JUNE 2019 • Vol. 6, No. 6
The Newspaper
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Page 9
Our Escape from a burning BOAT!
Of Proof He’s Alive
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen.” - Revelation 1:18a
My life story from rebellion, drugs, and 10 years in prison, But Today I am saved! By Jennie Vazques
My name is Jeannie, and I will be sharing with you the story of my life in the hope of touching a soul and I pray that the Holy Spirit will pierce the hearts and bless you. Amen. I’m an only child born in Bronx New York 1971. My mother was only 15 and left my father when I was a year old. Growing up in both Puerto Rico and the city, my childhood was a bit unstable. My God-fearing grandmother had raised me from time to time and introduced me into a small Pentecostal church at age 8 where I remember
experiencing the power of the Holy Ghost although I did not understand it at the time. I began experimenting with marijuana at age 12 and already experienced passing out after drinking alcohol at age 11, ran away from home at age 12, caught by the police, and continued resenting and rebelling. I was sent off to Kentucky at age 14 to live with my aunt in hopes that this would be a better place for me and I would change my ways. as it turned out throughout my teenage years, I began smoking marijuana more heavily, lost my virginity, became depressed, dropped out of high school and dated older guys. I ran away at age 15 with someone who beat me and was very abusive emotionally and psychologically, but I would rather be with him than live with my mother. After the first abortion, I was able to get out of this relationship. In turn, my mother helped me find
Jeannie , age 24 shortly after attempted suicide me an apartment and I began working as a waitress. This was the open door to a life of “parties, sex, drugs, and rock & roll”, but the truth is my life was heading down the evil ways of Satan. As I progressed into losing jobs at age 16 due to hangovers, no call no shows, paying the rent was getting harder and so I began waitressing in nightclubs where women
exhibited themselves as entertainment. It was nothing but a matter of time before I began doing the same. I tried committing suicide at age 24 when I thought I had lost all resources, but God did not allow that to happen. I needed the money and no matter how much I drank I could not strip for a living anymore. I was done with it. I remember going into the dressing room full of shame
put a smile on his face. My grandfather was just as pleased as he was the one that bought me my football helmet and ball glove. As I got older, I advanced in sports and dated every Tom, Dick and Harry. My boyfriends were brothers of the girls I played ball with. As time went on, I continued playing sports and played on a team in Illinois that won two state titles in fast-pitch softball. I got married and had two kids. While pregnant with my first one I had to take pills and shots to even my hormones out. I bled with my first child and had three miscarriages. Seemed I had more male hormones than female. This probably had a part to play in me wanting to be a boy leaning on Wild Bill Hickok, rather than Annie Oakley. When
straightened them out the fun then started with my weight. Wow, now I can gain weight. For years weight went up and down. At this ripe old age, I finally settled the matter. I look back at those times and can only be grateful to my God, because back then I did not have a choice. I was a girl and that was it no matter how much I wished I was a
Gender Change
Jeannie today... one night knowing I was making a fool out of myself. I ran out of there tried crashing my vehicle onto anything but the wheel would not turn. I
was crying desperately, I was devastated. I hated my life, hated my mother, and I had no hope. I tried going back to college. I... Continuation on Page:5
boy. Of course, as I got older that feeling left, but I think of all those children out there that society tells them they can change and be what they want to be… If they want to be a girl they can and if they want to be a boy
they can. It saddens me to think that the enemy has done this to our kids. No, we don’t have a choice in this matter. You are what God created you to be. If you were born a boy, then until you Continuation on Page:5
By Georgia Yost
I pray this testimony can help many young people out there making decisions in their lives, if only one person this has helped; Praise God, the story was to be told. I will start this off by going back into my life as a young child. I was what they called a “tomboy”. I loved playing sports and since we lived next door to four boys, we played all sorts of sports like boxing, football, base ball, and basketball. I was very active and back in those days as a girl I would have to wear skirts and dresses to school. You would be looking at a child that could only think of how lucky boys were. They didn’t have to fix their hair and could wear jeans and get by with it. Of course it didn’t help that my dad always wanted a boy, so me being the only tomboy would only
PAGE 2 | JUNE 2019 • Vol. 6, No. 6
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
Spirit Of
Dear Readers: The Holy Spirit has begun showing me things that I want to share with you. I am deeper into the Word: 2Tim 2:15 says to study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. God showed me a few years ago that as Christians, we cannot mix traditions of men with the Word of God. Here is an example: a Native American tradition. While worshipping the God of the universe in some churches that I know of, a ‘smudging’ ceremony is practiced. Other indigenous cultures practice this also. Smudging is supposed to create a cleansing smoke that purifies the body, creating an aura of energy in the ceremonial ritual place and in perso-
any ntez Duff o M e n li ade By Rev. M
nal articles present. Smudging is performed to remove negative energy as well as for centering and healing. Smudging calls on the spirits of sacred plants to drive away negative energies and restore balance. Tobacco, sage, cedar, sweetgrass, juniper, or lavender are burned. The smoke is directed with a single feather or fan of feathers. These various plants ward off sicknesses and bring blessings. Spiritually, the smoke is then wafted around oneself, creating a ‘smoke bath’. The feather possesses the spirit qualities of a bird – the breath of life connecting us to the heavens above and mother earth below. Burning plants in a shell (abalone), because it is an element of water, balances the other elements of fire, air, and earth.
Check: www.fgbmfiusa.life SARASOTA, FLORIDA CHAPTER
Randy Roberts July 12, 2019
Friends, an environment filled with smoke is unhealthy for persons with allergies, infants, and pregnant women. Where is the Holy Spirit in all this? Hebrews 10:19 says, “Having therefore, brethren, the boldness to enter into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus….” In Isaiah 53, Jesus’ future life on earth was foretold in the clearest terms to include His eventual torture and death: “But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds (stripes) we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5; 1Peter 2:24. So, I do not need smoke or plants to heal me, because Jesus already did it for me! Exodus 15:26 says it all! God’s will is to heal you. I would not condemn
someone for taking medication, because God uses medicine when you need healing. If we can believe God’s Word without wavering, regardless of circumstances or symptoms, we can receive healing by faith alone. This takes a deep personal revelation of God’s healing power. This kind of faith needs to be developed over a period of time. It takes more than a few sermons. If fear rises up within you, then this is your checkpoint. You are not there yet. Go to the doctor, and go in faith! The real issue is your faith! Either way, rejoice, knowing that God is working with you, meeting you at the level of your faith. Don’t let Satan put you under condemnation. It’s none of his business. (Portions taken from Kenneth Copeland’s book “Faith to Faith”. This is God’s Word! The Spirit of Truth! Rev. MMD
Phone: 941-447-4538 website: www.ficcwordchurch.org Publisher: Chuck Kennedy Designer: Rlyn Kennedy Contact information: www.hesalivenews.org email: hesalivenews@yahoo.com Email subscriptions are free. Printed subscriptions any donation. Letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged. Please notify us of address changes. If you wish to be removed, let us know.
