LT-4WD, LT-F4WDX & LT-F2S0 • 1987-1998
Chapter one . General Information
ChaPlerTWQ . Troubleshooting Chapter Three Lubrication , Maintenance and Tune-up Chapter Four • Engine Top End Chapter Five Engine Lower End
Chapter Six • . Clutch Chapter Seven • Transmission and Shift Mechanism Chapter Eight • Fuel and Exhaust Systems
Chapter Nine . Electrical System
Chapter Ten . . , . Front Suspension and Steering . . . . Chapter Eleven Front Drive Mechanism Four-Wheel Drive ChaplerTwelve _ Rear Suspension, Rear Axle and Final Drive ~ Chapter Thirteen _ Brakes . . . . Chapter Fourteen _
Body " Index
Wiring Diagrams
QUICK REFERENCE DATA •.•..• • •• •• • . •• ••••••• •• •• •••••••••• • • . .• . • .•• ..... • IX CHAPTER ONE GENERAL INFORMATION ... .. . .. •••. ......... . . . . ... .... . . . ..... .... .•• .... . . . 1 Manual organization NOles. cautions and warnings Safety first Service hints Washing the vehicle
Torque specifications Fasteners Lubricants RTV gasket sealant Thrcadlock Gasket remover
Expendable supplies Pans replacemcllI Basic hand l00ls Test equipment Precision measuring tools
Speciallools Cleaning solvent
Mechanic's tips Ball bearing replacement Oil seals Riding safcty
CHAPTER TWO TROUBLESHOOTING . .. .. . .. .. •• . • . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . .....• . .. . .. . 37 Operating requirements Troubleshooting inslrumenls
EleclricallrOubleshoOling Test equipment
Starting the engine
Basic test procedures
Emergency troubleshooting
Electrical problems
Engine sianing troubleshooting Engine performance Engine noises Engine lubrication Clutch Gearshift linkage Transmission
Charging system troubleshooting Ignition system troubleshooting Electric starter system troubleshooting Carburetor troubleshooting Excessive vibration Fron! suspension and steering Brake problems
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CHAPTER THREE LUBRICATION, MAINTENANCE ANO TUNE-UP _.•..... . .. _. . . . . • . . . . . . . _. ..•.•... 58 Pre-checks Service intervals Tires and wheels Battery New battery installation
Battery electrical cable connectors Periodic lubrication Periodic mainlenance Engine tune-up
CHAPTER FOUR ENGINE TOP END •..•. __. __• . • . . . . . . __ ....•... •.•.•.•.• .•........• . . . . . . . . .. 92 Engine principles Engine cooling Cleanliness Servicing engine in frame Cylinder head cover
Cylinder head and camshaft Valves and valve components Cylinder Piston, piston pin and pislon rings Camshaft chain tensioner adjuster
CHAPTER FIVE ENGINE LOWER END .. .. _. . . . __ . ... . . _. . .•...•.•.•.•.•.•....•.•.•.•.•.•.... 147 Servicing engine in frame Oil cooler (LT-F4WDX 1280 eel models) Engine Right-hand crankcase cover Left-hand crankcase cover Recoil staner Staner clutch and gears Oil pump Oil strainer
Sub-transmission output shaft and rear final driven gear Secondary driven output shaft (4-wheel drive models) Crankcase and crankshaft Break-in procedure
CHAPTER SIX CLUTCH . . .. . . ..... . . . _. . . ...• _... . .. _. _.•.•.•.• . ..•.•......•. _. _. _. _...•. 195 C lutch operation Centrifugal clutch
Manual clutch Clutch lifting mechanism
CHAPTER SEVEN TRANSMISSION AND SHIFT MECHANISM .. . _. _. _. . . _. _.. . . ... . .. _. _. .. _. .. _. .. 21 6 Main transmission external shift mechanism Main transmission internal shift mechanism Main transmission internal shift mechanism inspection
Sub-transmission and shift mechanism Gearshift lever cOnlroi mechanism
CHAPTER EIGHT FUEL AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS •.•.•.•.•.•..........•.•.•.•.•.•..•...•.•..... 266 Carburetor operation Carburetor service Carburetor (1987- 1989 models) Carburetor (l990-0n models) Cleaning and inspection (al l models) Carburetor adjustmenls Fuel system cleanliness inspection
Thronle cable Choke cable ( 1990-on models) Fuel shutoff valve Fuel tank Fuel pump Air filter housing Exhaust system
1 •
• •
• •
CHAPTER NINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ...•...•.••.. . ... . ....•.. •.•... . . . . . .••• . •• ••• • ••. . . .. 300 Eleclrical connectors Starter relay Battery negative tcnninal Neutral relay Charging system Lighting system Vollage regulillor/reclifier Switches AC generator Odometer housing (2·whccl drive models) Capacitor discharge ignition Speedometer housing ( 4~whce l drive models) Pickup coil OUlpullcrminal
Ignition coil
Starting system Electric starter
Wiring diagrams
CHAPTER TEN FRONT SUSPENSION AND STEERING ....•.•...... . .. . . . ... . ...•....... . .. . . . . 343 Front wheel Front hub and brake drum Tires and wheels Steering system Shock absorber Front suspension CHAPTER ELEVEN FRONT DRIVE MECHANISM FOUR·WHEEL DRIVE ......... • .. •... ••.... . . . •..... 370
Front drive axles
Front differential
Propeller shafl CHAPTER TWELVE REAR SUSPENSION, REAR AXLE AND FINAL DRIVE ..... . . ... . . . . .....•.. , .••... 384 Rear wheel Rear suspension ann Shock absorber Rear drive axles Rear hub and brake drum CHAPTER THIRTEEN BRAKES .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . ......•.•..........•• . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . ..•.......... 402 Front drum brakes Front master cylinder Rear drum brake Front brake hose replacement Drum brake inspection (front and rear) Bleeding the system Rear drum brake cable and foot pedal CHAPTER FOURTEEN BODy . . ....... . ................ . . . .... .. . .. . . . .. .... .. ....... .... . . .. .... 434 Seat Footrest assembly Rear fender and rear rack Trailer hitch plate From fender, from rack and front grip
INDEX .. . . . . . ... . ... . ................. . ..... . . . .. ... ..... . .. . ............. 444
WIRING DIAGRAMS ...... .. .. . .... ... . .. . . ...... . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .... .... ..... 448
A ••, tI .... 0.,
••• •••
20 20
2.' 2.'
