Hermanustimes 20140410

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THURSDAY, 10 APRIL 2014 | Tel 028 ­ 312 3717 | Fax 028 ­ 312 4316

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BEGROTING 2014/15: Inwoners sê hul sê by openbare vergaderings 2 LUBBE/WOOTTON HOFSAAK: Kroegman getuig oor drinkery 3 Baboons go ape in Fernkloof 5

SPECTACULAR! A reader sent this photos of the brilliant sunrise she witnessed on Monday when she went for her early­morning swim at The Marine pool. PHOTO: RENE DU PLOOY

Crickey, it’s just not cricket! JANINE VAN DER RIET “I have killed thousand of them, but they just keep coming!” says one resident, while another refers to it as “The Seventh Plague!” Mounds of cricket bodies are lying everywhere and everyone is talking crickets. It is not only the Overstrand which has been infested with crickets: According to a press release from the City of Cape Town, the increased presence of crickets is occuring in various parts in the Western Cape. The City of Cape Town says consultations with scientists at Stellenbosch University and the University of Cape Town have revealed that the increase in the cricket population is a phenomenon experienced in many parts of the world and that it is most likely due to climatic conditions. Anina Lee from Whale Coast Conservation (WCC) adds that more eggs survive the mild winter while

the summer rain provides more plant food for the nymphs. “More crickets hatch in late summer when they come out to breed.” According to Prof Mike Picker from UCT the mild weather we’re having at the moment and unseasonably high temperatures before winter mean two generations of crickets have been spawned. “Only the males chirp – to attract females, of course,” he says. “We are apparently dealing with the common garden cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. These crickets are commonly found in association with human habitation in cities – i.e. in disturbed environments, in drains, paved areas, etc. “Such plagues are rarely seen in natural habitats where the natural limitation of food sources and predation by natural enemies is functioning well.” Lee says they are essentially scavengers that thrive on human waste, especially food waste, that is not me-

ticulously managed. “The same is true of baboons and emphasises the need to have better wet-waste management. Making urban areas less attractive to crickets and baboons is entirely in our own hands. Waste management is a topic of concern to which WCC is paying attention.” One thing is certain: pest control companies have been kept busy since the cricket plague started “overnight” at the end of March. Riaan van Niekerk from Walkerbay Pest Control says they normally receive calls for different infestations, “...but since the last week in March, the 25th to be precise, almost all the calls have been about cricket plagues.” He says most calls are from restaurants, factories and shopping centres or shops where there is a concentration of outside lights that attract the crickets. “Mostly the crickets are found outside, but a percentage do get access to clothing and fabric shops

where they feed on fibres.” Rotting mounds of crickets around buildings and houses could cause bad smells and attract flies, he says. “But the plague will vanish once the weather becomes cooler in winter.” Lee says WCC would like to start a citizen-science project about the local causes of these increased cricket populations. “For this we need input from residents in and around the Whale Coast. “For example, do you see one species of cricket, the common black ones, or are there domesticated honey-coloured crickets as well? Where are they seen most? In gardens, schools, open spaces? “If they are in gardens, what are the gardens like? Are they paved, with lawns, indigenous vegetation or exotic plants?” WCC would love to hear from people about the type of habitat that they seem to favour and which

crickets they are seeing (photos of both habitats and crickets welcome – send them to wcc@ocf.org.za). Lee says crickets don’t cause any harm, “...except to our patience, especially when we are trying to sleep. They are good for some things, though. They eat mosquitoes and, in turn, they are eaten by birds and frogs.” A Hermanus resident who lives in Aberdeen Street, Hennie Basson, is fed up with the crickets, saying he has caught buckets full of crickets and he blames it on the new street light. “Previously we had an orange light in front of our house, but since the municipality swopped it for one with a bright white bulb, we can’t even have coffee without crickets flying into the cups. And if we leave a pot on the stove, without a lid, invariably a cricket jumps in.” ) See what Hermanus Times readers have to say about the cricket plaque, on page 3.

2 Hermanus Times Uitdaging om dié begroting te laat klop

Nuus News

10 April, 2014

HEDDA MITTNER “Dit word elke jaar moeiliker om die begroting te laat klop en ons het werklik nie gedink ons gaan dit vanjaar maak nie,” het burgemeester Nicolette Botha-Guthrie tydens Overstrand-munisipaliteit (OM) se konsepbegrotingvergaderings die afgelope week gesê. Die vergaderings vorm deel van die openbare deelnameproses en is gehou by wyk 7 (Sandbaai), wyk 8 (Hawston) en wyk 3 (Hermanus). Oor die volgende twee weke word ook vergaderings gehou in wyk 4 (Mount Pleasant) op 10 April, wyk 13 (Onrus en Vermont) op 15 April en wyke 5, 6 en 12 (Zwelihle) op 23 April. Slegs ’n paar dosyn inwoners het tot dusver die vergaderings bygewoon. Dit was opvallend hoe min mense van hierdie geleentheid gebruik gemaak het om vrae te stel en hul menings te lug.

Die publiek is by elke vergadering toegespreek deur die burgemeester en raadslid Ben Solomon, die burgemeesterskomiteelid vir finansies en ekonomiese ontwikkeling, gevolg deur ’n vraag-en-antwoord sessie. Talle lede van die OM se topstruktuur was ook teenwoordig om kommentaar te lewer en vrae te beantwoord. Botha-Guthrie het verduidelik hoe die raad by die syfers in die konsepbegroting uitgekom het. Sy het gesê die munisipaliteit moet kyk na sy inkomste alvorens besluite oor besteding geneem kan word. “Ons moet binne hierdie raamwerk beweeg wanneer behoeftes opgeweeg word en dit was nodig om ons besteding te sny, sny en nogmaals sny.” Botha-Guthrie het aan die handjievol bywoners gesê die munisipaliteit moes noodgedwonge ongewilde besluite neem om die begroting te laat klop.

Druk is op die OM se koffers geplaas deur die verspreide brande wat oor die 2012-’13 Kersseisoen uitgebreek het, sowel as die vloede van November 2013 en Januarie 2014, wat onvoorsiene uitgawes teweeggebring het. Die verhoging in die prys van chemikalieë, brandstof en elektrisiteit het ook ’n groot impak op die OM se begroting gehad. Botha-Guthrie het bygevoeg dat daar heel eerste gekyk is na die bekostigbaarheid van diensleweringstariewe. Om die verhogings in water-, riool-, vullisverwydering- en elektrisiteitstariewe te beperk, moes die OM besnoei op hulle ongefinansierde mandate, wat omgewingsake, toerisme, biblioteke, brandbeheer en behuising insluit. Hierdie is dienste wat deur die OM gelewer word maar waarvoor belastingbetalers nie betaal nie omdat dit eintlik ’n distriksfunksie is. Ander onnodige besteding waarop daar besnoei is, sluit

menslike hulpbronne, borgskappe vir feeste, donasies en hulptoelae in. Ben Solomon het op sy beurt gesê die koste van dienste is onder groot druk en dat die OM nie in almal se behoeftes kan voorsien nie. Hy het ’n somber prentjie geskilder deur te sê die munisipaliteit is nie volhoubaar nie en moet hierdie jaar nog meer koste-effektief werk. “Ons het egter nie veel beweegruimte nie,” het hy gesê. “Teerpaaie is byvoorbeeld in hierdie stadium ’n luukse, teenoor drinkwater wat noodsaaklik is.” Van die OM se grootste kopsere sluit in voertuie wat baie oud is en hoë onderhoud verg (en noodsaaklik is vir dienslewering), ou maste, rioolpyplyne en pompstasies wat opgegradeer moet word en die aanleg van ’n nuwe sel vir afvalverwydering. “Die OM moét poog om alle noodsaaklike dienste in stand te hou,” het Solomon gesê.

Openbare deelname: Sandbaai Die handjievol Sandbaai­inwoners wat die openbare konsepbegrotingvergadering op 2 April in die Sandbaaisaal bygewoon het, het hul kommer uitgespreek oor die gebrekkige instand­ houding van infrastruktuur in hulle gebied. Een inwoner het die mening uitgespreek dat die impak van rampe soos brande en vloede ver­ erger word juis omdat die strate (sowel as die sypaadjies en parkeerarea by die strand) nog nie almal geteer is nie en omdat riool­ en storm­ waterinfrastruktuur nie instand gehou word nie. In antwoord daarop het Solomon toegegee dat instandhouding wel verbeter kan word, en dat die skoonmaak van erwe, die opgradering van stortgeriewe by die strand en die moontlikheid van straatligte by Schulphoek ondersoek word. Hy het egter die inwoners gevra om hande te neem met die OM om sodoende die las ligter

te maak. Namate die inwoners se eise toeneem, namate sal die kostes toeneem wat die OM nie huidiglik kan bekostig nie, het hy gesê. “Almal kan help deur byvoorbeeld hulle erwe skoon en netjies te hou en self oorvloedige bam­ boes van die strand te verwyder.” Op klagtes oor die hoofstraat se sypaadjie en die parkeerarea by die strand wat met die vloede weggespoel het, het Solomon daarop gewys dat daar ander areas is wat erger skade gely het, en dat die teer van Sandbaai se strate tans ’n groter prioriteit is as die sypaadjies. ’n Ander groot probleem waaraan daar aan­ dag geskenk moet word, is die ou rioolpompe wat vervang moet word. “Die rioolnetwerk is baie oud,” het Solomon gesê. “Daar was nooit die verwagting dat die dorp sal groei tot sy huidi­ ge kapasiteit nie.”

Openbare deelname: Hawston Die minder as twee dosyn Hawston­inwoners wat die OM se kon­ sepbegrotingvergadering Donderdagaand in die Thusongsaal bygewoon het, het onder meer kapsie gemaak teen die styging van 15% in eiendomsbelasting. Solomon het ’n voorbeeld gebruik om te verduidelik dat dié styging nie so ’n groot impak sal hê op die Hawston­gemeenskap nie. “Die waarde van die meeste huise in Hawston is ongeveer R250 000. Dus styg jou eiendomsbe­ lasting van R48 na R55 – dis ’n verho­ ging van net R7 per maand.” Nog ’n inwoner het gesê Hawston is steeds “agtergeblewe met wind in die mond”. “Ons kry swaar terwyl al die ander gebiede in die Overstrand voordeel trek uit die begroting van die munisi­ paliteit,” het die inwoner gesê. “Ons trek altyd aan die kortste end. Ons be­ nodig teerpaaie en werksgeleenthe­ de, en daar moet ook na ons behoeftes gekyk word. Hermanus se paaie word

herseel, terwyl Hawston steeds grond­ paaie moet trotseer,” het hy gesê. Solomon het hierop geantwoord dat ’n onafhanklike ingenieursfirma na al die paaie in die Overstrand kyk en dan aanbevelings doen aan die munispaliteit oor watter paaie, onge­ ag die area, dringend herbou, herseël of geteer moet word. Wykskomiteelid Isaac Claassen, asook ander inwoners, het hul kommer uitgespreek nie net oor die grond­ paaie nie, maar ook dié wat onlangs geteer is. Volgens Claassen lig die teer op en is dit van uiters swak gehalte. Solomon het hom die versekering gegee die OM sal seker maak dat kwa­ liteitbeheer toegepas word ná projekte afgehandel is.

Raadslid Ben Solomon, burgemeesterskomi­ teelid vir finansies en ekonomiese ontwikke­ ling, burgemeester Nicolette Botha­Guthrie en wykraadslid vir wyk 3, Kari Brice.

Openbare deelname:


Wyk 3 se konsepbegrotingvergadering is Dinsdag­ middag in die Overstrand­ouditorium gehou. Daar was minder as 30 mense teenwoordig, wat hoofsaak­ lik bestaan het uit lede van die Hermanus­sakekamer en die Hermanus­belastingbetalersvereniging. In hul vrae en kommentaar het inwoners klem gelê op die bekostigbaarheid van dienste. Piet Louw het gesê hy is bekommerd oor die styging in tariewe om­ dat 52% van huishoudings in die Overstrand moet oorleef op minder as R3 000 per maand en “hulle kan nie meer gemelk word nie”. Die konsepbegroting maak nie voorsiening vir die armes en pensioenarisse nie, het hy gesê. Solomon het hierop geantwoord dat die OM se tariewe in lyn is met ander munisipaliteite van kusdor­ pe in die Wes­Kaap, terwyl dienslewering in die meeste gevalle van ’n hoër gehalte is. Daar is juis gepoog om plaaslike inwoners tege­ moet te kom deur diensleweringstariewe so laag moontlik te hou en eerder die eiendomsbelasting met 15% te verhoog, het Solomon gesê. Louw wou voorts weet of daar in hierdie stadium nog aanpassings gemaak kan word aan die begro­ ting. Die burgemeester het gesê die openbare deelna­ meproses beteken juis dat die publiek insette kan le­ wer tot 30 April en dat die konsepbegroting eers op 28 Mei deur die raad goedgekeur sal word. “Voorstelle is welkom en ons kán nog veranderings aanbring,” het Solomon bevestig, “maar ons moet nog steeds die begroting laat klop. As ons op tariewe moet besnoei, moet ons die inkomste op ’n ander plek weer opmaak.” Petrus Hendriksz het weer daarop gewys dat die OM se salarisrekening buitensporig is. “Terwyl dit voor die 2011/2012 finansiële jaar die norm was dat 30% van die OM se inkomste aan salarisse afge­ staan word, het dit in die vorige finansiële jaar gestyg na 35,9% en hierdie jaar na 36,8%. Dit beteken ’n verskil van R53 miljoen,” het hy gesê. In antwoord hierop het die munisipale bestuurder vir Hermanus, Coenie Groenewald, beklemtoon dat die OM alles in sy vermoë doen om kostes te bespaar. “Vroeër jare was dit ’n meer eenvoudige proses, maar onder die nuwe bedeling word ons onderwerp aan verskeie voorskrifte en vereistes van die provinsi­ ale tessourier.” Groenewald het gesê die munisipaliteit probeer besnoei op oortydbetaling en ondersoek die moont­ likheid van skofwerk en die sentralisering van sekere dienste soos stadsbeplanning. Waar moontlik het die OM reeds poste gevries en verskeie vakanste posisies is nie weer gevul nie. “Terselfdertyd moet ons toesien dat hierdie stappe nie ’n nadelige uitwerking het op dienslewering nie. Daarom is ons tans in bespreking met Productivity SA om saam oplossings te vind oor hoe ons meer produktief te werk kan gaan.”

