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THURSDAY, 5 DECEMBER 2013 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316
Jou Koerant • Your Newspaper
Wootton/Lubbe hofsaak: Jake se maats getuig Bl. 2
Tiaan Boshoff is sy fiets, rystoel en kunsbeen kwyt. “Dit word nie gebruik nie” sê trustadministrateur Bl. 5
KARATE KICKS GALORE: SA JKA’s yearend event was held outdoors at the Old Boys Club on Saturday afternoon. The team event format gave parents the opportunity to see their children perform. The Tatami mats were laid out, and parents got to watch two hours of quality karate. The black belt demonstration was the highlight and Sensei Ronnie performed a kata demonstration to finish off the event. Many awards were handed over too, including best junior woman – Mignon Van Zyl; best junior man – Robert Altona de klerk, best senior – James Janse van Rensburg, most improved man – Luhann van Dyk, and most improved woman – Elana Coetzee. The over all Top Achiever was Chloe Knott, who made the JKA South African team and achieved Western Province colours for KSA 2014. More photos on the back page. PHOTO: HEDDA MITTNER
Matrieks terug in Hermanus HEDDA MITTNER “Dis great om die matrieks terug te hê. Daar was ’n lekker vibe in die dorp, die jongklomp het hulle goed gedra en hulle het heelwat geld ingebring.” Dit is die mening van Ramon Celliers, bestuurder van Cocos, en talle ander besigheidseienaars met wie Hermanus Times hierdie week gesels het, nadat honderde matrieks sedert die naweek op die dorp toegesak het om die einde van hul skoolloopbaan te vier. Daar is hierdie jaar vir die eerste keer ’n
Hermanus Vac 2013 gereël deur ’n plaaslike inwoner, Alan de Kock, om matrieks terug te lok na Hermanus, wat in vroeër jare ’n gewilde bestemming vir matriekjolyt was. Maar die inwoners was nie altyd so gelukkig oor die insidente van vandalisme en rusverstoring nie. Die owerhede is onder druk geplaas om strenger op te tree en die matrieks het groener weivelde gaan soek. Plettenbergbaai is die afgelope paar jaar ’n gewilde keuse, en na wat verneem word is ’n groot aantal matrieks van Hoërskool Hermanus ook vanjaar Plett toe. De Kock en sy vriendin Jasmine Lane het
Pottie Potgieter
besluit om die Hermanus Vac te reël omdat daar nie voorheen georganiseerde aktiwiteite vir die matrieks was nie en daar nie kontrole was nie. Hy wou ook goeie waarde bied teen slegs R350 per persoon vir ’n weeklange pas (of R250 vir die Early Birds), in vergelyking met die Plett Rage wat meer as R1 000 kos. “Dan moet jy nog jou petrolgeld, kos en akkommodasie ook bytel,” sê De Kock. Sowat 120 matrieks het by die Onrus-woonwapark oor die naweek gekamp. Volgens Rhyn Potgieter, bestuurder van die kamp, bly die meeste nog aan tot die einde van die week. ’n Groep matrieks van Boland-landbou-
Christine Hunt
skool sê hulle dink die Hermanus Vac is great, want “mens weet nie altyd wat aangaan of waarnatoe jy moet gaan nie. Nou is alles georganiseerd en ons weet waar ons kan kuier.” ’n Groep meisies van Hoërskool Montana in Worcester sê Plett is te ver en te duur. “Hier geniet ons die markies, die strande en die kuierplekke soos Cocos en Shimmis waar mens lekker kan dans. Die tuk-tuk is ook gerieflik en bied ons ’n spesiale tarief aan.” Hulle geniet dit om te kampeer, sê die jongklomp, maar ongelukkig was hulle ook die slagoffers van diefstal in die Onrus-woonwapark. Vervolg op bl. 4 en 5
Natasha Vashu
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Hermanus Times
Nuus News
5 December, 2013
LINKS: Schalk Lubbe het Maan dag in die landdroshof in die Strand verskyn in verband met die dood van Jake Wootton. By Lubbe is sy ma.
DESEMBER 2013 DE SEMBER 2 013 Hermanus Times publiseer in samewerking met Weslander ’n eiendomsbylaag wat in die laaste uitgawe van die jaar van beide koerante gaan verskyn. Die fokus is Kus-eiendomme. Weslander publikasiedatum: 19 Desember 2013 Hermanus Times publikasiedatum: 19 Desember 2013 Spertyd vir besprekings: 9 Desember 2013
Kontak: Tel: 028 312 3717 BO: Jake Wootton se ma Sue en pa Steve buite die hof. FOTO’S: DEON RAATH
QUEENIE - a teeny tiny female J.Russel/ Chihuahua X - the sweetest thing & so confident. Lost & never claimed.
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Jake Wootton saak: ‘Ek kon die alkohol aan sy asem ruik’ RAYMOND WILLEMSE Nadat ’n man van Hermanus ’n jongman met sy voertuig gestamp het, het hy gesê: “Kyk na die skade aan my motor.” Só het Bradley Cacela Maandag in die Strand-streekhof getuig oor die gebeure van 4 April 2012 in Hermanus toe ’n motor sy vriend Jake Wootton (18) getref het. Wootton, ’n oud-hoofseun van die Hoërskool Milnerton, is drie dae ná die ongeluk breindood verklaar. Schalk Lubbe (25) van Hermanus staan tereg op aanklagte van strafbare manslag en dronkbestuur. Cacela het getuig hy het Lubbe ná die stelling voor die bors gegryp. “Ek het aggressief en kwaad geword. Hy (Lubbe) het nie eens berou getoon óf gevra hoe dit met Jake gaan nie.” Nóg twee vriende van Wootton, Jamie Forknall en Daniel Stockell, het ook gister oor die gebeure daardie aand getuig. Volgens Cacela het hulle agt vriende daardie aand eers by Cocos en daarna by Barney’s gaan “shots” drink. Hulle het daarna na ’n vriendin se huis op die dorp gestap. Cacela, Wootton en Forknall het in Dirkie Uysstraat in die baan vir aankomende verkeer gestap. “Ek het tussen die stormwatervoor en die pad gestap. Jake het in die voor gestap en Jamie het in die laaisone (’n inham langs die pad waar mense op- en afgelaai kan word) gestap.” Hy het omgekyk en ’n motor agter hulle gesien. “Ek het die enjin se geluid gehoor. Ek het nie die toeter gehoor nie.” Cacela het gesê die motor het tussen hom en Jake deurgery. “Ek het meer na die middelste baan, weg van die voertuig beweeg. Toe sien ek hoe die motor vir Jake van agter tref dat hy twee keer
in die lug tol. “Ek het na hom gehardloop. Daar het bloed by sy mond uitgekom en sy tande was gebreek. Die eerste ding wat Lubbe gesê het, was dat hy nie dronk is nie. “Ek kon die alkohol aan sy asem ruik.” Op ’n vraag van streeklanddros Franceline Mouton oor sy eie toestand daardie aand, het Cacela gesê hy, en sy vriende, was “taamlik nugter”. Cacela het getuig dat hulle die polisie gebel het, maar dat niemand na die ongelukstoneel gekom het nie. “Toe ons die polisie by die hospitaal vra of hulle die bestuurder se bloed gaan toets, het hulle gesê dis nie Kaapstad nie, dit is Hermanus.” Hy het gehou by sy weergawe van die verloop van gebeure toe Lubbe se regsverteenwoordiger dit aan hom gestel het dat sy getuienis nie met ander getuies se verklarings strook nie. Cacela het ook emosioneel geraak toe hy deur die staatsaanklaer, Nazlee Abdeljaoued, gevra is wat die impak van Wootton se dood op hom was. “Dit het ’n impak gehad. Ons was saam in matriek... Daar was tye dat ek nie eens skool toe wou gaan nie,” het Cacela getuig. Tydens Forknall se getuienis het Lubbe se regsverteenwoordigers dit aan hóm gestel dat sy getuienis nie met sy beëdigde verklaring strook nie. Daar is verskille oor die alkohol wat hy daardie aand gedrink het, waar presies Wootton en die ander gestap het, en of hy die toeter gehoor het. Die saak is Dinsdag voortgesit en is uitgestel tot 7 April 2014. Lubbe is uit op waarskuwing.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
5 December, 2013
Twee gevang na ATM-bedrog JANINE VAN DER RIET Twee verdagtes is die naweek in hegtenis geneem nadat drie persone die afgelope twee weke deur kitsbankbedrog besteel is. ’n Bejaarde man in ’n rolstoel is voorverlede Sondagmiddag deur die verdagtes van R4 000 beroof terwyl ’n 96-jarige man die week voor dié voorval ook deur die boosdoeners geteiken is. Die derde geval was ook by Gateway-sen-
trum, waar die verdagtes niksvermoedende bankkliënte wat nie hulp benodig het nie glo “probeer help”, en in die proses hulle bankkaarte gekloon of gesteel het. Gerald Cloete, hoof van sekuriteit by Gateway-sentrum, is die man wie se bankkaart daar gesteel is. Cloete het die twee verdagtes agterna gesit en die polisie laat weet. Die verdagtes het tot by die Checkers-sentrum gejaag, waar die polisie hulle voorgekeer het, maar dit was reeds te laat want hulle het intussen van die bewysstukke, soos die gesteelde bankkaart, ontslae geraak.
Die polisie het die twee mans in hegtenis geneem, maar vier uur later is hulle vrygelaat. Die man wie se kaart gesteel is het nie ’n klag by die polisie ingedien nie en die polisie het geen verdere bewyse gehad om die verdagtes in aanhouding te hou nie. Die slagoffer kon gelukkig daarin slaag om sy kaart te stop voor daar enige geld uit sy rekening getrek is. Die afgelope jaar is meer as 40 ATM-bedrogsake by die Hermanus-polisie aangemeld, waarvan die meeste by Gateway-sentrum plaasgevind het.
Road blocks will continue
SANTA SHOEBOX: The children from Masibulele Educare Centre in Zwel ihle were overjoyed with the beautifully wrapped and personalised Christ mas presents they received from the Santa Shoebox Project last Wednes day. The gifts were delivered by Sandy Fairclough (centre) and Zelda Lip man (right) from the Overstrand’s Santa Shoebox Project. With them is Sweetness Rwexana, principal of Masibulele. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
HERMANUS VAC 2013: This large truck has been parked on Grotto beach in front of Dutchies since Monday and provides music every day from 12:00 until 17:00 while the matrics enjoy different activities on the beach. Joke Gonggrijp from Dutchies says it is most unfortunate that she was not informed as she had a party of 40 people for a Christmas lunch on Monday and the noise was very disturbing. “It was impossible to sit outside and we had to keep all the windows closed in this heat. Several people called us to ask if the loud music was coming from the restaurant.” However, she says the organiser of the Hermanus Vac, Alan de Kock, was very accom modating and turned the music down. Gonggrijp says she supports the initiative as “it’s a good thing for the town”, but would prefer the truck to be parked a little further down or on another beach like Kammabaai where there are no businesses to disturb. “Please just not right in front of my restaurant!” she said. PHOTO: HEDDA MITTNER
Saturday, 7 December 2013 at 09h30 Come and join us for Breakfast, Tea and/or Lunch Stalls include:Bacon & Egg Rolls, Fresh Produce Cakes, Pancakes, Tea Garden SPIT BRAAI Boerewors Rolls, Mince & Vetkoek, Books, Handiwork Peggy's Talent, Raffles, Tombola & White Elephant
All most welcome
The big roadblock on the R43 during last weekend was not to scare off visitors, Larenzo Isaacs, senior superintendent in charge of traffic operations in the Overstrand said on Tuesday. “The vehicle check points held from Friday 29 November to Sunday 1 December were not aimed at visitors, but at all drivers and vehicle owners alike, and specifically at motorists who have outstanding fines as well as warrants of arrests. “We would like to encourage motorists to get into the good habit of paying outstanding traffic fines as this will have a positive effect when the AARTO demerit system becomes law in the near future.” These demerit system administration marks will be captured on the E-Natis system against those with outstanding warrants of arrests who will then not be able to renew their motor vehicle or drivers licenses. Anyone who suspects that he/she has any outstanding fines can contact the Overstrand Traffic Department on 028 313 8174 to make enquiries and effect the necessary arrangements for payments. A festive season plan was launched earlier this week and roadblocks and safety measurements will continue in an effort to keep road users in the Overstrand safe, Isaacs said.
GATVOL Vir skuld, Garnishees, Skuldeisers? Kan nie bekostig om hulle te betaal nie. Praat met ons oor hoe ons jou kan help, sonder om enige kostes aan te gaan. Hoe? Bel Ons. Ons gee ook kontant lenings. Arno 072 067 0917 Ons is geregistreerd by die NCR.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
5 December, 2013
Trio of Blue Flags hoisted
Among the many repre sentatives from the Over strand Municipality envi ronmental management department, WESSA and Working for the Coast at the Blue Flag ceremonies were Stephen Müller (direc tor: infrastructure and planning); Rudolph Smith (ward councillor), Deputy Mayor Pieter Scholtz, Don Kearney (area manager: Hermanus administration), ward councillor Kari Brice, Karin Coetzee and David Beattie (chairperson of Cliff Path Management Group).
Law Enforcement officers Nelson Kanuna and Fron wen Marais hoisting the Blue Flag at Grotto Beach. CILENE BEKKER It’s the 11th year for Grotto beach, the 7th for Kleinmond beach, and the 5th for Hawston beach. It is now becoming an annual event to hoist Blue Flags denoting the prestigious status of Overstrand beaches, said deputy mayor Pieter Scholtz at the flag hoisting ceremonies on Friday 29 November. The three ceremonies may have been short but it was an arduous process to get to this point. Ted Knott, national coastal projects manager for the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA) said the application process by various municipalities starts in May already, followed by an assesment process by national and international juries. “This is a long process but our real work starts now, to keep the beaches clean and safe.
Members of these juries do unannounced inspections during the Blue Flag season to make sure the requirements for Blue Flag status are met throughout.” A total of 41 beaches have been awarded Blue Flag status in South Africa this year, along with five marinas, two whale-watching boats – Whale Whisperer (Marine Dynamics in Gansbaai) and Damara, Gaia (Ocean Blue Adventures in Plettenberg Bay) – one commercial boat and one private boat. To achieve Blue Flag status, 33 main criteria spanning four aspects of coastal management have to be met: water quality, environmental education, information and management, and safety and services. ) The Blue Flag statuses are for these periods: Grotto: 1 December to 31 March 2014. (Full season). Hawston and Kleinmond: 15 December to 15 January 2014. (Peak season only, due to the decline of visitors outside peak season.)
Lifeguard duties at Grotto Beach and Klein mond beach are under the umbrella of See enSand lifesaving, while Overstrand Com munity lifeguard services does duty on Haw ston beach. Kenneth Block (right), area manager for Jive (sponsors), handed over the kit to Henk Esterhuysen from SeeenSand.
Working for the Coast employees.
(vervolg van bl. 1) Matrieks terug in Hermanus A PALETTE OF GIFT IDEAS FOR ARTISTS PAINT SETS Acrylic – Oil – Gouache - Watercolor
Potgieter meen ons plaaslike inwoners behoort ’n bietjie meer verdraagsaam te wees. “Mens moet onthou dis 18-jariges wat wil pret hê en ontspan ná ’n stresvolle jaar en eindeksamens. Daar is altyd die moontlikheid van alkoholmisbruik en wangedrag, maar dis gewoonlik net enkeles en kan beheer word.” Hy sê die matrieks het hulle dié jaar oor die algemeen baie goed gedra en dat hy geen klagtes ontvang het nie. Wetstoepassingbeamptes by Grotto- en Onrusstrand, beaam dat hulle geen probleme gehad het nie. “Die kinders het hulle nogal goed
gedra,” sê wetstoepasser Dimitri Bermedie. Die bestuurder van Cocos, Ramon Celliers, sê hulle was baie besig oor die naweek, van ontbyt tot laat in die aand. “Ek dink die Hermanus Vac is ’n goeie idee, want enige inisiatief wat besigheid na Hermanus bring is ’n positiewe een. Daar was ’n goeie vibe in die dorp en die jong klomp wat hier was het hulle goed gedra.” Celliers meen ook mens moet realisties wees en verwag dat sommiges onverantwoordelik gaan optree. Juis daarom moet die inisiatief deur alle rolspelers ondersteun word om
BRUSH SETS Taklon and Bristle PENCIL and PEN SETS Cretacolor – Derwent – Faber Castell Staedtler STARTER KITS Acrylic – Oil – Watercolor – Sketch SOFT PASTEL SETS Faber Castell – Reeves - Mungyo WATERCOLOR SETS Aquafine – Cotman – Reeves – Simply EASELS and ARTBOXES Junior – Table – Artist CREATIVE JOURNALS and PADS Bockingford – Hahnemule – Aquafine ARTIST ACCESSORIES Color mixing guides; manikins; brush and hand cleaners; palettes 13 Mitchell Street Hermanus Tel: 028-312 3901
Drs Maarten and Sherry van Dalsen proudly announce Bergview Veterinary Clinic will be OPENING SOON!!! You can find us at 1 College Road (the corner of College and Royal Street) between Checkers and the Standard Bank.
072 381 6488
te verseker dat dit goed georganiseer is en dat ’n veilige omgewing geskep word. “Ek dink nie daar is genoeg fasiliteite nie en ons moet ’n gesamentlike poging aanwend om die matrieks te akkommodeer. Lede van die polisie, verkeersafdeling en wetstoepassing moet sigbaar ontplooi word om ’n ogie te hou oor die matrieks en plaaslike besighede te beskerm.” De Kock sê hy wil die konsep uitbrei en volgende jaar “groter gaan”. Die Hermanus Vac 2013 eindig Saterdag met ’n partytjie by Grottostrand.
Hermanus Times
Nuus News
5 December, 2013
Tiaan nou ook sy kunsbeen kwyt JANINE VAN DER RIET
’n Saak van diefstal is Woensdagoggend teen ’n administrateur van die Tiaan Boshoff Fonds by die Hermanus polisie geopen nadat Tiaan se kunsbeen, handfiets en tennisrolstoel van hom weggeneem is.
Dis lekker by die see, sê dié klomp meisies van Hoërskool Montana in Worcester, wat Maandag by Onrusstrand ontspan het. Van links is Justine Otto, Elandi Uys, Madelé van der Westhuizen, Kayla Steyn, CharlotteAn ne Conradie, Mari Boshoff, Moné Victor en Elna Gerber.
Diefstal bederf matrieks se pret Die matrieks se feesvieringe is nie net hier en daar deur die weer bederf nie, maar ook deur enkele insidente van diefstal. ’n Groep meisies van Hoërskool Montana in Worcester wat in die Onrus-woonwapark kampeer, sê hulle geniet hulle tydjie in Hermanus, maar “dis regtig jammer oor al die diefstal”. Verskeie items is glo die naweek uit hulle tente in die park gesteel. Moné Victor sê sy het Sondagnag wakker geword en ’n vreemde man in hul tent gesien met haar handsak in sy arms. Die indringer het op die vlug geslaan en hulle het Maandagoggend agtergekom dat hul tent met ’n mes oopgesny is en dat haar selfoon weg is. Sy sê dit was te donker om ’n beskrywing van die dief te kan gee. “Daar is oor die naweek van die ander mense se goed ook gesteel,” sê sy, “soos ’n i-foon, kampeerstoele en toksakke met klere in.” Hierdie voorvalle het hul pret nogal bederf, sê sy. “As ons in ’n huis was kon ons seker maak alles is toe-
gesluit, maar hoe beveilig jy ’n tent? Ons is nou bang om in die aand te gaan slaap. Dit maak dat ek nie sommer gou weer hier sal kom kampeer nie.” Bart Nel van Boland-landbouskool, wat ook saam met vriende in die Onrus-woonwapark kampeer, sê sy Samsung S4 en ’n sak vol klere is ook Sondagnag uit sy tent gesteel. Die saak is by die polisie aangegee. Die bestuurder van die kamp, Rhyn Potgieter, sê hy doen sy bes om die kampeerders te beveilig. Die munisipaliteit het ’n kontrak met ADT en daar is pal wagte aan diens, maar Potgieter sê dis moeilik om beheer uit te oefen oor elke voetganger wat in en uit die kamp gaan. Die wagbestuurder van ADT, Jason Botes, wou nie kommentaar lewer nie, maar hulle is glo besig met ’n ondersoek. Potgieter sê hulle oorweeg dit om volgende jaar ’n stelsel in werking te stel waar elke kampeerder ’n bandjie sal kry om te dra en niemand anders in die kamp toegelaat sal word sonder toestemming nie.
