of Nazareth!”
Traveling back to Guadalajara, Mexico, after purchasing some sound equipment for my church, I was driving home when I saw a hitchhiker on the side of the road. I was being a nice guy and saw an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The hitchhiker on the other hand was not a nice guy. I was driving not looking at him or thinking about him, but about my Spanish so I could witness to him. However, he had a gun and he thought he wanted my car and all my belongings I had with me. All of a sudden he pulled a gun out of his coat, cocked the hammer and shoved it in my ribs while his left hand was on my collar. He screamed at me, “I’m going to kill you!”
The instant he did that it scared me. My heart jumped up in my throat. I immediately got mad at myself for being scared.
I know that fear is a spiritual force. You can die from fear. Fear kills. So out loud I said, “Fear, I rebuke you!” I immediately turned to this man and said, “I am a man of God! I have authority over you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and you can’t kill me!”
He shook my collar again, poked me in the ribs with his gun, all while I am driving and said, “I said I am going to kill you!”. I looked at him and I said, “I’m a man of God, I’ve got authority over you and you can’t kill me!” We continued down the road with this attitude. Everything he said to me I answered him back from the Word of God.
After a while he started to get very angry at me. He was not understanding what I was saying to him. He had been in prison many years and had
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just escaped from prison. He found a gun, giving him the world’s system of power. He thought he was in control and it looked like he was in control.
The Bible says the carnal mind is at enmity against God and does not understand the things of God. What I was speaking to him, the Word of God, was not making sense to him. He had a gun in my ribs and I was not scared. More time passed and in frustration he said to me, “What’s the matter with you? Aren't you scared?”
I said to him, “ Well no, why should I be scared? All you’ve got is a loaded gun. I’ve got the name of Jesus. I win!” Which made perfect sense to me and made no sense to him.
Joshua tells us not to let anything come out of our mouths but the Word of God. So, I did not talk to him about the weather, sports, politics or religion. I simply responded to him with the Word of God. Answering him with the Word made no sense to him because he was in no way familiar with the Word of God.
As we continued down the road my mind began to size up the situation and think of crazy things, like slam on the brakes,
throw the keys out the window, how to use hand combat l learned in the army. Then I caught myself and got angry at myself for thinking in the natural. I grabbed my left ear and I heard myself say, “Terry, handle this with the Spirit. Handle this with the Word of God. Handle this with the name of Jesus and you will win.” I had to tell myself, “You are not a head person. We are a spirit man and operate out of your Spirit, out of your heart. I am to operate with the Spirit inside of me and use the Word of God, use the name of Jesus, use the covenant God had given us and you will win!” I was talking with myself and I said, “I can do that!”
The next time he poked me with the gun or yelled at me, my brain would think something and I had to get it back under control. We continued down the highway for some time. He would say things to me and I would answer him with the Word of God. I had some microphones on the seat between us that I was bringing back into the country along with an organ and PA system to use in the ministry. He reached down, picked them up and started look
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ing at them. I said, “Put that down! That belongs to God! Everything in this car belongs to God! The car belongs to God, I belong to God and you can’t have any of it!”
That made him really angry. He was yelling and screaming at me. I said to the LORD out loud, “Father, Your Word tells me that Jesus said He gave me authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt me. So, that means this man, his gun, his bullets cannot hurt me. Therefore, if he pulls the trigger you must do something with the bullets. I expect you to do something with the bullets for your Word’s sake, not my sake, but for your Word’s sake!”
Again this man began to scream at me, saying, “Pull off the road!” So I pulled off the road by a cornfield. He said, “Get out!” I got out on my side and he got out on his side. We met at the front of my car. I was standing, leaning up against the front of the car and he said, “Give me your money, your watch, your rings, your sunglasses all that you have.” He walked up close to me and I stuck my finger up to his face and I said, “I rebuke you in the name of Jeus Christ
There is no power greater than the name of Jesus. No power greater than the Covenant God gave us. Thank God I knew that. Not everyone knows the power of the Word of God. Not every Christian or Jewish believer of the Old Testament really taps into the power of God’s name, God’s Son, God’s Covenant. We can because we have the Word of God. When we say the name of Jesus, I know Hell trembles and Heaven stands at attention. We get God’s attention, we get the devil’s attention, and we get the Spirit world’s attention.
He walked up to me, I stuck my finger right up to his face and said, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!” It made him so mad that he hit me hard right between my eyes with the gun. It pushed me back over onto the front of my car. He had the hammer cocked, his finger on the trigger and he was so angry while slinging his left hand up and down. He said, “Shut up! If you say one more word, I’ll kill you!” I just stuck my finger right back into his face, past the gun, rose up off the hood of the car and we were standing face to face, nose to nose and I said, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! You cannot kill me! You cannot kill me and you cannot hurt me in anyway!
When I said that, he jumped back a couple of steps, lowered the gun and shot at me 5 times at point blank range. None of the bullets hit me. Now I do not know how God did that. I saw him shoot and I heard the noise of the gunshot. I do not know what my brain was doing or thinking. I heard the noise. I remember looking down and seeing dirt flying up between my feet. I am not sure what happened to the bullets. Both of us were shocked. We stood looking at each other for a moment. We...
"I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen"
Proof He’s Alive!
Blessed Joyful Christmas!
Luke 2:10. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Jesus was born a King and a Savior!
There is a little song that I love which says: Christmas isn’t Christmas till it happens in your heart; somewhere deep inside you is where Christmas really starts; so, give your heart to Jesusyou’ll discover when you do; that Christmas is really Christmas - for you!
This is the time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Messiah, the Savior of humankind.
An angel of the Lord was sent to shepherds and the glory of the Lord shone round about them.
