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Jou Koerant • Your Newspaper
R4.90 TAKING A STAND: Local petrol attend ants involved in the National Union of Metalworkers of SA (Numsa) strike which has gone on for more than three weeks already, formed a picket line on the pe rimeter of the Hermanus Shell garage on Wednesday morning. A strong police presence made sure the striking attend ants did not gain access to the petrol sta tion’s premises. The group called from the pavement for attendants at work to “come out”. The owner of the garage, Dominic van Schouwen said this was the first time since the strike had started that they have had any strike action at his fa cility. A police officer informed Numsa’s spokesperson that just as they had a right to strike, others had a right to work. He said the group could stand on the pave ment all day if they wanted, but the SAPS would stay put as well. In less than 45 minutes the group departed. Numsa and employers of petrol attendants and vehicle industry workers met for discussions on Wednesday morning to find a solution to the ongoing wagerelated strike, but the outcome was not known at the time of going to press. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
YOU BEAUTY! Lawton Roberts (centre) from Hermanus has been playing golf for 43 years and on Saturday, during the Whale Classic, he aced his first hole in one on the 16th. Here he is congratulated by cricketers Jacques Kallis and Mark Boucher who also played in the tournament. (See the full story on page 32.) PHOTO: GLYNIS VAN ROOYEN
Crime 'under control' JANINE VAN DER RIET
lthough there has been a decrease in murder in the Overstrand precinct, contact crimes like assault and property related crimes like burglaries and house robberies show a slight increase in some areas. Kleinmond showed an increase in assault with the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm, with 23 cases reported between April 2011 and March 2012, compared to 41 cases in the April 2012 to March 2013 period.Altogether 274 burglary cases were reported between April 2011 and March 2012, compared to 409 be-
tween April 2012 and March 2013. In Hermanus, stretching from Fisherhaven to Voëlklip, robbery with aggravating circumstances – when there is a direct threat or use of violence between a victim and perpetrator – increased from 66 cases to 104. Gansbaai had an increase in common assault from 95 incidents in the previous financial year to 111 this year. The major crime factors in the Hermanus cluster, which extends from Rooiels to Cape Agulhas, Protem and Stanford to Pearly Beach, were identified on Wednesday during a meeting attended by all the station commanders in the cluster, including chairpersons of the differ-
ent community police forums. Colonel Vincent Cetyana, Hermanus cluster commander, said the official crime statistics are already at best six months out of date. “The statistics are not reflective of current crime patterns and trends,” said Cetyana. The Hermanus cluster comprises 4 983 km² with seven police stations, two satellite stations and 434 cluster personnel. Five priority crimes were identified in the Hermanus cluster and a 1.6% increase in the cluster area was seen.The five priority crimes include contact crime, contact related crime, property related crime, other serious crime and crimes
heavily dependent on police action for detection such as drug related crimes. In Hermanus there is a -2,8% decrease in priority crimes, an increase of 29,4% in Kleinmond, a -9,6% decrease in Stanford and a -4,9% decrease in Gansbaai. The new statistics reveal that four murders were committed in Kleinmond in the last financial year (April 2012 to March 2013),compared to two cases between April 2011 and March 2012. In addition to the increase in burglaries in the precinct, which extends from Kleinmond to Rooiels, sexual crimes have increased from 11 to 28. The 29,4% increase in priority crimes in Klein-
mond is due to Kleinmond being a holiday destination with few permanent residents, says Hennie Westraat, chairperson of the Hermanus CPF. “People come to Kleinmond on holiday and then discover that there was a burglary. Suddenly the statistics increase dramatically during holiday seasons as people discover the burglary only weeks or months later.” Westraat says Kleinmond must not be seen as a dangerous place to live in. The Hermanus cluster has launched several operations, including special task teams, to patrol the area to stop criminals in their tracks. Continued on p.2.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
26 September, 2013
Crime stats released From page 1 “Kleinmond SAPS, like any other station in South Africa, has a manpower shortage. They have to patrol from Kleinmond right through to Rooiels, which consists of a large area,” says Cluster Commander Col Cetyana. Hermanus had 14 murder cases between April 2012 and March 2013. Thirteen of the 14 cases were brought to court thus far. In Stanford, there were 63 drug-related crime cases between April 2011 and March 2012, and 123 between April 2012 and March 2013. Police say the increase is because of different operations launched by SAPS and police action to confiscate drugs and arrest the drug dealers. No murder cases were reported in Stanford in the last year, compared to one the previous year. In Gansbaai, murder cases decreased from six to one. Cetyana says there are a few factors affecting crime, such as the large increase in the Overstrand's population, foreign immigration with informal shops in densely populated, low cost housing areas and a user market
HERMANUS Crime category
for drugs. During the meeting on Wednesday, Captain Louis Geldenhuys from Hermanus SAPS explained that the increase in the number of sexually related cases in Kleinmond comes as a result of police action and more cases being reported. “The hospitals now inform the police of any under-age pregnancies and the hospital becomes the complainant in these cases.” Common assault, says Cetyana, occurs more in the informal settlements where shebeens and informal shops are situated. “We have put structures in place to close down shebeens, but because of the new liquor law allowing residents to have 150 litres of alcohol on the premises, it is difficult to police.” Lucille Mangialli, cluster chairperson, says the community police forums cannot work alone and sub forums should be formed in areas where police stations are not close by, like Pearly Beach where Gansbaai is the nearest police station at present. “A partnership is very important between police, CPFs, neighbourhood watches, municipal law enforcement officials and residents.” April 2010 - April 2011 March 2011 March 2012
April 2012 March 2013
CONTACT CRIME Murder 16 15 14 Total sexual crimes 72 53 49 Attempted murder 20 14 12 Assault with the intent to inflict griev271 262 243 ous bodily harm Common assault 220 205 206 Common robbery 31 21 38 Robbery with aggravating circumstances 64 66 104 PROPERTY-RELATED CRIMES Burglary at non-residential premises 77 95 108 Burglary at residential premises 404 505 481 Theft of motor vehicle and motorcycle 21 29 26 Theft out of or from motor vehicle 160 203 120 Stock theft 4 7 1 CRIMES DEPENDENT ON POLICE ACTION Illegal possession of firearms and ammu15 9 5 nition Drug-related crime 318 288 259 Driving under the influence of alcohol or 150 146 100 drugs OTHER SERIOUS CRIMES All theft not mentioned elsewhere 533 658 712 Commercial crime 105 94 123 Shoplifting 181 104 80 SUBCATEGORIES OF AGGRAVATED ROBBERY FORMING PART OF AGGRAVATED ROBBERY ABOVE Carjacking 0 0 1 Truck hijacking 0 2 0 Robbery at residential premises 13 13 23 Robbery at non-residential premises 23 15 24 OTHER CRIME CATEGORIES Culpable homicide 4 5 9 Public violence 3 1 4 Crimen injuria 38 37 35 Neglect and ill-treatment of children 0 1 3 Kidnapping 3 2 5
Nuus News
PRO MUSICA-KOOR PRESTEER: Die plaaslike, nou reeds internasionaal befaamde, Hermanus Pro Musicakoor, onder leiding van Anne marie Rautenbach het die naweek ons dorp se naam weer hoog gehou. Na maande se streeksuitdunne is slegs 8 kore nasionaal (waarvan vyf reedsbekende Streeksjeugkore was) genooi om aan die finale rondte van die ATKV se Animato Koorkompetisie in die Pro Musica Teater in Roodepoort, deel te neem. Die koor het met ’n stapel toekennings huis toe gekom, onder andere ook as nasionale wenner van die Kerk kore afdeling. AnnaMarie Kotze, voorsitter van die koor, het baie moeite gedoen om byna al die koorlede vir die geleentheid in Roode poort te kry. Die koor bedank ook graag alle borge en individue. Borgskappe is moeilik bekombaar en van die ander kore moes onttrek vanweë ’n tekort aan finansiële ondersteuning.
See eis twee vissermanne JAMEY THOMAS
jnr., Hangklipsleephelling gevind. Vier van die mans is Soos vriende, fagevind, ná Du Plooy milielede en kenen Williams wat aan nisse kom om hul die romp van die innige meegevoel boot vasgeklou het, te betuig, sit ’n nog ’n noodfakkel hartseer Johanna omstreeks 18:42 op“Baba” De Wit (51) gemerk het. in ’n stoel voor Die soektog na De haar kamervenWit en Van As is ster in Cortlandts Dinsdagoggend Place, Strand en voortgesit waartyklou aan die soete dens De Wit se lyk herinneringe van ontdek is. haar lewensmaat. Johanna sê volAnthony “Tone” De Wit (54) het glo ná agt Die leemte in haar uur in die koue water gesterf. FOTO: VERSKAF gens Du Plooy was die water ysig koud hart ná die dood van haar man Anthony “Tone” De Wit (54), nadat en dat dit te veel was vir Tone, wat ook aan hul vissersboot Maandag omgeslaan het, on- emfiseem gely het. “Ná ’n paar uur en terwyl hy in Alwyn se arms was, het hy gesê: ‘Sê uithoudbaar. “Alles voel nog só onwerklik. Ek en Tone vir Baba ek kon nie meer nie, ek gaan nou is vandat ek 16 jaar oud is, al saam en ons doodgaan’,” vertel sy. “Later het sy vingers vier vanjaar ons 31ste huweliksherdenking. krom getrek van die koue, skuim het by sy Ons het alles saam gedoen en ek kan myself mond uitgekom en ná een vinnige ruk was ’n lewe sonder hom nie voorstel nie,” het Jo- dit dit.” Johanna sê Tone se lyk het in die rigting hanna de Wit met trane in haar oë gesê. Volgens Johanna is haar man, wat bekend van Hermanus gedryf. Johanna vertel haar man is met ’n liefde is in die Strand-gemeenskap, reeds vir die afgelope 35 jaar ’n visserman en is dít hoe hulle vir visvang gebore. Hy het sy eerste snoek hul brood verdien het. Hy het Maandagog- op die ouderdom van ses gevang. Tone was gend net ná 05:00 die huis verlaat om saam ook ’n lieflike mens met ’n hart van goud. met vyf van sy medevissers van 14 jaar by “Hy sou enigiets vir my gedoen het; niks was Hangklip te gaan visvang. Phillip Schoeman vir hom te veel gevra nie. Daar was nie ’n (53), die kaptein en eienaar van die 6 m-vis- beter mens op dié aarde nie.” Die De Wit-gesin weet nog nie wanneer die sersboot Ralda III, sy seun Phillip (27), Alwyn du Plooy (42), Pieter van As (55) en Joe Willi- begrafnis sal plaasvind nie, maar dit sal vanuit die Suider-Strand gemeente in Gordonsams (61) van Brackenfell was aan boord. Phillip Schoeman snr. is die seun van die baaiweg gehou word. “Die plan is om Tone se wens om veras te legendariese visserman Fanie Schoeman, wat ook die skrywer is van die bekende boek, die plek waar hy nog word te verwesenlik, Strike (wat dikwels bekend staan as die vis- waarna hy “terug na die see gaan – altyd wou wees”. serman se Bybel). Volgens die NSRI se verklaring moet die Ongeveer 10:00 en vermoedelik vyf seemyl van die kus tussen Hangklip en Kleinmond liggaam van die man wat Woensdagoggend het die boot omgeslaan. Die mans moes vir gevind is, nog deur familielede uitgeken byna 10 uur lank in die diepsee aan die boot word. vasklou. Volgens Johanna het die boot se anker glo vasgesit en toe die mans probeer om dit los te kry, het die boot omgedop. Du Plooy het verskeie kere onder die water geduik om reddingsbaadjies en noodfakkels te kry om hulp te ontbied en bo die water te bly. ’n Plaaslike visserman, Anthony Day, het die boot Maandagaand op die see gekry waarna hy dit na Hermanus se Nuwe Hawe gesleep het. Die eienaar het gereël dat dit later gehaal word. In ’n verklaring uitgereik deur die woordvoerder van die Nasionale Seereddingsinstituut (NSRI), Craig Lambinon, is hulle Woensdagoggend deur die polisie ingelig dat ’n visserman op nog ’n liggaam tussen Meerensee en Hawston op die strand afgekom het wat vermoedelik een van die vermiste vissermanne kan wees. ’n Soektog vir die mans is van stapel gestuur ná ooggetuies Maandagmiddag rooi noodfakkels in die see in die omgewing van Kleinmond gesien het. Reddingswerkers het om 17:00 die vissermanne se bootsleepwa en voertuig by die Phillip Schoeman snr. en
Hermanus Times 26 September, 2013
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
26 September, 2013
More than R1 M fines in 3 months JANINE VAN DER RIET The Overstrand Municipality earned a potential income of R1 022 200 in traffic fines issued in a period of three months. This is revealed in the municipality’s quarterly monitoring report for
the period from April to June 2013 for the directorate of protection services. However, this amount is more than R1 million less than it had been last year, when a total of R2 099 150 in fines were issued between April and June 2012. A total of 13 638 speeding fines were
issued in Hermanus, Kleinmmond, Gansbaai and Stanford from April to June this year. With the installation of mobile and fixed cameras by a new contractor, the number of speed transgressions in the Overstrand’s municipal area increased by 77% compared to last year the same time.
Traffic fines issued from April to June 2013 April - June 2013 Unlicenced motor vehicles Stop signs Parking offences Unlicenced drivers Safety belts
Hermanus 602 19 175 105 29
Kleinmond 54 5 50 36 20
Gansbaai 117 25 14 43 9
Stanford 11 1 7 9 2
Total 784 50 246 193 60
Value R392 000 R54 000 R123 000 R193,000 R60 000
Three clinic sites to be transferred to province KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Posbus / P.O. Box 2450 44 Brightstr. / Str 44 Somerset West 7129 T: 021 852 7404 F: 021 851 7020
Room 15 Hermanus Medical Suite Ravenscroft str Hermanus 7200 T: 028 313 2021
0913 DD 1C0M47522.cdr
Please contact us for an appointment for: - hearing tests - hearing aids - hearing protection
Three more clinics in the Overstrand will soon fall under the jurisdiction of the provincial government now that an application for these properties by the Department of Transport and Public Works has been approved by the local council. According to the documentation which served before the Joint Portfolio Committee Meeting on 20 August, after discussions between the Overstrand Municipality, the Department of Transport and Public Works and the Department of Health, a request was received for the donation of the properties on which the Gansbaai
Clinic, Hawston Clinic and Kleinmond Clinic are situated. This donation is in line with the National Health Act, whereby all primary health care services would become a provincial function by 1 March 2006. A Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Health and the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) was signed on behalf of the municipalities for the transfer of the functions, staff and all moveable and immovable assets. The Overstrand municipal primary health care facilities that were identified for transfer included the clinics in Gansbaai, Kleinmond and Hawston. Council was told that the
provincial government will invest R11 million in the upgrade and expansion of the Gansbaai Clinic. The Hawston Clinic, which was built 28 years ago, and the Kleinmond Clinic, which was built in 2005, will also be upgraded and brought up to standard for the communities they serve. The properties were valued at R1 725 000 but the municipality has forfeited this money because of the “community value to be received in exchange for the property”. The Overstrand council approved the transfer of these properties on 28 August and the donation ensures that the services provided at these three established clinic sites will continue.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
26 September, 2013
Fees ’n groot sukses JAN-HENDRIK COETZER Vanjaar se Two Oceans Walvisfees het weer eens meer as 100 000 mense na Hermanus gelok. Die organiseerder van die Walvisfees, Leon Theron, sê “alhoewel dit nog te vroeg is om al die terugvoer oor die fees beskikbaar te stel, was die meeste terugvoer wat ons tot op hede van feesgangers, borge en stalletjieeienaars gekry het, baie positief.” “Ek het 54 radio-onderhoude toegestaan en die mediadekking wat ons hierdie jaar gekry het, was groot. Kfm 94.5 wat van hier af uitgesaai het, het die fees ook ongelooflik baie adverteer, veral tot aanloop van die fees.” “Selfs die burgemeester, Nicolette BothaGuthrie, het genoem sy kan nie glo hoe baie mense hier in Hermanus is nie. Ek het ook terugvoer gekry van plaaslike restaurante, hotelle en gastehuise, wat aangedui het dat hulle vir die hele feestyd vol was,” sê Theron. Daar het egter ook hier en daar ongewenste insidente opgeduik. Volgens Theron het hulle gevalle gehad waar selfone gesteel is en daar is ook motorinbrake gerapporteer. “Alhoewel ons nege ADT-sekuriteitswagte gehad het wat 24-uur die area patrolleer asook Hermanus SAPS wat op bystand was, is hierdie maar goed wat gebeur, maar gelukkig was daar geen ernstige insidente soos byvoorbeeld geweld nie.” “Daar is wel ook Maandagaand by die Coke-trok ingebreek en van die voorraad is gesteel,” sê Theron. Nog ’n geval waar diefstal voorgekom het, was by ’n stalletjie in die handwerktent wat hul items ten bate van die Dowe Gemeenskap van Kaapstad verkoop het. Volgens Faith Tronwright, wat die stalletjie beman het, is sowat agt items uit hul stalletjie gesteel ná hulle Sondagaand toegemaak het.
