He's Alive Christian News December 2018 Edition

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DECEMBER 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 12

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

Luke 2: 11 For unto Saviour, which is Christ shall find the babe

you is born this day in the city of David a the Lord. 12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

HE’S ALIVE The Newspaper Of Proof He’s Alive


I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen.” - Revelation 1:18a

Christmas Eve Caroling in the Bars Pastor Phil Derstine - The Family Church at Christian Retreat


It’s a sacrifice to give up my Christmas Eve. In my early years as a parent, I was home by the fire, listening to “Silent Night” and opening gifts with my wife and children. It was wonderful. But for the last 30 years I’ve organized groups of carolers and musicians to go into our local bars and night clubs to sing Christmas carols and then, one-on-one, offer prayer. It’s become a

tradition. I have a dream. I want to see the practice of Christianity in the church made relevant and mainstream in the real world. Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) Jesus said, “You are the Light of the world...” (Matt. 5:14). If we are afraid to let our light shine in the world, then the church becomes marginalized and ignored by our society. How does the world discover the Light of Life if we don’t carry it into the darkness? (John 8:12) I remember one particular Christmas Eve when I led my team of carolers into a rowdy cowboy bar called Southern Comfort Saloon. Sensing the tension as we gathered on-stage to sing, I decided to begin with a more secular song. “We’re going to start with a familiar carol that you

all know—Jingle Bells!” I announced. A boisterous patron straddling a bar stool shouted back, “Come on, sing about Jesus, we know why you’re here!” There was no fooling him! But I purposed to go straight to his table after the last song. As I approached him, he blurted out, “You’re not afraid of

I was raised in the church with preaching parents who taught me that bars were no place for Christians. In fact, I had never been to a bar until I was sent by God. I had never gotten into drinking, beyond a reckless party or two in my high school years. Never smoked or did drugs. So, admittedly, the bars were foreign and frightening to me at first. I felt as out of place there as the bar regulars us, are you?” may feel “No,” I responcoming ded. His reply, to our “Let me tell church. you, most of But I the people in soon Pastor here are discov Phil Derstine afraid of YOU.” Wow, ered what a Truth, I that bars while it’s really the world thought. The are a lot like churches, enemy keeps us fearful of that is living in fear. We and there are a lot of good speaking out for Christ, need more boldness! Continuation on Page: 10

All nations grieve the death of Missionary John Chau

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Spent 8 hours in heaven




Teaching the uncompromised,

Spirit Filled, Word of Faith Church! Looking for a church to go to? We welcome you to come and join us on our church services. Our location: is at 2001 9th St., West, 34205 Bradenton, FL. For more info; visit our Website: www.ficcwordchurch.org

or text: 941-4474538 or toll free, leave a message: (833) 463-7325

By Pastor Chuck Kennedy

When you donate any amount to He’s Alive Christian news, we will send you 25 of these full color, 8 page, Gospel tracts. Mail your donation to: PO Box 14931 Bradenton, Florida 34280

PAGE 2 | DECEMBER 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 12

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!


Matt. 12: 28- 30. Jesus is our Gift from God, come to save us, born in a manger, now reigning on h i g h . King of Kings! Just say, “Come in to my heart, Lord Jesus. There is room in my heart today.” Now, you can find Peace on Earth today! Have a Merry, Blessed Christmas, everyone!

Spirit Of


Dear Reverend: It’s that time of year again when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! I am so happy! I went forward in church a few Sundays ago and gave my whole life to Jesus. No more New Year’s Resolutions that I can’t keep! This time, I have such hope and peace deep

any ntez Duff o M This is God’s Truth! e n li ade Rev. MMD By Rev. M

in my heart. All those wasted years, trying to fix myself and my problems. I want to ask you if you would tell your readers how to find what I found. Peace on Earth ---Dear Peace, Some faith-filled Christians have matured to

a point where they really God promises us a Peace that passes all ununderstanding. Phil. 4:7. Without Jesus, there is no peace, no hope, no joy. Christmas is a special time where Christ is calling us to come home. “Come home to Him, all who are weary and heavy laden.”

You are God’s Masterpiece By Chris Vercelli

(Bradenton, FL- Dec 1, 2018) Several weeks ago, my son Christian and I went to Siesta Key Beach to see the annual sandcastle competition. While there, we saw some of the most incredible works of art that I could ever imagine someone making out of sand. When I thought about the time, energy and attention to detail that it took to produce these incredible masterpieces, I marveled. As incredible as those works of art are though, as I think about them I can’t help but be reminded of an even more amazing masterpiece. One that was put together with even more time, energy and attention to detail. One that was put together by God Himself. The masterpiece that is YOU. I know it might seem strange to think of yourself as a masterpiece of God, but it’s the truth. Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) says that “we are God’s masterpiece.” That’s worth meditating on for a while, isn’t it? What I am also fascinated by is what it says in Psalm 139:13 (NASB). This is where God tells us how He began this masterpiece. It says that “He wove me together in my mother’s womb.” Wow!

Being woven together might seem like a strange concept, but according to scientific study, we know that there was a time when you were made up of only two cells. One was too small to see and the other was about the size of a grain of sand. Those two cells joined together and carried out the preprogrammed plan they had within them (via DNA) to make you exactly the way you are. It was like God sat down and wrote a software program that told those two cells exactly how to weave you together in your mother’s womb. Once they got together, they carried out God’s divine plan, with His hand directing it all. In fact, do you realize that there was only about a 1/60,000,000 chance that you would be exactly the way that you are? When you were just a single sperm, you were swimming in a race against 60,000,000 others and YOU are the one who won that race. Because you did, you are who you are. It was like God reached His hand down, picked you out of all 60,000,000 and then placed His supernatural grace upon you so you could win. How amazing is our God to do some-

thing like that!? And how amazing are you- The Champion Swimmer!? If you ever doubt your worth or your value as a person, just remember how much God did to ensure that you would be exactly who you are. You are not an accident. You are not deficient. You are nothing short of a masterpiece of the same God that made the heavens and the earth. He programmed your DNA to make you the way you are because He has an assignment that only a person exactly like you could fulfill. That sentence is worth re-reading. Not only were you formed and shaped by the mighty hand of God, but God deposited in you a piece of Him the day you came out of the womb. It was His breath. In Genesis 2:7 (NASB) it says, “God formed man out of the dust of the ground and He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being.” The word breath is the Hebrew word “naphach” and it means the breath that gives life. That is the same breath that was placed in you the moment you came out of your mother’s womb. Prior to that moment, you lived in

