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the entertainment (showrooms, restaurants, shopping centre, the cinema-concert hall-museum-theatre-whatever complex, local performing spaces and so on) to make this place not only creative but also interesting to investors and tourists.


The economic basis of the Pikeville Free City is the “Experience Economy” - cultural activity, is the main industry (holding exhibitions, screenings, performances, filming, music events, festivals, etc.). For creative people, this is a workspace with the necessary infrastructure, for residents of Schuchinsk and Pikeville - a recreation and entertainment area, as well as an educational hub. The Institute district of Shchuchinsk is the perfect place to start - there is the round square which is great for open-air activities, a lot of old buildings haven’t been used for years, two nice ponds and it’s on the shore of the Shchuchie lake, almost totally isolated by woods.

Second, it’s a chance to renovate the ex-industrial city before it becomes a ghost like his neighbours. The model of self-government, that is, all issues related to the management and development of the territory are decided by the Pikeville City Council (trustees and activists), which will attract public activists and investors as it seems to be more effective than the current state-centred system of Kazakhstan.

Third, this is in the National Park. So, it should be as eco-friendly as possible. That means green energy and recycling to avoid tons of rubbish. Instead one could turn the rubbish into sustainable architecture, fashion, art and lifestyle itself.

We’re currently working on the architectural solution of this complicated territory to ensure we do not break the existing ecosystem and recover the nature and city. And we really do believe that we can fulfil this dream.

году. Этот год в Великобритании одновременно. Именно в этом году состоялся Королевы Елизаветы II — событие более, первый правящий британский монарх, восседания на престоле. Представляете, глазах? Сколько культурных веяний году Ее Величество Королева скониздательство Hertfordshire Press (Велишестой выпуск уже ставшего легендарКоролеве. Этот альманах отражает поколений, а в этом году в нем присутно и на английском языке! Мы наденайдет у вас, дорогие читатели, самый

2022. This year in the UK was a year of year was marked with the platinum Elizabeth II - an event more than reigning British monarch to celebrate you imagine how many generations many cultural trends have passed Her Majesty the Queen passed away... Hertfordshire Press (UK) decided to legendary almanac «Thread-6» to the Elizabeth II. This almanac reflects both connection of generations, and this year but also in English. We hope that this response from you, dear readers.

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