seconds shy of a maiden victory for the new­for­2013 Toyo­ ta Yaris. PHOTO: QUICKPIC

Ashley wins GT Academy QUICKPIC Ashley Oldfield has emerged as the overall winner of the Nissan and PlayStation® GT Academy in South Africa, out-performing thousands of South African hopefuls, embarking on a professional racing career. GT Academy, which saw the country’s top eight virtual racers travel to Silverstone in England for Race Camp, singled Oldfield out as the best of the bunch. Having recently celebrated his 29th birthday, Oldfield is now involved in a host of motorsport events in England in order to rack up enough credibility to earn his international racing license – the key to his future as a professional racing driver. Stationed near the Silverstone race track in the UK, Oldfield now shares a house with other winners of various GT Academy events, including winners from Germany, Belgium, Qatar, Russia and the United States, and is now on the rise to racing stardom. Past winners of GT Academy have gone on to race at Le Mans and, says Oldfield, there are high hopes for the future. “Le Mans is the ultimate for any racing driver and I hope to one day find myself on the grid. I visited the 24 Hours of Le Mans event and to see it all in real life was exceptional – it’s the halo event of international motorsport.” A former motoring journalist at topCar magazine, Oldfield also remarks that he entered GT Academy to win it from the very beginning. “I remember racing Lucas Ordoñez – a past GT Academy winner who has finished on the podium at Le Mans – at the media launch last October and I thought if I could beat him in karting I might be able to win GT Academy and join him on the international stage if I put my mind to it.” Johan Kleynhans, Director of Sales, Marketing and Aftersales at Nissan South Africa, says: “We are of course extremely proud of Ashley who has done a stellar job of represent-

Ashley Oldfield emerged as overall winner for South African GT Academy 2013.


ing South Africa and we foresee great success for him in the future. He exhibited the right qualities for an international motorsport driver from the beginning and we have faith that he will take all the valuable skills he is learning along the way to great heights with Nissan in motorsport. “GT Academy is an incredible concept and brings an entirely new angle to motorsport – something only Nissan is doing. With such a wide spread of talent available but the financial implications that international motorsport imposes making it very difficult for anyone to crack the nod these days, Nissan’s initiative opens the doors for anyone, no matter what their background or occupation. Literally anyone could be next.”

Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

19 September, 2013


Ford to introduce new Evos Concept at show


Making its South African debut at the 2013 Johannesburg International Motor Show in October, the Ford Evos Concept embodies the company’s new global design language while providing a glimpse at Ford’s future technology highlighted by the use of cloud computing to enhance the driving experience. Created as a bespoke concept vehicle, the fastback introduces Ford’s new global design language as the momentum of the company’s One Ford product plan continues to build. “The Ford Evos Concept was specifically developed to introduce the new Ford design direction while also showcasing future smart technologies. While you will never see this car on the road key design elements and innovations will be applied to forthcoming Ford vehicles,” says Ford South Africa marketing manger, Gavin Golightly. The new global design DNA has provided the company’s worldwide design teams with a common framework to guide the creation of new products, enabling them to shape a coherent family of distinctive vehicles sharing the same fundamental design character. The Ford Evos Concept was conceived as a dramatic fastback concept, combining a striking new profile with innovative proportions. Attention-grabbing lines

conceal a unique new format, with a four-door, four-seat layout which combines dynamic appearance with surprising practicality. With the length of a typical C-car, but with width of a CD-car, the Ford Evos Concept has a powerful, sporting stance. The concept’s spectacular hinged gullwing-style doors, both front and rear, provide outstanding access to the spacious four-seat cabin. “The role of the Ford Evos Concept is to give a clear message about where Ford is heading. Its modern design gives an indication of Ford’s intent to continue to offer a range of smart technologies, already evidenced in South Africa with the award winning EcoBoost engines and SYNC™ system,” he adds. The Ford Evos Concept integrates technology in a holistic way meant to enrich the driving experience. By exchanging data with the cloud, the Evos extends the connected lifestyle from home and office to the vehicle, providing new possibilities for personalization and adaptability of the car. Ford researchers have also incorporated technologies to enhance driver health and wellness while at the wheel. Features such as the heart-rate monitoring seat and certified allergy-free interiors connect to the cloud to monitor the physical state and workload of the driver, and adjust the driving experience accordingly. Ford Evos Concept also utilizes

The Ford Evos Concept was specifically developed to introduce the new Ford design direction while also showcasing future smart technologies. PHOTO: QUICKPIC the power of the cloud to understand driver behaviour and travel patterns in order to make predictions about destinations and to adjust the control strategies for the state-of-the-art lithium-ion plugin-hybrid powertrain. Through understanding where the driver is

likely to go, Evos can intelligently switch between running on battery or engine power in order to use the least amount of energy for any situation. “The Ford Evos concept gives us an insight into the future of Ford products and the exciting design

and smart elements that we can look forward to. I have no doubt that the South African public will be eager to view the Evos Concept first hand and the Johannesburg International Motor Show taking place in October,” concludes Golightly.


Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

19 September, 2013

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Hermanus Times

BOLAND Auto Sold

19 September, 2013

Hergen and Pierre claim podium for Volkswagen MOTORPRESS The Volkswagen Sasolracing Polo S2000 of Hergen Fekken and Pierre Arries took its position on the podium on Saturday afternoon as the duo completed a challenging event to claim third place overall in the Toyota Cape Dealer Rally. “I am pleased with Hergen and Pierre’s result at this event,” says Mike Rowe, head of Volkswagen Motorsport. “Well done to them for overcoming very trying conditions to achieve a good result. Congratulations are also due to Gugu and Carl for their second place in the S2000 Challenge category. Another good result from them.” Held over 10 stages and 172 km’s, the competitors faced two very different days of rallying; the drier conditions of Friday giving way to very wet stages as rain set in overnight. This did not deter Fekken and Arries who used a conservative strategy on Saturday to ensure they steered clear of any potential trouble. “Today we decided to play things a bit safe,” says Fekken. “While the other competitors were having trouble with fences and gateposts, we stayed away from those things which seem to haunt us sometimes. It looked like we were on pace for a fourth place fin-

ish, but I thought we might get a third if we played it safe. We did have a puncture in stage eight, that cost us about a minute and we also took lateness as well, but it wasn’t enough to stop us from making the podium.” Henk Lategan and Barry White rallied their Volkswagen Sasolracing Polo S2000 to eighth place after competing under Super Rally rules on Saturday. An incident onstage in day one saw them with a damaged steering. During the course of Saturday their performance kept getting stronger, to the point where they claimed the fastest time in the final stage. Lategan and White leave this week for the Arbö Rally in Austria on 20 and 21 September. The Volkswagen Sasolracing Polo Vivo S2000 of Gugu Zulu and Carl Peskin claimed second place in the S2000 Challenge category on Saturday, finishing fifth overall in the rally as well. “Stage one was not kind and we were in 23rd position after that, having to claw our way back,” says Zulu. “It was very challenging and we had to stick our necks out a bit, but we did well and finished strong.” The Volkswagen Sasolracing team head to Limpopo next to contest the Polokwane Rally, the penultimate round of the national rally championship on 19 and 20 October.

Here Hergen Fekken and Pierre Arries is on their way to winning the Sasol Western Cape Rally.




Hermanus Times 19 September, 2013

BOLAND Auto Sold

BOLAND Auto Sold

Hermanus Times 19 September, 2013


Impressive tests of new FAW hatchback QUICKPIC Representatives of the local distributor of FAW cars and light commercial vehicles, the Imperial Group, are very impressed with the soon-tobe-launched, entry level FAW V2 hatchback after a local test programme of a pre-launch car which has been under way for the past six months.

as well as ride comfort with a fully-laden car and added that the V2 was stable at highway speeds. The route went from Johannesburg to Upington and then on to Cape Town with two days of sea level testing in the Western Cape before travelling back to Johannesburg. Fuel consumption was very good at 6,1 F/100 km as there were four occupants in the car and they travelled between 115-120 km/h when conditions permitted. The tank range to an empty 37 F tank was 562 km. FAW entered the local passenger and LCV market at the beginning of the year with the launch of the Sirius panel van and people carrier, first with a 1,3 F engine and now with the option of a 1,5 F power unit. “We currently have a national network of 22 dealers and the growing model lineup is resulting in increased interest in the FAW franchise. “Most of our dealers are multi-franchise Imperial

“The attractively-styled V2 will be the second passenger vehicle in our range, where it will join the Sirius seven-seater MPV and panel van, and we are looking forward to the introduction of the V2 hatchback in South Africa later this year,” said the general manager responsible for FAW passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in South Africa, Pedro Pereira. “We are hopeful of being able to introduce the newcomer at a retail price below the R100 000 barrier, which Representatives of the local distributor of FAW cars and light commercial vehicles, the Imperial Group, are very im­ will make it very competi- pressed with the soon­to­be­launched, entry level FAW V2 hatchback after a local test programme of a pre­launch car. tive in view of the fact that PHOTO: QUICKPIC it is fitted with a 1,3 F fourcylinder engine while most competitors in have included a number of engineers from experienced during a five-day trip of more facilities.” “We are currently in talks with several than 5 000 km which included a variety of this segment have smaller capacity power FAW in China. Johan Ackerman, the FAW passenger roads surfaces, mountain passes and sec- interested parties and expect to open a few units.” more FAW outlets shortly,” added the A pre-launch unit has been undergoing and LCV technical manager who is respon- tions on gravel roads. Ackerman says he was particularly im- FAW executive, Pedro Pereira. a series of evaluations under local operat- sible for the test programme, is delighted For more info go to www.fawauto.co.za. ing conditions and those people involved with the results and says no problems were pressed by the roadholding and handling


Hermanus Times 19 September, 2013

BOLAND Auto Sold

Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

19 September, 2013

TAROT READING. 25 Years experience. Phone 083 750 9453 for appointments.

Verjaardae, huweliksherdenkings, FAMILIEtroues, geboortes KENNISGEWINGS Plaas 'n kleur foto met kort boodskappie (maks. 18 woorde) vir slegs R80! Spertyd: Maandag 17:00.

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DIE LAASTE & GROOTSTE MISLEIDING Lukas 21:8, Danie Pienaar. Vir gratis leesstof en CD, sms jou naam en adres na 082 734 4168.

In Memoriam

Begrafnisdienste Funeral Services

HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028-313 0643. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218. OVERSTRAND HOSPICE - Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Monday to Friday 028-312 4679. SAAMRYGELEENTHEID. Opsoek na 'n saamrygeleentheid - elke Donderdag vanaf Botrivier na Hermanus en terug na Botrivier. Bereid om mildelik by te dra vir vervoerkoste. Optel tyd: 7 tot 8 vm & terug ry tyd: vanaf 3nm. Skakel 083 742 5965.

W. GAHL. Reeds 1 jaar en jou 2de verjaarsdag van ons geskei. Sal jou altyd onthou. Van: Kinders.

KIP MCGRATH EDUCATION CENTRE. Math and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028-313 0209 today for a free assessment.

