status: October 2011
The voice of the Hessian economy The umbrella organisation of the employers‘ and business associations in Hesse 63 member associations Representing 150,000 member companies Representing about 1.5 million employees
Office of the Confederation of German Employers‘ Associations (BDA) and of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) Head organisation of the voluntarily organized Hessian economy
VhU represents the interests of all business sectors Banks and insurance companies … … automotive industry and suppliers … … mechanical engineering, electrical and optical industries … … chemical and pharmaceutical industries… … commerce and craft … … farmers and gardeners … … newspaper publishers and printing industry … … and other sectors VhU has the right answers and solutions for associations and their companies in Hesse
VhU represents the interests of all business sectors With clear positions and publications With figures attracting media attention With a prominent network of decision-makers
Over the entire range of political and economic issues
VhU is close to you
We are familiar with local needs in Hesse!
VhU networks across Germany, …
e. g. “Berlin-Tag 2010“ – regular dialogue with federal politicians
‌ and even across Europe!
e. g. visits of delegations to Geneva or Brussels
VhU is ‌ ‌ the driving force for reforms and excellence ... the head organisation of the voluntarily organized Hessian economy
E. g. practical assistance in the field of education policy Professional orientation for potential trainees and students Transfer of knowledge from industry to schools
Promoting careers and professions in schools and universities, with focus on MINT (mathematics, informatics, sciences and technology) Expert advice for companies on proposed partnerships with kindergardens, schools and colleges Support and establishment of networks of companies and universities regarding research transfer programmes Lobbying: commentaries on laws and regulations, political concepts and issues, public relations
E.g. practical assistance in the field of human resources policy Trend assessment of human resources policy, current human resources policy issues Expansion of dual study courses, knowledge and technology transfer university/industry Regional training networks between industry, vocational schools, educational authorities and the Ministry of Education and Culture Development of training occupations for new industries: dialogue marketing New concept of education and training statistics, implementation at the federal level Lobbying the state government in all matters of education and training, representation of the industry in committees, and dialogue with ministries Development of the vocational education system: innovation award for vocational schools and model projects
Educational network
approx. 700 employees + 1,000 freelancers
Kompass Frankfurt
Support of more than 4,700 start-up companies
Ausbildungsagentur (education agency) Wiesbaden
Case management for 15 – 25 year olds
Consult Personaldienstleistungen (human resources services)
Transfer companies and temporary work
Temporary work
E.g. practical assistance in the field of social policy Claims for damages Claims for educational grants Direct contact Collaboration on health insurance issues Social security law issues Support measures Tariffs of wage compensation funds Retirement age Migration and integration
E.g. advice on economic policy
Transportation policy Airport expansion Active noise protection Against air traffic surcharge Forum airport & region
Expansion of the road network Development of the IT/TC infrastructure
E.g. advice on economic policy Energy and environmental policy
(Joint declaration on the planned increase of electricity costs for the German industry due to higher energy and electricity taxes)
E.g. materials: guide
industrial and social (insurance) law Sample Contact
VhU is ‌ ‌ the driving force for reforms and excellence ... the head organisation of the voluntarily organized Hessian economy
Important topics (in reform-driven conflicts) 1.
