2020 Jewellery Related Portfolio

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© 2020.06


Jeweller y D es ign


C ircle of Lif e colle ction


Et hnic Peace nec klace


Se con d Nose ador n me n t


Be f o re T h a t Ap p l e Ar t


Bl ossom se r ie s


C h r is t m a s se r ie s

Hear tbeat series is to record the sounds of ice melting, the drip-drip sounds present the sounds of our hear tbeat, and the droplets might travel all the way around then drip again near to the hear t, as well as making the dripping sound near the ear, this makes the connection to the idea of the sound of a beating hear t directly.

C irc le o f lif e | H ear t beat ser i es / Made by brass, i ce cu be 2 0 20 . 0 2 - 2 0 2 0 . 0 6

Ci rcl e o f l i f e | Faded ser i es / Made by b ra s s , i 2020.02- 2020.06

ic e cu be

Faded series is emphasising that nothing lasts forever, but when life gone, it would definitely leave something. When the ice melts, the flower inside would show out gradually, presenting when our life faded away, always lef t something for love ones to memorise.

The shape of eyes is my design elements, because eyes are the window to the soul, no matter whic h colour of skin you are. Copper and brass represent the colour of dif ferent skin, and the inside all used silver that means it doesn’t matter whic h colour of skin you are, we are all the same.

E t h n i c Pe a ce N ec klace / Made by brass, co pper 2019 .10

A big par t of plastic surger y culture today is fuelled by people wanting to have more Western features. Not just in Korea, in this day and age, plastic surger y is a normal phenomenon. We tend to have dif ferent ideas on what beauty can be. But does the current standard of beauty work for ever yone? The uplif ted fake nose with the reconstructed DNA of the skin, the pearls make the nose with a little bit beauty and delicate, but when it combines with the DNA , does it really look beautiful for us as well?

S e con d N o se ado r n ment / Made by brass, co pper, pear l s 2 019.11

Before That Apple is presented by a process of consuming. When we drinking a real juice, af ter we finished it, we still have the action of suc king the pac kage for that rest of the juice even we already finished it, whic h points out even we already satisfied our desire, we still want more. ​ The process is like a picturing of consuming the juice, as long as we finish the juice, the desire inside our mind would show up gradually. So​ ​I f we star ted to satisfy our own desire, does it get fulfillment or it just keeps hunger at the first time?

B e f o re T ha t A p ple Ar t / Made by t in f o i l , j u i ce pac kag e 2019 .12

B l o s som S e r ies / Made by sil ver, t in , brass 2018 .0 2 -2 018 .0 6

Ch r ist mas Ser i es / Made by ti n, brass, co pper, enamel 2 018 . 0 9 - 2 019.01

Telling myself, be the one to c hoose, not the one being c hosen.

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