Hermanus times 21 08 2014

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THURSDAY, 21 AUGUST 2014 | Tel 028 ­ 312 3717 | Fax 028 ­ 312 4316



Your local home, DIY and garden centre open 7 days a week 2 Mussel Rd, Hermanus Fire services no longer free 2

Perlemoen­ sindikaat voor hof 4

‘Moenie emigreer’ sê Croucamp 14


New safe haven for penguins 15

Dagga ‘factory’ discovered JANINE VAN DER RIET A couple living in Kleinmond was arrested last week after police members searched their house and found a dagga ’factory’ inside. The arrest followed after members of the Kleinmond Police and the Overberg K9 dog unit followed up on information received from the community regarding illegal drug activities in Gerrit Maritz Street in Palmiet, Kleinmond on Wednesday 13 August. According to WO Jaco van Wyk from the Kleinmond Police station, police members found homemade cannabis cultivating rooms with heaters, fans, lights and other equipment in the house. They also found 97 dagga plants, small amounts of loose dagga and one packet of magic mushrooms. The estimated value of the seized equipment and drugs is R40 000. The arrested suspects, Michael and Nicole (Nikki) Pietersen,

both in their early thirties, appeared in the Caledon Magistrate’s Court on Friday 15 August on a charge relating to the cultivating of cannabis and dealing in dagga. According to a spokesperson at the court, Michael Pietersen received bail of R1 000 and Nicole received a warning to appear in court on 3 October when the court case against them will continue. The couple runs an online business selling household items over the Internet. When the Hermanus Times contacted the couple for comment, Nicole replied the following via email: “We are under strict instruction from our attorney not to talk to the media until the case is completed. We unfortunately cannot give you an interview at this time.”

Police members found home­ made cannabis cultivating rooms with heaters, fans, lights and other equipment in the house in Kleinmond. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED



Nuus News

21 August, 2014

Ná ’n week het leerders weer busvervoer JANINE VAN DER RIET Die meer as 200 leerders van Mount Pleasant wat by Hawston Sekondêr skoolgaan, is Maandag terug skool toe ná hulle amper ’n week skool gemis het omdat busse wat die leerders tussen Hawston en Mount Pleasant vervoer deur die verkeersdepartement na die skut geneem is. Volgens Hawston Sekondêr se skoolhoof Idy Adams, het hy en die beheerliggaam van die skool saam met die ouers van die Mount Pleasant-leerders Maandagaand ’n dringende vergadering gehou. ’n Plan van aksie is onder meer ingestel oor hoe die leerders die agterstallige werk kan inhaal. Die skool is verlede Maandag

11 Augustus onkant gevang ná drie busse na die skut geneem is. Die skool het drie roetes, en een van die busoperateurs is as ’n afgewentelde kontrak deur die skool aangestel. Die ander twee busoperateurs is deur die onderwysdepartement aangestel, maar albei busse het nog nie al hul permitte gereed gehad om die leerders te vervoer nie. Volgens Rudi Fraser, die hoof van verkeer by die OverstrandMunisipaliteit, het hulle verlede Maandagoggend die busse geskut. Hy het verduidelik dat die busse geskut is nadat twee van die busse nie die toepaslike permitte gehad het nie en een onpadwaardig was. Jan Gelderblom, voorsitter van die skoolbeheerliggaam, het Dinsdagoggend gesê dat van die

Changes to sewerage charges As from 1 July, single residential properties are no longer granted an unlimited number of free-of-charge tanker callouts per month. In future, owners of these properties will have one of two options. Either opt to pay a basic fee of R70 plus the infrastructure levy of R10,94 per month, with the understanding that every time a tanker service is requested, this service will be charged at R478 (office hours, weekdays before 15:00) or R956 (after hours) per removal of up to 5/6kF of sewerage per call or the second option is to pay a monthly fee of R103,90 plus R11,70 per kF of water used per month, based on a maximum of 35 kF per month (70% of 50 kF), plus the infrastructure levy of R10,94 per month, which will entitle you to a maximum of two tanker service callouts during office hours at no additional charge per month. As per the first option, all additional service requests will be charged at either R478 (office hours, weekdays before 15:00) or R956 (after hours). Where in the past the tariff for the second option allowed for an unlimited number of tanker requests per month

per household, this is no longer sustainable since council experienced a substantial (16%) increase in the number of service requests – that despite a decrease in water consumption in Overstrand. According to a statement from the Overstrand Municipality (OM), this is largely attributed to storm water and ground water ingress into conservancy tanks, resulting in more service requests. In numerous instances, it was found that the volume of sewage removed per month exceeded the 70% of the actual water consumption per month, implicating leaking tanks. Leaking tanks result in higher volumes of ‘diluted’ sewage having to be removed and treated which, in turn, causes an overloading of our sewerage tanker service as well as our sewerage treatment plants. This situation should be avoided at all cost, and home owners are urged to ensure that their conservancy tanks are watertight since this will definitely be in their best interest too. Should you require further information contact the OM at enquiries@overstrand.gov.za

busse weer op die pad is, en bevestig dat die leerders wat vir amper ’n week skool gemis het, terug is by die skool. Toe die Hermanus Times Dinsdag met Adams telefonies gesels het, was dit duidelik dat Adams ontsteld is oor die vorige berig “Hawston-busse geskut” in die uitgawe van 14 Augustus. Hy het gesê dit is nie die skool se skuld dat die busse geskut is nie en dat mense nou die verkeerde idee oor die skool gekry het, ná hulle die opskrif gelees het. Hy sê voorts hy het verskeie oproepe van ouers en of voornemende ouers die afgelope week ontvang wat ongelukkig is met die nuus dat “daar probleme is met die busdienste”. “Ek het reeds agt jaar die skool opgebou waar mense ons kan vertrou. Nou dink ouers wat hul

kinders volgende jaar wil inskryf dat ons skool nie op standaard is nie, en dit as gevolg van die busdienste, en die verkeerde indruk as gevolg van die artikel.” Die busse behoort nie aan die skool nie en word besit deur privaat busmaatskappye. Die skool, sowel as die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement, het kontrakte met die betrokke busmaatskappye om die leerders te vervoer. Gelderblom het verlede week reeds gesê die probleem lê by die onderwysdepartement. Volgens Paddy Attwell, direkteur van kommunikasie van die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement, is daar tans twee busse weer in werking. “Twee busse is nog buite werking. Dit beteken dat die twee werkende busse nou twee roetes per dag moet ry in plaas van een.”

Property owners now charged for using fire brigade’s services With effect from 1 July, property owners were charged for Fire Brigade call-outs: . Structural fires per hour or part thereof: R1 500. Free to indigent households. . Veld and other fires per hour or part thereof: R500. In addition,

R300 will be levied for the issuing of certificates for flammable substances as well as inspections (third and thereafter) conducted in terms of fire safety compliance. Call 028 313 8111 for info. ) See Overstrand Municipality’s advert on page 19.

R300 000 for festivals The Overstrand Municipality will decide on the partial sponsorship of festivals on 27 August during the mayoral committee meeting. An amount of R300 000 has been allocated in council’s 2014/2015 budget The following festivals’ proposals will be considered by council: ) Two Oceans Whale Festival: R60 000 ) Kalfiefees: R55 000

) Stanford Country Fair Festival: R35 000 ) Hot Heels Africa: R20 000 ) Hermanus FynArts: R50 000 ) Hawston Sea Festival: R40 000 ) Gansbaai Funky Flower Festival: R40 000. During the 2012/2013 period, the OM paid out an amount of R640 000 as partial sponsorships and in 2013/2014, the amount of R587 500.

Beware of new carjacking scheme Beware of this new scheme that is now being used country-wide. If you see a piece of paper stuck to your back window, lock your doors and just drive away. Remove the paper later. This is a new way to do carjackings. When you climb into your car in a car park or where ever and you look into the rearview mirror to back out of your space, you notice a piece of paper stuck

to the middle of the rear window. So, you stop and jump out of your car to remove that paper that is obstructing your view. When you reach the back of your car to remove the paper, that is when the carjackers appear out of nowhere, jump into your car and take off. Usually a handbag or purse with all your information, addresses and house keys are still in the car.


Nuus News

21 August, 2014

Skubaduik­uitstappies nóg lekkerder JAN­HENDRIK COETZER Ocean Quest, ’n 36 voet lange katamaran en die nuutste toevoeging tot Neptune’s Divers Hermanus, het onlangs sy permanente staanplek by die nuwe hawe gekry. Neptune’s Divers is begin deur Marx Mohr wat in 2010 matriek aan Hoërskool Hermanus behaal het, en bied kursusse in skubaduik aan. En nou, met Ocean Quest aan boord, kan mense op skuba-uitstappies geneem word. Die tweerompboot is toegerus vir 16 mense (12 duikers en vier bemanningslede). Mohr het reeds op skool op internasionale vlak aan seiljagkompetisies deelgeneem en sy erekleure in dié sport verwerf. Ná skool het hy twee jaar lank in lande soos Portugal, Frankryk en Bermuda as instrukteur en duikgids gewerk. Met sy terugkeer na Hermanus het hy Neptune’s Divers begin. Nadat hy al sy kursusse voltooi het, het hy as instrukteur mense opgelei in skubaduik. Nou, twee jaar later, kan hy met Ocean Quest ook mense op skuba-uitstappies neem. Mohr vertel die katamaran is oorspronklik in Durban in 1998 gebou. “Ocean Quest het die afgelope drie jaar by Mykonos vasgemeer gelê. Toe ek begin vanjaar hoor die boot is te koop, het ek dit met finansiële hulp van my ouers aangeskaf. “Ek het die boot in Mykonos gaan haal en na die Waterfront in Kaapstad geseil, want daar was baie herstelwerk nodig en die meeste bootbouers is in daardie omgewing. Verlede Saterdag het ons die boot gaan haal en na Hermanus geseil. Dit het sowat 19 uur ge-

Marx Mohr saam met André du Preez, een van sy duikmeesters en kollega.

duur,” sê Mohr. Om ’n katamaran te mag stuur, moet jy eers aansoek doen by Samsa (South African Maritime Safety Authority) wat jou lisensie goedkeur nadat jy ’n kursus en eksamen afgelê het. Mohr het ’n spesiale boodskap van dank aan “oom” Boet Schein van BS Divers. “As dit nie vir hom was nie, sou hierdie

droom nooit werklikheid geword het nie. As 22-jarige het mense my by vergaderings nie regtig ernstig opgeneem nie. Oom Boet het egter ’n passie in my raakgesien. Hy het selfs nou een van sy twee vasmeerplekke by die nuwe hawe aan ons verkoop.” Vir meer inligting oor duikkursusse of om op ’n skuba-uitstappie te gaan, besoek die webwerf: www.neptunesdivers.co.za.

Maggie is aanbieder in FC Hamman­video ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN “Volgende keer as jy ’n fliek maak, moet jy laat weet! Ek sal graag wil act!” Maggie Heiberg van Hermanus se woorde aan die bekende filmmaker FC Hamman was skaars koud, toe hy haar inderdaad ’n rol aanbied in ’n video met ’n anti-kapingsboodskap wat hy vir sy kliënt, Afrox, maak. FC Hamman woon deesdae in Hermanus van waar hy sy produksiehuis, FC Hamman Films, bestuur. Hy vertel hy het vir Maggie ontmoet toe hy by Kia Motors na voertuie kom kyk het. Hy was hoogs beïndruk met haar. “Sy is perfek as aanbieder vir die video.” “Ná ek by Kia was, het ek Afrox genader om moontlik dié motorgroep te nader om betrokke te raak. Die idee is goed ontvang en ons het besluit om die verfilming hier te doen met Maggie as aanbieder.” Hulle het die eerste gedeelte van die verfilming gedoen deur middel van drones (afstandbeheerde kame-

ras) en die res is by die motorhandelaar verfilm. Maggie vertel sy het haarself baie geniet, hoewel sy nooit gedink het FC sal haar opmerking ernstig opneem nie. FC Hamman Films het talle ander projekte in die omgewing waarmee hulle besig is. Baie daarvan is op omgewingsbewaring gebaseer. “Ons wil drones ook gebruik om die

MASERATI’S MOVE IN: The parking area at the waterfront resembled an exotic Italian golden mile when spectacular specimens of Viglietti Motors (exclusive importers of Maserati) were seen lined up during a breakfast run outing on Sunday morning. The group of 16 people, and 6 Maserati’s with an average value of R1,5 million each, drove the scenic route from Cape Town via Rooi Els to Hermanus where they enjoyed breakfast at La Pentola restaurant.

Theo Krynauw, FC Hamman, Maggie Heiberg, Timothy Hamman en Priscil­ la Pheiffer by Kia Motors.


walvisse af te neem en tel, en werk ook saam met plaaslike organisasies om die natuurskoon te bevorder.” FC is ook in die gemeenskap betrokke by Theo en Angie Krynauw se SparkleKids-projek.




Nuus News

21 August, 2014

Perlemoensindikaat weer in hof Die Wes-Kaapse hooggeregshof het Maandag een van die grootste perlemoensindikaat-sake vir ’n verdere twee weke uitgestel sodat finale besluite oor moontlike pleitooreenkomste en erkennings geneem kan word.

of enige van hulle saam met die Barends-egpaar ’n aansoek wil indien. Die aansoek sal

skriftelik ingedien word en sal op 1 September hanteer word.

Dié vermeende sindikaat, wat uit 25 beskuldigdes bestaan, meeste afkomstig van Gansbaai en Stanford, het in die hooggeregshof verskyn waar die verhoor na verwagting sou begin. Regter Nathan Erasmus het aangedui dat twee van die beskuldigdes, Frank Barends van Gansbaai en sy vrou, Josephine, ’n aansoek om ’n staking van vervolging by die hof gaan indien. Erasmus het gesê hul regsverteenwoordiger was nog nie gereed om die aansoek in te dien nie en het die saak tot 1 September uitgestel. Hy het die res van die beskuldigdes gemaan en gesê dié twee weke is genoeg tyd om te besluit

Die hoofbeskuldigdes in die perlemoensindikaat­saak het Maandagoggend saam met hul medebeskuldigdes in die hof verskyn. FOTO: LERATO MADUNA (FOTO24)

Department extends quotas for abalone divers by one year ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN A short reprieve was granted to abalone quota holders after a decision by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) to extend quotas by a year. DAFF Minister, Senzeni Zokwana, issued a statement on 31 July extending the quotas until July 2015. He will exempt right holders who had abalone fishing rights in the 2013/2014 fishing season from the expiration of their rights in order to afford current quota holders an opportunity to fill their 2013/14 abalone allocation until 30 September 2014. This follows a statement by former national minister of DAFF, Tina JoematPettersen, earlier this year that all abalone quotas will be revoked due to a crisis in the sector. Revoking all commercial abalone quotas on 1 August 2014 would have left the 303 legal abalone divers, of which 250 reside in the Overstrand, and their families without an income. In his statement Zokwana said: “The decline in numbers in the abalone fishery is extremely worrying, hence our decision takes into consideration the longterm conservation of the fishery. This downward trend suggests that the current stock levels would likely only be able to sustain one abalone fishing season.” Extensive consultations are still under way with the industry, according to the minister. “This will include a recovery plan that will look at, among other things, alternative livelihoods for those involved in the sector. “Our decision has taken into consideration socio-economic factors that have contributed to hardships experienced in coastal communities and particularly in communities that rely on abalone for their livelihood.” Says Shaheen Moolla, managing director of Feike, a Cape Town-based natural resources advisory firm in a statement: “Having bungled the entire 2013 Fishing Rights Allocation Process (FRAP), the department has now confirmed the bungling of the 2014 abalone fishing rights allocation process. “The Fisheries Minister has today (31

July) announced that abalone fishers will be exempted from holding section 18 abalone fishing rights until 30 July 2015 because the department failed to timeously allocate abalone fishing rights when these expired yesterday (30 July 2014).” In reply to queries from the Hermanus Times, he said: “It (the extension) is a complete farce. First the entire 2013 process was declared unlawful. Now abalone quotas are not allocated – only ‘exemptions’. We just go from crisis to chaos.” Zelda Jongbloed, the DA Deputy Shadow Minister for Fisheries said that fisheries are in complete disarray. “The price we pay for cadre deployment and putting a minister in charge (referring to former minister Joemat-Pettersen) who was clueless and had no sense of urgency whatsoever. “I am in the process of introducing a private member’s bill to amend the Marine Living Resources Act (MLRA), which will allow the department to roll over fishing rights in the abalone sector for three years. “It takes three years from preparation to the awarding of rights. There is thus no way in which the DAFF can speed up the process because of their lack of proper planning. “It is the fishers who get the short end of the stick, once again, as a result of the uncertainty they now face and the manner in which the mess with the re-issuing of abalone rights impacts on their lives and creditworthiness,” Jongbloed added. “There is no real solution here,” said Moolla in an earlier statement (HT, 5 June 2014). “The quota holders will have to approach the public protector as soon as possible and state their case. They will have to raise their voices and speak to the public through the use of the media to try and force the department’s hand. “We need our legal divers in the water. History tells us that poaching increased after the last closure (of the abalone fishing sector) because there is no compliance strategy in place. “Between 2008 and 2009 poaching increased to about 4 000 tons per year. Poachers benefited hugely.”