Front tires Load capacity LT·F250 models
All loads LT-4WD model. Up 10 80 kg (175 lb.)
80-172 kg (175-380 lb.) LT· F4WDX model. ~1I1~)dS up to In kg 90 lb. maximum
0 ••
Tire pre•• ure
'TIre Inllation pressure for factory equipped tires. Aftermarket tirea may require different Inllation pre•• ure.
REFILL CAPACITIES AND SPECIFICATIONS Capacity Fuel lank Including reserve Reserve only
Engine 011 change 011 and fitter change Engine overhaul Front differential
85-95 octane or higher
12 liters (3.2 U.S. gal.) 2.0 liters (2. t U.S. qt.) SAE 10W/40
3500 ml (3.7 U.S . qt •. ) 3600 ml (3.8 U.S . qt • .) 3860 ml (4.1 U.S. qt • .) ISO ml (5.1 U.S . OL)
(4-wheel drive)
Hypold gear 011 SAE 90 (GL-S)
TUNE-UP AND MAINTENANCE T IGHTENING TORQUES I t em Cylinder head 8 mm nuts 250cc 280cc Cylinder head-to-cyllnder 6 mm nuts Cyllnder-to-crankcase 6 mm nuts Timing hole cap (17 mm) Engine 011 drain plug Front differential Fill cap Drain bolt Exhaust syatem Exhaust plpe-to-cyllnder head nuts MuHler-tG-ilixhaust pipe bott Muffler mounting bolts
18-23 21-25 7-11 7-11 20-25 18-23
13-16.5 15-18
20-30 20-30 9-12
14.5-21.5 14.5-21 .5 6.5-8.5
18-23 18-28
13-16.5 13-20
5-8 5-8 14.5-18.0 13-16.5
TUNE -UP SPECIFICATIONS Valve clearance Intake Exhaust Compression pressure (at lea level) Standard Service limit (min.) Spark ~ug .tandard type U.S. models Canadian models Spark plug gap Idle s peed 250 cc models 280 cc models Pilot Krew Initial opening 250 cc models 280 cc models
0.03-0.08 mm (0.001-0.003 In.) 0.08-0.13 mm (0.003-0.005 In.) 1000-1400 kPa (142-199 psi) 800 kPa (114 psI) NGK 07EA, NO X22E5-U NGK OR7EA, NO X22ESR-U 0.6-0.7 mm (0.024-0.028 In.) 1350-1450 rpm 1400-1600 rpm 2 turns out 25/89 turns out
Headlight LT-25O LT-4WD, LT-F4WDX Taillight Speedometer and odometer Indicator tight LT-250 LT-4WD, LT-FWDX
12V 45145W 12V 30130W 12VSW 12V 3.4W 12V2W 12V 3.4W
INTRODUCTION This detailed. comprehensive manual covers Ihe Suzuki LT-F2S0. LT-4WD and LT- F4W DX from 1987- 1998. The expert text gives complete infonnation on maintenance. tune-up. repair and overhaul. Hund reds of photos and drawings guide you through every step. The book includes all you will need to know 10 keep your Suzuki run-
ning right. A shop manual is a reference. You want to be able to find infonnation fast. As in all Clymer books, this one is designed with you in mind. All chapters arc thumb-tabbed . Imponant items are extensively indexed at the rear of the book. All procedures. tables. photos. eel. in this manual are for the reader who may be working on the vehicle for the first lime or using this manual for the first lime. AlIlhe mosl frequently used specifications and capacities arc summarized in the Quick Rejerence Dara pages at the front of the book. Keep the book handy in you r tool box. [ t will help you better understand how you r ATV operates, lower repai r costs and generally improve your satisfaction wit h the ATV.
This detailed comprehensive manual covers the Suzuki LT¡F250 Quad Runner (246 ee), LT-4WD Quad Runner (246 ee) and LT-F4WOX King Quad (280 ee) from 1987-1998. Troubleshooting. tunc-up. maintenance and re-
pair are nOI difficult. if you know what tools and equipment to use and what 10 do. Step-by-step insiruclions guide you through jobs nmging from simple maintenance 10 complete engine and suspension overhaul. This manual can be used by anyone from a first time do-it-yourselfer 10 a professional mechanic. Detailed drawings and clear photographs give you all thc infomtation you need 10 do Ihc work right. Some of the procedures in Ihis manual require the usc ofspcciaitoo\s. The resourceful mechanic can, in many cases. think of acceptable substitutes for special tools- there is always another way. This can be as si mple as using a few pieces of threaded rod. washers and nuts to remove or install a bearing or fabricating a tool from scrap malerial. However. using a substitute for a special tool is not recommended as it can be dangerous to you and may damage the part. If you find that a tool can be designed and safely made, but will require some type of machine work. you may want to search out a local community college or high school that has a machine shop curriculum. Shop teachers sometimes
welcome outside work that can be used as practical shop applications for advanced slUdents . Metric and U.S. Standards arc used throughout this manual . U.S. to metric conversion is given in Ta b le 2. Tab les 1-5 are found at the end of the chapter. MANUA L ORGAN I Z AT ION This chapter provides general infonnation and discusses equipment and tools useful both for preventive maintenance and troubleshooting. Chapter Two provides methods and suggestions for quick and accurate diagnosis and re pai r of problems. Troubleshooting procedures discuss typical symptoms and logical methods to pinpoint the trouble. Chapter Three cxplains all periodic lubrication and routine maintenance necessary to keep your Suzuki operating well. Chapter Three also includes recommended tune-up procedures. eliminating the need to consult other chapters on the various assemblies. Subsequent chapters describe spec ific systems such as the engine top end, engine bollom end. clutch assemblies. transmission. sub-transmission, fuel. exhaust. electrical. suspension, 2-wheel and 4-wheel drive trains. steering and brakes. Each
2 chapler provides disassembly, repair. and assembly procedures in simple step-by-step form. If a repair
is impractical for II home mechanic. it is so indicated. It is usuall y faster and less expensive 10 take such repairs to a Suzuki dealer or competent repair shop_ Specifications concerning II particular system are included at the end of the appropriate chapter.