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14931Bradenton, FL 34280 On our website: www.Hesalivenews.org

--Write to Rev Madeline at PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 or by email at Hesalivenews@yahoo.com. Not all letters are from readers. Letters may be fictitious in person but true in content. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any questions submitted. +++ a ball of amniotic fluid that surrounded you the entire time that God was weaving you together. You never took a normal breath while you were in there. When He determined that you were complete, you came out and immediately received the breath of life. His breath has been in you ever since. Imagine that all this time you were inhaling and exhaling God’s own breath. Wow! Not only that, but if you are a born-again believer, then you can also be filled with His Holy breath which is His Ruach (Hebrew for Spirit). The bible says that His Ruach brings supernatural gifts, spiritual fruits, the ability to communicate with God and a 24/7 all access pass to His presence. That’s more than Daniel, Moses, Isaiah and all the other Old Testament prophets had, and get thisHe CHOSE you to have it. Ephesians 1:6 says “For He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless in His presence. In love God predestined us to adoption as sons (and daughters) according to the good pleasure of His will” Wow! If that doesn’t make you want to get on your feet and praise Him, I don’t know what will! Can you imagine being chosen to be holy and blameless in His presence before the foundation of the world? That means that God’s plan for your salvation was written .. Continuation on Page: 5

HE’S ALIVE Christian News & Views Published the 10th of Each Month

Published by HE’S ALIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY FAITH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER P.O. BOX 14931 Bradenton, Fl. 34280 Phone: 941-447-4538 website: www.ficcwordchurch.org Publisher: Chuck Kennedy Designer: Rlyn Kennedy Contact information: www.hesalivenews.org email: hesalivenews@yahoo.com Email subscriptions are free. Printed subscriptions any donation. Letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged. Help support us by shopping our list of spirit filled books and Amazon.com on our website. Check it out at www.hesalivenews.org or scan below.

A Community of Local Churches United to Share the Gospel in the Streets of the Community. Second Saturday of the month in Sarasota, Fourth Saturday in Manatee Counties.

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PAGE 3 | DECEMBER 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 12

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

Counselor’s Corner:

HOW HEALTHY ARE YOU? Email: Louise.alleva@gmail.com

When Nick wakes me up each morning I stumble out of bed, do my morning routine, grab the Kindle and reading glasses on the bedside table, and head out to the living room where he has a cup of coffee waiting for me (yes, I am spoiled). Then we begin our morning prayer and devotional time with the Lord. Afterwards we may share our little aches and pains, how we are improving in some areas and believing our healing in some our more chronic challenges. We feel blessed to have good health with

only a few minor setbacks. Yet, during that time we rarely share our mental and emotional health that also has aches and pains and the need to apply a spiritual medicine to the battle going on in our minds. Then I started teaching a study on the “Search for Significance” to a group at our church. Since then I have become more aware of the need for all of us to go beyond the physical and look at how our mind, will, or emotions are causing us to have some unhealthy setbacks or chronic, ongoing

By : Louise Alleva

heart wrenching hurts and preventing us from having a deeper, more confident and joyful relationship with our Lord who sacrificed his life for us so we could be free from all of the emotional “stuff ” we are still hanging on to. For example, if you have a fear of failure you can verbally and mentally receive the salve of justification that says you are completely forgiven, and fully pleasing to God. You can now have increasing freedom from the fear of failure with a stronger desire to pursue the right things

which is your love for Christ and His Kingdom. The best scripture medicine to administer to this ailment is 2 Corinthians 5:21, or Hebrews 10:17, Romans 5:1. Or if you have a fear of being rejected, you can receive the prescription of God’s total acceptance of you based on Christ’s sacrifice on the cross which was payment for all of our sins. As you lose the fear and become free you can then be willing to be open and vulnerable, able to relax around others, able to take criticism. The best scriptures to administer to this pain is Ephesians 1:13-14, Psalm 103:12, Matthew 26:28, John 3:16. The Fear of punishment also called the blame game is someone who fails then because of the failure feel unworthy of love and deserve to be punished. Then when we are hurt, we may feel someone else deserves to be punished also. The best scriptural answer to this form of blame game is Hebrews 4:14-16. dead one. We asked this Muslim couple what if Jesus would fill that room with peace?!?! They responded it’s impossible because those demon spirits are very powerful. We went to the mosque’s 3rd floor and all our prayer team went inside in this old room. I cannot express how strongly satan was controlling that place. We never felt this strong presence of satan anywhere, but we all started praying together and rebuking him in Jesus name. The bulb and tube light of that room shattered, and we felt like an earthquake because the room was vibrating. When we commanded those demon spirits to leave in Jesus name, all of sudden the room stopped vibrating and Jesus filled it with his peace! We all came out of that room laughing that Jesus did it! This Muslim couple who also serve in this mosque as Priest, were shocked. But we told them that our God is real, You ask and He will give you!!!