Terwyl die mei sies aan hulle sonbruin werk op die strand, pak die manne solank die braaivuurtjie met behulp van ’n bietjie Klippies en Co ke. Van links is Dirk Botha, Bart Nel, SJ Roux en Anro Human, almal van Boland landbouskool.
Tiaan (14), ’n leerling van Hoërskool Hermanus, is sonder ’n linkerbeen gebore en die misvormde voetjie van sy regterbeen is ná geboorte geamputeer. Danksy ruim bydraes van goedhartige mense van Hermanus tot in Gauteng, kon die Tiaan Boshoff Fonds genoeg geld insamel om vir hom buiten ’n nuwe handfiets en tennisrolstoel, ook ’n prostese van meer as R100 000 te koop. Tiaan is ’n uitblinker in handfietswedrenne en het reeds sy WP-kleure verwerf. Tiaan se pa, Bossie Boshoff, wat ook sy afrigter is, het besef sy seun het ’n beter handfiets nodig om by te hou met die tegnologie, en met die hulp van finansiële bydraes van die Hermanus-gemeenskap kon Bossie onlangs ook die legendariese handfietskampioen Ernst van Dyk se fiets koop. Die eerste handfiets en tennisrolstoel was ’n geskenk van Schalk Burger Senior, maar die administrateur van die fonds het ’n bedrag uit die Tiaan Boshoff Fonds aan Burger Senior oorbetaal. Die administrateur word nou van diefstal beskuldig nadat sy na bewering die handfiets en tennisrolstoel in die afgelope jaar, en toe verlede Donderdag ook sy kunsbeen, “gekonfiskeer” het omdat Tiaan, volgens haar, nie meer daarvan gebruik maak nie. Die Trustfonds wat ongeveer twee jaar gelede by FNB gestig is, het aanvanklik twee administrateurs gehad, die beskuldigde en JC Smit. Smit het intussen weens persoonlike redes onttrek. “Ek was baie geskok om te hoor dat Tiaan se prostese weggevat is. Die fondse wat ons ingesamel het, was vir Tiaan alleenlik. Nie vir ander mense of organisasies nie en ek wil baie graag hê dat die been aan hom terugbesorg word voor Kersfees,” het ’n ontstoke Smit gesê. Die trustdokumente wat by FNB gehou word, stipuleer dat die
Tiaan Boshoff en sy pa Bossie by ’n handfietsresies verlede jaar in George. fonds aangewend moet word om vir Tiaan ’n handfiets en prostese aan te koop, dat daar geen bedrag of tydsbeperking op die fonds is nie en dat daar geen ander voorwaardes van toepassing is nie. “Tiaan sukkel al vir maande met die nuwe prostese en dit is ’n reuse aanpassing vir hom. Maar die feit dat hy dit nie nou permanent gebruik nie, beteken nie hy gaan oor ’n paar maande nie weer probeer nie,” het Bossie gesê. Die handfiets en tennisrolstoel is sowat ’n jaar gelede op twee verskillende geleenthede by Tiaan afgeneem. Die tennisrolstoel, wat hy nie in daardie stadium gebruik het nie, het die administrateur vir ander mense met gestremdhede gegee. Dieselfde het met die handfiets gebeur. Tiaan se kunsbeen, wat skenkers meer as R100 000 gekos het, is verlede Donderdag uit sy fisioterapeut se kantoor deur die administrateur verwyder. “Ek het vir Tiaan afgelaai by die fisioterapeut wat hom gratis behandel,” verduidelik Bossie. “Tiaan was besig om met ’n onbekende vrou te gesels in ’n vertrek toe die administrateur inhardloop en sy been, wat in ’n ander vertrek was, vat en wegjaag.
“Sy het dieselfde rede gegee as met die verwydering van die fietse: As Tiaan dit nie wil gebruik nie, is daar ander mense wat dit kan benut.” Maar volgens die bepalings van die trust bly alles wat uit dié fonds aangekoop word, die eiendom van Tiaan. “Die mense wat geld geskenk het, het dit vir Tiaan geskenk,” sê Bossie. “Nie vir iemand oorkant die berg of iewers anders nie. Baie moeite is gedoen met die fondsinsamelings om genoeg geld bymekaar te maak vir sy benodigdhede. Die feit dat hy nie dadelik met sy kunsbeen regkom nie, beteken nie dat hy opgee nie en hy sal wel later weer probeer. Hy sukkel net om sonder sy krukke, waaraan hy sy lewe lank gewoond is, oor die weg te kom.” Die Hermanus Times het Maandagmiddag vrae oor die bewerings per e-pos aan die administrateur gestuur. Sy het gevra dat die koerant die artikel uitstel met ’n week. Woensdagoggend het sy ’n brief by die Hermanus Times kantoor kom aflaai wat onder meer sê sy voel dat sy nie genoeg tyd gegee is om te antwoord op die komplekse saak nie en sy vra vir verdere uitstel.
Rola Volkswagen Hermanus Hiermee wil die Rola VW span al ons kliënte bedank vir die aanhoudende ondersteuning deur die jaar 2013. Hoop julle het ’n geseënde feesseisoen, en voorspoedige 2014. Noodnommer: Rola Volkswagen Hermanus: 028 313 6084 Volkswagen Alert: 0800 111 992
ERNO COREEJES - Handelaarshoof
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
5 December, 2013
Still time to register for marketing workshop Around 60 to 80 people are expected to attend the Marketing Hermanus Internationally Workshop on 11 December. Economist Chris Hart will present a forecast of the SA Economy for 2014 and also deal with the National Development Plan (NDP) and its application to municipalities and to Hermanus in particular. Carolyn Martin of Creation Wines, will be discussing the bringing together of the different communities in Hermanus. The workshop is at the Whale Coast Hotel and starts at 09:00. To participate, email Stacey Farao at staceyf@omegainvest.co.za or call 021 671 9233 to receive an invitation.
Harbour Rock Seagrill & Sushi Bar
Season se seisoen verby
André van Vuuren (foto), een van die bekendste sjefs in Hermanus, het bevestig dat sy restaurant Season in die Hemel-en-Aarde Village, verkoop is. “Ek het aan die begin van November besluit om nie my huurkontrak met die eienaar van die gebou te hernieu nie,” sê André. “Die besigheid is sedertdien verkoop, maar ek behou die naam ‘Season’.” Volgens André is die restaurantbedryf “’n tawwe besigheid” en het hy en sy vrou Anli, wat ook ’n sjef is, besluit om te fokus op die Hermanus-gholfklub. Hulle bestuur die restaurant by die klubhuis en sal voortgaan om hier voortreflike disse voor te sit. “Dit was ’n groot besluit om Season se deure ná vyf jaar te sluit,” sê André. “En ek wil graag baie dankie sê aan al my lojale kliënte wat my deur die jare ondersteun het. Maar nou is dit eers tyd om te konsentreer op die gholfklub en op gesinstyd,” het hy bygevoeg.
NG Kerk Hermanus
The Harbour Rock is proud to present a food a wine dinner with Kevin Grant of Ataraxia Wines on Saturday, 7th December. We will present a superb four course dinner, paired with Ataraxia's fantastic wines. Very limited seating available. R300 per person excluding gratuity.
KERSMARK Grobbelaarsaal vanaf 2-20 Desember 2013 WEEKSDAE: 09:00 - 18:00 SATERDAE: 09:00 - 17:00
MAANDAG 16 Desember 11:00 tot 17:00
Kom koop u tuisgemaakte kersgeskenke Lekker eetgoed, ligte middagetes, tee, koffie, ens
Kontakpersoon: 074 165 6794
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
5 December, 2013
OK MINIMARK: In die plek van die 7/11 by
SATERDAG IS MARKIES-DAG Die ver keersknoop Saterdagoggend by die Sand baaikruising, vanweë ’n padblokkade, het daartoe gelei dat mense kort links ge draai het en tyd by die verskeie markies spandeer het. By die nuwe At the Village Stall by HemelenAarde village het Lindi en Antonie Prinsloo ’n verskeidenheid ra me gekoop. Sowat 70% van die items te koop is die handewerk van plaaslike ver skaffers. FOTO’S: CILENE BEKKER
die Onrushandelspos is ’n nuwe OKminimark wat verlede week sy deure oopgemaak het. Die winkel is opgeknap en die eienaar, Willem Joubert, en sy span is reg vir die feesseisoen. Voor is Mandy An drews, Myra Booysen, Margaret Parsley, Amy Ja cobs en Richardine May. Agter, langs Willem, is Francois Harmsen, Steven Murray (winkelbestuur der), David Mandoyi (bakker) en Mandy Kees. Wil lem besit ook OKwinkels in Barrydale en Paarl. Hy en sy vrou Esmarie het onlangs kom nes skop in Onrus met hul twee kinders. Hoewel Esmarie nie op die foto is nie, sê Willem sy is die dryfveer agter alles! FOTO: HEDDA MITTNER
STANFORD Christmas Street Market Ietsie vir Almal
Ten spyte van druppels reën het mense ook by die HemelenAarde tuinmarkie rondgesnuffel op soek na kersgeskenke, en ietsie tuisgebak. Therese Rabe het ’n tafel vol snuisterye en oudhede, en ver koop ook van haar unieke kindertruitjies. By haar is haar seun Björn en kleinseun, tweejarige Eli.
We are closing our high street and opening it up for a fabulous Christmas Street Market. Bring the children to meet Father Christmas and enjoy the fun activities planned for them. Buy beautiful gifts from the street and in our shops. Find fabulous decorations. Buy your fresh Christmas tree and some mouth-watering Christmas fare. There is definitely Ietsie Vir Almal, so come and enjoy! Please bring cash as our ATMs sometimes run out when demand is high.
Susters Martina en Hendrika du Toit het vir oulaas tyd saam spandeer voordat Martina weer vertrek het na Switserland, waar sy nou bly.
16 December 10am - 6pm Anyone interested in taking a table or stall, please contact Pamela 082 341 0105 or Shirley 028 341 0553
Kokkedoor sjefs kook Irene van Zyl is die wenner van die Hermanus Times/Kokkedoor SMS-kompetisie en verdien só ’n plek aan die langtafel om te smul aan disse deur KykNET Kokkedoorsjefs Nic van Wyk en Toitnette du Toit. Drie sessies word aangebied by die Harbour House-hotel – Vrydag 6 Desember en Saterdag 7 Desember om 18:30, en op 8 Desember om 12:00. R300pp. E-pos info@kokkedoortv.co.za of besoek www.harbourhousehotel-hermanus.co.za vir meer inligting.
NEW from R400 000-00 excluding plot. •Alterations •In-house Architect • Granny flats from R200 000
Contact Joe 072 635 4070
“Quality Home Builders since 1988” NHBRC registered registered 7328
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
5 December, 2013
COURT SOCIAL: Attorneys Adrian Louw & Associates hosted an annu al braai for attorneys, prosecutors, the sheriff’s department and the court personnel on Friday 22 No vember. Thirty guests attended rep resenting the largest firms, the court and sheriff’s office, including the new sheriff, Errol Boltney, and acting court manager Margeretha Steyl. Derek Fourie (left) was the master braaier while Adrian Louw took care of the marinating.
DANS DIE JAAR UIT: Hermanus Dansskool het op 30 November sy jaareindfunksie gehou. Die tema was “Great Gatsby”. Van links is die instrukteurs Michelle Gleimius, Clint Fouche, Lani Nel, Katiso Mbikwana en Tawani Naude.
CHECK THOSE MOS: The Hermanus Round Table Mo Bros who faced up to the Movember challenge pulled into the Cansa office in Onrus on 29 November to show off their moustaches and their new Mo Bro style. Doing their part for men’s health are (from left) Nico Swart, Francois Be zuidenhout, Wiaan Bishop, Jacques du Toit, Pieter Joubert and Gerhard Louw. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
Penny Charteris thanking the audience with members of the cast in the back ground.
COMPETITION: Light your window with festive cheer
Entry Form Name of Business:
Contact Tel No:
Paid cash Terms and Conditions: R20 per entry
Closing date for entries: Final date for window display: Judging of windows:
Among the guests at Adrian Louw’s braai held at his house in Sandbaai were (clockwise from left) Andre Hartnek, Olivia Ramsie, Tina Gcwabe, Trifina Maki and Tasmin October.
NATIVITY PLAY AT KIDBROOKE: Follow that Star was per formed by the residents of Kidbrooke Place on Monday under the guidance of Penny Charteris, who pro duced and wrote the play. Charteris started her career in theatre at the young age of 17, worked in London for about seven years and then started her own company, Penny Char teris Management, managing actors for about 30 years. Char teris is also a resident at Kidbrooke Place for the past six years. In the play Alistair Walker played the part of Joseph and Cyn thia Fernandaz was Mary.
Light up Hermanus with a Festive Window Competition
Photographs of the winning shop/restaurant windows will be published in the Hermanus Times and feature on the HTB Facebook page. The winning shop/restaurant will receive a certificate and floating trophy, which can be displayed throughout the year.
Relaxing and socialis ing with colleagues at the ‘court braai’ were (from left) Ger hard Louw, Christa Siebrits and Nico Swart.
09 December 2013 12 December 2013 13 December 2013
There are only four days left to dress those windows and enter your creative handiwork in the Hermanus Tourism/Hermanus Times Christmas window competition. All businesses are invited to create a festive and welcoming atmosphere for Christmas visitors and shoppers. The competition is open to all shops and restaurants from Fisherhaven to Voëlklip. There is only one category of entry and the theme for this year is: Light up Hermanus with a Festive Window. The judging of the shop/restaurant window displays will be done on Thursday 13 Decem-
ber and certificates will be given to each of the winners to display in their windows. Window displays should be in place from Thursday 12 December until at least Thursday 2 January until 22:00. Photographs of the winning shop/restaurant windows will be published in the Hermanus Times. See the entry form adjacent, or collect entry forms at the Hermanus Tourism office at the Old Station building, or at the Hermanus Times in Aberdeen Street. Completed entry forms must be handed in at the Hermanus Tourism office by 9 December.
SAT 7 DEC E U L B S I ELV Tickets R120pp Show Only
Doors open 7:30pm - Show starts at 8pm Tickets available at The Caledon Hotel Reception & Casino Cash Desk. Contact: 028 214 5100
028 214 5100 | thecaledon.co.za
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
5 December, 2013
Still Cooking for Izibusiso KERRY VAN RENSBURG Platbank mussel soup, Kwaaiwater prawn curry and sesame yoghurt cardamon cake. Recipes for these tempting dishes and desserts, and a whole lot more can be found in the pages of the new Izibusiso cookbook Still Cooking. The book, with its lovingly shared and collected recipes with cameos of Hermanus introducing each delicious chapter, was launched at The Deli on Wednesday 27 November. Dr Michele van Niekerk, who has been involved with Izibusiso – a foster home in Zwelihle for babies and toddlers – arranged the
Still Cooking features an insert and a recipe or two for abalone from Abagold. At the launch Christo du Plessis, managing director of Abagold (left) read out a recipe for La Hei – a traditional Chinese dish usually pre pared as part of a New Year ritual – while Rudolf van der Berg combined all the ingre dients for the guests to enjoy. Each ingredient has symbolic significance, for example the salmon pieces symbolise abundance and ex cess throughout the year, carrots symbolise blessings of good luck, shredded cucumber symbolises eternal youth and sesame seeds symbolise a flourishing business.
Still Cooking launch event. Glenda Furst, the quiet driving force behind Izibusio, says: “The reason we produced this recipe book is simple to explain – we need funds to run the home. Our first recipe book, Hermanus Cooks served us well for almost three years as a major source of income, even going to two reprints. “When the last copy was sold but the demand for the book continued, we began to ponder about a third reprint, but finally decided that a new book would be a better long-term source of income.” “We went through a long process of collecting recipes from Hermanus residents, collating these recipes, combining them with articles on Hermanus, and adding appropriate photographs and artwork. What we have managed to create by weaving all these aspects together is , I think, a small but beautiful tapestry which faithfully reflects how we live and eat in Hermanus,” says Glenda. Still Cooking is available at selected bookstores, hotels and lifestyle shops at a retail selling price of R160.
Joining forces for the wellbeing of the little children cared for at Izibusiso Foster Home, and an integral part of the launch of Still Cooking are (from left) Glenda Furst, Dr Michele van Niekerk and Rina Louw (manag er of Child Welfare Hermanus).
GAME RANGER, extracts from a Game Ranger’s Notebook by Rodney Henwood Here is an opportunity to armchair-snack on wildlife conservation and adventures, delivered in bite-size escapades and incidents of a career that spanned over 30 years. Tasters include: Harry Tennison (of Coca-Cola fame in the USA) being approached by the Natal Parks Board (NPB) in 1983 to export a breeding group of endangered black rhino. Rodney Henwood was the man in charge of this mission. It’s fascinating reading – catching the group of five rhinos, preparing them for travel, transporting them to Johannesburg, loading them onto the plane and then the trip itself. The journey from Umfolozi to the ranches in Texas took 4½ days and culminated with Henwood on a celebratory over-the-border to Mexico tequila outing. In another, he is tasked with transporting animals to the Karoo game farms of Dr Chris Barnard and author Wilbur Smith. Henwood now lives in Hermanus but spent his formative years in the Eastern Cape where as a learner at Dale College, he realised scholastics was not his forté. He started his career in the early 70s as a section ranger in the Mkuzi Game Reserve with his wife, Barbara, and their two children. His final posting was that of Warden of Game Capture. Henwood had in his
heyday caught as many as 17 white rhino in a day, and also pioneered a capture method for giraffes that is still standard practice today. With some melancholy, he says in the conclusion that his bush career was at a time when “everyone was passionate about their work and would happily work a 24hour day with little or no encouragement if it meant saving a single animal’s life.” It is clear that Henwood knew his trade, and loved it. After he resigned from the NPB he was still often approached to assist in game-related escapades, one of which was to help source and capture numerous species of African game for a park in mainland China. This was a huge operation, involving a Singapore Airlines Boeing 747400F ‘mega ark’, 14 lowbed trucks, and ultimately 43 army trucks filled with wild animals traversing roads and passes in a country where not much English was spoken. This is a hands-on read, written with dry and wry wit. It is highly informative, educational, entertaining and easy to read with B/W photos throughout. – Cilene Bekker
Hermanus Art Circle presents exhibition at new gallery The Hermanus Art Circle celebrates its 10th birthday – and its new name – with an exhibition that opens at their new gallery in Village Square on Friday 13 December at 17:30 for 18:00. Secretary Annette Solomon says they decided to change their name from Vermont Art Circle to Hermanus Art Circle because their members are no longer primarily from Vermont. The Vermont Art Circle was established in 2003 by a group of enthusiastic local artists, many of whom had been members of the Hermanus Art Society, which operated from the Old Station Gallery. Two years ago they opened The Little Gal-
lery in the Eastcliff Village Centre before moving to their present gallery on the first floor of Village Square (behind Ocean Basket) in June this year. The group has grown from a modest six artists in 2003 to a membership of over 20. Throughout the years they have held annual exhibitions and members’ competitions, as well as several workshops, art courses and visits to established artists’ studios. They also meet regularly for coffee morning crits and DVD afternoons. There are many treats in store for guests at their birthday exhibition, says Solomon. “Wine and snacks will be served, we’ll have
olive tasting, a raffle for a Mother and Child sculpture in support of Child Welfare and a Bid and Buy auction.” At a Bid and Buy exhibition each artist is assigned a letter (e.g. A, B, C) and each of his/ her paintings is numbered A1, A2, A3, etc. Envelopes are marked A, B, C, etc and when an interested buyer wants to bid on an artwork he/she fills in a form (name and contact details of buyer, bid amount, name of artist and number of painting), which is then placed in the relevant envelop. On the closing day of the auction, 20 December, each artist decides if the bid is acceptable.” The gallery is open from 10:00 to 16:00 daily.