Hermanus Times

Nuus News

10 April, 2014

Crickets galore

Charline Galloway De Gruchy: According to a radio station, this mini in­ festation of crickets in Cape Town is due to the mild weather we’re having at the moment. Unseasonal high temperatures before winter means two generations of crickets have been spawned. Two gen­ erations at once? Ek gril my dood!

From page 1: The Hermanus Times invited readers on their Facebook page to share their “cricket experiences”.

James Thom: I have killed 1 000s and they just keep com­ ing! Can’t wait to find a remedy.

Riekie Grove: Die sewende plaag!

Maggie Coetzee: Soap and water kills them within seconds! Jeanetta Sophia Hoekstra: Ons het net so erge las met hulle! Die gewone insektegif maak hulle ongelukkig nie on­ middellik dood nie.

Sandra Swanepoel: Boererate op Face­ book sê die volgen­ de: Krieke in die huis: Spuit Fendona. Dit het geen reuk nie en is veilig vir mense en troeteldiere. Koop by koöperasies of groot supermarkte. Effekto: Spuit oral op lys­ te en agter kaste. Op gras: Meng 1e was­ goedseep en 2Fwater, gooi dit in die gaat­ jies in die gras – wag vir so ’n minuut of wat en hulle sal uitklim omrede die seep hul­ le brand. Handy Andy (met ammoniak) of net ammoniak, verdun met bietjie water, in elke gat en dan water tot hul uitkruip. Jy sal hulle na ‘n paar minute die gras vol sien lê.

Melody Botha: Wat gaan aan? Hier by ons in Worcester is dit net so erg! Heidi Opper­ man Nortier: Kom stap ’n draai deur my huis, dan sal jy duisende krie­ ke gewaar!

Etienne Dingo Engelbrecht: I can’t take photos of them, as the crickets took off with my cell phone and camera!

Blackie Swart: Get yourself a Bearded Dragon – it will feast on the crickets.

Amanda StevensSyfert: Gaan ’n lekker nat winter wees. Kriekplaag voorspel baie reën vir die winter.

Ani­ na Lee: Cape Spur­ fowl (Fran­ colins) are eating all the crickets where we are. My silly sugges­ tion: Friend a Franco­ lin.


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Kroegman getuig Lubbe het gedrink Maandag was dit twee jaar sedert ’n hoofseun van Milnerton dood is ná ’n motorongeluk in Hermanus. Schalk Lubbe (25) van Hermanus het Maandag en Dinsdag weer in die Strandstreekhof verskyn, waar hy van strafbare manslag en dronkbestuur aangekla word. Volgens Die Burger (08/04/2014) was Jake Wootton (18) se pa, Steve, baie emosioneel buite die hof toe hy gister gepraat het oor sy seun wat op 7 April 2012 gesterf het. Wootton is op 4 April 2012 omstreeks 23:20 in Dirkie Uysstraat in Hermanus omgery. Drie dae later is lewensondersteunende masjiene afgeskakel. Toe ’n vriendin van Wootton, Genevieve Grant, getuig het, is die hof vyf minute lank verdaag omdat sy te emosioneel geraak het en vertroos moes word. Sy het getuig sy was die betrokke aand saam met Wootton en hul ander vriende. “Ons het by die Cocos-kroeg in Hermanus gaan drankies drink, waarna ons by Barney’s Restaurant verder gaan drink het.” Die groep tieners was op pad na Grant se huis nadat hulle Barney’s verlaat het. Sy het getuig dat sy en Wootton aan weerskante van die straat gestap het. “Ek het ’n motor vinnig gehoor aankom agter my, maar ek het nie ’n toeter gehoor nie. Toe ek weer sien . . . toe lê Jake op die grond.” Dr. Akmal Khan, wat die lykskouing op die oorledene gedoen het, het getuig dat Wootton erge skedelfrakture en breinbeserings opgedoen het. “Daar was beserings aan sy brein. Dit het geswel en vergroot, wat veroorsaak het dat dit teen sy skedel gedruk het.” Hy het gesê die skade aan die motor stem ooreen met Wootton se beserings. “Die oorledene is deur die lug geslinger. Hy het op die motor beland en afgerol.”

Op ’n vraag van die staatsaanklaer, Nazlee Abdeljaoued, hoe vinnig die bestuurder gery het, het Khan geantwoord tussen 50 km/h en 60 km/h. Lubbe se regsverteenwoordiger, adv. Marius Broeksma, het dit aan Khan gestel dat sy kliënt gaan getuig dat hy tussen 40 km/h en 50 km/h gery het. Khan het hierop getuig dat dié spoed heel moontlik by die scenario pas. André du Preez, ’n kroegman van Barney’s wat die aand gewerk het, het getuig dat dit moontlik is dat Lubbe die aand tussen drie en ses glasies whisky met water gedrink het, maar hy is nie seker of dit enkel- of dubbelsopies was nie. Du Preez het gesê hy ken Lubbe en dat hulle in dieselfde hoërskool was. “Die jongspan (Wootton en sy vriende) was ook by die restaurant. Ek het hulle nie bedien nie.” Oor Lubbe se toestand het Du Preez getuig dat Lubbe goed gelyk en regop geloop het. “Onsissteedsverslae . . . Dit raak nie maklik nie,” het Wootton se pa Maandag buite die hof gesê. “Verlede Desember sou Jake twintig geword het. Hy het ’n belowende toekoms gehad, maar dit is hom ontneem,” het hy gesê terwyl hy sigbaar teen die trane baklei. Die saak is Dinsdag weer in die Strandstreekhof hervat. Die staat sou sy saak gesluit het met die getuienis van Johan JoubertvandieTrafficAccidentReconstruction Service. Hy is ’n deskundige in die rekonstruksie van padongelukke. Streeklanddros Franceline Mouton het die saak egter voorlopig tot 3 Junie uitgestel om tyd te gee dat die bewysstukke wat by die hof ingedien is, uitgesorteer kan word. – Raymond Willemse/Die Burger

4 Hermanus Times Perlemoen van R2,5 m gevind by padblokkade

Nuus News

10 April, 2014

ANNETTE THERON ’n Perlemoenvonds van R2,5 miljoen die naweek was die naasgrootste nóg deur die provinsiale verkeersdepartement se plaaslike kantoor. Die provinsiale verkeersdepartement op Caledon het Saterdag 5 April ’n padblokkade op die N2 buite Botrivier gehou toe beamptes die swartsakke vol perlemoen in ’n voorgekeerde Nissan Hardbody gevind het. “Dit is ons naasgrootste vonds hierdie,” het Mbulelo Giba, provinsiale verkeershoof op Caledon, gesê. “In 2010 het ons ’n VW-minibus aangekeer wat perlemoen van R2,6 miljoen vervoer het.” Giba sê die voertuig was van Hermanus na Kaapstad onderweg toe beamptes dit voorgekeer het. Die bestuurder kon nie sy rybewys toon nie en het die passasier gevra vir dié se rybewys. ’n Soektog daarvoor het in die kajuit begin.

Volgens Giba kon die beamptes sien die mans was baie senuagtig, en hulle is uitgevra oor die vrag op hul ligte afleweringsvoertuig. Dit was met ’n seil bedek. Die bestuurder het glo geantwoord daar was niks nie, maar die mans se senuagtigheid het die beamptes genoop om die seil te laat afhaal. “Toe die seil eers verwyder is, het die reuk die beampte laat besef sy het te doen met die onwettige vervoer van perlemoen.” ’n Manskollega van die beampte moes die bestuurder, wat na bewering op die vlug probeer slaan het, vaspen totdat die Caledon-polisie opgedaag het. Die polisie het van Caledon af opgedaag en albei mans is vir die onwettige vervoer, asook die besit van perlemoen sonder die nodige dokumente en permitte, in hegtenis geneem. Kapt. Gerrit Botes, woordvoerder vir die Caledon-polisie, het bevestig dat mariene en kusbestuurbeamptes altesaam 40 sakke, wat ’n totaal van 4 071 eenhede bevat,

getel het. Albei mans (van Kaapstad) het gister in die Caledon-landdroshof verskyn. Giba sê hy is trots op sy beamptes vir hul veelsydigheid. “As hierdie onwettige spesie vervoer word op die pad waarvoor ons verantwoordelik is en ons merk dit nie op nie, faal ons in ons opdrag om ons paaie veilig en misdaadvry te hou. En R2,5 miljoen sou belastingvry gebly het, wat teenstrydig is met die reëls en regulasies van Suid-Afrika. “Die blote feit dat vrouebeamptes sulke veldtogte kan lei, is ’n klinkklare aanduiding dat verkeerswerk nie meer ’n mansberoep is nie. Dit maak my baie trots op my personeel en ons sal aanhou probeer verseker dat ons paaie veilig en misdaadvry bly.” Giba versoek padgebruikers om geduldig te wees wanneer verkeersbeamptes hul plig, soos om padblokkades te hou, uitvoer. Dit was nie teen druktyd bekend of die verdagtes borgtog toegestaan is nie.

SKI­BOAT CLUB THANKS NSRI Walker Bay Ski­boat Club recently held a braai to thank all Station 17 NSRI, Hermanus crew for rescues performed in the area. Tjaart Olivier, chairman (right) handed a donation to station command­ er Henk Henn. Henn remarked that this past year has been one with the most rescues and call­outs made. Most of the incidents have been due to human error in not watching waves and being swept off the rocks, capsiz­ ing boats when pulling anchor and picking up crayfish nets too close to shore. Walker Bay Boat and Ski­boat Club in Hermanus is dedi­ cated to safe, sustainable and enjoyable fish­ ing and provides a base for boat operators and fellowship between anglers. They are situ­ ated at the New Harbour Hermanus.

Van links is Caledon se verkeersbeamptes Eon Isaacs, Biondi Barties, Nonaswe Bayana, Janine Goliath, Eli­ zabeth Toerien en die hoof van provinsiale verkeer, Barend Fourie. FOTO: YVETTE VERMEULEN

Gratis verdedigingsklasse AfriForum gaan binnekort gratis klasse in die Overstrand aanbied in paraatheid, teenverkragtingsopleiding en noodhulp. “Die opleiding is om vroue te bemagtig. Verkragting is ’n krisis in Suid-Afrika. Vroue en kinders word nie doeltreffend deur die staat beskerm nie. Nou tree ons in en gee aan hulle die nodige opleiding,” sê Ian Cameron, AfriForum se hoof van gemeenskapsveiligheid. Die paraatheidklas, ’n inligtingsessie met ’n demonstrasie, vind Dinsdag 22 April in die munisipale ouditorium van 18:00 tot 20:30 plaas. Donderdag 24 April word twee sessies vir

teenverkragtingsopleiding gehou, maksimum 16 mense per sessie, by die Whale Coast Hotel in Hermanus. Die eerste sessie is van 09:00 tot 13:00 en die tweede sessie van 17:30 tot 21:30 vir werkende vroue. Dra gemaklike klere vir die demonstrasies. Bring ’n vriendin en kom leer hoe om jouself te verdedig. Donderdag 24 April word ’n noodhulpkursus, ook gratis, aangebied. Die maksimum per sessie is 16 mense. Dit word by die munisipale ouditorium gehou van 17:30 tot 21:30. Navrae: Marianne Rossouw by 082 454 9756 of Elmarie van Dalen by 079 366 1000.

