MAY 2012
Run for a good cause Find us on Facebook!
Th G The Governor-General, G l Q Quentin ti Bryce, B launches the 2012 Mother’s Day Classic fun run Image courtesy:
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Who’s a boomer? IS S UE 6 M AY 2012
Inside this issue... Who’s a Boomer? .... Page 2 Feel Good Look Good ................ Page 4 Shelly Beach Golf Club Feature .... Page 6 Computer Savvy ...... Page 8 Let’s Travel ................ Page 9 Boomers Finance ... Page 22 It’s Entertainment ... Page 23 Book Reviews .......... Page 32 Brain Benders puzzles ..................... Page 34
Hey! Boomers
Suite 169, 3 Holtermann St, Crows Nest NSW 2065
To advertise in the next edition, call 1300 972 141 or visit: Disclaimer This publication is intended as an information source only and is not in any way an endorsement of any product or service mentioned. Every effort has been made to ensure the information in this publication is up to date and correct at time of printing. The publisher does not accept responsibility for an errors, omissions or inaccuracies. No representation is made as to the quality or suitability for any purpose of any goods or services offered by any organisations in this publication. Linked Websites This publication and its website contains links to other websites. Those links are provided for convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained, and Hey! Boomers is not responsible for the content or privacy practices associated with linked websites. Links with linked websites should not be constructed as an endorsement, approval or recommendation by Hey! Boomers of the owners or operators of those linked websites, or of any information, graphics, materials, goods or services referred to or contained on those linked websites, unless and to the extent we stipulate to the contrary.
For those of you born between 1946– 1964, life’s no longer about growing old gracefully; it’s about living a passionate life in retirement and celebrating your lifestyle! There are 5.3 million baby boomers, making up 24 per cent of the population, with the oldest turning 66 this year. With the end of World War 2 in 1945, Australia’s servicemen and women returned and family life resumed after an interruption of almost six years of wartime conflict. Nine months later saw the start of a population revolution as childbirth rates soared - more than four million Australians were born between 19461965. People born during this period became known as Baby Boomers who changed Australia (and the world) in the second half of the 20th century. A look back... 1940’s - 1943 – Australia wins its first Oscar, with cinematographer Damien Parer (pictured) honoured for documentary Kokoda Front Line! The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme is introduced in 1944 providing subsidised medicine to all Australians; In 1945 the Liberal Party of Australia is established with Robert Menzies as its first leader; Australia becomes a founding member of the United Nations. In 1945 The Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race is held for the first time, and in 1949 Construction of the Snowy Mountains HydroElectric Scheme begins and In January 1947 Bernard “Doc” Neeson frontman of Australian Music Legends – The Angels was born in
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Belfast England. In the 1950’s baby boomers represented a new market whose needs were quickly met due to wartime advances in technology and a new economic optimism. In 1955 The first vinyl LP (long playing) appeared with the release of Bill Haley’s Rock around the Clock -thus began a new and different music called Rock and Roll. Australian bands like Johnny O’Keefe and Col Joye began playing the new music, Blue jeans and t-shirts became the fashion, Comic books were the literature of youth and the Hula
include Murray Rose and Betty Cuthbert and Dawn Fraser; Prime Minister Holt drowns and is succeeded by John Gorton; talkback radio is introduced; Ronald Ryan becomes the last person legally executed in Australia. On 14 February 1966 the Australian currency is changed to dollars and cents, with the Australian Dollar replacing the Australian pound. In 1969 the Australian production of the rock musical Hair premieres in Sydney; top pop groups The Easybeats and The Twilights break up;
Hoop started twirling. 1956 Television in Australia was launched and Hotels in New South Wales no longer had to close at 6pm, ending the “six o’clock swill”. In 1953 AC DC’s Malcolm Young was born in Glasgow Scotland. In the 1960’s Jean Shrimpton shocked us in her mini skirt at the Melbourne Cup, and then rapidly became the fashion; the Peace Movement began – Woodstock 3 days of peace, love and music. Since the movement in the 1960s, hippie culture has been assimilated by mainstream society. Moratorium marches across Australia opposing the Vietnam War; Beatlemania hit Australian shores in 1964; Evonne Goolagong became a world-beater in tennis; Great Olympians during the 1960s HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 3
In the 1970’s Johnny Farnham was singing Rain Drops Keep Falling on my Head, Led Zeppelin had a Whole Lotta Love, Abbamania hit our shores in the mid 1970’s and Daddy Cool hit the No 1. Charts with Daddy Who? Daddy Cool. Colour television was introduced in 1975, men wore flares, grew beards and sideburns and Disco was dancing. In 1974 the introduction of FM Frequency radio and in 1970 Adam Hill radio and TV personality was born.
From Hula Hoops and Pogo Sticks to Yo Yo’s and Frisbees, Disco and Line Dancing to the Twist, the Stomp and Rock n Roll, Woodstock and Flowers, Bikinis and Mini Skirts; Baby Boomers have lived through the best times of the 20th Century!
