He's Alive News June 2023

Page 8


What's inside:

Page 6: My Recent Ukraine Trip

One of the Greatest Modern Day Miracles. No Webbed Neck or Feet, Kidneys Healed, Gonads Disappeared and ... Ovaries originally not There - now There!!!

Page 12: Global Vaccine Passport Initiative

We’ve had several miracles but this one absolutely blows us all away! I got permission from the family to share last night.

One of our Middle School students came to our prayer circle last fall and requested prayer for one of his sisters. She was pregnant with her second child and the doctor was telling her there were lots of complications. The mom was told IF she carried the baby to term it wouldn’t live long, but IF it did, there would be lots of medical issues.

We began praying for his sister, the baby, and the family. A few weeks later the mom went to the doctor and had an amniocentesis done. She found out the baby was a little girl and had Turner’s Syndrome. The mom was told the baby would probably be born with a webbed neck, webbed feet, heart problems, kidney problems, and would never reproduce because her reproductive organs would be mixed.

We kept praying. The baby was born a month early and was so tiny, under 5 pounds. She looked healthy but tiny… no webbed feet and no webbed neck. We continued to pray.

The baby was transferred to a larger hospital because the doctors said she

was having kidney issues and couldn’t eat. We prayed. Her kidney function was perfect, but one kidney was larger than the other. They fed her by tube for a few days and said she needed a cardiac workup. We prayed. They sent her home in just a few days of being born without a tube, without kidney issues, and with a clean cardiac report!

They said she would never reproduce and had undescended gonads and no ovaries.

They also said she would need surgery to remove the gonads because they would cause cancer. So, we continued to pray.

A month ago, she went

for a check-up and said the baby needed surgery sooner than anticipated to remove the gonads because of lab work showing increased markers. She was going to the doctor for all the preliminary surgery workup on a Monday, so her uncle and her grandparents brought her to church. We prayed over her and asked God for a creative miracle. We asked for Him to remove the gonads and give her ovaries so surgery would not be required. The next day at the hospital, 6 doctors came to see the little girl who is now 4 months old. They told the family they were wrong. The gonads that had been there a

month before were no longer there and the ovaries that had not been there a month before were now there!! Hallelujah!!

Through the mighty name of Jesus Christ this little baby who had been

cursed by the medical field since in the womb is healed!!

Contact: Phyllis Kimbrell House of Covenant Ministries

PAGE 1 | JUNE 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 06 FREE! FREE! FREE!
The Newspaper Of Proof He’s Alive!
"I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen" -Revelation 1:18
Welcome June
Luke 16:19-20 Luke 16:22-23 I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. Luke 16:27-29 They have Moses and the Prophets.
They will repent if a dead man warns them! Luke 16:30-31 First Believe the Word of God and then signs and wonders will follow!
Pastor Phyllis Kimbrell & Pastor Floyd Kimbrell House of Covenant Ministries, Alabama
If they do not believe the word of God, they will not believe one risen from the dead.

The Spirit Of Truth:

My husband and I together have eleven children , some natural born, some heaven sent.One of my daughters keeps repeating, “I told God I was sorry” for even minor instances of mistakes or missteps.I explained that Jesus died on the cross once for all to take away our sin. So, He has already forgiven all our sins on our behalf!In thinking about faith, we may make the same mistake: repenting for not having enough faith or thinking we need more forgiveness in order to be healed - that we are in some sin which is preventing the healing we need. The Bible, God’s Word, says that Jesus Christ took away death, sin, and sickness on the Cross of Calvary. (It is available to all, but we need to be born again to receive these benefits). So, do you need to keep saying, “I’m sorry?”Jesus said, “It is finished.” Therefore, you need to stop doubting His Word; stop thinking you are unworthy to be healed and set free. Jesus will never go back onto that Cross. So, we mustsimply accept and believe what He said!It’s not really complicated. Just a little faith (the size of a grain of mustard seed is enough! Ifyou have that mustard seed size faith, you can say to the mountain of a problem, “Move from here to there”, and it will move! And nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20-21. “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from

here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible foryou.” This is possible, because if your trust and faith in what Jesus did at the Cross is full, the mountain will move.I have faith in my relationship with God that He knows every need: that He is my Healer, my Provider, my Everything! No one else can be or will be more faithful than Jesus! He is faithful to us!Even when I didn’t know Him like I do now, He was always there, all the time. He heard myMom’s prayers. If He had let go of me prior to my salvation (or even now), I’d be gone from thisearth, dying in hell. Isn’t that enough? Yes, it is for me. Every need I have is supplied, (even “wants”, at times). If I fail in some area, it is not God who causes it, but me, because I did not read the Word and apply it.You do not need a preacher to convict you of sin, unforgiveness,

slackness in giving tithes, etc. Holy Spirit is right there already revealing truths in you. The devil will toss you all around and send demons to peck away at your trust and faith. But you can guard that little mustard seed by watering it with His Word.I had a necklace that encased a tiny mustard seed in a plastic bubble. You could see the seed as you wore it around your neck. The bubble protected it. I didn’t understand the significance of it then. But now I do. We are encased and protected by the Holy Spirit – protected as in Psalm 91. Genesis 15:11: ‘And when birds of prey (unclean fowl, demons) came down on the carcasses, Abram drove them away.’We have an altar in our hearts where we keep our covenant with God. The sacrifice for me ismy time spent with Him, giving up something which I may

regard as important or worthy. When we open the Word, it causes us to weep at times, because Jesus Christ is so worthy. His very Words are life, comfort, direction.I’m going to share something personal here. Last night I had trouble sleeping. I slept some, but woke up and saw something very real, like a warning. I actually saw a demonic thing above me which resembled a witch on a broom flying over my side of the bed. It was VERY REAL! I saw it clearly! All remnants of sleep escaped me to the point that I felt a tormenting spirit! I arose, dressed, and took a walk outside. It was a beautiful night, starry and lovely. I looked up to the heavens and said, “God, please help me!”The unclean things had come to pick away at my faith. But they had to flee when I called on Jesus!Psalm 20 is a prayer for Victory, and a Psalm of trust. ‘The Lord will hear you in the day (or night) of trouble. The name of the God of Jacob will defend you.’

