THURSDAY, 24 JULY 2014 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316
Your local home, DIY and garden centre open 7 days a week 2 Mussel Rd, Hermanus Huise verwoes in Bettysbaai brand 2
MANDELA MOSAIC UN VEILED: After a ceremony in the Overstrand Auditorium on Friday, where Mayor Nicolette Botha Guthrie paid tribute to Nelson Mandela, the councillors, direc tors and members of the Junior Town Council, gathered in the municipality’s front garden where the mayor unveiled a mosaic of Mandela. BothaGuthrie says she has been working on this “secret project” since December 2012, and dedicated the artwork to all the people of the Overstrand. With BothaGuthrie (right) are the Overstrand Municipality directors, Desiree Arrison (management services), Santie ReynekeNaude (finance), Roderick Williams (com munity services) and Stephen Müller (infrastructure and plan ning), who helped ensure the mosaic mural project became a reality. More Mandela Day pho tos on pg 12,13 and 14
Old Harbour receives three awards 3
Woordkuns en teater by Kalfiefees 5
Drie geskiet in Hawston
Drie verskillende voorvalle van geweld, dwelmhandel, perlemoenstropery en roekelose en nalatige bestuur het lede van die Hermanus-polisie baie besig gehou in Hawston die afgelope week. Inwoners van Hawston het verlede Woensdagaand in een voorval ’n lid van die K9-polisie honde-eenheid omsingel en by wyse van woorde oorlog verklaar. Die insident het om ongeveer 20:00 gebeur toe die K9-lid ’n verdag-
te motor van die pad in Voëlklip wou aftrek. Volgens die polisie het die verdagte bestuurder probeer wegjaag en in Hawston sy motor gerol. Die verdagte het onmiddellik te voet gevlug. Die K9-lid, ao. Steven Koen, wat alleen ten tyde van die voorval vir bystand van ander lede gewag het, het die motor deursoek en op perlemoen afgekom. Lede van die gemeenskap het om hom begin saamdrom en oproerig begin raak en Koen het hom toe uit die voete gemaak nadat hy waarskuwingskote afgevuur het. Toe Koen en sy kollegas later die
aand terugkeer, was die motor en die perlemoen weg. Niemand is in die voorval beseer nie. ’n Paar uur later, dieselfde aand om ongeveer 22:45, het die Hermanus-polisie op ’n skiet-insident reageer en hulle na Hawston gehaas. Op die toneel het die polisie mense gewaar wat om ’n Audi A4 motor op ’n oop veld langs die R43 in George Viljoenstraat staan, en by nadere ondersoek gesien dat drie mans ernstige skietwonde opgedoen het. Een beseerde het voor in die motor gesit en die ander twee beseerdes was buite die motor. Volgens ’n polisieverklaring het
twee verdagtes op die drie mans losgebrand terwyl hulle in die motor gesit het. Die gewondes is na die Hermanus provinsiale hospitaal vervoer, waarna een van die mans dadelik na Tygerberg-hospitaal oorgeplaas is weens die erns van die skietwonde wat hy opgedoen het. Die rede vir die skietvoorval is nog onbekend en die polisie ondersoek ’n saak van poging tot moord. Niemand is nog in hegtenis geneem nie. In die derde insident, Vrydagoggend in Hawston, is agt mense in hegtenis geneem ná die polisie ’n huis deursoek en op dwelms afge-
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kom het. Lede van die Hermanus-polisie, die Overberg K9-honde-eenheid en Boland Public Order Policing (POP) het ’n visenteringslasbrief verkry en die huis in Linfordweg deursoek. Die lede het 27 heel mandraxtablette, 12 halwe mandraxtablette, 30 klein sakkies tik, ses tikstrooitjies en Crack kokaïne met ’n onbekende straatwaarde gekonfiskeer. Die polisie het ook op kontant en ammunisie beslag gelê. Sewe mans tussen die ouderdomme van 14 en 30 jaar asook ’n 27-jarige vrou is in verband met die voorval in hegtenis geneem.
Nuus News
24 July, 2014
Bettysbaai oorval deur vlammehel ’n Span van 85 brandbestryders en 24 brandweerwaens is inge span om die brand wat verlede Woensdagaand ontstaan het, te blus. Die brandspanne het vir 13 uur lank gespook om dit onder beheer te bring. FOTO: JP KRUGER
Twee huise is in puin gelê en 19 strukture is beska dig. Daar was geen lewensverlies nie, maar brandweer manne is vir rookin aseming behandel.
Penny Davidson (links) buite hul huis in Pinestraat in Bettys baai wat netnet die brand vrygespring het.
ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN “Ek het na my huis gekyk en besef dis dalk die laaste keer wat ek dit sien.” Só verwoord Wells Julien sy gewaarwording toe hy inderhaas moes ontruim met verlede Woensdagnag se verwoestende brand in Bettysbaai. “My buurman het agtuur die aand kom aanklop en ons het die brand dopgehou, maar dit het nie gelyk of dit enigsins in ons rigting beweeg nie. Ek het toe gaan slaap. “Hier by half-twee Donderdagoggend het hy my weer wakker geklop. Die vuur was reg agter my huis, ’n muur van vlamme. Ek het deur die huis gegaan en my skootrekenaar, klere en dokumente bymekaargemaak en dit in die kar gegooi. Ek was van plan om te ry, maar die brand het versprei na albei kante van die pad. “Ek wou toe keer dat my dek nie vlam vat nie, maar my tuinslang het geen waterdruk gehad nie. Ek het gedink dit was die laaste keer wat ek my huis gaan sien.” Die brandweer het op dié tydstip opgedaag en Wells se huis natgespuit. Sy buurman se kothuis het aan die brand geslaan en hulle het dit ook geblus. Wells sê hy het net lof vir die brandbestryders. Volgens Lester Smith, die hoof van die Overstrand brand- en redding, het die vlei tussen Pringlebaai en Mooiuitsig om 19:28 die aand van 16 Julie begin brand. “Stormsterk
winde van tot 75 km/h was ’n groot bydraende faktor tot die onbeheersde vuur. Die oorsaak is in dié stadium nog onbekend. Daar is 85 brandbestryders en 24 brandweerwaens ontplooi wat bestaan het uit lede van die Overstrand brand- en reddingseenheid, met bystand van CapeNature, die Kaapse Wynland-distriksmunisipaliteit en Stad Kaapstad sowel as die vrywilligers uit Bettysbaai en Pringlebaai. Brandbestryders het dwarsdeur Woensdagnag vir sowat 13 uur lank gewerk om die vuur onder beheer te bring. Swaar reënweer wat Donderdagoggend uitgesak het, het ook die vuur gestuit. Mary-Louise van Rooyen, ’n plaaslike inwoner en eiendomsagent, vertel dit was ’n skrikwekkende belewenis om as gesin hul huis te ontruim, om logies te probeer dink, die vensters toe te maak en die gas af te skakel. “Ek het die vrees in my seun se gesig gesien, maar hy het kalm gebly terwyl hy ons troeteldiere in die motor gelaai het en ons die huis gesluit het,” sê Mary-Louise. Die gesin het ontruim en na haar ouers se huis verder weg van die brand in Bettysbaai gegaan, net om later daar óók te moes uit. “Van gebede vir wonderwerke en reën een oomblik tot dank die volgende oomblik, besef elkeen van die inwoners hoe gelukkig ons is om so ’n fantastiese brandweerspan en vrywilligerskorps te hê,” sê Mary-Louise. “Dit is belangrik om ag te slaan op die waarskuwings rakende brandveiligheid,” het sy
Inbrake tydens brand Diewe het gedurende die brande in Bettysbaai hul kans benut om by verskeie huise toe te slaan. Volgens ao. Jaco van Wyk, stasiebevelvoerder van die Kleinmond-polisiekantoor, ondersoek hulle tans vyf klagtes van huisbraak wat dié aand aanhangig gemaak is. “Die sake is aangemeld deur huiseienaars wat noodgedwonge hul huise moes ontruim. “Skootrekenaars, ’n ring, selfone en verskeie ander kleiner items is as gesteel aangemeld. “Daar was ook voorvalle waar die inwoners besig was om die huis te ontruim. In die chaos van die brand het die diefstalle plaasgevind.” Die Kleinmond polisie is besig om die verskeie klagtes te ondersoek. Enigeen met inligting kan ao. Maree by die Kleinmondpolisiekantoor skakel: 0 028 271 8213 bygevoeg. “Die fynbos is beeldskoon, maar beheer en die R44, wat gedurende die brand waar daar grasse rondom die huise was, was gesluit was, is heropen. Twee huise, een ’n vakansiehuis en een in die huise meestal veilig.” Penny Davidson, nog ’n inwoner, was saam aanbou, is in puin gelê en 19 ander strukture met haar man by Camelot-restaurant toe hul- is beskadig. Sowat 220 hektaar fynbos is verle van die brand hoor. “Ons het op die balkon woes. Nie een van die inwoners is in die brand gestaan en kyk en toe ons sien die brand beweeg al nader aan ons huis, is ons onmiddellik beseer nie, alhoewel drie brandbestryders vir rookinaseming behandel moes word. Hulle is huis toe. “Die brand het reg rondom ons huis beweeg. op die toneel behandel en het aanhou werk. Ons het probeer om die vlamme soveel moontlik te blus, maar ons tuinslange kon nie by die bure bykom nie en die huis oorkant ons is byna daarmee heen. “Van daar het die vuur in twee verdeel en terwyl die een been na die lagoon gehardloop het, het die ander tussen die huise deur gesnel. Ons huis het genadiglik die vuur vrygespring,” sê Penny. Vir die eerste keer is die Pringlebaai-vrywilligers se nuwe Unimog-brandweerwa, genaamd Rocky, ingespan. “Dit is fantasties om ’n voertuig te hê wat gebou is vir die terrein. Ons het voorheen altyd gesukkel met ’n 2x4-bakkie. Die nuwe voertuig werk soos ’n droom,” sê Clayton Francis, die Pringlebaai-vrywilligers se hoof. Joey van Wyk het ‘n paar vriendinne bymekaar gemaak Teen Donderdagoggend om- om in Dougie Engelke se winkel, Centre Shop, toebrood streeks 08:30 was die vuur onder jies vir die brandvegters te maak. FOTO: SSMA/FANIE KRIGE
Nuus News
24 July, 2014
Three awards for Old Harbour Museum The Old Harbour Museum won the award for the highest overall number of visitors of all museums in the Western Cape for the second year running. They also walked away with awards for the lowest cost per museum to the department and the highest number of visitors for a medium sized museum. These three Director’s Awards were presented to Edmund Buchianeri, chairperson of the Old Harbour Museum Board of Trustees and Elizabeth du Toit, manager of the Old Harbour Museum, at the annual Museum Service Symposium held at the Houw Hoek Inn from 8 to 11 July. The symposium was hosted by the provincial Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport. A total of 28 provincial, province-aided and local museums were represented at the symposium. Du Toit and Buchianeri represented the Old Harbour Museum under the pro-
vincial aided museums category. According to the visitor statistics, the 28 museums in the Western Cape recorded a total of 472 458 visitors during the 2013/14 period, with an average of 19 686 visitors for each museum. The Old Harbour Museum far exceeded this average, coming in with a top figure of 85 000 visitors for the year. In second place was the Bartholomeu Dias Museum in Mossel Bay with 82 000 visitors. Worcester came in third at 45 000 visitors while Huguenot and Stellenbosch both recorded 39 000 visitors. At a celebration function on 18 July, Du Toit congratulated the Old Harbour Museum staff for a job well done and for making sure things run smoothly in the day to day running of the museum. She also thanked the members of the community and visitors for playing a role in this achievement. – MUSA MARWANA
Old Harbour Museum staff proudly show off the three certificates that the museum won at the annual Museum Service Symposium held from 8 to 11 July. On the steps of the Whale House Museum are, back from left: Pieter Jansen (groundsman), Heine Adonis (maintenance) and Edmund Buchianeri (chairperson of the Old Har bour Museum Board). In front: Samkelo Khutshiwe (maintenance) and Musa Marwana (media).
‘Ek neem deel vir my ouma – sy het dinge láát gebeur’ Die ouma na wie verwys word, is Antie Gerda soos dit sê op die swartbord agter haar soetgoedtafel by Hermanuspietersfontein se Saterdagmark. Antie Gerda, of eerder Gerda Roos, is verlede jaar oorlede aan longkanker ná ’n baie kort tydperk van siekte. Haar kleindogter het die Hermanus Times laat weet sy is ’n finalis in ’n kompetisie waarvoor sy ingeskryf het ter nagedagtenis aan haar ouma. “My ouma het ’n groot invloed op my lewe gehad en ek wil deur hierdie kompetisie ook graag ’n verskil in ander se lewe maak, hoe gering ook al,” sê Gerda-Mari Conradie, wat ingeskryf het vir Bachelorette van die Jaar 2014. “Dié kompetisie,” verduidelik Gerda-Mari, “het glad nie met ’n mansoekery te doen nie en skoonheid speel ook nie ’n rol nie. Die wenner sal die ambassadeur word vir Kansa en ’n verskil kan maak in mense se lewe deur baie betrokke te wees by geldinsamelingsprojekte vir Kansa. “My motivering om deel te neem aan hierdie kompetisie is my wonderlike ouma. Sy het nooit teruggesit en gewag dat iets moet gebeur nie; sy het dit láát gebeur.” Die kies van die finale ronde se finaliste vind hierdie naweek in Johannesburg plaas. Die wenner word in November aangewys.
Só sal gereelde markgangers Gerda Roos onthou by haar soetgoedtafel by die HPFmarkie.
Antie Gerda (Gerda Roos) saam met haar kleindogter, GerdaMari Conradie, by die koektafel by die HPF Saterdagmarkie. Die fo to is in 2010 geneem.
WHALE SANCTUARY CLEANUP: The municipality recent ly cleaned out rubbish from the inside of the whale situated at Market Square. Apparently homeless people have been sleeping inside the hollow whale, which accounts for the enormous pile of cardboard, blankets, and rubbish lying next to the whale model. PHOTO: MARINDA WILMANS
Kleindogter Gerda Mari Conradie.
4 HermanusTimes Department’s lease agreement not working out for Elgin farmworkers 24 July, 2014
ANNETTE THERON The families of 27 permanent workers on the farm Protea outside Elgin say they face an uncertain future because of a deal that is not working out as it was planned. Since the beginning of the year the workers have been without water for two months, without electricity for two more, and without wages between April and 4 July. They say they mostly live from donations by shops, churches and charity organisations such as the ACVV and Elgin Round Table, on this 74 hectare apple and plum farm. According to Vuyani Nkasayi, head of communications at the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform of the Western Cape, the department acquired the farm from a private owner in June last
year for R11,6 million for the farm itself, and another R1 million for the machinery and equipment. The department entered into a lease agreement with two co-lessees, who Nkasayi says have many years experience in the farming sector. Nkasayi emphasises that the deal is not a BEE initiative. “The lease works as such; if there are people interested in farming, then they apply and they are kept on the database of the department and when we acquire a farm, we then interview the applicants and successful applicants get a lease agreement.” But, said Nkasayi, the farm has not generated income of late, and the money the department had aimed to raise by November last year to “keep the farm running”, has not been secured to date.
Farm workers of Protea Farm during a recent handover of food parcels.
Nkasayi said the department is aware of the situation on the farm. “One of the reasons people did not get paid was because the farm did not generate any money to pay them.” They are all permanent workers,
with families to support,” said Mekie Plato, ward councillor for Protea, about the 27 affected workers. Plato expressed concern about their future because they were apparently asked to go on unpaid leave from 23 June to 9 July.
Nuus News
Edward van Niekerk, one of the two lessees who was present at a recent hand-over of food parcels on the farm, was contacted to give clarity and more detailed information on the terms of the lease agreement, but did not want to comment. Upon a question about the future of the farm and its workers, Nkasayi said the department will “communicate that when we are ready”. “We don’t know where we stand and we are very unhappy with the current situation and we don’t know what the future holds for us,” one of the farm workers said yesterday. “Something has to be done here; we receive absolutely no benefits. “We have spoken amongst ourselves and believe that government should give us part of the shares of the farm as we are the ones working the land.”