SUGAR PLUM Party Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Estelle 072 401 5913.


Vermaak Entertainment

1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608. HERMANUS HIRING will fill all your function needs - Tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, linen etc. At good prices. Telephone 028 312 4291 or Ken on 082 420 0060.

FUNERAL URNS. Hand painted, Ceramic. Call 083 456 1913. Email: mestone@ mweb.co.za.

FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES visit Janine's Clothing at 19 Mimosa Street, Hermanus. Call 028-312 3419. Good quality-Good prices!!

TODDLER CAR SEAT, 2-5 years. Good condition. R150. Call 028-316 2996.

MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311.

TWEEDEHANDSE BLINDINGS. Rolblinding, 1.5m x 1.65m. Romeinse blinding, roomkleur kwaliteitlap, 1.75 x 1.75m. R250. Skakel 083 285 6547.

MOSAĂ?EK VIR KINDERS. Vakansie klasse en doendit-self pakkies beskikbaar. Mosaic for kids. Holiday workshops and kits available. Tanya 082 924 3973. PRIVATE TUTOR. JP Teacher with remedial experience offering tutoring for young learners Gr R Gr 5 in Maths, English, Reading & Comprehension, Spelling & Phonics. Anne Dale 072 071 4289.


Skoonheid en Gesondheid Beauty and Health BIRTHING & BABYCARE CLASSES. Voorgeboorteklasse. Every Thursday 7pm, Onrus. Call Debby 082 500 2218 or Shirley 084 506 6474.


Oudhede en Kuns Antiques and Art


Regsdienste Leagal Services PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR. Criminal investigations. Divorce cases. Matrimonial cases. Background checks. Surveillance. Call 082 326 1671.


Persoonlike Dienste Personal Services

LOSE WEIGHT, GAIN ENERGY. Sms XTRA to 45633. R1.50/sms.

PERSONAL LOVE & care for furry babies, private nursing, caretaker, housekeeper, 24/7. Call 079 604 0313.

MASSAGE THERAPIST. Raymond Philpott. Therapeutic, deep tissue, sports. Kidbrooke Place & Botriver. Call 082 599 2993.

TYPING SERVICE. For all your typing needs phone 076 672 0411.

TE KOOP FOR SALE NAIL & BODY SANCTUARY. Get into shape. Non evasive cellulite wraps. CRAFTERS OPPORTUNITY. Rent a display shelf Natural teeth whitening. for your hand made proCall Nicki 072 907 0387. ducts at our new "@ the WEIGHT WATCHERS, Village Stall" opening Nointernationally acclaimed vember. Preference will be as the best way to lose given to: woodwork, weight and keep it off. jewellery, crochet, pottery, Summer Special! Phone beading, wire articles, Gilly 082 8789 558. candles, processed food. Because it works! Call Estelle 082 445 9722.



SOEK SAAMRYGELEENTHEID of lift club vanaf Hermanus na Caledon, weekliks (Maandae tot Vrydae), 7:30 tot 17:00 vanaf Jan. 2014. Kontak Mnr. Pieter Maree 082 344 9582/082 300 4547. SUPPORT GROUP for mental health (depression, anxiety, panic attacks, bipolar disorder, etc). All welcome-also family members. First Monday of the month, Blue room at Fynbos Park, 3:30pm. Enquiries Nonnie 028-316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Esje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. Email: sj@hermanus. co.za.

11 Mitchell St, Hermanus 028 312 4979

SHOPRIDER. SPLINTERNUUT. 3 Kilometer gery. R18 000. Skakel 028-316 3840/072 206 6183.


CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/ 084 548 5871.


Tuinbou Garden Services

22 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19.30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/ 083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or email: aa.herma nus@gmail.com


OU KAAP stinkhout spitspoot rottang bankie 150 jaar, maar perfek. Ook spitspoot tafel - 200 jaar, geelhoutblad/stinkhout pote. Skakel 082 553 7019.


Skakel of e-pos Tania by 028-312 3717

Sterfgevalle Death Notices

Huurdienste Hiring Services



LOST: JACKIE, shaggy grey-black cross Maltese terrier, old and slow. Call Ed 028-314 1168/083 399 3081.


HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE for sale. Phone 076 672 0411.


Spyseniering Catering

THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tuesday & Thursday. Please call 028313 1884.






Algemeen Miscellaneous BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749.

BARGAIN SHOP. We buy your unwanted furniture BRAAIS MET WIELETJIES and complete homes for cash. Contact Joe 072 345 te koop. Rooster ingesluit. R900. Skakel 072 550 3460. 8442.

DRIE PRAGTIGE, groot skilderye te koop. Twee van Pierre de Villiers en een van Don Madge. Skakel 028-271 5045. WANTED: Antiques, furniture, paintings, bronzes, silver, porcelain, jewellery, watches, clocks. Call 082 833 2567.


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

19 September, 2013


Rekenaar Verkope en dienste Computer Sales and Services

BUILDING ALTERATIONS, boundary walls, painting, bathroom renovations, plumbing, tiling. Professionally done. Call 082 255 0939. FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. Painting, paving, tiling, bathroom makeovers, home maintenance & building requirements call 083 3080534.



Units from R220/pm T & C applies


Geld/lenings Money/Loans MONEY LIVE LOANS. Personal loans up to R150 000. Copy ID, latest payslip and 3 month's bank statement. Fax: 086 776 47 42. Email: info@ moneyliveloans.co.za. Call 021-829 7192/3. For online application go to: www. moneyliveloans.co.za.


