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THURSDAY, 21 NOVEMBER 2013 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316
Jou Koerant • Your Newspaper
Arundal street, Hermanus at 06:25 on Saturday morning. PHOTO: KEN MOORE
Floods wreak havoc See more photos and reports on pages 8 to 11
Stanford cut off
Homes flooded
Animals drowned
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Hermanus Times
Nuus News
21 November, 2013
Two fatal stabbings in one weekend JANINE VAN DER RIET Two people were stabbed to death in separate incidents in Zwelihle last weekend. In the first incident, at around 04:30 on Saturday morning, two men argued while playing pool at a shebeen. According to Lieutenant Fadila September of the Hermanus police, the men fought over a R1 coin.
Thobelani Fuazani (23) was stabbed in the chest and died on the scene. Detectives from the Hermanus SAPS reacted promptly and arrested a suspect the same day. He appeared in court and his bail application will be heard on 25 November. In the second incident, on Sunday morning at around 05:00, Nicolas Qobani (18) was waiting for his brother outside a shebeen in Zwe-
lihle. Qobani was out on bail for a murder case and while he was waiting, a man stabbed him in the neck and ran away. Qobani died on the scene. The motive for the murder is still unknown, but detectives managed to arrest a suspect the same day. The suspect is currently in jail and will appear in the Hermanus Magistrate’s Court on 26 November for a bail application.
PEDESTRIAN HIT: A pedestrian was knocked down by a car at the Kidbrook turn-off in Onrus on Monday morning. When Hermanus police officers arrived on the scene, they found her lying on the road. The woman had been crossing the road when the accident took place. She sustained injuries requiring treatment and was taken to the provincial hospital. At the time of going to press, her condition could not be confirmed.
Safety and security meeting in Vermont Vermont residents will meet on 26 November to consider possible solutions to crime in their suburb. Numerous incidents of housebreaking, assault and theft have plagued Vermont in recent months. This fact has been widely publicised in the Overstrand. The Vermont Ratepayers and Environment Association (VREA) has over the past few years paid particular attention to cautioning residents to become more diligent and aware of the safety and security issues in their area. Despite regular reports in the media, several public meetings arranged by the VREA and numerous articles that specifically addressed these issues in their newsletter The Vermonter, residents have seemingly turned a blind eye, perhaps thinking that crime only happens to the neighbour. After some investigation earlier this year the VREA, together with security service pro-
viders, formulated possible solutions and management objectives to address these issues at a workshop in Hermanus on 27 June. The resolutions adopted will be communicated at a public meeting at the De Wet Hall in Onrus on 26 November at 18:00. Residents will also have the opportunity to express their views. The meeting will include an address by the Hermanus police on crime statistics in Vermont; actual accounts by residents of their experiences, and presentations by security service providers as to the most suitable systems available to the community. It will also create an opportunity for residents to benefit from a community safety network. Vermonters are urged to attend this meeting, as they need to equip themselves so they don’t become victims. With the festive season upon us, crime is inevitable and therefore so is vigilance.
STOUTERDS: ’n Leser was baie vies Maandag toe hy ’n motor op die rolstoel-vriendelike parkering by Gateway Sentrum gewaar het. Die vrou het in die kar bly sit terwyl die man, duidelik springlewendig en gesond, in die drankwinkel ingehardloop het om iets te koop. Tussendeur het ’n man met ’n rolstoelplakker daar verbygery en moes noodgedwonge verder stop omdat die rolstoel-vriendelike parkering onwettig opgeneem is.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
21 November, 2013
Ferdi roep Rheezicht-kafee vaarwel HEDDA MITTNER
Ferdi en Janine Groenewald met hul tweeling, Etienne en Elani.
Selfs nadat die winkel verhuis het na ’n splinternuwe perseel en verhef is tot “supermark”-status, het Onrus se mense steeds verwys na Rheezicht-kafee, of sommer “Ferdi se winkel”. Al die jare was die twee name sinoniem – Ferdi en Rheezicht. En nou is die winkel verkoop en Ferdi is vort. En die mense mis hom en wil weet: Wáár is Ferdi? “Ek vat nou eers ’n blaaskansie,” lag Ferdi gemoedelik. “Ek het al die jare lang ure gewerk en my gesondheid het daaronder begin ly.” Ferdi is ’n diabeet wat die afgelope jaar twee keer in die hospitaal opgeneem moes word. Hy en sy vrou, Janine, kon ook nooit iets beplan oor naweke nie, sê hy, want hy was altyd nodig by die winkel. Daar het reeds 24 jaar verloop sedert Ferdi sy eerste kafee begin het. Van die ouer geslag op Onrus kan nog sy Park-kafee in Moltenostraat onthou – in die historiese ou geboutjie waar Goddard’s en Dr. Enslin en vennote tans is. Dit was in 1989 en die Groenewalds was pas getroud. Ferdi was ’n korporaal in die Weermag waar hy spyseniering gedoen het en Janine het by Nedbank gewerk. Hul voete het gejeuk om hul eie besigheid te begin en toe Ferdi ’n advertensie sien vir ’n kafee op Onrus, het hy kom ondersoek instel. Hy het gehou van die rustigheid van die omgewing en die geborgenheid van die gemeenskap. Hy en Janine het sommer gou die winkel oorgeneem en hul intrek geneem in die woonstel bokant die kafee. “Daai tyd was Onrus nog ’n stil plekkie,” sê hy met ’n tikkie nostalgie. “Dit was die
goeie ou dae – lekker tye.” Sowat twee jaar later het hulle getrek na die nuutgeboude Rheezicht-sentrum op die hoek van Hoofweg en Van Blommensteinstraat. En dís waar die legendariese Rheezicht-kafee so flink begin besigheid doen het dat Ferdi se lewe allermins meer as “stil en rustig” beskryf kon word. Hy het ’n getroue kliëntetal opgebou deur persoonlike diens te lewer en te alle tye te verseker dat sy winkel voldoende voorraad het. Trouens, Rheezicht het bekend geword as die één plek waar jy, afgesien van kos, kruideniers- en toiletware, alles kon kry – of dit nou ’n rek is vir Sannie se skoolromp, ’n emmer en grafie vir die strand, hout vir die braaivleisvuurtjie, ietsie vir ’n hoofpyn of omgekrapte maag, of ’n Onrusrivier-T-hemp as
aandenking. “Ek is maar die ou soort,” sê Ferdi. “Ek het gedurig rondgeloop in die winkel en aantekeninge gemaak. Soms, veral in die vakansieseisoen, het ek daagliks in my kar gespring om voorraad aan te koop. Ek was gewoond daaraan dat die vakansie- en naweekmense iets van alles soek.” Dan was daar ook die legendariese pasteie wat deur Ferdi se ma gebak is – vakansiemense het dikwels dosyne gekoop om saam te neem huis toe, sê Ferdi. En wat min mense weet, is dat dit Ferdi self is wat al daardie heerlike koeke, broodjies en beskuitjies gebak het. Intussen het die Groenewalds se tweeling, Etienne en Elani, bygekom. En hulle het kans gesien vir nog ’n onderneming – die Blue Monday-wassery wat onlangs in die nuus was vanweë die huidige eienaar se stuitige wasgoedjies wat voor die winkel vertoon word. “Ja, ons het baie hard gewerk,” sê Ferdi, “maar dit was lekker tye. Janine was altyd aan my sy en ons het ook die kinders van kleins af in die werk gesteek.” Die tweeling is nou 16 en is volgende jaar in graad 10 aan Hoërskool Hermanus. Nou, vier jaar nadat die winkel verhuis het na sy nuwe ruim perseel oorkant die straat, het Ferdi die leisels oorgegee aan Rigardo Scholtz, wat ’n groot paar skoene moet vul. “Ek wil al my ou kliënte, wat 24 jaar lank die pad saam met my gestap het, bedank vir hul lojale ondersteuning. My waardering en dankbaarheid gaan ook aan my vriende en familielede vir al hul hulp deur die jare,” sê Ferdi.
MTB pump track ready for action KERRY VAN RENSBURG Mountain bike enthusiasts will be pleased to know that a new pump track has been built near what will one day be the new Hermanus Sports Club. The circular track, situated just beyond Bosko and behind the cricket field, was designed by Andre van der Merwe and Anton du Plessis who are part of the Hermanus Sports Club (HSC) committee. It was built by Schalk van der Merwe and his team from Hermanus Adventures, which is owned by Jan van Schalkwyk and Deon Ferreira. According to Andrienette Fourie, chairperson of the HSC committee, they are also the team who built the MTB track situated in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley Andre van der Merwe, the HSC engineer, says pump At the site of the new Hermanus Sports Club’s MTB pump track (from left) Anton tracks are man-made closed cir- du Plessis (HSC architect and committee member), Robert Ntlapo, Sisanda Bacela, cuits with rollers in between and Russel Jimlongo who helped build the MTB pump track, Andre van der Merand berms at each end. we (HSC engineer and committee member) and Schalk van der Merwe from HerHe says they are designed to manus Forest Adventures who built the new track. be ridden without pedalling. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG “Riders use their body to pump – or push down into the dip after elevation and pull Civils and Hermanus Forest Adventures. Fourie says the HSC committee is thankful to the Herup before the crest of a mound – throughout the continumanus Adventure team for putting in the time and effort ous loop,” explains Van der Merwe. “By absorbing and compressing your bike over rollers, to build and provide a facility for the cyclists, and specifiyou convert gravitational force and downward thrust in- cally the children of Hermanus, which will be ready for to speed. It’s been said that pump tracks were first de- use during the December holidays. Van der Merwe says the idea is to develop a Pocket signed by professional bike racers to advance their skills Bike Park facility as part of the HSC development. and racing times,” Besides the pump track, the development will include He says these days pump tracks can be found worldwide and are enjoyed by riders at all levels. “Pump tracks take a skills area, which will be dedicated to basic mountain mountain biking and turn it into a session sport. It is biking skills using both natural and man-made objects, much more social and people of different riding abilities a cross-country MTB loop which will provide a 3 km MTB can all ride the same track and watch each other’s lines trail where children, in particular, can safely do their cross-country training on their own, and a free ride park and technique.” Machinery and material for this HSC project was pro- dedicated to those with more advanced mountain biking vided by WA Bishop Transport, Peter Starke Civils, ABC skills.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
21 November, 2013
Home-based care graduates who received certificates at the RDP Training Centre on Thursday included (from left) Felicity Mzukwa (facilitator), Nosicelo Moya, Zolile Baleni (RDP programme manager for the Expanded Public Works Programme, or EPWP), Yolanda Figlam, Zodwa Hlahla, Nokuthula Qhokole, Morris Tshabalala (chairperson of the RDP Training Centre), Anita Stmele, Vuyiseka Ngcongolo and Ncedisa Masangwana. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Craft and deco graduates (from left) Felicity Mzukwa (facilitator), Nongesi Mose, Zolile Baleni (programme manager) Thobeka Blekilwe, Nokumkani Mkwambi, Phumeza Maxhukwana, Nokhaya Mahlamvu and Mthetheleli Nomkhila (RDP administrator).
RDP honours graduates KERRY VAN RENSBURG The RDP Training Centre in Zwelihle held a graduation ceremony to celebrate the achievements of members of the community who completed a range of courses that were recently presented through the centre.
Computer graduates (from left) Vuyokazi Mpenze, Zolile Baleni (project manager EPWP), Thembisa Mkosi, Vuyokazi Tebele, Thandiswa Klaas, Mthetheleli Nomkhila (RDP administrator), Anita Maphike, Kulupele Nokuthula, Vuyiseka Ngcongolo and Nobelungu Mpemba.
The courses were made possible through the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and the Lotto. Morris Tshabalala, chairperson of the RDP (Reconstruction and Development Programme) Training Centre, thanked the EPWP for making this job creation programme possible. He told the graduates that the community must celebrate this government initiative to create jobs and said the programme opens opportunities for permanent employment.
“There is nothing better in life than to be valued and your effort acknowledged,” said Tshablala. “We need to utilise what government has made available to us.” Dr Milly Rink, treasurer of the RDP Board, said the RDP had come about as an act of Parliament, and that Nelson Mandela had championed the RDP vision and concept. The RDP Training Centre offers services, advice and training programmes for the community. Councillor Mzameni Mshenxiswa said the graduates had completed the challenge and it was by choice that they had attended the courses to change their circumstances and to improve their lives. He said the RDP is still relevant today and encouraged the community to grab the training opportunities on offer so that they can contribute to society, build South Africa and create wealth.
Visitors and graduates at the RDP Training Centre’s graduation ceremony were blown away by Elton Nkanunu’s song items.
Colourful paper maché creatures made by the craft class.
Virgin Active not on board for sports club
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Virgin Active will no longer be considering establishing a gym in Hermanus as part of the Hermanus Sports Club development. Andrienette Fourie, chairperson of the Hermanus Sports Club (HSC), says that while Virgin Active initially expressed interest in being part of the development, their market research found that the number of residents in Hermanus and surrounds did not justify opening a local branch. “Since Virgin Active made their intentions, or lack thereof, clear, HSC approached another large local gym owner and negotiations are on the table as we speak,” Fourie says. She says that since the signing of the lease between Hermanus Sports Club and Overstrand Municipality, a lot of water has run into the ocean. Plans are in place to support the Hermanus Country Market to move up under the trees into a more appropriate area next to Bosko at the end of May 2014. More parking will then be provided lower down next to the cricket club. Hermanus Adventures has recently completed a pump track for mountain bikes and
AndrévanderMerweandMikkiMilnehave exciting plans for the high school kids to take part in races during the week before school closes. A short cross-country mountain-bike track is being planned on the border of the sportsgrounds and Fernkloof Nature Reserve and this route will eventually be linked to the Hemel-en-Aarde mountain bike routes and to the east with the existing Urban Assault route. HSC has been asked to participate in the International Marketing Workshop for Hermanus that will be held on 11 December in the Overstrand Auditorium. Fourie says serious fundraising will start soon, as the architect’s drawings are now in the final phase. Individuals, entrepreneurs or investors who want to become part of this project, or who want to know more about the HSC project, are invited to contact Andrienette Fourie via email at andrienette@hermanus.co.za. “The more input we get from the community, the better we can serve your needs,” says Fourie.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
21 November, 2013
Tribunal mediates in Paradise Park dispute KERRY VAN RENSBURG Mediators from the Rental Housing Tribunal met Paradise Park homeowners and representatives of the resort’s owner on Friday 8 November to try and resolve a dispute between the two parties. At the end of July, Brahm van der Harst, chairperson of the Paradise Park Homeowners Association, submitted a deposition to the Rental Housing Tribunal, listing numerous complaints against the landowner. One of the key complaints was the 63% increase in levies for semi-permanent residents and a 155% increase for permanent residents. Donovan Wenn and Anastacia Duminy, mediators from the tribunal, met the two parties at Paradise Park. Dolf Olivier and Helen Potgieter represented Raymond Schonegevel, owner of Paradise Park, and Carina Papenfus, acting for the ANC, represented the Paradise Park Homeowners Association as their “special advisor”. Temba Tebele, ANC Overberg regional secretary, confirmed that Carina Papenfus was “the head of our legal team and they are also utilising her in the Province.” Wenn made it clear that the 2010 settlement between the property owner and A van Dyk was the matter under scrutiny. That settlement was made an order of the court after a complaint was lodged with the Rental Housing Tribunal, and the purpose of the meeting last week was to determine if that order was still in effect and whether any party was in contempt of the order. The 2010 order, although only between two parties, is applicable to all Paradise Park homeowners. This order states that the terms of the verbal lease between the parties are to be confirmed in writing; the lease agreement will be for a period of three years with an option to renew; there will be an annual increase
of R100 (per annum) for the duration of the lease; in the event of a major increase by the municipality, the respondent and applicant are to meet to discuss, negotiate and jointly agree on an appropriate increase, and accounts of arrears must be issued to the “complainant” homeowners. Dolf Olivier said 29 residents had taken written lease agreements, and although all residents were entitled to one, many did not take up the offer. According to Van der Harst, the outcome of the meeting last week ensured that the ruling of 2010 would be applicable to everyone in “the camp” until February 2014. It was agreed that no increases, except for the R100 per year, would be allowed. People who had already paid the 50% increase were entitled to a refund. Permanent residents will now pay R950 excluding electricity, and the term levy has been replaced by rent. Olivier insisted that the increases he had set were necessary because of municipal increases. The tribunal mediators asked him to submit proof of these increases, which, according to Duminy, he did on Tuesday 19 November. The Paradise Park Homeowners Association (PPHOA) was officially recognised by Olivier, but he was concerned that no semi-permanent residents were represented on the association’s committee. Van der Harst said three positions were still available. Duminy will be at Paradise Park next week to investigate all other complaints listed in the deposition, such as electricity and VAT charges, 10% commission on home sales, double rental charges on sub-lets, a liquor licence, and proof of power of attorney of the landowner’s representatives. Wenn will liaise between the landowner and the PPHOA committee.
Donovan Wenn, mediator from the Rental Housing Tribunal, addresses a full hall of homeowners at Paradise Park. Brahm van der Harst (centre) is chairperson of the Paradise Park Homeowners Association (PPHOA) and Carina Papenfus is special advisor to the homeowners.
Representing Raymond Schonegevel, owner of Paradise Park, at the mediation meeting were his son-in-law, Dolf Olivier and his daughter, Helen Potgieter.
Carina Papenfus, member of the ANC Overberg’s legal committee, spoke for the PPHOA committee. On the right is Danie Moolman, secretary of the PPHOA.
Extension needed for rezoning and subdivision of Schulphoek KERRY VAN RENSBURG
OEPS!: Die woorde op hierdie kennisgewingbord “minimum stay” moet seker lees “maximum stay”. Julian Shaw het hierdie foto geneem van die kennisgewingbord wat teen ’n lamppaal buite Woolworths geplaas is. FOTO: JULIAN SHAW
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The development company that owns the Schulphoek site has applied to the Overstrand Municipality for an extension of the validity period needed for the rezoning and subdivision of this seaside property. A notice of their intention was published in the Hermanus Times on Thursday 14 November. Rabcav is applying for a five-year extension because the approval that was granted them on 29 April 2009 will soon expire. The property concerned is a portion of the remainder of Erf 243, Hermanus, and a portion of Erf 314 and 316, Zwelihle. Schulphoek is situated on a 46-hectare strip of coastal land between the Beach Club in Westcliff and Sandbaai and sandwiched between Zwelihle and the sea.
The extension required to carry out the rezoning and subdivision of this land is to create 244 single residential erven, one commercial erf, one special zone erf (the milkwood forest conservation area), one undetermined zone erf and public and private roads. Enquiries regarding this particular application can be directed to H Olivier, Town Planner at 028 313 8900 or email loretta@overstrand.gov.za. Comments on the application must be submitted in writing to the municipal manager, Overstrand Municipality, PO Box 20, Hermanus, 7200, by Friday 24 January. In March this year, the Overstrand Municipality applied for a three-year extension of the validity period of the environmental authorisation for the Schulphoek development, as the permission gained from the provincial authorities in 2008 was expected to have ex-
pired in September. This record of decision was valid for five years and had to be renewed. The municipality was the party applying for the extension of the environmental authorisation as it had gained the authorisation in the first place, as the then land-holder prior to transfer of the land to Rabcav in 2010. According to Riaan Kuchar, Overstrand’s senior manager: town planning and property administration, the municipality owns the commercial property (part of the Schulphoek development) and is therefore still involved. He says: “The remainder of the property, being the residential properties and the milkwood thicket, is privately owned.” He adds that the extension of the record of decision has been granted and that the development of the infrastructure must commence within this extension period.
