THURSDAY, 31 OCTOBER 2013 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316
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Totsiens, meneer Ladewig 4
Illegal march turns violent Swartdam Road was cordoned off by the police on Saturday morning after a protest march turned vio lent. Business premises and trading stores were vandalised, set alight and looted during the protest.
ayhem erupted in Zwelihle early on Saturday morning when a group of approximately 300 residents took part in a protest march up Swartdam Road. Along the way several wooden trading structures and Local Economic Development (LED) business premises were vandalised and looted as angry residents smashed the windows and burglar bars with stones and set the buildings alight. Traffic flow was disrupted when members of the Hermanus SAPS and Public Order Police blocked off the road in an attempt to control the crowd. Rubber bullets were fired and at least seven people were injured. The mayor of the Overstrand Municipality (OM) Nicolette Botha-Guthrie was on the scene shortly before 09:00 to talk to the protesters and urge them to stop the vandalism and consider the safety of their own people. Henrietta Bulani, who runs the Never Lose Hope Project and the Impact Health Africa clinic from one of the offices at the LED building, says her business was vandalised, equipment was destroyed and all the supplies kept in her store room
were stolen by the looters. Her friend Vuyelwa Ngxatha, who trades from one of the small business venues, had stored the clothing she makes and all her material, accessories and sewing machines in Henrietta’s store at night because these were the only premises that had ADT security. All Vuyelwa’s stock was stolen, Henrietta’s health products were strewn all over the floor, and she says “they took whatever they could carry and destroyed what they couldn’t steal.” Henrietta says she offers a nutritional advice and counselling service to the community which she is not paid for and this is how they treated her. “When it comes to safety, only God can protect us in this country,” she says. They met the mayor on Monday and she apologised for the destructive behaviour of the protestors. The march was motivated by grievances on the part of the Ziphunzana and Tambo communities in Zwelihle. These informal settlements have no stormwater drainage or electricity supply. They were apparently on their way to the Overstrand Municipality to hand over a memorandum to the mayor to demand the installation of electricity. Botha-Guthrie says the municipality was
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Jou Koerant • Your Newspaper Fundco baas bespeur in J’Baai 2
aware of the residents’ intention to have a protest march. “It is their democratic right to protest, but only once they have applied for, and been granted permission by the police. Because they chose not to do so, it was an illegal protest and the police could not let them continue on their path.” The mayor was advised not to visit the scene on Saturday, but even after she became the target of a personal threat by one of the community leaders, she insisted on going. She spoke to a group of representatives on the corner of Swartdam and Steenbras roads, together with Hermanus SAPS station commander Colonel Nomana Adonis, Traffic Chief Rudi Fraser and Director of Protection Services of the Overstrand Municipality Neville Michaels. Botha-Guthrie told the residents that she would like to sit around a table with them on Monday to explain the municipality’s position on the issue of electricity supply. Six of the eight representatives arrived at the meeting on Monday with the mayor and various officials that included the Municipal Manager Coenie Groenewald, the Director of Infrastructure & Planning Stephen Müller, and Colonel Adonis. The municipality’s position was explained as follows: – see page 3.
VLAG HANG HALF MAS EN SONDER FUT: Adriaan Pansegrauw, ’n baie groot WP rugbyon dersteuner, moes Saterdag nadat die WP teen die Sharks in die Curriebeker finaal op Nuweland ver loor het, sy WPvlag half mas hang by sy huis in Sandbaai. “Ons treur. Die vlag het vir vier weke hoog gehang, maar nou moet dit vir vier weke halfmas hang,” het hy skaamkwaad gesê.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
31 October, 2013
Anina EygelaarKohler, tweede regs in blou ge klee, is onlangs in Jef freysbaai opgemerk. Die gesigte van die ander mense in die foto is verdof om hul identiteit te be skerm.
Baas van mislukte Fundco in Jeffreysbaai bespeur JANINE VAN DER RIET Die berugte Anina Eyegelaar-Kohler het sedert Maart vanjaar “verdwyn” ná haar mikroleningsbesigheid, Fundco, in Kleinmond in finansiële moeilikheid beland het, en ’n reddingskomitee gestig is om miljoene rande in beleggersgeld te probeer terugeis. Sy is egter onlangs in Jeffreysbaai opgemerk, waar sy blykbaar nou betrokke is by ’n laerskool en ’n nuwe lewe lei. Haar hare is ook intussen swart gekleur. Beleggers het begin vanjaar bekommerd geraak toe hulle tevergeefs probeer het om Eygelaar-Kohler te bereik. Volgens beleggers was Eygelaar-Kohler die mikroleningsbesigheid Fundco CC se enigste bestuurslid toe hulle daar belê het. Ingeligtes met wie Hermanus Times in Maart vanjaar gepraat het, het beweer beleggers het maande geen rente op hul beleggings ontvang nie. ’n Reddingskomitee is hierna op die been gebring om die beslote korporasie
te ondersoek en dit te probeer red van ondergang. Die komitee kon nie die miljoene wat verdwyn het beredder nie en het ontbind. Duisende beleggers is hul pensioen- en spaargeld kwyt. Volgens Trudie West, voorsitter van dié komitee, was die totale bedrag ter sprake ongeveer R30 miljoen. “Van die R30 miljoen is daar niks in die Fundco-rekening oor nie,” beweer sy. Die meeste beleggers het hul laaste rente in November verlede jaar ontvang. Sommige het wel in Januarie ’n paaiement ontvang. Na bewering het Eygelaar-Kohler ’n rykmanslewe gelei. Behalwe om restaurante te koop en ander beleggings te maak, het Eygelaar-Kohler verskeie borgskappe aan gholfdae en sportspanne toegestaan. Volgens kaptein Jakobus Marthinus, stasiebevelvoerder by Kleinmond SAPD, is ’n dossier in Maart teen Kohler geopen; sy kantoor het die dossier verwys na die kantoor van die Openbare Vervolgingsgesag, en wag op instruksies. Die klagte teen haar is nie aan Hermanus Times bekendgemaak nie.
Optrede beloof vir R320 se slaggate JANINE VAN DER RIET
trakteur aangestel om die betrokke gedeelte van die pad in stand te hou. “Die kontrakteurs ondervind tans probleNadat ’n vragmotor met ’n vrag hooibale afkomstig van Worcester verlede week daar me met instandhouding waar groter versakomgeslaan het, het die bestuurder van die kings en slaggate voorkom. Hierdie probleem word toegevragmotor die ongeluk skryf aan die toegeskryf aan die verhoging in verswak toestand van die keersvolumes en R320 naby Appeldraai, die lae standaard ook bekend as die Volvan die laagwermoed-draai. ke.” Die bestuurder het Van Eeden sê gesê die slaggate in die voorts die raadgeteerpad het sy vrag wende ingenieurs verskuif, wat volgens hom volkome reg ge- Die Overbergdistriksmunisipaliteit sê hulle wat toesig hou oor pak was. “Maar toe ons gaan aandag gee aan die gevaarlike slaggate die kontrakteur, is bewus van die prodeur die gate ry, sien ek op die R320 in die HemelenAardeVallei. bleem en is besig in die truspieëltjie die FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET om die aangeleentvrag skuif ’n bietjie,” het hy op die toneel gesê. Hy het die vragmo- heid te ondersoek. “Ek onderneem om hulle tor tot stilstand gebring om ondersoek in te te versoek om solank ’n tydelike oplossing stel en dis toe dat die trok omgekantel het, in te stel,” het hy beloof. Rhowheln Rhoode, streeksbestuurder van vrag en al. Intussen blyk dat van die slaggate voor die die Wynland se departement vervoer en pudraai tans reggemaak word. Mannie van Ee- blieke werke, het beaam wat Van Eeden gesê den by Overberg-distriksmunisipaliteit se het en bygevoeg dat hulle die slaggat-situasie paaieafdeling, wat vir die pad se instandhou- daagliks sal monitor en aanspreek terwyl ding verantwoordelik is, sê hulle het ’n kon- hulle ’n langer-termyn oplossing beplan.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
31 October, 2013
3 Sterre vir Karavaanpark JANHENDRIK COETZER
Die karavaanpark behoort aan die Overstrand-munisipaliteit en val onder Hermanus Ná sewe jaar van alles insit met die doel Administrasie se bestuur. Die karavaanpark het sowat 250 staanplekom drie-ster-status te verdien, het Onruskaravaanpark uiteindelik daarin geslaag ke waarvan 70 semi-permanent bewoon word. om dié stergradering van die Toerisme Eienaars van die semi-permanente staanGraderingsraad van Suid-Afrika plekke het ’n driejaar-kontrak met die munisipaliteit en hulle mag nie langer as ’n maand (TGRSA) te ontvang. op ’n slag daar kamp nie. “Hierdie is die perfekte vakansiegeleentVolgens Rhyn Potgieter, kampbestuurder, heid vir mense wat het lede van die Graderustigheid soek en ringsraad in Augusnet wil ontspan. Dis tus vanjaar by hulle ook ’n groot finansiaangeklop. Hulle het ele inspuiting vir alles noukeurig bestudie omgewing deur deer en selfs ’n paar kampbewoners wat nagte daar gekamp. plaaslike winkels Die TGRSA is die en besighede onderenigste erkende grasteun. deringsliggaam wat “Dit klink dalk ster-status aan ondervreemd, maar selfs nemings in Suid-Afripermanente inwoka kan toeken. Om ners van Onrus en drie-ster-status te ontHermanus kom vang, moet die kampkamp soms hier,” sê terrein ’n slaagsyfer Potgieter. van tussen 71% en Rhyn Potgieter, bestuurder van Onruskara Die kampterrein 84% behaal. ’n Vier- of vaanpark, by die ingang. se besigste tyd is navyf-ster klassifikasie weke tussen September en April wanneer vereis ’n persentasie van 85% of meer. “Hulle kyk onder meer na die waskamers, staanplekke gewoonlik tussen 40% en 70% vol geboue, veiligheid, netheid asook kliënte- is. Kampeerders geniet die strand, walviskyk, diensbestuur,” sê Potgieter. “Die afgelope sewe jaar het ons sowat wynroetes, duik, die gety-poel en die menige R700 000 op die waskamers alleen spandeer en kunsgalerye in die omgewing. Bel Rhyn Potgieter by 082 227 0454 of die kanook ’n groot heining reg rondom gebou. Baie tyd en beplanning het ook gegaan in veilig- toor by 028 316 1704/1210, stuur ’n epos na reheid en sekuriteit, want mense kom hierheen of besoek die webtuiste by om te ontspan.”
Support Local drive to be launched ‘Support local’ will be one of the projects that the Hermanus Business Chamber will focus on next year, said Mervyn Milner, president of the chamber, in his speech at the networking session at the Bowls Club on 24 October. “This year our main project was service excellence, but in 2014 the plan is to get businesses to interlink in support of one another.” Chamber member Talal Salem from Goozi, who is the initiator of the Support Local drive, said: “This town has a lot going for it, but people tend not to buy local. The smaller retailers feel the effect of over-the-mountain shopping, and this, not supporting locals, is, in my language, treason.” He made reference to smaller dorpies around SA which are ‘dying’. “Look at properties, services, roads, in-
frastructure. Without local support for the local economy we will go the same way. Hermanus is a desirable destination, there is nothing bigger or better over the mountain.” Salem said the Support Local drive, which will be rolled out in the new year, could see participants winning “desirable premium gifts every month”. At the function members also had the opportunity to promote their business during a two-minute talk, and a variety of lucky draws saw members walking off with sunglasses, restaurant vouchers, a wine rack, leather bag, shoes and beauty products. The biggest winner of the night though was Agrimark, who won air-time to the value of R3 300 on Whale Coast Radio 96FM, celebrating its fifth anniversary.
OM responds to protest demands From Page 1: . OM does not have any cash hidden away that can be used to provide electricity to the Ziphunzana and Tambo communities at the present time; . OM has to apply for funds from national government to assist the municipality in providing infrastructure, not only to these communities, but to several others that do not have electricity; . The projects are planned for one at a time as the funds become available, and the amount needed for Ziphunzana and Tambo is budgeted for the 2015/2016 financial year. When asked why these communities were bottom of the list for electricity, the municipal manager said they had only recently established that the land on which the shacks had been built belong to the municipality. The area is situated behind the Qhayiya High School and it was at first thought the land belonged to the school. They are now, however, in a position to plan for the provision of services. Another grievance that was raised was the fact that the OM had cut the illegal electrical connections in this area. At the meeting a request was made for temporary electrical boxes in the interim, but it was pointed out by the municipal manager that this would be illegal and that the OM had to adhere to legislation. “It is also dangerous,” Groenewald said. “There was an incident where a child was killed in Hawston whilst tampering with
electric wires and there is now a High Court case against us.” When Hermanus Times spoke to the mayor on Tuesday, she said: “Since the last protest in April I have been in constant communication with representatives of the various communities in Zwelihle. One of the problems is that the faces change at every meeting and I am not always sure if my messages are relayed effectively to the residents. There are also certain individuals who do not live in these areas but use the residents’ grievances to advance their own agenda. For them it is not an issue of service delivery; it is a politically motivated attempt to destabilise local government.” Masibulele Jimlonga, chairperson of the Overstrand Youth Development Forum, who does not live in Ziphunzana or Tambo but took part in the protest, told the Hermanus Times that the residents were not satisfied with the feedback they received from the municipality. “These communities have been without basic services for many years and they are tired of waiting – 2015/2016 is too far off. They are very frustrated and that is why we decided to have the protest march. And if nothing is done we’ll have another protest, a much bigger one,” he added. Lieutenant Fadila September, spokesperson for Hermanus SAPS, confirmed that one person has been arrested for public violence and another for the possession of stolen goods. An attempted murder docket has also been opened. The value of the damage is unknown at this stage.
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Hermanus Times
Nuus News
31 October, 2013
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Werner Ladewig is Maandagoggend luid toegejuig by sy afskeidseremonie in die skoolsaal.