Listen! The angel was an ambassador, an official of the highest rank, a resident representative of Heaven! That is what Christians are! We bring the good news as evangelists - as ambassadors. The word ‘angel’ is in the word ‘evangelist!
I want to encourage you
By Rev. Madeline Montez Duffanytoday as you read about the birth of Jesus Christ in Luke 10.
Maybe you are discouraged this Christmas season: maybe you have lost a loved one; have no money for gifts; no family to celebrate with; no funds to make a fancy meal or even cookies.
God’s Word, the Bible, tells us in Jeremiah 29:13: You will find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Matthew 6:33. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Psalms 9:10. And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hastnot forsaken them that seek thee.
Friend, I’m writing from my own experience.
One year ago we had to move out of our place which we loved. It was large enough to invite our Church family over for Christmas celebrating.
Now, all my things are in storage and the place we live in is very small.
But … What is Christmas all about? It’s Jesus in your heart! It’s believing that He came into this
world to save us and deliver us from our sins; to give us a New Birth!
Don’t be fooled by all the bright lights, parties, and people buying expensive gifts.
I’ve lived both sides. I grew up in a family without enough money for food, but we had Jesus. Mama and Papa always managed to find little gifts for us. No - not expensive electronics,cell phones or cars. Mother made her own Christmas cards and decorated them with glitter. Beautiful! The Mennonite Church would bring us a big basket of food.
One Christmas my brother and I went into the woods behind our home and found a scraggly Christmas tree. Actually, it was a bush! We made our own ornaments to decorate it. Mama would cook the turkey, draped in tin foil, all night. She would get up at various times in the night to baste it while we all slept. It smelled so nice then!
One of my best memories was at the Church when each child had a candle and said a verse which we had memorized. Afterward, we
were given an orange and a candy cane.
My Mom and I went with the Bishop and his wife to the Mission in Baltimore, Maryland. I felt so special! The sign outside on the building front declared in red letters: JESUS SAVES. As I reminisce, I have tears in my eyes. Things are so different now! As children, we knew who we were. My brothers were boys and my sisters were girls. My parents were a man and a woman. They were married. No divorces. No question about sexes.
We weren’t allowed to watch just anything on our little black and white TV. Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. Zorro. Father Knows Best. Lawrence Welk. We are now living in the End Times. Events happening now line up with God’s Word.
2 Timothy 3:2-3. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud,blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, nothing is sacred, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, liars.
If you grew up knowing Jesus, you are extremely blessed, but it is never too late to give your heart to Jesus! God forgives your sins and makes you a new person! Will you do that right now? You’ll be so glad when you do! Come in, come in, come into my heart, Lord Jesus. Come in today, come in to stay. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.
With a grateful heart, This is God’s Truth! Rev. Madeline
Galatians 5:13,16 [13](13-15) It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don't use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that's how freedom grows. For everything we know about God's Word is summed up in a single sentence:
Love others as you love yourself. That's an act of true freedom. If you bite and ravage each other, watch out—in no time at all you will be annihilating each other, and where will your precious freedom be then?
[16](16-18) My counsel is this: Live freely, animated and motivated by God's Spirit. Then you won't feed the compulsions of selfishness. For there is a root of sinful
self-interest in us that is at odds with a free spirit, just as the free spirit is incompatible with selfishness. These two ways of life are antithetical, so that you cannot live at times one way and at times another way according to how you feel on any given day. Why don't you choose to be led by the Spirit and so escape the erratic compulsions of a law-dominated existence?
From Page 1 ... were both trying to figure out what had just happened. I realized he had shot at me and nothing had happened. I knew I needed to ask God what am I to do next. I knew that if I keep using the name of Jesus, I’ll win!
We kept looking at each other. He backed off. I just kept standing there. He reached in his pocket and reloaded the gun. I just stood there and asked the LORD what should I do now. I was praying under my breath in the Spirit. He said, “Start walking.” We walked off into the cornfield quite a distance when he said, “Stop and take your clothes off!” I took my clothes off except for my socks and underwear. He had my wallet, my keys, and my clothing. He turned around and walked off, leaving me standing there in the cornfield. As he was walking to my car, I said to the LORD, “Now Father, you just did a miracle and saved my
handled this in the Spirit, in the name of Jesus and in the Word. I am not going to be robbed!
I looked up and saw him walking toward my car. So, I cupped my hands and yelled at him. “I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to come back here!” I had no fear but a righteous indignation. I stood there waiting, wondering what I was going to do. I did not have all the answers. I just knew to keep using the Word of God. He came back to where I was. He threw my clothes at me and told me to put them on.
I put my clothes on and he said, “Now, what is it you want to talk to me about?”
I replied, “I do not want to talk to you about anything else. You found out I am a man of God. You found out that I’ve got authority over you in the name of Jesus. You can’t kill me and you can’t rob me. I am going home. If you want to go home with me, I’ll help you. You can
to throw it away. But, I will take you home with me and help you. We are not going to play your game anymore!” I wanted at this point, to minister to him and tell him about the Gospel. He looked at me and said, “I like you!” He put the gun in his belt and we walked back up to the car. When we got to the car he pulled the gun back out of his belt. He held the gun on me telling me to go sit in the back seat while he drove. I said, “NO, I told you we are not playing your game anymore. You found out that I am a man of God, you found out that I have authority over you and you can’t kill me – you can’t rob me. This is my car and I’m going to drive. You want to go you can get in. I charge you in the name of Jesus to give me my keys!” I held my hand out and he put the keys in my hand. I walked around to the driver's side and looked at him. He got in on the passenger side and I finally got to do what I had first intended to do. I got to tell this man about Jesus. As we were driving to my house, I didn’t feel like I was in danger, but rather, I felt I was in au-
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By Sarah Jansson Evangelist/ProphetAs we are in the Christmas season, we are reminded that the first person to ever give His best gift to mankind was Father God. He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever would believe in Him, would not perish, but have eternal life. As we make the choice to receive this precious gift into our hearts and into our lives, we are receiving all that He is, and all that He has for us. It is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, which is the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead 2,000 years ago, that comes into our hearts when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We cannot come to Jesus without the Holy Spirit drawing us to the power of the cross and His resurrection power and accepting the blood of Jesus to wash away all our sins. Christmas season is a season of giving. That should remind us that we have received the very best gift anyone could ever be given, and that is the beautiful beginning of an intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as we submit and surrender our lives to Him in our daily walk.
