Hermanustimesht 20141030

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THURSDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2014 | Tel 028 ­ 312 3717 | Fax 028 ­ 312 4316



028 313 1685



87 Marine Drive, Village Square, Hermanus (Old Mediterrea Restaurant) X1PC1URD-HL301014


We do paint mixing and tinting Só werk ’n perlemoen­ sindikaat

Twee kinders gered van verdrinking 2 JANINE VAN DER RIET


proposal, to uplift Lemm’s Corner, was presented by Nicolette Lloyd from Nicolette Lloyd Architectural Design, in conjunction with Meindert Jonge Poerink from Fynbos Gardens, during the annual general meeting of the Whale Museum Trust, on Wednesday. The proposal includes trees planted next to the white walls of Lemm’s Corner, four kiosks on the Quaters

Hotel side (to help soften the big building), selling wine, breads and cheeses. Only specialised, unique stalls. They suggest the rest of the park be filled with trees for shade, benches and a water feature where a concert or event could be held during the season, attracting visitors to explore the entire Fisherman’s Village as a whole. Poerink said when he started on the project, he immediately asked his clients for donations to invest in planting of trees etc. He has already received big donations to make

Lemm’s Corner a “greener, pleasing” space. Everyone present at the well attended meeting were in agreement that something must be done to the empty open space, “which is now only attracting vagrants and people eating junk food in their lunch breaks”. Most of the people at the meeting loved the ideas by Lloyd and Poerink, and just added a few suggestions and comments. “The proposal can work, but with replicas of old Fisherman’s Cottages used as stalls instead of kiosks.



Cnr R43 & Mussel Rd, Hermanus

Also, new trees planted must not cut off the view of motorists driving past Lemm’s Corner – the most beautiful part of Fisherman’s Village,” said Bruce van der Spuy, previous owner of Fisherman’s Cottage. Elizabeth du Toit, manager of the Old Harbour Museum, said Lemm’s Corner belongs to the friends of the Old Harbour Museum who bought the piece of land years ago in order to preserve the green belt, instead of shops/businesses being built on the erf. Van der Spuy said three fisher-


man-styled cottages, with upmarket stallsoperating from thesecottages, would enhance the drive into town, with a archway welcoming visitors to Fisherman’s Village. Other suggestions from the audience were to establish an open air museum with old ox-wagons on display. Beth Hunt, from Hemingway’s Bookshop, was in favour of the idea of lots of trees, as trees and green spaces draw people. After the discussion, it was decided that a workshop will be held in the near future to further discuss ideas on the table.

Lemm’s Corner to get deserved attention



Nuus News

30 October, 2014

Twee kinders spring dood vry ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Twee jong meisies van Hawston het Sondag aan ’n waterdood ontkom toe omstanders tussenbeide getree het om hulle te red.



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Volgens Elton Hess is hy nie ’n held nie. “Die Vader het my gestuur om op die regte tyd daar te wees om die kinders te red. “Dit was regtig ’n nare ondervinding om die kinders só te sien!” Hess het vroegmiddag ’n oproep van sy suster gehad om die kinders na die Fisherhaven-lagune te neem om te gaan swem. “Ek wou nie eintlik gaan nie, maar het toe van plan verander en my suster, my seuntjie en haar kleinkinders opgetel,” sê Hess. Hulle was ’n hele ruk by die meer waar hy agterin die bakkie lê en slaap het. “Ek het op ’n stadium gehoor hoe iemand na my suster se kleinkind, Cindy Hans (13), roep en ek het opgekyk. Ek het gesien hoe sy ’n kind uit die water lig en weer los en ek het besef daar is ’n probleem.” Hy het tot by Cindy gehardloop en gesien daar is ’n tweede kind wat in die water dryf. “Ek het vir Cindy gesê om die een kind uit die water te kry, en na die ander een gegaan. Toe ek haar oplig was daar skuim om haar mond en haar oë was stokstyf. Daar was geen beweging aan haar nie.” Toe hy die kind op die oewer kry,

het hy gesien Cindy en sy seun, Clark Hess (8), het die ander meisie uit die water gehelp. Hy het op die kind by hom se bors begin druk en ’n man, skynbaar ’n familielid, het nader gestaan en gehelp met mond-tot-mond-asemhaling. “Die man het gesê haar pa gaan nooit verstaan as sy nou moet dood wees nie.” Hulle het aanhou teen haar bors druk en sy het water uitgespoeg en begin beweeg. Hess het toe na die tweede kind gegaan wat nog doodstil gelê het. Hy het toe op haar bors ook begin druk en sy het bietjie water opgegooi en haar oë het begin fladder. Rando Willemse en Evan Marais het in dié stadium by die toneel opgedaag en ook mond-tot-mond-asemhaling begin doen. Hess, wat in dié stadium erg geskok was, het teruggestaan terwyl hulle werk. “Sy het toe weer heelwat water opgebring en ’n halwe snik gegee.” Die EMR-ambulansdienste het intussen by die toneel opgedaag en oorgeneem. Die ander meisie se familie het haar ook nader gebring en hulle is albei behandel voordat hulle na die Hermanus-hospitaal geneem is. Hess het sy susterskind, wat ook in erge skok was, na die hospitaal geneem. “Ons is almal nou oukei, maar dit spook by my. Om te sien hoe die kinders gelyk het, om so te sê dood te

wees, hoe hulle gedryf het en hul oë gelyk het. Sondag kon ek nie my oë toemaak nie.” Hy is net dankbaar dat die kinders leef. “Een van die kinders is blykbaar na Worcester oorgeplaas. Ek bid net dat daar nie blywende skade is nie.” Volgens Hess sal hy, wanneer hy oor die ergste skok is, graag die kinders en hul families wat hy glad nie ken nie, wil ontmoet. Volgens Leon Brand van EMR-ambulansdienste is hulle Sondag ontbied na die toneel, waar noodhulp reeds toegepas is. “Met aankoms het ons paramedici twee vyfjarige kinders in ’n kritieke toestand op die waterkant gevind. Albei kinders is deur omstanders uit die water gehaal en een het op haar eie begin asem haal, maar die tweede het nie reageer nie. “ ’n Omstander het noodhulp toegepas en was suksesvol. Albei kinders is na die Hermanus-hospitaal vervoer in ’n kritieke toestand.” Brand het later besoek afgelê by een van die meisies se huis, waar sy rustig geslaap het. “Dit is hoekom dit so belangrik is om ’n kursus in kardiopulmonêre resussitasie (KPR) te voltooi. Nie net om jou eie familie nie, maar ander in tye van nood te kan help.” ) EMR bied in November ’n KPRkursus aan. Om te bespreek, bel vir Anna by 082 468 9844.

Toeris sterk aan ná bootongeluk JANINE VAN DER RIET Die Britse toeris wat tydens ’n walviskyk-uitstappie op ’n boot op 9 Oktober ernstig beseer is, is uit die hospitaal ontslaan ná hy ’n rugoperasie ondergaan het. Michael Rastall (62) en sy familie was in Suid-Afrika vir vakansie en het op Southern Right Charters se boot gaan walvisse kyk.

Drie passasiers is beseer toe, volgens die boot se eienaars, ’n abnormale deining daartoe gelei het dat hulle hul balans verloor het. Die ander twee passasiers is vir breuke behandel en ook intussen ontslaan. Rastall is van die Mediclinic Hermanus na die Mediclinic Vergelegen oorgeplaas vir die rugoperasie. Hy was vir meer as ’n week in die

intensiewe eenheid by dié hospitaal. Volgens sy seun, Paul Rastall, gaan hulle na Engeland terugkeer sodra sy pa sterker is. Die familie het aangedui dat hulle regstappe teen die eienaars van Southern Right Charters oorweeg. Hulle is deur hul regspan in Engeland aangesê om nie met die media te praat nie.

Operation Combat needs retired professionals JANINE VAN DER RIET The Hermanus Police recently initiated a project called Operation Combat to focus on gangsterism in the Overstrand, but more especially, in schools. Col Francois de Wet, acting station commander at the Hermanus Police Station kicked off the project by visiting schools in the Overstrand. While visiting the schools, even

at a primary school, police members found gang signs tattooed and/ or drawn on the children’s arms, indicating they are members of a gang. Since then, the police have had good co-operation from schools in the area. “Most of the schools have identified learners who are in need of help, indicating an involvement with gangs and drugs,” said WO Riaan du Toit from the Hermanus Po-

lice. They are now looking for trained, retired professionals who can meet with the children and help them. “We are looking for professionals who can walk a path with these children. Professionals with experience in social services, psychologists, trauma counsellors, retired teachers, any professional willing to give up their free time to help these children in need.” Contact Du Toit on 082 778 6840 or De Wet on 082 469 1017.



Arrests made in armed robberies

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Three armed house robberies occurred in the past week, two in Zwelihle and one in Eastcliff. In the latest incident, two suspects were arrested with stolen goods after an armed house robbery in Zwelihle. On Tuesday 28 October at around 03:00, the owner of the house was woken up by a noise in his house and saw four men standing around him. They threatened the man with a knife and took off with an undisclosed amount of cash and cellphones. WO Karel de Does, Sergeant Fundile Mavatha and Sgt Ricardo Kamana followed up on information and arrested two of the four

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suspects in Zwelihle. One of the two men had been under house arrest when he committed the offence. In another house robbery on Thursday 23 October, a 62year-old woman from Eastcliff woke up at around 03:20 when she heard footsteps in the passage. She called out to her husband who was still sleeping at the time, but the two suspects stormed into her bedroom and threatened her with a knife. They demanded to see the safe and jewellery. They then tied her up and fled the scene with a cellphone, laptop, a wedding ring and cash. No arrests have been made. On 18 October an off-duty police sergeant arrested a

man in connection with an armed robbery in Jineyi Street in Zwelihle the previous day. According to Lieutenant Fadila September of the Hermanus Police, the shop’s owners recognised the suspect as the one who had robbed them and called Sgt Fundile Mavatha immediately. Mavatha responded swiftly and arrested the suspect and recovered a stolen firearm from him. The suspect was also linked to a recent case of housebreaking in Sandbaai. He appeared in the Hermanus Magistrate’s Court where bail was opposed. The acting station commander, Lt-Col Francois De Wet commended Mavatha for his dedication and commitment to his work.


Nuus News

30 October, 2014



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transparent burglar bars


Om tuine te skou is geen nuutjie vir Lynne en Peter Krafft van Voëlklip nie, maar dit is die eerste keer dat hulle dit doen sedert hulle in 2010 na Hermanus verhuis het. Donderdag 23 Oktober het dié egpaar hul tuin oopgegooi om hul liefde vir ’n mooi tuin met ander te deel. En mooi is dit, soos die bykans 50 besoekers ook sal getuig wat deur die tuin in 9de Straat gewandel het. Die ingangsfooi was R10 en die opbrengs is aan die Overstrand-hospies geskenk. Met die instap by die hek begroet ’n lushof van blomme jou. Noem dit ’n tipiese Engelse country garden met sowat 50 verskillende plantsoorte – van Inka-lelies en jasmyn tot rose en vingerhoedjies (foxgloves). In ’n ander hoekie is ’n kruietuin met ’n muur bedek onder tickey creeper. Die paadjies langs die kante van die huis af na die voortuin toe is net so mooi netjies en groen, en die voortuin slaan jou asem weg. Dit is hoofsaaklik ’n fynbostuin met die see as agtergrond en stukke dryfhout wat hier en daar net op die regte plek gesit is. “Dit is darem nie alles my eie handewerk

nie,” sê Lynne, hoewel die ontwerp van die tuin wel haar eie konsep is. Sy maak gebruik van Yvon Lerm se tuindienste, Garden Xpert, een keer per week, wat vir ’n uur en ’n half die nodige doen. Die Kraffts het voorheen in Westcliff, Johannesburg, gewoon, wat bekend is vir groot tuine. Daar het sy vyf keer deelgeneem aan ooptuin-dae. Die ooptuin-dag hier was so ’n sukses dat hulle graag sou wou sien dat ander plaaslike inwoners ook deelneem aan ’n ooptuin-dag, soos waarvoor die Elgin-gebied bekend is. “Ons kan dit ’n jaarlikse instelling maak, en oor twee dae aanbied. Sal dit nie wonderlik wees nie?” sê-vra Lynne. Sy nooi belangstellendes uit om met haar in verbinding te tree by lynne@hermanus.cc. ) Peter and Lynne Krafft from Voëlklip hosted an open garden on 23 October. They would like to encourage others to also host open gardens next year, on Friday 23 and Saturday 24 October 2015. If you are interested in being part of the Hermanus Open Garden venture, please get in touch with Lynne via e-mail on lynne@hermanus.cc.

Met die instap by die tuinhekkie begroet dié lowergroen English country garden jou. Met die droogte twee jaar gelede moes die Krafft­egpaar hul hele tuin van voor af begin. Hulle maak gebruik van reënwater­opvan­ gers, benewens munisi­ pale water, om die tuin nou in stand te hou.


Lynne Krafft wys hier ’n nuwe spesie Digita­ lis Illumination Flame uit. Dit is ’n hibried van Digitalis (vingerhoedjie oftewel foxglove) en Isoplexis, en is aangewys as die plant van die jaar by die Chelsea­blommeskou.

Basil en Hazel French het al die pad van Kleinmond af gekom om die tuin te be­ soek. Hier sit hul in die voortuin, ’n fyn­ bos­lushof, wat die see as agtergrond het.



Basson was rewarded with this beautiful sight when she decided to go whale watching on Sunday. “I did not expect to find this: whales near the Old Harbour, less than 50 m away from me. I even saw the mother feeding her baby. I grew up in Hermanus, but I have never experience this. It was truly amazing! I love my home.”

owner run 1614 nj

Kraffts se paradys te sien op ooptuin­dag

We would like to let our customers know that we have now sold our business and would like to thank everyone who has supported us over the last 3 years and ask that you continue to do so with Jessica & Valerie Kuhn, a mother & daughter team who will be taking over from us. Our last day at the shop will be this Friday, 31st October. We will be focussing on our Fudge & Toffee products and you can find us a the Hermanus Country Market every Saturday. Many thanks once again to everyone for the support and encouragement over the years. Tom & Kathy

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Nuus News

30 October, 2014

Só werk ’n perlemoensindikaat Run Wei

Altesaam 25 vermeende lede van ’n perlemoensindikaat se verhoor het vandeesweek in die Wes-Kaapse hooggeregshof begin. Die staat beweer dat hulle die volgende rolle in die sindikaat gespeel het.

Hoof van sindikaat, verskaf geld. Word deur Interpol gesoek.

Christiaan Crous

Frank Barends

Verskaf voertuie en besit bote. Perlemoen gestroop en geld gewas.

Donovan Dickson

Walter Delport

Barends se geld gewas en opdragte uitgevoer.

Direkteur van besigheid. Hoofkoper van gestroopte perlemoen van die duikers. Verkoop dit aan Wei. Eienaar van bote wat in stroping gebruik is. Vorige veroordeling vir die besit van onwettige perlemoen.

Huur twee plase in Noordwes waar perlemoen gedroog en gestoor word.

Verskaf vervoer vir perlemoen en geld.

Jody Behr

Daniel Oktober

Ivan Dreyer

Henry Spandiel

Frederick Matthews

Uitkyker*. Voormalige polisielid. Het geld van Wei gaan haal.

Uitkyker. Perlemoen gestoor.

Uitkyker. Geld gaan haal. Familie van Behr.

Duiker. Uitkyker.

Uitkyker. Boot en skipper.

Anton Maclean

Gilbert Hart

Verpakker. Bestuurder.

Geldwassery. Skaalman

Bestuurder (van voertuie).

Uitdrooggeriewe in Touwsrivier. Vorige veroordeling.

Gabriel van Wyk

Christopher Kapot

Frank Maritz

Geldwassery Gustav Sauls

Henry Dickson

Aandele namens Barends gekoop. Stoor perlemoen vir Barends.

Geld ontvang van Barends. Aandele namens Barends by Ernst Coetzee belê.

Barends het Sauls se seuns se bankrekenings gebruik om geld te versteek.


Geld ontvang vir veilige roetes.

Kerneels Chaka Skipper met eie boot en duikgroep. Het 12 jaar perlemoen aan Barends verskaf.

Frank Barends se huiswerker. Later Barends se boekhouer.



Samuel Sauls Joseph Jacobs

Barends se vrou het dokumente namens hom geteken.

Baldwin Boezak



Josephine Barends Sarah Dunsdon

Piet Booysen

In beheer van sy eie duikgroep en stroopgroep. Verskaf aan Barends. Voormalige polisielid. Weeg van perlemoen.

Samuel Brett

Bestuurder. Stroper. Verpakker. Opspoorder. Twee vorige veroordelings.

* Waarsku as polisie kom

Anthony Broadway

Prokureur. Geldwassery. Verteenwoordig verskeie lede van die sindikaat in die hof. Hy het geweet geld wat hy ontvang het, was “vuil”.


‘Onwettige bedryf het vals ekonomie geskep’ Lede van die vermeende perlemoensindikaat het Maandag in die Wes-Kaapse hooggeregshof verskyn. Van die kernpunte wat die staat in sy openingsbetoog gelewer het, was: ) Dit gaan nie net oor perlemoen nie. Dit gaan eintlik meer oor die geld wat uit die beweerde onwettige handel in perlemoen gemaak is. ) Kinders van tot 14 jaar oud wat belangstelling in hul skoolwerk ver-

loor om “ekstra sakgeld” te verdien, is deel van die sowat 70% van ’n gemeenskap wat op een of ander wyse by die beweerde sindikaat betrokke geraak het. ) ’n Vals ekonomie gegrond op die welvaart wat die onwettige perlemoenbedrywighede geskep het, bestaan – wat weer meer bendegeweld en misdaad impliseer. Meeste van dié lede is van Stanford en Gansbaai afkomstig. Altesaam 25 beskuldigdes staan tereg op meer as 700 aanklagte wat

insluit rampokkery, die onwettige besit, vervoer en verkoop van perlemoen en geldwassery. Die omvang van dié sindikaat se beweerde aktiwiteite beloop sowat R2,7 miljard. Die staatsaanklaer, adv. Helene Booysen, het aangevoer daar sal verskeie getuienis voor die hof gebring word wat die impak van die vermeende sindikaat op die mariene omgewing illustreer. Volgens Booysen was dié sindikaat vir minstens 13 jaar, van 1998 tot 2011, met beweerde misdade be-

drywig. Die beskuldigdes het verlede week skuld op al die aanklagte ontken. Booysen het gesê die staat sal getuienis bring wat bewys dat daar na bewering tussen vyf en tien ton perlemoen per week uit te see gestroop is. “In die laat negentigerjare was die perlemoen groot en volop en op ’n diepte van 1 m tot 2 m. Die perlemoen is al so uitgeroei dat duikers met duiktoerusting en bote tot op ’n diepte van 5 m tot 15 m moet af-

gaan,” het sy gesê. Kapt. Danie Rautenbach, bevelvoerder van die speurtak in Gansbaai, was die eerste getuie wat deur die staat geroep is. Hy het reeds Maandag begin getuig. Rautenbach het deur middel van foto’s wat aan die hof gewys is, verduidelik hoe sindikate te werk gaan om perlemoen te stroop en die rimpeleffek wat dit in die gemeenskap het. Die saak duur voort. – Jana Breytenbach, Die Burger


Nuus News

30 October, 2014

Submit your artwork for Night of 1 000 Drawings CILENE BEKKER As part of their Hermanus First Fridays Art Walk initiative, the 11 participating galleries have come up with the idea of hosting a Night of 1 000 Drawings. The December “First Fridays” (which will take place on 5 December) will be part of an evening of shopping and entertainment along Main Road. Each of the galleries will display drawings, to be sold for R100 each, the sum total of which will be donated to three charities. This is where you, the residents of the Overstrand, come into the picture. Not just to earmark 5 December as a day to do a spot of art shopping, but you are also urged by the gallery owners to draw/ paint on a piece of A5 paper, and donate it. “Anyone who feels they have any artistic ability must please produce paintings,

drawings, sketches, illustrations, prints or doodles on paper, card or board, in oils, watercolours, pastels, inks, pencil or charcoal, of landscapes, seascapes, portraits, abstracts or a still life,” explains Liz Coates from Pure South. “The only restrictions are that the artworks must be an A5 size, and the artists must be willing to donate them.” All the collected artworks will be distributed amongst the galleries and on 5 December will be displayed (see photo as an example) and available for purchase. In addition to the artworks sent in by members of the public, amateur artists and school art groups are also welcome to make a contribution. Gallery owners will also be approaching the professional artists who regularly exhibit in their galleries and ask them to contribute a few of their own drawings, illustrations and sketches. These will be mixed in with all the other donated works of art.

All the proceeds from the sales of these artworks will go to Overstrand Hospice, Whale Coast Conservation and HEAP School in the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley. Your (signed) artwork/s can be dropped off at any of the following galleries in the Hermanus CBD by the close of day on Monday 1 December: Art Eye, Rossouw Modern, Originals gallery, Bellini gallery, Hermanus Art Circle, Pure South, Lembu, Walker Bay gallery, Willie Botha gallery, Gallery 19 and Art Thirst. ) Originally, the 1 000 Drawings initiative started in 2006 when the delivery bakkie for the Cape Town soup kitchen Paballo ya Batho (Sotho for “caring for the people”) was stolen. Night of 1 000 Drawings was born as a fundraising rescue plan. This concept has grown and currently runs in six cities around the world, including Berlin, Amsterdam, Tuscany, Johannesburg, Cape Town and Dubai – and now in Hermanus.


Drop off your A5 artwork/s at any of the partici­ pating 11 art galleries in the Hermanus CBD by the close of day on Monday 1 December.


Discussing the future of Onrus estuary PLANT, TOOL & TRAILER HIRE

ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN A meeting to discuss the future and management of the Onrus Estuary was held in the De Wet hall last week with several residents and role players in attendance. Liezl Bezuidenhout, senior environmental manager at Overstrand Municipality’s Onrus office, hosted the meeting with Pieter Badenhorst, an environmental consultant from Pieter Badenhorst Professional Services, who was employed by the Onrus Lagoon Preservation Trust and Pierre de Villiers from CapeNature. It was the first Onrus Estuary Management stakeholder meeting Councillor Elzette Nell, Liezl Bezuidenhout, Pieter de to discuss the draft situation assess- Villiers and Pierre de Villiers from CapeNature. ment report for the estuary. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Badenhorst presented and disAll these issues are to be added to the curcussed an overview of the current document, which due to the sheer volume of the report, rent document. It was, however, decided to leave certain could not be dealt with in full. Several questions were discussed by the issues as well as the election of a new forum various officials at the meeting, including to a later date as the full report was not prewhy there is no current solution for the sew- sented at the meeting. “There is national protocol that has to be erage spills into the estuary. Rob Fryer, manager at Whale Coast Con- followed,” said Bezuidenhout during the servation, raised the question relating to the meeting. “It will take some time for the procwater flow from the De Bos Dam. Currently ess to be completed. This is the start of a new it seems that the water flow is not managed way forward for Onrus.” The draft situation assessment report will at the required levels. “It needs to be manbe available on the Overstrand municipaliaged now.” A number of blue gum trees on the banks ty’s web page and a link will be sent to all of the estuary, higher up in the valley, is also interested and affected parties. For more information call Liezl Bezuidenan issue and the municipality is currently hout at 028 316 3724. working on a way to address this.

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Vision Centre

‘Just get on with it’ says this group JANINE VAN DER RIET

and finding mutual ground. The result will be the furtherance of a much needed middle class that is made up of everyone in our community. “Our future depends on everyone sharing in the beauty and prosperity of this wonderful area called the Overstrand – there is no other way than just to get on with it,” explains

Are you aware of the ‘Just get on with it!’ group? It’s a group of like-minded people (around 40 at the last meeting) in the Overstrand who get together and network over a cup of coffee. They recent- Dennis Ekbom chatting to Sibilla Nagel dur­ ly met for their sec- ing one of the group’s gatherings. ond session at the Krynauw. Harbour Rock restaurant. By the time of going to print the next netAccording to one of the organisers, Theo Krynauw, “the group is made up of people working date had not yet been confirmed, but who see enough value in one another to forget any like-minded people can contact Theo on the ‘blame and shame’ and who have had angiekrynauw@gmail.com or call him on enough of just talking and talking. The core 082 654 4924. ) Max du Preez, author, columnist and issue is to just get on with it and make value founding editor of Vrye Weekblad, is coming visible”. Restaurant owners, business people, me- to speak to the group on Friday 31 October dia and entertainment people and others at Harbour Rock at 08:00 until 10:00. Tickets meet to network and find ways to help one are R50 pp. This breakfast event will include music, an art auction and thought provoking another along in whatever way is needed. “The networking that took place over the dialogue. Tickets are limited. Email Tanya past month is beyond everyone’s wildest ex- Krikke at therock.tanya@gmail.com or pectations as people simply started talking phone 028 312 4665.