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EXCITING MEETINGS: TIME: NOTE OUR DINNER START TIME HAS CHANGED TO 6:30 PM Randy spent the first everyone. As well as MEETING AT 7:00 PM part of his professional help them find a life full of satisfaction and purpose. He has seen God perform thousands of miracles both in the US and abroad and has seen God’s goodness lead thousand’s more to repentance. Randy has a powerful anointing to pray for the sick so come join us and bring a friend and expect the goodness of God to be manifested!
Christian News & Views
*** Write to Rev Madeline at PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 or by email at Hesalivenews@yahoo.com. Not all letters are from readers. Letters may be fictitious in person but true in content. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any questions submitted.
—Not just on the Gulf Coast, but in nearly 150 nations in the world!
life in corporate America, college athletics and as an owner of several businesses until the Lord led him and his wife Ashley into full time ministry. Ever since he has been pursuing God and His will for his life which has led him to serve and evangelize on several continents. Sharing God’s goodness through supernatural healings and proclaiming the good news. Here in the US God has called him to equip the saints to show the whole earth how real and how good God wants to be to
Please call in your reservation by Wednesday, July 10, to Jerry Miller, Outreach Director at 941-223-0417. Ron Bauza President Chapter 305 Sarasota, FL 941-545-4062 www.fgbmfiusa.life
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PAGE 3 | JUNE 2019 • Vol. 6, No. 6
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Counselor’s Corner:
Don’t Worry,
Be Happy!
Email: Louise.alleva@gmail.com “Here’s a little song I wrote. You might want to sing it note for note. Don’t worry, be happy. In every life we have some trouble. But when you worry you make it double. Don’t worry, be happy. Don’t worry, be happy now.” This happy little song written by Bobby McFerrin was released in September 1988. It was the #1 hit for many weeks. People still remember it today when they seem to
need an uplifting reminder of how we can make things worse just by worrying over life’s troubles. Even some temperaments I have studied about are more prone to worry than others. I’m one of them. This article is as much for me as you worriers out there. We need a reality check as it has been said that most of what we worry about never comes to pass. And if it does come to pass it isn’t as bad as we
By : Louise Alleva thought it would be. Only a very small percentage between 1%-8% does happen, depending on who’s quote I researched. But it all comes down to one thing. According to God’s Word there is not one thing that should disturb us. Not one. We have many resources in the Bible to turn to when we begin to worry about family, health, (ours or someone else), loss of our independence, finances, world events, bad weather, just
to list a few. The Lord speaks to us with the wisdom we need to calm down, look at our issues through the eyes of faith and to follow practical advice straight from Heaven. 1. First of all God assures us that His Word is full of promises for us and that His Word is trustworthy and dependable. If we believe in His promises and receive them as ours, then we will succeed. Therefore, we are not to worry about anything. Not one thing. 2. When we do choose to trust Him, He will begin to take on every burden that weighs us down so we can be given His peace as ours. His love will take us through this challenge. 3. Next, if we do give it all to Him, He wants us to rest in Him and leave worry far as from us as possible. Then nothing will disturb us. A good scripture to copy and keep handy when we fall into the worry trap is
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Psalm 23. We can pull it out and read it until it becomes part of the peace we are looking for. There are many more promises of how to have peace in every situation. Search for them and use them like salve over a wound. Here are a few to start your search. Romans 5:1-5. Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 56:3, 1 Peter 5:7. Philippians 4:6-7. 4. Never say it is my nature to worry! Oops. When I spoke of worry as part of my temperament, I forget to mention that all temperaments have strengths and weaknesses. Worry is definitely a weakness. I can’t use that as a crutch anymore. God has pointed out that worry has not brought any blessings! But if we walk in peace and experience His joy as we face the future, we will have a sense of the King of
peace is with us. 5. Begin to write down scriptures that will help you overcome your worry and receive comfort to help you break the habit of worry. I listed a few but I hope you begin your own list that gives you the most peace and help you overcome the weakness of worry. Bobby McFerrin did. I don’t know his personal beliefs, but I know he had a wisdom to write a very uplifting song that many of us remember and feel good about even in 2019! I did. What more can Our Father in Heaven do? Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.- Corrie Ten Boom. Blessings and Love Louise Alleva, D.Min louise.alleva@gmail.com
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PAGE 4 | JUNE 2019 • Vol. 6, No. 6
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Turkey imposes entry ban; believers seek answers
(Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)
By Katey Hearth Turkey (MNN) — Turkey appears to be closing its doors to Christian residents, and it’s not clear why. A recent entry ban, subsequent deportations, and unclear communication all raise concern for Turkey’s Christian community. “After many years of residency, they (foreign Christian workers) are now being banned from entering the country,” Adam Smith* of Middle East Concern tells MNN. “Lawyers are trying to get official papers giving the reasons why people are facing entry bans, and yet they’re not able to do so.” Smith describes the following situations as examples of Turkey’s entry ban. Entry ban examples In April, family emergencies required that one pastor travel immediate
ly to the United States, Smith begins. This pastor led a church in Istanbul for 20 years and is wellknown in the community. When he tried returning to Turkey on Thursday, authorities detained him at the airport. Instead of letting him into the country, they deported the pastor to Germany. Smith says MEC knows of several cases like this. The situation is putting non-Turkish Christians on-edge. “It’s certainly made them feel very insecure,” he states. “There’s no warning that this might happen… when you leave the airport, you don’t know if you’re going to be allowed back or not. It’s very unsettling for the people.” Another entry ban occurred in February, he reports. A Christian couple was returning home
(Stock photo obtained via Pexels) to Istanbul after traveling abroad. Authorities stopped the pair in the airport and told them they were going to be deported, but the couple managed to call their lawyer first. “The lawyer was able to step in, stop the deportation for a few days,” describes Smith. Unfortunately, the couple couldn’t return to their home in Istanbul. Government authorities told them to return to the U.S. and seek answers from the Turkish consulate. The couple “went to the Turkish consulate in Chicago, asked them ‘what’s the problem? We haven’t done anything
