He's Alive News May 2020

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MAY 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 5


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REAL EVENTS, REAL ANSWERS, REAL BIBLE, REAL GOD, BECAUSE GOD IS REAL! “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen.” - Revelation 1:18a

Ahmad Shaheed, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion



WASHINGTON, D.C. March 6 (C-Fam) According to the UN’s special expert on freedom of religion, the fringe views of UN human rights bodies must take precedence over the mainstream beliefs of many leading world religions, when it comes to law and policy. In his new lylaunched annual report,

UN Expert: World Religions Should Defer to the Authority of UN Experts

By Rebecca Oas, Ph.D.

Meet the Man who is coming after your church

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What’s Inside?

Page10: Religious Liberty to Attorney General William Barr No Government Entity Has Any Jurisdiction Over Churches Page 11: ‘The Mystery of Dreams’ By Rabbi Kirt A. Schhneider Shares How His Outreach in Africa Began Page 11: Facebook Launches New Oversight Board Run by Liberal Activists to Censor Content

Ahmad Shaheed, the he attempted to differ- from a workshop focusUN Special Rapporteur entiate between “pa- ing on gender equality on Freedom of Religion triarchal” and “gender and freedom of religion: interpretations “When access to safe or Belief, wrote about equal” the intersection of reli- of religious teachings. abortion is denied, the gion and gender equal- The report cites the work right to life, the right to ity. He concluded that of scholars who have health, the right to equal laws based in traditional worked to promote “pro- human dignity is denied.” reinterpreta- On Monday, the Human morality, often religious gressive” in nature, should be re- tions of faith traditions, Rights Council held an pealed if they conflict adding that the source of interactive dialogue with with the opinions of hu- gender-based violence the Special Rapporteur, By: E.W. Jackson Sr. man rights scholars and or discrimination is not where a joint statement necessarily religions, was presented on behalf UN experts. “States have an obliga- but, rather, certain in- of several pro-life and OPINION, April 8, 2020 nment, but from God. The tion to guarantee to ev- terpretations of them, pro-family organizations, /Standard Newswire/ -- Declaration of Indepeneryone, including wom- “which are not protected including C-Fam, raising The following is submit- dence says that all human objections to the report’s ted by E.W. Jackson Sr.: beings “are endowed by en, girls and LGBT+ per se.” people, an equal right to The notion of “LGBT+ disregard for the rights There is much specula- their Creator with certain freedom of religion or be- rights,” a concept that of unborn children and tion about the aftermath unalienable Rights...Life, lief,” he said, “including has only recently entered calls to restrict the rights of the COVID-19 pan- Liberty and the pursuit of by creating an enabling the parlance of scholars, of conscientious objec- demic. How long will it Happiness.” Governments environment where plu- and which has no interna- tion to abortion by health take for the economy are instituted “to secure ralist and progressive tional consensus, much care professionals. to recover? Will this for- these rights.” self-understandings can less a formally accepted The position of the Spe- ever change the social We are rightly alarmed by definition, is treated by cial Rapporteur on Free- behavior of Americans? the threat of the coronamanifest.” In order to enable these the report as a given. In dom of Religion or Belief Is shaking hands a prac- virus, but an even more “self-understandings,” contrast, religious tradi- is part of the subset of the tice of the past? Is social dangerous long-term laws criminalizing abor- tions, some dating back UN Human Rights Coun- distancing the way of the threat is how this crisis tion or various sexual be- thousands of years, are cil known as Special future? is eroding our God-given haviors would need to be treated as subordinate. Procedures. As such, However, there are far rights under the ConstituThe special rapporteur he serves in an individu- more profound ques- tion. California Gov. Gavin overruled. Shaheed noted that cites “many feminists al, unpaid, capacity, and tions that no one seems Newsome, gleaming with laws regarding abortion and human rights schol- while his reports are ad- to be asking. Are we wit- satisfaction, said recently and homosexual behav- ars” in arguing that “rules visory and nonbinding. nessing the permanent that he has the capacity ior often arise from the regulating the status of Nevertheless, they feed erosion of respect for “to establish a framework application of religious men and women, includ- into the UN’s library of the Constitution? Are we of martial law.” teachings regarding the ing in the appointment of human rights documents allowing state and local However, there is nothing sanctity of life, the fam- clergy,” are not only reli- that frequently cite each governments to exercise in the Constitution which ily, and sexual morality. gious, but political, and other in defending in- power beyond their con- gives him or any other While stopping short of therefore “are a concern terpretations of human stitutional boundaries? elected leader that audirectly calling on major for the State and interna- rights that are far from America is founded on thority. “We the people” world religions, such as tional human rights law.” gaining widespread sup- the principle that freedom delegate limited authority Christianity or Islam, to Last November, Sha- port among UN Member and fundamental rights to our elected representachange their doctrines, heed Tweeted a quote Continuation on Page:2 do not come from gover- Continuation on Page:4 - God’s gift to sinners commendeth his love sus, and shalt believe in TODAY IS THE DAY is Jesus Christ, He toward us, in that, while thine heart that God hath wewere yet sinners, raised him from the dead, came to save us. OF YOUR SALVATION. thou shalt be saved. 10 Romans 6:23 “...but the- Christ died for us.” For with the heart man “Whosoever” ingift of God is eternal life MAKE JESUS YOUR LORD believeth unto righteouscludes everyone, no through Jesus Christ our ness; and with the mouth one is excluded. AND SAVIOR, RIGHT NOW. Lord.” Romans 10:13 “For confession is made unto - REPENT AND ASK HIM whosoever shall call salvation.” BECAUSE TOMORROW TO FORGIVE YOUR SINS upon the name of the If you have questions, IS NOT PROMISED. Romans 2:4 “Or despis- Lord shall be saved.” est thou the riches of his - Believe God defeated please do not hesitate to visit: www.ficcwordchurch.org goodness and forbear- death through Jesus let us know how we can help you regarding this WHAT YOU NEED TO DO, IS SIMPLY: ance and longsuffering; and confess now that matter. And we will get not knowing that the Jesus is Lord of your - Admit that you are a sinner. goodness of God leadeth life. Tell everyone you back with you. You can email us at: Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short thee to repentance?” are saved! ficcpastor@yahoo.com. of the glory of God.” - Now give your Romans 10:9-10 “That Thank you. - Sinners suffer, their pay is death. life to God. if thou shalt confess with Romans 6:23a “For the wages of sin is death...” Romans 5:8 “But God thy mouth the Lord Je- - Pastor Chuck Kennedy

COVID-19 Versus the


PAGE 2 | MAY 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 5

The Spirit Of Truth Dear Reverend: Now, please don’t start preaching to me about demons! Last evening, my neighbors brought over their Monopoly game and we all had a blast, lifting up our masks so we could smoke and drink a little wine. We did this last Sunday: our Church was closed, and we had finished watching a preacher on TV. All he talked about was demons and how we probably have them if we don’t have Jesus. That was okay, but boring. The same neighbors said that they had had so much fun with their Ouija board the previous night. I know it is harmless fun, and we really like our friends, but we were hesitant to join in after watching that preacher! I know what you’re going to say but go ahead. Maybe I’ll listen only because these particular friends do seem a bit …different. The atmosphere in our home felt sort of heavy, and for some reason we were depressed after they left. I noticed that the man’s eyes made me feel uncomfortable. Do you really think some people can have demons? PS: they are both rather sickly and take lots of medications. Uneasy

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any ntez Duff o M e n li e ad By Rev. M

