Hey Boomers June Edition

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JUNE 2012

Max Walker The Aussie cricket legend takes us on a tour of his island home...

also inside Win tickets to Opera Warriors at the Sydney Opera House!

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Who’s a boomer? IS S UE 7 J UNE 2012

Inside this issue... Who’s a Boomer? .... Page 2 Opera Warriors Give Away ................ Page 4 Look Good Feel Good ................. Page 5 Computer Savvy ...... Page 6 Boomers Finance ..... Page 8 Let’s Travel ................ Page 9 Book Review & Give Away .............. Page 22 It’s Entertainment ... Page 23 Brain Benders puzzles ..................... Page 30

Hey! Boomers

Suite 169, 3 Holtermann St, Crows Nest NSW 2065

To advertise in the next edition, call 1300 972 141 or visit: www.heyboomers.com.au Disclaimer This publication is intended as an information source only and is not in any way an endorsement of any product or service mentioned. Every effort has been made to ensure the information in this publication is up to date and correct at time of printing. The publisher does not accept responsibility for an errors, omissions or inaccuracies. No representation is made as to the quality or suitability for any purpose of any goods or services offered by any organisations in this publication. Linked Websites This publication and its website contains links to other websites. Those links are provided for convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained, and Hey! Boomers is not responsible for the content or privacy practices associated with linked websites. Links with linked websites should not be constructed as an endorsement, approval or recommendation by Hey! Boomers of the owners or operators of those linked websites, or of any information, graphics, materials, goods or services referred to or contained on those linked websites, unless and to the extent we stipulate to the contrary.

For those of you born between 1946– 1964, life’s no longer about growing old gracefully; it’s about living a passionate life in retirement and celebrating your lifestyle! There are 5.3 million baby boomers, making up 24 per cent of the population, with the oldest turning 66 this year. With the end of World War 2 in 1945, Australia’s servicemen and women returned and family life resumed after an interruption of almost six years of wartime conflict. Nine months later saw the start of a population revolution as childbirth rates soared - more than four million Australians were born between 1946-1965. People born during this period became known as Baby Boomers who changed Australia (and the world) in the second half of the 20th century.

From Hula Hoops and Pogo Sticks to Yo Yo’s and Frisbees, Disco and Line Dancing to the Twist, the Stomp and Rock n Roll, Woodstock and Flowers, Bikinis and Mini Skirts; Baby Boomers have lived through the best times of the 20th Century!

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Max Walker - “Tangles” from Tasmania Max Walker was born in Tasmania in 1948. Max started his sports career when he played Australian rules football with the Melbourne Football Club from 1967 to 1972. He was a ruckman and defender who played 85 games and kicked 23 goals. He played senior football at VFL level, never playing locally in Tasmania. After his foray in football, Max then moved to cricket and played 70 first-class games for Victoria and 38 Tests for Australia, taking 138 wickets as a medium-fast bowler. He played in 29 ODI’s between 1974 and 1981, including matches during World Series Cricket from 1977 to 1979. His strange bowling action, particularly the way he moved his feet, earned him the nickname of “Tangles” or “Tanglefoot”. Max, although most famous for his sporting exploits, is also the author of 14 books with his sales exceeding 1 million copies. This includes seven Number 1 best sellers. His first book was Tangles (written with Neil Phillipson), was published in 1976 while his fourteenth book Caps, Hats and Helmets came out in 2006. Max has also written many light hearted books including The Wit of Walker, How to Kiss a Crocodile and How to Hypnotise Chooks. On 13 June 2011, Max was named a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for service to cricket at a national and international level as a player and commentator, and to the community through a range of youth and social welfare organisations. Max is currently very passionate about steering his corporate ship; aiming to inspire and motivate people through his

g, public speaking, MCing, hosting and his numerous business interests. Max loves people and conversation and says “we have two ears and one mouth for a reason... it pays to listen more than we speak”. Max also loves to indulge in travel to exotic and ancient destinations, but for this month’s edition of Hey Boomers, he travels back to his island home to share with us his story “What I love about Tasmania”. Turn to page 9 and enjoy! 3

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The exquisite visual feast integrates elaborate sets, beautiful costumes, dynamic lighting and original music AT THE SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE, 14–16 JUNE. BOOKING 9250 7777. The Opera Warriors tells a story of three fantastically talented Peking Opera actors their lives and their deaths, their loves and fears, and their shared struggles to bring outstanding beauty to the stage. The Peking Opera is renown for its artistic charm and unique performance styles, but very few know of the hardship actors undergo in training. Set in the northern part of China in the early 20th century, three young proteges study under the same theatrical master. After completing their training, they join a theatrical troupe until their lives diverge when destiny takes hand.

