Hermanus times 31 jul 2014

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THURSDAY, 31 JULY 2014 | Tel 028 ­ 312 3717 | Fax 028 ­ 312 4316



Bejaarde man skiet homself 5

No ruling for Paradise Park 5

‘Onrus­ lagoon vir eers veilig’ 11


Vakansieoord nou spookdorp


finale vergunning gegee om eers teen einde Julie vanjaar uit te trek. Behalwe vir halwe strukTheron het tot die einde teen ture, drie opslaanhuise die uitsettingsbevel baklei. en ’n paar braaiplekke, is Sy het destyds, toe sy hoor sy De Mond-woonwapark moes die kamp verlaat, geskok nou leeg en onbewoon. gevra waarheen sy moes gaan. “Ek het geen kind of kraai Hanna Auret (66) het vernie. Waarheen moet ek gaan? lede Dinsdag haar besitEkkry’nstaatspensioenenhet tings gelaai, haar huis agnie geld om ’n ander blyplek te tergelaat en na haar broer kry nie. Alles wat ek gehad het, in Brackenfell getrek. het ek in my huisie hier in De Elizabeth Theron (81) is Mond belê.” op 14 Julie oorlede ná sy Sy het verlede maand nog siek geraak het by die huis. aan die Hermanus Times gesê ’n Ambulans het haar kom sy was steeds nie van plan om haal, waarna sy in die hos- Keith Hampshire bly reeds in Durban. Sy huis staan verlate met te trek nie. Sy was besig om pitaal dood is. ’n hoop rommel voor die huis. regshulp in te win om die saak Auret, Theron en een ander inwoner het tot einde Julie vanjaar ge- munisipaliteit geneem het om nie sy huur- verder te beveg. Die grond is op tender uitgesit vir voorhad om uit die park te trek. Die ander in- ooreenkoms met die De Mond-karavaanwoner, Keith Hampshire (63), is met kan- parkvereniging (DMKV) wat die kamp be- stelle om die gebied in ’n openbare oord ker gediagnoseer en het reeds voor die stuur, te verleng nie. Dié kontrak het op te verander, maar teen die afsnydatum op 30 Mei 2014, het die munisipaliteit geen uitsettingdatum na familie in Durban ge- 29 Februarie 2012 verstryk. Die geding het voortgeduur, verskeie tenders ontvang nie. trek. Die munisipaliteit sê die grond sal weer Dit volg ná die Overstrand-munisipali- nie-permanente inwoners het van hul teit in ’n jarelange hofgeding ’n uitset- strukture en besittings tydens ’n veiling op tender uitgesit word in die nabye toetingsbevel by die Wes-Kaapse hooggeregs- in Februarie 2013 verkoop, en die munisi- koms. Tot tyd en wyl die proses afgehandel paliteit het vir Auret, Hampshire en Ther- word, sal ’n sekuriteitsmaatskappy steeds hof teen inwoners verkry het. Die geding spruit uit die besluit wat die on, die enigste drie permanente inwoners, die park oppas.

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Elizabeth (Lizzie) Theron is op 14 Julie oorlede. Haar huis is nog nie verwyder nie en die buiteligte brand, asof daar ie­ mand tuis is. Teen die boom lees ’n bordjie: Eensame drome.




Nuus News

31 July, 2014

MOTOR BELAND IN SLOOT: ’n Vrou van Stanford is nie ernstig beseer in ’n ongeluk Vrydag op die R43 tussen Hermanus en Stanford nie. Volgens ao. Sarena Hugo van die Stanford­polisie was ver­ skeie polisielede op pad na Hermanus vir ’n vergadering toe hul die voertuig in die sloot gewaar het. Behalwe vir ’n ligte stamp teen die kop was die vrou ongedeerd en sy is later deur ’n vriend huis toe geneem. Hugo sê dit het op daardie stadium baie gereën en die pad was nat. “Die voertuig moes gegly het, want oral het plasse water gelê. Sy sê die vrou kon nie self uit die motor klim nie, maar ’n onbe­ kende man het die deur oop­ gedwing en die vrou gehelp. Die voertuig is later deur in­ sleepdienste verwyder.


In court this week ) SHARK CAGE CIVIL CLAIM IN COURT: $4,4 million from Tuckett and the company, The closing arguments in the court proceed- White Shark Projects. Tallman argues that the sea conditions ings of the shark-boat saga were heard in the were not favourable for shark watching, and Cape High Court this week. Skipper Grant Tuckett of the shark-cage that the incident could have been prevented. Acting Judge Alec Frediving boat, Shark Team, und, reserved judgement in is involved in a civil claim the case on Tuesday. of about $4,4 million (more ) YOUNG MAN DEthan R44 million) institutNIED BAIL: The 19-yeared after three tourists old man accused of attemptdrowned when a “freak ed murder after attacking tidal wave” capsized the his mother and grandmothboat. The boat overturned er in Voëlklip on 15 July on 13 April 2008 at Kleinwas denied bail on Monday baai, near Gansbaai. The shark­watching boat, Shark 28 July. An American, Chris Team, after it capsized in 2008. The man stands accused Tallman (34) and his friend Casey LaJeunesse (35), were among the of attacking his mother and grandmother 19 passengers on board. The two men and a with a hammer, and setting his mother alight. The case was posponed until 17 September third passenger, Kennith Rogue (37) from Norfor further investigation and he will be reway, drowned in the incident. Sarah Tallman, Chris’s wife, is demanding manded in custody until his next appearance.

Pregnant teen kidnapped JANINE VAN DER RIET A 15-year-old pregant teenager was kidnapped on Sunday morning at around 02:00.

Remember to



Appointments / Afsprake: 028 313 0434 Our contact details are the same Ons kontaknommers is dieselfde

TRUCK OVERTURNS: A truck was dam­ aged late Thursday afternoon on the R43 between Hawston and Stanford. Ac­ cording to Lt Fadila September of the Hermanus Police, the driver was driving on the R43 when a vehicle in front of him turned at the Fisherhaven turn­off. The driver of the truck lost control of the truck when it connected with the gravel on the side of the road, and overturned. The driver escaped with no injuries. PHOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET

The suspect, who is known to the family, broke into a house in Hawston, stabbed the girl’s mother in the arm and grabbed the girl and took her out of the house. A search party was established and the bushes and surrounding areas were searched. At around 06:00 law enforcement officials and local councillors assisted the police with

the search. After the suspect stabbed the girl in the leg, punched her in the stomach and sexually assaulted her, he left her in a deserted church in Hawston. She ran to her aunt’s house and the latter called an ambulance. The police were informed that the girl had been found and taken to hospital. The 47-year-old suspect was later found and arrested on charges of kidnapping, sexual assault and assault. He appeared in the Hermanus Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday. The case is being investigated.

Crime snippets and important numbers ) In yet another incident in Fisherhaven, a couple became the victims in an attempted armed robbery by two men wearing balaclavas on Tuesday 30 July at 20:45. The woman was watching television when she heard her dog barking. She went to investigate and saw two men in the house. Her husband also heard a noise and went to fetch a sword upstairs. Both suspects then ran away and the couple pressed the panic button. No arrests have been made and the couple did not sustain any injuries.

) All liquor licence and liquor premises permit holders are invited to attend an educational session with the liquor board. Sessions will be held on 5 August at the Overstrand Municipality from 10:00 to 12:00. All enquiries can be directed to warrant officer David Tshazibana on 028 313 5300. ) The Hermanus Police are asking community members to be the eyes and ears for SAPS. The community is encouraged to contact the following telephone num-

bers if any suspicious-looking people and or vehicles are spotted in the area. Save these numbers as it could save a life. Phone the shift commander on 082 522 3219, the sector vehicle’s contact number is 079 89 39986 and the telephone numbers of the control room: 028 313 5300, 028 313 5349, 028 313 5350, 028 313 5306 or 028 313 5322. These numbers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The close working co-operation between the community and the Hermanus Police is a priority.


Nuus News

31 July, 2014


Kalfiefees ­ van dramas tot komedies Hierdie week sit ons die fokus op van die dramas, en skop af met Rachelle Greeff wat ons in Rondomskrik neem na die omgewing van Bredasdorp waar Anene Booysen so wreed verkrag en vermoor is. Shaleen Surtie-Richards skitter as die onderwyseres wat ’n verskil in die kinders se lewens probeer maak, en word ondersteun deur Lee-Ann van Rooi, Crystal-Donna Roberts en die nuwe pryswennende akteur, Richard September. Dis ’n kykie in die werklikheid van ons samelewing en hoe ons ons kinders faal maar ook hoop vind in ’n maalkolk van wanhoop. Die Rolbalspeler bring ons weer onder die besef dat fisies-gestremde mense ook ’n vol lewe kan lei as die samelewing hulle net ’n kans wil gee. Dis ’n verhaal van hoop wat uitstyg bo moeilike omstandighede, van bloed wat dikker as water is, ongeag die kleur van jou vel. Die produksie word gespeel deur van ons beste akteurs. Die stuk Feeskatte met die bekende trio van Susanne Beyers, Joanie Combrinck en Elsabé Daneel, bied komedie sowel as ’n bietjie van die tragiese kant van die lewe. Aan die vroliker kant is daar Affairs vir domkoppe met Chris Vorster (bekend as Ryno in 7de laan) wat op ’n komiese wyse spot met die kies van ’n skelmpie. Niks en niemand word ontsien nie, veral nie mans nie. Moenie hierdie slim en goeie vermaak mis nie. Moet natuurlik nie vir Dowwe Dolla ver-

beautiful sounds of the classical guitar by the equally beautiful James Grace on Sunday afternoon at 15:00 in the Auditorium.

Dowwe Dolla

Rondomskrik A-Z of things that cannot be blamed on apartheid. Reflecting humorously on the Rainbow nation and the Born Free generation, this piece will provide the audience with a cathartic, postelection experience. The play is written by the well-known Mike van Graan who writes both drama and comedy. It is on Friday night at 18:00 at the Sandbaai Hall for 60 min. There are a few musical experiences to enjoy, like Nianell on Friday night, and the

Born Free

geet nie. Sy probeer haar belastingprobleme oplos deur die raad van Kenny Kunene, Arthur Brow en Kotie se consultant Rashid van die Vlakte. Sy doen allerlei navorsing en neem ons op ’n roller-coaster rit wat elke af en toe dreig om te ontspoor... Kaartjies kan bespreek word by Computicket in Checkers en gedurende die fees ook by die deur as daar nog kaartjies beskikbaar is. Ons sien julle almal daar! ) For our English speaking supporters, we have the play, Born Free, a satire about South Africa in the last 20 years. We have a different actor than the one featured in the Kalfiefees programme namely Dan Richards. Dan will take you on a sharp, satirical ride through the

Plaaslike seun in Kurt Darren se musiekvideo ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN ’n Leerder van Laerskool Hermanus, James Heunis (12), die seun van Werner en Simone Heunis, is te siene in die nuwe Kurt Darren musiekvideo, Rebel en Rats, wat by Zevenwacht geskiet is. Volgens Simone was James perfek vir sy rol in die video want hulle het gewone seuntjiegoed gedoen. Die video vertel die storie van twee beste maats, Rebel en Rats, en wys hoe hulle in hul kinderdae speel, swem en fietsry. Daar is ook ’n romantiese kinkel, met ’n blondekoppie as die ster, maar uiteindelik wys die video dat hul vriendskap sterker is as enige mooi meisiekind se invloed.

“James geniet dit om deel te wees van sulke shoots en het al baie nuwe mense ontmoet, maar hy is eintlik maar net ’n gewone jong seun,” sê ma, Simone. Sy vertel hy is so drie jaar gelede deur ’n agent by ’n plaaslike markie raakgesien. Sedertdien is hy as ’n jong model verskeie kontrakte aangebied deur die agentskap Pulse Kids, wat in Kaapstad gebaseer is. “Sy agent het laat weet dat hulle hom graag vir Kurt se video wil gebruik. Ek luister nie juis na sy musiek nie, maar die video is tog te oulik gedoen en dis regtig ’n mooi liedjie.” Om die volle Rebel en Rats-musiekvideo te sien, besoek gerus www.hermanustimes.co.za.

James Heunis, ’n leer­ der aan Laerskool Her­ manus, is een van die drie kinders wat te sien is in Kurt Darren se nuutste musiekvideo, Rebel en Rats.


James Heunis (middel) en sy mede­ spelers in ’n toneel uit die mu­ siekvideo. FOTO: YOU­ TUBE



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Nuus News

31 July, 2014

Sports club progresses bit by bit KERRY VAN RENSBURG While construction work at the Hermanus Sports Club site is progressing at a steady pace, the outcome of the deal between the Overstrand Municipality and the Department of Public Works regarding the land where the current tennis courts, squash courts and clubhouse are situated, will determine the way forward for the HSC committee as to the timeframe for the relocation of these facilities. Andrienette Fourie, chairperson of the HSC committee, says she met with Stephen Muller, director of infrastructure and planning, and Anja Kotze, property administration manager, at the municipality on Tuesday 29 July. The OM is meeting with the Department of Public Works on Friday 1 August to discus the sale of the property situated in front of the municipality between Magnolia Street and Harmony Street, currently being leased to the tennis club. Fourie says: “We are waiting for this deal to be concluded, so we can get the money to relocate and re-establish the tennis and squash courts at the new sports club site. The clubhouse will also be built.” Work on this development has been unable to progress as fast as in-

itially planned, as the once-off grantin-aid of R6,5 million towards the HSC committee for the relocation of the clubhouse, tennis and squash courts, depends on the income derived from the transfer of municipal property. In April this year council gave R400 000 towards the HSC development as part payment of the R6,5 million. With the R400 000 the HSC received, the committee bought materials to build walls and structures to secure the existing structure and to prevent any damage as a result of sagging and lack of supporting walls. Fourie says they bought materials and then the builders and contractors in the town came together to offer their time and services. “We are very thankful for their contribution.” The sports club site will also become home to the new Hermanus Dance Education Centre. Fourie says the deadline for the contract for the dance centre to be signed is 30

In the last month great progress has been made at the Hermanus Sports Club, situated in José Burman drive between the Old Boys club and the cricket grounds. The photo left was taken a month ago, and below, the ground floor of the club is taking shape. Builders and contractors in the commu­ nity are contributing towards the project.


August. She is confident that building for this particular facility will be able to begin in January 2015. Fourie says: “It is not easy, in this economic climate, to raise the millions needed to build the HSC. “But like we said from the very beginning: we will eat this elephant bit by bit. We cannot do this without the support of the community. The ideal would be to put a fence around the HSC property, but we need to concentrate on infrastructure first.”

Mank bobbejaanwyfie en baba in Voëlklip gehelp JANINE VAN DER RIET Besorgde inwoners van Voëlklip het inderhaas verlede Vrydag 25 Julie die Overstrand-munisipaliteit (OM) gekontak nadat hulle ’n beseerde bobbejaanwyfie met haar baba in dié gebied opgemerk het. Volgens van die inwoners wat die inligting aan die noodnommer by die OM deurgegee het, het dit gelyk of die wyfie moontlik deur ’n motor raakgery kon gewees het, omdat sy baie moeilik geloop het. Leon Steyn, omgewingspesialis by die OM,

het saam met kollegas en lede van CapeNature Vrydagoggend vir ure die agterplase van huise in Voëlklip gefynkam tot hul op die bobbejaanwyfie en haar baba agter ’n vullisdrom afgekom het. ’n Veearts was byderhand en het met ’n verdowingspyl met ’n slaapmiddel die wyfie geskiet sodat hy haar kon ondersoek. Volgens Steyn het die baba verskriklik gehuil en geskree en aan sy ma vasgeklou terwyl die veearts sy ma ondersoek het. Die veearts het gesien die wyfie het geen nuwe wonde nie, maar ’n ou besering wat haar been laat uitteer het en dit was waarskynlik

Public Participation Process


Notice is hereby given of a Public Participation Process in terms of Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002. Applicant: Provincial Government: Western Cape, Roads Department. Description: An application for the mining of gravel was launched on the following properties for use as wearing base for gravel road resurfacing. Location: Aportion of Farm 600 Elias Gat, District Caledon A portion of Farm 595 De Diepe Gatt, District Caledon Consultant: Aurecon / Nadeson Consulting Joint Venture Partnership Participation Opportunity: Copies of the proposed EMProgs and Mine Plans are available from the consultants. All interested and affected parties (I&APs) are requested to submit their comments in writing and to register as an I&AP before 23 August 2014. All comments must be accompanied by your name, contact details and an indication of any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which you have in the application. Contact Persons: Dudley Janeke Natio van Rooyen Contact details: AECI Business Park, Building No.2, De Beers Rd Extension, Somerset West, 7130 Fax: 086 518 2634 E-mail: natio@mexm.co.za

die rede waarom sy mank loop. Die wyfie en haar baba is deel van die Vogelgat-trop en het skynbaar die trop iewers verloor omdat sy stadiger as die ander in die trop beweeg. Sy is weer met ’n inspuiting wakker gemaak en sy en haar baba is naby Vogelgat vrygelaat in die hoop dat hulle weer met die Vogelgattrop sal herenig. Steyn sê hy is baie dankbaar vir almal wat omgegee en gehelp het. Hy glo ook die ma is nog in ’n goeie kondisie, ondanks die seer been. “Ons hoop dat sy spoedig weer by die trop sal aansluit.”

