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The Central Asian Folk Festival was held within the literary festival organised by the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and in cooperation with Orzu Arts.

This arts festival is an international creative event that unites creative people from all over the world: writers, actors, theatre figures, translators, artists, musicians and directors.


The purpose of the festival is to gather creative people and provide a platform for the exchange of experience.The festival creates a platform for new projects and opportunities for both the UK and Central Asia. The festival program featured folk dances and music from all over Central Asia, book synopses, short films and of course the national cuisine of Central Asia.

The guests of the festival were the State Theatre for Young Spectators (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) with the play “Boz Maskharboz” and Yerlan Ryskali, a skilled dombra player, the Bunyod group headed by Valijon Kuldashov, the gypsy folk group of dances and songs Yagori headed by Saidy Kasym, and singers Sherzodbek Nuraliyev and Dildora Olimova.

At the solemn closing ceremony of the festivalon the 27th December, the performance of the play “Boz Maskharboz” from Uzbekistan was performed at the Royal Festival Hall. This performance is an improvisation, a game. It is based on the best traditions of the Uzbek national theatre of maskharabozes (street jesters) with elements of modern theatre and improvisations with the audience.

by Yuldosh Juraboev

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