Italian MBT Volume 1

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Vol. 1

200+ essential words and phrases anchored into your long-term memory with great music

Your personal audio language trainer

Your personal audio language trainer

earworms mbt© Rapid Italian puts the words and phrases you need not just on the tip of your tongue, but also transports them deep into your long-term memory. Simply by listening to these specially composed melodies with their rhythmic repetitions of Italian and English a few times, the sound patterns are indelibly burned into your aurditory cortex. You will have successfully learned the Italian phrase and have the correct accent ringing in your ears. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing: While jogging, in the car, in the bath, doing the ironing …you can be learning Italian at the same time! earworms mbt© Rapid Languages is the first language course to get your toe tapping. You know the phenomena of those catchy tunes or earworms that you just can't get out of your head? Voulezvous coucher avec moi, ce soir? Well, earworms mbt© has put this phenomena to positive use. Gone are the days of learning pressure and frustration at not being able to remember, the experience of many on conventional language courses. In combination with music, the phrases you need are automatically anchored deep into your memory, ready for instant recall. Music is the Key The idea is as simple as it is old. Before the age of writing, ancient historical events were recorded in verse and song form for easy memorisation. In his book 'Songlines' Bruce Chatwin describes how the Australian Aborigines were able to navigate their way across hundreds of miles of desert to their ancestral hunting grounds without maps. And how? The extensive lyrics of their traditional songs were exact descriptions of the routes!

Rhythm and words i.e. song and verse have always been a very powerful memory aid, and this is supported by recent scientific research. The advertising industry knows only too well how powerful music can be in getting the message across with brainwashing-like jingles and soundbites. It really works! Developed and used over years in the classroom, earworms mbtŠ Rapid Languages has shown phenomenal success. In tests pupils using this technique regularly get average marks of over 90 % compared to less than 50 % with conventional book based learning. Why hasn't music been used more in education up to now? Imagine kids at school getting a CD of hip hop songs with all the historical dates they have to learn, or all the irregular verbs they have to learn! Wouldn't that make their (and teachers') school lives much easier, much more fun, much more successful? Rest assured, we are working on it! What you get This volume deals with the essentials for your visit abroad. It looks at typical situations: taking a taxi, at the hotel, at the restaurant, requesting, polite phrases, finding your way, numbers, dealing with problems and so on. Volume 2 will have you talking about yourself and others, past, present and future, likes and dislikes and general conversational items. The themes follow closely the Common European Framework for language learning a recognised benchmark of language proficiency, and the emphasis is constantly on usefulness to the learner.

Memory hooks This booklet contains all the words and phrases on the CD, both English and Italian, plus the sounds of the words. An additional aid to learning, 'memory hooks' and comments to assist your memorisation and understanding, can be found on the earworms website. These complement the CD and are really worth checking out. Memory hooks are for example, if you want to memorise the Italian term: my name is = mi chiamo, imagine: my name is Micky Armo - and you will easily remember. How to use earworms: Don't think, just listen! Sit back, relax and groove along to the melodies without trying to listen too hard. Treat them as songs you hear on the radio. Our recommendation is that you do familiarise yourself with the written words in the booklet - at least the first time you listen. After listening several times, playfully test yourself cover up the English side of the phrase book and see how many words and phrases you remember! Lastly - a word of thanks The earworms team would like to thank you for putting your trust in our 'slightly different' learning concept and are sure that you will have the success that many others have already had. It's motivating to know that learners are really benefiting from our research and development. Also, as accelerated learning is a rapidly growing field, we look forward to hearing your experiences and successes - so feel free to visit us on the website:

1. I would like… I would like …

Vorrei … vorray

a coffee

un caffè oon kaffe

a coffee with milk

un cappuccino oon kappoocheeno


per favore per favore

I would like a coffee with milk please.

Vorrei un cappuccino per favore. vorray oon kappoochino per favore

a tea

un tè oon te

with milk

con latte kon latte

and sugar

e zucchero e dzookero


e e


zucchero dzookero

I would like a tea with milk.

Vorrei un tè con latte. vorray oon te kon latte

very good

benissimo beneesseemo

a beer

una birra oona beerra


acqua akwa

some water

dell’acqua dell’akwa


del del

something to eat

qualcosa da mangiare kwalkoza da manjare


qualcosa kwalkoza

to eat

da mangiare da manjare

I would like something to eat.