Miracles of healings and demons defeated in Pakistan By Violet John

A Muslim family who have been converting people to Islam for 40 years, received Jesus Christ as their Savior!! Jesus opened their eyes and hearts by doing an amazing miracle!! satan where are you? come out and fight. More than 220 souls repented and gave their Hearts to Jesus. So many received Miracles, Healing, Restoration, Deliverance and NEW Lives today. When we reached this #Anonymousvillage our host took us to a mosque where we met this #AnonymousFamily whose son received healing from paralysis after their Chris tian maid prayed for him. But this husband and wife was very angry to us about this and they were abusing us verbally. They told us, ‘We will bury you in this mosque and no one ever find out about you’. When one of our team Pastors asked this couple why are you so mad at us? This husband and wife responded, “From the time their son was healed.....All he wants is to know about Jesus Christ. We cannot afford that because we are the ones who covert people to Islam, but now our

own son wants to know about Jesus??” This Muslim family said, “Pray to your Jesus and tell him to make our son cripple again because we don’t want Jesus in our lives”. They said, “we already have so many problems in our lives and we don’t want one more”. We asked them to please tell us what problem do they have? Maybe we can help you in some way. We were trying to reach a common ground here by the power of the Holy Spirit. They told us that on the 3rd floor

I have an Associates Degree in Art. I have sold many pieces as well as had a few in modest publications. I am always looking for new projects. Contact me; David Dodson at: www. 2dartstudio.weebly.com

of mosque there is one room filled with demon spirits. No one goes there because those demon spirits attack very badly. This Muslim couple told us that they invited those spirits themselves some time back, but now they are out of control. They told us their son who is healed from paralysis wanted in that room. Those demon spirits will kill him because no one can stay in that room longer than five minutes and we would rather have a crippled son instead of a

Artwork for your next project!

Feelings of shame leads joy and Christ centered us to saying to ourselves, self-confidence. I am what I am, I cannot There is so much more change, I am hopeless, and then I have space or time we believe that it is impos- to share so I would highsible for us to ever experi- ly recommend that you ence consistent happiness, purchase your own copy peace or joy. But when we of this awesome, revealbegin to trust Christ and ing study, The Search for start having a new life of Significance by Robert S. forgiveness and love, our McGee. It even has its own lives will change. Some workbook. We are His scriptural answers to this beloved children and He are Ephesians 4:22-24, Ro- wants us healed and free mans 1:7, Romans 5:17- of physical as well as emotional health challeng18. Just like our physical chal- es and able to apply His lenges, the Lord may not scriptures as the healing give us an immediate heal- power for all of our needs. ing, but with the physical Nick and I still have our He provides a way through morning routine with dedoctors, medicines, thera- votions, and we still pray py, etc. to make our life for healing in our bodies easier and more comfort- but our journey for healed able until there is a heal- hearts continues to be a ing. That’s the same way challenge every day. But with our emotional pain. we now realize how to We may be continually put into practice the anchallenged with different swer already given us over kinds of fears that cause 2,000 years ago nailed to great pain, BUT God has that cross. It’s for you too! a solution for each pain Blessings and Love, and we can experience the results from His Biblical Louise Alleva, D. Min. lical truths which will give LCPC. CTC. you increased freedom, louise.alleva@gmail.com This incident touched on her stomach. Jesus their heart beautifully healed the knees of an old so that they did an an- man who could hardly nouncement over the move before. Jesus set free mosque speakers and in- so many who were demon vited all village to come possessed. Many repented and receive their miracles with 220 souls giving their and healing as God had hearts to the Lord Jesus. sent His people for them. At the end of the prayer The whole village gath- meeting, that Muslim famered in the street and ily secretly took us to their joined us in Pray and place and told us that they Worship session. The wanted to surrender their Holy Spirit touched so lives to Jesus! No Buddha, many lives there. More No Prophets, No Idols are than 500 people were stronger than our Living there to experience God’s God!!! move in their lives. Pas- Please pray that Jesus make tor Omair shared a ser- a way for us so we can give mon from 1 Peter 5:7 “No Urdu bibles to new believJesus – no peace, Know ers. We need them so badly. Jesus – know peace!! These pastors operate an which touched so many orphanage in Pakistan and hearts and lives. this was one of their outJesus did great miracles reaches. Read this and and wonders by healing more on Facebook.com/ a women who had a cyst pastor.violet


“And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” -1 Corinthians 13:13

PAGE 4 | DECEMBER 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 12

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

World-Famous Tino Wallenda

on High Wire at Local FGBMFI Meeting Full Gospel BusinessMen’s Fellowship International, Sarasota FL.

Known around the world, Tino Wallenda of the internationally famous Flying Wallendas will be the featured speaker at a Sarasota meeting literally on the high wire. Friday, January 11, 2019, at 5:45 pm for dinner (6:45 pm without dinner), the monthly Sarasota meeting of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International will take place. Don’t miss this exciting, one-of-a-kind adventurous meeting at the Carlisle Inn, 3717 Bahia Vista Street, Sarasota, FL 34232. (Located right next to Der Dutchman Restaurant). As his protégé, Tino once engineered many of the riggings for his grandfather’s famous sky walks. Now he engineers his own as he and his family log thousands of miles over eight months out of the year as they perform with various circuses, festivals, celebrations, fairs, special events and churches. Tino started on the wire at the age of 7 when his famous grandfather Karl Wallenda took him into the circus backyard, put the balance-pole in his hands, taught him how to place his feet and how to control his body and where to focus his eyes. At the age of 12 he made his first crossing on the wire 35 feet off the ground. At 17 Tino became a fullfledged member of the Great Wallenda troupe. For several years, he toured with and under the tutelage of his grandfather. With his wife Olinka, also a sixth-generation performer whose family roots were that of aerial performances and high wire, Tino set off to establish his own unique tightrope presentation.