Local artist Carol Carver, one of the members of the Hermanus Art Circle who will be tak ing part in their upcoming exhibition.
Art Valuation Days with Stephan Welz & Colleagues We are currently inviting consignments for our March 2014 auction. Should you be thinking of selling, we would be delighted to assist you with a free and confidential valuation. Entries close mid-December Cape Town – Monday 9 December Strauss & Co, The Oval 1 Oakdale Road, Newlands Stephan Welz, Managing Director of Strauss & Co
Indulge in the fruits of success – be part of Strauss & Co’s superior yield Walter Battiss Watermelon Eater Sold for R909 440, November 2013
Hermanus – Tuesday 10 December The Marine Hotel, 9 Marine Drive Somerset West – Wednesday 11 December The Lord Charles Hotel cnr Main Road M9 & Broadway Blvd R44 To book an appointment, please call: 021 683 6560 / 078 044 8185
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
5 December, 2013
Slawerny nog met ons Ek is namens ’n paar huiswerkers van Stanford gevra om hul frustrasies aan u oor te dra omdat hul nie e-posse of selfs fone het nie. Laasweek het Suid-Afrika 100 jaar gevier sedert afskaffing van slawerny. Slawerny is nog baie lewendig in Hermanus. Baie van ons ry dag in en dag uit, winter en somer, om by ons werk te kom en word ook uitgelewer aan die taxi’s se nukke en giere. Voorbeelde van die uitbuiting is: werkers werk twee dae by een werkgewer, en een-een by twee ander sodat hul nie permanente voordele soos siekverlof, vakansie, en werkloosheidvoordele kry nie, want die wet sê so. Baie van die werkgewers buit die wet uit om hulself te verontskuldig om ’n paar rand te spaar. Wat ons weet is dat God nie blind is nie. Baie van die werkgewers gee wel sulke voordele al werk jy net een dag per week. Ons het al baie gevalle gehad waar getroue werkers van Stanford na Hermanus reis om voor ’n toe deur te kom aangesien die werkgewer met vakansie is, oorsee of wildtuin toe is sonder om die werker in te lig. Boonop sit die huishulp sonder inkomste vir twee tot vier weke. Verder is daar van die slawedrywers wat hul werkers verskree en beledig. Ook is sommige so suinig dat hul nie ’n sny brood en ’n eier sal aanbied nie. Tee of koffie is totaal buite die kwessie. Ons werkers praat baie oor ons base, en sommige het net die bestes gekry met ’n oop hand en ’n Christelike hart. Ons moedig ook ons mense aan om nie vir die uitbuiters te werk nie, want ons weet wie diegene is. Dis hoekom die ordentlikes se werkers lang jare by hul bly terwyl die ongeskiktes kortkort ander moet kry en dan ook nie altyd die bestes nie. Miskien sal sommige werkgewers hul houding verander, maar baie se menslikheid is nou al so verrot dat dit te laat is.
Share the gift In just over two weeks’ time it will be Christmas, a season of joy and goodwill to all men. However, it is certainly not a season of joy for everyone, with some people finding the loneliness of everyday life amplified by the season’s exhortations to “be merry”. Some of these people will find the season unbearable and, as has been reported before, the suicide rate will unfortunately go up. Christmas is a time of joy, yes, but also a time of deep and penetrating loneliness for some. Those of us who have the gift of comfort, company and happiness at this time should see how we can spread this gift around. Is there someone you know who does not have a Christmas lunch to go to? Invite them to yours. Is there a family member you know you need to get in touch with? Do it now. Christmas is not only about the baubles and the ribbons, but about the heart. Share what you have, and feel that special part of Christmas once again.
EN HIERDIE DRIE WOEFIES IS MARK TOE... Izak Kenney het dié prentjie gesien Sondagoggend by Pick n Pay. “Ons verkeershoof sal bly wees om te sien dat hulle al mal veiligheidsgordels dra,” het Izak gegrap. FOTO: IZAK KENNEY
‘Concerned Resident is confused resident’ I thank “Concerned Resident” for the prompt reply to my letter. I do not understand the reasoning in the first two paragraphs though. What is certain, is that Concerned Resident does not understand the Constitution. With the first free and fair elections in South Africa, the ANC used the principles of the Reconstruction and Development Plan (RDP) as their election manifesto. With the acceptance of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa by the Constitutional Assembly on 8 May 1996, South Africa had, as recognised by the Western World, the most comprehensive and advanced Constitution in the world. But with a Constitution must come legislation to give effect to it, for eg: Promotion of Administrative Justice Act; Intellectual Property Act; Rental Housing Act; Promotion of Access to Information Act. Now to the Housing Act (Act 107 of 1997): Within this Act all South African citizens are guaranteed the right to free housing by means of a once-off grant under certain conditions. I will name a few. 1. The applicant must be a South African citizen 2. The applicant must have dependants 3. The combined family income must be less than R3 500.00 per month 4. The applicant must be a first time home owner
What to do about the blaring music at Blue Flag Grotto? You may not be aware that yesterday, at mid day, opposite Dutchies, an appallingly loud sound of music emanated from an enormous truck. This continued until 17:00. The new owners of Dutchies spent hours trying to get through to somebody responsible at the council offices, but to no effect. There was a Christmas party at Dutchies for 40 people. They had to sit inside the restaurant with all the doors and windows closed as the noise was intolerable. It was impossible for anyone to carry on a conversation. People sitting outside left and the loss of business to the owners was unacceptable, particularly as they pay rent to the council. As a resident, and frequent customer of Dutchies, I am no longer able to patronise the restaurant with such noise. Also the truck obstructs part of the view of the sea. One visits Dutchies for the beauty, peace and tranquillity and not to be blasted by loud thumping sounds. In fact the Blue Flag status of Grotto Beach is compromised as it is contrary to the European Standards of Control. I do hope that you do not mind my troubling you on this matter and I trust that you will be able to ensure that noise pollution is not allowed anywhere in Hermanus. A few months ago, close to the Burgundy Restaurant, the noise coming from a marquee was absolutely shocking. The owners were not able to obtain any assistance from the council to have the loudness of the thumping music reduced and they lost business.
028-312 3717 PO Box 96 Hermanus 7200
This application is open to all races that qualify. Gansbaai housing development is a perfect example of an inclusive housing project where all race groups benefited. The Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) is exactly what it says – a grant to a municipality. The municipality must in their three-year planning identify MIG projects and apply to National Government; obviously if they do not plan or apply for this grant they will not receive it. I consider it a case of bad planning if they did not plan for it with all the data available to them. Trevor Manuel’s National Development Plan (NDP) that was accepted and lauded by all political parties in parliament must go the same way. For it to work legislation must be put in place by Government and Parliament. Regarding Concerned Resident’s remark on the Eastern Cape, I have the following observation: I am certain Government will be very thankful if Concerned Resident can advise them on how to realise the “massive economic growth potential” in the Eastern Cape. Furthermore, I am certain that Trevor Manuel will most certainly want to have Concerned Resident as a Special Advisor in his office.
Emma kan gaan dans! Ek wil graag my dank en waardering uitspreek teenoor die NG Kerk Onrusrivier en die NG Kerk Hermanus vir al die hulp en ondersteuning wat ek gekry het met die aanbied van die Kersmelodrama op 15 November in die Gemeentesentrum, Onrusrivier. Ek is sprakeloos! Dankie ook aan al die “kunstenaars” wat hulle tyd opgeoffer het om te oefen en deel te neem. Julle was skitterend! Baie dankie aan die publiek wat die vertoning bygewoon het. Danksy julle kan Emma op 14 en 15 Desember aan die SA Danskampioenskappe in Kaapstad deelneem. Ek sien uit daarna om die volgende Melodrama aan te bied in November 2014.
(Please note that we now consider this discussion closed. - Ed.)
Visitor expresses concern at treatment in frail-care facility I was deeply shocked when we visited our cousin in this “frail-care hospital”. The care given to the dementia patients was good. We were told that to fill the place they also have place for a few general patients. We spoke to one well preserved but elderly gentleman (war veteran). He was confused after being treated with strong antibiotics. The doctor told him he would only be there for a few days. It seems he has been there for several weeks and he seemed depressed and also frightened. There is a dementia patient there who had a fight with another patient. This poor man is now in hospital and has to have a hip replacement. We spoke to a legal expert who said it was against the law to keep a normal patient (one who does not have Alzheimer’s) at this hospital. The doctor said the pneumonia (of the veteran) was cured. He was, however, too busy but would try and go to the frail care, and get the patient the help he needed to get out.
Janine vd Riet 082 885 0226
I have to go back to the UK and nobody seems to have time to help this man. He fought in World War II and was allowed to go to the parade recently. Big deal. Is that how you treat people who were willing to die? He says he cannot stand this place. He calls it a prison. Shame on Hermanus, and sympathy for poor healthy patients who cannot get out. The visit to my cousin later left me with concern for my cousin and patients who do not have serious health problems. Nobody cares. He says he likes his lawyer who has power of attorney to pay this prison R7 000 a month. I hope his legal advisor reads this, but he is too busy and has not been to visit him. Shame on this “frail care” hospital and all who have made an intelligent man like this give up.
Colin Woodhatch from SOFCA: The main subject of this letter is a 90-year old war veteran who was admitted to Sofca
Ombudsman According to the editorial policy of Hermanus Times we invite readers to comment about the newspaper's contents, and we correct significant errors as soon as possible. Please send information about correction of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24's Community Press, George Claassen, at george.claassen@media24.com, or call him at 021 8513232 or 083 5432471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman, Mr. Joe Thloloe. In that case, please phone 011 484 3612/8, send a fax to 011 484 3619 or e-mail to khanyim@ombudsman.org.za.
with breathing difficulties. He is being medicated not with antibiotics but with Warfarin, Lasix and vitamins. He has previously asked the writer to be allowed to return home. I told him it was the opinion of two medical doctors, a non-medical doctor and a social worker that he should not return to his flat as he is incapable of looking after himself. Furthermore, the flat is unhygienic, but I told him he was free to go at any time provided he sign a self-discharge note. He chose not to do that and remains here of his own free will. The probable instigator, if not writer, of the letter has also been in my office to seek the release of the man and has been told the same facts. There are many inaccuracies in the letter, but one we cannot pass is the allegation that it is illegal to care for sufferers from Alzheimer’s disease together with non-sufferers of the disease. That is not true. In conclusion, we invite readers to visit Sofca at any time to see the professional care and respect that all our residents receive.
Editor: Annelien Dean (annelien.dean@media24.com News Editor: Cilene Bekker (cilene@hermanustimes.co.za) Photo Journalists: Kerry van Rensburg (kerry@hermanustimes.co.za) Janine van der Riet (janine@hermanustimes.co.za) Hedda Mittner (Hedda.mittner@hermanustimes.co.za) Advertising: Olivia Dickson, (odickson@hermanustimes.co.za) Ester Schultz, (ester.schultz@hermanustimes.co.za) Michelle van Zyl (michelle.vanzyl@hermanustimes.co.za) SUPERsmalls: Tania Fisher (ads@hermanustimes.co.za)
Hermanus Times
Briewe Letters
5 December, 2013
) In response to Anne Clark’s sms on
Afrikaans in the Hermanus Times, I would like to know from her whether she would prefer us to sing “God save the queen” again. – JOHAN VAN DER WESTHUIZEN ) I read an article saying “can’t we al ways unite as we do in crisis”. A home is more than a house, lets not wait for the next crisis. “Do to others as u wish them to do to u.” There are homes with little or no food, clothes, help, until a crisis comes again – maybe your next door neighbour. ) Congrats on Fisherhaven’s new name. Port Jacksonville.– LEON ) Ag Pastoor, as jy so swak na jou hond kyk, hoe gaan dit met jou kudde by die kerk. Ek dink ’n sensus is nou die regte ding.– OUDERLING PIET ) That man who sits on the bench in front of Pick n Pay was retrenched, put out of his flat and had to sell his car and belongings. Is looking for company a crime?– MARION ) Pieter Vermaak, die man wat op die bank voor Pick n Pay sit, is Bennie Henn. Nou inwoner van Hermanus. Hy het sy werk verloor, o.a. oor die feit dat hy moet gaan vir ’n korneaoorplanting, en nie die geld het nie. Toe ek laas met hom gepraat het, sou hy sy motor ook
verkoop het om sy agterstallige huur te betaal, want hy moes twee weke terug al uit die woonstel gewees het. Herma nus Staan Saam het hom gehelp met kos en basiese behoeftes. Ons het orals probeer om vir hom blyplek te kry, of ’n werk. As enige iemand vir Bennie kan help, sal ek so bly wees.– TRONEL (HSS) ) I did not buy your paper today. I heard from several people about rob beries in Westcliff. Why is there nothing in Hermanus Times? Also no news on Noreen’s killer and the lady from North cliff who was sent over the mountain with injuries? Just news on mostly sport and functions. (We covered both these attacks. – Ed.) ) Hoekom kla oor windpompe. Hoe veel plaaskombuise het windpompe? Plaaskombuise het ook ou wynvatte en ek hoor nie dat hulle daaroor kla nie.– GEORGE N. ) Dis ’n lieflike pad vanaf Vermont na Hermanus, net jammer baie mense ken nie die verskil tussen 80 km/h en 60 km/h nie en karring dan maar aan teen 60 km/h.– JP ) Is daar ooit ’n beperking van die hoe veelheid honde op ’n plot? Die drie hui se om ons het saam het 11 honde. ) Daar sal regtig iets gedoen moet word aan die mense wat so jaag op die pad tussen Rheezichtkafee en die Onrusverkeersligte. Veral die rooi BMWmotorfiets en die ou wat midder nagtelike ure ref en jaag en nie by een stopstraat stop nie. Dit is nie Kyalami nie.– A
) Eienaars wat Onrus toe kom oor na
weke en hulle bome snoei, ek wonder net wie moet dit wegry.– INA ) Sit asseblief indien moontlik vullissak ke Dinsdae uit. Die honde skeur die sak ke oop. ) Volgens koerantberigte dink Herma nus se matrieks die eindeksamen bete ken “suip”. Sies man. En hulle ouers keur dit goed. Ek kan dit nie glo nie.– SANDBAAIER ) Dankie Hermanus Provinsiale Hospi taal vir julle goeie diens. Veral dr. Baart man. Op 27 November het ek in ’n naald getrap en dit het diep in my voet gegaan. Met die goeie diens en harde werk het hulle die naald uitgekry.– TILLANA KELLY ) Dankie aan dr. Truter, susters Vrey & Groenewald van Mediclinic met die geboorte van Jano Ritter op 16 Novem ber tydens die storm. Julle was great.– E&G RITTER ) Thank you Mathew from Fruit & Veg for your friendly and kind help with my trolley on Friday. Your are a star. God bless.– T. VORSTER ) Kan die bestuur van Super Spar in Gateway nie meer gereeld na die toe stand van die vloer omsien en iets daar aan doen nie? ) A huge thank you to Pick n Pay and Gateway Spar for their generous dona tions towards the Santa Shoebox Project parties. ) Theo Krynauw, thank you for those gems of wisdom in last weeks letter page. Joy to the world.
Hoe werk die polisiediens? Op 23 November tussen 03:00 en 04:00 was daar ingebreek in ons kantoor. Gelukkig het ons ’n alarmstelsel by Capital Sekuriteit, anders kon die dief/diewe met baie meer as net twee skootrekenaars weggekom het. Die polisie en speurders was hier om ons verklaring te neem. Op 27 November toe ons Hermanus-polisiekantoor skakel om te hoor of hulle asseblief ’n voertuig na ons perseel kan stuur en ’n plan maak met die vingerafdrukke ens. is daar gesê daar is net twee voertuie beskikbaar wat reeds op ander tonele besig is. Maar op 28 November om 10:00 stop daar ’n polisiewa in die industriële area en twee polisielede klim uit met ’n televisie vir die televisietegnikus om na te gaan. So hulle televisie is belangriker as my goed wat gesteel is? Is dit belangriker as die diewe wat op straat rondloop met my goed? Hoe werk dit dan? Die vingerafdruk-department het eers teen Vrydagmiddag 29 November by ons aangekom.
Lieutenant Fadila September, spokesperson for the Hermanus Police comments: The local criminal record centre,
’n Leser het hierdie foto ingestuur waar lede van die polisie in werkstyd ’n televisie inneem om reggemaak te word. situated in Somerset West explained that they had a shortage of manpower at the time of the incident. The management of Hermanus Police have taken note of the allegations concerning members using state vehicles for private use. The incident will be investigated and members disciplined accordingly if found that members used the vehicle illegally. The fingerprint experts are not stationed at the Hermanus Police Station and travel daily from Somerset West to attend scenes here.
Hermanus groet veteraan motorman, oom Danie PIET HAUMANN Danie Loubser, jarelange inwoner van Hermanus en stigterslid van die jaarlikse Whales & Wheels klassieke motorskou, is in die vroëe oggendure van 2 Desember in die ouderdom van 89 in die Stellenbosch Mediclinic oorlede. Danie het vroeër vanjaar ’n beroerte gehad en ná sy ontslag van die Hermanus-hospitaal, het hy en sy vrou Joan (81), wat self aangesterk het ná ’n operasie, hul intrek by Sofca geneem. Hulle is sowat ’n maand gelede oorgeplaas na die Geluksoord-aftreesentrum in Stellenbosch, waar Danie op 29 November ’n ernstige terugslag gehad het en opgeneem is in die Mediclinic. Oom Danie, soos hy aan almal bekend was, was ’n merkwaardige kenner van ou motors en het sy unieke kennis en talent aangewend om klassieke, veteraan en antieke motors te res-
toureer. As mens hom net die geringste beskrywing van ’n ou voertuig sou gee, kon hy vir jou die maak, model en jaartal verstrek en in besonderheid daaroor begin gesels. Danie het altyd ’n oor gehad vir ander se probleme en het dadelik sy werk opsy gesit om iemand anders te help. Daar pryk baie motors regoor die land wat deur Danie gerestoureer is. Sy pynlike deeglikheid sal deur almal wat hom geken het met groot respek en waardering onthou word. Danie (Daniël Teubus) Loubser was ’n boorling van Vredenburg. Hy het aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch studeer en die graad BA Tale verwerf asook die destydse senior onderwysdiploma. Daarna het hy hom by die familie motorhandel besigheid, Loubser Broers en Seun, wat in 1913 in Vredenburg gevestig is, aangesluit, en later oorgeneem.