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Feel good, look good for a good cause! For more than a decade, the Mother’s Day Classic fun run and walk has provided communities with a great way to celebrate Mother’s Day and raise funds for breast cancer research. On Tuesday 6 March, at Government House in Canberra, the Governor-General and Patron of the Mother’s Day Classic, Ms Quentin Bryce AC CVO welcomed guests to the official launch of the 2012 Mother’s Day Classic (MDC). Her Excellency said she was “enormously proud to be Patron of this fantastic community event” and praised the event as one which signifies so many important aspects of Australian life. “Volunteerism, generous spirit, hard work, dedication and commitment, leadership, teamwork and those fine human values – care and compassion.” Ms Bryce gave a first hand account of her exhilarating experience participating with her son and granddaughter in the Brisbane Mother’s Day Classic. “We had the best time – and a memorable one.” The Governor-General was accompanied by Louise Davidson, National Chair of the Mother’s Day Classic who introduced her to volunteers and major fundraisers from across Australia as well as MDC major sponsors. Another highlight was being able to introduce representatives of the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to those who work so hard to raise funds for their research programs. For once, pink took a back seat with purple one of the standout colour choices on the day, perhaps due to the closeness of International Women’s Day and the proliferation of pink at NBCF’s 2011 Patron’s awards only a few days earlier. The annual 4 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 4
awards presented by NBCF Patron, Sarah Murdoch were hosted by the Governor-General at Admiralty House in Sydney. National Chair of Women in Super, Cate Wood accepted on behalf of Women in Super a Pink Circle Award from The Governor-General, to recognise both loyalty and great generosity over time. As Sharon Morris, National Manager of the Mother’s Day Classic enthused, “What a week and what inspiration to get out and raise funds for breast cancer research. We have nearly two months before the Mother’s Day Classic on 13 May and I am confident it will again be memorable and determined we will give it our all to break last year’s record of 120,000 participants and $3 million raised for breast cancer research.” Make it a classic Mother’s Day in 2012 – register and raise funds @ Pictured: The Governor-General chats with Mother’s Day Classic supporters at Government House, Canberra. Image courtesy
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Feel good, look good from the inside out! Monavie juices are the elixir of life If there was ever a product which could be hailed as the “elixir of life”, it would be Monavie’s acai based nutritional supplement juice, which aids in joint health and promotes a healthy heart. The acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry has been proclaimed as the King of the superfoods, and found only in the Brazilian rainforest, the acai has been prized as a source of health, energy and longevity. Monavie is the only company to hold patents on how acai is harvested, the company’s freeze dried acai is unparalleled in its antioxidant strength. Monavie’s freeze-dried acai boast more than 15 times the antioxidant capacity of whole blueberries and more than 20 times the antioxidant capacity of whole raspberries. Antioxidants help neutralise free radicals, which are the nasty cells which damage healthy cells in your body. Free radicals are highly reactive chemical substances which have been implicated in the ageing process, as well as many health related conditions including cancer and heart disease. Monavie’s juice contains 19 fruits, including the acai berry, and has been clinically proven to give regular consumers an increase in energy, better health, an overall sense of wellbeing, and a decrease in minor aches and pains associated
with exercise, over-exertion and everyday living. There are three varieties, Original, Active (contains plant-derived glucosamine for joint health) and Pulse (added plant sterols and resveratrol for a healthy heart). Sharron (last name withheld) from Sydney started drinking Monavie juice (which tastes great) to help ease pain in her joints, particularly her wrist. “The arthritis in my damaged wrist was no longer painful and I had such better movement. My energy levels soared and I felt fantastic. Not only that every part of my body was thriving, my hair, my nails, the whites of my eyes were so bright and my skin looked flawless. Sharron decided to stop drinking Monavie juice, but found her energy levels had dropped and her wrist had started to ache again. “I felt quite lousy to tell you the truth. I eat well, exercise and do all the right things yet I couldn’t get the same feeling of well being from any vitamins or tablets I tried,” she said. “So I decided it just wasn’t worth it and managed to re order the juice. “I can honestly say I will never go off the juice again; the results I felt were so great if I hadn’t have experienced it as I did I would not have believed just how fantastic this product is. I thank you for introducing me to Monavie and the “elixir of life” (I call it.)“ To order Monavie juice, please call Brooke on 0438 677 588 or order online from 5
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1/05/12 11:27 AM
Shelly Beach Golf Club With arguably the best views on the Coast, Shelly Beach Golf Club is THE place to master the art of golfing. Golf is a great low impact sport. As
Coast plus you have the opportunity
the weather cools down approaching
to get expert advice, test the demo
Autumn, playing 18 holes of golf is the
equipment and have your clubs
perfect way to keep fit and be social.
professionally fitted.