Die bobbejaanwyfie en haar baba is agter ’n huis in Voëlklip gekry na besorgde inwoners bekommerd was dat die wyfie dalk deur ’n voertuig raakgery is. FOTO: VERSKAF


Nuus News

31 July, 2014

Westcliff bejaarde (84) skiet homself JANINE VAN DER RIET Inwoners van Hermanus is geskok na ’n 84-jarige man van Westcliff homself Sondagoggend in sy kamer onder in hul huis in Kerkstraat geskiet het. Reinhard Herbert Kober se vrou, Olga, wat aan Alzheimer se siekte ly en in ’n kamer bo in die huis slaap, het op hom afgekom om ongeveer 09:45. Sy het nie die skoot hoor afgaan nie luidens die polisie se verslag. Kober se dokumente, insluitend sy vuurwapenlisensie, en sy testament het alles netjies bymekaar op sy lessenaar in sy studeerkamer gelê. Dit blyk hy wou seker maak al sy papierwerk is in orde voor hy sy lewe beëindig. Mense in die gemeenskap het die paartjie, wat 55 jaar getroud was, goed geken. “Hy was ’n baie opregte, trotse, geliefde persoon. Ons het hom gereeld in die dorp gesien, hy het altyd regop, met ’n kierie geloop en was ’n absolute ware heer,” het een van sy nabye bure te kenne gegee. Die rede vir sy selfdood is onbekend. Die Hermanus Times het verlede week berig oor selfdood en moontlike redes daar agter, asook verskeie hulpbronne gepubliseer waar mense om hulp kan aanklop. Die berig het verskyn na ’n 47-jarige man van Northcliff op 16 Julie sy eie lewe geneem het. Sy meisie het op hom afgekom na hy homself gehang het. Drie van die grootste redes vir selfdood, volgens kenners, is armoede, siekte en depressie. Kober het vir maande lank, volgens sy tuisversorger, Margaret Mantyi, met ’n seer been gesukkel. Hy was blykbaar in en uit die hospitaal, maar die been het nie genees nie. Hy was raadop met die pyn. Mantyi werk al vier jaar vir die Kober-egpaar. Sy werk vir Hermanus Senior Sentrum wat tuisversorgers uitplaas na bejaardes wat hulp verlang.

’n ouer, vriend, kind – almal Sy sê sy is baie na aan die egwat al iemand verloor het, paar en het baie lief vir hulle gehet gesê hulle vind aanklank word.Volgens haar het die egby Emma’s Song.” paar nie kinders nie. “Daar is soveel hartseer Oral deur die huis is foto’s van verhale van mense wat my die Kobers teen die muur, met optredes bywoon, mense wat datums en die plek waar die foto oor hul eie Emmas met my geneem is, onderaan geskryf. Dit praat. Dit het my diep geraak is duidelik dat die paartjie in hul om te besef dat depressie so jong dae die wêreld vol gereis ’n groot rol speel in ons samehet. Kober as aantreklike sakelewing en tesame daarmee man, met sy pragtige vrou aan soveel selfdodings, soveel so sy sy. Reinhard Herbert Kober dat ek besluit het om nog ’n Daar is foto’s waar hulle in Spanje dans, en verskeie ander foto’s van be- liedjie, Trane van Genade, te skryf om waar moontlik bietjie ondersteuning te gee. stemmings as mooi herinneringe. “Die donker put omsluit almal. Ek het die Lizel Kuchar, adminbeampte van die Hermanus Senior Sentrum is baie hartseer en lied geskryf wat spesifiek handel oor depressie, wat verwys na hierdie donker, diep gat verslae oor “meneer Kober” se dood. “Hy was ’n ongelooflike mooi mens. Hy het waarin mense hul bevind.” Dillon het besluit om die liedjie as MP3 graaltyd ’n grappie te vertel, was baie presies en stiptelik, en het baie met sy geliefkoosde troe- tis aan Hermanus Times lesers af te laai deur teldier gaan stap. Hy was ook ’n baie regverdi- ’n epos na musiek@dillonlerm.co.za te stuur. Die volgende organisasies bied hulp vir ge mens met empatie vir almal om hom. Hy mense in nood: laat ’n groot leemte in ons harte.” ) Badisa: 028 312 3909. Behalwe vir die tuisversorger wat die Her) Hermanus Senior Sentrum: 028-3122515 manus Senior Sentrum aan hulle besorg het, ) Hermanus Staan Saam: 082 737 1226. het die egpaar ook daagliks middagete van die ) Hermanus Polisie: 028 313 5300. sentrum ontvang. ) Dr Cathy Cristie: 028 313 1919; Dr Whepie Die begrafnisreëlings was nog nie teen Howell: 028 313 1919; druktyd bekend nie. ) SADAG (SA Depression & Anxiety SupDie polisie doen ’n beroep op die publiek om die beskikbare hulplyne te skakel wanneer port Group): 011 262 6396 en SMS-lyn 31393. ) Die Hermanus ondersteuningsgroep vir hulle moeilike omstandighede ervaar, of wanneer iemand vermoed ’n kennis of geliefde ly geestesgesondheid kom elke eerste Maandag van elke maand om 15:30 in die Bloukamer moontlik aan depressie en het hulp nodig. ) ’n Plaaslike sanger wat deur die selfdood by Fynbospark in Kerkstraat, Hermanus byvan ’n vriendin geraak is het reeds verskeie mekaar. Kontak Esje by 028 313 2031. Life Liliedjes gepen, eweneens om homself te help ne: 021 461 1111 of 0861 322 322. ) An 84-year old man from Westcliff shot om die tragedie en verlies te verwerk. Dié liedjies, noem Dillon Lerm, het ook al himself on Sunday morning. The reason for his ’n paar mense gehelp met depressie en wroe- suicide is unknown. He was well known in Herging na hul ’n geliefde aan die dood afgestaan manus and was regularly seen walking in town het. Dillon se liedjie, Emma’s Song, het hy ge- with his walking stick and accompanied by his skryf na sy vriendin se selfdood. “Maar elk- dog. His wife, who suffers from Alzheimers, een van ons het ’n Emma in ons lewe, hetsy found him but is not aware of the circumstances


surrounding his death. The couple was married for 55 years, with no children, and was looked after by a carer.

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Paradise Park awaits tribunal’s final ruling KERRY VAN RENSBURG “Fifteen years ago it was a paradise and fantastic to stay here; lately this has not been the case.” So remarked a resident of Paradise Park, a private holiday resort in Vermont, on the legal battle between owner Raymond Schonegevel and residents about his attempt to up the rent by more than 100%. Says one homeowner: “We don’t mind paying, we just don’t want to be ripped off.” In July 2013 Bram van der Harst, chairperson of the Paradise Park Homeowners Association (PPHOA), submitted a deposition to the Rental Housing Tribunal, listing numerous complaints against Schonegevel. Mediators from the tribunal met the two parties at Paradise Park on several occasions and held hearings to resolve the dispute. The owner, was represented by his son-in-law Dolf Olivier The Rental Housing Tribunal settles disputes between tenants and landlords by facilitating, investigating, mediating and holding hearings to resolve disputes. The Paradise Park matter, however, was not resolved and the case was heard in the tribunal’s small court on 27 June. In his argument on behalf of the 185 members of the applicant (PPHOA), attorney Nazir Chafeker stated that the complainant objected to the request for excessive rental increases and other unfair practices. He stated that Paradise Park was mainly a holiday/camping resort 30 years ago, but there were now 252 families owning homes on the respondent’ s land: 112 permanent residents (permanents) and 140 semi-permanent residents (semis). The respondent was seeking to increase the R950 a month rentals of permanents to R1 825 and the R433,33 a month rentals for semis to R1 550. These tariffs include water but not

electricity. As background to the case, Chafeker stated that Paradise Park was a hybrid, unusual system of land tenure between the landowner/respondent, Schonegevel, who owns the land, and the Paradise Park homeowners, who either bought or built their own homes/structures on the land belonging to Schonegevel, and who – through either a huurpacht and/or a lease agreement – continue to occupy the land. Schonegevel told them they could site caravans or build structures of about 150 m² on sites where they could live as long as they wished. Upon cross-examination Schonegevel was asked whether a current owner could leave a home/structure to heirs and/or successors in title, and he confirmed this. According to Chafeker, this means that the contract is one of perpetuity and that any lease agreement is only interrupted when the structure is sold. The only condition was that the homeowners had to behave themselves and pay their rent. “Until about 2011, all the leases were verbal agreements between the landlord and the tenants, so too the huurpachts. It is not disputed that these were not registered,” Chafeker says. “The circumstances surrounding the contracts suggest that homeowners entered into their contracts to secure affordable housing in Hermanus. They could not have envisaged that the respondent would attempt to force them into paying double their current rate of rental.” At a tribunal hearing in November 2013, Olivier said 29 residents had taken up written lease agreements. All residents were entitled to do so, but many did not take up the offer. Chafeker states that 60 permanent homeowners received only a SASSA pension of R1 350 a month; 52 homeowners received private pensions and 28 pensioners did casual labour

to supplement their incomes. The landlord also lets 36 rondawels for R1 500 a month, totalling R54 000 a month. The complainant is unsure whether this amount includes water and other municipal charges; the respondent refused to divulge this information or income statements despite numerous requests from the complainant and the chairperson of the Tribunal. Chafeker also states that the respondent derived R1 464 000 from 30 camping sites, which excluded rental for the semis. The 112 permanents contributed R1 276 800 per annum for a total annual income of R2 740 800, which the respondent did not dispute. Chafeker says these amounts did not reflect the landlord’s “unlawful excess VAT charges nor the later unlawful 25% surcharges in electricity”. The complainant argues that the rents were increased because of a major increase in municipal charges. Instead of discussing this with the homeowners, as per the Western Cape Tribunal’s 2010 settlement agreement, which ruled that, in the event of a major increase by the municipality, the respondent and the complainants would negotiate and agree on an appropriate increase, Schonegevel allegedly “threw a veil over the proceedings”. The homeowners argued that had they been consulted, Schonegevel’s problem could have been resolved without undue expenses. The PPHOA is seeking to have the respondent’s application for excessive rental increases set aside. Olivier says they (the respondent) were represented by their attorney Jan Wagener. He says the tribunal has listened to both sides and he is certain they will make an informed decision. Both parties are awaiting the tribunal’s final ruling.




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Algemeen General

31 July, 2014

SEAFOOD AT THE MARINE OPENS FOR 2014 SEASON: Liz McGrath (owner of The Collection which includes The Marine, Cellars­Hohenhort in Constantia, and The Plettenberg), Hannes Storm, Talita Engelbrecht and Chris Thompson were among the fine diners who enjoyed a three­course petit smorgasbord dinner at the 2014 season reopening of Seafood at the Marine last Thursday. Tasty bites included tempura tiger prawns, octopus carpaccio and Cape Malay seafood curry served in a home­made pot bread á la bunny chow style (but infinitely more bijou).

Droom jy daarvan om ’n joernalis te wees? Kan jy ’n unieke storie skryf of uitnemende foto’s neem? Besoek ons webblad by www. hermanus­ times.co.za en laai jou eie artikels en foto’s op. Ons wil jou storie hoor!

Algemeen General

GOUE WYNE: Wildekrans Wine Estate het vanjaar weer op ’n goeie noot begin met pryse wat instroom vir hul bekende wyne. William Wilkinson (foto), wynmaker by Wildekrans, was onlangs by die jaarlik­ se SAWI (South African wine index) Pinota­ ge Barrel Selection Reserve wat by Groot­ bos gehou is. Wildekrans se wyn het ’n platinum en goue medalje verower. Verder het Wildekrans se Pinotage BSR 2012 weer goud ontvang by die Decanter World Wine Awards en het ook onlangs goud by die Monde Selection in Brussels gewen. Hulle het ook vier goue medaljes by die Catavi­ num World Wine Awards in Spanje vero­ wer, asook ’n “grand” goud vir hul Chenin Barrel Selection Reserve 2012, die hoogste toekenning vir ’n Suid­Afrikaanse wyn.

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31 July, 2014




Algemeen General

31 July, 2014

FOUR YEARS AND COUNTING FOR CHEF SHANE: As a thank you to guest house owners and hotels who support La Pentola restaurant all year round, and to celebrate his fourth year in Hermanus, chef Shane Sauvage hosted a three course dinner on Wednesday 23 July. As Shane said on the night: “Every day we thank our lucky stars that we’re still here, and in a venue where you can spot the whales from your seat.” With Shane is Teressa Jones (Rochester Manor) and An­ namarie Sales (Potting Shed). PHOTOS: CILENE BEKKER

Enjoying a pre­dinner glass of bubbly were David Sales (Potting Shed), Birgitta Weav­ ing, Blake Albert, Yolande van der Walt (all from the Windsor Hotel), Sam Jackson (Misty Waves) and Madelein Marais (also Windsor Hotel).





Charmaine Leaf­Wright (On the Cliff lodge) and in front Hazel and Ron Pedersen (Auberge Provence). GRAND OPENING: Refine Anti­ageing and Laser Clinic celebrated the grand opening of their new premises at the Hemel­en­Aarde Village on Thursday, 24 July. Toasting the occasion were, from left: Jozua Rossouw, from Rossouw Mod­ ern Art Gallery and MC for the evening, Lindi Prinsloo, owner of Refine, Willem Ther­ on, from PSG, and Dr Michelle Emett, Refine’s aesthetic doctor.

jackie designs








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The team from Refine in­ cludes: therapists Nicole Pieterse, Carin Stander, Rolanda Butler, Patricia La Cock, practice manag­ er, Dr Michelle Emett, Lin­ di Prinsloo, owner of Re­ fine, Samantha Lewis and Leanne Steinmann, permanent make­up ar­ tist. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


Algemeen General

31 July, 2014


‘Onrus­strandmeer vir eers veilig’ ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Probleme by die Onrusrivier-strandmeer het verlede week groot opslae gemaak op sosiale netwerke, maar volgens die Overstrand-munisipaliteit is die rioolstorting onder beheer. Die bespreking het gevolg ná ’n bord wat aandui dat die water by Onrusrivier se strandmeer onveilig is om in te swem op 20 Julie op Facebook gedeel is. Die bord is deur die Overstrand-munisipaliteit en Overberg-distriksmunisipaliteit (ODM) opgerig. Luidens Liezl Bezuidenhout, die senior bestuurder: omgewingsdienste by die Overstrand-munisipaliteit, is die borde opgerig ná ’n riool- en stormwaterpyp in die hoofstraat gebars het, en dit tot die storting van riool in die rivier kon gelei het. “Die voorval het op 17 Junie plaasgevind en al die nodige rolspelers is onmiddellik ingelig. Die pype was in geblokte sement vas gemessel en die operasionele span het tot laat in die nag gewerk om die situasie onder beheer te kry. “Dit het egter daartoe gelei dat daar wel ’n mate van riool in die rivier beland het, deur beide die stormwaterstelsel en ook as gevolg van ’n oorloop by die pompstasie se man-gate. “Die grootste hoeveelheid riool is egter deur middel van pomptrokke verwyder, wat direk ná die probleem aangemeld is, ontplooi is.” Daar is ook dieselfde dag monsters by twee punte in die rivier geneem, een net onder die pompstasie en ’n tweede in die riviermond. Die borde is opgerig ná toestemming ontvang is van die ODM se gesondheidsbeampte. Dit moes in plek bly tot die vlakke E.Coli laag genoeg is om die gebied veilig te verklaar. Dit is verlede week verwyder. Volgens Bezuidenhout was die geval nie as

gevolg van ’n menslike fout of foutiewe pompstasie nie. “Die pyp het ondergronds gebars en was slegs sigbaar ná dit teenaan die pad begin opborrel het. Die munisipaliteit het egter seker gemaak dat die risiko van besoedeling laag is deur onmiddellik die trokke te aktiveer, wat die riool by die pompstasie leeg gepomp het sodat daar nie verdere oorloop in die rivier was nie. “Die pyplyn word ook tans gemonitor om seker te maak dat daar nie enige verdere lekkasie is nie.” Die waterkwaliteit-riglyne vir ontspanningsgebruik vereis dat E. Coli minder as 500 cfu/100 ml en Enterococci minder as 185 cfu/100 ml moet wees om as aanvaarbaar gesien te word. Kort na die storting, op 17 Junie, was die E.Coli-vlakke in die mond >2419 cfu/100 ml en die Enterococci-lesing: 1986 cfu/100 ml. Onder die pompstasie was die E. coli-vlakke >2419 cfu/100 ml en Enterococci >2419 cfu/100 ml. Die vlakke het sedertdien aansienlik verlaag. Die lesing in die mond op 10 Julie was 17 cfu/100 ml en die Enterococci-vlakke 230 cfu/100 ml. AfriForum het vroeër vanjaar toetse gedoen by verskeie riviermonde, waaronder Onrusriviermond. Die oorspronklike verslag het dit gestel dat die monsters by De Mond (Hermanus) geneem is, wat tot verwarring gelei het. Dit het later aan die lig gekom dat dié monsters in Onrus geneem is. Stefan Pretorius, gemeenskapskoördineerder vir AfriForum in die Wes-Kaap, sê dat hulle nie weer toetse in die gebied gedoen het nie, maar dat hulle wel klagtes rakende die rioolprobleem ontvang het. Hy is egter van mening dat die munisipaliteit oor die algemeen baie goeie werk doen en hy is vol vertroue dat daar daadwerklike oplossings gevind sal word.

Onrusriviermond se onlangse vlakke van E.Coli en Enterococci.


