He's Alive Christian News Jan 2023

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Happy New Year !!!

While Descending into Hell Fire the Hand of God caught me

It was on December 28 of the year 2020. I was in a tree stand hunting that morning around about 8:30 am and started to step down out of it but when I stepped, I must have missed it, or something caused my foot to get caught on the step. I somehow tumbled out of that tree stand to the hard ground fifteen feet below. I fell 15 long feet hitting the ground at full impact. It blacked me out for a little bit and when I came to, I was lying there trying to get my bearings. I knew I needed to call for help but my phone was about 12 or 15 feet from me. I was thinking I had better try to get up and get my phone, but I had a bad burning sensation on my left side. It was burning like liquid fire and the pain was unbearable. I realized it wasn’t possible to stand plus the pain was excruciating, so I helplessly lay back down I knew I had to reach for my phone somehow but there was no way I was going to walk over to get it. So, I began to roll over and over to reach it. Something like a gator when it goes into a death roll, I painfully rolled until I could grab it. I hit the speed dial for my son who was just down the road hunting. He had already come in and I told him to come to get me because I had fallen off the deer stand and then I blacked out again.

I don’t remember anything else until he was coming up with his dodge truck to help me. My efforts to get up and get into the truck were unsuccessful. I did not know it then, but I was partially paralyzed and would not be able to use my legs or one of my arms. I tried to get up and it hurt so bad. Then

I told him “Son, do what I tell you to do, don't turn me loose until you've got me in the truck no matter what.” So I started pulling trying to get up but was not able and then I must have blacked out again. When I came

back, he was pushing me into the front seat of the truck the rest of the way so he could close the door.

Then From that moment until I was in the hospital I went on a journey. A journey where it felt like I was falling. I just kept falling and falling and falling and then suddenly, I started feeling heat. Still falling, the heat became more and more intense, and just about the time that I really start feeling it burn, I looked all around me and all I could see was just flames of fire leaping beneath me. When it got to the point that I just about couldn't stand the heat of the flames any longer, at that moment there was a hand that reached out between me and the flames and I kind of fell into the hand. That was the hand of God!

That's when I woke up in the hospital and I felt the Spirit of God drawing me. I responded by repenting and confessing, “yes Lord if you spare my life, I will serve you till my dying day.” I had served the Lord when I was a young man but had grown cold and away from God. I had been in that condition away from Him for about 30 years now. But He never left me. He was there when I needed Him most and saved me from death and hell. I cannot thank Him enough.

They told me in the hospital that I had a collapsed lung and broken ribs. They brought in a surgeon who was a specialist to perform the tedious surgery I needed. Upon arrival in the surgery room, the surgeon asked me if I knew where I was and I told him yes sir I did. He responded saying no I mean do you know where you're at. Yes sir, I am at Southeast Health, and he said you are in my operating room and I am not supposed to tell you this but you're not supposed to be here because of the trauma that your body has gone through. Yeah, there's

"...15 long feet hitting the ground at full impact. It blacked me out ...."

no medical reason you should even be alive. Now you are about to undergo surgery on your lung, but you should be in the morgue right now. He said either you know a higher power, or a higher power has a strong calling on your life!

The surgery went very well and then I went home. About a week and three days later once I was at home again, I had to sit in a recliner because I was still burning and uncomfortable. I felt the urge that I wanted to try to lie down again. When I did it was tolerable, so I dropped off to sleep. At about 2 a.m. I got woke up by the Spirit of the Lord. At the time I was unaware it was the Lord. I looked at the clock and it was two 2 a.m. and I felt like there was something in the room with me. It was like somebody other than me and my wife was in the room. I couldn’t sit up but I could lift my head off the pillow, and I looked around but there was no one present other than me and my sleeping wife. Well as a laid my head back down I heard an audible voice say to me, “Lift thy leg”. Well, I went on and laid my head on the

pillow because I thought I was dreaming. I said man this sure enough is a good dream because I wish I could lift my leg! For all practical purposes, I was still partially paralyzed from my chest to my feet. I could not move my legs. The voice spoke to me again and said, “Lift thy leg.” With no hesitation, my left leg went straight up to the ceiling! And then when that leg came down, he said, “lift thy other leg.” Then my right leg went straight up to the ceiling! Then he said, “lift thy arm” because I could not lift my left arm. So without even thinking, I sat up in the bed, and that burning sensation that had plagued me since the fall was gone. It has not come back either!

No more burning or hurting whatsoever. I crisscrossed my arms back and forth and realized that God had just healed me.

I woke my wife up and told her to turn on the light because I have something I want to show you. Then I demonstrated to her what the Lord had so miraculously done, and she went to crying, she was so happy. She told me I had better stop it or I

might hurt myself and I was so excited I told her God has healed me! He has delivered me from possibly months and months of therapy or paralysis for the rest of my life. God did it!!

She told me I better go back to sleep, but I just could not. I had to praise Him, so I let her sleep and went to my recliner to thank Him. My son and the rest of my crew arrived around 6:30 am to get instructions on what they were supposed to do that day in our business. When he saw me, he asked me how I was doing and I told him great, really great. He came on in and sat down on the sofa beside me and I told him there is something I must show you. So he sat down there waiting to hear and I just threw one leg up and then the other and then I stood up. When I looked at him, he had big old crocodile tears running down each cheek, he was so happy. Later I received a letter from the State of Alabama offering to extend handicap services and assist with rehabilitation. The letter stated the reason as paralysis from the fall ...

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am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen" -Revelation 1:18
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The Spirit Of Truth:

Happy New Year!

This is a time at which a lot of folks make New Year’s resolutions. But sticking to a firm decision to lose weight, cease smoking, stop being critical and be more loving, etc., etc. – well, that sounds very good, but may be easier said than done at times, especially when inspired by thepromise of a new beginning!

Sadly, most well-meaning resolutions fail rather quickly.

Knowing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is the only sure way you are going to change anything.

When you understand that the battle begins in your mind, you will realize that God’s Word isthe only true source of help in times of need. Here is a verse for your health and healing: Proverbs 4:20-22. “God’s Word is life to those who find it, and health to all their flesh.”

Are you discouraged because things never seem to change? Hebrews 13:8. “Jesus Christ thesame, yesterday, today, and forever.” Jesus never changes! So, what He did yesterday, he will do for you today! Ask Him in faith, believing! Do you lack confidence

to face situations that the new year brings? Hebrews 10:35.“Therefore, do not cast away your confidence,;which has great reward.”

Don’t throw away your confidence! It has great recompense of reward! I am confident in God and His Word. It’s the only truth I stand on.

1 John 5:14-15. “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that; if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.; And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.”

Receive a negative re-

port from your doctor?

Psalms 118:17. “I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord. I am healed and I give glory to God."

Lack of physical and spiritual things that you need? Philippians 4:19. “And my God; shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Do you think, “I’ve sinned too much in my life. There is no hope for redemption.” Listen! 1 John1:9. “If we;confess our sins, He is;faithful and just to forgive us;our;sins and to;cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” If you confess your sin, God is faithful to forgive and cleanse you from everything!

Only Jesus can satisfy your soul. The truth is that there is no sure keeping your resolutions without Christ!

What is impossible with men, is very possible with Christ! Matthew 19:26. “But Jesus looked at;them;and said to them, ‘With; men; this is; impossible, but; with;God all things are possible.’”