The God of Jacob is the God Who will meet you when you have nothing and deserve nothing, but Who will give you everything. 1 Peter 5:10. “But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.” This

HE’S ALIVE Christian News & Views
is God’s Truth! Rev. Madeline Published the 10th of Each Month Published by HE’S ALIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY FAITH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER P.O. BOX 14931 Bradenton, Fl. 34280 Phone: 941-447-4538
Publisher: Chuck Kennedy
inform : www.hesalivenews.org
hesalivenews@cfaith.com Email subscriptions are free. Printed subscriptions any donation. Letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged. Please notify us of address changes. If you wish to be removed, let us know. Check it out at www.hesalivenews.org or scan → YOUR AD COULD BE SEEN HERE BY THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY Tell them about your church or event! Your AD is 2-fold, helping us reach more places: Ads are donation basis www.hesalivenews.org Advertise here. Contact us today. Email: hesalivenews@cfaith.com PAGE 2 | JUNE 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 06 FREE - Donations Welcome!
Designer: Rlyn Kennedy Contact
Get your copy now. Contact: Georgia Yost gjyost65@gmail.com | Or Amazon.com Psalm 20. A Psalm of Trust

When something drastic happens to you and you think your life is over, in time you find it just began. This happened to me about 27 years ago. My husband of 28 years informed me he wanted to change his life and then I found out he had a girlfriend that I did not know about... How exciting was this? This wasn't a marriage where we had separate bedrooms, or argued all the time, or an abusive relationship, no this is what happens when someone does not want to learn how to operate on a spiritual battlefield. He didn't have time to learn how to put armor on and could care less about what his spiritual weapons were. My Pastor said to him, “I watched you walk away from God.” His reply was, “I don't know if I want to come back.” This isn't something you want to say at any time in your life.

I said to God “This is something I can't handle. I am going to let go of my life and You take over.” He heard me and did.

Sometimes we are moved away from the hurt to heal. My Son was out of college and my daughter entering. They didn't want to move away so I knew I had to get away. I did not put their father down in front of them. That was their father, and he did this to me, not them, but unfortunately, it affects all.

I had a friend in Biloxi, Mississippi...We graduated together, and she was in my wedding. She mentioned for me to come down and look at the Ocean...I took her up on it and as I was driving down Highway 90, I knew God wanted me to move there. I got alimony for 6 years. I sent ½ per month for 3 years to my daughter in college. The apartment I was renting was $500 a month and it was getting too much so I said to God, “Lord, I'm going to have to try and get something less expensive.” The next day at work this lady asked me if I would be interested in renting her house. I told her I was planning on looking so at lunch we

went to her house. This is what happens when you have given your life to Jesus and let Him take over. I ended up renting her house for 4 years...It was a 2-car garage, living room, family room, dining room, kitchen, and two bedrooms on a lake with an inground pool... the cost was $350 a month. This was so God. I was able to get my furniture out of the house we had. I was awarded the house which had 2 mortgages on it...so ended up after asking God what He wanted me to do, He directed me to call my brother-in-law, and he and my sister buy up homes, renovate them and sell them. I asked him if he was interested in buying my house...his answer was yes. The other blessing was all the furniture I thought I lost, I was able to rent a U-Haul, and another miracle was it ended up costing me nothing. I furnished the house with furniture I didn't think I would see again.

I lived there for 4 years and the landlady then

needed the house, her son was coming back home.... so my friends were telling me they had rentals, but I had a feeling I was going to be moving to Florida. I knew one couple that we were best of friends, and they lived there. We had always kept in touch. I was able to transfer with my job and move to Bradenton, Florida. I knew the cheapest living there was mobile homes but every time we would check one out, no one would be present in the office. We then went back to my friend's house and while looking in the paper saw a condo for rent for $450....so my

friend had a friend that lived on the 5th floor... this was on the 2nd. So I called the realtor and she met us there. When she opened the door, the place was trashed. It was a 2-bedroom Condo. My friend was 80 years old at that time and she about lost it when she looked at the condition of it. I knew this was what I was supposed to get and told the realtor yes…I don't go by what I see. She said, “Okay we are replacing all the carpet, painting the walls, and all the appliances will be taken care of”. My friend didn't know what to say. So we went to see her friend on the 5th floor.

She told me that she was moving, and all her furniture was going to Goodwill, so take it all. The day I moved in was the day she moved out and so the movers furnished my Condo. After three months I bought it and didn't even need a down payment. I lived there for 4 ½ years and then the Lord sent me back to where I was from. I sold the Condo for a $30,000 profit. And by the grace of God, hurricane Charlie did not touch it as the closing...

Continued on Page: 11

PAGE 3 | JUNE 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 06 FREE - Donations Welcome! SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:15 AM | SUNDAY SERVICE: 10 AM | THURSDAY PRAYER MEETING: 6:15 PM GOD IS REAL LIVE EVERYDAY- 5:30 AM Eastern Time | Live streaming on: Facebook, Twitter, and www.God-isReal.com | www.ficcwordchurch.org | Phone: 941-447-4538 | ficcpastor@yahoo.com NEW LOCATION: 1825 14TH STREET WEST BRADENTON, FL. 34205 Teaching the uncompromised, Spirit Filled, Word of faith! Come and join a church that believes: "WITH GOD, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE." You Are Welcome Here! WHERE JESUS IS LORD! SCAN:▼ www.God-isReal.com FAITH INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CENTER We cordially invite you to find your place with a body of believers taking the Gospel message to the streets through community outreaches, sharing the love of God with people and miracle services.
have received their physical healing while attending services. Mission teams hold pastors conferences and crusades in Asia and other locations worldwide. A Glimpse
Photo from Adobe Stock


An Apostolic/Prophetic Ministry

Heart of Mercy Ministries

Email: sarah_jansson@hotmail.com

In the days we live we need to know the Holy Spirit! It is the Holy Spirit that draws you to Jesus. You cannot know Jesus without the Holy Spirit drawing you to Him, and revealing you to Him.

John fourteen verse sixteen says, “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby) that He remains with you forever”. Verse seventeen, “The Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, or recognize Him. For He lives in you (constantly) and will be in you.

So the Holy Spirit is your Comforter. Whatever you are going through, He is right there beside you and in you to comfort you through it with the Word the God, and His precious presence.

The Holy Spirit is your Counselor. When you need direction and guidance as you turn to Jesus and the Word of God, Holy Spirit will be there to direct you and minister to you. Remember, Holy Spirit will always, and I mean always, speak in and direct you in line with the Word of God. If it does not line up with the Word of God, then it is not God, no if, and or butts about it!