At Christmas time, with all the holiday activity that may be going on around you, you want to make sure to put your time and attention on the love of the One that freely gave us all things, when we gave our hearts to Him.
In Christ Jesus is the gift of restoration, first of all with Him, and then with all those around us as we allow Holy Spirit to bring healing and forgiveness in all our relationships and with all those in our lives. What a great time to extend the gift of forgiveness by the power of
the Holy Spirit to all those that have hurt you, and all those you have hurt. Is there not a better gift you could give to those that need this gift the most in your life, and is there not a better time than the Christmas season?
In Jesus Christ there is also the gift of physical and emotional healing to all those that would position themselves to receive it by faith. Also, there is in Jesus the gift of deliverance for all those that may need deliverance from addiction or any situation that may have you bound. Now is the time to open that beautiful package, that sits under the Christmas tree of your heart. As you make the choice to open up His Holy Word, you will find so many big, beautiful gifts, that He is ready to give you by His Spirit. It’s all yours, as you open up His Word, and allow His Spirit to enlighten you with revelation knowledge, as He leads you through the pages. There is no better gift that anyone can give you, other then what is in His Word, and a deeper drawing of His Spirit within your life. This is truly the gift that will keep on giving and giving, and will never lose its power, as long as you are willing to open up your heart and receive.
With this in mind, in the same token, the very best gift you can give anyone is Jesus, and the enlightenment in the pages of His holy book that will show the person all that God has for them. All other material gifts fade away in time, but the gift of a relation ship with Jesus Christ will last into eternity.
Let Holy Spirit show you ways how you can reach those around you, to
share your testimo ny and the gift of Jesus. This is truly the very best gift they can receive at Christmas time, and as they go into 2023. As this is a gift that will truly change people’s lives, if they allow it too, and right into eternity. People are never more open to hear the gospel message then at Christmas time, and to focus on the very best gift of all. The Christmas season is a time of giving and it is also a time of receiving. Allow Holy Spirit to take you into a deeper walk with Him this Christmas season, with all the gifts that He purchased for you at Calvary, His life being offered to you to make your life new, His Restoration power, and His healing power, His delivering power. Allow Him to flow through you to touch others with the love of Jesus this special season, making this a time they will never forget.
Allow Holy Spirit to use you as His vessel to pour out His life through you this Christmas season, and as we approach the New Year, to all those around you.
On this note, know this will be the very best holiday season you have ever had, and have ever given to anyone.
Sarah Jansson Heart of Mercy Ministries An Apostolic/Prophetic Ministry
Email: sarah_jansson@hotmail. com
Also on face book Go to Amazon.com for my books (Out of Your Seats and Into the Streets, Breaking Loose, Deep Calls Unto Deep, The Divine Visitation)
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C.T.C. L.C.P.C.
I should be writing a Christmas article. Mainly because there’s been a lot of turbulence in the world this last year and Christmas is a time where we can have some peace and joy to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior and the hope of peace on earth. That’s what Christmas is all about. But then January 1, 2023 comes along. We pray for a new year of fulfilled hope. Christmas decorations are packed away, and we begin again searching for the peace, victory, joy, and fulfilling the need to be loved and to love as our Lord and Savior did throughout His life.
Sadly, many folks eventually slip back into their daily lives of concerns of a world in strife, or our own physical, personal challenges, financial struggles, other worries, or frustrations and become overwhelmed again. But there is a way
we can help others as well as ourselves turn some of this around. It’s all about people helping people. We benefit when we can be a blessing to those who are in desperate need and also show them how they can have the freedom to be a blessing to others as well. It’s called the Ten Commandments of Kingdom Freedom Relationships. I am not the author of this, and I also needed to be reminded how powerful this can be. This is my Christmas present to you.
• Speak to people. There is nothing as nice as a cheerful word of greeting.
• Smile at people. It takes seventy-two muscles to frown, only fourteen to smile.
• Call people by name. Music to anyone’s ears is the sound of his/her own name.
• Be friendly and helpful.
• Be cordial. Speak and
act as if everything you do is truly a pleasure, and if it isn’t, learn to make it so.
• Be genuinely interested in people. You can like almost everybody if you try.
• Be generous with praise, cautious with criticism.
• Be considerate with the feelings of others. There are three sides to a controversy: You, me, and God.
• Added to this is a good sense of humor, a big dose of patience, and a dash of humility, and you will be rewarded again and again through life.
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth”. Ephesians 5:8-9
Blessings and Love Louise
After Dec 2022, we will changewho we mail to. If you are on the mailing list we suggest you go digital to continue receiving it uninterrupted.
We will continue to mail physical copies to donors. Any donation with get you 12 months free delivery by regular mail.
He’s Alive is offered free in various locations around Manatee County and you are encouraged to take as many as
you can distribute. You can give online if you are prompted by the Holy Ghost. There are costs to print and mail He’s Alive.