Shelly Beach Golf Club is located in
Perhaps you may need some finishing
the heart of the NSW Central Coast, a
touches to your game or would just love
leisurely 60 minute drive north of Sydney.
to learn how to play. If that’s the case
The newly renovated club house offers
Shelly Beach Golf Club has a ‘learn to play
beautiful, panoramic ocean views and a
program’ perfect to get you started or if
perfect respite after a game of golf. The
a little more experienced a private lesson
club offers fully licensed bars, TAB and
with one of our professionals will help
Keno facilities, light snacks and full a la
improve your game, package options
carte service in our Seaspray Restaurant
are available. The ‘Tyro’s’ or learn to play
and Cafe.
program is extremely popular particularly
The 18 hole championship course overlooking Shelly Beach is renowned for its magnificent ocean views and spectacular tree lined fairways. Designed
with ladies. The program offers 4 x 1 ½ hour clinic lessons plus golfing membership for only $230.
by Ross Watson, the gently undulating fairways offer a challenge to experts but are still forgiving enough for novice players. Shelly Beach golf course is open from 6.30am to 6.00pm seven days a week with times available for social golf. The club has a first class golf shop that has everything you need to get you on the course. Whether hiring or buying, the golf shop offers the best range of the very latest equipment, clothing and 6
accessories at the best prices on the HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 6
18 Holes of Golf for 4 people
Hey! Boomers is giving away a prize pack consisting of 18 holes of golf for 4 people including motorised golf carts valued at $230. To win, simply email your entry to
Competition closes 31st May 2012
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1/05/12 11:27 AM
Computer Savvy with George Kimpton How to get started with Windows 7 – Part 2 Continued on from April... You are shown how to pin your favorite programs to the task bar for quick and easy selection. You can also put them in a preferred order. Finding files has been made easier with JUMP LISTS.. These occur when you right click the program, you want to use, whether on the Task Bar or Program list, and a list appears. Just select and open the required file. It can be as quick as that. No selecting the program then Open and searching to find the file. Just right click and away you go. To Make it easier, if you have more than one file open in a program but reduced off screen. To have a quick peek all you need to do is hover over the program on the task bar and you will see a thumbnail of each open but not on show file. To check it properly all you need to do is hover over it and up it comes full screen. One word of warning this does not occur with all programs. For instance an earlier version of Corel Photo does not display multiple files. In this case you need to open and then sort through the open files. Getting the desktop is also easier. You just go to the bottom right corner of the screen and the display will automatically display the desktop And another trick for reduced size program displays, just move them to the edge and it will automatically become full size. One very useful new tool is Snap which allows you to compare two windows side by side without the need to physically resize each.. Simply drag each to the side of the screen and hey presto two identical sizes side by side to compare and you can work independently on each.
Another very useful tool “Snip” which allows you screen grab all or part of the screen. This can be every handy if seeking help for a problem. You can send the Grab to the technician so he can better assess the problem. You may also be trying to explain something to someone else. Again the Grab will be easier to understand that words and in My case when teaching someone I can use the grabs to illustrate what I am talking about. Again when using Help on a particular topic you will see in the text different colours for words or selected text. Clicking on these highlights will bring further information or transfer you to another help offering. Have a good look and experiment a little. You will be surprised you what you find or learn this way. I hope you are finding these articles useful so please don’t hesitate to drop me an email so I can know what software and topics interest you in future articles on au or phone 02 9634 5995. I am also available for home help and to give talks at clubs.
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MAY 2012
Off the beaten track with Silver City Tours Image courtesy Silver City Tours 9 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 9
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Off the Beaten Track with Silver City Tours NSW Outback is a quintessential Australian experience An experience in Outback NSW is not just a holiday. It’s a spiritual, engaging and simply awe inspiring look at amazing landscapes, incredible history and a distinct way of life. Imagine sitting under the stars at night and seeing as far as the eye can see into the spotted darkness and then waking up the next morning to be taken to Mundi Mundi Plains, where you feel as if you can see for 3 days. Although the Outback gives the amazing feeling of discovery and solitude, it shares with its visitor’s immense sophistication by Broken Hill’s product offering. Broken Hill’s lifestyle and incredible landscapes have attracted artists from all around the world to this location, offering visitors the most diverse range of art found in a country area than anywhere else in Australia; Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Poetry and Indigenous dancers. Some of the world’s most famous artist’s have works that are housed in Broken Hill. Broken Hill is renowned for its vibrant art community with artists depicting the great outback with vivid sunsets, landscapes and vast open spaces. Home of the legendary Brushmen of the Bush the Silver City hosts many galleries where you can view the regions spectacular scenery through the eye of the talented artists. Visit galleries including Pro Hart, Jack Absalom. The Silver City Mint and Art Centre featuring Peter Anderson is home to the “Big Picture”. This panorama is the 10 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 10
world’s largest acrylic painting on canvas by one artist. An added highlight is a visit to Howard Steer who has lived all his life in Broken Hill. In his paintings, his subjects are the people and animals of the outback, include the subject of early miners’ struggle to get reasonable working conditions, and Howard’s humorous (and sometimes satiric) views of our Australian icons, and the result is a host of powerful stories-in-art. Broken Hill and its surrounds are also largely recognised for its backdrop in films such as Mad Max 2, Priscilla Queen of the Desert and Mission Impossible 2 as well as many TV commercials shown around the world. The town is also recognised for 1/05/12 11:27 AM
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its mining history in which rich deposits of Silver, Lead and Zinc were discovered and are still being mined in the area today, adding another discovery and experience to a visit to Broken Hill. With large flows of water now making its way down the Darling River now is the perfect time to enjoy a leisurely tour around the Menindee Lakes scheme. Sit back and relax with morning tea on the shores of Copi Hollow. Travel to Menindee, and on to Kinchega National Park, this magnificent park is located along the banks of the Darling River and the shoreline of Menindee Lake, which can hold 3 and a half times more that the Sydney Harbour.
dating back to the 1860’s, and had 62 shearing stands. This shed was last used for shearing in 1967. Continue on to Lake Wetherell, where you can enjoy a relaxing cruise through the wetlands aboard ‘The River Lady’ where an experienced guide will inform you about the lake and point out the abundance of bird life that make this safe haven their home. Discover Outback NSW with the two most experienced tour companies in Outback NSW. Either Silver City Tours ( or Corner Country Adventures (www. can offer you and your group the experience of a lifetime, in safety and comfort.