Muslims taught to target www. Mnnonline.org By Lindsay Steele Christian girls in Indonesia Indonesia (MNN) — Christians in Indonesia face some of the harshest forms of persecution. It’s a risk for believers to openly share about their faith. If they do, they could be beaten or even killed. Yet, recently, a new form of persecution is on the rise — Christian girls are being targeted by Muslim men. Christian Girls Targeted “Influential leaders are literally training young men to target Christian girls to impregnate them,” World Mission’s Greg Kelley says. “They target them to try and sort of diffuse the spread of Christianity because the family of the Christian girl is so ashamed that…they’re forced into marrying that daughter into a Muslim family.”Kelley says this is not happening across the board in all Muslim-majority areas. However, it is becoming more frequent in countries like Indonesia. Families are put into difficult situations because they are shamed and because a dowry system is applied in Indonesia. Further, many Christian families are often impoverished. Knowing this, the girls’ at
tackers come to her family and say they will not make them pay a dowry for their daughter. “The family, because the shame is so overwhelming, they agree to that… and the Muslims who are being trained to do this, they understand that. That’s why they’re doing that. They’re taking a Christian into a Muslim family so they can influence [her].” Once girls are married into the Muslim families, they’re often cut off from or abandoned by their families and they face even more difficult circumstances. In some cases, girls are the second or third wife of their persecutor and they have few freedoms. They are “being withheld the basic human rights that a lot of women in America take for granted, living in many cases underground.” An Unending Influence Even though these Christian girls are living under the influence of Islam in a challenging situation, Kelley says, in many cases, they remain loyal to the Lord, and their own influence of faith does not end when they are married. “They still have the opportunity to raise a child,
to influence a child, so it’s not like the impact of the Gospel ends there. It just puts this young lady into an incredibly difficult set of circumstances, but her influence doesn’t end.” Often the girls will continue worshipping Jesus in secret. “If her husband found out she was openly serving Jesus, he would divorce her. There’d be no consequences to him to getting rid of her because that would kind of be defiling Islam.” Kelley says it’s important for believers around the world to know about this persecution so they can pray. Pray for Christian girls who have been attacked and forced to marry. Pray for her family, for wisdom, and for safety. Pray also for the persecutors and leaders who are training men to rape women, that they would have their eyes opened to this evil and come to faith in Jesus. Finally, pray that the Lord will continue lifting up a generation of strong believers in Indonesia despite the persecution. World Mission partners with nationals on the ground who connect with, love, and encourage these women in their state of difficulty.
wrong…why are we not being allowed back in the country?” Smith says. Consulate officials told the couple they couldn’t get into Turkey because there was an entry ban. “That doesn’t explain anything, of course, [about] why are you banned?” Smith observes. On its website, the U.S. State Department warns citizens visiting Turkey, Security forces have detained tens of thousands of individuals, including U.S. citizens, for alleged affiliations with terrorist organizations based on scant
or secret evidence and grounds that appear to be politically motivated. U.S. citizens have also been subject to travel bans that prevent them from departing Turkey. However, at press time, there are no statements regarding the entry bans or deportations of foreign residents of Turkey. What now? About the current entry ban and deportations, Smith notes “similar things have happened in the past; quite a num ber of foreign Christians have been deported. But, it’s been done in quite a different way.” At the individual level, there’s little action one can take legally or politically on behalf of these believers. However, you do know the God who directs the affairs of mankind. We “definitely need to pray in a variety of dif- ferent areas regarding this [situation],” Smith states. “First of all, there are those people and families who have been immediately affected by this. I know, for exam-
ple, that the children in one family…have been really distressed.” Ask the Lord to comfort and encourage believers affected by Turkey’s entry ban. Pray lawyers working on their behalf will have wisdom and discernment. “If there is any policy that’s targeting Christians in this way because of their ministry, then may it come out into the open and stop,” Smith suggests. Please also pray for Turkish churches affected by the entry ban. “If the church suddenly loses its head pastor, it’s very disturbing for the congregation and is a cause of anxiety,” notes Smith. “May the Church know God’s peace during this time and have that overcoming spirit.” Visit https://www.meconcern.org/countries/ turkey/ to learn more of the state of the church in Turkey *– Name changed for security purposes. Header image is a stock photo obtained via Pexels. For more information about Mission Network News, contact: Mission Network News Mission Network News PO Box 2211, Naperville, IL 60567 www.mnnonline.org +++
(Photo by Andy Al Mesura on Unsplash)
Abortion Activist Caught on Video Vandalizing By: JOSHUA GILL Catholic Church With Pro-Abortion Graffiti Catholic parishioners in Pennsylvania discovered Sunday that a vandal spray-painted their church with pro-abortion graffiti, sparking public outcry and a police investigation. The as yet unidentified culprit wrote, “You do not have the right to decide how others lives,” in black spray paint across the glass doors of the Notre Dame de Lourdes Church and added “#ProChoice” on the side of the building, according to CBS3 Philly. Parishioners like Jessica Prince said they were devastated by the defacement of their church. “It was very shocking to
come up to the church and see that,” Prince told CBS3. “I’d have to say the first half of mass was me crying the whole time because I was so upset somebody would do that to the church.” The vandalism came amid national outcry over Alabama’s latest abortion law, which bans all abortion except in cases where pregnancy poses life risks to the mother. The new law holds abortion providers criminally responsible for performing abortions but does not penalize women who seek abortions. Police have surveillance video of the pro-abortion vandalism thanks to the
principal of the adjacent school, according to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. They are working on identifying the suspect caught on film. “The school principal was able to bring up video from the security cameras of the vandalism in progress,” the archdiocese said in a statement. “It will be shared with the Ridley Police Department’ detectives and the parish will cooperate with law enforcement as it investigates the incident. This afternoon, parishioners successfully removed the graffiti.” +++
PAGE 5 | JUNE 2019 • Vol. 6, No. 6
My life story from rebellion, drugs, and 10 years in prison, But Today I am saved! From Page1...