Die Walvisfees-voorsitter en eienaar van Fabio’s Restaurant, Fabio Lenci, sê al die terugvoer wat hy tot dusver ontvang het, was positief. “Daar is volgens my nie een restaurant in Hermanus wat kan kla nie, want al die restaurant-eienaars met wie ek gepraat het, was dit eens – hulle was volgepak. Mense het die musiektent baie geniet.” Jeanette du Toit van Jaydee Media, en ook die ondervoorsitter van die Walvisfees, het die speelarea voor die Ou Hawe Museum gereël. Daar was ponieritte, bubble balls en roeibootjies. “Dit was ’n reusesukses. Ek kon duidelik agterkom dat die volwassenes baie langer in die fees-area bly as daar iets lekker is vir die kinders om te doen,” sê Du Toit. Leigh Fullex, komiteelid by die Walvisfees, sê die stalletjies het ook baie goed gedoen. “Sally Williams-nougat se stalletjie het twee keer uitverkoop en die Chip & Dip-stalletjie het die beste gedoen in sewe jaar. Marldy Coffee van Johannesburg, wat die fees vir die eerste keer bygewoon het, het ook aangedui dat hul stalletjie baie goed gedoen het en dat hulle verseker volgende jaar weer kom.” Geraldene Erasmus, ook ’n komiteelid wat Market Square tydens die feestyd bestuur, sê die Ola-roomysstalletjie het ook uitverkoop en Runaway Dogs, wat worsrolletjies maak, moes twee keer voorraad aankoop waarna hulle alles uitverkoop het. Die portefeuljehoof van beskermingsdienste by die Overstrand-munisipaliteit, Moira Opperman, het tydens hul raadsvergadering gister die munisipale wetstoepassers bedank vir hul sigbaarheid by die Walvisfees. Volgens Opperman is geen insidente by haar kantoor aangemeld nie. Oor die Walvisfees in die algemeen, sê Theron, kan Hermanus met reg trots wees.
Hermanus het uit sy nate gebars tydens die Two Oceans Walvisfees, en vanuit die lug ge sien, het dit baie feestelik gelyk. FOTO: LOUIS GENADE / PROPERTY SKYCAM AERIAL PHOTOGRA
Toe die sonnetjie Sondagoggend sy kop uitsteek, het die gedeelte bo die Ou Hawe gewemel van oud en jonk wat die Walvisfees besoek het. FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET
Hermanus Times 26 September, 2013
Algemeen General
THE RESTAURANT@NEWTON JOHNSON: Awardwinning local chef Eric Bulpitt has exchanged the glamour of The Roundhouse Restaurant in Camps Bay for the downtoearth goodness of our HemelenAarde Valley. Installed as the new chef at Newton John son Vineyards, where Heaven Restaurant closed a few months ago, Eric has revolutionised the kitchen and introduced guests to his fine cuisine at the venue’s opening function last week. The restaurant’s seating area has been enlarged and the barrier between diners and kitchen have been broken down with a new openplan design. At Eric’s side is his fiancée Celeste du Bruyn (right) and Louise Jar dine from the famed Jordan Restaurant at Jordan Wines.
Entertaining guests at the opening of The Restaurant @ Newton Johnson was Gor don Newton Johnson, seen here chatting with Pauline de Bruyn.
Simon Lenton and his wife ElseMarie, the new owners of Milkwood Restaurant in Onrus, enjoyed the opportunity to get out of their own kitchen and be served as guests at the event.
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Algemeen General
Eureka Steinmann (links) van Voëlklip is die gelukkige wenner van ’n braaipak. Cilene Bekker, nuusredakteur van Hermanus Times, het Dinsdagoggend die prys aan haar oorhandig. FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET
Braaidagname wen pryse JANINE VAN DER RIET Die openbare vakansiedag op die Suid-Afrikaanse kalender op 24 September is nou alombekend as Braaidag, te danke aan Jan Braai, en Overstranders het behoorlik gebruik gemaak van hierdie vakansiedag om die vure te stook. Hermanus Times het saam met Jan Braai se veldtog om dorpe se name te verander na iets met braai te doen besluit om ’n kompetisie te hou en lesers is genooi om Overstrand se dorpname na braai-name te verander. Die wenner van ’n hoender braaipak, ’n pakkie Jan Braai Boerewors en ’n groot homp biefstuk is Eureka Steinmann van Voëlklip. Sy sê sy hou van woordspeling en het gougou interessante nuwe name uitgedink. Haar weergawe was as volg: Kleinmond is nou Kleintjops, Pearly Beach is Pearly Beef, Onrust is Onroast, Baardskeerdersbos is Braaiskeerdersbos, Stanford is Stanwors, Caledon is Calebraai en Grabouw is Braaigouw. Inskrywings wat amper gewen het sluit in Phil Pienaar van Voëlklip met Bettiesbraai vir Bettysbaai, Sandbraai vir Sandbaai en Pleasant Braai vir Mount Pleasant. Angela Kies het Hawston se naam na Braaiston verander en Adrian Stoffels het Hermanus herdoop na Herbraainus. Renée Clarkson het Hermanus Pietersfontein verander na Hermanus Braaifontein en Arlene Meyer het Hermanus herdoop na HermanSeSous.
Hermanus Times 26 September, 2013
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
26 September, 2013
Inwoners kla oor stilstaande water KERRY VAN RENSBURG
onderkant die Mount Pleasant begraafplaas is vleiagtig gedurende die winterreënseisoen. Op ’n oop stuk “Tydens die onlangse grond agter die aanhoudende reën, het Mount Pleasant bedie munisipaliteit ’n sloot graafplaas, is daar gegrawe om te verhoed ’n watersloot vol dat die afloopwater die stilstaande water aangrensende huise oorwat kommer wek stroom. onder inwoners. “’n Ondersoek, wat op 17 September gehou is, het Inwoners van Freegetoon daar is geen slegte siastraat in Mount reuk was nie en dat die Pleasant, wie se ag- Naby die stilstaande water meeste water reeds geterkant van hul huise lê waterpype wat nog nie dreineer het. aan die oop stuk gekoppel is. “Die munisipaliteit sal grond grens, waar die stilstaande water voorkom, het na- die situasie verbeter deur addisionele vraag gedoen oor wat presies die situa- pype te lê en die sloot vlakker te maak,” het Kearney gesê. sie met die water is. “Ons sal nie nou ’n volwaardige Volgens hulle lê daar waterpype langs die sloot, maar dat die water nie in dié stormwaterstelsel kan lê nie, aangesien daardie area geoormerk is vir ’n behuirigting vloei nie. Don Kearney, senior bestuurder: Her- singskema en die munisipaliteit nie manus Administrasie, het gesê die area vrugtelose uitgawes wil aangaan nie.”
Inwoners van Mount Pleasant is bekommerd oor hier die stilstaande water op die stuk grond agter die be graafplaas. FOTO'S: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Children search for shark eggs
MAYOR STEPS IN: Truck loads of sand were delivered to Qhayiya Secon dary School last week to help alleviate the soggy conditions on some parts of the school grounds. “In some areas where water has always accumulated when it rains, it causes discomfort as we can’t navigate those areas,” ex plained teacher Mogamat Kamedien. The school asked the mayor for help with the situation and she called on the municipality’s infrastructure services to assist the school. The school thanks the mayor for her generous assistance.
exercise. Children from Bosko The project is Christian School took one of the many part in a shark egg projects that WCC hunt on Grotto beach has initiated last week, and helping through the Ecothem look for these Schools initiative. elusive egg cases were A demarcated several interns from area was selected the SA Shark Conand the children servancy. walked hand in Sharaine van Wyk hand looking for from Whale Coast shark eggs which, Conservation’s Eco- Bosko’s Gr 2 teacher Marli Shaw and her Schools programme pupils with some of the SA Shark Conservan when found, they had to pick up, organised a film crew cy interns. PHOTOS: FELICITAS MADZIVIRA identify and classito shoot a promotional segment to help raise funds and aware- fy according to an information worksheet ness for the work that the Eco-Schools pro- compiled by Van Wyk. The children were accompanied by Shirley gramme does in Overstrand schools. Bosko Christian School’s Grade 2 class, Volkwyn from the WCC Eco-Schools prowith teacher Marli Shaw, were asked to go gramme and SA Shark Conservancy (SASC) to Grotto beach to take part in the shark egg interns visiting from overseas.
Hermanus in 2050: time for public input What kind of environment would you like to live in, in 30 to 40 years’ time? In terms of the new Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, municipalities must have a five-year spatial plan as well as a long-term spatial development vision. The Integrated Development Framework (IDF) provides guidance to the private and public sectors on the agreed long-term spatial planning and strategic development direction for the Overstrand. Categories taken into consideration include land use, transportation planning, infrastructure, services, housing and facility provision.
The strategic documents are available for scrutinising at Public information sessions will be held on 2 October at the Kleinmond Library from 17:00 to 19:00; 3 October in the Gansbaai Municipality Council Hall from 17:00 to 19:00; and on 4 October in the Hermanus Banquet Hall from 17:00 to 19:00. Comments can be submitted until 1 November to the Overstrand Municipality Town Planning Department, PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200. Alternatively, e-mail or fax 028 313 2093.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
26 September, 2013
At the Small Claims Court (SCC) presentation of an Exemplary Service Award to Terry Kelly were (back from left) Michael Range (vicechairperson of SCC Advisory Boards), Tasmin October (clerk of the SCC) and Adrian Louw (chair person of the SCC Advi sory Boards). Seated in front are Eretha Steyl (acting manager of the Hermanus Court), Terry Kelly (retired chairperson of the SCC Advisory Board) and LP Le Roux (senior magistrate: Her manus). PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Commissioners praise Kelly’s contribution KERRY VAN RENSBURG An Exemplary Service Award was presented to Terry Kelly on Thursday 19 September by his colleagues in the legal and administrative team at the Hermanus and Caledon Small Claims Court. Kelly, a retired lawyer, served as a commissioner and chairperson of the advisory boards for the Hermanus Small Claims Court (SCC) and the Caledon SCC for more than a decade. He resigned from this voluntary post several months ago and his colleagues wanted to acknowledge the contributions he had made. Andries Nel, deputy minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, thanked Kelly in a letter for the valuable contribution he had made not only as commissioner, but also as chairperson of both advisory boards.
“I do, however, wish you a well-deserved rest after a long career,” writes Nel. His sentiments were echoed by Advocate Pieter du Rand, chief director of the Criminal Justice System Review (CJSR) division and programme coordinator in the Department of Justice. Adrian Louw has taken over from Kelly and has been appointed as the chairperson of the SCC Advisory Boards for Hermanus and Caledon. “Kelly was the glue that held us together,” says Louw. “He stayed the course and made sure that there was access to justice for all.” Louw says Kelly inspired other attorneys to offer their time in the SCC. Kelly, who was described by his colleagues as a “perfect gentleman”, is the first recipient of the exemplary service award, which was presented to him on behalf of all the Hermanus and Caledon commissioners.
OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE: The prosecutors and support staff at the Hermanus Magistrate’s Court received an award from the chief pro secutor of the Mitchell’s Plain Cluster, extending from Simon’s Town to Bredasdorp, in recognition of out standing perfor mance as the most improved District Court in the cluster for 20122013. The Hermanus prosecutors proudly displaying their certificate are (from left) Zanekaya Mdivasi, Asanda Nelana, Christa Siebrits and Harold Engelbrecht. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Hermanus Times
Mense People
26 September, 2013
ZIPPITYDOODAH: Dié 9jarige seun het duidelik nie ’n bang haar op sy kop nie. Aidan Christenson van Edgemead het Sater dagoggend tydens die Walvisfees die “Zipli ne” wat oor die ou hawe strek, aangepak. By hom is Deon Roode van Hermanus Fo rest Adventures wat seker maak Christen son is styf vasgegespe.
Die “Zipline” is nou ’n baie gewilde avontuurrit wat tydens feeste aangebied word.
KRAGTOERTJIES: Dié groepie dansers se besondere talent het mense se monde laat oophang. FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET
HANDTOERTJIES: Jack Mantell (12) van Durbanville het besoekers oorkant die KFM stalletjie vermaak met ’n stel stokke. Hy het ’n boksie op die grond geplaas vir donasies. Hy sê hy doen die toertjies en kunsies by feeste om geld in te samel, want hy wil graag ’n bromponie koop.
FAVOURITE SNACK: Without doubt the Chip Twister was one of the favourite snacks on offer during the Whale Festi val’s. There was a nev erending queue of hun gry festival goers lining up to buy these tasty fried potato treats. Look ing very pleased with their twisters were Mari anna and Leigh Gardin er from Hawston. PHO TOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
LEFT: The tall skinny clown at the festival kept children passing by enthralled as he made his way through the festival crowd. RIGHT: Arista Paxton kept the Saturday mid day crowd gath ered in the Two Oceans Whale Festival music marquee enter tained with her catchy songs and vibrant stage presence.
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Hermanus Times
Mense People
26 September, 2013
POP UP SHOP: Craig Carbutt (left) from the Cape Craft & Design Institute’s rural outreach in the Western Cape, created a Pop Up Shop in the Pick n Pay/Ipic Centre for the duration of the Whale Festival. Overstrand craft producers (22 from the Overstrand and 3 from the Overberg) reg istered on the institute’s data base were able to display their products in the shop. Craig says they provide the craft produc ers with market, business and product support and the Pop Up Shop was an op portunity for the craft producers to display their products in an attractive environment. The Ipic Centre provided the venue free of charge for five days. Helping Craig in the shop was Stanford crafter Nokuthula Radebe who makes sharks and other items from inner tyre tubes and door mats made from recycled bottle tops.