You will see the Kinchega Shearing shed,
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Tasmania - Isle of Adventure: Part One Walk a deserted beach, collect wild oysters or simply relax and enjoy the spectacular scenery...there’s so much to see and do in Tasmania. Tasmania is an archipelago of more than 300 islands sitting just 240 kilometres southeast of mainland Australia. With more than 1,000 mountain peaks, four mild seasons, more than 40 per cent of the Island is protected as national parks and reserves, and Tasmania also has some of the world’s rarest animals. Tasmania’s main Island is home to about 500,000 people. Tasmania is a happy and relaxed destination and its inhabitants always have time to welcome visitors to their Island. Tasmania’s air is scientifically proven to be just about the world’s cleanest; its soils are rich and fertile. So produce, seafood and wines taste wonderful! Food and wine In Tasmania it’s about going to the source: cool-climate wines tasted with the winemaker, summer berries picked from the orchard, cheese handmade in a family tradition, or seafood caught fresh from the sea. Enjoy regional fare, friendly encounters with growers, makers and chefs, and celebrate the delights that come with the changing of the seasons. Don’t miss trying homemade Tasmanian scallop pies fresh from the oven, Tassie oysters and lobsters or real King Island Brie. Taste temptations delight at every turn in Tasmania. Wines are equally spectacular - for more information on vineyards around Tasmania, see www.tasmanianwineroute. 14 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 14
Fishing Surrounded by the cool, clear waters of the Southern Ocean, Bass Strait and the Tasman Sea, and brim-full of lakes, rivers, streams and lagoons, Australia’s island state is a fisherman’s paradise. The Tasmanian fishery is an extremely valuable resource – the delicate ecosystems within the state support fishing as a vibrant sport and a thriving industry. Seasonal Fresh-Water Fishing: All freshwater fishing in Tasmania – commercial and recreational – is regulated by seasons, quotas and licenses to prevent species being threatened by overfishing. In addition to this, environmental strategies exist to prevent the pollution of Tasmania’s clean waters. The keynote experience of Tasmanian angling is sight-stalking and fly-casting for wild trout in crystal-clear mountain waters. The spectacular terrain and unpredictable weather conditions and abundant fish of the Tasmanian highlands can make for very challenging, exciting and rewarding angling. Highland lodges offer guided angling tours with accredited trout fishing
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guides. Saltwater Angling: Sea fishing (saltwater angling) for Atlantic salmon, marlin, flathead, bream, and flounder is popular on the east coast of Tasmania, especially near the Freycinet and Tasman Peninsulas. Saltwater fly-fishing is a growth pastime in the state, with the abundance of large bream proving a big drawcard.
growing. Today, Tasmania has more than 80 golf courses; from the acclaimed Barnbougle Dunes in the north-east – created in the pure Scottish style with undulating links overlooking Bass Strait – to those that offer pure spectacle, such as the amazing par-3 eighth hole at the Tasman Club near Port Arthur.
More than 80 courses – crowd-free, and some with real cliffhangers await you in Tasmania.
Tasmania has a sprinkling of public courses, but most are run by clubs. Wherever you play, you’ll find a warm Tasmanian welcome for members of interstate golf clubs at the club courses in cities, towns and country areas.
On an uncrowded island with a temperate climate, rolling valleys and sweeping empty beaches, you will find emerald fairways and velvet greens of championship 18-hole courses along with spectacular cliff-top holes with wide ocean views.
Some of the top courses include Royal Hobart, Tasmania Golf Club, Kingston Beach and Claremont in the south, and Launceston Country Club, Devonport and Ulverstone in the north. It’s a good idea to call ahead, book your round and enquire about facilities and services.
It started with Ratho, at Bothwell, Australia’s oldest golf course, created by homesick Scots in the 1830s, and kept
More info:
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Next month: walking & hiking in Tassie
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Discover the World by Rail and make the journey part of your experience
We offer tailor made holidays for individual travellers – so you can create your own itinerary including multiple destinations, trains and hand picked hotels.
Tailor made holidays – just for you! Speak to one of our experienced consultants today to plan your trip. Book before June 29th 2012 and you’ll get $100 worth of sightseeing tours per person!
16 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 16
*Prices are per person and are based on twin share, subject to availability and seasonal surcharges. Special offer is valid for new bookings only, with a minimum of 4 night’s accommodation. One redemption per customer. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Holidays include: rail travel between cities with seat reservations, accommodation in centrally located hotels and breakfast daily. See for full terms and conditions.