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Hermanus Times
Nuus News
21 November, 2013
Windpomp kry wind (van voor) JAN-HENDRIK COETZER Windpompe het dalk nie veel nut in stedelike gebiede nie, maar in Hermanus lyk dit asof die windpomp dalk ’n tweede asem
(wind?) kan kry – daar is ongemaklikheid tussen die eienaars van die twee plaaslike restaurante wat elk ’n windpomp voor hulle besigheid aangebring het. Dit kom nadat daar ongelukkigheid was by die eienaar van Die Plaaskombuis op die Hemel-en-Aarde-pad oor die opening van ’n nuwe besigheid, at the village stall, in die Hemel-
en-Aarde Village toe dié ook ’n groot rooi windpomp voor hul besigheid staangemaak het. Volgens Nita Lötter, eienaar van Die Plaaskombuis (wat in Mei vanjaar oopgemaak het), het haar man Jadri hul windpomp al die pad van Sutherland af gebring en sien sy dit as haar besigheid se baken en kenteken. “Die windpomp was my droom en gee rigting aan my besigheid. As mense bel en aanwysings vra, het ek gewoonlik gesê daar staan ’n groot windpomp voor. Nou as mense Hermanus binnekom, is die windpomp in die Hemel-en-Aarde Village die eerste een wat hulle sien en neem hulle dan aan dis my besigheid,” sê Lötter. Toe die eienaar van at the village stall, Petri Hendriksz, van die ongelukkigheid te hore kom, het hy besluit om self na Die Plaaskombuis toe te ry en met die eienaars te gaan ge-
sels. “Ek het met Jadri sit en gesels en verduidelik dat ek glad nie van hulle windpomp geweet het nie. Vir die embleem het ons ander opsies ook gehad naamlik ’n trekker of ’n kruiwa. As ek geweet het van die windpomp by Die Plaaskombuis, het ek vir seker iets anders gekies. Ek is nie hier om op ander se tone te trap nie en het aan Jadri genoem dat ek beslis mense wat Die Plaaskombuis soek na hulle toe sal verwys. “Ek sal selfs sover gaan om my windpomp ’n ander kleur te verf as dit vir Nita meer gerustheid oor die aangeleentheid sal gee. Hoe ook al; ek en Jadri wil nie ’n groot ding daarvan maak nie en gaan eerder kyk hoe ons kan saamwerk,” sê Petri. Die Lötters beplan om binnekort ’n funksie te reël waartydens hulle Die Plaaskombuis wil bekendstel.
Die windpomp voor Die Plaaskombuis.
Die windpomp voor at the village stall.
ONRUS-POSKANTOOR: Met die oorname van die 7/11 by die Onrus-handelspos deur OK-minimark, het die poskantoor wat binne-in die 7/11 was, nou ook verskuif. Die nuwe poskantoor is by die Optima-sentrum in Hoofweg, Onrus op die perseel waar Galerie Gregoire was. Die perseel moet nog opgeknap word en die posbusse, wat tans by die handelspos is, moet ook nog oorgeskuif word, maar intussen is hulle oop vir besigheid. Hier help Elvisia Wilskut vir Martin Leuvennink met sy aansoek vir ’n kreefpermit. Posmeester David Benadie sê die opknappingswerk sal eers in die nuwe jaar voltooi wees en dat kennisgewings uitgestuur sal word sodra die posbusse geskuif word. Daar word beoog om die aantal posbusse uit te brei (daar is tans 600, met ’n lang waglys) en dat Hawston, Fisherhaven en Vermont ook by Onrus-poskantoor ingesluit sal word. FOTO: HEDDA MITTNER
Algemeen General
Have a good time for a good cause JANINE VAN DER RIET Residents and business owners in and around Hermanus have opened their hearts and purses to support the Hermanus Times Operation Brakkenjan dinner-dance which is taking place on Wednesday 4 December at the Sandbaai hall. The aim of the party, besides having a good time, is to raise funds for Operation Brakkenjan and the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society. The fun theme for the evening will be Back to School. The Hermanus Times initiative was established in 2008 to feed neglected dogs and cats in and around Hermanus, with residents leaving food donations in designated trolleys at various shops. The evening will include dinner, lucky draws, a small auction, songs performed by Reanli de Jager, Morné Groenewald and Amoré. Annelie Braganca and Gerhard Swiegers from Infinite Dance (iDance) Ballroom & Latin will also entertain guests with a ballroom and latin dancing performance. This function will not be possible without generous donations, and oh dear, there are a lot of generous people in this town. Bernard de Necker, local businessman and owner of Pet Project Aquarium in Mitchell Street in Hermanus, in conjunction with Wuma, is the main sponsor of the event, with a big financial donation to make sure all the dinner-goodies and other expenses are taken care of. He also bought a table for 10 people for his family and friends to join in the event. More lucky draws and auction prizes were received in the last week. A big thank you to René Thomas, Sandbaai resident and huge animal lover, for donating R2 000. Also thank you to Magriet Peter from the Enlighten Education Trust for the R250 Woolworths voucher, Hair-We-Go for four wash, cut and blowdry vouchers, René Profitt and Leon Muller for two sponsored paintings, Pro-Active Gym for two three-month membership vouchers valued at R1 425 each, Fabio’s Ristorante for a R250 dining voucher, Honey Fashion Accessories Overberg, Werner Pretorius from Frinché Hair for five wash, cut and blow-dry vouchers and an extra big thank you to Elizma Gerber of Quarters Hotel in Harbour Road for donating a two night stay for two people worth R5 920. Get your tickets at R100 per person including dinner at the Hermanus Times office or from Francois Swart at Vee’s Video in Hermanus. For more information or to donate a prize, contact janine@hermanustimes.co.za.
Hermanus Times 21 November, 2013
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
21 November, 2013
KLEINMOND: The road between Kleinmond and Gordon’s Bay was blocked on Sunday and motorists had to seek alternative routes.
On Sunday the bridge over the Klein River was still submerged, effectively cutting off the village of Stanford. PHOTO: HEDDA MITTNER
By Tuesday officials were working on repairing the damaged road and bridge over the Klein River. PHOTO: OLIVIA DICKSON
Residents crossing the bridge by foot on Tuesday afternoon after work.
Cleaning up after the storm HEDDA MITTNER
Rainfall figures received from the Overstrand Municipality indicate that between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning, the area had received more than 165 mm of rain. The highest monthly rainfall figure for the year so far is the 188,5 mm recorded for August – only 23,5 mm more than was recorded in less than 48 hours this weekend. The relentless downpour, which started on Friday afternoon and was accompanied by thunder, continued throughout the night. On Saturday morning the rain eased to a drizzle but by the afternoon it bucketed down. Although rain had been predicted, many residents say its severity was unex-
pected and that they had been unprepared and ill-equipped to cope with the flooding. Early on Saturday, officials from Overstrand Fire and Rescue and Overstrand Municipality Protection Services rushed to several sites in Hermanus affected by severe flooding. All areas were affected, from the informal settlements in Zwelihle to upmarket homes in Voëlklip and businesses in the CBD and industrial areas. A statement was released by the mayor’s office on Wednesday to confirm that the municipality had already started cleaning operations and repairs to infrastructure over the weekend. A meeting between the mayor, top municipal officials and disaster management took place on Monday morning to assess the extent of the rain damage. No amount has yet been calculated. The closure of the R43 from Hermanus to Stanford on Saturday morning caused major disruption. A road block was set up at the end of Seventh Street in Voëlklip next to the
De Mond Caravan Park and motorists were instructed by traffic officials to use the N2 via Caledon to Stanford – a detour of approximately one hour. By Monday the water level of the Klein River had subsided and the bridge was no longer completely submerged. Officials from the Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works immediately set to work filling up the damaged sections of the road, and by Tuesday it was possible for residents to cross the bridge on foot. Those who live in Stanford and work in Hermanus – and vice versa – are now able to walk across to vehicles waiting on either side of the bridge to transport them to and from work or home. It was originally estimated that the road would remain closed for some time, but David le Cordeur, the on-site construction technician from the department, said they were working around the clock to repair the road. “Depending on the weather, we hope to have at least one lane open by the weekend,” he said.
ARUNDEL STREET, WESTCLIFF: Paul Naylor’s house was flooded and his furniture and appliances were damaged. PHOTO: PAUL NAYLOR
ARUNDEL STREET, WESTCLIFF: This photo was taken at 05:20 on Saturday morning. The first flooding started at around 03:30 and at 10:30 all the water was gone. At around 15:00 on Saturday, the flooding started again and it was only cleared by 21:00 that evening. PHOTO: KEN MOORE
ARUNDEL STREET, WESTCLIFF: Paul Naylor’s fridge also fell over during the flood. PHOTO: PAUL NAYLOR
The Overstrand is still reeling after the weekend’s heavy rain that caused flooding in all areas from Rooiels to Gansbaai. With rivers overflowing and storm water gushing down the mountains, roads, bridges, homes, shops and businesses suffered severe damage.
MOUNT PLEASANT: Part of the wall surrounding the Mount Pleasant sports field collapsed.
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Hermanus Times
Nuus News
21 November, 2013
NSRI to the rescue Jean le Roux from NSRI Hermanus Station 17 helps people who attended the christening of this baby girl across the swollen Riviersonderend. Holding the baby is her father.
Members of the NSRI Hermanus also helped to secure cables to this truck stranded on the flooded road near Helderstroom Prison so that it could be towed out of the water. On the right is Eben van der Riel.
NSRI Hermanus Station 17 stepped in to help their Overberg neighbours over the weekend when the Riviersonderend River, which flows into the Theewaterskloof Dam, flooded and cut off access to the Helderstroom Prison. “We were contacted by the Helderstroom prison wardens on Saturday requesting assistance,” says Deon Langenhoven, NSRI Hermanus deputy station commander. “The wardens needed to be ferried across the flooded river for their shift change. “Overberg Fire and Rescue Services had committed to assist the wardens and called NSRI Hermanus to provide the resources.” Early on Sunday the NSRI dispatched a crew and their sea rescue craft Le Jenmar II. On arrival at the scene, on the N2 side of the Helderstroom Prison near Caledon, they met up with Overberg Fire and Rescue Services, launched their sea rescue craft and navigated a 500 m width of the swollen river.
Road closures Several roads in the Overstrand and other areas of the Overberg and Boland are still closed to traffic. Regular updates are posted on the Overberg District Municipality’s Facebook page. By 12 noon on Wednesday the following roads were still closed to traffic: . The gravel road from the Struisbaai road via Prinskraal to Arniston; . The Prinskraal-Nachwag road; . Meulrivier-Greyton and
Helderstroom-Greyton; . Bot River-Van der Stel Pass; . Nethercourt; . Swartrivier, Klipheuwel and Dassiesfontein gravel road; . Spanjaardskloof road; . Elim-Brandfontein-Struisbaai road; . R43 Hermanus-Stanford; . R320 Tesselaarsdal/Hemelen-Aarde-Hermanus; . R44 Rooiels-Gordon’s Bay; . Franschhoek Pass. Report any emergencies to the control centre on 028 425 1690.
“In relays of four persons at a time we ferried 80 wardens to the prison and 80 wardens were taken to the N2 side where transport arrangements had been made for them. “While we were busy with the operation about 70 wedding guests approached us to ask if we could also ferry them across to the N2 side as they had been stranded by the flooded river. Obviously we agreed and all the guests were ferried across the river to safety.” Even then, their work was not done. The pregnant wife of one of the wardens also needed to get across the river to a waiting vehicle that would take them to a hospital. “Then while we were preparing to wrap up the day, at around 16:00, we were approached by a group of 10 people who had attended the christening of a baby girl,” says Langenhoven. “They too needed to get across the river to the N2 side. “At the end of the day we transported 317 people in a total of 83 ferry trips in our sea rescue craft without incident.”
BETTYSBAAI: Wat eers paaie was, het in riviere verander in Sunny Seas. FOTO: PAUL BOTHMA
BETTYSBAAI: Verskeie paaie in Bettysbaai is weggespoel en onbegaanbaar gemaak deur die naweek se vloede.
BETTYSBAAI: Die Harold Porter Botaniese Tuine het erg deurgeloop met water wat van die berg af gestroom het.
Building Industry Bargaining Council (Cape of Good Hope)
Compliance. Service. Knowledge
BIBC IN THE OVERSTRAND: FREE INFORMATION SESSIONS AS FROM 1 NOVEMBER 2012 ALL BUILDING AND RELATED CONTRACTORS IN THE OVERSTRAND AREA MUST COMPLY WITH THE BIBC’S AGREEMENT REGARDING EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS. We cordially invite all Employers in the industry to attend one of our information sessions. The main focus will be on the procedures around the Annual Leave Pay-Out to the Industry as well as general information.
SANDBAAI: ’n Gedeelte van Sandbaai-strand se duin is heeltemal weggespoel deur die watermassa wat see toe gevloei het. FOTO: CHRIS NIEUWOUDT
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Gansbaai Golf Club, 212 Perlemoenstreet, Kleinbaai
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Wednesday, 27 November 2013
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SANDBAAI: Die stormwaterstelsel het onder geweldige druk gekom en die walle is plek-plek uitgekalwe.
SANDBAAI: Hierdie huis op die hoek van Schulphoekstraat en Vyfdelaan het erg deurgeloop.
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Registered under the Labour RelationsRelations Act No. 66 of 1995
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
21 November, 2013
Flooding leads to serious injury Isabella McGeachy (62) from Eastcliff suffered multiple fractures to her right arm on Saturday morning as a result of a fall after slipping on wet tiles at home. Several steel plates and pins were used to repair the fractures in a four-and-a-half-hour operation in the Hermanus Mediclinic on Sunday. Her husband, Bill, says their home in Flat Street was flooded by the heavy rain. “I fully understand that there were many folk worse off than us during this devastating downpour. However, this is the third time our home has been flooded,” Bill says. “It could have been avoided if our municipality had carried out basic maintenance on the temporary trench that was created five years ago, after the first flood, to link the bottom part of Flat Street to the
storm-water system.” According to Bill, he has over the years had many communications with the ward councillor and the operations manager of the Overstrand Municipality regarding the 80 metres of Flat Street still to be tarred and connected to the storm-water system. “But it all fell on deaf ears,” he says. “Surely this will be the last time such an easily preventable situation will occur.” Bill is grateful to Dr Steyn van Riet, who left his surgery on Saturday morning to come to his wife’s aid and administer much-needed pain relief. He also thanks the EMR ambulance service and the staff of Hermanus Mediclinic for their dedicated care. But to the municipality he just says: “Shame on you”.
The living room of the Dickens’s upmarket home, like the rest of the house, was under water. On the window the highest level reached by the water can be seen clearly.
Sandbaai home swamped HEDDA MITTNER Derrick Dickens and his wife Trudy woke up in the early hours of Saturday morning to find their bed surrounded by water. To their horror, they made the discovery that it was not only their bedroom, but the whole house that was under water up to their calves.
The McGeachys’ garden after the heavy rains. The swimming pool is only distinguishable by the white pool hose drifting just below the surface.
ZWELIHLE: The lack of stormwater drainage caused severe flooding in the informal settlements of Zwelihle.
Isabella McGeachy is recuperating at home after being discharged from Hermanus Mediclinic on Tuesday. The water has subsided and they can once again enjoy their garden – which was completely submerged over the weekend.
ZWELIHLE: Young and old pitched in to clean up the flooded shacks.
Trudy and Derrick Dickens at their front door on Saturday morning.
As their plugs were also waterlogged, the electricity had tripped and there was not even the consolation of a hot cup of tea. “As former chair of the Sandbaai Ratepayers’ Association and member of the ward committee since its inception, I had made several requests to the municipality since 2002 to have Schulphoek Road tarred, as the dirt road has no storm-water drainage,” says Derrick. During Friday night’s downpour, the water running down the road towards the sea was funnelled towards the Dickens’ driveway. The water simply gushed into the property, swamping everything in its path. On Saturday morning there was not a dry
patch on the Dickens’ property. The only room that was not swamped was Derrick’s studio on the first floor, where all his artworks are kept. “The problem was compounded by the fact that the owner of the plot in front of us had replaced the boundary fence with a brick wall, which caused the water to dam up. The water level outside was higher than the house and the water simply bubbled in through the doors.” With the help of the neighbourhood watch, Derrick knocked three holes into the boundary wall in an attempt to drain some of the water from his property. “Everyone lent us great support,” says Trudy. “We are grateful to all the neighbours, friends and members of the ratepayers and ward committee for their help in scooping out water and bringing us food. Ward councillor Ben Solomon also came out to see us on Saturday morning.” Now, five days later, the Dickenses are still struggling to clean their house. “It’s quite an operation and will take some time,” says Derrick. “There is mud everywhere!”
HERMANUS: A section of the security wall at the Hemel-en-Aarde Estate collapsed.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
21 November, 2013
Two puppies drown at welfare during floods JANINE VAN DER RIET
ZWELIHLE: Everything is a mess and filled with water and mud.
“Nothing prepared me for what I saw. I was stunned, there was mud and water everywhere, covering the entire property and it kept pouring into every nook and cranny.” So said Adele Levitan, vice-chair of the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society, after the weekend’s stormy weather caused two puppies to drown in the process. The premises were under water and mud, with dogs and cats soaking wet and cold when Peter Hansen, a field worker at HAWS opened the kennels at 07:45 on Saturday. Ilze Smith, chairperson of HAWS, says she rushed to the premises as soon as she was notified. They found a dog and her three puppies stuck in about 30 cm of water in their kennel. It was too late for two of the puppies, but the dog and one puppy were saved just in time. All the cats survived by climbing on top of furniture during the night. “Our immediate reaction was to get all the animals to safety and dry areas. I simply cannot believe how the people of Hermanus responded to our plight after the sad news was spread on Facebook,” said Levitan. “People arrived bearing food, dry blankets, spades, brooms and buckets to help committee members with the mopping-up operations.” The dogs were herded into the yards, and wet blankets and pallets were carried out from the cages. At the same time people were shovelling inches of mud out of the cages. Levitan says as soon as the kennels had been mopped dry, dogs were brought in, dried off and given food and water. All the cats were taken out from the catteries, which were in a very bad state and placed in the clinic and from there people were waiting to foster them. “To the wonderful friends of the Animal Welfare, we thank you all from the bottom of
Jaco Beyleveldt, Voëlklip resident helping out at HAWS by cleaning the flooded kennels. our hearts for responding to our plight so quickly. To the person or persons who placed our disaster onto Facebook and various other sites: your quick thinking saved many animals,” Levitan said. On Monday, the kennels were open to the public again. Goods that were damaged and need to be replaced are desks, stationery, computers, cellphone chargers, blankets, towels, dog and cat food, cat sand, clinic equipment, dog beds, couches, dog and cat toys, fridge, washing machine and tumble drier. Smith says they have an anonymous donor who will donate R10 000, if there is another donor willing to match that amount. Anyone interested, can contact Smith on 082 856 8391 or email her on chairperson@hermanusanimalwelfare.co.za.