Gordyne/Matte/ Stoffering Curtains/Carpets Upholstery

AFFORDABLE ONSITE Computer Support. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer with ten years corporate experience to assist you at home or office with all computer, network, internet and email problems. Call Jacques 084 402 0500.

CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY cleaning. Call Allison or John 072 572 0215. CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervision. Best prices. Free quotations. Phone Top Carpets 028-313 0721. CINDY'S CARPET CLEANERS. Carpets, rugs & upholstery cleaners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 5385/ 028-316 4264.

LIMITED OFFER Discount on Steel Container Storage! 24 hrs Secure lock-up self storage. Cnr. Swartdam & Steenbras Rd, Hermanus. Office on site Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00 (028) 312 3898 or 072 635 9656 Restricted access don’t be fooled Security by SECURI-TEAM

TRANSPORT OF FURNITURE & goods. Hermanus, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape. Long distance available. PDP driver. Call Johan 076 253 3745.

WALKER BAY MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, alterations, small building, roofing, waterproofing, plumbing. Callouts. Free quotes. Rudi 073 190 3541.


WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480.


24/7 PAINTERS Interior & Exterior Painting & Waterproofing FREE QUOTES

078 008 3077

1142 BERNINA HERMANUS. Authorized Bernina Technician. Danie van Heerden. We service sewing machines, overlockers and embroidery machines. Mon-Fri, 9:00am to 5:00pm. Sat, 9:00am to 1:00pm. Trade in promotion now on. Tel 028-313 0458. Gateway Center. ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. NEVILLE'S REFRIGERATION and appliance repairs. Fridges, freezers, stoves, tumble driers, microwaves. Phone Neville 028-316 1690 or 078 401 3547. OVERBERG DRY TAR. Diensverskaffing van teerwerk asook plaveisel. Nuwe opritte, sypaadjies, parkeerareas en paaie. Herstelwerk & vernuwing van bestaande oppervlaktes. Besoek gerus www. hfrubbersurfacing.co.za vir meer inligting oor ons nuwe dienste. Kontak Jaco Stander vir gratis kwotasies by 072 225 3792.


• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com

REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.

SMUTS TRANSPORT PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028-316 1881/072 288 4761.

SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667. www. solarmax.co.za.

Houtwerk Carpentry INGEBOUDE KASTE & kombuise/built-in cupboards and more! 30 Jaar ondervinding. Christo Oelofse 082 574 6991/ 028-316 2574. Epos: christo@hermanus.co.za


Loodgieters Plumbers 1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028312 3874. BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323. FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. For all your plumbing requirements and bathroom makeovers call 083 308 0534. PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.


Algemene Dienste General Services


A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798. ALTERATIONS & BUILDING PLANS, can do energy efficiency study. Call Steven 074 102 7897/ steven@imagestudio.co.za

FLOOR SANDING & specialized installation of wood floors & timber decks. The Hutton Brothers 082 828 5627 or 028-341 0543. TILING. A TO Z MASTER TILER. Ceramic, porcelain, travetine, mosaic, slate, sandstone. All work professionally done. Call 082 255 0939.






Vervoer en Berging Moving & Storage STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R349 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.



Plaagbeheer Pest Control

ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 4761/084 558 1902.

DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. Fire wood. Call T.J. Boshoff 082 954 7970.

FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial area. Call 028-313 1763. www.fynbosgardens.com.


101 SERVICES. Handyman general. No job too small. Best rates. Pensioners discount. 15 Years experience. Call Peter 073 157 2415.

AAA MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, damp proofing, waterproofing, building & renovations & general maintenance. Free quotes. Call Ian 082 535 5591.

BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.

FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.

te Huur/to Hire BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028-312 2367. PLANT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on028-312 2280/ 079 492 5726. TOILET & HUT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726. TRAILER HIRE: Contact CCS Plant Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/ 079 492 5726.

ASEMROWENDE Tuindienste. Snoei & afkap van bome. Sny van gras, skoonmaak van erwe, rommelverwydering & meubelvervoer. Geute skoon maak. Morné 083 225 3712.

ALL TILING. For free quotes, call 028-314 0176 or 074 501 9070.

Rommelverwydering Rubble Removal


Bouwerk Building Construction

Teëlwerk/Vloere Tiling/Flooring

Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs





24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017.


PEST CONTROL - WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028316 3010.

WOZANI PAINTERS. For all paint work, waterproofing, roof cleaning, paving cleaning. Free quotation. Call Thomas 073 888 4535/074 040 9055.

COMPUTER SUPPORT, Mobile Devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.

I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.

OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.


Ruite/Vensters Glass/Windows WIND-O-WASH. For professional window cleaning services in the domestic, commercial, industrial and retail sectors. We have more than 20 years experience in the industry and look forward to your call on 028-313 2232 for a free, no obligation quotation.



HERMANUS LANDSCAPING. Garden design, maintenance & irrigation. 22 Years experience. Call Paul Marx 082 32 777 04. ZUKI'S GARDEN & Forestry Service. Alien plant clearing. Plot clearing. Garden refuse removal. Tree pruning. Hedge trimming. Weed extermination, etc. Call Zukisani 082 711 6102.


INTERLOCK WEED & PEST CONTROL: For professional treatment of residential & industrial pests. I also specialise in treatments for weed infested lawns & pavements. Call Andries de Kock 082 567 7591 (Registered Department of Agriculture).

Vakansie Akkommodasie Holiday Accomodation TO LET: 1 WEEK AT WILDERNESS DUNES. 1st to 8th November 2013. 3 Bedroomed self-catering cottage. Enquiries Sue Husselmann 083 675 6075.

Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds


Sleepwaens te Koop/te Huur Trailers for Sale/ to Hire HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za RIKSHA SLEEPWAENTJIE te koop. Glasvesel, 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.5. In uitstekende toestand. R5 000. Skakel 083 572 1210.


Motoronderdele Parts & Accessories

19 September, 2013


SANDBAAI: 3 Slaapkamers, ingeboude kaste. Ruim oopplan, braaistoep, motorhuis, toesluit parkering, alarm, mooi uitsig. R4 900 + deposito. Skakel 078 478 0006.


Besighede te Koop Businesses for Sale

Erwe te Koop Plots for Sale DRY VACANT PLOT SANDBAAI. Walking distance from beach on the Onrus side of Sandbaai. 714m². R350,000. No transfer cost. Call owner 082 465 4909.

Kommersieel en industriele Eiendom Commercial and Industrial Property

Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted 2 MALAWIANS seeking employment as domestic/ guesthouse attendant/ painter/gardener/waitress. Experienced. Call Beatrice or Oscar on 083 364 5546/ 074 728 3721.

SANDBAAI. Gastehuis standaard. Naby see. 4 Slaapkamers, 4 badkamers, 3 leefareas. Lugversorging. Onthaal stoep. Groot motorhuis. Swembad. 2 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer woonstel. Ommuur. R12 000 p.m. vanaf 1 November. Skakel 079 311 3170. Hermanus Rentals.


Eiendomme te Huur Property to Let

2 ZIMBABWEAN ladies looking for work, 2 days and 3 days a week. References available. Call Rosa and Rose 071 758 9059/ 078 868 4500.

Unique Opportunity in Hermanus CBD

GARAGE FOR RENT. R600 per month. Central Hermanus. Caron Reck 082 456 2016.

SHOP TO LET in The Courtyard, central Hermanus. 65m² for R2 800 pm + VAT Phone Frandi for details and to arrange a viewing: 083 4809208 or 028 313 0223


Eiendomme te Koop Property for Sale

Duikklop/Spuitverf Panelbeating/ Spraypainter

Motors te Koop Vehicles for Sale 230CE MERCEDES. Bakwerk/enjin baie goed. R35 000! Skakel 082 553 7019. FOR SALE: BMW Automatic. Low mileage. Good condition. Call 028316 4179/082 975 2802.

HEMEL & AARDE ESTATE. 5 star facilities. R1 650 000 - 4 bedrooms. Plot & plan. R1 480 000 2 bedrooms, new. victoryestates.co.za. Call 084 575 4321. Lower commission.

MY RELIABLE, trustworthy char with references needs additional work, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday. Call 028-316 2902. MY ZIMBABWEAN domestic (34) is looking for work, Wednesday & Saturday. She is honest, hardworking & reliable. I fully recommend her. For reference call 028-316 3715. PENSIOENARIS: REKENAARVAARDIG soek werk. Voltyds of deeltyds. Betroubaar en verantwoordelik. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel Phil 083 2906 910. SA LADY looking for a job, 2 or 3 days a week. Can work in guesthouse or do ironing. Please call 078 100 7968/079 944 0607.

TRUSTWORTHY, RELIABLE LADY looking for a domestic job for 3 days 25-YEAR-OLD man looking per week from 1 October. Employer is relocating. Call for a gardening or houseMrs. Louw for reference on keeping job. Reference 083 641 8464 and please available. Call Idrisa 060 call Faith on 074 765 1075. 422 7789. 33-YEAR-OLD Malawian man is looking for a job as driver or domestic worker. Has code 10 licence. Call Francis 061 324 5838/078 731 9515. 37-YEAR-OLD lady is looking for a job as caregiver (available day & night) or housekeeper. Honest & reliable. Call Cynthia 078 472 6202. Reference Mrs. Hugo 082 868 5667.

