Hernรกn Maestre Industrial Designer
Digital Artwork Industrial Design Photography
But First...
let me
Introduce Myself
My name is Hernån Maestre; I’m a hard working Industrial Design Student from Bogotå Colombia, excellent managing pressure and paying attention to details, with an entrepreneurial spirit always seeking to gather new ideas to solve everyday challenges. Interested in complex design challenges to generate innovative ideas that aim to solve substantial problems in the world in 3 aspects: Sustainability, Social Inequality and Economic prosperity.
Infography Corporate Identity Print Design
Historia Antorcha
Olímpica Berlín Diseñada por el escultor Walter Lemcke que tambíen trabajaba esculpiendo aguilas con los símbolos Nazis.
Moscú Diseñada por Boris Tustchin, refleja la era dorada de los sovieticos. Se demoró dos años en producir la antorcha y es una de las más livianas.
Londres Diseñada por el arquitecto Ralph Lavers, recuerda los diseños de las lámparas romanas y griegas.
La Antorcha Olímpica ha sido siempre un objeto de fascinación, que data de prácticas deportivas desde Olímpia en Grecia. La llama significa pureza y perfección, inaugurando los juegos ardiendo hasta que los juegos se acababan.
Helsinki Solo fueron producidas 22 de esta serie y se vendieron en el 2006 por 185.000 dolares.
Teniendo serios problemas de organización el festival retoma la a n t o r c h a olímpica de Londres.
Roma Aunque se crea a partir de las antorchas de los a n t i g u o s monumentos, rompió con la arquitectura moderna de los juegos.
Fue pensanda para seguir el diseño minimalista de toda la arquitecutra del evento creada por Kenzo Tange.
Mexico D.C Recuerda la protesta de estudiantes en este mismo período. Tenía en su punta el logo impreso en 3D de los juegos.
La influencia de los medios y la televisión dieron forma a esta antorcha que llevaba su cabeza negra para resaltar el efecto del fuego.
Los Angeles Antorcha con una fuerte paleta de colores recordaba los juegos de 1932.
La época más oscura de los juegos olímpicos donde se sufrío un ataque terrorista. Tembién en recordada por su arquitectura que se parecía a una carpa de circo.
Antorcha con gráficos representativos de la cultura Coreana que demoró 2 años en producción
Barcelona Los primeros juegos considerados como producto de diseño. Esta antorcha fue desarrollada por André Ricard.
The Olympic Torch
One of the most interesting design objects must be the Olympic torch. It only serves one clear purpose: Carrying the fire, representation of the Olympic spirit, throughout the games. But the implications of the system to keep the fire burning, the way the athlete takes it, and the weight and dimensions must be studied in depth for it to be successful. Using the colors of the event in London, I got the opportunity to remember the previous Olympic torch and show how design has evolved through the games
Atlanta Sydney
Fue diseñada pensando en las antiguas antorchas. Sin embargo, su forma se relacionó con el fascismo.
Inspirada en la casa de la ópera y en las olas que generan sus t r e s compartimientos.
Sin duda una de las antorchas más interesantes está inspirada en las hojas de los olivos, forma cultural latente de los griegos.
La antorcha fue inspirada en los pergaminos antiguos chinos con símbolos que hacen alusión al fenix.
La anotrcha de color dorado tiene 8 0 0 0 perforaciónes una por cada participante que la llevó en el recorrido de 70 días
The Wood Industry
The purpose of the infography was to show the results of the research of the wood industry in Colombia. The research showed that even though the wood industry in Colombia has a great potential, it is a sector that shows low development and growth. The research was conducted to identify business opportunities based on the development of new products using wood. The product that was proposed was an urban bicycle with a wooden frame that followed the vintage style for users between 18 and 35 years old.
Industria Madera
Ventajas: 49
La industria de la madera tiene un gran potencial, está ubicada en el tercer lugar por debajo de la industria del petróleo y del gas.