Mother in stable condition after set alight by son JANINE VAN DER RIET The mother who was attacked and set alight by her 19-year-old son on Tuesday 15 July in their Voëlklip home, is still in a serious but stable condition at Tygerberg Hospital. The son had also attacked his grandmother with a hammer on the same evening, but she has since been discharged from hospital. Hermanus Times is aware of the
identity of the victims, but has decided to honour their request not to be identified. The mother is still heavily bandaged and needs medical care for at least another three to six weeks. The grandmother is at home and friends say “she is a very brave lady and doing alright under the circumstances. “She is getting a lot of love and support from neighbours and residents in Hermanus.” The saddest part of the attack on
the mother and grandmother, say family friends, is that the mother is a wonderful, inspiring woman and author of multiple books who dedicates her time and energy to helping victims of trauma and violence in South Africa and abroad. She offers courses and retreats and is a well-known inspirational speaker, teacher and facilitator. In the books she has written and the motivational courses she facilitates, she tells the reader and audience of the violence she has had to
Innovation that excites
Kom besigtig die NUWE NISSAN QASHQAI by HERMANUS NISSAN se stalletjie hierdie naweek (25-27 Julie) by die “Christmas in July”fees te Paradise Park, Vermont, Hermanus en staan 'n kans om EEN van TIEN dubbelkaartjies te wen vir die vertonings gedurende die KALFIEFEES vanaf 7 tot 10 Augustus. Vir enige verdere navrae, skakel ons gerus by 028 312 1117
face in her life, from an abusive marriage to many violent crimes. These include the murder of her father and assault of her mother in a farm attack as well as an attack and stoning on her in a mass riot that spun out of control. In a recent interview with the Hermanus Times before a motivational talk she held in Kleinmond, she said: “Our biggest issue is the fear of going through these events. I will be speaking on how to get past the fear of having something hap-
pen to you and whether it is possible to prevent it. When we live in fear, our lives become limited.” She has also written a number of e-books which have been downloaded more than 1 600 times. Her 19-year-old son was arrested on the night of the attack and appeared in the Hermanus Magistrate’s Court on Friday 18 July. The case was remanded until 28 July for a bail hearing. The investigating officer will oppose bail.
Nuus News
24 July, 2014
Plaaslike OK’s is finaliste vir franchisetoekennings
OK Foods Gansbaai en die OK MiniMark in Onrus is beide in lyn vir die gesogte OKFD 2014 Franchisee van die Jaar-titels.
Koos Senekal, Wes-Kaap divisionele bestuurder van OK Foods, swaai lof toe aan die eienaars van hierdie twee besighede as “mense op wie jy kan staatmaak vir hul besigheidsvernuf en deursettingsvermoë te midde van ’n strawwe finansiële klimaat.” Die eienaars van OK Foods Gansbaai, Chris en Petra van Rensburg, sê hulle top-prioriteit is en sal altyd wees om hul klante gelukkig te hou. “Ons is gereeld aan die uitkyk vir interessante maniere om ons kliënte in te lig oor nuwe produkte, opwindende promosies, gebeure, kompetisies en spesiale aanbiedinge.” Oor hoe dit voel om genomineer te wees antwoord hulle “Ons is trots want ons werk baie hard om vir ons klante die beste inkopie-ervaring moontlik te bied.” Die van Rensburgs is finaliste in die OK Foods kategorie. Willem en Esmarie Joubert van OK MiniMark Onrus is finaliste in die franchisee van die jaar toeken-
20Lt, 30Lt & 40Lt Electric Urns, Microwaves, Overlockers, Sewing Machines, Kettles, Slow Cookers, Double Deep Fryers, Food Processors, Toaster Ovens,
FRIDAY 09H00 – 17H00 SATURDAY 09H00 – 14H00
Microwave / Convection / Grillers, Electric Frying Pans, Home Theatre Systems, Digital Wonder Cookers, Steam Irons, Rice Steamers, Tower Fans, Impact BBQs, \
Esmarie en Willem Joubert, eienaars van OK MiniMark Onrus.
Petra en Chris van Rensburg, eie naars van OK Foods Gansbaai.
ning in die OK MiniMark kategorie. Hulle sê hulle voel so bevoorreg en trots oor die nominasie. “Ons strewe om dag vir dag standaarde hoog te hou en innoverend te dink. Ons wil graag dink dat ons die persepsie van dié OK MiniMark verander het van net ’n gemakswinkel wees na ’n gemeenskaps-supermark.” Volgens Senekal is winkels oor die loop van ’n jaar beoordeel en daar is gekyk na algemene winkelstandaar-
de, klantediens, personeel-motivering, gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid, administratiewe uitmuntendheid en lojaliteit. “Die klem is dus nie net op verkope nie. Die wen-winkels moet kan bewys hulle is ook ernstig oor hul klante (diens en inkopie-ervaring), gemeenskap en winkelvoorkoms.” Die wenner-toekennings vind plaas in September by die OKFD se jaarlikse konferensie in Zanzibar.
Fire Place Heaters, Romance Haircare Sets, Counter Top Ovens, Toasters, Mixers, Pie Makers and LOTS, LOTS MORE!!
083 955 4724
Kalfiefees – Woordbeeld en Sprokkelster
Hein Poole en Lee Rood van Nom merpas
Die groepie van BREEK
Kaartjies verkoop vinnig vir die Kalfiefees 7 - 10 Augustus. Aanhangers van die bekende akteurpaar, Carel Trichardt en Petru Wessels, kan hulle vir die eerste keer sien by die Kalfiefees in MAN/MANNIN: die saamloopdae van man en vrou. In hierdie woordbeeld verken hulle die saamloopdae van man en vrou aan hulle sewe sakke sout en jy herken miskien van jou eie sewe sakke sout. Sprokkelster-teater is ook vir die eerste keer deel van die Kalfiefees, met verskeie produksies en kinderteater. Onder die kinderteater is daar: Jakkals en Wolf (Poppekas), Mienkie en die Bosdwerge (poppeteater) en Ka-
noeksie en Kadoeksie. Die dramas sluit in Vir geheue aan verlies met Frans Hamman en MissFit met Celeste Slabber-Loriston wat volgens samelewingsnorme nie inpas nie en haarself as Norma Jean Baker, aldus Marilyn Monroe, sien. Die opvoering van Seuns met die bekende Petro van den Heever beloof iets besonders. Sy onthul 4 vroue se ervarings met en van hul seuns. Dis ’n tragi-komedie en sal veral ma’s en seuns se harte aanraak. Breek is ’n drama met sang en dans uit die geledere van die Stage Performing Arts School, wat in 2010 hulle ontstaan gehad het. Verskillende aspekte van breek word behandel, soos-
HartBREEK, geBROKENHEID in families en kommunikasie BREKE. Jongmense – moet dit nie mis nie! In ligter trant is daar ’n komedie Nommerpas met Hein Poole en Lee Rood. Hierdie is ’n vermenging van skerpskets en sketskomedie vanuit die oogpunt van die eienaar en kliënte van ’n totalisator langs ’n perde resiesbaan. Die opvoerings in Sprokkelster eindig met Emile Minnie – wagtende nasie. Hy vermaak met sy sang en praatjies en begelei homself op sy klavier. Hy bring hier hulde aan SuidAfrikaners wat hom al geïnspireer het met hul heldhaftigheid, hul woema en hul haarstyle.
PUTTING THE WESTERN BACK INTO COUNTRY FREDI NEST & PIETER MOHR Don’t miss this talented twosome live at Golden Valley. One of the few home-grown acts flair flavour with a love and fl air for American Country music, they’re bringing a Midwestern fl avour to the Western Cape. So come on down to have your heartstrings tugged by both original tunes and colourful covers of beloved classics. 21h00 on Saturday 26 July at only R100 per person. Tickets available at Cash Desk. MVG discounts apply. No under 18’s allowed.
N1 Highway, Worcester |
Petru Wessels en Carel Trichardt
Algemeen General
24 July, 2014
Droom jy daarvan om ’n joernalis te wees? Besoek ons web blad by en laai jou eie artikels en foto’s op. Ons wil jou storie hoor!
WARM GOOD IES FOR THE ELDERLY: The res idents of Camphill Farm Community Hermanus gave knitted hats, scarves, gloves and blankets to the elderly at the Lombardi Centre in Mount Pleasant to celebrate Man dela Day on Fri day 18 July.
After the Camphill Community visited the Lombardi Centre, Ocean Basket chipped in and in turn spoilt residents from Camphill with 84 parcels of fish and chips.
Whale of a Tuesday at the Waterfront Piazza 028 312 4377 Homemade seafood curry & glass of house wine or juice or coffee R85
028 312 4277 Fish and Chips served with a glass of wine or Juice @ R65 Add portion Calamari @ R30
028 313 1153 Beef of chicken Burger with chips served with a glass of wine or juice R65
Algemeen General
FIVE YEARS FOR FEATHERS: Feathers Bis tro at HemelenAarde Village celebrated its fifth birthday, and new look, which includes a mural by John Crichton, on Sunday. Own ers Carolyn “Caz” and David Flynn toasted the occasion and David thanked Caz for her hard work and dedication over the past few years. PHOTOS: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
Friends and family joining the celebrations included Hettie Maree, Alan Morssion, Stan Wood, Marianne Noel, Margo Wood and Andy Pilkington.
Sharing a glass of wine at Feathers Bistro’s fifth birthday are Ben Pheiffer, Chris Jonnson, John Crichton (who helped with their new look), Etna Pheiffer and Colin Harper.
Mike and Susanne Howe, Dieter Lauff and Leigh Murray.
Guests had fun posing with Feathers Bistro’s featherless friend. Jan van Niekerk looks through the peep hole, while Hettie Maree enjoys the mirth and merriment.
24 July, 2014
Briewe Letters
24 July, 2014
Mediclinic kry 9,5 uit 10 TWEE GELUKSKOTE OP EEN DAG: Viktor en Eldoret Styger se seun, Viktor (regs) en kleinseun, ook Viktor (11) (links) het dié 4 kg knewel van ’n galjoen uitgetrek by die Mossel rivier op 15 Julie. El doret vertel hul familie, van Nelspruit, het hier gekuier oor die vakan sie en het net lof vir die mense van Hermanus oor wat gebeur het ná die galjoen uitgetrek is. In die harwar om vin nig die kamera in die motor te gaan haal om die vangs van die dag af te neem, het die mo torsleutels verlore ge raak. “Hulle het oral gesoek, maar tever geefs. ’n Samaritaan het wel later die sleu tels gevind, en dit on gesiens aan die motor se lugdraad gehang.” Die Stygers sê baie dankie vir die eerlike en wonderlike gebaar.
EDITORIAL COMMENT Become the change There are many advantages to living in a small town. Although everyone mostly knows everybody’s business, like no body’s business, there is also the sense of belonging that comes along with it. Unfortunately the reality is that behind closed doors everyone still has their own skeletons. According to the 2011 Cen sus, a total of 16% of the Overstrand population has no annual income. With these statistics comes incredible hard ship for some families. Poverty and hardship has a major in fluence on a person. And when someone whom we thought we knew well, takes his or her own life, we can only wonder about the reasons behind it. This is not only true for those without any income, but also the father or mother who struggles to provide for their own family. The reasons behind suicide is mostly a darkly kept secret, but if we could make an effort to look around and really see our neighbours, friends and acquaint ances going through a hard time, we could become the difference between a life and death decision.
No decline in whale numbers
Watch whales from the rocks Shortly after we bought our house on the cliff tops at De Kelders in 1989, we were privileged to watch a whale give birth just off the rocks right in front of us. At that time 80 to 100 whales in the bay were common, but since moving here permanently in 2000, we have witnessed increasing incursions of whale watching boats into their territory. Is it really coincidental that this development has been accompanied by a steady decline in our seasonal visitors? On Monday 14 July two whale watching boats were to be seen within the breaker line in front of the Coffee On the Rocks restaurant and that night seven boats were fishing well inside the bay, extremely close to The Plaat. It seems these boats are justified because they earn money for their owners and the area and as we all know, everybody needs money now – irrespective of the co-lateral costs for the future. Forget the boats! To get up “real close” to the whales and get a far better view, you can stand on the rocks in front of our house, where the whales come in so close you could hit them with a ping pong ball. But of course, you can’t charge people for standing on the rocks, so this non-intrusive option does not have any appeal for the whale tour operators. Any animal or human mother will protect her young and will not tolerate anything getting close and whales are surely no different. If these boats are allowed to trespass close to the cliffs, the whales’ nursery, the whales will go, just like the rhino – so what?
In response to Fanie de Jager’s letter “Waarheen is al die walvisse” (HT 17/07), I can say that as a proud Hermanian and whale lover, I have diligently photographed and monitored whales from land, sea and air, and can tell you there has been no decline in the numbers to Hermanus (Walker Bay). I personally counted 25 whales from Sievers Punt on 15 July. The bay has had record sightings of humpback whales this season (June/July). To add to my sightings, I photographed three mother/calf pairings on 14 July, the earliest I’ve ever seen calves in the bay from land. As for the whale boats, get off your butt and go and enjoy a trip to see whales at close quarters. The boats, by law, are allowed to approach to 50 metres. Because of their (whales) inquisitive nature, they approach the boats almost every time, to
within touching distance. The southern right whale population is increasing every year (approximately 7 000 to the SA coastline in 2013, out of a total population of approximately 16 000). Personally, I believe Walker Bay has a capacity to contain 250 whales at peak times (Sep/Oct). In my short 10 years monitoring whales in Walker Bay, capacity has always been reached. Whale watching in Hermanus, De Kelders, Pearly beach, and De Hoop any time in the season is fantastic, Tamatie Bank included. I didn’t see Mr De Jager braaing on a beautiful mid June morning when I photographed a southern right in the kelp and a breaching humpie, all from the very Tamatie Bank.
‘Quiet diplomacy’ works best at night shelter I am responding to the “Anonymous” SMS published in HT 10 July, with regard to their comments that tik/dagga and alcohol are being used in the night shelter and also of the so-called intimidation of anyone who lays a complaint with the on duty supervisor. Have newcomers to the shelter used tik/ dagga and smuggled alcohol into the shelter in the past? The answer is “yes”. Was it allowed to continue? The answer is a resounding “no”. I have (when an incident of this nature has occurred) confronted the persons concerned and quietly informed them if the incident occurs again, not only will the supervisor be informed but in the case of tik/dagga, the Hermanus SAPS will be informed. This method of “quiet diplomacy” has been a tremendous success and the incident has never been repeated again. You may think, “why not report it to the on duty supervisor immediately?” The reason is twofold. The majority of homeless people have a deep mistrust of any authoritarian organisation and absolutely nothing would be achieved by having them removed from the shelter. Instead they are made aware of the future consequences of the action. This method has only failed on two or
three occasions and when reported to the supervisor immediate action has been taken through a temporary suspension or (as anonymous can testify to) a permanent banning from the shelter, and in some cases the police have been called to evict the individual concerned. For “anonymous” to make the accusation, is malicious in the extreme and is just an attempt by “anonymous” to cause maximum trouble for the shelter because they are permanently banned. Daily you can see in the shelter the marked improvement and behaviour of the inhabitants who decided to clean the area around the supervisor’s caravan and the entrance of the shelter which indicates a certain pride that they take in the place where they live. In conclusion, I would just like to thank, on behalf of all shelter inhabitants, the committee who work tirelessly to help the homeless people and also those extremely good people who bring food every night to the shelter at their own expense in sometimes really miserable weather. They don’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk. God bless you all.