Totsiens, meneer Ladewig HEDDA MITTNER
mal hard werk en ook hard speel. Geskiedenis-onderwyTerwyl Hoërskool Herser Elsa Nel het in haar toemanus se matrieks spraak gesê Ladewig se Maandagoggend hul wenresep was dat hy die eerste vraestel geskryf personeel in ’n groot mate het, het die res van die toegelaat het om onafhankskool se leerlinge, lik te ontwikkel en nuwe oudleerlinge, personeel aktiwiteite en uitdagings en ouers afskeid geneem aan te pak, terwyl ou gevesvan die skoolhoof, Wertigde tradisies behou en ner Ladewig, wat aan die einde van die jaar aftree Werner Ladewig en sy vrou, Joan, verder uitgebrei is. In sy toespraak het Ladená 21 jaar by die skool. deel ’n emosionele oomblik by die wig verwys na die rolprent afskeidseremonie. Albei tree aan Forrest Gump: “Life is like Die afskeidseremonie die einde van die jaar af. a box of chocolates. You nehet by die laaste saalbyeenkoms van die jaar plaasgevind. Dit het ’n ver know what you’re gonna get.” Dít is hoe Kersprogram ingesluit met optredes deur die dit was om elke dag skool toe te kom, het hy skoolkoor, en ’n klein orkes. Daar is ook af- gesê, want elke dag het nuwe verrassings en skeid geneem van Doug Palmer, wat 41 jaar uitdagings gebring. Ladewig het voorts gesê dat elke kind in tegnologie-onderwyser en departementshoof die skool deur die jare vir hom soos ’n tjoklit by die skool was. ’n Skyfievertoning oor Ladewig en Palmer was – sommige was soet want hulle was goedse jare by die skool het vir groot genot gesorg, gemanierd, het hard gewerk en uitgeblink op terwyl verskeie emosionele toesprake en akademiese- en sportgebied. Daardie tjoklits liedjies soos Time to say good-bye en Auld was natuurlik sy gunstelinge, maar daar was ook die harde, taai tjoklits wat nie altyd so Lang Syne die trane laat opwel het. Hoërskool Hermanus het sedert 1992, toe smaaklik was nie en baie tyd in detensie moes Ladewig aangestel is, gegroei van 300 tot 830 deurbring voordat hule sag genoeg was om leerlinge, en van ’n plattelandse skooltjie tot te sluk. En tog was hy en sy personeel onvoorwaareen van die topskole in die Wes-Kaap. Die gimnasium en verskeie nuwe klaskamers is delik lief vir die hele boks tjoklits – elke liewe aangebou, die sportvelde is verbeter, die kur- een, selfs die taaies. Ladewig het voortgegaan om sy dankbaarrikulum is uitgebrei met addisionele vakkeuses en die leerlinge het uitgeblink op akade- heid uit te spreek teenoor sy vrou, Joan, wat ook aan die einde van die jaar as onderwyser miese en sportgebied. En die skool het begin konsert hou – dink by die skool aftree, sy personeel, die beheermaar aan die Melodrama, Hermies’ got talent liggaam en al die ouers. Met hul ondersteuen vanjaar se produksie van die musiekblys- ning en samewerking kon hy sy laaste jaar pel Grease. Dit het ’n skool geword waar al- op ’n hoogtepunt afsluit, het hy gesê.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
31 October, 2013
The newly elected 2013/2014 Overstrand Junior Town Council seen with Mayor Nicolette BothaGuthrie and Nontuthezelo Unity Mtomile, the junior council’s manager. The new junior mayor is Sonwabile Calata from Hermanus High (seated on the mayor’s right) and the dep uty mayors are Sheila Swart from Gansbaai Academia (seated on the mayor’s left) and Charnay Vorster (Curro Hermanus), seated next to Mtomile. PHOTO: BERNARD JORDAAN
New junior town council JANINE VAN DER RIET The Overstrand Junior Town Council inauguration was held on Thursday at the municipal auditorium. With the hall packed with proud parents, headmasters and teachers from the respective schools in the area, Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie awarded the outgoing junior town council with certificates of merit and welcomed the new junior town council for 2013/2014. Nontuthuzelo Unity Mtomile, who joined the Enlighten Education Trust first as a volunteer last year and then took over from Theo de Wet as manager of the junior town council in January this year, directed the inauguration programme for the evening. Learners from various schools entertained the audience. They included Layla Arrison who sang a solo and played the guitar, and
Chumisa Mnyanzeli, a grade 12 learner from Qhayiya Secondary School, who recited a beautiful poem. The outgoing junior mayor, Marlo Jacobs, reported on their term of office. He said they had a wonderful year with more than 50 projects that were undertaken, which included taking part in the Cansa Relay for Life and the annual Wheels and Runners race. Mayor Botha-Guthrie then greeted the new members with a handshake and hug, in the absence of the ceremonial scarves which were not ready in time for the inauguration. She commented on this, saying that it was too hot in any case to wear a scarf, which raised a round of giggles from the learners and audience. The newly elected junior mayor is Sonwabile Calata from Hermanus High and the two deputy mayors are Sheila Swart from Gansbaai Academia and Charnay Vorster from Curro Hermanus. .
Helpende Hand wen tak van die jaar Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Hermanus-tak is by hul afgelope kongres as die Wes-Kaapstreek se Tak van die Jaar aangewys. Elke streek se Tak van die Jaar het R5 000 ontvang om vir ’n verdienstelike en fokusgedrewe Helpende Hand-projek aan te wend. “Ons het soveel bestaande projekte waarby ons op die lang termyn betrokke is, dat hierdie geld soos manna uit die hemel kom om vir ons uitgawes voorsiening te maak,” sê Pieter Hurter, die takvoorsitter. “Ons betaal onder meer ’n bejaarde man van 83 se huurgeld, ondersteun ’n gestremde gesin finansieel en dra by om vir drie kinders voedsame kos te verskaf. Dié prysgeld sal dus goed aangewend kan word.” Die tak is betrokke by elke skakel van Helpende Hand se waardeketting wat van babas tot bejaardes strek. Diegene wat ook by die tak betrokke wil raak om ’n verskil in ’n plaaslike gemeenskap te maak, kan gerus vir Pieter Hurter bel by 082 490 9826 of ’n e-pos aan hom stuur by Om ’n finansiële bydrae tot Helpende Hand
Quality Since 1982
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Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Hermanustak kon nie self die kongres bywoon nie, maar die kliëntediensbeampte vir die WesKaap, Wilinda Ford, het dit namens die tak ont vang. Op die foto is dr. Danie Brink (uitvoe rende hoof van Solidariteit Helpende Hand), Wilinda Ford en Adele Kruger (bestuurder: takke). se projekte te maak, SMS die woord “hand” na 34388 (’n SMS kos R2).
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
31 October, 2013
Wen R1 000 se vleis Van volgende week af, vir vier weke lank, bied Van Blommenstein-slaghuis in samewerking met die Hermanus Times ’n plak-en-wen-kompetisie aan. Die prys is ’n heerlike vleispak ter waarde van R1 000 – net wat nodig is vir ’n huis vol vriende en familie wat saam dié vakansie gaan braai en Kersfees vier. Die inskrywingsvorm (met die plakfoto) en die eerste van vier plakstukke sal in volgende week se uitgawe van 7 November verskyn. Plakstuk 2 sal in die Hermanus Times van 14 November verskyn, plakstuk 3 in die 21 November-uitgawe en plakstuk 4 in die 28
November-uitgawe. Die gelukkige wenner sal gekontak word en in die uitgawe van 12 Desember aangekondig word. Van Blommenstein-slaghuis in Swartdamweg bestaan reeds 70 jaar, en sedert 2006 is die eienaars skoonsusters Leslene Savage en Marjoh Pienaar. Hulle word bygestaan deur drie blokmanne sowel as ’n gekwalifiseerde sjef. Hier kan jy kom aanklop vir al jou vleisbehoeftes. Geen bestellings te klein of te groot nie en hulle lewer gratis af in Hermanus (daagliks) en in Stanford (Donderdae), vir bestellings bo R100. Besigheids-ure: Ma.–Vry. 08:00– 17:30, Sa. 08:00–14:00 en So. 09:00–12:00.
Algemeen General
OSKARS OPENS ITS DOORS IN THE EVENING: Oskars in Village Square is now open to diners in the evening and last Thursday they played host to invited guests who own accommodation establishments in Hermanus. With fine wine from Rivendell and Creation, paired with a delectable ar ray of canapés, guests mingled on the side walk in front of Oskars before sitting down to a taster of three dishes, dessert and cof fee. Here Gerrie Heyneke, who made a speech and toasted Oskars’ latest venture, poses with Oskars’ owner Sanmarie Swanepoel, her daughter Lizanne, sonin law Danie Olivier and her second daughter Ilana Swanepoel. PHOTOS: HEDDA MITTNER
Lesley May from Aloe House with Teressa Jones, manager of Hermanus Tourism.
Annamarie Williams from The Potting Shed with Chris Jonsson from Beleia.
Suzanne Clark from Pat’s Place with Nata sha Borutta and Khail van Niekerk from Creation.
LADY AND THE TRAMP: These two Al satians were handed over at the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) as unwan ted. Lady is the older female (6) and K9 is the younger male (2). K9 is more confident and loves his ball games. At present there are a number of Alsatians at HAWS. For more information go to www.hermanusani, or call 028 312 1281.
Hermanus Times 31 October, 2013
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
31 October, 2013
Please contact us for an appointment for: - hearing tests - hearing aids - hearing protection Posbus / P.O. Box 2450 44 Brightstr. / Str 44 Somerset West 7129 T: 021 852 7404 F: 021 851 7020
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ELVES AT WORK: Wendie Cleary (front right), Overstrand coordinator of the Santa Shoebox Project, with all the elves who were hard at work at the Wine Village conference centre on Friday and Saturday. They sorted the hundreds of Christ mas gift boxes filled with practical and fun items for needy children that were dropped off during the two days set aside for this purpose. By midday on Saturday, 476 boxes of the 487 that had been pledged had been delivered, with nearly 100 extra boxes that would be allocated to children on the project’s waiting list. Wendie said they expected to finish with a total of 650 boxes. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
SANTA SHOEBOX: Hermanus High School will contribute 61 boxes to the Santa Shoe box Drive. Grade 11F challenged the rest of the school to better their nine filled boxes and the challenge was met with Grade 11B collecting the most – 12 boxes. Standing from left are Kim Bishop and Natasja Janse van Rensburg. Kneeling is Mandy Cowie.
Camphill fun day for friends and family The Camphill Farm Community’s Friendraiser Fun Day takes place on Saturday 30 November from 11:00 to 15:00. This year the focus will be a day of fun for our residents, their families and friends both old and new. The programme will be packed with music and dancing, games and entertainment for the children and a fashion show produced by our residents’ committee. The farmer will oblige with tractor ride tours of the farm, while the food stalls will dish up home made curry, quiches, barbecued chicken, boerewors rolls and other favourites.
The cake and tea garden will serve delicious home baked treats and the market area will feature goods from Camphill’s crafts, herb garden, dairy and bakery, as well as white elephant and clothing stalls. There will also be fabulous prizes for the R5 gate entry ticket raffle. If you can help in any way – whether it be at the farm on the day or by making or baking something for the food stalls, or simply a gift of ingredients, second hand clothing or items for the white elephant stall – please call Luzette on 021 200 2230 or 083 303 3483.
DONATION: The hospice in Hawston re ceived 40 chairs from the Hawston Sea Farms Foundation last week. The chairs will be used in a restaurant near the Hawston swimming pool run by Hawston Health and Welfare. The hospice also received a bar fridge from Overstrand Marine to be used at the hospice. Here receiving the chairs from Phillip Swartz from Hawston Sea Farms Foundation, are Julia Johnson (project man ager) and Ingrid Visagie (admin). PHOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
31 October, 2013
Luxury accommodation at Khakibos cottage on the Greek island of Skiathos will be up for auction and also feature as a lucky draw. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
One of the luxury items to be auc tioned at the Bona Dea Charity Ball is this young race horse.
Last chance to be part of glittering charity event HEDDA MITTNER Tickets for the Bona Dea Charity Ball in aid of Camphill on Saturday 2 November are in high demand and more than 80% have been sold. There are still tickets available at R1 000 per person, and R1 500 for the VIP tickets. The organisers, Diddi and Robert Johnson from Camphill’s neighbouring estate, Bona Dea, have confirmed that Nianell will be performing at this event which will include a gourmet fourcourse meal courtesy of Zest Catering, superb wines from Hamilton Russell Vineyards, Nianell a professional dance performance, luxury-item auction and dozens of lucky draws. By buying your ticket you will not only be making a contribution towards the project for the upgrade of security at Camphill, but will be part of a magical evening. In addition you could be the lucky winner of an idyllic week-long holiday for four on the Greek island of Skiathos, exclusive wellness treatments at the Arabella Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort, a weekend for two at The Marine, dinner for two at Burgundy restaurant, food and wine pairing for four or a vineyard safari for six people at Creation and much more. Among the sough-after items that will be
auctioned is a racehorse donated by wellknown horse breeder David Hepburn-Brown from Hemel ’n Aarde Stud, who will continue to carry the cost of the yearling filly’s keep on his farm until it is ready to start training towards the end of 2014. Brett Crawford from Crawford’s Racing in Cape Town has donated his services as the horse’s manager, covering all the training and stabling costs for not less than two years (until September 2016) in exchange for 30% of the horse’s earnings and/or the proceeds if the horse is sold. “This is a unique opportunity,” says Diddi. “I would like to invite a consortium of ladies to bid on the horse at only R2 000 per share, guaranteeing loads of fun for years to come. As a bonus the owners will get free access to Crawford Racing’s private box at the Kenilworth track at least a dozen times per year and get to stand in the owners’ ring when the horses are paraded before each race.” Telephonic and email bids will also be accepted on the evening. Outside bidders should contact the charity auditor, Juan Pieterse at BNP Accounting, before Friday 1 November at or Don’t miss out on this special occasion – buy tickets now and have them delivered. Call Louise 083 302 2839, Galvin 082 923 6446, Flick 083 675 3064 or Diddi 082 552 2100.
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
31 October, 2013
FIRE SAFETY: The pupils from Fynbos Akademie in Stan ford were recently treated to a fire fighting demonstra tion by the Gans baai Fire Brigade. The school regard ed it as a worth while display as the children have seen first hand the dev astation caused by veldfires. Peter Tier as, one of the pu pils, was given a chance by the visit ing firefighter to hold the firehose.
EDITORIAL COMMENT No power for the people It was only a few months ago that a protest march for service delivery brought a group of Zwelihle residents to our doorstep when they delivered a memorandum to the Mayor at the municipal offices. In contrast to this orderly march in April, Saturday’s protest was an illegal action and resulted in damage to prop erty and endangerment of lives. The residents of Ziphunzana and Tambo communities in Zwelihle are demanding the basic services they have been living without for many years, especially electricity. According to the Mayor, the munici pality is doing all it can to upgrade in formal settlements and provide infra structure to all the communities in the Overstrand. The provision of electricity is on the priority list but funding for Ziphunzana and Tambo will only be available in the 2015/2016 book year. These residents will need to have patience, something which is currently in short supply. Their frustration is un derstandable; however, vandalism and looting is not only against the law but is detrimental to their own commu nities. Nothing is solved with violence.
Why whales have chosen our bay Having read your editorial about the regulations regarding whale-watching boats in our bay, I am moved to add my two pence worth in the hope of creating more awareness of the needs of our whales. They have chosen our bay as it is reasonably free of shipping and noise pollution, and there is fresh water flowing into the sea from our rivers. This, I believe, helps to get rid of the parasites we see on their bodies. They are most definitely our winter attraction and visitors come from far and wide to see them and so we should protect and care for them if there is any sign of abuse. In my humble opinion the noise of the helicopter that hovered directly over the pair of whales in front of Voëlklip last week was a disgrace. I assumed that a boat was in distress and walked down to have a look. No distress – it
hovered over the whales for some time and then moved on to hover over another pair of whales. Surely that is not allowed and I can not be the only witness as there was a group of kayaks not far away. For any reader interested there are two booksinourlibrarywrittenonwhalestudies. Listening to the Whales by Alexandra Morton who studied the Orca whales off the coast of Nova Scotia and Thousand Mile Song by David Rothenberg. Both books give an insight into whale behaviour and how they respond to their environment.Iftheybecomeunhappy,theyleave. It is said that when God created the earth he made one mistake: He created man who messed things up.
Enkosi Kakhulu – Thank you for attending High five from Volmoed On behalf of our “Volmoed Five” group of artists, I would like to thank you very much for the great article published in the Times last week. We appreciate the fact that a journalist attended the opening and took time to find out about us all and the “Connections” we share. As artists who work away from the public eye most of the time, we value the opportunity of raising public awareness for our efforts. Many thanks again.
