FOREWORD Thank you for choosing GALlOPE A. We are pleased 10 welcome you 10 the growing number 01 discriminating people who drive GAlLOPER. The advanced engineering and high →quality ∞ nstruction 01 ea由 GALLOPER is somelhlng 01 whlch we're very prOud Your Ow ner's Manual 刷 JI introduce you 10 the fealures and operation 01your car. 1I is suggesled that you information il ∞ntains can con!ribute greatly 10 the satisfaction you receive from your new car,
read 忧国 refully
since the
The manufaclurer aJso recommends that 剧 I servlce and maintenance on your car be pe肘。 rmed by an aulhorized GALLOPER dealer. GAlLOPER dealers are prepared 10 provlde hlgh叫 u 副 ity service , malntenance and olher assistance thal may be required The manulacturer 01 GALLOPER reserves the right 10 make 由 anges In design and sp四口阳.lioos andlor 10 make addition 10 or improvemenls In Ihis product withoul obliga tJ on 10 install them on products previously manulactured. 11 is an absolule n町uiremenl for 伽e driver 10 slriclly observe aJl faws and regulations concerning vehicles This manual has been written in ∞ mpliance wilh such faws and regulallons, bul some 01 the contents may later amendmenl 01 the laws and r创gulatlo ns
be∞ me
contradictory wlth
NOTE : 8ecause future owners will also need the information included in Ihis manual , il you sell this GAlLOPER , please leave Ihe manual in the vehicle for their use. Th ank you
c。同时 ght 1997 刷咆hts
reservoo. Th e materi副 in this p4J b 回归nm町 not
reprod 回国 in
any lorm with四川 W刷刷闰rmiSSiOn
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• Please note: If there is no response to CLICKING the link, please download this PDF first and then click on it.
Table 01 contents Instruments and controls .. .. .. .. .……….. .. ......... ... .......... ... . .. ... . ... .. .. . . .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..……..川"….. . .. . . ... . .... ........ .
... .. .. .. .. ... . .. ... . ... ...川 . .. .. ... .. .. . . .. .. ... . ... ... . ... .. .. . .... .. .... .. .. .... ... ........ . . ... . ... .. .. .
Safety precautlons and drlvlng tlps
Instruments ....................................................................................................................................................... 17 Swltches ..... . . ... . ..... . ... . ……·川... .. .. .. ... .. ... .. . .. .. ... . ... .. .. ......…….............…………...
Key-Iocklng a nd unlocklng ..........................… Interlor equlpment .......................… F町回国国 nt
… ……·川....... ... ... . ...
…… …...............................……….......……
27 35
......................................................................................................... 41
drlvlng ........................................................................................................................................ 61
Startlng and drlvlng ........................................................................................................................................ 97 Vehlcle care ...................................................................................................................................................... 113 口 urlng 口。 I t
cold weather ........................................................................................................................................ 119
yourself ....................................................................................................................................................1 23
Emergency measures ..................................................................................................................................... 137 τhlngs
you should know ................................................................................................................................ 155