NOTES, CA UTIONS AND WA RNINGS The terms NOTE. CAUTION and WARN ING have specific meanings in this manual. A NOTE provides additional information to make II step or procedure easier or clearer. Di sregarding II NOTE could cause inconvenience. but would nOl cause
damage or personal injury. A CAUTION emphasizes areas where equipment damage could occur. Di sregarding II CAlITlON could cause permanent mechanical damage: however, personal injury is unlikely. A WARNING emphasizes areas where persona1 injury or even death could result from negligence. Mechanical damage may also occur. WARNINGS are /0 be wken seriously. In some cases, serious injury and death has resulted from disregarding similar warnings.
4. Use the proper sized wrenches to avoid damage to fasteners and injury to yourself. 5. When loosening a tight or stuck nut. be guided by what would happen if the wrench should slip. Be careful; protect yourself accordingly. 6. When replacing a fastene r. make sure to use one with the same measurements and strength as the old one. Incorrect or mismatched fasteners can result in damage to the ve hicle and possible personal inj ury. Beware o f fastener kits that are fill ed with cheap and poorly made nuts. bolts, washers and cOlier pins. Refer to Fasteners in this chapter for additional information. 7. Keep al l hand and power tools in good condition. Wipe greasy and oily tool s after using them. They are difficult to hold and can cause injury. Replace or repair worn or damaged tools. 8. Keep your work area clean and unclullered. 9. WeaI safe ty goggles during all operations involving drilling. grinding, the use of a cold chisel or anytime you feel unsure about the safety of your
SAFETY FIRST Professional mechanics can work for years and never sustain a serious injury. If you observe a few rules of common sense and safety. yo u can enjoy many safe hours serv icing yo ur own machine. If you ignore these rules you can hun yourself or damage the equipment. I. Neller use gasoline as a cleaning solvent.
WARNING Gasoline should only be stored in an approl'ed safety gasoline storage conwiner, properly labeled. Spilled gasoline should be wiped up immediately. 2. Never smoke or use a lorch in the vicinity of flammable liquids. s uch as cleaning solvent . in open containers. 3. If welding or brazing is required on the machine. remove the fuel lank and rear shock 10 a safe dislance, at leasl 50 feet away.
GENERAL INFORMATION eyes. Safety goggles (Figure I) should also be worn anytime solvent and compressed air are used to clean a pan. 10. Keep an approved fire extinguisher (Figure 2) nearby. Be sure it is rated for gasoline (Class B) and electrical (Class C) fires. I I . When drying bearings o r other rotating pans with compressed air. never allow the air jet to rotate the bearing or pan. The air jet is capable of rotating them at speeds far in excess of those for which they were designed. The bearing or rotating pan is very likely to disintegrate and cause serious injury and damage. To prevent bearing damage when using compressed air. hold the inner bearing race by hand (Figure 3).
SERVICE HINTS Most of the service procedures covered are straightforward and can be performed by anyone
( \
3 reasonably handy with tools. It is suggested. however. that you consider your own capabilities carefu ll y befo re attempting any operation involving major disassembly of the engine o r transmission. Take your time and do the job right. Do not forget that a newly rebuilt engine must be broken in the same way as a new one. Keep the rpm 's within the limits given in your Suzuki owner's manual when you get the vehicle back on the dirt. NOTE Some ofthe proudurn or serviu speci· fications listed in this manual may not be applicable if your Suzuki has been modified or ifit has been equipped with non-stock equipment. When modifying or installing non-stock equipment, file all printed instruction or technical information regarding the new equipment in a/older or notebook for future refer· ence. lfyour Suzuki was purchased second hand, the previous owner may hlll'e installed non·stock parts. If necessary, consult with your dealer or the accessory manufacturer on components thm may affect tuning or repair procedures.
1. "Front," as used in this manual, refers to the from of the vehicle: the front of any component is the end closest to the front of the vehicle. The "left·" and "right-hand" sides refer to the position of the parts as viewed by a rider sitting on the seat fac ing for· ward. For example. the throttle control is on the right-hand side. These rules are simple. but confusion can cause a major inconvenience during service. 2. Whenever servicing the engine or clulch, or when removi ng a suspension component, the vehicle should be secured in a safe manner and the parking brake applied. WARNING Nel'er disconnect the positive ( +) bot· tery cable unless the negative (-) cable has first been disconnected. Discon· neclillg the positive cable while the negatil'e cable is still connected may cause a spark. This could ignite hydrogen gas given offby the battery. callsing an explosion.