Blooming good support for Rotary Club The Rotary Club of Hermanus placed a “Thank You” notice in the Hermanus Times two weeks ago. After a late sale we would also like to add a big thank you to well-known local artist Rouve de Flamingh for her painting Poppies Blooming, and her support to our auction the past three years. Due to a great effort by all Rotarians the auction was a great success and our charities will benefit greatly. We would like to make an exception by specifically thanking past Rotarian Ken Maclennan-Smith who did a sterling job by sourcing most of our art and a number of very special wine items.
Silikhaya lakwa Tebele senza ilizwi lombulelo kubo bonke abantu base Zwelihle aba the baphuma Ngobuninzi basixhoasa sithi enkosi kakhulu umntu Ngumntu. Ngumntu Ngaphandle kwenu ibingazuba yimpumelelo lamtshato kodwa ngenxa yenu sibe ngabantu siyabulela. Kakhulu mawe thu “Nangamso”
We as the Tebele family would like to thank the community of Zwelihle who came in numbers to support us at our son’s wedding. Without you this wedding would not have been the same. We say thank you very much.
Roger Bushell Prize to Hermanus High pupil Congratulations to the Hermanus High School young man for being awarded the Roger Bushell Prize. To those of your readers who do not know, Roger Bushell was a POW in Germany during the 1939 – 1945 war. I do not know where he was captured but, together with 39 other airmen, escaped the POW camp. They were caught and all 40 of them were shot by Hitler’s Germans in cold blood. This act was strictly against the Geneva Convention which every nation had to abide by. All POWs were unarmed. Roger Bushell’s name appears on our war memorial in Hermanus. His parents lived in Fernkloof. On 11 November, Armistice Day, a service is held by the Moths – Memorable Order of Tinhats and the following prayer is always said: They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old, age shall not weary them nor the years condemn at the going down of the sun and in the morning, we shall remember them we shall remember them. I hope this young man will attend. (PS! I am no relation to the Hermanus woman of the year.)
Working group gives update on issue of potential bypass road We are pleased,at last, to have some substance to report on the issue of a potential by-pass road along the foothills of our Klein Rivier Mountains which had been the topic of much discussion in our town. We can also confirm that the ROB Working Group which was established after the public meeting last November has been active in following these developments. This included regular discussions with the officials in the Overstrand Municipality, the consultants involved in the transportation planning study for the wider Overstrand region and the relevant persons in the provincial authority. In addition we have communicated with the various organisations which represent public interest activities here and private individuals who have shown an interest in the concept of a potential by-pass road to promote the traffic connectivity into and through Hermanus. These activities mostly took place without public exposure to take into account the sensitivities involved. Whilst we support participation in appropriate analyses of the factual conditions here, the notion of a highway across the face of our special mountain range and in denial of the legal provisions in place to protect our environment, represents a line we will not cross – as was clear from the senti-
ment expressed at the public meeting referred to above. The active debate on this topic has led to persons coming to unrealistic conclusions and confusion and frustration. We will not try to analyse this process but rather put together the current state of play based on the information we have. First of all there is a good deal of public mobilisation in Hermanus and many positive developments are taking place in and around the world we live in in Hermanus. Some of these developments have resulted in changes you can see and the benefits can be enjoyed now. Others are subject to longer term research and planning processes of which the results will only be apparent in the future. They involve more than roads and infrastructure – they include better care for our botanical assets, cultural facilities, tourism and in general our living circumstances. Much of what the ROB Working Group had planned to be concerned with depends on progress of the transport planning study commissioned by the province – to evaluate holistically future connectivity and road capacity to eastern nodes in the Overstrand municipal area eg. Stanford, Gansbaai and Pearly Beach. The first phase of this study is expected to be completed early in 2014. This work will in-
form a Background Information Document that will be presented and be available for public comment. This will be a crucial stage in the process and we hope that much care will be taken to generate well-considered comments which in total will reflect the wishes of the people of Hermanus. We have had discussions with the consultants involved and it is our considered opinion that they are competent and well regarded. ROB intends accompanying the process positively with our knowledge and insight into the interests involved. It will have extensive contact with the associations representing the interests of civil society. It will also in terms of its mandate maintain the posture of an independent action group with its main focus on the prospect of a bypass road across the face of the Klein Rivier Mountains. This liaison will include the Hermanus Ratepayers Association which has a wider agenda but we will strengthen our influence by cooperating regularly As regards future activities, it is suggested that these developments be followed closely and that we consider a public meeting early in the new year, possibly after the traffic survey is published.
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
31 October, 2013
) My vraag : Hoekom kan ons landdroskantore en
polisiestasie wat so haglik lyk in die trotse Hermanus nie geverf word nie? As die Staat dit nie wil doen nie is ek seker die munisipaliteit kan dit bekostig.– AMANDA ) Was dit nou nodig dat munisipale spoedkameras moes uitgekontrakteer word? Dit is net ’n geldmaak projek. Verduidelik aan ons wie kry almal geld. En gaan die geld uit die dorp? Volgens wetgewing moet die kamera sigbaar wees, maar die kamera by Fis herhaven word in bosse versteek.– KOOS ) Dankie Capital, SAPD en Buurtwag vir vinnige op trede by ’n probleem naby Golden Harvest in Sand baai. Ons voel veilig as gevolg van julle goeie werk.– SANDBAAIINWONER ) To set the record straight.:The view of not paying R500 for an animal from animal welfare is not from Pieter Vermaak, the artist in Onrus. There must be another Pieter Vermaak whose message was pub lished.– PAM ) To Sandbaaier I only walk my dogs off their leads when no one is on the path. When someone arrives their leads go on. If you check my lead I have plastic bags attached and pick up my dogs’ mess every time. Why not come and talk to me? – GRYSE DAME ) Dear JoAnne Otto, you say the people must go to their clinics. The staff send you home because they are full and you don’t have an appointment or you sit there the whole day. This is nonsense. The staff don’t help our people the way they must help them. ) When I saw photos of matrics jumping from Piet se klip, I knew my son would not be going to Her manus High. ) To the female driver in a white Corolla CY ***, shame on you for driving with a baby on your lap.– CONCERNED MOM ) I’m an animal lover and I’m a bit worried about the SPCA shop. Hospice for us humans is fantastic. They price their goods well. Cheap, so their stock moves. I browsed in SPCA this week and found their prices of items rather high. They get the stock free, so keep the sales low. If overheads are too high, move the shop to HAWS. It won’t take much space. Please, help our animals. Humans can talk and moan, ani mals depend on us humans to speak for them. – Y T VAN DYK ) Dis ’n skreiende skande as jy ná 17:00 op ’n Sater dag en Sondag in Hermanushoofweg moet sien hoe Hawston se mense ná werk moet “hike” om by die huis te kom. In die reën en vuurwarm son. Zwehlihle en Mount Pleasant taxi’s, ek salueer julle, wat Maan dag tot Sondag heeldag vir julle passasiers omgee. ) Christmas is a time of joy and peace to celebrate Christ’sBirthday.Butit’stoooftenatimetopartywhere people drink and drive. I know, as I sat with children around the tree waiting for Father Christmas the dad came home drunk, smashed everything and hit
us. We hid in church or stood in the police station, too afraid to go home. We fear Christmas. ) It’s great that the biggest fish ever got caught in the Old Habour in 1920, but is that where Hermanus must now get stuck for ever and ever? The Zip line is a great idea and in line with what we expect of a growing town that stays in touch with reality. It is a great way to enjoy our wonderful nature and it is not invasive like for instance water slides.– MM ) To the frustrated shopper who cannot find parking at Woolworths – drive up the ramp and park in their undercover parking. No more will you have to walk in wind rain and shine. I do it and always get park ing.– HAPPY WOOLLIES SHOPPER ) There is plenty parking at Woolworths. However you need to have a valid driver’s license.– ANDREW ) Hiermee wil ek net baie, baie dankie sê vir Cornel Janse van Vuuren van Realnet in Onrus vir die sken king van verf. Ons waardeer dit opreg.– A. SWART ) Thank you to the kind, honest person that picked up my patchwork bag in Pick n Pay car park last Thursday and hung it over a spike of the Vetshop’s gate where it was easy to find.– RJS ) I have just returned after five glorious days in the Kruger. I asked Eddie Bell to prepare my 1988 car for the trip. She ran perfectly and was one of the few vehicles to make it through a flooded Meiringspoort. Happy to be back safely in our lovely town.– COL JOHN MOODY ) Progress Decor, wat kan ek sê? Die nuwe braai se skoorsteen trek soos ’n droom. Ek moet net vashou aandierooster.Baiedankievirpuikdiens.–LINETTE ) Thank you Alex Upholstery for the urgency you gave my lazy boy. I sleep like a baby now.– SUE W ) Oor die aanstelling van Bob Skinstad as Toerisme Ambassadeur van die Over strand: ) Is Skinstad die beste kandidaat vir die pos? Ek sou ’n tweetalige persoon gekies het, maar hy kan nie eers 10 woorde Afrikaans praat nie. – PIET ) Ons het nou ’n Toerisme Ambassadeur. Maar toe dank iemand die man af wat Onrus en Vermont se parkies en strate skoon gehou het.– CALTEX CA LITZ VERMONT ) Just curious, how much exactly is our new ambas sador (Skinstad) being paid for his services? ) “Skinstad for Overstrand” (HT 24/10): Why launch in Cape Town? Is our own area not posh enough? – LOUIS DE WAAL, PRINGLE BA SUNÉ GREEFF, TOURISM MANAGER OVER STRAND MUNICIPALITY RESPONDS: The role of Tourism Ambassador is a volunteer role, and Skin stad is not being paid for his services. The reason for the event being held in Cape Town is because it was a media function and it proves difficult to get main stream media from Cape Town to attend an event in Hermanus. There will be opportunities in the coming year to meet Bob Skinstad at other events in the Overstrand. Die keuse van Skinstad het nie gegaan oor taal nie, maar oor sy interna sionaal bekendheid as sportster, rugbykommen tator en sakeman, sy passie vir die area en bereid willigheid om ons streek te bemark.
Is it Spring yet? No, we passed Spring and it is now almost Summer, but Winter is still with us. Residents can expect heavy rainfall tonight (Thursday) until Friday evening. The wind will be a bother at around 30 kph during the weekend and on Tuesday it will rain again. Keep your rain coats close.
YOU ASKED, READERS RESPONDED: “The insect is a Koppie Foam Grasshop per – also known as a Rooibaadjie. They are unfortunately toxic and when they are threatened will secrete a poisonous foam from their thoracic glands.” (WEBSITE RE SPONDENT). Nog ’n leser DRIENIE HOUGH sê: “Sover my kennis strek is dit ’n sprinkaan. Hy kom ook in NoordKaap voor, en soos die kleur wys – rooi en swart – is hy giftig (nie dodelik nie). Hulle eet gewoonlik melkbosse, dié soort wat so ’n melkerige afskeiding gee.” JEANETTA HOEKSTRA bevestig ook dat dié ’n “Foam Grasshopper” is, oftewel Dictyop horus spumans. Sy kwoteer uit African Insect Life deur S H Skaife: “Accompanied by a sound rather like that of escaping air, vilesmelling foam issues from behind the head of a foam grasshopper after it has been prodded.” BRENDA SHEPHERD, who lives in Camphill, says they have lots of these Koppie Foam Grasshoppers hopping around. “We don’t bother them and they don’t bother us.” She consulted Wikipedia which offered this information: ”This species of grasshopper in the family Pyrgomorphidae is indigenous to South Africa. It grows up to a length of 80 millimetres (3.1 in).”
Nuwe R320 teerpad vorder JANINE VAN DER RIET Die projek om die R320grondpad in die Hemel-enAarde-vallei tussen Hermanus en Caledon te teer vorder goed en ’n totaal van sowat 4,5 km van die 16 km is reeds verseël. Die voltooide gedeeltes is dié tot by Spookfonteinplaas, net verby Ertjiesvlei se afdraai aan Hermanus se kant, en net verby Tesselaarsdal se afdraai aan Caledon se kant.
Die verwagte voltooiingsdatum is Oktober volgende jaar. Die omvang van die 16 km-projek is van High Season Farm aan Hermanus se kant tot by die bopunt van Shaw’s Pass aan Caledon se kant. Die projek word behartig deur Vusela Construction en WorleyParsons behartig die kontrakadministrasie en terreintoesig namens die kliënt, die Wes-Kaapse Regering.
Die nuwe teerblad op die R320 behoort Oktober 2014 voltooi te wees. FOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Remembering those who fell The MOTHS will be holding the annual Poppy Day Remembrance service and wreath-laying ceremony at the Memorial above the Old Harbour on Sunday 10 November from 11:00 to 12:00. All members of the public are invited to attend as well as anyone wishing to lay a wreath in memory of a loved one who died in the defence of his country. Should you wish to join the MOTH Order
you can get in touch with the Adjudant of the Moth Seagull Shellhole, Roger Smith on 076 753 3199 or Coenie Bierman on 082 775 8858. In case of inclement weather the ceremony will be moved to the Overstrand Auditorium. Please note that the parking area above the Old Harbour will be closed off during the parade and the service.
Hier’s ons weer... Die los en vas, of beter gestel; die gehinkepink van die lugstrome, is tans ’n doring in die vlees vir enige weervoorspeller. Die rede hiervoor is dat die massa koue lug in die fronte wat uit die Suidpoolsee op Gough-eiland afgestuur word, toenemend deur warm invloede uit die diep weste verinneweer word. Op die animasieskerm wat die aankomende fronte wys, is dit duidelik dat elke front telkens duskant Gough herstel en sy los wolke, wat soos kuikens met vere oor die kop verstrooi is, weer bymekaar kry om in die rigting van die Suid-Afrikaanse kus voort te beweeg. Hierdie soort onstabiele bolug, wat deesdae erg afwyk van normale patrone, is tans besig om die noordelike halfrond te teister. En plaaslik is dit nou ’n feit onder boere dat die weerpatroon vanjaar mank is: bome en wingerde bot laat en deurmekaar en in die omgewing van die Boland wys die aantekeninge dat dit een van die droogste Oktobermaande sedert 1965 was. Waarvoor ons nou moet asem ophou is dat die vol damme in die Overstrand, groot en vol genoeg is om ons aan die gang te hou indien dit vorentoe nie so goed gaan nie. Die wel en weë van Overstranders is ’n ander storie waaroor dit onder ons lesers gons. Die voorspelling was vroeër vandeesweek dat onweer oral sou toeslaan, maar ons sien vandag weer dat die kolkende front wat aan die inrol is eers teen vyfuur vanaand met ’n sterk reënbui op Walkerbaai sal toesak. Wanneer dit môre-aand ophou sous, sal ’n goeie
18 mm dalk teen daardie tyd geval het. Alles hang weereens af van wat die rukkende bolug sal doen en of die krapperigheid by die ewenaar ons ook gaan raak. Een van die faktore wat hierdie gehinkepink veroorsaak, kan die huidige koorsagtige aktiwiteit van die son wees. GPS -gebruikers het die afgelope week kopgekrap en mense wat voor rekenaars gesit het moes gedurig na ander seine oorslaan. Van die drie-daagse reëns wat verwag is, gaan daar ook maar min kom, as die front aanhou bokspring soos dit nou doen. Ná vanaand en môre se neerslae reën dit eers weer van aanstaande Dinsdag deur Woensdag toe in die Overstrand. Die wind sal oor die naweek teen rondom 30 km/h waai; nogal onplesierig vir besoekers, branderryers en walviskykers. Maar weer eens is die aankomende front ’n faktor en kan dit heelwat stiller wees as die front baie dieper suidoos van Walkerbaai verby sleep. ’n Bietjie koue uit die noordooste, waar dit hael, kan ons lewe verder versuur.