Las empresas reconocidas en este sector son: Pizano, Muebles y almacenes técnicos, Carvajal, Tableros y madera Caldas e Industrias Spring entre otros.
En Colombia se generan 37.761 empleos para esta industria, que representa el 1% del sector agrícola y agroindustrial.
Millones Hectareas
5,6% 1,3%
Bosques Región En su mayoría el producto se destina hacia uso doméstico.
Madera Aserrada: 71% Pulpa: 16% Tableros Aglomerados: 10% Chapas y Contra Chap; 3%
58 2
-Alta gama de especies. -Calidad de suelos. -Variedad de climas. -Mano de Obra. -Valor de la tierra.
productor a nivel mundial millones metros cúbicos
Bosques Mundo
Plantadas 0.1%Hectareas
Juan Pablo RodriguezŠ
Blok: Design Office
Blok is a design office that seeks to give young and modern adults in a segment of 25 to 40 years old, an esthetic and sensorial experience through functional and attractive furniture. The segment was chosen by Block because they don’t want to have the same products that others have, they want great quality furniture solutions that have a fun touch and that can be distinguished from the rest.
Taller de diseĂąo
The corporate identity comes from 3 values: Unity, Strength and Cohesion, and is visible in the expression of construction. The diamond represents the solid structure of nature and the different cuts represent the active and dynamic movement of the brand concluding in an attractive, non-conventional and curious corporate identity.
Thinking on the expansion of the company we created 3 product lines: Block Kids: For kids between 5 and 10 years old, that adventure in their room, for which their furniture tells stories and generates new interactions within their room, increasing their imagination. Block Minimal: A line of furniture for all adults that enjoy sober and elegant style. The products retain their natural material, look and feel. Block Bur贸: The line of products for corporate use, such as open office furniture. The line offers design solutions for a workspace clean, organized, comfortable, and attractive. Ideal for millennials as it offers better interactions with great use of space.
Colombia’s Psychiatric Association The graphic work made for the Colombian association of psychiatry, was made when I was starting to learn the basic design tools. Being the 50th anniversary of the magazine, I wanted to pay tribute to all the other covers that have being chosen for previous years. By placing a mask with the number 50, the resulting cover reminded the judges of the good years they have passed with the magazine. Fortunately, it was chosen and selected to be the front page of the magazine.
The PMBOK guide was developed as a book so we could run through it whenever we had to structure a project. The result was just not a printed book but a series of tools like maps that let everybody use it to shape any project with all the considerations made in the book. The images were captured from a video of the design agency Rapt based in San Francisco, because of the close link to the design process shown in their videos.
industrial industrial
Tradition Shift Service Equality
Tradition “The practice of following behaviour and beliefs that have been so established”
M Macuto: A extremely natural experience Macuto, explored one of the 3 essential lines of responsible design: Sustainability. Colombia being a diverse country, one of the industries that is growing fast and that will sustain the economy in the future is the tourism industry. But not just tourism, Ecotourism, as it gets the most out of the fantastic landscapes of the country. The subject makes an immersive trip into the wild nature and has a cultural interaction that gives the true meaning of cultural interaction. The age group we discovered through research corresponded to the same age group attributed to Baby Boomers. They like to travel and go deep into the country, by exploring through the small towns, meeting local people and having traditional interactions with them. One of the key features was that the Baby Boomers not only need a guide who can give them a good excursion but one that has information of every detail of the area, and be able to transmit the most
information possible. In this context, we choose a small town called Suesca, where activities as hiking and rock climbing are in the DNA of the town. We took a deep look at their culture and discovered a natural fiber that helped us create a product, using a raw material that they know how to work with, and that’s present in the area and the most importantly is completely natural and doesn’t have a negative impact on the environment. The project then, proposed a route based on the colonial paths present in the zone, with rest stations for hydration and special zones to have a cultural immersion with the locals. Also the project included a backpack made out of the natural fiber that could be kept after the experience. This project aimed to get the most of the Ecotourism tendency to capitalize financially while having an impact in the society.