Ek is ’n jongman van 65 jaar oud, van Port Elizabeth, en moes ’n operasie aan my regterskouer in Hermanus ondergaan. Ek was maar skrikkerig vir die klein plattelandse hospitaal, maar aangesien een van die beste ortopede (voorheen van Pretoria) my sou opereer, het ek maar deurgedruk. My eerste skok was toe ek by die sekerheidsman by die hospitaalhek moes verbykom. Hy was so vriendelik en hulpvaardig; ek het maar gedink hy het my met ’n groot WP Rugbyspeler verwar. Met die aankoms by die ontvangstoonbank, het ek weer dié opregte vriendelikheid en hulpvaardigheid ervaar. Die dame was baie vriendelik en hulpvaardig, het al my besonderhede geneem, en my verwys met ’n spesiale gesant na die saal waar ek opgeneem sal word. By die saal waar ek die volgende 30 uur sou deurbring, is ek hartlik ontvang en gou op my gemak laat voel. Alles oor die hospitaal en dit wat vir my voorlê, is aan my in pragtige Afrikaans verduidelik. Weereens het ek gemeen die personeel verwar my met iemand baie bekend. Hulle het soveel tyd aan my spandeer. Net jammer hulle wou nie vir my lekker koffie gee nie; net geseg die koffie was klaar? Die suster wat die vrae moes vra, het dit so professioneel gedoen dat die meer as 300 vrae nie lank geduur het nie. Ek was spyt die sessie het so gou geneem. Die suster het ook tong in die kies vir my gevra: U is nie swanger nie…? (Ek is lank en skraal, en het beslis nie ’n boepie nie.) Ek kon nie ophou lag nie, die spanning was beslis gebreek. Die aantrek van die blourok en die ooreenstemmende kleur onderbroekie het my vrou laat skater. Die hospitaal is pragtig uitgelê, en word baie goed instand gehou. Ek het krities na my kamer gekyk, en kon sien hier word net gestreef na kwaliteit, en netheid. Ek is so 10:30 ingestoot na die slagpale, en weereens het ek die opregte warmte daar ervaar. Ek kon nie eens die susters of die narkotiseer se name onthou, nie, maar ek was onmiddellik op my gemak geplaas. Ek is mooi uitgesit en die ortopeed het my regter skouer beetgekry, en vol swart merke gekrap. Seker sy padaanwysings, waar hy gaan sny/skaaf. Die saalsuster wat my terug ontvang het, het mooi verskoning gemaak vir die swart merke, maar laat blyk dat die “tippex” is seker klaar in die teater. Lekker humor so by die pyn. Ek is op my bed gemaklik gemaak, en bederf met lekker koffie en kos. Skielik het hulle toe weer koffie gehad in die hospitaal! Die personeel wat die nag aan diens was, het gereeld kom seker maak ek is gemaklik, en nie pyn het nie. Die betrokke nagsuster het seker al meer as 1 000 inspuitings in die boud toegedien, want sy het presies geweet hoe en wat om te doen sonder dat ek dit gevoel het. Ek moes een keer (teen 03:30) die klokkie druk aangesien die pypie wat in die aar in my hand ingedruk was, losgekom het as gevolg van my swaaiende arms in die nag. Die nagsuster was letterlik binne 10 sekondes langs die bed, en die probleempie gou reggestel. Met die etes kon ek nie my regterarm gebruik nie; was weggesteek onder die blourok. Die susters het my kos in klein stukkies gesny, sodat ek dit met die linkerhand kon bykom. Die volgende oggend met die skeer, en stort, was die personeel baie behulpsaam. Het ongelukkig nie handdoek ingepak nie, en ek is toe voorsien van ’n lekker dik wit handdoek. Met my ontslag is die nodige vorms voltooi, my medisyne en spuite gegee, en die suster wat daardie oggend aan diens gekom het, het my in detail vertel hoe ek te werk moet gaan. Hulle wou om die dood nie dat ek my klein tassie op sy wiele tot by die voordeur sleep nie; nee hulle sal dit doen. Hermanus, julle het ’n ongelooflike hospitaal, en uitstekende verpleegpersoneel by Mediclinic. Ek het gesoek om fout te vind met die opname, die bed, die kamer, die etes, die diens, ens, ens; ek kon geen tekortkominge uitwys nie. Net voortreflike en warm diens. Die matrone en die direksie van Mediclinic Hermanus kan beslis trots wees op hul hospitaal en personeel. Ek gee hulle ’n totaal van 9.5 uit 10.
Briewe Letters
24 July, 2014
toe vir hulp nadat hy nie die polisie in die hande kon kry tydens ’n gewapende rooftog nie. Waarom bel hy nie die plaaslike buurtwag nie. Buurtwaglede kan vinnig reageer want hulle bly in die omgewing. Elke omgewing moet sy eie buurtwag hê of ’n dure prys betaal.– HENK MARAIS, SANDBAAI BUURTWAG
) Vic, baie dankie vir die interessante lesing by Spoelklippe! Fynbos gaan nooit weer dieself de wees nie!– JOEP EN MARIE ) To the gentleman who parked in the disabled bay at Standard Bank last Thursday morning in his white car while I struggled a couple of bays away with a 90yearold lady in the wind and rain...Shame on you!– M HODGSKIN ) Two fishing reels (Penn and Shimano) found abandoned in Vermont. Suspected stolen goods. If they are yours, please call 0 072 316 4943. ) The hijackings, robberies must stop. Poverty and unemployment not an excuse. What is Gov ernment doing? We voted for you to make a better life. ) Carry a box of deadly snakes if they hijack the car. ) Hoeveel skedels gaan gekraak word en hoe veel bloed gaan nog vloei voordat mense aktief betrokke gaan raak by buurtwagte? Tronke is oorvol en misdadigers op parool slaan toe op wetsgehoorsame burgers. Asseblief, word wakker, voordat jy deel word van statistiek. Ons gaan ons pragtige dorp verloor. – NOEL ) Saam met die regverdige nuwe SuidAfrika het ’n ongekende misdaadgolf op ons toegesak. Indien jy en jou gesin wil oorleef in hierdie don ker waters van misdaad moet jy betrokke raak by misdaadbestryding. Werk saam met die po lisie, buurtwagte, sekerheidsmaatskappye, om jou en jou gesin se veiligheid te verseker. – RE BECCA, HERMANUS
) Hou op kla oor polisie en misdaad as jy nie
bereid is om betrokke te raak by jou buurtwag nie. Meneer lê lekker en slaap terwyl ’n klein groepie mense patrollie doen en hulle lewe in gevaar stel. Wanneer die ongenooide gas soos ’n drogbeeld uit die holte van die nag jou oorval gaan jy baie spyt wees dat jy nie jou deel in die gemeenskap doen nie. – KOBUS, SAND BAAI
) Gewapende rooftogte neem toe in Herma
nus. ’n Man van Fisherhaven bel Johannesburg
Shift in distribution trends of whales Mr De Jager’s observations (HT, 17 July) agree broadly with trends that have been seen from the annual helicopter surveys of the coastline between Nature’s Valley and Muizenberg that have been carried out since 1979, latterly by the Mammal Research Institute (MRI) of the University of Pretoria. The numbers of unaccompanied whales (that is, not cow-calf pairs) seen on these surveys have declined since 2009, to about half of the levels seen from 2000 – 2009, whereas
) Mooi, Sonja! (HT 17 Julie). Die persoon wat
die kennisgewing op Mountain View se hek ge plaas het, het sy doel bereik! Jy het dit raakge sien. Sien nou ook die humor daarin, asb. En gels kan ongelukkig nie so gebruik word nie.–
) Stem saam Sonja, dis ’n vernederende beledi
ging vir ons trots Afrikaanssprekendes deur die komitee wat Mountain View huiseienaars re geer. Dis beslis nie dieselfde taal waarmee ons opgevoed is nie.– MOUNTAIN VIEW INWO NERS
) Esther en al die vriendelike mense van Indwe Assuransie: baie dankie vir als. Tien uit tien vir julle.– NELLY VENTER ) Ek dink die mense wat beplan het om 67 min te gee, moet dan nie 67min van hul werkgewer se tyd vat nie, want dan gee die werkgewer dit nie in persoon nie. Ons moet elk ons eie tyd gee vir ons medemens. )To the young person with small white car that gave an old lady a lift home and brought me those beautiful flowers for Mother’s Day. Please contact me or leave cellnumber. 0 072 294 7001. ) Thank you Hermanus Provincial Hospital for outstanding service!– ALEC BLACK ) Ons wil GWM in Hermanus bedank vir uitste kende diens en vriendelikheid. – ELSEBIE VIS
) Typist for 80 page document required. Con
tact 028 312 1663– ANGELA
) Judy Miller and Terry Griffin will once again
be singing with piano and guitar (as well as backing tracks) on Saturday 2 August at 19:30 at The Original Deli on the circle opposite the new Woolies building. Old favourites and easy listening songs will be performed. Book in ad vance. ) Kind home wanted for black and white terrier dog. Has had all injections and is spayed. Would suit family with children. Only dog lovers need to apply. Contact Mrs Rawstorne on 0 028 312 2978. the numbers of cow-calf pairs has continued to increase at the same rate as before (many of which occur off De Hoop, as Mr De Jager states). The reasons for this trend are unknown, but since 2003, 20 right whales that were previously photographed in South African waters have been sighted off Namibia (10 since 2008), so there seems to have been a shift in distribution of some unaccompanied whales to areas that they once occupied over 200 years ago.
Although spring is around the corner, there is still some very cold and wet weather heading towards the Overstrand in the coming week. More than 22 mm rain is forecast for the weekend.
Stop stagnation, get creative juices flowing to tackle jobs, housing, transport, water, parking, tourism The loss of large projects recently has been costly to Hermanus, causing stagnation and loss of jobs and money circulation. Here is food for thought, starting with Stanford. Stanford – Add a mini waterfront to this already beautiful and interesting old-school town. From the Stanford waterfront have a ferry running in the Kleinrivier to Maanskynbaai. The well-elevated grounds at Maanskynbaai can become a state-of-the-art sports complex and sports college with a waterfront with a sports bar and restaurant (no malls). Maanskynbaai could offer world-class rowing competitions (maybe a Cambridge, Oxford type of race between the Ikeys and Maties for a start from Stanford to Hermanus/ Maanskynbaai), yachting, indoor swimming and maybe world sevens rugby one day. Soccer, cricket, bowls, driving range, athletic fields or a triathlon by pedalling from Gansbaai to Stanford; rowing to Maanskynbaai; and running to Hermanus. Add chalets on the waters edge of Maanskynbaai or a Formula 1 type hotel for athletes. A project of this nature can draw people to Hermanus during the winter months also and get Hermanus properly on to the international arena. De Mond – build a hotel catering for sportsmen and others, and top-class homes, not clusters. Hermanus – close down a portion of the main road in the CBD from Lemm’s corner to Dirkie Uys street. Remove the vendor stalls and place new smaller ones in the centre of the main road for the current vendors. Erect other stalls of interest and create a Southern African theme with each stall displaying the history of a Southern African country for the tourists to read. Keep Lemm’s Corner for the history of Hermanus and add old farming equipment and a boat with history on display. Allow people to jam and mime etc. for entertainment. Add lights and potted trees and plants and also have a free Wi Fi zone. Name it The Whale Walk. Keep the market parking open. Bring back the old wow view it once had, and at the same time creating additional parking and freedom to walk to shops. Open Harbour Road to two-way traffic with a very low speed limit. Taxi rank – Change the current under-utilised parking in front of the taxi rank to a municipal garden. Mount Pleasant – The first impression is always the lasting one. Mount Pleasant and surrounds, improve to garden villages. Sandbaai - The Whale Coast Mall will most
Munisipaliteit is tops Ek, as nie-permanente inwoner, kan verstaan hoekom Overstrand-munisipaliteit bekend staan as een van die beste munisipaliteite in Suid-Afrika. Binne drie dae nadat ek hulle gevra het
certainly help to put the right business in the right place improving on the shortage of certain shops and jobs and also having to shop across the mountain. Hawston should be protected from losing its heritage, but at the same time improving it for tourism. With growth and people’s lives improving new business will move away from the CBD and a well-integrated affordable garden village housing project could be built between Hawston and Fisherhaven. A good-size shopping centre and garage will be needed and possibly a fish or abalone farm for jobs. Municipal workshops and stores – Our municipality should also combine their workshops and stores alike which are widespread to Afdaks (opposite Fisherhaven) to free up space in town. Afdaks could also serve the short falls for light industrial areas. Botrivier is a junction. It will be ideal for light and heavy industries, abattoir, cold storage for distribution and also skills development colleges which could serve all the surrounding towns and people. The Botrivier rail line could see the return of a passenger train from Cape Town bringing tourists and visitors to the Overstrand area. Myciti type busses between Rooi Els, Botrivier and Gansbaai will help to get the people to work and to the shops. Day visitors and people who need to get to hospitals and clinics will be more connected between towns. Also, have a special tourist bus. The bus terminal can be at Afdaks or Botrivier. Water issues – Separate the fresh water and sea water by building a wall in the lagoon from Prawn Flats to Maanskynbaai. Pump the sludge to Maanskynbaai as filling and have a big fresh water storage dam getting the water from the mountain. Hermanus does not only have a shortage of water, but also a shortage of funds. It has been said for years that the old municipal dump at the bird sanctuary is one of the contributing factors to unsafe water in the lagoon. Walker Bay nature reserve area – Electricity, wind turbines in the Walker Bay nature reserve area. A sewerage plant in the reserve with sewerage pipes running in the lagoon to De Mond. The possibilities for a light aircraft airfield and making use of a ferry from the reserve to Prawn Flats for the travellers or a connection bridge. Let’s stop stagnation. It might help to get the Habonim and Schulphoek projects back on track to stop the downward spiral.
vir ’n straatlig in Dwarsstraat het die lig geskyn en is die sooie netjies terug in die vore gesit. Graag wil ek hulle bedank vir hierdie flinke en netjiese werk. Dit laat my sterk oorweeg om my permanent hier te kom vestig.
Nog koue reënweer voor die lente kom Is die winter nou laat of net bloot uit sy plek in die huidige wêreld weerpatroon, wil Danie Combrink van Kleinmond weet. Was die Kaap al so koud? Die antwoord is dat die winter eintlik amptelike verby is en ons gaan van volgende Vrydag af die lente-seisoen binne. Of die blommetjies en groente die krag sal hê om oop te gaan, is seker daarna die volgende vraag. Die slegte nuus is intussen dat die oorvol Kaapse damme die naweek nog oorvoller sal raak want die front wat vanaand (Donderdag) nader skuif is nie ’n teddiebeertjie nie. Meer as 22 mm val tot Sondag. Om Danie se vraag af te sluit kan Weerhaan sê Kapenaars het al kouer as dit gesien. Daar was ’n paar warmer winters in ’n ry wat veral Overstranders bederf het. Dit moet mens glo as die omvattende klimaatsverandering buite rekening gelaat word. As na die huidige front gekyk word, sien ons weer die toutrekkery tussen die warm Indiese kant van die land en die koue Atlantiese kant waar die opkomende koue uit die suidpool die regte omstandighede moet vind om reënwolke te maak om die winter reënvalstreke korrek (oftewel genoegsaam) met neerslae te “diens”
Wat ons vanjaar sien is ongewone reëns in die winter reg oor die somerreënval gebiede. Dit is wanneer die Atlantiese hoogdruk swak is en nie suid genoeg kom om oudergewoonte wolke te maak nie. Die inmenging van die oostewind is vanjaar opvallend dikwels en ons sien die naweek weer hoe hy die Kaapse reënwind uit die noordweste kortwiek en suid van die land voorkeer. Mens sou verwag dat die oostewind bietjie hitte bring en dit gebeur wel, maar as ons mooi kyk sien ons die hitte help net vir gebiede teenaan die kus. Meer binneland toe kom die einste oostewind ook maar oor nat en koue aarde en dra koue aan wat veral na sonsak erg gevoel word. Vanoggend (Donderdag) met dagbreek maak die wolke reg om teen sonsak te begin sous. Ons sien eers volgende Donderdag weer volle son. En dan die slegte nuus. Net wanneer ons volgende Vrydag regmaak vir die amptelike lente, sê die Kaapse reënwind weer ‘hallo’ en trek ons weer die warmgoed nader om vir die blommeseisoen te wag.