...tried doing the right thing by not drinking but was still working in nightclubs. It was only a matter of time before I started dancing again and partying. Things just went from bad to worse. There were DUI’s, violations of probation, in and out of jail, rehab, bad relationships, more abortions, and depression, my life was a mess. In 2006 my life took a turn when I crashed into another vehicle after leaving my house And a
night of binging. I was convicted of DUI and sentenced to prison for 10 years. No one wants to go to prison, but the very thing I was avoiding was the only thing that could save my life at this point. By His grace, I surrendered my heart and soul to Jesus. I recall the struggle as if it were yesterday. A massive burden was lifted, and I had joy and excitement like I had never experienced before any other time I had been in church. The way I saw things
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began changing and immediately I knew I had to stop listening to New age tapes of positive thinking. I knew I had to stop talking to people from my past and I began journaling again. I was still in denial of facing prison time, but as I was handcuffed in court and taken away from society, God gave me strength. It was God the Father who made sure I was safe and protected me. He placed me in a faith-based dormitory and began to change me. He was giving me new desires as Psalms 37 says, and I couldn’t get enough of the Bible, (HIS WORD IS ALIVE!) The Lord let me know that no matter what I went through He would be with me and it would be ok. I meditated on Isaiah 41:10
and I believed it with all my heart. I had peace for the first time, I remember taking the best naps and dreaming beautiful dreams. The Lord renewed me and as the years went by, I began to grow up in His Faith. There was always hope for a new day, a new thing! When the Lord revealed to me that the purpose of life is to give Him glory my eyes were opened, I understood why it was so hard for me to find happiness in the world. I began ministering to other women in the prison by simply walking a straight and narrow, there was no other way for me! I used to be shy and unable to speak in public, but as I grew in Him, I
turn Roe v. Wade since it was all based on lies. Therefore, if the new Alabama law helps overturn Roe, so be it. Yet one person called the Alabama law “a major step towards the
death of democracy.” Oh brother. The Constitution shows that the courts, including the Supreme Court, were never designed to legislate or execute our laws. Continuation on Page:11
From Page 1
these children think that they can change their gender is straight from the pits of hell. I believe the worse is hearing parents doing that to their children. God created Adam and Eve and was pleased. Then the devil deceived them to sin as he has done with so many now. I pray that maybe if this message can help one person then I know it was written for a purpose. I pray a protection over our youth. +++
learned to give God glory by singing in a choir and doing the things I would not have done before coming to Christ. Jesus is the only person who was/is, able to save me from my own self. Now Satan doesn’t have the power to mani- pulate my life anymore. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; behold all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 To God be all the Glory. In Jesus Name we are free. Free Indeed. I was released in 2015 and God has not stopped pouring down His grace upon my life. When we continue to seek Him, He is Faith ful, and even when I have failed Him, He remains faithful. It’s been 4 years since my release, and since then I
have been able to accomplish all the desires God has given me. I always longed to be married and asked God to please make it simple for me. We met March of 2019 and are getting married June. I hope to go back into the women’s correctional someday and be a message of hope to all the women inside. Today I have the privilege to own a small business transforming old furniture into new works of art with the talent Lord has given me, I use it in any way I can to tell people of God’s transforming Grace. God bless you. Jeannie
Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade, Never Had an Abortion and Became Pro-Life
BY: JERRY NEWCOMBE - LIFENEWS.COM The goal of the new, placed for adoption. Jusstrict Alabama abortion tice William Rehnquist, law is to potentially over- one of two dissenters turn Roe v. Wade.The in the decision, voted law would penalize abor- against it because it was tion doctors, and it con- a moot point. Roe’s baby tains no exception claus- had already been born. es, except for the life and The opinion of Roe health of the mother. of Roe v. Wade is sigIn all of the brouhaha nificant for the abortion about the new Alabama debate, including the law, there is a long-stilled Alabama law, because voice that has been for- abortion was accepted gotten. That of the repen- on a wide scale throughtant Roe of Roe v. Wade. out the country, only by Of course, Norma Mc- judicial fiat. It was not Corvey was the Jane something “we the peoRoe of Roe v. Wade. Af- ple” voted on. ter converting to Christ Look at how divided the and the pro-life position country continues to be (about 15 years after on the subject of aborthe Supreme Court deci- tion. Well, why not? We sion), she proclaimed to the people did not dethe world that the whole cide that case on that case had been based fateful Monday. Dison a lie (a few lies, real- senting Justice Byron ly). Chief among the lies White, the only Justice was that she was raped appointed by JFK, said (gang-raped at that), and that Roe was an “act of that was why she needed raw judicial power.” an abortion. Those who live by court By the time Roe v. decisions should die by Wade was decided on court decisions. And Roe January 22, 1973, Nor- herself, after her pro-life ma had already had her and Christian converbaby (a girl), whom she sion, tried to legally over-
Gender Change
...die that is what you will be and the same with a girl. God is our creator not us. I know this message will be given to my grandchildren as they will have the opportunity to know the truth. How many children now are being confused because so many demonic people are in this world telling them lies. No, we don’t have a choice when it comes to this matter. No one in born as a mistake and having
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PAGE 6 | JUNE 2019 • Vol. 6, No. 6
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Democrats File Bill to Overturn Abortion Bans Alabama and Georgia Just Passed
House Democratic leaders introduced a radical pro-abortion bill Thursday that would overturn all the progress pro-life states have made to protect unborn babies. The Women’s Health Protection Act would make abortion on demand federal law, and
prohibit any limits on abortions up to birth, The Blaze reports. Its lead sponsors are U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Connecticut, and U.S. Rep. Judy Chu, D-California. “Our bill finally puts a stop to the state-based attacks that anti-abortion
advocates have been trying to use to undermine or even reverse Roe,” Chu said Thursday at a news conference. That would mean “no heartbeat bills” such as the ones in Georgia and Ohio or any other “non-medical restrictions on our bodies,” she continued.