Dear Uneasy: Simply put, Yes. Read John 10:9-10, especially verse 10: “The thief cometh not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” Satan enters by demon spirits (his unholy counterfeit of the Holy Spirit), and then steals away man’s health; kills him by untimely death; and destroys his soul. Man’s spirit can be invaded by demon spirits or the Holy Spirit. Demon spirits are real. I’m going to tell you the truth and pray that you will receive what God says. I believe that anyone who does not have the Holy Spirit has some other spirit. Yes, demon spirits. You can go to church and say you are saved, but your activities make this questionable. Are you willing to come clean? Ask God’s forgiveness and repent of all thing that have caused you spiritual oppression. The body will manifest the sickness of the mind, which in turn will be affected by a darkened spirit. Let’s look at the case of your neighbors. There is always a spiritual cause behind a physical malady. All the medications, e.g. tranquilizers, etc., will not clean up a man’s spirit. That is why Jesus said, “In my Name shall ye cast

out demons.” Mark 16:17. Demons come into a man’s spirit and must be cast out of his spirit. Then, the blood of Jesus must be applied by verbal prayer and command for the spirit of a man or woman to be cleansed. Now, it’s not enough to believe hopefully that all evil spirits leave a person at conversion. Many people remain bound in spirit and mind after asking Jesus to forgive their sins. Here is deliverance available: you must find a faith-filled Bible-believing Church where the Pastor has become seasoned in the deeper things of God; where the blood of Jesus is applied, and where demonic spirits are cast out. During this time of confinement due to the virus, God has shown me deeper things pertaining to spiritual oppression and healing. Your human spirit must be brought into spiritual resonance with God’s Spirit by complete loving obedience. Then, the full power of God is released as Jesus promised. Acts 1:8; 26:18. Now, we have all known someone who is born again, but is still sick in body and mind. They may be very rebellious or critical, depressed, or

Meet the Man who is coming after your church UN Expert: World Religions Should Defer to the Authority of UN Experts From Page:1 ...States. Previous special rapporteurs, including those whose mandates include torture, violence against women, and the right to health, have used

their posts to advance pro-abortion positions. Rebecca Oas writes for C-Fam. This article first appeared in the Friday Fax, an internet report published weekly by

C-Fam (Center for Family & Human Rights), a New York and Washington DC-based research institute (https://c-fam. org/). This article appears with permission.

have mental illness. Jesus will hold all believers in the hollow of His hand and will not allow Satan to strike them, but first, the strong prayer of deliverance must be made to cast Satan out of the believer’s spirit. This may be offensive to your theology, but I would rather have glorious deliverance than remain sullenly bound because my pride will not allow me to admit that I need deliverance from Satan’s binding power in spirit, mind, or body. It’s time to repent of all demonic activities. I would like to thank Rev. Maxwell Whyte for such glorious insight into the subject of demonic influence and the precious blood of Jesus. Also, reader, if you need help in this area, please write to me in confidence with your concerns. This is Gods Truth! The Spirit of Truth! Rev. MMD ++Write to Rev Madeline at PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 or email at Hesalivenews@yahoo.com. Not all letters are from readers. Letters may be fictitious in person but true in content. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any questions submitted.+++

HE’S ALIVE Christian News & Views Published the 10th of Each Month

Published by HE’S ALIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY FAITH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER P.O. BOX 14931 Bradenton, Fl. 34280 Phone: 941-447-4538 website: www.ficcwordchurch.org Publisher: Chuck Kennedy Designer: Rlyn Kennedy Contact information: www.hesalivenews.org email: hesalivenews@yahoo.com Email subscriptions are free. Printed subscriptions any donation. Letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged. Please notify us of address changes. If you wish to be removed, let us know. Check it out at www.hesalivenews.org or scan below.


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PAGE 3 | MAY 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 5

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By Louise Alleva, D.Min, LCPC, CTC Email: Louise.alleva@gmail.com

Bradenton, FL -May, 2020-- Do you remember the family TV show “Family Matters”? There was one segment I will never forget. A muchloved brainy nerd, Steve Urkel told his neighbor and girlfriend’s dad Carl Winslow that he has a fear of failure (F.O.F.). He kept procrastinating in taking his Lieutenant’s exam because he was afraid of failing it again after several try’s. Carl angrily asked Steve if he thought he was a fofnoficator! Steve’s response to Carl was “When you’re feeling nervous, when you’re trapped in that emotional pit of doubt and despair, that’s when you dig deep into your character; and peel away the layers of cowardice, self-doubt and nay saying until you get down to the raw steel of yescan-do; and then you hot dip that steel and fortify yourself.” Then he would not be a fofnoficator in this situation anymore. Just like Carl, so many of us look at challenges and begin to feel how tough it’s going to be, wonder how others would handle it and if we decide to move forward and try to push through the challenge and fail how would others think of us. We may even ask ourselves by saying is it better to try and if we fail would others be proud of our attempt? Or is it better to never start, and possibly make people wonder what we could have been? Worse, it may make you wonder

what you could have been. Talk about a confusing trap! Let us break down Steve’s advice to Carl in the situations we find ourselves and ask how much fear of failure do we have? We are constantly faced with decisions that may offer us promotion, growth, better relationships, better health, etc. But sometimes we hesitate moving forward because we fear the unknown, people may judge us, will we lose financially, we are not good enough, too old, too young. Just like Steve said, those layers of self-doubt and nay saying have to be peeled away. Steve completed the statement by saying that when you get to the point of saying “yes-cando”, you can fortify yourself with a new, positive attitude. What weaknesses do we need to peel away? What is the strength covering us like steel? Here are a few examples: To peel away: I have to meet certain standards to feel good about myself. In other words, I need to be perfect, to succeed at everything, and withdraw from healthy risks. My strength of steel: Becoming free from the fear of failure and pursue the right things. The first being Christ and His Kingdom, His love for us and our love for Him. To peel away: I must be approved by certain others to feel good about myself. In other words, I fear being rejected so

I try to please others at any cost. My strength of steel: I am totally accepted by God and can be free from fear of rejection, be willing to be open and vulnerable, able to relax around others and a desire only to please God no matter what others think. To Peel away: I am what I am. I cannot change. Feelings of inferiority, isolation, withdrawing from others. My strength of steel: I have been made new, and complete in Christ. I do not need to experience the pain of shame anymore. I now have Christ-centered self-confidence, joy, courage, peace, and a desire to know Him more and more. Yes, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! You do not have to be a Fofnoficator anymore! Ask the Holy Spirit to help you find scriptures to reinforce the steel within you to be able to move forward in your destiny. Carl took the exam. He passed. He became a Lieutenant. You will be taking this exam every day of your life, but with God as the strength of steel, Jesus at your side and the Holy spirit directing your path, that when you get to Glory you will hear the Lord saying to you like the servant heard from his master “Well done my good and faithful servant!” Blessings and Love Louise Alleva, D.Min, CTC, LCPC

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PAGE 4 | MAY 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 5

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COVID-19 Versus the Constitution

Pressing In, Pushing Forward And Upward

By: E.W. Jackson Sr.

By Sarah Jansson, Evangelist/Prophet | sarahjansson.com Storms,Storms, Storms. the power of His Word, ms of life. We will know Everyone living at one knowing that the weap- this by experience as we time or another and more ons of our warfare are turn to Him in the midst times than not, it seems, not carnal, but mighty of all that is happening goes through one storm through God to the pull- around us. When the or another. . . ing down of strongholds enemy comes in, like Sometimes it seems we proceed on as we a flood the Spirit of the like its several storms at take our orders from Lord will lift up a standard once, coming in on you Holy Spirit. Sometimes against him and put him from all directions. we take up the weapons to flight the Word says. What do you deal with of worship, which is a But we must turn to Him first, and which is most most powerful weapon. first not last. We can hold important to deal with? It Sometimes we are led the Word in our mouths is not whether you by Holy Spirit to take as a declaration to all the ever have a storm rage up the weapon of inter- enemies that are around against you, it is what cession or decreeing us and say ‘No weapon you do when it comes. and declaring His Word. formed against us shall The Word says, “many Sometimes we are led prosper, this is the Word are the afflictions of the by the Holy Spirit to take of the Lord to me, as it righteous”, but as we up the weapon of fast- is written, and so be it” have faith in His Word of ing, or communion, or David said to the Lord in deliverance, He will de- even just being still and Psalms sixty one, verse liver us out of them all. knowing that He is God three, “For You have Well the first thing we do, in the situations. Some- been a shelter and a refand the most important times He may give you uge for me, a strong towthing is turn to the Word certain prophetic acts er against the adversary’. of God! As children of to demonstrate that As He was with David, so God and those that truly will quiet down and pull will He be with you. love the Lord with all of down all that is coming Many Blessings, our hearts we must re- against you. Sarah Jansson ceive the assurance from All in all, running to God Heart of Mercy His Word that the battles and not from God must Ministries An Apostolic/ that are raging around be your first choice, Prophetic Ministry: you, are the battles of whether you feel like it sarahjansson.com the Lord to deal with. The or not. Go to Amazon.com for angels of the Lord are It’s in times like this that my books: encamped around those we find out who we are (Out of Your Seats and who fear the Lord, and in Christ and who Christ Into the Streets, Breakthey deliver them out of Is in us and for us. The ing Loose, Deep Calls all of their troubles. As Word tells us that Christ Unto Deep, The Divine we look to the Lord and is a shelter from the stor- Visitation)