Hermanus Times

Nuus News

10 April, 2014

Baboons go ape in Fernkloof

The baboons were having a “baboon of a time” at Fernkloof Nature Re­ serve last Thursday morning, says Sandy Jenkin, who sent in these photos. “They were sitting on cars, getting comfortable on benches and trampling plants, leaving no room for those wanting to visit and picnic”, says Jenkin, a Hermanus resident. She says the baboon monitors were called to chase them back up in to the reserve. “Without the monitors, Fernkloof would al­ most certainly become baboon­friendly and not people­friendly.” She says when the trees are fruiting or proteas are flowering, the baboons in the re­ serve gardens are a common occurrence. FOTO: SANDY JENKIN

WALL ART: The team that painted the wall mural at the New Harbour has just competed another mural in the courtyard of the Art Shop in Mitchell Street. Cele­ brating the completion of the project are (from left) Simoné Visagie, Lochelle Coetzee, Vivienne Mitchley, Nicola Co­ etzee and Jeandre Marinier.

Join History Society on Easter walks The Hermanus History Society is offering guided walks over the Easter period, focusing on Hoy’s Koppie, and another walking along the ‘Champagne Mile highlighting the history of Hermanus. ) Walk One: Hoy’s Koppie – the famous geological feature that overlooks the town. During the walk you will learn about its origin 400 million years ago, its flora and fauna, a 100 000-year-old cave hidden away under its cliffs, and the life of Sir William Hoy, after whom the koppie is named. This walk takes 60 - 75 minutes. ) Walk Two: Historic Hermanus – starting from The Marine hotel, you will learn about the Old Harbour, the Champagne Mile along Marine Drive, the spring that gave the town its first name (Hermanuspietersfontein), the Windsor Hotel (once a sanatorium), Swallow Park and Harbour Road. This walk takes 75 - 90 minutes. The cost of each walk is R100 per person. The groups are small, with knowledgeable, trained and registered guides. The walks start at the Hermanus Tourism office (tel: 028 312 2629) in Mitchell Street, where you can book and buy tickets. Be sure to bring a hat, sunblock and water. Tour schedule: Thursday 17 April: 10:00: Hoy’s Koppie. 15:30: Historic Hermanus Saturday 19 April: 10:00: Hoy’s Koppie Sunday 20 April: 10:00 Historic Hermanus Monday 21 April: 10:00: Historic Hermanus. 15:30: Hoy’s Koppie Saturday 26 April: 10.00 Hoy’s Koppie. 15:30: Historic Hermanus Sunday 27 April: 10:00: Historic Hermanus. 15:30: Hoy’s Koppie

FACELIFT: Dan­ ger Point light­ house in Gansbaai is be­ ing spruced up. Some basic ren­ ovations, includ­ ing a fresh coat of paint, are be­ ing done, due for completion by the end of April. Besides painting inside and out, the re­ ception area is being upgraded and changed says Brenda Kit­ ley from Gan­ sbaai Tourism.


Monday 28 April (public holiday): 10:00: Hoy’s Koppie Thursday 1 May (public holiday): 10:00: Historic Hermanus. 15:30: Hoy’s Koppie Friday 2 May: 10.00: Hoy’s Koppie. 15:30: Historic Hermanus


Saturday 3 May: 10:00: Historic Hermanus. 15:30: Hoy’s Koppie Sunday 4 May: 10:00: Hoy’s Koppie. 15:30: Historic Hermanus For more information, contact Dr Robin Lee on 028 312 4072 / robinlee@hermanus.co.za.

A close­up of the mural in The Art Shop courtyard that was recently completed by a group of art learners.

Washing of feet and vigil at Easter service It is the custom of the Anglican and Catholic churches to follow Christ’s example of washing of the feet on the eve of Good Friday. The vigil that follows immediately after the foot washing ceremony at St Peter’s indicates that his flock, unlike the disciples, are willing to stay awake with Jesus as he prays in the garden. A Maundy service will take place on Thursday 17 April at 18:00 at St Peter’s Anglican Church in Main Road. Those who wish to attend St Patrick’s in Mount Pleasant can do so at 19:30, while All Saints in Zwelihle will have their opportunity at 20:00 that same evening. The crosses which are handed out traditionally to parishioners on Palm Sunday (13 April), will be handmade by members of the congregations of both the United Church and St Peter’s on Friday 11 April. Anybody wishing to join in at one of these churches to make a cross from local palm fronds is invited to participate from 09:00. A Palm Sunday Procession will take place from the car park at St Peter’s up St Peter’s Lane to the front entrance of the church on Sunday 13 April at 09:15. Everyone is welcome to take part. All three Anglican churches will have the traditional three hour service from midday on Good Friday 18 April. – ANNE PHILIP

Members of the Hermanus History Society climb the last steps to reach the top of Hoy’s Koppie with its magnificent view over Hermanus and Walker Bay. PHOTO: CILENE BEKKER

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Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

10 April, 2014

Local talent at 2014 Hermanus FynArts Achievement Award. The participating chefs are: Wayne Spencer (La Vierge), Warwick Taylor (Creation), Eric Bulpitt (The Restaurant at Newton Johnson), Lesley Corneilse (The Marine) and Donaldson Makhalemele (Arabella). The programme also includes an audio-visual presentation by Robin Lee, chairperson of the Hermanus History Society, followed by a twocourse meal based on one served at By popular demand Richard Cock The Marine hotel in the 1940s! and Songs of Praise are back, with the The Botanical Society will offer a combined choirs made up of the ProMusica choir joined by members of These local chefs will host The Art of Fine Food dinner dur­ fascinating one-day course called Fynbos: Features and Creatures. other local choirs. ing Hermanus FynArts. From left are chefs Eric Bulpitt, “And lastly, on 1 May the FynArts The orchestra is a mix of local as well Garth Stroebel, Warwick Taylor, Lesley Corneilse, Wayne Culinary Challenge kicks off, which as professional musicians who often Spencer and Donaldson Makhalemele. PHOTO: SUPPLIED will be a first for Hermanus. More deperform with Camerata Tinta Barocca. This year an added treat are the voices lonte Trio made up of Annemarie Rauten- tails about this event, and the tutored tastings, dinners and breakfasts with guest of two top South African soloists – Magdalene bach, Maike Skein and Hein Attwood. The Art of Fine Food is a six-course gour- speakers will follow soon,” says Mary Faure, Minnaar (soprano) and Nick Nicolaides (tenmet dinner paired with award-winning coordinator of Hermanus FynArts and chairor). A great line-up of lunchtime concerts in- wines, at La Vierge Restaurant. The evening person of Hermanus Tourism. Tickets are now on sale at www.webtickcludes talented cellist, Tobias Kotze, the Aba- will be hosted by Garth Stroebel, chef mentor, gold Choir, with a special festival programme co-founder of the SA Chef’s Academy and ets.co.za or at the Hermanus Tourism office for FynArts, and a Bite of Classics with A Vo- winner of the Lannice Snyman Lifetime (028 312 2629). The new-look programme for Hermanus FynArts, which takes place from 6 – 16 June, lists the locals who will take part in this year’s celebration of South African arts. The booklet will be available at the library as well as in restaurants, galleries and at the Hermanus Tourism office from Wednesday 16 April.

70TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION: Deevra Norling from Fisher­ haven sent in this photo of her father NV Nortling’s 70th birthday celebration which took place at La Pentola Restaurant. With NV is owner and chef Shane Sauvage (left). Deevra says Chef Shane, with his jovial and vibey personality, went out of his way to make the experience memorable, making a special effort to meet and greet the “birthday boy” and the rest of the table of 10. “Thank you also to Gabriel (our waiter) and the rest of the team.” HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Lillian Roscoe turned 101 on Tuesday 8 April and she celebrated the occasion by sharing an enor­ mous birthday cake with everyone at the Sofca Frail Care Centre. Pick n Pay donated the cake. PHOTO: IAN MOSTERT


WINING AND DINING: Hester Havenga from the Wine Village and husband Louis attended the Cape Leg­ ends Night of a thousand Glasses at Landtschap in Stel­ lenbosch on Saturday 29 March. Invited guests experi­ enced a selection of very spe­ cial and rare wines from the Cape Legends portfolio, com­ plemented and paired with the finest Cape cuisine pre­ pared by chef Dawid Kriel.


Algemeen General

100 healing flowers you can cook and eat In this book herbal pioneer Margaret Roberts encourages readers to create a garden of flowers that can be used in celebrations, in the kitchen and also to produce medicines and cosmetics. It’s hands-on with instructions how and when to plant, grow and harvest flowers with recipes using the medicinal, cosmetic and edible nature of these plants. Take nasturtiums for instance – they are high in vitamin C and contain a natural antibiotic to help treat coughs, colds, flu and sore throats. Mixed with Gouda or cream cheese, wine, green pepper and Worcestershire sauce, it makes a cracker of a cheese dip. Or take carpet geraniums (now more correctly known as pelargoniums) – a tea made from the leaves and flowers can ease bloating, diarrhoea, colic, indigestion and excessive menstruation. There are also recipes for itchy skin, oily hair and scalp treatments as well as a recipe for pear and carpet geranium stir-fry. This tea mix is called vrouetee because it helps start milk flow for the newborn and eases cystitis and other infections in women. There are more of these women-related tips which Margaret, as a young mother, learnt from Cape women on the busy Grand Parade. The book has a quick reference guide listing common ailments,the best healing flowers for each and a flower and recipe index. Some 101 flowers are discussed, from Ajuga and Almond through to Wisteria, Yarrow and Yucca. Review: CILENE BEKKER

Hermanus Times 10 April, 2014



Hermanus Times

Promosies Promotions

10 April, 2014

Doen jou eie gesigbehandeling Ons het nie altyd die tyd of geld om elke maand vir ’n professionele gesigsbehandeling te gaan nie. Dit beteken nie jy hoef daarsonder klaar te kom nie. Doen tussendeur salonbesoeke só jou eie gesigsbehandeling by die huis: Stap 1: Reinig jou gesig ’n Reiniger wat jou vel sagkens skoonmaak, werk vir alle velsoorte. Vermy reinigers wat jou vel droog laat voel. Soek ’n wateroplosbare reiniger wat nie jou vel irriteer nie. Vryf die reiniger in sirkelbewegings oor jou gesig voordat jy dit afspoel. Werk sagkens en moenie aan jou vel trek nie omdat dit die elastienvesels verswak en kan veroorsaak dat jou vel sy fermheid verloor. Verwyder alle hardnekkige grimering, soos maskara, met ’n grimeerverwyderaar. Stap 2: Skilfer jou vel af Afskilfering is belangrik omdat dit help om van dooie selle op die veloppervlak ontslae te raak. Dit help ook dat velsorgprodukte makli-

ker geabsorbeer word. Jy kan ’n gesigskrop gebruik, of ’n afskilferaar wat sure bevat. As jy ’n gesigskrop gebruik, moet dit sag op jou vel voel. Vryf dit met ligte sirkelbewegings oor jou gesig vir ’n paar sekondes voordat jy dit afspoel. Sure help om jou vel egalig af te skilfer. Kyk uit vir afskilferaars wat AHA (alfahidroksisuur) of BHA (betahidroksisuur, ook bekend as salisielsuur) bevat. Jy moet hierdie produkte meestal vir ’n rukkie op jou gesig los voordat jy dit afspoel. Lees die aanwysings noukeurig. Stap 3: Gebruik ’n masker ’n Masker is soos ’n vog-inspuiting vir jou vel. Dit is goed om minstens een keer in ’n week ’n masker op jou gesig te gebruik. Die meeste maskers moet vir tussen 15 – 20 minute op jou vel bly voordat jy dit afspoel. Stap 5: Bevog Wend ’n vogroom aan. Gebruik ’n vogroom met ’n waterige of jeltekstuur as jy ’n olierige of kombinasie-vel het. Kies ’n dikker, ryker

vogroom vir ’n droë vel. Ekstra sorg deur die nag Daar is tans verskeie maskers op die rak wat jy oornag op jou vel hou. Jou vel se spitstyd vir herstel is gedurende die nag terwyl jy slaap en dié maskers voorsien jou vel van bestanddele wat die herstelproses ’n hupstoot gee. – Deur Charis Labuschagne, Sarie

Hair tips We all want beautiful and healthy hair but not everyone puts the effort and time in to maintain the process. Over the years the texture of your hair changes, therefore you need to keep an extra hand on your mane. FINE AND LIMP HAIR Your hair shaft is thinner than that of other hair types. If you have a lot of hair you’re in luck. Fine hair is also more prone to tangling and breaking. COMMON MISTAKE Candice Donadel, owner of Mirrors Hair Lab in Cape Town, says many people with fine hair tend to avoid using conditioner. “Conditioner seals the hair shaft and protects it from the elements.” OILY HAIR This type of hair can be washed in the morning but look greasy in the root area by sundown. People with oilier scalps are often prone to dandruff. COMMON MISTAKE Tarryn Page, a mobile hairdresser operating in Cape Town, says many people think that not washing their hair every day helps it balance out on its own. In fact, there’s nothing wrong with daily washing provided the product you use has a gentle formula. DRY, COARSE HAIR A rough cuticle that doesn’t lie flat allows moisture to escape from your hair shaft. It looks a bit dull and is more prone to breaking. COMMON MISTAKE Overwashing your hair. Page says wash your hair when it feels dirty or your scalp has produced enough oil to make it greasy, not every day or two. Don’t leave in your regular conditioner in the hopes of keeping it hydrated as it creates a build-up. – Source: YOU archives

NEW FASHION BOUTIQUE: Mina Naudé (right), fondly known by family and friends as Miens, celebrated the launch of her fash­ ion boutique @ Miens, situated in the Royal Centre in the Hermanus CBD, last Saturday morning. She says: “I’m a young fashion designer who graduated in 2012 from the Elizabeth Galloway School of Fashion De­ sign Academy. Fashion has been my pas­ sion and the love of my life since I was a little girl. My dream of owning my own boutique has finally become a reality.” Mina stocks mainly upmarket contemporary South African designer wear from Soto and Misha, well known Cape Town designers. Mina also plans to design her own clothing range un­ der the label @ Miens. Alongside her at the launch function is her mother, Isabeau Naudé.