Die Overstrand­munisipali­ teit het borde by die On­ rus­strandmeer opgerig, maar dit is sedertdien ver­ wyder ná toetse getoon het die water is nie meer ’n gevaar vir swemmers nie. FOTO: FACEBOOK



Briewe Letters

31 July, 2014

Huis Lettie’s bazaar was a huge success EDITORIAL COMMENT Fokus op K9­eenheid Verlede Sondagaand het die aktualiteitste­ levisieprogram Fokus op SABC3 ’n insetsel uitgesaai waar die burgerregtelike orga­ nisasie AfriForum, saam met verskeie rol­ spelers versoek dat die K9­eenheid in Overberg/Overstrand herstel word nadat dit twee jaar gelede deur perlemoenstro­ pers en bendelede afgebrand is. In die Fokus­program het hulle ook beeldmateriaal gewys van ’n vakansiehuis in Sandbaai wat na bewering deur bendes oorgeneem is. Die huis is gestroop en net die murasie staan nog. Chris Nieuwoudt van Stop Crime before it Happens het op dié program gesê dat sedert die K9­eenheid afgebrand het, het misdaad in die area toegeneem. AfriForum het al verskeie korresponden­ sie met ministers van die verskeie departe­ mente gevoer, om ’n antwoord te kry oor wanneer die honde­eenheid nuwe persele gaan kry, maar tot dusver het hul nog geen positiewe terugvoering ontvang nie. As jy die program misgeloop het, kyk die volle insetsel op ons webtuiste: www.hermanustimes.co.za.

DOG PHOTO A WINNER: Willie van Wyk, co­owner of Bellini Galery together with Klaus Dembeck, won a Canon Powershot Digital camera after entering an online photo competition with this photo of Tina keeping Klaus company while he was tack­ ling a Sudoku puzzle. Says Willie: “Tina is an African rescue dog from HAWS and is the best thinkable companion. We got her when she was four months old and she is now nearly eight.” The organisers of the competition sent Willie an email breaking the good news to him. “Congratulations. You are one of three lucky winners whose photos captured the FOUR PAWS Slogan More humanity towards animals and made the best impression on our jury.”

Hermanus should be marketed as an art mecca I have always maintained there are more artists per square kilometre in Hermanus than in any other town in South Africa. The Kalfiefees art exhibition bears out this hypothesis. Altogether 38 individual artists entered the exhibition this year compared to the 32 last year, of which 21 are the same, thus there were 17 new artists, making a total of 55 artists. There are 19 artists attached to galleries, and six artists refused to be involved, giving a total of 80 known artists living in Hermanus. If you include 13+ living in the rest of the Overstrand, it gives 93 in the Overstrand.

What amazes me is if you ask people to mention the artist towns, you are likely to be told Franschhoek, Stellenbosch or Clarence, but never Hermanus. We always hear that once the whales and the festive season are gone, there is nothing for tourists in Hermanus. I see a massive gap in the market in the opportunity to turn Hermanus into an art tourist’s mecca. Millions of people a year visit the Louvre in Paris, the Guggenheim in New York and the Tate in London, so don’t tell me there is not a market for attracting art lovers. What is needed, is some proper marketing to be done.


The preparations for our annual bazaar held last Saturday were tackled in good faith even though the weather was a bit precarious this year. With the hard work, help and support of Huis Lettie Theron’s management board, Friends of Huis Lettie Theron, the home’s house committee, residents and family members, personnel and many volunteers, the preparations as well as the day’s activities ran smoothly. We really do appreciate all your time and efforts. Considering the current economic climate, this main fundraising event for Huis Lettie Theron once again proved to be very successful. An over-all amount of just more than R175 000 was raised from collection lists and the day’s sales – for which we are extremely grateful! Baie dankie aan al die besighede en individue vir u geduld, verdraagsaamheid en vrygewigheid, die skenking van produkte, items en kontant. Baie dankie ook aan organisasies soos onder meer die Old Boys, kerke en skole vir jul bydraes, bystand, hulp en ondersteuning asook met die bemarking van ons basaar. Huis Lettie Theron is baie afhanklik van geldinsamelings aangesien ’n groot aantal inwoners nie die tehuis se eenheidskoste kan betaal nie en deur die tehuis gesubsidieer word. Die geld wat ingesamel is, word dus hoofsaaklik hiervoor aangewend asook vir die instandhouding van die tehuis. Baie dankie ook aan almal wat ons Saterdag in groot getalle kom ondersteun en die dag saam met ons geniet het, ons waardeer dit opreg. Slegs met u almal se ondersteuning en die Here se genade kan Huis Lettie Theron se geldinsamelingpogings suksesvol wees. Ons loof en eer ons Hemelse Vader wat hierdie dag dan ook op so ’n besondere wyse vir ons geseën het. Nogmaals baie dankie aan die gemeenskap van Hermanus en almal wat ons bejaardes ondersteun en ook op hierdie wyse hul belange op die hart dra.


Private memorabilia on public rocks ­ is it allowed? Should whale watching motto be reviewed? With great respect to the experts and other “Whale Spotters”, we too have had concerns about the presence and activity of our whale visitors in and about Windsor Bay. We, having lived in Sea Village Marine Drive for 28 and 18 years respectively, have had Bay-side viewing opportunities 24 hours a day and have become aware of the absence of the whales. They LOVE Windsor Bay, being a good sheltered spot, where they surprise and delight us with a “cabaret” first thing in the morning, just beyond the breakers. We have in the past been woken in the dead of night by their snorting and lob-tailing noises, such a comforting sound and now only fondly remembered. July being like an Indian Summer, the sea so calm and blue, is a particularly busy time for whale-spotting. Last Tuesday was such a day, we had visitors from OFS and walked from Sea Village to the Old Harbour and lunched at Cocos for the best views on that side of the bay. Not a whale in sight and not a sound from the Whale Crier. Only the whale boats belting across the bay to De Kelders. Noiselessly, of course. We, through strong binocs, have seen the boats circling the whales far out in the bay. Almost entrapping them. Even when breaching. No, Dave, no whale boat for us. The tourism logo for Hermanus is “Best land based whale viewing” spot. Maybe it’s time to review the way things are done in the name of tourism and to favour the return of our whales.


On countless occasions we have with great joy and appreciation accompanied both local and visiting friends on walks along our exquisitely beautiful rocky coastline However, the disturbing and seemingly increasing practice of defacing our natural rocks is cause for considerable concern and public outcry. (By “defacing’’ the writer means plaques cemented into rocks, wooden crosses on rocks decorated with shells and artificial flowers near Sievers Punt and along the cliff path in Vermont.) We have all had the heart-rendering experience of losing loved ones, but understand and appreciate that there are acceptable special areas designated for the placing of personal memorabilia. We acknowledge that we have inherited the wondrous natural beauty for which Hermanus is justifiably famous and we should therefore pledge to keep it that way with the immediate removal of misplaced personal memorabilia from our beautiful rocks. PS. The above also applies to painters who deface our rocks and builders who discard their rubble there.


David Beattie, chairperson the Cliff Path Management Group responds: As chairperson of the Hermanus Cliff Path Management Group (CPMG), I have received a number of complaints about the increasing

number of “memorial” plaques that are being affixed to the rocks along our coastline. The matter has been referred to the appropriate municipal officials, including environmental management and law enforcement, for further action. We are informed by the municipality that this practice is unlawful and that no permission has been granted to anyone to affix these plaques onto the rocks. Along the Hermanus coastline the only way that residents may pay respect to deceased family or friends is on the benches following application to the Overstrand Municipality and then only if existing benches become available as no new benches are being constructed. Avril Steenkamp, chairperson of the VOS (Vermont Onrus Sandbaai) Coastal Walkway committee responds: The VOS committee has since September 2011 been responsible for Onrus and Sandbaai. Vermont is responsible for their section of the path. The memorial plaques were introduced to raise funds for the construction and maintenance of the coastal path. To date R336 000 has been raised by this method. The plaques are tasteful and we have received numerous compliments concerning them. People find them interesting. VOS has nothing to do with the benches, crosses, rock paintings, builders rubble, etc. The plaques cost R2 000 each and may be ordered from any VOS committee member.

Munisipaliteit nie so tops nie, wag steeds GJ Richter se brief HM 24-7-2014 verwys: Ons as vier permanente inwoners van Ganetstraat, Vermont, het meer as twee jaar gelede ’n versoek aan dieselfde munisipaliteit gerig vir ’n straatlig op ’n gevaarlike donker

hoek in Ganetstraat. Twee jaar en twee rooftogte in ons straat asook twee begrotings later wag ons nog steeds vir ’n lig.


’n Leser was Saterdag by die Huis Lettie Theron­basaar en het onder meer ‘n leë (of so het hy gedink) fotoraam gekoop. Toe hy dit oopmaak, was die agterkant­kartonstuk in papier toegedraai. Hy kom toe af op dié foto, wat deur Stella Nova­ateljee geneem is, blykbaar in Pretoria. Dit is A5­grootte, met geen datum nie. Hy wou dit nie sommer weggooi nie, ingeval dit nog sentimentele waarde vir iemand het. Ons hoor graag by lesers of daar familie is wat die foto sou wou terughê. Stuur ’n e­pos aan editor@her­ manustimes.co.za of bel Janine by 028 312 3717.

11 Winners of Madiba Day competition HermanusTimes

Briewe Letters

31 July, 2014

) Ek wil graag ’n uitnodiging aan die lede van

die Overstrand se munisipale bestuur rig om met hul voertuie op Sandbaai se ongeteerde paaie te ry en te kyk hoe lank hul voertuie heel sal bly. – COENRAAD ) Ons almal in Sandbaai betaal belasting. Hoe­ kom moet ons nog aan die agterspeen suig? Wan­ neer word ons grondpaaie geteer? Die nuwe ge­ teerde Schneiderstraat pronk reeds met ’n yslike gat. Dit lyk my die plek se naam moet van nou af Gatbaai heet. ) Baie dankie aan Floris de Kock en Virgil, asook die verkeersbeampte wat ons 22 Julie gehelp het om ’n pap band te vervang op die Houwhoekpas­ pad; dit word opreg waardeer! – LOUIS EN ELIZE BOEZAART ) Kan nie wag vir Babbel en Krabbel se Dames­ tee in Oktober nie. Is seker dit gaan verlede jaar s’n verreweg oortref! – MARIA ) As iemand in Onrusrivier die reënval meet: ek soek die maandsyfers vir 2014. Stuur asseblief per SMS aan 084 657 6610. – JOHANN ) Please, Hermanus Times reporters, when you write an article mentioning that someone ap­ peared in court on certain charges, please follow through with the story and let the community know if the suspect was released on bail or not! Thank you. – T.D. ) Hoekom geen verkeersbeamptes by die skool 07:00 in die oggend en Vrydag 13:00 teen huis­ toegaantyd in die stortende reën nie? Dis wanneer die kinders hulle die nodigste het. ) To the man walking his young brindle­coloured dog in Plein Street, Westcliff, at 09:00 on Saturday morning 26 July: Teach your dog to listen to you. Better still, put it on a leash, don’t just haul up your shoulders! Next, I WILL taze it and if that does not help, my dog (on a leash) WILL teach your dog a lesson. I will not keep her back from taking down your unruly brak! Until we meet again. –IRENE ) Ek wil graag aan ons twee agente, Rian en Cor­ nel, met die verkoop en koop van die ander huis

baie dankie sê vir jul uitsonderlike diens. Ons sal dit altyd onthou. Ook wil ek vir ons vorige bure, Elsa en Matie, baie dankie sê vir al hul hulp met ons verhuising. Julle is werklik vriende duisend. Sodra alles hier gesettle is, gaan ons beslis ’n vleisie op die kole gooi. Dan wil ek vir Rudolph en sy vriend baie dankie sê vir hul vinnige optrede toe ons motor nie wou start nie. Sulke diens ken ons nie. – RIANA VIS­ SER ) Oor die kennisgewing by Mountain View. Die persoon wat kla, kan nie namens al die inwoners praat nie. Ja, en almal sien dit raak, so dit het sy doel bereik. En regtig, dis net ’n kennisgewing. Hou op kla oor nonsens. – E. COETZEE ) Haai sies, mevrou wat sowaar ou mense se blomme en plante steel terwyl jy ’n besoeker by hul aftreeoord is! Hoop jy slaap darem lekker snags. – I. BARNARD ) Too much time is spent reminding and educating the youth of the sins of Apart­“hate” instead of moving forward in forgiveness and change. No wonder there are still so much anger and violence in our country after 20 years. Has anyone had a look at what our kids are being taught at school lately? Plus, we are constantly be­ ing subjected to watching old movies on TV, depict­ ing the apartheid times and constantly reinforcing hatred toward each other. Our children have friends of all races in their groups and have known nothing different. There­ fore, if there is any racism between youngsters to­ day, it’s because of the influence of the adults. If our government would focus on the future of this country and not the past, maybe then we would see positive change. – DESRE, ONRUS ) Traffic cops collecting kids at the bus in Stanford. Could someone please explain to me why we pay for the fuel for the traffic cop (Driving a Jeep Gand Cherokee) gets to use the government vehicle to transport his kid to and from the school bus in Stan­ ford? And if it is not in fact a government vehicle, why does it have blue lights? – CONCERNED RATEPAYER ) The Overstrand Municipality’s Head Traffic Official answers: The vehicle in question is a private vehicle. The owner of the vehicle is a registered traffic official and under the Vital Vehicle Scheme his private vehicle is used for official work. He is authorized to have and use a blue light on his car.

UNDER THE LOOKING GLASS: The Marine Hotel has a fascinating history, which has been condensed into an hour­long visual presentation by Dr Robin Lee from the Hermanus History Society (HHS). The topic is The Marine 1886 – 2014: Those who owned it and those who stayed there. The presenta­ tion will include many slides, some never seen in public before. It will be held at the municipal auditorium on Wednesday 6 August at 17:30 for 18:00. The presentation is an HHS fundraiser in aid of the History of Zwelihle and the Friends of Swallow Park projects. The entry fee is R30, payable at the door on the night. (No booking, no pre­sold tickets) A further donation towards the projects will be much appreciated.

Cool, but sunny weather can be expected this weekend, with the temperatures becoming even cooler on Sunday night. Rain is being forecast from Monday and will only clear up by Wednesday, with heavy rains of up to 40 mm expected.

JANINE VAN DER RIET The Hermanus Times held a competition last week where readers were invited to enter their ‘67 minutes for Madiba’ photographs to stand a chance of winning one of three book hampers. The three winners selected are: Dave and Ann Wright who prepared 64 sandwiches in 67 minutes in their kitchen for the people at the Hermanus Homeless Shelter.

The Hermanus Round Table for helping a number of institutions with blankets and beanies. Institutions helped include the Lombardi Centre, Rotary Haven Crèche, the Hermanus Child Welfare and Hermanus Staan Saam. The Arabella Community Trust donated blankets to elderly residents of Hawston. They also delivered blankets to members of the Overstrand Wheelchair Association and the Overstrand Association for Persons with Disabilities.

The winners of the bookhampers are Ann Wright, Juan Mostert (on behalf of the Her­ manus Round Table) and Augusta Marshall (a trustee of the Arabella Community Trust). All three win­ ners indicated that they are going to do­ nate the books to dif­ ferent charity organi­ sations in the Over­ strand. PHOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET

GROOT BEDRAG INGESAMEL: Laerskool Hermanus het onlangs met sy Koekiedeeg­projek ’n bedrag van R58 140 ingesamel waarvan R17 695 aan die skool gegaan het. Die top­20­ver­ kopers (foto) het elkeen meer as 10 pakkies verkoop en Chloe Neale, ’n gr. 1­leerder, was die topverkoper met 43 pakkies. Die klas wat die meeste verkoop het, was gr. 4A met 171. Die volgende projek vir die 3de kwartaal is Vrydagaand 29 Augustus wanneer kunstenaar Marius du Bruyn Neil Diamond­liedjies gaan sing. Daar sal gelukkige trekkings wees. Kaart­ jies kan gekoop word by Laerskool Hermanus teen R120. ’n Tafel van agt kan bespreek word teen R960. Vir besprekings bel 028 312 3670. FOTO: JAN-HENDRIK COETZER

Tipiese eendeweer Wanneer laagdruk soos nou dubbelselle in Antarktika vorm, beteken dit dat daar ’n versperring op hul pad ewenaar toe is waar die warm son se strale deur die jaar die aarde direk tref. Dit bepaal die weer reg oor die planeet. In Julie kuier die son meer noordwaarts en sommer baie minder suidwaarts waar dit nou winter is en die reënseisoen in die Kaap aan die gang is. En terwyl die somermense in die noorde kopkrap oor sneeu, hael en oorstromings, wil die bangmaakstories rondom klimaatsverandering maar net nie minder word nie. Wat tans vreemd is, is die dubbelselle in Antarktika wat vandeesweek ver van die land af wegbly. Waar dit gewoonlik by Gough wes swaai, sukkel dit tans om 50° Suid te haal, ’n hele 10° te kort vir reënweer. Die welkome warmer weer die afgelope paar dae kom uit die warmer noordooste en is buite bereik van laagdrukke vir genoegsame vogopname. Dit is nie normaal nie. Ons winterreëns kom uit die noordweste en warm lug van die ewenaar af wag die koue lug by Gough in. Wolke vorm en dryf landwaarts op die noordwes. Wat ons vandeesweek sien is dat daar wel ’n hoogdruk uit die noordweste digby Gough is, maar dat die laagdrukke uit die suide so swak is dat omtrent net Gough ’n bietjie reën kry. Wat vanjaar van ons winter ongewoon is, is dat

die noordwes Sondagmiddag wyk om plek te maak vir ’n koue suidoostewind om die bietjie wolkies, wat by Gough deurgeglip het, te melk. Die konveksie uit die see suidoos van ons versnel egter danksy die warm Indiese see en die reënwolke bou op. Dit begin Sondagaand saggies reën en siedaar, dit hou tot volgende Woensdag aan. Vir besoekers is dit tipiese Kaapse eendeweer. En dit, vertel oom Langfaan, is vir hom bewys dat Hermanus en inderdaad die hele Overberg in die winterreënvalstreek val. Ons kan tot 40 mm verwag, vertel hy. Lesers wat die maan met die reënweer verbind, sal merk die sekelmaan lê tans nog op sy rug en in dié posisie kan dit eenvoudig nie reën nie. Maar, soos die maan se skaduwee op die aarde skuif, draai daardie sekeltjie om die klok en teen Maandag 4 Augustus is dit heel links op die maanskyf. Dan word die water uit sy denkbeeldige emmer gestort. Verlede jaar tussen 4 en 9 Augustus het minder as 1 mm geval. En die wind was noordwes. Heel anders as nou.