Donations, help for people in need
There are a variety of organisations that are helping people in need after the past weekend’s heavy rainfall. The Overstrand Municipality says people in need can contact the municipality for help on 028 313 8000. People who would like to make donations, can deliver it at the fire department in Mussel Street in Hermanus. Blankets, towels, mattresses and pillows are needed. Alternatively, donations can be dropped off at the municipal area managers. The Hermanus municipal administrative office is situated in Magnolia Street, Kleinmond in Fifth Avenue, Gansbaai in Main Road and Stanford’s administrative offices are situated in Queen Victoria Street.
ARNO Rus in vrede van jou vriende in Onrus Waar jy nou is my ou maat is daar nie mortiere nie
GROTTO BEACH: Many a driver was caught unawares with this dam of water between Grotto beach and the lagoon braai area. Because of the grey weather conditions the water was not very visible.
ZWELIHLE: Shacks and houses in Zwelihle were flooded. A resident shows how deep the water inside her house is.
K9 temporary premises flooded JANINE VAN DER RIET During the past weekend’s heavy rains and floods, the Overberg SAPS K9 unit had to move their dogs to the K9 unit in Cape Town after their kennels were flooded. The K9 unit’s dogs have been kept at the Overstrand Law Enforcement kennels after the dog unit building in Hawston was set alight in November last year with some dogs still in the building. Seven police vehicles in front of the building were also set alight. Since then it has been an ongoing battle with government to get new premises for the dogs and the police officials. Nico Drewry, acting commander of the Overberg K9 unit says there are now no dogs to help fight crime in the Overstrand area. “If something had to happen where we needed the dogs, we would have to wait for the K9 unit in Cape Town or Worcester to assist.” How long they will have to wait for the dogs to return is not known. In the meantime, Drewry is asking the public for assistance to temporarily house the dogs together, in a safe environment in Hermanus. Drewry can be contacted on 082 321 6938.
The dogs from the K9 unit kept at the Municipal Law Enforcement’s premises were soaking wet during last weekend’s flood. Frieda is standing in the flood water.
VAN DER STEL PASS, BOTRIVER: Maryann Naudé sent in these pics: “My boyfriend and I took a drive down the Van der Stel Pass on Sunday to go and see if there was any flood damage and this is what we found. We wanted to go and see the roses at Goedvertrouw Wine Estate but we couldn’t even get that far – the road is completely washed away.”
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
21 November, 2013
EDITORIAL COMMENT Recovery will take much longer The storm caused serious damage in and around Hermanus and even though the worst is over, the effects can still be seen everywhere. Where houses were flooded, the receding waters left not only damaged furniture and appliances, but rotting carpets in their wake. All the belongings that are beyond repair will need to be replaced. Some people have insurance, but even this blessing will take some time, as insurance companies were inundated with claims in the past week. Other people, already struggling financially and without insurance, must feel helpless at this time. The telephone system and computers of the Overstrand Municipality also suffered damage, causing faulty communication. As soon as their systems are up and running again, the Hermanus Times will place a notice on www.hermanustimes.co.za. For help or donations, people can visit the municipality’s administrative offices.
WATERKASKENADES: Sondag was die waterval in die Fernkloof-natuurreservaat op sy mooiste! Die jong mense het dit veral geniet. FOTO: IZAK KENNEY
My husband recently went to draw some cash from the Standard Bank ATM at Gateway Spar. Having collected his money and his card, he was approached by a well-spoken, smartly dressed “gentleman” who formed part of a group of similar individuals standing in the queue. He was asked to “Verify your pin number please” (this advice also came up on the ATM screen). When he replied that he had finished his transaction and there was therefore no necessity to verify anything, the rejoinder was: “But if you don’t verify it, we will not be able to use the machine.” At this stage my husband – aged 94 – was obviously distracted and a sensory device had been inserted into the slot. Unfortunately he complied with their request. Yet they were not content with this, and as he then walked away he was told that this “transaction” had not worked and he should verify it again. At this stage he became suspicious and inserted his “STOP” card and immediately drove to the bank to report what he presumed had been a fraudulent scam. Sure enough, an amount of over R800 had been debited to his account by Total Sports. May I add that a “security” guard eventually ambled across when he realised my husband was getting upset. He did nothing to help or to deter the fraudsters. I hope that this warning will be of use to prospective clients of any ATM machine in Hermanus. I can personally verify the advice which popped up on the screen, as I had had a similar experience some days earlier, although there had been no visible fraudster nearby. I ignored the request
Tardy Telkom service I moved to Vermont on 1 August and applied for the transfer of my Telkom line to my new address. On 13 August I was told there was no access point in front of my house and that they would have to dig up the road to bring the line from across the street. This had to be investigated by engineers, who came one month later to approve the transfer. My next-door neighbour has a line, but apparently that comes from an erf at the back and is illegal. I am not allowed to do the same. Since September I have been phoning Telkom in Hermanus, Caledon and Cape Town. Today only I heard that a contractor has been scheduled to attend to the problem within two weeks, but still no fixed date. Good service in Western Cape? I disagree!
Ed’s note: Telkom says they are investigating the matter and will act to solve the problem as soon as they have all the writer’s details and are told when the investigation has been concluded.
Neonatology at MCH On 1 August, I withdrew my services from the Neonatal Ward at Mediclinic Hermanus. As from 1 December my paediatric colleague will also no longer attend deliveries of babies at this hospital. This column is not an appropriate forum to discuss the circumstances surrounding the matter, but this letter is written in response to questions and in order to provide clarity Our practice on the corner of Main and Fourie Streets deals with infants from a week old to children aged 18. (‘Paediatrics’ is internationally referred to as Infant, Child and Adolescent health). We are neither leaving nor retiring. We will also continue to admit ill children and referred patients to the Paediatric ward. We would like to thank the community for their ongoing support, the GPs in Hermanus and throughout the Overberg for their referrals and the local specialists and paediatric colleagues for their solidarity. No correspondence regarding the matter will be entered into.
028-312 3717 PO Box 96 Hermanus 7200
‘Dit gaan weer gebeur’
Just say ‘no’ when someone asks for your PIN
Ek wil graag uitvind wat die Overstrand-munisipaliteit en/of die Overberg-distriksmunisipaliteit doen aangaande die ramp wat deur die reën en vloede veroorsaak is. In Kaapstad is hulp in talle vorme deur rampbestuur aangebied. Ek wonder of iemand al ooit ’n opname gedoen het van hoeveel mense van die Stanford- en Gansbaai-omgewing in Hermanus werk. ’n Baie groot persentasie van die persone is dag- of weekloners en as hulle nie kan gaan werk nie, kry hulle geen vergoeding nie. Om ’n week sonder inkomste te gaan is ’n ramp. Op navraag by verskeie munisipale amptenare of taxi’s gaan ry of nie, was die antwoord: dis nie hul probleem nie. Hulle sê daar is ’n ompad oor Akkedispas na die N2 en dan na Hermanus, maar hoeveel werkers het motors? En as hulle per taxi ry, gaan dit ’n hele dag se salaris of meer kos. Hoekom kan die owerhede nie ’n paar busse huur en die mense na hul werkplekke bring nie? Dan die kwessie van die brug by Stanford: daar is geen ander oplossing as om ’n ordentlike brug te bou en om die riete elke jaar te verwyder nie. Die owerhede kom nie hul verpligtinge na nie en laat dié wat belasting betaal en wat wil werk, gruwelik in die steek. Watter raadslid het al die gebied besoek, voorstelle gemaak en ’n oplossing probeer kry? Dit gaan weer gebeur.
and was thus more fortunate.
Sihle Bolani, Media Relations Officer for Standard Bank Group Hermanus comments: We encourage our customers to always be vigilant when using banking services, especially payments and ATM withdrawals. We issued the Stop Card to customers who use the older magstripe card, and once inserted into the ATM, it would “stop” or deactivate the Autobank card linked to the customer’s account. We no longer issue Stop Cards. We would advise Mr Peters to visit his nearest branch or call the fraud call centre on 0861 114 494 for further investigation, and to log a fraud claim. Here are a few tips: •Never let your card out of your sight when making payments. When paying at restaurants or petrol stations, request the POS terminal be brought to you; or personally go to the payment terminal with your card. •Never accept help from anyone, and never use a POS device that seems tampered with or visibly damaged. •Never write down or divulge your PIN, customer-selected PIN (CSP) or password. •Do not send e-mails that quote your card number, expiry date or other card details. •Register for MyUpdates to stay in touch with what’s happening on your accounts through SMS or Email alerts. Important Numbers: Standard Bank Lost or Stolen Cards: 0800 020 600, Standard Bank Fraud Line: 0861 301 451, Standard Bank Customer Services: 0860 123 000.
HAWS shop ‘not expensive’ As committee member in charge of running our shop, I feel the negative comments that have been aired in your newspaper demand a response. It would seem that your readers miss the point that we desperately need to raise funds to look after the ever-growing number of animals. We constantly monitor our prices and I’m happy to say that our breadand-butter lines, such as tops and slacks, have not seen an increase in price in all the years that I’ve been involved as a volunteer. We charge R25 for these items, provided they’re in good nick. Even if I were not “involved”,
JOURNALIST ON CALL THIS WEEKEND Kerry van Rensburg 082 699 6792
I would not find this expensive. We need far more money than our shop generates and for this we depend on the public to help us in the form of donations or contributions in kind. The committee and our volunteers spend many hours doing pro-bono work for us. We donate of our time, our transport costs and our telephone calls. We do it because we care. As a friend said today, if you go to Woolworths and find their prices too steep, you don’t go to the Press, you go to Shoprite!
Ombudsman According to the editorial policy of Hermanus Times we invite readers to comment about the newspaper's contents, and we correct significant errors as soon as possible. Please send information about correction of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24's Community Press, George Claassen, at george.claassen@media24.com, or call him at 021 8513232 or 083 5432471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman, Mr. Joe Thloloe. In that case, please phone 011 484 3612/8, send a fax to 011 484 3619 or e-mail to khanyim@ombudsman.org.za.
Editor: Annelien Dean (annelien.dean@media24.com News Editor: Cilene Bekker (cilene@hermanustimes.co.za) Photo Journalists: Kerry van Rensburg (kerry@hermanustimes.co.za) Janine van der Riet (janine@hermanustimes.co.za) Hedda Mittner (Hedda.mittner@hermanustimes.co.za) Advertising: Olivia Dickson, (odickson@hermanustimes.co.za) Ester Schultz, (ester.schultz@hermanustimes.co.za) Michelle van Zyl (michelle.vanzyl@hermanustimes.co.za) SUPERsmalls: Tania Fisher (ads@hermanustimes.co.za)
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
21 November, 2013
) Saterdagoggend was daar chaos in die dorp,
maar die publiek het mekaar pragtig gehelp en geduldig gewag by stukkende verkeersligte. En die verkeersbeamptes in die CBD het lustig voort ge gaan met boetes uitskryf. ) Hats off to the Hermanus traffic officers working in the heavy rain to regulate traffic. ) The Hermanus Kennels and Grooming Parlour that is next to Haws was also flooded, and can do with donations of old newspapers and towels. ) I am horrified at the internet report that dogs drowned in their cages at Hermanus Animal Wel fare during the storm.– S.B. ) So much water is being wasted by not having another dam just below the overflow of De Bos Dam. Please, can’t more dams be built? Our region gets more than enough water. Our problem is that we let it all get wasted by not having more dams to collect it in.– T. DAY ) First I had to rescue dogs. I started an SPCA in the small town where I grew up. I stopped don keycarts and saved horses. I still think they ask too much. They would sell more if cheaper, but the animals need the help. I don’t have a lot of money and thought things would be cheaper at a charity shop. ) If we get a municipal court by July I’ll eat my toga. We have been waiting a decade for a new district court. Between Public Works and Justice departments any progress can be carbon dated.– ADRIAN LOUW ) Dogs have guardian angels and Peter Gillian of Mount Pleasant Laundry is one of them. One of the many unsung heroes living in our beautiful town. ) Peter Gillion, jy is ons diereheld. Die Here sal jou seën. Iemand moet omgee en jy is daardie mens. Dankie.– ENA EHRICH ) Die laerskool is al versoek om die gewoonte te stop om leiers aan te kondig by die prysuitdeling. Dit is traumaties vir 12jariges en pas nie by hul aand van erkenning vir skoolwerk nie. Die hoër skool doen dit gepas in die gr.11 klas en nie in die publiek in ’n saal vol vreemdelinge nie. Miskien kan ons in die koerant daaroor stem asseblief. – MOEKS ) Joe Schoeman se brief aangaande oorgroei van munisipale grond H/T 14. Ek het ’n klag ingedien by munisipale kantore sonder sukses. Waarheen nou?– JP - VERMONT ) Onrus se strand raak al kleiner en die besoekers al meer. Die graspolle neem oor. Sal ’n laaigraaf
die probleem nie gou oplos nie? Die vlei is reeds ’n moeras vol riete. Sal ons ’n swart vlag met ’n kopbeen daar plant? Blouvlag nooit.– ENDRI ) Why are all the headings in the classifieds in Afrikaans only? For those who don’t understand or speak Afrikaans it’s a puzzle. The majority of adverts are in English. It doesn’t make sense.– ANNE CLARK ) Dankie vir ’n pragtige Kersmelodrama op 15 November in die NG gemeente Onrusrivier. Dit was aangename, skoon vermaak vir die hele ge sin. Ons dorp het sulke ontspanning nodig en dis bekostigbaar. Kan die gemeentelede wat talente het nie asseblief weer sulke vermaak reël nie, dit was baie aangenaam. ) Aan die teetuin by Onrusgemeente: Baie dan kie aan almal wat die tuin so gereeld Vrydagog gende besoek. Julle help om die Dienssentrum aan die gang te hou.– MARIE ) I’m looking in vain for suitable Xmas cards for overseas. Where are the Hermanus artists?– J. RIORDAN ) Nashca Begrafnisdiens, baie dankie vir die uit sonderlike diens wat ons van julle ontvang het.– BOTHA-GESIN ) Thank you to Talie, the hairdresser who works at The Salon at Checkers, for your excellent servi ce.– L ) Ruole Walkie, dis jou 1ste verjaardag weg van ons. Die gemis is nog hier maar ons berus in jou nalatenskap van rus in vrede. ) Ek wil graag vir Allison Oosthuizen van Telkom Mobile bedank vir haar puik diens en behulp saamheid.– H. NORTIER ) When shopping, check: 1. The shelf price against your till slip and 2. You are not charged for two or more of a specific item when only one is purchased.– R.B. ) Aan Dorf Krug: Heerlike, smaaklike kos, vrien delike diens, ’n nuwe juweel in ons dorp.– DIE VOGELS ) Hats off to Juan at Overberg Computers for step bystep instructions when my computer did not send emails. He saved a grateful old lady a call out fee.– JAMY ) A set of keys with a 4 button blue Digikey remote was picked up in Onrus near the caravan park. The keys were handed in at the police station. The keys have a name on the tag and can be easily identified.– JASON ) I lost a wetsuit at Voëlklip beach last Tuesday evening. If you have found it please phone Di on 072 275 6447.– DI ) Ek is van Roodepoort, Gauteng. My moeder het werk gekry by Hermanus Mediclinic en begin die 2de Januarie 2014. Sy is dringend opsoek na verblyf. Sy en haar man benodig ’n gemeubi leerde woonstel/tuinwoonstel vanaf 25 Desember 2013. Sy woon ook tans in Roodepoort en werk nog by Wilgeheuwel Hospitaal. Groot asb as eni ge iemand weet van verblyf kan hulle haar drin gend kontak by 078 649 4704 (Linda). Sy het geen diere, sober gewoontes en is ‘n baie vriende like mens.
The temperature will be a cool 13 °C on Friday morning before an easterly wind brings a little warmth to a waterlogged Overstrand. More rain is expected next week between Monday and Wednesday, but nothing to fear as it will only be about 12 mm.
Temp: 15/22 Cloudy
Temp: 17/24 Clear
Temp: 17/24 Partly Cloudy Temp: 18/22 Clear
Weather forecast info website: www.infosight.co.za/weather/SouthAfrica/WesternCape/Hermanus/
FORECAST SA November WEATHER BUREAU Coldest day: 13.8°C BY on 16th Warmest day: 25.8°C on 19th November
Rainfall: 107.7mm on 16 November De Bos dam level: 100.6%
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Total rainfall for November: 121,3mm Average rainfall for November: 34.3mm
T I D E T A B L E 0535 0614 0701 0805 0924 1037 1133 0013
1747 1829 1922 2037 2205 2318 ---1220
1135 1220 0034 0129 0243 0407 0515 0608
LOW 2351 ---1319 1440 1610 1719 1810 1853
3 Nov
10 Nov
17 Nov
25 Nov
Information supplied by the Hydrographer SA Navy. The Hydrographer is not responsible for any transcription errors.
Path fence a real ‘monstrosity’
As far as the improvement of the VOS path goes, it seems that the proverbs “At the wrong time – in the wrong place” and “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” are applicable to the annual MTB race, if we read John McKinnel’s comment (Hermanus Times, 7 November). The fact that the sealing of the path and preparations for the race are purely coincidental is borne out by the fact that the race is over but the resealing of the path is continuing on the section from Sandbaai beach to Main Road. Children and even older people with soft feet will rejoice that they can now walk barefoot on the path and enjoy nature without sore feet. People in wheelchairs will also have a smoother ride on an attractive path. I walk on this path daily and John is not telling the whole truth. Although there are a few expansion joints that have been smoothed over, they are the exception. There
is still a gap between the sections in most parts of the resurfaced area. I mentioned that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but find it hard to find any beauty in the fence that has been erected next to the path, which to me is a monstrosity which puzzles every walker I have spoken to, who have comments like “It reminds me of Nazi Germany”. A beautiful wooden boardwalk, which would have been such a blessing for the disabled, had to be broken down some time ago because the correct procedures had not been followed. The following questions beg to be asked: • Who had the fence erected? • For what purpose was the fence erected? • Was the correct procedure followed and when will it be removed if the correct procedure was not followed?
SANTA’s little helpers
YES, THE DAM IS OVERFLOWING: This photo of the overflow of the De Bos Dam was taken on Sunday. PHOTO: EEDEN SPIES
In light of the recent TB scare at Curro School, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people of Hermanus for supporting our little SANTA bookshop. Your support in buying and donating books is much appreciated. All the money from the bookshop goes into paying the salaries of people who work in the clinics, dispensing TB medication. At most clinics the TB Clinic is separated from the main clinic, which speeds up the dispensing. Here TB patients will also be given soup and bread with their medication. The soup is all donated by the wonderful church women of Hermanus and the bread is donated by SANTA. All the work done by SANTA in Hermanus is funded with money generated by residents, which goes back into helping the Hermanus community to beat this dreadful disease.