3. Disconnect the negative battery cable (Figure 4) when working on o r near the electrical, dutch or slaner systems and before disconnecting any elec-
trical wires. On most batteries. the negative terminal will be marked with a minus (-) sign and the positive terminal with a plus (+) sign . 4. Tag all similar internal parts for location and mark all mating parts for position (A. Figure 5).
Record number and thickness of any shims as they are removed. Small pans such as bolts can be identified by placing them in plastic sandwich bags (B, Figure S). Seal and label them with masking lape. 5. Place pans from a specific area oftheengine (e.g. cylinder head. cylinder, clUICh, shift mechanism, CIC.) into plaslic boxes (C, Figure 5) 10 keep them
separated. 6. When disassembling transmission shaft assemblies, use an egg flat (the type that restaurants gct their eggs in) (D. Figu re 5) and set the parts from
the shaft in one of the depressions in the same order in which it is removed. 7. Wiring should be tagged with masking tape and marked as each wire is removed. Again, do not rely on memory alone. 8. Finished surfaces should be protected from physical damage or corrosion. Keep gasoline and brake fluid off painted surfaces. 9. Use penetrating oil on frozen or ti ght bolts, then strike the bolt head a few times with a hammer and punch (use a screwdriver on screws). Avoid the use of heat where possible, as it can warp. melt or affect the temper of parts. Heat also ruins finishes, especially paint and plastics. 10. No parts removed or installed (other than bushings and bearings) in the procedures given in this manual should require unusual force during disassembly or assembly. If a part is difficult to remove or install, find out why before proceeding. 11. Cover all openings afterrcmoving partS orcomponents to prevent dirt. small 10015, etc. from fall ing in. 12. Read each procedure complerely while looking at the actual parts before starting a job. Make sure you rhoroughly understand what is to be done and then carefully follow the procedure, step-by-step. 13. Recommendations are occasional ly made 10 refer service or maintenance to a Suzuki dealer or a speciali st in a particular fi eld. In these cases, the work will be done more quickly and economically than if you performed the job yourself. 14. In procedural steps, the term "replace" means to discard a defective part and replace it with a new or exchange unit. "Overhaul" means to remove, disas-
CHAPTER ONE semble, inspect, measure, repair or replace defective parts, reassemble and install major systems or parts. 15. Some transmission shaft operations require the use of a hydraulic press. It would be wiser to have these operations perfonned by a shop equipped for such work, rather than to try to do the job yourself with makeshift equipment thaI may damage your machine. 16. Repairs go much faster and easier if your machine is clean before you begin work. There are many special cleaners on the markel, like Bel-Ray Degreaser. for washing the engine and related parts. Follow the manufacturer's directions on the container for the best results. Clean all oily or greasy parts with cleaning solvent as you remove them. See Washing Ihe Vehicle in this chapter. WARNING Never use gasoline as a cleaning agent. II presents an exrreme fire hazard. Be sure to work in a well-\'e ntilated area when /Ising cleaning solvent. Keep afire extinguisher, rated for gasoline fires, handy in allY case.
17. Much of the labor charge for repairs made by dealers are for the time involved during in the removal, disassembly. assembly and reinstallation of other parts in order to reach the defective part. It is frequen tly possible to perform the preliminary operations yourself and then take the defective unit to the dealer for repair at considerable savings. 18. If speciallools are required. make arrangements to get them before you start. It is frustrating and
GENERAL INFO RMATION lime-consuming to get panly into a job and then be unable to complete it. 19. Make diagrams (or take a Polaroid picture) wherever similar-appearing parts are found. For instance, crankcase boils are often not the same length. You may think you can remember where everything came from-but mistakes are costly. There is also the possibility that you may be sidetracked and nol relUm to work for days or even weeks-in which time the carefully laid out parts may have become dislUrbed. 20. When assembling parts. be sure all shims and washers are replaced ex.actly as they came out. 21. Whenever a rotating pan butts against a stationary part. look for a shim or washer. Use new gaskets if there is any doubt about the condition of the old ones. A thin coal of oil on non-pressure type gaskets may help them seal more effectively. 22. High spots may be sanded off a pislon with sandpaper. but fine emery cloth and oil will do a much more professional job. 23. Carbon can be removed from the head. the piston crowns and the ex.haust pons with a dull screwdriver. Do nor scratch machined surfaces. Wipe off the surface with a clean cloth when finished. 24. If it is necessary to make a clutch cover or ignition cover gasket and you do nOl have a suitable old gasket to use as a guide. you can use the outline of the cover and gaSket material to make a new gasket. Apply engine oi l to the cover gaskel surface. Then place the cover on the new gasket material and apply pressure wilh your hands. The oil will leave a very accurate outline on the gasket materiallhat can be cut arounr:l. CAUTION
When purchasing gasket material to make a gasket, measure the thickness of the old gasket and purchase gasket material with the same approximate thickness. 25. Heavy grease can be used to hold small pans in place if they tend to fall out during assembly. However. keep grease and oil away from electrical and brake components. 26. The carburetor is beSI cleaned by disassembling il and soaking the pans in a commercial cleaning solvent. Never soak gaskets and rubber pans in these cleaners. Never use wire to clean OUI jets and air
5 passages. They areeasilydamaged. Use compressed air to blowout the carburetor only if the noat has been removed firs!. 27. There are many items avai lable that can be used on your hands before and after working on your vehicle. A little preparation prior to getting "all greased up" will help when cleaning up later. Before starting out, work Vaseline. soap or a product such as Invisible Glove onto your foreanns. into your hands and under your fingernails and cuticles. This will make cleanup a lot easier. For cleanup. use a waterless hand soap such as Sia-Lubeand then finish up with powdered Boraxo and It fingernail brush.