HermanusTimes 31 July, 2014

Algemeen General

Women’s Day event needs support Each year the Women Action Group (WAG) holds a formal dinner on Women’s Day where they acknowledge the achievements of women involved in their community projects. WAG is a non-profit organisation which assists individuals in the community affected and infected by HIV/Aids. They would like to make their Women’s Day event an extra special occasion and need contributions from individuals and businesses for lucky draws, gift vouchers and special gifts for the women who will be honoured on 9 August. If you are able to contribute to the organisation’s annual fundraising campaign, call Carmen Titus, WAG project manager, on 072 342 8297.

The Cape genet can be seen in the Her­ manus area from time to time.


NATURE MATTERS Did you know: The Cape genet, also known as the muskeljaatkat in Afrikaans, is a carnivorous mammal, related to the civets. It hangs out in trees and hunts at night. The Cape genet has yellowish-grey fur with rust-coloured and black rosettes, with a black and white tail. Its diet is varied, and includes rodents, birds, reptiles, fruit, and invertebrates. Cape genets can be found in the thick vegetation on parts of the Hermanus Cliff Path and at least one is known to appreciate a good video.

A Cape genet wandered into a local video store in the Hermanus CBD and the photo was published in the Hermanus Times in 2010.



Algemeen General

31 July, 2014

STUDENTS EXCEL AT OVERBERG EISTEDDFOD: These learners from Curro Hermanus achieved cum laude at the Grade 4 to 7 English Eisteddfod. In front (from left) are Ra’ees de Witt and Casanra Saayman with Zoe Theron, Elizabeth Montgomery, Joshua Davis and Franchesca Gozalo at the back.

Aniza Phillips van Laerskool Die Bron het cum laude gewen by die afgelope Overberg Eisteddfod wat Vrydag 25 Ju­ lie by Curro Hermanus gehou is. Saam met haar is hul skoolhoof, Sybill Octo­ ber.

A number of Cur­ ro Hermanus learners also par­ ticipated in the Grade 8 to 12 Overberg English Eisteddfod. The cum laude Grade 8 to 12 winners are Inez Malland­ ain and Jana Bier­ man (front), John de Kock and Christoff Jordaan (middle) and Layla Arrison, Charney Vorster and Domi­ nique Heydenrich at the back.


Come enjoy yourself/ Kom geniet jouself

Laerskool Die Bron se leerders het ook uitgeblink in die Overberg Ei­ steddfod. Die leerlinge het Engelse gedigte voorgelees en hulle het een cum laude, vyf goud en ses silwer sertifikate ontvang. Saam met die leerders is hul skoolhoof, Sybill October en hul onderwyser, Bernadette Dreyer.

Overberg Education District IMG COMPONENT Early Enrollment for Grade R

Parents are reminded that enrolment for Grade R must be done as soon as possible for 2015, as there are limited spaces in registered Grade R classes in the Overberg Education District. All Independent and Public Schools or ECD Independent Sites offering Grade R must register their Grade R classes with the Western Cape Education Department. Programmes offered at unregistered schools can not be monitored or supported by the WCED. Once a school is registered, they will receive a WCED Grade R Registration Certificate and an EMIS number. This will give the school access to the Centralised Educational Management Information System (CEMIS). All Grade R learners must be registered on CEMIS. This system enables WCED to keep track of the progress of every learner in the province from Grade R to 12 . Registered Grade R classes may also apply for a subsidy for all their Grade R learners. The WCED registration and subsidy must not be confused with the registration with the Department of Social Development, which is aimed specifically at children 0 to 4½ /5 years old. Preschools who wish to apply for WCED registration must comply with the following criteria: The school should ? have appropriate premises and equipment ? should meet the prescribed requirements set out in the guidelines for Early Childhood Development Service (2006); ? have qualified teachers/practitioners- the principal is a professional qualified educator and the Grade R practitioners should at least have an ECD NQF Level 5; ? the curriculum for Grade R learners should be approved by WCED; ? have appropriate administrative systems and procedures; ? have a functioning bank account; ? have assessment and evaluation systems; ? have learner support systems; and ? must not be located within a 5 kilometre radius of a WCED registered school offering Grade R. Please contact Mavis Kaye for further

Independent ECD Schools registered with WCED: Grabouw: Agape Kleuterskool Kabouterland Pre-Primary Eluxolweni Educare Centre Speelland/Playland Pre-Primary Hermanus:

Hermanus Pre-Primary Zwelihle Pre-Primary


Siyabulela Pre-Primary Krappies & Krefies Pre-Primary


Overberg Pre-Primary Tafelronde ACVV Uitsig Crèche


Flower Valley Early Learning Centre


Mossienes Kleuterskool Swellenduimpie Pre-Primary

Hermanus Pre-Primary is proud to announce the start of 3 new classes: ·A class for the Pre-Grade R and Grade R English pupils with Claire Parker a qualified B.ED teacher. ·An even bigger and better baby class and a class for the pre-toddlers. Parents will be excited about the new and upgraded play area Enrolments for these new classes are open as well as enrolments for 2015. Please contact us at info@hermanuspreprim.co.za or 028-313 1025

College Street, CALEDON, 7230 Private Bag X08, CALEDON, 7230 Tel: 028 214 7300 Fax: 086 628 4867



Promosies Promotions

31 July, 2014

Hermanus Business Park Boland RENT-A-CONTAINER Toilet Services RENT-A-CRANE Tel. 086 111 5193 Faks 023 316 2096 info@toilethiresa.co.za / www.toilethiresa.co.za

BEST BRANDS, GREAT SERVICE AND AWESOME WINTER DEALS! COME TO HI-Q HERMANUS, THE ONE YOU CAN TRUST 5 Adam Street, Hermanus Industrial (Next to CTM) Tel: 028-313 0322 / Fax: 028-313 0320 Email: hiq@hermanus.co.za

Tel: 086 111 5193 www.toilethiresa.co.za

Hermanus Business Park houses more than 50 local businesses and service centres and offers some­ thing for eve­ ryone.



•·Residential •·Commercial •·Property development • Alterations/Additions 20 Argon Street, Hermanus Business Park, Hermanus Office 028-3132278 Cell 082-6832729 / 084-5262378 lightcon@lightcon.co.za www.lightcon.co.za

Put the BUZZ back into your business, advertise with me!!!

Michelle van Zyl Sales Representative 028 312 3717 076 845 5001 michelle.vanzyl@ hermanustimes.co.za


Promosies Promotions

31 July, 2014


Hermanus Besigheidspark The core of service delivery in Hermanus

The Hermanus Business Park has come a long way since 1998, when the development was started. This bustling industrial area, situated off Schulphoek Road from the R43, is home to a wide variety of services and shops. According to Adri Poole, the current chairperson of the Hermanus Business Park body corporate, there are more than 50 local business­

es and service centres. “We are the core for services delivered in Hermanus. In the Hermanus Business Park you will find everything from electrical installation and suppliers, cabinets and carpets, shades and blinds, security and security fences, builders, building supplies, and even cranes and motor vehicles. “Whether you need services for smaller or residential jobs or big­ ger projects including development of businesses or roads, they can

be found in the business park.” The area is attractive because of its uniform architecture. Says Poole: “We are extremely proud of our complex, which is character­ ised by white buildings, with a Cape Dutch influence, and green roofs giving it a neat, uniform appearance.” The Hermanus Business Park is situated off Schulphoek Road and comprises of Adam, Argon and Bergsig Streets.



Promosies Promotions

31 July, 2014

Hermanus Business Park • Crane Truck Hire • Rigging • Machine moving • Specialised welding • Lowbed • Transport • Bookkeeping Service Elfred & Adri Pool 18 Argon Street, Hermanus Business Park, Hermanus Tel. 028-312 1701 Cell 082 410 6974 or 082 824 1290 info@rigtech-service.co.za www.rigtech-service.co.za

028 312 2616 Nellis and Karin Beyers are proud to announce the new name of their Bed & Mattress shop. They are still at the same premises at 6 Adam Road, Hermanus Business Park. Product quality and service is our pride.


OPEN DAY 8 AUGUST 2014 09:00 –14:00

Come find out more about getting a hands -on education at Boland College Hermanus. Programme fields include: • Management Assistant • Tourism • Human Resource Management

For more information or to make an appointment during FET Open Week, contact Le Roux Liebenberg t: 028 313 1154


“Good days start at night”

Promosies Promotions


31 July, 2014


Hermanus Besigheidspark NUUT EN KLEURVOL GEVERF: ’n Groepie gr. 11­leerlinge van Hermanus Hoër­ skool het die Onrus speelparkie se apparate weer mooi nuut geverf as deel van hul gemeenskapstaak. Saam met Rdl Elzette Nell (tweede van links) is Mika Engelbrecht, Kristen Block en Amé Reinke. FOTO: CARLOUW ENGELBRECHT

WP PPackaging ackaging &



Kitchen Cabinets Shop-fitting 4 Cobalt Slot, Hermanus Business Park Tel 028-312 3707 Cell 076 513 4322 Fax 086 676 2174 info@redchair.co.za www.redchair.co.za



Algemeen General

31 July, 2014

ROLA’S BLANKET DRIVE: Erno Coreejes (right, back) from Rola VW Hermanus handed out blankets at the Rainbow Trust’s Mandela Day cele­ bration. Here he stands with John Mathew (left, back) from Whale Coast 96FM and some of the children who benefited from the donation of blan­ kets and groceries. Whale Coast 96FM thanks each and every listener who contributed to this drive. PHOTO: DAYNE NEL

SOCCER BALL FOR TAXI DRIVERS CLUB: Lindile Ntsabo handed over a soccer ball that was donated to him by the provincial parliament to members of the Taxi Drivers Club, who started their own soccer club in March this year and play every Saturday afternoon at the Zwelihle sports ground. At the handover were, front from left: Siya Mbizo (captain), Michael Mkhana, Azisa Jambulo and Lindile Ntsabo. Back from left: Wellington Sakhi, Baron Stwayi, Schooner Phathekile, Masixole Mjikelana and Victor Nobatha. PHOTO: SICELO MAKALO

FIRE SAVVY: Firefighters from the Overstrand Fire and Rescue Service visited Hermanus Pri­ vate School on Friday morning. Firemen Stanley Moses (left), Ebriam Isaacs and Wayne Hamman presented a talk on fire safety and different types of fire to the very enthusiastic learners. After the talk, the senior primary class presented the firefighters with cakes and treats as part of their 67 minutes for Mandela project. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

LET’S GET ACTIVE FOR MADIBA: Proactive Fitness invited women from the community to join them for a fun­filled 67 minutes of Zumba classes, some time in the sauna and ending with muffins and coffee from the gym’s health cafe.

After the talk on fire safety, the Hermanus Pri­ vate School learners had an opportunity to sit in the cab of the fire truck which was parked on the school’s field. Lucas Isaacs, a Gr R learner sits alongside firefighter Stanley Moses while firefighter Ebriam Isaacs gets ready help him down.

Paramedics and technicians from the Western Cape Emergency Medical Service demonstrated the various methods and machinery they use to rescue people trapped in a vehicle at an accident scene. Rescue technician Ricky Telling (right) explained how each item is used in a rescue, and Gr 12 learners, in protective gear, had an opportunity to use the jaws of life and similar rescue devices.


Besides practical demon­ strations, representatives from a number of colleges, government department and universities were on hand to offer career advice and details about enrolment procedures. Janicke Dill (right) from Stellenbosch University chats to Gr 12 Hawston Secondary learner Edwina Pekeur about her career path.

COOKIES FOR SOFCA: Megan Smith (left) and Lee Anne Kruger (right) from ShowMe Her­ manus baked and handed out 67 cook­ ies to residents and staff at Sofca.



CAREER GUIDANCE: A careers expo aimed at the Hawston Secondary Gr 12 learners was held at the Thusong Centre on 28 July. The day included motivational talks, career advice by representatives from several aca­ demic institutions and government departments, as well as a number of practical demonstrations. Jodean Benjamin had a chance to put her firefighting skills to the test, while firefighter Shane Booysen helps to control the hose. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN




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Algemeen General

THURSDAY 31 JULY ) Die borduurgroep kom byeen by die De Wetsaal van 09:00 – 13:00. Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday at Hermanus Golf Club at 12:15. Lyle: 0 028 314 1390 / 073 778 2777. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall. Henriëtte Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. All welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. ) Die Dienssentrum van Onrusgemeente bied die fliek Fiela se Kind om 10:00 aan in die konsistorie. Slegs donasie. Almal is welkom. FRIDAY 1 AUGUST ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:15 – 09:30 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Local author Yvonne van den Dool will be the special guest at the Hermanus Library’s Bhuki Cafe at 11:00. Tea and coffee morning as usual 09:00 – 11:30. All welcome. ) Kunsklasse by die De Wetsaal van 09:00 – 12:00. Kontak Estelle Valkenburg: 0 028 316 3522. ) The U3A series Understanding Great Music – Fugue, will be presented at the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Contact De Powell: 0 028 316 1251. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 12:00 – 16:30. An­ neke van der Vlug: 0 082 923 9799. ) The Hermanus Astronomy Centre will have skyg­ azing with binoculars and telescopes at Gearing’s Point at 18:30 and again on Saturday evening (weather permitting). 2 hermanusastronomy@gmail.com SATURDAY 2 AUGUST ) Hermanus Country Market, 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds.

AANSUIWERINGSBEGROTING (OORROL PROJEKTE) EN HERSIENE DIENSLEWERING EN BEGROTINGSIMPLEMENTERINGSPLAN (DBIP) 2014/2015 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 21A van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) dat die Raad ‘n Aansuiwerings-begroting vir 2014/2015 op 23 Julie 2014 goedgekeur het vir die oorrol projekte vanaf die 2013/2014 boekjaar. ‘n Gewysigde DBIP is ook goedgekeur in terme van artikel 28 en 54(1)(c) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur, 2003 (Wet 56 van 2003). Afskrifte van bovermelde dokumente sal gedurende kantoorure by die kantore van die Areabestuurders in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus en Kleinmond, in alle openbare biblioteke in die Overstrand, die Korporatiewe Hoofkantoor van die munisipaliteit te Hermanus en op die munisipale webwerf by www.overstrand.gov.za vir die publiek, ter insae wees. CC Groenewald MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER Overstrand Munisipaliteit Posbus 20 HERMANUS 7200 Kennisgewing nr. 43/2014 ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET (ROLLOVER PROJECTS) AND REVISED SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (SDBIP) FOR 2014/2015 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 21A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that Council approved an Adjustments Budget for 2014/2015 on 23 July 2014 for the rollover projects from the 2013/2014 financial year. The SDBIP for 2014/2015 has also been revised in terms of Section 28 and 54(1)(c) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003). Copies of the aforementioned documents are available for public perusal during normal office hours at the offices of the Area Managers in Gansbaai, Stanford, Hermanus and Kleinmond, in all the public libraries in the Overstrand, the Corporate Head Office of the municipality in Hermanus and on the municipality’s website at www.overstrand.gov.za CC Groenewald MUNICIPAL MANAGER Overstrand Municipality P O Box 20 HERMANUS 7200 Notice No. 43/2014

31 July, 2014


10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, Northcliff. André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) The U3A series Pollution in our Environment will feature the DVD Trashed, narrated by Jere­ my Irons, in the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Contact Gert Claassen: 0 083 312 4072. ) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal, Dinsdae en Woensdae van 17:30 – 18:30. Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. ) Antenatal classes / Voorgeboorteklasse eve­ ry Tuesday at 19:00 in Onrus. Contact Debby: 0 028 316 4880 or 082 500 2218.

) Hermanuspietersfontein se kos­en­wynmark van 09:00 – 13:00. ) Market in the Garden at Hemel­en­Aarde Village from 09:00 – 14:00. ) Maandelikse Mengel Markie by die De Wet­ saal, Roosstraat 09:00 – 12:00. ) Bazaar in the garden at St Peter’s starting at 08:30. ) Single people: are you recently divorced, a widow or widower? Come and meet people who are in the same situation and receive emotional support, and maybe meet a special friend through the group. Call: 0 076 115 7382. ) Paradise Park Homeowners Association AGM at Amana at 11:00. ) Verskeidenheidskonsert by die Grobbelaar­ saal. Musiek, kulkunstenaar, doedelsak, sang­ groep met pastore Christo van Niekerk, Herman Breed, Jannie Muller, ds. Cornè Kemp, en nog meer. Skets van Rooikappie en Wolf met ds. Kemp as Wolf. Tyd: 19:00 vir 19:30. Kaartjies R50. Kontak Mariet Basson: 0 078 329 7888. Kaartjies by deur ook be­ skikbaar.

WEDNESDAY 6 AUGUST ) Trimgim­klasse by die Onrusrivier­dienssen­ trum van 10:00 – 11:00. R30 per lid, R45 vir nie­lede. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaar­ saal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom el­ ke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oosthuysen: 0 072 322 0998.