Sunny weather ahead, only a few drops of rain expected on Saturday night. So, get out your sunblock, fishing rods and beach umbrellas and enjoy!
Temp: 15/23 Clear
Temp: 16/24 Partly Cloudy
Temp: 17/25 Clear
Temp: 19/23 Partly Cloudy
Weather forecast info website: www.infosight.co.za/weather/SouthAfrica/WesternCape/Hermanus/
FORECAST SA December WEATHER BUREAU Coldest day: 14.3°C BY on 2nd Warmest day: 27.9°C on 3rd December Rainfall: 3.3mm on 27 November Total rainfall for November: 124,6mm De Bos dam level: 100.6% Average rainfall for December: 23.1mm
06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
T I D E T A B L E 0529 0621 0719 0824 0937 1048 1151 0033
1744 1837 1937 2049 2211 2330 ---1244
1137 1236 0050 0152 0307 0428 0541 0640
LOW 2357 ---1342 1457 1615 1727 1827 1914
3 Dec
9 Dec
17 Dec
25 Dec
Information supplied by the Hydrographer SA Navy. The Hydrographer is not responsible for any transcription errors.
Gedurende 1986 het Danie met sy eggenote Joan (neé Roux), ’n boorling van Hermanus, na haar geboortedorp verhuis. Hulle het hulle intrek geneem in Joan se familiehuis in Luytstraat, Eastcliff. Hier het Danie oor die jare ’n pragtige museum gevestig wat onder meer modelle van veteraan voertuie, ou gereedskap, memorabilia en lektuur ingesluit het. Gedurende 1998 het Danie, in samewerking met Tor Bovim en Alan Johnson (van die gewilde TV-program Drive Time-faam), die Hermanus Whales ’n Wheels Veteraan en Klassieke Motorskou tot stand gebring. Oom Danie word oorleef deur sy eggenote Joan, drie seuns Johan, Ian en Danté, dogter Esterna en vier kleinkinders. ’n Gedenkdiens sal Donderdag 12 Desember om 11:00 in die NG gemeente Hermanus gehou word.
Danie Loubser met sy 1928 Model A Ford wat hy sowat ’n jaar gelede gerestoureer het. FOTO: ANDRE ALBERTS
Somer, son en strand Hy wil nie sy lyf weerprofeet hou nie, sê Willa Venter van Voëlklip, “maar hoor wat ek vir julle sê; ons gaan ’n jollie vakansietyd tegemoet. Nie met glasies, musiek en lawaai nie maar met heerlike sonskyn, soos mens die Overstrand op sy beste ken.” En as daar ’n prys vir die beste weervoorspelling vir die vakansie is, vat Willa die koek, sê oom Langfaan toe ’n paar manne Maandag by Weerhaan inloer. Weerhaan sien ook net mooi dae vorentoe. Ons kan dit sien aan die stabiliteit in die bolug. Die wes-noordwes wat soos reënweer wil lyk maar te erg deur lugstrome uit die weste gepla word, asook die lugdruk, is die sedert Dinsdagaand tipiese voorlopers van Overstrandse mooiweerdae vorentoe. Die wolke wat padgee en die lugdruk is ook net wat almal op die strande sou wou bestel. Ons weertoring op Hermanusberg lyk of hy vasgesteek het so glad loop sy grafieke en wys eers teen Saterdagaand ’n duik wanneer almal slaap. Dit beteken dat die noordwes wat oor Worcester kom, ’n bietjie vog uit die ooste optel om omtrent 2 mm oor die Overstrand uit te gooi. Maar teen agtuur is die son weer uit en almal kan afsit hengelwaters toe of die sonsambrele gaan opslaan. Volgende Vrydag die dertiende Desember, doen die noordwes weer presies dieselfde ding en val daar weer bietjie water. Langfaan sê op Vrydag die dertiende bly hy anyway in die huis al speel die walvisse op die grasperke rond. Hy steek nie sy neus by die deur
uit nie. Die grafiek wys dit sal daai dag dalk die hele dag en miskien die hele naweek reën. Jammer dat die vakansiegees so gedemp moet word, sug Langfaan. Vandag se jongklomp het lankal bygelofies afgeskud as dit by kansie kom. Die blitse kan maar staan maar as die branders reg is, is hulle met hul branderplanke tussen hulle. Weerhaan se skermpie vertel egter dat die deinings en die stroomrigting nie saamspeel nie. Die branders dryf landwaarts maar met die wind van voor. Vandag (Donderdag) is die deinings nog rondom 4 meter en 14 sekondes uitmekaar wat byna te vinnig is vir die groot deinings om op te bou. En toe kom Willa met die res van sy voorspelling. Die wind kan Saterdagmiddag begin lol. Dit lyk soos 10 meter per sekonde. Maar dit maak niks aan Sondag se lekker sonskyn nie. Dis net daai naweek van die dertiende dat hy ons deurmekaar gaan waai.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
5 December, 2013
Youth Astronomy Club visits Cape Town
The Sansa team on their way to install the new digital radar at the South African base SANAE IV in Antarctica includes (back from left) Stefan Lotz, Roger van Schie, Gert Lamprecht and Francois Olivier. In Front are Nicky Knox, Cornelia Oberholzer, Jonathan Ward and Catherine Paverd. Also included in the team is Lumka Msibi, who was not available when the photo was taken. The five men and Cornelia are from Hermanus, while the other team members are from Gauteng.
New weather radar system for Antarctica A team of scientists and engineers from the South African National Space Agency (Sansa) is on their way to Antarctica to install a state-of-the-art new High Frequency Digital Radar system at the SA Antarctic research base. This system, built in Hermanus, forms part of the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network, otherwise known as SuperDARN, an international network of over 30 radars used to monitor the dynamics of space weather. The group left Cape Town on the SA Agulhas II on 28 November for this milestone 53rd expedition. On arrival in Antarctica, the team will spend six weeks on installation and also perform routine maintenance on other equipment used to monitor the space environment. While Antarctica may be the coldest, driest and windiest place on earth, it is one of the best locations
to conduct space weather research due to the earth’s magnetic field lines converging at the pole and acting as a funnel for space plasma to travel into the earth’s atmosphere. Just like police radars that send out beams which reflect from vehicles, the SuperDARN radars measure the position and speed of plasma in the Earth’s ionosphere. “The new radar will go a long way in contributing to the SuperDARN network as it is one of the most advanced digital radars in the world,” said Dr Lee-Anne McKinnell, managing director of Sansa Space Science in Hermanus. Monitoring the space environment enables Sansa to deliver a vital service to the nation by providing forecasts and warnings on space weather activity, playing an important role in protecting satellite technology, communication and navigation systems as well as electrical power grids.
Fifteen members of the Hermanus Youth Astronomy and Space Club were taken on a trip to Cape Town by John Saunders and his wife Irene recently. “This was the first time any of them had been to Cape Town, so the trip was a huge eye-opener,” says Saunders. All the club members are learners from Grades 4 to 7 at Lukhanyo Primary School in Zwelhile. Accompanied by their two science teachers Zukie Ngoloame and Douglas Stuurman, they took the school’s mini-bus and visited the National Science Centre, the Noon Gun on Signal Hill, the Planetarium and lastly the Astronomical Observatory. “They spent two hours at the Science Centre thoroughly enjoying all the interactive games available along with the space capsule used by Mark Shuttleworth on his trip into space in 2002. “They then went up to the top of Signal Hill to see the Noon Gun and witnessed the huge bang as the gun automatically fired at 12:00 noon upon receipt of a signal from the clock at the observatory.” At the Planetarium they watched The Sky Tonight. They also attended a tour of the Astronomical Observatory including the library and conference hall where they viewed a Stellarium presentation about the solar sys-
Members of the Hermanus Youth Astronomy and Space Club, accompa nied by their science teachers from Lukhanyo Primary, and John Saun ders from Hermanus Astronomy, next to the Noon Gun on Signal Hill in Cape Town. PHOTO: PETER HARVEY tem. “They drove home tired, but with very happy memories of a super day,” says Saunders.
Great fun was had sitting astride the Noon Gun.
Action plan in motion to curb crime in Vermont More than a hundred residents, service providers and members of the police attended the Vermont Ratepayers’ and Environment Association (VREA) at the public meeting held on 26 November at the De Wet hall in Onrus. A comprehensive plan to curb the crime rate in Vermont was set in motion with the primary objective being to form a task group to establish a safety and security network before February next year. Other objectives are: • To inform the people of Vermont on safety and security, by means of the VREA, the Ward 13 committee and the planned network.
• To encourage all security service providers to attend the meetings of the community police forum. • To support the lobby group seeking to expedite the establishment of a police station in Hawston. • To strive for the erection of surveillance cameras at strategic locations in Vermont. • To source statistics on crime in Vermont from the law enforcement authorities. • To have alien vegetation in the area removed, with the assistance of the VREA and the Vermont Conservation Trust. The meeting was informed of sys-
tems to curb the unacceptable crime rate in the area, being housebreaking, assault and theft, that should be implemented as soon as possible. These systems are supported by security services such as ADT, Capital and Safe Security. Residents were again urged to report incidents to the authorities. The Association wishes to thank the residents of Vermont for their overwhelming support at the meeting, said Paul Pfister, VREA portfolio manager for Safety and Security. For enquiries, contact Paul Pfister on 082 573 6808. - PIETER SCHOOMBEE
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
5 December, 2013
5th 5 th B Birthday irthday C Celebrations elebrations The BIG 5 for Whale Coast FM
Janet Marshall and Dayne Nel in the onair studio of Whale Coast FM.
Whale Coast FM, the Overstrand’s very own Community Radio Station, turns five this month. Who would have thought that a conversation around a braai in 2007 would lead to the issuing of a five-year licence the following year! Since December 2008, for 18 hours every day, Whale Coast FM has been the Rhythm of the Overstrand. With two transmitters, one above Hawston, the other above Hermanus Heights, WCFM covers the Overstrand from Hangklip to Pearly Beach. Catering to the needs of a diverse community like that of the Overstrand isn’t always easy, but our eclectic mix of Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa programming seems to have struck a happy balance for all our listeners. This is certainly reflected by the many calls
the station and its presenters receive on a daily basis. Over these last five years, a dedicated team of presenters, producers and administrative staff has come together to ensure the smooth running of Whale Coast FM. However, the advertisers also play a vital role in making sure the station has sufficient income to flourish. Without advertisers, the station would not exist. A huge Baie Dankie to all who use the power of radio to market their businesses. ) The time has now come for WCFM to renew its broadcast licence, refurbish some equipment and carry out general maintenance. Unlike the SABC, Whale Coast FM re-
ceives no licence fees or other official sustenance for this purpose. We have therefore launched our Donasie vidi Stasie (Donation for the Station) campaign to give listeners the opportunity to support WCFM and make sure the Rhythm of the Overstrand stays on air for the next five years. Find out more on Facebook, www.whalecoastfm.co.za or by keeping your ear glued to WCFM. Better still, deposit your contribution into our bank account: Breakthrough Adventures, Nedbank Hermanus, 1345044585.
VW Hermanus
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Baie geluk dankie vir uitstekende diens.
BAIE GELUK MET 5 JAAR - mag daar nog baie voorspoedige jare wees.
Begrafnisdienste - Funeral Services
Diens met trots We serve with pride
Hospital Street HERMANUS Tel 028 312 1196
CONGRATULATIONS on a successful 5 years!
From left: Agnes Steyn (admin manager), Dr Nelia Louw (director), John Mathew (founder), Dr Martin Fisher (director) and Mari Geyer (production manager).
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Baie geluk - net goeie wense vir die toekoms toegewens.
Go Further
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18 Arum Street, Hermanus 028-312 3704
Happy 5th Birthday wishing you many more broadcasting years. Stanford and Gansbaai Tourism
A very Happy Birthday!
BAIE GELUK MET 5 JAAR. Alle voorspoed met nog baie jare.
BAIE GELUK MET 5 jaar. Baie dankie vir goeie diens.
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Mag daar nog vele gelukkige uitsaai jare wees
Happy 5th Birthday May there be many more
Trots om met julle geassosieer te word c/o Main Rd / Mimosa Str, Gateway Centre Tel: 028-312 2066 / 028-313 0428
Congratulations on the first five years of broadcasting and entertainment 128 Main Road, Hermanus
14 Hermanus Times Grootbos landing strip could be handy for firefighting planes
Promosies Promotions
5 December, 2013
GANSBAAI Gansbaai events
JAN-HENDRIK COETZER Although the legal use for the existing landing strip at Grootbos Accommodation Enterprises just outside Gansbaai, was approved by Overstrand Municipality’s Gansbaai Administration recently, it does not mean that they are going to use it to fly in corporate clients. The landing strip is about 8m wide and 1 km long and no new infrastructure associated with the landing strip will be constructed. “At this stage the landing strip will not be used for corporate clients to fly in and out of Grootbos because of its condition. The strip is basically an old gravel road which is not tarred and is also not even,” says Michael Lutzeyer, Grootbos’ owner. “With the landing strip’s incline together with the southeaster from time to time, I don’t think many pilots will feel comfortable landing here. “The only pilot using the landing strip at the moment is Evan Austin, owner of African
Wings in Stanford, who will take clients on whale watching trips. “During the whale watching season we do approximately 100 trips. In the past I used to take my guests to Stanford for a whale watching flight, but now with the landing strip being legalised for small aircraft, we can do it right here from Grootbos,” says Lutzeyer. With fires being a great danger for the Overberg region, Lutzeyer is also looking at possibilities for a water pick-up spot. “If I can manage to put a pipeline from the dam to the landing strip, we can maybe look at using it for planes to pick up water when a fire breaks out. Where a helicopter can take approximately 800 l of water, a plane can easily carry up to 2 000 l,” says Lutzeyer. It is expected that the landing strip will provide a significant boost to business and hence the local economy, conservation and social projects that Grootbos is driving. Grootbos is an ecotourism destination with two 5-star lodges and a luxury villa overlooking Walker Bay.
6 December – Switching on Christmas street lights from 18:30 (stalls and entertainment). 7 December – Fees van die Ganse Street Festival 09:00 – 21:00 (Stalls, entertainment and Wynand Widpomp at 19:00). 8 December – Fishermen’s Thanksgiving service Gansbaai Harbour. 22 December - Carols by Candlelight at the Gansbaai Harbour at 19:30. 21 December – Big 2 town festival. 31 December – Danger Point half marathon. For enquiries phone Gansbaai Tourism
on 028 384 1439 or 072 291 5564. For all your tourism related queries, bookings for accommodation and activities and souvenirs, visit the Gansbaai Tourism Bureau. Browse around the interesting displays at the office. Glenda, Doulene and Heinrich are waiting to welcome you. The tourism bureau will be open throughout the festive season, except on Christmas Day. Email enquiries to gansbaaiinfo@telkomsa.net or visit their website on www.gansbaaiinfo.com.
Gateway Centre 028 3841439 / 072 2915564 gansbaaiinfo@telkomsa.net www.gansbaaiinfo.com
Best Seaview and Seafood Haweweg 2, Gansbaai, 7220
For all tourism queries and bookings. Monday to Friday 08h30-17h00 Saturday 09h00-16h00 Sunday 10h00-14h00 Interesting and informative displays Curios, maps, postcards and books
Hermanus Times
Promosies Promotions
5 December, 2013
Gansbaai – Sharks, whales and so much more Gansbaai has grown from small beginnings as a fishing village (1881) to an area known as the white shark capital of the world. The town got its name from the large number of geese found at the fresh water fountain in the current harbour area. A small monument in the Gansbaai harbour depicts the origins of the town at the freshwater fountain and at the Kleinbaai harbour the eight shark boats attest to the current popularity of shark cage diving. As a coastal area fishing and sea-related activities play a big role in the town. The excellent fishing opportunities led to the establishment of Gansbaai Marine in 1962 and trawlers are a familiar sight out in the bay. In years gone by they all had names like Kolgans, Blougans, Sneeugans and Berggans. Fishing is also still a popular recreational sport. The greater Gansbaai area consists of De Kelders, Gansbaai town, Kleinbaai, Franskraal, Masakhane, Blompark, Pearly Beach and Baardskeerdersbos. Each of these areas has their own unique ambience. Gansbaai is a popular weekend and holiday destination and a place where one can relax
Oppie Dek Pub & Bistro
Bed & breakfast accommodation in Gansbaai For an eco-adventure of a lifetime you have to visit Gansbaai, then stay over at Saxon Lodge to relax and be spoilt. Individual large suites, great views, happy, caring hosts and plenty of food and fun. What more could you ask for?
and enjoy all that nature has to offer. Both land– and boat–based whale watching is a popular pastime from June to November when the Southern Right Whales visit our shores. A number of hiking trails including Platbos, the southern most forest, and Walker Bay trails (slackpacking) take the visitor on a journey through nature at its best. The long stretch of beach at Pearly Beach allows for the renewing of mind and spirit. There are two guided trails if one prefers a more informative experience. A number of well known artists live in Baardskeerdersbos and some of the best olives come from this region. The Baardskeerdersbos Art Route has become extremely popular along with the BBos Basaar and not forgetting the “Skaapkopete”. Interesting places to visit include the Danger Point Lighthouse with the monument to the Birkenhead troopship that sank in 1852, as well as the Strandveld museum. There is plenty of accommodation to suit all tastes and restaurants serving local fish and everything from perlemoen to Potjiekos.