FAMILY TOAST: Toasting the opening of Mina Naude’s new boutique, @ Miens, on Saturday 29 March were (from left) Jean Naudé jnr, Jean Naudé, Isabeau Naudé, Derick Naudé, Mariet Naudé and Mina Naudé. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

Hermanus Times

Mense People

10 April, 2014

Niels Verburg, wyn­ maker van Luddite en verlede jaar se wenner van die bes­ te baard in die val­ lei­toekenning, met Fabio Lenci van Fa­ bio’s Ristorante in Hermanus en David Biggs, wynkenner en joernalis, wat een van die baard­be­ oordelaars was.

BOTRIVIER BARRELS & BEARDS: Die gewilde Barrels & Beards­fees, wat die einde van die Botrivier­wynroete se oestyd vier, is Saterdag 5 April gehou. Die dag het afgeskop met ’n Beste van Bot­ rivier­wynproe by Wildekrans, ge­ lei deur wynmaker William Wilkin­ son (bo). Tydens die aandfunksie by die Old Shed op Anysbos­plaas kon gaste ’n voorsmakie kry van die Botrivier­wynmakers se 2014 oes direk uit die vate, en ’n heerli­ ke driegang maaltyd geniet. Die wynmakers, wat regdeur die oes­ seisoen hul baarde laat groei het, het ook vir groot vermaak gesorg tydens die ‘baard­parade’. Sebasti­ an Beaumont is hierdie jaar be­ kroon as die wenner.

) Hermanus se Pan­ fluiter het na byna 22 jaar sy fluite finaal ge­ bêre. Hy soek egter na ’n opvolger sodat die klank van ’n panfluit weer gehoor kan word tussen berg en see. Bel Charel Swarts by 082 316 1262 as jy belangstel. ) Child Welfare Her­ manus is looking for people with empathy for their ideals to assist on the committee and with fund­raising. They are also looking for a part­time bookkeeper with Pastel experience. Contact Rina Louw on 028 313 0830. ) Children are quick: TEACHER: John, why are you doing your maths multiplication on the floor? JOHN: You told me to do it without using ta­ bles. ) TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell “croc­ odile”? GLENN: K­R­O­K­O­ D­I­A­L’ TEACHER: No, that’s wrong GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it. ) TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water? DONALD: H I J K L M N O. TEACHER: What are you talking about? DONALD: Yesterday you said it’s H to O. ) TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with “ I “ MILLIE: I is . . . TEACHER: No, Millie . . . Always say, “I am”. MILLIE: All right . . . I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

Van links is Kobie Viljoen, wynmaker van Gabriëlskloof, Niels Verburg, wynmaker van Luddite Wines en PJ Geyer, wynmaker van Barton Vineyards.



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PJ Geyer van Barton Vine­ yards en Marelise Jansen van Rensburg van Beaumont.

Die alombekende plaaslike boereorkes, ‘Stoepsitters’ het gaste vermaak by Saterdag se Barrels & Beards­ fees.



Volgens die beoordelaars – John Maytham, Suzy Brokensha, David Biggs en David Cope – spog Sebastian Beaumont van Beaumont Wines vanjaar met die beste baard in Bot­ rivier. Amorim Cork het die prys (’n kurk­ branderplank) geborg wat hierdie wynmaker cum branderplank­entoesias breed laat glim­ lag het. Hy het Wesgro bedank vir hul borg­ skap van die Barrels & Beards en ook al die gaste wat die 2014­oes saam met die wyn­ makers gevier het.


Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

10 April, 2014

HAWS says thank you EDITORIAL COMMENT Your newspaper While the ward meetings that were held this past week were characterised by low attendance by residents, Cllr Ben Solomon and Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie have been at every meeting so far, to answer questions on the budget and the reasons certain tough financial decisions need to be made. Residents and readers have, however, made a considerable contribution towards this week’s issue of the Hermanus Times: From photos and comments about local happenings and phenomena, to the robust letters page where opinions on a wide variety of issues are expressed. The lively SMS column is always full of surprises and plenty of social comment. This constant flow of interesting content from the community is a vital part of the newspaper. Keep on sending in your contributions, because at the end of the day, the Hermanus Times is Your Newspaper

ONGELOOFLIK MOOI: Isa­ belle le Roux het hierdie foto met sonopkoms op 7 April om 07:00 in 8ste Straat, Voëlklip geneem. Sy sê dit was fenome­ naal. “Dit was ’n rooi boog wolke met ’n rooi reënboog wat dofweg die gewone reën­ boog kleurban­ de gehad het.”

Overstrand help graag waar hul kan Cas van Rensburg se artikel oor die swaarkrykrisis van bejaardes (DB, 29/3 en HT 03/04) in hul goue jare is ’n bron van kommer vir die stadsvaders van Overstrand en ons probeer ook help waar ons kan en binne ons beperkte vermoë. Soos hy tereg in die laaste twee paragrawe uitwys, is die probleem nie net tot ons gebied beperk nie en word dit vererger deur mense se trots deurdat hulle nie daaroor wil praat nie. Die Overstrand-munisipaliteit bied ’n maatskaplike hulppakket aan hulpbehoewende inwoners en sowat 6 500 huishoudings maak reeds daarvan gebruik. Op die hoogste vlak van hulpverlening betaal die huishouding nie eiendomsbelasting nie en kry hulle 6 kl water, 50 kwh elektrisiteit, sanitasie en vullisverwydering gratis. Daar is drie vlakke van hulpverlening, naamlik: ) vir huishoudings waarvan die totale maandelikse inkomste nie meer as twee keer die ouderdomspensioen van die staat moet wees nie, ) huishoudings waarvan die inwoners ouer as 60 is en ’n totale maandelikse in-

Your views Please note that letters and SMSes may be edited or rejected at the discretion of the editor. Letters with full name, address and contact details are required, but the writer may request the use of a pseudonym. SMSes with full names will be given preference.

Thank you to Cansa During the last quarter of 2013 my wife, Martha (Monica, as she was known) showed symptoms of cancer in her abdomen. Due to the fluid that soon thereafter accumulated in that area, the investigating doctors could not pinpoint the suspected malignancy, although adenocarcinoma was indicated. The eventual laboratory testing of the fluid confirmed the above and incurable carcinoma of the peritoneum was diagnosed. No treatment or surgery for the condition was apparently ever practicable and Monica died on 18 February this year, after much misery and suffering. The above sad story is once again, as you full-well know, to point out what a terrible scourge to humankind cancer is. The aim of this letter is to kindly thank Cansa for being there for us in these very hard times. The main purpose, however, is to heartily thank Martha Swart for the wonderful support she continually afforded us and the much needed goods she supplied. Without Martha our lot would have been much more unbearable. She is indeed a sweet, wonderful person and a great asset to Cansa.


komste nie meer as vier keer die ouderdomspensioen beloop nie, en ) huishoudings waarvan die inwoners ouer as 60 is en die maandelikse inkomste tussen 4 en 8 keer die ouderdomspensioen is. Een van die voorwaardes is dat die huis permanent bewoon moet word, die aansoeker die geregistreerde eienaar is en die aansoeker geen ander eiendomme besit nie. Die jongste statistieke van die Overstrand toon dat 91% van ons inwoners onder die ouderdom van 70 is, dus is slegs 9 persent van ons inwonertal ouer as 70. Cas verwys ook na geldinsamelingsaktiwiteite wat deur baie organisasies bedryf word. Ek moet sê die Overstrand-gemeenskap is besonder ruimhartig en raak graag betrokke by die organisering van en deelname aan sulke pogings. Overstranders is omgeemense en ons help graag diegene wat aan bogenoemde kriteria voldoen.


The mall and the need to revitalise the CBD Several recent letters in the Hermanus Times including ones from Jenny Smith, Petrus Hendriksz, Prof Derrick Dickens, Adrian Louw and the Sandbaai Ratepayers Association and Roy Groenewald refer. The January 2014 Record of Decision relating to the proposed mall in Sandbaai and the subsequent objection period also resulted in similar and very different (and sometimes heated) views being expressed by different individual members of the Executive Committee of the Hermanus Ratepayers Association (HRA). Eventually however, the HRA’s written submission to Province said that it would not object providing that (1) the mall development took place in phases – the HRA suggested three phases, however it has subsequently been realised that two would be much more practical – in order that the impact can be more easily absorbed by existing businesses, and (2) that public transport facilities be provided as part of the mall development to accommodate those without access to private

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motor vehicles – including the quite large elderly population living in the Overstrand. A further critical issue discussed as part of the mall development was that of the need to revitalise the existing Hermanus CBD – which is declining and which has numerous transport-related problems – even without the advent of the proposed mall. The appeal process however did not make provision for comments of this nature. As far as the declining CBD is concerned, the Executive Committee of the HRA would like to see a civil society partnership – comprising all interested and affected parties – joining hands with the municipality in a spirit of co-operation to work together on the revitalisation of the Hermanus CBD. It is even conceivable that the developers of the Sandbaai Mall may see themselves as interested and affected parties and that they could also make a positive contribution.


On behalf of Hermanus Animal Welfare Society I would like to express our gratitude to: 1. The public of Hermanus for dropping their rands and cents into our collection boxes that were spread all over the greater Hermanus.We collected an amazing R 27 725 for our financial year ended 31 March 2014. This is R1 500 more than last year and we’re absolutely amazed that in this difficult economic climate, people were so generous. Our thanks too to Cynthia Swain and Jenny Billingham for their hard work in emptying and replacing full boxes. 2. The Hermanus Ladies Golf Club for their most welcome donation of R3 500, which was delivered to our shop in Mitchell Street. This is not the first time the ladies have collected funds for us. We are more than grateful.


We need transparent communication free from political paranoia I wish to avail myself of the right to reply to the response of Mr.Coenie Groenewald, Municipal Manager of Overstrand Municipality (OM), to my letter “Public Participation – smoke and mirrors” in the HT of 3 April. As expected the reply is nothing more than arrogant and puerile waffling which does not address the issue of the flaws in the ward system. A ward councillor cannot be considered an elected representative in the true sense of the word. Firstly they are deployees or lackeys of the political party they represent with no accountability to the very people they are suppose to represent. Secondly, most of them, DA included, are ill-equipped to fully understand the consequences, both intended and unintended, of budgets and other major issues, (eg Grotto Development) to put a compelling case to Council. Thirdly, just how many people have voted for them to make them “representative” and fourthly, even if they wanted to “represent” the ratepayers they are subject to decisions of the caucus which is ruled by a few who believe that they can rule over Overstrand as if it is their personal fiefdom. During the 2013-’14 budget more than 100 representations/objections were made in the so-called “public participation” period. Council as is contained in the Draft Resolution of the 2014-’15 only needs to “take cognisance of letters of comment”. In any event the budget, including the tariffs, for some legalistic reason cannot be changed whether there were 1 page or 1 000+ pages of objections. Bottom line this whole process of public participation is smoke and mirrors – OM will do as it pleases! It is sad that this uncaring municipality has systemically contributed to impoverishing the middle class and pensioners to the stage so aptly described in your article “Net ’n oulap vir Ouma” and where suicide is on the increase due to financial problems. Instead of taking the opportunity to take the public in their confidence regarding the budget and engage them in a meaningful way, OM chooses the divide and rule route of an unconscionable ward system. What the public is experiencing is an arrogant top-down approach where OM tells them what will be done whether they like it or not. What we need is an open and transparent communication free from political paranoia, obfuscation and capricious administration. What is needed is independent councillors with no political affiliations to keep the politicians honest. The best result will be where the independent councillors will be king makers and can vote according to their conscience rather than be dictated to by political party caucus.