“It means no abortion bans,” Chu said. The bill has 169 sponsors in the U.S. House and 41 in the U.S. Senate. The Washington Times reports the Democrats’ news conference in cluded House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Planned Parenthood and other abortion activists who declared “war” on the new pro-life laws in Alabama, Georgia, Ohio and other states. “Make no mistake. We’re at war,” said U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel, D-Florida. “The Trump administration and Republicans all over this country have declared war against the women trying to take away the right from us to make very important decisions about our healthcare.” U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gilli brand, of New York, a presidential contender,
also backed the bill Thursday on Twitter. “The politicians interfer ing in patients’ access to abortion would never accept us getting between them and their health care,” Gillibrand wrote. “We won’t allow them into our exam rooms either. Now more than ever, we need to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act.” Planned Parenthood CEO Leana Wen also joined the news conference. Afterward on Twitter, she described the politicians behind the bill as “pro-women’s health champions” because they support the killing of unborn babies for any reason up to birth. The bill may pass the U.S. House, but it is highly unlikely to pass the U.S. Senate, where Republicans still have control. The legislation also is radically out of touch with most voters’ views on abortion. A new Hill-HarrisX survey found that 55 percent
of voters said they do not think lawsbanning abortions after six weeks – when an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable – are too restrictive. Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri and a number of other states have passed or are considering heartbeat laws this year. Earlier this year, a Marist University poll found that just 13 percent of Americans support a New York law that legalized abortions for basically any reason up to birth. Through the years, Gallup polling consistently has found similar results. A majority of Americans oppose most or all abortions. In 2018, 53 percent of Americans said abortions should be legal in only a few or no circumstances, compared to 43 percent who said abortions should be legal all or most circumstances. +++
ISIS in the Philippines By Lindsay Steele www.mnnonline.org
Doctors Want Permission to Euthanize Patients to Harvest Their Organs BY ALEX SCHADENBERG
Several weeks ago I wrote about Dr Wes Ely’s experiences while attending conferences on organ donation. Ely explains that the topic of euthanasia by organ donation was regularly being discussed at organ donation conferences. Ely, who opposes euthanasia, stated: At each meeting, the conversation unexpectedly shifted to an emerging question of “death by donation” — in other words, ending a people’s lives with their informed consent by taking them to the operating room and, under general anesthesia, opening their chest and abdomen surgically while they are still alive to remove vital organs for transplantation into other people. The big deal here is that death by donation would bypass the long-honored dead donor rule, which forbids removal of vital organs until the donor is declared dead. Death by donation would, at present, be considered homicide to end a life by taking organs. Sharon Kirkey published an article in the Nation
al Post (today) concerning the debate that has grown concerning euthanasia by organ donation. Kirkey explains: Under this scenario, people granted an assisted death would, with their full knowledge and consent, be transported to an operating room, put to sleep under general anaesthesia and their organs removed, including the heart and lungs. Death would follow removal of the beating heart. Under socalled “euthanasia by organ donation,” the act of organ donation itself — not a lethal injection or a doctor-prescribed, life-ending dose of barbiturates — would be the mode of death. According to Kirkey organ donation after euthanasia has already occurred at least 30 times in Canada, since euthanasia was legalized. Kirkey points out that the dead donor rule prevents euthanasia by organ donation. An article published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) last September argues that eliminating the dead
donor rule provides “benefits” by providing healthier organs for donation. Ian Ball, the lead author of the article explains the scenario: The dead donor rule isn’t a law, but more an “ethical convention,” said Ball. It’s being questioned more, especially in the advent of assisted dying. “Prior to MAID it was absolutely unacceptable for physicians to intentionally and directly cause the death of a patient,” he said. “The extreme perspective — and I’m not taking this, I’m not advocating for this and it’s certainly against current MAID legislation, but some people do — is that, in the case of MAID, why wouldn’t you go to the operating room, get a general anaesthetic and why couldn’t they retrieve your beating heart? Because that would provide your heart in the best possible condition to a recipient.” It’s important to point out that Robert Troug, a longtime proponent of euthanasia by organ donation was also involved with the publishing of the article in the NEJM. Continuation on Page:9
(Photo courtesy of Open Doors USA via Facebook) Philippines (MNN) – ISIS’s control in the Middle East is dwindling. It has been weakened, but now it looks like the terror group is shifting its forces back into the Philippines as a hub to regain its strength. This is a similar tactic to one al-Qaeda used after they were weakened in the Middle East. Later, after regrouping and rebuilding, a faction of al-Qaeda returned under the name of ISIS. Extremist Ideology of ISIS: “I think you can expect this extremist ideology to keep popping up under different identities because what we identify in our World Watch List as one of the major trends is the spread of Islamic extremism, and what we mean by that is the ideology, the ideas which have populated and spread throughout the world so that when ISIS is defeated in one area, [it] does not mean that the ideology, that the the ology, that the founding principles of ISIS don’t exist anymore,” Open Doors USA’s David Curry says. “They don’t need a territory to spread their ideas. These ideas now
exist in Asia, in Africa, as well as the Middle East.” Curry says the extremist ideology is dangerous as it revolves around the exclusivity of Islam and using Sharia Law to force others to follow their way of thinking. The Philippines are a prime example of this; extremist ideology is spreading across the Catholic-majority nation. “You have extremists in Asia that want to push forward the theology of ISIS, take over territory, kill people, and try to push back the development of social ideas to their very medieval sort of way of seeing things,” Curry says. ISIS in the Philippines Smaller and local terror groups, like the militant group Abu Sayyaf, have started to pledge loyalty to ISIS and carried out attacks in their name. In January, Abu Sayyaf bombed the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cathedral in Jolo, where officials reported 20 people were killed. Attacks have also been consistently carried out over the last two years in the Marawi area by ISIS fighters. The attacks and tactics that ISIS is using remind
Curry of “what we saw in northern Iraq, in the previous eight, nine months before ISIS bolted out onto the scene. You have these incidents of violence where they’re gathering strength, they’re getting dollars and recruits through these acts of violence, and then they take over an entire region.” This appears to be exactly what ISIS is attempting to do in the Philippines, starting in Marawi, though the US Department of Defense Office of Inspector General reports that there hasn’t been a specific trend the group is following. ISIS remains weakened and does not seem to be growing in numbers so far. Pray for the safety of people in the Philippines. Pray for the wisdom of the government, that they would know how to address the issue, and pray that the terrorist activities would be squelched. For more information about Mission Network News, contact: Mission Network News Mission Network News PO Box 2211, Naperville, IL 60567
The Lord liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted.-Psalm 18:46
By Amy McIntyre
PAGE 7 | JUNE 2019 • Vol. 6, No. 6
Have you ever been interested in International Missions and don’t know where to begin or are unable to travel? Here’s a wonderful opportunity to be a light to an International High School Student in the comfort of your own home. To be a Host Family is an awesome opportunity to make a difference in an International Students life who may never hear about Christianity and God’s Ultimate sacrifice/love for them. CIEE (Council on Inter national Education Exchange) is a company founded in 1947
Have you ever felt a Calling for International Missions?