Erasmus het gesê geen van die beskuldigdes kan pleit voordat dié aansoek nie afgehandel is nie. Hy het bygevoeg dat dit ook genoeg tyd is vir diegene wat erkennings of pleitooreenkomste met die staat wil sluit om dit ook te doen. “Die saak het die potensiaal om jare te duur. ’n Mens se lewe staan stil,” het hy gesê. Hy het die saak met ’n seekat vergelyk deur te sê die Poca-wetgewing (die Wet op die Voorkoming van Georganiseerde Misdaad), ingevolge waarvan die beskuldigdes aangekla word, het baie tentakels wat jou op verskeie plekke kan vang. “Die enigste manier om van dié tentakels los te kom, is om ’n pleitooreenkoms aan te gaan.” Die vermeende sindikaat was glo betrokke by onwettige bedrywighede van miljoene rande. Die aanklagte teen hulle sluit in rampokkery, geldwassery en die onwettige besit van perlemoen. Sommige van die beskuldigdes staan net tereg op vier van die meer as 700 aanklagte teen die sindikaat. Die hoofverdagte, Ran Wei, word steeds deur Interpol gesoek. – Jana Breytenbach / Die Burger

The Camphill Farm Community Hermanus Wish to invite the Hermanus public to their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 27th August 2014 at 13:30h for 14:00h in Mercury Hall, Hemel en Aarde Valley, Hermanus RSVP: Jacky Booyens, info@camphill-hermanus.org.za Tel. 021 200 2230 Fax 086 776 2764


Nuus News

21 August, 2014

Kleinmond gets astro­turf soccer field JAN­HENDRIK COETZER

it’s much cheaper to maintain and you don’t need to wait between An old soccer field in games for the Kleinmond, that grass to recover,” was originally built says Hendriks. on a dump site, has Willie August, made way for a chairman of the brand new astroHangklip/Kleinturf field. mond Sport and Culture OrganisaDevelopment of this tion, is all in faastro-turf field started vour of the new asin March this year tro-turf soccer and will be completed field. by the end of August. His only conThe facility will be cern is that it managed by the Overwon’t be mainstrand Municipality. tained properly. According to Den“Overall I’m very nis Hendriks, senior positive and glad manager: engineerabout this new faing services at the The new astro­turf soccer field at Proteadorp in Kleinmond should cility, as long as Overstrand Munici- be ready for action by the end of August. the municipality pality, the funding for this facility comes from the MIF well as the fencing that was in a very keeps their hands on it,” says Au(Municipal Infrastructure Funding) poor condition. So whenever it gust. Adrian de Kock, vice-chairman of and is estimated at roughly R11 mil- rained, the storm water couldn’t the Betty’s Bay Ratepayers Associalion. Costs include the building of drain,” says Hendriks. The Kleinmond Soccer Federation tion, says although it cost a lot of the astro-turf, fencing, clubhouse with bathrooms, the upgrading of will be the main beneficiary of the money he thinks it is a good idea. “It is important to have facilities the access road as well as seating. new astro-turf, which will be under “This field came about because the the management of the municipality of such a high standard here in previous grass field caused a lot of and only be used for soccer matches. Kleinmond,” says De Kock. The only other similar facility in “The big benefit of this new field problems in terms of the drainage system that didn’t work properly as is that you save on the water usage, the Overstrand is in Gansbaai.

Besides broken bones, Lucre­ cia Scullard (43) sustained lacerations to her legs and head. She received eight stitches to her leg.

Lucrecia Scullard.


Recovery after fall a ‘miracle’ JANINE VAN DER RIET The woman who suffered serious injuries on Monday 7 July when she fell down the cliff near The Marine Hotel, is grateful that she is alive and can walk again. “On Saturday I was able to tie my shoelaces for the very first time since the fall,” said Lucrecia Scullard (43) who was here on holiday from Johannesburg visiting her parents when the incident occurred. Even her doctors agree it is a miracle that she survived the fall, said Scullard, who contacted the Hermanus Times last week to thank the people who had helped her after the incident. EMR paramedics had transported her to the Hermanus Provincial Hospital, and she was then transferred to Worcester Hospital and later Tygerberg Hospital where she underwent surgery. She had suffered several fractures including her pelvis. “I cried for three days after the doctors told me I might be permanently paralysed. I could not feel the bottom part of my body and was in total shock.” Scullard says she was supposed to leave Hermanus the day after her fall. She was busy doing last minute shopping for gifts for friends and family, when she decided to take a stroll along the cliff path, enjoying the fresh

air and sea breeze. “I walked on top of a rock when I slipped. All I can remember is trying to hold on to the rock, but my nails were too long, and I let go. I remember when my body hit the ground, I thought to myself: ‘This is just like in the movies.’ ” She cannot remember much after that though, except for a man with a green and white shirt who phoned her parents and helped her. “I really wish I could get hold of him to thank him. He was an angel in disguise.” After this, she remembers waking up in hospital while getting stitches in her leg. On 15 July, she underwent surgery, and three days later Scullard discharged herself from hospital and flew back to Johannesburg, where a friend is looking after her. She says she discharged herself as she felt her situation was deteriorating in the hospital and that she could recover faster, back in Johannesburg. But, she says, she has come a long way since the fall and sees a daily improvement. “I can now walk without a wheelchair or help from others and for this I am extremely thankful.” Being a passionate athlete, Scullard says it will still be a while before she can put on her running shoes. However, the fact that she can walk again, is a miracle and she is happy with how far she has come.


Speeding offences in the Overstrand on the decline JANINE VAN DER RIET The Overstrand traffic department issued their quarterly statistics for the months of April to June 2014, during which the traffic department received R369 582 for transactions such as learner’s licence appointments, driver’s licences issued, renewals and temporary driver’s licences. A staggering 12 025 traffic related offences/cases were processed with the potential income of R5 944 840. In the same quarter in 2013, 12 638 cases were processed with an income of R3 297 420. It seems that speeding offences (mobile cameras) in the Overstrand decreased from 13 638 between April and June 2013 to 7 839 for the same period this year, of which 2 700 offences were in Hermanus, 4 169 in Kleinmond, 640 in Gansbaai and 330 in Stanford. In the quarterly statistics April to June, Overstrand Law Enforcement opened 203 cases of drinking in public in Gansbaai, two in

Kleinmond and three in Hermanus. Gansbaai also had the highest number of cases against people urinating in public, with 23 cases opened in Gansbaai and three in Hermanus. Gansbaai was also the only town in the Overstrand to have cases of nudity opened against residents/visitors. Ten people received fines to the total value of R5 000 between April and June this year. Altogether 104 cases of dog nuisance were investigated in Hermanus, 18 in Kleinmond and 62 in Gansbaai, with 45 dogs that were impounded in Hermanus, one in Kleinmond and 33 in Gansbaai, as well as 15 cats in Hermanus. A total of 29 veld and bush fires were reported and attended to by the Overstrand Fire Brigade and Disaster Management. They also attended to 33 motor vehicle accidents in the Overstrand of which 16 were in Hermanus, four in Gansbaai, seven in Stanford and two in Kleinmond between April and June 2014.



Nuus News

21 August, 2014

HOSPICE MONTHLY DRAW WINNERS: The Overstrand Hospice 600 Club draw took place on Friday 15 August and Arno Hill from Soho Systems (centre) drew the winning numbers. Making sure everything was above board were Elaine du Preez (left) from Don Adams Auditors and Colin Harvett (right), Hospice Board Member. The month’s winners are: R5 000 – Linda & Dave Schutte; R2 500 – Jill Dunn and R1 000 – Jack Davis. PHOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER

Algemeen General

Genetiese manipulasie oorsaak van piesang­groottes Met verwysing na Leo Benning se foto (bl 6 Hermanus Times 14/8) oor die verskillende piesanggroottes, het GN Coetzee, Lewenswetenskaponderwyser van Northcliff House College laat weet: “Hierdie 2 ‘soorte’ piesangs is soos volg: Die kleintjies is die “wilde” piesangs en die groter een die geneties gemanipuleerde (GM) een. Lewende organismes het twee stelle chromosome (diploied -2n) maar in hierdie geval van die groot piesang het hy 3 stelle chromosome (triploied -3n). Dit is gedoen om seker te maak dat geen kruisbestuiwing tussen die “wilde” en GM kan plaasvind nie. Die organismes met multi-stelle chromosome word na verwys as poliploidie (engels: polyploidy). Triploid-gewasse (3n): piesangs, appels, sitrus en waatlemoen. Tetraploid-gewasse (4n): aartappels en grondboontjies Heksaploied-gewasse (6n): koring en hawer. Die GM’s soos byvoorbeeld die piesang hou voordele in soos ’n groter vrug en harder skil.

Help die honger diere Die trollies van Hermanus Times Operasie Brakkenjan is die afgelope paar weke baie leeg. Helpers van Operasie Brakkenjan is bekommerd, veral met die koue wat steeds in die Overstrand heers. Annelie le Roux, medestigterslid van Brakkenjan, sê hulle wil juis nou ’n voorraad vir die Septemberen Desembervakansie opbou. Winkels soos Pick n Pay, Eastcliff en Gateway Spar en Checkers het winkeltrollies in die winkels geplaas vir skenkings van hondekos wat Joyce Rawstorne (87) die diere in veral Zwelihle twee keer per week voer. Kosskenkings kan by enige van die bogenoemde winkels gedoen word. Vir meer inligting, bel Annelie le Roux by 082 516 6446.

Enjoy a FREE glass of house WINE with every main course ordered. Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Rossi's - Local favourite since 1985.

For bookings Tel: 028 312 2848 10 High Street, Hermanus.


21 August, 2014




Mense People

21 August, 2014

FLOWER SHOW TALK BLOOMIN’ GOOD: Whale Coast Conservation (WCC) re­ cently hosted a talk by racon­ teur David Davidson, who was part of the South African team at the Chelsea Flower Show this year. In his talk Davidson also touched on the logistical challenge of getting the local flora shipped to England, calling the trip A Midsummer’s Nightmare. But totally worth the effort! One of the hightlights of the exhi­ bition had included a floral tribute to Nelson Mandela with a pixel portrait made from Protea buds. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

ROUND TABLE GEE TERUG: ’n Groep van Hermanus Round Table het Vrydag van hul tyd afgestaan om vis te braai vir die inwoners van Huis Lettie Theron as deel van ’n gemeen­ skapsprojek. Die geel­ stert wat gebraai is, is deur Alexis Zietsman gevang en die Tafelron­ ders en hul vroue het ingespring om die kos betyds op die tafel te kry. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

RIGHT: Around 50 flo­ ral­enthusiasts attend­ ed the talk by David Davidson (second from left) With him are Dr Pat Miller (WCC board member), prof John Verster (WCC vice chairman) and WCC chairman Jamie Hart. Catching up after the talk are: Dr Di Ma­ rais (chairman of the Hermanus Botanical Society), Rob Fryer (manager of Whale Coast Conservation) and Anina Lee, Whale Coast Conser­ vation’s communica­ tions officer. PHOTOS: ELBE VAN HEERDEN

Women from the Fynbos Trust were invited to enjoy the Women’s Day event in Stanford. WOMEN’S DAY EVENT: Stanford’s V.E.P. (Victims Empowerment Programme) team led by Stanford Police’s Constable Aniza Ali (second from right, organised a morning for some 50 local women in the community hall, where they were spoilt rotten in an inspirational morning of tea, talks, manicures, pedicures, massages and health checkups. The special guest speakers were social worker, Merle Swart and Elim national award­winning entrepreneur Preline Swart, who addressed the audience with advice on parenting and the vital role women play in the community, respectively. With Ali are Serina Buys, Jolline October and Ntombi Jacobs of Stanford’s V.E.P. team. PHOTOS: STUART ANDERSON


Mense People

21 August, 2014


Ilse Lourens, sekretaresse van die mediese bestuurder van die Hermanus Provinsiale Hospitaal en een van die organiseer­ ders van die funksie, oorhandig ’n geskenk aan Heidi Nortier van Hermanus Toyota, om dankie te sê vir hul borgskap van die breekware, glase, tafeldoeke en eetgerei wat die aand gehuur is. Ilse het na die tyd gesê dat die organiseerders nog besig is met die finansies, om te bepaal hoeveel wins hulle gemaak het, maar dat die aand wel ’n groot sukses was. Die hospitaal wil graag DVD­spelers en opvoedkundige DVD’s koop om dit vir pasiënte te speel.


MASKERBAL: Die Hermanus Provinsiale Hospitaal het ’n deftige maskerbal Vrydag­ aand by die Sandbaaisaal gehou as geldin­ sameling vir dié hospitaal. Gaste het pragtig formeel aangetrek met die mooiste maskers. Ooswald Oosthuizen en sy vrou Sonja, Cor­ nel Janse van Vuuren en Attie Voges het in­ teressante maskers gedra en die aand op die dansvloer deurgebring op die maat van lekker ou musiektreffers.




By die 200 gaste het die geleentheid onder­ steun. Onder hulle was Nombulelo Bleki, Ak­ hona Nyathela van Hermanus en Simone Ty­ ers van Kaapstad.

jackie designs







FOR ENQUIRIES PHONE 028 214 5100 T&C Apply.

Nicolene en Lourens Smith se maskers het baie aandag getrek.

Pieter Otto, Alenda Otto, Silke Schmidt en André Bester het ook die geldinsameling Vry­ dagaand ondersteun. 028 214 5100 | thecaledon.co.za

WOMEN ACTION GROUP’S WOMEN’S DAY EVENT: The Women Ac­ tion Group re­ cently held a Women’s Day event at Learn to Earn with Lize van der Walt, daughter of well­ known actress Wilna Snyman, as the main speaker. Lize spoke about her re­ lationship with her mother and the moments she treasured the most. She captured the ladies attention with stories about her mother, and how she had kept her from hitting rock bottom. Wilna in turn spoke about her daughter and read a poem by Antjie Krog. Standing in the picture is Carmen Titus (project manager of the Women Action Group) with Christelene Brikkels, Caroline Thompson and Mariana Gardiner.


When Wilna Snyman and Lize van der Walt entered the building they were wel­ comed with a standing ova­ tion. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED




Briewe Letters

21 August, 2014

‘Verkeer doen nie hul werk’ SHEPHERD’S WARNING: Facebook­user Jacques­Mario Robert shared this wonderful picture with us of the sunrise as seen from East­ cliff on Tuesday morning.

EDITORIAL COMMENT Overstrand is paying it forward There are so many wonderful organisa­ tions based in the Overstrand where you can lend a hand, or pay it forward, as one reader says in his letter. Whether your love lies with animals, the elderly, the youth or the needy, there is an organisation that caters for each of these. The Dyer Island Conservation Trust (DICT) is focused on making a difference to the lives of penguins and seabirds that are threatened by a variety of causes such as oil pollution and the declining fishing resources. As such, DICT started dreaming about having their own sanctuary and with the help of generous sponsorships, this dream has become a reality. The Hermanus Round Table took time out to braai fresh fish for the residents of Huis Lettie Theron. The same can be said about local schools who are sup­ ported by individuals or companies. These are just a few examples of people trying to make a difference in the world around them and giving freely. We can be proud to live in such a sharing society.

Increase in traffic Sandbaai over the years has expanded from a once small suburb to now one of the largest suburbs in Hermanus, this of course means an increase in traffic, especially over peak traffic times. With the addition of Curro School and the completion of the new Mbeki Road that joins Bergsig Street (connecting Industrial area and Sandbaai) this has become a rather busy road, resulting in the intersection of Bergsig and Main Road Sandbaai being chaos. Can a 4-way stop not be introduced here. If the process of implementing a 4-way stop is a long one then can’t our helpful traffic police direct the traffic at this intersection at peak times? With winter here, it is visible that there is a problem in the way the town fixes/repairs potholes. A pothole appears and two days later it is filled in a quick haphazard manner, only to have the sand fill fall away and the thin tar cover crack exposing the pothole yet again, this process is nearly a weekly event with most of the potholes in the town. I can commend the town’s service provider for their speedy attendance of fixing potholes but the method of repair?


Response from Clr Ben Solomon, Ward Councillor: Regarding the crossing at Main Road and Bergsig Street, it is envisaged that a circle will be put in when Bergsig Street is upgraded. This upgrade will have to be done by the developer of the Mall if the mall is approved. Potholes are difficult to repair during winter when the gravel underneath the tar is wet, as the tar will not set properly.


Almost killed by drunken driver I have decided to share my traumatic experience I had on Saturday 16 August at around 20:00. I was heading home to Onrus after a long day at work. I turned left at the robot into Main Road, Onrus. The next second I heard a car just as I was about to enter the hairpin bend. I realised something was not right as the speed at which the oncoming car was travelling was very fast. In a flash the driver lost control and the car careened towards me. It was about to hit me head on. My only option was to swerve sharply to my left to avoid this. I hit the pavement and slid on the loose gravel. The driver drove on to the red robot. I was badly shaken up and got out of my car to get his details as my car’s rims had been badly damaged and buckled. I called to the driver but he tried to ignore me. I went up to him and said he nearly hit me head on. He got out of his car and that is when I realised he was under the influence. He could hardly stand on his two feet and supported himself by holding onto his car door, he slurred an apology. I was badly shaken up and said to him I cannot drive further as my left front wheel was buckled and I want his details. He got back into his car and said he was


going to make a u-turn and come back to my vehicle. I took a photo of his number plate. Two more vehicles came around the bend. I was amazed that when I tried to get their attention for help, they just ignored me. The driver that caused my “accident” sped off. I had to change my car’s left front wheel with the spare wheel before I could drive home. The other rim I had to have repaired. I would like to say to that driver: “Sir, you decided to consume alcohol to such an extent that it affected your driving. You arrogantly got behind your steering wheel and endangered my life and every other sober driver on the road and their families as well as pedestrians. How dare you? I could have been your daughter. You could have caused an entire family immense sorrow. You nearly caused my death. I sincerely hope that none of your loved ones ever experience what I did on Saturday evening by a drunk driver. You should be ashamed of yourself. Your drunken apology means nothing. When I arrived home I broke down. I consider myself extremely “lucky” to have escaped serious injury.


Staffie survives cliff fall, thanks to young man Our 8-year-old Staffie, Kali, had a miraculous escape from death or serious injury last week when she careered after a dassie on the Cliff Path near Fick’s Pool and crashed over the edge on to the rocks below. From above my wife and I heard a terrible yowling and then there was silence. Heavy-hearted we walked round and down the steps to the pool, prepared for the worst. We were met by a young man walking towards us with Kali cradled in his arms. He had seen her fall and said she was still alive. I carried her to the top and laid her down on the grass while my wife fetched the car. There

was some blood round the mouth, but Kali wagged her tail when I spoke to her. Jean, the Irish vet, gave her a thorough examination and the only injury she could find was a smashed tooth, appropriately a canine, that had gone through the upper lip. Kali, meanwhile, skipped around the surgery floor, proving that all four legs were still working. “It’s a miracle,” said Jean. We would like to thank the young man who picked her up after the fall. He did tell us his name, but in the emotion of the moment we forgot it.