We do not require any specific payment for advertising or subscriptions, it is a donation basis. Your support helps us grow and distribute more papers. We are celebrating our 10th year of publishing He’s Alive in Jan 2023.
Thank you for 10 great years!
Chuck Kennedy
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- Admit that you are a sinner. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”
- REPENT AND ASK HIM TO FORGIVE YOUR SINS Romans 5:8 “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while wewere yet sinners, Christ died for us.” confess now that Jesus is Lord of your life. Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
If you have questions, You can email us at: ficcpastor@cfaith.com. Thank you.
...Peter do you love me... Feed my sheep... Is a food distribution program that gives donated food to Hungry people and prevents food from going to waste. For more information or to sign up for food, email your name and phone number to: pet.mysheeps@gmail.com Or leave it at God is Real 24-hour recorded prayer line at 833 463 7325 www.ficcwordchurch.org | www.God-IsReal.com
New Hope Coalition served over 30,628 Households in 2021
New Hope Coalition, Inc was founded by Rev. Byron Ralph Odman Charles in June 2012 in Bradenton under the name: Tabernacle of Thanksgiving to the Lord. The name was changed in 2016 to New Hope Coalition. NHC has been designated by the IRS as a 501C(3) charitable organization.
ching the gospel of our Lord and Savior. He is a man of a great compassion, sincerity, and integrity. His ministry continues to reach a spectacular level. Through the New Hope Coalition, many have been encouraged, assisted and entered into a personal relationship with Jesus-Christ. NHC seeks to promote the spiritual life, to preach the Gospel of the Lord and combat sin and evil in every form. NHC can inspire you to grow in your love for Christ of the Lord and serve in his Kingdom.
New Hope
Coalition Serves our community with:
“Living the Word at the speed of Life!” 5425 39th St.E. (70 to Post Office then S. 1 Block) Bradenton, FL 34203
Ron Kutinsky 941-806-7550
Donna Kutinsky 941-685-7323 www.moreofHim.org | mail@moreofHim.org
7215 1st Ave W. Bradenton, FL 34209
Tel: 941-462-6825 or 941-554-7701
Called for A Purpose
How Have We Helped?
Articles of Faith & Doctrine
• In the trinity of God: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
• Our eternal God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, infinite, righteous, glorious, holy and the creator of the universe.
• That Jesus is the son of God, the second person of the trinity. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary. He is God in flesh and he has known no sins.
• That the Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity living inside each believer and inspiring them
• That Satan exists and is powerful. He accuses us, tempts us and tries by all means to take us with him into darkness. He will be defeated at last and thrown into hell with his disciples.
• That the consequence of sin is death and eternal life is the gift of God through Jesus Christ for those who believe.
• That Christ will come back, visibly, to gather the believers, resurrected or alive and take them with him into his eternal glory.
• That we are saved by grace, not by our own deeds.
• That the holy communion and baptism are ordinances from God.
• That funeral services are not held to save the dead but rather to encourage and console friends and families.
• That personal and family devotions are effective for the progress of this organization and its spiritual growth.
• That contributing cheerfully and regularly to support any ministry by tithes and offerings is profitable according to the bible.
Partner With Us—We Need You!
Email: newhopecoalition2012@gmail.com pastorodman@gmail.com
* Food Pantry Thursday 9:30 to 10:pm
* Worship Sunday 9:00 to 11:00am
* Bible School & Seminary every Sunday at 3:00pm via zoom.
- We high school diploma- Associate Degree and Bachelor degree in theology.
*Bible Study every day 7:30 pm to 9:00pm via Conference call 848-233-1080. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith" -Gal 5:22
New Hope Coalition, Inc.
Mike & Donna had been attending service at HIM Church when it was discovered that Donna had cancer. She gradually grew weaker and riddled with pain to the point where she could no longer go out. It had been months since they were able to come to church, but would faithfully watch online. Because of the miracles happening at the Outpouring, they decided to bring her to encounter God in the waters.
She was so weak she had to be carried into the water. I was poolside when they took her in. I can tell you that the lady that went under was not the same lady who came up! She stood up tall and strong and announced "the pain is all gone!" We called to check on her the following afternoon, and she and Mike were out running errands and then going out to dinner!
They haven't missed a service since.
Her next oncologist appointment was on Tuesday, Nov. 22nd. They called as soon as they got home to excitedly tell me that all of the scans showed NO CANCER, proclaiming her to be cancer free! The doctor told her he didn't need to see her for 3 months.
Glory to God!
Healed of Emphysema and COPD
Kathy S came to get in the water on behalf of her out-of-state sister Lisa. Lisa suffered from Emphysema and COPD.
She’s been rushed to the hospital 5 times in the recent past from blisters and clots in her lungs. She was in the hospital last week again. They put a drain in her lungs and the doctors told her there was nothing more they could do.
It was at this point that Lisa’s sister Kathy came
and got in the water on behalf of Lisa. At the same exact same time, the drain popped out of Lisa’s lungs. The hole was closed up (x-rays showed) and instead of growing worse, she’s doing great and getting stronger daily. She was so impacted that she accepted Christ as her savior! Kathy said she’s a different lady; she worships and prays and watches the Outpouring services online!
Join Our Services Sundays at 10:00am and Gulf Coast Outpouring Second Sundays @ 5pm Corporate Prayer Wednesdays & Saturdays @ 6:30pm-7:30pm
Request a call back about our different ministry groups or call us at (941) 277-4352 for more information.
VISIT US Hope International Ministries 5425 39th Street East Bradenton , FL 34203 www.moreofhim.org
Greetings fellow Pastors and Ministry Leaders, you are loved, significant, and needed!
I would like to invite you to join me to take Communion together. Several weeks ago, while attending a leadership conference, through one of the speakers the Lord spoke to me about the importance to emphasize taking communion. While there were many powerful messages given, this one apprehended my heart deeply.