KINDERPRET: Daar was verskeie aktiwiteite vir die jong klomp. Dié pretrit was baie gewild en die kinders het geskaterlag van lekkerkry.
Die massiewe waterplastiekballe voor die Walvishuis was nog ’n treffer onder die kinders. FOTOS: JANINE VAN DER RIET
Vriendinne Angeline Fredericks (Durbanville) en Glenda Conrad (Malmesbury) spog albei met ’n Walvisfeesplak kertjie. Dit is Glenda se eerste fees en sy sê hulle het al 05:00 Sateroggend in die pad geval om die dag in Her manus te kom geniet. FOTO: CILENE BEKKER
Nokuthula Radebe’s iconic welcome mats made of recycled bottle tops were among the items on display in the Pop Up Shop.
MUNISIPALE UITSTALLING: ‘Tyd vir uithaal en wys’ was die leuse van die munisipale uit stalling by die Two Oceans Hermanus Walvisfees. Dié uitstalling het heelwat aftrek gekry by feesgan gers en baie moeite is ge doen met die stalletjies. Estelle Spaarwater (Erfeniskomiteelid), Johnty Abra hams (bouinspekteur) en John Simson (bestuurder: boubeheer) het diens gedoen by die Direktoraat: Infrastruktuur en Beplan ning se uitstalling.
FISHING FOR INFO: Arno Munroe, communications officer of Fisheries held his audience captive with an informative session on coastline fishing.
Henley Dyers, een van die bobbejaanbe heerders, by Omgewingsbestuursdienste se stalletjie.
SHARK ALERT: Myriam Vanderzwalmen and Tiffany Nay drew attention with their head gear. They are both interns at the South Afri can Shark Conservancy.
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
26 September, 2013
EDITORIAL COMMENT Whale Festival holds its own Despite residents being divided over whether the Two Oceans Whale Festival still has a rightful place on the yearly festival calendar in Hermanus, it seems as if by all accounts the festival can still claim its spot. The Whale Festival may not offer the many shows that other festivals do, but what is becoming increasingly clear is that it is a festival for the whole family, with more than 100 000 people from all over attending it. This year also proved that entertainment for the kids play a huge part in the success of the festival. The play area in front of the Old Harbour Museum was packed, and of course that means only one thing – mom and dad stay for longer. Many of the stalls were also completely sold out and according to many the music tent was the best in years. It offered a wide variety of good music and the layout was cleverly done to give it a nice flow. Restaurants were also packed and guesthouses were fully booked. Many of the guesthouses even had to send people away because there simply wasn’t any space available as people flocked in from all over. The Overstrand Municipality also said it was a job well done. So, however one looks at, it seems that the Whale Festival is here to stay, and hopefully for many years to come.
SEEING DOUBLE: This photo was taken by Caroline Tjabring while waiting for her husband at Grotto beach (lagoon side) during the 21km Whalers Marathon on Saturday morning. The second rainbow is very faintly visible and it was there for a split second, says Caroline. The colours of the second rainbow are reversed. PHOTO: CAROLINE TJABRING
In support of protecting Piet se Klip All people have the right to express their opinion, but when it is submitted under the pseudonym of “Anonymous”, that is cowardly and should not have been published, in my opinion. Marine environmental issues often get caught up in the long-winded bluster of laws and bylaws, to the detriment of the creatures and their natural environment that these very laws are trying to protect. "Anonymous" asks for someone in Hermanus to “take this further” and I too am asking that the correct government/municipal department gets it together to erect signs guiding tourists as to where, or where they may not, clamber to get a better view of the whales. I have lived in the Hermanus area for many years and over the whale season have seen many a tourist blundering over sensitive biodiverse areas in order to get as close to the whales as possible. All they are interested in is that photo of them pointing to a dark smudge in the water so that they can show their mates back at home, forgetting that they are stomping over sensitive fynbos or black mussels, or
chasing away all birds and other life to get there. Piet se klip is a rest-haven for many species of marine birds, sometimes hundreds at a time, as well as the Cape Fur Seal, also sometimes by the dozen, but of course “Anonymous” in their ignorance didn’t care about that as they tried to see the whales as close as possible. Binoculars get you even closer. Giangi Negra, in my opinion, is doing a mighty fine job of preserving what little is left of biodiverse hot-spots and natural environments along the cliff path by ensuring that ignorant once-off tourists do not infest Piet se Klip like a bad rash. Who would if not for him? Future generations can then have the privilege of learning and witnessing all that our incredibly rich and biodiverse Walker Bay marine reserve has to offer from the smallest to the largest. I wonder what Gearing's Point would have looked like 100 years ago, before anonymous tourists tried to get as close as possible?
‘Drogbeeld’ voor Ocean Basket verwyder Ek was verskriklik verlig toe my vrou my vertel dat die “Drogbeeld” wat op die grasperk voor Ocean Basket opgerig was, verwyder is en dat die berig daarvan in u koerant is. Toe ek die eerste maal by my buurvrou hoor van die gedrog wat op die grasperk staan, was ek tot in my diepste wese geskok dat so ’n “gedrog” in ons dorp kon opgerig word sonder dat ons eers bewus was daarvan. Die beeld was ’n openlike uitnodiging tot die satan om ons dorp vir homself te kom toe eien. Asseblief, ek vra die stadsvaders en die wat in beheer is van wat opgerig en nie opgerig mag word in ons dorp dat u asseblief eers by die inwoners sal toestemming kry om sulke goed goed te keur. Baie dankie vir die verwydering daarvan.
Whale Festival produces some real heroes
Groot waardering vir Mediclinic Dis met groot dankbaarheid en baie waardering dat ons al die personeel van die Mediclinic Hermanus wil bedank vir die sorgsaamheid en groot deernis waarmee hulle vir Johann behandel het – van die kombuispersoneel tot spesialiste het een en elk die ekstra myl vir hom gestap – en Johann was bewus daarvan en erkentlik daarvoor. Ons innige dank aan elkeen van hulle. It is also with heartfelt appreciation that we thank all friends and family for phone calls, flowers, visits and other means of support during the past weeks. Be assured that your kindness will always be remembered. Ons opregte waardering en dank gaan ook aan die dames van die NG kerk wat verantwoordelik was vir die verversings ná die begrafnis.
There were always going to be conflicting reports about the Whale Festival. This Whale Festival had its fair share of controversy before it even started and I’m sure there were a few of us who were concerned whether it would withstand some of those controversies. Having said that, I was not just pleasantly surprised, but overwhelmingly blown away by some of the efforts made by individuals and organisations to ensure that the Whale Festival put its best foot forward. Recognition must be given to Leon Theron and especially Jeanette du Toit for their mammoth contribution to the smooth delivery of the Whale Festival yet again. After doing snap surveys in the hotel amongst guests and staff alike, the surprising “hero” of the whale festival was the Over-
strand Municipality Info Tent. According to the vast majority of people surveyed, it was agreed that not only were the staff of the Overstrand Municipality helpful and friendly, but they were also extremely interesting and passionate about their message. Well done to all of them for their efforts. You have done the Overstrand extremely proud. There will always be controversy about the Whale Festival and there will always be conflicting views, but there is no doubt that this festival has a role to play in the future of Hermanus. Looking forward to the next Whale Festival and, of course, all the controversies that surround it.
Home Affairs service is smooth flying Earlier this month I needed to renew my passport. Having heard and read so many “horror” stories about the Home Affairs office, I wondered if it would be necessary to take a flask of coffee, some sarmies and a good book. In fact, arriving at Caledon on a cold, wet, miserable early morning, I was in the Home Affairs office, processed and on my way home within 20 minutes.
After eight days I received an SMS to tell me my passport was ready. Returning to Caledon – again on a cold, wet miserable early morning – I was in, received my passport and on my way home within six minutes. Thanks to all staff, and especially Desmond Arendse, for a job well done.
MAMMA, JY MOET NOU LUISTER: PA PRAAT. Die mannetjie Francolin wys wie is baas in die tuin deur hom op te pof. “Agt kuikentjies het twee weke gelede hul versky ning gemaak, maar nou is daar net ses oor. Die natuur is maar wreed,” sê Leo Benning.
Well done to the police I must admit, I am very proud of the Hermanus Police. Drunk driving is a crime, and recently I personally witnessed four arrests. Irresponsible people who drink and drive put me and my family at risk. It makes me very angry and it is good to see the local police taking action. Other towns with big night clubs (Langebaan) and festivals (Oudtshoorn) should take note of what a brilliant “no tolerance” example Hermanus is setting. Well done, Hermanus Police! You have restored my faith in our country’s policing system!
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
26 September, 2013
) Breakins and robberies will continue
as long as we “don’t resist and let them help themselves”. We already pay tax es as well as a security company for pro tection, but cannot afford to keep a dog as well (food, vet fees and kennel costs when away). This crime needs to be stopped now by the people who we pay to do this! ) Can the security companies not do nate a mobile panic button or an item we can wear around our neck that we can activate when in danger before at tacked? The noise must scare him off; policetype siren? Help us please. I won’t be murdered. I will fight back in any way I can and you will come off worse. My dog protects me. ) Another attack! He must have waited until the husband left, also through the back door; no dog ? My Alsatian will not let anyone near us, or in our yard. You won’t leave in one piece if you climb over our wall. ) Burglars: don’t blame poverty and unemployment. When you have jobs , you go on “strike”. What can an old lady do to harm you? Why kill or stab her? And you wonder why we won’t open the door or help you when you stand outside the window showing you are hungry. You might get a big surprise the next time you try to rob or attack an old person, and land up in hospital.
) Identify all elderly people living alone. Visit and check what safety pre cautions they have. Help them to be safe. We need mobile panic buttons or something that will alert neighbours. ) Amen op die skrywe van Deon Smith oor die veiligheid van inwoners. Word wakker mense, en eis julle regte. Ge noeg is genoeg. – JAPIE ) Walvisfees was gevier in al vier sei soene. Maar almal het fees gevier. Ek wil net dankie se aan die verkeersperso neel wat op diens was. En daardie ver steekte kamera by Gateway – briljant! Hoop die rooi Audi 6 Sport wat so ge jaag het, is vasgetrek! – JEANA ) Higher powers, please take note. The best Whale Festival, from all guests. Most accommodation was full. Spend all culture monies on expanding the Whale Festival. Other festivals don’t bring outside visitors, which we all need to employ more people and prevent more crime in our town. – ELEANOR ) The day before the Whale Festival, the Main Road is closed off for refre shing the painted road markings... Great Timing.. not! ) Pity the 3 Tons of Fun show was so badly advertised by the Whale Festival. It also needed better direction. The la dies were fab. The young man was great but the kids were not that great as singers and they were geared more for a young audience. The few people present enjoyed the show, however, even though it was too loud. ) Why does the Hermanus High School have their Matric Dance on the night of the start of the Whale Festival?
When the town is so packed with all sorts of people... Surely they could have picked a quieter time of year? Oh dear.. ) In reaksie op die brief “Trots op Her manus, die ‘Juweel van WesKaap’”, HT, 19 September): Gebiede soos Her manus, Mount Pleasant, Zwelihle en Onrus ontvang dan nie die diens wat jy ontvang. En wat is die doel van 05:00 strate vee in Voëlklip terwyl Hermanus oggende 08:00 nog vol vullis lê? Dis ’n mors van ons belastinggeld; daarom is tariewe so duur omdat sekere mense spesiale diens ontvang. ) During the recent petrol pump atten dant strike, I have been working at the major garage in Sandbaai. What an experience! The feedback from the pu blic has been unreal, and the bottom line is, for them, no work no pay, but I work, I get paid! – GARY LANCELLAS ) T.Ehrenreich and fellow Cosatu lead ers must be strongly condemned for an other act of extreme stupidity by taking petrol attendants on a prolonged strike. As per all the jobs already lost and in dustries threatened in RSA due to union conduct, thousands of jobs will be lost and self service can be implemented at short notice. ) Suggested solution regarding the big “hoo haa” about Main Road in Her manus being closed to be tarred at “the wrong time”. Use that money to fix roads in Stanford in the time limit the municipality has to claim back, and then Main Road can be done next year in the time slot that suits Hermanus better... The Overstrand Municipality is always
Thanks to all who made the Relay for Life such a success The Cansa Relay For Life Overstrand 2013 has been such a great success, and it would not have been possible without the support of the Overstrand community and sponsors of the event. The Relay For Life committee would like to thank all Relay For Life stakeholders for the contribution you have made, some of whom are: Oasis, RO3; Pick n Pay Hermanus; Plan Active Hermanus; Hermanus Municipality; Pro Active Fitness Hermanus; Vidivox Hermanus; West Coast Civils; Talk 2; Wildekrans Wine Estate; Walkerbay Decking; Abalone Guest Lodge; Coastal Tool Hire Her-
manus; Dr. I Perold Inc; Agrimark Hermanus; DHL Stormers; Engen Convenience Centre; Pannekoekmakers Jan and Marie; Hermanus High School as well as all the teams. No matter the size of your contribution, it has aided in the provision of Cansa services such as patient service; medical equipment (wheelchairs, commodes, bedpans, urinals); wigs, pads, nappies, Nutrimil, food parcels, etc. From the Cancer Association of South Africa, we would also like to thank the dedicated and inspiring Relay For Life committee for all the arrangements and preparation that went into planning this spec-
Hermanus is again in for a wet weekend and can expect rainfall of about 15 mm until Sunday morning. The minimum temperature will reach a low of about 11 degrees C. On Sunday we can expect sunny weather again for at least two to three days.
tacular event. You are a precious asset and we highly appreciate your contribution. Relay For Life is an event that is about more than just fundraising: it is about supporting a survivor and the caregiver through the fight against cancer, part of which is raising the funds to provide the invaluable Cansa services. The next Relay event will take place from 15 to 16 March 2014 at Hermanus High School Sport Grounds.
telling Stanford that there is no money to do desperatelyneeded repairs, but what happens to the rates we pay like everybody else? To Mannie who sent an SMS about De Bruyn Street on 19 September – sir, do YOU live on or near De Bruyn Street, Stanford? If not, you have no idea what those of who do have to live with even when just living close to De Bruyn. – CONCERNED AND SUFFERING STANFORD RESIDENT ) Ek het enstige begrip vir die versoeke uit verskeie oorde, dat daar veilig heidsheinings langs die “Cliffpath” en in die dorp, opgerig moet word. Dit sal egter nie prakties wees nie en enorme kostes meebring. Ek stel voor dat waar skuwingsbordjies dat dit gevaarlik en op eie risiko sal wees om die paadjie te verlaat, op strategiese plekke opgerig word. - N LE ROUX ) Owning a dog does not mean leaving it in a small back yard to be alone. They need love and attention too! Sad to see from an animal lover’s point of view. ) Willi, you don’t part with your dogs. You make alternative arrangements un til you find a place that is petfriendly.– S. STRAUSS ) Every time the new telephone directo ries are delivered, they are simply thrown up the driveway with great force so that the bag splits open. I arrive in Voëlklip to see nearly every book soaked by rain. ) Daardie “computer hackers”, kastig van “Windows Technical Services”, bel my meer as twee maande amper elke dag. Hoe raak mens van hulle ontslae?