Vorrei qualcosa da mangiare. vorray kwalkoza da manjare


bene bene

very good

molto bene molto bene


2. To order to order drinks

ordinare da bere ordeenare da bere

to order …

ordinare … ordeenare


da bere da bere

certainly, of course

certamente chertamente

to order food

ordinare da mangiare ordeenare da manjare


da mangiare da manjare

some wine

del vino del veeno

a bottle of red wine

una bottiglia di vino rosso oona botteelya dee veeno rosso

red wine

vino rosso veeno rosso


rosso rosso


bianco byanko

a bottle of white wine

una bottiglia di vino bianco oona botteelya dee veeno byanko

house wine (wine of the house)

vino della casa veeno della kasa


pane pane

some bread

del pane del pane


olive oleeve

some olives

delle olive delle oleeve

a salad

un’insalata oon eensalata

a mixed salad

un’insalata mista oon eensalata meesta


Perfetto. perfetto

Read the original text and phonetics to give yourself extra visual input. To perfect your pronunciation... Let your ears guide you!

3. Have you got …? Have you got ...?

Avete...? avete

a table for two

un tavolo per due oon tavolo per doo-e

for three

per tre per tre

a table near to the window

un tavolo vicino alla finestra oon tavolo veecheeno alla feenestra

near to the window

vicino alla finestra veecheeno alla feenestra

Yes, of course.

Sì, certamente. see, chertamente

No, sorry.

No, mi dispiace. no, mee deespyache

Everything OK?

Tutto bene? tootto bene


tutto tootto

Enjoy your meal, bon appetite.

Buon appetito. bwon appeteeto

Would you like …? Do you want …?

Vuole …? vwole

to order a dessert

ordinare un dessert ordeenare oon dessert

a dessert

un dessert oon dessert

Can I have more coffee?

Posso avere più caffè?



Can I pay?

Posso pagare?

by credit card

con carta di credito

the bill

il conto

Could you …?

Può …?

call me a taxi

chiamarmi un taxi

call me


fine, alright, OK

va bene


posso avere pyoo kaffe pyoo posso pagare kon karta dee kredeeto eel konto pwo kyamarmee oon taksee kyamarmee va bene

How often do I have to listen to the earworms CD before I can really remember all the language on it? With the appeal of the earworms songs we hope that it is not a question of 'having to', it is rather a question of 'wanting to'. But seriously: the memory is like a muscle, it needs to be trained and exercised. Based on scientific studies, the ideal is listening relatively intensively at the beginning (the learning phase), thereafter listening periodically to review what you have learnt and refresh your memory. In practical terms this means listening to the whole album the first day, in order to 'tune your ear in' to the sounds of the language. Then listen regularly, several times, over a period of one or two weeks, making sure that you listen to every song equally as many times. While listening, actually speak the words out loud, when you can, to get a feeling for their pronunciation. After this, go through the booklet and test your knowledge, picking out any gaps that you may wish to concentrate on. Lastly, the review phase. As we all know, memories fade, so it is important to refresh your memory by listening to the CD at your leisure, say, once a week for the following few weeks. Thereafter, monthly. This review phase is crucial as it consolidates your knowledge and transfers it into your long-term memory. Although this demands self-discipline, it is of course without effort, as you are only listening to songs. The result is that you will be able to recall the words and phrases with the same ease that you remember your telephone number!

4. To the airport to go

andare andare

to the city

in cittĂ een cheetta

to the centre

al centro al chentro

to the airport

all’aeroporto al a-eroporto

I would like to go to the airport.

Vorrei andare all’aeroporto. vorray andare al a-eroporto

to the hotel

in hotel een otel

to the cinema

al cinema al cheenema

to the theatre

al teatro al te-atro

to go to the theatre

andare al teatro andare al te-atro

Thank you.

Grazie. gratsye

Thank you very much.

Grazie mille. gratsye meelle

I would like to hire/rent a car.

Vorrei noleggiare una macchina. vorray nolejare oona makkeena

to hire/rent

noleggiare nolejare

to hire/rent a car

noleggiare una macchina nolejare oona makkeena

a car

una macchina oona makkeena

to buy

comprare komprare

I would like to buy a pair of shoes.

Voorei comprare un paio di scarpe. vorray komprare oon piyo dee skarpe

a pair of shoes

un paio di scarpe oon piyo dee skarpe

to buy a pair of trousers

comprare un paio di pantaloni comprare oon piyo dee pantalonee

a pair of trousers

un paio di pantaloni oon piyo dee pantalonee

How much do they cost?

