Hermanus times 29 05 2014

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THURSDAY, 29 MAY 2014 | Tel 028 ­ 312 3717 | Fax 028 ­ 312 4316



Your local home, DIY and garden centre open 7 days a week 2 Mussel Rd, Hermanus Kollege soek nuwe kampus 4

Tennisbane maak plek vir hof 5

Expert warns of stormy weather 12


Huishoudelike dienste kos ál meer FANIE KRIGE

Die Overstrand-munisipaliteit se finale begroting vir 2014-15 wyk nie veel af van die voorstelle wat in Maart vanjaar ter tafel gelê en aan openbare deelname onderwerp is nie. Die raad het Woensdag ’n inkomstebegroting van R821 miljoen, ’n bedryfsbegroting van R870 miljoen en ’n begroting van R98 miljoen vir kapitaalprojekte goedgekeur. Buiten vir enkele nuwe tariewe wat op die tarieflys bygevoeg is, bly die voorgestelde verhogings wat huishoudings raak, steeds 15% op eiendomsbelasting, 7,8% op elektrisiteitsverbruik en 6% op water, riolering en vullisverwyderingsdienste. Die eiendomsbelasting op besigheidspersele en plase is ook 15%, terwyl daar geen verhoging op die belasting van onontwikkelde persele is nie. Die impak hiervan gaan wees dat huishoudings met ’n medium verbruik (huis ter waarde van R2,5 miljoen, voorafbetaalde elektrisiteitsverbruik van 800 kWh en waterverbruik van 25 kF) sowat 8,77% oftewel sowat R228 meer per maand sal moet opdok. Huishoudings met ’n lae verbruik (huis van R1 miljoen, voorafbetaalde elektrisiteit van 350 kWh en waterverbruik van 15 kF) gaan 7,81% of sowat R109 meer per maand betaal. Deernisgevalle wat op die lewenslynverbruikstelsel is, kan verwag om sowat R22,50 meer per maand te betaal, wat ’n styging van 6,22% op hul rekeninge is. Op die finale inkomstebegroting is bydraes van S4S (R51 000), die Friedrich Naumann-

Stigting vir Vryheid (R100 000) en ’n Eskomrabat vir sonkrag van R1 083 088 bygevoeg, maar die behuisingstoekenning is met R2 316 177 verminder aangesien die bedrag reeds in die huidige boekjaar aangewend sal word. Die somtotaal is dat die inkomstebegroting vir 2014-15 met sowat R1,1 miljoen verminder is tot R820 841 811. Op die bedryfsbegroting is salarisse met R564 968 verminder, terwyl daar voorsiening gemaak word dat dit in die twee opvolgende jare (2015-16 en 2016-17) met meer as R3,5 miljoen gaan verminder. Volgens die begrotingsverslag sal dit gegenereer word deur ongevulde poste, maar mag dienslewering nie daardeur geaffekteer word nie. Besparings van R62 435 word op die munisi-

pale bestuurder en direkteure se salarisse aangetoon en die besparing gaan oor die volgende twee finansiële jare toeneem. Daar is ook afskalings van sowat R1,5 miljoen op oordragte na die kapitaalbegroting. Byvoegings tot die bedryfsbegroting is R263 542 vir die kontraktering van ’n landdros vir die munisipale hof, rente van R6 704 (huurkontrakfinansiering) en R620 898 (eksterne lenings), R460 256 vir die Vergoedingskommissaris, R255 000 vir wyksprojekte (oorgedra van die kapitaalbegroting) en R500 000 vir ouditkoste. Met al die aftrekkings en toevoegings beloop die bedryfsbegroting nou R869 588 449, sowat R150 000 meer as wat in die konsepbegroting voorsien is.

Die kapitaalbegroting het met byna R5 miljoen gestyg danksy die publieke bydraes wat reeds vermeld is en ’n ontwikkelaarsbydrae van R4,7 miljoen vir die elektrifisering van behuisingsprojekte. Die opgradering van rioolpompstasies ter waarde van R1 miljoen kom klaarblykliklik in die plek van waterpypvervangings, terwyl daar ook byna R200 000 bygevoeg word vir die huur van toestelle om die aanmelding en tye van werknemers te bepaal. Onder die algemene tariewe word voorsiening gemaak vir permit- en lanseringsgelde vir bote wat seebamboes kollekteer, terwyl daar ook onderskeid gemaak word tussen Overstranders en besoekers met die bootpermitte en lanseringsgelde vir sowel ontspannings- as kommersiële vissers. Daar is ook wysigings wat die vereistes en tariewe vir begraafplase betref, en by biblioteke word die internettariewe geskrap, die tarief vir afskrifte verhoog en ’n onderskeid getref tussen fondsinsameling en ander gebruike wanneer biblioteeksale gehuur word. By eiendomsadministrasie sal daar voortaan ’n aansoektarief van toepassing wees wanneer mense eiendom van die munisipaliteit wil koop of huur, maar dit sal nie van toepassing wees op sportliggame en staatsinstellings nie. ’n Tarief is ook ingestel vir wanneer opleidingsorganisasies en sportliggame ’n saal wil huur vir enige ander doeleindes buiten fondsinsameling. ’n Tarief vir die huur van kantore by die munisipaliteit buite Hermanus is bepaal, asook ’n tarief vir die huur van onontwikkelde standplase wat van dienste voorsien is.


Hermanus Times

Nuus News

29 May, 2014

Nie veel beswaar teen die OM-begroting nie FANIE KRIGE Ondanks hewige kritiek wat die Overstrand-munisipaliteit se konsepbegroting vir 2014/15 op verskeie plekke tydens openbare vergaderings uitgelok het, is slegs veertien formele kommentare en besware van die publiek ontvang. Die instansies wat beswaar aangeteken het, was die belastingbetalersverenigings van Pringlebaai, Kleinbaai, Stanford, Hermanus en Kleinmond, die huiseienaarsverenigings van Tuscan Villas en Villa Anadia, die Stanford-landbouvereniging en Fynbospark. Mnre. P. van Zyl, P. Louw, P. Hendriksz, D. Oosthuizen en D.C. Scholtz het in hul persoonlike kapasiteit kommentaar gelewer. Die Kleinmondse belastingbetalersvereniging, mnr. Oosthuizen en mnr. Louw was van mening dat die salarispakkette van die raadslede en topbestuur te hoog was. In die begrotingsverslag word gemeld dat die munisipaliteit nie diskressie het oor die salarisse van die personeelkorps en die raadslede nie, omdat dit by wyse van nasionale prosesse bepaal word. Topbestuur se vergoeding is by wyse van ’n vergelykingsproses deur die firma Work Dynamics bepaal en ’n verhoging van 7% is aanbeveel. Dit is egter in lyn gebring met die verhoging van 6,25% wat vir die personeelkorps beding is en ’n besparing van R62 435 is bewerkstellig. Daar moet in gedagte gehou word dat topbestuur se salarisse slegs 3,3% van die totale salariskomponent uitmaak en as daar geen verhoging was nie, sou die besparing slegs 0,7% beloop het. Volgens die begrotingsverslag word daar

besef dat die munisipaliteit ernstige aandag aan die omvang van sy salarisse en lone moet gee en dat dié proses as ’n saak van dringendheid gehanteer sal word. Mnre. Louw, Hendriksz, Van Zyl en Oosthuizen, asook die Kleinmondse en Kleinbaaise belastingbetalersvereniging het almal gemeen dat die 15%-verhoging in eiendomsbelasting onredelik is. Die munisipaliteit wys daarop dat eiendomsbelasting met toegewings tydens vorige verhogings agtergeraak het en daarom aansienlik aangepas moes word. Die middelklas word wel in ag geneem deurdat die verhogings op die tariewe van dienste tot die inflasiekoers beperk is. Fynbospark en mnr. D.C. Scholtz het beswaar gemaak teen die vullistarief wat op deeltiteleienaars van toepassing is. Die munisipaliteit sê dat verwydering net een van die kostekomponente van die diens is wat in ag geneem word by die bepaling van dié tarief. Ten einde eenvormigheid, eenvoud en gelykheid te bewerkstellig, is daar besluit om die tarief te standaardiseer. ’n Algemene stelling dat Overstrand se tariefverhogings van die hoogste in die land is deur mnre. Oosthuizen, Hendriksz en die Kleinmondse belastingbetalersvereniging, is verwerp. ’n Vergelyking is gedoen tussen vyf WesKaapse munisipaliteite wat dienste op ’n soortgelyke vlak lewer en daar is bevind dat Overstrand se tariewe in lyn is met die ander. Boonop word uitgawes tot die been gesny, volgens die begrotingsverslag. Die ander kommentare het na spesifieke tariewe verwys of na kwessies soos die instandhouding van strate, wetstoepassing, doeltreffendheid en produktiwiteit, asook plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling.

Municipal budget get thumbs up from province Baseline studies should be conducted by Overstrand Municipality (OM) to assess the level of infrastructure backlogs, in particular for sanitation. That was one of the main findings of the Western Cape government’s assessment of Overstrand Municipality’s 2014-’15 Budget and Integrated Development Plan (IDP) review. This annual assessment is required in terms of both the Municipal Systems Act and the Municipal Finance Management Act and gives an indication of the ability and readiness of the municipality to deliver on its legislative and constitutional mandates.

The Province acknowledged that OM had managed to compile a balanced budget under extremely difficult circumstances and added that it is fully compliant with legislative requirements. Stated in the assessment: “The budget assumptions appear to be realistic and the annual budget of the municipality is considered to be credible.” According to the assessment the operating and capital budgets are aligned to key performance areas of the municipality and responsive to its IDP. The IDP’s chapters on disaster management and housing are both seen as good practice models for the Western Cape.

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Hermanus Times

Nuus News

29 May, 2014


Droom jy daarvan om ’n joernalis te wees? Besoek ons webblad by www.hermanustimes.co.za en laai jou eie artikels en foto’s op. Ons wil jou storie hoor!

NURSES HONOURED: Nursing staff at Hermanus Provincial Hospital received rec­ ognition for their unselfish service at a special International Nurses Day function held at the hospital on Friday 23 May. Matron Nikki Bouwer thanked the nurses for their dedication and as a token of her appreciation, each nurse received a small gift and were treated to tea and cake. Trevor Titus, chairperson of the Hospital Facility Board, also paid tribute to the dedication and devotion of the nurses.


Matron Nikky Bou­ wer and her nurs­ ing staff began teh function with the lighting of candles and the reading of the Nurses Pledge of Service. After the pledge the can­ dles were blown out, and a fun quiz was held with priz­ es for the nurses who answered the most questions.

STRONG WIND BRINGS DOWN A GIANT: This 25­year­old Silver Oak on a property in Northcliff was uprooted by the strong winds that blew on Saturday night. The tree, which was 11 m tall, came crashing down and fortunately missed surrounding buildings, but left a gaping hole in the ground. PHOTO: TERRY BRINK

Want another treatment option for

Rheumatoid Arthritis?

WIND TAKES ITS TOLL: Rheezicht Super­ market, now closed, was another victim of the weekend’s strong winds. Two of the let­ ters on the building were blown off by the gale force wind. The bad weather is ex­ pected to continue until the weekend.

A local research study is looking for people with moderate to severe RA. Participate and you’ll receive: • Investigational medication being studied for the relief of RA • Study-related appointments and lab tests

CALL: 021 8828252 (Clinical Trial Centre) 0765837263 (Study Coordinator) This study has been approved by Pharma Ethics on 09/Jan/2013, Ethics reference number 12105116


Hermanus Times

Nuus News

29 May, 2014

Talk on bees at WCC South African bees have up until now not been seriously plagued by so-called ‘colony collapse’ which is wiping out honey bees in the rest of the world. But our bees are now also becoming stressed as they have to work harder to get enough nourishment. Although they will forage on fynbos, it is not their preferred lunch. So we really can help them by providing balanced food for them in our gardens. Whale Coast Conservation invites the public to a talk by bee expert Mike Allsopp on Tuesday 3 June at 17:30 at the Green House (on the mountain side of the R43 between Vermont and Hawston). Entrance is free.

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Kollege moet ander perseel bekom CILENE BEKKER Boland Kollege se satellietkampus in Sandbaai Industrieel in Hermanus, se aansoek aan die munisipaliteit om vir ’n verdere drie jaar op die huidige tydelike perseel te Cobaltslot, Sandbaai aan te bly, is nie deur die munisipaliteit goedgekeur nie. ’n Periode van twee jaar is egter goedgekeur, waartydens die kollege werk daarvan moet maak om binne dié tydperk ’n ander perseel te kry. Die kollege huur sedert Januarie 2012 die gebou in Hermanus besigheidspark, wat oor ’n nywerheidsone 1-sonering beskik. Hoewel die munisipaliteit die bestaan van die kollege as ’n aanwins vir die Overstrand beskou, word die onaanvaarbare gedrag van die studente, en die tekort aan behoorlike kampusfasiliteite, soos parkering vir die studente, as redes aangevoer vir hul besluit. Volgens die skrywe in Januarie vanjaar aan die Overstrandmunisipaliteit van die beswaarmaker teen die verlengingsaansoek, lê studente rond op sy perseel, sit in motors en gooi hul gemors (papiere en koeldrankblikke) op die sogenaamde parkeerplek en nie in die dromme buite die perseel van die kollege nie. Hy voer aan dat studente nie van die ontspanningsarea van die kollege gebruik maak nie, en verder die area met sigaretstompies bemors. In reaksie op dié besware het

Hannes Gelderblom (hoof-finansiële beampte van Boland Kollege) in sy skrywe van Maart 2014 aan die direkteur van Infrastruktuur en Beplanning, Stephen Müller, gesê dat dit ’n groeiende tendens is om kolleges in nywerheidsgebiede te bedryf. Hy het bygevoeg dat ’n sekerheidsbeampte aangestel sal word gedurende die dag om die studente se gedrag te monitor en dat ’n skaduarea opgerig sal word op die kampusperseel om te voorkom dat studente naburige skaduareas gebruik. Wat die gebruik van nie-kollege parkeerruimtes betref het die kollege aangevoer dat hulle wel van een van die naburige maatskappye toestemming gekry het om op hul perseel te parkeer. Die beswaarmaker sê egter dié besigheid huur die perseel en dat die eienaar van die erf nie toestemming gegee het nie. Tydens die munisipaliteit se evalueringsproses is aangevoer dat die studente se gedrag ’n probleem was, en steeds is, en dat gehoor nie gegee is aan die besware oor die afgelope twee jaar nie; dat die huidige perseel ’n industriële perseel is en nie geskik is vir ’n opvoedkundige sentrum nie; dat daar nie genoeg parkering is nie, en ook nie ontspanningsareas soos ’n restaurant, ’n vergadersaal of skadu-sitplekarea vir studente nie. Die munisipaliteit sê die kollege het reeds twee jaar gehad om ’n alternatiewe perseel te vind en dat hulle wel verskeie ander persele aangebied is, wat van die hand gewys is. Die munisipaliteit sê ook dat ’n

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Boland Kollege in Sandbaai Industrieel. verdere verlenging na die addisionele twee jaar nie oorweeg sal word nie en dat die kollege sekere aanpassings sal moet maak met betrekking tot die geskiktheid van ander persele. Corrie Myburg, prinsipaal van Boland Kollege het in haar motiveringskrywe in November 2013 gesê daar is nie geskikte/bekostigbare, permanente fasiliteite beskikbaar nie, en dat die huidige perseel ’n hoogs sentrale ligging is, en in ’n veilige doodloopstraat is met baie lae volume verkeer. Die fasiliteit beslaan ’n multifunksionele rekenaarlokaal, twee klaskamers, kantoor, klein kombuis en toiletgeriewe.