WASHING THE VEH1CLE Since Ihe vehicle is an off-road vehicle designed for use on construction sights, agricultural areas. etc., you will spend a lot of time cleaning the ATV if you want to maintain it properly. After riding it in extremely diny areas, wash il down thorough ly. Doi ng this will make maintenance and serv ice procedures quick and easy. More imponant. proper cleaning will prevent din from falling inlo critical areas undetected. Failing to clean the vehicle or cleaning il incorrectly will add to your maintenance COSts and shop lime because diny pans wear out prematurely, It's unthinkable that your vehicle could break down because of improper cleaning. but il can happen. When cleaning your Suzuki. you will need a few lools. shop rags. scrub brush. bucket. liquid cleaner and access 10 water. Many owners use a coin-operated car wash. Coin-operated car washes are convenient and quick. but with improper use, the high water pressures can do more damage than good to your vehicle. CAUTION
If you use a car wash to clean YOllr vehicle. don't dirl'ct the high pressure water hose at steering column bearings, carburetor hoses, suspension linkage components , brake back panels, wheel bearings and electrical components. The warer will flllsh grease our of the bearings or damagl' the seals. NOTE A safe biodegradable, nontoxic anti
nonflammable liquid cleaner that works wellfor washing yOll r I'ehic/e as well as
6 for Ten/OI'ing grease and oi/from engine and suspension parts is Simple Creen. Simple Green con be purchasetJ thr0l4gh same supermarkets, hardware. garden and discount supply houses. Follow the directions on the container for recommended dilution ratios. When cleaning yo ur vehicle and especially when using a spray type degreaser. remember that what
goes on the vehicle will rinse ofT and drip ontO your driveway or into your yard. If you can, use a degreaser al a coin-operated car wash. If you are cleaning your vehicle at home, place thick cardboard or newspapers underneath the vehicle to calch the oil and grease deposits that are ri nsed off. I. Place the vehicle on level ground and SCI the parking brake. 2. Check the followin g before washing the vehicle:
a. Make sure the gas filler cap is screwed on tightly. b. Make sure the engine oil . front differential. front gear case and final drive unit fi ll caps are tight. c. Plug the mumer opening with a large cork or
"g. 3. Wash the vehicle from top to botlom with soapy water. Use the scrub brush to get excess din out of thc wheel rims and engine crannies. Concentrate on the upper controls, engine. side panels and gas tank during this wash cycle. Don't forget to wash din and mud from underneath the fenders. suspension and engine crankcase. 4. Wrap a plastic bag around the ignition coil and COl unit. Concentrate the second wash cycle on the frame tube members. outer airbox arca~. suspension linkage and shock absorbers. 5. Direct the hose underneath the engine. Wash this area thoroughly. If this area is extremely diny. you may want to tip the vehicle up on its rear wheels and rear carrier. Protect the fini sh when placing the vehicle in this position. 6. The final step is rinsing. Use cold water wi thout soap and spray the entire vehicle again. Use as much time and care when rinsing the vehicle as when washing it. Built up soap deposits will quickly corrode elecuical connections and remove the natural oi ls from tires, causing premature cracks and wear. Make sure you thoroughly rinse the vehicle 01T.
7. Tip the vehicle from side-to-side to allow any water thaI has collected on horizontal surfaces to drain off.
8. If you are washing the vchicle at home. stan the engine. Idle the cngine to bum olT any residual moisture.
9. Before taking the vehicle into the garage. wipe it dry with a soft cloth or chamois. Inspect the machine as you dry it for funhersignsof din and grime. Make a quick visual inspection of the frame and other painted pie<:es. Spray any worn-down spots with WD-40or Bel-Ray6-in-1 to prevent rust from building on the bare metal. When the vehicle is back at your work area you can repaint the bare areas with touch-up paint after thoroughly c1eaningoffall WO40 residue. A quick shot from a touch-up paint can each time you work on the vehicle will keep it looking sharp and stop rust from building and weakening pans.
GENE RAL INFORMATION TORQUE SPEC IFICATIONS Torque specifications throughout lhis manual are given in Newlon-meters (N.m) and fool-pounds (fL\b.). Existing torque wrenches calibrated in meier kilograms can be used by perfonning a simple conversion. All you have to do is move the decimal point
one place to the right-for example. 3.5 mkg '" 35 N.m. This conversion is accurate enough for mechanical work even though the ex act mathematical conversion is 3.5 mkg = 34.3 N.m.
Refer to Table 3 for standard IOrque specifications for various size screws, bolls and nuts that may nOI be listed in the respective chapters. To use the [able,
firsl delennine the size of the bolt or nut. Use a vernier caliper and measure the inside dimension of
the threads of the
(Figure 6) and across the
threads for a boll (Figure 7).
FASTENERS The materials and designs of the various fasteners used on your Suzuki are not arrived at by chance or accidenl. Fastener design detemlines the type of tool required to work the fastener. Fastener material is carefully selected to decrease the possibility of physical failure. Nuts, bol ts and screws are manufactured in a wide range of thread patterns. To join a nut and bolt, the diameter of the bolt and the diameter of the hole in the nut must be the same. It is just as imponantlhal the threads on both be properly matched. The best way to tell if the threads on 2 fasteners are matched is to tum the nut on Ihe bolt (or the bolt into the threaded hole in a piece of equipment) with fingers only. Be sure both pieces are clean. If much force is required, check the thread condition on each fastener. If the thread condition is good but the fasteners jam. the threads are not compatible. A thread pitch gauge (Figure 8) can also be used to detennine pitch. Suzuki ATV's are manufactured with ISO (International Organization for Standardization) metric fasteners. The threads are CUI differently than that of American fasteners (Figu re 9). Most threads are cut so that the fastener ntust be turned clockwise to tighten it. These are called righthand threads. Some fasteners have left-hand threads: they must be turned counterclockwise to be tightened. Left-hand threads are used in locations where nonnal rotation of the equipment would tend to loosen a right-hand threaded fastener. ISO M et ric Screw Th reads ISO (International Organization for Standardization) metric threads come in 3 standard thread sizes: coarse. fine and constant pilch. The ISO coarse pitch is used for most all common fastener applications. The fine pilch thread is used on cenain precision tools and instrumeniS. The constanl pitch thread is used mainly on machine pans and not for fasteners. The constant pitch thread, however. is used on all metric thread s park plugs.