Hoe sê mens dankie? Ek is so emosioneel vandag en vra hoe sê mens dankie? Woorde kan nie beskryf hoe ons menswees besig is om terug te kom nadat Tronel en Edian van Hermanus Staan Saam ons twee weke terug kom besoek het nie. Julle bring saam met die skenkers en helpers soveel moed terug in ons lewe, wat alles verloor het en sukkel om weer op die been te kom. Vir drie jaar moes ons water in bottels gooi waarin ons moes bad, kosmaak en drink. Ons het nie toiletgeriewe gehad nie en moes ’n emmer gebruik. Nico het aangebied om ’n toilet vir ons in te sit. My kleinkind van drie na wie ek kyk ken nie eens ’n toilet nie. Ek dank en prys en vra Jesus se seën oor

Ek wil net baie graag ’n vraag aan die betrokke mense van die Hermanus Verkeersdepartement vra. Wat doen die beamptes wat patrollie te voet doen in die middedorp? Is dit om op hul fone te speel of “window shopping” te doen? Ek sien dat hier geen dissipline toegepas word nie. Een voorbeeld om te noem is die laaisone en rolstoelsone in die dorp. Ek self bedryf ’n koerierdiens en daar is elke dag privaat motors op die laaisone geparkeer, geen kenteken of plakker wat bewys dat dit ’n koeriermaatskappy is nie. Ek moet my voertuig soms op ’n rooi lyn parkeer om aflewerings te maak. Ek dink die superintendente van die verkeersdepartement moet ’n slag uit die kantoor kom en hulle werk doen.

ieder en elk van julle wat skenkings gegee het en nog gee. ’n Toilet is vir almal algemeen, maar weet julle hoe dankbaar ons daarvoor is. Ek het huise in Voëlklip ens. skoongemaak vir ’n inkomste, maar ons karretjie se enjin het opgepak en nou het ons nie vervoer nie. Dit is ook hoekom ons so sukkel en Hawston toe moes trek. Tronel, jy en Edian en al die mense wat Hermanus Staan Saam ondersteun, mag jul soveel seëninge ontvang, want julle het nie ’n idee wat julle vir ons beteken nie. ’n Bewoë, hartseer-van-geluk ouma vra vanoggend hoe sê mens dankie? Daar is nie woorde wat dit kan beskryf nie. God seën ieder en elk van julle.


Rudi Fraser, Hoof Verkeer/ Lisensies reageer: Ek kry die idee dat daar ’n verskuilde agenda kan wees aangesien die skrywer die volgende noem: “Die sups moet ’n slag uit kantore kom”. Nou is my vraag die volgende? Waar is die skrywer dan daagliks om te weet dat die sups in hulle kantoor sit en my tweede vraag: Indien die skrywer weet die sups sit in hulle kantoor, waarom maak hy/sy nie kontak om die aangeleenthede te bespreek nie? Ek kan u verseker dat die sups se hande vol is met dag-tot-dag verpligtinge en meer spesifiek om toe te sien dat verkeersoperasionele dienste vlot verloop in alle opsigte. Ek vertrou dat ons streef na die batho pele beginsels en die skrywer is welkom om die kantoor van die (sups) te nader waar die beweerde klagte bespreek kan word en onmiddellike aandag kan geniet. Ek kan u verseker dat daar op ’n daaglikse basis aandag geskenk word aan die klagtes soos genoem en dat ’n vergadering reeds belê was met operasionele toesighouers om die kwessie te monitor en aandag te skenk. Sisteme is reeds in plek en lede wat hul skuldig maak aan wangedrag sal die gevolge van dissiplinêre aksies in die gesig staar. Daar was reeds lede ingeroep oor die genoemde klagte en streng riglyne is voorgelê. Die kantoor van die (sups) kry op ’n gereelde basis navrae en vertoë aangaande laaisones, wat my die idee gee dat die beamptes wel optree teen diegene wat hulself skuldig maak aan die oortredings. Daar sal meer gelet word op die skrywer se klagte maar wat die dag tot dag monitering betref, versoek ek vriendelik dat diegene wat dit oplet of dan enige klagte onder verkeer se aandag wil bring, asseblief die kantoor van die superintendente moet nader waar spoedig moontlik aandag geskenk kan word aan leemtes. Ek hoop ek antwoord die skrywer op die genoemde vrae.

Dankie vir die Kalfie Weereens ’n heerlike ervaring: Kalfiefees 2014. Ons het gelag en gehuil in ons taal. Elke produksie/vertoning wat ons bygewoon het was spesiaal en die standaard was baie hoog. Baie dankie aan die organiseerders vir julle tyd en moeite om dramas, musiek en besprekings hier na ons toe te bring. Dankie vir julle entoesiasme, harde werk en goeie bestuur - alles vrywillig. Ons is trots op julle. Dankie ook aan die borge wat verstaan hoe belangrik dit is om kultuur te bevorder.


A big thanks I, Winnie Nywebeni, want to thank everyone who donated paint and other items after my house was set on fire by my daughter earlier this year. And thank you to those who paid for a prepaid meter box. To know that there are still good and kind people out there can make a big difference. God bless you all.



Briewe Letters

21 August, 2014

) Opregte dank aan die bestuur en per­

soneel van Cattle Baron vir hul wonder­ like diens aan die tien dames geduren­ de die verjaardagete op Woensdag die 13de en meestal vir die lieflike ruiker. – CHRISTENE ) We are pensioners now but have lived in Hermanus since 1986. We nor­ mally shop at the supermarkets because they are cheapest. Well, we were faced with a beautiful day on Saturday but alas! Nothing in the freezer to braai. Off to the local Onrus Butchery we went. We all know steak and chops don’t fea­ ture in the pensioner’s budget, but what did we find? The best pork sausage we have had! Delicious on the braai! Saved half the pack to have with mash and beans. – ANON, VERMONT ) A big thank you to everyone who came to our help with the dog fight at Checkers circle on Monday afternoon. – MARITJIE ) To chef Shane and staff at La Pentola: a huge thank you for making our cele­ bration very special one! – THE MEYER CLAN ) My kleindogter van Namibië kuier by my. Sy het ’n Bank Windhoek­debiet­ kaart. Sy wou geld onttrek en was by Absa, FNB en Standard Bank. Nie een kon help nie. Was na Capitec. Baie dankie dat ons binne 10 minute gehelp is en kon geld trek sonder probleme. – HELENE KOBERZIG ) A huge thank you to Jeffrey and his son of Vygie St. Mount Pleasant, for of­

fering up his fishing time, late on Mon­ day evening, to help three ladies change a flat tire. I hope you caught a big fish! – O. WINTER ) Baie dankie aan Santam en Dawie Bothma! Julle is staatmakers!– HENRY ) Who is responsible for the two foun­ tains in front of Village Square? One has been empty for weeks and the Whale Tail fountain never works, the water is constantly filthy and the tiles all fell off years ago. Surely in a tourism town like ours it shouldn’t be difficult to keep two small water features clean and functioning. In their present state they give a very real impression of neglect and disinterest. Please, whoever is re­ sponsible, do the right thing, fix the fountains and then maintain them. – IAN M ) Ek het my leesbril in die dorp verloor. Bril se maak Bassie, met ’n swart raam. Indien gevind skakel my asb. Ek voel verlore sonder hom. 0 083 393 2446. – DOREEN ) Baie dankie vir goeie diens: PathCare Hermanus en personeel; dr V. Wium vennote en personeel asook dr. L.Riddel (tandarts) en personeel. Almal omgee mense. Dankie. – E. GILES ) Waaroor kan ons nog kla? O, ja kom ons kla nou oor kinders met skaatsplan­ ke wat my honde laat blaf en ontstel, motoriste wat in die nag jaag. Sal aan nog ergernisse dink en binnekort op­ volg met die klagtes. – ELAINE ) The report about the Milkwood sign has reminded me that the municipality might also not have realised that Dirkie Uys Street in central town is misspelt and reads Dirky Uys. ) Ek is ’n diereliefhebber en het ook twee honde binne my erf. Ek gee nie om as hulle blaf as iemand by die deur

A cold but sunny weekend is expected for most parts of the weekend. A minimum of 9 °C is expected on Saturday and, although sunny, Sunday will still be cold with a minimum of only 10 °C and a maximum of 17 °C.

of hek is nie. 95% van aanvalle by of in jou huis is jy onverhoeds betrap. My honde waarsku my as iemand daar is. En as ek dan gaan kyk dan maak ek hulle stil. Honde moet blaf en sal blaf vir mense wat verby jou huis loop of kom klop. Dis dood normaal. Ek stem dat mens honde kry wat aanhou en aan­ hou. Maar ek voel dis die eienaar se verantwoordelikheid. Bygesê, niemand weet wat hul honde doen as hulle nie tuis is nie. As hulle dan blaf is dit ook ’n afskrikmiddel by tye. Hou op kla. Her­ manus Times is nie ’n kla­koerant nie. Die een oomblik vra almal jy moet hon­ de aanneem. Volgende oomblik kla hul­ le omdat jy honde het. En die kere wat daar by jou ingebreek, gesteel of jy in jou huis aangeval word vra hulle weer, waar was jou honde? ) Excellent TV repair/aerial etc. Rod Dacre. Eugene. Fast & well done. – BRIDGET CROFFORD ) Well done Fisherhaven, that’s the spirit. Let’s be positive and fight crime. –D ) Met trane in my oë sit ek in my warm motor voor Absa en kyk na ’n ou omie in ’n rolstoel wat sit en wag vir die dame wat hom rond stoot terwyl sy minute lank gesels met iemand wat sy toevallig raakloop. Hy’s totaal en al afhanklik van haar en sit maar gedwee. Hy staar stil voor hom uit, lyk so hartseer en hul­ peloos. Ai oom, wens ek kon jou net ’n drukkie gee en sê ek’s jammer vir jou lot! Dit laat my besef my probleme en struikelblokke is niks nie. Ek kan nog loop waar ek wil wees, ek het ’n sê, ek is onafhanklik. ) It is such a pleasure to shop at the OK MiniMark in Onrus – clean, and friendly staff. But can they please do something about their bakery? Buns,

etc. almost always overdone, and un­ der­sized. – DT ) Wat gaan aan in Mountain Drive in Northcliff met die gejaag en doodry van diere en fisante wat loop tussen die koppie en kragstasie? Kan daar nie asb. spoedhobbel gebou word nie. – HOPPIES ) Nou het die munisipaliteit weer ’n nu­ we manier gedink om geld letterlik en figuurlik uit ons te suig met dié van ons wat uitsuig­riooltenks by ons huise het. Voorheen het ons dieselfde bedrag be­ taal om ’n hele tenk uit te suig. En nou ewe skielik suig hul net 6 kiloliter riool vir die bedrag wat ons voorheen op ’n 10 kiloliter riool betaal het. So verneem ek toe as jy als wil laat uitsuig soos dit


voorheen altyd was, moet jy nou dub­ beld vir ’n 10 000 l riool betaal. Ek glo nie ’n mens wat 2 en 2 bymekaar kan tel sal dink dat dit regverdig is nie. Liewe land, ons kry swaar genoeg soos dit is. – DU TOIT ) Hermanus Botanical Society raffle tickets now on sale. Lots of great prizes to win. Contact a Botsoc member. ) Pensioenaris (dame) is op soek na ’n ry­geleentheid van Hermanus na Bela­ Bela (Warmbad) in Limpopo. Is bereid om te help met die brandstof. Bel asse­ blief 0 076 115 7382. ) Lift required urgently to Benoni or nearby. From 04/09/2014. Will share fuel and driving. Call 072 994 1835. – ALLAN DE BEER

Paying it forward – here or abroad We live in Hermanus, South Africa. My son, Jamie, lives in Portland, Oregon. This letter is about what happened in both places. My wife, Felicity Jane Maclennan-Smith recently arranged an appointment for a friend with local Hermanus urologist, Dr J Basson. She paid for the appointment. A gift to a friend. After the initial consultation, Dr Basson arranged for further investigations, including a scan. Not inexpensive. Finally he diagnosed the problem and prescribed certain medication. Then he refunded the full fee Felicity Jane had paid and wrote off the cost. Recently my son had a legal problem. He was quoted US$ 3 000 by an attorney in Portland, which Jamie could not afford, so he went to another Portland attorney, Jim Shad-

duck. Jim sorted it out for him, and although it took several hours, including two court appearances, he refused any payment whatsoever. It reaffirms my faith in the innate goodness of people – which has been a little dented by years practising as an attorney. Hence this letter. Although those involved did not do it for accolades or praise – in fact went to some lengths to conceal what they had done. These are good people. There are others. And I think they deserve to be recognised. I took that lesson to heart and paid it forward to someone who needed legal advice here in Hermanus, South Africa, but couldn’t afford it. Perhaps you can do the same when someone does something to help you, or your family or your friend?


Stilte voor storm? Toe ons gister op iWeather se toring op Hermanusberg inskakel, het die noordwes so 500 m bokant die rustige Overstrand teen 65 km/h gejaag. Tien minute later om 09:10 was dit 75 en ’n bekommerde Weerhaan die res van die dag op dié sein vasgenael. Die voëls het hoeka Dinsdagmiddag vroeg duidelik verskrik teruggekom bome toe en Francois buurman het bekommerd gewys na die grys sperwer wat met halftoe vlerke teen die noordwes huiswaarts beur. Dalk die stilte voor ’n storm, het ons gewonder. Op die skerm het alles so kalm gelyk. Die grafieke wys die windrigting is pal op 330° noordwes. Dit help om die temperatuur (hitte vanuit die noordweste) te kniehalter op rondom 15 °C. Die barometer het egter te stadig gedaal en dit sê (gewoonlik) dat die aankomende vogvrag nie aggressief is nie. Wat dit beteken, sê ek op buurman se vraag, is dat net ’n klein persentasie van die vog wat deur konveksie met warm lug opgeneem word, weer sal terugval aarde toe. Vog kom in drie vorme aan: as vlugtige gas, solied in ysvorm en in vloeibare vorm. Wat daarmee tussen Gough-eiland en Mosselbaai gemaak word, hang alles van die wind af. Gister draai die wind sigbaar weer in die rigting van die Overstrand en die vrag vog met ’n moontlikheid van 15 tot 20 mm reën word effens weggekeer. Dit gee die oorskot vog kans om via die Weskus en Worcester dieper

die binneland in te dryf waar dit tot volledige reënwolke sal groei vir neerslae tot in die noordooste van die land. Die lugverplasing oor die Overberg skep ruimte vir die res van die front wat uit Antarktika in ons rigting gestuur word. Die noordwes sal inbeweeg en opnuut die vogtige lug oplek om dit met sy hoër druk, as die vog, in sy sel in te slinger. As die grafieke konstant bly, sal die vogtige lug môre (Vrydag) met ’n moontlikheid van nog 15 mm reën by ons aankom. Los neerslae kan Dinsdagaand begin skiet gee voor dit volgende Donderdag weer uitsak. Tussenin kry ons Sondag heerlike sonskyn. Toestande waarin voorspelling tans gemaak word, word gestriem deurdat die aarde op ’n nuwe baan is en selfs kompasse met ingeboude magnete wat afgelaai is, nog moet aanpas in onderskeie apps-programme. Die beste is om by die venster uit te kyk waar die son opkom.



Algemeen General

21 August, 2014

11­year­old still semi­comatose after car accident JANINE VAN DER RIET

Troy Williams, who was with his parents, Rodger and Milandré in their car on 14 May on the R43 between Sandbaai and Onrus when a bus hit the car from behind, is still in a semi-comatose state in a rehabilitation centre in Cape Town. The family from Johannesburg was on holiday in Strand and decided to drive through to Hermanus for a day visit. The accident occurred on their journey back to Strand. Little Troy was immediately taken to

Tygerberg Hospital where he remained in ICU in a coma for more than three months. Two weeks ago he was transferred to the St Joseph Rehabilitation Centre in Cape Town where he is undergoing different therapies to aid him to learn to walk and talk again. Milandré says her husband makes several trips to Johannesburg for work, but she has been by his side ever since the accident. Financially and emotionally it is a strain on the family, and they live in guest houses to be close to Troy. They have no family or acquaintances in Cape Town.

According to Milandré, Troy is facing at least another six months of rehabilitation in Cape Town before they can think of moving him to Johannesburg. The bus, belonging to Hanekom Coaching in Cape Town, was transporting school learners from Zwelihle to Kleinmond when the accident happened. The learners in the bus did not suffer any serious injuries.

Troy Williams is still recovering in a re­ habilitation facility in Cape Town. This photo was taken on Troy’s 11th birthday on Monday 18 August. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

RESEPTE / RECIPES Perdeblom Pesto


BESTANDDELE 25 ml sesamsaad, droog gerooster 5 ml knoffel, gekap 20 ml amandelvlokkies, droog gerooster 125 ml perdeblomblare, gekap 15 ml surings gekap (opsioneel), gebruik meer blare as stingels. 125 ml pietersielie (opsioneel) Sout en varsgemaalde swartpeper (na smaak) Suiwer sonneblomolie METODE Spoel eers die perdeblom blare goed af onder water, sodat al die sand verwyder word. Sny perdeblomblare op in kort stukkies, en voeg dit in die twister. Voeg by jou knoffel, amandelvlokkies, sesamsaad, sierings, sout en peper en laastens jou olie. Meng als lekker fyn in jou twister en siedaar jou pesto net reg vir jou pizza basis, “stews”, braai brooitjies en ook op jou braaivleis.

As a woman with all the challenges in life, anything can be achieved if you just put your mind to it and have faith in what you do. Doubt sees ob­ stacles, but faith sees the way! Vonji Steneveldt.

Lizette Britz from Bierman Britz optometrists says: “Women’s Day is there to represent women’s cour­ age and strength, and I am one of those ‘girl power’ females who be­ lieve you can achieve an­ ything and everything you put your mind to. I love the idea of hav­ ing a whole day put aside to think about those achievements. Look back and be proud of all you have done, whether it is starting a small business, surviving breast cancer, being a mom, running an empire, bungee jumping or starting a vegetable garden. Be proud of it as you are doing it for yourself. We as women have come a far way for it to be re­ cognised.”

INGREDIENTS 1 packet marie biscuits, crushed 1 egg and 5 ml vanilla essence mixed together 250 g butter 500 g icing sugar and 40 ml cocoa powder METHOD Melt the butter in a sauce pan. Mix in the icing sugar and cocoa and stir well. Add in the egg and beat well. Take off the heat and add in the crushed marie biscuits. Allow to cool in pan and cut in squares Recipe by Margeaux Victor, Pack n Bake, 028 313 1475.

“Droom en droom groot! Met harde werk en deursettingsvermoë sal jy jou droom verwe­ senlik.” Voor van links is Natasha Leaf­ Wright, Francis van Wyk en Mari Swane­ poel. Agter is Sandra Kruger. Marjoh Pienaar en Leslene Savage is die trotse eienaars van die Van Blommenstein­ slaghuis: Hulle sê: “Dit gaan oor om ’n ver­ skil te maak.”

Nuus News


21 August, 2014




Sakegids Business Guide

21 August, 2014

Moenie emigreer nie, bly hier JAN­HENDRIK COETZER

This is your opportunity to share any breaking news, about your business with potential cus­ tomers in Hermanus and surrounds. Have you recently started a new business, opened a new branch, made new appoint­ ments, won awards or heard about interest­ ing developments? Send your business news to: editor@hermanustimes.co.za. The Business Times section appears in the third week of every month. Next issue date: 18 September.