Hermanus Times
Mense People
31 October, 2013
CLASS OF ‘63 REUNION: On Saturday 19 October a 50thyear reunion tea was held at Her manus High School for the 1963 matric class. Of the 13 original class members (of which three have passed away), seven man aged to attend. They went on a tour of the Primary and High schools and were met by the re spective headmasters and their wives. Elsa Nel from Hermanus High School arranged the tea for the special guests and later that afternoon the Hermanus Old Boys Club arranged a braai for them. On Sunday morning the class of ’63 attended a communion serv ice at the NG Church, before say ing their farewells. Back from left are Koos le Roux, Marius Burmeister and Brian Figg; and (in front) are Susan Meyer (née Brand), Marie Basson (née Woensdregt) and Marianne Boon. Alma Swanepoel (née Schneider) was absent when the photo was taken. PHOTO: SUPPLIED SO RY DIE TREIN ... ’n Groep inwo ners van Onrus Manor het ’n uitstap pie in Kaapstad onderneem met Atlan tic Rail se pragtige veteraanstoomen jin, ’n gerestoureerde voormalige SAR 2948 2082 Klas 24, genaamd Jenny. In Simonstad aangekom, is die groep met vervoerbussies na die hawe ge neem waar hulle vis en skyfies by die Old Sea Dog geniet het. “Om met hierdie opgeknapte stoomenjin te ry was ’n wonderlike, nostalgiese erva ring,” sê Jeanette Kotze.“ Die masjinis was so entoesiasties dat hy die hele pad die fluit geblaas en almal langs die pad gegroet het.” Jeanette sê hier die besonderse trein word in stand ge hou deur vrywilligers wat elke Sondag, wanneer die trein loop, aan diens is om na hul pas sasiers om te sien en toe te sien dat alles vlot verloop. Vir inligting: of bel 021 558 5805.
GRANDPARENTS’ DAY: Pupils of the Hermanus Private School’s junior and senior primary classes welcomed their grand parents at the school on Thursday 17 Octo ber. They had been busy the whole week, preparing for the grandmothers’ and grandfathers’ visit by making cards, arrang ing flowers, practising songs and poems and baking muffins for tea. After the singing, the pupils took their grandparents to the various classes to show them their work and enjoy their tea together.
Privé Tables Promotion
AMANDA BEKOOR: Amanda Strydom op die klavier, begelei deur Janine Neethling, het Vrydagaand die gehoor by Sprokkelsterteater in Onrus stil gesing met treffers soos ‘Gee jou hart vir Hillbrow’ en ‘If you go away...’. Janine (regs) wat onder meer bekend is vir haar musiekver werkings vir Huisgenoot Skouspel wat sy reeds vir 10 jaar behartig, woon nou op Onrus saam met haar man Deon Opperman (links). Tussen hulle staan Louise van Zyl, eienaar van Sprokkelster. FOTO’S: CILENE BEKKER
Amanda Reinke, Susan Roberts en Amé Reinke het seker gemaak hulle kry vroeg reeds sitplek, want die ver toning was uitverkoop.
CATCHING UP: The reunion of former St. Cyprian’s pupils brought together people from Caledon and Hermanus. Past pupils from as long ago as the 1950s attended. Back (left) are Alna Wolff (Donnelly), Helen Knutsen (Sheldon), Jenny Fynn (Shand), Dore za Kersandt (de Wet), Nikki van Reenen (Dukes), Lynette Theron (Dicey), Kathleen Mu lockBentley (Chartwell), and Phillipa Spratt. In front are Sue Townsend (Wheeler), SCU chairman from Cape Town and Lyndall Mur ray (Andrews), holding the teddy bear. PHO TO: SUPPLIED
IN THE PINK: A breast cancer awareness function was hosted by Creation Wines on Saturday 26 October. Enjoying a welcome glass of pink sparkling wine are (from left) Suné Greeff, Frieda Lloyd, Annemie Apffel staedt and Carolyn Martin (coowner and MD of Creation Wines). PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Salome Geldenhuys from Creation Wines with guest speaker Professor Justus Apffel staedt from the Multidisciplinary Breast Health Centre. After the presentation, guests were treated to a food and wine pairing where the entire Creation range of wines was served. 50% of the ticket sales from the event will go towards helping cancer patients who cannot afford the transport costs to and from the Tygerberg Hospital’s Breast Clinic.
Deatrix Bruwer (centre) and her daughter Bernice de Wet (right) and daughterinlaw Natasha Bruwer (left) were among the guests who attended the do at Creation.
R50 000 to be WON! Exclusive to Privé Players only | 1 – 30 Nov
Rules with complete offer available at 028 214 5100 |
Hermanus Times
Mense People
31 October, 2013
Blend your own wine at the Deli
HEDDA MITTNER Many a restaurant patron is familiar with BYOW as the acronym for “bring your own wine”. But at the Original Deli it now also stands for “blend your own wine”. Deli owner Peter Kunz is excited about their latest offering – the Wine Lab. Here everyone has the opportunity to become a wine expert and learn all about the art of wine blending on Friday and Saturday evenings. You even get to bottle and cork your own unique wine under your own name to take home. “The concept was developed by Peter Stuart of Carteirra, who will be hosting the BYOW evenings,” says Kunz. “We have already had an amazing response from friends of the Deli who were invited to a trial experience.” Complemented by a combination of jazz and blues, this unique food and wine experience starts with three wines from the Walker Bay area – Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz and Cabernet Franc. Guests then blend the three varieties according to their preferences and along the way they learn about the process of enhancing flavours and crafting a blend with a unique profile. The newly created wines are then enjoyed with a “three flavoured” flame-grilled steak platter straight off the coals. And to top the evening off, guests get to cork their own bottle of wine with a personalised label which they can take home. With the “recipe” for their preferred blend on file, they can also order more bottles to keep in their home cellar or to enjoy on special occasions. “It’s a great evening out for a group of friends or for couples celebrating a birthday
David Badenhorst from Carteirra blending the different wines according to each guest’s speci fications.
Alan Knight takes his turn at corking his own bottle of wine. In the background Sue Stuart lends a helping hand. or anniversary,” says Kunz. “Or for tourists who will enjoy creating a local wine under their own personalised label to take home as a reminder of their time in Hermanus.” The numbers for the BYOW evenings will be limited to nine guests at a time to ensure an intimate hands-on experience, and is suitable for both the serious wine enthusiast and the social wine lover. For more information contact the Original Deli & Wine Lab on 028 313 2137.
Trellidor Clear Guard and Trellidor Rollerstyle are unlike any other burglar proofing or security gates you’ve ever seen. In fact, their most attractive feature is that you don’t even know they’re there until you really need them. That’s why we’d love the opportunity to show you these innovative security barriers first-hand. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM The Trellidor Hermanus showroom is fully equipped with Trellidor Clear Guard security screens in different designs and automated Trellidor Rollerstyle shutters for you to try out. Our knowledgeable staff will show you how they work and explain how we custom make them to fit your doors and windows. We have photographs and videos of these products installed in real homes to give you an idea of what they’d look like in your own home.
OR WE’LL COME TO YOU If you can’t get to our showroom, we’ll come to you. Our Sales Consultants carry samples of all our product ranges so that they can explain their features. They’ll offer you a free assessment of your home’s current security status and ideas on how to improve it. There is no obligation to follow our advice, just a plan to help you reduce your security risk. We’ll also give you a quote on the doors and windows you’d like us to secure for you.
BEWARE OF IMITATIONS It is very easy for the untrained eye to mistake look-alike Trellidor products. That’s why it’s important for you to see them yourself, either at our showroom or a site visit. We’ll explain what makes Trellidor different, whether it’s our traditional trellis-style Trellidor Retractable Security and Trellidor Fixed Security; Trellidor Cottage Guard burglar proofing; Trellidor Clear Guard security screens; or Trellidor Rollerstyle shutters.
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Front Row: Conrad Fourie (Fitter), Nadja de Jager (Admin), Antoinette Bosman ( Office Manager), JP Geldenhuis (Fitter). Back Row: Theron Delport (Sales), George Ritter (Fitter), Pierre de Villiers ( Fitter), David Botha (Owner)
Contact Trellidor Hermanus to find out what the last order dates are for each of our product ranges to avoid disappointment as our factory closes in December. But don’t forget that for over 30 years we’ve offered a 24 hour emergency service and will gladly help you in a crisis. We’re just a telephone call away!
* Trellidor, Cottage Guard, Clear Guard, Rollerstyle and The Ultimate Crime Barrier are registered trade marks of Trellicor (Pty) Limited.
Hermanus Times 31 October, 2013
Algemeen General
LEERLING MAAK SKOONSKIP: Liam Rossouw, ’n gr. 5leerling van Laerskool Hermanus het tot dusver reeds 400 OMO bottels ingesamel vir ’n herwinningskompe tisie. Dit is ’n wonderlike bydrae namens die skool en hulle sê baie dankie.
AfriForum hou jaarvergadering In Augustus vanjaar is ’n AfriForumtak in die Overstrand gestig en Marianne Rossouw is as waarnemende voorsitter gekies. Belanghebbendes kan hul jaarvergadering op 13 November om 18:00 in die munisipale ouditorium in Hermanus bywoon. Pieter Rautenbach, hoof van plaaslike regeringsake, is die hoofspreker. Almal is welkom. Rossouw sê sy is tans besig om met verskillende rolspelers in verbinding te tree om sodoende areas te bepaal waar AfriForum betrokke kan raak. “Enige munisipaliteit of polisiestasie kan hoër hoogtes bereik as daar ’n doeltreffende burgerregte-organisasie is. Ons taak is om pro-aktief op te tree om ons bestaande dienste te behou en te verbeter en sodoende ons pragtige omgewing te beskerm.” Sy het voorts gesê AfriForum se plaaslike takke het ten doel om die gaping tussen die regering en SuidAfrikaners te vul en toe te sien dat belastingbetalers goeie dienste van plaaslike regerings ontvang. “AfriForum se plaaslike takke is daar om gemeenskappe te organiseer en wedersydse erkenning en respek tussen verskillende gemeenskappe en gemeenskapsorganisasies te bevorder.” Vir meer inligting, besoek die webtuiste:
) Last Friday morning one irate customer got so fed up standing in the pay queue at Clicks that she closed the doors and refused to let other customers in before management had sorted out more tellers. ) Maryanne (Calitz), co-owner and founder of Rhythm-In-Line, has gone solo. ) Ondersteuningsgroep vir mense wat onlangs geskei is of ’n lewensmaat verloor het. Sluit aan by ’n vriendelike omgee-groep vir emosionele ondersteuning. Kontak 076 115 7382. ) A woman has lost a bunch of keys on Hoy’s Koppie this week. It is a big bunch with a brass tag and keyholder with the words “Mom’s taxi”. Her cellphone number is also on the holder. Contact Linda on 082 662 3554 if found. ) Please donate used or new balls (before Friday 29 November) to be distributed to community children over the December school holidays. Participating drop-off points are: Niel Du Toit Sport & Electric Shop, Pick n Pay, Tennis & squash club, Hermanus Primary School, Hermanus High School.
Algemeen General
Hermanus Times 31 October, 2013
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
31 October, 2013
OSKARS DELICA TESSEN: Visit Oskars for breakfast, light lunch or cake. From left: Harriet Scheffers, Thandi Nomthandazo, Ronex Chimowa, Ragel Meintjies, Nor ma Menze and Pretty Mngewengi.
HERMANUS JEW ELLERS is a family business, running in its third generation, established in 1945. Spyros, the owner, has two staff mem bers, one of whom has been with Her manus Jewellers for more than 40 years.
BOJANGLES: Fanie (behind the bar coun ter) is ready to welcome everybody to Bojan gles with its great drink specials such as R34 for two double brandies and coke, as a starter. Live feed music from the UK called Spotify with very new and cool sounds. Two pool tables and a nice vibe. The dress code is smart casual after 21:00 and strictly no under eighteens.
HARBOUR HOUSE HOTEL: Situated in the heart of the village, Harbour House Hotel has been modelled after its original architec ture, a thatched roof seaside manor house built in 1920. Being perfectly located above the Old Harbour, the hotel offers guests the chance to enjoy a cocktail on the lawn by the most famous pool in Hermanus and watch the hustle and bustle of tourists fight ing to get front row seats to watch the whales play.
CTHULU TATTOOS was founded in 2009 by Jacques Mario Robert (cen tre), often called the Maori, who is the owner/ tattoo and piercing artist. This studio con forms to Western Cape health and safety bylaws and abides to a strict single use policy tied to a high personal moral code. Fusion and Eternal pigments are used and needles are specially imported, made of Swedish stainless steel by Tony Lynx. Visit the world’s only baby blue tattoo studio; it may be small but whether you would like a custom tattoo, flash piece, cover up, redo, rescue, permanent makeup or an adventurous piercing, big things happen here.
PICCOLO’S PIZZERIA: Mike and Cheri Pallas with staff Florence Nuse and Mabel Zenzile (back left) invite patrons to enjoy a thin base pizza cooked by Mike in a wood fired pizza oven. There is also a variety of pastas and salads to choose from the menu. Open Tuesday to Sunday from 12:00. Fully licenced, no corkage charged on the first bottle of wine.
JUST PROPERTY GROUP: The directors of the Just Property Group: Jannie Mclachlan (operational), Philip Opperman (CEO) and Danie Steyn (marketing.)
JUST PROPERTY GROUP: Nadja Marais (admin), Amanda Smith and Andries de Kock (agents) and Sue Vermeulen (office manager).
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
31 October, 2013
Cycling around the world for disaster relief On Tuesday 22 October, Tim and Sharon Bridgeman from Devon in the UK arrived in Hermanus by bicycle.
VAKANSIEWENNER: PPC bied in samewerking met Agrimark tans ’n kompetisie aan waar klante weekliks vakansies ter waarde van R15 000 kan wen, asook ’n boerpotprys wat ’n vakansie ter waarde van R50 000 is. Die kompetisies loop oor ’n tydperk van vyf weke. Die eerste wenner in die nasionale kompetisie is Morné Gel denhuys van Hermanus. Morné sê hy is baie opgewonde oor sy prys, en besin nog saam met sy vrou oor watter wegbreekvakansie hulle gaan neem. Dit is die eerste van ses vakansies wat PPC en Agrimark weggee. Om deel te neem, koop ’n sak PPC Surebuild 42,5 N sement by eni ge Agrimarkwinkel tot 30 November. By Morné (2de van links) staan Michael Erasmus van PPCSement, Andries Schreuder (bestuurder van Agrimark: Hermanus) en Jo hann Jooste (nasionale produkbestuurder van Kaap Agri).