Just to show a few samples of

From Page 1... tives. Martial law exceeds those limitations, even during a national crisis. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened churches and synagogues with permanent closure if they “...attempt to hold services after having been told...not to.” Is the mere declaration of a governor or mayor all that is needed to suspend the First Amendment? Have we allowed the coronavirus to so erode our national character that no one raises a constitutional objection to a governmental threat to permanently close any house of worship? Our Constitution is not a symbolic document to be cast aside when it is inconvenient to follow it. We must cling all the more tightly to it during a national crisis because that is precisely when liberty is most fragile. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said during one of his daily press briefings, “When do we get back to normal? I don’t think we get back to normal. I think we get to a new normal.” Governors and mayors have turned presidential guidelines into dictatorial orders. Is that the new normal? If so, it subverts the very nature of representative government.


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Democrat Governor Ralph Northam recently issued a stay-at-home order in Virginia - Executive Order Fifty Five - lasting until June 10th, the day after the scheduled statewide Republican Primary. Even the most naive find that suspicious. Violators face a possible year in jail and a $2,500 fine. For his authority, he cited Article V, Section 7 of the Constitution of Virginia, and Section 44-146.17 of the Code of Virginia. Neither of those gives him authority to do what he is doing. Article V, Section 7, says, “The Governor shall be commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the Commonwealth and shall have power to embody such forces to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, and enforce the execution of the laws.” Section 44-146.17, says, “The Governor shall be Director of Emergency Management. He shall take such action from time to time as is necessary for the adequate promotion and coordination of state and local emergency services activities relating to the safety and welfare of the Commonwealth in time of disasters.” No reasonable interpretation of these provisions gives the governor power to place citizens under what is effectively house arrest. He can command Virginia’s armed forces and coordinate state and local emergency services, but nothing more. Therefore, his Executive Order is unlawful. No governor, mayor or any other officeholder has the authority to deprive citizens of liberty by edict. That is not “due process of law” as required by the Fourteenth Amendment

to the Constitution. Some employers have taken it upon themselves to issue employees “papers” to prove to law enforcement that they have a right to be outdoors or traveling. It may be well intentioned, but it still evokes images of the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and South Africa during apartheid. The very idea of police being ordered to check citizens “papers” should shock the conscience. Americans are law abiding, courageous and self-sacrificing. That’s why there was massive volunteering after the Pearl Harbor and 911 attacks. We respond to duty, not dictates. We dare not allow hype and hysteria over the coronavirus to rob us of our national character as the land of liberty. Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction...It must be fought for, protected... or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” That remains true even during a pandemic, and we must never allow our elected officials to forget that we do not work for them. They work for us. We give them their marching orders, not the other way around. E.W. Jackson is a nationally syndicated radio host on American Family Radio. He is founder & president of STAND (www. standamerica.us), Bishop and Senior Pastor of The Called Church (www.the called.org), and former Republican nominee for Lt. Governor of Virginia.


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PAGE 5 | MAY 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 5

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The Way Less Traveled.. BY: Robert Duffany

“Our choices are made clear in hindsight.” “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference”. Robert Frost, in 1916, wrote a poem entitled, The Road Less Taken. It concerns a man, himself, perhaps, who encounters a choice in his direction of travel, and he is forced to consider which he shall choose. The sense of the poem reveals that the decision will determine the pathway of his future life, not just which path through a forest he is to take on an afternoon walk. I am reminded of a vision, I shall call it, since I am a writer, of two people and a brief encounter which perhaps (who may say) characterized their lives from that moment onward. A young girl of ten and a boy of eleven, friends for all their years, met at a soda fountain in a general store many years ago. As they spoke, the boy removed and very carefully proceeded to clean his eyeglasses. He did this by placing each lens into his mouth, breathing on it, then wiping it very

carefully with a soft cloth. The young girl asked, “Why do you clean them in that manner? Other people just clean them without breathing on them, rubbing the outside, then the inside.” The boy explained that his mother had taught him to clean them that way. The lenses become soiled on both sides: inside very close to your eyes, and outside, exposed to the grime of the world. Your breath on the lens produces a fog or condensation on both the inside and outside, which dissolves and loosens the stains or dust which adheres to them and so clouds your vision. Then the dirt and residue may be wiped away by soft, light caresses of a clean, spotless cloth. You see, the condensed moisture from our breath prevents scratching and injury to the lenses, minimizing any gouges by dirt particles. It produces a deeper cleansing

than simply brushing away surface dirt. Even stains may be removed. [The blood of Jesus.] Well, time passed, as time does, and they grew up and grew apart. The girl moved with her family to a different part of the world and eventually became well-known in the field of ministering to sick and destitute people around the world through an international organization. He also moved and progressed in his life, college and university preparing him to become a renowned researcher and to produce a medicine which promised to save the lives of countless young children around the world. Then one day the woman, now in her seventies, travelled to the home of her childhood. As it happened, the man was also there to attend the funeral of a relative. And as a matter of course, they met again in the same, though now-ancient, soda fountain. [Coinci-

dence? I think not.] In turn, they each declared that they had never forgotten each other, though they had not been impelled to seek each other out. As they spoke and reminisced, they touched upon things which matter in human lives. “Sometimes, courage is not just boldly stepping forward to take what you can at the moment,” she said. “At times it just consists of holding back, standing firm, and allowing another to step forward. It took me many years to see this. Somehow, I know that God had something for you and something for me - for all people to benefit from our separate work, and I was greatly restrained and directed in my path of life.” [Jesus had the incredible courage to NOT step out and take what He could.] “I never forgot about how you cleaned your glasses.” You see, we humans, even Christians, see things dimly, as through an unclear mirror: “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.” 1Cor.12:13. + James 1:22-25: “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the

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perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.” Here, the one who looks sees his blemishes and imperfections and is moved by what he sees. As long as he sees his spots, short-comings, and ugliness, he tries to do something about them. But, upon going away from the mirror, he forgets, and his imperfections no longer bother him. So it is with the Word of God. As long as one studies it, he sees himself or herself as he really is, and how God sees him. Looking in this manner, he will seek to improve himself or herself, and conform to its teaching. RememberJesus is the Word. If he or she gets away from the Bible - the Word - he or she may soon forget the real picture of himself or herself, what manner of man or woman they are, and how God sees them. Let’s look at Acts Chapter 18, verses 9-10. “ Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, ‘Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; 10 for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.’” If it seems that you are but treading water in your life, know that God’s plan is being carried out, as long as you have the courage to stay with Him, to stay the course. Keep cleaning your lenses as you look into the mirror. Your entire life may accomplish only one thing in God’s plan. It is just as important as a life filled with many events, many glories. One child; one life touched; one soul saved. [Each step we take, each path we choose in our life involves a decision which determines our future.] “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled

by, And that has made all the difference”. Now, here’s the pertinent question: ARE YOU ON THE RIGHT PATH, THE RIGHT ROAD, THE RIGHT WAY? You see, there are two paths we may take in this life. Look at what Jesus said in Matthew 12:13-14: “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and [b]difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Are you on the path to eternal life? Hebrews 9:27: “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment…” 2 Corinthians 6:2: ‘For He says: “In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.’ Romans 10:8-13 says it all: But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Why not be sure today that you are truly on the path to eternal life. John 3:16. +++