Before Karl’s death, Tino did return to work under his grandfather’s leadership in recreating the 7-Person Pyramid and was supervising a second unit Wallenda troupe in the northwest when the elder Wallenda met with his untimely death. Some of the feats Tino has accomplished in his stellar career on the wire are walking over lions, tigers and man-eating sharks; walking between highrise buildings, over rivers (a one kilometer crossing of the Han River in Seoul, Korea) and a waterfall. His highest walk was 179 feet in the air over Denver and 3,300 feet in length. He is a descendant of a rich circus heritage that spans nearly 200 years and the sixth generation of performers. Tino currently is the leader of the Flying Wallendas family troupe. The Wallendas hold several accolades in the Guinness Book of Records for accomplishing both 8 and 10 Person Pyramids on the tightrope. They have four children, all of whom have taken part in the family tradition of wire walking.

They have five grand-children, the eight generation of wire walking. The family has been featured on the Discovery Channel, TLC, A&E and the History Channel. He began Circus Maranatha in 1978 where they have shared their person al Christian testimony on all of the major Christian television networks. In addition to traveling to numerous foreign countries, they have been given the opportunity to share spiritual and motivational influence, ministering to inmates in prisons and jails across the United States and abroad. Joel Swallow, Sarasota Chapter President (also seen on television as the Chairman of the Mayor’s Feed the Hungry Campaign), describes the international fellowship: “Briefly, our mission is to connect people with opportunities to reach out and help others find a better life. We also work together to build a better community.” This Christ-centered businessmen’s organization (open to women also) is active in over 140 countries of the world, with thousands

SARASOTA PRAYER BREAKFAST By Sarasota Prayer Breakfast Board President, Bob Armstrong

of regular meetings hap pening every week. (www. fgbmfi.org or www. fgbmfiusa.life) When asked about the group accomplished their mission, Swallow responded, “We connect people by: 1. Calling people back to God 2. Promising integrity and good character 3. Participation in God’s work 4. Working together to build better cities and nations 5. Taking the message of God’s love to every family “We are not just on the Gulf Coast, around the world since the mid-1940’s!” Tino is really looking for

ward to performing in his home town. Tino declares, “It is such an honor to come back to our hometown to perform and speak only a few miles from our house!” Tino will be “wire walking” as he speaks at the


Sarasota’s 47th Annual Community Prayer Breakfast is fast approaching. The date is Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. This year it is being held at the Sarasota Hyatt Hotel. This year’s keynote speaker is David Barton, Founder and President of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious and constitutional heritage. David is the author of numerous best-selling books, with the subjects being drawn largely from his

massive library of tens of thousands of original writings from the Founding Era. He also addresses over 400 groups each year. His exhaustive research has rendered him an expert in historical and constitutional issues and he serves as a consultant to state and federal legislators, has participated in several cases at the Supreme Court, was involved in the develop ment of the History / Social Studies standards for states such as Texas and California, and has helped produce history textbooks now used in schools across the nation.

Also known as “America’s historian,” Time Magazine called David “a hero to millions – including some powerful politicians.” Newsmax named him as one of America’s top 100 influential evangelicals, and Time Magazine named him as one of America’s 25 influential evangelicals. He has received numerous awards and honors. He has been seen on Fox News and other news outlets. Glenn Beck says of him: “David Barton is the most important person you will ever know.” Providing extra-special music is Eirinn Abu. He gives the saxophone a new

Eirinn Abu voice and sound. His peers call him the instrumental version of Josh Groban or Andrea Bocelli. Eirinn has a new recording of the number one love song of all time, “I Will Al-

ways Love You” with guest artist Dolly Parton. Eirinn Abu is a talented saxophonist who’s repertoire includes spiritual classics like “Amazing Grace” and soulful love

meeting, doing many of his memorable, one-of-akind feats on the wire. For more information or to make Dinner Reservations, please call Jerry Miller at 941-223-0417. Dinner price is $20. Freed admission with no dinner. songs like “I Will Always Love You”. He will be performing from his newest CD, HYMNS. You can expect a very blessed and satisfying experience that will warm your heart. The annual Sarasota Prayer Breakfast is like a “cornerstone” of the Sarasota community. Sarasota Prayer Breakfast Board President, Bob Armstrong, tells He’s Alive, “We have been an intricate part of the Sarasota Community for almost one-half century. God has used the Sarasota Prayer Breakfast to be a catalyst to bring us together in unity. We are patterned after the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC.” Continuation on Page: 5

PAGE 5 | DECEMBER 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 12

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome! From: Page4

Christ’s Victory International Mission Of Liberia, Inc.

By David & Annette Dann

514 44TH Street Court East Bradenton, Florida 34208

Annual Christmas Outreach - As we approach the end of this year, the children at the orphanage are anticipating their annual Christmas day celebration. They have lots of fun with children from the neighborhood where they share food, singing, and games with their friends. It is a great way for us to share the love of Jesus with the community. Our children enjoy the day and it is a blessing sharing the time with them. Annual Convention - From January 13 - 20, 2019, our national annual leadership convention will commence at one of our churches in Kakata, Margibi County. The leaders and members of our 14 churches are excited about the week of teaching, vision casting, strategizing, and fellowshipping with over 3,000 people in attendance. When we leave everyone is inspired to be greater disciples and reach their communities for Jesus. If you would like to join us for the convention in Liberia, let us know. Also, pray for the speakers and that many people will decide to serve the Lord. The Land Issue in Monrovia - Thanks so much for your many prayers and encouragement about the land issue for our headquarters’ property in Monrovia. Please continue to pray as we are fervently asking the Lord to resolve the situation. The people claiming the 183 acres that includes our ministry headquarters have not taken any physical action at this time. As we previously mentioned, they are claiming most



He continues, “Our organization: • Creates and sponsors small groups that meet usually weekly to bring unity to the area. • Sponsors deserving young patriots to attend the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. with the President and Congressional leaders. • Sponsors special events throughout the year. For instance, we are sponsoring an informative “power lunch” with Dr. Richard Arnn, the President of Hillsdale College, on Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. at the Carlisle Inn. Please see our website for details and sign up. • And, of course, our 47th annual Sarasota Community Prayer Breakfast on March 28, 2019.” The Sarasota Prayer Breakfast is a 501(c)3 non-profit which was created to: • Promote the

awareness and understanding of the challenge of Christ to love the Lord with all you heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself. • To work together to promote a spiritual awakening throughout our community and the world through fervent prayer, a godly lifestyle, and love of people that builds friendships. • To accomplish this the Sarasota Prayer Breakfast has several events and activities. Ticket prices for the annual Sarasota Prayer Breakfast are $40. You can participate in the annual community event of unity. Ticket prices for the January 16 “Power Lunch” with Dr. Arnn are $28. For complete details and to order tickets for both events, go to: www.sarasotaprayerbreakfast.com.