This is God’s Truth!

Rev. Madeline


Christian News & Views
Published the 10th of Each Month Published by HE’S ALIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY FAITH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER P.O. BOX 14931 Bradenton, Fl. 34280
941-447-4538 website: www.ficcwordchurch.org Publisher: Chuck Kennedy Designer: Rlyn Kennedy Contact inform : www.hesalivenews.org email: hesalivenews@cfaith.com Email subscriptions are free. Printed subscriptions any donation. Letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged. Please notify us of address changes. If you wish to be removed, let us know. Check it out at www.hesalivenews.org or scan → YOUR AD COULD BE SEEN HERE BY THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY Tell them about your church or event! Your AD is 2-fold, helping us reach more places: Ads are donation basis www.hesalivenews.org Advertise here. Contact us today. Email: hesalivenews@cfaith.com PAGE 2 | JANUARY 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 01 FREE - Donations Welcome! Community Food Pantry Every Thursday from 1:00 - 3:00 PM “We are an equal opportunity provider.” Resonate Life Church | Pastor Becky Manassa Phone: 941-756-7331 | 1820 53rd Ave W. Bradenton, FL 34207 By Rev.
Get your copy now. Contact: Georgia Yost gjyost65@gmail.com | Or Amazon.com Happy New Year! www.resonatelifechurch.com ARE YOU CALLED TO THE MINISTRY Website: www.fellowshipintl.org | Call: 800.589.4546 for details with ministerial credentials from Victory New Testament Fellowship You can perform Marriages, go into Nursing Homes, Jails, and many other advantages.
Madeline Montez Duffany

Is God too nice to judge?

Sharing the Gospel in Unique Ways

Malachi 2:17

[17]You make God tired with all your talk. "How do we tire him out?" you ask.

By saying, "God loves sinners and sin alike. God loves all." And also by saying, "Judgment? God's too nice to judge.

inside the heart. Revelation 3:16 - So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Sin has consequences and a repentive heart is redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. The Word is truth and not man's politically correct ideologies. Jesus said, "It is finished." He died for the sinner and there is a day coming Every Knee Shall Bow and Every Tongue Confess that Jesus is LORD. There really is a day coming that every man shall give an account of himself to God. Romans 14:12"

Wende and I visited several bars in the area yesterday and had the honor of meeting people who needed to see the story of Jesus from birth to His death on the cross through Mime! "Still Her Little Child". As some people watched it from outdoors they invited us in to present it to all the people inside. They heard the Gospel and it touched many hearts. We got to share His love!

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A Testimony of God’s Goodness

The Word says in Luke 15 verse 10, “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much, and he who is dishonest and unjust in a very little thing is dishonest and unjust also in much.”

And In Luke 18 verse 17, Luke says, “Well done, excellent bond servant! Because you have been faithful and trustworthy in a very little thing, you shall have authority over ten cities”.

These have been the Scriptures I have stood on for many years. I have proved that our God does watch over His Word to perform it, as the Angels harken to the voice of the Word of God.

We are at the beginning of a new year, and old things have passed away, (the Word says) and all things have become new. We choose to forget those things that lie behind us and press on to the mark of the high calling upon our lives in the new year ahead of us. First and foremost, we must choose to focus on that which is good, lovely, kind, and of good report, and spend time at the beginning of this new year in purposeful prayer, fasting, and spending time seeking the face of the Lord. The Word says the sheep hear the Shephard’s voice, and the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God. When we put Our Lord first in our lives, we find that all that the enemy meant for evil will be turned for our good and His glory. Then we will move ahead to the mark of the high calling upon our lives.

God has a plan for your life and will use all your giftings, talents, and callings that He has placed within you, and has cultivated for His purposes, up till now. As we put God first and foremost in our lives, we will see that step by step He has been preparing us for such a time as this.

Hi, my name is Pastor Sarah Jansson. Besides being an ordained pastor for many years, I am also a Seer Prophet, a Visionary, and have walked in the shoes of an Evangelist for many years now.

Most importantly, I am a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

I am a co-founder and Vice President of Heart of Mercy Ministries. For over sixteen years I have ministered in Aglow’s, churches, nursing homes, retire-

ment centers, recovery centers, mentally challenged drop-in centers, hospices, jails, prisons, and short-term overseas mission trips, streets, beaches, parks, and door-to-door. I have been a member of the Christian Retreat Family Church in Florida for many years now. I had and still have a heart for the broken, bruised, battered, torn, and overlooked in our society. My heart has been to minister to their spirit, soul, and body bringing salvation, restoration, healing, and deliverance wherever it is needed.

My heart is also to raise up all those who would heed the call of God in their lives, to minister to those inside the buildings of the church but also those outside. My calling in this next season is to teach, train and bring impartation to the body of Christ in a greater way so they will get up out of their seats and go into the streets, for the glory of God.

So how has this worked in my life? Glad you asked!

When I would go to church, and five people would get a Word of knowledge, and one person didn’t, it was always me that got left out. I would go home and cry and say to the Lord, “I must not be called, it must be all in my head, otherwise someone would notice it. After a short while, Holy Spirit would say to me, “Are you done with your pity party? OK now, I’ll give a sure Word of prophecy. Go into the Word of God and look up Mark 16 v 14. This is your Word from me.”

So, I started to go to the nearest nursing home and visit those that had no visitors. After a while the nurses let me take them into the dining room where we sang gospel songs and prayed. So, could I sing? Yes, like a duck underwater. But that’s the door God opened for me, so that’s what I did!

I went every week, and they loved it. Some of the Mommas that I ministered to graduated into heaven that way. I was faithful to do this for a whole year when God promoted me to the nearest retirement center. Now I had a letter of reference to give them from the nursing home. So now it was one week at one place, and the next week at the other. I was faithful to do both

the retirement center and the nursing home for another year. I sang gospel songs at both places and preached and prayed with them. I so loved going there, and they all loved me going as well.

We had a great time, loving on Jesus together.

Now did I feel my main calling was to the elderly? No! But I was being faithful in the little things that God put before me, and I was happy to Go!

This was the world God was sending me to for that season.

Now I did both for another whole year before Holy Spirit graduated me to the nearest recovery center. Some of the people were court-ordered to be there, and some came on their own accord.

Some people were ready for recovery, while others needed to go around the mountain one more time.

Some wanted bible studies etc. and some did not, some wanted oneon-one, and some wanted group studies. This is where I had to learn to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as to what He wanted to be done each time with each person. Some were there for a long time, while others were gone by the next time. Some people were familiar with the Word of God, while others never even read the bible.

I loved going there as well but I realized that all the enemy had meant for evil in my life in those previous years, God was turning for the good of others and to His glory.

I would even eat dinner with them sometimes, and I went every week for several years. Now later, the nursing home had fallen away to make room for other things in my new season.

As I was faithful in the little things, all that God had placed before me, He slowly but surely expanded my territory and enlarged my tent.

He also, as time went on, added some prison and jail ministry, and a mentally challenged center, which I also went to weekly for a long time. I found I loved ministering to those that were broken, bruised, battered, and torn, from the trials of life. So, I brought them the love, the compassion, the fullness of the Word of God wrapped up in the power of the Holy Spirit.