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PAGE 6 | MAY 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 5

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Newman Hit with Over $1.5

Million Final Judgment in Planned By Operation Rescue Parenthood Baby Parts Case


Author: God’s Promise of Healing The storm has come, and dark clouds have gathered over the land of Liberty. The Lord gave me a dream that a storm was coming several years ago and told me to warn His people. I have been sharing this for 6 or 7 years now. This is the Word of the Lord, “Here what the Spirit is saying to the churches in Revelation 3 and 4.” “Wake up and arouse yourselves lest I come like a thief in the night, Come back to your first love. Do the works you did previously when first you knew the Lord, or else I will visit you and remove your lamp stand from its place, unless you change your mind and repent. Be hot or cold or I will spew you out of My mouth.” God wants our whole heart; he won’t share it with someone or something else. The church has fallen asleep and its time to wake up and

be a light shining in the darkness. He will raise up a passionate bride that is not lukewarm. We cannot just do lip service anymore; it must be with our whole hearts that we worship him and serve Him. My calling is to proclaim His coming. I have been doing this since the late 80’s on Billboards and also traveling around the State of Florida, even outside of the state and country. I meet believers who say they know Jesus but are not living for Him. I share this prophetic word with them. God is calling His people back to himself. We must get ready for His coming. One of the signs of His coming: (ROM. 13) says, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God (granted by His permission) and those which exist have been put in

place by God. Therefore, whoever resists governmental authority resists the ordinance of God. For Civil (law enforcement) authorities are not a source of fear to people of good behavior, but for those who do evil, for he is God’s servant to you. (2 THESS. 2) For the mystery of Lawlessness (rebellion against divine authority and the coming reign of lawlessness is already at work; but it is restrained only until (he), God’s servant to you, (Civil authority, law enforcement) who enforce the laws, is taken out of the way. The Holy Spirit is not the restrainer, our civil authorities (law enforcement) are restraining lawlessness, and they are being slowly told to stand down. No one knows the exact day or hour of our Lord’s return, but we can interpret the signs of the times! +++

SAN FRANCISCO, April name through the appeals gans harvested from the bodies babies aborted at 30, 2020 /Christian process. Newswire/ -- After months The civil case brought by Planned Parenthood faof legal arguments, a fi- Planned Parenthood cen- cilities. nal judgement has been ters around an three-year A series of undercovreleased in the Planned undercover investigative er recordings were reParenthood Federation of project conducted by the leased in the summer America, et al v. Center Center for Medical Prog- of 2015 that revealed for Medical Progress, et ress that revealed evi- shocking conversations al, baby parts case. In No- dence that Planned Par- between the undercover vember, a jury found pro- enthood violated state and pro-life journalists and life defendants liable for federal laws by trafficking Planned Parenthood exviolations of RICO, and a for profit in tissues and or- Continuation on Page:7 host of other laws. Attorneys with the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), who represent pro-life defendant Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, noted that Newman was found to be joint and severally liable for a judgment totaling $1,555,084, plus what is expected to be millions more in attorney fees. The exact figure will be determined at a later date. Newman fully expects Troy Newman (second from left) Planned Parenthood to is shown during the Planned Parenthood attempt to collect on the trial with his team of attorneys from the judgment, but defiantly ACLJ. maintains his innocence. He hopes to clear his


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PAGE 7 | MAY 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 5

COVID-19: New Poll Reveals Almost Two Thirds of BY National Association of Evangelicals Churches See Drop in Giving

More than six out of 10 churches see offerings decline to varying degrees in lockdown; National Association of Evangelicals to share ‘Bless Your Pastor’ campaign to assist pastors and church staff WASHINGTON, April 23, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ -- A new “State of the Plate” poll involving more than 1,000 churches across all 50 states shows that more than six out of 10 churches have seen a decline in offerings since the coronavirus outbreak began. The news comes as the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) - a national organization serving 40 denominations and representing 45,000 churches - prepares to launch its annual Bless Your Pastor campaign, encouraging congregations to “show and share God’s love” for pastors and church staff. Conducted April 8-20, 2020, the State of the Plate constituency-based survey of leaders from over 1,000 churches revealed 65 percent have seen giving decrease since mid-March as churches stopped holding in-person services. “For pastors and church

staff, there will be difficult days ahead as more church families are laid off or experience reduced incomes,” said Brian Kluth, who originally launched the State of the Plate research following the 2008 financial crisis. Kluth is also the national spokesperson for Bless Your Pastor. The State of the Plate poll, organized by Kluth with the participation of organizations such as Christianity Today’s Church Law & Tax and NAE Financial Health, revealed: • 34 percent of churches reported giving had fallen by 10-20+ percent • 22 percent reported a decline of 30-50+ percent • 9 percent said they’d seen a drop of 75 percent or more in their church offerings • 27 percent churches reported that offerings were steady, and 8 percent reported giving had increased Giving decreases in churches will likely lead to

tighter church staffing budgets. The NAE’s Bless Your Pastor movement (BlessYourPastor.org) equips congregations to show appreciation for their pastors and church staff in creative ways. Churches are encouraged to share “50 Creative Ways to Bless Your Pastor” - a list of practical ways to show pastors and church staff that they’re appreciated. Churches participating in the campaign will be able to request a grant-funded $250 Amazon gift card for their senior pastor. Kluth said, “Having been a pastor myself, with three children and a wife who needed major medical treatments, I understand the financial struggle so many pastors and their families face and the tremendous difference it makes when a congregation shows their pastor they are there for them all the way.” +++


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State of the Plate Nationwide Poll How COVID-19 Shutdowns Impacted Your Church’s Giving? April 2020: Constituency survey from 1,091 churches from 50 States and many denominations/affiliations For detailed report, visit: StateofthePlate.info

April 2020: Constituency survey of 1,091 Churches from 50 states and many denominations/affiliations Source: StateofthePlate.info

...Over $1.5 Million Final Judgment in Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Case From Page 6... ecutives, who haggled toobtain top dollar for each “specimen” supplied to middle-man organ procurement companies. One abortionist famously asked for a Lamborghini in exchange for fetal tissue. Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, served as a founding board member of the Center for Medical Progress’ board during the investigation. He, along with others associated with the CMP, including project lead David Daleiden, board member Albin Rhomberg, undercover investigator Sandra Merritt, and others, were sued by Planned Parenthood for exposing their illicit conduct. “It is no longer in dispute that Planned Parenthood sold aborted baby parts for profit and that our vid-

eo evidence was authentic. They admitted it during our trial,” said Newman. “Now Planned Parenthood wants us pay a price so the world could find out the sordid truth of their illegal babies-for-cash scheme.” The pro-life defendants also face a second trial related to their baby parts exposé. A similar case filed against the pro-life journalists by the National Abortion Federation to prevent the release of additional undercover footage remains ongoing. Planned Parenthood tried to sanitize the record of their wrongdoing by hiring the Democrat dirty tricks group Fusion GPS — best known for producing the phony Russian Dossier on Pres. Donald Trump — to manufacture a “foren-

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sic analysis” that falsely stated the CMP videos were altered. Planned Parenthood also hired a crisis management team from SKDKickerbocker, which now represents the troubled Presidential Campaign of Democrat candidate Joe Biden, to shut down media coverage of the videos and vilify those involved in exposing Planned Parenthood. The results of an ongoing Department of Justice investigation into Planned Parenthood’s crimes have yet to be released. “I believe when the full truth is finally told – and it wasn’t at our trial – we will all be exonerated, and it will be Planned Parenthood that will be held liable for their crimes in a court of law,” said Newman. “I look forward to that day.”