Approximately two years ago, I began taking communion privately several times during the week, along with pursuing a deeper understanding of this priceless Holy Sacrament. Since returning from this recent event, I have had our Church Family take communion more often than ever before; His presence has been wonderfully over whelming.
Recently during prayer, I felt the leading of The Holy Spirit to invite you.
I have a strong sense that this will have a great and lasting impact in our region. If I was to give just one word to describe communion it would be, LOVE. I am confident this time of celebrating His love together will release a stronger spirit of unity in our lives and our community we are called to serve. Regardless of doctrinal diversity, backgrounds, and various streams, we can all agree on the Body and Blood of our precious Savior and King, Jesus Christ.
I hope you will be able to be there and invite your leadership team to join you, as well as other local pastors you know. Please reply and let me know your thoughts.
For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. - Hebrews 6:10 (NKJV)
Love and blessings, Don Sturiano
Kingdom Life Christian Church
3700 26th St. West Bradenton, Fl. 34205
Contact Us: Main Number: 941-7760026 www.kingdomlifechristianchurch.org Write us: P.O. Box 717, Ellenton, FL, 34222
Restoration Fellowship 5614 Richardson Rd. Sarasota, FL Contact: Phyllis at 941-284-1255
Have you seen the millions of dollars George Soros gives through his organizations to control the media? What about Bill Gates to sway the thinking of the people to leftist ideaology. We are talking billions here.
What about Klaus Schwab with his great reset for 2030. The spirit of anti-Christ is well funded while the church begs for donations.
It is time to fund the Good News and get the Word to the ends of the earth.
To do this takes billions of dollars. There must be a plan and there must be willing people to give.
One great way to route large sums of money into the hands of the righteous is to give life insurance and annuities.
Both are quite versatile and flexible with the proper prayer and financial planning. It is possible to give thousands, even millions to the Kingdom of God through willing
everyday people like you and I.
We don't need to be a Bill Gates to do it. Just have a willing heart and a proper plan to implement and abide by.
Think about it, if the majority of church members would donate a life insurance policy or even a tithe of it to their church, what a difference it would make.
Not only would it fund millions, possibly billions into the work of the ministry of soul saving, healing and delivering, but the church would be funded to do the will of God without begging, or suffering lack.
Truly the opportunity is enormous and we are missing the mark financially by not capitilaizing on it. How many poor children could be fed in a 3rd world nation? How many orphans could be sponsored and taught the Word of God resulting in untold numbers of
lives changed for the glory of God.
Life insurance is not expensive and can be purchased in affordable increments. It can be totally dedicated to the Lord in its entirety or can be divided between family and the Lord.
Annuities can be invested in a manner that pays you a life income, then youre spouse, then goes into the ministry of your choice. The variations are limitless.
Life insurance can fund an annuity for your love one to pay them a lifetrime income then go to finance the work of your church.
I am happy to meet with you and discuss the many ways you can plant fortunes into the Gospel even if you are of limited means.
Let's sow so we can grow!
My contact info is the Legacy ad beside this article. Leave an Eternal Legacy! Love,
Pastor Chuck Kennedy
My name is Robin Art. In 2002 God gave me to Channel of Love Ministries. The Holy Spirit spoke to me. He said, “I want you to wait for Joan Pearce.”
I was surprised at His almost audible voice. "Why do You want me to wait for Joan Pearce?" I asked Him.
“I want you to wait for Joan Pearce.” He replied.
I had never met Joan Pearce, but I had heard her preach in Florida five years before and she had made an impression on me. I remember sitting in her service repeating to myself, “There's something about Joan Pearce...” I never thought I would meet her; however, but now God told me to wait for her.
One year later Joan and her husband, Marty came to Bradenton, Florida to preach. I knew it was a divine appointment from God. I positioned myself in that church for her service.
Joan is a great evangelist. That weekend I was privileged to attend the first of Joan’s many schools. It was the Holy Spirit School of Evangelism. I would later also take Joan’s Covenant School of Ministry and many others, but this school has remained my favorite. There is no one who can teach evangelism like Joan Pearce. Afterwards, our class went out door-to-door witnessing. Everything Joan prophesied in her class that morning happened in the house I visited. Upon returning to the church, I shared this with Joan. That evening I read Joan's book, “Yes, You Can Hear God Too!” It helped me to recognize God's voice. The following day, I asked for her “Let's Go Fishing” book. I explained to Joan that, “For reasons I didn’t understand, this book was very important to me, and I felt an intense desire to read it.”
Joan replied, "I'm sorry, but you can't have it. You see, I had two artists who were working on it and they suddenly both dropped me. It's at the printer, but I have no cover for the book." Immediately, I received a Word of Knowledge from the Lord that I was to be the artist for the cover of
the “Let's Go Fishing” book! Joan didn’t know that both my husband and I are artists; but God did, and that was why He sent us. My husband, Jim, was to become the new graphic designer for brochures, book covers, CD and DVD covers. He would also become the photographer, and photo retoucher for all of Channel of Love Ministries’ needs. Soon I became Joan's Florida assistant; and, in a short time, “Let's Go Fishing” was published and has been distributed in many countries around the world. Do you want to learn to hear God’s voice? Do you have a desire for God to use you? Joan Pearce’s many books and teachings will give you the keys to bring you up to a higher level and fulfill your destiny. You too, can be used by God for His kingdom.
Healed of Cancer
It was a warm August afternoon in 2016. The Holy Spirit brought to my fond remembrance a visiting pastor, Pastor Peggy Sue and her husband, Pastor Les, whose teaching I had sat under for a conference years before. On this particular day I felt led to send them a card and a small gift.