Algemeen General
24 July, 2014
BESLAG GELÊ OP PERLEMOEN: Lede van die Overberg SAPD K9eenheid het saam met lede van Mariene Kusbestuur Maandag 21 Julie ná ’n ondersoek beslag gelê op meer as 8 525 stuk perle moen in Buffeljagsbaai naby Gansbaai. Die perlemoen se waarde is meer as R1 m. Die perlemoen is in ’n afgeleë stoor gevind en niemand is in hegtenis geneem nie. Die voorval word ondersoek.
Census 2011.
Suicides and poverty alarming JANINE VAN DER RIET Poverty remains one of the main reasons for people giving up on life, says Santie Oelofsen from the welfare organisation Badisa. “People are desperate and have no more options or hope regarding work, food, money and accommodation,” says Oelofsen. In the latest incident a 47-year-old man from Northcliff committed suicide on Wednesday 16 July. The police were called to the scene and on arrival found that he had committed suicide by hanging himself. His girlfriend came home after work at around 16:45 and found him already dead on the scene. Oelofsen says Badisa has seen a dramatic increase in attempted suicide cases, especially under the elderly and teenagers in the past few months, also an increase in the number of teenagers looking for help and counselling. Leon Brand from EMR ambulance services says in the last few years there has been a tremendous increase in the number of suicides. He says in the recent past most suicides have occurred in middle-class homes. “Even though some months are quieter, the number of incidents are still alarming.” According to Lieutenant Fadila September from the Hermanus Police, there has not been a significant increase in the number of suicides in the past month. “However, in the
past two years or so, suicide and suicide attempts have increased significantly.” According to the police and welfare organisations, poverty and depression are spreading into middleclass areas at an alarming rate Soli Madikane, director of the Department of Local Economic Development in the Overstrand Municipality, says the Overstrand has an unemployment rate of 19% to 23% among active job-seekers. He says economic growth is moderate at present after it had peaked in previous years. The number of people in need of donations in Badisa’s primary area – which stretches from the Gateway Centre to Voëlklip – has increased greatly. Badisa also serves the communities of Gansbaai and Stanford. According to Oelofsen, an increasing number of people are struggling to find suitable accommodation on middle-class salaries or pensioners’ pay-outs in and around Hermanus. “There are many couples, for instance, that can only afford a onebedroom cottage or flat. The owners of these flats, however, mostly only want one tenant and not a couple. But the couples cannot afford to pay more rent. Also, the homeless shelters are full and these people have nowhere to go.” According to Tronel Meintjies, founder of Hermanus Stand Together, a non-profit organisation helping people in need in and around Hermanus, their organisation has
experienced a massive increase of people in need since May 2013. “In May we started making plates of food for about five people per day. In November it was around 15 people. Now we make food for around 40 people per day.” She says they are willing to help wherever they can. People must not be shy or too proud to ask for help. It can save a family, she says. September says the Hermanus Police has a trauma room available at the station for members of the public who need counselling or guidance. “Families can also look out for one another, take care and listen to each other’s problems. Look out for signs of depression, mood changes and financial difficulties,” September says. The following organisations offer support to those in need: ) Badisa: 028 312 3909. ) Hermanus Stand Together: 082 737 1226. ) Hermanus Police: 028 313 8555. ) Professional health care: Dr Cathy Cristie (psychiatrist): 028 313 1919; Dr Whepie Howell (psychiatrist): 028 313 1919; ) SADAG (SA Depression & Anxiety Support Group): 011 262 6396 and SMS line 31393. ) The Hermanus Support Group For Mental Health gets together every first Monday of each month at 15:30 in the Blue Room at Fynbospark, Church Street, Hermanus. Contact Esje on 028 313 2031.
Woman stable after cliff fall JANINE VAN DER RIET The woman who suffered serious injuries on Monday 7 July when she fell off a cliff near The Marine Hotel, is currently in a stable condition in Worcester Hospital. A family member of the patient told the Hermanus Times that the family is going through a very tough time. The 43-year-old woman was here on holiday from Johannesburg visiting family when the incident happened. “The doctor said it is a miracle she had survived the fall. She is
in a lot of pain and will still need medical treatment for at least six months in future,” the family member said. Jo-Anne Otto, spokesperson for the Western Cape Department of Health, confirmed the woman has been transferred from Worcester Hospital to Tygerberg Hospital for dedicated spinal care. “She was successfully operated on. The patient is in a stable condition and will be transferred back to Worcester or Hermanus Hospital as soon as her healthcare team deem it safe to do so.”
The spot where bystanders saw a woman fall off a cliff in front of The Marine Hotel on Monday 7 July. She will still need medical treatment for at least six more months. PHOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET
Algemeen General
All about the Hospice Shop
24 July, 2014
Who are your clientele? We have a lot of tourists who pass through especially durAs part of a new series to get ing the holiday season, but we to know more about the cater for everyone. The locals NGOs and volunteer groups also visit us often. in the Overstrand, HerWhere do you get most of manus Times chatted to Petyour stock from? ro Luttig, the manager at Although many residents the Hermanus Hospice make donations, we also get a Shop in Aberdeen street. lot from local businesses and guest houses, who donate linHow long has the shop en and towels. These are very been operating? popular and sell very quickly. The shop has been open for We also have people who around seven years. We startcome in and donate money to ed out small, but keep on make up a bag of clothes for growing due to the amazing someone in need. support we get from the comWhat sells the most? munity. Our most popular items are Our volunteers also make a clothes, especially in winter. massive contribution. We Bric-a-brac and especially linhave between 50 and 60 volunen is always in demand. teers who help out at the shop. Hermanus Hospice shop manager, Petro Luttig What is your biggest It is a way to give back to the with volunteers Ermine Oberholster and Nelia need? community, but also to make Fourie. The shop is situated at 3 Aberdeen We always need clothes, but new friends in a great envi- Street. It is open weekdays from 09:00 to anything is welcome. Everyronment. 16:30 and 09:00 to 12:30 on Saturdays. thing gets sold. We prefer that What does the course of teeth! Once we opened a box and people bring us their things before your day look like? We open at 09:00, when the first found a live snake. I immediately throwing it away. Children’s volunteers come in for their shift. jumped onto the washing basin clothes are also much needed. Where does the money go? We will unpack the merchandise at while our staff dealt with it. All the money raised at the shop What is the most expensive the front of the shop and start sortgoes directly into Overstrand Hositem you’ve sold? ing through new donations. We receive many items that are pice where it is used to provide palliThe next shift starts at 11:30. Each shift gets tea and biscuits as a way very valuable. For this reason we ative care to a number of local pahave people who can valuate specif- tients, from Rooi Els to Pearly of thanking them for their time. The last shift comes in at 14:00 and ic items like books and silver. They Beach. Do you also collect items? will then be sold directly to a dealer we close up at 16:30. We do pickups every Tuesday and What is the strangest item you in antiques or silver. We recently also received a book Wednesday. have received? To have your items collected, call We do get a lot of strange things. signed by Nelson Mandela. This was the shop at 028 313 1884. We’ve even received some false sold at an auction.
Light not Fires project launched at St Peter’s ness when the cable supIn reaching out to the plying electricity in her community in Zwelihle, home was burnt out. St Peter’s Anglican The Solar Jars are easy Church has embarked on to use, and by placing the a project called Light not bottle in direct sunlight, Fires. the power is recharged The idea is to provide as and could last up to seven many Consul Solar Jars to or eight hours. residents in the local Although Light not township to supply them Fires is a St Peter’s initiawith an economical and tive, the general public is safe way of getting light welcome to contribute into their homes. R140 for each jar, which Using candles to enable will be placed into one of someone to read or see the homes in the local where they are going, is a township. real fire risk. Patricia Knight (left) handed over a Consol Solar Jar For further information With the help of Solar to Nozolile Mqolombeni on Mandela Day to mark the contact the parish secreLife, Leanne Dryburgh launch of the project. PHOTO: ANNE PHILIP tary, Grazia Beukes on and Peter Hassall (the coinventor of the Consul Solar Jar), these jars was presented to Nozolile weekdays between 08:30 and 12:00 on these jars are offered at a competi- Mqolombeni who has lived in Zwel- 028 312 1325 or pop into Solar Life at 6 Royal Street between 09:00 and tive price to St Peter’s provided each ihle since 1989. At the beginning of this month, 16:00 weekdays. jar goes into a home in Zwelihle. – ANNE PHILIP On Friday 18 July, the first of her house was plunged into dark-
SPELLING COMPETITION: Bosko Christian School recently host ed the finals of their second term spelling competition in their school hall. Learners from Grade 2 to 7 competed against each other and were tested on the 100 most used words in English. The nine finalists were (from front): Hlomela Ngokro (Gr 7), Chuma Penkese (Gr 6), Sinebongo Qebeyi (Gr6), Saraai Rwapunga (Gr 6), Esihle Nxodo (Gr 5), Lorna Boyisi (Gr 4), Talitha Faro (Gr 4), Adel Humbasha (Gr 3) and Ndumiso Ngqwemla (Gr 2). According to the teachers, it was a nailbiting finish. Achieving full marks throughout the competition did not come easy as learners had to make time to revise and study. The top three places went to Hlomela, Sinebongo and Talitha respectively. Gateway Spar, Spur, Pick n Pay and Wimpy were thanked for donating vouchers for the competition.
Ken Maurice (middle), owner of Carpet Care, drew the winning numbers at the Overstrand Hospice 600 Club draw on Wednesday 16 July. NelSue Fourie (left), from Don Adams Auditors and Colin Harper (representing the Overstrand Hospice Board) made sure the draw was correctly conducted. The winners for the month are: R5 000 – Alexandra Turner; R2 500 – David Beattie and R1 000 – Cara Havenga. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
VISITING HAWS: Two young volunteers, Zoey and Leila, came to the Her manus Animal Welfare So ciety (Haws) with their par ents to visit the dogs and cats during the school holi day. Leila overcame her fear of dogs to give Haws’s black Belgium shepherd pup Lucy a hug. The white puppy has been adopted, but Lucy is wait ing for a home. Call Haws on 028 312 1281 for more information or to adopt. Please note that children are welcome at Haws, but must be accompanied by adult supervision.
Algemeen General
24 July, 2014
CLEARING THE CLIFF PATH: A small but energetic group gathered at the Circle of Sticks sculpture at Gearing’s Point before setting off along the cliff path in the direc tion of Ficks pool to clear up rubbish, alien vegetation as well as debris left behind in vagrant hideouts among the bushes.
Charles Rosant, ook betrokke by Kidbrooke se sorgsentrum, het met die idee vorendag gekom om kospakkies bymekaar te maak vir Camphill. Die selfde hekelgroepie het onder mekaar hand by gesit met die versamel van lekker happies vir die kospakkies.
In front are: Jan Cilliers, Giorgio Lombardi, Lissa Noctis (a Californian here on a six week holi day), Fabio Lombardi, Anina Lee and Di Marais. Looking through the circular gap are Kari Brice and David Beattie. PHOTOS: CILENE BEKKER
KOMBERS EN KOSPAKKIES VIR CAMPHILL: Kidbrookesorgsentrum se be ginners hekelgroepie het elkeen ’n blokkie gehekel wat deur André Kruger, hul hekel leier, bymekaar gelas gaan word vir ’n kombers vir Camphill Skool. Van links is Tuysstella van Rooyen, Grizelda Roberts, Christa Marais, Naomi Style en Francis Ma nual. FOTO’S: ANDRÉ KRUGER
Rayonne Cedas, Evangeline April en Louise Pe tersen be sig om die kospakkies mooi vol te pak.
Keeneyed and nimble Di Marais, chairperson of the Hermanus Botanical Society, was quick to fill her bag,
STANFORD CPF MANS SOUP KITCHEN: Stanford’s Community Police Forum’s victims empowerment team, Stanford Rotary, Cap tain JK Africa and his senior management team committed 67 min utes of their time by making soup for residents of the Thembelihle and Die Kop communities. Oranges and bread were also handed out to hundreds of children. “Special thanks to Constable Anisha Ali and her keen team for taking this caring initiative,” said Stuart Anderson, secretary of Stanford CPF. “Madiba would have been proud of their efforts, for it was he, the great selfless man and statesman that he was, who said, ‘It is in your hands to make our world a better one for all.”
80kg of rubbish collected on cliff path
SHORT BACK AND SIDES BY FIRE AND RESCUE: Members of the Overstrand Munici pality’s fire and rescue squad trimmed the grass at the Masibulele Educare in Zwelihle. The team also visited a few other crèches in the Over strand as part of their 67 minutes of giving back to the community.
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The South African Shark Conserv ancy (SASC) sorting the rubbish after their Hermanus cliff path cleanup. PHOTO: MEGAN SMITH / SHOW ME HERMANUS
The South African Shark Conservancy (SASC) ran a cleanup of the Hermanus cliff path on Friday. The aim was to encourage residents to pick up as much rubbish as they could within 67 minutes. Afterwards the rubbish was sorted, weighed and counted. Over 40 people participated and collected rubbish weighing 79,5 kg with a total count of 2 661 rubbish items. The section of cliff path between 4th and 9th Avenue had the most amount of rubbish (in terms of count and weight). The top five rubbish items were food wrappers followed by cigarette butts, plastic bags, bottle caps (plastic) and beverage bottles (plastic). A grenade projection adapter was the strangest item found. Items of local concern included black mesh and piping (thought to be from the abalone farms). All this data will form part of SASC’s long-term marine debris monitoring project which aims to understand and reduce marine debris through research and education; and to raise awareness.
Algemeen General
24 July, 2014
CAKE AND TEA AT CLINIC: Patients at the Mount Pleasant Clinic, otherwise known as the SCM Dreyer Clinic, were treated to cake and tea by the clinic staff. From left: Vivienne Fischer (admin), Anna Niemand (pa tient), Anna Gertze (patient) and staff nurse Jacqui Hess. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
JEUG GEE TERUG: Hawston se jeug het as deel van die Hawstonbiblioteek se va kansieprogram ook hul tyd gegee deur verskillende aktiwiteite. Een groepie het gehelp om die Overstrand Sorgsentrum se vensters te was, terwyl ’n tweede groepie rondom die Thusongsentrum en die biblioteek skoongemaak het. ’n Ander groepie het gehelp om mense in die gemeenskap se tuine op te knap. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
TREES FOR MADIBA: Whale Coast Conservation donated two trees to the Over strand Association for Persons with Disabili ties (OAPD), which were planted at the homes of Doreen Smith (aunty Baby) and Let tie Snyders. Helping to plant the trees are Toricg Andries and Gordon Pieters.
’N HELPENDE HAND: ’n Groep van die Overstrand subdistrik van die de partement van gesondheid het Vrydag kospakkies aan die inwoners van die Overstrand Sorgsentrum in Hawston oorhandig. Hier (van links) is Martin Chibanda, die hoofverpleër by die sentrum, Gerty Smit, Theresa Alexan der, Samantha Brikkels, Marelleen Ma tinka (voor), Marlene Samuels, die pri mêre gesondheidsorgbestuurder van die Overstrand subdistrik en Maeve le Roux. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
ARABELLA WARMTH: The Arabella Community Trust donated beautiful blankets to elderly residents of Hawston and members of the Overstrand Wheelchair Association and the Overstrand Association for Persons with Disabilities. Augusta Marshall (second from left), a trustee of the Arabella Commu nity Trust, distributed the blankets to recipi ents gathered at the Thusong Centre. She was assisted by Angeline Muller (not in the photo). Among the recipients were, back left, Shaun Segels, (representing his father Klaas Segels) and Johan Sauls (back right). In front are Johanna January and Gregory Spandiel.
PAMPER TIME: Beauty therapists from the Wellness Emporium treated residents of Golden Harvest to manicures and massages. Rykie Venter (left) enjoys a treament by Teri Peek (right) while Elna Botha and Oppah Mandishona look on between treatments.