The Market
The Business To estimate the market, we divided in 3 scenarios: From Monday to Friday (By arranging short excursions with companies), the weekends, and the Holidays. The potential market showed that in an average year 15,000 people could go and enjoy the adventure.
The Business
So we estimated the production of 600 backpacks per month and estimated as well the numbers. The unitary cost of the activity was for $15.00 USD and we had a 50% margin. The investment for the project to work would be of $9000.00 USD and we would have recouped the investment in one year.
The Experience The Experience Being a
natural activity, we wanted the user to go deep into the experience. The user is not allowed to carry with him any piece of technology. The guide will be the only one who will carry a camera and a radio in case of emergency. The reason for this was to make the user disconnect from his daily reality and start living a totally different experience. The backpack was planned to be easily reachable without needing to take it off and searching for stuff. It doesn’t matter if the user is right or left handed and if he or she has a 95 percentile or a 5 percentile dexterity.
Fique is the plant that produces the natural fiber. The process consist in the cut, the selection, the dye, the weave and the final touches.
The Product
The Use
The Web Page
Docena Ideal
Shift Verb
“To change direction or move from one person, position, or place to another”.
I Inspira: New fridge concepts In association with Haceb Industries, a group of 12 industrial design students created “La Docena Ideal” from which we conceptualized a management model that covered from the product concept to its eventual development and implementation. From that point, every group created its own design agency and developed their own project based on the same brief provided by Haceb Industries. The management model was created from the idea of a spider web in which we could place the brief depending on the information it had and then see what we had to investigate to complete the spider web of information. After we had gathered all the information we needed to build a strong project, we then could create “Bridges” to the development and implementation stages. This model could adapt to any project as it identified all the stages of product design and manifested what information we had to research. The result of every project would be a complex web that connected every piece of information by research and give us the tool to identify new opportunities.
It had 5 main structures that supported the entire information web: - The Company: Their structure, products, competitors, identity and core values. - The environment: Product life cycles, processes and materials and the company politics. - The market: The context, user segmentation, the market tendencies and the design problem. - Company’s Technology: Equipment processes and know how. - Legislation: Macro and Micro environment. After all this information was gathered we proceed to the development of the product, for which we used a simple design structure that goes from the concept generation to the sketching process, the creation of 3D models, the prototypes, the usability test and finally the validation. Then the structure starts to split again, from which 2 structure considerations were established: How will the company sell the product and how will it produce the product.
Company Environment
Rival companies identity
Market: How to sell it
Product Life Cycle
Organizational Structure
Processes and materials
Company’s Differentiators
Internal Policies
m n s Proble acteristic mentatio Context char rket seg t e k r Ma Ma Know How
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n atio
d Vali
Micro environmet Macro environment
Production processes Infraestructure
Company’s Technology
Company: How to produce it
zone highlighted in Purple was how The Model The much information we were provided in the
As the project grew, new bridges started to appear and the structure became more complex but let the designer visualize new opportunities.
design brief. The pink lines represented the connections to the background investigation as information bridges.
The User Within Market Segmentation They work and study. They choose technical careers and they have a strong religious view. They are extremly social and use the web to connect.
Trend Followers
They are urban lovers, open to new cultural interaction. They enjoy going out and doing sports, as they have total independence.
Trend Makers
They are the high class within the young workers. That feel the need for differentiation, they shop online, and have a environmental friendly perspective.
Illustrations by TBWA
Techno Boomers
The Concept
The project brief asked for the development of either one of 2 projects. The first one was a high impact project of the door covering that was easy to produce and that they could promote in their annual show. The second one was the redesign of the door of one fridge line that could grow their market size.
Door Redisign
As a team, Inspira, decided on developing both the high impact covering and the redesign of the door, based on the research made about the user and the actual tendencies that ruled 2012. With the information, we developed 2 concepts that were the guidelines for the project:
High Impact Cover
Dynamism in the perception of the kitchen was the key feature to consider from the concept creation through sketching.