You are God’s Masterpiece From Page 2

thousands of years ago and lungs is proof that God the fact that you profess Je- isn’t done with you. If He sus as your Lord and Sav- was, He’d take His breath ior is proof that His plan is away and promote you being carried out. That’ll right to heaven. He leaves make someone shout! Why it in you because He still did He choose you? I don’t has meaningful work for know. Why did He choose you to do on earth. me? I don’t know. I am just And the next time the acso thankful that He did. cuser comes around and So, the next time the accus- tries to tell you that you’re er comes around and tries to unfit or unqualified to of the land in the Rehab tell you that you’re no good, have access to God and to mand from those who Community, which in12); medical clinic, radio you’re deficient, or any oth- be used by God, be sure to are allegedly claiming the cludes the 2.5 acres that station, vocational train- er lie that affects your sense remind Him that you were we purchased for the min- land, and we need the ing, and college classes. of self-worth, remind him chosen before the founLord’s divine intervention. istry. “Learn to do good; Seek of the testimony of all that dation of the world. God But we are hopeful that the Many residents have been justice, Rebuke the opon their land for more Lord will resolve the situa- pressor, Defend the fa- God did to ensure that you Himself decided that you than 30 years. We have tion soon as we know the therless, Plead for the wid- are exactly how you are. He would be in His family, been on the land for more Lord wants us to continue ows.” (Isaiah 1:17) Pure doesn’t make mistakes and not you. God wanted you than a decade without to minister and bring His and genuine religion in He doesn’t leave anything and He got you. Despite the transformative anybody claiming it un- life and His love to the Re- the sight of God the Father incomplete. The next time he comes power that these truths hab Community. til now. Please keep us in means caring for orphans around and tells you that have, they do nothing to The vision that the Lord your prayer as we continue and widows in distress … to pray and study how to gave us for the 2.5 acres (James 1:27 NLT) CVIM God is finished with you us until we believe them. I and there is nothing left for celebrate the work He did best handle this situation. headquarters’ site includes website at: you to do on earth that’s in you, His masterpiece! the larger church building, Additionally, all the resiwww.christsvictory.org. meaningful, remind him With brotherly love, a STEM High School (Kdents are resisting the de+++ that the breath in your Chris Vercelli From the Big Top to the Big House, Tino and sharing their testimony at numerWallenda brings the thrills of high wire ous churches and national Christian artistry to audiences across the nation and television program such as the 700 SARASOTA, FLORIDA CHAPTER the world. From the world famous “Flying Club, 100 Huntley Street, PTL and Wallenda” family, Tino brings his death Praise the Lord. Their missionary travdefying high wire performance to the big els have taken them to many foreign tents as well as prisons of America. At the lands including Mexico, Puerto Rico, Monthly Meeting Every: age of 12, he made his first crossing on the Costa Rica, Panama, Canada and Kenwire 35 feet off the ground. At 17, Tino be- ya. 2nd Friday of the month came a full fledged member of the Great Tino has performed in hundreds of Wallenda troupe. Some of the feats Tino prisons all over the country. He is very has accomplished on the wire are walking well received by inmates as well as prisover lions, tigers and man eating sharks; on officials. He uses his talents on the walking between buildings, over rivers and high wire to illustrate the importance a waterfall. His highest walk was over the of focus and perseverance. He gives a Location: Denver D &F Tower. It was 189 feet in the personal testimony from his own life as The Beautiful Carlisle Inn air and 3,300 feet wide. well which is very compelling. He is a (Directly Behind Der Dutchman) Tino and his wife, Olinka, are 6th genera- hit wherever he goes! tion Circus performers. They have 4 chil---Bahia Vista St, Sarasota, dren, all who have taken part in the family FL 34232 Contact: Jerry Miller, 941-223-0417, to tradition of wire walking. His granddaugh- place your reservation. Dinner Buffet Sarasota, FL 34232 ter, Ysabella, is the 8th generation of the From The World Famous: is $20 (all you can eat dinner, dessert, NOTE: For January, February family to perform having begun at the age and March, we Will Be At The beverage, tax & gratuity), please pay at “Flying Wallenda” Family. He Will Share of 6. Carlisle Inn the meeting. His Testimony While Walking The Wire Tino and his family have been performing

Full Gospel BusinessMen’s Fellowship International

December 14, 2018 Guest: Tino Wallenda

Time: 5:30 PM – Dinner 6:45 PM – Meeting

PAGE 6 | DECEMBER 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 12

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!







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PAGE 7 | DECEMBER 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 12 Matthew 13:52 Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder...