THURSDAY 7 AUGUST ) Hermanus Bird Club will meet at the Onrus Trading Station at 08:00 to bird the Highlands Road Drive and the Jessie Walton Farm. Visitors welcome. Call Craig: 0 083 227 9003. MONDAY 4 AUGUST ) Bespreek nou vir die Kalfiefees­aanbiedinge ) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus: van 7 – 10 Augustus. Koop kaartjies by Compu­ Ma. 08:00 – 09:30; Wo. 15:00 – 17:00 en ticket. Do. 08:00 – 09:30. Bel Alida Liebenberg: BLUES AT BOTRIVIER: The Blues Broers, consist­ ) The Hermanus Wine and Food Festival will 0 028316 3994 / 082 783 5160. ing of (from left) Albert Frost, Jonno Sweetman, take place in the Hermanus Wine Village from ) The U3A continues with their series on Africa Simon Orange and Rob Nagel, will be performing 8 to 10 August. – Sahara, narrated by David Attenborough, at at the Botrivier Hotel on Saturday 2 August starting Tickets cost R120 per day. Buy at the door or the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Contact Gert at 20:00. Tickets are R80 per person. To book call Computicket. Claasen: 0 083 312 4072. 028 284 9640. PHOTO: BAKKES IMAGES ) The Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s monthly ) The Walker Bay Stamp Club meets at the Her­ meeting takes place at Sansa at 19:00. Presentation manus Bowling Club at 17:30. Call Chrissie van Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) The topic at Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s cos­ by Derek Duckitt on: High Energy Stereoscopic Sys­ Wyk: 0 028 312 4425. mology evening at Sansa at 19:00 is: Benjamin tem (H.E.S.S.) in the Namibian desert. 2 her­ ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Schumacher’s Understanding Gravity, including manusastronomy@gmail.com Call: 0 028 314 0662 / 072 230 9179. ) Line­dancing at the De Wet Hall from 17:30 – lecture 13: From Forces to Fields, and lecture 14: 18:30. Call Maryanne: 0 073 469 9132 / The Falling Laboratory. Contact Pierre Hugo: EVENTS ) A potjiekos competition will take place in the gar­ 2 pierre@hermanus.co.za 028 316 2625. den of St Peter’s Anglican Church on Saturday ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir will be practising 6 September. Fires will be lit from 09:00. For TUESDAY 5 AUGUST in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. details contact Michelle Brink: ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Call ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – further 0 076 780 4490. SUNDAY 3 AUGUST ) The Salandra Country Market every Sunday from 09:00 – 16:00 on the R43 at the Shell Serv­ ice Station between Hermanus and Bot River.

TENDER NO. SC 1503/2014

TENDER NR. SC 1503/2014


Tenders are hereby invited for: Removal of Invasive Alien Vegetation for the Overstrand Municipality, WFW, for a contract period ending 30 June 2017. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 01 August 2014, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30, upon payment of a tender participation fee of R143.00 per set. Alternatively the documents can be downloaded free from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za. Sealed tenders, with “Tender No. SC 1503/2014: “Removal of Invasive Alien Vegetation for the Overstrand Municipality, WFW, for a contract period ending 30 June 2017.” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 1 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Tenders may only be submitted on the tender documentation provided by the Municipality. The closing date and time of the tender is on 22 August 2014 at 12h00 and will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the Committee Room, HermanusAdministration. A compulsory briefing session will be held at 09h00-16h00 on 12 August 2014, at the Onrus Offices Committee Room, on the corner of Moltenoand Viljoen Streets, Onrus River. Tenders must be valid for 60 days after the closing date. Tenders shall be evaluated in terms of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 and bidders may claim preference points in terms of their B-BBEE status level of contribution The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Tender and reserves the right to accept any tender, as it may deem expedient. Tenders are subject to the General Conditions of Contract and the Supply Chain Management Policy of the Overstrand Municipality. Please refer technical enquiries to Ms.T. Sampson at telephone number: 028 316 3724.

Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir: Verwydering van Uitheemse Plantegroei vir die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, WVW, vir ñ kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2017. Tenderdokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag, 01 Augustus 2014, by die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 vanaf Me. Rita Neethling tussen 08h30 en 15h30, by betaling van 'n tenderdeelnamefooi van R143.00 per stel. Alternatiewelik kan die dokumente gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad: www.overstrand.gov.za. Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk “Tender Nr. SC1503/2014: “Verwydering van Uitheemse Plantegroei vir die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, WVW, vir ñ kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2017.” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tender Bus Nr. 1 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die dokumentasie deur die Munisipaliteit verskaf. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die tender is 22 Augustus 2014 om 12h00 en tenders sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. 'n Verpligte inligtingsessie sal gehou word om 09h0016h00 op 12 Augustus 2014, by die Onrus Kantoor Komiteekamer h/v Molteno-en Viljoenstraat, Onrusrivier . Tenders moet geldig wees vir 60 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Tenders sal evalueer word in terme van die Voorkeurverkrygings Regulasies, 2011 en tenderaars mag voorkeurpunte eis in terme van hul B-BSEB status vlak van bydrae. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die laagste of enige tender wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie. Te nders is onderhewig aan die Algemene Kontrakvoorwaardes en die Voorsieningskanaal Bestuursbeleid van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Tegniese navrae kan aan Me. T Sampson by telefoonnommer 028 316 3724 gerig word.

Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso: Ukususwa Kwezityalo ezingafunekiyo eOverstrand Municipality, kwi WFW kanga Ngexesha eliphela nge 30 Juni 2017. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoLwesihlanu, 01 Agasti 2014, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand., eMagnolia Avenue, eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye15h30 usakuhlawula umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba kwiziniki-maxabiso ongama- R143.00. Iitsheki mazenziwe zihlawuleke ku “Masipala we-Overstrand”. Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1503/2014 “Ukususwa Kwezityalo ezingafunekiyo eOverstrand Municipality, kwi WFW kanga Ngexesha eliphela nge 30 Juni 2017. Ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso no.1 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala wase-Overstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 22 Agasti 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Umjikelo onyanzelekileyo wokubonisana uyakubanjelwa Kwi Ofisi ka Masipala eOnrus kwi kona yesitalato sase Molteno kunye neViljoen ngomhla we 12 ku Agasti 2014 ngentsimbi yethoba uyokutsho ngeyesine 09h00-16h00. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamashumi anethoba 60 emva komhla wokuvala. Ithenda zizakuhluzwa ngokomgangatho womiselo oKhethekileyo wokuFumana ka-2011 kwaye abanini bethenda banga funa amanqaku okhetheko ngokomgangatho abanawo kwi BBBEE. Umasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphantsi okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kaMasipala we-Overstrand. Nceda nxibelelana no Mnumzana u T Sampson kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 316 3724 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo.






Promosies Promotions

31 July, 2014

WILLIE BOTHA SCULPTURE GALLERY: The Willie Botha Sculpture Gallery forms part of the Hermanus Art Amble. The amble follows the international trend to have concentrated areas in cities dedicated to the visual arts, where art lovers can casu­ ally stroll from gallery to gallery. People also like to see the artists in action, which is why Willie Botha decided to use part of his gallery to work on smaller piec­ es where the public can learn more about the sculpting and the bronze casting process.

ONRUS GALLERY: Hennie Niemann and Derrick Benzien first formed a friendship and then a unique partnership to market the works of both South African Old Masters and more contemporary artists by establishing The Onrus Gallery at the beginning of 2008. The duo is passionate about art and their expertise is evident in the tasteful manner in which they display works in an atmosphere that is conducive to promoting its dignity. Hennie’s own paintings are now marketed exclusively through The Onrus Gallery. Their galleries house works by (amongst others) Stern, Gregoire, Buchner, Boshoff, Van Ess­ che,Van Heerden, Wallace and Naude.

LOVING HUSKY DUO NEEDS NEW HOME: These two beautiful huskies are still looking for a new home after their loving owner died of cancer. It was his last wish that Machin (6­year­old male) and Chey­ enne (4­year­old female) could find a new home where they could stay together. They are a lively pair and would need lots of exercise, but are very well behaved. For more info call the Hermanus Kennels and Grooming Parlour where they are currently being housed on 028 312 2886. HOW IS THIS GORGEOUS LITTLE SWEETIE PIE STILL IN A SHELTER? Peaches is only 11 weeks old, but she found herself homeless allready. Peach­ es is used to cats and dogs (even the big ones). She is a bit shy still, but once she settles down in her forever home, she will blossom. She is so sweet and gentle and will fit perfectly into the right home. Contact Helene Strydom ur­ gently on 073 354 4915 or loveisres­ cue@gmail.com.

THE MISSION’S HOUSE GALLERY: Visit Mission’s House in Onrus­ rivier to see the wonderful new works by Brindley Pritchard. “My painting career is a living thing to me, first and foremost be­ cause I paint from a place of honesty. I have said before that if an artwork speaks to me and stirs my soul, it is normally some­ thing with an eternal quality,“ says Pritchard. Call the gallery at 028 316 2269 or glenda­ pope@telkomsa.net.

LOOKING FOR A HOME: Poor Huxley is only five months old, but he found himself without a home re­ cently. Huxley gets along well with all dogs and cats. He is a real cuddle buddy. He loves playing around and exploring as far as he goes. He is currently in the Western Cape, but can trav­ el. Contact Helene Strydom on 073 354 4915 or loveis­ rescue@gmail.com.

LOVING HOUSE NEEDED: Suzie and her five siblings were orphaned after their mother was shot. Suzie is looking for a home of her own. She has a very out­ going personality, and loves people and other animals – cats and dogs. She is great with children and just wants to play and run. Contact Helene on 073 354 4915 or loveisrescue@gmail.com if you would like to adopt her. R450 adoption fee and home checks will apply.

THE HERMANUS ART SHOP: The specialist art boutique in Mitchell Street has estab­ lished itself as the destination of choice for many in the Overberg’s creative community. It provides an exceptional choice of fine art supplies, graphic materials, paper and board for a wide clientele of professional artists, leisure painters and students. The store also prides itself on the ability to source unusual items for customers to satisfy their distinctive needs. Visit this delightful store for a special shopping experience – ask about the frequent shopper program and regular newsletter, and enjoy the attention and care which will help you to fulfil your creative needs. SPECIAL PROMOTION: Available in more than 50 countries and now in SA, the famous German brand of LUKAS paints – range of oil, acrylic, water­colour and water­mixable oil paints is sought after by students and professional artists alike. THE ARTSHOP offers one free regular canvas 16x20 (value R79.90) with any three tubes of LUKAS colour purchased.



WOLF owners not able to keep. he is Swiss shepherd X of 2 yrs, a family dog & used to dogs, cats & kids. Active & loves his ball games! ROSY small/med size X breed, super mellow & often found quietly sitting on her own but loves other dogs too. An easy family doggie!

(fee charged)

To adopt please call - 028 312 1281 / 076 963 2092 POLLY well I am not a pretty girl so no one wants me but I have lots of love to give & only 8 mths old med size brindle X LUCY & PHOEBE 5-6 yr old maltese X ladies, neglected & dumped in yard by owners. Dog CARLY is a friendly. Great if can go together but also separately. 1-2 yr old petite collie GINA - young X who is female both very unclaimed affectionate stray. Quiet, & very gentle & energetic. friendly and Loves makes a cuddling & wonderful pet. needs active THISAD IS SPONSORED BY family & ball games.



Promosies Promotions

31 July, 2014

LARGE LOAD OF DOG FOOD: Dog food from Takesure Razah, who manages the dogs in the kennels at the Hermanus Ani­ mal Welfare, which includes seeing they are well fed, with one of the many boxes of dog food donated to HAWS by Gateway SuperSpar. Judy Miller, a volunteer from HAWS, says a portion of the food will be repackaged for people in the community who struggle to feed their dogs. For a small donation, they can buy a bag of dog food and HAWS in turn are able to stay in­ formed about the health of their animals.


HAWS DONATES TIME AND FOOD: All the staff at the Hermanus Animal Welfare Soci­ ety (HAWS) and the HAWS Clinic closed their doors for two hours during lunch time to take soup, bread and chips to residents of Zwelihle on Madiba Day, Friday 18 July. They also gave advice about looking after animals, and lent a hand in lengthening one dog’s chain which was too short. They also gave him a kennel at HAWS for shelter. The head of the SAPS K9 unit, Nico Drewry also helped.

Residents from Zwelihle queued for the food and goodies distributed by HAWS.

New manager at KAWS


Gateway SuperSpar’s floor manager Shaun Botha (right) delivered half a ton of dog food to the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) on Monday 21 July. Vincent Zwedala (left) helped unload the boxes full of dog food. Spar will deliver another half a ton of food to HAWS at the end of the month. This gift of dog food is valued at ap­ proximately R20 000.


10% OFF ONLINE SHOP Food, flea/tick and dewormers

The Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society (KAWS) is very fortunate to welcome Eloise Knoop as their new facility manager.

Riekie Grové with Eloise Knoop, the new facility manager at KAWS.

Eloise decided to give up an exciting career in the halls of justice for a tail wagging career as facility manager at KAWS. She started on 1 July and has no problem to be actively involved with the staff, committee and of course, the most important, the animals. Eloise is being assisted by the following fulltime staff: Riekie (assistant facility manager),

Devann (kennel hand), Elsa (cattery hand/cleaner), Patricia (kennel hand/cleaner) and Jerome (kennel hand). Helene Strydom has been excellent over the last year with regards to the animals and adoptions. She will still continue to do adoptions as volunteer. The committee would like to welcome Eloise and thank all of the other staff for their work and dedication to the animals!


Doing our best for your best friend

Drs Maarten and Sherry van Dalsen

028 312 1390

Hyundai Elantra: the mild enhancements HANJO STIER These days, most cars stick around for six or seven years before they are replaced by a new model. In most cases they receive a revitalising face-lift halfway through their life cycle to keep up with competitors and keep the public interested. Hyundai isn’t following that rule with their Elantra sedan though. Launched in 2011 with about 12 500 local sales to date and the 2012 Car of the Year title on its belt, Elantra has just received a mild update. Hyundai prefers two gentle enhancements over one big face-lift as this helps with resell values and keeps the car’s image largely unchanged. Waiting for you at your nearest Hyundai dealer is a fresher-looking sedan with new bumpers (which increase overall length by 2cm), restyled lights and fog lights, new grill, snazzier wheels and some shiny trim. These changes are so minor that only an expert will be able to identify them. Even journalists were perplexed by comparative slides at the Elantra’s launch: “Is that the new or the old one?” Inside the sedan, it’s a similar story. The general layout is very similar and you’ll find that the audio system and climate control display have been tinkered with ever so slightly.

More intriguing was the announcement that the 1.8­litre engine has been dropped from the line­up, Hyundai ad­ mitting that this 96 kW/157 Nm 1.6­litre sells much better PHOTO: QUICKPIC Small trim items see less silver and more black while the two central air vents on the dashboard have moved upwards thanks to lots of customer feedback. Good Hyundai! The gear lever in automatic cars gets a new leather boot cover while the seats retain their tasteful blackcloth covering. Elantra is available in six-speed



Hyundai Hermanus Hermanus Business Park Hermanus.