I even did some shortterm mission trips to Ita-

ly, Haiti, Honduras, and Santa Domingo. To this day I don’t know where the money came from to go to these places and preach Jesus. Now my next step on this journey was for my husband, our son Daniel, and myself to start a non-profit ministry. We started with a table, some bags of bread, and some clothing. We then went to a nearby town and blessed them with the little we had, spirit, soul, and body. Most people were grateful and even received the gospel gladly. The power of the Holy Spirit was at work in many situations.

So from there, God expanded our ministry to more tables, tents, buckets for food and drinks, clothing, etc. He opened the door to more local areas to go to. Before long, we were even doing outreach crusades with a large truck full of brandnew toys, turkeys, hams, and cases of non-perishables. Bibles and cases of devotionals would get left at our doorstep!

So, step by step as I was faithful to the little things day by day, week by week, year by year to go to whatever world God wanted to send me in that season of my life, I would just say, “YES


He used this vessel to touch thousands of lives,

for His glory, one way or another. Thousands of Evangelistic materials were given out as well. I cannot tell you to this day, where all the money came from to do all that we did.

We had no church building to call our own, so we lived with bags, boxes, and bugs for years, with only a storage unit or two to use. I worked it like a job, sometimes all day and every day, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything else, as Holy Spirit was using me to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the fulness of His power to many people that wouldn’t darken the doors of a good Spirit-filled church, and I loved it. It was worth all the hard work and every moment that I spent.

Now Holy Spirit says to me, “You’re going to walk now in an Apostolic/ Prophetic calling. Your next season is to raise up those that I send you to and all those that are sent to you. Raising up Kingdom-minded people to do all you have done all these years, and more so, according to their giftings and callings!”

Fill them up with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Word of God, raise them up,

release them, and send them out, so that out of their bellies shall flow rivers of living waters, just like I have done with you.”

By faith, this is what I am doing! Letting Holy Spirit hold my hand every step of the way, like in all the other seasons past.

So my friend, let me encourage you in this next year and the next season of your life, be faithful in the little things that God places before you and see what He does through you in this next coming year.

Serving the Lord is so exciting!!! What else compares with it in life? It is what you are on earth for.

So that you can hear one day, “You were faithful in all I placed in your life and in your hands, enter into the joy of the Lord.”

Many Blessings, Sarah Jansson Facebook: sarahjansson2

Go to Amazon.com for my books

(Out of Your Seats and Into the Streets, Breaking Loose, Deep Calls Unto Deep, The Divine Visitation)

(Available for ministry and speaking engagements)

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Nick and I hope you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas celebration. Our pre-Sunday service was joyful as we all hugged each other, shared stories of the history breaking freeze for several days. The pastor and his wife offered cookies and coffee in the Sanctuary just before services and we heard the testimony of one couple who was miraculously protected from a multicar accident in Missouri. The pastor gave an encouraging sermon and at the end of the service Nick served communion. We then headed back to our homes to spend the rest of Christmas day with family and friends, or others on Facetime or phone calls like Nick and I did.

Now that the Holidays are over, the reality may start to slowly creep in again. The uncertainties of 2023 and beyond. Life in this day and age is under deep stress, which may affect many personally or financially. Maybe the following story will help us have a different perspective in helping others as children of God.

The Painted Red Boat “A man was asked to

paint a boat. He brought his paint and brushes and began to paint the boat a bright red, as the owner asked him. While painting, he noticed a small hole in the hull, and quietly repaired it. When he finished he received his money and left.

The next day, the owner of the boat came to the painter and presented him with another nice check, much higher than the payment for painting. The painter was surprised and said, “You’ve already paid me for painting the boat Sir!”

The owner replied “But this is not for the paint job. It’s for repairing the hole in the boat.” The painter stressed that it was such a small service… certainly it’s not worth paying him such a high amount for something so insignificant.

“My dear friend, you don’t understand. Let me tell you what happened: When I asked you to paint the boat, I forgot to mention the hole. When the boat dried, my kids took the boat and went on a fishing trip. They did not know that there was a hole. I was not at home at that time.

“When I returned and noticed they had taken the

boat, I was desperate because I remembered that the boat had a hole.

Imagine my relief and joy when I saw them returning from fishing. Then, I examined the boat and found that you had repaired the hole! You see, now, what you did?

You saved the life of my children! I do not have enough money to pay your ‘small’ good deed.”

No matter how we all are affected during these challenging times, as Children of God we can continue to help others, sustain, wipe tears, listen attentively, and help repair the ‘leaks’ we find.

You never know when one needs us, or when God holds a pleasant surprise for us when we are helpful and important to someone. Along the way, you may have repaired numerous ‘boat holes’ for several people without realizing how many lives you’ve helped or saved!

This is where we can make a difference….be the best we can be and have a blessed 2023!

“The joy of the Lord is our strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

Blessings and Love, Louise

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Chuck Kennedy Publisher/Pastor

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- Admit that you are a sinner. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

- REPENT AND ASK HIM TO FORGIVE YOUR SINS Romans 5:8 “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while wewere yet sinners, Christ died for us.” confess now that Jesus is Lord of your life. Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

If you have questions, You can email us at: ficcpastor@cfaith.com. Thank you.

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The Pastor of the No Georgia Revival in Dawsonville GA received a vision 4 years ago, where he saw water with fire over it and in it. He didn't know what to do about this but decided to immerse people in water and when he did, the fire of God was in the water where miraculous signs and wonders broke out and have continued these 4 years. Healings of cancer, pain, autism, relationships, depression, prodigals returning, addicts set free with no withdrawals, the fire of God starting in the places people came from, and so much more.

We went to believe for my husband's healing, my healing, and the restoration of my son's marriage. I haven't received my physical healing yet, but my husband did!

He had a stroke 4 1/2 years ago which changed our lives and has impaired him greatly since then. This brought us to AZ to be near our daughters. He was also deaf and needed hearing aids which didn't help all that much. He didn't want me to tell people about his stroke as he didn't

want people to look at him differently and I honored that request, so no one at our church here knew about this.

I can tell you that his voice, which was so soft, has been restored. His speech was mumbling at times where people couldn't understand him and is now clear. His confusion is gone, and his response time is back to normal in everything he does. He couldn't find the words for things before, so he kept silent, but now can communicate everything he wants to say easily. He lost his relationship with God for the last 4 1/2 years and that has been totally restored. His personality is back to what it had been, and his walking is normal again instead of slow and like an old man. He couldn't read and understand what he was reading and now he can. His short-term memory (dementia) is healed and lastly, he couldn't write, but now can ... All of these impairments were brain related and made everyday life difficult for him and he could no longer drive.

He was also healed in

GA from his deafness and didn't hear well even with hearing aids. He now can hear people talking with no aids.

I am so very thankful for my husband's healing and restoration as life had changed for us during those last 4 1/2 years, where he was incapacitated. The only thing he said, was "my brain is more clear," but didn't realize all the things he had lost after his stroke. I guess that was a good thing, as he couldn't grieve the loss like all who knew him before the stroke did.

Our family in FL, SC, and GA were all amazed at the difference they saw when we visited them last week after the healing ...

He was also healed on his death bed, 40 years ago, from a malignant brain tumor, after being told there was no hope to live. He received so many more healings between that and this one. God continues to heal him as he has a great destiny to yet fulfill!!

Praise God for His wondrous works and miracles, as He is the God of the impossible and the never changing one … What He has done for others, He will do for us too!