Ticket Give Away


Hey! Boomers has three double passes to “Opera Warriors” at 7:30pm on Thursday 14th June to give away. To win, simply email your entry to: heyboomers@bigond.com Entries close Monday 11th June.

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Feel good, look good from the inside out! Monavie juices are the elixir of life If there was ever a product which could be hailed as the “elixir of life”, it would be Monavie’s acai based nutritional supplement juice, which aids in joint health and promotes a healthy heart. The acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry has been proclaimed as the King of the superfoods, and found only in the Brazilian rainforest, the acai has been prized as a source of health, energy and longevity. Monavie is the only company to hold patents on how acai is harvested, the company’s freeze dried acai is unparalleled in its antioxidant strength. Monavie’s freeze-dried acai boast more than 15 times the antioxidant capacity of whole blueberries and more than 20 times the antioxidant capacity of whole raspberries. Antioxidants help neutralise free radicals, which are the nasty cells which damage healthy cells in your body. Free radicals are highly reactive chemical substances which have been implicated in the ageing process, as well as many health related conditions including cancer and heart disease. Monavie’s juice contains 19 fruits, including the acai berry, and has been clinically proven to give regular consumers an increase in energy, better health, an overall sense of wellbeing, and a decrease in minor aches and pains associated

with exercise, over-exertion and everyday living. There are three varieties, Original, Active (contains plant-derived glucosamine for joint health) and Pulse (added plant sterols and resveratrol for a healthy heart). Sharron (last name withheld) from Sydney started drinking Monavie juice (which tastes great) to help ease pain in her joints, particularly her wrist. “The arthritis in my damaged wrist was no longer painful and I had such better movement. My energy levels soared and I felt fantastic. Not only that every part of my body was thriving, my hair, my nails, the whites of my eyes were so bright and my skin looked flawless. Sharron decided to stop drinking Monavie juice, but found her energy levels had dropped and her wrist had started to ache again. “I felt quite lousy to tell you the truth. I eat well, exercise and do all the right things yet I couldn’t get the same feeling of well being from any vitamins or tablets I tried,” she said. “So I decided it just wasn’t worth it and managed to re order the juice. “I can honestly say I will never go off the juice again; the results I felt were so great if I hadn’t have experienced it as I did I would not have believed just how fantastic this product is. I thank you for introducing me to Monavie and the “elixir of life” (I call it.)“ To order Monavie juice, please call Brooke on 0438 677 588 or order online from www.berryhealthybody.com.au 5

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Computer Savvy with George Kimpton Graphics, video and all that stuff... In this issue and probably at least two following issues we will take a look at how much fun you can have and just what you can create on your computer. If you are into Photos we will deal with that first but we will also look at drawing graphics and creation plus Video Editing and all at a very good price, maybe even how to make your own website. I will be dealing with the Corel Software with the main package CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 first up. The package consists of a number of programs, Corel Draw, Corel Photo-Paint, Corel Connect, Corel Capture, a Duplexing Wizard and a range of Video Tutorials.. Later I will deal with Video Studio which has moved so far lately that it is a real competitor for more expensive Video Editing software and last, Corel Aftershot Pro, which is professional level photo editing at an unbelievable price. What it can’t do is not worth bothering about. One thing about Corel they are not greedy price wise. So we will have something for most serious users in the next few months as Corel has always been a leader in its field and from these last contributions intends to stay out there at very competitive prices. Just add a drawing pad to replace the mouse and you will be amazed just great the results will be. Nothing is impossible with this package.

Apart from the usual Brightness, Contrast etc I have discovered a very useful tool, one of many that make Photo a must for anyone into working photos on their computer. It is called Smart Carver. I recently took a photo of my grand daughter (below) and when I loaded it on to the computer you can see a vase of flowers growing out of her head! With

Since photos are a popular medium for recording travels and family gatherings lets first up look at Photo – Paint X6. 6 HeyBoomers_JUN12.indd 6

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Carver I successfully removed the flowers just as if they didn’t exist as seen in the next picture. It was just a matter of highlighting the part to remove and hey presto it was gone. There are so many things that you can do with this package which comes with around 15,000 clip arts and high resolution digital photos plus templates. Connect scans and finds clip art for you rather than having to scan through all of them your self. Capture allows you to capture part or all of the screen display and save or print it out. PowerTRACE allows you to convert Bitmap photos into vector art to use with Draw itself. It also comes with a series of video tutorials made by our own Scott Georgeson. Scott has loads of videos available to show you just how to achieve magic with X6 including the one I mentioned above where I removed the vase of flowers. Both Draw and Photo operate on a layer system which allows you to create very complex and interesting projects. Apart from that you can totally manipulate photos in a way you wouldn’t believe. For example just a few tool choices, Image adjustment lab, Straighten Image, Contrast Enhancement, Local Equalisation, Histogram Equalisation, Tone Curve, Gamma and many more in the Adjust menu.. In Effects menu, 3D effects, Art Strokes, Blur, Contour, Sharpen, Texture and more again. Both Draw and Photo open a whole new world to you to create graphics projects containing a combination of photo bit maps and drawn artwork using the layers and trace tools.