At Hermanus Vision Centre we provide high quality eye health and vision care in a warm and caring environment, using state-of-theart technology and instrumentation. Who is Hermanus Vision Centre? • Pappin and Pretorius Optometrists o That have been privileged to serve Hermanus for 25 years • Optical and Sunglass Boutique o Latest fashion frames sunglasses and accessories • DrsAnton van Biljon andAlex Bougas o Practicing as ophthalmologists for over 25 years most of it in Hermanus Where is Hermanus Vision Centre • At 128 Main Road, Hamewith Building, Hermanus Providing truly world class eye care with a local touch with easy wheelchair accessibility and bathroom facilities all under one roof.

We will be joined by Yolande Pieterse Optometrist that has been practicing in Hermanus for five years with a passion for paediatric / child vision care from 1 November We also now offer Low Vision Services once a month provided by Riana Zinn Optometrist with over thirty years’ experience and a special interest in poor sighted and low vison patients. Come and experience our new face lifted practice where the staff actually wanted one…. and have a cup of freshly made coffee. We now stock: Fendi, Christian Dior, Vanni, Mont Blanc, Tag Heuer, Porsche Design, Tom Ford to mention but a few. (Next month this advertisement will be in Afrikaans) X1PD06YH-HL301014



Algemeen General

30 October, 2014

Who said you can't have Pizza on the Banting Diet? Try our new LCHF bases. Available now! Dean Leppan (Newton Johnson ­ viticulturist), Gordon Newton Johnson (winemaker), Peter Allan Finlayson (Crystallum winemaker), Reggie Maphumulo (Sumaridge ­ assistant wine­ maker) and Carolyn Martin (Creation). PHOTO: FRIEDA LLOYD

Hemel­en­Aarde Platter’s Pinot noir heaven The Platter’s 5 star announcements are something that the wine industry awaits annually with half filled glasses and great expectations. The 2015 nominations delivered a Pinot punch when Hemel-en-Aarde received not one, two or three but all four of the five star Pinot noir awards. Newton Johnson raised the stakes with their Family Vineyards Pinot noir winning five stars for 6 consecutive years. Winemaking duo Nadia and Gordon Newton Johnson received honours at the Mount Nelson in Cape Town where the 34th Platter’s South African Wine Guide listing was revealed on Monday evening. Joining Gordon and Nadia in securing Pinot noir acclaim for Hemel-en-Aarde are Ga-

vin Patterson from Sumaridge, JC and Carolyn Martin from Creation and Peter Allan Finlayson with his Crystallum Cuvée Cinéma Pinot noir. The Platter acknowledgement highlights Hemel-en-Aarde’s role in premium Pinot noir production in South Africa. Recently another Hemel-en-Aarde producer, Domaine des Dieux, was celebrated as the 2014 Amorim MCC Best Producer and Best Brut Blend for their Claudia 2009 Cap Classique. Made in the traditional champagne style this wine also contains Pinot noir goodness for which the Hemel-en-Aarde is so well known. It is appropriate for the region to host the 2nd Hemel-en-Aarde Pinot noir Celebration in January 2015 and proclaim their Pinot noir proficiency.

Bartho en HPF ryg toekennings in Wynmaker Bartho Eksteen en Hermanuspietersfontein ryg weer ’n string van toekennings in die afgelope tyd. Die Bartho 2012 is as die kampioen van die Nedbank Green Awards gekroon, en het ook die Algehele Kampioenwyn-toekenning van die kompetisie in Oktober ontvang. Vandeesmaand is Eksteen se laaste maand as wynmaker by Hermanuspie-

tersfontein. “Wat ’n fantastiese ‘afskeidsgeskenk’ vir my,” het Eksteen opgewonde vertel. “Die kersie op die koek is dat my nuwe projek, die Wijnskool, Maandagaand ’n 5-ster toekenning gekry het by die 2015 Plattergids se vrystelling, een van die slegs drie sauvignon blancs wat die toekenning gekry het!”

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Algemeen General

30 October, 2014

The Bags of Love campaign started this week in the greater Overstrand area with Mayor Nicolette Botha­Guthrie (front, centre) as one of the official supporters. The orga­ nisers are Des Collins, Lana and Tony Coates (Stanford), Christi Jooste (Eastcliff Kwikspar) and Lillian Collins. PHOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Reach out and fill Bags of Love ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN The Bags of Love Campaign was launched this week with Overstrand Mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie as one of their main patrons. The campaign has grown tremendously over the past eight years, with the main aim being to buy a bag of food which will then be distributed to needy families in the weeks leading up to Christmas. “Our wish is quite a simple one,” said convener, Des Collins. “We are hoping that we will be able to add a little Christmas cheer to the poorest of the poor in our community.” The project is supported by churches, Rotary, the Overstrand Municipality, local businesses and many generous individual donors. They are hoping to distribute more than 1 000 bags in Zwelihle, Mount Pleasant, Hawston, Stanford, Gansbaai and Kleinmond. The recommended content for each bag is 1 kg rice, 1 kg sugar, 26 tea bags, peanut butter, 425 g pilchards in tomato sauce, 200 g savoury soya mince, 1 kg samp, 500 g dried sugar beans, 1 kg mealie meal, 410 g baked beans, 750 ml cooking oil and 500 g salt. The price of these bags at the Eastcliff Kwikspar, Hermanus, who has partnered with the campaign, totals R111,49 and can be packed in the back of the shop where all the ingredients (and bags) are ready. The same prices apply at the Gansbaai Superspar (White Shark Junction, Main Road, Gansbaai) and Kleinmond Superspar (on the corner of Botrivier Road and 9th Avenue, Kleinmond). These lowered prices have been made possible with the support of the Spar Western Cape Distribution Centre. The bags can be left at the store to be distributed by the conveners. At your own convenience, you can buy these items at any store, but the total price will vary from Spar’s. And you may want to add extra Christmas treats such as jams, canned fruit and custard. “We are hoping that local businesses will challenge each other to take part,” said Collins. The different departments within the municipality have taken on the project wholeheartedly and are challenging each other to see who can buy the most bags. Donations for bags (R112 and maybe a little extra for a treat) can be made to Absa Bank Account Number: 9251142278 with the reference “Bags of Love”.

Gateway Superspar Happy Hour promotion Be one of the first 100 customers to receive a free copy of the Hermanus Times when you purchase a Freshline bread, Lausanne 2 F milk and 18 large eggs at Gateway Superspar ev-

ery Thursday starting on 6 November until 27 November. Gateway Superspar is situated in Gateway Centre, Hermanus. Don’t miss out on this Happy Hour promotion.




Algemeen General

30 October, 2014

Ian Helby (Rotarian from York, UK), Metcalf Fick (trea­ surer, Rotary Club Hermanus), Wynand Hamman (president, Rotary Club Herma­ nus), Peter Mellow­ ship (president elect, Rotary Club Herma­ nus) and Bruce Cur­ rie (Rotarian from Arbroath in Scot­ land).


Rotary marshals for charity CILENE BEKKER One of the biggest fundraiser events for members of Hermanus Rotary Club is the upcoming Wines2Whales mountain-bike race. They do duty as marshals for the stretch between Botriver and Onrus on 2, 5 and 9 November, and also man three water points. For their efforts they get paid around R60 000, the bulk of which will go towards Hermanus Rotary projects which include among others allocating monies for bursaries, a list of beneficiaries, hosting of the Christmas Carols in December and general management of Mollergren Park. Final arrangements for marshalling duties were checked at the Rotary Club meeting held at Mollergren Park on Thursday 23 October. At the meeting President Elect, Peter Mellowship also gave a round-up of the state of polio worldwide, in recognition of World Polio Day on 24 October – this being a priority project for Rotary International for the past 30 years. When the initiative started more than 350 000 people were stricken by polio every

year, nearly 1 000 new polio cases every day. According to Mellowship the last reported case in South Africa was in 1989, so it’s not a hot topic locally, but the battle for a poliofree world is still ongoing. India has now been declared polio free which was seen as a medical breakthrough as it was once considered to be the hardest place on earth to stop polio. From 125 countries in 1985, this has now whittled down to only three countries where polio is still a factor – Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. Mellowship said the aim is to have a poliofree world by 2018. So far over $1,3billion has been spent on achieving this goal with mega input from Bill and Melinda Gates who via the Gates Foundation have donated over $300 M over the years, and other partners such as Unicef and the WHO (World Health Organisation). The Rotary Club of Hermanus donated $1 000 during the 2013/’14 Rotary year. ) At the meeting a cheque was handed over to Hermanus Rainbow Trust to the value of R72 100. These funds will go towards a community bakery, situated in Mimosa street, which will soon be in business.

COMPAGNESDRIFT, BOTRIVER: Compagnesdrift was probably the first farm to be established at the foothills of the Houw Hoek Mountains in the early part of the eigh­ teenth century as a stopover for early travellers heading east on the Old Cape Wagon Way. This is now home to Beaumont Wines, a family run farm acquired by Jayne and Raoul Beaumont in 1972. Jayne spoke to the Hermanus History Society (HHS) about the history of the farm and a group of 35 HHS members accompanied her on a fascinating tour of the old homestead, restored water mill and wine cellar on 21 October.


A cheque for just over R72 000 was handed to Dave Wreford, general manager of Herma­ nus Rainbow Trust, by Wynand Ham­ man, president of the Hermanus Rotary Club. The monies are being used to help set up a bakery. PHOTO: CARL VAN HEERDEN



Algemeen General

30 October, 2014

VAATJIEROL­RESIES WEN­ NERS: Waarskynlik die op­ windendste item van die jaarlikse Bot River Educatio­ nal Foundation (BEF)­dag is die vaatjierol­resies wat Sa­ terdag by die ou treinstasie gehou is. Vanjaar het 13 spanne deelgeneem en ge­ skiedenis is gemaak toe die span van Wildekrans die kompetisie vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar ge­ wen en sodoende ’n prag­ tig versierde wynvat vero­ wer het. Doniriuqe du Ples­ sis lig die wenvaatjie saam met Christopher September, Charlton Marais, Brian Theunissen en Jacques Stal­ lenberg.





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Die vooraansig van die nuwe kliniek in Swartdamweg wat vroeg in 2015 sy deure sal oop­ maak. FOTO: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN

Klinieke maak plek vir ’n gesondheidsentrum Die Hermanus-gemeenskapsgesondheidsentrum (GGS) nader voltooiing en sal sy deure vroeg in 2015 open. Die Zwelihle-, Mount Pleasant- en Hermanus-klinieke sal dus stelselmatig toegemaak word. Volgens Natasha Petersen, woordvoerder vir die Wes-Kaapse departement van gesondheid, sal die nuwe Hermanus-GGS die personeel van dié drie klinieke huisves. “Die departement is tans besig om die aanstellingsproses te finaliseer vir 14 bykomende poste vir die GGS, waaronder een vir ’n heeltydse dokter. Sodra die sleutels aan die departement oorhandig word, sal ons begin om nuwe toerusting te installeer.”

ONRUS ROAD SIGNS DISAPPEARING: A number of road signs have gone missing in Onrus over the last few weeks. According to Councillor Elzette Nell they have followed the municipal procedures to have them re­ placed. “The replacement has to be done by the municipality, which means that the cost comes out of the ratepayers’ pockets.” This sign on the corner of Roos and Van Blom­ menstein is still being procured, but the rest of the signs, including the one that was dam­ aged on the corner of Van Blommenstein and Main Road have already been replaced. Al­ though most of the signs seem to disappear at night, she has asked residents to be alert and report any suspicious activity and acts of vandalism to the police or municipal law enforcement. PHOTO: FACEBOOK

Die Wes-Kaapse minister van gesondheid, Theuns Botha, beplan om die perseel Vrydag 14 November te besoek om te kyk hoe dit vorder. Hy het verlede jaar ook besoek afgelê by die fasiliteit saam met die argitek en kontrakteurs. “Dié gemeenskapsgesondheidsfasiliteit is binne maklike loopafstand vir die mense van Zwelihle. Dit is ’n mooi gebou met baie oop ruimtes en sal beslis bydra om pasiënte goed te laat voel, al is hulle ook siek,” sê Botha. “Dit is vir ons regering baie belangrik om primêre gesondheidsdienste naby aan of midde-in gemeenskappe te hê sodat basiese gesondheid en welstand toeganklik en bereikbaar vir alle mense is.”

BOME GEPLANT: Tien nuwe bo­ me is onlangs in Atlantic­rylaan in Onrusrivier geplant om die struike wat na bewering in 2012 vergiftig is, te vervang. Die melkhoutbome is geplant met die hulp van rdl. El­ zette Nell en Deon Louw, as die kontrakteur vir die munisipaliteit. Die bome is geskenk deur verskeie lede van die gemeenskap, rdl. Nell, Bobby en Ina van Rooyen, Paul de Villiers, die Onrus­belas­ tingbetalersvereniging, Etienne von Wielligh, Fritz Wolmarans, Hennie Wessels, Niel Wessels, Deon Louw en Brian Bain.





Briewe Letters

30 October, 2014

EDITORIAL COMMENT Lemm’s could be a gem again Lemm’s corner can once again become the green, lively, meet and greet paradise it used to be. After years of proposals, plans and failure to uplift this beautiful corner, it seems there is hope. At the Whale Museum Trust AGM on Wednesday, it was clear that all who attended this meeting were excited about the upgrading of this piece of land, that belongs to the Friends of the Old Harbour Museum on paper, and for all visitors to enjoy. Many great ideas have come forward, and most agreed that it should be a green haven, with a few kiosks/ cottages selling specialised or artisan goodies. Lemm’s could indeed become a gem again. And as one newly established networking group in our town would say: now ‘Just get on with it!’

Dankie vir klankie Dankie vir Gansbaai se klankie in die lug. Dit betaal ons vissermanne se huise en gee kos op ons tafel. Dankie vir daai stink, want dit betaal ons kinders se skoolfondse. Dankie vir daai stink, want dit ondersteun ons plaaslike besighede. Dankie vir daai klankie in die lug want dan weet ons vissermanne daar is hoop vir die einde van die maand. Mnr Botha, jammer, maar geen dankie vir jou nie. Gun asseblief ons en ons kinders ook ’n plekkie in die son of in dié geval ’n reukie in die lug!


Flink hospitaaldiens red my lewe ná bysteek Graag word versoek dat my bedanking aan die personeel van die Hermanus Provinsiale Hospitaal in die Hermanus Times se briewekolom geplaas word. Ek spreek graag my dank uit teenoor die personeel van Die Hermanus Provinsiale Hospitaal. Donderdag 16 Oktober om 10:00 is ek daarheen geneem ná ’n bysteek. Met aankoms het my hart reeds gaan staan. Die masjiene het geen lewe meer gewys nie. Jul flinke en liefdevolle daad het my weer ’n kans op lewe gegee. Ek het behandeling van uiters hoogstaande gehalte ontvang. Baie dankie vir dit wat jul bereid is om vir elkeen van die gemeenskap te doen. Ek is trots op die hospitaal en sy personeel, en is bevoorreg om dit plaaslik te kon ervaar. Ek sou daardie dag nêrens anders wou ervaar nie. Dankie dat jul daardie dag engele in Vader se hande gewees het.


BUILDING HIS DREAM HOME: A reader sent in these photos of a Cape Weaver male, saying: “This bird is a very enthusiastic and busy builder of houses to attract a lot of nice ladies. For the building inside the birds are using soft leaves of protea flowers to make the nest very comfortable. But it seems the wives never get enough houses, so in the meantime this Cape Weaver gentleman has built nine nice houses for some attractive ladies in our garden in Chanteclair. But I think he must be very disappointed, because only two ladies are breeding! After all was finished he destroyed the other houses, which obviously the ladies did not approve of.”


Taxi­staanplek ‘onooglik’

Bergsig Street a nightmare Regarding your article in this weeks Hermanus Times about the potholes in Bergsig street. (Slaggate ’n al groter kopseer, 23/10/2014): Chris Nieuwoudt is half right about the construction of the road. More than a decade ago when development started in Bergsig Street, the road was a dustbowl and the developers got together and commissioned a local contractor to seal the road. Nobody envisaged the massive development of Curro School, Hermanus Christian Acadamy and the security developments that are now in full swing at the bottom, in front of Curro. The bitumen sealer was never intended to take the heavy traffic that is now occurring. Some years ago I wrote a letter to the ward councillor with a copy to the mayor asking that a 4-way stop be installed at the crossing of Bergsig and Main Road. The answer I received was that there are no funds and that the council is waiting for the Habonim development when a circle will be built.

I suggested that they look in the scrapyard of the council where I am sure they would find some used stop signs to put up and I will donate the road paint. I never got an answer. This has now become a nightmare. In the mornings and afternoons the cars are backed up for hundreds of metres as the drivers in the Main Road will not slow down to let Bergsig traffic in, so it is a matter of taking a chance to slip in. It is so bad that those of us that live on Bergsig Road cannot get out of our gates in the mornings and also have to sit and wait for a gap. Now and then a courteous driver will let us in. There have already been some horrific accidents and there will be more, unless the council acts immediately. I am surprised that the chairperson of the ratepayers has not done something about it. I hope he reads my letter. The person who said that Sandbaai is sucking on the dry nipple was so right.


Graag wil ons iets wat nou al geruime tyd krap, ophaal. Wie is verantwoordelik vir daardie onooglike taxi-staanplek regoor die Hermanus Bottelstoor? Vir die afgelope ± 4 jaar is die plaveisel in só ’n swak toestand, raak die stene by die dag minder en die gate wat dit los, net groter. Wie betaal vir daardie water wat by die liters wegloop met die was van taxi’s, klere, moontlik ook mense? Dit wil voorkom of privaat voertuie nou ook daar gewas word. Indien ons daar parkeer, word jy genoodsaak om in die seperige gemors uit te klim wat die parkeerplekke en pad vol loop. En dan is dit ’n bymekaarkomplek van alle soorte elemente wat jou bestorm nog voordat jy behoorlik geparkeer het – natuurlik vir geld –, en dan is van hulle nog besope van die vorige dag/nag. Ons bly in die Overstrand, die mooiste, skoonste dorp, maar met die onooglikste gesig vir besoekers wanneer hulle ons dorp binnekom. Gaan iemand iets doen? Waar is wetstoepassing en munisipale amptenare wat daagliks daar verbybeweeg? Dit is regtig onaanvaarbaar!


Die munisipaliteit het by navraag gesê die aangeleentheid word ondersoek.

Misdadigers arrogant, selfde kriminele keer terug ’n Klomp huise in Sandbaai het weer deurgeloop onder gewoonte-misdadigers se aanslag tot diefstal. Ons is moeg om dieselfde krimineel te vang, maar dan maak die slagoffer nie ’n saak nie en die krimineel steel weer. ’n Proaktiewe oplossing is ook nie vir Sandbaai aanvaarbaar nie, soos byvoorbeeld die oprigting van ’n heining langs die Schulphoekpad-rommelhope. Gewoontemisdadigers begin nou al so arrogant raak dat hulle die publiek wat die polisie

probeer help, vloek en skel. Dit sal voorts ’n ongesonde situasie wees sou mense die reg in eie hande wou neem. Dit sal jammer wees, want dan beland wetsgehoorsames in die tronk en die werklike kriminele lag die laaste. Hierdie probleem kan slegs deur die hof aangespreek word, nie die polisie en of gemeenskappe kan misdadigers behoorlik vonnis nie.


Appeal from law­abiding citizens, nature lovers Daily throughout the year, hundreds of families walk this beautiful scenic route with their children on tricycles, bicycles, scooters, skate boards and also dogs on leashes. However, it is becoming increasingly dangerous for pedestrians and house owners with speedsters travelling at high speeds and dog owners “running” their dogs while careering along in their cars. Positively not an acceptable way to exercise a dog in this busy area. Those who do not consider others or make no arrangements for their dogs to be “walked”, should surely be brought to book. As law-abiding citizens and nature

lovers we respectfully request: 1. Speed control signs of maximum 20 km/hour (admire the view). 2. Application of “Dogs on leashes” law. 3. Removal of dog pooh by owners. 4. The urgent completion of a pedestrian walkway from surfers’ corner to Beach Road intersection. Please pause, think and appreciate how extremely privileged we are to be able to experience this beautiful beach and peninsula. Let us work together to ensure the implementation of the above and prevent the deterioration of this wonderful natural asset.


‘This mall issue is driv­ ing me crazy’ I am reading the HT 23/10/2014 and this mall issue is driving me crazy. I mean, really, that people can be so selfish. I am not a business owner, neither an investor or analyst or whatever. I’m a normal hardworking member of the public. So that alone should tell you something. Have you tried to park in the CBD at the end of the month? Have you tried to do shopping on a Saturday without almost running someone over with your car? Have you gone into any retail shop and found the queue stretching from the till to the exit door? Have you been to any ATM on a Saturday morning? It is frustrating, period. Hermanus is not the small little village it used to be. It is one thing to personally keep in touch with your customers; it is a totally different thing to cling to the past and still want your milk delivered to your front door every morning in your glass bottles. So yes, we will continue to go to Somerset Mall because there is parking, it is not overcrowded and there are enough ATMs, also the shops are close to each other, so there is no congestion in the stores. There aren’t forever long queues, and on a hot day you are in a nice and cool, air-conditioned building. I rest my case.



Briewe Letters

30 October, 2014

) Ek het ’n mooi sypaadjietuin maar

) With so much support for the new mall

from certain quarters, one cannot help but wonder how many Brown Envelopes are being pushed around. – CAROL ) Ek kyk na al die jong meisies met hulle mooi hare wat koskook. Ek dink dat die hare in poniestert gebind moet word om die los hare weg te hou van die potte en panne. Dit is mos meer higiënies. Dankie. – OOM JAPIE, FYNBOS­ PARK ) Hondemandjies: Baie dankie vir al die oproepe! Ek het reggekom. My Jack Russell slaap nou saans heerlik in haar luukse “Ferrari” mandjie! Ek het nog nooit vantevore só ’n pragtige mandjie gesien nie. Dis heeltemal uitgevoer met ’n sagte grys, wollerige materiaal en lyk soos nuut. Daarom wil ek graag hier­ mee baie dankie sê vir Toekie Snyman van Onrus. Ongelukkig het ek sy tele­ foonnommer verkeerd afgeskryf en kan ek hom nie persoonlik kontak nie. Hoop jy lees hierdie beriggie Toekie!– RIA­ NA VISSER

Donate your white elephants to KAWS Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society (KAWS) is situated on the corner of Main and Protea Roads, next to the clinic. Their main concern is the welfare of cats and dogs in the area. But, next to the KAWS office is a charity shop called Cat’s Whiskers… an interesting little shop with lots of interesting things and for a bargain hunter, just the right place! The Cat’s Whiskers is a secondhand shop and the stock depends greatly on donations from people in and around the area. It is spring time, which is usually also the time for spring cleaning and getting rid of all those white elephants. But oh, what to do with them all? Bring it to KAWS of course! We will gladly rid you of those white elephants and while doing so, raise funds for a very good KAWS. The Cat’s Whiskers also opened a book shop recently and those of you who love a second-hand book need look no further. We are open Fridays: 12:00 – 17:00 and Saturdays 09:00 – 12:00.


het nog steeds die voetgangers wat koel­ drankbottels in my tuin gooi, maar nou het ek ’n probleem met ’n man met een been op krukke wat stiggies wil hê. Ek het net gesê: “Nee, jy los my plante uit,” toe vloek hy my. Darem so onbeskof.– JGR, VERMONT ) Goosebumps! How awesome is the story about the city dogs! Just love it, thanks for sharing Barbara! – ANI­ MAL LOVER ) Shame on you for dumping the two­ week old pitbull puppy next to the Her­ manus Stanford Road. Bless the Italian couple from the soon to be opened ice cream establishment at Zebra Crossing for picking it up and caring for it like a new­born baby. – NICCI, VER­ MONT ) Rooi tas met items gevind langs Berg­ sig­kompleks in Sandbaai. Bel Nico by Sandbaai Buurtwag 083 446 8765. – NICO ) Wat het geword van plastiek herwin­ bare sakke? Het weke laas gekry. Molte­ nostraat, Onrus. ) Ek is opsoek na ’n goeie huis vir my eenjarige opregte, ongeregistreerde Jack Russell hondjie. Geen kansvatters. Moet lief wees vir diere. 0 073 551 1296.– DR HUMAN ) Rat cage needed or even large fish tank. Present cage too small for my over­ weight pet rat. Please call