The Bridgemans are keen cyclists and are currently attempting to cycle around the world. They set off from Nordkapp in Northern Norway on 4 June, heading to Cape Town. In November, they will cycle from the southern tip of Chile up to Northern Alaska – hence the name of their trip, the North-to-North cycle tour. They have set out to raise money and awareness through the trip for Shelterbox, a disaster relief programme which provides emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies around the world for families affected by disaster when they most need these. Each large, green ShelterBox is tailored to a specific need, but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an ex-
tended family, blankets, ground sheets, water storage and filtration equipment, cooking utensils, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack Hermanus Rotarian Alex van der Sluys (centre) welcomed Tim and other and Sharon Bridgeman from Devon to Hermanus. vital items. tary International. (See People who would like to contribute The Bridgemans were welcomed to Hermanus by Rotarian Alex van der to the ShelterBox cause and would like Sluys (also the founder of ShelterBox to know more about the Bridgemans’ SA) and were hosted by Hermanus Ro- trip can follow them on: http://north2northcycletour.wordtary president Frank Matthee. ShelterBox is a project partner of Ro-
Useful tax season tips from SARS Tax Season 2013 is open. It’s that time of the year again when you have to complete and submit your Income Tax Return (ITR12). SARS will help you through Tax Season 2013 with all you need to know so you can file easily and on time. Who is it for? • Individuals (provisional and non-provisional taxpayers) • Trusts If you earn under R250 000 for a full year from one employer (that’s your total salary income before tax) and have no other sources of additional income (like interest or rental income) and no deductions that you want to claim for (for example like medical expenses, travel or retirement annuities), then you don’t need to submit a return. What steps must I take? • Use the information supplied in your ITR5/IT3(a) (which you will get from your employer) as well as other tax certificates from your medical aid, retirement fund annuities, investment income etc. • Use only accurate information and the cor-
rect figures which appear on your various supporting documents when you complete your return. • Don’t claim deductions and expenses which do not exist or are not applicable to the year of assessment for which the return is being submitted. • And finally, don’t leave anything out. Declare all additional income you earned, like the rent you got from your holiday house or the tips and salary you got from your waitressing job. Top Tip: You need to keep all your supporting documents for five years in case SARS wants to check them. When should it be submitted? It’s very important that you submit your return by the set deadline to avoid any penalties and interest which may be charged for late submission. Take note of the following deadline dates: • Paper/manual via post or dropping it off in a SARS drop box was 27 September 2013. • Electronically at a SARS branch by 22 November 2013.
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• Non-provisional taxpayers who use eFiling by 22 November 2013. • Provisional taxpayers who use eFiling by 31 January 2014. How should it be submitted? • If you want to file from a mobile device, go to or download the SARS App from your tablet. • You may file manually at a SARS branch or ask a branch agent to file it electronically for you. • Post and/or put it in the drop box at a SARS branch. Top Tip: Only deal with registered and reputable tax practitioners – you can check if they’re registered with an accredited professional body – you’ve got better protection if they belong to a registered practitioner association.
Need help? • Call the SARS Contact Centre on 0800 00 7277 • Visit your nearest SARS branch • You may also attend one of the SARS tax workshops or visit your nearest SARS mobile unit. • If you have forgotten your password you can reset by calling the SARS call centre and following a simple procedure. Top Tip: Beware of people who offer to complete your tax return for you and who promise they can get you a refund. Top tip: When filing your own personal return you do not declare that you are a Tax Practitioner filing on someone’s behalf. For all your tax questions, the SARS website is a valuable resource. Go to www. tips for more information.
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
31 October, 2013
ALEX UPHOLSTERY: Alex and his wife Sharon started the business 30 years ago in Hermanus. They were one of Mr Thorpe’s first tenants and still is today. Back in those days one of their clients was former president, FW de Klerk. Alex also did motor trim ming under the name of AJ Motor Trimmers, which he sold to his son Kurt eight years ago. Alex Upholstery specialises in making head boards, unicurl cushions and working with genuine leather. From left are Kursten Fortune, Lillian Se konyela, Elroy Marais, Aus tin Mlangeni, Deon Alberts and Alex Fortune (owner).
A WHITE AUTO SHOP: Abie White het se dert 1990 die werkswinkel waar hy alle voer tuie diens. Hy doen selfs klein paneelklopwer ke. Shan, sy dogter, is by haar pa in diens sedert 1998 en hanteer al die administratiewe take. Kontak hulle gerus by 028 312 4928.
HERMANUS NISSAN has been in existence since March 2013 at the current location under new management. They supply quality pre owned & new vehicles to the market and have built up an enviable client relationship reputation, based on quality and trust. By offering different brands they are able to maximise on the product delivery across the board so there is no reason to not be able to suit all requests. All multibrands are backed up with fully approved quality service and parts units to offer complete peace of mind. Request a test drive from Melt Toerien, Marcos Cajada, Pieter du Bruyn and Carel Scholly.
AUTO REPAIRS: Clinton Coetzee doen reeds vir die afgelope 17 jaar autolek en vir die laaste drie jaar spuitverfwerk. Hy is 24uur beskikbaar vir diens en verskaf ook ’n insleepdiens in samewerking met En Route Towing. Hulle is ook BEEgeregistreer. Kontak hom ge rus by 082 724 1063. Van links is Clinton Coetzee (eienaar), An drew van Schalkwyk, Wayne Theron (En Route Towing), Albert Kort, Deon Beszuidenhoud en Lulu Fourie.
THE HEAT SHOPPE: Summer is on the way, so think of lazy days in the sun with something cold to drink. Think of braai. So get your gas braai in order. We also clean and service all gas braais for only R485. Offer valid till 18 December. Contact the owners, Cecilia en David Snyman on 028 313 1112 or 082 572 5530.
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
HERMANUS NISSAN: The funky ladies are Iris Moss, Nadine Hull, Rene van Staden and Freda Claasen.
31 October, 2013
CCS PLANT TOOL & TRAI LER HIRE se sukses van die afgelope jare kan toegeskryf word aan kliëntediens en pro dukkennis. Nico en Marlene Swart is welbekend onder hul kliënte en stap graag die ek stra myl. Kontak hulle vir en konstruksietoerusting sowel as vir die huur van sleepwaens. Agter is Hennie Kruger, Beau ton Baadjies, Danie Matthee, Reinier Matthee en Nico Swart. Voor is Elzanne Fourie, Jean Niemand, Marlene Swart, Lindile Deckson en Tho mas Mkhubelweni. Kontak hulle gerus by 028 312 2280.
HERMANUS NISSAN: From left are Pride Makohliso (Technician), Awie du Plessis (workshop manager), Ramon Taljaard (technician), Lucas Mtengwana (wash bay), Stephen Smith (parts) and Johan Geldenhuys (driver).
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
31 October, 2013
Grade 12 visual art pupils from the Hermanus Youth Art Centre ex hibited their work at the Hornbill House Gallery on Friday evening. Gathered in front of Stuart Dods’ artworks are (back from left) Brooke de Bruyn, Vivienne Mitchley and Stuart Dods. In front are Jamie Savage, Carien van der Merwe, Sheldon Lottering and Kitty Rose Rattle. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Art students exhibit year’s work KERRY VAN RENSBURG There were 23 exhibits on show at the Hornbill House Gallery on Friday evening representing the culmination of the practical work done by the Design and Visual Art students who take these subjects at a Grade 12 level. It was, however, the first time that pupils from Hermanus High School, Northcliff House College and Overberg Academy and Impak home school in Kleinmond were all exhibiting together under the banner of the Hermanus Youth Art Studio. Vivienne Mitchley took over the running of the Hermanus Youth Art Studio in the middle of the year after the previous art teacher was offered a permanent position elsewhere. Mitchley says it is essential that the Youth Art Centre be open to all schools in the area so that pupils who want to take visual art or design as a matric subject have the opportunity to do so. Amelia Neethling works with Mitchley at the Youth Art Studio and takes the Grade 12 design class and also works with the Grade 10 and 11 visual art pupils. The final exhibition at the Hornbill House Art Gallery included exhibits ranging from designs for chairs, children’s tables, clothes and room dividers, to lamp shades and computer imaged packaging. While viewing and moderating the exhibits on Friday afternoon before parents and the public arrived for the official evening viewing, Mitchley said: “Visual art is also a dynamic
presentation ranging from the more classical oils to multimedia exhibits. There are daring pieces that will challenge the norms but show the most amazing insight and creativity.” She said moderation went well and several students have obtained 75% plus. The theme for the final practical exam pieces was “Time” for visual art and “Motion and Eclectic” mixes. Stuart Dods, visual art student from Hermanus High, got 80% for art and won the Shelley Adams award. He will also be exhibiting pieces for the Roussouw Gallery. ) The Hermanus Youth Art Studio is also involved in the art project at the New Harbour. The harbour wall to be painted stretches from the parking lot near Whale Cruises to the underside of Gecko, next to the diving school. The project is spearheaded by Cape Town architect Eric Robinson, while the paint and equipment are all sponsored by Bambana Construction. Mitchley says the original blueprint was designed by Hanri Hamilton. “It was taken over and redesigned by Jeandre Marnier and this design has been transferred onto the wall in pencil. Painting will hopefully start this week, weather depending,” she explains. Mitchley is the project manager and says she is being guided by the talented artists. “All learners from the centre and school will be involved. We are also hoping that artists and learners alike will all volunteer to help make this a truly community orientated project.”
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
31 October, 2013
LAERSKOOL HERMANUS SE LEIERS: Die leerling en hoofleiers vir 2014 van Laerskool Hermanus is aangekondig. Denike le Roux is die hoofmeisie (afwesig tydens die fotosessie) en SJ Herholdt is die hoofseun (links voor). Holly Prior (middel voor) en Liam Andrews (regs voor) is onderskeidelik die onderhoofmeisie en onderhoofseun. BESTE LEER LING: Lara Swartz is op 28 Oktober in die Thusongsaal in Hawston tydens die gradepleg tigheid van die graad R klas van Hawston Primêr as die beste graad Rleerling aan gewys. Hier ont vang Lara haar prys van Ru dolph Smith, voorsitter van die beheerlig gaam. FOTO:
GOOD MOVE: Philip Opperman (left) and Philip Coetzee from Her manus Primary School participated in the Johan Oosthuizen Chess Tournament at Somerset West Mall. Opperman won first place in the tournament, while Coetzee took fourth position.
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Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
31 October, 2013
) The Hermanus Rotary Club meets every Thursday at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village in East cliff. Call Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187.
THURSDAY 31 OCTOBER ) Halloween Spooktacular themed evening at Bel la@Onrus, in aid of Cancer research. From 18:00. Raffles and prizes . To book call 0028 316 2967. ) Whalers Athletics Club time trials for 3 km, 5 km and 8 km at 18:00 at the cricket club.
FRIDAY 1 NOVEMBER ) Die NG Gemeente Onrusrivier nooi die publiek na hul volgende Overstrand ArmoedeDinkskrum om 11:00. Dr Erika Oosthuysen: 0 028 316 3115 of 079 322 0998 of ) Besoek die teetuin by die dienssentrum van die NG Gemeente Onrusrivier, 10:00 – 12:00, vir vars tuisgebak met ’n koppie moerkoffie. ) Tea, crafts and Christmas cakes for sale at the
Bhuki Cafe from 09:00 to 11:30. ) U3A series History of Modern Britain: Advance Brittania, presented by Andrew Marr. 10:00 in the Catholic Church hall. Call Penny Charteris: 0 028 316 2489. ) Die Pro Musicakoor tree in die NG Kerk, Her manus op vir ‘n Kerskonsert ten bate van die Her manus Senior Sentrum. Kaartjies kos R100 (ligte verversings ingesluit) en is beskikbaar by die Se nior Sentrumkantoor of die kerkkantoor. ) Vintage piano evenings with Margaret Fourie at the Old Harbour Vintage shop in Warrington Place every Friday 17:30 to 18:30. Light piano music and refreshments at R30 per person. Mar garet: 0 082 259 5515. SATURDAY 2 NOVEMBER ) Matric revision of Life Sciences from 11:00 12:00 on Whale Coast FM 9696.2 ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kosenwynmark, 09:00–13:00. ) Hermanus Country Market from 09:00 to 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) HemelenAarde Garden Market, 09:00 –14:00 at HemelenAarde Village. ) Tussen 09:00 en 12:00 hou Onrus Mengel Markie in die De Wet Saal, Roostraat, Onrus. ) The Overstrand Hospice Quiz evening is at the Overstrand Auditorium at 18:30. R190 tic kets include dinner and wine. Tickets from Hospi ce at 10 Hope Street or call: 0 028 312 4679.
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SUNDAY 3 NOVEMBER ) Criteria for school readiness of Grade one learners will be discussed from 12:0013:00 on Whale Coast FM 9696.2 MONDAY 4 NOVEMBER ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof: 0 028 314 0662 or 072 230 9179. ) The U3A series on the SA Agricultural Crisis will feature a presentaion on Aquaculture by Dr Pierre Hugo at the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Call Gert Claassen: 0 083 602 5254. ) Touching Hearts meets every Monday at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) The Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Ondersteuningsgroep vir Geestesgesondheid maandelikse vergadering in die Bloukamer, Fyn bosparkaftreeoord om 15:30. Gasspreker: Eu gene Smith wat sal getuig oor sy genesing van depressie. Almal welkom. Kontak, Esjé du Toit: 0 028 313 2031 of 071 853 2106 of 2; Phil Griffa: 0 083 456 5017 of Nonnie Blignaut: 0 028 316 2461.
) The Walker Bay Stamp CLub meets at the Her manus Bowling Club at 17:30. ) The Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s Cosmology evening at Sansa at 19:00 will cover: Black Holes by Alex Filippenko; Gravitational Waves; and The Wildest Ride in the Universe. Contact Pierre Hugo: 2 TUESDAY 5 NOVEMBER ) Join the Early Birds at the Hermanus Tennis Club Tuesdays and Thursdays, 07:00 – 09:00. Call Vic HamiltonAttwell: 0 082 785 5145 or Ken Collett: 0 082 806 8292. ) U3A presents Private Life of a Masterpiece: Francesca – The Resurrection, at 10:00. Catholic Church hall. Call Allan Powell: 0 028 316 1251. WEDNESDAY 6 NOVEMBER ) Onrusrivierbuurtwag se Algemene Jaarverga dering. De Wetsaal om 19:00. Almal welkom. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging verga der 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Bel Nick Kruger 0 074 890 2250 of Badisa: 0 028 312 3909. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag van die maand om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Bel Erika Oosthuysen: 0 079 322 0998. THURSDAY 7 NOVEMBER ) The Hermanus Bird Club invite you to join them for birding at Hawston View, Van der Stel’s Pass, Vyeboom/Villiersdorp. Meet at the Onrus Trading post at 08:00. Call Barbara: 0 083 659 3303. EVENTS ) Flower arranging demonstration by Alyson Kes sel will be held at St Peters Church Hall on Friday 8 November at 14:00, in aid of Overstrand Hospice and St Peters Church. Tickets are R50 each and includes lucky draws and a raffle. Contact Ann Harvett: 0 072 402 5245; Christine Ross: 0 028 313 2555 or the Church Office:0 028 312 1325 (08:00 12:00). ) The topic for the Hermanus Astronomy Centre’s monthly meeting at Sansa at 19:00 on 14 No vember is: The Astronomers Royal. Contact: 2 ) Lance James will perform at the Overstrand Au ditorium on Friday 15 November at 11:00. In aid of Sofca. Tickets are R80, available from Sofca or call Clyde Manson: 0 072 024 0560. ) The Paddakoor school concert is on 15 No vember at the Sandbaai Hall at 18:30. Tickets available at the Paddakoor School. Adults at R50 and children R20. Call: 0 028 316 2057.