POTJIEKOS: Die At lantic Rugbyklub het ’n potjiekosdag gehou vir die inwoners van Mount Pleasant. Die klub het genoeg kos vir 100 mense gekook en die spelers het die kaartjies onder die minderbevoorregtes, sowel as die pasiënte van die TBkliniek, in die gemeenskap uitge deel. Elkeen met ’n kaartjie het ’n lekker bord kos gekry. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEER DEN
FRESH COAT: 20F of paint was de livered to Winnie Nywebeni’s house in Zwelihle, which was set alight by her daughter recently. The paint was donated as part of a joint initiative between the mayor’s office, the Her manus Times and Greg Rethman from Midas Earthcote. From left are: Lindile Ntsabo (who will paint the house), Mayor Nicolette BothaGuthrie, Win nie, Greg Rethman and Cristo Goenewald from Midas Earthcote. Front: Zanele Mathews (Winnie’s granddaughter).
Algemeen General
24 July, 2014
HERMANUS STAAN SAAM GEE EETGOED, SERPE EN SOKKIES: Tro nel Meintjies (links) van Hermanus Staan Saam, (HSS) saam met die man ne van die Hermanus Round Table wat sowat 50 komberse aan HSS geskenk het. HSS het pamflette ter bewusma king van HSS, sjokolade, gebreide bed sokkies en serpe en selfs drukkies uit gedeel aan verbygangers voor Mus tangs Restaurant en Pub by die Gateway Sentrum. Ander skenkings van besighede en die publiek het ook ingestroom en winkeltrollies is boepensvol gepak met blikke kos en koeldrank. By Tronel staan Francois Bezuidenhout, Jaques Manigiagalli, Wiaan Bishop, Nico Swart, Ben Calitz en Pieter Jou bert. FOTO’S: JANINE VAN DER RIET Tronel Meintjies by Charlie Sixe ko, ’n sekerheidswag by Gate way Sentrum, met sy nuwe serp.
SNUG AND WARM: In keeping with Mandela Month, Cllr Lianda Beyers Cronjé and Mayor Nicolette BothaGuthrie pre sented a group of learners from Mount Pleasant Primary School with handknitted scarves and gloves on Monday morning. The mayor bought the wool and the items were knitted by a number of residents from retirement homes in Hermanus. The mayor also handed out gloves and scarves to learners at Haw ston Primary School and Kleinmond Primary School.
SANDWICHES FOR THE NEEDY: Dave Wright (second from right) and his wife Ann, newcomers in Hermanus, treated the people at the Hermanus Homeless Shelter to 64 sandwiches made in 67 minutes.
Packed and ready to go, Dave and Ann Wright (above) prepared the sandwiches in their kitch en at home.
BLIKKIESKOS: Curro Hermanus het blikkieskos vir minderbevoorregtes in die gemeenskap bymekaar gemaak en dit aan Badisa geskenk vir ver spreiding. ’n Totaal van 288 kg blikkieskos is deur leerders van graad 1 tot 11 en die personeel ingesamel. Lede van Badisa was oorstelp van vreugde met dié skenking. Hulle sê meer en meer mense kom klop by hulle aan vir kos en klere, en dat hierdie skenking baie mense kan help.
MANDELA MOSAIC: Raphael Malunga (left) and Pambili Kolisile (right) are the mosaic artists from the Enlighten Education Trust Centre who worked on the Mandela Mosaic project commissioned by the mayor.
EMR GETS SPOILT: The Hermanus Times decid ed to spoil the staff members of EMR Ambu lance Servic es for their dedication and work in the communi ty by giving them sand wiches, cof fee, pastries, 67 sweeties and coffee mugs on Friday. Back from left: Kerry van Rensburg and Janine van der Riet from the Hermanus Times, Anna Brand and Allazaan Hull from EMR. In front: Leon Brand from EMR, Cilene Bekker (editor of the Hermanus Times) and Wynand Claassen from EMR. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN
MASSAGE TREATS FROM MARINE: Marine Hotel employees spent time at Sofca Frailcare centre in Hermanus pampering them with hand massages. They also organised with children from Wippie & Snippie to join them in spoiling residents with gifts, flowers and koeksisters. Here Claudia Barclay, Boutique/Traveldesk manager at The Marine Hotel, treats one of the resi dents to a hand massage. PHOTOS: JANINE VAN DER RIET
Henriette Maartens (matron at Sofca) in the back with a few children from Wippie & Snip pie who gave friendly hugs, chatted and also sang to resi dents at Sofca.
ROUND TABLE CARES: The Hermanus Round Table helped a number of institutions on Mandela Day. They started off at the Lombardi Centre where they handed out blankets, then went to Rotary Haven Crèche and the Hermanus Child Welfare where they handed out beanies and blankets, and ended at Gateway Centre, where they donated 50 blankets to Hermanus Staan Saam.
Norma Buckerfield shows her flower bou quet and gifts. Thank you’s for the day also go to sponsors of the treats, including Over berg Honey, Bargain Books, Carchele Health & Beauty Spa, South ern Right, and Anja Brand and Lesley for ingredients for the eats.
Beanies and blankets were handed out to the little ones at the Rotary Haven Crèche.
Promosies Promotions
24 July, 2014
Gateway Centre – an enjoyable shopping experience
Whether you need groceries, medication, decor items for your home, or a good book to read, the Gateway Centre is where you need to shop. You can also enjoy a cup of coffee or a tasty meal at one of the centre’s restaurants, have your hair done at one of the hair salons and buy a new outfit complete with shoes and a handbag. If you need health advice, a new cellphone, glasses, a sewing machine, kitchen appliances, gifts for a special occasion, or state-of-the art flat screen TV with movie house quality surround sound, the shop owners at the Gateway Centre can help you. Naturally Animal tack and animal supplies, caters for horses, dogs and cats. They have a wide variety of ostrich chews, necks and bones at good prices. They stock a range of Red Dingo dog and cat collars, harnesses and leads and recently introduced a high quality dog and cat food, which the animals love and which keeps their individual needs at an optimum level. A 10% discount will be given on any dog or cat purchase, on presentation of this advert. Biltong International supplies top quality beef and game biltong products. They offer delicious kudu and springbok braai wors and 150 g kudu hamburger patties to spice up the braai. Try their variety of olive products – something different and guaranteed
(028) 312 1245 Gateway Lifestyle Centre Hermanus
not to disappoint. Spoil the four-legged family members with doggy treats. Delightful grape juice “imported” from Ashton Winery, exclusively available at Biltong International. They are open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00 and on Saturdays from 09:00 to 14:00. Isabel Volschenk, eienaar van Gateway Laundromat sê: “Gateway Laundromat is geleë by ’n groot parkeerarea wat dit maklik maak vir ons kliënte. Vriendelikheid en uitstekende diens is waarop ek roem vir die sukses van my besigheid. “Ons open ons deure reeds om 07:00 op weeksdae en sluit 17:30 om sodoende almal te kon akkommodeer.” Gateway Super Spar has been serving the community since November 1996 and continues its service with pride and dedication. The pillar of strength in Super Spar is its very loyal and hard working employees with many of them being here from the first big day. Gateway SuperSpar is ’n familie-besigheid wat streef na uitstekende diens in elke afdeling van die winkel. Baie dankie aan al ons getroue kliënte wat ons inspireer om elke dag ons uiters beste diens te lewer. For the freshest fruit and vegetables, Food Lovers Market cannot be beaten. Customers
Winter Sale now on Tel: 028-312 4493 / Fax: 028-312 1646 Gateway Centre, Hermanus
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Gateway Centre is a bustling shopping centre with a wide assortment of shops and plenty of parking for all their customers. will be enticed by the store’s freshly baked artisan bread and cakes from the bakery, the finest selection of meat from the butchery, exotic cheeses and cold meats for a perfect picnic or party from the cheese and deli departments,
Gateway Sentrum, Hermanus 028 312 2141 082 575 1848
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quality dairy products and an extensive range of dried fruit and nuts. A full range of top quality grocery items as well, makes shopping at Food Lovers Market in the Lifestyle Centre a convenient and healthy shopping experience.
ALL BUSINESSES IN THE CBD AREA!! Put the BUZZ back into your business, advertise with me!!!
Michelle van Zyl Sales Representative 028 312 3717 076 845 5001 michelle.vanzyl@
ALEX GRANT CLINIC & PHARMACY Shop 14B , Gateway Centre Tel: 028 312 4847 A. STEWART APTEEK No 9 Pick ‘n Pay , Sentrum Tel: 028 312 1410 HERMANUS APTEEK KLINIEK & APTEEK Hoofweg 145 TEL: 028 312 4039 AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY 028 312 4039
Algemeen General
24 July, 2014
Daughter to give insight on her mother’s career in aviation
Jacobus Human (right) a conservation farmer from Heidelberg, was presented with a plaque by Sharon SmallSmillie (left) chairperson of Waldorf’s council of management, and Ninky Matthee (centre) the school’s fundraiser, for contributing R50 000 towards a feasibility study at Hermanus Waldorf School to reduce their carbon footprint. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Farmer sponsors green initiative study at Waldorf KERRY VAN RENSBURG A climate change feasibility study to reduce their carbon footprint is currently being conducted at Hermanus Waldorf School. The study, which is focusing primarily on measuring and then reducing the school’s energy consumption by making use of renewable energy, is being sponsored by Jacobus Human, a conservation farmer from Heidelberg who is also the CEO of Eerstebos Boedery. Human, who has contributed R50 000 to the project, was presented with a plaque for his generosity at a special function at Hermanus Waldorf School recently. The company doing the feasibility study, Core, is an engineering practice based in Hermanus, with an international footprint which reaches to the City of Knowledge in Panama. They focus on the mitigation of green house gases and make use of Micro Power Stations (MPS) that uses solar, wind and biofuels along with energy efficiency technologies to combat carbon dioxide. Keamogetse Mokomele, a civil engineer and principal of Core, as well as the MD of the company, Darren Steinback, an electronics engineer, were present at the function held at Waldorf. Steinback says to establish who would receive the funding from farmer Human, they visited several NGOs in the Hermanus area with three Millenium Development Goals in mind, namely sustaina-
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 29(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, No 117 of 1998, that a COUNCIL MEETING of the Theewaterskloof Municipality will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CALEDON on THURSDAY 31 JULY 2014 at 14:00. Esi sisazizo sokuba NGOLWESINE, umhla we 31 JULY 2014, NGENTSIMBI YESIBINI 14:00 kuzakubakho INTLANGANISO YEBHUNGA lase Theewaterskloof, EMAGUMBINI EBHUNGA, E CALEDON. Esisibhengezo senziwa ngokwemigaqo ka Section 29(2) Womthetho Karhulumente Wezekhaya: Municipal StructresAct, 117 ka 1998. Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolgeArtikel 29(2) van die Plaaslike Regering : Wet op Munisipale Strukture, nr 117 van 1998, dat 'n RAADSVERGADERING van die Theewaterskloof Munisipaliteit in die RAADSAAL, CALEDON op DONDERDAG 31 JULIE 2014 om 14:00 gehou sal word. HSD Wallace MUNICIPAL MANAGER UMANEJALAWESIXEKO MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER PO Box 24/Idilesi ye posi 24/Posbus 24 CALEDON 7230
bilty, the empowerment of women and food security. Steinback says Waldorf met the criteria. He says: “We can see that the project can expand (at Waldorf), and we will take the study, find investors interested in green initiatives, to pay for the implementation of this project.” Mokomele, who put the initiative together, works closely with farmers like Human to make sure the whole production chain is sustainable, making use of renewable energy machines and organic fertilisers to produce healthy products. Human says his 2 000 hectare farm is a family business which has made use of conservation agricultural practices for more than 30 years. He produces wheat, barley, canola, coriander and lupins making use of fewer chemical fertilisers. He says they have already been using natural processes on his farm, but not enough to sustain their needs. “We need to change our methods so that it will be profitable for us.”
Keamogetse Mokomele, principal of Core, the company conducting the feasibility study at Waldorf, Jacobus Human, and Darren Stein back, MD of Core, with Lutho Stemela, Kamva Foli, Abdullah Diopearners and Membathisi Matshoba representing learners who will bene fit from the project.
Ingrid van Ginkel will be the guest speaker at the U3A Overberg’s open meeting on Wednesday 30 July. She will speak about the book written by her mother, Yvonne van den Dool, From Kitchen to Cockpit: A woman’s journey through the world of aviation Yvonne, the subject of this presentation, was born in 1930. In 1949 she saw a Sunderland Flying Boat on the Vaal Dam and fell in love – not with the pilot, but with the plane. The rest of her life became bound up in flying as she lived through the ups and downs of aviation in South Africa over four decades. In the early 1990s Yvonne came to live in Hermanus, with frequent trips to China to visit family in Beijing. Ingrid will present a colourful account of the challenges that faced Yvonne - a mother, whose dream it was to fly. Ingrid herself had inherited a strong sense of adventure from her parents. With a passion for experiencing diverse cul-
Yvonne van den Dool with daughter In grid van Ginkel. tures and travel, Ingrid headed for the Far East, where she has lived and taught in International Schools for the past 14 years. Copies of Yvonne’s autobiography will be on sale before and after the talk at R210. The meeting will take place in the Catholic Church Hall at 17:30.
Profile: Derek Wells There is nothing quite as exhilarating as a round of golf on the soft, verdant fairways of Hermanus Golf Club, a magnificent stretch of land between mountain and sea, of gentle slopes, sparkling ponds and prolific birdlife – all surrounded by a wide variety of splendid fynbos. Within our group, collectively known as the Grysbokke, are some fascinating characters. One such is the evergreen Derek Wells. Here is a man of advanced years (89), who still has a zest for life. Whether playing golf or chatting about his beloved wife, his enthusiasm is infectious. He has been married to Lorna for 61 years and lovingly refers to her as Sweetness. Derek still has a competitive drive that brings an edge to his game and he will cheer every good shot that his partner makes. He wears an automatic wind Omega watch that has never been opened or repaired. What makes this remarkable is that his father presented it to him on the occasion of his graduation – in 1947. He attended the University of Cape Town, where he obtained a BSc in Civil Engineering. Every day he caught a bus from Three Anchor Bay to the main station, then the train to Rosebank and then walked to UCT. Because of this schedule, sport at UCT was not practical, so young Derek joined Hamiltons, where he played lock forward, initially for the u. 19 teams of 1943/44 and later for the senior Hamilton team. Amongst his friends were many revered names in our rugby annals – such as Salty du Randt, Francis Melish (captain of Hamiltons), the Koch brothers and Gerry Brand. Derek’s love for Hermanus began in 1953 when he spent his honeymoon at The Marine Hotel. In his words “marrying Sweetness was the best thing I ever did”. And Derek was quite the ‘boytjie’! His four children were all born during school holidays – as Lorna was a teacher. His working career as a road engineer, took him to places like Cape Town, George and Tulbagh, where he and Lorna still vividly recall
Derek Wells (left) and Clyde Manson ready for a round of golf at the Hermanus Golf Club. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG the devastating earthquake of 1969. Through this tragedy they experienced first hand the love and sacrifice of a community standing together. In the mid 1980s Derek retired to Hermanus where they settled into their holiday home in Voëlklip, where they still live today. Derek has been very active at the Hermanus Golf Club, first as captain and later as club president. His knowledge of drainage systems proved invaluable. HGC, like many others, was for many years run on non-business principles and as a result the club went through difficult financial and often turbulent times. The success of the current world class HGC, with its superb 27 hole layout, protected environmental areas, housing estates and outright ownership of the land on which the course exits, has much to do with the fortitude and vision of men like Derek Wells, Hannes Kleynhans, Manie Bekker and other committee members. Through the trials and tribulations of his 89 years, playing competitive sport with only one eye, and fighting for his life through many operations, Derek is the ultimate survivor – with an indomitable spirit and an unmatched love of life, his wife and family and golf. I treasure Derek’s friendship. – CLYDE MANSON
ALL BUSINESSES IN THE CBD AREA!! Put the BUZZ back into your business, advertise with me!!!