The world is your oyster when it comes to creating useful and works of art. The only limitation is your imagination. Have a look at the extra pics. With a sketch pad and as shown by Scott in his videos anything is possible even the unbelievable. There is no need to end up with photos from your family reunion or that special trip that make you cringe. Photo can fix them and Draw will allow you present them in the best possible way. There are loads of templates if you are not artistic and wherever you go there are loads of hints to make working easier. I could go on for pages of info but space does not permit so a visit to the web site www.corel.com will allow you see just how versatile this package is with many videos to give a better appreciation of its capabilities. More next month. 7

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Boomers Finance: The Savvy Investor Venn Williams of Halogen Private Wealth Services explains “What now for investors after the budget and a big interest rate cut?” The 1st of May 2012 may well be remembered as the day that investors began to start falling out of love with term deposits as rates start to fall below the psychological 5% level. There has been a dramatic growth in term deposits, particularly from the onset of the GFC. The RBA’s recent move will force term deposit yields lower. It is not often that dividend yields are higher than bond and term deposit yields. On the other hand shares like e.g. Telstra are trading on a forecast of 10-12 % gross yields. Some bank shares are now paying dividends of around double the rate of their term deposits at around 8-9% gross. Consider the following example of having $100k invested at 5% with one of the major banking institutions or having $100k spread across 3-4 high yielding shares. $100k @ 5% will give you an annual return of $5000 and you will have to add this amount to your income and pay tax on this at your marginal rate. This could see you return drop to around $3,500 or 3.5% Now if the $100k was across some shares paying franked dividends of around 8% that would give you an annual return of

$8000. Depending on your marginal rate this could be tax free making over $4000 difference over the year. That will certainly pay for a holiday. Even with no growth on these shares, the dividends look likely to beat cash and term deposits rates for the foreseeable future. It really is time to buy the bank shares and not the deposit. We are seeing some movement away from cash especially in the self managed superannuation area. This should begin to have a flow on affect for rest of the Stock market and will help the non mining sector begin to recover. If you think it’s time to review your position and look to moving away from cash to a better strategy contact us now. Venn Williams is a Financial Adviser and Director with Halogen Private Wealth Services. He can be contacted at venn. williams@halogen.com.au He is also author of the bestselling book Rocket your way to Financial Independence and writes a monthly newsletter The Savvy Investor which you can subscribe to at www.halogen.com.au

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JUNE 2012

The tracks of Tassie - bushwalking & touring the apple isle... 9 HeyBoomers_JUN12.indd 9

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What I love about Tasmania Aussie cricket legend Max Walker shares his story with Hey Boomers. The most powerful aspect of my place of birth is the magnetism of going home. An emotional attachment to people and place … growing up in Hobart behind a shop and later in the backyard of a favourite water hole, in so many dimensions, was the underpinning of the person I am today. My roots are deep. If I close my eyes … using imagination and association, it is so easy to press the ‘play’ button on my neck-top computer. This is especially so when flying into Hobart … an attack on the senses. As a schoolboy at Friends’ School, midwinter the football teams (underage competition) would run along 5 Mile Beach. Wonderful taste of wind-born sea spray. The course texture of the sand between the toes … first dry then cold, wet, compact as we skirted the ebbing waters edge. We take for granted the sound of waves breaking and the glider like seagulls suspended, hanging in the breeze like kites with sand-bites! Finally, body spent and sweating, heart pounding, cheeks red, we are commanded to run headlong into the murky green water. The feeling of immersion in icy salt water is unforgettable. Bracing, breath-taking and beyond common sense. An instant coolant. Legs like fluorescent light globes take on a blue grey tinge … so too the ribcage. Still wearing the coarse sleeveless football jumper and Junco shorts, we retreat to the windswept beach. Cold, shivering, refreshed … dry towel and nakedness the big reward. Character building ... difficult to comprehend at the time. We seek sanctuary in the sand dunes. There is no shelter. Our young minds buzzing …

