Hermanus Times 20141009

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THURSDAY, 9 OCTOBER 2014 | Tel 028 ­ 312 3717 | Fax 028 ­ 312 4316



For all your DIY needs. Get to Builders. Get it done Cnr R43 & Mussel Rd, Hermanus Vrou sterf in brandende huis 2

Boere raadop met fietsryers 3

Whale Festival pics 8, 9

Festival a success, but who really gains?


“The Two Oceans Hermanus Whale Festival’s main purpose is not to make profit, but rather to promote Hermanus to visitors from all corners of the globe.” According to Whale Festival organiser, Leon Theron, who made this statement, this should be taken into consideration before people complain about not enough money being invested locally. For many years the question has been asked, “of all the money made during the festival, how much of that actually stays in Hermanus?” Referring to the festival stalls, Theron said stall owners from Hermanus will always get first option. “I always say that local people

need to apply if they want a stall. I cannot always beg people to be part of the festival. So I urge them to get an application form, fill it in and give it to me. And don’t wait until the last minute to apply.” There were 68 stalls in total, of which 29 were local including 14 NGO stalls. The balance of 39 stall holders were from elsewhere. Last year the festival saw more than 110 000 people flocking to Hermanus, and with the perfect weather experienced this year, it could be even more. However, the visitors’ survey will only reveal those numbers sometime next week. Although there were some complaints about the festival, feedback gained from members of the Hermanus Tourism Bureau is positive. According to Frieda Lloyd, vice-chair-

person of the Hermanus Tourism Bureau, this year’s activities provided many more options to visitors. “I am very pleased with how the festival went, and it was also very well promoted. Even the tourism office was busier than previous years. I think the festival this year extended the variety of activities and that the organising team does more with less.” Lloyd said that if she has to point out a negative, it’s the fact that only the town centre is busy during the festival and that she would like to see more activities extended to the surrounds. In response, Theron said that if money was not an issue, he would definitely look into this matter. “I would love for the festival to not only take place in the centre of town. It will

be great if one can utilise more space for the festival. Almost like the KKNK in Oudtshoorn where the whole town gets involved.” According to Chris Johnson from the Accommodation Portfolio for Hermanus Tourism, the Whale Festival was a huge success. “We had many bookings, definitely more than last year. I think the festival was well organised and that the beautiful weather played a big part in its success. The only problem I had was with waste management. The waste could have been better managed.” Theron agreed that waste management was a problem. “In fact it was not only the festival area, it was the whole of Hermanus. We had about 30 dustbins and five cleaners, which are more than enough.” ) Article continues on page 4.



Nuus News

9 October, 2014

Vrou sterf in brandende huis JANINE VAN DER RIET “Ons is op pensioen, veronderstel om ons aftrede te geniet. Nou, ná 34 jaar se getroude lewe, is my vrou in ’n vlammehel dood.” So het Frederick Rooi van Stanford Dinsdag gesê ná sy vrou, wat aan ’n rolstoel gekluister was ná ’n beroerte, in hul huis omgekom het toe die huis skielik Saterdagoggend in vlamme uitgebars het. Frederick en sy dogter, Louise, was op pad Gansbaai toe om inkopies te doen en hy het sy suster Catherine gevra om na sy vrou, Anetta Rooi (60), om te sien terwyl hulle gou by die winkels is. “Ek en Louise het op die hoofpad (R43) op pad na Gansbaai donker rook sien trek. Dit het gelyk of dit by of naby ons huis is, en ek het onmiddellik omgedraai en teruggejaag.” Met hul aankoms is sy ergste vrees bevestig. Sy huis was in vlamme en sy vrou het in die brand omgekom, want sy kon nie sonder haar rolstoel, waar sy in haar bed gelê het, wegkom nie. ’n Omstander, wat eerste op die toneel was, het deur die vlamme gebeur en vir Catherine uit die

’n Huis in Stanford is in puin gelaat nadat dit in vlamme uitgebars het. ’n Sestigjarige vrou het in die brand omgekom. FOTO: VERSKAF huis gered, maar toe hy wou terugkeer om Anetta te help, het die vlamme reeds die hele huis in Blombosstraat verswelg. Twee konyne wat in ’n hok langs die huis aangehou is, het ook in die brand omgekom. Die brandweer en polisiebeamptes was vinnig op die toneel, maar die huis se struktuur kon nie gered word nie. Die Rooi-familie is steeds ontroosbaar. “Sy was my alles ge-

wees! Ons was so lief vir mekaar, en behalwe vir ons 34 jaar getroude lewe, het ons mekaar nog tien jaar voor dit geken. Nou dat ons ’n rustige aftrede kon geniet, is sy dood.” Frederick en Louise bly tans by familie. Volgens Frederick lyk dit of die oorsaak van die brand ’n kortsluiting kon wees. Lede van die Stanford-polisie en die gemeenskapspolisieforum

Een van die min foto’s wat die familie van Anetta Rooi oor het, nadat sy in die brand omgekom het. Die familie se besittings is ook in die brand verwoes. het reeds begin om kos en huisware in te samel vir die familie. Behalwe vir Frederick, haar dogter Louise, laat Anetta nog ’n dogter, Johanna, agter, asook twee seuns, Frederick junior en Adriaan. Sy laat ook ses kleinkinders agter. Begrafnisreëlings is voorlopig getref vir Saterdag 11 Oktober vanuit Frederick junior se huis in Melkhoutstraat 1636, Stanford, vanaf 09:30.

Stanford CPF thanks police for nabbing house robber JANINE VAN DER RIET Members of the Stanford Community Policing Forum (CPF) showed their appreciation towards Stanford Police officers on Saturday 4 October for arresting a suspect in a house robbery in September. The CPF members thanked the police for their quick response and professional conduct that led to the arrest of a suspect after he broke into a house opposite the police station in Stanford. Each officer involved received a Pick and Pay voucher for their effort. The suspect, who robbed and attacked a woman (35) in her house, even swam across the river to try and get away from the policemen who were chasing

him, but, after an intense search, he was found and arrested. (HT 25 Sept ‘Woman robbed across the road from police station’) The incident took place on Sunday 21 September around 01:45. The victim was sleeping when she became aware of a man in her room. When he realised she was awake, he jumped on her and started to hit her with his fists, but the woman fought back while screaming for help. According to Sgt RJ Gouws from the Stanford Police, at that stage the suspect heard a vehicle stop outside the premises and he fled with the woman’s keys. The suspect was charged with house robbery and has since confessed to committing the crime. He appeared in court on Tuesday 23 September.

Willem Mcklein from the Stanford CPF handed over Pick n Pay vouchers to the shift members on Saturday as a token of apprecia­ tion for apprehending a house robbery suspect.

Rustige Walvisfees te danke aan goeie samewerking tussen rolspelers Besonder min voorvalle is gedurende die Walvisfees-naweek by die Hermanus-polisie en Overstrand-verkeer-en-wetstoepassing aangemeld. Neville Michaels, direkteur van Overstrand-beskermingsdienste, het ’n geringe getal voorvalle bevestig wat deur wetstoe-

passing en die brandweer gehanteer moes word. In Gansbaai was daar een veldbrand en twee in Hermanus. Twee huise is daardeur geraak nadat ’n brand by ’n huis in Stanford uitgebreek en dit geblus moes word. (Sien bo). Geen ander strukture is egter

in die Overstrand deur ’n brand beskadig nie. Net een ongeluk is tydens die Walvisfees van 3 tot 6 Oktober in die gebied tussen Kleinmond en Bettysbaai aangemeld. Volgens kol. Francois de Wet, waarnemende stasiebevelvoerder van die Hermanus-polisie,

Vrou se dood nie moord, sê polisie ANNETTE THERON “Dit is definitief nie moord nie,” het kapt. Gerrit Botes van die Caledon-polisie gesê oor Cornél Groenewald (21) se tragiese dood verlede Saterdag. (HT 2 Okt Jong ma se dood ’n raaisel). Botes sê die nadoodse ondersoek het getoon sy het ’n stuiptrekking gehad. Daar word vermoed sy het oor die reling geval en in die Badsrivier beland. ’n Verbyganger het dieselfde oggend om 08:05 haar liggaam in ’n watersloot by die bruggie in Mackaystraat gevind. Groenewald was ’n pakker by Caledon Spar. Kapt. Botes het gerugte van ’n

reeksmoordenaar, wat Caledonners op hol het, besweer nadat Groenewald se liggaam die tweede was wat in minder as drie weke in Caledon gevind is. “Daar was vanjaar drie moorde in ons gebied. Twee was familieverwant en die liggaam van die vrou wat in Nuwestraat langs die brug gevind is, is tans in ’n sensitiewe stadium van ondersoek.”

Die brug in Mackaystraat waar Cornél Groenewald se liggaam gevind is. Iemand het verlede week ’n pienk bossie blomme op die oewer geplaas ter herin­ nering aan Cornél.


was die Walvisfees-naweek redelik stil wat misdaad betref. “Daar is wel sewe mense van dronkbestuur aangekla.” Die samewerking tussen al die rolspelers gedurende die fees het ’n groot rol in die vreedsaamheid daarvan gespeel, sê hy.


Nuus News

9 October, 2014

Great start to First Fridays Art Walk


CILENE BEKKER The inaugural Hermanus First Fridays Art Walk on 3 October, from 17:00 to 20:00, with 11 galleries in the Hermanus CBD participating, was well attended and according to the driver of the initiative, Terry Kobus from Originals Art Gallery, all the galleries were over the moon and quite a few artworks were sold. This initiative has had a long run-up. As Patrick Chapman remarked “I have tried to get galleries to work together like this for the past four years, but to no avail. Kudos to Terry for pulling it off eventually.” The drive caused Terry to have a couple of sleepless nights, but he said “it was a wonderful breakthrough to get the gallery owners to sit together around one table and agree on the Art Walk initiative. “Come Friday, I was so worried that no one will pitch on the first walk, but the turn-out was wonderful. Hopefully we have started something that has the potential to develop even further.” Some galleries reported that browsers were back on Saturday and Sunday to buy. “But even if the Art Walk did not result in sales, it is a great marketing drive and the potential is always there that people will come back to buy,” said Terry. The next two walks are scheduled for Friday 7 November, and Friday 5 December.

Some of the art wal­ kers, snapped here at Rossouw Modern Art, were Jozua Ros­ souw (gallery ow­ ner), Roger van Schie, Jon Ward, Christo du Toit and Tertius Lützeyer.

Bev Edkins chatting to Terry Kobus during the inaugural First Fridays Art Walk on 3 October. PHOTOS: CILENE BEKKER

Snuffels Furniture / Meubels

At some of the galleries it was possible to see artists at work. Posing for Hugo Maritz is Reanli ‘Vlokkie’ de Jager.

16 Mimosa St, Industria, Hermanus

Tel: 028 312 1802

Don’t invite strangers into your home – use us to get rid of all unwanted goods

Don Gelato to open in Hermanus JANINE VAN DER RIET Jill Rossouw, the previous owner of the legendary restaurant Zebra Crossing in the CBD, closed its doors in August after 15 “magical, up and down years.” Rossouw said that she at first wanted her children to take over, but with both of them living overseas, this was ultimately not an option. She then decided to sell the popular bar/bistro, situated on the corner of Main Road and Long Street, as she “needs a long rest, and The now sold Zebra Crossing restaurant is being revamped a new beginning after 15 into a Don Gelato Ice­cream parlour. long years in the restaurant Overberg region. industry”. “We want to bring a unique experience to The propery was bought by Lionello Giovannetti, the gelato maker and his father, Hermanus, not only ice-cream, but other Corrado Giovannetti, who opened a Don Gel- treats such as Hazelnut with rum as a sundowner, and many more interesting deato in Stanford. Giovannetti senior says they make their lights.” The property is being totally revamped delicious gelato “with an authentic recipe and are inspired by the deep desire to share inside, and the Giovannettis are planning a the flavours and naturalness of authentic new look for the outside too, which has not yet been finalised. Italian gelato”. They are hoping to open Hermanus Don They select their fresh and organic ingredients from local farmers in the Overstrand/ Gelato within the next few weeks.



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Fridges, Stoves, Washing Machines, Microwave Ovens 028 312 4524 X1P9195D-HL091014

Boere is raadop met “onverantwoordelike fietsryers “ JANINE VAN DER RIET ’n Boer naby Karwyderskraal in die Hemelen-Aarde-Vallei is al raadop met fietsryers wat, volgens hom, soms in die middel van die pad ry, nie by gewone verkeersreëls hou nie, insluitend spoedbeperkings, en derhalwe ’n gevaar vir motoriste op die paaie inhou. Hy en ander boere wat die R320 tussen Hermanus en Caledon gereeld gebruik, asook die agterpad na Karwyderskraal by Fisherhaven, voel padreëls is nie net vir motoriste nie, maar vir fietsryers ook. “Sommige fietsryers is baie onverantwoordelik. Nie almal nie, maar sommige. Verlede week het fietsryers net na die De Bos Dam rigting Hermanus, teen ongeveer 80 k/h op die gevaarlike Volmoed-draai, ook bekend as Appeldraai, aangepyl. Hul ry dan effens stadiger, maar anderkant die draai trap hul weer volspoed. Hulle is ’n gevaar vir hulself asookvir ander padgebruikers.” Hy sê die boere het nie ’n probleem dat fiets-

ryers ook die pad gebruik nie, maar hulle verantwoordelikheid teenoor ander padgebruikers behoort ’n prioriteit wees. Met die jaarlikse Cape Argus Pick n Payfietstoer en ander fietswedrenne waarvoor fietsryers oefen, moet motoriste voorbereid wees op al meer fietsryers wat die gewilde sport beoefen. Neville Michaels, direkteur: Overstrandbeskermingsdienste sê gegewe die op- en afdraandes kenmerkend van die paaie rondom Overstrand, is dié gebied ’n gewilde ‘oefenbaan” vir sowel ervare mededingers én diegene wat vir die eerste keer deelneem,” dikwels met die uitsluitlike hoop om bloot die wenstreep in een stuk te haal.” “Maar fietsryers moet hulle deel doen om minder onaangename ervarings langs die pad te voorkom.” Hy waarsku ook alle motoriste om daarop bedag te wees dat nie alle fietsryers geoefende ryers is nie. “Ons wil ’n beroep op alle motoriste doen om seker te maak dat hulle ’n minimum af-

stand van 1,5 m toelaat wanneer hulle fietsryers verbysteek. Op die webwerf van Pedal Power, ’n professionele vereniging waaraan baie fietsryers behoort, word verskeie wenke gegee oor hoe fietsryers hul veiligheid langs die pad kan verseker: ) Gehoorsaam die verkeersreëls; ) Wees so sigbaar as moontlik, veral as jy vroegoggend en laatmiddag gaan ry; ) Belê in liggies vir jou fiets (wit voor, rooi agter); ) Dra reflekterende bandjies om jou enkels en kies helder kleure wanneer jy fietsryklere koop; ) Dra altyd jou valhelm; ) Moet nooit oor rooi verkeersligte of op sypaadjies ry nie; ) Hou altyd links van die middellyn; ) Maak altyd seker waar jou blindekol is voordat jy van rigting verander; en ) Gebruik die korrekte handseine wanneer jy wil stop of afdraai.