Department Of Defense Rescinds COVID Shot Mandate for Military

WASHINGTON, DC – Forced by Congress against his will, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has rescinded the COVID-19 shot mandate for all military service members. The action comes after Joe Biden—who strongly opposed repealing the mandate—signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on December 23, 2022.

Section 525 of the NDAA requires the Secretary of Defense to rescind the mandate that members of the U.S. Armed Forces receive the COVID-19 shots. Sec. Austin issued a memorandum on August 24, 2021, directing all service members to receive the COVID shot. Sec. Austin is not backing down from his support of the mandate wherein he and Joe Biden tried to force every service member to receive the shots.

Multiple courts have ruled that the DOD and the various military branches violated the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) by denying requests for religious accommodation.

The Public Affairs Guidance memorandum issued from the Department of Defense states that the Secretary “stands by his decision to mandate COVID-19 vaccination in August 2021.”

The DOD memo states that “Secretary Austin continues to encourage all of our Service members, civilian employees, and contractor personnel to get vaccinated and boosted to ensure the readiness of our Total Force.”

The DOD “will continue to encourage all personnel and family members to stay up to date on their COVID-19 vaccinations, including boosters.”

The Secretary has been clear in his support for maintaining the COVID-19 vaccination mandate; however, the Department

will fully comply with the NDAA.

The DOD memo falsely states, “The COVID-19 vaccines were developed using a range of methods, and are now widely available to Service members to provide options for individuals with medical or religious concerns.” Every option used aborted fetal cells in their testing and/or development (Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax). In addition to aborted fetal cells, many religious requesters objected to the experimental mRNA shots of Pfizer and Moderna. The DOD continues to misrepresent the facts and has continually violated the law.

The DOD memo continues with misrepresentations. According to the DOD memo: “As of December 1, 2022, the Military Services reported that approximately 13,000 Active Duty and 6,000 Reserve Component religious accommodation requests have been adjudicated, with approval rates across all Components as listed:

•Army: 6.04 percent

•Navy: 1.02 percent

•Air Force and Space Force: 2.31 percent

•Marine Corps: 0.52 percent

“Approximately 5,000 Active Duty and 12,500 Reserve Component religious accommodation requests are still pending adjudication across all Military Departments.”

The information submitted to the courts contradicts the above numbers.

In fact, while medical exemptions have been granted, no religious exemptions have been granted except for a handful that were already been processed to leave the military. No military member who intends to remain in the service has received a religious accommodation.

The DOD memo also has a FAQ section, which includes the fol lowing: Q: What happens to ad-

verse actions in military personnel records for current or former Service members who refused to be vaccinated?

A: Uniformed Code of Military Justice actions remain in the Service member’s Official Military Personnel File.

Q: Will DoD still continue to offer the COVID-19 vaccination and boosters at its medical facilities?

A: Yes, COVID-19 vaccines, including the updated bivalent booster, will continue to be widely available at DoD military medical treatment facilities. Individuals with a religious concern about a specific vaccine should speak to their health care provider to receive a vaccine that meets their sincerely held beliefs, and the military medical treatment facility will ensure that individual receives that vaccine.

Q: What if there is another big wave of COVID or a new, dangerous strain emerges? Could the COVID-19 vaccination requirement be reinstated?

A: Current and changing public health conditions will inform how the Department handles COVID-19 vaccination for Service members. We will use the best data available to us in making these decisions. The health and safety of the Force always comes first in making these decisions.

Q: Are all other vaccination requirements still in place? What about the flu shot?

A: All other vaccination requirements are still in effect.

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said: “While we are pleased that Joe Biden’s unlawful and abusive COVID shot mandate will be rescinded, this begrudging reversal under pressure by Congress is not enough. The FAQs in...

Bradenton, Fl.

Contact: 941-776-0026 www.kingdomlifechristianchurch.org Write us: P.O. Box 717, Ellenton, FL, 34222

PAGE 7 | JANUARY 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 01 FREE - Donations Welcome!
Vinnie's Healing Miracle: Sept.11, 2022 - at the No Georgia Outpouring
5425 39th Street East Bradenton, FL 34203 Facebook: www.facebook.com/thisislivinghim “Living the Word at the speed of Life!” 5425 39th St.E. (70 to Post Office then S. 1 Block) Bradenton, FL 34203 Ron Kutinsky 941-806-7550 | Donna Kutinsky 941-685-7323 www.moreofHim.org | mail@moreofHim.org Restoration Fellowship 5614 Richardson Rd. Sarasota, FL Contact: Phyllis at 941-284-1255 Help & Encouragement after the death of a loved one. MONDAYS 7 - 9 PM Griefshare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. Manatee County Pastors & Ministry LeadersCommunion Thursday January 19, 2023 8:30 to 9:30 AM WHERE: Kingdom Life Church
St. West
- Dawsonville By: Pastor Ron Kutinsky | Hope International Ministries
3700 26th

Early one evening recently I was on my way home. Grateful that I was coming up on I-75, I hoped to get home quickly. A hospital stay earlier in the week left me fatigued and I was anxious for bed. But as I approached the onramp, I felt a leading to go another way.

For reasons I didn’t understand, I decided to drive parallel to my original route, which took me beside Benderson Park. If I hurried I could make it home before dark.

The park is popular and on a lake. Never having been there before, I said to myself, ”Well, as long as I’m right here, maybe there would be time for a short walk along the lake before dark. Then seeing the entrance go by & realizing I had just missed it, I would have to make a U-turn. It seemed a lot more trouble than it was worth and my goal was to get home. But I decided to turn around and go back to the park.

The U-turn up ahead was quite a ways up. I was now feeling a little annoyed with myself as I circled back around. Normally a popular park, I noted there were few cars in the driveway. Getting out I saw that it was now becoming dusk

Testimony... Call Unto Me

& I did not feel safe taking even a short walk. I decided I would walk to the end of the dock and look out over the water for a moment before returning to my car.

Approaching the dock I passed a young woman way off to my left sitting alone on a blanket beside the water. Seeing her only from behind as I passed, I could not see who she was.

From the dock I glanced briefly over my left shoulder. I thought maybe I saw her quickly wipe away a tear. And look the other way. I wasn’t sure. A few minutes passed and the Lord spoke to my heart:

“Call unto me and I will shew thee great and mightly things which thou knowest not, “ I heard.

“Oh, no. So (this is what this is all about), I said to the Lord. You’re going to ask me to go over there and talk to her!” I glanced back at the young woman. It was now fully dusk and I could not make out her appearance, but two things were obvious. By her body language, it appeared she wanted to be alone and (perhaps) to have some privacy. The 2nd thing that became obvious: She was a beautiful young woman, sitting all alone in a popular, but now empty park

and it was a Friday night. “Uuuhhhh, Lord, I said to Him. I think maybe this girl wants to be alone. It’s getting late and I need to go too. Besides that would be really awkward to go over there & I’m feeling like it would be really intrusive to go stand over her blanket.

I turned to leave. As I passed her I felt the leading again, but I struggled and said nothing. She looked straight ahead as if I was not there. I paused briefly and then lost my courage. As I began to exit the parking lot I reached the turn to go out to the road. But the Lord would not let me go. Really, I said to Him?

You’re Really going to make me do this? Again, I remembered His words: “Call unto me and I will shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not”.

Putting the car in reverse I backed up into the parking lot and got out again.

“OK Lord, I said. Now that I almost left & came back this is going to look Really strange now. She’s going to think(What?) Maybe I’m going to look like a stalker or something?”