Tydens die naweek van die Hermanus Times Kalfiefees het dr. Piet Croucamp, ’n spreker wat nie doekies omdraai nie, ’n praatjie gelewer met die fokus op tegnologie, die ekonomie en politiek. Croucamp gee klas aan die Universiteit van Johannesburg en spesialiseer in navorsingsmetodes, en die demokratisering van politieke stelsels. Hy het Saterdag 9 Augustus ’n vol gehoor by die Whale Coast Hotel toegespreek oor wat mense in SuidAfrika te wagte kan wees. Croucamp het onder andere baie klem gelê op tegnologie en hoe dit die onderwys, landbou en die arbeidsektor gaan verander. “Tien jaar gelede het niemand gedink dat die grootste biblioteek op aarde in die vorm van ’n selfoon in jou handpalm gaan pas nie. Net so kan ons ook binne die volgende paar jaar 3D-printers te wagte wees. Jy sal letterlik enigiets kan druk, as ’n koppie breek, dan druk jy eenvoudig vir jou ’n nuwe een. In die toekoms gaan dit ook nie meer nodig wees vir ’n onderwyser om fisies voor in die klas te staan en klasgee nie aangesien i-pad-onderwys gaan toeneem.” Volgens Croucamp sal ons meer moet begin fokus op ontwerp en nie noodwendig verspreiding nie. “Dis hoekom ’n land soos Amerika so vinnig vooruitgaan. Amerikaners is baie meer ontwerp-georiënteer en gee dit hulle ’n geweldige voorsprong in terme van innoverend dink en sodoende altyd op die voorpunt van ontwikkeling bly.” Oor die ontwikkeling van moderne tegnologie, sê Croucamp grappenderwys “ek het byvoorbeeld nou my vierde Landrover, en ek is seker my vyfde een gaan nie olie lek nie.” Oor politiek voel Croucamp dat meer mededingende partypolitiek nodig is en dat die ANC beter sal presteer as die DA byvoorbeeld meer druk toepas. “Die geheim is uiteraard dat ons iets nalaat vir ons kinders en die land ’n beter plek vir hulle los. Ons kla so maklik oor misdaad en korrupsie, maar ons verloor uit die oog dat ons in Suid-Afrika ten minste nie ’n burgeroorlog

Dr. Piet Croucamp tydens sy toespraak by die Whale Coast Hotel. Hy was die gasspreker by die Kalfiefees se besprekingsprogram. het nie. Ons het dalk ’n ietwat onbestendige demokrasie op die oomblik, maar ten minste hét ons ’n demokrasie. So baie mense wonder altyd of ons nie op dieselfde pad as Zimbabwe is nie, maar ek kan hulle verseker dat ons nie is nie. Die hele Zimbabwe se ekonomie is so te sê gelykstaande aan dié van Durban. So ons politiek en ekonomie is baie meer divers as dié van Zimbabwe,” sê Croucamp. Volgens Croucamp is die probleem waarmee ons wel sit, dat die verkeerde mense toegang tot grond kry. “In plaas daarvan dat ons swart boere wat reeds boer, bemagtig en aan hulle die grond gee, gee ons tans grond eerder aan swartes met politieke belang. As ons dit aan huidige swart boere gee, dan kan grondhervorming ’n suksesverhaal wees.” Croucamp voer ook aan dat SEB (Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging) een van die grootste sondes in Suid-Afrika is. “Die ekonomie groei nou teen minder as 2%. SEB is ’n redelike radikale ingryping in produktiwiteit en ondermyn die aansporing vir entrepreneurs om kapitaal te belê. SEB is seker die belangrikste faktor in ons ekonomiese inkrimping – dit is ideologies gedrewe en het ’n enorme ekonomiese invloed.” Croucamp sê ook dat verstedeliking in Suid-Afrika binne die volgende 10 jaar geweldig gaan toeneem. “Ons het reeds ’n geweldige hoë verstedelikingspatroon in Suid-Afrika. Die redes het te doen met armoede op die platte-

land, maar ook omdat die geleenthede vir groei en ontwikkeling grootliks ’n stedelike fenomeen is. Skole op die platteland sal nie die bronne hê wat nodig is om te bly nie, maar daar is ook nie die mark of belastingbasis in landelike areas nie. So as jy welvaart op die platteland wil hê, sal jy dit in die stede moet gaan haal.” Volgens Croucamp is ’n groot probleem dat daar van president Jacob Zuma ontslae geraak moet word. “Hy moet aangekla en vervolg word vir verskeie sake. Korrupsie in die geval van die Shaiksaak, maar ook vir sy betrokkenheid by die Nkandla-debakel. Zuma is opportunisties en is besig om ’n patronaat-staat te skep waarin korrupsie en politieke spanning sal floreer. Hy is ’n tradisionele leier, nie die staatshoof van ’n gemoderniseerde landskap nie.” Croucamp het ook gepraat oor die feit dat die middel- en werkersklas hopeloos te min verdien. “’n Onderwyser hier verdien gemiddeld R12 000 per maand teenoor ’n onderwyser in Engeland wat sowat R25 000 per maand verdien - en dis ná aftrekkings. Wat dan gebeur, is jy kom nie uit met jou geld nie, jy het ’n familie om te onderhou en dan moet jy op die ou end gaan geld leen. En so bly jy net heeltyd agteruit boer. Dis byvoorbeeld hoe wit Suid-Afrikaners jare terug ryk geword het – deur bates en nie noodwendig harde werk nie. Daar is vroeg in hulle lewe huis gekoop en afbetaal en was die

skuldlas vroeër minder.” Verder voel Croucamp dat misdaad en korrupsie aangespreek en tegnologie en dienste-ekonomie uitgebou moet word. “Die dienste-ekonomie is tans 70% van die totale ekonomie. Dit is ook die een sektor wat ’n tekort aan opgeleide arbeid ervaar. Hoewel dit nie noodwendig nuwe welvaart skep nie, is dit ’n geweldige groot area vir indiensneming. Die media speel ook natuurlik ’n baie belangrike rol en mense moet die media ondersteun. Dis die rol wat die media speel, wat verseker dat die regering nie net kan maak en breek soos hulle wil nie. Dis juis die media wat hulle in toom hou. Mense moet ook die waarde van entrepreneurskap begin besef en hul eie ding begin doen. Ons kan nie verwag die regering moet vir als pa-staan nie. Vat byvoorbeeld die privaatskool, Curro, hulle doen geweldig goed op die aandelebeurs en is nie deel van die staat nie, en trek al hoe meer mense. “Entrepreneurskap is sentraal tot vooruitgang, ontwikkeling en groei. Dit is egter ’n konsekwensie van onderwys, opleiding en ervaring - iets wat tans nie genoeg aandag kry nie. Al wat ek vir mense kan sê is, hou op kla, raak betrokke by organisasies in jou gemeenskap, vestig digte netwerke en neem verantwoordelikheid vir jou eie bestuur. Van die sowat een miljoen mense wat reeds landuit is – hulle het nie almal gemigreer oor misdaad en korrupsie nie, van hulle het bloot beter geleenthede gekry.” Croucamp het verder gesê mense moet positief bly en nie emigreer nie. “Baie van die probleme in Suid-Afrika deel ons met ander stelsels en lande. Ten spyte van ons gebreke is daar geweldig baie geleenthede om ’n gerekende lewenskwaliteit te handhaaf in hierdie land. Die toekoms blink met ’n ‘groter prentjie’ waaruit jy net voordeel kan trek indien jy entrepreneurskap, goeie gesondheid, kapitaal en bates kan akkumuleer. “Die wyse waarop mense ’n lewe maak of welvaart genereer, gaan revolusionêr verander oor die volgende dekade. “So moenie weggaan nie, want jy is goed geplaas om voordeel te put uit hierdie verandering,” sê Croucamp.

IN MY OPINION: The awesome power of an apology CHRIS MOERDYK It is a window of opportunity that has opened up for perhaps just a few years but it is going to take the mass media, marketing strategists, ad agencies, and clients with titanium balls to really make the best of it. But, get it right and the rewards will be enormous. It is called the “power of apology” and it all started when En­ ron was exposed a dozen or so years ago. Then came September 11 and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, fol­ lowed closely by the sex abuse cover­ up scandal in the Catholic Church, mayhem as a gay priest was appoint­ ed bishop in the Anglican church and all sorts of other misdemeanours among the world’s religions. The list is fairly endless of occurrenc­ es that have left the world’s consumers, those ordinary Joe’s we call the “man in the street”, with their confidence in human nature shattered. Business, politics and religion have let them down and now they’re desper­ ately looking for someone to trust. This means enormous opportunities for companies prepared to throw away those “We Care” plaques on their reception walls and stop using

their ads as platforms for empty prom­ ises with “We’re the Best” and all that sort of guff. And then, to start making accountable, measurable promises to win the trust of consumers by deliver­ ing quality on time and backing it up with no­nonsense after­sales service. Just say it: “We screwed up and we’re sorry” – and mean it. But, there is an even bigger opportu­ nity for companies that really want to take maximum advantage of the social climate right now and win the hearts and minds of disenchanted consumers by hanging their dirty laundry out for everyone to see. Because this is what the power of apology is all about. Not being scared to tell consumers that you’re not per­ fect, that you made mistakes, what mis­ takes you’ve made and what you’re doing to get things right. It’s a good start by saying you’re not perfect, but what’s needed to get con­ sumer confidence today is to say why you’re not perfect. It all boils down to the old adage our parents used to teach us when they insisted we go and say sorry to friends and family we had hurt. It is also in all those management training cours­ es. Not just avoiding colleagues and

playing “no speaks” because you feel they need to apologise first, but rather taking the initiative, no matter who is right or wrong and apologising. Not only are fences mended but whatever relationships there were be­ fore, are strengthened. It is a manage­ ment basic. Companies that are going to milk this situation to the utmost are those that are going to include in all their market­ ing communications some serious, honest, breast­beating accompanied by measurable promises. Going the extra mile... actually cre­ ating “mistakes”... Some companies overseas have al­ ready cottoned on to this phenomenon and seem to have had so much success that when they run out of things they have done wrong and for which they have apologised, they’re actually starting to concoct mistakes just so they have something more to apologise for. What most companies don’t realise, particularly in the field of customer service, is that the normal knee­jerk re­ action employees have of defending their firm’s actions is pointless, time­ wasting and counter­productive. My biggest lesson in life came from my brother on my wedding day. “Al­

ways agree with your mother­in­law,” he advised. Why? Because arguing is pointless and in most cases it doesn’t matter who was right or who was wrong; all that counts is moving on to something more constructive than a petty argument. So, when customers phone to com­ plain, agree with them, whether they’re right or wrong. You have to re­ solve the problem anyway, so you may as well get the unproductive part of the conversation over with. Now, this is all moving into advertis­ ing and PR. Wide­awake companies welcome something they’ve cocked up as a wonderful opportunity to apolo­ gise and win the trust of the consumer. Because right now, nothing is more trusted by mankind generally than the honesty of an admission of guilt. No lies, no deceit, no smoke and mirrors, just the plain, honest truth. It not only works wonders, but its profita­ ble and then some. Right, now who has enough titanium in their goonies to get this going? ) Chris Moerdyk is a corpo­ rate marketing analyst, advi­ sor and media commentator. The article first appeared on www.themediaonline.co.za.


Sakegids Business Guide

21 August, 2014

Offshore investing, just a Rand hedge? Over the past year or three the rand depreciated meaningfully against major currencies such as the US dollar, Sterling and Euro. While many commentators believe that the local currency is now trading much closer to its long-term parity, most agree that trying to forecast the rand’s exchange rate is a futile and hazardous exercise. Having regard to the uncertainty as to where the rand may be in a month or a year, many investors have reacted to a weakening rand exchange rate and the risk of further weakness by allocating increasing percentages of their investment portfolios to offshore assets. We do not believe that a view on the rand should be the dominant determinant of an investor’s strategic allocation to offshore assets. Even though offshore investment exposure will protect your investment portfolio against a weakening rand, there are other material advantages to offshore investing. Some of these are: ) Diversification across geographical regions and currencies ) Protection against countryspecific risks and political concerns ) Obtaining exposure to securities/assets not available in South Africa There are various ways in which an investor can obtain exposure to offshore assets and each has its own set of advantages, disadvantages and costs. An investor, in consultation with his financial adviser or portfolio manager, should carefully consider the suitability of the different alternatives for his specific circumstances.

A popular option is to invest in top-quality international companies that are also listed on the JSE, such as SAB Miller and BHP Billiton. This option is usually cost-effective and easy to implement, as it forms part of one’s local share portfolio. At the same time, it offers a good hedge against the weakening of the rand and offers diversification across different economies and geographical regions. One also does not need to take the funds offshore, hence avoiding the process of applying for tax clearance. The unit trust industry offers various rand-denominated South African funds that are one hundred percent invested in their offshore equivalents. These funds can often be identified by the reference to “feeder fund” in their names. An example is the PSG Global Equity Feeder Fund. While the fund is denominated in rand, it is solely invested in the PSG Global Equity Fund IC Limited, which is a US dollar based fund. Investors will mainly obtain exposure to international equity when investing in this fund. No tax clearance is required when investing into a South African feeder fund. Many of the prominent South African fund managers offer a range of offshore unit trusts, mostly denominated in the major international currencies, such as the US dollar, sterling and euro. Investors are offered options to choose a fund that fits a particular risk profile or desired asset allocation, as funds range from conservative money market investments to high risk equity-only investments. In this case one will need to obtain tax clearance if the amount invested offshore

exceeds the R1 million per year that an individual can use for forex transactions without clearance. The total amount that an individual can move offshore is R5 million per year. An even more direct involvement in offshore equities is a bespoke share portfolio for the portion of your total investments for which you require offshore equity exposure. This alternative gives an investor access to a broad universe of shares listed on exchanges all over the world. One of the main advantages of a direct offshore share portfolio usually is lower management fees compared with offshore equity unit trusts. Furthermore, an investor can customize his share selection to suit his long-term investment plan or specific requirements. Tax clearance is also required for investments larger than R1 million per year. It is important for an investor, together with his auditor, to gain information on the tax and estate planning implications of offshore investments. Foreign interest and dividends need to be declared in South Africa. Some countries also impose estate duty when the foreign assets held in that country exceed a certain threshold. The offshore allowance of R5 million per year is only available for natural persons. Trusts and other legal entities can also invest directly offshore by using the asset swop mechanism. However, one needs to keep in mind that the funds invested via an asset swop cannot remain offshore indefinitely and need to be

repatriated to South Africa and converted into rand at some point in the future. One very important aspect to remember when investing offshore is that the characteristics of the country’s economy in which you are invested will have a significant bearing on your investment return. For example, developed countries typically have lower inflation rates than emerging markets. As a result, the prevailing interest rate in the developed country will most likely be lower and investment returns measured in the country’s home currency may also fall short of those of your local investments. Also be mindful of the fact that the currency exposure can add unwanted volatility to your portfolio. Evaluate your desired longterm exposure to offshore assets in consultation with your investment adviser or portfolio manager and do not be swayed by shortterm movements of the rand’s exchange rate. Irrespective of whether you invest in local or offshore assets, always ensure that you stick with high-quality investments and adhere to your investment plan. Note: This article does not constitute formal advice. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Always remember to consult your stockbroker before investing. Jaanre Muller is a portfolio analyst at PSG, Hermanus.

FINMONITOR Jaanre Muller

New sanctuary for penguins and sea birds to be built A group of individuals passionate about conservation and their sponsors, gathered at the Birkenhead Lodge grounds at Gansbaai in 19 August to launch a partnership aimed at providing a sanctuary for the endangered African Penguin and seabirds. It was a lifelong dream come true for Wilfred Chivell from the Dyer Island Conservation Trust (DICT). The group has been working towards conserving penguins and other seabirds in the area for decades. “The African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary (APSS) will be dedicated to the unconditional welfare of distressed seabirds in the Overstrand region,” said Chivell. “Words cannot express how grateful we are for the support of our donors which have made today possible.” The Dyer Island Conservation Trust is driving the establishment of the rehabilitation centre supported by Volkswagen South Africa (VWSA), Wildlands, Grindrod Bank and the Blue Fund. DICT has expressed a desperate need for a rehab centre. “Currently any birds found injured are sent to SANCCOB (Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds) in Cape Town where they are rehabilitated and then released in the Cape Town area,” said Chivell. “SANCCOB does a fantastic job, however, it is a fair distance away and results in unnecessary stress for the birds as well as difficulty in finding their home colo-

Graphics of the new building.

The first soil for the new Dyer Island penguin and sea bird sanctuary is turned by David Polkinghorne, Bridget Harpur, Dr Andrew Venter and Wilfred Chivell, breaking ground for the African Penguin and Seabird Sanctu­ ary. PHOTO: HENNIE OTTO ny due to the distance on release.” Land has already been purchased and DICT has received funding from VWSA for infrastructure. The next step is a laboratory, an education centre, equipment and specialised flooring. “We are extremely excited about starting the project,” said Alouise Lynch from DICT. There is still a lot of work to be done before it is completed and

they are still in dire need of funds. “The project will cost just over R3 million. We will start building as soon as possible and we hope to be operational by the end of December 2014. “We still need a lot of equipment, including building material and cold storage. Any help, whether through donations or through help with building and materials, would be greatly appreciated,” said Lynch.

To become involved with the project, call the DICT office at 082 907 5607 or e-mail office@dict.org.za. Present at the turning of the first sod were David Powels, Managing Director: Volkswagen Group South Africa, Bridget Harpur, Brand Manager at VWSA, David Polkinghorne, MD of Grindrod Bank Limited, Wildlands CEO Dr Andrew Venter and various other role players.




Algemeen General

21 August, 2014






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TLE TOPS AND BREAD TAGS The Hermanus Rotary Anns is a drop-off point for all the plastic bottle tops being collected for the ANIMA Child Developmental Intervention Centre, and the bread tags being collected for the Overstrand Wheelchair Association. Please bring whatever you manage to collect to the Bargain Box, in Mitchell Street (diagonally opposite Waltons) on a Monday, Wednesday or Thursday between 10:00 – 12:00 or on a Tuesday or Friday afternoon between 14:30 – 16:30. These are ongoing projects as the bottle tops are used for educational purposes by ANIMA, and the bread tags are recycled and the proceeds used to purchase wheelchairs. – Monica Hamman, president, Hermanus Rotary Anns. ) NEW PREMISES This is to inform all existing and new patients that my physiotherapy practice will be moving to new premises as of 26 August. The new address is at the corner of 7th Street and 17th Avenue, Voëlklip. My contact number remains the same. – Felicia Jordaan. Call: 028 314 0355. ) RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE The Fernkloof Flower Festival will be taking place from 25 to 28 September and raffle tickets for great prizes are now on sale. Contact any BotSoc member or call Jane Moore: 0 028 312 1255. ) HEALTH AND WELFARE AGM The Annual General Meeting of Mount Pleasant Health and Welfare will be held on 10 September at the Mount Pleasant Business Centre at 18:00. All Welcome. ) OUPA EN OUMA SE ANTWOORDMASJIEN Ons is tans nie tuis nie, maar laat asseblief ’n boodskap ná die toon. As jy een van ons kinders is, druk die nommer kind wat jy is en druk dan een van die volgende nege opsies, sodat ons by ons terugkoms kan weet wat ons moet doen: 1. As ons die kleinkinders moet kom oppas, druk asseblief 2 2. As julle ons kar wil leen, druk 3 3. As julle wil hê ons moet julle klere was en stryk, druk 4 4. As julle wil hê dat die kleinkinders by ons moet kom slaap, druk 5 5. As julle wil hê dat ons die kinders by die skool moet gaan haal, druk 6 6. As julle wil hê dat ons vir julle ’n maaltyd moet voorberei of dit by julle huis aflewer, druk 7 7. As julle hier wil kom eet, druk 8 8. As julle geld nodig het, druk 9 9. As julle ons vir ete gaan nooi, of ons teater toe wil vat, begin praat, ons luister.