’n Leser het hierdie foto onlangs geneem waar fietsryers in die pad ry en nie langs die skouer van die pad, agter mekaar nie.




Nuus News

9 October, 2014

Nog ’n lang pad vir R320 A pile of branches being chopped up by municipal workers is all that is left of a giant Norfolk Pine that used to be home to raptors such as the African Harrier Hawk (Gymnogene) and the African Goshawk. I

ANNETTE THERON Die opgradering van die R320 tussen Hermanus en Caledon sal na verwagting nou eers in Augustus aanstaande jaar voltooi wees. Daar was groot opgewondenheid toe daar in Februarie 2012 aangekondig is die pad gaan, na vyftig jaar se rompslomp, geteer word. Daar is tóé geglo die projek sou vandeesmaand afgehandel wees. Die likwidasie van die kontrakteurs wat met die projek begin het, Vusela, asook vloedskade in November verlede jaar, het egter groot vertragings meegebring. Andries von Wageningen, die ingenieur op die konstruksieterrein, het Maandag gesê die projek is tans agter, maar gegewe die ekstra werk as gevolg van die vloedskade is die konstruksie nie buitensporig agter nie. “Ons bly die situasie nou monitor en die kontrakteur poog om tyd op te maak waar moontlik.” Von Wageningen sê voorts die opgraderingsprojek vorder. “Dit gaan maar effe moeilik in die nat maande, maar as die son skyn ‘hardloop’ dinge darem goed. Die herstelwerk as gevolg van die vloede van November 2013 het egter ook ’n negatiewe effek op die program gehad.” Von Wageningen het die koerant na die provinsiale departement van vervoer verwys oor die swak onderhoud van die bestaande teerpad wat buite die opgraderingsgrense val. “Daar is ’n aparte kontrak uit vir roetine-onderhoud op hierdie gedeeltes (tussen Sandbaai en High Season en Shaw’s-pas tot by Caledon).” Inwoners en boere is hoogs ontstoke oor die slegte toestand van dié stukke pad.


Unhappiness about felling ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Inwoners en padgebruikers is ontevrede oor die toestand van die R320 tussen Sandbaai tot High Season en vanaf Shaw’s­pas tot Caledon. Hier­ die is die Caledon­gedeelte van die pad. FOTO: ANNETTE THERON Avril Adams, skoolhoof van Diepgat Primêr, sê die toestand van die pad is verskriklik sleg. “Ons rygoed kan nie hou nie. En toe dit so gereën het, was die pad gevaarlik en het ek gegly en byna ’n ongeluk gehad as gevolg van die klei in die pad. As jy vassit is daar niemand om jou te help nie. Daar moet nou regtig plan gemaak word dat die pad kan klaarkom.” Leon Theron, eienaar van Déjà vu in die Hemel-en-Aarde-vallei, sê die toestand van die pad tussen Sandbaai en High Season is treurig. “En dit word nie reggemaak nie.” Hy sê voorts indien onderhoud plaasvind, word dit nie na wense gedoen nie.

“Dit wil voorkom asof dit reggemaak word maar ’n week later is die gat groter as vantevore.” Schalk de Beer, eienaar van Nouvelle Mushrooms, sê die gedeelte van die pad tussen Caledon en Shaw’s-pas is in ’n haglike toestand. “Ons gebruik sewe dae per week dié pad met drie voertuie en ervaar ernstige slytasie. Dis uiters gevaarlik vir my werknemers wat daagliks die pad moet gebruik en het ’n groot koste-element vir die onderhoud van my voertuie.” Anton Nell, direkteur van konstruksie by die Wes-Kaapse departement van vervoer, het teen druktyd nog nie kommentaar gelewer nie.

A resident of Northcliff was distressed by the Overstrand Municipality’s decision to cut down an old pine tree in Northcliff this week, near Duiker and Impala streets. Andrew Phillip said he noticed the large cluster pine (Pinus Pinaster) being felled in Rotary Park on Tuesday. “It must have been about 50 or 60 years old and was massive. “The Gymnogene (African Harrier Hawk) has been nesting there for years and now the nests are destroyed. “Apparently it was cut down to minimise wind damage, as we are

entering the windy season, but it has been there for ages!” According to Don Kearney, senior manager of Hermanus administration at the Overstrand Municipality the tree held great danger for the surrounding homes as it was right on the boundary of the neighbouring yards and posed a safety risk for children playing on the jungle gym. “Sadly we couldn’t only cut back some of the branches as these pines can never recover from such damage. “We regret the loss of the tree where raptors are known to nest.” They will now work towards planting a suitable indigenous tree in the area, added Kearney.

Festival a success, but who really gains? From page 1. “But it wasn’t managed properly. Next year we will have to look into getting a central dumping point. If the cleaner takes out the black bag then you can dump it there instead of putting it next to the bin.” According to Hamish Hofmeyr from the Restaurant Portfolio for Hermanus Tourism, he got the numbers that were expected. “This year I didn’t see more feet, nor a decrease from last year. Although the restaurants did well, I think it was basically the same as the previous year. “I also think restaurants need to keep their booking system open over the festival. As restaurant owner you are taking a risk to take bookings. Because it’s so busy, some cus-

tomers making a booking may not pitch, and then you showed other customers away. So over a busy period, rather keep your booking system open.” On a question to Theron whether more can be done in the main road coming into Hermanus to give you more of a festival feeling, he agreed that it’s something they have to focus on for next year. “For next year we have to look at better and bigger branding as you enter Hermanus.” There is however no doubt that the festival generates huge exposure. “We featured in more than 30 media publications, radio stations, tv channels and print. “I did interviews on radio stations over this period I haven’t even

heard of. We have also already received queries from travelling agencies for next year’s festival”, said Theron. The issue of a main sponsor for next year is still in the balance. “Two Oceans signed a three-year contract which ended last year. However this year they came on board as well. We still have to discuss next year with them”, said Theron. On behalf of Two Oceans Wines, Lizanne Peters: brand manager, extended a huge thank you to Theron and his team for making the Whale Festival such an amazing experience and success. “Congratulations on pulling together what can’t always be an easy task. We look forward to future collaborations”, said Peters.

DOP & TJOP KOMPETISIEWENNER: Onrus Slaghuis en Onrus Liquors & Wine Shop het onlangs ’n Dop & Tjop kompetisie gehou waar jy ’n R1000 geskenkbewys (R500 by die slaghuis en R500 by die drankwinkel) kon wen as jy R200 of meer by een van die hierdie winkels spandeer het. Luan du Preez (middel) van Onrus is as die gelukkige wenner aangewys. Saam met hom is Cassie Car­ stens (eienaar van Onrus Liquors & Wine Shop) en Rudi Strea­ ton (bestuurder van Onrus Slaghuis). FOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER


Nuus News

9 October, 2014

Plaaslike feesgangers vies vir rommelstrooiers

’n Leser het hierdie foto van die rommel op ’n dak by die Ou Hawe Saterdag tydens die Walvisfees geneem. JANINE VAN DER RIET Die meeste feesgangers wat die Hermanus Walvisfees vanjaar bygewoon het, het die fees oor die algemeen geniet, maar plaaslike inwoners voel sterk oor feesgangers se rommelstrooiery en die stalletjies wat nie op standaard was nie. Feesgangers se kommentaar: ) Die fees moet liewer herdoop word na The Fast Food Feast. Een voordeel wat ek gehad het, was dat ek een hele restaurant vir myself gehad het. Daar was vir ’n geruime tyd geen besoekers aan die restaurant nie, behalwe vir twee

paartjies wat ingekom het. Ek neem aan die meeste feesgangers het aan die stalletjiekos gesmul, in plaas van die restaurante te ondersteun. ) Tydens die fees is ons omtrent vertrap en die toilette het my gewalg, maar ek het darem lekker gestap, maar niks gekoop nie, want daar was niks in my smaak nie. ) Dit was my eerste Walvisfees. Die stalletjies het my nie juis beïndruk nie. Die meeste van die goed kan mens in ’n China Shop vir baie minder koop! Ek hoop om volgende jaar meer van die opvoerings en kunsuitstallings by te woon. Ek het onge-

lukkig hierdie jaar besoekers gehad wat my ’n bietjie gekniehalter het. ) Die fees was regtig goor. Daar is meer papiere as mense. Ag nee, swak. Ek dink die fees kan maar afgestel word. ) Waar is, of waar was die fees? Wat behels ’n fees? Stalletjies? Dit sien ons elke dag, orals! Nee wat, ek is nie beïndruk nie. ) Die Walvisfees het so agteruitgegaan. Geen opwindende kunstenaars nie. Niks het my beindruk nie. Nee wat, as dit so aangaan, dan kan hulle maar die fees los. Wat daarvan om dit vir jonger mense te gee om te reël.

This adult Cape Clawless Otter was knocked down and killed on the main road that crosses the Bot River, just before the Kleinmond turn­off. PHO­ TO: SUPPLIED

Be aware of Cape Clawless Otters chicken signage in Onrus, An adult Cape Clawless OtI would like to propose that ter was knocked down and warning signs be erected killed on the main road that on the west and east apcrosses the Bot River, just proaches to this low level before the Kleinmond turnbridge. off – most probably in the He has made a draft “be early hours of Monday 6 aware of otters” sign (see October. illustration) for this purThis is according to Dunpose. can Butchart, a Vermont “This may save the lives resident. of some otters, but will also “I was alerted to it by my serve to create awareness wife Tracey, who was trav- This is the signage that Duncan of their presence in our arelling to Cape Town earlier Butchart suggests be erected to ea for local people and vithis morning and I drove alert motorists on that stretch of siting tourists.” out to the scene in order to road. He will happily supply Duncan said he estiphotograph the otter so full size artwork to anyone able mates that this big female that the details could be to erect these signs. otter weighed in excess of logged with the Endangered Wildlife Trust’s ongoing roadkill mon- 20 kg. “As most of your readers will know, otters are semi-acquatic predators that feed itoring project.” The Butcharts are new to the Hermanus mostly on crabs, fishes and frogs and they area and Duncan said they do not travel this play a vital ecological role at the top of the road every day, “but I imagine that this is estuarine food chain.” Butchart said that he would happily pronot the first otter to be knocked down on this vide full size artwork to anyone able to erect stretch. “Following the recent success of the these signs.

) Mmm...we couldn’t find bins. ) The festival must have more stuff to do for young children. ) Ag nee wat, al sou hulle dubbel die hoeveelheid vullisdromme daar plaas, ons het vullis reg langs dromme gesien lê waar mense dit nét daar en dan neergegooi het! Daar by die rotse, met die pragtigste natuurskoon denkbaar, het ons verby hope rommel geloop. Dit is vir ons onaanvaarbaar dat mense ons pragtige dorp hier kom besoedel, maak nie saak of hulle geld in die dorp inbring nie. Geen verskoning. Bly dan liewer weg!




Algemeen General

9 October, 2014

WINE TASTING: The Original Deli and Wine Bar hosted a 7 Springs wine tasting this past weekend. The winemaker at 7 Springs, Riana van der Merwe (second from left) was on hand to share her wines. With her are the staff at the Deli: Ryan Law­ rence, Bo Matthews, Kelsey Viljoen, Hermien Koegelenberg and owners Peter and Jo Kunz. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Lomond Wines scoops double gold at Veritas Lomond Wines received nine awards at this year’s Veritas Wine Awards, which took place at the CTICC in Cape Town on 4 October. The estate’s maiden vintage SMV 2013 (Shiraz, Mourvèdre, Viognier) achieved a coveted double gold medal, and its Conebush Syrah 2011 received a gold medal. Silver medals were awarded to its SSV 2014, as well as to seven of its other white wines. “We are ecstatic that the first red blend made at Lomond achieved such high honours. Our whole team pulled together to create this special wine,” says Lomond shareholder and viticulturist, Wayne Gabb. Situated in the Uilkraalsriver Valley,

Lomond is one of only a handful of wine farms within the Cape Agulhas appellation of origin. Gabb and winemaker Kobus Gerber say they are relative newcomers to the competition. Vinified as naturally as possible, the Lomond maiden vintage SMV 2013 offers an abundance of dark fruit, floral nuances and sweet spice, and pairs well with slow-roasted venison casserole, fillet or bobotie, says Gabb. The Conebush Syrah 2011 has always been a firm favourite on the farm. According to Gerber, this wine showcases the uniqueness of the Lomond vineyards and terroir which includes 18 types of soil.


Algemeen General

9 October, 2014

The Hermanus Times’ staff decided to deco­ rate the tree in front of the office in Aber­ deen Street, in support of Pink Trees for Pauline. Here are Cilene Bekker, editor of the Hermanus Times, with Maryke Malone from Cansa and Bea Erasmus from Salon Annique. PHOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET

Make your tree pink Pink Trees for Pauline, a cancer awareness initiative, has started again and Hermanus residents and businesses are urged to wrap their trees in pink. The initiative is run in the Overstrand during the months September and October. To do so again this year, you can buy metres of pink material from the Hospice office in Hope Street in Hermanus, Salon Annique, the Cansa office in Onrus and The Caledon Casino. The minimum donation is R20 per metre of material. Businesses or individuals also have the option of sponsoring material to be used in less privileged areas as well as public spaces in order to make sure the entire community gets involved. For any information on how you can get involved in the Pink Trees for Pauline initiative contact Maryke Malone on 082 857 4294 or www.pinktrees.co.za.

Sean Smith (right), managing director of Kia Motors Hermanus, hands over the keys of a brand new Kia Sportage to Steven La­ kay next to him. On the left is Maryke Pie­ naar from Huggies with Steven’s wife, Againo, and baby Gailleen, next to her. PHOTO: JAN­HENDRIK COETZER

First Kia Sportage winner

The first of eight Kia Sportage 2.0L Ingnites, worth R320 000 each, were handed over to Steven Lakay from Swellendam during the Huggies Dry Confort competition on Friday 3 October at Kia Motors Hermanus. Lakay, a father of three and a traffic officer, entered the competition by sending one SMS, and it paid off for him. “I couldn’t believe when Huggies contacted me to tell me that I have won the Kia Sportage. It’s a blessing and I have been so excited that I can’t sleep at night. I am thrilled and can’t wait to enjoy this car with my family. I have never won anything this big, and it is really going to make such a difference in our day-today lives,” says Lakay. According to Maryke Pienaar, Brand Trade Activator at Huggies, they understand that being a parent is a full-time job. “By giving away these cars we are supporting parents on their parenting journey and hopefully this can lessen the financial load they face,” says Pienaar. The competition started in August and will run until the end of October. If you want to be eligible to win a Kia Sportage Ignite, buy a promotional pack of Huggies Dry Comfort nappies and SMS *120*5354 plus the unique code found on the pack follow by #.




