Développement technologique au Canada | Hershey Rosen

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The Research and Development of Technology in Canada Hershey Rosen

Four years ago, Canada used nearly 34.5 billion Canadian dollars on research and development of technology. Parts of the money was used for grants. Then three years ago, Canada embarked on the research and development of technology and spent billions of Canadian dollars. Out of the money spent, seven billion Canadian dollars was given by the government.

The money spent on research during this period was less than that spent in 2014. This has also contributed to the fall of Canada from the list of the most innovative countries in the world. This is the reason why the Canadian government has tasked relevant bodies, stakeholders, and individuals to innovate. In response to this, innovator and businessman Hershey Rosen have developed many innovative businesses over the years. Hershey Rosen is a successful business consultant who has more than 18 years of working as one.

Canadian Scientific Developments The following are key developments and achievements made in Canada in various sectors: Canada was the first country to identify the black hole. Developing an electron microscope. Discovery of new things and diseases related to genetics. The creation of deep learning The development of modern batteries made with alkaline. The development of multiple touch technologies. The development of artificial cardiac pacemakers. Mapping visual cortexes Creating a vaccine for polio. The discovery of an atomic nucleus' inner structure. Developing plate tectonics.

Sectors That Have Seen Improvements Part of the Canadian research and development areas is its research in the space sector. Canada has established space agencies that are in charge of the development of space technology. The country has further invested heavily in the industry so that the sector can discover new things. With the funds and resources provided by the government and relevant bodies, the Space Agency has been active in its operations. The agency conducts research in aviation, planetary, and deep space. It also develops satellites and rockets that help in the discovery of space bodies. The country is one of the earliest countries that designed and constructed satellites in the '60s. To pledge its commitment to the Space sector, Canada joined an international Space body and participated in international Space meetings. One of the space robotic pioneers, Canada is a country that has contributed much to the Space industry. It has developed many Space products for the domestic and international Space market. In addition, Canada has built hundreds of rockets and many satellites to date. All these achievements and more have made the country a global success in the aerospace sector.

Moving on, Canada is not only successful in the aerospace field. It has done research and development on how to use technology to improve other industries. Industries that have been touched by the advancement of technology in Canada are:

Consumer technology Materials Healthcare Defense Energy Communication Transportation Public works

The Canadian government has always been committed to providing the best resources for the R&D of technology in Canada. This includes the reduction of tax for startups and innovative firms. The government also provides grants for researchers in the country. According to Hershey Rosen, the government does this because it knows the importance of technology in society. In a final statement, he said that a country that neglects technology has neglected its people.

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