1/05/12 11:27 AM
Essential Europe Tour
USA – Chicago, New Orleans and LA
10 nights from
10 nights from
Days 1 & 2 – Amsterdam Start your holiday in the Netherlands’ vibrant capital. Why not take a cruise through the city’s network of canals or pay a visit to the Van Gogh Museum?
Days 1 & 2 – Chicago Arrive in Chicago and enjoy two days discovering the city’s fabulous architecture, vibrant nightlife and great food. Don’t miss a baseball game at Wrigley Park!
Days 3 & 4 – Paris Travel by high speed train to Paris, the city of lights for two days to explore. Climb the Eiffel Tower, shop along the Champs Élysées or marvel at the Mona Lisa.
Day 3 – Depart Chicago Spend another full day in Chicago before heading to Union Station to board the City of New Orleans sleeper service towards the Big Easy. Settle into life onboard with dinner in the Dining Cross Country Café before retiring to your private compartment.
Days 5 & 6 – Zurich Take the train over the Swiss border to the cultural city of Zurich for a 2 night stay to wander around the Old Town, visit the sights and enjoy traditional Swiss food. Day 7 – Zurich to Venice Head to the station today for a spectacular journey down through the stunning scenery of the Swiss Alps. Cross the border at Chiasso and continue to Venice. Day 8 – Venice Spend a full day exploring the famous attractions of this beautiful city. Perhaps you could cruise in a gondola down the Grand Canal or take a tour of the opulent St Mark’s Basilica Days 9 to 11 – Rome Travel through the Italian countryside to Rome and spend a final two days discovering ancient monuments, famous museums and genuine Italian gelato!
Days 4 & 5 – New Orleans After a morning on the train, arrive into New Orleans for a 2 night stay. How about a paddle steamers ride down the Mississippi or enjoy coffee and beignets in the French Quarter? Days 6 & 7 – All aboard the Sunset Limited Catch a sleeper across the United States from Louisiana to California with plenty of spectacular scenery, onboard dining and socialising to be enjoyed. Days 8 to 10 – Los Angeles Enjoy breakfast aboard the Sunset Limited before arriving into Los Angeles. Here, spend three days soaking up the culture in this vast and vibrant metropolis. Indulge in some star spotting on Hollywood Boulevard, shop for couture in Beverley Hills or why not take a tour of Universal Studios?
Visit for more inspiring holiday ideas, or have a look at one of the following: A Transylvanian Adventure:
Essential Italy:
Classic Glacier and Bernina Express:
Be captivated by Transylvania’s rich mix of culture, nature, myth and history with an amazing train journey from London to Transylvania.
This itinerary includes the classic Italian cities of Venice, Florence and Rome.
Enjoy two of Switzerland’s most scenic rail journeys on the Glacier Express and Bernina Express train.
10 nights from $1725
6 nights from $845
4 night from $1045
For more information please visit: or call 1300 938 534 to speak with one of our experienced consultants HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 17
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Short Breaks & Getaways: the South Coast Spectacular scenery abounds on this leisurely tourist drive... Come and experience Wollongong’s spectacular coastal drive - Grand Pacific Drive (, between Sydney to Wollongong and beyond. Grand Pacific Drive is a 140km award winning coastal drive beginning just 45 minutes south of Sydney at the Royal National Park - the second oldest National Park in the world. Enjoy driving through coastal rainforests and villages and traverse along the magnificent Sea Cliff Bridge.
From here, Grand Pacific Drive makes its way into the bustling city of Wollongong, offering countless adventure activities, great beaches and shopping, fantastic local restaurants and cafes, golf courses, art galleries and more. The drive then takes you through to the beautiful coastal towns of Shellharbour and Kiama and ends in the spectacular Shoalhaven region. From here, experience Grand Pacific Drive’s ‘beyond’, to the Southern Highlands, Batemans Bay and greater South Coast and then on to Canberra.
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Short Breaks & Getaways: the Central Coast If you are seeking that place where you can get away from it all and just relax and enjoy a mix of rural and beachside lifestyle, then the NSW Central Coast is for you. information courtesy The Central Coast consists of two shires, Gosford and Wyong and are located perfectly between Sydney and Newcastle.
The region has many historical places to visit and tourists have been coming since the 1800’s.
The Central Coast is a popular destination for holiday makers, with many people choosing to come back again and again.
Quality restaurants and food venues are everywhere and for the wine lovers the Hunter Valley Wine Country is only about 45 minutes away.
For the tourists there are many attractions to come and see. The Central Coast is so popular because you have many options available from seaside, rural, hinterland and city lifestyles.
Visit the Central Coast and you will not be disappointed!
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The Entrance
Temping Terrigal
As a tourist destination, The Entrance is a huge success, gauged by the tens of thousands of people who flock there annually to take holidays or a weekend stopover.