A few days later, I received an urgent email request from Pastor Peggy Sue. Her email read: “Dear Sister Robin, ‘Please pray for my youngest son, Aaron. He has been diagnosed with bladder cancer. He is 41 years old’.”
Cancer had recently taken her husband, and now this monster intended to take her son! Her email said they were leaving for the hospital where doctors would be gin treatment.
I began to pray. I did not pray just hoping for a miracle, but I prayed with the Gift of Faith. I would be unable to go to him because they lived out of state; but God says, “All things are possible for those who believe.”
In Matthew 8, when the centurion came and asked Jesus to heal his servant; Jesus offered to go to him, but the centurion declined: The centurion answered and said, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed." Jesus, marveling at this man's great faith replied, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” And his servant was healed that same hour. (Matthew 8:8
& :13).
God then gave me a Word of Knowledge. I discerned that God had a plan for this young man's life, and He wasn't finished with him yet. He also gave me a Word of Wisdom. After all those years, God led me to contact this family. He was now about to use me. I recognized I was in a Kairos moment: a divinely appointed time. In that moment, I knew Aaron would be healed. Knowing Jesus wants us all to walk in the supernatural, I was to take a leap of faith, to pray and lay hold of that healing.
I spoke to the cancer, and “In Jesus’ Name” took Authority over it and Commanded it to, “Go!”, as I had learned from Joan Pearce.
That night, the Holy Spirit woke me up. He spoke to me and said, “John 23:16.” In the morning, I sprung out of bed and looked it up in my Bible. It read:
“And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you.”
"That’s it. He’s healed!" I rejoiced.
A few hours later, I felt led to close my eyes, open my Bible; and without looking, put my finger on a page. I then opened my eyes. Where I had my finger placed in the scriptures was written four words:
“Your son will live.” John 4:53 (NIV)
"That's a second confirmation! Two Rhema words!” I shouted.
Urgently I began replying to the email from the night before. I wrote: “Pastor Peggy Sue, your son is healed. Do Not begin treatment. I received two verses from the Lord. Your son, Aaron is healed! Begin Thanking God for Aaron’s healing!”
All through the weekend I repeated my message. No word back…
A few days later Pastor Peggy Sue emailed me: “Hello, Shalom, Robin. I want you to know there is NO MORE CANCER and my son Aaron is free! Bless God: his miracle arrived!”
God is so good! It’s His desire that we all be healed. God wants us all to walk in the Supernatural. You too, can be filled with the Holy Spirit; full of His power and anointing to bring about His will on earth as it is in heaven.
Taken from the book, “Jesus, You are my Healer” by Evangelist Joan Pearce
Used by permission
Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. Pakistan is the second largest country in the Muslim world and the fifth largest country in the world with a population of more than 200 million people. Pakistan is a very strong Islamic country. But we can see Gods special hand is upon this nation. After the pandemic, the Gospel is growing in Pakistan more than ever before. When the church came out from the wall boundaries. The church found their better place and missions came out from church to the world. A few weeks ago, I was in Pakistan for our mission trip. We did a big Gospel Crusade and thousands accepted Jesus as Lord and savior. And we haven’t seen that many big
crusades in Pakistan in the past. All glory to God for His move in Pakistan. It’s not just big crusades. Heaven is rejoicing for every single soul. Every week we are doing our online services. And the gospel is going into their bedrooms. The places where we cannot go. God is sending the message of hope in Jesus Christ through social media. I can see great unity among believers and the power of prayer. Every day people accept Christ in Pakistan. How are you can support us.
1) Pray for Pakistan. - revival in Pakistan - Unity among the believers - Pray for the Gospel to go into unreached areas - pray for our open air Crusades in 2023 - pray for our leadership con
ference in 2023 - pray for youth conference in 2023 - pray for more church planting - pray for our weekly online services - prayer for persecuted church - pray for government, they can give favor of Christians.
- pray for Christian youth and pastors 2) we need volunteers. The role of volunteers - find mission partners - send newsletter - host corner meeting (where we can present our ministry) - speak on our online services - Join our mission trip to Pakistan.
Pakistan shall be saved in Jesus name. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Pastor Tamran Inayat 646-220-8595 tani4fara@gmail.com +++
Greetings in the most Precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Praying your family and the whole Church are doing well!
Student Led Movement (SLM) Campus Ministry! After more than 2 years not having a face to face in the classroom, many students were excited to go back in the lord way... College Freshmen leaving their own homes for school experience a lot of "first" : time living on a Campus: having more freedom than ever before: receiving instructions from teachers/professors: & expanding their social lives in new ways. Last October 25, 2022 SLM welcomed the Freshmen Students with a treat. The Lord brought more than 100 Students in the meeting area. The Core enthusiastically welcome them with a treat... Sharing the Gospel and allow them to invite Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Hallelijah! 71 Students indicated that they accepted Jesus in their life and 30 from amongst them were interested to join a Discipleship group.
Death is at the very core of Christianity. Not only is the Cross to be found in Cemeteries but also in places of Worship!
The Bible teaches that when people die, their souls live on. People will spend eternity either with God (heaven or separated from Him (hell). Yes, my family are still grieving for losing my elder brother (55 years old). We are caught by surprise but knowing that God is Sovereign - lightens our grieving. Yes we truly are sad at this moment but since our view of death is based on truthfulness of His revelation to us in His Word. We are comforted by His promises. In behalf of my family, we want to express how thankful we are of having you all on our side. Thank You for keeping us in your prayers and even sending comforting Words thru emails, messages and generously extended your financial resources. Words can never be enough in saying that GOD IS OUR REFUGE in times of NEED & SORROWS! We've face difficult decissions in our family but it became clearer through your PRAYERS and helps. The Lord blesses you all beyond measure.
KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Nov. 21, 2022 /Christian Newswire/ -- Two babies in the Pacific Northwest, whose births were facilitated by the National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC), have made history with their arrivals. Siblings Lydia Ann and Timothy Ronald, the daughter and son of Philip and Rachel Ridgeway, each spent nearly 30 years as embryos frozen in liquid nitrogen prior to being thawed earlier this year. When they were born on October 31, 2022, they set the new known record for the longest-frozen embryos to ever result in a successful live birth, according to research staff at the University of Tennessee Preston Medical Library.
The embryos were originally frozen on April 22, 1992. Laboratory Supervisor & Senior Embryologist Sarah Atkinson, of the NEDC’s partner medical clinic South-
eastern Fertility, thawed the embryos on February 28, 2022. Southeastern Fertility Medical Director Dr. John David Gordon then transferred the embryos to Rachel’s uterus on March 2, 2022. Both the thaw and transfer were performed at Southeast ern Fertility in Knoxville, TN.
The Ridgeways' births of twins frozen for essentially three decades (29 years, 10 months, to be exact) breaks the previous record set by another NEDC couple, Tina and Ben Gibson, of over 27 years.
"Thirty years ago, the living Christ gave these children life, and He has been sustaining that life ever since," said the Ridgeways. "This is His story, and we are so thankful to Him that in His providence He is allowing us to be a part of it."
"I have been working in the field of infertility for over 25 years, and yet
these embryos were frozen while I was still in my training as an Ob/ Gyn resident at Stanford. It just boggles the imagination," said Dr. Gordon. "The decision of Rachel and Philip to adopt these embryos should reassure patients who wonder if anyone would be willing to adopt the embryos that they created 5, 10, 20 years ago. That answer is a resounding yes!"
"I'm honored to have played a part in bringing the world record-breaking babies to their family. A big congratulations to Rachel and Philip!" said Atkinson. "We're so grateful to our donor families for their gift of these precious snowflakes. People donate for various reasons, but the end result is giving the gift of hope, love, and a chance at carrying a baby. These two frozen superstars were created nearly 30 years ago,
just waiting on ice (liquid nitrogen, actually) for their family to come find them."
"The NEDC has been fortunate to facilitate and break numerous world records in our field," said NEDC President & Medical Director Dr. Jeffrey Keenan. "We hope this news will encour age others to experience
the blessings of embryo adoption for themselves."
The faith-based NEDC is the world's leading embryo adoption program, with more births facilitated (more than 1,250) through embryo adoption than any other organization or clinic. Its mission is to protect the lives and dignity of frozen embryos
by promoting, facilitating, and educating about embryo donation/embryo adoption.
The NEDC's website is :
www.embryodonation.org JESUS IS LORD.
NASHVILLE, Nov. 22, 2022 /Christian Newswire/ -- Fathom
of the next Left Behind movie, LEFT BEHIND:
HOPE BRIDGE, MIRACLE IN EAST TEXAS), LEFT BEHIND: RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST is the next chapter of the mega-hit LEFT BEHIND film franchise, based on the 80 million-copy New York Times bestselling book series of the same name.
Watch the trailer for LEFT BEHIND: RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= dFlu7dmHQ_g&list=TLGGttwgBF-Wn24xODExMjAyMg
LEFT BEHIND: RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST delivers an updated storyline from the 2014 LEFT BEHIND movie starring Nicolas Cage, which earned more than 30 million worldwide at the box office. The sequel shows how today’s events set the stage for the return of Christ and the coming apocalypse.
"I'm excited to bring this film to theaters across the country," said actor and director Kevin Sorbo. "With recent current events and talk about the end times, this captivating story delivers the essence of what made the original book series and film so successful but does so in a fresh way, hopefully ushering in a new generation of fans."
"It's a true story — it just hasn’t happened yet," said Paul Lalonde, producer, co-writer and CEO of Cloud Ten Creative.
After millions of people vanish and the world falls into chaos, the only light is a charismatic leader who rises to become head
of the U.N. But does he bring hope for a better future? Or is it the end of the world?
"The current political, social and global climate is creating a perfect storm for an even greater revival of interest in what the Bible says about it all," said Lalonde. "Nothing you see on the news is surprising if you have the roadmap in your hand."
Lalonde adds, "We are thrilled to partner with Fathom Events to bring this powerful movie to theaters nationwide. This movie will help bring Bible prophecies to life so that audiences can understand the big picture in a more tangible way."
LEFT BEHIND: RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST is directed by Kevin Sorbo and written by Paul Lalonde, John Patus and Jessica Parker. It is produced by Paul Lalonde, Michael Walker, Ed Clydesdale, James Quattrochi, Jason Wan Lim and John Duffy in association with AMCOMRI Entertainment Inc., Polyscope Pictures and Stonagal Pictures Inc.
For more information about the film and to purchase tickets, visit https://www.leftbehindmovie.com/ and follow us on social media at @leftbehindmovie.
ORLANDO, FL -- Liberty Counsel has launched its 20th annual Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign that is designed to educate and, when necessary, litigate to ensure that religious viewpoints are not censored from Christmas and holiday themes.
Liberty Counsel monitors cases each year across the country where there is intimidation by officials and groups to remove the celebration of Christmas in public and private sectors. Liberty Counsel also provides a memorandum to offer guidance regarding the public celebration of religious holidays. In public schools, classroom discussion of the religious aspects of the holidays is permissible. A
holiday display in a classroom may include a Nativity scene or other religious imagery so long as the context also includes secular symbols. Public school music teachers have the freedom to include both religious and secular Christmas songs in their musical programs. If the students select their own songs independent of the direction of school officials, there is no requirement that the songs include secular selections. Students may distribute religious Christmas cards to their classmates during noninstructional time, before or after school, or between classes. If the students are not required to dress in uniform, they may wear clothing with religious words or sym-
bols as well as religious jewelry.