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PAGE 9 | DECEMBER 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 12

After Rolland Baker prayed for him, he spent 8 hours in heaven

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

By Mark Ellis

(AssistNews.net) At Rolland and Heidi Baker’s Harvest School of Missions in Pemba, Mozambique, students flock from all over the world to spend two months soaking in God’s presence, helping orphans, and conducting outreaches to the spiritually needy. A young man from Sydney, Australia, Taylor Martin, spent the early part of July in Pemba, then had to be evacuated to South Africa to complete the school due to terrorist threats in northern Mozambique. Heidi and Rolland Baker with young people they have helped transform Despite the terror threat, he had remarkable encounters with God, especially when Rolland Baker laid hands on him and prayed. “Sometimes the power of God just hits you like a wave and you can’t move,” Martin recounts. “Five or six times I was sent into hours-long visions of heaven when Rol- land touched me.” “Sometimes I would be

shaking for hours. One day I was paralyzed for eight hours on the ground.” During these supernatural visions he witnessed remarkable things. “I saw the city; I saw streets; I saw the throne; I saw God and his angels and people feasting.” Harvest School students As he walked in the streets he saw people dancing with angels. “I went to a feast and people were eating all this amazing food like a banquet. There is food in heaven and it’s a real place.” He met a man at the banquet that seemed to be glowing more than anyone else. “Why do you shine more than others?” Martin asked. “Those who live close to the throne shine more,” he replied. The man told Martin he had been a prophet on earth. Then they went to the man’s house on a hill near the throne. “It was like a mansion in an earthly neighborhood,” with furniture and windows.

“The feeling of being there is so overwhelming, the peace, the love, and the joy. You have no earthly mind at all or desire to come back,” he says. The angels Martin witnessed were about nine-feet tall, dressed in beautiful robes. “When I was in Europe I saw paintings of angels from 500 years ago and that’s what I saw. People must have had vi-

nights and I was planning to go to service that night anyway. It already seemed like a win-win. When I got to The Front that night I noticed that Christian had made a friend. It was a little boy about his age whom I’d never seen before. Never seen him since either. They were laughing, playing and enjoying themselves and it left me free to worship like I usually do. While worshipping, the thought came to me that I should look to see where Christian was. I opened my eyes and I saw him and

the other boy down on their hands and knees in a praying position. Intrigued, I went over to him to get a closer look at what was going on. I got over next to him and he still hadn’t moved an inch. I knew that he was either playing a game with this boy, or he was encountering God. I hoped for the latter. I got down on my hands and knees next to him and put my hand on his back. I began to pray that God would speak to him and reveal Himself to him. I had no idea that my prayer would be answered so powerfully. About 30 seconds after I prayed, Christian lifted his head up and with a jubilant voice he said “Daddy! Daddy! God really likes

Daddy, I think I know Jesus Now Bradenton, FL -Dec 2018 Every time I think of how God divinely orchestrated events to lead my son Christian to salvation, I am reminded of how big, how powerful and how amazing He is. I’ll share the story with you today to encourage you. Maybe it’ll give you the faith to keep believing for your son or daughter to come to the Lord as well. It was Monday June 17th, 2013. My son Christian had just turned 6 the previous month. He was on summer break and was spending his days at the Longwood Run Athletic Club for a children’s sports camp that ran from Monday through Friday. The camp went from 9am to 3pm and it was usually no problem to find someone to pick him up, until that day. I was at work, my wife had an emergency, my parents were unavailable and there was nobody else to call except a friend of mine named Sarah. Sarah worked at a ministry in Bradenton called The Front and had a somewhat flexible schedule. I called her and asked if she could pick up Christian at camp and take him to The Front until I got off work. She agreed. I sort of patted myself on the back at this plan because The Front has services on Monday

By Chris Vercelli

Heidi & Rolland Baker with young people they have helped transform

Taylor Martin

Harvest School outreach in one of the local villages sions from 500 years ago because that’s exactly what I saw.” “The street had gold cob-

blestones, perfectly clean. There were people, angels, people dancing. Everyone was youthful, glowing,

perfect.” He also saw a beautiful garden with flowers, birds, Continuation on Page: 10

us!” I smiled. I said to him, “you’re right Christian, God loves us.” He then corrected me and said, “no daddy, God LIKES us.” As he said that, the revelation hit me. It’s one thing to love someone, it’s another thing to like them. Liking someone requires an enjoyment of who they are. Loving them sometimes comes out of obligation. When he said “God likes us” what he was saying is that God actually enjoys who we are and enjoys being around us. Wow! I thought. That’s so deep for a 6-year-old. This must be from God. Christian then put his head back down and began praying again. He was still on his hands and knees in a fetal position. After another 30 seconds or so, he lifted his head up again and excitedly said, “Daddy! God forgives us for all our sins, for our mistakes and even for our jokes!” Again, I couldn’t help but chuckle a little bit when he said this. As I did, I told him “you’re

right! He does forgive us for all those things!” Christian put his head down again and began praying in the fetal position. After another 30 seconds or so, he lifted his head up again. This time though he got up onto his feet and began fervently sharing the revelation with me. He said, “daddy, we have to keep praying! If we don’t pray we will become weak!” I said, “yes you’re right Christian, we do need to pray.” He then shared somewhat of a parable with me about it. He stood up on his toes and reached up as high as he could. He said, “Daddy, we could be tall like this, and if we stop praying, we will become small like this.” As he said that he bent over and placed his hand barely above the ground. Again, I was stunned by what was coming out my son’s mouth. He then got back down on his knees, in a fetal position, and began praying again. After another 30 seconds or so, he lifted his

head up again, this time with a look of awe and wonder on his face. He said in a peaceful voice, “daddy, I think I know Jesus now.” I thought, WOW! This can’t possibly get any better. But then it did. I went to Michelle Skorski, who leads the ministry with her husband John, and I told her what happened. She said, “You have to share that with everyone!” Michelle told me that she felt like the Lord wanted to give an alter call for salvation, so she said that I should do it after I shared what happened with Christian. I got on the microphone and I told everyone what God had spoken to Christian. People were moved by the testimony. I told everyone that if they want to encounter God too, they should come up and receive prayer. Many people came up. While they were up there I gave a brief gospel message and encouraged people to give their lives to Christ if they had not done so already. The prayer team ..Continuation on Page: 11

Heart to Heart Ministries

Looking for volunteers who have a heart for seniors. If you sing, pray, or just enjoy fellowship with others sharing the Love of Jesus Christ. Contact : Sharon Hoek at 941-465-2605.