Algemeen General

9 October, 2014

UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL... KIND OF: Hisense spon­ sored the Eco Marine Village and stage at the Two Oceans Whale Festival, and this “life re­imagined” screen erected at Gearing’s Point was a huge hit among festi­ val­goers who struck a variety of poses with the “whale”. Would it not be won­ derful if this screen was a permanent fix­ ture during whale sea­ son? PHOTOS: CILENE BEKKER

WEERMAG KUIER BY WALVISSE: Die Suid­Afri­ kaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW) was deel van die afgelope naweek se Two Oceans Walvisfees­verrigtin­ ge, met ’n konvooi deur die middedorp. Daarna het hulle deur Zwelihle, Mount Plea­ sant en Hawston getoer. Die kinders het pret gehad deur die verskillende voertuie te verken. Hier is korp. Winston du Plessis saam met Aam­ inah Jacobs (agter) en Cath­ lin Wildschut en Jo­Wandré Slingers tydens die weermag se toer deur Mount Pleasant.

WHALE FESTIVAL OPEN­ ING FUNCTION: “When you work together you can achieve so much more,” were the opening words by Leon Theron, organiser of the Two Oceans Whale Festival, at the opening function on Thursday 2 October. He said the festival bill tallies up to roughly R1 m and gave thanks to all the media, par­ ticipants, municipality and other sponsors – Hisense, Builders Express, Coke, ADT, Village Square, and especially Distell/Two Oceans wines, the main sponsor. Eats for the even­ ing were provided by Fusion and Oskars. With Leon (left) at the function are Lt Col Johan Conradie (SANDF Reserves), mayor Nicolette Botha­Guthrie, Lizanne Peters (brand manager: Two Oceans wines), and newly elected deputy mayor, Cllr Rudolph Smith. PHOTO: CILENE BEKKER


Mount Pleasant se splinternu­ we Jong Damesklub het ge­ sorg vir worsrolletjies. Ao. Paul Rosslee is hier saam met Marillise Dreyer, Shereen Pieterse, Annelie Geswind, Cecelia Geswind, Lindsay Geswind, Jaime du Plessis en stafsersant Gary Calmeyer.

WALVISKYKERS: Waar daar ’n gaatjie was tussendeur die tente, met ’n uitsig oor Walkerbaai, het walvisgangers hul sit gekry en gewag vir die walvisse om hul ding te doen. Geluk­ kig het die weer, én ’n paar walvisse, mooi saamgespeel.


Die weermag se orkes het tot groot vermaak van besoekers aan die Walvisfees deur die feesterrein en middedorp gemarsjeer, gevolg deur die weermag se vloot voertuie.

Sommige besoekers aan Hermanus het vroegtydig al “kamp” opgeslaan en nesgeskop in af­ wagting op walvis­ bokspronge.


Algemeen General

9 October, 2014


WHALES N WHEELS CLASSIC­ MOTOR­ SKOU: Hen­ nie van Nie­ kerk en Lani Nel bewon­ der dié ka­ narie­geel, nes sy t­hemp, Ford Anglia.

Thousands of festival­goers attended the Whale Festival.


A bird’s eye view of the Whale fest JANINE VAN DER RIET Malcolm Uytenbogaardt, trotse eienaar van hierdie 1965 Sunbeam Tiger, het laat hoor hoe dié enjin nog kan brul.

Base 4 Aviation, based in Cape Town, took radio and television presenter Liezel van der Westhuizen on a helicopter ride on Saturday to see the whales and whale festival-goers in action. Liezel, currently presenter on KFM and Expresso, admitted she is very scared of heights, but somehow, always ends up participating in activities involving heights. The helicopter departed from the Seeen-Sand location near Voëlklip and took to the skies, hovering over the whale festival in the CBD and the ocean. Dozens of whales with their calves were spotted. Liezel closed her eyes quite often during the flight, but her GoPro captured every flying minute.

Liezel van der West­ huizen from KFM with Jarrett Louw from Base4 Aviation aft­ er the flight.

Martin Davies en sy vrou Su­ san, staan hier by hulle 1961 MGA wat hul­ le by Whales n Wheels ten­ toongestel het. FOTO’S: JAN­ HENDRIK COET­ ZER

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Briewe Letters

9 October, 2014

Please, help a crèche The Ella Gordon crèche in Karwyderskraal received funding from the Department of Health for a few years. This funding has come to an end as from this week. The Department of Social Development is in the process of registering the crèche, but it will take up to three months to register. After registration, we will be able to apply for further funding. We currently have 31 children in the crèche and employ four members of staff and the contributions from the parents hardly cover the costs. Any contributions from the public to cover the basic need of food for the children and salaries for staff would be much appreciated. My contact number is 061 437 6225

KOMMENTAAR Raak betrokke Soos elke jaar is daar verdeeldheid en vrae rondom die Walvisfees. Soos berig is, is verskeie hotel­, gaste­ huis­ en restaurant­eienaars dit eens dat vanjaar se fees ’n reuse sukses was, ter­ wyl van die plaaslike inwoners en ander besighede sê dat hulle, of die dorp, nie regtig daarby baat nie. Die kern vraag is: Waarom kom men­ se van regoor die wêreld na die Walvis­ fees? Sekerlik kom mense van oor die berg, van die noorde en selfs oorsee (ja, daar is oorsese toeriste wat hul vakansie rond­ om die fees beplan) om die fees by te woon, walvisse te kyk, tussen stalletjies rond te wandel, uit te eet en lekker te kuier. Feesgangers kom nie na Hermanus om inkopies te doen nie. Die fees is hoofsaaklik daar om Her­ manus en sy walvisse aan die wêreld as ’n toeristebestemming bekend te stel. En wie weet, dalk bekoor die omge­ wing hulle genoeg om uit te kyk vir ’n vakansiehuis, of om sommer sak en pak hierheen te trek. Ja, daar is sekere aspekte waar die fees kan verbeter, maar kom ons staan eerder saam en raak betrokke. Klop aan by die Walvisfees­kantoor, maak ’n voorstel of kom met ’n oplossing vir ’n probleem, eerder as om te sê die fees werk nie vir Hermanus nie. Die First Fridays Art Walk is ’n goeie voorbeeld van wat bereik kan word as mense saamwerk. As jy kyk na die groter prentjie, is dit immers dinge soos die Walvisfees, ge­ kombineer met die walvisseisoen, wat ons dorp só gewild maak.

Wat ’n fees in Stanford Die Stanford NG gemeente het Saterdag 4 Oktober sy basaar gehou. Dit was ’n feestelike geleentheid waaraan inwoners van Stanford en buurdorpe deelgeneem het. Besoekers het hulle ook verlustig in die pragtige blomme-uitstalling in die kerk. Die tema was voëls van die Bybel en verskeie teksverse is deur blomme voorgestel. Stanford se blommeliefhebbers en rangskikkers sorg elke jaar vir ’n fees vir die oog, en vanjaar was dit weer só. Daar was genoeg om te eet en te koop om huis toe te neem en die kinders is besig gehou met ’n yslike springkasteel en hul eie speelgoedtafel terwyl die ouers kon rondsnuffel by al die interessante tafels of lekker tee drink in die teetent, wat vanjaar die United-kerk se bydrae tot die basaar was. Die algehele wenner van die potjiekoskompetisie was Dirk en Natasha van der Berg van Country Fair. Hulle het weggestap met ’n hele slagskaap as prys en hoef dié maand nie vleis te koop nie. Dit moet ’n baie moeilike keuse vir die beoordelaars gewees het, want selfs besoekers het gesukkel om tussen die geurige potte te kies. Die organiseerders het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor die kerkraad, hul gades en helpers en almal in die gemeente en die Unitedkerk wat baie ure se werk en voorbereiding ingesit het. Hulle het ook Stanford se gemeenskap bedank vir hul ondersteuning, sowel as besoekers van buite wat besoek afgelê het by die basaar. Hulle het almal weer uitgenooi na volgende jaar se feesvieringe.



First Friday a big hit MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES: A reader sent in this photo showing the jol­ lification at the Old Harbour on Saturday when many youngsters took to the water on a sunny Saturday. PHOTO: ELEANOR

Waves bubbling with whales The waves in Hermanus seemed to be positively bubbling with whales this week. On our first day here we saw ten, which blew our minds. But the next day was completely overwhelming. On a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon we drove to Stanford and took a half hour flight in a Cessna. For two people from England the airport was interesting. A long tin shed on a hillside off a dirt track. The very bumpy lane the plane took to reach the rolling green runway between the protea plants was something else as well. But Dave the pilot had obviously done this before and was an excellent pilot. Within a minute we were over the sea watching mums and baby whales together, plus a couple of mating pods. We saw how mums roll on their backs with babies lying across their tummies, We even had an exhilarating beach

skim. All in all we saw fifty whales, one great white shark, a pod of dolphins, and 2 tourist boats. Magic. Then back to land-based viewing for the rest of the week. And we were not disappointed. On Heritage Day at the Old Harbour we got so close we could almost touch some before moving away to watch their more acrobatic friends. But the last acrobats saved themselves for the Friday. We were having lunch at Ocean Basket when three whales, in what could almost be performing synchronised swimming, leapt right in front of us. All in all a privilege. We are jealous of your closeness to your aquatic neighbours. We will be back


Age does not matter in provincial hospitals This is an open letter to the Democratic Alliance as I reside in the Cape, but it could and probably does apply to all provincial hospitals. On election day the Democratic Alliance makes a special effect to accommodate the elderly by sending election officers to most retirement villages for those who have no transport. At the polling stations you have people walking down the rows of voting citizens and taking the elderly to the front and allowing them vote first. Unfortunately this does not apply when these same elderly people have to visit your provincial hospitals. I was informed that age does not matter when you are ill and need help. You have to wait your turn especially if you are deemed at “deaths door”. It does not mean that you will not die and this has happened when the sister doing the triage test is wrong! This system may mean that you have to wait the whole day, sitting on an uncomfortable chair in a very noisy environment, for someone to help you. Your mental state and trauma also do not count. There is something seriously wrong with this picture. Are the elderly only valuable when they are required to vote? Babies and young children should receive immediate attention as they can die very quickly. Very old people are also fragile and should be considered next. I am not suggesting that the current triage system be abandoned, simply that the above

criteria be considered during triage. I understand that most hospitals are understaffed at the best of times and that this is exacerbated by unexpected absenteeism due to the ill health of staff members. Thinking out of the box, it may be worthwhile if retired sisters and nurses could become part of an emergency list of professionals willing to work half or full day on a call out basis. The pensions and the increased cost of living for most pensioners are dire and many dedicated sisters and nurses would probably welcome a chance to earn a bit extra. They could be used in helping out at the triage stage, direction non emergency cases to the clinic etc. Retired nurses could be asked to help out in the wards as on nurse on duty in a large ward is not sufficient to attend to the needs of patients. Some of the elderly are unable to walk unaided to the toilets, etc. The use of wheelchairs or walkers would be essential. If funds are unavailable, the friends of the hospital could be asked to set up a fundraising campaign in order to assist. A hospital service to the public will only work if there is “buy in” by both the givers of the service and the receivers. Human beings are not robots on conveyor belts or cattle in a kraal to be herded from one waiting are to the next! Hospital staff are there to serve the public not the bureaucrat system of the hospital! The dictatorial attitude of some staff should also be corrected.


It’s wonderful to see how much talent abounds in this small town and I think congratulations are due to the initiator, the artists and gallery owners who put together the Art Walk on Friday evening. This kind of programme lifts Hermanus to another plane and anyone who missed it, and loves art, should make a point of strolling from gallery to gallery on every first Friday of the summer months. A word of thanks also for the generous and lively hospitality visitors received at each art venue.


Nog inligting oor streek­ hof in Hermanus Ek is genoop om moontlike misverstande uit die weg te ruim na die pragtige berig op 25 September oor egskeidings in Hermanus, en het ’n paar byvoegings tot die berig. 1. Die egskeidings is nie in die Hermanus “magistraatshof” nie maar wel die Streekhof van Somerset-Wes gehou te Hermanus. 2. Maandeliks besoek die streekhof Hermanus (ook Caledon en Bredasdorp) om ernstige strafsake aan te hoor, maar tot nou toe nooit siviele streekhof-sake nie, en dit is die deurbraak hier, dat met die toestemming en samewerking van verskeie akteurs, in besonder Landdros Fransie Mouton, Landdros Bruce Langa en dr. James Lekaleni en ook die departement van justisie, die eerste egskeidings hier kon plaasvind. 3. Daar word voorsien dat ander streekhof siviele sake ook mettertyd hanteer kan word, soos aansoeke en selfs verhore. 4. Ten laaste, teoreties kan die ander setels van die streekhof in die Overberg ook sulke siviele egskeidings hanteer, maar ’n mens moet waardeer dat die landdros, die griffier, die familie-advokaat, die hele hof as’t ware vanaf Somerset-Wes ingevoer moet word, daarom is dit uiters belangrik dat die regsgemeenskap hierdie geleentheid benut om die rol vol te maak, want andersins sal dit nie die kostes werd wees vir die streekhof om hier te kom sit nie. Ek waardeer werklik die publisiteit wat hierdie deurbraak gegun is deur die Hermanus Times om geregtigheid nader te bring aan die gemeenskap wat dit bedien.