Holy Spirit is your Helper. As you turn to Him for help, as you wait on Him in prayer, as you look to Jesus, Holy Spirit will be there to help you through temptation. As you lean upon Jesus, it is the Holy Spirit who lives within you, WHEN YOU KNOW JESUS AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR, TURN YOUR LIFE OVER TO HIM, AND ASK HIM INTO YOUR HEART TO TURN YOUR LIFE INTO ALL JESUS WANTS IT TO BE He will help you to stand against the wiles of the enemy, and all his strategies and deceptions, and say “No in Jesus name”. It is the Holy Spirit that will strengthen you in and through your inner man,

by His power that now lives within you, as you look to, and lean on Him for the help, direction, and strength that you need. Remember, now as the Word of God says, He now lives in you, and He will never leave you, nor forsake you. He is your Intercessor. That means by the power of His Holy Spirit He will pray through you the perfect will of the Father. Romans eight verse twenty-six says “So too the Holy Spirit comes to our aid, and bears us up in our weakness, for we do not know what prayer to offer, or offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit itself goes to meet our supplications and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterances”.

Verse twenty-seven, “And He who searches the hearts of man, knows what the mind of the Holy Spirit is, (what His intent is), because the Spirit intercedes and pleads (before God), in behalf of the saints according to and in harmony with Gods will”. So here it is in His Word that He will pray through you, the perfect will of God, as you yield to Him, with groanings and utterances and other languages even of angels.

Let me share with you a story that happened to me many years ago.

I was sitting on the third row in my church service, right up front. At the appointed time, the Holy Spirit spoke out in tongues through me. I don’t think anyone interpreted, but after service, a gentleman came up to me, and said to me, Lady do you remember when you spoke out in tongues?” and of course I answered “Yes” He responded back, “Well when you did, you spoke out in a dialect of India, and I understood every word you said.’ To this day I have never heard a word spoken anywhere In the languages of India, couldn’t tell you one

syllable of what it could possibly sound like, nor could I then. Now I know it was the gift of tongues, but the Word of God tells us to build ourselves up in the Holy Spirit. Paul the Apostle says He prays in tongues more than ye all. That is talking about our prayer language as in Romans eight.

He is also our Advocate.

He will stand with Jesus and plead your case before the Father.

He is your Strengthener. Eph. Six verse ten. “In conclusion, be strong in the Lord (be empowered through your union with Him); draw your strength from Him, that strength which His boundless might provides.”

He is your Standby. He will never leave you, nor forsake you!

John seventeen, verse seventeen tells us, “Sanctify them, (purify, consecrate, separate them for yourself, make them holy by Truth; Your Word is Truth

Verse twenty-one talks about the unity in the God head and Jesus came to make us one with them, through the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter who has come to live within all who ask, as Jesus comes in our hearts and lives.

The Holy Spirit will manifest Himself to us!


Sarah Jansson

Heart of Mercy Ministries

An Apostolic/Prophetic Ministry sarah_jansson@hotmail. com

Go to Amazon.com for my books (Out of Your Seats and Into the Streets, Breaking Loose, Deep Calls Unto Deep, The Divine Visitation)


Donations to Heart of Mercy

PayPal and Major Credit Cards https://heartofmercy.net/donation

Someone here needs this....

Normally I only post the long posts in our Bible study page, but someone here needs this. So just keep scrolling if you don't want to read it, but if it's you, then I'm praying for you!

Colossians 3:22-25


Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: [23] And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; [24] Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. [25] But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.

- Obey. Obey in all things, not because of man but because of God. There is a spirit of rebellion against you. Cast it down and obey! Obedience brings grace which brings the blessing of the Lord. Rebellion brings chaos and destruction, none of which is as God, the God of order and peace.

- Adam and Eve once rebelled, they rebelled because they said in their heart that they could be like God, and make their own decisions. No harm will become of me, because I will be like God. Once I taste and see that death is far apart from me, then I'll be as God Most High, able to live and choose on my own, I'll need no help, I will have the answers.

- The lust of the flesh consumed them, they did eat and they did see. They opened their eyes and realized they can make their own choices and death will not consume them immediately. They did not know death, death was not with them

yet. But they did learn, they learned through the curse, the curse of rebellion. Satan controlled them and there was no way back anymore, their spirit soul and body now corrupt. They chose to rebel against God and now they can't see the way to life, only to death, though they perceive what they think is right but it really only lead to death.

1 Samuel 15:23 KJVS

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

- Rebel not! Cast down the vain imaginings of your self laiden image! Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do His will, rebel not!

John 14:5-6 KJVS

Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?

[6] Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

- Jesus is that way of old. In the garden he walked and talked with his creation, until they rebelled against him. They made the decision to think their own thoughts, to be their own being. They decided to trust in themselves and not in God. Believe when He says you will never enter into the Kingdom of God unless you are born again! You must return BY DECISION to Him, you must trust His ideas, His way, His life. Today you have a decision, you can listen to yourself, which has brought you to exactly where you are today, or you can DECIDE to trust in Him, hear His voice, and walk again with Him in the garden. Choose today not to reb-

el, choose today obedience!

Leviticus 11:45 KJVS

For I am the Lord that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.

- Jesus loves you so much! He sees your struggle, and He is declaring to you the truth! But you must make the decision to know Him again, not to know your own way but to know His way, the truth and the life. God said YOU be Holy because I AM Holy, or in other words, make the same decisions I make. When you choose to follow Him, you truly know and have life eternal and can now rest in His love. God bless you, we're all praying for you!

- Here's how to ask Jesus into your heart:

Father God, I humble myself before you today. God I know that you sent your son to reap what I have sewn. I know he paid the debt of sin that I have collected before you. I confess that I am a sinner in need of salvation and I ask for your forgiveness today Lord. Come into my heart and help me to be cleansed of all my iniquities. I believe in my heart that you have risen from the dead and I confess with my mouth that you are Lord. Thank you for your grace and I receive your mercy by faith in your name, the name of salvation today. Thank you Lord, amen.

- Hebrews tells us that if you come to God, you must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that dilligently seek Him. So be not ashamed, your reward is in Him! Be bold in the grace you now have, speak His name, Yeshua! The name of salvation! God bless you and your decision to follow Him, peace be with you!

PAGE 4 | JUNE 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 06 FREE - Donations Welcome!
Encouraging, Equipping, Empowering, Releasing the Saints into the full calling and vision of God Potluck Lunch, Worship, Prayer, Sharing, Prophetic Teachings, Special Speakers, Networking and more. All as the Holy Spirit Leads CENTER OF HOPE NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH, FELLOWSHIP HALL Every 2nd Saturday of each month, 1 P.M.- 2395 Shamrock Drive, Venice Fl. 34293 Pastor Sarah Jansson | sarah_jansson@hotmail.com | 941 763-2244 REVEALING DESTINIES FOR THE GLORY OF GOD.