Michelle van Zyl Sales Representative 028 312 3717 076 845 5001 michelle.vanzyl@
Algemeen General
24 July, 2014
TUESDAY 29 JULY ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, Northcliff. André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. THURSDAY 24 JULY ) Die borduurgroep kom byeen by die De Wetsaal van 09:00 – 13:00. Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday at Hermanus Golf Club at 12:15. Lyle: 0 028 314 1390 / 073 778 2777. ) This is the last week when men have the opportu nity to go for a PSA test (to determine if there are any abnormalities in the prostate gland). The cost is R90 for the test and men can arrive without an appointment during office hours at Pathcare at the Medical Centre. For further information, contact the Cansa office at 0028 316 3678. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall. Henriëtte Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. All welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. ) Die Dienssentrum van Onrusgemeente bied om 10:00 ’n fliek van Andre Rieu, Roses from the South, aan. Slegs ’n donasie. Almal welkom. FRIDAY 25 JULY ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:15 – 09:30 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Pancake day with tea and coffee at the Hermanus Library’s Bhuki Cafe from 09:00 – 11:30. ) Kunsklasse by die De Wetsaal van 09:00 – 12:00. Kontak Estelle Valkenburg: 0 028 316 3522. ) Kolwyntjieteetuin by die Onrus NG Kerk van 09:30 – 11:30. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 12:00 – 16:30. An neke van der Vlug: 0 082 923 9799. FRIDAY 25 JULY TO SUNDAY 27 JULY ) Paradise Park Winter in July in aid of the soup kitchen: Stalls, wine tasting, live music, merrygo round and children’s activities. 25 July (12:00 noon until 22:00), 26 July (09:00 until 22:00) and 27 July (09:00 until 13:00) 0 028 346 3402.
SUNDAY 27 JULY ) The Salandra Country Market every Sunday from 09:00 – 16:00 on the R43 at the Shell Service Station between Hermanus and Bot River. MONDAY 28 JULY ) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus: Ma. 08:00 – 09:30; Wo. 15:00 – 17:00 en Do. 08:00 – 09:30. Bel Alida Liebenberg: 0 028316 3994 / 082 783 5160. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 / 072 230 9179. ) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal. Maandae en Woensdae van 17:30 – 18:30. Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. ) Linedancing at the De Wet Hall from 17:30 – 18:30. Call Maryanne: 0 073 469 9132 / 028 316 2625. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir will be practising in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008.
THURSDAY 31 JULY ) Die Dienssentrum van Onrusgemeente bied die fliek Fiela se kind om 10:00 aan in die konsistorie. Slegs donasie. Almal is welkom. EVENTS ) Verskeidenheidskonsert, Saterdag 2 Augus tus by die Grobbelaarsaal. Musiek, kulkunstenaar, doedelsak, sanggroep met pastore Christo van Niekerk, Herman Breed, Jannie Muller en ds. Cornè Kemp, en nog meer. Skets van Rooikappie en Wolf met ds. Kemp as Wolf. Kaartjies R50. Kontak Mariet Basson: 0 078 329 7888. ) Join the Hermanus History Society fundraiser on Wednesday 6 August at the Overstrand Auditoriumat17:30for18:00forasixtyminutevisual presentation by Dr Robin Lee on Those who owned the Marine and those who stayed there – 1886 – 2014. Entry fee R30, payable at the door. Please support this fundraiser for the History of Zwelihle project and the Friends of Swallow Park project. Donations towards the projects will be much appreciated. ) Bespreek nou vir die Kalfiefeesaanbiedinge van 7 – 10 Augustus. Koop kaartjies by Computicket. ) The Hermanus Wine and Food Festival will take place in the Hermanus Wine Village from 8 to 10 August. Tickets cost R120 per day. Buy at the door or Computicket.
Kalfiefees art exhibition Abstract art to photo realism and everything in between will be on show at the Municipal Auditorium during the Kalfiefees from Friday 9 to Sunday 11 August. The work of 38 eight local artists will be on display and 11 galleries will be represented. The galleries will have a sample of their best work covering a range of artists they represent with the aim of allowing visitors the opportunity to gain insight into the standard of art they have in stock. You are encouraged to visit their galleries in and around Hermanus, to be exposed to the full range of work available. The gallery owners will be on duty during the exhibition to advise potential buyers and to promote their galleries. Individual artists’ work ranges from pro-
fessional artists to “Sunday painters”, so there is artwork to satisfy every one’s tastes and pocket. The artists displaying their work include Lize van der Walt, Jeandre Marinier, Charme Southey, Wendy Voogt, and Peter Woodridge. There will also be sculptures on view by Willie Botha and James Robertson. All work will be on sale so bring along your cheque books. Local artists need your support and recognition. There are more artists per square kilometre in Hermanus, than in towns anywhere else in South Africa, making Hermanus the art Mecca of the Western Cape. The exhibition is open from 17:30 until 22:00 on Friday and from 09:30 to 22:00 on Saturday, and on Sunday from 09:30 until 17:00.
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SATURDAY 26 JULY ) Vernon Barnard by Sprokkelsterteater om 19:00 met musiek uit die 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Kaart jies kos R80. Bespreek by 0 082 896 5106 / 028 316 4567 / ) Hermanus Country Market, 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kosenwynmark van 09:00 – 13:00. ) Market in the Garden at HemelenAarde Village from 09:00 – 14:00. ) Single people – are you recently divorced, a wid ow or widower? Come and meet people who are in the same situation and receive emotional support, and maybe meet a special person through the group. Call: 0 076 115 7382.
WEDNESDAY 30 JULY ) Trimgimklasse by die Onrusrivierdienssentrum van 10:00 – 11:00. R30 per lid, R45 vir nielede. ) Hermanus Garden Club members will meet at the Catholic Church hall at 09:30 for a talk on Cooking with Herbs by MarieClaire of the Barefoot Cook res taurant. Members to book and pay R30 each for the soup lunch to be held in August. Contact Sue: 0 028 314 0072. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom by een van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oosthuysen: 0 072 322 0998.
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Christmas in July in aid of soup kitchen Paradise Park is hosting Christmas in July this coming weekend in celebration of Nelson Mandela’s birthday, which was on 18 July. Part of the proceeds from the event will be in aid of a soup kitchen in Hawston. Join them for stalls, wine tasting, live music, a merry-go-round, children’s activities and much more. The event will take place from Friday 25 July (noon until 22:00), Saturday 26 July (09:00 until 22:00) and Sunday 27 July (09:00 until 13:00). Call 028 316 3402 for more information.
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Chevrolet Trailblazer: Iets vir die Wilde Weste HANS HEESE Tot onlangs was die Toyota Fortuner by verre die land se mees gewilde 4X4 nutswa waarmee daar op enige pad en plek gery kon word met groot gemak. Dit boonop teen ’n bekostigbare prys as alles in ag geneem word. Hierdie eerste plek van Toyota word nou egter ernstig bedreig deur die Chevrolet Trailblazer, wat soos die Toyota, sy oorsprong in die Verre Ooste het. Die Trailblazer word in Rayong, Thailand, gebou. Net interessantheidshalwe; al die Chevrolets wat in Duitsland aangebied word het almal hulle oorsprong in die Verre Ooste, met Suid-Korea as die belangrikste verskaffer. En moet nie China vergeet met sy General Motors -aanlegte en waar General Motors hulle grootste markafset geniet nie.
Ons toetsvoertuig, die 4X4 outomatiese dieselweergawe het op presies die regte oomblik by ons aangekom; die afgelope maand of wat moes ek met ’n “moon boot” oor die weg gekom het ná ’n Achilles-spier geskeur het en weer geheg moes word. Ook was daar ’n lang vooruitbeplande toertjie na die meer afgeleë plekke in die Klein Karoo en Prins Albert. Die Trailblazer is ’n groot voertuig in ons verwysingsraamwerk, maar nie so groot soos waaraan die Amerikaners gewoond is nie. Ruimte binne is onbeperk en daar is die voordeel van drie rye sitplekke wat vir jonger gesinne meer as genoeg ruimte bied, plus nog so ’n bietjie ekstra. Ook is die kajuit ontwerp vir groot Amerikaners en het die spasiering van die rem en petrolpedale genoeg ruimte gelaat vir die groot “moon boot” om met gemak in en uit te klim. Verder is die (elektries-
beheerde) bestuursitplek volledig verstelbaar om aan te pas by omtrent enige grootte bestuurder. Soos te wagte is al die jongste kommunikasie- en klanktoerusting daar, van Bluetooth tot musiekmedia en rekenaarskerm met rekenaar daarby om brandstofverbruik, reikwydte en ander inligting te bekom. Natuurlik ook die veiligheidstoerusting soos ABS en lugsakke en elektroniese beheerstelsel om bestuurderfoute uit te skakel. Die 4X4 aandryfstelsel word deur middel van ’n sentrale draaiknop beheer en daar kan in die ry verskillende modusse gekies word. Die Trailblazer is ’n swaardiensvoertuig en maak gebruik van die klassieke (Isuzu) onderstel waarop die bakwerk vasgebout word. Die hart van die voertuig is die tweede generasie Duramax turbo-diesel enjin wat 144 kW teen 3 800 rpm ontwikkel en nie minder nie as 500 Nm
Sy verrigting stel hom in staat om ’n 10voor ploeg te trek as die plaastrekker nie wil werk nie.
wringkrag teen 2 000 rpm vrystel nie. Hierdie verrigting stel hom in staat om ’n 10-voor ploeg te trek as die plaastrekker die slag nie wil werk nie. Met hierdie verrigting kan ’n groot karavaan of boot ook lag-lag getrek word. En dit met ’n 4-silinder enjin! Die Chev beskik oor groot wiele met genoeg rubber om die ergste stampe uit die pad te haal. Die rit is egter effens stamperig en as ’n rug sensitief is, mag daar effense probleme vir passasiers met sulke probleme wag. Vir sulkes gaan die Captiva, teen ’n heelwat laer prys, miskien ’n beter keuse wees. ’n Pluspunt van die Captiva diesel is egter ’n baie suinige brandstofverbruik wat as 10 liter/100 km aangegee word en op die Klein Karoo-rit baie na aan die werklike verbruik was. Die stilering van die Trailblazer is moontlik meer modern as die van
sommige mededingers maar dit bly natuurlik ’n baie persoonlike en subjektiewe oordeel. Wanneer vroue ’n keuse by die koop van hierdie soort voertuig het, sal dit sekerlik een van die belangrikste oorwegings wees! Die Trailblazer word verkoop met ’n standaard 5-jaar/120 000 km waarborg en diensplan vir 5 jaar of 60 000 km. Wat gaaf is van die voertuig is dat diensintervalle slegs elke 15 000 km geskied en dus besoeke aan die handelaar, wat soms nie so naby is nie, tot ’n minimum beperk. En wat kos die voorreg om so ’n handige vuurwa in die stal te trek? ’n Tjek vir R506 400 sal die ding doen. Maar as die voorkoms meer belangrik is, en daar nie regtig in die bos gery gaan word nie, is die tweewieltrek Trailblazer 2.5D LT met handrat teen ’n baie bekostigbare R386 500 ’n aanloklike keuse!
BOLAND Auto Sold
24 July, 2014
Lank lewe die ‘nuwe Tazz’ met ‘n kattebak! HANS HEESE Iewers doen Toyota van SuidAfrika die regte ding! ’n Bekostigbare motor met ruimte vir vyf volwassenes en ’n kattebak om vyf vroue se bagasie in te laai. En boonop nog steeds van buite aantreklik is. Dink net, vyf studente op ’n kamptrippie, of vyf ouer mense uit die aftreeoord op pad na die teater in die stad. Die Tazz-resep werk nog steeds so goed soos in die goeie ou dae, die tyd wat die deuntjie van “Alles loop reg, altyd reg” in ’n mens se kop gedraai het, en ná al die jare nog steeds by tye in my kop kom. Behou ’n goeie resep vir nog ’n paar jaar langer vir ons gewone mense wat nie altyd die nuutste modegier meer najaag nie maar eerder kyk hoe ons die munte in ons beursies kan rek. En daar is nog baie van ons. Die Quest is die 10de geslag Corolla wat nou by ons langer gaan voortleef, ondanks die bekendstelling van die skerp, nuwe Corolla waaroor ons reeds geskryf het. En wat ons regtig beïndruk het met sy nuwe lyne wat groot ooreenkomste toon met dié van die groot Lexus-broer uit die boonste klas. Soos die Tazz is die nuwe Quest ’n unieke Suid-Afrikaanse model en word hy nêrens anders gebou nie. Maar dit gaan nie net suid-Afrikaners wees wat die Quest op hul werwe sal wil parkeer nie; met die heelwat laer prys as die nuwe Corolla gaan daar ook in die buurlande talle kopers wees wat ’n bekostigbare, nuwe Toyota sal wil aanskaf. Die Quest is nie ’n afskeep, goed-
Die Quest is beslis nie ’n afskeep, goedkoop geboude motor wat van alle luukses gestroop is nie. FOTO: QUICKPIC koop geboude motor wat van alle luukses gestroop is nie. Al die dinge waaraan ons gewoond geraak het is daar: al die modelle in die reeks (standaard-handrat en outomaties, asook die Plus-model met handrat) beskik oor ’n immobiliseerder en alarm, afstandbeheerde sentrale sluiting, dubbele lugsakke voor, Isofix-kindersitplekmonterings, lugversorging en reik/hoogteverstelling vir die stuurwiel. Dit is veral die reik-verstelling wat die bestuurposisie soveel gemakliker maak en
vir korter persone die bestuur soveel aangenamer (en veiliger) maak. Van die ander fabrikante, van heelwat duurder modelle, kan gerus hiervan kennis neem. Op die oog af is daar ’n paar nuwighede in die Quest. Die kopligte is herontwerp, so ook die stertligsamestelling en die rigtingwysers aan die kante is van die deurspieëls na die modderskerms verskuif. Die grys sierrooster is nou swart en die nommerplaathulsels ook. Binne is die verdeelde agtersitplek nie meer
verdeel nie en die sitplekke voor is dieselfde as wat in die duurder Corolla aangetref word. Die Quest Plus word van sy goedkoper maats onderskei deur die gebruik van allooiwiele in plaas van staal vellings en het ook ’n goeie klankstelsel wat die byderwetse dinge soos ’n USB- en hulp-sok insluit. Die goedkoper modelle het egter reeds die bedrading vir ’n radio en klankstelsel en moet slegs die nuwe stelsel laat opkoppel. Die kragbron is dieselfde as dié
van die nuwe Corolla 1.6; ’n enjin met dubbele VVT-I- stelsel wat die kleptydreëling verander om verskillende enjinladings te hanteer. Die eenheid ontwikkel 90 kW teen 6 000 rpm en stel 154 Nm teen 5 200 rpm vry. In die praktyk beteken dit die ratte van die sesgang-handratkas moet vryelik gebruik word om goeie verrigting te verkry. Dit maak die viergang- outomatiese ratkas vir ouer persone baie aanloklik. Die suspensie met sy McPherson stutte word onveranderd gebruik en die remme is ook glybeperkende ABS-remme. In ons nat winter is hierdie seker die mees belangrike veiligheidstelsel om botsings te vermy. Stadig is die Quest beslis nie en maak Toyota SA aanspraak op ’n versnellingstyd van 0-100 km/h in 10,4 sekondes en sal die naald op ’n reguit pad op 192 km/h gaan draai. Dit is meer as genoeg vir die deursnee motoris. Een van Toyota se pluspunte is die feit dat 192 agentskappe oor die land versprei is. Ingeval daar wel fout gaan kom met die Quest, iewers op die langpad, gaan daar hulp naby wees. Maar soos ons weet uit die deuntjie wat in die kop bly draai. Wat kos hierdie nuwe model wat gou staatmakerstatus gaan verwerf? Die 1.6 Quest wat ons getoets het, sal die nuwe eienaar R174 900 uit die sak jaag. Die outomatiese weergawe R198 900 en die windmaker Plus R197 900. Die Quest word gedek deur ’n waarborg van drie jaar/100 000 km en ’n diensplan van drie jaar/45 000 km.