PAGE 10 | DECEMBER 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 12

Join us to bring hope for underprivileged

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

kids in India

Joel Children’s Home in India, has brought light to many underprivileged, abandoned and orphaned kids with God’s love. So far it has been run in a rented building. The children have been praying for a permanent place for more than 10 years. God has heard their prayers. They now have a piece of land in Rajapalayam, Tamil Nadu State, India, and by faith they have started to build their living facility there. A place where those underprivileged children can comfortably rest, study and glorify God. This would be their house on this earth. It is a house for the children who wandered in the roadside without a place to lay down. Now the building has reached up to roof level. Still it needs twenty thousand US dollars to complete the house. They are appealing for a generous donation from kind hearted people. Your small contribution will do big changes in their lives. Donations and correspondence can be made through Faith International Christian Center PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280 USA.

After Rolland Baker prayed for him, he spent From Page 9 8 hours in heaven

...and “the most perfect grass and trees.” When Martin began to move toward the throne of God, students at the Harvest School were shocked when his physical body (in Mozambique) began screaming, “The glory! The glory!” “I was taken to see the throne and it’s above heaven and all this glory and light flows from it. I was taken up to it, but couldn’t get close. I couldn’t deal with it because it was so overwhelming. The glory is so powerful,” he exults. “It was so bright. I couldn’t hold my face to it, it was so strong. On top of all heaven, light pours out from it and lights the whole city. I know that’s where the Fa-

ther is. I think I would have died if I saw it. I felt like I was going to die when I was there.” Martin did not want to leave heaven. “When I came back I felt my earth ly mind take over and I thought no, I don’t want this.” While he had no sense of the passage of time, when he returned to normal consciousness, he felt exhausted. “In the book of Colossians it says to set your mind on heavenly things. Now I know what that’s like to be in the heavenly realm. That’s how Jesus could go through the pain, because of the joy set before him. There is another realm we should be operating from,

but it’s hard because there are so many distractions in our lives,” he observes. Harvest School outreach in one of the local villages When Martin re-read the book of Revelation he was struck by the similarities to his vision. “I thought, oh my gosh, I saw these things, things exactly like this. It was written 2000 years ago and I saw it. When Paul said he went to the Third Heaven, that’s what it was like.” “There is something about laying on of hands from super anointed people like Heidi and Rolland,” he says. “Laying on of hands is powerful and important. Paul went around doing it so I recognize how important it is.” “Rolland says Harvest School removes the culture shock before you go to heaven.” https://www.irisglobal. org/missions/harvest/ +++

All Nations Grieve the Death of Missionary on Remote Indian By Christian Newswire Ocean Island KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 21, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ -- Leaders, members and friends of All Nations (www.allnations.us), an international Christian missions training and sending organization, are mourning the reported death of one of its missionaries, 27-year-old John Allen Chau of Vancouver, Wash., U.S.A. All Nations representatives are working with authorities in the U.S. and overseas to confirm details of Chau’s reported killing sometime between Nov. 16 and Nov. 18, when he visited remote North Sentinel Island, located in the

Indian Ocean. Chau is understood to have died after being attacked by local tribesmen. He is a graduate of Oral Roberts University (ORU) who had studied, planned and trained rigorously since college to share the gospel with the North Sentinelese people. “All Nations is deeply saddened by this news and wants to publicly express our deepest sorrow for this monumental loss,” said International Executive Leader Dr. Mary Ho. “We have been in contact with John’s family and ask all to join us in praying for his family and friends during

this time. We have been in contact with the U.S. State Department and continue to cooperate fully with all international, national and regional officials.” A seasoned traveler who was well-versed in cross-cultural issues, Chau had previously taken part in missions projects in Iraq, Kurdistan and South Africa. He joined All Nations as a missionary in 2017 and trained at its North American headquarters in Kansas City, Mo. “John was a gracious and sensitive ambassador of Jesus Christ who wanted others to know of God’s great

Christmas Eve

Caroling in the Bars From Page: 1

..people there. They attend routinely for fellowship. There are a variety of bars, like denominations: sports bars, biker bars, beach bars, Spanish bars, cowboy bars, youth bars, senior bars. Bar tenders are like pastors; they know their customers by name and do a lot of counseling. Every bar has music and atmosphere and they serve “spirits.” Granted, the effect of those spirits is short lived and wears off in the morning, possibly followed by some pretty nasty headaches. But people go back for more. Yes, I meet some Christians in the bars. But it’s the seekers that I’m really looking for. Last year, at a youthful eslove for them,” said Ho. “As we grieve for our friend, and pray for all those who mourn his death, we also know that he would want us to pray for those who may have been responsible for his death.” “We remember too, how throughout church history, the privilege of sharing the gospel has often involved great cost. We pray that John’s sacrificial efforts will bear eternal fruit in due season.” Based in Kansas City, Mo., U.S.A., All Nations (www. allnations.us) is an international Christian missions training and sending organization committed to preparing Christians to share the gospel and establish churches in parts of the world where the name of Jesus Christ is little or not known. +++


tablishment called Budda Bing!, we were singing our carols to a very indifferent crowd, busy on the pool tables and at the bar. But an enthusiastic girl, obviously drunk, danced close to my face exclaiming, “Hey, I love the accordion” Her bright red T-shirt said it all, “This Bud’s for You!” I was playing the accordion and leading the group in song, while trying to keep her from disturbing our performance. We finished, and I turned to her and said, “Come here, I want to pray for you!” She immediately went sober. “Seriously? You would do that?” She exclaimed. “Yeeesss, I really need prayer!” Tears welled up in her eyes, and I invited my daughter, Amy, to join me in praying for her, and leading her to a glorious salvation. That’s better than opening presents on Christmas Eve. We were created for this. To be ambassadors for Jesus Christ. (II Cor. 5:20).