Myburg sê verder in haar skrywe aan die Departement van Stadsbeplanning dat die nodige infrastruktuur ’n aansienlike kapitaaluitgawe verteenwoordig het en dat ’n binnehof ingerig is met tuintafels en gemakstoele. Boland Kollege bestaan uit vyf kampusse en ’n hoofkantoor, waarvan die kampus in Caledon verantwoordelik is vir die satellietkampus in Hermanus. Dié kampus het ’n studentetal van 80 tot ’n 100 en vier personeellede. By navrae het Myburg Woensdag gesê hulle is tans besig met ’n ondersoek om ’n permanente perseel te vind.

Fewer grants­in­aid allocated The grant-in-aid allocated amount for the 2014/15 financial year is significantly less than last year. The proposed list of recommended beneficiaries was presented at the council meeting on 20 May and totals R278 000. The report also states that no transfer may exceed R50 000 (with certain exceptions not applicable to this report). In total 21 applications were received requesting assistance to the value of R838 700. By comparison, 47 applications were received for the previous financial year requesting assistance to the value of R1,16 million. The fi-

nal amount granted for 2013/14 was R452 000. The organizations on the recommended 2014/15 list are: BADISA (Handevat, Safety Parents, Hermanus Senior Centre, Herberg aan See): R30 000; Overstrand Association for People with Disabilities (OAPD): R8 000; Ikamva Youth Development and Computor Centre: R10 000; Overstrand Conservation Foundation: R25 000; Hermanus Botanical Society: R20 000; Kleinmond Child Welfare: R15 000; Overstrand Hospice:

R28 000; Hangklip Community Care Centre: R15 000; Recycle Swop Shop: R10 000; Siyazama Service Centre for the aged: R20 000; Overberg Wheelchair Association: R20 000; Overstrand Arts/Kunste: R20 000; National Sea Rescue Institute: R47 000; S.H.A.R.E (provides for nutritional needs of children, elderly, disabled) – R10 000. Hemel-en-Aarde Preschool and Gansbaai Shooting Club’s applications were not successful.



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Hermanus Times

Nuus News

29 May, 2014

Tennisbane maak dalk plek vir landdroshof


Stuur alle navrae, inligting en versoeke rakende plaaslike nuus aan editor@hermanustimes.co.za of bel 0 028 312 3717.


Nie net is ’n addisionele munisipale hof reeds in die beginfase van ontwikkeling nie (HT 15 Mei), maar ’n splinternuwe landdroshofgebou word ook beplan. Die nuwe landdroshof sal waarskynlik op die stuk grond van die bestaande Hermanus tennis- en muurbalklub ontwikkel word. Volgens plaaslike prokureur Adrian Louw is daar reeds vir sowat 15 jaar nie genoeg ruimte of personeel-kapasiteit by die bestaande landdroshof nie. Dié hof het ’n ernstige behoefte aan herbouing of uitbreiding. Nou word ’n splinternuwe hofgebou in die vooruitsig gestel. Die nuwe landdroshof sal egter eers die lig sien wanneer die geoormerkte erf (erf 11436) verkoop is en die tennisklub hervestig is. Reeds in 2011 is die onteiening van erf 11436, wat sowat 4 527 m² beslaan, in beginsel tydens ’n raadsvergadering goedgekeur. Volgens die raadsbesluit sou dit geadverteer word vir ontwikkelaars om tenders in te dien. Dié raadsbesluit is Woensdag herroep en ’n besluit is gemaak om dit direk aan die departement van vervoer en openbare werke, namens die department van justisie en grondwetlike ontwikkeling, te verkoop met die doel om ’n nuwe

landdroshof hier te bou. “Daar moet ’n koopooreenkoms gesluit word met openbare werke,” het Loretta Gillion, die administrateur van stadsbeplanning aan die Overstrand-munisipaliteit, gesê. Die eiendom is gewaardeer vir R7,63 miljoen. Die departement het slegs ses maande om die koopkontrak aan te gaan, anders sal die erf per tenderproses verkoop word, het Gillion verduidelik. Daar word nou al vir jare beplan aan ’n nuwe sportkompleks oorkant Hoërskool Hermanus, en die

plan is om nuwe tennisbane en muurbalbane by die kompleks te bou. Pieter Joubert, voorsitter van Hermanus-tennisklub, het gesê hulle is baie opgewonde oor die raad se besluit om die grond aan openbare werke te verkoop met die oog op ’n nuwe landdroshof. “Ek is self ook betrokke by die beplanning rondom die nuwe sportkompleks en ons kan nie wag om te skuif nie. Ons wag bykans tien jaar hiervoor.” Daar word beplan vir ses nuwe tennisbane (tans het die klub vier).


YOUNG MAN ARRESTED IN PARADISE PARK: A 21­year­old man living in Par­ adise Park was arrested on Wednesday 14 May for possession of a stolen fire­arm. Hermanus SAPS received information of a possibility of drugs being kept at a house in Paradise Park in Vermont. The members, Warrant officer Gavin Afrika, Sgt Pieter Jansen, Sgt Janse van Vuuren and Cst George Louw (in the photo) searched the premises at around 13:45 and did not find any drugs, but found a firearm, which was reported stolen in Arcadia, in a closet in the house. The man was arrested and appeared in the Hermanus Magistrate’s Court.

Vir enige navrae skakel ons gerus.

MOEG VIR GROOT BYBETALINGS OP VERSEKERING? Midas verkoop nou ook voorruite en voertuig glas panele

SONDE MET DIE MURE: Inwoners van Chiappi­ nistraat in Onrusrivier het Vrydagaand tuisgekom net om te hoor dat iemand in hul muur vasgery het en weggejaag het. Volgens die Hankins­gesin was hulle nie tuis toe die ongeluk gebeur het nie, maar dat ’n buurman om ongeveer 22:00 ’n slag gehoor het en toe gesien het hoe ’n voertuig wegry. Dit was egter te donker om te kon sien hoe die voertuig lyk. Hulle moes intussen, weens die sterk wind, die muur heeltemal afbreek. Eni­ giemand met inligting rakende die voorval kan die Hankins bel by 083 284 6815.

Midas now also sells windscreens and vehicle glass panels Betaal slegs die bedrag wat dit veronderstel is om te kos

Die Hankins se hele muur was gekraak en hul karavaan, wat agter die muur staan is beskadig in die slag.

• • • • •

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CWAS MIDAS CALEDON Pleinstraat 19 Tel: 028-2121068 Fax: 028-2141274 e-mail: cwas@ midas.co.za HERMANUS MIDAS No 1 Mussel Centre Tel: 028-3130095 Fax: 028-3130094 e-mail: hermanus@ midas.co.za GANSBAAI MIDAS Hoofweg 62 Tel: 028-3843994 Fax: 028-3841755 e-mail: gansbaai@ midas.co.za


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

29 May, 2014

Botrivier-boer is Jongboer-finalis JANINE VAN DER RIET Braam Gericke van Wildekrans Wine Estate in Botrivier is vanjaar een van die vyf finaliste vir die toekenning AWK/ Santam Landbou Jongboer van die Jaar. Braam (35) boer met wingerd, skaap, vrugte en olywe in die distrik Botrivier. Hy is intensief betrokke by verskeie gemeenskapsprojekte en fokus veral op die jongmense in die distrik omdat hy glo dat hy daardeur in die toekoms van die land belê. Braam sê enigeen wat aan ’n lys vereistes en standaarde voldoen, kon inskryf vir die kompetisie. Ná lang onderhoude het ’n paneel van AWK/Santam hom vroeg in Mei by Wildekrans besoek om eersterangse kennis van hom en die plaas op te doen. Dit was nie net ’n kwessie van wyn en olywe proe nie, sê Braam, maar hulle het ook die plaas en die plaaswerkers se omstandighede en finansiële vooruitsigte gefynkam. Toe Hermanus Times gister deur die rolpers is, was Braam onderweg na ’n spogplaas in Durbanville waar die wenner Woensdagaand 28 Mei aangekondig is.

Hou die webtuiste www.hermanustimes.co.za dop vir nuus oor of Braam gewen het of nie. Die ander vier finaliste is Altus Pienaar van Vredenburg, Christof du Plessis van die distrik Breederivier, Charl du Toit van die distrik Koue Bokkeveld en Jaco du Toit van die distrik Breedevallei, Sandhills.

Fine wine and art at FynArts

Following last year’s success of the inaugural Hermanus FynArts, Bouchard Finlayson this year will sponsor the ‘Tollman Bouchard Finlayson Art Award 2014 Tondo Competition’. ‘Tondo’ is a Renaissance term for a circular work of art – in this instance displayed on the top, flat end of a wine barrel. Themed ‘Origins’ this year, the work of approximately forty artists will be exhibited on barrel heads in Bouchard Finlayson’s wine cellar, where it will also be available for sale. The judging panel is led by independent academic, writer and curator, and former Director of the South African National Gallery, Marilyn Martin. Her fellow judges are art consultant and curator Karen McKerron and curator Brenton Maart, who curated the South African Pavilion at last year’s 55th La Biennale di

Venezia. During an awards ceremony at the winery on 6 June the winner will receive a cash prize of R30 000 and three merit prizes of R5 000 each will be presented to the finalists. Lovers of fine wine can also enjoy a special ‘Wine Plus’ series of tastings and talks from 8 – 10 June, curated by Melvyn Minnaar, during FynArts Visitors are invited to take advantage of the FynArts/Hermanus ‘hop on, hop off’ bus (at a small extra charge), taking visitors on a wine tour up the Hemel-enAarde Road to savour a glass of the best whilst viewing the exhibitions. Guests can indulge their senses with the works of art on display while tasting Bou-chard Finlayson wines. For further information visit www.hermanusfynarts.co.za

Remember to


Braam Gericke saam met sy vrou, Janine, en kinders, Mila (4) en Wium (6). Die AWK/ Santam Landbou Jongboer van die Jaar is gisteraand (Woensdag 28 Mei) aangekondig. Kyk op www.hermanustimes.co.za of Braam gewen het.

Algemeen General

Wynproeë en praatjies by FynArts Die tweede Hermanus FynArts van 6 tot 16 Junie het nog ’n wynkomponent bygevoeg tot ’n feesprogram wat gemik is op besoekers wat die fynere dinge in die lewe waardeer. Wine Plus is ’n spesiale reeks proeë en praatjies wat die kollig op opwindende ontwikkelinge in die plaaslike wynbedryf sal laat val. Besoekers sal die kans kry om nie net die wyne van die omliggende wynstreke, wat al hoe bekender word, te proe nie; hulle sal ook meer oor dié plaaslike wyne leer en terselfdertyd meer insig in die Suid-Afrikaanse wynbedryf kry. Brandewyn en plaaslike port sal ook geproe en bespreek word. Die reeks staan onder leiding van Melvyn Minnaar, wyn- en kunsskrywer. Hy het bekende persoonlikhede genooi om die sessies aan te bied. Benewens dié praat-en-proe-geleenthede is daar verskeie uitstappies na wynkelders en ander wynverwante items op die feesprogram. Die doel van Wine Plus is volgens Minnaar om die soeklig te laat val op plaaslike wynmaaktegnieke, maar ook om die sterk punte van die Suid-Afrikaanse bedryf uit te lig. “Insiggewend, maar nie te tegnies nie, met die klem op talent en opwinding, vandaar die woord ‘plus’.” Die sessies, waarvoor besoekers ’n enkele of reekskaartjie kan koop, sluit ’n bondige geskiedenis van die plaaslike wynlande in en praatjies oor Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc en Pinotage. Bekende persoonlikhede soos Danie de Wet, Sebastian Beaumont, Beyers Truter, Christian Eedes en Bevan Newton Johnson sal die aanbieders wees. Proeë van top-brandewyne sal gelei word deur die Kaapse wynmeester en brandewynkenner Winnie Bowman. Plaaslike port, wat deur Carel Nel toegelig sal word, sal deel vorm van ’n poësie-aand saam met die digter Karin Schimke. Wine Plus begin Sondag 8 Junie met A brief History of Local Wine en sluit op Donderdag 12 Junie af met Poetry and Port: Spirit and Soul. Al die geleenthede sal in die Marine-hotel wees, behalwe die port en poësie in die Windsor-hotel. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by www.webtickets.co.za of by Hermanus Toerisme by 0 028 312 2629. Die volle program is bekikbaar op die webblad: www.hermanusfynarts.co.za.