A Testimony of How Great God Is

(Lian, Batangas, Philippines)

I have a testimony of how good and great God is. He can turn your sorrows and pains into something good.

Covid had impacted us too much. My husband lost his job, I had Covid May 2021. My mother had been in the hospital and died in August 2021. I lost a baby in my womb in September 2021. These are all major events that might let you think one can stumble in faith. But I continued trusting in my God.

In October of Last year, 2022, I discovered that I am pregnant again! Trusted God, I said I won't take anything Lord and i wont have a miscarriage like last year. Praise God June is my

ninth month, I am giving birth one of these days. And I believe that I will have a normal delivery and have a normal and healthy baby boy. Also, my husband got a job this year. Thank you Lord.

Pakistan OrphanReceivesDirector Gods Supernatural Gifts


- Admit that you are a sinner. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

Just always trust God, his wisdom, and his ways, and continue to follow him. Praise and Glory to God

Contact: Brenda Baradi Delos Reyes www.facebook.com/brenda.b.delosreyes

- REPENT AND ASK HIM TO FORGIVE YOUR SINS Romans 5:8 “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while wewere yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

confess now that Jesus is Lord of your life. Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

If you have questions, You can email us at: ficcpastor@cfaith.com. Thank you.

(Lahore, Pakistan) I thank God I am working for children in Pakistan and for the service of God. Here I see that there are many difficulties for us in Pakistan, but we thank God that He has

called us in Pakistan.

It was just two days ago

God's Spirit blessed me with His blessings and gave me the power to see visions! It is his great miracle for me to receive such power only two days

ago and I thank God for it. I also thank Him that I have you as friends, thank you. Please pray for the children.

Contact: https://www. facebook.com/john. javed1/about_overview

...Peter do you love me... Feed my sheep...

Is a food distribution program that gives donated food to Hungry people and prevents food from going to waste. For more information or to sign up for food, email your name and phone number to: pet.mysheeps@ gmail.com Or leave it at God is Real 24-hour recorded prayer line at 833 463 7325 | www.ficcwordchurch.org | www.God-IsReal.com

PAGE 5 | JUNE 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 06 FREE - Donations Welcome!
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My Recent Trip to Ukraine A Move of the Spirit in India

(Hyderabad, Telangana, India) A glorious whole night of prayers and Powerful worship. Mighty presence of the lord filled the air. God touched every heart.

People pour out their hearts in the presence of the lord. Praying for all nations, and sick people, and casting out demons. Great time in the presence of our Lord Jesus.

Our Faith, Peace, and Joy are not based on feelings or circumstances. This past week was another several days of air raid sirens. On Friday morning another missile struck a military position about 24 miles from my present location. Two helicopters were destroyed but no loss of life. We are grateful for those of you who are generously contributing to Harvest Mission as we have now delivered another very large amount of food, clothing, and medical supplies to the front lines

where so many beautiful Ukrainian people have been forgotten.

We targeted Mykolayiv, as this City and surrounding villages were destroyed by the shelling. Even though the majority of buildings are now destroyed, people still live in the basements beneath the structures. No running water and no electricity, but they all still gather outside for a makeshift place to preach and pray for all. The food was more than enough, and the encouragement brought many

tears of compassion. They are comforted when they just know that God has not forgotten them at all. It’s impossible to ignore the dead cows in the fields and the houses with no roofs or windows. Jesus is helping us as many more Ukrainians receive Jesus as their Savior. Contact: isa24j@gmail. com For a tax-deductible receipt, make checks payable to: Harvest Mission 960 Alford Avenue Birmingham Alabama 35226

PAGE 6 | JUNE 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 06 FREE - Donations Welcome!
Evangelist Isa Bajalia
Bro. Isa's Facebook: SCAN

(Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines) 10 years ago, I was introduced to medical missions by my family. At first it felt like such a chore, having nowhere to sleep, eating the available food wherever you are, having little to no sleep sometimes, long walks, long standing times, encountering people that have different personalities from one another. I started out HATING this type of thing, i used to dread whenever i was taken by my mom with her to these medical missions. But deep inside me i knew there was something boiling, despite the dread i knew there was a spot in my heart that was smiling and happily working my days off even as a child. And now, 10 years later here i am, Organiz-


I Was Introduced To Medical Missions

My Testimony of How I Almost Became a Muslim

(Lahore, Pakistan)

Greetings to you in Christ Jesus. My name is Amir Masih, and I was born into a Christian family on 11-18-1997.

far away from Him.

ing and Coordinatingmedical missions without my parents. I'm no longer "saling ket ket lang!" ("a mere joiner only") Tiring and responsibilities are heavy but with the help of the right people in organizing, Doc Wins, Dani, Zen, Raf, Hannah, Juls, and the other people that came and sent their help and donations. You will not feel tired, instead you get more excited each day of preparation until the very end.

I still have a long way to go, but I've already traveled a far distance as well.

Thanks everyone for the experience. Thanks for the exercise that making me run! HAHA i appreciate all of you. Until the next one, Doctors!

-Jonathan (soon to be) RMT, MD, LAHAT NA NG EXTENSION SA

to God be all the Glory.

Manigamukama Nestori

Testimony on the Streets of

(Mbarara, Uganda) I was a street kid who never got the chance to go to school. When I was in the street I had suffered so much.

Then Jesus called me to testify about Him. I have started preaching in different areas and countries and starting churches until now!

Praise the Lord!


In the year 2013, I was working in a factory and my work and living was among Muslim people. I was so busy with work and household needs that I did not go to church for many months. I was never even invited.

I was very far from the Lord Jesus and had no real satisfaction or comfort in my life. I was only living a temporary life with no hope of eternal life. Since my work and associations were mostly among Muslim people, one day I decided to become a Muslim. My thinking was that maybe I would not get eternal life in Christianity. I was not sure.

I had a Muslim friend. I told him that I wanted to become a Muslim, and he was very happy to hear this. I had doubts as to whether I was making the wrong decision to become a Muslim. But still, one day I went with my Muslim friend to become a Muslim having made the decision to go through with it. He took me to a house where some Muslim scholars were sitting. At the same time, I was feeling that there was someone who cared about me a lot and He was looking for me with great concern, looking for me as if I am lost and had gone

I felt from the words of these Muslim religious scholars that they wanted to forcefully convert me to Islam. At that time, I did not understand how the words came out of my mouth which gave me two- or three days’ time to think about what I should do. I needed more time. These people accepted with great difficulty that I was leaving without becoming a Muslim.