Weervooruitsigte bra blekerig Dit is maar ’n blekerige son wat die Overstrand Donderdag en Vrydag ’n piksoentjie kom gee. Oom Langfaan noem hom Skaamoog, wat sy eie ding in die weerpatroon doen, of ons nou daarvan hou of nie. Maar hy kan nou al sê dat die wolke wat vir die naweek in aantog is, nie die see só donker sal maak dat ons oulaas die kaperjolle van ons walvisse kan geniet nie. Hulle maak glo reg om huis toe te gaan, sms Dawie Ehlers. Wat hom bekommer is dat die Wes-Kaap tans vol skrikkerige mense is. Hoe lyk die paaie, gaan dit nog onverwags reën? Eers ná die naweek, reken oom Lang Faan. En uiteraard is dit weer die noordwestewind wat bo-oor al die modder en verspoelde paaie kom neuk om nog moles te maak. Mens moet hom die Judaswind noem, het ’n Overstrander al voorgestel, want dit is hy wat die sake-ure op die dorp so kan inkort. Russel Witthuhn se weertoring op die berg agter Hermanus stuur seine wat oom Lang Faan en Dawie se voorspellings so half bevestig. Met al die nattigheid daal die Overstrand se temperatuur teen Vrydag tot 13 °C in die voordag voor die oos- en noordoostewind weer bietjie hitte aandra. Met die twee winde wat hitte aan die aankomende lugstrome uit die weste verskaf, sien ons die wolke waarvan die walviskykers nie sal hou nie, want foto’s wat in sulke lig geneem word, is maar so-so.
Mens kan die deelname van die wind uit die ooste ook sien as ’n soort oorloop van die erge nattigheid in die Oos-Kaap, wat met sy somerreënval-aard oor die draad loer na die winterreënvalgebiede van die Wes-Kaap. Die Overstrand word nie verniet as die kruispad van die reënvalpatroon se giere beskryf nie. Die neerslae wat oom Lang Faan-hulle vir volgende week sien aankom, is niks om voor te skrik nie. Dit kan hoogstens die laaste erdwurms in die grasperk versuip. Daar kan so 12 mm van Maandagmiddag tot Woensdagmiddag val. Die temperature sal ook nie juis te erg daal nie omdat die noordoos betrokke is. Met alles in ’n neutedop bly min mooiweer dae vorentoe vir ons oor, wat nogal die gees vir die komende vakansieseisoen kan demp. En om al die mistroostigheid te kroon, speel die seestrome ook nie lekker saam met die branderplankers nie. Dit stu die volgende twee weke reguit in die rigting van 225° suidwes. Diepsee toe.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
21 November, 2013
Finding value in one another This true story is told of Gandhi, who was sitting on a train somewhere at a railway station when he saw an old porter through the window, straining and bent double to push a full load of luggage. Then a supervisor came along and started beating and cursing the old porter mercilessly, urging him to move faster, all this right outside Gandhi’s carriage window. Leaning out Gandhi said to the supervisor: “Sir, don’t you know that you are beating yourself?” There is such a lesson in this to us all: What we do to others, we do to ourselves; we are all connected and we all share a common destiny. The point is that it is impossible to be so aware of our oneness with our Creator and bask so much in his warm glow, that we are at the same time unable to know that we are linked in exactly the same way to all our fellow human beings on this journey called life. This is to me the only way in which we can make a meaningful difference. Just stop for a second and think about things... So many churches, so much Bible study and so many prayer meetings just to reinforce again and again, year in and year out, how blessed we are by God and seeking more and more of His blessings. We miss the point that we are loved, so that we can go out and love, that we are blessed, so we can go out and bless, knowing that God has no eyes, hands and feet on earth apart from you and me. We are all one and we all have God’s breath and life in us. This wakes up a social responsibility that goes way beyond religious duty and good
works. We realise that we cannot fake it – unless we see exactly the same values in one another, we will not see any real change in this country. I am convinced that God was not driven by welfare or pity when He sent his Son to the Cross; He was value-driven, knowing His investment in each of us in likeness – he did not come to redeem fallen man; He came to redeem His Image in fallen man. Mother Teresa, when asked what it was that motivated her to do what she did, said: “To find the face of Christ in every man in all His distressing disguises.” Often we get asked how to go out and do this thing in practice: “Finding value in people.” Can you imagine this: fifty or a hundred or more people from our community, connecting from the heart with a young child from a squatter camp, who has no parents, or an absent parent, and steer and guide the child from poverty to a meaningful life. Only a community can uplift a community. Where have we heard these words before? “What you do unto the least of these you have done unto me.” Let’s become part of the answer by lighting a candle instead of fighting the darkness; drop all prejudices and judgements, blame and shame and all preconceptions; find the spark of divinity in everyone and let that be our guiding light out of the problems that get broadcast on all the media every day. “We are not humans having a spiritual experience, we are spirits having a human experience.”
Who and from where are the marchers? With regard to the recent violent march in Swartdam Road, there are a number of questions that really trouble me and I would love answers about the marchers: 1)Where do these people come from? 2) Did they have houses in which they lived? If the answer is “yes”, then how can they demand housing (a second house) from another municipality? Do they get an income from their houses back home? 3) Did they have the services there that they are now demanding from Overstrand Municipality? If “yes”, then why did they move here? If “no”, why did they not demand the services they now protest about from the owners of the land they lived on (mostly chiefs)? 4) Did they have jobs? If “yes”, why give up a job to seek one elsewhere, knowing full well that the Western Cape cannot manage the multitudes coming into the province? If the answer is “no”, then why not demand it from the political leadership where they lived – instead of going through all the trouble and inconvenience to demand it from people who did not create the problem in the first place? I think the protesters owe the general public answers to these questions.
Thamie Poni, chairperson of the Zwelihle Community Development Trust (ZCDT) and Bobby von During, trust manager ZCDT, respond: Zwelihle was proclaimed a Bantu Location in 1960; it is the second oldest black area in the Western Cape. Thambo Square and Siphunzana are the two oldest informal settlements in Zwelihle and have been there since 1989. That means a majority of the inhabitants have been living in the most atrocious conditions for 24 years. They are all South African citizens who, according to our Constitution, have freedom of movement in South Africa. They may even have been residents in Overstrand for a longer period than the “concerned resident”. The right to housing is stated categorically in our Constitution, Chapter 2, “Bill of Rights” Section 26. Furthermore it is a once-off grant from National Government to an individual. The house is registered at the deeds office so the story of two houses at different municipalities is a fallacy. The basic services in these two areas are at the moment below the minimum norms and standards as prescribed by National Government for Informal Settlements. For the last 15 years now a certain portion of this area gets totally flooded when it rains and those families must then move to the Community Hall and live there as if at home. That is totally unacceptable. We are certain that you
as a concerned resident will not accept this if it had to happen to you on a regular basis. The upgrading of informal settlements does not cost any Overstrand ratepayer a cent. The Overstrand Municipality applies to National Government for a grant, called a Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG), specifically created for the delivery of basic services in disadvantaged areas. As far as we know all race groups in South Africa move to where the opportunities for work are better. We have clarified that freedom of movement is within everybody’s right. Urbanisation is a global phenomenon and does not just happen in South Africa. Actually South Africa is below the average international urbanisation figures. So do expect more in the future. If you really consider yourself a concerned citizen should you not rather be worried about the plight of your fellow South Africans and the atrocious conditions they are living under?
RAIN BLESSINGS: Marina and Belinda Spanellis got married on Saturday at the Onrus Chapel in the pouring rain. But, as Marina says, the rain was truly a blessing and made the day so much more special. The reception was held at Annie se Kombuis where the small group of guests enjoyed a great evening with the happy newly weds. PHOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET
Eet saam met sjefs van Kokkedoorfaam Kokkedoor, die gewilde KykNET-televisiereeks vir lekkerbekke kom op 6, 7 en 8 Desember Hermanus toe vir onvergeetlike verskynen-verdwyn (“pop-up”) etes aan die langtafel by die Harbour House Hotel in Haweweg. Kokkedoor-sjef Nic van Wyk (beoordelaar) en Toitnette du Toit, (top drie-kinkelkok) se spesiale vyfgang-ete sal wys hoekom hierdie reeks en die kookboek so ’n wegholsukses is. “Kokkedoor gaan oor kos wat deur ons herinneringe geïnspireer is en die smake waarmee ons grootgeword het,” sê Nic. “By hierdie etes gee ons aanhangers die geleentheid gee om te proe hoe hierdie ou bekende smake ’n nuwe baadjie aantrek.” Hermanus het ’n spesiale plek in die twee kokke se harte, en hul gaan hul herinneringe oor seevakansies met hul geregte vertolk. Nic vertel dat hy van kinderdae af ’n sagte plekkie vir Hermanus het. “Ek was ’n stadskind uit Pretoria en dit was betowerend om Hermanus toe te ry. Daarom is dit vir my opwindend om hier te kom kook.” Die vyfgang-spyskaart, met wynpasmaats uit die Hermanus-omgewing, bestaan onder meer uit sop van geelmielies met truffelskuim; geroosterde waatlemoenslaai en grasuie-bokmelkkaassous; lamsboud oor die kole en dan vir die soettand-bederf, kerskoek en witperske-koekstruif. Drie sessies word aangebied by die Harbour House Hotel: Vrydag/Saterdagaand (6 Desember - wynparing met Wildekrans en 7 Desember - wynparing met Raka) om 18:30; Sondagmiddagete (8 Desember - wynparing met Hermanuspietersfontein) om 12:00. Die kaartjies kos R300, wat ’n Kokkedoor-ge-
skenkpak insluit. Om te bespreek, stuur ’n e-pos aan info@kokkedoortv.co.za en dui aan watter sessie jy wil bywoon en ook die aantal persone. Besoek facebook/Kyknet Kokkedoor of www.harbourhousehotel-hermanus.co.za vir meer inligting. ) SMS-KOMPETISIE: Een gelukkige leser kan twee kaartjies wen na Vrydagaand 6 Desember se 18:30 sessie. Beantwoord die vraag: Op watter TV-kanaal word Kokkedoor aangebied? met ’n SMS met jou volle naam aan 34429 (R1,50 per sms) voor Donderdag 28 November. Die wenner sal op 29 November in kennis gestel word.
Toitnette du Toit (top drie-kinkelkok) en Kokkedoor-persoonlikhede sjef Nic van Wyk (beoordelaar). FOTO: VERSKAF
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
21 November, 2013
Lance tokkel die hartsnare
Lance James (links) met sy kenmerkende wit cowboy-hoed aan het Vrydagoggend by die munisipale ouditorium opgetree voor ’n bykans volgepakte saal. Die optrede was ten bate van Sofca. By hom is Clyde Manson wat die geleentheid namens Sofca gereël het.
Albert Vorster het die gehoor vermaak met sy vertolking van Die Flooze se Hoezit my Tjomma. NGK ONRUS KERSMELODRAMA: Terwyl die groot reën Vrydagaand momentum opgebou het, het lede van die NG-gemeente Onrusrivier knus in die kerksaal gesit en hulle verlustig in die Kersmelodrama. Hier vertolk Jacques Naudé en Rigard Liebenberg die Campbells se RooirokBokkie, met die Rhythm in Line-dansers in die agtergrond. FOTO’S: HEDDA MITTNER
Mari-France en Frank Halforty het daarna uitgesien om ’n bietjie nostalgie saam met Lance James te beleef.
Nicolene Geldenhuys, Benita Walters en tannie Truitjie Damoh van Sofca het voor die vertoning wat om 11:00 begin het eers saam tee en koekies geniet.
Die Kersmelodrama was ook ’n fondsinsamelingsprojek vir Mariet Basson se kleindogter, Emma, om haar in staat te stel om op 14 en 15 Desember deel te neem aan die SA Danskampioenskappe in Kaapstad. Hier wys sy en haar maat hul danspassies.
CONGRATULATIONS: Bradley and Michelle Bignall were married at St. Peter’s Church in Hermanus on 14 September. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Kokkedoor-persoonlikhede sjef Nic van Wyk, beoordelaar, en Toitnette du Toit, top drie-kinkelkok, se spesiale 5-gang ete weerspieël hoekom hierdie reeks en die topverkoperkookboek so 'n wegholsukses is. BESPREEK/INLIGTING by info@kokkedoortv.co.za KAARTJIES, R300 vir vyf-gang ete en ’n Kokkedoor geskenk PLEK, Harbour House Hotel, Harbour Weg 22, Hermanus SESSIES, Vrydag/Saterdag 18h30; Sondag 12h00
Hermanus Times
Sakegids Business Guide
21 November, 2013
Ignis Goosen and Nandi Wiese from Johan de Villiers & Associates, with Chantelle and Wayne Gordon from Mega Flash Solutions.
Alta Pretorius, CEO of the Hermanus Business Chamber, with Dr Denis Worrall and Michelle Botha (Overstrand Training Institute).
Elize Breda from Absa Bank Hermanus and her husband Shelldon.
Ties-Mari Mostert from the Garden Company, Willem van Niekerk from homes@hermanus and Herman van der Westhuizen from SolarMax.
Business Chamber ends year on a high note Chef Kevin Warwick introduced a novel concept of a food and wine pairing safari at the Hermanus Business Chamber’s year-end function held at the Class Room restaurant on Thursday evening. Instead of seating all the members and guests around tables they could mingle freely, making their way clockwise around the room, stopping off at each of the eight ‘stations’ to taste eight different wines from Hermanuspietersfontein paired with a mouthwatering canapé. Before the safari started, Mervyn Milner, president of the Hermanus Business Chamber thanked all the executive committee members for their hard work during the year, and the time and effort spent to improve the economic wellbeing of the area. He said it had been a very active period in the history of the chamber. “We have ventured along new paths and initiated training and skills development sessions as part of the service excellence project we launched early this year, to improve service delivery in the Overstrand,” Milner said. Certificates were handed to members who attended the financial management course for business owners and managers which equipped them with lucrative financial planning skills.
WHO WE ARE Derek van Zyl is a result-orientated, highly independent and strong personality type. He prides himself in always putting his clients’ needs first, is reachable at his 083 231 0224, Monday to Sunday, 24/7, because claims and damages don’t only occur during normal working hours. Derek started in the insurance industry in June 1987 as an insurance clerk in the farming community of Grabouw, working for and trained by Sentraboer. A strong leader and active person Derek has managed to create a company which he says is “dedicated, highly motivated and eager to face any challenge the business may provide”. He believes that to succeed in business financially is to strive to provide his clients with much-needed product development. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to introduce ourselves to you. We offer the following financial services: • Short Term Insurance • Healthcare • Cap & Co-payment Cover • FMI Income Protector • Life Assurance Cover • Investment Broking
“Later this month several of our members who have applied for the work and skills project of the Western Cape Government will launch their learnership programmes, which also addresses job creation as many unemployed people will be trained in the workplace. This is one of the direct results of our engagement with Premier Helen Zille and minister Alan Winde, who were both speakers at recent chamber events.” Other skills development courses are on the cards for next year, including a productivity seminar with Productivity SA. The service excellence project will end at the chamber’s AGM in May when certificates will be handed to those businesses who have actively participated in these courses. Milner also touched on future projects which include the support local project, the CBD revitalisation project and a golf day at Arabella in March. He then introduced Dr Denis Worrall, former SA ambassador to London, who has spent his holidays in Hermanus for many years, to explain the benefits of implementing the National Development Plan (NDP). Members and guests were reminded of Worrall’s workshop which will be presented on 11 December. More information is available from Worrall at Omega Invest: staceyf@omegainvest.co.za. Referring to the “battle” the chamber
We treat our clients with respect and dignity which they intitled to.
Mervyn Milner, president of the Hermanus Business Chamber, gave an overview of the chamber’s projects for the new year.
fought over the proposed timing of the Main Road for resurfacing, Milner said they are working towards sound working relationships with the municipality and the project is still on course for the period from 13 January to 21 February 2014.
Hermanus Times
Sakegids Business Guide
21 November, 2013
Die sleutel tot beleggingsukses Talle Suid-Afrikaners ervaar deesdae aftrede as ’n finansiële nagmerrie. Jarelange spaarpogings lyk vir baie skielik soos ’n druppel in die emmer, veral as jy elke dag die werklikheid van hoër pryse van kos, brandstof, water, mediese dienste en ander lewenskoste in die gesig staar. Lae rentekoerse bring mee dat die inkomste wat jy op spaargeld verdien maar karig is. Die sogenaamde goue aftreejareword dus dikwels gevul met groot bekommernisse oor finansies. Tóg is daar steeds mense wat nie net met ’n geruste hart kan aftree nie, maar ook voldoende welwaart opgebou het om vir hul nageslag ’n lekker meevaller agter te laat. Waar lê die verskil? Hoe kry hierdie mense dit reg? Kan ek dit ook regkry? Jy kan dit wel vra. Daar is ’n paar eenvoudige beleggingsbeginsels wat na ons mening die sleutel kan wees tot langtermyn welvaartskepping en finansiële gemoedsrus by aftrede. Die eerste, en dalk belangrikste, is om vroegtydig te begin spaar. Sodoende gee jy saamgestelde rente genoeg tyd om hard en suksesvol vir jou te werk. Saamgestelde rente word dikwels as die agste wonder van die wêreld aangeprys omdat dit vir ’n belegger rente verdien op die rente wat hy/sy alreeds verdien het en dus kapitaalgroei sterk dryf. Deur van jongs af elke maand ’n gedeelte van jou inkomste te spaar, sal jy ook die dissipline aankweek om volgens ’n begroting te leef en jou lewenstandaard só aan te pas dat dit binne jou finansiële vermoëns bly. Die tweede belangrike sleutel is die opstel van ’n pasgemaakte beleggingsplan wat jou unieke omstandighede aanspreek. Dit kan
as’t ware gesien word as jou padkaart wat jou uiteindelik by jou doelstellings sal bring en na jou oudag se finansiële behoeftes sal omsien. Indien jy nie self oor die nodige kennis beskik nie, soek ’n bevoegde finansiële adviseur wat jou kan help om so ’n plan saam te stel. Hierdie plan moet jou spesifieke beleggingsdoelwitte en -behoeftes in ag neem, so ook jou risiko-aptyt en vermoë om beleggingsrisiko te aanvaar. Alhoewel dit ’n
FinMonitor Jaanre Muller langtermyn-plan is, moet dit buigsaamheid bied om voorsiening te kan maak indien daar noemenswaardige veranderings in jou omstandighede plaasvind. ’n Beleggingsplan sal jou die gemoedsrus gee dat jy op die regte pad is ongeag die volatiliteit wat ’n inherente eienskap van die waarde van groeibates (soos aandele en eiendom) is. Dit sal jou help om jou emosies te beteuel en by verstandige beleggingsoorwegings te bly. Kwaliteit is die derde belangrike kernwaarde wanneer dit kom by jou beleggingsake. Daar is drie areas waar ons meen kwaliteit is krities belangrik: die beleggingsplan, die keuse van finansiële adviseur en die spesifieke beleggings in jou portefeulje. Indien jou onderliggende beleggings uit genoteerde aandele bestaan, maak seker dat jy in topgehalte maatskappye belê wat oor die jare hul staal gewys het.