And the Christmas Season brings many opportunities to share Christ. After all, it is the holiday that commemorates His birth... everybody knows that. They just wonder, WHY? Why Christmas? It’s our distinct privilege to answer that question, from first-hand experience... our own. Your testimony is the most authentic sermon you can preach. Inquiring minds want to know, “Why is the Christ of Christmas important to YOU?” I invite you to join us this Christmas Eve, and answer that question for some one. Our Caroling Teams are assembled immediately following our 6:00 PM Candlelight Christmas Eve Service, usually around 7:00, at The Family Church at Christian Retreat. See you in the bars! Pastor Phil & Jannette, pastor The Family Church at Christian Retreat, 1200 Glory Way Bradenton, FL. 34212. December Sermon Series “Why Christmas” on Sunday’s at 10:00 AM. Everyone Welcome! www.TheFamily.Church

Photo: John Allen Chau

Christian Missionary John Allen Chau

PAGE 11 | DECEMBER 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 12

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

Christians, Let’s Mature, by Georgia Yost

From Page 9

been picked up and kept by my friend Sarah. Fifth, he had to have met that little boy who led him to pray. And that’s just a short list. Things like this prove that God has appointed times for His encounters. All we need to do as parents is pray and believe. You might have a wayward son or daughter, or you might have one that just hasn’t encountered God yet. Either way, your prayers will move the hand of God and He will divinely orchestrate an encounter for your child at just the right time. It might even happen after a whole bunch of “screw ups” lead them off their normal schedule! Just keep praying and believing and in due season you will see the Yeshua (Hebrew for salvation) of our God.

Tanisha Smith!

I am a licensed minister from Faith International Christian Center. And my ministry is called 85 edify Assistant living. I would like to tell you a little bit about my ministry and what I do. I help the activity director with activity and I do bible study classes on the days they requested and I do manicures/pedicures for them. And if you need companionship for your love ones, don’t hasitate to call me, give me the Assistant living place and room number and address. I will love to see them. From my heart to your’s. Contact me: 941490-9596 - Love, Tanisha

We invite you to join us every Sunday.

Mission Statement:

Free Groceries every Thursday from 11 AM to 4 PM For more information, please contact: Rev. Byron Odman Charles, Founder / President Phone number: 941-462-6825 941-554-7701

Westminster Manor Healthcare Center Christmas tree and these are the teddy bears I bought for the residence so can also have a Christmas

Tanisha Smith

..came up and prayed with the people that were there. I came to find out a few days later that 6 people gave their lives to Jesus after the alter call that night. 6 people were so moved by the testimony of what God did in a 6-year-old boy that they wanted to give their lives to Christ. I’m still in awe of what happened that day. When God does things like this that are so obviously orchestrated by Him, my mind naturally begins to think of all that was required for it to happen. First, Christian had to be in summer camp. Second, he had to have been stranded without a ride. Third, he had to have been stranded on a Monday. Fourth, he had to have

Hi everyone, my name is



Daddy, I think I know Jesus Now

James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Excellent book broke down in three parts. The book has inspiring messages. • What the Word Of God is • How to Study • God compared to man • Our relationship to God • Know your enemy • How to operate in God’s authority Christians should know how to fight. We are in a fallen world and nothing here is perfect. God has given us everything we would have need of to live this life victoriously. We cannot be a light to the world if we are weighed down with the cares of this world. I pray this book can lead you to God and find that in Him we have peace, joy and understanding on how to live. With the years of experience I have, I cannot thank God enough for making it possible for me to share His love and faithfulness. $5.99 Order from Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/Christians-Lets-Mature-Georgia-Yost/dp/1948801833/


New hope coalition exists to - MANATEE LAUNDRY encourage all people to live 2905 MANATEE AVE. WEST OWNED BY: ANTHONY out God’s intent for their PHONE NUMBER: 941-580-4095 lives. We do this by developing spiritual encouragement, - K & S CHECK CASHING 2607 9TH STREET WEST visionary leadership, social connectivity, and practical Email: LOVE WORKS AGAIN assistance to all with him we Odman.Charles@NHCoalition.org - BOOK - BAYSHORE GARDENS STORE have contact 6800 BLOCK OF 14TH ST. WEST DESOTO SQUARE MALL visit our website: WE EXIST TO HELP YOU! www.newhopecoalition.org SERVING THE PHYSICAL NEW ADDRESS: TO IMPACT 7215 1st Ave West, Bradenton, FL 34209 THE SPIRITUAL








PAGE 12 | DECEMBER 2018 • Vol. 5, No. 12

BRADENTON FLORIDA | FREE - Donations Welcome!

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From the Publisher Chuck Kennedy


Your Treasure House

Formerly “MACY’S” Desoto Square Mall FEATURING FINE ESTATE FURNITURE Merry Christmas to all and Hap- Then another was the Dead Sea is & ACCESSORIES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS & py New Year. We are about to coming to life in accordance with begin the 6th year of publish- Ezekiel’s prophecy! Praise the COLLECTIBLES AND LIVE AUCTIONS & ing this Christian Newspaper. Thank you for your readership, comments, prayers and support. With all the hype of fake news today and the liberal ungodly reporting we witness daily, He’s Alive desires to bring you news of Christian interest and testimonies that clearly show that our God Is-Real… There is clearly a line being drawn between those who profess to know Him and those who really do. Just today I saw where a “church” (so called) in Ohio met with other pastors (so called) to oppose the new law that would stop abortion when a heartbeat is detected. Now how could any man or woman of God want to stop a heartbeat? This is a clear distinction of those professing to know Him but denying His power.

Lord, this is truly the end times where God is fulfilling prophecy before our eyes and showing His word is Truth and He cannot lie. We certainly live in exciting times and we are thankful we can bring you the latest news of these events unfolding before our eyes. But you must be awake to see them. If you are lukewarm or sleeping, they will pass you by. Rom 13:11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. Rom 13:12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Pick up extra copies and use them as tracts, get the word out. Thank you. He is alive!!






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