Liberty Counsel also provides a Naughty and Nice List that catalogs some of the stores that are censoring Christmas and some that are publicly celebrating it.
Years ago, Walmart had banned its employees from even responding with the phrase “Merry Christmas.” Now the company has moved to the “Nice List,” completely embracing the Christmas season. Thankfully, many other companies have done the same to acknowledge Christ’s birth during the season. Belk, JCPenney, Walmart, Staples and Kohl’s are examples of stores on stores on the “Nice List” for acknowledging Christ-
mas and offering Christmas gifting options. Barnes & Noble, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Gap and TJ Maxx are on the “Naughty List” for censoring Christmas and offering nothing more than generic “holiday” decorations and gifts.
Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “The First Amendment prohibits censorship based on religious viewpoint. Nativity scenes on public property are constitutional, especially when the display includes other secular symbols of the holiday. Nothing prohibits public schools from teaching objectively about Christmas or other holidays with religious significance, from displaying religious and secular Christmas symbols side by side or singing sacred and secular Christmas songs together. This season is about the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ. Even retailers should acknowledge Christmas and not censor it as a ‘winter holiday.’”
North Africa (CAM) —
– The latest data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveals that people who have had the COVID shots made up most of the COVID-19 deaths in August 2022.
Of the total 6,512 Coronavirus deaths recorded in August, 58.6 percent of the deaths were were attributed to vaccinated or boosted individuals. In addition, there is a growing trend where vaccinated individuals are increasingly becoming the majority in COVID-19 mortalities. Approximately 3 in 10 adult Coronavirus fatalities in the fall of 2021 were vaccinated or boosted. But by January 2022, approximately 4 in 10 COVID deaths were vaccinated or boosted. By April 2022, the CDC data showed that about 6 in 10 adult COVID deaths were vaccinated or boosted. Then the CDC data from June and July 2022 showed over 50 percent of deaths were being reported in vaccinated individuals, with 61 and 56 percent reported respectively. In order to be counted as vaccinated, people must
be at least two weeks out from completing their primary series before testing positive (for example, at least 14 days after completing two doses of the mRNA vaccine). Similarly, to be counted as having a booster, a person must be at least two weeks out from their booster or additional dose before testing positive.
Dr. Ryan Cole, a Mayotrained boardcertified pathologist and owner of the largest independent diagnostics laboratory in Idaho, is finding an alarming number of large blood clots that have appeared since the COVID shot rollout and seem to be present only in those people who have received the injection.
Dr. Cole’s lab, Cole Diagnostics, processes and reports out approximately 40,000 blood and biopsy patient samples annually. This lab is able to determine the difference between a spike protein caused by the virus and a spike protein caused by the COVID shots, which are demonstrably different and much more pronounced and serious.
Most clots are typically micro or even medium size clots. However,
these clots from the COVID shots are long, worm-like, and some stretch for several inches or even up to several feet long.
One embalmer with 11 years of experience revealed that 93 percent of her recent cases died due to clots from the COVID shot. Morticians usually use a dissolving fluid to break up clots but now the fluid cannot not make it through these new monstrosities. The embalmers are finding that they are getting back pressure because the fluid cannot pass through the blood pathways due to the clots. They are forced to go into the body and manually pull them out. Now the embalmers are pulling out unusually large clots, as long as four feet, and have identified these irregular clots primarily in COVID-vaccinated individuals.
For more information, visit: www.LC.org/vaccine Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “Even the CDC’s own data reveals that these COVID shots are all risk and no benefit. These dangerous injections should be stopped immediately.”
The parents of a young woman on the verge of death asked a ministry leader in North Africa to minister to her, and only after he arrived did he realize that at one time she had often attended his church.
The leader and some team members had arrived to say farewell, pray for her and, at the parents’ request, baptize her, he said.
“When we entered the house, we found a sick girl who was extremely thin, looked very desperate and was just waiting for death,” the leader said. “She was aware that she had a few days left before she would die and had no hope for healing. Although we didn’t know anything about the medical reports of her illness and what it was, I had a feeling that this could be an evil spirit.”
They also didn’t know anything about her faith. Requesting anointing
oil, the leader asked for some private time with the young woman, Anila*. As he spoke to her about salvation in Christ, he said, he realized that for a season she had frequently attended his church, but then stopped. “When I asked her if she was a believer, she said that she was not sure about it,” he said. “So I asked her to pray with me to give her life to Jesus, and that baptism should come after being a believer. Then we prayed, and she gave her life to God.”
The team encouraged her with some Bible verses, including a passage from James’ epistle about how the Lord can heal illness, and they prayed and sang worship songs. He anointed her with oil and prayed for healing. After 15 minutes, he said, her fever shot up, and she began shaking. “I felt that something was happening, so I asked the team to turn our prayers
from asking for healing to giving thanks to the Lord, because healing was happening,” the leader said. “I asked her to sit up in her bed, but the surprise was that she stood up by herself.”
Anila had been unable to move for six months, but suddenly she was able to stand and move with ease, he said. He asked her what had happened.
“She said she didn’t know, but that she felt there was something that happened in her life,” the leader said. “God healed Anila, and after a few days she was able to go outside her house. She came to church and was completely different; she looked healthy and healed. Now she is in the baptism class. Praise the Lord.”
*Name changed for security reasons Header and story images courtesy of Christian Aid Mission. For more information: mnnonline.org
-Mark 11:24
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