body tingling. What has this got to do with football? Not much. But a lot to do with growing up in Tasmania. I must admit it is four plus decades since I swam in Tassie waters … next stop Antarctica … yesterday’s ice! I love the romance and history of Salamanca Place and the inky black waters of Constitution Dock. Sandstone buildings whisper the unspoken stories. The taste of crayfish and scallops beckon. When I was a kid the scallops were so large in diameter, my dear Mum would have to chop them into quarters in order to prepare her special curried scallops. My Dad sold beer and claret in his pub. Today Tassie food and beverages are world class. The thing that surprises me in return is the creativity play – boutique labels, designs, products seek out my attention. Exciting, stimulating and satisfying to see. The Tasmanian Tiger is compelling. So too the Devil and especially the island. When I’m away experiencing my chosen journey at frantic pace, I miss the gentle pace of Tassie - that ability to totally live in the ‘now’ – no unsustainable deadlines and expectations. Talk, smile, eat, drink. Yes … if I had the time I’d share much more! What I love most about Tasmania is that I’m able to proudly call it home!

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Tasmanian Devil, an endangered species

Picturesque golf courses are plentiful Max is an Ambassador for the Devil Ark program and says “Tasmanian Devil’s are crying for our help. We all must do what we can to save this species”. To show your support, head to www.devilark.com.au HeyBoomers_JUN12.indd 11

Salamenca Markets

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Tasmania - Isle of Adventure: Part Two Walk a deserted beach, collect wild oysters or simply relax and enjoy the spectacular scenery...there’s so much to see and do in Tasmania. Tasmania has hundreds of managed walking tracks, covering more than 3000 kilometres, through a variety of landscapes, all in one compact island. From World Heritage wilderness, to dramatic coastlines, remote mountain ranges and sparkling alpine lakes – in Tasmania you can see it all on foot. Tasmania’s many national parks and reserves have excellent facilities for walkers: registrations points, information centres, huts, campsites and more. There are a range of multi-day expeditions to challenge the seasoned hiker, and to change the way you think about wilderness and landscape. Tasmania also has a variety of shorter walks, where spectacular waterfalls and stunning vistas can be reached within an hour of leaving the car. Guided bushwalks are also available in some areas, where an experienced guide with specialist knowledge of the flora, fauna and natural heritage of the area will enrich the walking experience. GREAT TASMANIAN WALKS: Frenchmans Cap This walk offers a perfect three to four-day trip – forests and buttongrass, lakes and bogs, crags and valleys, and a superb peak to ascend. Tasmania’s highestaltitude Huon pines fringe the banks of Lake Vera, where there is a good hut for campers. Port Davey This is a multi-day southwest

wilderness walk following the historic route to Port Davey and Bathurst Harbour, which must be crossed by dinghy before continuing south. Freycinet National Park Freycinet National Park offers a multi-day circuit featuring granite sea crags, coastal bushland, beachside camping and clean, blue-green water. On the way there, the track climbs over the Hazards to Wineglass Bay and onto Cooks Beach. The return route to Coles Bay is through open forest and by cliff tops overlooking Great Oyster Bay. South Coast Track This is a demanding but thoroughly rewarding 5-10 day walk along the wild south coast, with a thrilling light plane flight from Hobart to start or finish the trip. Following a route used by Tasmanian Aborigines, the track runs from Cockle


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Creek to Melaleuca in the Southwest National Park. Walkers traverse two mountain ranges, wade several rivers, cross a lagoon by dinghy, negotiate many swampy plains and wander remote wilderness beaches. Overland Track Widely regarded as one of the world’s best, this 5-8 day walk threads through the heart of the Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, jewel of the Tasmanian World Heritage Area, with its glacial lakes, ice-carved crags, alpine shrubbery, waterfalls and tall forests. Between 1 November and 30 April each year, bookings are required to walk the track. During this period walkers are required to walk the track from north to

south (Cradle Mountain to Lake St Clair), and pay an Overland Track Fee. For more information on these and many more Great Tasmanian Walks, see www.parks. tas.gov.au 13

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Off the Beaten Track with Silver City Tours

NSW Outback is a quintessential Australian experience An experience in Outback NSW is not just a holiday. It’s a spiritual, engaging and simply awe inspiring look at amazing landscapes, incredible history and a distinct way of life. Imagine sitting under the stars at night and seeing as far as the eye can see into the spotted darkness and then waking up the next morning to be taken to Mundi Mundi Plains, where you feel as if you can see for 3 days. Although the Outback gives the amazing feeling of discovery and solitude, it shares with its visitor’s immense sophistication by Broken Hill’s product offering.