I slipped a track into my pocket and slowly approached her blanket. (AWKContinued on Page: 9


Last year on a quiet afternoon, I was resting with nothing much on my mind. Suddenly, I heard a bold voice say clearly, “Are you awake?”

I Knew immediately this was a message from the Lord. The Prophets have been declaring for the past several years, “The Great Awakening” Honestly, when I first heard Him say, “Are you awake?”, I wanted to say YES, but I stopped to reevaluate my own heart; of which is imperative we all must do.

Am I fully awake? Are you fully awake? It says, if possible, even the elect could be deceived. Deception is everywhere. Christ is coming as a thief in the night. The world is very dark and getting darker so fast. We need to stay Spirit-Filled and refuse to allow our hearts to be darkened. Father, help us to keep the Fire of God in our hearts, and walk in His righteousness. Let me ask, do people see Jesus in you? Looking at the parable of the ten virgins, we see they are all Believers. Those who are wise will have the oil they need, and it is the foolish that will not have enough oil. It is the oil that creates the fire in my lamp. The FIRE of God in us is what causes others to see Christ in us As it gets darker in the world, the fire will grow brighter in us. The Word of God says my ministers are as flaming fire. Keep your lamps trimmed and full of My oil. Be ready! Colossians 1:27 Christ in you is the Hope of Glory. He is our Head and will guide us in all Truth. We are His Body. He is the light that is seen in you. Without the oil, His light cannot be seen. He is warning us…time is slipping away. Keep your armor on and be ready, for we do not know the time, but all signs say His coming could be soon. He said in the last days He would do a quick work


1 Peter 1:4 We are being made partakers of His divine nature and par-takers of His great and precious promises. The word Partakers is comprised of two words, Part and Take. We must Take our Part. Isaiah 60:3 For behold darkness and deep darkness are the people; but the Lord will rise upon you and His Glory will appear on you. The Lord Cares about where we are spiritually. Are you taking your part?

Are you prepared?


Looking closely at the word Prepare, PREmeans “before” and PARE-means “to remove the flesh”. Jesus said, I go to PREPARE a place for you and where I am, there you will be also. We must allow our flesh to die that He may live and shine through us. He is the light of the world. Without Him there would be total darkness. Let your light shine.


Let us look at the word Testament as in The New Testament. It is comprised of three parts… Test-Amen-T. Notice the Cross is at the end (t). It is all about Him! We are being tested and we must pass the tests of life. to grow into spiritual maturity. (Your testimony). Jesus Christ is Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:51 Behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but shall all be changed.

2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all with open faces, beholding as in a glass, The Glory of The Lord are changed into the same image from Glory to Glory even as by The Spirit of The Lord.

The word "Name" means Nature. His Name or His Nature is Love. I believe that is why we are taught to pray, “In Jesus Name” after every prayer. The fruit of His Spirit was born in us, and therefore He said, you must be born

While Descending into Hell Fire ....

From Page1 ...with a spinal cord injury and a brain injury where my head had struck the ground. I have stored this letter as living proof to give the devil a black eye and to show what God has done! Every day I live I praise the Lord for what He has done. I give Him praise daily each time I see another day and I can step out of the bed. Now I attend the Dothan Church

of God regularly. I do not miss an opportunity to share what the Lord has done.

I was literally on my way to hell, having drifted away from God to a self-indulging lifestyle, running from the divine call to preach, I was literally descending into hell. But God in His mercy reached His hand out one last time to save me and renew me unto Himself. What a faithful lov-

again. It is the seed of Christ in us that will grow up into maturity (sonship). There is neither male nor female in the spirit. His Nature is Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Kindness, Patience, Faith, Self-control, and Long Suffering. His first commandment is to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and others as ourselves.

God is watching 2 Thessalonians 1:10 When He shall come to be glorified “In His Saints” and be admired “In” all that believe (because our testimony was believed in that day). Vs 12 That the Name (Nature) of The Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified “in you”, and you in Him according to the Grace of our God and The Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! Revelations 12:11 And they overcame him by the Blood of The Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they loved not their own lives even unto death. This story is deep and wide and much more than I can say. Holy Spirit is our teacher and comforter. Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that HE that began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord, is the beginning of wisdom.

John 15:12 Help us to love one another, even as He has loved us.

The content of this article is deep and wide. My hope is you will search the scriptures for yourself.

We will all stand before The Judgement Seat of Christ.

Psalms 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.

ing heavenly Father we serve.

Yes, Lord, I will serve you, I give my life to you. I will obey your calling.

James Lowe is 62 years old lives in Dothan Alabama and attends the Dothan Church of God with his wife Priscilla. He has been serving the Lord for two years since he returned to him after the accident. He ran from his calling to preach for about 30 years before returning. Praise God he is back!

Contact James, email at Allseasons54@hotmail.com

PAGE 8 | JANUARY 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 01 FREE - Donations Welcome!
CORTEZ CAFE HOME COOKING Breakfast & Lunch Monday - Sunday 6:30 am - 2:00 pm Voted Best Breakfast | AMI Sun Readers Choice 12108 Cortez Road West Bradenton, FL 34215 Phone: 941-792-0030 Dine-In or Carry Out Come on In! Ed McGraw Fountain Court Shopping Center Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10AM - 5PM Sunday Opens 10AM 6387 Manatee Ave. W. Bradenton, FL 34209 (941) 224-6696 loveworksagain@gmail.com

As an air-conditioning contractor in Hendersonville, Tennessee, I installed a heating and cooling system for the Mayor’s brother.

One Friday morning I received a telephone call from him asking me to send a service man, to start his new heating and cooling unit in order for him to be able to move into his new home. The electric power had been turned on the same morning the concrete had been poured for the new driveway. My serviceman arrived, and did not realize the concrete was wet, and drove down the new driveway. My service man, stepping out of the truck said, “Oops!”

That afternoon I received a phone call from the owner who explained to me he had two tire tracks down his driveway about a half-inch deep. He informed me that the concrete man had examined the damage, and said the only thing he could do was to saw the drive at the end of the tire prints, and jack-hammer the damaged concrete out, and re-pour at my expense and call me on Monday.


After I hung up the phone, I became enraged at the service man. As I was venting my anger, a minister friend of mine, Charles Green, who happened to be in my place of business said, “Let’s go to your office and talk.” As we shut the door, he said plainly to me, “You know, as a Christian, you are going to have to forgive this man.” This calmed me down. We prayed together, and I said, “Lord, I choose to forgive this man for his mistake. Lord, you will have to handle the concrete.”

Monday rolled around and the owner didn’t call. Tuesday, about lunchtime, as the service man drove by the owner’s house, he called in on the two-way radio in excitement, and said, “A miracle has occurred. The concrete is picture perfect!”

I knew in my heart that if I hadn’t forgiven the service man, I would have been spending a large sum of money to fix the driveway.

As a young Christian, ignorant of a mighty God and His ways; I started studying about forgiveness and what would motivate the Lord to do such


Call Unto Me

From Page 8 ...WARD!!!)

“Hi, I said to her.

“OH, HI! How have you been, the girl said with great joy.”

It was only then that I could see we knew each other. This was a dear young woman from our church youth group!

She patted her blanket. Come sit, she said.

I explained I couldn’t see who she was when I walked by her before, and I discerned I had a message from the Lord I needed to give her.