Road test: Ford’s new Ecosport FRANS LE ROUX
ew cars in South Africa are arriving at a unfathomable rate and we as fanatics, drivers and buying public are truly spoilt for choice. As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, the small SUV market is another cut-throat segment where manufacturers aim to sell high volumes of their respective multipurpose vehicles. I tested the Renault Duster which was a pleasant surprise. This SUV segment is now a pretty competitive two-horse race with the introduction of the new Ford Ecosport. With the Ecosport you can choose between three different engines. A naturally aspirated 1,5 F petrol, a turbo charged 1,5 F diesel and their award winning 1,0 F three cylinder petrol turbo engine. If you read any motoring news, you would be aware that the 1,0 F Ecoboost engine has won the coveted international engine of the year twice (2012 & 2013). The model I tested was the much anticipated 1,0 F Ecoboost Trend, and boy, was I impressed. This tiny 1.0 engine has three cylinders and is truly the way forward in terms of fuel economy and CO² emissions. Power is rated at an unbelievable 92 kW/170 Nm. This is the modern day equivalent of a 1.6 naturally aspirated engine. I took the bright orange Ecosport all the way to Caledon on the Saturday morning for a work function. Having driven this road many times before, I deliberately took all the gravel roads to test the Ecosport’s handling and 200 mm ground clearance. It was raining when I drove out of Paarl, with the first obstacle being the Franschhoek Pass. Even in the rain, the one litre engine performed well and I never felt as if I would not reach the top. Being a three cylinder, there is an uncharacteristic engine growl you won’t find in any other car. It is a likeable sound, and kind of rough, but still ready and willing as you approach the red line. At the top I stopped to further inspect the Ecosport’s interior. If you have recently been
in a Fiesta, everything in here would be familiar. Step inside and your attention is drawn towards the silver inserts on the dashboard and steering wheel. Speaking of the latter, it has radio volume controls and cruise control options (on the Titanium model only). The seats offer little side bolstering but feel pretty rugged and purposeful. Headroom for adults is ample, with rear legroom being better than most hatchbacks (Golf or Auris). A central mounted cd/mp3 player is surrounded with an array of buttons which you can play with for hours. You get the feeling, as with the Fiesta, that everything was installed in a certain place for a good reason. The ergonomics of the interior is very well sorted. Continuing onwards down a wet and slippery Franschhoek Pass and having reached the first gravel road, I slowly drove towards Caledon. The Draaiberg road is mostly used by farmers to shorten their trip to Villiersdorp or Grabouw. The road was badly rutted, but the 16-inch wheels proved a good balance between sporty looks and comfortable driving. After a short 10 km, I reached the R43 again and powered on towards Caledon. Fifteen kilometres further, on my left, the longer and trickier Boontjieskraal Road lay ahead. On this stretch of gravel, I was convinced the ground clearance was enough. However, I carried too much speed and hit a ditch that I initially thought would max out the suspension and scrape the sump guard. To my surprise, though, the Ecosport managed to get through unscathed. Having arrived at my destination a little early, I inspected the appearance of the Ecosport once more. It strikes a pretty good balance between a mean-looking SUV with its widened grille and small size and with short overhangs at the front and rear, it sure looks the part. At the back, Ford decided to mount the full size spare-wheel on the bootlid. This, in my opinion, looks pretty hard-core, classic and cool. Makes one fondly think of old 4x4 bakkies. Unfortunately the Ecosport does not have a 4x4 option in its line-up, but let’s face it – how many buyers would actually take it off-road?
The Ecosport is a versatile little car. It comfortably seats five adults and no gravel road is un conquerable. PHOTO: MARK BOW The fuel consumption for the 220 km round trip averaged at 13 km/F. Considering that its not a flat road by any means, this is remarkable for a 1,0 F. On the open road this Ecosport should easily reach 15 km/F. If you opt for the punchy diesel variant, you could see a figure as high as 19 km/F. As previously mentioned, the only two real
contenders in this segment is the Ecosport and Renault’s Duster. If looks are important, the Ecosport takes the medal. If you want a mini 4x4, the Ecosport is not the best. While brand power is extremely important to most, the Ford badge is still sought after. This Ecosport would also have a good second hand value, guaranteed.
24 Hermanus Times Mazda CX5 now with SISS technology 31 October, 2013
QUICKPIC The Mazda CX-5 continues to surprise and delight South African customers with its next generation technologies that now includes the addition of Mazda’s Smart Idle Stop System (SISS) on all models. The system improves fuel economy by up to 10% in heavy traffic and in urban areas where the driver frequently stops at traffic lights and intersections. Conventional idling stop systems
restart a vehicle’s engine with an electric motor using exactly the same process as when the engine is started normally. Mazda’s SISS, on the other hand, restarts the engine through combustion. In addition to saving fuel, the SISS ensures that the engine will restart quickly and with exactly the same timing every time. Mazda’s advanced technology ensures the engine restarts in roughly half the time of other conventional electric motor idling stop systems. Drivers will feel no delay when resuming their drive, which means they can
enjoy a comfortable and stress-free ride. With the full suite of Skyactiv technologies, the CX-5 2,0 F engine uses as little as 6,8 F of fuel per 100 km in manual guise and 6,9 F per 100 km in automatic configuration. Skyactiv engines have been designed to make internal combustion as effective as possible. Engineers of the Skyactiv-g petrol engine were aiming for a lightweight design that produced more from less. Developing 114 kW of power at 6 000 rpm and 200 Nm of torque at 4 000 rpm it delivers more torque,
better fuel economy and lower emissions. Mazda offers a brand new cuttingedge six-speed Skyactiv-Drive automatic transmission on the Dynamic and Individual derivatives, to enhance the CX-5’s athletic character. An engaging six-speed manual transmission is fitted to the Active model. Every CX-5 comes with a 3 year Mazda Roadside Assistance plan, a 5 year/90 000 km Service Plan and a 4 years/120 000 km warranty. Service intervals are every 15 000 km.
BOLAND Auto Sold
With the full suite of SKYACTIV technologies, the CX5 2,0 F petrol engine uses as little as 6,8 F of fu el per 100 km in manual guise and 6,9 F per 100 km in automat ic configuration. PHOTO: QUICKPIC
SUBARU SOMERSETWEST 27 Gerber Boulevard, Gants Centre, Strand 021 853 8618
BOLAND Auto Sold
Hermanus Times 31 October, 2013
Beste jong boer met ’n Hilux beloon QUICKPIC Attie Scholtz, ’n boer van die Noord-Kaap, sal met ’n splinternuwe Toyota Hilux 2.7 VVTi-hoëromp-Raider-bakkie na sy plaas in die Douglas-omgewing terugkeer, nadat hy die gesogte 2013Agri SA/Toyota SA Jong Boer van die Jaar-toekenning gewen het. Scholtz is ná talle moordende uitdunrondes as die jong boer van die jaar aangewys nadat hy aanvanklik as die Noord-Kaapse streeksfinalis aangewys is. Hy is uit ’n groep van agt streeksfinaliste as wenner aangewys by ’n galageleentheid in Johannesburg. Johannes Möller, die president van Agri SA, het by die geselligheid gesê vanjaar se finaliste het hul deursettingsvermoë bewys deur die uitdagings wat almal in die veranderende toestande in die landboubedryf in die gesig staar, te bowe te kom. “Hulle kyk doelgerig na volhoubare langtermyn-groei om te verseker dat al die moontlike oorweeg is. Die finaliste het gewys gesonde besluitnemingsvermoë maak die verskil wanneer dit by die bou van ’n suksesvolle onderneming kom. “Al die finaliste is puik aanspraakmakers en baie goeie boere in eie reg, maar Scholtz is ’n waardige wenner van hierdie gesogte toekenning.” Scholtz het as wenner suksesvol teen finaliste van al die ander provinsies meegeding. Die finaliste is op grond van hul vertoning in hul eie onderskeie stre-
groot impak wat natuurramke gekies, en moes tussen pe (twee oorstromings) op sy 18 en 35 jaar oud en vir besigheid gehad het. minstens twee jaar lid Die besproeiingsgrond het van Agri SA se provinsiameer as verdubbel, terwyl ’n le organisasies wees. omvattende infrastruktuur Al die finaliste is deur en reeks boerdery implemenhul onderskeie provinsite en masjinerie gevestig is. ale rade van Agri SA aan“Scholtz produseer lusern gewys, en is op ’n magvan só hoë gehalte dat hy ’n dom gebiede beoordeel, voorkeurprys vir die produk waaronder hul finansiëontvang. le, sake en boerderyvaar“Hy ondersoek verskillendighede, sowel as hul bede bemarkingsmoontlikhede stuursdoeltreffendheid. wat gebruik kan word om te Hulle is ook met spesiverseker dat hy die beste pryfieke fokus op hul eie byse vir sy oeste en lewende hadrae, onafhanklikheid en we kry. besluitnemingsvermoë “Daarbenewens stel sy beoordeel. goeie opleiding hom in staat Scholtz (35) het ’n om self rekord te hou en sy BComm-honeursgraad in eie beplanning te doen, tersakebestuur en boer op wyl hy ook die beskikbare Vaallus in die Douglaskennis en vaardighede van distrik naby Kimberley ander landboukenners in sy in die Noord-Kaap. boerdery inspan,” sê prof. Hy boer met lusern, Van der Westhuizen. mielies, koring, gars en Scholtz het die sleutels van vleisbeeste. Hy besit en sy splinternuwe Toyota Hibestuur ook ’n vervoeron- Attie Scholtz, ’n boer van die NoordKaap, sal met ’n splinternuwe Toyota Hilux 2.7 VVTi lux by Hamman in ontvangs derneming wat hy ge- hoërompRaider rond ry nadat hy die Jong Boer van die Jaarkompetisie gewen het. geneem. bruik om hoofsaaklik lu“Ons glo hierdie voertuig pas volDie paneel wat Scholtz se boerdesern van sy eie en omliggende plase eenlopende onderneming en bewonder jou vermoë om in sulke uitda- ryvaardighede ontleed het, het hom maak by Agri SA en die landbougeaf te vervoer. vir die algehele beheer en bestuur meenskap in die algemeen. Calvyn Hamman, senior vise-pre- gende omstandighede te werk.” “Ons stigter, wyle Dr. Albert WesDie evaluerings is deur ’n paneel van sy plaas, sy skitterende arbeidssident vir verkope en bemarking Toyota Suid-Afrika Motors, was ’n bekende landbou-spesialiste ge- verhoudinge en sy gelukkige werks- sels, is bekend daarvoor dat hy gesê spreker by die geselligheid en het doen. Hulle was die sameroeper, mag wie se behuisings- en leeftoe- het hy sou ons eerste bakkie, die Todie vermoë van boere in Suid-Afrika prof. Carlu van der Westhuizen van stande hy help verbeter het, sowel yota Stout, eerste aan boere bemark. “Sy logiese benadering was dat as beklemtoon. “Boere weet hoe moei- die Vrystaatse Sentrale Universi- as vir die sterk finansiële bestuur lik dit is en wat dit verg om kos op teit van Tegnologie, prof. Hentie van van sy plaas en sy vervoeronderne- hulle ’n gebruik vir die voertuig kon vind, dit enige omgewing sou oordie land se tafels te sit. Ons bewon- der Merwe van die Universiteit van ming, geprys. “Scholtz se vernuwende optrede leef. der jul onverskrokkenheid en jul die Vrystaat, prof. Pieter Fourie van “Die Toyota Hilux is vandag nog die Vrystaatse Sentrale Universi- en dryfkrag het sy boerderybedryvermoë om ‘plan te maak’. “Ons respekteer jou vaardigheid teit van Tegnologie, en Johannes wighede die afgelope sewe jaar aan- Suid-Afrika se gunsteling-voersienlik laat groei ten spyte van die tuig,” sê Hamman. as die bestuurder van ’n uiters uit- Kokome van SAB Millers.
Forester grabs another award QUICKPIC Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. (FHI), the manufacturer of Subaru automobiles, this week announced that the Subaru Forester has been named Motor Trend’s 2014 Sport/Utility of the Year. The Subaru Forester’s victory follows the previous generation’s win of the 2009 award and the Outback’s win of the 2010 award, making Subaru the first and only automaker to win Motor Trend’s Sport/Utility of the Year award three times. Motor Trend Editor-in-Chief, Ed Loh, said: “The 2014 Subaru Forester beat a highly competitive field of SUVs because it best met our award’s six key criteria. Practical, affordable, efficient and fun-to-drive – Forester truly ticked every box”. The US-spec Forester which went on sale in March 2013 was developed with the goal to maximize its value as a true SUV. Featuring Subaru’s distinctive, renowned Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive™ system as its core technology, the fourth generation Forester boasts a higher level of driveability as well as enhanced safety and environmental performance combined with much improved capabilities as an SUV offering fun-to-use versatility and fun-to-travel driving performance. Subaru Southern Africa Marketing Manager, Ashley Lazarus, comments: “Yet another important accolade for the Subaru Forester further underpins its excellence as an allrounder SUV. The Motor Trend award comes on the back of the Forester being awarded the ‘Best Mom’s Taxi’ category win in the 2013 Women on Wheels Women’s Car of the Year competition in South Africa, the Japanese Good Design Award, its five-star Euro NCAP safety rating – which lead it to be the safest SUV tested by Euro NCAP in 2012 – and the IIHS Top Safety Pick+ award for safety excellence.” As committed by the company’s “Confidence in Motion” brand statement, FHI will continue to pursue further growth by offering its customers Subaru’s distinctive “Enjoyment and Peace of Mind” driving experience.
Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. (FHI), the manufac turer of Subaru automobiles, announced that the Subaru Forester has been named Motor Trend’s 2014 Sport/Utility of the Year.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
Verjaardae, huweliksherdenkings, troues, geboortes Plaas 'n kleur foto met kort boodskappie (maks. 18 woorde) vir slegs R80! Spertyd: Maandag 17:00.
Skakel of e-pos Tania by 028-312 3717
31 October, 2013
TAROT READING. 25 Years experience. Phone 083 750 9453 for appointments. THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tuesday & Thursday. Please call 028-313 1884.
Spyseniering Catering FOREST PARTY Venue for all ages + tractor rides. Separate venue for bachelor parties + overnighting. Booking essential. Please call 074 266 9809.
HERMANUS HIRING will fill all your function needs Tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, linen etc. At good prices. Telephone 028 312 4291 or Ken on 082 420 0060.
27 MAGRIETA HENDRIKSE. 18/01/1936-23/10/2013. Ons neem afskeid van 'n geliefde vrou, ma en ouma. Dankie vir alles wat Ma in die 77 jaar op aarde gedoen het. Ons gaan jou geweldig mis. Begrafnisdiens-Saterdag 2/11/2013 om 9:00 by die huis, Kerkstraat C8, Hawston.
Onderrig/Education BARGAIN SHOP. We buy your unwanted furniture and complete homes for cash. Contact Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508. KIP MCGRATH EDUCATION CENTRE. Math and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028-313 0209 today for a free assessment.
GELUK OP JOU geboortedag. Mag daar nog vele jare op jou wag. Van: Mommy, George, Wayne en Aden. Love you.
SUGAR PLUM Party Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Estelle 072 401 5913.
Vermaak Entertainment
Sterfgevalle Death Notices
MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311.
Algemeen Miscellaneous
Skoonheid en Gesondheid Beauty and Health
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19.30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or email: aa.hermanus@gmail. com
08 Sterfgevalle Death Notices
CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. LOST: SILVER HOOP and drop pearl earring. Call Sam Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/ 084 548 5871. 083 273 6754. Verlore/Vermis Lost/Missing
Gevind/Found GEVIND: KLEIN BUDGIE (geel/groen) in Northcliff. Skakel 072 839 1896.
17 Begrafnisdienste Funeral Services
PAMELA CLARE NAYLOR. 18/04/1922-24/10/2013. Passed away on 24/10/13. Will be missed by son Paul and family.