Broken Hill’s lifestyle and incredible landscapes have attracted artists from all around the world to this location, offering visitors the most diverse range of art found in a country area than anywhere else in Australia; Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Poetry and Indigenous dancers. Some of the world’s most famous artist’s have works that are housed in Broken Hill. Home of the legendary Brushmen of the Bush, the Silver City hosts many galleries where you can view the regions spectacular scenery through the eye of the talented artists. Visit galleries including Pro Hart, Jack Absalom.

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The Silver City Mint and Art Centre featuring Peter Anderson is home to the “Big Picture”. This panorama is the world’s largest acrylic painting on canvas by one artist. Broken Hill and its surrounds are also largely recognised for its backdrop in films such as Mad Max 2, Priscilla Queen of the Desert and Mission Impossible 2 as well as many TV commercials shown around the world. The town is also recognised for its mining history in which rich deposits of Silver, Lead and Zinc were discovered and are still being mined in the area today, adding another discovery and experience to a visit to Broken Hill. With large flows of water now making its way down the Darling River now is the perfect time to enjoy a leisurely tour

around the Menindee Lakes scheme and on to Kinchega National Park. You will see the Kinchega Shearing shed, dating back to the 1860’s, and had 62 shearing stands. This shed was last used for shearing in 1967. Continue on to Lake Wetherell, where you can enjoy a relaxing cruise through the wetlands aboard ‘The River Lady’ where an experienced guide will inform you about the lake and point out the abundance of bird life that make this safe haven their home. Discover Outback NSW with the two most experienced tour companies in Outback NSW. Either Silver City Tours (www. silvercitytours.com.au) or Corner Country Adventures (www.cornercountryadventure. com.au) can offer you and your group the experience of a lifetime, in safety and comfort.

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Short Breaks & Getaways: the South Coast Spectacular scenery abounds on this leisurely tourist drive... Come and experience Wollongong’s spectacular coastal drive - Grand Pacific Drive (www.grandpacificdrive.com.au), between Sydney to Wollongong and beyond. Grand Pacific Drive is a 140km award winning coastal drive beginning just 45 minutes south of Sydney at the Royal National Park - the second oldest National Park in the world. Enjoy driving through coastal rainforests and villages and traverse along the magnificent Sea Cliff Bridge.

From here, Grand Pacific Drive makes its way into the bustling city of Wollongong, offering countless adventure activities, great beaches and shopping, fantastic local restaurants and cafes, golf courses, art galleries and more. The drive then takes you through to the beautiful coastal towns of Shellharbour and Kiama and ends in the spectacular Shoalhaven region. From here, experience Grand Pacific Drive’s ‘beyond’, to the Southern Highlands, Batemans Bay and greater South Coast and then on to Canberra.

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Short Breaks & Getaways: the Central Coast If you are seeking that place where you can get away from it all and just relax and enjoy a mix of rural and beachside lifestyle, then the NSW Central Coast is for you. information courtesy www.thecentralcoast.org The Central Coast consists of two shires, Gosford and Wyong and are located perfectly between Sydney and Newcastle.

The region has many historical places to visit and tourists have been coming since the 1800’s.

The Central Coast is a popular destination for holiday makers, with many people choosing to come back again and again.

Quality restaurants and food venues are everywhere and for the wine lovers the Hunter Valley Wine Country is only about 45 minutes away.

For the tourists there are many attractions to come and see. The Central Coast is so popular because you have many options available from seaside, rural, hinterland and city lifestyles.

Visit the Central Coast and you will not be disappointed!

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The Entrance

Temping Terrigal

As a tourist destination, The Entrance is a huge success, gauged by the tens of thousands of people who flock there annually to take holidays or a weekend stopover.

Famous for it’s amazing boutique shopping, upmarket restaurants and cafes and first class entertainment, Terrigal is a legendary Australian seaside village. Sunny street cafes offer relaxed outdoor eating during the day, and every evening a huge array of stylish restaurants serving an amazing range of international menus open their doors to cater for the locals and tourists. Terrigal is the geographical heart of the Central Coast with spectacular coastal lookouts, national parks and a beautiful rural hinterland, all within a short drive. Multi screen cinemas, expansive shopping centres, golf courses and clubs are all available within a 5 km radius. Website: www.terrigal.org

There are many who choose to spend regular weekends at this serene coastal resort and many others who arrive just for a day trip or an impromptu escape. Once you have succumbed to the splendor of the town and accepted the magnificence of the surrounding waterways, you certainly won’t want to leave. Website: www.theentrance.org

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Discover the World by Rail and make the journey part of your experience

We offer tailor made holidays for individual travellers – so you can create your own itinerary including multiple destinations, trains and hand picked hotels.