084 461 7151.– YVONNE

) Owners of Dalmation and Weimara­

ner in Siffie, Vermont: kindly contain your dogs! Messing up people’s gar­ dens and causing distress to tiny Franco­ lin chicks being separated from their mother!! Lovely dogs but you’re not playing fair! ) Lost: Bunch of keys with black remote, between Thursday 16 and Sunday 19th. Red and yellow key markers on two of the keys. Please call 084 209 6959 if you found them. Thank you. ) Time to rename the Whale Festival? No, S Kunze! I have a restaurant there and complain every year about block­ ing my view (upstairs) with a glaring tent and boom boom all day long. What has happened to the HWF? Get real and take back the WF. – RE CELLIERS ) Jammer dat die netbal nie geken was as ’n sport voor die Walvisfees en daar­ na. Swak. Sal nooit weer spanne van Suid­Kaap aanmoedig om te kom nie. – DB ) My heart breaks when reading Joyce Rawstorne’s (second) appeal for some­ one to take over the feeding of the Zwe­ lihle dogs. I’m only 63 and I don’t have the guts to do it. – ASHAMED, WEST­ CLIFF ) I couldn’t agree more with Cynthia Strunck re the wild horses in Kaapse­ hoop. They are a legend in the area and a delight to see roaming around the

town. One evening one even walked in­ to the kitchen of a house we stayed in for a few days. They are such beautiful harmless creatures and should be left in peace to roam freely in Fisherhaven for all to enjoy. – SANDY, ONRUS ) I was going to send a photo of the pothole at 7th Street circle near the Cal­ tex garage and ask if your readers thought it would be a good idea to plant a tree in it, but then I read about Bergsig Street. Perhaps our problem in Voëlklip is not so bad... ) Such a fantastic and informative show from the K9 dog unit at Bark for Life. Can’t believe the unit is still battling with the authorities to find a new “home” since theirs was burnt down in Hawston two years ago. It’s shameful! – DT ) It seems the management at Lemm’s Corner still has no idea how to treat the public and the traders. That’s why no one goes there. – PAUL ) Lemm’s Corner market will never re­ cover from the appalling way they treat­ ed their valuable local craft traders a few years ago. They bit the hand that fed them. – JOE ) Thank you to all the lovely friendly people who visited our Body, Mind Spirit Spring Festival last Sunday. The Orga­ nisers. – LUCIA, ANNORIEN, JILL ) Dr Renee Perold, Onrus Veterinary Clinic, thank you so very much for your compassion and professionalism with


regard to our beloved Tom. – MARIE AND PETER DAGG ) To the kind man at Swisstech in Royal Street for fixing my white watch’s strap in a second, and that at no charge, and with a smile: Thank you! ) Baie baie dankie aan almal by Berg­ view Dierekliniek, veral drs Maarten en Sherry, vir die hulp en bystand toe ons dit so nodig gehad het vir ons beste vriend. Julle het regtig uit jul pad gegaan en gewys dat julle regtig omgee. – THE­ RESA, STANFORD ) Baie dankie mev. Dalene Swart dat u aan ons gedink het om deel te kon gewees het van die lentetee ten bate van Sofca. – RUBY, KATRINA EN GER­ TY ) Elke dag as ek die kraan oopdraai of die lig aanskakel sê ek dankie vir die werksmense wat sorg daarvoor. Nog­ maals dankie. – OOM JAPIE, FYN­ BOSPARK, HERMANUS ) Baie dankie aan EPWP dames, Gay­ lene, Monesa, Theliswas, Bukelwa en Phindiwe wat strate so pragtig skoon­ maak in Northcliff. Julle werk word waardeer. Trots op julle! – VROUKIE ) Die boere en Worcesteriete wil net vir Johan Burger by Hyundai werkswin­ kel sê: Kom asb terug. BPD Worcester is nie dieselfde sonder jou. – WORCESTERIET

Water bills soar after installation of new meter by Overstrand Municipality The Overstrand Municipality replaced the old water meter for our house with a new one in June 2014. My wife and I use very little municipal water because we prefer rainwater. We use, on average less than 2 000 litres a month of municipal water, a bit for the garden and the washing machine. After the new meter installation we received the municipal invoices for July and August and to our great surprise we were now accused of having used close to one hundred thousand litres of water, enough to fill a swimming pool. As I have very little piping for municipal water, 12 m of ½ inch pipe under my driveway and as the water pressure is considerable, 6-8 bar, that vast quantity of water should have washed my driveway away in front of our windows. But as the driveway is still there and not even a moist spot can be found where water might have been leaking and as coincidences rarely exist, it was obvious that the new water meter was the culprit of this fictitious water consumption. Naturally I had notified the municipality of this state of affairs, but

Warm weather is heading towards the Overstrand. It will be very hot on Sunday, when you can jump into your bathing suit and hit the beach. But, the next warm, fuzzy day will only be next Thursday again.

nothing happened until two people showed up that I thought were municipal technicians. I soon lost that notion when I saw that they had already wrecked the lid of that new meter and were now attempting to open the stopcock with a two foot shifting spanner. I had been given a proper key for that job by the chap who had installed that meter. The next municipal news came in the form of a letter delivered among the bushes next to my driveway and the bits that I managed to read despite the rain damage, threatened me with court cases if I didn’t pay forthwith a few thousand rand caused by a faulty meter. My wife and I belong to the minority of people who pay regularly for the last 15 years. I then sent an email to the municipality, again informing them of the situation. Soon thereafter we were paid a visit by two gentlemen. It was then made plain to me that I had to ask the municipality to have their meter checked at a cost of R750 if the meter proves to be not faulty. Who does the proving; the municipality, who decides on its condition and who can’t win; Ol’Nick.

The municipality reserves the right to be prosecutor and judge. I would have to hire a lawyer to begin my case, but that would be a foolish action because the municipality is able to hire the best ones for many years with my money.


Roderick Williams, Director Community Services, responds: The complaint submitted by Mr Nick Dekker (owner of Erf 471, De Kelders, Gansbaai) was investigated and handled by the Gansbaai Administration. It was discovered that the water meter on the property was replaced by the Overstrand Municipality (OM) on 14 April 2014. The owner was well aware of the reasons for this action. The average consumption registered on the property amounts to 2 kl per month for the period April 2013 to April 2014. After the new meter was installed, the average consumption increased to more than 36 kl per month (highest consumption of 64 kl registered between 4 August 2014 and 4 September 2014). The complainant refused to pay for

the registered consumption. In loco inspections (in the presence of the complainant) took place and he received written communication on the process to be followed in terms of testing of the water meter. It is important to note that the OM is not allowed to be “the prosecutor and judge” in its own affairs, as alleged by the complainant. Upon payment of the prescribed fees for having a meter tested, it is sent to an independent service provider for testing and their results are then communicated with the complainant. Very few meters were found to be inaccurate over the past few years. New meters installed are properly calibrated and certified before installation. The OM is aware of leaks that were repaired on the property under discussion by private plumbers appointed (and paid) by the owner. The owner was informed in writing on 17 October of remedial actions to be considered by himself and has failed to communicate his options to the OM to date. Actions by the Directorate: Finance to recover the outstanding payments in respect of service changes have already started

Warm dae aan‘t kom Die dynserigheid wat die afgelope week so opvallend oor die Overberg en Wes-Kaap gehang het, voorspel myns insiens ongewone warm dae wat ons vorentoe kan verwag. Die tendens het verlede week al begin toe ons hier geskryf het dat twee hoogdrukke mekaar vanuit en die noordweste en die suidooste, suid van die land wil stormloop. ’n Sterk opstuwing van vogtige lug vanuit Antarktika – sterk genoeg om hoogdrukke uitmekaar te stoot – het tussenbeide gekom en eergister was die Atlantiese hoogdruk noordwes van Gough, en die Indiese hoogdruk suidoos van Marion. Die opkomende vogtigheid oor die Skiereiland het reguit Oos-Kaap toe gemik waar dit ’n laagdruksel gevorm het en siedaar, met al die dynserigheid wat veroorsaak is deur vog en soutdeeltjies uit die see, het die sluise oopgetrek en haelstene oor die Oos-Kapenaars se koppe uitgegooi. Oor Prins Albert sommer twee emmers vir die “wolkbreuk” waarvan ons oor die nuus hoor. Leserswatniesolekkergesoutisinweerkyknie,saluiteraard wonder oor wat in die bolug aan die gang is ten opsigte van al die gerugte oor storms en natuurrampe reg oor die wêreld. Alles is deel van die son se manewales met tonge van vuur wat miljoene kilometer die lug ingeskiet word en danksy die posisie van die son teenoor moeder aarde, peper die uitstralings ons met sakke vol ongerief via internet-steurings. Die jammerte, sê oom Langfaan, is dat ons nie oor

die ongerief kan staak nie. Ons kan egter uit die verhaal van die wyse maagde leer om ons reënwatertenks gereed te hou, geute skoon hou en weerlig-afleiers te versien. Veral die sentrale binneland kan erg deurloop onder elektriese storms weens die stowwerigheid en sout in die vogtigheid wat ons kant toe kom. Hier duskant die berge van die SuidKaap, is lesers nie gewoond aan blitse en haelstorms nie, maar om die tekens in die weer te ignoreer sal beslis nie wys wees nie. Vir die huidige is daar in die komende week egter net lekker weer. Die geniepsige temperature val môre tot 13 °C, maar van 2 nm af neem die son oor wanneer daar geen dynserigheid of wolke in sy pad is nie en teen aand se kant is dit darem weer 20 °C. En so ploeter die isobare voort en kry ons eers teen Sondag weer die volle son wat die verkeersmense sal besig hou met die talle besoekers wat verwag word. Daarna sien ons die son weer aanstaande Donderdag.



Briewe Letters

30 October, 2014

Some more ideas about the proposed shopping mall To remind the writer of the H/T 23/10 article about the mall that he, when confronted, categorically stated at a recent Sandbaai ratepayers meeting, that he is in favour of the mall. He also admits in his article that the CBD is currently not working in winter. Do the landlords have a low season rental agreement in their contracts as elsewhere in the world? Look at the shortcomings of the CBD business spread, parking, pay parking, high rental and certain store shortages to name but a few. I shudder to think that buildings were erected in parking areas and now parking is going to be erected on a building. A concept that does not work to its potential at Tygervalley shopping centre or Canalwalk and failed at Noble Park. People do not like ramps, let alone pay ramps. What elderly person would want to shop and then drag this shopping in lifts or stairs to their cars and then discover that they did not pay for their parking ticket. Is this a solution to CBD park-

ing? Does that ideal also come from those who know? Business owners who think the mall could have an effect on them should consider other options while they are still ahead. The majority of people in Hermanus is in favour of a mall, the only question is when and what. Retail Africa should also keep in mind that it is not correct in keeping struggling business who may be affected in the dark, and they should at least be fair and announce their intention. It is obvious that their silence was brought on because of the appeals from the Hermanus Business Chamber. And a mention must be given that one of the appealing members has openly said that he will shop at the mall should it happen. The concept of superettes is to serve a small community with the shortcomings of their needs conveniently, which they currently manage well in Sandbaai. When Woolies opened in Sandbaai, it was also said it will have an

Thank you for spotting my Maltese

effect on the superettes. Superettes is a business concept that works irrespective of how many malls or supermarkets there are in the vicinity. A Game type store would certainly attract a lot of people in and around Hermanus as the majority of people cannot afford top quality products. Electrical appliances only last from five to ten years. Then, take the number of homes, not forgetting homes elsewhere, and you do the sums to how many appliances could be sold per year. Many homes in Hermanus are holiday homes and people do their shopping before they arrive and a mall certainly will also change that mindset. Should numbers lose their job in the CBD through closure, the numbers will be replaced by the opening of new business that should cancel out the figures. An estimate of 600 new jobs could be created should the mall happen and that is a good growth boost for Hermanus.


Thank you to all who supported our concert We would like to thank all the people who supported us with our concert on 19 October at Zwelihle Primary School. We thank the Hermanus Pro Musica Choir for the donation of R3 000,

Talk 2 who printed the tickets for this event and Zwelihle Primary School who sponsored the venue. The total amount that we made in that concert was R5 150. We thank the hospice too for giv-

ing us second-hand clothes for our members and community. They also gave us books to read and to hand out to the people.


I would like to thank Charl and Annelien for saving my little Maltese on Friday night on the cliff path by the Windsor Hotel. It was late night when I took my Midget for a walk and she just disappeared in the dark. Annelien, standing on top of the cliff, managed to see her. My baby was already entering the sea water when I grabbed her. Thank you!


War disability pension ceased I was awarded a war disability pension from the British Government and, apart from a monthly pension, I am entitled to free medical attention for this disability. The medical expenses I incur for my injury are paid directly to my medical providers by the South African National Treasury, who in turn bill the British government. I visit a doctor twice a year for six monthly prescriptions for pain management. These prescriptions were filled on a monthly basis by a local pharmacy. In August 2013 payment for these accounts ceased with no notification or reason. I have forwarded numerous e-mails, registered letters and telephone calls to the National Treasury but to no avail. In desperation I visited the National Treasury, Pretoria in April this year. Certain

promises were made to rectify this matter but another six months down the line – zilch! I have contacted the British Army Pensions office in the UK but they are also unable to get a response from the SA National Treasury! It is now well over a year since I have received medication for my disability for which I am entitled and which greatly affects my mobility and quality of life. If any of your readers have had a similar experience, I would be grateful for any advice in solving my problem. Finally, may I thank both Dr. Wium and pharmacist Philip-Ben Kotze for their understanding whilst I attempt to get these outstanding accounts paid by the National Treasury.


NOTICE/KENNISGEWING/ISAZISO NOTICE OF PRESCRIBED BURNS: OVERSTRAND MUNICIPALITY 2014/2015 1 NOVEMBER 2014 - 30 APRIL 2015 Notice number: 67/2014 A great deal has been written about the vegetation of the Western Cape and the extraordinarily rich variety of plant species that occur here, many of them being found nowhere else. In an effort to reduce the impact of veld fires, Overstrand Fire and Disaster Management in co-operation with Overstrand Environmental Services will embark on a programme to reduce fuel loads (aged /overgrown vegetation) with the aim of improved management of controlled veld fires. Each identified prescribed block burn is dependent on seasonal and weather conditions which are conducive for the burning of firebreaks or blocks. Fire safety is of utmost importance and the programme will be adapted in order to maintain safe burning conditions. This means that each prescribed burn will be carefully assessed by a committee consisting of Overstrand Fire and Disaster, Overstrand Environmental Services, Cape Nature and Overberg Fire Protection Association. Strict criteria will be followed to ensure a safe and successful burn. Should some of these identified block burns not take place, they will stand over till the following year. Town Betty's Bay Gansbaai Gansbaai Hermanus Fernkloof Nature Reserve Kleinmond Nature Reserve Kleinmond Nature Reserve Kleinmond Kleinmond Nature Reserve Kleinmond Kleinmond Kleinmond

Erf Number 2696 210a 210b

VeldAge 54 yrs 6 yrs 6 yrs

Area (m²) 165158 153317 342831

Area (ha) 17 15 34

Last Burn Schedule 1960 March 2015 2008 November 2014 2008 November 2014


13 yrs




March 2015


13 yrs




March 2015

4771/4833 13 Yrs 1447306 5504 Unknown 10580 5504 0/562 5462 5462

Unknown 13 Yrs Unknown 15 Yrs

5380.820917 202780 31600 128078

145 1 0.538 20 3 13

2001 0 0 2001 0 1999

March 2015 March 2015 March 2015 February 2015 March 2015 March 2015

KENNISGEWING VAN BEHEERDE BRANDE: OVERSTRAND MUNISIPALITEIT 2014/2015 1 November 2014 - 30 April 2015 Kennisgewingnommer 67/2014 Die Wes-Kaap en veral die Overstrand area het ‘n groot verskeidenheid inheemse plantegroei waarvan sommige slegs in hierdie gebied groei. Die Overstrand Munisipaliteit se Brandweer en Rampbestuur in samewerking met die Overstrand Munisipaliteit se Omgewingsbestuur, moet ‘n program loods om brandlading (ou en oorgroeide plantegroei) te verminder om sodoende die impak van veldbrande te verminder en veldbrande beter te beheer. Elke geïdentifiseerde voorgeskrewe blokbrand is seisoengebonde en is afhanklik van weersomstandighede wat gunstig is vir voorbrande. Brandveiligheid is van uiterste belang en die program sal aangepas word om veilige brandtoestande te verseker. Elke voorbrand sal geassesseer word deur ‘n komitee wat uit lede van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit se Brandweer en Rampbestuur, Overstrand Munisipaliteit Omgewingsbestuur, Cape Nature en die Overberg Brandbeskermingsvereninging sal bestaan. Om ‘n veilige en suksesvolle voorbrand te verseker, sal daar aan streng kriteria voldoen word. Indien die beplande voorbrand vir ‘n sekere blok nie kan plaasvind nie, sal dit oorstaan tot die volgende jaar Dorp Bettysbaai Gansbaai Gansbaai Hermanus Fernkloof Natuurreservaat Kleinmond Natuurreservaat Kleinmond Natuurreservaat Kleinmond Kleinmond Natuurreservaat Kleinmond Kleinmond Kleinmond

Erfnommer Ouderdom van veld 2696 54 jr 210a 6 jrr 210b 6 jr

Area (m²)

Area (ha) 17 15 34

Vorige brand 1960 2008 2008

165158 153317 342831


13 jr


13 jr

Skedule Maart 2015 November 2014 November 2014




Maart 2015




Maart 2015

4771/4833 13jr 1447306 5504 Onbekend 10580

145 1

2001 0

Maart 2015 Maart 2015

5504 0/562 5462 5462

0.538 20 3 13

0 2001 0 1999

Maart 2015 Februarie 2015 Maart 2015 Maart 2015

Onbekend 13 jr Onbekend 15 jr

5380.820917 202780 31600 128078

Table 1: Identified prescribed block burns (maps of identified areas are available on the Overstrand Municipal’s website, www.overstrand.gov.za) Chapters 4 and 5 of the National Veld and Forest Fire Act, No. 101 of 1998 Overstrand Municipality hereby notifies interested and affected parties of the intention to burn ageing and overgrown vegetation as indicated in table 1. All vehicles, ground crews, equipment and aerial support will be under the control of the Incident Commander at the Command Centre. The programme will be adapted according to weather conditions which promote the health and safety of participants and residents. All surrounding roads shall be a controlled and restricted access area for the duration of the burn and for 48 hours thereafter. Access shall be restricted to residents of the affected area only. Precautionary measures will be in place for pedestrians and vehicles to ensure a safe working environment for fire response units at all times. All persons present shall be under the control of the Chief Fire Officer and delegated Divisional Commanders. The decision of the Chief Fire Officer is final. Note that it is an offence in terms of Sections 25 (6) of the National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 to disregard the instructions of the Chief Fire Officer or designated officials. All offenders will be prosecuted.

Tabel 1: Geïdentifiseerde voorgeskrewe blokbrande (kaarte van geïdentifiseerde areas is beskikbaar op ons website by www.overstrand.gov.za ) Hoofstuk 4 en 5 van die Nasionale Veld- en Bosbrand Wet, No 101 van 1998 Die Overstrand Munisipaliteit gee hiermee kennis aan alle geaffekteerde en belanghebbende partye van die beplanning van voorbrande (soos aangedui in tabel 1) om verouderde en oorgroeide plantegroei aan te spreek. Alle voertuie, grondspanne, toerusting en lugondersteuning sal onder beheer van die Insidentbevelvoerder by die Bevelsentrum wees. Die program sal aangepas word na aanleidng van die weersomstandighede om die veiligheid en gesondheid van amptenare en inwoners te verseker. Daar sal streng toegangsbeheer by alle omliggende paaie en strate wees tydens en vir 48 uur na die brand. Daar sal slegs aan inwoners van die geaffekteerde areas toegang verleen word. Maatreëls sal in plek wees om te verseker dat voetgangers en voertuie nie brandbestrydingseenhede in hul werk belemmer nie. Alle persone teenwoordig sal onder beheer wees van die Hoof: Brandweerdienste en gedelegeerde Divisie Bevelvoerders. Die besluite van die Hoof: Brandweerdienste is finaal. Nota: Dit is 'n oortreding in terme van Art 25 (6) van die Nasionale Veld- en Bosbrandwet om nie die opdragte van die Hoof: Brandweerdienste of sy gedelegeerde beamptes na te kom nie. Alle oortreders sal vervolg word.

By Order: Mr C Groenewald (Municipal Manager) Mr L Smith (Chief Fire Officer)

Op las: Mnr C Groenewald (Munisipale Bestuurder) Mnr L Smith (Hoof: Brandweerdienste)

Contact persons: Mr M Rust (Divisional Commander) Tel - 028 313 8109 / Cell - 082 776 9287 mrust@overstrand.gov.za Mr N Green (Manager: Biodiversity Conservation) Tel - 028 313 8100 / Cell - 082 412 4840 ngreen@overstrand.gov.za

Kontakpersone: Mnr M Rust (Divisie Bevelvoerder) Tel - 028 313 8109 / Sel - 082 776 9287 mrust@overstrand.gov.za Mnr N Green (Bestuurder: Biodiversiteit Bewaring) Tel: 028 313 8100 / Sel: 082 412 4840 ngreen@overstrand.gov.za

ISAZISO MALUNGA NOKUTSHISA AMADLELO NGOKOMMISELO: KUMASIPALA WASEOVERSTRAND 2014/2015 01 KUNOVEMBA 2014 - 30 KUEPRELI 2015 INOMBOLO YESAZISO: 67/2014 Sele kubhalwe kakhulu ngohlaza lweNtshona Koloni kwakunye neentlobo ntlobo zezityalo ezimangalisayo ezikhoyo kuyo, kwaye uninzi lwazo alufumaneki kwenye indawo. Kwiinzame zokunciphisa imililo yamadlelo, i-Overstrand Fire and Disaster Management isebenzisana neOverstrand Environmental Services yenza inkqubo yokunciphisa imithwalo ymafutha eenqwelo (uhlaza oludala/olukhule kakhulu), oko kusenziwa ngenjongo yokulawula imililo yamadlelo. Ukubabela (ukutshisa indawana ethile) ngokwendlela emiselweyo kuxhomekeke kwixesha lonyaka nakwimozulu elungele ukwenza lo msebenzi wokubabela (ukutshisa iindawana ethile ukunqanda imililo esuke ivele. Ukhuseleko emlilweni yeyona nto ibaluleke kakhulu kwaye le nkqubo iya kusetyenziswa ukuze kuhanjwe ngokwemiqathango yokhuseleko xa kutshiswayo. Oku kuthetha ukuthi indawo nganye emiselwe ukuba itshiswe, kuya kwenziwa phantsi kweliso elibukhali lekomiti kukwakho neOverstrand Fire and Disaster, iOverstrabd Environmental Services. iCape Nature and Overberg Fire Protection Association. Kuya kulandelwa imigaqo engqongqo ukuqinisekisa ngokhuseleko nangempumelelo yokubabela (yokutshisa isiqwengana sendawo), ukuba kuthe akwenzeka ukuba zide zitshiswe ezi ndawo zalathiweyo, loo nkqubo iya kuphinda yenziwe kunyaka olandelayo. Idolophu Umhlaba Ubudala Indawo Indawo Yagqibela Ishedyuli Betty's Bay






Hermanus Fernkloof Nature Reserve Kleinmond Nature Reserve Kleinmond Nature Reserve Kleinmond Kleinmond NatureReserve Kleinmond Kleinmond Kleinmond

243 4771 4771/4833 5504 5504 0/562 5462 5462

bedlelo Yiminyaka 165158 engama-54 Yiminyaka 153317 emi-6 Yiminyaka e 342831 mi-6

(m2 17

(ha) 1960

ukutshiswa ngoMatshi 2015



ngoNovemba 2014



ngoNovemba 2014

Yiminyaka eli-13 Yiminyaka eli-13 Yiminyaka eli-13 abaziwa abaziwa




ngoMatshi 2015




ngoMatshi 2015




ngoMatshi 2015

10580 5380.820917

1 0.538

0 0

ngoMatshi 2015 ngoMatshi 2015

Yiminyaka eli-13 abaziwa Yiminyaka eli-15




ngoFebruwari 2015

31600 128078

3 13

0 1999

ngoMatshi 2015 ngoMatshi 2015

ITheyibhuli 1:Iindawana ezalathiweyo eziza kutshiswa (iimephu yeendawo eziya kutshiswa iyafumaneka kwiwebsite kaMasipala waseOverstrand engu-, www.overstrand.gov.za) ISahluko sesi-4 nesesi-5 somthetho iNational Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 (Act No. 101 of 1998) UMasipala waseOverstrand ukhupha izaziso ukuze abo bantu bachaphazelekayo kwanaMaqumrhu aBandakanyekayo ngeenjongo zokutshisa uhlaza oludala nokucutha ukukhula kwalo ngamandla njengoko kubonisiwe kwitheybhuli 1. Zonke izithuthi, abasebenzi abahamba phantsi, izixhobo kunye nenkxaso yezophapho iya kulawulwa yi-Incident Commander kwiCommand Centre. Le nkqubo iya kwenziwa ngokuxhomekeke kwimozulu eya kuthi ngokwempilo nangokokhuseleko ilungele abathathinxaxheba nabahlali. Zonke iindlela ezirhangqileyo ziya kulawulwa kuze kuvalwe ukungena kuloo ndawo ngexesha kusaqhutyekwa ngokutshisa kuphinde kungangenwa nasemva koko isithuba esingangeeyure ezingama-48 emva koko. Akuyi kuvunyelwa nkqu nabahlalo ukuba bangene kwezi ndawo zichaphazelekayo. . Abahambi ngeenywao kunye nezithuthi kufuneka baqinisekise ngemeko ekhuselekileyo kubasebenzi abasukube beye kucima imililo, oko kusenziwa ngamaxesha onke. Bonke abantu abakhoyo baya kuba phantsi kolawulo lweGosa leliyiNtloko loLawulo lweMililo neeDivisional Commanders ezingabathunywa. Isigqibo esenziwe liGosa eliyiNtloko loLawulo lweMililo asinakuphikiswa.. Qaphela ukuba ngokweCandelo 25 (6) leNational Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1988, bubuttyala ukungayithobeli imiyalelo yeGosa eliyiNtloko loLawulo lweMililo, okanye esamagosa atyunjelwe loo msebenzi. Bonke abaphulimthetho naya kubekwa ubutyala. Lo nguMyalelo: kaMnu. C. Groenewald (UManejala kaMasipala) / uMnu. L. Smith (IGosa eliyiNtloko lezeMililo) I-Div. Commander M. Rust (IFwni) 028 313 8109 / (ISelulal): 082 776 9287 mrust@overstrand.gov.za UManejala we-Biodiversity Conservation N. Green (IFwnil): 028 313 8100 (Cell): 082 412 4840 ngreen@overstrand.gov.za X1PCM3KM-HL301014



Algemeen General

30 October, 2014

Nescafé Classic 200g Dawn Jar




STOLEN GOODS TO BE IDENTIFIED: Two suspects were arrested on 8 September in Mount Pleasant being in possession of suspected stolen property. An urgent appeal is made to the public for the identification of the items. The investigating officer, warrant officer Charl Coetzee can be contacted on 028 313 7000.