Briewe Letters

9 October, 2014

) Die jong man wat my geelhoutboom

se takke so afgesaag het in Luytstraat son­ der toestemming. Wonder of hy dit gaan verkoop het. Die boom lyk soos ’n mop!– MH ) Nuus, weet motorbestuurders dat hul een en ’n half meter spasie moet toelaat tussen die motor en die fiets? ) Ek verwys graag na ons Hoof van Brand en Redding se kommentaar op bladsy 28 van 2 Oktober se Hermanus Times waar ’n Voëlklip­inwoner hulp gesoek het by o.a. die brandweer. Mnr Lester Smith se verskoning waarom die brandweer nie gereageer het op die inwoner se nood­versoek, was uiters po­ wer en skokkend. – SURF, ONRUS ) Daar het ’n waterpyp gebreek in Ver­ montlaan, wat stukkend getrap is deur die kontrakteurs wat die meenthuise bou in die straat. Die projekbestuurder het 20:00 die probleem aangemeld. Dit is nou 21:30 en hier is nie water nie. – GIEP, VERMONT ) Why block out car reg numbers of per­ petrators, whether they’re dangerous drivers or park illegally? Name and shame them! ) Re: Moira Walker. What about the cheeky wagtails sitting on window­sills begging for titbits and pigeons nesting in my dove­cote. We should get together and co­author a best­seller titled “The woe and hardship of living in paradise”.– ELAINE ) Uitstekend gesê, Moira Walker, “More

animal moans”. – HEIDI ) Geagte Aldert, Anders as jy besit ek ’n huis met ’n pragtige tuin in Fisher­ haven en as ek gelukkig is kom die perde vir my kuier tot vele vriende se genot. Los asb die paaie, tuine en perde vir huiseienaars. – GEWESE PAL EN HUISEIENAAR ) My hart is so warm. ’n Barmhartige Samaritaan in Fisherhaven het my klaag­ liedere aangehoor en die grootste gate in die hoofstraat reggemaak. Wie jy ook al is, my vriend, baie dankie. Ek waardeer jou verrassing. Net ’n jammerte jy kan nie ’n top pos beklee by Overberg­munisipa­ liteit nie. – ALDERT, FISHERHAVEN ) Gehoorapparaat verloor in Hoogstraat naby droogskoonmaker en haarkapper. Beloning. Bel 082 771 5907.– GER­ HARD ) Ladies ostrich­leather belt found on Sa­ turday in the car park of the Trading Post, Onrus. Please call 078 546 1428.– AN­ THEA ) Baie Sandbaaiers gaan Ben Solomon mis as uiters bekwame verteenwoordiger en vriend. Mag sy opvolger hom waardig wees. – CHRIS VILJOEN ) A big thanks to “the big apple” at vil­ lage square who sorted out my Apple iPad in no time! You will do great in Herma­ nus!– BEN ) Hiermee ons opregte dank aan al die persone wat Saterdagaand, ná die kon­ sert van Bel Canto­Sangers by Ouditori­ um, ons bygestaan en gehelp het nadat aansitter van motor gestaak het. Ons waardeer dit opreg! – ATTIE EN BETS ) Supaquick Hermanus deserves a gold medal for superlative customer service ev­ ery time I need them all the way out in Stanford.– B WOLF ) Ons klein engeltjie, Carli van der Spuy,

is op 16 September gebore. Ons wil net graag die Mediclinic se personeel bedank vir al hulle hulp. Ook baie dankie aan al die dokters: Tilla Muller, De Flamingh en Riaan Slabbert en die susters in teater. Julle is almal baie spesiaal. – DIE VAN DER SPUY­FAMILIE ) Congratulations to local law enforce­ ment for such effective speed enforcement on new entry road to town. Driver behav­ iours are good. – RICK ) HAWS urgently needs bookcases or shelving for our books and is desperately in need of linen for the shop at 18 Mitchell Street. We can collect. – SYLVANA DORAN ) SARS Worcester: amazingly courte­ ous, efficient and helpful service. No hesi­ tation should I need to return. Thank you.– MAC ) FNB: Thank you for polite and friendly staff. How about an ATM again at Onrust River, please? ) Ek, Ronel Jafta, wil my opregte dank uitspreek aan Charlene Conelius, Bertram Cornelius, Andre Galant, Irene Joorst, Tanswill Siegels, Zinni Swart, Zianne Wil­ lemse, Earl Galant, Stefan Galant, Sandy Galant en Cobus Jafta wat ’n bydrae gele­ wer het met die heengaan van Pieter. Dit word opreg waardeer. Dankie ook aan hulle wat ons ondersteun het in gebed. ) Hiermee wil ek net aan Kobus van Secu­ ri­team (gewapende reaksie) en aan Safe Security se wonderlike en vriendelike be­ heerkamer­dames en hulle gewapende reaksie baie dankie sê vir hulle hulp en bystand. Julle is wonderlik en ’n mens voel gerus, julle is puik. – CB, ONRUS ) An 8­year­old girl lost her white Sam­ sung Pocket cell phone on Tuesday after­ noon close to Cocos and Fusion in the Her­ manus Waterfront area. It has a black back cover diamond decorations on the carrier cover. Please contact 072 779 2454.

BURGUNDY WHALE BOULE CHALLENGE: “What a love­ ly day and what a lovely bunch of peo­ ple we had gathering on the lawns of the Marine Hotel on Sat­ urday,” said Kari Brice, organiser of the annual tournament, together with Glynis van Rooyen. This year was the 11th boule challenge. The winning teams won a total of R5 000 plus in prizes and those who were fortunate in lucky draws won over R4 000’s worth in prizes. The winners were: 1 – Dave and Linda Bellas, 2 – Peter and Anna Voigt, 3 – Pe­ ter and Marie Dagg and 4 – Wina Loubser and Richard Graham. Brice said that R2 000 of the day’s innings will be donated to The Hermanus Shelter fund. ABOVE: In action is Wina Loubser and her partner for the day, Richard Graham, who came fourth overall. In this round they came up against Hugh and Lynn Frangs who called themselves the “Ouboet” team – a clever play on the word Obut, the manufacturer of the boule balls.

Father and daughter team, Jeanine and Bob Cameron, with Melony Schwarz and Peter van der Merwe.

NEW WHALE BOOK LAUNCHED: Wildlife and nature photographer and whale fundi, Dave de Beer, recently launched his new photographic book, Hermanus Whales: The Journey Continues. The book contains 288 pages with photographs of the local whale population, and comes exactly five years after his first self­published book. Copies are available from the Book Cottage, Bookmark, Hemingway’s, Africa Dawn and the Dave de Beer Photography Gal­ lery in Main Road. With Dave is his wife, Nikki Stanley, and mom, Joan de Beer.

Cold weather can be expected today (Thursday), but this will clear up on Friday with temperatures rising to 20° C on Saturday. Sunny skies are forecast until next Wednesday.


The first copy of Dave de Beer’s new book was bought by former Spring­ bok rugby player, Chris Pope.

Prentjie omgekeerd Die prentjie in die bolug is vandag net mooi omgekeerd van hoe dit verlede week daar uitgesien het. Die donker fronte wat oor die suidelike halfrond getrek het, lyk nou of hulle ’n mokerhou gekry het en in talle fragmente uitmekaar spat. Die geheelprentjie wys net weer hoe “otherwise” die Overstrand se weerpatroon kan wees wanneer die res van die land “vure” doodslaan. Wat opval, is dat die Overstrand ook maar 40 km/h winde oor sy kop gehad het, alhoewel goed ’n kilometer of drie hoog oor ons koppe verby en die laagdruk hier onderlangs het skaars geroer, waar dit op rondom 1012 hPa geluier het. Dit het toe al duidelik geword dat die reën wat vir die hele Overberg voorspel word, ons deels misloop. Die enigste lastigheidjie is die koue wat die huidige stelsel kom plant het en vir ons wag wanneer ons vanoggend (Donderdag) uitloer. En ook dat die ergste wolke eers middag se kant sal padgee, of liewer minder word. Die koue kom met ’n suidelike bries wat ons tot môre-oggend (Vrydag) maar weer na 11 °C terugstoot. En hier sien ons weer die andersheid van Hermanus se weer: Ons geniet ’n suiglekker aan weerskante van die stokkie. Ons geniet ’n warm noordoos wanneer die steentjies reg val en die noordwes as die nood hoog is en die damme begin leegloop.

Dié keer draai die oostewind die krane weer gaaf oop en voor die son Vrydag sak, raak ons van die ergste koue ontslae en geniet weer ’n slag 20 °C; Saterdagmiddag selfs 21 °C. Teen dié tyd sit ons sakemense alweer op die punte van hulle stoel en wonder wat om alles vir die besoekers reg te kry. Weerhaan dink dit gaan maar weer ’n so-so dag wees wat alles afhang of die suid-oostelike briesie van 4 meter per sekonde, moeilik sal raak. En kyk ons dan na die moontlikheid van reën, lyk die wolke of hulle bietjie dikker word. Die langtermyn vooruitsig is dat daar eers teen Woensdag ’n druppel of twee kan val, maar gisteraand – met diebreëlandwyebeeldvandiebolugingedagte, reken Weerhaan dat dit meer op ’n digte mistigheid kan uitloop wat skaars ’n halwe mm neerslag kan oplewer. Wat opvallend is, is dat die laagdrukke baie diep uit die suide reguit land toe peil, kompleet soos ’n span perde wat ’n wa vol slegte weer nader sleep.

12 HermanusTimes Groei orgideë om sy pa te eer

Algemeen General

9 October, 2014

ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Vanjaar se wenner (en reserwe-wenner) van die Walker Bay Orgideëvereniging se skou het sy pa, ’n stigterslid van dié organisasie, vereer met sy inskrywings. Riaan Rohland is aangewys as die kampioen en reserwe-kampioen vir sy orgideë by die skou, wat die afgelope naweek in die St. Peterskerk gehou is. “Ek het vanjaar deelgeneem ter nagedagtenis van my pa, Pietman Rohland, wat vroeër vanjaar oorlede is. My pa was, saam met Jan Smit (HT 2 Okt) ’n stigterslid van die Walker Bay Orgideë-vereniging en was vir jare ’n lid.”

Riaan Rohland is vanjaar as die kampioen en reserwe­kampioen aangewys by die jaarlikse Walker Bay Orgideë­skou.

Elizabeth Wright saam met Benardo Olivier, wat vanjaar vir die eerste keer uitgestal het.

CLIVIA SHOW: The Overberg Clivia in­ terest group hosted the seventh annual Clivia show over the past weekend. Felicity Weeden (left), the group’s chairman, was awarded for the best Clivia on show as well as taking the prize for the first runner­up. Gerrit Rohlandt (right) won the prize for the best leaves. Pieter Kock was second runner­up in the competition and first runner­up with his leaves.

PRET, POTJIE­ KOS EN PLESIER BY STAN­ FORD BA­ SAAR: Stanford het hul kerk se 101ste ver­ jaardag gevier met ’n basaar die afge­ lope naweek. Jerry Fourie, ’n plaaslike musikant, het gesorg vir lekker agter­ grond­musiek tydens die kerkbasaar, wat besoekers van oral oor getrek het. Pieter en Christine Roos (foto bo) het al die pad van Brandfort in die Vrystaat vir hul kinders in Hermanus kom kuier. Hulle het veral die welbekende blom­ me­uitstallings in die kerk en blomme uit die omgewing­stalletjie geniet.




Van die Walker Bay Orgideë­vereniging is Marinus Nolte en Jan Smit, saam met besoe­ kers Piet en Joyce Botha.

There were also a host of Clivias on sale as the exhibition neared closing time. Here are Rhoda McMaster and Olivia Carstens at the sales table.

Dié manne was reg om te kook. Wiaan Swart, Loppies Geldenhuys en Fourie Swart met hul seekospotjie in wording by die kerkbasaar se potjie­ koskompetisie.


Promosies Promotions

9 October, 2014


Visit Swartdam Road for a wide variety of industrial services and products This week’s focus is on Swartdam Road, a hub with a variety of local services. Biogrow, one of the specialised businesses situated in Swartdam Road, distributes a range of certified organic products from Hermanus to the gardening and agricultural sectors of the South African market nationwide. With a growing consciousness among consumers regarding the environment and food safety, it is imperative that a range of such products is available to growers. Their products are made using natural ingredients, and are designed to be used in conjunction with each other, mixing a cocktail of fungicide, foliar feed and insecticide that can be used preventatively on veggies, roses

and general horticulture with confidence. Protect your spring seedlings with Ferramol, an organic snail and slug bait that contains no poison and will not endanger any other wildlife in your garden or soil. Products are available from nurseries and garden shops in Hermanus and at the co-op in Stanford. Bulk supplies are available directly from Biogrow. For info on the products and suggested spray programmes find them on Facebook www.facebook.com/biogrowsouthafrica, refer to their website www.biogrow.co.za or send an email to 2 biogrowchem@iafrica.com. One of the best known businesses situated

in Swartdam Road is Van Blommenstein Butchery. The hard working team works towards producing the best quality meat products in the Overstrand, while ensuring you get the best service. They offer something for everyone’s taste, so be sure to visit them for fresh products, including fresh meat, cold meats, biltong and droëwors, daily. They also deliver in and around Hermanus. Call them on: 0 028 313 1032. Overstrand Training Institute offers skills training in their Enlighten Centre in Swartdam Road. The most popular courses are computer-based from basic to advanced. This year they started their adult education school-leaving certificate starting from Grade 10. All their training includes a world class leadership training aspect that continues into graduate support for job placement and becoming entrepreneurs. For more information call 0 028 313 0129. Gerhard Theron at Walker Bay Aluminium has been in the business for 23 years. They can create any

and all aluminium products on demand. They also do new installations and replacement of wooden frames and doors with aluminium frames. Call Gerhard on 0 083 652 3470. Ideal Bolt n Nut Fasteners is situated at 9 Swartdam Road. They supply a large variety of fasteners including set screws, bolts, nuts and pop rivets, for both DIY and professionals. They thanked their customers for their loyal support throughout the year. For more information call 0 028 312 1089.

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Mense People

9 October, 2014

Hermies se matriekleerders was getooi in alle style en kleure om hul matriekafskeid ’n spesiale geleentheid te maak. Hier is Roche Filan­ der en Bernadette Hendricks, Jayrene Deez en Eon Jacobs, en Susan Muchanyara saam met Steve Mabinga.

HERMIES HOU MATRIEKAFSKEID: Hoërskool Hermanus het Vry­ dagaand afskeid geneem van hul matrieks met ’n glansgeleentheid in die aktiwiteitsentrum. Hier is Acques Hanekom en metgesel Lizaan Brandt en Chane Naude saam met Stian Oberholzer.


Kleinboet het nader gehardloop om sy sussie Biance Romijn te groet by haar aankoms by Hermies se matriekafskeid Vrydagaand. Haar metgesel was Wy­ nand Matthee.

Pragtig in pienk is Nicole Matthee met haar metgesel Donovan Roh­ land, hier saam met Mizaan Ba­ denhorst en Hu­ go Genis ná af­ loop van die modeparade wat in die skoolsaal gehou is.

Daar was verskeie blink motors en inte­ ressante ouer model­ le in die konvooi wat die matrieks vervoer het. Yvette Botha en metgesel Martiens Olivier se keuse het op dié unieke trekkar geval.



Mense People

9 October, 2014


Accounts are


Jacobs Krönung Instant or Mild Coffee 200g (Excluding Decaf)





90 Each

HAWSTON MATRIEKS MOOI GETOOI: “Aiden Carolissen en Wildre Tobias. Julle het stunning gelyk. Onthou wat mammie altyd sê: ‘Jy is tot alles in staat deur Chris­ tus wat jou die krag gee.’ Voorspoed en sterkte met die voorbereiding van jou finale jaar.” FOTO: CLEMENTINE ANDREWS







90 Each

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Stork Country Spread Medium Fat Spread 1kg Tub




PnP White Sugar 2.5kg




Golden Ray Cooking Oil 2 Litre









White Star Super Maize Meal 5kg

Dairy Princess Creamy Cheese Wedges 125g



BUY BOTH FOR STYLVOL: Roelandi Labuschagne en Ayron Davidowitz by Onrus­strand op pad na die matriekafskeid by Hoërskool Hermanus.