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Hermanus Times 29 May, 2014


8 Hermanus Times Winkel by vulstasie brei uit

Algemeen General

29 May, 2014

CILENE BEKKER Vrydagoggend (23 Mei) was die rakke by Rheezicht-supermark in Onrus feitlik leeg ná dit duidelik geword het dat die winkel sy deure sluit. Kennisgewings op die deur het aangekondig dat alle voorraad teen ’n afslag van 20% en 50% te koop was. Die eienaar wat Rheezicht die afgelope paar maande bestuur het, het intussen in die Paarl hervestig. Soos menige ander mense in die omgewing is ’n Viljoenstraat-inwoner in Onrus en Kidbrooke-inwoner albei uit die veld geslaan oor Rheezicht se toe deure. “Dit was ’n institution. Ons is gewoond om dié kant van Onrus te koop, en wil nog steeds dié kant koop. Waar gaan ons nou melktert kry?” wil hulle weet. Om te voorsien in die groter toeloop na die Total-geriefswinkel oorkant Rheezicht, het eienaar Cillié Hamman inderhaas ekstra ruimte geskep om plek te maak vir bykomende voorraad. “Ja, dit het als taamlik vinnig gebeur. Ons het die gerugte gehoor dat Rheezicht toemaak, en sedert die winkel gesluit is het ons meer van alles hier by ons verkoop, ” sê Hamman. Hamman bestuur reeds 13 jaar lank die Total-garage. “Die mark is daar buite. Mense in die omgewing is gewoond aan retail naby hulle en dit is vir hulle gerieflik om winkel toe te kan stap. “Met die interne skuiwe kon ons die winkelruimte met sowat 50% vergroot.” Hamman beplan om in die basiese

Nog diere vergiftig in Onrus en Sandbaai JANINE VAN DER RIET

Cillié Hamman in die winkel by Total­garage in Onrus wat nou vergroot is om meer en ’n groter verskeidenheid voorraad aan te bied. dag-tot-dag-behoeftes te voorsien en sy huidige voorraadreeks uit te brei, met die fokus op daaglikse benodigdhede soos melk, brood, koffie, suiker, tee, toiletpapier, sigarette, koeldrank en ’n groter verskeidenheid lekkergoed, peuselhappies, koerante, tydskrifte en dies meer. “Wanneer Hermanus Times dié week op straat is, behoort ons ook lekker pies te hê.” Parkering is ook nie ’n probleem nie, sê Hamman. Langsaan die winkel, waar die karwassery is, is skaduparkering en klante is welkom om daar te parkeer. Binne-in die winkel is ook ’n Nedbank ATM. Die OK Minimark, verder af in Onrus se Hoofstraat, wat einde verlede jaar oopgemaak het, behoort

ook nou meer aftrek te kry. Eienaars Willem en Esmarié Joubert sê: “Ons voel vreeslik jammer vir mense wat uit besigheid gaan. Retail is tough, ’n mens moet elke sent omdraai. Ons het self maar ’n kans gewaag met die besluit om Onrus toe te kom. “Dit het ons bitter baie geld gekos om die winkel te vernuwe en die rakke vol voorraad te kry en te hou en ons hoop maar dit werk. “Tot dusver is ons net so ontsettend baie dankbaar vir die mense wat ons aanhou ondersteun.” ) Regstelling: In verlede week se berig oor die toemaak van Rheezicht is die naam van die eienaar verkeerd gespel. Die korrekte spelling is Regardo (Scholtz), en nie Rigardo nie.

’n Hond is vermoedelik in die omgewing vergiftig, maar volgens veeartse en dieresorg-personeel is dit nie ’n algemene verskynsel nie. Die Onrus-veeartskliniek het verlede week ’n hond behandel wat moontlik doelbewus vergiftig is. Die veearts, Reneé Perold, sê die kliniek het tot dusver nog net een geval gehad van bevestigde vergiftiging deur Aldicarb (’n plaagdoder vir landboudoeleindes). Ilze Smith, voorsitter van die Hermanus Dierebeskermingsvereniging (HAWS), sê hoewel die vereniging nie onlangs gevalle van hondevergiftiging ondersoek het nie, is daar reeds menige geval ondersoek van katte wat in Sandbaai vergiftig is. “Ons het self ook ondersoek gaan instel by ’n kompleks waar ’n vrou se kat vergiftig is. Ons het op die vergiftigde hoender afgekom en die saak is oorgegee aan die polisie.” In die geval waar die hond vergiftig is, sê Perold, het die eienaars haar ingebring met onder meer simptome van spierspasma, bewerasie en swakheid in die agterbene. Sy het ook probeer braak by die huis.

“Ons het die hond op ’n drup gesit en laat braak met ’n spesiale middel. In die braaksel het ons kos gevind en onder meer ’n stukkie vleis met korreltjies wat soos papawersaad lyk.” Die hond is verder met atropine, ’n teenmiddel teen plantgif, en geaktiveerde koolstof behandel asook lakseermiddels. “Sy het goed gereageer op die behandeling en is die volgende dag huis toe.” Volgens Perold begin die simptome van vergifting binne 20 tot 30 minute ná inname van die gifstof wys. Die beste raad is om honde en katte sover moontlik binne te hou. En as hulle buite is, hou ’n wakende oog oor hulle, sê Perold. Smith sê op haar beurt kateienaars moet verantwoordelik wees en seker maak dat hul katte gesteriliseer word sodat hulle nie rondloop nie. Dit is nie die eerste geval van hondevergiftiging in die gebied nie. In Mei 2012 het die Hermanus Times berig oor ’n gesin in Northcliff wat hul geliefde hond weens vergiftiging aan die dood moes afstaan. Hy het gif ingekry wat vir die uitroei van molle bedoel is. Forensiese toetse het die vergiftiging bevestig.

Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

29 May, 2014

Mitchell Square project moves forward KERRY VAN RENSBURG The Mitchell Square development is moving ahead now that approval for the road closure, subdivision, rezoning and consent use for the erven concerned, has been granted. The Mitchell Square development served before the Joint Portfolio Committee on 22 April and the recommendations to make the next step of this project possible, were supported. According to the documentation presented to the committee on behalf of the Overstrand Municipality, the application for the rezoning and the commercial venture, which the municipality is undertaking, is part of the Central Business District (CBD) Revitalization Strategy. Erven 794, 795 and 796 will be rezoned from public parking to General Business Zone, Bulk Zone 1, and the subdivided road portion will be rezoned to General Business Zone, Bulk Zone 1 and consolidated with Erf 796, so that a ramp for parking access can be built. This area of Mitchell Street, flanked by Broad Street and Long Street, where the old Woolworths/ new Jet parking area is, as well as the parking areas in front of Ackermans and PostNet, is primarily used for parking purposes. The background details of the project state: “In order to create a viable CBD the proposed properties need to be redeveloped to ensure a

The area within the dotted red lines is where the Mitchell Square development will be situated. The area will become a pedestrian zone. vibrant CBD. The Mitchell Square proposal has the potential to enhance vibrant and sustainable economic activity if integrated in a responsible manner into the existing commercial fabric of the surrounding area.” The redevelopment of the Mitchell Square precinct will effectively mean that this portion of Mitchell Street will be realigned and access to Long Street will be gained through a redeveloped pedestrianfriendly street. The parking lot will become a traffic-free piazza with greenery, surrounded by ground-

floor shops, with offices and parking bays on the first floor and more parking on the second floor of the main building. The historical building, Hermanus House, now know as the Oh Crumbs Bakery, will be retained because it is a heritage listed building (grade 3B) and as such has protection rights. At one stage it was suggested that this little old house be moved to Lemm’s Corner, but now it has become the focal point of the Mitchell Square development. The proposal aims to “integrate the last undeveloped and sterile area in the CBD to link with the new commercial developments, the sea front and tourist

area of Hermanus’s town centre.” Mitchell Square will become a much friendlier pedestrian zone and the “cultural feel” of this specific area has been taken into consideration by the municipality’s town planners. The application also emphasised that the design of this new building project should take into consideration the village character of the town. This development will impact on surrounding shops and concerns raised by objectors included the traffic flow in Mitchell Street and the possibility that the development would divert traffic away from businesses in the Aberdeen Street area. The planners say that Mitchell Street will remain open for two way traffic, but at a reduced flow. The street will be realigned to accommodate parking re-layout. There was concern about the access and exit points for the parking garage being situated on the Long Street side of the proposed building, because it would


put “enormous strain on this very narrow road”. The project planners have revisited the plans with the help of a civil engineer, and the entrance to the parking facility will be from Broad Street and the exit point will be in Long Street. It was also emphasised by the planners that the proposed development, with the piazza, is to establish connectivity with the waterfront. It is hoped that this public square will be a draw-card for pedestrian movement in and around the area. It was requested that the architecture of the proposed buildings be adapted to the old Hermanus style and that the public be given an opportunity to give input on the architecture. The project’s applicant (the municipality) says the project will be evaluated by the local aesthetics committee during the building plan phase to ensure the architecture is in line with the surrounding architecture and existing heritage building on the square. It was also made clear that the shop fronts of existing buildings not be dwarfed by the structure.

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A 3­D image of the proposed Mitchell Square development, flanking the (Oh Crumbs bakery) heritage building.

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Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

29 May, 2014

Samaritane in ons dorp EDITORIAL COMMENT Balancing the books Mayor Nicolette Botha­Guthrie’s budget speech delivered in council on Wednes­ day morning before the final 2014­15 budget was adopted, touched on all the aspects that are considered when it comes to balancing the municipality’s books. While it is easy to criticise some of the decisions that the finance committee and directorate have made, the months of hard work that goes into preparing a budget that takes the poor and the well­ off into account, is not an easy task. Con­ sumers will, like the municipality, have to tighten their belts, to make ends meet. As the mayor was at pains to point out, the municipality has managed to limit the increase of consumer tariffs for water, sewer and refuse to 6%, while spending on infrastructure maintenance will be maintained. The mayor says they have clamped down on non­priority spending which means there is less money available for the Grants­in­Aid programme and festi­ vals. On the unfunded mandate front, the baboon monitor project has been done away with. There is, however, a possibil­ ity that this service will be taken over by an independent concern. Despite the depressing economic fore­ cast for SA, the mayor says with strict financial discipline and increased pro­ ductivity, the municipality will continue to render first class services to all the communities in the Overstrand.

Please note that letters and SMSes may be edited or rejected at the discretion of the editor. Letters with full name, address and contact details are required, but the writer may request the use of a pseudonym.

ALOE ALOE: The aloes are blooming bright in the garden of Dave Farrell in Fisherhaven. PHOTO: DAVE FARRELL

Taalbeweging (Alweer?) Watter gewig dra die naam van ’n bekende persoonlikheid in die dispuut met ’n minder bekende, oor iets soos mnre. Cas van Rensburg en A. du Plessis se polemiese briewe, verwysend na die min Afrikaans in FynArts se brosjure. Mnr. du Plessis (’n wig) word flink geveto deur mnr. van Rensburg (’n teenwig wat lesers herinner dat hy ’n jarelange voorsitter van die Kalfiefees was?). Dit klink soos iets uit Barbara Rogers se “resepteboek” Divide and Rule, maar dit is ’n feit soos ’n koei dat Overstrand se Afrikaanses albei hierdie menere nodig het om “te handhaaf en te bou”. ’n Vroulike Indiër-filosoof het gesê “tolerance taken too far is cowardice”. Dispute het sy dus ook geken, en waardestelsels. Met erkenning vir die wonder van Engels, word dit dalk nodig vir die wonder van Afrikaans om ’n Overbergse taalbeweging van stapel te laat loop. Sou ’n demokratiese profiel van koerante en glanstydskrifte al hier nie dalk ’n 50% beeld van Afrikaans projekteer nie? Kan al die “Hermaanses” nie saamstaan om Afrikaans se adel te handhaaf en te bou nie? Die saak is tog groter as persoonlikhede.


Raising false alarms

Waarvoor moet lesers van sulke polemiek dan skrik en swyg? Nee wat, niks nie. En FynArts hoef ook nie. Die opgevoede en gekultiveerde Afrikaners gaan nie toi-toi nie, liewer ondersteun (hoe klink toi-toi dan nou skielik so baie na Troje-Troje? Is daar tog ’n houtperd iewers?). Kan ons dus nie die groter as FynArts-saak bietjie be-bosberaad nie? Vir belangstellendes in so ’n voorgestelde taalprojek: Laat ’n koevertjie met kontakbesonderhede by die Gate Way Laundromat in die Gateway-sentrum, vir aandag: Klaas Waarzegger. (Ons gaan hom nie aanhaal nie, dalk neem die Engelssprekendes aanstoot, en ons het te veel respek vir hulle.)


Thank you SAPS Attention Lt. Col De Wet: I would just like to place on record the absolutely superb service we received this morning from WO Du Toit, WO Koti, Sgt Mavatha and Sgt Combrink. I understand they are part of the Hermanus tracing team. I had witnessed a man stealing a bicycle belonging to our gardener from outside our home (in Voëlklip) at about 09:30. My husband rushed out to try to follow the man but with no success. I phoned Hermanus Police and Safe Security who came to our house very rapidly. After the description we gave to them, they picked up a man at the circle by Lizette’s Kitchen – but no bike. He was brought to the house and we were able to identify him. Your wonderful team then took him away and within an hour were back with the bicycle. So often the police are criticised for lack of service but the service we received was absolutely marvellous. We were so amazed at the speed and efficiency of your staff. They deserve a huge thank you.


Doctors are actually getting a fairly good deal Following earlier correspondence “A Doctor in Hermanus” (HT 22 May) writes about their local fees. He feels that they are modest, says there are never comments about legal fees, etc (!!), and suggests that our medical practitioners are not appreciated for what they do. I feel sure that this last point is not correct. He also goes on to talk of other problems doctors have: difficulties with medical aids (don’t we all), recovering some accounts, phone bills, poor linkages with the Provincial Hospital. I guess we all have problems and these ones are of practice management, the concern of the medical profession, and provincial/political issues. The doctor – I presume a GP – talks of a consultation fee of R286: the fees we pay are higher than this. Only ‘A Doctor’ will know how many patients he sees say in an hour and then be better able to make comparison with other professional charges. He says medical aid fees rise faster than doc-

Hiermee wil ek ’n paar mense bedank wat my gehelp het toe my motor op Maandag 19 Mei in Pick n Pay se parkeerterrein gaan staan het. Een was Nelis van die geriefswinkel by Engen Garage. Die jongman en -dame se name het ek in my verwardheid nie eens gevra nie. Toe Nelis nie die motor aan die gang kon kry nie, het die twee mans my motor gestoot tot waar dit nie die verkeer in die terrein sou belemmer nie. Die jong dame het my parkeerkaartjie, met my naam daarop, na die uitgang geneem en verduidelik dat ek op ’n werktuigkundige wag. Ek het Eddie Bell Motors geskakel, maar die nommer was beset; die werkswinkelnommer wat ek uit my kop ken, kon ek glad nie onthou nie. Nelis het êrens albei nommers gekry. Terug by my het hy sy selfoon aan my oorhandig met die woorde: “Tannie, praat maar, ek het klaar die nommer geskakel.” Ek het aan Eddie Bell verduidelik wat gebeur het. Slim man wat hy is, het hy dadelik die probleem geïdentifiseer. Binne minute was hulle daar. Heel gou het hulle my motor aan die gang gehad – êrens het daar lug in die dieseltoevoerpypie beland. Al die mooi en goeie dinge wat in ons dorp gebeur moet bekend gemaak word. Weereens ’n baie groot dankie aan hierdie vyf mense wat bereid was om onmiddellik te help. Groot waardering hoor!

tor’s fees – this is not our experience. The two are similar, and both are consistently above the stated inflation rate. He says that the consultation fee is much lower than that for a specialist in the UK, giving a figure of R4 000 for the latter. This is a strange comparison, nor does it take into account an exchange rate of over R17 to the £ X and that most in the UK consult within the National Health Scheme. He refers to local doctors spending some months in Canada as locums and making more doing so than in a year in South Africa. Anyone working in Europe, the UK, Canada or Japan will do well – rugby players are a good example. The locum probably is provided with some additional perks; and will benefit from taxation relief, being initially taxed on an annual basis, and then qualifying for a significant rebate; it’s a good deal. I don’t believe that what ‘A Doctor’ writes make much of a case.