“Call unto me & I will shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not,” was His message to her.

“Oh My Gosh , she said”, as she began to cry. She said, “She’d been sitting on that blanket until dark pouring out her heart to the Lord.” She explained,”

I was asking Him to Please send me somebody to talk to because I just don’t know where my life is going.” She said she told Him, “Lord I’m in my 20’s now and I don’t know what my life is going to be. I don’t know if I’m supposed to leave the area or stay here for college or what I will do. And more than that I want to find a husband. I told Him, Lord, I have followed you faithfully. I have saved my self for whoever my husband will be and I am so lonely. I see most of my friends and they’re out dating guys and doing stupid stuff with them but I have kept myself pure and my life is going no where and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I was crying out for the Lord to just send me somebody to pray for me

a miracle.

I knew faith wasn’t the issue. When we prayed and asked the Lord to handle the problem, I never dreamed He would simply fix the concrete. I figured

I would have peace; that things would go well with the insurance company and the owner, which I suppose, was a form of faith.

I knew that if we forgive others, the Heavenly Father will also forgive us (Matthew 6:14). In Matthew 18:21-22, Peter asked Jesus, “Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Till seven times?”

Jesus answered and said, “I say not unto thee, until seven times: but, until seventy times seven.” Which means, don’t ever quit forgiving. Then Jesus told a parable about a man forgiven of a tremendous debt of 10,000 talents. Today, that’s approximately $18,000,000,000.00, i.e., 18,000 individual stacks of a million dollars! This was a sum of money he couldn’t live long enough to pay back, but he was forgiven the debt.

But, this man that was forgiven went out and found

tonight and here you are sitting beside me now on my blanket.

WOW! One minute I’m hurrying home in my car and the next minute I’m sitting with someone I know on her blanket because the Lord has a word for her!

I repeated to her the word from the Lord and that it was for her. She said, “Would you please pray for me now”? So I did; and again, I felt an impression in my spir-it:

So I spoke the words: The Lord would say to you, “Daughter, You have remained faithful to me.

You have kept yourself pure. You will have the desires of your heart. Just continue to follow me and I will show you the way.”

Then I explained to her, Honey, I believe God has you in the palm of His hand. I believe, it’s like you’re in an incubator. This is the Perfect place for you to be right now. Just continue to trust Him with your desires. While you’re there you are growing in Him I’m believing He has you in a place of protection and you’re growing into the young woman He wants you to be. And as you are grow-

a fellow brother who owed him a small debt, (approximately $16.00) and wouldn’t forgive him, but kept him in bondage to the debt. When his lord found out about it, he was angry with him, and turned this man over to the tormentors. Jesus says in Matthew 18:35, “So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses.”

Mark 11:25-26 also says, “And whenever ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.”

We can’t afford bitterness

Let’s turn to the Old Testament. In 1 Samuel chapter 17, David has killed the giant, freeing his people from oppression.

In 1 Samuel 18:7, David is a hero and everybody is joyful except King Saul. The king is angry, jealous and suspicious of David. I ask you, did Saul forgive David? What did Jesus say would happen to Saul or anyone who didn’t forgive in Matthew 18:34-35? Jesus said, they would be turned over to the torturers, which is torment by the heavenly Father.

Now, let’s see what happened to Saul in 1 Samuel 18:10-15. In verse 10, an evil spirit (a tormentor) from God came mightily upon Saul and he raved (he was in a rage).

Saul hurled a spear at David and tried to kill (murder) him. Saul was afraid of David. Saul...

Continued on Page: 11

ing in His ways you will reach the point where you are ready to be the exact perfect wife for the husband you will meet. Shall we pray for you for all of these things and also pray together for your future husband? - That God will also keep him in an incubator to grow in the Lord until he is the perfect husband -to- be for you too? She agreed and so we prayed. Then I looked down wondering what was in my hand. It was an extra large dinner napkin like you would have at a formal dinner. (It came from the lady’s house I had just visited. To this day I have no memory of bringing this with me.) I put it in her hand so she could wipe her tears. That day God answered a young woman’s prayers. Even though I was busy , He used me in the process.

God wants to use us. He will if we are willing to stop and turn (When he says). Are you searching for answers for your life? He says:

“Call unto me & I will shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not."

Call out to Him today.

PAGE 9 | JANUARY 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 01 FREE - Donations Welcome!
START YOUR MORNING WITH GOD'S WORD! 5:30 am, Eastern time, Monday thru Friday with Pastor Chuck & Sis Rlyn Kennedy Join us LIVE on: Facebook /Godisreal2013 or go to: www.God-isReal.com → SCAN Email: ficcpastor@yahoo.com Bradenton Aglow Lighthouse Invites you to come and join Feb 11, 2023 (Every 2nd Saturday of every month) For more info, call or text President Wende Thompson: 941-720-2187 Email: newhopecoalition2012@gmail.com pastorodman@gmail.com * Food Pantry Thursday 9:30 to 10:pm * Worship Sunday 9:00 to 11:00am * Bible School & Seminary every Sunday at 3:00pm via zoom. - We high school diploma- Associate Degree and Bachelor
in theology. *Bible Study every day
7:30 pm to 9:00pm
Conference call 848-233-1080.

FL Supreme Court Approves Governor’s Request for COVID Shot Investigation


– Yesterday, the Florida Supreme Court approved Governor Ron DeSantis’ request to impanel a grand jury to review evidence to hold COVID-19 injection manufacturers accountable under Florida law.

Governor DeSantis held a “Public Health Integrity Committee” live roundtable conference on December 13 with medical professionals and vaccine injured citizens and announced that the State of Florida is taking action to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for COVID shot-related injuries and misconduct.

Governor DeSantis stated, “In Florida, it is against the law to mislead and to misrepresent, particularly when you're talking about the efficacy of a drug.”

The order from the Florida Supreme Court read, “1. A statewide grand jury shall be promptly impaneled for a term of twelve calendar months, to run from the date of impanelment, with jurisdiction throughout the State of Florida, to investigate crime, return indictments, make presentments, and otherwise perform all functions of a grand jury with regard to the offenses stated herein. 2. The statewide grand jury shall be drawn from the certified jury lists submitted by the chief judges of the Fifth, Sixth, Tenth, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Judicial Circuits.”

“3. The Honorable Ronald Ficarrotta, Chief Judge in and for the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, is designated as presiding judge over the statewide grand jury. In his capacity as the presiding judge, the Honorable Ronald Ficarrotta shall maintain judicial supervision of the

statewide grand jury, and all indictments, presentments, and formal returns of any kind made by such grand jury shall be returned to the presiding judge. The presiding judge may designate an alternate presiding judge in the event of calendar conflicts or otherwise and to assist in the administrative process of the statewide grand jury. 4.

John A. Tomasino, Clerk of the Supreme Court of Florida, is hereby designated clerk of this statewide grand jury and is empowered to deputize any clerk of a circuit court or any deputy clerk of a circuit court to issue necessary process and to carry out the administrative functions of the statewide grand jury,” the order read.

During the conference, Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo said that Florida will be increasing surveillance regarding scientific dishonesty and media dishonesty. As Dr. Ladapo discussed the pharmaceutical companies’ unethical relationship with the media, he said, “Our media has clearly demonstrated that it is impossible to accurately report on something when you are taking money from that same something.”