8 ISO metric threads are specified by the capital letter M followed by the diameter in millimeters and
the pitch (or the distance between each lbread) in millimeters separated by the sign "-", For example
a M8-I .25 bolt is one thai has a diameter of 8 mill imeters with a distance of 1.25 millimeters between each thread. The measurement across 2 flals on the head of the bolt (Figure 10) indicates the proper wrench size to be used. figure II shows how to detennine bolt diameter.
locking nuts have a nylon insen which prevents the nut from loosening; no lockwasher is required. Wing nuts are designed for fast removal by hand. Wing nuts are used for convenience in non-critical locations. To indicate the sizcofa metric nut, manufacturers specify the diameter o f the opening and the thread pitch. This is similar to bolt specifications. but with¡ out the length dimension. The measurement across 2 nats on the nUl indicates the proper wrench size to be used (Figure 16).
When purchnsing Q boll from a deafer or parts store, it is important to knoll' how to specify boft length. The correct way to measure bolt length is by mel/Sun"ng the length starting from underneath the bolt head to the end a/the boll (Figure 11). Always measure bolt
length in this manner 10 avoid purchasing bolts that are too /ollg.
Machine Screws There are many differe nt types of machine screws. Figure 13 shows a number of screw heads requiring different types of turning tools. Heads are also designed to protrude above the metal (round) or to be slightly recessed in the metal (nat). See Figure 14.
Bolts Commonly called bolts. the technical name for these fasteners is cap screws. Metric bolts are described by the diameter and pitch (or the distance between each thread). For ellumple a MS-l.25 bolt is one that has a diameter of 8 millimeters and a distance of 1.25 millimeters between each thread. The measurement across 2 flats on the head of the bolt (Figure 10) indicates the proper wrench size be used. Use a vemiercaliper and measure across the threads (Figure 7) to dctennine the bolt diameter and to measure the Jenglh (Figure 12).
Nuts NUis are manufactured in a variety of types and sizes. Most are hellagonal (6-sided) and fi t on bolts. screws and studs with the same diameter and pitch. Figure I S shows several types o f nuts. The common nut is generally used with a lockwasher. Self-
Internal tor.
~~~ ~~ ®
Common nut
SeH.Ia<:klng nut
Wing nut
10 Self. Locking Fasteners Several types ofbohs, screws and nuts incorporalc a system that develops an imerference between the
bolt. screw, nUl or tapped hole threads. Interference is achieved in various ways: by distoning threads. coaling threads with dry adhesive or nylon. distort-
ing the top of an all-metal nut, using a nylon insert in the center or at the top of a nut. etc. Prevailing torque fasteners offer greater holding strength and beUer vibration resistance. Some prevailing torque fasteners can be reused if in good
condition. Others. like the nylon insert nut, (onn an initial locking condition when the nUl is first installed: the nylon fonns closely to the bolt thread pallern, thus reducing any tendency for the nUl \0 loosen. When the nUl is removed. the locking effi ciency is greatly reduced. For greatest safety. it is recommended that you install new prevailing torque fasteners whenever they are removed.
Washers There are 2 basic types of washers: flat washers and lockwashers. Flat washers are simple discs with a hole (0 fi t a screw or bolt. Lockwashers are designed (0 prevent a fastener from working loose due 10 vibration, expansion and contraction. Figure 17 shows several types of washers. Washers arc also used in the following functions: a. As spacers.
b. To prevent galling or damage of the equipment by the fastener. c. To help di stribUie fastener load during torquing. d . As seals. Note that flat washers are often used between a lockwasher and a fas tener to provide a smooth bearing surface. This allows the fastener to be turned easily with a tool.
Cotter Pins Cotter pins (I' igu rf: 18) are used to secure special kinds of fasteners . The threaded stud must have a hole in il: the nut or nut lock piece has castell:ltions around which the cotler pi n ends wrap. Cotter pins should not be reused after removal. C irclips Circ lips can be inlernal o rextemal design. They are used to retai n items on shafts (external type) or with in tubes (i nternal type). In some applications. circlips of varying thicknesses are used 10 cOnlfollhe end play of pans assemblies. These are oflen called se leclive circlips. C irclips should be replaced during inslall alion. as re moval weakens and deforms them. Two basic styles of circlips are avai lable: machined and stamped circiips. Machined circiips
ÂŽ Correct InstallaUon 0 1 cotter pin
Internal tooth
External tooth
(Figure 19) can be installed in either direction (shaft or housing) because both faces are machined , thus creating two sharp edges. Stamped circlips (Figure 20) arc manufaclUred with one sharp edge and one rounded edge. When installing stamped circlips in a thrust si tualion (unnsmission shafts. fork tubes, ctc.). the sharp edge must face away from the pan producing the thrust. When installing circl ips. observe the following: a. Compress or expand cirelips only enough to install them. b. After the circlip is installed. make sure it is complete ly seated in its groove. Transmission circlips become worn with use and increase side play. For this reason, always use new circlips when ever a tnUlsmission is be reassembled.