I have a question for the readers and the security service providers in and around Hermanus. One of our neighbours’ alarm system is triggered on a regular basis (and I’m sure his isn’t the only one). Most of the time, as may be verified, this is due to their own negligence. And, I am not talking about once a month! The service provider races to get to the house only to find a window open, the cat set off the alarm, the system has not been serviced for some time or it was incorrectly activated etc. Other residents who are behaving are disadvantaged should they have a real emergency. While the service provider is clambering over walls to verify yet another false alarm at Dick’s place! My question – Do the service providers not have a responsibility to question or fine such residents for their neglect (noise pollution, irritating neighbours for several kilometres around and possibly the police)?


The Hermanus Times asked a security provider for insight on the issues raised. Richard Reck of Safe Security answers: “Concerned Resident” raises an excellent point. The purpose of an alarm siren is essentially threefold, firstly to warn the resident that a possible intrusion has taken place, secondly to advise the intruder that the arrival of armed response is imminent and thirdly to increase the awareness of neighbours that an incident is possibly taking place in their neighbourhood. Regrettably false alarms have the effect of “cry wolf” and serve to dilute the efficacy of the alarm system. Security company clients are encouraged to familiarise themselves with their alarm systems and ensure that they are routinely maintained. Furthermore access to the premises should always be available to the security company, should technical intervention be required. Safe is fortunate in that its clients are mostly cooperative and false alarms are few and far between. The prevention of crime within our neighbourhoods should be a collaborative effort and residents are encouraged to contact the offending neighbour’s security company to report any concerns that may effect their safety or general peace of mind.

Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

29 May, 2014

) Aan ds. Wilhelm Burger en die twee dames wat

die gebed gesing het voor die diens by die NG Ge­ meente Onrusrivier sowat drie weke gelede: Dit was baie spesiaal. Kan julle asb. meer gereeld sing.– H. ) Thank you to the kind gentleman for coming to my aid in Agrimark. So sorry I did not ask your name. I was too upset at the time. I really appreciate your kindness. God bless you.– AN ELDERLY IN DIS-

) The letter “Spraying rain spiders” in last week’s Her­

manus Times refers. Thanks Candice for speaking up and defending the spiders. I am not a great fan of spiders, but they have a right to life just like we do. An excellent letter. To the executioner, you should be ashamed of yourself. – LOUISA SANDBAAI ) Ek stem saam met Sharon B. Die pryse van huur­ huise is heeltemal belaglik en wat moet jy met jou diere en kinders doen as jy blyplek soek? Hulle laat aanneem sodat jy iemand anders se huis kan betaal? – S VAN


) Rheezicht! Oh Rheezicht! Where art thou? Hope

you are returning as business new! ) Saturday 31 May will be our last trading day at Whale Car Wash and Valet Eastcliff. Sincere thanks for all the support over the years. – RICHARD ) MG you correctly spotted the huge difference – at the doctors or hair salon, we sit, whereas at the bank we have to stand! – HB ) People of Onrus, get your facts right before accusing my dog of pooing when taking him for a walk! He is on a leash and if he does mess, I have my plastic bag on me! How dare a complaint be laid without proof!– ONRUS RESIDENT ) Wonder hoekom is daar so baie CEM voertuie on­ derdak geparkeer by die Somerset Mall! Vra net. –


) Every two months I fetch my government allocated

medicine from the clinic behind the Main Road synago­ gue. Thursday I went there to get my medicine and was told to go to the hall opposite the library, which I did. It took me three minutes to get my meds, as they were already packed and waiting for me. I was thrilled that I did not have to wait at all. I told them all, very well organised, well done! – GARY LANCELLAS ) How can you treat other people like human beings if you are not human yourself. Please do not kick me when I am down. – LIZ, DE MOND ) Help asb: My vriend is tans werkloos a.g.v ’n gewas op die brein. Hy is baie kunstig, maar kan nie enige kuns stationary bekostig nie, as enige iemand enige kunsgereedskap soos papier of verf kan skenk sal ons dit waardeer, want dan kan hy goed maak en verkoop vir ’n inkomste. Bel Greg 076 437 7759.


) I see there is a “parking attendant” at the Wool­

worths centre parking? I hope this doesn’t escalate like all the “parking attendants” in Somerset West! ) I have been trying without success to find a contrac­ tor in the Hermanus area who can solve my garden mole problem. Can anyone please assist as my lawn looks like a 4x4 track! ) If you or anybody you know picked up my gold Pulsar ladies wristwatch with initials GAP on the back near the Pick n Pay parking area, please call O73 344 4727. ) Aan dr Hannes Coetzee my held en seën: Dokter is so goed, nooit te besig of te haastig nie. Dankie, ek is so dankbaar dokter is my dokter. You don’t pick diamonds up on a pavement and doctor Hannes is a big shining sparkler!– OUMA STIENIE ELS ) Baie dankie vir absolute voortreflike diens met die voorsiening en opgradering van my nuwe rekenaar deur Mainstreet Computers. Met mense soos Rubin en Cameron hoef mens nie oorkant die berg of elders te soek vir beter pryse, diens, stiptelikheid of bystand nie. As twee jong mense met ’n nuwe besigheid, beveel ek julle werlik aan.– PHIL HAM, SANDBAAI ) Topsoil: If you are dumping, please contact 028 312 1966. Thanks! ) Groot dankie aan Dieter Reichert, Patrick Africa en Caroline Spandiel vir hul geduld en deernis tydens die oorskakeling van my seun se internasionale be­ stuurslisensie. Wat sou Hermanus doen sonder die hulpvaardige personeel van sy Verkeersafdeling? Julle is ysters. – ANSCHEN DUP ) Chris van Hermanus APPLE, dankie vir jou flink, vriendelike hulp. ) A black labrador male was brought in to the HAWS on Monday. He was hit by a car on the R43 at Kid­ brooke intersection. He is at the clinic getting treated. Call: HAWS on 028 312 1281. ) Ons het baie om voor dankbaar te wees na ons onlangse brand: Die Metro Ambulans, brandweer, die personeel by die Mediclinic wat wonderlik was, vrien­ de end bure en ons Skepper. Gelukkig sit ons nie in sak en as nie, net ’n bietjie roet. Nogmaals ons opregte dank.– EDDIE, SANNIE EN SUS HETTA

Big cold fronts keep on rolling in. Besides 12 mm rain expected in the Overstrand this weekend, residents and visitors alike must watch out for more gail force winds that could cause havoc.


Raakvatter­vrou skielik oorlede na kort siekbed JANINE VAN DER RIET

het die Swart-gesin van Parow in die Kaap na Stanford getrek. Adriaan sê sy ma het Sondag’n Groot leemte is Donderdag in aand 11 Mei op Moedersdag skieStanford gelaat na welbekende lik siek geword en is die volgende eiendomsagent en sakevrou, dag in die hospitaal opgeneem. Sy Marlene Swart, na ’n kort siekis na ’n kort siekbed van tien dae bed op 57 oorlede is. in Tygerberg Hospitaal oorlede. Marlene het in 1989 een van die Omdat haar sieketoestand erneerste eiendomsagentskappe op stig was, het familie van ver af van Stanford op die been gebring, geverskeie dele van die land haar in naamd Marlene’s Eiendomme. die hospitaal besoek en was ten tySy was so goed in haar werk, Marlene Swart de van haar dood nog in die area. dat sy een huis in Stanford reeds Dus het die familie besluit, terwyl die ander agt keer verkoop het! Die familie besit ook die rivierboot African familielede van ver steeds hier is, het hulle Sondag reeds ’n begrafnisdiens vir Marlene Queen en het dié besigheid bestuur. Sy was ook baie bekend daarvoor om hand- by die NG Kerk in Stanford gehou. Adriaan sê sy ma was baie lief vir kook en jie by te sit met spyseniering vir begrafnisse, troues, verjaarsdae en funksies in die dorp. blommerangskikkings. “’n Regte raakvatSy het haar man, Eric, in 1977 ontmoet deur vrou. Sy het altyd by die kerk gehelp met die Eric se niggie. Hulle is getroud en het twee blomme en was ’n perfeksionis in alles wat seuns Adriaan (Koekie) en Jurie-Jan. In 1984 sy aangepak het.”

Rus in vrede, Jeanetta Lerm for real, not in my dreams Jeanetta Lerm is op 24 Mei op die ouderdom I am missing you so much these days van 94 jaar oorlede. how empty my world seems Sy laat Henri en Maxie Lerm, People say time heals all en kleinkinders Clinton, Maxwounds zell, Dillon, Mirell en Timo-Benn that someday the pain will agter. subside “Ouma, vir ons was jy die toonBut Grandma I can tell you beeld van opregte omgee en baie I think they must have lied liefde. Ons gaan jou geweldig The emptiness I am feeling baie mis. Ons het soveel mooi now herinneringe en soveel kosbare is strong and I am weak oomblikke saam gehad.” These days go by without ’n Diens vir Jeanetta word Vryyou dag 30 Mei om 14:00 by Huis Lettie so dreary and so bleak Theron beplan. In my Rose Garden of memoFor Grandmother, from ries Maxzell I know you’ll always be In my Rose Garden of memories Clinton Lerm saam met for though you’re gone I see you standing there sy ouma Jeanetta Lerm. from this mortal world An angel in disguise Sy is op 24 Mei op die In my heart you’ll always be Who taught me how to care ouderdom van 94 oorle­ (© Victoria L Payne) I long to hear your voice de.

Weer vir kabeljoue Ek sien al hoe haal die manne teen vanmiddag se kant die swaar hengelgoed van die rakke af. Dit is geen malligheid nie. Dit is in sulke weer dat die groot hengelverhale aan die Kaapse Suidkus geskryf word. O sonde, hoor ek die vroutjies onder mekaar fluister want hulle ken die tekens wanneer die weer so draai en manlief aanmekaar sonder die grassnyer uit die motorhuis kom. En as mens na die wolke kyk, is dit ook duidelik dat daar min tuinwerk in die volgende tien dae gedoen gaan word. Lelike front is onderweg. Die reënweer het Dinsdag reeds sy nare voet vorentoe gesit maar gisteroggend (Woensdag) vroeg, net voor sonop, het hy die meeste reënwolke skuins suidoos gestuur voor dit in talle los reenselle opgebreek het. Een van die groot selle wat skuins oor die binneland gaan draai het, tref ons Saterdagmiddag kort na die middaguur tot anderkant Bredasdorp. Hieroor sal die meeste lesers wil gil want ’n naweek in die son of sommer net rondloop tussen die winkels, is Hermanus se beste uitvoerproduk vir naweekgaste. Mens raak verknog daaraan. Tot ons misnoeë hoor ek ’n munisipale amptenaar voorspel dat baie reën kan val en baie blare het heelweek in die afleipype beland. Stormwater kan lol om op plekke die tuine te verniel. Die ergste kom egter eers aanstaande naweek. Dit is in hierdie soort “nare weer” dat die groot kabeljoue wat onderweg Breederivier toe is om te gaan broei, in Walkerbaai kom skuil.

Hengelaars het geleer dat as die weer en wind erg is soos nou, plaas jy jou aashoek op die bodem. In stil baaitjies en selfs as die branders rustig is, kan jy maar ’n dryfasie met krewel of wurm byderhand hou. Dit lyk nie goed nie want gepaard met die wind wat ons die naweek bekruip, val die temperature volgende naweek soos ’n klip na 7 ° en is eers ná daardie Vrydag bo 11 grade. Maar hierdie Saterdag, wanneer die hardebaarde die kabeljoue kuslangs bekruip, val altesaam 12 mm reën strykdeur tot Sondagaand. Die slegte nuus vir die manne wat nie hengel nie en die groot geheime van stormweerhengel nie ken nie, is dat hulle in hierdie tyd en dae ook nie tuinwerk kan doen nie. Ilona Thorndike van die Gardener Academy (info@dietuinier.co.za ) skryf op die maankalender mens kan hierdie naweek blaargewasse in beskutting saai of plant en huisplante verpot. Maar hou tog maar die blomme vir ’n beter groeifase tot later in die maand.

Hermanus Times

Promosies Promotions

29 May, 2014

’n Skootrekenaar vir jou skool? Wil jy die kans staan om ’n skootrekenaar vir jou skool te wen? Die sewe titels van Boland Media (Hermanus Times, DistriksPos, Eikestadnuus, Paarl Post, Worcester Standard, Weslander en die Gazette) wil een skootrekenaar vir een skool in ons verspreidingsgebied weggee. Jy kan ons help om ’n wenner te kies! Ons soek stories by leerders van alle skole in die Boland, Weskus, Overberg en Helderberg oor waarom hul skool die beste is. Hulle moet dit op ons webwerf laai, en ons plaas dit dan onder die Jeugjoernalis-afdeling op ons webwerf vir al ons lesers om te sien.