FUNERAL URNS. Hand painted, Ceramic. Call 083 456 1913. Email: mestone@
HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028-313 0643. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218. OVERSTRAND HOSPICE Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Monday to Friday 028-312 4679. SUPPORT GROUP for mental health (depression, anxiety, panic attacks, bipolar disorder, etc). All welcome-also family members. First Monday of the month, Blue room at Fynbos Park, 3:30pm. Enquiries Nonnie 028-316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Esje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. Email: sj@hermanus.
BOEDELVERKOPE. Muureenheid. Defy wasmasjien. Mikrogolf. Ketel. Draagbare radio/CD. Magnum kluis. R2 000. Nutsman gereedskap. Allerlei nuttige items. Skakel 083 488 3010.
ABSOLUTELY RELAXING head & shoulder massage. Mobile service. R90 - I come to you. Qualified therapist. Call Anne 084 5678 099.
DR CHAD GORDON DC (USA) Sports and family practice. Checkers Center. Call 028-313 0878. HERBALIFE. Summer is here! Lose weight and keep it off! Professional follow up. Free delivery. Call 076 155 9648. LOSE WEIGHT, GAIN ENERGY. Sms XTRA to 45633. R1.50/sms. MASSAGE THERAPIST. Raymond Philpott. Therapeutic, deep tissue, sports. Kidbrooke Place & Botriver. Call 082 599 2993. WEIGHT WATCHERS, internationally acclaimed as the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Summer Special! Phone Gilly 082 8789 558. Because it works!
Huurdienste Hiring Services
PLATFORM SCALE, 250kg, R11 995. S/S propeller 19", R2 500. Double log bed, no mattress, R1 700. Call 082 574 1071.
Bote en Toerusting Boats & Equipment
1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.
Oudhede en Kuns Antiques and Art
WANTED BY COLLECTOR: Coins, medals, bank notes, military items, stamps, pocket and wrist HOUT TE KOOP: Greyton watches, antique tools. R500 vir 1000. Caledon R600 vir 1000 en Hermanus Call 076 104 8511. R700 vir 1000. Skakel 076 652 0061. BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749.
IMPALA SPEEDBOAT 25HP motor ski, 2 wetsuits. Trailer. R8 000 ono. Call 082 700 5941. TWO SEATER FIBREGLASS peddle boats for sale. R11 000 each. Call Nico 084 837 5374.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
31 October, 2013
TRANSPORT OF FURNITURE & goods. Hermanus, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape. Long distance available. PDP driver. Call Johan 076 253 3745.
Rekenaar Verkope en dienste Computer Sales and Services
AFFORDABLE ONSITE Computer Support. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer with ten years corporate experience to assist you at home or office with all computer, network, internet and email problems. Call Jacques 084 402 0500.
APPLE AND COMPUTER SUPPORT. Your friendly neighborhood geek would like to help you sort out your PC and mobile device problems! I provide on-site support, tutoring and expert advice all at the best price in town. Try me! Call Chris on 082 856 5384.
COMPUTER SUPPORT, Mobile Devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.
REFILL LASER & INK cartridges. New printers & repairs. Best prices in town. Long Street Arcade. Call 028-312 4750. WHALE COAST COMPUTERS. 29 Robin Avenue, Northcliff, Hermanus. Professional callout technical support. Sales on hardware and software. Installation of wifi, networking, cctv. Call Walter, Hans and Raymond on 028-312 2311. info@
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398
I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749. WANTED - washing machine (toploader/twintub), fridge & all other household appliances to set up new home. Call 083 444 1313.
Geld/lenings Money/Loans MONEY LIVE LOANS. Personal loans up to R150 000. Copy ID, latest payslip and 3 month's bank statement. Fax: 086 776 47 42. Email: info@ money Call 021829 7192/3. For online application go to: www.
24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017.
Algemene Dienste General Services 101 SERVICES. Handyman general. No job too small. Best rates. Pensioners discount. 15 Years experience. Call Peter 073 157 2415.
AAA MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, damp proofing, waterproofing, building & renovations & general maintenance. Free quotes. Call Ian 082 535 5591.
A1 BUILDERS. Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798. ALTERATIONS & BUILDING PLANS, can do energy efficiency study. Call Steven 074 102 7897/ BUILDING ALTERATIONS, boundary walls, painting, bathroom renovations, plumbing, tiling. Professionally done. Call 082 255 0939. SAVE UP TO 30% on building cost. Contact: Over 50 employment SA for further details on 072 420 1800 or
Elektriese Herstelwerk Electrical Repairs
NKWENKWEZI BUILDERS. For all your painting, waterproofing, building, plastering, floor laminating & decking. Call 072 236 9415/073 906 1331.
te Huur/to Hire
SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667. www.
WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480.
082 414 9611
Plaagbeheer Pest Control
OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.
TOILET & HUT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726. TRAILER HIRE: Contact CCS Plant Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/ 079 492 5726.
Ruite/Vensters Glass/Windows SOLOMON'S WINDOW CLEANING Services for domestic, commercial, industrial & construction sites. For free quotation phone Solomon 082 747 3640. Serving Hermanus since 1996. WIND-O-WASH. For professional window cleaning services in the domestic, commercial, industrial and retail sectors. We have more than 20 years experience in the industry and look forward to your call on 028-313 2232 for a free, no obligation quotation.
Skoonmaakdienste Cleaning Services A MAKE-OVER Cleaning Service for a good spring clean. Houses, offices, pre and post occupation and ironing. Friendly, professional service under fulltime supervision. Mon Sat. Call 076 115 7382.
Vervoer en Berging Moving & Storage
Units from R220/pm T & C applies
PEST CONTROL - WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028316 3010.
Gordyne/Matte/ Stoffering Curtains/Carpets Upholstery
Loodgieters Plumbers
LIMITED OFFER Discount on Steel Container Storage! 24 hrs Secure lock-up self storage. Cnr. Swartdam & Steenbras Rd, Hermanus. Office on site Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00 (028) 312 3898 or 072 635 9656 Restricted access don’t be fooled Security by SECURI-TEAM
AAAHH STORAGE AVAILABLE. Call Walkerbay Storage 082 577 9293.
REPAIRING & CLEANING of any kind of Persian carpets at Shakhcha Persian Carpets, Gateway Centre, Hermanus. Also wide variety of assorted Persian carpets for sale. Call 028-313 2072.
GUARANTEED PEST/WEED CONTROL. Personal treatment. Industrial/Residential. Weed treatment on lawns. Andries de Kock 082 567 7591.
CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY cleaning. Call Allison or John 072 572 0215. CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervision. Best prices. Free quotations. Phone Top Carpets 028-313 0721. CINDY'S CARPET CLEANERS. Carpets, rugs & upholstery cleaners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 5385/ 028-316 4264.
WALKER BAY MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, alterations, small building, roofing, waterproofing, plumbing. Callouts. Free quotes. Rudi 073 190 3541.
NEVILLE'S REFRIGERATION and appliance repairs. Fridges, freezers, stoves, tumble driers, microwaves. Phone Neville 028-316 1690 or 078 401 3547.
PLANT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on028-312 2280/ 079 492 5726.
Rommelverwydering Rubble Removal
REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028-312 2367.
OVERBERG DRY TAR. Diensverskaffing van teerwerk asook plaveisel. Nuwe opritte, sypaadjies, parkeerareas en paaie. Herstelwerk & vernuwing van bestaande oppervlaktes. Besoek gerus www. vir meer inligting oor ons nuwe dienste. Kontak Jaco Stander vir gratis kwotasies by 072 225 3792.
TRANSFERS/AIRPORT. Airport transfers & shuttle service to Cape Town. Longer trips. Bookings in advance. Call Megan or Gary 083 702 3273.
HERMANUS TRANSPORT. 1.2 Tons @ R8/km - 4.5 Tons @ R12/km - 7.5 Tons @ R17/km - 13 Tons @ R22/km. Prices negotiable. T&C 's apply. Call 082 977 7062. Telefax 028-313 1332. STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R349 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704.
24 HOUR, HIGH SECURITY & SAFETY COMPETITIVE RATES Roman Close, Hermanus (next to SAP detective)
Office 028-312 4102 Barry 082 658 3707
1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028312 3874.
Teëlwerk/Vloere Tiling/Flooring TILING. A TO Z MASTER TILER. Ceramic, porcelain, travetine, mosaic, slate, sandstone. All work professionally done. Call 082 255 0939.
A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. For full garden maintenance, tree felling, plot clearing and refuse removal. Also small removals. Gutter cleaning. Call Morné 083 225 3712.
BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323. PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. SOUTH COAST PLUMBING. Registered plumber. Service and installations. Quality guaranteed. Pensioner discounts. LPG gas installations & services. Certified installer. Oliver Voigt 072 176 2657/028-312 2796.
BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592. DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. Fire wood. Call T.J. Boshoff 082 954 7970. Email:
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.
31 October, 2013
Motoronderdele Parts & Accessories
FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial area. Call 028-313 1763.
Erwe te Koop Plots for Sale
PLOT FOR SALE. No 30 Abner Street, Stanford. Call 073 500 2841. R525 000 - BEST BUY plot in Vermont! Sea & mountain views. Opposite park and greenbelt. Build your holiday getaway. Call Liki @ Aida 082 772 2209.
HERMANUS LANDSCAPING. Garden design, maintenance & irrigation. 22 Years experience. Call Paul Marx 082 32 777 04.
WINSKOOP: ERF TE KOOP - Lieflike StilbaaiWes. Ideale aftreedorp. Slegs R330 000. Erfbelasting op datum. 600 vierkante meter. Kontak Marienette 076 834 9600.
REMOVAL OF DANGEROUS trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195.
TO LET: 1ST FLOOR OFFICE, 28m². CBD Hermanus. Call 082 455 7276. WORKSHOP TO LET. Hermanus Industrial area. Call 082 416 1009.
Dienste aan Sake-Ondernemings Business Services
Huise te Huur Houses to Let
ZUKI'S GARDEN & Forestry Service. Alien plant clearing. Plot clearing. Garden refuse removal. Tree pruning. Hedge trimming. Weed extermination, etc. Call Zukisani 082 711 6102.
2 SLAAPKAMER, 2 badkamer huis te huur in Beach Club. Parkeer afdak. Mooi see-uitsig. R4 750 met 6 maande kontrak. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Navrae Mario 082 550 8281 (werksure).
Vakansie Akkommodasie Holiday Accomodation VOËLKLIP. DESEMBER Vakansie. Huis te huur. 15 Des tot 3 Jan. Slaap 8. Drie minute van strand. R1 750 per dag. Minimum huur 10 dae. Skakel Danny 083 661 3629.
Voertuie te Koop Gevra Vehicles Wanted to Buy
Besighede te Koop Businesses for Sale
24/7 CASH for your bakkie or car. Just sms or phone 072 620 1126. AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.
Duikklop/Spuitverf Panelbeating/ Spraypainter
Betrekkings Gevra Jobs Wanted
SEAFRONT RESTAURANT FOR SALE at Village Square. Excellent position! Good price! Call owner: Michael 072 125 7068 or 028-313 1224.
Motors te Koop Vehicles for Sale 2003 AUDI A4 1.9 TDI. Good condition. Motor needs overhauling. R39 000 onco. Please call Marius 073 460 0405. FIAT GRANDE Punto 1.4 T-jet, 2009 5 door Dynamic, 85 000km. R90 000. Thrilling drive, 14km/l, ABS, airbags. FSH, good condition. Grey. Call 072 468 8452.
HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www.
Eiendomme te Koop Property for Sale
A CAREGIVER/NURSE is looking for work, taking care of the elderly or sick. Please call me on 084 294 7740.
Eiendomme te Huur Property to Let FISHERHAVEN to let. Separate entrance, bedroom, bathroom, open plan. Occup December. Safe parking. R1 600 pm. Call 082 700 5941.
Sleepwaens te Koop/te Huur Trailers for Sale/ to Hire
29-YEAR-OLD honest, reliable Malawian lady with housekeeping/babysitting experience is looking for a job, 4 days/week. Ref. available. Call 061 195 0289/ 074 485 4245.
Motortoebehore Spares and Accessories
Kommersieel en industriele Eiendom Commercial and Industrial Property
FORD BANTAM 1.6i 2005, with canopy. 90 000 km. R50 000. Call Ralph 084 868 5404. MERCEDES E230, 1999. 164 000 km. R60 000 o.n.a. Skakel 082 419 4000. SUZUKI 410, 1984 model for sale. R25 000. Phone Colin 028-312 1490. TOYOTA CONQUEST 1300, 1989. R18 000. Recond. Call 082 700 5941.
SELF CATERING UNIT to rent. Fully furnished, walking distance from Hermanus CBD, secured parking, no dogs. R3 500 pm, incl. water & lights. Call 082 336 7734.
HERMANUS. Hemel-enAarde Estate. R1 999 000 & R1 650 000. 4 Bedrooms. Voëlklip. 4 Bed & flatlet. Near beaches. Call 084 575 4321.www.victoryestates. HERMANUS. R1 350 000. Neat as a pin! Lounge, dining room, kitchen with sculllery, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and garage. Well priced! Heather 083 285 2777. Email:heather@gtproperty. Guthrie & Theron Properties.
OCEAN BREEZE, SANDBAAI. 2 Bedroom home, neat as a pin in lovely security complex with extra special features. View on www.seeff. com. Web ref: 275780. Offers from R850 000. Call Lesley 082 473 6942. VOËLKLIP. R1 395 000. Uitstekende belegging, 3 slpk, badk, oopplan kombuis, ruim leefarea, braaistoep, motorhuis & buite toilet. Groot uitbreidingsmoontlikhede vir toekoms & pragtige berg-uitsig. Web verw: 608083. www. Marietta 082 569 6967. Guthrie & Theron Eiendomme.
EXCLUSIVE OPEN PLAN offices to let. Hemel & Aarde Village, ± 100m². Call 028 316 2696. NEWLY RENOVATED 30m² office/shop space to rent in Hermanus business district, 4 Royal Street. Own ablution facilities. Highly visible from main bypass road. Phone 076 092 7240. OFFICE IN Hemel & Aarde Village. Own bathroom & mini kitchen. R2 800. Available 1 November. Call 083 325 7515. OFFICES TO LET in Main Road, Kleinmond. Contact Xpertprop 082 870 5704. STRAATFRONT EENHEID te huur. Eenheid nr. 1,Jarina Park, Gideon van Wyk Slot. 200m². Skakel 083 3102319.
AN HONEST, hardworking lady is looking for domestic /char work, Mon/Tues/ Wed/Fri. Call Narissa 073 498 3255. Reference 073 502 9983. CHRISTIAN, mature lady is looking for work as housekeeper/babysitter, part-time/full-time. Experienced. Please call Chipo 071 991 3412. EXPERIENCED Malawian man looking for a job as housekeeper/gardener/pain ter/domestic. Call Oscar 074 728 3721/083 962 6394. HONEST & hardworking Zimbabwean lady (27) seeking employment as housekeeper/childminder, Wednesdays & Fridays. References available. Call Faith 074 612 6530. I AM RELOCATING and am looking for employment for my domestic worker. She worked for me for 5 years and is wonderful with kids, pets and stressed out moms. I cannot recommend her highly enough. Call Sam 083 273 6754. MALAWIAN GARDENER seeks work 2 days a week. Good references and hardworking. Call Johann 082 444 4344 or Cynthia 082 652 8017. MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a full-time/ part-time job as domestic/housekeeper. Well experienced. Reference available. Call 061 353 6948/078 188 2504. MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job as gardener/housekeeper. Call 084 828 2983. Reference 074 972 4268. MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job as housekeeper/gardener/painter or any other job. Call 084 427 6385. SA LADY is looking for full-time job as housekeeper/carer. Certificate & experienced. Call 078 321 2666. ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for a job as housekeeper/babysitter. Experienced nurse aid, basic primary health care. Call 073 339 3814.