Hermanus Times

Briewe Letters

10 April, 2014

) Mt Pleasant, ons moet ophou om neer te sien op mense wat minder as onsself het! God alleen bepaal elkeen se le­ wenspad en omstandighede. My hart bloei vir die 15­jarige seun en sy ouers. Mag God julle versterk en deur hierdie moeilike tyd dra. Onthou mense, as jy ’n arm mens spot, beledig jy sy Maker. – OOK ’N MOEDER ) Kan die dame van die restaurant in Aberdeenstraat, wat elke dag haar trol­ lie net daar in die pad of op die sypaad­ jie los, asb. meer respek hê vir motors en Pick n Pay se trollies. Die klein trollies mag nie eers die perseel van Pick n Pay verlaat nie. Die mandjies lê oral in die pad en op die sypaadjie die volgende dag, sies man. ) Daar is ’n plakkerskamp reg langs die ou Joodse sinagoge en nie die SAP of wetstoepassing doen iets daarom­ trent nie. ) Business in town centre, don’t worry about the mall, worry about rude staff or owners, worry about the efficient on­ line stores where everything is available with fast free delivery. I have only had good service. – BRIDGET ) Sandbaai moet eerder bekommerd wees by die laerskool­basaar, oues van dae wat swaarkry, verkrag en vermoor word. – RM ) I Macdonald from Vermont: why don’t you move to Cape Town or Jhb? Then you can have night clubs, casinos, big chemists and enough shopping places to go for a shopping spree. Why did you come to Vermont in the first place? We have the mountains, the sea and spectacular scenery. Here you feel close to nature. Enjoy it. – HES ) Ek hou van die publieke deelname i.v.m die begroting. Sê wat jy wil, maar

op die einde hoor jy dit was ’n eenpari­ ge besluit deur die raad. Niks nuut daaraan. – JP ) Aan die persoon wat sê die karwagte is kriminele: ek dink jy is net plein suinig en inhalig. Daai mense probeer om eer­ lik aan ’n kosgeldjie te kom. Dis mense soos jy wat maak dat mense swaar kry van armoede. Daar is baie van ons wat waardeer wat daai karwagte doen. So kry vir jou ’n lewe. Jy het nie ’n hart vir ander mense nie. ) Hermanus Animal Welfare take on the K9 dogs, then claim they are full and threaten to euthanise homeless dogs.– OUTRAGED ) Baie dankie aan Jan de Wet vir sy ongelooflike sang en Paasfees­bood­ skap van Jesus se lyding tot Sy opstan­ ding by NG Gemeente Onrus Sondag­ aand. ) The majority of people in Hermanus know of Sandy at the Animal Hospital and her excellent reputation as a vet. For many years she was involved in the treatment and sterilisation of the ani­ mals at Haws. Even now when Haws operate their own clinic, Sandy still runs a weekly spayathon where Haws ani­ mals are sterilised free of charge. This brings no financial benefit to Sandy and continued even when she was in inten­

sive care. I feel that we should all say a big thank you to her for the support she has given both past and present to Haws and the poor animals. – BARBARA ) Hoed af vir Cas van Rensburg. As jy jou eie salaris bepaal gee jy nie om vir 6 kl gratis water of belasting nie. Ek het nie straatligte of sypaadjies nie maar betaal dieselfde belasting as ons sogenaamdes wat in Voëlklip bly.– CALTEX, VERMONT ) Ons as familie gaan in April deur ’n tyd van vrede en hartseer. Op die 5de vier Dmitri sy verjaarsdag, op die 6de Suzaan se tweede huweliksherden­ king en op die 7de word Ruolo Walkie wreed uit ons lewens geruk en op die 8ste vier Lauren haar 22ste verjaars­ dag, maar alle eer aan die Here wat ons deur dra. Ruolo, ons sal jou altyd onthou.– JOU FAMILIE ) Was amazed at all the beautiful fine art on display at Willie Botha Gallery. ) Congratulations Piet Louw on your letter “Public Participation ­ smoke and mirrors” published in the HT of 3 April 2014. What you state is total fact and you predicted the OM’s response 100%. I also hope Council reads the ar­ ticle “Net ’n oulap vir Ouma ­ benard­ heid van ons oues” by Cas van Rens­ burg published in the same issue. It makes for shocking reading! Finally, while listening to the local radio station, the new ratepayers association chairman made the following statement whilst discussing the proposed munici­ pal budget: municipal employees re­ ceive annual performance bonuses! My goodness, what other payments are these people receiving that we suffering ratepayers have to pay? – HG

RED RAINBOW: Mike Dale from Voëlklip took this beautiful picture on Monday morning at around 06:30. He says the tiles on the floor in his house suddenly turned pink because of the sunrise and as the sun came out it looked as if the balcony of his house was on fire, with sha­ des of pink and red. Dr Pierre Cilliers, resear­ cher at SANSA Space Science explains that the clouds in the foreground were pink in the early morning, as they often are due to the reflection of the red light from the sun, which is the only wavelength that can get through the long dis­ tance though the atmosphere in the early mor­ ning (and evening). “The clouds were somewhat translucent, so one could see the rainbow be­ hind the clouds.” PHOTO: MIKE DALE

Overstranders can expect mild, sunny days that will last well into next week. On Saturday night the temperature will rise to 28 °C and those of us who have already taken out the warmer duvets and blankets after the recent cold spell will definitely be kicking them off during the night.


Standing on the newly upgraded bridge on the cliff path between Voëlklip and Grotto beaches are, from left: Charl de Kock, Riana de Kock, Paul Maartens, David Beattie, Lovemore Chinenere and Werner Zybrands.


Cliff path bridge upgraded KERRY VAN RENSBURG Thanks to the combined effort of the Cliff Path Management Group (CPMG) and individuals involved in the business community, the foot bridge along the cliff path between Voëlklip beach and Grotto beach has been substantially upgraded. According to David Beattie, chairperson of the CPMG, the bridge, also sometimes referred to as the ‘Rowweklip’ Bridge, was built across the storm water canal about 10 years ago. It did not initially have railings. Eventually a single railing was built and now one has been added to the other side as well . The whole bridge has been spruced up, thanks to a sponsorship from Hermanus

Beach Villa and Whale Coast Hotel. The sponsorship was facilitated by Werner Zybrands, a member of the management committee of the CPMG, and businessman Charl de Kock. Work on the bridge was done by Paul Maartens and the costs for the project came to R4 700. The public access point to the cliff path from 11th Street, between 8th and 8th Avenue, has been beautified with plants and grass and stairs, thanks to Riana de Kock and Lovemore Chinenere. Beattie says: “The important thing it demonstrates is public participation in a community project. It’s been a team effort, with co-operation from the public. We cannot expect the municipality to do it all.”

SPRECHEN SIE DEUTSCH? The Cape Whale Coast has made the generic CWC map available in German. Visitor trends indicated an increase in the number of overseas visitors to the Cape Whale Coast. German visitors ap­ pear to rank third in this market. “It is critical to the success of any company in the international market place to have marketing material available in a language other than English, and now seemed to be the perfect opportu­ nity to tap into this market,” says Overstrand Municipality: Tourism Mar­ keting Manager, Suné Greeff. The generic Cape Whale Coast map in Ger­ man is available free of charge from the four local tourism offices on the Cape Whale Coast – Gansbaai, Stanford, Hangklip­Kleinmond and Her­ manus. Tourism members are encouraged to hand out these maps to Ger­ man visitors to make them feel welcome and at home!

Wind is soos mal ding en vis byt nie Die weerglas lyk sedert die naweek werklik of hy deur tik getik is. Dit swaai snags soos ’n woerwoer oor ons koppe. Wat die speletjie so 3 km daar bo bietjie aardig laat lyk, is dat dit nie met sterk lugbeweging gepaard gaan nie. Hier onder tussen die huise roer skaars ’n blaartjie. Vat nou maar vanaand (Donderdag), wanneer die son sak: dan staan die wind nog baie duidelik suidwes en vanaand as ons mekaar in die bed klaar die rug toedraai het, begin die bolug se kaperjolle wat mens laat kopkrap, want môre-oggend (Vrydag) wanneer ons by die venster uitkyk, staan die wind weer reg oos. Dis die teenoorgestelde rigting en dit hou net tot elfuur voor dit weer soos ’n mal ding omswaai en suid uit die suidweste binneland toe beweeg. Mens sou reken in hierdie amperse windstilte sal dit snikheet word. Maar dis nou van Hermanus; dis bitter min dat ons met ons heerlike vier seisoene so digby die Klein Karoo, baie erge hitte in die Overberg voel. ’n Leser het hoeka al laat weet dat ons in die Overstrand (soos die kraai tussen Worcester en Oudtshoorn vlieg), nie vêr van die grens van die Klein Karoo af is nie. So speel ons temperature dan tot diep in volgende week bedags rondom die twintigs – nogal lekker weer vir rondsit, biltong eet en vleisbraai. Oom Hennie Dirker (Caledon), laat weet dit gaan volgens sy berekening Saterdagnag (oormô-

re) neuk om tot 28 grade te styg en mense wat nou se dae al die warmer komberse uitgehaal het, sal hulle beslis deur die nag afskop as die wind reg uit die warm noorde op ons afdaal. Weerhaan stem met oom Hennie saam dat die luggie uit die noorde, waar die somerreëns end se kant toe staan, baie reënerige wolke na ons toe stuur. Maar nie meer as ’n nattigheid sal grond toe kom nie. Vir hengelaars is dit gagga weer. Die suidoos wat hulle soek vir die vis om te byt, swaai anyway deur die nag weer noordwes. Opsommend is die naweek en dae vorentoe, goeie tuinmaakweer en die oumense kan bietjie boekevat op die bankies langs die wandelpaaie. Die boere in die Overberg met wie Weerhaan dikwels gesels, vertel dis nou amper te laat om goed soos spruitjies, slaai en pietersielie in die grond te sit, maar boontjies, ertjies en knoffel moet dadelik in die grond kom. Volmaan is die 15de en dan saai ons beet, wortels, uie en radyse.


Hermanus Times

Algemeen General

10 April, 2014

THURSDAY 10 APRIL ) There will be hacking by Hermanus Hacking Group from 07:00 to 11:00 at Lagoon Edge. Call André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) Die borduurgroep vergader by die De Wetsaal elke Donderdag van 09:00 – 13:00. Kontak Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Women’s Business Network will meet at the Hermanus Golf Club from 09:00 to 11:00. Talk: Tips on Slowing Down the Ageing Process. Contact Deevra: 0 071 4777 850 or 2 womensbusinessnetwork1@gmail.com ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday of the month at the Classroom at 12:15. Contact Lyle: 0 028 314 1390 or 073 778 2777. ) Best­selling author Tim Butcher will give a talk about travel and adventure based on his books Blood River and Chasing the Devil at the U3A Overberg’s open meeting in the Overstrand Auditorium at 17:30. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. Call Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. FRIDAY 11 APRIL ) Hermanus Hacking group meets from 06:30 – 08:45 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. All volunteers welcome. There will be no hacking on Easter Friday. Call Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Tea, coffee, crafts and Easter Raffle Draw at the Bhuki Café from 09:00 to 11:30. All welcome. ) Kunsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus elke Vrydag van 09:00 – 12:00. Bel Estelle Valkenburg: 0 028 316 3522. ) Brug elke Vrydag by die De Wetsaal van

PJ Batteries

NO W OPEN AT: 4 Royal Str, Hermanus Tel: 028 – 312 1026, Cell: 072 1555 226 FOR Cars, Truck, Bikes, Quads, Alarm, Rideon-lawn Mowers, Golf Carts, Boats etc FREE: Battery Tes ting FITMENT WHILE YOU WAIT! We Charge Batteries Credit Cards Welcome Open: Mon–Fri 8:30 – 17:00: Sat 9:00-12:00

13:00 – 17:00. Kontak Jaye Howse: 0 028 312 1553. ) The U3A series Understanding Great Music: An Introduction to the Baroque Era, will be presented in the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Call De Powell: 0 028 316 1251. ) The Cape Town Male Voice Choir will give a concert in aid of Overstrand Hospice in the Grobbelaar Hall at 19:30 for 20:00. Tickets are R100 each, available at the door, from the Overstrand Hospice office at 10 Hope Street or the Hospice Shop at 3 Aberdeen Street. Call: 0 028 312 4679. SATURDAY 12 APRIL ) Hermanus Country Market from 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kos­ en wynmark van 09:00 – 13:00. ) Garden Market from 09:00 – 14:00 at Hemel­ en­Aarde Village. ) The third annual Trash to Treasure Festival of Transition takes place from 12:00 to 18:00 at the Greyton Green Park. Entrance is free in exchange for one eco­brick (plastic bottle filled with clean, dry, non­recyclable waste such as crisp packets). Call Candice Mostert on 0 082 850 4254 or Nicky Vernon on 082 558 7752. ) Launch of New Generation Toyota Corolla from 09:00 to 13:00 at Hermanus Toyota. Beverages and jumping castle. ) The Overberg Clivia Interest Group will have their first meeting of the year. Rare and unusual plants on display will be discussed. For more infor­ mation, contact Felicity: 0 028 316 3092, or Mirjam: 0 072 904 0415. SUNDAY 13 APRIL ) OAK presents Goitsemang Lehobye (soprano), accompanied by Mark Spence (piano) in the Over­ strand Auditorium at 15:30. Tickets are R100 (R50 for students). Book at Bellini gallery in Village Square or call 0 028 312 4988. Enquiries to René du Plooy: 0 082 940 4238.