Net so, indien jy in effektetrusts belê. Maak seker dat jy ’n fondsbestuurder kies wat hoog aangeslaan word. Indien jy van meet af seker maak dat hierdie drie kwaliteitsaspekte van jou beleggings voorrang geniet, sal jy mettertyd ryklik beloon word. Ons leef in ’n samelewing waarin daar kitsoplossings vir alles bestaan, van jou aandete wat jy binne ’n minuut of twee in ‘n mikrogolf verhit tot Internetdienste wat net ‘n knoppiedruk ver is. Suksesvolle beleggers werk egter anders – geduld is die wagwoord. Selfs ’n goeie belegging kan swak tye beleef. Indien jy egter jou huiswerk gedoen het en seker gemaak het dat jy by kwaliteit bly, hoef jy nie benoud te raak indien dit oor die korttermyn nie na wense presteer nie. Wees geduldig en vertrou jou beleggingsplan. Jou geduld sal beloon word oor die langtermyn. Moenie probeer om oornag geld uit beleggings te maak nie. Ignoreer die braaivleispraatjies van groot wenners. Beleggingskemas wat kitsrykdom beloof kom deelnemers sonder uitsondering duur te staan. Groot kapitaalverliese wat gewoonlik volg op verwagtings van woekerwinste neem jare om in te haal, indien ooit. Hierdie sleutels tot beleggingsukses is eenvoudig en behoort deur elke belegger toegepas te word om te verseker dat die deurdagte besluite van vandag omgeskakel word in môre se welvaart en finansiële gemoedsrus. NOTA: Hierdie artikel behels nie professionele advies nie. Dit is wys om altyd ers met jou makelaar te skakel voordat jy belê. Jaanre Muller is ’n Portefeulje-ontleder by PSG, Hermanus.
MY OPINION 2014 Chris Moerdyk (corporate marketing analyst, advisor, media commentator and executive chairman of Bizcommunity).
Marketing and Media predictions
The Hermanus branch of Finbond Mutual Bank opened in Astoria Village.
Finbond in Hermanus Finbond Mutual Bank opened its 179th branch in Hermanus on Friday 8 November. Finbond started operating in 2003 and received its Mutual Banking Licence in July 2012. Louis Galand, Finbond Western Cape Regional manager, explains what a mutual bank is, and how it conducts its business: A “mutual bank” also known as a “mutual saving bank” is a bank which is operated on a mutual bank model, with the specific goal of encouraging savings and providing benefits to its depositors. When someone deposits funds in a “mutual bank”, they essentially buy a stake in the bank and are entitled to vote at shareholder and member meetings. Finbond Mutual Bank conducts its business through two divisions focussed on investment and savings products; and micro credit products. “Our micro credit products are offered to the under-banked and underserved market of more than 40% of the adult population in South Africa due to the traditional banks concentration on the higher income brackets of the population.” The bank’s management team has a long and successful trackrecord within the banking, micro finance and financial services sectors and the staff at their Hermanus branch are no different. When you visit the Hermanus branch, you will be welcomed by our friendly staff that are well-trained, motivated and keen to attend to your needs.
As a consequence of the accuracy of my predic tions for the past year, I have once again been instructed to do likewise for the year 2014. And at the same time, formally launch the 2013/14 media industry silly season. Basically next year will go past very fast. There will definitely be a general election in April. Maybe May. In an effort to get the ANC reelected, President Zuma will, in March, an nounce that within six months, 98% of South Africans would have a formal home with run ning water, sewage, electricity and a satellite dish. He will add that unemployment will have been reduced to affect only 0,34% of the entire population by July. Some 61,4% of the population of South Afri ca will believe him. By midFebruary, chocolate Easter eggs will be on sale and by late May the first Christmas decorations will go up in George and Steytlerville. In June the CNA will start promoting backtoschool bargains. Dys lexic school kids will try and buy jotters and rulers from the ANC. The ANC will deny having any rulers. By Easter many people will already be saying “Happy Christmas” or, if you are an American “Happy Holidays” or, if you are in the UK: “Happydon’tmentiontheCwordwedon’t wanttoupsettheminorities...” Rumours, rumours... Rumours will start doing the rounds in May about the launch of iPhones 8, 9 and 10. By the middle of June, Apple will hold a press con ference announcing iPhone 8a followed by monthly launches of iPhones 8b, 8c and 8d recurring. In August the SABC board will announce that it has made a huge profit and that the number of people paying TV licences had risen from 21% to 98%; that the corporation had made profit of R28bn and would be able to reduce advertising tariffs by 67%. In September the SABC board will wake up and find that their coffee was cold and their muffins stale. The big news for marketers and the media in May will be the announcement by govern ment that it had finally decided to ban all alco hol advertising and because noone seemed to worry too much, government goes on a roll and by the end of July will have completely banned advertising of fast foods, soft drinks, dairy products, all food products containing chemicals, additives or anything that wasn’t fresh 24 hours ago. Advertising of cellular tele
phones and computer equipment would also be banned in an effort to get children back to playing outside. We are marching to... In November, millions of furious South Afri cans will march on Parliament to protest about the fact that there was no longer any sport or movies available on television and that their local newspapers had shut down because there was no advertising money to pay for it all. The SABC has announced that as a result of 92% of its advertising revenue having been lost through advertising bans it could not longer afford to sustain a news department, sports de partment and would only be able to rerun TV programmes such as “Lewe Onder die See” and “Liewe Heksie.” South Africa’s few remaining radio stations will be reduced to broadcasting repeats of “Kaskenades” and archive material of John Berks impersonating people. Social media will continue to grow in leaps and bounds during 2014 – mostly leaps. A strong smell of the farmyard... By July, Twitter would have added several extra functions, one being an autoresponse to people seeking free advice. Any tweet carry ing the key word “advice” will be politely re sponded to with: “I don’t actually give advice anymore but may I interest you in a sarcastic comment?” By August, it will be possible for followers of Twitter, Facebook and four trillion other so cial media sites to actually find out all sorts of things long before the media get there and in many cases long before whatever happens ac tually happens. YouTube will carry video footage of Arab dictators being deposed even before they get into power and Hollywood celebrities having erotic flings with other Hollywood celebrities days before anything gets flung. Global internet speeds will reach average download speeds of 10 terabytes per second except in South Africa where the average speed will remain at 3Kb per second and where businesses will resort to hiring unemployed street children to deliver their messages on forked sticks. Basically 2014 will be the same old same old. Politicians will bullshit. Business will bull shit. The Loerie Awards will celebrate business bullshit and the most traded commodity on earth will be....yes, bullshit. Bizcommunity.com
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
21 November, 2013
AfriForum praat oor beveiliging
Hentie Lombard, Dirk Uys en Fred Rousseau by die AfriForum jaarvergadering gehou by die munisipale ouditorium verlede Woensdag.
Op die bestuur van AfriForum se Overstrand-tak in Hermanus is Marianne Rossouw (voorsitter), Elmaré van Dalen (bestuurslid), Elke van Dalen en Dirk Scott (bestuurslid).
Beveiliging van die gemeenskap is een van die belangrikste aspekte wat aandag geniet, is by die jaarvergadering van AfriForum se Overstrand-tak wat drie maande gelede in Hermanus gestig is, gesê. Skakeling met die gemeenskap was die nuwe tak se eerste prioriteit, het Marianne Rossouw, voorsitter, gesê. “AfriForum is ’n burgerregteorganisasie wie se oogmerk is om deur skakeling en vennootskappe die behoeftes van sy lede onder die aandag van plaaslikeregeringstrukture te bring, om tekortkominge in dienslewering op te los, die omgewing volhoubaar te beskerm en om die gemeenskap teen misdaad te beveilig. “Verskeie vergaderings met die GPF’s, polisie, raadslede asook die burgemeester is belê, en saam met Pieter Rautenbach, AfriForum se hoof van plaaslikeregeringsake, het ons met die direkteur van Overstrand Munisipaliteit se beskermingsdienste vergader om groter samewerking
tussen die polisie, GPF’s en ander rolspelers te bewerkstellig.” Volgens Rossouw beoog AfriForum se hoof van gemeenskapsveiligheid, Ian Cameron, om Hermanus binnekort te besoek ten einde gemeenskapsveiligheidstrukture te vestig en te versterk. “Inwoners word aangemoedig om by hierdie strukture in te skakel. “Hoe meer mense betrokke raak en hoe meer oë en ore daar in die gemeenskap is, hoe beter kan die gemeenskap na homself omsien,” het Rossouw gesê. “Ons gaan poog om oplossings binne ’n spesifieke tyd te bepaal en te bespreek. “Die belangrikste maatstaf vir sukses van ’n aksie is die daarstelling van sperdatums as een van die wyses waarop vinnige resultate gelewer kan word.” Kontak Marianne Rossouw by 082 454 9756 om aan te sluit by so ’n gemeenskapsveiligheidstruktuur. Om by die tak aan te sluit, SMS jou dorp se naam na 31336.
Booklet outlines new laws, Fashion Furniture wages for domestics Make Your House A Home
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The new minimum hourly, weekly and monthly wage rates for domestic workers become effective from Sunday 1 December 2013 and will remain in force until 30 November 2014. In a booklet You, Your Domestic Worker and the New Laws written by industrial relations consultant Bernard Reiser, all the requirements of the law pertaining to domestic workers are outlined. The booklet covers a wide spectrum of labour matters, ranging from general conditions of employment to letters of employment, a pay-slip template, a written warning format and fair dis-
missal procedures. The new hourly minimum rate for a domestic worker who works more than 27 hours a week is R9,63, the new weekly minimum rate is R433,35 and new monthly minimum rate is R1 877,70. The new hourly minimum rate for a domestic worker who works less than 27 hours a week is R11,27, the new weekly minimum rate is R304,29 and new monthly minimum rate is R1 318,48. The booklet can be purchased for R49 directly from the author. Contact him on 021 423 3959, or email him at bernard@capelabour.co.za.
Inspirations Currently running from 18th Nov - 2 Dec Venue: Hornbill House Gallery: Hemel and Aarde Village Tel: 028 316 2696 / info@hornbillhouse.co.za Charmé Southey Laura van Riet
Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Hermanus-tak kon nie die kongres bywoon waar die aankondiging gemaak is dat hul die Wes-Kaap Tak van die Jaar is nie (HT 31/10/2013). Erika BothaRossouw, streekbestuurder van die organisasie, het persoonlik die tjek van R5 000 tydens die Hermanus-tak se jaarvergadering aan Pieter Hurter, voorsitter van Solidariteit Hermanus, oorhandig. Die prysgeld sal aangewend word vir projekte in 2014.
Ook by die jaarvergadering was, van links voor: Melany Voigt en Elnette du Toit (albei maatskaplike werksters) en Liezel Dippenaar (Wippie en Snippie). Agter is dr. Ria du Toit en Dirk Leeuw (bestuurslid)
Helpende Hand fokus op bejaardes en weerlose kinders By die derde jaarvergadering van Hermanus Helpende Hand, onlangs aangewys as die Tak van die Jaar in die WesKaap, is gesê die tak het die afgelope jaar die hoogste bedrag nog aan armoede verligting en hulpverlening in die Hermanus-omgewing bestee en was by sewentien projekte betrokke waarby meer as vyftig hulpbehoewendes gebaat het. Volgens voorsitter Pieter Hurter, het die tak die afgelope jaar sy fokus verander en konsentreer hulle nou hoofsaaklik op weerlose kinders en bejaardes. “Ander gevalle van nood word egter nie oor die hoof gesien nie. Dit is ons doelstelling om holisties na elke geval te kyk. Ons probeer om mense te bemagtig sodat hulle vir hulself kan sorg. Voordat ons help met byvoorbeeld behuising, probeer ons eers vir die gesin ’n vaste inkomste verseker sodat hulle die huur volhoubaar kan betaal. Slegs dan sal ons help met die deposito vir die huur en miskien die eerste maand se huur”, het Hurter gesê. Helpende Hand Hermanus werk baie nou saam met al die kerke se maatskaplike werkers. “Sodoende word oorvleueling uitgeskakel en kan daar optimale hulp met die beperkte fondse verleen word.” Daar is die afgelope jaar hulp verleen aan ’n bejaarde dame wat deur haar kinders mishandel is. Sy is na Huis Lettie Theron se intensiewe sorgeenheid geneem, waar Helpende Hand vir haar verblyf betaal het tot met haar afsterwe en daarna is ’n gedeelte van die begrafniskoste ook betaal. “Helpende Hand het ook ’n beurs vir twee jaar aan ’n dogter beskikbaar gestel om haar skoolloopbaan te voltooi nadat sy haar ouers verloor het. Sy presteer uitmuntend op akademiese en sportgebied en hoop om na volgende jaar aan ’n universiteit voltyds te studeer.” Vir meer inligting oor of om ’n bydrae te maak: kontak Pieter Hurter by 028 312-3854 of per epos: hurterpj@mweb.co.za.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
21 November, 2013
Breadtags collected for wheelchairs HEDDA MITTNER By participating in the Breadtags for Wheelchairs Project, the Overberg Wheelchair Association (OWA) is now able to acquire wheelchairs for people with disabilities who would otherwise not be able to afford it. Several residents have also become involved in the project, which is based on the collection of plastic breadtags. It takes 247 kg of breadtags to buy one new basic wheelchair costing R1 450. The breadtags are recycled and used to make new products by Groplast, a company that manufactures seedling trays, and MFI Extrusions, which makes picture frames. These companies purchase the breadtags at R6 per/kg and then pay over the money to CE Mobility, the wheelchair and seating specialists who distribute the wheelchairs together with QuadPara Association. According to Alda du Plooy of the OWA, a registered nonprofit organisation, two new wheelchairs were recently delivered – one to Shirmorne Moses from Mount Pleasant and one to Johannes Philips from Hawston. “Several generous individuals are driving this project, like Gregory Spandiel, who drives all over Hawston in his wheelchair collecting breadtags,” says Du Plooy. In Hermanus Storm Kreusch from Eastbury Cottage and Cecilia Pretorius from Dorpshuys coordinate about 20 businesses and individuals who all collect and contribute their breadtags.
“Cecilia has a route she does once a week to collect breadtags (for us) and egg cartoons (for Camphill). She also inspired one of her employees, Lisa Jacobs from Zwelihle, who now has eight children collecting breadtags for her.” Lisa feels this is such a small thing that people could do to make a difference. One of the big challenges she faces is people accusing her of doing this for charity and then she takes the money. “It is important for people to understand that no money changes hands except when the chair is paid for – we hand in the breadtags and receive a chair as it becomes available,” says Du Plooy. “Lisa rewards the kids with treats out of her own pocket because she wants them to understand the value of their contribution.” Anyone who is interested in participating in this worthy cause can take a container (bottle or can) and put an OWA sticker on it, available from their office at the Mount Pleasant Business Centre just beyond Child Welfare. Ask all your friends, family members and colleagues to contribute their breadtags and hand your full containers in at the same office between 09:00 and 16:00. The contact person is Shirmorne or Ickner and the number is 081 077 6863. “Unfortunately we cannot get to everyone to collect the tags ourselves,” says Du Plooy. “That’s why we ask everyone involved to email us their details so that we can find a convenient central point where everyone can make deliveries. “We’d also like to place a photo of each contributor’s contain-
er on our Facebook page together with their Breadtag story.” For more details contact Alda du Plooy at 073 231 7445 or owa@whalemail.co.za
Gregory Spandiel drives all over Hawston in his wheelchair to collect bread tags which he delivers to the OWA.
AFSKEID: Wyk 10 het Dinsdagmiddag, 12 November by sy laaste wykskomiteevergadering van die jaar afskeid geneem van die areabestuurder, Cecile Jonkheid, wat einde Desember aftree. Rld Lisel Krige het haar geloof vir haar omgee en toewyding van baie jare en gesê sy gaan erg deur die inwoners van die Hangklip-dorpies, Overhills, Proteadorp en Palmiet gemis word. Agter verskyn van links Dave Muirhead (Pringlebaai-belastingbetalersvereniging), Mauveen Hartogh (Mooiuitsig-gemeenskap), Isaac Vana (Kleinmond-sokkerklubs), Adrian de Kock (Bettysbaai-belastingbetalersvereniging), Susan Swanepoel (Palmiet-gemeenskap), Linda Coert (Proteadorp-gemeenskap) en Eric Phete (Xhosa-gemeenskapskomitee). Voor van links is Susan Antonie, administratiewe beampte, rdl Krige en Jonkheid.
JHB 44452
Lisa Jacobs with some of the children who help her to collect breadtags for new wheelchairs.
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Available at Cell C Hermanus 074 062 0633 CHANGE TO CELL C AND cellc.co.za CUSTOMERS ENTERED BY MAKING A CALL FOR 1 MINUTE A DAY FOR A WEEK. CAMPAIGN RUNS FROM 1 OCTOBERTO 31 JANUARY 2014. *RICA IN-STORE. Offers valid from 1 November – 30 November 2013. All prices are inclusive of VAT.Terms and Conditions apply. Once-off SIM & connection fee of R114 applies to contracts only. Limitations apply to these products and promotions. For these limitations and full terms and conditions, please visit www.cellc.co.za or ask in-store. E&OE.
Hermanus Times
Advertensie Advertisement
21 November, 2013
SEE HOW WE’VE GROWN OPENS 28 NOVEMBER You’ll find more to love at your bigger, fresher Woolies Waterstone Village. More freshness in our new produce market and in-store bakery; more flavour at our butchery, fishmonger, cheese counter and sushi bar; more choice in our grocery aisles; more convenience with hot food from our kitchen; more savings with opening specials throughout the store, and lots more.
WOOLWORTHS WATERSTONE VILLAGE: Corner R44 and Main Road, Somerset West Tel: 021 850 7911 WE’RE OPEN: 8am - 9pm (everyday)
Swipe your card upfront to save from 10% instantly on over 1000 items. Over 2 million WREWARDS members think that makes all the difference.
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
21 November, 2013
Station Square turns 1
STATION SQUARE: The new Woolworth’s Centre or Station Square as it is officially known, has become part of the commercial landscape of Hermanus and is celebrating its first anniversary.
‘HEAR’ TO ASSIST YOU: Franco Coetzee (right) of Coetzee Hearing Practice, and receptionist Charmaine Fasen.
Z GORDON SHOE SHOP 4A STATION SQUARE next to Woolworths HERMANUS 7200 CELL 072 329 2825
HAIR.we.GO Shop 9, 1st Floor Station Square Hermanus (Woolworths Centre, next to Zero Gravity)
028 312 1480
WHERE BAD HAIR MEETS GOOD STYLE: Hair.we.Go thank all their clients for their support throughout the year and wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. The team includes (from left) Celia Johnson, Monique van den Berg, JC Castely (owner), Cecile Pretorius and Carol Edwards.
ZERO GRAVITY: Owner Brad Stephenson and Jamie Single (manager).
Station Square is celebrating its first birthday and Col’Cacchio has been part of the new centre since day one, when it hosted the opening function of the centre.
When Woolworths re located to Station Square, Zhen Gordon decided to open a shop as near as possible to their front door. She stocks only leather footwear sourced from reliable factories and sold at prices appropriate for our local market. Visit Z.Gordon Shoe Shop at 4 Station Square, Main Road (new Woolworths centre) or call 072 329 2825.
Free Screening Hearing Test
The latest technology offers discreet, comfortable and life-changing solutions to embarrassing hearing problems. This is your invitation to have a professional hearing test and to try out a demo-hearing aid for a trial period, without obligation. For further information and appointments contact Franco Coetzee at 028 312 1307.
We at Franco Coetzee Hearing Practice would like to thank our customers for their loyal support over the 1st year in our premises at the Station Square Mall, and look forward to the next year. Woolworths Centre, First Floor Corner Main and Lord Roberts Roads Hermanus www.hermanushearing.co.za
We are proud to be associated with Woolworths and Station Square, and wish them a happy 1st birthday!
18 Steenbras Street, Hermanus Industria Tel (028) 313 0109
ANDREW GREEFF ARCHITECTS corporate member of the SAIA B.Sc. (U.Stell.) • BAS • B.Arch.(UCT) • SAIA
20 Paterson Street HERMANUS 7200
028 313 1966 FAX:
028 313 1977
acgreeff@netactive.co.za www.a-g-architects.co.za
Happy 1st Birthday to Woolworths & Station Square.