Algemeen General Vacancies
ADMIN/BOOKKEEPER. Vacancy exists for mature person to assist in running A MALAWIAN man is an office handling rentals looking for a job as gardener/housekeeper/domes- in Hermanus. Must have strong admin and booktic worker/painter/waiter. keeping skills and comWork permit available. puter experience. Email CV Call James 074 962 0448. and contact number to Reference 084 603 0216. A MALAWIAN man is CASHIER. Must be well looking for a job as driver spoken, bilingual, friendly or any other related job & have computer expe(code 10 PGD). Reference available. Call Isaac 084 462 rience. Please email CV to brenda@hermanuspharmacy 7699. or fax to 028-312 A MALAWIAN man is 2681. looking for a job as houseGEVESTIGDE tuinonderkeeper/gardener/guestneming is opsoek na 'n house attendant/painter. persoon met ondervinding Work permit available. 3 Years experience. Call Alex van besproeiing en die installering van besproeiing 073 903 4493. Reference en besproeiingsrekenaars. 082 409 1290. Faks CV na 086 6190 446. A MALAWIAN young man is looking for a part-time/ full-time job as gardener/ painter or general cleaner. Call Arthur 084 327 7356. A RELIABLE, hardworking, mature Zimbabwean lady is looking for a housekeeping job, Monday to Saturday. Call Sabina 074 281 0454. Reference Sarah 082 846 2883. A ZIMBABWEAN LADY is looking for a full-time job as domestic worker or child minder. Reliable & honest. Call 078 267 6408. Reference Amanda 082 333 5737. A ZIMBABWEAN LADY (31) is looking for a job as housekeeper/childminder or any other job. For reference call Leoni 084 522 2007. Call 071 930 9332. AN EXPERIENCED lady is looking for domestic work. Very honest and reliable. Please call 073 468 4196.
MANS- OF DAMES persoon met geldige bestuurslisensie benodig vir die aflewering & optel van voertuie by besige car wash. Salaris onderhandelbaar. Skakel Johan 074 675 6930. TEACH IN THAILAND.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
31 October, 2013
Martial arts students off to America The Hermanus Martial Arts Academy recently took part in the South African Mixed Open Championships in Bellville and did excellently, bringing home eight gold, six silver and five bronze medals. This competition had over 1 500 competitors. The next step for these students is the World Mixed Martial Arts Championships which will be held in Orlando, Florida, in the United States of America in June next year. Team Legacy thanked their sponsors for all their support.
Medal winners: Back from left are Joshwin Wenke (2 gold), DJ Gildenhuys (2 gold, 1 sil ver and 1 bronze), Francois Thorne (1 gold), Zaanru Frazer (1 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze, Turen van der Spuy (1 gold and 1 silver). Front from left are Marco Hecter (1 bronze), Heinz Hatting (1 silver and 1 bronze), Rouxzelle van der Merwe (1 gold and 1 silver), Absent were Lisa Briers (1 bronze) and Wimpie Scheepers (1 silver).
MERKWAARDIGE PRESTASIE: Die 91 jarige Carel Smith van Botrivier het aan die 10 kmVander stelpasuitdaagwed loop op Botrivier deelgeneem. Hy het eers laat in sy lewe as ’n ouditeur op BeaufortWes aan padwedlope deelge neem, eers aan half marathons en later 10 kmwedlope. Hoewel hy klaarge maak het was dit sy laaste 10 km, en hy sê hy gaan nou na 5 kmwedlope oor skakel. FOTO: FANIE KRIGE
Cats need homes urgently Every year in spring and summer the Her- be the perfect companion for a young chap. Inky with her lovely slinky black and white manus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) cattery has a great inflow of unwanted mother coat is a friendly outgoing girl. She will make cats and kittens. Although HAWS find a very affectionate and loyal pet. The only one of these cats that does not fit homes for quite a large number of these kittens, there are always some that don’t get the above mould is Yogi. He came to the cattery as an adult and feels a bit confined with adopted and grow into adults. They have all been spayed or neutered and all those other cats around. He would love to have a bit of space and would prefer a home their vaccinations are up to date. Chiara is a pretty female with fabulous without other cats. He is a very handsome calico colouring. She is gentle and quiet and chap with his snow white coat and interesting eyes, one yellow and one blue. needs someone to love her. Oreo is such a comfortable, laid-back young chap. He gets on with everyone. Granted, he is a bit chubby, but once he has a home with a garden where he can move around, he may get his figure back. Chiara Mikey Rusty Mikey, a young male, has the most unusual coat of light caramel and white. He too, has become quiet over time, probably because his misses the attention of a loving owner. Rusty is an active and inquisitive boy with a lovely affectionate nature. He would Inky Oreo Yogi
Hermanus Times
Sport Sport
31 October, 2013
Tee off for Trees breaking new ground The Tee off for Trees tournament which will take place at Hermanus Golf Club on Saturday 9 November will be of historic importance. It is the first time that players will have the opportunity of participating in a 27-hole tournament using all three nines. During play the golfers will pass and thus be able to view the 120 newly-planted trees, all indigenous. Tree size, shape and character have all been considered in fitting them into their designated planting positions, while careful consideration has also been given to the coastal location
and climate and its soil conditions. Coral trees, hard pear, waterbessie, yellowwood, red alder, wild olive, white pear, Africa holly, Natal fig and wild plum, have been planted in clumps. All barring one variety are evergreen – only the coral tree is deciduous and loses its leaves in winter. We are grateful to our sponsors Southern Turf Management, Neutrog and Sterling Auto for covering the cost of the tournament, thus ensuring that all proceeds can go towards the new trees and the beautification of our course.
RACING: Kurt “The Trim mer” Fortune from Hermanus competed in the October Re gional Superbike racing with outstanding results. After a tough battle with three riders he finished 4th overall and broke out of class B with a personal best laptime of 1:17.1 and will now be competing with the elite Western Province class. He thanks his team and spon sors for the opportunity. The next race is 30 November at Killarney raceway. PHOTO: DJED RYAN
DOGS on the catwalk ) 29 October, Kleinmond Such is the emphasis on fashion with the DOGS these days that even the greens were dressed for the occasion on Tuesday. This was not enough to outshine the majority of the field though, as no less than 10 players scored 36 or better. First on the catwalk was “Sporran McCalder” with a fine figure of 41. Falling down the BRIDGE )Monday, 21 October N/S: 1. Wina Loubser / Carren Emery 65.87%. 2. Michael / Dorothee Lutzeyer58.20%.3.BettyNel/ToniMaytham 56.35%. E/W: 1. Mike Brownlee / John Truswell 58.63%. 1. Heather Leemans / Jenny Veysey 58.63%. 3. Callie Groenewald / Annette Strachan 55.66%. )Wednesday, 23 October 1. Zofia Mawby / Diane Hobbs 65.28%. 2. Julie Cotton / Joan o’Connor 59.38%. 3. Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 58.33%. )Friday, 25 October 1. Riekie Louw / Betty Nel 64.07%. 2. Anneke v.d. Vlugt / Milly Ann Tanton 60 00%. 3. Joan o’Connor / Nell Naude 58.15%. )Saturday, 26 October 1. Chris Raven / Margaret Cunningham 66.07%. 2. Michael / Dorothee Lutzeyo 61.91%. 3. Jackie Ascham / Betty Nel 57.14%. )Monday, 28 October 1. Claudine Bylsma / Peggy Nicholson 60.90%. 2. Adre Joubert / Julie Cotton 57.37%. 3. Betty Nel / Joan o’Connor 56.73%. WHALERS ATHLETIC CLUB - TIME TRIAL )24 October 3 km Runners: 1 Louise Erasmus 13.29; 2 Theo Malan 16.46 PB; 3 Charles Malan 16.49; 4 Loudi Vorster 16.49; 5 David Austin 18.20; 6 Jordan
steps off the back of the stage however was “The Yorkshire Ripper”. The scores were: 41 Alan Calder; 38 Hugh Frangs, Peter Theron, John Cheesbrough, John Reynell (guest), John Horobin, Ian Newman; 37 Doug Ross; 36 Peter Sulley, Pat Dewil; 29 Dave Smith; 28 Chris Martin, Vic vd Westhuizen; 25 Dave Rade, Peter Thomas; 22 Gordon Wilson; 19 Keith Gillott. - DAVE SMITH
Austin 18.20. 3kmWalkers:1ArleneEhrenberg23.13 SB; 2 Melany Vaughan 23.13; 3 Willie Loedolff 25.25. 5 km Runners: 1 WL Kruger 19.51; 2 Ignatius Matema 20.29; 3 Gareth Buckingham 20.55 PB; 4 Kevin Middleton 21.22; 5 Daniel Maree 22.46; 6 Leo Vorster 24.07 PB; 7 Karin Nortje 24.10; 8 Alfred Tshabeni 24.30; 9 Christo du Plessis 24.30; 10 Anzel du Plessis 24.30; 11 Frank Gillion 24.30; 12 Josef du Preez 24.43; 13 Roelof van Weele 25.43; 14 John Turner 26.38; 15 Jonathan Austin 26.59; 16 Wilhelm Cooper 27.19; 17 Keri Geiger 28.10; 18 Karin Austin 28.46; 19 Norma Wheeler 28.53; 20 Ronel Bootha 29.21; 21 Lisle Geldenhuys 29.21; 22 Hugh Waters 29.56; 23 Gavin Turner 29.56; 24 Hananja Boshoff 32.42. 8 km Runners: 1 Christiaan de Wet 34.06. BOTRIVIER WEDLOPE )Saterdag, 26 Oktober 5 km: Lisl Geldenhuys 30.48. 10 km: Igmatius Matema 40.00; Frank Gillion 42.00 (1e 50+); Ewan Austin 44.00; Kevin Middleton 47.00;Daniel
Maree 49.00; Christine Hibberd 53.00; Roelof Pretorius 56.00; Karin Austin 60.00; John Theobald 66.00; Glenda Theobald 69.00; Lorette Streicher 83.00; Maret van Huysteen 83.00; Melany Vaughan 89.00; Arlene Ehrenberg 89.00. 21.1km: Mlandeli Mkhohlakali 1.25; Peter Radukha 1.25; Alfred Tshabeni 1.27; Christiaan de Wet 1.40; Manie Robinson 1.41; Annmarie Steyn 1.47; Andre van der Merwe 1.49; Carina van der Merwe 1.49; Elaine Gibson 1.56; Roelof van Weele 1.56; Andries du Toit 1.57; Wilhelm Cooper 1.57; Ewan Venter 1.58; Justin Swartz 1.58; Josua Blom 1.59; Valerie van Deventer 2.06; Righardt van Huysteen 2.07; Jansen Streicher 2.07; Gavin Turner 2.18; Henry Steyn 2.18; Elze-Mari Ungerer 2.19; Marius Venter 2.24; Carlien Roux 2.24; Ronel Bootha 2.25. GOLF )26 October 102 players took part in the 4BBB Stableford competition at the Hermanus Golf Club. North Course: 1. John Rhodes / Gerry Coates (51). 2. Peter Cawdry / Paul Voster (50). South Course: 1. John Reynell / Audie van Noordwyk (46). 2. Trevor Schouw / Daan Dockel (c/i 45). East Course: 1. Ray Carlitz / Christo Nel (47). 2. Frans Senekal / Carl Grobler (46).
Elene Rudolph (right) won the Hawston Netball Club’s trophy for Player of the Year at the club’s awards function last Friday evening. The award was presented by coach Johnalize April (centre). On her left is Maria Williams, the club’s umpire.
Hawston Netball coach Johnalize April (cen tre) and event MC and organiser Maria Wil liams (left) presented Charmalin Johnson (right) with the Sports Woman of the Year trophy.
Hawston netball back on its feet KERRY VAN RENSBURG The Hawston Netball Club held their awards function at Club Octopus last Friday evening. Coach Johnalize April said the club was last active in 2007 and only got back on its feet this year. She says the five-year gap was due to the fact that many of the players had been pregnant and raising children during this period. April says: “I am very proud of my girls. The A-team and B-team both won second place in the Overberg Netball League.”
During the 2013 season, the Hawston Netball Club played against teams from Gansbaai, Kleinmond, Bredasdorp and Bot River. April says: “It’s mostly old players who have returned to play netball, with a few new players and high school girls joining the club.” She says the girls must be 16 years and over to play in the adult league. At the lively end of the season awards function on Friday, the Player of the Year trophy was awarded to Elene Rudolph while Charmalin Johnson was named Sportswoman of the Year and team captain. She was also presented with the club trophy.
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CURRIE CUP WINNERS: Jaco van Tonder (left) and Deacon Chowles (right), both Hermanus born and bred, were part of their Currie Cup teams that played on Satur day. Van Tonder, with the return of so many Boks, did not get a chance to run out for the Sharks in the main final, but did get his hands on the winning trophy. Chowles, also a reserve, did get a chance to show his skills on the field, as a member of the u.21 Western Province team which won in the final against the Blue Bulls u.21 for the second year in a row.
Anel Henn.
Jacqui Jackson.
Hermanusfietsers wys hul slag in MTB Challenge Hermanus se fietsryers het verlede week weer skoonskip gemaak by die BotrivierVan der Stel-pas MTB Challenge. Die uitslae was soos volg: Anel Henn, 1ste (60 km, vroue ope.) . Jacqui
Jackson, 1ste (40 km vroue ope). Karel Keyser, 1ste (40 km mans junior). Gerna van Riet, 3de (40 km vroue ope). Edna-May van Zyl, 2de (15 km vroue ope). Karmyn van Noordwyk, 2de (15 km meisies junior).
RIDING HIGH: Two learners from Herma nus High performed extremely well on hor seback and were rewarded for their efforts by Sanesa Boland at the annual prize giving on Saturday 26 October. Natalie Austin (left) won silver for Level 2 showjumping. Joy Bekker won gold for Level 2 showjumping and Level 3 working hunter, silver for Level 2 dressage, and bronze for Level 3 equitati on and Level 3 performance riding. Joy also won the trophy for best High School work ing hunter for the second year in a row.
SOUTH BOLAND CRICKET HONOURS: Ian Haskell (boys u.13) (left) and Luca Jasprica (boys u.12), both from Curro Hermanus, were re cently selected for the South Boland Cricket Team.
SAPS Sport against Crime at WP sports day A Sport against Crime Event was recently staged by the SAPS at the Western Cape Provincial Sport Day at Pinelands. Constables Motlhatswi and Zongwana represented the Hermanus cluster in the doubles for pool. They came third and won a bronze medal. On Saturday 19 October the u.14 soccer team drawn from communities like Hawston and Zwelihle also represented the Hermanus cluster at Pinelands. The team was grouped
with Bishop Lavis, Claremont and Worcester. In the group stages the results were: Hermanus cluster (0) and Claremont cluster (0), Hermanus cluster (7) and Worcester cluster (0), Hermanus Cluster (1) and Bishop Lavis cluster (0). Hermanus cluster boys were defeated 2-0 by Mitchells Plain cluster in the quarter final. SAPS thanks all parents whose children were involved, and those parents who went along in support.