Dis frustrerend. ) Na aanleiding van die foto van die “francolin”: Sy korrekte Afrikaanse naam is Kaapse Fisant en die Engelse naam is Cape Spurfowl (Roberts Nr. 136). ) So sorry, all readers of Mulberry Bush News: the Festival of Mind, Body, Spirit is on 13 October and not the 6th. ) Whale Coast 96 – thank you for a very well organised daily broadcast, al so for the music played by J.Marshall and M.Fisher et al. Maybe the speed readers could please slow down a wee bit. All in all very good daily variety en tertainment. – SANDBAAI ) Morné van SAFE het Sondagaand ’n roekelose bestuurder in Sandbaai, Der delaan afgetrek. Buurtwag het bystand verleen en ook vir Carl van Capital ge skakel, waarna hulle drie voertuie ge stuur het. Die verkeersdepartement wat dadelik reageer het, het die bestuurder ’n stywe boete opgelé. Baie dankie aan al die rolspelers wat van Sandbaai n veilige plek maak. – HENK MARAIS, SANDBAAI BUURTWAG ) A bouquet to Clay at Edgars Check ers Centre for his excellent client service. – BOKWAGTER VAN DIE NAMIB ) Thank you to Jacques from Xpanda, our Trellis door is stunning. Good serv ice and you are always smiling. Keep it up... – MRS JONES, VERMONT ) What brilliant service at Hair Affair. Thank you! ) To the most amazing company and staff of Supaquick, thank you so much for repairing our puncture, you are all awesome! – LYNNE
Bouregulasies vereis reling by ou hawe Na aanleiding van die berig in die Hermanus Times: Ek is nie ’n politieke aktivis nie, maar ’n kampvegter vir menseregte :)). Die gedeelte van die paadjie bokant die Ou Hawe tussen Village Square en Gearing’s Punt het veiligheidsrelings nodig. Dit is nie deel van die “cliff path” roete nie, maar ’n gewone munispale sypaadjie langs Marineweg. Die Nasionale Bouregulasies SANS 10400 D spesifiseer dat ’n publieke roete met ’n reling van ten minste 1 000 mm beveilig moet word sodra die afgrond (verskil in hoogte) langs die roete meer as 600 mm is. Die muurtjie by die sypaadjie langs die ou hawe
is net 600 mm hoog met ’n skuins puntjie van 70 mm, met ’n afgrond van tot 20 meter. In Marineweg naby die fontein is ’n sypaadjie met ’n afgrond van 4,6 meter wat beveilig is met ’n reling van 1,16 meter hoogte. Harbourweg se sypaadjie met ’n afgrond van 600 mm is beveilig met ’n reling van 1,02 m hoog. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat die sypaadjie bokant die ou hawe ’n reling van ten minste 1,2 meter hoog kry. Die swaartepunt van ’n regop persoon is gemiddeld 980 mm bokant die grond. Relings moet dus 1 tot 1,5 meter hoog wees om mense wat balans verloor te beskerm.
Naweek reën dit paddas met sambrele Die Overstrand is nou enemale ’n problemakasie, soos Oom Oubaas van 7de Laan sou sê. Ammelewe het hy altoos gedink die plek is ’n somerreënvalstreek en nou hoor hy van familie hulle het wasdag al glad verskuif na Dinsdae toe. Dis omtrent die enigste tyd van die week dat dit daar nié gereën het nie. En al die binnemure waar nie lugreëling is nie, is klam. Oom Oubaas is nie verniet verwonderd nie want baie amateur weerkykers weet al die plek is tussen die boom en die bas, wat die weer betref. Veral in die oorgangseisoen soos nou wanneer ons lente binnegaan, kry die Overstrand dit hot agter van die weerpatroon. Die noordwestewind is duidelik die skeidsregter tussen die Atlantiese hoogdruk en die Indiese hoogdruk en met ’n vingerklap kan die oostewind alles kom omellie. Die huidige front is egter nie heeltemal so duister nie. Ons sien hom waar hy die diepsee nog met die een na die ander storm teister terwyl die front soos ’n skelm rugbyspeler al met die kantlyn deur jaag Gough toe om sedert gister binne toe swenk met die Kaap in sy visier. Kort ná vyfuur vanmiddag is daar reeds ’n soort nattigheid in die lug maar teen middernag weet ons dis regte reën wat op die dakke en strate van Hermanus val. En dit reën sommer paddas met sambrele voor die laataand fliek verby is, strykdeur tot Saterdagoggend toe.
Om agtuur Saterdagoggend kry die dorp se sakemanne en plaasboere moed want die sonnetjie breek deur. Hulle sê aha vir mekaar en haal die tafeltjies vir besoekers op die stoepe uit. Al wat oorbly is om vinnig die walvisroeper in die hande te probeer kry. Die weer draai egter net so vinnig soos hy verbeter het en voor rugby sien ons hier kom alweer moeilikheid en gaan huis toe. Die koue 11 °C vat darem aan ’n man se lyf. Die reën sak weer deur die nag uit tot Sondagoggend wanneer die noordoos tot ons redding kom. Maar in die proses dra hy opnuut nattigheid terug Kaap se kant toe. Die mening is dat daar dus die naweek maklik weer 15 mm reën sal uitsak. Maandag, wanneer al ons besoekers vort is huis toe, is dit heerlike sonskyn vir twee of drie dae en kan mense die fris lente daar buite geniet. Weerhaan is g’n doemprofeet nie, maar hy dink dit sous Vrydag opnuut.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
26 September, 2013
Train service could return
A passenger train service may be coming back to the Overberg – but only if all the residents along the line from Caledon to Sir Lowry’s Pass village get behind the initiative. A meeting was recently held in Bot River about the proposed return of a passenger rail service between Sir Lowry’s Pass and Caledon. Bot River is identified as a development node in the proposal. Mark Townsend, chairperson of the Bot River Aesthetics Committee, provided feedback on the meeting of 5 September at a meeting held with residents on Tuesday (17 September). “The meeting of the Bot River station precinct planning steering
committee on Thursday 5 September was a watershed moment in our discussion about bringing back the train,” Townsend told residents last week. “At last we have real hope of re-establishing the Caledon to Somerset West passenger service.” Townsend says Duma Goso of Prasa (the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa), who attended the 5 September meeting, said there is no reason why the Caledon passenger train should not return. Townsend said the consultants for the Bot River precinct plan, CK Rumboll & Partners, have presented their preliminary proposal and comments on this closed yesterday, 23 September. “However, the main catalyst will be the return of the passenger train. To make sure that the train comes back, we need to mobilise widely
and the important thing now is to continue to mobilise support for the passenger service amongst local residents and organisations from Caledon, Grabouw, Houwhoek and Sir Lowry’s Pass Village.” Townsend says they also need to maintain contact with Prasa, Transnet Freight Rail (TFR), Theewaterskloof Municipality and the Western Cape government, who will ultimately need to undertake feasibility studies to put the train on to the local municipality’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and Spatial Development Framework (SDF), and most importantly, on to the district Integrated Transport Plan (ITP). Noel Greeff, deputy chairperson of BRAC, says the representative from Transnet Freight Rail division who attended the meeting on 5 Sep-
CHAMPION: The St Pe ter’s Church hall was transformed into a field of orchids during the Walker Bay Orchid Society’s annu al Orchid Show last Friday and Saturday. Jan Smit’s beautiful rich pink Pha laenopsis or Monalisa Smile (on the right) was awarded the Grand Cham pion trophy and his Cyn bidium or Sensational Tap estry of Purple Berry (on the left) won second place in the society’s orchid com petition. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
tember said they are rolling out a new initiative to encourage more use of the rail network in order to get trucks off the road. When contacted for comment, Goso said he was not at liberty to speak to the media but confirmed that residents need to push for the Bot River Precinct initiative to be included in the Theewaterskloof Municipality’s IDP, should they want the initiative to proceed. Stiffie Cronjé, spokesperson for the Theewaterskloof Municipality, said the Bot River Precinct has not been included as a project in the IDP. “The proposed precinct plan is not part of the Spatial Development Framework. However, the station and its possibilities are mentioned in the SDF but not in detail.” He said it seems as if Transnet is positive about the possibility of the
WHALES & WHEELS: With the Hermanus Primary School’s sportfield soaked through from all the rain, the classic and vintage cars taking part in the Whale Festival’s Whales & Wheels show on Satrurday had to move to a smaller adjacent field. Although there were not as many car owners taking part this year, there were more than enough gems to admire, such as this beautifully preserved red Riley RMC from 1951, belonging to Charles de Villiers from Hermanus. . PHOTOS: HEDDA MITTNER
train service being reinstated. “Transnet has appointed a new director for the Western Cape region. At the last precinct meeting, the director indicated his excitement to have the train reinstated and is thinking along the lines of having the train run as far as Strand, and then later on to Cape Town.” This however, is all still in the planning process. Walter Gresse, area manager for Transnet Freight Rail, commented that the railway line is in operational condition as per approval from the National Rail Regulator. Contact Townsend at 028 284 9687 or mail him at for further information. ) Watch a video on Click on video galleries and Mark Townsend.
Gert Albertyn and his dog Cheeky enjoyed the welcome sunshine after two days of heavy rain and cold. Gert came from Bredasdorp to take part in the Whales & Wheels with his 1931 Ford Roadster Model A.
PASTE & WIN: Final puzzle piece in fuel competition This week we publish the last puzzle piece in our exciting cut-and-paste competition, in which one lucky reader will win R1 000’s worth of petrol and a R500 Snoekies voucher. All readers who have been faithfully collecting the puzzle pieces since 5 September must remember to hand in their completed entry forms at Snoekies Hermanus by 17:00 on Monday 30 September.
All completed entry forms will go into a lucky draw and the winning entrant will be phoned. The winner must be willing to be photographed for publication in the Hermanus Times. The prizes are sponsored by Shell Hermanus, a premier 24/7 stop in the Hermanus CBD.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
26 September, 2013
Ski company wins world award JAN-HENDRIK COETZER A local company in Hermanus, called “Piste Cats Ski Holidays” was voted the best ski company in the category “Best Winter Sport Travelling Company” earlier this year by the New York Travel Writers Society out of more than 22 000 companies that entered worldwide. The co-owner of Piste Cats Ski Holidays, Jonathan Franzsen, explains that the company submitted all information on the packages it offers. A panel of judges then reviewed this according to prices charged, destinations offered, and how the options are presented to clients. This prestigious award will be
raphers, broadcasters and travel bloggers. The prize includes one year of free, full page advertising in the Luxury Travel and Lifestyles Magazine together with two articles. “It still feels like I’m dreaming. I don’t think it has sunk in yet. As I got to work the one The owners of Piste Cats are Richard van Zyl morning, I opened and Jonathan Franzsen. my mail and there handed over to Piste Cats Ski Hol- it was, a letter from the chairperidays at a ceremony in New York son of the New York Travel Writers Society informing me that early next year. The New York Travel Writers our company had won the Society’s members include jour- award.” When asked where the name nalists, authors, editors, photog-
“Piste Cats” comes from, Franzsen said that “piste” is French for ski slope. “And as for ‘cats’, we thought of ‘cool cats’ and simply combined the two to call it Piste Cats.” Franzsen was born in Bredasdorp and has worked in the travel industry for the past 43 years. He started the business about a year ago with business partner and co-owner, Richard van Zyl. Piste Cats sells ski holiday packages in 32 countries, including Austria, France, Switzerland, Iceland, India, as well as Argentina, China and Russia. “Most people going on ski holidays lately prefer to go to places like Russia, China and South America. "European countries are not that popular any more.”
Sumaridge onder vyf bestes vir hul Epitome 2009 Om Kaapse versnitwyne, waarvan minstens 30% of hoogstens 70% uit Pinotage bestaan, te vereer is die Perold Absa Cape Blend Kompetisie in 2011 begin. Vanjaar is daar vir die eerste keer vyf in stede van die drie wenners uit al die inskrywings aangewys, en die Sumaridge Epitome 2009 was onder die vyf beste wyne. Altesaam 45 wyne van 35 produsente is ingeskryf vir die kompetisie. Die ander vier 2013-wenners is: Anura LB Cape Blend 2012, Clos Malverne Spirit of Malverne 2011, KWV Abraham Perold Tributum 2011, en Viljoensdrift River Grandeur Cape Blend 2011. Elkeen van dié wynmakers wen ’n reis na Portugal in 2014. Volgens die voorsitter van die paneel, Charles Hopkins, is die Cape Blend-versnit konsep nog relatief jonk en hulle kon hier en daar proefnemings raakproe. Hy meen die wyne wat bo-aan die lys geëindig het, is toonbeelde van skoon, suiwer vrug waar die
kultivar-geure seëvier en nie koffie-agtige houtgeure nie. “Die wyne kom oor ’n aantal oesjare en baie word verwag van die super oesjaar 2009. Dit is egter interessant dat veral 2011 se wyne sterker na vore getree het,” het Hopkins gesê. Die vyf naaswenners in die tien finalis-wyne is Flagstone Dragon Tree 2011, Namaqua Cellar Door Pinotage/Malbec 2011, Warwick Three Cape Ladies 2011, Welbedacht Hat Trick 2010 en Windmeul Cape Blend 2012. Die beoordelaars was Charles Hopkins, Karen Glanfield, Wilhelm Pienaar, Jacques Roux en Guido Francque.
The Fair Cape Factory shop is open daily, including weekends. For more information about the factory shop, you can contact the story directly on (028) 312 2004.
Top5finalis Gavin Patterson, wynma ker van Sumaridge ontvang sy Top5 Cape Blendsertifi kaat van Brienne van der Walt, uit voerende hoof van Absa AgriBesigheid, tydens die toeken ningsfunksie by die Marine Hotel Vry dagaand. FOTO’S: CILENE BEKKER
REGS: Schalk Burger snr se Wel bedacht Hat Trick 2010 was on der die top 10 finaliste. Saam met hom is sy seun Tiaan.
LINKS: Renche en Nic van Aarde van Warwickwynland goed saam met Hannes Storm, wynmaker by Ha milton Russell.
Daily deliveries to the Hospitality Industry. Visit our store for Daily Specials!
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
26 September, 2013
Expedition unearths ancient Bushman secrets Patricia Glyn has been trekking through the African wilderness in pursuit of a ghost. In 2005 she walked from Durban to the Victoria Falls in the footsteps of her long-dead ancestor, Sir Richard Glyn. In 2011 she set off for the Kalahari to find traces of a long-dead Bushman by the name of Makai Kruiper – a legendary mystic, hunter and healer who roamed “The Thirst Land” a century ago. And by her side was Makai’s grandson, Dawid, a man as legendary as his forebear. Dawid was 76 years old and easily the most famous Bushman in South Africa, having featured in numerous films, documentaries, books and academic studies. But Dawid was also renowned for the most celebrated human rights victory for the Bushmen of Southern Africa. In 1999, Dawid and his Khomani clan won
a land claim against the former apartheid government which had robbed them of their ancestral home and turned it into what is now the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (KTP). In the years since that great day, however, lack of transport into the KTP has hindered the community from accessing all but a small portion of it. So the old man asked Glyn if she could help him mount an expedition to the places of great historical and cultural significance further into the National Park. Places which Dawid had not visited since his youth and which his children had never seen. So between April and June 2011 that is what they did. In a deeply moving and poignant trek, the Kruiper family (spanning three generations) and Glyn’s team visited and documented mystical and sacred places, battle
and hunting grounds, and birth, death and burial sites. Glyn’s talk at the U3A’s open meeting at the Overstrand Auditorium on Monday 30 September at 17:30, is about what she witnessed on this trip: the fragments that remain in the Kalahari sand of a long-gone life; the extraordinary memory and tracking skills that helped Dawid find his grandfather’s artifacts some 100 years after they’d been buried; and the secrets that have been handed down from father to son. Glyn and her professional team of photographers and filmmakers have brought back thousands of photos and hours of footage, the best of which have been selected to illustrate her talk about this grand adventure. Copies of her book, What Dawid Knew, will be on sale at Monday’s meeting for R220. If you wish to attend the meeting, please note a fee of R10 will be charged.