Tel: 028 312 3355


manual or automatic with identical specifications at R247 900 or R262 900 respectively. That’s roughly R3 000 more than the outgoing cars but Hyundai was quick to whip out a comprehensive chart explaining that their products are equal to or better than rival specifications. Sold with a choice of seven colours, specification highlights are

power everything, four-disc ABS brakes with EBD, two airbags, escort lighting, remote central locking, dual-zone climate control, radio/CD/mp3 tunes with six speakers, trip computer, rain sensors, alarm and immobiliser. More intriguing was the announcement that the 1.8-litre engine has been dropped from the line-up,

Hyundai admitting that this 96 kW/157 Nm 1.6-litre sells much better. The turbocharged petrol units from other models would make Elantra too expensive but are certainly an option for its future. Hyundai South Africa claims 0 – 100km/h in 10,1 (manual) and 11,6 (automatic) seconds, with top speeds of 200 and 195 km/h. Average consumption from the 50F tank is supposed to be 6,4 or 6,9F/100 km with CO2 output either 152 or 163g/ km. Boot space is 485F with a fullsize 215/45R17 spare wheel. Although the press fleet had minimal mileage, we found Elantra to have perky performance and decent road manners. Its lack of torque and simple rear suspension may alienate keen drivers but a family of four should be fine if they don’t exceed the 500 kg payload or expect miracles during overtaking. Cabin materials and finish were excellent for this price class and my co-driver agreed that Hyundai has forged its own, inimitable styling – not just on the bodywork. All controls are easy to operate with very light clutch and steering feel; the six-speed manual gearbox was also a pleasure to operate. Included with your purchase is Hyundai’s 5-year/150 000 km warranty and roadside assistance, 5 year/160 000km perforation warranty, as well as a 5-year/90 000 km service plan with 15 000 km intervals. Galimoto Media

R 179 900

R 354 900

R 539 900

R 204 900





R 124 900

R 144 900

R 144 900




R 164 900

R 199 900

R 219 900

R 219 900






R 119 900

23 Ford announces power outputs for all­new Mustang BOLAND Auto Sold

QUICKPIC Ford Motor Company revealed power outputs and performance details for the allnew Ford Mustang at its Go Further event in Sandton last week. The all-new Ford Mustang equipped with the new 2.3-litre EcoBoost engine will offer 228 kW and 440 Nm of torque, while the Mustang equipped with a muscular 5.0-litre V8 engine will generate 320 kW with 536 Nm of torque. Both engine options will be made available to customers in South Africa when the all-new Mustang goes on sale late next year. Ford also announced at Go Further that order books for the new Mustang officially open in January 2015. In addition to the two engine offerings the all-new Mustang will also offer fully independent front and rear suspension, and an advanced lightweight body structure with extensive high-strength steel and aluminium components for excellent ride and handling. Ford South Africa will announce at a later date final specification and details for all-new Mustang models for South Africa. A global motoring icon with nine million sold since first launched in 1964, Mustang is the world’s most-liked vehicle on Facebook with more than seven million fans and has


31 July, 2014

tang will be nimble and comfortable, made more than 3 200 appearances in achieving world-class performance film and on TV. in both dynamics and ride quality. Advanced engine technology Lightweight aluminium is used for The new 2.3-litre EcoBoost engine the bonnet and front wings to help was designed specifically for the allreduce body mass and improve the new Mustang, to meet the needs of drivweight balance. ers looking for outstanding performSome of the other components ance and fuel efficiency. made of aluminium include the rear “This EcoBoost engine delivers the suspension knuckles, rear axle houshealthy output Mustang drivers exing on automatic transmission cars, pect, regardless of the car’s speed,” said rear control arms, and rear brake Scott Makowski, EcoBoost powertrain callipers. Even parts made of steel engineering manager. “It delivers and other materials such as the holwhere a Mustang driver expects it to low rear stabiliser and the new seats – with a broad, flat torque curve and have been intelligently designed to great drivability under any condimeet the performance standards tions.” while keeping weight down. ) The newest member of Ford’s gloEvery new Mustang features an bal EcoBoost engine family, the 2.3-li- The newest member of Ford’s global EcoBoost engine family, all-new integral-link independent tre continues to take advantage of the 2.3­litre continues to take advantage of state­of­the­art rear suspension. The suspension arstate-of-the-art technologies including technologies including direct fuel injection, twin independent direct fuel injection, twin independent variable camshaft timing and turbocharging. PHOTO: QUICKPIC chitecture is based on a lower control arm, integral link, upper camber variable camshaft timing and turbolink and a toe link. The geometry, springs, •Larger intake valves charging. dampers and bushings have all been specifical•Larger exhaust valves With a compact engine generating nearly ly modified and tuned to deliver improved me•Revised intake camshafts 100 kW per litre and more than 188 Nm of chanical grip for this high-performance appli•Revised exhaust camshafts torque per litre ensuring engine durability •Stiffer valve springs ensure valves close cation. The suspension geometry of Mustang was critical. The Mustang EcoBoost engine now keeps the body level under hard acceleracompletely at high rpm will withstand the added stresses with: •New cylinder-head casting – revised ports tion and braking. Aluminium alloy rear •Forged-steel crankshaft provide straighter path to the valves for less knuckles help reduce unsprung mass for better •Piston-cooling jets restrictive intake and exhaust flow; combus- ride and handling. •Steel piston ring carriers At the front, a non-isolated perimeter subtion chamber modifications accommodate •Premium bearing materials frame helps stiffen the structure while reduclarger valves •Upgraded valve seat materials •Sinter forged connecting rods are lighter ing mass, contributing to a better foundation •Forged-steel connecting rods for more predictable wheel control that bene•High-pressure die-cast aluminium cylinder and more durable for high-rpm operation •Redesigned piston tops – deeper cut-outs fits handling, steering, and ride quality. block with ladder-frame bearing caps The double-ball-joint front MacPherson clear the new larger valves •Deep-sump, die-cast aluminium oil pan •Rebalanced forged crankshaft to support strut system enables the use of large, powerful ) The 5.0-litre V8 delivers a host of features brakes without resorting to excessive wheel that help it breathe, especially at higher engine higher-rpm operation Independent suspension and lightweight offsets that would hurt steering feel. Like the speeds. Getting air into the cylinders and exrear, the front end contributes to improved haust out is key to generating more power and body for sharper reflexes With fully independent suspension systems pitch stability with anti-dive in the geometry torque from any engine, and that has been the focus in the development of this V8, which fea- front and rear, and Ford’s integral link rear- to prevent the nose from squatting under braksuspension technology, the all-new Ford Mus- ing. tures:


HermanusTimes 31 July, 2014

BOLAND Auto Sold

BOLAND Auto Sold


31 July, 2014




BOLAND Auto Sold

31 July, 2014

Audi RS Q3: the sneaky smiles HANJO STIER Germans. They don’t just rule on the football pitch but also enjoy picking a good fight on the Autobahn. Often accused of having started the horsepower wars, all three major brands have become experts at building very, very naughty cars. And showing that they’ve also got a sense of humour is the RS Q3. Stuffing the foamy-mouthed engine of a TT RS into a small softroader may seem a little silly but it’s the resulting performance which is downright hilarious. Audi’s also done extremely well to disguise this car’s mad potential so people who enjoy scaring hot hatches at traffic lights will have even more to laugh about. Although our press car was coated in the beautiful Sepang Blue metallic, you may order it in white or silver for maximum stealth effect. The RS Q3 has deeper bumpers with silver air intakes at the front and there’s a diffuser look at the back with a single, large, oval exhaust pipe. How sneaky is that? Standard wheel size is 18 inch but our blue monster rode on optional 10-spoke 19-inch alloys of the striking and jolly expensive variety. 20 inch metal is also available. This car had very few other optional extras as the standard specification list of an Audi RS Q3 is extremely comprehensive and impressive. Its cabin is every bit as stylish and solid as one expects of a modern Ingolstadt product. The sporty seats are at least as comfy as they are sup-

The RS Q3 has deeper bumpers with silver air intakes at the front and there’s a diffuser look at the back with a single, large, oval exhaust pipe. PHOTO: QUICKPIC portive but tall drivers may bemoan downward adjustment and head room. The cargo area can extend to a handy 1.6 m length for that ultimate modern toy – your mountain bike. Much like the exterior, Audi employed understatement in dressing the RS Q3’s innards. There are sub-

tle badges hidden in various places like the flat bottom of the sporty steering wheel and the grey-faced instruments which include a superb trip computer and ridiculously illegal speedometer markings. Included in the base price of R713 000 is the intuitive MMI navigation and multimedia system as

well as a 10-speaker sound system. You also get a full deck of safety systems and quite a few driver aids with only active lights, clever mirrors, lane keeping and parking assistance living on the options list. Enough of that though, the important bit slumbers sideways under this Q3’s metal: a 2.5 F TFSi five-cyl-

inder turbo-petrol developing maximums of 228 kW (310 hp) or 420 Nm. Audi claims averages of 206 g CO2/ km and 8,8 F/100 km from the 64 F tank but I frequently saw 12 F/100 km or more with mixed driving. Considering its fire power, that didn’t bother me even slightly. The RS Q3 is extremely refined and light to pilot in everyday traffic with only the faintest off-beat burble from the exhaust. Handling is pin-sharp and damping on the hard side but still acceptable for the performance enthusiasts this car appeals to. Should you wish to poke it with a stick, simply select Sport mode from the Audi Drive Select and 7speed S-tronic dual-clutch transmission. This sharpens up throttle and steering response while Quattro all-wheel-drive will help to put full power down – Audi claims 5.5 seconds to 100 km/h and a 250 km/h top speed. After pressing a few more buttons, the RS Q3’s launch control helped us to clock a GPS-verified 4.9 seconds to 100 km/h and 400 m time of 13.4 seconds. That’s properly quick; and those power reserves are just as useful on your daily commute, be it low-end torque forays or mid-range overtaking moves. We even took this car through the muddy hinterland of Stellenbosch – which it crossed without fuss – but its forte is eating tarmac as fast as you dare. It may be expensive and relatively thirsty but the Audi RS Q3 has a great sense of humour – it dishes up more smiles per mile than most. Galimoto Media

BOLAND Auto Sold


31 July, 2014



HermanusTimes 31 July, 2014

BOLAND Auto Sold


BOLAND Auto Sold

31 July, 2014

Upgrades for Foton Tunland double cab QUICKPIC The already very well-equipped Foton Tunland double cab premium one-ton pick-up range has been further enhanced to provide even better value for money. The latest improvements include the addition of Bluetooth with multi-function controls on the steering wheel of the Luxury derivatives for hands-free communication. There has also been a general upgrading of the interior finishes on all models. The Tunland, which has been developed for international markets, was launched in South Africa initially only as a double cab 4x4 in 2012.

Subsequently a 4x2 double cab followed and since then there has been the introduction of single cab 4x2 bakkie derivatives in On Road workhorse and Off Road configurations with specifications to match. Prices of the double cab models are very competitive, ranging from R294 950 for the 4x2 Comfort to R369 950 for the 4x4 Comfort. In each case a higher specification Lux model is available at a price premium of R20 000. The Cummins ISF engine, which powers all the Tunland double cab models, develops 120 kW of power at 3 600 r/min and 360 Nm of torque at 1 800 r/min, is one of the few power units fitted to a pick-up in SA which complies with Euro IV emission regulations. The Cummins ISF engine is economical on

fuel with a combined cycle figure of 8,3 F/100km, while their emission rating is only 219 gm/km. The Tunland is made at Foton’s ultra-modern, multi-function manufacturing plant in Beijing and will be exported in built-up form to global destinations. The Foton Tunland is sold and marketed countrywide and is covered by a 3-year/ 100 000 km warranty, three-year corrosion warranty and roadside assistance for three years, while the 4x2 double cabs also have the benefit of a 2-year/40 000 km service plan, included in the retail price. The service interval of 10 000 km means that less costly 500 ppm diesel fuel may be used.


The Cummins ISF engine, which powers all the Tunland double cab models, develops 120 kW of power at 3 600 r/min and 360 Nm of torque at 1 800 r/min, is one of the few power units fitted to a pick­up in SA, which complies with Euro IV emission regula­ tions. PHOTO: QUICKPIC



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

31 July, 2014

HERRINGTON RONALD NOEL 25-12-1931 – 26-07-2014

Ronnie, my dear husband and our special father, passed away on Saturday, 26 July. Will always be sadly missed and remembered with much love. Private cremation

Hermanus 028 316 1659 SCHLAPHOFF, FREDRICK ALEXANDER HENRY Peacefully at Eben Dongers, on Saturday, 20th July Worcester. Fred Schlaphoff passed away at the age of 85. Loving father of Colleen Schlaphoff. Cherished Grandfather of Tracy, Michael, Jacqui and Nastassja. Treasured husband of the late Ailsa. Fred will be missed by many of his close friends and extended family. Family and friends will be received on Friday, August 1st from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00pm at Lady of Light, 1521 Lord Roberts Road, Hermanus. Cremation will take place. Sympathy may be expressed through donations to the De la Bat School for the Deaf First National Bank Account 54330050293, branch code 200407. Memories and condolences may be sent to nadiakruger21@gmail.com

ONDERSTEUNINGSCONGRATULATIONS GROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skiso1030 frenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer CONGRATS Jacky on by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. your 50th Birthday my Elke eerste Maandag van sister. May that 50 be die maand, 3:30nm. Almalmultiplied by by 2. We Love You. From your elder welkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028sis & Family 316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za. LOST/MISSING 1225

HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY L'J. May God bless you always. We love you lots. From Grandma, Grandpa, Marilyn & Kayra & Liechen

GESOEK- Hermanus man wat op 1 Julie by ons kampeer het. Kontak asb 083 308 4575 of 028 388 0510 vir 'n moontlike eiendom wat agtergelaat is

PARTY/EVENT DANCE floor for hire. Black & white check. Phone Carol or Talitha 028 313 2769.

SUGAR PLUM Party shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles etc. Purple shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.

LOANS 1445



CONSOLIDATION LOAN ONLINE. Up to R230 000. Bad credit welcome. E-mail: help@debtcon.co.za PERSONAL 1460


BUSY MOMS! Need help with your kids' driving + homework? Call 082 773 9637. EX-teacher. Billingual,30 yrs experience. Primary and Secondary


OVERSTAND HOSPICECare for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679 VEELS GELUK mag die Here jou nog baie jare spaar. Van ouma Sarah FAMILY NOTICES


1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.








VEELS GELUK my kind, mag jy altyd so lief en dierbaar bly vir jou Mamma. Lief vir jou. Van Mommy

WRIGLEY STANLEY 31/12/1937 – 29/7/2014 You may have left this world behind but you will never leave our hearts. Bunny, Jennifer, Mark, Wayne and Lisa

OP 28 JULIE 2014 is jy 1 jaar weg van ons. Jy was 'n engel aan ons geleen vir 'n tydjie. In ons harte sal jy altyd voortleef. Mis jou elke dag meer en meer. Rus in vrede van jou vrou, kinders, suster, broer, skoonsuster en familie. THERON GIDEON PETRUS (GP) 22Jan 1924-30 Jul 2012 I just called to say I Love You. I miss you, Maureen



ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.

WRIGLEY STANLEY You will always be tucked safely in our hearts. Madelein, Dale, James, Cameron and Stuart

THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884.

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218.

MY CAKE ANGEL. Cakes/cupcakes for all occasions. E-mail: tarrynlotz@gmail.com. Call Tarryn Geyer: 076 154 9612. View: www.mycakeangel.co.za.

LET ME DO ALL your Video and or Photography of that special occassion. 30 Years experience. Affordable.Bookings essential. Call Ben 072 293 6169.


TRAINING & CURVES WEIGHT LOSS EDUCATION CENTRE with Evox Nutri1480 tion and 30 min Circuit for CONVERSATIONAL your health. Call 028 316 XHOSA Macro needs and 2211. mini skills. Groups and inhouse. Call 082 840 6552 renee.language@gmail. com.

VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281.

ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment. ONDERRIG IN KLAVIER vir volwassenes. Beginners welkom. Skakel Mev Van Wyk by 072 115 4126


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

31 July, 2014


MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311. PRIVATE TUTOR: JP Teacher with remedial experience offering tutoring for young learners Gr R- Gr 5 in Maths, English, Reading & Comprehension, Spelling & Phonics. Anne Dale 072 071 4289. FOR SALE


BUY & SELL. Huge mark downs at super seconds. Making space for new stock. Call 079 746 0830

ALL BUILDING WORK. Alterations, renovations, extensions, boundry walls, paving, tiling & painting. Call 082 255 0939.

ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES. We supply all your requirements and E-liquid flavours. Contact Ben Rossouw cell: 082 726 8771. Tel: 028 316 4217. 11 Branderdraai Street, Sandbaai Hermanus.


COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.



ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. No call out fee. Call 079 706 1056.



GARDEN AFFAIR. Offering full garden maintenance. Garden design & landscaping. irrigation repairs. Plot clearing. Juliet Leppan 072 942 1260.

EXCLUSIVE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE/ SKOONMAAKDIENS. Personal full time supervision. A real make-over. Are HERMANUS LANDSCAyou moving in or out, we PING. Garden design, can help. Mon- Sat Call maintenance & irrigation. 076 115 7382 22 Years experience. Call Paul Marx 082 32 777 04. ELECTRICAL


FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. www.fynbosgardens.com

FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. Painting, paving, tiling, bathroom makeovers, home maintenance, building requirements call 083 308 0534 JOHAN PAINTERS AND GUTTER MAINTENANCE. Painting of houses - inside & outside, gates, fences. Cleaning of PVC gutters & aluminium gutters. Johan 072 647 2328.

PETALS GARDEN & LANDSCAPING: Full garden maintenance. Landscaping. Irrigation. Winter pruning! Call Willem @ 083 293 5528. petals@hermanus.co.za


PEST CONTROL WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028-316 3010. THE BEEMAN. Bee Removal, Proffesional, safe removal of bees in the Overberg area. No harm done to the bees.They are relocated back to nature. Contact The Beeman for quotations. 076 832 4719

REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195. MISCELLANEOUS NEW OR REMODEL Building Drawings done, 101 SERVICES. Handywith New Energy Regulatiman general. No job too small. Best rates. Pensio- ons SANS10400XA, CESA, ners discount. 15 Years ex- NRCS, SAIA, WSP. E-mail: systemhomes@vodamail. perience. Call Peter 073 co.za. Call Jaco Sadie 072 157 2415. 281 9891

FURNITURE WANTED. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508. DROP SIDE dining room table, solid Imbuia, 120 by 90cm. Phone 082 822 2653

KAROO DORING HOUT te koop vir braai @ R20 per sak. Cell no 072 193 4437. PJ BATTERIES-CELL 072 155 5226 Car, Bike, Quad, Alarm, Lawn mowers, Golf Carts, Hillbilly's etc. 2 Year Sealed Maintenance Fee. TE KOOP Aandag Musikante groot versameling koor en musiek boeke asook pan fluite asook Fritz Kulhla klavier. 028 316 1262Sandbaai WERF HOENDERS te koop. 079 695 9544/ 028 316 1184 WANTED TO BUY 1675

WENDY HOUSE-2.5 by 3meters,with window. Good condition, R2000. Call 083 310 6752


1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280. ccsplant@telkomsa.net. BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028312 2367. GARDEN & IRRIGATION 1825

A & A BOME. Afsaag van bome en takke, asook wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot by Rooi-Els. Aldert en Anita skakel 083 739 9865.



COLLECTABLES (1990) Omega gold+steel wrist watch, Unisex. Never used R2000. (1970) beautiful snooker cue- Petermansin Metal case, perfect condition. R1800. Cell 076 153 7751


BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749. NOSTALTIQUES. Wanted: Antiques, Art, secondhand household goods. Steenbras Street 15, Hermanus Industria. 082 833 2567.

BRAAI AND FIREWOOD for sale. Rooikrans, Bluegum, Myrtle. Contact Wayne Haman 079 484 0364 or ffprojects22@ gmail.com.