Dr. Ladapo referred to a recent study done from a German university that performed autopsies on individuals who died suddenly within a few weeks of receiving a COVID-19 shot. It revealed that four out of 35 people who had died suddenly had myocarditis that was specifically attributed to the mRNA shot.

Ladapo stated, “It’s important to note that all of these people died suddenly at home and these people are not counted in the estimates that the CDC likes to pretend are accurate. We will be studying the incidents of myocarditis within a few weeks of COVID-19 vaccination for people who died. This is going to be a surveillance study with

some of our medical ex aminers in Florida and researchers from the University of Florida. We will answer this question that probably keeps the CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna awake at night.”

Dr. Peter McCullough, internist, cardiologist and highly published on cardiovascular research, has publicly stated the COVID-19 mRNA injection is toxic, dangerous, and the cause of sudden cardiac death in many. In fact, when Dr. McCullough began speaking out in 2021, he called the mRNA injections of spike protein among the most toxic substance ever injected into a human being.

He stated, “There now are 200 papers showing that myocarditis (from the COVID vaccine spike protein) causes heart damage and a scar, and then the scar becomes the basis for a cardiac arrhythmia, and then the arrhythmia is responsible for the sudden death that we are seeing, and we are seeing sudden death on a massive scale in younger people – it’s my view that it’s the COVID-19 vaccine until proven otherwise. If a healthy person suddenly dies, and there’s no antecedent disease, it’s the vaccine until proven otherwise.”

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said: “If vaccine companies were held to the same standards of liability that drug manufacturers must shoulder, the COVID-19 shots would have ended months ago. These shots are all profit and no accountability, and that must change. Sadly, many lives have already been taken as a result. Thankfully, Governor Ron DeSantis is taking the lead to investigate the biggest vaccine fraud in history.” Visit: LC.org

... the memo reveal that the service members who applied for religious accommodation requests will continue to have adverse actions in their personnel files. The Department of Defense and the military branches have taken the position that any service member who requested a religious accommodation

request was disrupting good order and discipline. Astoundingly, those who defend the Constitution and the laws of the land are considered insubordinate when they request that the laws for which they pledge their lives be upheld. This is the twisted world under the Biden administration. Our legal case will con-

tinue because without the injunctions, service members will continue to face retaliation for requesting a religious accommodation. Service members who have been loyal to the country and faithful to their religious convictions have suffered greatly under this mandate, and we will continue to seek justice for them.”-www.LC.org

PAGE 10 | JANUARY 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 01 FREE - Donations Welcome! Tabernacle Christian School The best kept secret in Bradenton. 47th Year 1975-2022 Christian Education in a Christian Environment. Founder, Pastor John P. Marlow-61 yrs. in the pulpit of B.G.T. A SAFE, LOVELY, CHRISTIAN CAMPUS, Certified A.C.E. Teachers - Grades K thru 12th Please visit or call our Campus. T.C.S. 1218 7th Avenue East, Bradenton, Fl 34208 (941)746-1915 | tschool9@tampabay.rr.com www.facebook.com/tschool9 7 Reasons I Believe we are at the End of the Age of Grace 1. Israel became a nation in 1948 (last time was 606 BC) 2. Search for Red Heifer increases, 5 arrive in Israel, will be 1st in 2000 years 3. Acceptance of Militant homosexuality, transgenderism, and sexual perversions 4. Transhumanism development and AIl thinking to be better than God 5. The Mandating of gene therapy experimental drugs, related to pharmakeia in Scripture 6. The legal murder of innocent babies (up to 28 days old) and the rise of euthanasia 7. The rise of the coming cryptocurrency related to world control Rev 13.17 The voice of one crying
-Matthew 3:3 "Believe, repent while there is still time…"
in the
wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
-Pastor Chuck Kennedy
MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT PLANS MONTHLY STARTING AT $46 FEMALE & $52 MALE!!! ENROLL YEAR ROUND Text "Med Supp" to 941-447-4538 for details Department Of Defense Rescinds COVID Shot Mandate for Military From Page: 7 Leave an Eternal Legacy! TITHE A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY to your Church, Christian School, or Missions, *inexpensive *many guaranteed acceptance Free consultation Pastor Chuck Kennedy c.kennedy@alphaandomegainsuranceagency.com Scan for a free Quote Chuck Kennedy Rates based on high deductible Plan G 65 years old

From Page 9 ...did not want David in his presence, and then Saul dreaded him. That is, David’s presence depressed Saul.

“Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.”

-Hebrews 12:15

When someone hurts or disappointments you and you don’t forgive them, does this describe what happens to you? Anger rises up, jealousy moves in, and then suspicion. Then you get your feelings hurt easily, and you can’t open your mouth without being critical of yourself, the system and others. Anger turns to rage; then hate and murder; (character assassination) moves in. Next, come fear, anxiety, and worry; dread becomes a way of life with no peace. Then, when the pressure is on, the urge to run away comes to you and you want to remove them from your presence. You can see that person in a store and turn your head from them acting like you don’t see them because you dread to face them. Depression moves in next along with hopelessness. Eventually, “Mr. Suicide” begins to talk to you saying, “nobody cares about you; just end it all.” If these symptoms, from a root of bitterness, remain in your thoughts and heart long enough, diseases move into your body. Over the years, you go from one sickness to another.

The Power of Giving and Receiving Forgiveness!

Years ago, I was asked to go pray with a 54 yearold lady named Dessie that had brain cancer and was sent home with a prognosis of one month to live. When we arrived she met us with a towel wrapped around her

head, because she had lost her hair from the chemotherapy. In our discussion she told me that she was raised in church and that at 18 years of age, she was “hit on” by the pastor, she left and had never set foot in another church, again. She was bitter at him, the church and The LORD. I knew she had judged the pastor for his immorality. I also knew that according to Matthew 7:1-2, the very thing she had judged in him, she had done the very same sin, herself. I then asked her if she had been immoral too, and she said yes. I shared with her about Unforgiveness and Judging others, that night and with a lot of tears she repented of her immorality, chose to forgive that pastor, the Church, God and herself, and she repented of all of her judgments. We anointed her with oil, according to James 5:1416 and prayed. That was the first day of December. On Christmas Eve, about 9:00 pm, I received a phone call from Dessie, she was so excited, coming back from the hospital, they could not find her cancer! A year later I received a Christmas card from her and she said, “I’m still cancer free and am moving to Elkton, KY. I then lost contact with her. Seven years later, I read in the paper her obituary. The Lord is faithful!

Now Let’s Do A Personal Inventory Of Your Life.

Have you been hurt? Put a (P) next to any of the following you may have experienced.

*abandoned by parent or mate *alcoholic parent or mate *cheated in a business/financial deal *lied to *promises broken *neglected by grown children *abused (physically/emotionally/ sexually)

*belittled *divorced by mate *mate committed

adultery/other sex sin *parents divorced *publicly humiliated *rejected by parents or others *stolen from *slander/falsely accused *violent crime against self or loved one *rebellious/wayward son or daughter *let down by God *treated unfairly by employer *recall a childhood situation that hurt you *been hurt by people/ pastor in the church, As you reflect on the ways you have been offended, do you find any of these statements to be true?

* Every time I think of (person or offense) I still feel angry.

* I have a hard time feeling good about myself

* I have a subtle, secret desire to see (them) pay for what (he/she/they) did to me.

* Deep in my heart, I wouldn’t mind if something bad happened to the person(s) who hurt me.