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VERMIS: ’n Familie van die Strand se hondjie Basjan, het Saterdag 16 Au­ gustus ongeveer 11:00 weggeraak. Hulle het van die Strand na Caledon gery. Basjan was saam met die familie se groot honde agterin en hulle ver­ moed die groot honde moes die ruit oopgestoot het en so het hy uitgekom. Hy is ’n ses maande oue skaaphondjie en ’n reuntjie. Die familie bied ’n belo­ ning aan vir enigiemand wat Basjan aan hulle terugbesorg. Hulle vermoed die hond het tussen Houwhoekpas en Caledon uitgespring. ’n Skaaphond is Woensdagoggend naby Peregrine Pad­ stal gewaar, maar dit is nog nie seker of dit dieselfde hond is nie. Teen druk­ tyd het die familie nog in daardie om­ gewing na Basjan gesoek. Kontak vir Jaco op 082 565 9422 of Miemsie op 084 6666 748.


Algemeen General

21 August, 2014


Merkwaardige herstel vir kind ná verlamming L2L ‘oldies’ of 2006 called to walk the 10th ster gestuur waarna dit deur middel van aarvoeding aan Rosemary toeRosemary Murphy (15), ’n leer- gedien is. Nadat sy haar bewussyn der by Hawston Sekondêr, het herwin het, is sy na Tygerberg-hosmerkwaardig herstel nadat sy in pitaal geneem waar verdere toetse 2010 met ’n siekte genaamd Guil- op haar gedoen is. Dis toe dat Roselian Barre Sindroom gediagno- mary met Guillian Barre Sindroom seer is en sy vir drie jaar in ’n rol- gediagnoseer is. Ná drie weke is sy ontslaan waarstoel moes deurbring. na sy by die Eros Skool vir Kinders Guillian Barre Sindroom is ’n met Gestremdhede in die Kaap aanvaar is. skaars siekte “Dit was waar die senuvreeslik. My weestelsel aankind was vir geval word en in drie jaar in ’n die ergste gevalrolstoel, sy kon le, soos in Rosenie praat nie en mary s’n, so ’n sy kon ook geen persoon verlam van haar familaat. lielede onthou Volgens Rosenie. Met gebede mary se ma, Flois aanhou glo rence Samson, Rosemary Murphy (regs) saam met dat sy die siekte het haar dogter haar ma, Florence Samson. sal oorwin.” vier jaar gelede FOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER In 2013 het by die skool flou geval waarna sy dokter toe gegaan Rosemary weer begin loop en aan het vir ’n ondersoek. “Rosemary se die begin van vanjaar is sy ingevoete het begin dood voel, sy het ge- skryf by Hawston Sekondêr. Rosemary is steeds op medikasie, sukkel om asem te haal en haar spraak was ook aangetas. ’n Ambu- ervaar nog pyn in haar bene en rug lans het haar deurgejaag na Worce- en kan nie hardloop of lang afstande ster-hospitaal nadat haar hart ook loop nie, maar afgesien daarvan, tweemaal gaan staan het. Sy was so- funksioneer sy verder heeltemal wat ’n maand in Worcester waarty- normaal. “Nou nog vra ander kinders vir dens dokters gepoog het om haar bewussyn terug te kry,” sê Florence. my of ek nie die meisie is wat vier By navraag aan ander hospitale jaar gelede so flou geval het by die oor haar simptome, het Groote skool nie, en wens ek net dat hulle Schuur Hospitaal laat weet dat hulle verby dit kan begin kyk en my sien dieselfde geval gehad het. Grootte soos ek is vandag – normaal,” is Schuur het toe medikasie na Worce- Rosemary se versugting.

The 2015 Lighthouse2Lighthouse (L2L) walk will take place from 12 – 15 March and will be the 10th annual walk. To celebrate this achievement the committee is calling upon all the original lighthouse ladies from the 2006 walk, to join in again. “They can join us for the full four days of the walk from Agulhas lighthouse to Danger Point lighthouse,” invites Les Clark. “Or they can join us at Die Dam on the night of Saturday 14 March, when we will have a celebratory dinner and evening together, and they can walk the last day with us, back to Grotto beach. Or they can walk the last two days (Saturday from Die Dam to Pearly Beach and Sunday, Pearly Beach to Danger Point Lighthouse then on to Grotto beach.” Back in 2006, 23 women undertook the (then) five-day hike which started after an impromptu chat among a trio of enthusiastic hikers, Antionette van Vuuren, Heleen du Toit and Rozelle Pretorius from Hermanus. They thought a coastal walk along remote and wild areas would be great fun. This idea grew to include more women and turned into a fundraising event. “This first route began in Struisbaai and finished at Grotto Beach. Each night walkers camped at different places. In those early days it was quite primitive, for instance at Brandfontein

Walking from Lighthouse2Lighthouse for charity. there where no ablutions or showers,” says Les. “Each morning the tents were taken down and transported with the bags to the next site by a backup team who where also the cooks. Cooking was on gas, but even so delicious food was provided.” The walk now stretches over four days and the 60 women cover a distance of 100 km. To date L2L has handed over more than R1 300 000 to charities in the Overstrand. Last year R315 000 was donated to Waldorf School with which they bought a bus, and to Kids Can in Kleinmond. ) If you want to retrace your earlier L2L footsteps all 2006 ladies can contact: Les Clark on 028 316 4144 or email info@kalkansbest.com or Ronel van Zyl at 028 316 4844, email: ronelvzyl@telkomsa.net.

Vote and register for L2L 2015 This year there will be only one meeting on Wednesday 27 August at the United Church hall at 18:00 where the ladies can vote for which of the 5 charities will be the lucky recipient of the amount raised. Each of the five charities will do a presentation. All ladies wishing to join the charity walk in 2015 are asked to attend the meeting in order to vote and also to register for the walk. For more information contact Ronel van Zyl at 028 316 4844, email: ronelvzyl@telkomsa.net





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Algemeen General

21 August, 2014

BRANDWEER KUIER BY KLEINMOND PRIMÊR: Kleinmond Primêre Skool het Vry­ dag 15 Augustus ’n loopbaandag gehou waar al die kinders hulself moes aantrek vol­ gens die beroep wat hulle eendag wil volg. Die Kleinmond Brandweer het ook vir hulle ’n demonstrasie kom hou en die leerders gewys wat hul beroep behels.

Daar was iets van alle soort beroe­ pe verteenwoordig onder die leer­ ders van Kleinmond Primêre Skool. Die dag was groot pret en brand­ weerdienste se demonstrasies het die dag nog meer opwindend ge­ maak.


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Algemeen General

21 August, 2014

OLIMPIADE: Altesame agt Gr.11­ en Gr.10­meisies van Curro Hermanus het puik presteer in die ATKV se landwye Afrikaanse Olimpiade vir Seniors. Charnay Vorster (Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal) is onder die top­20 in die Wes­Kaap en onder die top­100 nasionaal. Hier is (agter van links) Annorhyn Tolken, Colia Kleyn, Layla Arrison en Charnay Vorster; (voor) Simone Eygelaar, Tay­Yibah Moos en Mary Gordon.

LEERDERS PRESTEER IN EISTEDDFOD: Dié Laerskool Hermanus­ leerders het onlangs aan die Overberg Sang Eisteddfod deel­ geneem en baie goed presteer: (agter van links): Zandri Kotze (silwer), Carolyn du To­ it (silwer) en Megan Hassenkamp (goud); (voor) Meaghan McLa­ chlan (cum laude).

EISTEDDFOD: Her­ manus Primary’s Grade 1 to 3 Eng­ lish Eisteddfod Silver winners are (back row): Celeste Botha, Nikki Brindley, Juliet Fouché, Holly Jenkins and Abbi Romburg. Middle: Colin Sutherland, Catherine Yorke, Lisa Mcinjana and Emihle Dyantyi, Front: Alianna Isaacs, Rahim Kombe and Liv Gordan.

CHESS TOURNAMENT: Curro Hermanus hosted its second annual chess tournament on Fri­ day 1 August. Age groups were between 7 and 18 years. The overall winner of the junior floating trophy was Curro Durbanville and Curro Hermanus won the senior floating trophy. Individual players received medals for first, second and third places. A total of 120 learners from all over the Boland region took part.




Algemeen General

21 August, 2014

NATURE MATTERS: The Cape Serotine Bat (Neoromicia capensis) is a common visitor to gardens in the Cape. Its main diet is mosqui­ toes and other flying insects. It is tiny, weigh­ ing 6 to 10 grams, and most people are not even aware of their presence. Potentially, a Cape Serotine Bat can consume 2 000 mosqui­ toes per night. These bats roost in families of between 15 and 20 individuals. They can therefore theoretically consume roughly 30 000–40 000 mosquitoes each night. That is a lot of mosquitoes! So if you are troubled by these pesky insects in summer, consider install­ ing a bat box in your garden. (Photo Courtesy of Mammals’ Planet) – ANINA LEE

ADT Security (Pty) Ltd – Hermanus Branch Reconnections Sales Consultant Overall Purpose of the Job: The incumbent would be responsible for the reconnecting of moving cancellations, selling monitoring and armed response services, including direct systems, as well as service upgrades to existing and new clients. Main Duties: • Market and sell the services of armed response and monitoring • The incumbent will receive targets in the categories of Reconnection of moving cancellations (internal and dealer), Direct systems and New contracts • Follow up on all moving cancellation leads received internally, and maintain an 80% average closing rate of these cancellations • The incumbent will be required to conduct robot stands and distribution of marketing material, door knocking sessions, shopping mall stands, big events stands etc. to market our services and to sign up clients • Must be able to forge relations with key role players in the community (i.e. estate agents, architects, building contractors, project managers, internal staff etc.) to receive leads which must be turned into positive sales • S/He will need to work after hours and on weekends on an Adhoc basis • Maintain all administrative duties pertaining to sales • Attend SAPS and public meetings Minimum Qualifications and Experience: • Previous sales experience • Knowledge of DSC, CADDX, IDS alarm systems (advantageous) • Matric • Valid driver’s licence • Own reliable vehicle Other Attributes: • Excellent communication and writing skills (English & Afrikaans) • Able to work flexible hours and presentable • Of sober habits • Self-motivated and disciplined Closing Date: 29 August 2014 Should you meet the minimum requirements and wish to apply for this position, please forward a detailed CV via e-mail: vdaniels@adt.co.za or fax: 0215973042 and clearly state the position you are applying for.

Please note that only applicants who meet the minimum requirements will be contacted. Please consider your application as unsuccessful should you not have heard from us within four weeks of your application.

Enjoy a night of iconic swing music Solid Gold Swing brings two veteran performers to the stage for an evening of iconic swing music on Saturday 30 August at the Hermanus High School hall. The event is a fundraiser in aid of the Hermanus Night Shelter to help maintain the temporary shelter. Kevin Abbott and Nick Snow join forces to bring you hits from stars such as Frank

HOËRSKOOL HIGH SCHOOL Part-Time information Technology Teacher required for Grade 10 to 12 from January 2015 Programming skills required in JAVA (Netbeans) Dual Medium (English and Afrikaans) Tel: 028 312 3760 / Fax: 028 313 0814 E-mail: principal@hhadmin.co.za Closing Date: 12 September 2014

Sales / Showroom Consultant Great opportunity for sophisticated young person to join a vibrant sales team in a well established business. We are looking for someone with flair and an interest in homes and interior decor, someone that has a sophisticated and outgoing personality and good communication skills. Full training will be provided. Experience and contactable references necessary. Excellent staff benefits. Fax CV to 028 312 1980, phone Sonja on 028 312 1131 or email sobarnard@pennypinchers.co.za. (Only suitable candidates will be contacted).

GESONDHEID & WELSYN ORGANISASIE HEALTH & WELFARE ORGANISATION HAWSTON REG NO. 022-741 NPO ADVERT PROFESSIONAL OR ENROLLED / STAFF NURSE Do you have a passion for nursing and want to make a difference in the community? An opportunity has risen in the Hawston health and welfare organisation, a community based project for a professional or enrolled nurse. Job Title : Professional or Enrolled/staff Nurse: General and Medical nursing Location : Hawston, (Overstrand Sub-district). Recruiter : Julia Johnson Closing Date : 5 September 2014 Requirements: • Enrolment with SANC as an Professional / Enrolled Nurse for 2014 Relevant experience as an Professional / Enrolled Nurse. • Good communication skills. • Knowledge of the scientific nursing process. • Critical attention with regard to quality patient care. • Able to function well under pressure and as a team member. Key Areas: • Maintaining and overseeing high quality patient care. • Accurate record-keeping. • Liaison between patients, doctors, care workers and multidisciplinary personnel. • Providing high quality patient care. • Accurate record-keeping • Client satisfaction. • General nursing duties applicable. • Client satisfaction General nursing duties. • Coordinate home based services Other Information: Please contact Julia Johnson 028-315 2527. Applications can be hand delivered to 169 Church Street, Hawston, posted to PO Box 79, Hawston, 7202. Or faxed to 0866509907 no later than 5 September 2014.

Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis Jr. Kevin and Nick will have the audience feeling like they’re right back in the golden age of music where the lyrics were smooth and the whiskey even smoother. Tickets cost R120. Doors open at 19:30. For bookings, phone Heté Fourie on 082 081 9050 or Badisa Hermanus on 028 312 3909.


Algemeen General FRIDAY 22 AUGUST ) Friends of the Library’s special guest today at the Bhuki Cafë is Jami Yates­ Kastner from Stanford who will be talk­ ing about her recently published book Sam And Me And The Hard Pear Tree ­ about her path of self­discovery, hope and coping with the tragic loss of her THURSDAY 21 AUGUST ) Die borduurgroep kom byeen by die youngest son, Sam. Enjoy tea/coffee De Wetsaal van 09:00 – 13:00. Anna and home made treats, from 09:00 to 11:30. le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second ) Kolwyntjie­teetuin by die NG kerk Thursday at Hermanus Golf Club at Onrusrivier. 12:15. Lyle: 0 028 314 1390 / ) Northcliff House College fundraiser Youth Concert. Sandbaai Hall at 18:30. 073 778 2777. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Adults R50. Students/Kids R30. Line up Thursday at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall. includes performances by Retro Dizzy, Henriëtte Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809. made up of ex Northcliff House College ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at and Hermanus High students. Food and 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Vil­ drinks can be purchased at the venue. lage. All welcome. Frank Matthee: ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:15 – 09:30 above the sports 0 082 870 1187. field near Old Boys Club. Charlyn Vosloo:0 082 5 58 8731. ) Kunsklasse by die De Wetsaal van 09:00 – 12:00. Bel Estelle Valkenburg: 0 028 316 352 2. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 12:00 – 16:30. Anneke van der Vlug: 0 082 923 979 9. ) Cansa Night at the Races at the Wine Village. 18:30 for 19:00. Home­made soup and bread for sus­ tenance. Tickets cost R40. Dress as you would for the Durban July. ) The U3A presents a talk on: Understanding Great Music: The Oratorio. Catho­ lic Church Hall. 10:00. Contact OAK PIANO CONCERT: Pieter Grobler, head of De Powell: practical music studies at Stellenbosch University, will 0 028 3161251 give a piano recital to start the second half of the OAK programme for 2014. He will play Prelude and SATURDAY 23 Fugue in B-minor major Op 87 No 21 by Shostakovi­ AUGUST ch; Sonata in D major K576 by Mozart; Pastorale e ) Sprokkelster­ Capriccio by Arnold van Wyk; Trois Novelettes by F teater, Onrus bied Poulenc and Polonaise-Fantaisie Op 61 by Chopin. The concert will take place on 29 August in the Civic Audi­ aan Hutsetiket: ’n Komedie met Eliz­ torium at 19:00. Tickets at R100 (R50 for scholars and ma Vermeulen om students) are available from Bellini Gallery at 19:00. Kaartjies 028 312 4988. For more information call the secretary kos R80. Bespre­ René du Plooy on 082 940 4238.