Famous for it’s amazing boutique shopping, upmarket restaurants and cafes and first class entertainment, Terrigal is a legendary Australian seaside village. Sunny street cafes offer relaxed outdoor eating during the day, and every evening a huge array of stylish restaurants serving an amazing range of international menus open their doors to cater for the locals and tourists. Terrigal is the geographical heart of the Central Coast with spectacular coastal lookouts, national parks and a beautiful rural hinterland, all within a short drive. Multi screen cinemas, expansive shopping centres, golf courses and clubs are all available within a 5 km radius. Website:
There are many who choose to spend regular weekends at this serene coastal resort and many others who arrive just for a day trip or an impromptu escape. Once you have succumbed to the splendor of the town and accepted the magnificence of the surrounding waterways, you certainly won’t want to leave. Website:
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Boomers Finance: be part of the modern gold rush Gold and silver are hot commodities as the global financial crisis continues to bite at many of the world’s economies Each week it seems as if countries like
All of Numis
Greece and Portugal are set to finally
Network’s Silver
default on their massive debts.
Coin of the Month
Meanwhile, the gold and silver markets continue to
Club coins are certified and graded
appreciate as many seek
at the
a haven from stocks and
highest level which is Mint
State 70 (MS70), which is classified as a perfect,
Imagine being able to
museum quality collectible
collect gold and silver
assets, while also earning an income – just by
It’s a fabulous way of
sharing the products with
building a legacy of assets
friends and family? Numis Network is a unique, one-of-akind company which has just arrived in Australia and is based on a simple premise: Create Wealth, Collect Wealth and Preserve Wealth. Numis Network’s Silver Coin of the Month Club offers members to collect silver coins from a number of mints around the world, including the US, Canada, the UK, Mexico, and our own Perth Mint. Not all coins are created equal. Like diamonds, coins are graded on a number of factors which add to their value and collectability.
to pass onto children and grandchildren. Coins are also a great way of making history fun for children, as there is a story behind every coin. For boomers looking to earn some extra money, it is possible to earn cash from sharing the Silver Coin of the Month Club with family and friends, while also collecting valuable assets. For more information about the Silver Coin of the Month Club or if you’re interested in starting your own homebased business, call Brooke on 0438 677 588 or go to brookestoddart
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MAY 2012
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of David Bowie’s “Ziggy Stardust...”
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1/05/12 11:27 AM
Attention David Bowie fans!... Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars” EMI are excited to announce the release of a 40th anniversary edition of David Bowie’s truly groundbreaking and hugely influential album, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars. Originally released through RCA Victor on 6th June 1972, Ziggy Stardust was David Bowie’s fifth album, co-produced by Bowie and Ken Scott. Incredibly, the album was written whilst Bowie was recording 1971’s Hunky Dory album, with recording beginning a couple of months before that album’s release. It was recorded at Trident Studios, London between 8th November 1971 and 4th February 1972, with the line up: Mick Ronson (guitar, piano, backing vocals, string arrangements), Trevor Bolder (bass), Mick Woodmansey (drums), Rick Wakeman (keyboards) and backing vocals on ‘It Ain’t Easy’ by Dana Gillespie. As well as performing vocals, Bowie also played acoustic guitar, saxophone and harpsichord on the album and was involved in the arrangements too. The album eventually peaked at #5 on the UK Album Chart on 22nd July having entered the chart at #15 on 1st July. Key to the album’s rise in the UK were the two TV performances of “Starman” on Granada TV’s Lift Off With Ayshea and nationally on the BBC’s Top Of The Pops. The album’s influence is immeasurable – it converted legions of fans, becoming the zeitgeist and a major influence on the next generation, particular those who 24 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 24
were involved in the punk movement – musicians, artists, designers – and the subsequent re-birth of rock and pop. Famously Bowie killed Ziggy at his peak at London’s Hammersmith Odeon, on July 3rd, 1973, though Ziggy Stardust’s influence was to redefine popular culture forever: pop music was never the same again. This 40th anniversary edition has been remastered by original Trident Studios engineer Ray Staff (at London’s Air Studios). It will be available on CD and a special, limited edition format of vinyl featuring the new 2012 remaster with a 5.1 mix and high resolution audio on DVD – the DVD features previously unreleased 5.1 and stereo bonus 2003 Ken Scott mixes of Moonage Daydream (instrumental), The Supermen, Velvet Goldmine and Sweet Head. 1/05/12 11:27 AM
David Bowie Give Away Hey! Boomers has three copies of “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars” to give away. To win, simply email your entry to:
HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 25
hey! Competition closes 31st May 2012
1/05/12 11:27 AM
hey! CD Give Away Hey! Boomers has four copies of “The Ultimate Collection” to give away. To win, simply email your entry to:
Competition closes 31st May 2012
EMI Music Australia has proudly released a brand new best of collection from Air Supply, one of Australia’s most acclaimed and iconic bands. An exceptional collection featuring 19 tracks from 1976 through to 1983, The Ultimate Collection includes all the classics: Love And Other Bruises, Lost In Love, All Out Of Love, Every Woman In The World, The One That You Love, Even The Nights Are Better and more. The CD booklet comes with insightful liner notes written by Glenn A Baker. Also, for the first time ever, May 4 sees the release of Air Supply’s catalogue made available digitally: Life Support (1979), Lost In Love (1980), The One That You Love (1981), Now And Forever (1982)
Air Supply “The Ultimate Collection” Tracklisting: 1. Love And Other Bruises 2. Bring Out The Magic 3. Lost In Love 4. All Out Of Love 5. Every Woman In The World 6. Just Another Woman 7. Chances 8. The One That You Love 9. Here I Am 10. Sweet Dreams 11. I’ll Never Get Enough Of You 12. This Heart Belongs To Me 13. Keeping The Love Alive 14. Even The Nights Are Better 15. Now And Forever 16. Two Less Lonely People In The World 17. Making Love Out Of Nothing At All 18. Young Love 19. Come What May
For more info: 26 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 26
1/05/12 11:27 AM
Gray’s Scene By Darren Gray You’ll all remember Tim Page as the dedicated Dr Graham Steele in The Young Doctors. Poor Dr Steele was unlucky in love and had his house blown up by a deranged maniac who was stalking him. Tim has continued to have a hugely successful acting career since The Young Doctors ended and he has appeared in several hit West End musicals including Buddy and Aspects of Love. During the last couple of years Tim has been touring Taiwan and South Korea with the musical Jekyll and Hyde and I am delighted to report that he’ll now be playing Utterson in a new production of the show which will run at the Laycock Street Theatre in Gosford from 27 July until the 11 August. The musical version of Jekyll and Hyde is based on the gothic novella by Robert Louis Stevenson. We are transported to a smog
represent the UK in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest which will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan on 26 May. Engelbert who is now 75 will be the oldest singer ever to take part in the competition. He’ll be performing a composition called Love Will Set You Free which it is hoped will bring glory back to the Old Dart who haven’t won the event since 1997. Engelbert is currently recording a new studio album, has a busy touring schedule and has sold in excess of 45 million records worldwide. You can find out more about his
filled London during the 1880s and meet a
latest projects at
respectable Victorian doctor who begins
Meanwhile veteran Irish singer Val Doonican
experimenting with the human psyche with horrific results. This chilling production is a comment on human nature and exposes the hypocrisy and evil that can lurk beneath the surface of people at all levels of society. The production features magnificent music and will boast an array of authentic Victorian costumes. Others in the cast include the talented Allan Royal who will play the Right Honourable Sir Archibald Poops. To book your tickets head to www.
is now indulging in his passion for watercolour painting. Val will be remembered for singing ballads such as Delaney’s Donkey whilst sitting in a rocking chair and wearing a colourful knitted sweater. He retired in 2009 aged 82 after 62 years in the entertainment industry but you can view some of his artworks at Pictured above: Stars of The Young Doctors. From left are Tim Page (Dr Steele), the late
Tony Alvarez (Dr Garcia), Chris King (orderly
Veteran singer Engelbert Humperdinck will
Piper). Tim will be appearing in Jekyll & Hyde.
Dennis Jamison) and Bartholomew John (Dr
27 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 27
1/05/12 11:27 AM
The Rat Pack from Vegas After sell out seasons throughout North America and the UK; Frank, Sammy and Dean will be touring Australia in to wow audiences with a tribute that will leave you screaming for more. Robbie Howard as Frank Sinatra, Nicholas Brooks as Sammy Davis Jr. and Johnny Edwards as Dean Martin Together and individually these world class performers deliver a show not yet seen in Australia - a true dedication to the Rat Pack, and a show that Frank, Dean and Sammy would have been proud of.
Hey! Boomers has one double pass valued at $70 to see the show at Mittagong RSL to give away. Date: Friday 18th May 2012 Time: Doors 7.45pm | Show 8:30pm Venue: Mittagong RSL For your chance to win, simply email your name, address and contact phone number to Tickets will be available at the venue. Entries close Thursday 17th May. 28 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 28
1/05/12 11:27 AM
Ro mEt C DiD r e ctI fr he T U SA F p reR s e nO t e dM by AT b s tH ra c tEE n tU e rt aSi nA me n t
Rat Pack from Vegas
Fri 4th May Ryde Eastwood Leagues | Sat 5th May Castle Hill RSL | Fri 11th May Bankstown Sports | Sat 12th May Souths Juniors | Sun 13th May Laycock Street Theatre | Fri 18th May Mittagong RSL | Sat 19th May Penrith Panthers | Fri 25th May Kedron Wavell | Sat 26th May Twin Towns | Sun 27th May Newcastle Wests Leagues |
Swing with the Kings Direct from Las Vegas after sell out seasons through North America and the UK, Frank, Sammy and Dean are touring Australia to wow us with a tribute that will leave audiences screaming for more. 29 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 29
1/05/12 11:27 AM
Boomers at the Flix The next chapter of The Bourne film series hits Australian cinema screens on August 16...