LUBRI CANTS Periodic lubrication ass ures long life for any type of equipment. The f)pe of lubricant used is just as important as the lubrication service itself. although in an emergency the wrong type oflubricant is beller than none at all. The following paragraphs describe the types of lubricants most often used on motorcycle equipment. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for lubricant types. Generally. all liquid lubricants are called "oil." They may be mineral-based (including petroleum bases). natural-based (vegetable and animal bases), synthetic-based or emul sions (mixtures). "Grease" is an oi l to which a thickening base has been added so that the end product is semi-solid. Grease is often classified by the type of thickener added; lithium soap is commonly used.
E ngine Oil
Full support
·l<:",,=~C';fr .re.s
Rounded edges
~ I Sharp edges
Direction ollhrust
Four-cycle oi l fo r motorcycle and automotive engines is classified by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in several categories. Oil containers display these classifications on the top or label. API oi l classi fi cation is indicated by letters; oils for gasoline engines are identi fi ed by an ·'S." Suzuki model s described in this man ual require SE or SF graded oil. Viscosity is an indicatio n of the oil's thickness. The SAE uses numbers to indicate viscosity; thin oi ls have low numbers wh ile thick o ils have high numbers. A " W" after the number indicates that the viscosity testing was done at low temperature to si mulate cold-weather operation. Engine oils fall into the 5W-30 and 20W-50 range. Multi -grade oils (for example IOW-40) are less viscous (thinner) at low tempemtures and more viscous (thicker) at high temperatures. Thi s allows the oil to perform efficiently across a wide range o f engine operat ing conditions. The lower the num ber. the better the engine will stan in cold climates. Higher numbers are usually recommended for engine running in hot weather conditio ns.
Greases are graded by the National Lubricating Grease Inst itute (NLGI). Greases arc graded by num ber according to the consistency of the grease;
these range from No. 000 to No.6, with No.6 being the mosl sol id. A Iypical mUltipurpose grease is NLG I No.2. For specific applications. equipment manufacturers may require grease with an additive such as mOlybdenum disulfide (MOS2) (Figure 21 ),
RTV GASKET SEALANT Room temperature vulcanizing (RTV) sealant is used on some pre-fomlcd gaskets and to seal some
components. RTV is a silicone gcl supplied in lubes and can be purchased in a number of different colors
Applying Threadlock Surfaces should be clean and free o f oil. grease, dirt and other residue; clean threads with an aerosol electrical contact cleaner before applying the Loctite. When applying Loctite, use a small amount. If too much is used, it can work its way down the threads and stick parts togcther not meant to be stuck.
(Figure 22).
Moisture in the air causes RTV 10 cure. Always place the cap on the lUbe as soon as possible when using RTV. RTV has a shelf life of one year and will not cure properly when the shelf life has expired.
Check the expiration dale on RTY tubes before using and keep partially used tubes tightly sealed.
Applying RTV Sealant Clean all gasket residue from mating surfaces. Surfaces should be clean and free of oil and dirt. Remove all RTV gasket material from blind attaching holes, as it can cause a "hydraulic" effect and affect bolt torque. Apply RTV sealant in a continuous bead. Cirele all mounting holes unless otherwi se speci fi ed. Torque mating parts within 10 minutes after application.
THREADLDCK A chemical locking compound should be used on all bolls and nuts, even if they are secured with lock washers. A locking compound will lock fas teners against vibration loosening and seal against leaks. Loctite 242 (blue) and 271 (red) are recommended for many threadlock requirements described in this manual (Figure 23). Loctite 242 (blue) is a medium strength Ihreadlock and component disassembly can be performed with normal hand lools. Loctite 271 (red) is a high strength threadlock and heal or speciai loois. such as a press or puller, may be required for component disassembly.
Stubborn gaskets can present a problem during engine service as they can take a long time 10 remove. Consequently, there is the :ldded problem of secondary damage occurring 10 the gasket mating surfaces from the incorrect use of gasket scraping tool s. To quickly and s:lfely remove stubborn gaskets, lise a spmy gasket remover. Spray gasket remover can be purchased through automotive parts houses. Follow the m:lnufacturer's directions for use.
Cert:li n expendable supplies are req uired during ma inten :lnce and repair work . The se include grease, oil , gasket cement , wiping rags and cleaning solvent (Figure 24). Ask your dealer for the spcciallocking compounds. silicone lubricants and other products which make ATV maintenance simpler and easier. Cleaning solvent or kerosene is avai lable at some service stations. paint or hardware stores.
WARNING HOI'ing a stack of clean shop rags Oil hand is important whell per/orming engille and suspension sen 'ice work. Howel'er. to pre.'ellt tlte possibility of fire damage from a pile of so'.'wt soaked rags, store them ill a lid seoled mellli conwillU ulltil they can be washed or discarded. NOTE To {woid absorbillg soll'ent and other chemicals illto your skin while cleanillg parts, wear a pair of petroleum¡ resistalll rllbber gloves. These call be {)lfr¡ chased through industrial sUfJply houses or well-equipped hardware stores. PA RTS REPLACEMENT Suzuki makes frequent changes during :I model year, some minor, some relatively major. When you order parts from the dealer or other pans distributor. always order by frame and e ngine numbers. The frame number serial number is stamped on the rear frame vertical member (Figu re 25). The engine number is stamped on :I raised pad on the rear right-hand side of the crankc:lse (Figu re 26) below the rear drive ax le. Record these numbers in the Quick Reference Dma section at the fro nt of this manual. Have these on hand when ordering pans. Compare new parts to old before purchasing them. If they are nOI alike. have the P:lns manager explain the difference 10 you. Tri ble I li sts engi ne and fra me serial numbers forlhe models covered in this manual.