Quanto costano? kwanto kostano

How much does this/it cost?

Quanto costa? kwanto kosta


5. Numbers and days one

uno oono


due doo-e


tre tre


quattro kwattro


cinque cheenkwe


sei say


sette sette


otto otto


nove nove


dieci dyechee


lunedì loonedee


martedì martedee


mercoledì merkoledee


giovedì jovedee


venerdì venerdee


sabato sabato


domenica domeneeka

6. Is there …? Excuse me.

Scusi. skoozee

Is there …?

C’è …? che

a shoe shop

un negozio di scarpe oon negotsyo dee skarpe

a shop

un negozio oon negotsyo

Is there a shoe shop near here?

C’è un negozio di scarpe qui vicino? che oon negotsyo dee skarpe kwee veecheeno

near here

qui vicino kwee veecheeno

Is there a good restaurant?

C’è un buon ristorante? che oon bwon reestorante

a good

un buon oon bwon


ristorante reestorante

a bar

un bar oon bar

Is there a bar near here?

C’è un bar qui vicino? che oon bar kwee veecheeno

Is there a pizzeria near here?

C’è una pizzeria qui vicino? che oona peezzereea kwee veecheeno

not too expensive

non troppo caro non troppo karo


non non


troppo troppo


caro karo


Mi dispiace... mee deespyache

...I don’t know.

...non lo so. non lo so


impressionante eempressyonante


7. Directions Good morning/day.

Buongiorno. bwonjorno

I’m looking for …

Sto cercando … sto cherkando

a police station

una stazione di polizia oona statsyone dee poleetseea

a phone box

una cabina telefonica oona kabeena telefoneeka

a post office

un ufficio postale oon ooffeecho postale

a bank

una banca oona banka

Can you tell me …?

Può dirmi …? pwo deermee

how to get to …

come arrivare … kome arreevare

the Colosseum

al Colosseo al colossayo

by bus

in autobus een owtoboos

by car

in macchina een makkeena

by train

in treno een treno

go straight on

vada dritto vada dreetto


giri jeeree


a destra a destra


a sinistra a seeneestra

Is it far?

È lontano? e lontano

2 kilometres

due chilometri doo-e keelometree

roughly 100 metres

circa cento metri cheerka chento metree

on the left

sulla sinistra soolla seeneestra

Thank you.

Grazie. gratsye

You’re welcome.

Prego. prego

8. Where & what time? Where …?

Dove …? dove

When …?

Quando …? kwando

What time …?

A che ora …? A ke ora

Where can I buy …?

Dove posso comprare …? dove posso komprare

a ticket

un biglietto oon beelyetto

a bus ticket

un biglietto per l’autobus oon beelyetto per l’owtoboos

in the tobacco shop

nella tabaccheria nella tabaccereea

tobacco shop

tabaccheria tabaccereea

Where is …?

Dov’è …? dov-e

your suitcase

la tua valigia la too-a valeeja


valigia valeeja

my suitcase

la mia valigia la meea valeeja

our suitcase

la nostra valigia la nostra valeeja

over there

lì sopra lee sopra

Is it over there?

È lì sopra? e lee sopra

is it

è e

Is it in the room?

È nella stanza? e nella stantsa


stanza stantsa

Excuse me, where is the toilet?

Mi scusi, dov’è il bagno? mee skoozee, dov-e eel banyo

the toilet (bathroom)

il bagno eel banyo


al piano di sopra al peeano dee sopra


al piano di sotto al peeano dee sotto



caldo kaldo


freddo freddo

At what time is …?

A che ora è …? a ke ora e

At what time is breakfast?

A che ora è la prima colazione? a ke ora e la preema kolatsyone


la prima colazione la preema kolatsyone

at 7 o’clock

alle sette alle sette

at 8 o’clock

alle otto alle otto

Breakfast is from 7 o’clock.

La prima colazione è dalle sette. la preema kolatsyone e dalle sette

from 7 o’clock

dalle sette dalle sette

to 10 o’clock

alle dieci alle dyechee

from 7 to 10

dalle sette alle dieci dalle sette alle dyechee


oggi ojee


domani domanee

in the afternoon

nel pomeriggio nel pomereejo

At what time is breakfast tomorrow?

A che ora è la prima colazione domani? a ke ora e la preema kolatsyone domanee

9. Problems, problems! There is …

C’è … che

There is a problem.