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of choice after completing an online application, background check and family interview. God calls us all to be his Disciples and this is just one avenue to reach someone that may never or in the future learn about God’s love for them while living in their home country. You can make a difference! If you have an interest, please contact Amy Welcome a CIEE high school student into your home and form a bond that McIntyre at: amkub65@yahoo.com lasts a lifetime! or call (260) 433-4879.
God Bless, Amy McIntyre +++
Fulani herdsmen attack By Beth Stolicker village in northeast Nigeria Nigeria (MNN) – On Tuesday, May 7, a faction of the Fulani herdsmen carried out another attack in a village in northeast Nigeria. Fulani Herdsmen Target Northeast Nigeria A partner of Christian Aid Mission agreed to share his first-hand account. Gabriel Barau, a missionary in Nigeria, says homes were burned to the ground. At least two converts were lost and many people were killed and injured. He says the instability in northern Nigeria has been ongoing for the past five years because of Boko Haram attacks, but now, the Fulani herdsmen attacks appear to be increasing. “They enter villages, and they burn homes, houses…They kill anyone they can lay their hands on. And so many people have been displaced and killed,” Barau says. Despite the atrocities committed, Barau says no one has been arrested for the attack. With-
out help from authorities, taking care of thevictims falls to the local Church. “Last night, they killed a lot of the people we were reaching out to in those communities. Many of them escaped without carrying anything, and now they are with our staff that are in the city. Sometimes, we don’t even know how to keep them. There are hundreds and hundreds of them,” Barau says. Currently, Barau’s missionaries are overwhelmed. It seems like there is no church that is not housing displaced people. “Most of them have been in internally displaced camps and we go there, we feed them, we provide a service for them, we do what we can do in our ministry for them. And then we help empower some of them. But we have so little and are so limited to do,” Barau says. Pray for Nigeria It is also frustrating for the Christians in this area
Doctors Want Permission to Euthanize Patients to Harvest Their Organs From Page 6 Kirkey finishes the article by asking Jennifer Chandler who works with Organ and Tissue donation at the University of Ottawa. Chandler suggests
that many people would be uncomfortable with the idea of euthanasia by organ donation and it would lead to a grave risk to public trust.
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when attacks like this go unreported. Please, spread the news of what is happening in northern Nigeria. Also, join in prayer for the Church there. Ask God to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people who have been attacked. Pray for their healing and protection. Pray that as the global Church learns about what is happening in northern Nigeria, it would reach out and help its Nigerian brothers and sisters. “We need the world community to know that people are suffering in silence in some part of this country,” Barau says.
Experience a new culture, practice a foreign language and have a great time Contact: Amy McIntyre sharing the best parts of U.S. life with amkub65@yahoo.com another. CIEE will match your family to or call (260) 433-4879 an international student based on personality traits, hobbies, and more. Founded in 1947, CIEE is the country’s oldest and largest nonprofit study abroad and interculturalexchange organization.
*Name of partner and location of attack have been omitted for security. For more information about Mission Network News, contact: Mission Network News Mission Network News PO Box 2211, Naperville, IL 60567 www.mnnonline.org Dr Ely stated in his article published in USA today that: When physicians are participating in a procedure designed to take a person’s life, will patients feel 100% certain that their physician is firmly on the side of healing? What message does it send about the value of every human life when physicians endorse the exchange of one life for another? What affect has it already had on physicians complicit in such death-causing procedures? The problem begins
Representative photo, 2015. (Photo courtesy of Christian Aid Mission)
when society permits doctors, or others, to kill people. If euthanasia by organ donation becomes an accepted way to kill, then sadly, euthanasia will be promoted as a benefit to society creating another pressure to die. LifeNews.com Note: Alex Schadenberg is the executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and you can read his blog at: https://alexschadenberg. blogspot.com/ +++
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Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: Mark 1:14B-15 ...Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
2 Corinthians 5: 21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Romans 4:25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.
P6 P5
1 John 1: 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins & to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Accept by Faith that Jesus precious blood cleanses you... -Hebrews 9: 12-14 Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead,thou shalt be saved.
A suggested prayer: Father in the name of Jesus, wash me in your blood, forgive me of my sins please dear Lord. I believe Jesus is the Son of God and that You Father God, raised Him from the dead. I now confess Jesus Christ is my Lord. Thank you for saving me, Father, I love You Jesus.
Romans 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
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Hi everyone, my name is Tanisha Smith! I am a licensed minister from Faith International Christian Center. And my ministry is called 85 edify Assistant living. I would like to tell you a little bit about my ministry and what I do. I help the activity director and I do bible study classes on the days they requested and I do manicures/pedicures for them. And if you need companionship for your love ones, don’t hasitate to call me, give me the Assistant living place and room number. I will love to see them. Call: (407) 4909596 - Love, Tanisha
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” - Romans 6:23 + Receive the gift of God, eternal life for you.