I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.

BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.


DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. Fire wood. Call T.J.Boshoff 082 954 7970. E-mail: bossie.boom@gmail.com.

A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798.

FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.



LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874. HERMANUS TRANSPORT.1.2 Tons @ R6/km24 HOUR PLUMBING 4.5 Tons @ R12/km-7.5 SERVICES. Qualified & PIRB registered. Gen main- Tons @R17/km-13 Tons @ tenance, new installations, R20/km. Prices negotiable. T&C's apply. Call 082 977 emergency services & 7062. Telefax 028 313 1332 bathroom make overs. Francois du Toit 083 308 0534

REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480.

CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY cleaning. Curtains & blinds. Call Allison or John 072 572 0215.

CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal superviASEMROWENDE Tuindienste. Snoei & afkap van sion. Best prices. Free quotations. Phone Top Carpets bome. Sny van gras, skoonmaak van erwe, rom- 028-313 0721. melverwydering & meubelvervoer. Geute skoonmaak. MornĂŠ 083 225 3712.



BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323.

AAA MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, damp proofing, water proofing, building & renovations, general maintenance. Free quotes. Call Ian 082 535 5591. ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 4761/084 558 1902.




ELLIOT'S WENDY HOUSES. I do all makes of Wendy houses-zink & wood. Well designed. I make for schools, shops & log homes. For a quotation & information call 071 812 5875


CHIMNEY SWEEP. Professional sweep & service of all chimney and cowling types. A clean chimney is a safe chimney. Call Peter 073 157 2415. FLOOR SANDING & specialized installation of wood floors & timber decks. The Hutton Brothers 082 828 5627 or 028-341 0543.

FOR GENERAL PLUMBING, MAINTENANCE, Roof cleaning & painting, exterior & interior or wall painting. Paving, waterproofing & tiling. Call Johan 082 216 7009.

PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.




PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028 316 1881 / 072 288 4761. PEST CONTROL





OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.

001 STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

31 July, 2014


A CARE GIVER nurse is looking for a work as a carer or babysitter. alot of 3290 experience. Call 078 170 300M2 OFFICES to let in 9382 Haw Street, Caledon . Contact Xpert Property Admin A MALAWIAN COUPLE at 082 870 5704. is looking for a job,as housekeeping, guesthouse attendants. Reliable and trustworthy. 073 647 2260/ 074 798 9184





A MALAWIAN lady seeking employment as housekeeper, babysitter or domestic work. Hardworking and honest, Experienced. Pls call Gloria at 083 686 5917 or 073 022 8377


• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com



SHOP TO LET in Harbour Road. Ideal for coffee shop/ florist/ dentist/beautician, etc. Contact 082 870 5704

RUIM VOELKLIP woning te huur met verskeie opsies. Bachelor of 2 of 3 slp kamer sit- eetkamer, kombuis. Koopkrag Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Skakel 028 312 4557/082 606 0586


2012 RED NISSAN GRAND LEVINA 1.6Excellent condition. Leather Interior. Good family car. R155 000. Tow bar. 38 000km. Contact 028 316 4352 or 076 424 0855 TRAILERS


1 BEDROOM flat for sale, Silver Oaks. Private sale. R430 000. Paul 084 570 8351


BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact Evan Rautenbach at 082 974 6995 or email us at: advice@bbrokers.co.za. Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website: www.bbrokers.co.za. SERVICES 2420


AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.



HAWSTON: Plot with good views of sea mountains, near beach. R175 000. Deposit R35 000. R1774 per month. Fisherhaven Properties 028 315 1990 or 082 559 4290


CBD: FLAT TO LET Bachelor/1 bed/office option R2900/ R3900 pm W&E Excl. Call 072 510 9515 EASTCLIFF: R2500/ R3000pm. 2x Batchelor/ Bedsit, Furnished Incl. Light + water, 082 437 2929

PROPERTIES WANTED TO RENT SPACIOUS OLD-STYLE FAMILY HOME to let in Voelklip @ R10,000.00 pm excluding services. Contact 082 870 5704

GEMEUBILEERDE tweeslaapkamer woonstel in Onrus. Beskikbaar 1 TREU MOTORS. TreuAugustus. Eie hek, afdak straat 4 Swellendam. Clive en braaiplek. R3500, konTreu 082 345 0297. Soek tak Johan 082 559 8438 vir 2de handse voertuie om te besonderhede. koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering. SANDBAAI: 1 bedroom PROPERTIES


A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a gardener or guesthouse attendant, hardworker and trustworthy, 074 798 9184

BACHELOR- Flat for sale. Silver Oaks. Private sale. R350 000. Paul 084 570 8351


HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za.

A MALAWIAN man am looking for a job as a housekeeper, gardener, guesthouse attendant or painter. Work permit available. 3 Years experience. Call Wingrer 074 751 8105. Reference,Lamecu 078 545 6004


flat with shower and toilet, open plan kitchen/ small living room areaR3000.00per month. 1 bedroom garden cottage with shower and toilet, open plan kitchen/livingroom and garageR4000.00 per month, Lights and water Incl.-Tel 028 313 2639

A ZIMBABWEAN lady is looking for domestic work part-time or full time. Call Mildrad Mashaki-078 023 6060

WORKSHOP TO LET:Hermanus, Contact 082 416 1009.



VEHICLES FOR SALE UNDER R30 000 MERCEDES 200E 1992 white new tyres R22000. Old Landrover station Wagon. Running R14 000. Phone Louis 082 446 5766

day to Friday or any day. Please call 071 798 0629. Reference available.

Properties from R295 000. DENI 084 436 2526


HERMANUS CBD-First floor flat, 2 bedroom, 2bathrooms, open plan living/ kitchen area, with secure parking. Near all shops. R5000.00pm. Call Office 028 312 1666


I AM a lady looking for Housekeeping job. Have experience, have a good reference 083 761 2554 I AM a Zimbabwean lady (30yrs) looking for a domestic work. Honest and hardworking. I have references. Call me on 061 615 2791 I AM MALAWIAN looking for the job as a driver code C1G license (code 10) or gardener or painter or salesman job, Call 084 843 0920

I'M A ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for work, 3 days a week (Mon, Wed & Thursday). Call 078 693 0833. IM A Zimbabwean lady aged 27 looking for job as domestic worker full time. 074 247 4026

MALAWIAN lady am looking for a job as a housekeeper or babysitter. I am experienced. Call 074 604 A ZIMBABWEAN lady aged 38 is looking for a job 1223 as a housekeeper or babyMALAWIAN LADY is sitter for 3 days a week. looking for a full-time job Pls call Lucia on 060 497 as domestic worker or 7251 babysitter. Reference A ZIMBABWEAN LADY available. Call 074 967 4585 is looking for work. Mon-



I AM a lady aged 42 yrs looking for domestic work, Housekeeping, babysitter. I have experience-2 yrs honest and hardworking. I have reference

I AM a Zimbabwe lady looking for job as a domestic worker or babysitter. 1-2 days a week/ or every day. 5 Years experience. A MALAWIAN MAN Ref available. Call 061 334 Jacob Chalenga am looking 1045 for the job as gardener & plumber & painting. 3yrs. I AM Zimbabwean lady experience. Call 061 865 aged 26 looking for dome0215. stic work. Babysitter, everyday. Call Pennia on 060 A MALE MALAWIAN is 311 5816 looking for a job as a housekeeper or gardener. Full I AM ZIMBABWEAN time or three days a week. lady looking for domestic Three years experience, or any other job. Very contact 074 451 2436, Wilhardworking. Please call son Gwaza. Precious 084 682 2012- 28 years A TRUSTWORTHY MALAWIAN young lady I AM ZIMBABWEAN (24) seeks employment 3 lady looking for job as a days a week as a petdomestic worker. Very care/guesthouse attenhardworking. Please call dant. Has contactable Tendai 078 476 1225-23 references. Call Emily 061 Years 339 2156 A WELL TRUSTED young lady, very active and energetic is seeking a job as a domestic worker or guesthouse attendant. Fluent English. Please call 078 857 0925

TO LET- Smart Office in Central Hermanus. Modern, all conveniences, ideal for proffesional. 110m2 1st floor. Toilets, kitchen etc. Parking. Long Lease. Frandi 083 480 9208

I AM a lady aged 26. I am looking for a job as a babysitter or housekeeper for 3 to 4 days per week. Please call 074 770 4630 from Zimbabwe


LONG TERM RENT. Central Onrus two bedroom, EMPLOYMENT two bathroom house. HOUSE TO RENT IN WANTED Great security, Included. EASTCLIFF. House with 3670 Suitable for single or elder main bedroom, couple. No Pets. Available 100% Trustworthy Homebath/shower and suite 1 September. Contact Ann care nurse, looking for plus a self-contained flat 082 413 2612 work to look after old and adjoining house with sepesick people. Babysitting rate entrance comprising 2 and domstic work. Call bedrooms, shower & kitMEERENSEE: 3 furnischenette. Single garage. hed b/r house near lagoon Beauty 074 677 0821 Walled & gated. and sea. R5750 per month. (28YRS) LADY Looking R7000.00per month. Fisherhaven Properties for housekeeping/babysitAvailable mid-August. 028 315 1990 or 082 559 ting job. Please call 078 Phone 076 977 2671 4290 713 1145.

AM A MALAWIAN man looking for a job and am good at housekeepingbabysitting-gardening, chef and any type of job, etc. Call Leonard 060 681 7347 ANDREW (MALAWIAN) Hardworking, intellegent, reliable worker. English. Highly recommended. Ref phone 082 878 9558 A MALAWIAN LADY looking for work, Tuesday, Wed, Thurs and Friday, as a childminder or housekeeper. Hardworking and experienced. Call 083 892 6428. For reference 074 402 4735

MALAWIAN LADY looking for a job as a housekeeper/babysitter. Ref available.Call Stella on 078 565 8771/076 882 1749. MALAWIAN lady looking for a domestic work. Trustworthy and hardworking.Part-time, Monday, Wednes, Friday. Reference available. 084 044 1540/ 073 647 2260 MALAWIAN MAN looking for work as a gardener, painter or any job, five days a week. Reference available. Please call Jimmy on 060 459 3831 MALAWIAN woman I am looking for a job as housekeeper. Reference available. Contact 076 885 0739/061 324 5838


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

31 July, 2014

MY NAME is Chipo Mafita. I'm coming from Zimbabwe. I am 24 years old. I am married. I'm looking for job / housekeeping. Phone number 084 067 3763/ 078 959 1071

ELEKTRIESE ASSISTENT BENODIG- Op soek na betroubare en hardwerkende persoon met ten minste 2jaar elektriese ondervinding in: Konstruksie, Bedrading, Installeering. Sober gewoontes. Sms kort CV MY NAME is Tawanda Matema. I am coming from na 082 320 76 29/kuylerelectrical@whalemail.co.za Zimbabwe. I am 26 years old. I am looking for a job. Gardening, housekeeping and driving. I am speaking English and Afrikaans. I am married. Phone number 074 504 6034/084 067 3763 SOUTH AFRICAN MAN is looking for a job as a gardener/painter & General household maintenance. Experienced & have References. Please call Lawrence 073 891 4001 TWO MALAWIAN men looking for a job as a housekeeper, gardener, cook or painter. References availaGOUS JOINERY- Benodig ble call George on 081 027 dienste van installeerder 4582 or Clement on 078 met geldige rybewys. 744 4500 Moet ten minste 5jaar ondervinding hê in die ZIMBABWEAN LADY bedryf. Kontak Theunislooking for domestic work. 076 257 4377 of Alecia To start anytime. Honest & 079 917 5653 Hardworking. Have experience. Call 061 233 9371 QUALIFIED MECHANICPetrol/ diesel-required for a growing business in HerGENERAL manus. Must have 5 years experience after qualify3680 99% SAL NIE REAGEER ing. Please send CV to op hierdie advertensie nie. rudolph.extreme@gmail.co Inkomste potensiaal deel- m

Camphill Farm Community Hermanus CRAFT WORKSHOP SUPERVISOR Camphill Farm Community Hermanus is looking for an experienced, mature person whose portfolio will include the following: • Instruct and support adults with special needs in craft activities • Prepare and organise the workspace • Develop quality hand crafted product lines • Market products • Administer finances The requirements for the position: • Previous work with people with intellectual disabilities • Experience in a variety of crafts e.g. knitting, crocheting, weaving, etc. To apply for the position, please submit: • A covering letter with your specific interest and applicable skills • Your CV with three contactable references

tyds: ± R24 000. Onmiddelike kontantvloei. Geen deur-tot-deur bemarking nie. Skakel Hein 072 266 3612/ kantoor 021 850 8184

Please visit our website at : http://farm.camphillhermanus.org.za for more information Send your CV to Mrs. Christine Scott by fax 086 633 2299 or email hr@camphill-hermanus.org.za

AGENTS REQUIRED FOR OUR ONRUS OFFICE MUST HAVE RELEVANT SALES EXPERIENCE; BE SUITABLY QUALIFIED; HAVE GOOD ANALYTICAL, NEGOTIATING AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS AND OWN TRANSPORT The position offers good sales commission, favourable incentive schemes and highly ethical & sound business principles. PLEASE E-MAIL A DETAILED CV TO hermanus@fineandcountry.com CLOSING DATE: 15 AUGUST 2014 (Only candidates who meet the above criteria will be contacted.)


This is an opportunity to join a successful group of companies with a big vision. We are looking for a dedicated individual to join our dynamic reservation team. The individual will need to be energetic, a fast learner, have great interpersonal skills, be able to communicate effectively in English and understand the tourism industry. Experience in Reservations will be an added advantage. The candidate will need to be computer literate and have some financial experience to do payments, and cash ups on a daily basis. We can only consider people who live in Gansbaai or close surrounds, and who have their own transport. Please send a short CV to karen@sharkwatchsa.com by the 8th August. Should you not receive a response within 14 days thereafter please consider your application unsuccessful.

This is a full-time position with a three-month trial period. Closing date for applications: 29 August 2014

ONRUS RIVIER NEGESTER LEEFSTYL OORD Elsorg brei dienste uit na die Overberg en verskeie posisies moet gevul word by die nuwe aftree-oord in Onrus. Relevante ervaring in bejaardesorg sal ‘n bonus wees. • Sorgbestuurder: Ma – Vrydag (8h00 – 17h00): Vereistes: Geregistreerde maatskaplike werker met toepasilike ervaring in die veld van bejaardesorg en sorgbestuur. • Geregistreerde Verpleegkundiges: Skofte 7 – 7 (dagskof) • Staff Verpleegkundiges: Skofte 7 – 7 (nagskof) • Assistent Verpleegkundiges: Skofte (dag en nag) Vereistes vir verpleegpersoneel: Relevante kwalifikasie, registrasie by SANC, bestuurslisensie en eie vervoer. • Versorgers: dag en nagskof posisies permanent en tydelik. Vereistes: Geakrediteerde Health SETA kwalifikasie met minimum 2 jaar toepaslike ervaring. Alle aansoeke moet vergesel word met volledige CV, onlangse foto, bewys van registrasie en aanduiding van hoe gou die persoon beskikbaar kan wees vir die relevante posisie. Sluitingsdatum: 8 Augustus 2014 Stuur CV’s na reception@elcare.co.za of faks na 021 949 7589. Vir meer inligting skakel Elsorg Hoofkantoor op 021 949 7588 of sien www.elcare.co.za.


ONE YEAR CELEBRATION: In August 2013, two Hermanus church congregations merged to become Shofar at Bosko, under the Shofar movement. “A year later we’re amazed and deeply grateful for the grace and work of God. On Sunday 3 August the congregation is looking forward to celebrating their first anni­ versary,” says Lize van der Merwe from Sho­ far. “We look forward to the future with confi­ dence in the fact that ‘He Who has begun a good work in us, will also carry it to comple­ tion!’ (Philippians 1:6) and expectantly start our second year knowing that great things can be achieved by loving God and serving our community. Thank you to all the church leaders in Hermanus who have prayed for the success of Shofar at Bosko – what an honour to serve alongside you.”

No hat­trick for DOGSbody The DOGS played an Individual Stableford (log) in Kleinmond on 29 July. There was to be no shock hat-trick for DOGSbody on Tuesday. The only shock was his trick of just avoiding the loser’s hat. The latter was prematurely awarded to “Frankie” Vaughan before Mr. Security limped in having been mugged out on the course by his cart. The winner was the Ex-Pole-Dancer who displayed the sort of steely mental toughness, which once took him to the top of the pole to display his class. He was neck and neck with Mr. Countback until 16 when his opponent decided to give up, rather than be counted out yet again. Talking of counting – 17 plus 19 does not equal 38 Rigger! Results: 44 Andre Franken; 39 Jon Forsyth; 36 Richard Ridge; 34 Peter Theron, Ian Newman; 33 Alan Smith; 31 Morgan O’Kennedy; 30 George Sauerman (guest); Peter Sulley; 29 Dave Rade; 27 Sam Seal; 26 Gordon Wilson; 24 Dave Smith; 20 Trevor Vaughan; 18 John Tunstall.