Die idee is nie om te besluit watter skool is waarlik die beste in die streek nie, maar eerder watter skool se leerders vir ons die beste en mees entoesiastiese motiverings gestuur het. As ons jou storie geplaas het, “share” dit op Facebook of twiet dit op Twitter. Moedig jou maats aan om ook in te skryf en vergroot jou skool se kans om te wen. Ons wil graag hê jy moet ons webwerf ontdek en dat dit so maklik is soos 1-2-3 om jou nuus op ons webwerf te plaas en te deel – nie net gedurende die kompetisie nie, maar heeljaar deur. Hoe skryf jy in? Registreer as gebruiker op ons webwerf (jy kan ook met Facebook

HAVEN SUPERETTE: Loer in by Haven Superette vir koeldrank, iets te ete en ’n verskeidenheid produkte, van kruideniersware tot speelgoed.

registreer). Klik dan op “Tell your story”. Die aanlynvormpie wat dan verskyn, is so maklik om te gebruik soos Facebook. Dit is belangrik om jou naam en van in te vul, ’n foto van jouself op te laai en ook jou skool se naam êrens te noem (dit is verbasend hoe maklik ’n mens dit vergeet!). Stories moet ongeveer 300 woorde lank wees en kan tot die einde van die Julievakansie opgelaai word. Ons sal die wenner in die eerste week van die nuwe kwartaal aankondig. Wat die wenskool met die skootrekenaar doen, is hul eie besluit. Gaan dus na www.hermanustimes.co.za en skryf in!

MOO’S COFFEE SHOP: Owner/chefs Michelle Claesson and Roy Richards. Moo’s Coffee Shop is situated next to Haven Su­ perette and is a great little café for your daily cuppa and light lunches.

Breakfast made with Love & Free Range Eggs Visit us at 115 The Crescent, Fisherhaven TUE-FRI 08:30 - 15:30 SAT & SUN 09:00 - 13:00 MONDAYS CLOSED

Seun steeds in koma ná ongeluk op R43 JANINE VAN DER RIET Troy Williams, die tienjarige seun van Johannesburg wat saam met sy ouers in ’n botsing met ’n bus op die R43 tussen Sandbaai en Onrus betrokke was, is steeds in ’n koma in die Tygerberg Hospitaal. (HT 22 Mei) Die ongeluk het op Woensdag 14 Mei gebeur toe ’n skoolbus in Williams se ouers se kar van agter vasgery het. Die gesin was op vakansie in die Strand, en het vir die dag Hermanus toe gekom.

HAWSTON SUPERETTE & BUTCHERY: Tot jou diens is die vriendelike personeel van Hawston Superette & Butchery: Nadia Seagals, Andrea Duminy, Donay Gillion, Crystal Adendorff, Shim­ ron Manuel, Mildred Viret, Estrolita Kies, Edward Julies, Sandy Afrikaner, Solayman Solomons, Noël January and Charica Honco.

LINK DESIGN & DRAUGHTING SERVICES: Linking home owners to all home building and home design needs. From building mate­ rials to builders, professionals to project managers, contact owner Allan Woolnough for all your design and draughting needs.


FISHERHAVEN GUEST LODGE: Owners Lee and Andrew Hills welcome you to their guest lodge, located in the centre of Fisherhaven. The Guest Lodge features an outdoor pool and a garden fitted with BBQ fa­ cilities. The Bot River Lagoon is 2 km away. Rooms, decorated with modern furnishings, have free wi­fi access.

Milandré Williams het die Fiat bestuur en haar man, Rodger, was in die passasiersitplek langs haar. Troy het agter gesit. Rodger sê ten spyte van wat die dokters sê oor Troy se toestand, glo hy en Milandré vas hul seun se toestand sal verbeter. “Alhoewel Troy steeds in ’n koma is, sien ons ’n verbetering sedert die ongeluk.” Rodger sê Milandré bly heeltyd by Troy terwyl hy tussendeur op en af vlieg na Johannesburg vir werksverpligtinge.

EASY SKIP: Chris and Tiekie Niemand and (in front) Sanele Ndimande from Easy Skip. For all your rubble removal needs in construction and DIY, contact Easy Skip.

FISHERHAVEN PROPERTIES: Special: Plot in Hawston with lovely views of sea, near beach. Bond can be arranged. Price R175 000. Good selection of other plots in Fisherhaven and Hawston. CATALINA PUB & RESTAURANT: Louis en Magda Pie­ ters (ma en seun) ver­ verwelkom almal na hul pub en restaurant vir ’n heerlike kuiertjie. Karao­ ke­aande is elke tweede Vrydag, begin­ nende Vrydag 30 Mei.



Friday - Hake & Chips: R65 Saturday - Vetkoek (curry mince or chicken mayo): R25 Generous portions / Big Screen TV Piccaninny Centre, Fisherhaven 076 608 3025

Your area specialist for buying, selling or renting

fax: 086 660 4823 / cell: 082 559 4290 frans@fisherhaven.co.za www.fisherhaven.co.za

Fresh produce, air time, electricity & gas Braai packs & cold meats available 07:30 - 19:00 daily 028-315 2585 Charline 076 565 3516 / Mitch 072 726 0140

20 Hermanus Times Selling energy efficient light in a jar 29 May, 2014

KERRY VAN RENSBURG Harnessing the power of the sun, the Consol Solar Jar, is able to provide light for six to twelve hours at a time. And then it can be recharged again and again. It’s a simple, innovative concept that is gaining popularity. With the launch of the retail outlet Solar Life in Royal Street on Friday 23 May, the award winning Consol Solar Jar now has a new home in Hermanus. Peter Hassall, co-inventor of the Solar Jar, was on hand to talk about this South African success story. He explained how he was approached by Consol in 2010 to design a solar light using their preservative jar. Peter, an inventor at heart, says since he was a child he was fascinated with how things work. Consol told him: “If you get the design right, you may sell a few hundred.” Peter went off and developed a prototype using batteries, a circuit board, LED lights and a tiny solar panel. In January 2011 Peter made his first presentation to Consol. “In March 2011, after intense design and development, we manufactured and delivered our first month’s productionrun of 300 Solar Jars to Consol,” says Peter.

Peter Hassall, co­inventor of the Consol Solar Jar, and Leanne Dryburg launched a retail outlet in Hermanus for Solar Life and thepho­ towalkers.com on Friday afternoon.


Three years later, they are now hand-making 2 500 jars per day, which is 50 000 per month. They have created employment for 55 people

and up-skilled them to manage and run their factory. The Consol Solar Jar is primarily a reading light and portable lantern which can be filled with an assortment of decorative items. It is ideal for communities living without electricity and off-grid. A rural community spends about R80 per month on candles. That’s half the price of the Solar Jar, which will last for two to three years. It’s a fun and sustainable alternative light supply that makes it easy to go green. The shop in Royal Street is now also home to thephotowalkers.com Besides being the co-inventor of the Consol Solar Jar, Peter is first and foremost a professional photographer and is national president of the South African Professional Photographers. Leanne Dryburg, who works closely with Peter on the Consol Solar Jar initiative, is the Western Cape manager of the South African Professional Photographers and co-owner with Peter of the award-winning photographic tour company thephotowalkers.com. After establishing this photographic course in Gauteng, Leanne moved to Hermanus, and is offering group walks with one on one input on understanding your camera and expert advice on how to take amazing photographs.

Your crazy can creation could win a huge cash prize Creativity could turn unsightly and unhealthy litter into an opportunity for schools to win their share of R60 000 in the annual Collect-a-Can CAN Craze Competition. Learners are challenged to build the most creative structures from 300 or more used cans in the Collect-a-Can CAN Craze Competition, which kicks off on 1 June. The structures can take any form – the wilder the learners’ imaginations, the better! The competition teaches learners that what

may seem like trash, can be a valuable resource that can be re-used in their artwork and then recycled, which protects the environment by prolonging the lifespan of the raw materials and preserving natural resources as well as energy. The cans used in these structures need to be collected by the participants; after which they will be recovered by Collect-a-Can and processed for recycling. This process encourages learners to be eco-conscious and demon-

strates the environmental and monetary benefits of collecting and recycling cans. Individuals or teams building the three most creative structures out of used beverage or food cans in the most creative ways, will receive their share of R60 000. Photographs of the structures need to be submitted to Collecta-Can along with a completed entry form available at Collect-a-Can branches or from their website: www.collectacan.co.za. The competition runs until 30 September.

TENDER NO. SC 1481/2014

TENDER NR. SC 1481/2014


Tenders are hereby invited for: Clearing of Private and Municipal Erven in the Overstrand Area for a contract period ending 30 June 2017. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 30 May 2014, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30, upon payment of a tender participation fee of R130.00 per set. Alternatively the documents can be downloaded free from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za. Sealed tenders, with “Tender No. SC 1481/2014 Clearing of Private and Municipal Erven in the Overstrand Area for a contract period ending 30 June 2017.” clearly endorsed on the envelope must be deposited in Tender Box No.6 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation provided by the Municipality. The closing date and time of the tender is on 13 June 2014 at 12h00 and will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the Committee Room, HermanusAdministration. Tenders must be valid for 60 days after the closing date. Tenders shall be evaluated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and bidders may claim preference points in terms of their B-BBEE status level of contribution. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender, as it may deem expedient. Tenders are subject to the General Conditions of Tender and the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Overstrand Municipality. Please refer enquiries to Mr J Schoeman at telephone number: 028 313 8979.

Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir: Skoonmaak van Privaat & Munisipale Erwe in die Overstrand Gebied vir ñ kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2017. Tenderdokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag, 30 Mei 2014, by die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 vanaf Me. Rita Neethling tussen 08h30 en 15h30, by betaling van 'n tender deelnamefooi van R130.00 per stel. Alternatiewelik kan die dokumente gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad: www.overstrand.gov.za. Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk “Tender Nr. SC1481/2014: Skoonmaak van Privaat & Munisipale Erwe in die Overstrand Gebied vir ñ kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2017. ”op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tender Bus Nr. 6 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die tenderdokumentasie deur die Munisipaliteit verskaf. Die sluitingsdatum en - tyd van die tender is 13 Junie 2014 om 12h00 en tenders sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. Tenders moet geldig wees vir 60 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Tenders sal evalueer word in terme van die Voorkeurverkrygings Regulasies, 2011 en tenderaars mag voorkeurpunte eis in terme van hul B-BSEB status vlak van bydrae. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die laagste of enige tender wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie. Tenders is onderhewig aan die Algemene Kontrakvoorwaardes en die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuursbeleid van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Navrae kan aan Mnr. J Schoeman by telefoonnommer 028 313 8979 gerig word.

Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso: Sokususa ukhula Kwiziza zikaMasipala ne Zabucala Kwingingqi Zika Masipala wase Overstrand kangange xesha eliphela 30 Juni 2017. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoLwesihlanu, 30 Meyi 2014, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand., eMagnolia Avenue, eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Mnumzana u Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye15h30 usakuhlawula umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba kwiziniki-maxabiso ongama- R130.00. Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za. Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, “Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1481/2014: Sokususa ukhula Kwiziza zikaMasipala ne Zabucala Kwingingqi Zika Masipala wase Overstrand kangange xesha eliphela 30 Juni 2017.” Ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no. 6 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala wase-Overstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 13 Juni 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamashumi anethoba 60 emva komhla wokuvala. Ithenda zizakuhluzwa ngokomgangatho womiselo oKhethekileyo wokuFumana ka-2011 kwaye abanini bethenda banga funa amanqaku okhetheko ngokomgangatho abanawo kwi B-BBEE. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphantsi okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kaMasipala weOverstrand. Nceda nxibelelana no Mnumzana u J Schoeman kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 313 8979 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo.




Algemeen General

Film festival to highlight the ocean In celebration of World Oceans Day on 8 June, the South African Shark Conservancy (SASC) will present their 40Fathoms Film Festival. The festival uses the power of film to highlight the plight of the world’s oceans, while showcasing scientific and conservation successes. Ocean related documentary films will be screened between 11:00 and 17:00 on Saturday 7 June at the Whale House Museum. The 40Fathoms Film Festival programme includes carefully selected feature, short and children’s educational documentary films from around the globe. The multi-award winning documentary The Last Ocean will open the specialist discussion panel on Saturday evening. The Last Ocean will begin at 17:00 and the panel, consisting of representatives from various aspects of marine management and conservation, will be available to answer marine conservation related questions and discuss the film which illustrates the plight of Antarctica’s Ross Sea. If you are unable to attend the event on Saturday, join the festival on Sunday 8 June between 11:00 and 15:00 for reruns of Saturday’s favourites. Entrance to the 40Fathoms Film Festival is free. For more information contact the South African Shark Conservancy on 028 312 3029 or email info@sharkconservancy.org See www.hermanustimes.co.za for the full 40Fathoms Film Festival programme.

) If you have any odd balls of wool and don’t need them, we would be pleased to receive them for the elderly of Hawston who would love to knit. Kindly drop your wool off at the Senior Centre or Catholic Church hall and just mark “For Hawston”. Many thanks. Barbara Summerell

MAKING A DIFFERENCE: Waldemar Gib­ son’s life has been made much easier with the recent addition of a new toilet onto the side of the house he shares with his mother, Mandy Gibson (back right) and family. With them is Desiree Gelderblom, the OAPD so­ cial worker who facilitated the project to­ gether with an anonymous benefactor. Be­ fore the addition, it was a struggle for Wal­ demar to access the outdoor toilet, which is situated quite a distance from the house. Desiree says the OAPD needs a set of lego, wellington boots and a photocopy machine for their office situated at the Hawston Thu­ song Centre. Call Desiree Gelderblom on 028 315 2610 if you can help in any way. New members and volunteers are also wel­ come to join the organisation.



Hermanus Times 29 May, 2014

BOLAND Auto Sold


Hermanus Times 29 May, 2014

BOLAND Auto Sold


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

29 May, 2014



HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a proSUGAR PLUM Party 22 MAY 2014 Dearest blem? Mondays 19:30 UniShop. Themed cakes, kidMarlene - A heart that ted Church Hall. Phone 079 dies, tables & chairs, beat for us all now reso697 6555/082 492 4285. helium balloons, jumping nates in ours forever more. castles, etc. Purple Shop, Our heartfelt condolences FOUND across Waltons. Call to the Swart and Kotze Estelle 072 401 5913. families from the Carstens 1215 family. MAT-SAFE WERK bril FINANCIAL opgetel, Maandag FUNERAL (26/05/2014). In 1420 SERVICES Industriële area. Kom haal 1025 af by Hermanus Times.

GET YOUR SUMMER BODY Ready, join us for fun weight loss challenge, contact Tanya 082 796 5741 or tanya.kirsten@ yahoo.com for registering.