Gansbaai Tourism Bureau Come join the fun Fees van die Ganse Street Festival 7 December 09h00-21h00 Market Square Stalls and Entertainment Wynand Windpomp at 19h00
We look forward to your visit , Dave and Caron 1 Muller Street Gansbaai 7220 +27 (0)28 384 0853 +27 (0)82 749 2409 info@saxonlodge.com www.saxonlodge.com
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Praktyk Nr. 0124040 Besigheidsure: Ma, Di, Do: 09:00 - 16:00 Vry: 09:00 - 15:00 Tel: 028 384 0733 / 028 384 2157 (praktyk) 082 879 9750 (Sel) righardtvh@gmail.com Barnardstraat 65, Gansbaai
Experience the Perfect Cup
You can order anything from a rich and aromatic espresso or cappuccino to an assortment of tea and hot chocolates. We serve a beautiful selection of homemade cakes, muffins and scones. On our menu you will find something to tickle your taste buds. Also see our daily “SPECIALS BOARD” On that hot day enjoy a glass of cold wine or beer with your lunch. h/v Dirkie Uys en Voortrekkerstraat, Gansbaai Tel: 028 384 0259 Open: Mon - Fri 8a, - 5 pm and Sat 8am - 3 pm
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
5 December, 2013
Hou Moed ‘neglected’ The Hou Moed Youth Centre in Zwelihle has been described as “an oasis that was created in a sea of misery”. But Theo de Meyer, founder of Hou Moed and the manager of the centre for 16 years before he retired last year shortly before his 80th birthday, believes this is no longer the case. He and past members of the Hou Moed Youth Centre say they are concerned about the apparent dilapidated state of the facility and the deterioration of what was once a dynamic youth centre that was hugely respected by local, national and international supporters and friends. De Meyer maintains: “It was always spotlessly neat and tidy and such a happy and caring place for up to 80 children of all ages daily.” The centre, situated in Kwasa Kwasa, offered youth development and recreation programmes. The Hou Moed management committee had difficulties finding a successor for De Meyer. It was, however, agreed that Hermanus Child Welfare would take over the management and control of the centre. At the end of 2012 the Hou Moed committee was dissolved and the assets of the centre were transferred to Child Welfare. A year on and De Meyer now says: “We shudder to think what the supporters and sponsors of many programmes, building improvements and so much costly furniture and equipment would say if they had to visit the centre today and see for themselves.” He and his past senior youth members say the Hou Moed play areas and grounds are unkempt and strewn with rubble; the garden has been neglected; the metal soccer posts in the playground have been removed and the cricket nets and tennis practice wall abandoned and allowed to deteriorate beyond use. The wild plum trees planted years ago have also been chopped down; windows and boundary wall slabs are being smashed regularly; the pool and table tennis tables are no longer in use and it is unknown what has become of them. De Meyer, concerned about the neglect, asks: “How could Hermanus Child Welfare allow this once vibrant and most valuable community facility and an “oasis” for the poorest of poor, to instead become a part of the surrounding “sea of misery”? Sarie Snyman, chairperson of Hermanus Child Welfare’s management committee admits they have had a problem with recurring vandalism at the centre and are constantly having to repair things. She says Child Welfare engages with the community constantly and members of
the community are also concerned about the vandalism at Hou Moed as it reflects badly on them. The trees were cut down by people living in the area and another by the Yomelelani Pre-School, which is an independently run and managed school situated at Hou Moed. Snyman says: “As a child protection organisation we are governed by the Children’s Act and have to abide by the rules set out in the act.” She says for any programmes presented in any community, like for instance the partial care – which is the aftercare programme Child Welfare is running at Hou Moed – they have to abide by the prescribed rules of the municipality, the Department of Social Development, the Department of Health and the Department of Education. Rina Louw, manager of Child Welfare Hermanus says the programmes they run at Hou Moed need to be more formalised. She says the aim is to develop the after school care programme so that it can be registered with the Department of Social Development. Louw says it also took them until August this year to get the lease agreement between them and the Overstand Municipality signed. Louw and Snyman say that for the past year four mentors from the community have run the aftercare programme. After a meal the children, about 60 per day, focus on homework followed by fun and educational activities. They have also run holiday programmes through the year and will continue to do so with over 100 primary school aged children attending each day. Louw says the Hou Moed Centre, which now falls under the broader umbrella of the services and programmes provided by Child Welfare, is being developed as a community centre where programmes for adults, like the Junk to Jive job creation initiative are being accommodated, as well as the Siyakha community based programme which reaches out to children at risk under the age of 10. Louw says they have appointed a centre manager who will start in January. The mentors will continue to work under his supervision and he will also be responsible for the security of the property and the maintenance, together with the handyman who is already working at the centre. From mid-January, Child Welfare will also have a permanent social work office at Hou Moed. Louw adds: “We have a marvellous opportunity to positively impact the community, this is all we want and this is the plan for the future.”
KBBVleiers ruil stoele Die Kleinmond-belastingbetalersvereniging het vroeër vanjaar honderde senior inwoners van die kusdorpie gemobiliseer om protes teen die konsep-begroting van die Overstrandmunisipaliteit aan te teken, maar by sy algemene jaarvergadering Vrydag 15 November was daar geen buitengewone vuurwerke nie. Die grootste aktiwiteit was om nuwe bloed vir die bestuur van die komitee te soek. Dr Gawie Eksteen moes ingevolge die vereniging se grondwet die tuig as voorsitter neerlê na drie jaar. “Eksteen was die regte man vir die moeilike tye waardeur die vereniging gestuur moes word: hy beskik nie net oor voortreflike diensvaardighede nie, maar was ook vreesloos wanneer hy inwoners se saak op ander forums moes stel,” het Johan Barnard gesê. Ervarenheid is in die voorsitterstoel behou, met die aanwys van ondervoorsitter Jan-Willem van Staden as die KBBV-leier. Eksteen sal die ondervoorsitterstoel inneem. Al die ander bestuurslede is in hul posisies herkies, met ’n enkele uitsondering. Eksteen het egter die vergadering daarop gewys dat die bestuur al hoe ouer word en dat nuwe bloed nodig is. Talle voorstelle is daarop uit die gehoor ontvang en die mense sal genader word om betrokke te raak. Eksteen het sy kommer uitgespreek oor die verswelging van die Kleinmond-strandmeer deur fluitjiesriet. Korrespondensie met Kaapse natuurbewaring word nie eens erken nie. “Wat gaan ons aan ons kleinkinders sê as daar nie meer ’n lagune is nie,” het hy gevra.
Volgens Eksteen is die personeel by die kliniek onvoldoende, hoewel al die poste gevul is. Kontak met provinsie oor die situasie is “onmoontlik”. Die munisipaliteit het die grond waarop die kliniek staan aan die provinsie geskenk vir uitbreiding, maar dit waarborg nie beter diens, meer personeel en infrastruktuur nie. “Ons kan seker met reg vra hoekom die Overstrand-munisipaliteit nie die provinsie aanvat oor die gebrekkige ondersteuning nie.” Eksteen het ook bekend gemaak dat die Kleinmond-belastingbetalersvereniging nie verdere beswaar gaan maak teen die aansoek vir hersonering van Arabella se grond vir verdere ontwikkeling nie. Daar is by wyse van onderhandeling geslaag om die beplande ontwikkeling meer omgewingsvriendelik te maak en dit het ook geblyk dat die voorsiening van water aan Arabella nie Kleinmond negatief sal beïnvloed nie. Die KBBV het wel versoek dat indien die ontwikkeling voortgaan, voorkeur gegee moet word aan die inwoners van Kleinmond vir werksgeleenthede en die voorsiening van boumateriale en –dienste. Eksteen het weer eens ’n beroep gedoen op belastingbetalersverenigings in die ooste van Overstrand om betrokke te raak by ’n forum waar sake van gemeenskaplike belang bespreek en aanbevelings gemaak kan word. Hy sê as belastingbetalers nie aktief betrokke raak nie, gee dit vir Overstrand se munisipale personeel en die politici ’n oop hand om hul wil op ander af te dwing sonder dat daar tweerigting-konsultasie plaasvind.
Winnie Nywebeni (left) with some of the older children who are part of the Rainbow Trust’s Circle of Support programme. Next to her is Mzoxolo Ntyatho who, without any training, has proved he is a talented artist, and in the front (centre) is Sheila Hempe, a social carer who helps Winnie with the arts and crafts lessons they provide twice a week.
Young artists flourish at Rainbow KERRY VAN RENSBURG Twice a week a group of children who are part of the Rainbow Trust’s Children’s Circle of Support programme gather at the resource centre in Zwelihle for a quiet afternoon of arts and crafts. Winnie Nywebeni, a lay counsellor and auxiliary social worker with the Hermanus Rainbow Trust, pioneered the programme in 2004. Children from the Zwelihle community who are dealing with difficult circumstances are able to go to the Red Cross Centre for breakfast, lunch and aftercare. The children receive counselling and support and are able
to interact in a safe environment. On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons Winnie and Sheila Hempe, a social carer, take the older children for arts and crafts. Winnie is especially proud of the 14-year old Mzoxolo Ntyatho, who has only been part of the group for two months, but has shown as a talent for painting. Winnie says she hopes that someone will be able to sponsor and help develop his talent further. She would also like artists to offer talks and training on the various aspects of art so that the whole group can be inspired by their input. Call Winnie on 072 816 5163 if you can help.
HARBOUR MURAL: The seathemed mural being painted on a stretch of wall at the New Harbour by young artists from the Hermanus Youth Art Studio, is starting to at tract a lot of admiration from visitors and residents who have seen the painting devel op over the past few weeks. Jeandre Marinier worked the image to scale and trans ferred it onto the wall. The artists painting the mural are led by project manager Vivi enne Mitchley (second from right) who is also in charge of the Hermanus Youth Art Centre. She says they have spent about 45 hours working on the mural so far and hope to have it finished by 10 December. With Mitchley at the wall, with paintbrushes in hand are (from left): Lochel Coetzee, Jean Mari Bothma, Simone Visagie, Nicola Co etzee and Joshua Alberts. PHOTOS: KERRY VAN RENSBURG
The New Harbour art project is starting to take shape thanks to the young artists who have volunteered their time to paint the wall.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
5 December, 2013
HO HO HO: Beata Saaiman, Nicole du Toit, Ana van Tonder, Leandrie le Roux and Kiah Saaiman, learners from Hermanus Primary, surprised the toddlers from Nomzama Crèche in Zwe lihle with gifts during their Christmas party on Tuesday 3 De cember. FOTO: JANHENDRIK COETZER
The toddlers enjoy a lunch while unwrapping their gifts in all excitement. Caroline Siloti from the Nomzama Crèche keeps a watchful eye over the festivities. DIS KRISMIS: Vader Kersfees het Vrydagoggend dosyne kin ders se gesiggies opgehelder toe hy by die Heeltyd Speeltyd Dagsorg in Sandbaai op ’n in sleepdiensbakkie met ’n sak vol presente aangekom het. Vader Kersfees, oftewel oom Wessel du Toit (76) van Huis Lettie Theron, moes met ’n leer en die hulp van omstanders op en af die hoë bakkie klim. Saam met die kinders is, van links: Charl Henn, Oom Wes sel, Drieka Oberholster (dag sorgeienaar), tannie Dirkie du Toit en Lallie Oberholster.
CHRISTMAS PARTY: The Hermanus Private Pre & Primary School held its annual Christmas party at the school on Mon day evening, complete with a nativity performance, singing, dancing and a Father Christmas carrying a bag full of presents. Enjoying the festivities with his family was Larenzo Isaacs, senior superintendent of the Overstrand Traffic Depart ment, with his wife Abigail and children Lucas and Alianna.
Kumbirai Furusa and Kym Zu mano.
The Kastner boys from Stan ford Hills, Jack and Alex, were thrilled to receive their Christmas presents from Fa ther Christmas.
Corrie Springer from Zero Gravity and Liesl Mulder watch with amusement as James opens his present.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
5 December, 2013
THURSDAY 5 DECEMBER ) Whalers Athletics Club time trials for 3 km, 5 km and 8 km at 18:00 at the cricket club. ) The Hermanus Rotary Club meets Thursdays at 18:30 at Mollergren Retirement Village. Call Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. FRIDAY 6 DECEMBER ) Langarmsokkie (elke eerste Vrydag) by die Hermanusrolbalklub, om 19:00. R30 p.p. of R80 p.p. met ’n ete ingesluit. Kontantkroeg en restaurant sal oop wees. ) Vlakoek, wortelkoek, soutterte en sjokoladesjiffontert by Onrus NG kerk se teetuin. Van 10:00 af tot 11:30. R20 vir koek en tee. ) Join the Friends of the Library and crafters at the Bhuki Café for the penultimate coffee morning of the year from 09:00 – 11:30. ) Overstrand Armoededinkskrum vergader by die NG gemeente Onrus rivier om 11:00. Navrae by Erika Oosthuysen: 0 079 322 0998. ) Kokkedoor kook by die Harbour House Hotel. Kokkedoor verskyn vir drie dae van 6 – 8 Desember saam met wyn van Wildekrans, RAKA en Hermanuspietersfontein. Navrae: info@kokkedoortv.co.za of Harbour House Hotel. SATURDAY 7 DECEMBER ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kosenwynmark, 09:00 – 13:00. ) Hermanus Country Market from 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. ) HemelenAarde Garden Market, 09:00 – 14:00 at HemelenAarde Village. ) St Peter’s annual fête from 09:30. Enjoy breakfast, tea, lunch and stalls. ) Onrus Mengelmark vanaf 09:00 12:00; De Wet Saal, Roosstraat. ) Valiant Swart tree op by Sprokkelsterteater in Onrus om 20:00. R120 p.p. Bespreek by Louise: 0 082 896 5106. SUNDAY 8 DECEMBER ) Fountain of Victory International Ministries fellowship at Qhayiya Secon dary School every Sunday from 09:30 – 12:00. MONDAY 9 DECEMBER ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 or 072 230 9179. ) Touching Hearts meets every Monday at 18:45 in Onrus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) The Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. TUESDAY 10 DECEMBER ) Join the Early Birds at the Hermanus Tennis Club on Tuesdays and Thurs days, 07:00 to 09:00. Call Vic HamiltonAttwell: 0 082 785 5145 or Ken Collett: 0 082 806 8292.
District Mail
WEDNESDAY 11 DECEMBER ) Summer night market from 16:00 – 20:00 at the cricket club. Call: 0 072 883 3894. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging vergader 18:00 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Bel Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250 of Badi sa: 0 028 312 3909.
Uitgawe Hermanus Times publiseer vanjaar twee Kersfeesuitgawes, waar besighede die geleentheid het om hul kliënte en hul verskaffers te bedank vir hul ondersteuning die afgelope jaar en ’n Geseënde Kersfees en Voorspoedige Nuwe Jaar toe te wens. Eerste uitgawe: Donderdag 12 Desember Spertyd: Dinsdag, 10 Desember om 11:00 Tweede uitgawe: Donderdag 19 Desember
EVENTS ) Song for Marion – fliek ten bate van Dienssentrum van NG gemeente, Onrusrivier, Vrydag 13 Desember,19:00 by die kerk. Slegs skenking van R30, beskikbaar by kerkkantoor of skakel: 0 083 297 9230. ) Heal the World Reach Out Team launch function and first dinner fundrai ser at the Overstrand Banquet Hall on Saturday 14 December from 18:00 to 21:00. Indonesian Rijstafel and cash bar. Tickets R300 p.p. from Bellini Gallery. Pastor Nathan Mashongwa: 0 076 575 0621. ) Farmer’s Market Day at Hermanus Country Market on Monday 16 December, 09:00 to 15:00. Fundraiser festival for Camphill Farm Com munity. Mada: 0 021 200 2236. ) The Stanford Players present On Broadway on 17, 18 and 19 December at the Dutch Reformed Church hall at 20:30. Tickets are R100 for adults and R50 for children. Book at: 0 028 341 0189 or 2 sarah.ja mes@global.co.za. ) Die NG gemeente Onrusrivier bied Vrydag 20 Desember sy Voed selfees aan vanaf 17:00. Navrae Karin de Bruin: 0 028 316 2116. ) Simon van Gend and Joshua Grierson will perform on Sunday 22 December at The Speakeasy Courtyard at the Stanford Hotel at 17:30. R60 p.p. presold at the Stanford Hotel Bottle Store and at the door. ) Oujaarsdans saam met Burning Note by die Sandbaaisaal op 31 Desember om 19:00. R60 p.p. of R120 per paartjie. Bring eie eetgoed. Kontantkroeg. Kaartjies by die deur of kontak Koerie: 0 078 616 2916, Ragis: 0 084 729 2230 of David: 0 079 647 5663.
Tariewe (Volkleur) soos volg: 6x2 10x2 15x2 10x4 20x4 20x8 38x8
R 540 R 900 R 1 350 R 1 800 R 2 900 R 7 200 R13 000
Bogenoemde pryse sluit BTW in en is per plasing. Agentskap kommissie uitgesluit.
Skakel die Olivia, Ester of Michelle by 028 312 3717
A few of my favourite things Gabrielskloof Wine Cellar on the outskirts of Bot River will add some charm to the holiday season with their annual Favourite Things Market on Friday 13 December (from 17:00 – 21:00) and Saturday 14 December (from 11:00 – 18:00). Ranging from prized Kokkedoor koeksisters and home-made pestos to fresh oysters and bubbly, this authentic market showcases more than 30 passionate pro-
ducers selling organic produce, local cheeses, artisan beers, real Dutch stroopwafels, handmade butter, cured meats and much more. Shop to your heart’s content while listening to the soulful sounds of the French accordion and jazzy tunes of Tim Burnz. Fun activities for the kids. Contact Nicolene Finlayson at 082 852 6547 or email nicolene@gabrielskloof.co.za.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
5 December, 2013
Members updated on Hangklip-Kleinmond tourism projects
The tourism industry is alive and well in the Hangklip-Kleinmond area if one looks at the attendance of the members’ mingle held in the Alimento Restaurant in Kleinmond. In total 44 members turned up for the event, where they not only enjoyed good food and a wine tasting presented by Wildekrans Wine Estate, but were also briefed on two important projects that will affect tourism in the area. Neville Green, environmental diversity manager at Overstrand Municipality, talked about the upgrading of the facilities at the Stony Point Nature Reserve. Cliffie Krouse gave an update on the progress with arrangements for the Big Blues Music Festival that will take place in the Kleinmond Harbour on 28 February and 1 March 2014. He called on members of the community to become involved and said open meetings are held every first Wednesday of the month (4 December, 8 January and 5 February) at the Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism Bureau to discuss ideas and plans for our area’s biggest annual musical event. HKTB chairperson Clinton Lerm announced that the bureau will move to new premises early next year which will be more visible and invited anyone interested in sharing space with the tourism bureau to contact them. He also referred to the visitor statistics for October 2013, which indicated a slight decrease in numbers compared to October 2012 and can be ascribed to underlying economic influences. Lerm said there should be a greater focus on attracting visitors from the Cape Town area, especially now that foreign visitors are affected by the struggling economic situation in Europe and the USA. He told the members that within the Overstrand tourism ranks, a new marketing opportunity opened up and that for an additional member’s fee of R100 per year they will be allowed to place brochures at the other three tourism bureaux of the area – Hermanus, Stanford and Gansbaai. Anyone interested in joining the Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism Bureau or the Big Blues team, can contact bureau manager Celeste Scheepers or any one of the other tourism officials at 028 271 5657 or visit them at the Tourism Bureau in Harbour Road, Kleinmond. FANIE KRIGE
) ’n Inwoner het Saterdag 30 November ’n Nokia battery opgetel in Protealaan, Eastcliff. Kontak vir Willie Loedolff op 028 312 2782. ) For November and December, when you buy a ticket in the Hospice 600 Club you also are in line to win a Le Creuset Pink Kettle as well as one of the monthly cash prizes. Hospice will issue you with a gift card/certificate for the person whose name the ticket is in. Contact Norma at the Overstrand Hospice on 028 312 4679 or visit 10 Hope Street, Hermanus. ) Please note the correct landline for Hermanus Kennels and Grooming parlour is 028 312 2886.
At the recent Hang klipKleinmond Tou rism Bureau mingle were (from left) Tania Meiring (Cape Natu re), Lisel Krige (ward councillor), Neville Green (guest speaker), MaryAnne Lerm and her husband, Clinton Lerm (chairperson of the HKTB Executive Committee).
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Leen Jonker, Wildekrans Wine Es tate and Anecia Ol ivier from HKTB. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
TENDER NO. SC 1434/2013
TENDER NR. SC 1434/2013
Tenders are hereby invited for: Sale of Erf 11154 Hermanus, for the Establishment of an Oncology Unit and Related Medical Facilities. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 06 December 2013, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30, upon payment of a tender participation fee of R130.00 per set. Alternatively the documents can be downloaded free from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za Sealed tenders, with “Tender No. SC1434/2013: Sale of Erf 11154 Hermanus, for the Establishment of an Oncology Unit and Related Medical Facilities.” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 4 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation provided by the Municipality. The closing date and time of the tender is on Friday, 17 January 2014 at 12h00 and will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the SCM Committee Room, Hermanus Administration. Tenders must be valid for 240 days after the closing date. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any or none of the tenders submitted, as it may deem expedient. Tenders are subject to the most recent Supply Chain Management Policy and the Administration of Immovable Property Policy of 2009 of the Overstrand Municipality as amended, approved and adopted by Council. Please refer enquiries to Mrs. Alta Marais at telephone number: 028 313 8102.
Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir: Verkoop van Erf 11154 Hermnaus, vir die Vestiging van 'n Onkologiese Eenheid en Verwante Mediese Fasiliteite. Tenderdokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag, 06 Desember 2013, by die kantoor van die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 vanaf Me. Rita Neethling tussen 08h30 en 15h30 by betaling van 'n tender deelnamefooi van R130.00 per stel. Alternatiewelik kan die dokumente gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad: www.overstrand.gov.za Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk “Tender Nr. 1434/2013: “Verkoop van Erf 11154 Hermanus, vir die Vestiging van 'n Onkologiese Eenheid en Verwante Mediese Fasiliteite.” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tender Bus Nr. 4 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die dokumentasie deur die Munisipaliteit uitgereik. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die tender is Vrydag, 17 Januarie 2014 om 12h00. Tenders sal direk na die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. Tenders moet geldig wees vir 240 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die hoogste of enige tender wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie en behou die reg voor om enige of geeneen van die tenders wat aangebied is te aanvaar nie. Tenders is onderhewig aan die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurbeleid en die Administrasie van vaste eiendom beleid van 2009 van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit soos gewysig, goedgekeur en aangeneem deur die Raad. Navrae kan gerig word aan Me. Alta Marais by telefoonnommer 028 313 8102.
Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso: Ukuthengiswa Kwesiza 11154 eHermanus, nenjongo zokwakha indawo zempilo. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela Ngolwesihlanu nge 06 Disembha 2013, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand., eMagnolia Avenue,eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye15h30 usakuhlawula umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba kwiziniki-maxabiso ongama- R130.00. Iitsheki mazenziwe zihlawuleke ku “Masipala we-Overstrand”. kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwiwebhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa,“Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1434/2013: Ukuthengiswa Kwesiza 11154 eHermanus, nenjongo zokwakha indawo zempilo.” ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso No. 4 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala wase-Overstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 17 Januwari 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamakhulu anamashumi anesbhozo 240 emva komhla wokuvala. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphezulu okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso, neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kunye nomthetho wolawulo lezakhiwo kaMasipala we-Overstrand ka 2009 ovunywe libhunga lika Masipala. Nceda nxibelelana no Nkosazana Alta Marais kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 313 8102.
Hermanus Times
Algemeen General
5 December, 2013
Overstrand building community receives R1,5M payout
TENDER NO. SC 1435/2013
TENDER NR. SC 1435/2013
Tenders are hereby invited for A: ERF 3898, ±3ha (PORTION OF ERF 210) GANSBAAI AND B: ERF 3899, ±3ha (PORTION OF ERF 210) GANSBAAI FOR AQUACULTURE USE. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 06 December 2013, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30, upon payment of a tender participation fee of R130.00 per set. Alternatively the documents can be downloaded free from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za Sealed tenders, with “Tender No. SC1435/2013 A: ERF 3898, ±3ha (PORTION OF ERF 210) GANSBAAI AND B: ERF 3899, ±3ha (PORTION OF ERF 210) GANSBAAI FOR AQUACULTURE USE.” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 4 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation provided by the Municipality. The closing date and time of the tender is on Friday, 17 January 2014 at 12h00 and will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the SCM Committee Room, HermanusAdministration. Tenders must be valid for 240 days after the closing date. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any or none of the tenders submitted, as it may deem expedient. Tenders are subject to the most recent Supply Chain Management Policy and the Administration of Immovable Property Policy of 2009 of the Overstrand Municipality as amended, approved and adopted by Council. Please refer enquiries to Mrs. Alta Marais at telephone number: 028 313 8102.
enders word hiermee ingewag vir for A: ERF 3898, ±3ha (GEDEELTE VAN ERF 210) GANSBAAI EN B: ERF 3899, ±3ha (GEDEELTE VAN ERF 210) GANSBAAI VIR AKWAKULTUUR GEBRUIK Tenderdokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag, 06 Desember 2013, by die kantoor van die Voorsieningskanaal-bestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 vanaf Me. Rita Neethling tussen 08h30 en 15h30 by betaling van 'n tender deelnamefooi van R130.00 per stel. Alternatiewelik kan die dokumente gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad: www.overstrand.gov.za Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk “Tender Nr. SC1435/2013: “for A: ERF 3898, ±3ha (GEDEELTE VAN ERF 210) GANSBAAI EN B: ERF 3899, ±3ha (GEDEELTE VAN ERF 210) GANSBAAI, VIR AKWAKULTUUR GEBRUIK.” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tender Bus Nr. 4 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die dokumentasie deur die Munisipaliteit uitgereik. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die tender is Vrydag, 17 Januarie 2014 om 12h00. Tenders sal direk na die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. Tenders moet geldig wees vir 240 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die hoogste of enige tender wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie en behou die reg voor om enige of geeneen van die tenders wat aangebied is te aanvaar nie. Tenders is onderhewig aan die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurbeleid en die Administrasie van vaste eiendom beleid van 2009 van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit soos gewysig, goedgekeur en aangeneem deur die Raad. Navrae kan gerig word aan Me. Alta Marais by telefoonnommer 028 313 8102.
Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso: A: Ukuthengiswa Kwesiza 3898, esinobukhulu obu ±3ha (isahlulo sesiza 210) eGansbaai Kunye B: Nesiza 3899, esinobukhulu obu ±3ha (isahlulo sesiza 210) eGansbaai ngenjongo yokusebenzisa lomhlaba kwezolimo. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela Ngolwesihlanu nge 06 Disembha 2013, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand., eMagnolia Avenue,eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye-15h30 usakuhlawula umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba kwizinikimaxabiso ongama- R130.00. Iitsheki mazenziwe zihlawuleke ku “Masipala we-Overstrand”. kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa,“Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1435/2013: Ukuthengiswa Kwesiza 3898, esinobukhulu obu ±3ha (isahlulo sesiza 210) eGansbaai Kunye B: Nesiza 3899, esinobukhulu obu ±3ha (isahlulo sesiza 210) eGansbaai ngenjongo yokusebenzisa lomhlaba kwezolimo.” ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso No. 4 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala wase-Overstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 17 Januwari 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamakhulu amabini anamashumi amane 240 emva komhla wokuvala. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphezulu okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso, neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kunye nomthetho wolawulo lezakhiwo kaMasipala we-Overstrand ka 2009 ovunywe libhunga lika Masipala. Nceda nxibelelana no Nkosazana Alta Marais kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 313 8102.
TENDER NO. SC 1428/ 2013
TENDER NR. SC 1428/2013
Tenders are hereby invited for: Sale of Erf 456 Pearly Beach for Residential / Resort Use. Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Friday, 06 December 2013, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 from Ms. Rita Neethling between 08h30 and 15h30, upon payment of a tender participation fee of R130.00 per set. Alternatively the documents can be downloaded free from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za S e a l e d t e n d e r s , w i t h “ Te n d e r N o . SC1428/2013: Sale of Erf 456 Pearly Beach for Residential / Resort Use” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 4 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation provided by the Municipality. The closing date and time of the tender is on Friday, 17 January 2014 at 12h00 and will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the SCM Committee Room, Hermanus Administration. Tenders must be valid for 240 days after the closing date. The Overstrand Municipality does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any or none of the tenders submitted, as it may deem expedient. Tenders are subject to the most recent Supply Chain Management Policy and the Administration of Immovable Property Policy of 2009 of the Overstrand Municipality as amended, approved and adopted by Council. Please refer enquiries to Mrs. Alta Marais at telephone number: 028 313 8102.
Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir: Verkoop van Erf 456 Pearly Beach vir Residensiële / Oordgebruik. Tenderdokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Vrydag, 06 Desember 2013, by die kantoor van die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, Tel. 028 313 8064 vanaf Me. Rita Neethling tussen 08h30 en 15h30 by betaling van 'n tender deelnamefooi van R130.00 per stel. Alternatiewelik kan die dokumente gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad: www.overstrand.gov.za Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk “Tender Nr. SC1428/2013: “Verkoop van Erf 456 Pearly Beach vir Residensiële / Oordgebruik” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tender Bus Nr. 4 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die dokumentasie deur die Munisipaliteit uitgereik. Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die tender is Vrydag, 17 Januarie 2014 om 12h00. Tenders sal direk na die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, HermanusAdministrasie. Tenders moet geldig wees vir 240 dae na die sluitingsdatum. Die Munisipaliteit Overstrand is nie verplig om die hoogste of enige tender wat ingedien word te aanvaar nie en behou die reg voor om enige of geeneen van die tenders wat aangebied is te aanvaar nie. Tenders is onderhewig aan die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurbeleid en die Administrasie van vaste eiendom beleid van 2009 van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit soos gewysig, goedgekeur en aangeneem deur die Raad. Navrae kan gerig word aan Me. Alta Marais by telefoonnommer 028 313 8102.
Kucelwa Isiniki-xabiso: Ukuthengiswa Kwesiza 456 ePearly Beach, ngenjongo yokwakha indawo zokuhlala okanye indawo zokutya iHolide. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela Ngolwesihlanu nge 06 Disembha 2013, kwiofisi yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela, kuMasipala we-Overstrand., eMagnolia Avenue,eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 ku Nkosazana Rita Neethling phakathi kweye-08h30 neye-15h30 usakuhlawula umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba kwiziniki-maxabiso ongamaR130.00. Iitsheki mazenziwe zihlawuleke ku “Masipala we-Overstrand”. kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa,“Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1428/2013: Ukuthengiswa Kwesiza 456 ePearly Beach, ngenjongo yokwakha indawo zokuhlala okanye indawo zokutya iHolide.” ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso No. 4 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala waseOverstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo. Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 17 Januwari 2014 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Ithenda mazibesemthethweni kangangentsuku ezingamakhulu amabini anamashumi amane 240 emva komhla wokuvala. UMasipala we-Overstrand akazibopheleli ekwamkeleni ixabiso elilelona liphezulu okanye nasiphi isiniki-xabiso kwaye unelungelo lokwamkela nasiphi na isiniki-xabiso, njengoko ebona kufanelekile. Iziniki-maxabiso ziphantsi koMgangatho woLawulo lweZiniki-maxabiso, neNkqubo yoLawulo lweTyathanga loKubonelela kunye nomthetho wolawulo lezakhiwo kaMasipala we-Overstrand ka 2009 ovunywe libhunga lika Masipala. Nceda nxibelelana no Nkosazana Alta Marais kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 313 8102.
WANNEER DIE ONDERWYSER DIE LEERDER WORD: Twee graad R onderwysers by Hawston Primêr, Su sanna Pietersen (links) en Crycell Lu cas van Hawston is tans besig met hulle professionele onderwysdiploma in die grondslagfase. Hier staan hulle met die skoolhoof van Hawston Pri mêr, Julius Swart. Pietersen het ’n on derskeiding in wiskunde en Lucas ’n onderskeiding in skoolgereedheid in die grondslagfase behaal. Die skool wens die twee vroue alle voorspoed en sterkte vir die toekoms. Soos Swart sê: “Dis ’n duidelike bewys dat jy nooit te oud is om te leer nie.”
Dié papegaai is Saterdag in Proteapark in Sandbaai gevind. Bel Hermanus Grooming & Kennels by 028 312 2886 vir meer inlig ting.
Over 800 employees in the Overstrand building industry will receive their first leave payout and annual bonus this December, totalling R1,5million. The Building Industry Bargaining Council (BIBC), which increased its jurisdiction to the Overstrand area in 2011, announced this first payout – a milestone for the industry and a boost for the local economy. “A total of 837 employees, employed by 110 employers, will receive their first payout this year,” said Arnold Williams, secretary for the BIBC (Cape of Good Hope). To ensure the safety of the employers, employees and the BIBC staff, no cash will be paid out; instead employees are able to choose between electronic transfers or cheque payments. The employers will receive their employees’ cheques from the BIBC on 3 December, while those employers who opted for electronic transfers or for cheques to be handed directly to employees, will be dealt with between 11 and 14 December. The timing of the annual payout coincides with the annual builders’ holiday, which starts on 17 December. The industry reopens on Monday 13 January. The duration of the builders’ annual leave is traditionally 15 working days, plus the three public holidays that fall within the leave period, and is legislated as part of the BIBC’s Collective Agreement. This year the council again negotiated an additional unpaid leave day since the start of the working period would have been Friday 10 January 2014 had they not done so. For more information, visit www.bibc.co.za or phone 021 950 7400.
Turbo power for Chevrolet Cruze QUICKPIC The Chevrolet Cruze Hatch and Sedan ranges in South Africa have been given new life with the addition of turbocharged derivatives of both body styles. Marking the first time turbocharged Chevrolets have been available in South Africa, the new turbo models also usher in minor detail upgrades and a refreshed model lineup. Forming part of General Motors’ global powertrain portfolio, the 1,4-litre turbocharged ECOTEC petrol engine now makes its way into Cruze models after proven use in other GM products the world over. Producing 103 kW between 4 900 and 6 000 r/min along with 200 Nm of torque between 1 850 ad 4 900 r/min, the smooth engine not only provides an enhanced driving experience in both Cruze body styles, but also benefits in the fuel efficiency and carbon emissions stakes. Featuring standard start/stop technology, the fourcylinder unit has a dual overhead camshaft with variable valve timing and a multi-point injection fuel system. Featured in the new Chevrolet Cruze 1.4T LS Sedan and Cruze 1.4T LS Hatch models, the new powertrain returns average combined fuel economy of 5,8 F per 100 km, with corresponding CO² emissions of 135 g/km each. Both models also come standard with a six-speed manual gearbox with gear ratios perfectly matched to the turbocharged engine, further ensuring optimal efficiency. This engine delivers performance comparable to units of a larger displacement while requiring less fuel and producing a smaller carbon footprint. The safety architecture of the local Cruze sedan and hatch models is based on the original design, which has earned top five-star safety ratings from both Euro NCAP and the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). To help the driver avoid accidents, the Cruze comes packed with advanced active safety systems which include:
Featured in the new Chevrolet Cruze 1.4T LS Sedan and Cruze 1.4T LS Hatch models, the new powertrain returns average combined fuel economy of 5.8litres per 100 km, with corresponding CO² emissions of 135 g/km each. PHOTO: QUICKPIC ) Electronic Stability Control (ESC), which helps the driver maintain control in challenging driving situations and keeps the vehicle heading in the intended direction. It also enables more precise, controlled antilock braking performance as well as exceptional traction and steering stability. ) Traction Control, which limits wheel spin when one or both of the front driven wheels begin to lose traction ) Four-channel Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) with Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD). The latter proportions brake pressure during braking. In the case of an accident, the Chevrolet Cruze 1.4T has front and rear crush zones, engineered to collapse in a controlled fashion and maintain the integrity of the cabin. A collapsible pedal assembly also reduces the risk of injury to the driver’s legs and feet during moderate-to-severe impacts. All Cruze LS and LT models are equipped
with five three-point seatbelts and six standard airbags. Safety seats for children can be secured using the ISOFIX anchoring system on the two rear outboard positions. Along with the introduction of the new turbocharged powertrain, Chevrolet Cruze sedan and hatch models have both been given specification updates, further enhancing the value added by the new engine. Striking new optional 17-inch alloy wheels update the exterior looks of the 1.4T LS models, along with slight design upgrades, which include LED side indicators integrated into the door mirrors on all models and a chrome belt-line on the Hatch. Two new colours are also available: Mars Stone Blue and Blue Sapphire. Other standard equipment applicable to LS and LT-spec models includes one-touch up/ down driver and front passenger windows, while LS-specific options include leather upholstery, a sunroof and the ‘Driver’s Pack’ which incorporates automatic climate con-
trol and rear parking sensors. New model changes notwithstanding, the entry level 1.6 Sedan now also benefits from the addition of ESC – something the rest of the Cruze range still enjoys. The introduction of the new turbocharged Cruze models to the range sees the new Cruze 1.4T LS Sedan and Hatch derivatives replacing the existing 1.8 LS Sedan and Hatch models. Supported by the Cruze 1.6 Sedan, 1.6 LS Sedan, 1.6 LS Hatch, 2.0D LS Sedan and the range topping 2.0D LT Sedan models, the two hatchback derivatives and five sedan derivatives complete a seven-model range in South Africa, with keen pricing and value for money still a strong Cruze selling point. Pricing for the new 1.4 Turbo starts at R242 100 (hatchback) and R244 700 for the sedan. All Chevrolet Cruze derivatives are sold with a 5-year/120 000 km warranty and a 3year/60 000 km service plan.
Hermanus Times 5 December, 2013
BOLAND Auto Sold
BOLAND Auto Sold
Hermanus Times 5 December, 2013
24 Hermanus Times Avis can now offer the Jag experience 5 December, 2013
The chance of of driving a Jaguar is now just that little bit more readily available, courtesy of Avis Luxury Cars. Jaguar Land Rover SA has made two F-TYPE Jaguars and 45 new XFs available for the luxury rental fleet nationwide. “Jaguar’s partnership with Avis provides an ideal platform for consumers to experience a Jaguar at first-hand, outside the dealership environment,” says Kevin Flynn, Managing Director of Jaguar Land Rover South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. With demand for the F-TYPE far exceeding supply, this impressive sports car newcomer is one of the most exciting additions to the new vehicle market this year. It has also been named a 2013 Car of the Year finalist. “While the F-TYPE is a bespoke sports car that won’t ultimately suit the practicalities of many new car buyers, the allure of experiencing one first hand is difficult to ignore. That desire may just have become
that bit easier through an Avis experience,” said Flynn. The Avis Luxury Cars fleet provides a number of premium vehicles to discerning customers countrywide, whether for a special occasion or merely what individuals are accustomed to. The opportunity to have the acclaimed XF as a car-hire option is an important step for the company towards providing a Jaguar experience to a wider audience. Both the Jaguar XF 2.2d and latest 2.0i4 turbocharged petrol models are available in the fleet, all in Premium Luxury spec. The world’s most beautiful executive saloon naturally offers a host of features and innovative technology, packaged in true Jaguar style. The frugal diesel XF drove from Pretoria to Durban and back on a single tank of fuel last year, returning 4,9 l/100km. But that’s just a bonus on top of the luxury package and 140kW performance. Jaguar’s new 2,0-litre turbocharged petrol engine provides an equally thrilling performance experience, courtesy of 177kW of refined
BOLAND Auto Sold
The Avis Luxury Cars fleet provides premium vehicles, such as these two Jags, to discerning customers, whether for a special occasion or merely to provide what some individuals are accustomed to. PHOTO: QUICKPIC power. It accelerates to 100km/h in under eight seconds – but don’t take Jaguar’s word for it: try it for yourself through Avis. “The Jaguar XF appeals to the youngest, most dynamic Jaguar cus-
tomer yet,” continues Flynn. “We can now showcase this beautiful car to more people who may not otherwise have considered a Jaguar. For us, the XF embodies the bold design, luxury, and efficient performance of
all our cars.” The XF is available from Avis Luxury Cars in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town, Durban, Bloemfontein and Port Elizabeth, F-TYPEs in Johannesburg and Cape Town.