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
21 November, 2013
OVERBERG STAAL: Van links agter: M. Nyawuza en Carl Nauschutz. Middel: Dave Hughes, Marvin Alonso, T. Nzamo en Johnny Robertson. Voor: M. Siphango en Jaques Engelbrecht. Kontak hulle by 028 313 0623.
WHALE DISENTANGLEMENT KIT: In last week’s article about the NSRI Hermanus Station 17’s new whale disentanglement kit, it was stated that the kit was sponsored by Distell, owners of the Two Oceans label and official sponsors of the Hermanus Whale Festival. The kit was in fact sponsored jointly by Two Oceans, the Whale Festival committee and the Village Square. Here at the handover are, from left: Restaurant owners Maurice Dourèe (Paradiso) and Fabio Lenci (Fabio’s Ristorante), organiser of the Whale Festival Leon Theron, Two Oceans brand manager Danelle Kietzmann, fund manager of Leaf Capital (owners of the Village Square) Riaan van Eck, NSRI Hermanus station commander Henk Henn, Distell events managers Luke Potter and Jeanine Smith. In front is the chairperson of the Village Square Tenants’ Association, Jeff Tanner. PHOTO: HEDDA MITTNER
POOLS POOLS: Antoinette Reinders van Pools Pools se hardwerkende span. Kontak hulle by 028 313 1494.
PRE-SCHOOL GRADUATES: Sixty-five Gr R learners from Hermanus Pre-Primary graduated on Tuesday 7 November. They were treated to a funfilled treat after the ceremony. Among the graduates were Morgan Maroudas and André Bal.
Hermanus Pre-Primary triplets Werner, Heike and Heinrich Kuchar enjoy the special treat prepared for them and their Gr R classmates after their graduation ceremony last week.
(fee charged)
To adopt please call - 028 312 1281 / 076 963 2092
SASHA - a super friendly white med. size Xbreed girl with a ridge on her back. She came in unwanted with a litter - we still have 3 of her pups with us. A good mixer.
HERMANUS HIGH SCHOOL – MATRIC COUNCIL 2014: Back from left: Johan Nöthling, Julian Viljoen, Karel Keyser and Ronèl Heunis. Forth row: Jennifer Mathibeli, Ayron Davidowitz, Rishika Prag, Jacques van Zyl and Nelius De Villiers. Third row: Monique Scheepers, Rochè Filander, Zach Rush, Sarah Clark, Carly (Elsè) Hugo and Stefan van Rooyen. Second row: Ray-Anne Kleinsmidt, Chelene Ganz, Bianca Le Roux, Simonè Jonker, Gizellede Götz and Nadia Oostenbrink. Seated: T.J. Stergianos (deputy headboy), Nelrine Beyers (headgirl), Andrè-Pierrè Gouws (headboy) and Carli Du Toit (deputy headgirl). Absent from the picture is Jemma Lewis.
DIXIE - 5 months, old youngster, Africanus X - soft nature, very social. Will be med to large size. Loves people & doggies.
SADIE - really cute 3 month old X breed pup with some Alsatian in her. Lovely nature, super social. Came in as a tiny pup with her litter. PENNY handed in unwanted from the township, this friendly affectionate collie X is a med size female who mixes well & has a gentle nature.
PEBBLES - 3-4 month old pup, X-breed some husky in her. Gentle, playful, soft soft fur! Grew up at kennels. I am BROWNY & nearly 2 yrs. I have hever known my own family & home has been here since tiny kitten. I will be the most loving loyal pet.
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
GC WOODWORK: From left: Danile Kamansa, Xolelani Zinana and Grant McCarthy (owner). Contact them on 028 312 1688.
WALKERBAY REWINDS: The owner John Fowler has 43 years experience in this industry. Walkerbay Rewinds are specialists in electrical motor rewinds. They repair and maintain electric motors which drive machnery such as pool pumps, pump motors for the abalone industry, irrigation pumps used for farming, extraction fan motors used in the restaurant trade aqnd basicaqlly anything that is driven by a motor. For professional service and further inquiries, call them on 028 313 2716 or 084 337 4321. Left is John Fowler and Dorian Baadjies.
21 November, 2013
FAIR CAPE DAIRIES: Van links agter: Pieter (takbestuurder), Simon, Lewellyn, Johan, Goofy, Jennifer en Emile. Voor: Allie, Jan, Henry, Oom Rolf, Deonika, Tamy-Lee, Anneleze en Oscar (areabestuurder). Kontak hulle op 028 312 2004.
AUTO ELECTRONICS & AIRCON: Born and trained in Namibia by Bocsh more than 30 years ago, Werner has been in Hermanus since 1997. Auto Electronics & Aircon performs all the normal auto electrical requirements and specialises in Bosch advanced technology, ECU management, A/C Klima control etc. Contact them at 028 313 1133. In the photo are Karin and Werner Bachradt.
HERMANUS KENNELS AND GROOMING PARLOUR: Hermanus Kennels and Grooming Parlour offers clients personal care for boarders in their spacious indoor and outdoor facilities with large garden areas for play and exercise under supervision. There’s also professional grooming of all breeds in their safe and secure open plan parlour. A collection and delivery service for grooming and kennel clients is also available. They are open 7 days a week. Contact them at 028 312 3886. From left are Wendy en Stelonica with the dogs. PRO CHEMICALS: Pro Chemicals is ’n nuwe winkel in Steenbras. Hulle spesialiseer in alle chemikalië vanaf huishoudelik, industrieel, gastehuise, hospitale, restaurante, ens. Skakel gerus die eienaars, Le-Andre en Mari, vir gratis kwotasies of kostevergelykings. Hulle kom ondersoek ook probleme, gee demonstrasies en maak aanbevelings. Baie van hulle produkte dra die SABS-merk en hulle is ’n affiliaal van 3 bestaande fabrieke in Pretoria, Durban en Kaapstad wat al amper 10 jaar duisende gelukkige kliënte diens. Skakel hulle gerus by 081 459 7223.
ROSSOUW DIESEL EN PETROL: Anton en Sandra Rossouw sê baie dankie aan alle kliënte wat hulle so getrou ondersteun. Kontak hulle by 028 313 0323. Agter van links: Riaan Pieterse, Marco Rossouw, Riaan van Zyl, Charmien Rossouw, Ronaldo Rossouw, Anton Rossouw en Sandra Rossouw. Voor: Francois Rossouw. AUTO AID: “We offer panelbeating, spraypainting and much more, because we love your car.” The owner, Jannie Naudé, has been in the automotive repair business since 1992. He strives to deliver quality repairs to accident damaged vehicles, as well as normal day-to-day dents and scratches. They deliver quality service, quotes to fit your pocket and customer satisfaction. So for fast service to the appearance of your vehicle, visit them for a free quote. No obligation. Contact Auto Aid on 083 321 8968.
HERMANUS SOCIAL BALLROOM & LATIN DANCE SCHOOL: Lani Nel and her dynamic team of teachers pride themselves in the fun and easy yet professional way in which you can learn how to dance. Classes offered are for social recreational dancing, exercise or competing in social competitions. Join the fun and meet great new people at the same time. Contact Lani at 072 316 5787. From left are Michelle Gleimius, Katiso Mbikwana, Lani Nel (owner), Clint Fouché, and Tawani Naudé.
Specialising in solid wood
Grant McCarthy 083 340 2189 Tel/Fax: 028 312 1688 5 Alexway Complex Roman Close, Industria, Hermanus
E-mail: g.mac@fnbconnect.co.za Website: www.gcwoorworks.co.za
Steenbras Road Hermanus 028 312 2004 SPECIALS FROM 22 NOV - 7 DEC
EIERS 30 - R25.95 SACHETS MELK 1L – R5.99 BASHEW 2L – R8.50 AMASI 2L – R14.95 ROOMYS 2L - R24.95
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
21 November, 2013
Please note that there will be no refuse removal on FRIDAY 29/11/2013. Refuse will be removed on MONDAY 2/12/2013 and thereafter on MONDAYS. Neem asseblief kennis dat vullis nie VRYDAG 29/11/2013 verwyder sal word nie. Vullisverwydering sal plaasvind op MAANDAG 2/12/2013 en op daaropvolgende MAANDAE. Enquiries/Navrae: Peter Burger Tel: 028-313 8084 (Hermanus) OPERASIONELE BESTUUDER OPERATIONAL MANAGER
Please note that there will be refuse removal on MONDAY 25/11/2013 as usual and then on FRIDAY 29/11/2013 and thereafter on FRIDAYS. Neem asseblief kennis dat vullisverwydering sal plaasvind op MAANDAG 25/11/2013 soos normaal dan weer op VRYDAG 29/11/2013 en op daaropvolgende VRYDAE. Enquiries/Navrae: Peter Burger Tel: 028-313 8084 (Hermanus) OPERASIONELE BESTUUDER OPERATIONAL MANAGER
INSPIRATIONS: Artists Laura van Riet (second from left) and Charmé Southey (second from right), along with wire sculpture artist Lewis Kaluzi (left) were the centre of attention at the opening of their joint exhibition at the Hornbill Art Gallery on Monday 18 November. The exhibition was opened by Faith Botha (right). The beauty of nature, in particular the Overberg environment, has been a common inspiration for Laura and Charmé which is why their exhibition is titled “Inspirations”. Charmé’s work on exhibition is a collection of bold, vibrant watercolours which includes postcard-perfect scenes of some of Hermanus’s most recognisable landmarks. Laura’s oil paintings of land and seascapes are full of energy, passion and movement. This exhibition is well worth a visit. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Conversations with a piano The Hermanus Cancer Fund has announced two very special Christmas concerts to be held in the cellar of Bouchard Finlayson on Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 December. As in previous years, the concerts are sponsored by Charles and Lilian Lloys-Ellis and hosted by Peter Finlayson. International jazz pianist Darius Brubeck joins Christopher Duigan in a shared piano performance. Neither a recital for one, nor a duo for two pianists simultaneously; this performance sees both pianists talking on a spontaneous and conversational approach, alternating ‘in conversation’. Playing solo piano is a recent addition to Brubeck’s performance repertoire. His com-
positions draw on classical piano repertoire, African and Indian music and the influence of many jazz pianists including his illustrious father, Dave Brubeck. Christopher Duigan is regarded as one of South Africa’s leading concert pianists with a broad, eclectic repertoire and is well known to Hermanus audiences. All funds raised at the concerts will be used to support those suffering from cancer and their families in the wider Hermanus area through organisations in the field of palliative care such as Overstrand Hospice, Cansa and community nursing sisters. The concerts begin at 18:30 with a glass of wine being served at 17:40. For tickets, which are R150, please call 028 312 1485 or 028 313 1633.
Verdi celebrated at U3A open meeting The speaker for U3A’s open meeting on Monday 25 November at 17:30 will be Klaus Dembeck and his topic is Giuseppe Verdi’s 200th anniversary. Dembeck, co-owner of Bellini Gallery, was born in Lippstadt, Germany and studied music, literature and art at the University of Hildesheim. He was exposed to music, and more particularly, to opera, from earliest childhood. The first opera he ever saw, at 12, was Rigoletto, one of Verdi’s masterpieces. No wonder that his first appointment, in 1986, was as assistant director at the Vienna Chamber Opera. Before he moved to Hermanus in 2003, Dembeck worked as an opera director and manager in Europe. Verdi’s operas are based on plays by fa-
mous playwrights like Shakespeare and Schiller, and novels by Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas. The characters are real people with whom his audiences could and can identify, even today, as his music is still heard – in commercials or in movies. His name is synonymous with opera; if you hear ‘Verdi’, you hear opera. Giuseppe Verdi was a fascinating personality who composed remarkable music. There is much more to him than the arias of La Traviata, Rigoletto, Aida and Nabucco which will be played while members and visitors enjoy the soirée which is to precede the talk at the Overstrand Auditorium. Tickets are R10 pp and will be available at the door. BARBARA PRETORIUS
Favoured with the instructions of the Executors of the Estate Late Iris Zammit & The Joint Liquidators of JUJU Productions CC (In Liquidation) (Masters No C517 /2013) & Other Venders, David Kinleyside will offer for Sale by Public Auction. The Undermentioned: ON: THURSDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2013 AT: lOH30 AT: THE WAREHOUSE CNR STEENBRAS STR & ROMAN CLOSE HERMANUS INDUSTRIA (Directions: From Hermanus Main Road at Gateway Centre Turn into Swartdam Road, ± 500m Left into Steenbras Road, 1'1 Left into Roman Close) Vehicles:- 1978 VW KOMBI 2000i- 2006 TOYOTAIDLUX 2.7 VVT-i DBLE CAB BAKKIE c/w CANOPY Followed By: Computerware:- Macbook Pro Laptop, Intel Core i7, 4 x Intel Computers, Samsung Monitors, Cannon Scanner, Primera CD & DVD Printer, UPSs, Adobe Creative Suite Production & Design Premium, Furniture:- 4 x Leather Office Chairs, Standard Lamps, Yellowwood Dining Table, Sleeper Wood (Teak) Dining Table & Chairs, Oak Monks Bench, Framed Original Paintings [Artists Michael Albertyn Snr, Valerie Petts, Joan Evans, J N Eckard, Barry Ross] , Office Tables, Boardroom Table, 8 Pce Dining Suite, TV, 6 Drawer Desk, Oak I Glass Coffee & Occ Tables, Oak TV Cabinet, Single Beds & Mattresses, Trunk, 4 Drawer Chest, King Size Oak 3 Pce Bedroom Suite, King Size Base & Mattress, Single & Y4 Beds & Mattresses, LG Twin Tub Washing Machine, Defy Tumble Dryer, Defy 4 Plate Stove, KIC Bar Fridge, AIM Microwave, Defy Fridge, Indesit Fridge, Dish Washer, Shake & Shape Exerciser, Zero G Strider, Bookshelves, Aluminium Ladders, Cameras & Photographic Equipment, Crockery, Glassware, Collectables, Kitchenware and MANY MORE ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. TERMS: R 1 000.00 (R5 000.00 TO BID ON VEHICLES) CASH OR ELECTRONIC TRANSFER REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT PLUS ID DOCUMENTAND UTILITYACCOUNT TO OBTAIN BUYERS CARD, FULL PAYMENT ON THE FALL OF THE HAMMER BY WAY OF CASH OR ELECTRONIC TRANSFER. NO CHEQUESACCEPTED FOR DEPOSIT OR PAYMENT.
083 955 4724
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
21 November, 2013
at the Catholic Church hall at 10:00. Call Gert Claassen: 0 083 602 5254. ) Touching Hearts meets every Monday at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) The Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. THURSDAY 21 NOVEMBER ) Whalers Athletics Club time trials for 3 km, 5 km and 8 km at 18:00 at the cricket club. ) The Hermanus Rotary Club meets every Thurs day at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. Call Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. FRIDAY 22 NOVEMBER ) Besoek die teetuin by die dienssentrum van die NG gemeente Onrusrivier, 10:00 – 12:00, vir vars tuisgebak met ’n koppie moerkoffie. ) Join The Friends of the Library and crafters at the Bhuki Café for tea, homebakes, crafts, mince pies and Christmas cakes from 09:00 – 11:30. ) The U3A series History of Modern Britain: Revolution, by Andrew Marr is at 10:00 in the Catholic Church hall. Call Penny Charteris: 0 028 316 2489. SATURDAY 23 NOVEMBER ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kosenwynmark, 09:00 – 13:00. ) Hermanus Country Market from 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) HemelenAarde Garden Market, 09:00 – 14:00 at HemelenAarde Village. ) Hermanus Social Motorbike Club (SMC) annual charity ride at 09:00 at the corner of George Vil joen Street and the R43. Depart at 10:00 for the mass ride and join afterwards at the Bikers Pub for drinks. Food will be available as well. SUNDAY 24 NOVEMBER ) Fountain of Victory International Ministries fel lowship at Qhayiya Secondary School every Sun day from 09:30 – 12:00. ) Onder leiding van orrelis dr. Frikkie Strydom en sy vrou, Jeannette, is daar in die Hermanus NG gemeente weer ’n kerkkoor op die been ge bring. Om 19:00 word ’n Kerssangdiens by die Hermanus NG kerk aangebied. Samesang begin reeds om 18:40. Sielsverrykende Kersprogram met koor, soliste en instrumentale musiek. Die tema is Halleluja, U is Koning, en ’n kindersanggroep sal ook ’n item lewer. Almal baie welkom. Die pro gram behoort ’n uur te duur. MONDAY 25 NOVEMBER ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 or 072 230 9179. ) U3A series on the SA Agricultural Crisis will feature a presentation by Minister Gerrit van Rens burg – Minister of Agriculture of the Western Cape
FREE QUOTES 083 693 8983
wcpp@telkomsa.net SHOWROOM: 21A Mimosa Street Hermanus Industria Tel: (028) 312-3767
om Fr 65 5 R3
Jetmaster Premium Braais available in 3 sizes. salesoverberg@progressgroup.co.za
TUESDAY 26 NOVEMBER ) Join the Early Birds at the Hermanus Tennis Club Tuesdays and Thursdays, 07:00 – 09:00. Call Vic HamiltonAttwell: 0 082 785 5145 or Ken Collett: 0 082 806 8292. ) U3A presents Private Life of a Masterpiece: Vermeer – the Art of Painting at 10:00 in the Catholic Church hall. Call Allan Powell: 0 028 316 1251. WEDNESDAY 27 NOVEMBER ) The Hermanus Garden Club will be holding their annual Christmas Crafts Market at the Catho lic Church hall from 09:30 – 12:00. Lots of super things on sale, and scrumptuous eats and tea will be served at R10 per head. All welcome. ) Summer night market from 16:00 – 20:00 at the cricket club. Call 0 072 883 3894 for info. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging verga der 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Bel Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250 of Badi sa: 0 028 312 3909. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag van die maand om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Bel Erika Oosthuysen: 0 079 322 0998. ) The new Izibusiso recipe book, Still Cooking, will be launched at the Original Deli at 18:00. Audiovisual material, readings from articles in the book about life in Hermanus, as well as some sam ple recipes to taste will be included in the function. As space is limited, anyone interested in attending may contact the United Church Office: 0 028 312 2717 to reserve a place. Copies of the book will be available. THURSDAY 28 NOVEMBER ) Reach for Recovery lunch meeting takes place at 9 Esseboom Street, Kleinmond at 11:00. RSVP Shirley: 0 082 789 7747 or Rita: 0 082 821 1807 by 21 November. ) Friends of the Library Raffle Wrap at the library at 14:00. EVENTS ) Whale Coast Conservation will host a Quirky Quiz evening for fundraising on Friday 29 November at the Green House. Teams of six per table. R80 per person. Bring a platter for your table and your choice of liquid refreshment. Booking essential. Call Anina Lee: 0 083 242 3295. ) The Hermanus Dance School are having a Great Gatsby themed yearend party on Saturday 30 November at 18:30 and this is your chance to learn the Charleston. Tickets are R200 pp which includes live music, and a threecourse meal.