Seven days later, a great crusade was held in our city, attended by thousands of people, including myself. I was lost in the rush of this huge crowd. The people were swaying like crazy. When the preaching of the Holy Word began, I did not understand anything. The pastor was from Germany and went by the name Matti Wendelin.

Matti said with great enthusiasm, “Here stands a young man who a few days ago became a Muslim”. As soon as I heard this, I was surprised at how this pastor knew about me! Then he said that the young man who is here has decided to leave. But he continued speaking, saying do not turn away from the Lord and do not leave him, because eternal life is only through Jesus. And then he said that if your faith is not in the Lord Jesus, hearing the Word is how faith will come. He said it is written in the Holy Word of God that faith is

born from hearing and hearing from the word of Christ. Romans 10-17 This verse completely changed my life, and I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior that very day, Amen. Hallelujah!!

Then on 6-6-2015, I was baptized in the name of God the Father and His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Today I am doing the services given to me by the great grace of God and the spiritual blessings given by Him. I am using it for the blessing of the church.

May God's grace and mercy be upon you always, Amen!!

Contact: www.facebook.com


Email: Pastor Amir Masih amirmasih636@gmail. com

Miracles in Christ Ministries


“Living the Word at the speed of Life!”

PAGE 7 | JUNE 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 06 FREE - Donations Welcome!
SCAN | ▼ MindReaderMovie.com
5425 39th St.E. (70 to Post Office then S. 1 Block) Bradenton, FL 34203 Ron Kutinsky 941-806-7550 | Donna Kutinsky 941-685-7323 www.facebook.com/ron.kutinsky | www.facebook.com/donnakutinsky www.moreofHim.org | mail@moreofHim.org
Manigamukama Nestori

Nakslapati Suresh Babu was Addicted to the Cinema Halls until He was Saved

Jesus Showed Me A Vision of Two Different Roads

(Nellore, Andre Pradesh, India) At the age of 17 years, (in 1986) the Lord touched my heart, and I repented in tears on an open ground of a missionary school (American Baptist Mission) and gave my life to our Lord Jesus.

Earlier I was wandering in the streets of my town, ONGOLE. I was addicted to Cinema Halls. I used to go to Cinema Halls 4 times a day! I lost my education. One of my old friends

invited me to a young believers' group where I accepted the Lord.

Since then, the Lord's grace has been upon me and anointed me in a special way to develop step by step.

In 2002, the Lord led me to start the ministry "Good News to the Poor" and strengthened me to win many souls and plant many churches. God called me also to be an effective Evangelist for the blessing of many around me in my vicinity. This is a very brief tes-

timony of mine. Contact me to learn more about our ministries.

Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Nukalapati Suresh Babu

Email: nukalapatisureshbabu@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/nukalapati.sureshbabu SCAN ▼

(Nairobi, Kenya) Greetings to you in the blessed name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. I Am thankful and humbled to share with you my Christian testimony. Since the time I accepted the Lord’s offer of salvation by grace, I also was called into His loving service in the ministry. At first, I was raised by my parents under the Roman Catholic Church and vowed to become a priest. But my father rejected that opinion. I later had a dream where I saw 2 paths. One of them had a great multitude of people and the other one was narrow with very few people in it.

When I tried to take a look over the wide path, I saw an armored tank just pursuing those who were going through this road. On the other side, I was led by someone in White apparel that looked like a long white dress, and he motioned me on this path with fewer people. As I took that step to enter through, I felt that inner peace and joy. Immediately after this wonderful dream I was back in the natural and went on my knees praising God for that astonishing encounter. That experience transformed my whole life, and I believed salvation is real. Indeed, I saw how

Christ loved me and died to set us free. He is alive and not willing that anyone should perish but have eternal life. I started witnessing ever since my school days by animating the youths to know the Lord. In my village and community, together with my wife, we started family prayer and outreaches. That was in 2010.

God has enabled us and now we have a full prayer church center in our local community where we serve Him here faithfully. We are not many people, but we are endeavoring to make disciples as God enables and wills. In Christ love and service and love.

Movies with a message are a very effective way of sharing the Gospel. We hope to hear from you and thank you for your consideration!

- Rich Christiano

Email: rich@christianmovies.com

SCAN the QR for the special message from the producer and director, Rich Christiano, and for the trailer.

PAGE 8 | JUNE 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 06 FREE - Donations Welcome! Ed McGraw Fountain Court Shopping Center Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10AM - 5PM Sunday Opens 10AM 6387 Manatee Ave. W. Bradenton, FL 34209 (941) 224-6696 loveworksagain@gmail.com CORTEZ CAFE HOME COOKING Breakfast & Lunch Monday - Sunday 6:30 am - 2:00 pm AMI Sun Readers Choice Voted Best Breakfast 12108 Cortez Road West Bradenton, FL 34215 Phone: 941-792-0030 Dine-In or Carry Out Come on In! www.MindReaderMovie.com

The Active Hand of God in Times of Need


(Nakuru, Rift Valley, Kenya) Praise The Lord Jesus Christ! I share my Testimony to encourage someone that Jesus is alive!

I have experienced both miraculous Providence and protection, which has helped me to realize how God's hand is active and available in times of need. One miracle is how God rescued us as a family from the post-election violence. Our residence had been marked among the non-tribes that were being attacked.

We saw that day how our neighbors, friends, and even servants of God were battered and vandalized. The night was to dawn on our premises.

Gilga J M James Testimony of Following All Sorts of Evil Practices to Serving Jesus

One man came out of the crowd and claimed that he is the rightful owner of our house (Speaking in the local dialect).

The next morning by God's grace we received help from the police, and they escorted us to the town where we are now. We left everything behind because of the situation, all our belongings even Church equipment were confiscated by the locals. But God had prepared a place for us where we are temporarily staying and doing the work of the ministry before resettling. This has helped me to live one day at a time and faithfully trust God in all things. Amen.

(COIMBATORE TAMILNADU INDIA) I accepted Jesus as my personal Savoir in the year of 1989. I lost my parents as a child, and I completed my high school studies through a Christian orphanage home. In that situation, I could not continue my studies, so I lived on the street like a homeless boy.

During this time, I joined with bad company and friends. At the age of twenty, I was on my own living a worldly lifestyle by drinking, mocking pastors, being involved in cruel political activities, following all sorts of evil practices, mesmerizing people with my own wickedness, and I became a terrific sorcerer.

During one of my routine activities, I drank heavily that day. While in that mood I entered a police station. I had a quarrel with a police officer, and

Debt Paid in Full by a Miracle from God

(Monrovia Liberia) I have been going through a serious situation. I took a loan from the bank last year in October to empower two of my brothers to do a business venture and I planned to pay back the loan to the bank later.