Residents and community join hands Residents of Hemel & Aarde Estate experienced problems with feral cats for some months and in desperation approached Law Enforcement for assistance. Unfortunately no cage was immediately available and it was learnt that there was only one cage available for the whole Overstrand municipal area, resulting in a wait for the cage. When the cage was finally available, three adult feral cats and five kittens had been humanely trapped and delivered to the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS) where they are checked and either sterilised or put up for adoption. Eight of the residents affected by the feral cats were so grateful for the friendly and professional assistance rendered by Law Enforcement and HAWS, that they donated funds and arranged for a new cat cage to be donated to Law Enforcement to aid the service provided by Law Enforcement within the Overstrand community. The purchase of such special cages are governed by certain laws and HAWS kindly offered to facilitate the purchase of the cage. Municipalities are also governed by laws regarding the acceptance of “gifts” or donated items. Finally, after all procedures had been followed, the residents were finally able to hand over the cage. The surplus funds donated by the residents were used to purchase dog and cat food, which was donated to HAWS for their participation and role within the community. At the end of the day it was a win-win situation for all! Feral cats may carry many diseases and are able to produce 4 to 6 kittens in each litter, every 3 to 4 months! That means that each female feral cat can produce 12 to 24 kittens in one year, causing a major population explosion in the community. This story goes to show that solutions can always be found, and reaching out with a helping hand can make all the difference. Instead of merely complaining, the residents not only sought assistance, but rendered assistance to Law Enforcement and HAWS to reduce the feral cat problem in their immediate area. – Pat Bagnall













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Zingani Tshefu, Pat Bag­nall, Ilze Smith, Chief Rudi Fraser and Dawie Esau.




Algemeen General

30 October, 2014

Cancer treatment for your pet

Volunteers from Pets as Therapy (PAT) and their therapy dogs proudly partici­ pated in the Cansa Bark for Life. Dr Louise Botha gave a short talk on the activities of PAT and the volunteers demonstrated the strong bond that exist between them and their dogs in a short obedience display. Hospice centres are some of the many facilities that are registered with PAT for visits. Any­ body with their pet who is interested in becoming a PAT volunteer, contact Louise on 083 264 2912.

Lize van der Walt and Michael Semer with doggy Mack, and Rob Semer with his four­legged friend Roxy.

Dogs barked at Bark for Life A total of 23 dogs and their owners took part in the first Cansa Bark For Life Overstrand which was held on Saturday 25 October at Curro Hermanus. The owners of the dogs registered for this event that was held to honour people and animals lost to cancer and to raise funds for Cansa.

The Cansa Bark for Life is a way to partner with your canine best friend, smile, and make new friends, canine and human. Highlights of the day included an informative talk about dog cancers, SAPS K9 show and the best dressed pooch competition. Cansa would like to thank Curro


10 Steenbras Street, Industrial Area, Hermanus E-mail: autoelectronics@itec.co.za X1PCLHLM-HL301014

School for the use of their grounds, TIMSA (sound), Pastor Christo van Niekerk from Lewende Waters, Easy Skip, Bergview Vet Clinic, Vet Shop, Hills, Susan Prinsloo, SAPS K9 Dog unit, the Hermanus Times, Whale Coast FM and all the guest speakers, volunteers and the community that attended.

Cancer in domestic and companion animals has become a common occurrence. Treatment is very similar to human treatment. Dogs and cats do not become bald because they have a different type of hair follicle (their hair only grows a certain length and then stops growing, unlike human hair). Tumours are removed if possible, with a wide margin and then sent to the pathologist for identification and staging to see how far advanced the cancer is. Most cancer treatments involve drips once a week or once a month with tablets in between. Radiation therapy can also be used, but with this treatment animals need anaesthesia each time they receive treatment so it makes this mode of treatment difficult. Diet and supplements: This is one of the most important points of cancer therapy and applies to humans as well as pets. Cancer cells need sugar to get their energy requirements

whereas our normal cells can survive on protein and fats to supply their energy demands. If you limit the carbohydrate content of the diet to a small amount of complex carbohydrates, you will go a long way to suppress the growth of the cancerous cells. You must also limit the solid saturated fat in the diet and increase the oil content, especially the essential omega 3 and 6 oils. You also need to have raw antioxidants derived from berries, spinach and broccoli. Vit E & Vit C are also vital as is chelated or organic Zinc, Selenium, Manganese and Calcium in the right balance with Phosphates and in an easily absorbable form. All this will alkalise the body. Toxin intake must be limited by increasing the quality of ingredients. Derive them from organic sources - wherever possible feed them raw in a freshly juiced form especially the green vegetables. – Dr Sandy Waddingham, Hermanus Animal Hospital

Find the business and the service to suit your needs Steenbras Street in the industrial area has dozens of interesting shops and offers some great finds and all sorts of services you may need. Styling Signz, who provide a graphic design service and produce banners and signage for all your needs, as well as sound systems for your vehicles, would like to inform their customers that due to a great demand, their last order date will be on 1November. They say: “We will be closed for the Christmas Season from 17 December 2014 to 6 January 2015.” Over and Over Tweedehandse meubels en ’n verskeidenheid items kan hier gevind word. Hulle sê: “Kom loer gerus in, ons het iets van als.”

Rossouw Diesel is a family run business and they say: “Visit us for professional and efficient workmanship, prompt service, and friendly advice. No job too big, no job too small.” Walkerbay Rewinds: The owner, John Fowler, has 44 years experience in this industry. They are specialists in electrical motor rewinds and repair and maintain electric motors which drive machinery such as pool pumps, motors for the abalone industry, irrigation pumps used for farming, extraction fan motors used in the restaurant trade, and basically anything driven by a motor. Call them on 028 313 2716 or 084 337 4321. Auto Electronics & Aircon: Born and trained in Namibia by

Bosch more than 33 years ago, Werner has been in Hermanus since 1997. They perform all the normal auto electrical requirements and specialise in Bosch advanced technology, ECU management, A/C Klima control and so forth. Contact them at 028 313 1133. The Hermanus Animal Welfare is also situated in Steenbras Street and this organisation has been taking care of lost, sick and abused animals in the community for the past 45 years. They have a core group of dedicated staff and devoted volunteers who see to the needs of the animals in their care. Cats and dogs can be adopted and frequently appear on the pages of the Hermanus Times for families to see who they can give a loving home to.


Rossouw Diesel & Petrol T/A We are here to fix your Problems! Brakes All Clutches (Vehicles & Trucks) Reline of Brakeshoes Skim Discs & Drums / Flywheels / Cylinderheads / Manifolds Overhaull Cylinderheads Radiators: Supply complete Radiators Flush & Clean Recore & Repair Services: All Vehicles & Trucks Repair All Gearboxes & Diff's Get your car Serviced during November and qualify for a 10% discount



SPECIALISTS IN ELECTRICAL MOTOR REWINDS & ARMATURE REWINDS John Fowler 084 337 4321 Suite 96 Unit 10F Private Bag X15 Steenbras St. Tel: 028 313 2716 Hermanus Industrial Fax: 028 313 2721 7200 Hermanus X1PCLJKW-HL301014

15 Steenbras Street, Industrial Area, Hermanus 028 312 4305 Cell: 083 379 9794 Fax: 086 612 4090 E-mail: info@wbd.co.za X1PD3JYR-HL301014


Algemeen General

30 October, 2014

Have a quick glucose test to enjoy the sweet life ) Free blood glucose finger-prick screenings at Mediclinic Hermanus on 4 November. What the Italians call ‘la dolce vita’ (the sweet or good life) is something we all aspire to, but a condition such as diabetes, especially if it is undiagnosed, can seriously curtail our enjoyment thereof. What’s frightening is that there’s a marked increased in the number of people with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, which is primarily linked to lifestyle choices and the obesity epidemic sweeping the globe. It’s estimated that

347 million people worldwide have diabetes, 90% of which have type 2 diabetes. Closer to home, 3,5 million South Africans – roughly 6%of the population – live with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes with many cases going undiagnosed until complications develop. Diabetes complications are serious and include heart disease, stroke, blindness, amputations and kidney failure. In most cases, these complications could have been avoided entirely by early diagnosis and proper treatment. You’re at increased risk for type 2 diabetes if: . You’re 35 or older

. You’re overweight . You exercise less than 150 minutes (2½ hours) per week . You’re slender, but have excess belly fat . You have a family history of obesity or type 2 diabetes . You follow a diet high in fats and sugar, or have high blood pressure . You’re of Indian descent Are you at increased risk for diabetes? Keep an eye out for these signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes: . Excessive thirst, blurred vision . Itching and skin infections


. Recurrent bladder infections . Excessive urination . Constant hunger . Tiredness Remember the earlier your diabetes is diagnosed and treated, the better. To support the Diabetes Awareness Month campaign in November, Mediclinic hospitals will be offering free blood glucose finger-prick screenings to all members of the community throughout the month. Testing will take place at Mediclinic Hermanus on 4 November. For more information visit www.mediclinic.co.za.

SHOWROOM: 21A Mimosa Street Hermanus Industria Tel: (028) 312-3767

sales@premiershutters.co.za www.premiershuttersandfires.co.za

Timber & Aluminium Security Shutters All Types of Blinds X1P9JEJM-HL231014


• Clothing • Shoes • Linen • Curtains Mimosa Street in the industrial area is always a hive of activity with an assortment of businesses and services that clients and customers can easily access. Hermanus One Stop is a new business in Mimosa Street, and you are more than welcome to pop in and meet the people who will attend to your vehicle’s service needs and ex-

haust and tyre requirements. Oasis Water: “We are a mean team, friendly, helpful and always on at hand. We offer a quality product. Visit us and refill your water containers at a fraction of a cost.” Janine’s Clothing: “Ons verkoop goeie kwaliteit produkte. Kom loer gerus in. Iets vir elke smaak.” Cash Creators is run by a husband and wife team. If you are looking for

quality second-hand items or want to exchange your goods for cash, don’t look any further, as they are sure to have what you are looking for. Fynbos Gardens: Take advantage of this garden company’s experience and tried and trusted gardening concepts and principles. Visit them at 15 Mimosa Street and speak to their friendly staff and get advice on all your landscaping needs.

Services and business for all your needs.

Tel: 028 - 312 3419 21 Mimosa Street Industrial Hermanus




21 Mimosa Rd, Hermanus Industria (opposite Pretorius Meubels/Davidson Boards)



R1/l R 1/ l

23 Mimosa str., Hermanus Each drop of Oasis water is like a “supercharged” form of oxygen. The ozone in the water increases the uptake of oxygen in our body. with TDS count less than 20 Oasis water is a pure and healthy option. Jan Gildenhuys 028 312 3590 / 083 656 6894 E-mail: hermanus@oasiswater.co.za X1PCY71M-HL301014

SCOOTERAMA Fynbos Landscaping Hermanus (PTY) Ltd 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial area Hermanus, South Africa 7200 Tel: 028-313 1763 www.fynbosgardens.com X1PCX461-HL301014

Sales, Repairs & Service Scooters & Quadbikes Contact Bertie @ HERMANUS MOWER CENTRE

15 B Mimosa Street Hermanus Tel 028 313 0512


Put the BUZZ back into your business, advertise with me!!!

Michelle van Zyl Sales Representative 028 312 3717 076 845 5001


michelle.vanzyl@ hermanustimes.co.za



In need of CASH??? Do not SELL!!! Rather Pawn!!! WE WILL COLLECT AND Get instant cash on our UNIT 2 MINK BUSINESS PARK BUY-BACKS 16 MIMOSA STREET HERMANUS We are HERE!!! TEL: 082 655 8088





Algemeen General

30 October, 2014

Stanford – the place to be this November Stanford is the place to be this November with a great lineup of music and markets.

Stanford Algemene Handelaar Queen Victoriastraat Tel: 028 3410 285

Na 17 jaar probeer ons nog hard om produkte aan Stanford se mense te voorsien. X1PCWBMM-HL301014


Join the locals for good old favourites like the Saturday Morning Market at the Stanford Hotel, and Graze restaurant Slow Food Market every Wednesday morning. On 31 October and 28 November (last Friday of the month) the Stanford Sunset Market takes place on the Village Green. Come and enjoy a great vibe while watching a spectacular sunset and eating artisan food and enjoying local wine. Don’t miss an incredible evening of jazz and folk singer-songwriter Tina Schouw at the Tasting Room, Stanford Hills Estate on 14 November at 18:30. Tickets are available from Stanford Tourism and Tasting Room at Stanford Hills Estate. On Friday 21 November, Gabriel Athiros and John Gribble will be On 21 November, visit the launching their Birkenhead Brewery in new book, The Stanford where Gabriel Cape Odyssey Athiros and John Gribble will be launching their new 104: Wrecked at the Cape. book, The Cape Odyssey The venue is 104: Wrecked at the Cape.

*breakfast *lunch * wine tastings*functions and events Thurs-Monday 8.30 to 5 pm Chalkboard menu changes daily, child and pet friendly Tel 0726396135 thetastingroom@stanfordhills.co.za X1PCWCEM-HL301014

•mosquitonets• MADE IN SOUTH AFRICA

the very appropriate Birkenhead Brewery in Stanford. There will be a fascinating talk on the shipwrecks of the West Coast at 18:00 for 18:30. Last but not least is the Stanford Stumble at Stanford Hills Es- Tina Schouw tate on 29 November. Dress up to run, or just enjoy the view of the mountains while tasting some wine. More event details available at Stanford Tourism 0 028 341 0340 or 2 ask@stanfordinfo.co.za.

Christmas market Stanford is hosting their Ietsie vir Almal Street Market in Queen Victoria Street on 14 December. Alongside Stanford’s restaurants, eclectic antique and bric-a-brac shops, there will be over 50 stalls selling everything from the best of local wines and produce to edible Christmas decorations, festive cakes, mince pies, droëwors and biltong, Christmas wreaths, tasty macaroons, doggy treats, traditional salt boxes, pottery, books and much more. Events will include horseback archery, street acrobats, puppets, a magician, face-painting, and a jumping castle, not to mention a visit from Mr ST Claus. Additionally, local and Cape Town authors will also be around to talk to visitors and to sign books. But topping the support entertainment is the first running of The Stanford Dip, a unique street race featuring long boards, skate boards and go-carts, with cash prizes for the winners. More information: John Withers on 0 071 568 3499 or 028 341 0553 or 2 john@orton.co.za.


Tel: 028 341 0209 info@kiwinet.co.za www.kiwinet.co.za 34 Daneel Street Street STANFORD X1PCWB2W-HL301014

Agent Details: Jill Smith 6 Queen Victoria Street Stanford 7210 Tel: +27 (28) 341 0708 The living is easy Sophisticated double storey Fax: +27 (28) 341 0964 A Michael Sutton restoration at its delight. Cell: +27 (83) 700 4103 finest with the perfect mix of old and A beautiful family home with new Email: jillian.smith@pamgolding.co.za elevated village and mountain views R3,45million R3,75million Office Email: stanford@pamgolding.co.za WEB ACCESS: STA1190558 WEB ACCESS: STA119 1878 Website: www.pamgolding.co.za X1PCX0C5-HL301014

RAKA WINE THE NEW JUNK SHOP 9 Queen Victoria Street STANFORD 7210 Tel: 028 341 0797 / 082 628 7772 E-mail: thejunkshop@telkomsa.net Buying and selling antiques Best prices paid for silver of any description to buy. Also coins, jewellery, watches and pocket watches plus war medals. X1PCWBJH-HL301014

Wine tasting and sales open Weekdays 9-5 Saturday/Public holidays 103 Sundays/Good Friday closed On the R326 17km outside Stanford www.rakawine.co.za

028 341 0676



Panorama Restaurant with 180° views over Walker Bay. Cosmopolitan cuisine, fully licensed. Open for Lunch and dinner every day, except Wednesday. Menu changes frequently. Please go to our website for details.

Michelin starred Chef Jürgen is somewhat of a mad forager and his food as you will experience features a strong locavore leaning with hints of molecular gastronomy, though never at the expense of flavour….clear your schedule and visit us!! Springfontein Wine Estate, Wortlegate Road 08, 7210 Stanford Opening hours November till March : Tuesday till Saturday Dinner Thursday till Sunday Lunch Tel . : 028 341 0651 Mobil : 073 5530676

On the R43 between Stanford and Gansbaai. Phone Georges on 082 901 7650 • bellavista@hermanus.co.za • www.bella.co.za X1PCEWBW-HL301014



Algemeen General

30 October, 2014

Fynbos Community Foundation auction in aid of needy children ­ includes classic cars and furniture The Fynbos Community Foundation is hosting one of the biggest charity auctions, with donations received to be auctioned off ranging from furniture to old classic cars – fifteen cars in total thus far. The auction will be held on Saturday 8 November at 11:00 at the Village Green, Main Road, Stanford. Items will be available for viewing on Friday 7 November at 10:00 at the same venue. Items up for auction include a 1966 Ford Anglia, a 1973 Chev Firenza, a Jurgens caravan, a Beach Buggy, mountain bikes, an Imbuia dining room table with chairs and Oregon pine beds. The Fynbos Community Foundation is going all out with their effort to raise all the money needed for

A variety of mountain bikes will be auctioned on 8 November in Stanford. their Hopeland Project in Stanford. They are R600 000 short of their target of R850 000, the amount for which a building in Stanford was purchased to house aftercare facilities for up to 80 learners (Gr R to 7) Stanford Upholstery Design Manufacture 028 3410 337

from the Hopeland (RDPhousing) area on the outskirts of Stanford. Around R250 000 was raised in June with a 1 000 km cycle challenge undertaken by Koos and Joanie Smith of the foundation. The foundation has until the end of November to raise the balance. The organisers expressed their gratitude towards all their sponsors for this auction. The committee is, however, appealing for more donations such as second-hand cars and furniture for the auction. They are hoping to have at least twenty vehicles to auction off, and they would also like to have at least fifty pieces of furniture to offer for sale, as well as any other items of value. Contact Koos Smith, chairperson of the Foundation, on 082 456 8238.

Stanford Tourism 028 341 0340

The New Junk Shop Purveyors of Antique's 028 341 0797

Pam Golding Properties Property Specialist 028 341 0708

Marianas Lunches ThursdaySundays 028 341 0272

KC's Restaurant Lunch & Dinners 028 341 0719

NAWEEK PROGRAM VRYDAG: (7 November) 10:00

Uitstalling van veiling items 19:00 - 07:00 Gesprek en gebed (deurnagsessies)

Don Gelato Traditional Italian Gelato Makers 081 805 7470 Raka Wine Award Winning Local Wine 028 341 0676

“Unsupervised children from impoverished areas face many social problems,” says Koos Smith, chairperson of the Fynbos Community Foundation. “Too many children in poor areas drop out of the school system because of these difficult circumstances. “The Hopeland Project has been initiated to give hope to these children, and to enable them to reach their full potential. “ The centre the Foundation hopes to make a reality with funds from the auction will be a supervised, safe and caring environment where children will receive a proper lunch, take part in various programmes, but more importantly, get help with their homework as well as additional learner support.” The Fynbos Community Foundation, a registered non-profit organisation, also runs the Fynbos Academy on Langverwacht Farm in the Papiesvlei area, which caters for about 60 learners. A vegetable garden has been established at Langverwacht to provide fresh vegetables for the learners. This garden will also supply the Hopeland Centre in future. The Hopeland Project committee includes a medical doctor, a clinic sister, a nutritional expert and other members with training in art, music and sport. There are also experts in policing, finance and a representative of Badisa, a social-services organisation that provides professional services in child protection and youth development. Email myshare@hopeland.co.za or visit www.fynbos-community.com.

Stanford Algemene Handelaar 028 341 0285


Safe Stanford Sekuriteit & vuurwapen opleiding 028 341 0801 Stanford Trading Store Objects of curiosity 028 341 0436

Fynbos Community Foundation

This Morris Minor will be up for grabs at the auction on 8 November.

Hierdie besighede ondersteun die Hoopland projek

Keller Williams Realty Property & Farms 028 341 0960

Some of the vehicles that will be auctioned.

Kiwinet Mosquito nets 028 341 0209

SATERDAG: (8 November) 09:00 - 11:00

Carstens Construction 028 341 0743 Procom Printers Hermanus Design Printing & Laminating 028 313 0110


Kosstalletjies en Musiek Veiling


(9 November)

15:30 - 17:30 Vision for our Village Droom vir ons Dorp

Supa Quick Bande, Uitlate, Batterye 028 312 2270


Kontakpersoon: Koos Smith 082 456 8238 www.fynbos-community.com Facebook: fyncomm: Fynbos Academy & Hopeland After School Centre

G.P. Electrical Elektriese installering en instandhouding 028 275 1260


Evergrine Farmstall, Restaurant & Wineshop 028 341 0386 Chanette Paul Writer 028 341 0283 Overberg Honey Company 100% Local Honey 072 325 6360 Springfontein Wine Estate Premium Wines 028 341 0651 Vaalvlei Wines Quality Wines 028 341 0170 Grootbos Private Nature Reserve 028 384 8008 Stanford Hills The Butterfly Fountation 082 897 2390

Birkenhead Breweries Fine Beer, Wine & Food 028 341 0183 Mosaic Private Sanctuary 028 313 2814

Caltex Garage One-stop-shop 028 341 0846

Stanford Village Properties Property Specialists 082 893 2282

Stanford Hills Estate It's a lifestyle 028 341 0841

Overberg Agri Stanford 028 341 0691

Klein Modderrivier Renovation and Redecorating 082 809 3585

Hermanus Times Jou Koerant Your Newspaper 028 312 3717

Stanford Rotarians Community Care 084 441 0961

Antjie's Handmade Naturals 083 530 4968

Syringa Country Kennels Animal Care 028 341 0961

Boschriver Wine Estate Wine Tasting & Restaurant 028 341 0630

African Horse Company In company of horses 082 667 9232

Brunia Wines Premium Wines 028 341 0432

Stanford Bricks Walshacres 082 898 4889

Hair by Belinda Hair Design 072 329 7753 X1PD3J3M-HL301014



Algemeen General

30 October, 2014

) PLATE WINNER: The winner of the draw at St Peter’s church for the Battle of Britain Coalport Commemorative Plate is ticket number C29 – John Damant. ) WIN R25 000 IN CAMPHILL RAFFLE: If you participate in the Camphill Farm

raffle you stand a chance of winning a cash prize of R25 000. With just 2 000 tickets available at R100 each, they recommend getting a ticket early. The draw takes place on 10 January 2015 at Hermanus Country Market under supervision of an independent auditor, and the raffle is registered with the National Lotteries Board. Collect tickets at Nourish Café, Greenways, The Beanery and Wine Village. More information: Mada, 2 mada@camphillhermanus.org.za or 0 076 263 5325. ) LIBRARY RAFFLE: The Friends Of The Library’s big Christmas raffle opens on Tuesday 4 November. Tickets are R5 each.