Patricia Glyn, aut hor of What Da wid Knew, will be the guest spea ker at the U3A’s open meeting on Monday 30 September.
Long Street is filled with many unique shops There are several interesting speciality shops tucked away in Long Street and the charming arcades leading off it. Known to many simply as “the street behind Pick n Pay”, Long Street is home to many original fisherman’s cottages that have been converted into businesses and shops. Carol Dods, the owner of Ikaya Le Afrika, on the corner of Patterson and Long Streets, opened the doors to her business 15 years ago. Fancy dress for parties to hire or buy
and they buy and sell second hand clothing, linen, shoes and kitchenware. They cater for bachelors and kitchen teas. Pack Needs opened six month ago. The manager Lunett Nel, works hands on with the public, so come see them for the best prices in town for industrial and domestic soaps, packaging and much more. At Hermanus Furnishers customers will find the full spectrum of household furniture and appliances. Owner Corrie Gerber
Long Street is filled with a variety of shops for every need.
was a furniture manufacturer with his own business in Cape Town for many years before relocating to Hermanus. Their friendly service includes delivery and mini moves. Next to The Eatery in Victoria Square is Frinché Hair Studio, where hair stylist Werner Pretorius offers a one-stop service that includes hair, nail and beauty treatments. Dr Linda Riddell, who also has a dental practise in Main Road, is offering a range of beauty treatments that include non-surgical face lifts, anti-wrinkle treatments and Botox (Disport) at the salon. André from Okasie has a big range of beautiful flowers and decor and always adds a special touch to bouquets and functions. Right next door to Frinché is the Furni-
ture & Gold Shoppe where Pierre Barkley and his son Jón-Luc buy and sell gold. So if you have any unwanted pieces of gold jewellery or old coins lying around, take them to the Barkleys for evaluation and receive the top price for your goods – it’s cash on the spot. The Furniture & Gold Shoppe shares its premises with Imrans Cellular, a cellphone shop that stocks all the latest models, as well as laptops and electronics such as television sets and home theatres, and also offer a repair service.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
26 September, 2013
Scoota Run for charity
Whale of a Waggle Walk The Whale of a Waggle Walk will take place on Saturday, 28 September at the Hermanus cricket grounds. Residents of the Overstrand are known for being a dog-loving community and Hermanus is one of the towns where Pets as Therapy (PAT) has made significant inroads. PAT, a public benefit organisation, is the beneficiary of this event. PAT offers a unique service in which volunteers and their well-behaved therapy dogs visit frail care centres, schools for children with
special needs, children’s hospitals, psychiatric institutions and so on. Hermanus has four facilities registered with PAT where volunteers visit with their dogs: SOFCA, Kidbrooke Health Care Centre, Onrus Manor Health Care Centre and Animal Children’s Therapy Centre. It is foreseen that there will be a 1 km and 3 km walk for all dog-lovers. Registration is at 08:00 on Saturday morning. Call Dr Louise Botha on 083 264 2912 for more information.
and is badly rusted in most parts of the containers and need upgrading. People interested in taking part in the Scoota Run must all meet at Tallas’ Tavern in Gordon’s Bay at 10:00 for registration and breakfast. Prizes will go to the longest ride, the best modified scooter, the oldest rider, and the person who can guess the mystery celebrity guest. A lucky draw will also take place. The entry fee is R200 and includes breakfast and lunch. For more information, contact Mike Ruger on 083 391 9227 or mail
DON’T LET ME BE MISUNDERSTOOD: Have you ever seen this frog? What a grumpy funny face! He is a Sand Rain Frog – one of the frogs that Anina Lee from Whale Coast Conservation (WCC) thinks may live in the wetlands on the Her manus Golf Course. “We don’t know why he looks so grumpy, like all rain frogs do. But his call sounds sweet as a bird’s, so maybe he isn’t really grumpy, just misun derstood. If you come to the ecotent at the Hermanus Flower Festival at the Fernkloof Nature Reserve this weekend, we will introduce you to all 18 frogs that might just be found in our wetlands (and be assured we are looking).” Touchscreen technology will allow visitors to call up a picture of a favourite frog and listen to its call. “You will be surprised how many you have heard and never thought it was a frog,” says Anina. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
It is all happening on 30 September 2013 gw_cr8ive/DoubleDelight/01/2013
CAPE WHALE COAST SHOWCASED IN GAUTENG: Representing the Cape Whale Coast at the Getaway Show, held in the Dome in Randburg earlier this month, were (from left) Eric Davalala (Hermanus Whale Crier), Glenda Kitley (Gansbaai Tourism Bureau) and Celeste Scheepers (Hangklip/Kleinmond Tourism Bureau). “When it comes to holidays, the people in Gauteng like to spend time in the Western Cape and more specifically the Cape Whale Coast,” says Suné Greeff, Cape Whale Coast tourism manager. “In excess of 500 people vis ited the stand to receive information on accommodation or activities in the area. The Cape Whale Coast Outdoor Activity brochure is very popular and people were fascinated by the Whale Crier. Visitors who participated in the Spin and Win activity won great prizes spon sored by the Whale Coast product owners. Judging by the enthusiastic response, the Cape Whale Coast can expect many visitors in the next couple of months.”
The Scoota Run, held by the Scoota Shoppe in Kleinmond, takes place on 28 September from Gordon’s Bay to Kleinmond and is all for a good cause. All the money raised will go towards the upgrading of the Overstrand Child and Youth Care Centre in Kleinmond. The Youth Care Centre is a registered centre that provides care and education to 26 children between the ages of six and fourteen years. The current structure at the Youth Care Centre consists of a hall attached to eight shipping containers – four containers on each side of the hall. The structure, however, is 20 years old
Celebrate the arrival of spring in the Mother City by visiting GrandWest. Stand a chance to win this cheeky little Hyundai i10 (via a mystery jackpot) in our Double Delight promotion. All you have to do is simply play the Slots between 22h15 and 23h00 on 30 September 2013. So, rev up for a real treat!
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
26 September, 2013
Bryan Wallick (above) and Christopher Duigan (below).
Franschhoek prepares for Classical Music Festival Synonymous with spring time in the winelands is the classical music weekend in Franschhoek. Presented by Music Revival, the 10th Classic Music Festival in Franschhoek takes place from Friday 25 to Sunday 27 October. The festival is subtitled: The Piano Transcribed - A celebration of the piano’s ability to transcend, transform and transfigure. On the choice of theme for this year’s music, programme director Christopher Duigan says: “The piano is an endlessly fascinating musical experience for any audience. In recent years the local Franschhoek community have joined together to purchase a piano housed in the NG Church. As the church is a cen-
tral venue for the festival, and the village, and this is our 10th annual festival, it seems more than appropriate to have a piano themed festival.” The three pianists featured in the NG Church Concerts are leading Cape Town pianist, educator and acclaimed soloist Francois du Toit, American virtuoso Bryan Wallick and popular Steinway pianist Christopher Duigan, who each play a recital. More info at Bookings for Cafe Bon Bon 021 876 3936.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER ) Whalers Athletics Club time trials for 3 km, 5 km and 8 km at 18:00 at the cricket club. ) The Hermanus Rotary Club meets every Thurs day at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village in Eastcliff. Visitors welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER ) The Hermanus Hacking Group meets above the Old Boys’ Club, 06:45 – 08:45. Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Today’s special guest at the Friends of the Li brary’s Bhuki Cafe is Petrovna Metelerkamp, who will chat about self and conventional publishing. Also tea, coffee and crafts from 09:00 to 11:30. ) Besoek die teetuin by die dienssentrum van die NGgemeente Onrusrivier, 10:00 – 12:00, vir vars tuisgebak met ’n koppie moerkoffie of tee. ) The U3A talk The Making of Modern Britain: Little Britain, presented by Andrew Marr will take place in the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Penny Charteris: 0 028 316 2489. ) Vintage piano evenings with Margaret Fourie at the Old Harbour Vintage shop in Warrington Place on Harbour Road every Friday 17:30 to 18:30. Come and enjoy light piano music and refreshments at R30 per person and browse through the Old Harbour Gallery. Bring your own chair or cushion. Margaret: 0 082 259 5515. SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kosenwynmark, 09:00 – 13:00. ) Hermanus Country Market, 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) HemelenAarde Garden Market, 09:00 – 14:00 at HemelenAarde Village. ) Fisherhaven Neighbourhood cake and book sa le at the Piccaninny Centre, Broadway, from
26 September, 2013
10:00. Please support this worthwhile cause. Pat: 0 028 315 1605. ) David Davidson will talk at the Green House at 17:30 about the 2013 Chelsea Flower Show. Davidson and his team won South Africa’s 33rd Gold Medal at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show. Anyone who is interested in flowers and great de sign should not miss this golden opportunity. SUNDAY 29 SEPTEMBER ) Is jy enkellopend? Voel jy alleen op ’n Sondag? Kom eet en kuier gesellig saam met ons om 12:00. Bel: 0 076 115 7382. MONDAY 30 SEPTEMBER ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 or 072 230 9179. ) The U3A series Evolve! will take place in the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Gert Claassen: 0 083 602 5254. ) Touching Hearts meets every Monday at 18:45 in Onrus. Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) The Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall, 18:00 – 20:00. ) Patricia Glynn will be the guest speaker at the U3A open meeting at the Overstrand Auditorium. The meeting starts at 17:30.
THURSDAY 3 OCTOBER ) The Hermanus Bird Club invite you to join them on a morningbirding walk to Gabrielskloof & An ysbos. Meet at the Onrus Trading Post at 08:00. Bring along a snack. For enquiries call Barbara: 0 083 659 3303. EVENTS ) The Spring Festival of Mind, Body & Spirit will be held on 13 October at the Fernkloof Nature Reserve. Health foods, therapies, books, talks, products and much more. Entrance is Free. Call Jill Fisher: 072 477 7120. ) A quiz night will be held in St Peter’s Church Hall on Thursday 10 October at 18:30 for
19:00 to raise funds for the St Peter’s Flower Festi val. Tickets are R50 each and a team consists of four people (R200 per team). Make up a team or we can put you together with others looking for a foursome. Contact Ann Harvett: 0 072 402 5245, Christine Ross: 0 028 313 2555, Anne Philip: 0 082 399 3925, or Daphne, mornings only, at St Peter’s of fice: 0 028 312 1325. Your ticket includes a light snack. Bring your own tipple and glass. ) A compiled programme on DVD by Carl van Dyk celebrating the bicentenary birthday of Giuseppe Verdi (1813 – 1901) will be presented in the NG Church on 10 October at 19:00. Do nations welcome in aid of Camphill School.
TUESDAY 1 OCTOBER ) Join the Early Birds at the Hermanus Tennis Club Tuesdays and Thursdays, 07:00 – 09:00. Vic Ha miltonAttwell: 0 082 785 5145 or Ken Collett: 0 082 806 8292. ) The U3A course Meet Local Artists will feature Ronnie Biccard at the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. David Boobyer: 0 028 316 1004. WEDNESDAY 2 OCTOBER ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging verga der 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal en nooi alle drank en dwelmverslaafdes uit om by hulle aan te sluit. Meer besonderhede by Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250 of Badisa: 0 028 312 3909. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag van die maand om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oosthuysen: 0 079 322 0998 of 2
HEMEL-EN-AARDE-KINDERS WEN GOUD: Marita Scholtz, een van die vrywilligers wat werk vir die United Church se HemelenAarde Children’s Outreachprogram, is baie trots op “haar” kinders wat onlangs ’n goue diploma by die Eisteddfod op Klein mond behaal het. Die groepie hierbo het as spreekkoor opgetree en het so goed ge vaar dat hulle met ’n A+ beloon is. Die kinders se ouers is plaaswerkers in die vallei en hulle is almal leerlinge aan Laerskool Mount Pleasant en Lukhanyo Primary. Enigeen wat betrokke wil raak by dié uitreikaksie kan die United Church by 028 312 2717 bel.
IN CAPE TOWN THE WEATHER CHANGES FAST...BUT SO COULD YOUR FORTUNE! GrandWest has given away over R3 Million in Mega Duma Jackpots! Get to GrandWest today and you could be the next Duma millionaire. The more Duma is played, the higher the jackpot goes, so come on down and try your luck! Duma has a start value of R600 000 and 117 contributing slot machines at Sun International Casinos all over the country. The 16 GrandWest Duma machines can be found on the main casino floor.
Hermanus Times 26 September, 2013
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Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
26 September, 2013
MATRIEKAFSKEID: Die reën het kortkort ge dreig en die mei sies het gebibber van die koue in hul elegante uitrustings, maar niks kon die geesdrif keer van Hoërskool Herma nus se 2013 ma triekklas by hul matriekafskeid Vry dagaand nie. Die geleentheid het ’n karnivaltema ge had en omroepers van die Kfmradio stasie het gesorg vir musiek en ver maak. Hier is Sa vanna Bullough en haar metgesel Ri chard Liefeldt.
Sandra Wilken en Malcolm Gillion het ver kies om nie hulle opwagting in ’n slap mo tor te maak nie en het eerder met ’n groep vriende in ’n tuktuk opgedaag.
HEEL LINKS: Chelsea Coetzer moes versig tig deur die plasse water stap met haar wit rok en hoëhak skoene. Haar metge sel vir die aand was Caleb Lahoud. FO TO’S: HEDDA MITTNER
LINKS: Kyle Alberts en Romy Faro het baie elegant gelyk. REGS: AndrePierre Gouws het Kaila En gelbrecht vergesel. FOTO: CARLOUW EN GELBRECHT
PierreAndré Rossouw en sy metge sel het soos ’n Hollywoodglans paartjie gelyk toe hulle by die skool opdaag vir die matriekaf skeid Vrydagaand.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
26 September, 2013
Results of matric fund draw The winners of the Northcliff House College matric dance fund raffle are: 1st prize: Ocean 11 Guesthouse voucher for two, won by Sandra Edson; 2nd prize: Great White shark tours voucher for two, won by Mrs Van der Westhuizen; 3rd prize: Southern Right Charters voucher for two, won by Mrs Sutherland; 4th prize: Sharklady cage diving voucher for one, won by Liné van Biljon 5th prize: SA Forest Adventures zipline voucher for two, to Roy Schuman; 6th prize: Harbour Rock voucher, won by Judy Williams; 7th prize: EAT voucher, won by Mrs Kaplan. The matrics thanked the businesses that donated vouchers for raffle and the people who supported their efforts by buying tickets.