21 August, 2014

kings kan gedoen word by 0 082 896 5106 / 0 028 316 4567 / in­ fo@sprokkelster.co.za. ) Hermanus Country Market, 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kos­en­wyn­ mark van 09:00 – 13:00. ) Market in the Garden at Hemel­en­ Aarde Village from 09:00 – 14:00. ) Single people: are you recently di­ vorced, a widow or widower? Come and meet people who are in the same situation and receive emotional support, and maybe meet a special friend through the group. Call: 0 076 115 7382. SUNDAY 24 AUGUST ) The Salandra Country Market every Sunday from 09:00 – 16:00 on the R43 at the Shell Service Station between Her­ manus and Bot River. MONDAY 25 AUGUST ) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus: Ma. 08:00 – 09:30; Wo. 15:00 – 17:00 en Do. 08:00 – 09:30. Bel Alida Liebenberg: 0 028 316 3994 / 082 783 5160. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 / 072 230 9179. ) Line­dancing at the De Wet Hall from 17:30 – 18:30. Call Maryanne: 0 073 469 9132 / 028 316 2625. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir will be practising in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in On­ rus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) Die U3A bied ’n praatjie oor Letterkunde aan met Prof Lina Spies wat gesels oor die digter, DJ Opperman. Katolieke kerksaal om 10:00. Vir meet bel Barbara Pretorius by 0 028 3121438. TUESDAY 26 AUGUST ) Leeskringbyeenkoms om 14:30 by Fyn­ bospark. Elna Uys bespreek The Garden of Evening Mist deur Tan Twan Eng. Almal welkom. Bel Maryna by 0 028 3164283. ) AGM of the South African Red Cross Society­Hermanus will be held at 15:00 in the United Church Hall, Royal Street, Her­ manus. Everyone is welcome and tea will be served afterwards ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, Northcliff. André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) The U3A presents a talk on Pollution and management of the Cliff Path by David Beattie, the chairman, Hermanus Cliff Path Management group, in the Catholic Church Hall at 10:00. Contact Gert Claassen: 0 083 312 4072. ) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal, Dinsdae en Woensdae van 17:30 – 18:30. Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. ) Antenatal classes / Voorgeboorteklasse MIRACLE & HEALING CRUSADE Guest Speaker: Pastor Maureen Baxter HAWSTON SECONDARY SCHOOL Hawston Saturday 23 August 2014 & Sunday 24 August 2014 15H00 (3:00pm) Contact Details: Martin/Adriana Lewis Tel: 021 8875505 / Sell: 083 255 5075/083 266 7697


13 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS 028 312 2717

SUNDAY th 24 August 2014 Morning Services: 8.30 & 10am led by Rev. Dr. James Gray

Children's & Youth Ministry 9.45am in the hall

Sunday Evening: 6.30pm 'Surprised by Hope' Series 'The Hope of Jesus' return' Part 4 of 6

every Tuesday at 19:00 in Onrus. Contact Debby: 0 028 316 4880 or 082 500 2218. WEDNESDAY 27 AUGUST ) A reminder to all the Lighthouse2Lighthouse Pioneer 2006 ladies and all ladies who wish to walk in 2015, to come to our first open meeting at 18:00 at United Chruch hall. ) Trimgim­klasse by die Onrusri­ vier­dienssentrum van 10:00 – 11:00. R30 per lid, R45 vir nie­lede. ) Die Christelike Afhank­ likheidsbeweging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Die egskeidingondersteunings­ groep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 by die NG ge­ meente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oosthuysen: 0 072 322 0998. ) Hermanus Garden Club annual soup lunch, at the Catholic Church Hall at 12:00. Members to book and pay R30 to any of our committee members by Friday, 22 August. Phone Sue: 0 028 314 0072. THURSDAY 28 AUGUST ) Dienssentrum Onrus­kerk om 10:00. Almal is welkom om saam te kom fliek: Shall we Dance. Donasie sal welkom wees. VRYDAG 29 AUGUSTUS ) Laerskool Hermanus bied aan: Songs of Neil Diamond, gesing deur Marius de Bruyn. 19:00. R120 per persoon of R960 per tafel (vir 8 per­


sone). Besprekings: 0 028 312 3670 of Leatitia van Niekerk: 0 082 294 0408. ) The U3A presents a talk on Under­ standing Great Music with the Lutheran Church Cantata. in the Catholic Church Hall at 10:00. Barbara Pretorius: 0 028 312 1438. SATURDAY 30 AUGUST ) Light 2014 ladies event at the Sand­ baai hall. 08:30 to 12:00. Theme: Or­ dinary women loved by an extraordi­ nary God. Tickets R50. Includes coffee/ tea and snacks. 0 028 312 4283 or office@livethelife.org.za or www.face­ book.com/light.ladies.event. ) Solid Gold Swing, with Kevin Abbott and Nick Snow. 19:30. Hermanus High School hall. Tickets cost R120. Contact Heté Fourie: 082 081 9050 or Badisa: 028 312 3909.In aid of night shelter. MONDAY 1 SEPTEMBER ) The Walker Bay Stamp Club meets at the Hermanus Bowling Club at 17:30. Call Chrissie van Wyk: 0 028 312 4425. ) Launch of Run/Walk for Life. 17:30 at the Old Boys’ Club across from Her­ manus High School. Join them every Monday, Wednesday and Friday after the launch. Contact Elna Botha: 0 072 640 6822 or 2 hermanus@ RunWalkForLife.co.za. ) Internationally recognised Palis­ sander chamber choir in concert. Unit­ ed Church, 18:30. Entry is free with do­ nations at the door. Contact Phil Pien­ aar: philpienaar@absamail.co.za or 028 3141 884 / 083 290 6910.

Tougher Ranger unveiled for Second Odyssey Challenge QUICKPIC To coincide with the 2014 Ranger Odyssey off-road challenge, Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (FMCSA) has unveiled a new, limited edition version of the locally-built Ranger that will be available from mid-August until the end of September 2014. The inaugural Ranger Odyssey challenge in 2013 saw ten finalists setting up camp and driving in some of Africa’s most gruelling environments. Contestants embarked on an action-packed cross-continent adventure, with only the toughest progressing to the final rounds. “We set out to find the hardiest contestants to take on Africa’s most demanding conditions,” says Gavin

Golightly, marketing manager at FMCSA. “We wanted a personality that was as tough as the Ranger itself.” In September, this year’s Ranger Odyssey competitors will get to experience the most testing terrain that Namibia has to offer over 12 days, 13 stages, and 2 500 kilometres. One team of two people will each win the opportunity to drive an Odyssey Ranger vehicle for a year, along with a R5 000/month fuel allowance. To offer Ranger fans the opportunity of having their own “odysseys”, Ford has built the limited-edition Odyssey Ranger. This double-cab, off-road-ready version of Ford’s popular bakkie will be fitted, as standard, with an accessory pack that includes a snorkel, allowing drivers to

cross deeper bodies of water without endangering the engine, as well as a steel bullbar to protect the front end of the vehicle, and a diff guard to protect its running gear. “This year the general public will get a chance to drive their own Odyssey Ranger,” says Golightly. “We’ve taken the toughest Ranger on offer – the XL-Plus, built to withstand punishing mining environments – and given it a Bushveld makeover.” Other extras fitted to the Odyssey Ranger also include a rubberised load box to deal with the most gruelling demands, and black 17-inch alloy wheels that complement the vehicle’s tough appearance. The Odyssey Ranger is based on the mine-hardened XL-Plus model, recently unveiled by FMCSA at the Go Further event in Johannesburg.

Improvements here include a corrosion­treated, uprated frame that allows for a 3 500 kg towing capacity; front­ drive shaft joints designed to cope with extreme mud environments; and stone protection for the rear suspension.


In addition to the off-road accessories buyers will also benefit from the uprated components and heavy-duty design implemented in the XL-Plus. Improvements here include a corrosion-treated, uprated frame that allows for a 3 6500 kg towing capacity; front-drive shaft joints designed to cope with extreme mud environments; and stone protection for the rear suspension. Power is provided by the 2.2litre Duratorq engine built at the Struandale Engine Plant in Port Elizabeth. It produces 110 kW at 3 700 rpm, and 375 Nm between 1 500 and 2 500rpm. Mated to a six-speed manual transmission,

a locking rear differential, as well as a transfer case offering high- and low-range four-wheel drive, this limited edition Ranger will be able to conquer the tough roads that competitors will encounter in the Odyssey competition. Pricing for the double-cab model, including the Odyssey accessory pack, is recommended at R415 750 including VAT. All Ranger derivatives come with a comprehensive 4-year / 120 000 km warranty and a 5-year / 90 000 kms service plan with service intervals of 15 000 km. Customers will also benefit from 3-years of roadside assistance and a 5-year corrosion warranty as part of the Ford Ranger package.

BOLAND Auto Sold


21 August, 2014


24 HermanusTimes Kia reveals first official photos of Sorento

BOLAND Auto Sold

21 August, 2014

QUICKPIC First photos of the all-new Kia Sorento released today show that the third generation of the popular SUV features a new look, with bold, swept-back styling and sophisticated surface detailing. Longer, lower and wider, with an extended wheelbase, the new Sorento builds on the success of the outgoing model, delivering a premium look and feel, with more space and numerous innovative features. With the brand’s hallmark design

features and a more mature appearance, the new model is instantly recognisable as a Sorento. The new look is an evolution of the current vehicle, incorporating fresh visual elements inspired by the Kia Cross GT concept that debuted at the 2013 Chicago Auto Show, carrying over the long bonnet and the distinctive treatment of the wide D-pillars from the previous generation. The exterior styling of the new Sorento was led by Kia’s Namyang design studio in Korea, with significant levels of input from the brand’s Frankfurt, Germany and Irvine,

California design studios. The front of the new Sorento features a larger, more upright ‘tigernose’ grille, with a three-dimensional diamond pattern, and long, sweptback headlamps. The lower roofline, higher beltline and muscular, rounded shoulders at the rear give the car a dramatic appearance. The sleeker look is enhanced by an increase in length (+95 mm to 4 780 mm)* and a 15 mm reduction in height (down to 1 685 mm), while the 80 mm longer wheelbase (now 2 780 mm) ensures more passenger space in all three seat rows.

Soon-Nam Lee, vice-president of overseas marketing, Kia Motors Corp, said, “While we have retained the name based on the tremendous success of the outgoing model, the all-new Sorento has been completely redesigned and re-engineered, and promises to surprise customers with its thoroughly updated styling, a host of new convenience and safety technologies, as well as enhanced space, driving comfort and handling response.” The all-new Kia Sorento will make its European premiere on Thursday, 2 October, at the 2014 Paris Motor Show.

The exterior styling of the new Sorento was led by Kia’s Namyang design studio in Korea, with signifi­ cant levels of input from the brand’s Frankfurt, Germany and Ir­ vine, California design studios. PHOTO: QUICKPIC


BOLAND Auto Sold

21 August, 2014

BMW 420i Coupe: the prettier twin HANJO STIER BMW recently announced two new ranges, the 2-Series and 4-Series. These follow in the footsteps of other even-numbered models to designate coupé and cabriolet vehicles. With the bizarre exception of gran coupés, this makes a lot of sense and we keenly welcomed a 420i to our test fleet. The 4-Series is essentially a twodoor 3-Series, much like any new 2Series is based on the 1-Series. Sharing everything from platforms to interior components, you wouldn’t be wrong to view a 420i as the 320i’s prettier twin. Something for childless purveyors of fine design and elegant touring. It’s not exactly good value when BMW charges you about R67 500 to remove the two rear doors but the resulting shape is just so graceful. Slightly longer, a bit lower with a beautiful window-line and big doors, you’re trading space (the 445F boot is 35F smaller than in a 3-Series) for elegance. Most comparable dimensions of a 420i interior are also down on its four-door siblings but front passengers can remedy that by moving their seats towards the unoccupied rear. Should you wish to use the rear bench, be advised that space is slightly limited for two adults; even more so if they’re tall or bring a friend. The cabin layout is also similar to the donor sedan yet it shows the same amount of extra streamlining and style as the 420i’s exterior. Someone noted that the centre air

The cabin layout is also similar to the donor sedan yet it shows the same amount of extra streamlining and style as the 420i’s exterior. PHOTO: QUICKPIC vents looked like nasty plastic but I couldn’t agree – all modern BMWs have qualitative materials and what seems like a durable level of craftsmanship. Should stylish design not be enough to extract your extra investment, BMW sweetens the 4-Series with additional luxury and convenience features over and above standard items such as auto (Xenon) lights and wipers, power windows and mirrors, remote central locking and driver aids like ABS and stability control.

Other goodies such as 18-inch alloys, chrome trim, ambient lighting and fancy door sills can be found in the various options packages, our test car being a Luxury Line. Finished in metallic dark blue, everyone took great delight at how well it contrasted the caramel brown and black leather trim of the cabin. BMW SA offers many more options and fitted almost all of them to this vehicle. The ones I was quite fond of and highly recommend are keyless access (R7 200), head-up display (R14 500), Harman/Kardon

sound system (R9 800) and the big daddy hard-drive navigation system (R22 200). Another recommendation is the 8speed Steptronic automatic gearbox with Driving Experience Control. This system lets you adjust the car’s performance, steering, and damping response to Eco Pro, Comfort and Sport. The difference it makes to the car’s character is quite profound and each setting has its own merits. Eco Pro encourages frugal driving while Comfort is best suited to this stylish cruiser; despite the


front end bottoming out quite quickly. Select Sport mode and the 420i becomes wide-eyed and busy-tailed, the diluted traction control teaming up with harder steering and damping to provide additional driving enjoyment. The steering wheel’s central hub obscures some of the instruments and a set of shift paddles would’ve been nice, yet that BMW gear lever provides tip shifting and even works in the correct manner: forwards for down, backwards for up. For the occasional spurt of naughtiness in a classy cruiser, it works just fine. Providing just enough fire power for such wickedness is the 2-litre four-cylinder turbo-petrol engine delivering maximum figures of 135 kW or 270 Nm to reach 100 km/h in 7,3 seconds (we achieved 7,8) or 236 km/h. Claimed average consumption from the 60F tank is 6F/100 km and CO2 emissions just 144 g/km. In town, our 420i helped itself to 9F/100 km, while careful highway cruising yielded about 7. All testers found that these figures are highly variable depending on your driving style and the selected mode. Another thing we all agreed on is that the 420i is something BMW and the 3-Series can be proud of. This car is a stylish, entry-level petrol coupé with seatbelt butlers and the good kind of multiple personality disorder. Prices start at R479 000 for a standard manual 420i, this Luxury Line Steptronic costing R514 400 without options. BMW includes a 5-year/ 100 000 km motor-plan as well. Galimoto Media



BOLAND Auto Sold

21 August, 2014

Cleaning tips for your car CLEANING AFRICA So there you are, Saturday afternoon and the mother-in-law calls to ask you to drive her to her bridge club. You’re just back from the muddy car bush and your car’s wearing six inches of custom mud. And worst of all, Cleaning Africa’s closed! Don’t panic. Here are some useful carcleaning tips we’ve discovered for these unexpected emergencies – but please, use with caution, and at your own risk. To clean upholstery – use mild, soapy water (eg Sunlight dishwashing liquid) and a soft brush. Vacuum up any excess water with a Wet-Vac. For hard-to-reach corners – use earbuds and toothpicks. For shiny-clean dashboard and vinyl – wipe over with furniture polish on a soft cloth. For little paintwork scratches – rub over with a wax crayon in the same colour as your paintwork and buff off any residue with a soft cloth. Works well with key scratches too. Greasy, grimy windscreen? Pour a bottle of soda water over it and use a squeegee to wipe off excess. For blunt wiper blades – sharpen both sides with an emery board. Out of car wax? Furniture polish should shine it up just as well. For dirty hubcaps – scrub with soda bicarb and a wet brush then hose off with water. And lastly, use these tips to make the interior of your car smell fresh and clean. Refresh any existing air fresheners with a few drops of your favourite essential oil. Spray the interior with a quick burst of air freshener. Put a sheet or two of tumble dryer softener sheets under the seats. Cover any bad spills/odours with ground-up coffee beans and leave for a few days before vacuuming up. Smells should be gone, or at least smell a whole lot better. Sprinkling the carpets with bicarbonate of soda and vacuuming up a few days later also works a treat. http://www.cleaningafrica.co.za/ 2011/07/27/sos-car-cleaning-tips/


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

21 August, 2014



12/10/1918 - 13/08/2014


Our special mother passed away on Wednesday, 13 August. Will always be sadly missed and remembered with much love. From Leon, Peter and family

1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.

Private cremation

Hermanus 028 316 1659









AVON: Passievol oor direkte verkope? Sluit nou aan by my dinamiese span. Rene Geldenhuys 083 468 8164 / 028 425 2118

ART & MOSAIC CLASSES London trained artist offering classes for adults in fully equipped studio. Flexible days and times ALEX 079 697 6555

CURVES WEIGHT LOSS CENTRE with Evox Nutrition and 30 min Circuit for your health. Call 028 316 2211. HERBALIFE. Use winter to get ready for summer! Summer is almost here. Lose weight and keep it off! Professional follow up. Free delivery. Call 076 155 9648.


JOHN MELVIN NIEMAND 4/10/1950-22/08/2013 Herdenkdiens: 24/8/2014 Act Mission kerk @ 10h00. 'n Jaar is reeds verby sedert u so skielik uit ons lewens weggeneem is. Herinneringe wat vir altyd die pad saam ons stap. Jy laat 'n groot leemte maar 'n troos dat jy veilig by Jesus is. Jou wedloop is voltooi... Van: Jou vrou, kinders & kleinkinders FUNERAL SERVICES 1025

OP 16/8/2014 het jy ons verlaat. Franklin ons gaan jou baie mis. Van familie en vriende

Due to the Public holiday on 24 September the deadline for Hermanus Times of 25 September SmallADS Monday 22 September @ 14:00


MULLANY ANTHONY JOHN (TONY) Passed away peacefully in Hermanus on 16th August 2014 at the age of 97 years. Loving husband of Leonie and beloved father, grandfather and great grandfather. A life well lived, a rest well earned. Leonie, Jenny and Joe, Terry and Bryan, Joanne and Tim, Andre and Liam. You will be loved and remembered always. Private Cremation

Hermanus 028 316 1659

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com

ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.

MY CAKE ANGEL. Cakes/cupcakes for all occasions. E-mail: tarrynlotz@gmail.com. Call Tarryn Geyer: 076 154 9612. View: www.mycakeangel.co.za. VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281.

HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.

MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311. FOR SALE


NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218.


CONSOLIDATION LOAN ONLINE. Up to R230 000. Bad credit welcome. E-mail: help@debtcon.co.za


ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za. PERSONAL SEVICES CATERING & VENUES 1401

SUGAR PLUM Party shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles etc. Purple shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913. FINANCIAL

TELLA PAMPIER 31/08/1938-12/08/2014 Vir 75 jaar is jy aan ons geleen en Onse Hemelse Vader het jou van 'n kort siekbed kom verlos. Rus in Vrede, Van jou vrou, kinders, kleinkinders & 1 agter kleinkind. Begrafnisdiens Saterdag 23ste Augustus 13h00 by huis te Woodlandsweg 1201 Hawston, 14h00 by die Stoor & daarna begrafplaas





1605 1460

DIE LAASTE & GROOTSTE MISLEIDING - Lukas 21:8, Danie Pienaar. Vir gratis leesstof en CD SMS jou naam en adres na 082 734 4168. OVERSTAND HOSPICECare for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679

LA DANé Danielle 072 253 3960 danielleladane@gmail.com CAKES FOR ALL OCCASIONS

THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884.

NOSTALTIQUES. Wanted: Antiques, Art, secondhand household goods. Steenbras Street 15, Hermanus Industria. 082 833 2567.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

21 August, 2014


BUILDING MATERIALS. Clay brick pavers. Beige to dark +-5000 R2 each.± 30m Steel palisade fencing R200/m. Pine flooring R18/m. Aluminium slidingdoors at Discount, Trellidor. Braai R1800. Canadian roof sheds R30/m. Call Lance 076 810 1196 or Terence 028 313 2372

LONG WHITE COACH as new. Value R2,500. For sale at R1,750. 028 271 8023


ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. No call out fee. Call 079 706 1056.


I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.



BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749.

APPLE AND COMPUTER SUPPORT. Your friendly neighbourhood geek would like to help you sort out your PC and mobile device problems! I provide on-site support, tutoring and expert advice all at the best price in town. Try me! Call Chris on 082 856 5384.