Servlce data ...................................................................................................................................................... 157
隘苗"'"'帽nts and controls (without airbag)
W"'"阳'" 阴阳 SIW
W1 ndscreen washef SNI Reat 州时知响 wiper and washer HeadHght washer SWitch Meter and 归啕e rd waming switch C叫 nation switch 伺ear 100 larro switd、
and aif ∞时阳'N ∞ '"副
(onty lor ManωI type)
Fromt吨 lamos唰确 "'0副怕回 ooly) Fro时间 lamp
R俑 , 阳 ter S'叫
[Innova胁""叫 l
R ho<路~,
Headli梅,,~咽胸唱"管'" ,.;刷·
sMt lever 耐"咽,
SeIQCtOf lever' (aulomatic transmissio 时 Ovord巾'6 阳回四"
Swit ct1
臼"刷刷巾 mirrors巾
同酬 W ……-
<Indication of a阳H田 bility> 。ptionωequipmenl mark回 V明白田 asterlsk may differ accord
ing 10 the counlry it is 50ld in or the sales classification ; refer 10 the sales catalogue
.胃tru ments and controls (wlth al由 '9)'
M陆lerand ga嘲
Heater 自刚'"∞时制""∞ nlrol
F,"州 t咽阳 mp swilch
臼 mbina\ion
tog 阳 mp
Fronl j,咱 lamp (Jnn阴阳 (EU)J Rear h9ãt9r sw~c~ Headlighl washer swilch Air 叫\ioner
(onl~ 阳阳刚刚 'y田}
Rheos\at Headllg川崎咽 tinqdev范@
switc l1
G阳 shifllever
Bonne\ r血 se lever
Transfer sMt lever
tgn~ion s则"h E咱 In9
蘸τ …
rpm adJuSling kl10b
Ov9l' dtive
Hazard 酬m C啕are'州e
IIgtller 臼副"… mlrror SWl刷
Rear window wiper a阶d 明战凶 h" Rear air 叫阳。""叫创 lev9r
GVEû-0 212 <lndicaUon 01 appl回剧协 。pUonal equipmenl ma r1<'e d wilh an aslerisk may differ according
to the country it is sold in or the sales classilication j refer to the sales catalogue
Safety precautions and driving tips Ig"l lI o" swltch Carrylng chlldren Seat and seat belt Loadlng Automatlc transmlsslon* Brake system Antl-Iock brake system" Parklng Power steerlng system Turbocharger (dleĺ&#x203A;° I-powered vehlcles) Catalytlc converter (gasolln e- powered vehlcles) Economlcal drlving Fuel usage (gasolln e-powered vehlcles) Ll mited sllp dlfferentla'"
(2) 11 the engine is SI 叩p回 whlle d巾 ng , the brake servomechanism will cease ωfunctîon and braking eflicie町ywillde teriorate
Ignition switch
Heavy steenng GVEO-Oαn
Do no! remove !he igni!iOn key lrom ignilion switch while d 巾,ng 。) 11 the key is accldenlally removed while drlvlng , Ihe steering wheel 酬 11 lock making it impossible to control Ihe ve hicle
Carryl ng chlldre n
GVEQ-0004 I (3) 11 the engîne is stopped wh i1 e driving 阳w 晒 e,叶"怡 e町e町"吨 " 创嗣 emw 咐ill n and il wi咐11 require more manu 刨 power 10 operale Ihe slee川 ng whee l.
(1) Never leave a child in the vehicle unat tended (2) tf a child is seat回 alone in the rear 盹at ,
GVED-0005 GVEo-ooo3
) Be careful 01 children's fingers when operating eJectric windows
Seat and seat belt
(4) 丁.0
prolect you and yourρassengers In the evenl 01 an accident , it is mosl im. portant Ihat the seal bells be worn cor reclly when you drive (5) The seal be!t w圳 provide maximum pr。 lect ion for ils wearer if Ihe recliner seatback is placed in ils mosl upright posillon. When the sealback is reclined , Ihere is greater risk that Ihe passenger 锅斗 11 slide under Ihe belt, espeαally in a forward impact accident, and may be 叫 ured by Ihe belt or by sl巾 ng the in strumenl pan 创。r sealbacks
Never adjust Ihe driver's seat while Ihe vehicle is in motion Adjusling Ihe seat while drivìng ∞ uld cause the driver 10 loose conlrol of the vehicle (2) Do not pile luggage or cargo higher Ihan seatba曲 s for your 国 loly (3) For techni副 reasons, Ihe second 四., and third seal should nol be fokfed down 10 make a bed while the vehicle is being driven
