• 24h a day protection.
• Protects inaccessible areas.
• Inhibits the development of 99.99% of germs.
• Prevents the formation of biofilm.
• Active for 5 years.
• Perfectly ecological.

Powerful antibacterial action harmless when in contact with skin
PUREZONE® films contain silver ions which are set free from the top layer when they come into contact with humidity. These reactive ions rapidly block and destroy bacteria, preventing them from multiplying between two cleaning and disinfection operations.

PUREZONE® film can applied everywhere
Reduction of strain in

Gives a guaranteed bacteria reduction of 99.99%
Assessment and analysis of irritation effect on human skin shows no irritant effect, which demonstrates good skin compatibility and makes this completely safe on human skin.
HEXIS PUREZONE® antibacterial film
• Smooth and sleek, so easy to clean.
• Perfectly waterproof.
• Easy to apply, without disrupting you organisation.
• Ideal for all areas subject to health constraints.
• Resistant to most chemical agents, alcohol, diluted acids, oils.

Antimicrobial protection for surfaces with high level of hygienic requirements

Film composed of transparent cast polymeric PVC of 60 microns, containing antimicrobial agents, coated with a pressure-sensitive solvent acrylic adhesive. Intended for antimicrobial protection of surfaces in areas that require a high degree of hygiene (public areas, around-food, wet rooms, hospitals, etc.).
PURZON060B 60µm Gloss
PURZON060M 60µm Matt Product

None adhesive film consisting of a 100-μm, transparent, cast PVC containing silver ions-based antimicrobial agents. Intended for antimicrobial protection and shielding purposes in areas requiring a high level of hygiene. Active on the following bacterial strains (according to ISO 22196) Golden staph (Staphylococcus aureus), Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Salmonella (Salmonelle enterica), Listeria (Listeria monocytogenes), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
PURECOVER 100µm Gloss

Film composed of a 50-µm, ultra-transparent extruded PET. Intended to create a physical barrier between people, preventing direct spread by droplet transmission.

Say goodbye to bacteria with the new PUREZONE®