C’è un problema. che oon problema

with the television

con la televisione con la televeezyone

with the air conditioning

con l’aria condizionata con l’arya kondeetsyonata

with the fridge

con il frigorifero con eel freegoreefero

I need …

Ho bisogno di … o beezonyo dee


francobolli frankobollee

plasters / Band-Aid (US Engl.)

cerotti cherottee


crema solare krema solare


aspirine aspeereene


qualcosa kwalkoza

I need something …

Ho bisogno di qualcosa … o beezonyo dee kwalkoza

for a stomach ache

per il mal di stomaco per eel mal dee stomako

something for a headache

qualcosa per il mal di testa kwalkoza per eel mal dee testa

I’ve lost my camera.

Ho perso la mia macchina fotografica. o perso la meea makkeena fotografeeka

I’ve lost …

Ho perso … o perso

my camera

la mia macchina fotografica la meea makkeena fotografeeka

my passport

il mio passaporto eel meeo passaporto

my wallet

il mio portafoglio eel meeo portafolyo

I’ve lost my wallet.

Ho perso il mio portafoglio. o perso eel meeo portafolyo

It’s mine.

È mio. e meeo


Eccellente. echelente


10. Do you speak English? How are you? (informal)

Come stai? kome sty

Sorry, I don’t speak Italian.

Mi dispiace, non parlo italiano. mee deespyache, non parlo eetalyano

It is very difficult.

È molto difficile. e molto deeffeecheele


facile facheele

Do you speak English?

Parli inglese? Parlee eengleze

My name is … (I’m called …)

Mi chiamo … mee kyamo

How about …?

Ti va …? tee va

an icecream

oon gelato oon jellato

Help yourself.

Serviti da solo. serveetee da solo

Do you like …?

Ti piace …? tee pyache


il gelato eel jellato

I like it.

Mi piace. mee pyache

very much

molto molto

But I prefer tiramisu.

Ma preferisco il tiramisù. ma prefereesco eel teerameesoo


Ciao. chow

Bye bye.

Ciao ciao. chow chow


Arrivederci. arreevederchee

See you later.

Ci vediamo. chee vedyamo

See you tomorrow.

Ci vediamo domani. chee vedyamo domanee

Have fun, enjoy yourself.

Divertiti. deeverteetee

Good evening.

Buona sera. bwona sera

Good night.

Buona notte. bwona notte

The science behind earworms mbtŠ 1. How we learn A large part of learning in general and language learning in particular is to do with the memorisation of words, facts and other significant information. It's a well known fact that we use only a fraction of our brain power and traditional book learning is now recognised as not suiting every learner. earworms uses simple techniques which open up and exploit more of the brain's native power, and come under the heading of 'accelerated learning'. In the March 2005 issue of the journal 'Nature' researchers at Dartmouth College in the US reported that they had pinpointed the region of the brain where 'earworms' or catchy tunes reside, the auditory cortex. They found that the sounds and words that have actually been heard can be readily recalled from the auditory cortex where the brain can listen to them 'virtually' again and again. 2. What we learn earworms mbtŠ adopts the so-called lexical approach to language. In essence, this means we look at language in terms of whole meaningful chunks, then break these down into their component bite-sized, easily absorbable parts and then reconstruct them. You not only learn complete, immediately useful phrases, you also intuitively learn something about the structure (the grammar) of the language. These 'chunks' which the learner can 'mix and match', gradually build up to cover whole areas of the language.

Also available in this volume:

(coming soon)

(coming soon)

Also check out Rapid Volume 2 Details at

earworms The Tracks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

I would like… 5:56 To order 5:12 Have you got...? 7:01 To the airport 5:57 Numbers and days 6:03 Is there…? 4:39 Directions 8:32 Where & what time? 11:18 Problems, problems! 6:50 Do you speak English? 7:28 Bye! Ciao! 1:36

Concept and Development: Marlon Lodge, Project Management: Andrew & Maria Lodge, Text: Renate Elbers-Lodge, Music: James Berry, ML & AKM, Songs 5,6,9 feature samples by, Pedagogic Support: Bob Glynn, Recorded @ Hill House Studios, Voices: Filomena Nardi & Andrew Lodge, Mastered by Max Stamm @ Wildwood, Düsseldorf. Graphic Design: Jaroslaw Suchorski & Bernd Kreuder @ HKP, Special thanks to: Jan, Jane, Evie, Anna, Freddy, Matt Hinzmann, UKTI, Noisebox Digital Media. © 2006 earworms publishing Ltd. Catalogue no. EARW 0501 Produced in the EU

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