Unfortunately for me, my two brothers ran away with the business and the cash! Up to now, I don't even know where they are. Thinking about this situation, I was able to just share this with a servant of God in Trinidad Tobago whom I got to know through a pastor friend of mine in the same area.

After sharing this with him, I was also having a joint revival service where the organizers were giving out seed envelopes and I really didn't have any money to sow seed, but I was immediately led by the Holy Spirit to take two of those envelopes. I did as the spirit led me and I was able to sow seed.

Right after the second night of the revival service my family and I came

home. While I was able to have my evening devotion, I was just led again by the Holy Spirit to check my message box. I saw a voice message on my phone from this servant of God, so I immediately decided to listen to the message.

While listening, I only heard this servant of God saying to me not to worry, I will underwrite the cost of your loan repayment to the bank. Just forward to me the actual amount you owe the bank and I will pay.

The total amount in question was $800.00 USD. Today I am finally done with that loan. He also asked me to forgive my brother’s loan that caused me this harm.

This is my burning testimony. Our God is always faithful to us in Jesus name. And this is my prayer request; I want God to make a way for my Ministry land project to be completed so we can think about building the house of God. Be cause where we presently worship is not ours, but a school buil-

I was arrested. I stayed in prison in such a bad situation.

My relatives and friends hated me, and I was completely abandoned with no peace of mind. My heart was very heavy, I was not able to eat, sleep or even think.

I concluded that suicide was the only solution for me at that moment. Somehow, I managed to get some poisonous pills. When I was ready to swallow them, I could feel forces preventing me from lifting my hand. Suddenly, I remembered a pastor named Henry and I wanted to confess my sins to him before I committed suicide. I thought this would bring me relief from this world. I managed to meet the pastor and explained to him all my grief. Soon after that, the pastor had great compassion for me. He called me and

said, “My son, come to my home.” I received some relief from that call, and I went to his home. There I was put in the midst of the saints, and they prayed with a great burden and broken heart for me. This was the first time in my life that tears rolled out like never before.

I cried and cried, confessed Jesus and He gave me a brand-new life! Glory to Him, amen. From that day onward, my life was never the same. I praise God for his amazing love and grace. God helped me to complete four years of Bible College. I earned a Bachelor of Theology degree in the year of 19901994. I became a fulltime minister to fulfill His great commission (Matt 28:19-20.) God gave me this vision. Then I said, “Here I am Lord send me.” I decided

to stand in the gap, to make an eternal change in the lives of young people.

After I completed my theological studies, God gave me a vision to challenge young people for Christ by helping the needy, conducting Revival meetings ( Act 1;8), prayer seminars, (I these 5;17) Gospel to the villages and Hills Tribal’s (Isa 61;1) school and colleges,( Ecc 12;1 ) giving counseling to the prisoners and families for free, medical aid to the poorest, and helping the needy Matt 25;40-45.

Contact: Rev Gilgal James Youth Christian Gospel Ministries

EMAIL jamesgilgal@ gmail.com

of Life,

Leads the Way to Overcome

ding, and the room is too congested now for us. We were able to engage one acre of land for the church and are still struggling to complete the payment in a difficult economy. This is my burning request right now. I can hardly sleep. I'm just led again to share my request and challenges faced in Jesus name. Thanks!

Contact: Pastor Emmanuel David

(San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines)

In spite of the storm and deserts encountered in life and in business, there are also people who want to push you out or push you down because of their greediness. They don't care what the outcome is. The only thing that sustains us is being a Bornagain Christian. The Bible says in 1 Peter 1:5

NIV, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. God will give the answer to what they do. To know them and recognize the mistakes they have made.

Romans 8:14 NIV, For those who are led by the Spirit of God, are the children of God. This is the advantage when you

are under the wings of our Almighty God through his Son Jesus Christ our Savior. He will not leave you alone and he will always lead the way to overcome everything at the right time. Just don't stop praying unto Him, He knows what we need every day. Because God is real!

Contact: Jo Jack Jr Dariagan +JESUS IS LORD+

PAGE 9 | JUNE 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 06 FREE - Donations Welcome!
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can perform Marriages, go into Nursing Homes, Jails, and many other advantages.

Florida Is First U.S. State to Ban Central Bank

Digital Currency

FORT MYERS, FL May 16, 2023– Governor Ron DeSantis signed a firstof-itskind legislation last week banning the use of a federally-adopted Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in Florida to protect the freedom of Florida residents. Additionally, the bill also prohibits the use of foreign CBDCs in the state.

Gov. DeSantis said in a press release that the bill is meant to prevent “government overreach” from controlling one’s personal finances and “to protect consumers against globalist efforts to adopt a worldwide digital currency.” SB 7054, which passed in the legislature with strong bipartisan support, revised the definition of money in Florida’s Uniform Commercial Code, the state’s governing laws for commercial transactions, to exclude any CBDC.

On March 9, 2022, the Biden administration issued an executive order to explore a federal CBDC.

Unlike other digital currencies like cryptocurrency or bitcoin, a CBDC would be directly controlled and issued by the government, potentially giving it the ability to see all consumer activity and control what a person can buy or sell. While the U.S. government has yet to formally announce the creation of a federal CBDC, the White House released in September 2022 a framework to guide the “responsible development

of digital assets,” which places an urgency on developing a CBDC should it “be deemed in the national interest” to issue one. “The Biden administration’s efforts to inject a Centralized Bank Digital Currency is about surveillance and control,” said Gov. DeSantis upon first announcing the bill on March 20. “…the reckless adoption of a ‘centralized digital dollar’…will stifle innovation and promote government-sanctioned surveillance.” He further noted that a federal CBDC would “diminish the role of community banks and credit unions in our financial system as CBDC currency would be a direct liability of the Federal government, rather than of a chartered financial institution, shrinking market lending power.”

Upon signing the bill, Gov. DeSantis said, “Biden’s Central Bank Digital Currency aims to increase government control over people’s finances, and we will not allow it. In Florida, we value personal freedom and won’t allow self-interested elites to chip away at our liberty.”

While the Biden administration explores creating a CBDC, the U.S. Federal Reserve would need authorization from the U.S Congress to formally make it legal tender and

issue it to Americans. Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution gives the power to Congress “to coin money” and “regulate the value thereof.” Since Florida’s state-level legislation is the first of its kind and takes aim at a potential federal-level currency, the legal implications are unclear whether the ban would legally withstand a federal mandate to use a CBDC.