TYPING SERVICE. Willing to type any documents, reports and audio recordings at afforable prices. Contact me at: typingyourway@gmail.com




DON'T WANT TO JOIN A GYM? Qualified personal trainer will come to you. Affordable rates. Contact Richnard: 079 768 1491.





SAAMRY GELEENTHEID Gesoek daagliks van Hermanus na Kleinmond, Maandae to Vrydae 8-5 vir iemand wat by ons werk. Die persoon is baie betroubaar. Sal bydra met vervoer kostes. Laat weet my asb indien daar iemand is of jy weet van iemand wat ek kan kontak. Baie dankie, Elize 071 861 9541. LOANS 1445

CONSOLIDATION LOAN ONLINE. Up to R230 000. Bad credit welcome. Email: help@debtcon.co.za



ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment. KLAVIERLESSE VIR BEGINNERS oud en jonk. Skakel Amanda Hough 082 595 4219.


ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com

ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za.

BARGAIN SHOP. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508. MISCELLANEOUS 1655

COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.

HERMANUS APPLE RETAILER delivers brand new iPads, iPhones, Macbooks and Macs to your door! We also provide onsite support, tutoring and expert advice for your apple device. Call Chris on (082) 856 5384 or e-mail: mailchrisvv@gmail.com.


MY CAKE ANGEL. Cakes/cupcakes for all occasions. E-mail: tarrynlotz@gmail.com. Call Tarryn Geyer: 076 154 9612. View: www.mycakeangel.co.za.

MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311. PRIVATE TUTOR: JP Teacher with remedial experience offering tutoring for young learners Gr R- Gr 5 in Maths, English, Reading & Comprehension, Spelling & Phonics. Anne Dale 072 071 4289.




VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281.



510lt FRIDGEMASTER Fridge/Freezer @ R1800. 083 753 8018.


OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679.

BABY NAPPIES from R1.70 each, ADULT DIAPERS at discounted prices. Royal Street Hermanus. Melissa 072 966 5149. BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749. BUY & SELL. Cash paid for unwanted household furniture, fridges, beds, etc. Super Seconds pays best. Call 079 746 0830.


PARTY/EVENT DANCE floor for hire. Black & white check. Phone Carol or Talitha 028 313 2769.

CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871.

COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pentium 4's from R1299,00. Refurbished with warranty. Call Dolf Uys 072 705 8577.

LET ME DO ALL your Video and or Photography of that special occassion. 30 Years experience. Affordable. Call Ben 072 293 6169.




LG WASHING MACHINE in good working order - R500. Small upholstered arm chair R500. Tel 028 314 0776.




1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.


I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749. GENERAL & HOME SERVICES BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION 1801

A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798. ALL BUILDING WORK. Alterations, renovations, extensions, boundry walls, paving, tiling & painting. Call 082 255 0939.

KITCHEN STUFF, hand tools, ornaments, books, carpets, welding machine, vacuum pump, furniture, GJ BOUERS - Nuwe blankets - 1 double electrihuise - hout & steen, aancal. Call 079 868 9069. boudings, onderhoudsKNITTING & SEWING werk, verf, algemene doggie coats, beanies, slip- restorasie. 082 973 9297. pers, long door dogs 86cm, gerrie2512@gmail.com handbags, alterations eg. replace zips. Estelle 028 CLEANING SEVICES 312 1152 / Westcliff 082 1805 693 1809. 1ST HERMANUS SLEEPER COUCH EXCLUSIVE CLEANING NATURAL bull denim. SERVICE. Once-off, R2000. White laquer weekly/monthly. Full time dining table 6 seater. supervision. Honest, well R1750. Phone 083 261 trained staff. Are you 3398. moving in/out? We can VAPE AFRICA help. Mon-Sat. Call 076 115 7382. ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES E-cigarettes are rising in ELECTRICAL popularity every month 1810 and people are using them as an alternative to ELECTRICAL and housecigarettes. For all your hold appliance repairs. vaping needs we supply Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 all you need, such as: 7480. Vape single starter kits. ELECTRICAL: BreakVape double kit. Battedowns, emergencies, ries, Cleromizers, Usb maintenance, installaticharger, wall adaptors, ons, geysers, stoves, replacement coils, Egarage/gate automation, liquids - quality flavours. instant hot water sysContact: Ben Rossouw. tems, controlled geysers. Cell: 082 726 8771. Tel: No call out fee. Call 079 028 316 4217. 11 Brander706 1056/074 126 4801. draai Street, Sandbaai Hermanus.

Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

29 May, 2014

MAMELO ELECTRICAL any work, maintenance, renovations or new installations. Contact David 061 079 0964.










65M2 SHOP/OFFICE to let in Warrington Place, Hermanus CBD. Contact Xpert Property Administration at 082 870 5704.


1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280. ccsplant@telkomsa.net.

PEST CONTROL -WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028316 3010.

BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028312 2367. GARDEN & IRRIGATION 1825

A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. For full garden maintenance, tree felling, plot clearing and refuse removal. Also small removals. Gutter cleaning. Call Morné 083 225 3712. AFRI-LANDSCAPES. Landscape design, installation, irrigation and maintenance. For professional service contact Tony on 072 125 1855 or tony@afrilandscapes.co.za.


AAA MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, damp proofing, water proofing, building & renovations, general maintenance. Free quotes. Call Ian 082 535 5591.



HERMANUS HEIGHTS. Furnished 3 bedrooms available for short term lets until Dec. R8000pm incl. water & elec. No pets. Call 084 200 2253.


1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874.


MEERENSEE: Neat 3 furnished b/r house near lagoon and sea. Fisherhaven Properties 028 315 1990 or 082 559 4290.

BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 A & A BOME. Afsaag van NEW OR REMODEL 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 Building Drawings done, bome en takke, asook wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot with New Energy Regulati- 4323. by Rooi-Els. Aldert en Ani- ons SANS10400XA, CESA, NRCS, SAIA, WSP. E-mail: ta skakel 083 739 9865. systemhomes@vodamail. co.za. Call Jaco Sadie 076 330 0330.

SHOP to let in The Courtyard, Hermanus CBD 22m2 @ R2500 pm + VAT + Municipal services. Contact Frandi: 083 480 9208.

BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.


DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. Fire wood. Call T.J.Boshoff 082 954 7970. E-mail: bossie.boom@gmail.com. FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.

PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.

24 HOUR SERVICE REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.

SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water FYNBOS GARDENS. systems. Free site inspecLandscaping, irrigation and tions & quotation. 17 Long garden maintenance. 15 Street, Hermanus. Tel. Mimosa Street, Industrial 028-312 1667.www. Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. solarmax.co.za. www.fynbosgardens.com WATER PUMPS. MechREMOVAL OF dangerous Elect. Call 082 885 7480. trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195.





MISCELLANEOUS ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 4761/084 558 1902.

CINDY'S CARPET CLEANERS. Carpets, rugs & upholstery cleaners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 5385/028-316 4264. NUTSMAN/HANDYMAN Phillip Hough. Sel/Cell: 079 613 9328. E-mail: vaphimopo@gmail.com.

OPEL KADETT CUB 1991 model 1400. Goeie kondisie. R20 000 kontant. Skakel 082 885 0226. MOTOR CYCLES 3055



BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact 028 312 4615 or email us at advice@bbrokers. co.za. Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website: www.bbrokers.co.za.


OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.

MAZDA DOUBLE CAB DRIFTER 2.6L. 295 000 kms. R55 000. Call 082 481 0621.

MOTORFIETS TE KOOP UNDER STORAGE. Very 250cc, 5300km plus reasonable storage space + 2 helmets. R4500. Skakel garage available in Onrus. Hannes 079 809 9736. Tel 076 013 3105. BUSINESS


CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervision. Best prices. Free quotations. Phone Top Carpets 028-313 0721.



A1 STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.


• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com



111 VERMONT STORAGE. Space available, size of single garage, 24Hr ADT, secure & clean. Call 079 382 2276.

HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za. VEHICLES WANTED TO BUY 3075

AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828. TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering.


1 BEDROOM APARTMENT in quiet area ideal for a single lady. Rent includes water, lights, security, wi-fi & garden services. Contact 083 265 0421. H-Heights R3000pm. EEN SLAAPKAMER woonstel in Fynbospark Aftreeoord. Noordsig en in tuin geleë. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel vir verdere navrae. C.vd Westhuizen op 023 415 3560 (slegs tydens werksure)/082 821 1611. VERMONT 1 Bed garden flat suitable for single working person R2650 + deposit. Water & electricity incl. Garage optional. Call 082 705 3055. VERMONT FULLY FURNISHED and equiped 1 bedroomed flat. Immediate ocupation. R3000 inclusive. Phone 028 316 2043.

RECENTLY RENOVATED FAMILY home in quiet cul-de-sac close to Sandbaai beach. 4 beds (2e/s), 3 baths, lounge, TV room and modern kitchen. No garage. Walled/pet friendly. Deposit and credit check required. Available 01/07/14. R7000 pm excluding water and lights. 083 953 4088. FOR SALE 3201

FYNBOSPARK R495 000. Uitstekend geleë! 1 Slpk eenheid op grondvloer, netjies, lig en onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel dadelik vir 'n afspraak. Marietta 082 569 6967. Guthrie & Theron Eiendomme. R950 000: WELL SITUATED NORTH FACING home with 3 bedr, 2 bathr, open kitchen, separate laundry, d/ble garage, undercover braai area, securely walled with garden and lovely mountain view on western side of Sandbaai. Erf 660sqm. To view call 082 473 6972. GARAGES/STORAGE 3260

GARAGE SPASIE IN Onrus. 13m2. R500 pm. Skakel Rudi 082 589 4888. HOUSES TO LET 3270

HERMANUS HEIGHTS. 3 Bed, 2.5 bath, open-plan TV, kitchen etc. Double garage & adjoining golf course. Part furnished. R15,000 pm. 1 June. Call 083 360 5888.


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

29 May, 2014


SANDBAAI - Kamer in huis beskikbaar vir werkende persoon. Geen roker. Sluit in 2 etes, wasgoed en skoonmaak. R2500 per maand. R1000 deposito. Skakel 076 512 3467.

MY RELIABLE TRUSTWORTHY maid seeks work on Tuesdays. Tel 072 083 2718 for reference.

99% SAL NIE REAGEER op hierdie advertensie nie. Inkomste potensiaal deeltyds: ± R24 000. Onmiddelike kontantvloei. Geen deur-tot-deur bemarking nie. Skakel Litishia 083 290 8409/Kantoor: 021 850 8184.


TRUSTWORTHY, reliable Malawian man is looking 3670 for a job as a motorTEACH IN THAILAND ONRUS "PENINSULA": 25 YEAR JUDITH is loo- vehicle, motorcycle or teachnet2012@gmail.com. king for work as a waitress generator mechanic, garR7800 pm. Neat 3 bedor domestic work. Has room, 2 bathroom house dener or housekeeper. Call with double garage. Regret references. Contact 074 George 061 827 8739 or 942 6973 or 074 228 7284. 072 435 8573. no pets. Phone 082 876 9739. 34YRS SOTHO lady is ZIMBABWEAN LADY looking for a job as a doLOOKING for a job as a mestice worker. 7 Years OFFICES experience. Please contact house keeper, child minder, 3290 guest house or shop assiMakgala 082 088 9768 or Invoicing Clerk / Administrator stant. Work permit avail OFFICE in Hemel & Aarde 084 662 0857. Xpedient Medical Solution Services is a specialized Village 72m2 @ R5000 pm A MALAWIAN LADY is Reference: 082 492 4285. business management consultancy focused on the Call 078 910 0844. plus VAT + electricity and seeking employment as a medical industry. Due to continued growth we are levy. Contact Frandi: 083 looking to increase our team. house keeper, guesthouse 480 9208. This position in central Hermanus can have excellent attendant. Honest & hardGENERAL growth opportunities within our organisation. working.Have exp. Call 083 3680 The individual must be a self-motivator who is 962 6394 or 083 364 5546.

comfortable working in a team environment. Previous administration or credit control experience essential. The main job function will include but not be limited to the following: • Invoicing & Credit Control • Excel, Word & Outlook a prerequisite • Good communication skills • General Administration Duties • Reporting

A MALAWIAN MAN with code 10 driving licence & pdp & work permit is looking for work as a driver, cook or house keeper. Has contactable ref. 079 422 0687 / 074 656 9844. A ZIMBABWEAN LADY looking for a job as a domestic worker for 5 days. Has 7 years exp @ Paradise Park. Contact 078 292 0819 / 061 334 1045.

All interested parties please email: info@xpedient.co.za with a synopsis of your experience and relevance for this position.

DOMESTIC WORKER is looking for 3 days a week. Call Silvia 060 388 0134. Reference 072 9531070. DOMESTIC WORKER LOOKING for 3 extra days. Hardworking. Phone Lucia on 073 175 1223. Ref 084 483 4286.