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PAGE 8 | MAY 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 5

Josh McDowell Warns Church: ‘Exploding Loneliness and Porn Addiction’ from By Josh McDowell COVID-19 ‘Isolation’ PLANO, Texas, April 22, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ -- As U.S. coronavirus cases show signs of leveling off, a renowned Christian apologist today urged the church to prepare for an avalanche of new challenges. Following federal and state government discussions about plans to re-open parts of the nation in May, best-selling author Josh McDowell released online a document-titled “What Comes Next”-outlining challenges the church, para-church organizations and individuals will likely face in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. He has compiled more than 1,000 hours of church research over 55 years. Social distancing, quarantines and lockdowns-government tactics enacted to help flatten the curve against the novel coronavirus-are having an adverse effect on mental and emotional health in the church, McDowell said. “Since before the pandemic, pornography addiction and loneliness were the top issues facing the church, and now they are exploding,” McDowell said. “Isolation caused by the COVID-19 lockdown has only exacerbated loneliness, pornography, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.” As the COVID-19 death toll exceeds 42,000 Americans--more than U.S. soldiers who died in battle in the Korean

BY Body Works Training LLC

War--McDowell also said, “The Church will need to be ready to address issues relating to God, and why He would allow such devastation.” In recent weeks, McDowell has correlated the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak to his extensive 55-page research paper, titled Ten Challenges Facing the Church. It outlines crucial challenges believers must address before moving forward in their relationship with Christ over the next five years. “Our global society has created a complex and destructive scenario and environment that all Christians face in their everyday life including within the church in every culture of the world,” explained McDowell. McDowell predicted that in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis there will be greater interest in spir-

itual things--but not necessarily in the church. “During this crisis and in all circumstances, we remain committed to pointing others to the hope found in Jesus. That’s our calling and privilege as believers, and we must make every effort to offer others hope that only He can provide.” For information about Josh McDowell Ministry, visit https://www.josh. org/ Josh McDowell is founder and president of Josh McDowell Ministry (A Cru Ministry). He has written or co-authored 152 books in 128 languages, including the multi-million selling More Than a Carpenter and Evidence That Demands a Verdict. Josh and his wife Dottie have been married 48 years. They have four children and ten grandchildren.

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Abortion Clinics Report Increased Demand for BY Stanton Healthcare Abortions During Coronavirus Pandemic

BOISE, Idaho, April 16, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ -- Stanton Healthcare, with its northwest regional flagship based in Boise, Idaho, is a movement of life-affirming women’s medical clinics that specialize in serving women with unexpected pregnancies. Stanton has national and international affiliates along with a public policy center based in Washington, D.C. During this COVID-19 pandemic, pregnant women are one of the most vulnerable demographics. Pregnant mothers are experiencing increased pressure, stress, and fear as recently reported in a national AP article entitled “Abortion Clinics: Pandemic Boosts Demand, Heightens Stress.” While Planned Parenthood shamelessly pushes abortion as essential amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Stanton has launched a truly essential CHOICE for women through our “Keep the Doors of HOPE Open” outreach. Brandi Swindell, CEO and Founder of Stanton Healthcare, states: “It is absolutely critical that we keep the doors of hope open during this pandemic.” Many women who would not normally consider abortion are fearful and uncertain

Spiritual Fitness The Return to Christ

BAY SHORE, N.Y., April 22, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ -- In Spring of 2018, Body Works Training LLC was launched by its founder, Brandon New, with the intention of bringing physical fitness to the body of Christ. In less than a year’s time, Brandon clearly saw an ironic truth; that the greater need of the body was “spiritual fitness” and bringing Christ’s teachings back to the church. With approximately 65% of the United States’ adult population identifying themselves as Christian, rising numbers in epidemics such as addiction, depression and homelessness are clear indicators that something has to change in the American church. If 65% of our country is reportedly “the light” why is there so much “darkness?” Where is the uni-

ty that Christ prayed for in John 17:20-21? Why is it that there can be five different churches in a one-mile strip and in that same mile you find thousands who haven’t heard the gospel or witnessed the love and power of Christ? Even in the wake of the recent pandemic, online outlets are being used to conduct church services but seem to be seldom used to bring the good news to the lost. Brandon was quoted saying: “The way we’ve been ‘doing church’ in this country is off... way off! We have to ‘be the church!’ It seems we have forgotten about discipleship and putting our faith into action as Christ illustrates in Matthew 7:24-25. Just as our muscles are made stronger, tougher and larger through exercise, our spiritual muscles grow in a similar respect. Putting

the teachings of Christ and his Apostles into action is our exercise as believers. It seems that there aren’t many who are regularly promoting this or teaching new believers about this today. I’ve made up my mind to answer my calling and play my role in changing that.” In April of 2020 Brandon has made a wholehearted commitment to convert his fitness business into an all-out ministry focusing on edifying, unifying and mobilizing they

body of Christ in America according to the teachings of Christ and his Apostles. He anticipates that the first major move of this ministry will be a national challenge that will take place sometime in May, and he believes that It will change the lives of millions, all for the glory of Jesus. If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Body Works Training LLC online at www.bwtmission. com or via email at bodyworkstrainingllc@gmail. com.

which creates even more vulnerability to be manipulated by an aggressive abortion industry. “Our Stanton Clinics have seen an increase in women feeling uncertain and worried about a future they and their children may face. It’s our job to calm those fears with quality care, accurate information, and by providing a solid support system.” “During this pandemic, Stanton will ensure there is no interruption in the quality of care we provide. As our clinic doors remain open, we’ve added Abortion Pill Reversal, along with online telehealth appointments, baby supply home delivery, and wellness care.” “Working with Stanton’s nurse practitioner Jennifer Malberg-Grant MSN,WHNP-BC, our medical director, Dr. Earl Crandall MD, and following the guidelines of the CDC, we will ensure our clients get the best possible care. We exist to serve one of the most vulnerable populations who are especially impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are working diligently to address the concerns of our clientele and create a safe place to reduce their stress and anxiety.” Linda Thomas, Director of Community Outreach,

states: “It is essential during this time that our communities do all within their power to assuage the fears and concerns of abortion vulnerable women. It is especially important that our Stanton mothers and pregnant women everywhere know there is support and a caring environment. Stanton Healthcare will continue to be a place of hope with the highest standards of care and protocols. “Offering access to Abortion Pill Reversal, when a pregnant mom feels the sting of regret after taking the first abortion pill, is a critical service during Planned Parenthood’s shameless promotion that abortion is essential. No woman should ever feel forced to complete an abortion when she has a change of heart. As a woman who has experienced the pain of having an abortion, I know firsthand the devastating regret. Every woman deserves to know there is HOPE.” To learn more about Stanton Healthcare’s revolutionary approach to women’s healthcare, public advocacy, and why we’re on a local and global mission to Keep the Doors of HOPE Open, visit StantonInternational.org.