SAVE 11.90



FOTO: JANINE VAN DER RIET Ariel Auto Washing Powder 2kg, Liquid Detergent 1.5 Litre or Liquid Detergent Capsules 14s

Twinsaver 2-Ply Toilet Tissue Assorted 9s Per Pack


PnP Washed Potatoes 2kg and Onions 2kg

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ELEGANT: Zani Smuts en Eduard Bongers van Hermanus het Vrydagaand pragtig ge­ lyk by Hoërskool Hermanus se matriekaf­ skeid.



Algemeen General

9 October, 2014

Public talk on e­waste Whale Coast Conservation is holding a public talk about the growing problem of e-waste on Tuesday 14 October at 17:30 at the Green House in Vermont. Vic Hamilton-Attwell, a zoologist from North-West Province now living in Hermanus, will be the guest speaker. Electronic gadgets also become obsolete very rapidly. What happens to these items after their owners no longer want them? Do we, in Hermanus, know what to do with our batteries, cell phones, computers, printers, microwaves, or even fridges and stoves when they die?

Vic says his talk is aimed at helping you understand what e-waste is and what happens to our electronic devices when they become e-waste. It will provide practical information about what we can do with discarded electronic items in Hermanus. “By being aware of the problems and knowing how we can contribute to the solution, we can help to prevent e-waste from overwhelming the planet.” The entry fee is R10 per person. For more information call Anina Lee, communications manager at Whale Coast Conservation, on 028 316 2527 or 083 242 3295.

Talk will provide practical information about discarding of e­waste.



Algemeen General

FRIDAY 10 OCTOBER ) U3A meeting: A full length version of Macbeth Part 2 presented by Allan Pow­ ell. 10:00. At the Catholic Church hall. Call: Allan Powell 0 028 312 1251. ) Women’s Business Network monthly meeting at Wonderland Café inside Su­ perplants. 09:00. Tickets cost R50 and in­ clude breakfast and coffee. This month’s topic will cover “Internet Business”. All businesswomen welcome. 2 womans­ businessnetwork1@gmail.com or call Cass 0 073 117 1857. ) Kom kyk die fliek: “Pad na jou Hart” in die ouditorium van Onruskerk. 15:00 asook 19:00. Slegs R30 as donasie. Kaartjies by die deure en by die kerk be­ skikbaar. ) Please join Friends of The Library at our cosy Bhuki Cafe coffee mornings ev­ ery Friday from 09:00 to 11:30. A happy experience. ) Kolwyntjie­teetuin by die NG kerk On­ rusrivier. Van 09:30 tot 11:30 vir net R20 (koffie/tee ingesluit). ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:15 – 09:30 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. Charlyn Vosloo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Kunsklasse by die De Wetsaal van 09:00 – 12:00. Kontak Estelle Valken­ burg: 0 028 316 3522. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 12:00 – 16:30. Anneke van der Vlug: 0 082 923 9799. SATURDAY 11 OCTOBER ) Robin Auld tree op by Sprokkelster­tea­

ter in Onrus om 20:00. Kaartjies, R100pp, by 0 082 896 5105 of 0 028 316 4567 of info@sprokkel­ ster.co.za. ) Hearty Strandveld food and wine pair­ ings at Elim Wine & Food Celebration. Wine tasting from 10:00 to 17:00, Black Oystercatcher, Elim. Cycle and trail run registration starts at 07:00. Races from 08:00 – 08:30. Tickets cost R75 pp, in­ cluding a branded wine glass. Free for u. 18s. Tickets at www.webtickets.co.za. Call 0 028 482 1618 or 2 info@elim­ wines.co.za. www.elimwines.co.za. ) Fisherhaven Neighbourhood Watch Cake and Book Sale. From 10:00 outside Moo’s Café in Fisherhaven. Call: 0 028 315 2601 for more. ) Single people, Afrikaans and English: are you recently divorced, a widow or wi­ dower? Is u onlangs deur ’n egskeiding of het u ’n eggenoot/eggenote verloor? Come and meet people who are in the same situation and receive emotional sup­ port, and maybe meet a special friend through the group. Call: 0 076 115 7382. ) World Hospice Palliative Care Day: Support the Overberg Hospice at various points. Hospice volunteers will be collect­ ing with tins throughout the greater Over­ berg region. MONDAY 13 OCTOBER ) The U3A presents a talk on Richard Strauss, his life and music, compiled by Ron Thomson and Johan Radloff. 10:00. Catholic Church. Gert Claassen: 0 083 602 5254. ) BirdLife Overberg monthly meeting. Talk on the Fynbos endemic birds re­ search project and other biodiversity pro­ jects in the Western Cape by Dale Wright, the regional conservation manager for the Western Cape for BirdLife South Afri­ ca. 18:30 for 19:00 at the Community Hall, Mollergren Park, Hermanus. The meeting will be followed by a braai at R70 per person. RSVP: Elaine at 2 mwjass­ er@mweb.co.za or 0 082 455 8402 by 09:00 on Saturday 11 October. ) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus: Ma. 08:00 – 09:30; Wo. 15:00 – 17:00 en Do. 08:00 – 09:30. Bel Alida Liebenberg: 0 028 316 3994 / 082 783 5160. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call: 0 028 314 0662 / 072 230 9179. ) Line­dancing at the De Wet Hall from 17:30 – 18:30. Call Maryanne: 0 073 469 9132 / 028 316 2625. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir will be practising in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00.

) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in On­ rus. Call Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) Run/Walk for Life: Meet every Mon­ day, Wednesday and Friday at 17:30 at the Old Boys Club, Hermanus. Call: Elna Botha 0 072 640 6822. ) A group of walkers meets three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Fri­ day) at 07:00 for walks of varying lengths. All walkers welcome. Contact Lynn Frangs 0 028 316 2007 or Arlene Ehrenberg 0 028 316 2037 for more details. TUESDAY 14 OCTOBER ) The U3A presents a talk on Travel Desti­ nations: the Overberg and Overstrand east of Hermanus by Celeste Scheepers, manager of Hermanus Tourism. Catholic Church. 10:00. Call: Graham Palmer at 0 028 314 1167. ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, Northcliff. Bel André van den Berg vir meer by: 0 072 191 3516. ) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal, Dins­ dae en Woensdae van 17:30 – 18:30. Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. WEDNESDAY 15 OCTOBER ) Literature talk at the U3A with a discus­ sion by John de Gruchy on aspects of his book Led into Mystery. Catholic church. 10:00. Call: Allan Powell at 0 028 312 1251 for more information. ) Trimgim­klasse by die Onrusrivier­ dienssentrum van 10:00 – 11:00. R30 per lid, R45 vir nie­lede. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbe­ weging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Die egskeidingondersteuningsgroep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oosthuysen: 0 079 322 0998. ) Kom kyk die fliek “Patch Adams” om 15:00 (middagvertoning) in die Onrus­ kerk se dienssentrum. Slegs donasie. FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER ) U3A talk on American Popular Music presented by Alan Maker and Robin Lee. 10:00 at the Catholic church. Call Robin Lee: 0 028 312 4072. SATERDAG 18 OKTOBER ) Cansa Relay For Life in Caledon bied ’n Venesiese Maskerbal aan. Kaartjies teen R250 (maskers word voorsien) by die Kansa­kantoor. Dit vind plaas by Caledon Stadsaal, 19:00 vir 19:30. Navrae: Schunette Beukes by 0 072 913 5701 of Anne­Marie Kriel by 0082 324 8934.

Events for birders BirdLife Overberg is hosting a talk by Dale Wright, the Regional Conservation Manager for the Western Cape for BirdLife South Africa, during its monthly meeting on 13 October. The topic will focus on the fynbos endemic birds research project and other biodiversity projects in the Western Cape. The meeting starts at 18:30 for 19:00 at the Mollergren Park community hall and will be followed by a braai at R70 per person. Remember to bring your own drinks and glasses. Keep in mind that you do not have to eat and that you can only attend the lecture if you so choose. Please RSVP to Elaine at 2 mwjasser@ mweb.co.za or 0 082 455 8402 by 09:00 on Saturday 11 October for catering purposes. ) Flight for the Birders Course: A bird identification course for novice and intermediate birdwatchers will be presented by BirdLife Overberg’s chairman, Anton Odendal, in Hermanus on 31 October and 1 November, to help raise funds for conservation projects. These projects include the development of

an African Penguin and seabirds rehabilitation centre at Kleinbaai (SEE HT - 21 August 2014) and the Fynbos birds research project. Much stronger emphasis is also being placed on conservation issues, in line with the memorandum of understanding between the Overberg division of CapeNature and BirdLife Overberg. The course focuses on basic steps in the identification of birds, where to find rare birds in southern Africa and how ordinary birdwatchers could become involved in the conservation of birds and their habitats. A section of the course will also focus on the differences between the various families of LBJ’s and other confusing species, as well as Birds of Prey, and how this applies to the Overstrand region. VENUE: Mollergren Park community hall on 31 October and 1 November. COSTS: R500 and includes the course manual, certificate endorsed by BirdLife South Africa and a year’s free membership of BirdLife Overberg. TO REGISTER: Elaine at 2 birding@overberg.co.za or 0 082 455 8402.

Gratis borsondersoeke in Oktober Kansa in samewerking met Mediclinic Hermanus bied met borskankermaand die geleentheid om gratis ondersoeke te laat doen. Woensdag 15 Oktober sal verskeie dokters vanaf 07:00 tot 18:00 borsondersoeke in die noodkamers by die ou ingang van die hospitaal doen.

Geen afsprake hoef vooraf gemaak te word nie. Werkende vroue kan ook voor of ná werk ’n ondersoek laat doen. Vir meer inligting, bel Elnette du Toit van die Kansa-kantoor by 0 028 316 3678 of Esmé Groenewald van Mediclinic Hermanus by 0 028 313 0168.


Markies / Markets ) Saturday: TheHer­

manus Country Mar­ ket, from 09:00 – 13:00 at the cricket grounds. Die Hermanuspieters­ fontein kos­en­wyn­ mark vind plaas van 09:00 – 13:00. The Market in the Gar­ den at Hemel­en­ Aarde Village from 09:00 – 14:00. Morning Market on the stoep of the Stanford Hotel from 09:30 – 12:00. ) Sunday: Salandra Country Market from 09:00 – 16:00 at service station en route to Bot River.


THURSDAY 9 OCTOBER ) U3A open meeting: Talk on “Super­ market Wars” by Doug Parker, consultant and expert on Shopping Mall Design and Economic Viability. 17:30. ) Die borduurgroep kom byeen by die De Wetsaal van 09:00 – 13:00. Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday at Hermanus Golf Club at 12:15. Lyle: 0 028 314 1390 / 073 778 2777. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thurs­ day at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall. Henriëtte Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mollergren. All welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187.

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Algemeen General

9 October, 2014

Agrimark gives back

AGRIMARK GIVES BACK: Staff from Hermanus Agrimark took some time out to give back to the community. They spent the day, 30 September, painting the walls and play park at the Bosko Christian School. Here is the team with a group of the learners.

Nathalie Coert and Deon Dry­ er tackled the re­ painting of the rocking horses at the Bosko Christian School.

John van der Merwe gave the jungle gym a fresh coat of paint, as part of Agri­ mark’s outreach programme.

Arum Street Hermanus

Tel: 028 312 2270 Cell: 082 772 7657 X1PAFVMH-HL091014

PRYSWENNERS: Die Vrolike Vinkies Pre­primê­ re Skool in Mount Plea­ sant het ’n geldinsameling gehou en lootjies verkoop aan die plaaslike gemeen­ skap. Die wenners was Nomaphelo Makata (eer­ ste prys), Jeveney Nadine Davids (tweede prys) en Cole Pieters (derde). Die skoolhoof Alet Julies het Shirley­Ann Geduld (heel regs) bedank vir die sken­ king van die pryse. BUSINESS­ MAN HELPS ZWELIHLE PRIMARY: Petros Dumse, a local trans­ port provider in Zwelihle, has donated a television to Zwelihle Pri­ mary School as part of his ongoing com­ mitment to the youth. The tel­ evision will be used to show educational programmes for the Grade Rs. Dumse is in­ volved with the school as a transport provider, giving them discounts and also sponsors free trips from time to time. From left are: Noluthando Ma­ cupe (acting deputy principal), Dumse, Khayalethu Msebenzi (principal) and Nomawethu Lamani (finance officer). PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN


Jaguar launches new XE MOTORPRESS

The Jaguar XE redefines the concept of the sports saloon and will be the driver’s car in its class. Its lightweight construction, streamlined styling, luxurious interior and outstanding ride and handling are testament to company founder Sir William Lyons’ vision: ‘The car is the closest thing we will ever create to something that is alive’ The rear-drive XE is the only vehicle in its class to use an aluminium-intensive monocoque. This extremely robust yet light structure, together with double wishbone front suspension and an Integral Link rear axle, is fundamental to the XE’s innovative benchmark vehicle dynamics. Jaguar’s world-leading expertise in aluminium structure engineering enables exceptional fuel consumption and emissions figures: with the new Ingenium diesel engines, the XE can achieve 3,8 F/100 km and 109 g/km CO2 – the most efficient Jaguar ever. Powered by the supercharged 3.0 litre V6 petrol engine from the acclaimed Jaguar F-TYPE, the XE S is capable of 0-100 km/h in just 5,1 seconds. “The XE’s driving behaviour fully matches the promise of its seductive looks, and the emotional appeal is supported by state of-theart approaches to efficiency, from aerodynamics to the advanced Ingenium engine family.” Kevin Stride, vehicle line director, Jaguar XE. The aluminium-intensive Jaguar XE is the first model developed from Jaguar Land Rover’s new modular vehicle architecture. The long 2,835 mm wheelbase and low seating position enable perfect proportions and a streamlined profile. The cabin offers outstanding levels of comfort and spaciousness. Exquisite materials

and finishes combined with Jaguar craftsmanship make this a class-beating interior that’s unlike anything else in the segment. Jaguar’s new InControl Touch infotainment system takes centre stage: its innovative 8-inch touch screen brings fast, intuitive access to all features and functions – and iOS and Android smartphone apps. The XE has some of the most advanced driver assistance systems available. All Surface Progress Control (ASPC), developed through decades of Jaguar Land Rover experience in off-road traction systems, can electronically gain traction in seconds and is ideal for use on low-grip surfaces, such as snow-covered roads. Laser projection technology enables the XE’s head-up display (HUD) to generate sharp, high-contrast colour graphics (such as vehicle speed and navigation) from a module smaller and almost a third lighter than existing systems, retaining clarity even in direct sunlight. A stereo camera is mounted behind the front windscreen to give the XE a 3D view of the road ahead: this highly accurate data is used for functions including autonomous emergency braking and a lane departure warning system. The XE is the stiffest, most aerodynamic Jaguar saloon car ever built. It is also the first Jaguar to be equipped with electric power steering, tuned to provide exceptional responsiveness and feel but with lower energy consumption than hydraulic systems. The XE also boasts the lowest cost of ownership and most environmentally sustainable credentials of all Jaguar models. Manufacturing of the aluminium-intensive Jaguar XE occurs at Jaguar Land Rover’s Solihull plant in an all-new facility. Part of a R27,5 billion investment, this flexible, purpose-built site will create 1 700 UK jobs. The XE now completes the Jaguar saloon car range, sitting below the XF and XJ model

Each XE is designed to offer an unrivalled combination of steering response, ride comfort, re­ finement and performance. PHOTO: MOTORPRESS lines. Each XE is designed to offer an unrivalled combination of steering response, ride comfort, refinement and performance. These attributes are matched to the sleek, perfectlyproportioned exterior styling and the premium materials and meticulous attention to detail defining the interior. The entry-level to the XE range, the Pure* model, features high-quality cloth seats and a gloss black treatment for the door trim finishers and the signature ‘Riva Hoop’ sweeping around the instrument panel. Seats are trimmed with Taurus leather with unique technical mesh fabric inserts. The ‘Riva Hoop’ and door finishers are in etched aluminium, and the tread plates and sports steering wheel feature R-Sport branding. The exterior is enhanced by a subtle rear spoiler and a noble chrome treatment for the side power vents. Sports suspension delivers even better handling. The most performance-orientated XE model features a race-inspired interior. The Taurus leather seats have suede cloth panels and

the tread plates and leather sports steering wheel carry the S logo. Dark hex aluminium graces the door finishers and the ‘Riva Hoop’, while the centre console is gloss black. The front bumper’s enlarged air intakes hint at the performance potential of the supercharged V6. Side sill extensions, rear spoiler, gloss black rear valance, red brake calipers and optional forged, 20-inch ‘Propeller’ alloy wheels complete the package. Taurus leather upholstery with contrasting stitching delivers a modern, progressive luxury interior, complete with phosphor blue ambient lighting. Inserts on the air-conditioned seat option are perforated and the ‘Riva Hoop’ and door finishers are finished in brushed aluminium. The most luxurious XE model, Portfolio, features a wide range of colour options for the premium Windsor leather with herringbone perforations. The instrument panel features split upper and lower coverings in two colours, complete with colour-keyed twin-needle stitching for a truly bespoke feel. The aluminium trim has an embossed surface finish.