A BILINGUAL, energetic & self-motivated, enthusiastic man seeks employment as a handyman or EXCLUSIVE OPEN PLAN driver. RSA code 10 with offices to let. Hemel & PDP & Zimbabwean code Aarde Village, ± 100m². Call 14 drivers licences. Expe028 316 2696. rienced, references & work permit available. Call 076 OFFICES TO LET in Main 077 9424. 167 Road, Kleinmond. Contact Xpertprop 082 870 5704. A MALAWIAN man is Huise te Koop looking for a full-time job TO LET: 1ST FLOOR Houses for Sale as gardener or houseOFFICE, 28m². CBD Herkeeper. Please call 074 823 manus. Call 082 455 7276. 9165/073 240 6016. NORTHCLIFF - BARGAIN! Hurry, this solid home with TOWN CENTRE OFFICE/ A MATURE, reliable SHOP SPACE TO RENT. 3 bedrooms is sold at a Zimbabwean lady looking good price - R1,1m. casper@ Newly renovated office/ for a full-time job as shop space to rent in everitt.co.za. Call 083 991 housekeeper/petsitter/ Hermanus business district, housesitter/babysitter. 5071. 4 Royal Street. Own Reference available. Call ablution facilities in the Laiza 073 395 2455/073 SANDBAAI. R950 000. unit. Highly visible from 094 0001. Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 main bypass road. Phone bathroom home in SandA QUALIFIED PAINTER 076 092 7240. Available baai with double garage with 14 years experience immediately. and established garden. is looking for a job as Open plan lounge/dining TREATMENT ROOM to painter or gardener. Call room/kitchen with doors rent at salon for estaPeter 076 730 4075. leading to covered back blished beauty therapist/ Reference 083 408 5218. stoep with built-in braai. nail technician. Must have Web ref: 614839. www. EXPERIENCED HOUSEown clientele & manage gtproperty.co.za. Lynette KEEPER/Babysitter looktheir own bookings. Avai082 578 5900. Guthrie & ing for a full-time job. lable immediately. Call Theron Properties. Reference available. Call Lucinda on 072 545 0140/ 084 029 3140/078 553 028-313 2556 or email: 8487. lucindae22@gmail.com 171 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Woonstelle te Huur SA lady seeking domestic employment for 2 days a Flats to Let week. Good references. Call Monica 083 989 1643 or Mrs. Botha 082 892 9645. EASTCLIFF. 1 Bedroom flatlet. Available immeHONEST, RELIABLE, diately. R2 600 pm, 1 hardworking lady looking month deposit. Water & for domestic work, 5 days electricity included. Please a week. Call Sweetness call 083 348 7362. 078 251 1969. Reference Mr Hugo 082 522 0404. FLAT TO LET - semi193 HONEST, RELIABLE furnished, Voëlklip. 1 lady seeks full-time domBedroom, shower & bath, Dienste aan estic work. Fluent in Engopen plan kitchen, private Sake-Ondernemings lish, Xhosa, Zulu, Tswane entrance. Alarm. Non & Swazi. 7 Years expesmoker, single person only. Business Services rience. Please call 071 R2 300 pm incl water & 852 8539/078 615 1477. lights. Deposit required & contactable reference. LADY SEEKING employCall 082 610 5982. ment as domestic worker, Monday, Tuesday & WedGROUND FLOOR one nesday. 14 Years expebedroom flat to rent in rience. Call 083 514 8464. Silver Oaks. R2 900 pm. Reference 072 195 0958. From 1st November 2013 MALAWIAN LADY is (previous rental refs relooking for a full-time job. quired). Call 084 792 1548. Call 074 967 4585. TE HUUR: FYNBOSPARK. MALAWIAN MAN R4 500 per maand. 2 x looking for a job as gardubbeleenhede met dener & housekeeper. toesluitmotorhuis beskikPlease call Maga 081 074 baar op eerste vloer. Albei 0667. eenhede is sonnig, ruim en onmiddellik beskikbaar. MY DOMESTIC is lookDeposito R4 500 kontraking for extra work, Monen admin-fooi R400 eenday, Tuesday, Thursday & malig. Web verw: 627030. Friday. She is honest, reMarthie 083 776 6812. liable & hardworking. I fully Guthrie & Theron Eienrecommend her. For refedomme. rence call 082 4936 724.





Huise te Huur Houses to Let

BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS, The Roundabout, 181 Main Road Hermanus(opposite Woolworths). Visit our website at www.bbrokers.co.za to view a complete list of businesses or contact Evan at 082 974 6995.

Voertuie te Koop Gevra Vehicles Wanted to Buy





AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies.Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828. WANTED. Medium automatic low mileage sedan car, late model. Call 028316 4179/082 975 2802.



Algemeen General Vacancies ASSISTANT MANAGER needed at Onrus Manor Retirement Village. Will be working for catering company WPC. Culinery knowledge of great importance. People skills needed. Computer literate. Need to be flexible with working hours. Send CV asap to Bev@wpc.co.za. Starting asap end September. BEAUTY THERAPIST required at well establish ed salon in Hermanus. Email CV to chantelle mays5@gmail.com.


COSMETIC LADY REQUIRED. Must have good sales skills with min. 2 years experience. Please email CV to brenda@ hermanuspharmacy.co.za or fax to 028-312 2786.

HAIR STYLIST WANTED. Melony Hair Studio requires an experienced hair stylist. Please apply to Melony at 082 325 4918 or melonyschwarz@gmail. com.


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

19 September, 2013

Debbie Stock, holding the magazine with the entry form she used to win a Cre­ ative Image franchise worth R75 000. PHOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET

SKENKING VIR BLINDING: Personeellede van die Hermanus­dierebeskermingsvereniging (HAWS)­kliniek was baie dankbaar teenoor Dirk Botha van Goodlife Flooring, Jacques van Niekerk van Xpanda, Hennie Andrews van Big Joe’s Pies en Jan Gildenhuys van Oasis vir hulle finansiële bydraes wat dit moontlik gemaak het om ’n blinding te laat installeer. Van links is Christa Nefdt, Ilze Smith, Wildre Filander, Sherry van Dalsen, Clement Thalinba en voor: Dirk Botha.

STILL NOT FOUND: Diesel, a 2­year­old pitbull is still missing in the Sandbaai area after he either got lost or stolen on 4 Septem­ ber from his house in Leisure Park, Bergsig Street. Please keep an eye out for him and con­ tact his owner An­ dré du Preez on 082 623 0616. He was spotted in Sandbaai close to Curro Private School last week, so there is still hope that he is out there.

Businesswoman wins franchise JANINE VAN DER RIET Debbie Stock, owner of the unique shop Dig Inn in the Astoria Village, won a Creative Image Craft & Art Painting Studio Image franchise worth R75 000 after entering a competition in a family magazine. Entrants had to send in a CV and motivation on why they should win the franchise, and Stock was one of three winners announced nationwide.

“I always wanted to own a franchise, and this one will help me to enhance my passion for crafts and painting.” Stock is hosting an open day on Saturday 28 September at her house in 6 Butterfly Road, Chanteclair, between 10:00 and 16:00 to show art beginners how the Creative Image classes work. For more information, call Debbie on 081 468 9649 or 028 316 3179 or email her on dbheart2art@gmail.com.