Algemeen General

MONDAY 14 APRIL ) Hacking by Hermanus Hacking Group from 07:00 to 11:00 at Lagoon Edge. Call André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal: Maan­ dae 08:00 – 09:30; Woensdae 15:00 – 17:00 en Donderdae 08:00 – 09:30. Belang­ stellendes kan Alida Liebenberg kontak: 0 028 316 3994 of 082 783 5160. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 or 072 230 9179. ) The U3A lecture on French Rural Art will fea­ ture a presentation by Barbara Pretorius on Jean Francois Millet at 10:00 in the Catholic Church hall. Call Barbara Pretorius: 0 028 312 1438. ) Zumba dans, De Wetsaal, Maandae en Woensdae 17:30 – 18:30. Bel Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. ) Linedancing, De Wetsaal, 18:30 – 19:30. Call Maryanne Calitz: 0 073 469 9132. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) BirdLife Overberg’s monthly meeting at the community hall at Mollergren Park at 18:30 for 19:00. The guest speaker is Dr Ross Wanless, the manager of BirdLife South Africa’s Seabirds Division that includes the Albatross Task Force, will give a talk entitled: Going big – how BirdLife is resolving the global conservation problem of albatross extinction. Catering at R70 per head; bring your own drinks and glasses. RSVP with Helé: 0 073 456 0393 or 2 bird­ ing@southernartsceramics.co.za. TUESDAY 15 APRIL ) Hacking by Hermanus Hacking Group from 07:00 to 10:00 at Lagoon Edge. Call André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) The U3A presents Easter Music with JR at 10:00 in the Catholic Church hall. Call Allan Powell: 0 028 316 1251. ) Yogaklasse elke Dinsdag en Donderdag 17:30 – 19:00 by die De Wetsaal in Onrus. Bel Henriette Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809. WEDNESDAY 16 APRIL ) Hacking by Hermanus Hacking Group from 07:00 to 10:00 at Lagoon Edge. Call André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) Come and share the birding adventure to Zim­ babwe with well­known birders, John and Sheel­ agh Bowman and Gavin and Cynthia Turner, at the Fernkloof Nature Reserve Hall at 19:00. Visi­ tors welcome. For enquiries call Craig: 0 083 227 9003. ) Trimgim­klasse vir seniors weekliks deur Ma­ thilda Roos by die Onrusrivier­dienssentrum van 10:00 –11:00. R30 per dienssentrum­lid, R45 vir nie­lede. ) Kansa bied elke derde Woensdag ’n same­ koms aan om 10:00 by Europa Restaurant in Village Square, Hermanus. Kundiges deel ook hul kennis en ervaring. Vandag gesels SJ du Toit oor die geskiedenis van Hermanus en inkor­ poreer ook gesondheid hierby. Vir bywoning, bel Kansa­kantoor by 0 028 316 3678. ) Weigh­Less group meets at the De Wet Hall in Onrus at 08:30. Call Annette Meiring: 0 082 560 2836. ) Egskeidingsondersteuningsgroep elke twee­ de en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 in die gebedskamer by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier. Bel Erika Oosthuysen: 0 072 322 0998. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbe­ laarsaal. Bel Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. THURSDAY 17 APRIL ) Hacking by Hermanus Hacking Group from 07:00 to 11:00 at Lagoon Edge. Call André van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. EVENTS ) The annual Good Friday Passion Play on 18 April will take place in the Old Harbour and will begin at 18:45 with praise dancers fol­ lowed by a performance by gospel singer, Innes Benade. The play will start at 20:00. Entrance fee is R100 for adults, school children free. ) The Hermanus Botanical Society is holding its annual plant sale from 18 to 21 April from 09:00 to 16:00 at the nursery in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve. Call Margaret: 0 082 821 1872. ) AGM of the Recycle Swop Shop will take place at the Grobbelaar Hall on 30 April at 17:00 for 17:30.

Hermanus Times 10 April, 2014


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds


10 April, 2014



ANTON LOMBARD BOONZAIER 13/09/1946 - 08/04/2014. Anton Lombard Boonzaier passed away peacefully at home. Special thanks to sister Gerna and her team from Overstrand Hospice for their support and guidance. Much appreciation to our family and friends for their love and kindness. Anton will be sorely missed by his wife, Elizabeth, his four children, Lucian, Marian, Julia and Anna and his grandchildren. Private cremation.

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 079 697 6555/082 492 4285. ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za.



SUGAR PLUM Party Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913. FINANCIAL 1420


JAN CLOETE 1921/12/23- 2014/04/05. Saggies heengegaan en sal met liefde onthou word. Kinders, kleinkinders & agterkleinkinders.



WANTED: Antiques, furniture, paintings, bronzes, silver, porcelain, jewellery, watches, clocks. Cash payments for unwanted goods. Call 082 833 2567.



CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Specialising in Adolescents and Adults. Contracted into most medical aids. Call Natalie Bass 074 167 2800.

RAAI WIE IS EEN op 12 April? Baie lief vir jou van pa, ma en sussie. Lekker verjaar!


MASSAGE THERAPIST. Raymond Philpott. Therapeutic, deep tissue, sports. Kidbrooke Place & Botrivier. Call 082 599 2993. MEDICAL





NEW ROCK BAND looking for pianist/keyboarder willing to Gig. Must be willing to practice once a week. Jazz and Gospel LOWER BACK PAIN??? musicians need not apply. Unable to sit??? The Wed- Call Dean 072 698 5105. ge Cushion we supply, is TRAINING & the solution. To correct EDUCATION seated posture and pre1480 vent lower back injury. For further enquiries phone Susan or Yzelle on 076 153 4201.


BARGAIN SHOP. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508.


CAKES AND CUPCAKES for all occasions. To view Website: www.my cakeangel.co.za. E-mail: tarrynlotz@gmail.com. Call Tarryn Geyer 076 154 9612.

ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.



AFFORDABLE ONSITE Computer Support. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer with ten years corporate experience to assist you at home or office with all computer, network, internet and email problems. Call Jacques 084 402 0500.


1 x AFRICAN GREY HOK op stand + wiele. Normale grootte. Goeie toestand. R750. Nuwe motor alternator- Bosch vir Toyota. Nooit gebruik nie. R900. Skakel 074 190 2320. BABY NAPPIES from R1.50 each, Melissa 072 966 5149.

VAN DEN BERG ANDRIES 04/06/1940 - 08/04/2014. Met pragtige herinneringe neem ons afskeid van ons wonderlike man, pa, oupa en vriend wat nou veilig by Jesus is. Hy was ons sonskyn, vertroosting, ons lag en ons krag. Die groot man met so 'n klein hartjie. Ons sal hom met liefde onthou. Van Suignette, kinders en kleinkinders. Privaat verassing. Gedenkdiens: Fernkloof Natuurreservaat Hermanus - Saterdag 12 April 2014 om 11:00. Tel: 028 316 3387. IN MEMORIAM 1015

ROUAL PETERSEN 7/04/2014 Reeds 'n jaar van ons weg. Die gemis is nog groot maar sal met liefde onthou word.

PETRUS EN BESS MULLER van Sandbaai is 60 jaar getroud. Sy sê na 40 jaar drink jy skoon brandewyn, hy sê al is jy reg is jy verkeerd. GENERAL NOTICES ANIMAL ADOPTIONS 1201

TOIRTOISESHELL, Ginger kittens and female wire-haired Terrier very urgently need good homes. Call 028 341 0547/082 899 1172.

CONSOL SOLAR JAR R160 each in a case of 12. R175 individually. Free delivery in Hermanus - delivery charges may apply to other areas. Call Leanne 083 293 7208 -e-mail: funtimes@thephotowalk ers.com.


CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871. HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.

1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608. HERMANUS HIRING will fill all your function needs - Tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, linen, etc. At good prices. Call 028-312 4291 or Ken on 082 420 0060.

APPLE AND COMPUTER SUPPORT. Your friendly neighbourhood geek would like to help you sort out your PC and mobile device problems! I provide on-site support, tutoring and expert advice all at the best price in town. Try me! Call Chris on 082 856 5384.


CURVES FOR WOMEN 30-minute Circuit Supercharge weightloss and web PERSONAL based meal plans. E-mail: 1460 curves@hermanus.co.za. Call 028 316 2211. HOUSE & PET-SITTER AVAILABLE. Reliable and trustworthy. Live-in. Contact Deevra 071 477 7850 or deev67@gmail.com. OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679.


ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com

BED QUEEN SIZE XL (foldable) with pedestals in stained oak. Beautiful headboard. Simmons mattress R3450. Call 082 870 9056.

MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311.

FREE WELLNESS PROFILE. Call Tanya 082 796 5741 to book an appointment. HERBALIFE. Use winter to get ready for summer! Lose weight and keep it off! Professional follow up. Free delivery. Call 076 155 9648. HYPNOTHERAPY & LIFE COACHING. For the release of stress, depression, anger, weight issues, addictions, fears etc. Joe Hein 079 680 2600.

TAROT READING. 25 Years experience. Phone 083 750 9453 for appointments. THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884.

PRIVATE TUTOR: JP Teacher with remedial experience offering tutoring for young learners Gr R- GR 5 in Maths, English, Reading & Comprehension, Spelling & Phonics. Anne Dale 072 071 4289.

COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pentium 4's from R1299,00. Refurbished with warranty. Call Dolf Uys 072 705 8577.

COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.

BILJART TAFELBLAD met balle R500, hangkas met laaie (wit duco) R600. Skakel 082 878 6579/083 414 7991. BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749. BUY & SELL. Cash paid for unwanted household furniture, fridges, beds, etc. Super Seconds pays best. Call 079 746 0830. ELEKTRONIESE SIGARETTE is nou hier beskikbaar as alternatief vir die rook van skadelike tabakrook. Kontak: Ben 082 726 8771/ 028 316 4217.


Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

10 April, 2014


KLAVIER FRITZ KUHLA R10,000 asook panfluit, asook groot versameling musiek boeke. Skakel 028 316 1262. NOKIA 625 SMARTPHONE. Size 130mm by 70mm. Black, with protective cover and glass cover and includes charger and car charger. Purchased November 2013 for R4400. Need a smaller phone. Price R3000. Contact number 072 903 8232. ONS VERHUIS. Verskeie huisraad, breekgoed en elektriese toestelle te koop. Skakel 082 460 1805 PETS 1660

24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017. ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. No call out fee. Call 079 706 1056/074 126 4801.

HAVEN TUINDIENSTE Landskap vanaf 2002. Gras sny, blombeddings, sny heinings, erf skoonmaak, tuine skoonmaak. Skakel 083 556 9393.

THE TRANSPORTER. Airport transfers. Taxi and Cape Town shuttle services. Safe, reliable. PDP. Enquiries Megan 083 702 3273.


MIK & TAK. Specialising in tree felling and removal of garden rubble/waste. Contractor for Overstrand municipality. Michael 078 371 5967.

WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480.


WATERMARK MAINTENANCE. Irrigation design and installation. Pump repair. Repair of existing systems. Painting of houses, roofs and wood. Erecting of fencing, gates and burglar proofing. Garden cleaning, tree felling and instant lawn. Drainage and waterproof problems. Anything outside the house that needs fixing. Call Jay Smith 082 372 2448.

REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195. ZUKI'S GARDEN & Forestery Service. Alien plant clearing. Plot clearing. Garden refuse removal. Tree pruning. Hedge trimming. Weed extermination, etc. Call Zukisani 082 711 6102.






1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280. ccsplant@telkomsa.net.

ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS, painting, electrical, plumbing, tiling, building etc. Free quotations. Phone 082 864 2275.

NUTSMAN/HANDYMAN Phillip Hough. Sel/Cell: 079 613 9328. E-mail: vaphimopo@gmail.com.

A & A BOME. Afsaag van bome en takke, asook wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot by Rooi-Els. Aldert en Anita skakel 083 739 9865.

rugs & upholstery cleaners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 5385/028-316 4264.

OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.


ALL BUILDING WORK. Alterations, renovations, extensions, boundry walls, paving, tiling & painting. Call 082 255 0939.



TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering.


2 x 70M2 OFFICE SUITES For sale or to rent. Hemel en Aarde Craft Village. R4900 pm each. Call 072 797 2447.


CAR BATTERY SALE. 1/2 Price. 6 Month guarantee. Call 084 610 2815. PEST CONTROL -WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028316 3010.

NEWLY RENOVATED 62sqm office/shop space to rent in Hermanus business district, 4 Royal Street. Own ablution facilities. Phone 076 092 7240. TO LET: Bistro/Retail/Office Space to let in Harbour Road (previously Annie se Kombuis). Contact Xpert Property at 082 870 5704.



1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874.



BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.

FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. www.fynbosgardens.com




FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.


CAR BATTERY SALE. 1/2 Price. 6 Month guarantee. Call 084 610 2815.

BIKE, GENERATOR, Golf Cart and all other Batteries @ PJ Batteries 028 312 1026/072 155 5226.


ASEMROWENDE Tuindienste. Snoei & afkap van bome. Sny van gras, skoonmaak van erwe, rommelverwydering & meubelvervoer. Geute skoonmaak. Morné 083 225 3712.

DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. Fire wood. Call T.J.Boshoff 082 954 7970. E-mail: bossie.boom@gmail.com.



BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact 028 312 4615 or email us at advice@bbrokers. co.za. Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website: www.bbrokers.co.za.