20 HermanusTimes SAC Plug and Play with Toyota Land Cruiser 70 Series

BOLAND Auto Sold

9 October, 2014

MOTORPRESS Toyota’s ever hardy Land Cruiser 70 Series was given a new lease on life recently and is said to now be the new torque king of 4WD vehicles, thanks to the fitment of a potent new 4,5 litre 32-valve V8 turbodiesel engine with common-rail direct injection and intercooler. The three Land Cruiser 70 Series models – the 76 Station Wagon, the 79 Single Cab and the 79 Double Cab – all now run this powerplant that delivers an impressive 151 kW of power at 3 400 rpm and 430 Nm of torque from as low as 1 200 rpm that is held all the way to 3 200 rpm. Steves Auto Clinic have been at the forefront of power enhancing on Toyota products for years now and it made perfect sense to tackle the new 4.5 litre V8 turbodiesel Land Cruiser 70 Series to see what could be gained for these go-anywhere vehicles. The plan was relatively simple, no major modifications required, a quick turnaround time of between 1 and 3 days depending on which SAC branch you book your vehicle in at and reliably improved power and torque was to be added. First up they had to acquire a vehicle, so they roped in the pre-owned specialists at Elite Auto in Vereeniging, who happened to have a delivery mileage Toyota Land Cruiser 76 Station Wagon on their floor that could benefit from an SAC power upgrade. To start the process the team at the dedicated R&D Centre at SAC sent the Land Cruiser for road testing and the data returned showed exactly what was initially felt out on the road. Although the V8 turbodiesel makes the power and torque claimed, the over two tonne of the vehicle takes its toll on the real world per-

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021 887 2840

021 312 3717

formance data achieved. The 0-100 km/h sprint comes up in a leisurely 15 seconds, while the big station wagon took a full 23 seconds to just get to the national speed limit of 120 km/h and of course the in gear acceleration was not much better. This suggested while there might be impressive grunt on tap, trying to overtake or get up to speed in the Land Cruiser was still going to take some work. Once back at the R&D Centre, the SAC team opted to fit their tried and tested UniChip U-Connect Plug and Play unit. This system comes as a stand-alone product, complete with a wiring harness that plugs directly into your Toyota Land Cruiser’s OEM ECU and can be plugged in and out whenever you want or need. The gains here alone were impressive and well worth investing R6 950 incl VAT and fitment for. SAC also decided to fit a 76 mm stainless steel bolt-on De Graaf performance exhaust system to their Land Cruiser and this not only freed up some of that sweet V8 sound, but added another decent helping of power to the equation for a further R6 950 incl VAT, but you can talk to a sales consultant at your nearest SAC branch and he will advise you on the full range of exhaust options available to you. Armed now with around 25 percent extra power on tap, the Toyota Land Cruiser had been transformed, the amount of urge in any gear was unbelievable when compared to standard and the station wagon was eagerly sent back to the Gerotek testing facility for its re-test. The data that came back was simply mind blowing, the 0-100 km/h sprint was now done in a massively improved 12 seconds, an improvement of 3 full seconds, the 120 km/h mark was hit almost 6 seconds sooner at just under 18 seconds. The in gear acceleration

The in­gear acceleration times were also much improved by as much as 3 seconds in some segments and this all translates in a vehicle that is just so much better to drive and safer to overtake in. PHOTO: MOTORPRESSS times were also much improved by as much as 3 seconds in some segments, and this all translates in a vehicle that is just so much better to drive and safer to overtake in. Can you imagine how much better this Land Cruiser would tow now too? Elite Auto can be contacted on 016 455 5773

and to find out more about how you can go about transforming your Toyota Land Cruiser 70 Series, visit SAC at their award-winning website www.steves.co.za or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/StevesAutoClinic or on Twitter on www.twitter.com/StevesAutoClinic.

1 MILLION: Chevrolet has reached a milestone number in supermini sales, sur­ passing 1 million sales worldwide of the Spark and Beat – fresh evidence of Chev­ rolet’s vehicle line­up attracting more peo­ ple to the brand around the world. Earlier this year, Chevrolet sold its 3­millionth Cruze. The Spark first went on sale as the Beat in India in late 2009. In South Africa, where the Spark has been on sale since 2010, sales increased by 36% from Janu­ ary to September when compared to the same period in 2013 (6 794 vs 4 983 units). The Spark, along with the rest of the Chevrolet small car line­up, also at­ tracts the youngest buyers to the brand. This year, sales of Chevrolet small cars have increased more than 9 percent for car buyers under the age of 35. In 2014, the Spark was the only vehicle in the en­ try­level segment to earn the IIHS Top Safety Pick award. Light­weight, high­ strength steel constitutes more than 62 per­ cent of Spark’s underbody and 42 percent of its upper body. It is also used in the roof bow and B­pillars. PHOTO: QUICKPIC


BOLAND Auto Sold

9 October, 2014





Pay us a visit and be the first person to drive your new ride off the showroom floor!


us today for

exciting opening



W estvaal Somerset West Tel: 021 852 1108 | 4 Victoria Street, Somerset West Terms and Conditions Apply. Model/s shown may differ. Errors & Omissions Excepted.


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

9 October, 2014

EDU PLAY 3 months 9 years. Qualified teachers R795 per month. Available weekends and after hours. Call 081 257 6490. E-mail: sunvalleycentre@gmail. com.


ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com




CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871

MR H.VAN VEEN het 7dae om sy rekening te vereffen te Silver Falcon Storage, anders sal dit verkoop word om kostes te delg. MY CAKE ANGEL. Cakes/cupcakes for all occasions. E-mail: NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group tarrynlotz@gmail.com. meetings. Are drugs a pro- Call Tarryn Geyer: blem? Mondays 19:30 Uni- 076 154 9612. View: ted Church Hall. Phone 076 www.mycakeangel.co.za. 114 3218. ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za.

RHODA FICK GEBORE: 12/04/1932 OORLEDE: 04/10/2014 Begrafnisdiens 10uur Saterdag 11 Okt. te Dahlia straat 183, Mount Pleasant. Rus In Vrede.



OVERSTAND HOSPICECare for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679

BESTE GEWAARDEERDE KLIENTE. Manie's Hourwerf, geleë in Viljoenstraat Onrus het sy deure na baie jare gesluit. As gewaarde kliente wens ons u opreg te bedank vir u ondersteuning en vriendskap. Albert en Mariane Keulder. DEAR VALUED CUSTOMERS. We would like to inform you that Manie's Wood Yard, situated in Viljoen Street, Onrus River, is no longer trading. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your past patronage and friendship over the many years. It is very much appreciated. Albert and Mariane Keulder.



LABRADOUR male cross, 10 Years old, very loving, urgently needs good home. Tel 028 341 0961 or 082 899 1172

VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281.

SUGAR PLUM Party shop. Themed cakes, kiddies tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles etc. Purple shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913. FUNCTIONS & CONFERENCES 1425



HYPNOTHERAPY. I am a registered hypnotherapy student practising under the Institute of Hypnotherapy. I offer all learners a FREE session of hypnotherapy to improve their exam marks to help me fulfil the required practical experience prior to certification. Call Jannie Beirowski at 084 903 6030 now for an appointment


PARTY/EVENT DANCE floor for hire. Black & white check. Phone Carol or Talitha 028 313 2769.



ENGLISH woman with red BMW that gave a lady a lift from Napier 2 weeks back, Saturday, dropped off at St. Peters Church, lost cellphone in backseat of car. Please contact Mrs Pieters 028 312 2018







PERSONAL SEVICES VEELS GELUK WILLIE met 60ste verjaarsdag. Mag die Here jou seen. Van jou vrou Marilyn, Lluwellen, Kayra, Liechen & L.J

MATHS TUITION. Wiskunde onderrig. Skakel 071 818 3311.



ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.

LA DANé Danielle 072 253 3960 danielleladane@gmail.com CAKES FOR ALL OCCASIONS

HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643.




BEAUTY SENCIALS SANDBAAI. All your basic beauty treatments, at affordable prices. 028 316 1813/ 082 722 0910 HERBALIFE. Use winter to get ready for summer! Summer is almost here. Lose weight and keep it off! Professional follow up. Free delivery. Call 076 155 9648.

THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884. TRAINING & EDUCATION 1480

DAY MOM. Worked at Grootte Schuur Hospital. Paediatric 72% nursing NUNAILS AND BEAUTY diploma. Exam & teaching @ ONRUS October birth- diploma. Call 071 683 1314 e-mail: aupairdebbie@ day special Pedi & Toes gmail.com. R350. Mari 083 299 6241.

NOSTALTIQUES. Wanted: Antiques, Art, secondhand household goods. Steenbras Street 15, Hermanus Industria. 082 833 2567.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

9 October, 2014


Complete IT and Computer Solutions for Home or Business. We offer ADSL Internet ( Best prices in town), Hardware and Software sales, Computer Sales and Training, Web Design and Hosting, Repairs and much more. Contact us for our price lists or a free quotation. -We are located upstairs from the Wine Village-. Email: info@imaginesolutions.co.za Tel: Contact 028 316 3113 or 073 674 2775

ELEKTRONIESE SIGARETTE Vir al u E-Sigarette, ELiquid's, onderdele en benodighede. Kontak Ben Rossouw Sel: 082 726 8771. Tel: 028 316 4217. Branderdraai Str 11, Sandbaai, Hermanus of Martie Sel 072 644 2942 Gansbaai


A1 BUILDERS. Project Management Holiday House.- Alterations, extensions, new garages, painting (in and outside), paving, decking. Roofs. Waterproofing. Call 072 306 1798. ALL BUILDING WORK. Alterations, renovations, extensions, boundry walls, paving, tiling & painting. Call 082 255 0939. FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. Painting, paving, tiling, bathroom makeovers, home maintenance, building requirements call 083 308 0534

COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pentium 4's from R1299,00. Refurbished with warranty. Call Dolf Uys 072 705 8577.

ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. No call out fee. Call 079 706 1056. FOR HIRE 1820

1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280. ccsplant@telkomsa.net. BUILDERS/EVENTS TOILETS, crane truck, container & offices to rent. Call 086 100 2271 or 028312 2367.

IRRIGATION Quotation for new irrigations. Service + upgrade on existing irrigations. Phone Peter 082 603 8164 Email: lotz.onrus@telkomsa.net

OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. REFRIGERATION & Phone Frank 028-312 2225 SPARES. Mech-Elect. Call or 082 563 9514. 082 885 7480.

R.A.P ENTERPRISES. Call us today for all Home Renovation, Light Construction, Maintenance and Handyman needs. Stefan 078 326 8192


ZUKI'S GARDEN & Forestery Service. Alien plant clearing. Plot clearing. Garden refuse removal. Tree pruning. Hedge trimming. Weed extermination, etc. Call Zukisani 082 711 6102.

LOCAL PLUMBING. Maintenance, geysers, renovation, blockages, water proofing, emergency. PIRB Registered. Discount for pensioners. Call 072 756 9614/028 312 3874.