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PAGE 9 | MAY 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 5

COVID-19 Lockdown Ignites ‘Spiritual Explosion’ as Middle East BY SAT-7 Clamors for ‘Real Hope’

EASTON, Md., April 21, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ -- Amid strict coronavirus lockdowns, millions of people across the Middle East and North Africa -- “clamoring” for a spiritual and practical lifeline -- are finding help right in their own homes through “living television.” In the region where Christianity began but is now a minority faith, Christian satellite television broadcaster SAT-7 (www. sat7usa.org) has seen viewer numbers surge and social media interest skyrocket since the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. “There’s an explosion of spiritual hunger across the Middle East and North Africa right now as people stuck at home seek real hope and real answers,” said Dr. Rex Rogers, president of SAT7 USA. SAT-7 continues to broadcast shows 24/7 that present Christians as ‘living epistles’ who speak to people where they are in life. “Millions of people in countries like Iran, Iraq and Turkey are clamoring to see and hear in their own language what it’s like to be a follower of Jesus in a time of crisis,” Rogers said. In coronavirus hotspot Turkey, where 99 percent of the population is non-Christian, more viewers have contacted

the SAT-7 TÜRK channel daily in the past few weeks than any day in the previous five years since broadcasts began. In Iran, another virus hotspot, viewers’ calls and messages to the live, Farsi-language Signal show -- beamed into millions of homes across the nation -- jumped to seven times the usual number last month, as Iranians rattled by the pandemic turned to the show’s hosts for reassurance and practical advice. One viewer shared how God was looking after her family, even though “we don’t even have any loose change.” She told other Signal viewers: “We’re living in faith, and we’re praying for everyone else.” Across the Middle East

and North Africa, SAT-7 KIDS Facebook audience has soared more than 500 percent as children stream videos offering encouragement and hope based on Bible passages. Total Lockdown, Open Hearts “Coronavirus has locked people inside their homes, but it’s opening hearts to God,” said Rogers. “Lockdown and social isolation do not stop our unique satellite and online Christian programs from reaching millions of adults and children where they live.” A total of 30 million viewers are tuning into SAT-7’s uplifting Christian live shows and recorded broadcasts that take a holistic view of life, addressing spiritual, emotional, physical, and social concerns. Hosted by Christian presenters,

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shows tackle the topics that most deeply affect everyday life in the volatile region, and invite viewers to join in the discussion. “When people have hope, they find the strength to carry on,” said Lebanon-born SAT-7 CEO Rita El-Mounayer, based at the ministry headquarters in Cyprus. “Our broadcasts and social media channels are needed more now than ever.” The ministry reports 160,000 people watched “God, Fear, and the Coronavirus,” one of SAT-7’s mental health programs, featuring church leader and psychiatrist Dr. Maher Samuel. An online video -- featuring the popular presenter of the ministry’s Family of Jesus children’s show -- reached more than 425,000 people and was shared 2,700 times. Meanwhile, the ministry’s SAT-7 Academy -- a social development and education channel -- doubled its audience on social media. About SAT-7 Launched in 1996, SAT-7 (www.sat7usa.org) -- with its international headquarters in Cyprus -- broadcasts Christian and educational satellite television programs to more than 30 million people in the Middle East and North Africa. Its mission is to make the gospel available to everyone, and support the church in its life, work and witness for Jesus Christ. SAT-7 broadcasts 24/7 in Arabic, Farsi (Persian) and Turkish, using multiple satellite channels and online services.

‘World’s Biggest Lockdown’ Enters Critical Phase Amid Starvation Fears, Says Gospel for Asia

WILLS POINT, Texas, April 17, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ -- The world’s biggest coronavirus lockdown has been extended -- leaving more than a billion people in India on the edge of survival amid fears of mass starvation, mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World, www.gfa.org) reported today. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended the strict nationwide lockdown until May 3, essentially placing India’s 1.3 billion people -- one out of every six people in the world -- under stay-at-home orders. The latest order means the entire nation -- soon to overtake China as the world’s most populous -- faces a six-week shutdown in total. In a televised address to the nation, Modi said the next few days would be decisive, as India braces itself for a spike in COVID-19 cases. So far, the nation has officially reported nearly 13,000 confirmed cases and more than 400 deaths, but numbers could be much higher, and the

GFA World’s humanitarian efforts continue as ‘commendable’ Indian prime minister extends COVID-19 stay-at-home orders; 1.3 billion people ‘in hands of God’


By: Gospel for Asia (GFA World) country is now entering a critical phase. “GFA World staff are actively praying for the honorable prime minister and his commendable efforts to protect the Indian people from this virus,” said GFA World founder Dr. K.P. Yohannan. The lockdown, which began March 24, bans all non-essential activities and has brought the economies of several southeast Asia nations to a grinding halt, instantly

plunging hundreds of millions of families into fear and chaos. At the grassroots level, millions of furloughed day laborers and agricultural workers -- the backbone of the workforce -- face the grim threat of starvation. Nations ‘In God’s Hands’ “These nations are in the hands of God right now,” said Yohannan. “There is a real danger that millions could starve to death.” In southeast Asia, hundreds of millions of child-

dren are especially at risk, as the lockdown paralyzes entire nations. Huge numbers of street children -- estimated at 70,000plus in Delhi, India, alone -- have no one to beg from and no one to turn to. “When a crisis hits, the children are always hit the hardest,” said Yohannan, whose Texas-based organization directly supports and feeds more than 70,000 children in southeast Asia. “Right now, we’re working alongside

In my daily study today, strong scripture for these times! Matthew 13:15 For this nation’s heart has grown gross (fat and dull), and their ears heavy and difficult of hearing, and their eyes they have tightly closed, lest they see and perceive with their eyes, and hear and comprehend the sense with their ears, and grasp and understand with their heart, and turn and I should heal them. [Isa. 6:9, 10.] Man, how true this verse is! God is the only one that can reach you, no other person can. Luke 16:31 He said to him, If they do not hear and listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded and convinced and believe [even] if someone should rise from the dead.

Daniel Kennedy the government in India to do all we can to bring relief to the most needy.” Immediate relief includes “food-to-go” bags, like those distributed by church workers in a community where the local brick factory has shut down, putting everyone out of work. In one community, teams have been working with local authorities to feed 500 people a day, and elsewhere teams have been taking food to people living in the open, who’ve been reduced to begging. “Unlike many in the West, the poor in southeast Asia do not have a social safety net or stimulus checks to fall back on,” said Yohannan. ‘You Were Sent By God’ On April 13, as church workers distributed food to out-of-work day laborers facing starvation, a widow called Majili told them: “I’ve been suffering from a headache for a week. There was no one to help me, and I was crying inside. You were sent by God.” Sadhna, one of thousands of people helped by the food distributions, was grateful that workers taught her community about social distancing and hand-washing with soap to prevent the transmission of coronavirus and other diseas-

es--simple practices she’d never heard about. Shutdowns have crippled manufacturing industries and pummeled stock markets, leading to fears of a potential economic train wreck that could have a ripple effect on the U.S. economy. Meanwhile, reports of coronavirus-related violence in India are on the rise as fearful residents target individuals they blame for the spread of the virus. Many organizations like GFA World are working with grassroots networks, including churches, to help stop rumors and misinformation from spreading and to combat stigma. “As followers of Christ, we need not be afraid because we have a living hope,” Yohannan said. “In times of crisis, it is the body of Christ, the holy church, that rises to the challenge for the sake of others because of the love of Christ.” Those interested in supporting GFA World’s hunger relief efforts in Asia, should go to: www.gfa.org/press/ covid-19. +++


PAGE 10 | MAY 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 5

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Religious Liberty to Attorney General William Barr -- No Government Entity Has Any Jurisdiction Over Churches BY Public Advocate WASHINGTON, April 16, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ -- Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate of the U.S. Inc. today thanked Attorney General William Barr, in a letter, for defending religious liberty and taking action to prevent discriminatory actions by some state and local leaders in attacking lawful Christian churches. Delgaudio also warned about “falsely claiming powers at the federal level that are not allowed un-

der the Constitution.” visory Letter to AG Barr Delgaudio says today: states in part: “Christians did not sur- ... We thank you for your render their rights per- recent actions in protectmanently and even in a ing the religious liberties of pandemic, Public Advo- all Americans against discate pays heed to the criminatory actions by cerAmerican constitution. tain state and local govThe federal, state or local ernment officials during government has ‘no juris- the COVID-19 pandemdiction’ over God or any ic, ... This defense of the defined power to eliminate free exercise of religion is religious liberty practices. much needed, as many We have now pointed that state governors and mayout in an advisory letter ors are using COVID-19 addressed to Attorney to impose unconstitutional General William Barr.” burdens against churches, The Public Advocate Ad- demonstrating their perso-

nal hostility to Christianity ... ... (W)hile Public Advocate appreciates your defense of religious liberties, we believe that your statement of April 14, 2020 reflects an incorrect understanding of the limits of governmentpower over the church. Your statement correctly asserts that: “government may not impose special restrictions on religious activity that do not also apply to similar nonreligious activity... Religious institutions must not be singled out for special burdens.” However, your statement implies that, whenever the government has a “compelling reason to impose restrictions on places of worship” and those restrictions “are narrowly tailored to advance its compelling interest,” the state may abridge the Free Exercise of religion. This may be a correct statement of what Congress and some federal judges have done narrowing the Free Exer cise Clause to a guarantee to tolerate religious expression and actions