HermanusTimes 24 July, 2014
BOLAND Auto Sold
BOLAND Auto Sold
24 July, 2014
22 HermanusTimes Ford is set to introduce new range of cars 24 July, 2014
Ford is bringing 25 new vehicles to Middle East and Africa by 2016. Responsible for Middle East and Africa, responsible for 67 markets, Ford’s established structures aim to support growth in the region and one Ford strategy will see a growing lineup of new or refreshed vehicles entering the market. Thus Ford announced that it is bringing 25 new vehicles to Middle East and African markets by 2016, as part of its aggressive expansion plans in its newest business unit, Middle East and Africa (MEA). Spanning from Saudi Arabia to South Africa, and Nigeria to Kenya, Ford’s new
MEA unit is comprised of 67 markets. “Ford is bringing a full family of safe, high quality, fuel-efficient and fun-to-drive cars, trucks and SUVs to customers throughout the Middle East and Africa region. MEA is the final frontier for global growth in the auto industry and thanks to the power of our One Ford plan, we are able to offer vehicles here that our customers want and value,” said Jim Benintende, president, Ford Middle East and Africa. Vehicle sales in the MEA are expected to grow by 40 percent by the end of the decade to 5,5 million vehicles. Ford is putting the right structures and people in place in order to
bring a full family of vehicles that customers will want, to the region. Ford’s MEA business unit underscores Ford’s commitment to customers in a region where Ford and Lincoln sales grew up to 60 percent in the past four years. To take advantage of growth opportunities, Ford has combined the four regions of North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa and the Middle East into a single business unit, with all sales, share and financial reporting consolidated for the 67 Ford markets. ThenewFordMiddleEastandAfrica operation - Ford’s fifth global business unit - is headquartered in Dubai. “TheMiddleEastandAfricaregion
is vast and is comprised of very diverse markets with different political, cultural and economic environments. In order to best support the region it has been imperative that we establish a robust operation with a dedicated focus and clear understanding of the unique conditions and customer needs in these markets,” Benintende said. To attain that dedicated focus and support the diversity of the markets, Middle East and Africa is now being managed in two sub-regions South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle East and North Africa. While regional operations are headquartered in Dubai, Ford main-
BOLAND Auto Sold
tains regional offices in both South Africa and Dubai. “The new business unit will give the region the focus it deserves and help spearhead Ford’s continued growth in emerging markets. Africa is one of the youngest markets in the world, and there is an opportunity to provide an affordable product for the people of the continent,” he continued. Benintende emphasised that prioritiesincludesupportingFord’s dealer network throughout the Middle East and Africa to service customer needs. Ford currently sells about 200 000 vehicles a year throughout the Middle East and Africa region.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
24 July, 2014
ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer IN MEMORIAM by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van 1015 die maand, 3:30nm. AlmalHUMAN GERT welkom - ook familie7 Julie. Eerste verjaar weg, lede.Navrae Nonnie 02829 Julie verjaar na onge316 2461, Phil 083 456 luk,Bly in ons gedagtes. 5017, Elsje 028-313 Lief vir jou. Ma Muriel, 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos Meyer Ilse+ Kleinkinders.
HEALING AND TRANSFORMATION COURSE, with Joe Hein- Every Wednesday evening at 5:30 from 30 July (Yoga Heart Centre above the Deli). Bookings 079 680 2600. Release past trauma. Resolve any emotional imbalances. Become the Master of your experience.
SUGAR PLUM Party shop. Themed cakes, kidFOUND dies, tables & chairs, 1215 helium balloons, jumping LADIES WATCH found in castles etc. Purple shop, across Waltons. Call Checkers, Car Park. Call Estelle 072 401 5913. 028 312 2271 PERSONAL SEVICES
VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281.
CALL VISUAL MEDIA for professional, affordable, videography and editing of those unforgettable occasions. Bookings essential. 081 589 1384,
LET ME DO ALL your Video and or Photography of that special occassion. 30 Years experience. Affordable.Bookings essential. Call Ben 072 293 6169. TRAINING & EDUCATION
NOSTALTIQUES. Wanted: Antiques, Art, secondhand household goods. Steenbras Street 15, Hermanus Industria. 082 833 2567. CLOTHING 1615
MATRIEK AFSKEID ROK. Pragtige groen rok, nr.34. Skakel 081 532 1610. R900-00 o.n.a
DIE KLASKAMER- WisCONSOLIDATION LOAN kundeklasse, Ansie de ONLINE. Up to R230 000. Kock, 0796037781. Bad credit welcome. E-mail:
1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.
17/09/1937 - 21/07/2014
Father of Shaun and Carol, Christopher and Sascha and grandfather of Justin, Taylor, Nikola, Skyla, Rourke and Layla. “See you on the other side” Private Cremation Our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. Arrangements done by: Anthea Woolstencroft
MY CAKE NGEL. Cakes/cupcakes for all occasions. E-mail: Call Tarryn Geyer: 076 154 9612. View:
25-07-1927 – 17-07-2014 Passed away peacefully after a long illness bravely born. Beloved husband of Rita and father of Kathryn, Patrick, Valerie and Paula. Funeral Service at Christ Church, Hermanus on Thursday 24th July 2014 at 11:00.
Hermanus 028 316 1659
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871. HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218.
PARTY/EVENT DANCE floor for hire. Black & white check. Phone Carol or Talitha 028 313 2769.
DON'T WANT TO JOIN A GYM? Come to a private studio or gym at home with qualified trainer. Richnard: 079 768 1491.
ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.
BUSY MOMS! Need help with your kids' driving + homework? Call 082 773 9637. EX-teacher. Billingual,30 yrs experience. Primary and Secondary
MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311.
OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679.
APPLE AND COMPUTER SUPPORT. Your friendly neighbourhood geek would like to help you sort out your PC and mobile device problems! I provide on-site support, tutoring and expert advice all at the best price in town. Try me! Call Chris on 082 856 5384.
PRIVATE TUTOR: JP Teacher with remedial experience offering tutoring for young learners Gr IS JY MOEG om in lang R- Gr 5 in Maths, English, lyne te staan om 'n voerReading & Comprehension, tuig op jou naam te sit, Spelling & Phonics. Anne voertuig verkoop maar steeds op jou naam? Opge- Dale 072 071 4289. boude voertuie- ImportsBoedels. Skakel my gerus. FOR SALE Met 20 jaar ondervinding doen ek dit graag. Eugena079 213 5151
THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884.
COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
24 July, 2014
HERMANUS APPLE RETAILER delivers brand new iPads, iPhones, Macbooks and Macs to your door! We also provide onsite support, tutoring and expert advice for your apple device. Call Chris on (082) 856 5384 or e-mail: FURNITURE 1635
ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. No call out fee. Call 079 706 1056. FOR HIRE 1820
KAROO DORING HOUT te koop vir braai @ R20 per sak. Cell no 072 193 4437. QUALITY CHICKEN MANURE for your lawn & garden. Delivered. R55.00 for 40 kg. Call Oliver 072 176 2657. WANTED TO BUY 1675
FURNITURE WANTED. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508.
BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028312 2367.
SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667.www.
ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooWATER PUMPS. Mechden/steel frames. Average Elect. Call 082 885 7480. house completed in 1 day. It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 4761/084 558 1902.
A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798. ALL BUILDING WORK. Alterations, renovations, extensions, boundry walls, paving, tiling & painting. Call 082 255 0939. CLEANING SEVICES 1805
BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749. BRAAI AND FIREWOOD for sale. Rooikrans, Bluegum, Myrtle. Contact Wayne Haman 079 484 0364 or ffprojects22@
EXCLUSIVE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICEweekly or monthly. Full time supervision. A real make-over. Are you moving in or out, we can help. Mon- Sat Call 076 115 7382 ELECTRICAL 1810
A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. For full garden maintenance, tree felling, plot clearing and refuse removal. Also small removals. Gutter cleaning. Call Morné 083 225 3712.
A & A BOME. Afsaag van bome en takke, asook wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot by Rooi-Els. Aldert en Anita skakel 083 739 9865.
BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.
PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028 316 1881 / 072 288 4761.
DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. Fire wood. Call T.J.Boshoff 082 954 7970. E-mail: FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.
CHIMNEY SWEEP. Professional sweep & service of all chimney and cowling types. A clean chimney is a safe chimney. Call Peter 073 157 2415.
ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES. We supply all your requirements and E-liquid flavours. Contact Ben Rossouw cell: 082 726 8771. Tel: 028 316 4217. 11 Branderdraai Street, Sandbaai Hermanus, or Martie cell: 072 644 2942. Gansbaai.
24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 REMOVAL OF dangerous 2017. trees, tree trimming, plot ELECTRICAL and house- clearance, garden maintehold appliance repairs. nance, garden refuse Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 removal, firewood. Call 7480. Wilson 074 824 2195.
OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.
FLOOR SANDING & specialized installation of wood floors & timber decks. The Hutton Brothers 082 828 5627 or 028-341 0543.
FOR GENERAL PLUMBING, MAINTENANCE, Roof cleaning & painting, FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and exterior & interior or wall painting. Paving, watergarden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial proofing & tiling. Call Johan 082 216 7009. Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & GARDEN AFFAIR. PLUMBING. Painting, Offering full garden paving, tiling, bathroom maintenance. Garden design & landscaping. irri- makeovers, home maintenance, building requiregation repairs. Plot clearing. Juliet Leppan 072 942 ments call 083 308 0534 1260. HERMANUS LANDSCA- JOHAN PAINTERS AND GUTTER MAINTEPING. Garden design, NANCE. Painting of houmaintenance & irrigation. ses - inside & outside, 22 Years experience. Call gates, fences. Cleaning of Paul Marx 082 32 777 04. PVC gutters & aluminium gutters. Johan 072 647 2328.
PEST CONTROL -WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028316 3010.
3040 1855
LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874.
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398
24 HOUR PLUMBING SERVICES. Qualified & PIRB registered. Gen maintenance, new installations, emergency services & bathroom make overs. Francois du Toit 083 308 0534 BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323.
REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
SOUTH COAST PLUMBING. Registered plumber. Service and installations. Quality guaranteed. Pensioner discounts. LPG gas installations & services. Certified installer. Oliver Voigt 072 176 2657/028-312 2796.
BUY & SELL. Huge mark downs at super seconds. Making space for new stock. Call 079 746 0830 DISHWASHER FOR SALE- Hardly used, silver Indesit, 12 place setting capacity. R1300.00. Call 060 487 7278
BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact Evan Rautenbach at 082 974 6995 or email us at: Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website: PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervision. Best prices. Free quotations. Phone Top Carpets 028-313 0721.
I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.
HERMANUS TRANSPORT.1.2 Tons @ R6/km4.5 Tons @ R12/km-7.5 Tons @R17/km-13 Tons @ R20/km. Prices negotiable. T&C's apply. Call 082 977 7062. Telefax 028 313 1332
001 STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.
HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. VEHICLES WANTED TO BUY 3075
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828. TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering.
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds PROPERTIES
24 July, 2014
SELF CATERING UNIT TO RENT. Fully furnished self catering unit to rent. Walking distance from Central Hermanus, secured parking, no dogs & no smokers. R3500pm Incl. water & light. Phone 082 336 7734
SPACIOUS OLD-STYLE FAMILY HOME to let in Voelklip @ R10,000.00 pm excluding services. Contact 082 870 5704
VERMONT-VACANT STANDS. Various vacant plots for sale starting from as low as R315 000. Web Ref: 672625,485350,361840. Marthie 083 776 6812 Guthrie & Theron Properties PROPERTIES WANTED TO RENT 3305
HOUSE TO RENT for 6 months in Stanford. Direct with owner. R4000.00/month. R4000.00 deposit. R1000.00 Municipal deposit. 084 234 9999
FYNBOSPARK-R440 000, 1 Slaapkamer grondvloer eenheid, netjies, toegeboude stoep met direkte toegang tot die gemeenskaplike tuin. Marietta 082 569 6967. Guthrie & Theron Eiendomme. PROPERTY FOR SALE by owner. Westcliff, 3bedr,2 bathr, 1 garageR1,195,000. Call Cornel 083 704 8636 HERMANUS MARINER'S VILLAGE
1 BEDROOM flat for sale, Silver Oaks. Private sale. R430 000. Paul 084 570 8351 CBD SPACE TO LET, BACHELOR- Flat for sale. High Street. 50 squares Silver Oaks. Private sale. R5800 incl. W&L, VAT. 25 R350 000. Paul 084 570 squares R2700 incl W&L, 8351 VAT. 2 Month deposit. 1 Year lease. Phone 082 610 5982 FLATS TO RENT 3250
A SUNNY & SPACIOUS FLAT IN VERMONT. Available 1st August. Suitable for single person. R2600pm water & electricity incl. No pets. Phone Jeanette 083 324 0040 after 17.00 GEMEUBILEERDE tweeslaapkamer woonstel in Onrus. Beskikbaar 1 Augustus. Eie hek, afdak en braaiplek. R3500, kontak Johan 082 559 8438 vir besonderhede. PRIME INDUSTRIAL Property to let at Mimosa Park 304m2. Contact 082 897 5945 RUIM ONGEMEUBILEERDE 3 slp kamer huis. Groot leef areas. Voelklip. Onderdak braai. Sit & eetkamer. Beskikbaar Augutus.R6000 pm. 082 606 0586
Properties from R295 000. DENI 084 436 2526
I AM a Malawian lady, I'm looking for a job as domestic worker. Have got 1 year experience . For more information contact me on 061 384 0113
MOTOR TECHNICIAN (HERMANUS) R16 000pm- Must have Master Tech 3 Ford Qualification, ability to work under pressure. Med aid & pension. To start ASAP. Call Janine @ 021 833 6300
LOOKING FOR JOB as domestic work or babysitter,1-5 days/ week. Have 7 years experience. Ref available. Work permit. Call 078 292 0819 I AM ZIMBABWEAN lady aged 20 looking for domestic work. Babysitter, everyday. Call Donnah on 061 858 3223
IM A MALAWIAN MAN looking for a job as a gardener or a domestic worker. Good English and well trusted. 073 772 0152/ 060 480 8194
WORKSHOP TO LET:Hermanus, Contact 082 416 1009. FOR SALE
LADY SHOP ASSISTANT between 20 & 40. Computer literate. Own transport. Some weekends. Friendly and helpful. Email or call 028 312 2271
I AM ZIMBABWEAN man aged 24 looking for a job, housekeeper. Gardener, everyday. Call Chrispen on 074 738 8955
VERMONT: Furnished room, en-suite bathroom, kitchenette, garden for working person. R1900pm. + dep R1900. From 1 August. Call 083 763 6572.
DOMESTIC WORKER. Monday - Friday or daily. Bilingual (Eng & Afr). Call Beauty 071 259 2042/061 053 9338. Reference 082 855 0716.
36 YRS lady looking for domestic or any other job. Very hardworking. Please call 061 880 0795 37 YR ZIMBABWEAN lady, looking for domestic work. Hard working and 3290 reliable, sleep in welcome. 300M2 OFFICES to let in Call Noren 083 768 1672 Haw Street, Caledon . Contact Xpert Property Admin A MALAWIAN COUPLE is looking for a job,as houat 082 870 5704. sekeeping, guesthouse attendants. Reliable and trustworthy. 073 647 2260/ 074 798 9184 OFFICES
A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a housekeeper/gardener/guesthouse attendant/painter. Work permit available. 3 Years experience. Call Alex 084 347 8320. Reference Jenine 082 680 4062 A TRUSTWORTHY reliable hardworking SA lady seeking employment as house guest attendant. Good attitude. 3 Years experience. Contactable references. Please contact Tania 071 820 5072 A ZIMBABWEAN LADY is looking for domestic work part-time or full time. Call Eustina 071 798 0629. Reference Mr Hobbs 072 267 9005. A MALAWIAN LADY looking for work, Tuesday, Wed, Thurs and Friday, as a childminder or housekeeper. Hardworking and experienced. Call 083 892 6428. For reference 076 227 1563 BLANKE dame met uitstekende versorgings-en huishoudingsvaardighede en verskeie goeie verwysings. Vanaf Augustus beskikbaar as 'n inwonende versorger. Het eie vervoer. Skakel Morn by 083 585 9329
MALAWIAN COUPLE is looking for jobs as housekeeper or guesthouse attendants. Good references. Experienced. Call 073 197 4799/ 073 049 4336 MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job as a housekeeper/babysitter or domestic worker or chef. I have 4 years experience. Reference available. Call 074 669 1051/084 839 7014.