Tailor made holidays – just for you! Speak to one of our experienced consultants today to plan your trip. Book before June 29th 2012 and you’ll get $100 worth of sightseeing tours per person!

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*Prices are per person and are based on twin share, subject to availability and seasonal surcharges. Special offer is valid for new bookings only, with a minimum of 4 night’s accommodation. One redemption per customer. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Holidays include: rail travel between cities with seat reservations, accommodation in centrally located hotels and breakfast daily. See www.railbookers.com.au for full terms and conditions.

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Essential Europe Tour

USA – Chicago, New Orleans and LA

10 nights from

10 nights from



Days 1 & 2 – Amsterdam Start your holiday in the Netherlands’ vibrant capital. Why not take a cruise through the city’s network of canals or pay a visit to the Van Gogh Museum?

Days 1 & 2 – Chicago Arrive in Chicago and enjoy two days discovering the city’s fabulous architecture, vibrant nightlife and great food. Don’t miss a baseball game at Wrigley Park!

Days 3 & 4 – Paris Travel by high speed train to Paris, the city of lights for two days to explore. Climb the Eiffel Tower, shop along the Champs Élysées or marvel at the Mona Lisa.

Day 3 – Depart Chicago Spend another full day in Chicago before heading to Union Station to board the City of New Orleans sleeper service towards the Big Easy. Settle into life onboard with dinner in the Dining Cross Country Café before retiring to your private compartment.

Days 5 & 6 – Zurich Take the train over the Swiss border to the cultural city of Zurich for a 2 night stay to wander around the Old Town, visit the sights and enjoy traditional Swiss food. Day 7 – Zurich to Venice Head to the station today for a spectacular journey down through the stunning scenery of the Swiss Alps. Cross the border at Chiasso and continue to Venice. Day 8 – Venice Spend a full day exploring the famous attractions of this beautiful city. Perhaps you could cruise in a gondola down the Grand Canal or take a tour of the opulent St Mark’s Basilica Days 9 to 11 – Rome Travel through the Italian countryside to Rome and spend a final two days discovering ancient monuments, famous museums and genuine Italian gelato!

Days 4 & 5 – New Orleans After a morning on the train, arrive into New Orleans for a 2 night stay. How about a paddle steamers ride down the Mississippi or enjoy coffee and beignets in the French Quarter? Days 6 & 7 – All aboard the Sunset Limited Catch a sleeper across the United States from Louisiana to California with plenty of spectacular scenery, onboard dining and socialising to be enjoyed. Days 8 to 10 – Los Angeles Enjoy breakfast aboard the Sunset Limited before arriving into Los Angeles. Here, spend three days soaking up the culture in this vast and vibrant metropolis. Indulge in some star spotting on Hollywood Boulevard, shop for couture in Beverley Hills or why not take a tour of Universal Studios?

Visit www.railbookers.com.au for more inspiring holiday ideas, or have a look at one of the following: A Transylvanian Adventure:

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Be captivated by Transylvania’s rich mix of culture, nature, myth and history with an amazing train journey from London to Transylvania.

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10 nights from $1725

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For more information please visit: www.railbookers.com.au or call 1300 938 534 to speak with one of our experienced consultants HeyBoomers_JUN12.indd 21

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Boomer Book Review

! y e h

The Night Circus by Erin Morganstern $32.95 RRP (ISBN: 9781846555244)

A magical love story and a story about the love of magic, set in a fantastical circus in the late nineteenth century where two magicians battle for supremacy In 1886 a mysterious travelling circus becomes an international sensation. Open only at night, constructed entirely in black and white, the Cirque des Rêves delights all who wander its circular paths and warm themselves at its bonfire. There are contortionists, performing cats, carousels and illusionists - all the trappings of an ordinary circus. But this is no conventional spectacle. Some tents contain clouds, some ice. The circus seems almost to cast a spell over its aficionados, who call themselves the rêveurs - the dreamers. And who is the sinister man in the grey suit who watches over it all? Behind the scenes a dangerous game is being played out by two young magicians, Celia and Marco, who, at the behest of their masters, are forced to test the very limits of the imagination - and of love. The Night Circus is an extraordinary blend of fantasy and reality.