Hermanus Times
BOLAND Auto Sold
5 December, 2013
Nissan Navara puts on the Safari suit QUICKPIC The formidable Nissan Navara range has been extended with the introduction of the new special edition Nissan Navara Safari – a specially modified iteration of the classleading bakkie which has been tailored for the intrepid South African 4x4 enthusiast who enjoys overland excursions. Under the guidance and advice of 4x4 expert Glyn Demmer, the Navara Safari now boasts the additions and modifications that a safari environment demands, says Demmer: “While the Nissan Navara in 4x4 guise remains a formidable off-road vehicle, we decided to specialise the Safari version and create a vehicle that is specially suited to overland trips. While the Navara Safari doesn’t lose any of its normal offroad capabilities, the addition of specialised extras just enhances its prowess as a long-distance ‘bundu basher’.” The new Nissan Navara Safari, which is based on the Navara 2.5 dCi Double Cab 4x4 LE and is available with either a six-speed manual or five-speed automatic gearbox, features a host of special equipment which includes: • All-terrain tyres for optimum grip off-road without compromising on-road dynamics, • A front-mounted nudge bar that provides protection from trees and shrubs as well as serving as a secure mounting point for the standard spotlights, which provide superior enhance-
ments to visibility at night, • Hard-wearing seat covers, are crafted from cotton canvas for extra protection and which include useful storage pockets, • Easy-to-clean SAFARI-branded carpets, • A rubberised load box with tonneau cover for extra practicality, cargo protection, aerodynamic drag improvement and aesthetic enhancement, • Underbody protection plates for the engine, gearbox and transfer case, which make traversing rocky terrain less dangerous, • Custom-built protective rocksliders which protect the side sills, • A removable tow bar with recovery points to capitalise on the Navara’s 3 000 kg towing capacity while maintaining an excellent departure angle. Nissan South Africa Product Manager (Marketing), Marinus Venter, elaborates: “In creating the Navara Safari we wanted to ensure that specialised extras were fitted, not only to add value, but also to make off-road excursions even easier for our more adventurous customers.” As with the rest of the Nissan Navara range, the new Navara Safari comes standard with a 3-year/100 000 km warranty and Nissan’s 3year/90 000 km service plan, with service intervals of 15 000 km. The new Nissan Navara Safari Retail’s price incl. VAT Navara Safari 2.5 dCi Double Cab 4x4 LE manual is R490 000, while the automatic will set you back R496 000.
The Nissan Navara Safari, based on the Navara 2.5 dCi Double Cab 4x4 LE and available with a six speed manu al or five speed automatic gearbox. PHOTO: QUICKPIC
Hermanus Times 5 December, 2013
BOLAND Auto Sold
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
5 December, 2013
CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871.
KIP MCGRATH EDUCATION CENTRE. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028-313 0209 today for a free assessment.
HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.
ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za.
ERROL VERSFELD. Two very lonely years have passed since you left us so suddenly. Will always miss & love you. Till we meet again. Your loving wife Jeanette.
RAAI WIE'S 21 Op die 10de Desember? Baie geluk en mag hierdie dag net seëninge inhou. Lekker verjaar van ma, pa, broer en familie.
1st FOR FUNCTIONS. Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, Linen, Co-ordinating of any event. Birthdays, Weddings, or any celebration. Call 028-313 2792 or 083 236 3608.
BORDER COLLIE PUP, assorted cats and kittens urgently need good homes. Call 028 431 0547 / 082 899 1172.
17-04-1943 – 28-11-2013 Memorial Service to be held on Friday 6 December 2013 At 11:00 at the Catholic Church, Hermanus Private cremation
Hermanus 028 316 1659
WILLIE COMBRINCK. 6 Desember reeds 'n jaar van ons geskei. U bydrae tot Afrikaans as taal word steeds waardeer. Jy sal altyd voortleef in ons herrinneringe en by Hermanus Times groep. Van jou vriende C & H Bezuidenhout.
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218.
DAPHNE SLABBERT. Begrafnisdiens vir wyle Daphne Slabbert geskied Saterdag 7 Desember 2013 om 9:00 te Acts Mission Kerk Hawston.
HERMANUS HIRING will fill all your function needs - Tables, chairs, cutlery, crockery, linen, etc. At good prices. Call 028-312 4291 or Ken on 082 420 0060.
DR CHAD GORDON DC (USA) Sports and family practice. Checkers Centre. Call 028-313 0878.
LOSE WEIGHT, GAIN ENERGY. Sms XTRA to 45633. R150/sms.
OVERSTRAND HOSPICE -Care for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679.
SUGAR PLUM Part Shop. Themed cakes, kiddies, tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles, etc. Purple Shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.
TAROT READING. 25 Years experience. Phone 083 750 9453 for appointments.
MASSAGE THERAPIST. Raymond Philpott. Therapeutic, deep tissue, sports. THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for Kidbrooke Place & Botriany unwanted clothing, vier. Call 082 599 2993. linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect ONRUSRIVIER. NU goods every Tues & Thu. NAILS& BEAUTY. Since Call 028-313 1884. 2005. Acrylic, gel, waxing, manicures,pedicures,eyeFOTOGRAFIE lash extensions & more. & VIDEO’S Qualified beautician. Call 1465 Mari 083 299 6241.
WEIGHT WATCHERS, internationally acclaimed as the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Summer Special! Phone Gilly 082 8789 558. Because it works!
HANSIE OOSTHUIZEN. Professional photographer. www.hansiephoto.co.za. Tel. 072 878 1787. www.facebook.com/ hansiephoto. Professional service with a smile. PHOTOGRAPHER for all your functions. M. Stone 083 456 1913 or mestone@mweb.co.za.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com
DIE KLASKAMER - Wiskundeklasse. Bee Müller (gr 4-7) 076 306 3861 of bee@hermanus.co.za. Ansie de Kock (gr 8-12) 079 603 7781 of ansie@whale.co.za. Naby skole. Skryf nou in om teleurstelling te voorkom.
WANTED: Antiques, furniture, paintings, bronzes, silver, porcelain, jewellery, watches, clocks. Call 082 833 2567. BOUMATERIAAL 1610
IBR ROOF SHEETS large qty R35/m. Discount for large qty. Pine flooring 100 mm. T+G large qty R18/m. Call Lance 076 810 1196 or Terence 028-313 2372. ELEKTRIES TOEBEHORE 1620
DEFY DISHWASHER as good as new R1000. Call 082 493 6724.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
5 December, 2013
QUALITY CHICKEN MANURE for your lawn & garden. Delivered. R55.00 for 40 kg. Call Oliver 072 176 2657.
PRINTERS & INK. Refills & servicing. Professional & guaranteed. Best prices in town. Collection & delivery service. Call Armand 072 871 3353.
ZUKI'S GARDEN & Forestery Service. Alien plant clearing. Plot clearing. Garden refuse removal. Tree pruning. Hedge trimming. Weed extermination, etc. Call Zukisani 082 711 6102. GLAS/VENSTERS
1827 1820
AFFORDABLE ONSITE Computer Support. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer with ten years corporate experience to assist you at home or office with all computer, network, internet and email problems. Call Jacques 084 402 0500.
APPLE AND COMPUTER SUPPORT. Your friendly neighbourhood geek would like to help you sort out your PC and mobile device problems! I provide on-site support, tutoring and expert advice all at the best price in town. Try me! Call Chris on 082 856 5384. COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pentium 4's from R1299,00. Refurbished with warranty. Call Dolf Uys 072 705 8577.
BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028312 2367.
SOLIEDE DONKER KIAAT tafel & 8 gestoffeerde stoele R10 000. Bypassende buffet R3000. Skakel Louise Coetzee by 082 787 7196.
BARGAIN SHOP. We offer best prices for all your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508. ALLERLEI 1655
2 TOPLOAD WASMASJIENE. 1 Twin tub R500 elk. Almal in werkende toestand. Skakel 082 777 4002. 6 SITPLEK GESTOFFEERDE sitkamerstel, 4 sitplek houtblad tafel, enkel bed, ACER X 1230 PK. DLP Projector en Targus pointer. Skakel 082 443 2151/ 082 771 5368.
BEAUTIFUL WEDDING DRESSES and ballgowns for sale. www.loveyour dress.yolasite.com. Call 078 638 2145. COMPUTER SUPPORT, BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. mobile devices. Onsite Call Danie 082 958 5749. support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.
I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, CORICRAFT COUCH-two linen, shoes, kitchenware, seater excellent condition. curtains & fancy dress for Creamy/beige R1650.00 parties. Call Carol 082 890 ono. Contact 072 762 0253. 5749.
PLANT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726. TOILET & HUT HIRE: Contact CCS Plant, Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726.
TRAILER HIRE: Contact CCS Plant Tool & Trailer Hire on 028-312 2280/079 492 5726. TUIN & BESPROEIING 1825
MIK & TAK. Afsaag van bome, verwyder wortelsisteme. Verwyder en maak skoon - die twee boertjies ken - probeer ons. Aldert 083 739 9865/Mike 078 371 5967.
SOLOMON'S WINDOW CLEANING Services for domestic, commercial, industrial & construction sites. For free quotation phone Solomon 082 747 3640. Serving Hermanus since 1996.
101 SERVICES. Handyman general. No job too small. Best rates. Pensioners discount. 15 Years experience. Call Peter 073 157 2415.
BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323. REPAIRING & CLEANING of any kind of Persian Carpets at Shakhcha Persian Carpets, Gateway Centre, Hermanus. Also wide variety of assorted Persian carpets for sale. Tel. 028 313 2072.
FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. For all your plumbing requirements and bathroom makeovers call 083 308 0534.
SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667.www. solarmax.co.za. WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480. VERFWERK 1872
ROOFS INSIDE & OUT & woodwork. Best price and supervision. Call Deon 084 PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. 610 2815. Call 082 885 7480.
SOUTH COAST PLUMBING. Registered 1850 plumber. Service and installations. Quality guaMR. MAINTENANCE GUARANTEED SAFE TRANSFER of stu- Painting, paving, tiling, PEST/WEED CONTROL. ranteed. Pensioner disdents & scholars from alterations, small building, Personal treatment. Indu- counts. LPG gas installations & services. Certified Gansbaai & Hermanus to roofing, waterproofing, strial/Residential. Weed Steenbras Street, installer. Oliver Voigt 072 ASEMROWENDE TuinStellenbosch & Paarl. Conplumbing. Call outs. Free treatment on lawns. off Swartdam Street. 176 2657/028-312 2796. dienste. Snoei & afkap van tact us: info@agulhaseco- quotes. Rudi 073 190 3541. Andries de Kock Industrial Area Tel 028-312 2886 bome. Sny vangras, skoon- tours.com. 082 567 7591. 084 512 9584 24 HOUR SERVICE maak van erwe, rommelNEVILLE'S REFRIGEverwydering & meubelverOVERBERG PEST CONRATION and appliance voer. Geute skoonmaak. TROL: Domestic and comrepairs. Fridges, freezers, ALGEMENE & Morné 083 225 3712. mercial treatments. ProHUISDIENSTE stoves, tumble driers, fessional solutions to your microwaves. Phone Neville 082 414 9611 pest problems. Beetle 028-316 1690 or 078 401 inspections and timber NEW GEYSER 3547. BOUWERK & ALTERATIONS, treatments. Registered GEYSER ELEME NTS KONSTRUKSIE REPAIRS, painting, elecwith Dept. of Agriculture. REPLACEME NTS 1801 trical, plumbing, tiling, OVERBERG DRY TAR. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 building etc. Free quotaDiensverskaffing van teer or 082 563 9514. A1 BUILDERS. Alteratitions. Phone 082 864 2275. werk asook plaveisel. Nuons, extensions, new garawe opritte, sypaadjies, ges, painting (in and outparkeer areas en paaie. BLOCKED side), paving, decking. BUFFALO GRASS. Save ALUMINIUM ANGLO Herstelwerk en vernuwing DRAINS WINDOWS/DOORS. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call water, plant indigenous van bestaande oppervlakManufacture, supply, 072 306 1798. grass. For the best prices, Huw install direct. Replace woo- tes. Besoek gerus www. Jones call Chris 082 568 2592. den/steel frames. Average hfrubbersurfacing.co.za vir BUILDING ALTERATIDANGEROUS TREE Re- house completed in 1 day. meer inligting oor ons nuONS, boundry walls, painwe dienste. Kontak Jaco moval. Pruning, plot cleaIt pays to get our quote. ting, bathroom renovatiVERVOER & Stander vir gratis kwotaring. Hedges trimming. Michael Haman 072 288 BERGING ons, plumbing, tiling. Prosies by 072 225 3792. Alien plant extermination. 4761/084 558 1902. 1870 fessionally done. Call 082 Fire wood. Call T.J.Boshoff 255 0939. 082 954 7970. E-mail: PEST CONTROL -WAL- AAAHH STORAGE APPLIANCE AT ALL bossie.boom@gmail.com. KER BAY. 19 Years expe- AVAILABLE. Call WalkerRepairs at your home. BOUPLANNE FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: Fridges & freezers, stoves, rience in residential, indu- bay Storage 082 577 9293. for professional irrigation washing machines, tumble strial and commercial pest 1802 and automatic borehole control. Specializing in driers & microwaves. Call interfacing systems. For a 071 755 3390. beetle inspections and ALTERATION & BUILfree consultation phone timber treatments. RegiDING PLANS, can do 028-313 0295. stered with Dept. of Agrienergy efficiency study. CARPET AND UPHOLIN OVERBERG culture and SAPCA. Call Call Steven 074 102 7897. FYNBOS GARDENS. STERY cleaning. Curtains our friendly staff on 028+200 UNITS E-mail: steven@ Landscaping, irrigation and & blinds. Call Allison or 316 3010. imagestudio.co.za. John 072 572 0215. garden maintenance. 15 PROMOTION Mimosa Street, Industrial Units from R220/pm Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. T & C applies CINDY'S CARPET SKOONMAAKLOODGIETERS www.fynbosgardens.com DIENSTE CLEANERS. Carpets, 1855 1805 HERMANUS LANDSCA- rugs & upholstery cleaners. We now offer house 1 LOCAL PLUMBING. A MAKE-OVER Cleaning PING. Garden design, cleaning. Cindy 083 270 maintenance & irrigation. Maintenance, geysers, reService for a good spring 5385/028-316 4264. novation, blockages, water clean. Houses, offices pre 22 Years experience. Call Paul Marx 082 32 777 04. proofing, emergency. PIRB and post occupation and FLOOR SANDING & speRegistered. Discount for ironing. Friendly, profesPRO MAINTENANCE & cialized installation of pensioners. Call 072 756 sional service under full IRRIGATION. Irrigation & wood floors & timber 9614/028 312 3874. time supervision. MonLIMITED OFFER maintenance. Wellpoints & decks. The Hutton Discount on Steel Sat. Call 076 115 7382. boreholes. Pressure Brothers 082 828 5627 Container Storage! pumps. Complete houseor 028-341 0543. 24 hrs Secure lock-up self hold water filters. 24 Hrs. storage. ELEKTRIES Free quotations. Available Cnr. Swartdam & Steenbras FRANCOIS DU TOIT Rd, Hermanus. Office on site December. Call 060 396 1810 Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00 CONSTRUCTION & 6874. (028) 312 3898 or PRINTING, FAXING, PLUMBING. Painting, 24 HOUR EMERGENCY 072 635 9656 CV's, b/w photocopies at REMOVAL OF dangerous paving, tiling, bathroom Restricted access call out Electrician. No 50c. Signage, Graphic trees, tree trimming, plot makeovers, home maintedon’t be fooled power, no hot water? Design & Corporate Branclearance, garden mainte- nance, building requireSecurity by SECURI-TEAM Installation maintenance & ding. Tel: 028-312 1733. nance, garden refuse ments call 083 308 0534. repairs: industrial, comCell: 078 212 1239. E-mail: removal, firewood. Call HERMANUS TRANmercial & domestic. bprintsigns@gmail.com. 4 Wilson 074 824 2195. HOUSE SITTER. Are you PORT. 1.2 Tons @ R6/kmGraeme Lahoud 082 785 Victoria Square, HermaWELL POINTS, BOREgoing away on holiday? 4.5 Tons @ R12/km- 7.5 2017. nus, 7200. HOLES & Irrigation, Would you like somebody Tons @R17/km - 13 Tons @ ELECTRICAL and house- borehole refurbishment. reliable looking after your R20/km. Prices netgotiahold appliance repairs. 25 Years experience in home & pets? Please con- REFRIGERATION & ble. T&C's apply. Call 082 Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 Hermanus/Kleinmond tact 082 870 4094 / e-mail: SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call 977 7062. Telefax 028 313 7480. area. Call 073 140 9885. passlydia@gmail.com. 1332. 082 885 7480. PLAAGBEHEER
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
5 December, 2013
SUKSESVOLLE TUINDIENSTE te koop in Gansbaai, sluit in 4 masjiene, blower, headtrimmer, 2 bushcutters. Ook 140 tuine. Werklike belangstellendes kan my kontak by sel 082 927 7961.
BOTRIVIER. Plaashuis te huur op N2. 4 Slaapkamers. Eskom krag. R5500 p.m (elektrisiteit uitgesluit). Skakel 083 248 7773.
ACTIVE MALE PENSIONER seeks furnished 1 bed accommodation Hermanus area. Preferably with garage. Non-smoker. Rent & occupation date neg. Call 083 731 0678.
BUSINESS ADVICE BROKERS. Various businesses for sale. Please contact Evan Rautenbach at 082 974 6995 or email us at advice@bbrokers. co.za. Address: 181 Main Road, Hermanus. Website: www.bbrokers.co.za.
EXPERIENCED MALAWIAN lady is looking for full/part-time domestic work. Reference avail. Call 078 188 2504/074 523 6305.
2002 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY TD5 GS, handrat. Goeie toestand met 180,000km. Prys R90 000 o.h.b. Skakel Johan 083 399 0571.
BEACH BUGGY FOR sale. Excellent condition. To view call 082 341 4248. R20 000 onco.
SHOP 72m2 in the Hemel & Aarde Village. Available now. Very reasonable rental in beautiful setting. R5500 pm. Phone Frandi for details: 083 480 9208. STRAATFRONT EENHEID te huur. Eenheid nr.1, Jarina Park, Gideon van Wyk Slot. 200 vierkante meter. Skakel 083 310 2319. WORKSHOP TO LET. Hermanus Industrial area. Call 082 416 1009. DUPLEKSE/SIMPLEKSE TE HUUR
TE KOOP 3201
NORTHCLIFF. Spacious en suite room with private entrance. R1900 pm+ deposit. Incl. water & 250 units electricity. Call 072 882 2744.
NORTHCLIFF - OAK TERRACE R600 000. Uitstekende koop, noordaansig. 2 Slpk, 1 vol badk, toe sonnige balkon, veilige kelderparkering. www. KAMERS TE HUUR gtproperty.co.za. Web 3315 Verw: 642 828. Marietta LOVELY LARGE DOU082 569 6967. Guthrie & BLE room with full bathTheron Eiendomme. room in commune.In central Hemanus. Call 082 446 MOTORHUISE/ 4942. BERGING 3260
GARAGE FOR RENT. R600 per month. Central Hermanus. Caron Reck 082 456 2016.
SANDBAAI -R15 500pm. Baie ruim 7 slaapkamer huis by Sandbaai strand te huur. Beskikbaar 1 Januarie vir langtermyn. Skakel Neta 084 451 7001 vir meer inligting.
• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com
STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704. TRANSPORT OF FURNITURE & goods. Hermanus, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape. Long distance available. PDP driver. Call Johan 076 253 3745.
DOVECOTE COTTAGE. New to market. Beautiful apartment, 5 mins walk from central of Hermanus, sleeps 2-4. Booking open for summer and festive season. Check website at www.dovecotehermanus. co.za or phone 028 312 2915 or e-mail: toms@ hermanus.co.za.
ALL BIKE, GOLFCART, Car and truck batteries at discounted prices. Call Peter 072 155 5226.