The narrative architect behind the Bourne film series, Tony Gilroy, takes the helm in the next chapter of the hugely popular espionage franchise that has earned almost $1 billion at the global box office: The Bourne Legacy. The wrtier/director expands the Bourne universe created by Robert Ludlum with an original story that introduces us to a new hero (Jeremy Renner, pictured above) whose lifeor-death stakes have been triggered
by the events of the first three films. For The Bourne Legacy, Renner joins fellow series newcomers Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton, Stacy Keach and Oscar Isaac, while franchise veterans Albert Finney, Joan Allen, David Strathairn and Scott Glenn reprise their roles. For a sneak peak, visit the official Australian movie webstie: Rating Notice: Check the classification closer to release date
30 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 30
1/05/12 11:27 AM
IN CINEMAS 16 AUGUST 2012 31 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 31
1/05/12 11:27 AM
Boomer Book Reviews The Mountain by Drusilla Modjeska $32.95 RRP (ISBN: 9781741666502)
In 1968 Papua New Guinea is on the brink of independence, and everything is about to change. Amidst the turmoil filmmaker Leonard arrives from England with his Dutch wife, Rika, to study and film an isolated village high in The Mountains. The villagers’ customs and art have been passed down through generations, and Rika is immediately struck by their paintings on a cloth made of bark. Rika and Leonard are also confronted with the new university in Moresby, where intellectual ambition and the idealism of youth are creating friction among locals such as Milton - a hot-headed young playwright - and visiting westerners, such as Martha, to whom Rika becomes close. But it is when Rika meets brothers Jacob and Aaron that all their lives are changed for ever. Drusilla Modjeska’s sweeping novel takes us deep into this fascinating, complex country, whose culture and people cannot escape the march of modernity that threatens to overwhelm them. It is a riveting story of love, loss, grief and betrayal.
The Betrayal by A.K. Erskine $32.95 RRP (ISBN 9781742750187)
An engrossing novel of corruption and injustice at the heart of the police system, from the author of The Brotherhood... Tasmania is in the grip of one of the longest, bleakest winters on record and it’s particularly icy at the Hobart Police Station. Of the many golden rules in policing, one is especially sacred: what happens at work stays at work. So when a naive young constable, Lucy Howard, makes an allegation of sexual assault against a respected colleague, the rule is well and truly broken. Soon the station is divided. From Lucy’s fellow rookies right up to the commissioner himself - everyone must take a side. With grudges, prejudices and hidden agendas coming into play, support arrives from the unlikeliest of corners. But so too does betrayal ... 32 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 32
1/05/12 11:28 AM
The Watch by Joydeep Roy-Bhattacharya $32.95 RRP (ISBN: 9781742752754)
A powerful and affecting novel imagining the inner turmoil of soldiers on military bases. Following a desperate night-long battle, a group of beleaguered soldiers in an isolated base in Kandahar are faced with a lone woman demanding the return of her brother’s body. Is she a spy, a black widow, a lunatic or what she claims to be: a grieving sister intent on burying her brother according to local rites? As she persists, single-minded in her mission, the camp’s tense, claustrophobic atmosphere comes to a boil as the men argue about what to do next. The Watch takes an age-old story - the myth of Antigone - and hurls it into present-day Afghanistan. The result is a gripping, deeply affecting book that brilliantly exposes the realities of war. It is also our most powerful expression to date of the nature and futility of this very contemporary conflict.
In One Person by John Irving $32.95 RRP (ISBN: 9780857520975)
Spanning fifty years, In One Person is a breathtaking examination of sexual identity. A compelling novel of desire, secrecy, and sexual identity, In One Person is a story of unfulfilled love - tormented, funny, and affecting - and an impassioned embrace of our sexual differences. Billy, the bisexual narrator and main character of In One Person, tells the tragicomic story (lasting more than half a century) of his life as a ‘sexual suspect,’ a phrase first used by John Irving in 1978 - in his landmark novel of ‘terminal cases,’ The World According To Garp. His most political novel since The Cider House Rules and A Prayer For Owen Meany, John Irving’s In One Person is a poignant tribute to Billy’s friends and lovers - a theatrical cast of characters who defy category and convention. Not least, In One Person is an intimate and unforgettable portrait of the solitariness of a bisexual man who is dedicated to making himself ‘worthwhile.’ For more information on these or any other titles, visit 33 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 33
1/05/12 11:28 AM
Boomers Brain Benders Boomers Boggle How many words, greater than three letters, can you compile using the letters in this month’s word? Simply email your list of words to Don’t forget to add your name and contact details to the email for your chance to win a mystery prize!
app reciation Quick quiz For your chance to win a mystery prize, send your answers to this month’s quick quizz to Don’t forget to add your name and contact details to the email. 1. What car company logo consists of 3 red diamonds? 2. Name the legendary mare whose first offspring, nicknamed Rockstar, was bought for $1.5 million by Melbourne trainer Danny O’Brien. 3. Which animal is the national emblem of Canada? 4. Who wrote and illustrated the children’s classic, The Magic Pudding? 5. What is the name for film studio MGM’s famous lion mascot? 6. How many stomachs does a cow have? 7. According to the proverb, the eyes are the window to what? 8. What does the first A of NASA stand for? 9. Who was the first Australian to win a ‘Best Actress’ Oscar? 10. An adult butterfly has how many legs? 34 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 34
Competitions close 31st May 2012 1/05/12 11:28 AM
Proudly supplying artwork and production solutions for Hey! Boomers print and online
creative marketing communication strategies for small business
advertising branding graphic design communications online marketing 35 HeyBoomers_MAY12.indd 35
1/05/12 11:28 AM
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1/05/12 11:28 AM