Limited seating; bring your own drinks and glass es. Call Lani: 0 072 316 5787 or 2 admin@hermanusdance.co.za ) Tribal Echo will perform in the Sandbaai Hall on Saturday 30 November at 19:00 in aid of the Hermanus Waldorf School. Tickets at R80 are available from the school: 0 028 316 2938. ) Camphill Farm Community’s annual Friendrais er Fun Day is on Saturday 30 November, 11:00 – 15:00 at Camphill Farm in the Hemelen Aarde Valley. Call Luzette: 0 021 200 2230 or 083 303 3483. ) Christmas cake decorating workshop with Mar geaux Victor at 14:00 on Thursday 5 December at the library. R50 payable on booking. Call Sue Winder: 0 082 977 3475 or 028 316 4981. ) St Peter’s Parish will be holding their annual fête on Saturday 7 December from 09:30. Enjoy breakfast, tea or lunch and visit all the exciting stalls.
Karnival gekanselleer Hawston Primêr se karnival wat beplan was vir 22 en 23 November, is gekanselleer nadat die karnivalritte vloedskade gely het.
) Swartberg Sekondêr hou koshuisreünie op 30 November te Caledon. Die verrigtinge begin om 08:30 by die Bergsig-skoolsaal. Alle oud-onderwysers, oud-leerders en oud-koshuispersoneel word genooi. Kontak Nigel Floors by 083 995 5106. ) Plakstuk-3 van die Hermanus Times/Van Blommestein plak-en-wen kompetisie – vleispak van R1 000, is in dié week se uitgawe. As jy wil deelneem maar jy het nie die oorspronklike legkaart/inskrywingsvorm nie, kom kry ’n 7 November Hermanus Times by die kantoor in Aberdeenstraat - teen ’n spesiale prys van R4 per koerant. ) Congratulations to Annari Malan, who entered the HT/Golden Valley Casino website competition and won a stay for two adults at the Golden Valley Lodge in Worcester, including breakfast and a R300 meal voucher for Kuipers Restaurant. ) Jason Botes found a set of keys in Onrus near the caravan park a few days ago. If anyone is looking for their keys, it was handed in at the Hermanus police station.
MUSIC: Multi-instrumentalist musician and songwriter Jonathan Velthuysen aka The Hollow Body, will perform at The Speakeasy at The Stanford Hotel on Saturday at 19:30. Tickets are R60. Call Penny Van Den Berg for reservations on 082 781 1704.
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
21 November, 2013
COMMUNITY ART PROJECT: The Viva Art Fest took place in Stanford on 2 November with local and international artists coming together at the Stanford Rugby Club. In a nearby street, ten walls were painted with murals to create a Living Art Gallery. Members of the CPF and neighbourhood watch helped organise the food and fun activities for the children with help from Regina Brönner and Nikki Miles. The artist responsible for the fish mural is Rheece Kriel from the Viva Foundation. Right: Children from the community had plenty of fun organised by the CPF (Community Police Forum) during the Viva Art Fest. Tuliswa Mandoyi and Sven Lager from the Viva Foundation painted this wall mural on a house in Stanford during the recent Viva Art Fest held in the village.
Armoede Dinkskrum vorder met hulp Die Overstrand Armoede Dinkskrum is einde September gestig nadat Erika Oosthuysen van die NG Gemeente, Onrusrivier na ’n jaar se betrokkenheid by behoeftige mense in Hermanus, besef het dat armoede ’n geweldige groot vraagstuk is. Dit is belangrik dat al die organisasies en kerke met mekaar saamwerk sodat die vraagstuk in sy totaliteit aangespreek kan word en dat hulpverlening gekoordineer word, verduidelik Oosthuysen. Dit was die rede vir die ontstaan van hierdie dinkskrum. Op 1 November is nog ’n dinkskrum by dié kerk gehou en verteenwoordigers van verskillende kerke en organisasies uit die Overstrand asook individue in die gemeenskap het dit bygewoon. Tydens die vergadering het verskillende mense hulle samewerking aangebied en raad en advies gegee. Almal by die vergadering is vrywilligers wat graag mense in nood wil
help. Oosthuysen sê armoede behels nie net die gee van kos nie. Dit sluit die hele persoon in. Dit sluit in werk, behuising, meubels, hulp met CV en met aansoeke vir werk, kos en ook die geestelike versorging van so ’n persoon of gesin. Daar is voorgestel dat armoede in onderafdelings verdeel word. Daar behoort ’n koordineerder te wees vir elke onderafdeling: Opleiding (sluit in CV en proses om aansoek te doen vir ’n betrekking), werkverskaffing, behuising, meubels, databasis, voedsel, geestelike en emosionele versorging. Die koordineerders kan dan vrywilligers in die gemeenskap kry om te help om die spesifieke onderafdeling aan te spreek. Vir meer inligting kontak Oosthuysen op 028 316 3115 of 079 322 0998. ) Die volgende vergadering sal Vrydag, 6 Desember van 11:00 tot 12:00 in die sy-saal van die NG Gemeente Onrusrivier gehou word.
Hi-Q vier vyfjaar-mylpaal met verskeie ‘specials’ Die Vrydagoggend 9 uur toe die foto’s geneem is was Hi-Q Hermanus in 5 Adamstraat in die industriële gebied alreeds baie bedrywig. Op al die hysbakke was motors en die kliënte het rustig in die netjiese wagkamer hulle warm koffie geniet. Soos die een voertuig na die ander klaar gehelp is en die tevrede kliënte klaar betaal het, het die volgende kliënte ingekom om gehelp te word. Conrad Oosthuizen, die eienaar, sê dis as
22 Arum Street, Hermanus Phone: 028 313 0003 Email: hermanus@officenational.co.za
Baie geluk Hi-Q met 5 jaar Dankie vir goeie diens. Tel : (028) 271 3380 Fax : (028) 271 3380 Cell : 083 662 4849 Shop # 2, Spar Centre, Kleinmond, 7195 PO Box 868, Kleinmond, 7195
Geluk met 5 jaar Hi-Q alle voorspoed vir die volgende 5 jaar mylpaal.
gevolg van die great span wat hy het dat alles vlot verloop en elkeen presies weet wat om te doen – “net soos ’n goed ge-oliede masjien moet werk”. Vandeesmaand vier Hi-Q Hermanus hul 5de bestaansjaar op die perseel in Adamstraat. “Dis ’n mylpaal wat ons bereik het veral in die moeilike ekonomiese omstandighede. Ons wil al ons getroue kliënte en ondersteuners spesifiek van die Hermanus omgewing baie bedank want sonder hulle sou dit nie moontlik gewees het nie. Ons sal poog om altyd net die beste diens te gee en sal so voortdoen vir die volgende vyf jaar’ ) On 21, 22 and 23 November Hi-Q Hermanus in Adam Street, Industria will be celebrating their Big Five birthday with promotions on certain brands and tyre sizes, and lots of giveaways. “Reaching five years is a milestone given the challenging economic times,” said owner Conrad Oosthuizen. “We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our regular clients as well as the people of Hermanus and surrounds for their continued support. We could not have done it without you. We will continue to give you good service and look forward to being here for you for the next five years.” BRANCH DETAILS Hi-Q Hermanus, 5 Adam Street, Hermanus Industrial Telephone: 028 313 0322 Fax: 028 313 0320 Business hours: weekdays: 08:00 - 17:00. Saturdays: 08:00 - 13:00 Email: hiq@hermanus.co.za
Hi-5’s from Conrad Oosthuizen (back left) and the Hermanus Hi-Q team.
Hi-Q Hermanus specialises in tyres, shocks, exhausts, batteries, brakes, towbars, CV joints, suspension and alignment. Ooswald, Conrad & personeel by:
Hi-Q Hermanus Baie geluk met julle 5de bestaansjaar!!!
Dankie vir julle getroue ondersteuning die afgelope 5 jaar. Ons sien uit daarna om die toekomspaadjie saam met julle te stap… Van Kevin, Diane & al die personeel by
Unit 1, Uitkyk, 3 Adam Road, Hermanus T: 028 313 1722 E: kia@kiamotorshermanus.co.za W: www.kiamotorshermanus.co.za
Congratulations HI-Q Thanks for the Excellent service.
A very Happy Birthday!
Congratulations with 5 years Hi-Q . All the best for the next 5 years ahead.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
21 November, 2013
HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.
STERFGEVALLE NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218.
ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. GESONDHEID & Elke eerste Maandag van SKOONHEID die maand, 3:30nm. Almal1430 welkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos DR CHAD GORDON DC sj@hermanus.co.za. (USA) Sports and family practice. Checkers Centre. Call 028-313 0878.
HERBALIFE. Summer is here! Lose weight and keep it off! Professional follow up. Free delivery. Call 076 155 9648.
LOSE WEIGHT, GAIN ENERGY. Sms XTRA to 45633. R150/sms.
FOREST PARTY Venue for children + tractor rides etc. Separate venue for bachelor parties + overnighting. Booking essential. Call 028-313 0129/ 074 266 9809.
CONGRATULATIONS to Pieter and Christy on their Golden anniversary (23/11/2013). May there be many more. God bless, from Ellen.
18/03/1940 - 16/11/2013 Loved & revered mother, grandmother and godmother. She will be greatly missed. Private Cremation. Donations in lieu of flowers to Overstrand Hospice, 10 Hope Street Hermanus ABSA, Account No: 4065932088 reference “In memory of Caroline”
ROUAL PETERSEN. 21.11.2013- Jou 1ste verjaardag weg. Sou so graag geluk wou sê, maar God wou dit anders hê. Van: Ouma, Oupa & familie.
B E G R A F N I S D I E N S T E • F U N E R A L S E R V I C E S
Hermanus Tel. 028-313 1741 Member of NFDA
BORDER COLLIE cross breed pup, young Jack Russell and many kittens and cats are desperate for good homes. Tel 028 341 0547 or 082 899 1172.
VENTER PETRUS CORNELIUS (Peet) 3/10/1934 - 10/11/2013 . Sag heengegaan in die ouderdom van 79 jaar na 'n kort siekbed op die 10de November. Rus in vrede, Peet. Sal die mooi en goeie dae onthou maar weet jy is veilig tuis. Gaan jou mis. Heletta.
SPECIAL THANKS TO: Hair We Go, Spyros Jewellers, Annie's Kombuis, Hermanus Fish Shop, Hermanus Liquor Store, Continental Cafe Riviersonderend, Erone Dressmaking, Hermanus Traffic Department for making it special. We are off on our honeymoon!!
1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.
WEIGHT WATCHERS, internationally acclaimed as the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Summer Special! Phone Gilly 082 8789 558. Because it works!
HERMANUS HIRING will fill all your function needs - Tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, linen, etc. At good prices. Call 028-312 4291 or Ken on 082 420 0060.
SUGAR PLUM Part Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.
HOUSE & PET-SITTER AVAILABLE. Reliable and trustworthy. Live-in or daily visits. Contact Deevra 071 477 7850 or deev67@gmail.com. OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679. PRIVATE NURSING SISTER/caretaker/housekeeper/driver available. Will start immediately. Call 079 604 0313/028-316 1985. TAROT READING. 25 Years experience. Phone 083 750 9453 for appointments.
MASSAGE THERAPIST. Raymond Philpott. Therapeutic, deep tissue, sports. Kidbrooke Place & BotriTHE HOSPICE SHOP vier. Call 082 599 2993. would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, ONRUSRIVIER. NU linen, bric-a-brac, furniNAILS& BEAUTY. Since ture, sporting goods or 2005. Acrylic, gel, waxing, books. We can collect manicures,pedicures,eyegoods every Tues & Thu. lash extensions & more. Call 028-313 1884. Qualified beautician. Call Mari 083 299 6241. FOTOGRAFIE VAL'S SALON. Lashes, & VIDEO’S nails & faces. London trai1465 ned. Hemel en Aarde Village Garden- Hermanus. Call Val 083 496 2281.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com. CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871.
LOANS! Apply today for 1-12 months loans. Monthly earners only! Call or sms 073 072 0718/071 930 3464.
HANSIE OOSTHUIZEN. Professional photographer. www.hansiephoto.co.za. Tel. 072 878 1787. www.facebook.com/ hansiephoto. Professional service with a smile.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
21 November, 2013
PHOTOGRAPHER for all your functions. M. Stone 083 456 1913 or mestone@mweb.co.za.
BUILDING ALTERATIONS, boundry walls, painting, bathroom renovations, plumbing, tiling. Professionally done. Call 082 255 0939.
ALTERATION & BUILDING PLANS, can do energy efficiency study. Call Steven 074 102 7897. E-mail: steven@imagestudio.co.za FOR ALL BUILDING PLANS. Phone Andrew 083 447 2782 (SACAPSA registered). SKOONMAAKDIENSTE I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.
WANTED: Antiques, furniture, paintings, bronzes, silver, porcelain, jewellery, watches, clocks. Call 082 833 2567.
MAXXUS PERSONAL Trainer. All-in-one home exerciser & manual. R800. Defy dishwashing machine. R800. Call 083 367 0226.
MOUNTAIN BIKE for sale. Good condition. R850 onco. Please phone 028313 1990.
DIE KLASKAMER - Wiskundeklasse. Bee Müller (gr 4-7) 076 306 3861 of bee@hermanus.co.za. Ansie de Kock (gr 8-12) 079 603 7781 of ansie@whale.co.za. Naby skole. Skryf nou in om teleurstelling te voorkom.
AFFORDABLE ONSITE Computer Support. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer with ten years corporate experience to assist you at home or office with all computer, network, internet and email problems. Call Jacques 084 402 0500. COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pentium 4's from R1299,00. Refurbished with warranty. Call Dolf Uys 072 705 8577.
MULTI GYM - Rons Fitness twin weight stack multi gym. R6 000. Call 082 389 0215. BARGAIN SHOP. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508.
TWO SEATER FIBRE GLASS peddle boats for sale. R11 000 each. Call Nico 084 837 5374. www.avantimarine.co.za.
24 HOUR EMERGENCY call out Electrician. No power, no hot water? Installation maintenance & repairs: industrial, commercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 2017. ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. TE HUUR 1820
BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028312 2367.
TRAILER HIRE: Contact CCS Plant Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726.
BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Call Danie 082 958 5749.
COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.
ASEMROWENDE Tuindienste. Snoei & afkap van bome. Sny vangras, skoonmaak van erwe, rommelverwydering & meubelvervoer. Geute skoonmaak. Morné 083 225 3712.
HERMANUS LANDSCAPING. Garden design, maintenance & irrigation. 22 Years experience. Call Paul Marx 082 32 777 04. SUPER PLANTS LANDSCAPE Developers, landscaping, irrigation, paving, water features, lawn, gabions. Free quotation. Contact 071 223 7375.
REFRIGERATION & SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
WELL POINTS, BOREHOLES & Irrigation, borehole refurbishment. 25 Years experience in Hermanus/Kleinmond area. Call 073 140 9885. ZUKI'S GARDEN & Forestery Service. Alien plant clearing. Plot clearing. Garden refuse removal. Tree pruning. Hedge trimming. Weed extermination, etc. Call Zukisani 082 711 6102. GLAS/VENSTERS 1827
SOLOMON'S WINDOW CLEANING Services for domestic, commercial, industrial & construction sites. For free quotation phone Solomon 082 747 3640. Serving Hermanus since 1996.
CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY cleaning. Curtains & blinds. Call Allison or John 072 572 0215. CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervision. Best prices. Free quotations. Phone Top Carpets 028-313 0721. CINDY'S CARPET CLEANERS. Carpets, rugs & upholstery cleaners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 5385/028-316 4264.
SOLAR INNOVATIONS. Suppliers and installers of solar hot water systems, heat pumps, plumbing, water purification. Contact 078 775 4881. www.solar innovationshermanus. webs.com. SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667.www.solarmax.co.za.
PLANT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726. TOILET & HUT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726.
2x DE LONGHI Type vertical free standing, electrical oil heaters. 11 Fin 2500W. In very good condition. R400 each Voëlklip. Call 083 399 3081.
KIP MCGRATH EDUCATION CENTRE. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028-313 0209 today for a free assessment.
A MAKE-OVER Cleaning Service for a good spring clean. Houses, offices pre and post occupation and ironing. Friendly, professional service under full time supervision. MonSat. Call 076 115 7382.
OVERBERG DRY TAR. Diensverskaffing van teer werk asook plaveisel. Nuwe opritte, sypaadjies, parkeer areas en paaie. Herstelwerk en vernuwing ALTERATIONS, van bestaande oppervlakREPAIRS, painting, elec- tes. Besoek gerus www. hfrubbersurfacing.co.za vir FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: trical, plumbing, tiling, meer inligting oor ons nufor professional irrigation building etc. Free quotations. Phone 082 864 2275. we dienste. Kontak Jaco and automatic borehole Stander vir gratis kwotainterfacing systems. For a sies by 072 225 3792. ALUMINIUM ANGLO free consultation phone WINDOWS/DOORS. 028-313 0295. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooFYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and den/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. 4761/084 558 1902. www.fynbosgardens.com DANGEROUS TREE Removal. Pruning, plot clearing. Hedges trimming. Alien plant extermination. Fire wood. Call T.J.Boshoff 082 954 7970. E-mail: bossie.boom@gmail.com.
BEAT THE SUMMER SUN. Professional, installations and repairs to all irrigation systems & pumps. Call 072 827 1625.
REPAIRING & CLEANING of any kind of Persian Carpets at Shakhcha Persian Carpets, Gateway Centre, Hermanus. Also wide variety of assorted Persian carpets for sale. Tel. 028 313 2072.
MODERN NATURAL, Painting contractors, floor finisher and artiful lawn. Modern designs by nature. Call 072 827 1625.
101 SERVICES. Handyman general. No job too small. Best rates. Pensioners discount. 15 Years experience. Call Peter 073 157 2415.
TRANSFERS/AIRPORT. Airport transfers & shuttle service to Cape Town. Longer trips. Bookings in advance. Call Megan or Gary 083 702 3273. MR. MAINTENANCE Painting, paving,tiling, alterations,small building, roofing, waterproofing, plumbing. Call-outs. Free quotes. Rudi 073 190 3541. WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480.
25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Service/repairs to all makes of overlockers & sewing machines by qualified service provider. Same day service. Call 028-316 1010.
ROOFS INSIDE & OUT & woodwork. Best price and supervision. Call Deon 084 610 2815. PLAAGBEHEER 1850
REFILL LASER & INK cartridges. New printers & repairs. Best prices in town. Long Street Arcade. Call 028-312 4750.
Steenbras Street, off Swartdam Street. Industrial Area Tel 028-312 2886 084 512 9584
BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.
SAFE TRANSFER of students & scholars from Gansbaai & Hermanus to Stellenbosch & Paarl. Contact us: info@agulhasecotours.com.
NEVILLE'S REFRIGERATION and appliance repairs. Fridges, freezers, stoves, tumble driers, microwaves. Phone Neville 028-316 1690 or 078 401 3547.
GUARANTEED PEST/WEED CONTROL. Personal treatment. Industrial/Residential. Weed treatment on lawns. Andries de Kock 082 567 7591.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.
21 November, 2013
HEMEL & AARDE ESTATE. Holiday rental between 16/12/2013 and 15/01/2014. Lovely 3 bedroom house- sleeps 6to approved tenants. Sorry no pets. R2000 per day. Call 082 825 8891.
NEWLY RENOVATED 30 square m office/shop space to rent in Hermanus business district, 4 Royal Street. Own ablution facilities. Highly visible from main bypass road. Phone 076 092 7240.