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “We commend Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida legislature by providing a model for the U.S. Congress and other states in how to protect against Central Bank Digital Currencies. Digital currencies have one single purpose which is ultimate control over law-abiding citizens. Digital currency is programmable, and once fully implemented, it would give the government tracking and control over peoples’ purchases, actions, and movements. The financial freedom of all Americans is under attack and leaders across the nation need to act to defend the American people from digital currencies.”

Contact: www.lc.org

PAGE 10 | JUNE 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 06 FREE - Donations Welcome! Tabernacle Christian School The best kept secret in Bradenton. 47th Year 1975-2022 Christian Education in a Christian Environment. Founder, Pastor John P. Marlow-61 yrs. in the pulpit of B.G.T. A SAFE, LOVELY, CHRISTIAN CAMPUS, Certified A.C.E. Teachers - Grades K thru 12th Please visit or call our Campus. T.C.S. 1218 7th Avenue East, Bradenton, Fl 34208 (941)746-1915 | tschool9@tampabay.rr.com www.facebook.com/tschool9
Reasons I Believe we are at the End of the Age of Grace 1. Israel became a nation in 1948 (last time was 606 BC) 2. Search for Red Heifer increases, 5 arrive in Israel, will be 1st in 2000 years 3. Acceptance of Militant homosexuality, transgenderism, and sexual perversions 4. Transhumanism development and thinking AI to be better than God 5. The Mandating of gene therapy experimental drugs, related to pharmakeia in Scripture 6. The legal murder of innocent babies (up to 28 days old) and the rise of euthanasia 7. The rise of the coming CBDC digital currency related to world control Rev 13.17 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. -Matthew 3:3 "Believe, repent while there is still time…" -Pastor Chuck Kennedy MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT PLANS MONTHLY STARTING AT $46 FEMALE & $52 MALE!!! ENROLL YEAR ROUND Text "Med Supp" to 941-447-4538 for details Leave an Eternal Legacy! TITHE A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY to your Church, Christian School, or Missions, *inexpensive *many guaranteed acceptance Free consultation Pastor Chuck Kennedy c.kennedy@alphaandomegainsuranceagency.com Scan for a free Quote
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Chuck Kennedy years PASTOR CHUCK KENNEDY

Miracle Testimonies God has Done in My Life

(Dandora, Nairobi Area, Kenya) My name is Yusuf Mutei and I am from Kenya. I am a born-again Christian as I believe in Jesus Christ my Lord.

The testimony I would like to tell you is that I joined my primary school and finished it without using any drugs. I then went on to vocational training and did it without using any drugs or illegal substances in my life. I thank God for that in that He gave me good direction.

I say this because most of my youth were using drugs, smoking weed, or drinking alcohol. These things lead to further sin like fornication and thoughts that tell you to commit crimes. That is why I thank God so much for giving me direction and keeping me from these things.

So, I thank the Lord for getting me through all levels of my schooling including vocational training without drugs or alcohol. He is faithful and I give Him the glory and the credit.

I did not have the money to pay for my schooling. I would try to hunt animals for it, but it was not enough. I did not give up, I would just pray. Then God led me to a pastor in South Africa who sponsored me all the way through secondary school. God is so faithful.

About two weeks ago I

A Glimpse at My Life

From Page 3 day was the next day. You can tell all that was happening had nothing to do with what I was saying or doing. This was all God. I know God is no respecter of persons and I believe if you put your trust in Him and be faithful and believe what He says in His Word, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” He proves Himself. In that time, I was able to forgive the ex-husband and his girlfriend. They married and inherited two million dollars. My depen-


found myself without money for food. I went for three days without eating. I tried to reach friends and family to help but they were also suffering and unable to assist. They faced the same problem as me.

I contemplated contacting a pastor friend in another country, but I was afraid to ask thinking he may give me a negative answer. So before going to sleep one night, I prayed to the Lord and talked with Him about this dire situation. Then I texted the Pastor. Afterward, I fell asleep. Upon awakening the next morning there was a message on my phone. The message was from the Pastor telling me he had sent money for food. Praise the Lord. God did that miracle for me!

During my secondary school, I always had a dream. My dream was that one day I would have a friend in America, another country, that was my special dream. So, one day I was on my Facebook and came across this post saying, “God Heals”. It caught my interest, God Heals.

I wrote to the Pastor on this post about God Heals and came to become friends with him. That was a miracle that we would become friends so far away. This is my dream fulfilled by a miracle of God, to have a friend from another country. I was in Kenya,

dency was on God as my source, nothing and no one else. In the 6 years I got alimony I was able to adjust and know I could support myself. God has always met my needs. God always filled every need I had…I have a home and was able to see my ex-husband and his wife through God's eyes and not mine. This made it so much easier to pray for them.

Did I re-marry? I could write a book on what all went on during those times. I dated men that made my son look old and men that made my father look young. It just wasn't happening, and it was God showing me how I was going to be used. For over 40 years I work-


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and he was in America. Again, God did this for me.

Now since I met that pastor and we became friends, the Lord has given me so many more friends in America and other places. He is a God of abundance. I now have over 300 friends from all over the world. God answered my prayers and dream, to get

ed for an Evangelist, and she taught Spiritual Warfare and back then I was ready to preach, and it was like God saying, “You were so not ready.” He was right.... then as I got through all that happened and believe me, I'm only telling you bits and pieces. If I wrote what all God did for me, I would be taking up the whole newspaper. I teach God's Word and Counsel those that God puts in my path to learn how to get through this life depending on Him and Him only. My calling is to Equip the Saints. I have been a minister since 1980 and have been Born--Again since 1967 this happened when some character

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friends from another country. Thank you Jesus.

What God does for me; He will do for you also. Just ask Him believing you receive, and He will do it. God has a plan for each of us and there is nothing that can stop it if we will not give up, only believe.

Contact: Yusuf Mutei +++

tried to assault me but was not successful. God then through prayer took all fear away from me....God molded me into what I do now. I got into sales and learned how to talk to people I didn't know and not be afraid to speak in front of 10,000 people. I learned the authority we walk in and work with the homeless on the streets in St. Louis. In 1979 God connected me with an Evangelist and she had a live radio broadcast. The Ministry was called End Times Ministry…I see now all we studied back then looks more real than ever.

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PAGE 11 | JUNE 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 06 FREE - Donations Welcome!
Help & Encouragement after the death of a loved one. MONDAYS 7 - 9 PM Restoration Fellowship 5614 Richardson Rd. Sarasota, FL Contact Phyllis: 941-284-1255 Griefshare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. By Yusuf Mutei | www.facebook.com/amedi.yusuf.98

‘Death Sentence for Millions’ WHO, EU Launch New Global Vaccine Passport Initiative

► This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website.

https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/ who-eu-global-vaccine-passport-initiative/ Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender's Top News of the Day. It's free.