K9 sponsors in bag for nationals JANINE VAN DER RIET After the Overberg SAPS dog unit won 22 medals in the inter-provincial dog unit competition between the Western and Eastern Cape, recently held in Cape Town and Hermanus, this dynamic team were looking for sponsors for the national championships. On Friday, the Old Boys Club donated R5 000 to the team participating in the nationals, taking place from 23 to 29 September in Bethlehem.

The team taking part consists of warrant officer Steven Koen with his dog, Sokkies, constable Sonwabile Qhola with his dog, Ciska, and constable Garth Gardiner with his dog, Tex. Koen has already participated in the nationals twice in a row and hopes to be honoured again with national colours. It will be Qhola and Gardiner’s first time. Koen would like to thank DJ Transport, Delta, Engen Sandbaai and Pick n Pay Hermanus for their contributions.

Hermanus Times

Sport Sport

19 September, 2013

Twee uit 3 vir Atlantic­rugby W.C. GIBSON Almal het verwag dat Atlantic se A-span die puik rugby van verlede Saterdag sou herhaal, maar dit het nie vir hulle gebeur nie. Genadendal het rustyd 6-18 voorgeloop. Ná rustyd het Marcello Gillion met ’n drie en twee strafskoppe die telling 17-18 gemaak. Gillion het met nog ’n strafskop Atlantic 20-18 laat voorloop, maar het met drie strafskoppe die kol gemis. Genadendal het voor die eindfluitjie met ’n strafskop geslaag en 20-21 gewen. Die B-span het ’n baie beter vertoning gelewer as laasweek en met

33-8 gewen. Hulle het ook vyf bonuspunte gekry. Die puntemakers was Xavier Matinka (drie), Roderick Geswind (drie en 3 doelskoppe), Gillmore Montague (drie), Earl Galant (drie) en Mondie Mbane (drie). Die C-span was te sterk vir Genadendal en het hulle oorrompel met 32-6. Drieë is gedruk deur Neil Cupido, Anwar Spandiel, Cohen Wildscut, Gurswan Elliot, Nohen Fick en Heathley Plaatjies. Atlantic speel Saterdag 21 September tuis teen CPUT Wellington en op 24 September weg teen Villiersdorp. Hulle speel op 28 September hul laaste wedstryd weg teen Botrivier.

Teams to battle it out in netball tournament this weekend The Hermanus Netball Club will be hosting their annual netball tournament on Saturday 21 September, during the weekend of the Whale Festival. This tournament has become such a favourite that 30 teams from netball clubs across the Western Cape will participate in this event to be hosted at Hermanus High School. Throughout the years women sport such as netball struggle

to each cricketer participating as well as a free T-shirt, cap, Powerade bottle and a magazine. The cost is R500 per student and R950 for two students from the same family. For more information visit www.cricketschool.co.za or mail info@cricketschool.co.za. ) The CSE is also offering three cricketers an opportunity to attend the superskills clinic free of charge, plus a pair of Glider eyewear worth R1 200. Parents who would like to enter their child/children to stand a chance of winning a place on this programme, SMS the words “cricket school” to 34429. SMSes cost R1,50. The deadline for entries is Friday 20 September by 16:00. The winners will be contacted on Monday 23 September.

BRIDGE )Wednesday 11 September 1 Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 71.47% 2 Joan o Connor / Julie Cotton 56.73% 3 Riekie Louw / Betty Nel 55.45% )Friday 13 September 1 Hein Pierneef / Jackia Ascham 57.69% 2 Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 57.14% 2 Mary Andrew / Colleen Gower 57.14% )Saturday 14 September 1 Jackie Ascham / Betty Nel 75.19% 2 Anneke vd Vlugt / Chris Raven 54.07% 3 Patsy Kann / Jenny Veysey 51.11% )Monday 16 September 1 Mike Brownlee / John Truswell 65.63% 2 Carin Verburg / Wina Loubser 62.15% 3 Annette Strachan / Aletta Robonson 59.72% WHALERS ATHLETIC CLUB – TIME TRIAL

KRANIGE KRIEKET­ SPELER: Dillon Maree (12) van Hawston Pri­ mêr is onlangs vir die Boland krieket o. 13­ span gekies. Hy vertrek Sondag om vir dié span aan die Worcester 20/20 toernooi deel te neem. Dit is die vierde keer wat hy vir die Bo­ land­span gekies is. By Dillon is sy pa Warren, wat die Suid­Boland, en o.13 afrigter én onder­ wyser is by Hawston Primêr. FOTO:

Win spot at cricket clinic during school holidays The Cricket School of Excellence (CSE) will be offering a course where youngsters (4 – 14) can fine tune their cricketing skills under the guidance of Cricket SA qualified coaches from 25 – 27 September at the Hermanus Cricket Club between 09:00 and 14:00. The course will encompass personalised coaching, net coaching, batting, bowling, fielding skills, cricket etiquette and rules of the game. The founder of CSE, Ryan Maron, played through the ranks of Western Province cricket and was selected to represent Western Province from 1997 – 2000. He continued to represent WP “B” up until 2004, and is currently the head coach at UCT. Certificates will be presented

with sponsorships and the club is tremendously grateful and proud to announce Hermanus Food Lover’s Market as their main sponsor for this event. The Hermanus Netball club invite all to come and be entertained with not only great music and great food but also to witness the netball teams battling it out for the ultimate Food Lover’s netball trophee. The tournament starts at 08:30.