101 SERVICES. Handyman general. No job too small. Best rates. PensioAFRI-LANDSCAPES. ners discount. 15 Years exLandscape design, installaSOLARMAX. SABS perience. Call Peter 073 FREE QUOTATION for tion, irrigation and mainapproved solar hot water 157 2415. draughting of building tenance. For professional systems. Free site inspecdocumentation for all tipes service contact Tony on tions & quotation. 17 Long of building work: New buil- 072 125 1855 or Street, Hermanus. Tel. dings, additions to existing tony@afrilandscapes.co.za. 028-312 1667.www. and the compiling of "Assolarmax.co.za. A & A BOME. Afsaag van Build" drawings of exibome en takke, asook sting works for legalising Gareth 072 656 6370 wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot of unapproved structures info@stocktents.com by Rooi-Els. Aldert en Anifor Municipal approval. www.stocktents.com ta skakel 083 739 9865. You must have a set Stock Tents is a stretch approved building plans of ASEMROWENDE Tuintent rental and manuyour property as required dienste. Snoei & afkap van facturing company by law! bome. Sny van gras, Contact Johann at: skoonmaak van erwe, rom- AAA MAINTENANCE. LARGE MARINE PLY 083 452 1422 melverwydering & meubel- Painting, paving, tiling, storage boxes and could be COMPUTER SUPPORT, vervoer. Geute skoonmaak. damp proofing, water ideal for use by a removal mobile devices. Onsite proofing, building & renoMorné 083 225 3712. firm. Sizes 4 @ 1.2 x 1.2 CLEANING support and tutoring. vations, general mainteSEVICES Sales, repairs and mainte- x 5metres. 1 @ 1.8 x 1.8 x nance. Free quotes. Call 1805 nance. Call Andrea 079 707 5metres. Tel 028 313 2555 Ian 082 535 5591. 2997. EXCLUSIVE HOUSE ALUMINIUM ANGLO CLEANING SERVICE/ OAK CORNER DESK WINDOWS/DOORS. SKOONMAAKDIENS. with shelves. New R500 FURNITURE Manufacture, supply, Personal full time superviono. Grey upholstered sofa 1635 install direct. Replace woobed. New R900 ono. Intex sion. Maintaining holiday den/steel frames. Average WATER PUMPS. Mechhomes. Are you moving in paddling pool 2.6m x house completed in 1 day. Elect. Call 082 885 7480. or out, we can help. Mon1.75m x 5cm, New R150. It pays to get our quote. BUFFALO GRASS. Save Sat Call 076 115 7382 Childs skates size 38-41 Michael Haman 072 288 water, plant indigenous new, blue R50. Childs skateboard R50. John 073 SOLOMON'S WINDOW grass. For the best prices, 4761/084 558 1902. call Chris 082 568 2592. 552 4608 CARPET AND UPHOLCLEANING Services for domestic, commercial, FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: STERY cleaning. Curtains for professional irrigation & blinds. Call Allison or POOL TABLE SLATE top industrial & construction sites. For free quotation John 072 572 0215. and automatic borehole for free. To be collected. FURNITURE WANTED. phone Solomon 082 747 interfacing systems. For a Phone 083 792 3314 We offer best prices for all CARPET and upholstery 3640. Serving Hermanus free consultation phone your unwanted furniture cleaning. Personal supervisince 1996. 028-313 0295. QUALITY CHICKEN and appliances. sion. Best prices. Free quoCall Joe 072 345 8442 or tations. Phone Top Carpets MANURE for your lawn & FYNBOS GARDENS. 028-312 3508. garden. Delivered. R55.00 Landscaping, irrigation and 028-313 0721. ELECTRICAL for 40 kg. Call Oliver 072 garden maintenance. 15 CINDY'S CARPET 176 2657. Mimosa Street, Industrial 1810 CLEANERS. Carpets, Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. rugs & upholstery cleaSUNBED R1500.00 www.fynbosgardens.com ners. We now offer house One owner. To view by GARDEN AFFAIR. cleaning. Cindy 083 270 appointment only. Call 083 Offering full garden 5385/028-316 4264. 505 8922. maintenance. Garden PAINTING design & landscaping. Irri- FLOOR SANDING & specialized installation of 1872 PETS gation repairs. Plot clearing. Juliet Leppan 072 942 wood floors & timber 1660 PAINTING, ROOF CLEAdecks. The Hutton 1260. NING COATING. Free Brothers 082 828 5627 HEALTHY COCKATIELS 24 HOUR EMERGENCY quotes. Michael Haman JJ HENN TUINDIENSTE. or 028-341 0543. & Budgies for sale. Contact call out Electrician. No 028 316 1881 / 072 288 Skoonmaak van erwe, sny 063 240 4227. power, no hot water? 4761. gras, verwydering van Installation maintenance & bome, wegry van tuinafval. repairs: industrial, comSkakel JJ Henn 073 870 WANTED TO BUY mercial & domestic. PEST CONTROL 4899/028 315 1725. FOR GENERAL PLUMGraeme Lahoud 082 785 1675 1850 BING, MAINTENANCE, 2017. Roof cleaning & painting, BAIE OU GEEL en StinkMISCELLANEOUS exterior & interior or wall hout meubels gesoek om 1655 painting. Paving, waterte koop. Enige toestand. proofing & tiling. Call 076 312 1904 BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Johan 082 216 7009. Rooikrans, Wattle en Bloekomhout. Call Danie 082 958 5749. 1825

BRAAI AND FIREWOOD for sale. Rooikrans, Bluegum, Myrtle. Contact Wayne Haman 079 484 0364 or ffprojects22@ gmail.com. BUY & SELL. We have excellent quality used furniture and appliances. Super Seconds 2 Arum Street, Industrial area, Hermanus. Opposite CocaCola. Between Adventure Centre and Port Scaffolding. 079 746 0830

I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.

ELECTRICAL and household appliance repairs. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.

REMOVAL OF dangerous trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden maintenance, garden refuse removal, firewood. Call Wilson 074 824 2195.






PEST CONTROL WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028-316 3010.

24 HOUR PLUMBING SERVICES. Qualified & PIRB registered. Gen maintenance, new installations, emergency services & bathroom make overs. Francois du Toit 083 308 0534 BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323.

PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.








• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com


WE COLLECT garden refuse and Rubble and anything that you want to be moved within Hermanus. Call Michael 073 016 1686

A STORAGE. Secure and dry units from R299 pm. Best prices. Transport available. Call De Wet 082 439 9704. STORAGE FACILITY. Opening soon in the Overberg. R600 per 35 m3 per month on long rentals. Contact Dan/ Wilma 084 375 2475 TRANSPORT OF FURNITURE & goods. Hermanus, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape. PDP driver. Call Johan 076 253 3745


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

9 October, 2014

HOUTHUIS EN KARAVAAN te huur - baie netjies vol gemeubileerd in privaat oord, baie veilig R2600 + levy, krag & water ingesluit. Deposito + verwysings. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Nov. Skakel 083 285 3402 of 079 894 0700.



MARINER'S VILLAGE Plot & Plan from R975 000


DENI 084 436 2526


OCEAN BREEZE. Two bedroom house. Two bathrooms, dining room, lounge, kitchen. Very neat. R950 000-00. Phone 083 792 3314





FISHERHAVEN: PLOT FOR SALE. 1.180 sqm. Corner plot with a beautiful view of mountains. Benguela Cove and Bot River Lagoon. Urgent sale: R265.000, Contact 072 455 6505 PROPERTIES WANTED TO RENT 3305




KIDBROOKE PLACE. 3 Bedroom house, master bedroom en suite walk-in shower, 2nd bathroom walk-in shower, large kitchen with appliances, study, single garage, sea view, unfurnished. Available from mid January. Normal Kidbrooke Place entitlements apply. Email Chris on west_cliff2002@yahoo. co.uk for terms.

THREE VACANT shop premises in Eastcliff shopping Centre. 100, 150+160 SQ Metres. Call Nick 082 494 7620, Great position. FLATS FOR SALE 3255

FYNBOSPARK WOONSTEL NR.10 R450 000 1 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, oopplan leefarea, motorhuis. Skakel 028 384 0895/082 218 6000.


LOOKING for a neat house with good security to rent on a long term basis. House must not be for sale. Contact Elmare082 574 3380


FIAT SIENA 1.2EL 2000. ONE bedroom, full bathroom, open living, kitRunning condition, needs chen area, situated in rust repair on door, light on fuel. R15000-00. Phone quiet save area against the mountain. Contact 084 083 792 3314 447 8899 TOYOTA COROLLA 1994 ONRUS- Bachelor pad model. Aircon. Good condiwith small garden tion. R30 000 negotiable. R2200pm plus R250 elecCall 083 511 7127. prev rental refs a must! Ph: 084 792 1548 TRAILERS 3040

HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za.


NORTHCLIFF from 1st December to permanent employed. Quiet, single, non smoking female with sober habits. R1900 monthly. Phone at 083 697 2040/ 028 312 4454



3 x 6 WENDY. 2 Years old. R7500 or nearest cash offer. Call Peter 076 676 9689.



EMPLOYMENT WANTED 25 YEAR Malawian lady is looking for a job as domestic worker or babysitter. Contact Lucy @ 078 905 8589/ 061 850 4189

BERG 'N SEE AFTREEOORD R2 350 000 Gemoderniseerde eenheid. 2 Slaapkmrs, 2 badkmrs, studeerhoekie, Oopplan sit- en eetkamer met kaggel en sonstoep. Pragtige kombuis. Enkel motorhuis met waskamer. Web verw: 609054 www.gtproperty.co.za Hannelie 082 557 9358 Guthrie & Theron Eiendomme

TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering. PROPERTIES


DIG INN TREASURES for sale. Town Centre. Contact Debbie on 074 189 2516





AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828.

3 BEDROOM HOUSE to rent in Stanford. Sharing services. R2500 per month. Available immediately. Call Lizette 072 313 3203.

32 YEAR old lady looking for a job as a domestic worker. I'm good with kids, also have 3years waitress experience. Contact 060 379 2478 41YRS Zimbabwean man looking for a job as guestlodge attendant, gardener, housekeeping, caregiver, salesman & painting - for 6 days a week. Call Patrick 061 198 6756. Ref Mr. Stemmet 084 613 6026.

27 YRS Zimbabwean lady looking for a job as a domestic worker or child minder. Good reference, experienced and work permit. Call 074 622 4048 28 YEAR MALAWIAN lady looking for a job as babysitter, housekeeper or domestic worker. Call Kumvana 078 474 1742 / 083 326 4791 30 YR Zimbabwean lady looking for work as a domestic or babysitter for days. I'm a hardworker. Call Grace 073 731 1393

MALAWIAN hard working man looking for a job, cooking, gardener, house boy. Four years experience at Whale Hotel, Cell 078 107 1293 MALAWIAN MAN aged 24 looking for a job full time as a gardener, painter or domestic work. Reference available. Call Patison on 084 849 6647.

CAR WASH ASSISTANT MANAGER- Energetic person with valid drivers license and references, required for upmarket Car Wash. Fax CV to 086 614 3784 or contact 082 824 2009

JOIN my team today. Part/ Full time. Sell of cosmetic products for Avon/ Justine. Sms/ Whatsapp to 073 302 1463

I AM looking for a job as a waiter, domestic worker, shopkeeper or painter. Call Wellington on 079 076 1722. Reference Mr. Du Preez 082 783 7257.

A MALAWIAN man looking for a job as a housekeeper or gardener. Call Mphatso on 060 344 9760/ 078 185 0003.

MALAWIAN man with SA driving lisence looking for a job as a driver, fuel attendant , shop assistant, housekeeper & gardener. A SA'S BEST cook lady is Experience working with looking for 2 or 3 days job. South African Fidentia Group for 5 years. Work Please call 083 529 9164. permit & Ref avail. Call: A ZIMBABWEAN man 060 388 3524 or 061 908 looking for a job as a car4349 penter, sales representative, Merchandiser. Willing to do anything that suits. MALAWIAN MAN. I am looking for a job as houseHard working and also keen to learn. Contact 071 keeper, gardener, painter, builder or fuel attendant. I 326 0768 have experience and references available. Contact A MALAWIAN LADY 061 324 5838/ 062 321 looking for full-time work, 1352 as a childminder or housekeeper. Hardworking and MALAWIAN lady looking experienced. Call 083 892 for a job as a housekeeper 6428. For reference 074 or babysitter with 3 years 402 4735 experience. Please call CARING for the elderly, 073 902 8749. Reference house keeping, garden boy available. or salesman. Call 060 303 7763 MARY(25yrs) A Honest lady is looking for a job DOMESTIC WORKER. Tuesday/Thursday, as a Monday - Friday or daily. house cleaner or babyBilingual (Eng & Afr). Call keeper. I have 4 years Beauty 071 259 2042/061 experience. Please call 071 053 9338. Reference 082 912 2737. 855 0716. EXPERIENCED Zim domestic lady. House work and child care nanny. Available 1st Nov. Call 078 119 2375. Housekeeper.



31YRS Zimbabwean lady looking for a job as a babysitter or housekeeper. Part or full-time. Call 084 314 8651.


GOODNEWS SANDE Malawian man looking for a job as a housekeeper, gardener, waiter or porter. Three years experience in a busy hotel. Work permit & contactable references. 3 Days Mon, Fri & Sat. Contact me 071 029 8931. HARDWORKING and experienced Zimbabwean lady looking for a job as a Tailor and Quality Controller. Willing to do anything that suits. Contact 071 326 0768 I AM a Malawian lady looking for a job as a babysitter, housekeeper. Reference is available. Please call Florence on 072 864 5354 I AM A MALAWIAN man aged 31. Am looking for a job as a housekeeper, gardener or a cook. Call George on 063 042 8713. I AM a Malawian man looking for a job as a garden boy, Caring elderly, housekeeping, Sales man. Contact 078 563 2506 I AM a young Zimbabwean lady looking for a job as a home carer, hardworking and reliable with experience & home care certificate. Call 073 546 5521. I'M A ZIMBABWEAN woman. I am looking for a job and I have a good reference. 084 694 3955

NANNY RECRUITMENT AGENCY. Care Foundation Recruiting Nannies with SA ID and high school education. Send CV to Po Box 509, Onrus 7201. 071 404 8529

NUWE BESIGHEID soek kassiere. Moet vriendelik MY NAME is Alex. I work en hulpvaardig wees. Ondervinding 'n aanbeve4 days & need garden or housekeeping work for Fri- ling. Stuur sms na 083 659 7547. day, Saturday & Sunday. Reference: 082 744 QUALIFIED ESTATE 8457/079 856 2074. Call AGENTS needed for our 074 723 3188. expanding office. Great GERTRUDE Malawian lady looking for babysitting/ domestic work. Trained in domestic work. 083 520 7321 or 083 973 4426 TRUSTWORTHY Zimbabwean lady is looking for a job as a babysitter or domestic worker with experience and reference available. Call 076 192 0847. GENERAL 3680

Premises. Pro Team. Call 082 494 7620

SEEKING Bar Ladies/ Waitresses to work at upmarket Sports Bar and Grill in Onrus and Hermanus. Position is available immediately. Please forward CV with profile picture to the following: tipplesonrus@telkomsa.net



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

9 October, 2014

Spring revamp at KAWS Spring is in the air and is the perfect time for changes and new things. At the Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society (KAWS), the dogs are fortunate to have big open spaces with camps, Wendy houses and wood structures for the dogs to sleep in as well as shaded areas. The staff at KAWS are currently in the process to upgrade the camps and doing general maintenance in and around the buildings. KAWS is very fortunate for donations received to help with the maintenance and for a couple of volunteers already helping out. If you are a DIYer or can help in any way with the maintenance, please join this good cause at KAWS for the spring revamp. Contact Eloise on 028 271 5004 or email her at kaws@telkomsa.net. KAWS is situated on the corner of Main and Protea Road, next to the clinic.

Come join the KAWS maintenance team in celebration of Spring!

The dogs at KAWS have nice open spaces to run around in.

Bark for life event coming soon Cansa Bark For Life Hermanus will take place on Saturday 25 October at 09:00 on Curro School grounds. This would also be the kick-off for the Cansa Relay For Life Overstrand that will take place in March 2015. The Cancer Association of South Africa Bark For Life is a fund-raising event honouring the life-long contributions of our canine caregivers. It presents an opportunity for people to be empowered through their canine companion partnerships and to contribute through the mission of the Cancer Association of South Africa. Canine caregivers are canine companions, guide dogs, service dogs, rescue dogs, therapy dogs, policedogs,cancersurvivordogs,anddiagnostic dogs, who with their owners, are joining the Cancer Association of South Africa as Relay teams. Canine companions demonstrate uncon-

ditional love, joy, security, compassion, and no judgments of cancer survivors’ abilities or appearances. The Cancer Association of South Africa Bark For Life is an irresistible way to partner with your canine best friend, smile, and make new friends – canine and human. Entry fee: (one owner and one dog) is R50 (pre-purchase)orR65onthedayoftheevent. Goody bags for the first 75 registered canines. Some of the activities include SAPS K9 Dog unit show, informative talks on cancer and canine topics. Competition for best dressed pooch, Overstrand Calendar Dog, dog and owner look alike / cutest puppy. Together with your entry please donate somefood,beddingortoysfortheHermanus Animal Welfare Society. Contact Maryke on 082 857 4294 or Sheraleen 082 926 1386 or Cansa office on 028 316 3678.