Hey Boomers has five copies of “The Night Circus” to give away. For your chance to win, simply email your entry to heyboomers@bigpond.com Competition closes 30th June 2012

For more information on these or any other titles, visit

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JUN E 2 012

The Beach Boys are back!

celebrating the release of the Beach Boys new album

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The Beach Boys release new album June 1st The band’s 50th Anniversary Celebration Includes New Album, International Tour dates & Commemorative Catalog Releases Beach Boys Brian Wilson, Mike Love, Al Jardine, Bruce Johnston, and David Marks recently completed their recording sessions at Los Angeles’ Ocean Way Studios for That’s Why God Made The Radio, the band’s 29th studio album (including 2011’s The SMiLE Sessions), the first in decades to feature all of the band’s surviving original members. Produced by Brian Wilson and executive produced by Mike Love, the album’s 11 new songs illustrate The Beach Boys’ unique and evocative West Coast story with the band’s timeless signature sound. The album’s lead single, “That’s Why God Made The Radio,” showcases The Beach Boys’ soaring harmonies in an upbeat, beaming ode to music’s radio champions around the world. “Radio was my whole education,” says Brian Wilson. “Chuck Berry, Rosemary Clooney, The Four Freshmen, Phil Spector, Little Richard... To hear ‘That’s Why God Made The Radio’ on the radio would be a thrill beyond belief, it really would. It would be a thrill beyond belief.” “I got a lot of my appreciation for all of the creativity in the world, in terms of music, through the radio,” says Mike Love. “For all of us who grew up in the ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s and beyond, the radio has played such a huge, important part in our lives. When we were kids, we’d sneak out of the house and go and sit in Brian’s car and listen to the local radio stations on his car radio.” The album’s other new songs include “Think About The Days,” “Isn’t It Time,” “Spring Vacation,” “Private Life Of Bill And Sue,” “Shelter,” “Daybreak Over The Ocean,” “Beaches In Mind,” “Strange World,” “My Life Suite,” and “Summer’s Gone.” 24 HeyBoomers_JUN12.indd 24

The Beach Boys’ collaborative approach to writing and recording their new music is evidenced throughout the album, with all of the band members participating to create its glorious harmonies, lyrics, and arrangements. “We’ve come full circle,” says Al Jardine. “Sharing our memories and our present in the studio has been really remarkable. I can especially feel it when we’re all singing around the mic together, because we all hear each other and we really lock in.” “We have reunited as a band, but we never ‘un-reunited’ as friends,” says Bruce Johnston. “To be back in the studio with these guys is like a prayer that’s been answered and I am thrilled to be sharing it with everybody.” “This is more like a family reunion than anything,” says David Marks. “When we’re together, we get along great. The chemistry always works the same as the last time we were together, and the five of us become a single element.” The Beach Boys’ 50th Anniversary tour, the band’s first major outing to include Brian Wilson in more than two decades, began in Tucson, Arizona, with further North American stops scheduled for the coming months. Also confirmed are dates throughout Europe, with details of an Australia, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong tour to be announced soon! All tour dates can be found at TheBeachBoys.com. The Beach Boys and Capitol/EMI have also partnered for 50th Anniversary commemorative releases celebrating the band’s entire catalog, with a new hits collection and a career-spanning box set planned for later this year. For five decades, America’s first pop band 6/06/12 10:34 AM

to reach the 50 year milestone has recorded and performed the music that has become the world’s favorite soundtrack to summer. Founded in Hawthorne, California in 1961, The Beach Boys were originally comprised of the three teenage Wilson brothers: Brian, Carl and Dennis, their cousin Mike Love, and school friend Al Jardine. In 1962, neighbor David Marks joined the group for their first wave of hits with Capitol Records, leaving in late 1963, and in 1965, Bruce Johnston joined the band when Brian Wilson retired from touring to focus on writing and producing for the group. The Beach Boys signed with Capitol Records in July 1962 and released their first album, Surfin’ Safari, that same year. The album spent 37 weeks on the American Billboard chart, launching the young group known for its shimmering vocal harmonies and relaxed California style to international stardom. The Wilson/Love collaboration resulted in many huge international chart hits, and under Brian Wilson’s musical leadership, the band’s initial surf-rock focus was soon broadened to include other themes, making The Beach Boys one of the most preeminent bands of the 1960s.