Help family in need
MATRIC FUND: Northcliff House College matric pupils organised a raf fle to raise funds towards their matric farewell dinner in October. At the recent draw were (from left) Daniel du Pre, Calvin RainierPope, Geof frey Cooper, Ross Parsons and Jethro Hadingham. In front is Karlie Hadingham, who drew the names of the prizewinners. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
The Women Action Group is in need of a gas stove or a paraffin stove for a resident of Stanford who is extremely ill and has nothing but an outdoor fire to cook her food on. She lives in a shack at Die Kop and has three children. The shack has no electricity, so candles would be welcome too. If you are able to help, contact Pearl Gqirana at the Stanford Clinic on 073 580 1909 or 028 341 0933.
Nuwe voorsitter vir Vroue Aksie Groep
‘ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL’ FOR OVERSTRAND HOSPICE: Chairperson Arlene Ehrenberg (left) together with Emmie Gouws (second from left) and Glen da Theobald (second from right) of the Walker Bay Walkers handed R1 000 to Petro Luttig (right) from Over strand Hospice for their fund to buy the building in Ab erdeen Street where the Hospice Shop is situated.
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voor-en nadele van borsvoeding verslag gelewer het. Albei sprekers is verbonde aan die departement van gesondheid. Volgens die rekenmeestersverklaring is alles klopdisselboom wat die finansies van WAG betref. Takesure Razah is verkies as die nuwe voorsitter van Vroue Aksie Groep terwyl Corrie Butler as die ondervoorsitter verkies is. Die verkiesing en aanstellings is gedoen volgens die grondwet en riglyne van die Vroue Aksie Groep. Die vergadering is goed ondersteun deur 75 mense uit die gemeenskappe van Zwelihle en Mount Pleasant. Die vergadering is ook bygewoon deur die Wyk 4-raadslid, Lianda Beyers-Cronje en vele ander organisasies. Die vergadering is afgesluit met smaaklike versnaperings. – CHRISTINE MAY
h/v Argon & Bergsig, Hermanus Business Park
Die Vroue Aksie Groep (Women Action Group), ’n nie-regeringsorganisasie van Mount Pleasant, het Dinsdag 17 September hul algemene jaarvergadering gehou. Die vergadering is geopen deur Carmen Titus, WAG programbestuurder, wat ook die verwelkoming gedoen het. Nuwe sake wat uit die vergadering ontstaan het, was die voorsittersverslag, voorgelê deur Titus, aangesien die voorsitter, Mariechen Vaughan verskoning gemaak het. Uit die verslag is gerapporteer dat programme, werkswinkels en geldinsamelingsprojekte wat deur Vroue Aksie Groep van stapel gestuur is, nog klokslag verloop. Voorleggings oor MIV/vigs en manlike mediese besnydings is gedoen deur verpleegster Michelle Pieters, terwyl ’n dieëtkundige student, Annemarie Ehlers, oor die
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Hermanus Times
Motors Motoring
26 September, 2013
Renault’s purposeful Duster
Back in the day, 4x4 vehicles were strictly reserved for the ultra rich. People who could afford a purposeful all terrain vehicle, went out and bought one. The big hitters were of course the likes of Land Rover, Jeep and Toyota. Luckily for us, the market for fuel efficient, “car-like” 4x4’s has expanded vastly in the last decade. I recently had a go at the very latest offering in this segment, namely the Renault Duster. To start with, is the very odd name Renault have gone with. With Duster they might mean that this very vehicle will kick dust into the headlights of its opposition, although this still needs to be proven. The demo vehicle I was handed was a brand new top of the range 1.5dCi Dynamique 4x4. Priced at R239 900, you do get a lot of value for your money. The engine, is exactly what you need in these trying economic times. A small, four cylinder turbo diesel, sips fuel through a straw and loves the open road. Power is rated at 80 kW/240 Nm and when this is combined with a smooth 6-speed manual gearbox, you quickly discover that this Duster is a pleasure to drive. On my weekend trip the fuel consumption never dipped below 12 km/F. It has to be mentioned that because this is a 4x4, its gear ratios are shorter than its 4x2 sibling. So if you want the best fuel consumption, I would suggest opting for the 4x2. I took the Duster in and around Paarl during yet another wet and windy weekend. Having the luxury of full four wheel drive, I felt confident when I approached muddy
A decent diesel engine, great interior space and good ground clearance make the Duster an exciting prospect in the small SUV category.
tracks and slippery gravel roads. Not even a washed out and eroded Paarl Mountain could stop this little Duster. Apart from the odd slip and wheel spin here and there, the Duster truly owned up to being a competent 4x4. Have a seat inside and a few things immediately grab your attention. For starters, there is a massive 8inch multimedia touch screen neatly situated in the middle of the dashboard. Having previously worked with the same system in the new Clio, I could quickly launch the SatNav and pair my phone’s Bluetooth. My only criticism is that I would have tilted the screen upwards so
that taller passengers could benefit. Seats are nothing fancy, they do their job. Leg and headroom is ample, because nothing feels cramped inside the Duster. Hard plastics dominate the cabin, but their purpose is longevity. Class leading luggage space (408F) is perfect for those weekends away. If you opt for the 4x2 you get an even bigger boot because they fitted the spare-wheel to the chassis at the rear. Let’s briefly discuss the looks, uhm, there is not much to discuss. The Duster won’t win any style awards, but if you are interested in looks, then you are kind of missing the point here. The Duster has
210 mm of ground clearance. With a bashplate in the front and rear, it’s made to do gravel roads. There is a purpose with the high roofline and short overhangs at the rear. Renault has some method in their madness, and the Duster’s styling is spot-on if you consider what it should be used for. Rivals in this category include the likes of the Suzuki SX4 and Daihatsu Terios. Not only is the Duster cheaper, bigger and has better ground clearance, but it is also the only one of the three with a diesel engine in the line-up. On paper the Duster is starting to make even more sense. With the 1,6 petrol (4x2) starting at
R194 900, it is sure to shake up the market. After spending a weekend with the Duster I came to some conclusions. Yes, there is most definitely a market for it. No, it is certainly not the prettiest thing I have driven. Yes, the diesel engine is definitely the pick of the bunch, and if it was my money I would certainly keep some change and go for the 1.5dCi 4x2. The 4x2 is extremely well priced at R219 900. Combine that with a 3 yr/45 000 km service plan a a 5 yr/150 000 km warranty, and this looks like a done deal. Drive over to Renault Paarl and test drive the Duster today.
Hermanus Times 26 September, 2013
Motors Motoring
Motors Motoring
Hermanus Times 26 September, 2013
26 Hermanus Times Volkswagen Group: Top employer in South Africa
Motors Motoring
26 September, 2013
QUICKPIC Volkswagen Group South Africa (VWSA) has been certified by the Top Employer Institute as a Top Employer in South Africa for the third year in a row and as the No 1 employer in the automotive industry for 2013–2014. The survey, which measures HR benefits, working conditions, training and development, career advancement and culture management, is based on an international standard that is applied across 45 countries worldwide. “Our comprehensive independent research revealed that VWSA provides exceptional employee conditions, nurtures and develops talent throughout all levels of the organisation and has demonstrated itself as a leader in the human resources environment, striving to continuously optimise its employment practices and develop, always,” explains David Plink, CEO
Peugeot extends 208 range with value-added newcomer QUICKPIC Peugeot South Africa has extended its highly successful 208 compact hatchback line-up with the addition of the affordable, three-door Access 1.0 model.
Anthony Hunneyball from HR accept ing the award on behalf of Volkswa gen Group SA with David Plink, CEO of Top Employers Institute. PHOTO: QUICKPIC
of the Top Employers Institute. Percy Smith, the human resources director at VWSA, credited the staff as the cornerstone of the organisation’s considerable achievements. “This recognition of excellence is an achievement that we are very proud of,” he said.
The newcomer brings the 208 ownership experience within reach of a wider audience, while still offering buyers an overall exceptional motoring package. The 208 Access 1.0 VTi showcases the French marque’s latest design language, but its three-door configuration adds a further element of youthful flair and sportiness to the already popular range. The striking grille, with its black honeycomb grille and dark aluminium surround, is flanked on either side by boldly proportioned headlights, with close attention to fine detail as true of this entry-level model as it is across the 208 range. The boomerang-shaped tail lights are another visually distinctive feature, while the overall silhouette is sleek and windcheating, but also compact and athletic. A smooth roofline and sculpted sides add to the dynamic aesthetics. The interior echoes the smart functionality of the entire 208 range. The front bucket seats and
The 208 Access 1.0 VTi is a brisk performer, with a 0–100 km/h sprint time of 14 sec and a 163 km/h top speed. PHOTO: QUICKPIC rear bench are upholstered in attractive, yet durable cloth upholstery, while the overall fit and finish is exemplary. Standard equipment includes electric front windows, central locking, Isofix child seat mounts, and an on-board trip computer. ABS brakes with EBD and dual front airbags for the driver and front passenger ensure a high degree of active and passive safety. A full-size spare wheel is standard. The three-door Access 1.0 is powered by an efficient, in-line three-cylinder engine. The 999 cc unit has a maximum output of 50 kW at 6 000 r/min, combined with a torque peak of 95 Nm at 3 000 r/ min. That urge is delivered to the
front wheels via a five-speed manual gearbox. The 208 Access 1.0 VTi is a brisk performer, with a 0–100 km/h sprint time of 14 seconds, and a 163 km/h top speed. Of even greater interest is the Peugeot 208’s fuel efficiency, which comes to an impressive average of 4,3 litres/100 km. Open-road consumption drops to an exceptional 3,8 litres/100 km. The three-door Peugeot 208 Access 1.0 VTi has a three-year warranty, as well as Peugeot’s Premium Plan – a 5-year/60 000 km maintenance plan – included as standard. At just R147 500, it represents strong value and affordability, making the newcomer an ideal purchase for first-time buyers.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
26 September, 2013
17 Begrafnisdienste Funeral Services
BALLROOM DANCING PARTNER for talented mature gentleman. Call 074 300 5955.
06 Troudagvierings Wedding Anniversary
GELUK MET JUL 2de huweliksherdenking op 24 September. 'n Huweliksherdenking is 'n tyd om terug te kyk na al die goeie tye & om uit te sien na al jul toekomsdrome saam. Baie liefde: Auntie Ags.
07 Gelukwensing Congratulations
CARE GIVER FOR ELDERLY or special needs person. Live out. Please call Debbie 083 276 3978.
RAAI WIE WAS 1 op 25/09/2013! Baie geluk met jou verjaarsdag. Liefde: Mammie, Ouma, Oupa Ben & Vicky.
FUNERAL URNS. Hand painted, Ceramic. Call 083 456 1913. Email: mestone@
RAAI WIE WORD 21? Baie geluk! Mag die Here jou seën. Baie liefde: Mammie, Pa, suster en Nanna. Kind, ons is trots op jou.
Verjaardae, huweliksherdenkings, troues, geboortes Plaas 'n kleur foto met kort boodskappie (maks. 18 woorde) vir slegs R80! Spertyd: Maandag 17:00.
GUESS WHO'S 4 ON 02/10/2013! Happy 4th birthday! May God bless you many more. Love: Mommy & Daddy.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19.30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/ 083 412 6856/082 757 0291 or email: aa.herma
Skakel of e-pos Tania by 028-312 3717
08 Sterfgevalle Death Notices
In Memoriam
WARREN GRANT NIEMAND. Jou eerste verjaarsdag weg van ons. Die hartseer, verlange & vermisting is daar, maar mooi herinneringe sal ons altyd bybly. Met liefde: Pa Johan, Helen, Vonji, Juandré.
MOSAÏEK VIR KINDERS. Vakansie klasse en doendit-self pakkies beskikbaar. Mosaic for kids. Holiday workshops and kits available. Tanya 082 924 3973. PRIVATE TUTOR. JP Teacher with remedial experience offering tutoring for young learners Gr R Gr 5 in Maths, English, Reading & Comprehension, Spelling & Phonics. Anne Dale 072 071 4289.
CHRISTELIKE AFHANKSkoonheid en LIKHEIDSBEWEGING Gesondheid Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 Beauty and Health 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/ 084 548 5871. BIRTHING & BABYCARE CLASSES. VoorgeboorteDIE LAASTE & GROOTklasse. Every Thursday STE MISLEIDING 7pm, Onrus. Call Debby 082 Lukas 21:8, Danie Pienaar. 500 2218 or Shirley 084 506 Vir gratis leesstof en CD, 6474. sms jou naam en adres na 082 734 4168. LOSE WEIGHT, GAIN ENERGY. Sms XTRA to HERMANUS DIABETIC 45633. R1.50/sms. SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of MASSAGE THERAPIST. the month. Contact Liezl Raymond Philpott. Jordaan at 028-313 0643. Therapeutic, deep tissue, sports. Kidbrooke Place & NARCOTICS ANONYBotriver. Call 082 599 2993. MOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a MON CHÈRI PARFUM. problem? Mondays 19:30 Fragrance of excellence. United Church Hall. Phone Call 082 771 5638 or 028076 114 3218. 316 1512. ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid ( depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almal welkomook familielede. Navrae Nonnie 028-316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028313 2031/071 853 2106. NAIL & BODY SANCE-pos TUARY. Bio Sculpture nails. Massage, mani's & OVERSTRAND HOSpedi's. Slimming body PICE - Care for the terwraps. Lash extensions. minally ill and their famiCall Nicki 072 907 0387. lies. Phone Monday to Friday 028-312 4679. QUALIFIED MOBILE TAROT READING. HAIRSTYLIST available 25 Years experience. Phone to come to your home. Call 083 750 9453 for appointDebbie 083 276 3978. ments. TREATMENT ROOM to THE HOSPICE SHOP rent at salon for estawould be very grateful for blished beauty therapist/ any unwanted clothing, nail technician. Must have linen, bric-a-brac, furniown clientele & manage ture, sporting goods or their own bookings. Avaibooks. We can collect lable immediately. Call goods every Tuesday & Lucinda on 072 545 0140/ Thursday. Please call 028028-313 2556 or email: 313 1884.
22 Persoonlik/Personal
WEIGHT WATCHERS, internationally acclaimed as the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Summer Special! Phone Gilly 082 8789 558. Because it works!
34 KIP MCGRATH EDUCATION CENTRE. Math and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028-313 0209 today for a free assessment.
Spyseniering Catering
Vermaak Entertainment CRAFTERS OPPORTUNITY. Rent a display shelf for your hand made products at our new "@ the Village Stall" opening November. Preference will be given to: woodwork, jewellery, crochet, pottery, beading, wire articles, candles, processed food. Call Estelle 082 445 9722.
Huurdienste Hiring Services
1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608. HERMANUS HIRING will fill all your function needs - Tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, linen etc. At good prices. Telephone 028 312 4291 or Ken on 082 420 0060.
Regsdienste Leagal Services PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR. Criminal investigations. Divorce cases. Matrimonial cases. Background checks. Surveillance. Call 082 326 1671.
Persoonlike Dienste Personal Services
CAROLINE SPANDIEL. 01/10/1964-24/05/2012. Mammie, dis jou 2de verjaarsdag weg van ons en steeds mis ons jou so ontsettend baie! Van: Jou man, kinders en kleinkinders.
MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311.
SUGAR PLUM Party Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Estelle 072 401 5913.
PERSONAL LOVE & care for furry babies, private nursing, caretaker, housekeeper, 24/7. Call 079 604 0313. TYPING SERVICE. For all your typing needs phone 076 672 0411.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
26 September, 2013
Fotografies/Video Dienste Photographic/Video Services
Diere en Voëls Pets and Livestock
HANSIE OOSTHUIZEN. Professional photographer. www.hansiephoto. Tel. 072 878 1787. www. hansiephoto. Professional service with a smile.
MONEY LIVE LOANS. Personal loans up to R150 000. Copy ID, latest payslip and 3 month's bank statement. Fax: 086 776 47 42. Email: info@money Call 021829 7192/3. For online application go to: www.
Tuinbou Garden Services
WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480.
Houtwerk Carpentry
Gordyne/Matte/ Stoffering Curtains/Carpets Upholstery CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY cleaning. Call Allison or John 072 572 0215. CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervision. Best prices. Free quotations. Phone Top Carpets 028-313 0721. CINDY'S CARPET CLEANERS. Carpets, rugs & upholstery cleaners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 5385/ 028-316 4264.
Steenbras Street, off Swartdam Street. Industrial Area Tel 028-312 2886 084 512 9584
AAA MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, damp proofing, waterproofing, building & renovations & general maintenance. Free quotes. Call Ian 082 535 5591. ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 4761/084 558 1902.
Oudhede en Kuns Antiques and Art I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.
Algemeen Miscellaneous
YOUNG TABBY and tortoiseshell cats, sterilized, urgently need good homes. Call Stanford Animal Welfare 028-341 0547/ 082 899 1172.
11 Mitchell St, Hermanus 028 312 4979
BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749.
BRAAIS MET WIELETJIES te koop. Rooster ingesluit. R900. Skakel 072 550 3460.
FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES visit Janine's Clothing at 19 Mimosa Street, Hermanus. Call 028-312 3419. Good quality-Good prices!!
BARGAIN SHOP. We buy your unwanted furniture and complete homes for cash. Contact Joe 072 345 8442. OU KAAP stinkhout spitspoot rottang bankie 150 jaar, maar perfek. Ook spitspoot tafel - 200 jaar, geelhoutblad/stinkhout pote. Skakel 082 553 7019.
104 DRIE PRAGTIGE, groot skilderye te koop. Twee van Pierre de Villiers en een van Don Madge. Skakel 028-271 5045. WANTED: Antiques, furniture, paintings, bronzes, silver, porcelain, jewellery, watches, clocks. Call 082 833 2567.
Rekenaar Verkope en dienste Computer Sales and Services
AFFORDABLE ONSITE Computer Support. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer with ten years corporate experience to assist you at home or office with all computer, network, internet and email problems. Call Jacques 084 402 0500.
SHOPRIDER. SPLINTERNUUT. 3 Kilometer gery. R18 000. Skakel 028-316 3840/072 206 6183.
WOODEN HOUSE for sale, 3x3m. Needs attention. R1 500. Call 081 271 3507.
Bouwerk Building Construction A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798. ALTERATIONS & BUILDING PLANS, can do energy efficiency study. Call Steven 074 102 7897/
Verfwerk/Painting 113
te Huur/to Hire
BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to BUILDING ALTERATIONS, rent. Call 086 100 2271 or boundary walls, painting, 028-312 2367. bathroom renovations, PLANT HIRE: Contact plumbing, tiling. Professionally done. Call 082 255 CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on028-312 2280/ 0939. 079 492 5726. TOILET & HUT HIRE: FRANCOIS DU TOIT Contact CCS Plant, Tool & CONSTRUCTION & Trailer Hire on 028-312 PLUMBING. Painting, 2280/079 492 5726. paving, tiling, bathroom makeovers, home mainTRAILER HIRE: Contact tenance & building require- CCS Plant Tool & Trailer ments call 083 3080534. Hire on 028-312 2280/ 079 492 5726.
Geld/lenings Money/Loans
COMPUTER SUPPORT, Mobile Devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.
Loodgieters Plumbers 1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028312 3874. BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323.
PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028-316 1881/072 288 4761. WOZANI PAINTERS. For all paint work, waterproofing, roof cleaning, paving cleaning. Free quotation. Call Thomas 073 888 4535/074 040 9055.
BERNINA HERMANUS. Authorized Bernina Technician. Danie van Heerden. We service sewing machines, overlockers and embroidery machines. Mon-Fri, 9:00am to 5:00pm. Sat, 9:00am to 1:00pm. Trade in promotion now on. Tel 028-313 0458. Gateway Center. ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. NEVILLE'S REFRIGERATION and appliance repairs. Fridges, freezers, stoves, tumble driers, microwaves. Phone Neville 028-316 1690 or 078 401 3547. REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667. www. WALKER BAY MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, alterations, small building, roofing, waterproofing, plumbing. Callouts. Free quotes. Rudi 073 190 3541.
PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
Plaagbeheer Pest Control
Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs
Vervoer en Berging Moving & Storage
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398
TONCO 140 AMP/220V Mini Mite welder + accessories. R400. Trojan home gym & weights, 3 bike car rack, genuine mens leather jacket, size 42. R250. Call 073 280 6036.
FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. For all your plumbing requirements and bathroom makeovers call 083 308 0534.
INGEBOUDE KASTE & kombuise/built-in cupboards and more! 30 Jaar ondervinding. Christo Oelofse 082 574 6991/ 028-316 2574. Epos:
24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017.
Algemene Dienste General Services
101 SERVICES. Handyman general. No job too small. Best rates. Pensioners discount. 15 Years experience. Call Peter 073 157 2415.
INTERLOCK WEED & PEST CONTROL: For professional treatment of residential & industrial pests. I also specialise in treatments for weed infested lawns & pavements. Call Andries de Kock 082 567 7591 (Registered Department of Agriculture). OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
26 September, 2013
Motoronderdele Parts & Accessories
PEST CONTROL - WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028316 3010.
Besighede te Koop Businesses for Sale BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS, The Roundabout, 181 Main Road Hermanus(opposite Woolworths). Visit our website at to view a complete list of businesses or contact Evan at 082 974 6995. TUINDIENSTE TE KOOP Sandbaai area. Skakel Nico van Zyl 082 336 4697.
Eiendomme te Huur Property to Let SANDBAAI: 3 Slaapkamers, ingeboude kaste. Ruim oopplan, braaistoep, motorhuis, toesluit parkering, alarm, mooi uitsig. R4 450 + deposito. Skakel 078 478 0006.
Teëlwerk/Vloere Tiling/Flooring ALL TILING. For free quotes, call 028-314 0176 or 074 501 9070. FLOOR SANDING & specialized installation of wood BUFFALO GRASS. Save floors & timber decks. The water, plant indigenous Hutton Brothers 082 828 grass. For best prices, call 5627 or 028-341 0543. Chris 082 568 2592. TILING. A TO Z MASTER TILER. Ceramic, porcelain, travetine, mosaic, slate, sandstone. All work professionally done. Call 082 255 DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clear0939. ing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. 1148 Fire wood. Call T.J. Boshoff Rommelverwydering 082 954 7970.
Rubble Removal
FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial area. Call 028-313 1763.
HERMANUS LANDSCAPING. Garden design, maintenance & irrigation. 22 Years experience. Call Paul Marx 082 32 777 04.
Ruite/Vensters Glass/Windows SOLOMON'S WINDOW CLEANING Services for domestic, commercial, industrial & construction sites. For free quotation phone Solomon 082 747 3640. Serving Hermanus since 1996.
THE TREE FELLA. Die Boomkapper. We fell trees. Call Hennie 082 415 2181.
ZUKI'S GARDEN & Forestry Service. Alien plant clearing. Plot clearing. Garden refuse removal. Tree pruning. Hedge trimming. Weed extermination, etc. Call Zukisani 082 711 6102.
Dienste aan Sake-Ondernemings Business Services
Erwe te Koop Plots for Sale
Voertuie te Koop Gevra Vehicles Wanted to Buy
DRY VACANT PLOT SANDBAAI. Walking distance from beach on the Onrus side of Sandbaai. 714m². R350,000. No transfer cost. Call owner 082 465 4909.
Woonstelle te Huur Flats to Let
Motorfietse te Koop/te Huur Motorcycles for Sale/to Hire
GROUND FLOOR one bedroom flat to rent in Silver Oaks. R2 900 pm. From 1st November 2013 (previous rental refs required). Call 084 792 1548.
BROMPONIE-WINSKOOP! Johnway, 288 km op die klok. R9 250. Skakel D. Pretorius 028-316 2290.
WOONSTEL TE HUUR. Buitedeur - eie badkamer. Geen troeteldiere, rook of drank nie. Skakel 028-316 1368. Onrus.
Motors te Koop Vehicles for Sale
Kommersieel en industriele Eiendom Commercial and Industrial Property
230CE MERCEDES. Bakwerk/enjin baie goed. R35 000! Skakel 082 553 7019. FOR SALE: BMW Automatic. Low mileage. Good condition. Galvanised ride-on trailer suitable for golfcart shoprider, etc. Call 028-316 4179/082 975 2802.
Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted 2 MALAWIANS seeking employment as domestic/ guesthouse attendant/ painter/gardener/waitress. Experienced. Call Beatrice or Oscar on 083 364 5546/ 074 728 3721. 37-YEAR-OLD lady is looking for a job as caregiver (available day & night) or housekeeper. Honest & reliable. Call Cynthia 078 472 6202. Reference Mrs. Hugo 082 868 5667. A BILINGUAL, energetic & self-motivated, enthusiastic man seeks employment as a handyman or driver. RSA code 10 with PDP & Zimbabwean code 14 drivers licences. Experienced, references & work permit available. Call 076 077 9424.
Algemeen General Vacancies
A ZIMBABWEAN LADY (31) is looking for a job as housekeeper/childminder or any other job. For reference call Leoni 084 522 2007. A ZIMBABWEAN man with a work permit and experience seeking work as a waiter, kitchen assistant or gardener. Fluent in english. Ref -A Muchanyara - Gilberts Catering 083 303 6920. Call 078 033 2134.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED SA lady seeking domestic employment for 2 days a week. Good references. Call Monica 083 989 1643 or Mrs. Botha 082 892 9645.
KIDBROOKE PLACE RETIREMENT VILLAGE. 1/2 Bed cottage. Available 1 December. R4 500 pm. Long lease. No pets. Call 081 478 0823.
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.
A MALAWIAN young woman is looking for a job as housekeeper or babysitter, 2 to 3 days a week. 3 Years experience. Reference available. Call 078 231 0512.
DOMESTIC WORKER seeking employment, Tuesday to Friday. 3 Years guesthouse & 18 years domestic experience. Call Portier 083 883 0373. Reference Noelene 082 785 3297.
Huise te Huur Houses to Let
A MALAWIAN lady is looking for domestic work on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Call Maggie 074 312 9515/073 908 4781. Reference Mr. Van Tonder 081 534 5604.
MALAWIAN COUPLE looking for housekeeping or guesthouse work. Experienced, good reference & code 8 licence. Call 078 613 3809/081 000 7447. MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job as a domestic/housekeeper or babysitter - 3 days. Experienced - reference available. Call 073 933 1687. MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job as a domestic worker. Call 073 968 5794/073 153 1037. SA LADY looking for a job, 2 or 3 days a week. Can work in guesthouse or do ironing. Please call 078 100 7968/079 944 0607. TRUSTWORTHY, RELIABLE LADY looking for a domestic job for 3 days per week from 1 October. Employer is relocating. Call Mrs. Louw for reference on 083 641 8464 and please call Faith on 074 765 1075. WILLIAM MOMBA is looking for a job as domestic worker/handyman. Call me on 071 185 7937. Reference Mr. & Mrs. Andrews 082 927 9684/072 899 5594.
AFRIKAANSSPREKENDE INSLAAP huishulp met ondervinding word benodig, sonder afhanklikes. Getuigskrifte en sober gewoontes 'n vereiste. Kontak 082 807 0876 indien u aan vereistes voldoen.
COSMETIC LADY REQUIRED. Must have good sales skills with min. 2 years experience. Please email CV to brenda@ or fax to 028-312 2681.
HAIR STYLIST WANTED. Melony Hair Studio requires an experienced hair stylist. Please apply to Melony at 082 325 4918 or
POSITION AVAILABLE for beauty therapist at health & beauty spa. Forward your CV to healthandbeautyspa@ or call Elana 072 3421 898.
TEACH IN THAILAND. TEFL Cert or not. Degree or not. Email: linda@
A MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a job as domestic worker, babysitter or guesthouse attendant. 5 Years experience. Call 071 901 4336/073 844 5034.
WERKENDE JONG MAN soek kamer of woonstel te huur. Bereid om R1 200 R1 500 p.m. te betaal. Skakel asb. 072 529 2402.
Eiendomme te Koop Property for Sale 141
Sleepwaens te Koop/te Huur Trailers for Sale/ to Hire
HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www.
A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. For full garden maintenance, tree felling, plot clearing and refuse removal. Also small removals. Gutter cleaning. Call Morné 083 225 3712.
SANDBAAI BESIGHEIDSPERSEEL (Kommersieel). R3 500 000. Bestaande uit: 3 volledige toegeruste woonstelle, 2 x kantore, kafee met toerusting, laundromat - met huurders. Grond: 1 655m². Web verw: 623638. Elna 082 379 6897. Guthrie & Theron Eiendomme.
146 FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.
NORTHCLIFF. R1 140 000. Uitstekende belegging. Sonnige 3 slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, studeer, 2 leefareas, 1 toesluit mh, afdak, boorgat, 4 x mure. www. Web verw: 597782. Marietta 082 569 6967. Guthrie & Theron Eiendomme.
HEMEL & AARDE ESTATE. 5 star facilities. R1 999 000 - 4 bedrooms, views. R1 650 000 - 4 bedrooms. R1 500 000, new 2 bedroomed home. Call 084 575 4321. Lower commission.
100m² FACTORY UNIT in old industrial area to let @ R30 per m², excl. Vat and municipal fees. Call 028-312 A MALAWIAN LADY is 4102 or 082 658 3707. looking for a job as houseEXCLUSIVE OPEN PLAN keeper, 2 days a week. Exoffices to let. Hemel & perienced. Please call 083 Aarde Village, ± 100m². 873 3705/084 896 3975. Call 028 316 2696. A MALAWIAN man is OFFICES TO LET in Main looking for a full-time job Road, Kleinmond. Contact as gardener or houseXpertprop 082 870 5704. keeper. Please call 074 823 9165/073 240 6016. SMALL OFFICE SPACE in Hemel & Aarde Village. A MALAWIAN man is Attractive, peaceful setlooking for a job as houseting. Own bathroom & keeper or gardener, partmini kitchen. Parking. time or full-time. RefeR2 800 pm. 1 Oct/1 Nov. rence available. Call 074 Call 083 325 7515. 451 2436/071 744 7721. TO LET: 1ST FLOOR A MALAWIAN man is OFFICE, 28m². CBD Herlooking for a job as bar manus. Call 082 455 7276. man/gardener/house TOWN CENTRE OFFICE/ cleaner, full week or 3 SHOP SPACE TO RENT. days. Reference available. Newly renovated office/ Call 084 866 5974. shop space to rent in Hermanus business A MALAWIAN man is district, 4 Royal Street. seeking employment as Own ablution facilities in driver or any other work. the unit. Highly visible Code 10 driver's licence from main bypass road. with valid PDP. Reference Phone 076 092 7240. available. Call Isaac 084 Available immediately. 462 7699.