The World Health Organization (WH

O) and the European Commission — the executive branch of the European Union (EU) — on Monday launched a “landmark digital health partnership” marking the beginning of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) to promote a global interoperable digital vaccine passport.

such data collection “would continue to be the exclusive domain of governments.”

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus lauded the new agreement:

“Building on the EU’s highly successful digital certification network, WHO aims to offer all WHO Member States access to an open-source digital health tool, which is based on the principles of equity, innovation, transparency and data protection and privacy.

“New digital health products in development aim to help people everywhere receive quality health services quickly and more effectively.”

However, experts who spoke with The Defender said the ramifications of such a system for human liberty and freedom of movement raised concerns.

the WHO-European Commission collaboration came just days after the conclusion of the WHO’s annual World Health Assembly (WHA). While the pandemic treaty and IHR amendments were not finalized at this year’s meeting, high-level WHO officials warned of the risk of a future pandemic and spread of a deadly “Disease X,” and expressed the need to “restrict personal liberties” during a future health emergency.


According to Roguski, the EU, during negotiations for the IHR amendments, put forth proposals that seek to “‘normalize’ the implementation of a global digital health certificate.”

The Czech Republic called for Passenger Locator Forms “containing information concerning traveller’s destination,” preferably in digital form, for the purpose of contact tracing.

They also proposed that the WHO’s Health Assembly “may adopt, in cooperation with the International Civil Aviation Organization [ICAO] … and other relevant organisations, the requirements that documents in digital or paper form shall fulfill with regard to interoperability of information technology platforms, technical requirements of health documents, as well as safeguards to reduce the risk of abuse and falsification.”

The WHO lists ICAO as an officially recognized “stakeholder.”

the digital documentation of COVID-19 certificates, comprising recommendations on the data, digital functionality, ethics, and trust architecture needed to ensure the interoperability of immunization and health records globally.”

The WHO also announced the successful completion of a “technical feasibility study for establishing a federated global trust network, which tested the ability to interoperate the health content and trust networks across existing regional efforts.”

EU officials have frequently praised themselves over the launch of the bloc’s “Green Pass,” touting how individuals’ privacy would be protected on the app.

The introduction of the “Green Pass” was accompanied by statements by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen calling for a “discussion” on mandatory vaccinations in the EU.

United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and in particular, Target 16.9, which calls calls for the provision of a digital legal identity for all, including newborns, by 2030.

Tedros said the SDG's are "our north star ” while adaddressing this year’s WHA.

Rectenwald called “pandemic passports” a “death sentence for millions.” He told The Defender:

“Despite the studies demonstrating that vaccines to curb pandemics have been deadly and useless, the WHO is doubling down on vaccine mandates.

“Pandemic passports equal a death sentence for millions and the abrogation of rights for the non-compliant. The WHO should be stopped before it completes the construction of a global totalitarian system.”

Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

Beginning this month, the WHO will adopt the EU’s system of digital COVID-19 certification “to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from ongoing and future health threats, including pandemics,” according to Monday’s announcements by the WHO and the European Commission.

The WHO and European Commission claim the GDHCN initiative, which has been in the works since 2021, “will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.”

The organizations said the WHO will not collect individuals’ person al data via these digital passports — stating that

Independent journalist James Roguski told The Defender the WHO is not waiting for a successful conclusion of these negotiations in order to implement initiatives such as a global digital vaccine passport. He said: “The announcement by the WHO and the European Commission regarding the launch of their digital health partnership was hardly a surprise. Over a month ago, the WHO quietly published that they were working on ‘operationalizing’ the very things that were being ‘negotiated.’

“This is just one example that clearly shows that the super-secret ‘negotiations’ regarding the International Health Regulations (IHR) are a charade.”

Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., author of “Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag & the Simulation of Freedom,” told The Defender that, under the guise of preserving freedom, a digital passport system “means restraints on movement and living for the unvaccinated and forced vaccination to participate in life.”

The announcement of

The EU has been a strong proponent of digital vaccine passports, first launched for its member states in late 2020 —concurrent with the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccines — under the name “Green Pass.” The EU’s experience with the digital passes is noted in Monday’s announcement, which states:

“One of the key elements in the European Union’s work against the COVID-19 pandemic has been digital COVID-19 certificates. To facilitate free movement within its borders, the EU swiftly established interoperable COVID-19 certificates.

“Based on open-source technologies and standards it allowed also for the connection of non-EU countries that issue certificates … becoming the most widely used solution around the world.”

Roguski told The Defender the EU also was among the strongest proponents of vaccine passports during ongoing negotiations for the WHO’s “pandemic treaty” and amendments to the IHR.

“They really want the global digital health certificate,” Roguski told The Defender in March.

“Primarily, that’s coming from the European Union.”

The Czech Republic and the EU proposed documentation not just for vaccination, but “test certificates and recovery certificates” in cases “where a vaccine or prophylaxis has not yet been made available for a disease in respect of which a public health emergency of international concern has been declared.”

Plans for the WHO’s GDHCN have been in the works since at least August 2021, when the WHO released a document titled “Digital documentation of COVID-19 certificates: vaccination status: technical specifications & implementation guidance, 27 August 2021.”

The GDHCN framework made its way onto the agenda of this year’s WHA, which stated: “The Secretariat has developed SMART(Standardsbased, Machine- readable, Adaptive, Requirementsbased, and Testable)

Guidelines on

One of the EU’s stated priorities as part of its 2019 -2024 five-year plan is to plan is to create a “Digital Identity for all Europeans.”

Namely, each EU citizen and resident would have access to a “personal digital wallet,” which would include national ID cards, birth and medical certificates, & drivers’ licenses. These proposals and initiatives appear to be closely aligned with the

Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., based in Athens, Greece, is a senior reporter for The Defender and part of the rotation of hosts for CHD.TV's "Good Morning CHD." Sign up for free news and updates from Children’s Health Defense. CHD focuses on legal strategies to defend the health of our children and obtain justice for those injured. We can't do it without your support ► This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BYNC-ND 4.0. Please consider ► subscribing to The Defender or ► donating to Children’s Health Defense.

PAGE 12 | JUNE 2023 • Vol. 10, No. 06
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‘Pandemic passports a death sentence for mill- Technology expert Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., told The Defender that, under the guise of preserving freedom, a digital passport system “means restraints on movement and living for the unvaccinated and forced vaccination to participate in life.”

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