CANINE GOOD CITIZENS: A group of residents recently qualified as certified Ca­ nine Good Citizens (CGCs) in Hermanus after receiving training from Dr Louise Botha of Canine Capers. The Kennel Union of South Africa’s Canine Good Citizen Test is a programme designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. Dogs graduate from bronze to silver to gold when the certifications are held. With their certificates are from left Lulu Kemp with Anna (black Russian terrier), Daleen Klopper with Magnum (Staffordshire terrier), Patricia Childs with Wallikins (Jack Russell terrier), Corinne Conradie with Jezebel (Rottweiler) and Penny Davidson with Kira (Rottweiler).

KYK WIE WAS OP DIE KASSIE! Yolindi Nothling (links) en Ann Ma­ rais Wait van Her­ manus was Sater­ dag op Nuweland om uit volle bors die streeptruie aan te moedig. Rugby­ ondersteuners wat nie so gelukkig was om Nuweland te wees nie, het die twee op die kassie gesien!


RUGBY­GEES, OUD EN JONK: WP­rugby­ondersteu­ ners het Saterdag die Curriebeker­fi­ naal tussen WP en die Leeus baie ge­ niet en trots gepryk in hul blou en wit hemde. Charl Henn met baba MJ, Way­ ne Theron met Mi­ kayla en James Mil­ ne is almal van Hermanus. FOTO: VERSKAF

Hermanus Nissan

1 Mimosa Road, Hermanus 7200 Tel 028 312 1117 • Fax 028 312 4180 • Barend 082 571 5557 • E-mail barend@autocity.co.za

WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD: “Here I am waiting for the traffic light to change. Just for the record: We are free range in the sense that not one of us has ever headed for the dinner table. Any relocation is done to animal lovers or vegetarians. We have squatter rights. Despite formal housing we pre­ fer to sleep in trees and make our nests in bushes. The dogs (not allowed to chase) have shiny coats. We are also trained athletes eg. from a standing position we can jump a six­ foot fence into the vegetable garden, where Dumpy, the gardener, harasses us because he was promised a new cellphone if he could make the garden “fowl­proof”. Haha. Thank you all. Love, Hennie de Haan, Onrus Padstal. PS: Greetings to the horses of Fisherhaven.”


Nuus News

30 October, 2014

r e g g i B w Ne ! r e t t e &B 4 1 0 2 r e b m e ov N 9 r e b m 6 Nove


s s e r p h c Wat r o f k e e next w h c n u a l e Grand R Deals!


r beautiful visit us in ou nd a e om C ants, to your life! range of pl Add colour with a wide e tr en C Garden en décor. pots & gard


its own! a league of entre is in c t in d inspiration pa te w a Our ne have dedic w no e s nd iding you th paint bra ialists prov Our leading ec sp t in pa ct. ed by ice you expe zones mann ce and serv expert advi



Lifestyle centre, Nobel Street, The Interchange, Somerset West Tel: +27 21 840 1001

MON-FRI 8:00AM - 6:00PM, SAT: 8:00AM - 5:00PM, SUN: 8:00AM - 4:00PM, PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 8:00AM - 4:00PM


20 HermanusTimes Last week for birders to register for this week’s course

Algemeen General

30 October, 2014

A bird identification course for novice and intermediate birdwatchers will be presented on 31 October and 1 November. This course is a fundraiser for conservation projects such as the development of an African Penguin and seabirds rehabilitation centre at Kleinbaai and the Fynbos birds research project. A new addition to the course is a section focusing on the differences between the various families of LBJs and other confusing species, as well as birds of prey, and how this applies to the Overstrand region.

Roughly 1 600 slides and drawings will be used. The development of an infrastructure for birding tourists in lo-

cal areas will also be highlighted. In the vast majority of the slides, English and Afrikaans names of species are printed onto the slide. The course will illustrate how ordinary birdwatchers could become involved in the conservation of birds and their habitats. Venue: The Community Hall, Mollergren Park, Main Road, Hermanus. Costs: R500. Includes course manual, certificate endorsed by BirdLife South Africa and a year’s free membership of BirdLife Overberg. To register:Contact Elaine at birding@overberg.co.za or 082 455 8402.


OVERSTRAND SPORTS FESTIVAL 2014 Come and experience Overstrand sport at its best! Overstrand Sport Festival will take place at Mt Pleasant Sportsfield on Saturday, 1 November, 2014. All Overstrand’s top clubs will be in action! Come and watch the cricket, netball, women’s soccer, men’s soccer and rugby clashes, as well as dominoes, between the giants for the mayoral cup in each of these codes. Tell your friends Overstrand offers so much more!

3065 and they will deliver a sheet of 20 tickets for you to sell. All the money raised will be used to buy drugs and suture materials in order to spay and neuter as many animals as possible. The veterinarians will provide their services free of charge. The melodrama evening is an initial pilot project which the CVC hopes to build on in future and make it an annual event involving more and more of the community.

Verkeersligte by R43­ kruising werk weer beskermingsdienste het Woensdag verduidelik dat die datakaart wat die kabels op die pad aktiveer, foutief geraak het. Die probleem is teen Woensdagmiddag deur ’n kontrakteur herstel.

Hoërskool hou ‘Oompah’­fees Hoërskool Hermanus hou Vrydag 31 Oktober ’n bierfees by die Sandbaaisaal van 18:00 tot 23:30 as deel van sy jaarlikse geldinsameling. Kaartjies kos R140 per persoon en sluit ’n bierproe, steak, slaai, nagereg en koffie in. Daar gaan ook lewende musiek regdeur die aand wees. Brouerye

wat teenwoordig gaan wees, sluit in Birkenhead, Arabikaz, Flair Beverages en SAB. Die bierfees is uitsluitlik vir mense bo 18 jaar. Kaartjies is verkrygbaar by Hoërskool Hermanus asook Land en See Sport. Bel die skool by 028 312 3760 of Land en See Sport by 028 312 2889.

Bikers take on Fisherhaven in aid of charity 2014






Netball Dominoes


Kom ervaar Overstrand sport op sy beste!

Yiza uzokungcamla amava Die Burgersmeesterstrofee sporttoernooi vind op Saterdag, emidlalo yase Overstrand 1 November, by Mt Pleasant se ngobunjalo bayo. Sportvelde plaas. Itonamente yeNdebe kaSodolophu iyakubanjelwe Al Overstrand se topklubs sal kwibala lemidlalo lase in aksie gesien word. Alles gaan in die stryd gewerp word Mt Pleasant ngoMgqibelo umhla om die houer te word van die we 1 November 2014. onderskeie BurgemeestersOnke amaqela emidlalo trofeë vir krieket, netbal, ephezulu ayakube equbisana! vroue-sokker, manssokker Yiza uzokubukela ikrikethi, en rugby en selfs dominoes. ibhola yomnyazi, ibhola ekhatywayo yamantombazana, Vertel jou vriende Overstrand Idominowzi, neyamadoda kunye bied soveel meer! nebhola yombhoxo ziqubisana phakathi kosaziwayo ukufumana indebe kaSodolophu kuwo onke lamaqela akhankanyiweyo ngentla.

1 November 2014

MT PLEASANT w w w . o v e r s t r a n d . g o v. z a CODE CRICKET FINAL SOCCER (women’s)FINAL NETBALL 3rd Place DOMINOES - Disabled People NETBALL FINAL SOCCER (men’s) FINAL RUGBY FINAL

Although tickets for the Community Veterinary Clinic (CVC) inaugural melodrama - Dinner Dance, to be held on 8 November, has been sold out, there are still raffle tickets available. The winner of the raffle will be drawn on 8 November at the show. The prize is 50% of the funds collected/raised with the raffle and is already standing at over R7 000. Buy a ticket at Hermanus Animal Hospital or the Jol-Emporium or phone the animal hospital on 028 312

Die verkeersligte by die Sandbaai/Hemel-en-Aarde-pad kruising was sedert Sondag buite werking en motoriste moes die verkeerslig soos ’n stopstraat benader. Neville Michaels, direkteur

NATURE MATTERS: It’s Garden Acraea season again. Garden­ ers are concerned that their wild peach trees are being decimated by caterpillars. Fear not: they are adapted to the cycle and will suffer no long­term harm. The leaves of the Wild Peach (Kigga­ laria africana) contain cyanide as a defence against being eaten by insect larvae – except one. The caterpillar of the Garden Acraea butterfly (Acraea horta) has evolved to eat the leaves without harm as it can store the cyanide in its body, safeguard­ ing both caterpillar and adult Acraea from predation by birds – except for Klaas’ Cuckoo, which has evolved to eat the Acraea.


Fund raising for veterinary clinic

VENUE Cricket Oval Soccer A Field Netball Court Tent Netball Court Soccer A Field Rugby Field

Yiba yinxalenye yalomsitho wena buqu ngokuthi uthabathe inxaxheba ekubalekeni okanye kumdyarho wekhilomitha ezili 10 endleleni kusasa ngonyezi. Xelela izihlobo zakho ukuba i Overstrand ikunika kangangoko inako!

START TIME 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:40 13:00 14:00

FINISH TIME 13:00 11:45 12:30 13h30 14:10 14:30 15:25

The Hermanus Social Motorcycle Club are once again hosting their annual charity ride through town op 15 November. The 2014 run will start from Broadway Road, Fisherhaven opposite Moo’s Coffee Shop, which will be open for coffee and breakfast from 08:00 on the day. There will be signposts to guide the way from the R43’s Fisherhaven turn off. Riders are to gather from 09:00 and the start will be at 10:00. Donations of toys and non-perishable

food are most welcome and there will be a trailer at the starting point as well as the end point, to accept your donations. There will also be a box for cash donations. The route ends at the bike parking area off Marine Drive in Hermanus CBD. The charity that will be supported this year is Hermanus Staan Saam / Hermanus Stands Together. All riders are welcome to join in a bring and braai, with live music at the Hermanus Bikers Pub afterwards.


Aansoeker: Overstrand Munisipaliteit Kennis van ‘n publieke deelname proses word gegee in terme van die Wet op Nasionale Omgewingsbestuur (WNOB) (Wet No 107 van 1998) (soos gewysig) soos uiteengesit in GK Nos. R543, R544, R545 & R546 op 18 Junie 2010, om die volgende gelyste aktiwiteite uit te voer. Gelyste Aktiwiteite: Aansoek word gedoen vir bedrywighede GKR544/11,14,16,17,18,24,37,39,40,43&45 en GKR546/16&24 in terme van die WNOB. EnviroAfrica (Overberg) is aangestel om die Omvangbepalings- en Omgewingsimpakbeoordelingsproses vir die projek uit te voer. Aansoek word ook gedoen vir vrystelling van sekere voorsienings, vereis of gereguleer deur WNOB in terme van Regulasie 50, sowel as Regulasie 10(2)(d) van die OIB Regulasies, 2010 (DOS No.16/3/1/4/E2/26/2115/14). Projekbeskrywing: Die projek behels die konstruksie van ‘n looppaadjie en parkering deur heruitleg van die gedeelte aan die seekant van Atlantic rylaan in Onrusrivier. Die gedeelte wat ‘n totale afstand van ~850 meter beslaan strek eerstens van die noordelike kruispunt van Beach en Atlantic rylane in ‘n suidwestelike rigting oor ‘n afstand van ~120 meter, daarna in ‘n suidelike rigting oor ‘n afstand van ~340 meter en draai dan skerp oos oor ‘n verdere afstand van ~390 meter. Tans bestaan die gebied uit ‘n informele gedeelte aan die seekant vanAtlantic rylaan wat lank gelede met behulp van buite-materiaal opgebou is. Huidige gebruik beslaan ongemerkte parkering vermeng met smal gedeeltes wat dien as loopvlak. Voetgangers loop egter meestal in die pad vir ontspanning. Daar is ook ‘n gedeelte aan die seekant van Atlantic rylaan wat gebruik word vir die tewaterlating van klein seevaartuie vir ontspanning soos visvang, kreeftrek, ens. ‘nAansoekvorm vir die beoogde projek is ingedien by Dept Omgewingsake (Verw Nr. 16/3/1/1/E2/26/2115/4) Registrasie as Belanghebbende Party en toegang tot Inligting: Indien u geskrewe kommentaar op die aansoek wil lewer, registreer asb. as Belanghebbende Party deur u naam, posadres, telefoon- en faksnommers en die kwessies wat u wil opper, asook enige direkte betrokkenheid, finansieël, persoonlik of ander belang in die goedkeur of afkeur van die aansoek, skriftelik te voorsien aan EnviroAfrica (Atlantic), Posbus 4 Onrus 7201 of Faks: 0865132141 teen 1 Desember 2014. Meld Verw Nr. 16/3/1/1/E2/26/2114/14 in alle korrespondensie. ‘n Omvangbepalingsverslag is beskikbaar in die Hermanus munisipale biblioteek. Konsultant: EnviroAfrica(Overberg), Posbus 4 Onrus 7201 Faks: 0865132141 / Sel: 082 805 0190.


Applicant: Overstrand Municipality Notice is hereby given of a public participation process in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN Nos R543, R544, R545 & R546 of 18 June 2010, promulgated under NEMAAct No. 107 of 1998 as amended, to carry out the following activities. Listed Activity: Government Notice R544 & 546 Listed activities applied for: GNR544/11,14,16,17,18,24,37,39,40,43&45 and GNR 546/16&24. The proposed walkway and parking development along Atlantic Drive in Onrusrivier may include the above activities listed in terms of the NEMA EIA Regulations. EnviroAfrica Overberg has been appointed to undertake the Basic Assessment Report process for the proposed project. Please note that exemption from certain provisions required or regulated by NEMA Regulations is made in terms of Regulation 50 and 10(2)(d) of the EIARegulations, 2010 (DEA&DP NO. 16/3/1/4/E2/26/2115/14). Project Location & Description: The project of the proposed construction of a walkway and parking layout consists of restructuring and landscaping the area to the seaward side of Atlantic Drive in Onrusrivier to create a walkway, interspersed with parking bays. The section which constitutes a distance of ~850 metres runs from the northernmost intersection of Beach and Atlantic roads on the seaward side of Atlantic road, first in a south-westerly direction for ~120 metres, there after in a southerly direction for ~340 metres and then turns sharply east for another 390 metres. At present the area consists of an informal section that has been built up many years ago by means of the importation of extraneous material. It has a current usage of parking interspersed with narrow sections that serve as a walkway, but mostly pedestrians walk in the road to enjoy the sea views and for exercise. There is also a section that runs on the seaward side of Atlantic Drive where a launching site for small craft is located from where recreational fishers, divers and anglers gain access to the sea for recreational activities. AnApplication Form for the proposed development was submitted to DEA&DP (Ref No. 16/3/1/1/E2/26/2114/14) Registration as Interested and Affected Party and Access to Information: You may register as an Interested andAffected Party (I&AP), if you wish, in order to raise any environmental issues in writing that need to be taken into consideration during the assessment process. To register as an I&AP, please submit your name, postal contact information, telephone and fax number and issues you wish to raise now, disclosing in detail any direct business, financial, personal or other interest in the approval or refusal of the application, quoting Ref No. 16/3/1/1/E2/26/2114/14 in writing to EnviroAfrica (Atlantic Drive), P O Box 4, Onrus 7201 or Fax: 0865132141 by 1 December 2014. A background information document is available upon request and a copy of the draft BasicAssessment Report available in the Hermanus Municipal Library for information. Consultant: EnviroAfrica Overberg, P.O. Box 4, Onrus 7201 Fax: 086 513 2141 / Cell: 0828050190` X1PD4GJM-HL301014


30 October, 2014

THREE PIANOS ON ONE STAGE: Come and enjoy a musical treat this Sat­ urday and Sunday at the municipal audito­ rium. The A Volonté Trio, with Annemarie Rautenbach (piano), Hein Attwood, (viola, violin, saxophone, and piano) and Maike Skein (cello and piano) will present a concert of classical music. Highlights include the three of them playing together on one piano and also together on three separate pianos. Saturday’s concert starts at 19:00 with tickets at R100, which includes snacks and a glass of wine. Sunday’s concert starts at 16:00 with tickets at R80. For tickets, contact Leoni Viljoen Physiotherapy: 028 312 3549, Hein: 072 871 2471, Maike: 071 687 7104 or Annemarie: 083 290 7692. PHOTO: HESTERKI RANGE

DONDERDAG 30 OKTOBER ) Kom fliek saam. The Notebook wys 10:00 in die anneks van die Onrusri­ vier­dienssentrum se OnsTeater. Slegs skenkings. Almal welkom. Bel Marie Korf by 0 083 457 1896. ) Die borduurgroep kom byeen by die De Wetsaal van 09:00 – 13:00. Anna le Roux: 0 028 316 1612. ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday at Hermanus Golf Club at 12:15. Lyle: 0 028 314 1390/ 073 778 2777. ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday at 17:30 at the De Wet Hall. Henriëtte Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809. ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at Mollergren. All welcome. Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187. FRIDAY 31 OCTOBER ) U3A talk on American Popular Mu­ sic compiled and presented by Alan Maker and Robin Lee. 10:00. Catholic Church. Robin Lee: 0 028 312 4072. ) Good value tea, coffee, crafts and friendship at the Bhuki Cafe. Library: 09:00 – 11:30. All welcome. ) Kolwyntjie­teetuin by die NG kerk Onrusrivier. Van 09:30 – 11:30 vir net R20 (koffie/tee ingesluit). ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:15 –09:30 above the sports field near Old Boys Club. Charlyn Vos­ loo: 0 082 558 8731. ) Vernon Barnard met 60’s, 70’s en 80’s musiek by Sprokkelster­teater in Onrus. R80pp. Besprekings by 0082 896 5106 / 028 316 4567of epos info@sprokkelster.co.za. ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 12:00 – 16:30. Anneke van der Vlug: 0 082 923 9799. SATURDAY 1 NOVEMBER ) Kom snuffel Kersgeskenke uit by die

Onrus Mengelmarkie vanaf 09:00 – 12:00 by die De Wetsaal, Onrusrivier. ) Single people, Afrikaans and En­ glish: are you recently divorced, a wid­ ow or widower? Come and join us for a walk on the beach, followed by a light lunch and meet people who are in the same situation. Information: 0 076 115 7382. ) Matric revision every Saturday 10:00 – 12:00 on Whale Coast FM 96­96.2. Presented by subject special­ ists from the Wester Cape Education Department. This Saturday: physical sciences (10:00 – 11:00) and tourism (11:00 – 12:00). MONDAY 3 NOVEMBER ) Fiksheidsklasse word aangebied by die De Wetsaal in Onrus: Ma. 08:00 – 09:30; Wo. 15:00 – 17:00 en Do. 08:00 – 09:30. Alida Liebenberg: 0 028 316 3994/082 783 5160 vir meer inligting. ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fern­ kloof. Information: 0 028 314 0662 / 072 230 9179. ) Line­dancing at the De Wet Hall from 17:30 – 18:30. Maryanne: 0 073 469 913 / 028 316 2625. ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir prac­ tise in the Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 – 20:00. ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Martin: 0 082 438 6008. ) Run/Walk for Life: Meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 17:30 at the Old Boys Club, Herma­ nus. Elna Botha: 0 072 640 6822 for more information. ) A group of walkers meets three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at 07:00 for walks of varying lengths. All walkers welcome. Lynn Frangs: 0 028 316 2007 or Arlene Ehrenberg: 0 028 316 2037 for more details. ) Walker Bay Stamp Club meets at the Hermanus Bowling Club at 17:30. ) The U3A presents a talk on music with Ella Fourie in the Overstrand Au­ ditorium at 10:00.

Rondomskrik in Bredasdorp Rondomskrik, geïspireer deur die grusame verkragting van en moord op Anene Booysen in Februarie 2013, word op Saterdag 1 November by De Heide-skoolsaal, Golfstraat in Bredasdorp om 19:00 opgevoer. Hierdie toneelstuk, gebaseer is op die lewe van Anene, is geskryf deur Rachelle Greeff en het verskeie toekennings ontvang. Die teks is om die beurt ontstellend en snaaks maar fokus uiteindelik op die mense, op die tragedie, en hoe ons kan help dat ons kinders/gemeenskappe wel hul potensiaal kan bereik deur net vir hulle ’n bietjie meer aandag te gee en in hulle te glo. Rondomskrik het ’n droom-rolverdeling: Shaleen Surtie Ri-

chards as Jasmien Jacobs, Crystal Donna Roberts as Antjie Fortuin, Lee-Ann van Rooi en Richard September wat elk onderskeidelik 4 en 7 karakters speel. Die spelers, asook die skrywer, word nie vir dié optrede betaal nie, omdat hulle dit sien as ’n bydrae tot Bredasdorp se gemeenskap. Dit word aangebied deur die Kaap Agulhas Sakekamer en 108 kaartjies teen R100 (voorste sitplekke) en 620 kaartjies teen R50 is te koop by: die Sakekamer-kantoor (by die gym) Johannes de Villiers, 073 428 1199. Floraland – Marthelene Matthysen, 084 222 5048. Radio Overberg – Madelyn, 028 424 2877 en die polisiekantoor – Robina Cupido, 028 425 5400.

Call: Barbara Pretorius: 0 028 3121438. ) Hermanus Astronomy Cen­ tre (HAC) presents a talk at SANSA at 19:00 on Cosmology number 19: Gravitomagnetism and Gravitational Waves and 20. Gravity’s Horizon— Anatomy of a Black Hole. Pierre Hugo: 2 pierre@hermanus.co.za.

) U3A monthly open meeting: Dr S Cullis will speak on Centenary of Shackleton’s Epic Voyage to The Antartic. Overstrand Auditorium, 17:30. For more information call Bar­ bara Pretorius: 0 028 312 1438. ) Hermanus Astronomy Cen­ tre (HAC) monthly meeting on the topic Milestones in Radio Astronomy pre­ sented by Dr Jenny Morris. Venue: SANSA. 19:00. 2 hermanusastrono­ my@gmail.com.

TUESDAY 4 NOVEMBER ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 06:45 – 10:00 opposite 64 Mountain View Drive, Northcliff. An­ dré van den Berg: 0 072 191 3516. ) Zumbadans by die De Wetsaal, Dinsdae en Woensdae van 17:30 – 18:30. Emilia Knight: 0 028 316 1491. ) The U3A presents as part of their series on supermarkets, a talk on Woolworths. 10:00. Catholic Church Hall. Call Gert Claassen at 0 083 602 5254. WEDNESDAY 5 NOVEMBER ) Trimgim­klasse by die Onrusrivier­ dienssentrum van 10:00 – 11:00. R30 per lid, R45 vir nielede. ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbe­ weging kom byeen van 18:00 – 19:00 by die Grobbelaarsaal. Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250. ) Die egskeidingondersteunings­ groep kom elke tweede en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 by die NG ge­ meente Onrusrivier byeen. Erika Oost­ huysen: 0 079 322 0998. ) Musiek­DVD van André Rieu om 15:00 in OnsTeater in die anneks van Onrusrivier­dienssentrum. Slegs sken­ kings. Almal welkom. Bel Marie Korf by 0 083 4571896. THURSDAY 6 NOVEMBER ) Mike Ford & Chris Cheetham will be leading the birding day at De Mond. Meet at Fernkloof parking area at 07:00 to consolidate transport. Bring eats, drinks, sunscreen, hat. Enquiries: 0 082 766 4014 or Craig (after 2 Nov) on 0 083 227 9003.

FRIDAY 7 NOVEMBER ) The U3A presents a talk on the histo­ ry of American Popular Music from 1920 – 1930 presented by Alan Ma­ ker and Robin Lee. 10:00 in the Catho­ lic Church Hall. Call Robin Lee at 0 028 312 4072. ) Harcourts geldinsamelingsdans ten bate van Huis Lettie Theron. 19:00 vir 19:30 in die Sandbaaisaal. Drag: informeel. R50 per persoon. Groepta­ fels beskikbaar (8 – 10 mense). Mu­ siek: Transkaroo. Bring eie bordjie ver­ versings en drinkgoed; kontantkroeg is beskikbaar. Gelukstrekkings word ge­ hou. Bespreek by Harcourts Whale Co­ ast­kantoor, Hoofstraat 72, Sandbaai, of by Zunette: 0 073 216 1822 of Yvonne: 0 076 791 4194. MONDAY 10 NOVEMBER ) The U3A presents a talk on Modern Automobile Technology focusing on Volkswagon SA. 10:00 in the Catholic Church Hall. Call Gert Claassen: 0 083 602 5254. TUESDAY 11 NOVEMBER ) The U3A present a series on Super­ markets with the focus on Fruit & Veg. 10:00 in the Catholic Church Hall. Call: Gert Claassen: 0 083 602 5254. WEDNESDAY 12 NOVEMBER ) Kom kyk die fliek Dragon Fly in die OnsTeater by die dienssentrum van die Onruskerk. 15:00. Almal welkom. Slegs donasies. Bel Marie Korf by


0 083 457 1896. FRIDAY 14 NOVEMBER ) The U3A presents a talk on the histo­ ry of American Popular Music: 1930 – 940 presented by Alan Maker and Ro­ bin Lee. 10:00 in the Catholic Church Hall. Call: Robin Lee: 0 028 312 4072. ) Kersmelodrama in die Onrusrivier­ dienssentrum. Kom luister na Phantom of the Opera (past. Herman Breed), El­ vis (ds. Corné Kemp), Shakin Stevens (ds. Neil Olwagen), PJ Powers (Louis van Zyl), Die Grafsteensangers, Lof­ danse, Jerusalem (Mark Robson), Son­ ja Herholdt, YMCA (al die dominees) en nog meer. Kaartjies is te kry teen R50 by die NG kerk Hermanus se kan­ toor of Mariet Basson: 0 078 329 7888. FRIDAY 21 NOVEMBER ) The Hospice annual Quiz and Din­ ner evening will take place in the ban­ queting hall of the municipal auditori­ um. Teams of eight to fill a table. A short auction follows after the quiz. Tickets cost R200 per person (or R1 600 per table). Call Dee: 0 028 312 4679 for bookings.