The 2 selected ideas stood out for the form and functionality giving us second place in the contest of best project for Haceb.
The Product: Taju
We shifted the user’s perception by incorporating a door that played with the senses. It not only gives movement to the kitchen but also incorporates an easy access door, made of a flexible metal frame that rolled up when opened. This let the users have quick access to the food contained in the refrigerator and dispensed with the need to open the full door, thereby saving energy
The Product: Intuos We decided to reinterpret the concept of high impact
covering by making it 3D. We shifted the perception of a kitchen where everything is linear and added movement to it by drawing on the inspiration of geometrical cuts as in landscaping. The product consisted on 2 modules of HDEP that worked as coverings to the existing door; it was planned with external modules that fit together so one could add compartments to the fridge.
Keep Focus
Service /‘s r v s/ Noun
“Work done or help provided especially fot the public ot dfor a person or an organization”. Daniel Delgado©
Z Zen: An adaptable chair for extramural services Zen was a project developed with the help of the school of Dentistry of the University. The project studied how to anticipate real life situations by planning with scenarios. Our project group chose “Puerto Inirida” in Colombia due to the adverse conditions encountered when the dentist had to go there to provide extramural services.
The Context
Puerto Inirida is located on the southeast part of Colombia; its population is around the 40,000 mainly consisting of local tribes that have established there to be nearby the rivers for easy access to food and water. They are auto sustainable due to the lack of industrial production in the area; there is no Internet or electricity in the periphery and hardly radio stations. This means the service must provide its own energy and be capable to resist different weather conditions.
The need
Noro, Kageyu. Application of Zen sitting principlest of microscopic surgery seating, Applied Ergonomics. 2011
The dentist needs a proper stool for the long working hours, a stool that can be transported, cleaned easily, weigh the least amount as possible and that anybody can assemble. The study on the subject suggested that the best chair for long working hours had a seat at an angle of 135’’, called the active sitting posture.
The Product: Zen Chair
Because the chair had to be carried through ardous environments, the construction method of the chair had to be simple, yet fully functional. It was conceptualized to be assembled in 5 simple steps.
Assembly Process
The Human Scale:
The Human Scale: While visualizing the problems dentist had with their position of their bodies while working, this chair was designed with an arm rest that moved with the dentist’s movements. The chair, which also has a front support, has an inclination of 135� that keeps the doctor’s spinal cord in a natural position.
Female Percentile 5 Male Percentile 95
Equality “The right of different groups of people to receive the same treatment”
M Mutuo: the right to feel equal
Mutuo was my thesis project in collaboration with Ana Susana Martinez and aimed to be relevant in the 3 aspects of life sustainability. The focus of the project was the development of lower limb prosthetics for children between 5 and 10 years. On the research of lower limb amputation we discovered that the reason children have to be amputated was mainly due to 3 problems: Degenerative problems diabetes and land mines.
The factors that accounted for the most lower limb amputation was surprisingly not the land mines but diabetes and problems during pregnancy. The conclusion of this fact was determinative of one key feature in the project: Many of the kids with lower limb amputation have never known what is it like to have the other leg (or both); surprisingly, they can move quickly and easily without a prosthetic limb and they can be really skeptical to the process of adaptation to the new limb.
Another factor to consider is the notion of empowerment. The research with artificial limb specialists showed that the children without a limb don’t feel less capable of doing things than other children nor feel different. However, their core family treats them different; they are the ones that plant the idea of being less in the mind of the child. Because of this reality,the design process had to work with the children and with the core family to create a true sense of empowerment. The design included a methodology based on the User Centered Design Methodology from the Design School of Stanford University, a design concept based on the empowerment of the children through transmitting to them the sense of “superpowers”, and a prosthetic limb that could grow with the children, and included a guide for the manipulation of the product.