BRAAI AND FIREWOOD for sale. Rooikrans, Bluegum, Myrtle. Contact Wayne Haman 079 484 0364 or ffprojects22@ gmail.com. BUY & SELL. We have excellent quality used furniture and appliances. Super Seconds 2 Arum Street, Industrial area, Hermanus. Opposite CocaCola. Between Adventure Centre and Port Scaffolding. 079 746 0830 ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES. We supply all your requirements and E-liquid flavours. Contact Ben Rossouw cell: 082 726 8771. Tel: 028 316 4217. 11 Branderdraai Street, Sandbaai Hermanus. Martie: 072 644 2942, Gansbaai

COMPUTER SUPPORT, KAROO DORING HOUT mobile devices. Onsite te koop vir braai @ R20 per support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and mainte- sak. Cell no 072 193 4437. nance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997. PJ BATTERIES ENERGIZER Car, Bike, Quad, Alarm, Lawn FURNITURE mowers, Hillbilly's etc. Eg: 618/9- R650-2 Year War1635 ranty. Peter: 072 155 5226, 4 Royal Street, Hermanus QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS. Beds B Us. Support_A_Paedic, R1300.00. 2 Kitchen chairs with cushions R260.00 for both. Cell 072 786 4206 FURNITURE WANTED. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508.

DRAUGHTING of building documentation for all types of building work: New buildings and additions to Existing and the compiling of "As-Built" drawings of existing works for legalising of unapproved structures for Municipal approval. Do you have a set of approved building plans of your property as required by law? Contact Johann at: 083 452 1422 CARPENTRY 1874

QUALIFIED CARPENTER. Kitchens, builtin,cupboards, door hanging and renovations. Call Martin 082 557 6095 CLEANING SEVICES 1805

EXCLUSIVE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE/ SKOONMAAKDIENS. Personal full time supervision. Maintaining holiday homes. Are you moving in or out, we can help. MonSat Call 076 115 7382 SOLOMON'S WINDOW CLEANING Services for domestic, commercial, industrial & construction sites. For free quotation phone Solomon 082 747 3640. Serving Hermanus since 1996.


24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017.

LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874.


BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323. REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667.www. solarmax.co.za.


ALL BUILDING WORK. Alterations, renovations, extensions, boundry walls, paving, tiling & painting. Call 082 255 0939.


101 SERVICES. Handyman general. No job too small. Best rates. Pensioners discount. 15 Years experience. Call Peter 073 157 2415.

BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION A1 BUILDERS. Project Management Holiday House.- Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798.





QUALITY FURNITURE- SEAKAYAK. Perception High-quality wood-burning Excellent. fireplace. R11’900 Cell 083 273 9091- R980. Bosch fridge: self-cleaning; dynamic cooling; 1450 X 600 X 540 cm. R4’900 Top-loading freezer: 890 X 560 X 460 cm. R1’250 Solid hardwood lounge suite & cushions: 2-seater bench + two chairs. R8’800- Contact 083 300 8676 or email noag@hermanus.co.za

ZUKI'S GARDEN & Forestery Service. Alien plant clearing. Plot clearing. Garden refuse removal. Tree pruning. Hedge trimming. Weed extermination, etc. Call Zukisani 082 711 6102.


1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280. ccsplant@telkomsa.net.

AAA MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, damp proofing, water proofing, building & renovations, general maintenance. Free quotes. Call Ian 082 535 5591.

ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooBUILDERS/EVENTS den/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 Call 086 100 2271 or 0284761/084 558 1902. 312 2367. GARDEN & IRRIGATION 1825

A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. For full garden maintenance, tree felling, plot clearing and refuse removal. Also small removals. Gutter cleaning. Call Morné 083 225 3712.

TRANSFERS/ AIRPORT Airport transfers from R750. Drop or fetch. Safe and reliable. Proffesional driver permit. Megan 083 702 3273 WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480. PAINTING


PAINT AND MAINTAIN SPECIAL: Paint standard house outside for only R2000 labour. Call Enrico CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervi- 072 023 8326 sion. Best prices. Free quotations. Phone Top Carpets PAINTING OF FURNI028-313 0721. TURE/ WALLS. All surfaces: wood, suede, leaCARPET AND UPHOLSTERY cleaning. Curtains ther, metal, plastic. All techniques. Call 076 013 & blinds. Call Allison or 3105 John 072 572 0215.

FLOOR SANDING & speA & A BOME. Afsaag van cialized installation of wood floors & timber bome en takke, asook wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot decks. The Hutton by Rooi-Els. Aldert en Ani- Brothers 082 828 5627 or 028-341 0543. ta skakel 083 739 9865.

PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028 316 1881 / 072 288 4761.

ZIMBOZ PAINTERS BASIL HAMAN, 30 Years HOME IMPROVE& MENTS for all your: Builexperience in tree felling RENOVATORS ding Alterations, Paint and trimming, plot clearing work, Paving, Tiling, Gene- Specialists in: , hedge trimming, garden Painting. Waterproofing. ral Maintenance. Morne services. Contact me on Timber deck varnishing. 072 207 9900 082 898 9694 Fixing old gutters & new. Roof cleaning & painting. JOHAN PAINTERS AND Call Owen 060 300 0840. GUTTER MAINTENANCE. Painting of houses - inside & outside, PEST CONTROL gates, fences. Cleaning of PVC gutters & aluminium 1850 gutters. Johan 072 647 OVERBERG PEST CON2328. TROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. ProBUFFALO GRASS. Save fessional solutions to your water, plant indigenous pest problems. Beetle grass. For the best prices, inspections and timber call Chris 082 568 2592. treatments. Registered FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: with Dept. of Agriculture. for professional irrigation Phone Frank 028-312 2225 and automatic borehole or 082 563 9514. interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295. FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. www.fynbosgardens.com GARDEN AFFAIR. Offering full garden maintenance. Garden design & landscaping. Irrigation repairs. Plot clearing. Juliet Leppan 072 942 1260. REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195.

PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.






WE COLLECT garden refuse and Rubble and anything that you want to be moved within Hermanus. Call Michael 073 016 1686 TRANSPORT & STORAGE 1870

NEW OR REMODEL Building Drawings done, with New Energy Regulations SANS10400XA, CESA, NRCS, SAIA, WSP. E-mail: planco@gmail.com. Call Jaco Sadie 072 281 9891 ON THE SPOT BLINDS awnings and Shutters plus fly screens.Upholstery 40 Years experience. Contact Bob @ 082 421 2945

PEST CONTROL WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028-316 3010.


• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com


001 STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704. TRANSPORT OF FURNITURE & goods. Hermanus, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape. Long distance available. PDP driver. Call Johan 076 253 3745


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds BUSINESS

21 August, 2014



BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact Evan Rautenbach at 082 974 6995 or email us at: advice@bbrokers.co.za. Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website: www.bbrokers.co.za. SERVICES 2420


2006 AUDI AVANT 2.0 TDI. 117 000 km. FSH. Full house. R130 000. Skakel 083 297 1312 2006 AUDI RS4. 145 000 km. 309 KW. Baie skaars. R230 000,00. Skakel 083 297 1312 BMW 318i 1994. R20 000. OHB. Goeie lopende toestand. 082 084 3154 FORD SAPPHIRE 1990. Good condition. R12 000. Contact 079 760 8074

BACHELOR- Flat for sale. Silver Oaks. Private sale. R350 000. Paul 084 570 8351



BACHELOR flat to rent. Sandbaai walking distance from both Sandbaai and Onrus Beaches, R2000. Contact 082 924 4335


CBD: FLAT TO LET Bachelor/1 bed/office option R2900/ R3900 pm W&E Excl. Call 072 510 9515

VERMONT/ ONRUSLarge sunny 2 bedroom garden flat to rent from 1 October. R3800.00 incl. CASH 4 GOLD : Gold and electricity, water & garden Silver memorabilia - Bring TREU MOTORS. Treuservice. No smokers and your items and get a honest evaluation. Contact straat 4 Swellendam. Clive no pets. Tel: Erlo 083 255 Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2690 028 312 3154. 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eieVERMONT: (2x) Furnisnaars verandering. hed bachelor flat, water VEHICLES and elec incl. No pets or smokers R2500pm PROPERTIES 082 868 5667, 082 785 ACCESSORIES, SPARES 5877 or 028 316 3226 & MODIFICATIONS 3001 BUSINESS VERMONT: (3x) 1 FOR SALE bedroom, en-suite, open 3212 plan, secure parking, no BUSINESS FOR SALE. pets, from R2 700pm Take- Away- Hermanuswater and elec incl. 082 CBD- 9B Long Street. R90 868 5667, 082 785 5877 or 000. Long Established. 028 316 3226 Urgent sale- owner relocating. To view. Saturday 23 August 2014. Time: 9am12pm. Ingrid- 083 656 1674. Keller Williams


KWAAIWATER MAINROAD: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Lounge, Stoep, Kitchen, PLUS flat/ office, Garage. Ideal home business, R1.2m Bond. 083 654 5661, barbaram@hermanus.co.za


CHANTECLAIR: Gemeubileerde moderne 1 slaapkamer woonstel met ooppNISSAN SENTRA 1995. lan kombuis/ sitkamer + Een eienaar. Puik kondisie- alarm. Veilige onderdak R40 000. 083 415 7240 parkering. Geen rokers/ diere. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. R3500 pm MOTOR CYCLES water/ligte Ing. Skakel: 082 871 1927/ 028 316 3055 1238 HONDA 400XE Quad bike. Excellent cond. Like FURNISHED APARTnew with extras. R15 000. MENT Kwaaiwater. 2 084 681 5978 Bedrooms, large livingroom, bathroom. Nice view close to the sea. TRAILERS Available now. R3900 pm. electricity incl. Call Lance 3040 076 810 1196. HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Ven- ONE BEDROOM apartment in Kwaaiwaterter or Karet trailers. SpaR2700. Contact Lance res & repair service. We 076 810 1196 buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. SPACIOUS 1 bedroom helderbergtrailer.co.za. flat available 1st Sept. Sandbaai, walking distance VEHICLES WANTED TO BUY from Sandbaai and Onrus 3075 beach. R4200 incl. electriAANBOD: Ons betaal die city. Contact 082 924 4335

beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.



ONE FEMALE needs accommodation for the months of October and November only. R1000R2000 pm. 082 566 7049 or 072 373 0155. Thanks. OFFICES 3290

88Sq/m Retail Premises To Let in Main Road, Hermanus. Contact Xpertprop @ 082 870 5704 PRIME INDUSTRIAL space to let, 120 square metres, alarmed, good parking in Mimosa Street phone AndrĂŠ 083 443 2901 or Maggie 079 989 3018 SHOP TO LET in Harbour Road. Ideal for coffee shop/ florist/ dentist/beautician, etc. Contact 082 870 5704 FLATS FOR SALE 3255

1 BEDROOM flat for sale, Silver Oaks. Private sale. R430 000. Paul 084 570 8351

25 YEAR old man looking for a job as a driver. Has code 10 SA license. Contact Ordisio @ 078 273 6773

LOOKING for a job as a Mechanic. 5 Years exp. Driver 10 years exp. Gardener, housekeeper. 073 072 5047

28 YEARS ZIMBABWEAN girl looking for a full time job as a babysitter or housekeeper. Contact Maria 078 990 6861 31 YRS ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for work as a domestic worker. I'm honest & hardworking. Work permit also available. Call Pamela 073 285 3189. For reference you can call Mrs. Thompson 072 736 1602

A carer Nurse is looking for work or domestic. Please call 084 294 7740 A MALAWIAN lady is looking for a job as a domestic or babysitter. 2 Yrs experience. Ref 082 890 5749. Work permit available. Three days only. Call Mary on 071 032 6077

4 BEDROOM HOUSE- 2 Full bathrooms. Open plan kitchen, Dining-Livingroom + lounge. 4 Garages, + seperate 1 bedroom flatlet R10 000pm. Contact 028 316 3928. Email willem.lerouxproperties@gmail.com CBD SPACE TO LET, High Street. 50 squares R5800 incl. W&L, VAT. 25 squares R2700 incl W&L, VAT. 2 Month deposit. 1 Year lease. Phone 082 610 5982 RUIM, enkel tuin woonstel te huur in Vermont. R3500.00 met krag en water ingesluit. Kontak mnr Coetzee op 083 679 4413 UNFURNISHED Bachelor flat on Onrus. W&E incl. R2300.00 + R1000 dep. Contact 082 815 1449

OFFICE in Hemel & Aarde Village 72m2 @ R5000 pm plus VAT + electricity and levy. Contact Frandi: 083 480 9208. PROPERTIES WANTED TO RENT 3305

VERMONT: Spacious 3 bed- en-suites, double storey house. Modern open plan kitchen living area, add living area, large dbl garage. No pets. Water & elec incl. R7900pm. 082 868 5667, 082 785 5877 or 028 316 3226

ATKV Ne9ester Aftree landgoed. Basiese- Hulp-, en Verswaktesorg wooneenhede beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember 2014. ELMAR 081 534 5604 MARINER'S VILLAGE Plot & Plan from R975 000

MALAWIAN hard working man looking for a job, cooking, gardener, house boy. Four years experience at Whale Hotel, Cell 078 107 1293 MALAWIAN MAN looking for jobs as gardener housekeeping, painting. Full or part time. Contact no 073 121 5234. Ref is available. Well experience 073 121 5234 ZIMBABWEAN LADY looking for a job. Monday to Friday or any days. Four Years experience. Please call Eustina 071 798 0629. Good reference available.

NOMZAMO EDUCARE CENTRE: VACANCY Requirements- Experienced Practitioner to teach child from age 2-3years with level 4 or 5 qualifications. Send CV to PO Box 466, Hermanus 7200. Closing date 5 September 2014

ZIMBABWEAN man looking for a job as a Sales Rep, or Carpenter. Hard working and keen to learn. Call 071 326 0768 GENERAL 3680

A MALE MALAWIAN is looking for a job as a housekeeper or gardener. Full time or three days a week. Three years experience, contact 074 451 2436, Wilson Gwaza. A SOUTH-AFRICAN lady seeking employment as a housekeeper, guesthouse attendant, cashier. Hardworking self motivated honest. Have experience. 073 664 2840 A ZIMBABWEAN lady aged 22 looking for a domestic or baby sitting job. Please call 081 051 5570 A ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for a job as a domestic worker, housekeeper, babysitter. Reliable and trustworthy. Pls call 084 043 1619. Ref available I AM a twenty four year old Zimbabwean lady looking for domestic work. I am good at vacuum, cleaning, ironing, babysitting and many more. Call 073 071 2948/ 073 642 0378

3201 3215

MALAWIAN man looking for a job as housekeeper, painter or gardener. Contact Oscar on 074 728 3721

37 YR ZIMBABWEAN lady, looking for domestic work. Hard working and reliable, sleep in welcome. Call Noren 083 768 1672



25 YEAR old Malawian lady looking for a job as a domestic worker. 3 Days. Call Lucy on 078 905 8589/ 084 733 9453



ENKELKAMER DRINGEND GESOEK in Voelklip area vir my seun wat na Hermanus verhuis. Kontak Liz 082 467 3389

DENI 084 436 2526 EMPLOYMENT


I AM A MALAWIAN MAN.I am looking for a job as a housekeeper, gardener, cleaner or painter. Two years experience. Contact 084 427 6385. I'M looking for a job as a domestic worker. Wednesday, Friday. Phone 078 404 8645/ Refernce 083 292 2465 LOOKING for a job as a driver with code 10 and PDP. One year experience/ A Malawian man 29 years. Cell 084 783 8116


2 ZIMBABWEAN ladies is looking for domestic work. Please call Christina 061 095 3075 and Previous Cell 073 174 0391. Ref. available.

MALAWIAN LADY looking for a domestic/housekeeping & cooking job. Ready to start work at any time. Reference available. Please call 084 444 4099/061 214 9480.

BIG JOE'S PIES Benodig algemene winkel assistent. Ondervinding in kosbedryf noodsaaklik. Professionele persoon. Dadelik beskikbaar. Kontak 028 312 4544

VAKANTE POS: Verkoops-/ Administratiewe dame. Epos CV's na hypo@live.co.za WELL ESTABLISHED KITCHEN AND JOINERY company based in Hermanus, have vacancies for: 1. Cabinetmaker/ Installer 2. Experienced painters 3. Experienced Installer's assistant. Salary negotiable based on experience and skill level. Fax short CV to 028 312 1702



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

21 August, 2014





Die Trust is ‘n geregistreerde liggaam en is daargestel vir die voorheen histories benadeelde gemeenskappe in die Overbergstreek wat die Munisipale areas Kaap Agulhas, Overstrand, Theewaterskloof en Swellendam insluit.

The Trust is a registered body and caters for the historically disadvantaged communities of the Overberg Region which includes the municipal areas of Cape Agulhas, Overstrand, Theewaterskloof and Swellendam.

Le Trust ibhalisiwe kwaye inceda abahlelelekileyo base Overberg equka oomasipala base Cape Agulhas, Overstrand, Theewaterskloof ne Swellendam.

Die Trust bied finansiële ondersteuning deur befondsing aan geregistreerde organisasies soos welsyn, sport en ontspanning, opvoedkundige-, werkskeppings programme en kleinsake besigheidsontwikkeling.

The Trust offers financial assistance by funding registered welfare, sports and recreational, and educational organizations, job creation programmes and small business development. Applications can be submitted.

Ons ken ook beurse toe vir studies aan erkende tersiëre instellings.

It also awards bursaries for study at recognised tertiary institutions.

Aansoeke word ingewag op die amptelike vorms van die Trust wat verkrygbaar is by die kantoor te: Humanstraat 35, Caledon – 7230 Die voorwaardes vir die toestaan van hulp is: • Voorkeur sal gegee word aan kandidate wie se ouers werkloos is en ‘n lae inkomste het. • Aansoekvorms sal beskikbaar wees vanaf 02 September 2014. • Geen fakse sal aanvaar word nie. • Sluitingsdatum vir beurs en donasie aansoeke is 31 Oktober 2014. Aansoeke word ingedien met dien verstande dat die Raad van Trustees enige aansoek mag aanvaar of afkeur. Geen verdere korrespondensie in die verband sal gevoer word nie. Alle aansoeke sal met ontvangs daarvan skriftelik erken word. Aansoeke moet gerig word aan: Die Voorsitter Overberg Gemeenskapstrust Posbus 489 Caledo 7230

Applications are invited on the official application form obtained from the offices of the Trust office at: 35 Human Street, Caledon The conditions of award are: • Preference will be given to candidates of unemployed and low income families. • Application forms will be available from 02 September 2014. • No faxes will be accepted. • Closing date for bursary and donation applications will be 31 October 2014. Applications are submitted on the understanding that the Board of Trustees may grant or reject any application and no further correspondence in this regard will be entertained. All applications will be acknowledge.

