2 minute read

Jesus Showed Me A Vision of Two Different Roads

By Charles Makori Facebook SCAN | | ▼

(Nellore, Andre Pradesh, India) At the age of 17 years, (in 1986) the Lord touched my heart, and I repented in tears on an open ground of a missionary school (American Baptist Mission) and gave my life to our Lord Jesus.


Earlier I was wandering in the streets of my town, ONGOLE. I was addicted to Cinema Halls. I used to go to Cinema Halls 4 times a day! I lost my education. One of my old friends invited me to a young believers' group where I accepted the Lord.

Since then, the Lord's grace has been upon me and anointed me in a special way to develop step by step.

In 2002, the Lord led me to start the ministry "Good News to the Poor" and strengthened me to win many souls and plant many churches. God called me also to be an effective Evangelist for the blessing of many around me in my vicinity. This is a very brief tes- timony of mine. Contact me to learn more about our ministries.

Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Nukalapati Suresh Babu

Email: nukalapatisureshbabu@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/nukalapati.sureshbabu SCAN ▼

(Nairobi, Kenya) Greetings to you in the blessed name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. I Am thankful and humbled to share with you my Christian testimony. Since the time I accepted the Lord’s offer of salvation by grace, I also was called into His loving service in the ministry. At first, I was raised by my parents under the Roman Catholic Church and vowed to become a priest. But my father rejected that opinion. I later had a dream where I saw 2 paths. One of them had a great multitude of people and the other one was narrow with very few people in it.

When I tried to take a look over the wide path, I saw an armored tank just pursuing those who were going through this road. On the other side, I was led by someone in White apparel that looked like a long white dress, and he motioned me on this path with fewer people. As I took that step to enter through, I felt that inner peace and joy. Immediately after this wonderful dream I was back in the natural and went on my knees praising God for that astonishing encounter. That experience transformed my whole life, and I believed salvation is real. Indeed, I saw how

Christ loved me and died to set us free. He is alive and not willing that anyone should perish but have eternal life. I started witnessing ever since my school days by animating the youths to know the Lord. In my village and community, together with my wife, we started family prayer and outreaches. That was in 2010.

God has enabled us and now we have a full prayer church center in our local community where we serve Him here faithfully. We are not many people, but we are endeavoring to make disciples as God enables and wills. In Christ love and service and love.

Movies with a message are a very effective way of sharing the Gospel. We hope to hear from you and thank you for your consideration!

- Rich Christiano

Email: rich@christianmovies.com

SCAN the QR for the special message from the producer and director, Rich Christiano, and for the trailer.

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