While doing the research on the amount of amputations in the country we came to understand one Of World´s terrifying truth: There are even more Population amputations due to diabetes, is amputated genetic disseases and accidents Disseases like: than land mine amputations. And Diabetes , Cancer, cardiovascular complications and Accidents. the most affected age group are the children form 0-15 years.
The Context
760,000 people
production per year of each
low cost prosthetics
$1,500 - 2,000 USD
Armed conflict 1990-2011
per year
especialized prosthetics
$7,000 - 16,000 USD
The system we conceptualized
K p
D !
Know Define i Ideate p Model p Produce ! Evaluate
k D
Understanding the different actors in the process was a key feature of the project we needed to consolidate a multidisciplinary team that could support each part of the process. We started with the children, their core family and with specialists in the subject, that included: Prosthetics technicians, psychologists, industrial designers and the full cooperation of the medical institutes in Colombia, for especially the Roosevelt institute.
New Information Cycle flow
The Team
The project builds up as a family. The child not only receives the product and the support he or she needs, but they build a strong relationship with the multidisciplinary team, supporting other children and building up a collective awareness of the virtues of not having one or both legs.
The child
The Core family
orthopedic doctor
industrial designer
prosthetic expert
multidisciplinary team
Creating Value Local Production
CIREC Service Institutions (ipS)
Problem resolution
national plataform
collaborative design
long life product
emotional support
close link
integral service
“Top of Heart�
growing toguether
5-10 years old
roosevelt institute Donation Institute
physical plant human resources intelectual know how
characterization of the users
support to the family
spot checks
aesthetic component
emotional attachment
external link
model creation
growth system
specialized human resources
The canvas model was developed to give a sense of completion to the project. We understood that is not only the product that has to be great but everything in the model to be successfull. We understood what factors we had to take into account in the cost of the project and how to make it
know how development
sponsorship and investment
sustainable in time. Since the project was under a social view we decided to register it as a creative common asset so everyone could use it, produce it and evolve the project.
Internal Adjustment system
Socket main structure
Adjustment Dial
Adjustable Pads
The System adjustable Socket Growing System
Interchangeable Caps
growth pillar safety Cap support for diferent prosthic feet Prosthetic feet
The system was conceptualized for amputations below the knee but it can be adapted to all kinds of amputations. To be coherent with the promise of the project the system incorporates two subsystems for the graduation and growth of the prosthethic element. The first one lets the socket adjust to the resulting limb with the same system bicycles helmets use. It has adjustable pads that can graduate the presure and also has an interior of memory foam for patient’s best confort. The second system lets the height be controlled with a pin and can be ratcheted for it to grow. It was planned to be easy for use for the specialist, the adults, but too difficult for the small kid to operate.
The Inspiration
We used Don Pendleton artwork as style inspiration for the main prosthetic cover since we believed its style can create a huge amount of characters with geometric lines from which the kids can connect and create their own character to feel empowered with their prosthetic.
The interchangeable caps adjust with neophrene magnets to be solid and resist any outer impact and protects the internal system. Creating different caps lets users express themselves and have a product that impacts their context positively
industrial Photograhy design
L Landscaping PP Product Photography P Portraits
Sunset at Parque de los Novios Bogotรก, Colombia.
Sunset at Parque de los Novios Bogotรก, Colombia.
Sunset at Parque de los Novios Bogotรก, Colombia.
Duck in lake Versailles, France.
Metal Stars Usaquén,Colombia.
The lion guardian, Usaquén, Colombia
Perfection in detail Barcelona, Spain.
The Everyday Lisboa, Portugal.
PP Product Photography
Origami Diamonds Bogotรก, Colombia.
Detail in beer series Bogotรก, Colombia.
Textures Bogotรก, Colombia.
Small moments series Bogotรก, Colombia.
Aboslute Inception campaing Bogotรก, Colombia.
P Portraits
LC series Bogotรก, Colombia.
LC series Bogotรก, Colombia.
LC series Bogotรก, Colombia.
Bogotรก, Colombia