34 HermanusTimes Ruiters stroom na Suidpunt

Sport Sport

31 July, 2014

ORA LAUBSCHER Bredasdorp het die afgelope naweek (Vrydag 25 Julie tot Saterdag 26 Julie) vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar perde en ruiters van oor die hele wêreld verwelkom vir die Tip of Africa-uithourit. Vir die deelnemers aan die 160 km-uithourit wat Saterdagoggend om 03:00 weggespring het in die koue weer was dit reeds ’n uitdaging. Individue en spanne wat vir die ander afstande ingeskryf het, het effens later aan die beurt gekom. By geleentheid van die heel eerste Tip of Africauithourit in 2012, het die organiseerders daarop gesinspeel dat hierdie “die potensiaal het om ’n wê-

reldklas geleentheid op die internasionale perdeuithourit-kalender te word”. Hierdie voorspelling is dan ook bewaarheid toe daar by die prysuitdeling Saterdagaand 26 Julie aangekondig is dat die wêreld-beheerliggaam vir alle perdesport-items, FEI, wat staan vir Federatione Equestriane Internasionale, bevestig het dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Drienasie Kampioenskapsbyeenkoms tussen SuidAfrika, Botswana en Namibië in 2016 op Bredasdorp aangebied gaan word. Langs hierdie weg word die streek se trotse “perde-tradisie”, wat al in die negentiende eeu gevestig is toe rasegte perde op Nachtwacht en op ander omliggende plase geteel is, voortgesit.

SPORT ON TV What a week it was, our Blitzbokke, bowlers, swimmers, para-athletes, judo competitors winning gold at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and Tim Clark winning the Canadian Open Golf. The Commonwealth Games ends on Sunday with the closing ceremony from 22:00. The women’s and men’s cycling road races are on Sunday morning. The Super Rugby final is from 11:00 on Saturday between the Waratahs at home in Sydney against the Crusaders and after their demolition of the Sharks one would expect the New Zealanders to win.

Ruiters en hul perde is die afgelope naweek vir die derde agtereenvol­ gende jaar van oraloor hier aan die suidpunt van die vasteland verwel­ kom vir die Tip of Africa­uithourit. Dit is ’n perd­en­ruiter­uithourit waaraan sowel plaaslike as buitelandse ruiters en hulle perde kom deelneem het en een van slegs drie Suid­Afrikaanse perde­uithouritte oor 160 kilometer op die internasionale perdesport­be­ heerliggaam (FEI) se internasionale perde­uithouritkalender.

Nick Mallett and John Mitchell are absolutely world-class in the studio. Two wonderful school derby games can be enjoyed on Saturday as well. At 12:00 noon it’s Oakdale versus Marlow Landbou and at 15:30 Paarl Boys at home take on Paarl Gim. The World Golf Championships Bridgestone Invitational, from Ohio, starts on Thursday with the winner pocketing R15 million. Ernie Els, Brandon Grace, Louis Oosthuizen, Charl Schwartzel and Richard Sterne are in the field. Local soccer starts with the MTN 8. Friday, Wits vs. Bloem Celtic, Saturday Sundowns vs. Platinum Stars and Pirates vs Supersport. Sunday is Chiefs vs. Black Aces. Enjoy! - SPORTS FAN(ATIC)

EX­HERMANUS PUPIL RUNS OUT FOR BOLAND U.18: Ex­pupil of Hermanus Primary Robert Hunt (17) in action against Gri­ quas at the Coca Co­ la Craven Week held in Middelburg from 14 ­ 19 July. Robert, the son of Greg Hunt, procurement manager at Haygrove Heaven, was captain of the under 13 A team at Hermanus Primary and ran out in the tight head prop posi­ tion for Boland u. 18 at Craven Week. Robert is currently a pupil at HTS Drostdy in Worcester. PHOTO: DUIF DU TOIT/GALLO IM­ AGES

Action at the Hermanus Golf Club this week only took place on Tuesday and Wednesday. The game was cancelled on Saturday due to high winds and lots of rain. On Tuesday 33 ladies played in a betterball stableford. Coming out on top was the in form Meike Tetley and Suzanne de Villiers with a stunning 46 points. In second place, only one point behind was Marge White and Janet Taylor. Wednesday was men’s afternoon and 89 players took to the course in the dreaded monthly medal. The winner of the medal goblet on a gross score of 77 was the friendly hardware store owner and committee member Albert Streicher. Winning the A division on a nett score of 70 again was Albert Streicher. The victor of the B division on a fantastic nett 65 was Hugo Steyn, and winning the C division was Adrian Nel on a super 39 points. The ball pool paid to 71 in the A division,

Stuur alle navrae, inligting en bydraes rakende sport aan Elbé van Heerden per e­pos: elbe.vanheerden@hermanustimes.co.za of bel 028 312 3717.

PRAYER ON THE MOUNTAIN Rotary Drive (at the main lookout point)

Saturday morning 2nd August 2014 @ 8 am.

(To be held the first Saturday of every month.)

All welcome to join us in prayer for Hermanus, our region & country. ******************* United Church Hermanus (028) 312 2717


13 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS 028 312 2717 rd


3 August 2014

Morning Services: 8.30 & 10am led by Rev. Dr. James Gray

Children's & Youth Ministry 9.45am in the hall

Sunday Evening: 6.30pm led by 'Surprised by Hope' Part 1 of 6

Golf Roundup with Julian Shaw

75 in the B and 34 points in the C division. There were only three two clubs. This week it is goodbye to Callie Bohlmann who has been with the club for six years. All the best in your new job, and thank you for some excellent years. And as usual as one person goes, another position opens. The club is proud to welcome onto the team in a teaching position Terry Westbrook, who will be joining the team as one of the coaches. Terry, as many of you will know, was the professional at the club before myself, nearly ten years ago, and brings to the tee a wealth of experience. Until next week, keep calm and go golfing.


Sport Sport

Whalers Athletic Club Time trial results: 24 July 3 km Runners: 1 Daniel Maree 12.20 PB; 2 Leo Benning 21.37; 3 Christoff Botha 21.51 PB 3 km Walkers: 1 Willie Loedolff 26.27 5 km Runners: 1 Evan Austin 20.43; 2 Les Hanna 26.07; 3 Carina van der Merwe 26.07; 4 Anzel du Plessis 26.07; 5 Doug Taylor 27.20; 6 Hugh Waters 29.33; 7 David Austin 29.50; 8 Gavin Turner 30.34 8 km Runners: 1 Sign Mawunda 29.34; 2 Frank Gillion 34.28; 3 Richard van der Spuy 39.02 PB; 4 Mikki Milne 39.02. Bridge results: Monday 21 July N.S. 1. Nell Naude / Betty Nel 59.26% 2. Andre Wagenaar / Riekie Louw 58.80% 3. Marie Nel / Marian Roux 51.85% E.W. 1. Jackie Ascham / Monika Peters 65.05% 2. Carin Verburg / Wena Loubser 56.94% 3. John Truswell / Mike Brownlee 52.55% Wednesday 23 July N.S. 1. Aletta Robinson / Anette Strachan 64.02% 2. Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 58.20% 3. Sue K / Marion Roux 53.44% E.W. 1. Carin Verburg / Mary Andrew 59.82% 2. Anita de Jager / Lorraine Kuhn 56.25% 3. Chris Neethling / Estelle Neethling 54.17% Friday 25 July 1. Julie Cotton / Joan O’Connor 60.17% 2. Tiebie de Wet / K van Rijswijk 59.34% 3. Jackie Ascham / Nell Naude 58.79% Saturday 26 July 2014 1. Chris Raven / Anneke van der Vlugt 73.61% 2. Adele Bovim / Carin Verburtg 62.50% 3. Peggy Nicholson / Janice Ospovat 53.70%.

31 July, 2014


SQUASH: Luka Jasprica, Boland squash player and a learner at Curro Her­ manus, partici­ pated in the WP open tourna­ ment in the July holidays in Port Elizabeth. Their team finished in 4th place.

Atlantic se wedstryde reën uit Die Atlantic-rugbyklub het verlede Saterdag na Franschhoek gereis om teen Dennegeur te speel, maar die drie wedstryde is as gevolg van ongure weer deur die Boland-skeidsregters afgelas. Die veld was onspeelbaar en reën het aanhoudend geval. Die C-span wedstryd is na rustyd afgelas. Atlantic was met rustyd 10-5 voor. Die A- en B-span wedstryd is ook afgelas, want die veld was vol water en modder. Die Boland-unie sal nou moet besluit wat met die wedstryde gaan gebeur. Die A-span is nou een punt agter Napier en Grabouw wat elk 28 punte het en Atlantic staan op 27 punte. Atlantic speel Saterdag tuis teen Montagu United en dit is uiters belangrik om dié wedstryde te wen. - W.C.M.GIBSON

DIE BRON­LEERDERS PRESTEER: Verskeie span­ ne van Laerskool Die Bron in Stanford het die afgelope naweek deelgeneem aan die Football Foundation­be­ ker wat in Gansbaai gehou is op Saterdag 26 Julie. Die o.13­ en o.15­netbalspanne het gekombineer met Laer­ skool Okkie Smuts en Gansbaai Primêr. Die span­ ne het uiters goed gedoen en albei spanne het trofees en medaljes gewen.

KENNISGEWING In die boedel van Wyle LUKAS SNYDERS, Geboortedatum 19 Oktober 1945, Identiteitsnommer 451019 5115 08 8 van Tweede Laan Nr 9, Caledon. Boedelnommer: 8539/2013 Kennis word hiermee gegee dat die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening in bogemelde boedel ter insae sal lê ten kantoor van die Meester van die Hoë Hof, Kaapstad en die Landdros, Caledon vir ’n tydperk van 21 (EEN EN TWINTIG) dae gereken vanaf Vrydag, 1 Augustus 2014. GUTHRIE & THERON PROKUREURS, H/V PRINS ALFREDWEG EN DONKINSTRAAT 21, POSBUS 17, CALEDON,7230. (VERWYSING: L SWART/aw)

KENNISGEWING AAN KREDITEURE In die boedel van wyle TERTIUS HENRY SMITH, Identiteitsnommer 35112 5027 08 7, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed, en wie woonagtig was te Raed-Na-Gaelstraat 35, Hermanus, wie op 12 April 2014 te Onrusrivier oorlede is. Meestersverwysingsnommer: 22495/2014 Alle skuldeisers en skuldenaars in die bovermelde boedel word hiermee versoek omhul vorderings in te dien en hulle skulde te betaal by die ondergemelde prokureurs binne ’n tydperk van 30 (DERTIG) dae vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan. Geteken te Hermanus op hierdie 22ste dag van Julie 2014. BURGERS & VAN NOORDWYK, WARRINGTONARKADE 6, HAWEWEG 4, HERMANUS, 7200. (VERW: ISVN/vs/S081B)

NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF HERMANUS HELD AT HERMANUS Case Number: 2996/2013 In the matter between ABDIVE CC (EXECUTION CREDITOR) and LOUIS FARO (EXECUTION DEBTOR) Pursuant to a Judgment obtained on 10 December 2013 in the above Honourable Court, the undermentioned goods will be sold at 09h00 on 22 August 2014 by public auction to be held at the Sheriff’s Stores, 11B Arum Street, Hermanus by the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court, Hermanus to the highest bidder for cash namely: Kitchen table + 4 chairs, Dining room table + 6 chairs, KIC Fridge, KIC Deep Freeze, Wall mirror, Defy microwave, Bedroom set, LG TV, Bar fridge, Magnum TV, DVD player, Auto dry unit, Sinotec TV, Living room set, 2 X Ultronic speakers, Cold water filter, Weed eater. DATEDAT HERMANUS ON THE 18TH DAY OF JULY 2014. ADRIAN LOUW & ASSOCIATES, ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR, 19 MITCHELL STREET, HERMANUS, 7200

FORTUNE BACK IN GEAR: After recovering from injuries sustained in last Novem­ ber’s crash, Kurt Fortune was back at Killarney racetrack on 12 July to participate in the Western Province Superbikes. Race 1 was nail­biting as he and four more riders were involved in a hot battle. Swopping positions for most of the race, he managed a third place for race 1. Race 2 was even more intense, Fortune (#48) was leading most of the race but had to settle for fourth place at the end and an overall fourth for the day in his class. He thanked his fantastic team, sponsors and loyal supporters.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of the Late MYFANNY ELIZABETH JOSEPHINE DURKIN, Identity Number 481012 0115 181, who was ordinarily resident at 3 Plein Street, Westcliff, Hermanus, and who died at Hermanuson 10 May 2014. Master’s Reference: 22761/2014 All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. IS VAN NOORDWYK, BURGERS & VAN NOORDWYK, PO BOX 50, HERMANUS, 7200. (REF: ISVN/vs/D606B)

ESTATE NOTICE In the Estate of the Late PATRICIA RUTH DALEY, Identity Number 250317 0032 081, a widow of Onrus Manor Frail Care, Hermanus who died on 11April 2014. Master’s Reference: 22214/2014 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the abovementioned estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master, Cape Town and a copy thereof at the office of the Magistrate, Hermanus for a period of 21 (twenty one) days reckoned as from Friday, 1stAugust 2014. Singed at Hermanus on this 22nd day of July 2014. GUTHRIE & THERON, JP VAN ROOYEN, ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTOR, 77 MAIN ROAD, 7200. (REF: JVR/ajf/VD0456) NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR A LIQUOR LICENCE IN TERMS OF SECTION 19 OF THE LIQUOR ACT, NO 27 OF 1989 Notice is given herewith of the intention of the following applicant to apply to the Liquor Board of the Western Cape for a licence to sell the type of liquor mentioned hereunder on the premises located at the indicated address. The application has been lodged at the undermentioned Magistrate's Office where it may be inspected. Objections to the application may be lodged with the local magistrate's office within a period of 28 days from the first Friday of the current month and a copy of the objections must be furnished to the applicant. Full name, street and postal address of applicant:

Kind of liquor licence being applied for: Name under which business is to be conducted and full address of premises: Magistrate's office where the application can be perused and where objections can be lodged:

BASFOUR 3731 [PTY] LTD Registered Office: The Old Station building, Section A, Cnr Royal And Lord Roberts Streets. Hermanus Restaurant: Wine & Beer CAFFE BLU The Old Station building, Section A, Cnr Royal And Lord Roberts Hermanus

PP: JAW LOUW, ADRIAN LOUW & ASSOCIATES, 19 Mitchell Street, Hermanus.

Postal address: PO Box 715 Hermanus, 7200

9 771608 589068


Gebodder deur die modder

Hoërskool Hermanus het die afgelope naweek rugby en hokkie teen Hoërskool Brackenfell op hul tuisveld gespeel, maar ongure weer het gesorg dat veral die rugbyspelers in ’n modderbad moes meeding. Hermanus se hokkiespanne het die beste algeheel gedoen, met twee wenne en vier gelykop wedstryde. Op die rugbyveld was dit ’n ander storie. Benewens die o.19 B-rugbyspan het die res van die spanne deurgeloop. Netbal was op die sport-spyskaart, maar is, saam met van die hokkiewedstryde, weens die weer afge-

las. Die volledige uitslae vir die dag is: Seuns-hokkie: o.19 A, o.16 A en o.16 B speel almal gelykop met ’n telling van 0-0. Dogters-hokkie: Die o.19 A wen hul wedstryd 2-0. Die o.16 A’s wen 1-0 en die o.14 A-dogters speel 0-0 gelykop. Rugby: Die rugbyspanne het gesukkel om die mas op te kom en die o.19 A’s verloor 12-24. Die o.19 B-span wen hul wedstryd 12-8. Die o.16 A’s verloor 7-31, o.16 B verloor 0-27, o.15 A verloor 0-22, o.15 B verloor 0-55 en o.14 A verloor hul wedstryd 0-31.

Hermanus Hoërskool se o.19 A­rugbyspan in aksie teen Brackenfell.

T.J. Stergianos beheer die bal tydens die o. 19 A­seunshokkie se wedstryd. Dié span het gelykop gespeel met ’n telling van 0­0. Die o. 19 A­meisies het hul wedstryd 2­0 gewen. Jannie du Toit van Hoërskool Hermanus teken ’n drie aan vir die o. 19 B­span. Dian Kemp (links) vier saam met hom die drie. Dié span het hul wedstryd op die nat veld gewen.

FNB Classic Clashes dié naweek ­ Hawston teen Swartberg Hawston Sekondêr en Swartberg Sekondêr sê mekaar weer die stryd aan in vanjaar se FNB Classic Clashes Saterdag 2 Augustus op die sportgronde in Caledon. Verlede jaar het Hawston skoonskip gemaak op die rugbyveld sowel as op die netbalbaan en al die wedstryde gewen. “Doen dit weer, nog ’n keer,” is die aansporingswoorde van Idy Adams, skoolhoof van Hawston Sekondêr. Carlton Cellie, kaptein van die eerste rugbyspan sê dit is vir sy span ’n eer om hul titel te verdedig, en “aan die ‘boys’ wil ek sê: Ek het volle vertroue in julle dat ons die FNB-beker sal verdedig met alles in ons”. Andrea Windvogel, die kaptein van die eerste netbalspan sê die Clash is ’n groot geleentheid en uitdaging. “Ons sal ons bes probeer en ons alles insit om as die wen-

ners gekroon te word. Met die regte spangees en hope vertroue glo ek ons sal sukses kan behaal. Sterkte aan al die spanne van Hawston, asook Swartberg.” Adams nooi alle sportgeesdriftiges uit om in groot getalle al die wedstryde te ondersteun. FNB Classic Clashes program, Saterdag 2 Augustus, Sportgronde Caledon: Netbal 09:00 – 09:30: 09:40 – 10:10: 10:20 – 10:50: 11:00 – 11:30: Rugby 09:00 – 09:45: 09:50 – 10:35: 10:40 – 11:15: 11:20 – 11:35: 11:35 – 11:50: 11:55 – 13:10:

o.15 o.16 o.17 o.19 o.14 o.15 o.16 Trompoppies en VK Kerk Brigade Voorstelling en toesprake Hoofwedstryd – o.19A

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