Loading Loading should nol be 10 Ihe ρ。 inl al which Ihe Maxlmum Gross Vehicle Weight, Maxi mum Front A川e Weighl or Maximum Rear Ax le Weight Is exceeded Pay close altenlion 10 Ihe lollowing in order 10 mainlain good driving characterisUcs (1) Secure loaded gooos properly 10 keep Ihem from breaking or flying off when Ihe vehicle makes a sudden slop orlurn (2) Always close Ihe back door securely when driving 10 keep exhaust gases from entering Ihe vehicle (3) Cenler loads over the 田 e as closely as possible. Placing Ihem 10 Ihe side or rearw川 unbalance vehicle heighl (4) Be cautious 10 keep loads from loosening or rubbing againsllhe rear window 10 avoid damage 10 rear window hot wlfes
Automatic transmisslon
(3) To prevent sudden acceleration , never
'"国 the engine 附 en shift 咱 from
-PO or MW (4) Operaling the accelerator 因制 while the other 1001 is resting on the brake pedal 响才 11 atlect braking etliciency and may cause premature wear 01 brake pads 00 not race the engine with brake ped剧 pressedτhls can damage t 问 e trans mlsslon
日 rake system
A1 t Ihe 阳rts 01the brake system are criti国 10 salety. Have the vehicle serviced by a GAllOPER dealer at regular inlervals ac∞rding 10 the service standards
GveQ-OOn Beloresel 回 ing a gear with Ihe engine running and the vehicle stationary, fully depress the brake pedal to prevent the vehicle Irom Cfee阳 09 Because the vehicle w刷 begin to move as soon as the gear is engaged , espe clally when the engine speed is h阳 h fast Idle or the air conditioner operatlng , the brakes should be released only when you a町 e ready to drive away (2) Oepress Ihe brake pedal with the righl 1001 at all times. Using left fool ∞ωM 国use d巾 er momenl delay 10 sudden maneuver 阳回 se 01 an emergency
(1) Th e service br础:e is divided into two brake circults 50 that when one brake αrωt fall s , the olher 19 avallable 10 stop the vehlcle. 11 Ihis ()α却Irs , hαwever, lhe brake 阳daJ musl be depre目ed fc 巾 er Ihan usual; 5top driving as s∞n a5po ssible and have Ihe br al< e sy5tem se rviced at the nearest GALLOPEA dealer 阴 阳 not leave any obj回 s Of pla四 a thick t ∞(mal around the brakeρ。dal; 由lng s。∞ uld prevent the full ped 副 stroke that would be nece5sary In an emergency. Make 5ure that the pedal can be 。 perated Ireely al 副 times (3) If the vehl归.,四 ulpped with a brake waming lamp , the lamp w训 light up il the brake fluid level is abno rmallyωw (4) IIlhe vehlcle 15 equipp回 wlth a bra比e b∞51er, the brake b∞sling for田 i51051 afler 阶 e brake pedal is depre55ed once or twice whlle the engine 19 off. 1I Ihi5 。ccu rs, Ihe brake w唰 requlre greater lorce than u9ual
(5) Check the brake system while d巾 '"9 al a iow speed Immedialel y sfler sta r1 Ing , 10 confirm thallt works normally. A lilm 01waler can lorm on the br al< e discs and preven民 normaJ lunctionlng after dri 阳 9 in heavy rain or thr,ωgh iarge puddle5 , or after the vehicJe 15 washed 1I thl5 occur5. re田 aledly tap the brake pedallightly while d 巾 ing 10 dry oul the brakes
Thi5 国@晤。αaJ ly im阳由nl 附回 Ihe
(6) lt is 1 m四川剧 1 to t ak.e advanlage 01 the braking 阳wer 01the engine by shifting 10 a lower gear while drivingα、 steep downhill roads In order 10 prevent Ihe brake5 Iro m ove巾 eating
vehicle 15 belng towed 。 n dies 创 powered vehicles , Ihe brake boosler w川 no lo nger funclion if Ihe V belt is broken. In this case , use engine braking (d ownshifting) 10 red uce Ihe 叩eed 01 lt;l e vehicle snd Ihen depress the brake pedal with more for四 than usual 10 slop the vehicle in s 5ale plaC9
Push hardl
(7) With new br.础e pads or linings , jf 阳S sible. avoid 8pt:刘ying the sudden brakes fully during the first 2田 km(124 miles) 。fd仲 ving
(8) Operating conditions and driving habils inßuence the wear 01 the brake linings In some cases , therelore, iI may be necessary to have Ihe thickness 01 Ihe brake linings ch 职cked by a GAl LOPER dealer at shorter inlervals than staled in the Service Bo oklet , esp 剧创 Iy at relatively low mileages. Thls applies especially 10 people who drive mainly in the city or lor short distances , as well as 10 those who have sporting driving habits