A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798.


HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za.


MARTINI HENRY 450 Underlever Rifle CIRCA 1880. Call 028 313 1903.






NEW OR REMODEL Building Drawings done, with New Energy Regulations SANS10400XA, CESA, NRCS, SAIA, WSP. Call Jaco Sadie 076 330 0330.

A1 STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704. BUSINESS



• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com



ALL SEASONS is back in town. For landscaping, maintenance and plot clearing. Inquiries welcome. Call Juliet Leppan 072 942 1260.

I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.


PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028 316 1881 / 072 288 4761.

OVERBERG DRY TAR. We specialise in driveways, walkways, patios and more. Choose from asphalt, paving products, rubber surfacing, exposed CARPET and upholstery AFRI-LANDSCAPES. aggregate, concrete etc. Landscape design, installa- cleaning. Personal supervi- Contact Jaco Stander for sion. Best prices. Free quotion, irrigation and mainfree quotation at 072 225 tations. Phone Top Carpets tenance. For professional 3792. 028-313 0721. service contact Tony on 072 125 1855 or CINDY'S CARPET tony@afrilandscapes.co.za. CLEANERS. Carpets,


082 414 9611



ALUMINIUM ANGLO BUILDERS/EVENTS WINDOWS/DOORS. TOILETS, crane truck, Manufacture, supply, container & offices to rent. install direct. Replace wooCall 086 100 2271 or 028den/steel frames. Average 312 2367. house completed in 1 day. It pays to get our quote. GARDEN & Michael Haman 072 288 IRRIGATION 4761/084 558 1902. 1825




1998 OPEL KADET 200is, R35 000. Please call 073 025 0806.

DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS to ladies and mens clothing. Erna Vroom 072 380 0440/028 316 2376. Hemel-en-Aarde Estate.

REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. SCHEEPERS EN DE LANGE Konstruksies. Houtwerk en staalwerk. Plaveisel en 'n muurtjie. Hier 'n venster skuik daar of 'n vuurput bou. Skakel 072 010 7202. SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667.www. solarmax.co.za.

PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.

65M2, 2 SLAAPKAMERS, kombuis, leefkamer, badkamer, pakkamer. Beveilig, aparte toegang. Geen honde - kinders, 1 volwassene R3950, 2 volwassenes R4250. Call 083 270 4263. NORTHCLIFF Bachelor flat R2400 pm + dep. Ensuite room R1900 pm + dep. Non-smokers. Incl. water + 250u elect. Call 072 882 2744. ONRUS: 1.5 Bedroom garden flat. Very close to sea. No pets. No smoking. W&E included. R2700 per month. Call 072 125 1855.

AUDI A6 2.4 Multitronic 2002 automatic. New cambelt, water pump & tyres. SANDBAAI FLATLET Separate entrance, one R48 000. Call 071 433 room and bathroom R1200 2950. pm. Water & electricity HYUNDAI ATOS 2008 incl. Available immediasoos nuut. 61 000Km volle tely. Call Graham 081 271 diensgeskiedenis. Nuwe 2661. bande R59 000. Aldert 083 UNFURNISHED BACHE739 9865. LORS flat available immeTOYOTA TAZZ 1300 diately, suitable for 1 per1999 baie goeie toestand. son only. R 1900 including Nuwe bande, 114 000km. water & electricity plus R39 000 ohb. Aldert 083 deposit. Good security! 739 9865. Call 082 426 6872.

Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

10 April, 2014

VERMONT 1 Bed garden flat suitable for single working person R2650 + deposit. Water & electricity incl. Garage optional. No pets. Call 082 705 3055.



I AM THEMBA (30 Yrs) looking for a driving job. I have code 10 with PDP. I am fluent in English and also hardworking. Please call 078 403 2850/061 773 6819. LADY(35yrs) & married, looking for a housekeeping or babysitting job. Reference available. Please call 073 117 3658.


ZIMBABWEAN LADY looking for full time domestic work. Monday to Friday. Please call Martha 061 046 8919. GENERAL 3680

MALAWIAN Couple looking for jobs as a housekeeper & cooking. man as gardener or housekeeper. 4 Years experience. Call 079 033 5300/074 824 7171.

ONRUS MANOR RETIREMENT VILLAGE. Opportunity to rent a free standing home in secure upmarket retirement village. Beautiful surroundings. 2 Bedroom en-suite, lounge/dining. Mod kitchen, l/u garage. Patio & garden. Available 1st June R5900 pm. Call 073 149 1154.

HERMANUS HEIGHTS Furnished or partly furnished house for R7900.00 as from 1 May 2014. Three bedroom, two bathrooms, double garage, enclosed garden. Phone 084 200 2253.

SANDBAAI SPACIOUS 3 Bedroom double storey flat with small garden, secure complex, swim/pool, R5500 pm and prepaid electricity. Available immediately. Call Cornell 083 305 7337. VERMONT: R6000 pm, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage. Call 083 429 9919. FOR SALE 3201


SINGLE RETIRED Senior Citizen seeks 2 bedroom & garage flat or cottage. Hermanus area. Immediately. Call 028 313 2046. EMPLOYMENT

BERG 'N SEE AFTREEOORD R2 600 000. Pragtig gemoderniseerde eenheid. 2 Slaapkamer, 2 badkmr, studeerhoekie. Oopplan sit-en eetkamer met kaggel en sonstoep. Pragtige kombuis. Enkel motorhuis met waskamer. Web verw: 609 054. Hannelie 082 557 9358. www.gtproperty.co.za. Gurthie & Theron Eiendomme.

MALAWIAN LADY looking for a job as a housekeeper. Three years expe3670 rience. Stay in or out. 21 YEAR OLD Professio- Please call Brenda 061 896 nal waiter urgently looking 7576. for a job. 3 Years experiPHYLLIS A MALAWIAN ence. Reference available. lady is looking for full time Call 074 540 5968. or part time job in house(28YRS) LADY Looking keeping or domestic. Call for housekeeping/babysit- 084 044 1540. ting job. Please call 078 MALAWIAN MAN loo713 1145. king for a job as a housekeeper and cook. Have 32 YEARS old man looexperience in cooking and king for housekeeping or housekeeping.Reference gardening job. 5 Years available. Please call 078 experience. Reference 545 6004/081 058 2696. available. Call 071 978 1357. RELIABLE, honest & 39 YR MAN Looking for a plumbing job. Has 10 years experience. Reference available. Call 078 664 4248.

hardworking Zimbabwean lady looking for 3 days per week job. Reference: Mrs Keulder 076 866 8021. Call Faith 074 765 1075.

A 38 YR ZIMBABWEAN lady is looking for a housekeeping job. Reference: Mrs Swarts 079 288 1599. Call Fainah on 073 586 7724.

RELIABLE, HONEST, hardworking Malawian lady looking for a job as a housekeeper/babysitter or domestic worker, with experience & reference. Call Joice 078 735 6899/073 452 7348.

A MALAWIAN man looking for a job as a housekeeper, gardener, cook or carer of the aged. 3 Years experience. Reference available call 073 161 7757. Call 083 619 8576.


SEEKING EMPLOYMENT in Hermanus /Gansbaai areas. 24 Years experience in Supply Chain, Materials Control, Logistics, Distribution, Despatching, Expediting, Consignment. Have qualifications with valid Code 14EC PDP. Experience in Diamond mines, private sector & construction in DRC Congo. Call 079 097 6321 or e-mail: andrenelson57@yahoo.com . TWO COUPLES looking for jobs. Three years experience in Guesthouse work. Call Wengai 074 840 5464 or Mercy 084 646 5335.

GARDEN FLATS TO LET ONE BEDROOM Garden cottage to rent. Phone after 17h30. Ingrid 082 775 8847.

MALAWIAN LADY looking for domestic work Monday and Thursday. 2 Years experience. Reference available. Call 072 865 0373/078 386 4383.


A MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job - cooking food, gardening, caring for older people, housekeeping or painting. Please call 074 723 3188. CONTACT CECILE 082 811 4182 in Hermanus to buy or sell property.

MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a domestic or nanny job. Stay in or out. Reference available. Call 071 789 5837.

EK IS OPSOEK na 'n nagdiens werk. Het jare ondervinding van verpleging. Pas ook huise en diere op. Skakel my gerus. Mev Coetzee 082 620 9616. HONEST LOYAL Hardworking male looking for a garden job. All week. Call Sizwe 078 298 1726. I AM a Malawian looking for a job as a housekeeper or cook. 2 Years experience. Reference available. Call George 084 884 9029. I AM LOOKING for a job as a housekeeper or babysitter. I can cook. 10 Experience. Reference available. Call 071 701 5540.

DRINGEND OPSOEK na 'n pesoon wat kan kaste bou en installeer. Skakel 082 660 4455. EARN EXTRA MONEY with SDL. Cell 071 456 3498. HERMANUS FISH SHOPPE - Junior Afrikaans speaking shop assistant/cashier needed. Phone 083 457 5741 between 09h00 and 12h00 for appointment.



Hermanus Times

Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

10 April, 2014

Petri in high spirits while undergoing rehabilitation KERRY VAN RENSBURG The young man from Hermanus who sustained a spinal cord injury after diving into a swimming pool on Christmas Day (HT 16/01/2014), has been at a rehabilitation facility in Mitchell’s Plain for almost two months. Lourens (Petri) Erasmus (28) spent several weeks in ICU at Groote Schuur’s spinal-cord unit after rupturing the C5 vertebrae in his neck. He was injured on impact when he dived headfirst into a swimming pool. He is now paralysed from the waist down. After an operation and recovery time, he was moved to the Western Cape Rehabilitation Centre. His fiancée, Audrey Oosthuizen, who lives with Petri and his family in Northcliff, says she visits him every weekend. She says Petri is in good spirits and is showing some improvement. He is working with an occupational therapist and has started to gym. Audrey says Petri can move his neck, his shoulders and his arms. Donovan van der Westhuizen, Petri’s brother-in-law, who lives in the same house in Northcliff, says Petri’s neck brace was taken off two weeks ago. “He has control of his arms and wrists and although he can move his fingers, he cannot pick up objects yet,”

says Donovan. “Doctors are doing rehabilitation on his hands but are not optimistic about his legs.” Audrey says Petri can feel when someone touches his arms and legs, which, she has been told, is a good sign. She is positive about his recovery and says Petri has hardly been down since the accident. She says they are very spiritual people and being able to pray about his situation makes a big difference. She says his friend Pieter Bryns visits him every day and helps him shave and fetches the things he needs. Donovan says Petri is undergoing a three month rehabilitation programme. If he shows progress, he will stay longer. He says Petri may come home for a visit soon to see how well he can adjust to being at home. It is also an opportunity for the family to find out how they can best cope with his specific needs. Donovan says the house has to be modified to be wheelchair friendly. Audrey says the company she works for in Hermanus, Cupboards Inc., have helped with the flooring already, the adjustments of the kitchen cupboards and have built ramps as well. Audrey says although a fund has been set up which helps with Petri’s medical expenses, it does not cover his basic personal needs. If anyone would like to contribute to his day-to-day care, they can call Audrey Oosthuizen on 082 728 3928.

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY STUDY: On 3 April Hermanus Waldorf School signed an agreement with CORE (Centre for Organic Recy­ cling and Environmental). CORE will conduct a feasibility study for the generation of alternative energy at the school. Sharon Small­Smillie (left), chairperson of Hermanus Waldorf School’s Coun­ cil of Management, and Keamogetse Mokomele (right) principal of CORE, signed the agreement. Jakobus Human, from the farm Eerste­ bos, will donate R50 000 towards the feasibility study. The school is very grateful to Human for this opportunity to investigate ways of reducing their carbon footprint.

Rotary health day well attended A Rotary Family Health Day was held at Qhayiya Secondary School in Zwelihle last month. It was well attended by more than 800 people. Hermanus Rotarians and volunteers worked around the clock to assist in making a success of the day. Eye tests (an added extra) revealed that many learners were in need of glasses and Ro-

The Hermanus Rotary Club’s health day at Qhayiya encouraged the youth and young families in Zwelihle to access the services that were provided for the day.

tary will see what they can do to help in this regard. Besides the medical check-ups, the learners were also given the opportunity to apply for IDs as the Department of Home Affairs was also invited to be part of the day. There were also representatives from the local clinics, Boland College and Hermanus Police. The Rotary Family Health Days (RFHD) is a signature programme of Rotarians For Family Health & Aids Prevention, Inc. The pilot project was launched in Uganda in 2011. In May 2013, the programme was expanded to South Africa and Nigeria. The programme served a population of 275 089 people in 2013. It was initially developed to address the critically important issue of HIV/Aids in Africa, but has always included other health care services such as: • HIV counselling and testing • Safe male circumcision and the provision of condoms

Eye tests being conducted with learners at Qhayiya Secondary School during the Rotary Family Health Day on Monday 24 March. • TB testing • Malaria screens and provision of bed nets • Diabetes and blood pressure screening • Polio and measles vaccination • Deworming • Vitamin A tablets Rotarians also facilitate other services at various sites such as dentistry, eye testing, cervical cancer smears, mammography screens and hygiene education.