- unless the governmenthas a compelling interest. Late last week, Public Advocate took our own action to support religious liberties during the pandemic, assisting another organization (the Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund) in the filing of an amicus curiae brief in Russell County, Virginia, in support of a challenge against Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s executive orders prohibiting religious gatherings in the case of Hughes v. Northam, Amicus Brief (Apr. 9, 2020). In that brief, we provide a historical analysis of the Free Exercise Clause, which demonstrates that the reason that the government may not burden its exercise is that the government has no jurisdiction whatsoever over the church in its assembling for religious services or in the doctrine it teaches. As this amicus brief explains, the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment imposes a jurisdictional limitation on government, and takes the power to prohi-

bit church assemblies completely out of the hands of government federal, state, or local. The text of your speech at Notre Dame Law School brilliantly captured this concept when you described James Madison’s 1785 pamphlet “Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments” where you correctly stated: James Madison described religious liberty as “a right towards men” but “a duty towards the Creator,” and a “duty & precedent both in order of time and degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil Society.” Those few words explain the entire concept. Truly, we Americans are subject to “the claims of Civil Society,” but we also have a prior and superior “duty towards the Creator.” And our government officials also must operate within that same structure - even during a declared emergency... visit: publicadvocateusa.org +++


Largest Children’s Ministry ‘Worthy News’ BY Child Evangelism Fellowship BY Worthy Ministries in the World Comes to a Halt Free Syndication for WARRENTON, Mo., /Christian Newswire -- Thousands of CEF staff members and hundreds of t housands of volunteers teach millions of boys and girls daily in weekly face-toface Good News Clubs. Suddenly, COVID-19 brings that to a halt. Staff, volunteers and children can’t leave their homes. Is the ministry “dead in the water?” Immediately, CEF International Headquarters and CEF offices all over the world began designing long-distance ministry strategies. A Good News Club online manual was created for video conferencing clubs. Many clubs are operating successfully, for example, one in Norway that started with over 1,000 students. Existing CEF literature began to be distributed digitally. New ministry tools were created, e.g., digital tracts The Greatest Doctor and Stop the Spread. CEF began sharing the Gospel through the internet like never before but the internet was not accessible in many countries. Frik van Rensburg, a CEF regional director in Africa said, “Most of our people can’t use email or computers because of lockdown as they can’t get to the internet cafes to use Wi-Fi. Ninety percent of all they

Churches, Sites

do is via mobile phones.” Today digital resources are getting into the hands of the children via mobile phones. WhatsApp is a major tool. Joseph Kavuli, another CEF regional director in Africa said, “Kenya had much rain and flooding for three months. After that came the largest swarm of locusts in the last 70 years, eating everything in some parts of the country; then came COVID-19. The children need the hope that only Christ can give.” In developed countries with good Wi-Fi signal, CEF is distributing lots of resources. In a few countries, pastors take CEF Bible lessons door to door. They grade them, returning them with the next lesson. Thousands have been saved. CEF of Maine reported more children returning correspondence courses through the mail than

had been attending clubs. The same Word of God is being taught to boys and girls and parents all over the world through new ways, like mobile phones, videos, digital literature, radio, television, social media, Bible correspondence lessons, WhatsApp, etc. See some of these exciting resources at www.cefonline.com/ COVID19. Child Evangelism Fellowship is an international, nonprofit, Christian ministry that has been teaching the Bible to children since 1937. CEF is organized in most nations of the world, with over 3,500 paid staff and hundreds of thousands of volunteers. In 2019 CEF ministered to over 25 million children in its face-to-face teaching ministries. visit: www.cefonline.com +++


WASHINGTON, April 22, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ -- A Christian media group based in Israel and America has launched a free news syndication service for churches, ministries, Christian websites, and other media. “Worthy Ministries is happy to announce that after years of labor and prayer, Worthy News and Worthy Devotions are now available free of charge and also free of advertising,” explained George Whitten, the group’s founder and director. “It will be distributed through our new syndication network.” Worthy News is a crucial part of the operation. “It has been transformed into a global Christian news agency. People can add us to their website free of charge, and the stories will be automat-

ically updated. All they have to do is to visit the Worthy Plugins page,” Whitten explained. “Along with the news, however, we want to encourage and equip Believers and those interested in the Christian faith with a timely, balanced word of inspiration. That’s through Worthy Devotions, which can be added to your websites as well.” Worthy Ministries has been providing a broad audience with news and inspirational messages since 1999. “This past year, we sent out more than 5.2 million news briefs and inspirational devotions to more than 120 countries,” said Whitten. “Online activities are growing, as much of the world is at home due to the corona-

virus pandemic. It is our hope that this along with our syndication will extend our reach to many more.” “We have received thousands of encouraging responses from appreciative subscribers. And many millions have utilized our sites and services,” Whitten claimed. “Apart from news and devotions, we also have Worthy Chat and Worthy Christian Forums. We invite you to join the intriguing conversations.” “The heart of our ministry is to inform the Body of Christ with current, concise, balanced news. We want to stand daily together in prayer for important matters happening around the world.” www.worthynews.com/

PAGE 11 | MAY 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 5

‘The Mystery of Dreams’ by Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider Shares How BY Charisma Media

His Outreach in Africa Began

LAKE MARY, Fla., April 23, 2020 /Christian Newswire/ -- In his upcoming book The Mystery of Dreams: A Teaching and Journaling Experience (April 7, 2020), Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider shares how his ministry expanded to serve African countries. It started with a dream-literally, a dream he had while he slept. Rabbi Schneider dreamt that he came upon the scene of a car accident. He approached a wrecked car and saw an African man in the vehicle who was injured. Rabbi Schneider extended his hand to the man. Rainbow colors burst from his fingers, and the man was healed of his injuries. The dream stuck with Rabbi Schneider long after he woke. He writes, “I knew it was from God and that He was calling me into a healing ministry that would involve the African people. I had never been to Africa, so at first I thought the dream pertained to African Americans.” Years later God opened doors for Rabbi Schneider to travel and minister in African countries. Crowds in the tens of thousands attended their evening outreaches. God continued to send Rabbi Schneider dreams about this ministry growing. One particular dream took Rabbi Schneider to a baseball tournament where a coach said to him, “I’m going to be watching you from this point forward to determine whether I’m going to put you in the major leagues.” Rabbi Schneider journaled about the dream and regularly returned to it over time, pondering over the word “major.” “I was blown away by what God showed me, because I simply did not feel I deserved to be used in a ‘major league’ way by Him!” he says.