Anti-Iock brake system' (AB5) When the brakes are applied on a moving vehicie , excessive force on the brake pedal or snow, Iceα1 , etc. , on the road surface could cause the vehicle to skid. 11 such a skid occurs , the braking lorce will be reduced and Ihe braking distance increased , and Ihe vehicle could turn sideways and go inlo a s阳n with the driver losing control The ABS prevenls Ihe wheels Irom 100。结阳 09 during braking , thus maintaining direclional slability, ensuring controllabilily, and provid ing optimum braking lorce Drlvlng hlnts (1) Even with Ihe ABS , the steering whe刨 oper创 iondu 而 ng sudden braking (when the ABS lunctions) differs slightly from when the brakes are not being applied Be sure 10 operate the steering wheel carefully (2) Although Ihe braking distance lor ve hicles equipped with an ABS is generally sh 。同 er Ihan lor Ihose wilhout , be cause this difference will vary aα,,,,d ing 10 Ihe road condition and olher faclors, mainlain the same distance Irom Ihe vehicle in lront 01 you as for a ve hicie not equipped wilh an ABS
(3) Also , because the braking dislance on gravel or snowy roads rnay be longer than for a vehicle nol equipped wilh an ABS , Ihese roads should be driven al reduced 叩eed,
CAU Tl ON Even the ABS can not prevent the natu ral laws 01 physlcs Irom actlng on the vehlcle. 1I can not for Instance avold accldent萄 that maybe resultlng from excesslve speed In turns , followlng another vehlcle too clo sely or aquaplanlng . 1I should remaln drlver's task wlth safety p附回 utlons to Judge speeds and Þrake appllcatlons correctly In such condftlons
υ" 。由l
GveOOO1 0
们) When par北 Ing , fully engage the parking brake , and then sel the gearshift tever
\0 \蚁。 rreve饱e lor vehicles w讯 hmanual Iransmission and 5e! the selector lever <0 币 " pos耐。 n for vehicles wllh automat iC transmisslon. (5el Ihe Iransfer shift 190 V町 10 any posilion except "N ~.) 1I is r ec。 m mended , lor additional salely, Ihal wheel chocks also be used on a hiU
(2) 00 not keep the engine running 101'" a long time in a closed or po。同 yvenU 回国 内明 Ca阳 n moooxide gas 15 odorle国 and extremely poisonous and danger-
(3) Because the exhaust syslem pmduc田 high lemperatures, avoid par巾 n9 in a place where there are inllammable objects such as dry grass , rags , etc (4) Remove the key from the ignition swit由 when leavlng Ihe vehicle
Power steering system
Drivi ng out of mud
(dies副 -powered vehicles)
1I one rear wheel gels sluck in Ihe mud and starls spinning. Iry using Ihe l ollowing melhod lod忖ve the vehicle ou此。flhe mud
If your vehicle is equipped with a lurbo charger. do nol slop Ihe engine immedialely after operaling Ihe vehicle at high spe回S Allow Ihe engine 10 idle for approximalely 60 seconds or more 10 give the lu巾。。同 arger a chance 10 cool down.
When Ihe engine is slopped , Ih e 阳wersteer. ing syslem will nol lunctlon and 忧 will require more manual power 10 operale the steering whee l. Keep Ihis in mind in pa网>CU lar when towing Ihe vehicle. N 凹 er lurn 0何 the engine 执 hile driving. Period 臼lIy check Ihe power steering f! uid level
5el tha Iransfer shift le内~er 10 eilher"4H" use lourwheel d 而 velodrive Ihe vehicle out 01Ihe mud If il is slitt not possible 10 extract the veh;响,阳 IIthepa刷刷吨 brake tever slightly b 归 sl barely engage Ihe brake (00 sure not 10 engage il all Ihe way) and Iry d 附 ing again. Depress Ihe accelerator graduall弘 and don'l forgel 10 re!ease Ihe patkîng brake once Ihe vehicle is oul ~ the mud 。 r"4L" and
• Thank you very much for reading the preview of the manual. • You can download the complete manual from: www.heydownloads.com by clicking the link below
• Please note: If there is no response to CLICKING the link, please download this PDF first and then click on it.