Blanket and food drive



Where are our owners? These dogs have all been at the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society for a week or more and HAWS is desperate to find their owners as the kennels are filled to capacity with unclaimed stray dogs. Judy Miller Carly from HAWS says they do not have room and are having to put up last chance posters for their animals. The names under these dogs are names HAWS has given them and not their real names, except for friendly Aldo, who was treated a while ago and abandoned by his owners. To claim your dog please call 028 312 1281 or 076 963 2092. “We do not want to re-home animals if they belong to someone else,” Miller says. Captain

Members of the Hermanus and Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society started a food and blanket drive for the animal shelters in the Overstrand/Overberg area last week, just in time before the cold winter months. The animal welfare societies that will benefit include Kleinmond, Caledon, Hermanus, Stanford and Gansbaai AWS. The organisers are looking for any kind of blankets as well as any food for dogs and cats. Danica Palvie, one of the organisers, says there are so many animals that are without homes and will still be this winter. “Please help us make it as warm and comfortable for them as possible.” If anyone would like to assist, contact Danica on danicapalvie@yahoo.com, Heidi Nortier on hnortier@hermanustoyota.co.za or Annelie le Roux on annelieleroux1@gmail.com or call 082 5166 446.

Hermanus Times

Sport Sport

10 April, 2014

Support the Camphill School Golf Day On 8 May Camphill School offers golf-lovers the chance to participate in the annual Camphill School Golf Day at the Hermanus Golf Club. Now a regular event on the Hermanus golfing calendar, there will be lots of fun to be had and heaps of prizes to win. Every cent raised will go towards improving the services offered to the very special children at Camphill School. About 84% of the 61 children at Camphill School are drawn from local disadvantaged communities, where families can pay little or

nothing towards school fees, while the government subsidy covers only 20% of the budget. Funding is therefore an enduring challenge for the school. The school is deeply indebted to the Hermanus community for its enthusiastic and sustained support. You are invited to put together a four-ball, at a cost of only R400 per player. To register and book a teeoff time, or if you would like to sponsor a tee, contact Genevieve or Michelle at Camphill School on 028 312 4949, or email michelle@camphill-hermanus.org.za. Monday 6 April 1. Adele Bovim / Annaloes Hoeve 62.50%. 2. Claudine Bylsma / Peggy Nicholson 58.65%. 3. Linda Zaaiman / Val Velaers 56.73%.

Bridge results: Wednesday 2 April N/S: 1. Carin Verburg / Wina Loubser 62.73%. 2. Nell Naudé / Jackie Ascham 56.71%. 3. Jaye Howse / Claudine Bylsma 50.23%. E/W: 1. Riekie Louw / Carren Emary 61.34%. 2. Annette Strachan / Aletta Robinson 58.35%. 3. Adele Bovim / Sylvia Smith 49.77%. Friday 4 April 1. Anneke vd Vlugt / Milly Ann Tanton 60.42%. 2. Peggy Nicholson / Val Velaers 58.33%. 3. Joan O’Connor / Julie Cotton 57.29%.

Whalers Athletic club - time-trial results Thursday 3 April 3 km runners: 1 Hugo Harmse 14.39. 3 km walkers: 1. Melany Vaughan 21.10 SB; 2. Willie Loedolff 27.57; 3. Yvette McCormick 28.30. 5 km runners: 1. Kevin Middleton 19.48; 2. Frank Gillion 19.51 SB; 3. Charles Malan 20.22 PB; 4. Daniel Maree 22.10; 5. David Cupido 24.29; 6. Mikki Milne 24.29 SB; 7. Johan Pelser 25.27; 8. Karen Austin 27.13; 9. Dorette Streicher 31.16; 10. Josef du Preez 31.46; 11. Shereleen Meyer

ARABELLA GOLF DAY: During the annual Arabella Ladies Golf Tournament held last Thursday, 84 women from clubs all around the Boland competed. Congratulations to the win­ ners from Paarl, who each received one night’s accommoda­ tion at the Arabella Hotel and Spa with dinner and break­ fast. Renate Steytler, lady captain of Arabella, wishes to thank all the sponsors. Pictured here is Renata (right), with the winning pair Paula Bester and Annemie du Toit.

Young and old hard at work on their “green boxes”.

The Camphill School Golf Day will take place on 8 May at the Hermanus Golf Club. 32.30; 5 km Walkers: 1. Arlene Ehrenberg 41.09; 2. Emmie Gouws 41.09; 3. Leo Benning 41.09. 8 km Runners: 1. Peter Rudhuka 29.42 SB; 2. Sign Mawunda 30.01; 3. Mark Kavanagh 30.25; 4. Christo du Plessis 31.38; 5. Robert Cooke 34.33; 6. Greg Hassenkamp 35.18; 7. Wilhelm Cooper 37.50; 8. Andre Koekemoer 37.50 PB; 9. André van der Merwe 37.50. Leapfrog 21 km race results in Gordon’s Bay Friday 4 April Frank Gillion: 1.27 and 3rd 50+. Kevin Middleton: 1.37. Roeloff van Weele 1.53. David Cupido 1.59. Liezl Geldenhuys 2.26. Josef du Preez 2.57. Arlene Ehrenberg 2.57 (walker).



Food for Sport programme flourishes About 20 children from Blompark Primary School in Gansbaai finished assembling “green boxes” along with members of the Football Foundation of South Africa and the local community on Saturday. Nine “green boxes” were completed, painted, and seeds planted as part of the Food for Sport Programme.

Food and sports activities were also provided for all involved at the Gansbaai Space for Sports facility. Children learned about healthier lifestyles through organic food production activities, sport and guided lesson plans. Recycled apple crates, donated by Solberge Farm in Grabouw, have been put in

place for students to use and will be used to teach them various lessons in team building and entrepreneurship, as well as provide an incentive for the students to take home their produce for family consumption, plant new vegetables through the seeds provided, and sell their produce for additional income.

Sportdagboek ) Die Hermanus Kushengelklub hou hul jaarlikse fondsinsameling ope-dag by Ampie se Dam langs die R43 naby die “Honeymoon Bridge” hierdie naweek.

Die kompetisie begin om 15:00 Vrydagmiddag 11 April, met lyne in om 18:00. Saterdag om 15:00 is lyne op met die prysuitdeling om 16:00. Seniors, kinders en vroue kan pry-

se wen vir die swaarste vis, en swaarste sak. Inskrywings is R80 per hengelaar. Bel vir Debbie Fouché by 083 271 7833 of John Immelman by 082 771 3704.

SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 (as amended) that OVERBERG REKENAARS CC Reg no 1995/023012/23 intends selling the business known as OVERBERG COMPUTERS as a going concern within a period of 30 (thirty) days after the last publication of this advertisement to ADMIN EVOLUTION CC REG NO 2006/010771/23 who will thereafter conduct the business under the same name. Dated at Hermanus this 3rd day of April 2014. BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS, PO BOX 1131, HERMANUS. TEL 028 312 4615

Inspired Life MINISTRIES

Invites you for a time of Worship, & the Inspired Word of God

All Welcome

Sunday @ 09am-10:30 am Evening Service @18:00 Sandbaai Saal Main Rd

Cecil & Brenda James 028-316 3224

KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING VAN BESIGHEID Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 34 van Wet 24 van 1936 (soos gewysig), dat OVERBERG REKENAARS BK Reg nr 1995/023012/23 van voornemens is om die besigheid bekend as OVERBERG REKENAARS as ‘n lopende saak te verkoop binne ‘n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae na die laaste publikasie van hierdie advertensie aan aan ADMIN EVOLUTION CC Reg nr 2006/010771/23 wat daarna die saak onder dieselfde naam sal bedryf. Gedateer te Hermanus hierdie 3de dag van April 2014. BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS, POSBUS 1131, HERMANUS. TEL 028 312 4615

SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 34 of the Insolvency Act No 24 of 1936 (as amended) that ML de Necker ID 670615 5004 084 intends selling 100% of the shares he holds in the Company known as Cybrolex (Pty) Ltd Reg no 2010/012848/07 which conducts its business at 11 High Street, Hermanus under the name Wild Side Promotions as going concern within a period of 30 (thirty) days after the publication of this advertisement to WJ Faurie ID 560314 5114 084 who will thereafter conduct the business at the said address. Dated at Hermanus this 3rd day of April 2014. BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS, PO BOX 1131, HERMANUS KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING VAN BESIGHEID Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van Artikel 34 van die Insolvensie Wet Nr 24 van 1936 (soos gewysig), dat ML de Necker ID 670615 5004 084 van voornemens is om 100% van sy aandele in die maatskappy Cybrolex (Pty) Ltd Reg nr 2010/012848/07 wat handel dryf te High Straat 11, Hermanus onder die naam Wild Side Promotions, as 'n lopende saak te verkoop binne 'n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae na die publikasie van hierdie advertensie aan WJ Faurie ID 560314 5114 084 wat daarna die saak by dieselfde adres en onder dieselfde naam sal bedryf. Gedateer te Hermanus hierdie 3de dag van April 2014. BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS, POSBUS 1131, HERMANUS

9 771608 589068

CRICKET: Fusion and Table Tigers advance JAN-HENDRIK KOEGELENBERG The Pennypinchers Business Cricket League is now in the final stages of the tournament. Fusion beat The Locals team and for the first time in a very long time The Locals have missed out on a final. The Fusion team played with determination and also took some chances. On the day these worked for them and in the end they won by 21 runs. Table Tigers took on The Chokers in the other semi-final on Sunday. The Chokers had a very good quarter-final game, but the semi was just one match too many for them. They only managed to score 65 runs in 10 overs. Pieter Joubert, a previous finalist in the tournament, was again in de-

structive mode and smashed the ball all over the park, helping the Table Tigers team to get a comfortable win in the 6th over of the match. This will also be Fusion’s first final. Table Tigers have played in the final once before, but this time they would like to re-write the history books. This coming Saturday the Over 35s will play their semi-finals; the plate semi-finals will also take place at the Hermanus Cricket Club. On Sunday the club will host six matches, of which all are finals for the Cup and Over 35s competition. The day starts at 10:00 and the final is scheduled for 15:30. An invitation is extended to all cricket lovers to come and enjoy a weekend of action at the Hermanus Cricket Club.

Hermies­leerders presteer by atletiek Die 15-jarige Tanisha Chowles het aan die o. 17-spiesgooi deelgeneem die afgelope naweek by die Boland Atletiek SA Jeug en Junior kampioenskapstoernooi by Coetzenburg-stadion in Stellenbosch, en ’n derde plek behaal. Sy het ook die bestaande rekord verbeter met ’n afstand van 45,12 m. Nog ’n Hoërskool Hermanus-leerling, Nelrine Beyers, het aan die o. 19-driesprong deelgeneem en ’n algehele sesde plek behaal. .

MINI-KRIEKETDAG: ’n Mini­Krieketdag het Saterdag 15 Maart, by Laerskool Hermanus plaasgevind. Skole wat deelgeneem het, is Laerskool Hermanus, Curro Hermanus, Eversdal, Bredasdorp, Stellenbosch, Durbanville, Overberg, Grabouw, Okkie Smuts en Gansbaai. Durbanville Voorbereidingskool se trompop­ pies het ook ’n uitmuntende vertoning gelewer. Laerskool Hermanus bedank graag Paul Killingsworth en GWM­Motors vir hul borgskap om die dag ’n sukses te maak. In die foto is die spannetjie van Laerskool Hermanus wat aan die Mini­Krieketdag deelgeneem het. FOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER

DOGS: Injury, thirst take toll as Naylor nails it ) The Individual Stableford (log) was held on 9 March in Kleinmond. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day that reminded one of wuthering on the heights of the Yorkshire moors. Indeed, you could almost hear the church bells of Halifax ringing out in celebration as the town’s favourite son pulled it off for the second time this year.

Regrettably, the wine he won was not up to his exacting standards, so he left it behind only to be pounced upon by those less choosy and more thirsty. Injury struck at the other end yet again as Coldplay had a spasm, leaving a more sober Cruiser to take the lesser honours. 41 David Naylor; 38 John Cheesbrough, Jon Forsyth, Tony Hackett;

35 Malcolm Lazenby, Michel Maury, Tony Wreglesworth; 34 Dave Brittain; 33 Alan Smith, André Franken; 31 Peter Sulley; 30 Gordon Wilson; 28 Dave Smith, John Tunstall, Dave Rade; 27 Hugh Frangs, Ian Newman; 24 Gary Wentzel; 23 Alan Calder, Arne Andersen; 21 Peter Thomas; 13 Chris Martin (DNF). – DAVE SMITH

GOUE MEDALJES: Tiaan Bos­ hoff (15) van Hoërskool Herma­ nus het op 1 en 2 April twee goue medaljes gewen tydens die Ned­ bank Nasionale Kampioenskappe wat in die Paarl gehou is. Volgens sy pa, Bossie Boshoff, behou Ti­ aan steeds die ti­ tel as die vinnigste junior handfietsry­ er in Suid­Afrika.

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