Elgin’s open gardens The first of the two weekends for gardening enthusiasts to visit about 20 Elgin Open Gardens, is 1 and 2 November. Details with a map of the gar­ dens are available at Superplants, Fernkloof and Walker Bay nurser­ ies and at www.elginopengar­ dens.co.za. Visiting hours on 1, 2, 8 and 9 November are 10:00–17:00. Some gardens are free,others charge between R10 and R25. Call 021 844 0154, 078 021 2101, 083 458 3790 or 2 info@elgino­ pengardens.co.za for info.




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Algemeen General



Algemeen General

30 October, 2014

BOSKO’S TOP TIMES TABLERS: Bosko Christian School hosted a very successful Times Tables Competition during the third term and 12 finalists competed for the grades 2 to 4 title and grades 5 to 7 title respectively. The winners were, back from left: Mela Ngokro (Gr 7), Zola Duba (Gr 7), Saraai Rwapunga (Gr 6) and Unathi Sik­ hundla (Gr 6). In the middle are Talitha Faro (Gr 4), Kemton Msi­ mango (Gr 4), Siyema Mavata (Gr 3), Rudairo Mudarikwa (Gr 3), Lwazi Pike (Gr 5) and Zukhanye Mqambalala (Gr 5). In front are Ntsika Mengame (Gr 2) and Liyema Dumezweni (Gr 5). The school thanked Gateway SuperSpar, Van Blommenstein Butchery, The Fac­ tory Shop, Debonairs, The Fish Shoppe and Eastcliff Spar.

The pretty, colourful raindrops in the school play were Lilly­Rose Fourie, Stella Meintjes and Zoey Faircliff, who gave a pre­per­ formance in the dressing room. SCHOOL PLAY: The Sprok­ kelster Theatre in Onrus was packed to capacity on Thurs­ day for the Hermanus Mon­ tessori Private School play. The magical night had a host of characters in a rain­ bow of bright colours, in­ cluding these impi warriors, Alexi Alazraki and Stephan Kemp. On the right is one of the kittens, Ntsako Sithole. Patrick Gettliffe was ready for action in his Spi­ derman outfit.

Ready and waiting for their turn are Piper Davis, Lisa Bayer and Brenna Fourie in front.

DOUBLE GOLD FOR TRIO: This trio of singers from Hermanus High School won double gold in the Feather Boa Talent Competi­ tion, which was held at The Stage School of Performing Arts in Bellville. Zimkhita Dywili, Lisa Stroud and Siziwe Kamana scored a total of 95% for their performance of Emeli Sande’s Read all About it. Watch a video of them performing at www.hermanu­ stimes.co.za. PHOTOS: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Other learners from Hermanus High School who fared very well at the Feather Boa Talent Competition included Amè Reinke who got 84% for her solo and Kristoff Krige who achieved 82% for his dramatic monologue.


Algemeen General

30 October, 2014

The newly elected junior town council for 2014/2015 with mayor Nicolette Botha­Guthrie and Nontuthuzelo Unity Mtomile, manager of the junior town council.



Meet the new Junior Town Council JANINE VAN DER RIET The Overstrand Junior Town Council inauguration was held on Thursday at the municipal auditorium. With the hall packed with parents, headmasters and teachers from the respective schools in the area, mayor Nicolette Botha-Guthrie awarded the outgoing junior town council with certificates of merit and welcomed the new junior town council for 2014/2015. Quoting from renowned poet Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet, Botha-Guthrie revisited a couple of truths about the relationship between the young and the old in her welcoming message to all present: “Children are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, and though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts.” Nontuthuzelo Unity Mtomile, manager of the junior town council, thanked the municipality and the Enlighten Education Trust for their cooperation and assistance throughout the year. “The junior town council was formed eleven years ago. Since then, the young leaders learned more about leadership skills, service delivery, in service training, community service, with the prime focus being on needy children, the youth, the elderly and the environment.” During the evening, Dané Laing, an employee at the municipality, sang a solo whereafter Hope Botes, a learner at Northcliff House College, entertained the guests performing a song while playing on her acoustic guitar. Sonwabile Calata, the outgoing junior mayor, reported on their

Hope Botes amazed the audi­ ence with a song played on her acoustic guitar.


DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Johan van der Merwe, newly appointed junior mayor, with the mayor. term of office and said they had a fantastic year and learned to be better leaders, better listeners, patient and outspoken. Botha-Guthrie greeted the new members with a hug, and presented them with the ceremonial scarves. The newly elected junior mayor, Johan van der Merwe from Gansbaai Academia, said his role model is the late Nelson Mandela. The rest of the executive members for 2014/2015 are: Analo Yawa, deputy junior mayor / Gansbaai Acadamia, Elgemine Fourie, deputy junior mayor / Hawston Secondary, Athini Tshwalakhe / Qhayiya Secondary, Natalie Austin / Hermanus High, Ignesius Matema / NorthCliff House College, Inez Mallandain / Curro Hermanus, Monique Vermeulen / Hermanus High, Jennifer Funda / Qhayiya Sec and Alfonso Williams / Hawston Secondary. Members per school Hawston Secondary School: Shani Arendse, Sherilene Botha, Reagan Fortuin, Elgermine Fourie, Jenny-Lee Hartnick, Agnesia Konstabel, Alfonso Williams. Hermanus High School: Natalie Austin, Elani Groenewald, Amy Hess, Misha Van Zyl, Monique Vermeulen. Qhayiya Secondary School: Jennifer Funda, Zizibele Gashe, Botleng Kayeki, Nezisa Mgqeba, Zubenathi Sofute, Athini Tshwalakhe, Norman Zininga. Gansbaai Academia: Marcel Colleen Dickson, Stefan Joubert, Jemaine Jack Julies, Johan Van der Merwe, Amy Thandi Wolhuter, Khanya Xhalisile, Analo Yawa. Northcliff House College: Nicole Blignaut, Hope Botes, Matthew Jones, Ignesius Matema. Curro Hermanus: Inez Mallandain, Tyde – Summer Turck.


ADMINISTRATION CLERK: SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (PROCUREMENT) REMUNERATION: R123 738 PER ANNUM SERVICE BENEFITS: 13TH CHEQUE, EMPLOYER’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE PENSION FUND, HOUSING AND MEDICAL AID ALLOWANCE Requirements: Minimum educational qualifications: Senior Certificate (or equivalent) with Mathematics and/or Accountancy as a passed subject and/or Senior Certificate (or equivalent) with experience/competencies that focuses on the key performance areas (KPAs) of the post. Experience: Appropriate experience in a supply chain management environment. Competencies (knowledge/ skills): Sound knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act, National and Provincial Treasury Instructions and the Accounting Officer System • Knowledge of and functional experience in a Material Management System, e.g. LOGIS • Functional experience in obtaining quotations on an electronic purchasing system and in bid/tender administration • Functional knowledge of tenders/contracts • Computer literacy (MS Excel and Word) • Ability to communicate in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape. Duties (key result areas/outputs): Perform tasks related to procurement administration such as inviting of quotes, placing orders, supply of stock and equipment (assets) • Maintain O-9 files and follow-up with suppliers on outstanding store stock and buy-outs • Capture requisitions and other documentation on the Supply Chain System (LOGIS) • Prepare quotes to be submitted to the Quotation Committee • Ensure compliance with all relevant laws and prescripts related to the Supply Chain Management and procurement function • Perform duties related to IPS processes, evaluation and adjudication on the system • Maintain a database of contracts. Enquiries: Ms CE Langley, tel. 028 313 5220


INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS: Z83 forms (obtainable from any Government department or www.westerncape.gov.za) must: Be completed in full, clearly reflect the name of the position, name and date of the publication (candidates may use this as reference), be signed, accompanied by a comprehensive CV, the names of 3 referees and certified copies of ID, driver’s licence and qualification/s. A separate application form must be completed for each post. Applications without the aforementioned will not be considered. Applications must be forwarded to the address as indicated on the advertisement. No late, faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. CV’s will not be returned. Excess personnel will receive preference. Applications, which are received after the closing date, will not be considered. Further communication will be limited to short-listed candidates. If you have not received a response from the Department within 3 months of the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful. It will be expected of candidates to be available for selection interviews on a date, time and place as determined by the Department. As directed by the Department of Public Service & Administration, applicants must note that further checks will be conducted once they are short-listed and that their appointment is subject to positive outcomes on these checks, which include security clearance, qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous employment.

The Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Disabled candidates are encouraged to apply and an indication in this regard will be appreciated.

Closing Date: 14 November 2014 120682 HTIMES ayandambanga.co.za



Algemeen General

30 October, 2014


13 ROYAL STREET, HERMANUS 028 312 2717



2 November 2014 Morning Services: 8.30 & 10am led by Rev. Dr. James Gray

Sunday Evening: 6.30pm led by Rev. Dr. James Gray


WYNVEILING GROOT SUKSES: Die NG Gemeente Onrusrivier het onlangs ’n wynveiling ten bate van die versorging van bejaardes in die groter Hermanus gehou, en met Beyers Truter van Beyerskloof­landgoed as die afslaer, kon dit nie anders as om ’n genotvolle en suksesvolle aand te wees nie. Elke groep is ook bederf met ‘n wynmaker aan hul tafel, wat wyne van hul verskillende wynplase saamgebring en bedien het. Hier is van die wynma­ kers wat die aand meegemaak het (agter) Philip Opperman, Bernhard Heyns (Gabriels­ kloof), Beyers Truter (Beyerskloof), William Wilkinson (Wildekrans), Gerhard Smith (La Vier­ ge), Werner Muller (Iona), Sebastian Beaumont (Beaumont Wines) en (voor) Kevin Grant (Ataraxia), Riana van der Merwe (Seven Springs), Mari Branders (Diemersdal) en Hannes Storm (Storm Wines).

(028) 312 3904 SEISOEN VAN VERRYKING: Kom luister na ons preekreeks oor geestelike verdieping en verryking en almal is baie welkom. 26 Oktober: Dr Jannie le Roux, skrywer van talle geestelike boeke, van Gordons-baai lei die dien (Gesamentlike diens in Kerk) 2 November: Die moderator van ons sinode, Dr Braam Hanekom lei die diens. (Gesamentlike diens in Kerk) 9 November: Gesamentlike Nagmaal vir hele gemeente in Grobbelaarsaal. Ons sit om tafels en gebruik die Nagmaal saam.

Van links is Riana van der Merwe, die wynmaker van Seven Springs, Beyers Truter, die af­ slaer van Beyerskloof, saam met die organiseerders Philip en Elsa Opperman en hul dogter Heidi Nortier. Sowat R125 000 is ingesamel met die wynveiling.




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Rotary Drive – at the main lookout point. Saturday morning, 1st November 2014 @ 7.00 am (Prayer Meeting to be held the first Saturday of every month.)

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Algemeen General

30 October, 2014

Uitmuntende na­verkoopdiens is sleutel NISSAN HERMANUS Van tegnikus tot nasionale diensbestuurder by Nissanhoofkantoor in Pretoria, tot eienaar van Hermanus Nissan. Dit was in kort die paadjie wat Barend van Heerden geloop het voordat hy sowat ’n jaar en ’n half gelede Hermanus Nissan oorgekoop het, en hom vanjaar permanent in Hermanus kom vestig het. En met die verantwoordelikheid as nasionale diensbestuurder voorheen by hoofkantoor, is dit seker net logies dat klante niks minder as die beste diens by Nissan Hermanus gaan kry nie. Barend sien dit ook as ’n gesinsbesigheid met sy vrou, Karin, wat by die tak as boekhouer werk. Vir Barend is dit baie belangrik dat jy as eienaar jou besigheid self moet bestuur. “Enige besigheid gaan oor diens en passie. In die motorbedryf is alle voertuie deesdae goed, en gaan dit nie meer oor bloot ’n goeie of slegte voertuig nie. Dis juis hoekom jou diens, en veral jou na-verkoopdiens, so be-


langrik is.” Barend is ’n man wat oop is vir kritiek en hy neem dit nie persoonlik op nie. “Al wat jy kan opbou, is iets wat jy kan regmaak. Dis ook krities om te besef dat die belangrikste bate van jou besigheid jou kliënte is. Sonder hulle het jy nie ’n besigheid nie.” Barend nooi almal uit om ’n draai te maak by Hermanus Nissan. “Jy hoef nie eens noodwendig belang te stel om ’n nuwe voertuig aan te skaf nie. Al wil jy net ’n koppie koffie kom drink, is jy meer as welkom.”

Die Nissan­span: Voor: Simphiwe Bobe (Da­ vid), Herbert Themba (Keppies), Lucas Fuzile. Middel: Debbie Taljaard, Karin van Heerden, Freda Claasen, Rene van Staden en Nadine Hull. Agter: Melanie May, Pride Makohliso, Stephen Smith, Awie du Plessis, Theron Rust, Ramon Taljaard en Barend van Heerden. Af­ wesig: Melt Toerien, Marcos Cajada, Grad­ well Maurice en Iris Moss. FOTO: J­H COETZER

Ford commits to the environment The Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (FMCSA) announced the establishment of the Ford Wildlife Foundation (FWF) recently, as part of its ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability. FMCSA will continue with its excellent work that has benefited South African organisations for the last 24 years. The foundation will continue to receive financial support from FMCSA, and Ford vehicles will be provided to partner organisations nominated by Ford and the FWF board. “I’m delighted to announce that we have formed the Ford Wildlife Foundation,” said Jeff Nemeth, CEO and president of Ford Motor Company of South Africa and Sub-Saha-

ran Africa. “Since FMCSA started its environmental work in 1990, our efforts have helped support over 150 high-priority environmental education and conservation projects around South Africa and we wanted to ensure that legacy continues in the future.” The Endangered Wildlife Trust, The Wildlife & Environment Society of SA, Birdlife SA, the Association of Marketers, WWF, and the American Chamber of Commerce have in the past all recognised the programme for its contributions. To date, FMCSA has invested more than R30 million into its environmental work, for projects spanning education, conservation, and research.

VW Hermanus

028 313 6084

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R144 950 Volkswagen (VW) 2013 (17 000 km) Polo Sedan 1.4 Trendline Manual White Stock ID - U11192 Sedan

R164 950 Volkswagen (VW) 2013 (14 000 km) Polo 1.4 Comfortline (63 kW) Manual Silver Stock ID - U11108 Hatch Back

R119 950 Kia 2012 (60 900 km) Rio III 1.4 High Sedan Auto Automatic White Stock ID - u11099 Sedan

R104 950 Nissan 2009 (66 000 km) Livina 1.6 Acenta+ XGear Manual White Stock ID - 11170 Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)

R189 950 Nissan 2010 (56 000 km) Qashqai I 2.0 n-tec Manual Silver Stock ID - U11218 Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)

R99 950 Opel 2010 (103 500 km) Corsa 1.4 Enjoy 5 Door (66 kW) Manual Grey Stock ID - U11185 Hatch Back Vehicle is Active

R499 950 Volkswagen (VW) 2012 (71 500 km) Touareg 3.0 TDi V6 (180 kW) Tiptronic Bluemotion Automatic White Stock ID - Utoua Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)

R399 500 Volkswagen (VW) 2014 (8 500 km) CC 2.0 TDi (130 kW) BlueMotion DSG Automatic White Stock ID - Demo Sedan MMCode - 64073254

R184 950 Volkswagen (VW) 2011 (65 000 km) Jetta 6 1.4 TSi Comfortline Manual White Stock ID - U11206 Sedan MMCode - 64063471

R289 950 Volkswagen (VW) 2014 (9 000 km) Jetta 6 1.6 TDi Comfortline DSG Automatic Beige/Champagne Stock ID - u11200 Sedan

R319 900 Volkswagen (VW 2013 (49 950 km) Kombi T5 2.0 TDi (75 kW) SWB Base Manual White Stock ID - u11191 Minibus

R124 950 Volkswagen (VW) 2013 (22 000 km) Polo Vivo 1.4 Hatch 5 Door Trendline Manual Beige/Champagne Stock ID - 11184 Hatch Back X1PD1GJR-HL301014


VW builds reliable T5 Kombi


Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles has expanded its popular people mover model range with the introduction of the 7-speed DSG transmission into the Kombi 103 kW engine derivative. Until now, the 7-speed DSG transmission was only available with the long wheel based Kombi Comfortline and Transporter Crew Bus. Kombi is the best selling derivative in the T5 model range. Over 21 380 T5 units have been sold in South Africa since its local introduction in 2004 and about 8 600 of those units were Kombis. With the introduction of the 7-speed DSG transmission, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles aim to attract customers that are looking for a powerful yet affordable Kombi with an automatic transmission. Customers have a choice of Trendline and Comfortline equipment lines. Kombi is designed to comfortably sit up to seven passengers and a driver. It is an ideal people mover that can be used as a family car for long distance travelling or for hotel shuttle services. It is available in two different body lengths, short-wheelbase and long-wheelbase. Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles offers the Kombi, registered for a maximum of eight people, both with a normal body (shortwheelbase) and a 40 centimetre longer body (long-wheelbase), as well as two individual seats at the front, a 2-seat bench and separate seat in the first row and a 3-seat bench in the second row.

The seventh gear has been designed as an overdrive ­ which means it has a particularly long ratio.


The Kombi meets exacting requirements in terms of equipment and comfort. This can be seen right from the standard “Climatic” air conditioning, the two-shell roof headlining and sun roller blinds on the side windows of the passenger area. The comfort aspect is also attended to by sophisticated details such as grab handles with soft return. The 3-seat bench with threepoint seatbelts for all seats allows the interior to be used in a particu-

larly flexible way. The height-adjustable front seats (only for the driver seat in Trendline) have armrests, whilst electric windows, central locking with remote control and the “High” instrument cluster make operation even easier. In terms of looks, it makes an even more elegant impression with its bumpers, exterior mirror housings (side mirrors unpainted in Trendline) and door handles painted in body colour. The 2.0 litre 103 kW common rail

turbodiesel engine develops a respectable torque of 340 Newton metres. It reaches its maximum torque at 2500 rpm. It has a top speed of 172 km/h. The 0-100 km/h sprint is achieved in 10.2 seconds. With an average fuel of consumption 8 litres per 100 kilometres, there will be few stops at the fuel stations. The 7-speed DSG combines the comfort levels of a conventional automatic gearbox with the efficiency of a manual box. The DSG




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is as economical as it is convenient, and opens up a new dimension in gearshift agility. Gearshifts are performed within a few hundredths of a second, without any interruption in traction. The seventh gear has been designed as an overdrive - which means it has a particularly long ratio. On the motorway, this reduces engine speed and therefore consumption, emissions and noise. The maximum speed is reached in the sixth gear in each case. Kombi can be customised with a number of functional and convenient optional features. These optional features include tilt/slide sunroof, detachable tow bar, 17inch Thunder alloy wheels, park distance control (rear and front), comfort packages (cruise control, front fog lights and multifunction steering wheel; light and rain sensor, auto dimming rear view mirror and electrically foldable mirrors) and a communications package (leather multifunction steering wheel, RCD 310 CD/Radio with Aux-In socket and Bluetooth cellphone preparation). Prices (VAT and emissions tax included) Kombi 2.0 TDI 103 kW dsg Trendline SWB R474 300 Kombi 2.0 TDI 103 kW dsg Comfortline SWB R536 500 Kombi 2.0 TDI 103 kW dsg LWB R544 500 Kombi comes standard with a 3 year/120 000 km manufacturer warranty and 5 year/60 000 km Automotion Maintenance Plan. All models have a 12 year anticorrosion warranty and 15 000 km service intervals.

Terms & conditions apply.

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R25 000 CASH BACK NOW R139 900 NOW R79 900 NOW R104 900

CALL WHARNIE 079 462 4913 X1PCPP9R-PL301014

27 HermanusTimes

BOLAND Auto Sold

30 October, 2014

’n Volledige lys standaardtoerusting bevestig die Summit se vlagskipstatus.


Meer swier vir Suzuki se Grand Vitara Summit QUICKPIC Suzuki Auto Suid-Afrika het die Summitweergawe van die gewilde Grand Vitarasportnutsvoertuig opgeknap. Die sierrooster, wat nou met ’n donkersilwer kleur spog, is die mees ooglopende verandering, terwyl die allooiwiele van 18 duim ook in donkersilwer afgewerk is. Boonop word die dakrelings nou silwer geverf. Binne kry die stuurwiel, die instrumentrame, die luguitlate en die ratkierieknop sjampanjekleurige aksente, terwyl die deurpanele met gestikte doekstof versier is. Die bekleedsel van die sitplekke is ook nuut, en koppel doekstof vir die sitkussings aan sykussings met stroke van Sweedse leer. Die Grand Vitara Summit bly meganies onveranderd, en word dus steeds deur ’n lewendige viersilinder-petrolenjin van 2,4 liter aangedryf. Kopers kan tussen ’n vyfgang-hand-

ratkas en ’n outomatiese viergangratkas kies. Die maksimum-kraglewering beloop 122 kW by 6 000 r/min, gekoppel aan ’n wringkragsyfer van 225 Nm by 4 000 r/min. ’n Unieke kenmerk in dié segment is die Grand Vitara se vierwiel-aandryfstelsel, wat met ’n laestrek-ratkas toegerus is, en dus vir uitmuntende veldryvermoë sorg. ’n Volledige lys standaardtoerusting bevestig die Grand Vitara Summit se vlagskipstatus. Onder die hoogtepunte tel afstandbeheerde sentrale sluiting, lugversorging, kragstuur, elektries beheerde ruite, ’n klankstelsel met skyfspeler en vier luidsprekers, en togsnelheidsbeheer. Veiligheid word ook deeglik aangespreek deur middel van dubbele lugsakke voor, rukstop-sitplekgordels, nekstutte, en ABS-sluitweerremme met elektroniese remverspreiding en noodrembystand. Al vier modelle in die Suzuki Grand Vitara-reeks bied ’n waarborg van drie jaar/100 000 km, asook ’n diensplan van ses jaar/90 000 km.


R16 000* Gratis bykomstighede of inruilbystand


KING OF DAKAR R40 000 GRATIS bykomstighede of inruilbystand

R50 000 GRATIS of inruilbystand bykomstighede


28 HermanusTimes Vehicle myth busters every woman should know 30 October, 2014

As we celebrate women this month, Les Mc Master, Chairman of the Motor Industry Workshop Association (MIWA), shares some important myth busters every woman should be aware of. Storage Compartment: It’s a car... not an extension of the wardrobe! The more weight you’re carrying around, the more fuel you’re using, and therefore, the more it’s going to cost you! Assign one day a week to empty out the contents of your car. Just think, with what you save on wasted petrol you could end up with enough for a whole new wardrobe! Checking your oil and water levels is definitely one thing that you should not put off: Basically, if your car runs out of oil, the engine will have no lubrication, seize up and die, leaving you with a car that doesn’t work and a hefty mechanic’s bill. Checking your oil once a month can prevent this. Make sure

your car has been stopped for five minutes or so (the engine turned off), open the bonnet, pull out the dipstick from the engine then wipe and replace it, before pulling it out again - the oil level should be between the minimum and maximum marks. If it’s not, then it’s time to top up. Having your air-con on uses more fuel than opening the window: Ever heard the common myth that having your air-con turned on uses more fuel than opening the window? At most speeds, if the car window is open, the coefficient drag is enough to make your car work harder thus using more fuel. In fact, it uses about the same amount of fuel as having your air-con turned on. Seat upright close to steering wheel position: Sitting in an upright position close to the steering wheel is not a wise position as it inhibits the amount of movement that is required to safely manage the controls. Female

drivers are prone to adopting this position as they need to see the nose of the vehicle for accurate measurement of distances. Adopt a more reclined position with your arms at a comfortable “v’” shape i.e. slightly extended and not an “L” shape with your elbows tucked up against your sides. Changing Tyres or getting a flat: Putting the gear lever into “park” won’t stop the vehicle from moving and falling off the jack, once lifted. If you have passengers on-board, have them get out, and apply the handbrake as tight as it will go. Switch the engine off. Open the boot and ensure that the spare wheel is at hand before undoing the wheel, as I’ve seen many a rear end of a vehicle in the air with wheels off and the driver unable to get to the spare wheel in the boot. The biscuit wheel is an emergency wheel and cannot be used indefinitely. Have the flat repaired immediately. Stockings do not make a good replacement for a fan belt:

BOLAND Auto Sold

Unless you’re driving a 1969 Ford Escort, stockings do not make a good replacement for a fan belt. Modern motor vehicles have a serpentine belt which drives all the moving components attached to the engine and pantyhose stockings will not be able to drive these components. Make time to understand how the serpentine belt works. Clutch riding: Keeping your foot on the clutch while driving will not help you change gears more smoothly. The thrust bearing is being overworked by constant pressure from the fingers of the pressure plate, which will ruin the thrust bearing and cause clutch failure. Remember to regularly get your vehicle serviced: It’s far more cost effective and less dangerous to maintain your vehicle rather than waiting for a part to break and then replacing it. “Don’t be afraid to ask questions about your vehicle and what is being done during a service and always use a reputable workshop,” advises Mc Master.