NEED A NEW CAR? Let me assist you with your transport needs. Over a hundred vehicles to choose from. Call Conrad today on 071 925 5406 for more information.
OWN NEW CARS from R699/month. Aimed at people who drive 15002000km+ a month. Earn R5 500 a month. Are not blacklisted. Visit: www. ownnewcars.co.za or sms A6435 to 35393. R3/sms. T & C apply.
HERMANUS CENTRAL. One bedroom flat. View of sea & mountain. Available now. R2600 pm. Call 076 735 3150.
AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.
EXCLUSIVE OPEN PLAN offices to let. Hemel & Aarde Village, ± 100 square metres. Phone 028-316 2696.
33-YEAR-OLD Malawian man is looking for a job as driver or domestic worker. Has code 10 licence. Call Francis 084 710 0912/078 731 9515.
SILVER OAKS. 1 Bedroom ground floor corner unit (mountain side). R2 800 pm. Available immediately. Call 083 454 3545.
VERMONT -R5000 p.m + deposito. 3 Slaapkamer huis, 2 bdk, studeerk, oopplan sit/eetk, binne en buitebr. Baie privaat. Water en krag ingesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Des. Ongemeubileer. Skakel Paul 082 573 6761.
MALAWIAN lady is looking for a job as a housekeeper for 3 days/weekWednesday/Thursday and Saturday. Call 078 818 7901. MALAWIAN lady is looking for domestic/babysitting job. Full/part-time. 10 Years experience. Call Patricia 073 613 1548. MALAWIAN LADY is looking for 3 days job Monday/Wednesday/Friday as a domestic/babysitter. Reference available. Call 083 950 8562/084 046 0011. MALAWIAN LADY looking for a job as a domestic/babysitter/waitress. Full/part-time with work permit. Call 084 701 3175.
MALAWIAN man is looking for a gardener/housekeeper or farm/caring for elderly job. Sleep in/out. 2 Yrs experience. Ref: 082 36 YR ZIMBABWEAN looking for a job as a baby- 470 3701. Call Kenny 074 967 9191. sitter/housekeeper. Call Elizabeth 084 316 1379. MATURED MALAWIAN 43 YEAR ZIMBABWEAN lady is looking for full-time job as a domestic worker. Has reference. Call Fortunate 074 411 8130.
man looking for part/full time housekeeper or any other job. Please call Clement 073 197 4799/073 022 8377.
A MALAWIAN LADY is looking for a housekeeping job. Has experience and reference available. Please call 071 727 9225/071 833 5588.
PENSIONER with code 8 driver's licence immediately available for fulltime or part- time work as a driver. Call Jan 082 733 3794.
A MALAWIAN lady is looking for a job as a housekeeper/babysitter or domestic worker 2/3 days/week. Please call 078 231 0512. A MALAWIAN lady looking for a job as a cleaner/nanny or carer for elderly people. Call Onica 071 037 0638. A MATURE, HONEST lady is looking for a char/ domestic job. Mon/Tues/ Wed/Fri. For reference call 073 502 9983. Call Narissa 073 498 3255.
GARDEN COTTAGE For single working person. R3000 pm. In Voëlklip. Call 028-314 1136.
SANDBAAI. 3 Bedroom house close to sea. Onrus side. Well built & maintained. North facing. Lovely views. Established fynbos garden. 2 Bathrooms. Ideal holiday home. R11 350. Call 082 840 5230. E-mail: rhart260@aol.com.
HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za.
ROLL ON LAWN BESIGHEID in Gansbaai te koop. Sluit in "Shortcutter, sny gras uit" en "Sprinkaan", groot grassny masjien om gras op land te sny. Naaste roll on besigheid is in Kleinmond. Goeie wins. Belangstellendes kan my kontak vir afspraak by 082 927 7961.
A ZIMBABWEAN lady is looking for a job as a housekeeper or babysitter. Reference Mrs. J Smith 074 716 2152. Call Mercy 084 324 4513.
EXPERIENCED CARER, gardener and house worker is looking for work. Call 073 251 7637.
A ZIMBABWEAN lady(33) seeking a job as a domestic worker for Wed and Sat. Reference available. Call Mary 073 647 5194.
A ZIMBABWEAN lady is seeking a job as a domesti worker/housekeeper or any job. Reference avail. Call Patience 078 267 6408.
TWO LADIES are looking for a job as a housekeeper and babysitter. Call Yvonne 078 233 4735 or Susan 073 117 3658. ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for a job as a housekeeper for the whole week or any general job. Call Violet 078 435 0666. ALGEMEEN 3680
A MIDDLE AGED woman is looking for a job as a cleaner/childminder. I am honest, kind and helpful. Ref: Emma 078 058 8040/ Ellen 078 929 3708. Looking for 5 or 6 days/week. Call 074 072 8617. A VERY HONEST & reliable lady looking for house work. Please call 061 140 5390. A YOUNG Malawian lady is seeking employment as a housekeeper or domestic worker. Full/part-time. Very trustworthy and reliable. Call Agness 084 298 5306/078 084 2723.
DENTAL PLASTICS TECHNICIAN required in January for busy dental practice. Apply via post to: P.O.Box 1245, Hermanus 7200.
Hermanus Times
Geklassifiseerd Classifieds
5 December, 2013
GRADE D SECURITY OFFICERS needed for casual work during the festive season. Please send 2 page C.V to (028) 315-2589 or e-mail: z.dupisanie@gmail.com.
CHILDLINE 0800 055 555
SPAR GIRL SEEKS A HOME: This is the collie cross female with a long swishy fox like tail, who was constantly seen at Gate way Spar begging for food recently. She was terribly thin and was obviously nursing. After calls by concerned residents, the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (Haws) collected her, fed her and released her again so that she could return to her pups as Haws did not know where they were. She was seen again at Spar, but this time seemed to have weaned her babies and would not go home, so Haws took her in again in the hope of finding her a permanent home. She has been named Sparletta and is playful, alert and af fectionate. Contact Haws on 028 312 1281.
8th December 2013 Morning Services: 8.30 & 10am led by Rev. Dr. James Gray
shofar at bosko everyone’s invited to join our sunday celebration! sunday services
Enquiries 028 – 312 2717 ********************* STANFORD UNITED CHURCH Evening service 18:00 Enquiries (028) 341 0077
FIRST GRADUATION: Paddakoor Akad emie celebrated their first graduation class last week. They are very proud of the five girls and wish them the best. Back: Jacqui Benzien (principle). Middle: Miencke Jou bert, Tamaryn Marais (Grade R teacher), Lindsay Marais and Onyi Ikemeonu. Front: Shiloh Siebritz and LeighTara Lendor.
PRAYER ON THE MOUNTAIN Rotary Drive (at the main lookout point)
Saturday morning 7th December 2013 @ 7 am.
(To be held the first Saturday of every month.)
All welcome to join us in prayer for Hermanus, our region & country. ******************* United Church Hermanus (028) 312 2717
Inspired Life
bosko • fairways ave • hermanus
call us on 028 312 2514
www.shofaronline.or g
All Welcome
Invites you for a time of Worship, & the Inspired Word of God Message
Sunday @ 09am-10:30 am & 6 pm Christmas Service Wednesday 25th December at 09:00
info: 028 312 4283 / www.livethelife.org.za
Sandbaai Saal Main Rd
Cecil & Brenda James 028-316 3224
FREE QUOTES 083 693 8983
SHOWROOM: 21A Mimosa Street Hermanus Industria Tel: (028) 312-3767
% 30 unt o sc Fuel i D 1L e & e Fr
Bio-Fuel Fireplaces - Ideal Christmas Gift salesoverberg@progressgroup.co.za
Hermanus Times
Sport Sport
5 December, 2013
DOGS on their last legs
CURRO SPORTDAG: Curro Preprimêr Hermanus het Vrydag 30 November ’n sportdag vir die kleuters aangebied.Van die ouers het ook gewys hulle kán nog. FOTO’S: HANSIE OOSTHUIZEN
Kleuters neem deel aan resies.
Tuesday saw the last log game of 2013 and a final chance for the potential combatants to impress their respective captains before the big international match next week. Some chose just to show off with Steady Freddie being the worst culprit. Others obviously made little effort, realising that their tenderpreneurship had already got them into the side. Judging by Tuesday’s scores, the locals have to go into this match as firm favourites, especially playing at home against a team which has no home ground of their own. Mind you that’s what they said about the Proteas against Pakistan in the ODI’s! Scores: 41 Fred Garrett; 39 Louwtjie Kruger, Ian Newman; 37 Alan Calder, Mannes van Zyl; 35 Doug Ross; 34 Alan Smith, Arne Andersen; 33 Michel Maury, John Flynn (guest); 31 Dave Rade, Chris Martin, Mike Graham; 30 Dave Brittain; 29 Sam Seal; 27 John Cheesbrough, Jon Forsyth, Peter Thomas, Geoff Crowther, David Naylor; 26 Dave Smith; 25 Tony Jones, Hugh Frangs, John Tunstall; 23 Gordon Wilson; 19 Pat Dewil, Tony Hackett ) AJ Cup winners: Louwtjie Kruger / Arne Andersen. - DAVE SMITH
Tennis Fun Round Robin The Tennis Fun Round Robin will take place at the Hermanus Tennis Club on Saturday 14 December at 13:00. Members and visitors are all welcome to attend. Registration will take place at the club starting at 12:30. The entry fee is R45, which includes balls, tea and cake. The closing date for entries is on Thursday 12 December at 22:00. For more details contact Carien on 083 271 2671 or John on 073 053 2598.
Toutrek was ook op die sportdag se spyskaart.
BRIDGE )27 November N/S: 1. Joan o’Connor / Julie Cotton 63.10% 2. Val Valeurs / Carren Emery 60.71% 3. Betty Nel / Nell Naude 55.56% E/W: 1. Joan Clemes / Patsy Eisenstein 59.92% 2. Anneloes Hoeve / Anneke van der Vlugt 57.14% 3. Glehn Curtis / Colin Krieger 53.57% )Friday, 29 November 1. Hein Pierneef / Jackie Ascham 63.54% 2. Elaine Bosman / May Garvey Keenan 59.32% 3. Andre / Edelweis du Plessis )Monday, 2 December N/S: 1. Nell Naude / Joan o’Connor 59.89% 2. Aletta Robertson / Annette Strachan 58.66% 3. Betty Nel / Toni Maythem 53.94% E/W: 1. Heather Leemans / Jenny Veysey 62.72% 2. Louise Mcintosh / Lee 55.39% 3. Jackie Ascham / Monica Peters 53.76% WHALERS ATHLETIC CLUB - TIME TRIAL )28 November 3km Runners: 1 Siyabulela Knuse 11.07; 2 Yonela Balintulo 11.07 PB; 3 Michael du Plessis 12.24; 4 Daniel Maree 13.07 SB; 5 Catea Sinclair 14.33; 6 Brooke de Bruyn 14.39; 7 Lisle Geldenhuys 15.00 PB; 8 Jordan Austin 20.39
3km Walkers: 1 Leo Benning 26.39; 2 Willie Loedolff 26.39; 3 Melany Vaughan 27.06; 4 Cilene Bekker 27.06 5km Runners: 1 Kevin Pasio 18.57 PB; 2 Frank Gillion 21.01; 3 Mikki Milne 22.27 SB; 4 Josef du Preez 23.53; 5 Carina Van der Merwe 24.19; 6 Anzel du Plessis 24.19; 7 David Cupido 24.19; 8 Loudi Vorster 24.26; 9 Roelof van Weele 24.55; 10 Les Hanna 25.03; 11 Shanon Pasio 25.44 PB; 12 Christine Hibberd 25.47; 13 Mavis De Villiers 26.21 PB; 14 Karen de Bruyn 27.15; 15 Leo Vorster 27.45; 16 Jonathan Austin 27.45; 17 David Austin 28.06; 18 Gavin Turner 28.39; 19 Emile van der Westhuizen 31.18; 20 Annarie Nel 31.47 5km Walkers: 1 Arlene Ehrenberg 42.02; 2 Emmie Gouws 42.02 8km Runners: 1 Mlandeli Mkhohlakali 29.15 PB; 2 Peter Rudhuka 29.36 PB; 3 Kate Mapham 31.36; 4 Kevin Middleton 33.18; 5 Mark Kavanagh 33.54 GOLF )Saturday, 30 November 150 players competed in the 4BBB Bogey Plus at the Hermanus Golf Club. East Course: 1. Ian Johnston / Graham Palmer (+10). 2. Miriam Squires / Wanda Venter (c/i +9). c/o John van der Plas / Dawid Botha (c/o +9). South Course: 1. Tony Runkel / André Sherriff (c/i +10). 2. Danie van der Spuy / Deon Esterhuyse (c/o +10). North Course: 1. Barry Simpson / Peter Cilliers (ci+9). 2. Michel Frost / Dwayne Robbins (c/o+9).
WEBSITE: www.gtproperty.co.za
RUGBY INVITATIONAL: Five learners from Hermanus High School were selected to participate in the Overberg In vitation Rugby Tour to England and Wales as part of a group of 35 learners from the re gion. At Cape Town Interna tional Airport shortly before their departure on 29 November, are Dr Nico Abel (team doc tor), James MoaCheia (Gr 9), Myron Henn (Gr 10), Jaco Abel (Gr 10), Jacques Huysa men (Gr 10) and Gerhard Kruger (Gr 10).The team will spend time in London, Cardiff, Bath, Birmingham and Manchester, playing matches against the Royal Hospital School in Suffolk, Pontypridd in Cardiff (Wales) and the King Edward School in Birmingham. There will be time for sightseeing as well as a tour of the Bath Rugby Club by Francois Louw and visiting Old Trafford Stadium. The group returns on 16 December.
R2 399 000
Uiters netjies en ruim. 4 Slaapkamer 3 badkamer woning. Boonste vlak woonkamer , eetkamer en familiekamer met uitsig op branders! Gesellig braaikamer ook met see uitsig. 4de Slaapkamer privaat en ideaal vir gastekamer of woonstel. Baie ekstras en alles wat u nodig het
Lynette 082 578 5900 Web: 643 738
ESTATE NOTICE Estate of the Late JACOBUS FRANKEN, Date of Birth: 1932-07-06, Identity Number: 320706 5048 08 2, Last Address: 2 Hillside Rd, Onrus River, Hermanus, Date of Death: 23 January 2013. Estate no. 4012/2013, Master's Office: Cape Town The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection for a period of 21 days at the Office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town and the Magistrates Court, Hermanus, as from 6 December 2013. JOHN NEL & ASSOCIATES INC., Agents for Executor, P.O. BOX 884, HERMANUS , 7200. Tel: (028) 312 1100.
KENNISGEWING In die boedel van wyle CATHERINE MARIA CRONJE, Geboortedatum 21 Junie 1938, Identiteitsnommer 380621 0325 087, van Hoopvolstraat 5, Caledon. Boedelnommer: 14800/2013 Krediteure en Debiteure in die bogemelde boedel word hiermee kennis gegee om hulle eise in te dien en skulde te vereffen aan die onderstaande binne ’n tydperk van 30 (DERTIG) dae gereken vanaf Vrydag, 6 Desember 2013. GUTHRIE & THERON PROKUREURS, H/V PRINS ALFREDWEG & DONKINSTRAAT 21, POSBUS 17, CALEDON, 7230. (VERWYSINGS: L SWART/aw) ESTATE NOTICE In the Estate of the Late PETER JOHANSEN, Identity Number 441201 5248 183, of 15 Morton Street, Stanford, who died on 31 October 2013. Estate Number: 16423/2013 The Debtors and Creditor in the above Estate are requested to pay their debts and lodge their claims with the undersigned within a period of thirty (30) days as from Friday, 6th December 2013. Dated at Hermanus on this 27th day of November 2013. JOOSTE & SEMER ATTORNEYS, AGENT FOR THE EXECUTORS, 9 ON COLLEGE, COLLEGE ROAD, PO Box 1491, HERMANUS. (REF: MH SEMER)
RE-INSTATEMENT OF COMPANY IN TERMS OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 2008 Notice is hereby given that LODEWIKUS BARTHOLOMEUS VORSTER (Identity number 5502245149083) intends making application to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission for the re-instatement of CAPE DUTCH LAKEVIEW ESTATES (PTY) LTD Registration number 1960/002744/07. Any objection to the proposed application must be lodged with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission within twenty one (21) days of the date of publication hereof. ADAMS SCHOUW & CAIN 3 INC, 9 MITCHELL STREET, HERMANUS, 7200
BOEDELKENNISGEWING In die boedel van wyle EMILIE LOUISE JOUBERT (Identiteitsnommer 130711 0020 086) weduwee voorheen van Westcliffweg 8, Hermanus, wie op 14 Oktober 2013 oorlede is. Boedel nr. 15312/2013 Krediteure van die boedel word versoek om hul eise in te dien binne 30 dae vanaf datum van hierdie advertensie. PIERRE JOUBERT EKSEKUTEUR, POSBUS 586 HERMANUS 7200 ESTATE NOTICE In the Estate of the Late GEORGE PATERSON DAWSON, Identity Number 210101 5055 084, married out of community of property without the accrual system, who died at Hermanus on 25 March 2013. Master’s Reference: 5383/2013 The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the abovementioned estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Master, Cape Town and a copy thereof at the office of the Magistrate, Hermanus for a period of 21 (twenty one) days reckoned as from Friday, 6 December 2013. Signed at Hermanus on this 25th day of November 2013. GUTHRIE & THERON, JP VAN ROOYEN, ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTOR, 77 MAIN ROAD, HERMANUS, 7200. (REF: JVR/ajf/CV0434)
9 771608 589068
Harbour Rock & Gecko Bar
Only two Rock Sushi Fridays left this year!
Friday the 13th will be the last discount sushi for the year.
BOWLING SEASON OPENS: The 2013 ‘14 bowling season officially opened at the Hermanus Bowling Club on Wednesday 27 November and Jan van den Berg and Marteen Michau from Sanlam Private Investments delivered the first bowl while the members of the club looked on. The members then moved to their allocated positions on the greens to com pete in the second round of the Sanlam bowling competition, which is currently underway at the Hermanus Bowling Club. PHOTO: RIAAN PIENAAR
JKA YEAREND FUNCTION: The winners of the team event for kata and kumite, from left: Johan van Zyl, Elana Coetzee, Siyamthemba Qotyana, Kaleb Dill and Btsalayl Dill with sensei Ronnie.
Sensei Ronnie presenting the top achiever award to Chloe Knott at the JKA yearend function on Saturday. She has been selected for the South African JKA team that will perform at the Shotocup World Championships 2014 in Japan, as well as the WP team at the KSAAll styles championships in January.
A weekend full of indoor hockey excitement
Jamie Janse Van Rensburg and Siyamthemba Qotyana in action.
The Zero Gravity Indoor Hockey Tournament kicks off this Friday 6 December at the Hermanus High School gymnasium. All the games will consist of two 13 minute halves with a 4 minute half-time and must start at the scheduled times. Teams that are more than three minutes late will forfeit with a 4-0 score. On Friday, the first game starts at 18:00 with the last match of the evening being played at 22:05. On Saturday the matches start at 08:25 with the last game
starting at 19:30. Finally, on Sunday the play-offs start at 09:00 and finish at 12:30. Keen supporters, friends and family are invited to cheer on the Noord Parrow Roffies, Salty Potatoes, Weskus Damduikers, Usual Suspects, Purple Haze, Blue Dolphins, The Wizards, Wax, Cane Train, Minions, Grey Tornadoes, Maroon Machine, Insanity and Boomslang. For more information contact Ludwig Schutz on 078 111 7271.
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