SELF CATERING UNIT to rent. Fully furnished, walking distance from Hermanus CBD, secured parking, no dogs. R3500 pm, incl. water & lights. Call 082 336 7734.
3201 2601
PEST CONTROL -WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028316 3010. LOODGIETERS 1855
1 LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874.
Units from R220/pm T & C applies
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com
STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704. SAKE
I'M LOOKING FOR a traveling companion for my road trip from Kleinmond along the Garden Route all the way into Mozambique, then west along the northern SA border, through Botswana into Namibia, and back down the West Coast to the Cape and Kleinmond. This trip should take a couple of months, and thereafter may be extended indefinitely all over the world. I plan to "blog" our trip(s) so that family and friends can follow our adventures. If you're interested, please contact me it is free. Hurgen Rubow on email: hsrubow@gmail.com or 084 925 2165.
NEED A NEW CAR? Let me assist you with your transport needs. Over a hundred vehicles to choose from. Call Conrad today on 071 925 5406 for more information. OWN NEW CARS from R699/month. Aimed at people who drive 15002000km+ a month. Earn R5 500 a month. Are not blacklisted. Visit: www. ownnewcars.co.za or sms A6435 to 35393. R3/sms. T & C apply.
V/W JEEP(padvaardig) te STUDIO/OFFICE in koop vir R25 000 of nka. Hemel & Aarde Village. Kontak Andre op 083 630 Own bathroom & mini kit5642. chen. R1 800 pm. Call 083 325 7515. SPUITVERF & PANEELKLOP WORKSHOP TO LET. 3002 Hemanus Industrial area. Call 082 416 1009. WOONSTELLE TE HUUR
24 hrs Secure lock-up self storage. Cnr. Swartdam & Steenbras Rd, Hermanus. Office on site Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00 (028) 312 3898 or 072 635 9656 Restricted access don’t be fooled Security by SECURI-TEAM
CENTRAL - ONE BEDROOM furnished flat for single person including water & lights. R2 300 pm. Call 082 746 6641.
TE KOOP 2405
SERVICE RELATED BUSINESS for sale. Suit technically minded person. Est. over 20 years. Call 082 707 0348.
SUNNY 1-BED APARTMENT, 1st floor. Central Hermanus. No pets. Reliable, mature persons. R2900pm. Available Jan 2014. John 073 552 4608.
BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact Evan Rautenbach HERMANUS TRANat 082 974 6995 or email BLOCKED DRAINS. High PORT. 1.2 Tons @ R6/km- us at advice@bbrokers. co.za. Address: 181 Main pressure pipe & drain clea- 4.5 Tons @ R12/km- 7.5 Tons @R17/km - 13 Tons @ Road, Hermanus. Website: ning services. Industrial, www.bbrokers.co.za. marine, commercial, dome- R20/km. Prices netgotiable. T&C's apply. Call 082 stic. Dyna Rod 082 569 977 7062. Telefax 028 313 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 1332. DIENSTE 4323.
GARDEN FLAT TO RENT. Not furnished. Lovely area. Mature, sober, single person. Hermanus Heights. R3000 p/m. Call 083 265 0421.
A HARD WORKING Zimbabwean lady(26yrs) is looking for a job as a housekeeper and baby sitter. Call 073 698 5869. A MALAWIAN lady looking for a job as a caregiver of patients or the elderly/domestic work full/part time. Full training @ Red Cross. Call 084 772 7692.
082 414 9611
A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a housekeeper/gardener/guesthouse attendant or painter. Please call 074 921 7875/061 365 6794.
DOVECOTE COTTAGE. New to market. Beautiful apartment, 5 mins walk from central of Hermanus, sleeps 2-4. Booking open for summer and festive season. Check website at www.dovecotehermanus.co.za or phone 028 312 2915 or e-mail: toms@ hermanus.co.za.
VOËLKLIP furnished small room(detached from main house) with bathroom and amenities. R1600 p/m incl elec. Avail. immediately. Call 082 923 8083.
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.
PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.
HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www.hel derbergtrailer.co.za.
TE HUUR 3040
GARAGE FOR RENT. R600 per month. Central Hermanus. Caron Reck 082 456 2016.
PRIVATE SALE: SANDBAAI. Brand new home. Upmarket finishes. Erf: 690m2 walled in with gate. Home: 114m2. Stoep:25m2. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious kitchen, lounge & dining room. Single garage. Call Annaleen 072 055 7909 or Sakkie 079 522 0573 for pre show appointment. R1,100.000.
TO LET: 1ST FLOOR OFFICE. 28 square meters. CBD, Hermanus. Phone 082 455 7276.
3265 3250
LIMITED OFFER Discount on Steel Container Storage!
STRAATFRONT EENHEID te huur. Eenheid nr.1, Jarina Park, Gideon van Wyk Slot. 200 vierkante meter. Skakel 083 310 2319.
VOËLKLIP. R 1 600 000. Uitstekende koop naby Grotto Strand. 2 Slpk, 2 badk, studeer/slpk, ruim leefarea, 1 mh, stoork, priv tuin met berg-uitsig. Web verw: 634536. www.gtproperty.co.za. Marietta 082 569 6967. Guthrie & Theron Eiendomme.
HOBIE 16 on trailer. Trapeze extra cables. Hermanus R26,000. Call 082 531 2346.
NORTHCLIFF. Spacious en-suite room with private entrance. R1 900 pm plus deposit. Incl. water & 250u electricity. Call 072 882 2744. ONRUS. Accommodation to rent. R2200 p/m. Water & electricity included. Dep R1000. Single - unfurnished. Call 082 815 1149.
A MATURE lady(36yrs) is looking for a job as a baby sitter/ house maid or cleaner. Ref: Louise 073 547 8886. Call 084 316 1379.
EXCLUSIVE OPEN PLAN offices to let. Hemel & Aarde Village, ± 100 square metres. Phone 028-316 2696.
A ZIMBABWEAN lady is looking for a job as domestic worker. Mature, honest & experienced. Call Rose for reference 073 895 0169.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
21 November, 2013
BILINGUAL man seeks work as driver, housekeeper, handyman. RSA PDP & Zimbabwean class 2 driver's licence. Experienced. Call 076077 9424. ELIZA (Malawian lady) is looking for a job as nanny or housekeeper. Has child care certificate. References available. Call 083 857 5565. ELIZABETH (24) is looking for a job as a housekeeper. Call 084 044 0881. Reference 082 557 9358.
EXPERIENCED BREAKFAST Chef, Cold Kitchen Chef and Waitrons required for busy daytime restaurant in Voëlklip. E-mail CV to: thedailybread@ hermanus.co.za/fax: 086 617 5633. PLASTICS DENTAL TECHNICIAN Required in January for busy dental practice. Apply via post P.O.Box 1245, Hermanus, 7200.
FIBREGLASS SPECIALIST. Repairs. Reference available. Call 073 921 3900/084 953 8418. HONEST & RELIABLE lady looking for domestic or any other work. Has references. Please call 078 827 5513.
Hamilton Russell Vineyards This internationally renowned Wine Estate requires a
Sales Administrator
I AM A MALAWIAN lady(27yrs) looking for a job as a domestic worker.Have 3 years experience. Call 084 534 4977.
To join our dynamic team Responsibilities include the following: • Database • Data and sales capturing • Receiving and processing orders • Telesales • Sales analysis and reports • Stock Control • Assistant to Sales and Distribution Manager and Reps
LOOKING FOR a job as a painter/plasterer/gardener 4 days/week. Have experience. Reference available. Call Augusten 084 492 2961.
The ideal candidate will: • Be fully computer literate in MS Word and Excel • Pastel and Database knowledge/experience a definite advantage • Have developed organisational and administrative skills • Accurate and a self starter • Have strong interpersonal and communication skills • Have knowledge of wine or a keen desire to learn about wine
MALAWIAN LADY looking for a job as housekeeper for two days - Wednesday & Saturday. Call 078 818 7901. MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job as driver, with code C10 or work as gardener or housekeeper. Call 084 783 8116.
Closing date: November 29th, 2013 Fax or e-mail your application together with a 2 page CV to: The Manager, Hamilton Russell Vineyards Fax: (028) 312 1797 e-mail: hrv@hermanus.co.za Successful candidates will be contacted soonest to arrange an interview
MALAWIAN MAN is looking for a job as a housekeeper/gardener job. Please call 073 086 3843 or Andrew 079 884 0376 for a reference.
In terms of our employment equity guidelines, we aim to provide equal opportunities
SA LADY(37YRS) is looking for a job as a domestic worker- part/full time. Reference available. Call 071 939 6415.
A SOFT FRUIT FARM IN HERMANUS HAS THE FOLLOWING SEASONAL VACANCIES: 1. Team Leaders 2. Quality Controllers Reporting to the Area Manager Minimum Requirements: • Computer literate • Good Communication Skills • Experience in supervising groups of people • Administration Skills • Patient • Physically Fit • Contactable References • Be able to work flexible hours The above positions would suit organised, observant individuals who pay attention to detail and are able to perform in a pressurised environment. Market related salaries are offered. Applicants must be able to start immediately. Please e-mail CV to ntombomzitolobisa@haygrove.net Or fax to: 086 504 9326 Please use job title as reference If you are not contacted within 4 weeks from the date of advertisement your application was unsuccessful. Haygrove is a Fair & Equitable Employer
PLEASE NOTE: If you have already applied or submitted your CV before you do not have to reapply
ZIMBABWEAN couple, both trustworthy, looking for domestic and garden work. For reference and details phone 082 773 3365.
FOR US THIS SEASON Woolworths is still looking for vibrant, enthusiastic and peopleoriented individuals to step into any of these positions this season, from November 2013 to January 2014 at our Hermanus store:
To qualify, you will need • Grade 10 or higher • English proficiency • Good numerical skills • The willingness to work shifts, overtime and public holidays. To apply, please send your CV by no later than 28 November 2013 via fax to 021 407 9944 or via email to recruitmentwc01@woolworths.co.za As a proud South African brand, Woolworths is committed to transformation. Meeting our employment equity goals will be taken into account in our recruitment decisions 115744
Hermanus Times
Sport Sport
21 November, 2013
Roaring 40’s aims for league finals BRIDGE )Wednesday, 13 November N/S 1. Aletta Robertson/ Annette Strachan 62.04% 2. Joan o’Connor/ Julie Cotton 58.33% 3. Ingrid / Sue 58.10% E/W 1. Trish Curzon / Jane Underwood 67.82% 2. Zofia / Diane Hobbs 53.01% 3. Margaret Cunningham / Patsy Kann 50.93% 3. Gordon Peters / Hugh Waters 50.93% )Friday, 15 November 1. Riekie Louw / Betty Nel 58.75% 2. Jaye Howse / June Opperman 56.67% 3. Jackie Ascham / Hein Pierneef 55.42% )Saturday, 16 November 1. Anneke v.d. Vlugt / Chris Raven 60.42% 2. Helga / George Kunze 56.48% 3. Jane Underwood / Carin Verburg 54.17 )Monday, 18 November 1. Joan o‘Connor / Betty Nel 68.96% 2. Jackie Ascham / Monika Peters 67.03 3. Helga / Georg Kunze 54.40% WHALERS ATHLETIC CLUB - TIME TRIAL )14 November 3km Runners: 1 Siyabulela Knuse 11.35 2 Yonel Balintulo 11.35; 3 Anzel du Plessis 11.55; 4 Jordan Austin 14.34; 5 Mavis de Villiers 14.46; Melany Vaughan 15.15; Catea Sinclair 15.15; David Austin 15.54; Charles Malan 17.22; Roelof van Weele 17.22; Theo Malan 17.57 3km Walkers: 1 Willie Loedolff 25.53; 2 Hettie Hull 27.57; Ronel Bootha 27.57 5km Runners: 1 Peter Radukha 17.36; 2 Christo du Plessis 18.33; 3 WL Kruger 19.27; 4 Ignatius Matema 19.41; 5 Evan Austin 20.25; 6 Josef du Preez 22.50; 7 Annneline Hugo 23.47; 8 Johan Hugo 23.51; 9 Justin Swarts 23.51; 10 Mikki Milne 24.06; 11 Carina van der Merwe 24.06; 12 Daniel Maree 24.10; 13 David Cupido 24.41; Keri Geiger 26.52; Lisle Geldenhuys 27.48; Glenda Theobald 29.00; Annerie Nel 29.27; Hugh Waters 29.27; Les Hanna 31.23 8km Runners: 1 Christiaan de Wet 33.27; 2 Frank Gillion 33.30; 3 Kevin Middleton 33.42; 4 Andre van der Merwe 37.24 GOLF ) 19 November 38 players competed in the Individual Bogey Plus competition at the Hermanus Golf Club. SILVER DIVISION: 1. Lynsdey Henderson (all square). 2. Lynne Behagg (all square). BRONZE DEVISION: 1. Chris Tyleyet (+4). 2. Laura van Pelt (+2). 3. Wendy Dunn (+2).
Last week we saw a very confident Roaring 40’s team in the Pennypinchers Business League cricket match who took on Curro Hermanus. The match started in good spirits but it was John du Plessis and the guys that walked away victorious from the team from Curro. Tactically Curro missed a few tricks, but they are still high on the leaderboard after their very good win in the previous round. Cashkows.com took on the Coffin Dodgers and for some reason still to be explained by the Coffin Dodgers team, they all managed to play to their best potential, making life rather tough for the opposition. Cashkows.com, with the aid of their captain Stoffel, steadied the the team’s batting department, but the Coffin Dodgers, most of them over 50 years of age, started with a bang, thanks to Johan Botha. This seemed to rub off on the team, as James van der Merwe started playing reverse sweeps. It was a good display of cricket and the guys enjoyed the outing. The Coffin Dodgers now find themselves on top
of the Over 35’s leaderboard. Wackers took on a very cheerful Outcast team skippered by Troy Sargeant. The Outcast team gave their very best in the outfield with some good spells of bowling and restricted the Wackers team to 70 runs in 10 overs. The Wackers had a few nervous moments in the field but they kept their calm and managed to take wickets at regular intervals. The Outcast team had a few lucky moments but the last couple of overs were way too much for them and they fell short by 15 runs at the death. All had fun though and were also very lucky to have had a match, as some parts of the outfield were still water-logged by the heavy rains over the past weekend. Next week we have a busy schedule as we have cricket on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and then we will also be hosting six matches on Sunday 1 December. The public is welcome to support the teams battling it out for bragging rights in the Pennypinchers Business League cricket tournament. JANHENDRIK KOEGELENBERG
One of the Curro Hermanus batsman gets clean bowled by the Roaring 40’s. FOTO: JANHENDRIK COETZER
WALKER BAY GOLF CLASSIC POSTPONED: Due to the heavy rain over the past weekend the Walker Bay Golf Classic had to be cancelled. According to the club manager at the Hermanus Golf Club, Sharon Sleigh, the tournament has been postponed to the long weekend of 14 and 15 December. Although the course is still very wet, the golf club is currently open for play. No damage to the course has been reported.
DOGS kept indoors by the weather Kleinmond – After the plagues and pestilences of last week things could only get better. Or so it seemed... The weekend’s storms caused extensive damage to the course infrastructure at Kleinmond, the spiritual home of the DOGS, and the official competition had to be cancelled. It was not a matter of life and death although we sometimes act as though it is. Some made it to Hermanus and
Inspired Life
All Welcome
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Message “OVERCOMING THE ORPHAN HEART” Sunday @ 09am-10:30 am & 6 pm Sandbaai Saal Main Rd Cecil & Brenda James 028-316 3224
info: 028 312 4283 / www.livethelife.org.za
Theewaterskloof to doggie-paddle round for a friendly game (now there’s an oxymoron) and others just stayed home, sulking. After so much work and effort has been put into making Kleinmond a better venue, it is a tragedy that so much should be destroyed in just 24 hours. Good luck to them and to DOGS’ friends at TWK and Hermanus with repairing the damage. DAVE SMITH
24 November 2013 Morning Services: 8.30 & 10am led by Pastor Syd Eaby Children's & Youth Ministry @ 8.30am
Enquiries 028 – 312 2717
*************** STANFORD UNITED CHURCH Evening service 18:00 Enquiries (028) 341 0077
9 771608 589068
Harbour Rock & Gecko Bar ARNO CARSTENS LIVE AT THE GECKO BAR Sunday the 15th of December 2013 Tickets R120 each. Limited tickets available. Purchase yours at the bar now! Show starts at 20h30, Doors open at 19h00. Inquiries (028) 3124665 or (028) 3122920 Gecko Bar - Your Soundtrack for Summer
Silver for Boland Senior Trips It was high-class bowling all round on Sunday 3 November when eight teams played in the Boland Trips, challenging each other on local greens in the play-offs for section winners. The final game between Eliana Scott and her opponents was a real cliffhanger, with both teams in top form and playing superb saving shots when under pressure. It was not surprising that the final score, in Eliana’s favour, displayed a difference of only three shots. Playing at Worcester in the finals, Eliana’s team won their first game but was beaten by a Lagoon team in the second round. The final round against a deadly Worcester team was again a real cliffhanger. On the last head the opponents were leading with three shots and the holding position. Eliana however played a perfect last shot, picked up the jack, took it to their back bowls and their team picked up four much-needed shots, thereby winning the final round by one shot and the game. At the prize-giving ceremony they were honoured with the silver trophy.
Paul Naylor, Dave Buckley, Bruwer Scannell and Jan de Wet scooped the bronze trophy in the Boland Senior Men’s bowling tournament. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Two local teams in Worcester final Eliana Scott and Marie Nel, along with Glendau Theobold (absent) took silver in the Boland women’s trips.
In the Boland Senior men’s and women’s bowls tournament two teams from the Hermanus Bowling Club went through to the final rounds played at Worcester. The men’s team, skipped by Paul Naylor, played an excellent first round but got pipped by their opponents in the second round. They did however manage to chalk up a good third round, winning and also
obtaining the second highest all-round score, which secured them a well-earned silver trophy. The senior women’s fours team had a battle on their hands against their three different sets of opponents in the final rounds. They still managed to hold their pose and eventually at the end of the tournament roped in the bronze trophy.
Five medals for karate team The Overberg Karate team represented the region during Saturday’s 2013 Western Cape Championships. This was the first karate team to represent this newly established region set out by SASCOC and KSA (Karate South Africa). Five team members took med-
Front, from left are Elana Coetzee, Chloe Knott, Mignon van Zyl, Sisipho Nqgoshana and Vuyani Nqgoshana. Middle is Ncumisa Sigcau. Back from left are Brorn Govender, James Janse van Rensburg, Siyamthemba Qotyana and Johan van Zyl (manager). Absent were Luhann Van Dyk, Luke Romburgh, Robert A. De Klerk, Jordan Theron, Vuysile Nqgoshana, Ramone Abels, Everton Julies and Diago Willemse.
als and will represent Western Province in January 2014 at the KSA / SA All Styles Championships to be held in Durban. “This was a great start for the region and I’m sure experience will be brought back from the SA’s in January 2014,” says Sensei Ronnie Knott.
Medallists and students to represent Western Cape at the KSA Karate Championships are from left, Chloe Knott (Gold medal – Kumite), Mignon Van Zyl (Bronze medal – Kata), James Janse van Rensburg (Bronze medal – Kumite), Sisipho Nqgoshana (Bronze medal – Kumite), and Ncumisa Sigcau (Bronze medal – Kumite).