Launched in South Africa a year after its international launch, the MG3 benefits from exceptional interior and boot space, class leading chassis and driving dynamics and high levels of equipment on all specifica­ tions as standard. PHOTO: QUICKPIC

Personalisation design concept for new MG3 QUICKPIC


MG’s original British design traits have been reinforced with the unveiling of the MG3 personalisation design concept. The latest design concept of the new supermini that was launched in South Africa in August, was displayed at Superbrands London as part of the London Design Week, held last month. Created by MG Designer Louise Thorburn, the concept display car joined the latest three designs in the MG3 personalisation range. Buyers MG3 can choose their own personal design for the car, and also add a range of accessories. “Although the full range of the one million combinations might not be for the taste of South African customers, buyers of the new MG3 are able to personalise their purchase to such an extent that it would for all practical reasons be totally unique on South African roads,” says MG South Africa’s general manager for CMH Brands, Derrick Bishop. Thorburn, a recent graduate of the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design at the Dundee University, is the latest addition to the MG Design team. After various magazine features and exhibiting her graduate work at the London New Designers Exhibition two years ago, Thorburn completed two internships – one at MG and the other at iconic shoe designer Jimmy Choo – before returning to MG as colour and materials designer. MG3 personalisation options have already been phenomenally successful for the British brand – now built by SAIC in China and Thailand – as over 40% of orders since the super mini’s global launch last year, have featured at least one specified design addition. All current options can been seen on the MG3 configurator at www.mg.co.uk/mg3/ configurator. The MG3 benefits from exceptional interior and boot space, class leading chassis and driving dynamics and high levels of equipment on all specifications as standard. The flagship MG3 STYLE was introduced at R179 900. Two more models, the mid-range MG3 WIRED (depending on the exchange rate, pricing will be around R165 000) and the entry-level MG3 (around R145 000) are expected in local showrooms in November.


BOLAND Auto Sold

30 October, 2014

Updates to Mitsubishi Pajero keep icon at the top QUICKPIC With its roots set deeply in the world of rallying and having set the bar over several decades as one of the world’s most formidable off-roaders, the Mitsubishi Pajero has received a number of updates based on customer feedback and market trends. “We know we have a winning formula with Pajero,” comments Mitsubishi Motors South Africa COO, Wynand Pretorius. “Pajero remains the epitome of ultimate off-road ability meeting urban comfort and practicality, and with its latest updates we will appeal to more trend-conscious customers. The great news is that the retail price of the new 2015 model derivatives starts at R569 900, offering unbeatable value when compared to similar competitor vehicles retailing around the R750 000 mark.” The iconic Pajero, which to this day still holds a record twelve wins (seven of them consecutive) at the infamous Dakar Rally, continues as a pukka 4x4 SUV with no compromise on off-road ability, passenger comfort and safety – famous for proven reliability, durability, longevity, performance and being the perfect partner for any adventure. The 2015 model year Pajero range, which continues to include both short and long-wheelbase derivatives all powered by Mitsubishi’s proven 3.2-litre DI-D turbocharged diesel engine, now features a number of cosmetic enhancements. A new grille and bumper design with bulky proportions emphasise Pajero’s might off the beaten track,

giving it a modern-day appearance without changing its distinctive iconic and hallmark looks, honed through the decades. Incorporated in the front bumper are switchable LED daytime running lights, while the bumper’s design still allows for class-leading approach and departure angles. New alloy wheels, different for each derivative, further emphasise the distinct side profile of the Pajero. A newly designed and sturdier new spare wheel cover on the LWB derivatives now covers the entire spare wheel whilst giving the vehicle a more modern look from the rear as well. On the inside, the standard rear view camera now displays its picture on the infotainment system interface, and automatic headlight dimming is now available on all derivatives. Comprising the SWB GLS, LWB GLS and the LWB GLS Exceed, the simplified new 3-model Pajero range embodies the ‘we race, you win’ mentality behind the Mitsubishi brand and the incomparable Dakar legacy, which made the brand globally famous for its quality, performance and reliability. As such, all Pajero models offer fully-fledged four-wheel drive systems, which include centre and rear differential locks (viscous couplings), and Mitsubishi’s unique Super Select 4WD system. Super Select 4WD includes an easy-to-use manual shift lever which allows the driver to choose between four drive modes. The 2H mode is most suitable for town driving, where only the rear

Fuel requirements have also been designed to meet varying needs and as such all Pajero models are able to safely operate on 500 ppm diesel when necessary. PHOTO: QUICKPIC wheels are driven, offering enhanced fuel economy and manoeuvrability. In 4H mode and with shifton-the-fly available at speeds up to 100 km/h, all four wheels are engaged for greater control. The rear diff lock can be engaged manually by means of a switch, according to driver needs and environment demands. The 3.2 litre DI-D common-rail direct injection turbocharged diesel engine produces 140 kW at 3 800 rpm and 441 Nm at 2 000 rpm with power transferred to the wheels via a silkysmooth 5-speed automatic gearbox with manual override functionality. Fuel requirements have also been designed to meet varying needs and as such all Pajero models are able to safely operate on 500 ppm diesel when necessary.

Eikestad Motors: Bird- & Adam Tasstraat 113, Stellenbosch - 021 861 3600 of johanvdl@sandown.co.za Paarl Motors: Jan van Riebeeckrylaan 37, Paarl - 021 872 1531 - nicl@sandown.co.za of www.sandown.co.za

Emphasising on and off-road comfort and bestowing Pajero with its impeccable on-road manners especially, rear suspension remains an independent setup, which not only ensures bumps and undulating surfaces are smoothed out, but improved off-road capabilities are also enabled where extended wheel travel plays an important role. Towing capacity is impressive at 3 300 kg (braked) and ground clearance remains a generous 235 mm. Standard features include electric windows all-round with onetouch anti-trapping functionality for all windows, privacy glass, a sliding front arm rest with two storage levels, reclining rear seats and an extra two in the LWB (7 in total) which are stowed neatly in the boot floor. Leather upholstery, electric and


heated front seats, the rear view camera, rear parking sensors, variable intermittent windscreen wipers, front and rear fog lights, the LED daytime running lights, black roof rails, mud flaps, a multi-function steering wheel, Bluetooth, voice control, cruise control, automatic climate control, rear air conditioning control (LWB only), and a radio/CD/MP3 touch screen audio system with USB and aux support are also standard on all derivatives. The range-topping LWB GLS Exceed model raises the bar with a 12speaker Rockford Fosgate audio system, HID xenon headlights with washers, 18-inch alloy wheels, an electric sliding/tilting panoramic sunroof and a wood/leather combination steering wheel for an added touch of luxury. Safety equipment remains of high standards, all models featuring ABS with EBD and BAS, ASTC (Active Stability and Traction Control), six airbags, an immobiliser and alarm, and remote central locking. Mitsubishi’s RISE (Reinforced Impact Safety Evolution) chassis and body construction is also employed, ensuring a rigid chassis and impactabsorbing body structure which saw the Pajero receive a 5-Star Euro NCAP safety rating. All Pajero models are sold as standard with a 3-year/ 100 000 km warranty and a 5-year/ 100 000 km maintenance plan, with service intervals every 10 000 km. * New Mitsubishi Pajero Retail Price incl. VAT Pajero 3.2 DI-D GLS SWB R569 900 Pajero 3.2 DI-D GLS LWB R639 900 Pajero 3.2 DI-D GLS LWB Exceed R659 900

Eikestad Motors: Bird- & Adam Tasstraat 113, Stellenbosch - 021 861 3600 of johanvdl@sandown.co.za Paarl Motors: Jan van Riebeeckrylaan 37, Paarl - 021 872 1531 - nicl@sandown.co.za of www.sandown.co.za X1PCPREH-PL301014


HermanusTimes 30 October, 2014

BOLAND Auto Sold


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

30 October, 2014






WILLIAM DOUGLAS DOWNIE (DOUG) 14.11.1922-24.10.2014 Beloved father, grandfather and great grandfather passed away on Friday 24 October after a short illness. Will be sadly missed by his family and friends.

HERMANUS DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meetings on first Tuesday of the month. Contact Liezl Jordaan at 028 313 0643. 1210

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS/ Al Anon. Hermanus group meetings. Tuesday 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 028-313 2789/083 412 6856/ 082 757 0291 or e-mail: aa.hermanus@gmail.com


PARTY/EVENT DANCE floor for hire. Black & white check. Phone Carol or Talitha 028 313 2769.

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Hermanus group meetings. Are drugs a problem? Mondays 19:30 United Church Hall. Phone 076 114 3218. ONDERSTEUNINGSGROEP vir Geestesgesondheid(depressie, skisofrenie, angs, bipolêre versteuring ens). Bloukamer by Fynbospark, Kerkstraat. Elke eerste Maandag van die maand, 3:30nm. Almalwelkom - ook familielede.Navrae Nonnie 028316 2461, Phil 083 456 5017, Elsje 028-313 2031/071 853 2106. E-pos sj@hermanus.co.za.

VAL'S SALON. Gel nails, acrylic, acrylic dip, silk & fibre, manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, facials, shellac, Lycon waxing. Call 083 496 2281. MY CAKE ANGEL Cakes/ Cupcakes for all occasions. Email: tarrynlotz@gmail.com 076 154 9612 www.mycakeangel.co.za

ENGELS EN WISKUNDE ONDERRIG. Maths and English tuition. Grades 1 to 12. Call 028313 0209 today for a free assessment.

OVERSTAND HOSPICECare for the terminally ill and their families. Phone Mon to Fri 028-312 4679


TROUROKKE te huur/koop, maak van strooimeisie rokke en dogtertjie rokke beskikbaar op bestelling. Skakel 078 638 2145. www.facebook.com/loveyourdress.overberg



SUGAR PLUM Party shop. Themed cakes, kiddies tables & chairs, helium balloons, jumping castles etc. Purple shop, across Waltons. Call Estelle 072 401 5913.

LOANS 1445





CURVES WEIGHT LOSS CENTRE with Evox Nutrition and 30 min Circuit for LA DANé your health. Call 028 316 Danielle 072 253 3960 2211. Email: curves@herdanielleladane@gmail.com manus.co.za CAKES FOR ALL HERBALIFE. Use winter OCCASIONS to get ready for summer! Summer is almost here. Lose weight and keep it off! Professional follow up. Free delivery. Call 076 155 9648. PERSONAL 1460

CHRISTELIKE AFHANKLIKHEIDSBEWEGING Anoniem. Woensdae 18:00 - 19:00. Grobbelaarsaal. Ondersteuningsgroep. Skakel Nick 074 890 2250/084 548 5871

THE HOSPICE SHOP would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods every Tues & Thu. Call 028-313 1884.



DAY MOM. Worked at Grootte Schuur Hospital. Paediatric 72% nursing diploma. Exam & teaching diploma. Call 071 683 1314 e-mail: aupairdebbie@ gmail.com. EDU PLAY 3 months 9 years. Qualified teachers R795 per month. Available weekends and after hours. Call 081 257 6490. E-mail: sunvalleycentre@gmail. com. GRADE R to matric, Sandbaai Shalom Christian Education, WCED umalusi approved syllabus, small classes 072 230 9882, katleenveater@yahoo.com

NOSTALTIQUES. Wanted: Antiques, Art, secondhand household goods. Steenbras Street 15, Hermanus Industria. 082 833 2567.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

30 October, 2014



Complete IT and Computer Solutions for Home or Business. We offer ADSL Internet ( Best prices in town), Hardware and Software sales, Computer Sales and Training, Web Design and Hosting, Repairs and much more. Contact us for our price lists or a free quotation. -We are located upstairs from the Wine Village-. Email: info@imaginesolutions.co.za Tel: Contact 028 316 3113 or 073 674 2775 COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pentium 4's from R1299,00. Refurbished with warranty. Call Dolf Uys 072 705 8577.


FRANCOIS DU TOIT CONSTRUCTION & PLUMBING. Painting, paving, tiling, bathroom makeovers, home maintenance, building requirements call 083 308 0534

FREE QUOTATION for draughting of building documentation for all tipes of building work: New buildings, additions to existing and the compiling of "AsBuild" drawings of existing works for legalising of unapproved structures for Municipal approval. You must have a set approved building plans of your property as required by law! Contact Johann at: BRAAI & FIRE WOOD. Rooikrans, Wattle en Bloe- 083 452 1422 komhout. Call Danie 082 958 5749. CLEANING BUY & SELL. We have SEVICES excellent quality used fur1805 niture and appliances. SOLOMON'S WINDOW Super Seconds 2 Arum CLEANING Services for Street, Industrial area, Hermanus. Opposite Coca- domestic, commercial, industrial & construction Cola. Between Adventure sites. For free quotation Centre and Port Scaffolphone Solomon 082 747 ding. 3640. Serving Hermanus 079 746 0830 since 1996. DEFY 4 solid plate stove. R350-00. Westpoint Twin Tub washing machine ELECTRICAL R400-00. 028 315 2580. 1810

COMPUTER SUPPORT, mobile devices. Onsite support and tutoring. Sales, repairs and maintenance. Call Andrea 079 707 2997.

ELEKTRONIESE SIGARETTE Vir al u E-Sigarette, ELiquid's, onderdele en benodighede. Kontak Ben Rossouw Sel: 082 726 8771. Tel: 028 316 4217. Branderdraai Str 11, Sandbaai, Hermanus of Martie Sel 072 644 2942 Gansbaai


PENTAX K-x Digital SLR camera. As new, barely used. R3500. Call 082 591 4080.


I BUY ALL MODERN children & adult clothing, linen, shoes, kitchenware, curtains & fancy dress for parties. Call Carol 082 890 5749.


A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN. For full garden maintenance, tree felling, plot clearing and refuse removal. Also small removals. Gutter cleaning. Call Morné 083 225 3712.

CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY cleaning.Including AFRI-LANDSCAPES. Persian Carpets, curtains Landscape design, installa- & blinds. Call Alison or tion, irrigation and mainJohn 072 572 0215. tenance. For professional service contact Tony on CINDY'S CARPET 072 125 1855 or CLEANERS. Carpets, tony@afrilandscapes.co.za. rugs & upholstery cleaA & A BOME. Afsaag van ners. We now offer house cleaning. Cindy 083 270 bome en takke, asook wegry. Vanaf Stanford tot 5385/028-316 4264. by Rooi-Els. Aldert en Ani- FLOOR SANDING & speta skakel 083 739 9865. cialized installation of wood floors & timber decks. The Hutton Brothers 082 828 5627 or 028-341 0543.

ELECTRICAL: Breakdowns, emergencies, maintenance, installations, geysers, stoves, garage/gate automation, instant hot water systems, controlled geysers. No call out fee. Call 079 706 1056.

BUFFALO GRASS. Save water, plant indigenous grass. For the best prices, call Chris 082 568 2592.



25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Service/ repairs to all makes of overlockers & sewing machines by qualified service provider. Same day service. Call 028 316 1010

ALL BUILDING WORK. Alterations, renovations, extensions, boundry walls, paving, tiling & painting. Call 082 255 0939.

1ST PLANT, TOILET, HUT, TRAILER HIRE. Contact: CCS Plant Tool & Trailer hire 028 312 2280. ccsplant@telkomsa.net.

082 414 9611







• Personal Supervision • Closed trucks • Packing & Storage • Local & Long distance • Packing material available Tel: 028-316 3864 / 082 891 4451 Fax: 086 517 3398 jan.cloete@yahoo.com


HERMANUS TRANSPORT.1.2 Tons @ R6/km4.5 Tons @ R12/km-7.5 Tons @R17/km-13 Tons @ R20/km. Prices negotiable. T&C's apply. Call 082 977 7062. Telefax 028 313 1332


WE COLLECT garden refuse and Rubble and anything that you want to be moved within Hermanus. Call Michael 073 016 1686 TRANSPORT & STORAGE

TRANSPORT OF FURNITURE & goods. Hermanus, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape. PDP driver. Call Johan 076 253 3745 BUSINESS



VILLAGE SQUARE Restaurant for sale. Good position & good price. Call owner Michael 072 125 7068. NEW OR REMODEL Building Drawings done, with New Energy Regulations SANS10400XA, CESA, NRCS, SAIA, WSP. E-mail: planco@gmail.com. Call Jaco Sadie 072 281 9891 NUTSMAN/HANDYMAN Phillip Hough. Sel/Cell: 079 613 9328. E-mail: vaphimopo@gmail.com.

SERVICES PEST CONTROL WALKER BAY. 19 Years experience in residential, industrial and commercial pest control. Specializing in beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture and SAPCA. Call our friendly staff on 028-316 3010. PLUMBERS 1855

24 HOUR PLUMBING SERVICES. Qualified & PIRB registered. Gen maintenance, new installations, emergency services & bathroom make overs. Francois du Toit 083 308 0534


AAA MAINTENANCE. Painting, paving, tiling, damp proofing, water BUILDERS/EVENTS proofing, building & renoTOILETS, crane truck, vations, general maintecontainer & offices to rent. nance. Free quotes. Call Call 086 100 2271 or 028Ian 082 535 5591. 312 2367. CARPET and upholstery cleaning. Personal supervision. Best prices. Free quotations. Phone Top Carpets 028-313 0721.


OVERBERG PEST CONTROL: Domestic and commercial treatments. Professional solutions to your pest problems. Beetle inspections and timber treatments. Registered with Dept. of Agriculture. Phone Frank 028-312 2225 or 082 563 9514.





ZUKI'S GARDEN & Forestery Service. Alien plant clearing. Plot clearing. Garden refuse removal. Tree pruning. Hedge trimming. Weed extermination, etc. Call Zukisani 082 711 6102.


BLOCKED DRAINS. High pressure pipe & drain cleaning services. Industrial, marine, commercial, domestic. Dyna Rod 082 569 1769. Tel/fax 028-312 4323.

SMILEY PROFESSIONAL PAINTER. Painting/tiling/roof cleaning/ gutters. Get 2015 new colour. Contact Smiley 078 399 7395. Call for references.

FLO-RITE IRRIGATION: for professional irrigation and automatic borehole interfacing systems. For a free consultation phone 028-313 0295.

IRRIGATION Quotation for new irrigations. Service + upgrade on existing irrigations. Phone Peter 082 603 8164 Email: lotz.onrus@telkomsa.net

WELL POINTS, boreholes & irrigation. 25 Years experience in Hermanus / Kleinmond area. Phone 073 140 9885.

PAINTING, ROOF CLEANING COATING. Free quotes. Michael Haman 028 316 1881 / 072 288 4761.

GARDEN AFFAIR. 24 HOUR EMERGENCY Offering full garden maintenance. Garden call out Electrician. No design & landscaping. Irripower, no hot water? Installation maintenance & gation repairs. Plot clearing. Juliet Leppan 072 942 repairs: industrial, com1260. mercial & domestic. Graeme Lahoud 082 785 REMOVAL OF dangerous 2017. trees, tree trimming, plot clearance, garden mainteELECTRICAL and house- nance, garden refuse hold appliance repairs. removal, firewood. Call Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 Wilson 074 824 2195. 7480.


POOLMANIA. For all your pool repairs, maintenance & construction. We meet the aspirations of every client. Building new pools & refurbishing Call Musa 078 079 3010.

ALUMINIUM ANGLO WINDOWS/DOORS. Manufacture, supply, install direct. Replace wooden/steel frames. Average house completed in 1 day. It pays to get our quote. Michael Haman 072 288 4761/084 558 1902.

FYNBOS GARDENS. Landscaping, irrigation and garden maintenance. 15 Mimosa Street, Industrial Area. Tel. 028-313 1763. www.fynbosgardens.com


A.R.B Get a retired builder to do those D.I.Y jobs for you. FURNITURE WANTED. Quick service, reasonable We offer best prices for all prices. Tel: 082 894 2145 your unwanted furniture and appliances. Call Joe 072 345 8442 or 028-312 3508.


REFRIGERATION & AIRCONS. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480. FOR CUSTOM MADE Roman Blinds. Call 082 449 8228. SOLARMAX. SABS approved solar hot water systems. Free site inspections & quotation. 17 Long Street, Hermanus. Tel. 028-312 1667.www. solarmax.co.za. WATER PUMPS. MechElect. Call 082 885 7480.

PLUMBING. Mech-Elect. Call 082 885 7480.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

30 October, 2014





GARDEN FLAT to let in Whale Rock Westcliff. Partly furnished, sleeps 4, available about mid Nov. Rent R5500, plus electricity. Good condition, seafacing, swimming-pool avaialbale. Only couple with references. Call 021 439 1202/076 455 7643.


SEEFRONT Tuinwoonstel te huur in Whale Rock Westcliff. Semi-gemeubileerd, slaap 4. Beskikbaar mid Nov. Huur R5500, plus elektrisiteit. Goeie toestand, swembad beskikbaar. Slegs paartjie met verwysings. Skakel 021 439 1202/076 455 7643. HOUSES TO LET 3270


24/7 CASH FOR your Bakkie or Car. Just SMS or phone 072 620 1126. GREYTON: 1 Bedroom Cottage, 12 months lease, person with sober habits, sorry no pets, R6000pm incl water & electricity. Call Lesley 082 473 6942 or email lesleyl@redzproperties.co.za

BLACK CORSA LITE2008 model - 125 000km on the clock. New tyres and full service history. Just been serviced. R49,000. Contact Alan 073 482 8694. OPEL CORSA LITE 1.4 Sport. R48,000. 66,000Km. All round good condition. Central locking, aircon. Phone Mike 082 664 7890.

KIDBROOKE PLACE. 3 Bedroom house, master bedroom en suite walk-in shower, 2nd bathroom walk-in shower, large kitchen with appliances, study, single garage, sea view, unfurnished. Available from mid January. Normal Kidbrooke Place entitlements apply. Email Chris on west_cliff2002@yahoo. co.uk for terms.

RENAULT MODUS For sale, 2006, 108k. Price R50,000. Good condition. Phone Etna 082 357 2530. TRAILERS 3040

HELDERBERG TRAILER SALES. New & used Venter or Karet trailers. Spares & repair service. We buy trailers for cash. Call 021-853 5009. www. helderbergtrailer.co.za.


MEERENSEE: 3 Furnished b/r house near lagoon and sea. R5500 per month. Fisherhaven Properties 028 315 1990 or 082 559 4290



AANBOD: Ons betaal die beste kontantpryse vir motors/bakkies. Cash for your cars/bakkies. Call Ross Motors NJ 082 935 4828. TREU MOTORS. Treustraat 4 Swellendam. Clive Treu 082 345 0297. Soek 2de handse voertuie om te koop. Onmiddellike eienaars verandering. PROPERTIES


99 BUSINESSES for sale from Hermanus to Cape Town. Sell your business quickly and discreetly. Contact Evan Rautenbach at 082 974 6995 or visit us at 181 Main Road Hermanus. Web: www.bbrokers.co.za BUSINESS PREMISES 3215

RETAIL/ OFFICE SPACE CBD. High st-next to Beach House. Long lease2 months deposit. R5 700 incl VAT, 57 square meter. 082 610 5982


FAMILY looking for a house to rent in Hermanus Central. Short/ Long term, excellent references. Colette 082 728 2305. KWAAIWATER furnished one bedroom apartment. R2700 pm Incl. Water and Electricity available now. Call Lance 076 810 1196 OAK TERRACE. Furnished one bedroom flat to let, walking distance from town. 1 November 2014. Oak Terrace - secured block. Call 082 787 6741.


HERMANUS MARINER'S VILLAGE Plots from R250 000 NIEL 082 967 0813



24 YEAR reliable Zimbabwean man looking for a job as a pizza maker, food griller, cashier, waiter & barista. Reference available call Cetty 061 780 2563. A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a driver or any job full time. Call 063 243 2738 30 YR Zimbabwean lady looking for a job as domestic/babysitter for days Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri & Sat. I am a hardworker. Call Grace 073 731 1393

CARING for the elderly, house keeping, garden boy or salesman. Experienced & contactable references available. Call 060 303 7763 GOODNEWS SANDE Malawian man looking for a job as a housekeeper, gardener, waiter or porter. Three years experience in a busy hotel. Work permit and contactable references available. Full time please. Contact me 071 029 8931.