ELEKTRIESE ASSISTENT BENODIG- Op soek na betroubare en hardwerkende persoon met ten minste 2jaar elektriese ondervinding in: Konstruksie, Bedrading, Installeering. Sober gewoontes. Sms kort CV na 082 320 76 29/
MALAWIAN lady looking for a domestic work. Trustworthy and hardworking. Reference available. 084 044 1540/ 073 647 2260 MALAWIAN MAN IS LOOKING for a job as a driver code 10 South African pdp license or other gardener or painting job. Call 084 783 8116/ 061 969 2757 MALAWIAN MAN looking for job as a driver , painter, cook, housekeeping and gardener. Working permit. James Chirwa 079 422 0687 YOUNG hardworking SA lady looking for a job as domestic worker or guesthouse worker. Any job. Fluent English. Reference available. Please call 073 122 9929 ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for 3 days. Ref and CV available with Home Management Course. Contact 071 973 3231 GENERAL 3680
99% SAL NIE REAGEER op hierdie advertensie nie. Inkomste potensiaal deeltyds: ± R24 000. Onmiddelike kontantvloei. Geen deur-tot-deur bemarking nie. Skakel Hein 072 266 3612/ kantoor 021 850 8184
MBD Joinery requires the services of an installer and an assistant installer. The successful candidate must meet the following requirements: INSTALLER: • At least 10 years of experience in installing BIC'S • Must be a team leader who can delegate and ensure that team deliver quality workmanship. • Valid driver's licence • Sober habits ASSISTENT INSTALLER: • At least 5 years of experience • Sober habits CV's with References can be dropped off: Monday 28 July 2014 to Friday 1 August 2014 (Closing of Applications) between 09h00-12h00 at Swartdam Access Park, Gideon van Wyk ave, Hermanus industrial or email to
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
24 July, 2014
DOGSbody does it again! The DOGS played an individual Stableford (log) on 22 July in Kleinmond. Rory’s great victory at Royal Liverpool was overshadowed by DOGSbody’s own unlikely back-to-back double at Royal Kleinmond. The highlight of his round was holing a 130 m approach on the second hole; with clever course management to avoid having to putt to a tricky pin position. The Ex-Pole-Dancer came close but his game is being affected by recent revelations on Facebook concerning his femi-
A SOFT FRUIT FARM IN HERMANUS HAS THE FOLLOWING NEW VACANCY: Irrigation Supervisor Reporting to the Regional Manager Minimum Requirements: • Good communication skills • Be able to speak English • Administration skills • Technical skills • Irrigation installation experience • Sober habits The above position would suit organised, observant individual who pay attention to detail and is able to perform in a pressurised environment. Market related salary is offered. Applicants must be able to start immediately. Please e-mail CV to Or fax to: 086 504 9326 Please use job title as a reference Haygrove is a Fair & Equitable Employer
SHOWROOM: 21A Mimosa Street Hermanus Industria Tel: (028) 312-3767
EXPERIENCED BARMAN NEEDED FOR RESTAURANT CALL 072 630 9767 HERMANUS, WESTERN CAPE MONTESSORI DIRECTRESS Hermanus Private Pre and Primary Montessori School is currently seeking an experienced directress for their 6-9 year environment, commencing January 2015. The applicant should have a sound understanding of the Montessori curriculum and philosophy, with required SACE registration. Please send CV with contactable references to by Friday, 29th August 2014 or contact Noline on 028 312 4301 for further information. HERMANUS, WESTERN CAPE PRINCIPAL OF SCHOOL Hermanus Private Pre and Primary Montessori School is currently advertising the position of School Principal, commencing January 2015. Qualifications: o Minimum of a bachelor degree or related experience equivalent, with educational expertise, including but not limited to knowledge of both Montessori and CAPS curriculum, expectations and outcomes; o Administrative/management experience in an educational setting with demonstrated leadership ability; o Excellent oral and written communication skills; o Strong interpersonal skills; o Technological proficiency. To Apply: Send cover letter and CV to, ATTN: Mr Hannes Smuts, Board Chairman, by Friday, 29th August 2014, or contact Noline on 028 312 4301 for further information.
nine side. The Star of David and Rigger Ridge rather concentrated on winning the big money and somehow managed to escape through a side entrance pursued by a thirsty pack. 37 Dave Smith; 36 André Franken; 35 Dave Rade; 34 Richard Ridge; 33 Ian Newman; 31 Alan Smith; 30 Morgan O’Kennedy, Jon Forsyth; 29 Gordon Wilson; 28 Doug Ross, Michel Maury; 27 Peter Theron, John Tunstall; 26 Mike Graham; 24 Trevor Vaughan.
Sport Sport
24 July, 2014
Golf roundup
with Julian Shaw
SEA SCOUTS GO FISHING: Hermanus Sea Scouts went to sea recently as part of a sustainable fishing workshop organised by the Walker Bay Ski Boat Club in the New Harbour. Legendary commercial fisherman Eugene Le Roux (far left), who has fished these waters for over 60 years, together with fellow skippers (from left) Johan Pretorius, Tjaart Olivier (chairman) and Walter Mapham (secretary, on the right) passed on their knowledge and experience to the youngsters. The trip followed a training workshop that covered fishing identification, seamanship, boat etiquette and knots. The Scouts learnt to identify fish on the green list and several experienced the thrill of taking home and eating fish that they themselves caught. Scout Master Peter de Kock said that this wonderful experience will create awareness of our environ ment and lay the foundation for future fishermen.
Die skaakwin terskool is die afgelope vakan sie in Hermanus aangebied en het die jong klomp die kans gegee om hul spel op te knap.
Golfers at Hermanus Golf Club enjoyed good weather and some even better golf. On Tuesday Ladies’ day, 38 players competed in an individual bogey plus and coming out tops in the silver division was Cheryl Richardson on +3, and winning the bronze division was Sue Franck on the same terrific score. On Wednesday it was the men’s turn with 116 players enjoying a betterball stableford. Winning the day this week was local law-man Jacques du Toit and partner Rein Kelder on a wonderful 49 points. In second place one shot behind was no stranger to the prize table Johnny Rhodes and his partner Andrew Gunn. Saturday cleared up to be a lovely day and 96 players enjoyed a very friendly alliance tournament. Winning the north course on 87 points was again Johnny Rhodes, Gerry Coates, Floors Venter and Manni Kantor. Many thanks to my own playing partners Andrew “the tame gorilla” Philip, John Reynell, André Sherriff. We managed to dovetail well and ended up winning the day on the South Course with 92 points. The ball pool paid to 85 and there were only three two clubs. No one won the jackpot, which now stands at R1 195. The club’s star Brodie team was in action in the knockout stages of the league. It was a tough game against the Stellenbosch side but the Hermanus side – Stephen van der Merwe and his team, triumphed with 5.5 to 2.5. The team is now in the quarter finals. Until next week’s round up, keep calm and go golfing.
Bridge results: Wednesday 16 July 1 Joan O’Connor / Julie Cotton 62,64% 2 Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 57,14% 3 Anita de Jager / Callie Groenewald 56,04% Friday 18 July N/S 1 Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 55,56% 2 June Opperman / Jaye Howse 55,38% 3 Sylvia Smith / Margie Searle 52,35% E/W 1 Mary Andrew / Colleen Gower 69,91% 2 Betty Ann Illing / Patsy Kann 53,94% 3 Adele Bovim / Jean Sparg 53,24% Saturday, 19 July 1 Nell Naude / Betty Nel 69,26% 2 Adele Bovim / Carin Verburg 64,07% 3 Patsy Kaan / Val Runkel 59,26% Whalers Athletic Club Time trial results – 17 July: 5 km Runners: 1 Sign Mawunda 18.55 PB; 2 Les Hanna 26.11; 3 Mikki Milne 26.11; 4 Sean Privett 26.11 Fairbridge Mall 15 km Brackenfell X 19 July : Glenda Theobald 1.43 John Theobald 1.43 Arlene Ehrenberg 2.04
Winterskool vir skaak Sowat 20 “skakertjies” tussen 5 en 14 jaar oud het ewe entoesiasties elke dag ingeklok vir raad, rigting en die skaaf aan hul skaakvermoëns tydens die afgelope skaak-winterskool. Die beginners se sessies was van 09:00 tot 11:00 en die meer gevorderde spelers het van 13:00 tot 15:00 aangemeld. Murison en Rhoda Kotzé van die Kip McGrath Education Centre in Mitchellstraat
het aan Marius van der Westhuizen, die skaakafrigter, hul perseel aangebied vir dié doel. Skakertjies het nuwe vaardighede aangeleer en heelwat tyd is ook bestee aan oefen teen opponente. Afrigter Marius is in die proses om ’n amptelike skaakklub te stig. Diegene wat lid wil word van die skaakklub kan hom by 072 065 1016 bel of e-pos by
Sport diary ) Hawston Krieketklub se Algemene Jaar vergadering is op Woensdag 30 Julie om 18:30 by die Hawstonklubhuis. Die klub se bestuur nooi alle belangstellendes uit om dit by te woon. ) Tip of Africa Endurance Ride: Saturday 26 July. The horse race starts at Mega Park,
13 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS 028 312 2717
SUNDAY th 27 July 2014 Morning Services: 8.30 & 10am led by Rev. Dr. James Gray
Children's & Youth Ministry 9.45am in the hall
Bredasdorp. Rider entries: or Naomi Muller: 2 or 0 082 783 1802. For event enquiries: Esther Möller: 2 es / 0 028 424 2890. It is an allday family event. Entry is free.
Sunday Evening: 6.30pm led by Rev. Dr. James Gray
KENNISGEWING IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 35(5) VAN WET 66 VAN 1965 Kennis word hiermee gegee in terme van Artikel 35(5) van Wet 66 van 1965 dat die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening in die gesamentlike boedel van wyle LILLIAN ANNE SWART, Identiteitsnommer 540307 0034 08 8 wie op 25 Augustus 2012 te Hawston oorlede is en nagelate eggenoot DANIEL JOHANNES SWART, Identiteitsnommer 541104 5057 084 ter insae lê vir inspeksie in die kantoor van die Meester van die Hoëhof, Kaapstad en ’n afskrif daarvan in die Landdroskantoor, Hermanus vir ’n tydperk van 21 dae vanaf 25 Julie 2014. Boedelnommer 12336/2012 Gedagteken in Hermanus op 18 Julie 2014. BURGERS & VAN NOORDWYK, WARRINGTONARKADE 7, HAWEWEG 4, HERMANUS, 7200. (ISVN/vs/S067B)
BOEDELKENNISGEWING In die boedel van wyle: JANETTA JOSEPHINE LE ROUX, Identiteitsnommer 371009 0033 08 6 wat oorlede is op 16 SEPTEMBER 2013 en in die lewe woonagtig was te HUIS LETTIE THERON, HERMANUS Meestersverwysingsnommer: 15864/2013 Kennis geskied hiermee dat Krediteure en Debiteure hul vorderings moet indien en hul skulde betaal by die ondergemelde prokureur binne die tydperk van 30 (Dertig) dae vanaf 25 JULIE 2014 COENRAAD JOHANNES BIERMAN, VORSTER & STEYN ING., PROKUREUR VIR EKSEKUTEUR, MITCHELL HUIS, MITCHELLSTRAAT 16, POSBUS 500, HERMANUS, 7200.
BOEDEL WYLE CASPER JOHANNES GELDENHUYS NR 7332/2013 Boedel wyle CASPER JOHANNES GELDENHUYS (Identiteitsnommer 291015 5063 082) en nagelate gade MARIA GELDENHUYS (Identiteitsnommer 370805 0099 089) wie binne gemeenskap van goedere getroud was met mekaar en wie oorlede is op 13 Mei 2013 van Mossielaan 8, Hermanus 7200 Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat die Eerste en Finale Likiwidasie en Distribusie rekening in bogemelde boedel ter insae lê in die Kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof Kaapstad en Landdroskantoor Hermanus, Wes-Kaap vir die tydperk van 21 dae gereken vanaf 25 Julie 2014 OVERBERG BOEDELBEREDDERAARS EN BEPLANNERS, POSBUS 729 KLEINMOND 7195 OF FONTEINHOUTLAAN 38 KLEINMOND. TEL/FAKS 028-271 5944. VERWYSING: NIEL THERON. SELFOONNOMMER 083 459 9419
KENNISGEWING VAN GEREGTELIKE VERKOPING IN DIE LANDDROSHOF VIR DIE DISTRIK VAN HERMANUS GEHOU TE HERMANUS Saaknommer: 1841/2013 In die saak tussen LEON ROOS (Eiser) en WILDCAT MARINE (Verweerder) In ten uitvoerlegging van ’n vonnis van die Landdroshof Hermanus gedateer 11 Oktober 2013 sal die ondervermelde goedere om 09h00 op 15 Augustus 2014 per geregtelike veiling te Baljustoor, Arumstraat 11B, Industria Hermanus deur die Balju vir die Landdroshof Hermanus aan die hoogste bieder vir kontant verkoop word naamlik: 1. Verskeie rompe en vorms vir rubberduck bote. Gedateer te Hermanus op hierdie 10de dag van Julie 2014. VAN DYK LOOTS PROKUREURS, PROKUREUR VIR EISER, MARLENE LOOTS, ABERDEENSTRAAT 3, HERMANUS. (VERWYS: ML/cs/ML0170)
Double 137 B/Set
R3 999 Limited stock
Save R801
9 771608 589068
Cloud Nine Monoflex No Turn
KLEINMOND KOU KLIPPE TEEN ASH TON: Klein mond se rug byspanne het die afgelope naweek teen Ashton op sy tuisveld ge speel in die laaste wed stryd van die eerste ronde van die Oos Superliga. Kleinmond A het baie goed gevaar tot so wat 15 minute voor die einde van die wed stryd toe Ash ton twee vinni ge drieë ge druk het om uiteindelik die wedstryd te wen. Die uit slae is as volg: Kleinmond A 20 – 34 Ash ton A. Klein mond B 12 – 45 Ashton B. Kleinmond C 12 – 12 Ash ton C. Tot dus ver het Klein mond A twee wedstryde gewen, sewe verloor en een gelykop ge speel. Kleinmond B het vier gewen en ses verloor, terwyl Kleinmond C een gelykop gespeel het, vier gewen en vyf verloor het. Die twee de ronde in die liga begin op 2 Augustus met ’n wegwedstryd teen Caledon. FOTO: WENDY TAWSE
Bowls: Awards and 78th AGM The Hermanus Bowling Club held their 78th AGM on Tuesday 15 July. The members selected to serve on the executive committee in order to run the club’s affairs for the 2014-’15 season include Blackie de Swardt (president), Tish Bryce (club captain), Sabrina Stravino (secretary) and Guy Krige (treasurer). Ahead of the AGM, the club held a gala prize-giving function and members who received awards included, among others, Piet and Amanda Meyer (mixed pairs); Dave Buckley, Johan Schwartz and Frits Rauch (drawn trips) and Rudolph Strydom, Sabrina Stravino and Jerome Thirpe (mixed trips). – CHRISSIE VAN WYK
In the winner’s circle at the Hermanus Bowling Club’s recent awards evening were, from left: Alec Rabie (men’s competition secretary), Sabrina Stravino (winner – mixed trips), Amanda Meyer (winner – mixed pairs and women’s competition secretary), Blackie de Swardt (club president), Jerome Thorpe (winner – mixed trips) and Rudolf Strydom (winner – mixed trips). PHOTO: PETER SCHUMER
CURRO WINTER SPORT: Charnay Vorster (u. 18 netball), Keanu Esau (u. 14 rugby) and Robert Payne (u. 18 rugby) participated in the Curro Sevens National Tournament in Rood epoort. Robert Payne was selected for the u. 18 Sevens Rugby Curro national team.
Danielle du Plooy (u. 13 netball) and Sean van Wyk (u.13 7’s rugby) participated in the Curro South vs Curro North tournament for primary school learners in Mossel Bay during the holidays.
Nadia van der Westhuizen, a Boland golf player with a 10 handicap, played in the SA Girls golf tourna ment in Orkney and won the Boland B Division.