Le Trust iceda ngemali imibutho ebhalisiweyo yeenkonzo zoluntu, imidlalo nemibutho yezemfundo namalinge okudala imisebenzi namashishini amancinane. Izicelo zingathunyelwa. Le Trust ikwanceda nangeemali zokufunda kumaziko abhalisiweyo. Kumenywa izicelo ezenziwe ngokuzalisa amaxwebhu afumaneka kwii-ofisi ze Trust 35 Human Street, Caledon Imiqathango yile: • Kuyakujongwa kakhulu izicelo zabanabazali abangaphangeliyo nabanengeniso eliphantsi. • Amaxwebhu okwenza izicelo ayakufumaneka ukususela ngama 02 September 2014. • Izicelo ezithunyelwe nge faxi aziyi kwamkelwa. • Umhla wokuvalwa kwezicelo zesibonelelo semali yokupunda (bursary) neminikelo ngumhla we 31 October 2014. Izicelo zifakwa phantsi kwemingaqo yokuba iBoard of Trustees ingaziphumeza okanye izikhabe kwaye akukho mbhalelwano eyakuphinda yenziwe. Zonke izicelo ezifunyenweyo ziya kuqinisekiswa.

Submit all applications to:

Thumela zonke izicelo ku:

The Chairperson The Overberg Community Trust P.O. Box 489 CALEDON 7230

The Chairperson The Overberg Community Trust P.O. Box 489 CALEDON 7230

‘Barrels’ of fun for mountain bikers ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Mountain biking enthusiasts have a host of different routes to follow in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley, which are now even more exciting with a few unique add-ons from its creators. These routes were recently enhanced with the use of wine barrels to strengthen certain parts of the trail, which tend to get very slick when it rains, says Jan van Schalkwyk from Euodia Cycles, who partnered with Deon Ferreira and Paul du Toit to form Hermanus Adventures four years ago, with the purpose of creating new mountain biking trails in the area. According to Ferreira, they took their inspiration from mountain biking parks in America and Europe, including the Whistler Bike Park where a large section is built from wood. “When things started to get wet and muddy we decided to try the same here, but we used oak wine barrels which have more character than pine and is more durable,” says Van Schalkwyk. “Most of the barrels were bought from Newton Johnson and Bouchard Finlayson. We now received another 18 barrels from Stellenbosch. The barrels are rare and prices are becoming sky-high,” The largest part of the wine barrel route is situated at Volmoed, and stretches some 80 m at the moment. MTB trail building and the maintenance thereof has proven to be a positive job creation opportunity in the area. “We now have a permanent team working on the routes daily to maintain and expand,” adds Ferreira.

The mountain biking route in the Hemel­en­Aarde Valley now boasts some unique add­ons with the use of wine barrels to strengthen the trail. PHOTO:


One of the new turns built out of wine barrels at Volmoed, which forms part of the Hemel­en­Aarde mountain biking route. Most MTB trails that are open to the public charge a daily or annual fee. Mountain bikers are required to own a permit, to ensure proper access control on public and privately owned properties.

For more information about the local mountain biking routes, visit www.hermanusadventures.co.za or follow them on Facebook at Hermanus MTB Trail to see the progress and upgrades on the route.

Sports Diary The Hermanus Whale Festival MTB Challenge will take place on Saturday 11 October. Routes include 50 km, 30 km and 18 km mountain bike chal­ lenges, starting at Curro School. There is a route to cater for all

fitness and skill levels. Visit www.hermanusadventures. co.za for more details and maps. Online entry can be done at www.enteronline.co.za. Online entries close on Wednesday 8 October.

Late registration opens at 07:00 at Curro School on the day of the event. For more information visit www.hermanusadven­ tures.co.za or phone Jan van Schalkwyk on 082 850 1062.

Bulls vs. E.P. and at 19:00 from Durban the Sharks play the Cheetahs. Friday at 19:00 the Pumas are at home to Griquas; could in­ deed be entertaining rugby. Schools rugby on Saturday: Boland Landbou play Oakdale at 12:30 and at 14:00 it’s Grey College vs. Paul Roos, now coached by Brendan Venter; both on Supersport Select. At 16:00 SA Schools take on Eng­ land from Stellenbosch. The MTN 8 semi­finals are be­ ing played. Saturday at 20:00 Pirates play Wits and on Sun­ day at 15:00 Chiefs take on

Platinum Stars. The Belgium GP starts at 14:00 on Sunday on Supersport 6. The Mercedes teams lead the stand­ ings with Nico Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton. Will they obey team orders this weekend? Cycling: The La Vuelta a Espa­ na’s first stage, a time trial, is on Saturday and both Chris Froome and Alberto Contador are racing after their injuries in the Tour de France. For fans of Gio Aplon, his team lost to Clermont in the opening game of the French Top 14. ­ SPORT FAN(ATIC)

Sport on TV The test match on Saturday evening between Argentina and South Africa is at 21:40, in­ Salta, a town of some 600 000 people which is 200 km north of Buenos Aires, and is in a large wine growing region. New Zealand play Australia at 09:30 on Saturday morning from “fortress” Eden Park in Auckland. Western Province play the Jo’burg Lions at 17:00 on Satur­ day at Newlands – a top of the table “unbeaten” clash, with the streeptruie now running the ball, even out of defence. At 15:00 it’s the struggling Blue

JAZZ AND TAZZ A GREAT COUPLE: These two lovely X breed medium size dogs were abandoned by their owners months ago when the owners moved and left them behind in their yard. They have been waiting at the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) for over four months in the hope of a new home. Both are males, but they mix well with other dogs, walk well on leads and are less than three years old. They can go separately, but it would be great if they can go together. Call 028 312 1281.


Sport Sport

21 August, 2014

Golf Roundup with Julian Shaw

Atlantic se B­span is tans in die eerste plek in die Platteland B­liga na hul wen die afgelope naweek.

Atlantic A en B tans bo­aan punteleer Atlantic se drie spanne het verlede Saterdag weg teen Villiersdorp gespeel. Die A- en B-span het albei gewen. Die C-span het 17-15 verloor, maar het wel ’n bonuspunt verdien. Die puntemakers was Earl Galant met twee drieë en Francois Malahle met ’n drie. Die B-span het sy eerste plek op die punteleer behou met sy wen van 18-5. Die puntemakers was Goodman Mbane en Tyron Prins - elkeen

met ’n drie, en Herschel Vermaak met ’n doel- en twee strafskoppe. Die A-span was teen halftyd 0-5 agter, maar ná rustyd het die span beter gespeel en eindelik die wedstryd 20-5 gewen. Die A-span is tans eerste op die punteleer. Die puntemakers was Evan Visser met twee doel- en twee strafskoppe, en Shane Salies en Kirwin van Wyk, elkeen met ’n drie. ) Atlantic speel Saterdag tuis teen Botrivier. - W.C.M. GIBSON

Never mind the weather, the Her­ manus Golf Club had three good com­ petition days, kicking off with 32 la­ dies playing on Tuesday. The format was a betterball stable­ ford and the day’s victors were Janet Taylor and Lyndsay Henderson with a terrific 46 points. In second place, winning the count out, were Lee Mus­ grove and Moira Stadler on 42 points. Wednesday, during the men’s com­ petition, the wind huffed and puffed, but 105 golfers braved the conditions. In a betterball medal, winning this week was Frans Prins and Chris Con­ roy on a brilliant nett 62. In second place were Dave Schutte and Mike Smith, just one stroke behind. There was one solitary two club: Well done, Trevor Schouw! The ball pool paid to 66. Saturday boasted wonderful golf­ ing weather. The course is great, espe­ cially for this time of year. Well done, Malcolm and STM. The format was a betterball stable­ ford and hats off to our (myself and

my partner GP le Roux) opponents who romped home with a massive 50 points. Well done to the tame gorilla Andrew Philip and steady Eddie, Danie van der Spuy. Brilliant golf, and yes the 14th was a long hole. Second place was Terry Westbrook and Lance Nel. Terry is teaching again and doing a great job, obviously it is also improv­ ing his own game. There were seven two clubs and ball pool paid to 45. The big news of the weekend came in late Saturday as the Brodie league took on a strong Caledon team at Theewaterskloof. This was a top­8 playoff, and a terrifically tough game, but Stephan van der Merwe’s men came through by the narrowest of margins. Thanks primarily to the last game in which Chicken Basson made an unbelievable comeback from three down with three to play and managed to halve his game to give Hermanus the victory. This is the best any league team has done in the ten years that I have been privileged to be Club pro­ fessional. Well done guys. Until next week, keep calm and go golfing.

More than 950 participants took to the trails during the Spur Cape Winter Trail Series™, held in Kleinmond last weekend. PHOTO: PIETA PIETERSE

Kleinmond hosts Trail Series

SEVENS RUGBY: Curro’s u. 13 7s Rugby Series was hosted at Curro Hermanus on Saturday 16 August. Sixteen schools participat­ ed in the tournament. Supersport Blitz, Boots & All and All out Rugby will showcase snippets from the series in the coming weeks. The u. 7 and u. 8 mini­rugby and u. 11, u. 12 and u. 13 teams also played matches. The overall winner of this knock­out tournament was Overberg Primary School. The winners of the Curro Sevens tournament was Overberg Primary School from Caledon.

NETBALL: Curro Hermanus’ u.11 netball team takes on Mount Pleas­ ant. The game was played dur­ ing the Curro Sev­ ens Series last Saturday.

The weather played along beautiful- der Westhuyzen, in a time of ly for the final race in the Spur Cape 01:19:16. In the men’s short-course chalWinter Trail Series™ 2014 in Kleinmond, which took place on Satur- lenge, no time was wasted as runners raced over the 8 km course in day. More than 950 excited runners a little over 33 minutes. André Afriturned up one final time to embrace ka from Eerste River sealed his sethe day and wrap up an unforgetta- ries title by grabbing first place in 33:02, while Mariella Dierks ble series. In the XL, Norwegian Ake Fager- claimed the ladies’ series title with eng managed to hold on to an early another first place in a time of 43:23. For the full results visit lead and claimed first place in a time of 02:02:34. Liandi van der West- www.trailseries.co.za. huyzen from Durbanville claimed victory for the ladies in a time of 02:34:05, more than 17 minutes ahead of her nearest rival. In the long-course championship 14.5 km race, series champion, Bernard Rukadza, was pipped to the line for the first time this series by Duwayne Philander as he crossed the line in 01:00:56. Stellenbosch resident, Matilda Randle, The weather played along beautifully for the claimed her first win of final race in the Spur Cape Winter Trail Se­ the series in the absence ries™, which took place in Kleinmond last PHOTO: DYLAN HASKIN of ladies’ champion, Van weekend.


DOGS: When the going gets tough

The DOGS played an Individual Stableford (log) on 19 August in Kleinmond. A slight breeze at Kleinmond forced Half-Time Shirley and a pack of whimpering pups to abandon play after 9 holes leaving only The Magnificent Seven to finish the round. Despite the conditions, some very creditable scores were recorded particularly from the Ex-Pole-Dancer and the Ex-Used-House-Salesman. Under the circumstances, the ignominy of the loser’s hat was held over until next week. To further prove their alpha male status, the winner and The Naked Chef waited for the rain to start and proceeded to play another 9. 36 Andre Franken; 35 Ian Newman; 32 Jon Forsyth, Dave Smith; 25 Peter Thomas; 22 Gordon Wilson, Trevor Vaughan; DNF: 16 John Tunstall; 15 Peter Sulley; 14 Mike Graham; 13 Dave Rade; 12 Peter Theron; 11 Hugh Frangs; 9 Sam Seal; 8 Doug Ross.

Bridge results: Wednesday 13 August 2014 1. Toni Maytham / Andre Wagenaar 65.39% 2. Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 58.33% 2. Julie Cotton / Carin Verburg 58.33% Friday 15 August 2014 1. Tony Kimpton / Linda Zaaiman 60.42% 2. Jacky Ascham / Hein Pierneef 57.50% 3. Milly-Ann Tanton / Anneke van der Vlugt 54.58% Saturday 16 August 2014 1. Chtis Raven / Anneke van der Vlugt 62.08% 2. Nel Naude / Betty Nel 61.67% 3. Patsy Kann / Val Runkel 53.33%. Monday 18 August 2014 1. John Truswell / Mike Brownlee 66.48% 2. Elzane Steynberg / Pat Monahan 58.52% 3. Jackie Ascham / Margaret Truswell 57.52% Whalers time trial results: 14 August 2014 3 km Runners: 1 Daniel Maree 12.17; 2 Leo Vorster 13.59; 3 Roelof van Weele 15.29; 4 Zidane Langston 15.44; 5 Jaco Van der Merwe 16.32; 6 Ronel Bootha 18.47; 7 Yvonne Marie Appelgryn 19.36; 8 Franli van Niekerk 19.36; 9 Leo Benning 19.48; 10 Tiernan Ras 21.47 3 km Walkers: 1 Abel Erasmus 24.24 SB; 2 Willie Loedolff 24.39 SB 5 km Runners: 1 Lucky Mdlokovana 17.24 PB; 2 Serame Bekokobetso 18.02 PB; 3 Ignatius Matema 18.21 SB; 4 Mark Kavanagh 19.21; 5 Jeremy Browne 21.51; 6 Kevin Middleton 22.17; 7 Louise Erasmus 22.28 SB; 8 Loudi Vorster 23.05; 9 Ewan Venter 23.05; 10 Mikki Milne 26.59; 11 Karen Austin 26.59; 12 Carina van der Merwe 27.23; 13 Anzel du Plessis 27.23; 14 Karen de Bruyn 27.23; 15 Sam Hodson 27.52; 16 Lorette Streicner 34.09; 17 Gavin Turner 30.27; 18 Cedric Peens 30.27 8 km Runners: 1 Sign Mawunda 28.45 PB; 2 Frank Gillion 33.49; 3 Evan Austin 34.34; 4 David Cupido 42.34 SB

Stuur alle sportnuus en ­foto’s aan Elbé van Heerden by elbe.vanheerden@ hermanustimes.co.za of bel 028 312 3717.

CHILDLINE 0800 055 555

NOTICE In the estate of the late JUNE JUDITH KENNY, Identity Number 430614 0105 18 7, of 73 Viljoen Street, Onrusriver, District Overberg. No: 020702/2014 Creditors and Debtors in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication hereof. HAARHOFFS INCORPORATED, ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTOR, 1 HALKETT ROAD, PO BOX 136, KIMBERLEY. (REF: Kriel/DM)

NOTICE In the estate of the late JAMES PHILIP KENNY, Identity Number 400723 5125 18 5, of 73 Viljoen Street, Onrusriver, District Overberg. No: 020703/2014 Creditors and Debtors in the above estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication hereof. HAARHOFFS INCORPORATED, ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTOR, 1 HALKETT ROAD, PO BOX 136, KIMBERLEY. (REF: Kriel/DM)

9 771608 589068

Hermies takel Caledon dié naweek Hoërskool Hermanus speel Saterdag 23 Augustus, hul jaarlikse interskole wedstryd teen Hoërskool Caledon op Hoërskool Hermanus se sportveld. Daar is om 10:00 ’n pette-funksie in die skoolsaal waar al die A-spanne voorgestel sal word. ’n Motiveringspreker sal ook ’n praatjie lewer. Alle ouers, oudskoliere en borge is genooi. Die o.18A seunshokkie-wedstryd sal om 09:30 begin. Die eerste netbalspan speel om 10:40. Die meisies-hokkiespan speel om 11:30. Om 13:30 sal albei skole se skoolhoofde toesprake lewer. Hoërskool Overberg se dirigente en die o. 19A-spanne sal om 13:45 hul amptelike verskyning maak, gevolg deur hul dans, temalied, kreet en skoollied. Hoërskool Hermanus is om 13:55 aan die beurt met hul eerste span se verskyning en hul temalied, kreet en skoollied om 14:00. Die 0.18A-rugbyspanne sal om 14:10 voorgestel word en begin om 14:15 speel. Ná afloop van die wedstryde sal daar ook ’n funksie vir al Hermies se oudskoliere gehou word in die krieketklub. Kos sal te koop wees en toegang is gratis. Ouers, ander ondersteuners en borge is welkom.

Hermies maak skoonskip ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Hoërskool Hermanus en Hawston Sekondêr het mekaar Woensdag 13 Augustus die stryd aangesê op Hermies se velde. Die twee plaaslike hoërskole se netbalspanne het dit uitgespook, maar Hoërskool Hermanus het uiteindelik die oorhand gehad en al hul wedstryde gewen. Die rugbyspanne se uitslae was: o.19A wen 37-12; o.19B wen Hawston se o.17A-span 19-0, o.16B wen o.16A 20-7, o.15A wen 17-0 en o.14A wen o.15B 15-5. Die netbalspanne se uitslae was: o.18A wen 42-2, o.16A wen 20-2, o.16B wen teen o.15A 26-1 en die o.14A’s wen 20-5. Hoërskool Hermanus se skoolhoof, Greg Hassenkamp, het vandeesweek gesê hy is baie beïndruk met die goeie sportmansgees wat aan die dag gelê is. “Dit kan as ’n goeie sportdag gesien word waar al die rugby- en netbalwedstryde in ’n baie goeie gees gespeel is.” ) Hoërskool Hermanus het die afgelope week teen verskeie ander skole ook meegeding. Die rugbyspanne het teen Gansbaai Academia, wat gesukkel het om die mas op te kom, gespeel en Hermies het al drie hul wedstryde oortuigend gewen. Hoërskool Montagu het Dinsdag, 12 Augustus teen Hermies se o. 19A- en o. 14A-netbalspanne meegeding. Hermies wen die onderskeie wedstryde 28-24 en 15-14. Saterdag het die netbalspanne teen Rhenish Girls’ High School meegeding en het 10 wedstryde gewen, een verloor en een gelykop gespeel. Rhenish se meisieshokkiespanne was egter baie sterk en Hermies kon slegs daarin slaag om in een uit die sewe wedstryde gelykop te speel en verloor die res. Hermies se seunshokkiespanne het teen Hoër Tegniese Skool Drostdy sowel as Hoërskool Swellendam meegeding en twee van die ses wedstryde gewen.

Franco Hendriks van Hoërskool Her­ manus druk ’n drie vir die o.19B­ span. FOTO’S: ANTHENA SPANELLIS

Hoërskool Hermanus se André­Pierre Gouws (met die bal) beur deur Hawston se verdediging in die o.19A’s se wedstryd.

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