Facebook Launches New Oversight Board Run by Liberal Activists to Censor Content

NATIONAL NEWS- and outside of Face- tent policies even worse. BUSTERS MAY 7, 2020 book have condemned And that’s precisely | WASHINGTON, DC -- him for this, agitating what the company de-

After that dream Rabbi Schneider’s television program, Discovering the Jewish Jesus, was given a prime-time spot on the largest Christian TV network in the world. It went on to air on TBN Africa: South Africa, PRECIOUS TV in Ghana, and Africa Faith TV in many countries such as Malawi, Rwanda, and Tanzania. Around that time their outreaches in Africa saw an estimated one hundred thousand in attendance. When those two things happened, Rabbi Schneider thought, “Wow, Lord. You really did bring me into the major league.” His book The Mystery of Dreams encourages Christians to open their hearts to any messages that God sends to them through dreams. “God may speak to you about your present, thus helping you make vital decisions for your life and family. And because He is the God of the future, He may give you dreams of direction or warning to help you navigate things that are yet to come. But no matter what kind of dream He gives, you will be blessed by following God’s leading through

your dreams.” To read a sample chapter of The Mystery of Dreams, click this link: https://bit. ly/36QjQ7v About Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider Schneider is the host of the popular TV broadcast Discovering the Jewish Jesus. For more than thirty years Rabbi Schneider has been teaching people how Jesus fulfilled Messianic prophecy and completes the unfolding plan of the Messiah. Schneider is the author of several books, including Rivers of Revelation, The Lion of Judah, The Book of Revelation Decoded, and Awakening to Messiah. About Charisma House Charisma House empowers people through Spirit-inspired resources. It is the leading publisher of diversified Christian resources motivating people to fulfill God’s purpose. For more than twenty years Charisma House has published books, including fourteen New York Times best sellers, that challenge, encourage, teach, and equip Christians. To get a copy contact: https://charismahouse. com/#


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LifeNews.com The Free Speech Alliance (FSA), a coalition of more than 60 conservative organizations, released the following statement Thursday about Facebook’s new Oversight Board and efforts to decide what content should be taken down from the site. The FSA declared, “Conservatives warned from the start that any new oversight mechanism was fraught with danger. Our fears were well founded. This new board will damage Facebook more than it can imagine.” Here is the statement in full: While leftist organizations savaged him, we supported CEO Mark Zuckerberg when he talked about making Facebook a marketplace of ideas and spoke forcefully saying the company “must continue to stand for free expression.” Yet leftist forces within

for the company to become an arbiter of what is, and isn’t truth; and therefore what should and should not be presented on Facebook. Facebook wants the public to believe that its new Oversight Board will help solve the problems “about what content to take down or leave up.” Conservatives warned from the start that any new oversight mechanism was fraught with danger. Our fears were well founded. This new board will damage Facebook more than it can imagine. We had cautioned that the oversight would be too international and unable or unwilling to embrace America’s 1st Amendment ideals of free speech, while embracing an internationalist construct pleasing to the radical left and likely to make Facebook’s restrictive con-

livered. The new Oversight Board announced itself with a New York Times op-ed from the four co-chairs. Only one of the four, Stanford Law School Prof. Michael McConnell, is at all conservative. And not as strong as many would like. The other three are reliably liberal. Columbia Law Prof. Jamal Greene was an aide to Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. Catalina Botero-Marino is the dean of the Universidad de los Andes Faculty of Law of Colombia. She is also a member of the board of directors of the Center for Reproductive Rights, a pro-abortion group. That is especially infuriating to pro-life groups that are regularly targeted on social media for their beliefs. No pro-life leader need apply to this board. Continuation on Page:12


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PAGE 12 | MAY 2020 • Vol. 7, No. 5

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

Why There is no Substitute for “In-Person” Church Attendance Chuck Kennedy Publisher | Editor When churches began to shut down, I was shocked and severely saddened. That satan could actually pull off such a quick blow to the church of the Living God is still a marvel. I felt as if I had been dealt a staggering blow. The church is the Body of Christ, the redeemed, the ecclesia, the calledout ones, a royal nation, a peculiar people who are to show forth the praises of Him who called us out of this dark world into His Sons marvelous light. But here we are closing our doors in fear. Is this correct? Is it right? Many argue that it is necessary to keep the virus from spreading. Others say Romans 13 tells us to obey the government authorities. Each is entitled to his or her own opinion and no one should look down on the other, but there is only one right way and that is God’s way. God commanded us to assemble together for a reason and He nev-

er made allowances for anything to stop that. Heb 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. There is a reason for everything God directs us to do. He is all knowing and unarguably always right. So why would we take the well-meaning word of an unsaved person over God? Because we really do not believe God, that can be the only reason why. Fellowship is crucial to spiritual growth and as wonderful as many of the television and Facebook preachers are today, without fellowship you can never fully mature into spiritual adulthood. Church is a training ground. It is where we not only get taught the Word, but we must learn to live it as well. Multiple opportunities arise in the setting of a local fellowship to afford you the privilege of developing

fruit as well as exercising the gifts of the Spirit, both of which cannot be accomplished watching an electronic device. Allow me to give you examples. Offenses are certain to come in a continual group setting, the church. Without the opportunity to forgive, love, look over the faults of your brothers and sisters, you will not mature. How about the gifts of the Spirit? When we come together Paul taught us proper order for the operation of the gifts of the spirit, tongues, Interpretation of tongues, prophecy, words of knowledge and more. But if we do not come together, we miss a major moving of the Spirit that is vital to spiritual growth. What about the laying on of hands, which is a foundational doctrine. How are we going to effectually lay hands on people who are not there? Think about it. If the churches are physically closed during some of the most trying times known to man,

Facebook Launches New Oversight Board Run by Liberal Activists to Censor Content

From Page:11 ... Then there’s the former prime minister of Denmark, Helle Thorning-Schmidt. She declared she “does not believe in eternal life, salvation or heaven and hell,” according to the publication Kristligt Dagblad. Thorning-Schmidt is also one of at least six of the 15 international members of the board who openly espouse anti-Trump sentiments. She posted recently on Twitter over a photo of Obama endorsing presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden: “The endorsement!! OMG, Miss the voice of decency and grace.” The board members picked by the co-chairs are as left-wing as you might expect. Former Guardian Editor Alan Rusbridger has gone from supporting a free press to endorsing censorship. He tweeted in late March that the press should shut down Pres ident Donald Trump’s

press conferences. “Completely agree that media should stop live broadcasting Trump, especially since he re- jects robust challengesfrom reporters.” This is Facebook’s new commitment to free speech. Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman explained in an interview with the Spanish daily El Pais that she did “not trust Trump because I do not trust racist people.” We find no one supportive of Trump. It’s not just what the members oppose that is the problem. It’s what, and who, they support. At least three members have ties to leftist billionaire George Soros. One works directly for his Open Society organizations. Another was the founding dean at Central European University, which Soros founded and funded with nearly $1 billion. Even Oversight Board Executive Director Thomas Hughes comes from Article 19, which has received more than $2 million from Soros. It is too early to tell how

such this board would rule. But it is terrifying to imagine how a powerful, leftist group like this might view control conserva tive speech — speech that defends free enterprise, traditional marriage, religious freedom, the lives of the unborn, free speech and gun rights, to name but a few. The answer in social media has often been to call such beliefs “hate speech,” the club the left has used to beat their opponents into submission on college campuses and online. And it has been a code word for anti-conservative censors like the Southern Poverty Law Center to shut down speech it doesn’t like. It is Orwellian. The international left is not open to free speech; it is intolerant of it. It has proclaimed that “climate change” is “settled science,” therefore any challenge based on science is untrue. The gay lifestyle is a moral right. Any challenge to it is an assault on the “dignity of man,” and therefore constitutes hate speech.

who will help the hurting? The government? The secular society? Many say, well just do it online where it is safe, but they are forgetting the poor and elderly who do not have access to electronic devises. What about them? Should we save ourselves to lose them eternally? The church is essential on earth. We have not only the answer to the virus, but the answer to eternity. People are searching for answers and the church has them. If you find fault with this, thinking we are endangering lives, then you are part of the problem. Repent and believe the Word. It is not too late to change. The God we serve is greater than any virus or anything else that opposes mankind, we just need to be skillful enough in the use of the Word of faith to defeat it. Matt 5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. +++




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He’s Alive News PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 Abortion “rights” are sa cred; therefore the rights of the unborn are non-existent, and therefore their advocates are disingenuous. On and on it goes. We believe Mark Zuckerberg was and continues to be committed to the free marketplace of ideas with Facebook a platform and not a publisher. But Facebook has created yet another layer of control over that market, now dominated almost exclusively by non-American leftists. Unlike its Silicon Valley cousins, Facebook has made a good faith effort to reach out to conservatives for their opinion, and we recognize that. And so we offer this opinion of the proposed Oversight Board: When you announce your next 20 members, ensure that they will balance out the aggressively leftist tilt of this new venture your company has taken. Better yet: Get rid of the whole thing. WASHINGTON, DC -LifeNews.com +++


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