HELP JOUSELF, niemand anders sal nie, daarom sal jy nooit weet hoe om R18 000 deeltyds te verdien nie. Geen netwerk & deur tot deur bemarking nie. Skakel Hein 072 807 8603/ 021 850 8184.

HARDWORING Energetic Zimbabwean lady looking for permanent work as domestic or 5 days a week. Lucy 073 581 2183. Reference Elsabe 083 647 4600.

I AM A 30 year old man looking for a job as a painter, tiler, flooring or any general job. Can you please ZIMBABWEAN lady loo- call 061 319 8068. king for a job as domestic I AM a lady looking for worker, babysitter or Taidomestic work, housekeelor. Hardworking. Monday ping or babysitter. I have to Sat. 078 824 8099. experience are hardworking and honest. 3 Years A 36 year old lady looking experience. Please call 084 for work as a cleaner. I am 671 8804. hardworking. Please call on 078 270 3448. I am I AM A MALAWIAN I from Zimbabwe am looking for a job as a driver, housekeeper or gardener. Call 078 049 8577. A MALAWIAN LADY (27yrs) is looking for a job I AM A MALAWIAN as a babysitter, domestic man (26yrs), looking for worker. Reference: Mrs a job as a housekeeper or Combrink 083 212 0115. gardener. Please call 063 Call 073 244 3391. 195 3168/062 093 6309. A MALAWIAN lady is looking for a job as a domestic worker, shop assistant, secretary lady,babysitter, with experience & hardworking. Call Linda 071 779 8881. A MALAWIAN lady is looking for housekeeping job with experience. Please call Happiness on 071 833 5588/061 898 8286. A MALAWIAN man is looking for a job as a domestic worker, guesthouse attendant or waiter. Hardworking. Call John 083 715 6652.

A MALAWIAN man looking for a job as a gardener or housekeeping. Full/ part-time sleep in/out.Call Syson 071 830 5900/061 148 6613. PIUS WILLARD ISSA a Malawian man is looking for a job as a gardener/ cleaner/housekeeper. Call 073 518 7036. Reference 076 155 9662.


I AM A Zimbabwean lady (27yrs) looking for a job as a domestic worker or housekeeper. Call Maria 084 958 0393. I AM A ZIMBABWEAN lady aged 25 looking for Mon, Wed and Friday as a domestic worker or babysitter. Call 084 945 1937. Reference 084 840 4670.

HOUSE/PET SITTER and dog walker available in Hermanus for a few months and would love to look after your house and/ or animals. Available throughout the holiday season. Trustworthy, reliable, reasonable rates. Reference available upon request. Contact Margot on 076 313 9153 or margotanne.baldwin@gmail.com LADY SHOP ASSISTANT between 20 & 40. Computer literate. Own transport. Some weekends. Friendly and helpful. Email golf@hermanus.co.za or call 028 312 2271 NANNY RECRUITMENT AGENCY. Care Foundation Recruiting Nannies with SA ID and high school education. Send CV to Po Box 509, Onrus 7201. 071 404 8529 PASTRY CHEF/BAKER NEEDED. Chef with relevant exp required for restaurant in Hemel en Aarde Village. Ph 079 284 2057.

I AM A Zimbabwean lady looking for a full time job as a domestic worker. Call Angela 074 026 9522. For reference call Karin on 072 428 7320. I AM A Zimbabwean man (23yrs), looking for a job as a gardener, housekeeper or waiter. Call Charles 084 290 7813. ZIMBABWEAN LADY looking for domestic work/ housekeeping. Every day or 3 days a week. 5 Years experience. Reference & work permit available. Call 078 292 0819.

I'M A ZIMBABWEAN lady looking for a job as a domestic worker. 1 Year A Malawian young lady, experience in cleaning serChristian, faithful, hardPLOTS/STANDS working with experience is vice. Call 071 745 4646. 3295 looking for a job as a babyI'M A ZIMBABWEAN HAWSTON: Plot with sitter, housekeeper or any lady(21) looking for nurse good views of sea and domestic work etc. If you aid, beauty therapist or mountains, near beach. are interested please condomestic job. I am a hardR175 000. Deposit R35 tact me on 061 706 8559 worker. Call 062 387 3161. 000, R1774 per month. Fisherhaven Properties 028 MALAWIAN COUPLE A MAN (27yrs) is loo315 1990 or 082 559 4290 EXPERIENCED houseking for a job as a garden keepers seek full time and domestic worker for jobs. Skills: cooking, drifull time. Call 061 368 PROPERTIES ving, able to look after a 3415/078 773 5655. WANTED TO RENT property & animals in 3305 A RELIABLE Malawian owners absence. Worked EK IS MEV. Nel, werk by young & energetic lady is with very high profile peoKleuterskool, soek 'n beko- looking for work as a hou- ple. Please call Rochester stigbare gemeubileerde sekeeper/guesthouse 073 240 2204/Tine 061 089 woonstel vanaf volgende cleaner/cook. Contactable 7086. jaar- Januarie maand. Ska- references & permit avaiMALAWIAN GUY(33yrs) kel my op 072 910 6067. lable. Call Emily 061 339 is looking for a job as a 2156. gardener/general job. I A ZIMBABWEAN Lady learn very easily and LUTEA PERFUME. If age 26 is looking for a stay quickly. Reference Ileen Perfume is your passion! in childminder/nurse aid 072 196 2437. Call 073 391 This is Your Road To job. Call 062 244 2103. 5169/078 203 3013. Riches! Become part of a A ZIMBABWEAN lady MALAWIAN MAN loomulti million dollar indulooking for a job as a baby- king for a job as a housestry! For more information sitter or any domestic keeper or gardener. For Call Madri or sms your email address to 083 655 work. Has experience. Call more info call Gordon 084 324 4513 Banda on 061 284 6519 0445.

SOUS CHEF NEEDED. Chef with previous exp required for day time restaurant in Hemel en Aarde Valley. Ph 078 611 2680.



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

30 October, 2014

WAITRONS needed for restaurant on wine farm. Own Transport an advantage. Contact owner 073 067 7936 or hudson.norah@gmail.com


SALES 4601



Fridays between 10:00 – 12:00 FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: E: jaydene.sampson @media24.com

0861 76255 237

0861 small ads



Pretorius Meubels Hermanus is looking for a presentable sales lady for their showroom. Candidate must be computer literate. Available to start work immediately.

Email CV’s to: cv@dboards.co.za


NORTHCLIFF HOUSE SAYS FAREWELL: The matrics at Northcliff House College celebrated their farewell recently. The girls looked beautiful and the young men dashing in their evening wear.

Established barber shop looking for experienced full time barber. Basic salary and commission. Contact 079 058 6458


DOGS do double duty The DOGS played an Individual Stableford (Log) / 4BBB on 28 October, and thanks to two ideas from Mr Bojangles (who incidentally owns two pubs), the DOGS have now started playing two different competitions each week. As if hitting one ball is not difficult enough, some of the more intellectually challenged thought that hitting two balls and filling in two cards would over-complicate matters. It will make things even worse when the two competitions are played on two different courses. There were even two winners of the main event with Mr Security just pipping The Star of David – counted in on the last hole (pity it wasn’t the last two). He also



for an exclusive dental practice in Hermanus. Experience is preferred but not essential. The successful applicant must • Be flexible with working hours • Have excellent organisational and communication skills • Be fluent in both English and Afrikaans • Be computer literate • No time wasters please Please e-mail CV to hermanusdentalcare@gmail.com and quote “Dental Assistant” X1PCTW89-HL301014

shared the 4BBB with Enzo van Zyl making it two trophies in a day.New boy Deon the Jolly Green Giant was in double trouble. Stableford: 42 John Tunstall, Dave Rade; 39 Andre Franken, Alan Smith, Mannes van Zyl; 38 Art Rae, Jon Forsyth; 37 Vic vd Westhuizen; 36 Ian Newman; 35 Peter Theron, John Cheesbrough, Gary Wentzel; 33 Koos Roelofse; 32 Hugh Frangs, Peter Thomas; 31 Fred Garrett, Dave Smith; 29 Michel Maury, Trevor Vaughan, Gordon Wilson; 28 John Horobin, Sam Seal; 27 David Naylor; 26 Dave Robinson; 18 Deon Pheiffer 4BBB: 51 John Tunstall/ Mannes van Zyl www.dogsgolf.jimdo.com. DAVE SMITH

BOLAND Afdeling van Media24 | Division of Media24


VERKOOPSVERTEENWOORDIGER Boland Media, benodig die dienste van 'n ervare verkoopsverteenwoordiger vir Breedevallei Media, uitgewers van Standard en Breederivier Gazette. Die persoon sal in Worcester gebaseer word. VERANTWOORDELIKHEDE: • Daaglikse generering van nuwe besigheid deur die verkoop van vertoonadvertensies vir die direkte kleinhandelverkopeafdeling; • Toesien dat maandelikse doelwitte bereik en selfs oorskry word; • Stimulering van die mark deur innoverende idees en advertensieplatforms te skep om in kliënte se advertensiedoelwitte en reklamebehoeftes te voorsien; • Identifiseer en kapitaliseer op geleenthede om addisionele inkomste te genereer. POSVEREISTES: • Matriek of gelykwaardige kwalifikasie • Graad of Diploma in Verkope/Bemarking sal voordelig wees • Ten minste 2 jaar verkoopsondervinding • Rekenaarvaardighede, veral bedrewe in MS Office . (Word, Excel, PowerPoint en Outlook) • Sterk interpersoonlike en onderhandelingsvaardighede • Doeltreffende kommunikasievaardighede (skryf en praat) • Sterk aanbiedings-/voorleggingsvaardighede • Geldige rybewys en eie, betroubare vervoer noodsaaklik • 'n Positiewe ingesteldheid en die vermoë om uitstekend onder druk te kan werk in 'n uiters mededingende omgewing • Inisiatief en vermoë om transaksies te beklink. In ruil vir die suksesvolle kandidaat se dienste bied die maatskappy 'n mededingende vergoedingspakket wat 'n winsgewende kommissiestruktuur asook lidmaatskap van die mediese- en pensioenfonds insluit vir diegene wat daarvoor kwalifiseer. Doen asseblief aanlyn aansoek via www.media24.com Loopbane, of volg die skakel direk: http://goo.gl/UXq1uP Aansoeke sluit 14 November 2014. Ingevolge Media24 se diensillikheidsbeleid sal aan geskikte kandidate uit die aangewese groepe voorkeur gegee word. Die maatskappy is onder geen verpligting om die pos te vul nie en enige aanstelling sal binne die goedgekeurde posvlak en salaris plaasvind. X1PCT0B9-HL301014

Kaap Agri het ten doel om welvaart vir al sy belanghebbers te skep. Kaap Agri is ’n gevestigde landboudienstegroep wat as publieke maatskappy sake doen met meer as honderd-en-vyftig bedieningspunte wat regoor die Wes-Kaap, Noord-Kaap, Oos-Kaap, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo asook Namibië strek. Met die hoofkantoor te Malmesbury, verskaf Kaap Agri ’n verskeidenheid van produkte en dienste aan ’n diverse kliëntebasis wat landbouprodusente, besighede en die algemene publiek insluit. Ons beskik oor die volgende vakature by ons Hermanus Agrimark:

Winkelassistent Ons benodig ’n vriendelike, veelsydige en hulpvaardige persoon wat oor ten minste ’n Graad 12-kwalifikasie beskik. Hierdie pos is ideaal vir ’n persoon met sterk interpersoonlike vaardighede wat goeie menseverhoudinge handhaaf, ten einde die Agrimark se kliëntediens te bevorder. Die pos behels die volgende: • bediening van kliënte • ontvangs van voorraad • kontrolering en merk van voorraad • rakversorging, insluitend die netheid en organisering van rakke volgens die neergelegde riglyne, soos in die handleiding saamgevat • ad hoc-take wat met die voorafgaande verband hou. Belangstellendes is welkom om die Bestuurder: Agrimark, mnr Andries Schreuder by 028 316 4552 vir meer besonderhede te kontak. Om aansoek te doen stuur ’n volledige CV per faks na 086 632 4884 of per e-pos na andries.schreuder@kaapagri.co.za Sluitingsdatum: 13 November 2014 Kaap Agri sal slegs in gepaste gevalle onderhoude met aansoekers voer. Indien u dus vyf werksdae na die sluitingsdatum geen reaksie op u aansoek ontvang het nie moet u aanvaar dat dit onsuksesvol was.







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Sport Sport

30 October, 2014


Golf roundup Bridge results: Wednesday 22 October: N/S: 1. Anneloes Hoeve / Anneke van der Burgh 55.56%. 2. Callie Groenewald / Annete Strachan 54.17%. 3. Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 53.24%. E/W: 1. Carren Emary / Wina Loubser 57.10%. 2. Gordon Peters / High Waters 56.71%. 3. Linda Zaaiman / June Opperman 52.71% Friday 24 October: N/S: 1. Nell Naude / Jackie Ascham 63.16%. 2. Betty Nel / Joan O’Connor 54.33%. 3. Jaye Howse / June Opperman 53.15%. E/W: 1. Riekie Louw / Carren Emary 62.87%. 2. Adele Bovim / Jean Sparg 61.09%. 3. Margie Searle / Sylvia Smith 55.23%. Monday 27 October: N/S: 1. Jackie Ascham / Monica Peters 64.58%. 2. Carren Emary / Riekie Louw 60.88%. 3. Colleen Gower / Mary Andrew 54.17%. E/W: 1. John Truswell / Mike Brownlee 61.81%. 2. Aletta Robertson / Annette Strachan 60.88%. 3. Beatte / Val Velaers 55.09%. Whalers Athletics Club results: 3 km Runners: 1 Barney Louw 13.51 SB; 2 Zidane Langston 15.00; 3 Roelof van Weele 15.22; 4 Brooke de Bruyn 16.57; 5 Nikita de Bruyn 16.59 PB; 6 Jaco van der Merwe 17.24; 7 Tiernan Ras 20.27; 8 Bernard Joubert 20.31 3 km Walkers: 1 Abel Erasmus 26.17; 2 Willie Loedolff 26.17 5 km Runners: 1 Daniel Maree 20.34; 2 Kevin Middleton 20.41; 3 Mikki Milne 22.10 SB; 4 Andre van der Merwe 22.56 SB; 5 Louise Erasmus 23.20; 6 Petrie van Niekerk 25.53 SB; 7 Johan Pelser 26.03; 8 Carina van der Merwe 26.03 ; 9 Christine Hibberd 27.16; 10 Norma Wheeler 28.42; 11 Hugh Waters 28.42; 12 Hanna Joubert 29.40 PB; 13 Annerie Nel 30.45 SB; 14 Josef Fourie 31.13; 15 Wendy HansenJones 31.13 SB; 16 Ronel Bootha 31.49; 17 Petre Olivier 35.23; 18 Emmie Gouws 42.00 5 km Walkers: 1 Arlene Ehrenberg 42.00 8 km Runners: 1 Sign Mawunda 29.38; 2 Richard van der Spuy 34.57; 3 Christiaan de Wet 35.07; 4 Jason Jansen 35.29; 5 Evan Venter 35.36 SB; 6 Wilhelm Cooper 36.37; 7 Jan Gildenhuys 38.16.

NEAR WIN FOR HERMANUS: The ladies team from the Hermanus Bowls Club playing in the finals of the Bo­ land Women’s Open Trips competition on their local greens, had a near hit after winning the semi­finals in Wor­ cester. After winning the first two rounds of 15 ends each, they played their final round against Worcester. Any one of the two teams could have won right up to the last head, but with the final roll, the Worcester team snatched the winning points, with Her­ manus having to settle for second place. Hermanus team members are Ena Linde (skip), Jean Greyling and Sonja Kruger. PHOTO: SABRINA STRAVINO

with Julian Shaw

LAERSKOOL HERMANUS KRAAI KRIEKET­KONING: Laerskool Hermanus het op 24 Oktober aan ‘n six­a­side­toernooi deelgeneem in Worcester. Die span het hul eer­ ste drie wedstryde gemaklik gewen teen Worcester­Oos (35 lopies), Worcester­Noord (32 lopies) en Esslenpark (20 lopies). Hulle het daarna in die finaal teen Worcester­ Noord gespeel en die wedstryd met drie lopies gewen. By die prysuitdeling het Tanner Matodes met al drie trofeë weggestap as beste bouler, kolwer en speler van die toer­ nooi. FOTO: VERSKAF

Catch Wines2Whales MTB racers in action

The three-day FNB Wines2Whales MTB stage race will take place between 31 October and 9 November, with each of the three events, the adventure, the ride or the race, ending at Onrus Caravan Park on day three (2, 5 and 9 November).

The race starts at Lourensford in Somerset West. Hermanus residents wishing to witness the action firsthand can visit the following spectator points on the third The temporary cyclist bridge at Onrus beach. day of each event: from 10:00 at Hamilton Russel Wine Estate and from 10:30 at chard Finlayson, where cyclists will be crossing the main roads. Onrus Beach and Onrus Caravan Park. Traffic control will also take place on AtTo keep all road users safe, traffic control will take place on 2, 5 and 9 November be- lantic Drive in Onrus between Onrus Beach tween 09:00 and 15:00 on the Karwyderskraal and Onrus Caravan Park between 09:30 and and R320 / Hemel en Aarde Road and on the 15:30, with the bulk of cyclists expected beR320 between Hamilton Russel and Bou- tween 11:00 and 14:00.

Sport on TV Rugby: At 21:15 on Saturday the USA takes on the All Blacks, from the iconic Soldier Field in Chicago. Soccer: The massive local soccer derby was to be held at 15:00 on Saturday, with the Pirates

NOTICE In the Estate of the Late SUSAN DIANA BUCKMASTER, Passport No 206926950, who died at HAMPSHIRE, ENGLAND on 10 JANUARY2009, of 18 KUS ROAD, SANDBAAI, HERMANUS. Master's Reference No: 2613/2014 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the Undersigned within thirty (30) days of the publication of this Notice. Dated at Hermanus on 16 October 2014. LC STEYN, VORSTER & STEYN, Attorneys for the Executor, PO Box 500, HERMANUS, 7200. Tel: (028) 313 0033 (Ref: LCSTEYN/MH/G03113)


NOTICE In the Estate of the Late LORAINE LOUISA BOLTON, Identity No 240511 0001 08 7, who died at HERMANUS on 17 JULY 2014, of 85 KIDBROOKE PLACE, HERMANUS. Master's Reference No: 027964/2014 Creditors and Debtors in the above Estate are hereby required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the Undersigned within thirty (30) days of the publication of this Notice. Dated at Hermanus on 17 October 2014. CJ BIERMAN, VORSTER & STEYN, Attorneys for the Executor, PO Box 500, HERMANUS, 7200. Tel: (028) 313 0033 (Ref: CJBIERMAN/MH/A04006)


LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master, Cape Town and the Magistrate Hermanus. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Estate Number: 27275/2014 In the estate of the late DINAH LE ROUX, Identity Number 181012 0064 085 of 46 Onrus Manor, Onrus River. SYBRAND SMIT, OPTIMUM CENTRE, 10 MAIN ROAD, ONRUS RIVER. X1PCY77W-HL301014

against Chiefs, at the FNB stadium, but has been postponed following the tragic death of the Buccaneers’ goalkeeper and Bafana Bafana captain, Senzo Meyiwa, who was shot in Vosloorus on Sunday night. Yachting: In some fabulous TV, the highlights of the Volvo Ocean Race, Alicante to Cape Town will be shown on Saturday at 09:00. Grand Prix: The USA Grand Prix is shown from Austin, Texas, at 20:45 on Sunday in front

Tuesday on ladies day saw 37 players compet­ ing in an individual bogey plus. Winning the silver division, really on top of her game, was Lynne Behagg. Playing off a 4 handicap, she scored a +6, which equates to a gross 2 under par. Brilliant golf indeed. Winning the bronze division was a regular Innes van Der Plas with a terrific +9. I am sure this was a personal best. Our victor in the copper division was Jackie MacDonald on +5. The la­ dies certainly put the course to the sword this week. Wednesday was men’s day, this week with a betterball bogey plus and a near capacity field of 115 players. The winners this week were Willie Theron and Trevor Schouw on an unbelievable +14. Ian Pansegrouw and Tinus van Niekerk followed on a point behind. The two best individual scores this week be­ longed to Ian Pansegrouw and Willie Theron both with nett 63s. There were no recorded 2 clubs, which will be carried over. Saturday was a betterball stableford and I al­ so had the pleasure of playing. It was a great day, even though the wind really got up to a mild zephyr in the afternoon. Well played Gerrie du Plooy, and thanks to Danie van Der Spuy, and especially John Reyn­ ell for the entertainment, the 15th hole was un­ forgettable. Our kings and queens of the wind were Adre Smit and Roydon Pybus with a great 49 points on the East course, also on 49 points on the South course were Bill McGeachy and John At­ kinson and winning the North course were the two Sue’s, Sue Mills and Sue Garlick with 47 points. There were 6 two clubs and the ball pool paid to 46. HOLE­IN­ONE: The day, though, belonged to Sarel Ackermann who managed a hole­in­ one on the 21st hole. A brilliant feat in itself, but if you take into account he had a hole­in­one two weeks ago on the same hole using the same club, wow, that’s worth shouting about! A note from the club is that owing to demand, the club will now be opening up the third nine for electronic bookings on competition days. As ever until next time, keep calm and go golf­ ing. of 120 000 spectators. Running: Also from the States is the New York City Marathon at 16:00 on Sunday. Cricket: On Wednesday 5 November the first 20/20 match between Australia and South Africa at will be shown from 10:35, from Adelaide. Swimming: The FINA World Cup swimming from Singapore is from 11:30 on Saturday and Sunday. - SPORT FAN(ATIC)

RE-INSTATEMENT OF COMPANY IN TERMS OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 2008 Notice is hereby given that DEON BAADJIES (Identity number 8405025181085) intends making application to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission for the re-instatement of STANFORD BOUERS CARPENTRYAND PAINTING CC Registration number 2008/223123/23. Any objection to the proposed application must be lodged with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission with twenty one 921) days of the date of publication hereof. BARENDSACCOUNTING (PTY) LTD, 3 KANNEMEYER STREET, STANFORD, 7210 X1PD1BG9-HL301014


Saakno: 56/2011 In die saak tussen JOHN VESCHINI (Vonnisskuldeiser) en DANIE COETZEE (Vonnisskuldenaar) Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van Reël 41 van die Wet op Landdroshowe Nr 32 van 1944 soos gewysig dat die ondergenoemde goedere op Vrydag, 28 November 2014 om 09:00 by die Balju kantoor, Arumstraat 11B, Hermanus in eksekusie verkoop sal word deur die Balju van die Landdroskantoor vir die distrik van Hermanus. GOEDERE: Tata bakkie met registrasienommer CEM 6389, 2011 Model 3Lt Gedateer te Tulbach op hierdie 23ste dag van Oktober 2014. JOHAN BEZUIDENHOUT, PROKUREUR VIR EISER, VAN DER STELSTRAAT 13, TULBAGH. (VERW: JJB/EG/J2969) X1PCFXJD-HL301014

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DRIEKAMP­PRESTASIE: Christo en Anzel du Plessis het die afgelope na­ week aan die Slanghoek­driekamp by­ eenkoms deelgeneem. Dit word gesien as een van die grootste byeenkomste in die Wes­Kaap. Christo was die derde veteraan oor die wenstreep en Anzel die vierde veteraan­vrou. Albei oefen onder Morné Bester van ProCycling Coaching in Hermanus.


Grace Page, Tayla Gordon and Roxanne Marais with their tro­ phy.


Horse riders excel Three learners from Hermanus High School, namely Grace Page, Tayla Gordon and Roxanne Marais, took part in several of the South African National Equestrian Association competitions this year.

CHAMPION: Keagen Seal (left) of Legacy Martial Arts Academy in Hermanus repre­ sented South Africa at the Junior World Kickboxing Championship recently in Rimini, Italy. Keagan reached the quarter finals in both his fighting modes, fighting against Ita­ ly and Hungary. Keagan is now ranked 5th in the world in his weight category. The jun­ ior South African kickboxing team also per­ formed excellently, bringing home two silver and four bronze medals. With Keagan is his instructor, shihan Ruehan van Romburgh.

They rode at numerous shows in various levels to qualify for Boland, which they all did. The trio then went on to all qualify and compete for Western Cape in the South African Champs in Johannesburg in October. All three girls were placed in classes in various disciplines in Johannesburg.

The overall results saw them win the trophy for the highest accumulated points, in the category of 3-8 participants. Grace Page went on to win the trophies for the highest score in dressage for Boland and also the highest score for working riding in Boland. Grace also represented Boland as vice-captain for 2014. The riders each put in an average of 12 to 16 hours of training per week. So much training and bonding goes into competing on horseback, as it is a rider and animal combination that makes the sport unique.

Grace Page won the trophy for the highest score in dres­ sage as well as the highest score for working riding in the Boland.

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