To stimulate investments: Expansion of the airport and active noise protection Shift in mentality in favour of “Industrieplatz Hessen“ Supply of credit to medium-sized businesses
To activate human capital Family oriented approach, demography Education and retention of skilled personnel
To mobilise the labour market Development of Hartz IV Pension age: 67
To consolidate the budget Debt break incorporated in the constitution Solving the debt crisis
Shift in mentality in favour of “Industrieplatz Hessen“
Steering committee IPH
Company, skilled personnel, family, integration
Education Network 104 freelancers In 28 working groups All over Hesse
Results in 2010
348 events 5,894 participants 10,500 pupils Cooperation with 498 businesses and 247 schools 236 publications in the media
Education Congress SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT 2011 in Friedberg
7th MINT trade show Hesse
Education Partners in Leadership 422 pupils in 17 courses 6 articles in FR
6th students competition
School policy and education Autonomous school Master plan requested Strengthening of private schools Educational forum
Strengthing of private schools
Model for public schools Increasing the number of schools Better financing Making public schools more efficient
The university for teachers Concentration of teacher education in Hesse/set-up of one university for teachers Targeting of funds from the Higher Education Pact
Reform of higher education Expansion of the autonomous university Integration of knowledge transfer in the law on Higher Education
Supply of credit to medium-sized businesses in times of crisis
Massive extension of the guarantee limit Central crisis hotline Informational events Support of businesses Guidelines for future-oriented lending
The “Hessische Unternehmertag“
The “Hessische Unternehmertag (HUT)“ as a forum for dialogue between politicians and business leaders
Hesse's most prestigious company contest
VhU is ‌ ‌ the driving force for reforms and excellence ... the head organisation of the voluntarily organized Hessian economy
First point of contact for state politicians
e.g. “Jahrestreffen Politik-Wirtschaft“ (annual meeting of politicians and business leaders)
The best opportunity for bilateral conversations with state politicians
First point of contact for state politicians
Annual meeting of the Cabinet and Presidium
The right setting to discuss controversial issues
Dialogue politics/economy Four party leaders hold discussions with four high-ranking business leaders.
In dialogue with… … Hessian ministers of state, e.g.
Dorothea Henzler Hessian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs at the “Hauptschultag“ Jörg-Uwe Hahn Hessian Ministry of Justice, for Integration and Europe; Hessian deputy prime minister at the “Tag der Hessischen Industrie“ (day of the Hessian industry) Stefan Grüttner Hessian Ministry for Employment, Health and Social Affairs
… the parliamentary groups of the “Landtag“ CDU
Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen
Politics - economy – media Fully networked with VhU
VhU is‌ ‌ the driving force for reforms and excellence ... the head organisation of the voluntarily organized Hessian economy
Effective lobbying to guarantee entrepreneurial freedom‌ e.g. accident insurance
e.g. labour market
‌ especially for a future-oriented and adequate social security
e.g. corporate tax reform
e.g. less red tape
Results and outcomes for the economy Debt break incorporated in the constitution Model region for electro-mobility Environmental alliance Energy policy with a sense of proportion
VhU is listened to, seen, read and clicked on…
Internet TV / radio Press conferences
Energy Budget HessenTransfer (initiative of VhU/DGB) Labour market
VhU is listened to, seen, read and clicked on‌ Brochures Daily newspapers Campaigns
Conceptual mastermind
Your experienced leadership for constructive and critical political campaigns
Strong voluntary engagement: our Presidium
The organisational structure of VhU
Managing Director Volker Fasbender Emil-von-Behring-Straße 4, 60439 Frankfurt am Main Phone: 069 95808-130
Regional offices Darmstadt Wolfgang Drechsler Phone: 06151 2985-0
Fulda Manfred Baumann Phone 0661 10087-88
Kassel Klemens Diezemann Phone: 0561 1091-50
Frankfurt / Wiesbaden Friedrich Avenarius Phone: 069 95808-231
Hanau Franz Wolf Phone: 06181 9975-10
Wetzlar Dr. Dirk Hohn Phone: 06441 7008-0
Administration, personnel and finances Jürgen Hintz Phone: 069 95808-140
Educational and social policy
Press, communication Dr. Ulrich Kirsch Phone: 069 95808-150
Labour market and social policy
Jörg E. Feuchthofen Phone: 069 95808-210
Dr. Werner Scherer Phone: 069 95808-200
coordinator politics
coordinator VhU
Industrial relations Dr. Helmut Rau Phone: 069 95808-160
Economic and environmental policy Dr. Clemens Christmann Phone: 069 95808-220
coordinator HESSENMETALL
Training and human resources policy Charlotte Venema Phone: 069 95808-296
Judiciary Dr. Franz-Josef Rose Phone: 069 95808-170
Shape the future of Hesse‌
‌ by joining and participating in our decision-making network!