DOGS rewarded with sunny weather ) 10 September – Early morning showers reduced the field by some fair-weather pups but, faint heart never scoring a birdie, the brave few were rewarded with what turned out to be a largely sunny outing. The “Ex-Used-House-Salesman” got back to winning ways with a steady 37 (plus commission). The

“Naked Chef”, on the other hand, burnt his fingers. He did, however, come first in the post-match beer bottle jukskei competition. Ian Newman (37); Richard Ridge (34); Mike Graham (33); Fred Garrett (32); Alan Smith (29); Doug Ross (23); Dave Smith (22); Gordon Wilson (16). DAVE SMITH

)12 September 3km Runners: 1 Leo Vorster 13.36; 2 Jonathan Austin 14.14; 3 John Leppan 14.29 SB; 4 Megan Leppan 14.29 PB; 5 David Steele 15.43; 6 Dawid Austin 15.44 PB; 7 Georgia Roper 17.15; 8 Jordan Austin 17.15;9YolandaPieterse18.31;10Heleen Cilliers 18.31; 11 Tiaan de Wet 19.11 SB; 12 Leo Benning 24.26; 13 Silke Austin 24.26 3km Walkers: 1 Willie Loedolff 25.31; 2 Melany Vaughan 25.39; 3 Marietjie Venter 25.39; 4 Arlene Ehrenberg 25.42; 5 Emmie Gouws 25.42; 6 Hettie Hull 27.39 SB 5km Runners: 1 Mark Kavanagh 20.07; 2 Serame Bekokobetso 21.15; 3 Loudi Vorster21.20;4EvanAustin21.27;5Olwethu 21.49PB;6JeremyBrowne21.51;7Daniel Maree 21.52; 8 Anzel du Plessis 22.06; 9 Justin Swartz 22.26 PB; 10 Ewan Venter 22.28; 11 Wilhelm Cooper 22.40; 12 Jan Gildenhuys 23.01 SB; 13 Lucky Mdlokovana 23.01; 14 Sentle Thabo 23.31; 15 Mikki Milne 23.31; 16 Lize van der Merwe 26.18; 17 Les Hanna 26.45 SB; 18 Christine Hibberd 26.45; 19 Keri Geiger 27.00 PB; 20 Mavis de Villiers 27.02 PB; 21 Roelof van Weele 27.29; 22 Walter Meyer 27.29; 23 Hugh Waters 28.01; 24 Ronel Bootha 28.26; 25 David Cupido 28.06; 26 Annarie Nel 29.41 8km Runners: 1 Alfred Tshabeni 31.07; 2 Christiaan de Wet 33.43; 3 Kevin Middleton 33.43; 4 Frank Gillion 33.43; 5 Johan Hugo 37.03 SB GOLF )14 September 63playerscompetedintheIndividualStableford Founder’s Trophy at Hermanus Golf Club. 1. John Atkinson (42). 2. Dave Durham(39).3.DavidBoers(38).4.Steyn van Riet (c/i 37). 5. Glen Davies (c/o 37). 6. Lucien le Roux (c/o 37).

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O’berg SAPD wys rugbyvernuf Die rugbyspan van Overberg SAPD het hul wedstryd teen De Gama’s Kop met 15-13 gewen tydens die finaal wat laasweek Woensdag in Worcester gespeel is. Sewe SAPD-spanne vorm deel van die liga wat bestaan uit Overberg, Vredendal, Vredenburg, Worcester, De Gama’s Kop, George en Oudtshoorn. Overberg SAPD het ook boaan die punteleer geëindig. Die toernooi het in Mei vanjaar afgeskop en is deur die SAPD ingestel sodat polisiespanne die kans het om teen mekaar mee te ding asook vir polisiebeamptes om op hierdie manier fiks te bly, het sersant Jan Combrink gesê.

Overberg SAPD met hul wentrofee. Regs is die afrigter, sers. E.P. Apolis.


Bowling club hosts excellent tournament Hermanus Bowling Blub staged the Rola VW SupaQuick Whale Festival Trips Classic last weekend. The greens were filled to capacity with 36 teams: 18 local and 18 visiting teams from the WP Clubs of Old Oak, Durbanville, Constantia, Plumstead, Helderberg, Gordon’s Bay, Milnerton, Somerset West and Edgemead and from the Boland Clubs of Caledon, Franskraal, Worcester, Ceres and Yzerfontein. The format was Open Trips. Due to rain, play on Sunday was suspended and winners were deter-

The winners of the C section with Erno Coreejes (left), the manager of co­sponsor Rola VW Hemanus: Jean Greyling, Ingrid Erasmus and Janes le Grange from Hermanus.

mined on the results of Saturday’s matches. The C Section was won by the local team Janes le Grange (skip), Jean Greyling and Ingrid Erasmus. The combined team of Brasler van Schoor (Caledon – skip),

Bryan Chambers (Franskraal) and Stephan van Wyk (Caledon) won the B Section. Overall winners were a combined team skipped by Tony van der Poel (Milnerton) supported by Wynand Pool and Lucille Herbst (Caledon). Excellent greens, good food and a great spirit contributed towards the success of the day. – John Carroll

LOCAL GYMNAST ON WAY TO SA’S: On the weekend of 6 – 7 September Cleo Marnitz from Hermanus High School represented the Boland Gymnastic team at the Western Cape Championships in Oudtshoorn. She took gold and for the second year running, the ti­ tle of Western Cape Champion for her women u.18 artistic. She al­ so achieved silver on the mini­trampoline. Marnitz will be part of the team representing the Western Cape Gymnastic team at the SA Games from 23 – 28 September in Pretoria. Last year Marnitz took the title for her level 4 and is hoping to take the title for her level 5 this year. Marnitz trains at the Helderberg Gymnastic Connection Club in Strand under coaches Karen Brown and Karl Schneeberger.


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