* I sometimes find myself telling others how (the person) hurt me.

* If (the person’s) name comes up, I am more likely to say something negative about him/her than something positive.

* I have a distance and inability to give or receive love and acceptance. These emotions will manifest in us when the pressure is on.

Put a check mark (P) *Anger *Critical (Fault finding) *Dread-FearWorry *Jealousy *Judgmental * Revenge *Sarcasm *Suspicion (hard time trusting) *Depression * Hurt feelings *Irritability * Impatience *Rage

* Thoughts of Suicide Has God revealed any lack of forgiveness in your heart?

Do you desire to be set free from the prison of unforgiveness?

Are you ready to choose the pathway of forgiveness?

The Power of Prayer “Father, forgive them” is the most powerful prayer

that you can ever pray.

• It transforms your relationship with God.

• It releases the power of the Holy Spirit into your life.

• It restores your soul.

• It opens the door to God’s healing.

• It transforms your relationship with others But none of us can truly pray this extraordinary prayer until we have learned to forgive others for what they have done to us. And sometimes we need to forgive ourselves before we are able to turn our hearts toward blessing other people.

A Prayer For Deliverance Lord, I ask that You forgive me of all unforgiveness, judgments, and murmuring I have had against You and anybody else that has hurt me. I choose to forgive them and bless them now. Lord, I confess anger, hate gossip, and slander that went out of my mouth, which exposed that my heart was full of unforgiveness. Lord, release all that unforgiveness, hate, anger and murder. I command all those unclean spirits of fear, anxiety, worry, dread, depression, suicide, and sickness to leave me now, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I plead the blood and the finished work of Calvary over my life. Lord, I love You with all my heart. I thank You for the truth that is setting me free, in Jesus name. Lord, I know that I will be tested whether I have spoken empty words or spoken from a true desire in my heart to please You. (Every word of God is tested – Proverbs 30:5) Please give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to perceive Your unsearchable riches; to hear Your voice, and walk bearing fruit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and goodness) and find Your rest. AMEN!

Email: hesalivenews@cfaith.com Website: HesAliveNews.org

Mail: PO Box 14931 Bradenton, FL 34280

"And the gospel must first be published among all nations." - Mark 13:10



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I Knew Something Had to Change

My name is Dustin Greeley and I just turned 39 years old.

Growing up I was always a very good kid. I had perfect attendance from the 4th grade all the way to the 12th. I ended up joining the boy scouts at a young age and climbed the ranks all the way to eagle scout. I joined a local church around that same time. I didn't go because my family went, but I went because my friends went. I learned how to play the drums and became the drummer for the youth group. I ended up getting good enough to play for the church.

I was always at church and doing good things and had great accountability, but the only problem was Christ was not the center of my life. I believed in him and his word however I was never reading it for myself, and I was barely ever praying or worshipping. So my foundation in my accountability was on man which is good, but when Christ is not the center, I was building a

foundation on sand.

I ended up joining the army at 20 years old, so my accountability shifted from church friends to Soldiers. I started drinking and once I got medically discharged, I continued to drink. I was no longer hanging out with the church crowd. Now I was now hanging out with the party crowd. I drank heavy liquor every single night. Eventually I began using drugs with my drinking friends. In the end I found myself homeless, panhandling, eating out of dumpsters, and many times locked up. I would do whatever it took to get my next fix. I was a heroin junkie, crack smoker, and whatever else I could get my hands on. I was a drug addict.

Over 10 years of my life were wasted chasing drugs and being homeless. I knew something had to change. I had overdosed multiple times; I watched many people die and I was facing a prison sentence. I knew something had to change. I was also fac-

ing a maximum 460-year prison sentence. I ended up going to loving hands ministries when I hit my lowest. They accepted me with open arms. I was still battling court charges and after 10 months of being at loving hands ministries, the state pulled me out of the program and locked me back up in jail for another year. I went straight from jail back to loving hands ministries and did the program almost all over again.

Upon completion, I stayed on as a staff member for 16 more months. I transitioned out in September, and I am now the drummer for redemption church in Dade City, I am one of the youth leaders there and have a fantastic job at a local AC company. God has continued to open doors for me. I know He is the same yesterday today

today and forever. I would not change my past because now I can offer hope to those stuck in similar darkness. Just yesterday I witnessed to a homeless man because I know when I was homeless, I wouldn't want to hear what somebody else had to say if they had not been where I was. I live in the transformation of Christ every day and I'm so thankful for the forgiveness of his sins each new day.

It is an honor to serve the Lord and my life verse is Ephesians chapter 2 verses 4 and 5 which says; But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved

us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead.

(It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!) NLT

Contact Dustin on his Facebook page: Dustin Greeley

Our Secret Garden: To My Lord Jesus,

You meet me every morning. I breath You in. You renew my soul. You come to me in the cool of the morning when the day is new. You meet me in the garden. I wait for You. I know You will always come. Your mercies are new every morning and I will not begin my day without You.

I feel You in the gentle breeze. It brushes my skin to refresh me. The morning sun is sweet and You welcome me here to this place once again. Clouds billow by, reminding me of Your softness. Above us the oaks raise their great limbs in praise to their creator. Sun rays stream down to me through the mist in a glorious display. Like the hand of God; as if reaching down to me, beckoning me to come near. The warmth of the sun on my shoulders; Your gentle embrace. Here, in our secret place You come to me. A puff of butterflies flit upon the breeze. Powdery, tiny dancers; beckoning me to follow them in their dance of praise. You romance me with wildflowers each morning . Hidden amongst the clovers while I slept in the night, You placed them there for me to discover. You adorn them with the brightest purple and the purest white and I am overwhelmed by their beauty. The sweetness of their fragrance intoxicates me. I draw in their sweetness as I draw Your spirit into me, Lord. You fill me up and I am renewed. Dew adorns the roses in the garden. Like tiny diamonds, each drop; a magnifying glass, waiting to reveal a secret image inside, shared with only the most ardent seeker.( A reflection of the secrets shared only between two lovers). Lord ,You are the lover of my soul and I long for Your voice. Sweet Jesus, whisper Your desires into my heart that I might draw ever closer to You, always.

The soft grass is still wet with dew. Once again You wash my feet as we walk together through our secret garden. You instruct the birds their song to sing. Like a choreographed rhapsody , they herald in the day. Even they attest to Your instructions. They declare Your wonderful works and Your goodness as they sing the songs which only You have composed; a testimony to their time spent together with You! A bounty springs forth from the earth. A colorful treasury of gems await me.

You present me with beautiful jewels glistening in the sun. Wild blackberries await their discovery. Tiny sculptures so delicate. Their sweetness, so intense. My hand now stained purple; a reminder of Your blood, shed for me. Clusters of grapes hang heavy on the vine, each carefully enclosed in it's own wrapping. Like beautiful jewels, presented to me as if a gift. Their sweetness; our communion as I drink You in. You are my vine and I am a branch. I welcome Your gentle pruning as You guide me and keep me ever near.

Here, in our secret place, You romance me. Draw me deeper, Lord. Our yesterdays together blur into our tomorrows. Tomorrow I will go once again into the garden. Once again I will wait for You, and I know You will come.

PAGE 12 | JANUARY 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 01 FREE - Donations Welcome!
By: Dustin Greeley From drug addiction, a homeless heroin addict, crack smoker, and eating out of dumpsters to a new life in Jesus!

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