PAGE 9 | JUNE 2019 • Vol. 6, No. 6
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Our Escape from a burning BOAT! By: Amy Kubiak-McIntyre
We just wanted to thank everyone for their encouraging comments and support-God is so Good all the Time! As you know, we’ve had quite an adventure. We want to first off, thank God for orchestrating our experience to strengthen our faith in him. We started out a week ago to the Florida Keys and Dry Tortugas to enjoy some relaxation and snorkeling. We had a wonderful trip stopping in Ft Myers to spend the day with my Son and family on the boat and then headed to the Florida Keys for snorkeling. We started back home yesterday around 6 a.m. with a devotional by Tony Evans titled Fulfilling God’s Purpose for your Life and that particular devotional theme was that “Life would not always be easy or without trials/tribulation, however, God would give you the perseverance to get you through for his greater purpose.” Later that morning, I was violently sea sick due to chopping waters and wishing I was back home. I did finally start to feel better around 1:00 pm and thought it would be good to get re-hydrated again after being so sick. I
managed to choke down some water, watermelon and a few crackers. Just an hour later around 2:00 pm, we started to watch a movie and smelt smoke coming from the engine room. When Glenn opened the door, it was filled with smoke and had an oder like an electrical wire possibly had started the fire. After using the fire extinguisher and water to no avail, we moved to the upper deck and prayed that the fire would burn itself out. We tried desperately to use the radio to contact the Coast Guard, again to no avail. My quick-thinking husband broke a window and was able to grab a gallon of water and box of cereal as we loaded up the kayak, raft and 2 dogs which were tied to the boat or we thought they were. Unfortunately, the raft/kayak had become untied and floated approximately 100 yards away in the current. Glenn really had no option other than try to swim and retrieve them, so we could abandon the boat which was on fire. I prayed so hard that he would have the strength to swim there and paddle back with a broken Orr and yelling “I love
you Glenn McIntyre.” Thankfully, God gave The Lord did give him the strength and we loaded the raft, prepared to spend the night, hoping to be rescued within a few days. I remembered our devotional that morning which gave us both a peace knowing that either God would get us through or God was calling us home to be with him. I thanked Glenn for
1 ½ years together and our story, in which he responded, “I don’t think our story is over yet Babe.” I remember God’s disciple Paul praising God in prison and others praising God in the storm and that’s what we were led to do. The only songs I could think of was “Jesus Loves Me and Amazing Grace”, which we sang over and over
photo source: www.facebook.com/ DonaldTrump
President Trump Cancels $2 Million Contract to Purchase Body By: lifenews.com
Parts of Aborted Babies for Research
President Donald Trump has canceled another contract to purchase the body parts of aborted babies for research. The Trump administration has heard the concerns of pro-life organizations and pro-life Americans upset by the news that the FDA and NIH had purchased the body parts of aborted babies for research and this is the second time a federal contract has been scrubbed. Details uncovered by CNS News in 2018 shed light on an NIH contract with University of California San Francisco, which provides money for fetal body parts to conduct experiments involving “humanized mice.” Aborted baby body parts used in the experiments were taken from healthy, potentially viable unborn babies. According to the report, the aborted babies were 18 to 24 weeks gestation from “women with normal pregnancies before elective termination for non-medical reasons.” Another article indicated aborted babies’ livers and thymuses also were used. They were
between 20 weeks and 24 weeks gestation. But the Daily Caller reports today that President Trump has cancelled the contract: President Donald Trump is canceling a contract that provides government funding to the University of California, San Francisco for research that issues fetal tissue harvested from elective abortions. The Trump administration first focused its sights on the contract this past September, with the National Institute of Health (NIH) warning UCSF that its $2 million annual contract for fetal tissue research would be curtailed to 90 days and possibly canceled altogether. Senior administration officials told The Daily Caller that the contract will be officially terminated Wednesday. The cancelation stems from a 9-month U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) review of all research involving fetal tissue from elective abortions that found serious issues with UCSF’s research, in
cluding a lack of consent forms. HHS will also install ethics boards overseeing all extramural research involving fetal tissue. An official explained to the Caller that the move is part of “a consistent charge to take a pro-life perspective on all policies.” The official argued that scientists have been claiming for 26 years that fetal tissue research would lead to significant medical breakthroughs, and yet “there have been exactly zero miracle cures.” Leading pro-life groups were delighted by the news. “The fact is aborted fetal tissue hasn’t been used to create the cure of a single disease. How ever, tax dollars have been contributing to an industry that fosters the trafficking of body parts from aborted babies. There is absolutely no reason to use these grisly remains when ethical and effective alternatives exist including human umbilical cord blood stem cells and adult peripheral
again. Just 2 hours later the boat exploded with smoke approximately 30 feet in the air, which is what caught the eye of a passenger and the Captain aboard the Key West Express. The boat actually left 30 minutes earlier than scheduled or otherwise they would have missed us and the Captain did not hesitate to go off course to rescue us. We were later told that an
blood stem cells,” he said. “This is a major pro-life victory and we thank President Trump for taking decisive action. It is outrageous and disgust ing that we have been complicit, through our taxpayer dollars, in the experimentation using baby body parts. NIH has spent $120 million a year on grisly, unethical experiments involving the hearts, livers, bones, and brains harvested from babies too young and vulnerable to speak for themselves,” said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “President Trump knows we can do better as a nation and we are encouraged to see NIH Director Francis Collins carry out the President’s pro-life commitment. Taxpayer funding is better spent promoting alternatives that are already being used in the production of treatments, vaccines and medicines and to expand approaches that do not depend on the destruction of unborn children often through late-term
abortion.” When Planned Parenthood was exposed selling aborted baby parts for such research, videos recorded a conversation between Melissa Farrell, Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, and two CMP actors posing as representatives of an organ procurement company. That conversation focused on potential compensation to Planned Parenthood in exchange for fetal remains. Farrell made it clear that Planned Parenthood had been involved in the selling of aborted baby parts for some time and was very familiar with the use of fetal remains in the production of humanized mice. She discussed how the Houston affiliate for which she worked was “resistant” to recent efforts by Planned Parenthood Federation of America to standardize fetal tissue sales throughout the participating affiliates because “we’ve been doing our
other small boat was just behind them, so if they hadn’t seen us God sent a 2nd boat to our rescue! We are so thankful to first of all God, the crew and passengers of the Key West Express and my wonderful son/daughter in law who picked us up and took us home! God is Good and our faith is definitely stronger than it has ever been! God Bless! own thing for a long time.” She emphasized repeatedly that she creates a written line-item budget for compensation that effectively conceals the fact that the money received from fetal remains is actually a financial benefit to the company above and be yond hard costs. In addition, she noted that they are able to alter abortion procedures to make sure they have baby parts to sell. “And we have had studies in which the company, and or in this case, investigator, has a specific need for certain portions of the parts of conception and we base that into our contract and our protocol that we follow this, so we deviate from our standard in order to do that,” Farrell said, (emphasis added). Yet Farrell acknowledged that it was illegal for them to alter the timing or manner of the procedure for the purpose of ensuring organs were fit for use by researchers. In the lengthy video, Farrell is seen looking over her e-mail when she finds a message from an immune-biology laboratory that was requesting fetal tissue to create humanized mice.
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Florida Legislator Will Introduce Bill to Ban Abortions: God Inspired Me to Protect Babies
PAGE 10 | JUNE 2019 • Vol. 6, No. 6
Following in the path of Alabama, a Florida state lawmaker plans to introduce a bill to ban abortions throughout the state. State Rep. Mike Hill, R-Pensacola, said God spoke to him and urged him to craft the bill, WFLA reports. Earlier in the year, he filed a bill to ban abortions after an unborn baby’s heartbeat was detectable, but Hill said he felt that it was not right. “As plain as day, God spoke to me,” Hill said Thursday. “He said, ‘That wasn’t my bill,’ talking about the heartbeat detection bill that I filed.” He said, ‘That wasn’t my bill.’ I knew immediately what he was talking about.” Hill’s heartbeat bill would have allowed abortions prior to six weeks, as well as in cases of rape, incest, human trafficking and domestic violence, according to Newsweek. His new bill will not include those exceptions.