In 1966, The Beach Boys were one of the first bands to found their own record label with the launch of Brother Records, Inc. (BRI), with the band’s members as its shareholders and Capitol Records as its distribution partner. BRI continues to manage The Beach Boys’ intellectual property, including the band’s catalog with Capitol/EMI and other label partners, as well as its name, logos, image and likeness. The Beach Boys continue to hold Billboard / Nielsen SoundScan’s record as the topselling American band for albums and singles, and they are also the American group with the most Billboard Top 40 chart hits (36). ‘Sounds Of Summer: The Very Best Of The Beach Boys’ has achieved triplePlatinum sales status in the US. and ‘The SMiLE Sessions,’ released to worldwide critical acclaim in November 2011, was heralded as 2011’s #1 Reissue of the Year by US Rolling Stone magazine. Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988 and recipients of The Recording Academy’s Lifetime Achievement GRAMMY Award, The Beach Boys are an iconic global music institution.

hey! CD Give Away Hey! Boomers has five copies of “That’s Why God Made The Radio” to give away. To win, simply email your entry to: heyboomers@bigpond.com Competition closes 30th June 2012 HeyBoomers_JUN12.indd 25

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The Divas of Disco & Motown Starring Radiance

Radiance, a talented vocal quartet formed specifically to pay tribute to the music of the Supremes, Martha & The Vandellas, The Marvelettes and the other female artists from that amazing musical era has performed throughout the United States and are standouts in their home base, The Entertainment Capital of the World – Las Vegas.

Hey! Boomers has one double pass valued at $60 to see the show at Bankstown Sports to give away. Date: Saturday 30th June Time: Doors 7.15pm | Show 8:00pm Venue: Bankstown Sports, 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown For your chance to win, simply email your name, address and contact phone number to heyboomers@bigpond.com

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Tickets will be available at the venue. Entries close Friday 22nd June. 6/06/12 10:34 AM

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The Divas of Disco & Motown Starring Radiance Tributing the music of

The Supremes Donna Summer Aretha Franklin A Tast of Honey The Marvelettes Tina Turner Martha Reeves and the Vandellas The Pointer Sisters & Many More!

Some of the many songs in their repertoire include “Come See About Me”, “Dancing in the Streets”, “Stop! In The Name of Love”, “Please Mr. Postman”, “You Keep Me Hanging On”, “Where Will I See You AGain” and the list goes on...


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6/06/12 10:34 AM

Boomers at the Flix An all star cast brings Oliver Stone’s ferocious thiller to life. “Savages” hits Australian cinema screens on July 6...

Three-time Oscar®-winning filmmaker Oliver Stone returns to the screen with the ferocious thriller Savages, featuring the all-star ensemble cast of Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively, Aaron Johnson, John Travolta, Benicio Del Toro, Salma Hayek, Emile Hirsch and Demian Bichir. The film is based on Don Winslow’s best-setting crime novel that was names of the The New York Times’ Top 10 Books of 2010. Laguna Beach entrepeneurs Ben (Johnson), a peaceful and charitable Buddhist, and his closest friend Chon (Kitsch), a former Navy SEAL and ex-mercenary, run a lucrative, homegrown industry – raising some of the best marijuana ever developed. They also share a one-of-a-kind

love with the extraordinary beauty Ophelia (Lively). Life is idyllic in their Southern California town...until the Mexican Baja Cartel decides to move in and demands that the trio partners with them. When the merciless head of the BC, Elena (Hayek), and her brutal enforcer, Lado (Del Toro), underestimate the unbreakable bond amongst these three friends, Ben and Chon – with the reluctant, slippery assistance of a dirty DEA agent (Travolta) – wage a seemingly unwinnable war against the cartel. And so begins a series of increasingly vicious ploys and maneuvers in a high stakes, savage battle of wills. Information courtesy www.universalpictures.com

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I N C I N E M A S 6 J U LY 2 0 1 2 29 HeyBoomers_JUN12.indd 29

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Boomers Brain Benders Boomers Boggle How many words, greater than three letters, can you compile using the letters in this month’s word? Simply email your list of words to heyboomers@bigpond.com. Don’t forget to add your name and contact details to the email for your chance to win a mystery prize!

in d igenous Quick quiz For your chance to win a mystery prize, send your answers to this month’s quick quizz to heyboomers@bigpond.com. Don’t forget to add your name and contact details to the email.

1. Which colour is at the bottom of a rainbow? 2. Hercule Poirot is the creation of which detective writer? 3. Mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young are known as what? 4. Which city is home to the Swans AFL team? 5. What is a group of owls called? 6. Name the singing sensation who was runner-up to winning dance group, Diversity, in Britain’s Got Talent 2009. 7. Cheviot, Dorset and Merino are all breeds of what? 8. 3 triangles plus 3 rectangles have how many sides in total? 9. Australia is home to nine of the ten most poisonous snakes in the world. Which is the one not found there? 10. What is the last runner in a relay race called? 30 HeyBoomers_JUN12.indd 30

Competitions close 30th June 2012 6/06/12 10:34 AM

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