HAWSTON: Plot with good views of sea and mountains. Near beach, R169,000. Fisherhaven Properties 028 315 1990 or 082 559 4290. PROPERTIES WANTED TO RENT 3305

I AM A Zimbabwean lady looking for full time or days employment. Call Sharon 079 886 2261. I'M A MALAWIAN lady looking for a job as a house keeper, cleaner. 3 years exp. Work permit & ref avail. Tues & Fridays. 078 697 7436. I'M A MALAWIAN man looking for work as a housekeeper, gardener or any other domestic work for 3 days a week (Tues, Thurs & Saturday). 074 067 7255. I'M A ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for work, 3 days a week (Mon, Wed & Thursday). Call 078 693 0833. MALAWIAN LADY age 41 years is looking for a job as a housekeeper, nanny or domestic. Sleep in or out. Ref available. 2 Years exp. 084 839 7014 or 074 074 9741. MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job as a housekeeper/babysitter or domestic worker or chef. I have 4 years experience. Reference available. Call 079 213 5018/084 839 7014.


needed for leading Computer Company Opportunity for a person to grow with the company:

Skills required:

• Knowledge and interest in Computers, components and peripherals. • Computer literate • Positive and enthusiastic • Good people and communication skills Fluent in both English and Afrikaans E-mail CV's to cv@overberg.com or fax to 028-313 2448 (Not more than 3 pages)

Seeks to recruit motivated and experienced persons: ______________________________ NPO ADMINISTRATOR An exciting opportunity to be responsible for overseeing the implementation of our strategy, ensuring delivery of care at the highest standards to our residents, whilst taking responsibility for the overall financial and operational management of the community. This position will suit a person who wishes to contribute his/her experience to a residential community with 60 adults with intellectual disabilities and their care givers. Flexible work hours. Skills required * Professional financial and/or management qualification * A minimum of 3 years' operational work experience at a senior management level, including strategic development, implementation and financial management and controls * Experience of managing and leading a team effectively * Experience of the NPO and voluntary sector For detailed job/person specification and application form please contact Mrs. Karin Laubscher on: 076 376 4847. ______________________________ FUNDRAISER Responsibilities Secure donations & sponsorships through funding proposals and grant applications Build & maintain relationships with donors Organise events Requirements Experience in proposal and report writing and event management High level of computer literacy and excellent written and verbal command of English Compassion for people with intellectual disabilities Send short CV to Mrs Christine Scott, fax 086 776 2764 or e-mail to hr@camphill-hermanus.org.za and request application form. ______________________________ BOOKKEEPER Part time position Responsibilities Accounting to trial balance and financial transactions related to CFC Requirements Experience in working with Pastel Send short CV to Mrs. Christine Scott, fax 086 776 2764 or e-mail to hr@camphill-hermanus.org.za and request application form ______________________________ www.farm.camphill-hermanus.org.za

“Good Roots Produce Good Fruits” www.applewood.co.za Applewood Preparatory is a young and dynamic school situated in Grabouw in the Elgin Valley, catering for Grade 000-7. Applewood invites applicants for the post of:

DOMESTIC WORKER. Monday - Friday or daily. Bilingual (Eng & Afr). Call Beauty 071 259 2042/061 053 9338. Reference 082 855 0716.


Residential care and therapeutic workshops for adults with intellectual disabilities

OPSOEK NA PERSOON wat kaste kan bou. Skakel André Steenkamp 082 660 4455.


EXPERIENCED MALAWIAN MAN, looking for a job as dental labratory assistant, housekeeper, gardener or handyman. 7 years exp. Motorbike driver licence & work permit avail. Call 074 365 9638.

Camphill Farm Community Hermanus


A WELL ESTABLISHED Day Care Centre has a position available in their Baby room. The position requires that the candidate must have experience with young children & babies. Monday - Friday. Please forward CV. to: info@paddakoor.co.za.

LUTEA PERFUME. If Perfume is your passion! This is YOUR ROAD TO RICHES! Become part of a multi million dollar industry! For more information. Call Madri or sms your e-mail address to 083 655 0445.

Requirements: A relevant professional qualification. Proof of registration with SACE. Energy and a creative approach to Education. A willingness to be involved in the extra mural activities including sports coaching. Please state other subjects able to offer. The ability to manage a Library will be an advantage. Interested applicants should submit a covering letter and full CV (including contactable referees) to: info@applewood.co.za for attention THE HEADMASTER.

SKAAK: Tydens die onlangse Top­ Skole Skaaktoer­ nooi wat by Cale­ don Casino aan­ gebied is, het Laerskool Herma­ nus se o.11­span die tweede plek behaal. Hulle sal nou op 2 Augus­ tus aan die vol­ gende ronde deel­ neem. Die span­ maats is (agter van links) Twané Botha, Tinus de Villiers en Philip Coetzee. Voor: Michel Scarafile, Celesté Botha en Cobus Marais. Afwesig: Bjorn Louw.


Closing date for application: Monday, 9 June 2014 – 12:00. The school reserves the right not to proceed with the filling of the post. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. If you have not been contacted by 10 June 2014, please assume application has been unsuccessful.

Versekering en Finansiële Adviseurs Caledon Benodig Dinamiese


Vereistes 1. Matriek (Graad 12 sertifikaat) 2. Sekretariële Ondervinding 3. Rekenaarvaardig (Vaardigheid sal getoets word) 4. Goeie Menseverhoudinge 5. Moet onder druk kan funksioneer 6. Vorige ondervinding as assistent vir Finansiële Adviseurs sal as aanbeveling dien E-pos verkorte CV na Valdine.joseph@absa.co.za of per hand by Absa Bank Caledon vir Aandag: Valdine Joseph SLUITINGSDATUM: 6 Junie 2014

Die o.12A Laerskool Hermanus­netbalspan het aan die Overberg Top­tien Toernooi deelgeneem. Hulle het as wenners uit die stryd getree en neem Vrydag 30 Mei aan die Boland Top­tien Toernooi deel wat in die Paarl plaasvind. Saam met die span is hulle afrig­ ter, Z. Venter. Nicole Engelbrecht (links) van Laerskool Hermanus is gekies vir die o.12 Boland­netbal­ span. Sy het ook aan die Wes­Kaap­proewe in Oudts­ hoorn gaan deelneem. Iland­ ré Booysen is as reserwe vir die Bolandspan gekies.

Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

29 May, 2014


Tips to keep your animals healthy this winter MA EN DOGTER: Laerskool Gansbaai het Vrydagaand 16 Mei ’n ma­en­dogteraand gehou vir al die netbalspelers in die skool en hul ma’s. Hulle het reeds die middag begin en verskeie netbalwedstryde gespeel, en daarna het hulle ’n modeparade gehou en speletjies gespeel. Die leerders en hul ma’s het die aand afgesluit deur in tente op die rugbyveld te oornag.

Winter is fast approaching in Hermanus. Although we do not experience harsh winter weather with snow and ice, it is important to still take extra care of four-legged friends. Some quick tips to help keep your pet safe and healthy this winter: Dog Coats Slim dogs with a short-hair coat like Dachshunds or Chihuahuas, can feel the cold very easily. Especially as dogs get older they start to feel the cold more. Most dogs will be fine without a coat while exercising, but if you are spending a long period of time outside you should consider a coat for your dog. Some breeds are well suited to cold environments like Huskies, and these dogs are


unlikely to need a coat; in fact they may well be quite uncomfortable with one on. Exercise With fewer daylight hours, and cold wet weather you may find that your cat or dog does not exercise as much he does in the summer. It is a good idea to monitor weight and food intake, as you may need to reduce the amount of food you give to stop your dog putting on weight during the winter. Hot-spots danger for cats Cats especially love curling up in a warm place for a nap. Prevent potential burns by protecting your cat from open fireplaces, wood stoves, candles and space heaters. Warm engines are also a favourite place for

Die ma’s het hul eie netbalspan saamgestel en teen hul dogters netbal gespeel. This lovely husky male was found in Sandbaai last Friday and HAWS is now looking for his owners, other­ wise someone to adopt him. Con­ tact HAWS on 028 312 1281.

TWO SISTERS ASK FOR TEMPORARY LOVING HOME: Mia and Lia are looking for a temporary home as their owner had to go away for a while, but will be back or will send for them soon. Until she returns these two are looking for someone to look after them. The owner will also supply all their food. Contact Michelle on 076 142 3704.

This poor little guy (Scrooge) was found as a stray in Zwelihle 2­3 weeks ago, very neglected and unkempt. The doggy par­ lour next door to the welfare gave him a complimentary bath and haircut. HAWS is hoping someone will offer him a loving home where he can finally be spoilt. Call HAWS on 028 312 1281.

Stanford rugby aan die brand Die Universals rugbyspan van Stanford speel kookrugby vanjaar. Hulle het Saterdag op Arniston teen die tuisspan 37-3 gewen. Dit was ’n spanpoging onder die leierskap van die kaptein om dié sterk span te klop. Johnwin, die losskakel, het ondanks die sterk wind met sy skopvoet die kol getref. Ian (Mince), die vleuel, het twee pragdrieë gedruk. Alan en Trevor het ook goeie drieë gedruk. Dit is Universals se sesde agtereenvolgende oorwinning in die kompetisie en hulle het al vyf bonuspunte behaal. – INVIC

Support the ongoing spayathon As many as 15 welfare animals are spayed or neutered free of charge every week at the Hermanus Animal Hospital. Local veterinarian Dr Sandy Waddingham says this is her way of serving the community and to keep doing so, the Overberg Spayathon Fund needs to

be topped up to pay for the drugs needed to do the operations. The spayathon account is independently and privately administered by Marius Furst. Account details: FNB Hermanus, branch code 200412; account number 62195511508.




14 Dirkie Uys Street, Hermanus 7200

24h Tel: 028 312 3065

Pet Food Tick and Flea Remedies Less 10% IN STORE

Home Deliveries Done Branches: Onrus 028 316 2753 / CBD 028 312 3065

outdoor cats, so honk the horn or bang on the bonnet before starting your car. Arthritis As with people, arthritis in pets is aggravated by the cold weather. Ensure your cat has a nice warm bed to relax in and providing a hot water bottle or a heat pad can be helpful. Cats do not tend to show arthritic symptoms in the same ways as dogs. They tend to become less active and withdrawn. For dogs, be sure you have thick comfortable padding for relaxation in a warm environment with no draughts. A nice warm area will provide that extra comfort. – Dr. Sherry van Dalsen Bergview Veterinary Clinic


Hermanus Times

Sport Sport

29 May, 2014

KARATE: Team Legacy wins four gold Students of Legacy Martial Arts Academy Hermanus represented the Boland kickboxing team recently at the South-African kickboxing championship held in Pretoria with 475 entries. Team Legacy brought home nine medals (four gold, two silver and three bronze). Four students were selected for the national team (in six modes) and three students were selected for the presidents team (three modes). There will be a team from Turkey coming to South Africa later this year and the juniors will be competing in the Junior World Champs held in Rumini, Italy in the beginning of September. Team Legacy wishes to thank Rudi Fraser for his support and dedication to the sport of kickboxing and the students of Team Legacy.

From left: Zaanru Fraser (4th place), Francois Thorne (gold, national team) Keagan Seal (2 gold, national team), Casper swart (bronze, presidents team), Shihan Ruehan van Romburgh (gold and silver, national team). Front: Tyren van der Spuy (silver, national team), Tiaan Hechter (4th place), Dean Moller (2 bronze, presidents team), Simone Verdoodt, Sempai Jeremie Verdoodt (quarter finalist, presidents team). Absent: Boland referee Rudi Fraser.

Hermanus Golf round­up Greetings to all. Tuesday saw 21 ladies in the com­ petition, which this week was an in­ dividual bonus bogey. Our winner this week in the silver division was Lyndsay Henderson on +2, and the winner in the bronze division was Janet Taylor on +1, well played la­ dies. Wednesday was the turn of the men, this week was a dose of real golf, the dreaded Medal day. For those who are unfamiliar with this form, this is the true form of the game, every stroke counts and you play until the ball is in the hole. This can lead to just one hole messing up the whole round, which makes it a tough game. Eighty­seven players took part this month and our winner was our current club champion, Jaques Re­ tief with a very good gross 75. In the divisions we saw Simon “the burglar” O Sullivan taking top hon­ ours in the A division with a great nett 69. In the B division it’s that man again, Ray Calitz, he also shot a su­ per nett 69, and winning the C divi­ sion was Willie Theron on 42 stable­ ford points. Well done guys and also well done to our new greens superin­

with Julian Shaw

tendent Malcolm Bromley for setting up a great course this week. Saturday saw the weather turn from a pleasant cooling breeze in the early morning to howling hurri­ cane McNasty in the afternoon, the gusts were up to 49 knots, which I am told is nearly 100 kph. Several of our seniors were actually blown over. Anyway, undeterred we actually managed 111 players, which was amazing. This week was an alliance stableford kindly sponsored by BMW Helderview. Our ultimate survivors this week with 90 unbelievable points was our quickest fourball in the club Christo Nel, Gert Keuler, Theuns Gelden­ huys and Tony de Beer, well played guys. There was only 5 two clubs and ball pool paid to 84. There was also one eagle, which was made on the 11th by our very own tame gorilla Andrew Philip (most likely from the rough too!). Sad news was very evident on Sunday morning with many trees uprooted and snapped off by the very strong winds. This is going to take a lifetime to replace.

These three warriors of Team Legacy obtained four South­African titles be­ tween them. They are Francois Thorne, Keagan Seal and Shihan Ruehan van Romburgh.

Real Attackers maintain lead On Saturday 17 May the junior team of Real Attackers were supposed to play against Proteas from Hawston but while the team was gathering at their traditional meeting place at the taxi rank in Zwelihle, they heard that the opposing team was not going to pitch for the match at 9:00, and they thus got the three points. The players were very disappointed. However, during the Real Attackers senior team match at 15:00 against Morning Stars, the real stars turned out to be Abongile Jijo Mafevuka, a learner at Qhayiya Secondary School, who scored a brilliant goal in the first half under pressure from a Morning Star defender. He was, however, a marked man after that, and he sustained an ankle injury and had to leave the field. During the second half of the game, the substitute for Abongile, namely Isaac Khala (an ex-learner from Qhayiya Secondary School) proved why he was a worthy substitute for his team’s star striker, and he himself scored another goal clinching the match 2-0 in favour of Real Attackers. Real Attackers remain the top team in the league at the moment.

Bridge results: Wednesday 21 May: 1 Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 61.86%. 2 Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 57.69%. 3 André Wagenaar / Callie Groenewald 56.41%. 3 Mary Andrew / Carin Verburg 56.41%. Friday 23 May – N/S: 1 Jackie Ascham / Monica Peters 61.57%. 2 Rosemary Sutton / Sylvia Wroth 57.87%. 3 Jaye Howse / June Opperman 57.18%. E/W: 1 Betty Nel / Riekie Louw 62.04%. 2 Wina Loubser / G Smith 60.42%. 3 Colleen Gower / Mary Andrew 55.56%. Saturday 24 May: 1 Carin Verburg / Annelise Hoeve 65.10%. 2 Carol / Lynn 57.41%. 3 Jackie Ascham / Betty Nel 57.29%. Football results: Hermanus Local Football Association Results: Salem United 2 vs Zwelihle United Brothers 1; Sweepers FC 1 vs Glen Grey United 1; Black Lion 1 vs Hay grove Tigers 1; Hot Fire 2 vs Mountain Birds 0; Super Eagles FC 0 vs Mighty Blues 0; Eastern Cape United 3 vs Mount Pleasant Spartans FC 1; Overstrand Rangers vs Real Attackers did not play-Pro tea United vs Mountain United did not play. Whalers Athletic Club - Time trial results – 15 May 3 km Walkers: 1 Arlene Ehrenberg 24.43; 2 Melany Vaughan 25.46; 3 Willie Loedolff 25.46. 5 km Runners: 1 Pieter le Roux 20.30; 2 Daniel Maree 22.04; 3 Famke Allan 23.01 PB; 4 Anzel du Plessis 26.12; 5 Mikki Milne 26.12; 6 Kerry Geiger 26.29; 7 Evan Austin 26.39; 8 Karen Austin 26.39; 9 Les Hanna 26.56; 10 Hugh Waters 29.06. 8 km Runners: 1 Sign Muwunda 29.18; 2 Mark Kavanagh 30.13; 3 Frank Gillion 35.00; 4 Kevin Middleton 35.30; 5 Justin Swartz 39.05.