“[God] said, ‘You remove those exceptions and you file it again,’” Hill said. “And I said, ‘yes Lord. I will. It’s coming back. It’s coming back.’ We are going to file that bill without any exceptions just like what we saw passed in Alabama.” Here’s more from the report: Hill said he only placed those exceptions into the bill to increase the chances of it passing. According to the News Journal, Hill said his bill — including the exceptions — would have passed in Florida’s Senate as he had 21 confirmed votes out a 40 member chamber. He believed every Republican in the House would also have voted in favor of the bill. However, the bill did not move forward in committee. Hill said lawmakers made “health care, transportation and the Everglades” higher priorities this year.
Click Like if you are prolife to like the LifeNews Facebook page and receive the latest pro-life news. “All of that, you know, which are important, but life is of preeminence import. Without life, you won’t even have a need for all this other stuff,” he said. It is not clear when he plans to introduce the legislation. Last week, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed a prolife law that bans abortions completely in the state. Exceptions are allowed when the mother’s life is at risk. On Friday, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU filed a lawsuit to block the state from enforcing the legislation. Georgia, Ohio, Missouri, Mississippi and other states also passed heartbeat laws recently, but all are being challenged in court. In March, a federal judge blocked Kentucky’s new heartbeat bill. +++
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PAGE 11 | JUNE 2019 • Vol. 6, No. 6
Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade, Never Had an Abortion and Became Pro-Life From Page 5..
There obviously was a time when Roe favored abortion. She was in opposition to Henry Wade— the pro-life attorney general of Texas, where Norma was living at the time of the lawsuit that worked its way up to the High Court. In an interview with D. James Kennedy Ministries television, she said, “My story began many, many years ago in 1969 when I found myself pregnant, on the streets. I was into drugs, and I really didn’t have any other alternatives in line. I did not believe in God, and I’d fallen away from the church at a very early age.” Jumping ahead, change came about because of new neighbors moving in. Unwelcome neighbors at first. What transformed her in particular was meeting a little girl who truly loved God. Norma continued, “In ret-
rospect, when I look back on those days, and I see what a sad person I was, I have to really kind of smile and think about little Emily: a little seven year old girl who came up to me at my office one day and told me that if I knew God that I wouldn’t be going to the place downstairs. She befriended me when Operation Rescue moved in next door to the abortion clinic where I worked. And at first I didn’t like them there because they reminded me of what we were doing. I worked in an abortion clinic. We killed children for a living.” She added, “I was a child-killer. I was an executioner.…There’s a fellow in the Bible; his name was Baal. He was into child sacrificing, and that’s basically what you’re doing out there today—you are sacrificing your child for a career, or high school or college.”
Norma found forgiveness through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who died for sinners, paying the penalty for our sins, for those who believe: “And I think once you’re forgiven by God, you should forgive yourself. But then you really should not put yourself in that kind of situation either.” Norma warns against what happens in an abortion: “You are totally different after you’ve had an abortion. Abortion kind of sucks your soul dry; it makes you a very angry person inside, from what I’ve seen.” This is why for the last several years of her life until her death in 2017, Norma McCorvey fought against abortion on demand. She would have welcomed Alabama’s new law as a way to try to undo the damage of Roe. She said: “We want the child-killing to stop…. There are other alternatives, other than abortion; there’s adoption….We don’t want to see Roe v. Wade to be the law of the land anymore. We want our children back.” +++
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Contact: Be Aglow and Burning With the Spirit Serving the Lord -Romans 10:11 (Amplified)
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Sis. Madeline & Bro Bob Duffany for more info: 941-730-6632
PAGE 12 | JUNE 2019 • Vol. 6, No. 6
BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!
From the Publisher
Chuck Kennedy The ministry of John the Baptist was to prepare the people for the coming of the Lord. Luke 3:3 And he came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins; Luke 3:4 As it is written in the book of the words of Esaias the prophet, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. He was actually a forerunner for all of us to prepare to meet our maker, Jesus Christ. Is this not the real message we are to teach and preach today? Are we not all going to stand
before Him one day either by way of the undertaker (the grave) or the upper-taker (the rapture)? Thus, we must be ready to meet Him and prepare those we love to be ready also. Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Most people put off this kind of thinking until they are in a situation facing death. Then they realize the fact they will stand before Him to give an account of their life on earth. Are you ready? I know your immediate reaction is “yes, of course”, but take a moment and ponder this. Consider as if you are about to leave
Bring your car!
this earth and stand before your Creator to give an account of your life on earth. In the same meeting, you will receive the decision, judgment, whether you will be allowed to enter heaven. I don’t know about you, but this makes me check and recheck my motives and my heart. Of course I love Him and of course I would not intentionally do anything out of selfish ambition or greed, but how many times I look back and say “Did I really do that?”. Now I am not advocating you walking around in condemnation and fear of where you will end up. I am just saying it is spiritually healthy to make sure you really “know Him” and not just be a church member or religious person. 1John 3:3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. Our mission while here on planet earth is to get
to “know Him” to abide in Him for eternity. It is also our mission to preach what John the Baptist proclaimed, get ready for the coming of the Lord, make yourself ready! Luke 1:17 And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. This has been the mission and purpose since the fall of Adam. To make ready a people for the Lord. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this. Don’t put it off. Don’t explain it away. Surrender to the Lordship of Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to prepare you before it is too late. Think about it Saints, don’t let that day come on you unawares. If you need help in this area, YES! SEND ME HE’S ALIVE EVERY MONTH BY: please let us know. SNAIL MAIL: ___ EMAIL: ___ BOTH: ___ +++
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By Georgia Yost Help & encouragement after the death of a loved one. MONDAYS 7 - 9 PM Restoration Fellowship 5614 Richardson Rd. Sarasota, FL Contact: Phyllis at 941-284-1255 Griefshare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life.
James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Excellent book broke down in three parts. The book has inspiring messages. •What the Word Of God is •How to Study •God compared to man •Our relationship to God •Know your enemy •How to operate in God’s authority Christians should know how to fight. We are in a fallen world and nothing here is perfect. God has given us everything we would have need of to live this life victoriously. We cannot be a light to the world if we are weighed down with the cares of this world. I pray this book can lead you to God and find that in Him we have peace, joy and understanding on how to live. With the years of experience I have, I cannot thank God enough for making it possible for me to share His love and faithfulness. $5.99 Order from www.amazon.com