STRAYS FOUND: This Jack Russell male was brought to the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) on 20 September. They named him Toby. No one has claimed him yet. He is up for adoption. To claim a dog or for adoptions, call HAWS on 028 312 1281.


Salary: R227 802 per annum, plus fringe benefits (Level 8) Harold Porter National Botanical Garden, Betty’s Bay Requirements: • A National Diploma: Horticulture • 2-5 years’ relevant post-qualification experience • Good botanical knowledge • Experience in the supervision of staff • Good management, coordination and administrative skills • A love for nature and the outdoors and enjoyment of working with plants and people • Experience in general garden and estate management • Physically fit • Capable of managing teams • A valid, unendorsed Code B drivers’ licence with 1 year’s practical driving experience • The ability to perform weekend and public holiday duties as well as be on standby as and when required • Sound basic computer skills and experience in MS Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) • The ability to maintain sound interpersonal relations • Excellent spoken and written command of English • A pleasant approach to clients • The ability to work independently and as part of a team. Responsibilities: • Develop maintenance plans for the cultivated garden sections and the estate • Manage the maintenance plan for cultivated sections and associated beds • Initiate new projects aimed at garden and estate development (eg theme gardens, foot bridges, trails, etc) • Develop a project plan and control the budget and expenditure • Establish and maintain “threatened plant” collections in the garden, assist with plant rescue and rehabilitation and establish partnerships and linkages with other conservation partners • Write articles, provide input into the website, and conduct talks and guided tours for distinguished visitors • Manage projects (project planning, budgeting, funding and reporting) • Supervise staff • Comply with the Health and Safety policy. All applications will be considered with the understanding that, in terms of the SANBI Employment Equity Plan, preference will currently be given to candidates from the designated groups. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. SANBI reserves the right not to fill this position. Applications, including a completed application form, motivational letter, certified copies of qualifications and a concise CV, must be forwarded as per the details reflected on the website at www.sanbi.org Closing date: 24 October 2014 Candidates are expected to be available for selection interviews on a date and time as determined by SANBI. If no response has been received within 30 days of the closing date, candidates may consider their applications unsuccessful. Kone Solutions K23449


Sport Sport

9 October, 2014

Intense concentration during the air rifle shooting event.

Karwats skills honing champs held On Heritage Day, 22 families from Overberg Homeschoolers, a support group for homeschooling families, joined together for their second annual Karwats skills honing championship on the Karweyderskraal farm in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley. A total of 80 contestants was divided into 10 teams, who then competed against each other. The events were archery, slingshot, blowdarts, axe throwing, obstacle course, darts, air rifle shooting, aiming

(pugs & beanbags), puzzles and a paintball target course. The day was also concluded with a family picnic. According to organiser Danie van Zyl, the main idea of this event is to give families the chance to do fun outdoor activities. “These families get to meet new people and develop stronger character like sportsmanship, courage and selflessness. Everyone from young and old enjoyed the day throughly and it was great seeing babies in Kango pouches everywhere and grandparents supporting their grandchildren.”

Upcoming sport on TV Rugby: Great win, Boks! The Currie Cup continues, with Western Province having al­ ready qualified for a home semi­final, playing the Sharks at Newlands on Saturday. The kick­ off is at 17:00. The Lions play the Cheetahs at 15:00 and the Bulls play Griquas at 19:00, all on Satur­ day. The Friday night game is between the E.P. Kings and the Pumas. The World 7s will be on screen on both Sat­ urday and Sunday, from the Gold Coast, Aus­ tralia. Soccer: The big match, from 16:00 on Sat­ urday, an Afcon qualifier, DR Congo against South Africa, at Pointe­Noir.

Golf: Starting on Thursday, the Portuguese Masters and the Frys. Com Open from the Na­ pa Valley. Formula 1: The Hamilton vs. Rosberg drama continues on Sunday, from 13:00, dur­ ing the Russian G.P. on Supersport 6. Tennis: The ATP tour moves to Shanghai, with the final at 10:30 on Sunday. Cricket: Pakistan are playing against Aus­ tralia. The second ODI is on Friday from Dubai and the 3rd ODI on Sunday from Abu Dhabi. Cycling: the Paris Tours Elite will be on Supersport 6 from 15:20 on Sunday, with MTN­Qhubeka taking part. - SPORT FAN(ATIC)

Whalers Athletics Club Time trial results 2 October: 3km Runners: 1 Kendra Hudson 13.27; 2 Vusumzi 0 13.43 PB; 3 Zidane Langston 14.57; 4 Simvo 0 15.25; 5 Tiernan Ras 19.05; 6 Jaco van der Merwe 19.20; 7 Bernard Joubert 19.21; 8 Zandre Koetser 20.50; 9 Tristan Wilkinson 20.54 3km Walkers: 1 Leo Benning 23.41; 2 Willie Loedolff 27.01 5km Runners: 1 Serame Bekokobetso 19.04; 2 Daniel Maree 20.25 PB; 3 Frank Gillion 20.58; 4 Kevin Middleton 21.08; 5 Loudi Vorster 21.08 SB; 6 Raymond Nowers 21.46; 7 Carina van der Merwe 25.38 ; 8 Andre van der Merwe 25.38; 9 David Cupido 27.52; 10 David Austin 28.05; 11 Petrie van Niekerk 28.09; 12 Johan Pelser 28.09; 13 Les Hanna 28.37; 14 Roelof van Weele 28.37; 15 Elsari Strauss 28.37; 16 Kyle Wilkinson 28.37; 17 Hanna Joubert 31.16; 18 Lismari Strauss 31.16; 19 Ronel Bootha 32.27; 20 Gavin Turner 32.32; 21 Hugh Waters 32.34; 22 Annarie Nel 32.51; 23 Petrie Olivier 33.04 8km Runners: 1 Mark Kavanagh 31.34; 2 Richard van der Spuy 35.01; 3 Mikki Milne 38.55. Bridge results: Wednesday 1 October: 1. Jaye Howse / Claudine Bylsma 61.81%. 2. Jackie Ascham / Toni Maytham 55.77%. 3. BettyAnne Iling / Sylvia Smith 54.95. 3. Linda Zaaiman / June Opperman 54.95%. Friday 3 October: 1. M Andrew / C Gower 60.90%. 2. J Opperman / J Howse 55.45%. 3. Tony Maytham / G Peters 54.17%. 3. J Dockel / J Ospovat 54.17%. Monday 6 October: 1. Nell Naude / Joan O’Connor 65.97%. 2. Andre Wagener / Jaye Howse 57.64%. 3. Carren Emary / Riekie Louw 56.60%.

Golf roundup with Julian Shaw Greetings one and all. This week there was no ladies’ competition as it threatened to rain and blow, but in the end the day came out just fine, by which time the competition was called off. Wednesday was men’s day, with 110 players on the field. The competition was a better ball bogey plus and our winners for the day came in the form of Richard “soft voice” Charton and partner Dave Schutte on a massive +13. Second were Erwin Winkler and Tony Fenner with just one point behind. There were only 3 two clubs and the ball pool paid to +8. Saturday again was beautiful weather and 114 players enjoyed the day in a better ball stableford competition. Winning the competition with a massive 50 points were Frans Senekal and partner Zulch van der Merwe. Just one back on 49 points were the British contin­ gent of Peter Sulley and Brian Ridley. Great golf guys. There were 8 two clubs and the ball pool paid to 45. The single best round of the day went to Reinhard Buhr with a super nett 63. That 26 handicap must be going down now! On the birthday front this week we have quite a big one. Happy 80th to Christo Nel. Christo is an example to us all, always walks, always plays quickly and still plays off a 14 handicap. Happy Birthday sir. Until next week keep calm and go golfing.

MTB challenge this weekend The Hermanus Whale Festival MTB Challenge will be taking place this coming Saturday, 11 October. Late registrations can be done from 07:00 on Saturday morning at Curro School. Entry fees are R170 for the 50 km challenge, R150 for the 30 km challenge and R100 for the 18 km challenge. The 50 km race starts at 08:00 with a cutoff time at 11:00 at the Mountain Rose en-


trance (32 km). The 30 km race starts at 08:15 and the start of the 18 km race is at 08:25. There are great cash prizes for first, second and third place winners and all finishers will receive a whale tail medal. The prize giving and lucky draw will take place at 12:00. See www.hermanusadventures.co.za for maps and elevations.

MISS FITNESS FINALIST: Local fitness profession­ al, Aidan Lauran Leaker, was one of the top 10 fi­ nalists in the Ms Bikini category of the Mr & Ms Fitness Contest held at the CTICC recently. Aidan has a BA Humanities degree from Stellenbosch Uni­ versity; does Eduprofile Genetic Brain Profiling, Blood Group dietary analysis and is currently working as a gym instructor at Proactive Fitness and studying to become a qualified Personal Train­ er through ETA. Aidan had decided only 15 weeks ago to enter this national contest. Aidan admits that the most difficult aspect of her preparation was following a strict calorie­controlled diet along with her disciplined regular gym training sessions, under the experienced guidance of her personal trainer Nic Lotter, who has also competed several times in fitness contests.

Three Amigos in DOGfight The DOGS played an individual stableford (log) on 7 October in Kleinmond. With the shooting of so many surprisingly high scores on Tuesday there was a feeling of playing in the middle of Bandit Territory rather than peaceful Kleinmond. The usual suspects kept their heads down for a change and it was left to the Three Amigos, Pedro Theron, Gaucho Rade and Poncho Wentzel, to fight it out to the death. Poncho won it after recounting his spoils.

Sheriff Robinson stood little chance against these odds. 39 Gary Wentzel, Peter Theron, Dave Rade; 37 David Naylor; 36 John Cheesbrough, Ian Newman; 35 Dave Smith, Tony Hackett; 33 Gordon Wilson, Trevor Vaughan, Andre Franken; 32 Hugh Frangs, Jon Forsyth; 31 John Tunstall; 28 Mike Graham, Mannes van Zyl, Peter Thomas, Sam Seal; 24 Pat Dewil; 23 Keagan Seal (guest); 19 Dave Robinson. - DAVE SMITH

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Whale Fest bowls

Walvisfees halfmarathon­ deelnemers.


Ideale weer vir marathon Die 18de Walvis-halfmarathon en 6 km pretloop is Saterdag tydens die Two Oceans Walvisfees deur Hoërskool Hermanus en die Whalers Atletiekklub aangebied. Die omstandighede was ideaal vir die hardlopers en almal was vol lof vir die goeie organisering van die wedloop en die mooi roete. Pieter Koopman van die Nedbank Atletiekklub het die wedloop gewen in ’n tyd van 1:12:46. Die vrouewedloop is vir die derde maal deur Ulrica Stander van die New Balance Multisportklub in ’n tyd van 1:26.37 gewen. Whalers Atletiekklub was baie

goed verteenwoordig en die mans- en vroueatlete van die klub het uitstekende tye aangeteken. Die Whalers se mansatlete het die spankompetisie oorheers. Die New Balance Multisportklub het die vroue se spankompetisie gewen. Die organiseerders het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor Total Hermanus en alle ander instansies, ouers en leerlinge wat gehelp het om van hierdie wedloop ’n groot sukses te maak. Uitslae: Mans: 1. Pieter Koopman, Nedbank AC 1:12.46; 2. Luyanda Qolo, Elgin Gra­ bouw AC 1:13.49; 3. Blayi Siyabonsa, El­ gin Grabouw AC 1:19.09. Vroue: 1. Ulrica Stander, New Balance Multisportklub 1:26.37; 2. Tan­ya Posthu­ mus­Fox, Century City AC 1:31.34; 3. Eli­ zabeth van der Berg, Bredasdorp AC 1:34:39. Die atlete van die Whalers Atletiekklub wat goed presteer het en pryse gewen het, was: Mans: Christo du Plessis 1:26.17 (eerste 40+); Frank Gillion 1:30.52 (eerste 50+); Jacobus Jansen 2:06.12 (derde 60+); Roelof van Weele 1:53.22 (eerste 70+) en Ignatius Matema 1:28.19 (eerste Junior). Vroue: Annmarie Steyn 1:42.29 (twee­ de 40+); Christine Hibberd 1:58.04 (twee­ de 50+); Norma Wheeler 2:13.51 (twee­ de 60+) en Thea Kruger 2:11.35 (1e 70+). Die 6 km pretdraf is gewen deur Duahn Vermeulen 22:50 (mans) en Sorika Tait 25:24 (vroue).

Ulrica Stander, die eerste vrou oor die eindstreep in die Walvis­half­ marathon. Dit was die derde keer dat sy dié wedloop gewen het.

The Hermanus Bowling Club combined the opening of the 2014 – ’15 bowling season with this year’s Two Oceans Whale Festival with an Open Trips competition on Saturday 4 October.

The publisher of the Hermanus Times, Justin Langeveld, opened the competition with the rolling of the first bowl, with a perfect landing close to the jack. The greens were once again alive with laughter and the clicking of bowl against bowl in the perfect spring weather. It was tough going between the 28 teams of three players each, with teams from as far as Helderberg, Kleinmond, Caledon and Franskraal. Three games of 18 ends each were played. It was a very close competition

with the top three teams securing their positions by only a marginal difference. The winning team from Kleinmond, skipped by Roy Galloway, took top honours with a final score of 49 plus 52. Right on their heels with a score of 48 plus 44 was the Hermanus team, skipped by Keith Kruth. In third position was Pieter Quinn and his team from Caledon with a score of 46 plus 34. Japie Louw from Discovery handed over the prizes. The club sincerely thanked their main sponsors, HiQ and Discovery, as well as the Walker Bay Nursery for the flowers and plants. They also thanked the teams that supported the day’s play and helped make it a huge success. - CHRISSIE VAN WYK

The winners of the Whale Festival Open Trips bowl­ ing competition were Bekkie Galloway, Roy Galloway (skip) and Celeste Price from Kleinmond. With them is Japie Louw from Discovery. PHOTOS: RIAAN PIENAAR

Rolling the first bowl at the Whale Festival Open Trips bowling competition, hosted by the Hermanus Bowling Club, is the publisher of the Hermanus Times, Justin Langeveld. PHOTO: CILENE BEKKER

The second place winners at the Whale Festival Open Trips bowling competition were Keith Kruth (skip), Dave Buckley and Bruwer Scannell from Hermanus.

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