NOTE If your Su zuki was /Jllrchased second-halld and you are not sure of ils
model ytwr. use the I'ehicle'l' frame seria/Illullber llJId the in/oml(lfioll listed in Tabk I. A Sumki dealership can determine the exact model year from ,he/rome seria/llumber.
BASIC HA ND TOOLS Many of the procedures in this manual can becarried out with simple hand tools and test equipment
familiar to the average home mechanic. Always use the correctlools for the job al hand. Keep tools organized and clean. Store them in a tool chest with related tools organized together.
Quality tools are essential. The best are constructed ofhigh-slrength alloy sleei. These tools are light, easy to usc and resistant to wear. Their working surface is devoid of sharp edges and the 1001 is
carefully polished. They have an easY-IO-clean fin ish and are comfortable to usc. Quality 100ls are a good investment. When purchasing tools to perform the procedures covered in thi s manual. consider the (ool's potential frequency of usc. If a tool ki t is just now being started. consider purchasing a ba~ic tool set from a large tool supplier. These sets are available in many tool combinations and offer substantial savings when compared to individually purchased tools. As work. experience grows and tasks become more complicated. special ized tools can be added.
Screwdrivers The screwdri ver is a very basic tool. but if used improperly it will do more damage than g<XXl. The slot on a screw has a definite dimension and shape. A screwdriver must be selected to conform with that shape. Use a small screwdriver for small screws and a large o ne for large screws or the screw head will be damaged. Two basic types of screwdrivers are required: commo n (flat- or slot-blnde) screwdrivers (Figure 28) and Phillips screwdrivers (Figure 29). Note the following when selecting and usi ng screwdrivers: a. The screwdriver must always filthe screw head. If the screwdriver blade is too small for the
screw slot. damage may occur to the screw slot and screwdriver. If the blade is too large. it cannot engage the slol properly and will result in damage 10 the screw head. b. Standa rd screwdrivers are identified by the length of their blade. A 6-inch screwdriver has a blade six inches long. The widlh of the screwdriver blade wi ll vary. so make sure thai the blade engages the screw slot the complete width of the screw. c. Phillips screwdrivers are sized according 10 their point size. They are numbered one. two. three and four. The degree of taper determines the point size: the No. I Phill ips screwdriver will be !he most pointed. The poims become more blum as their number increases.
NOTE YOII should also be aware of anOlher screwdriver similar 10 Ihe Phillips, anti Ihar is the Reed and PrineI' tip. Like the Phillips. the Reed and Prince serell'dril'er lip forms an "X" bill with one
major exceptioll. the Reed alld Prince lip has a much more poimed lip. Tire Reed alld Prillce screll'dril'u should lIel'er be lIud Oil Phillips screws lind !'ise I'usa. Imemlixillg these screwdril'ers lI'ili callst' damage 10 the screw ami saell'dr;I'er. If you hm'e both types ill yOllr tool box (ll/d 'hey are similar ill appeaNII/Ce, yOIl mlly want 10 idellfify them by paintill8 the screwdrit'er shank IInderneath the halldle. d. When selecting ~ rcwdri vcrs. note that you can apply more power with less eO'on with a longer screwdriver th.-m with a shon one. Of cou rse. there will be situations where on ly a shon handle screwdriver can be used. Keep this in mind though. when having to remove tight ~ rews. e. Bec.:ause the working end of a screwdriver rece ives quite a bit of abuse. you should purchase screwdrivers with hardened tips. The extra money will be well spent. Screwdri vers arc available in sets which often include an assonment of common and Phill ips blades. If you buy them individually. buy at least the following:
has a combination head that will accept cithertypc); you can damage the head so that the propcrtool will be unable to remove il. Keep screwdrivers in the proper condition and they will last longer and perfonn bener. Always keep the tipof II standard screwdriver in good conditio n. Figu re 30 shows how to grind the tip to the proper shape if it becomes damaged . Note the symmetrical sides o f the tip.
Torx dri" en Torx fasteners require specific Torx drivers for removal and installation. These faste ners reduce cam-out and fastener damage. and allow high torque transmission due to the complete enclosure of the dri ver within the fastener. Torx screwdrivcrs in individual sizes. or !':Crew路 drivers that accept various bit sizes are available. However. the most practical appl ication is a Torx bit .\oet that accepts various dri ve types and sizes. A typicuI sel contains T-IO through T-40 bi ls that accept 114 and 3/8 in . drive attachments.
a. Common scrcwdriver-51l 6 x 6 in. blade. b. Common
~rewdri ve r-3/8
x 12 in. bl:lde.
c. Phillips screwdriver-size 2 tip. 6 in. bl:lde. d. Phillips screwdriver-size 3 tip. 6 and 8 in. blade. Usc scre.... drivers on ly for driving screws. Never use a screwdriver for prying or chiseling metal. Do not try to remove a Phillips. Torx or Alle n head screw with a standa rd screwdriver (unless the screw
Pliers come in a wide range of types and sizes. Pli 路 ers are useful for cutting. bending and crimping. TIley shou ld ncver be used to cut hardened objects or to tum bolts or nuls. Figure 31 shows scvernl plicrs use ful in repairing your Suzuki. Each type of pliers has a specialized function. Slip-joint pliers :Ire general purpose pliers and are used mainly for holding things and for bending. Needlenose pliers are used to hold or bend small ob路 jects. Water pump pliers can be adjusted to hold vari路 ous sizes of objects; the jaws remain parallel to grip around objects such as pipe or tubing. There are many more types of pliers. CAUTION Pliers ~'I/()llhJ /w/ be used for loosening o r tightening II//IS or bollS. The pliers' sharp teeth will grind offt"e mit or bolt comers alld damage it. CAUTION If slip-joim or lI'ater pump plier.f are going to be /lsed to Iwld an objectll'ith
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