Birthdays, weddings, wedding anniversaries, births.
Place a colour photo with short message (max 18 words) for only R80! Deadline: Monday 17:00.
Phone or email Tania on 028-312 3717
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
26 September, 2013
AFRICAN MYSTIQUE: An exhibition of paintings by Lynette ten Krooden (here with one of her works) opened at the Abalone Art Gallery on Saturday 21 September. Ten Krooden has been an artist for the past 30 years and a series of her paintings in the collection on exhibition depict this journey. Her mystical Karoo landscapes with layers of gold leaf, mountain peaks dressed in snow seen from her window seat as she flies from one place to the other, and stormy seascapes capture the mood and intensity of the natural world. The exhibition is on at the Abalone Art Gallery until 12 October.
Open water swim attracts almost 200 swimmers Under strict supervision of the Hermanus NSRI, some 200 swimmers enjoyed the third annual Hermanus Old Harbour Open Water Swim presented on Sunday morning by Hermanus Adventures. Following some treacherous weather the last couple of weeks, the swimmers took part in challenges of 300 m, 750 m and 1,500 m in sunny conditions. Thousands of spectators packed the cliff
tops, enjoying the outing to Hermanus, and watched how the swimmers dived into the sea and juggled for position. “It was my most beautiful open water swim yet,” said Tom Tate from Cape Town. “This was my first Old Harbour Swim and I will be back in 2014,” enthused Tommie Kruger from Grabouw. Deon Ferreira from Hermanus Adventures said the Hermanus Old Harbour Open Water Swim is here to
The winners of the Cliff Path Night Run women’s 10 km event were: 1st – Annamari Storm; 2nd Sally Stevens and 3rd – Carina van der Merwe. With them is Brennan Davis, CEO of
stay and was enjoyed by one and all. The winners of the open swim were: 300 m: 1st Sarah Atmore 06:31; 2nd Megan Petersen 06:55; 3rd Lizè Fourie 08:33 750 m: 1st Nicholas Quènet 10:31; 2nd AlexandraQuènet11:57; 3rd Tom Tait 13:13 1500 m: 1st Emile Linde 23:48; 2nd Jack Buchanan 23:52; 3rd Richard Willmore 23:58
Winners of the men’s 10 km Night Run event were: 1st – Chad Gordan; 2nd – Alfred Tshabeni and 3rd – Peter Rud huka.
Night run a great success The winners of the highly successful Cliff Path Night Run which took place on Monday evening were: 10km – Women 1st – Annamari Storm 2nd – Sally Stevens
3rd – Carina van der Merwe 10km – Men 1st – Chad Gordon 2nd – Alfred Tshabeni 3rd – Peter Rudhuka 6km - Men
1st – Nicholas Quenet 2nd – Nicholas Frost 3rd - Gustav van Wyk 6km – Women 1st – Alexandra Quenet 2nd – Gail Momsen 3rd – Brooke de Bruyn
COLOURFUL CLIVIAS: The annual Clivia Show takes place in the NG Church on Fri day 27 and Saturday 28 September. See these flowers at their best and talk to clivia experts who will be there to tell you all about these beautiful waterwise plants. The entry fee is R10.
Hermanus Times
Sport Sport
26 September, 2013
MTB Challenge and trail run this weekend
The Whale Festival MTB Challenge and Trail run will take place on Saturday 28 September, starting at Curro Hermanus.
)Wednesday 18 September 1 Betty Nel / Rikie Louw 60.17% 2 Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 59.34% 3 Claudine Bylsma / Jaye Howse 56.87% )Friday 20 September 1 July Cotton / Joan o’Connor 63.46% 2 Milli Ann Tanton / Anneke vd Vlugt 59.94% 2 Jaye Howse / June Opperman 59.94% )Saturday 21 September 1 Anneke vd Vlugt / Chris Raven 63.43% 2 Carin Verburg / Pippa Meyer 56.94% 3 Jackie Ascham / Annette Strachan 56.48 WHALERS ATHLETIC CLUB - TIME TRIAL )19 September 3 km Runners: 1 Roelof van Weele 16:00; 2 Melany Vaughan 20:52 PB. 5 km Runners: 1 Kevin Middleton 20:24; 2 Mikki Milne 26:06; 3 Les Hanna 26:06. OTHER RACES: ) 22 September Cape Town 42,2km: Hugh Waters 4:53. Whalers 6 km Fun Run: Melany Vaughn 45:02.
GYMNAST OFF TO WP: Rebecca Beeton from Curro Hermanus re ceived Boland colours for gymnas tics recently. Beeton will take part in the Western Province Gymnastics Championship later in the year.
The MTB challenge will consist of 55, 30 and 15 km distances as well as a 3 km Kiddies fun ride. New single track and bridges have been built to add flavour to the existing trails in the Hemel en Aarde Valley. Entry fees are R150 for the 55 km, R120 for the 15 km, R90 for the 15 km and R20 for the Kiddies Fun Ride. Special rates apply for PPA members.
People can still register at 06:30 at Curro Hermanus. For more information contact Jan van Schalkwyk on 082 850 1062 or email ) The Whale Festival Trail Run will consist of 18 km, 12 km and 6 km distances as well as a 3 km Kiddies Fun Run. Beautiful mountain trails with river crossings and some lung-busting climbs will lead you through breathtaking scenery to amazing viewpoints. Late entries (at 06:00 at Curro) are still possible, and will cost R120, R100, R70 and R20.
Netball tournament was great fun
)21 September 70 players competed in the 4BBB Bogey Plus at Hermanus Golf Club. 1. Tony Behagg / Peter Sulley (+9). 2. Ambrose Lloyd / John Simson (c/i +8). 3. Christo Nel / Desmond Sauls (c/i +8). c/o of prizes: Jan Mulder / Andy Macrae (c/o +8) and Michel Frost / Frederik Venter (c/o +8).
The Hermanus Netball Club hosted their annual netball tournament on Saturday 21 September during the Whale Festival. Thirty teams from netball clubs across the Western Cape partici-
pated in this which was hosted at Hermanus High School. In section A, Trinity from Stellenbosch won overall, in section B the winners were Moby’s Hermanus, in section C, Heideveld A
and in section D, Matroosfontein took the honours. The Hermanus Netball club is very grateful to Hermanus Food Lover’s Market who was the main sponsor for the event.
New sponsor for hockey tournament DOGS enjoy The gaming company, Zero Gravity, stepped up as the new main sponsor for the indoor hockey tournament taking place from 6 to 8 December at the Hermanus High School Gymnasium. Everyone locally or from out of town is welcome to enter a team. Teams consist of eight players: one keeper, four players and three subs. It is open for both men and women. The cost is R75 per player and entries close on 20 November. Zero Gravity has sponsored prizes valued at almost R2 000 for the two best teams. For more information phone Ludwig Schutz on 078 111 7271.
Sunshine Tour
Hermanus Hockey’s Ludwig Schutz (right) shakes hands with Brad Stephenson of Zero Gravity who has come on board as main sponsor for the Indoor Hockey Tourna ment.
Foot of Africa revived under new management The 2013 Foot of Africa Marathon will take place on Saturday 19 October at Mega Park in Bredasdorp. This was confirmed by Orton King, group executive of Agri Mega Group, the new managers of this marathon, half marathon and fun run. This marathon is known as the toughest race with the warmest heart. The 42,2 km will start at 06:00 at the farm, Mierkraal, and the 21,1 km and the 10 km both at 07:00 at Mega Park. The traditional 4 km fun run, “Die Toontjie” will be held on Friday 18 October at 18:00 at Mega
Park. Entries for “Die Toontjie” will open at 15:00 at R10 per adult. Children under 16 run for free. All finishers will receive medals. All the races will finish at Mega Park. Boland Athletics welcomed King’s confirmation that Agri Mega will be the new manager of the event for the next few years. Entries are via the partner-organisers, Top Events, on, or email or call 021 511 7130 for enquiries.
) 24 September KLEINMOND: Individual Stableford (Log) It felt like a dream for the large pack to get back out on the Sunshine Tour after the recent appalling weather. And the dream continued for Cruiser Thomas who, fresh back from his successful spell on the European Circuit, posted an amazing 39 points for only his second career win. The dream turned into a nightmare for others though, especially for Braveheart MacRoss who now risks losing his card and may have to concentrate on Red Heart / Captain Morgan co-sponsored events. 39 Peter Thomas; 38 Mannes van Zyl; 37 Sam Seal; 35 André Franken, Hugh Frangs; 34 André Hattingh; 33 Brian (guest), Pat Dewil; 32 Peter Sulley; 31 Dave Rade, Alan Smith; 29 Jon Forsyth, Ian Newman, Ray Calitz (guest); 27 Fred Garrett; 25 Dave Smith, Mike Graham; 23 Peter Theron; 21 Doug Ross. – DAVE SMITH
The starting times are 08:30 for the 18 km, 08:40 for the 12 km, 08:50 for the 6 km and 09:00 for the Kiddies Fun Run. For more information phone Paul du Toit on 082 820 3331.
Atlantic A druk ses pragdrieë W.C.M. GIBSON Atlantic Rugbyklub se A-span het Saterdag op hul tuisveld teen CPUT vyf bonuspunte ingesamel en met 38-12 gewen. Die B- en C-span het nie gespeel nie en kry ook elkeen vyf bonuspunte. CPUT se A-span was net nie opgewasse teen Atlantic nie. Atlantic het met goeie hardlooprugby die toeskouers iets gegee om oor glimlag deur ses drieë te druk. Die puntemakers was Conway Sauls (1 drie), Nigel Theunissen (2 drieë), Rodney Lukas (1 drie), Goodman Mbane (1 drie), Roderick Geswind (1 drie), Jerome Julies (4 doelskoppe) en Romeo Stevens (1 doelskop). ) Atlantic speel Saterdag weg teen Botrivier.
Sport diary )19 October The 2013 Foot of Africa Marathon takes place at Mega Park in Bredasdorp. Fore more information visit www.tope or email info@tope or call 021 511 7130. )6 8 December The Indoor Hockey Tournament takes place at the Hermanus High School Gymnasium. For more information con tact Ludwig Schutz on 078 111 7271.
9 771608 589068
Golfers raised a record Atlete verduur R55 000 at Whale Classic gure weer in Walvisfees Halfmarathon Friday’s weather was probably the worst in the 11-year history of the PSG Whale Classic Charity Golf challenge held at the Hermanus Golf Club, but many golfers braved the icy wind and even hail and a record R55 000 was raised for local charities.
Celia Rabie from the Burgundy Restaurant, handed over a donation of R10 000 on behalf of the res taurant to Frank Matthee, president of Rotary Her manus. PHOTO’S: JANHENDRIK COETZER
Sport VIPs who participated were cricketers Jacques Kallis and Mark Boucher. Former Springbok coach, Jake White, was Master of Ceremonies.
Otherwise the atmosphere in the clubhouse was warm and cosy. The competition was reduced to nine holes to allow the golfers to thaw out with plenty of warm and cold refreshments and snacks in the clubhouse. The charities to benefit from the R55 000 are: the SAB Mark Boucher Rhino Conservation, Hospice, Roud Table Hermanus, Rotary Hermanus, Overstrand Arts & Culture and the SA Football Foundation in Gansbaai. Prizes valued at over R50 000 were presented to the top-ten golfers and lucky draws. The first three places of the shortened competition were Hansie van Niekerk, John Steriagnos, Ernie Blommaert and Albert Streicher with 41 followed by Linny Pillay, Lindsay Swarts and Selwyn Brown (plus ghost) on 41 Desmond Sauls, Elton Booysen, Merson Arendse and Edwin Marthinus with 39 points.
CARINA VAN DER MERWE Langafstand-atlete word altyd bewonder vir hul uithouvermoë om ver te hardloop, maar Saterdag het 213 atlete ook bewys hulle skrik nie vir reën en koue nie. Omstandighede was so onaangenaam dat meer as die helfte van die atlete wat vooraf vir die wedloop ingeskryf het, nie opgedaag het nie. In die mansafdeling het Joemat Witbooi van die Bredasdorp Atletiekklub vanjaar se 17de Walvis Halfmarathon in ’n tyd van 1:13.06 gewen. Wanda Arora van die Nedbank-klub was tweede (1:17.09) en Alfred Tshabeni van die plaaslike Whalers Atletiekklub was derde (1:21.37). In die vroueafdeling het Ulrica Stander van die New Balance-klub haar rekord van twee jaar gelede verbeter en die wedloop in 1:22.41 gewen. Sy was algeheel vierde. LeeShay Willemse van die Velocity Atletiekklub was tweede (1.36.09) en Helen Ibbotson was kort op haar hakke derde (1.36.17). Die wenners van die 6 km-pretloop was Marshall Malgas 22:59.58 (mans) en Anthea Dickson 26:30.84 (vroue). Atlete van die Whalers Atletiekklub het baie goed in die 21.1 km en die 6 km presteer en ’n hele paar het katagoriepryse opgeraap. Frank Gillion en Kevin Middleton was onderskeidelik tweede en derde in die 50+-mansafdeling; Christine Hibberd tweede 50+-vroue-
Die manswenners was Wanda Arora, Joe mat Witbooi, Alfred Tshabeni en Allan Tho mas van Total Hermanus. afdeling en Anzel du Plessis was tweede in die 40+-vroueafdeling. WL Kruger het die junior afdeling vir mans gewen en Jacobus Jansen was derde in die 60+-mansafdeling. Die Whalers se vroue- en manspanne het ook albei geseëvier. Uitslae van atlete van Whalers Atletiekklub en ander Hermanusatlete Mans: Alfred Tshabeni 1:21.37; Peter Radhuka 1:23.59; Frank Gillion 1:31.25; Mark Kavanagh 1:31.57; W.L. Kruger 1:35.55; Kevin Middleton 1:35.59; Graham Tjabring 1:41.46; Loudi Vorster 1:43.46; Ewan Venter 1:45.07; Justin Swarts 1:45.08; Marius Venter 1:55.25; Jacobus Jansen 2:11.39. Vroue: Anzel du Plessis 1:42.31; Christine Hibberd 1:51.41; Carlien Roux 1:55.26; ElzeMari Ungerer 2:08.36; Annarie Nel 2:24.07. Ander atlete van Hermanus wat deelgeneem het: Jeremy Browne 1:41.12; Righardt van Huyssteen 2:15.34 en Jansen Streicher 2:16.39. Die organiseerders, Hoërskool Hermanus en die Whalers Atletiekklub, wil vir Total SA, Total Hermanus en almal wat gehelp het om van hierdie wedloop ’n groot sukses te maak, bedank vir al hul harde werk en finansiële bydraes.
PENSIONERS COMPLETE THEIR FIRST MARATHON: Glenda and John Theobald from the Whalers Athletic Club completed their first marathon on Sun day 22 September in the Cape Town Mara thon with times of 5:28 and 5:30 minutes res pectively.