) In the recent Coca Cola Cup Tournament, Qhayiya played several matches in Gansbaai, and the scores were as follows: Lukhanyo (0) vs Qhayiya (3) Masakhane (0) vs Qhayiya (3) Umyezo wama Apile (1) vs Qhayiya (1). Gansbaai The DOGS played an individual sta­ Academia (1) vs Qhayiya (3) bleford (log) on 27 May in Klein­ – MOGAMAT KAMEDIEN mond. Sporran MacCalder jetted in

DOGS get lasered

especially from Canada to take on La­ ser Smith and the Naked Chef in a 3­way battle of the bruisers. When it came to the count though, jet­lag took its toll on him after 12. The Naked Chef had already over­cooked it after 9 and it was Laser who took the title. Other scores were less impressive de­ spite perfect golfing conditions and nobody else managed to beat their handicap. There were some suspi­ cious missed putts and fluffed chips from a number of log high­flyers – end­of­month syndrome? In particu­ lar, another well­known Celt fared particularly badly and the Ex­Pole­ Dancer was surprisingly chirpy. 39Alan Smith, Alan Calder, Gordon Wilson; 34 Fred Garrett, Peter Sulley; 33 Dave Smith; 32 Vic vd Westhui-

Isaac Khala, who scored another goal against Morning Stars mak­ ing the final score 2­0 in Real At­ tackers’ favour.

zen; 31 Andre Franken, Mannes van Zyl; 30 Trevor Vaughan; 29 Jon Forsyth, Ian Newman; 28 Michel Maury; 27 Hugh Frangs; 26 Dave Rade; 25 Alistair (guest), Peter Thomas; 24 Pat Dewil, Doug Ross; 19 Keith Gillott.

REAL DEAL FINAL REVIEWED INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN (IDP) 2014-2015 Notice is herewith given in terms of section 25(4) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that the Final Reviewed Integrated Development Plan for 2014/2015 as approved by Council on, Wednesday 28 May 2014 is available on our website (www.overstrand.gov.za) as well as at the various Municipal Offices and Libraries within the Overstrand area.

C GROENEWALD, MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Munisipaliteit Overstrand Municipality Posbus 20/PO Box 20 ,HERMANUS, 7200 Kennisgewingnommer: 36/2014 Notice Number



FINALE HERSIENDE GEïNTEGREEDE ONTWIKKELINGSPLAN (GOP) 2014/2015 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 25(4) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) dat die Munisipaliteit se Finale Hersiende Ge?ntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan vir 2014/2015 soos goedgekeur deur die Raad op Woensdag , 28 Mei 2014 op ons webtuiste (www.overstrand.gov.za) asook by die onderskeie Munisipale Kantore en Biblioteke binne die Overstrand gebied beskikbaar is.


UPHUHLISO OLUCETYWAYO OLUDIBENEYO OLUPHINDE LWAPHONONONGWA 2014/2015 Isaziso sinikwa ngokwe sahluko sama 25(4) somthetho wezenqubo zoomasipala, ka 2000 (Umthetho 32 ka 2000) ukuba Uphuhliso olucetywayo oludibeneyo oluphinde lwaphononongwa luka 2014/2015 ngokwamkelwa libhunga, Ngolwesithathu umhla, 28 Meyi 2014 lifunyawa kwi webhusayithi yethu ethi (www.overstrand.gov.za) kwakunye nakwi ofisi zikamasipala naku-mathala encwadi kuyo yonke iOverstrand, ukuba kupho swe imibono.






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Hermanus Times

Sport Sport

29 May, 2014

Lukhanyo through to provincial tourney ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN A local primary school’s soccer team shined at the weekend’s regional tournament and will be competing in the provincial tournament this weekend. Lukhanyo Primary School’s u.12 team from Zwelihle took part in the Overberg regional soccer tournament. They won all three their soccer games, including the final and will be competing in Beaufort West this weekend. Lukhanyo beat De Bron Primary School (4 – 0), followed by Bosco Christian School (4 – 0) and their last game against Masakhane Primary (3 – 1) at the tournament on 21 May in Gansbaai.

Skaakspan wen Die o.18-skaakspan van Hoërskool Hermanus het ’n eerste plek in die Suid-Boland skaakkompetisie, wat oor twee rondes beslis is, behaal.

The members of the dynamic u.12 soccer team are: (front) Inga Milisi, Zolani Ngcambu (captain), Kazimla Kondlo, Sinovuyo Nkangeni and Anathi Mbhem. Middle: Asavelo Ndinisa, Anothando Dokolwana, Lutho Velaphi, Sakhe Mbunyuza, Simnikiwe Ramba and Lindokuhle Komphe­ la. At the back is Lukhona Liwani with coaches, Sandile Mtomile, Michael Manqola, Mzimkhulu Stuurman and Dumisani Mosho.

Die leerlinge het elk ’n medalje ontvang en neem op 2 Augustus aan die Boland Topskole-kompetisie by Caledon Casino en Spa deel. Die spelers van Hermanus is Erich Wiehahn, Roche Filander, Annette van Wyk, Terek Janczik, Philip Opperman, Braeden Izatt en Samkelo Ngobese.

Annette van Wyk het baie goed presteer. Sy het ’n goue medalje vir die beste o.16 meisie by die Bolandproewe gekry, en is opgeneem in die Bolandspan. By die Wes-Kaap Toernooi (wat in George gehou is) het sy 3de uit 20 spelers geëindig en gaan nou aan die nasionale toernooi in Bloemfontein gedurende Junie deelneem. Erich Wiehann ontvang ’n silwer medalje na afloop van die Bolandproewe en is ook in die Bolandspan opgeneem.


SPORTING ACHIEVE­ MENTS: Hermanus Primary School’s u.13B girls hockey team won a silver medal in the annual hockey day played in Hermanus last Saturday. The girls won their matches against Som­ erset West Primary 3­0, Panorama 3­1, Edgemead 4­0 and Girls High 3­0. Their score against Gene Louw was a draw 0­0 and unfortunately they lost out in the final against Van Rie­ beekstrand with a score of 1­2. With the team is their coach Alana Forbes. After some nailbiting hockey matches on Sat­ urday 24 May during Hermanus Primary’s hockey tournament, the school’s u.13 boys hockey team went through to the semi­finals. They played against Somerset House and lost 2­1. They then played Gene Louw for third place and won 1­0. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

Roann Jansen and Tiaan Hechter from Her­ manus Primary School have been selected to take part in the final u.13 rugby trials in Worcester.


Van links: Annette van Wyk; Carlton van Wyk; Terek Janczik; Phi­ lip Opperman; Roche Filander; Erich Wiehann en Anso van Wyk. Voor: Braeden Izatt. Afwesig: Samkelo Ngobese.

Sport on TV The “Big Game” at 19:00 on Saturday is in Durban. The Sharks against our Stormers. Will the Sharks rely on Jake White’s defensive pattern and the Stormers forced to run the ball with its inherent dangers. At 17:00 the Lions play the Bulls, from Ellis Park. From 18:20 on Saturday on Super­ sport 4, it’s the final of the French Top 14. Toulon versus Castres. The owner of Toulon is a “comic­strip” publisher, one Mourad Boudjellal. Bryan Habana is on R700,000 and Bakkies Botha on R600,000 per month. Jonny Wilkin­ son’s final game. Castres will have ebullient Rory Kock­ ott at scrum­half with Antonie Claassen (Wynand’s son) on the flank. This game will be played at the Stade de France;

holds 80 000 spectators and tickets are 125 euro. Golf, the U.S. P.G.A. brings us the “Memorial”, from Dublin, Ohio…the winner getting over $1 million. Tennis, the French Open from Roland Garros. Cycling, the Giro d’Italia. Football, various international friendlies, the choice could be Bosnia versus the Ivory Coast, early on Satur­ day morning. And for petrol­heads, the Moto GP from Italy on Sunday at 13:45. The I.P.L. final from 16:15 on Sunday, and dare one mention that David Miller and Dale Steyn have been earning R22 million for playing, unbelieveable. Hockey enthusiasts can watch Ger­ many play South Africa at 10:30 on Sunday and the women will be in action at 19:45 against Argentina. ­ SPORTS FAN



ONRUSRIVIER - R1,200,000 UITERS SKAARS! Gewilde sentraal Onrus. Noord front woning stapafstand van see en strand. 2 Slaapkamer huis met 1 badkamer en ruim woon areas. Patios voor en agter . Onderdak stoep. Die motorhuis is ekstra groot en kan 2 voertuie akkomodeer. Addisionele spasie wat kan omskep word in verdere slaapkamer en badkamer. Baie potensiaal. Web Verw: 676450 Lynette 082 578 5900 BOEDELKENNISGEWING Boedel wyle JOHANNES JURGENS PETRUS JORDAAN (Identiteitsnommer 371129 5009 08 7) van 253, 5de Straat, Voëlklip, Hermanus en sy nagelate eggenote FELICIA JORDAAN (ID Nommer 411004 0004 08 0), met wie hy binne gemeenskap van goed getroud was; Gebore op 29 November 1937; Oorlede op 29 Augustus 2013.BOEDELNOMMER 13653/2013 Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusie-rekening vir alle belanghebbende persone ter insae sal lê ten kantore van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Kaapstad en die Landdros, Hermanus vir 'n tydperk van 21 dae, gereken vanaf 30 Mei 2014. LAMBERT METCALF FICK, AGENT VIR EKSEKUTEURS TESTAMENTÊR, JAN VAN RIEBEECKSINGEL 211, SANDBAAI, HERMANUS, 7200.




1st June 2014

Morning Services: 8.30 & 10am led by Lt. Col. Malcolm Forster

Children's & Youth Ministry 9.45am in the hall

Sunday Evening:

PROFESSOR JOHN DE GRUCHY AT THE UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY EVENING, 1 June @ 6.30pm. (also 8th and 15 June) Ascension Sunday, Pentecost Sunday & Trinity Sunday. Who better to help to understand what they are about than the world renowned Christian theologian and teacher, Professor John de Gruchy? Don't miss this. Everyone is welcome

9 771608 589068

Hermanus bowlers prove their mettle in league The final round of the Zone 3 Men’s and Women’s League bowls was held this last weekend at Hermanus on excellent greens but in chilly, blustery playing conditions. Kleinmond and Hermanus women had been running neck and neck in the women’s division, but on the final day, the home team’s superior knowledge of the Hermanus fast greens proved to be the deciding factor and Hermanus ended up as convincing winners of the club floating trophy, followed by Kleinmond, Overberg (Caledon-Greyton) and Franskraal respectively. The men’s division was a nail-biting affair with the winners only being determined on the completion of

the final game between Hermanus’s Paul Naylor and Kleinmond’s Tikkie Rossouw. Going into the last round of games, Kleinmond and Hermanus were joint leaders with Franskraal just 1 point behind. While Hermanus and Kleinmond tackled each other, Franskraal was busy giving Overberg a hard time on the adjacent rinks. When the dust settled, Franskraal ended up as winners of the Dion Punt Trophy by 3 points, with Hermanus runners-up, followed by Kleinmond and Overberg. With the completion of the league, all of the bowling season’s major competitions have now been completed.

The winning Hermanus women’s team in the club league included, from left: Elsabé van der Westhuizen, Marie Nel, Anneke Thorpe, Amanda Meyer, Sonja Kruger, Bettie Truter, Glenda Theobald and Jean Greyling, with Ristoff van Wyk (back left), Zone 3 Representative who handed over the trophy. PHOTO: RIAAN PIENAAR

Atlantic het verlede Saterdag tuis teen Riviersonderend gespeel. Die A span het die voortou op die punteleer ge­ neem toe hulle Riviersonderend met 20 ­10 geklop het. FOTO’S: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

Atlantic is weer op die wenpad Atlantic het verlede Saterdag tuis teen Riviersonderend gespeel. Al drie spanne het gewen. Die A- en B-span is ná Saterdag die voorlopers op die punteleer. Die derde span is derde op die punteleer. Al drie wedstryde is in geweldige windtoestande gespeel en dit het agterlyn spel gekelder. Die C-span kry vyf bonuspunte en het 3-0 gewen – strafskop deur Rian Terblanche. Speler van dié wedstryd is Gurshen Elliot. Die B-span behou sy onoorwonne rekord deur die wedstryd 17-6 te wen. Die sterk wind het spel baie bemoeilik. Die puntemakers is Herschel Vermaak met een doelskop, Kenen Plaatjies met een drie. Speler van wedstryd is Herschel Vermaak. Die A-span het die voortou op die

Atlantic bemeester die lynstaanbal. punteleer geneem toe hy Riviersonderend met 20-10 geklop het. Ook hier het die wind spel bemoeilik. Die puntemakers is Evan Visser met

twee doelskoppe en twee strafskoppe. Kevin Williams het een drie gedruk. Heinrich Pieters het ook een drie gedruk. Die jong speler Heinrich Pieters wat sy buiging die eerste keer op heelagter vir die A-span gemaak het, toon baie belofte en gaan nog ver kom met sy rugby. Hy het ’n pragtige drie van agter af gaan druk en het die sterk wind goed hanteer. Pieters is dan tereg ook as speler van die wedstryd aangewys. Atlantic het Saterdag ’n loslootjie aangesien C Put van Wellington uit die liga onttrek het. Atlantic speel hul volgende wedstryd op Napier op 7 Junie. Dit is ’n baie belangrike wedstryd en sal die voorloper van die liga bepaal. – W.C.M. GIBSON

Die wind het die spel op Saterdag 24 Mei baie moelik gemaak, maar die Atlantic A span het die wedstryd gewen. Punte is aangeteken deur Evan Visser, Heinrich Pie­ ters en Kevin Williams.

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